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Kim	Sawyer	speaking	on	the	topic.
Wealth	is	More	Than	Money	from	the	President	at
12016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
I	am	on	a	crusade.
22016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
I	am	on	a	crusade	against	for-profit	organizations.	
I	am	also	on	a	crusade	against	not-for-profit	
32016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Confused?	You	should	be;	the	whole	conversation	is	
inherently	nonsense.
I	am	against	the	distinction	itself.	Two	different	
types	of	organization	a	false	dichotomy
What	I	am	taking	a	stand	against	is	the	distinction	
itself.	The	very	notion	of	these	two	different	types	
of	organization	is	a	false	dichotomy,	and	any	
enterprise	that	tries	to	twist	itself	into	one	of	these	
either/or	constructs	risks	undermining	its	own	
42016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
The	goal	of	every	human	endeavor	is	to	profit;	
otherwise	why	bother?	If	it	creates	a	loss,	or	even	
creates	nothing	more	than	it	started	with,	it	can	
hardly	survive,	let	alone	thrive.	This	is	so	obvious,	it	
hardly	needs	be	said.	So	where’s	the	complication?
52016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Contradictions	don’t	actually	exist	in	reality,	only	in	
our	minds
Check	your	premises
I	was	taught	once	that	contradictions	don’t	actually	
exist	in	reality,	only	in	our	minds.	If	I	am	confronted	
with	what	seems	to	be	a	contradiction,	I	should	
check	my	premises;	there’s	a	lie,	or	at	least	an	error,	
hiding	in	there	somewhere.
62016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
The	false	premise	at	the	source	of	this	paradox	is	
the	notion	that	profit	only	comes	in	the	form	of	
money	- that	if	one	profits	one	has	more	money	and	
that	if	one	doesn’t	have	more	money	one	has	not	
created	a	profit.	Let’s	check	this	premise	by	taking	a	
closer	look	at	this	word	“profit.”	
72016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Let’s	take	a	closer	look	at	this	word	“profit.”	
According	to	Webster’s	“Simple	Definition”,	profit	is	
“the	advantage	or	benefit	that	is	gained	from	doing	
something.”	In	the	“Full	Definition”,	the	first	entry	is	
“valuable	return: gain”…	no	mention	of	money.
82016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
My	working	definition	of	profit	is	simply	“to	be	
wealthier	after	an	action	than	before	it.”
92016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
But	this	begs	a	few	very	important	questions	and	is	
the	reason	why	we	are	here	today.	
What	is	wealth?
What	is	the	source	of	our	wealth?
How	do	we	create		wealth?
102016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
What	is	wealth?
Most	would	answer	that	it	is	the	money	in	your	
bank	account,	or	the	numbers	on	your	business’s	
balance	sheet,	or	the	size	of	your	401(k),	or	the	
homes	you	own,	or	the	"toys"	you	buy.	I	beg	to	
112016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Wealth	is	all	about	Value.
Value	is	the	capacity	of	anything	to	contribute	to	living	a	good,	
fulfilling	life.	Life	is	the	only	thing	that	is	an	end	in	itself;	everything	
else	serves	it	to	some	degree	(valuable)…or	not	(worthless	or	even	
destructive).	All	of	our	decisions,	choices	and	actions	are	based	our	
ability	to	evaluate	something	on	this	scale.	The	directive	of	the	
designation	“valuable”	is	to	invest	resources	towards	in	in	
proportion	to	its	value.	On	the	other	hand	the	designation	
“worthless”	directs	us	to	ignore	it	and	“destructive,”	defend	against	
To	the	extent	that	you	are	functioning	as	a	healthy	human	organism,	
the	purpose	of	everything	you	seek	and	do	in	your	life	is	simply	to	
make	the	most	of	your	life,	measured	against	your	hierarchy of	your	
values	(more	on	this	later).	
122016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Wealth	is	all	about	Value.
Values	can	be	spoken,	but	true	values	are	lived.	A	value	is	
anything	you	act	to	gain	and	keep.	Regardless	of	what	you	
may	think	or	say	you	value,	taking	a	look	at	your	bank	
account	and	your	calendar	tells	the	simple	truth	about	what	
really	matters	most	to	you...	even	if	you	are	not	consciously	
aware	of	it	when	you	make	those	decisions.	And	there	is	the	
crux	of	the	matter;	if	you	are	not	paying attention	to	each	of	
the	choices	you	are	making;	in	a	multitude	of	ways	every	
single	day,	you	could	be	giving	up	more	valuable	things	for	
less	valuable	essence	making	yourself	poorer,	
132016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Wealth	is	accumulated	value.
Wealth	is	no	more	and	no	less	than	a	quantity	of	
things	that	contribute	to	a	well-lived	life.	An	asset	is	
anything	of	value.	Your	wealth	is	the	collection	of	all	
the	assets	you	possess	in	your	life.	
142016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Wealth	is	accumulated	value.
At	the	end	of	the	day,	the	truest	measure	of	success	
in	life	is	to	have	the	most	of	what	you	care	about	
the	most	– to	be	as	wealthy	as	possible.	And….
152016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Wealth	is	more	than	money.
Your	wealth	is	the	measure	of	the	total	value	of	all	
the	things	you	care	about	that	you	have	in	all	the	
areas	of	your	life.
162016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Wealth	is	more	than	money.
– the	things	that	make	your	life	the	kind	of	life	you	
want	to	life:	people,	ideas,	material	things,	purpose,	
legacy,	service,	health	and	yes,	money.	
172016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
What	is	the	Source	of	Wealth?
182016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
What	is	the	Source	of	our	Wealth?
If	you	measure	wealth	in	financial	or	material	terms,	
then	you	have	to	accept	that	wealth	comes	from	
outside	of	you	- it	comes	from	your	job,	the	stock	
market,	the	economy.	Therefore	your	ability	to	
create	wealth	is	dependent	largely	on	factors	
outside	of	your	control,	but…,
192016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
What	if	the	source	of	your	wealth	were	not	
What	if	YOU	are	in	charge	of	the	wealth	you	
What	if	you	had	the	power	to	generate	wealth	–
wherever	you	are	and	whatever	your	
circumstances	may	be?
202016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
You	absolutely	do…if	you	think	it,	own	it	and	live	
It	is	only	by	attending	to,	cultivating	and	growing	
the	capacity	within	you	to	create	wealth	that	you	
ultimately	come	to	be	the	wealthiest	over	the	
course	of	your	life.	It	comes	down	essentially	to	
how	you	are	built	inside,	how	you	look	at	and	show	
up	in	your	life	and	how	you	relate	to	the	people	you	
encounter	along	the	way.	
212016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
The	Source	of	Wealth	is	within	you.
You	decide	what	is	valuable	to	you	and	how	much.	
You	hold	the	capacity	to	act	to	generate	wealth.	
Your	wealth	is	simply	the	realization	of	these	two	
222016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
How do we create wealth?
232016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
How	do	we	create	wealth?
This	will	take	nothing	more	than,	yet	nothing	less	
than	a deep	change	in	perspective - not	a	new	tool	
or	technique	or	system.	Becoming	incredibly	
wealthy	requires	a	total	shift	in	how	you	look	at	the	
world	and	yourself	in	it;	and	more,	it	then	calls	on	
you	to	show	up,	think	and	act	in	your	life	from	
within	this	new	world	view	– what	I	call	Wealth	
242016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
How	do	we	create	wealth?
Instead	of	chasing	wealth,	you	become	a	person	of	
great	value,	as	a	way	of	being,	who	generates	great	
value	as	a	way	of	living.	Great	wealth	follows.	Just	
watch	and	see!!
252016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
How	do	we	create	wealth?
How	do	I	make	a	shift	like	this?
Here	is	a	powerful	model	for	making	big	change,	deep	
change,	transformational	change	- in	yourself	and	your	life:
You	change	your	RESULTS by	changing	your	BEHAVIORS.
You	change	your	BEHAVIORS by	changing	your	THOUGHTS.
You	change	your	THOUGHTS by	changing	your	
262016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
How	do	we	create	wealth?
But	how	do	you	change	a	paradigm?	
You	change	your	ROLE.
Redefine	your	role	in	your	life	as	an	investor
Wealth	Consciousness	=	Every	moment	in	your	life	is	an	
investment	decision.
To	make	the	shift	to	Wealth	Consciousness,	you	simply	
redefine	your	role	in	your	life	as	an	investor in	the	Whole-
Life	Marketplace.	From	the	perspective	of	Wealth	
…	Every	moment	in	your	life	is	an	investment	decision.
272016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Wealth	Consciousness
We	all	have	one	fundamental	resource	– one	
primary	currency	to	spend,	of	which	all	others	are	
derivative	– Time.	And	Time	is	really	just	the	
measurable	aspect	of	our	One	Primary	Asset	– Life.	
Each	of	our	lives	is	our	one	most	valuable	asset	–
the	one	that	gives	the	concept	of	“value”	its	
meaning	– the	one	we	all	own	completely	and	
unconditionally	as	long	as	we	have	it.	
282016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Wealth	Consciousness
Time,	is	the	only	non-renewable	resource
But	Life,	with	its	metric	Time,	is	the	only	non-
renewable	resource;	each	moment,	once	spent	is	
gone	– never	to	be	reclaimed	or	relived.	
292016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Wealth	Consciousness
How	much	attention,	let	alone	intention,	do	you	pay	
to	how	you	spend	those	moments?
302016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Wealth	Consciousness
In	the	paradigm	of	Wealth	Consciousness,	during	
each	of	those	of	expenditures	of	a	denomination	of	
our	life,	we	have	some	secondary	currencies	to	
invest.		Within	us	we	have	accounts	of	Attention,	
Energy,	and	Love	(relationship).	And	then	as	we	
assume	our	adult	place	out	in	society,	we	acquire	
Money.	Contrary	to	Time,	we	can	create	more	of	
these	currencies	(if	we	do	the	right	things),	save	
them	and	spend	them	- when	we	choose	and	how	
we	plan.	
312016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Wealth	Consciousness
In	every	moment	you	consciously	and	unconsciously	make	
choices	to	spend	one	or	more	of	these	currencies	on	
something	or	someone;	and	when	you	do,	you	forego	every	
alternative	investment	available	to	you	at	the	time	for	those	
currencies.	As	an	investor,	it	is	your	job	to	continually	check	
your	return	on	investment	(ROI)	from	these	choices.	Are	you	
getting	something	of	more	value	from	that	experience	than	
the	interval	of	life	and	other	currencies	you	invested	in	it?	
Will	you	end	up	with	what	is	worth	more	to	you	than	the	
amount	of	Attention,	Energy,	Love	and	Money	you	spent	to	
get	it?	
322016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Wealth	Consciousness
And	even	more	important	that	the	concept	of	
“value”	is	the	concept	of	“relative	value.”	Every	
“yes”	you	speak	says	a	thousand	“no”s.	Even	if	you	
are	better	off	after	a	particular	choice	or	course	of	
action,	are	you	more better-off	than	you	could	have	
been	with	other	options	that	were	available	to	you	
for	investing	those	resources?	Is	it	the	best	ROI	you	
can	achieve	from	among	all	available	alternative	
investments,	or	is	it	better	to	invest	somewhere	
332016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Wealth	Consciousness
Seem	like	a	lot	to	continually	look	at,	process	and	
decide?	Living	an	extraordinarily	rich	and	valuable	
life	requires	time,	expertise,	rigor	and	effort.	It’s	a	
full	time	job!
342016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Wealth	Consciousness
You	create	maximum	wealth	by	continually	
choosing	to	invest	your	Life	(Time),	Attention,	
Energy,	Love	and	Money	in	the	ways	that	you	
believe	will	generate	more	value	than	any	other	
option	you	see	open	to	you	at	that	point.	This	
requires	that	you	live	your	life	AWAKE	to	those	
moments	as	choices.
352016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Wealth	Consciousness
This	also	requires	that	you	accept	the	responsibility	
to	think	and	act	in	your	life	the	way	a	skilled	
investor	would	manage	a	portfolio	of	investments	–
because	your	life	IS	the	most	valuable	portfolio	of	
investments	you	will	ever	own!
362016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Your	Whole-Life	Portfolio
In	addition	to	your	core	currencies,	the	assets	you	
may	have	in	various	areas	of	your	life	(accounts)	can	
take	many	forms:	Art,	Relationships,	Fun,	Family,	
Comfort,	Excitement,	Health,	Fulfillment,	making	a	
difference	in	the	world,	etc.	You	invest	your	primary	
currencies	to	obtain	these	things,	and	frequently	
trade	them	for	one	another,	because	you	believe	
they	will	help	make	the	most	of	your	life	– as	you	
want	to	live	it.
372016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Your	Whole-Life	Portfolio
Finally	there	are	your	capital	assets.	Capital	assets	
are	assets	whose	purpose	is	to	create	other	assets.	
These	are	things	such	as	education,	emotional	
intelligence,	organization	tools,	strategic	
relationships,	physical	fitness,	etc.	Investing	in	
capital	assets	is	the	way	to	build	your	Wealth	
Source.	Investing	in	assets	increases	your	wealth,	
but	investing	in	capital	assets	increases	your	
capacity	to	create	wealth!	
382016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
The	paradigm	shift	to	Wealth	Consciousness	is	a	
fundamental	decision,	whether	you	are	conscious	of	
it	or	not,	whether	you	own	it	or	not.	It	is	the	
decision	to	look	at,	show	up	in	and	live	your	life	
from	the	realization	that,	you	are	an	investor	in	
every	moment	of	your	life.	It	is	about	committing	
to	the	idea	of	building	a	successful	life	full	of	wealth	
- in	all	forms	- using	the	same	tried	and	true	
principles	and	techniques	used	for	building	financial	
392016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Your	wealth	is	the	collection	of	all	the	
assets	you	possess; and	
at	the	end	of	the	day,	the	truest	measure	
of	success	in	life	is to	
have	the	most	of	what	you	care	about	the	
402016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Now	back	to	that	pesky	“for-profit	vs	not-for-profit	
organization”	issue…	
As	with	a	person,	the	objective	of	any	rational,	
viable	enterprise	is	to	create	the	most	of	what	its	
owners	and	stakeholders	care	about	most,	which	
translates	to	“produce	maximum	value	with	every	
resource	it	spends	in	order	to	operate	at	maximum	
profitability and	thereby	create	maximum	wealth	–
in	all	its	forms!” All	viable	organizations	are	for-
profit.	They	are	striving	to	profit	– be	it	in	money	or	
any	other	asset	it	values.	An	organization	will	either	
be	for-profit,	or	it	will	soon	cease	to be!!
412016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Questions	for	you:
422016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
How	focused	are	you	on	the	profitability	of	your	
432016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
When	did	you	last	take	a	look	at	your	personal	
“Whole-Life	P&L”?	
442016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Is	your	life	generating	the	most	wealth	at	full	
452016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Are	you	reinvesting	in	your	wealth’s	source?
462016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
360° Look@Life and	Wealth	Planning	Tool™
Our	upcoming	360° Look@Life™	Blog	Series,	we	will	delve	more	
deeply	into	the	topic	of	“Wealth	Is	More	Than	Money”	and	its	
application	to	living	more	profitably.	
The	Series,	along	with	the	associated	360° Wealth	Planning	
Tool™ will	guide	you	through	learning	how	to:	
1. Monitor	and	manage	each	area	of	your	life	as	an	account	into	
which	you	deposit	the	things	that	are	valuable	to	you	in	
making	that	domain	of	your	life	better.
2. Evaluate	the	balance	in	each	account	at	any	given	time
3. Increase	that	balance	by	intentionally,	proactively	and	
strategically	filling	each	area	of	your	life	with	things	that	you	
value	– in	a	way	that	serves	the	success	of	that	account,	the	
other	accounts	and	your	Life	Portfolio	as	a	whole.
472016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
Our	Mission
We	coach	business	people	and	teams,	
audiences	and	enterprises	to	create	
– in	all	its	forms.
And	everyone	we	touch	walk	away	
482016	Copyright	- theWealthSource
If	you	are	on	social	media	…	you	can	find	Kim	
Sawyer	here…	and	if	you’re	looking	for	the	hashtag	
for	today’s	talk	here	are	a	couple	including	
492016	Copyright	- theWealthSource

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2016 Wealth is More Than Money

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. Kim Sawyer speaking on the topic, Wealth is More Than Money from the owner of the WealthSource.
  2. I’m on a Crusade
  3. I am on a crusade against for-profit organizations. I am also on a crusade against for-profit organizations.
  4. Confused? You should be; the whole conversation is inherently nonsense.   I am against the distinction itself. Two different types of organization a false dichotomy What I am taking a stand against is the distinction itself. The very notion of these two different types of organization is a false dichotomy, and any enterprise that tries to twist itself into one of these either/or constructs risks undermining its own success.
  5. The goal of every human endeavor is to profit; otherwise why bother? If it creates a loss, or even creates nothing more than it started with, it can hardly survive, let alone thrive. This is so obvious, it hardly needs be said. So where’s the complication?
  6. Contradictions don’t actually exist in reality, only in our minds Check your premises I was taught once that contradictions don’t actually exist in reality, only in our minds. If I am confronted with what seems to be a contradiction, I should check my premises; there’s a lie, or at least an error, hiding in there somewhere.
  7. The false premise at the source of this paradox is the notion that profit only comes in the form of money - that if one profits one has more money and that if one doesn’t have more money one has not created a profit. Let’s check this premise by taking a closer look at this word “profit.”
  8. Let’s take a closer look at this word “profit.” According to Webster’s “Simple Definition”, profit is “the advantage or benefit that is gained from doing something.” In the “Full Definition”, the first entry is “valuable return:  gain”… no mention of money.
  9. My working definition of profit is simply “to be wealthier after an action than before it.”
  10. But this begs a few very important questions and is the reason why we are here today.   What is wealth? What is the source of our wealth? How do we create wealth?
  11. What is wealth?   Most would answer that it is the money in your bank account, or the numbers on your business’s balance sheet, or the size of your 401(k), or the homes you own, or the "toys" you buy. I beg to differ.
  12. Wealth is all about Value. Value is the capacity of anything to contribute to living a good, fulfilling life. Life is the only thing that is an end in itself; everything else serves it to some degree (valuable)…or not (worthless or even destructive). All of our decisions, choices and actions are based our ability to evaluate something on this scale. The directive of the designation “valuable” is to invest resources towards in in proportion to its value. On the other hand the designation “worthless” directs us to ignore it and “destructive,” defend against it.   To the extent that you are functioning as a healthy human organism, the purpose of everything you seek and do in your life is simply to make the most of your life, measured against your hierarchy of your values (more on this later).
  13. Wealth is all about Value. Values can be spoken, but true values are lived. A value is anything you act to gain and keep. Regardless of what you may think or say you value, taking a look at your bank account and your calendar tells the simple truth about what really matters most to you... even if you are not consciously aware of it when you make those decisions. And there is the crux of the matter; if you are not paying attention to each of the choices you are making; in a multitude of ways every single day, you could be giving up more valuable things for less valuable essence making yourself poorer, because…
  14. Wealth is accumulated value. Wealth is no more and no less than a quantity of things that contribute to a well-lived life. An asset is anything of value. Your wealth is the collection of all the assets you possess in your life.
  15. Wealth is accumulated value. At the end of the day, the truest measure of success in life is to have the most of what you care about the most – to be as wealthy as possible. And….
  16. Wealth is more than money. Your wealth is the measure of the total value of all the things you care about that you have in all the areas of your life.
  17. Wealth is more than money. – the things that make your life the kind of life you want to life: people, ideas, material things, purpose, legacy, service, health and yes, money.
  18. What is the Source of Wealth?
  19. What is the Source of our Wealth? If you measure wealth in financial or material terms, then you have to accept that wealth comes from outside of you - it comes from your job, the stock market, the economy. Therefore your ability to create wealth is dependent largely on factors outside of your control, but…,
  20. What if the source of your wealth were not external?    What if YOU are in charge of the wealth you create? What if you had the power to generate wealth – wherever you are and whatever your circumstances may be?
  21. You absolutely do…if you think it, own it and live it! It is only by attending to, cultivating and growing the capacity within you to create wealth that you ultimately come to be the wealthiest over the course of your life. It comes down essentially to how you are built inside, how you look at and show up in your life and how you relate to the people you encounter along the way.
  22. The Source of Wealth is within you. You decide what is valuable to you and how much. You hold the capacity to act to generate wealth. Your wealth is simply the realization of these two truths.
  23. How do we create wealth?
  24. How do we create wealth? This will take nothing more than, yet nothing less than a deep change in perspective - not a new tool or technique or system. Becoming incredibly wealthy requires a total shift in how you look at the world and yourself in it; and more, it then calls on you to show up, think and act in your life from within this new world view – what I call Wealth Consciousness.  
  25. How do we create wealth? Instead of chasing wealth, you become a person of great value, as a way of being, who generates great value as a way of living. Great wealth follows. Just watch and see!!
  26. How do we create wealth? How do I make a shift like this? Here is a powerful model for making big change, deep change, transformational change - in yourself and your life:   You change your RESULTS by changing your BEHAVIORS.   You change your BEHAVIORS by changing your THOUGHTS.   You change your THOUGHTS by changing your PARADIGM.
  27. How do we create wealth? But how do you change a paradigm? You change your ROLE. Redefine your role in your life as an investor Wealth Consciousness = Every moment in your life is an investment decision. To make the shift to Wealth Consciousness, you simply redefine your role in your life as an investor in the Whole-Life Marketplace. From the perspective of Wealth Consciousness…   … Every moment in your life is an investment decision.
  28. Wealth Consciousness We all have one fundamental resource – one primary currency to spend, of which all others are derivative – Time. And Time is really just the measurable aspect of our One Primary Asset – Life. Each of our lives is our one most valuable asset – the one that gives the concept of “value” its meaning – the one we all own completely and unconditionally as long as we have it.
  29. Wealth Consciousness Time, is the only non-renewable resource But Life, with its metric Time, is the only non-renewable resource; each moment, once spent is gone – never to be reclaimed or relived.
  30. Wealth Consciousness How much attention, let alone intention, do you pay to how you spend those moments?
  31. Wealth Consciousness In the paradigm of Wealth Consciousness, during each of those of expenditures of a denomination of our life, we have some secondary currencies to invest. Within us we have accounts of Attention, Energy, and Love (relationship). And then as we assume our adult place out in society, we acquire Money. Contrary to Time, we can create more of these currencies (if we do the right things), save them and spend them - when we choose and how we plan.
  32. Wealth Consciousness In every moment you consciously and unconsciously make choices to spend one or more of these currencies on something or someone; and when you do, you forego every alternative investment available to you at the time for those currencies. As an investor, it is your job to continually check your return on investment (ROI) from these choices. Are you getting something of more value from that experience than the interval of life and other currencies you invested in it? Will you end up with what is worth more to you than the amount of Attention, Energy, Love and Money you spent to get it?
  33. Wealth Consciousness And even more important that the concept of “value” is the concept of “relative value.” Every “yes” you speak says a thousand “no”s. Even if you are better off after a particular choice or course of action, are you more better-off than you could have been with other options that were available to you for investing those resources? Is it the best ROI you can achieve from among all available alternative investments, or is it better to invest somewhere else?
  34. Wealth Consciousness Seem like a lot to continually look at, process and decide? Living an extraordinarily rich and valuable life requires time, expertise, rigor and effort. It’s a full time job!
  35. Wealth Consciousness You create maximum wealth by continually choosing to invest your Life (Time), Attention, Energy, Love and Money in the ways that you believe will generate more value than any other option you see open to you at that point. This requires that you live your life AWAKE to those moments as choices.
  36. Wealth Consciousness This also requires that you accept the responsibility to think and act in your life the way a skilled investor would manage a portfolio of investments – because your life IS the most valuable portfolio of investments you will ever own!
  37. Your Whole-Life Portfolio In addition to your core currencies, the assets you may have in various areas of your life (accounts) can take many forms: Art, Relationships, Fun, Family, Comfort, Excitement, Health, Fulfillment, making a difference in the world, etc. You invest your primary currencies to obtain these things, and frequently trade them for one another, because you believe they will help make the most of your life – as you want to live it.
  38. Your Whole-Life Portfolio Finally there are your capital assets. Capital assets are assets whose purpose is to create other assets. These are things such as education, emotional intelligence, organization tools, strategic relationships, physical fitness, etc. Investing in capital assets is the way to build your Wealth Source. Investing in assets increases your wealth, but investing in capital assets increases your capacity to create wealth!
  39. The paradigm shift to Wealth Consciousness is a fundamental decision, whether you are conscious of it or not, whether you own it or not. It is the decision to look at, show up in and live your life from the realization that, you are an investor in every moment of your life. It is about committing to the idea of building a successful life full of wealth - in all forms - using the same tried and true principles and techniques used for building financial wealth.
  40. Your wealth is the collection of all the assets you possess; and at the end of the day, the truest measure of success in life is to have the most of what you care about the most.  
  41. Now back to that pesky “for-profit vs not-for-profit organization” issue… As with a person, the objective of any rational, viable enterprise is to create the most of what its owners and stakeholders care about most, which translates to “produce maximum value with every resource it spends in order to operate at maximum profitability and thereby create maximum wealth – in all its forms!” All viable organizations are for-profit. They are striving to profit – be it in money or any other asset it values. An organization will either be for-profit, or it will soon cease to be!!
  42. Questions for you:
  43. How focused are you on the profitability of your life?
  44. When did you last take a look at your personal “Whole-Life P&L”?
  45. Is your life generating the most wealth at full capacity?
  46. Are you reinvesting in your wealth’s source?
  47. 360° Look@Life and Wealth Planning Tool™ Our upcoming 360° Look@Life™ Blog Series, we will delve more deeply into the topic of “Wealth Is More Than Money” and its application to living more profitably. The Series, along with the associated 360° Wealth Planning Tool™ will guide you through learning how to: Monitor and manage each area of your life as an account into which you deposit the things that are valuable to you in making that domain of your life better. Evaluate the balance in each account at any given time Increase that balance by intentionally, proactively and strategically filling each area of your life with things that you value – in a way that serves the success of that account, the other accounts and your Life Portfolio as a whole.
  48. Our Mission We coach business people and teams, audiences and enterprises to create wealth – in all its forms. And everyone we touch walk away wealthier.
  49. If you are on social media … you can find Kim Sawyer here… and if you’re looking for the hashtag for today’s talk here are a couple including #WIMTM