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Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  Thir project has been funded with the support of the European Comission. This material reflects the views of the authors and the Comission
                        cannot he held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
               the 19th century

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
             Brief timeline of the 19th century in

   By the late 18th century and early 19th century, Moldavia, Wallachia and Transylvania
  found themselves as a clashing area for three neighbouring empires: the Habsburg
  Empire, the newly appeared Russian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire .
1806     Following the collapse of the Holy Roman Empire, the Hasburg
         Empire is reorganized and becomes the Austrian Empire;
1848     The Revolution are very active in this part of Europe. The Hungarians demand
         more rights, including a provision on the union between Transylvania and
         Hungary. The Romanian-speaking Transylvanians carry their own parallel
         revolution led by Avram Iancu, which opposed the union with Hungary
1849     The revolt led by Avram Iancu obtains some rights for the Romanian-speaking
         Transylvanians, in spite of strong opposition from Hungary;
1859     Alexandru Ioan Cuza is elected Price of Moldavia on January 5. Three weeks later
         he is also elected Price of Wallachia, thus achieving a de facto union of the two
         principalities under the name of Romania
1862     The Government of Romania is formed with Alexandru Constantin Moruzi as the
         first ever Prime Minister
1863     Alexandru Ioan Cuza promulgates the Agrarian Reform in which the majority of
         the land is transferred into the property of those who worked it. As there was not
         enough land, the Secularization of monastery estates in Romania, in which large
         estates owned by the Romanian Orthodox Church are transferred under state
         ownership and than to private property, takes place. This was an important
         turning point in the history of Romania, as it marked the almost disappearance of
         the Boyar class, leaving the country to look towards capitalism and
1866     On 22 February, Alexandru Ioan Cuza is forced to sign his abdication, which was
         mainly caused by the Agrarian Reform from 1863 made himself many enemies.
         Due to the country's political issues and its financial collapse, the Partiament
         takes the decission to bring a foreign price to the vacant throne. On 26 March,
         Karl of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen becomes Prince of Romania as Carol.
         Originally, the offer was made to Prince Philippe, Count of Flanders but he
         refused. On 1 April the Romanian Academy is established. On 1 July, the first
         constitution of Romania is ratified

       Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
1877   On 16 April, Romania and the Russian Empire sign a treaty under which Russian troops are
       allowed to pass through Romanian territory, with the condition to respect the integrity of
       Romania. On 21 May, the Parliament of Romania declare the independence of the country. In the
       fall Romania join the Russo-Turkish War on the Russian Empire side. In November, deeply
       defeated in the Battle of Pleven, the Ottoman Empire request an armistice
1878   Romania independence is recognized by the Central Powers on 13 July. Following the Treaty of
       Berlin, Romania now include territories of Dobrogea, the Danube Delta, and Insula Şerpilor. In
       return the southern counties of Bassarabia are returned to Russian Empire

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
                THE 19TH CENTURY SOCIETY

      Women participated in the economic changes via inheritance and marriage, via their work
     in the household, no matter their social class: housekeeping, bringing up children,
     managing goods, etc. The smaller the men’s wages, the harder was the domestic work. As
     a result, in the industrialisation and urbanism context in the 19th century, the domestic
     work, paid or unpaid jobs, the private and the public existence were not separated for
     women, on the contrary they were complementary. Nevertheless, the traditional postulate
     of the woman’s inferiority was maintained at almost all levels. Women were paid less than
     men. Even if most of the women and men were unskilled workers, they were paid on
     account of sex only. Industrialisation came with an extra pay for factory workers, women
     migrating between their jobs and families. The domestic wife, whose activity was
     dedicated to her family, had to efficiently administer her husband’s wages to ensure a
     decent living.
      Mainly, the minimum pay and the dependence of women, and their lack of jobs
     characterized the end of the 19th century in the whole Europe. The total lack of political
     rights, since time immemorial; seeing women in contradiction with the demands of the
     modern age leads to great social movements, originating in the West where the
     emancipation of women in all the public domains took place .
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
                   STATUS OF WOMAN IN THE FAMILY
              Before the Industrial Revolution , women were expected to
             contribute actively to the family’s maintenance : from child to the
             making of pillows , all was her responsibility. The ideal of
             womanhood was the Perfect Wife.
              Woman was devoted entirely to her relatives, to her family,
             marriage, and religion. She was forced by the church to be
             submissive to her father and to her husband; she also worked
             together by her husband to raise a family. Arranged marriages
             were a frequent practice and they were done gradually: offering a
             price for the bride, elaborating the papers of the dowry etc. Finally,
             at the end of 18th century, in the bourgeoisie the first voices to
             demand equal rights for women made themselves heard.
              Woman , even if she was poor or rich, could not support herself
             and for this reason she was supported by another being, who was
             stronger than her, THE MAN. Woman could not take decision by
             herself, but the man spoke for her. She could not get married if she
             was not a virgin and she was not allowed to choose her own
             husband , but her parents did it for her. The husband avoided
             showing his affection for his wife in public, this being a sign of
             weakness, disapproved of by the rural opinion
              In conclusion, the woman was the puppet in the hands of her
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
 In the Romanian traditional society, the religious wedding
                                                                          If the engagement broke off, it meant returning of
was well-grounded, any civil marriage that was not
religiously celebrated being considered co-habitation. In the       the dowry papers. In those cases, the guilty one had to
Romanian tradition, there was been the belief that every            give back the engagement gifts and the goods offered
marriage founded without wedding of the young couple in             before the wedding, the engagement ring included,
front of the altar remained incomplete and ill-fated in this life
                                                                    according to the written law and to the customary law.
and in the other. Unmarried women were considered unfit
                                                                    Gifts were written down in the dowry paper even if it
for preparing and offering alms, and unmarried remained
                                                                    was about the dowry of a rich man’s daughter or of a
                                                                    poor one’s. The papers mentioned not only the dowry
                                                                    given to the girl by her parents but also the gifts she
                                                                    offered to her parents-in-law, brothers-in-law, god-
                                                                    parents during the wedding at the groom’s house.
                                                                    These gifts were given according to the ritual; after the
                                                                    wedding and they gained juridical significance because
                                                                    they were divided according to the custom, half being
                                                                    the husband’s and the other half the wife’s.
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society


The wife wrote a letter of divorce to her husband if he conspired against the
leader, if he put her life into danger, if he was immoral, if he was impotent for
more than three years and if one of partners became a religious or disappeared
for more than five years. The Romanian written laws of 18th century stipulated
that a wife might ask for divorce and take her dowry back as well as gifts before
the wedding and 1/3 of her husband’s fortune if he conspired against the king, if
he put his wife’s life into danger, if he talked about his wife chastity and virginity
to the others, if he accused his partner of being a “bitch”, but he didn’t have
evidence, if he had another woman in his house or in some other place and, after
having been repeatedly asked by his wife and her relatives to leave her, he didn’t
do it. The guilty husband was punished. Likewise, the wife lost her dowry after
the divorce if she knew about the conspiracy of her husband against the king but
she never revealed it; she was profligate if there were five witnesses, to prove
that she conspired against her husband, she had a bath together with a stranger,
she left home without letting her husband know, her unfaithfulness was proven
with witnesses. When she got married, the woman was the absolute owner of her
dowry (which she might keep after she divorced). During marriage, the husband
managed his wife dowry and turned them into value.
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society

                     WOMEN AND CHURCH

     Women imposed themselves within the community as mothers,
    having the regenerating force of descent, as ladies of the house
    taking care effective by the household, as magicians ensuring the
    success of all kinds of wishes, having some legal rights as heiress
    and owners. Romanian women had not only the obligation but also
    the power to establish contacts with the sacred world, with God.
    Feminist built its specific individuality and exercised its power
    especially in the sacred sphere in the different registers of rites.
    Traditional magic structures assert the pre-eminence of women’s
    needs of valorising themselves in conformity with their specific
    status. Feminist pre-eminence in the structure of both traditional
    magic therapy and of the pre-marriage erotically practices proves
    assuming of responsibility towards their own destiny and the wish of
    asserting their individuality .
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
    The ideal of the Romanian middle –class society was the
   Perfect Lady. She was supposed to have strong family
   feelings and desire to motherhood. She was also supposed
   to be educated and entertain guests. The rich women
   learnt at private schools or at home with private teachers.
   She had much fortune but she was not allowed to marry by
   herself. She has jewelleries and expensive clothes
   especially created for her by designers from France.
    The separation of woman away from the rural collectivist
   protection forecast her emancipation from her husband’s
   and society’s guardianship, having as result the
   dissolution of parental traditional authority and political
   and familial emancipation are specific phenomena of the
   19th and 20th century. As a natural consequence of the
   economic-social and cultural evolution, there were more
   powerful opinions about women’s situation, which didn’t
   benefit from proper education, which could not choose a
   profession, depending on men from the economic point of
   view, never participating in the political life and were never
   equal to men from the civilian point of view .

The rich woman of the 19 the century
The poor woman of the 19th century

  The poor woman of the 19th century was born in a decent
 family but she was educated little by her parents and taught
 little about life. She was not allowed to go to ballroom and
 to be in love with an officer.
  After the wedding, the poor woman could not disobey her
 husband’s decisions or oppose him and she could not
 divorce. After her husband’s death, she could not remarry
 or she could become a monk.
  Being considered superior to women, the man was the
 leader, in all the communities, hence in the family, too, a
 role sustained and amplified by a whole series of customs.
 The traditional image of the woman is that of a stability
 factor in the family. Foreign travellers wrote that the married
 Romanian woman in the traditional society of the 18th
 century seemed to agree with her downgraded position,
 being passive and resigned. There was a ritual, a natural
 gesture that underlined the woman’s humiliating status in
 the domestic life. For example, all the women observe the
 custom of not crossing in front of a man, even if he were a
 gun’s rebound or even if he were a beggar. She has to stop
 until he passes, the reason being that the woman has to
 respect, honour, and give attention to the man .

        Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
      Marriages in the traditional Romanian village involved
partners from the village or from the neighbourhood places,
within the same geographical area. By examining historical
documents (dowry papers, wills), we can state that Romanian
women never enjoyed the situation of western women
because of their rights of inheritance and property .
      The traditional Romanian family characterized itself,
among others, through a strong individualism and through a
series of rules of behaviour inherited from father to son,
which were adapted in time, but that never denied customs.
Some of the observed norms of the traditional Romanian
family were honesty, rightness, hardworking, responsibility
towards family’s prestige, a strong family conscience and
spiritual cohesion, fulfilment of the moral order of descent,
observance of a hierarchy of age, sex, naturalised through
tradition (for example, the man was the head of the family
and he led it, often authoritatively; parents had the right of
showing children how to behave), displaying daily solidarity
at the family level (they worked together, ate together, there
were daily common meals, but also common meals with
ritual and celebrating values), and the reunion of the large
family happened only on special occasions related to the
circle of life, at festivals, husking bees, etc.
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
     The difference between sexes was
something to be aware of from childhood.
Starting from the age of 7 there had to be
separate groups (boys and girls). Avoidance
of masturbation was one of the main duties
of    parents.     In  pre-adolescence    or
adolescence there were founded groups of
two persons – “sisters on crosses” “or
“brothers on crosses” – which maintained
all their lives long and meant mutual help.
Girls were closely “not to be disgraced”.
Starting from the age when they could do
something about the house, children
received chores. Consequently, girls had to
learn from their mother how to weave, to
sew, to spin, to wash the laundry in the
river, to look after younger brothers, to do
the house, to cook, to know the medicinal
herbs, to know celebrations and to observe
the norms related to them .
Boys were more under theirs fathers’ influence who taught
                      them how to work the land and raise cattle; they were warned
                      against dangers; they were transmitted interdictions and were
                      tested their courage, wisdom etc. Both girls and boys
                      assimilated local oral culture in the practice of social life,
                      followed patterns of behaviour, and collective habits that
                      represented guidelines for their own lives. In order to
                      discipline their children, parents would teach them fear of the
                      evil, scold and even beat them .

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
                          IN THE 19TH CENTURY

   Theodor Aman

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society


  Europe –transition from traditional to modern society

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society

                                        Weaving a traditional craft

                                 Fabrics,     produced    within   their    own
                            household, have an important role in traditional
                            housing and are the most important decorative
                            elements. They are placed on the ceiling, wall,
                            and the beams are of different style for each
                            ethnographic area separately.
                                 The fabrics are made from materials available
                            in the household, from animal skin (sheep wool,
                            goat hair, silk) or vegetable (hemp, cotton, linen).
                            Many fabrics are manufactured both from animal
                            fibers and vegetable. At the core materials for
                            manufacturing silk, beads, sequins were added
                            for decoration. The fabrics are made only by
                            women. They dealt with the weaving loom ,
                            painting the wires, cutting the material and then
                            decorating them.The most frequently used colour
                            was red, which appears in a multitude of shades ,
                            followed by blue and black.
Fabrics are used for household use, usually placed on a bed
or chest of drawers (carpet, rug, pillow) or for decorative
purposes (carpets, rugs, tablecloths, towels, curtains, pillow, etc.).
Some materials are used only occasionally related to various
ceremonies (birth, wedding, funeral).
     The house was dressed with wall fabrics which were placed
on the wall where there is the bed. Later in the late nineteenth
century the design inside was attached to one another, while they
stopped being put on the wall, but directly on the floor, thereby
turned into carpets. The wall fabrics design was done by parallel
stripes perpendicular on the length of the piece. The flowers are
later replaced with human representations.

     Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
                  Inside the house of the       Towards the end of the 19th
                  peasant                   century there appears the “nice
                                            house “, which was         a true
                                            traditional house exhibition by
                                            exhibiting a great wealth of
                                            fabrics and embroidery (seats,
                                            carpets, lay carpets, towels,
                                            tablecloths, pillow cases). Some
                                            preserved       these   traditional
                                            fabrics and dowry chest.
                                                Every peasant had to know
                                            how to spin and weave before
                                            having a family. And she does
                                            not learn from books but from
                                            women in the village.
                                                One may say that the woman
   Chest of                                 makes the needle brush the
drawers in 1831                             country, the thread in the seams
                                            of watercolor to achieve high
                                            artistic value.
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society

Each ethnographic region has a specific brand of dress as recognition of community
members, means of assessing the age and social status.
The composition of women's folk costume area of Wallachia - Buzau

 The spangled embroidered peasant                                    Thin raw silk head kerchief
 women’s blouse was found on
 Traian's Column.

                                                                    The broad peasant’s waist belt was
                                                                    in the same color and patterns as
                                                                    the two-gore homespun skirt
 The two-gore homespun skirt
 was ornamented only at the
 bottom, following the same
 pattern at the shirt.
                                                                    The two-gore homespun skirt is made of
                                                                    wool with black background. It is
                                                                    wrapped tightly around the body and
                                                                    fasten with sticks.
Peasant’s shoe are made from
pork or beef and shoe wraps
over and over knitted woolen

 Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
The shirt is longer, caught the right-
 shoulder sleeve, the bottom is wider
 at the hips. Ornamentation is less rich
 than female shirt . The same pattern       Hat , worn especially in cold
 occurs at the bottom of the skirt          weather, is made of lamb skins

                                           The broad peasant’s waist belt.

  The peasant’s long sheepskin              Trousers - are trousers which are
  coat worn in winter was worn by           located in ancient Dacian times.
  both men and women. It worked             They are made from a special
  on a very thin skin of lamb).             white cloth, made in house.

                                              The peasant’s shoes are made
                                              from pork or beef
The composition of women's folk
costume area of Wallachia - Buzau

  Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
              Lower Austria, district of Baden
              Krupp Town‟
              15, 57 km2
              8728 inhabitants
              Four parts: Berndorf-Stadt, St. Veit, Ödlitz, Veitsau/
              First mentioned in 1133
              Main source of employment in the 18th century: metal
              Development of Berndorf is related to Krupp family history
              1923: four parts of Berndorf were united
                                 Under attack in World War II
                                 Was established 1843 by Alexander
                                   von Schöller and Alfred Krupp
                                  Invention of the „Stahlguss-
                                  1877: Train-Station
              —                   Used their benefit to built social
                                  1890 the bear got logo of the cutlery
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Their name is a legend
and their steel is the
hardest in the world : the
Krupps       has    been
Germany's mightiest and
the    most    successful
industrial     company
dynasty for more than a
100 years.

 Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society

   1811 Friedrich Krupp founded the cast steel factory in Essen in
   1816 produced smelted steel
   1826 Alfred adopted the management
   1887 Friedrich Alfred adopted the management
   1890 Fritz, developed nickel steel
   1906 Bertha married the diplomatic agent Gustav von Bohlen und
   Gustav led the company during the First World War
   established a dental hospital to provide steel teeth and jaws for
    wounded veterans
   From 1933 on a big boom - armaments policy in the Third Reich
   1938 „Leaders of the war economy“
   Alfried also joined the NSDAP
   1940 – 1945 23.076 prisoners of war and 4978 people who were in
    the concentration camps worked there
   Krupp Company is the most important
    German —contractor of armament
   1948 Alfried was sentenced to 12
    years of prison at the Nuremberg Trials
   Arndt disclaimed the heritage ->Alfried
    Krupp was the last „Krupp“
   1967 separated company and private
    property and —arranged a foundation
   1814 Hermann Krupp founded the
    Austrian-dynasty of Krupp
   1834 Arthur and his friend Alexander
    van Schoeller took over the Berndorf
   Arthur liked the city of Berndorf a lot
    and erected a lot of buildings ->
   1879 1000 employees

    Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
illegitimacy, agricultural society in
change, the railway in Ebenfurth, ...

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
The emergence of Bromberg
Bromberg was under “ Karl dem Großen“
Agriculture :
  Farmers only drove to bigger cities in spring and autumn
  Wheat , rye, barley, oats, poppy, flax, potatoes,…
  Were producing a lot of “ alcoholic apple juice”
  Went to the forest to chop wood/rake strewing in autumn
  Windmill

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
                                From now on the technique on
                                 the    farmhouses         was
                                Food manly consisted out of
                                 potato dishes, milk, bread and
                                 tomato soup
                                Didn„t have a fridge -> put
                                 their meat in pig fat

     New invention
the whim ( the horse mill)
                                                                             chil dh          out
                                                                yw   orker        com  e than
                                                       Factor nt more in
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                 prot                                                   d to be
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              Bied                                               beggi for chil dren
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             Was                                                                                   rs„
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       The                         ‚gra
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betw               es o                     s lad
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             kids               sto
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   Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
How the agricultural society changed in the course of time:
   In the 19th century the agricultural society changed dramatically.
   Mainly in the domain of agriculture there were important and drastic
    transformations and shifting.
   There were effects on the structure of business.
   Dramatic change of the agricultural society
   Important and drastic transformations and shiftings
   Other sectors of working
   Process of shifting from the agriculture to the industry
   People were forced
to oscillate
Important facts
                    : life on the fa
   Courtyard: tria                  rm:
                  ngular shape
     danger of fleeti
                        ng of the anim
     afraid of vagab                  als
                       onds and begg
      Some facts ab
                      out the farmha
           sleeping room               nds at that tim
                           s were very s               e:
          heating                         mall, no oppo
                                                          rtunities for
         sleep in the sta
                            ble where it w
                                           as quite warm
    “Museum on th
                      e farm”:
        you can see ho
                           w people lived
        collected thing                   200 years ago
                         s of the time o
         from the “Buck                   f the monarch
                          ligen Welt”                     y and only
        Founder: Adolf
                         ine Beisteiner
        media showed
       Adolfine Beis
                        teiner: “ m
        conerstone”                      useum is a
       Important: no
                       t to forget the

      Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Steam power plant:
  1880 the first electrical railway was shown to publicity and the triumph of
   the electric current also was not to stop anymore
  most steam power plants were operated with the Polish coal
  1915 first rail way through Ebenfurth was formed
  power station had its beginning when the first two Steam turbine
   generators were started
  because of incredible issues in the first world war, the comrades learned to
   stick together
  power station reached its ultimate effectiveness in 1926; à Ebenfurth
   produced a quarter of the entire current power for Vienna and surrounding
Rail st
                                                         marke l station in
                                                                 d               Eb
                                                        railwa out for com enfurth was
                                                                y has            m una
                                                            four tr originally g l station
                                                                     ac              ot :
                                                           two ca ks with sev
                                                                     rr              en fluc
                                                           one en iage hubs                  tuatio
                                                         one lo            ent bu
                                                                  ading            ilding
                                                         o ne w          ramp
                                                        one co dshed
                                                         one ho shed
                                                       rail sta se fountain
                                                       the co on was enla
                                                                nn               rg
                                                       Ebenfu ection from ed because
                                                                rth- W           t                of
                                                                        ittman he railway

   longest track system nowadays à 820 meters
   longest track system in the 19th century à 300 meters
   no good protection à only one machine
   nobody thought about a configuration of the track system or security
    device, because nobody wanted to invest into such purposes
   in winter 1901 à massive railway accident happened, when a too long
    freighttrain had to be divided
   first passenger train from Vienna should wait at the „Stop“ – pointing
    distant signal
    Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
                    Children o
                               f evil? – C
                  Children s               hildren of
                              econd clas              love? –
                     mothers w           s?
                                h    o
                       accepted in ha d illegiti ma te birt
                                     so                          hs really w
                      18th so ca l ciety                                     er e not
                                   led “ found
                     these “ hom                ling homes
                                   es” were m                  ”w
                      child mort                  a de for con er e established
                                 alit                           tain
                    women we y a nd the phenomeno ing the generally
                                 re allowed                      n of child
                     births                     to go there                  m
                                                              a nd do a no ur der
                articl                                                     nymous
                        e about the
               ...“mother                 live of an A
                            was not ab                     ustrian ma
              has to wor
                           k and to ed
                                         le to cope
                                                      with the si           n:
              assume res                uc                         tuation tha
                           ponsibility ate a little child. He                   t she
              writes abo                for him an                    had to lear
                          ut p                        d his little                 n
             established hysical and psychic                       brother too to
                           d                           al crueltie               . He
             very young isciplinary measures                        s which we
                          and most o                  . Children
                                       f them wer                   had to wor
                                                     e underfed                  k
Christian Doppler
                                 lived 1803-1853
                                 he was an important Austrian
                                  physicist and mathematician
                                 published over 50 articles on
                                  mathematics, physics and
                                  famous for “Doppler effect”

                                    change of wavelength caused by motion of the source

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
      was born on the 29th of November 1803 in Salzburg
      1822 studied at the university of Vienna and Salzburg
      1829 Doppler was an assistant to a professor of higher mathematics
       and mechanics
       1835 worked as a math professor
       1840 became an associate member of the Royal Bohemian Society of
      1842 publishing of his most notable work
      •1847 left Prague for the professorship of mathematics, physics and
       mechanics in Slovakia
      •1848 got the honorary doctorate from the University of Prague and
       became a member of the imperial academy of sciences
      1850 became the first headmaster of the new Physical Institute in
      died on the 17th of March 1853 in Venice
                                          Christian-Doppler
                                          Doppler
                                          Christian-Doppler-
                                           clinic special
                                           posting stamp,
                                           published 150
                                           years after
                                           discovery of the

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
    There were many differences among different parts of the country. Land
owners took advantage of workers. Food conservation systems at homes
weren't good. Salaries were low and supplies poor. People cooked with coal and
firewood. There was a scarcity of meat and fish, and people ate mostly plants.
    Although Spain was a neutral country, we were in danger. The prices of food
and coal got much higher (Subsistence law). Problems continued (inflation).
Wheat price got higher and higher.
Speculation was suffered by lower class people.
It took 20 years to recover from the Civil
War (postwar).
There wasn't
anything to eat
because fields were
devastated during
the war.
Many people died of
It  kept control of the countryside so their diet and
supplies were much better. It was the main factor to
win the war.
     Left-winged parties supported the Republican
Army. Transport problems affected food supply too.
Since the beginning of the war, there were problems
with supplies. People were able to get essential food
only under medical prescription.
     Rationing food was made this way: Once a week:
oil carbon, ham, cheese, 3 times a week: fish, rice,
sugar and eggs, every day: milk, meat,
vegetables, fruit...

  Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
                  The lack of food and essential things caused a new way
              of smuggling, It was known as “estraperlo”. Thousands
              of people lived under the poverty line. Many people died,
              including children.
                  During the 60s nourishment in Spain was not as
              complete     as it was, in terms of calories, in other
              countries. The quality of meat, milk and eggs was not very
               During the end of the 60s and the beginning of the
                  70s more than 3.000.000 people emigrated from the
                     countryside to the cities and to foreign
                         countries such as France or Germany.
Nowadays social welfare
s o c ie ty   ha s   br o ug ht
important        changes     in
nutrition habits. In the last
15 years, the number of
people      with   overweight
problems has increased. In
children, the rate is higher
than the average in Europe.
This is mostly because of
the success of “Fast Food”

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society

    From 1850 to 1900 the number
of schools rose from 17,170 to
29,776 schools. Rates of illiteracy
in population were decreasing:
63.8% in 1900 59.4% in 1910. It
went down to 40% along the early
1900s .
    On the 19th of March 1812,
th e firs t Cons ti tu ti on w as
proclaimed and with it the right of
an universal, public education for
    There was one school for every
500 inhabitants.

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
                               In 1830 : full citizens should
                           learn how to read and write :
                           Article 25 from the Constitution says
                           that since 1830, people who want to
                           become full citizens should know how
                           to read and write.
                               In    1857      :   compulsory
                           education up to 9 years : Moyano
                           Law of 1857 made education
                           compulsory from 6 to 9 years .There
                           were not sufficiently trained and paid
                           teachers     ( they didn't enjoy an
                           acceptable social image).
                               In 1900 : schools for boys up
                           to 16 years :     Children attended
                           lessons at school five hours a day 175
                           days a year. Students were boys from
                           4 to 16 years. This progressive
                           development did not follow the rapid
                           pace of the other nations of Western
Spain became a Republic in1931, and this intensified the interest in
  Teachers´ qualification improved.
  The curriculum for secondary education was created.
  The number of colleges, schools and institutions increased and it replaced
   the teaching of religious orders.
  Autonomy to the colleges at University was
  Studies and scientific research intensified.

  Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
                       “This is the classroom. In a picture Cain
                   runs away as Abel lies dead, next to a blood
                   puddle. The teacher talks in a loud voice . He
                   is a skinny old man slovenly dressed, a book
                   in his hand.
                       All the children sing the lesson along,
                   repeating after him: thousand times a
                   hundred, a hundred and thousand; thousand
                   times a thousand, a million.
                       A grey cold winter afternoon. Pupils study.
                   A rainy monotony resounds on the window
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society

                                        Two– student desks with an ink case
                                     School notebooks

  Cupboard and wooden bookcases
School emblems for boys and girls

                                    Measurement units : cabas

  Holy childhood : money boxes

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
                           In the 60s there were girls' schools.
                        There were only female teachers. Girls
                        wore a white uniform and a cross was
                        hung on the wall of the classroom.
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
                              In 1861 it was declared a compulsory
                          subject in schools and Teachers' Colleges,
                          although it was not fulfilled by then.

                              In Spain, Francisco Amorós introduced
                          Swedish gymnastics, greatly influenced by
                          P.H. Ling. Thanks to him the concept
                          evolved into training, hygienic, corrective
                          and therapeutic gymnastics.
                              There were mainly analytical exercises
                          and there was excessive static and order .
                          1. Slow movements gymnastics
                          2. Arms and legs movement
                          3. Exercising movements with the
                              whole body
                          4. Students follow the instructor’s
The gym should develop harmoniously the
                    body, exercising all its parts. Both boys and
                    girls practiced it. The need for a physical
                    education for all, whether weak or strong as a
                    school subject was established.

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society

   This task has been undertaken by special education needs
    students at our school.
   At first, we made a revision of the old pictures we had
    collected. We discussed about them and the places of our
    neighbourhood that were depicted.
   Then we identified these places and later we went out and took
    current pictures of them.
   After that, we assorted them in this power point presentation.
   Finally, we saw a documentary on the history and evolution of
    our neighbourhood, EL CAMPO DE LA VERDAD, located in the
    south- east of our city, just across the river Guadalquivir Roman
In the 40s, immediately after the war,
thousands of people left the countryside and
went away to the cities, looking for better living
conditions .Many of them had to live in slums at
the outskirts of the cities.
   In Cordoba, CAMPO DE LA VERDAD and
ZUMBACÓN became slums, neighbourhoods for
the poor in which life was hard.
   Fray Albino, the Catholic Church Bishop of
the time and the political authorities outlined a
new neighbourhood, in which small one-storey
houses were built for the poor. It started off in
the 40s and by the end of the 50s the brand new
quarter had become a reality.
   These were the first houses at the time they
were being built. People were expelled from
slums as some of the houses were being rebuilt.
There were frequent floods because the river
Guadalquivir is very close to the neighbourhood.

  Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
           FIRST HALF OF THE 19th
     The birth and death rates are very similar and the growth of population
      was slow if we compare it with other European cities. Many deaths were
      due to diseases such as the flu and wars (Independence or Carlist
      wars ).
     There was a scarcity of doctors. In Cordoba there were two hospitals
      although most of people with serious diseases assisted died.
     A child was considered a man at 14.
     Average life expectancy for men was 45, whereas for women it was 35.
      Many of them died at childbirth. They had 12 children on average.
     •There was not a compulsory education but     every people learnt to sign
      and count from zero to a hundred.
     The population of Cordoba lived on vegetables, a bit of meat, bread, and
      wine and they only ate fish from the river and salted codfish at Easter.
     The church was one of the most important authorities and they ordered
      costumes to the population

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
                       Most men were employed in the Primary Sector at the
                    production of handmade soaps, leather, clothes, silver
                    jewellery and in small factories of metal. Children started
                    working at the age of 8.
                       From 1865 to 1931
                      A period of relative peace allowed Cordoba to grow. It
                       transformed the city and its population.
                      The arriving of the trains changed the diet and the
                       city began a period of relative growth. Although low
                       classes had the same problems, the city grew and It
                       got better medical assistance and hygienic measures
                       reached the population. The mortality rate went down
                       but the catastrophically diseases continued causing
                       many deaths (Spanish flu on 1918-1919) . The Town
                       Hall ordered in 1892 the compulsory education for
                       children between 6 to 9 years old. Although in the
                       middle of 20th century the literacy rate only reached
                       20% of the whole population.
   •Families were supported by the working men.
   •The mother worked at home, she raised children, she

    got the water from village fountains, collected wood or
    coal for the fireplace, and occasionally they worked in
    middle or high class houses like cookers or domestic
   •If they weren't able to get money enough to feed their

    children, they went to the charity convents or to the
   •The main laws passed were about robberies of food or

    street violence.

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
There were three kind of houses in Cordoba:

      The High Class livings                   The medium classes houses

                               The popular livings
•Characteristics and members
–At homes, three or four generations of the same family co-existed. Sons,
parents, grandparents and older generations live together.
–Many girls got pregnant when they were 12, and they got married at an even
earlier age.
-Most of the people lived in tenement houses, in which the quarters ( two or
three bedrooms ) gathered around a patio. The neighbours shared facilities such
as the kitchen or the toilet.
-8 a 12 members of the family slept in the same house and sometimes there was
no room for some of them that had to move to nearby relatives' houses.

  Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
    The separation among the women and the men was total. In fact, the women could
study a few years more than the men because they were taught by religious orders, while
men began to work younger than women.
    They learnt to cook, read, count, sew, embroider; it was the girls became ready for the
weddings, although in middle and high classes they could learn to play an instrument and
even art or poetry.
    The typical Cordobese woman from the beginning of the 20th century was painted by
Julio Romero de Torres.
    Agriculture was one of the most important jobs in Cordoba at the beginning of the
20th century and peasants worked using traditional ploughs pulled by horses to plough
the fields.
    Most of the tenement houses were trimmed with flowers blossoming in the month of
May, when Cordoba celebrates its most important festivity.
    The presence of the water wells improved the health of the population of Cordoba.
    The holidays were very important and they established the rhythm of the life of the
•  The Cattle holidays or nowadays
“La feria” was a important time and
along these dates the population of
low class could enjoy.
   The last spring and the summer in
Cordoba is very hot (temperatures
>40º C in July and august) and it's a
tradition feed with cold soups or
creams as the Gazpacho or Salmorejo
which used the hard bread of last
days with tomatoes and oil.
   After the lunch, and Knowing the
trouble with the Sun, all the streets of
Cordoba were emptying by the
   In autumn and winter the food
costumes were more.

    Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
•The population of Cordoba suffered a hard conditions of living
along two centuries and improvement was slow.
   The conditions of the low class were worse than middle and high
   •There were not a economic evolution indeed the population who
came from the fields had the same conditions or worse when they
arrived and lived in towns.
   •The Secondary education or University was only reserved to the
medium and high class, and the illiteracy was along this time almost
90 %.

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Nowadays there are many customs and superstitions in the south of Spain
associated with weddings that have no relation with those held fifty years ago. A
wedding was a social event for the whole village or the neighbourhood, since most
people were invited. Nowadays things have changed quite a lot, the couple just invite
their family and friends in salons, not in houses. Nowadays things have changed quite
a lot, the couple just invite If we refer to the wedding itself, it has changed as well.
Weddings used to be celebrated in the bride and bridegroom´s parents´ homes.,
whereas now, it is in salons. The proposal, called "El Sí" fifty years ago, took place
between mother and mother in law; men did not have a say in the matter. It was a
great party for all the family, even women wore "mantillas" for this ocassion. There was
a saying for the proposal: The groom´s mother asked
    "Aquí vengo a pedir la mano de tu hija para
mi hijo (groom´s name)"
The bride´s mother answered:
    “Si ellos son conformes, concedida la tienes"
Then, the groom gave a present to the bride.

  Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
                          Some of the "superstitions" that are
                           current today in Spain are those related
                           to the bride wearing something old,
                           something      blue    and    something
                           borrowed, or not being seen by the
                           groom in her wedding dress before the
                           ceremony, and as I said before they
                           were not held fifty years ago, when the
                           influence of the mass media did not
                          The changes in the present wedding
                           customs may be due to the influence of
                           the    English    speaking      countries
                           introduced in ours, possibly as a result of
                           the growing expansion of the massive
                           media, above all the television and the
                           cinema, for example the Hollywood films
   Most couples got married in their twenties, after a
    few years of dating.
   Most of them were neighbours or lived in the same
    village. Weddings even took place among relatives.
   There were some couples who got married by proxy,
    since the bridegroom was living abroad. This was
    normal taking into account that there were many
    people who, after the war, emigrated to foreign
    countries, like France, Germany, etc.
   The couple used to go to the church walking or in
    taxi, since at that time just few people owned a car.
   Most brides were dressed entirely in white which
    meant that they were virgins, however, when a
    woman was pregnant or in mourning, she dressed in
    black. Depending on the family the bridegroom‟s
    father paid for the bride‟s dress.

    Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
                     In the celebration there were around fifty or
                      sixty guests maximum because most of the time
                      the party was held at a relative‟s house, except
                      if the couple belonged to a high class and lived
                      in a town that it was celebrated in a hotel.
                     We cannot forget that there were no hotels in
                      villages to celebrate weddings, so everybody
                      celebrated their wedding in houses.
                     As the celebrations were in houses and there
                      wasn‟t much money, the family invited the
                      guests to cakes and drinks.
                     In the case that the family was wealthy and
                      belonged to a higher class, things were bit
                      different because the food was abundant and
                     If the family was very wealthy, at that time, the
                      groom contributed to the marriage with the
                      guest room and the dining room and the bride
                      contributed with the rest of the furniture apart
                      from bringing her trousseau. Most women used
                      to make their own one.
As most coup
                                       les didn't hav
                  they usually                        e much mon
                                  didn‟t go on                     ey to travel,
                  them were a                     a honeymoon
                                 ble to travel.                 . Just a few o
                      After one or                                             f
                                      two years of
                 first child. In                     marriage the
                                  Spain in the                     y had their
                 houses and c                    60‟s there w
                                ouples didn‟t                 as no TV in th
                                                use birth con                 e
                                                              trol methods

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
After an intense web     search, we have found
     scarce examples o    f women artists throu
     the centuries. The m   ain reason for this is
                              at of literature, in whic
     arts was a field, like th             n.
     women's' w   orks were not focused o             ged
        Most of these wom   en artists were encoura
      to follow this path b  y their parents, most
                               f  well- known artists in
      them are daughters o
      their times.

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society

                                                              Femme cousant

                                                                   ugh   ter of
                                                     as    the da                  o ine
                                                                          t A n t rn
       Virgen de la leche                 She w                   h it ec
                                                         d ar c               as bo
                                               o r a n ille She w                 urcia,
                                      scul pt       M a rs e             y in M isca
       Daughte                        Duparc s parents' s as Franc
                 r of re                          hi              wn
   sculptor               no w ne d    during             is kno
             Pedro R                              she                                th his
  married             oldan. S
                                he     where                                nce wi
             the scu                                                   Fra
                      lptor Lu
                                 is     Dupar.         me    back to he develope
                                              She ca             where                 ce of
     She wo
               rked as                             in  1745,        r the    influen      an
 sculptor                camera          family        iqu  e unde n-Baptiste v
            for the                                hn
 of Ch a              monarch             his tec               n Jea
         rles II                s                  re nchma                               and
         h he
                    and Ph
                             ilip         the F                                E ur o p e
                                                                       o un d
fame die
          d in pov
                   had gr
                            eat            L oo.
                                                       trave  lled ar      in Lond
                                                                                     o n.
                   erty.                        She                ttled
                                                      ally  she se
She was
                                   including     requeste
                                                          d to per
                                              those o              form por
                                                       f the r                t
                                   which be
                                            came ve              oyal fam raits,
                                      She died      ry famou               ily, for
                                                in Óbido       s.
                                                         s in 1684
                                                                   , at age
  Cordeiro Pascal

      She is    the most pro
                              lf of XVII
  painter of  the second ha                               Naturaleza muerta
  Portuguese.              entered the
      At s ixteen, she
                            de Coimbra.
  convent   of Santa Ana
                                  nt, for
   In 1653 he     left the conve
                                 g to her
   unknown rea   sons, returnin
   parents.                        in the
    Some of    her works are
                               baç a or
    monaste   ry of Alco
    Jeronim os Monastery in

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Eva Gon
                               zalès is
                     She wa                an impr
                 and die      s born                 essionis
                         d in the        in Paris              t painte
                                    same ci         on Apri              r.
                    In Feb                    t y on M        l 19, 1
                             ruary                     ay 5, 18        849
                 Museum                 2008,                     83.
                          opened                  Frankfu
                of   Ev a            an exhi                rt's Sc
                             G o n z al         bition w              hirn
                Impress                 es               ith the
                        ionist p              an d                  work
               women             ainters,              th r e e
                      , Mar                  B                    o t h er
               America         ie Bra erthe Morisot
                       n Mary              cquemo                French
                                Cassatt              nd an
                                           .                    d the

    Portrait                                                          ely in
                                                      ticipated activ
                                        id  and par
                               In Madr              ciety.             at the
                                    a nA  rtists So          ceramics
                          the Iberi       ht drawi
                                                   ng and
                                She taug            valo.            eometry
                                     of  Avila Are          cs and g
                           Institute              themati
                                She stu  died ma
                                                   rk.                   adrid
                                      to their wo       5, she died in M
                            to apply       a ry 6, 199
                                 On Febru
                                         of 93.
                             at the age

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
                                          the path     e d by h
                                                                  is decid
                                                     of art i               edly un
                                          where he             n 1903                 dertakes
                                                    began de             moving
                                             Embark            veloping             to Madr
                                                      on the             his true             id
                                         already                journey            vocation
                                                  possessi                to Paris          .
                                        ready to             ng a s                  in 1909,
                                                  face all t         kill and
                                        and revo             hat the              techniqu
                                                 lutionary           city mea               e,
                                                           .                   nt then
                                                                                         n ew

   La creacion de los pajaros
                                ast and c
                    work is v                tinctive
   The  painter's          work h   as a dis
             s Varo's                 style.   There
   Rem  edio                   ble
            ly     reco gniza        h uma n
and    easi                tylized
              appear s
frequently ymbolic tasks.                         on g
           gs                            by a str
performin                    nctuated
                ing is pu
     His paint               agery
              sc ientific im
 interest in

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society

               The 18th is the century of         ROMANTICISM, an important
           movement started in Germany and soon spread in all Europe. All
           those thinkers reacted to Enlightment and           revaluated human
           feelings, art as extraordinary creation, religion, nation, love and
           freedom. Nationality was the new concept in political ambit, made
           own by all social classes in the name of different values.
           The word Romanticism was associated to “ liberal “ that, ideologically,
           was in contrast at a return of the old monarchy forced by the
           Convention of Vienne and the oppressive policy of Metternich.
           There were a lot of people coming from middle class, from culture
           and army who met in secret sect as the Carboneria and Massoneria .
               The protagonists of the Carbonari Movement 1820-21 in
           Basilicata, as patriots guided the countrymen with the young middle
           class to claim freedom and new agricultural laws .
           But those movements were bloody repressed by Austrians and
           Borbons .
               In the town of Potenza there were important men like Nicola Sole
           and the priest Emilio Maffei who lead the movement against
           Borbons .Nowadays, squares and streets have their name.

Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society

Basilicata , disadvantaged as regard its conformation and margined for long time , it
was one among the poorest district of the Country . The economy of Basilicata was
based on agriculture but not on valuable product because of the irregular rains and
conformation .
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
Europe –transition from traditional to modern society

   The Comenius team of the project “ Europe –
transition from traditional to modern society” would
like to thank all the teachers and students in the
coordinating and partners‟ schools who have
contributed their skills to producing this book. We
would also like to thank the teachers and students
whose comments and feedback were invaluable in
the production of the book. But above all, thanks
are due in particular to the following teachers and
students for their work, support and patience :
The place of women and men in the 19th century society

          1. Teacher : Ene Liliana
          2. Students : Costea Roberta, Toma Bogdan,Tomica Alexandra, Dumitru Florin, Oprea Catalin, Gavaneanu
Catalin, Burlacu Bianca

                       The lifestyle of the low and high classes in the traditional society

         1. Teacher: Gavre (Ivan) Iuliana
         2. Students : Manciu Oana , Maracineanu Elena, Ciobotaru Adriana, Vlad Mihai, Dima Laurentiu, Raducanu
Gabriela, Tancau Monica, Iordache Cristina, Anica Andreea, Dragomir Costin, Rosu Laurentiu, Dima Stefania,
Constantinescu Ana-Maria ,Serbu Catalin

                                           Art in the traditional society

          1. Teacher : Matei Roxana
          2. Students : Popescu Teodor, Ciochina Mihai, Dinu Cosmin, Branzea Steluta, Nartea Ana-Maria, Nastase
Georgiana, Cristea Alina, Hirsu Daniel, Ene Laurentiu, Dumitru Silviu, Niculescu Bogdan , Marina Georgian, Eftimie
Andrei, Burducea Cristina, Stoicescu Andreea, Vizitiu Alexandra, Draghici Alexandra, Fratila Madalina, Grajdieru Ionut,
Pislaru Silviu, Puiu Mihai, Stilpeanu Radu, Mititelu Cornel

                                      Historical and economical background

         1. Teachers : Gavre Iuliana si Aristotel Doinita
         2. Students : Bratosin Bianca, Circiumaru Flavia, Persoiu Madalina, Mihalcea Cristiana, Balaban Andra,
Bragagiu Alexandra, Bujor Cornelia, Grigore Diana, Pruna Marina, Guthy Daniel, Gavriloiu Catalin
Social and family relation in the traditional society

                1. Teachers : Gürdal ÖZÇAKIR, Süheyda ALĠġAN, Kenan GENÇ, Birsel KAPAN, Hatice YILMAZ
                2. Students : Tuba TUZCUOĞLU, Elif SARAÇ, Berkem KOġMA, Elif Seda AKDEMĠR, Zeynep AZMAN,
Zehra AYDIN , Samet Berk, ABANOZ, Kardelen Deniz KARS, Muhammet YILMAZ, Sinem TÜLEK , Burçak BOZKURT ,
Ahmet F.MAZLUM, Aylin SAĞLAM, Batuhan ERKAN , Gülnur AKGÜN , Tuğba ÇEVĠK ,Damla YĠĞĠT , Betül KURT

              The lifestyle of the low and high classes in the traditional and modern society

                1. Teachers : Gürdal ÖZÇAKIR, Süheyda ALĠġAN ,Kenan GENÇ, Birsel KAPAN, Hatice YILMAZ
                2. Students : Merve ĠNCE,Sinem TÜLEK, Zülal ERBĠL,Ece ALPAGO , Özge ALAOĞLU, Bulçe CEBECĠ,

                               Art in the traditional and the modern society

                1. Teachers : Gürdal ÖZÇAKIR, Süheyda ALĠġAN ,Kenan GENÇ, Birsel KAPAN, Hatice YILMAZ
                2. Students : Ġkbal ÜNLÜ, Yasemin ÇETĠNKAYA, Gizem BĠLĠR, Özlem UYSAL, Hande BODUR, Sinem

                                  Historical and economical background

                1. Teachers : Elif SARAÇ, Özlem UYSAL, Zeynep AZMAN, Oya GÖKALP
                2. Students : Sinem TÜLEK, Ġkbal ÜNLÜ, Berkem KOġMA, Tuba TUZCUOĞLU, Hande BODUR
Teachers :
    Carmen Aguilar, Jose Luis Montero, Trinidad Jerez

Students :
Juan Carlos Gonzales, Alexandra Gonzales, Juan Rafael
Alcantara, Nazaret Romero , Angeles Alcudia

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Europe in 19th century the book

  • 1. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society Thir project has been funded with the support of the European Comission. This material reflects the views of the authors and the Comission cannot he held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
  • 2. ROMANIA THE LAND OF TRADITIONS of the 19th century Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 3. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society Brief timeline of the 19th century in Romania By the late 18th century and early 19th century, Moldavia, Wallachia and Transylvania found themselves as a clashing area for three neighbouring empires: the Habsburg Empire, the newly appeared Russian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire .
  • 4. 1806 Following the collapse of the Holy Roman Empire, the Hasburg Empire is reorganized and becomes the Austrian Empire; 1848 The Revolution are very active in this part of Europe. The Hungarians demand more rights, including a provision on the union between Transylvania and Hungary. The Romanian-speaking Transylvanians carry their own parallel revolution led by Avram Iancu, which opposed the union with Hungary 1849 The revolt led by Avram Iancu obtains some rights for the Romanian-speaking Transylvanians, in spite of strong opposition from Hungary; 1859 Alexandru Ioan Cuza is elected Price of Moldavia on January 5. Three weeks later he is also elected Price of Wallachia, thus achieving a de facto union of the two principalities under the name of Romania 1862 The Government of Romania is formed with Alexandru Constantin Moruzi as the first ever Prime Minister 1863 Alexandru Ioan Cuza promulgates the Agrarian Reform in which the majority of the land is transferred into the property of those who worked it. As there was not enough land, the Secularization of monastery estates in Romania, in which large estates owned by the Romanian Orthodox Church are transferred under state ownership and than to private property, takes place. This was an important turning point in the history of Romania, as it marked the almost disappearance of the Boyar class, leaving the country to look towards capitalism and industrialization; 1866 On 22 February, Alexandru Ioan Cuza is forced to sign his abdication, which was mainly caused by the Agrarian Reform from 1863 made himself many enemies. Due to the country's political issues and its financial collapse, the Partiament takes the decission to bring a foreign price to the vacant throne. On 26 March, Karl of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen becomes Prince of Romania as Carol. Originally, the offer was made to Prince Philippe, Count of Flanders but he refused. On 1 April the Romanian Academy is established. On 1 July, the first constitution of Romania is ratified Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 5. 1877 On 16 April, Romania and the Russian Empire sign a treaty under which Russian troops are allowed to pass through Romanian territory, with the condition to respect the integrity of Romania. On 21 May, the Parliament of Romania declare the independence of the country. In the fall Romania join the Russo-Turkish War on the Russian Empire side. In November, deeply defeated in the Battle of Pleven, the Ottoman Empire request an armistice 1878 Romania independence is recognized by the Central Powers on 13 July. Following the Treaty of Berlin, Romania now include territories of Dobrogea, the Danube Delta, and Insula Şerpilor. In return the southern counties of Bassarabia are returned to Russian Empire Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 6. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society THE IMAGE OF THE ROMANIAN WOMAN IN THE 19TH CENTURY SOCIETY Women participated in the economic changes via inheritance and marriage, via their work in the household, no matter their social class: housekeeping, bringing up children, managing goods, etc. The smaller the men’s wages, the harder was the domestic work. As a result, in the industrialisation and urbanism context in the 19th century, the domestic work, paid or unpaid jobs, the private and the public existence were not separated for women, on the contrary they were complementary. Nevertheless, the traditional postulate of the woman’s inferiority was maintained at almost all levels. Women were paid less than men. Even if most of the women and men were unskilled workers, they were paid on account of sex only. Industrialisation came with an extra pay for factory workers, women migrating between their jobs and families. The domestic wife, whose activity was dedicated to her family, had to efficiently administer her husband’s wages to ensure a decent living. Mainly, the minimum pay and the dependence of women, and their lack of jobs characterized the end of the 19th century in the whole Europe. The total lack of political rights, since time immemorial; seeing women in contradiction with the demands of the modern age leads to great social movements, originating in the West where the emancipation of women in all the public domains took place .
  • 7. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society STATUS OF WOMAN IN THE FAMILY Before the Industrial Revolution , women were expected to contribute actively to the family’s maintenance : from child to the making of pillows , all was her responsibility. The ideal of womanhood was the Perfect Wife. Woman was devoted entirely to her relatives, to her family, marriage, and religion. She was forced by the church to be submissive to her father and to her husband; she also worked together by her husband to raise a family. Arranged marriages were a frequent practice and they were done gradually: offering a price for the bride, elaborating the papers of the dowry etc. Finally, at the end of 18th century, in the bourgeoisie the first voices to demand equal rights for women made themselves heard. Woman , even if she was poor or rich, could not support herself and for this reason she was supported by another being, who was stronger than her, THE MAN. Woman could not take decision by herself, but the man spoke for her. She could not get married if she was not a virgin and she was not allowed to choose her own husband , but her parents did it for her. The husband avoided showing his affection for his wife in public, this being a sign of weakness, disapproved of by the rural opinion In conclusion, the woman was the puppet in the hands of her man.
  • 8. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society MARRIAGE ENGAGEMENT In the Romanian traditional society, the religious wedding If the engagement broke off, it meant returning of was well-grounded, any civil marriage that was not religiously celebrated being considered co-habitation. In the the dowry papers. In those cases, the guilty one had to Romanian tradition, there was been the belief that every give back the engagement gifts and the goods offered marriage founded without wedding of the young couple in before the wedding, the engagement ring included, front of the altar remained incomplete and ill-fated in this life according to the written law and to the customary law. and in the other. Unmarried women were considered unfit Gifts were written down in the dowry paper even if it for preparing and offering alms, and unmarried remained was about the dowry of a rich man’s daughter or of a poor one’s. The papers mentioned not only the dowry given to the girl by her parents but also the gifts she offered to her parents-in-law, brothers-in-law, god- parents during the wedding at the groom’s house. These gifts were given according to the ritual; after the wedding and they gained juridical significance because they were divided according to the custom, half being the husband’s and the other half the wife’s.
  • 9. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society DIVORCE The wife wrote a letter of divorce to her husband if he conspired against the leader, if he put her life into danger, if he was immoral, if he was impotent for more than three years and if one of partners became a religious or disappeared for more than five years. The Romanian written laws of 18th century stipulated that a wife might ask for divorce and take her dowry back as well as gifts before the wedding and 1/3 of her husband’s fortune if he conspired against the king, if he put his wife’s life into danger, if he talked about his wife chastity and virginity to the others, if he accused his partner of being a “bitch”, but he didn’t have evidence, if he had another woman in his house or in some other place and, after having been repeatedly asked by his wife and her relatives to leave her, he didn’t do it. The guilty husband was punished. Likewise, the wife lost her dowry after the divorce if she knew about the conspiracy of her husband against the king but she never revealed it; she was profligate if there were five witnesses, to prove that she conspired against her husband, she had a bath together with a stranger, she left home without letting her husband know, her unfaithfulness was proven with witnesses. When she got married, the woman was the absolute owner of her dowry (which she might keep after she divorced). During marriage, the husband managed his wife dowry and turned them into value.
  • 10. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society WOMEN AND CHURCH Women imposed themselves within the community as mothers, having the regenerating force of descent, as ladies of the house taking care effective by the household, as magicians ensuring the success of all kinds of wishes, having some legal rights as heiress and owners. Romanian women had not only the obligation but also the power to establish contacts with the sacred world, with God. Feminist built its specific individuality and exercised its power especially in the sacred sphere in the different registers of rites. Traditional magic structures assert the pre-eminence of women’s needs of valorising themselves in conformity with their specific status. Feminist pre-eminence in the structure of both traditional magic therapy and of the pre-marriage erotically practices proves assuming of responsibility towards their own destiny and the wish of asserting their individuality .
  • 11. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society The ideal of the Romanian middle –class society was the Perfect Lady. She was supposed to have strong family feelings and desire to motherhood. She was also supposed to be educated and entertain guests. The rich women learnt at private schools or at home with private teachers. She had much fortune but she was not allowed to marry by herself. She has jewelleries and expensive clothes especially created for her by designers from France. The separation of woman away from the rural collectivist protection forecast her emancipation from her husband’s and society’s guardianship, having as result the dissolution of parental traditional authority and political and familial emancipation are specific phenomena of the 19th and 20th century. As a natural consequence of the economic-social and cultural evolution, there were more powerful opinions about women’s situation, which didn’t benefit from proper education, which could not choose a profession, depending on men from the economic point of view, never participating in the political life and were never equal to men from the civilian point of view . The rich woman of the 19 the century
  • 12. The poor woman of the 19th century The poor woman of the 19th century was born in a decent family but she was educated little by her parents and taught little about life. She was not allowed to go to ballroom and to be in love with an officer. After the wedding, the poor woman could not disobey her husband’s decisions or oppose him and she could not divorce. After her husband’s death, she could not remarry or she could become a monk. Being considered superior to women, the man was the leader, in all the communities, hence in the family, too, a role sustained and amplified by a whole series of customs. The traditional image of the woman is that of a stability factor in the family. Foreign travellers wrote that the married Romanian woman in the traditional society of the 18th century seemed to agree with her downgraded position, being passive and resigned. There was a ritual, a natural gesture that underlined the woman’s humiliating status in the domestic life. For example, all the women observe the custom of not crossing in front of a man, even if he were a gun’s rebound or even if he were a beggar. She has to stop until he passes, the reason being that the woman has to respect, honour, and give attention to the man . Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 13. THE TRADITIONAL IMAGE OF FAMILY Marriages in the traditional Romanian village involved partners from the village or from the neighbourhood places, within the same geographical area. By examining historical documents (dowry papers, wills), we can state that Romanian women never enjoyed the situation of western women because of their rights of inheritance and property . The traditional Romanian family characterized itself, among others, through a strong individualism and through a series of rules of behaviour inherited from father to son, which were adapted in time, but that never denied customs. Some of the observed norms of the traditional Romanian family were honesty, rightness, hardworking, responsibility towards family’s prestige, a strong family conscience and spiritual cohesion, fulfilment of the moral order of descent, observance of a hierarchy of age, sex, naturalised through tradition (for example, the man was the head of the family and he led it, often authoritatively; parents had the right of showing children how to behave), displaying daily solidarity at the family level (they worked together, ate together, there were daily common meals, but also common meals with ritual and celebrating values), and the reunion of the large family happened only on special occasions related to the circle of life, at festivals, husking bees, etc.
  • 14. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society The difference between sexes was something to be aware of from childhood. Starting from the age of 7 there had to be separate groups (boys and girls). Avoidance of masturbation was one of the main duties of parents. In pre-adolescence or adolescence there were founded groups of two persons – “sisters on crosses” “or “brothers on crosses” – which maintained all their lives long and meant mutual help. Girls were closely “not to be disgraced”. Starting from the age when they could do something about the house, children received chores. Consequently, girls had to learn from their mother how to weave, to sew, to spin, to wash the laundry in the river, to look after younger brothers, to do the house, to cook, to know the medicinal herbs, to know celebrations and to observe the norms related to them .
  • 15. Boys were more under theirs fathers’ influence who taught them how to work the land and raise cattle; they were warned against dangers; they were transmitted interdictions and were tested their courage, wisdom etc. Both girls and boys assimilated local oral culture in the practice of social life, followed patterns of behaviour, and collective habits that represented guidelines for their own lives. In order to discipline their children, parents would teach them fear of the evil, scold and even beat them . Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 16. ART IN ROMANIA IN THE 19TH CENTURY Theodor Aman Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 17. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society NICOLAE GRIGORESCU
  • 18. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society STEFAN LUCHIAN
  • 19. THEODORE PALLADY Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 20. NICOLAE TONITZA Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 21. ION ANDREESCU Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 22. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society TRADITIONS IN THE ROMANIAN COUNTRYSIDE OF THE 19TH CENTURY Weaving a traditional craft Fabrics, produced within their own household, have an important role in traditional housing and are the most important decorative elements. They are placed on the ceiling, wall, and the beams are of different style for each ethnographic area separately. The fabrics are made from materials available in the household, from animal skin (sheep wool, goat hair, silk) or vegetable (hemp, cotton, linen). Many fabrics are manufactured both from animal fibers and vegetable. At the core materials for manufacturing silk, beads, sequins were added for decoration. The fabrics are made only by women. They dealt with the weaving loom , painting the wires, cutting the material and then decorating them.The most frequently used colour was red, which appears in a multitude of shades , followed by blue and black.
  • 23. Fabrics are used for household use, usually placed on a bed or chest of drawers (carpet, rug, pillow) or for decorative purposes (carpets, rugs, tablecloths, towels, curtains, pillow, etc.). Some materials are used only occasionally related to various ceremonies (birth, wedding, funeral). The house was dressed with wall fabrics which were placed on the wall where there is the bed. Later in the late nineteenth century the design inside was attached to one another, while they stopped being put on the wall, but directly on the floor, thereby turned into carpets. The wall fabrics design was done by parallel stripes perpendicular on the length of the piece. The flowers are later replaced with human representations. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 24. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society Inside the house of the Towards the end of the 19th peasant century there appears the “nice house “, which was a true traditional house exhibition by exhibiting a great wealth of fabrics and embroidery (seats, carpets, lay carpets, towels, tablecloths, pillow cases). Some preserved these traditional fabrics and dowry chest. Every peasant had to know how to spin and weave before having a family. And she does not learn from books but from women in the village. One may say that the woman Chest of makes the needle brush the drawers in 1831 country, the thread in the seams of watercolor to achieve high artistic value.
  • 25. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society Each ethnographic region has a specific brand of dress as recognition of community members, means of assessing the age and social status.
  • 26. The composition of women's folk costume area of Wallachia - Buzau The spangled embroidered peasant Thin raw silk head kerchief women’s blouse was found on Traian's Column. The broad peasant’s waist belt was in the same color and patterns as the two-gore homespun skirt The two-gore homespun skirt was ornamented only at the bottom, following the same pattern at the shirt. The two-gore homespun skirt is made of wool with black background. It is wrapped tightly around the body and fasten with sticks. Peasant’s shoe are made from pork or beef and shoe wraps over and over knitted woolen socks. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 27. The shirt is longer, caught the right- shoulder sleeve, the bottom is wider at the hips. Ornamentation is less rich than female shirt . The same pattern Hat , worn especially in cold occurs at the bottom of the skirt weather, is made of lamb skins The broad peasant’s waist belt. The peasant’s long sheepskin Trousers - are trousers which are coat worn in winter was worn by located in ancient Dacian times. both men and women. It worked They are made from a special on a very thin skin of lamb). white cloth, made in house. The peasant’s shoes are made from pork or beef The composition of women's folk costume area of Wallachia - Buzau Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 28. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 29. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society  Lower Austria, district of Baden  Krupp Town‟  15, 57 km2  8728 inhabitants  Four parts: Berndorf-Stadt, St. Veit, Ödlitz, Veitsau/ Steinhof  First mentioned in 1133  Main source of employment in the 18th century: metal industry  Development of Berndorf is related to Krupp family history  1923: four parts of Berndorf were united  Under attack in World War II  Was established 1843 by Alexander von Schöller and Alfred Krupp  Invention of the „Stahlguss- Löffelwalze“  1877: Train-Station  — Used their benefit to built social services  1890 the bear got logo of the cutlery
  • 30. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 31. Their name is a legend and their steel is the hardest in the world : the Krupps has been Germany's mightiest and the most successful industrial company dynasty for more than a 100 years. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 32. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society  1811 Friedrich Krupp founded the cast steel factory in Essen in Germany  1816 produced smelted steel  1826 Alfred adopted the management  1887 Friedrich Alfred adopted the management  1890 Fritz, developed nickel steel  1906 Bertha married the diplomatic agent Gustav von Bohlen und Halbach  Gustav led the company during the First World War  established a dental hospital to provide steel teeth and jaws for wounded veterans  From 1933 on a big boom - armaments policy in the Third Reich  1938 „Leaders of the war economy“  Alfried also joined the NSDAP  1940 – 1945 23.076 prisoners of war and 4978 people who were in the concentration camps worked there
  • 33. Krupp Company is the most important German —contractor of armament  1948 Alfried was sentenced to 12 years of prison at the Nuremberg Trials  Arndt disclaimed the heritage ->Alfried Krupp was the last „Krupp“  1967 separated company and private property and —arranged a foundation Corporation  1814 Hermann Krupp founded the Austrian-dynasty of Krupp  1834 Arthur and his friend Alexander van Schoeller took over the Berndorf metalware-company  Arthur liked the city of Berndorf a lot and erected a lot of buildings -> “Stilklassen”  1879 1000 employees Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 34. illegitimacy, agricultural society in change, the railway in Ebenfurth, ... Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 35. The emergence of Bromberg Bromberg was under “ Karl dem Großen“ Agriculture :  Farmers only drove to bigger cities in spring and autumn  Wheat , rye, barley, oats, poppy, flax, potatoes,…  Were producing a lot of “ alcoholic apple juice”  Went to the forest to chop wood/rake strewing in autumn  Windmill Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 36. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society  From now on the technique on the farmhouses was unstoppable  Food manly consisted out of potato dishes, milk, bread and tomato soup  Didn„t have a fridge -> put their meat in pig fat New invention the whim ( the horse mill)
  • 37. ood: chil dh out yw orker com e than Factor nt more in  mea work age 9 ed at engag  prot d to be o allowe rce of fam type of  tant sou ily a th impor ppea e midd ng = Bied beggi for chil dren erm l eier red in t e-class e  incom i ty of „ he quant ry the  Was rs„ n „t a 1 9th centu ki ds-begga ho m onal ‚ ig ofessi t ki nd of h   ogen pr The eous t tha soci grou wasn„ e al st or r uc t p anym  grac ures ious chan reig ged n„ &  The ‚gra nur s ciou betw es o s lad een ften y kids sto & pa r e nt o d s Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 38. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society How the agricultural society changed in the course of time:  In the 19th century the agricultural society changed dramatically.  Mainly in the domain of agriculture there were important and drastic transformations and shifting.  There were effects on the structure of business.  Dramatic change of the agricultural society  Important and drastic transformations and shiftings  Other sectors of working  Process of shifting from the agriculture to the industry  People were forced to oscillate
  • 39. Important facts : life on the fa Courtyard: tria rm: ngular shape Reasons:  danger of fleeti ng of the anim  afraid of vagab als onds and begg ars Some facts ab out the farmha sleeping room nds at that tim  s were very s e: heating mall, no oppo rtunities for  sleep in the sta ble where it w as quite warm “Museum on th e farm”:  you can see ho w people lived  collected thing 200 years ago s of the time o from the “Buck f the monarch ligen Welt” y and only  Founder: Adolf ine Beisteiner  media showed interest  Adolfine Beis teiner: “ m conerstone” useum is a cultural  Important: no t to forget the past Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 40. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society Steam power plant:  1880 the first electrical railway was shown to publicity and the triumph of the electric current also was not to stop anymore  most steam power plants were operated with the Polish coal  1915 first rail way through Ebenfurth was formed  power station had its beginning when the first two Steam turbine generators were started  because of incredible issues in the first world war, the comrades learned to stick together  power station reached its ultimate effectiveness in 1926; à Ebenfurth produced a quarter of the entire current power for Vienna and surrounding
  • 41. Rail st ation: 1883 rai marke l station in d Eb railwa out for com enfurth was y has m una  four tr originally g l station ac ot :  two ca ks with sev rr en fluc  one en iage hubs tuatio ns trainm  one lo ent bu ading ilding  o ne w ramp oo  one co dshed al  one ho shed u  rail sta se fountain ti the co on was enla nn rg Ebenfu ection from ed because rth- W t of ittman he railway nsdorf  longest track system nowadays à 820 meters  longest track system in the 19th century à 300 meters  no good protection à only one machine  nobody thought about a configuration of the track system or security device, because nobody wanted to invest into such purposes  in winter 1901 à massive railway accident happened, when a too long freighttrain had to be divided  first passenger train from Vienna should wait at the „Stop“ – pointing distant signal Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 42. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society Children o f evil? – C Children s hildren of econd clas love? –  mothers w s? h o accepted in ha d illegiti ma te birt so hs really w  18th so ca l ciety er e not led “ found  these “ hom ling homes es” were m ”w child mort a de for con er e established alit tain  women we y a nd the phenomeno ing the generally re allowed n of child births to go there m a nd do a no ur der articl nymous e about the ...“mother live of an A was not ab ustrian ma has to wor k and to ed le to cope with the si n: assume res uc tuation tha ponsibility ate a little child. He t she writes abo for him an had to lear ut p d his little n established hysical and psychic brother too to d al crueltie . He very young isciplinary measures s which we re and most o . Children f them wer had to wor e underfed k ”.
  • 43. Christian Doppler  lived 1803-1853  he was an important Austrian physicist and mathematician  published over 50 articles on mathematics, physics and astronomy  famous for “Doppler effect” change of wavelength caused by motion of the source Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 44. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society  was born on the 29th of November 1803 in Salzburg  1822 studied at the university of Vienna and Salzburg  1829 Doppler was an assistant to a professor of higher mathematics and mechanics  1835 worked as a math professor  1840 became an associate member of the Royal Bohemian Society of Sciences  1842 publishing of his most notable work  •1847 left Prague for the professorship of mathematics, physics and mechanics in Slovakia  •1848 got the honorary doctorate from the University of Prague and became a member of the imperial academy of sciences  1850 became the first headmaster of the new Physical Institute in Vienna  died on the 17th of March 1853 in Venice
  • 45. Namings  Christian-Doppler laboratories  Doppler Gymnasium  Christian-Doppler- clinic special posting stamp, published 150 years after discovery of the principle Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 46.
  • 47. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society There were many differences among different parts of the country. Land owners took advantage of workers. Food conservation systems at homes weren't good. Salaries were low and supplies poor. People cooked with coal and firewood. There was a scarcity of meat and fish, and people ate mostly plants. Although Spain was a neutral country, we were in danger. The prices of food and coal got much higher (Subsistence law). Problems continued (inflation). Wheat price got higher and higher. Speculation was suffered by lower class people. It took 20 years to recover from the Civil War (postwar). There wasn't anything to eat because fields were devastated during the war. Many people died of hunger.
  • 48. It kept control of the countryside so their diet and supplies were much better. It was the main factor to win the war. Left-winged parties supported the Republican Army. Transport problems affected food supply too. Since the beginning of the war, there were problems with supplies. People were able to get essential food only under medical prescription. Rationing food was made this way: Once a week: oil carbon, ham, cheese, 3 times a week: fish, rice, sugar and eggs, every day: milk, meat, vegetables, fruit... Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 49. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society The lack of food and essential things caused a new way of smuggling, It was known as “estraperlo”. Thousands of people lived under the poverty line. Many people died, including children. During the 60s nourishment in Spain was not as complete as it was, in terms of calories, in other countries. The quality of meat, milk and eggs was not very good. During the end of the 60s and the beginning of the 70s more than 3.000.000 people emigrated from the countryside to the cities and to foreign countries such as France or Germany.
  • 50. Nowadays social welfare s o c ie ty ha s br o ug ht important changes in nutrition habits. In the last 15 years, the number of people with overweight problems has increased. In children, the rate is higher than the average in Europe. This is mostly because of the success of “Fast Food” restaurants. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 51. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 52. FROM 1812 CONSTITUTION TO THE CIVIL WAR 1936 From 1850 to 1900 the number of schools rose from 17,170 to 29,776 schools. Rates of illiteracy in population were decreasing: 63.8% in 1900 59.4% in 1910. It went down to 40% along the early 1900s . On the 19th of March 1812, th e firs t Cons ti tu ti on w as proclaimed and with it the right of an universal, public education for everyone. There was one school for every 500 inhabitants. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 53. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society In 1830 : full citizens should learn how to read and write : Article 25 from the Constitution says that since 1830, people who want to become full citizens should know how to read and write. In 1857 : compulsory education up to 9 years : Moyano Law of 1857 made education compulsory from 6 to 9 years .There were not sufficiently trained and paid teachers ( they didn't enjoy an acceptable social image). In 1900 : schools for boys up to 16 years : Children attended lessons at school five hours a day 175 days a year. Students were boys from 4 to 16 years. This progressive development did not follow the rapid pace of the other nations of Western Europe.
  • 54. Spain became a Republic in1931, and this intensified the interest in education:  Teachers´ qualification improved.  The curriculum for secondary education was created.  The number of colleges, schools and institutions increased and it replaced the teaching of religious orders.  Autonomy to the colleges at University was granted.  Studies and scientific research intensified. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 55. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society “This is the classroom. In a picture Cain runs away as Abel lies dead, next to a blood puddle. The teacher talks in a loud voice . He is a skinny old man slovenly dressed, a book in his hand. All the children sing the lesson along, repeating after him: thousand times a hundred, a hundred and thousand; thousand times a thousand, a million. A grey cold winter afternoon. Pupils study. A rainy monotony resounds on the window panes.”
  • 56. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 57. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society Two– student desks with an ink case stoves Abacus School notebooks Cupboard and wooden bookcases
  • 58. School emblems for boys and girls Measurement units : cabas Holy childhood : money boxes Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 59. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society In the 60s there were girls' schools. There were only female teachers. Girls wore a white uniform and a cross was hung on the wall of the classroom.
  • 60. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society In 1861 it was declared a compulsory subject in schools and Teachers' Colleges, although it was not fulfilled by then.  In Spain, Francisco Amorós introduced Swedish gymnastics, greatly influenced by P.H. Ling. Thanks to him the concept evolved into training, hygienic, corrective and therapeutic gymnastics. There were mainly analytical exercises and there was excessive static and order . 1. Slow movements gymnastics 2. Arms and legs movement 3. Exercising movements with the whole body 4. Students follow the instructor’s orders
  • 61. The gym should develop harmoniously the body, exercising all its parts. Both boys and girls practiced it. The need for a physical education for all, whether weak or strong as a school subject was established. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 62. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society  This task has been undertaken by special education needs students at our school.  At first, we made a revision of the old pictures we had collected. We discussed about them and the places of our neighbourhood that were depicted.  Then we identified these places and later we went out and took current pictures of them.  After that, we assorted them in this power point presentation.  Finally, we saw a documentary on the history and evolution of our neighbourhood, EL CAMPO DE LA VERDAD, located in the south- east of our city, just across the river Guadalquivir Roman Bridge.
  • 63. In the 40s, immediately after the war, thousands of people left the countryside and went away to the cities, looking for better living conditions .Many of them had to live in slums at the outskirts of the cities. In Cordoba, CAMPO DE LA VERDAD and ZUMBACÓN became slums, neighbourhoods for the poor in which life was hard. Fray Albino, the Catholic Church Bishop of the time and the political authorities outlined a new neighbourhood, in which small one-storey houses were built for the poor. It started off in the 40s and by the end of the 50s the brand new quarter had become a reality. These were the first houses at the time they were being built. People were expelled from slums as some of the houses were being rebuilt. There were frequent floods because the river Guadalquivir is very close to the neighbourhood. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 64. DURING THE 18th CENTURY AND THE FIRST HALF OF THE 19th  The birth and death rates are very similar and the growth of population was slow if we compare it with other European cities. Many deaths were due to diseases such as the flu and wars (Independence or Carlist wars ).  There was a scarcity of doctors. In Cordoba there were two hospitals although most of people with serious diseases assisted died.  A child was considered a man at 14.  Average life expectancy for men was 45, whereas for women it was 35. Many of them died at childbirth. They had 12 children on average.  •There was not a compulsory education but every people learnt to sign and count from zero to a hundred.  The population of Cordoba lived on vegetables, a bit of meat, bread, and wine and they only ate fish from the river and salted codfish at Easter.  The church was one of the most important authorities and they ordered costumes to the population Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 65. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society Most men were employed in the Primary Sector at the production of handmade soaps, leather, clothes, silver jewellery and in small factories of metal. Children started working at the age of 8. From 1865 to 1931  A period of relative peace allowed Cordoba to grow. It transformed the city and its population.  The arriving of the trains changed the diet and the city began a period of relative growth. Although low classes had the same problems, the city grew and It got better medical assistance and hygienic measures reached the population. The mortality rate went down but the catastrophically diseases continued causing many deaths (Spanish flu on 1918-1919) . The Town Hall ordered in 1892 the compulsory education for children between 6 to 9 years old. Although in the middle of 20th century the literacy rate only reached 20% of the whole population.
  • 66. •Families were supported by the working men.  •The mother worked at home, she raised children, she got the water from village fountains, collected wood or coal for the fireplace, and occasionally they worked in middle or high class houses like cookers or domestic servants.  •If they weren't able to get money enough to feed their children, they went to the charity convents or to the Church.  •The main laws passed were about robberies of food or street violence. • Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 67. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society There were three kind of houses in Cordoba: The High Class livings The medium classes houses The popular livings
  • 68. •Characteristics and members –At homes, three or four generations of the same family co-existed. Sons, parents, grandparents and older generations live together. –Many girls got pregnant when they were 12, and they got married at an even earlier age. -Most of the people lived in tenement houses, in which the quarters ( two or three bedrooms ) gathered around a patio. The neighbours shared facilities such as the kitchen or the toilet. -8 a 12 members of the family slept in the same house and sometimes there was no room for some of them that had to move to nearby relatives' houses. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 69. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society The separation among the women and the men was total. In fact, the women could study a few years more than the men because they were taught by religious orders, while men began to work younger than women. They learnt to cook, read, count, sew, embroider; it was the girls became ready for the weddings, although in middle and high classes they could learn to play an instrument and even art or poetry. The typical Cordobese woman from the beginning of the 20th century was painted by Julio Romero de Torres. Agriculture was one of the most important jobs in Cordoba at the beginning of the 20th century and peasants worked using traditional ploughs pulled by horses to plough the fields. Most of the tenement houses were trimmed with flowers blossoming in the month of May, when Cordoba celebrates its most important festivity. The presence of the water wells improved the health of the population of Cordoba. The holidays were very important and they established the rhythm of the life of the city.
  • 70. • The Cattle holidays or nowadays “La feria” was a important time and along these dates the population of low class could enjoy. The last spring and the summer in Cordoba is very hot (temperatures >40º C in July and august) and it's a tradition feed with cold soups or creams as the Gazpacho or Salmorejo which used the hard bread of last days with tomatoes and oil. After the lunch, and Knowing the trouble with the Sun, all the streets of Cordoba were emptying by the “siesta” In autumn and winter the food costumes were more. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 71. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 72. •The population of Cordoba suffered a hard conditions of living along two centuries and improvement was slow. The conditions of the low class were worse than middle and high classes. •There were not a economic evolution indeed the population who came from the fields had the same conditions or worse when they arrived and lived in towns. •The Secondary education or University was only reserved to the medium and high class, and the illiteracy was along this time almost 90 %. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 73. Nowadays there are many customs and superstitions in the south of Spain associated with weddings that have no relation with those held fifty years ago. A wedding was a social event for the whole village or the neighbourhood, since most people were invited. Nowadays things have changed quite a lot, the couple just invite their family and friends in salons, not in houses. Nowadays things have changed quite a lot, the couple just invite If we refer to the wedding itself, it has changed as well. Weddings used to be celebrated in the bride and bridegroom´s parents´ homes., whereas now, it is in salons. The proposal, called "El Sí" fifty years ago, took place between mother and mother in law; men did not have a say in the matter. It was a great party for all the family, even women wore "mantillas" for this ocassion. There was a saying for the proposal: The groom´s mother asked "Aquí vengo a pedir la mano de tu hija para mi hijo (groom´s name)" The bride´s mother answered: “Si ellos son conformes, concedida la tienes" Then, the groom gave a present to the bride. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 74. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society  Some of the "superstitions" that are current today in Spain are those related to the bride wearing something old, something blue and something borrowed, or not being seen by the groom in her wedding dress before the ceremony, and as I said before they were not held fifty years ago, when the influence of the mass media did not exist.  The changes in the present wedding customs may be due to the influence of the English speaking countries introduced in ours, possibly as a result of the growing expansion of the massive media, above all the television and the cinema, for example the Hollywood films
  • 75. Most couples got married in their twenties, after a few years of dating.  Most of them were neighbours or lived in the same village. Weddings even took place among relatives.  There were some couples who got married by proxy, since the bridegroom was living abroad. This was normal taking into account that there were many people who, after the war, emigrated to foreign countries, like France, Germany, etc.  The couple used to go to the church walking or in taxi, since at that time just few people owned a car.  Most brides were dressed entirely in white which meant that they were virgins, however, when a woman was pregnant or in mourning, she dressed in black. Depending on the family the bridegroom‟s father paid for the bride‟s dress. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 76. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society  In the celebration there were around fifty or sixty guests maximum because most of the time the party was held at a relative‟s house, except if the couple belonged to a high class and lived in a town that it was celebrated in a hotel.  We cannot forget that there were no hotels in villages to celebrate weddings, so everybody celebrated their wedding in houses.  As the celebrations were in houses and there wasn‟t much money, the family invited the guests to cakes and drinks.  In the case that the family was wealthy and belonged to a higher class, things were bit different because the food was abundant and varied.  If the family was very wealthy, at that time, the groom contributed to the marriage with the guest room and the dining room and the bride contributed with the rest of the furniture apart from bringing her trousseau. Most women used to make their own one.
  • 77. As most coup les didn't hav they usually e much mon didn‟t go on ey to travel, them were a a honeymoon ble to travel. . Just a few o After one or f two years of first child. In marriage the Spain in the y had their houses and c 60‟s there w ouples didn‟t as no TV in th use birth con e trol methods . Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 78. After an intense web search, we have found ghout scarce examples o f women artists throu that the centuries. The m ain reason for this is h at of literature, in whic arts was a field, like th n. women's' w orks were not focused o ged Most of these wom en artists were encoura of to follow this path b y their parents, most f well- known artists in them are daughters o their times. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 79. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society Femme cousant the ugh ter of as the da o ine t A n t rn Virgen de la leche She w h it ec d ar c as bo o r a n ille She w urcia, scul pt M a rs e y in M isca ta Daughte Duparc s parents' s as Franc r of re hi wn sculptor no w ne d during is kno Pedro R she th his married oldan. S he where nce wi the scu Fra Antonio . lptor Lu is Dupar. me back to he develope d She ca where ce of She wo rked as in 1745, r the influen an sculptor camera family iqu e unde n-Baptiste v for the hn of Ch a monarch his tec n Jea rles II s re nchma and Althoug h he and Ph ilip the F E ur o p e o un d fame die d in pov had gr eat L oo. trave lled ar in Lond o n. erty. She ttled ally she se eventu
  • 80. She was including requeste d to per those o form por f the r t which be came ve oyal fam raits, She died ry famou ily, for in Óbido s. s in 1684 , at age 54. Cordeiro Pascal minent She is the most pro lf of XVII painter of the second ha Naturaleza muerta Portuguese. entered the At s ixteen, she de Coimbra. convent of Santa Ana nt, for In 1653 he left the conve g to her unknown rea sons, returnin parents. in the Some of her works are baç a or monaste ry of Alco Lisbon. Jeronim os Monastery in Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 81. Eva Gon zalès is She wa an impr and die s born essionis d in the in Paris t painte same ci on Apri r. In Feb t y on M l 19, 1 ruary ay 5, 18 849 Museum 2008, 83. opened Frankfu of Ev a an exhi rt's Sc G o n z al bition w hirn Impress es ith the ionist p an d work women ainters, th r e e , Mar B o t h er America ie Bra erthe Morisot n Mary cquemo French Cassatt nd an . d the Portrait ely in ticipated activ id and par In Madr ciety. at the a nA rtists So ceramics the Iberi ht drawi ng and She taug valo. eometry of Avila Are cs and g Institute themati She stu died ma rk. adrid to their wo 5, she died in M to apply a ry 6, 199 On Febru of 93. at the age Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 82. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society Encourag the path e d by h is decid of art i edly un where he n 1903 dertakes began de moving Embark veloping to Madr on the his true id already journey vocation possessi to Paris . ready to ng a s in 1909, face all t kill and and revo hat the techniqu lutionary city mea e, . nt then n ew omplex. La creacion de los pajaros ast and c work is v tinctive The painter's work h as a dis s Varo's style. There Rem edio ble ly reco gniza h uma n figures and easi tylized appear s frequently ymbolic tasks. on g gs by a str performin nctuated ing is pu His paint agery sc ientific im interest in Maternidad
  • 83. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 84. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 85. HISTORICAL EVENTS (19th) The 18th is the century of ROMANTICISM, an important movement started in Germany and soon spread in all Europe. All those thinkers reacted to Enlightment and revaluated human feelings, art as extraordinary creation, religion, nation, love and freedom. Nationality was the new concept in political ambit, made own by all social classes in the name of different values. The word Romanticism was associated to “ liberal “ that, ideologically, was in contrast at a return of the old monarchy forced by the Convention of Vienne and the oppressive policy of Metternich. There were a lot of people coming from middle class, from culture and army who met in secret sect as the Carboneria and Massoneria . The protagonists of the Carbonari Movement 1820-21 in Basilicata, as patriots guided the countrymen with the young middle class to claim freedom and new agricultural laws . But those movements were bloody repressed by Austrians and Borbons . In the town of Potenza there were important men like Nicola Sole and the priest Emilio Maffei who lead the movement against Borbons .Nowadays, squares and streets have their name. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 86. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society ECONOMY Basilicata , disadvantaged as regard its conformation and margined for long time , it was one among the poorest district of the Country . The economy of Basilicata was based on agriculture but not on valuable product because of the irregular rains and conformation .
  • 87. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society
  • 88. Europe –transition from traditional to modern society The Comenius team of the project “ Europe – transition from traditional to modern society” would like to thank all the teachers and students in the coordinating and partners‟ schools who have contributed their skills to producing this book. We would also like to thank the teachers and students whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. But above all, thanks are due in particular to the following teachers and students for their work, support and patience :
  • 89. The place of women and men in the 19th century society 1. Teacher : Ene Liliana 2. Students : Costea Roberta, Toma Bogdan,Tomica Alexandra, Dumitru Florin, Oprea Catalin, Gavaneanu Catalin, Burlacu Bianca The lifestyle of the low and high classes in the traditional society 1. Teacher: Gavre (Ivan) Iuliana 2. Students : Manciu Oana , Maracineanu Elena, Ciobotaru Adriana, Vlad Mihai, Dima Laurentiu, Raducanu Gabriela, Tancau Monica, Iordache Cristina, Anica Andreea, Dragomir Costin, Rosu Laurentiu, Dima Stefania, Constantinescu Ana-Maria ,Serbu Catalin Art in the traditional society 1. Teacher : Matei Roxana 2. Students : Popescu Teodor, Ciochina Mihai, Dinu Cosmin, Branzea Steluta, Nartea Ana-Maria, Nastase Georgiana, Cristea Alina, Hirsu Daniel, Ene Laurentiu, Dumitru Silviu, Niculescu Bogdan , Marina Georgian, Eftimie Andrei, Burducea Cristina, Stoicescu Andreea, Vizitiu Alexandra, Draghici Alexandra, Fratila Madalina, Grajdieru Ionut, Pislaru Silviu, Puiu Mihai, Stilpeanu Radu, Mititelu Cornel Historical and economical background 1. Teachers : Gavre Iuliana si Aristotel Doinita 2. Students : Bratosin Bianca, Circiumaru Flavia, Persoiu Madalina, Mihalcea Cristiana, Balaban Andra, Bragagiu Alexandra, Bujor Cornelia, Grigore Diana, Pruna Marina, Guthy Daniel, Gavriloiu Catalin
  • 90. Social and family relation in the traditional society 1. Teachers : Gürdal ÖZÇAKIR, Süheyda ALĠġAN, Kenan GENÇ, Birsel KAPAN, Hatice YILMAZ 2. Students : Tuba TUZCUOĞLU, Elif SARAÇ, Berkem KOġMA, Elif Seda AKDEMĠR, Zeynep AZMAN, Zehra AYDIN , Samet Berk, ABANOZ, Kardelen Deniz KARS, Muhammet YILMAZ, Sinem TÜLEK , Burçak BOZKURT , Ahmet F.MAZLUM, Aylin SAĞLAM, Batuhan ERKAN , Gülnur AKGÜN , Tuğba ÇEVĠK ,Damla YĠĞĠT , Betül KURT The lifestyle of the low and high classes in the traditional and modern society 1. Teachers : Gürdal ÖZÇAKIR, Süheyda ALĠġAN ,Kenan GENÇ, Birsel KAPAN, Hatice YILMAZ 2. Students : Merve ĠNCE,Sinem TÜLEK, Zülal ERBĠL,Ece ALPAGO , Özge ALAOĞLU, Bulçe CEBECĠ, Gizem ALTINDAġ, Gizem KOCAMAN, Aylin ÇEVĠK, GüneĢ YELETAYġĠ, Osman ARSLAN, Dilek BADEM Art in the traditional and the modern society 1. Teachers : Gürdal ÖZÇAKIR, Süheyda ALĠġAN ,Kenan GENÇ, Birsel KAPAN, Hatice YILMAZ 2. Students : Ġkbal ÜNLÜ, Yasemin ÇETĠNKAYA, Gizem BĠLĠR, Özlem UYSAL, Hande BODUR, Sinem TÜLEK, Deniz DAĞISTANLI, Damla AYDEMĠR, Zehra AYDIN Historical and economical background 1. Teachers : Elif SARAÇ, Özlem UYSAL, Zeynep AZMAN, Oya GÖKALP 2. Students : Sinem TÜLEK, Ġkbal ÜNLÜ, Berkem KOġMA, Tuba TUZCUOĞLU, Hande BODUR
  • 91. Teachers : Carmen Aguilar, Jose Luis Montero, Trinidad Jerez Students : Juan Carlos Gonzales, Alexandra Gonzales, Juan Rafael Alcantara, Nazaret Romero , Angeles Alcudia