Oroantral Communication and Fistula

il y a 9 ans 100475 Vues

Minimal Intervention In Operative Dentistry

il y a 9 ans 14116 Vues

Suturing; principles, armamentarium and techniques

il y a 12 ans 65864 Vues

Wounds, Wound Healing And Complications

il y a 12 ans 69848 Vues

Case history

il y a 12 ans 74489 Vues

Preoperative Surgical Preparation

il y a 12 ans 85535 Vues

Introduction to clinical experience course 01

il y a 12 ans 3173 Vues

UQUDENT Arabic Annual Report 2012

il y a 12 ans 1361 Vues

Complications of local anesthesia

il y a 12 ans 53402 Vues

Mandibular anesthetic techniques

il y a 12 ans 230840 Vues

Anesthetic techniques - Maxillary anesthetic techniques

il y a 12 ans 235031 Vues

Armamentarium and preparation for basic injection

il y a 12 ans 8022 Vues

Introduction to pain control in dentistry

il y a 12 ans 11690 Vues

EBD Course: Lecture 4 Secondary Sources

il y a 12 ans 3877 Vues

EBD Course - Lecture 3 Finding the Answer for

il y a 12 ans 1811 Vues

EBD Course: Lecture 2 - Asking Answerable Questions

il y a 12 ans 2242 Vues

Evidence-Based Dentistry Course: Orientation Lecture

il y a 12 ans 3683 Vues