3 issues that made 30 test workers take 40 minutes

il y a 1 an 20 Vues

Czego nie robić przy pisaniu testów

il y a 1 an 9 Vues

Introduction to Domain-Driven Design in Ruby on Rails

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Active Record .includes - do you use it consciously?

il y a 1 an 3 Vues

Introduction to Event Storming

il y a 1 an 19 Vues

Jak programowanie może pomóc na co dzień?

il y a 1 an 10 Vues

SVG Overview - How To Draw, Use and Animate

il y a 3 ans 69 Vues

What is NOT machine learning - Burak Aybar

il y a 3 ans 121 Vues

Do you really need to reload?

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How to check valid email? Find using regex(p?)

il y a 4 ans 85 Vues

Fantastic stresses and where to find them

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Fuzzy search in Ruby

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Rfc process in visuality

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GraphQL in Ruby on Rails - basics

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Consumer Driven Contracts

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How do we use CircleCi in Laterallink?

il y a 5 ans 89 Vues

React Native - Short introduction

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Risk in project management

il y a 5 ans 156 Vues