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         “JESUS CHRIST”



Is life on this earth a purposeless accident? Is life a result of
a cosmic chance as claimed by so-called scientists?
Whether all wonders, beauty, and order in the universe, is
merely: an accident? Where do we come from? Where do we
go? What is the purpose of this life? What is the answer for
all these Questions? The answer is creation has a creator,
as design in the universe implies a designer. Atheists,
skeptics, & Gnostics who always talk what they do not know,
engage in idle babble, collect information falsely & call their
knowledge as rational knowledge. They are proud knowing
nothing, but are obsessed with disputes & arguments over
words. They deceive their own hearts by a strong delusion &
believe false as truth & truth as false.


The psalm 19:1 of the BIBLE states that “HEAVENS
SHOWS HIS HANDY WORK”. In Genesis 1:1-25, we read that
how God created everything in the heavens and on earth. In
genesis 1:26-27, we read that, “THEN GOD SAID, LET US

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
These are the very first words of the BIBLE, which tells us of
the beginning of the heavens and the earth. God who created
them in the beginning means that he existed before the
beginning and that the world, the heavens, the earth and
everything in them were created by him. The mysteries,
miracles, wonders, and secrets of the universe wrested in
the bosom of God alone and he through the BIBLE gave all

the answers to his men doubts and questions arising out, in
every field of human enquiry.

Some believe that the universe is a result of some
inexplicable and unknown chance of combination of
interacting forces. They honestly believe that billions of
years ago there was a great explosion called big bang in the
space that resulted in the formation of our universe. By
finding the Age of Aquarius, astronomers say that the
universe is 6 billions years old. Now where that clock or what
is is that clock or what was that time machine: from which
they measured that time?

How absurd it is to believe some thing like that! We have
heard of many explosions, and might have witnessed some.
What do they produce? Do they produce beauty, design,
order, or creation? They do not create or build anything, but
they destroy everything. How can one get a printed
newspaper, high lighting that day’s events, resulting out of a
bomb explosion in the newspaper press? Are we to believe
that an explosion organized letters, columns, spaces, and
that set the power on to print the news paper high lighting
that days events, like politics, sports, pictures and etc? Are
we to believe in these scientists who take advantage, that
universe cannot talk and it has no date stamp? Can
scientists say any thing they like?

If the big bang theory of Hoyle, 1949 is true, why the moons
of Neptune and Uranus roil retrograde? Why the cosmic dust
on our moon’s surface is only a half an inch? Scientists had
calculated that our moon would receive an inch of cosmic
dust every 10,000 years. But when men landed on moon their
boot did not go half an inch inside even. C14, Carbon dating
test can date substances only up to 2000 years.

Now the scientists claim that they can date substances up to
7,14,000 years by using Al 26 dating test. If as per scientists
earth is billions of years old, why is Globe warming? Why so
many rivers are drying? Why ice in North Pole is melting
away and grass is growing? Why ice and snow have reduced
on mountain tops, which is the source and origin of many
rivers in this world? As per BIBLE our universe was created
in 6 days, 6000 years ago. BIBLE speaks of creation of our

earth (Gen 1:1), and destruction of our earth too (Isa 34:4,
2Ptr 3:10).

The universe has purpose and design. There is beauty and
order in it. How can life evolve from non-life?         Can
something come out of nothing? How wonderful it is to know
and to believe that in the beginning there was God, who had
always existed and that the eternal God, the creator of
heaven and earth and whatsoever, that are in them.

The earth spins itself to give day and night, tilted itself, so
that we get seasons. As per bible, the biosphere owes its
existence to God’s act of creation. The biosphere is defined
as part of envelope surrounding the earth in which the life
thrives and survives. Man like all other living creature, is a
product of that, biosphere, which God created on the very
first day.

There are naturalists and evolutionists, who believe in what
is called “a continuous creation”. Of course, by this they do
not mean that something was made out of nothing, but
rather, something shapely things, were made out of
shapeless things. But this theory of continuous and
progressive creation presupposes that each state of material
world was preceded by a previous state. There must be a
beginning, but what was that in the beginning? Where did
that come from? How and when did that start evolving? They
say that man evolved from Anthropoid Ape and Anthropoid
Ape from Ape and Ape from buban and Buban from
chimpanzee and chimpanzee from monkey, which had
evolved from another lower state, and that from another
lower state, and that from another and that from another.

But the question is where did that first one come from, which
the process of evolution began? Why Ape is still an Ape?
Why monkey is still a monkey? Why monkey has not
changed into something else? Why Ape or monkey could not
talk or converse, while parrot and mina could talk like man.
And why is man still a man, who was supposedly evolved
from a state of monkey? Why is man not evolving into

If man has evolved from lower species, why man does not
start life like lower species? Birds start to fly the moment it
comes out of egg. Reptiles start hunting its prey the moment
it comes out of egg. Why not man, if he has come from lower
specie? As per scientists, life and mankind has been there
from billions of years, then why there are no traces of
evolution to next higher specie? Scientists now claim that
man has evolved into intelligent specie. If that is true why
scientist’s children are not scientists, musician’s children
are not musicians and genius children are not genius? When
monkey had an evolution to man, donkey too had an
evolution to horse? Sheep to buffalo? Camel to giraffe? Rat
to pig? Lizard to crocodile? Cat to tiger and tiger to lion?
And an ant to elephant? Where is an answer for all these, by
these self-styled so-called evolutionists?

Why man and woman are still male and female? Why man
cannot be a woman and woman a man? Why father has to be
a husband and woman a wife? Why man cannot be a wife
and a woman a husband? Darwin to convince the world and
to become great had put all kinds of misleading questions.
Example: Why giraffe has long neck? Why frog’s back legs
are longer than front legs? Why man lost the tail? Why
mammary glands are there in between legs in a cow or
buffalo, while in man it is between shoulders? Why canines
have long mammary glands stretching from hind legs to fore

Evolution theory is nonsense, however sophisticated it
might appear in dress. The desire of these evolutionists, and
the naturalists, is to explain the world without God and to
use man as mere animal of labor. It is interesting to note
animals have no idea of God at all. Persons who accept
evolution theory have to accept themselves as animals and
have to be atheists like animals. One cannot accept to
Darwin’s conclusion and idea of God both, since they
contradict each other. But most people, who accept Darwin’s
theory of evolution, also accept to idea of God who thinks he
influences daily life. These people neither know message of
Darwin’s theory nor about God. They try to sail in two boats,
with one leg in atheistic Darwin’s theory and other leg in
theistic religion. If they are animals as told by Darwin, and
still go to heaven as told by their religion, what prevents

them to think that hen, sheep, cow and pig also do not go to
heaven, like them? Are they eating them to send them to

Theory of evolution is destructive and it later became the
foundation of Inhuman Communism, Nazism, fascism and
capitalism, to treat divine man as an animal and justify use
him as mere animal. Hitler was the one who greeted Darwin’s
theory of evolution. Quoting Darwin he hailed that the
German Aryans as racially superior and annihilated 6 million
Jews as racially inferior. Today it is proved beyond doubt
that Jews are fore runners in all fields of human enquiry, be
it military or science or technology or medicine. Darwin’s
theory has more questions than answers. Darwin’s theory is
ridiculous and it was accepted during the industrial
revolution. It was during the industrial revolution 90 correct
ideas were accepted by mankind and 10 incorrect second
hand ideas were also accepted liberally, like that of Darwin’s
and Karl Marx’s, since both science and economics had not
developed and matured those days as of today.

Today science has opened up large dimensions of reason
and thus brought us new insights. But in the joy at the extent
of its discoveries, it tends to take away from us dimensions
of reason that we still need. Today scientists denounce
evolution theory and economists reject Marxian theory of
economics. Today communists are becoming capitalists and
finding safe haven in the capitalist countries. Both Darwin
and Marx suffered from a thick anti-Christian darkness. In
communist Russia both Lenin and Stalin treated human
beings as animals. Those who questioned them were sent to
labor camps for annihilation. In the name of communism,
they tore apart millions of well knit united happy families.
Karl Marx claimed that communism was scientific and
monogamy: a result of wrong side development of private

Karl Marx was a Christian convert from Judaism and after he
became a Christian, he criticized only the Christians, Bible
and the Christian Europe. It appears he became a Christian
to attack Christians, a Jewish tactics of infiltration and to
attack from within. He did not criticize moguls of their faith
and their colonialism. India was a mogul colony. He did not

even criticize Mongolian Buddhism of their faith and their
colonialism. China, Japan and the eastern Asian countries
were Buddhist colonies. He only did the Jewish business, of
hating only the Christians, just like Shylock of “merchant of

BIBLE is historical and scientific, greater than any book in
existence. It has been spark, which has promoted numerous
scientific advances. Speaking in the realm of sciences, even
though BIBLE is not a book of science, it does deal with
scientific principles that have been proved correct. True
science and BIBLE agree, and do not conflict. Many of the
scientific truths that have been discovered only in recent
times were written in the BIBLE several thousand years ago.
Many Jewish and Christian scientists attribute their source
of scientific knowledge to the BIBLE. Science and
technology is native and the natural born children of
Christians and Jews alone. BIBLE makes Christian and
Jewish scientists feel, that they are not alone, that is why all
inventions have come from them only.

Spiritually, the BIBLE contains the word of God, the will of
God, and his mind through the scripture to man. BIBLE is the
greatest book ever to be delivered into the human hands. It
is a book of the books, shinning gem of the ages, and
inexhaustible. It has done more to change the course of
human events than any other book ever printed. It is bromide
of life and an x-ray of truth. It gives comfort to the dying and
a compass to the living. Some of the authors were
shepherds, some were kings, some were of great education,
others men of formal education. Yet all wrote in such a
harmony and unity that not a single contradiction has ever
been found in their teachings.

When scientists are asked to explain the destiny of galaxies,
they answer that they will all be slowly be eliminated in
millions of years. When asked about the destiny of man, they
answer that man probably will have to leave this earth and
find another civilization in another planet. When asked
whether life is there on any other planet, they say that they
are to be probed. Believing in these scientists, governments
are spending billions of dollars, tax payers’ money, and

sending manned and unmanned space crafts to nook and
corner of our solar system.

For thousands of years men had believed that the earth was
flat and that the ship went too far off to sea, fall off the edge
and are destroyed. Today we laugh at such a theory. Yet this
belief was widely accepted throughout the world, as late as
the days of Columbus, the year A.D.1492. It was not until
Magellan first sailed around the world on ocean in A.D. 1522
that the earth roundness and that all the oceans are together
was proved. As we go back to the scripture, Moses wrote in
his book of Genesis that, “THEN GOD SAID, LET ALL

Magellan had faith in the BIBLE and took the voyage on sea,
believing that the BIBLE as truth and infallible. Magellan after
the voyage came to the conclusion that earth is round and all
the seas are together, but not the lands or mountains. Moses
never went around the globe on sea. Then who revealed him
to write this astounding fact?

The first ship launched by Americans was in San Francisco
in 1919. The ship was built on the laws of buoyancy. It was
rock stable having perfect meta-center and its dimension
was 300 ft X 50 ft X 30 ft. As we go back to the BIBLE, the
first ship Noah built as per God’s commandment was 300
cubits X 50 cubits X 30 cubits. (Gen 6:13-22). Noah was no
Mariner. Was it God’s purpose that after revealing that all the
seas are together, that man should have a world wide
voyage by the seas?

Along side, as we turn back through the BIBLE, to the
prophets, Isaiah 40:22, we read that, “IT IS HE WHO SITS
ABOVE THE CIRCLE OF EARTH”, meaning earth as round.
Moses lived in 3850 B.C.E. and Isaiah lived in 2350 B.C.E.
Again in (proverbs 8:27), we read that, “WHEN HE
revealed them to write all these truths several centuries ago?

Another example of BIBLE, which deals with is, the universal
law of gravitation: For centuries it was believed that earth
was held in a place by some great support on its outside. As
Magellan sailed around, however he discovered nothing
visible holds it in place. Thousands of years before this fact
was accepted by the scientific world, Job in his book (Job
26:7), declared that “GOD STRECHED OUT THE NORTH
NOTHING”. Job was a shepherd and Who gave him this kind
of astounding astronomical knowledge? His book is full of
astronomy having cosmic values. Till 16th century A.D.,
mankind had believed that Atlas, a Greek god, had carried
the earth on his back.

The coming of Jesus will be in the day–and in the night. In
the passage 2 activities are in the night and 2 in the day.
There is only one coming spoken of. At any given time part
of the earth is covered by darkness and the other part by
light. One half of the world has night, while other has day, at
the same time (Luke17: 34-36). Who reveled this to this
gentile doctor?

Later scientists also discovered that in the northern region
there is a vast empty space, in which even most powerful
telescopes have not been able to locate any celestial bodies.
In every other direction, stars can be found. Prophet Job in
his book wrote about star constellations visible during
different seasons, which is valid even today. Job was a
shepherd and did not go out of his own village. Who
revealed him to write these terrestrial truths? Job was not an
astronomer and there were no telescopes those days.

Noble Laureate, Matthew Fountain Murray, “the path finder of
the sea” and “the founder of science of oceanography”, was
a firm believer of the BIBLE. Before Murray lived there were
no charts of the sea and sailing lanes. One day he was ill,
and he asked his son to read psalms. His attention became
ever increasingly more and more, when his son read the
(psalm 8:8), which read, “THE BIRDS OF THE AIR AND FISH
SEA”. Murray got the clue from the BIBLE and his unfinished
work on oceanography was completed, and they are
followed by sailors for the safety and smooth sailing of

marine’s and sub-marines today. King David wrote psalms
and in BIBLE he is called “Man of God’s own heart”.

The law of universe is that whatever that takes birth grows
and dies and there is no exception to anything in this
universe. Everything in this world has entropy and
everything comes to an end. All life, be it plant or animal
grows and perishes. Even astronomers say that stars which
are born too perish some day by burning up. The dead star
becomes a black hole and swallows up the neighboring
living stars. They also say that our solar system together
with earth also get burnt up some day. BIBLE in (2 peter

The prophesy made by Peter 2000 years ago are coming true
as we are witnessing the disappearance of snow on
mountain tops, rivers drying up one by one, polar animals
migrating or dying and the globe is warming. Who revealed
this knowledge to this poor Galilean fisherman? Was Peter
an astronomer?

There is scientific fore knowledge on eclipse too. Till 18th
century it was thought that shadow planets would swallow
up Sun and Moon causing Eclipses. But GOD had revealed
to Isaiah, the terrestrial truth several centuries ago. He wrote
in his book that, “THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED IN ITS
LIGHT TO SHINE” (Isa13:10) meaning that moon would come
in between the earth and sun, hence no light from the Sun to
the earth, which is called total solar eclipse. How did Isaiah
know about law of celestial mechanics, and who revealed it
to him?

Herbert Spencer once declared that science offers 5 basic
principles for universal stability, as time, space, matter, force
and motion. The first verse of BIBLE reveals these five
principles. Gen 1:1, “IN THE BEGINNING (TIME), GOD

THE FACE OF THE WATERS (MOTION)”. Everything Herbert
Spencer had said had already been revealed several
thousand years ago by Moses in his very first book: Genesis.
Another latest discovery by Albert Einstein in the modern
physics is about the fate of space, time, matter and motion in
4th dimensional space. Here Einstein talks about shrinkage
of time with respect to space. Whatever Albert Einstein said
and stated in his famous theory of relativity can be found in
(2 ptr 3:8), which says, “BUT, BELOVED, DONOT FORGET
DAY”. How did Peter know that the day of the earth and the
day of the universe were different? How did he even know
about the shrinkage of time in space in this universe? Peter
was a Galilean fisherman lived his life in a remote corner of
this world.

To-day, there is no one who does not know about Radio and
T.V: the entertaining gadgets. Both radio and T.V. works on
the principles of electro-magnetism: a transmitter and a
receiver gadget. As we return to the BIBLE in the book of
Job 38:19-35, says that, “WHERE IS THE WAY TO THE
Hertz, Marconi and Baird had laid down the theory and
principles of transmission of electrical waves are already
there in the book of Job. Job was an ordinary wayside
shepherd had no schooling and did not go out of Israel. Who
revealed him to write these principles of electronics?

Atheists in their boastful bravado deny these truths. Apostle
James the brother of the Lord Jesus Christ wrote in his
canonical epistle (Jms 2:19), “AN ATHEIST DENIES, BUT
DEVIL ADMITS”. Atheists complain that they cannot see him,
and can’t prove him in the laboratories, or even see him
through the telescopes. Atheists are weak, but their avarice
is hard to satisfy. They are like moth seeking a wick light of
the evening than broad daylight. They climb a molehill and
claim that they have climbed a mountain hill. We know it is
for a small fame and a cheap popularity. They are
unwontedly educated beyond their brains. Their hearts are
sick souls.

Doctors and nurses are different. Those in that profession
are working with the most astounding organism of the world.
Human body is a complex biological machine with precision.
The complexity of the body and marvelous works that it
accomplishes ought to cause each of them to believe in
divine creation. BIBLE reveals, that “BLOOD IS THE LIFE OF
THE BODY” (Lev 17:11). Truly it is. Why people look for
blood donors when they want to save the patient, because
blood is the seat of body-life. It brings life giving iron and
oxygen and carries away the life destroying waste products.
It is rare to come across doctors and nurses, who are

God’s power and wisdom are displayed in nature. It is
apparent that our universe is not limited to the physical
realm and no doubt GOD is in control, which mortals cannot
know. We do not want any human interpretation of GOD,
because he who is born of earth talks about GOD at earth
level. But atheists provoke questions, without certainty of
any answer. They leave us at a point, when it is impossible
for us to stop. Atheists try to find happiness in wine, woman,
wealth, and fortune, but happiness cannot be found apart
from GOD, and without him everything is meaningless.

Man imitates God’s design and claims it as his own
invention. Can man make an aircraft without it, looking like
an eagle? Can man make a boat without, it looking like an
external shell of Spathodia or donis reglia? Can man make a
submarine without, it looking like a fish? These are only a
few examples. God provides a proto type in nature for man
to imitate and use it, because he loves him.

The word UNIVERSE, which scientists and atheists use,
come from the BIBLE, i.e. UNI + VERSE, UNI means first, and
VERSE means word. What does BIBLE say? IN THE

How the BIBLE writers knew about these things? Who
revealed this super scientific knowledge? There is only one
answer: - GOD REVEALED.

What are the achievements of so-called scientists, whose fashion is
atheism? Unchecked by any authority they have out grown to the
extent of destroying the world with their useless inventions.
Statesmen, progressive scientists, and doctors are warning of
impending disaster by them. The late Albert Einstein said that, “there is
no defense in science against the weapons which can destroy
civilization”. Late John F Kennedy said that, “together we shall live or
together we shall perish in its flame”. The great powers are facing their
last moments.

Ours is an age of agnosticism and atheism, mixed with worst form of
cynicism and self-hatred. The vast majority is skeptical of the
existence of higher power called GOD. The BIBLE foretold this time of
atheism on earth. The Old Testament prophets had foretold the exact
time of God’s appearance on earth, yet people refused to believe in
him. When he came, he was beaten, tortured, crucified, and killed. The
ruler of the universe was judged and condemned to death. Of course
GOD, the father resurrected him and took him back in to the heaven to
judge the world now. All authority has been given to him now by the
father. He is now sitting on the right hand side of the power.

The Lord says in the BIBLE that, “Heaven is my throne, and earth is my
footstool, Where is the house that you will build me? And where is the
place of my rest?” (Isa 66:1). The lord also tells through Jeremiah, that
“they worshipped all worthless idols and they became as worthless as
idols itself”. God in Old Testament and New Testament in many books,
chapters and Verses warned Jews and the Christians of Idolatry, (1 Jn

New Testament reveals of his second coming. The BIBLE speaks of
signs before all these things happen. Mankind has rejected the BIBLE
and its teachings. Mankind has reached the end of rope. The further he
goes, the more destructive he becomes. Mankind has no solutions.
Any attempt to bring change in these men is like serpent to repent. The
BIBLE reveals, as how God will intervene in the worldly affairs to save
his believers, baptized, and saved in his name. Yes, Jesus saves us,
with his hidden nature of compassion. Called or not called, Jesus Son
of God will visit his people again. Because he lives, we also live. He
will not leave us as orphans. And that is his promise to his beloved
disciples. So let us pray for his second coming. The Christian and the
Jewish cosmic vision of this world and its realities are above narrow world vision
of the gentile pagans. Saints. AMEN.

Written by: Dr. S.C. Srinivasan.
      Now: Samson Salem
            16, I main, Canara Bank Colony
             Nagarbhavi Road
             Mob: 9886649990

There are number of facts which mathematically prove that the
BIBLE was not written by the human beings alone. It is
supernatural, God inspired and God given book. The
discoveries are facts of importance and they would indeed
baffle and confound atheists and agnostics. There are facts
that cause skeptics and modernistic thinkers to accept, that
BIBLE as God inspired book. This article helps one to
appreciate the beauty of numerical and structural construction
in the BIBLE in CYCLES OF SEVEN by God.

All Jews know that God gave their scripture in Hebrew. All
Muslims know that their scripture is in Arabic. Every Hindu
knows that their scripture is in Sanskrit. But very few
Christians know that God gave their scriptures in Hebrew and
in Greek. This numeric beauty is in original Hebrew and Greek
texts alone.

The numerical features construction not only increases in
arithmetical progression, but in geometric progression, for
each paragraph is designed to develop constantly fixed
numeric relations to the material that precedes and follows it.
Every additional letter, word, and sentence makes the matter
tremendously more complicated and comprehensive.

These sevens are so deeply concealed that special searching
and special counting is necessary in order to find them. They
occur in the very structure of every paragraph in the entire
BIBLE, not in the paragraphs only, but often in the many sub-
divisions of paragraphs. When God gives it is always special
and complex and it is his way, like sky looks blue although it is
not blue and earth does not seem to rotate although it does.

The BIBLE declares that “all scripture is given by the
inspiration of God” (II Tim 3:16). The BIBLE claims that the
writers of scripture wrote, not of their own will, but they were
moved by the power of Holy Spirit of God. The prophets who
wrote the BIBLE spoke from God, being borne on by the power
of Holy Spirit. II Peter 1:21 declares that the scripture came,
“not by the will of man, but by the holy men of God”. Luke 1:70,
states that, “God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets”. II

Sam. 23:1-2, declares that, “the spirit of the lord spake by me
and his word was on my tongue”.

God said to Moses, “you shall not add unto the word which I
command you, neither shall you diminish from it” (Deut 4:2). A
death penalty was pronounced upon the prophets who add any
of his own words, into the BIBLE, (Deut.18:10). Revelation
23:18-19, also state the very same commandment of God. The
prophets merely recorded the words they received from God.

The early Christians in Berea regarded BIBLE as God’s word
and checked every thing against the scripture and diligently
listened to their preachers. Greek philosophers likewise
praised those who listened attentively. Tradition records
apostle Paul addressed the Greek senators in their hall of
wisdom, the word of God Jesus.

BIBLE contains two main divisions, the Old Testament and the
New Testament. The Old Testament of 39 books, written in
Hebrew, is a testimony of “Paradise lost” through Adam, and
the New testament of 27 books, written in Greek, is a testimony
of “Paradise gained“, through Jesus the only son of God. Both
languages are regarded as God’s spoken languages, given
first to the Jews and later to the Gentiles.

BIBLE was never written by the prophets or apostles in English
or Latin or Arabic. While BIBLE is God’s creation with no
chapters or verses, for Bible is to be read wholly and fully,
Chapters and Verses in it came later by so-called BIBLE
scholars. The result, Christian denominations arose. Each
denomination quotes its own favorite chapters and verses from
the book to defend their point of view and existence.

Paul wrote to Timothy, foreseeing this and gave prophesy that,
“If anyone teaches otherwise and does not consent to
wholesome words…..he is proud knowing nothing, but is
obsessed with disputes and argument over words from which
come envy, strife..……”

The most popular English translation of the BIBLE, the King
James Version, was first published in 1611 A.D. by 47 of the
world great scholars. The second version is the revised
version translated in 1885 A.D., by 101 prominent scholars

from England and America. For the convenience of BIBLE
study, the BIBLE was divided into chapters in 1250 A.D. by
Hugo and verses in 1551 A.D. by Sir Robert Stephens. The
BIBLE since then has 1189 Chapters (OT 929 + NT 260) and
31173 (OT 23214 + NT 7959) verses.

The shortest verse in the BIBLE is John 11:35. But, some
dispute that it is the last word of BIBLE. “AMEN”. The longest
verse is Esther 8:9. The shortest psalm is psalm 117 and the
longest psalm is psalm 119. The 66 books of the BIBLE were
written by about 40 different authors, who were shepherds,
kings, captives in foreign lands, educated and uneducated. The
books were written by those who spoke different languages,
and lived in different periods, and lived in different regions.

Yet all wrote in such a harmony and unity that not a single
contradiction has been ever found in their writings. In the Old
Testament times God conversed with Adam in Hebrew, and
Adam named all living and non-living things in Hebrew
(Gen2:19). God also spoke to Moses in Hebrew and gave him
Ten Commandments for the Israelites to follow and keep. As
centuries passed by, with the Jewish population expanding to
the Greek areas (Hellenistic areas) and with the death, burial
and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as prophesied God gave
them a new commandment in Greek, for them to follow and

Christianity was founded by God’s apostles and disciples and
Christ is the central person in the plan of salvation. From
Genesis to Revelation the scheme of redemption progresses
from “someone is coming” to “someone has come” to
“someone will come again”. It is impossible for chance or even
deliberate fraud to account for this magnificent unity.
Inspiration of God is the only explanation.

The BIBLICAL prophesy and its fulfillment is the convincing
evidences that BIBLE is GOD’S WORD. Many of the discovered
facts have a direct bearing on the unusual characteristics of
these languages. A comparison is made with the English
language in order that the peculiarity of the Hebrew and Greek
language might be clearly understood.

    In English language there are 26 letters (sounds) in the
    alphabet, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, etc. In addition to these 26 letters
    1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0, are used. These figures were once the Arabic
    symbols, used by them to represent planets, for the purpose of
    astrology. English people later used it to express “numbers”.
    I.e. 1 = 1, 2 = 1+1, 3 = 1+1+1, 4 = 1+1+1+1, and etc. The
    Hebrew and Greek languages do not have a system like this.
    These languages have only the letters of their alphabets, but
    do not have additional symbols or figures such as 1, 2, 3, 4,
    etc, which express numbers. Instead of using special figures,
    the Hebrew and Greek languages use their own letters of their
    alphabets to express or represent numbers.

    Thus the letters of their alphabets served a two fold purpose.
    They were used to represent alphabetical sounds or express
    numbers. Every letter of the Hebrew and Greek alphabets
    represents a certain “number”. In other words, each letter is
    assigned a “NUMERIC VALUE”. This is the peculiar
    characteristic of these languages.

    The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters (sounds) and the Greek
    alphabet 24 letters (sounds). Below are listed the 22 letters of
    the Hebrew alphabet. Beside each letter is its sound and
    “NUMERIC VALUE”- the “number” which it represents. Hebrew
    has only capital letters.

                          HEBREW ALPHABETS

    ‫א‬    Aleph (Ox)     1          ‫ל‬    Lamed (Ox Goad)      30
     ‫ב‬   Beth (House) 2           ‫מ‬     Mem * (Water)        40
     ‫ג‬   Gimel (Camel) 3           ‫נ‬    Nun * (Fish)         50
    ‫ד‬    Daleth (Door) 4           ‫ס‬    Samekh (Prop )       60
    ‫ה‬    He (Window)    5           ‫ע‬   Ayin (Eye)           70
     ‫ו‬   Vau (Nail)     6           ‫פ‬   Feh * (Mouth)        80
     ‫ז‬   Zayin (Weapon) 7           ‫צ‬   Tsadi * (Fish Hook)  90
     ‫ח‬   Heth (Hedge) 8           ‫ק‬     Keph (Axe Head Hole)100
    ‫ט‬    Teth (Snake)   9           ‫ר‬   Resh (Head)         200
‫י‬        Yod (Hand)    10           ‫ש‬   Sin (Tooth)         300
    ‫כ‬    Khaph *(Wing) 20           ‫ת‬   Tav ( Sign)         400

    Note 1: * The following letters 90 ,80 ,50 ,40 ,20 ‫כ, מ, נ, פ, צ‬
              are used at the end of words, they are written
              as follows: ‫.ך, ם, ן, ף, ץ‬

Below are listed the 24 letters of the “Greek alphabets. Beside
each letter is its sound and“NUMERIC VALUE” – the “number”
which it represents. Each Greek letter has capital and small
                     GREEK ALPHABETS

 A   α     Alpha       1         N   v   Nu         50
 B    β    Beta        2         Ξ   ξ   Xi         60
 Γ   γ    Gamma        3         O   ο   Omicron    70
 Δ    δ    Delta       4         Π   π   Pi         80
 E   ε    Epsilon      5         P   ρ   Rho       100
 Z   ζ    Zeeta        7         Σ   σ   Sigma     200
 H    η   Eta          8         T   t   Tan       300
 Θ   θ    Theta        9         Y   υ   Upsilon   400
 I   ι    Iota        10         Φ   φ   Phi       500
 K    x   Kappa       20         X   χ   Chi        600
 Λ   λ    Lambda      30         Ψ   ψ   Psi       700
 M   μ    Mu          40         Ω   ω   Omega     800

 Note 1: Σ or σ when used in the end of a word is written as
 Note 2: There was no alphabet for 6 and 90. But the
         Prophets were secretly using “S” for 6,
         and “ ” for 90.

 Each letter represents a certain “Number” and that will be
 its N.V.

It is observed that a maze of amazing beauty of numbers is
mysteriously hidden beneath, the very surface of the original
BIBLE text. The original BIBLE text means, the Hebrew and the
Greek text of the BIBLE alone, and not the Latin or English
translated texts or versions. At best the English translation has
come to us as a translated text, as far as possible, but the
restrictions of grammar and usage has taken away the original
aroma of Hebrew and Greek texts. The BIBLE became five
times bigger in English translation and three times bigger in
Latin translation. Of course there is no loss of God’s message
of abundance grace and God’s plan of wonderful salvation for
mankind by these translated texts.

For example, the first verse of the gospel according to John in
the Greek, “in the beginning was the word and the word was

with (the) God, and the word was God”. The question comes to
our minds as, why does the Greek word ‘THE’ precede the
word ‘GOD’ in one case, but not in the other? When we take an
account of ‘GOD’ and ‘THE GOD’ in all the passages, we will be
struck with numeric relation between them. This numeric
beauty is not in Latin or English translation of the BIBLE.

There are some examples; The shortest verse in the BIBLE is
John 11:35. The Greek sentence “EDAKRUSEN O’ IESOUS” is
translated as “WEPT THE JESUS”. There are six letters in the
Greek word “ιησους”, but only five letters in the English
translation. There are sixteen letters in the Greek text, but only
nine letters in the English translation.

   In Greek :         “εδακρυσεν ο ιησους”.
   In English:          “Wept the Jesus”.
   Num Val of words: “785 + 70 + 888” = 1743. (249X7).

   The numeric Value of JESUS in Greek: “ιησους “.
   Ι    η   σ     ο      υ    ς          Total.
   10 8 200 70 400 200                   888.

   The numeric Value of SATAN in Greek: “χξS “.
   Χ    ξ   S                            Total.
   600 60 6                              666.

    The numeric Value of NERON KAISER.
    In Greek it is written as Neron Kaiser.
    In Hebrew it is written as Neron Kesar:
              i.e. ‫קםך‬   ‫נךוכ‬   .

     n, Nun ( 50 = ( ‫נ‬          k, Keph     ( 100 = (‫ק‬

     r,   Resh ( 200 = ( ‫ך‬      s, Samech ( 60 = ( ‫ם‬

     v, Vau ( 6       =(‫ו‬       r, Resh     ( 200 = ( ‫ך‬

     n, Nun ( 50 = ( ‫נ‬
     Total       306                Total           360 = 666

 It was a disguise number for the name of “NERON CEASAR”
 (666) calculated and attributed to SATAN. The TOTAL

and it is “666”. During I st century, the apostles had
witnessed the fury of Nero Caesar, who was no better than
that of Satan, who had got beheaded Apostle Paul and had
got killed the early Christians in Roman COLOSEUM for their
faith in the resurrected Christ, the LORD of the UNIVERSE.
Apostle John expressed the secret name of Nero by adding
the numeric value contained in his name, taken from Hebrew
language. (Rev 13:18). King Solomon received 666 talents of
gold from Sheba. He became an idolater. The result the
temple was destroyed by Romans later and God never gave
him a prophetic vision to foresee Jesus. 1king 10:14, God
also took away the ark of covenant to heaven. Rev 11:19.

Are number and its numeric value in the structure of BIBLE
so important? - The answer is YES.
“He counted the number of stars” –Psalm 147: 4.
“He bringeth out their host by numbers”- Isa 40: 26.
“He has measured the waters in hallow of his hand and meted
out the heaven with a space and comprehended the dust of
the earth in a measure and weighed the mountains in scales,
and hills in balance”- Isa 40:12.
“The very hairs of your head are all numbered”- Matt 10:30.

When God has counted the very hairs of your head, has he
not counted the words and letters of his scripture?

It is only in Hebrew and Greek text of the BIBLE, that the
letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, passages, and
chapters, have the beauty of numbers and numeric value. The
7’s are strangely out of the sight of ordinary Hebrew and
Greek readers. The number 7 is mysteriously hidden every-
where, all over, both in the world, heaven and the BIBLE. One
can very well conclude that, there is one mind behind all, and
that mind is God’s.

Number 7 has been his basic unitary brick of all his creation.
From the first book “Genesis” to his last book “Revelation”,
7is by far the outstanding number. Where there is 7, there is
heaven and where there is heaven there is 7. Heaven and 7
are inseparable. 7 is a numeric expression of the BIBLE and
heaven. The CREATOR of this universe and the AUTHOR of
the BIBLE is one and the same.

God is a great mathematician of all creations. His mathe-
matical signature is seen and felt beneath all his creation. The
number 7 is God’s specialty and its meaning is associated
with perfection and completeness. God’s presence is felt by
the presence of 7 both in this universe and in the BIBLE.

                   THE WORLD OF SEVEN

God created the world in 7 days and that is his foundation of
creating complexities of cycles of 7 in his earthly creations
like color, music, pH of water, seven seas, gestation periods
etc and in his scripture: THE BIBLE. From the beginning of
time, the number 7 has always meant perfection and
completion. God raised his creation, with the number 7. The
number 7 has stabilizing raising qualities. The number 7 is
stamped upon all of God’s work, and his great mathematical
laws govern the activities of the entire universe. For instance,
there are 7 colors in a ray of light. In the sphere of music
there are 7 whole tones in the scale. God segmented the week
into 7 distinct days. In the night sky no one will miss to see
the 7 great star constellation. On earth all the 7 seas are
together making continent to continent navigation possible.
The pH of water is 7 which cover ¾ of the surface of earth.
There are 7 days a week and God segmented the week into 7
distinct days. There are 7 Wonders of the World. Each lunar
period lasts 7 days from the crescent, half, gibbous, and
full/new moon taking lunar month to 28 days (7X4). In
chemistry it is well known that two substances combine only
when two molecular mathematical proportions only unite in
Chemical wedding.


While God commanded man’s rest to be 7th day, He declared
man’s years to be: 3 score and 10, (7X10). Every 7 years our
body renews. There are 7 stages of life. There are 7 types of
joints in human beings like 1) ball and socket 2) hinge joint 3)
saddle joint 4) ellipsoidal joint 5) pivot joint 6) gliding joint 7)
fixed joint. There are 14 (7X2) phalanges in each of our palm
fingers. In the field of physiology man’s pulse beat slower
every 7th day, whether he is sick or well. In certain diseases,
the 7th, 14th, and 21st are critical days.

In the sphere of the gestation period, the hare and rat is 28
(7X4) days, the cat is 56 (7X8) days, the dog is 63 (7X9) days,
the lion is 98 (7X14) days, the sheep is 147 (7X21) days, the
hen is 21 (7X3) days, the duck is 28 (7X4) days. The woman’s
menstrual cycle is 28 days (7x 4) and the period of gestation
of woman is 280 (7X40) days. All these gestation periods are
divisible by 7. To most pregnant women, the 7th month of
pregnancy, is crucial. GOD VERY OFTEN WORKS IN CYCLES

Hippocrates held the number 7, through its hidden nature
maintains everything in being. It disperses life and
movement. It influences even celestial laws and mechanics of
heavenly bodies.

In the field of arithmetic, 7 is an indivisible supreme prime
number. Many complicated calculations can easily be done
by shortest steps using number 7 and its application
techniques. All these reveal that nature does not operate by
chance, but by a calculated design. There is a fundamental
arithmetical foundation which is 7. The unified field theory,
propounded by Albert Einstein defines space-time continum
as the fourth dimension. He does not rule out the possibility
of fourth, fifth, sixth and the 7th dimensional space. According
to him, the 7th dimension is the final frontier in which, our
expanding universe exists. Imagine! How magnanimous is to
live in this mysterious infinite universe. Can scientists
provide an answer? No. Only GOD can provide answer
through the Scripture.


The Sabbath was the 7th day. In acts the word “Sabbath” is
repeated 84 (12x7) times. In Egypt there were 7 years of
plenty and 7 years of famine. Sabbatical year was every 7th
year. Jericho city was captured with 7 priests, who had 7
trumpets, and walked around the city walls 7 times. Solomon
took 7 years to build the temple, then for 7 days he gave the
sacrifice of offerings and on the 7th day glory of God came. In
2 King 5, Elisha instructs Naaman to wash 7 times in the
Jordan River to cure leprosy.

In the book of REVELATION, the number 7 is outstanding, 7
churches, 7 lamp stands, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 stars, 7
spirits, 7 dooms are mentioned. In all, the number 7 occurs
more than fifty times in the book of revelation. There are only
7 miracles in the gospel according to John. All the miracles
are rich in symbolism.

Jesus transfigured as Moses and Elijah on a high mountain,
before Peter, James and John after six days, i.e. on the 7 th
day. (Matthew 17: 1-13). There are 7 Doctrines mentioned in
the book of Ephesians, Eph 4: 4-6 by Paul:- 1) One body 2)
One spirit 3) One hope 4) One Lord 5) One faith 6) One
baptism 7) One God. The 12 disciples (i.e. leaving Judah) of
Jesus come from 7 families. There are 8 barren women, but
only 7 were blessed to conceive after their due age 1) Sarah
2) Rebecca 3) Rachel 4) Manoah’s wife 5) The Shuna--mmite
woman 6) Hannah 7) Elizabeth. Michael, David’s wife, did not
conceive, for she laughed at, almost nudity of David while
dancing, in bringing the ark of covenant box. It was God’s
curse on her.

In the gospel of John, the son of noble man, who was
suffering from fever, left him at the 7th hour (Jn 4:52). All the
numbers expressed by John in his gospel is divisible by 7,
i.e., 70 (7X10) A.D. 42 (7X6) months, 1260 (7X180) days. There
are 7 divisions in the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus fed 5000 with 7
items: 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. Blood was sprinkled 7
times on the Ark of the Covenant. Moses marries Zipporah,
one of the 7 daughters of Jethro. Moses ties 7 rounds of red
thread on the wrist of Zipporah. Enoch, the 7th from Adam
was taken up by God himself (Gen 5:24, Jude 14). 7 Greek
helpers, who were men of reputation, were appointed by
twelve Disciples of Christ to serve at the table, when the
Christians were multiplying (Acts 6:3). Jesus appears to the 7
disciples (Jn 21:2). Jesus predicts his death 14 (7X2) times.
Jesus Christ spoke 7 words from the cross.

There are only 7 parables in the whole of the Old Testament,
antecedents to Jesus’ parables, namely, 1) Nathan’s parable
(2 Sam 12: 1-10), 2) Woman from Tekoa’s ( 2 Sam 14: 5-20), 3)
Parable condemning Ahab (1 king 20: 35-40), 4) Song of the
vineyard ( Isa 5: 1-7), 5) Eagles and the vine ( Ezek 17: 2-10),
6) The lioness and cubs (Ezek 19:2-9), 7) Vine ( Ezek 19:

10-14). Jacob had 7 righteous sons from his spiritual wives.
Jesus had righteous disciples from 7 families. Samson, the
strongest man who lived on this earth, had strength in 7 locks
of hair on his head. (Judges 16:19).

Why so many CYCLES OF SEVENS throughout the BIBLE.
Coming down to the practices of practical life, to combat
sterility, Moroccan women roll their sashes 7 times around a
trunk tree and leave them there for 7 days. To avoid drowning
in the sea, Icelanders going for the first dip of the day start
letting 7 waves pass over their heads. In India, Hindu bride
and the bridegroom take 7 steps around the fire, an age old
custom of marriage, for eternal family bondage. The word
“Baptized“ is repeated 35 times, and “Follow me” is repeated
14 times in the New testament. GOD IN BIBLE TOO WORKS IN
CYCLES OF SEVENS. So what is the conclusion? THE

7 symbolizes the BIBLE, the salvation of mankind, the word,
the world, the heaven, Universal stability, all creation having
full completeness with absolute perfection. The number 7 is
indivisible and hence cannot be broken. Christ always said
that the scripture cannot be broken, hinting about the
mysterious number 7 hidden. Jesus said in Matthew 5:18, Jn
19:35, that not a single ‘jot’ or smallest mark ‘title’, would
pass from the law till all be fulfilled. God controlled every
word and number of its occurrences in various books, thus
formed words of combinations of words of equal value to
reveal his authority in the form of languages of numbers.

It is discovered that thousands of these 7 are mysteriously
hidden in the very structure of the text. Some of the 7 are
strangely hidden in the unusual system of numbers in the
numeric value of the Hebrew and the Greek letters, words,
sentences, paragraphs, and passages of text, while others are
hidden in other remarkable and peculiar ways. The finding of
cycles of sevens need not be of one stereo type. It varies
from verses to verses, paragraphs to paragraphs, books to
books. It goes complex as we read from Geneses to
revelation. Since each letter stands for a number, it is clear
that a change in even a single letter changes the numeric
value of the entire passage. Any addition or omission to the

   original texts destroys many features of a perfect design
   given to us by God.

   The most famous method adopted by Jesus in his teachings
   was the parable. It is an earthly story with a heavenly
   meaning. Parable in Greek means comparison. Every parable
   has different levels of meaning, one to his devoted followers,
   and other to disarm his opponents. But as far as numbers are
   concerned, the mysterious number 7 is the ultimate hidden
   numerical parable of the BIBLE and that is the strong
   foundation. It is like binary 0’s and 1’s in the field of
   computers, which lies beneath. In a simple example, it is like
   train moving on rails or jets going on air or ship sailing on

   GENESIS, Chp 1, Verse 1. (Birth of the heaven and the earth)

       The Hebrew is written and read from right to left. I.e.

   IN HEBREW: ‫את אלהים ברא בראשית‬                                    ‫ואת השמים‬            ‫הארץ‬

  IN English: “In the beginning created God the Heaven and
                        the Earth”.
 Heb word              N.V. of alphabets              N.V. of word In English
   913           400,10,300,1,200,2                   ‫בראשית‬            In the beginning
        203                         2 ,1,200           ‫ברא‬            Created
    86                    40,10,5,30,1                ‫אלחימ‬            God
          401                            400,1           ‫את‬          An Article
      395                  40,10,40,30,5              ‫השמים‬            The Heaven
         407                          400,1,6           ‫ואת‬           And
       296                      90,200,1,5             ‫הארץ‬            The Earth
   Feature  1:- There are seven (7X1) words.
   Feature  2:- There are 28 (7X4) letters.
   Feature  3:- CREATED is a verb, whose n.v. is 203 (7X29).
   Feature  4:- There are three nouns, namely God, Heaven, and
                Earth. The N.V. is: 86+395+296 = 777 (7X111).
   Feature 5:- No. of letters in subject & predicate, 6+3+5 = 14
   Feature 6:- No. of letters in objects, 2+5+3+4 = 14 (7X2).
   Feature 7:- No. of letters in I st object, 2+5 = 7.

Feature 8:- No. of letters in II nd onject 3+4 = 7.
Feature 9:- Letters in three nouns, 5+5+4 = 14 (7X2).
Feature 10:- Letters in non-nouns, 6+3+2+3 = 14 (7X2).
Feature 11:- Letters in the shortest word plus letters on the left,
             2+5 = 7.
Feature 12:- Letters in the shortest word plus letters on the
             right, 2+5 = 7.
Feature 13:- The N.V. of the first, middle, and the last words,
             913+401+296 = 1610 (7X230).
Feature 14:- The total sum of N.V. of the first and last alphabets
             of each seven words, 402+3+41+401+45+406+95 =
             1393, (7X199).
Feature 15:- The N.V. of the first and last 497 (7X71).
Feature 16:- The N.V. of the rest of the remaining words
             3+41+401++45+406 = 896 (7X128).

  The maze of amazing numeric features of 7 is indeed beyond the
view of mere readers of the Hebrew BIBLE text. They are
mysteriously hidden beneath the surface of the text. They can be
discovered only by keen searching and calculations. The features
pointed out are numeric values based on grammar. According to
“Good news bible”, Galatians 3:16, “Now God made promises to
Abraham and to his descendant”. The scripture does not use plural
but singular. “Descendant” meaning one person only, namely

  The purpose of Grammar is to bring beauty to a
language by restricting the flow of spoken or written
language with the rules and regulations.
     MATTHEW, Chapter 1, Verse 1-17. (Christ’s Genealogy)

 1. βιβλος γενεσεως ιησου χριστου υιου δαυιδ υιου αβρααμ.
 2. αβρααμ εγεννησεν τον ισαακ ισαακ δε εγεννησεν τον Iακωβ
    ιακωβ δε εγεννησεν τον ιουδαν και τους αδελφους Αυτου.
 3. ιουδας δε εγεννησεν τον φαρες και τον ζαρα εκ της θαμαρ.
    φαρες δε εγεννησεν τον εσρωμ εσρωμ δε εγεννησεν τον αραμ.
 4. αραμ δε εγεννησεν τον αμιναδαβ αμιναδαβ δε εγεννησεν τον
    ναασσων αασσων δε εγεννησεν τον σαλμων.
 5. σαλμων δε εγεννησεν τον βοες εκ της ραχαβ βοες δε
    εγεννησεν τον ιωβηδ εκ της ρουθ ιωβηδ εγεννησεν τον ιεσσαι.
 6. ιεσσαι δε εγεννησεν τον δαυιδ τον βασιλεα δαυιδ δε
    εyεννησεν τον σολομωνα εκ της του ουριου.
 7. σολομων δε εγεννησεν τον ροβοαμ ροβοαμ δε εγεννησεν τον

    δε εγεννησεν τον ασαφ.
 8. ασαφ δε εγεννησεν τον ιωσαφατ ιωσαφατ δε εγεννησεν τον
    ιωραμ ιωραμ δε εγεννησεν τον οζιαν.
 9. οζιας δε εγεννησεν τον ιωαθαμ ιωαθαμ δε εγεννησεν τον αχας
    αχας αχαζ αχαζ δε εγεννησεν τον εζεκιαν.
10. εζεκιας δε εγεννησεν τον μανασση μανασσης δε εγεννησεν τον
    αμως αμως δε εγεννησεν τον ιωσιαν.
11. ιωσιας δε εγεννησεν τον ιεχονιαν και τους αδελφους αυτου επι
    της μετοικεσιας βαβυλων.
12. μετα δε την μετοικεσιαν βαβυλων ιεχονιας εγεννησεν τον
    σαλαιηλ σαλαθιηλ δε εγεννησεν τον ζοροβαβελ.
13. ζοροβαβελ δε εγεννησεν τον αβιουδ αβιουδ δε εγεννησεν τον
    ελιακιμ ελιακιμ δε εγεννησεν τον αζωρ.
14. αζωρ δε εγεννησεν τον σαδωκ σαδωκ δε εγεννησεν τον αχιμ
    αχιμ δε εγεννησεν τον ελιουδ.
15. ελιουδ δε εγεννησεν τον ελεαζαρ ελεαζαρ δε εγεννησεν τον
    ματθαν ματθαν δε εγεννησεν τον ιακωβ.
16. ιακωβ δε εγεννησεν τον ιωσηφ τον ανδρα μαριας εξ ης
    εγεννηθη ιησους ο λεγομενος χριστος.
17. πασαι ουν αι γενεαι απο αβρααμ εως δαυιδ γενεαι
    δεκατεσσαρες και πο δαυιδ εως της μετοικεσιας βαβυλων
    γενεαι δεκατεσσαρες και απο της μετοικεσιας βαβυλων εως του
    χριστου γενεαι δεκατεσσαρες.

The first 17 verses form a natural, logical division, dealing
with the genealogy of Jesus Christ. It is just the same as last
example, worked out. As one goes progressively by book by
book and to the last book, revelation, complexity of numeric
design is progressively most amazing. The Greek text of
Westcott and Hort is used, the only original, natural and
neutral BIBLE, for the authors had taken all precautions in

There are 72 Greek vocabulary words in these 17 verses.
Vocabulary words means number of words used. For
example, the word ‘and’ is one word, although it is used
several times in the passage. In short the number of
vocabulary words, or the number of different words used in a
passage, is thus not the same as the total number of words
used in a passage.

Feature 1:- The N.V. of these 72 Greek vocabulary words
            is 42364, (7X6052).
Feature 2:- These 72 Greek vocabulary words occur in 90
            forms. The N.V. of the 90 forms is 54075,

Feature 3:- Of the 72 Greek vocabulary words the number
            of are exactly 56, (7X8).
Feature 4:- The Greek word ‘the’ occurs 56 times, (7X8).
Feature 5:- The number of different forms, article “the” is
            exactly 7.

The seventeen verses has two main sections (1) Verses
1-11, (2) Verses 12-17.

VERSES 1-11.

Feature 6:- The number of Greek vocabulary words used
            in the last eleven Verses are 49, (7X7).
Feature 7:- Of these 49 words, the words begin with vowel
            are 28, (7X4).
Feature 8:- Of these 49 words, the words begin with
            consonant are exactly 21, (7X3).
Feature 9:- The number of letters in these 49 words is 266,
Feature10:- Of these 266 letters the number of vowels is
            140, (7X20).
Feature11:- Of these 266 letters the number of
             consonants is 126, (7X18).
Feature12:- Of the 49 Greek vocabulary words in the 11
             verses the number of Words which occur
             more than once is exactly 35, (7X5).
Feature13:- The number of words which occur only once
             is 14, (7X2).
Feature14:- Of the 49 words, the words which appear in
             only one form is exactly 42, (7X6).
Feature15:- The number which appears in more than one
             form is 7.
Feature16:- Out of 49 Greek vocabulary words, the
             number of nouns is exactly 42, (7X6).

Feature17:- Out of 49 Greek vocabulary words, the
            number which are not noun is, 7.
Feature18:- Of the 42 nouns, the proper name is 35, (7X5).
Feature19:- Of the 42 nouns, the common noun is 7.
Feature20:- Of the seven common nouns, the number of
            Greek letters is 49, (7X7).
Feature21:- The number of times the 35 proper nouns
            occur is exactly 63, (7X9).

Feature22:- Of the 35 proper names in 11 verses, the
            number of male names are exactly 28, (7X4).
Feature23:- The number which is not male names is 7.
Feature24:- The number of times these 28 male names
            occur is 56, (7X8).
Feature25:- 3 women names are mentioned, Tamar,
            Rahab, and Ruth. The Number of Greek
            letters in these names is 14, (7X2).
            Θαμαρ, ραχαβ, ρουθ.
Feature26:- Only one city is mentioned, Babylon, the
            number of Greek letters In this word are
            exactly 7. βαβυλων.
Feature27:- Fourteen generations are mentioned thrice,
            which is divisible by 7. (Matt 1:17).

The second section too, verses 12-17 has equally a profound
numeric features of its own. The very structure of the
passage is literally saturated with phenomenal occurrences
of the number 7. The structural characteristic by Matthew, are
the names in the list are gathered into three groups of 14, with
significant historical events placed at their junctures. The
structure as a mnemonic device, based on the number 14
since it represents the numeric value of David’s name in
Hebrew. David (14 = 4+6+4 = (‫.ד ו ד‬

      MATTHEW, Chp 1, Vrs 18-25. (The account of Christ’s birth)

18. του δ {VAR1: [ιησου] } χριστου η γενεσις ουτως ην
    Μνηστευθεισης της μητρος αυτου μαριας τω ιωσηφ πριν η
    συνελθειν αυτους ευρεθη εν γαστρι εχουσα εκ πνευματος αγιου.
19. ιωσηφ δε ο ανηρ αυτης δικαιος ων και μη θελων αυτην
    δειγματισαι εβουληθη λαθρα απολυσαι αυτην.
20. ταυτα δε αυτου ενθυμηθεντος ιδου αγγελος κυριου κατ οναρ
    εφανη αυτω λεγων ιωσηφ υιος δαυιδ μη φοβηθης παραλαβειν
    μαριαν την γυναικα σου το γαρ εν αυτη γεννηθεν εκ νευματος
    εστιν αγιου.
21. τεξεται δε υιον και καλεσεις το ονομα αυτου ιησουν αυτος γαρ
    σωσει τον λαον αυτου απο των αμαρτιων αυτων.
22. τουτο δε ολον γεγονεν ινα πληρωθη το ρηθεν υπο κυριου δια
    του προφητου Λεγοντος.
23. ιδου η παρθενος εν γαστρι εξει και τεξεται υιον και καλεσουσιν
    Toονομα αυτου εμμανουηλ ο εστιν μεθερμηνευομενον μεθ ημων
    ο θεος.
24. εγερθεις δε {VAR1: [ο] } ιωσηφ απο του υπνου εποιησεν ως
    προσεταξεν αυτω ο αγγελος κυριου και παρελαβεν Tτην

    yυναικα αυτου.
25. και ουκ εγινωσκεν αυτην εως {VAR1: [ου] } ετεκεν υιον και

Feature 1:- There are 161 Greek words, (7X23).
Feature 2:- The numeric value of these 161 words is
            93394. (7X13342).
Feature 3:- The number of Greek vocabulary words is 77,
Feature 4:- The N.V. of these 77 Greek vocabulary words
            is 51247, (7X 7321).
Feature 5:- There are six Greek words in the passage
            which are not found in the whole book of
            Matthew, Its N.V. is 5005,
Feature 6:- The numeric letters in these six Greek words
            is 56, (7X8).
Feature 7:- “EMMANUEL”, found nowhere else in the
              whole of N.T. has a N.V.644, (7X92).
                   Εμμανουηλ is : (5+40+40+1+50+70+400+8+30)
= 644.
Feature 8:- The number of forms in which these 161
             words appear is 105, (7X15).
Feature 9:- The N.V. of these 105 forms is 65429,
Feature 10:- The verbs in these 105 forms are 35,
Feature 11:- Proper names in these 105 forms is 7.
Feature 12:- The number of Greek letters in these 7 proper
             names is 42, (7X6).
Feature 13:- The number of forms found nowhere, except
             in this passage is 14.
Feature 14:- The N.V. of these 14 forms is 8715,
Feature 15:- Of the Greek vocabulary words (feature
             3), the of words, The Angel used
             speaking to Joseph is 28, (7X4)
Feature 16:- The N.V. in the words Angel used is 21042,
Feature 17:- The number of forms Angel used is 35, (7X5).
Feature 18: The number of letters in these 35 forms is
             168, (7X24).
Feature 19:- The N.V. of the 35 forms, which Angel used is
             19397, (7X2771).

Even the Angels little speech has amazing numerical
features. They are entirely separate from the rest of the
passage, yet they form a part of the numerical features of the
whole passage.

           MATTHEW, CHAPTER 2. (Christ’s childhood)

1.     του δε ιησου γεννηθεντος εν βηθλεεμ της ιουδαιας εν ημεραις
       ηρωδου του βασιλεως ιδου μαγοι απο ανατολων αρεγενοντο
       εις ιεροσολυμα
2.     λεγοντες που εστιν ο τεχθεις βασιλευς των ιουδαιων ειδομεν
       γαρ αυτου τον αστερα εν τη ανατολη και ηλθομεν
       προσκυνησαι αυτω
3.     ακουσας δε ο βασιλευς ηρωδης εταραχθη και πασα ιεροσολυμα
       μετ αυτου
4.     και συναγαγων παντας τους αρχιερεις και γραμματεις του λαου
       επυνθανετο παρ αυτων που ο χριστος γενναται
5.     οι δε ειπαν αυτω εν βηθλεεμ της ιουδαιας ουτως γαρ γεγραπται δια
       του προφητου
6.     και συ βηθλεεμ γη ιουδα ουδαμως ελαχιστη ει εν τοις ηγεμοσιν ιουδα
       εκ σου γαρ εξελευσεται ηγουμενος οστις ποιμανει τον λαον μου τον
7.     τοτε ηρωδης λαθρα καλεσας τους μαγους ηκριβωσεν παρ αυτων τον
       χρονον του φαινομενου αστερος
8.     και πεμψας αυτους εις βηθλεεμ ειπεν πορευθεντες εξετασατε
       ακριβως περι του παιδιου επαν δε ευρητε απαγγειλατε μοι απως
       καγω ελθων προσκυνησω αυτω
9.     οι δε ακουσαντες του βασιλεως επορευθησαν και ιδου ο αστηρ ον
       ειδον εν τη ανατολη προηγεν αυτους εως ελθων εσταθη επανω ου
       ην το παιδιον
10.    ιδοντες δε τον αστερα εχαρησαν χαραν μεγαλην σφοδρα
11.    και ελθοντες εις την οικιαν ειδον το παιδιον μετα μαριας της μητρος
       αυτου και πεσοντες προσεκυνησαν αυτω και
       νοιξαντες τους θησαυρους αυτων προσηνεγκαν αυτω δωρα
       χρυσον και λιβανον και σμυρναν
12.   και χρηματισθεντες κατ οναρ μη ανακαμψαι προς ηρωδην δι αλλης
      οδου ανεχωρησαν εις την χωραν αυτων
13.   αναχωρησαντων δε αυτων ιδου αγγελος κυριου φαινεται κατ οναρ τω
      ιωσηφ λεγων εγερθεις παραλαβε το παιδιον και την μητερα αυτου και
      φευγε εις αιγυπτον και ισθιεκει εως αν ειπω σοι μελλει γαρ ηρωδης
      ζητειν το παιδιον του απολεσαι αυτο
14.   ο δε εγερθεις παρελαβεν το παιδιον και την μητερα αυτου νυκτος
      και ανεχωρησεν εις αιγυπτον kαι ην εκει εως της τελευτης ηρωδου
      ινα πληρωθη το ρηθεν
15.   υπο κυριου δια του προφητου λεγοντος εξ αιγυπτου εκαλεσα τον
      υιον μου
16.    τοτε ηρωδης ιδων οτι ενεπαιχθη υπο των μαγων εθυμωθη λιαν και
       αποστειλας ανειλεν παντας τους παιδας τους εν βηθλεεμ και εν

      πασιν τοις οριοις αυτης απο διετους και κατωτερω κατα τον ρονον
      ον ηκριβωσεν παρα των μαγων
17.   τοτε επληρωθη το ρηθεν δια ιερεμιου του προφητου λεγοντος
18.   φωνη εν ραμα ηκουσθη κλαυθμος και οδυρμος πολυς ραχηλ
      κλαιουσα τα τεκνα αυτης και ουκ ηθελεν παρακληθηναι οτι ουκ
19.   τελευτησαντος δε του ηρωδου ιδου αγγελος κυριου φαινεται κατ
      οναρ τω ιωσηφ εν αιγυπτω
20.   λεγων εγερθεις παραλαβε το παιδιον και την μητερα αυτου και
      πορευου εις γην ισραηλ τεθνηκασιν γαρ οι ζητουντες την ψυχην του
21.   ο δε εγερθεις παρελαβεν το παιδιον και την μητερα αυτου και
      εισηλθεν εις γην ισραηλ ακουσας δε οτι αρχελαος βασιλευει
22.   της ιουδαιας αντι του πατρος αυτου ηρωδου εφοβηθη εκει
      απελθειν χρηματισθεις δε κατ οναρ ανεχωρησεν εις τα μερη
      της γαλιλαιας
23.   και ελθων κατωκησεν εις πολιν λεγομενην ναζαρετ οπως πληρωθη
      το ρηθεν δια των προφητων οτι ναζωραιος κληθησεται

Feature 1:-The number of Greek Vocabulary words is 161,
Feature 2:-The number of letters in these words is 896,

Feature 3:-The N.V. of these 161 words is 123529,
Feature 4:-The number of forms is exactly 238, (7X34).
Feature 5:-The N.V. of 238 forms is 166985, (7X23855).

There are numerous passages in the second chapter of
Matthew and each paragraph has amazing numeric features
of its own. For E.g., the number of Greek vocabulary words in
the I st six verses is 56, which is exactly divisible by 7, (7X8).

There are three speeches 1) Herod speaks 2) Wise men speak
3) The Angel speaks. Each speech shows an amazing
numeric features in itself, yet each forms only part of the
chapter, which as a whole has phenomenal features of its
own. Each division alone shows the same numeric of its own.
Each division alone shows the same numeric phenomena
found in the chapter as a whole. It is also interesting to note,
that more than 100 numeric features are strangely hidden
beneath the surface of passages which consist of no more
than 175 words.

   MARK, Chapter 1, Verses 1-8. (Preaching of John, the Baptist)

1. αρχη του ευαγγελιου ιησου χριστου {VAR2: [υιου θεου] }
2. καθως γεγραπται εν τω ησαια τω προφητη ιδου αποστελλω τον
   αγγελον μου προ προσωπου σου ος κατασκευασει την οδον του
3. φωνη βοωντος εν τη ερημω ετοιμασατε την οδον κυριου ευθειας
   ποιειτε τας τριβους αυτου
4. εγενετο ιωαννης βαπτιζων εν τη ερημω και κηρυσσων βαπτισμα
   μετανοιας εις αφεσιν αμαρτιων
5. και εξεπορευετο προς αυτον πασα η ιουδαια χωρα και οι
   ιεροσολυμιται παντες και εβαπτιζοντο υπ αυτου εν τω ιορδανη
   ποταμω εξομολογυμενοι τας αμαρτιας αυτων
6. και ην οωαννης ενδεδυμενος τριχας καμηλου και ζωνην Δερματι
   νην περι την οσφυν αυτου και εσθιων ακριδας και μελι αγριον
7. και εκηρυσσεν λεγων ερχεται ο ισχυροτερος μου οπισω ου ουκ ειμι
   ικανος κυψας λυσαι τον ιμαντα των uποδηματων αυτου
8. εγω εβαπτισα υμας υδατι αυτος δε βαπτισει υμας πνευματι αγιω

Feature 1:-The total number of Greek words is 126,
Feature 2:-The number of Greek letters in 126 words is
            427, (7X61).
Feature 3:-The number of vowels in these 427 letters is
            224, (7X32).
Feature 4:-The number of consonants in 427 letters is
            203, (7x29).
Feature 5:-The number of syllables in 126 Greek words is
            294, (7x42).
Feature 6:-Of 126 words, the number which begin with
            vowel is 42, (7X6).
Feature 7: Of 126 words, the number which begin with
           consonants is 84, (7X12).
Feature 8:-The number of Vocabulary words is 77, (7X11).
Feature 9:-Of these 77 vocabulary words, the number
           John used in his speech is 21, (7X 3).
Feature10:-Of these 77 words found in the l st 8 verses,
            the No. in verses 1-5 Is 49, (7X7).
Feature11:-The number of vocabulary words in verses 6-8
            is 28, (7X4).
Feature12:-Of the 77 words, the number which begin with
            vowel is 42, (7X6).
Feature13:-Of the 77 words, the number which begin with
            consonants is 35,(7X5).
Feature14:-The number of Greek letters in the longest
            word is 14, (7X2). Εξομολογυμενοι.

All features cited so far are features under the vocabulary
words and forms alone. There is something else and more
about the maze of amazing numeric features under noun,
verbs, subject, predicate and objects as analyzed like in E.g.
cited in Gen 1:1.

       MARK, Chapter 1, Verses 9, 10, 11. (Baptism of Jesus)

9  και εγενετο εν εκειναις ταις ημεραις ηλθεν ιησους απο Nαζαρετ
   της γαλιλαιας και εβαπτισθη εις τον ιορδανην υπο ιωαννου
10 αι ευθυς αναβαινων εκ του υδατος ειδεν σχιζομενους τους
   ουρανους και το πνευμα ως περιστεραν καταβαινον εις αυτον
11 kαι φωνη εγενετο εκ των ουρανων συ ει ο υιος μου ο αγαπητος εν
   σοι υδοκησα

Feature 1:- The number of Greek vocabulary words in
            this passage is 35, (7X5).
Feature 2:- The N.V. of the passage is exactly 27783,
Feature 3:- The N.V. of the forms in which these words
            are found is exactly 26887, (7X3841).

MARK , Chapter 2, Verses 13-17. (Jesus calls Matthew)

13. και εξηλθεν παλιν παρα την θαλασσαν και πας ο οχλος ηρχετο
    προς αυτον και εδιδασκεν αυτους
16. και παραγων ειδεν λευιν τον του αλφαιου καθημενον επι το
      τελωνιον και λεγει αυτω ακολουθει μοι και αναστας
      ηκολουθησεν αυτω
17. και γινεται κατακεισθαι αυτον εν τη οικια αυτου και πολλοι
      τελωναι και αμαρτωλοι συνανεκειντο τω ιησου και τοις
      μαθηταις αυτου ησαν γαρ πολλοι και ηκολουθουν αυτω
18. και οι γραμματεις των φαρισαιων ιδοντες οτι εσθιει μετα των
      αμαρτωλων και τελωνων ελεγον τοις μαθηταις αυτου οτι
      μετα των τελωνων και αμαρτωλων εσθιει
19. και ακουσας ο ιησους λεγει αυτοις [οτι] ου χρειαν εχουσιν οι
      ισχυοντες ιατρου αλλ οι κακως εχοντες ουκ ηλθον καλεσαι
       δικαιους αλλα αμαρτωλους

Feature 1:- The number of Greek vocabulary words is
            exactly 49, (7X7).
Feature 2:- Of the 49 words the number used by Jesus is
            exactly 14, (7X2).
Feature 3:- The number of words used by the scribes is
            exactly 7.

Features cited above are, a few of many numerical features
found beneath the surface of these five verses.

     MARK, Chapter 3, Verses 13-19. (Jesus chooses 12 Apostles)

13. και αναβαινει εις το ορος και προσκαλειται ους ηθελεν αυτος
    και απηλθον προς αυτον
14. και εποιησεν δωδεκα {VAR1: ους και αποστολους ωνομασεν }
    {VAR2: [ους και αποστολους ωνομασεν] } ινα ωσιν μετ αυτου
    και ινα αποστελλη αυτους κηρυσσειν
15. και εχειν εξουσιαν εκβαλλειν τα δαιμονια {VAR1: και εποιησεν
    τους δωδεκα } {VAR2: [και εποιησεν τους δωδεκα] }
16. και εχειν εξουσιαν εκβαλλειν τα δαιμονια {VAR1: και εποιησεν
    τους δωδεκα } {VAR2: [και εποιησεν τους δωδεκα] } και
    επεθηκεν ονομα τω σιμωνι πετρον
17 kαι ιακωβον τον του ζεβεδαιου και ιωαννην τον αδελφον του
    ιακωβου και επεθηκεν αυτοις {VAR1: ονομα } VAR2: <ονοματα>
      } βοανηργες ο εστιν υιοι βροντης
20. και ανδρεαν και φιλιππον και βαρθολομαιον και μαθθαιον και
      θωμαν και ιακωβον τον του αλφαιου και θαδδαιον και σιμωνα
      τον καναναιον
21. και ιουδαν ισκαριωθ ος και παρεδωκεν αυτον και ερχεται εις

The names of 12 apostles are Simon, Andrew, James, John,
Matthew, Bartholomew, Philip, Thomas, James, Thaddeus,
Simon and Judas. It is amazing to note that the total numeric
value of these 12 apostles is 9639, which is perfectly divisible
by 7, (7X1377). Of all the disciples only simon peter had the
numeric value of 1295, which is perfectly divisible by 7, on
whom Christ said that he would built the church, (Matt 16:18).
After the death of Juda Iscoriot, Mathias was taken (Acts
1:23). The Numeric value after subtracting Judas from the
total numeric value and adding the numeric value of Mathias
or Justus to the total numeric value is still divisible by 7.

It is interesting to note that higher the numeric value of an
individual apostle higher was his participation in the Jesus
ministry and lower the numeric value of an individual apostle,
lower was his participation in the Jesus ministry. Amongst 12
disciples, Juda Iscariot’s Numeric Value was 1635, the
highest and that is why Jesus used him, for his highest
mission. The lowest was of Thaddeus, whose Numeric Value
was only 149, and that is why we do not read much of him at
all in the whole of New Testament BIBLE.

 Apostle’s                      Name                Numeric value                        Total
 Name                          in Greek
 Simon                      σιμωνι              200+10+40+800+50+1
    Peter                      πετρ                 80+5+9+100                           1295
 2. James                       Iακωβοv            10+1+20+800+2+70+50                    953
 3. John                       Iωαννην             10+800+1+50+50+8+50                    969
 4. Andrew                    ανδρεαν               1+50+4+100+5+1+50                     211
 5. Phillip                    φιλιππον             500+10+30+10+80+80+
                                                    70+50                                 830
 6. Bartholomew                βαρθολομαιον 2+1+100+9+70+30+70+
                                                    40+1+10+70+50                          453
 7. Matthew                     μαθθαιον            40+1+ 9+9+1+10+70+50                   190
 8. Thomas                     θωμαν                9+800+40+1+50                          900
 9. James                       Iακωβοv            10+1+20+800+ 2+70+50                    953
 10.Thaddaeus                  θαδδαιον             9+1+4+4+1+10+70+50                     149
 11.Simon                      σιμωνι               200+10+40+800+50+1                   1101
 12.Judas                       ιουδα               10+70+400+4+1+
     Iscariot                  ισκαριωθ            10+200+20+1+100+10+
                                                    800+9                                1635
                                                                    Grand Total           9639

 After the death of Juda, to replace Juda’s apostleship, a lot
 was taken between Mathias and Justus, because of a tie,
 which means in either of the case, whether Mathias or
 Justus was taken in place of Juda, the total Numeric Value
 still would be divided by 7. Both Mathias (in Greek) and
 Justus (in Greek) have 7 letters in their names.
 Mathias                       μαθθιαν           40+1+9+9+10+1+200                         270
 I.e.                                            (9639-1635+270)                       = 8274

 Justus                        ιουστος           10+70+400+200+300+
                                                 70+200                                1250
 I.e.                                            (9639-1635+1250)                    = 9254

 It is also interesting to note both James and John sons of
 Zebedee too have 7 letters in their names. Andrew too has
 7 letters in his name.

            MARK, Chapter 4, Verses 3-20 (Parable of sower)

3. ακουετε ιδου εξηλθεν ο σπειρων σπειραι
4. και εγενετο εν τω σπειρειν ο μεν επεσεν παρα την οδον και ηλθεν τα
   πετεινα και κατεφαγεν αυτο

5. και αλλο επεσεν επι το πετρωδες {VAR1: [και] } οπου ουκ ειχεν γην πολλην
   και ευθυς εξανετειλεν δια το μη εχειν βαθος γης
6. και οτε ανετειλεν ο ηλιος εκαυματισθη και δια το μη εχειν ριζαν εξηρανθη
7. και αλλο επεσεν εις τας ακανθας και ανεβησαν αι ακανθαι και
   συνεπνιξαν αυτο και καρπον ουκ εδωκεν
 8. και αλλα επεσεν εις την γην την καλην και εδιδου καρπον ανα-βαινοντα
   και αυξανομενα και εφερεν τριακοντα και εν εξηκοντα και εν εκατον
 9. και ελεγεν ος εχει ωτα ακουειν ακουετω
10.και οτε εγενετο κατα μονας ηρωτων αυτον οι περι αυτον συν τοις
   δωδεκα τας παραβολας
11.και ελεγεν αυτοις υμιν το μυστηριον δεδοται της βασιλειας του
   θεου εκεινοις δε τοις εξω εν παραβολαις τα παντα γινεται
12.ινα βλεποντες βλεπωσιν και μη ιδωσιν και ακουοντες ακουωσιν και μη
   συνιωσιν μηποτε επιστρεψωσιν και αφεθη αυτοις
13.και λεγει αυτοις ουκ οιδατε την παραβολην ταυτην και πως πασας τας
   παραβολας γνωσεσθε
14.ο σπειρων τον λογον σπειρει
15.ουτοι δε εισιν οι παρα την οδον οπου σπειρεται ο λογος και οταν
  ακουσωσιν ευθυς ερχεται ο σατανας και αιρει τον λογον τον εσπα-ρμενον
  εις αυτους
16.και ουτοι εισιν {VAR1: ομοιως } οι επι τα πετρωδη σπειρομενοι οι οταν
   ακουσωσιν τον λογον ευθυς μετα χαρας λαμβανουσιν αυτον
17.και ουκ εχουσιν ριζαν εν εαυτοις αλλα προσκαιροι εισιν ειτα γενομενης
   θλιψεως η διωγμου δια τον λογον ευθυς σκανδαλιζονται
18.και αλλοι εισιν οι εις τας ακανθας σπειρομενοι ουτοι εισιν οι τον λογον
19.και αι μεριμναι του αιωνος και η απατη του πλουτου και αι περι τα λοιπα
   επιθυμιαι εισπορευομεναι συμπνιγουσιν τον λογον και ακαρπος γινεται
20.και εκεινοι εισιν οι επι την γην την καλην σπαρεντες οιτινες ακουουσιν τον
   λογον και παραδεχονται και καρποφορουσιν εν τριακοντα και {VAR1: εν]
   } {VAR2: εν } εξηκοντα και {VAR1: [εν] } {VAR2: εν } εκατον

 The number of Greek Vocabulary words in this passage is
 exactly 49, (7X7). There are totally 21 amazing numeric

     MARK, Chp 13, Vrs 5-37, (The speech of Christ on tribulation)

5. ο δε ιησους ηρξατο λεγειν αυτοις βλεπετε μη τις υμας πλανηση
6. πολλοι ελευσονται επι τω ονοματι μου λεγοντες οτι εγω ειμι και πολλους
7. οταν δε ακουσητε πολεμους και ακοας πολεμων μη θροεισθε δει γενεσθαι
   αλλ ουπω το τελος
8. εγερθησεται γαρ εθνος επ εθνος και βασιλεια επι βασιλειαν εσονται σεισμοι
   κατα τοπους εσονται λιμοι αρχη ωδινων ταυτα
9. βλεπετε δε υμεις εαυτους παραδωσουσιν υμας εις συνεδρια και εις
   συναγωγας δαρησεσθε και επι ηγεμονων και βασιλεων σταθησεσθε ενεκεν
   εμου εις μαρτυριον αυτοις
10. και εις παντα τα εθνη πρωτον δει κηρυχθηναι το ευαγγελιον
11.και οταν αγωσιν υμας παραδιδοντες μη προμεριμνατε τι λαλησητε αλλ ο

   εαν δοθη υμιν εν εκεινη τη ωρα τουτο λαλειτε ου γαρ εστε υμεις οι
   λαλουντες αλλα το πνευμα το αγιον
12.και παραδωσει αδελφος αδελφον εις θανατον και πατηρ τεκνον και
   επαναστησονται τεκνα επι γονεις και θανατωσουσιν αυτους
13.και εσεσθε μισουμενοι υπο παντων δια το ονομα μου ο δε υπομεινας εις
   τελος ουτος σωθησεται
14.οταν δε ιδητε το βδελυγμα της ερημωσεως εστηκοτα οπου ου δει ο
   ναγινωσκων νοειτω τοτε οι εν τη ιουδαια φευγετωσαν εις τα ορη
15.ο {VAR2: [δε] } επι του δωματος μη καταβατω μηδε εισελθατω
   {VAR1: τι αραι } {VAR2: αραι τι } εκ της οικιας αυτου
16.και ο εις τον αγρον μη επιστρεψατω εις τα οπισω αραι το ιματιον αυτου
17.ουαι δε ταις εν γαστρι εχουσαις και ταις θηλαζουσαις εν εκειναις ταις
18.προσευχεσθε δε ινα μη γενηται χειμωνος
19.εσονται γαρ αι ημεραι εκειναι θλιψις οια ου γεγονεν τοιαυτη απ αρχης
   κτισεως ην εκτισεν ο θεος εως του νυν και ου μη γενηται
20.και ει μη εκολοβωσεν κυριος τας ημερας ουκ αν εσωθη πασα σαρξ αλλα
   δια τους εκλεκτους ους εξελεξατο εκολοβωσεν τας ημερας
21.και τοτε εαν τις υμιν ειπη ιδε ωδε ο χριστος ιδε εκει μη πιστευετε
22.εγερθησονται γαρ ψευδοχριστοι και ψευδοπροφηται και δωσουσιν
   σημεια και τερατα προς το αποπλαναν ει δυνατον τους εκλεκτους
23.υμεις δε βλεπετε προειρηκα υμιν παντα
24.αλλα εν εκειναις ταις ημεραις μετα την θλιψιν εκεινην ο ηλιος
   σκοτισθησεται και η σεληνη ου δωσει το φεγγος αυτης
25.και οι αστερες εσονται εκ του ουρανου πιπτοντες και αι δυναμεις αι εν
   τοις ουρανοις σαλευθησονται
26.και τοτε οψονται τον υιον του ανθρωπου ερχομενον εν νεφελαις μετα
   δυναμεως πολλης και δοξης
27.και τοτε αποστελει τους αγγελους και επισυναξει τους εκλεκτους [αυτου]
   εκ των τεσσαρων ανεμων απ ακρου γης εως ακρου υρανου
28.απο δε της συκης μαθετε την παραβολην οταν ηδη ο κλαδος αυτης
   απαλος γενηται και εκφυη τα φυλλα γινωσκετε οτι εγγυς το θερος εστιν
29.ουτως και υμεις οταν ιδητε ταυτα γινομενα γινωσκετε οτι εγγυς εστιν επι
30.αμην λεγω υμιν οτι ου μη παρελθη η γενεα αυτη μεχρις ου ταυτα παντα
31.ο ουρανος και η γη παρελευσονται οι δε λογοι μου ου {VAR2: μη }
32.περι δε της ημερας εκεινης η της ωρας ουδεις οιδεν ουδε οι αγγελοι εν
   ουρανω ουδε ο υιος ει μη ο πατηρ
33.βλεπετε αγρυπνειτε ουκ οιδατε γαρ ποτε ο καιρος {VAR1: [εστιν] }
   {VAR2: εστιν }
34.ως ανθρωπος αποδημος αφεις την οικιαν αυτου και δους τοις δουλοις
   αυτου την εξουσιαν εκαστω το εργον αυτου και τω υρωρω ενετειλατο ινα
35.γρηγορειτε ουν ουκ οιδατε γαρ ποτε ο κυριος της οικιας ερχεται η οψε η
   μεσονυκτιον η αλεκτοροφωνιας η πρωι
  36.μη ελθων εξαιφνης ευρη υμας καθευδοντας
  37.ο δε υμιν λεγω πασιν λεγω γρηγορειτε

Number of Greek Vocabulary words in this passage is
exactly 203, (7X29). There are 28 numeric features in his
tribulation speech.


26 six writers are named in the BIBLE. There were, of
course, others who wrote books of the BIBLE. However,
only 26 of the writers are actually named in the BIBLE text
itself. Each of these 26 names, like all other Hebrew and
Greek words, has a numeric value.
NAMES                HEB/ GRK             NUMERICVALUES                               TOTAL

                                         Hebrew books

1. Moses                 345 =                     5+300+40      ‫השמ‬
2. Isaiah     401 =               6+5+10+70+300+10           ‫והיצשי‬
3. Jeremiah   271 =               6+5+10+40+200+10           ‫והימרי‬
4. Ezekiel   156 =                1+100+7+8+10+ 30          ‫לאקזחי‬
5. Hosea       381 =                        70+300+6+5        ‫ע שוח‬
6. Joel           30+1+6+10       ‫לאוי‬        47 =
7. Amos          176 =                        60+6+40+70       ‫סוםע‬
8. Obadiah      5+10+4+2+70         ‫= 19 ה י ד ב‬
9. Jonah          ‫01+6+05+5 ה נ ו י‬                 71 =
10.Micah        ‫= 57 ה כ י מ‬                         5+20+10+40
11.Nahum         ‫05+8+6+04 מ ו ה נ‬            104 =
12.Habakuk    ‫8+2+001+6+001 ק ו ק ב ח‬               216 =
13.Zephaniah   235 =                   5+10+50+80+90          ‫הינפצ‬
14.Haggai           ‫= 12 י ג ה‬                            10+3+8
15.Zacharia    ‫= 242 ה י ר כ ז‬                    5+10+200+20+7
16.Malachi    ‫04+03+1+02+01 י כ א ל מ‬               101 =
17.David           ‫4+6+4 ד ו ד‬                      14 =
18.Soloman     ‫003+03+04+5 ה מ ל ש‬            375 =
19.Daniel     ‫4+05+01+1+03 ל א י נ ד‬          95 =
20.Ezra         ‫07+7+002+1 א ר ז ע‬            278 =
21.Nehemiah 5+10+40+8+50            ‫= 311 ה י מ ה נ‬

                                        Greek Books

22.James             Ιακωβ               10+1+20+800+2                                = 833
23.Peter              πετορς             80+5+300+100+70+200                          = 755
24.Jude              Ιουδας              10+70+400+4+1+200                            = 685
25.Paul              παυλος               80+1+400+30+70+200                          = 781
26.John              Ιωανης              10+800+1+50+8+200                            =1069
                                                                           TOTAL= 7931

Total numeric value is 7931, which is divisible by 7. The
N.V. of each author is calculated from the N.V. of the
Hebrew alphabets and the N.V. of the Greek alphabets,
depending upon the book is from the Hebrew text, or the
Greek text. It is amazing to note that the total N.V. is
perfectly divisible by 7. Hence writing of 66 books, i.e. 39
books in Hebrew and 27 books in Greek books, is the plan
of God.

The books have wide meaning of message of BIBLE
coming first to the Jews and later to both the Jews and the
gentiles. The apostles wrote the gospel and the epistles in
Greek alone, although they were Jews, knowing Hebrew.
Even the book called Hebrew was written in Greek by
Apostle Paul, Jew of the Jews. Name of John has the
highest N.V. i.e, (1069) which hints his work is compact,
packed and practical. His book is worthy more than all
other books in the New Testament and it is full of symbolic
mysterious No: 7. The next epistle is by James which has a
N.V. of 833. James epistle in first century used to be called
as practical epistle of Christian life. The merit of the book
can be assessed by the Numeric Value.

Feature 1:- The total N.V. of 26 BIBLE writers is 7931,
Feature 2:- The total N.V. of the author of first book
            Genesis, Moses and the last Book Revelation
            John is 1414. i.e. 345+1069 = 1414 (7X202).
Feature 3:- The other names have a N.V. of 6517 (7X931).
Feature 4:- The number of O.T writers is 21, (7X3).
Feature 5:- The N.V. of Hebrew names of the 21 writers
            is 3808, (7X 544).
Feature 6:- The N.V. of 5 Greek names of the N.T. text is
            4123, (7X589).
Feature 7:- The writers of the law and the prophets
            (Moses to Malachi) have a N.V. of 2933,
Feature 8:- The writers of Hagiographa (David to
            Nehemiah) has a N.V. of 875, (7X125).
Feature 9:- Of the 21 writers of the O.T. the name in the
            N.T. are Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah,
            Daniel, Hosea, and Joel, who are exactly 7,
            and whose prophesy fulfilled. Jonah’s name
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Amazing Facts From The Bible

  • 2. 2 SCIENTIFIC TRUTH FROM THE BIBLE Is life on this earth a purposeless accident? Is life a result of a cosmic chance as claimed by so-called scientists? Whether all wonders, beauty, and order in the universe, is merely: an accident? Where do we come from? Where do we go? What is the purpose of this life? What is the answer for all these Questions? The answer is creation has a creator, as design in the universe implies a designer. Atheists, skeptics, & Gnostics who always talk what they do not know, engage in idle babble, collect information falsely & call their knowledge as rational knowledge. They are proud knowing nothing, but are obsessed with disputes & arguments over words. They deceive their own hearts by a strong delusion & believe false as truth & truth as false. BIBLE says that, “BECAUSE THE FOOLISHNESS OF GOD IS WISER THAN MEN AND THE WEAKNESS OF GOD IS STRONGER THAN MEN. FOR YOU SEE YOUR CALLING, BRETHERN, THAT NOT MANY WISE ACCORDING TO THE FLESH, NOT MANY MIGHTY, NOT MANY NOBLE, ARE CALLED. BUT GOD HAS CHOSEN THE FOOLISH THINGS OF THE WORLD TO PUT TO SHAME THE WISE AND GOD HAS CHOSEN THE WEAK THINGS OF THE WORLD TO PUT TO SHAME THE THINGS WHICH ARE MIGHTY”.(1cor 1:25-27). The psalm 19:1 of the BIBLE states that “HEAVENS DECLARE THE GLORY OF GOD, AND THE FIRMAMENT SHOWS HIS HANDY WORK”. In Genesis 1:1-25, we read that how God created everything in the heavens and on earth. In genesis 1:26-27, we read that, “THEN GOD SAID, LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR OWN IMAGE, ACCORDING TO OUR OWN LIKENESS”. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. These are the very first words of the BIBLE, which tells us of the beginning of the heavens and the earth. God who created them in the beginning means that he existed before the beginning and that the world, the heavens, the earth and everything in them were created by him. The mysteries, miracles, wonders, and secrets of the universe wrested in the bosom of God alone and he through the BIBLE gave all
  • 3. 3 the answers to his men doubts and questions arising out, in every field of human enquiry. Some believe that the universe is a result of some inexplicable and unknown chance of combination of interacting forces. They honestly believe that billions of years ago there was a great explosion called big bang in the space that resulted in the formation of our universe. By finding the Age of Aquarius, astronomers say that the universe is 6 billions years old. Now where that clock or what is is that clock or what was that time machine: from which they measured that time? How absurd it is to believe some thing like that! We have heard of many explosions, and might have witnessed some. What do they produce? Do they produce beauty, design, order, or creation? They do not create or build anything, but they destroy everything. How can one get a printed newspaper, high lighting that day’s events, resulting out of a bomb explosion in the newspaper press? Are we to believe that an explosion organized letters, columns, spaces, and that set the power on to print the news paper high lighting that days events, like politics, sports, pictures and etc? Are we to believe in these scientists who take advantage, that universe cannot talk and it has no date stamp? Can scientists say any thing they like? If the big bang theory of Hoyle, 1949 is true, why the moons of Neptune and Uranus roil retrograde? Why the cosmic dust on our moon’s surface is only a half an inch? Scientists had calculated that our moon would receive an inch of cosmic dust every 10,000 years. But when men landed on moon their boot did not go half an inch inside even. C14, Carbon dating test can date substances only up to 2000 years. Now the scientists claim that they can date substances up to 7,14,000 years by using Al 26 dating test. If as per scientists earth is billions of years old, why is Globe warming? Why so many rivers are drying? Why ice in North Pole is melting away and grass is growing? Why ice and snow have reduced on mountain tops, which is the source and origin of many rivers in this world? As per BIBLE our universe was created in 6 days, 6000 years ago. BIBLE speaks of creation of our
  • 4. 4 earth (Gen 1:1), and destruction of our earth too (Isa 34:4, 2Ptr 3:10). The universe has purpose and design. There is beauty and order in it. How can life evolve from non-life? Can something come out of nothing? How wonderful it is to know and to believe that in the beginning there was God, who had always existed and that the eternal God, the creator of heaven and earth and whatsoever, that are in them. The earth spins itself to give day and night, tilted itself, so that we get seasons. As per bible, the biosphere owes its existence to God’s act of creation. The biosphere is defined as part of envelope surrounding the earth in which the life thrives and survives. Man like all other living creature, is a product of that, biosphere, which God created on the very first day. There are naturalists and evolutionists, who believe in what is called “a continuous creation”. Of course, by this they do not mean that something was made out of nothing, but rather, something shapely things, were made out of shapeless things. But this theory of continuous and progressive creation presupposes that each state of material world was preceded by a previous state. There must be a beginning, but what was that in the beginning? Where did that come from? How and when did that start evolving? They say that man evolved from Anthropoid Ape and Anthropoid Ape from Ape and Ape from buban and Buban from chimpanzee and chimpanzee from monkey, which had evolved from another lower state, and that from another lower state, and that from another and that from another. But the question is where did that first one come from, which the process of evolution began? Why Ape is still an Ape? Why monkey is still a monkey? Why monkey has not changed into something else? Why Ape or monkey could not talk or converse, while parrot and mina could talk like man. And why is man still a man, who was supposedly evolved from a state of monkey? Why is man not evolving into another being? HAS EVOLUTION COME TO AN END?
  • 5. 5 If man has evolved from lower species, why man does not start life like lower species? Birds start to fly the moment it comes out of egg. Reptiles start hunting its prey the moment it comes out of egg. Why not man, if he has come from lower specie? As per scientists, life and mankind has been there from billions of years, then why there are no traces of evolution to next higher specie? Scientists now claim that man has evolved into intelligent specie. If that is true why scientist’s children are not scientists, musician’s children are not musicians and genius children are not genius? When monkey had an evolution to man, donkey too had an evolution to horse? Sheep to buffalo? Camel to giraffe? Rat to pig? Lizard to crocodile? Cat to tiger and tiger to lion? And an ant to elephant? Where is an answer for all these, by these self-styled so-called evolutionists? Why man and woman are still male and female? Why man cannot be a woman and woman a man? Why father has to be a husband and woman a wife? Why man cannot be a wife and a woman a husband? Darwin to convince the world and to become great had put all kinds of misleading questions. Example: Why giraffe has long neck? Why frog’s back legs are longer than front legs? Why man lost the tail? Why mammary glands are there in between legs in a cow or buffalo, while in man it is between shoulders? Why canines have long mammary glands stretching from hind legs to fore legs? Evolution theory is nonsense, however sophisticated it might appear in dress. The desire of these evolutionists, and the naturalists, is to explain the world without God and to use man as mere animal of labor. It is interesting to note animals have no idea of God at all. Persons who accept evolution theory have to accept themselves as animals and have to be atheists like animals. One cannot accept to Darwin’s conclusion and idea of God both, since they contradict each other. But most people, who accept Darwin’s theory of evolution, also accept to idea of God who thinks he influences daily life. These people neither know message of Darwin’s theory nor about God. They try to sail in two boats, with one leg in atheistic Darwin’s theory and other leg in theistic religion. If they are animals as told by Darwin, and still go to heaven as told by their religion, what prevents
  • 6. 6 them to think that hen, sheep, cow and pig also do not go to heaven, like them? Are they eating them to send them to heaven? Theory of evolution is destructive and it later became the foundation of Inhuman Communism, Nazism, fascism and capitalism, to treat divine man as an animal and justify use him as mere animal. Hitler was the one who greeted Darwin’s theory of evolution. Quoting Darwin he hailed that the German Aryans as racially superior and annihilated 6 million Jews as racially inferior. Today it is proved beyond doubt that Jews are fore runners in all fields of human enquiry, be it military or science or technology or medicine. Darwin’s theory has more questions than answers. Darwin’s theory is ridiculous and it was accepted during the industrial revolution. It was during the industrial revolution 90 correct ideas were accepted by mankind and 10 incorrect second hand ideas were also accepted liberally, like that of Darwin’s and Karl Marx’s, since both science and economics had not developed and matured those days as of today. Today science has opened up large dimensions of reason and thus brought us new insights. But in the joy at the extent of its discoveries, it tends to take away from us dimensions of reason that we still need. Today scientists denounce evolution theory and economists reject Marxian theory of economics. Today communists are becoming capitalists and finding safe haven in the capitalist countries. Both Darwin and Marx suffered from a thick anti-Christian darkness. In communist Russia both Lenin and Stalin treated human beings as animals. Those who questioned them were sent to labor camps for annihilation. In the name of communism, they tore apart millions of well knit united happy families. Karl Marx claimed that communism was scientific and monogamy: a result of wrong side development of private property. Karl Marx was a Christian convert from Judaism and after he became a Christian, he criticized only the Christians, Bible and the Christian Europe. It appears he became a Christian to attack Christians, a Jewish tactics of infiltration and to attack from within. He did not criticize moguls of their faith and their colonialism. India was a mogul colony. He did not
  • 7. 7 even criticize Mongolian Buddhism of their faith and their colonialism. China, Japan and the eastern Asian countries were Buddhist colonies. He only did the Jewish business, of hating only the Christians, just like Shylock of “merchant of Venice”. BIBLE is historical and scientific, greater than any book in existence. It has been spark, which has promoted numerous scientific advances. Speaking in the realm of sciences, even though BIBLE is not a book of science, it does deal with scientific principles that have been proved correct. True science and BIBLE agree, and do not conflict. Many of the scientific truths that have been discovered only in recent times were written in the BIBLE several thousand years ago. Many Jewish and Christian scientists attribute their source of scientific knowledge to the BIBLE. Science and technology is native and the natural born children of Christians and Jews alone. BIBLE makes Christian and Jewish scientists feel, that they are not alone, that is why all inventions have come from them only. Spiritually, the BIBLE contains the word of God, the will of God, and his mind through the scripture to man. BIBLE is the greatest book ever to be delivered into the human hands. It is a book of the books, shinning gem of the ages, and inexhaustible. It has done more to change the course of human events than any other book ever printed. It is bromide of life and an x-ray of truth. It gives comfort to the dying and a compass to the living. Some of the authors were shepherds, some were kings, some were of great education, others men of formal education. Yet all wrote in such a harmony and unity that not a single contradiction has ever been found in their teachings. When scientists are asked to explain the destiny of galaxies, they answer that they will all be slowly be eliminated in millions of years. When asked about the destiny of man, they answer that man probably will have to leave this earth and find another civilization in another planet. When asked whether life is there on any other planet, they say that they are to be probed. Believing in these scientists, governments are spending billions of dollars, tax payers’ money, and
  • 8. 8 sending manned and unmanned space crafts to nook and corner of our solar system. For thousands of years men had believed that the earth was flat and that the ship went too far off to sea, fall off the edge and are destroyed. Today we laugh at such a theory. Yet this belief was widely accepted throughout the world, as late as the days of Columbus, the year A.D.1492. It was not until Magellan first sailed around the world on ocean in A.D. 1522 that the earth roundness and that all the oceans are together was proved. As we go back to the scripture, Moses wrote in his book of Genesis that, “THEN GOD SAID, LET ALL OCEANS ON EARTH UNDER THE HEAVENS BE GATHERED TOGETHER INTO ONE PLACE, AND LET DRY LAND APPEAR, AND IT WAS SO” (Gen 1:9F). Magellan had faith in the BIBLE and took the voyage on sea, believing that the BIBLE as truth and infallible. Magellan after the voyage came to the conclusion that earth is round and all the seas are together, but not the lands or mountains. Moses never went around the globe on sea. Then who revealed him to write this astounding fact? The first ship launched by Americans was in San Francisco in 1919. The ship was built on the laws of buoyancy. It was rock stable having perfect meta-center and its dimension was 300 ft X 50 ft X 30 ft. As we go back to the BIBLE, the first ship Noah built as per God’s commandment was 300 cubits X 50 cubits X 30 cubits. (Gen 6:13-22). Noah was no Mariner. Was it God’s purpose that after revealing that all the seas are together, that man should have a world wide voyage by the seas? Along side, as we turn back through the BIBLE, to the prophets, Isaiah 40:22, we read that, “IT IS HE WHO SITS ABOVE THE CIRCLE OF EARTH”, meaning earth as round. Moses lived in 3850 B.C.E. and Isaiah lived in 2350 B.C.E. Again in (proverbs 8:27), we read that, “WHEN HE PREPARED THE HEAVENS, I WAS THERE, WHEN HE DREW A CIRCLE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH”. Who could have revealed them to write all these truths several centuries ago?
  • 9. 9 Another example of BIBLE, which deals with is, the universal law of gravitation: For centuries it was believed that earth was held in a place by some great support on its outside. As Magellan sailed around, however he discovered nothing visible holds it in place. Thousands of years before this fact was accepted by the scientific world, Job in his book (Job 26:7), declared that “GOD STRECHED OUT THE NORTH OVER AN EMPTY SPACE, AND HE HANGS THE EARTH ON NOTHING”. Job was a shepherd and Who gave him this kind of astounding astronomical knowledge? His book is full of astronomy having cosmic values. Till 16th century A.D., mankind had believed that Atlas, a Greek god, had carried the earth on his back. The coming of Jesus will be in the day–and in the night. In the passage 2 activities are in the night and 2 in the day. There is only one coming spoken of. At any given time part of the earth is covered by darkness and the other part by light. One half of the world has night, while other has day, at the same time (Luke17: 34-36). Who reveled this to this gentile doctor? Later scientists also discovered that in the northern region there is a vast empty space, in which even most powerful telescopes have not been able to locate any celestial bodies. In every other direction, stars can be found. Prophet Job in his book wrote about star constellations visible during different seasons, which is valid even today. Job was a shepherd and did not go out of his own village. Who revealed him to write these terrestrial truths? Job was not an astronomer and there were no telescopes those days. Noble Laureate, Matthew Fountain Murray, “the path finder of the sea” and “the founder of science of oceanography”, was a firm believer of the BIBLE. Before Murray lived there were no charts of the sea and sailing lanes. One day he was ill, and he asked his son to read psalms. His attention became ever increasingly more and more, when his son read the (psalm 8:8), which read, “THE BIRDS OF THE AIR AND FISH OF THE SEA, THAT PASS THROUGH THE PATHS OF THE SEA”. Murray got the clue from the BIBLE and his unfinished work on oceanography was completed, and they are followed by sailors for the safety and smooth sailing of
  • 10. 10 marine’s and sub-marines today. King David wrote psalms and in BIBLE he is called “Man of God’s own heart”. The law of universe is that whatever that takes birth grows and dies and there is no exception to anything in this universe. Everything in this world has entropy and everything comes to an end. All life, be it plant or animal grows and perishes. Even astronomers say that stars which are born too perish some day by burning up. The dead star becomes a black hole and swallows up the neighboring living stars. They also say that our solar system together with earth also get burnt up some day. BIBLE in (2 peter 3:10), says “BUT THE DAY OF THE LORD WILL COME AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT, IN WHICH HEAVENS WILL PASS AWAY WITH A GREAT NOISE, AND THE ELEMENTS WILL MELT WITH FERVENT HEAT: BOTH THE EARTH AND THE WORKS THAT ARE IN IT WILL BE BURNTUP”. The prophesy made by Peter 2000 years ago are coming true as we are witnessing the disappearance of snow on mountain tops, rivers drying up one by one, polar animals migrating or dying and the globe is warming. Who revealed this knowledge to this poor Galilean fisherman? Was Peter an astronomer? There is scientific fore knowledge on eclipse too. Till 18th century it was thought that shadow planets would swallow up Sun and Moon causing Eclipses. But GOD had revealed to Isaiah, the terrestrial truth several centuries ago. He wrote in his book that, “THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED IN ITS GOING FORTH; AND THE MOON WILL NOT CAUSE ITS LIGHT TO SHINE” (Isa13:10) meaning that moon would come in between the earth and sun, hence no light from the Sun to the earth, which is called total solar eclipse. How did Isaiah know about law of celestial mechanics, and who revealed it to him? Herbert Spencer once declared that science offers 5 basic principles for universal stability, as time, space, matter, force and motion. The first verse of BIBLE reveals these five principles. Gen 1:1, “IN THE BEGINNING (TIME), GOD CREATED HEAVENS (SPACE), AND THE EARTH (MATTER), AND THE SPIRIT OF GOD (FORCE), WAS HOVERING OVER
  • 11. 11 THE FACE OF THE WATERS (MOTION)”. Everything Herbert Spencer had said had already been revealed several thousand years ago by Moses in his very first book: Genesis. Another latest discovery by Albert Einstein in the modern physics is about the fate of space, time, matter and motion in 4th dimensional space. Here Einstein talks about shrinkage of time with respect to space. Whatever Albert Einstein said and stated in his famous theory of relativity can be found in (2 ptr 3:8), which says, “BUT, BELOVED, DONOT FORGET THIS ONE THING, THAT WITH THE LORD ONE DAY IS AS A THOUSAND YEARS, AND A THOUSAND YEARS AS ONE DAY”. How did Peter know that the day of the earth and the day of the universe were different? How did he even know about the shrinkage of time in space in this universe? Peter was a Galilean fisherman lived his life in a remote corner of this world. To-day, there is no one who does not know about Radio and T.V: the entertaining gadgets. Both radio and T.V. works on the principles of electro-magnetism: a transmitter and a receiver gadget. As we return to the BIBLE in the book of Job 38:19-35, says that, “WHERE IS THE WAY TO THE DWELLING OF LIGHT?... AND DARKNESS, WHERE IS ITS PLACE?...CAN YOU SEND OUT LIGHTNINGS, THAT THEY MAY GO? AND SAY TO YOU, “HERE WE ARE!”. Whatever Hertz, Marconi and Baird had laid down the theory and principles of transmission of electrical waves are already there in the book of Job. Job was an ordinary wayside shepherd had no schooling and did not go out of Israel. Who revealed him to write these principles of electronics? Atheists in their boastful bravado deny these truths. Apostle James the brother of the Lord Jesus Christ wrote in his canonical epistle (Jms 2:19), “AN ATHEIST DENIES, BUT DEVIL ADMITS”. Atheists complain that they cannot see him, and can’t prove him in the laboratories, or even see him through the telescopes. Atheists are weak, but their avarice is hard to satisfy. They are like moth seeking a wick light of the evening than broad daylight. They climb a molehill and claim that they have climbed a mountain hill. We know it is for a small fame and a cheap popularity. They are unwontedly educated beyond their brains. Their hearts are sick souls.
  • 12. 12 Doctors and nurses are different. Those in that profession are working with the most astounding organism of the world. Human body is a complex biological machine with precision. The complexity of the body and marvelous works that it accomplishes ought to cause each of them to believe in divine creation. BIBLE reveals, that “BLOOD IS THE LIFE OF THE BODY” (Lev 17:11). Truly it is. Why people look for blood donors when they want to save the patient, because blood is the seat of body-life. It brings life giving iron and oxygen and carries away the life destroying waste products. It is rare to come across doctors and nurses, who are atheists. God’s power and wisdom are displayed in nature. It is apparent that our universe is not limited to the physical realm and no doubt GOD is in control, which mortals cannot know. We do not want any human interpretation of GOD, because he who is born of earth talks about GOD at earth level. But atheists provoke questions, without certainty of any answer. They leave us at a point, when it is impossible for us to stop. Atheists try to find happiness in wine, woman, wealth, and fortune, but happiness cannot be found apart from GOD, and without him everything is meaningless. Man imitates God’s design and claims it as his own invention. Can man make an aircraft without it, looking like an eagle? Can man make a boat without, it looking like an external shell of Spathodia or donis reglia? Can man make a submarine without, it looking like a fish? These are only a few examples. God provides a proto type in nature for man to imitate and use it, because he loves him. The word UNIVERSE, which scientists and atheists use, come from the BIBLE, i.e. UNI + VERSE, UNI means first, and VERSE means word. What does BIBLE say? IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD, AND THE WORD WAS WITH GOD. HE WAS IN THE BEGINNING WITH GOD. ALL THINGS WERE MADE THROUGH HIM, AND WITHOUT HIM NOTHING WAS MADE THAT WAS MADE. (JN1:1-3). How the BIBLE writers knew about these things? Who revealed this super scientific knowledge? There is only one answer: - GOD REVEALED.
  • 13. 13 What are the achievements of so-called scientists, whose fashion is atheism? Unchecked by any authority they have out grown to the extent of destroying the world with their useless inventions. Statesmen, progressive scientists, and doctors are warning of impending disaster by them. The late Albert Einstein said that, “there is no defense in science against the weapons which can destroy civilization”. Late John F Kennedy said that, “together we shall live or together we shall perish in its flame”. The great powers are facing their last moments. Ours is an age of agnosticism and atheism, mixed with worst form of cynicism and self-hatred. The vast majority is skeptical of the existence of higher power called GOD. The BIBLE foretold this time of atheism on earth. The Old Testament prophets had foretold the exact time of God’s appearance on earth, yet people refused to believe in him. When he came, he was beaten, tortured, crucified, and killed. The ruler of the universe was judged and condemned to death. Of course GOD, the father resurrected him and took him back in to the heaven to judge the world now. All authority has been given to him now by the father. He is now sitting on the right hand side of the power. The Lord says in the BIBLE that, “Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool, Where is the house that you will build me? And where is the place of my rest?” (Isa 66:1). The lord also tells through Jeremiah, that “they worshipped all worthless idols and they became as worthless as idols itself”. God in Old Testament and New Testament in many books, chapters and Verses warned Jews and the Christians of Idolatry, (1 Jn 5:21). New Testament reveals of his second coming. The BIBLE speaks of signs before all these things happen. Mankind has rejected the BIBLE and its teachings. Mankind has reached the end of rope. The further he goes, the more destructive he becomes. Mankind has no solutions. Any attempt to bring change in these men is like serpent to repent. The BIBLE reveals, as how God will intervene in the worldly affairs to save his believers, baptized, and saved in his name. Yes, Jesus saves us, with his hidden nature of compassion. Called or not called, Jesus Son of God will visit his people again. Because he lives, we also live. He will not leave us as orphans. And that is his promise to his beloved disciples. So let us pray for his second coming. The Christian and the Jewish cosmic vision of this world and its realities are above narrow world vision of the gentile pagans. Saints. AMEN. Written by: Dr. S.C. Srinivasan. Now: Samson Salem 16, I main, Canara Bank Colony Nagarbhavi Road Bangalore-560072 Mob: 9886649990
  • 14. 14 NUMERIC TRUTH FROM THE BIBLE There are number of facts which mathematically prove that the BIBLE was not written by the human beings alone. It is supernatural, God inspired and God given book. The discoveries are facts of importance and they would indeed baffle and confound atheists and agnostics. There are facts that cause skeptics and modernistic thinkers to accept, that BIBLE as God inspired book. This article helps one to appreciate the beauty of numerical and structural construction in the BIBLE in CYCLES OF SEVEN by God. All Jews know that God gave their scripture in Hebrew. All Muslims know that their scripture is in Arabic. Every Hindu knows that their scripture is in Sanskrit. But very few Christians know that God gave their scriptures in Hebrew and in Greek. This numeric beauty is in original Hebrew and Greek texts alone. The numerical features construction not only increases in arithmetical progression, but in geometric progression, for each paragraph is designed to develop constantly fixed numeric relations to the material that precedes and follows it. Every additional letter, word, and sentence makes the matter tremendously more complicated and comprehensive. These sevens are so deeply concealed that special searching and special counting is necessary in order to find them. They occur in the very structure of every paragraph in the entire BIBLE, not in the paragraphs only, but often in the many sub- divisions of paragraphs. When God gives it is always special and complex and it is his way, like sky looks blue although it is not blue and earth does not seem to rotate although it does. The BIBLE declares that “all scripture is given by the inspiration of God” (II Tim 3:16). The BIBLE claims that the writers of scripture wrote, not of their own will, but they were moved by the power of Holy Spirit of God. The prophets who wrote the BIBLE spoke from God, being borne on by the power of Holy Spirit. II Peter 1:21 declares that the scripture came, “not by the will of man, but by the holy men of God”. Luke 1:70, states that, “God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets”. II
  • 15. 15 Sam. 23:1-2, declares that, “the spirit of the lord spake by me and his word was on my tongue”. God said to Moses, “you shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall you diminish from it” (Deut 4:2). A death penalty was pronounced upon the prophets who add any of his own words, into the BIBLE, (Deut.18:10). Revelation 23:18-19, also state the very same commandment of God. The prophets merely recorded the words they received from God. The early Christians in Berea regarded BIBLE as God’s word and checked every thing against the scripture and diligently listened to their preachers. Greek philosophers likewise praised those who listened attentively. Tradition records apostle Paul addressed the Greek senators in their hall of wisdom, the word of God Jesus. BIBLE contains two main divisions, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament of 39 books, written in Hebrew, is a testimony of “Paradise lost” through Adam, and the New testament of 27 books, written in Greek, is a testimony of “Paradise gained“, through Jesus the only son of God. Both languages are regarded as God’s spoken languages, given first to the Jews and later to the Gentiles. BIBLE was never written by the prophets or apostles in English or Latin or Arabic. While BIBLE is God’s creation with no chapters or verses, for Bible is to be read wholly and fully, Chapters and Verses in it came later by so-called BIBLE scholars. The result, Christian denominations arose. Each denomination quotes its own favorite chapters and verses from the book to defend their point of view and existence. Paul wrote to Timothy, foreseeing this and gave prophesy that, “If anyone teaches otherwise and does not consent to wholesome words…..he is proud knowing nothing, but is obsessed with disputes and argument over words from which come envy, strife..……” The most popular English translation of the BIBLE, the King James Version, was first published in 1611 A.D. by 47 of the world great scholars. The second version is the revised version translated in 1885 A.D., by 101 prominent scholars
  • 16. 16 from England and America. For the convenience of BIBLE study, the BIBLE was divided into chapters in 1250 A.D. by Hugo and verses in 1551 A.D. by Sir Robert Stephens. The BIBLE since then has 1189 Chapters (OT 929 + NT 260) and 31173 (OT 23214 + NT 7959) verses. The shortest verse in the BIBLE is John 11:35. But, some dispute that it is the last word of BIBLE. “AMEN”. The longest verse is Esther 8:9. The shortest psalm is psalm 117 and the longest psalm is psalm 119. The 66 books of the BIBLE were written by about 40 different authors, who were shepherds, kings, captives in foreign lands, educated and uneducated. The books were written by those who spoke different languages, and lived in different periods, and lived in different regions. Yet all wrote in such a harmony and unity that not a single contradiction has been ever found in their writings. In the Old Testament times God conversed with Adam in Hebrew, and Adam named all living and non-living things in Hebrew (Gen2:19). God also spoke to Moses in Hebrew and gave him Ten Commandments for the Israelites to follow and keep. As centuries passed by, with the Jewish population expanding to the Greek areas (Hellenistic areas) and with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as prophesied God gave them a new commandment in Greek, for them to follow and observe. Christianity was founded by God’s apostles and disciples and Christ is the central person in the plan of salvation. From Genesis to Revelation the scheme of redemption progresses from “someone is coming” to “someone has come” to “someone will come again”. It is impossible for chance or even deliberate fraud to account for this magnificent unity. Inspiration of God is the only explanation. The BIBLICAL prophesy and its fulfillment is the convincing evidences that BIBLE is GOD’S WORD. Many of the discovered facts have a direct bearing on the unusual characteristics of these languages. A comparison is made with the English language in order that the peculiarity of the Hebrew and Greek language might be clearly understood.
  • 17. 17 In English language there are 26 letters (sounds) in the alphabet, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, etc. In addition to these 26 letters 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0, are used. These figures were once the Arabic symbols, used by them to represent planets, for the purpose of astrology. English people later used it to express “numbers”. I.e. 1 = 1, 2 = 1+1, 3 = 1+1+1, 4 = 1+1+1+1, and etc. The Hebrew and Greek languages do not have a system like this. These languages have only the letters of their alphabets, but do not have additional symbols or figures such as 1, 2, 3, 4, etc, which express numbers. Instead of using special figures, the Hebrew and Greek languages use their own letters of their alphabets to express or represent numbers. Thus the letters of their alphabets served a two fold purpose. They were used to represent alphabetical sounds or express numbers. Every letter of the Hebrew and Greek alphabets represents a certain “number”. In other words, each letter is assigned a “NUMERIC VALUE”. This is the peculiar characteristic of these languages. The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters (sounds) and the Greek alphabet 24 letters (sounds). Below are listed the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Beside each letter is its sound and “NUMERIC VALUE”- the “number” which it represents. Hebrew has only capital letters. HEBREW ALPHABETS ‫א‬ Aleph (Ox) 1 ‫ל‬ Lamed (Ox Goad) 30 ‫ב‬ Beth (House) 2 ‫מ‬ Mem * (Water) 40 ‫ג‬ Gimel (Camel) 3 ‫נ‬ Nun * (Fish) 50 ‫ד‬ Daleth (Door) 4 ‫ס‬ Samekh (Prop ) 60 ‫ה‬ He (Window) 5 ‫ע‬ Ayin (Eye) 70 ‫ו‬ Vau (Nail) 6 ‫פ‬ Feh * (Mouth) 80 ‫ז‬ Zayin (Weapon) 7 ‫צ‬ Tsadi * (Fish Hook) 90 ‫ח‬ Heth (Hedge) 8 ‫ק‬ Keph (Axe Head Hole)100 ‫ט‬ Teth (Snake) 9 ‫ר‬ Resh (Head) 200 ‫י‬ Yod (Hand) 10 ‫ש‬ Sin (Tooth) 300 ‫כ‬ Khaph *(Wing) 20 ‫ת‬ Tav ( Sign) 400 Note 1: * The following letters 90 ,80 ,50 ,40 ,20 ‫כ, מ, נ, פ, צ‬ are used at the end of words, they are written as follows: ‫.ך, ם, ן, ף, ץ‬
  • 18. 18 Below are listed the 24 letters of the “Greek alphabets. Beside each letter is its sound and“NUMERIC VALUE” – the “number” which it represents. Each Greek letter has capital and small letters. GREEK ALPHABETS A α Alpha 1 N v Nu 50 B β Beta 2 Ξ ξ Xi 60 Γ γ Gamma 3 O ο Omicron 70 Δ δ Delta 4 Π π Pi 80 E ε Epsilon 5 P ρ Rho 100 Z ζ Zeeta 7 Σ σ Sigma 200 H η Eta 8 T t Tan 300 Θ θ Theta 9 Y υ Upsilon 400 I ι Iota 10 Φ φ Phi 500 K x Kappa 20 X χ Chi 600 Λ λ Lambda 30 Ψ ψ Psi 700 M μ Mu 40 Ω ω Omega 800 Note 1: Σ or σ when used in the end of a word is written as “ς”. Note 2: There was no alphabet for 6 and 90. But the Prophets were secretly using “S” for 6, and “ ” for 90. Each letter represents a certain “Number” and that will be its N.V. It is observed that a maze of amazing beauty of numbers is mysteriously hidden beneath, the very surface of the original BIBLE text. The original BIBLE text means, the Hebrew and the Greek text of the BIBLE alone, and not the Latin or English translated texts or versions. At best the English translation has come to us as a translated text, as far as possible, but the restrictions of grammar and usage has taken away the original aroma of Hebrew and Greek texts. The BIBLE became five times bigger in English translation and three times bigger in Latin translation. Of course there is no loss of God’s message of abundance grace and God’s plan of wonderful salvation for mankind by these translated texts. For example, the first verse of the gospel according to John in the Greek, “in the beginning was the word and the word was
  • 19. 19 with (the) God, and the word was God”. The question comes to our minds as, why does the Greek word ‘THE’ precede the word ‘GOD’ in one case, but not in the other? When we take an account of ‘GOD’ and ‘THE GOD’ in all the passages, we will be struck with numeric relation between them. This numeric beauty is not in Latin or English translation of the BIBLE. There are some examples; The shortest verse in the BIBLE is John 11:35. The Greek sentence “EDAKRUSEN O’ IESOUS” is translated as “WEPT THE JESUS”. There are six letters in the Greek word “ιησους”, but only five letters in the English translation. There are sixteen letters in the Greek text, but only nine letters in the English translation. In Greek : “εδακρυσεν ο ιησους”. In English: “Wept the Jesus”. Num Val of words: “785 + 70 + 888” = 1743. (249X7). The numeric Value of JESUS in Greek: “ιησους “. Ι η σ ο υ ς Total. 10 8 200 70 400 200 888. The numeric Value of SATAN in Greek: “χξS “. Χ ξ S Total. 600 60 6 666. The numeric Value of NERON KAISER. In Greek it is written as Neron Kaiser. In Hebrew it is written as Neron Kesar: i.e. ‫קםך‬ ‫נךוכ‬ . n, Nun ( 50 = ( ‫נ‬ k, Keph ( 100 = (‫ק‬ r, Resh ( 200 = ( ‫ך‬ s, Samech ( 60 = ( ‫ם‬ v, Vau ( 6 =(‫ו‬ r, Resh ( 200 = ( ‫ך‬ n, Nun ( 50 = ( ‫נ‬ Total 306 Total 360 = 666 It was a disguise number for the name of “NERON CEASAR” (666) calculated and attributed to SATAN. The TOTAL NUMERIC VALUE of SATAN and NERON CEASAR is SAME
  • 20. 20 and it is “666”. During I st century, the apostles had witnessed the fury of Nero Caesar, who was no better than that of Satan, who had got beheaded Apostle Paul and had got killed the early Christians in Roman COLOSEUM for their faith in the resurrected Christ, the LORD of the UNIVERSE. Apostle John expressed the secret name of Nero by adding the numeric value contained in his name, taken from Hebrew language. (Rev 13:18). King Solomon received 666 talents of gold from Sheba. He became an idolater. The result the temple was destroyed by Romans later and God never gave him a prophetic vision to foresee Jesus. 1king 10:14, God also took away the ark of covenant to heaven. Rev 11:19. Are number and its numeric value in the structure of BIBLE so important? - The answer is YES. “He counted the number of stars” –Psalm 147: 4. “He bringeth out their host by numbers”- Isa 40: 26. “He has measured the waters in hallow of his hand and meted out the heaven with a space and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure and weighed the mountains in scales, and hills in balance”- Isa 40:12. “The very hairs of your head are all numbered”- Matt 10:30. When God has counted the very hairs of your head, has he not counted the words and letters of his scripture? It is only in Hebrew and Greek text of the BIBLE, that the letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, passages, and chapters, have the beauty of numbers and numeric value. The 7’s are strangely out of the sight of ordinary Hebrew and Greek readers. The number 7 is mysteriously hidden every- where, all over, both in the world, heaven and the BIBLE. One can very well conclude that, there is one mind behind all, and that mind is God’s. Number 7 has been his basic unitary brick of all his creation. From the first book “Genesis” to his last book “Revelation”, 7is by far the outstanding number. Where there is 7, there is heaven and where there is heaven there is 7. Heaven and 7 are inseparable. 7 is a numeric expression of the BIBLE and heaven. The CREATOR of this universe and the AUTHOR of the BIBLE is one and the same.
  • 21. 21 God is a great mathematician of all creations. His mathe- matical signature is seen and felt beneath all his creation. The number 7 is God’s specialty and its meaning is associated with perfection and completeness. God’s presence is felt by the presence of 7 both in this universe and in the BIBLE. THE WORLD OF SEVEN God created the world in 7 days and that is his foundation of creating complexities of cycles of 7 in his earthly creations like color, music, pH of water, seven seas, gestation periods etc and in his scripture: THE BIBLE. From the beginning of time, the number 7 has always meant perfection and completion. God raised his creation, with the number 7. The number 7 has stabilizing raising qualities. The number 7 is stamped upon all of God’s work, and his great mathematical laws govern the activities of the entire universe. For instance, there are 7 colors in a ray of light. In the sphere of music there are 7 whole tones in the scale. God segmented the week into 7 distinct days. In the night sky no one will miss to see the 7 great star constellation. On earth all the 7 seas are together making continent to continent navigation possible. The pH of water is 7 which cover ¾ of the surface of earth. There are 7 days a week and God segmented the week into 7 distinct days. There are 7 Wonders of the World. Each lunar period lasts 7 days from the crescent, half, gibbous, and full/new moon taking lunar month to 28 days (7X4). In chemistry it is well known that two substances combine only when two molecular mathematical proportions only unite in Chemical wedding. INDEED SEVEN IS STAMPED UPON PHYSIOLOGY TOO. While God commanded man’s rest to be 7th day, He declared man’s years to be: 3 score and 10, (7X10). Every 7 years our body renews. There are 7 stages of life. There are 7 types of joints in human beings like 1) ball and socket 2) hinge joint 3) saddle joint 4) ellipsoidal joint 5) pivot joint 6) gliding joint 7) fixed joint. There are 14 (7X2) phalanges in each of our palm fingers. In the field of physiology man’s pulse beat slower every 7th day, whether he is sick or well. In certain diseases, the 7th, 14th, and 21st are critical days.
  • 22. 22 In the sphere of the gestation period, the hare and rat is 28 (7X4) days, the cat is 56 (7X8) days, the dog is 63 (7X9) days, the lion is 98 (7X14) days, the sheep is 147 (7X21) days, the hen is 21 (7X3) days, the duck is 28 (7X4) days. The woman’s menstrual cycle is 28 days (7x 4) and the period of gestation of woman is 280 (7X40) days. All these gestation periods are divisible by 7. To most pregnant women, the 7th month of pregnancy, is crucial. GOD VERY OFTEN WORKS IN CYCLES OF 7’s IN THIS WORLD. Hippocrates held the number 7, through its hidden nature maintains everything in being. It disperses life and movement. It influences even celestial laws and mechanics of heavenly bodies. In the field of arithmetic, 7 is an indivisible supreme prime number. Many complicated calculations can easily be done by shortest steps using number 7 and its application techniques. All these reveal that nature does not operate by chance, but by a calculated design. There is a fundamental arithmetical foundation which is 7. The unified field theory, propounded by Albert Einstein defines space-time continum as the fourth dimension. He does not rule out the possibility of fourth, fifth, sixth and the 7th dimensional space. According to him, the 7th dimension is the final frontier in which, our expanding universe exists. Imagine! How magnanimous is to live in this mysterious infinite universe. Can scientists provide an answer? No. Only GOD can provide answer through the Scripture. THE NUMBER SEVEN IN THE BIBLE The Sabbath was the 7th day. In acts the word “Sabbath” is repeated 84 (12x7) times. In Egypt there were 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine. Sabbatical year was every 7th year. Jericho city was captured with 7 priests, who had 7 trumpets, and walked around the city walls 7 times. Solomon took 7 years to build the temple, then for 7 days he gave the sacrifice of offerings and on the 7th day glory of God came. In 2 King 5, Elisha instructs Naaman to wash 7 times in the Jordan River to cure leprosy.
  • 23. 23 In the book of REVELATION, the number 7 is outstanding, 7 churches, 7 lamp stands, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 stars, 7 spirits, 7 dooms are mentioned. In all, the number 7 occurs more than fifty times in the book of revelation. There are only 7 miracles in the gospel according to John. All the miracles are rich in symbolism. Jesus transfigured as Moses and Elijah on a high mountain, before Peter, James and John after six days, i.e. on the 7 th day. (Matthew 17: 1-13). There are 7 Doctrines mentioned in the book of Ephesians, Eph 4: 4-6 by Paul:- 1) One body 2) One spirit 3) One hope 4) One Lord 5) One faith 6) One baptism 7) One God. The 12 disciples (i.e. leaving Judah) of Jesus come from 7 families. There are 8 barren women, but only 7 were blessed to conceive after their due age 1) Sarah 2) Rebecca 3) Rachel 4) Manoah’s wife 5) The Shuna--mmite woman 6) Hannah 7) Elizabeth. Michael, David’s wife, did not conceive, for she laughed at, almost nudity of David while dancing, in bringing the ark of covenant box. It was God’s curse on her. In the gospel of John, the son of noble man, who was suffering from fever, left him at the 7th hour (Jn 4:52). All the numbers expressed by John in his gospel is divisible by 7, i.e., 70 (7X10) A.D. 42 (7X6) months, 1260 (7X180) days. There are 7 divisions in the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus fed 5000 with 7 items: 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. Blood was sprinkled 7 times on the Ark of the Covenant. Moses marries Zipporah, one of the 7 daughters of Jethro. Moses ties 7 rounds of red thread on the wrist of Zipporah. Enoch, the 7th from Adam was taken up by God himself (Gen 5:24, Jude 14). 7 Greek helpers, who were men of reputation, were appointed by twelve Disciples of Christ to serve at the table, when the Christians were multiplying (Acts 6:3). Jesus appears to the 7 disciples (Jn 21:2). Jesus predicts his death 14 (7X2) times. Jesus Christ spoke 7 words from the cross. There are only 7 parables in the whole of the Old Testament, antecedents to Jesus’ parables, namely, 1) Nathan’s parable (2 Sam 12: 1-10), 2) Woman from Tekoa’s ( 2 Sam 14: 5-20), 3) Parable condemning Ahab (1 king 20: 35-40), 4) Song of the vineyard ( Isa 5: 1-7), 5) Eagles and the vine ( Ezek 17: 2-10), 6) The lioness and cubs (Ezek 19:2-9), 7) Vine ( Ezek 19:
  • 24. 24 10-14). Jacob had 7 righteous sons from his spiritual wives. Jesus had righteous disciples from 7 families. Samson, the strongest man who lived on this earth, had strength in 7 locks of hair on his head. (Judges 16:19). Why so many CYCLES OF SEVENS throughout the BIBLE. Coming down to the practices of practical life, to combat sterility, Moroccan women roll their sashes 7 times around a trunk tree and leave them there for 7 days. To avoid drowning in the sea, Icelanders going for the first dip of the day start letting 7 waves pass over their heads. In India, Hindu bride and the bridegroom take 7 steps around the fire, an age old custom of marriage, for eternal family bondage. The word “Baptized“ is repeated 35 times, and “Follow me” is repeated 14 times in the New testament. GOD IN BIBLE TOO WORKS IN CYCLES OF SEVENS. So what is the conclusion? THE CREATOR OF THIS WORLD AND THE CREATOR OF BIBLE IS ONE AND THE SAME. 7 symbolizes the BIBLE, the salvation of mankind, the word, the world, the heaven, Universal stability, all creation having full completeness with absolute perfection. The number 7 is indivisible and hence cannot be broken. Christ always said that the scripture cannot be broken, hinting about the mysterious number 7 hidden. Jesus said in Matthew 5:18, Jn 19:35, that not a single ‘jot’ or smallest mark ‘title’, would pass from the law till all be fulfilled. God controlled every word and number of its occurrences in various books, thus formed words of combinations of words of equal value to reveal his authority in the form of languages of numbers. It is discovered that thousands of these 7 are mysteriously hidden in the very structure of the text. Some of the 7 are strangely hidden in the unusual system of numbers in the numeric value of the Hebrew and the Greek letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, and passages of text, while others are hidden in other remarkable and peculiar ways. The finding of cycles of sevens need not be of one stereo type. It varies from verses to verses, paragraphs to paragraphs, books to books. It goes complex as we read from Geneses to revelation. Since each letter stands for a number, it is clear that a change in even a single letter changes the numeric value of the entire passage. Any addition or omission to the
  • 25. 25 original texts destroys many features of a perfect design given to us by God. The most famous method adopted by Jesus in his teachings was the parable. It is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. Parable in Greek means comparison. Every parable has different levels of meaning, one to his devoted followers, and other to disarm his opponents. But as far as numbers are concerned, the mysterious number 7 is the ultimate hidden numerical parable of the BIBLE and that is the strong foundation. It is like binary 0’s and 1’s in the field of computers, which lies beneath. In a simple example, it is like train moving on rails or jets going on air or ship sailing on water. GENESIS, Chp 1, Verse 1. (Birth of the heaven and the earth) The Hebrew is written and read from right to left. I.e. Backwards. IN HEBREW: ‫את אלהים ברא בראשית‬ ‫ואת השמים‬ ‫הארץ‬ IN English: “In the beginning created God the Heaven and the Earth”. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heb word N.V. of alphabets N.V. of word In English --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 913 400,10,300,1,200,2 ‫בראשית‬ In the beginning 203 2 ,1,200 ‫ברא‬ Created 86 40,10,5,30,1 ‫אלחימ‬ God 401 400,1 ‫את‬ An Article 395 40,10,40,30,5 ‫השמים‬ The Heaven 407 400,1,6 ‫ואת‬ And 296 90,200,1,5 ‫הארץ‬ The Earth Feature 1:- There are seven (7X1) words. Feature 2:- There are 28 (7X4) letters. Feature 3:- CREATED is a verb, whose n.v. is 203 (7X29). Feature 4:- There are three nouns, namely God, Heaven, and Earth. The N.V. is: 86+395+296 = 777 (7X111). Feature 5:- No. of letters in subject & predicate, 6+3+5 = 14 (7X2). Feature 6:- No. of letters in objects, 2+5+3+4 = 14 (7X2). Feature 7:- No. of letters in I st object, 2+5 = 7.
  • 26. 26 Feature 8:- No. of letters in II nd onject 3+4 = 7. Feature 9:- Letters in three nouns, 5+5+4 = 14 (7X2). Feature 10:- Letters in non-nouns, 6+3+2+3 = 14 (7X2). Feature 11:- Letters in the shortest word plus letters on the left, 2+5 = 7. Feature 12:- Letters in the shortest word plus letters on the right, 2+5 = 7. Feature 13:- The N.V. of the first, middle, and the last words, 913+401+296 = 1610 (7X230). Feature 14:- The total sum of N.V. of the first and last alphabets of each seven words, 402+3+41+401+45+406+95 = 1393, (7X199). Feature 15:- The N.V. of the first and last 497 (7X71). Feature 16:- The N.V. of the rest of the remaining words 3+41+401++45+406 = 896 (7X128). The maze of amazing numeric features of 7 is indeed beyond the view of mere readers of the Hebrew BIBLE text. They are mysteriously hidden beneath the surface of the text. They can be discovered only by keen searching and calculations. The features pointed out are numeric values based on grammar. According to “Good news bible”, Galatians 3:16, “Now God made promises to Abraham and to his descendant”. The scripture does not use plural but singular. “Descendant” meaning one person only, namely “CHRIST”. The purpose of Grammar is to bring beauty to a language by restricting the flow of spoken or written language with the rules and regulations. MATTHEW, Chapter 1, Verse 1-17. (Christ’s Genealogy) 1. βιβλος γενεσεως ιησου χριστου υιου δαυιδ υιου αβρααμ. 2. αβρααμ εγεννησεν τον ισαακ ισαακ δε εγεννησεν τον Iακωβ ιακωβ δε εγεννησεν τον ιουδαν και τους αδελφους Αυτου. 3. ιουδας δε εγεννησεν τον φαρες και τον ζαρα εκ της θαμαρ. φαρες δε εγεννησεν τον εσρωμ εσρωμ δε εγεννησεν τον αραμ. 4. αραμ δε εγεννησεν τον αμιναδαβ αμιναδαβ δε εγεννησεν τον ναασσων αασσων δε εγεννησεν τον σαλμων. 5. σαλμων δε εγεννησεν τον βοες εκ της ραχαβ βοες δε εγεννησεν τον ιωβηδ εκ της ρουθ ιωβηδ εγεννησεν τον ιεσσαι. 6. ιεσσαι δε εγεννησεν τον δαυιδ τον βασιλεα δαυιδ δε εyεννησεν τον σολομωνα εκ της του ουριου. 7. σολομων δε εγεννησεν τον ροβοαμ ροβοαμ δε εγεννησεν τον
  • 27. 27 δε εγεννησεν τον ασαφ. 8. ασαφ δε εγεννησεν τον ιωσαφατ ιωσαφατ δε εγεννησεν τον ιωραμ ιωραμ δε εγεννησεν τον οζιαν. 9. οζιας δε εγεννησεν τον ιωαθαμ ιωαθαμ δε εγεννησεν τον αχας αχας αχαζ αχαζ δε εγεννησεν τον εζεκιαν. 10. εζεκιας δε εγεννησεν τον μανασση μανασσης δε εγεννησεν τον αμως αμως δε εγεννησεν τον ιωσιαν. 11. ιωσιας δε εγεννησεν τον ιεχονιαν και τους αδελφους αυτου επι της μετοικεσιας βαβυλων. 12. μετα δε την μετοικεσιαν βαβυλων ιεχονιας εγεννησεν τον σαλαιηλ σαλαθιηλ δε εγεννησεν τον ζοροβαβελ. 13. ζοροβαβελ δε εγεννησεν τον αβιουδ αβιουδ δε εγεννησεν τον ελιακιμ ελιακιμ δε εγεννησεν τον αζωρ. 14. αζωρ δε εγεννησεν τον σαδωκ σαδωκ δε εγεννησεν τον αχιμ αχιμ δε εγεννησεν τον ελιουδ. 15. ελιουδ δε εγεννησεν τον ελεαζαρ ελεαζαρ δε εγεννησεν τον ματθαν ματθαν δε εγεννησεν τον ιακωβ. 16. ιακωβ δε εγεννησεν τον ιωσηφ τον ανδρα μαριας εξ ης εγεννηθη ιησους ο λεγομενος χριστος. 17. πασαι ουν αι γενεαι απο αβρααμ εως δαυιδ γενεαι δεκατεσσαρες και πο δαυιδ εως της μετοικεσιας βαβυλων γενεαι δεκατεσσαρες και απο της μετοικεσιας βαβυλων εως του χριστου γενεαι δεκατεσσαρες. The first 17 verses form a natural, logical division, dealing with the genealogy of Jesus Christ. It is just the same as last example, worked out. As one goes progressively by book by book and to the last book, revelation, complexity of numeric design is progressively most amazing. The Greek text of Westcott and Hort is used, the only original, natural and neutral BIBLE, for the authors had taken all precautions in compiling. There are 72 Greek vocabulary words in these 17 verses. Vocabulary words means number of words used. For example, the word ‘and’ is one word, although it is used several times in the passage. In short the number of vocabulary words, or the number of different words used in a passage, is thus not the same as the total number of words used in a passage. Feature 1:- The N.V. of these 72 Greek vocabulary words is 42364, (7X6052). Feature 2:- These 72 Greek vocabulary words occur in 90 forms. The N.V. of the 90 forms is 54075, (7X7725).
  • 28. 28 Feature 3:- Of the 72 Greek vocabulary words the number of are exactly 56, (7X8). Feature 4:- The Greek word ‘the’ occurs 56 times, (7X8). Feature 5:- The number of different forms, article “the” is exactly 7. The seventeen verses has two main sections (1) Verses 1-11, (2) Verses 12-17. VERSES 1-11. Feature 6:- The number of Greek vocabulary words used in the last eleven Verses are 49, (7X7). Feature 7:- Of these 49 words, the words begin with vowel are 28, (7X4). Feature 8:- Of these 49 words, the words begin with consonant are exactly 21, (7X3). Feature 9:- The number of letters in these 49 words is 266, (7X38). Feature10:- Of these 266 letters the number of vowels is 140, (7X20). Feature11:- Of these 266 letters the number of consonants is 126, (7X18). Feature12:- Of the 49 Greek vocabulary words in the 11 verses the number of Words which occur more than once is exactly 35, (7X5). Feature13:- The number of words which occur only once is 14, (7X2). Feature14:- Of the 49 words, the words which appear in only one form is exactly 42, (7X6). Feature15:- The number which appears in more than one form is 7. Feature16:- Out of 49 Greek vocabulary words, the number of nouns is exactly 42, (7X6). Feature17:- Out of 49 Greek vocabulary words, the number which are not noun is, 7. Feature18:- Of the 42 nouns, the proper name is 35, (7X5). Feature19:- Of the 42 nouns, the common noun is 7. Feature20:- Of the seven common nouns, the number of Greek letters is 49, (7X7). Feature21:- The number of times the 35 proper nouns occur is exactly 63, (7X9).
  • 29. 29 Feature22:- Of the 35 proper names in 11 verses, the number of male names are exactly 28, (7X4). Feature23:- The number which is not male names is 7. Feature24:- The number of times these 28 male names occur is 56, (7X8). Feature25:- 3 women names are mentioned, Tamar, Rahab, and Ruth. The Number of Greek letters in these names is 14, (7X2). Θαμαρ, ραχαβ, ρουθ. Feature26:- Only one city is mentioned, Babylon, the number of Greek letters In this word are exactly 7. βαβυλων. Feature27:- Fourteen generations are mentioned thrice, which is divisible by 7. (Matt 1:17). The second section too, verses 12-17 has equally a profound numeric features of its own. The very structure of the passage is literally saturated with phenomenal occurrences of the number 7. The structural characteristic by Matthew, are the names in the list are gathered into three groups of 14, with significant historical events placed at their junctures. The structure as a mnemonic device, based on the number 14 since it represents the numeric value of David’s name in Hebrew. David (14 = 4+6+4 = (‫.ד ו ד‬ MATTHEW, Chp 1, Vrs 18-25. (The account of Christ’s birth) 18. του δ {VAR1: [ιησου] } χριστου η γενεσις ουτως ην Μνηστευθεισης της μητρος αυτου μαριας τω ιωσηφ πριν η συνελθειν αυτους ευρεθη εν γαστρι εχουσα εκ πνευματος αγιου. 19. ιωσηφ δε ο ανηρ αυτης δικαιος ων και μη θελων αυτην δειγματισαι εβουληθη λαθρα απολυσαι αυτην. 20. ταυτα δε αυτου ενθυμηθεντος ιδου αγγελος κυριου κατ οναρ εφανη αυτω λεγων ιωσηφ υιος δαυιδ μη φοβηθης παραλαβειν μαριαν την γυναικα σου το γαρ εν αυτη γεννηθεν εκ νευματος εστιν αγιου. 21. τεξεται δε υιον και καλεσεις το ονομα αυτου ιησουν αυτος γαρ σωσει τον λαον αυτου απο των αμαρτιων αυτων. 22. τουτο δε ολον γεγονεν ινα πληρωθη το ρηθεν υπο κυριου δια του προφητου Λεγοντος. 23. ιδου η παρθενος εν γαστρι εξει και τεξεται υιον και καλεσουσιν Toονομα αυτου εμμανουηλ ο εστιν μεθερμηνευομενον μεθ ημων ο θεος. 24. εγερθεις δε {VAR1: [ο] } ιωσηφ απο του υπνου εποιησεν ως προσεταξεν αυτω ο αγγελος κυριου και παρελαβεν Tτην
  • 30. 30 yυναικα αυτου. 25. και ουκ εγινωσκεν αυτην εως {VAR1: [ου] } ετεκεν υιον και Feature 1:- There are 161 Greek words, (7X23). Feature 2:- The numeric value of these 161 words is 93394. (7X13342). Feature 3:- The number of Greek vocabulary words is 77, (7X11). Feature 4:- The N.V. of these 77 Greek vocabulary words is 51247, (7X 7321). Feature 5:- There are six Greek words in the passage which are not found in the whole book of Matthew, Its N.V. is 5005, Feature 6:- The numeric letters in these six Greek words is 56, (7X8). Feature 7:- “EMMANUEL”, found nowhere else in the whole of N.T. has a N.V.644, (7X92). Εμμανουηλ is : (5+40+40+1+50+70+400+8+30) = 644. Feature 8:- The number of forms in which these 161 words appear is 105, (7X15). Feature 9:- The N.V. of these 105 forms is 65429, (7X9347). Feature 10:- The verbs in these 105 forms are 35, (7X5). Feature 11:- Proper names in these 105 forms is 7. Feature 12:- The number of Greek letters in these 7 proper names is 42, (7X6). Feature 13:- The number of forms found nowhere, except in this passage is 14. Feature 14:- The N.V. of these 14 forms is 8715, (7X1245). Feature 15:- Of the Greek vocabulary words (feature 3), the of words, The Angel used speaking to Joseph is 28, (7X4) Feature 16:- The N.V. in the words Angel used is 21042, (7X3006). Feature 17:- The number of forms Angel used is 35, (7X5). Feature 18: The number of letters in these 35 forms is 168, (7X24). Feature 19:- The N.V. of the 35 forms, which Angel used is 19397, (7X2771).
  • 31. 31 Even the Angels little speech has amazing numerical features. They are entirely separate from the rest of the passage, yet they form a part of the numerical features of the whole passage. MATTHEW, CHAPTER 2. (Christ’s childhood) 1. του δε ιησου γεννηθεντος εν βηθλεεμ της ιουδαιας εν ημεραις ηρωδου του βασιλεως ιδου μαγοι απο ανατολων αρεγενοντο εις ιεροσολυμα 2. λεγοντες που εστιν ο τεχθεις βασιλευς των ιουδαιων ειδομεν γαρ αυτου τον αστερα εν τη ανατολη και ηλθομεν προσκυνησαι αυτω 3. ακουσας δε ο βασιλευς ηρωδης εταραχθη και πασα ιεροσολυμα μετ αυτου 4. και συναγαγων παντας τους αρχιερεις και γραμματεις του λαου επυνθανετο παρ αυτων που ο χριστος γενναται 5. οι δε ειπαν αυτω εν βηθλεεμ της ιουδαιας ουτως γαρ γεγραπται δια του προφητου 6. και συ βηθλεεμ γη ιουδα ουδαμως ελαχιστη ει εν τοις ηγεμοσιν ιουδα εκ σου γαρ εξελευσεται ηγουμενος οστις ποιμανει τον λαον μου τον ισραηλ 7. τοτε ηρωδης λαθρα καλεσας τους μαγους ηκριβωσεν παρ αυτων τον χρονον του φαινομενου αστερος 8. και πεμψας αυτους εις βηθλεεμ ειπεν πορευθεντες εξετασατε ακριβως περι του παιδιου επαν δε ευρητε απαγγειλατε μοι απως καγω ελθων προσκυνησω αυτω 9. οι δε ακουσαντες του βασιλεως επορευθησαν και ιδου ο αστηρ ον ειδον εν τη ανατολη προηγεν αυτους εως ελθων εσταθη επανω ου ην το παιδιον 10. ιδοντες δε τον αστερα εχαρησαν χαραν μεγαλην σφοδρα 11. και ελθοντες εις την οικιαν ειδον το παιδιον μετα μαριας της μητρος αυτου και πεσοντες προσεκυνησαν αυτω και νοιξαντες τους θησαυρους αυτων προσηνεγκαν αυτω δωρα χρυσον και λιβανον και σμυρναν 12. και χρηματισθεντες κατ οναρ μη ανακαμψαι προς ηρωδην δι αλλης οδου ανεχωρησαν εις την χωραν αυτων 13. αναχωρησαντων δε αυτων ιδου αγγελος κυριου φαινεται κατ οναρ τω ιωσηφ λεγων εγερθεις παραλαβε το παιδιον και την μητερα αυτου και φευγε εις αιγυπτον και ισθιεκει εως αν ειπω σοι μελλει γαρ ηρωδης ζητειν το παιδιον του απολεσαι αυτο 14. ο δε εγερθεις παρελαβεν το παιδιον και την μητερα αυτου νυκτος και ανεχωρησεν εις αιγυπτον kαι ην εκει εως της τελευτης ηρωδου ινα πληρωθη το ρηθεν 15. υπο κυριου δια του προφητου λεγοντος εξ αιγυπτου εκαλεσα τον υιον μου 16. τοτε ηρωδης ιδων οτι ενεπαιχθη υπο των μαγων εθυμωθη λιαν και αποστειλας ανειλεν παντας τους παιδας τους εν βηθλεεμ και εν
  • 32. 32 πασιν τοις οριοις αυτης απο διετους και κατωτερω κατα τον ρονον ον ηκριβωσεν παρα των μαγων 17. τοτε επληρωθη το ρηθεν δια ιερεμιου του προφητου λεγοντος 18. φωνη εν ραμα ηκουσθη κλαυθμος και οδυρμος πολυς ραχηλ κλαιουσα τα τεκνα αυτης και ουκ ηθελεν παρακληθηναι οτι ουκ εισιν 19. τελευτησαντος δε του ηρωδου ιδου αγγελος κυριου φαινεται κατ οναρ τω ιωσηφ εν αιγυπτω 20. λεγων εγερθεις παραλαβε το παιδιον και την μητερα αυτου και πορευου εις γην ισραηλ τεθνηκασιν γαρ οι ζητουντες την ψυχην του παιδιου 21. ο δε εγερθεις παρελαβεν το παιδιον και την μητερα αυτου και εισηλθεν εις γην ισραηλ ακουσας δε οτι αρχελαος βασιλευει 22. της ιουδαιας αντι του πατρος αυτου ηρωδου εφοβηθη εκει απελθειν χρηματισθεις δε κατ οναρ ανεχωρησεν εις τα μερη της γαλιλαιας 23. και ελθων κατωκησεν εις πολιν λεγομενην ναζαρετ οπως πληρωθη το ρηθεν δια των προφητων οτι ναζωραιος κληθησεται Feature 1:-The number of Greek Vocabulary words is 161, (7X23). Feature 2:-The number of letters in these words is 896, (7X128). Feature 3:-The N.V. of these 161 words is 123529, (7X17647). Feature 4:-The number of forms is exactly 238, (7X34). Feature 5:-The N.V. of 238 forms is 166985, (7X23855). There are numerous passages in the second chapter of Matthew and each paragraph has amazing numeric features of its own. For E.g., the number of Greek vocabulary words in the I st six verses is 56, which is exactly divisible by 7, (7X8). There are three speeches 1) Herod speaks 2) Wise men speak 3) The Angel speaks. Each speech shows an amazing numeric features in itself, yet each forms only part of the chapter, which as a whole has phenomenal features of its own. Each division alone shows the same numeric of its own. Each division alone shows the same numeric phenomena found in the chapter as a whole. It is also interesting to note, that more than 100 numeric features are strangely hidden beneath the surface of passages which consist of no more than 175 words.
  • 33. 33 MARK, Chapter 1, Verses 1-8. (Preaching of John, the Baptist) 1. αρχη του ευαγγελιου ιησου χριστου {VAR2: [υιου θεου] } 2. καθως γεγραπται εν τω ησαια τω προφητη ιδου αποστελλω τον αγγελον μου προ προσωπου σου ος κατασκευασει την οδον του 3. φωνη βοωντος εν τη ερημω ετοιμασατε την οδον κυριου ευθειας ποιειτε τας τριβους αυτου 4. εγενετο ιωαννης βαπτιζων εν τη ερημω και κηρυσσων βαπτισμα μετανοιας εις αφεσιν αμαρτιων 5. και εξεπορευετο προς αυτον πασα η ιουδαια χωρα και οι ιεροσολυμιται παντες και εβαπτιζοντο υπ αυτου εν τω ιορδανη ποταμω εξομολογυμενοι τας αμαρτιας αυτων 6. και ην οωαννης ενδεδυμενος τριχας καμηλου και ζωνην Δερματι νην περι την οσφυν αυτου και εσθιων ακριδας και μελι αγριον 7. και εκηρυσσεν λεγων ερχεται ο ισχυροτερος μου οπισω ου ουκ ειμι ικανος κυψας λυσαι τον ιμαντα των uποδηματων αυτου 8. εγω εβαπτισα υμας υδατι αυτος δε βαπτισει υμας πνευματι αγιω Feature 1:-The total number of Greek words is 126, (7X18). Feature 2:-The number of Greek letters in 126 words is 427, (7X61). Feature 3:-The number of vowels in these 427 letters is 224, (7X32). Feature 4:-The number of consonants in 427 letters is 203, (7x29). Feature 5:-The number of syllables in 126 Greek words is 294, (7x42). Feature 6:-Of 126 words, the number which begin with vowel is 42, (7X6). Feature 7: Of 126 words, the number which begin with consonants is 84, (7X12). Feature 8:-The number of Vocabulary words is 77, (7X11). Feature 9:-Of these 77 vocabulary words, the number John used in his speech is 21, (7X 3). Feature10:-Of these 77 words found in the l st 8 verses, the No. in verses 1-5 Is 49, (7X7). Feature11:-The number of vocabulary words in verses 6-8 is 28, (7X4). Feature12:-Of the 77 words, the number which begin with vowel is 42, (7X6). Feature13:-Of the 77 words, the number which begin with consonants is 35,(7X5). Feature14:-The number of Greek letters in the longest word is 14, (7X2). Εξομολογυμενοι.
  • 34. 34 All features cited so far are features under the vocabulary words and forms alone. There is something else and more about the maze of amazing numeric features under noun, verbs, subject, predicate and objects as analyzed like in E.g. cited in Gen 1:1. MARK, Chapter 1, Verses 9, 10, 11. (Baptism of Jesus) 9 και εγενετο εν εκειναις ταις ημεραις ηλθεν ιησους απο Nαζαρετ της γαλιλαιας και εβαπτισθη εις τον ιορδανην υπο ιωαννου 10 αι ευθυς αναβαινων εκ του υδατος ειδεν σχιζομενους τους ουρανους και το πνευμα ως περιστεραν καταβαινον εις αυτον 11 kαι φωνη εγενετο εκ των ουρανων συ ει ο υιος μου ο αγαπητος εν σοι υδοκησα Feature 1:- The number of Greek vocabulary words in this passage is 35, (7X5). Feature 2:- The N.V. of the passage is exactly 27783, (7X3969). Feature 3:- The N.V. of the forms in which these words are found is exactly 26887, (7X3841). MARK , Chapter 2, Verses 13-17. (Jesus calls Matthew) 13. και εξηλθεν παλιν παρα την θαλασσαν και πας ο οχλος ηρχετο προς αυτον και εδιδασκεν αυτους 16. και παραγων ειδεν λευιν τον του αλφαιου καθημενον επι το τελωνιον και λεγει αυτω ακολουθει μοι και αναστας ηκολουθησεν αυτω 17. και γινεται κατακεισθαι αυτον εν τη οικια αυτου και πολλοι τελωναι και αμαρτωλοι συνανεκειντο τω ιησου και τοις μαθηταις αυτου ησαν γαρ πολλοι και ηκολουθουν αυτω 18. και οι γραμματεις των φαρισαιων ιδοντες οτι εσθιει μετα των αμαρτωλων και τελωνων ελεγον τοις μαθηταις αυτου οτι μετα των τελωνων και αμαρτωλων εσθιει 19. και ακουσας ο ιησους λεγει αυτοις [οτι] ου χρειαν εχουσιν οι ισχυοντες ιατρου αλλ οι κακως εχοντες ουκ ηλθον καλεσαι δικαιους αλλα αμαρτωλους Feature 1:- The number of Greek vocabulary words is exactly 49, (7X7). Feature 2:- Of the 49 words the number used by Jesus is exactly 14, (7X2). Feature 3:- The number of words used by the scribes is exactly 7.
  • 35. 35 Features cited above are, a few of many numerical features found beneath the surface of these five verses. MARK, Chapter 3, Verses 13-19. (Jesus chooses 12 Apostles) 13. και αναβαινει εις το ορος και προσκαλειται ους ηθελεν αυτος και απηλθον προς αυτον 14. και εποιησεν δωδεκα {VAR1: ους και αποστολους ωνομασεν } {VAR2: [ους και αποστολους ωνομασεν] } ινα ωσιν μετ αυτου και ινα αποστελλη αυτους κηρυσσειν 15. και εχειν εξουσιαν εκβαλλειν τα δαιμονια {VAR1: και εποιησεν τους δωδεκα } {VAR2: [και εποιησεν τους δωδεκα] } 16. και εχειν εξουσιαν εκβαλλειν τα δαιμονια {VAR1: και εποιησεν τους δωδεκα } {VAR2: [και εποιησεν τους δωδεκα] } και επεθηκεν ονομα τω σιμωνι πετρον 17 kαι ιακωβον τον του ζεβεδαιου και ιωαννην τον αδελφον του ιακωβου και επεθηκεν αυτοις {VAR1: ονομα } VAR2: <ονοματα> } βοανηργες ο εστιν υιοι βροντης 20. και ανδρεαν και φιλιππον και βαρθολομαιον και μαθθαιον και θωμαν και ιακωβον τον του αλφαιου και θαδδαιον και σιμωνα τον καναναιον 21. και ιουδαν ισκαριωθ ος και παρεδωκεν αυτον και ερχεται εις οικον The names of 12 apostles are Simon, Andrew, James, John, Matthew, Bartholomew, Philip, Thomas, James, Thaddeus, Simon and Judas. It is amazing to note that the total numeric value of these 12 apostles is 9639, which is perfectly divisible by 7, (7X1377). Of all the disciples only simon peter had the numeric value of 1295, which is perfectly divisible by 7, on whom Christ said that he would built the church, (Matt 16:18). After the death of Juda Iscoriot, Mathias was taken (Acts 1:23). The Numeric value after subtracting Judas from the total numeric value and adding the numeric value of Mathias or Justus to the total numeric value is still divisible by 7. It is interesting to note that higher the numeric value of an individual apostle higher was his participation in the Jesus ministry and lower the numeric value of an individual apostle, lower was his participation in the Jesus ministry. Amongst 12 disciples, Juda Iscariot’s Numeric Value was 1635, the highest and that is why Jesus used him, for his highest mission. The lowest was of Thaddeus, whose Numeric Value was only 149, and that is why we do not read much of him at all in the whole of New Testament BIBLE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 36. 36 Apostle’s Name Numeric value Total Name in Greek ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Simon σιμωνι 200+10+40+800+50+1 Peter πετρ 80+5+9+100 1295 2. James Iακωβοv 10+1+20+800+2+70+50 953 3. John Iωαννην 10+800+1+50+50+8+50 969 4. Andrew ανδρεαν 1+50+4+100+5+1+50 211 5. Phillip φιλιππον 500+10+30+10+80+80+ 70+50 830 6. Bartholomew βαρθολομαιον 2+1+100+9+70+30+70+ 40+1+10+70+50 453 7. Matthew μαθθαιον 40+1+ 9+9+1+10+70+50 190 8. Thomas θωμαν 9+800+40+1+50 900 9. James Iακωβοv 10+1+20+800+ 2+70+50 953 10.Thaddaeus θαδδαιον 9+1+4+4+1+10+70+50 149 11.Simon σιμωνι 200+10+40+800+50+1 1101 12.Judas ιουδα 10+70+400+4+1+ Iscariot ισκαριωθ 10+200+20+1+100+10+ 800+9 1635 Grand Total 9639 (7X1377) After the death of Juda, to replace Juda’s apostleship, a lot was taken between Mathias and Justus, because of a tie, which means in either of the case, whether Mathias or Justus was taken in place of Juda, the total Numeric Value still would be divided by 7. Both Mathias (in Greek) and Justus (in Greek) have 7 letters in their names. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mathias μαθθιαν 40+1+9+9+10+1+200 270 I.e. (9639-1635+270) = 8274 (7X1182) Justus ιουστος 10+70+400+200+300+ 70+200 1250 I.e. (9639-1635+1250) = 9254 (7X1322) It is also interesting to note both James and John sons of Zebedee too have 7 letters in their names. Andrew too has 7 letters in his name. MARK, Chapter 4, Verses 3-20 (Parable of sower) 3. ακουετε ιδου εξηλθεν ο σπειρων σπειραι 4. και εγενετο εν τω σπειρειν ο μεν επεσεν παρα την οδον και ηλθεν τα πετεινα και κατεφαγεν αυτο
  • 37. 37 5. και αλλο επεσεν επι το πετρωδες {VAR1: [και] } οπου ουκ ειχεν γην πολλην και ευθυς εξανετειλεν δια το μη εχειν βαθος γης 6. και οτε ανετειλεν ο ηλιος εκαυματισθη και δια το μη εχειν ριζαν εξηρανθη 7. και αλλο επεσεν εις τας ακανθας και ανεβησαν αι ακανθαι και συνεπνιξαν αυτο και καρπον ουκ εδωκεν 8. και αλλα επεσεν εις την γην την καλην και εδιδου καρπον ανα-βαινοντα και αυξανομενα και εφερεν τριακοντα και εν εξηκοντα και εν εκατον 9. και ελεγεν ος εχει ωτα ακουειν ακουετω 10.και οτε εγενετο κατα μονας ηρωτων αυτον οι περι αυτον συν τοις δωδεκα τας παραβολας 11.και ελεγεν αυτοις υμιν το μυστηριον δεδοται της βασιλειας του θεου εκεινοις δε τοις εξω εν παραβολαις τα παντα γινεται 12.ινα βλεποντες βλεπωσιν και μη ιδωσιν και ακουοντες ακουωσιν και μη συνιωσιν μηποτε επιστρεψωσιν και αφεθη αυτοις 13.και λεγει αυτοις ουκ οιδατε την παραβολην ταυτην και πως πασας τας παραβολας γνωσεσθε 14.ο σπειρων τον λογον σπειρει 15.ουτοι δε εισιν οι παρα την οδον οπου σπειρεται ο λογος και οταν ακουσωσιν ευθυς ερχεται ο σατανας και αιρει τον λογον τον εσπα-ρμενον εις αυτους 16.και ουτοι εισιν {VAR1: ομοιως } οι επι τα πετρωδη σπειρομενοι οι οταν ακουσωσιν τον λογον ευθυς μετα χαρας λαμβανουσιν αυτον 17.και ουκ εχουσιν ριζαν εν εαυτοις αλλα προσκαιροι εισιν ειτα γενομενης θλιψεως η διωγμου δια τον λογον ευθυς σκανδαλιζονται 18.και αλλοι εισιν οι εις τας ακανθας σπειρομενοι ουτοι εισιν οι τον λογον ακουσαντες 19.και αι μεριμναι του αιωνος και η απατη του πλουτου και αι περι τα λοιπα επιθυμιαι εισπορευομεναι συμπνιγουσιν τον λογον και ακαρπος γινεται 20.και εκεινοι εισιν οι επι την γην την καλην σπαρεντες οιτινες ακουουσιν τον λογον και παραδεχονται και καρποφορουσιν εν τριακοντα και {VAR1: εν] } {VAR2: εν } εξηκοντα και {VAR1: [εν] } {VAR2: εν } εκατον The number of Greek Vocabulary words in this passage is exactly 49, (7X7). There are totally 21 amazing numeric features. MARK, Chp 13, Vrs 5-37, (The speech of Christ on tribulation) 5. ο δε ιησους ηρξατο λεγειν αυτοις βλεπετε μη τις υμας πλανηση 6. πολλοι ελευσονται επι τω ονοματι μου λεγοντες οτι εγω ειμι και πολλους πλανησουσιν 7. οταν δε ακουσητε πολεμους και ακοας πολεμων μη θροεισθε δει γενεσθαι αλλ ουπω το τελος 8. εγερθησεται γαρ εθνος επ εθνος και βασιλεια επι βασιλειαν εσονται σεισμοι κατα τοπους εσονται λιμοι αρχη ωδινων ταυτα 9. βλεπετε δε υμεις εαυτους παραδωσουσιν υμας εις συνεδρια και εις συναγωγας δαρησεσθε και επι ηγεμονων και βασιλεων σταθησεσθε ενεκεν εμου εις μαρτυριον αυτοις 10. και εις παντα τα εθνη πρωτον δει κηρυχθηναι το ευαγγελιον 11.και οταν αγωσιν υμας παραδιδοντες μη προμεριμνατε τι λαλησητε αλλ ο
  • 38. 38 εαν δοθη υμιν εν εκεινη τη ωρα τουτο λαλειτε ου γαρ εστε υμεις οι λαλουντες αλλα το πνευμα το αγιον 12.και παραδωσει αδελφος αδελφον εις θανατον και πατηρ τεκνον και επαναστησονται τεκνα επι γονεις και θανατωσουσιν αυτους 13.και εσεσθε μισουμενοι υπο παντων δια το ονομα μου ο δε υπομεινας εις τελος ουτος σωθησεται 14.οταν δε ιδητε το βδελυγμα της ερημωσεως εστηκοτα οπου ου δει ο ναγινωσκων νοειτω τοτε οι εν τη ιουδαια φευγετωσαν εις τα ορη 15.ο {VAR2: [δε] } επι του δωματος μη καταβατω μηδε εισελθατω {VAR1: τι αραι } {VAR2: αραι τι } εκ της οικιας αυτου 16.και ο εις τον αγρον μη επιστρεψατω εις τα οπισω αραι το ιματιον αυτου 17.ουαι δε ταις εν γαστρι εχουσαις και ταις θηλαζουσαις εν εκειναις ταις ημεραις 18.προσευχεσθε δε ινα μη γενηται χειμωνος 19.εσονται γαρ αι ημεραι εκειναι θλιψις οια ου γεγονεν τοιαυτη απ αρχης κτισεως ην εκτισεν ο θεος εως του νυν και ου μη γενηται 20.και ει μη εκολοβωσεν κυριος τας ημερας ουκ αν εσωθη πασα σαρξ αλλα δια τους εκλεκτους ους εξελεξατο εκολοβωσεν τας ημερας 21.και τοτε εαν τις υμιν ειπη ιδε ωδε ο χριστος ιδε εκει μη πιστευετε 22.εγερθησονται γαρ ψευδοχριστοι και ψευδοπροφηται και δωσουσιν σημεια και τερατα προς το αποπλαναν ει δυνατον τους εκλεκτους 23.υμεις δε βλεπετε προειρηκα υμιν παντα 24.αλλα εν εκειναις ταις ημεραις μετα την θλιψιν εκεινην ο ηλιος σκοτισθησεται και η σεληνη ου δωσει το φεγγος αυτης 25.και οι αστερες εσονται εκ του ουρανου πιπτοντες και αι δυναμεις αι εν τοις ουρανοις σαλευθησονται 26.και τοτε οψονται τον υιον του ανθρωπου ερχομενον εν νεφελαις μετα δυναμεως πολλης και δοξης 27.και τοτε αποστελει τους αγγελους και επισυναξει τους εκλεκτους [αυτου] εκ των τεσσαρων ανεμων απ ακρου γης εως ακρου υρανου 28.απο δε της συκης μαθετε την παραβολην οταν ηδη ο κλαδος αυτης απαλος γενηται και εκφυη τα φυλλα γινωσκετε οτι εγγυς το θερος εστιν 29.ουτως και υμεις οταν ιδητε ταυτα γινομενα γινωσκετε οτι εγγυς εστιν επι θυραις 30.αμην λεγω υμιν οτι ου μη παρελθη η γενεα αυτη μεχρις ου ταυτα παντα γενηται 31.ο ουρανος και η γη παρελευσονται οι δε λογοι μου ου {VAR2: μη } παρελευσονται 32.περι δε της ημερας εκεινης η της ωρας ουδεις οιδεν ουδε οι αγγελοι εν ουρανω ουδε ο υιος ει μη ο πατηρ 33.βλεπετε αγρυπνειτε ουκ οιδατε γαρ ποτε ο καιρος {VAR1: [εστιν] } {VAR2: εστιν } 34.ως ανθρωπος αποδημος αφεις την οικιαν αυτου και δους τοις δουλοις αυτου την εξουσιαν εκαστω το εργον αυτου και τω υρωρω ενετειλατο ινα γρηγορη 35.γρηγορειτε ουν ουκ οιδατε γαρ ποτε ο κυριος της οικιας ερχεται η οψε η μεσονυκτιον η αλεκτοροφωνιας η πρωι 36.μη ελθων εξαιφνης ευρη υμας καθευδοντας 37.ο δε υμιν λεγω πασιν λεγω γρηγορειτε
  • 39. 39 Number of Greek Vocabulary words in this passage is exactly 203, (7X29). There are 28 numeric features in his tribulation speech. THE MYSTERIOUS NUMBER SEVEN HIDDEN BENEATH THE BIBLE. 26 six writers are named in the BIBLE. There were, of course, others who wrote books of the BIBLE. However, only 26 of the writers are actually named in the BIBLE text itself. Each of these 26 names, like all other Hebrew and Greek words, has a numeric value. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAMES HEB/ GRK NUMERICVALUES TOTAL Hebrew books 1. Moses 345 = 5+300+40 ‫השמ‬ 2. Isaiah 401 = 6+5+10+70+300+10 ‫והיצשי‬ 3. Jeremiah 271 = 6+5+10+40+200+10 ‫והימרי‬ 4. Ezekiel 156 = 1+100+7+8+10+ 30 ‫לאקזחי‬ 5. Hosea 381 = 70+300+6+5 ‫ע שוח‬ 6. Joel 30+1+6+10 ‫לאוי‬ 47 = 7. Amos 176 = 60+6+40+70 ‫סוםע‬ 8. Obadiah 5+10+4+2+70 ‫= 19 ה י ד ב‬ 9. Jonah ‫01+6+05+5 ה נ ו י‬ 71 = 10.Micah ‫= 57 ה כ י מ‬ 5+20+10+40 11.Nahum ‫05+8+6+04 מ ו ה נ‬ 104 = 12.Habakuk ‫8+2+001+6+001 ק ו ק ב ח‬ 216 = 13.Zephaniah 235 = 5+10+50+80+90 ‫הינפצ‬ 14.Haggai ‫= 12 י ג ה‬ 10+3+8 15.Zacharia ‫= 242 ה י ר כ ז‬ 5+10+200+20+7 16.Malachi ‫04+03+1+02+01 י כ א ל מ‬ 101 = 17.David ‫4+6+4 ד ו ד‬ 14 = 18.Soloman ‫003+03+04+5 ה מ ל ש‬ 375 = 19.Daniel ‫4+05+01+1+03 ל א י נ ד‬ 95 = 20.Ezra ‫07+7+002+1 א ר ז ע‬ 278 = 21.Nehemiah 5+10+40+8+50 ‫= 311 ה י מ ה נ‬ Greek Books 22.James Ιακωβ 10+1+20+800+2 = 833 23.Peter πετορς 80+5+300+100+70+200 = 755 24.Jude Ιουδας 10+70+400+4+1+200 = 685 25.Paul παυλος 80+1+400+30+70+200 = 781 26.John Ιωανης 10+800+1+50+8+200 =1069 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL= 7931
  • 40. 40 Total numeric value is 7931, which is divisible by 7. The N.V. of each author is calculated from the N.V. of the Hebrew alphabets and the N.V. of the Greek alphabets, depending upon the book is from the Hebrew text, or the Greek text. It is amazing to note that the total N.V. is perfectly divisible by 7. Hence writing of 66 books, i.e. 39 books in Hebrew and 27 books in Greek books, is the plan of God. The books have wide meaning of message of BIBLE coming first to the Jews and later to both the Jews and the gentiles. The apostles wrote the gospel and the epistles in Greek alone, although they were Jews, knowing Hebrew. Even the book called Hebrew was written in Greek by Apostle Paul, Jew of the Jews. Name of John has the highest N.V. i.e, (1069) which hints his work is compact, packed and practical. His book is worthy more than all other books in the New Testament and it is full of symbolic mysterious No: 7. The next epistle is by James which has a N.V. of 833. James epistle in first century used to be called as practical epistle of Christian life. The merit of the book can be assessed by the Numeric Value. Feature 1:- The total N.V. of 26 BIBLE writers is 7931, (7x1133). Feature 2:- The total N.V. of the author of first book Genesis, Moses and the last Book Revelation John is 1414. i.e. 345+1069 = 1414 (7X202). Feature 3:- The other names have a N.V. of 6517 (7X931). Feature 4:- The number of O.T writers is 21, (7X3). Feature 5:- The N.V. of Hebrew names of the 21 writers is 3808, (7X 544). Feature 6:- The N.V. of 5 Greek names of the N.T. text is 4123, (7X589). Feature 7:- The writers of the law and the prophets (Moses to Malachi) have a N.V. of 2933, (7X419). Feature 8:- The writers of Hagiographa (David to Nehemiah) has a N.V. of 875, (7X125). Feature 9:- Of the 21 writers of the O.T. the name in the N.T. are Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Hosea, and Joel, who are exactly 7, and whose prophesy fulfilled. Jonah’s name