Stephanie Sansoucie, "Future of Omnichannel Immersion"

il y a 9 ans 1234 Vues

Patrick DiMichelle, "Be Here Now"

il y a 9 ans 1140 Vues

Sarah Hall, "The Science of Art"

il y a 9 ans 1413 Vues

Brandon Schmittling, "Death to All Devices"

il y a 9 ans 6229 Vues

Neuromarketing: The Brain Science of Web Marketing

il y a 9 ans 2083 Vues

Jesús Gorriti, "Managing a Design Team"

il y a 9 ans 1945 Vues

Humberto Matas Rodriguez, "The Future of Service Design"

il y a 9 ans 2724 Vues

Make the Web Beautiful

il y a 9 ans 3165 Vues

Looking for Elvis: The Future of Digital Culture

il y a 10 ans 580 Vues

Reinventing Mass Media with 10,000 Little Jon Stewarts

il y a 10 ans 707 Vues