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A) always less
B) always greater
C) always the same
D) sometimes less and sometimes greater
1. Compared to the density of liquid water, the density of
an ice cube is
A) decrease B) increase
C) remain the same
2. As a stationary airmass is heated, its density will
3. Base your answer to the following question on The data table below shows the mass and volume of three
samples of the same mineral. [The density column is provided for student use.]
A) B)
C) D)
Which graph best represents the relationship between the density and the volume of these mineral samples?
4. Base your answer to the following question on the
diagrams below, which represent two different solid,
uniform materials cut into cubes A and B.
A) less B) greater
C) the same
Assume cube B was broken into many irregularly shaped
pieces. Compared to the density of the entire cube, the
density of one of the pieces would be
A) B)
C) D)
5. Which graph most likely illustrates a cyclic change?
A) cyclic and predictable
B) cyclic and unpredictable
C) noncyclic and predictable
D) noncyclic and unpredictable
6. Which description of change is most closely associated
with ocean tides and moon phases?
7. Base your answer to the following question on The
cartoon below presents a humorous look at science.
A) has less mass B) has more mass
C) is less dense D) is more dense
The correct explanation of why ice floats is that,
compared to liquid water, solid ice
8. Base your answer to the following question on The
diagram below represents the development of our
universe from the time of the Big Bang until the present.
Letter A indicates two celestial objects.
A) asteroid belts B) terrestrial planets
C) spiral galaxies D) eccentric comets
The present-day celestial objects labeled A are best
identified as
9. Base your answer to the following question on the calendar model shown below of the inferred history of the
universe and on your knowledge of Earth science. The 12-month time line begins with the Big Bang on
January 1 and continues to the present time, which is represented by midnight on December 31. Several
inferred events and the relative times of their occurrence have been placed in the appropriate locations on
the time line.
State one piece of evidence used by scientists to support the theory that the Big Bang event occurred.
10. According to the data below, what is the exact shape of
the Earth?
A) slightly flattened at both the Equator and the Poles
B) slightly bulging at both the Equator and the Poles
C) slightly flattened at the Equator and slightly
bulging at the Poles
D) slightly flattened at the Poles and slightly bulging
at the Equator
A) Polaris is located directly over the Tropic of
B) Polaris is the brightest and most easily located
C) the altitude of Polaris is equal to the observer's
D) the position of Polaris changes with the seasons
11. The North Star (Polaris) can be used for navigation in
Earth's Northern Hemisphere because
A) 43º B) 47º C) 75º D) 90º
12. From Utica, New York, Polaris is observed at an
altitude of approximately
13. Which diagram best shows the altitude of Polaris
observed near Buffalo, New York?
14. The diagram below shows an observer on Earth
measuring the altitude of Polaris.
A) 90º N B) 66.5º N
C) 43º N D) 23.5º N
What is the latitude of this observer?
A) a type of solar system
B) a constellation visible to everyone on Earth
C) a region in space between the orbits of Mars and
D) a spiral-shaped formation composed of billions of
15. The Milky Way galaxy is best described as
A) spherical in shape
B) 4.6 billion years old
C) composed of stars revolving around Earth
D) one of billions of galaxies in the universe
16. Most scientists believe the Milky Way Galaxy is
A) solar system, Milky Way, universe
B) Milky Way, solar system, universe
C) universe, Milky Way, solar system
D) Milky Way, universe, solar system
17. In which sequence are the items listed from least total
mass to greatest total mass?
18. Base your answer to the following question on the topographic map below, which shows a small island in
an ocean. Points A, B, C, and D represent surface locations on the island. The symbol 134 represents an
elevation on the hilltop. Elevations are measured in feet and distances are measured in miles.
Explain how the contour lines on the map indicate that the north side of the island has the steepest slope.
A) The Earth actually moves around the Sun at a rate
of 15º per hour.
B) The stars actually move around the center of the
galaxy at a rate of 15º per hour.
C) The Earth actually rotates at a rate of 15º per hour.
D) The stars actually revolve around the Earth at a
rate of 15º per hour.
19. Why do stars appear to move through the night sky at
the rate of 15 degrees per hour?
A) Foucault pendulum
B) phases of the Moon
C) position of the Sun at solar noon
D) geocentric model of the solar system
20. Evidence that the Earth rotates on an axis is provided
by the Coriolis effect and the
A) rotates on its axis
B) revolves in its orbit
C) is tilted on its axis
D) has an elliptical orbit
21. The path of a Foucault pendulum provides evidence
that Earth
22. The diagram below represents a Foucault pendulum in a
building in New York State. Points A and A' are fixed
points on the floor.
A) appear to change position due to Earth's rotation.
B) appear to change position due to Earth's
C) continue to swing between A and A' due to inertia.
D) continue to swing between A and A' due to air
As the pendulum swings for six hours, it will
A) high and low-pressure belts
B) the Earth's revolution
C) the equatorial calms
D) the Earth's rotation
23. What causes the Coriolis effect?
A) rate of rotation
B) period of revolution
C) angle of tilt
D) average surface temperature
24. The Coriolis effect would be influenced most by a
change in the Earth's
A) rotation of the Earth
B) revolution of the Earth
C) unequal heating of the Earth
D) variations in salinity of the Earth's oceans
25. Ocean currents exhibit the Coriolis effect as a result of
A) the Moon B) Jupiter
C) the Sun D) the Milky Way
26. Which celestial feature is largest in actual size?
A) galaxy ® solar system ® universe ® planet
B) solar system ® galaxy ® planet ® universe
C) planet ® solar system ® galaxy ® universe
D) universe ® galaxy ® solar system ® planet
27. In which list are celestial features correctly shown in
order of increasing size?
A) B)
C) D)
28. Which diagram best represents the full-moon phase of
the Moon as seen from the Earth?
29. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram below, which represents a model of the
Earth-Moon system as viewed from above the North Pole. The numbers 1 through 8 represent positions of
the Moon as it revolves around Earth. The parts of the diagram lettered A through D show how the Moon's
phases appear to an observer in New Jersey.
A) decrease, only B) increase, only
C) decrease, then increase D) increase, then decrease
As the Moon's phase changes from first quarter to last quarter, the visible portion of the Moon as observed
from Earth will
30. Base your answer to the following question on the graph below, which shows the maximum altitude of the
Moon, measured by an observer located at a latitude of 43° N during June in a particular year. The names
and appearance of the four major Moon phases are shown at the top of the graph, directly above the date on
which the phase occurred.
A) B) C) D)
Which diagram best represents the Moon’s phase observed on June 11?
A) June 21 B) July 10
C) August 21 D) August 31
31. On which date does maximum insolation usually occur
in New Jersey?
A) March 21 B) June 21
C) June 21 D) December 21
32. In Maine, which day has the shortest duration of
33. Base your answer to the following question on
the diagram below, which shows the apparent paths of
the Sun at the beginning of each season for an observer
at a location in Connecticut.
A) June 21 B) August 21
C) September 23 D) December 21
Which day of the year is represented by path A?
Base your answers to questions 34 and 35 on the
diagram below which represents the apparent daily path
of the Sun across the sky in the Northern Hemisphere on
the dates indicated.
A) June 21 B) September 23
C) March 21 D) December 21
34. At noon on which date would the observer cast the
longest shadow?
A) The Sun appears to move across the sky at a
rate of 1º per hour.
B) The Sun's total daytime path is shortest on this
C) Sunrise occurs north of east.
D) Sunset occurs south of west.
35. Which observation about the Sun's apparent
path at this location on June 21 is best supported
by the diagram?
36. Base your answer to the following question on the
graph below, which shows the average monthly
temperatures at cities A, B, C, and D. The latitude of
each city is also indicated.
A) A B) B C) C D) D
Which city will have the longest duration of insolation
on June 21?
37. Base your answer to the following question on The diagram below shows four surfaces of equal area that
absorb insolation.
A) A B) B C) C D) D
Which letter represents the surface that most likely absorbs the greatest amount of insolation?
A) reflector of electromagnetic energy
B) refractor of electromagnetic energy
C) radiator of electromagnetic energy
D) convector of electromagnetic energy
38. An object that is a good absorber of electromagnetic
energy is also a good
A) convector B) reflector
C) radiator D) refractor
39. An object that is a good absorber of electromagnetic
energy is most likely a good
A) light colored and smooth
B) light colored and rough
C) dark colored and smooth
D) dark colored and rough
40. Which of these characteristics identify an Earth surface
that is likely to be the best absorber of insolation?
A) less than the original specimen's half-life
B) greater than the original specimen's half-life
C) the same as the original specimen's half-life
41. If a radioactive material were cut into pieces, the
half-life of each piece would be
42. Base your answer on the diagram below which
represents a cube of radioactive material (figure A) cut
into eight identical cubes (figure B).
A) 1/8 as long B) 1/64 as long
C) 8 times longer D) the same
Compared to the half-life of the material in figure A, the
half-life of the material in each small cube in figure B is
A) carbon-14 B) potassium-40
C) rubidium-87 D) uranium-238
43. Which radioactive substance has the longest half-life?
A) 5.7 years B) 570 years
C) 5,700 years D) 5,700,000 years
44. What is the half-life of carbon-14?
45. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram below, which represents a model of a
radioactive sample with a half-life of 5000 years. The white boxes represent undecayed radioactive
material and the shaded boxes represent the decayed material after the first half-life.
A) carbon-14 B) potassium-40 C) uranium-238 D) rubidium-87
Which radioactive isotope has a half-life closest in duration to this radioactive sample?
A) granite B) sandstone
C) basalt D) rhyolite
46. The oceanic crust is thought to be composed mainly of
A) low density and is mafic
B) low density and is felsic
C) high density and is mafic
D) high density and is felsic
47. When two tectonic plates collide, oceanic crust usually
subducts beneath continental crust because oceanic
crust is primarily composed of igneous rock that has
48. Base your answer to the following question on The
diagram below represents a cross section of a portion of
the Earth's crust.
A) The oceanic crust is thicker than the mantle.
B) The continental crust is thicker than the oceanic
C) The continental crust is composed primarily of
sedimentary rock.
D) The crust is composed of denser rock than the
mantle is.
Which statement about the Earth's crust is best
supported by the diagram?
49. Base your answer to the following question on the
Earth Science Reference Tables.
A) more mafic and less dense
B) more mafic and more dense
C) more felsic and less dense
D) more felsic and more dense
Compared to continental crust, oceanic crust is
A) thinner and composed of granite
B) thinner and composed of basalt
C) thicker and composed of granite
D) thicker and composed of basalt
50. Compared to Earth's oceanic crust, Earth's continental
crust is
A) a glacier on a summer day
B) magma from an erupting volcano
C) steam from heated ground water
D) an ocean current beginning at the Equator
51. An example of a heat sink is
A) reflected by a heat sink
B) refracted by a heat sink
C) scattered by a heat sink
D) absorbed by a heat sink
52. When a heat source loses energy, that energy is
A) crustal uplift
B) volcanic eruptions
C) continental glaciation
D) crustal erosion
53. The presence of marine fossils at elevations high above
sea level provides good evidence for
A) marine fossils in the Rocky Mountains
B) sediment in the Gulf of Mexico
C) trenches in the Pacific Ocean floor
D) igneous rock deep within the Earth
54. The best evidence of crustal uplift would be provided
A) moist and warm B) moist and cold
C) dry and cold D) dry and warm
55. Chemical weathering occurs most rapidly in climates
which are
A) cools the surroundings when it evaporates
B) dissolves many of the minerals that make up rocks
C) has a density of about one gram per cubic
D) has the highest specific heat of all common earth
56. Water is a major agent of chemical weathering because
A) hydrosphere and lithosphere
B) mesosphere and thermosphere
C) hydrosphere and atmosphere
D) lithosphere and atmosphere
57. Chemical weathering will occur most rapidly when
rocks are exposed to the
A) cold and humid B) cold and arid
C) hot and humid D) hot and arid
58. Chemical weathering of rocks occurs most rapidly in a
climate that is
A) a warm, dry climate
B) a cold, dry climate
C) a warm, moist climate
D) a cold, moist climate
59. Chemical weathering would be most effective in
60. Base your answer to the following question on The
diagram below shows a process called frost wedging.
A) weathering B) cementing
C) metamorphism D) deposition
Frost wedging is an example of
A) clockwise and toward the center
B) clockwise and away from the center
C) counterclockwise and toward the center
D) counterclockwise and away from the center
61. In the Northern Hemisphere, in which direction does
surface wind circulate in a high-pressure air mass?
A) clockwise and inward
B) clockwise and outward
C) counterclockwise and inward
D) counterclockwise and outward
62. In which direction do the surface winds blow around a
high-pressure system in the Northern Hemisphere?
A) clockwise and toward the center
B) clockwise and away from the center
C) counterclockwise and toward the center
D) counterclockwise and away from the center
63. In the Northern Hemisphere, the movement of air in a
low-pressure center is
64. Base your answer to the following question on the satellite image below, which shows a Northern
Hemisphere hurricane.
A) clockwise and outward B) clockwise and inward
C) counterclockwise and outward D) counterclockwise and inward
What is the usual surface wind pattern around the eye of Northern Hemisphere hurricanes?
A) refractors B) radiators
C) reflectors D) convectors
65. In general, good absorbers of electromagnetic radiation
are also good
A) The Earth is traveling faster in its orbit in
B) The altitude of the noon Sun is greater in
C) The insolation in New York is greater in July.
D) The Earth is closer to the Sun in July.
66. What is the primary reason New York State is warmer
in July than in February?
A) 35°C B) 40°C C) 45°C D) 50°C
67. The highest air temperature ever recorded in Albany,
New York, was 104°F, which occurred on July 4, 1911.
This temperature is equal to
A) dark colored with a rough surface
B) dark colored with a smooth surface
C) light colored with a rough surface
D) light colored with a smooth surface
68. A person in Florida worked outdoors in sunlight for
several hours on a day in July. Which type of clothing
should the person have worn to absorb the least
electromagnetic radiation?
A) high temperature toward regions of low
B) high pressure toward regions of low pressure
C) high precipitation toward regions of low
D) high humidity toward regions of low humidity
69. Wind moves from regions of
A) gradient of the air pressure field
B) value of the Coriolis effect
C) moisture content of the air
D) rotational velocity of the Earth
70. Wind velocity is most directly dependent on the
71. Base your answer to the following question on on the
diagram below, which represents a satellite image of
Hurricane Gilbert in the Gulf of Mexico. Each X
represents the position of the eye of the storm on the
date indicated.
A) counterclockwise and toward the center
B) counterclockwise and away from the center
C) clockwise and toward the center
D) clockwise and away from the center
The surface wind pattern associated with Hurricane
Gilbert was
72. Base your answer to the following question on
the diagram below, which represents a cross section of
the shoreline of Lake Erie.
A) low air pressure to areas of high air pressure
B) high air pressure to areas of low air pressure
C) low air humidity to areas of high air humidity
D) high air humidity to areas of low air humidity
The direction of the wind shown in this diagram is
probably due to air moving from areas of
A) air pressure
B) Coriolis force
C) dewpoint temperature
D) cloud cover
73. Which factor most directly affects the wind speed
between two locations?
74. Base your answer to the following question on The
table below shows air temperatures and dew point
temperatures at different elevations above sea level.
A) raindrops B) ozone
C) ice crystals D) sleet
Clouds that form at an elevation of 3 kilometers will
most likely be composed of
75. The chart below shows the air temperature and the
dewpoint temperature near the ground at a given
location for four consecutive days. All temperatures
were recorded at noon.
A) Relative humidity was highest on day 1.
B) The greatest amount of water vapor was in the
atmosphere on day 2.
C) The base level for cloud formation was highest on
day 3.
D) The chance of precipitation was greatest on day 4.
Which statement is best supported by the data?
A) Humidity is decreasing.
B) Temperature is decreasing.
C) Skies are clearing.
D) A storm is approaching.
76. Which weather change is most likely indicated by
rapidly falling air pressure?
A) humidity differences
B) air pressure differences
C) the revolution of Earth
D) the rotation of Earth
77. What is the primary cause of winds?
A) the atmosphere is relatively dry
B) the air is at its saturated vapor pressure
C) the air pressure is high
D) transpiration equals evaporation
78. The relative humidity is 100% when
79. Base your answer to the following question on the
weather station model shown below.
State the relative humidity.
80. Base your answer to the following question on on the station models below, which show various weather
conditions recorded at the same time on the same day at four different cities.
A) Chicago B) Detroit C) Buffalo D) Utica
Which city had the lowest relative humidity?
81. Base your answer to the following question on The diagram below shows the temperature readings on a
weather instrument.
A) 8% B) 11% C) 32% D) 60%
Based on these readings, the relative humidity of the air is closest to
82. Base your answer to the following question on the
diagram below, which shows the frontal boundary
between mT and cP air masses.
A) cold front B) warm front
C) occluded front D) stationary front
If the front at ground level is moving toward city B.
which type of weather front is shown?
83. Base your answer to the following question on the weather map below, which shows two fronts associated
with a low-pressure system.
Which type of weather front has entered New York State?
84. Base your answer to the following question on the weather map below, which shows surface weather
conditions over the central United States at 1:00 a.m. for a day in May. Shaded areas represent
A) a warm front B) a cold front C) an isotherm D) an isobar
The boundary between the cP and mT air masses shown on the map is called
A) B)
C) D)
85. Which graph best represents the relationship between
porosity and particle size for soil samples of uniform
size, shape, and packing?
86. The diagrams below represent three containers, A, B, and C, which were filled with equal volumes of
uniformly sorted plastic beads. Water was poured into each container to determine porosity and infiltration
A) B)
C) D)
Which data table best represents the porosity and infiltration time of the beads in the three containers?
87. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram, data and information below. The diagram
below represents part of the laboratory setup for an activity to investigate the effects of particle size on
permeability, porosity, and water retention. Three separate tubes were used, each containing 300 milliliters
of beads of uniform size. Bead sizes were 4 millimeters, 7 millimeters, and 12 millimeters in diameter,
A) B)
C) D)
Which graph best represents the infiltration times for these three particle sizes?
A) the rock's geologic age
B) the rock's hardness
C) the rock's porosity
D) the rock's color
88. Which is most important in determining the amount of
ground water that can be stored within a rock?
A) The apparent diameter of the Sun would decrease.
B) The amount of insolation received by the Earth
would increase.
C) The time for one Earth rotation (rotation period)
would double.
D) The time for one Earth revolution (orbital period)
would decrease.
89. If the distance between the Earth and the Sun were
increased, which change would occur?
A) cyclic and predictable
B) cyclic and unpredictable
C) noncyclic and predictable
D) noncyclic and unpredictable
90. As viewed from Earth, the Sun's apparent diameter has
shown which type of change over a period of 10 years?
A) existed during a large part of the Paleozoic Era
B) has no living relatives found on Earth today
C) existed over a wide geographic area
D) has been found in New York State
91. One reason Tetragraptus is considered a good index
fossil is that Tetragraptus
92. Base your answer to the following question on The
three cross sections of sedimentary bedrock shown
below represent widely separated surface exposures of
layers that contain fossils. Letters A, B, C, and D
represent four different marine fossils found in these
rock layers.
A) A B) B C) C D) D
Which letter best represents an index fossil?
93. The geologic columns A, B, and C in the diagrams
below represent widely spaced outcrops of sedimentary
rocks. Symbols are used to indicate fossils found within
each rock layer. Each rock layer represents the fossil
record of a different geologic time period.
A) B)
C) D)
According to the diagrams for all three columns, which
would be the best index fossil?
A) lived on land
B) lived in shallow water
C) been preserved by volcanic ash
D) existed for a geologically short time
94. In order for an organism to be used as an index fossil,
the organism must have been geographically
widespread and must have
95. Base your answer to the following question on the
diagram of a mountain shown below. The arrows
represent the direction of airflow over the mountain.
A) compresses and warms
B) compresses and cools
C) expands and warms
D) expands and cools
As the air moves up the windward side of the mountain,
the air
96. Base your answer to the following question on The
cross section below shows the flow of winds over a
mountain ridge.
A) on the leeward side, in a mP air mass
B) on the leeward side, in a cT air mass
C) on the windward side, in a mT air mass
D) on the windward side, in a cP air mass
The heaviest rainfall would most likely occur on which
side of this mountain and in which type of air mass?
97. A desert often forms on the leeward side of a mountain
range, as shown in the cross section below.
A) compresses and warms
B) compresses and cools
C) expands and warms
D) expands and cools
After most of the moisture is removed from the air on
the windward side, deserts form on the leeward side
because the sinking air
98. Base your answer to the following question on the field map below, which shows the average annual
precipitation in New York State for the past 25 years. Isoline values represent inches per year.
A) closer to a large body of water B) at a higher latitude
C) at a lower elevation D) in the prevailing southerly wind belt
Jamestown received more rainfall per year than Elmira. A reason for this difference is that Jamestown is
A) The water causes cooler summers and colder
B) The water causes cooler summers and warmer
C) The water causes hotter summers and warmer
D) The water causes hotter summers and colder
99. What effect does a large body of water usually have on
the climate of a nearby landmass?
A) California Current
B) Florida Current
C) Labrador Current
D) North Pacific Current
100. What is the name of the warm ocean current that flows
along the east coast of the United States?
A) Brazil Current
B) Peru Current
C) South Equatorial Current
D) North Pacific Current
101. What is the name of the cool ocean current that flows
along, the west coast of South America?
A) West Wind Drift
B) Gulf Stream
C) North Equatorial Current
D) California Current
102. Which current is a cool ocean current that flows
completely around Earth?
103. In the diagram below, the arrow shows the direction of
stream flow around a bend.
A) A B) B C) C D) D
At which point does the greatest stream erosion occur?
104. Base your answer to the following question on The
diagram below shows points A, B, C, and D on a
meandering stream.
A) A B) B C) C D) D
At which point does the greatest stream erosion occur?
105. The diagram below represents a winding stream. At
which location is stream erosion most likely to be
greater than stream deposition?
A) A B) B C) C D) D
106. Base your answer to the following question on The model shown below illustrates stream erosion between
locations A and B in the stream.
A) decrease and the rate of erosion to decrease
B) decrease and the rate of erosion to increase
C) increase and the rate of erosion to decrease
D) increase and the rate of erosion to increase
Placing a second block under location A will cause the stream's velocity to

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Plus de Lexume1 (20)

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Ap exam big idea 7 global impact
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Lesson pseudocode
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Lesson4.4 u4 l1 using hex
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Lesson4.1 u4 l1 binary representationLesson4.1 u4 l1 binary representation
Lesson4.1 u4 l1 binary representation
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Lesson4.9 d u4l3 hierarchy of open protocols
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Lesson4.9 b u4l3 ip addresses
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Lesson4.9 a u4l2 html
Lesson4.9 a u4l2 htmlLesson4.9 a u4l2 html
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Lesson4.8 u4 l2 address hierarchy
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Lesson4.7 u4 l2 network redundancy
Lesson4.7 u4 l2 network redundancyLesson4.7 u4 l2 network redundancy
Lesson4.7 u4 l2 network redundancy


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117 ways regents_review_1of_2_sc

  • 1. A) always less B) always greater C) always the same D) sometimes less and sometimes greater 1. Compared to the density of liquid water, the density of an ice cube is A) decrease B) increase C) remain the same 2. As a stationary airmass is heated, its density will generally 3. Base your answer to the following question on The data table below shows the mass and volume of three samples of the same mineral. [The density column is provided for student use.] A) B) C) D) Which graph best represents the relationship between the density and the volume of these mineral samples?
  • 2. 4. Base your answer to the following question on the diagrams below, which represent two different solid, uniform materials cut into cubes A and B. A) less B) greater C) the same Assume cube B was broken into many irregularly shaped pieces. Compared to the density of the entire cube, the density of one of the pieces would be A) B) C) D) 5. Which graph most likely illustrates a cyclic change? A) cyclic and predictable B) cyclic and unpredictable C) noncyclic and predictable D) noncyclic and unpredictable 6. Which description of change is most closely associated with ocean tides and moon phases? 7. Base your answer to the following question on The cartoon below presents a humorous look at science. A) has less mass B) has more mass C) is less dense D) is more dense The correct explanation of why ice floats is that, compared to liquid water, solid ice
  • 3. 8. Base your answer to the following question on The diagram below represents the development of our universe from the time of the Big Bang until the present. Letter A indicates two celestial objects. A) asteroid belts B) terrestrial planets C) spiral galaxies D) eccentric comets The present-day celestial objects labeled A are best identified as 9. Base your answer to the following question on the calendar model shown below of the inferred history of the universe and on your knowledge of Earth science. The 12-month time line begins with the Big Bang on January 1 and continues to the present time, which is represented by midnight on December 31. Several inferred events and the relative times of their occurrence have been placed in the appropriate locations on the time line. State one piece of evidence used by scientists to support the theory that the Big Bang event occurred.
  • 4. 10. According to the data below, what is the exact shape of the Earth? A) slightly flattened at both the Equator and the Poles B) slightly bulging at both the Equator and the Poles C) slightly flattened at the Equator and slightly bulging at the Poles D) slightly flattened at the Poles and slightly bulging at the Equator A) Polaris is located directly over the Tropic of Cancer B) Polaris is the brightest and most easily located star C) the altitude of Polaris is equal to the observer's latitude D) the position of Polaris changes with the seasons 11. The North Star (Polaris) can be used for navigation in Earth's Northern Hemisphere because A) 43º B) 47º C) 75º D) 90º 12. From Utica, New York, Polaris is observed at an altitude of approximately A) B) C) D) 13. Which diagram best shows the altitude of Polaris observed near Buffalo, New York? 14. The diagram below shows an observer on Earth measuring the altitude of Polaris. A) 90º N B) 66.5º N C) 43º N D) 23.5º N What is the latitude of this observer?
  • 5. A) a type of solar system B) a constellation visible to everyone on Earth C) a region in space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter D) a spiral-shaped formation composed of billions of stars 15. The Milky Way galaxy is best described as A) spherical in shape B) 4.6 billion years old C) composed of stars revolving around Earth D) one of billions of galaxies in the universe 16. Most scientists believe the Milky Way Galaxy is A) solar system, Milky Way, universe B) Milky Way, solar system, universe C) universe, Milky Way, solar system D) Milky Way, universe, solar system 17. In which sequence are the items listed from least total mass to greatest total mass? 18. Base your answer to the following question on the topographic map below, which shows a small island in an ocean. Points A, B, C, and D represent surface locations on the island. The symbol 134 represents an elevation on the hilltop. Elevations are measured in feet and distances are measured in miles. Explain how the contour lines on the map indicate that the north side of the island has the steepest slope.
  • 6. A) The Earth actually moves around the Sun at a rate of 15º per hour. B) The stars actually move around the center of the galaxy at a rate of 15º per hour. C) The Earth actually rotates at a rate of 15º per hour. D) The stars actually revolve around the Earth at a rate of 15º per hour. 19. Why do stars appear to move through the night sky at the rate of 15 degrees per hour? A) Foucault pendulum B) phases of the Moon C) position of the Sun at solar noon D) geocentric model of the solar system 20. Evidence that the Earth rotates on an axis is provided by the Coriolis effect and the A) rotates on its axis B) revolves in its orbit C) is tilted on its axis D) has an elliptical orbit 21. The path of a Foucault pendulum provides evidence that Earth 22. The diagram below represents a Foucault pendulum in a building in New York State. Points A and A' are fixed points on the floor. A) appear to change position due to Earth's rotation. B) appear to change position due to Earth's revolution. C) continue to swing between A and A' due to inertia. D) continue to swing between A and A' due to air pressure. As the pendulum swings for six hours, it will A) high and low-pressure belts B) the Earth's revolution C) the equatorial calms D) the Earth's rotation 23. What causes the Coriolis effect? A) rate of rotation B) period of revolution C) angle of tilt D) average surface temperature 24. The Coriolis effect would be influenced most by a change in the Earth's A) rotation of the Earth B) revolution of the Earth C) unequal heating of the Earth D) variations in salinity of the Earth's oceans 25. Ocean currents exhibit the Coriolis effect as a result of the A) the Moon B) Jupiter C) the Sun D) the Milky Way 26. Which celestial feature is largest in actual size? A) galaxy ® solar system ® universe ® planet B) solar system ® galaxy ® planet ® universe C) planet ® solar system ® galaxy ® universe D) universe ® galaxy ® solar system ® planet 27. In which list are celestial features correctly shown in order of increasing size? A) B) C) D) 28. Which diagram best represents the full-moon phase of the Moon as seen from the Earth?
  • 7. 29. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram below, which represents a model of the Earth-Moon system as viewed from above the North Pole. The numbers 1 through 8 represent positions of the Moon as it revolves around Earth. The parts of the diagram lettered A through D show how the Moon's phases appear to an observer in New Jersey. A) decrease, only B) increase, only C) decrease, then increase D) increase, then decrease As the Moon's phase changes from first quarter to last quarter, the visible portion of the Moon as observed from Earth will
  • 8. 30. Base your answer to the following question on the graph below, which shows the maximum altitude of the Moon, measured by an observer located at a latitude of 43° N during June in a particular year. The names and appearance of the four major Moon phases are shown at the top of the graph, directly above the date on which the phase occurred. A) B) C) D) Which diagram best represents the Moon’s phase observed on June 11? A) June 21 B) July 10 C) August 21 D) August 31 31. On which date does maximum insolation usually occur in New Jersey? A) March 21 B) June 21 C) June 21 D) December 21 32. In Maine, which day has the shortest duration of insolation?
  • 9. 33. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram below, which shows the apparent paths of the Sun at the beginning of each season for an observer at a location in Connecticut. A) June 21 B) August 21 C) September 23 D) December 21 Which day of the year is represented by path A? Base your answers to questions 34 and 35 on the diagram below which represents the apparent daily path of the Sun across the sky in the Northern Hemisphere on the dates indicated. A) June 21 B) September 23 C) March 21 D) December 21 34. At noon on which date would the observer cast the longest shadow? A) The Sun appears to move across the sky at a rate of 1º per hour. B) The Sun's total daytime path is shortest on this date. C) Sunrise occurs north of east. D) Sunset occurs south of west. 35. Which observation about the Sun's apparent path at this location on June 21 is best supported by the diagram? 36. Base your answer to the following question on the graph below, which shows the average monthly temperatures at cities A, B, C, and D. The latitude of each city is also indicated. A) A B) B C) C D) D Which city will have the longest duration of insolation on June 21?
  • 10. 37. Base your answer to the following question on The diagram below shows four surfaces of equal area that absorb insolation. A) A B) B C) C D) D Which letter represents the surface that most likely absorbs the greatest amount of insolation? A) reflector of electromagnetic energy B) refractor of electromagnetic energy C) radiator of electromagnetic energy D) convector of electromagnetic energy 38. An object that is a good absorber of electromagnetic energy is also a good A) convector B) reflector C) radiator D) refractor 39. An object that is a good absorber of electromagnetic energy is most likely a good A) light colored and smooth B) light colored and rough C) dark colored and smooth D) dark colored and rough 40. Which of these characteristics identify an Earth surface that is likely to be the best absorber of insolation? A) less than the original specimen's half-life B) greater than the original specimen's half-life C) the same as the original specimen's half-life 41. If a radioactive material were cut into pieces, the half-life of each piece would be 42. Base your answer on the diagram below which represents a cube of radioactive material (figure A) cut into eight identical cubes (figure B). A) 1/8 as long B) 1/64 as long C) 8 times longer D) the same Compared to the half-life of the material in figure A, the half-life of the material in each small cube in figure B is A) carbon-14 B) potassium-40 C) rubidium-87 D) uranium-238 43. Which radioactive substance has the longest half-life? A) 5.7 years B) 570 years C) 5,700 years D) 5,700,000 years 44. What is the half-life of carbon-14?
  • 11. 45. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram below, which represents a model of a radioactive sample with a half-life of 5000 years. The white boxes represent undecayed radioactive material and the shaded boxes represent the decayed material after the first half-life. A) carbon-14 B) potassium-40 C) uranium-238 D) rubidium-87 Which radioactive isotope has a half-life closest in duration to this radioactive sample? A) granite B) sandstone C) basalt D) rhyolite 46. The oceanic crust is thought to be composed mainly of A) low density and is mafic B) low density and is felsic C) high density and is mafic D) high density and is felsic 47. When two tectonic plates collide, oceanic crust usually subducts beneath continental crust because oceanic crust is primarily composed of igneous rock that has 48. Base your answer to the following question on The diagram below represents a cross section of a portion of the Earth's crust. A) The oceanic crust is thicker than the mantle. B) The continental crust is thicker than the oceanic crust. C) The continental crust is composed primarily of sedimentary rock. D) The crust is composed of denser rock than the mantle is. Which statement about the Earth's crust is best supported by the diagram?
  • 12. 49. Base your answer to the following question on the Earth Science Reference Tables. A) more mafic and less dense B) more mafic and more dense C) more felsic and less dense D) more felsic and more dense Compared to continental crust, oceanic crust is A) thinner and composed of granite B) thinner and composed of basalt C) thicker and composed of granite D) thicker and composed of basalt 50. Compared to Earth's oceanic crust, Earth's continental crust is A) a glacier on a summer day B) magma from an erupting volcano C) steam from heated ground water D) an ocean current beginning at the Equator 51. An example of a heat sink is A) reflected by a heat sink B) refracted by a heat sink C) scattered by a heat sink D) absorbed by a heat sink 52. When a heat source loses energy, that energy is A) crustal uplift B) volcanic eruptions C) continental glaciation D) crustal erosion 53. The presence of marine fossils at elevations high above sea level provides good evidence for A) marine fossils in the Rocky Mountains B) sediment in the Gulf of Mexico C) trenches in the Pacific Ocean floor D) igneous rock deep within the Earth 54. The best evidence of crustal uplift would be provided by A) moist and warm B) moist and cold C) dry and cold D) dry and warm 55. Chemical weathering occurs most rapidly in climates which are A) cools the surroundings when it evaporates B) dissolves many of the minerals that make up rocks C) has a density of about one gram per cubic centimeter D) has the highest specific heat of all common earth materials 56. Water is a major agent of chemical weathering because water A) hydrosphere and lithosphere B) mesosphere and thermosphere C) hydrosphere and atmosphere D) lithosphere and atmosphere 57. Chemical weathering will occur most rapidly when rocks are exposed to the A) cold and humid B) cold and arid C) hot and humid D) hot and arid 58. Chemical weathering of rocks occurs most rapidly in a climate that is A) a warm, dry climate B) a cold, dry climate C) a warm, moist climate D) a cold, moist climate 59. Chemical weathering would be most effective in 60. Base your answer to the following question on The diagram below shows a process called frost wedging. A) weathering B) cementing C) metamorphism D) deposition Frost wedging is an example of
  • 13. A) clockwise and toward the center B) clockwise and away from the center C) counterclockwise and toward the center D) counterclockwise and away from the center 61. In the Northern Hemisphere, in which direction does surface wind circulate in a high-pressure air mass? A) clockwise and inward B) clockwise and outward C) counterclockwise and inward D) counterclockwise and outward 62. In which direction do the surface winds blow around a high-pressure system in the Northern Hemisphere? A) clockwise and toward the center B) clockwise and away from the center C) counterclockwise and toward the center D) counterclockwise and away from the center 63. In the Northern Hemisphere, the movement of air in a low-pressure center is 64. Base your answer to the following question on the satellite image below, which shows a Northern Hemisphere hurricane. A) clockwise and outward B) clockwise and inward C) counterclockwise and outward D) counterclockwise and inward What is the usual surface wind pattern around the eye of Northern Hemisphere hurricanes? A) refractors B) radiators C) reflectors D) convectors 65. In general, good absorbers of electromagnetic radiation are also good
  • 14. A) The Earth is traveling faster in its orbit in February. B) The altitude of the noon Sun is greater in February. C) The insolation in New York is greater in July. D) The Earth is closer to the Sun in July. 66. What is the primary reason New York State is warmer in July than in February? A) 35°C B) 40°C C) 45°C D) 50°C 67. The highest air temperature ever recorded in Albany, New York, was 104°F, which occurred on July 4, 1911. This temperature is equal to A) dark colored with a rough surface B) dark colored with a smooth surface C) light colored with a rough surface D) light colored with a smooth surface 68. A person in Florida worked outdoors in sunlight for several hours on a day in July. Which type of clothing should the person have worn to absorb the least electromagnetic radiation? A) high temperature toward regions of low temperature B) high pressure toward regions of low pressure C) high precipitation toward regions of low precipitation D) high humidity toward regions of low humidity 69. Wind moves from regions of A) gradient of the air pressure field B) value of the Coriolis effect C) moisture content of the air D) rotational velocity of the Earth 70. Wind velocity is most directly dependent on the 71. Base your answer to the following question on on the diagram below, which represents a satellite image of Hurricane Gilbert in the Gulf of Mexico. Each X represents the position of the eye of the storm on the date indicated. A) counterclockwise and toward the center B) counterclockwise and away from the center C) clockwise and toward the center D) clockwise and away from the center The surface wind pattern associated with Hurricane Gilbert was 72. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram below, which represents a cross section of the shoreline of Lake Erie. A) low air pressure to areas of high air pressure B) high air pressure to areas of low air pressure C) low air humidity to areas of high air humidity D) high air humidity to areas of low air humidity The direction of the wind shown in this diagram is probably due to air moving from areas of
  • 15. A) air pressure B) Coriolis force C) dewpoint temperature D) cloud cover 73. Which factor most directly affects the wind speed between two locations? 74. Base your answer to the following question on The table below shows air temperatures and dew point temperatures at different elevations above sea level. A) raindrops B) ozone C) ice crystals D) sleet Clouds that form at an elevation of 3 kilometers will most likely be composed of 75. The chart below shows the air temperature and the dewpoint temperature near the ground at a given location for four consecutive days. All temperatures were recorded at noon. A) Relative humidity was highest on day 1. B) The greatest amount of water vapor was in the atmosphere on day 2. C) The base level for cloud formation was highest on day 3. D) The chance of precipitation was greatest on day 4. Which statement is best supported by the data? A) Humidity is decreasing. B) Temperature is decreasing. C) Skies are clearing. D) A storm is approaching. 76. Which weather change is most likely indicated by rapidly falling air pressure? A) humidity differences B) air pressure differences C) the revolution of Earth D) the rotation of Earth 77. What is the primary cause of winds? A) the atmosphere is relatively dry B) the air is at its saturated vapor pressure C) the air pressure is high D) transpiration equals evaporation 78. The relative humidity is 100% when 79. Base your answer to the following question on the weather station model shown below. State the relative humidity.
  • 16. 80. Base your answer to the following question on on the station models below, which show various weather conditions recorded at the same time on the same day at four different cities. A) Chicago B) Detroit C) Buffalo D) Utica Which city had the lowest relative humidity? 81. Base your answer to the following question on The diagram below shows the temperature readings on a weather instrument. A) 8% B) 11% C) 32% D) 60% Based on these readings, the relative humidity of the air is closest to 82. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram below, which shows the frontal boundary between mT and cP air masses. A) cold front B) warm front C) occluded front D) stationary front If the front at ground level is moving toward city B. which type of weather front is shown?
  • 17. 83. Base your answer to the following question on the weather map below, which shows two fronts associated with a low-pressure system. Which type of weather front has entered New York State?
  • 18. 84. Base your answer to the following question on the weather map below, which shows surface weather conditions over the central United States at 1:00 a.m. for a day in May. Shaded areas represent precipitation. A) a warm front B) a cold front C) an isotherm D) an isobar The boundary between the cP and mT air masses shown on the map is called A) B) C) D) 85. Which graph best represents the relationship between porosity and particle size for soil samples of uniform size, shape, and packing?
  • 19. 86. The diagrams below represent three containers, A, B, and C, which were filled with equal volumes of uniformly sorted plastic beads. Water was poured into each container to determine porosity and infiltration time. A) B) C) D) Which data table best represents the porosity and infiltration time of the beads in the three containers?
  • 20. 87. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram, data and information below. The diagram below represents part of the laboratory setup for an activity to investigate the effects of particle size on permeability, porosity, and water retention. Three separate tubes were used, each containing 300 milliliters of beads of uniform size. Bead sizes were 4 millimeters, 7 millimeters, and 12 millimeters in diameter, respectively. A) B) C) D) Which graph best represents the infiltration times for these three particle sizes?
  • 21. A) the rock's geologic age B) the rock's hardness C) the rock's porosity D) the rock's color 88. Which is most important in determining the amount of ground water that can be stored within a rock? A) The apparent diameter of the Sun would decrease. B) The amount of insolation received by the Earth would increase. C) The time for one Earth rotation (rotation period) would double. D) The time for one Earth revolution (orbital period) would decrease. 89. If the distance between the Earth and the Sun were increased, which change would occur? A) cyclic and predictable B) cyclic and unpredictable C) noncyclic and predictable D) noncyclic and unpredictable 90. As viewed from Earth, the Sun's apparent diameter has shown which type of change over a period of 10 years? A) existed during a large part of the Paleozoic Era B) has no living relatives found on Earth today C) existed over a wide geographic area D) has been found in New York State 91. One reason Tetragraptus is considered a good index fossil is that Tetragraptus 92. Base your answer to the following question on The three cross sections of sedimentary bedrock shown below represent widely separated surface exposures of layers that contain fossils. Letters A, B, C, and D represent four different marine fossils found in these rock layers. A) A B) B C) C D) D Which letter best represents an index fossil? 93. The geologic columns A, B, and C in the diagrams below represent widely spaced outcrops of sedimentary rocks. Symbols are used to indicate fossils found within each rock layer. Each rock layer represents the fossil record of a different geologic time period. A) B) C) D) According to the diagrams for all three columns, which would be the best index fossil? A) lived on land B) lived in shallow water C) been preserved by volcanic ash D) existed for a geologically short time 94. In order for an organism to be used as an index fossil, the organism must have been geographically widespread and must have 95. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram of a mountain shown below. The arrows represent the direction of airflow over the mountain. A) compresses and warms B) compresses and cools C) expands and warms D) expands and cools As the air moves up the windward side of the mountain, the air
  • 22. 96. Base your answer to the following question on The cross section below shows the flow of winds over a mountain ridge. A) on the leeward side, in a mP air mass B) on the leeward side, in a cT air mass C) on the windward side, in a mT air mass D) on the windward side, in a cP air mass The heaviest rainfall would most likely occur on which side of this mountain and in which type of air mass? 97. A desert often forms on the leeward side of a mountain range, as shown in the cross section below. A) compresses and warms B) compresses and cools C) expands and warms D) expands and cools After most of the moisture is removed from the air on the windward side, deserts form on the leeward side because the sinking air
  • 23. 98. Base your answer to the following question on the field map below, which shows the average annual precipitation in New York State for the past 25 years. Isoline values represent inches per year. A) closer to a large body of water B) at a higher latitude C) at a lower elevation D) in the prevailing southerly wind belt Jamestown received more rainfall per year than Elmira. A reason for this difference is that Jamestown is located A) The water causes cooler summers and colder winters. B) The water causes cooler summers and warmer winters. C) The water causes hotter summers and warmer winters. D) The water causes hotter summers and colder winters. 99. What effect does a large body of water usually have on the climate of a nearby landmass? A) California Current B) Florida Current C) Labrador Current D) North Pacific Current 100. What is the name of the warm ocean current that flows along the east coast of the United States? A) Brazil Current B) Peru Current C) South Equatorial Current D) North Pacific Current 101. What is the name of the cool ocean current that flows along, the west coast of South America? A) West Wind Drift B) Gulf Stream C) North Equatorial Current D) California Current 102. Which current is a cool ocean current that flows completely around Earth?
  • 24. 103. In the diagram below, the arrow shows the direction of stream flow around a bend. A) A B) B C) C D) D At which point does the greatest stream erosion occur? 104. Base your answer to the following question on The diagram below shows points A, B, C, and D on a meandering stream. A) A B) B C) C D) D At which point does the greatest stream erosion occur? 105. The diagram below represents a winding stream. At which location is stream erosion most likely to be greater than stream deposition? A) A B) B C) C D) D
  • 25. 106. Base your answer to the following question on The model shown below illustrates stream erosion between locations A and B in the stream. A) decrease and the rate of erosion to decrease B) decrease and the rate of erosion to increase C) increase and the rate of erosion to decrease D) increase and the rate of erosion to increase Placing a second block under location A will cause the stream's velocity to