mekko graphics data visualization marimekko chart bar mekko 100% stacked bar chart cagr cascade charts market map growth lines stacked bar chart charting strategy consulting marimekko data row axis breaks average lines powerpoint charting heat map compound growth conditional formatting comparison lines excel links excel add-in thinkcell excel charts cascade chart waterfall chart bar chart bubble chart data column apple amazon horizontal bar chart facebook cluster bar chart bar mekko chart insightsoftware coronavirus google football covid-19 mekko cagr column soccer microsoft segment comparison lines growth line netflix strategy english premier league chart bar comparison line market growth european football graph financial analysis national retail federation nfl revenue retail spending mekko chart trend chart pew research data rows average line epl stacked cascade chart baseball dashboard market size sports scatter chart smartphone market holiday spending waterfall charts iphone internet exploding stacked bar data columns older americans pwc bridge chart line chart market capitalization market cap beverage industry basketball mlb nba olympics graphs strategy charts us presidential election movie industry music streaming amazon web services tennis venture capital mobile advertising mpaa revenue mix color us covid-19 deaths bundesliga ligue 1 la liga wealthy profile chart smartphones axis break china iea international energy agency apps china economy wearables unemployment box office revenue thanksgiving tech giants unicorns market analysis video streaming real madrid netflix financial results kaiser family foundation revenue growth nhl bar-mekko chart winter olympics olympic medals amazon earnings fx renewable energy alphabet knight frank billionaires ultra-high net worth bar charts pew research center india stock market wealthx star wars co2 emissions climate change cloud computing emmy nominations roger federer wall street journal investor relations masters golf tournament college sports profits super bowl auto industry electric vehicles market share marimekko charts strategy consultant business chart graphics charts adp national employment report adp bar comparison lines italy worldwide covid-19 deaths deaths wine hockey serie a global 100 pitchbook france uhnwis uhnwi meat consumption mobile internet advertising internet marketing yogurt market social media gender differences teenagers mobile phone decacorns mit harvard cb insights lyft uber demographics pedestrian fatalities pedestrian safety federal reserve funding technology stocks athlete endorsements athlete salary athlete pay highest pard athletes prize money fifa world cup app market search bar line chart visual capitalist golf movies best picture oscars construction stacked bridge chart stacked waterfall chart food costs smartphone gantt chart whole foods amazon quarterly performance new york traffic inrix traffic scorecard iwsr instagram football observatory healthcare new york yankees dallas cowboys forbes cable tv boeing plug-in hybrids comscore european union united nations project management recorded industry association of america recorded music revenue beer consumption europe sports analytics nfl spending by position football analytics manchester united pet spending general motors ford gm chart comparison oecd financial reporting health insurance medicaid financial statement visualization tesla travel spending government spending brookings institute professional sports retail variable width bar chart politics aws television hbo economics who world health organization jobs job creation costs analytics presidential candidates income inequality unhw food consumption box office mojo box office profit analysis mba harvard business school earnings cost breakdown gdp beer market china investments economy wimbledon fathers day airlines eurostat march madness business of college sports valentines day super bowl ads world bank extreme poverty christmas unauthorized immigrants college sports ncaa college football sales hybrid vehicles sales growth presentations federal budget spending private equity business charts bar-mekko business strategy powerpoint stacked bar business google cloud intelligent cloud cloud revenue lionel messi cristiano ronaldo globla ev outlook 2020 battery electric electric cars data pricing data plans mobile data italian wine french wine international trade centre itc chile australia wine exports product revenue services revenue federal reserve bank of cleveland black households home ownership income net worth racial wealth gap wealth gap employment ltc long term care asian americans hispanics national center for health statistics african americans blacks yahoo finance england spain new york city unreported deaths new york times worldometer per capita covid cases by country johns hopkins small business loans us government stimulus bill cares act recession ycharts streaming theatrical motion picture industry mpa motion pictures demographic profile survey data bar gaps users profiles online dating profiles online dating websites online dating apps online dating governors highway safety association ghsa auto accidents children malnutrition underweight obesity overweight poverty unicef ut austin 538 broadcast sports trends in college pricing college board college education private colleges public colleges college costs smartphone accessories market smartphone multiplier nielsen music digital albums physical albums digital tracks audio streaming music contusion fall head injury emergency room jama electric scooter injuries scooter injuries scooter electric scooter investment heritage foundation derek scissors american enterprise institute aei goalkeeper full back centre back midfielder forward cies transfer value footballers mac pro costs hardware costs hardware mac pro mac web browser desktop tablet digital media valuation customer segmentation adobe analytics cyber monday ecommerce e-commerce green car congress car buying trends automotive market car buyers vehicle buyers gartner smart clothing wristband sports watch ear-worn head-mounted display apple watch smartwatch property tax sales tax income tax us census tax revenue state taxes tara whiteman kylie jenner messi ronaldo sponsored posts food survey breakfast survey breakfast preferences yougov toast scrambled eggs eggs bacon coffee breakfast air travel emissions emissions international council on clean transportation. co2 airplanes air travel notre dame boston college dodgers giants red sox yankees ncaaf sports rivalries billionaire census 2019 billionaire census foundation for a smoke free world tobacco products tobacco vaping cigarettes nicotine products nicotine build-up cascade mit sloan wharton upenn entrepreneur bayern munich juventus manchester city squad value transfer spending share buyback dividends sports teams sports business laliga b2c it b2b pe deals by size pe deals by sector deals by size deals by sector private equity deals deals young drivers drivers license older drivers licensed drivers drivers driving united kingdom terrorism separatist northern ireland nationalism jihadist jihad eu fao food and agriculture organization buffalo beef mutton goat pork poulyry pigmeat ilo gender gap unpaid care work care work unpaid work industry profile revenue profile video advertising banner advertising sales by region mergers automotive industry automotive renault fiat living standards global prices mapping the world's prices 2019 deutsche bank currency valuation instanbul milan jetblue frontier spirit american united delta baggage fees baggage aviation california florida suppliers producers farming grapefruit lemons oranges citrus fruit citrus usda statista home purchase real estate wall street blockchain crypto personal finance payments coinbase robinhood credit karma strip innovative fintech forbes 50 fintech forrbes fintech nondairy yogurt icelnadic yogurt greek yogurt yogurt global energy and co2 status report bully pulpit interactive trump sanders o'rourke gillibrand tgv acela usa high-speed rail transportation railroads revenue trends change cascade homework screeen time time study apple financial performance net sales expenses stacked bar-mekko philippines mexico nigeria brazil indonésia developing countries emerging economies mobile phone market didi chuxing bytedance spacex stripe airbnb juul wework private companies universities columbia princeton university of california university of chicago nobel laureates nobel prize annotation lines academy awards black panther start-up funding start-ups moneytree ride-sharing ride-hailing homeless families homeless shalters shelters hud housing and urban development 2018 annual homeless assessment report to congress homelessness homeless marketing charts spending consumption purchase profiles segmentation pareto chart laurent vanat report on snow & mountain tourism ski lifts ski resorts alps ski market skiers u.s. workforce workforce growth workforce immigration india ministry of drinking water and sanitation health sanitation indoor toilet toilet gift spending christmas spending nrf thanksgiving food costs thanksgiving meal thanksgiving dinner american farm bureau federation new world wealth africa wealth report south africa mauritius africa wealth africa internet crime victims crime victims internet crime report fbi internet crime craft liquor sales by location liquor market analysis liquor market share craft spirits craft liquor traffic accidents traffic safety nhsta gre council of graduate studies stem doctoral fields doctoral disciplines degrees by gender phd degrees doctoral degrees construction projects over-budget three gorges dam big dig channel tunnel credit card debt auto loans mortgage debt consumer debt student loans flowers wedding ring wedding dress catering wedding costs wedding country comparison cost university college gallup survey gallup full-time work part-time work us workers gig economy wealth by state scatter plot alcohol sales beer index alcohol prices employment cost wages salary job growth canada tech matrix 2x2 data table p&l statement income statement microsoft earnings forecast actuals forecast variance netflix subscribers netflix quarterly results bloomberg animal protein edible insects insects athlete winnings natural gas coal oil and gas energy china commodity demand cement demand commodity demand goal scoring sports franchises the masters world cup russia world cup prize money world cup 2018 fifa world cup mobile gaming spend mobile gaming market mobile gaming npd group eedar commercial air conditioning residential air conditioning air conditioning market air conditioning goal scorers tottenham liverpool harry kane mohamed salah mecco chart appannie andoid ios cross bronx expressway chicago traffic new york traffic worst traffic drill down bing youtube yahoo search engines web search gogole price changes bureau of labor statistics food prices grocery prices hardest holes easiest holes golf holes augusta national golfshake masters bar-line chart online advertising revenue online advertising online advertising market facebook advertising revenue facebook revenue aarp laptops desktops technology adoption sports finance sports management ubs sport team owners avatar slumdog millionaire shape of water liechtenstein norway medals per capita pyeongchang shenzhen council on tall buildings and urban habit skyscrapers olympic events bain bain private equity private equity due diligence ingredient cost walmart samsung smartphone sales growth smartphone sales revenue sources fx network research variety basic cable pay cable online channels consumer technology association drones virtual reality consumer technology connected devices smart home smart speakers robots job automation the numbers statistic brain movie franchise revenue movie franchises last jedi zhengzhou foxconn ups iphone x ppp purchase power parity latte index starbucks movie audience demographics tokyo parís travel fine dining michelin 3 star restaurants michelin guide natural foods organic ham turkey sales organic turkey organic foods nielsen. financial trends earnings reports philadelphia boston vanguard fidelity j.p. morgan blackrock asset management aum assets under management automation visual basic types of charts waterfall cascade most congested cities traffic costs traffic congestion inrix tequila consumption by region tequila sales by quality tequila sales by region alcohol sales by region tequila sales tequila berlin wall las vegas strip south beach eiffel tower walt disney world disneyland tourist attractions travelbird top travel cities travel destinations mastercard global destination cities index mastercard paris saint germain tesla value projected airplane sales widebody jets single aisle jets regional jets airplane sales by plane size airplane sales by region worldwide airplane sales airplane demand regional comparison barrel volume usa statistics production volume medicare uninsured national football league sports teams value national basketball association major league baseball most valuable sports teams premium cable emmy nominations by network emmy awards broadcast televsion 2017 emmy nominations electronic games games market by platform games market by region newzoo video games market games market data visulaization video games electronic games market games market by segment fireworks cpsc fireworks injuries consumer products safety commission fireworks injuries by age and type airline traffic airline traffic projections rpk revenue passenger kilometers airline passenger flow boeing current market outlook time spend mothers role paid work housework child care fathers role electric vehicle sales market mix all-electric vehicles us box office wonder woman female directors q1 2017 results net income growth profit growth novak djokovic rafael nadal pie chart performance analysis atp world tour brexit state government spending usafacts us constituion local government spending outbound tourism un wto world tourism oganization worldwide tourism tourism a.t. kearney fdi index 2017 fdi index foreign direct investment at kearney fdi creative skills top us cities creative jobs data presentation unicorn exit valuations healthcare unicorns cb inisghts technology unicorns unicorn exits unicorn valuations finance gantt riaa apple music digital radio digital subscriptions digital downloads recorded music pandora ethnic differences in movie attendance age differences in movie attaendance movie going college basketball college football bowls ncaa basketball tournament brewers of europe beer market europe beer consumption housing growth sipri military expenditure database sipri military spending military spending per capita military budgets largest military budgets presentation dgitial entertainment group video subscriptions video rental video on demand home entertainment industry video sales energy generation renewable energy jobs solar jobs coal jobs us department of energy fossil fuels snap s-1 snapchat daily active users average revenue per user snap sportrac premier league deloitte deloitte money football league 2017 fc barcelona la ligue cat owner expenses pet ownership dog owner expenses appa american pet products association pet industry honda toyota nissan chrysler us auto sales auto sales pisa test pisa massachusetts education educational testing standardized test christmas tree corporate performance hate crimes hate crime statistics fbi hate crime statistics racially motivated crimes trends medical marijuana marijuana marijuana legalization marijuana legalization by state facebook revenue by region revenue per user revenue reporting facebook quarterly financial report obamacare affordable care act aca at&t time warner merger time warner at&t tesla income statement tesla profits income statement visualization gdp impact internet shutdowns econimic impact uk travel uk tourism travel and tourism travel statistics goodman lantern uk office of national statistics tax-free bonds tax policy endowment fund returns investment fund returns ivy league harvard university endowment back-to-school return on investment summer olympics apple quarterly results apple revenue tv tv networks cocoa production cocoa consumption chocolate cocoa barometer income by us county top 1% income teton wyoming tobacco taxes alcohol taxes gambling taxes sin tax collections state tax revenue experiential gifts mothers day gift certificates greeting cards modern slavery slavery by country slavery by region contemporary slavery tropical diseases malaria kenny chesney taylor swift touring earnings eddie sheeran recording earnings rolling stones publishing earnings highest paid musicians adele billboard wind power geothermal energy hydropower biofuels solar energy irena supermarkets online sales grocery stores cowen and company net income profits operating margin q1 2016 results wealth by region millionaires millionaires by region 50 wealthiest people iphone component costs iphone teardown iphone se study abroad college students gdp per capita national income imf economic growth usa today ad meter donald trump hillary clinton fundraising jeb bush pacs oil imports oil and gas market research oil oil exports brookings institution household income cities donations philanthropy crop waste crops disney star wars the force awakens world trade organization trade data ldc wto trade carbon emissions plastic surgery procedures isaps plastic surgery smartphone profits accounting firms publications thought leadership big 4 financial services consulting recruiting technology cash flow halloween us presidents presidential experience medical devices james bond music industry stock price indexes dow jones industrial average dow jones the dow material costs world ecomony cider craft beer networks greek debt crisis european debt andy nurray pete sampras john mcenroe gay marriage same sex marriage angel investors startups market opportunity internet usage cell phone usage flight delays on-time performance massachusetts colleges freshmen retention retention rates baccarat las vegas gaming industry labor costs europe snow removal costs road treatment costs ipad advertising spend film industry usage by region market segmentation luxury goods mckinsey it budget cio nielsen music spend pc market pc shipments university of texas ultra high net worth billionaire data privacy commercial real estate think-cell presentation (software genre) senior management profit pools profit improvement return on sales transfer window spending galaxy moto pga tour usps bcg marrimekko chart budget strategic charting due diligence sales pipeline dashboard scorecard "mekko graphics" "professional breakfast sandwich dunkin donuts mekko graphics bounce rate email marketing strategic sourcing analysis management consulting area chart powerpoint chart customer loyalty merimekko chart customer churn kma information consumption evolution of reading 100 stacked bar holiday
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