software engineering cyber-physical systems workshop testing search-based and fuzz testing nlp tool competition natural language processing bugs uav simulation-based testing fuzzing search-based empirical characterization automated testing sbst search-based software testing change continuous integration user feedback summarization techniques for code documentation nl-based frenet space encoding self-driving cars test generat search exploration diversity-guided python python test case generation sbft tool competition generation test case cps-uav sbft tool competition 2024 aerialist unmanned aerial vehicles search- and machine learning-b international summer school selection test generation cost-effective approaches adaptive fewer resources sebastiano panichella cpsos workshop on adaptive complex devops aist workshop keynote presentation project h2020 cosmos insights complex cyber-physical systems challenges development open-source automated identification qualitative characterization safety concerns software fuzz testing flights replication uavs unmanned aerial vechicles mobile apps prediction proneness vulnerability java systems testing tools tool analysis software artifacts developers change types needs tools code review testing tool competition software testing generated tests test smells elicitation sessions collecting requirements specification unit testing myth-busting culture facts italy bad practices performance-aware test case generation adaptive approach open source systems socio-technical interactions action-based recommendation pull-request development unstructured data labeling issue processing software maintenance and evolution repair java detect defects apis cloud cloudification congestion games nash equilibria testing and user feedback testing and user feedback summarization techniques for code build failures agile development continuous delivery api documentation static analysis mobile application text summarization natural language pro-cessing text classification sentiment analysis mobile applications user reviews changes and testing unstructured data mining empirical study and reengineering reverse engineering enhancement restructuring mining developer discussions code re-documentation pro- gram comprehension empirical studies. open source projects mining software repositories developers' communication ir filters traceability smoothing
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