homelessness homeless feantsa housing europe housing first youth homelessness local authorities youth crisis european union homeless youth homelessness strategies policy italy health research social innovation migration homelessness services innovation participation berlin best practice conference bergamo tools toolkit mental health migrants employment netherlands quality prevention power local cities homelessness prevention budget homeless services social housing immigration ireland strategy uk data collection services networking social exclusion greece france canada poland poverty eu rights funding homeless migrants families family homelessness belgium private rental sector social services domestic violence economic crisis exchange denmark housing exclusion family portugal finland legal quality of services sweden germany gender-based violence rough sleeping institutions transnational alice salomon hochschule recovery immigrants eviction homeless policy public space cooperation scotland strategies homeless women social inclusion data women migrant homelessness community eastern europe transition private landlords social rental agencies children structural funds european authorities ngo caw asylum-seekers hungary integration statistics evaluation gender homelessness strategy central europe housing policy benefits adaptation drugs usa outcomes housing rights prs wales ict council of europe homelessness policy eu structural funds tender governance free movement rural coercion challenges drug addiction competition prisons right to housing sans-abri smes-b relais social coralie buxant maria josé aldanas housing first guide europe rights-based health care housing supply labour market participation labour market employability network women's homelessness european social fund scaling-up womens homelessness addiction digital society inclusion care homes state care discharge protocols housing-led accommodation childrens homes romania child care institutions state child care lars benjaminsen cost effectiveness risk complex needs england implementation social integration social volker busch-geertsema judith wolf sam tsemberis government evidence social investment european observatory on homelessness amsterdam landlord rent arrears copenhagen northern europe experiments young people czech republic criminalisation homelessness research evictions destitution welfare low income substances substance use substance misuse housing status political organisation framework emergency quality of social services social care social care sector home ownership austria vienna sans-abrisme social housing operators human rights psychiatry technology homelessnesss homeless service users social emergency social impact bonds investment foundations homelesness social return on investment sroi tendering market service providers third sector assessment hidden homelessness private space migrant workers targets norway networks ong non-profit organization melanie redman stephen gaetz a way home bruno vanobbergen leen ackaert steunpunt algemeen welzijswerk danny lescrauwaet cost-efficiency rina beers sfi social experimentation bag-w thomas specht juliette delaplace fnars bshf street homelessness valencià mahe aja nhs neil hamlet bronagh d'arcy túath housing domus project sara waelbers gudrun burnet marleen heylen fathers rebecca sloan peer worker changing lives olivier van goethem experts janetta daniyova housing first guide charlotte brosius support team marjorie lelubre turning point scotland patrick mckay muriel allart harm reduction housing retention tino ruyters free clinic addictions fiopsd caterina cortese karolien schepens petter dahle gilles rod sam schmitz emilie meesen véronique foubert netherlands centre for social research kimberley van daele sanne coremans choice olivier vilt un chez soi d'abord skills bruno torregrossa renaud de backer support maria clemensen arnaud jacquinet capteur logement roberto bernad public/private rais fundación emmaüs france catherine paquemar silvano gueli catherine depasse cameron keller kaleidoscope training housing first belgium nicholas pleace salvation army eero untamala laurence bourguignon samu social budget cuts trauma raising awareness training guarantee neet collective complaints justice courts legal instruments jurisprudence public market directive european regional development fund erdf unemployment exclusion esf eu2020 recovery-orientation recover-orientation empty housing conversion national lobbying news stigma stereotypes journalism press twitter communications social media communication sibs domestic workers coaching social cooperatives gender mainstreaming ethos resilience typology shelters european typology of homelessness and housing excl homeless shelters child homelessness category funds eu funds european social and investment funds capacity building experimentation housing first; cooperation share solution housing systems economy systems representation geneva begging switzerland education social enterprise resources user involvement local homelessness strategies local government literature digital northrhine-westphalia rural homelessness intercultural diversity diversity digital inclusion active inclusion leaving care empowerment performing arts art theatre companionship dogs animals pets minors foster care policy makers triggers causes care leavers home after-care day centres childcare state childcare care institutions child care youth care rental accommodation foyer risk behaviour fédérations union européenne policy exchange not-for-profit countries federation critical-time intervention profiles stakeholders housing led crisis accommodation permanent housing financial exit trajectory programme fidelity barriers ecology environment community integration estimation mapping renting legislation comparison fean homeltessness giss bremen expectations umc st radboud nijmegen tsemberis pathways to housing irish presidency microfinance ideas incubation value resettlement self-sufficiency dihal policy-makers financial crisis serbia peer landlord supportive housing australia rome migrant women vulnerability law quality of life informal housing mediterranean southern europe undocumented migrants west africa economic migrants metropolitan migrant ethnicity homeless families housing deprivation homelesss london train stations lisbon budapest customer assessment client assessment homelessness definition brussels oslo britain warsaw solutions gambling elderly people elderly slovenia housing market roma squatting squats civil rights human dignity dignity housing poverty social safety net transition countries informal economy faith social relief faith-based organisation discourse russia croatia extreme poverty economics socio-economic factors one-person households social policy disadvantage anti-social anti-social behaviour asbo freedom rehousing income rehoused labour milan labour force older people isolation costs sustainable solutions social practices brazil new york nyc opportunity ny ami quality systems homelessness sector quality standards marchés publics qualité public tendering prescriptiveness quality criteria quality framework assurance qualität von sozialen diensten wohnunslosenhilfe qualität kooperation vocational training vocational education women's aid réclamation collective droits sociaux advocacy sdf droit au logement sras sra emergency accommodation e-learning outreach who vulnerable groups eurocities service users intervention social emergency parís corporate social responsibility corporate foundation csr business cost-benefit analysis cost-benefit living conditions service provider ngos local context recession service provision eu law european commission needs assessment urban homelesssness police railways edinburgh spain target-setting rotterdam homelessnes consensus campaigning conflict local cooperation public opinion awareness raising private sector alcohol financial incentives finance mutual learning regional homelessness bodies leadership national homelessness bodies volunteering homelessness duty duty health sector nimbyism nimby social mix access access to housing spanish interagency working bill edgar asbl travail politique sans but lucratif
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