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As a global brand engagement agency, creativity, fans and their passion points are at the
heart of what we do.
We’re a very curious group, and as such, we
set out on our annual trek to hunt out the key
trends we believe will impact the market and
our clients’ work as well as inspire our thinking.
Equally, we love discovering and recognizing
ideas that are absolute gems in terms of strategic insight, creativity and solid, measurable
results, so we threw a fair few fabulous case
studies into the mix for your enjoyment.


This year our global trendhunters uncovered
the best of what’s out there, resulting in 22
case studies, 17 predictions and a bonus round
where we turned the scorecard on ourselves to
see how well we did with last year’s assumptions. Suffice it to say we could go into the business of selling crystal balls and turn a pretty
decent profit. And yes, like good parents we
did sneak a few of our own in here that we’re
immensely proud of.
Happy reading!

© Havas Sports & Entertainment


Applications Save Lives

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

by Jez Jowett - @Jezmond

More people are online, spending more
time and money, doing more things.
That’s a fact. Fifteen years ago, 80% of
that time was spent on destination websites (news, lifestyle, entertainment, music sites). Now that’s changed. Consumers
are connecting with the internet through
applications, which bring them selected
website content, effectively a halfway
house. The application explosion is gathering
steam. Facebook applications and mobile
applications have replaced micro-sites.
Campaigns have a dedicated application.
There are applications to find the best applications. Mobile smart applications are
connected to wearable technology. It’s
going to be an app-tastic year in 2014 with
a lot of winners, and a handful of cremations/RIP’s.

Goodbye FourSquare,
hello SnapChat
FourSquare was loved and adopted and
created a new enjoyment to checking in,
through gamification. However its USP
(Geolocation) and Geo-promotional offers
have been eroded with the key SN’s (Facebook and Google+) now providing this
integration. Its couponing ‘hook’ is now
surpassed by Groupon and Living Social. It
will be a sad day at the FourSquare funeral, but as one dies, another is born. SnapChat will be the most talked about SN
and the most installed mobile application
for 16-25 years old. Invest now! Images
with overlaid text will create a new teen
language. Selfies will self destruct with
a teen’s pre-sent timer destruct setting.
‘Spot the selfie’ before it disappears forever.


The healthcare industry has been afraid
to embrace social media for fear of litigation and lawsuits on the back of posts
or comments that get misinterpreted. Yet
online doctors, health gurus and advice
have always been just a click away. Applications will become the digital dispensary
cabinet, helping to save lives, inform healthier decisions, and turn a negative into a
positive. Digital technologies will be the
new medicines.
Smartphone applications already exist
that take your heart rate (through camera technology) and measure your stress
levels (variance in blood pulse). Health
applications will regulate your diet, your
medication, your exercise and your doctor
call outs. Being healthier, and knowing
your health level will be a finger away,
all synched to your social and media profile which ultimately will provide a better
health service and more personalized
health care (included insurance package) personalized for you. Health status
updates will be the new social bragging
Native advertising is not new, but it’s currently one of the most hyped subjects in
online marketing. By 2017 in the US, it is
forecast to account for 42% of all online
advertising spending, equating to almost
Native advertising is the creation of
branded content for placement on the left
hand side of the page (editorial), not the
right hand side (advertising banners). It’s
branded content to tell a story. It’s advertising-funded content for digital placement.
It’s all the rage, as sites want to keep users
on for longer, and users want to be engaged with a compelling brand story (info or
entertainment), not an advert.
Native advertising will achieve the same
share of voice attention and budget that

‘what’s my content strategy’ will in 2014.
The two are intrinsically linked, and successful brands will evolve their campaigns
to incorporate editorial content strategy,
as well as paid and promoted.

and 3 other friends also watched

SUperman - wikipEDIA

Brands and media owners will invest
considerably in branded digital content,
leveraging real time insights and engagement results, to optimize content on a
daily, not a weekly basis. Media owners
will help drive this with more and more
sites, reducing traditional online display
ad units. Buzzfeed already leads the way
with NO banners allowed, instead only
integrated native advertising content.
YouTube will play an even more important
part in the equation, with the role of annotations, thumbnails and calls to action
(on branded video content) taking users
down a more engaging and richer ‘rabbit
hole’, the Alice in Wonderland of online


Superman is a fictional character, a superhero that appears
n comic books published by DC Comics...
sUPERMAN (film)- the death of superman - Krypton

News about superman

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

by Jez Jowett - @Jezmond
by Jez Jowett - @Jezmond
they know they are not realizing the engagement, sales and advocacy potential.

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

The importance of and investment in
brand-created content has increased exponentially YOY. Consumer engagement
is more image and video driven; there
are more visits and time spent on content
specific sites; the creation of destination
content to tell a brand story is richer;
online video advertising is overtaking
traditional ATL video advertising. All have
fueled this trend and evolution.
Content marketing strategies (and specialist talent/skills) have now replaced the
previous years’ fixation on Social Media.
Content marketing is the new social media
marketing. Brands have created their
online communities and mastered the art
of community and conversation management. But without compelling content,

‘What’s our content marketing strategy?’
will become the buzz request that agencies are asked to respond to. Content
marketing experts and gurus will be at the
top of the HR search priorities. Content
experts will be in high demand. They will
be the new social media experts.
Brands will work more strategically with
media owners and content sites to create
compelling brand stories leveraging this richer medium. Traditional advertising will
tell a more personal and relevant story,
through video and curated content.
Content hubs, libraries, re-purposed archive footage and stories will enable fans
and consumers to explore a more compelling reason to connect with a brand.
Video content and the return of ‘viral


films’ will motivate brands to invest up to
25% of their traditional media budget into
“What’s your story? What’s the content
that makes this believable and shareable?
” will be consumers’ expectations of their
favorite brands.
(especially in Africa) will have the best performing response rates: it’s simple. Richer
CTAs (scan, QR codes) will drive the most
viral and shared engagements. Innovative
mobile CTAs will make the front page on
Mashable. Winning brands will have these
three response routes planned and accessible. It’s not one or the other, it’s all three.
And really smart ones, will continue the
relationship through a mobile application
and real-time (mobile) CRM.

by Jez Jowett - @Jezmond

The mobile phone is now firmly entrenched and welded into peoples’ hands and
marketers’ toolkit, but it’s just the beginning.
Now that mobile penetration is truly global and at a tipping point; that mobile
content is being consumed more than desktop; that mobile marketing is being taken
more seriously; that mobile devices aren’t
just called smart - they are smart…this all
points to a 2014 explosion for mobile marketing. However, with 90%* of websites
globally not optimized for a positive mobile user experience, and the lastest statisic that 45%** of consumers would not
return to a site on their mobile if it wasn’t
mobile optimized, there is still a need for
the basics and brilliance by mobile marketers for happy handset customers.

Mobile optimized



45% of businesses still don’t have a mobile
optimized site or application, and by the
end of 2014 we predict that >60% will be
optimized (shortened copy, mobile specific content). Considering that 63%*** of
searches are now taking place on a mobile
device, Geo-specific search results will
become important integrated content solutions. Fix the basics first with a mobileready site and experience.

Mobile in Control
The smartphone won’t just bring the social
and digital worlds to our handset and it
won’t just share our real world with our
online friends - it will control the objects
and connected devices around us. The mobile phone will become the remote control
to our lives’ electronic products. Switching
on the TV, the air conditioner, the car, or
the home alarm will be a text, tweet or
tap away. Just don’t run out of battery
(though solar and green energy will solve
that soon).

Mobile Marketing and campaigns:
Simple then rich then innovative
The most successful mobile campaigns
will provide complementary promotional
experiences and entry points. SMS (espe-




© Havas Sports & Entertainment

by Alfredo Cottin - @quieto

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

The democratization of content creation
and distribution isn’t new. For years we’ve
become familiar with blogs, YouTube,
Flickr, inviting all of us to become amateur
creators. But amateur creations are becoming less amateur...
As the creative toolset becomes more
sophisticated, the creators’ talent also
grows. Instagram made our photography
cooler. By knowing we could use filters
to enhance our work, we became more
confident photographers and that has
made us better photographers. But photography has always been accessible. Now,
Vine, Instragram Video, and lesser known
apps like Directr, Vyclone, Stilla and Phoster, all democratize more professional and
collaborative content creation.

The sophistication of videos that amateurs
are creating is striking. It takes one glance
at Vine’s special effects category to see the
exceptional quality of the new amateurs.
After seeing the widespread adoption of
Legos in stop motion, Lego developed
their Movie Maker app, where one can
make films and share them with their
Brands are rightly jumping on this trend.

by Valentina Candeloro - @valycuty
Why Brainstorming Sessions Fail To Generate

Google is piloting the display of author
information in search results to help users
discover more, better and highly targeted
content to suit their interests.
Through authorship, Google will allow
users a higher level of trust and confidence
while providing itself with a great reward:
a Google+ profile is needed for authorship
information to appear in search results for
the content you create.

Although Google is also testing authorshiplike search results for brands, their focus is
to give importance to real people, which
will push brands to empower employees
to create great content and act as their
online ambassadors. There is of course a
risk that they will take a big chunk of the
brand’s equity they’ve helped to build
with them if they leave the company...but
most importantly, it will become imperative for company executives to dedicate as
much time to content creation as to any
other thought leadership effort, truly exposing themselves on the front line.


by John Smith- in 33 Google+ circlesMore by John smith
Feb 12, 2O12-Ever wondered why your brainstorming
sessions fail to produce creative ideas? Find out what's
going wrong to make your next brainstorming ...
More by John Smith

Find out why brainstorming sessions fail to - 15 Aug 2011

John S - Google+ - 23 Oct 2011

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

Internet and blogs brought to life the true
democratic revolution of writing. Anyone
with something to say, the will to share it
and good writing skills, has been given a
window for his/her content to be read and
most importantly, shared.

This is reshaping SEO, resulting in a new
challenge for brands and marketers who
will need to deliver even more compelling
content, increasing the importance of authoritative influencers in the content they
by Valentina Candeloro - @valycuty

As we saw last year (Entrepreneurial
Consumers trend), consumers want to be
involved in product ideation and design.

Bikes, prosthetics, earrings, tables, biological replicas, clothes, skulls, sex toys,
guns…the list of 3D printer magic goes on
and on.

Brands are starting to incorporate 3D printing into their campaigns and some of the
loveliest examples are about giving consumers access to this previously exclusive
technology. Examples include the mini-MEs
from Coca-Cola  Israel, allowing winners
of a contest to create a small version of
themselves, or Volkswagen Polo, which
turned consumers into car designers and
invited them to take control of the carmanufacturer’s 3D printer to design their
own versions of their car.

As technology improves and engineers,
architects and designers stretch their imagination to make things bigger, higher (3D

Now that 3D printing is accessible, viable
and more cost-effective  for consumers,
brands need to stretch their imaginations

At the same time, we witnessed the ‘made
here’ strategy that many brands started
adopting in reaction to the influx of cheaper products coming in from the Far East.
But what if the products produced CLOSER
to you were actually produced BY you?

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

printers in space), ‘living’ (semi-working
livers, hearts, ears), smellier, multi-fiber
etc…printer prices on the market have become more accessible and their growth is
projected to increase to 75% in 2014 and
200% in 2015*.

*Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2013, Orlando


to engage people through this fascinating
and useful technology. In opting for this,
they might decide to lose a little to gain a
lot in social and environmental impact and
empower consumers to create spare and
replacement pieces.
As people become more aware of the
financial value of their reputation and
digital trail, new tools and services are
offering users ways to understand this
potential and be rewarded for sharing information with brands, publishers and the
so-called ‘third parties’.
According to a report from the Boston
Consulting  Group entitled ‘The Value of
Our Digital Identity’, the total value of personal data for organizations will amount
to a trillion euros by 2020, but the same
report estimates that two-thirds of this
value risks being lost if stakeholders fail to
establish a trusted flow of personal data.
Consumers are willing to allow the use of
personal data if organizations are careful

stewards of this information, but they
also want their trust and loyalty to be acknowledged. The opportunity for brands
that recognize the value of their consumers’ digital trails is big, as Microsoft’s
latest Digital Trends study states that 59%
of people say they are more likely to buy
from a brand that rewards them for their
Brands have the opportunity to surprise
and retain consumers through any kind
of perk, and this doesn’t only apply to the
complex world of data but also to consumers’ online reputations and the social
currency they can increasingly leverage.
Do you want to measure your share of
Twitter’s $24.9 billion fortune? TIME has
created a tool called “How Much Does
Twitter Owe Me?”. Entering your Twitter
handle allows you to to find out how
valuable your Twitter feed is.


Last year, we saw Kellogg’s Special K
Tweetshop, or more recently the ‘Tweet
To Ride’ rickshaw service in Leeds, UK
together with the constantly rising number of ‘Pay with a Tweet’ buttons implemented. We now expect brands to develop strategies and campaigns that will
recognize their clients’ social currency and
leverage it in a less ‘bartering’ and more
constructive way, in order to finally benefit their own brands’ social currency and

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

by Valentina Candeloro - @valycuty
by Pierre Sensey - @PSens

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

Football isn’t just a sport, it’s an industry.
Football clubs are entertainment brands
and matches, brand experiences. This
evolution of football’s essence comes with
consequences that could jeopardize the
development of the most popular sport in
the world… unless it proves that it can be
more meaningful.
While tickets and jersey prices rise and
players strike to avoid taxes, the core supporters abandon their stadiums, leaving
empty seats to be filled by spectators. This
new kind of fan won’t support their team
with all their heart: they pay for entertainment and if they don’t get it, they might
not come back. Meanwhile disappointed
supporters might find, or even found, another club, as Manchester United’s fans did

when they created FC United of Manchester, which has successfully climbed three
leagues in three years.
As in every global industry with major
financial stakes, abuse and scandals are
mushrooming. Issues like expropriation,
huge infrastructure expenses in host
countries and bribery suspicions, have a
dangerous potential to destroy the emotion and magic attached to major sporting
All the above combined has a dangerous
impact on football’s image and teams’
relationships with fans. In France, a recent
survey shows that 82%* of the population
has a negative opinion of their National
football team while other sports, like basketball and rugby, seem to have gained
influence and coverage.
If football wants to keep its place and status, it will have to win back fan confidence.

* Survey conducted by Le Parisien / Aujourd’hui en France - October, 2013


Institutions, clubs and competitions will
have to showcase the positive and meaningful role they can play for supporters
and communities.
Some have already started working in this
direction. The French League created a
program to connect supporters looking
for a job with sponsoring companies.
Brazilian clubs Victoria and Recife have
respectively encouraged blood and organ
donations by engaging their fans - dropping the red from the team jerseys and
creating an organ donation card for fans.

These types of campaigns bring a healthy
dose of creativity to the traditional 30
second TV spot and offer new opportunities for consumer engagement, as well
as a seamless connection between social
media and advertising.

Not so long ago, people were predicting
the death of traditional TV advertising following the meteoric rise of digital. There’s
no need to write an obituary just yet, despite digital’s significant impact on the way
we create and consume visual content.

By 2017, two-thirds* of the world’s mobile data traffic will be video, and in the
next five years, online video production
will account for more than one-third**
of all online advertising spend. It is fair
to assume that social media will continue
to empower and inspire TV ad production, and increasingly brands will embrace
this opportunity to create more agile and
innovative ad forms to engage with consumers.

2013 gave birth to a number of innovative
and creative TV campaigns inspired by social media and produced with new apps,
technology or based on new social media
trends. The most iconic example being
Dunkin Donuts’ first ever TV-ad made
entirely of Vine videos or Nissan, who is
running a first-of-its-kind contest that will
feature fans’ Vines and Instagram videos
in a 30-second TV spot.

Successful brands will manage to surpass
and exceed the limitations of a restrictive short format, while raising the bar
for creativity and ‘forcing’ artists to finely
hone their ideas.

* Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2012

** Borell Associates


© Havas Sports & Entertainment

by Valeria Herzer - @Valherzer
by Rori Duboff - @rduboff

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

As we look forward to the next few years,
we see an increasing number of objects
around us in everyday life being built with
embedded sensors and processors, and
designed to connect to the Internet. By
2020, there will be 75 billion connected
devices to the ‘Internet of Things’(source:
Cisco, Morgan Stanley).

Many people are questioning why would
consumers want everything they own,
and surrounding them, connected to the
Internet and able to share and track their
data? For consumers the promise is an easier, more productive life, where the world
responds to your needs without effort (i.e.
it all becomes automated and reactive to
your changing lifestyle, moods, physical
symptoms, and more). Tracking all this
data is also intended to help people better manage and optimize performance of
health, finances, work, and family.

These smart objects include everything
from i) home appliances such as washers,
refrigerators and entertainment systems
to ii) cars and other modes of transportation iii) everyday items like furniture,
cookware, packaging and iv) personal objects like running shoes, reading glasses,
watches, and clothing (i.e. also known as
wearable technology).

For marketers, the opportunities are
to enhance brand experiences through
both personalization of communications
and automation of interactions. Already,
brands like Heineken have created ‘smart’
beer bottles that light up when people
cheer – thus placing the brand as a key
enabler of more than just drinking, but
the entire social experience.


Like all other technologies, we as marketers must think not just what is possible
with technology, but why – and what is the
ultimate benefit for the consumer. In the
coming years we anticipate many traditionally non-active objects being ‘smartified’
through technology and playing a more
active, beneficial role in brand communications and experiences. Our goal must be
to use technology in a meaningful way to
increase the value of the product on both
a personal and collective level.
Big data has become a bigger deciding
factor in artist partnerships and creative
music choices.
Brands and agencies are working side by
side with music industry leaders and analytics companies like Next Big Sound to
understand which artists are most relevant among their target consumers.
The ability to finally identify rising stars
with a higher level of certainty than ever
before will allow brands to take bigger
risks on lesser-known artists, while increasing their impact on an industry that is still
in the throws of major change.

an artist called Metis. His social media
numbers on YouTube were showing an
upward trend, from several music videos
he had released. After the campaign ran,
the song became incredibly popular in
Mexico and the artist signed a distribution
deal in that region, as well as a separate
one covering Europe. The song was released as a commercial single at the end
of 2013.
Lifestyle brands targeting younger demographics are leading the charge by breaking new acts through their marketing

As an example, in 2012, Music Dealers
worked on a campaign for Coke Zero with


© Havas Sports & Entertainment

by Antony Demekhin - @antonymusic
The issue of food waste is gaining traction
as more people recognize just how poorly our food supply is managed. Around
the globe, one-third of food produced is
tossed into the trash each year. In the US,
it’s 40 percent. Now all sorts of organizations and individuals are joining forces to
reduce waste.

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German supermarket chain Edeka has begun selling misshapen produce under the
label “Nobody Is Perfect.”
Doug Rauch, former president of food
retailer Trader Joe’s, is opening up a market to sell food products other stores had
planned to throw away. The Daily Table
will prepare and package goods that are
just slightly past their sell-by dates, blemished, or overstocked and sell them at
deeply discounted prices.

Los Angeles is now home to a food-sharing concept called Share Shelf. Small
shelves are being affixed to parking signs
on streets with heavy foot traffic, so diners
at nearby restaurants can drop off their
leftovers for the hungry.
A growing number of restaurants—from
Saudi Arabia’s Marmar to Australia’s
WAFU—are levying surcharges on diners
who leave leftovers on their plates.
Yanko Design has featured a concept
Fridge Magnet that changes color to alert
consumers when their food is about to
The LeftoverSwap app lets home cooks
alert nearby residents to excess food
they’d like to share.
As consumers grow increasingly conscious
of their consumption choices—and the
impact those choices have on other
people and the planet—smart brands will


be seeking out innovative ways to contribute to the fight against food waste.

MasterCard is partnering with publisher
Condé Nast on an offering called ShopThis. Readers of the digital editions of
Wired, Vogue, Vanity Fair, and other magazines will be able to instantly buy items
by tapping a shopping-cart icon on the

Instant transactions will also give a boost
to gifting. Starbucks has introduced the
handle @tweetacoffee, allowing US users
to send $5 digital gift cards via Twitter.
One Today, a new Android app from
Google, lets users donate $1 a day to select nonprofits with a single click.
Spending money has never been easier. In
2014, we’ll start to see just how far instant
gratification can go.

Online grocer Peapod now lets customers
order goods for home delivery by scanning
bar codes with their smartphones. Similarly, the Evian Smart Drop fridge magnet
lets homeowners reorder bottled water.


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Impulse shopping is entering new territory, as companies come up with increasingly convenient—and fast—ways to

ferate. In New York City, sidewalk shoppers can order products from Kate Spade
Saturday via a giant touchscreen window
display. Purchases—made via PayPal—are
delivered by courier within the hour.
As the push continues for a more sustainable way of living, companies and individuals are coming up with all sorts of ways
to reuse.

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

After selling its secondhand products online in Sweden for a couple of years, IKEA
has now created a campaign through which
a select group of customers in Norway can
resell their gently used IKEA furniture.
Sales take place in a virtual flea market
each Sunday on the company’s Norwegian
Facebook page.
Patagonia had extended its Common
Threads program to include the resale of
used clothing at four of its retail locations.
Customers can trade in used items for a 50
percent credit on a future purchase.

In Wuppertal, Germany, a small group of
people have opened a nonprofit ‘repair
café’ to fight the ‘planned obsolescence’
of household items and fight back against
our throwaway culture.
The care labels on Levi Strauss jeans now
include a “Donate to Goodwill” icon.
As part of their “Design for Altruism” project, Dutch design firm Waarmakers has
created the Goedzak, a brightly colored
trash bag that indicates the product being
discarded is still usable. It’s a more visible
alternative to taping a “Free” sign on
items left out for collection and may be
more convenient than bringing the goods
to a charity reseller.
As the conscious consumption trend continues to grow, look for more companies
to come up with clever ways to promote
reuse, while also growing their brands.


In the US, Seattle is turning a seven-acre
plot of land into the nation’s first ‘food
forest.’ It’s being planted with hundreds of
nut and fruit-bearing trees and bushes—
all free for the picking.
A hospital in Mexico City boasts a hightech façade created by Alcoa called ‘prosolves370e.’ It is designed to break down
smog in the world’s most polluted cities.
A pair of residential towers in Abu Dhabi
was built with a fiberglass sun screen that
opens and closes in response to the temperature of the building façades.

London’s Westfield Stratford City shopping
center includes sidewalk slabs (made from
old car tires) that generate electricity from
the pressure of pedestrians’ footsteps.
It is estimated that by 2050, 80 to 90
percent of the earth’s population will
reside in urban centers. This offers plenty
of scope for companies to come up with
creative solutions aimed at everything
from reduced urban energy consumption
and landfill waste to improving quality of


© Havas Sports & Entertainment

Urban areas have come under a lot of
heat from those concerned about climate
change, but 2014 will see a big push to
reimagine cities for a better future. We’re
already seeing progress.

Milan is now home to Bosco Verticale—a
double skyscraper planted with thousands of trees, shrubs, and smaller plants.
The vegetation will absorb dust and CO2,
while creating a microclimate that supports birds and insects.

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

As our lives become increasingly distant
from nature, a countertrend is gaining
strength. More and more people are
pushing back against the cold artificiality
of our high-tech world and embracing a
back-to-basics ethos in ways large and
Urbanites and suburbanites are continuing to turn whatever outdoor space
they have into microfarms. Rob Ludlow,
creator of, a website that tells you everything you need to
know about raising rural or city chickens
in your own backyard, reports his site
has grown from 50 to 200,000+ members
since 2007. The site hosts a million visits
a month.

Digital detoxing will continue to grow
in popularity. The movement calls upon
people to unplug occasionally or even
one full day a week. Assisting in the effort
are a growing number of hotels offering
electronics-free getaways. Renaissance
Pittsburgh, in the US offers a “family digital detox” package, which requires that all
computers and mobile phones be surrendered on check-in. In-room TVs, telephones, and iPhone docking stations are
replaced with board games and playing
Also increasingly popular: The Caveman—
aka Paleo, Stone Age, or Warrior—diet,
which is based on eating what our ancestors would have likely consumed 10,000
years ago (think lots of veggies and meat;
hold the carbs).
Fighting back against the modern world’s
couch-potato culture, thousands are


tions—a hardcore obstacle-course event
designed by British Special Forces to test
participants’ strength, stamina, mental
grit, and teamwork.
In areas ranging from healthcare to cooking, home furnishings to child rearing,
we’ll continue to see forces pushing us
simultaneously toward a more digital
future and what some perceive to be our
more wholesome past. As people continue to debate the cost of “progress,” we
can be sure many consumers will continue
to fight hard to keep at least one foot in a
previous era.
Prosumer Reports is a series of thought leadership
publications by Havas Worldwide—part of a global
initiative to share information and insights, including our own proprietary research, across the Havas
Worldwide network of agencies and client companies. Each year, the thought leadership team surveys
thousands of Prosumers and mainstream consumers around the globe to better understand trends
and developments in a range of areas of interest to

Music Dealers, global strategic partner of Havas
Sports & Entertainment, is the world’s leading Independent Artist Community and Licensing Solution.

Visit to
access the most recent reports on topics such as brand
building, digital consumption, millennials, health and
wellness, aging, and mindful shopping. And get daily
insights by following on Twitter @prosumer_report.


© Havas Sports & Entertainment

Music Dealers represents over 17,000 independent,
emerging artists from over 70 countries around the
world and license their music in to all sorts of productions including TV commercials, programming,
feature films and other such productions (clients
around the world include COCA COLA, BUDWEISER,
NIKE, MTV and many, many more).
© Havas Sports & Entertainment



At the risk of sounding smug (please accept our apologies ahead
of time), we’re actually quite chuffed with where the team netted

Clearly we’re not prophets but our teams’ contributions from
around the world were pretty much spot on – hopefully our 2014
predictions will be as robust as 2013.
Please take a moment to DISCOVER how each of OUR 2013 predictions manifested themselves THIS YEAR.

Fans have been at the center of the adaptation of
the cult TV show ‘Veronica Mars’ to the big screen.
After lobbying the creator Rob Thomas, 90,000 fans
helped raise $5.7 million for the movie on Kickstarter, surpassing the $2 million target in a matter
of days, a record for crowd-funded movies, which
don’t get any traction when the approach is topdown – for example Melissa Joan Heart’s disastrous
campaign for ‘Darcy’s Walk of Shame’. In return,
select lucky fans got the opportunity to visit the set
and appear in the movie. - The Veronica Mars Movie Project


© Havas Sports & Entertainment

For the first time ever, Facebook admitted during
its Q3 earnings call that teens aren’t using social
networks like they used to. Teens are increasingly
switching over to photo-sharing sites like Instagram,
Vine, and Snapchat to escape parental monitoring,
with more snaps shared daily (400 million ) than
photos uploaded on Facebook. Others are flocking
to smaller niche networks like Path or Keek to
design more intimate social experiences, or like
Goodreads and Runstatic where they can share
their interests with a like-minded community.


As the value of social endorsements remains high,
brands continue to offer consumers discounts,
products and rewards in exchange for tweets, likes
and social mentions. Through the new Kapture app,
partner brands give users discounts and promotions
for sharing pictures of their products on Facebook
and Twitter.

© Havas Sports & Entertainment, Snapchat reportedly sees more daily photos than Facebook,
November, 2013


Big data remains a buzzword in 2013 as consumers
continue to leave volumes of data behind. ‘Maths
Men’ hired by advertising and media companies are
data mining to understand and get valuable insights
about connected consumers in order to target
smarter. Using special algorithms, Ticketmaster has
found that Country Music fans like Nascar racing,
and tennis fans like electronica, leading to more
pointed recommendations for future events.*, Big Data Sharpens Aim of Ticket Marketers,
September, 2013


© Havas Sports & Entertainment


Apps using location data are ubiquitous and popular, providing useful and diverse services for consumers based on where they are. While 44 million*
drivers are using Waze to alert fellow drivers about
upcoming traffic around them, pedestrians listening
to music apps like Soundwave can discover what
people nearby are listening to.
*, The Waze Craze, May, 2013

As the growth of subscription TV slows, connected
TV is booming. By the end of 2013, 12.4% (307 million) of the total number of TV sets worldwide will
be connected to the internet. This figure is expected
to grow to 26.8% (759 million) of the market by
2018.* With the availability of increasingly affordable Smart TVs, streaming services, and the launch
of two next-generation game consoles, PlayStation
4 and Xbox One, users will be able to access more
video programs through the internet on their TV


© Havas Sports & Entertainment

*Digital TV Research, October, 2013

The NFL and the NBA are leading the way in
delivering video content straight to fans. Thanks
to its 4.6 million subscribers and 1.6 billion video
views (as of November 2013), the NBA channel is
the most popular sports channel on YouTube. To
increase its European fanbase, the NFL announced
a partnership with DailyMotion in October to bring
American football directly to fans through a variety
of content including streaming live matches.


TV viewership is no longer just about eyeballs
staring at a TV but also about Twitter conversation. Nielson’s weekly audience ratings now take
into account the number of tweet authors, their
comments and the number of people who view
those tweets. The October 7th premier of season
4 of AMC’s The Walking Dead topped Nielson’s
TV ratings with 16.1 million viewers, as well as
the Twitter ratings with an audience of 7.5 million
Twitter users viewing the 1.17 million Tweets about
the show.

Second screen usage is growing by leaps and bounds. ESPN’s
online media platforms received a record 72.7 million
unique visitors in September across computers, smartphones and tablets with more people using ESPN mobile
apps than accessing Its popular WatchESPN app
enables viewers to utilize split-screen viewing to watch live
content while looking for other information such as stats,
bios and expert analysis.
ESPN Digital Media Sets Sports Category Record, October, 2013

27, ‘The Walking Dead’ Posts Monster Ratings on TV and Twitter,
October, 2013

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

we really liked
in 2013


- Many YouTube users decided to parody the scene, making this video, the best of
the six made, even more viral.

- Volvo took a genuine risk setting up a unique and unprecedented performance in
a very professional way and demonstrated that a truck could combine speed and
agility in a fun and highly engaging way.


To prove that their trucks are like no other, Volvo created a video series showcasing
spectacular tests in extreme conditions. Six different stunts were made.

- This live test was set up to demonstrate Volvo Dynamic Steering, innovative technology that makes the new Volvo FM easier to drive.
- In this stunt, Jean-Claude Van Damme, a famous actor and martial artist, carries
out his famous split between two reversing trucks.
- Volvo also made a teaser video that aired before the launch of the film and a
‘making of’ afterwards.
- In addition to the videos, Volvo set up a ‘Live Test’ game.

- In only two weeks, this video reached 50 million views on YouTube.
- The ‘making of’ had more than 1.1 million views and the teaser over 3 million.






Forsman Bodenfors

Oct 2013



© Havas Sports & Entertainment

Image Credit : Screenshot from Vimeo

This particular video is about testing and demonstrating the stability and precision
of Volvo Dynamic Steering - and is the biggest stunt of all.

Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube

Milka was looking for a way to communicate its brand message, ‘Dare to be tender’,
to French consumers.
Beyond simple communication, they managed to make people experience this
message through the product itself and the best part: the last square.

- Milka took the last square out of every chocolate bar to give people the choice to
claim it back, or to send it to someone they care about.
- Thanks to a code printed on the pack, they could access and
write a tender message to go with their gift.

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

- Milka’s last square is an ongoing campaign which continues through February

- The entire manufacturing process had to be changed for about 10 million bars: so
not only was this a matter of communication, it was a real commitment from Milka!
- This simple idea fits perfectly with the brand’s message.
It facilitates generosity while connecting people with the Milka brand.





Sept 2013 Feb 2014





- Millions of users no longer dream about being like their idols, but about playing
alongside them as our winner Edu does.
- Winner of more than 50 creative awards during 2013, including two Cannes Lions.


- The fan is truly at the heart of the experience and becomes a star of the game.
- The product became the hub of the campaign: it wasn’t intrusive for users and it
was long-lasting.
- Creative use of technology.

- Konami went on the hunt for the ‘Total Player’ - someone who is good at playing
both real football as well as the video game. They hosted a live event where over
1,800 fans competed in various challenges, resulting in one overall winner.
- The Total Player was taken to Konami’s headquarters in Japan, where his facial
features, body, and game movements were captured in the company’s lab to create
his avatar.
- For the first time ever, a fan quite literally entered a video game: his avatar starred
in the PES 2013 game alongside Leo Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney and
many more.

- More than 100 million impacts generated worldwide, turning ‘Enter the Game’
into one of the most talked-about news items on social networks, videogames
blogs, technology, press news and TV news programs in Spain and Latin America.



Havas Sports
& Entertainment


Sept 2012/2013





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Image Credit :

To launch Pro Revolution Soccer (PES) 2013 in Spain, Konami wanted to demonstrate that it was the most realistic football simulator ever made. Football fans all
share the same dream: they want to feel part of their favorite team. To appeal to
this audience, Konami really went the distance and made one lucky fan’s dream a
reality by inserting them into the game.
The ChAllENGeS

- Multiple social media platforms were buzzing about this campaign, helping the
Red Devils become a hot topic.


- Creative way to engage fans and make them feel close to and part of their
national team.
- Fans were asked to get creative. They put their personal stamp on the campaign and turned the cynicism of the media into surprise and support.

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube

In the past decade, the Belgian National football team, the Red Devils, failed to qualify for every major tournament, leaving their fans disappointed... until this year!
A year long campaign that started in August 2012 was launched to recapture the
hearts of Belgian football fans.

- Instead of having the Red Devils compete against their usual opponents, they
were pit against their fans.
- Before every match, the players challenged fans to support them in a unique way:
turn your home into a football stadium, support us with drawings…In response,
cars were painted red, rockstars sang football chants, universities were turned into
stadiums, and much more. Every time the fans completed a challenge, the Red
Devils did something remarkable in return, like painting themselves red and playing
sumo football.
- To show their loyalty to their fans, the team printed the photos of 12,000 fans on
their brand new bus.



- Seats to games are harder to get than ever before.



Aug 2012 to now





- An intelligent way to involve young adults.
- The campaign moves away from the technical aspects of the car which are traditionally advertised, and focuses on its fun brand identity.
- It allows people to physically experience the car by tangibly highlighting its spacious interior.
- The campaign was practical as the target audience really needed a place to stay –
making this both fun and efficient.

Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube

Skoda wanted to introduce its newest car, the Fabia , to young adults in Russia and
show that it is affordable, fun and spacious.
They knew that young Russians would be travelling to Moscow for the summer
music festival season, so they decided to give them a special introduction to the car
in a enjoyable and practical way.

- Skoda Fabia, a car with a spacious interior, was transformed into a real hostel: with
a double-bed, pillows, free Wi-Fi, and everything needed for a comfortable stay.
- Skoda partnered with hotel booking site to advertise this unusual
accommodation. Every time someone searched for a place to stay in Moscow, the
Skoda Hostel appeared in the results.
- The car was placed in Izmailovsky Park so guests would have a nice view. Every
guest could do what they wanted: eat, sleep, read, and take the car around the city.
- Users could book the hotel online and spend one special night there. The only
payment accepted was likes, tweets and shares.

- The hostel was fully booked during the activation and had great feedback from
its guests.





Proximity Russia
BBDO Russia Group
August 2013

Moscow, Russia


© Havas Sports & Entertainment

KeeP The GoOd STUFf

- Bezoya brought a twist to the idea of a glass being half full or half empty.
- Great use and interpretation of moods on social media.
- Tweets had an impact beyond social media as they contributed to a meaningful
social project.

Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube

Bezoya, a mineral water brand, wanted to bring to life their positioning ‘Quédate
con lo bueno’ (Keep the good stuff) and reinforce their brand value of positivity,
namely that a positive attitude can change your life for the better.

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

- Bezoya launched a microsite that showed the level of optimism and pessimism in
Spain by analyzing comments on Twitter. At the same, they placed a huge water
bottle in the heart of Madrid. The bottle reacted to the tweets and would either fill
up or be emptied according to the mood on Twitter.
- When the level of optimism was high and the bottle was full, free bottles of water
were given away to consumers.
- Positive tweets contributed to the construction of freshwater wells in the Philippines, a project Bezoya supported together with an NGO.

- 5,800 positive tweets.
- 170k people experienced the event during one weekend.
- 5,000 bottles of water were given away during the event.
- The digital campaign received more than 22.1 million impressions.





Havas Sports
& Entertainment


July - Dec


- Heineken uses a simple idea that highlights a universal point of contention
between couples, in a highly entertaining way, staying true to their brand.
- Heineken continues to delight through their connection to sport in fun and fresh
ways that appeals to a wide age group.


- To put participants’ football passion to the test, the men were offered a deal:
convince your partner to buy two stadium seats and get two tickets to the UEFA
Champions League Final.
- A hidden camera was placed in the store, capturing the couples’ discussion about
buying the $1,899 red plastic stadium seats.
- After various fruitless attempts, one persuasive husband finally gets the ok, and
is rewarded with two tickets that were waiting for the winners under the seats.

- The winners got to go to London to enjoy the final at Wembley.
- The video went viral with more than 765,000 views on YouTube.
- Mentions of the campaign were all around social media, including active use of
the hashtag #HNKnegotiation on Twitter.





May 2013


The Netherlands



© Havas Sports & Entertainment Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube

As a sponsor of the UEFA Champions League, Heineken wanted to engage with fans
prior to the finals. They invited men to go shopping for furniture with their other
halves to try to convince them to buy two expensive, red stadium seats, without
telling them about the reward: two tickets for the UEFA Champions League Final.
The ‘negotiations’ were filmed and the video went viral.
burn is taking traditional sports sponsorship to another level by associating motor
racing with emerging urban arts and music in order to attract a younger generation
of fans.

Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube

In 2013, burn signed a unique partnership with Formula 1 team, Lotus. They wanted
to showcase this sponsorship in a different way than traditional advertising while
boosting and rejuvenating the image of Formula 1.

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

- burn activated around major Grand Prix competitions by focusing on bringing
creativity and inspiration to F1 through experiences, content and social conversation: #FuelYourFire with creative talent/collectives and communities.
- During multiple Grand Prix, they created “burnYard”, a unique place where creative minds could come together and be energized. These events featured famous
artists and musicians: DJ Aviici, skateboarder Rune Glifberg, sculpture artist Gerry
Judah, as well as live street art painting and extreme sports.

- Thousands of fans attended burnYard events (Barcelona, Budapest, Sao Paolo…).
- 1.7M+ Facebook fans.
- 28K+ Twitter followers (21M+ impressions of burnYard).
- 700k+ YouTube views.


Havas Sports
& Entertainment/ignition



April – Nov 2013





THe 12Th MAN
Following the Arab Spring and its associated security issues, the Tunisian Government decided that all professional football league games would be played without
any audience members in the stadiums. One of these teams, CS Hammam-Lif Football club, felt the effects of not having in-stadium support and saw its fanbase waning after its average performance during the season. With a very important match
approaching, they needed to find a way to win back the support of their fans and
channel their energy to help them play at their best.

- The ‘12th man mobile app’ was launched to allow supporters to cheer for their
team without being in the stadium.
- The app was connected to 40 giant loudspeakers placed inside the stadium during
the game.
- With a simple tap on the sound icons, fans could sing, shout and applaud.
- The noise in the stadium grew louder as more and more fans used the app.

- CS Hammam-Lif Football club won the game.
- The app was downloaded by 93,100 fans.
- 1.2 million fans watched the game.






Memac Ogilvy
April 2013


© Havas Sports & Entertainment Image Credit : Screenshot from YouTube

- It enabled fans to cheer for their team despite the political and social unrest in
the country.
- An innovative way to turn a digital experience into a physical one.
- A great way to use technology to connect fans with their team.

- The Facebook fanpage made it into the top 6% most active pages worldwide.
- One in every 20 Belgians visited the website, with the amount of fans tripling in
one day.

frEe BARrEl

- Maes grew their social community and activated their existing fanbase.
- They got a lot of support with a simple idea, ensuring the campaign went completely viral.
- It made people proud of their name and being associated with the brand.


Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube

Maes is the second most popular beer in Belgium, but the market leader was outselling them 4 to 1. In an effort to shift the tides, they developed a creative campaign to take over the market and reach out to those who would support their
cause, their ‘family’...

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

- Maes is also the third most common last name in Belgium, so the brand decided
to recruit all the Maes’ with free beer.
- They made a public announcement that anyone with Maes as their last name
would get a free barrel of beer, but with a small catch: they had to share it.
- Every Maes in Belgium could redeem a personal invitation with a code to unlock
their free barrel on Facebook, but they had to organize a party and invite at least 20
of their friends. The campaign instantly gained traction which even led people to
change their last names on Facebook in order to claim free beer!




- Over 7,000 people changed their Facebook name to Maes.
- The Facebook app attracted over 500,000 people in six weeks.
- +75,000 Facebook likes in one day.


TBWA Brussels


April 2013



- “We couldn’t get them to stop,” said Saad Pall, Coke’s assistant brand manager in
Pakistan, on the interaction of two 60 year-old men involved in a dance-off.
- At the end of the nearly 10-hour shoot, both audiences cranked up the music,
danced and waved goodbye to their new-found friends across the border.

WoRld MAChiNes

OR HOW TO FACILITATE PEACE BETWEEN INDIA AND PAKISTAN...… - The campaign is emotional and powerful. It addresses a tense political situation

in a fun way, and reminds us that “humanity is about togetherness and happiness”,
the key values of Coca-Cola.
- It demonstrates the power of technology to unite and help solve problems.
- It positions Coca-Cola as a brand committed to the welfare of its consumers.

- High-tech vending machines were installed in two popular shopping malls in Lahore, Pakistan and New Delhi, India.
- Visitors could play with the machines through 3D touch-screen technology. Each
vending machine projected a streaming video feed of the vending machine in the
other country.
- Visitors were encouraged to complete a friendly action together – wave, touch
hands, draw a peace sign or dance – before sharing a Coke together. People of all
ages and lifestyles participated.

- 10,000+ cans of soda were given out during the campaign.
- The official video has more than 2,300,000+ views on YouTube.
- The campaign was featured in major media publications such as HuffPost,
WashingtonPost, FastCompany, AdAge, etc.



Leo Burnett
Chicago & Sydney


March 2013


India & Pakistan



Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube
© Havas Sports & Entertainment

The relationship between India and Pakistan has been tense for decades. People
in both countries have become used to living in conflict. As part of their global
happiness campaign, Coca-Cola wanted to show that what unites people in both
countries is stronger than what sets them apart. Coca-Cola invited them to put
their differences aside and share a simple moment of happiness over a Coke.
- It took a stressful process that everyone can relate to and made it relevant and
- As usual, it capitalized on Heineken’s great creative and ‘out of the box’ approach.
- It was successful both as a PR campaign and a recruitment process, two birds with
one stone.


Image Credit :

In the search to recruit a new intern, Heineken realized all job interviews involve
the same standard questions with the same prepared answers. In order to distinguish between candidates, they came up with the first interview one cannot prepare for. Heineken filmed each candidate as they were presented with unusual
situations, and then released the compiled video on social media.

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

- During each interview Heineken tested the candidates’ reactions when confronted
with the unexpected: the interviewer holding their hand or fainting, or even having
to help rescue employees during a fire alarm.
- Heinken employees could vote for their favorite candidate on an internet site.
- The most popular candidate was then invited to the Juventus Stadium to help out
in the pre match event. The whole interview process was shown on the big screen
in front of the entire stadium followed by the announcement that he got the job.

- The video went viral. Only four days after having been published on YouTube in
February 2013, it had 764,000 views. As of the end of November 2013, it has 5.2



Publicis Italy
Edelman London


Feb 2013


The Netherlands



- A simple and Innovative idea, the Art Series Hotel stood out by pulling themselves
away from the rigid rules of the hotel industry.
- A clever initiative which required almost no paid advertising and very low costs,
making it very profitable.
- An original idea that worked mostly through word-of-mouth.

Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube

Art Series Hotel Group needed to find a cost effective way of increasing occupancy
at off-peak periods while simultaneously differentiating their brand in the competitive hotel market. They decided to take advantage of the idle time between guest
check outs and subsequent check ins and let guests stay past the conventional
11am checkout time; in fact, letting them stay all the time available until the next
check in, without extra charge.

- At Art Series Hotel Group, you didn’t have to check out until someone else checked in, whether it was in a few hours or a couple of days.
- Clients overstayed 1,286 hours, and 343 extra nights. In some cases, they even 	
overstayed by a week.

- They sold 1,550 rooms in four weeks, 55% above their original goal and 1,000
rooms over the expected occupancy.
- An additional $37,214 were made from room service.
- The campaign achieved a return on investment of 359%.
- Around $1.5m worth of global PR was created by media coverage.
- There was a 66% increase in web conversation - even celebrities like Serena Williams mentioned and praised the initiative through social media.





Watch the video

Feb 2013

Melbourne, Australia


© Havas Sports & Entertainment

Overstay Checkout
- Innovative and surprising way to use Facebook with personalized content.
- Efficient promotion based on social influence.
- Real gifts were given to Facebook users that participated.
- Unique way to introduce the less trendy spots of Cape Town and give a new dimension to the city.


Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube

Everyone has heard of Cape Town’s most famous tourist spots. Cape Town Tourism
decided to promote the unexpected side of the city: all the small communities,
never-heard of places and undiscovered gems that cannot be found on Trip Advisor,
Lonely Planet, Expedia, or even Google.

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

- The Tourism Board launched a world first: a Facebook-based travel app where
users around the world could send their Facebook profile on a holiday to Cape
Town for a chance of winning a trip to the city for real.
- Facebook users could tailor-make experiences that fit their personal interests and
get a unique itinerary assigned to them.
- Each day they would receive an update with photos of where their profile ate,
visited, partied or stayed – with gripping photos and videos showing the full experience.

- 350,000 engaged users / 580,000 page impressions / 41,000 monthly visits.
- $40,000 worth of PR.
- Bookings to Cape Town rose 118%.


Ogilvy Cape Town
& Flow Communications



Feb 2013





- Antarctica did something socially responsible through its role as official sponsor. Instead of just promoting the message “don’t drive drunk,” they took concrete
action to make it easy for people to take public transportation.
- The campaign was environmentally friendly as the collected cans were recycled.
- It brought the fun of the Carnival to public transportation.

- Antarctica put a special turnstile in Rio’s metro where people could pay their fare
with an empty beer can. All they had to do was scan the code on the can and drop
it into the turnstile to gain access.
- Antarctica donated the collected cans to an NGO that promotes recycling.

- 1000 people per hour used the turnstile to enter the subway, which is 86% higher
than conventional turnstiles used that day.
- 43% decrease in drunk drivers over the course of the Carnival.
- The English version of the video was viewed over 30,000 times in less than a







Feb 2013



© Havas Sports & Entertainment Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube

During Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, people drink a lot of alcohol, which leads to a 50%
increase in car accidents during the festivities. Antarctica beer, the official sponsor
of the Carnival, decided to promote the use of public transportation to decrease
car accidents.
- 159,522 visitors on the campaign website.
- More than 75,000 interactions on Facebook.
- 91% of Facebook and Instagram reach was on target.
- The campaign reached more than three million mobile devices.
- Online sales of Venus blades increased by 100% and online sales of the campaign
product by 570%.


- Venus was able to create a relationship with their customers even out of season.
- The campaign made tough climate conditions work in the consumers’ favor. It was
an innovative way to overcome the natural and cultural obstacles of this challenging market.
Swedish women put up with harsh winter weather for most of the year, which is
why sales of Venus razors and blades are not as high as in other countries with
warmer weather. Gillette needed an idea to make the Venus brand resonate in the
Swedish market and encourage women to stay hairless during the dark season.

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

- Photos uploaded and hashtagged on Instagram were given a bad weather score
based on location; the score got higher the worse the conditions were compared
to historical weather data.
- Consumers could convert the bad weather points into discounts on Venus products. Thanks to a co-op with an e-retailer, discounted purchases could be done
with a quick click.
- The jury reviewed bad weather scores and chose a finalist each day.
- Photos from the finalists were exhibited in Miami for the campaign’s finale. The
winning photo was announced through Facebook and the winner got to escape the
winter in Miami Beach!

Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube

The ‘Tag the Weather’ campaign invited Swedish women to upload photos of the
weather surrounding them every day on Instagram. The photos that managed to
evoke the most ‘weather sympathy’ among a jury of bloggers from sunny countries
gave a lucky winner a trip to Miami.





Saatchi & Saatchi
- Over 4,800 photos uploaded in 14 days.


Jan- March 2013



- Unique digital and interactive experience that puts fans in the drivers seat.
- Innovative way to introduce a 360° live experience via tablets/screens through a
specially-designed app.


- Doritos organized concerts throughout the festival with top lineups and a unique
centerpiece: a 62-foot-tall interactive vending machine.
- During the concerts, fans could interact with the vending machines through
tweets to make packs of Doritos virtually drop and produce real #smoke, #fire etc…
No matter if you were at SXSW or not, you could follow the concerts via live stream
on Facebook or Fuse TV; you could pick the acts, control the playlist and trigger
bold special effects.
- Doritos also developed a 360° app for mobile and tablet so that fans could get
virtual VIP access everywhere. They could zoom in to see the singers up close, turn
around and explore every corner of the stage, and more.





Goodby Silverstein
& Partners

- 13,000 tweets during the 26 acts that played during the three days of SXSW.


March 2013



Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube
© Havas Sports & Entertainment

Doritos wanted to do something bold at SXSW, the annual series of conferences &
festivals in Austin, Texas, fostering creativity in film, music and emerging technology. To impress this connected audience, Doritos staged a one-of-a-kind interactive
concert experience.

- The waiting list for heart and corneal transplants in Recife was reduced to zero.
- A life-long commitment was created between fans and the Sport Club Recife
- Dozens of lives were saved including all the patients featured in the campaign.


- The campaign leveraged fans’ passion and commitment to their club to save lives.
- The club created a community of fans and offered a good reason for people to be
organ donors so that their passion could live on.

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

Image Credit : Screenshot from Vimeo

Sport Club Recife is known for having some of the most passionate fans in Brazil.
They are fans from birth to death. The club wanted to push their fans’ passion further than any other football team has done before. Their strategy was to create a
new kind of fan: the Immortal Fans. Their hearts, eyes, lungs... could keep cheering
for Sport Club Recife even after death.

- The club created the first Organ Donor Card for a football team.
- The Organ Donor Card keeps the passion of the fans alive through the lives of
others, and at the same time, solves the biggest barrier to organ transplants in
Brazil: family authorization.
- The integrated campaign featured real patients on transplant lists, and was
launched during an important game against Santos FC.
- At the start of the game, players went onto the field with the transplant patients.
A stand was set up for fans to get their card at the event.


Ogilvy São Paulo

- Over 51,000 organ donor cards and counting.
- Organ donation increased by 54% in a year, a record breaking amount.







MY Blood is Red & Black
- Great way to leverage fans’ passion for an important public health initiative.
- Strong success with minimum investment.

- To support the cause, the football team changed the color of the stripes on their
team jersey from red to white. They called on their fans to donate blood for red
stripes to reappear. The more blood donated, the more red stripes.
- It started with a press conference. The team entered the field in shirts without
the red stripes. Flyers and a press kit were distributed to the fans, journalists and
influencers, explaining what was happening.
- Right after the match, the brand launched an integrated campaign, including a
TV spot narrated by famous Brazilian actor and staunch Vitória supporter Wagner

- An increase of 46% in blood donations.
- With an investment of US$15k, US$8M was generated in spontaneous media.
- Approximately 130 million people were impacted: there were more than one
billion page views on the web and 935 minutes of TV exposure, including matches,
after match shows and articles.



Leo Burnett
São Paulo





Watch the video


© Havas Sports & Entertainment

Image Credit : Screenshot from The Inspiration Room

The state of Bahia in Brazil was suffering from a blood shortage. To meet the needs
of the local population, the blood foundation Hemoba partnered with the local
football team, Esporte Clube Vitoria, to motivate fans to donate their blood. 
The Mad Hawk
- A technologically innovative idea that overcame the limits of distance.
- It brought their mascot to life, reinforcing its role as ‘the predator’ - a great reminder of what the team stands for.

Image Credit : Screenshot from Vimeo

Brahma, one of the top selling beers in Brazil, sponsors the Brazilian football team
Corinthians. They wanted to help the millions of fans in Brazil show their support
before the team faced Chelsea FC at the FIFA Club World Cup finals in Japan. They
used the team’s mascot ‘the Hawk’ and its historical symbolism/purpose as the
team’s messenger to allow fans to send messages of support.

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

- Messages of encouragement were sent by fans via Facebook and hooked onto the
Hawk, along with a radio controlled receptor. When the Hawk flew over the training
center, the control was activated and the messages dropped.
- The Hawk also carried a GPS locator and a camera, ensuring the team knew exactly when the hawk was flying over the stadium to let the messages fall.
- The players could read the words of support that came from back home.

- More than 8,000 messages were sent on Facebook by Corinthian fans.
- Over 25, 000 views on YouTube in four days.
- 30,000 shares on Facebook.
- The Corinthian Hawks defeated the Chelsea Lions, and won the 2012 FIFA Club
World Cup for the second time in its history!





Dec 2012



Watch the video

- While picking up their power tool at the store, 8 out of 10 people bought extra
- Sales increased by 25%.
- There were many requests for ToolPool in other cities.

- The application is fun, simple, colorful and easy to use.
- Buying a power tool is usually a big and costly decision and ToolPool makes it

- Malmö noticed that the store’s main earnings came from supplies (paint, screws,
tape, etc.) and not from expensive investments like power tools that you only use
once or twice.
- They created a Facebook application for customers to be able to reserve power
tools using their computer or phone, and then come down to the store to pick them
up for free.
- In order to increase traffic, the app posts a message on the borrower’s wall that
is visible to friends.
- When customers come in to collect their power tool, they usually also buy missing
supplies to finish the job, increasing the store’s sales.

- ToolPool benefited from extensive media coverage starting the day after it was
- In a month, the ToolPool application reached 600 downloads.






The Fan Club

Dec 2012



© Havas Sports & Entertainment Image Credit :

Malmö hardware store is a small local store in the city centre of Malmö, Sweden. It
faced strong competition from megastores on the outskirts of the city. To drive customers to the store and increase sales, they created a special Facebook application.

- There were over 200 cover versions of the song shared on YouTube.
- Schools used it as a teaching tool in classrooms.
- The most shared Public Service campaign of all times.
- The 3rd most viral ad campaign in history.
- Metro saw a 30% reduction in accidents and deaths.


- They managed to catch the attention of a very reluctant audience.
- It’s the essence of viral, we can’t get the song out of our heads!

Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube

Every year, many young people die or are injured in train stations because they’re
not careful. Melbourne Metro in Australia created a campaign targeting young
people around this issue, in an attempt to communicate with an audience that
doesn’t want to listen to safety messages.

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

- A catchy song was released on YouTube using black comedy and cute animated
characters to show the most dumb ways to die, which include unsafe behavior
around trains.
- The campaign immediately gathered momentum through iTunes, Tumblr and Instagram and was displayed on billboards, photos in newspapers, ads on local radio…
the song became so popular that radio stations ended up playing it for free.
- A karaoke version of the song was broadcast in metro stations; a smartphone
game was created, as well as a childrens’ book and a website that encouraged
people to pledge to be safe around trains.

- Within a week, there were 25 million views on YouTube - 50 million in 6 months.
- 1 million people took the pledge on the website.
- The song was among the top songs on iTunes in over 28 countries.






Dec 2012


Ads of the World:
Advertising Age:
Agency Spy:
Blog Marketing Insolite:
Blogo Ergosum:
Brand Republic:

Branding Magazine:
Branding Strategy Insider:
Brands India:
Buzz Paradise:
Cannes Lions:
Chris Brogan:
Com Non Profit:
Cream Global:
Creative Criminals:
Creative Guerilla Marketing:
Culture Marketing:


© Havas Sports & Entertainment

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

Culture Pub:
Curiosity Counts:
Dark Planneur:
Doc News:
Event Marketer:
Fast Company:
I Believe in Ad:
If It’s Hip It’s Here:

Joe la Pompe:
Kesako Le Blog:
La Réclame:
Le Blog de Bango:
Le Marketing Sportif:
Le Personal Branding:
Le Publigeekaire:
Look Out:
Looking for Advice:
Marketing Chine:
Marketing On The Beach:

© Havas Sports & Entertainment

Finally, to our crack editorial and creative team: Valentina Candeloro,
Anne Awad, Fredda Hurwitz, Jez Jowett, Julia Furman and Conrad
Painvin from Havas Sports & Entertainment Global – we salute you!

We’d like to extend a big thank you to this year’s guest contributors,
whose own areas of expertise ensured that our predictions were both
robust and multi-faceted.
© Havas Sports & Entertainment

We hope you enjoyed reading our 2014 Trends & Predictions Review,
felt inspired by the great work we shared and perhaps intrigued by
where we’re placing our bets this year.

We’d love to hear your thoughts: Do you agree? Disagree? Are there
any case studies you think we missed out on? Would you like to simply
say hello?, @havas_SE

In no particular order: Sarita Batt, Ann O’Reilly, Emily Rosen and Rachel Conlan from Havas Worldwide; Rori DuBoff from Havas Media
Group; Antony Demekhin from our global strategic partner Music
Dealers, Valeria Herzer and Pierre Sensey from Havas Sports & Entertainment France and Alfredo Cottin from Havas Sports & Entertainment Mexico.

Until next year folks!


© Havas Sports & Entertainment

If you want to get inspired throughout the year, visit our trends blog
for a monthly dose of what we think are the best brand engagement campaigns out there.

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Top 5 Breakthrough AI Innovations Elevating Content Creation and Personalizat...


  • 2. Hello © Havas Sports & Entertainment As a global brand engagement agency, creativity, fans and their passion points are at the heart of what we do. We’re a very curious group, and as such, we set out on our annual trek to hunt out the key trends we believe will impact the market and our clients’ work as well as inspire our thinking. Equally, we love discovering and recognizing ideas that are absolute gems in terms of strategic insight, creativity and solid, measurable results, so we threw a fair few fabulous case studies into the mix for your enjoyment. 2 2 This year our global trendhunters uncovered the best of what’s out there, resulting in 22 case studies, 17 predictions and a bonus round where we turned the scorecard on ourselves to see how well we did with last year’s assumptions. Suffice it to say we could go into the business of selling crystal balls and turn a pretty decent profit. And yes, like good parents we did sneak a few of our own in here that we’re immensely proud of. Happy reading!
  • 4. APP-TASTIC Applications Save Lives © Havas Sports & Entertainment by Jez Jowett - @Jezmond More people are online, spending more time and money, doing more things. That’s a fact. Fifteen years ago, 80% of that time was spent on destination websites (news, lifestyle, entertainment, music sites). Now that’s changed. Consumers are connecting with the internet through applications, which bring them selected website content, effectively a halfway house. The application explosion is gathering steam. Facebook applications and mobile applications have replaced micro-sites. Campaigns have a dedicated application. There are applications to find the best applications. Mobile smart applications are connected to wearable technology. It’s going to be an app-tastic year in 2014 with a lot of winners, and a handful of cremations/RIP’s. Goodbye FourSquare, hello SnapChat FourSquare was loved and adopted and created a new enjoyment to checking in, through gamification. However its USP (Geolocation) and Geo-promotional offers have been eroded with the key SN’s (Facebook and Google+) now providing this integration. Its couponing ‘hook’ is now surpassed by Groupon and Living Social. It will be a sad day at the FourSquare funeral, but as one dies, another is born. SnapChat will be the most talked about SN and the most installed mobile application for 16-25 years old. Invest now! Images with overlaid text will create a new teen language. Selfies will self destruct with a teen’s pre-sent timer destruct setting. ‘Spot the selfie’ before it disappears forever. 4 4 The healthcare industry has been afraid to embrace social media for fear of litigation and lawsuits on the back of posts or comments that get misinterpreted. Yet online doctors, health gurus and advice have always been just a click away. Applications will become the digital dispensary cabinet, helping to save lives, inform healthier decisions, and turn a negative into a positive. Digital technologies will be the new medicines. Smartphone applications already exist that take your heart rate (through camera technology) and measure your stress levels (variance in blood pulse). Health applications will regulate your diet, your medication, your exercise and your doctor call outs. Being healthier, and knowing your health level will be a finger away, all synched to your social and media profile which ultimately will provide a better health service and more personalized health care (included insurance package) personalized for you. Health status updates will be the new social bragging rights.
  • 5. NATIVE ADVERTISING TO DOMINATE Native advertising is not new, but it’s currently one of the most hyped subjects in online marketing. By 2017 in the US, it is forecast to account for 42% of all online advertising spending, equating to almost $5bn. Native advertising is the creation of branded content for placement on the left hand side of the page (editorial), not the right hand side (advertising banners). It’s branded content to tell a story. It’s advertising-funded content for digital placement. It’s all the rage, as sites want to keep users on for longer, and users want to be engaged with a compelling brand story (info or entertainment), not an advert. Native advertising will achieve the same share of voice attention and budget that ‘what’s my content strategy’ will in 2014. The two are intrinsically linked, and successful brands will evolve their campaigns to incorporate editorial content strategy, as well as paid and promoted. and 3 other friends also watched SUperman - wikipEDIA Brands and media owners will invest considerably in branded digital content, leveraging real time insights and engagement results, to optimize content on a daily, not a weekly basis. Media owners will help drive this with more and more sites, reducing traditional online display ad units. Buzzfeed already leads the way with NO banners allowed, instead only integrated native advertising content. YouTube will play an even more important part in the equation, with the role of annotations, thumbnails and calls to action (on branded video content) taking users down a more engaging and richer ‘rabbit hole’, the Alice in Wonderland of online marketing. 5 5 WIKIPEDIA.ORG/WIKI/SUPERMAN Superman is a fictional character, a superhero that appears n comic books published by DC Comics... sUPERMAN (film)- the death of superman - Krypton News about superman © Havas Sports & Entertainment by Jez Jowett - @Jezmond
  • 6. CONTENT MARKETING IS THE NEW SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING by Jez Jowett - @Jezmond they know they are not realizing the engagement, sales and advocacy potential. © Havas Sports & Entertainment The importance of and investment in brand-created content has increased exponentially YOY. Consumer engagement is more image and video driven; there are more visits and time spent on content specific sites; the creation of destination content to tell a brand story is richer; online video advertising is overtaking traditional ATL video advertising. All have fueled this trend and evolution. Content marketing strategies (and specialist talent/skills) have now replaced the previous years’ fixation on Social Media. Content marketing is the new social media marketing. Brands have created their online communities and mastered the art of community and conversation management. But without compelling content, ‘What’s our content marketing strategy?’ will become the buzz request that agencies are asked to respond to. Content marketing experts and gurus will be at the top of the HR search priorities. Content experts will be in high demand. They will be the new social media experts. Brands will work more strategically with media owners and content sites to create compelling brand stories leveraging this richer medium. Traditional advertising will tell a more personal and relevant story, through video and curated content. Content hubs, libraries, re-purposed archive footage and stories will enable fans and consumers to explore a more compelling reason to connect with a brand. Video content and the return of ‘viral 6 6 films’ will motivate brands to invest up to 25% of their traditional media budget into content. “What’s your story? What’s the content that makes this believable and shareable? ” will be consumers’ expectations of their favorite brands.
  • 7. (especially in Africa) will have the best performing response rates: it’s simple. Richer CTAs (scan, QR codes) will drive the most viral and shared engagements. Innovative mobile CTAs will make the front page on Mashable. Winning brands will have these three response routes planned and accessible. It’s not one or the other, it’s all three. And really smart ones, will continue the relationship through a mobile application and real-time (mobile) CRM. by Jez Jowett - @Jezmond The mobile phone is now firmly entrenched and welded into peoples’ hands and marketers’ toolkit, but it’s just the beginning. Now that mobile penetration is truly global and at a tipping point; that mobile content is being consumed more than desktop; that mobile marketing is being taken more seriously; that mobile devices aren’t just called smart - they are smart…this all points to a 2014 explosion for mobile marketing. However, with 90%* of websites globally not optimized for a positive mobile user experience, and the lastest statisic that 45%** of consumers would not return to a site on their mobile if it wasn’t mobile optimized, there is still a need for the basics and brilliance by mobile marketers for happy handset customers. Mobile optimized content sites and 45% of businesses still don’t have a mobile optimized site or application, and by the end of 2014 we predict that >60% will be optimized (shortened copy, mobile specific content). Considering that 63%*** of searches are now taking place on a mobile device, Geo-specific search results will become important integrated content solutions. Fix the basics first with a mobileready site and experience. Mobile in Control The smartphone won’t just bring the social and digital worlds to our handset and it won’t just share our real world with our online friends - it will control the objects and connected devices around us. The mobile phone will become the remote control to our lives’ electronic products. Switching on the TV, the air conditioner, the car, or the home alarm will be a text, tweet or tap away. Just don’t run out of battery (though solar and green energy will solve that soon). Mobile Marketing and campaigns: Simple then rich then innovative The most successful mobile campaigns will provide complementary promotional experiences and entry points. SMS (espe- * *** ** 7 7 © Havas Sports & Entertainment MOBILE MATTERS FOR MARKETING
  • 8. AMATEURS TURN PRO by Alfredo Cottin - @quieto © Havas Sports & Entertainment The democratization of content creation and distribution isn’t new. For years we’ve become familiar with blogs, YouTube, Flickr, inviting all of us to become amateur creators. But amateur creations are becoming less amateur... As the creative toolset becomes more sophisticated, the creators’ talent also grows. Instagram made our photography cooler. By knowing we could use filters to enhance our work, we became more confident photographers and that has made us better photographers. But photography has always been accessible. Now, Vine, Instragram Video, and lesser known apps like Directr, Vyclone, Stilla and Phoster, all democratize more professional and collaborative content creation. The sophistication of videos that amateurs are creating is striking. It takes one glance at Vine’s special effects category to see the exceptional quality of the new amateurs. After seeing the widespread adoption of Legos in stop motion, Lego developed their Movie Maker app, where one can make films and share them with their community. Brands are rightly jumping on this trend. 8 8
  • 9. AUTHORSHIP by Valentina Candeloro - @valycuty Why Brainstorming Sessions Fail To Generate Google is piloting the display of author information in search results to help users discover more, better and highly targeted content to suit their interests. Through authorship, Google will allow users a higher level of trust and confidence while providing itself with a great reward: a Google+ profile is needed for authorship information to appear in search results for the content you create. Although Google is also testing authorshiplike search results for brands, their focus is to give importance to real people, which will push brands to empower employees to create great content and act as their online ambassadors. There is of course a risk that they will take a big chunk of the brand’s equity they’ve helped to build with them if they leave the company...but most importantly, it will become imperative for company executives to dedicate as much time to content creation as to any other thought leadership effort, truly exposing themselves on the front line. 9 9 by John Smith- in 33 Google+ circlesMore by John smith Feb 12, 2O12-Ever wondered why your brainstorming sessions fail to produce creative ideas? Find out what's going wrong to make your next brainstorming ... More by John Smith Find out why brainstorming sessions fail to - 15 Aug 2011 John S - Google+ - 23 Oct 2011 © Havas Sports & Entertainment Internet and blogs brought to life the true democratic revolution of writing. Anyone with something to say, the will to share it and good writing skills, has been given a window for his/her content to be read and most importantly, shared. This is reshaping SEO, resulting in a new challenge for brands and marketers who will need to deliver even more compelling content, increasing the importance of authoritative influencers in the content they produce.
  • 10. MADE HERE. BY ME. by Valentina Candeloro - @valycuty As we saw last year (Entrepreneurial Consumers trend), consumers want to be involved in product ideation and design. Bikes, prosthetics, earrings, tables, biological replicas, clothes, skulls, sex toys, guns…the list of 3D printer magic goes on and on. Brands are starting to incorporate 3D printing into their campaigns and some of the loveliest examples are about giving consumers access to this previously exclusive technology. Examples include the mini-MEs from Coca-Cola  Israel, allowing winners of a contest to create a small version of themselves, or Volkswagen Polo, which turned consumers into car designers and invited them to take control of the carmanufacturer’s 3D printer to design their own versions of their car. As technology improves and engineers, architects and designers stretch their imagination to make things bigger, higher (3D Now that 3D printing is accessible, viable and more cost-effective  for consumers, brands need to stretch their imaginations At the same time, we witnessed the ‘made here’ strategy that many brands started adopting in reaction to the influx of cheaper products coming in from the Far East. But what if the products produced CLOSER to you were actually produced BY you? © Havas Sports & Entertainment printers in space), ‘living’ (semi-working livers, hearts, ears), smellier, multi-fiber etc…printer prices on the market have become more accessible and their growth is projected to increase to 75% in 2014 and 200% in 2015*. *Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2013, Orlando 1 0 10 to engage people through this fascinating and useful technology. In opting for this, they might decide to lose a little to gain a lot in social and environmental impact and empower consumers to create spare and replacement pieces.
  • 11. SOCIAL CASHBACK AND PERSONAL SOCIAL CURRENCY As people become more aware of the financial value of their reputation and digital trail, new tools and services are offering users ways to understand this potential and be rewarded for sharing information with brands, publishers and the so-called ‘third parties’. According to a report from the Boston Consulting  Group entitled ‘The Value of Our Digital Identity’, the total value of personal data for organizations will amount to a trillion euros by 2020, but the same report estimates that two-thirds of this value risks being lost if stakeholders fail to establish a trusted flow of personal data. Consumers are willing to allow the use of personal data if organizations are careful stewards of this information, but they also want their trust and loyalty to be acknowledged. The opportunity for brands that recognize the value of their consumers’ digital trails is big, as Microsoft’s latest Digital Trends study states that 59% of people say they are more likely to buy from a brand that rewards them for their information. Brands have the opportunity to surprise and retain consumers through any kind of perk, and this doesn’t only apply to the complex world of data but also to consumers’ online reputations and the social currency they can increasingly leverage. Do you want to measure your share of Twitter’s $24.9 billion fortune? TIME has created a tool called “How Much Does Twitter Owe Me?”. Entering your Twitter handle allows you to to find out how valuable your Twitter feed is. 1 111 Last year, we saw Kellogg’s Special K Tweetshop, or more recently the ‘Tweet To Ride’ rickshaw service in Leeds, UK together with the constantly rising number of ‘Pay with a Tweet’ buttons implemented. We now expect brands to develop strategies and campaigns that will recognize their clients’ social currency and leverage it in a less ‘bartering’ and more constructive way, in order to finally benefit their own brands’ social currency and equity. © Havas Sports & Entertainment by Valentina Candeloro - @valycuty
  • 12. FOOTBALL IS DEAD. LONG LIVE FOOTBALL! by Pierre Sensey - @PSens © Havas Sports & Entertainment Football isn’t just a sport, it’s an industry. Football clubs are entertainment brands and matches, brand experiences. This evolution of football’s essence comes with consequences that could jeopardize the development of the most popular sport in the world… unless it proves that it can be more meaningful. While tickets and jersey prices rise and players strike to avoid taxes, the core supporters abandon their stadiums, leaving empty seats to be filled by spectators. This new kind of fan won’t support their team with all their heart: they pay for entertainment and if they don’t get it, they might not come back. Meanwhile disappointed supporters might find, or even found, another club, as Manchester United’s fans did when they created FC United of Manchester, which has successfully climbed three leagues in three years. As in every global industry with major financial stakes, abuse and scandals are mushrooming. Issues like expropriation, huge infrastructure expenses in host countries and bribery suspicions, have a dangerous potential to destroy the emotion and magic attached to major sporting events. All the above combined has a dangerous impact on football’s image and teams’ relationships with fans. In France, a recent survey shows that 82%* of the population has a negative opinion of their National football team while other sports, like basketball and rugby, seem to have gained influence and coverage. If football wants to keep its place and status, it will have to win back fan confidence. * Survey conducted by Le Parisien / Aujourd’hui en France - October, 2013 12 12 Institutions, clubs and competitions will have to showcase the positive and meaningful role they can play for supporters and communities. Some have already started working in this direction. The French League created a program to connect supporters looking for a job with sponsoring companies. Brazilian clubs Victoria and Recife have respectively encouraged blood and organ donations by engaging their fans - dropping the red from the team jerseys and creating an organ donation card for fans. ENCOre!
  • 13. SOCIAL MEDIA ACTIVITY NOW. READY FOR PRIME TIME! These types of campaigns bring a healthy dose of creativity to the traditional 30 second TV spot and offer new opportunities for consumer engagement, as well as a seamless connection between social media and advertising. Not so long ago, people were predicting the death of traditional TV advertising following the meteoric rise of digital. There’s no need to write an obituary just yet, despite digital’s significant impact on the way we create and consume visual content. By 2017, two-thirds* of the world’s mobile data traffic will be video, and in the next five years, online video production will account for more than one-third** of all online advertising spend. It is fair to assume that social media will continue to empower and inspire TV ad production, and increasingly brands will embrace this opportunity to create more agile and innovative ad forms to engage with consumers. 2013 gave birth to a number of innovative and creative TV campaigns inspired by social media and produced with new apps, technology or based on new social media trends. The most iconic example being Dunkin Donuts’ first ever TV-ad made entirely of Vine videos or Nissan, who is running a first-of-its-kind contest that will feature fans’ Vines and Instagram videos in a 30-second TV spot. Successful brands will manage to surpass and exceed the limitations of a restrictive short format, while raising the bar for creativity and ‘forcing’ artists to finely hone their ideas. * Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2012 ** Borell Associates 1 3 13 © Havas Sports & Entertainment by Valeria Herzer - @Valherzer
  • 14. SMART OBJECTS & WEARABLE TECH by Rori Duboff - @rduboff © Havas Sports & Entertainment As we look forward to the next few years, we see an increasing number of objects around us in everyday life being built with embedded sensors and processors, and designed to connect to the Internet. By 2020, there will be 75 billion connected devices to the ‘Internet of Things’(source: Cisco, Morgan Stanley). Many people are questioning why would consumers want everything they own, and surrounding them, connected to the Internet and able to share and track their data? For consumers the promise is an easier, more productive life, where the world responds to your needs without effort (i.e. it all becomes automated and reactive to your changing lifestyle, moods, physical symptoms, and more). Tracking all this data is also intended to help people better manage and optimize performance of health, finances, work, and family. These smart objects include everything from i) home appliances such as washers, refrigerators and entertainment systems to ii) cars and other modes of transportation iii) everyday items like furniture, cookware, packaging and iv) personal objects like running shoes, reading glasses, watches, and clothing (i.e. also known as wearable technology). For marketers, the opportunities are to enhance brand experiences through both personalization of communications and automation of interactions. Already, brands like Heineken have created ‘smart’ beer bottles that light up when people cheer – thus placing the brand as a key enabler of more than just drinking, but the entire social experience. 14 14 Like all other technologies, we as marketers must think not just what is possible with technology, but why – and what is the ultimate benefit for the consumer. In the coming years we anticipate many traditionally non-active objects being ‘smartified’ through technology and playing a more active, beneficial role in brand communications and experiences. Our goal must be to use technology in a meaningful way to increase the value of the product on both a personal and collective level.
  • 15. DATA GETS BIG IN MUSIC Big data has become a bigger deciding factor in artist partnerships and creative music choices. Brands and agencies are working side by side with music industry leaders and analytics companies like Next Big Sound to understand which artists are most relevant among their target consumers. The ability to finally identify rising stars with a higher level of certainty than ever before will allow brands to take bigger risks on lesser-known artists, while increasing their impact on an industry that is still in the throws of major change. an artist called Metis. His social media numbers on YouTube were showing an upward trend, from several music videos he had released. After the campaign ran, the song became incredibly popular in Mexico and the artist signed a distribution deal in that region, as well as a separate one covering Europe. The song was released as a commercial single at the end of 2013. Lifestyle brands targeting younger demographics are leading the charge by breaking new acts through their marketing campaigns. As an example, in 2012, Music Dealers worked on a campaign for Coke Zero with 15 15 © Havas Sports & Entertainment by Antony Demekhin - @antonymusic
  • 16. WASTE NOT, WANT NOT The issue of food waste is gaining traction as more people recognize just how poorly our food supply is managed. Around the globe, one-third of food produced is tossed into the trash each year. In the US, it’s 40 percent. Now all sorts of organizations and individuals are joining forces to reduce waste. © Havas Sports & Entertainment German supermarket chain Edeka has begun selling misshapen produce under the label “Nobody Is Perfect.” Doug Rauch, former president of food retailer Trader Joe’s, is opening up a market to sell food products other stores had planned to throw away. The Daily Table will prepare and package goods that are just slightly past their sell-by dates, blemished, or overstocked and sell them at deeply discounted prices. Los Angeles is now home to a food-sharing concept called Share Shelf. Small shelves are being affixed to parking signs on streets with heavy foot traffic, so diners at nearby restaurants can drop off their leftovers for the hungry. A growing number of restaurants—from Saudi Arabia’s Marmar to Australia’s WAFU—are levying surcharges on diners who leave leftovers on their plates. Yanko Design has featured a concept Fridge Magnet that changes color to alert consumers when their food is about to expire. The LeftoverSwap app lets home cooks alert nearby residents to excess food they’d like to share. As consumers grow increasingly conscious of their consumption choices—and the impact those choices have on other people and the planet—smart brands will 16 16 be seeking out innovative ways to contribute to the fight against food waste.
  • 17. INSTAPURCHASES MasterCard is partnering with publisher Condé Nast on an offering called ShopThis. Readers of the digital editions of Wired, Vogue, Vanity Fair, and other magazines will be able to instantly buy items by tapping a shopping-cart icon on the page. Instant transactions will also give a boost to gifting. Starbucks has introduced the handle @tweetacoffee, allowing US users to send $5 digital gift cards via Twitter. One Today, a new Android app from Google, lets users donate $1 a day to select nonprofits with a single click. Spending money has never been easier. In 2014, we’ll start to see just how far instant gratification can go. Online grocer Peapod now lets customers order goods for home delivery by scanning bar codes with their smartphones. Similarly, the Evian Smart Drop fridge magnet lets homeowners reorder bottled water. 1 177 © Havas Sports & Entertainment Impulse shopping is entering new territory, as companies come up with increasingly convenient—and fast—ways to spend. ferate. In New York City, sidewalk shoppers can order products from Kate Spade Saturday via a giant touchscreen window display. Purchases—made via PayPal—are delivered by courier within the hour.
  • 18. THE SECOND-LIFE ECONOMY As the push continues for a more sustainable way of living, companies and individuals are coming up with all sorts of ways to reuse. © Havas Sports & Entertainment After selling its secondhand products online in Sweden for a couple of years, IKEA has now created a campaign through which a select group of customers in Norway can resell their gently used IKEA furniture. Sales take place in a virtual flea market each Sunday on the company’s Norwegian Facebook page. Patagonia had extended its Common Threads program to include the resale of used clothing at four of its retail locations. Customers can trade in used items for a 50 percent credit on a future purchase. In Wuppertal, Germany, a small group of people have opened a nonprofit ‘repair café’ to fight the ‘planned obsolescence’ of household items and fight back against our throwaway culture. The care labels on Levi Strauss jeans now include a “Donate to Goodwill” icon. As part of their “Design for Altruism” project, Dutch design firm Waarmakers has created the Goedzak, a brightly colored trash bag that indicates the product being discarded is still usable. It’s a more visible alternative to taping a “Free” sign on items left out for collection and may be more convenient than bringing the goods to a charity reseller. As the conscious consumption trend continues to grow, look for more companies to come up with clever ways to promote reuse, while also growing their brands. 1 8 18
  • 19. CITIES 2.0 In the US, Seattle is turning a seven-acre plot of land into the nation’s first ‘food forest.’ It’s being planted with hundreds of nut and fruit-bearing trees and bushes— all free for the picking. A hospital in Mexico City boasts a hightech façade created by Alcoa called ‘prosolves370e.’ It is designed to break down smog in the world’s most polluted cities. A pair of residential towers in Abu Dhabi was built with a fiberglass sun screen that opens and closes in response to the temperature of the building façades. London’s Westfield Stratford City shopping center includes sidewalk slabs (made from old car tires) that generate electricity from the pressure of pedestrians’ footsteps. It is estimated that by 2050, 80 to 90 percent of the earth’s population will reside in urban centers. This offers plenty of scope for companies to come up with creative solutions aimed at everything from reduced urban energy consumption and landfill waste to improving quality of life. 19 19 © Havas Sports & Entertainment Urban areas have come under a lot of heat from those concerned about climate change, but 2014 will see a big push to reimagine cities for a better future. We’re already seeing progress. Milan is now home to Bosco Verticale—a double skyscraper planted with thousands of trees, shrubs, and smaller plants. The vegetation will absorb dust and CO2, while creating a microclimate that supports birds and insects.
  • 20. GRABBING HOLD OF YESTERDAY © Havas Sports & Entertainment As our lives become increasingly distant from nature, a countertrend is gaining strength. More and more people are pushing back against the cold artificiality of our high-tech world and embracing a back-to-basics ethos in ways large and small. Urbanites and suburbanites are continuing to turn whatever outdoor space they have into microfarms. Rob Ludlow, creator of, a website that tells you everything you need to know about raising rural or city chickens in your own backyard, reports his site has grown from 50 to 200,000+ members since 2007. The site hosts a million visits a month. Digital detoxing will continue to grow in popularity. The movement calls upon people to unplug occasionally or even one full day a week. Assisting in the effort are a growing number of hotels offering electronics-free getaways. Renaissance Pittsburgh, in the US offers a “family digital detox” package, which requires that all computers and mobile phones be surrendered on check-in. In-room TVs, telephones, and iPhone docking stations are replaced with board games and playing cards. Also increasingly popular: The Caveman— aka Paleo, Stone Age, or Warrior—diet, which is based on eating what our ancestors would have likely consumed 10,000 years ago (think lots of veggies and meat; hold the carbs). Fighting back against the modern world’s couch-potato culture, thousands are 20 20 tions—a hardcore obstacle-course event designed by British Special Forces to test participants’ strength, stamina, mental grit, and teamwork. In areas ranging from healthcare to cooking, home furnishings to child rearing, we’ll continue to see forces pushing us simultaneously toward a more digital future and what some perceive to be our more wholesome past. As people continue to debate the cost of “progress,” we can be sure many consumers will continue to fight hard to keep at least one foot in a previous era.
  • 21. Prosumer Reports is a series of thought leadership publications by Havas Worldwide—part of a global initiative to share information and insights, including our own proprietary research, across the Havas Worldwide network of agencies and client companies. Each year, the thought leadership team surveys thousands of Prosumers and mainstream consumers around the globe to better understand trends and developments in a range of areas of interest to clients. Music Dealers, global strategic partner of Havas Sports & Entertainment, is the world’s leading Independent Artist Community and Licensing Solution. Visit to access the most recent reports on topics such as brand building, digital consumption, millennials, health and wellness, aging, and mindful shopping. And get daily insights by following on Twitter @prosumer_report. 21 21 © Havas Sports & Entertainment Music Dealers represents over 17,000 independent, emerging artists from over 70 countries around the world and license their music in to all sorts of productions including TV commercials, programming, feature films and other such productions (clients around the world include COCA COLA, BUDWEISER, NIKE, MTV and many, many more).
  • 22. © Havas Sports & Entertainment 2013 TRENDS REVIEW LOOKING BACK, PEEKING FORWARD. OUR 2013 PREDICTIONS: HOW DID WE DO? 22 22
  • 23. 2013 TRENDS REVIEW At the risk of sounding smug (please accept our apologies ahead of time), we’re actually quite chuffed with where the team netted out. Clearly we’re not prophets but our teams’ contributions from around the world were pretty much spot on – hopefully our 2014 predictions will be as robust as 2013. Please take a moment to DISCOVER how each of OUR 2013 predictions manifested themselves THIS YEAR. Fans have been at the center of the adaptation of the cult TV show ‘Veronica Mars’ to the big screen. After lobbying the creator Rob Thomas, 90,000 fans helped raise $5.7 million for the movie on Kickstarter, surpassing the $2 million target in a matter of days, a record for crowd-funded movies, which don’t get any traction when the approach is topdown – for example Melissa Joan Heart’s disastrous campaign for ‘Darcy’s Walk of Shame’. In return, select lucky fans got the opportunity to visit the set and appear in the movie. - The Veronica Mars Movie Project 23 23 © Havas Sports & Entertainment ENTREPRENEURIAL CONSUMERS
  • 24. MICROCOMMUNITIES: “SMALL IS THE NEXT BIG THING” For the first time ever, Facebook admitted during its Q3 earnings call that teens aren’t using social networks like they used to. Teens are increasingly switching over to photo-sharing sites like Instagram, Vine, and Snapchat to escape parental monitoring, with more snaps shared daily (400 million ) than photos uploaded on Facebook. Others are flocking to smaller niche networks like Path or Keek to design more intimate social experiences, or like Goodreads and Runstatic where they can share their interests with a like-minded community. BARTER MARKETING As the value of social endorsements remains high, brands continue to offer consumers discounts, products and rewards in exchange for tweets, likes and social mentions. Through the new Kapture app, partner brands give users discounts and promotions for sharing pictures of their products on Facebook and Twitter. © Havas Sports & Entertainment, Snapchat reportedly sees more daily photos than Facebook, November, 2013 24 24
  • 25. GEOLOCALIZATION Big data remains a buzzword in 2013 as consumers continue to leave volumes of data behind. ‘Maths Men’ hired by advertising and media companies are data mining to understand and get valuable insights about connected consumers in order to target smarter. Using special algorithms, Ticketmaster has found that Country Music fans like Nascar racing, and tennis fans like electronica, leading to more pointed recommendations for future events.*, Big Data Sharpens Aim of Ticket Marketers, September, 2013 25 25 © Havas Sports & Entertainment SMARTER TARGETING: BIGGER DATA FOR SMALL INSIGHTS Apps using location data are ubiquitous and popular, providing useful and diverse services for consumers based on where they are. While 44 million* drivers are using Waze to alert fellow drivers about upcoming traffic around them, pedestrians listening to music apps like Soundwave can discover what people nearby are listening to. *, The Waze Craze, May, 2013
  • 26. THE FUTURE OF TV As the growth of subscription TV slows, connected TV is booming. By the end of 2013, 12.4% (307 million) of the total number of TV sets worldwide will be connected to the internet. This figure is expected to grow to 26.8% (759 million) of the market by 2018.* With the availability of increasingly affordable Smart TVs, streaming services, and the launch of two next-generation game consoles, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, users will be able to access more video programs through the internet on their TV screens. THE FUTURE OF TV BRINGS PRODUCERS CLOSER TO CONSUMERS © Havas Sports & Entertainment *Digital TV Research, October, 2013 The NFL and the NBA are leading the way in delivering video content straight to fans. Thanks to its 4.6 million subscribers and 1.6 billion video views (as of November 2013), the NBA channel is the most popular sports channel on YouTube. To increase its European fanbase, the NFL announced a partnership with DailyMotion in October to bring American football directly to fans through a variety of content including streaming live matches. 26 26
  • 27. THE FUTURE OF TV IS ABOUT COMPLEMENTARY SCREENS TV viewership is no longer just about eyeballs staring at a TV but also about Twitter conversation. Nielson’s weekly audience ratings now take into account the number of tweet authors, their comments and the number of people who view those tweets. The October 7th premier of season 4 of AMC’s The Walking Dead topped Nielson’s TV ratings with 16.1 million viewers, as well as the Twitter ratings with an audience of 7.5 million Twitter users viewing the 1.17 million Tweets about the show. Second screen usage is growing by leaps and bounds. ESPN’s online media platforms received a record 72.7 million unique visitors in September across computers, smartphones and tablets with more people using ESPN mobile apps than accessing Its popular WatchESPN app enables viewers to utilize split-screen viewing to watch live content while looking for other information such as stats, bios and expert analysis. ESPN Digital Media Sets Sports Category Record, October, 2013 27 27, ‘The Walking Dead’ Posts Monster Ratings on TV and Twitter, October, 2013 © Havas Sports & Entertainment THE FUTURE OF TV IS ALSO SOCIAL
  • 28. © Havas Sports & Entertainment WHAt we really liked in 2013 THE BRAND ENGAGEMENT CAMPAIGNS WE FOUND MOST INSPIRING IN 2013 28 28
  • 29. The EPIC SPLIT - Many YouTube users decided to parody the scene, making this video, the best of the six made, even more viral. - Volvo took a genuine risk setting up a unique and unprecedented performance in a very professional way and demonstrated that a truck could combine speed and agility in a fun and highly engaging way. OR HOW TO TEST THE AGILITY OF A 12-TON TRUCK To prove that their trucks are like no other, Volvo created a video series showcasing spectacular tests in extreme conditions. Six different stunts were made. - This live test was set up to demonstrate Volvo Dynamic Steering, innovative technology that makes the new Volvo FM easier to drive. - In this stunt, Jean-Claude Van Damme, a famous actor and martial artist, carries out his famous split between two reversing trucks. - Volvo also made a teaser video that aired before the launch of the film and a ‘making of’ afterwards. - In addition to the videos, Volvo set up a ‘Live Test’ game. - In only two weeks, this video reached 50 million views on YouTube. - The ‘making of’ had more than 1.1 million views and the teaser over 3 million. 29 29 WHO WHERe WHEN WATCH THe VIDEo Forsman Bodenfors Oct 2013 Spain CLIENT © Havas Sports & Entertainment Image Credit : Screenshot from Vimeo This particular video is about testing and demonstrating the stability and precision of Volvo Dynamic Steering - and is the biggest stunt of all.
  • 30. lAsT SQUARE OR HOW TO SHOW YOUR TENDERNESS Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube Milka was looking for a way to communicate its brand message, ‘Dare to be tender’, to French consumers. Beyond simple communication, they managed to make people experience this message through the product itself and the best part: the last square. - Milka took the last square out of every chocolate bar to give people the choice to claim it back, or to send it to someone they care about. - Thanks to a code printed on the pack, they could access and write a tender message to go with their gift. © Havas Sports & Entertainment - Milka’s last square is an ongoing campaign which continues through February 2014. - The entire manufacturing process had to be changed for about 10 million bars: so not only was this a matter of communication, it was a real commitment from Milka! - This simple idea fits perfectly with the brand’s message. It facilitates generosity while connecting people with the Milka brand. 3 0 30 WHO Buzzman WHEN Sept 2013 Feb 2014 WHERe France WATCH THe VIDEo CLIENT
  • 31. ENTeR THe GAME - Millions of users no longer dream about being like their idols, but about playing alongside them as our winner Edu does. - Winner of more than 50 creative awards during 2013, including two Cannes Lions. OR HOW TO SCORE A GOAL LIKE NEVER BEFORE - The fan is truly at the heart of the experience and becomes a star of the game. - The product became the hub of the campaign: it wasn’t intrusive for users and it was long-lasting. - Creative use of technology. - Konami went on the hunt for the ‘Total Player’ - someone who is good at playing both real football as well as the video game. They hosted a live event where over 1,800 fans competed in various challenges, resulting in one overall winner. - The Total Player was taken to Konami’s headquarters in Japan, where his facial features, body, and game movements were captured in the company’s lab to create his avatar. - For the first time ever, a fan quite literally entered a video game: his avatar starred in the PES 2013 game alongside Leo Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney and many more. - More than 100 million impacts generated worldwide, turning ‘Enter the Game’ into one of the most talked-about news items on social networks, videogames blogs, technology, press news and TV news programs in Spain and Latin America. 3 1 31 WHO Havas Sports & Entertainment WHEN Sept 2012/2013 WHERe Spain WATCH THe VIDEo CLIENT © Havas Sports & Entertainment Image Credit : To launch Pro Revolution Soccer (PES) 2013 in Spain, Konami wanted to demonstrate that it was the most realistic football simulator ever made. Football fans all share the same dream: they want to feel part of their favorite team. To appeal to this audience, Konami really went the distance and made one lucky fan’s dream a reality by inserting them into the game.
  • 32. The ChAllENGeS - Multiple social media platforms were buzzing about this campaign, helping the Red Devils become a hot topic. OR HOW TO LET YOUR FANS CREATE YOUR ENTIRE CAMPAIGN… - Creative way to engage fans and make them feel close to and part of their national team. - Fans were asked to get creative. They put their personal stamp on the campaign and turned the cynicism of the media into surprise and support. © Havas Sports & Entertainment Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube In the past decade, the Belgian National football team, the Red Devils, failed to qualify for every major tournament, leaving their fans disappointed... until this year! A year long campaign that started in August 2012 was launched to recapture the hearts of Belgian football fans. - Instead of having the Red Devils compete against their usual opponents, they were pit against their fans. - Before every match, the players challenged fans to support them in a unique way: turn your home into a football stadium, support us with drawings…In response, cars were painted red, rockstars sang football chants, universities were turned into stadiums, and much more. Every time the fans completed a challenge, the Red Devils did something remarkable in return, like painting themselves red and playing sumo football. - To show their loyalty to their fans, the team printed the photos of 12,000 fans on their brand new bus. WHO Boondoggle - Seats to games are harder to get than ever before. WHEN 32 32 Aug 2012 to now WHERe Belgium WATCH THe VIDEo CLIENT
  • 33. OR HOW TO MAKE PEOPLE EXPERIENCE A CAR IN AN UNUSUAL WAY - An intelligent way to involve young adults. - The campaign moves away from the technical aspects of the car which are traditionally advertised, and focuses on its fun brand identity. - It allows people to physically experience the car by tangibly highlighting its spacious interior. - The campaign was practical as the target audience really needed a place to stay – making this both fun and efficient. Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube Skoda wanted to introduce its newest car, the Fabia , to young adults in Russia and show that it is affordable, fun and spacious. They knew that young Russians would be travelling to Moscow for the summer music festival season, so they decided to give them a special introduction to the car in a enjoyable and practical way. - Skoda Fabia, a car with a spacious interior, was transformed into a real hostel: with a double-bed, pillows, free Wi-Fi, and everything needed for a comfortable stay. - Skoda partnered with hotel booking site to advertise this unusual accommodation. Every time someone searched for a place to stay in Moscow, the Skoda Hostel appeared in the results. - The car was placed in Izmailovsky Park so guests would have a nice view. Every guest could do what they wanted: eat, sleep, read, and take the car around the city. - Users could book the hotel online and spend one special night there. The only payment accepted was likes, tweets and shares. WHO - The hostel was fully booked during the activation and had great feedback from its guests. 33 33 WHERe WHEN WATCH THe VIDEo Proximity Russia BBDO Russia Group August 2013 Moscow, Russia CLIENT © Havas Sports & Entertainment The SKODA HoSTEl
  • 34. KeeP The GoOd STUFf OR HOW TO SEE THE BOTTLE HALF FULL - Bezoya brought a twist to the idea of a glass being half full or half empty. - Great use and interpretation of moods on social media. - Tweets had an impact beyond social media as they contributed to a meaningful social project. Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube Bezoya, a mineral water brand, wanted to bring to life their positioning ‘Quédate con lo bueno’ (Keep the good stuff) and reinforce their brand value of positivity, namely that a positive attitude can change your life for the better. © Havas Sports & Entertainment - Bezoya launched a microsite that showed the level of optimism and pessimism in Spain by analyzing comments on Twitter. At the same, they placed a huge water bottle in the heart of Madrid. The bottle reacted to the tweets and would either fill up or be emptied according to the mood on Twitter. - When the level of optimism was high and the bottle was full, free bottles of water were given away to consumers. - Positive tweets contributed to the construction of freshwater wells in the Philippines, a project Bezoya supported together with an NGO. - 5,800 positive tweets. - 170k people experienced the event during one weekend. - 5,000 bottles of water were given away during the event. - The digital campaign received more than 22.1 million impressions. WHO WHERe WHEN WATCH THe VIDEo Havas Sports & Entertainment 34 34 July - Dec 2012 Spain CLIENT
  • 35. The NeGoTIATION - Heineken uses a simple idea that highlights a universal point of contention between couples, in a highly entertaining way, staying true to their brand. - Heineken continues to delight through their connection to sport in fun and fresh ways that appeals to a wide age group. OR HOW TO BRIBE A FOOTBALL FAN… - To put participants’ football passion to the test, the men were offered a deal: convince your partner to buy two stadium seats and get two tickets to the UEFA Champions League Final. - A hidden camera was placed in the store, capturing the couples’ discussion about buying the $1,899 red plastic stadium seats. - After various fruitless attempts, one persuasive husband finally gets the ok, and is rewarded with two tickets that were waiting for the winners under the seats. - The winners got to go to London to enjoy the final at Wembley. - The video went viral with more than 765,000 views on YouTube. - Mentions of the campaign were all around social media, including active use of the hashtag #HNKnegotiation on Twitter. 35 35 35 WHO Tequila/Singapour WHEN May 2013 WHERe The Netherlands WATCH THe VIDEo CLIENT © Havas Sports & Entertainment Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube As a sponsor of the UEFA Champions League, Heineken wanted to engage with fans prior to the finals. They invited men to go shopping for furniture with their other halves to try to convince them to buy two expensive, red stadium seats, without telling them about the reward: two tickets for the UEFA Champions League Final. The ‘negotiations’ were filmed and the video went viral.
  • 36. BURNYARD: CoLlisIONS oF CreATIviTy OR HOW TO BE DISRUPTIVE WITH SPONSORSHIP burn is taking traditional sports sponsorship to another level by associating motor racing with emerging urban arts and music in order to attract a younger generation of fans. Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube In 2013, burn signed a unique partnership with Formula 1 team, Lotus. They wanted to showcase this sponsorship in a different way than traditional advertising while boosting and rejuvenating the image of Formula 1. © Havas Sports & Entertainment - burn activated around major Grand Prix competitions by focusing on bringing creativity and inspiration to F1 through experiences, content and social conversation: #FuelYourFire with creative talent/collectives and communities. - During multiple Grand Prix, they created “burnYard”, a unique place where creative minds could come together and be energized. These events featured famous artists and musicians: DJ Aviici, skateboarder Rune Glifberg, sculpture artist Gerry Judah, as well as live street art painting and extreme sports. - Thousands of fans attended burnYard events (Barcelona, Budapest, Sao Paolo…). - 1.7M+ Facebook fans. - 28K+ Twitter followers (21M+ impressions of burnYard). - 700k+ YouTube views. WHO Havas Sports & Entertainment/ignition WHEN 36 36 April – Nov 2013 WHERe Global WATCH THe VIDEo CLIENT
  • 37. MObiLIZING THe 12Th MAN Following the Arab Spring and its associated security issues, the Tunisian Government decided that all professional football league games would be played without any audience members in the stadiums. One of these teams, CS Hammam-Lif Football club, felt the effects of not having in-stadium support and saw its fanbase waning after its average performance during the season. With a very important match approaching, they needed to find a way to win back the support of their fans and channel their energy to help them play at their best. - The ‘12th man mobile app’ was launched to allow supporters to cheer for their team without being in the stadium. - The app was connected to 40 giant loudspeakers placed inside the stadium during the game. - With a simple tap on the sound icons, fans could sing, shout and applaud. - The noise in the stadium grew louder as more and more fans used the app. - CS Hammam-Lif Football club won the game. - The app was downloaded by 93,100 fans. - 1.2 million fans watched the game. WHO WHERe WHEN 3 7 37 46 CLIENT WATCH THe VIDEo Memac Ogilvy Label April 2013 Tunisia © Havas Sports & Entertainment Image Credit : Screenshot from YouTube - It enabled fans to cheer for their team despite the political and social unrest in the country. - An innovative way to turn a digital experience into a physical one. - A great way to use technology to connect fans with their team. OR HOW AN APP CAN BECOME YOUR CHEERING VOICE…
  • 38. - The Facebook fanpage made it into the top 6% most active pages worldwide. - One in every 20 Belgians visited the website, with the amount of fans tripling in one day. frEe BARrEl - Maes grew their social community and activated their existing fanbase. - They got a lot of support with a simple idea, ensuring the campaign went completely viral. - It made people proud of their name and being associated with the brand. OR HOW TO MAKE PEOPLE CHANGE THEIR NAME Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube Maes is the second most popular beer in Belgium, but the market leader was outselling them 4 to 1. In an effort to shift the tides, they developed a creative campaign to take over the market and reach out to those who would support their cause, their ‘family’... © Havas Sports & Entertainment - Maes is also the third most common last name in Belgium, so the brand decided to recruit all the Maes’ with free beer. - They made a public announcement that anyone with Maes as their last name would get a free barrel of beer, but with a small catch: they had to share it. - Every Maes in Belgium could redeem a personal invitation with a code to unlock their free barrel on Facebook, but they had to organize a party and invite at least 20 of their friends. The campaign instantly gained traction which even led people to change their last names on Facebook in order to claim free beer! WHO WHERe WHEN - Over 7,000 people changed their Facebook name to Maes. - The Facebook app attracted over 500,000 people in six weeks. - +75,000 Facebook likes in one day. WATCH THe VIDEo TBWA Brussels 3 8 38 April 2013 Belgium CLIENT
  • 39. SMAll - “We couldn’t get them to stop,” said Saad Pall, Coke’s assistant brand manager in Pakistan, on the interaction of two 60 year-old men involved in a dance-off. - At the end of the nearly 10-hour shoot, both audiences cranked up the music, danced and waved goodbye to their new-found friends across the border. WoRld MAChiNes OR HOW TO FACILITATE PEACE BETWEEN INDIA AND PAKISTAN...… - The campaign is emotional and powerful. It addresses a tense political situation in a fun way, and reminds us that “humanity is about togetherness and happiness”, the key values of Coca-Cola. - It demonstrates the power of technology to unite and help solve problems. - It positions Coca-Cola as a brand committed to the welfare of its consumers. - High-tech vending machines were installed in two popular shopping malls in Lahore, Pakistan and New Delhi, India. - Visitors could play with the machines through 3D touch-screen technology. Each vending machine projected a streaming video feed of the vending machine in the other country. - Visitors were encouraged to complete a friendly action together – wave, touch hands, draw a peace sign or dance – before sharing a Coke together. People of all ages and lifestyles participated. - 10,000+ cans of soda were given out during the campaign. - The official video has more than 2,300,000+ views on YouTube. - The campaign was featured in major media publications such as HuffPost, WashingtonPost, FastCompany, AdAge, etc. 39 3939 WHO Leo Burnett Chicago & Sydney WHEN March 2013 WHERe India & Pakistan WATCH THe VIDEo CLIENT Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube © Havas Sports & Entertainment The relationship between India and Pakistan has been tense for decades. People in both countries have become used to living in conflict. As part of their global happiness campaign, Coca-Cola wanted to show that what unites people in both countries is stronger than what sets them apart. Coca-Cola invited them to put their differences aside and share a simple moment of happiness over a Coke.
  • 40. The CANdidATE - It took a stressful process that everyone can relate to and made it relevant and funny. - As usual, it capitalized on Heineken’s great creative and ‘out of the box’ approach. - It was successful both as a PR campaign and a recruitment process, two birds with one stone. OR HOW TO FIND THE RIGHT TALENT FOR AN INTERNSHIP Image Credit : In the search to recruit a new intern, Heineken realized all job interviews involve the same standard questions with the same prepared answers. In order to distinguish between candidates, they came up with the first interview one cannot prepare for. Heineken filmed each candidate as they were presented with unusual situations, and then released the compiled video on social media. © Havas Sports & Entertainment - During each interview Heineken tested the candidates’ reactions when confronted with the unexpected: the interviewer holding their hand or fainting, or even having to help rescue employees during a fire alarm. - Heinken employees could vote for their favorite candidate on an internet site. - The most popular candidate was then invited to the Juventus Stadium to help out in the pre match event. The whole interview process was shown on the big screen in front of the entire stadium followed by the announcement that he got the job. - The video went viral. Only four days after having been published on YouTube in February 2013, it had 764,000 views. As of the end of November 2013, it has 5.2 million. 4 0 40 WHO Publicis Italy Edelman London WHEN Feb 2013 WHERe Amsterdam, The Netherlands WATCH THe VIDEo CLIENT
  • 41. OR HOW TO INCREASE OCCUPANCY IN OFF-PEAK PERIODS - A simple and Innovative idea, the Art Series Hotel stood out by pulling themselves away from the rigid rules of the hotel industry. - A clever initiative which required almost no paid advertising and very low costs, making it very profitable. - An original idea that worked mostly through word-of-mouth. Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube Art Series Hotel Group needed to find a cost effective way of increasing occupancy at off-peak periods while simultaneously differentiating their brand in the competitive hotel market. They decided to take advantage of the idle time between guest check outs and subsequent check ins and let guests stay past the conventional 11am checkout time; in fact, letting them stay all the time available until the next check in, without extra charge. - At Art Series Hotel Group, you didn’t have to check out until someone else checked in, whether it was in a few hours or a couple of days. - Clients overstayed 1,286 hours, and 343 extra nights. In some cases, they even overstayed by a week. - They sold 1,550 rooms in four weeks, 55% above their original goal and 1,000 rooms over the expected occupancy. - An additional $37,214 were made from room service. - The campaign achieved a return on investment of 359%. - Around $1.5m worth of global PR was created by media coverage. - There was a 66% increase in web conversation - even celebrities like Serena Williams mentioned and praised the initiative through social media. 41 41 WHO WHERE WHEN Watch the video Naked Communications Feb 2013 Melbourne, Australia CLIENT © Havas Sports & Entertainment Overstay Checkout
  • 42. fACeBOoK HoLIDAy - Innovative and surprising way to use Facebook with personalized content. - Efficient promotion based on social influence. - Real gifts were given to Facebook users that participated. - Unique way to introduce the less trendy spots of Cape Town and give a new dimension to the city. OR HOW TO PROMOTE THE UNEXPECTED SIDE OF A CITY Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube Everyone has heard of Cape Town’s most famous tourist spots. Cape Town Tourism decided to promote the unexpected side of the city: all the small communities, never-heard of places and undiscovered gems that cannot be found on Trip Advisor, Lonely Planet, Expedia, or even Google. © Havas Sports & Entertainment - The Tourism Board launched a world first: a Facebook-based travel app where users around the world could send their Facebook profile on a holiday to Cape Town for a chance of winning a trip to the city for real. - Facebook users could tailor-make experiences that fit their personal interests and get a unique itinerary assigned to them. - Each day they would receive an update with photos of where their profile ate, visited, partied or stayed – with gripping photos and videos showing the full experience. - 350,000 engaged users / 580,000 page impressions / 41,000 monthly visits. - $40,000 worth of PR. - Bookings to Cape Town rose 118%. WHO Ogilvy Cape Town & Flow Communications WHEN 42 42 Feb 2013 WHERe Worldwide WATCH THe VIDEo CLIENT
  • 43. The BeEr TURNSTIlE OR HOW A BEER CAN BECOME A SUBWAY TICKET...… - Antarctica did something socially responsible through its role as official sponsor. Instead of just promoting the message “don’t drive drunk,” they took concrete action to make it easy for people to take public transportation. - The campaign was environmentally friendly as the collected cans were recycled. - It brought the fun of the Carnival to public transportation. - Antarctica put a special turnstile in Rio’s metro where people could pay their fare with an empty beer can. All they had to do was scan the code on the can and drop it into the turnstile to gain access. - Antarctica donated the collected cans to an NGO that promotes recycling. - 1000 people per hour used the turnstile to enter the subway, which is 86% higher than conventional turnstiles used that day. - 43% decrease in drunk drivers over the course of the Carnival. - The English version of the video was viewed over 30,000 times in less than a month. WHO WHERe WHEN WATCH THe VIDEo Almap-BBDO 43 43 Feb 2013 Brazil CLIENT © Havas Sports & Entertainment Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube During Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, people drink a lot of alcohol, which leads to a 50% increase in car accidents during the festivities. Antarctica beer, the official sponsor of the Carnival, decided to promote the use of public transportation to decrease car accidents.
  • 44. - 159,522 visitors on the campaign website. - More than 75,000 interactions on Facebook. - 91% of Facebook and Instagram reach was on target. - The campaign reached more than three million mobile devices. - Online sales of Venus blades increased by 100% and online sales of the campaign product by 570%. TAG THe WeATHEr OR HOW TO CONNECT WITH THE NORDIC WINTER… - Venus was able to create a relationship with their customers even out of season. - The campaign made tough climate conditions work in the consumers’ favor. It was an innovative way to overcome the natural and cultural obstacles of this challenging market. Swedish women put up with harsh winter weather for most of the year, which is why sales of Venus razors and blades are not as high as in other countries with warmer weather. Gillette needed an idea to make the Venus brand resonate in the Swedish market and encourage women to stay hairless during the dark season. © Havas Sports & Entertainment - Photos uploaded and hashtagged on Instagram were given a bad weather score based on location; the score got higher the worse the conditions were compared to historical weather data. - Consumers could convert the bad weather points into discounts on Venus products. Thanks to a co-op with an e-retailer, discounted purchases could be done with a quick click. - The jury reviewed bad weather scores and chose a finalist each day. - Photos from the finalists were exhibited in Miami for the campaign’s finale. The winning photo was announced through Facebook and the winner got to escape the winter in Miami Beach! Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube The ‘Tag the Weather’ campaign invited Swedish women to upload photos of the weather surrounding them every day on Instagram. The photos that managed to evoke the most ‘weather sympathy’ among a jury of bloggers from sunny countries gave a lucky winner a trip to Miami. WHO WHERe WHEN WATCH THe VIDEo Saatchi & Saatchi Stockholm - Over 4,800 photos uploaded in 14 days. 44 44 Jan- March 2013 Sweden CLIENT
  • 45. #BolDSTAGE - Unique digital and interactive experience that puts fans in the drivers seat. - Innovative way to introduce a 360° live experience via tablets/screens through a specially-designed app. OR HOW TO LET FANS CONTROL THE SHOW...… - Doritos organized concerts throughout the festival with top lineups and a unique centerpiece: a 62-foot-tall interactive vending machine. - During the concerts, fans could interact with the vending machines through tweets to make packs of Doritos virtually drop and produce real #smoke, #fire etc… No matter if you were at SXSW or not, you could follow the concerts via live stream on Facebook or Fuse TV; you could pick the acts, control the playlist and trigger bold special effects. - Doritos also developed a 360° app for mobile and tablet so that fans could get virtual VIP access everywhere. They could zoom in to see the singers up close, turn around and explore every corner of the stage, and more. WHO WHERe WHEN WATCH THe VIDEo Goodby Silverstein & Partners - 13,000 tweets during the 26 acts that played during the three days of SXSW. 4538 45 March 2013 USA CLIENT Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube © Havas Sports & Entertainment Doritos wanted to do something bold at SXSW, the annual series of conferences & festivals in Austin, Texas, fostering creativity in film, music and emerging technology. To impress this connected audience, Doritos staged a one-of-a-kind interactive concert experience.
  • 46. iMMoRTAL fANs - The waiting list for heart and corneal transplants in Recife was reduced to zero. - A life-long commitment was created between fans and the Sport Club Recife brand. - Dozens of lives were saved including all the patients featured in the campaign. OR HOW TO GIVE IMMORTALITY TO FOOTBALL FANS...… - The campaign leveraged fans’ passion and commitment to their club to save lives. - The club created a community of fans and offered a good reason for people to be organ donors so that their passion could live on. © Havas Sports & Entertainment Image Credit : Screenshot from Vimeo Sport Club Recife is known for having some of the most passionate fans in Brazil. They are fans from birth to death. The club wanted to push their fans’ passion further than any other football team has done before. Their strategy was to create a new kind of fan: the Immortal Fans. Their hearts, eyes, lungs... could keep cheering for Sport Club Recife even after death. - The club created the first Organ Donor Card for a football team. - The Organ Donor Card keeps the passion of the fans alive through the lives of others, and at the same time, solves the biggest barrier to organ transplants in Brazil: family authorization. - The integrated campaign featured real patients on transplant lists, and was launched during an important game against Santos FC. - At the start of the game, players went onto the field with the transplant patients. A stand was set up for fans to get their card at the event. WHO Ogilvy São Paulo - Over 51,000 organ donor cards and counting. - Organ donation increased by 54% in a year, a record breaking amount. WHEN 46 46 47 2013 WHERe Brazil WATCH THe VIDEo CLIENT
  • 47. MY Blood is Red & Black OR HOW A FOOTBALL TEAM’S COLORS CAN SAVE LIVES - Great way to leverage fans’ passion for an important public health initiative. - Strong success with minimum investment. - To support the cause, the football team changed the color of the stripes on their team jersey from red to white. They called on their fans to donate blood for red stripes to reappear. The more blood donated, the more red stripes. - It started with a press conference. The team entered the field in shirts without the red stripes. Flyers and a press kit were distributed to the fans, journalists and influencers, explaining what was happening. - Right after the match, the brand launched an integrated campaign, including a TV spot narrated by famous Brazilian actor and staunch Vitória supporter Wagner Moura. - An increase of 46% in blood donations. - With an investment of US$15k, US$8M was generated in spontaneous media. - Approximately 130 million people were impacted: there were more than one billion page views on the web and 935 minutes of TV exposure, including matches, after match shows and articles. 47 47 WHO Leo Burnett São Paulo WHEN 2013 WHERE Brazil Watch the video CLIENT © Havas Sports & Entertainment Image Credit : Screenshot from The Inspiration Room The state of Bahia in Brazil was suffering from a blood shortage. To meet the needs of the local population, the blood foundation Hemoba partnered with the local football team, Esporte Clube Vitoria, to motivate fans to donate their blood. 
  • 48. The Mad Hawk OR HOW A MASCOT BRINGS FANS CLOSER TO THEIR TEAM - A technologically innovative idea that overcame the limits of distance. - It brought their mascot to life, reinforcing its role as ‘the predator’ - a great reminder of what the team stands for. Image Credit : Screenshot from Vimeo Brahma, one of the top selling beers in Brazil, sponsors the Brazilian football team Corinthians. They wanted to help the millions of fans in Brazil show their support before the team faced Chelsea FC at the FIFA Club World Cup finals in Japan. They used the team’s mascot ‘the Hawk’ and its historical symbolism/purpose as the team’s messenger to allow fans to send messages of support. © Havas Sports & Entertainment - Messages of encouragement were sent by fans via Facebook and hooked onto the Hawk, along with a radio controlled receptor. When the Hawk flew over the training center, the control was activated and the messages dropped. - The Hawk also carried a GPS locator and a camera, ensuring the team knew exactly when the hawk was flying over the stadium to let the messages fall. - The players could read the words of support that came from back home. - More than 8,000 messages were sent on Facebook by Corinthian fans. - Over 25, 000 views on YouTube in four days. - 30,000 shares on Facebook. - The Corinthian Hawks defeated the Chelsea Lions, and won the 2012 FIFA Club World Cup for the second time in its history! 48 48 WHO Africa WHEN Dec 2012 WHERE Brazil Watch the video
  • 49. ToolPoOl - While picking up their power tool at the store, 8 out of 10 people bought extra supplies. - Sales increased by 25%. - There were many requests for ToolPool in other cities. OR HOW TO DRIVE SALES IN A SMALL LOCAL HARDWARE STORE - The application is fun, simple, colorful and easy to use. - Buying a power tool is usually a big and costly decision and ToolPool makes it carefree. - Malmö noticed that the store’s main earnings came from supplies (paint, screws, tape, etc.) and not from expensive investments like power tools that you only use once or twice. - They created a Facebook application for customers to be able to reserve power tools using their computer or phone, and then come down to the store to pick them up for free. - In order to increase traffic, the app posts a message on the borrower’s wall that is visible to friends. - When customers come in to collect their power tool, they usually also buy missing supplies to finish the job, increasing the store’s sales. - ToolPool benefited from extensive media coverage starting the day after it was launched. - In a month, the ToolPool application reached 600 downloads. 49 49 WHO WHERe WHEN WATCH THe VIDEo The Fan Club Dec 2012 Sweden CLIENT © Havas Sports & Entertainment Image Credit : Malmö hardware store is a small local store in the city centre of Malmö, Sweden. It faced strong competition from megastores on the outskirts of the city. To drive customers to the store and increase sales, they created a special Facebook application.
  • 50. DUMB WAYS To diE - There were over 200 cover versions of the song shared on YouTube. - Schools used it as a teaching tool in classrooms. - The most shared Public Service campaign of all times. - The 3rd most viral ad campaign in history. - Metro saw a 30% reduction in accidents and deaths. OR HOW TO TURN A PUBLIC SAFETY MESSAGE INTO A CATCHY SONG - They managed to catch the attention of a very reluctant audience. - It’s the essence of viral, we can’t get the song out of our heads! Image Credit : Screenshot from Youtube Every year, many young people die or are injured in train stations because they’re not careful. Melbourne Metro in Australia created a campaign targeting young people around this issue, in an attempt to communicate with an audience that doesn’t want to listen to safety messages. © Havas Sports & Entertainment - A catchy song was released on YouTube using black comedy and cute animated characters to show the most dumb ways to die, which include unsafe behavior around trains. - The campaign immediately gathered momentum through iTunes, Tumblr and Instagram and was displayed on billboards, photos in newspapers, ads on local radio… the song became so popular that radio stations ended up playing it for free. - A karaoke version of the song was broadcast in metro stations; a smartphone game was created, as well as a childrens’ book and a website that encouraged people to pledge to be safe around trains. - Within a week, there were 25 million views on YouTube - 50 million in 6 months. - 1 million people took the pledge on the website. - The song was among the top songs on iTunes in over 28 countries. 5 0 50 WHO WHERe WHEN WATCH THe VIDEo McCann Melbourne Dec 2012 Australia CLIENT
  • 51. Adforum: Ads of the World: Adverblog: Advertising Age: Adweek: Agency Spy: Artskills: Auslatics: Because: Blog Marketing Insolite: Blogo Ergosum: Brand Republic: Brand-e: Branding Magazine: Branding Strategy Insider: Brands India: Buzz Paradise: Campaign: Cannes Lions: Chris Brogan: Com Non Profit: Cream Global: Creative Criminals: Creative Guerilla Marketing: Culture Marketing: 51 51 © Havas Sports & Entertainment SOURces
  • 52. © Havas Sports & Entertainment SOURces Culture Pub: Curiosity Counts: Dark Planneur: Doc News: Ebuzzing: eMarketinglicious: Event Marketer: Fast Company: Fubiz: Gaduman: I Believe in Ad: If It’s Hip It’s Here: JeDblogk: Joe la Pompe: Kesako Le Blog: La Réclame: Le Blog de Bango: Le Marketing Sportif: Le Personal Branding: Le Publigeekaire: LLLITL: Look Out: Looking for Advice: Luckie: Marketing Chine: Marketing On The Beach: 52 52
  • 53. Tha nKS © Havas Sports & Entertainment 53 53
  • 54. Finally, to our crack editorial and creative team: Valentina Candeloro, Anne Awad, Fredda Hurwitz, Jez Jowett, Julia Furman and Conrad Painvin from Havas Sports & Entertainment Global – we salute you! We’d like to extend a big thank you to this year’s guest contributors, whose own areas of expertise ensured that our predictions were both robust and multi-faceted. © Havas Sports & Entertainment We hope you enjoyed reading our 2014 Trends & Predictions Review, felt inspired by the great work we shared and perhaps intrigued by where we’re placing our bets this year. We’d love to hear your thoughts: Do you agree? Disagree? Are there any case studies you think we missed out on? Would you like to simply say hello?, @havas_SE In no particular order: Sarita Batt, Ann O’Reilly, Emily Rosen and Rachel Conlan from Havas Worldwide; Rori DuBoff from Havas Media Group; Antony Demekhin from our global strategic partner Music Dealers, Valeria Herzer and Pierre Sensey from Havas Sports & Entertainment France and Alfredo Cottin from Havas Sports & Entertainment Mexico. Until next year folks! 54 54
  • 55. 55 55 © Havas Sports & Entertainment If you want to get inspired throughout the year, visit our trends blog for a monthly dose of what we think are the best brand engagement campaigns out there.