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A Comparative Study on Online Shopping Usage between Working
Students and Non-working Students amidst the Pandemic
A Research
presented to the
Faculty of the Basic Education of
FEU Roosevelt
Marikina City
In Partial Fulfilment of the requirements for
Research Writing
Jelvy Louie N. Ilagan
Patricia Mae Ferrer
Princess Clarisse B. Berdin
Reevie Albert C. Boquiren
Xanta Ysabel G. Efa
May 2021
12 – ABM
This research hereto entitled:
Prepared and submitted by Berdin, Princess, Boquiren, Reevie, Efa,
Xanta, Ferrer, Patricia, Ilagan, Jelvy in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for Research Writing has been examined and it is
recommended for acceptance and approval for ORAL EXAMINATION.
Research Instructor
Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of
PASSED on of 2021.
Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Research
Dena S. Culaba
Dena S. Culaba
Nicka de Guzman
Jared Cruz
Name of Institution : FEU Roosevelt, Marikina City
Authors : Jelvy Louie N. Ilagan
Patricia Mae Ferrer
Princess Clarisse B. Berdin
Reevie Albert C. Boquiren
Xanta Ysabel G. Efa
Date of Completion : May 2021
This Descriptive Comparative Study focuses on the online
shopping usage of Working and Non-working students from Manila and
Marikina City schools amidst the pandemic using the Structured
Spending Theory by Chip Heath and Jack B. Soll. This theory aided
this study as it guided the researchers in determining who amongst
the Working and Nonworking students has a higher usage regarding
the online shopping platforms, such as Lazada and Shopee, and the
probable causes.
There were a total of 60 respondents who gave their consent
to have their responses used to achieve the goal of this study.
The four questions used to guide the study are the following: 1)
What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex,
educational level (Senior High School or College student), and
employment status (Working or Non-working student)? 2) What is the
frequency of online shopping usage of those who belong to Working
students? 3) What is the frequency of online shopping usage of
those belonging to Non-working students? 4) Is there a significant
difference in the online shopping usage of those belonging to
Working students and those belonging to Non-working students?
The determining factors based on the online shopping usage of
the participants in both Working and Non-Working students are the
convenience online shopping platforms give to find the products
they want to buy and the best and safest choice of these platforms
to acquire their essentials amidst the pandemic. Despite having
diverse educational levels and employment statuses, there were
similarities in their usage of the aforementioned online shopping
platforms, as interpreted from the respondents’ answers. The
findings of this study may help online merchants to think of
products to sell on their online business and improve their service
and marketing approach to attract more consumers. This study will
also benefit many individuals by providing an alternate means of
purchasing their essentials without leaving their homes and
risking their lives during this pandemic situation.
Table of Contents
Chapter I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
THE PROBLEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Theoretical Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Significance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Definition of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Chapter II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Chapter III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
METHODOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Research Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Research Locale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Participants of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Research Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Treatment of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Ethical Consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Chapter IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Problem 1: What is the profile of the respondents
in terms of age, sex, municipality of school,
educational level, and employment status? . . . . . . . 26
Problem 2: What is the level of online shopping
usage of those who belong to working students? . . . . . 32
Problem 3: What is the level of online shopping
usage of those who belong to non-working students? . . . 35
Problem 4: Is there a significant difference in
the online shopping usage of those belonging to
working students and those belonging to non-working
students? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Chapter V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Summary of Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Whether for leisure or necessity, the purchase of products is
a common practice that everyone does. But ever since the pandemic
started, everything changed. The pandemic has accelerated the
shift towards a more digital world and triggered changes in online
shopping behaviors that are likely to have lasting effects (UNCTAD,
2020). People needed to adapt to the new normal. Now that people
cannot go out freely, there is a danger of being exposed to the
virus. People have to purchase things as swiftly as possible.
During the pandemic that caused the Philippines to conduct the
strictest lockdown to avoid the spread of the virus, online
business and online shopping are the most common activity since
this became the alternative way for people to buy their needs and
have income. By July 2020, 78% of Filipino consumers had made
online shopping purchases within the past month. 64% of these
consumers used mobile device purchases that are higher than the
global average of 52%, according to the survey of the creative
agency, We Are Social, and the social media management platform,
Hootsuite (Oxford Business, 2021).
Nowadays, many use online shopping platforms such as Lazada
and Shopee. These offer the same wide variety of products and
allows you to look around for better offers and lower prices. The
downside of online shopping is that reliability is not constant.
The product quality is also not entirely determined by the seller's
photos. Despite the possible downsides of online shopping, people
have no choice but to rely on these platforms for free-verse
shopping. Customers like working students and non-working students
are frequent users of online shopping. This study aims to see who
amongst these two have a higher usage of online shopping during
the pandemic and the determining factors.
Theoretical Framework
The purpose of this study is to identify the group that has
a higher usage of the online shopping platforms during this
pandemic and clarifies the determining factors.
As stated in the Structured Spending Theory, it has been
indicated in past research that when people maintain a budget,
their spending patterns can change (Heath & Soll, 1996). Thus, an
individual may believe that budgeting limits what can be purchased
and can act as a tool to facilitate successful regulation finances.
It hypothesized that the more an individual perceives that
budgeting limits unnecessary spending, the more favorable attitude
toward maintaining a budget will become. Now that we are amid a
pandemic, people's purchasing via online shopping is the new
normal. That's why there are also opportunities for students who
work from home and have their funds and allowance to spend. Working
and Non-working students' spending habits may be affected by their
economic standing/class. Hypothetically speaking, students from
the lower level who need to work for a living may concentrate more
on necessities and budget their money to satisfy these needs. In
contrast, those from the middle to upper classes can spend their
money easily on online shopping since they are not as tightly
funded as those within the lower levels.
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to show the difference between the usage of
online shopping platforms of Working students and Non-working
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Educational Level (Senior High School or College)
d. Employment Status (Working Student or Non-working
2. What is the frequency of online shopping usage of those who
belong to working students?
3. What is the frequency of online shopping usage of those who
belong to non-working students?
4. Is there a significant difference in online shopping usage
between working students and those belonging to non-working
5. What recommendations can be made based on the findings of
this study?
This study hypothesized that there is no significant
difference in the online shopping usage of Working Students and
Non-working Students.
Significance of the Study
The purpose of this study provides an in-depth result about
the higher usage of online shopping platforms between the working
and non-working students in the time of the pandemic. The results
will be a great benefit of the following:
Students. This study may serve as a guide on how it will help
students know about the possible causes of high online shopping
Entrepreneur/Businessman. This study can help those in the
business and marketing field due to its nature alone. This study
can help businessmen widen their mode of distribution of products
through online shopping platforms.
Online Sellers. This study will be beneficial for online sellers
since they will know the possible interests of a buyer.
Future Researchers. This study will be helpful to the future
generation that will be choosing the same kind of study. They will
already have a background about online shopping and the possible
causes of the students' high usage of online shopping platforms.
Definition of Terms
Online Shopping. It is purchasing products through the Shopee and
Lazada application.
Working Students. Students who attend regular classes and work
with a fixed income.
Non-working Students. Students who attend regular classes and only
focus on all the courses.
Frequency of Usage. How often do the respondents use online
shopping platforms which is interpreted as: Often, Rarely,
This chapter presents the summary of literature and studies
that have relevance to the present study. The researcher views
them to gain deeper insights into the field of study. It was from
these materials that the concept of this work was based and formed.
It also included the theoretical framework on which this study was
Working Students and Non-working Students
In today’s society participation, it is essential to have a
college degree. However, there is pressure for young individuals
to enroll in colleges and become completely independent members of
this current society. Nowadays, there are two different college
students; students who work while studying and thoroughly study
with a designated course (Amato, 2015).
Working students are said to have less free time than non-
working students since doing their part-time jobs is their top
priority. These students use and spend their time wisely and make
sure that they finish their tasks on or before the due dates. They
often skip fun activities just to pay attention to their main
priorities. Since they are already earning their own money, they
may be less likely to spend it on their wants (Cunha, 2018).
The ever-changing scenario in education has become a vital
ingredient in one’s personality. Education helps build a strong
character for a person, it allows people to withstand the changing
pattern of survival in the current world of inventions and new
technologies. Everyone needs to work to earn a livelihood, working
makes sure that we can satisfy the necessities and wants that
everyone has. Although every coin has two faces, this thought has
advantages and disadvantages (OZ Assignments, n.d.).
Nowadays, students choose to find a job while studying just
to help their family from expenses in school and expenses of their
families. An advantage these students may get is being their best
self and having experience in working. A disadvantage is that there
is a huge possibility of having problems with time management (Cui
and Ermac, 2017).
Workers performing tasks in an organization are expected to
act and use intuition and make rational business decisions compared
to those who did not have or not yet have experience. Work
personality is shaped by both home and school environment, both
have been identified as factors that critically influence adult
work behaviors. Increasingly, college-aged students are working
full or part-time and have to combine academics and work to add to
their current responsibilities at home. Prior studies show no
significant difference between working and non-working students on
academics or social experiences. However, operating students
exhibit more competent and advanced decisions that deem them
successful on jobs than those who have not worked since then.
Theoretically speaking, task-oriented working students tend to use
more adaptive decision-making styles than non-working ones. Task-
oriented working students were also significantly different from
non-working students in rational decision-making styles (Doe,
Castillo, and McKinney, 2017).
Online Shopping
Online buying behavior of Consumers
Online shopping is one of those prevalent in the current
situation, purchasing any products and services even while at home.
According to the context, there are five significant variables’
influence that is obtained from the literature. These variables
are trust, time, product variety, convenience, and privacy,
determining how consumer-buying behavior reflects online shopping
trends (Bashir, Mehboob, and Bhatti, 2015).
Online shopping has emerged that influenced the people in
this world and their daily lifestyle due to the World Wide Web.
Online shopping is now a trend all over the countries. According
to this study, consumers shop online to save time and available
varieties of products and services. They obtain online shopping
information from websites, specifically from the social network,
and purchase apparel, accessories primarily through cash on
delivery method of payment, which is hassle-free (Rahman, et al.,
Internet Shopping or Online Shopping is growing fast these
days. The usability and easiness of online shopping make itself a
trend among consumers, specifically the Gen Y people. The currency
of online shopping made the retailers and sellers interested to
focus on this area (Lim, et al., 2016).
Online Shopping has become an important medium to create sales
and marketing transactions. Many individuals are changing their
way of trades, from the traditional form of buying or selling to
online shopping. Businesses use Online Shopping to take advantage
of introducing the products and services to the market and expand
their target reach (Nartea, Santos, and Govenechea, 2019).
To keep the consumers' perception high in online shopping,
businesses or sellers of this field must make their online
platforms convenient, secure, and provide for the needs of their
consumers. Since students spend more time on the internet, these
businesses need to develop these elements in their online shopping
platforms to increase their perception of shopping online (Tubio
et al., 2016).
Comparison of Online and Physical Shopping
The Covid-19 pandemic had an enormous impact on the publishing
industry. It conceptualizes the pandemic as a situational
influence that involves the closure of physical bookstores, health
risks, and other factors that changed due to the pandemic (Nguyen
et al., 2020).
The people’s way of life presently is different. When going
to crowded markets, people feel worried, uncomfortable and think
that it’s time-consuming. These days, this is called E-Shopping or
Online Shopping which saves a lot of time for people to directly
buy goods, services, etc., from a seller without an intermediary
service. People can shop anything they want from the comfort of
their house on any online shopping platform. However, one factor
that is enticing about online shopping is that it reduces the need
to wait in long lines from a store to shop for a specific item
because various goods are available online (Sunitha, 2014).
Online shopping is connected via e-commerce, it’s an act of
purchasing products or services over the internet and online
shopping. Between online shopping and traditional shopping, there
is a better comparison. This type of e-commerce may be posed by
the society using online shopping and a better version and
advantages over traditional shopping (Kathwani, 2016).
Retail sectors are one of the fastest-growing sectors in India
and one of the mainstays of the economy and account for about 10%
of the country’s GDP. Indian retail market is estimated to be
valued at US$ 600 billion and one of the top-five retail markets
in the world by economic value. The growth of the retail sector in
India is one of the fastest globally, and consumers are particular
about their products. Consumer choices vary based on their
preference towards online shopping versus offline shopping. The
internet and traditional shopping have both advantages and
disadvantages. Online shopping doesn’t need you to travel, offers
you verities, remains functional 24/7, and offers huge discounts.
On the other hand, traditional shopping allows customers to examine
products that online shopping lacks physically. Consumers may use
both the online and conventional modes of shopping depending on
their preferences at a particular moment, which results in
fundamentally different behaviors across the two shopping methods
(Raja, 2017).
In the present, consumers are surrounded by technology that
aims to redefine the way that they interact and shop. The
increasing interest in understanding the effects of computers
mediated shopping environments. The internet was commercially born
in the 1990s and it was widely seen as the only electronic
communication media. During these years, the uptake of online
shopping services was slower than anticipated. One of the factors
that discourage the consumers to not shop online is due to the
delivery charges, the time in which the shop is available for
shopping, the loss of spirit when shopping, platforms more such as
the issues about privacy and security. (Gulten Bozkurt, 2010)
Consumers’ Perceptions towards Online Shopping
E-Commerce, known as online shopping, emerged to help people
in large cities and rural places access quality products and
services. There are still outlets and stores that people may visit.
However, consumers may feel very convenient to shop online since
it is hassle-free and decisions can be made from home at ease
looking at various choices of products and their prices which is
one of the advantages of online shopping nowadays (Shanthi and
Kannaiah, 2015).
The significant increase of Internet usage and the structured
progress of Information Technology have changed how products are
being bought and sold which results in the exponential growth in
the number of consumers buying through online shopping. Numerous
differences about online shopping have been revealed due to the
characteristics and types of provided products and services of
various consumers. Therefore, understanding who is consuming and
why they choose to use or avoid the Internet as a distribution
channel is a vital issue for both online business managers and
consumer theorists (Saprikis, Chouliara, and Vlachopoulou, n.d).
It is early to recognize what factors influence online and
offline shopping when it comes to choice progression. Offline and
online decision making and identifying the factors that motivate
customers to decide whether to do online shopping or go for offline
shopping. Since the last two years, as the population is more aware
of technology, online shopping has increased immensely. Consumers
will love to purchase from online shopping if only the product's
price is less than the market (Sivanesan and Monisha, 2017).
Consumers’ Satisfaction towards Online Shopping
Nowadays, online shopping is one of the most extensive parts
of customers’ attraction and satisfaction. In this technology-
based generation, many companies and business owners use online
shopping to attract many customers and satisfy them. It is
significant to identify the impact of online shopping on retail
businesses and the effects of online shopping on the improvement
of customers’ satisfaction in retail companies (Mascarenhas,
With the development of the Internet, online shopping is being
developed rapidly in China as a new way of shopping. That is why
the identification of the determinants of consumer satisfaction
towards online shopping in China is essential. Website design,
security, information, quality, available payment methods, e-
service quality, product quality, product variety, and delivery
service positively relate to consumer satisfaction towards online
shopping in China (Guo, Ling, and Liu, 2012).
Factors Influencing Consumers’ Decisions/Preferences regarding
Online Shopping
The increased use of the internet is an excellent factor for
entrepreneurs and business people to create an online business.
Consumers can shop anywhere and anything and pay safely because of
the online shopping platforms' safe payment options. The factors
affecting a student's behavior and intention to buy products online
are challenging for online businesses upon developing their
marketing strategies. College students were said to engage more on
these platforms in buying goods and services online (Reddy and
Guietiva, 2013).
Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, online shopping is the most common
activity as online businesses must predict their consumers'
behavior to ensure a market advantage. Coverage in the media
economy impacts the intention of the consumers to buy online and
that the normative influences of similar social media platforms
have not. Additionally, people who practice social distancing, the
younger generation, and women have a higher purchasing behavior
(Koch, Frommever, and Schewe, 2020).
Therefore, the e-commerce industry has a great deal of
potential, specifically in the forms of online shopping. The online
consumers' decision and to determine whether cultural, personal,
social, and economic forces can affect consumers' internet
shopping choices. Various aspects of consumer buying behavior
identified two barriers that seem to harm both consumers and online
sellers (Zhao, 2015).
Since a global computer system links the internet, knowledge
can be accessed from anywhere in the world, regardless of time or
geography. This allows consumers to make product buying choices by
online shopping. However, factors that may affect product purchase
decisions made by online shopping such as confidence, price, and
time are the three factors that affect product buying decisions
made online (Edwar, Diansari, and Winawati, 2018).
The number of individuals becoming more aware of the internet
and the world of e-commerce, from shopping, investing, and payments
makes online shopping crucial for consumers, but some also prefer
shopping physically and visit stores. Therefore, it is also
essential to know whether shopping preference is influenced by
culture. Five shopping perceptions were included: perceived
usefulness, perceived ease of use, past online shopping
experience, perceived security, and perceived uncertainty, and
measured all the comparisons between the two groups (Changcit,
Cutshall, and Lee, 2014).
This chapter presents the studies, research, and articles the
researchers have collected related to their topic: “A Comparative
Study on Online Shopping between Working Students and Non-working
Students amidst the pandemic.” The researchers compiled the
corresponding kinds of literature related to their variables. It
contains 25 reviews of related literature that was thoroughly
analyzed and arranged by the researchers. The following data for
Working Students and Non-Working Students have five (5) related
literatures and Online Shopping have been placed and categorized
into 5 separate groups: Online buying behavior of consumers (5),
Comparison of online and physical shopping (4), Factors
influencing consumers’ decisions/preferences (5), Consumers’
perceptions towards online shopping (3) and Consumers’
satisfaction towards online shopping (2). The Category of Online
buying behavior shows the difference between Working and Non-
working students or the customers’ behavior on online shopping.
The categories on Consumers’ perceptions, Consumers’
satisfactions, and Factors influencing consumers’
decisions/preferences are about choosing whether to buy through
online shopping due to the current situation or online shopping
for customer’s convenience and satisfaction with specific products
and services. Comparing online and physical shopping categories
provides retailers and analysts with valuable information about
the discrepancies and benefits of different shopping styles.
Overall, these gathered studies are literature that acts as
supplemental data connected and reflected upon the title and the
topic of this study.
This chapter presents the research method, the research
locale, the respondents of the study, the sampling technique, the
research instruments, the data gathering procedure, and the
statistical method used in the study.
Research Design
This analysis used a descriptive comparative research design.
This study aims to provide answers to questions about online
shopping usage among working and non-working students in the local
context. With the rising number of online shopping users amidst
the pandemic and a few local studies focusing on the subject of
online shopping usage and also for the working and non-working
students, are believed to be one of the most prominent users of
these platforms. This study aims to look at the differences in use
and behaviors between the two groups of participants on the given
online shopping platforms and investigate the possible factors and
aspects that influence the potential differences in usage. A
descriptive comparative research design is employed to analyze the
difference between working and non-working students. With that
established, it is imperative to also look for any factors that
can clarify the difference in the usage of online shopping
platforms. As part of research-based practice, online shopping
vendors/sellers will begin designing, creating, and executing a
related marketing strategy once comprehensible data has been
Research Locale
The research was conducted in Manila and Marikina City, both
part of Metro Manila, or the National Capital Region (NCR). It is
a Philippine metropolitan region made up of 16 cities and one
municipality, including Manila and Marikina's cities. These two
cities in Metro Manila have significant populations of students in
both private and public schools.
Participants of the Study
Senior High School and College students of Manila and Marikina
City were the participants of this study. The student participants’
age ranges from 16 to 26 years old. A sample size of 60 students
was used which consisted of 23 males and 37 females. To calculate
the number of participants, the researchers used Non-Probability
Purposive Quota Sampling. Senior High School and College students
were divided into two groups. The researchers selected 30 students
from each of the two groups: working and non-working students. The
permission was given by the respondents themselves as they answered
the questionnaire. The students of FEU Roosevelt Marikina modified
the questionnaire and it was validated by Professional experts.
Research Instruments
The Likert Scale Questionnaires were used in this study to
rapidly, conveniently, and accurately determine the various
factors that contribute to the difference in online shopping
platform usage between the two groups. The information required
for the online shopping usage of working and non-working students
was gathered using Google Forms. To collect data regarding the
difference in the usage of the given online shopping platform, a
questionnaire was made. It asked for the activities and purchases
that the participants do with the platform. It asked for the
actions and purchases that the participants do with the platform.
It consisted of 15 items in which the students indicated how often
they used the online shopping platform and use the following
4-Strongly Agree
1-Strongly Disagree
Following the administration of the questionnaire above and the
inventory of actual respondents, three experts who were not part
of the survey thoroughly reviewed the questionnaire for adjustment
and enhancement. The total number of users and their behaviors
inside the app from working and non-working Senior High to College
students were extracted and counted to determine the difference in
Data Collection
The study's data collection process started after selected
validators validated the research questionnaires. The respondents'
use of online shopping platforms was assessed using a Likert-scale
questionnaire created in Google Forms. The researchers then
distributed it to the working and non-working students from Manila
and Marikina who had given their permission. The findings of the
Likert-scale questionnaire about the usage of online shopping by
the working and non-working students were assessed in Google Forms
and Microsoft Excel. They were coded and interpreted as follows:
4-Strongly Agree, 3-Agree, 2-Disagree, and 1-Strongly Disagree.
Mean scores were collected to achieve general scores reflecting
the respondents’ online shopping platform usage, with higher scores
indicating greater use of online shopping platforms between working
and non-working students. The scores were compared between the
working and non-working students to see who has greater online
shopping platforms. The mean scores were used to create general
scores that reflected the respondents' use of online shopping
platforms, with higher scores suggesting more use of online
shopping platforms among working and non-working students.
The results were compared between working and non-working students
to see who used online shopping sites the most.
Treatment of Data
The collected data addressed the study's particular problems that
were statistically treated.
The data in Problem number 1: What is the profile of the respondents
in terms of age, sex, municipality of school, and occupational
status (working student or non-working student)?
This data was analyzed using frequency and percentage distribution
of respondents depending on the various profiles considered.
The data in Problem number 2: What is the frequency of online
shopping usage of those who belong to working students?
Percentage, Mean, and Standard Deviation were used to analyze the
The data in Problem number 3: What is the frequency of online
shopping usage of those who belong to the non-working students?
This data was also treated with the use of Percentage, Mean and
Standard Deviation.
The data in problem number 4: Is there a significant difference in
the online shopping usage of those belonging to the working
students and those belonging to the non-working students?
The data were subjected to a T-test.
To treat the data in Problem number 5: What recommendation can be
made based on the findings of the study?
To answer this problem, the researchers thoroughly analyzed the
data gathered and weighted the results.
In this study, the researcher used fundamental formulas. The
formula used for this study are the following given below:
Mean was used to get the average value of numbers in a set.
Frequency and Percentage Distribution were used to standardize
size by determining the relative proportion of the individual case
to the total points.
Frequency is the number of times a data value occurs in this study.
Percentage was used to determine the frequency counts and
percentage distribution of the profile of the respondents in terms
of age, sex, municipality of school, and occupational status.
Formula: P = f/n x 100
p = percentage
f = frequency of the class
n = the total number of respondents
Weighted Mean since responses of groups are assigned points, the
weighted mean was computed as a measure of central tendency. Where,
Wi= corresponding weight and xi = the value of any particular
observations or measurement.
T-test was used to determine if there is a significant difference
between the means of the two groups. In this study, the T-test
will determine if there is a considerable difference in the online
shopping usage of those belonging to the working students and those
belonging to the non-working students.
Ethical Consideration
The informed consent of the participants was obtained and their
identities were kept anonymous. The participants were told that
they could withdraw from the survey questionnaire at any time.
Furthermore, the participants were not subjected to any physical,
social, or psychological harm.
This chapter contains information about the results of the
study and the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered
with the use of the adapted statistical measures. The presentation
includes a narrative discussion of the results and implications
of the data gathered which are illustrated in tables.
Problem No. 1 What is the profile of the respondents in terms of
age, sex, municipality of school, educational level, and
employment status?
The following are tables and charts that show the frequency
and percentage distribution of the profile of the respondents.
Table 1
Distribution of Respondents According to Age
Age Range Number Percentage
16-18 32 53%
19-21 17 28%
22-24 7 12%
25-27 4 7%
Total 60 100%
Table 1 shows the overall age range of the respondents with
16 to 18 years old having a frequency of 32 or 53%, 19 to 21 years
old having a frequency of 17 or 28%, 22 to 24 years old having a
frequency of 7 or 12%, and 25-27 years old having a frequency of
4 or 7%, totaling in a frequency of 60 or 100.0%
Chart 1
Chart 1 shows the frequency and percentage of the respondents
according to age.
Table 2
Distribution of Respondents According to Sex
Sex Number Percentage
Female 37 62%
Male 23 38%
Total 60 100%
1 2 3 4
Age of the Respondents
Frequency Percentage
16-18 y/o 19-21 y/o 22-24 y/o 25-27 y/o
Table 2 shows the overall sex range of the respondents with
males having a frequency of 23 or 38% and females having a
frequency of 37 or 62% with a total of 60 or 100.0%.
Chart 2
Chart 2 shows the percentage of the respondents according
to sex.
Table 3
Distribution of Respondents According to Municipality of School
City/Municipality Number Percentage
Marikina 51 68%
Manila 19 32%
Total 60 100%
Table 3 shows the overall distribution of respondents’
municipality of school with Marikina having a frequency of 41 or
68% and Manila having a frequency of 19 or 32% with a total of 60
or 100.0%.
Chart 3
Chart 3 shows the frequency and percentage of the respondents
according to the municipality of the school.
Table 4
Distribution of Respondents According to Educational Level
Number Percentage
Senior High 36 60%
College 24 40%
Total 60 100%
Table 4 shows the overall distribution according to
educational level. Senior High has a frequency of 36 or 60% and
College with a frequency of 24 or 40% with a total of 60 or 100.0%.
Chart 4
Chart 4 shows the percentage of the respondents according to
the level of education.
Table 5
Distribution of Respondents According to whether Working or Non-
Working Students
Number Percentage
Working 30 50%
Non-working 30 50%
Total 60 100%
Table 5 shows the overall distribution according to
employment status. Working Students having a frequency of 30 or
50% and Non-working Students also with a frequency of 30 or 50%
with a total of 60 or 100.0%.
Chart 5
Chart 5 shows the percentage of the respondents according to
employment status whether Working Student or Non-working Student.
Problem No. 2 What is the frequency of online shopping usage of
those who belong to working students?
Table 6
Responses of Respondents Working Students to the Researcher-Made
Item Strongly
1 2 3 4
1. I often use online
shopping platforms such
as Lazada and Shopee to
buy products.
1 2 15 12 3.27 Strongly
2. I prefer making a
purchase from online
shopping platform/sites
over using local
offices, malls or
2 6 15 7 2.9 Agree
3. Given the quality,
the price of the
products I purchased
through online shopping
was reasonable.
0 0 24 6 3.2 Agree
4. I often use online
shopping platforms
because it has a wide
selection of products.
1 5 15 9 3.1 Agree
5. I often use online
shopping platforms
because of the
affordable prices of
0 2 19 9 3.23 Agree
6. I often use online
shopping platforms
because of its free and
fast shipping.
1 5 18 6 2.97 Agree
7. I often use online
shopping platforms
because of the coupons
and discounts.
1 4 12 13 3.23 Agree
8. I frequently buy
products online since it
is very reliable because
of the other consumers'
1 5 17 7 3 Agree
9. I often use online
shopping platforms
because it saves more
0 2 16 12 3.33 Strongly
10. I often use online
shopping platforms
because it is easy to
0 2 16 12 3.33 Strongly
11. I always buy
clothes, shoes, and
fashion accessories on
Shopee and Lazada.
5 7 9 9 2.73 Agree
12. I always buy gadgets
and accessories on
Shopee and Lazada.
4 11 10 5 2.53 Agree
13. I always buy health
and personal care
products on Shopee and
4 16 7 3 2.3 Disagree
14. I always buy beauty
and fragrances products
on Shopee and Lazada.
5 14 7 4 2.33 Disagree
15. I always buy
stationeries on Shopee
and Lazada.
2 14 10 4 2.53 Agree
Grand Weighted Mean 2.93 Agree
Table 6 shows the collected responses of the 30 working
students from the schools of Manila and Marikina about their usage
of online shopping platforms: Shopee and Lazada. 2 out of the 15
questions from the Researcher-Made Questionnaire have a weighted
mean below 2.5 which has the verbal interpretation of “Disagree”.
3 out of 15 questions have a weighted mean higher than 3.26 which
has the verbal interpretation of “Strongly Agree”. The majority of
the responses collected have a weighted mean between 2.51 to 3.25
which has the verbal interpretation of “Agree”. A grand weighted
mean of the overall responses was 2.93 which has the verbal
interpretation of “Agree”. The researchers used a scale to
interpret the data they have collected which was shown in the
following scale. It was clearly observed that Working Students
often used the online shopping platforms, Shopee and Lazada in
terms of purchasing their needs and wants.
Chart 6
Chart 6 presents the graphical representation of responses
of the Working students from the Researcher-Made Questionnaire.
Problem No. 3 What is the frequency of online shopping usage of
those who belong to non-working students?
Table 7
Responses of Respondents Non-working Students to the Researcher-
Made Questionnaire
Agree Weighted
1 2 3 4
1. I often use online
shopping platforms such as
Lazada and Shopee to buy
2 1 14 13 3.27 Strongly
2. I prefer making a
purchase from online
shopping platform/sites over
using local offices, malls
or stores.
4 5 18 3 2.67 Agree
3. Given the quality, the
price of the products I
purchased through online
shopping was reasonable.
0 0 22 8 3.27 Strongly
4. I often use online
shopping platforms because
it has a wide selection of
1 1 15 13 3.33 Strongly
5. I often use online
shopping platforms because
0 3 13 14 3.37 Strongly
of the affordable prices of
6. I often use online
shopping platforms because
of its free and fast
2 4 19 5 2.9 Agree
7. I often use online
shopping platforms because
of the coupons and
1 4 13 12 3.2 Agree
8. I frequently buy products
online since it is very
reliable because of the
other consumers' comments.
1 3 20 6 3.03 Agree
9. I often use online
shopping platforms because
it saves more time.
2 3 13 12 3.17 Agree
10. I often use online
shopping platforms because
it is easy to access.
1 0 17 12 3.33 Strongly
11. I always buy clothes,
shoes, and fashion
accessories on Shopee and
2 12 8 8 2.73 Agree
12. I always buy gadgets and
accessories on Shopee and
4 14 10 2 2.33 Disagree
13. I always buy health and
personal care products on
Shopee and Lazada.
3 16 7 4 2.4 Disagree
14. I always buy beauty and
fragrances products on
Shopee and Lazada.
3 16 6 5 2.43 Disagree
15. I always buy
stationeries on Shopee and
2 9 11 8 2.83 Agree
Grand Weighted Mean 2.95 Agree
In table 7, the compiled answer of all 30 non-working students
is shown. Only 3 out of 15 questions had a weighted mean of lower
than 2.5 or a verbal interpretation of “Disagree”. With this alone,
we can already see what the final result will be. The table above
in the scale of interpretation is what the researchers used as a
guide in finalizing the result. With the Grand Weighted Mean of
the survey given to the Non-Working Students being 2.95, it is
verbally interpreted as Agree. It was clearly observed that Non-
working Students also often used the online shopping platforms,
Shopee and Lazada in terms of purchasing their needs and wants.
Chart 7
Chart 7 presents the graphical representation of responses
of the Non-working students from the Researcher-Made
Problem No. 4 Is there a significant difference in the online
shopping usage of those belonging to working students and those
belonging to non-working students?
Table 8
Computation of T - value
(Variable A) Number of
Grand Weighted
Working Students 30 2.93 6.95
30 2.95 6.88
Computed T - value -0.24
T critical value at .05 level of significance 1.671
Decision: (Accept or Reject the Null Hypothesis) Accept the Null
In table number 8, the computation for t-value is presented.
A total of 30 respondents for working students has a grand weighted
mean of 2.93 and a standard deviation of 6.95, while the grand
weighted mean for the non-working students is 2.95 and a standard
deviation is 6.88. The computed T-value is -0.24 and the T-critical
value at 0.05 level of significance is 1.671 which is greater than
the computed T-value. Therefore, the researchers concluded that
the null hypothesis is accepted and that there is no significant
difference in online shopping usage between working and non-
working students.
This chapter presents the summary of the findings,
conclusions, and recommendations based on the results of the
Summary of Findings
The purpose of this descriptive comparative study was to
ascertain the possible significant difference between the Working
Students and Non-working Students in terms of online shopping
Among the critical findings of this research were:
1. The profile of the respondents.
a. The age range of this study was sixteen (16) to twenty-
six (26) of age. The highest respondents were age sixteen
(16) with a frequency of 22 or 37%. The second to the highest
respondents were age twenty-one (21) with a frequency of 9
or 15%.
b. The sex range of this study was male with a frequency
of 37 or 62% and female with a frequency of 37 or 62% with
a total sample of 60 or 100.0% male and female respondents.
c. The municipality of the school in this study was
Marikina with a frequency of 51 or 68% and Manila with a
frequency of 19 or 32%, with a total of 60 or 100.0%.
d. The educational level of this study was Senior High
with a frequency of 36 or 60% and College with a frequency
of 24 or 40%, with a total of 60 or 100.0%.
e. The employment status of this study was Working
Students with a frequency of 30 or 50% and Non-working
Students with a frequency of 30 or 50%, with a total of 60
or 100.0%.
2. The frequency of online shopping usage of Working Students.
The majority of the 30 Working Students from the 15 questions
regarding the usage of online shopping platforms such as Shopee
and Lazada gave a response of “Agree” according to the calculated
grand weighted mean, 2.93, and was interpreted with the help of
the scale of interpretation. This response has a frequency of 10.
The second highest response was “Strongly Agree” which has a
frequency of 3 and has a weighted mean between 3.26 and 4.
Finally, the least number of responses verbally interpreted as
“Disagree” has a frequency of 2 and has a weighted mean between
1.76 and 2.5. This shows that Working Students often use the
given online shopping platforms to buy their necessities amidst
the pandemic.
3. The frequency of online shopping usage of Non-Working
There are a total of 30 Non-working Students in this study
who were chosen by the researchers to respond to the 15 question
survey regarding their online shopping usage. The results showed
3 questions have a “Disagree” interpretation or a weighted mean
below 2.51. Despite having a few weighted means below 2.51, the
results were positive in the end for the grand weighted mean of
the Non-Working students were 2.95 or verbally interpreted as
“Agree”. This shows that even though Non-working Students have
no stable source of income, they often use the given online
shopping platforms to buy their necessities amidst the pandemic.
4. The significant difference between Working students and
Nonworking students in terms of online shopping usage.
The t-value computation is presented after the data has been
analyzed. Working Students have a grand weighted mean of 2.93 and
a standard deviation of 6.95, while Non-Working Students have a
grand weighted mean of 2.95 and a standard deviation of 6.88. The
calculated T-value is -0.24, with a T-critical value of 1.671 at
the 0.05 level of significance which is greater than the computed
T-value. As a result, the researchers concluded that the null
hypothesis is true and there is no significant difference in online
shopping usage between Working Students and Non-Working Students.
Based on the foregoing findings, the following conclusions
were drawn:
1. Working students often use the stated online shopping
platforms amidst the pandemic situation to buy their
2. Despite not having a stable source of income, the Non-
Working students often use the stated online shopping
platforms amidst the pandemic situation to buy their
3. There is no significant difference between the usage
of Working Students and Non-working Students in online
In light of the conclusions drawn from the study, the
following are hereby recommended:
1. In view of the findings for problem number 2, the researchers
recommend that online shopping platforms are the safest way
for Working Students to buy their necessities amidst the
pandemic to avoid the risk of getting infected by the virus.
2. In view of the findings for problem number 3, the researchers
recommend that online shopping platforms are also the safest
way for Non-working Students to buy their necessities amidst
the pandemic to avoid the risk of getting infected by the
3. In view of the findings for problem number 4, the researchers
recommend that online shopping platforms such as Shopee and
Lazada are the safest alternative since this help a lot of
people, not just the Working and Non-Working students to save
time and avoid themselves in being infected with the virus
while buying their necessities. The researchers also recommend
that these kinds of platforms should add more products that
are functional and beneficial to both Working and Non-Working
students since they are one of the most active users of the
said platforms and these are their safest options to purchase
their necessities amidst the pandemic. Products that would
make not only the adults but also all these students interested
to purchase more and use online shopping presently rather than
physical shopping.
4. Further research should be conducted on the different factors
involved as well as other areas of interest related to this
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A Comparative Study On Online Shopping Usage Between Working Students And Non-Working Students Amidst The Pandemic

  • 1. 1 A Comparative Study on Online Shopping Usage between Working Students and Non-working Students amidst the Pandemic A Research presented to the Faculty of the Basic Education of FEU Roosevelt Marikina City In Partial Fulfilment of the requirements for Research Writing By: Jelvy Louie N. Ilagan Patricia Mae Ferrer Princess Clarisse B. Berdin Reevie Albert C. Boquiren Xanta Ysabel G. Efa May 2021 12 – ABM
  • 2. 2 APPROVAL SHEET This research hereto entitled: A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON ONLINE SHOPPING USAGE BETWEEN WORKING STUDENTS AND NON-WORKING STUDENTS AMIDST THE PANDEMIC Prepared and submitted by Berdin, Princess, Boquiren, Reevie, Efa, Xanta, Ferrer, Patricia, Ilagan, Jelvy in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Research Writing has been examined and it is recommended for acceptance and approval for ORAL EXAMINATION. DR. FREDERICK EDWARD T. FABELLA Research Instructor Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of PASSED on of 2021. Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Research Writing. Dena S. Culaba Principal Dena S. Culaba Nicka de Guzman Jared Cruz
  • 3. 3 ABSTRACT Name of Institution : FEU Roosevelt, Marikina City Title : A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON ONLINE SHOPPING USAGE BETWEEN WORKING STUDENTS AND NON-WORKING STUDENTS AMIDST THE PANDEMIC Authors : Jelvy Louie N. Ilagan Patricia Mae Ferrer Princess Clarisse B. Berdin Reevie Albert C. Boquiren Xanta Ysabel G. Efa Date of Completion : May 2021 Summary: This Descriptive Comparative Study focuses on the online shopping usage of Working and Non-working students from Manila and Marikina City schools amidst the pandemic using the Structured Spending Theory by Chip Heath and Jack B. Soll. This theory aided this study as it guided the researchers in determining who amongst the Working and Nonworking students has a higher usage regarding the online shopping platforms, such as Lazada and Shopee, and the probable causes.
  • 4. 4 There were a total of 60 respondents who gave their consent to have their responses used to achieve the goal of this study. The four questions used to guide the study are the following: 1) What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, educational level (Senior High School or College student), and employment status (Working or Non-working student)? 2) What is the frequency of online shopping usage of those who belong to Working students? 3) What is the frequency of online shopping usage of those belonging to Non-working students? 4) Is there a significant difference in the online shopping usage of those belonging to Working students and those belonging to Non-working students? The determining factors based on the online shopping usage of the participants in both Working and Non-Working students are the convenience online shopping platforms give to find the products they want to buy and the best and safest choice of these platforms to acquire their essentials amidst the pandemic. Despite having diverse educational levels and employment statuses, there were similarities in their usage of the aforementioned online shopping platforms, as interpreted from the respondents’ answers. The findings of this study may help online merchants to think of products to sell on their online business and improve their service and marketing approach to attract more consumers. This study will also benefit many individuals by providing an alternate means of
  • 5. 5 purchasing their essentials without leaving their homes and risking their lives during this pandemic situation.
  • 6. 6 Table of Contents Chapter I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 THE PROBLEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Theoretical Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Significance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Definition of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chapter II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Chapter III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 METHODOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Research Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Research Locale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Participants of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Research Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Treatment of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Ethical Consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
  • 7. 7 Chapter IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA . . . . . . 26 Problem 1: What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, municipality of school, educational level, and employment status? . . . . . . . 26 Problem 2: What is the level of online shopping usage of those who belong to working students? . . . . . 32 Problem 3: What is the level of online shopping usage of those who belong to non-working students? . . . 35 Problem 4: Is there a significant difference in the online shopping usage of those belonging to working students and those belonging to non-working students? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Chapter V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . 39 Summary of Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
  • 8. 8 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
  • 9. 1 CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Whether for leisure or necessity, the purchase of products is a common practice that everyone does. But ever since the pandemic started, everything changed. The pandemic has accelerated the shift towards a more digital world and triggered changes in online shopping behaviors that are likely to have lasting effects (UNCTAD, 2020). People needed to adapt to the new normal. Now that people cannot go out freely, there is a danger of being exposed to the virus. People have to purchase things as swiftly as possible. During the pandemic that caused the Philippines to conduct the strictest lockdown to avoid the spread of the virus, online business and online shopping are the most common activity since this became the alternative way for people to buy their needs and have income. By July 2020, 78% of Filipino consumers had made online shopping purchases within the past month. 64% of these consumers used mobile device purchases that are higher than the global average of 52%, according to the survey of the creative agency, We Are Social, and the social media management platform, Hootsuite (Oxford Business, 2021).
  • 10. 2 Nowadays, many use online shopping platforms such as Lazada and Shopee. These offer the same wide variety of products and allows you to look around for better offers and lower prices. The downside of online shopping is that reliability is not constant. The product quality is also not entirely determined by the seller's photos. Despite the possible downsides of online shopping, people have no choice but to rely on these platforms for free-verse shopping. Customers like working students and non-working students are frequent users of online shopping. This study aims to see who amongst these two have a higher usage of online shopping during the pandemic and the determining factors. Theoretical Framework The purpose of this study is to identify the group that has a higher usage of the online shopping platforms during this pandemic and clarifies the determining factors. As stated in the Structured Spending Theory, it has been indicated in past research that when people maintain a budget, their spending patterns can change (Heath & Soll, 1996). Thus, an individual may believe that budgeting limits what can be purchased and can act as a tool to facilitate successful regulation finances. It hypothesized that the more an individual perceives that budgeting limits unnecessary spending, the more favorable attitude toward maintaining a budget will become. Now that we are amid a
  • 11. 3 pandemic, people's purchasing via online shopping is the new normal. That's why there are also opportunities for students who work from home and have their funds and allowance to spend. Working and Non-working students' spending habits may be affected by their economic standing/class. Hypothetically speaking, students from the lower level who need to work for a living may concentrate more on necessities and budget their money to satisfy these needs. In contrast, those from the middle to upper classes can spend their money easily on online shopping since they are not as tightly funded as those within the lower levels. Statement of the Problem This study aims to show the difference between the usage of online shopping platforms of Working students and Non-working students. 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: a. Age b. Sex c. Educational Level (Senior High School or College) d. Employment Status (Working Student or Non-working Student) 2. What is the frequency of online shopping usage of those who belong to working students?
  • 12. 4 3. What is the frequency of online shopping usage of those who belong to non-working students? 4. Is there a significant difference in online shopping usage between working students and those belonging to non-working students? 5. What recommendations can be made based on the findings of this study? Hypothesis This study hypothesized that there is no significant difference in the online shopping usage of Working Students and Non-working Students. Significance of the Study The purpose of this study provides an in-depth result about the higher usage of online shopping platforms between the working and non-working students in the time of the pandemic. The results will be a great benefit of the following: Students. This study may serve as a guide on how it will help students know about the possible causes of high online shopping platforms.
  • 13. 5 Entrepreneur/Businessman. This study can help those in the business and marketing field due to its nature alone. This study can help businessmen widen their mode of distribution of products through online shopping platforms. Online Sellers. This study will be beneficial for online sellers since they will know the possible interests of a buyer. Future Researchers. This study will be helpful to the future generation that will be choosing the same kind of study. They will already have a background about online shopping and the possible causes of the students' high usage of online shopping platforms. Definition of Terms Online Shopping. It is purchasing products through the Shopee and Lazada application. Working Students. Students who attend regular classes and work with a fixed income. Non-working Students. Students who attend regular classes and only focus on all the courses.
  • 14. 6 Frequency of Usage. How often do the respondents use online shopping platforms which is interpreted as: Often, Rarely, Never.
  • 15. 7 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents the summary of literature and studies that have relevance to the present study. The researcher views them to gain deeper insights into the field of study. It was from these materials that the concept of this work was based and formed. It also included the theoretical framework on which this study was anchored. Working Students and Non-working Students In today’s society participation, it is essential to have a college degree. However, there is pressure for young individuals to enroll in colleges and become completely independent members of this current society. Nowadays, there are two different college students; students who work while studying and thoroughly study with a designated course (Amato, 2015). Working students are said to have less free time than non- working students since doing their part-time jobs is their top priority. These students use and spend their time wisely and make sure that they finish their tasks on or before the due dates. They often skip fun activities just to pay attention to their main priorities. Since they are already earning their own money, they may be less likely to spend it on their wants (Cunha, 2018).
  • 16. 8 The ever-changing scenario in education has become a vital ingredient in one’s personality. Education helps build a strong character for a person, it allows people to withstand the changing pattern of survival in the current world of inventions and new technologies. Everyone needs to work to earn a livelihood, working makes sure that we can satisfy the necessities and wants that everyone has. Although every coin has two faces, this thought has advantages and disadvantages (OZ Assignments, n.d.). Nowadays, students choose to find a job while studying just to help their family from expenses in school and expenses of their families. An advantage these students may get is being their best self and having experience in working. A disadvantage is that there is a huge possibility of having problems with time management (Cui and Ermac, 2017). Workers performing tasks in an organization are expected to act and use intuition and make rational business decisions compared to those who did not have or not yet have experience. Work personality is shaped by both home and school environment, both have been identified as factors that critically influence adult work behaviors. Increasingly, college-aged students are working full or part-time and have to combine academics and work to add to their current responsibilities at home. Prior studies show no significant difference between working and non-working students on academics or social experiences. However, operating students
  • 17. 9 exhibit more competent and advanced decisions that deem them successful on jobs than those who have not worked since then. Theoretically speaking, task-oriented working students tend to use more adaptive decision-making styles than non-working ones. Task- oriented working students were also significantly different from non-working students in rational decision-making styles (Doe, Castillo, and McKinney, 2017). Online Shopping Online buying behavior of Consumers Online shopping is one of those prevalent in the current situation, purchasing any products and services even while at home. According to the context, there are five significant variables’ influence that is obtained from the literature. These variables are trust, time, product variety, convenience, and privacy, determining how consumer-buying behavior reflects online shopping trends (Bashir, Mehboob, and Bhatti, 2015). Online shopping has emerged that influenced the people in this world and their daily lifestyle due to the World Wide Web. Online shopping is now a trend all over the countries. According to this study, consumers shop online to save time and available varieties of products and services. They obtain online shopping information from websites, specifically from the social network, and purchase apparel, accessories primarily through cash on
  • 18. 10 delivery method of payment, which is hassle-free (Rahman, et al., 2018). Internet Shopping or Online Shopping is growing fast these days. The usability and easiness of online shopping make itself a trend among consumers, specifically the Gen Y people. The currency of online shopping made the retailers and sellers interested to focus on this area (Lim, et al., 2016). Online Shopping has become an important medium to create sales and marketing transactions. Many individuals are changing their way of trades, from the traditional form of buying or selling to online shopping. Businesses use Online Shopping to take advantage of introducing the products and services to the market and expand their target reach (Nartea, Santos, and Govenechea, 2019). To keep the consumers' perception high in online shopping, businesses or sellers of this field must make their online platforms convenient, secure, and provide for the needs of their consumers. Since students spend more time on the internet, these businesses need to develop these elements in their online shopping platforms to increase their perception of shopping online (Tubio et al., 2016). Comparison of Online and Physical Shopping The Covid-19 pandemic had an enormous impact on the publishing industry. It conceptualizes the pandemic as a situational
  • 19. 11 influence that involves the closure of physical bookstores, health risks, and other factors that changed due to the pandemic (Nguyen et al., 2020). The people’s way of life presently is different. When going to crowded markets, people feel worried, uncomfortable and think that it’s time-consuming. These days, this is called E-Shopping or Online Shopping which saves a lot of time for people to directly buy goods, services, etc., from a seller without an intermediary service. People can shop anything they want from the comfort of their house on any online shopping platform. However, one factor that is enticing about online shopping is that it reduces the need to wait in long lines from a store to shop for a specific item because various goods are available online (Sunitha, 2014). Online shopping is connected via e-commerce, it’s an act of purchasing products or services over the internet and online shopping. Between online shopping and traditional shopping, there is a better comparison. This type of e-commerce may be posed by the society using online shopping and a better version and advantages over traditional shopping (Kathwani, 2016). Retail sectors are one of the fastest-growing sectors in India and one of the mainstays of the economy and account for about 10% of the country’s GDP. Indian retail market is estimated to be valued at US$ 600 billion and one of the top-five retail markets in the world by economic value. The growth of the retail sector in
  • 20. 12 India is one of the fastest globally, and consumers are particular about their products. Consumer choices vary based on their preference towards online shopping versus offline shopping. The internet and traditional shopping have both advantages and disadvantages. Online shopping doesn’t need you to travel, offers you verities, remains functional 24/7, and offers huge discounts. On the other hand, traditional shopping allows customers to examine products that online shopping lacks physically. Consumers may use both the online and conventional modes of shopping depending on their preferences at a particular moment, which results in fundamentally different behaviors across the two shopping methods (Raja, 2017). In the present, consumers are surrounded by technology that aims to redefine the way that they interact and shop. The increasing interest in understanding the effects of computers mediated shopping environments. The internet was commercially born in the 1990s and it was widely seen as the only electronic communication media. During these years, the uptake of online shopping services was slower than anticipated. One of the factors that discourage the consumers to not shop online is due to the delivery charges, the time in which the shop is available for shopping, the loss of spirit when shopping, platforms more such as the issues about privacy and security. (Gulten Bozkurt, 2010)
  • 21. 13 Consumers’ Perceptions towards Online Shopping E-Commerce, known as online shopping, emerged to help people in large cities and rural places access quality products and services. There are still outlets and stores that people may visit. However, consumers may feel very convenient to shop online since it is hassle-free and decisions can be made from home at ease looking at various choices of products and their prices which is one of the advantages of online shopping nowadays (Shanthi and Kannaiah, 2015). The significant increase of Internet usage and the structured progress of Information Technology have changed how products are being bought and sold which results in the exponential growth in the number of consumers buying through online shopping. Numerous differences about online shopping have been revealed due to the characteristics and types of provided products and services of various consumers. Therefore, understanding who is consuming and why they choose to use or avoid the Internet as a distribution channel is a vital issue for both online business managers and consumer theorists (Saprikis, Chouliara, and Vlachopoulou, n.d). It is early to recognize what factors influence online and offline shopping when it comes to choice progression. Offline and online decision making and identifying the factors that motivate customers to decide whether to do online shopping or go for offline shopping. Since the last two years, as the population is more aware
  • 22. 14 of technology, online shopping has increased immensely. Consumers will love to purchase from online shopping if only the product's price is less than the market (Sivanesan and Monisha, 2017). Consumers’ Satisfaction towards Online Shopping Nowadays, online shopping is one of the most extensive parts of customers’ attraction and satisfaction. In this technology- based generation, many companies and business owners use online shopping to attract many customers and satisfy them. It is significant to identify the impact of online shopping on retail businesses and the effects of online shopping on the improvement of customers’ satisfaction in retail companies (Mascarenhas, 2019). With the development of the Internet, online shopping is being developed rapidly in China as a new way of shopping. That is why the identification of the determinants of consumer satisfaction towards online shopping in China is essential. Website design, security, information, quality, available payment methods, e- service quality, product quality, product variety, and delivery service positively relate to consumer satisfaction towards online shopping in China (Guo, Ling, and Liu, 2012).
  • 23. 15 Factors Influencing Consumers’ Decisions/Preferences regarding Online Shopping The increased use of the internet is an excellent factor for entrepreneurs and business people to create an online business. Consumers can shop anywhere and anything and pay safely because of the online shopping platforms' safe payment options. The factors affecting a student's behavior and intention to buy products online are challenging for online businesses upon developing their marketing strategies. College students were said to engage more on these platforms in buying goods and services online (Reddy and Guietiva, 2013). Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, online shopping is the most common activity as online businesses must predict their consumers' behavior to ensure a market advantage. Coverage in the media economy impacts the intention of the consumers to buy online and that the normative influences of similar social media platforms have not. Additionally, people who practice social distancing, the younger generation, and women have a higher purchasing behavior (Koch, Frommever, and Schewe, 2020). Therefore, the e-commerce industry has a great deal of potential, specifically in the forms of online shopping. The online consumers' decision and to determine whether cultural, personal, social, and economic forces can affect consumers' internet shopping choices. Various aspects of consumer buying behavior
  • 24. 16 identified two barriers that seem to harm both consumers and online sellers (Zhao, 2015). Since a global computer system links the internet, knowledge can be accessed from anywhere in the world, regardless of time or geography. This allows consumers to make product buying choices by online shopping. However, factors that may affect product purchase decisions made by online shopping such as confidence, price, and time are the three factors that affect product buying decisions made online (Edwar, Diansari, and Winawati, 2018). The number of individuals becoming more aware of the internet and the world of e-commerce, from shopping, investing, and payments makes online shopping crucial for consumers, but some also prefer shopping physically and visit stores. Therefore, it is also essential to know whether shopping preference is influenced by culture. Five shopping perceptions were included: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, past online shopping experience, perceived security, and perceived uncertainty, and measured all the comparisons between the two groups (Changcit, Cutshall, and Lee, 2014). Synthesis This chapter presents the studies, research, and articles the researchers have collected related to their topic: “A Comparative Study on Online Shopping between Working Students and Non-working
  • 25. 17 Students amidst the pandemic.” The researchers compiled the corresponding kinds of literature related to their variables. It contains 25 reviews of related literature that was thoroughly analyzed and arranged by the researchers. The following data for Working Students and Non-Working Students have five (5) related literatures and Online Shopping have been placed and categorized into 5 separate groups: Online buying behavior of consumers (5), Comparison of online and physical shopping (4), Factors influencing consumers’ decisions/preferences (5), Consumers’ perceptions towards online shopping (3) and Consumers’ satisfaction towards online shopping (2). The Category of Online buying behavior shows the difference between Working and Non- working students or the customers’ behavior on online shopping. The categories on Consumers’ perceptions, Consumers’ satisfactions, and Factors influencing consumers’ decisions/preferences are about choosing whether to buy through online shopping due to the current situation or online shopping for customer’s convenience and satisfaction with specific products and services. Comparing online and physical shopping categories provides retailers and analysts with valuable information about the discrepancies and benefits of different shopping styles. Overall, these gathered studies are literature that acts as supplemental data connected and reflected upon the title and the topic of this study.
  • 26. 18 CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the research method, the research locale, the respondents of the study, the sampling technique, the research instruments, the data gathering procedure, and the statistical method used in the study. Research Design This analysis used a descriptive comparative research design. This study aims to provide answers to questions about online shopping usage among working and non-working students in the local context. With the rising number of online shopping users amidst the pandemic and a few local studies focusing on the subject of online shopping usage and also for the working and non-working students, are believed to be one of the most prominent users of these platforms. This study aims to look at the differences in use and behaviors between the two groups of participants on the given online shopping platforms and investigate the possible factors and aspects that influence the potential differences in usage. A descriptive comparative research design is employed to analyze the difference between working and non-working students. With that established, it is imperative to also look for any factors that can clarify the difference in the usage of online shopping platforms. As part of research-based practice, online shopping
  • 27. 19 vendors/sellers will begin designing, creating, and executing a related marketing strategy once comprehensible data has been developed. Research Locale The research was conducted in Manila and Marikina City, both part of Metro Manila, or the National Capital Region (NCR). It is a Philippine metropolitan region made up of 16 cities and one municipality, including Manila and Marikina's cities. These two cities in Metro Manila have significant populations of students in both private and public schools. Participants of the Study Senior High School and College students of Manila and Marikina City were the participants of this study. The student participants’ age ranges from 16 to 26 years old. A sample size of 60 students was used which consisted of 23 males and 37 females. To calculate the number of participants, the researchers used Non-Probability Purposive Quota Sampling. Senior High School and College students were divided into two groups. The researchers selected 30 students from each of the two groups: working and non-working students. The permission was given by the respondents themselves as they answered the questionnaire. The students of FEU Roosevelt Marikina modified the questionnaire and it was validated by Professional experts.
  • 28. 20 Research Instruments The Likert Scale Questionnaires were used in this study to rapidly, conveniently, and accurately determine the various factors that contribute to the difference in online shopping platform usage between the two groups. The information required for the online shopping usage of working and non-working students was gathered using Google Forms. To collect data regarding the difference in the usage of the given online shopping platform, a questionnaire was made. It asked for the activities and purchases that the participants do with the platform. It asked for the actions and purchases that the participants do with the platform. It consisted of 15 items in which the students indicated how often they used the online shopping platform and use the following rating: 4-Strongly Agree 3-Agree 2-Disagree 1-Strongly Disagree Following the administration of the questionnaire above and the inventory of actual respondents, three experts who were not part of the survey thoroughly reviewed the questionnaire for adjustment and enhancement. The total number of users and their behaviors inside the app from working and non-working Senior High to College
  • 29. 21 students were extracted and counted to determine the difference in use. Data Collection The study's data collection process started after selected validators validated the research questionnaires. The respondents' use of online shopping platforms was assessed using a Likert-scale questionnaire created in Google Forms. The researchers then distributed it to the working and non-working students from Manila and Marikina who had given their permission. The findings of the Likert-scale questionnaire about the usage of online shopping by the working and non-working students were assessed in Google Forms and Microsoft Excel. They were coded and interpreted as follows: 4-Strongly Agree, 3-Agree, 2-Disagree, and 1-Strongly Disagree. Mean scores were collected to achieve general scores reflecting the respondents’ online shopping platform usage, with higher scores indicating greater use of online shopping platforms between working and non-working students. The scores were compared between the working and non-working students to see who has greater online shopping platforms. The mean scores were used to create general scores that reflected the respondents' use of online shopping platforms, with higher scores suggesting more use of online shopping platforms among working and non-working students.
  • 30. 22 The results were compared between working and non-working students to see who used online shopping sites the most. Treatment of Data The collected data addressed the study's particular problems that were statistically treated. The data in Problem number 1: What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, municipality of school, and occupational status (working student or non-working student)? This data was analyzed using frequency and percentage distribution of respondents depending on the various profiles considered. The data in Problem number 2: What is the frequency of online shopping usage of those who belong to working students? Percentage, Mean, and Standard Deviation were used to analyze the results. The data in Problem number 3: What is the frequency of online shopping usage of those who belong to the non-working students? This data was also treated with the use of Percentage, Mean and
  • 31. 23 Standard Deviation. The data in problem number 4: Is there a significant difference in the online shopping usage of those belonging to the working students and those belonging to the non-working students? The data were subjected to a T-test. To treat the data in Problem number 5: What recommendation can be made based on the findings of the study? To answer this problem, the researchers thoroughly analyzed the data gathered and weighted the results. In this study, the researcher used fundamental formulas. The formula used for this study are the following given below: Mean was used to get the average value of numbers in a set. Frequency and Percentage Distribution were used to standardize size by determining the relative proportion of the individual case to the total points. Frequency is the number of times a data value occurs in this study.
  • 32. 24 Percentage was used to determine the frequency counts and percentage distribution of the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, municipality of school, and occupational status. Formula: P = f/n x 100 Where: p = percentage f = frequency of the class n = the total number of respondents Weighted Mean since responses of groups are assigned points, the weighted mean was computed as a measure of central tendency. Where, Wi= corresponding weight and xi = the value of any particular observations or measurement. T-test was used to determine if there is a significant difference between the means of the two groups. In this study, the T-test will determine if there is a considerable difference in the online shopping usage of those belonging to the working students and those belonging to the non-working students. Ethical Consideration The informed consent of the participants was obtained and their identities were kept anonymous. The participants were told that
  • 33. 25 they could withdraw from the survey questionnaire at any time. Furthermore, the participants were not subjected to any physical, social, or psychological harm.
  • 34. 26 CHAPTER IV PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA This chapter contains information about the results of the study and the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered with the use of the adapted statistical measures. The presentation includes a narrative discussion of the results and implications of the data gathered which are illustrated in tables. Problem No. 1 What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, municipality of school, educational level, and employment status? The following are tables and charts that show the frequency and percentage distribution of the profile of the respondents. Table 1 Distribution of Respondents According to Age Age Range Number Percentage 16-18 32 53% 19-21 17 28% 22-24 7 12% 25-27 4 7% Total 60 100% Table 1 shows the overall age range of the respondents with 16 to 18 years old having a frequency of 32 or 53%, 19 to 21 years
  • 35. 27 old having a frequency of 17 or 28%, 22 to 24 years old having a frequency of 7 or 12%, and 25-27 years old having a frequency of 4 or 7%, totaling in a frequency of 60 or 100.0% Chart 1 Chart 1 shows the frequency and percentage of the respondents according to age. Table 2 Distribution of Respondents According to Sex Sex Number Percentage Female 37 62% Male 23 38% Total 60 100% 32 17 7 4 53% 28% 12% 7% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 1 2 3 4 Age of the Respondents Frequency Percentage 16-18 y/o 19-21 y/o 22-24 y/o 25-27 y/o
  • 36. 28 Table 2 shows the overall sex range of the respondents with males having a frequency of 23 or 38% and females having a frequency of 37 or 62% with a total of 60 or 100.0%. Chart 2 Chart 2 shows the percentage of the respondents according to sex. Table 3 Distribution of Respondents According to Municipality of School City/Municipality Number Percentage Marikina 51 68% Manila 19 32% Total 60 100% Table 3 shows the overall distribution of respondents’ municipality of school with Marikina having a frequency of 41 or 62% 38%
  • 37. 29 68% and Manila having a frequency of 19 or 32% with a total of 60 or 100.0%. Chart 3 Chart 3 shows the frequency and percentage of the respondents according to the municipality of the school. Table 4 Distribution of Respondents According to Educational Level Educational Level Number Percentage Senior High 36 60% College 24 40% Total 60 100%
  • 38. 30 Table 4 shows the overall distribution according to educational level. Senior High has a frequency of 36 or 60% and College with a frequency of 24 or 40% with a total of 60 or 100.0%. Chart 4 Chart 4 shows the percentage of the respondents according to the level of education. Table 5 Distribution of Respondents According to whether Working or Non- Working Students Employment Status Number Percentage Working 30 50% Non-working 30 50% Total 60 100%
  • 39. 31 Table 5 shows the overall distribution according to employment status. Working Students having a frequency of 30 or 50% and Non-working Students also with a frequency of 30 or 50% with a total of 60 or 100.0%. Chart 5 Chart 5 shows the percentage of the respondents according to employment status whether Working Student or Non-working Student.
  • 40. 32 Problem No. 2 What is the frequency of online shopping usage of those who belong to working students? Table 6 Responses of Respondents Working Students to the Researcher-Made Questionnaire Item Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation 1 2 3 4 1. I often use online shopping platforms such as Lazada and Shopee to buy products. 1 2 15 12 3.27 Strongly Agree 2. I prefer making a purchase from online shopping platform/sites over using local offices, malls or stores. 2 6 15 7 2.9 Agree 3. Given the quality, the price of the products I purchased through online shopping was reasonable. 0 0 24 6 3.2 Agree 4. I often use online shopping platforms because it has a wide selection of products. 1 5 15 9 3.1 Agree 5. I often use online shopping platforms because of the affordable prices of products. 0 2 19 9 3.23 Agree
  • 41. 33 6. I often use online shopping platforms because of its free and fast shipping. 1 5 18 6 2.97 Agree 7. I often use online shopping platforms because of the coupons and discounts. 1 4 12 13 3.23 Agree 8. I frequently buy products online since it is very reliable because of the other consumers' comments. 1 5 17 7 3 Agree 9. I often use online shopping platforms because it saves more time. 0 2 16 12 3.33 Strongly Agree 10. I often use online shopping platforms because it is easy to access. 0 2 16 12 3.33 Strongly Agree 11. I always buy clothes, shoes, and fashion accessories on Shopee and Lazada. 5 7 9 9 2.73 Agree 12. I always buy gadgets and accessories on Shopee and Lazada. 4 11 10 5 2.53 Agree 13. I always buy health and personal care products on Shopee and Lazada. 4 16 7 3 2.3 Disagree 14. I always buy beauty and fragrances products on Shopee and Lazada. 5 14 7 4 2.33 Disagree 15. I always buy stationeries on Shopee and Lazada. 2 14 10 4 2.53 Agree Grand Weighted Mean 2.93 Agree Table 6 shows the collected responses of the 30 working students from the schools of Manila and Marikina about their usage of online shopping platforms: Shopee and Lazada. 2 out of the 15
  • 42. 34 questions from the Researcher-Made Questionnaire have a weighted mean below 2.5 which has the verbal interpretation of “Disagree”. 3 out of 15 questions have a weighted mean higher than 3.26 which has the verbal interpretation of “Strongly Agree”. The majority of the responses collected have a weighted mean between 2.51 to 3.25 which has the verbal interpretation of “Agree”. A grand weighted mean of the overall responses was 2.93 which has the verbal interpretation of “Agree”. The researchers used a scale to interpret the data they have collected which was shown in the following scale. It was clearly observed that Working Students often used the online shopping platforms, Shopee and Lazada in terms of purchasing their needs and wants. Chart 6
  • 43. 35 Chart 6 presents the graphical representation of responses of the Working students from the Researcher-Made Questionnaire. Problem No. 3 What is the frequency of online shopping usage of those who belong to non-working students? Table 7 Responses of Respondents Non-working Students to the Researcher- Made Questionnaire Item Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation 1 2 3 4 1. I often use online shopping platforms such as Lazada and Shopee to buy products. 2 1 14 13 3.27 Strongly Agree 2. I prefer making a purchase from online shopping platform/sites over using local offices, malls or stores. 4 5 18 3 2.67 Agree 3. Given the quality, the price of the products I purchased through online shopping was reasonable. 0 0 22 8 3.27 Strongly Agree 4. I often use online shopping platforms because it has a wide selection of products. 1 1 15 13 3.33 Strongly Agree 5. I often use online shopping platforms because 0 3 13 14 3.37 Strongly Agree
  • 44. 36 of the affordable prices of products. 6. I often use online shopping platforms because of its free and fast shipping. 2 4 19 5 2.9 Agree 7. I often use online shopping platforms because of the coupons and discounts. 1 4 13 12 3.2 Agree 8. I frequently buy products online since it is very reliable because of the other consumers' comments. 1 3 20 6 3.03 Agree 9. I often use online shopping platforms because it saves more time. 2 3 13 12 3.17 Agree 10. I often use online shopping platforms because it is easy to access. 1 0 17 12 3.33 Strongly Agree 11. I always buy clothes, shoes, and fashion accessories on Shopee and Lazada. 2 12 8 8 2.73 Agree 12. I always buy gadgets and accessories on Shopee and Lazada. 4 14 10 2 2.33 Disagree 13. I always buy health and personal care products on Shopee and Lazada. 3 16 7 4 2.4 Disagree 14. I always buy beauty and fragrances products on Shopee and Lazada. 3 16 6 5 2.43 Disagree 15. I always buy stationeries on Shopee and Lazada. 2 9 11 8 2.83 Agree Grand Weighted Mean 2.95 Agree In table 7, the compiled answer of all 30 non-working students is shown. Only 3 out of 15 questions had a weighted mean of lower than 2.5 or a verbal interpretation of “Disagree”. With this alone, we can already see what the final result will be. The table above
  • 45. 37 in the scale of interpretation is what the researchers used as a guide in finalizing the result. With the Grand Weighted Mean of the survey given to the Non-Working Students being 2.95, it is verbally interpreted as Agree. It was clearly observed that Non- working Students also often used the online shopping platforms, Shopee and Lazada in terms of purchasing their needs and wants. Chart 7 Chart 7 presents the graphical representation of responses of the Non-working students from the Researcher-Made Questionnaire.
  • 46. 38 Problem No. 4 Is there a significant difference in the online shopping usage of those belonging to working students and those belonging to non-working students? Table 8 Computation of T - value (Variable A) Number of Respondents Grand Weighted Mean Standard Deviation Working Students 30 2.93 6.95 Non-working Students 30 2.95 6.88 Computed T - value -0.24 T critical value at .05 level of significance 1.671 Decision: (Accept or Reject the Null Hypothesis) Accept the Null Hypothesis In table number 8, the computation for t-value is presented. A total of 30 respondents for working students has a grand weighted mean of 2.93 and a standard deviation of 6.95, while the grand weighted mean for the non-working students is 2.95 and a standard deviation is 6.88. The computed T-value is -0.24 and the T-critical value at 0.05 level of significance is 1.671 which is greater than the computed T-value. Therefore, the researchers concluded that the null hypothesis is accepted and that there is no significant difference in online shopping usage between working and non- working students.
  • 47. 39 CHAPTER V SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions, and recommendations based on the results of the study. Summary of Findings The purpose of this descriptive comparative study was to ascertain the possible significant difference between the Working Students and Non-working Students in terms of online shopping usage. Among the critical findings of this research were: 1. The profile of the respondents. a. The age range of this study was sixteen (16) to twenty- six (26) of age. The highest respondents were age sixteen (16) with a frequency of 22 or 37%. The second to the highest respondents were age twenty-one (21) with a frequency of 9 or 15%. b. The sex range of this study was male with a frequency of 37 or 62% and female with a frequency of 37 or 62% with a total sample of 60 or 100.0% male and female respondents.
  • 48. 40 c. The municipality of the school in this study was Marikina with a frequency of 51 or 68% and Manila with a frequency of 19 or 32%, with a total of 60 or 100.0%. d. The educational level of this study was Senior High with a frequency of 36 or 60% and College with a frequency of 24 or 40%, with a total of 60 or 100.0%. e. The employment status of this study was Working Students with a frequency of 30 or 50% and Non-working Students with a frequency of 30 or 50%, with a total of 60 or 100.0%. 2. The frequency of online shopping usage of Working Students. The majority of the 30 Working Students from the 15 questions regarding the usage of online shopping platforms such as Shopee and Lazada gave a response of “Agree” according to the calculated grand weighted mean, 2.93, and was interpreted with the help of the scale of interpretation. This response has a frequency of 10. The second highest response was “Strongly Agree” which has a frequency of 3 and has a weighted mean between 3.26 and 4. Finally, the least number of responses verbally interpreted as “Disagree” has a frequency of 2 and has a weighted mean between 1.76 and 2.5. This shows that Working Students often use the
  • 49. 41 given online shopping platforms to buy their necessities amidst the pandemic. 3. The frequency of online shopping usage of Non-Working Students. There are a total of 30 Non-working Students in this study who were chosen by the researchers to respond to the 15 question survey regarding their online shopping usage. The results showed 3 questions have a “Disagree” interpretation or a weighted mean below 2.51. Despite having a few weighted means below 2.51, the results were positive in the end for the grand weighted mean of the Non-Working students were 2.95 or verbally interpreted as “Agree”. This shows that even though Non-working Students have no stable source of income, they often use the given online shopping platforms to buy their necessities amidst the pandemic. 4. The significant difference between Working students and Nonworking students in terms of online shopping usage. The t-value computation is presented after the data has been analyzed. Working Students have a grand weighted mean of 2.93 and a standard deviation of 6.95, while Non-Working Students have a grand weighted mean of 2.95 and a standard deviation of 6.88. The calculated T-value is -0.24, with a T-critical value of 1.671 at the 0.05 level of significance which is greater than the computed
  • 50. 42 T-value. As a result, the researchers concluded that the null hypothesis is true and there is no significant difference in online shopping usage between Working Students and Non-Working Students. Conclusions Based on the foregoing findings, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. Working students often use the stated online shopping platforms amidst the pandemic situation to buy their necessities. 2. Despite not having a stable source of income, the Non- Working students often use the stated online shopping platforms amidst the pandemic situation to buy their necessities. 3. There is no significant difference between the usage of Working Students and Non-working Students in online shopping.
  • 51. 43 Recommendations In light of the conclusions drawn from the study, the following are hereby recommended: 1. In view of the findings for problem number 2, the researchers recommend that online shopping platforms are the safest way for Working Students to buy their necessities amidst the pandemic to avoid the risk of getting infected by the virus. 2. In view of the findings for problem number 3, the researchers recommend that online shopping platforms are also the safest way for Non-working Students to buy their necessities amidst the pandemic to avoid the risk of getting infected by the virus. 3. In view of the findings for problem number 4, the researchers recommend that online shopping platforms such as Shopee and Lazada are the safest alternative since this help a lot of people, not just the Working and Non-Working students to save time and avoid themselves in being infected with the virus while buying their necessities. The researchers also recommend that these kinds of platforms should add more products that are functional and beneficial to both Working and Non-Working
  • 52. 44 students since they are one of the most active users of the said platforms and these are their safest options to purchase their necessities amidst the pandemic. Products that would make not only the adults but also all these students interested to purchase more and use online shopping presently rather than physical shopping. 4. Further research should be conducted on the different factors involved as well as other areas of interest related to this study. References
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