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Hi there.
Want to encourage human flourishing
and invention in your organization?
We do.
Why is invention important
to your success? What
conditions are required
for human flourishing?
What conversations do we
need to catalyze to ensure
human flourishing
and invention are priorities
in your organization? What
will the impact be?
Let’s walk together through
elements and questions that
will transform your culture
and encourage human
flourishing and invention.
The quest for meaning is the key to mental health
and human flourishing.	
Viktor E. Frankl
•  How	have	you	engaged	people’s	hearts	and	minds																
around	your	organiza7onal	purpose,	vision,	mission															
and	values?	Do	team	members	share	your	passion														
around	why	you	do	what	you	do?	Where	do	people													
find	meaning	in	their	lives?	
•  How	might	we	involve	team	members	in	crea7ng																						
a	shared	vision	for	your	organiza7on?	What	will																		
the	impact	be?
•  Do	people	know	how	their	day-to-day	ac7vi7es	impact										
the	purpose	of	the	organiza7on?	
•  Do	team	members	receive	regular	and	effec7ve	feedback	
regarding	the	impact	they	have	on	living	their	purpose							
and	values?	
•  Do	team	members	feel	valued	for	their	unique	
contribu7ons?	How	might	we	engage	them	and	find	out?
•  How	do	we	build	a	sense	of	freedom	to	create?	
•  How	do	we	encourage	and	support	self-organizing	teams?	
•  What	beliefs	or	mindset	do	we	need	to	embrace																							
in	order	to	empower	others	to	engage	with	and	actualize	
posi:ve	transforma7on?		
•  What	is	at	the	root	of	resistance?	Why	is	dissonance	
important?	How	might	we	engage	team	members																					
in	crea7ng	win-win	solu7ons?
•  Why	is	diversity	important	to	organiza7onal	success?	Do								
we	hold	diversity	as	a	core	value?	
•  What	is	the	posi:ve	impact	of	having	individuals																		
represen7ng	all	dimensions	of	diversity	on	our	teams?	
•  How	have	we	integrated	the	need	for	diversity	into																	
our	human	capital	strategy?	What	drama7c	ac:ons																
will	we	take	to	ensure	diversity	at	all	levels	-	is	the	norm?	
For human flourishing and invention to take root
we must understand stakeholders’ needs,
consciously create a human capital strategy
aligned with your desired culture, and provide
the light of effective communication.
•  How	are	you	catalyzing	meaningful	conversa7ons															
with	stakeholders?	Do	you	understand	your	stakeholders’	
latent	needs?	Are	you	mee7ng	and	exceeding	these	needs?		
•  Do	you	see	team	members	as	key	stakeholders	in	your	
organiza7on’s	success?	How	do	we	truly	engage	team	
members	and	create	an	environment	of	trust?		
•  What	might	the	impact	be	if	you	focused	on	win-win	
solu7ons	with	all	key	stakeholders?
There is no power for change greater than
a community discovering what it cares about.

Margaret Wheatley
•  What	does	your	current	culture	reveal	you	care	about?	
•  What	beliefs	around	human	nature	do	you	want	to	shape		
your	culture?	How	have	you	engaged	team	members															
in	co-crea:ng	a	shared	vision	for	your	culture?	
•  How	will	we	integrate	key	culture	elements	into	your	
organiza7onal	structure,	strategies,	systems	and	prac7ces?					
What	will	the	impact	be	on	human	flourishing,	inven7on							
and	organiza7onal	health?
One way to think about change is that the way
to change a culture is to change the conversations.

Joel Henning
•  What	do	your	current	conversa7ons	reflect	about	your	
culture?	What	are	key	messages?	Do	you	ensure	clear,	
consistent,	aligned	and	transparent	communica7on?		
•  Do	you	view	all	conversa:ons,	priori:es																																				
and	ac:ons	through	the	lens	of	your	purpose?		
•  How	do	your	conversa7ons	establish,	repair	or	maintain	
trust?	What	impact	do	your	conversa:ons	have	on	shaping	
a	healthy,	vibrant	and	inclusive	workplace	culture?
What are the beliefs you hold around human
nature? How do these beliefs shape
your culture, systems and practices?
What is the impact?

Let’s explore key elements of your human
capital strategy and how we might change
the conversation, and catalyze a healthy, vibrant
and inclusive workplace culture.
•  How	will	you	select	for	purpose	and	values	alignment										
while	ensuring	diversity	on	your	teams?	
•  What	knowledge,	skills	and	abili7es	will	build	capability?	
•  How	will	you	ensure	your	selec7on	process	is	streamlined,	
fair,	and	equitable?	How	will	we	engage	team	members								
in	iden7fying	crea7ve	prac:ces	to	integrate	into	the	
selec7on	process?	How	will	these	prac7ces	reflect														
and	support	a	healthy,	vibrant	and	inclusive	culture?
•  What	do	you	do	to	integrate	new	team	members																			
and	create	a	sense	of	unity?	How	do	you	engage	team	
members	around	your	purpose,	vision,	mission	and	values?		
•  What	conversa7ons	do	you	have	around	your	culture	
journey	and	how	team	members	contribute	to	the	overall	
health	of	the	organiza7on?	How	will	we	engage	team	
members	in	this	conversa:on	and	create	a	sense																				
of	purpose	and	belonging?
•  What	does	it	mean	to	belong?		
•  What	is	the	experience	of	belonging?	How	will	we	create								
a	sense	of	belonging	and	togetherness?		
•  What	will	the	impact	be	on	the	mental,	emo7onal,	physical	
and	spiritual	well-being	of	team	members?	What	will													
the	impact	be	on	happiness	and	produc7vity?
•  How	do	you	focus	on	what	people	are	doing	well?	
•  What	are	mechanisms	for	providing	regular																										
and	effec7ve	feedback?	How	do	you	ensure	team	members	
feel	aligned	and	connected	to	their	purpose	and	values											
in	their	day-to-day	ac7vi7es?	How	do	team	members								
define	high	performance?		
•  What	is	needed	to	create	an	environment	that	supports	
healthy	‘high’	performance?	Have	you	asked	your	people?	
High Performance
As humans we are naturally creative and whole. 
We possess an infinite energy within us. 
We are powerful creators.

As organizations how are we tapping into
this unlimited human potential
and recognizing it?
•  How	you	incen:vize	reflects	what	you	value	-																													
so	what	are	you	demonstra7ng	you	really	value?	
•  Have	you	engaged	team	members	in	providing	feedback										
and	ideas	around	crea:ve	ways	to	recognize	each	other?	
•  How	have	you	made	recogni7on	meaningful																														
and	-	the	way	we	do	things	around	here?	Are	you																	
open	to	new	ideas?	Why	is	this	topic	important?	What										
are	essen7al	intrinsic	mo7vators?	
•  How	do	we	ensure	team	members	feel	a	sense	of	purpose,	
autonomy	and	mastery	in	their	work?	
•  Do	teams	set	agreements	and	determine	how	conflict											
will	be	dealt	with?	
•  How	do	we	support	teams	in	developing	high	levels																
of	trust,	healthy	work	prac:ces	and	harmonious																		
work	environments?
•  Are	you	open	and	transparent	regarding	your						
compensa7on	strategy?	Are	team	members	compensated	
fairly	and	equitably	-	from	their	perspec7ve?																										
How	do	you	determine	what	is	fair?		
•  How	does	your	total	compensa7on	strategy	align																			
with	crea7ng	a	healthy,	vibrant,	engaged,	mo7vated																
and	inclusive	workplace	culture	where	everyone	thrives?	
What	are	win-win	solu7ons?	
•  What	will	have	teams	and	your	organiza7on	thrive?												
•  What	is	your	desired	leadership	culture?	How	might															
we	engage	team	members	in	this	conversa:on																						
and	integrate	ideas	into	your	development	strategy?	
•  What	knowledge,	skills	and	abili7es	do	leaders	need																	
in	the	future?	How	are	we	developing	these	capabili:es	
•  Who	contributes	to	the	overall	health	of	the	organiza7on?	
How	do	we	define	health?	Who	demonstrates	through				
their	beliefs	and	behaviors	elements	required	for	human	
•  How	is	the	value	of	diversity	represented	in	choices															
and	decisions	made	around	who	succeeds?	What	does													
it	mean	to	succeed?	How	will	we	engage	all	team	members				
in	this	conversa7on?
Do you believe we live in an interconnected world
where our thoughts, words and actions
have an impact? What is needed to thrive
in an uncertain world? 

What additional elements contribute
to human flourishing, invention
and the impact we co-create? What do
we need to consider now?
Systems Thinking
•  How	do	we	encourage	all	parts	of	the	system	to	work	
together	for	the	benefit	of	the	whole?	
•  What	conversa:ons	and	strategic	interven:ons																		
might	we	focus	on	-	over	a	sustained	period	of	7me															
to	ensure	posi:ve	transforma7on?		
•  Do	you	believe	your	organiza7on	is	a	living	system,																				
opera7ng	in	an	interconnected	world,	where	change	
happens	as	awareness	shiHs?
•  How	do	we	ensure	a	nimbleness	and	agility																																	
in	our	organiza7ons?	
•  Is	our	desire	to	predict	and	control	greater																												
than	our	ability	to	sense	and	respond?	
•  What	capabili:es	allow	us	to	move	comfortably																									
in	a	world	of	uncertainty?	Are	we	developing																									
and	placing	value	on	these	capabili7es?
Circular Design
•  How	do	we	use	a	circular	design	approach	to	ensure			
con:nuous	improvement	and	eliminate	waste																					
for	the	health	of	our	human	community																																						
and	natural	world?
Divergent thinking is the route, not the obstacle,
to innovation.

Tim Brown
•  How	might	a	design	thinking	approach	assist																										
team	members	in	crea7ng	innova:ve	solu:ons																									
to	meet	stakeholders’	latent	needs	and	develop										
greater	empathy?	What	might	the	impact	be																												
on	achieving	our	collec7ve	purpose?	
•  What	kind	of	an	environment	enables	inven7on?																					
How	are	we	co-crea:ng	this	environment?
Room to Breathe
•  What	impact	is	a	go,	go,	go	mindset	having	on	the	mental,	
emo7onal,	physical	and	spiritual	well-being	of	people?	
•  What	impact	does	room	to	breathe	have																																					
on	our	ability	to	create,	innovate	and	the	overall																
health	of	our	human	community?		
•  How	are	we	suppor:ng	team	members	in	developing	
healthy	resilience	to	stress,	and	inspiring	individuals’	
emo7onal,	spiritual	and	systems	awareness?
What if … invention and achieving results
are outcomes of an environment that inspires
human flourishing? What if … the mood we create
influences productivity, well-being
and engagement? 

As leaders do we believe we are responsible for
creating environments where everyone thrives?
What is the impact when we replace self-interest
with service? What might your legacy be?
•  How	do	you	want	to	be	remembered?		
•  What	will	your	impact	be?		
•  What	mood	do	you	desire	to	create?		
•  How	will	you	contribute	to	the	health	of	our	human	
community	and	natural	world?	What	is	your	purpose?
We want to
work with
you ...
… to ensure
and make
people’s lives
Our Code is:
1.			We	challenge	the	status	quo	–	it	is	who	we	are.	
2.			We	celebrate	differences	and	encourage	crea:vity.	
3.			We	are	commiOed	to	con7nuous	learning.	
4.			We	are	vulnerable	and	compassionate.	
5.  Catalyzing	posi:ve	change	is	what	we	do.	
6.  If	we	aren’t	making	people’s	lives	beOer,	we	need																							
to	change	what	we	are	doing.
Want to consciously create
a healthy and inspired
We’d love to hear from you.

Contenu connexe


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