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Agenda Items
   What is Leadership?
   Are Leaders Born or Made?
   Examples of Good Leaders
   Leadership 101
   Sources of Conflict
   Leadership Principles
   Leadership Cycle and Four Major Factors
   The Most Important Words
   Closing Comments
   For More Information
What is Leadership?
 Le d rs isap c s b w h ap rs n influe e
    a e hip   ro e s y hic e o         nc s
 o rsto a c m lis a o je tivea d c the
  the     co p h n b c        nd ire ts
 o a tio in aw y tha m ke it m rec he ivea
  rg niza n     a    t a s      o o s     nd
 c he nt.
  o re

                                      © ASME International
Are Leaders Born or
 Go dle d rsa made no b rn. If yo ha thed s
    o a e re          t o         u ve    e ire
 a w o e yo c n b c m a e c
  nd illp w r, u a e o e n ffe tivele d r. Go d
                                       ae     o
 le d rsd ve p thro h ane r e ingp c s o s lf-
   a e e lo        ug    ve nd    ro e s f e
 s y, e uc tio tra
  tud d a n, ining a e e nc .
                      , nd xp rie e

                                        © ASME International
Good Leaders
 Do yo ha s m e m le o g o le d rs
       u ve o e xa p s f o d a e ?

 W t q litie m d the g o le d rs
   ha ua s a e m o d a e ?

                                      © ASME International
Leadership 101
Becoming an effective leader is not easy
     Part skill development
     Part experience
Remember, Leadership is Action, not Position
     Power does not make you a simply makes you the
How do YOU become an effective leader?
   No “cookbook formula”
   Situational, as well as individual

Sources of Human Conflict
                   (there is a cause to every difficulty)

   Inc ns te
        o is nt                       Se e re
                                          lf-c nte d
   Dis ne t
        ho s                          La k o trus
                                          c f      t
   Infle le
          xib                         Unre lis e e ta ns
                                             a tic xp c tio
   Afra to m ked c io
          id     a e is n             Do s t s rere o nitio
                                           e n’ ha      cg  n
   P o c m unic to
     or o m a r                       Dup ito
                                            lic us
   Is t p tua
      n’ unc l                        “ rg ts c m itm nts
                                        fo e ” o m e
   Do s t “te up to s tio
        e n’ s p ” itua n
                                      Do s t c re
                                           e n’ a
   Unre s na le
           ao b
                                      Is t a c unta le
                                         n’ c o       b
   Se lf-inte s o r o rs
              re t ve the
   Sup rio vie p int
         e rity w o
                                      Re e to a m e rs
                                          fus s d it rro
   Fa to us e p thy
       ils     e ma                   Do s t lis n
                                           e n’ te
                                      La kse
                                          c nthus s  ia m
                                      La ksre p c fo o rs
                                          c     s e t r the     7
Leadership Principles
A P ip isa“ s d fo o Ac n”
   rinc le     Te te rm f tio ,
p ve us ful in thes o le d rs
 ro n e            kill f a e hip
In is la n, p ip sa ine c
     o tio rinc le re ffe tive- m t b
                                 us e
a p db s d o thes tio
 p lie a e n      itua n
     He id ntify ro t c us o c nflic
         lp e       o a e f o        t
     g e sto find m lly b ne ia s lutio
       uid line         utua   e fic l o ns
Seek to understand the sources of conflict within a team, and
find win-win solutions

   1 - Show Interest      • 8 - Explain Why
   2 - Positive Approach • 9 - Admit Mistakes
   3 - Complaints         • 10 - Reasonable Expectations
   4 - Promises           • 11 - Be Prompt
   5 - Get the Facts      • 12 - Compliment
   6 - Discussion Basis   • 13 - Prepare for Change
   7 - Design an Approach

Show Interest
 De lo aRe tio hip
    ve p   la ns
   Fre ue p rs na c nta t - LISTEN to o rs
       q nt e o l o c                   the
   Ke p a o e a ho s a
      e n p n nd ne t ttitude
   Ta tim to le rn & und rs nd o r p o le sne d
      ke e      a        e ta the e p ’ e s
   Se id a b s d o m rit, va to o rs
      ll e s a e n e         lue  the
   Ne r fo eap rs na a e a
      ve rc    e o l g nd
   Offe s g s nsto he o rss lvethe OW p b m
        r ug e tio    lp the o     ir N ro le s

Positive Approach
 C ns e o r p rs n’ fe ling &
   o id r the e o s e s
 o je tive in p nningw t yo d /s y
  b c s        la     ha u o a
  P n b fo yo s e k
    la e re u p a
  Give“ e fit o thed ub
       b ne f        o t”
  Avo jum ingto c nc io
      id  p       o lus ns
  C ns e o r’ p int o vie a e o na s te
    o id r the s o    f w nd m tio l ta
  Ke p ne a
     e g tivee o n o o d c s n
              m tio ut f is us io

 Vie c m la
     w o p intsno a p rs na c is , b
                 t s e o l ritic m ut
 a va b fe d a k a s g s ns
  s lua le e b c nd ug e tio
 Not easy to do, but working relationships improved when
 regularly practiced
  Ad re sc m la
     d s o p intsq kly, Lis n to w les ry
                  uic      te     ho to
  Re a c m o e , c lm- a id inte
     m in o p s d a      vo      rrup ns
  Sho p b misund rs o b re ta
      w ro le    e to d y s tingit, As q s nsto c rify
                                      k ue tio   la
   m und rs nd s
    is e ta ing
  Sho a p c tio a ind a w t w b d ne
      w p re ia n, nd ic te ha ill e o
  FOLLOW UP w a tio
              ith c n
 Ma fe p m e , a ke p the !
    ke w ro is s nd e     m
   C d ility lo t w n le d rs fa to ke p p m e
     re ib      s he a e hip ils       e ro is s
   Ens c m itm nt isre lis a a ina le
       ure o m e       a tic nd tta b
   Ke p s ke ld rsinfo e o p g s
      e ta ho e        rm d f ro re s
   If s tio c ng , a p m ec nno b ke t:
        itua ns ha e nd ro is a t e p
       Immediately contact those affected, avoid rumors
       Explain carefully and thoroughly the reasons
       Allow free feedback, consider others
       Follow up with mutually agreed corrective actions

Get The Facts
    Exa inea fa e o as tio
        m    ll c ts f itua n
      Eva tee e e
          lua vid nc
      Allo e ryo invo d to e re svie p int
           w ve ne    lve    xp s    wo
      C ns e o r’ rig , w t’ fa
        o id r the s hts ha s ir
      Ig reuns s ntia d info a n
         no    ub ta te      rm tio
      Ba ed c io o lo ic l thinking no e o ns
         s e is ns n g a            , t m tio

Discussion Basis
 Ke p it ab ine s
    e       us s -liked c s n
                       is us io
   Stic to thes je t
        k       ub c
   Lis n re p c
       te s e tfully
   Avo g ttinghungup o p rs na
       id e            n e o lities
   Gra tha o r p rs n “ a ha s m thing
       nt t the e o m y ve o e         ”
   Do no lo s te p r
         t oe me
   P n thetim a p c fo thed c s n
     la       e nd la e r   is us io

Design An Approach
 Ap ro c a p a too r’ m tiva nsa e o ns
    p a h p e ls   the s o tio nd m tio
   Bep a a re a c lm
       le s nt, m in a
   Us q s ns a lis n to re p ns s
      e ue tio , nd te     so e
   Ob e b d la ua e c sto
      s rve o y ng g , lue             o r’ fe ling
                                        the s e s
   Gived c a w rs
         ire t ns e
   Sp a in am nne theo r p rtic a und rs nd la to
      ek      a r      the a ip nts e ta /re te

Explain Why
   Re s nsw
      ao    hy/w no
                hy t
     Betruthful

     Sho w
         w illing s toa w r q s ns
                 ne s ns e ue tio
     Le o rs“ o thekno ”
        t the in n     w
     P s nt thec m le s ry
       re e      o p te to

Admit Mistakes
 Re o nizeno o isp rfe t
    cg         ne e c
  Natura te e y isto a id s ringo ra na
         l nd nc       vo ha      r tio lizinga
   m ta
    is ke
  No m ta s=> ise p ye o le d r re lly d ing
       is ke      m lo e r a e a         o
   anything At le s no ta
           ?     a t t kingrisks
  De rm w isa c d b m ta , a if a
     te ine ho ffe te y is ke nd ny
   c rre tivea tio ne d d
    o c       c n ee
  Re o nizem ta w sm d , re a le so ho
     cg      is ke a a e g rd s f w
   d c ve d Sho m ta sa le rningo p rtunitie
    is o re .  w is ke re a      po         s
  Do um nt “ s o le rne ” r e c p je t
     c e le s ns a d fo a h ro c
 P s nt fa a tice e ta ns
   re e    ir/re lis xp c tio
   Lis n c m le ly to a o je tio
       te o p te        ny b c ns
   Re ta o je tio , o
      s te b c ns utliningc m e
                           o p tingp s nsa und rlying
                                    o itio nd e
   re s ning
   Us illus tio a e m le
      e     tra ns nd xa p s
   P s nt c m le p ture a ra na fo s s q nt d c io
     re e o p te ic , nd tio le r ub e ue e is n

Be Prompt
 Bere p ns to s tio / is ue
      s o ive itua ns s s
   Do sno m a ne d to a a a t im e ia ly
      e t en e          lw ys c m d te
   Bec ns te us as
       o is nt, e truc dp b ms lvingte hniq
                      ture ro le o    c    ue
   Ba ed c io o fa ts if thista stim
      s e is ns n c ,           ke   e
       promptly acknowledge understanding of situation
       Let others know what is going on
       Allow others to assist, give choices of alternatives
   Always follow up!

 Alw ysg re o nitio w red s rve
     a ive c g      n he e e d
  Ens s e a c ns te
      ure inc re nd o is nt
  Und rs nd e c p rs n isa ind
      e ta a h e o         n ivid l, ta r re o nitio tob
                                 ua ilo c g         n   e
   e ning tothep rs n
         ful    e o
      Recognition can be simple, a note of thanks
      Decide whether best kept personal or public
  Givec m e a n fo s e ia a c m lis e & e rts
        o m nd tio r p c l c o p hm nts ffo
  Do no o rlo k c ntrib
        t ve o o        utio , e p c lly if o rsre o nitio is
                            ns s e ia        the c g      n
  p lic
Prepare For Changes
 P p reo rsin a va efo c ng s
   re a the     d nc r ha e
 a c
  ffe tingthem
  C ng isthre te
    ha e      a ning Andafa t o m d rn life
                    !      c f oe
  Re wim e ingc ng , d te inee c o o rs
     vie p nd   ha e e rm      ffe t n the
  De rm w t/ho m h info a n s uld b d s m te
     te ine ha w uc     rm tio ho   e is e ina d
  Und rs nd a e la re s nsfo c ng
      e ta nd xp in a o      r ha e
  Se c rig tim , fo
     le t ht e rumfo c m unic tio
                     r o m a ns
  P m tly p lic ne s
    ro p    ub ize w
  Lis n & re p nd to q s ns s g s ns
      te     so        ue tio , ug e tio
Teamwork Doesn’t
               Just Happen
 Ta stim , e rt toe ta lis e c
    ke   e ffo      s b h ffe tivete m
   Go d e e nc g ine b c ntrib
      o xp rie e a d y o       utingin avolunte r p fe s na
                                               e ro s io l
   s c ty, s h a ASME
    o ie uc s
   Ve s ila to m d rn ind try p je t te m
      ry im r    oe       us    ro c a s
   Te mle d r o n no “ b s ”
      a a e fte t the o s
       Project teams pulled together, cross-functional skills quickly focused on
       Typical that members are on other teams (other jobs)
       Team disbanded after completion
       Leader needs to motivate and enable/empower
       Team needs to share responsibility, accountability, and recognition for
        “ deliverables”
General Leadership
 C m o toa le d rs s sisap c s
   o mn    ll a e hip tyle ro e s
  Va sa c rd
     rie c o ingto s , e c ha c ns te p c s
                    tyle a h s o is nt ro e s

     RECOGNIZE                          DELEGATE

                     FOLLOW UP                     24
Four Major
              Leadership Factors
                        Follower - Different people
                          require different styles

  Leader – Know                              Communication –
yourself as a leader,                        Two-way, you must
people will decide on                        set the example
their own whether to
      follow you
                  Situation -all are different,
                  use judgment to determine
                     best course of action
The Most Important Words
 The six most important words: " I admit I made a
   The five most important words: " You did a good job."
   The four most important words: " What is your
   The three most important words: " If you please."
   The two most important words: " Thank you,"
   The one most important word: " We"
   The least most important word: " I"
                     - Author unknown
Pick a Project – And Put
  Your Skills to the Test

Closing Comments
 P n a Do
   la nd !
 Yo le rn fro thee e nc
    u a       m    xp rie e
 Do t b a id o m ta s
    n’ e fra f is ke
 Ma d c io w p rtic a n, a d ta
    ke e is ns ith a ip tio nd a
 Asale d r, yo ha re p ns ilitie to o rs
       ae      u ve s o ib       s    the


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Here are some tips for setting reasonable expectations:- Involve others in setting expectations to ensure buy-in- Consider available resources like time, budget, skills- Set specific and measurable expectations - Allow for unexpected challenges or delays- Communicate expectations clearly in writing- Check in regularly to evaluate progress- Remain flexible - adjust expectations if needed- Celebrate successes along the way to maintain motivationThe key is finding the right balance between ambition and realism

  • 1. 1
  • 2. Agenda Items  What is Leadership?  Are Leaders Born or Made?  Examples of Good Leaders  Leadership 101  Sources of Conflict  Leadership Principles  Leadership Cycle and Four Major Factors  The Most Important Words  Closing Comments  For More Information
  • 3. What is Leadership?  Le d rs isap c s b w h ap rs n influe e a e hip ro e s y hic e o nc s o rsto a c m lis a o je tivea d c the the co p h n b c nd ire ts o a tio in aw y tha m ke it m rec he ivea rg niza n a t a s o o s nd c he nt. o re 3 © ASME International
  • 4. Are Leaders Born or Made?  Go dle d rsa made no b rn. If yo ha thed s o a e re t o u ve e ire a w o e yo c n b c m a e c nd illp w r, u a e o e n ffe tivele d r. Go d ae o le d rsd ve p thro h ane r e ingp c s o s lf- a e e lo ug ve nd ro e s f e s y, e uc tio tra tud d a n, ining a e e nc . , nd xp rie e 4 © ASME International
  • 5. Good Leaders  Do yo ha s m e m le o g o le d rs u ve o e xa p s f o d a e ?  W t q litie m d the g o le d rs ha ua s a e m o d a e ? 5 © ASME International
  • 6. Leadership 101 Becoming an effective leader is not easy Part skill development Part experience Remember, Leadership is Action, not Position Power does not make you a simply makes you the boss How do YOU become an effective leader? No “cookbook formula” Situational, as well as individual 6
  • 7. Sources of Human Conflict (there is a cause to every difficulty)  Inc ns te o is nt  Se e re lf-c nte d  Dis ne t ho s  La k o trus c f t  Infle le xib  Unre lis e e ta ns a tic xp c tio  Afra to m ked c io id a e is n  Do s t s rere o nitio e n’ ha cg n  P o c m unic to or o m a r  Dup ito lic us  Is t p tua n’ unc l  “ rg ts c m itm nts fo e ” o m e  Do s t “te up to s tio e n’ s p ” itua n  Do s t c re e n’ a  Unre s na le ao b  Is t a c unta le n’ c o b  Se lf-inte s o r o rs re t ve the  Sup rio vie p int e rity w o  Re e to a m e rs fus s d it rro  Fa to us e p thy ils e ma  Do s t lis n e n’ te  La kse c nthus s ia m  La ksre p c fo o rs c s e t r the 7
  • 8. Leadership Principles A P ip isa“ s d fo o Ac n” rinc le Te te rm f tio , p ve us ful in thes o le d rs ro n e kill f a e hip In is la n, p ip sa ine c o tio rinc le re ffe tive- m t b us e a p db s d o thes tio p lie a e n itua n  He id ntify ro t c us o c nflic lp e o a e f o t  g e sto find m lly b ne ia s lutio uid line utua e fic l o ns Seek to understand the sources of conflict within a team, and find win-win solutions 8
  • 9. Leadership Principles  1 - Show Interest • 8 - Explain Why  2 - Positive Approach • 9 - Admit Mistakes  3 - Complaints • 10 - Reasonable Expectations  4 - Promises • 11 - Be Prompt  5 - Get the Facts • 12 - Compliment  6 - Discussion Basis • 13 - Prepare for Change  7 - Design an Approach 9
  • 10. Show Interest  De lo aRe tio hip ve p la ns  Fre ue p rs na c nta t - LISTEN to o rs q nt e o l o c the  Ke p a o e a ho s a e n p n nd ne t ttitude  Ta tim to le rn & und rs nd o r p o le sne d ke e a e ta the e p ’ e s  Se id a b s d o m rit, va to o rs ll e s a e n e lue the  Ne r fo eap rs na a e a ve rc e o l g nd  Offe s g s nsto he o rss lvethe OW p b m r ug e tio lp the o ir N ro le s 10
  • 11. Positive Approach  C ns e o r p rs n’ fe ling & o id r the e o s e s o je tive in p nningw t yo d /s y b c s la ha u o a  P n b fo yo s e k la e re u p a  Give“ e fit o thed ub b ne f o t”  Avo jum ingto c nc io id p o lus ns  C ns e o r’ p int o vie a e o na s te o id r the s o f w nd m tio l ta  Ke p ne a e g tivee o n o o d c s n m tio ut f is us io 11
  • 12. Complaints/Suggestions  Vie c m la w o p intsno a p rs na c is , b t s e o l ritic m ut a va b fe d a k a s g s ns s lua le e b c nd ug e tio Not easy to do, but working relationships improved when regularly practiced  Ad re sc m la d s o p intsq kly, Lis n to w les ry uic te ho to  Re a c m o e , c lm- a id inte m in o p s d a vo rrup ns tio  Sho p b misund rs o b re ta w ro le e to d y s tingit, As q s nsto c rify k ue tio la m und rs nd s is e ta ing  Sho a p c tio a ind a w t w b d ne w p re ia n, nd ic te ha ill e o  FOLLOW UP w a tio ith c n 12
  • 13. Promises  Ma fe p m e , a ke p the ! ke w ro is s nd e m  C d ility lo t w n le d rs fa to ke p p m e re ib s he a e hip ils e ro is s  Ens c m itm nt isre lis a a ina le ure o m e a tic nd tta b  Ke p s ke ld rsinfo e o p g s e ta ho e rm d f ro re s  If s tio c ng , a p m ec nno b ke t: itua ns ha e nd ro is a t e p  Immediately contact those affected, avoid rumors  Explain carefully and thoroughly the reasons  Allow free feedback, consider others  Follow up with mutually agreed corrective actions 13
  • 14. Get The Facts  Exa inea fa e o as tio m ll c ts f itua n  Eva tee e e lua vid nc  Allo e ryo invo d to e re svie p int w ve ne lve xp s wo  C ns e o r’ rig , w t’ fa o id r the s hts ha s ir  Ig reuns s ntia d info a n no ub ta te rm tio  Ba ed c io o lo ic l thinking no e o ns s e is ns n g a , t m tio 14
  • 15. Discussion Basis  Ke p it ab ine s e us s -liked c s n is us io  Stic to thes je t k ub c  Lis n re p c te s e tfully  Avo g ttinghungup o p rs na id e n e o lities  Gra tha o r p rs n “ a ha s m thing nt t the e o m y ve o e ”  Do no lo s te p r t oe me  P n thetim a p c fo thed c s n la e nd la e r is us io 15
  • 16. Design An Approach  Ap ro c a p a too r’ m tiva nsa e o ns p a h p e ls the s o tio nd m tio  Bep a a re a c lm le s nt, m in a  Us q s ns a lis n to re p ns s e ue tio , nd te so e  Ob e b d la ua e c sto s rve o y ng g , lue o r’ fe ling the s e s  Gived c a w rs ire t ns e  Sp a in am nne theo r p rtic a und rs nd la to ek a r the a ip nts e ta /re te 16
  • 17. Explain Why  Re s nsw ao hy/w no hy t  Betruthful  Sho w w illing s toa w r q s ns ne s ns e ue tio  Le o rs“ o thekno ” t the in n w  P s nt thec m le s ry re e o p te to 17
  • 18. Admit Mistakes  Re o nizeno o isp rfe t cg ne e c  Natura te e y isto a id s ringo ra na l nd nc vo ha r tio lizinga m ta is ke  No m ta s=> ise p ye o le d r re lly d ing is ke m lo e r a e a o anything At le s no ta ? a t t kingrisks  De rm w isa c d b m ta , a if a te ine ho ffe te y is ke nd ny c rre tivea tio ne d d o c c n ee  Re o nizem ta w sm d , re a le so ho cg is ke a a e g rd s f w d c ve d Sho m ta sa le rningo p rtunitie is o re . w is ke re a po s  Do um nt “ s o le rne ” r e c p je t c e le s ns a d fo a h ro c 18
  • 19. Reasonable Expectations  P s nt fa a tice e ta ns re e ir/re lis xp c tio  Lis n c m le ly to a o je tio te o p te ny b c ns  Re ta o je tio , o s te b c ns utliningc m e o p tingp s nsa und rlying o itio nd e re s ning ao  Us illus tio a e m le e tra ns nd xa p s  P s nt c m le p ture a ra na fo s s q nt d c io re e o p te ic , nd tio le r ub e ue e is n 19
  • 20. Be Prompt  Bere p ns to s tio / is ue s o ive itua ns s s  Do sno m a ne d to a a a t im e ia ly e t en e lw ys c m d te  Bec ns te us as o is nt, e truc dp b ms lvingte hniq ture ro le o c ue  Ba ed c io o fa ts if thista stim s e is ns n c , ke e  promptly acknowledge understanding of situation  Let others know what is going on  Allow others to assist, give choices of alternatives  Always follow up! 20
  • 21. Compliment  Alw ysg re o nitio w red s rve a ive c g n he e e d  Ens s e a c ns te ure inc re nd o is nt  Und rs nd e c p rs n isa ind e ta a h e o n ivid l, ta r re o nitio tob ua ilo c g n e ma e ning tothep rs n ful e o  Recognition can be simple, a note of thanks  Decide whether best kept personal or public  Givec m e a n fo s e ia a c m lis e & e rts o m nd tio r p c l c o p hm nts ffo  Do no o rlo k c ntrib t ve o o utio , e p c lly if o rsre o nitio is ns s e ia the c g n p lic ub 21
  • 22. Prepare For Changes  P p reo rsin a va efo c ng s re a the d nc r ha e a c ffe tingthem  C ng isthre te ha e a ning Andafa t o m d rn life ! c f oe  Re wim e ingc ng , d te inee c o o rs vie p nd ha e e rm ffe t n the  De rm w t/ho m h info a n s uld b d s m te te ine ha w uc rm tio ho e is e ina d  Und rs nd a e la re s nsfo c ng e ta nd xp in a o r ha e  Se c rig tim , fo le t ht e rumfo c m unic tio r o m a ns  P m tly p lic ne s ro p ub ize w  Lis n & re p nd to q s ns s g s ns te so ue tio , ug e tio 22
  • 23. Teamwork Doesn’t Just Happen  Ta stim , e rt toe ta lis e c ke e ffo s b h ffe tivete m a  Go d e e nc g ine b c ntrib o xp rie e a d y o utingin avolunte r p fe s na e ro s io l s c ty, s h a ASME o ie uc s  Ve s ila to m d rn ind try p je t te m ry im r oe us ro c a s  Te mle d r o n no “ b s ” a a e fte t the o s  Project teams pulled together, cross-functional skills quickly focused on objective  Typical that members are on other teams (other jobs)  Team disbanded after completion  Leader needs to motivate and enable/empower  Team needs to share responsibility, accountability, and recognition for “ deliverables” 23
  • 24. General Leadership Cycle  C m o toa le d rs s sisap c s o mn ll a e hip tyle ro e s  Va sa c rd rie c o ingto s , e c ha c ns te p c s tyle a h s o is nt ro e s PLAN RECOGNIZE DELEGATE FOLLOW UP 24
  • 25. Four Major Leadership Factors Follower - Different people require different styles Leader – Know Communication – yourself as a leader, Two-way, you must people will decide on set the example their own whether to follow you Situation -all are different, use judgment to determine best course of action 25
  • 26. The Most Important Words  The six most important words: " I admit I made a mistake."  The five most important words: " You did a good job."  The four most important words: " What is your opinion."  The three most important words: " If you please."  The two most important words: " Thank you,"  The one most important word: " We"  The least most important word: " I" - Author unknown 26
  • 27. Pick a Project – And Put C Your Skills to the Test OMPANY TOUR  MONTHLY MEETING  FIELD TRIP  P NIC IC PANEL DISCUSSION  OTHERS 27
  • 28. Closing Comments  P n a Do la nd !  Yo le rn fro thee e nc u a m xp rie e  Do t b a id o m ta s n’ e fra f is ke  Ma d c io w p rtic a n, a d ta ke e is ns ith a ip tio nd a  Asale d r, yo ha re p ns ilitie to o rs ae u ve s o ib s the  BE DECISIVE 28