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Make	[School-Parent]	Compacts	Great	Again	presented	by	Chris	Shade
Consider	your school-parent	compact.	Is	it	a	token	agreement	or	does	it	offer	
practical	ways	parents	and	families	can	really	support	their	children?	For	example,	if	
raising	third	grade	literacy	is	a	strategic	goal	for	the	school	and/or	for	an	individual	
child,	does	your	school-parent	compact	help	families	understand	their	role	in	helping	
achieve	this	goal?
If	you	have	a	smart	phone,	get	it	out.	If	what	I	am	teaching	is	not	engaging	and/or not	
relevant,	you	have	my	permission	to	use	it.	Surf	the	web,	check	your	email,	etc.	I	
won’t	be	offended.	I’ll	work	on	being	more	engaging.
component	of	the	school-level	parent	and	family	engagement	policy	developed	under	
subsection	(b),	each	school	served	under	this	part	shall	jointly	develop	with	parents	
for	all	children	served	under	this	part	a	school-parent	compact	that	outlines	how	
parents,	the	entire	school	staff,	and	students	will	share	the	responsibility	for	
improved	student	academic	achievement	and	the	means	by	which	the	school	and	
parents	will	build	and	develop	a	partnership	to	help	children	achieve	the	State’s	high	
standards.	Such	compact	shall— (1)	describe	the	school’s	responsibility	to	provide	
high-quality	curriculum	and	instruction	in	a	supportive	and	effective	learning	
environment	that	enables	the	children	served	under	this	part	to	meet	the	challenging	
State	academic	standards,	and	the	ways	in	which	each	parent	will	be	responsible	for	
supporting	their	children’s	learning;	volunteering	in	their	child’s	classroom;	and	
participating,	as	appropriate,	in	decisions	relating	to	the	education	of	their	children	
and	positive	use	of	extracurricular	time;	and	(2)	address	the	importance	of	
communication	between	teachers	and	parents	on	an	ongoing	basis	through,	at	a	
minimum— (A)	parent-teacher	conferences	in	elementary	schools,	at	least	annually,	
during	which	the	compact	shall	be	discussed	as	the	compact	relates	to	the	individual	
child’s	achievement;	(B)	frequent	reports	to	parents	on	their	children’s	progress;	(C)	
reasonable	access	to	staff,	opportunities	to	volunteer	and	participate	in	their	child’s	
class,	and	observation	of	classroom	activities;	and	(D)	ensuring	regular	two-way,	
meaningful	communication	between	family	members	and	school	staff,	and,	to	the	
extent	practicable,	in	a	language	that	family	members	can	understand.	
After	searching	Google	for	sample	compacts,	I	found	many,	many	examples	of	
compacts	using	this	sample	compact	provided	by	USDE	at	(See	Appendix	E	on	
page	57	of	61.)
As	principal,	I	found	it	ironic	we	had	parents	sign	a	sheet	of	paper	(i.e.	the	compact)	
only	to	take	it	away	from	them	so	we	could	store	it	for	seven	years	as	evidence	we	
met	the	compliance	indicator.	Therefore,	I	began	printing	the	compact	on	duplicate	
paper	(as	opposed	to	a	sheet	of	paper).	While	I	believe	99.9%	of	parents	would	throw	
the	copy	of	the	compact	in	the	trash,	it	was	a	matter	of	principle.
To	me,	the	essence	of	the	section	of	ESSA	is	as	follows:
each	school	served	under	this	part	shall	jointly	develop	with	parents
a	school-parent	compact	
share	the	responsibility	for	improved	student	academic	achievement	
build	and	develop	a	partnership	to	help	children	achieve	
shall	describe	the	school’s	responsibility	to	provide	high-quality	curriculum	and	
and	the	ways	in	which	each	parent	will	be	responsible	for	supporting	their	children’s	
What	if	we	thought about	school-parent	compacts	in	a	different	way?
Almost	every	ESSA	State	plan	that	has	been	made	public	at	this	point	includes	
something	about	third	grade	reading	achievement.
This	crucial	turning	point	in	a	child’s	education	has	become	a	KEY	success	predictor	
that	all	schools	and	districts	are	monitoring	closely	and	creating	strategic	plans	to	
accomplish	reading	by	third.
“[A	parent	survey]	found	that	fewer	than	30%	of	parents	reported	that	teachers	
advised	them	on	how	to	help	their	children	in	reading	and	math;	over	80%	of	parents	
said	they	would	do	more	if	shown	effective	learning	activities	to	conduct	at	home.”	
Drummond,	K.	V.,	&	Stipek,	D.	(2004).	Low-Income	Parents'	Beliefs	about	Their	Role	in	
Children's	Academic	Learning.	Elementary	School	Journal,	104(3),	197-213.
Rich	(as	cited	in	Epstein,	2001)	stated	that	“a	number	of	those	who	propose	more	
intensive	parent	involvement	in	learning	activities	at	home	suggest	that	parents	can	
be	most	effective	when	they	informally	introduce	their	children	to	skills	different	
from	those	emphasized	at	school”	(p.	209).	Cognitive	and	intellectual	parental	
involvement	as	defined	by	Grolnick,	Ryan,	and	Deci	(1991)	would	be	favored,	because	
children	are	cognitively	exposed	to	stimulating	activities	or	experiences	planned	by	
parents.	This	kind	of	at-home	involvement	can	accelerate	or	enhance	children’s	
learning	and	understanding	of	mathematics	in	the	real	world,	for	instance,	and	
illustrates	parents’	influence	on	students’	cognitive	learning.”	-- Lopez,	C.	O.,	&	
Donovan,	L.	(2009).	Involving	Latino	Parents	With	Mathematics	Through	Family	Math	
Nights:	A	Review	of	the	Literature.	Journal	Of	Latinos	&	Education,	8(3),	219-230.	
I	have	yet	to	hear	districts	asking, “what	is	our	third	grade	reading	strategy	beyond	
the	classroom?”
The	irony	of	NOT	asking	the	question	is	that	all	research	shows	that	4	out	of	the	5	
greatest	predictors	of	3rd grade	reading	are	a	result	of	what	happens	OUTSIDE	the	
classroom	in	children’s	home	and	community	experiences.
What	can	we	do?
We	know	that	if	all	students	receive	an	excellent	education	via	high-quality	
interactions	with	adults	and	educators,	then	children	from	all	neighborhoods	and	
backgrounds	will	be	better	prepared	for	success.	We	also	know	that	if	communities	
provide	support	to	children	and	their	families–ensuring	access	to	the	tools	and	
resources	necessary	to	become	great	readers—then	all	students	will	be	more	likely	to	
succeed	in	high	school,	college,	and	in	their	careers.	You	can	help	turn	the	troubling	
statistics	around	by	becoming	informed	advocates,	supporters,	tutors,	and	educators	
on	childhood	literacy.	Here	are	5	factors	contributing	to	third	grade	reading	
According	to	The	Annie	E.	Casey	Foundation’s	report,	 Early	Warning	Confirmed:	A	
Research	Update	on	Third	Grade	Reading, research	points	to	five	main	factors	that	
contribute	to	third	grade	reading	proficiency:	School	Readiness, Chronic	Absence,	
Summer	Learning,	Family	Stressors,	and	High	Quality	Teaching
1)	School	Readiness
Preschool	attendance	is	among	the	strongest	factors	of	elementary	school	
preparedness.	Children	who	attend	preschool	arrive	in	kindergarten	feeling	more	
prepared	to	learn	and	are	more	comfortable	with	the	classroom	setting.	As	
kindergarten	becomes	more	academic	and	the	standards	rise,	children	are	expected	
to	enter	kindergarten	with	some	basic	academic	skills.	In	preschool	children	learn	
fundamental	pre-literacy	and	pre-math	skills	such	as	counting	and	reciting	the	
alphabet.	Preschoolers	also	practice	communication	skills	with	other	students	and	
adults,	enabling	children	to	become	more	socially	prepared	for	the	classroom	
Studies have	found	little	or	no	positive	effect	(or	even	a	negative	effect)	of	universal	
pre-K	programs	on	the	skills	of	well-off	children. That	said,	pre-K	does	seem	to	
reliably	help disadvantaged four-year-olds	develop	the	skills	they	need	for	
kindergarten,	as	long	as	the	programs	they	are	enrolled	in	are	considered	high-
Pre-K	doesn’t	do	much	to	help	develop	their	executive	functions.	Instead,	those	
capacities	are	formed	through	their	daily	interactions	with	their	environment,	
including,	most	centrally,	the	relationships	they	have	with	their	parents	and	other	
adults	in	their	lives.
Many	researchers	now	believe	that	the	most	promising	approach	to	parental	
behavior	change	may	be	that	third	category:	interventions	that	target	the	relationship	
between	parents	and	children.
The	current	state	of	low	reading	proficiency	among	children	from	low-income	families	
is	not	a	chronic	condition	without	a	solution.	Every	child,	with	the	proper	support	and	
attention,	can	become	a	strong,	confident	reader.	Each	of	us	has	a	role	to	play	in	
helping	narrow	the	reading	proficiency	gap—in	our	homes	and	out	in	the	community.	
We	all	have	the	power	to	change	the	life	trajectory	of	a	child	by	giving	the	gift	of	
literacy–unlocking	opportunity.
Researchers	have	found,	in	fact,	that	most	of	the	achievement	gap	between	well-off	
and	poor	children	opens	up	before	age	five;	for	most	children,	the	gap	then	stays	
pretty	steady	from	kindergarten	through	the	end	of	high	school. At	age	three	and	
four,	they	need	a	high-quality	preschool	that	provides	them	with	a	solid	grounding	in	
letters	and	numbers	as	well	as	a	stable	base	of	interpersonal,	motivational,	and	
psychological	capacities.	But	first,	before	they	set	foot	in	preschool,	they	need	to	
spend	their	first	three	years	in	an	environment	with	plenty	of	responsive,	warm,	
serve-and-return	interaction	with	caring	adults.	And	if	they	can’t	get	that	at	home,	
they	need	to	get	it	at	[another]	place.
2)	Family	Stressors
Research	by	Clancy	Blair	of	New	York	University	and	the	ECLS-B	survey	draws	parallels	
between	family	stressors	brought	about	from	the	stress	of	poverty	and	impaired	
learning	ability.	Children	whose	families	experience	negative	or	hostile	economic,	
social,	emotional,	and	community	relationships	are	at	an	increased	risk	of	impaired	
3)	Chronic	Absence
A report by	Johns	Hopkins	University	researchers	suggests	that	the	national	rate	of	
chronic	absenteeism	is	10	to	15	percent,	meaning	that	5	million	to	7.5	million	U.S.	
students	miss	at	least	10	percent	of	their	school	days	every	year.	As	common	sense	
would	suggest	and	studies	have	confirmed,	chronic	absence	has	negative	effects	on	
academic	performance,	especially	among	students	from	low-income	families.
4)	Summer	Learning	Loss
The	authors	of Early	Warning note	that	many	children	from	low-income	families	fall	
behind	in	their	reading	proficiency	by	as	much	as	two	months	during	the	summer,	
while	their	wealthier	peers	make	slight	gains.	The	achievement	gap	produced	by	
summer	learning	loss	grows	over	the	years	until	it	is	nearly	insurmountable.	These	
trends	provide	evidence	that	summer	reading	programs	can	counteract	such	trends—
narrowing	achievement	gaps	throughout	summer	breaks.	Reading	Partners	began	
piloting	a	summer	tutoring	program	this	past	year	in	New	York	and	Colorado.
5)	High-quality teaching	(the	one	area	over	which	we	have	control)
Schools	need	to	think	about	these	indicators	and	create	strategies	to	ELIMINATE	
these	barriers	for	your	children	so	they	can	be	ready	to	read	and	success	in	
school. Research	shows	that	one	of	the	greatest	ways	to	impact	these	five	areas	is	
through	engaging	families,	who	have	the	unique	position	of	impacting	ALL	of	the	
above	factors	around	third	grade	reading.
What	if	schools	created	a	strategic	plan	about	the	FAMILY	role	in	accomplishing	
strategic	roles	like	third	grade	reading? What	are	some	of	the	routine	connections	
we	have	with	families	(enrollment,	parent/	teacher	conferences,	etc.)	could	be	
transformed	into	strategic	planning	meetings	on	how	families	and	schools	can	work	
together	to	accomplish	strategic	goals	for	that	individual	child?
The	role	of	the	family	in	reaching	academic	goals	is	DIFFERENT	than	the	role	of	the	
teacher,	but	just	as	important. For	example,	parents	do	not	have	to	know	the	
appropriate	terminology	for	reading	strategies,	they	do	not	have	to	have	spelling	
drills	or	have	manipulatives	or	letter	tiles. Attached	is	a	document	though,	that	
analyzes	what	the	DISTINCT	role	of	the	family	can	be	in	literacy.
Often	the	answer	to	the	previous	question	is	“homework.”
Rethinking	Homework	with	ReadyRosie	(
HOMEWORK.	It’s	a	straightforward	compound	word	that	conjures	up	so	many	
emotions.	No	matter	where	teachers	or	parents	find	themselves	on	the	homework	
“Never	<- ->	Necessary	Spectrum”,	ReadyRosie	is	here	to	help.
Let’s	first	consider	why	many	PARENTS	ask	for	homework:
Homework	was	a	part	of	their	school	experience	as	a	child.
They	want	to	know	what	their	child	is	doing	in	the	classroom.
It	provides	clear	cut	expectations	for	their	role	in	supporting	their	child’s	education.
There	is	an	opportunity	to	observe	their	child’s	learning	progress.
Rethinking	Homework	with	ReadyRosie	(
Now,	let’s	think	about	why	TEACHERS	assign	homework:
Homework	was	a	part	of	their	school	experience	as	a	child.
They	want	parents	to	know	what	their	child	is	doing	in	the	classroom.
It	provides	clear	cut	expectations	for	the	parent’s	role	in	supporting	their	child’s	
Did	anyone	else	just	experience	a	little	déjà	vu?	Why	is	homework	so	hard	if	there	is	
so	much	agreement	on	why	it	is	helpful	for	both	parents	and	teachers?	
This	is	why	ReadyRosie	is	helping	families	and	schools	to	have	a	new	vision	for	
homework.	The	games	and	conversations	demonstrated	in	all	the	videos	in	
the ReadyRosie	library were	created	by	teachers	who	have	an	understanding	of	the	
work	of	school	BUT,	as	parents	of	young	children,	also	have	an	understanding	of	life	
at	home.	As	we	examine	and	re-examine	our	videos,	we	ask	ourselves:
Does	this	provide	an	opportunity	for	the	child	to	add	or	demonstrate	new	learning?
Will	this	be	enjoyable	for	both	adults	and	children?
Is	this	activity	accessible	for	a	parent	who	might	otherwise	not	feel	capable	of	
supporting	his	child	academically?
Will	families	finish	this	game	or	conversation	with	a	smile	and	a	greater	appreciation	
for	each	other? Because	who	can	really	say	that	after	finishing	a	WORKSHEET?!? 🙂
ReadyRosie	teachers	are	using	activities	assigned	via ReadyRosie	SHARE! or	
the ReadyRosie	Weekly as	meaningful	substitutes	for	homework.	Families	are	being	
equipped	and	inspired	to	partner	with	teachers	and	become	informed	advocates	for	
children.	How	can	ReadyRosie	support	the	homework	conversation	at	your	school	
this	year?
Maybe	it’s	because	our	emphasis	has	too	often	become	focused	on	the	WORK	rather	
than	the	HOME.
Maybe	it’s	because	our	emphasis	has	too	often	become	focused	on	the	WORK	rather	
than	the	HOME.
From	The	Social	Animal:	The	Hidden	Sources	of	Love,	Character,	and	Achievement
by	David	Brooks:
Using	ReadyRosie	at	Parent	Teacher	Conferences
“Because	you	are	a family	in	this	school	district,	you	will	automatically	receive	
ReadyRosie	free	this	year	via	email	or	text	message.	If	for	any	reason,	you	choose	not	
to	receive	it	any	longer,	you	can	‘unsubscribe’	at	any	time.”
“ReadyRosie	is	a	family	engagement	tool	based	on	the	Texas	Pre-K	Guidelines	and	
Kindergarten	TEKS,	which	are	the	academic	standards	we	use	in	the	classroom.	You	
will	receive	either	an	email	or	text	inviting	you	to	join	ReadyRosie”
“Here’s	an	example	of	the	kind	of	videos	and	activities	you	can	expect	to	
receive:” (some	suggestions):
3-4	YEAR	OLDS:	Letter	Hunt | Caza	de	Letras |	The	Number	Stays	the	Same | El	
Número	se	Queda	Igual;	4-6	YEAR	OLDS:	The	Biggest	Number | El	número	mayor |	All	
Done | ¡Ya	se	Acabaron!
Register	them	in	ReadyRosie	or	gather	and	confirm	their	contact	info,	preferred	
means	of	communication	(email	or	text)	and	preferred	language.
Follow	up	with	the	family	and	confirm	that	they	are	receiving	ReadyRosie	messages.
Feel	free	to	make	ReadyRosie	a	part	of	the	regular	homework	routine.
Instead	of	the	verbose	verbiage	of	the	law,	what	if	we	focused on	a	simple	idea?
Read.	Play.	Talk.	(See and
Reading	together	can	help	your	child	enjoy	a	richer,	happier	life.	Reading books	aloud	
to children stimulates	their	imagination	and	expands	their	understanding	of	the	
world.	It	helps	them	develop	language	and	listening	skills	and	prepares	them	to	
understand	the	written	word.	Readers	get	their	start	in	the	lap	of	a	parent.	Even	after	
children	learn	to	read	by	themselves,	it's	still	important	to	read	aloud	together.	By	
reading	stories	that	are	on	their	interest	level,	but	beyond	their	reading	level,	you	can	
stretch	young	readers'	understanding	and	motivate	them	to	improve	their	skills.
Read.	Play.	Talk.	(See and
Play	is	fun,	but	it's	also	how	children	learn.	Playing	ignites	learning	creativity	and	
curiosity.	It	makes	them	more	interested	in	the	world,	boosts	their	brainpower	and	
helps	them	interact	happily	with	other	people.	So,	a	little	fun	and	games	can	give	
your	child	a	bright	future.
Read.	Play.	Talk.	(See and
Talk	is	the	foundation	of	literacy.	Children	listen	and	speak	well	before	they	can	read	
or	write.	Our	brains	are	wired	for	language.	Young	children	learn	that	language	is	
power	and	that	they	can	use	words	to	express	their	needs,	wants,	and	desires.	Talking	
about	anything	leads	to	learning	about	everything.
What	makes	messages	stick?	Sticky	ideas	have	6	key	principles	in	common:	simplicity	
(if	everything	is	important,	nothing	is	important),	unexpectedness,	concreteness,	
credibility,	emotions,	and	stories.	(See	Made	to	Stick:	Why	Some	Ideas	Survive	and	
Others	Die by	Chip	and	Dan	Heath.)
Find	ReadyRosie	at and	check	out	sample	ReadyRosie	
videos	at	YouTube	
Also,	visit	the	ReadyTogether website	at	
Find	ReadyRosie	at and	check	out	sample	ReadyRosie	videos	at	
Also,	visit	the	ReadyTogether website	at	
Find	ReadyRosie	at and	check	out	sample	ReadyRosie	
videos	at	YouTube	
Also,	visit	the	ReadyTogether website	at	
For	more	information,	visit	my	Denton	ISD	Federal	&	State	Programs	website	at,	which	includes	a	variety	of	information	
including	a	DRAFT	of	the	school-parent	compact.
What	about	all	of	the	requirements	in	law???
I	suggest	treating the	bureaucratic, legalese like	a	EULA	(end-user	license	agreement;	
see	Include	it	in	the	fine	
print	at	the	end.
What	do	you	think	President Trump?
Questions?	Thoughts?
Contact	me…
Chris	Shade,	
Coordinator	of	District	Improvement	&	Innovation	and	Federal	&	State	Programs
Denton	ISD	Professional	Development	Center	(PDC)
(940)	369-0676
Visit	my	website	at	

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