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Small Group Study Guide

When God Says Wait
       Darryl Harris
WHEN GOD SAYS WAIT Study Guide... is
  designed to be a one month journey with God
  as you share with your group what He is doing
  in your life and saying to you.

‣ Week One - Read Chapter One and Two in the
  book at home and complete page 4-9 in the
  study guide together.

‣ Week Two - Read Chapter Three and Four in
  the book at home and complete page 9-14 in
  the study guide together.
WHEN GOD SAYS WAIT Study Guide... is
  designed to be a one month journey with God
  as you share with your group what He is doing
  in your life and saying to you.

‣ Week Three - Read Chapter Five and Six in the
  book at home and complete page 15-19 in the
  study guide together.

‣ Week Four - Read Chapter Seven and Eight in
  the book at home and complete page 20-24 in
  the study guide together.
Chapter One - When God Says Wait
    Pastor Darryl describes the beginning of a trial that turned out not
    to be a destination, but a journey with Christ.
    Read John 16:31-33.
‣   Describe the trial that has happened to you, whether
    physically, financially, emotionally, or relationally, that let’s
    you know that Jesus’ statement applies to you.
‣   What made you choose a person to discuss your troubling
    situation, and what emotions did you experience as you
    discussed it that person? What words of comfort,
    discouragement, or direction did they offer at that moment in
    your life?
‣   How does Jesus’ concluding statement in John 16:31 bring
    hope, peace and encouragement in the midst of your troubling
Chapter One - When God Says Wait
    Read Psalm 40:1-4.
‣   Why is waiting patiently for the Lord not an easy assignment
    to carry out?
‣   What benefits (at least 4) did David receive from the Lord for
    waiting patiently for him in verses 1-3?
‣   Read about David’s trial in Psalm 38. How would you face that
    trial if you were David? What would you do and what steps
    would you take to make it through? How would a relationship
    with the Lord give you hope?
‣   Verse 4 (of Psalm 40) gives us a precious promise. How are
    you trusting the Lord in your troubling trial and what
    difference has it made?
Chapter Two - Waiting is a Process
    Pastor Darryl reminds us that God is not on our timetable. When
    God is silent answering your prayers, He may be quietly telling
    you to wait?
‣   Read Psalm 27:7-14.
‣   What are you currently asking God to do in your life that you
    think requires immediate attention? How has he answered
    your prayer?
‣   Yes? (I will do that.) Go? (I want you to move forward now) Slow? (Be
    cautious as you move forward) Yo? (Remember Me? You might want to ask me first)
    No? ( The door is closed. That is definitely not my will)... or Wait? (I’ll let you
    know...but I’ve got work to do with you now)
‣   Why is it so difficult for us to wait on God? Why was David
    confident, and what 3 things did God tell Him to do? Have
Chapter Two - Waiting is a Process

‣   How does Jesus’ concluding statement bring hope, peace and
    encouragement in the midst of your troubling trial?

‣   In Psalm 27:7, David cried out to the Lord for mercy and God
    heard him. When have you cried out to the Lord, and how did
    He answer you?
‣   What is the Lord teaching you so far in your time of waiting on
    Him? Keep a journal of what he’s teaching you through His
    Word, and as He whispers to your heart. You will appreciate it
    as you go through your personal life journey with God.
“Truly my soul silently waits for God;
      From Him comes my salvation.
 He only is my rock and my salvation;
             He is my defense;
      I shall not be greatly moved.”
              Psalm 62:1-2
Some time in life you'll find out
               You get in a hurry                              1. “TIME OUT”
         That when you have assurance
           There is no need to worry                        Take time to listen as a group
You can wait, wait, wait on the lord and you'll see
           He always keep his word.                                “Wait on the Lord”
               But just trust in him
               Don't be dismayed                                  by Donnie McClurkin
           Patience in time of trouble
             Trust and believe him                                       Album
          And everything God promised
                You will receive it                                  “We Are All One”
       If you wait, wait, wait, on the lord.
             And you'll see and he'll
            He'll always keep his word.
          But you must just trust in him
             Don't you be dismayed

           Trust in the word of God
               His word is true
  When did he promises everything in your life
              That he will not do

            Trust and depend on him
               He's always on time
               Don't b discourage
                If you just believe

         If you wait wait wait on the lord
                  And you'll see
               He will keep his word                             2. “Take Home”
                You must just trust
                Don't be dismayed                     This week memorize one verse from pg. 85-89
Chapter Three - The Power of Three Simple Words
     Pastor Darryl shares how three simple words can change
     someone’s life, alter someone’s circumstances and redirect
     someone’s focus in the direction of Jesus Christ.
     Read I Corinthians 13:1-8.
 ‣   Why is love greater than all of the spiritual gifts and how does
     practicing this type of love make us more like Jesus Christ?
 ‣   In verses 4-8 list and discuss the 15 positive attributes of love.
     Discuss the ways you have succeeded and failed to incorporate
     these attributes in your life, relationships and ministering to
     others. Be honest!
 ‣   Who is God directing you to actively demonstrate this type of
     love on in a relationship in your life? Pray about it and ask God
     to empower you to begin today!
Chapter Three - The Power of Three Simple Words

‣   How have you demonstrated to the Lord that you truly love
‣   When was the last time you told the Lord you love Him? What
    can you do to make sure this is a daily practice in your life?
‣   What person can you most encourage today by telling them
    “you love them”? What do you think their reaction will be and
    why? Will you have the courage to do it anyway, even if they
    don’t respond at all?

    “Love never fails....” I Corinthians 13:8
Chapter Four - The Blessing of a Touch
    Pastor Darryl highlights the fact that when you experience the
    touch of Jesus Christ, you will never be the same!
    Read Matthew 7:24 - 8:1-3.
‣   As a Christian, upon what foundation are you building your
    life according to Matthew 7:24-27. What are you doing to
    ensure your foundation is solid before the strong winds blow
    and the heavy rains fall in your life? What storms have you
    withstood in your life already by taking heed to the words of
    Jesus Christ?
‣   In Matthew 8:1-3, why do you think Jesus was “willing” to
    touch the man with leprosy? Why did the man come to Jesus
    in the first place? If you were in the crowd, what do you think
    your reaction would have been at the sight of the leper
    running towards Jesus?. Be honest!
Chapter Four - The Blessing of a Touch
‣   In what ways has a human touch brought comfort, and
    compassion to you during a time of stress and trial?
‣   Describe when Jesus reached out and touched you to heal you
    of the sin in your life? If you’ve been touched by Jesus, take
    time as a group to thank him for His eternal life giving touch!
‣   Think of a person in your life who could use a reassuring
    touch from you today? If it’s someone in your group, form a
    circle and place your comforting hands on that person, and pray
    that the Lord would bring him/her comfort and peace today!
‣   If you have never received a touch from Jesus to heal you from
    the penalty of sin, which is eternal separation from Him in
    hell and the Lake of Fire...ask Him to touch you and become
    Lord of your life. Do it now! Tomorrow isn’t promised!
    Romans 10:9-10
I'm waiting                         1. “TIME OUT”
          I'm waiting on You, Lord
              And I am hopeful                     Take time to listen as a group
          I'm waiting on You, Lord
             Though it is painful
           But patiently, I will wait                  “While I’m Waiting”
   I will move ahead, bold and confident
       Taking every step in obedience                      by John Waller
               While I'm waiting
                 I will serve You
               While I'm waiting
                  I will worship
               While I'm waiting
                  I will not faint
           I'll be running the race
                Even while I wait

                   I'm waiting
            I'm waiting on You, Lord
                And I am peaceful
            I'm waiting on You, Lord
               Though it's not easy
             But faithfully, I will wait
                  Yes, I will wait
       I will serve You while I'm waiting
        I will worship while I'm waiting
       I will serve You while I'm waiting            2. “Take Home”
        I will worship while I'm waiting
       I will serve you while I'm waiting       This week memorize one verse from pg. 85-89
I will worship while I'm waiting on You, Lord
Chapter Five - Time Alone with God
    Pastor Darryl lets us know that Christianity is a relationship that
    requires extended time alone with God. This is the only way to
    develop deep intimacy with Jesus Christ.
    Read James 1:1-8.
‣   In your busy schedule, what do you do to ensure that you
    spend time alone with God? Where do you go?
‣   But this doesn’t make sense! When you are going through a
    personal trial or test, how can you consider it pure joy as
    stated in James 1:1.
‣   Of the eight things we are told to do (on page 44 and 45)
    during trials, take time individually or as a group to discuss
    how they apply to your life situation.
Chapter Five - Time Alone with God
    Read Philippians 4:8-9. Now is the time to make your personal
    lists that will help you adjust your thinking as you go through
    your personal time of waiting.
‣   List the thing you know are true! (ie. God loves me. etc.)
‣   List things in your life that are noble!
‣   List things that at are right!

‣   List things that are pure!
‣   List things that are lovely!
‣   List things that are admirable!
‣   List things that are excellent or praiseworthy!
    For the next week...THINK ABOUT THESE THINGS!
Chapter Six - The Blessing of Letting Go
    Pastor Darryl says the most difficult thing to do while waiting is
    surrender! However, behind your closed door, may be your
    biggest blessing.
    Read Isaiah 40:21-31.
‣   Describe the one thing in your life that is the most difficult for
    you to surrender to Jesus Christ. Why is it so difficult to let go?
‣   What makes God so unique as describes by Isaiah in Isaiah
    40:21-26. Make a group list of His unique attributes. (sidebar:
    Question...If Christopher Columbus had read this passage in Isaiah, would he have
    thought the world was flat? Why?
‣   Discuss and list the incredible things that God does for those
    who may be weary, but choose to wait (hope) in Him during
    this time of their life.
Chapter Six - The Blessing of Letting Go

‣   What person has God used to help you through your most
    difficult circumstance? What did they do for you? Were you
    expecting their help in your time of need? Have you taken the
    time to thank God for providing for you in such a way?
‣   Have you ever been tempted to give up during a time of testing?
    Discuss as a group what God promises those who do not give
    up, but wait (hope) on Him. How much effort does an eagle
    exert when flying? Think about it!
‣   End your group session with a time of “prayers of surrender”,
    as you “let go and let God” take control of your circumstance!
    “Do you not know?” ... Isaiah 40:21
       Take time to listen as a group

         “Above All...Lord I Lift
           Your Name..High”

            by Stephen Hurd

          Times of Refreshing

           2. “Take Home”
This week memorize one verse from pg. 85-89
Chapter Seven - Wisdom While You Wait
    Pastor Darryl emphasizes that waiting on God, requires wisdom
    from God!
    Read James 1:5-8.
‣   Why is wisdom from God so important when you face
    financial, relational, emotional and physical issues in your
    life? If it’s so important, why is His Word, many times the last
    place we turn when the heat is on in our lives?
‣   What makes doubting God, such an impairment to gaining
    spiritual wisdom from God? Be honest...who do you normally
    turn to first when trials come into your life?
‣   Of the four things mentioned to do in times of adversity on
    pages 58-60, which one is the hardest for you to do and why?
Chapter Seven - Wisdom While You Wait

‣    Prepare your group to take the “WISDOM CHALLENGE”! For
     the next month, grow in wisdom by reading one chapter a day
     from the “Book of Wisdom”... Proverbs!
‣    Begin the challenge by spending the rest of your session
     reading and discussing Proverbs 1. Be sure to review God’s
     challenge and promise in verses 32-33
     For further study on the Book of Proverbs
      Life Application Bible Studies
Chapter Eight - Joy in the Journey
    Pastor Darryl reflects on the fact that happiness is dependent on
    circumstances, joy comes from trusting the Lord despite your
    Read Psalm 34.
‣   In the midst of your personal circumstance, how are you
    rejoicing in the Lord? Why is it so important to praise Him at
    ALL TIMES, not just in GOOD TIMES?
‣   Discuss the seven things you should do as you go through your
    life’s trials and journey. Which one has encouraged you the
    most in your difficult times? Explain to the group why? and
‣   How can you be an encouragement to others who are going
    through troubling life situations? In what ways can you be a
    blessing to them in their time of need?
Chapter Eight - Joy in the Journey
‣   In what way can your group work together to help someone
    experience the joy of the Lord despite their troubling
‣   Why is it so difficult to trust God in troubling times? Read
    Hebrews 11:6 together. How will you apply God’s prescription
    for pleasing Him, to your personal difficult situation!
‣   The choice is now yours. In the midst of your personal
    situation, if you choose to look will get discouraged! If
    you choose to look will get frustrated! But if you choose to look will be encouraged! What choice will you choose to
    make on your personal journey? Tell! Take
    time and tell God...on your knees!
    Close your time by reflecting on Psalm 40:1-5.
                                                                  Take time to listen as a group
                Speak to my heart Holy Spirit,
           Give me the words that will bring new life                    “Speak to my heart”
Words on the wings of the morning the dark nights will fade away,
                    If you speak to my heart                             by Donnie McClurkin
 Speak to my heart Holy Spirit, message of love to encourage me
 Lifting my heart from despair, How you love me and care for me                Album
               Lord just speak to my heart (repeat)
2x time Speak to my heart, speak to my heart, Speak to my heart,          Donnie McClurkin
                        speak to my heart

Speak to my heart Lord, give me your holy word, If I can hear from
                    you, then I'll know what to do
I won't go alone, I'll never go on my own, Just let your Spirit guide,
                        and let you word abide

     Speak to my heart, speak to my heart, speak to my heart,
     Speak to my heart, speak to my heart, speak to my heart,
     Speak to my heart, speak to my heart, speak to my heart

                                                                          2. “Take Home”
                                                              This week memorize one verse from pg. 85-89

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When God Says Wait S.G.

  • 1.
  • 2. Small Group Study Guide When God Says Wait Darryl Harris
  • 3. WHEN GOD SAYS WAIT Study Guide... is designed to be a one month journey with God as you share with your group what He is doing in your life and saying to you. ‣ Week One - Read Chapter One and Two in the book at home and complete page 4-9 in the study guide together. ‣ Week Two - Read Chapter Three and Four in the book at home and complete page 9-14 in the study guide together.
  • 4. WHEN GOD SAYS WAIT Study Guide... is designed to be a one month journey with God as you share with your group what He is doing in your life and saying to you. ‣ Week Three - Read Chapter Five and Six in the book at home and complete page 15-19 in the study guide together. ‣ Week Four - Read Chapter Seven and Eight in the book at home and complete page 20-24 in the study guide together.
  • 5. Chapter One - When God Says Wait Pastor Darryl describes the beginning of a trial that turned out not to be a destination, but a journey with Christ. Read John 16:31-33. ‣ Describe the trial that has happened to you, whether physically, financially, emotionally, or relationally, that let’s you know that Jesus’ statement applies to you. ‣ What made you choose a person to discuss your troubling situation, and what emotions did you experience as you discussed it that person? What words of comfort, discouragement, or direction did they offer at that moment in your life? ‣ How does Jesus’ concluding statement in John 16:31 bring hope, peace and encouragement in the midst of your troubling trial?
  • 6. Chapter One - When God Says Wait Read Psalm 40:1-4. ‣ Why is waiting patiently for the Lord not an easy assignment to carry out? ‣ What benefits (at least 4) did David receive from the Lord for waiting patiently for him in verses 1-3? ‣ Read about David’s trial in Psalm 38. How would you face that trial if you were David? What would you do and what steps would you take to make it through? How would a relationship with the Lord give you hope? ‣ Verse 4 (of Psalm 40) gives us a precious promise. How are you trusting the Lord in your troubling trial and what difference has it made?
  • 7. Chapter Two - Waiting is a Process Pastor Darryl reminds us that God is not on our timetable. When God is silent answering your prayers, He may be quietly telling you to wait? ‣ Read Psalm 27:7-14. ‣ What are you currently asking God to do in your life that you think requires immediate attention? How has he answered your prayer? ‣ Yes? (I will do that.) Go? (I want you to move forward now) Slow? (Be cautious as you move forward) Yo? (Remember Me? You might want to ask me first) No? ( The door is closed. That is definitely not my will)... or Wait? (I’ll let you know...but I’ve got work to do with you now) ‣ Why is it so difficult for us to wait on God? Why was David confident, and what 3 things did God tell Him to do? Have you?
  • 8. Chapter Two - Waiting is a Process ‣ How does Jesus’ concluding statement bring hope, peace and encouragement in the midst of your troubling trial? ‣ In Psalm 27:7, David cried out to the Lord for mercy and God heard him. When have you cried out to the Lord, and how did He answer you? ‣ What is the Lord teaching you so far in your time of waiting on Him? Keep a journal of what he’s teaching you through His Word, and as He whispers to your heart. You will appreciate it as you go through your personal life journey with God.
  • 9. “Truly my soul silently waits for God; From Him comes my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved.” Psalm 62:1-2
  • 10. Some time in life you'll find out You get in a hurry 1. “TIME OUT” That when you have assurance There is no need to worry Take time to listen as a group You can wait, wait, wait on the lord and you'll see He always keep his word. “Wait on the Lord” But just trust in him Don't be dismayed by Donnie McClurkin Patience in time of trouble Trust and believe him Album And everything God promised You will receive it “We Are All One” If you wait, wait, wait, on the lord. And you'll see and he'll He'll always keep his word. But you must just trust in him Don't you be dismayed Trust in the word of God His word is true When did he promises everything in your life That he will not do Trust and depend on him He's always on time Don't b discourage If you just believe If you wait wait wait on the lord And you'll see He will keep his word 2. “Take Home” You must just trust Don't be dismayed This week memorize one verse from pg. 85-89
  • 11. Chapter Three - The Power of Three Simple Words Pastor Darryl shares how three simple words can change someone’s life, alter someone’s circumstances and redirect someone’s focus in the direction of Jesus Christ. Read I Corinthians 13:1-8. ‣ Why is love greater than all of the spiritual gifts and how does practicing this type of love make us more like Jesus Christ? ‣ In verses 4-8 list and discuss the 15 positive attributes of love. Discuss the ways you have succeeded and failed to incorporate these attributes in your life, relationships and ministering to others. Be honest! ‣ Who is God directing you to actively demonstrate this type of love on in a relationship in your life? Pray about it and ask God to empower you to begin today!
  • 12. Chapter Three - The Power of Three Simple Words ‣ How have you demonstrated to the Lord that you truly love Him? ‣ When was the last time you told the Lord you love Him? What can you do to make sure this is a daily practice in your life? ‣ What person can you most encourage today by telling them “you love them”? What do you think their reaction will be and why? Will you have the courage to do it anyway, even if they don’t respond at all? “Love never fails....” I Corinthians 13:8
  • 13. Chapter Four - The Blessing of a Touch Pastor Darryl highlights the fact that when you experience the touch of Jesus Christ, you will never be the same! Read Matthew 7:24 - 8:1-3. ‣ As a Christian, upon what foundation are you building your life according to Matthew 7:24-27. What are you doing to ensure your foundation is solid before the strong winds blow and the heavy rains fall in your life? What storms have you withstood in your life already by taking heed to the words of Jesus Christ? ‣ In Matthew 8:1-3, why do you think Jesus was “willing” to touch the man with leprosy? Why did the man come to Jesus in the first place? If you were in the crowd, what do you think your reaction would have been at the sight of the leper running towards Jesus?. Be honest!
  • 14. Chapter Four - The Blessing of a Touch ‣ In what ways has a human touch brought comfort, and compassion to you during a time of stress and trial? ‣ Describe when Jesus reached out and touched you to heal you of the sin in your life? If you’ve been touched by Jesus, take time as a group to thank him for His eternal life giving touch! ‣ Think of a person in your life who could use a reassuring touch from you today? If it’s someone in your group, form a circle and place your comforting hands on that person, and pray that the Lord would bring him/her comfort and peace today! ‣ If you have never received a touch from Jesus to heal you from the penalty of sin, which is eternal separation from Him in hell and the Lake of Fire...ask Him to touch you and become Lord of your life. Do it now! Tomorrow isn’t promised! Romans 10:9-10
  • 15. I'm waiting 1. “TIME OUT” I'm waiting on You, Lord And I am hopeful Take time to listen as a group I'm waiting on You, Lord Though it is painful But patiently, I will wait “While I’m Waiting” I will move ahead, bold and confident Taking every step in obedience by John Waller While I'm waiting I will serve You While I'm waiting I will worship While I'm waiting I will not faint I'll be running the race Even while I wait I'm waiting I'm waiting on You, Lord And I am peaceful I'm waiting on You, Lord Though it's not easy But faithfully, I will wait Yes, I will wait I will serve You while I'm waiting I will worship while I'm waiting I will serve You while I'm waiting 2. “Take Home” I will worship while I'm waiting I will serve you while I'm waiting This week memorize one verse from pg. 85-89 I will worship while I'm waiting on You, Lord
  • 16. Chapter Five - Time Alone with God Pastor Darryl lets us know that Christianity is a relationship that requires extended time alone with God. This is the only way to develop deep intimacy with Jesus Christ. Read James 1:1-8. ‣ In your busy schedule, what do you do to ensure that you spend time alone with God? Where do you go? ‣ But this doesn’t make sense! When you are going through a personal trial or test, how can you consider it pure joy as stated in James 1:1. ‣ Of the eight things we are told to do (on page 44 and 45) during trials, take time individually or as a group to discuss how they apply to your life situation.
  • 17. Chapter Five - Time Alone with God Read Philippians 4:8-9. Now is the time to make your personal lists that will help you adjust your thinking as you go through your personal time of waiting. ‣ List the thing you know are true! (ie. God loves me. etc.) ‣ List things in your life that are noble! ‣ List things that at are right! ‣ List things that are pure! ‣ List things that are lovely! ‣ List things that are admirable! ‣ List things that are excellent or praiseworthy! For the next week...THINK ABOUT THESE THINGS!
  • 18. Chapter Six - The Blessing of Letting Go Pastor Darryl says the most difficult thing to do while waiting is surrender! However, behind your closed door, may be your biggest blessing. Read Isaiah 40:21-31. ‣ Describe the one thing in your life that is the most difficult for you to surrender to Jesus Christ. Why is it so difficult to let go? ‣ What makes God so unique as describes by Isaiah in Isaiah 40:21-26. Make a group list of His unique attributes. (sidebar: Question...If Christopher Columbus had read this passage in Isaiah, would he have thought the world was flat? Why? ‣ Discuss and list the incredible things that God does for those who may be weary, but choose to wait (hope) in Him during this time of their life.
  • 19. Chapter Six - The Blessing of Letting Go ‣ What person has God used to help you through your most difficult circumstance? What did they do for you? Were you expecting their help in your time of need? Have you taken the time to thank God for providing for you in such a way? ‣ Have you ever been tempted to give up during a time of testing? Discuss as a group what God promises those who do not give up, but wait (hope) on Him. How much effort does an eagle exert when flying? Think about it! ‣ End your group session with a time of “prayers of surrender”, as you “let go and let God” take control of your circumstance! “Do you not know?” ... Isaiah 40:21
  • 20. 1. “TIME OUT” Take time to listen as a group “Above All...Lord I Lift Your Name..High” by Stephen Hurd Album Times of Refreshing 2. “Take Home” This week memorize one verse from pg. 85-89
  • 21. Chapter Seven - Wisdom While You Wait Pastor Darryl emphasizes that waiting on God, requires wisdom from God! Read James 1:5-8. ‣ Why is wisdom from God so important when you face financial, relational, emotional and physical issues in your life? If it’s so important, why is His Word, many times the last place we turn when the heat is on in our lives? ‣ What makes doubting God, such an impairment to gaining spiritual wisdom from God? Be honest...who do you normally turn to first when trials come into your life? ‣ Of the four things mentioned to do in times of adversity on pages 58-60, which one is the hardest for you to do and why?
  • 22. Chapter Seven - Wisdom While You Wait ‣ Prepare your group to take the “WISDOM CHALLENGE”! For the next month, grow in wisdom by reading one chapter a day from the “Book of Wisdom”... Proverbs! ‣ Begin the challenge by spending the rest of your session reading and discussing Proverbs 1. Be sure to review God’s challenge and promise in verses 32-33 For further study on the Book of Proverbs Life Application Bible Studies
  • 23. Chapter Eight - Joy in the Journey Pastor Darryl reflects on the fact that happiness is dependent on circumstances, joy comes from trusting the Lord despite your circumstances! Read Psalm 34. ‣ In the midst of your personal circumstance, how are you rejoicing in the Lord? Why is it so important to praise Him at ALL TIMES, not just in GOOD TIMES? ‣ Discuss the seven things you should do as you go through your life’s trials and journey. Which one has encouraged you the most in your difficult times? Explain to the group why? and how? ‣ How can you be an encouragement to others who are going through troubling life situations? In what ways can you be a blessing to them in their time of need?
  • 24. Chapter Eight - Joy in the Journey ‣ In what way can your group work together to help someone experience the joy of the Lord despite their troubling circumstance? ‣ Why is it so difficult to trust God in troubling times? Read Hebrews 11:6 together. How will you apply God’s prescription for pleasing Him, to your personal difficult situation! ‣ The choice is now yours. In the midst of your personal situation, if you choose to look will get discouraged! If you choose to look will get frustrated! But if you choose to look will be encouraged! What choice will you choose to make on your personal journey? Tell! Take time and tell God...on your knees! Close your time by reflecting on Psalm 40:1-5.
  • 25. 1. “TIME OUT” Take time to listen as a group Speak to my heart Holy Spirit, Give me the words that will bring new life “Speak to my heart” Words on the wings of the morning the dark nights will fade away, If you speak to my heart by Donnie McClurkin Speak to my heart Holy Spirit, message of love to encourage me Lifting my heart from despair, How you love me and care for me Album Lord just speak to my heart (repeat) 2x time Speak to my heart, speak to my heart, Speak to my heart, Donnie McClurkin speak to my heart Speak to my heart Lord, give me your holy word, If I can hear from you, then I'll know what to do I won't go alone, I'll never go on my own, Just let your Spirit guide, and let you word abide Speak to my heart, speak to my heart, speak to my heart, Speak to my heart, speak to my heart, speak to my heart, Speak to my heart, speak to my heart, speak to my heart 2. “Take Home” This week memorize one verse from pg. 85-89