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in a Period of Change, ITC-13
A. Jensen and V.B. Iversen (Editors)
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)
© lAC, 1991
V. Ershov. M. Igelnik
Academy o~ Science USSR. Institute ~or Problems o~ In~ormation Transmission.
Moscow Telecommunications Research Centre. USSR
The models corresponding to multistage link systems with multi-chan-
nel switching are discussed. New approximate loss calculation methods in
cases o~ group selection and point-ta-point selection are developed. Nu-
merical computation and simulation results are compared.
The current thrust in the develop-!
ment o~ modern telecommunications is
towards an Integrated Services Digital
Network (ISDN). This network provides
greatly improved telecommunications
services ~or the customer in terms o~
. increased services. ipmroved quality
and greater ~lexibility in the use o~
services. Among the questions arising
while creating this networks the im-
,portant place is given to the problem
,of optimization o~ switcing node struc-
ture. However. this problem cannot be
solved success~ully without preliminary
evaluation of grade o~ service in such
This paper deals with the probabi~
lity model o~ multi-channel switching
~or ISDN. Proposed model is approxima-
tive and is based on approximation by
Ideal Erlang Grading (lEG) and on ef-
~ective accessibility. Two model modi-
fications corresponding to multistage
link switching system are discussed in
this paper. These models correspond to
link system in cases o~ group selectio~
and point-to-point selection. Analysi~
o~ models carr~ed out ~or var~ous as-
sumptions concerning customer's possi-
b~l~t~es and types o~ o~~ered tra~~~c
when distribution o~ service time is
negative exponential. Numerical compu-
tation and simulaion results are com-
2.1. The Input Process
It is assumed that sources o~
tra~~ic are divided by groups in a way:
~irst group o~ sources consists o~
sources o~ tra~fic. that can require
~or service only one channel; second
group o~ sources consists o~ sources o~
tra~~ic. ' that can require ~or service
one or two channels; ... ; u-th group o~
sources consists o~ sources o~ tra~~ic.
that can require for service 1.2 •...• u
channel. All sources of tra~~ic are
Poissonian. The following notations are
- intensity o~ tra~~ic ~rom one
source o~ tra~~ic belonging to
k-th group o~ sources (k=1.u);
wk,~ - a pr~ory probability of of~ering
a call ~rom k-th group o~ sour-
ces, requiring for service ~
channels (k=1,u;~=1 ,k)
T mean holding time (holding timek, t -
are negat~ve exponent~ally d~st-
ributed) for a call from k-th
group of sources, requir~ for
service ( channels (k=1,u;(=1,k);
Nk - number of sources in k-th group
of sources of traffic (k=1,u).
2.2. The Analitical Model of System
Let us assume that u traffics with
parameters a
, k=1,u are offered to
an EIG hav~ V channel and characte-
rised by accessibility d. A call from
k-th group of sources requiring for
service ( channel is offered with pro-
bability wk,i' Evidently, u~. Farther.
we will name call. requir~ for ser-
'vice ( channels an (-channel call.
Operation of system can be described
by Marcovian process
,X _{ (1). (2) ( 2 ) (u ) (u )}
, - x 1 .x 1 .x2
: ••• :x 1 •... xu
!where Xi - number of (-channel calls
'from J-th group of sources served by
system. Let S be a set of states of
'We define two sets of neighbour states
for each state X: X+. X-.
x:{x+ ={x(1):"'X(J~1 ... ;x (~?.,x(u)}}J.i 1 i 1 u
x={x- ={x(1): ... x(J~1 ... :x(U~ ...• x(u)}1
J.i 1 ( 1 u r...
x(J )~O
rherefore it is possible to write the
' follow~ linear equation system:
[~ ~a W (N _:(J;& +
J=1 (=1 J J.t J i Ixl.i
U J] (1)(I) u ~ (J)
+I IT (x (4 " Px=I IT (x "+1)P + +
J=1(=1 J. J.i ( XJ (
J=1(=1 •
u J (J)
+I Ia w (N -x +1)~ P
J J.i J i Ixl-1.i xJ
-. i
J= 1 i= 1
where l=min(u. v-IXI). The conditional
probability of transition from state
with Ixl busy channels to sta~: e with
IXI+i busy channels due to offer~ an
i-channel call is
~ = r-r ~(J)
Ixl. i J=lxl
cl, d
where ~(J)=1- CJ/Cv '
(2 )
Solv~ this system yields
probability of state
(1) (u) (u) nx
: ... :x
..... x
]=[0] ~(k) x
w a ]xiJ)
u u J J.i J
,rT NJ I nn T
J .( (3)
J (J) (J)
J=1 (N _, x ) J=1i=1 Xi
J i~1 i
With the condition that the sum of all
probability of states is unity one ob-
Ixl-1 u
[0]-1=~ n~(k)rT
.&=0 J=1
x mUJ [W;;~:J]:I
J=1 i=1 Xi 1
J (J)
J Xi )
' ( 4)
Therefore the probability that K chan-
nels are busy is
[KL=I [,<1 ~••• ::c :~: ... :c: ..)] (5)
where BK={X. IXI=K}
Intensity of traffic from (-channel
calls is defined by
AI=II[t h-i~:J)h wJ·lK=O BK J=t
)( [x(1 ~ ••• i x(~~ ...x(u)]
1 1 u
So. the probability of t-channel calls
congestion when IXI~-( is
u J
V Ih L(J)]x t
J wJ • (
IIJ:I (=1
Pv . (=
A t
x [x(1 ~ ••• i x(~~ ...x(u)]
1 1 u
Total call congestion in a route is
defined by
Pv=L O(Pv . (
(7 )
(8 )
where 0t= ~ W • Internal blocking
k={. k. t
probability for t-channel call is
(t) "
0' (L)=L
Total internal block~ is
Pb=IOtPb. t
Carried traffic is defined by
Total call . congestion is
(11 )
(12 )
(13 )
Consider a special case of the mo-
del. Let wk. t=w{.; 'T k. {.='T (;Cl.k=CI.. k=1.u;
NJ=O. J=1 .u-1; Nu=N; O(=w(. Then equa-
tions (3)-(7) for this case is
h····· :c..]=(o]nl'(k)
For calculalion [X]vthe follow~ algo-
rithm can be propo.sed. Let
i(X)= 1.K=O (18)
:t~[=:,]§(X-' +-X:' ]. X>O
where symbol [ ] denotes integer part
of number. Then
[X] =§(XJ I}(J/?§(mJI}(J)
Finally. for ' Poissonian t~affic
(GHQ. N~oo. o..N~A)
where A :A. ( IT,. >..,:A,w • ,=1., u.
(19 )
2.3. Calculation Method for Multistage
L~ System in Group Selection
We will interpret accessibility d
of EIG as an effective accessibility
deff (see Appendix) of trunk group o~
l~ system. Then. the described model
can be used for approximative calcula-
t~on of probability charaoteristics of
Multi-o~annel Link Systems (MLS).
The iteration algorithm presented
below can be proposed ~or practical
usei it is assumed. that MLS structure
and tra~~ics d1stribut~on are known:
1. Let deff=V. where V-total number of
channels in the route.
2. Calculate PV." Pb ,(' p. '=1,u.
See (7)-(10). (13).
3. Calculate Y. See (12)
4. Calculate ~ef!' ~ee . Ap~endix.
5. Calculate P V,('p b,t'P, (=1,u.
See (7) - (1Q ), ( 13) •
6. I~ Ip -P'I~ (& - absolute error),
then end the calculation, otherwise
, , .p=p, PV,(=PV ,(' P b ,t=Pb ,(,t=1,u and ·
go to point 3.
2.4 Example
Monte Carlo simulation was applied
~or chek~ the accuracy of the model.
Simulation and theoretical results were
compared. In F~g. 1 blocking probabili-
t~es for 1-channel. 2-channel and
4-channel calls are demonstrated by
2-stage link system with the following
structure (short notation of system
structure is taken from [2]);
00 1128
16 16
It is proposed that MLS should have the
number of routes - h=16 with V=128
channels in each route and sequental
hunting mode. Offered traffic is Pois-
sonian with the following parameters:
=O.85, w2
=0.1, w4
0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85
carried traffic per trunk
Fi9. 1 Internal blockin9 probabilities
versus carried traffic per trt~
(simulation witJl 95-percent con-
3.1 The Analitical Model of
Point-to-point System
Let us assume that Poissonian
traffic with parameter A is offered to
an EIG having V channel and characteri-
sed by accessibility a. An t-channel
call t=1,u. that offered to a grading
group hunted, at first, t free channels
from a total number channels V in the
route. If there are not t free chan-
nels the call is lost. If there are t
free channels and the grading group has
access to all choosen free channels the
call is served, otherwise it is lost.
Distribution of service time of t-chan-
nel call is negative exponential with
parameter Tt' t=1,u.
Probability that there are K free
channels accessible to fixed grading
group when J channels are busy is
a-K J-(a-K) J
Ca CV_a ICv (21 )
Probability that from the rest of V-J
free channels, m channels accessible to
fixed grading group, under condition
that there are ~ such channels, will be
found after exactly m attempts:
nJ m m
O-v-J.m=C~CV-J (22 )
The conditional probability of transi-
tion from state with J busy channels to
state with J+m busy channels is due to
offering m-channel call
_ " (K) (K)
~J,m- ~ PJ O-v-J,
~ d-K K-m
d ~ CJ CV - J - m
Cv K=max(m,d-JJ
(23 )
Compar~ the factors of the x a-m term
in the left and the r~t parts of the
J V-J-m V-m
(1+x) (1 +x) = (1 +x)
we have
a-m a (m)
~J,m=CV-m ICV=Fd
(24 )
(25 )
The factor F~mJdoes not depend on J .
Therefore in this case, system (1)
transforms to system of l~ear equati-
ons like for the case of full-access
trunk group ([4]-[6]) and probability
of state will be
The t-channel call congestion is
Pvf ~ [J]v
Internal blocking probability of
i-channel calls
PO.t=(Pt-PV,t)/(1-PV,t)=1 - F~t)
(29 )
3.2. Calculation Method for Multistage
Link System in Point-to-point
Analogously to Section 2.3 we will
use the ideas of EIG and effective ac-
cessibility for approximative calcula-
tion probability characteristics of MLS
in point-to-point selection.
For practical using of discribed
model can be proposed the following
iterationing algorithm~ it is assumed,
that MLS structure and traffics distri-
butions are known:
1. Let PV,t=O' t=1,u.
2. Calculate A' z=A z(1-P
C,lo C,lo ,10
where A
,,- traffic per multiple of
last but one stage.
3 . Us~ the traffic Ac.~ and results
of section 2 calculate probability n
as point-to-point s~le time slot
4. Calculate a 11' See Appendix.
(,)8 _
5. Calculate Fa ,pb",PV .' • '=1.u.
See (28). (29).
6. If IPV.1-P~.11~ c (c - absolute er-
ror). then end the calculation.
" ,
otherwise PV,,=Pv,t' Pb,,=Pb ,(' '=1.u
and go to point 2.
3.3. Example
Monte Carlo.' simulation was applied
for chek~ the accuracy of the mode~.
Simulation and theoretical results were
compared. In Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 blocking
probabilities and call congestions for
1-channel. 2-channel and 4-channel
calls are demonstrated by 3-stage link
system with the follow~ structyre:
00 I 64
48 48
64 64
I t is proposed that MLS should have the
number of routes - h=64 with V=48 chan-
nels in each route and sequental hunt-
~ mode. Offered traffic is Poissonian
with the follow~ parameters: w1
=0.1. w4=0.OS. Simulation results
show that it is possible to neglect the
-losses in the first stage of this link
0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80
carried traffic per trt~
Fig. 2 Internal blocking probabilities
versus carried traffic per trunk
(simulation witJl 95-percent con-
fidence interval)
o.01 ~"------..,,......c:::;.-------I----------l
0.65 0.70 0.75
carried traffic per trt~
Fig. 3 Call congestions versus carried
traffic per trunk <:silnulation
with 95-percent confidence in-
In [3] it was shown that for a
link system with arbitrary structure
the effective accessibility de!! is
00 (In 11) (-1
del!=~m, ,! (30)
where m( - semi-invariant of (-th or-
der, 11 - carried traffic per trunk in
the route. If d
is approximated by
two f .irst terms of (30) (the approxima-
tion of second order). then
(2 )
defl ~ m1 + 0.5 m2ln(y) (31 )
Where m
=E(d) - the mean of accesiibi-
lity. ~=var(d) - variance of accessi-
bility. Thus
(2 )
defl ~ E(d) + 0.5 var(d)ln(y) (32 )
Values E(d) and var(d) were investiga-
ted in (1]. It was shown that
E (d) ~ ( 1-rr )V + g +
(33 )
-1 -2
var(d)~rr(1-rr)(1+g -2g ) (34)
rr - the point-to-point time conges-
V· - the number of channels in the ro-
Y1- the carried traffic per multiple
in stage number one;
- the number of inlets per multiple
in stage number one;
Y1= Y1 /n1;
~ - a number of traffic groups.
Number of traffic groups is
g=N/N (35)g
where N -total number of link system
inlets. N - a maximal number of linkg
system inlets when link system is still
non blocking.
Consider the effective accesibili-
ty factor fd
'd =defllV
From (33) • (34 ) we have
rr 1 g - 1
V g
-1 -2
+ rr(1 - rr)(1+g -2g )
n -1
Y1 1
~ Y
n1 y
(37 )
As follows from (37) the value fd is a
weak-dependent on the number of chan-
nels in the route - V and of the traf-
fic in the route - A • when rr=const.
Thus. for calculation characteristics
of large capacity link systems the ef-
fective accessibility factor 'd can be
accepted as an invariant.
We will illustrate the behaviour
of 'd by example of link system from
[2]. Let the given link system have un-
equal group sizes and nonuniform offe-
red traff~cs per group. Total offered
traffic A=248.92 erl. The system struc-
ture is:
5 8 5 5 5 5 8 5
50 80 80 50
Tab. 1 shows effective accessibility
factor 'd and simulation results for
probability P of loss for various valu-
es of offered traffic and number of
channel in the route.
No of Number Traffic P
'droute cf chan- offered
nels in to the
the route route
1 25 14.94 0.008± 0.58
2 25 29.87 0.251± 0.60
3 50 29.87 0.0004 0.58
4 50 87.12 0.452± 0.60
5 100 87.12 0.025± 0.59
Tab. 1 Effective accessibility factor
versus offered traffic. number
of channel and probability of
The shown properties of effective ac-
cessibil~ty factor Id give us the pos-
sibility to essentially accelerate the
route d1mensioning.
The authors wish to thank P. Kahn
(University of Stuttgart. Germany) and
U. Herzog (Friedrich-Alexander-Univer-
sitat. Erlangen-NQrnberg. Germany) for
many valuable discussions.
[1 ]
[2 ]
Ershova E.B .• Ershov V.A .• Digital
Systems for Information Distributi-
on (Radio and Communication Publ.
1983 in Russian).
Bazlen D.• Kampe G.• Lotze A •• On
the Influence of Hunting Mode and
Link Wiring .on the Loss of L~
System (7th ITC. Stockholm. 1973)
pp. 232/1-232/12.
[3] Pedersen Ole A •• An Effective
Availability Theory with Appli-
cations (Vol. COM-23. No 8. August
1975) pp. 798-803.
[4] Fo~tet R.M .• Grangean C.H .• Study
of Congestion in Loss System
(4th ITC. London. 1964).
[5] Gimp~lson L.A .• Analysis of Mixtu-
res of Wide and Narrow-band Traffic
(IEEE Trans. on Comm.• Technology.
Vol. 13. No 3. 1965).
[6] Conradt G.• Buchheister A •• Consi-
deration on Loss Probability of
Multi-slot connections (11th ITC
Tokyo. 1985) pp. 4.4B-2-1 -

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Ch6 digital transmission of analog signal pg 99


  • 1. 1ELE1RAFFIC AND OATA1RAFFIC in a Period of Change, ITC-13 A. Jensen and V.B. Iversen (Editors) Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland) © lAC, 1991 891 GRADE OF SERVICE ANALYSIS FOR MULTI-CHANNEL SWITCHING IN ISDN V. Ershov. M. Igelnik Academy o~ Science USSR. Institute ~or Problems o~ In~ormation Transmission. Moscow Telecommunications Research Centre. USSR The models corresponding to multistage link systems with multi-chan- nel switching are discussed. New approximate loss calculation methods in cases o~ group selection and point-ta-point selection are developed. Nu- merical computation and simulation results are compared. 1. INTRODUCTION The current thrust in the develop-! ment o~ modern telecommunications is towards an Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN). This network provides greatly improved telecommunications services ~or the customer in terms o~ . increased services. ipmroved quality and greater ~lexibility in the use o~ services. Among the questions arising while creating this networks the im- ,portant place is given to the problem ,of optimization o~ switcing node struc- ture. However. this problem cannot be solved success~ully without preliminary evaluation of grade o~ service in such systems. This paper deals with the probabi~ lity model o~ multi-channel switching ~or ISDN. Proposed model is approxima- tive and is based on approximation by Ideal Erlang Grading (lEG) and on ef- ~ective accessibility. Two model modi- fications corresponding to multistage link switching system are discussed in this paper. These models correspond to link system in cases o~ group selectio~ and point-to-point selection. Analysi~ o~ models carr~ed out ~or var~ous as- sumptions concerning customer's possi- b~l~t~es and types o~ o~~ered tra~~~c when distribution o~ service time is negative exponential. Numerical compu- tation and simulaion results are com- pared. 2. ANALYSIS IN MULTISTAGE LINK SYSTEMS WITH GROUP SELECTION 2.1. The Input Process It is assumed that sources o~ tra~~ic are divided by groups in a way: ~irst group o~ sources consists o~ sources o~ tra~fic. that can require ~or service only one channel; second group o~ sources consists o~ sources o~ tra~~ic. ' that can require ~or service one or two channels; ... ; u-th group o~ sources consists o~ sources o~ tra~~ic. that can require for service 1.2 •...• u channel. All sources of tra~~ic are Poissonian. The following notations are applied: a k - intensity o~ tra~~ic ~rom one source o~ tra~~ic belonging to k-th group o~ sources (k=1.u); wk,~ - a pr~ory probability of of~ering a call ~rom k-th group o~ sour- ces, requiring for service ~ channels (k=1,u;~=1 ,k) T mean holding time (holding timek, t - are negat~ve exponent~ally d~st- ributed) for a call from k-th
  • 2. 892 group of sources, requir~ for service ( channels (k=1,u;(=1,k); Nk - number of sources in k-th group of sources of traffic (k=1,u). 2.2. The Analitical Model of System Let us assume that u traffics with parameters a k , k=1,u are offered to an EIG hav~ V channel and characte- rised by accessibility d. A call from k-th group of sources requiring for service ( channel is offered with pro- bability wk,i' Evidently, u~. Farther. we will name call. requir~ for ser- 'vice ( channels an (-channel call. Operation of system can be described by Marcovian process ,X _{ (1). (2) ( 2 ) (u ) (u )} , - x 1 .x 1 .x2 : ••• :x 1 •... xu (J) !where Xi - number of (-channel calls 'from J-th group of sources served by system. Let S be a set of states of process: 'We define two sets of neighbour states for each state X: X+. X-. x:{x+ ={x(1):"'X(J~1 ... ;x (~?.,x(u)}}J.i 1 i 1 u i~-lxl x={x- ={x(1): ... x(J~1 ... :x(U~ ...• x(u)}1 J.i 1 ( 1 u r... x(J )~O ( rherefore it is possible to write the ' follow~ linear equation system: [~ ~a W (N _:(J;& + J=1 (=1 J J.t J i Ixl.i U J] (1)(I) u ~ (J) +I IT (x (4 " Px=I IT (x "+1)P + + J=1(=1 J. J.i ( XJ ( J=1(=1 • u J (J) +I Ia w (N -x +1)~ P J J.i J i Ixl-1.i xJ -. i J= 1 i= 1 where l=min(u. v-IXI). The conditional probability of transition from state with Ixl busy channels to sta~: e with IXI+i busy channels due to offer~ an i-channel call is Ixl+i-1 ~ = r-r ~(J) Ixl. i J=lxl cl, d where ~(J)=1- CJ/Cv ' (2 ) Solv~ this system yields probability of state stationary Ixl-1 [ (1) (u) (u) nx 1 : ... :x 1 ..... x u ]=[0] ~(k) x k=O [ w a ]xiJ) u u J J.i J ,rT NJ I nn T J .( (3) J (J) (J) J=1 (N _, x ) J=1i=1 Xi J i~1 i With the condition that the sum of all probability of states is unity one ob- tains Ixl-1 u [0]-1=~ n~(k)rT 8 .&=0 J=1 (j) x mUJ [W;;~:J]:I (J) J=1 i=1 Xi 1 NJ. J x J (J) -2(N J Xi ) i=1 ' ( 4)
  • 3. Therefore the probability that K chan- nels are busy is [KL=I [,<1 ~••• ::c :~: ... :c: ..)] (5) BK where BK={X. IXI=K} Intensity of traffic from (-channel calls is defined by AI=II[t h-i~:J)h wJ·lK=O BK J=t )( [x(1 ~ ••• i x(~~ ...x(u)] 1 1 u (6) So. the probability of t-channel calls congestion when IXI~-( is u J V Ih L(J)]x t Cl. J wJ • ( IIJ:I (=1 Pv . (= K=V-(+1BK A t x [x(1 ~ ••• i x(~~ ...x(u)] 1 1 u Total call congestion in a route is defined by u Pv=L O(Pv . ( (=1 u (7 ) (8 ) where 0t= ~ W • Internal blocking k={. k. t probability for t-channel call is V-t L=d-t+1 where (9) x m(n(L.d) (t) " 0' (L)=L k=d-(+1 Total internal block~ is u Pb=IOtPb. t t=1 Carried traffic is defined by {.=1 Total call . congestion is P=Pb+PV 893 (10) (11 ) (12 ) (13 ) Consider a special case of the mo- del. Let wk. t=w{.; 'T k. {.='T (;Cl.k=CI.. k=1.u; NJ=O. J=1 .u-1; Nu=N; O(=w(. Then equa- tions (3)-(7) for this case is Ixl-1 h····· :c..]=(o]nl'(k) N )( (14)
  • 4. 894 For calculalion [X]vthe follow~ algo- rithm can be propo.sed. Let O.K<O i(X)= 1.K=O (18) :t~[=:,]§(X-' +-X:' ]. X>O (=1 where symbol [ ] denotes integer part of number. Then [X] =§(XJ I}(J/?§(mJI}(J) Finally. for ' Poissonian t~affic (GHQ. N~oo. o..N~A) where A :A. ( IT,. >..,:A,w • ,=1., u. (19 ) (20) 2.3. Calculation Method for Multistage L~ System in Group Selection We will interpret accessibility d of EIG as an effective accessibility deff (see Appendix) of trunk group o~ l~ system. Then. the described model can be used for approximative calcula- t~on of probability charaoteristics of Multi-o~annel Link Systems (MLS). The iteration algorithm presented below can be proposed ~or practical usei it is assumed. that MLS structure and tra~~ics d1stribut~on are known: 1. Let deff=V. where V-total number of channels in the route. 2. Calculate PV." Pb ,(' p. '=1,u. See (7)-(10). (13). 3. Calculate Y. See (12) 4. Calculate ~ef!' ~ee . Ap~endix. 5. Calculate P V,('p b,t'P, (=1,u. See (7) - (1Q ), ( 13) • 6. I~ Ip -P'I~ (& - absolute error), then end the calculation, otherwise , , .p=p, PV,(=PV ,(' P b ,t=Pb ,(,t=1,u and · go to point 3. 2.4 Example Monte Carlo simulation was applied ~or chek~ the accuracy of the model. Simulation and theoretical results were compared. In F~g. 1 blocking probabili- t~es for 1-channel. 2-channel and 4-channel calls are demonstrated by 2-stage link system with the following structure (short notation of system structure is taken from [2]); 00 1128 16 16 16 128 It is proposed that MLS should have the number of routes - h=16 with V=128 channels in each route and sequental hunting mode. Offered traffic is Pois- sonian with the following parameters: w1 =O.85, w2 =0.1, w4 =O.05. 1.-------.--------.------~ 0.1 0.01r---~--~~----_+------~ 0.001 ~------~--------~------~ 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 carried traffic per trunk Fi9. 1 Internal blockin9 probabilities versus carried traffic per trt~ (simulation witJl 95-percent con-
  • 5. 3. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF LINK SYSTEMS WITH POINT-Ta-POINT SELECTION 3.1 The Analitical Model of Point-to-point System Let us assume that Poissonian traffic with parameter A is offered to an EIG having V channel and characteri- sed by accessibility a. An t-channel call t=1,u. that offered to a grading group hunted, at first, t free channels from a total number channels V in the route. If there are not t free chan- nels the call is lost. If there are t free channels and the grading group has access to all choosen free channels the call is served, otherwise it is lost. Distribution of service time of t-chan- nel call is negative exponential with parameter Tt' t=1,u. Probability that there are K free channels accessible to fixed grading group when J channels are busy is a-K J-(a-K) J Ca CV_a ICv (21 ) Probability that from the rest of V-J free channels, m channels accessible to fixed grading group, under condition that there are ~ such channels, will be found after exactly m attempts: nJ m m O-v-J.m=C~CV-J (22 ) The conditional probability of transi- tion from state with J busy channels to state with J+m busy channels is due to offering m-channel call mtn(a,V-JJ _ " (K) (K) ~J,m- ~ PJ O-v-J, K=max(m,a-J) min(d,V-JJ ~ d-K K-m d ~ CJ CV - J - m Cv K=max(m,d-JJ (23 ) Compar~ the factors of the x a-m term in the left and the r~t parts of the identity J V-J-m V-m (1+x) (1 +x) = (1 +x) we have a-m a (m) ~J,m=CV-m ICV=Fd 895 (24 ) (25 ) The factor F~mJdoes not depend on J . Therefore in this case, system (1) transforms to system of l~ear equati- ons like for the case of full-access trunk group ([4]-[6]) and probability of state will be The t-channel call congestion is Pvf ~ [J]v J=V-t+1 Internal blocking probability of i-channel calls PO.t=(Pt-PV,t)/(1-PV,t)=1 - F~t) (28) (29 ) 3.2. Calculation Method for Multistage Link System in Point-to-point Selection Analogously to Section 2.3 we will use the ideas of EIG and effective ac- cessibility for approximative calcula- tion probability characteristics of MLS in point-to-point selection. For practical using of discribed model can be proposed the following iterationing algorithm~ it is assumed, that MLS structure and traffics distri- butions are known: 1. Let PV,t=O' t=1,u.
  • 6. 896 2. Calculate A' z=A z(1-P V z),'=1,u, C,lo C,lo ,10 where A c ,,- traffic per multiple of last but one stage. , 3 . Us~ the traffic Ac.~ and results of section 2 calculate probability n as point-to-point s~le time slot congestion. 4. Calculate a 11' See Appendix. (,)8 _ 5. Calculate Fa ,pb",PV .' • '=1.u. See (28). (29). 6. If IPV.1-P~.11~ c (c - absolute er- ror). then end the calculation. " , otherwise PV,,=Pv,t' Pb,,=Pb ,(' '=1.u and go to point 2. 3.3. Example Monte Carlo.' simulation was applied for chek~ the accuracy of the mode~. Simulation and theoretical results were compared. In Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 blocking probabilities and call congestions for 1-channel. 2-channel and 4-channel calls are demonstrated by 3-stage link system with the follow~ structyre: 00 I 64 48 48 48 64 64 64 48 I t is proposed that MLS should have the number of routes - h=64 with V=48 chan- nels in each route and sequental hunt- ~ mode. Offered traffic is Poissonian with the follow~ parameters: w1 =0.8S. w2 =0.1. w4=0.OS. Simulation results show that it is possible to neglect the -losses in the first stage of this link system. 1 y 0.001~------~------~------~ 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 carried traffic per trt~ Fig. 2 Internal blocking probabilities versus carried traffic per trunk (simulation witJl 95-percent con- fidence interval) 1 p 0.1 o.01 ~"------..,,......c:::;.-------I----------l 0.001 0.65 0.70 0.75 carried traffic per trt~ y 0.80 Fig. 3 Call congestions versus carried traffic per trunk <:silnulation with 95-percent confidence in- terval) APPENDIX. EFFECTIVE ACCESSIBILITY In [3] it was shown that for a link system with arbitrary structure the effective accessibility de!! is 00 (In 11) (-1 del!=~m, ,! (30) (=1 where m( - semi-invariant of (-th or- der, 11 - carried traffic per trunk in
  • 7. the route. If d eff is approximated by two f .irst terms of (30) (the approxima- tion of second order). then (2 ) defl ~ m1 + 0.5 m2ln(y) (31 ) Where m 1 =E(d) - the mean of accesiibi- lity. ~=var(d) - variance of accessi- bility. Thus (2 ) defl ~ E(d) + 0.5 var(d)ln(y) (32 ) Values E(d) and var(d) were investiga- ted in (1]. It was shown that ny E (d) ~ ( 1-rr )V + g + g-1 g (33 ) -1 -2 var(d)~rr(1-rr)(1+g -2g ) (34) where rr - the point-to-point time conges- tion; V· - the number of channels in the ro- ute; Y1- the carried traffic per multiple in stage number one; n 1 - the number of inlets per multiple in stage number one; Y1= Y1 /n1; ~ - a number of traffic groups. Number of traffic groups is g=N/N (35)g where N -total number of link system inlets. N - a maximal number of linkg system inlets when link system is still non blocking. Consider the effective accesibili- ty factor fd 'd =defllV From (33) • (34 ) we have rr 1 g - 1 fd~(1-rr)+8+ V g -1 -2 + rr(1 - rr)(1+g -2g ) (36) 1- n -1 Y1 1 ~ Y 1 + n1 y 1 1 (37 ) As follows from (37) the value fd is a weak-dependent on the number of chan- nels in the route - V and of the traf- fic in the route - A • when rr=const. 897 Thus. for calculation characteristics of large capacity link systems the ef- fective accessibility factor 'd can be accepted as an invariant. We will illustrate the behaviour of 'd by example of link system from [2]. Let the given link system have un- equal group sizes and nonuniform offe- red traff~cs per group. Total offered traffic A=248.92 erl. The system struc- ture is: 5 8 5 5 5 5 8 5 50 80 80 50 Tab. 1 shows effective accessibility factor 'd and simulation results for probability P of loss for various valu- es of offered traffic and number of channel in the route. No of Number Traffic P 'droute cf chan- offered nels in to the the route route 1 25 14.94 0.008± 0.58 0.002 2 25 29.87 0.251± 0.60 0.002 3 50 29.87 0.0004 0.58 ± 0.0003 4 50 87.12 0.452± 0.60 0.001 5 100 87.12 0.025± 0.59 0.001 Tab. 1 Effective accessibility factor versus offered traffic. number of channel and probability of loss. The shown properties of effective ac- cessibil~ty factor Id give us the pos- sibility to essentially accelerate the route d1mensioning. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors wish to thank P. Kahn (University of Stuttgart. Germany) and
  • 8. 898 U. Herzog (Friedrich-Alexander-Univer- sitat. Erlangen-NQrnberg. Germany) for many valuable discussions. REFERENCES [1 ] [2 ] Ershova E.B .• Ershov V.A .• Digital Systems for Information Distributi- on (Radio and Communication Publ. 1983 in Russian). Bazlen D.• Kampe G.• Lotze A •• On the Influence of Hunting Mode and Link Wiring .on the Loss of L~ System (7th ITC. Stockholm. 1973) pp. 232/1-232/12. [3] Pedersen Ole A •• An Effective Availability Theory with Appli- cations (Vol. COM-23. No 8. August 1975) pp. 798-803. [4] Fo~tet R.M .• Grangean C.H .• Study of Congestion in Loss System (4th ITC. London. 1964). [5] Gimp~lson L.A .• Analysis of Mixtu- res of Wide and Narrow-band Traffic (IEEE Trans. on Comm.• Technology. Vol. 13. No 3. 1965). [6] Conradt G.• Buchheister A •• Consi- deration on Loss Probability of Multi-slot connections (11th ITC Tokyo. 1985) pp. 4.4B-2-1 - 4.4B-2-7.