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Dr. Gomaa Abdelsadek 
1435 - 2014
وَلِلَّھِ عَلَى النَّاسِ حِجُّ الْبَیْتِ مَنْ اسْتَطَاعَ إِلَیْھِ سَبِیلاً 
( وَمَنْ كَفَرَ فَإِنَّ اللَّھَ غَنِيٌّ عَنْ الْعَالَمِینَ ( 97 
قال النبي –صلى الله علیھ وسلم-(بنى الاسلامُ على خمس: 
شھادة أن لا الھ إلا الله وأنَّ محمداً رسولُ الله,وإقام 
الصلاة,وإیتاء الزكاة 
وصوم رمضان وحج البیت لمن استطاع إلیھ سبیلا) 
) : 
.[ ] (
Excellence of Hajj 
The Prophet (pbuh) said: "(The 
performance of) `Umrah is an expiation for 
the sins committed between it and the 
previous `Umrah; and the reward of Hajj 
Mabrur (i.e., one accepted) is nothing but 
[Al-Bukhari & Muslim]. 
عن أبي ھریرة 
أن رسول الله صلى الله علیھ وسلم قال 
العمرة إلى العمرة كفارة لما بینھما والحج 
المبرور لیس لھ جزاء إلا الجنة 
[البخاري و مسلم] 
The Prophet (PBUH) was asked: "Which 
deed is the best?'' He (PBUH) replied, 
"Faith in Allah and His Messenger.'' Then 
he was asked: "What is next?'' He replied, 
"Jihad (holy fighting) in the Cause of 
Allah.'' Then he was asked, "What is after 
that?'' He (PBUH) replied, "Hajj Mabrur 
(an accepted pilgrimage).'' 
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. 
عن أبي ھریرة رضي الله عنھ قال 
سئل النبي صلى الله علیھ وسلم أي الأعمال 
أفضل قال إیمان بالله ورسولھ قیل ثم ماذا 
قال جھاد في سبیل الله قیل ثم ماذا قال حج 
[البخاري و مسلم]
Preparation for Hajj 
Repentance from all past sins 
Pay/record all debts 
Make sure the wealth to be used in Hajj is from Halal 
Choose the company of the righteous for the journey of Hajj 
Learn as much as possible about Hajj and ‘Umra 
Fiqh and “how to” 
Meanings and spirit 
Memorize some du’a from Qur’an and Sunnah
Arrive at Al-Masjid Al-Haram 
Take a bath (Ghusl) before 
entering Makkah if possible 
When you enter the masjid 
do not forget to enter by the 
right foot, and say: 
allaahumma salli `alaa muhammadin wa 
sallim, allaahumma aftah lee abwaaba 
اللھم صل على محمد و سلم، اللھم 
افتح لي أبواب رحمتك 
a'oodhu billaahi-l `adheem wa bi 
wajhihi-l kareem wa sultaanihi-l 
qadeem mina-sh shaitaani-r rajeem. 
أعوذ بالله العظیم و بوجھھ الكریم و 
سلطانھ القدیم من الشیطان الرجیم
The Black Stone 
Go straight to the Black Stone and 
facing it make takbeer. 
Then touch the Black Stone with your 
hand and kiss it, and make sajda upon 
it also, as the Prophet (pbuh) did that, 
and `Umar, and Ibn `Abbas. 
If you are not able to kiss it then touch 
it with your hand then kiss your hand. 
If you cannot touch it you should 
make a sign towards it with your hand. 
And you do that in every circuit. 
Do not push and crowd to get to the Black Stone according 
to the Prophet's saying to ‘Umar.
Some definitions 
Rukn (Pillar): a necessary act of Hajj, such as the 
standing in Arafah, the lack of which invalidates the Hajj. 
Wajib (Obligation): an obligatory act of Hajj, such as 
stoning of the Jamarat, which if missed for any reason, 
then a Hady (sacrifice of an animal) becomes incumbent 
for compensation. 
Sunnah: desirable act of Hajj other than a Rukn or Wajib. 
Restrictions of Ihram: all acts a person in a state of Ihram 
is prohibited from doing. 
Fidyah/Hady: compensatory act for violating a wajib or a 
restriction of Ihram.
Pillars of Hajj 
Pillars of Hajj 
( Arkan )) 
1. IHraam 
2. Standing in Arafah (Wuqouf) 
3. Tawaf Al-IfaDa 
4. Sa'ye between Safa & Marwah
Obligations of Hajj 
Obligations of Hajj 
( Wajibat ) 
1. Ihram from the meeqat 
2. Standing in Arafah until sunset 
3. Spend one night in Muzdalifah (after Arafah) 
4. Stay overnight in Mina during the days of tashreeq 
5. Stoning the Jamarat, and in order 
6. Shaving the head or cutting hair (Halq or Taqseer) 
7. Tawaaf al-Wadaa' (farewell)
Pillars of ‘Umra
Obligations of ‘Umra 
Obligations of 'Umra 
( Wajibat ) 
1. IHram from outside the Haram 
2. Halq or Taqseer
Hajj Step by Step - Summary 
Mina (8 Dhul-Hijjah) 
Arafah (9 Dhu-l Hijjah) 
Muzdalifah (9 Dhul-Hijjah – night) 
Mina (10 Dhul-Hijjah): 
Ramye (throw pebbles at Jamrat-ul-Aqabah) 
NaHr (sacrifice) 
Halq (shave hair of the head) 
Makkah (10 Dhul-Hijjah): 
Tawaf Al-IfaDah 
Sa’ye between Safa and Marwa 
Mina (11, 12 and 13 Dhul-Hijjah): 
Ramye (throw pebbles at the 3 Jamarat) 
Makkah (last day) 
Tawaf Al-Wada’a (Farewell Tawaf)
Umra then Hajj during the months of Hajj 
Umra and Hajj during the months of Hajj 
Hajj and then may be a ‘Umra during the months of Hajj 
The Prophet (pbuh) asked his companions to do tamattu’, even 
though he did Qiran because he brought the hady with him.
أنـــواع النســـك 
ححجج عمرة 
للییسس ععللییھھ ھھدديي ھھدديي ھھدديي
I. Ihram from Meeqat 
Arrive at the Meeqat. If you are inside the Haram of 
Makkah (in your residence in Makkah for example) 
then you have to go outside the Haram to make 
Ihram. Masjid At-Tan'eem is the closest point outside 
the Haram 
Clip moustache and nails; remove pubic and armpit 
hair. Do not cut hair from your head 
Take a bath (Ghusl) 
Put perfume on your body (head, beard, …) 
Put Ihram garments (Rida’ & Ezar)
Seazon Meqaat المیقات الزمني Mawaqeet 
في اشھر محددة شوال ،ذي القعدة ،والعشر الاوائل من ذي الحجة،وقد حددت في القرآن 
Geographic Meqaat المیقات المكاني 
وھو المكان الذي یجب الا یتجاوزه الحاج الا وھو محرم 
Madinah – Dhul-Holayfah أھل المدینة ذو الحلیفة 
Shaam – Al-Juhfah اھل الشام الجحفة (آبار علي)او میناء رابغ بحرا 
Najd – Quarn Al-manazil لأھل نجد قرن المنازل 
Yemen – Yalamlam لأھل الیمن یلملم 
Mawaqeet is the plural of Meeqat: the geographic boundary 
that a person intending Hajj or ‘Umrah may not cross without 
assuming Ihram for Hajj or ‘Umrah.
Dhul Hulayfah 
Coming from Madinah 
Other names: Abyar Ali 
~255 miles North Makkah 
Al Juhfah 
Coming from North Africa, Syria, … 
116 miles North West of Makkah 
Rabigh: 127 miles North West of 
Qarn Al Manazil 
Coming from Najd (Ryadh, …), UAE 
Other names: As-Sayl 
50 miles East of Makkah 
Coming from Yemen
Haram of Makkah - map 
Limits of the Haram of Makkah 
Tan’eem: 4.6 miles North 
Nakhlah: 8 miles N.E. 
Hudaybiyah: 13.5 miles W. 
Adhah Libn: 10 miles S. 
Mnt. of Arafah: 13.5 miles E. 
Ji’ranah: 13.5 miles N.E. 
Adhah Libn
Restrictions while in the Haram 
of Makkah 
Its plants must not be cut, 
Its game must not be frightened, 
Articles lost in it must not be picked up except by 
someone making announcement to find the owner, 
Nor is any man to bear arms for fighting in it. 
 Note: the above is part of a Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh) 
 These restrictions also apply to the haram of Madinah. 
 They apply to everyone whether in a state of Ihram or not, 
during any time of the year.
Restrictions of Ihram 
For both men and women: 
You should not remove any hair or nails. 
You should not perfume yourself, your clothing, your food or drink after 
entering Ihram. You should also abstain from cleansing yourself with 
scented soap. There is no harm in what remains of the effect of perfume 
used prior to Ihram. 
You should not touch, kiss, etc. your spouse/husband out of passion and, 
even worse, should not have sexual intercourse. 
You should not be wed or propose to a woman for yourself or others. 
You should not wear gloves, although there is no harm in wrapping the 
hands in cloth. 
For men only: 
You cannot cover your head with something that touches it. 
You cannot wear a shirt, turban, hooded cloak, trousers, etc. or shoes. 
Only if you are unable to obtain an Ezar or sandals can you wear trousers 
or shoes.
Permissible of Ihram 
There is no harm in the use of an umbrella, the roof of a car or tent 
for shade. There is also no harm in carrying your baggage atop your 
Wear sandals, rings, glasses, a watch, worn on your wrist or hung 
from your neck. 
Wear a hearing aid or a speech aid. 
It is permissible for you to cleanse yourself with unscented cleansers 
and to wash and scratch your head and body, even if some of your 
hair falls unintentionally. 
Wash your Ihram garments. 
Wear a belt to keep your money and documents, and to tie your Ezar 
(the lower part of the Ihram).
Al-Masjid Al-Haram 
The door of the Ka’ba 
The Black Stone 
1 Black Stone corner 
2 Yamani corner 
3 Shaami corner 
4 ‘Iraqi corner 
Maqam Ibraheem 
To the Safa 4 3 1 
Hijr Isma'eel
Umra - Summary 
"Labbayka Allahumma ‘Umrah" لبیك اللھم عمرة 
From this point you are in a state of Ihram ! 
Sa’ye between Al-Safa and Al-Marwa 
Halq (shaving the head) or Taqseer (cutting the 
hair short) 
Pray two rak’as, or a prescribed salat, if it’s time for it. 
Make intention and say:
After intention is made, recite Talbiyah aloud: 
"labbaikallaahumma labbaik labbaika laa shareeka 
laka labbaik inna-l hamda wa-n ni'mata laka wa-l 
mulk, laa shareeka lak" 
Here I am O Allah, here I am, there is no partner for You, 
here I am, Verily all praise for You, and every bounty is 
from You, and all dominion is Yours - You have no partner 
لبیك اللھم لبیك لبیك لا 
شریك لك لبیك إن الحمد 
والنعمة لك والملك لا 
شریك لك 
Talbiyah should be continued until you see the Ka’bah (or until the Ramye 
of the largest Jamrah in the case of Hajj). 
Make talbiyah especially: 
while descending or ascending during travel, 
joining a party of people, 
after every Salah, 
and in the morning and evening 
Talbiyah should be made in a loud voice
II. Tawaf Al-Qudoom 
Arrive at Al-Masjid Al-Haram 
The Black Stone 
Tawaf around the Ka'bah 
Ka’bah being to his left 
Go around the Ka’bah past the Stone seven 
wearing the iHram under his right armpit 
and over the left shoulder 
throughout the seven rounds of tawaf 
a strong and quick walk with boldness, in 
which the shoulders are thrust forwards 
in the first three rounds, then walk normally 
in the rest 
Pray two Raka’at 
Drink from Zamzam 
إذا وصلت إلي مكھ فطف في البیت سبعة أشواط طواف 
العمرة تبدأ من الحجر الاسود وتنتھى إلیھ ثم تصلى 
ركعتین خلف مقام إبراھیم قریبا منھ إن تیسر أو بعید..
Tawaf - Continue 
Touch the Yemeni corner with your right hand each time you pass 
and do not kiss it, and if you are not able to touch it then you 
should not make any sign towards it with your hand at all. 
And you should say between the two corners: 
"Rabbanaa aatinaa fi-d dunyaa hasanatan wa fi-l 
aakhirati hasanatan wa qinaa 'adhaaba-n naar.” 
O Allah gives us good in this life, and good in the 
Hereafter and save us from the Punishment of the 
ربنا آتنا في الدنیا حسنة و في 
الآخرة حسنة و قنا عذاب النار
Notes about Tawaf 
You do not touch the two shami corners at all 
following the sunnah of the Prophet. 
There is no particular dhikr for tawaf, so you may 
read Qur'an or say any dhikr you like. 
A mentruating woman does not make tawaf until 
she becomes clean. 
A state of wuDu’ is required for all kinds of tawaf.
Maqam Ibraheem 
When you finish the 7th round cover your 
right shoulder and move to the Place of 
Ibraheem and recite: 
“وَٱتَّخِذُواْ مِن مَّقَامِ إِبۡرَٲھِـۧمَ مُصَل۟ى “ 
"Wa-t takhidhoo min maqaami Ibraaheema 
musallaa." [2,125] 
Place the Maqam Ibraheem between 
yourself and the Ka'bah and then pray two 
rak'ahs. And recite therein Surat Al- 
Kafiroon and Surat Al-Ikhlas. 
Traces of the feet of Prophet Ibraheem 
(‘alaihi assalam) as seen inside the Maqam.
Hijr Isma’eel
After praying you go to 
Zamzam and drink from it, 
and pour some of the water 
on your head. 
Then you return to the Black 
Stone, say takbeer and touch 
it, as before, if possible. 
Zamzam underground 
This is the modern Zamzam 
facility underground.
Sa’ye between 
Safa & Marwah 
إذا انتھى الحاج من الركعتین فیخرج إلي الصفا یسعى 
بین الصفا والمروة سبع مرات تبدأ بالصفا وتختم 
Start with Safa 
Recite particular ayah 
Make du’aa 
Walk to Marwah (first lap) 
On the Marwah, do the same as on the Safa 
Walk back to the Safa (second lap) 
Complete seven laps in the same manner
Sa’ye between Safa & Marwa 
Then you descend for sa‘ye from 
Safa to Marwah. 
You walk till you reach the green 
sign-post. You then run quickly till 
you reach the next green sign-post. 
Then you walk up to Marwah and 
ascend it and do upon it as you did 
upon as-Safa (and that forms one 
complete lap). 
Then you return till you ascend as- 
Safa - running between the green 
sign-posts - and that is a second lap. 
Then you return to Marwah - and so 
on till you complete seven laps 
finishing upon Marwah. 
You may make this du'a in sa‘ye: 
“Rabbi ghfir warHam innaka anta-l 
a'azzu-l akram.”
Sa’ye between Safa & Marwa 
When reaching the foot of the Safa recite: 
“Inna-s Safa wa-l Marwata min sha’aairi-l 
laahi…” [2,158]. 
عَلَیۡھِ أَن یَطَّوَّفَ بِھِمَ اۚ “ 
Then say: 
“Nabda'u bimaa bada'allaahu bihi نبدأ بما بدأ 
الله بھ ” (We begin with what Allah began with.) 
Then climb the Safa until you see the Ka’ba 
Face the Ka’ba and say: “Allahu Akbar” (3 
Then say: 
“Laa ilaaha illaa Allahu waHdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahu-l mulk wa 
lahu-l Hamd, yuHyee wa yumeetu wa huwa ‘alaa kulli shay’in qadeer” 
“Laa ilaaha illaa Allahu waHdahu laa shareeka lahu - anjaza wa'dahu 
wa nasara 'abdahu wa hazama-l ahzaaba wahdahu.” 
Saying that three times and making du'aa after each time.
Halq or Taqseer 
فإذا أتم السعى فیقصر الشعر وبذلك یتحلل من العمرة فیفك الاحرام ویلبس الثیاب. 
Then when you finish the seventh 
circuit upon al-Marwah you shorten 
the hair of your head thus ending the 
Everything that became forbidden to 
you upon entering iHram now 
becomes permissible again. 
You remain in the state of “Hill” 
(being out of iHram) until Yaum ut- 
Tarwiyah (8th Dhu-l Hijjah).
Stay in Makkah 
In the Haram, the reward for good deeds is multiplied 
manifolds, and so is the punishment for sins. 
Try not to miss any salat in Al-Masjid Al-Haram; each 
salat there is better than 100,000 salat elsewhere: the 
equivalent of about 55 years of salat! 
Make optional tawaf as much as possible, as it is better 
than salat at Al-Masjid Al-Haram. 
Use time wisely, it is so precious there. 
Try not to walk between the hands of any praying person 
there, nor allow anyone to walk in front of you while you 
are praying.
وذلك في ضحى الیوم الثامن من ذى 
الحجھ فیُحْرِم من مكانھ النازل فیھ 
فیغتسل إن تیسر لھ ویلبس لباس الاحرام 
ثم یلبى بالحج.. 
If you are in Makkah, then you make 
Ihram from your place of residence. 
If you are in Madinah, then you make 
Ihram from Dhu-l Hulayfah. 
You do the same things that you did 
in your Ihram for the ‘Umra. 
You continue the talbiyah until you 
throw the pebbles at Jamrat-Ul- 
Aqabah on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah.
یخرج الحاج إلي منى ویصلى بھا 
الظھر والعصر والمغرب والعشاء 
والفجر والرباعیة تجعل ركعتین. 
Go to Mina in the morning 
of Yaum at-Tarwiyah (8th of 
Dhu-l Hijjah). 
Pray Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, 
‘Isha and Fajr in their times 
with Qasr. 
Use your time to gather your 
thoughts and prepare for the 
next day: the day of Arafah. 
Mina - 8 Dhul-Hijjah
Arafah - 9 Dhu-l Hijjah 
إذا طلعت الشمس یسیر الحاج إلي عرفھ ویصلى بھا الظھر 
والعصر جمع تقدیم ركعتین ركعتین والمكث بعرفة حتى 
الغروب. ویكثر الحاج من الدعاء وانواع الذكر ... 
After sunrise of the day of Arafah, 
depart for Arafah while making talbiyah 
or takbeer. 
Pray Dhuhr and Asr at Masjid Namirah, 
two rak’as each, combined at the time of 
Namira is not part of Arafah, but part of 
the Masjid is within the limits of Arafah.
Excellence of the day of Arafah 
The Prophet (pbuh) 
said :"There is no day 
on which Allaah frees 
more of His slaves 
from Fire than the Day 
of 'Arafah, and He 
verily draws near, then 
boasts of them before 
the angles, saying 
:'What do they seek?' “ 
عن عائشة _رضي الله عنھا_ عن النبي صلى الله علیھ وسلم قال: (ما من یوم أكثر من 
أن یعتق الله فیھ عبدأ من النار من یوم عرفة، وإنھ لیدنو ثم یباھي بھم الملائكة فیقول: ما 
أراد ھؤلاء؟).
یُسن الافاضة من عرفة بعد غروب الشمس بالسَكِینَة 
"أیھا الناس علیكم بالسَكِینَة ، فإن البر لیس بالابضاع - أى الاسراع" - 
رواه البخارى ومسلم. 
So when the sun has set 
you leave Arafah for 
Muzdalifah, going with 
calmness and tranquility, 
not jostling or pushing 
people; rather whenever 
you find room then you 
go faster.
Muzdalifah - 9 Dhu-l Hijjah 
إذا غربت الشمس یسیر الحاج إلي مزدلفة ویصلى المغرب والعشاء والفجر ثم المكث فیھا 
والاكثار من الذكر آلي قرب طلوع الشمس 
When reaching Muzdalifah 
pray Maghrib, then 'Ishaa, 
shortening it (Qasr), and 
joining the two prayers. 
You do not pray anything 
between them or after 'Isha. 
You may collect pebbles here. 
Then you sleep until Fajr. 
Pray Fajr in the first part of 
its time.
Muzdalifah (cont.) 
It is permissible for weak persons and women to leave after 
half of the night has passed for fear of the crush of people. 
Then you come to the Mash'ar-el-Haraam (a small 
mountain in Muzdalifah) and climb upon it and face the 
Qiblah - then recite takbeer, tahleel, and make du'aa until 
the sky becomes very bright. 
Then you leave for Mina before the sun rises, calmly while 
reciting talbiyah. 
So when you come to the river valley of MuHassir you 
hurry if possible - and it is a part of Mina.
Mina - 10 Dhul-Hijjah 
إذا قرب طلوع الشمس فیسیر الحاج من 
مزدلفة إلي منى فإذا وصل رمى جمرة 
العقبة - وھى الاقرب إلي مكھ - بسبع 
حصیات متعاقبات ویكبر مع كل حصاة. 
You stone Jamrat al-'Aqabah 
only on this day, with seven 
small stones - slightly bigger 
than the chick-pea. 
You recite takbeer while 
throwing each stone. 
You cease reciting talbiyah 
when throwing the last stone. 
You cannot perform this stoning until after sunrise. And you may 
delay it after noon, even up to the night, if you find difficulty in 
doing it before noon.
Mina - 10 Dhu-l Hijjah 
So when you has stoned the Jamrah everything becomes 
lawful for you again except women, even if you have not 
sacrificed or shaved your head - so you may wear your 
clothes and use perfume. 
However you should perform Tawaaf-ul-Ifaada on the 
same day (before Maghrib) if you wish to continue in your 
state of having left IHraam - otherwise, if you have not 
made Tawaaf before the evening (before Maghrib) then 
you return to the state of IHraam as you were before the 
Mina - 10 Dhu-l Hijjah 
Then you shave all of your 
hair off or shorten it. And 
shaving is better. 
Start with the right side of 
the head. 
The woman shortens her 
hair by the length of a 
االلححللقق ااوو االلتتققصصییرر
Skip this step if you made "tawkeel" 
for animal sacrifice (you bought a 
Slaughter your animal in any part of 
Minna or Makkah. 
The time for slaughter is the four 
days of 'Eid. 
Seven people may share in one 
camel or cow. 
And he who cannot afford a 
sacrificial animal should fast three 
days in Hajj (even the 3 days of 
tashreeq) and seven when he returns 
to his family. 
Mina - 10 Dhu-l Hijjah 
ویاكل منھ ویوزع على الفقراء 
والھدى واجب على المتمتع والقارن
Makkah - 10 Dhu-l Hijjah 
یذھب الحاج إلي مكھ ویطوف طواف الافاضھ (طواف الحج). 
Then you go off that day 
to the House and make 
Tawaaf al-IfaDah in the 
same way as in the 
Tawaaf of arrival, except 
that there is no idtiba’ or 
ramal in this Tawaaf. 
Pray two ra'kahs behind 
Maqam Ibraheem.
Makkah - 10 Dhu-l Hijjah 
ویسعى بین الصفا والمروة سعى الحج - وبھذا یتحلل التحلل الثاني، ویحل لھ جمیع 
المحظورات حتى النساء. 
Then you do sa’ye between 
Safaa and Marwah as before. 
And after this tawaaf you are 
in a state of complete 
Drink from Zamzam. 
Return to Mina.
Mina - 11, 12, 13 Dhu-l Hijjah 
ثم یخرج الحاج بعد الطواف والسعى 
إلى منى، فیبیت فیھا لیلتى احدعشر 
واثنى عشر... 
Stay in Mina for the days of 
Tashreeq and their nights. 
And stone the three Jamarat 
with seven pebbles in each of 
those days, after noon. 
After the first and the second 
Jamarat, move forward and 
stand facing the Qiblah for a 
long while making du'aa while 
raising your hands.
Mina - 11, 12, 13 Dhu-l Hijjah 
یرمى الحاج الجمرات الثلاث في الیوم الحادى عشر والثانى عشر بعد الزوال 1- یبدأ بالاولى 
وھى أبعدھن عن مكة 2- ثم الثانیة (الوسطى) 3- ثم جمرة العقبة. كل واحده بسبع حصیات 
متعاقبات، یكبر مع كل حصاه، ویقف الحاج بعد الأولى والثانیھ مستقبلا القبلة یدعو الله. فإن 
أتم الرمى في الیوم الثاني عشر لھ أن یتعجل فیخرج من منى قبل غروب الشمس وإن تأخر - 
وھو الافضل- فیبات في منى لیلة الثالث عشر ویرمى الجِمار في وقتھا بعد الزوال.
Makkah - Last day 
إن أراد الحاج الرجوع إلي بلده فیطوف سبعة أشواط (طواف الوداع) - والحائظ والنفساء 
لیس علیھن طواف الوداع. 
The Prophet PBUH said: 
"None of you should depart 
until he makes -as his last 
act- Tawaaf of the House." 
Rasoolullah PBUH used to 
carry Zamzam water with 
him in water skins and 
containers, and He PBUH 
used to pour it upon the sick 
and give it to them to drink. 
When you finish the Tawaaf 
you leave the mosque like 
the rest of the people - not 
walking backwards.
Hajj Summary
Visit to Madinah 
Allah's Messenger 
(pbuh) declared Medina 
to be as sacred as 
Abraham (pbuh) had 
declared Mecca to be. 
The Prophet (pbuh) said, 
"What lies between its 
(Medina's) two lava 
plains is sacred."
Merits of Madinah (1) 
It is the land of the Prophet's 
migration (pbuh). 
Its people are his neighbors 
and supporters. 
It is the abode of Faith, for to 
it returns Faith at the end of 
At its entrances, there are 
Guardian Angels. Neither 
Antichrist nor the Plague will 
be admitted to it. 
It will be the last city in the 
world to be ruined. 
It is the land of receiving 
Merits of Madinah (2) 
Allah's Messenger (pbuh) made 
these supplications: 
O Allah! Make Madinah as dear to 
us as You made Makkah dear or 
more. (1) 
O Allah! Increase in Madinah 
twice the blessing (Thou 
showered) upon Makkah. (2) 
O Allah! Bless our Madinah, bless 
us in our Sa` and Mudd, and make 
twice Thy blessing. (3) 
Let him die in Madinah who can 
do so.
Make the intention to pray in the Masjid of the 
Prophet (pbuh), not the visit of his grave. 
The only two Masjids in Madinah to visit with the 
intention of salat are the Masjid of the Prophet 
(pbuh) and Masjid Quba (the first masjid in 
The prophet (pbuh) used to go to masjid Quba on 
Saturday morning and pray two rak'as there. In a 
Hadith, he (pbuh) said that doing so is equivalent 
to a 'Umra.
Visit the grave of the Prophet (pbuh) and say your salam 
to him. But do not repeat the visit, as there is a warning 
from him (pbuh) not to take his grave as Eid (i.e. 
something that you do repeatedly). He said (Musnad 
Ahmad, and Abu-Dawud): 
لا تجعلوا بیوتكم قبورا ولا تجعلوا قبري عیدا وصلوا علي فإن صلاتكم تبلغني حیث كنتم 
Visit the graveyard of al-Baqee' were most of the 
Companions of the Prophet (pbuh) are burried, and make 
du'a for them. The Prophet (pbuh) used to say: 
السلام علیكم أھل الدیار من المؤمنین والمسلمین وإنا إن شاء الله بكم لاحقون نسأل الله لنا 
ولكم العافیة
The Prophet’s Masjid & Al-Baqee’ 
The Masjid 
The Prophet’s tomb 
The Prophet 
(PBUH) Omar 
Please don't forget us in your du'aa. 
May Allah accept your Hajj as a 
Hajj mabrour! 
Please send remarks/suggestions to

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Hajj ¦ 1435 - 2014 || Step By Step - Gomaa Abdelsadek PhD

  • 1. MANASEK AL-H A J J Dr. Gomaa Abdelsadek 1435 - 2014
  • 2. وَلِلَّھِ عَلَى النَّاسِ حِجُّ الْبَیْتِ مَنْ اسْتَطَاعَ إِلَیْھِ سَبِیلاً ( وَمَنْ كَفَرَ فَإِنَّ اللَّھَ غَنِيٌّ عَنْ الْعَالَمِینَ ( 97 قال النبي –صلى الله علیھ وسلم-(بنى الاسلامُ على خمس: شھادة أن لا الھ إلا الله وأنَّ محمداً رسولُ الله,وإقام الصلاة,وإیتاء الزكاة وصوم رمضان وحج البیت لمن استطاع إلیھ سبیلا) ) : .[ ] (
  • 3. Excellence of Hajj The Prophet (pbuh) said: "(The performance of) `Umrah is an expiation for the sins committed between it and the previous `Umrah; and the reward of Hajj Mabrur (i.e., one accepted) is nothing but Jannah.'‘ [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]. عن أبي ھریرة أن رسول الله صلى الله علیھ وسلم قال العمرة إلى العمرة كفارة لما بینھما والحج المبرور لیس لھ جزاء إلا الجنة [البخاري و مسلم] The Prophet (PBUH) was asked: "Which deed is the best?'' He (PBUH) replied, "Faith in Allah and His Messenger.'' Then he was asked: "What is next?'' He replied, "Jihad (holy fighting) in the Cause of Allah.'' Then he was asked, "What is after that?'' He (PBUH) replied, "Hajj Mabrur (an accepted pilgrimage).'' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. عن أبي ھریرة رضي الله عنھ قال سئل النبي صلى الله علیھ وسلم أي الأعمال أفضل قال إیمان بالله ورسولھ قیل ثم ماذا قال جھاد في سبیل الله قیل ثم ماذا قال حج مبرور [البخاري و مسلم]
  • 4. Preparation for Hajj Sincerity Repentance from all past sins Pay/record all debts Make sure the wealth to be used in Hajj is from Halal sources Choose the company of the righteous for the journey of Hajj Learn as much as possible about Hajj and ‘Umra Fiqh and “how to” Meanings and spirit Memorize some du’a from Qur’an and Sunnah
  • 5. Arrive at Al-Masjid Al-Haram Take a bath (Ghusl) before entering Makkah if possible When you enter the masjid do not forget to enter by the right foot, and say: allaahumma salli `alaa muhammadin wa sallim, allaahumma aftah lee abwaaba rahmatika. اللھم صل على محمد و سلم، اللھم افتح لي أبواب رحمتك a'oodhu billaahi-l `adheem wa bi wajhihi-l kareem wa sultaanihi-l qadeem mina-sh shaitaani-r rajeem. أعوذ بالله العظیم و بوجھھ الكریم و سلطانھ القدیم من الشیطان الرجیم
  • 6. The Black Stone Go straight to the Black Stone and facing it make takbeer. Then touch the Black Stone with your hand and kiss it, and make sajda upon it also, as the Prophet (pbuh) did that, and `Umar, and Ibn `Abbas. If you are not able to kiss it then touch it with your hand then kiss your hand. If you cannot touch it you should make a sign towards it with your hand. And you do that in every circuit. Do not push and crowd to get to the Black Stone according to the Prophet's saying to ‘Umar.
  • 7. Some definitions Rukn (Pillar): a necessary act of Hajj, such as the standing in Arafah, the lack of which invalidates the Hajj. Wajib (Obligation): an obligatory act of Hajj, such as stoning of the Jamarat, which if missed for any reason, then a Hady (sacrifice of an animal) becomes incumbent for compensation. Sunnah: desirable act of Hajj other than a Rukn or Wajib. Restrictions of Ihram: all acts a person in a state of Ihram is prohibited from doing. Fidyah/Hady: compensatory act for violating a wajib or a restriction of Ihram.
  • 8. Pillars of Hajj (Arkan) Pillars of Hajj ( Arkan )) 1. IHraam 2. Standing in Arafah (Wuqouf) 3. Tawaf Al-IfaDa 4. Sa'ye between Safa & Marwah
  • 9. Obligations of Hajj (Wajibat) Obligations of Hajj ( Wajibat ) 1. Ihram from the meeqat 2. Standing in Arafah until sunset 3. Spend one night in Muzdalifah (after Arafah) 4. Stay overnight in Mina during the days of tashreeq 5. Stoning the Jamarat, and in order 6. Shaving the head or cutting hair (Halq or Taqseer) 7. Tawaaf al-Wadaa' (farewell)
  • 11. Obligations of ‘Umra Obligations of 'Umra ( Wajibat ) 1. IHram from outside the Haram 2. Halq or Taqseer
  • 12.
  • 13. Hajj Step by Step - Summary Ihram Mina (8 Dhul-Hijjah) Arafah (9 Dhu-l Hijjah) Muzdalifah (9 Dhul-Hijjah – night) Mina (10 Dhul-Hijjah): Ramye (throw pebbles at Jamrat-ul-Aqabah) NaHr (sacrifice) Halq (shave hair of the head) Makkah (10 Dhul-Hijjah): Tawaf Al-IfaDah Sa’ye between Safa and Marwa Mina (11, 12 and 13 Dhul-Hijjah): Ramye (throw pebbles at the 3 Jamarat) Makkah (last day) Tawaf Al-Wada’a (Farewell Tawaf)
  • 14. Tamattu Umra then Hajj during the months of Hajj Qiran Umra and Hajj during the months of Hajj Ifrad Hajj and then may be a ‘Umra during the months of Hajj The Prophet (pbuh) asked his companions to do tamattu’, even though he did Qiran because he brought the hady with him.
  • 15. أنـــواع النســـك االلتتممتتعع ععممررةة االلققِِرراانن ععممررةة االإلإففرراادد ححجج عمرة ححجج عمرة ححجج حج للییسس ععللییھھ ھھدديي ھھدديي ھھدديي
  • 16.
  • 17. I. Ihram from Meeqat Arrive at the Meeqat. If you are inside the Haram of Makkah (in your residence in Makkah for example) then you have to go outside the Haram to make Ihram. Masjid At-Tan'eem is the closest point outside the Haram Clip moustache and nails; remove pubic and armpit hair. Do not cut hair from your head Take a bath (Ghusl) Put perfume on your body (head, beard, …) Put Ihram garments (Rida’ & Ezar)
  • 18. Seazon Meqaat المیقات الزمني Mawaqeet في اشھر محددة شوال ،ذي القعدة ،والعشر الاوائل من ذي الحجة،وقد حددت في القرآن Geographic Meqaat المیقات المكاني وھو المكان الذي یجب الا یتجاوزه الحاج الا وھو محرم Madinah – Dhul-Holayfah أھل المدینة ذو الحلیفة Shaam – Al-Juhfah اھل الشام الجحفة (آبار علي)او میناء رابغ بحرا Najd – Quarn Al-manazil لأھل نجد قرن المنازل Yemen – Yalamlam لأھل الیمن یلملم Mawaqeet is the plural of Meeqat: the geographic boundary that a person intending Hajj or ‘Umrah may not cross without assuming Ihram for Hajj or ‘Umrah.
  • 19. Mawaqeet Dhul Hulayfah Coming from Madinah Other names: Abyar Ali ~255 miles North Makkah Al Juhfah Coming from North Africa, Syria, … 116 miles North West of Makkah Rabigh: 127 miles North West of Makkah Qarn Al Manazil Coming from Najd (Ryadh, …), UAE Other names: As-Sayl 50 miles East of Makkah Yalamlam Coming from Yemen
  • 20. Haram of Makkah - map Muzdalifah Ka'ba N Arafah Mina
  • 21. Limits of the Haram of Makkah Tan’eem: 4.6 miles North Nakhlah: 8 miles N.E. Hudaybiyah: 13.5 miles W. Adhah Libn: 10 miles S. Mnt. of Arafah: 13.5 miles E. Ji’ranah: 13.5 miles N.E. N Ji'ranah Arafah Makkah Adhah Libn
  • 22. Restrictions while in the Haram of Makkah Its plants must not be cut, Its game must not be frightened, Articles lost in it must not be picked up except by someone making announcement to find the owner, Nor is any man to bear arms for fighting in it.  Note: the above is part of a Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh)  These restrictions also apply to the haram of Madinah.  They apply to everyone whether in a state of Ihram or not, during any time of the year.
  • 23. Restrictions of Ihram For both men and women: You should not remove any hair or nails. You should not perfume yourself, your clothing, your food or drink after entering Ihram. You should also abstain from cleansing yourself with scented soap. There is no harm in what remains of the effect of perfume used prior to Ihram. You should not touch, kiss, etc. your spouse/husband out of passion and, even worse, should not have sexual intercourse. You should not be wed or propose to a woman for yourself or others. You should not wear gloves, although there is no harm in wrapping the hands in cloth. For men only: You cannot cover your head with something that touches it. You cannot wear a shirt, turban, hooded cloak, trousers, etc. or shoes. Only if you are unable to obtain an Ezar or sandals can you wear trousers or shoes.
  • 24. Permissible of Ihram There is no harm in the use of an umbrella, the roof of a car or tent for shade. There is also no harm in carrying your baggage atop your head. Wear sandals, rings, glasses, a watch, worn on your wrist or hung from your neck. Wear a hearing aid or a speech aid. It is permissible for you to cleanse yourself with unscented cleansers and to wash and scratch your head and body, even if some of your hair falls unintentionally. Wash your Ihram garments. Wear a belt to keep your money and documents, and to tie your Ezar (the lower part of the Ihram).
  • 25. Al-Masjid Al-Haram The door of the Ka’ba The Black Stone 2 1 Black Stone corner 2 Yamani corner 3 Shaami corner 4 ‘Iraqi corner Zamzam Maqam Ibraheem To the Safa 4 3 1 Hijr Isma'eel
  • 26. Umra - Summary "Labbayka Allahumma ‘Umrah" لبیك اللھم عمرة From this point you are in a state of Ihram ! Ihram Tawaf Sa’ye between Al-Safa and Al-Marwa Halq (shaving the head) or Taqseer (cutting the hair short) Pray two rak’as, or a prescribed salat, if it’s time for it. Make intention and say:
  • 27. Talbiyah After intention is made, recite Talbiyah aloud: "labbaikallaahumma labbaik labbaika laa shareeka laka labbaik inna-l hamda wa-n ni'mata laka wa-l mulk, laa shareeka lak" Here I am O Allah, here I am, there is no partner for You, here I am, Verily all praise for You, and every bounty is from You, and all dominion is Yours - You have no partner لبیك اللھم لبیك لبیك لا شریك لك لبیك إن الحمد والنعمة لك والملك لا شریك لك Talbiyah should be continued until you see the Ka’bah (or until the Ramye of the largest Jamrah in the case of Hajj). Make talbiyah especially: while descending or ascending during travel, joining a party of people, after every Salah, and in the morning and evening Talbiyah should be made in a loud voice
  • 28. II. Tawaf Al-Qudoom (Arrival) Arrive at Al-Masjid Al-Haram The Black Stone Tawaf around the Ka'bah Ka’bah being to his left Go around the Ka’bah past the Stone seven times Al-IdTiba’a wearing the iHram under his right armpit and over the left shoulder throughout the seven rounds of tawaf Ar-Ramal a strong and quick walk with boldness, in which the shoulders are thrust forwards in the first three rounds, then walk normally in the rest Pray two Raka’at Drink from Zamzam إذا وصلت إلي مكھ فطف في البیت سبعة أشواط طواف العمرة تبدأ من الحجر الاسود وتنتھى إلیھ ثم تصلى ركعتین خلف مقام إبراھیم قریبا منھ إن تیسر أو بعید..
  • 29. Tawaf - Continue Touch the Yemeni corner with your right hand each time you pass and do not kiss it, and if you are not able to touch it then you should not make any sign towards it with your hand at all. And you should say between the two corners: "Rabbanaa aatinaa fi-d dunyaa hasanatan wa fi-l aakhirati hasanatan wa qinaa 'adhaaba-n naar.” O Allah gives us good in this life, and good in the Hereafter and save us from the Punishment of the Fire. ربنا آتنا في الدنیا حسنة و في الآخرة حسنة و قنا عذاب النار
  • 30. Notes about Tawaf You do not touch the two shami corners at all following the sunnah of the Prophet. There is no particular dhikr for tawaf, so you may read Qur'an or say any dhikr you like. A mentruating woman does not make tawaf until she becomes clean. A state of wuDu’ is required for all kinds of tawaf.
  • 31. Maqam Ibraheem When you finish the 7th round cover your right shoulder and move to the Place of Ibraheem and recite: “وَٱتَّخِذُواْ مِن مَّقَامِ إِبۡرَٲھِـۧمَ مُصَل۟ى “ "Wa-t takhidhoo min maqaami Ibraaheema musallaa." [2,125] Place the Maqam Ibraheem between yourself and the Ka'bah and then pray two rak'ahs. And recite therein Surat Al- Kafiroon and Surat Al-Ikhlas. Traces of the feet of Prophet Ibraheem (‘alaihi assalam) as seen inside the Maqam.
  • 33. Zamzam After praying you go to Zamzam and drink from it, and pour some of the water on your head. Then you return to the Black Stone, say takbeer and touch it, as before, if possible. Zamzam underground This is the modern Zamzam facility underground.
  • 34. Sa’ye between Safa & Marwah إذا انتھى الحاج من الركعتین فیخرج إلي الصفا یسعى بین الصفا والمروة سبع مرات تبدأ بالصفا وتختم بالمروه... Start with Safa Recite particular ayah Make du’aa Walk to Marwah (first lap) On the Marwah, do the same as on the Safa Walk back to the Safa (second lap) Complete seven laps in the same manner
  • 35. Sa’ye between Safa & Marwa Then you descend for sa‘ye from Safa to Marwah. You walk till you reach the green sign-post. You then run quickly till you reach the next green sign-post. Then you walk up to Marwah and ascend it and do upon it as you did upon as-Safa (and that forms one complete lap). Then you return till you ascend as- Safa - running between the green sign-posts - and that is a second lap. Then you return to Marwah - and so on till you complete seven laps finishing upon Marwah. You may make this du'a in sa‘ye: “Rabbi ghfir warHam innaka anta-l a'azzu-l akram.”
  • 36. Sa’ye between Safa & Marwa When reaching the foot of the Safa recite: “Inna-s Safa wa-l Marwata min sha’aairi-l laahi…” [2,158]. عَلَیۡھِ أَن یَطَّوَّفَ بِھِمَ اۚ “ Then say: “Nabda'u bimaa bada'allaahu bihi نبدأ بما بدأ الله بھ ” (We begin with what Allah began with.) Then climb the Safa until you see the Ka’ba Face the Ka’ba and say: “Allahu Akbar” (3 times) Then say: “Laa ilaaha illaa Allahu waHdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahu-l mulk wa lahu-l Hamd, yuHyee wa yumeetu wa huwa ‘alaa kulli shay’in qadeer” “Laa ilaaha illaa Allahu waHdahu laa shareeka lahu - anjaza wa'dahu wa nasara 'abdahu wa hazama-l ahzaaba wahdahu.” Saying that three times and making du'aa after each time.
  • 37. Halq or Taqseer فإذا أتم السعى فیقصر الشعر وبذلك یتحلل من العمرة فیفك الاحرام ویلبس الثیاب. Then when you finish the seventh circuit upon al-Marwah you shorten the hair of your head thus ending the 'Umrah. Everything that became forbidden to you upon entering iHram now becomes permissible again. You remain in the state of “Hill” (being out of iHram) until Yaum ut- Tarwiyah (8th Dhu-l Hijjah).
  • 38. Stay in Makkah In the Haram, the reward for good deeds is multiplied manifolds, and so is the punishment for sins. Try not to miss any salat in Al-Masjid Al-Haram; each salat there is better than 100,000 salat elsewhere: the equivalent of about 55 years of salat! Make optional tawaf as much as possible, as it is better than salat at Al-Masjid Al-Haram. Use time wisely, it is so precious there. Try not to walk between the hands of any praying person there, nor allow anyone to walk in front of you while you are praying.
  • 39. وذلك في ضحى الیوم الثامن من ذى الحجھ فیُحْرِم من مكانھ النازل فیھ فیغتسل إن تیسر لھ ویلبس لباس الاحرام ثم یلبى بالحج.. If you are in Makkah, then you make Ihram from your place of residence. If you are in Madinah, then you make Ihram from Dhu-l Hulayfah. You do the same things that you did in your Ihram for the ‘Umra. You continue the talbiyah until you throw the pebbles at Jamrat-Ul- Aqabah on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah.
  • 40. یخرج الحاج إلي منى ویصلى بھا الظھر والعصر والمغرب والعشاء والفجر والرباعیة تجعل ركعتین. Go to Mina in the morning of Yaum at-Tarwiyah (8th of Dhu-l Hijjah). Pray Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, ‘Isha and Fajr in their times with Qasr. Use your time to gather your thoughts and prepare for the next day: the day of Arafah. Mina - 8 Dhul-Hijjah
  • 41. Arafah - 9 Dhu-l Hijjah إذا طلعت الشمس یسیر الحاج إلي عرفھ ویصلى بھا الظھر والعصر جمع تقدیم ركعتین ركعتین والمكث بعرفة حتى الغروب. ویكثر الحاج من الدعاء وانواع الذكر ... After sunrise of the day of Arafah, depart for Arafah while making talbiyah or takbeer. Pray Dhuhr and Asr at Masjid Namirah, two rak’as each, combined at the time of Dhuhr. Namira is not part of Arafah, but part of the Masjid is within the limits of Arafah.
  • 42. Excellence of the day of Arafah The Prophet (pbuh) said :"There is no day on which Allaah frees more of His slaves from Fire than the Day of 'Arafah, and He verily draws near, then boasts of them before the angles, saying :'What do they seek?' “ عن عائشة _رضي الله عنھا_ عن النبي صلى الله علیھ وسلم قال: (ما من یوم أكثر من أن یعتق الله فیھ عبدأ من النار من یوم عرفة، وإنھ لیدنو ثم یباھي بھم الملائكة فیقول: ما أراد ھؤلاء؟).
  • 43. یُسن الافاضة من عرفة بعد غروب الشمس بالسَكِینَة "أیھا الناس علیكم بالسَكِینَة ، فإن البر لیس بالابضاع - أى الاسراع" - رواه البخارى ومسلم. So when the sun has set you leave Arafah for Muzdalifah, going with calmness and tranquility, not jostling or pushing people; rather whenever you find room then you go faster.
  • 44. Muzdalifah - 9 Dhu-l Hijjah إذا غربت الشمس یسیر الحاج إلي مزدلفة ویصلى المغرب والعشاء والفجر ثم المكث فیھا والاكثار من الذكر آلي قرب طلوع الشمس When reaching Muzdalifah pray Maghrib, then 'Ishaa, shortening it (Qasr), and joining the two prayers. You do not pray anything between them or after 'Isha. You may collect pebbles here. Then you sleep until Fajr. Pray Fajr in the first part of its time.
  • 45. Muzdalifah (cont.) It is permissible for weak persons and women to leave after half of the night has passed for fear of the crush of people. Then you come to the Mash'ar-el-Haraam (a small mountain in Muzdalifah) and climb upon it and face the Qiblah - then recite takbeer, tahleel, and make du'aa until the sky becomes very bright. Then you leave for Mina before the sun rises, calmly while reciting talbiyah. So when you come to the river valley of MuHassir you hurry if possible - and it is a part of Mina.
  • 46. Mina - 10 Dhul-Hijjah إذا قرب طلوع الشمس فیسیر الحاج من مزدلفة إلي منى فإذا وصل رمى جمرة العقبة - وھى الاقرب إلي مكھ - بسبع حصیات متعاقبات ویكبر مع كل حصاة. You stone Jamrat al-'Aqabah only on this day, with seven small stones - slightly bigger than the chick-pea. You recite takbeer while throwing each stone. You cease reciting talbiyah when throwing the last stone. You cannot perform this stoning until after sunrise. And you may delay it after noon, even up to the night, if you find difficulty in doing it before noon.
  • 47. Mina - 10 Dhu-l Hijjah TaHallul So when you has stoned the Jamrah everything becomes lawful for you again except women, even if you have not sacrificed or shaved your head - so you may wear your clothes and use perfume. However you should perform Tawaaf-ul-Ifaada on the same day (before Maghrib) if you wish to continue in your state of having left IHraam - otherwise, if you have not made Tawaaf before the evening (before Maghrib) then you return to the state of IHraam as you were before the stoning.
  • 48. Mina - 10 Dhu-l Hijjah Then you shave all of your hair off or shorten it. And shaving is better. Start with the right side of the head. The woman shortens her hair by the length of a finger-joint. االلححللقق ااوو االلتتققصصییرر
  • 49. Skip this step if you made "tawkeel" for animal sacrifice (you bought a coupon) Slaughter your animal in any part of Minna or Makkah. The time for slaughter is the four days of 'Eid. Seven people may share in one camel or cow. And he who cannot afford a sacrificial animal should fast three days in Hajj (even the 3 days of tashreeq) and seven when he returns to his family. Mina - 10 Dhu-l Hijjah ویاكل منھ ویوزع على الفقراء والھدى واجب على المتمتع والقارن
  • 50. Makkah - 10 Dhu-l Hijjah یذھب الحاج إلي مكھ ویطوف طواف الافاضھ (طواف الحج). Then you go off that day to the House and make Tawaaf al-IfaDah in the same way as in the Tawaaf of arrival, except that there is no idtiba’ or ramal in this Tawaaf. Pray two ra'kahs behind Maqam Ibraheem.
  • 51. Makkah - 10 Dhu-l Hijjah ویسعى بین الصفا والمروة سعى الحج - وبھذا یتحلل التحلل الثاني، ویحل لھ جمیع المحظورات حتى النساء. Then you do sa’ye between Safaa and Marwah as before. And after this tawaaf you are in a state of complete taHallul. Drink from Zamzam. Return to Mina.
  • 52. Mina - 11, 12, 13 Dhu-l Hijjah ثم یخرج الحاج بعد الطواف والسعى إلى منى، فیبیت فیھا لیلتى احدعشر واثنى عشر... Stay in Mina for the days of Tashreeq and their nights. And stone the three Jamarat with seven pebbles in each of those days, after noon. After the first and the second Jamarat, move forward and stand facing the Qiblah for a long while making du'aa while raising your hands.
  • 53. Mina - 11, 12, 13 Dhu-l Hijjah یرمى الحاج الجمرات الثلاث في الیوم الحادى عشر والثانى عشر بعد الزوال 1- یبدأ بالاولى وھى أبعدھن عن مكة 2- ثم الثانیة (الوسطى) 3- ثم جمرة العقبة. كل واحده بسبع حصیات متعاقبات، یكبر مع كل حصاه، ویقف الحاج بعد الأولى والثانیھ مستقبلا القبلة یدعو الله. فإن أتم الرمى في الیوم الثاني عشر لھ أن یتعجل فیخرج من منى قبل غروب الشمس وإن تأخر - وھو الافضل- فیبات في منى لیلة الثالث عشر ویرمى الجِمار في وقتھا بعد الزوال.
  • 54. Makkah - Last day إن أراد الحاج الرجوع إلي بلده فیطوف سبعة أشواط (طواف الوداع) - والحائظ والنفساء لیس علیھن طواف الوداع. The Prophet PBUH said: "None of you should depart until he makes -as his last act- Tawaaf of the House." Rasoolullah PBUH used to carry Zamzam water with him in water skins and containers, and He PBUH used to pour it upon the sick and give it to them to drink. When you finish the Tawaaf you leave the mosque like the rest of the people - not walking backwards.
  • 56. Visit to Madinah Allah's Messenger (pbuh) declared Medina to be as sacred as Abraham (pbuh) had declared Mecca to be. The Prophet (pbuh) said, "What lies between its (Medina's) two lava plains is sacred."
  • 57. Merits of Madinah (1) It is the land of the Prophet's migration (pbuh). Its people are his neighbors and supporters. It is the abode of Faith, for to it returns Faith at the end of time. At its entrances, there are Guardian Angels. Neither Antichrist nor the Plague will be admitted to it. It will be the last city in the world to be ruined. It is the land of receiving Revelation.
  • 58. Merits of Madinah (2) Allah's Messenger (pbuh) made these supplications: O Allah! Make Madinah as dear to us as You made Makkah dear or more. (1) O Allah! Increase in Madinah twice the blessing (Thou showered) upon Makkah. (2) O Allah! Bless our Madinah, bless us in our Sa` and Mudd, and make twice Thy blessing. (3) Let him die in Madinah who can do so.
  • 59. Madinah Make the intention to pray in the Masjid of the Prophet (pbuh), not the visit of his grave. The only two Masjids in Madinah to visit with the intention of salat are the Masjid of the Prophet (pbuh) and Masjid Quba (the first masjid in Islam). The prophet (pbuh) used to go to masjid Quba on Saturday morning and pray two rak'as there. In a Hadith, he (pbuh) said that doing so is equivalent to a 'Umra.
  • 60. Madinah Visit the grave of the Prophet (pbuh) and say your salam to him. But do not repeat the visit, as there is a warning from him (pbuh) not to take his grave as Eid (i.e. something that you do repeatedly). He said (Musnad Ahmad, and Abu-Dawud): لا تجعلوا بیوتكم قبورا ولا تجعلوا قبري عیدا وصلوا علي فإن صلاتكم تبلغني حیث كنتم Visit the graveyard of al-Baqee' were most of the Companions of the Prophet (pbuh) are burried, and make du'a for them. The Prophet (pbuh) used to say: السلام علیكم أھل الدیار من المؤمنین والمسلمین وإنا إن شاء الله بكم لاحقون نسأل الله لنا ولكم العافیة
  • 61. The Prophet’s Masjid & Al-Baqee’ The Masjid Al-Baqee’ Uhud Qiblah Entrance
  • 63. The Prophet’s tomb The Prophet (PBUH) Omar (RAA) Abu-Bakr (RAA)
  • 64. End Please don't forget us in your du'aa. May Allah accept your Hajj as a Hajj mabrour! Please send remarks/suggestions to