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Culture	Design:			
Dr.	James	F.	Moore	
July	13,	2017	
How	Human	and	Community	
Development	Are	EssenFal	to	the	
Success	or	Failure	of	PlaLorm	
•  Several	of	us	at	IRC4HR	have	been	struck	by	the	importance	of	the	human	and	
community	development	challenges	of	plaLorm	businesses.		We	have	been	
studying	these	maQers,	holding	discussions	with	experts,	as	well	as	sponsoring	
research.		I	want	to	parFcularly	thank	my	own	colleagues	Dr.	Jodi	Starkman	and	Hal	
Burlingame,	both	of	IRC4HR.	
•  Our	partnership	with	MIT’s	IniFaFve	on	the	Digital	Economy	has	provided	
parFcularly	useful	insights	into	the	state	of	the	art	in	such	businesses,	and	into	the	
thinking	and	advanced	research	by	affiliates	and	friends	of	the	IniFaFve.	
•  On	the	following	pages	are	some	early	thoughts	regarding	these	human	
challenges.		As	plaLorm	businesses	conFnue	to	proliferate	and	scale	well	into	the	
hundreds	of	millions	of	members	each,	we	believe	these	issues	of	what	for	the	
moment	we	are	calling	plaLorm	“culture	design”	are	becoming	profoundly	
•  We	hope	most	of	all	to	put	these	maQers	firmly	on	the	table	for	discussion,	and	to	
suggest	lines	for	future	research	and	pracFce.		Your	comments	and	suggesFons	are	
needed	and	hearFly	invited!	
1	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
“PlaLorm	businesses	bring	together	producers	and	consumers	in	high-value	
exchanges.		Their	chief	assets	are	informaFon	and	interacFons,	which	
together	are	also	the	source	of	the	value	they	create	and	their	compeFFve	
Marshall	Van	Alstyne,	Geoffrey	Parker,	Sangeet	Chourdary	
Harvard	Business	Review,	April	2016	
What	are	“plaLorm	businesses”?		They	range	from	Facebook,	which	just	
passed	two	billion	members,	to	Fassen,	a	small	ride	service	compeFng	with	
Uber	and	Lyf—which	of	course	in	turn	are	also	plaLorm	businesses.			
In	general,	plaLorm	businesses	connect	people	through	digital	networks—and	
then	life	takes	over.			
They	have	powerful	economics	based	on	their	ability	to	facilitate	mulF-way	
commercial	exchanges,	as	noted	above.		
PlaLorm	businesses	have	equally	vital	social	characterisFcs	and	
demands.		These	cultural	factors	have	a	powerful	influence	on	
success	or	failure,	and	on	the	economic	performance	achieved.	
2	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
Analysts	ofen	argue	that	the	network	effects	that	plaLorm	businesses	
establish	become	insurmountable.		However,	history	shows	that	network-
based	advantages	can	be	overcome	by	rivals.		
•  FaceBook	defeated	MySpace.	
•  Google	defeated	Yahoo,	Yahoo/Bing,	and	Yahoo/Google.	
•  Apple	2007	defeated	Nokia	and	Blackberry.	
•  Apple	2017	earns	largest	share	to	total	smartphone	profits.	
How	did	these	winners	win?			
Hypothesis:		The	winners	were	(and	are)	beQer	supporters	of	human	development,	
beQer	at	saFsfying	the	full	pyramid	of	human	needs,	and	beQer	at	culFvaFng	
communiFes	and	culture	
3	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
Human	communiFes	thrive	on	some	plaLorms,	if	cultural	factors	are	
managed	well	and	complemented	by	features	
•  FaceBook:		beQer	features	(e.g.	daFng	status)	and	a	culture	iniFally	associated	with	
Ivy	League	UniversiFes	
•  Google:		beQer	features	(e.g.	beQer	search	results,	beQer	email),	email	by	
invitaFon	and	associated	with	exclusiveness	and	techie	presFge	
•  Apple	2007:		beQer	features	(e.g.	iTunes	on	iPhone)	and	cool,	brash,	“think	
different”	brand	
•  Apple	2017	earns	most	profits	because	customers	aspire	to	the	creaFve,	successful	
image	of	Apple	users,	an	image	and	experience	supported	by	extensive	adverFsing,	
immersive	stores,	content,	and	personal	myth-making	
4	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
That	“culture	rules”	is	not	surprising	to	marketers	and	brand	managers.		What	
is	different	today	are	the	complexiFes	of	plaLorm	interacFon,	at	large	scale,	
with	mulFple	populaFons,	and	constant	change	
MarkeFng	brand		
MarkeFng	and	extended	
human	design,	human	
resources	and	cultural	
challenges,	as	well	as	brand	
5	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
How	do	we	lead	culture	development	on	plaLorms?	
How	do	we	integrate	brand	management	and	culture?	
These	human	ecosystems	consFtute	the	largest	human	resource	
populaFons	ever	assembled.		How	do	we	lead	these	populaFons	and	
effecFvely	shape	their	dynamic	growth	and	change?	
6	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
Cases	and	culture	
•  At	this	stage	in	the	study	of	human	and	community	development	and	plaLorms,	
cases	are	very	instrucFve.	
•  On	the	following	pages,	consider	a	case	that	can	be	seen	as	representaFve	of	how	
culture	and	the	human	need	for	meaning	are	at	the	center	of	how	this	plaLorm	
business	has	grown.	
7	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
The	Case	of	Airbnb	
Founded	2008,	private	company	
“Whether	an	apartment	for	a	night,	a	castle	for	a	week,	or	a	villa	for	a	month,	Airbnb	
connects	people	to	unique	travel	experiences,	at	any	price	point,	in	more	than	
65,000	ciFes	and	191	countries.”	
Source:	About	us.	
8	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
Airbnb	leaders	were	iniFally	preoccupied	with	managing	technology	and	
•  As	Airbnb	grew	from	2008	into	2013,	it	did	not	have	a	much	of	any	comprehensive	
–  As	CEO	Brian	Chesky	told	Fast	Company	in	2014	
•  “We	launched	our	2012	plan	in	June	of	that	year.	[6	months	into	the	year]	
•  “There	was	no	2011	plan.”		[Chesky	laughs]	
•  The	2013	plan	had	more	strategies	than	Chesky	could	keep	track	of.		“it’s	really	hard	
to	keep	your	focus.”	
•  Unmanaged	human	and	cultural	issues	were	becoming	more	apparent	
–  PotenFal	behavioral	problems	with	hosts,	guests	and	communiFes	were	not	being	
addressed	proacFvely	and	prevenFvely.	The	potenFal	for	problems	to	compound	and	
cause	damage	was	growing	with	the	size	of	the	network.	
–  Among	potenFal	customers,	the	company’s	image	was	associated	with	“couch	surfing”	
but	a	much	larger	potenFal	market	was	coming	into	view,	with	a	wider	range	of	guests,	
with	broad	range	of	desires	for	lodging	
Source:			Inside	Airbnb’s	Grand	Hotel	Plans,	Fast	Company,	March	17,	2014	
9	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
the	Airbnb	challenge	
•  How	do	you	create	a	hospitality	service	to	scale	to	match	the	global	hotel	
networks,	and	maintain	quality	and	consistency?		How	do	you	accomplish	this	
without	invesFng	in	equivalent,	and	expensive,	human	resource	development?	
•  How	do	you	do	this	while	respecFng	and	building	on	your	enormous	diversity	of	
situaFons	and	people?	
•  You	would	like	to	encourage	the	hosts	and	customers	together	to	conFnually	self-
create	a	healthy	company	culture.	But	how	do	you	do	that?		And	do	it	worldwide?	
Airbnb	needed	a	system	for	managing	the	culture	of	their	
vast	plaLorm	business.			But	what	system?	
10	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
• 		Chip	Conley	had	been	the	CEO	of	a	network	of	hotels	who,	in	his	words,	had	
faced	the	challenge	of	“making	work	meaningful	for	people	who	clean	toilets	for	
a	living”	
He	had	a	management	system—albeit	for	
hotels—and	had	even	wriQen	a	book	
about	it	
Source:	Chip	Conley,	Peak:		How	Great	Companies	Get	Their	Mojo	from	Maslow,	2007,	Jossey-Bass,	San	Francisco			
Chip	Conley	had	elements	of	such	a	system	
• 		He	had	successfully	led	Joie	de	Vivre,	the	largest	hotel	network	in	San	
Francisco,	disFnguished	by	the	uniqueness	of	each	its	52	hotels
Conley’s	system	was	based	on	Abraham	Maslow’s	and	Victor	Frankel’s	studies	
of	how	people	find	meaning	in	their	lives	
Conley’s	insight	was	that	work	life	in	a	hotel	network,	and	by	extension	on	a	
digital	plaLorm,	can	be	designed	and	led	so	as	to	support	each	person’s	quest	
for	personal	meaning	and	a	full	life.		A	full	life	is	understood	in	terms	of	
Maslow’s	pyramid,	above.	
Sources:		Hierarchy	of	Needs.	Abraham	Maslow	(1954).	Mo#va#on	and	personality.	New	York,	NY:	Harper.	
Vktor	Frankl	(1946).	Man’s	Search	for	Meaning.		Boston,	MA:	Beacon	Press	
Maslow’s	hierarchy	of	human	needs	
12	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
(Physiological	&	Safety)	
(Social/Belonging	&	Esteem)	
Conley	adapted	Maslow’s	insights	to	create	what	might	be	called	culture	
development	systems	based	on	versions	of	Maslow’s	pyramid	adapted	to	
employees,	customers,	and	investors.	
Source:	Chip	Conley,	Peak:		How	Great	Companies	Get	Their	Mojo	from	Maslow,	2007,	Jossey-Bass,	San	Francisco			
13	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
Maslow’s	ideas,	especially	about	the	need	for	meaningful	work,	were	used	to	
develop	a	Human	Resources	management	approach	for	employees	
(Physiological	&	Safety)	
• Three	levels	of	needs	were	
systemaFcally	addressed	through	
human	resources	processes:	
• PromoFng	inspiraFon	through	
highlighFng	meaningful	life	
• Fostering	loyalty	through	community-
building	iniFaFves	and	personal	
recogniFon	pracFces	
• Achieving	a	base	level	of	moFvaFon	
through	fairness	in	pay,	evaluaFon,	
promoFon	and	access	to	opportuniFes	
Source:	Chip	Conley,	Peak:		How	Great	Companies	Get	Their	Mojo	from	Maslow,	2007,	Jossey-Bass,	San	Francisco			14	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
Now	fast-forward	to	2013.	Airbnb	hired	Conley	to	a	new	posiFon	as	leader	of	
Strategy	&	Global	Hospitality	
•  ReporFng	directly	to	Chesky,	the	CEO,	and	responsible	for	the	
experience	and	culture	of	both	hosts	and	guests	
•  This	hire	was	accompanied	by	a	broadening	of	Airbnb’s	strategic	
–  “Airbnb	will	become	nothing	less	than	a	full-blown	
hospitality	brand,	one	that	delivers	a	seamless	end-to-end	
experience	when	its	customers	travel.”	
–  “Airbnb	will	win	by	delivering	local	experiences	chock-full	of	
personality	and	idiosyncrasies,	all	supported	by	the	best	
hospitality	its	hosts	can	deliver.”	
Source:			Inside	Airbnb’s	Grand	Hotel	Plans,	Fast	Company,	March	17,	2014	
Conley’s	challenge	was	to	develop	a	leadership	system	
that	supports	hosts	and	guests	and	contributes	to	
scaling	the	network	safely	and	effecFvely	
15	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
Conley	set	out	to	apply	what	he	learned	in	hotels	to	Airbnb’s	massive	online	
community	of	hosts	and	guests	
Source:		Airbnb	hires	Joie	de	Vivre’s	Chip	Conley	as	Head	of	Hospitality,	Forbes,	Sept	17,	2013	
16	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
SystemaFcally	improve	the	operaFonal	foundaFon	for	the	cultural	experience	
•  Improve	plaLorm	basics,	for	example	by	
simplifying	booking	and	encouraging	instant	
•  Set	foundaFon	standards	to	insure	consistent	
service,	including	honesty	in	lisFngs,	
photographs	of	professional	quality	
whenever	possible,	consistent	basic	
ameniFes	and	cleanliness.			
•  Help	incubate	new	services,	most	important	
being	third-party	cleaning	services	for	hosts.		
•  SystemaFcally	listen	and	study	host	and	
guest	experiences	and	feedback.		Make	
Fmely,	effecFve	and	transparent	responses	
to	problems	and	opportuniFes.		
Source:			Inside	Airbnb’s	Grand	Hotel	Plans,	Fast	Company,	March	17,	2014	
17	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
Develop	host	communiFes	
•  Community-building	throughout	the	
•  Online	tools	provided	to	local	hosts	create	
communiFes	to	help	each	other	succeed.		
•  Summit	meeFngs	of	hosts	and	company	
leaders	in	each	of	the	far-flung	parts	of	
the	Airbnb	world.			
•  Conley	himself	present	at	these	events;	
extensive	travel	to	meet	with	members	
around	the	world.			
Source:			Inside	Airbnb’s	Grand	Hotel	Plans,	Fast	Company,	March	17,	2014	
18	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
Reframe	host	and	guest	idenFty	
•  Emphasize	helping	guests	be	inspired	and	have	joyful	
experiences	and	make	emoFonal	connecFons	to	special	
people	and	places.		
•  Market	iniFaFves	to	promote	travel	as	a	valuable	
element	of	each	person’s	life.		Discover	new	people	and	
places!	Expand	your	horizons.	
•  Encouraged	hosts	to	develop	their	skills	as	facilitators	of	
the	total	guest	travel	experience.		
•  Create	new	experience-based	services.		Affordable,	
hours-long	mini	experiences	in	which	local	people	
provide	special	opportuniFes	for	guests,	for	example	
ranging	from	going	backstage	at	an	opera,	to	taking	a	
guided	nature	walk	through	hidden	parks.		DramaFc	
maxi	experiences	such	as	safaris	and	mountain	climbing	
Source:			Inside	Airbnb’s	Grand	Hotel	Plans,	Fast	Company,	March	17,	2014	
19	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
Airbnb	conFnued	to	scale,	with	2017	total	lisFngs	greater	than	any	hotel	
Source:		Airbnb	and	Hotel	Performance,	STR,	2017.	
It	seems	implausible	that	Airbnb	could	have	conFnued	to	scale	smoothly	without	
having	intensely	developed	its	organizaFonal	culture.		ConvenFonal	hotel	network	
compeFtors	invest	massively	in	culture	by	way	of	training	and	oversight,	and	believe	
this	investment	is	absolutely	central	to	their	conFnued	success.	
20	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
To	see	the	impact	of	culture	on	growth,	it	is	instrucFve	to	compare	Airbnb	
with	its	most	similar	plaLorm-based	compeFtor,	HomeAway	
Airbnb	has	the	predicted	economics	of	plaLorm-based	businesses	with	exponenFal	
revenue	growth.		In	March	of	2017	it	announced	it	had	reached	EBTDA	profitability	in	
Q2	2016	and	expected	to	conFnue	to	be	profitable	ongoing.		It	also	raised	a	new	$1	
Billion	investment	round	at	a	valuaFon	of	$31	Billion.	
HomeAway	has	the	linear	revenue	growth	of	a	typical	acquisiFon	strategy,	as	it	bought	
23	compeFtor	in	ten	years.		In	2015	it	was	acquired	by	Expedia	for	$3.9	billion.	
Sources:		HomeAway	deal	strengthens	Expedia’s	strategic	posiFon	in	online	travel,	Euromonitor,	12/4/2015	
CNBC	Airbnb	just	closed	a	$1	billion	round	and	became	profitable	in	2016,	CNBC	Tech	(online)	March	9,	2017			 21	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
With	an	aQracFve	and	healthy	plaLorm	culture,	exponenFal	growth	is	a	
structural	consequence	of	the	member	aQracFon	model	
22	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
With	an	unappealing,	unhealthy	or	neglected	plaLorm	culture,	growth	is	
limited	to	paid-for	recruiFng	with	an	uncertain	yield.	Churn	erodes	current	
membership.	Investors	may	pursue	growth	by	acquisiFon	as	a	more	reliable	
use	of	funds,	and	never	address	the	cultural	problem	
23	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
Unable	to	achieve	organic	growth,	HomeAway	made	23	acquisiFons	between	
2005	and	2015.		Despite	these	moves,	HomeAway	was	increasingly	threatened	by	
Airbnb,	and	on	February	26,	2013	the	board	engaged	Qatalyst	Partners	to	explore	
strategic	alternaFves	including	combinaFons	and/or	sale	of	the	company	
Source:		HomeAway,	Wikipedia,	
sourced	July	10,	2017		
24	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
HomeAway	realized	that	Airbnb	had	a	beQer	business	model	based	on	
transacFon	fees	rather	than	lisFngs,	as	was	HomeAway’s	model.		HomeAway	
began	planning	in	2013	to	transiFon	its	model	toward	Airbnb’s			
•  However,	the	complexity	of	making	the	transiFon	across	mulFple	disFnct	
companies	and	plaLorms	was	daunFng.			
•  Over	the	next	few	years	the	board	became	increasingly	concerned	about	what,	
essenFally,	were	cultural	issues	facing	any	transiFon.			
•  Things	came	to	a	head	at	a	board	meeFng	in	October	2015		
–  The	HomeAway	board	of	directors	noted	at	the	top	of	a	list	of	concerns	that	
“prior	adjustments	to	HomeAway’s	business	model	had	resulted	in	
unexpected	negaFve	impacts	on	user	experience	and	HomeAway’s	business”	
and	refused	to	sign	off	on	the	next	phase	of	the	business	model	transiFon.	
–  The	board	moved	forward	aggressively	toward	selling	the	company.	
25	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
Several	companies	explored	a	bid,	but	only	Expedia	made	an	actual	offer.		Its	final	
offer	was	modest	compared	to	HomeAway’s	price	history.		It	included	$1	billion	
cash,	and	the	rest	of	the	purchase	in	Expedia	stock	
Source:		HomeAway	stock	price	history.		Google	Finance,	accessed	July	10,	2017.	
HomeAway	November	16,	2015	S-4	“Background	of	the	Offer	and	the	Mergers”	accessed	from	The	Inside	Story	Behind	Expedia’s	Purchase	of	HomeAway,	Dennis	Schaal,	November	16,	2015	
$	38.31	per	share	imputed	value	of	
Expedia’s	offer	of	“$10.15	in	cash	and	
0.2065	of	a	share	of	Expedia	
common	stock	per	share	of	
HomeAway	common	stock”	
26	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
QuesFons	raised	by	the	Airbnb	case	
•  What	might	have	interfered	with	conFnued	growth	if	Airbnb	had	not	focused	on	
organizaFonal	culture?		
•  By	picking	Chip	Conley	to	guide	its	organizaFonal	culture,	what	choice	did	Airbnb	
make	about	its	future?		How	might	the	result	have	been	different	it	they	had	
recruited	someone	from	Four	Seasons,	or	from	Thai	Airlines?	Or	from	Google	or	
•  How	would	you	summarize	the	cultural	values	that	are	being	pursued	by	Airbnb	as	
described	in	the	case?	
•  How	do	the	cultural	elements	affect	host	and	guest	differently?		Similarly?	
•  How	might	the	core	values	influence	the	direcFon	of	future	growth	into	new	lines	
of	business.		For	example	Airbnb	is	now	offering	a	variety	of	day-long	guided/
hosted	special	experiences,	drawing	on	hosts’	special	interests	and	access.		How	is	
this	consistent	or	inconsistent	with	the	values?	
27	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
QuesFons	for	a	CEO	re	PlaLorms	and	Culture	
•  What	plaLorm	business	do	you	hope	to	scale	exponenFally?	
•  What	people	does	the	plaLorm	hope	to	serve?	
•  In	order	to	achieve	your	objecFve,	what	cultural	vision	and	values	do	you	need	to	
develop	among	those	people	engaged	with	the	plaLorm?	
•  What	issues/pain	are	you	facing	now	regarding	the	culture	of	your	business?	
•  What	challenges	do	you	anFcipate	as	you	scale	and	develop	your	plaLorm	
28	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
How	can	a	CEO	organize	to	address	these	maQers?	
•  Dr.	Jodi	Starkman	of	IRC4HR	has	a	useful	starFng	point	that	reflects	the	importance	
of	the	issues	at	hand,	and	the	way	in	which	they	transcend	tradiFonal	execuFve	
roles	such	as	Human	Resources	or	MarkeFng.	
•  In	some	real	sense,	plaLorm	businesses	need	chief	culture	or	experience	officers.	
•  Chip	Conley,	reporFng	directly	to	the	CEO,	with	a	Ftle	of	Strategy	and	Global	
Hospitality,	suggests	a	model	for	the	role,	reporFng	and	capabiliFes	required.	
•  One	can	appoint	an	execuFve	in	charge	of	the	human	dimension	of	the	plaLorm	
business,	reporFng	to	the	CEO.	
•  This	person	in	turn	might	usefully	have	direct	reports	responsible	for	overseeing	
the	experience	of	each	of	the	respecFve	stakeholders	on	the	plaLorm.	
29	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017
Human-centered	culture	design	of	plaLorms	&	ecosystems	
•  A	new	discipline	is	being	born,	and	it	is	vital	for	business	leaders	to	understand	it	
and	invest	in	leading	it.		“Culture	design”	is	one	way	to	characterize	it.	
•  In	a	sense	it	is	“human	resources”	writ	large,	encompassing	work	and	organizaFon	
design,	recruitment,	staffing,	pay	and	benefits,	as	well	as	organizaFon	
development	and	planned	change.	
•  In	another	sense	it	is	an	extension	of	the	fields	of	design,	product	design,	user-
interacFon	design,	architecture	and	planning—as	well	as	cultural	anthropology,	
•  The	new	discipline	requires	new	ways	of	thinking	appropriate	to	substanFal	
quanFtaFve	(scale)	and	qualitaFve	differences	(online	culture,	extremely	
mulFnaFonal,	effects	of	online	and	non-online	interplay).	
30	Dr.	James	F.	Moore,	IRC4HR	July	13,	2017

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Culture Design: How Human and Community Development are Essential to the Success or Failure of Platform Businesses