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Language Acquisition Essay
What is language? Language is a set of arbitrary symbols that enables every individual in the
community to communicate and interact. These symbols contain acceptable meanings by the
society and culture. Possessing a language is essential in all human; every normal human speaks but
nonhuman does not. Acquisition, on the other hand, means learning or getting. Therefore, language
acquisition basically means the learning or the gaining of a language. Language acquisition is
normally viewed as a part of cognitive science. Many psychologists like Pavlov, Skinner, Jean
Piaget, Vygotsky and Chomsky had done researches on this particular field. Language acquisition is
an interesting subject to study and discuss on. Every normal child acquires more content...
With the existence of Universal Grammar, adults need not spoon feed children with every single
word or sentence of the desired language. What children really need is exposure to the language and
they are able to process it and learn it on their own. Upon mentioning on Universal Grammar,
Chomsky concluded that every child is born with Language Acquisition Device. Language
Acquisition Device which is naturally equipped in human's brain contains the rules or laws which
are universal to all languages – the Universal Grammar. It is an area which cannot be pointed out
exactly in the brain but is believed to be present in the neurological networks every human has
developed. This device is believed to exist only in human's brain, not in nonhuman. Children only
need to be exposed or access to samples of their languages as a trigger to activate the device. Once
the activation has taken place, children will be able to find out the patterns of the language to be
learned. They will be able to combine their innate capability (the ability on language acquisition)
with the information they gain from the environment. Therefore, if language acquisition is
corresponding to brain development, there must be a period in life whereby human are able to
acquire a language most effectively as brain cells do not develop the whole life. In respond to that,
the critical period for language learning is biologically determined in which the period
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Stress in the Workplace Essay
Stress in the workplace
Stress in the workplace has become one of the increasingly popular topics of discussion over the
last couple of decades. It has become a major concern among various organizations creating an
impact on the management and operations of the organization. This paper will give a detailed
definition of what stress in the workplace is and the most common causes of stress amongst both
employers and employees. In the midst of investigating the causes of stress, I will give an outline of
what can be done to manage the stress by not only the individual but also by the employers
I will also mention the effects of stress to an individual, which can be categorized as short–term
effects both psychological more content...
In the United States, the American Institute of Stress (AIS) has estimated that 40% of the worker
turnover is due to stress and the cost of stress in the workplace has been estimated to be over
$300 billion per year. However, the ability of employers to lower the rate of stress in the workplace
has shown to improve the employee's quality of work and their health (Lee 36).
Causes of stress in the workplace
There are a variety of different causes of stress in the workplace and an ability to identify these as
an employer is important because it will help in knowing how to deal with and correct any
problems arising from it. Most of the stresses are caused when the demands at work become
extreme or excessive. Many of these demands are a direct result of technological advances that have
made work processes easier but on the other hand, require employees to do more tasks. Current
technology demands the workers to constantly perform near peak levels, be competitive and be
cognizant of technological breakthroughs. In some circumstances, the organization fails to inform
the workers about changes in the business or the technology they are using in their systems which
can cause tension and uncertainty. Because of this, the worker can feel a constant fear of losing their
position if they do not work efficiently and understand the new changes in the organization.
Another cause of stress is a change in the workplace environment. As an
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Anne Bradstreet Essay
Anne Bradstreet Anne Bradstreet was a woman in conflict. She was a Puritan wife and a poet.
There is a conflict between Puritan theology and her own personal feelings on life. Many of her
poems reveal her eternal conflict regarding her emotions and the beliefs of her religion. The two
often stood in direct opposition to each other. Her Puritan faith demanded that she seek salvation
and the promises of Heaven. However, Bradstreet felt more strongly about her life on Earth. She
was very. She was very attached to her family and community. Bradstreet loved her life and the Earth.
There are several poems of Bradstreet that demonstrate this conflict. There is "Upon the Burning of
Our House July 10th, 1666" and the ones more content...
As she passes the ruins she recreates the pleasant things that had been there. Despite the reasonable
arguments that her goods belonged to God and whatever God does is just, there is in the poem an
undercurrent of regret that the loss is not fully compensated for by the hope of the treasure that lies
above. (84)
"Upon the Burning of Our House, July 10th, 1666" is one of Anne Bradstreet's most effective poems.
Part of that effectiveness comes from the poignant tension between her worldly concerns, as
represented by her household furnishings and her spiritual aspirations.
As Wendy Martin says "the poem leaves the reader with painful impression of a woman in her
mid–fifties, who having lost her domestic comforts is left to struggle with despair. Although her
loss is mitigated by the promise of the greater rewards of heaven, the experience is deeply tragic."
Anne Bradstreet's feelings about her home represent the most material conflict. When her home
burned down she wrote the poem to voice these feelings of hers. She describes the awakening to
the "shrieks of dreadful voice" and going out to watch "the flame consume" her "dwelling place".
But she comforts herself with good Puritan dogma. The burning of the house is God's doing and his
doings should not be questioned. In looking over the stanzas where she
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What Is Religion? Essay
What is religion? Each person's definition of religion is different. Each person's faith is different.
This is a question that has been asked for centuries, and regardless of the answer given there is no
right or wrong answer. Religion can be defined as a group of people who have shared beliefs who
feel their life has purpose or meaning. This feeling or belief that their life has meaning can come
from outside of themselves, as well as within. Taking this one step further, these shared beliefs put
into action in the form of worship, can be easily identified because they happen regularly. It can be
said the Primal religions were in fact not religions. Some may argue Confucianism is not a religion.
Others may say Taoism is not more content...
They are teachings learned by previous generations then passed down, they are not always
actions. The fifth feature of religion is grace. Grace is defined by Smith as "the belief and
assurance that reality is on our side and can be counted on." Lastly there is mystery. For this there
is no exact definition, but it is all of what a religion cannot explain, it is all that the human mind
cannot grasp, it is the certain "higher power" that religion offers. Of these six features, there are
three that are present in most all religions, they are: authority, tradition, and mystery. Authority,
tradition, and mystery further explore and define religion when looking specifically at Primal
Religions, Confucianism, and Taoism. Primal Religions are often mistaken to be the religion of the
primitive man, often thought to be unintelligent. There is a definition of "primal" that is better
suited than unintelligent or primitive. Primal in terms of religion, refers to the lack of exposure to
technology, it is not "knowing" the state of consciousness given to many by the technological
environment. Primal religions preceded organized religion as we know it today by thousands of
years, in some cases millions, but are still present in the world today; we now call them tribal
religions. Within primal religions there are people who are knowledgeable about life, who are
knowledgeable about
Defining Religion–4 traditions, and who are
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Workplace Discrimination Essay examples
Workplace Discrimination
Discrimination occurs when an employee suffers from unfavorable or unfair treatment due to their
race, religion, national origin, disabled or veteran status, or other legally protected characteristics.
Employees who have suffered reprisals for opposing workplace discrimination or for reporting
violations to the authorities are also considered to be discriminated against. Federal law prohibits
discrimination in work–related areas, such as recruiting, hiring, job evaluations, promotion policies,
training, compensation and disciplinary action. (, 2006)
Aside from the obvious, unfair treatment does not always equal unlawful discrimination. Treating a
person differently from others violates more content...
The Fair Labor Standards Act applies to employees engaged in some aspect of interstate commerce.
(, 2006)
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in many more aspects of the
employment relationship. It applies to most employers engaged in interstate commerce with more
than 15 employees, labor organizations, and employment agencies. The Act prohibits discrimination
based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Sex includes pregnancy, childbirth or related
medical conditions. It makes it illegal for employers to discriminate in hiring, discharging,
compensation, or terms, conditions, and privileges of employment. Employment agencies may not
discriminate when hiring or referring applicants. Labor Organizations are also prohibited from
basing membership or union classifications on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
(, 2006)
The Nineteenth Century Civil Rights Acts, amended in 1993, ensure all persons equal rights under
the law and outline the damages available to complainants in actions brought under the Civil Rights
Act of 1964, Title VII, the American with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Rehabilitation Act of
1973. (, 2006)
The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) prohibits employers from discriminating on
the basis of age. An employee is
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Essay about Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action has been an issue of contention since its inception during the Civil Rights
struggles of mid 20th century America. Discrimination could no longer be tolerated and the Unites
States government had an obligation to encourage equality at all levels of the social infrastructure.
The main type of discrimination being addressed by Affirmative Action programs was racial
discrimination. The Merriam Webster dictionary definesracism as: 'a belief that race is the primary
determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent
superiority of a particular race.' The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibited discrimination of any
kind, laid the foundation for the introduction of Affirmative more content...
However, Affirmative Action was initially created to tackle the discrimination of blacks. Over the
years, random testing has been conducted to analyze America's social structure and the level of
racial divide. The Fair Employment Council of Greater Washington Inc. did some testing between
1992 and 1994. The studies discovered that blacks were treated worse than whites 24 percent of the
time when interviewing for jobs. In fact, when a car dealership conducted interviews, the black
candidate was offered a car washing position while the white candidate, with identical qualifications,
was offered a sales position. White males maintain 97 percent of the senior management positions in
Fortune 1000 companies. The unemployment rate of whites is less than half that of blacks. The
poverty rate in the black community hovers around 26 percent. The poverty rate for whites is 9
percent. The inequality between white and black America is alarming and Affirmative Action is
desperately needed to establish some sense of equality. The fight for equal opportunity begins with
the government, and all government agencies have made a concerted effort to establish Affirmative
Action programs. The United States Department of Labor offers this statement on its website:
"For federal contractors and subcontractors, affirmative action must be taken by covered employers
to recruit and advance qualified minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and covered veterans.
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What is Sociology? Essays
What is Sociology? After reviewing the article titles given for this first assignment, I believe they
indicate that Sociology, generally speaking, is not only a study of diversity or commonality in traits
among people; it is also a science about factors in a person's life and how these factors culminate
responses. Interestingly enough, its topics of concern seem to be directly determined by current and
common events of the world. Through the invention and expansion of new ideas, popular trends and
fashions through time, Sociology adapts to responsibly to service the very subjects of interest it
studies; for, even the slightest change of a person's daily experience can have an insurmountable
impact on attitude, personal growth, more content...
How has Sociology changed? According to the Merriam–Webster Online Dictionary (2010),
Sociology is referred to as ".the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and
collective behavior of organized groups of human beings" (para. 1); however, the transformable
qualities of this science are not represented by this definition, as they should be. To best understand
these changes, we must first consider changes within people as study objects; for as previously
stated, Sociology changes in ways which are commensurate to changes in the world around it.
For example, during the 1970's, single parent households did exist, but these arrangements were
considered to be the exception, not the rule. In contrast, today's family structures are as diverse as
the people within them. Given that it has become routine for some parents to live separately, and
couples of same sex marriages are now common place, unique areas of consideration have opened up
and are in need of further scrutiny. Through updated theories and advanced equipment, inventive
techniques have been applied to study people adjoined to the modernized world they live in. Also,
social sciences have fundamentally altered their beliefs of acceptability and acknowledged
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Essay on Website Design
Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo, Google, and Twitter are all websites that people use every day, but
how did they get there and how were they created? Website design is a process of assorting and
linking codes and graphics into a text editor such as notepad and then displaying it onto a web
browser. There is a large amount of things to remember for website design. Ranging from HTML,
CSS, and XHTML codes to scripting languages like Java Script. Website design has a vast history
considering it is a fairly young profession. Website design uses complex codes to create web pages
in addition with programs aiding in the creation; when you join the two components together it is a
long complicated process that ends in purchasing a domain name for more content...
Websites did not need to be big, elaborate, and flashy. They just needed to get the point across, and
that is exactly the purpose they served. In 1994 the World Wide WebConsortim or W3C was
established to oversee the development of web technology standards. The W3C designated
HTML as the primary code language for the future of website design to be based on. Of course
they have made advancements in the base design code such as HTML versions one, two, three,
four, and XHTML. The very first and current director of W3C is Tim Berners–Lee. Tim actually
invented the World Wide Web in 1991 and created the world's first website. He put the first
website online on August 6, 1991. The web address was Unfortunately it no
longer exists in its original form. The W3C is still in charge of code techniques and development
guidelines that website development follows. Technology has advanced over the years in web
design. Website design is cut up into four generations. The first generation of web design was
very simple. It was basically just text, this was because early modems were very slow and plain
basic webpages would load much faster this way. The second generation was slightly more
advanced as the development of HTML became more complicated. The third generation of web
design is when website designers could add vibrant colors and animated images to their webpage.
The evolution of websites and their
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Workplace Motivation Essay
Nowadays the most of works need to motivation because this works want to get high quality
.However, there are some problems which face so many people during the motivation . So there are
a lot of theories appeared to help people to get the best motivation. What is the motivation .To reply
this question that means you can understand the motivation also you can know how do you deal
with problem motivation. There are a lot of definitions for motivation some people make briefly
definition for motivation ,that is the motivation that pushes person to do some things . Moreover,
there also are anther of definition ,One of these definitions define by (Robbins, 2001, p.155) he
states " motivation as the processes more content...
What is more they feel stability in their life. That means they can continue their life normal form.
Thirdly love and Belonging work to make enjoy human life moreover person feel strong while
belonging, for example mother or father love their children, also the children feel power because
they belong to their family. Fourthly esteem provide life object of stricture and linking life such as
children respect parents also students respect teachers. Finally self–actualization after achievement
all these needs ,the person will starts in search for self realization to give the best of what he or
she has and use all his powers develop to the limits of very high. Maslow consider that the person
can not be in motion to other layer of pyramid before attain all needs in that layer. There are
arguments for and against to this theory is focus on psychology in his studies .In addition, this
theory is basic to other theories. nevertheless, he uses vague expressions in his theory. Furthermore,
Maslow did not base his research on tangible evidence.
Clayton Alderfer consummate a diminution in the Maslow's theory ,that is ERG theory intimately
with the empirical studies developed from Maslow's theory
( Smith and Taylor,2007,p. 629). Clayton Alderfer divided pyramid shape for Maslow's theory into
three groups ,also in his divided depended on existence that is first group . It include on basic needs
in the life. Furthermore, the
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Essay on Organization Ethics
Ethical Issues Are Major Concern Every organization has a set of ethical standards that they abide
by. The organization ethical standards purposes: it build the organization confidence in the
community , keep the employees uniformed in what the organization strive to have as organizational
behaviors and help the employees have guidelines to make ethical decisions that protects the
organization. Every organization also has a profession responsibility to conduct business honestly
and ethically. Our readings reported, "Experts estimated that U.S. companies lose about $600 billion
a year from unethical and criminal behavior" Kinicki and Kreitner (2009). The organization could
avoid having ethical issues by meeting more content...
Wal–Mart now has to rebuild their images, procedures on how they conduct business nationwide and
how the use ethical business practices. The New York time article reported, "Wal
–Mart announces
new ethical and environmental principles complete by 2012". (Robinson, 2008) Individuals
Influence Ethical Behavior in Employees When it comes to individuals is the organization
displaying ethical behavior the majority of the impact of influences most likely comes from the
individual personal and moral values. I agree with our assigned readings that reported, "He or she
has a unique combination of personality characteristics, values, and moral principles, leaning
toward or away from ethical behavior Kinicki and Kreitner (2009). A good example would be if
the employees charge mileage each month for expenses not related to the job. Stealing and lying to
the company is unethical behavior and tells a lot about a person charter because a person of strong
values including spiritual upbringing would have a hard time fighting their morals and convincing
their self that it is ok to be commit unethical act like stealing from the company. I strongly believe
that Organization try to screen potential employees by avoiding hiring applicants who they feel may
have ethical issues; they attempt to do this by completing criminal background checks on the
applicants. However, several researches
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Essay on Test Bias
In the helping professions such as psychology, counseling, social work and education, it is
imperative that we as professionals understand tests and be able to administer them properly to our
clients or students. Tests should be carefully selected, as each has a purpose and as we are aware,
there are biases within various tests. A biased test is one in which there are methodical distinctions
in the meaning of test scores correlated to different groups. Most tests are well–formulated; however
none are absolute. Tests are often administered to make substantial conclusions that will affect the
lives of the test–taker. The test–taker is unaware of these biases that are in favor of or in opposition
of specific groups of people and the more content...
When discussing biases in testing, intelligence tests are highly discussed especially when addressing
cultural bias. Culture, which is defined as the belief systems and value orientation, including
customs, norms, practices, and social institutions (Fiske, Kitayama, Markus, & Nisbett, 1998) has a
significant influence on all aspects of the individual, and problems can occur with instruments that
do not consider cultural differences (Whiston, 2009). Many researchers have studied cultural bias of
intelligence tests as they relate to African–Americans. As known, many instruments including
intelligence tests were designed to be administered to white or European Americans. Although
cultural bias in testing does not focus only on African–Americans, it is one focus group. Intelligence
tests, which are also identified as cognitive ability and ability tests, are psychological tests that were
created to calculate cognitive abilities, such as reasoning, comprehension and judgment. However,
they are often affiliated with inherited attributes. In comparing intelligence tests with achievement
tests, achievement tests are often correlated to educational opportunities and academic experiences,
which can affect test performance. Due to various concerns intelligence tests are commonly
criticized for many reasons, test bias being one (Jensen, 1980). R.J. Gregory (2004) stated
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Essay about Crime
In general the definition of a crime is an act punishable by law, usually considered an evil act.
Crime refers to many types of misconduct forbidden by law. Crimes include such things as murder,
stealing a car, resisting arrest, possession or dealing of illegal drugs, being nude in public , drunk
driving, and bank robbery. Crime is an act that has been timeless and has been committed practically
since the start of time. For example, ever since Cain killed his brother Abel (B.C.), people being
charged with witchcraft in the 1600's, prostitution, to the current crimes of modern day(A.D.). Even
though crime has existed throughout time it has progressed and branched out taking many types more content...
Crimes are frequently classified according to their seriousness as felonies or misdemeanors.
Generally, felonies are more serious than misdemeanors. Under the federal criminal law system,
felonies are crimes for which the punishment is death or imprisonment for more than a year. A
misdemeanor is punishable by a fine or by imprisonment for less than a year. In most states persons
convicted of felonies are sent to state prisons, while those guilty of misdemeanors serve their
sentence in city, or county jails, or correction houses.
Crimes against people include assault, kidnapping, murder, and sexual attacks. Such crimes usually
bring severe punishments. Crimes against property include arson, automobile theft, burglary,
embezzlement, forgery, fraud, larceny, and vandalism. In most cases, these crimes carry lighter
penalties than the crimes set against the person. Robbery is the crime most difficult to classify. The
law considers robbery a crime against the person or against the property, according to the case.
Robbery may involve simply stealing property from another person, but when a personal encounter
occurs between the robber and his victim, it may include violence and bodily harm. This usually
occurs during muggings or other strong–arm robberies.
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Work Cited Essay

  • 1. Language Acquisition Essay What is language? Language is a set of arbitrary symbols that enables every individual in the community to communicate and interact. These symbols contain acceptable meanings by the society and culture. Possessing a language is essential in all human; every normal human speaks but nonhuman does not. Acquisition, on the other hand, means learning or getting. Therefore, language acquisition basically means the learning or the gaining of a language. Language acquisition is normally viewed as a part of cognitive science. Many psychologists like Pavlov, Skinner, Jean Piaget, Vygotsky and Chomsky had done researches on this particular field. Language acquisition is an interesting subject to study and discuss on. Every normal child acquires more content... With the existence of Universal Grammar, adults need not spoon feed children with every single word or sentence of the desired language. What children really need is exposure to the language and they are able to process it and learn it on their own. Upon mentioning on Universal Grammar, Chomsky concluded that every child is born with Language Acquisition Device. Language Acquisition Device which is naturally equipped in human's brain contains the rules or laws which are universal to all languages – the Universal Grammar. It is an area which cannot be pointed out exactly in the brain but is believed to be present in the neurological networks every human has developed. This device is believed to exist only in human's brain, not in nonhuman. Children only need to be exposed or access to samples of their languages as a trigger to activate the device. Once the activation has taken place, children will be able to find out the patterns of the language to be learned. They will be able to combine their innate capability (the ability on language acquisition) with the information they gain from the environment. Therefore, if language acquisition is corresponding to brain development, there must be a period in life whereby human are able to acquire a language most effectively as brain cells do not develop the whole life. In respond to that, the critical period for language learning is biologically determined in which the period Get more content on
  • 2. Stress in the Workplace Essay Stress in the workplace Stress in the workplace has become one of the increasingly popular topics of discussion over the last couple of decades. It has become a major concern among various organizations creating an impact on the management and operations of the organization. This paper will give a detailed definition of what stress in the workplace is and the most common causes of stress amongst both employers and employees. In the midst of investigating the causes of stress, I will give an outline of what can be done to manage the stress by not only the individual but also by the employers themselves. I will also mention the effects of stress to an individual, which can be categorized as short–term effects both psychological more content... In the United States, the American Institute of Stress (AIS) has estimated that 40% of the worker turnover is due to stress and the cost of stress in the workplace has been estimated to be over $300 billion per year. However, the ability of employers to lower the rate of stress in the workplace has shown to improve the employee's quality of work and their health (Lee 36). Causes of stress in the workplace There are a variety of different causes of stress in the workplace and an ability to identify these as an employer is important because it will help in knowing how to deal with and correct any problems arising from it. Most of the stresses are caused when the demands at work become extreme or excessive. Many of these demands are a direct result of technological advances that have made work processes easier but on the other hand, require employees to do more tasks. Current technology demands the workers to constantly perform near peak levels, be competitive and be cognizant of technological breakthroughs. In some circumstances, the organization fails to inform the workers about changes in the business or the technology they are using in their systems which can cause tension and uncertainty. Because of this, the worker can feel a constant fear of losing their position if they do not work efficiently and understand the new changes in the organization. Another cause of stress is a change in the workplace environment. As an Get more content on
  • 3. Anne Bradstreet Essay Anne Bradstreet Anne Bradstreet was a woman in conflict. She was a Puritan wife and a poet. There is a conflict between Puritan theology and her own personal feelings on life. Many of her poems reveal her eternal conflict regarding her emotions and the beliefs of her religion. The two often stood in direct opposition to each other. Her Puritan faith demanded that she seek salvation and the promises of Heaven. However, Bradstreet felt more strongly about her life on Earth. She was very. She was very attached to her family and community. Bradstreet loved her life and the Earth. There are several poems of Bradstreet that demonstrate this conflict. There is "Upon the Burning of Our House July 10th, 1666" and the ones more content... As she passes the ruins she recreates the pleasant things that had been there. Despite the reasonable arguments that her goods belonged to God and whatever God does is just, there is in the poem an undercurrent of regret that the loss is not fully compensated for by the hope of the treasure that lies above. (84) "Upon the Burning of Our House, July 10th, 1666" is one of Anne Bradstreet's most effective poems. Part of that effectiveness comes from the poignant tension between her worldly concerns, as represented by her household furnishings and her spiritual aspirations. As Wendy Martin says "the poem leaves the reader with painful impression of a woman in her mid–fifties, who having lost her domestic comforts is left to struggle with despair. Although her loss is mitigated by the promise of the greater rewards of heaven, the experience is deeply tragic." (75) Anne Bradstreet's feelings about her home represent the most material conflict. When her home burned down she wrote the poem to voice these feelings of hers. She describes the awakening to the "shrieks of dreadful voice" and going out to watch "the flame consume" her "dwelling place". But she comforts herself with good Puritan dogma. The burning of the house is God's doing and his doings should not be questioned. In looking over the stanzas where she Get more content on
  • 4. What Is Religion? Essay What is religion? Each person's definition of religion is different. Each person's faith is different. This is a question that has been asked for centuries, and regardless of the answer given there is no right or wrong answer. Religion can be defined as a group of people who have shared beliefs who feel their life has purpose or meaning. This feeling or belief that their life has meaning can come from outside of themselves, as well as within. Taking this one step further, these shared beliefs put into action in the form of worship, can be easily identified because they happen regularly. It can be said the Primal religions were in fact not religions. Some may argue Confucianism is not a religion. Others may say Taoism is not more content... They are teachings learned by previous generations then passed down, they are not always actions. The fifth feature of religion is grace. Grace is defined by Smith as "the belief and assurance that reality is on our side and can be counted on." Lastly there is mystery. For this there is no exact definition, but it is all of what a religion cannot explain, it is all that the human mind cannot grasp, it is the certain "higher power" that religion offers. Of these six features, there are three that are present in most all religions, they are: authority, tradition, and mystery. Authority, tradition, and mystery further explore and define religion when looking specifically at Primal Religions, Confucianism, and Taoism. Primal Religions are often mistaken to be the religion of the primitive man, often thought to be unintelligent. There is a definition of "primal" that is better suited than unintelligent or primitive. Primal in terms of religion, refers to the lack of exposure to technology, it is not "knowing" the state of consciousness given to many by the technological environment. Primal religions preceded organized religion as we know it today by thousands of years, in some cases millions, but are still present in the world today; we now call them tribal religions. Within primal religions there are people who are knowledgeable about life, who are knowledgeable about Defining Religion–4 traditions, and who are Get more content on
  • 5. Workplace Discrimination Essay examples Workplace Discrimination Discrimination occurs when an employee suffers from unfavorable or unfair treatment due to their race, religion, national origin, disabled or veteran status, or other legally protected characteristics. Employees who have suffered reprisals for opposing workplace discrimination or for reporting violations to the authorities are also considered to be discriminated against. Federal law prohibits discrimination in work–related areas, such as recruiting, hiring, job evaluations, promotion policies, training, compensation and disciplinary action. (, 2006) Aside from the obvious, unfair treatment does not always equal unlawful discrimination. Treating a person differently from others violates more content... The Fair Labor Standards Act applies to employees engaged in some aspect of interstate commerce. (, 2006) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in many more aspects of the employment relationship. It applies to most employers engaged in interstate commerce with more than 15 employees, labor organizations, and employment agencies. The Act prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Sex includes pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions. It makes it illegal for employers to discriminate in hiring, discharging, compensation, or terms, conditions, and privileges of employment. Employment agencies may not discriminate when hiring or referring applicants. Labor Organizations are also prohibited from basing membership or union classifications on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. (, 2006) The Nineteenth Century Civil Rights Acts, amended in 1993, ensure all persons equal rights under the law and outline the damages available to complainants in actions brought under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII, the American with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. (, 2006) The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) prohibits employers from discriminating on the basis of age. An employee is Get more content on
  • 6. Essay about Affirmative Action Affirmative Action has been an issue of contention since its inception during the Civil Rights struggles of mid 20th century America. Discrimination could no longer be tolerated and the Unites States government had an obligation to encourage equality at all levels of the social infrastructure. The main type of discrimination being addressed by Affirmative Action programs was racial discrimination. The Merriam Webster dictionary definesracism as: 'a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.' The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibited discrimination of any kind, laid the foundation for the introduction of Affirmative more content... However, Affirmative Action was initially created to tackle the discrimination of blacks. Over the years, random testing has been conducted to analyze America's social structure and the level of racial divide. The Fair Employment Council of Greater Washington Inc. did some testing between 1992 and 1994. The studies discovered that blacks were treated worse than whites 24 percent of the time when interviewing for jobs. In fact, when a car dealership conducted interviews, the black candidate was offered a car washing position while the white candidate, with identical qualifications, was offered a sales position. White males maintain 97 percent of the senior management positions in Fortune 1000 companies. The unemployment rate of whites is less than half that of blacks. The poverty rate in the black community hovers around 26 percent. The poverty rate for whites is 9 percent. The inequality between white and black America is alarming and Affirmative Action is desperately needed to establish some sense of equality. The fight for equal opportunity begins with the government, and all government agencies have made a concerted effort to establish Affirmative Action programs. The United States Department of Labor offers this statement on its website: "For federal contractors and subcontractors, affirmative action must be taken by covered employers to recruit and advance qualified minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and covered veterans. Get more content on
  • 7. What is Sociology? Essays What is Sociology? After reviewing the article titles given for this first assignment, I believe they indicate that Sociology, generally speaking, is not only a study of diversity or commonality in traits among people; it is also a science about factors in a person's life and how these factors culminate responses. Interestingly enough, its topics of concern seem to be directly determined by current and common events of the world. Through the invention and expansion of new ideas, popular trends and fashions through time, Sociology adapts to responsibly to service the very subjects of interest it studies; for, even the slightest change of a person's daily experience can have an insurmountable impact on attitude, personal growth, more content... How has Sociology changed? According to the Merriam–Webster Online Dictionary (2010), Sociology is referred to as ".the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings" (para. 1); however, the transformable qualities of this science are not represented by this definition, as they should be. To best understand these changes, we must first consider changes within people as study objects; for as previously stated, Sociology changes in ways which are commensurate to changes in the world around it. For example, during the 1970's, single parent households did exist, but these arrangements were considered to be the exception, not the rule. In contrast, today's family structures are as diverse as the people within them. Given that it has become routine for some parents to live separately, and couples of same sex marriages are now common place, unique areas of consideration have opened up and are in need of further scrutiny. Through updated theories and advanced equipment, inventive techniques have been applied to study people adjoined to the modernized world they live in. Also, social sciences have fundamentally altered their beliefs of acceptability and acknowledged Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Website Design Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo, Google, and Twitter are all websites that people use every day, but how did they get there and how were they created? Website design is a process of assorting and linking codes and graphics into a text editor such as notepad and then displaying it onto a web browser. There is a large amount of things to remember for website design. Ranging from HTML, CSS, and XHTML codes to scripting languages like Java Script. Website design has a vast history considering it is a fairly young profession. Website design uses complex codes to create web pages in addition with programs aiding in the creation; when you join the two components together it is a long complicated process that ends in purchasing a domain name for more content... Websites did not need to be big, elaborate, and flashy. They just needed to get the point across, and that is exactly the purpose they served. In 1994 the World Wide WebConsortim or W3C was established to oversee the development of web technology standards. The W3C designated HTML as the primary code language for the future of website design to be based on. Of course they have made advancements in the base design code such as HTML versions one, two, three, four, and XHTML. The very first and current director of W3C is Tim Berners–Lee. Tim actually invented the World Wide Web in 1991 and created the world's first website. He put the first website online on August 6, 1991. The web address was Unfortunately it no longer exists in its original form. The W3C is still in charge of code techniques and development guidelines that website development follows. Technology has advanced over the years in web design. Website design is cut up into four generations. The first generation of web design was very simple. It was basically just text, this was because early modems were very slow and plain basic webpages would load much faster this way. The second generation was slightly more advanced as the development of HTML became more complicated. The third generation of web design is when website designers could add vibrant colors and animated images to their webpage. The evolution of websites and their Get more content on
  • 9. Workplace Motivation Essay Nowadays the most of works need to motivation because this works want to get high quality .However, there are some problems which face so many people during the motivation . So there are a lot of theories appeared to help people to get the best motivation. What is the motivation .To reply this question that means you can understand the motivation also you can know how do you deal with problem motivation. There are a lot of definitions for motivation some people make briefly definition for motivation ,that is the motivation that pushes person to do some things . Moreover, there also are anther of definition ,One of these definitions define by (Robbins, 2001, p.155) he states " motivation as the processes more content... What is more they feel stability in their life. That means they can continue their life normal form. Thirdly love and Belonging work to make enjoy human life moreover person feel strong while belonging, for example mother or father love their children, also the children feel power because they belong to their family. Fourthly esteem provide life object of stricture and linking life such as children respect parents also students respect teachers. Finally self–actualization after achievement all these needs ,the person will starts in search for self realization to give the best of what he or she has and use all his powers develop to the limits of very high. Maslow consider that the person can not be in motion to other layer of pyramid before attain all needs in that layer. There are arguments for and against to this theory is focus on psychology in his studies .In addition, this theory is basic to other theories. nevertheless, he uses vague expressions in his theory. Furthermore, Maslow did not base his research on tangible evidence. Clayton Alderfer consummate a diminution in the Maslow's theory ,that is ERG theory intimately with the empirical studies developed from Maslow's theory ( Smith and Taylor,2007,p. 629). Clayton Alderfer divided pyramid shape for Maslow's theory into three groups ,also in his divided depended on existence that is first group . It include on basic needs in the life. Furthermore, the Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Organization Ethics Ethical Issues Are Major Concern Every organization has a set of ethical standards that they abide by. The organization ethical standards purposes: it build the organization confidence in the community , keep the employees uniformed in what the organization strive to have as organizational behaviors and help the employees have guidelines to make ethical decisions that protects the organization. Every organization also has a profession responsibility to conduct business honestly and ethically. Our readings reported, "Experts estimated that U.S. companies lose about $600 billion a year from unethical and criminal behavior" Kinicki and Kreitner (2009). The organization could avoid having ethical issues by meeting more content... Wal–Mart now has to rebuild their images, procedures on how they conduct business nationwide and how the use ethical business practices. The New York time article reported, "Wal –Mart announces new ethical and environmental principles complete by 2012". (Robinson, 2008) Individuals Influence Ethical Behavior in Employees When it comes to individuals is the organization displaying ethical behavior the majority of the impact of influences most likely comes from the individual personal and moral values. I agree with our assigned readings that reported, "He or she has a unique combination of personality characteristics, values, and moral principles, leaning toward or away from ethical behavior Kinicki and Kreitner (2009). A good example would be if the employees charge mileage each month for expenses not related to the job. Stealing and lying to the company is unethical behavior and tells a lot about a person charter because a person of strong values including spiritual upbringing would have a hard time fighting their morals and convincing their self that it is ok to be commit unethical act like stealing from the company. I strongly believe that Organization try to screen potential employees by avoiding hiring applicants who they feel may have ethical issues; they attempt to do this by completing criminal background checks on the applicants. However, several researches Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Test Bias In the helping professions such as psychology, counseling, social work and education, it is imperative that we as professionals understand tests and be able to administer them properly to our clients or students. Tests should be carefully selected, as each has a purpose and as we are aware, there are biases within various tests. A biased test is one in which there are methodical distinctions in the meaning of test scores correlated to different groups. Most tests are well–formulated; however none are absolute. Tests are often administered to make substantial conclusions that will affect the lives of the test–taker. The test–taker is unaware of these biases that are in favor of or in opposition of specific groups of people and the more content... When discussing biases in testing, intelligence tests are highly discussed especially when addressing cultural bias. Culture, which is defined as the belief systems and value orientation, including customs, norms, practices, and social institutions (Fiske, Kitayama, Markus, & Nisbett, 1998) has a significant influence on all aspects of the individual, and problems can occur with instruments that do not consider cultural differences (Whiston, 2009). Many researchers have studied cultural bias of intelligence tests as they relate to African–Americans. As known, many instruments including intelligence tests were designed to be administered to white or European Americans. Although cultural bias in testing does not focus only on African–Americans, it is one focus group. Intelligence tests, which are also identified as cognitive ability and ability tests, are psychological tests that were created to calculate cognitive abilities, such as reasoning, comprehension and judgment. However, they are often affiliated with inherited attributes. In comparing intelligence tests with achievement tests, achievement tests are often correlated to educational opportunities and academic experiences, which can affect test performance. Due to various concerns intelligence tests are commonly criticized for many reasons, test bias being one (Jensen, 1980). R.J. Gregory (2004) stated Get more content on
  • 12. Essay about Crime Crime In general the definition of a crime is an act punishable by law, usually considered an evil act. Crime refers to many types of misconduct forbidden by law. Crimes include such things as murder, stealing a car, resisting arrest, possession or dealing of illegal drugs, being nude in public , drunk driving, and bank robbery. Crime is an act that has been timeless and has been committed practically since the start of time. For example, ever since Cain killed his brother Abel (B.C.), people being charged with witchcraft in the 1600's, prostitution, to the current crimes of modern day(A.D.). Even though crime has existed throughout time it has progressed and branched out taking many types more content... Crimes are frequently classified according to their seriousness as felonies or misdemeanors. Generally, felonies are more serious than misdemeanors. Under the federal criminal law system, felonies are crimes for which the punishment is death or imprisonment for more than a year. A misdemeanor is punishable by a fine or by imprisonment for less than a year. In most states persons convicted of felonies are sent to state prisons, while those guilty of misdemeanors serve their sentence in city, or county jails, or correction houses. Crimes against people include assault, kidnapping, murder, and sexual attacks. Such crimes usually bring severe punishments. Crimes against property include arson, automobile theft, burglary, embezzlement, forgery, fraud, larceny, and vandalism. In most cases, these crimes carry lighter penalties than the crimes set against the person. Robbery is the crime most difficult to classify. The law considers robbery a crime against the person or against the property, according to the case. Robbery may involve simply stealing property from another person, but when a personal encounter occurs between the robber and his victim, it may include violence and bodily harm. This usually occurs during muggings or other strong–arm robberies. Get more content on