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Chronic hypertension in Pregnancy

           Williams Obstetrics 23rd Edition
                            Chapter 34, 45

      Cardiology in review 2010;18:178-189

                               주산기 전임의
(Khan and colleagues, 2006)
Hypertension disorders in pregnancy
    Gestational hypertension

    Preeclamsia

    Eclamsia

    Superimposed preeclamsia (on chronic hypertension)

    Chronic hypertension
Preeclampsia         Chronic
superimposed on      Hypertension
Chronic Hypertension

 New-onset proteinuria≥ 300mg/24hours     BP ≥140/90 mmHg before pregnancy or
 in hypertensive women but no proteinuria diagnosed before 20weeks’ gestation (not
 before 20 weeks’ gestation               attributable to gestational trophoblastic

 A sudden increase in proteinuria          Hypertension first diagnosed after
                       blood pressure      20weeks’ gestation and persistent after
             platelet count <100,000/mm3   12weeks’ postpartum
 in women with hypertension and
 proteinuria before 20weeks’ gestation
Classification and Management of BP for
Classification    Systolic   Diastolic   Lifestyle      Without            With
                  mm Hg      mm Hg       Modification   Compelling         Compelling
                                                        Indication         Indicationsb

Normal            <120       And<80      Encourage      Treatment not      Chronic renal
                                                        indicated          disease or diabetes

Prehypertension   120-139    or80-90     Yes

Stage 1           140-159    or90-99     Yes            Thiazide-type      Chronic renal
                                                        diuretics for      disease or diabetes
Hypertension                                            most. May          Other drugs as
                                                        consider ACE       needed: diuretics,
                                                        inhibitor, ARB,    ACE inhibitors,
                                                        blocker, CCB, or   ARB, -blocker,
                                                        combination        CCB

Stage 2           >=160      or>=100     Yes            Two-drug
                                                        combination for
Hypertension                                            mostc: usually
                                                        diuretic and
                                                        ACEI, or ARB, or
                                                        -blocker, or
Chronic hypertension
     One of the most common medical complications
      encountered during pregnancy
     Systemic vascular resistance index, pulse wave velocity
      higher during whole pregnancy
     -- include hypertensive or ischemic cardiac disease, renal
      insufficiency, or a prior cerebrovascular event
                                   ethnic and gender difference
                                   (African- and Latino-Americans)

    Sibai and colleagues, 1990a
Preconceptional and Early Pregnancy Evaluation
   Counseling prior to pregnancy
  (degree of blood-pressure control, and current therapy)
   Home BP>=130/85 HTN
   General health, daily activities, diet,
   Cerebrovascular accident , myocardial infarction, cardiac
    or renal dysfunction
   Ophthalmological evaluation and echocardiography
    Renal function (serum creatinine , quantification of
   Multiple medication and poorly controlled increased
    risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes

                                     Cunningham, 1990; Lindheimer, 2007;
                                     Ramin, 2006, and all their associates
   Severity of renal insufficiency is proportional to the risk
    of hypertensive complications during pregnancy

        Pregnancy 의 relative CIx       Strong CIx

        Persistent diastolic BP>=110   Prior cerebrovascular
                                       hemorrhage or thrombosis
        Multiple hypertensive drug     MI

        S-Cr>2mg/dL                    Cardiac failure

                                                     Cunningham, 1990; Lindheimer, 2007;
                                                     Ramin, 2006, and all their associates
Effects of Chronic Hypertension on Pregnancy
     Maternal Morbidity/Mortality

     Superimposed Preeclampsia

     Placental abruption

     Low birth weight, IUGR

     Preterm delivery, Perinatal mortality
Management in chronic hypertension
  Lifestyle modification to manage hypertension
  Modification        Recommendation                                          Systolic Blood Pressure
  Weight redection    Maintain normal body weight: BMI 18.5–24.9 kg/m2        5–20 mm Hg/10 kg weight loss

  DASH eating         Diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy      8–14 mm Hg
  plan                products with a reduced content of saturated and
                      total fat

  Dietary sodium      Reduce dietary sodium intake to no more than 100        2–8 mm Hg
  reduction           mmol per day: 2.4 g sodium or 6 g sodium chloride

  Physical activity   Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as     4–9 mm Hg
                      brisk walking, at least 30 min per day, most days of
                      the week

  Alcohol             Limit consumption to no more than 2 drinks—1-oz         2–4 mm Hg
  consumption         or 30-mL ethanol, e.g., 24-oz beer, 10-oz wine, or 3-
  moderation          oz 80-proof whiskey—per day in most men and to
                      no more than 1 drink per day in women and lighter
                      weight persons
Antihypertensive drug-Diuretics
     Thiazide and loop-acting diuretics such as furosemide are
      commonly used in nonpregnant hypertensives

     Sodium and water diuresis with volume depletion

     Plasma volume during pregnancy in 20 chronically hypertensive
      women. Plasma volume expanded only about 20 percent in the
      half who continued diuretic therapy throughout pregnancy
      compared with 50 percent in the other half who discontinued
      treatment early in pregnancy
                                                       Sibai and colleagues (1984)

     Diuretics are usually not given as first-line therapy during
      pregnancy, particularly after 20 weeks
Medical Choices in Chronic hypertension of
  Drug/Class*      Doses           Adverse Events in        Eviden     Comments
                                   Pregnancy                ce
  Methyldopa (B)   500 mg–3 g in   Peripheral edema,        Large      Large post
                   2 divided doses anxiety, night                      marketing
                                   mares, drowsiness, dry              evidence on
                                   mouth,hypotension,                  safety
                                   maternal hepatitis,
                                   no major fetal adverse
  Labetalol (C)    200 mg–1200     Persistent fetal         Large
                   mg/d in         bradycardia,
                   2–3 divided     hypotension, neonatal
                   doses           hypoglycemia
  Hydrochlorothi 12.5 mg–25        Fetal malformations,     Large
  azide (C)      mg/d              electrolyte
                                   abnormalities, volume

                                                     Belindam. Cardiology in review 2010
Drug/Class*       Doses         Adverse Events in            Evidenc      Comments
                                Pregnancy                    e
Nifedipine (C)    30 mg–120     Hypotension and inhibition Small          Immediate
(CCB)             mg/d          of particularly if used in                release
                                combination with                          nifedipine
                                magnesium sulfate                         not
Hydralazine (C)   50 mg–300     Hypotension, neonatal        Moderate
                  mg/d in 2–    thrombocytopenia
Angiotensin      Contraindica Oligohydraminos, IUGR,         Large
converting       ted in       renal failure, low birth
enzyme inhibitor pregnancy    weight, cardiovascular
(ACEI) (D)                    anomalies, polydactyly,
                              pontaneous abortions,
                              fetal hypocalvaria, renal
                              failure, oligohydraminos,
                              pulmonary hypoplasia,
                              craniofacial, limb
                                                          Belindam. Cardiology in review 2010
Drug Treatment during Pregnancy
     Continuation of prepregnancy antihypertensive treatment
      when women become pregnant is debated
     약물로 인한 BP reductionbeneficial to the mother in the
      long term  decrease uteroplacental perfusion
               feus 악화 가능 ?

     BP감소시 생기는 FGR은 Tx때문인지 worse HTN의 fetal
      effect 인지 혼란

     임신중의 mild to moderate HTN Tx(?)
Randomized Trials of Antihypertensive Drug Therapy
in Pregnancies Complicated by Mild Chronic
Study    No    Mean        Mean DBP   Treatment                Principal
               Gestation   at Entry                            Findings
               at Entry    (mm Hg)

Redman   208   21–22       88–90      Methyldopa ±             Fewer
(1976)                                hydralazine vs no        midpregnancy
                                      drug                     losses in treated

Arias    58    15-16       90-99      Methyldopa,              Compromised
and                                   diuretics, or            infants born to
Zamora                                hydralazine vs no        mothers in whom
(1979)                                drug                     severe
                                                               developed despite

                                               Haddad B, Sibai BM: Chronic hypertension in
Randomized Trials of Antihypertensive Drug Therapy
in Pregnancies Complicated by Mild Chronic

Butters et al. 29    16    86          Atenolol vs        Poor fetal
(1990)                                 placebo            growth in

Sibai et al.   263   <11   91-92       Methyldopa         No
(1990a)                                vs labetalol       differences
                                       vs no drug         in outcomes

Gruppo di    283     24    95-96       Slow-release No
Studio                                 nifedipine vs differences
Ipertensione                           no drug       in outcomes

                                   Haddad B, Sibai BM: Chronic hypertension in
                                          pregnancy, Ann Med 31(4):246, 1999
Antihypertensive Therapy Selection
     No evidence of major adverse fetal or maternal events.
     Methyldopa : no fetal anomaly in the first trimester
                   vascular stiffness improved
                                                    Khalil and colleagues (2009)

     Atenolol : FGR
                 Birth weight
                                                   Butters and colleagues (1990)

     β -blocker : ominous intrapartum FHRs in 20 %
                                                 Montan and Ingemarsson (1989)

     Nifedipine for pregnant women with chronic hypertension :
      Experiences and newer safety concerns are not sufficient to
      permit recommendations
Drug Treatment during Pregnancy
      antihypertensive treatment

      healthy pregnant women with      With end-organ dysfunction,
      150 to 160 mm Hg systolic or     (left ventricular hypertrophy
      100 to 110 mm Hg diastolic       renal insufficiency)
      pressures greater
                                     August and Lindheimer, 1999; Working Group Report, 2000

      limited data to treat mild chronic hypertension in
                               The Working Group on High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy 2000

      Early Tx for HTN -> pregnancy 동안 subsequent
      hospitalization 감소
Pregnancy-Aggravated Hypertension or
Superimposed Preeclampsia
     Pregnancy outcome prognosis는 임신전 ds severity연관

     25%에서 superimposed preeclampsia in chronic HTN
                                            Caritis and co-workers (1998)

   Some chronic HTN
    worsening during pregnancy with no other findings of
  superimposed preeclampsia
   M/C end of the second trimester
   Antihypertensive Tx 시작 or dose 증량
Early Diagnosis of Preeclapsia
  Detailed examination such as headache, visual disturbances, epigastric pain, and rapid
  weight gain
  Weight determined daily
  Analysis for proteinuria at least every 2 days thereafter
  Blood pressure readings for every 4 hours
  Measurements of plasma or serum creatinine and liver transaminase levels, and
  hemogram , platelet quantification.
  Evaluation of fetal size and well-being and amnionic fluid volume either clinically or
  using sonography.

    Supportive care (mild preeclampsia)

        Reduced physical activity throughout much of the day
        Absolute bed rest is not necessary
        Sedatives and tranquilizers are not prescribed
        Ample, but not excessive, protein and calories should be
         included in the diet
        Sodium and fluid intakes should not be limited or forced
    Severe preeclampsia
      Indicative sign of convulsion
            Headache
            Visual disturbances
            Epigastric pain
            Oliguria
        Management
            Anticonvulsant (MgSO4)
            Antihypertensive therapy (Hydralazine)
            Followed delivery(vaginal delivery)
    Termination of pregnancy
      Delivery is the cure for preeclampsia
      Indication
        : moderate to severe preeclampsia without
          improvement in hospital treatment
      The prime objectives
         To forestall convulsion
         To prevent intracranial hemorrhage
         To prevent serious damage to vital organs
         To delivery a healthy infant
      Induced by intravenous oxytocin
      Subarachnoid or epidural block
       -> Induce severe hypotension
Indications for Delivery with Early-Onset Severe Preeclampsia
Maternal                                    Fetal
Persistent severe headache or visual        Severe growth restriction—< 5th
changes; eclampsia                          percentile for EGA

Shortness of breath; chest tightness with   Persistent severe oligohydramnios—AFI
rales and/or SaO2 < 94 percent breathing    < 5 cm
room air; pulmonary edema

Uncontrolled severe hypertension despite    Biophysical profile 4 done 6 hr apart

Oliguria < 500 mL/24 hr or serum            Reversed end-diastolic umbilical artery
creatinine 1.5 mg/dL                        flow

Persistent platelet counts < 100,000/L      Fetal death
Suspected abruption, progressive labor,
and/or ruptured membranes
Postpartum observation
     In severe chronic hypertension and in severe preeclampsia–
      eclampsia.postpartum adverse outcome 치료가 비슷

      Cerebral or pulmonary edema, heart failure, renal dysfunction,
      or cerebral hemorrhage is especially high within the first 48
      hours after delivery

     Delivery후 maternal peripheral resistance증가left
      ventricular workload 증가 상당한 interstitial fluid 양이
      excretion위해 이동Pulmonary edema 가능
     즉각적 severe HTN Tx+ diuretics(furosemide)
Cardiovascular disease

Williams Obstetrics 23rd Edition
                     Chapter 44

                    주산기 전임의
     Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women
      who are 25 to 44 years old (Kung and colleagues, 2008).

     Cardiac disorders of varying severity complicate
      approximately 1 percent of pregnancies and contribute
      significantly to maternal morbidity and mortality rates
Physiological change in pregnancy
       Hemodynamic Changes in 10 Normal Pregnant
       Women at Term Compared with Their 12-Week
       Postpartum Values
       Parameter                            Change(Percent)

       Cardiac output                       +43

       Heart rate                           +17

       Left ventricular stroke work index   +17

       Vascular resistance

       Systemic                             -21

       Pulmonay                             -34

       Mean arterial pressure               +4

       Colloid osmotic pressure             -14

                                                  Data from Clark and colleagues (1989).
Clinical indication of Heart Disease
during pregnancy
     Symptoms                           Clinical Findings
     Progressive dyspnea or orthopnea   Clinical Findings

     Nocturnal cough                    Cyanosis
     Hemoptysis                         Clubbing of fingers
     Syncope                            Persistent neck vein distension
     Chest pain                         Systolic murmur grade 3/6 or greater
                                        Diastolic murmur
                                        Persistent split second sound
                                        Criteria for pulmonary hypertension
Diagnostic Studies

     Electrocardiography
     Echocardiography
     Chest radiography
Clinical classification of the New York Heart
Association (NYHA)

   Class I.    Uncompromised—no limitation of physical activity

   Class II    Slight limitation of physical activity

   Class III   Marked limitation of physical activity

   Class IV    Severely compromised—inability to perform any physical activity
               without discomfort
Predictors of cardiac complications

 Prior heart failure, transient ischemic attack, arrhythmia, or stroke.

 Baseline NYHA class III or IV or cyanosis
 Left-sided obstruction ( mitral valve area < 2 cm2, aortic valve area <1.5 cm2, peak
 left ventricular outflow tract gradient >30 mm Hg )

Management of NYHA Class I and II Disease
     Pneumococcal and influenza vaccines.
     Cigarette smoking - prohibited
     Vaginal delivery
     Induction - safe
     During labor - in a semirecumbent position with lateral
     Vital signs - frequently between contractions.
     PR>100 bpm , RR>24 -impending ventricular failure.
     Evidence of cardiac decompensation - intensive medical
Management of Class III and IV Disease

     Epidural analgesia
     Vaginal delivery
      Labor induction- safe (Oron and associates, 2004).
Surgically Corrected Heart Disease
Valve Replacement before Pregnancy
  The maternal mortality rate is 3 to 4 percent with
    mechanical valves, and fetal loss is common.
   Management

  American College of Chest Physicians Guidelines for Anticoagulation of
  Pregnant Women with Mechanical Prosthetic Valves
  Adjusted-dose LMWH twice daily throughout pregnancy. The doses should be adjusted
  to achieve the manufacturer's peak anti-Xa level 4 hours after subcutaneous injection
  Adjusted-dose UFH administered every 12 hours throughout pregnancy. The doses
  should be adjusted to keep the midinterval aPTT at least twice control or attain an anti-
  Xa heparin level of 0.35 to 0.70 U/mL.
  LMWH or UFH as above until 13 weeks' gestation with warfarin substitution until close
  to delivery when LMWH or UFH is resumed.
  Very high risk of thromboembolism : Warfarin is suggested throughout pregnancy with
  replacement by UFH or LMWH (as above) close to delivery. In addition, low-dose
  aspirin—75 to 100 mg daily—should be orally administered
                                                                   Bates and colleagues (2008)
Valvular Heart Disease
  Type       Pregnancy       Management

  Mitral     Heart failure   •Limited physical activity
  stenosis   from fluid      •Pulmonay congestion Sx->Na+restriction,
             overload,       diuretics
             tachycardia     •β -blocker drug
                             •new-onset atrial fibrillation –verapamil,
                             •chronic fibrillation-digoxin, β -blocker, CCB
                             •Labor and delivery - stressful
                             •Epidural analgesia
                             •Vaginal delivery(Elective induction )
                             •heparinization with severe stenosis even if
                             there is a sinus rhythm.
Valvular Heart Disease
 Type       Pregnancy               Management

 Aortic     Moderate stenosis       •Asymtomatic -close observation
 stenosis   tolerated; severe is    •Symtomatic - strict limitation of
            life-threatening with   activity
            decreased preload,      •Prompt treatment of infections
                                    •Valve replacement or valvotomy using
            e.g., obstetrical       cardiopulmonary bypass
            hemorrhage or           •Narcotic epidural analgesia
            regional analgesia      •Forceps or vacuum delivery
Congenital Heart Disease
Eisenmenger Syndrome
     Secondary pulmonary hypertension that develops from
      any cardiac lesion
     M/C underlying defects : ASD, VSD, PDA
     The prognosis for pregnancy - the severity of pulmonary
     Maternal and perinatal mortality rates to approximate 50
Pulmonary Hypertension and Pregnancy
     진단기준 : a mean pulmonary pressure >25 mm Hg. (non
     Diagnosis : echocardiography , right-sided catheterization
     Maternal mortality 상승(65-30%)
     Severe disease –CIx to pregnancy
     Treatment of symptomatic -limitation of activity and
      avoidance of the supine position in late pregnancy.
      Diuretics, supplemental oxygen, and vasodilator drugs
     Greatest risk : diminished venous return and right
      ventricular filling maternal deaths
     Epidural analgesia induction
Peripartum Cardiomyopathy
     Diagnostic criteria (Pearson and associates, 2000):

        임신 마지막달 또는 분맊후 5개월 이내에 cardiac failure
        Absence of an identifiable cause for the cardiac failure
        Absence of recognizable heart disease prior to the last month
        of pregnancy
        Left ventricular systolic dysfunction

      • HF 연관 질환 : hypertensive heart ds, MS, obesity, viral
      • Chronic HTN with superimposed preeclampsiaHF
        during pregnancy의 common cause
      • Peripartum HF 의 obstetrical complication
        Preeclampsia, acute anemia, infection
      • Specific human pregnancy-related cardiomyopathies
        are yet undiscovered
Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy in Pregnancy
   Cardiomyopathy -the hallmark finding
   Signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure.
   (dyspnea , orthopnea, cough, palpitations, and chest pain)
   Echocardiographic findings
  ( ejection fraction <45 percent or a fractional shortening
    < 30 percent, an end-diastolic dimension > 2.7 cm/m2)
  Tx : HF Tx Diuretics, hydralazine, another vasodilator
                Prophylactic heparin->thromboembolism
(Data from Felker and colleagues, 2000.)
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
     Concentric left ventricular hypertrophy may be familial,
      and there also is a sporadic form not related to
     Autosomal dominant(inheritance)
     Congestive heart failure is common
     Strenuous exercise –CIx (in pregnancy)
     Abrupt positional changes are avoided
     β -adrenergic or calcium-channel blocking drugs (Sx시,
      Spinal , Epidural analgesia-CIx
     분맊시 infective endocarditis prophylaxis
     Delivery mode –Ix 따라
Infective Endocarditis
     This infection involves cardiac endothelium and produces
      vegetations that usually deposit on a valve
     Associated with intravenous drug abuse
     Subacute bacterial endocarditis - native valve infections
     Viridans-group streptococci or Enterococcus species
     Among intravenous drug abusers, S. aureus is the
      predominant organism
     Dx :murmur ultimately is heard in 80 to 85 percent of
        Anorexia, fatigue, and other constitutional symptoms
Infective Endocarditis
    Management
  • Most viridans streptococci
   : penicillin G + gentamicin for 2 weeks.
  • Allergic to penicillin
   :intravenous ceftriaxone or vancomycin for 4 weeks
  • Staphylococci, enterococci : 4-6wks Tx
  • Prosthetic valve infection : 6-8wks Tx
Thank you for your attension

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장애인 부부를 위한 임신·출산 매뉴얼, 40주의 우주
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(마더리스크라운드) Breastfeeding
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(마더리스크라운드) Breastfeeding mothersafe
(마더리스크라운드) Immunology in pregnancy /강원대 의대 나성훈 교수
(마더리스크라운드) Immunology in pregnancy /강원대 의대 나성훈 교수(마더리스크라운드) Immunology in pregnancy /강원대 의대 나성훈 교수
(마더리스크라운드) Immunology in pregnancy /강원대 의대 나성훈 교수mothersafe
(마더리스크라운드) Thyroid disease in pregnancy 임신 중 갑상선
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Antiepileptics in pregnancy
Antiepileptics in pregnancyAntiepileptics in pregnancy
Antiepileptics in pregnancymothersafe
(마더리스크라운드) Diclectin in NVP / 한정열 교수
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(마더리스크라운드) Diclectin in NVP / 한정열 교수mothersafe
Diclectin in NVP, 44th 유럽기형학회보고 / 한정열 교수
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(마더리스크라운드) Developmental programming
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Smoking in pregnancy
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(마더리스크라운드) Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy
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2016 마더세이프 사업미팅
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(마더리스크라운드) 임신과 당뇨병 - 단국대의대 제일병원 김성훈 교수
 (마더리스크라운드) 임신과 당뇨병 - 단국대의대 제일병원 김성훈 교수 (마더리스크라운드) 임신과 당뇨병 - 단국대의대 제일병원 김성훈 교수
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(마더리스크라운드) 임신 중 천식mothersafe
(마더리스크라운드) 임신 중 알콜 - fasd
(마더리스크라운드) 임신 중 알콜 - fasd(마더리스크라운드) 임신 중 알콜 - fasd
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장애인 부부를 위한 임신·출산 매뉴얼, 40주의 우주
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Safety of Mebendazole Use During Lactation
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Safety of Mebendazole Use During Lactation
Breastfeeding domeperiodne
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Breastfeeding domeperiodne
(마더리스크라운드) Breastfeeding
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(마더리스크라운드) Breastfeeding
(마더리스크라운드) Immunology in pregnancy /강원대 의대 나성훈 교수
(마더리스크라운드) Immunology in pregnancy /강원대 의대 나성훈 교수(마더리스크라운드) Immunology in pregnancy /강원대 의대 나성훈 교수
(마더리스크라운드) Immunology in pregnancy /강원대 의대 나성훈 교수
(마더리스크라운드) Thyroid disease in pregnancy 임신 중 갑상선
(마더리스크라운드) Thyroid disease in pregnancy 임신 중 갑상선(마더리스크라운드) Thyroid disease in pregnancy 임신 중 갑상선
(마더리스크라운드) Thyroid disease in pregnancy 임신 중 갑상선
Antiepileptics in pregnancy
Antiepileptics in pregnancyAntiepileptics in pregnancy
Antiepileptics in pregnancy
(마더리스크라운드) Diclectin in NVP / 한정열 교수
(마더리스크라운드) Diclectin in NVP / 한정열 교수(마더리스크라운드) Diclectin in NVP / 한정열 교수
(마더리스크라운드) Diclectin in NVP / 한정열 교수
Diclectin in NVP, 44th 유럽기형학회보고 / 한정열 교수
Diclectin in NVP, 44th 유럽기형학회보고 / 한정열 교수Diclectin in NVP, 44th 유럽기형학회보고 / 한정열 교수
Diclectin in NVP, 44th 유럽기형학회보고 / 한정열 교수
(마더리스크라운드) Developmental programming
(마더리스크라운드) Developmental programming (마더리스크라운드) Developmental programming
(마더리스크라운드) Developmental programming
(마더리스크라운드) Determination of Isotretinoin & Acitretin in Pregnancy
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(마더리스크라운드) Determination of Isotretinoin & Acitretin in Pregnancy
(마더리스크 라운드) 임신 중 운동 exercise in pregnancy
(마더리스크 라운드) 임신 중 운동 exercise in pregnancy(마더리스크 라운드) 임신 중 운동 exercise in pregnancy
(마더리스크 라운드) 임신 중 운동 exercise in pregnancy
Smoking in pregnancy
Smoking in pregnancySmoking in pregnancy
Smoking in pregnancy
(마더리스크라운드) Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy
(마더리스크라운드) Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy(마더리스크라운드) Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy
(마더리스크라운드) Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy
ECV 역아회전술- 한정열 단국대 의대 교수
ECV 역아회전술- 한정열 단국대 의대 교수ECV 역아회전술- 한정열 단국대 의대 교수
ECV 역아회전술- 한정열 단국대 의대 교수
2016 마더세이프 사업미팅
2016 마더세이프 사업미팅2016 마더세이프 사업미팅
2016 마더세이프 사업미팅
임산부 영양상담
임산부 영양상담임산부 영양상담
임산부 영양상담
(마더리스크라운드) 임신과 당뇨병 - 단국대의대 제일병원 김성훈 교수
 (마더리스크라운드) 임신과 당뇨병 - 단국대의대 제일병원 김성훈 교수 (마더리스크라운드) 임신과 당뇨병 - 단국대의대 제일병원 김성훈 교수
(마더리스크라운드) 임신과 당뇨병 - 단국대의대 제일병원 김성훈 교수
(마더리스크라운드) 임신 중 천식
(마더리스크라운드) 임신 중 천식(마더리스크라운드) 임신 중 천식
(마더리스크라운드) 임신 중 천식
(마더리스크라운드) 임신 중 알콜 - fasd
(마더리스크라운드) 임신 중 알콜 - fasd(마더리스크라운드) 임신 중 알콜 - fasd
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Hypertension in pregnancy

  • 1. Chronic hypertension in Pregnancy Williams Obstetrics 23rd Edition Chapter 34, 45 Cardiology in review 2010;18:178-189 주산기 전임의 채용화
  • 3. Hypertension disorders in pregnancy  Gestational hypertension  Preeclamsia  Eclamsia  Superimposed preeclamsia (on chronic hypertension)  Chronic hypertension
  • 4. Preeclampsia Chronic superimposed on Hypertension Chronic Hypertension New-onset proteinuria≥ 300mg/24hours BP ≥140/90 mmHg before pregnancy or in hypertensive women but no proteinuria diagnosed before 20weeks’ gestation (not before 20 weeks’ gestation attributable to gestational trophoblastic disease) A sudden increase in proteinuria Hypertension first diagnosed after blood pressure 20weeks’ gestation and persistent after platelet count <100,000/mm3 12weeks’ postpartum in women with hypertension and proteinuria before 20weeks’ gestation
  • 5. Classification and Management of BP for Adults Classification Systolic Diastolic Lifestyle Without With mm Hg mm Hg Modification Compelling Compelling Indication Indicationsb Normal <120 And<80 Encourage Treatment not Chronic renal indicated disease or diabetes Prehypertension 120-139 or80-90 Yes Stage 1 140-159 or90-99 Yes Thiazide-type Chronic renal diuretics for disease or diabetes Hypertension most. May Other drugs as consider ACE needed: diuretics, inhibitor, ARB, ACE inhibitors, blocker, CCB, or ARB, -blocker, combination CCB Stage 2 >=160 or>=100 Yes Two-drug combination for Hypertension mostc: usually thiazide-type diuretic and ACEI, or ARB, or -blocker, or CCBc
  • 6. Chronic hypertension  One of the most common medical complications encountered during pregnancy  Systemic vascular resistance index, pulse wave velocity higher during whole pregnancy  -- include hypertensive or ischemic cardiac disease, renal insufficiency, or a prior cerebrovascular event obesity DM Heredity ethnic and gender difference (African- and Latino-Americans)
  • 7. Sibai and colleagues, 1990a
  • 8. Preconceptional and Early Pregnancy Evaluation  Counseling prior to pregnancy (degree of blood-pressure control, and current therapy)  Home BP>=130/85 HTN  General health, daily activities, diet,  Cerebrovascular accident , myocardial infarction, cardiac or renal dysfunction  Ophthalmological evaluation and echocardiography Renal function (serum creatinine , quantification of proteinuria)  Multiple medication and poorly controlled increased risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes Cunningham, 1990; Lindheimer, 2007; Ramin, 2006, and all their associates
  • 9. Severity of renal insufficiency is proportional to the risk of hypertensive complications during pregnancy Pregnancy 의 relative CIx Strong CIx Persistent diastolic BP>=110 Prior cerebrovascular hemorrhage or thrombosis Multiple hypertensive drug MI S-Cr>2mg/dL Cardiac failure Cunningham, 1990; Lindheimer, 2007; Ramin, 2006, and all their associates
  • 10. Effects of Chronic Hypertension on Pregnancy  Maternal Morbidity/Mortality  Superimposed Preeclampsia  Placental abruption  Low birth weight, IUGR  Preterm delivery, Perinatal mortality
  • 11. Management in chronic hypertension Lifestyle modification to manage hypertension Modification Recommendation Systolic Blood Pressure Reduction(Range) Weight redection Maintain normal body weight: BMI 18.5–24.9 kg/m2 5–20 mm Hg/10 kg weight loss DASH eating Diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy 8–14 mm Hg plan products with a reduced content of saturated and total fat Dietary sodium Reduce dietary sodium intake to no more than 100 2–8 mm Hg reduction mmol per day: 2.4 g sodium or 6 g sodium chloride Physical activity Engage in regular aerobic physical activity such as 4–9 mm Hg brisk walking, at least 30 min per day, most days of the week Alcohol Limit consumption to no more than 2 drinks—1-oz 2–4 mm Hg consumption or 30-mL ethanol, e.g., 24-oz beer, 10-oz wine, or 3- moderation oz 80-proof whiskey—per day in most men and to no more than 1 drink per day in women and lighter weight persons
  • 12. Antihypertensive drug-Diuretics  Thiazide and loop-acting diuretics such as furosemide are commonly used in nonpregnant hypertensives  Sodium and water diuresis with volume depletion  Plasma volume during pregnancy in 20 chronically hypertensive women. Plasma volume expanded only about 20 percent in the half who continued diuretic therapy throughout pregnancy compared with 50 percent in the other half who discontinued treatment early in pregnancy Sibai and colleagues (1984)  Diuretics are usually not given as first-line therapy during pregnancy, particularly after 20 weeks
  • 13. Medical Choices in Chronic hypertension of Pregnancy Drug/Class* Doses Adverse Events in Eviden Comments Pregnancy ce Methyldopa (B) 500 mg–3 g in Peripheral edema, Large Large post 2 divided doses anxiety, night marketing mares, drowsiness, dry evidence on mouth,hypotension, safety maternal hepatitis, no major fetal adverse events Labetalol (C) 200 mg–1200 Persistent fetal Large mg/d in bradycardia, 2–3 divided hypotension, neonatal doses hypoglycemia Hydrochlorothi 12.5 mg–25 Fetal malformations, Large azide (C) mg/d electrolyte abnormalities, volume depletion Belindam. Cardiology in review 2010
  • 14. Drug/Class* Doses Adverse Events in Evidenc Comments Pregnancy e Nifedipine (C) 30 mg–120 Hypotension and inhibition Small Immediate (CCB) mg/d of particularly if used in release combination with nifedipine magnesium sulfate not recommended Hydralazine (C) 50 mg–300 Hypotension, neonatal Moderate mg/d in 2– thrombocytopenia 4divided doses Angiotensin Contraindica Oligohydraminos, IUGR, Large converting ted in renal failure, low birth enzyme inhibitor pregnancy weight, cardiovascular (ACEI) (D) anomalies, polydactyly, hypospadias,ands pontaneous abortions, fetal hypocalvaria, renal failure, oligohydraminos, pulmonary hypoplasia, craniofacial, limb Belindam. Cardiology in review 2010
  • 15. Drug Treatment during Pregnancy  Continuation of prepregnancy antihypertensive treatment when women become pregnant is debated  약물로 인한 BP reductionbeneficial to the mother in the long term  decrease uteroplacental perfusion feus 악화 가능 ?  BP감소시 생기는 FGR은 Tx때문인지 worse HTN의 fetal effect 인지 혼란  임신중의 mild to moderate HTN Tx(?)
  • 16. Randomized Trials of Antihypertensive Drug Therapy in Pregnancies Complicated by Mild Chronic Hypertension Study No Mean Mean DBP Treatment Principal Gestation at Entry Findings at Entry (mm Hg) (weeks) Redman 208 21–22 88–90 Methyldopa ± Fewer (1976) hydralazine vs no midpregnancy drug losses in treated women Arias 58 15-16 90-99 Methyldopa, Compromised and diuretics, or infants born to Zamora hydralazine vs no mothers in whom (1979) drug severe hypertension developed despite treatment Haddad B, Sibai BM: Chronic hypertension in
  • 17. Randomized Trials of Antihypertensive Drug Therapy in Pregnancies Complicated by Mild Chronic Hypertension Butters et al. 29 16 86 Atenolol vs Poor fetal (1990) placebo growth in treated women Sibai et al. 263 <11 91-92 Methyldopa No (1990a) vs labetalol differences vs no drug in outcomes Gruppo di 283 24 95-96 Slow-release No Studio nifedipine vs differences Ipertensione no drug in outcomes in Gravidanza (1998) Haddad B, Sibai BM: Chronic hypertension in pregnancy, Ann Med 31(4):246, 1999
  • 18. Antihypertensive Therapy Selection  No evidence of major adverse fetal or maternal events.  Methyldopa : no fetal anomaly in the first trimester vascular stiffness improved Khalil and colleagues (2009)  Atenolol : FGR Birth weight Butters and colleagues (1990)  β -blocker : ominous intrapartum FHRs in 20 % Montan and Ingemarsson (1989)  Nifedipine for pregnant women with chronic hypertension : Experiences and newer safety concerns are not sufficient to permit recommendations
  • 19. Drug Treatment during Pregnancy antihypertensive treatment healthy pregnant women with With end-organ dysfunction, 150 to 160 mm Hg systolic or (left ventricular hypertrophy 100 to 110 mm Hg diastolic renal insufficiency) pressures greater August and Lindheimer, 1999; Working Group Report, 2000 limited data to treat mild chronic hypertension in pregnancy The Working Group on High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy 2000 Early Tx for HTN -> pregnancy 동안 subsequent hospitalization 감소
  • 20. Pregnancy-Aggravated Hypertension or Superimposed Preeclampsia  Pregnancy outcome prognosis는 임신전 ds severity연관  25%에서 superimposed preeclampsia in chronic HTN Caritis and co-workers (1998)  Some chronic HTN  worsening during pregnancy with no other findings of superimposed preeclampsia M/C end of the second trimester Antihypertensive Tx 시작 or dose 증량
  • 21. Early Diagnosis of Preeclapsia Detailed examination such as headache, visual disturbances, epigastric pain, and rapid weight gain Weight determined daily Analysis for proteinuria at least every 2 days thereafter Blood pressure readings for every 4 hours Measurements of plasma or serum creatinine and liver transaminase levels, and hemogram , platelet quantification. Evaluation of fetal size and well-being and amnionic fluid volume either clinically or using sonography. 21
  • 22. Management  Supportive care (mild preeclampsia)  Reduced physical activity throughout much of the day  Absolute bed rest is not necessary  Sedatives and tranquilizers are not prescribed  Ample, but not excessive, protein and calories should be included in the diet  Sodium and fluid intakes should not be limited or forced
  • 23. Management  Severe preeclampsia  Indicative sign of convulsion  Headache  Visual disturbances  Epigastric pain  Oliguria  Management  Anticonvulsant (MgSO4)  Antihypertensive therapy (Hydralazine)  Followed delivery(vaginal delivery)
  • 24. Management  Termination of pregnancy  Delivery is the cure for preeclampsia  Indication : moderate to severe preeclampsia without improvement in hospital treatment  The prime objectives  To forestall convulsion  To prevent intracranial hemorrhage  To prevent serious damage to vital organs  To delivery a healthy infant  Induced by intravenous oxytocin  Subarachnoid or epidural block -> Induce severe hypotension
  • 25. Indications for Delivery with Early-Onset Severe Preeclampsia Maternal Fetal Persistent severe headache or visual Severe growth restriction—< 5th changes; eclampsia percentile for EGA Shortness of breath; chest tightness with Persistent severe oligohydramnios—AFI rales and/or SaO2 < 94 percent breathing < 5 cm room air; pulmonary edema Uncontrolled severe hypertension despite Biophysical profile 4 done 6 hr apart treatment Oliguria < 500 mL/24 hr or serum Reversed end-diastolic umbilical artery creatinine 1.5 mg/dL flow Persistent platelet counts < 100,000/L Fetal death Suspected abruption, progressive labor, and/or ruptured membranes
  • 26. Postpartum observation  In severe chronic hypertension and in severe preeclampsia– eclampsia.postpartum adverse outcome 치료가 비슷  Cerebral or pulmonary edema, heart failure, renal dysfunction, or cerebral hemorrhage is especially high within the first 48 hours after delivery  Delivery후 maternal peripheral resistance증가left ventricular workload 증가 상당한 interstitial fluid 양이 excretion위해 이동Pulmonary edema 가능  즉각적 severe HTN Tx+ diuretics(furosemide)
  • 27. Cardiovascular disease Williams Obstetrics 23rd Edition Chapter 44 주산기 전임의 채용화
  • 28. Introduction  Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women who are 25 to 44 years old (Kung and colleagues, 2008).  Cardiac disorders of varying severity complicate approximately 1 percent of pregnancies and contribute significantly to maternal morbidity and mortality rates
  • 29. Physiological change in pregnancy Hemodynamic Changes in 10 Normal Pregnant Women at Term Compared with Their 12-Week Postpartum Values Parameter Change(Percent) Cardiac output +43 Heart rate +17 Left ventricular stroke work index +17 Vascular resistance Systemic -21 Pulmonay -34 Mean arterial pressure +4 Colloid osmotic pressure -14 Data from Clark and colleagues (1989).
  • 30. Clinical indication of Heart Disease during pregnancy Symptoms Clinical Findings Progressive dyspnea or orthopnea Clinical Findings Nocturnal cough Cyanosis Hemoptysis Clubbing of fingers Syncope Persistent neck vein distension Chest pain Systolic murmur grade 3/6 or greater Diastolic murmur Cardiomegaly Persistent split second sound Criteria for pulmonary hypertension
  • 31. Diagnostic Studies  Electrocardiography  Echocardiography  Chest radiography
  • 32. Clinical classification of the New York Heart Association (NYHA) Class I. Uncompromised—no limitation of physical activity Class II Slight limitation of physical activity Class III Marked limitation of physical activity Class IV Severely compromised—inability to perform any physical activity without discomfort
  • 33. Predictors of cardiac complications Prior heart failure, transient ischemic attack, arrhythmia, or stroke. Baseline NYHA class III or IV or cyanosis Left-sided obstruction ( mitral valve area < 2 cm2, aortic valve area <1.5 cm2, peak left ventricular outflow tract gradient >30 mm Hg ) EF<40%
  • 34. Management of NYHA Class I and II Disease  Pneumococcal and influenza vaccines.  Cigarette smoking - prohibited  Vaginal delivery  Induction - safe  During labor - in a semirecumbent position with lateral tilt.  Vital signs - frequently between contractions.  PR>100 bpm , RR>24 -impending ventricular failure.  Evidence of cardiac decompensation - intensive medical management
  • 35. Management of Class III and IV Disease  Epidural analgesia  Vaginal delivery  Labor induction- safe (Oron and associates, 2004).
  • 36. Surgically Corrected Heart Disease Valve Replacement before Pregnancy The maternal mortality rate is 3 to 4 percent with mechanical valves, and fetal loss is common.  Management American College of Chest Physicians Guidelines for Anticoagulation of Pregnant Women with Mechanical Prosthetic Valves Adjusted-dose LMWH twice daily throughout pregnancy. The doses should be adjusted to achieve the manufacturer's peak anti-Xa level 4 hours after subcutaneous injection Adjusted-dose UFH administered every 12 hours throughout pregnancy. The doses should be adjusted to keep the midinterval aPTT at least twice control or attain an anti- Xa heparin level of 0.35 to 0.70 U/mL. LMWH or UFH as above until 13 weeks' gestation with warfarin substitution until close to delivery when LMWH or UFH is resumed. Very high risk of thromboembolism : Warfarin is suggested throughout pregnancy with replacement by UFH or LMWH (as above) close to delivery. In addition, low-dose aspirin—75 to 100 mg daily—should be orally administered Bates and colleagues (2008)
  • 37. Valvular Heart Disease Type Pregnancy Management Mitral Heart failure •Limited physical activity stenosis from fluid •Pulmonay congestion Sx->Na+restriction, overload, diuretics tachycardia •β -blocker drug •new-onset atrial fibrillation –verapamil, electrocardioversion •chronic fibrillation-digoxin, β -blocker, CCB •Labor and delivery - stressful •Epidural analgesia •Vaginal delivery(Elective induction ) •heparinization with severe stenosis even if there is a sinus rhythm.
  • 38. Valvular Heart Disease Type Pregnancy Management Aortic Moderate stenosis •Asymtomatic -close observation stenosis tolerated; severe is •Symtomatic - strict limitation of life-threatening with activity decreased preload, •Prompt treatment of infections •Valve replacement or valvotomy using e.g., obstetrical cardiopulmonary bypass hemorrhage or •Narcotic epidural analgesia regional analgesia •Forceps or vacuum delivery
  • 39. Congenital Heart Disease Eisenmenger Syndrome  Secondary pulmonary hypertension that develops from any cardiac lesion  M/C underlying defects : ASD, VSD, PDA  The prognosis for pregnancy - the severity of pulmonary hypertension  Maternal and perinatal mortality rates to approximate 50 percent
  • 40. Pulmonary Hypertension and Pregnancy  진단기준 : a mean pulmonary pressure >25 mm Hg. (non pregnant)  Diagnosis : echocardiography , right-sided catheterization  Maternal mortality 상승(65-30%)  Severe disease –CIx to pregnancy  Treatment of symptomatic -limitation of activity and avoidance of the supine position in late pregnancy. Diuretics, supplemental oxygen, and vasodilator drugs  Greatest risk : diminished venous return and right ventricular filling maternal deaths  Epidural analgesia induction
  • 41. Peripartum Cardiomyopathy  Diagnostic criteria (Pearson and associates, 2000): 임신 마지막달 또는 분맊후 5개월 이내에 cardiac failure Absence of an identifiable cause for the cardiac failure Absence of recognizable heart disease prior to the last month of pregnancy Left ventricular systolic dysfunction • HF 연관 질환 : hypertensive heart ds, MS, obesity, viral myocarditis • Chronic HTN with superimposed preeclampsiaHF during pregnancy의 common cause • Peripartum HF 의 obstetrical complication Preeclampsia, acute anemia, infection • Specific human pregnancy-related cardiomyopathies are yet undiscovered
  • 42. Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy in Pregnancy  Cardiomyopathy -the hallmark finding  Signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure.  (dyspnea , orthopnea, cough, palpitations, and chest pain)  Echocardiographic findings ( ejection fraction <45 percent or a fractional shortening < 30 percent, an end-diastolic dimension > 2.7 cm/m2) Tx : HF Tx Diuretics, hydralazine, another vasodilator ACEI-Cix Digoxin Prophylactic heparin->thromboembolism
  • 43. (Data from Felker and colleagues, 2000.)
  • 44. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy  Concentric left ventricular hypertrophy may be familial, and there also is a sporadic form not related to hypertension  Autosomal dominant(inheritance)  Congestive heart failure is common  Strenuous exercise –CIx (in pregnancy)  Abrupt positional changes are avoided  β -adrenergic or calcium-channel blocking drugs (Sx시, angina)  Spinal , Epidural analgesia-CIx  분맊시 infective endocarditis prophylaxis  Delivery mode –Ix 따라
  • 45. Infective Endocarditis  This infection involves cardiac endothelium and produces vegetations that usually deposit on a valve  Associated with intravenous drug abuse  Subacute bacterial endocarditis - native valve infections  Viridans-group streptococci or Enterococcus species  Among intravenous drug abusers, S. aureus is the predominant organism  Dx :murmur ultimately is heard in 80 to 85 percent of cases Anorexia, fatigue, and other constitutional symptoms "flulike."
  • 46. Infective Endocarditis  Management • Most viridans streptococci : penicillin G + gentamicin for 2 weeks. • Allergic to penicillin :intravenous ceftriaxone or vancomycin for 4 weeks • Staphylococci, enterococci : 4-6wks Tx • Prosthetic valve infection : 6-8wks Tx
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