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5 Paragraph Essay Read Write Think5 Paragraph Essay Read Write Think
Pros And Cons Of Multitasking
You ve probably heard the latest studies that multitasking may not be as productive as people once
thought it was. According to an article on Entrepreneur, our brains hone in on distractions. The
brain grabs our attention because the distraction signals change and change can signal danger.
David Rock, the co founder of the NeuroLeadership Institute states that multitasking drops a person
s IQ. We love the feeling of multitasking, too. Our brains get excited over multitasking, but this is
not the most efficient way to work.
Studies have found that doing more than one task at a time splits the brain. In one study in Paris,
participants were asked to complete two tasks at the same time. The brain activity divided in half to
try to complete both ... Show more content on ...
However, there is some recent evidence to suggest that multitasking can work when you ve been
trained to do both tasks simultaneously. Still, researchers suggest trying to avoid multitasking when
The moral? The more tasks you are trying to complete at once, the less effective you are at any
given task. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to train your brain to stay focused on a
single task and avoid the trap of keeping so many different tabs open on your computer screen and
in your brain.
Learn to Stay Focused multitasking manNational Public Radio recently reported on the the
University of Michigan using an MRI scanner to monitor the brain activity of test subjects doing
different tasks. One thing that researcher Daniel Weissman (a neuroscientist) found was that when
the subjects went from one task to the next, that the brain had to pause and gather up what it knew
of that task before moving on to the action that needed to be
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Throughout this whole 20th century, the values in our society are changing all the time.
Compared to now, towards the end of 20th century, some of the ideas introduced in the early
century are very different. D.H. Lawrence s Snake is one of a group of poems entitled Birds,
Beasts and Flowers written between 1920 and 1923. It tells of how Lawrence reacted when he saw
a snake while he was living in Sicily. The poem can be interpreted in three different ways.
The first possible theme is the idea that the natural, instinctive person is superior to the civilized
person and that civilization robs people of their capacity for happiness. Jean Jacques Rousseau
began this idea often referred to as the noble savage in the 18th Century and ... Show more content
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He feels horrified, showing his fear of being buried under the dark ground.
And as he put his head into that dreadful hole,
And as he slowly drew up, snake easing his shoulders, and entered farther,
A sort of horror, a sort of protest against his withdrawing into that horrid black hole,
Deliberately going into the blackness, and slowly drawing himself after,
Overcame me...
He tries to stop the snake entering the hole by throwing the log, showing his desire to avoid death.
His regret for throwing the log shows that he accepts that he must die. He sees the snake as a lord
of life like Pluto and thinks that death may be a wonderful though frightening experience.
For he seemed to me again like a king,
Like a king in exile, uncrowned in the underworld,
Now due to be crowned again.
And so, I missed my chance with one of the lords of life.
Lawrence uses the metaphor of the Underworld to represent death again in one of his last poems,
Bavarian Gentians, in which he shows a greater acceptance of death and asks for a gentian to be his
dark torch to guide him through the Underworld.
Reach me a gentian, give me a torch!
Let me guide myself with the blue, forked torch of this flower
Down the darker and darker stairs, where blue is darkened on blueness
Even where Persephone goes, just now, from the frosted September
To the sightless realm where darkness is awake upon the dark
And Persephone herself is but a voice
Or a
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The Legend Of The Infamous Dr. Thrasher
Before I get to the story I must tell you the legend of the infamous Dr. Thrasher. In the Colorado
Rockies. The Thresher family stayed in a cabin in the mountain. There was the father Oliver
Thresher, the mother Margaret Thresher, and two kids Tracy Thresher, a five year old girl
sharing the cabin with her family, and Tommy Thresher, a thirteen year old boy, out collecting
wood for the fire. While Tommy was collecting wood he heard a scream from his sister he runs
back to the house sees a burly man with a bloody knife and his parents on the ground and in their
arms little Tracy Thresher cowering from the man. Before Tommy could do anything the man
picked her up and slit her throat. Tommy furious with rage he takes the knife from the man s... Show
more content on ...
Hey, Theo greeted. Are you ready kid, Jenny laughed. Aye, aye captain, Theo chuckled. Ok,
Spongebob, let s get rolling, Jenny teased. Hey, can you stop calling me kid, I m only a year
younger than you two, I complained. We were on the road a while before we were even miles
from the mountain, I don t like the way this car sounds. Hey, Old Bessy, has been very reliable
for many years, Theo retaliated. It s an old rust bucket how is it going to last, I replied. By this
time Jenny has already been asleep during this debate. This car has never broken down and it
never will, Theo told. We were soon driving up the mountain, zig zagging back and forth to go
all the way up. Then, car s gears started making a loud grinding sound. That doesn t sound good,
Jenny yawned, as she woke up. It s fine, stop worryin she s never break down, Theo announced
with pride. Half way up the mountain, Hey, Theo the sound is getting louder, I said. What have
I been telling you, this car ain t never going to break down, Theo shouted. Uh, Theo it sound bad
now, Jenny said cautiously. Shut up. My car ain t never going to break down, Old Bessy, is
never going to break down! Theo screamed as he slammed on the breaks, Do you want me to turn
this thing around. No keep going, Jenny and I said. We pulled up to the cabin the headlights
illuminating the cabin with an eerie yellow glow. All of a sudden. Sputter! Gasp! Weeze! Pop! The
car had
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Basketball Injury
A male basketball player came into the clinic complaining of back pain that sometimes travels
down his leg. This athlete has a long history( 3+ years) of back pain and often uses advil to get
through practice and games. The pain often starts as pinching in the lumbar spine and as it gets
worse, becomes a tight shooting pain into the left leg. The pain is often described as tightness or
pulling with no numbness or tingling. He often has difficulty bending over to pick something up
or tying his shoes while standing. This athlete has no previous injuries besides multiple inversion
ankle sprains and has never observed any SHARDD on his back or down the back of his leg. Upon
observation, sway back and excessive kyphosis of the thoracic spine was noted,... Show more
content on ...
However, even when the right leg was lifted, the pain was reproduced in the left. He was also
only able to lift his legs approximately 40 degrees off the table. I then tried to explain the slump
test to the athlete. For directions, I explained that you want to be sitting and have bad posture. With
his femur in a dangling position, dorsiflexion and his knee at 60 degrees flexion caused a
reproduction of symptoms. This was exasperated when the athlete attempted to lift his legs at all
or put his head down. From here we checked piriformis using two different tests/checks. First, we
had him prone, knees bent and together. He was instructed to let his feet fall out. His left leg was
close to vertical whereas the right was 30 degrees from 90. I felt comfortable with all of these
special tests as they did not involve therapist hand positioning, just clear instructions. After
explaining the slump test, I thought it would be beneficial to also demonstrate it since the cue of
have bad posture did not seem to work initially. From this experience I have become more cognizant
of how I provide instructions. Although my intention is not to insult the athlete, I need to
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Turtle Twins Research Paper
The Turtle Twins In a land far, far away, there were two turtles who were born. They were
conjoined twins and shared the same body. The more dominant of the two, the one with the red
spots arranged in a way that looked like Jensen Ackles face, is named Toby. The other, who is
quite frail, has a dash of yellow on her nose is called Tabitha. They are both turtles of the
Landslide Turtle Colony and were born on July 8th in 2015. Although, they were not believed to
live long because Tabitha was not receiving as much food and nutrients as Toby, which has
caused her to become weaker than she already is. Angelica, their veterinarian, had searched for 3
days nonstop trying to find a way in which to make these two turtles live as long as possible.
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Chapter 3 Summary, Ways of Seeing Essay
In Chapter 3 of his book, Ways of Seeing , John Berger argues that in western nude art and
present day media, that women are largely shown and treated as objects upon whom power is
asserted by men either as figures in the canvas or as spectators. Berger s purpose is to make
readers aware of how the perception of women in the art so that they will recognize the evolution
of western cultured art. Berger begins by claiming that in nude art the presence of a manis that of an
actor who asserts his power over women, who are presented as objects. By presence, Berger means
how men are authorities over women in these paintings. For example, in the painting, Reclining
Bacchante (page 45), the women in the painting is wanting to appear... Show more content on ...
{Berger defines nakedness as being to oneself .} {Nudity is to be seen naked by others, not
recognizing oneself }. An example of one of many nude paintings is a the dark haired women
posing in the bathtub holding her hair. In the photo the women is wanting to be intoxicating and
looking as if she wants to be seen as an object of sex and also put on display her body off to the
world. So, she is giving herself up as a object willingly. In the painting, Nell Gwynne , by Lely, the
women is showing submissiveness to the painter/owner. She is also wanting to display herself for
the enjoyment of men. Even though some artists, as Berger claims, tried to resist this tradition, they
couldn t overcome the cultural tradition of female objectification that has continued to the present.
These artists failed to create a different view in culture because of the media and how the
perception wouldn t change in the eyes of men. One famous artist who tried to resist this awful
trend was an artist name Rubens. In his portrait of his second wife, the painting named Helene
Fourment in a Fur Coat, he tried to portray the same message with a different image.The image is
of a women with no other clothing other than a fur coat looking shameful. The middle aged
looking women in the painting was wearing a big brown fur coat. The difference between a regular
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The Decision Of The Fourteenth Amendment On The Color Of...
having children attend school based on the color of their skin was unconstitutional and it
damaged children, especially African American children. The Court concluded that it was in
violation of the Fourteenth Amendment to keep individuals separate based on the color of their
skin. The decision in Brown was one of extreme importance and significance that could have
represented a new start in the Supreme Court regarding civil rights cases. However, that was not
the case, after Brown II the Supreme Court refused to hear a case that was on appeal: Naim v.
Naim, Mr. Naim and Mrs. Naim one were white and the other was Chinese. The two individuals
were residents of Virginia, where it was illegal for a white person to marry a person who was not
white. The couple traveled to North Carolina to get married. After a while Mrs. Naim decided that
the marriage wasn t going to work so she sued her husband for an annulment claiming that their
marriage was not valid because of the law in Virginia. Mr. Naim appealed to the Supreme Court and
as the court was breaking down the segregation system they chose not to hear the case. Naim v.
Naim was an embarrassment only because it was out of the question, in 1955, that the Court upheld
the constitutionality of a law prohibiting interracial marriage yet the constitutional object . This
again emphasizes the weight and importance of the framing of the Fourteenth Amendment. The
framers chose the option that meant the Constitution could be
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Free College Should Be Free
Should college be free? In The Problem is That Free College Isn t Free, Andrew P. Kelly argues
that free college would cost more for the American taxpayer. On the other hand, in Tennessee Is
Showing How Free Tuition Community College Works, Celeste Carruthers states having free
college will give more incentive for students to go to college. It will also encourage them to try
community collegefirst. Although free college sounds great at first, it would be more practical to
have programs for people who cannot simply afford it. College tuition shouldn t be the American
taxpayers responsibility. To Carruthers, college should be free: the price of college is a critical
piece of information for students who are unsure about going, and yet, it is a mystery until after
admission and financial aid decisions are in, often late in their senior year (if they applied at all).
Many students and their families cannot simply afford college, making the idea of going
unrealistic. Carruthers believes that programs like Tennessee Promise will give students who didn t
have the opportunity before a chance to go to college. She states, Tennessee Promise eliminates that
uncertainty with a blunt and simple message: Free tuition for high schoolgraduates of any income
and any amplitude. Free college programs will change the way we think about the academic
system. More and more students will be allowed to continue their academic careers without having
to worry about costs. On the other
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Political, Economic And Social Changes In The South...
After the Civil War, it became very noticeable that changes in the South like, restoration of the
Union, the transformation of Southern society, and the enactment of revolutionary legislation
favoring the rights of freed slaves, had to be made. Therefore there were many political, economic,
and social reforms introduced in the South between 1864 and 1877, some of which did not survive
in the Compromise of 1877. There were three main phases of Reconstruction under, Abraham
Lincoln, Andrew Johnson and the Radical Republicans. Reconstruction was a time period
consisting of many leaders, objectives and accomplishments. Nevertheless the Reconstruction
period did come to an end, the resulting outcome has been characterized as both an achievement...
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Radical Republicans disliked the Ten Percent Plan because it enabled Lincoln to determine Union
policy, so in place they put the Wade Davis Bill. The Wade Davis Bill was passed in 1864, and
provided constitutional conventions only after the majority of the others in a southern state had
taken a loyalty oath, this also guaranteed black equality. Lincoln later disposed of the Wade Davis
Bill with a pocket veto, but the matters still stood when Andrew Johnson became president after the
assassination. The Radical Republicans took a on a more vengeful approach to reconstruction,
which Andrew Johnson did not approve of. Andrew Johnson ratified the Thirteenth amendment
which, abolished slavery, and elected senators and representatives in 1865. Southern states
resistance to ratifying the Thirteenth Amendment prevented reforms from working to a larger
degree. The Thirteenth amendment was still ratified after enough other states agreed. After the
Thirteenth Amendment was ratified, Southern states still showed resistance to blacks. The Ku Klux
Klan, which originated in Tennessee in 1866, was created to intimidate blacks with physical and
mental force to keep them from being in the poles. The
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Chronic And Complex Illness Important From A Nursing...
1.How is chronicity defined? Why is an illness rather than a disease approach to chronic and
complex illness important from a nursing perspective? Discuss in regard to depression as co
Chronicity is generally used as an umbrella term of chronic illness or disease that refers to
persistent impairments or disabilities deviating from normal life, which require long period of
rehabilitation, supervision, observation and care (Lubkin Larsen 2006). However, in order to
understand its complex context, the distinct difference between disease and illness should be
understood (Johnson Chang 2008; Lubkin Larsen 2006). Disease can be defined as the
pathophysiology of the condition, which refers to changes in structure and function (Lubkin
Larsen 2006). However, the context of illness is much broader than disease, as it mainly focuses
on symptoms and human experience that includes how individuals perceive and live with and
respond to diseases including carers and health professionals (Johnson Chang 2008; Lubkin Larsen
2006). Therefore, chronic illness is often considered as irreversible and incurable condition, which
requires ongoing care and attention on all aspects of the person s life (Johnson Chang 2008).
The medical cure of chronic disease is not considered in nursing s domain, but a nurse can make a
difference in individuals and their families experiences of chronic illness as a member of the
multidisciplinary team (Lubkin Larsen 2006). Although, the
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Should Shale Gas Controversy
Shale gas controversy has been ongoing in New Brunswick for a number of years now, when the
outgone Congressive premier: David Alward refused to stop the commencement of shale fracking
in the region, there was an upsurge by the residents. Fracking is a form of natural gas extraction,
where millions of gallons of pressurized and chemical treated water are pumped into shale to
extract gases embedded in the deposits. Most of the residents of Richibuto New Brunswick are
arguing that, although economic growth is important, it should not be at the detriment of the
environment. However, the government and some residents are of the opinion that, because the
province is poor, prioritizing economic growth over environmental concern is paramount. If
fracking is allowed in the province, it will create more jobs, attract private investors Another
major concern raised was the issue of water pollution and wastage . Shale is a dense rock found
two miles underground, if fracking isn t done correctly, chemicals used in fracking can leak to the
surface making water undrinkable.... Show more content on ...
Currently a moratorium has been placed on all typed of hydraulic fracking to get shale gas until
more information is known on its risks to health, water, and the environment. Companies can
continue research activities, bt while moratorium is on, they are not allowed to frack test wells
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Similarities Between Fahrenheit 451 And The Veldt
Fahrenheit 451 The Veldt Comparison
Fahrenheit 451 compares to The Veldt in many ways. Fahrenheit 451 is a society where books are
illegal and firemen burn houses instead of putting them out. Also the firemen own a eight legged
mechanical dog that tracks down people who break the law. The Veldt is about this family who
relies on a room called the nursery that does everything for them. The parents were trying to shut
down the nursery but, the kids did not want that. These books have many similar themes like
dystopian societies and future technology diminishing people s lives.
One similar theme between The Veldt and Fahrenheit 451is that they both are a dystopian society.
In both these books the societies have crime everywhere. In The Veldt the kids murdered their own
parents through the nursery. The kids tricked their parents into the nursery where they were
surrounded by hungry lions and the kids locked their parents inside to get eaten (Bradbury 10).
Fahrenheit 451 Montag who is a firemen kills his captain. And then he was a shrieking blaze, a
jumping, sprawling gibbering mannikin, no longer human or known, all writhing flame on the lawn
as Montag shot one continuous pulse of liquid ... Show more content on ...
In The Veldt a electronic room called the nursery was used to kill a set of kids parents. The parents
were locked in the nursery because, they were fooled by their children but, inside the nursery were
lions that came to life and mauled on the parents (Bradbury 10). In Fahrenheit 451 they sent a
mechanical 8 legged robot hound to kill Montag. The hound was trying to kill Montag after,
Montag killed Captain Beatty, the hound leapt towards montag with a procaine needle coming out
his single angry tooth but, Montag caught the hound with a bloom of fire (Bradbury 120). This
shows how technology can be dangerous and death threatening therefore technology
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Depression In William Wordsworth
I have been seeing three new patients recently, all Romantic poets who appear to be suffering
from various levels of melancholy. Although each one of these poets is highly successful and
influential in the Romantic Movement, each has experienced bouts of dejection, loneliness, and
disillusionment with reality. However, this melancholy seems different from cases I have
encountered in the past. Strangely, none of these clients show symptoms of the excessive black
bile that typically associated with melancholy such as apathy, lack of motivation, and
hopelessness (Brady, Haapala). In fact, while all of these clients experience melancholic
thoughts, these emotions appear to be more complex than depression as they allow the
pleasures of deep reflection and often lead to feelings of sublime joy and inspiration. Instead of
suffering from a clinical form of melancholy or depression, these clients appear to be
experiencing a complex emotion of joypain which they believe has the capacity to reveal the
infinite powers of the self or the imagination (Murray, 722). Yet, while all of these poets seem to
believe in the importance of melancholy as inspiration for their work, each of these poets also
seems to express this emotion in different ways. While one of these poets, Mr. William Wordsworth
often turns his negative ruminations into positive reflections on nature and memory, Mr. Coleridge
instead experiences deeper melancholic moments that he cannot dispel quite so easily. Mr. John
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Improving A Cutting Edge Technology Position
Introduction The purpose of the article is to establish that an IT strategy focused on maintain a
cutting edge technology position is the most effective way to support any kind of overall business
strategy. Not only will this article address this issue, but it will also display that a cutting edge is
needed to gain and maintain a prominent position in any prospective market. It should be noted that
when this article speaks of cutting edge of technology this is actually speaking of alignment of the
organization s business and IT strategy. With this being said why then are many organizations not
aligning their business and IT strategy together? This report will view why this remains a problem.
Additionally, this document will... Show more content on ...
Wherein this might have been possible in times past, it appears that in the future it will mean a
decrease in revenue for these organizations. Another reason for a lack of alignment is that the key
players of the organization are not on the same sheet of music. When this happens it is nearly
impossible to form an internal alignment of types. In this situation information technology is
wasted. The motive is because one key ingredient to alignment is collaboration. Collaboration is
actually about effective communicating. In this forum not only is information shared it is also
redefined into new ideas. All of this is not possible if key players of the organization do not work
collaboratively. The Right Combination The solution to what ills the alignment of IT strategy and
business strategy can be found in the alignment of the organization s CEO, CIO, and CFO. In
order for the business strategy and the IT strategy to come together to for any type of alignment
(cutting edge) there must be harmony among this group. The reason why this select few people are
important to the alignment process is because of their roles inherent within the organization. Below
is an illustration followed by a brief description of each role and what that person would be
expected to bring to the organization. пѓџ пѓ CEO: (could also be known as President of GMs,
MD or ED), as the
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Wild Bill Hickok Research Paper
My favorite orange juice is Tropicana. Because of this, I felt obliged to check out the poker
room at the Tropicana Casino. When I got there, I wondered what I had gotten myself into as the
hotel itself looked to need a little bit of work. Once inside, the place warmed up a little bit,
though. I decided that once I traveled all the way over there, I had to check out what their poker
room was really like. The Tropicana poker room itself leaves a lot to be desired, but it is
probably better than the overall hotel. The room is very small and appears to be pretty plain. If
you didn t know any better, you would swear that this room has been around forever. It hasn t been
around for very long, though. Because of this fact, nobody really knows about... Show more content
on ...
The very name conjures up images of dusty trails and pearl handled revolvers and long blond
locks and card games and why a cheater should never sit with his back to the door. Often confused
with that other famous Bill, Buffalo Bill Cody, Wild Bill Hickokwas a lawman and a gambler and
a rambler and I guess he always will be. Hickok had all the attributes required for a Wild West
legend and then some some. Unlike Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill Hickok had courage to go along with
his good looks and skill with a gun. (In fact, Earp didn t even possess that, really; Wyatt Earp s
only real talent with a revolver lay in sneaking up behind his victims and cowardly cold cocking
them.) By contrast, Wild Bill s long yellow locks, penetrating eyes and heroism as an Army
scout are not dependent upon highly fictional Hollywood recreations of factual events in the
way that pitiful Wyatt Earp was. Wild Bill also holds a place in gambling legend; when you bet
on a poker hand made up of two Aces and two Eights, what you ve got there pardner is what is
known as the Dead Man s Hand. Why? Because that is final deck that Wild Bill ever played; the
hand he was holding when a young man named Jack McCall sauntered into the saloon in
Deadwood, South Dakota where Wild Bill sat playing cards. Wild Bill Hickok normally made a
habit verging on obsession of never sitting anywhere where his vision couldn t take in a
panoramic view of everything in sight. There was a good reason for that and a bad result the
one time he lapsed. Jack McCall calmly walked up behind Wild Bill and shot him point blank in
the back of the head not terribly long after America had celebrated her first 100 years of
existence. Such was Wild Bill s ferocious reputation that McCall s explanation for his Earp level
cowardice was confined to these immortal words: I didn t want to commit suicide. Even aged and
slowed down by alcohol, one didn t willingly do anything that might cause one to come to face to
face with
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The Success Of A Student Essay
Results: Ultimately, this cycle culminated in a better understanding of, and connection with, my
students. I felt that this cycle helped me to foster the gradual independence that the school
encourages in its students, as we could then collaborate together on problems and recognise
successes. Perhaps most importantly, the interest and focus I was able to show each student
made the students feel valued and to be more motivated. The students also seemed to
demonstrate greater understanding of themselves as learners; for example, the student who was
struggling with maths expressed a desire to continue tracking his progress independently. It is
important to note that in that case I have the advantage of only working with a class of 6
currently, and I may not be able to use this technique as effectively with a larger class, though I
could surely use some variation of it. Though I did have a strong knowledge of students,
particularly due to the small size of my class, having a detailed record to which to refer and
create feedback helped to deepen this understanding and the quality of feedback. (reference)
Cycle 2 Read Appropriate Material on Student Differentiation and Feedback Application Idea: I
decided to research and read material on my major points of concern student differentiation and
feedback application in my second cycle of my Action Research Plan. As my goal is to rethink how
I provide feedback, having a range of perspectives on the topic would
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Summary Of Utiima By Ultima
In the novel, Antonio s uncle, Lucas, was on the verge of dying due to a curse placed upon him by
witches. A priest and a doctor had tried to deal with Lucas illness, but were unsuccessful at their
attempts at doing so. It was noted that Lucas had witnessed Tenorio s daughters performing a
satanic ritual, also known as the Black Mass . Afterwards, Lucas had tried to test whether or not
Tenorio s daughters were indeed witches, but they had ran away once they noticed a makeshift
cross. As all other measures had been taken, Lucas brother, Pedro, had asked Ultima to help.
Ultima had agreed to help, but before Ultima would attend to Uncle Lucas, she has a confrontation
with Tenorio. Within the story, the reader comes to understand that Ultima blames the curse placed
on Lucas on the daughters of Tenorio. I have come to lift a curse. It is your daughters who do evil,
that are brujas. (Bless Me, Ultima pg.39). This upsets Tenorio, and creates an argument between the
two. Ultima goes on giving Tenorio an ultimatum if he does not try to convince his daughters to lift
the curse on Lucas. After Ultima, threatens the daughters with an ultimatum, Tenorio goes on to call
Ultima a bruja . Later in the novel, news arrives that Tenorio s daughterhas died. Narciso had told
everyone in the MГЎrez home that Tenorio and a mob were on their way to see Ultima, as they
have claimed to have found Ultima s herbal pouch under the daughter s bed. Once the mob has
arrived, it was noted that a
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Good Oral Hygiene For A Persons Overall Health
Good oral hygiene plays an important role in a persons overall health. Also, it can help a person
to be more confident, which in turn leads to better success! Some people do not realize the
consequences of poor oral hygiene on their overall health. The consequences are not just bad
teeth! For example: you may end up with an infection of the blood, heart problems, respiratory
problems, etc. While some know this, many do not think it affects their ability to succeed in
school and career. If a person has bad teeth, they will be more likely to be self conscious.
Therefore, they might not smile or seem as friendly. Friendliness and a smile is very important
in any job because that is what builds trust. It is very hard for most people to trust someone who
never smiles. Because of poor oral health, parents are missing more work and children are missing
more school. Also, it is harder to concentrate when oral health is bad. Children with tooth pain
maybe distracted from learning valuable information because they are so focused on their tooth
pain. As a result, parents miss work because they have to take their kids to the dentists or tend to a
sick child when teeth get infected. Then, if the parents themselves need care, that only adds to the
struggle. Dental care is not cheap. Especially, if a person does not have insurance. A concern is that
people might put off important dental work because they cannot afford dental care or insurance. As
a result, they may battle
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Why Is Darh Vader Not Always Evil
Darth Vader was not always evil but his way of life and tendencies and characteristics drove him to
the dark side.
as kid he was a slave and feared alot of things in his life as he got older and started learning the Jedi
way he became less fearful for himself but more fearful of his moms safety. He was told he would
be more poweful then any jedi who ever lived he liked the idea of that but what he did know is
that these characteristics he was gaining was the key ways of the dark side the chosen ones had
the higher risk of turning to the dark side him wanting more and more power was leading to shy
away from the light side and move to the dark. When he finally knew what he was doing there
was no going back he thought what he was doing was helping everything he cared about but he
was lost in all this commotion so he turned to the dark side not knowing he broke his wifes heart
and killing her he fought his Jedi master and after that dual he was now known as darth vader later
down his life they fought one last time he ends up killing his old jedi master obi wan kinobi
Unaware that he had two children, his son Luke was also unaware that he was is his father when
Darth Vader is informed that his son Luke is now a Jedi and is looking to defeat his power during
Lukes ... Show more content on ...
He wants to know more of his fathers story his intentions now is to make his father apart of his
life with doing so he knows he will have to change his fathers ways of the dark side to the light
side.He knows this will be a great challenge but is confident in his skills that he can achieve this
goal.Darth Vader now is rethinking what he has done he more cautious of his actions at this time
not knowing if he is going to continue on the dark side path.once this starts happening he learns
that the powers he was promised were not there. Luke is eager to reconnect with his father he goes
back to seem him after all of
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The Battle Of Yorktown By William Faulkner
Battle of Yorktown
A Striking Start
You are galloping full speed at full speed like it is the last day of your life, you ride into the city
of Yorktown fiercely, then your rider wants you to go faster, you are galloping faster than you
have ever run, as fast as a speeding bullet. The wind is slapping your face as hard as a hammer,
you finally run into the sea of smoke, muskets, and bayonets. The person riding you violently
thrusts his mighty sword, and swiftly fires his French pistol. Cannonballs fly over you like soaring
hawks destroying the fortifications that may have taken years to build, you are a proud horse in
The American Revolutionary War, and you will never stop galloping for the Patriots even if it kills
This scene is ... Show more content on ...
The colonist brought a force of about 8800 to attack Yorktown . The Continental Army 7800
French troops commanded by George Washington and, admiral Francois, Count de Grasse a
French naval leader fiercely decided to attack the headquarter with only about 6000 British
defending the headquarters, but on the other side of the James River in Gloucester there were only
1,000 British troops to protect the fort against 3,000 French, and troops from the continental army.
The Patriots set up a hospital 2 miles southeast from British lines, this is convenient because they
didn t have to go a long way for a medic.
The British soldiers were cornered because the Continental Army attacked from all sides. The
Continental Army did what was the worst that could happen to the British during the Revolutionary
War.On September 20th the Continental Army reached Yorktown and started to attack. The
Continental Army set up a camp far outside the lines of the British Headquarters so the continental
army could get new supplies so just in case of an attack from the land they would be able to
access goods from water.The French army also had flooded the James river with their naval boats
surrounding the British army from all sides.These boats played a key role in the battle of Yorktown
not only because they were bombarding the Yorktown
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A Brief Look at DNA Profiling
DNA profiling has several advantages in helping solve crimes, however, there are still
disadvantages to this technique. DNA profiling can be beneficial, as well as detrimental to the
society we live in. DNA profiling has become the most widely used tool in the field of forensics
because of the advantages it has to offer, although there are some drawbacks when it comes to
utilizing this technique. DNAprofiling has greatly enhanced law enforcement investigation by
helping determine the suspect in a criminal investigation, minimizing the amount of unjustified
arrests, and by overturning wrongful guilty sentencing. While DNA profilinghas advantages in the
field of forensics, it also has disadvantages. A few of the key disadvantages of DNA profiling are
easy contamination, wrongful convictions, and access to and use of data. One of the foundations
in the field of forensics is the examination of DNA. DNA is the digenetic element which exists in
each and every cell. Every human being has an exclusive analysis of DNA. In fact, there are even
a small amount of variations among the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of identical twins. DNA
profiling was established in the 1980 s by Sir Alec Jeffreys, a scientist from Britain. Investigators
can obtain DNA for profiling from various evidence from a crime scene. DNA can be obtained
from vital fluid, semen, epidermis, saliva, mucus, sweat and roots of hair. Additionally, profiling
can be performed on old, as well as dried out specimens. One
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The Glass Menagerie Manipulation
How many people from the ages of 18 34 still live with their parents? Well, on average, about
30.3% of those people still live with their parents, but the reasons as to why are unknown. In the
play, The Glass Menagerie, Tom and Laura Wingfield are between the ages of 18 34 and they still
live with their mom, Amanda. Now their reasons why they both still live with her are clearly
displayed in this play. All three familymembers show eager signs to escape from each other but
some sort of physiological and manipulative tornado of emotions is holding them all back. Some
might call Amanda crazy, but what is power without a little bit of irrational thinking and disguised
manipulation? Although Laura may display her own robust qualities, they cannot match Amanda s
steady flow of persuasive strength because she is manipulative, extremely emotional, and is a hard
working mother. Throughout the play, Amanda persistently demonstrates controlling power. Before
Laura s gentleman caller arrives, Amanda and Laura are arguing about Laura s appearance. Amanda
says, To be painfully honest, your chest is flat, (Williams 70). Amanda directly... Show more content
on ...
Before Jim comes over, the narrator tells the audience how hard Amanda has worked to make
her house presentable. He says, Amanda has worked like a Turk in preparation for the
gentleman caller, (Williams 69). The narrator uses a simile to compare Amanda and Turk s
because of how hard they both work. This makes a better and more dominant leader because the
people that are being lead like a hard working leader. Throughout history, leaders that tend to have
the most power are the hardest working. For example, Hitler, Stalin, Jesus, and Martin Luther
King Jr. were all hard working and powerful leaders that had many followers. All of these leaders
stood for something very different, but because of their dedication, they were the most
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Modern Day Russia Research Paper
In this paper, I will be covering the country of Russia. During this essay, I will cover a variety of
subject areas that make up modern day countries, especially a superpower like Russia; I will be
covering the following subjects that makes
Russia formidable adversary: political, economy,military composition, and social influences. I chose
these areas because I feel they are important functions of any thriving civilizations, I also wanted to
provide the contrasts between the former
USSR and modern day Russia. By the end of this paper the goal is to have a better understanding of
how a potential enemy is constructed and operates.
The Russian Federation has a centralized political system, with the majority of the ... Show more
content on ...
Due to the increase in the exports of its natural resources, it repaid its Soviet era debt to Paris Club
creditors and the International
Monetary Fund. The poverty class has been on the declined and the middle class has consisentely
grown. So has the number of Russia s super rich. The country s new billionaires now play on the
global stage, buying luxury property and sports franchises.
Russia s military is the second largest in the world behind the United States, they have
766,055 active frontline personnel with 2,485,000 active reserve personnel. Russian males are
registered for the draft from the age of seventeen to fifty and have a one year service obligation.
The age requirements for voluntary service is between the ages of 18 27, the draft will continue
through the year 2030. The Soviet nuclear weapon program began during World War II and was
successful in a atomic bomb test in 1949. According to estimates by the Natural Resources
Defense Council, by 1991, the Soviet Union had approximately 35,000 weapons in its stockpile,
down from a peak in 1986 of 45,00. Russia is estimated to now have around 20,000 nuclear
weapons. Russia s land systems include Main Battle Tanks, light tanks, tank destroyers
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Edward Jones in 2006
Executive Summary
This memorandum addresses some of the key issues with Edward Jones, which includes the lack
of an online presence, possible cannibalization from larger firms, and the inability to manage funds
from institutional investors. I conclude that the most effective of all of the theorized strategies
would be a combination of Edward Jones original business model with an online platform. This
plan would allow Edward Jones to stay true to its fundamentals, as well as attract new clientele and
provide better service to its existing clients.
Edward Jones has become the fourth largest brokerage firm in the United States. By holding on to a
fundamental business strategy based on the core concepts of close client ... Show more content on ...
Edward Jones average assets per account were $45,556 while Merrill Lynch amp; Morgan Stanley
was $163,667 and $137,111 respectively. Edward Jones leaves revenue on the table by not
managing higher net worth institutional accounts.
Available Strategic Options
Edward Jones strategic direction in 2006 had to respond to competitors like Merrill Lynch if the
partnership wanted to maintain its exceptional performance and growth. The first option focuses
on staying true to Edward Jones small town roots and demonstrating the value of strong personal
relationships with one s financial advisor in planning for the distribution phase of life (Faux,
2014). FAs can take advantage of face to face interactions and close relationships to communicate
to clients the importance of planning for the distribution phase as soon as possible and hopefully
encourage client referrals. Also, a professional advisor who personally knows the clients and their
needs provides critical support to keeping long term retirement plans on track while still focusing
on time sensitive decisions. This defensive move could stunt the firm s growth, and if it fails, could
leave Edward Jones even more vulnerable to cannibalization.
The second option shifts the company s original policies of strictly face to face interaction to a
hybrid model, which includes online account and portfolio tracking and current news and research.
This option adds value for existing customers because they can view
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1930-1940 Essay
1930 1940
The 1930s brought a very turbulent time to the United States. As a result of the Stock Market
Crash of 1929, the nation was experiencing a severe depression. There were hard class divisions
dividing the nation. People were either extremely rich or extremely poor. The middle class simply
did not exist (Bondi 97). On March 4, 1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt took office with the promise
of hope and relief for struggling Americans. Roosevelt followed up his promise for help with the
New Deal, his plan to combat the depression. The New Deal involved the three R s: relief, recovery
and reform. It included measures concerning banking, securities, industry, and agriculture (Bondi
Roosevelt won reelection in 1936 and the economy ... Show more content on ...
This led to World War II which began on September 3, 1939 when Great Britain and France
declared war on Germany (Bondi 22). Also in the 1930s, the Hindenburg exploded in the air
killing thirty six passengers. The Hindenburg was a blimp that provided trans Atlantic air service
between Germany and America. The explosion was a great blow to the prestige of the Nazi regime
(Kirshon 676).
In the 1930s, Surrealism developed in art with an emphasis on content and free form (Brittanica).
As a part of the surrealist movement, Salvador Dali painted Persistence of Memory. However,
Dali was expelled from Europe s Surrealists for his support of Franco in the Spanish civil war
(Burne 996). In the United States, art was depicting regions. Regionalism was an artistic or literary
style that was tied to American landscape. Painters such as Grant Wood and John Stuart Curry
painted the landscape while writers such as Steinbeck and Farrell wrote about specific regions in
their works (Bondi 44). Depression Modernism also developed in the United States. This movement
brought gleaming black glass, black Vitrolite, chrome, Micarta, and peach tinted mirrors (Grief 1).
According to the author, Streamlining became the vogue in furniture and clothing, clocks, and
typewriters, toasters, and vacuum cleaners, but especially in houses, public buildings, airplanes,
railway trains, and automobiles (Greif 193). Russell Wright was an artist that took part in this
unique movement
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Nosocomial Infection Research Paper
How does one feel when he or she is admitted into a hospital or health care facility, and on the news
there is a feature on infections within the health care facilities. A major problem today s time in the
health care is the risk for nosocomial infections. These nosocomial infections are contracted with in
the hospitalor any health care facility, and are also known as health care acquired infections H.A.I. .
The risk of these infections, are now higher than ever. With the constant flow of patients into the
health care facility, it is nearly impossible to make sure the area is clean and safe for the next
patient. This is a major problem just because the types of infection that are contracted. Infections
include: Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus... Show more content on ...
With the use of antibacterial wipes and other cleaning supplies and protective equipment the
health care provider can sterilize areas that are needed for care and protect them selves from
carrying the infections with them. There are some time management problems with supplied
material to clean and protect the patients from infections. The problem with these wipes is that
they take time to work effectively. And with the way the hospital works now a days the time
spend making sure the rooms are set and clean for the next patient is not encouraged. Some time
the cleaning and sterilization process is preformed but not enough. This is why we see the spread
of infections with in the hospital. Now concerning the use of protective equipment. If we can use
the equipment correctly we will diminish the risk of spreading infections. Look at the simple
nitrile glove. It protects the hands from nasty bacteria and when disposed of properly it doesn t
cause a concern of an infection. Now I under stand with the gloves and other equipment the cost
will be an
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Analysis Of Quote By Gregory Crewdson
Gregory Crewdson s work is very inspiring, he manages to complete an entire story, an entire
character art, all in one image and you really get involved in his world. Using light and colour
places a major cinematic role, the picture becomes an operatic framing device, there so rich with
props and all the other little details that when you look closer you will find something different.
Crewdson works with a medium format camera, eight by ten colour negatives, each print is fifty
nine inches by ninety inches, when you look closely at his image you see clarity and detail.
Crewsdon used Epson printing process in his studio, to maintain control over his entire process,
which allowed him to make his pictures feel like his own, like they were part of his world. Quote
by Gregory Crewdson
My pictures are about a search for a moment a perfect moment. To me, the most powerful moment in
the whole process is when everything comes together and there is that beautiful still moment, and
for that instant my life makes sense.
Birth was made on a sound stage, working with a large art department, Crewdson and his art
director start by making sketches, then architectural drawings, they then build the set which
normally takes about five to six weeks. In this specific photograph it looks like the woman has
given birth, and from outside of the house the bedroom and the bathroom are visible from outside,
which to me makes it an eerie concept as if life isn t private and shows real
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Essay about President Bush And Us Foreign Policy
The United States election in 2000 raised a debate between democrat and republican and in the
end the American people chose a new leader Mr. George w. Bush. President Bush clearly defined
foreign policy objectives and goals. I have seen and hear our dear President Bush foreign policy
after September 11. Following this, Bush has established its top priorities in foreign policy. He
claims that an acts in the government to improve the international community through negotiation
and cooperation. Likewise President Bush remark It is to inspire and be inspired by other nations
to work together toward a peaceful and prosperous future (BBC News). Bush, as well as our
society, feels the president should be strong especially in international... Show more content on ...
Bush, as well as our society, feels the president should be strong especially in international politics
and policies. When the United States was attacked September 11, 2001, the people looked to the
president to lead, and in essence, seek revenge. On both of these levels of domestic considerations,
we will never know to exactly what extent they influence the president s choice of action, but they
help us in understanding some of the foreign policy decisions. Going beyond the individual to the
expectations of the position, the role consideration plays an influential domestic part in the response
to an external event and ultimately foreign policymaking. Furthermore to do this, Bush s
administration has outlined some specific objectives. Allies are crucial to conduct foreign
operations, so the Bush has joined several international organizations that allow it to serve at the
forefront of international policy. Some of the more famous ones are the United Nations, which is
the biggest organization and has many sub level organizations, the World Trade Organization, the
World Health Organization, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank Group
(Directory of Economic, Commodity and Developmental Organizations). Knowing that United
States is involved in these international organizations President Bush refuses to listen to UN
(United Nation) and
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Puritans Ethics And The Pinto Disaster
It is important to note, however, that Puritans ethics have been the catalyst that accelerated the
growth of capitalism (Weber 107). At the same time, Puritans ethics initiated a formal and
instrumental approach to life (115). In the case of the Pinto Disaster, Weber would claim that
Ford s decision to settle in lawsuits, instead of installing the safety gadget, is a mathematical
approach to life. Firstly, Weber would argue that bureaucracies structure has created a hierarchy
system where workers are powerless and have fewer obligations. According to Dowie, the Pinto
engineer did notify his superior about the defected product with a solution (16). However, the
powerless engineer did not have the approval of his superior make the necessary
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Why the Police were Unable to Catch Jack the Ripper Essay
Why the Police were Unable to Catch Jack the Ripper
In the Victorian Times, smog was a big problem. It made visibility extremely bad, so the murders
would have been harder to witness. There were lots of prostitutes because there weren t many
jobs available for woman, so they were forced on the streets. Most turned to alcohol. The people
out at the time of the murder would have been tramps and drunks, not reliable witnesses. The East
End streets were maze like, and easy to escape from. These were a few of the problems the police
Jack the Ripper was extremely clever to be able to evade the police the whole period in which he
committed his murders. He chose different locations for ... Show more content on ...
Theories were on whom the murderer might be, causing tension in the Whitechapel area and
creating more racial hatred. The press received lots of letters from the murderer but held them
back. Like the Dear Boss letter, They didn t give it to the police for a few days, slowing down any
action that could have been taken.
The police had only just been set up when the murders occurred, so had no previous experience.
The only way to prove someone committed a murder was to catch them in the act or get a
confession. Though they increased the number of officers, they only ever came across the
bodies, warm. There was more than one police force operating in London at the time, which
meant that there was a lack of communication. In fact, the superior officers told their subordinates
to not reveal any evidence they retrieved to their rival force, each police force wanting the glory
of catching the Whitechapel murderer. The Metropolitan police force was responsible for all of
London, except the city of London, which had its own separate, City Police force. They were both
working on the case because one of the murders had been committed in the area where the City
Police operated, as opposed to the other ones which occurred in the Metropolitan police forces area.
The Detective methods were not
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Offshore Drilling Will Be Harmful To The Environment
What is offshore drilling? Offshore drilling is the procedure of oil wells on the continental shelf,
here and there in water several hundred feet deep. Offshore drilling presents ecological difficulties,
both from the delivered hydrocarbons and the materials utilized during the drilling operation. This
offshore drilling has caused the U.S. offshore drilling debate. The U.S. offshore drilling debate is a
progressing confrontation in the United States on regardless of whether offshore drilling ought to
grant new wells off the shoreline of the U.S. Offshore drilling can be harmful to the environment
around it. Some people are concerned that offshore drilling can cause oil spills. An oil spillis when
oil leaks to the environment. When an oil
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Chemistry 100 Labreport Essay
Determination of Vanillin in Imitation Vanilla Essence
Chloe Nolan 14832679
4 hydroxy 3 methoxybenzaldehyde or as it is better known, vanillin is most commonly used to
create imitation vanilla essence (Southam, 2013).
Figure 1: vanillin structure
Vanillinwas first synthesised from eugenol from 1874 2001, from where it was later made from
lignin containing sulphite liquor which is a by product of wood pulp processing in paper pulp
manufacturing, most recently it is more common to find vanillin made from guaiacol and glyoxlic
acid (3D chem, 2013). Vanillin is most commonly found in food flavour formulations, perfumes
and fragrances and has been used in drugs used by those who suffer from Parkinson s disease ...
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Diluted essence (10ml, 100 times diluted) was pipetted into a 100ml separating funnel. 20ml of
dichloromethane was added to the diluted essence. The funnel was then shaken vigorously for 2
minutes with gas being release occasionally. The organic phase (lower layer) was released into a
100ml beaker and another 20 ml of dichloromethane was added to the funnel and shaken
vigorously for another 2 minutes. The organic phase (lower layer) was again released into the 100
ml beaker. The contents of the funnel were disposed of. The organic phase was then added back
into the separating funnel with 40ml of 0.1M sodium hydroxide solution and shaken well for 2
minutes. The organic phase was released and disposed of and the aqueous phase was kept and
transferred to a 250ml volumetric flask and the volume was made up with 0.1M sodium hydroxide.
Standards were then made using the 50mg/L standard provided and mixing with 0.1M sodium
hydroxide to create standards with 1,2,3,4,5 mg/L concentrations. Each solution was run through
the UV Visible spectrometer to find the absorbance and then the concentration.
Results and Discussion [Vanillin] mg/L| Absorbance| 1.00| 0.195| 2.00| 0.380| 3.00| 0.540| 4.00|
0.750| 5.00| 0.940| Your vanilla essence extract| 0.430| Solution for 100% extraction efficiency|
Table 2: UV Visible Spectrometry Results
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The Volkswagen Golf R Is A High Performance
The 2017 Volkswagen Golf R is a high performance subcompact four door hatchback, the most
powerful model in the Golf product range. Equipped with standard all wheel drive, this vehicle
has a raucous turbocharged four cylinder engine paired with a smooth shifting six speed manual
gearbox or an available six speed dual clutch automatic transmission. Introduced for the 2012
model year, the VW Golf R had a two year model run, then updated in 2015. No 2014 model was
built. The current model reflects updated styling, a more powerful engine, and a new automatic
transmission. The most significant change for 2017 was making the driver assistance package
standard equipment. Exterior: 9 Take a standard Golf four door hatchback design and... Show more
content on ...
Double that space with the rear seat folded. Marked by a pair of oversized dials for the tachometer
and the speedometer, the instrument panel includes a digital driver s information center between
the two. As for the instrument panel, it is ordered from top to bottom with vents, the display screen,
climate control, and a storage compartment. The transmission shifter and other in cabin controls are
found ahead of the cup holders and center armrest/enclosed storage compartment. Overall the
interior is straightforward, with soft touch materials and various plastics used on the lower
dashboard, door inlays, and the center console. A flat bottomed steering wheel wrapped in thick
leather along with metal pedals, including a foot rest, offer sporty touches. Standard equipment
includes keyless entry with push button start, full power accessories, dual climate control, ambient
and footwell lighting, heated front seats, and cruise control. Performance: 10 A 2.0 liter
turbocharged four cylinder engine powers the 2017 Golf R. Although the engine displacement is
the same as what s found in the GTI, the Golf R benefits from a larger turbocharger and other
enhancements, delivering 292 horsepower and 280 pound feet of torque. Shoppers have a choice
of a six speed manual gearbox or a six speed dual clutch automatic transmission. The automatic
provides faster shifts and also supplies
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Summary Of Romanticism In The Sandman
The Romantic movement throughout Europe was in response to the rationalism and Enlightenment
movement of the 18th century. This time period was seen as a Segway between two time periods,
the Enlightenment and the Romantic movement, creating a conflict between cultures. Whereas
most of Europe was transitioning into a time of Romanticism, German culture didn t accept the
movement until later 1790 s, due to the thought that it was undermining the national identity. It
wasn t until a new generation decided to break away from established tendencies in the culture and
focus on the unique experiences of the individual. Goethe previously encourages the movement in
the development of the Faust figure which in many ways reflects change and Romanticism. The
new modern age of the Romantics distrusted the Enlightenment views of reason as the supreme
guiding force of human action and they sensed a new age was dawning. As these cultural
conflicts arose, the publication of The Sandman came out, illustrating characteristics that
advocated for the Romantic era ideals, while also contrasting rational views. Within the story of
The Sandman and as well as in his other novels and stories, E.T Hoffman depicts a duality
between dream and reality, as it is a motif for his own life. Hoffman insists of there being an
irreducible heterogeneity and dualism between the two realms of what is reality and what is a
dream, which is seen through the dispute between Clara and Nathanael in The Sandman. Within
this publication, Hoffman begins with a dispute between Clara and Nathanael regarding the death
of his father. It then transitions into letter that were written between that of Nathanael, Clara, and
Clara s brother Lothar.In one of the letters, Clara exemplifies her rational, clear headed
personality leading Nathanael to believe that his recollections were mere childhood fantasies and
that all the horrors in which he recalls exist only in his own mind. Some of these horrors are
depicted in the first letter written by Nathanael to Lothar who as stated, is Clara s brother. Within
this letter, Nathanael tells a story about a horrific story engrained in his mind from an incident
earlier on in his childhood, where he was
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The Staining Of Bacteria Are Known As Differential...
The staining procedures used to differentiate the types of bacteria are known as differential
technique of staining. The simple methods of staining impart same color to all types of bacteria and
other biological materials. The principle behind this differentiation is due to the variation in
physical and chemical properties of the cell. Consequently, reaction occurs differently to reagents.
In handling of the sputum when testing for the presence of bacteriapathogen one has to ensure that
there is no extraneous bacteria to contaminate the specimen. The sample is refrigerated for a
maximum of twenty four hours. The sample should not be frozen or stored at room temperature.
Ensure that the minimum amounts of the present antibiotics that inhibit bacterial growth are not
visible to the eye. One should differentiate pathogenic and normal flora bacteria. The identification
of the bacteria is a step by step process that involves biochemical, molecular and immunological
tests and observations. To determine the viable bacterial numbers in the sputum sample, the sample
is homogenized with dithiothreitol and glass beads in order to determine the method which
recovered the greatest number of viable bacteria. Continuous monitoring systems of mycobacterium
report higher contamination rates than traditional radiometric technologies. The first step in
analyzing fresh sputum is the gram stain test which seeks to identify the type of bacteria in the
sample. If the sample is seen to contain
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Abortion And The United States
In the United States the abortion has become a big deal in American political landscape. Also is
very sadly because is consider it moral issues rather than personal rights or civil liberties.
This issue has much both sides of political fence but many do not consider it. But me myself I
opposed to abortion, especially abortion on demand and welcome the government s protection of
the unborn. Also other issues are involved in abortion debate, but this issue of personal is freedom
already mentioned. There is also some women that they don t want to support unwanted children
upon the American taxpayer to pay along with continuing the lack thereof to the city or civil rights.
The abortion in the United States seems to be two different ... Show more content on ...
Some people claim you are a person directly after conception, while others believe that a
grouping of 46 chromosomes does not make you a human, but a potential life. Whether or not
they are a living human being depends on whether they are protected by the right to life.
Abortions for rape or incest victims is another controversial topic. Babies born of these acts are not
intended at all, as the sexual act was forced and no contraception or precaution could be taken.
Killing the babies from these actions is penalizing them for something they had no choice in the
matter of. This dispute is the link between two groups; Pro Choice and Pro Life. Naturally, each
side is the absolute reversal of the other. That is why negotiation is so difficult. Pro Life, or right
to life , is the group that is against abortion. They are usually republicans, or conservatives. They
claim human life begins at conception; thus making the fetus a person and elimination of such as
that, manslaughter. The unborn are innocent, and deserve their right to life. The issue of abortion
to them is one of civil rights they believe all humans justify equality, even those that aren t born
yet. In the case of rape or incest, they still believe the child should not be punished for a criminal s
wrong doing. Abortion is legal in our country, but Pro Lifers hope to make an amendment that gives
all living humans from conception until death equal
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The Objectivity Of Science And Science
The objectivity of science would be contingent on our trust in the scientists who are feeding us
knowledge. We often believe these scientists, but is there actually a reason for us to trust what they
are passing on to us? What would science be if they had not been telling the truth? There is no
denying the existence of public trust in the words of scientists, but it should be noted that
everything that we understand as scientific fact today would be in question if we lost trust in our
scientists. Teachers of science, doers of science, and scientific writers are most definitely the source
of the majority of our scientific knowledge. We have to trust these people though because if we do
not trust them, who do we trust?
The main point I am ... Show more content on ...
And if so, is being virtuous and moral enough of a reason for us to confirm our trust in the
reliability and authority of science? Could it not be the case that scientists are seen as ordinary
people possessing extraordinary knowledge as a result of their job title or description? The fact
that we have this widespread trust of science proves that we must believe to have an understanding
of what scientists are like.
There has been a long going development of a public image of scientists, one that has recently
begun to change. Due to factors such as the internet and the media, science is something that is able
to been seen and looked into simultaneously by numerous people. When a scientist intentionally
fudges their data, it is not small news. Problems of this sort have birthed various concerns about
science, and about science s authority and reliability in specific. This speculation of dishonest
scientists not only will effect the reliability of science in the eyes of the public, but also the realm
in which scientists are producing truly credible knowledge. Our technical knowledge is only as
secure as the moral economy in which it is produced (Shapin, ?). As of now, the way in which
scientists come to agree or settle disputes, is an issue that we cannot fully grasp.
This skepticism of scientific objectivity appears to be the cause of a number of our fundamental
contemporary dilemmas regarding the morality and authority of science. As long as scientists
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St. Thomas Aquinas Argument On God
St. Thomas Aquinas is a famous philosopher from the medieval period who believed there was a
god. One of Aquinas significant works in philosophy was his argument that God exists. In Aquinas
argument, or also known as Summa Theologica, he uses five arguments to support the claim that
God exist and four of them are cosmological argument. Cosmological arguments are arguments that
try to reason that god exists because of the universe or cosmos leads to the conclusion that god
exists. His first argument is the Argument From Motion. In the argument of motion Aquinas
observed that we live in a world and universe that things are continuously moving, and he also
noticed that to make something move something has to move or start it moving. To Aquinas this
means that everything that is moving must have been moved by something or someone and there
had to be a time when the thing wasn t moving. The mover for the beginning of everything in
Aquinas argument is God. The second argument is the Argument From Causation which is very
similar to the Argument From Motion. Aquinas thoughts were that everything that is caused had to
be caused by something else. Nothing can cause it s self so there must be an thing that is uncaused
and to Aquinas that thing is God because it can t go back forever. The Third argument is The
Argument From Contingency. Contingency is a future or thing that could have not existed and
Aquinas believe that the world can t always be contingent because then it could have
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As time has gone by, trends come and go, but some stick with us. The 1980s was fun and bright
and will be remembered forever in history because of its trends like MTV and the Rise of
Michael Jackson. Additionally, the 1980s included three very significant topics that shaped the
80 s itself such as Cabbage Patch Dolls, the Nintendo Entertainment System, and fashion. First up
is a toy that was very popular to kids in the 1980s. Its name was the Cabbage Patch Doll. The
Cabbage Patch Doll was a small plush baby doll. They ve got baby soft vinyl faces, big wistful
eyes, pudgy fingers and toes, dimpled knees and elbows.....and even a cute belly button
( When you bought yourself a doll it came with a certificate saying the
... Show more content on ...
When the NES came out Nintendo started a licensing company for third party games to produce
their games in Nintendo factories. After the NES was created Nintendo redesigned the
Famicom (the game cartridge) to look like a VHS tape to help grip the system grip it better.
Also, the rarest game in NES history is the boxed version of Stadium Events, but only a handful
of boxed, complete copies have ever been seen in the wild, and they can fetch anywhere from
$35,000 45,000 at auction ( The best selling game in NES history was Super
Mario Bros as it sold a total of 40 million copies ( Before the NES came along,
Donkey Kong was the king of gaming. The reason for this is because arcades were the only way to
play at the time. Luckily, NES games were playable in the arcades. Games like Ninja Gaiden and
Super Mario Bros were stretched into the arcades by a system called Play Choice10. In conclusion,
the NES was part of a revolution in
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Cons Of Book Censorship
Book censorship tries to shelter us from certain books that carry messages that are known as
controversial, but this promotes cleansing children from the harsh reality that we live in today.
Censorship is the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, and news. That are
considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security. Book censorshiphas taken many
great works of literature away from us due to topics that may concern parents or school boards.
These topics include racism, sexual jokes or references, and many other messages that have a
negative image in the eyes of parents and schools. While some see book banning as an attack on
their favorite book or just to literature in general, others, mostly parents and schools, see
censorship as the best way of defending their children from the harsh reality that we live in today.
Although some see book banning as a strong attack against important history in literature, others,
especially parents, see book banning as protection from the cruel history our country has had.
These inappropriate books could also affect a child s view on the world. The biggest culprit of this
scenario is racism, which is the one reasoning for the banning of To Kill a Mockingbird and
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Parents and schools are worried that if children read a book with
such racial tension and prominence, than the children themselves will become racists. Stories like
these could also confuse students into to
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Driveway Expansion Research Paper
Things To Look Into When Considering A Driveway Expansion When your teens start to drive
and get their own cars, you may experience a shortage of parking spaces, especially when you
have guests over. The solution could be to expand your current driveway or add a circular drive
to provide more parking and make it easier to maneuver cars. Here are a few things to consider
about installing a driveway expansion. Check Local Codes There may be codes that regulate the
placement of your new driveway, especially if you install a circular dive. Even if city codes don t
come into play, there may be HOA rules or deed restrictions that affect your driveway. For
instance, if your driveway is currently made of asphalt, you may be required to use asphalt... Show
more content on ...
This could affect the appearance of your property in a negative way. Even if your driveway is
still fairly new, it will be faded somewhat due to UV exposure and the difference will be
noticeable when it is against new asphalt. There are some options to consider. You could have a
new layer of asphalt put on over your old driveway to make the color uniform throughout or you
would have your driveway sealed. You can t seal a new driveway when it is applied since it
needs to cure. When it s ready, you could have a sealcoat applied over your entire driveway that
makes the color uniform. However, you ll need to go for a period of several weeks or months
with the color difference while you wait. When you re considering a driveway expansion, talk to
a paving contractor about these and any other concerns you have. The contractor will offer
advice for the best placement of the expansion taking drainage, tree roots, and city codes into
account. Even a small expansion of just a few feet has to be installed just like a regular driveway
with a compacted base or it could cause your current driveway to deteriorate faster. It may seem
like a complicated process for the simple act of making your driveway wider, but it is worth it to
have the extra parking spaces when your family owns several
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A Human s Five Senses
A human s five senses are normally separate from each other, with no one particular sense having
an exact and direct relation to another. This statement is true for most, but not for everyone. There
are individuals who experience a condition called synesthesia, in which two or more of the five
senses can possibly trigger one another. Oftentimes people with this condition do not realize that
their perception differs from most people around them. Two people, one with this condition and one
without it, could see or feel everything entirely differently, a fascinating phenomenon that scientists
have begun to study. After much analysis done by the scientists, three distinguishing types have
been identified to most commonly affect specific senses. One of the three most common types of
synesthesia that affects a human s perception is called grapheme to color. This type describes the
process of sensing or physically seeing a projected color when a letter is shown or thought of.
Interestingly enough, due to this unchanging perspective, a synesthete may feel unsettled if a letter
is in a color that does not match the color they see for that specific letter. Seeing letters in
accordance to color may help a student learn better in terms of being able to name letters and
remember their colors. According to World Book Advanced, synesthesia experiments: ...have
involved synesthetes in whom color sensations are triggered by letters of the alphabet
( Scientific
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Illness As Metaphor Chapter 1 Summary
Journal 1 Sontag, Susan. 1. Illness as Metaphor. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1978. 5 8.
Print. Susan introduces and explores the literal meaning of illness by citing evidence of the
widespread treatments to cancer and tuberculosis patients. She argues in the chapter 1 that
cancer patients are lied to, not just because the disease is death sentence, but because it is felt to
be obscene (9). Susan organizes the discussion centering on the theme that illness divides people
apart in the rest of the chapter. She uses the example of cardiac patients who are not so much
avoided by relatives and friend because they consider cardiac is a mechanism failure, unlike
cancer is caused by something obscene. She ascribes theses commonly found phenomenon to the
effect of metaphors. The metaphors attached to TB and to cancer imply living processes of a
particularly resonant and horrid kind (9). I like the second part of the essay where she explains the
phenomenon by associating it with metaphor. It introduces the title of the book, Illness as
Metaphor, and intrigue me to read further. Journal 2 Sontag, Susan. 1. Illness as Metaphor. New
York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1978. 8 17. Print.... Show more content on ...
She comments that Humankind lingers unregenerately in Plato s Cave, still reveling, its age old
habit, in mere images of the truth. (3). The Plato s Cave, examines the theme the illusion of
images. She compares photographs to the shadow in the Plato s Cave, the prisoners or the human
see the shadow on the wall and is trapped to believe what they see is the truth. Pointed, such
comment leads me to think of the many people who watch the reports on the news and without
individual judgment of the reliability. Like the image of the cave, the image on the television
might be merely a carefully manipulated fallacy. Indeed, human is too easily tricked to trust the
image; however, the image is only an image of
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Salvador Dali s Work For Inspiration
Salvador Dali is a 20th century artist from Spain and he is known for having the technique
surrealism . Surrealism is described to be an anti art and surfaced in between the World Wars.
The art form in surrealism looks abstract as images come from the artists subconscious mind and
later transferred to a blank piece of canvas. Besides being a renowned painter, Salvador Dali was
also involved in film, fashion, sculpture, and photography. His legacy continued on as modern
artists seek Dali s work for inspiration. Museums honoring Dali s name and art are everywhere,
particularly one that is local in Saint Petersburg, Florida. Dali might have been a gifted and
unique painter, but through analyzing his behavior, works, letters, and way of life, people see
his exterior as a crazy man. Salvador Dali s life started on May 11, 1904 in Catalonia, Spain.
Dali had one older brother that was born nine months before Dali, but eventually died.his parents
named Salvador Dali after his dead brother, basically becoming a dead ringer of his brother. Dali
s parents are complete opposites from one another. His father is completely strict, while his
beloved mother nurtured and accepted his son despite his eccentric behaviors. By the time Dali
was 16, his mother died of breast cancer and his father quickly remarried his mom s sister. This
creates multiple tensions between Dali and his father and would often fight and argue with each
other. At some points, Dali s father would punish him
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Examples Of Selfishness In All My Sons
People Are Selfish It is said that 70% of the American population is classified as being selfish.
The author of All My Sons, Arthur Miller, reveals that most people really do not care about
others. In the play All My Sons, there is much conflict centered around one family relating to the
ideas of marriage, death, and lying. The character, Joe Keller, represents an image of how most
people do not care about others because he is very selfish. Joe s selfishness are shown through
how he blames others, and tries to cover up his mistakes, rather than owning up to them. This
interpretation is important because it makes the reader think of how they act, and if they would be
that 70% of the American population that is considered selfish. First, I will explain how Joe acts
selfish by blaming others. First, Miller shows how Joe acts selfish through how he blames others.
In the contents of the play, Joe tends to blameSteve, his previous business partner, for the majority
of his problems. Throughout the play Steve is in jail because Joe blamed him for manufacturing,
and distributing all of the defective plane parts that eventually lead to the death of twenty one
innocent pilots. Miller is insisting that, Joe was indeed responsible for the manufacture, and led
Steve to take the repercussions of this action, when Joe states, . . . the guy [Joe] who sold cracked
cylinder heads to the Army Air Force; the guy who made twenty one P 40 s crash in Australia. .
(Miller, 30) Joe then
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The Current State on Russian Orphans Essay
Every year approximately one thousand Russian orphans are adopted by American couples. As of
early 2012, President Vladmir Putin has called for a ban on all Americans adopting Russian
children. Due to intense relations between America and Russia and the increasing death and illness
rate of Russian children living in America, Russian officials have ceased adoptionby American
couples. By denying access to Russian orphans, the government is bound to cause an increase in
children with mental disease and possibly prevent these children from prospering for their future.
In 2008 the first incident of an adopted Russians death occurred. Dima Yakovlev, or otherwise
known as Chase Harrison passed after his father had accidentally left him in the ... Show more
content on ...
Along with the neglect that is pressed upon the children, the abuse rates in these homes are very
high. Many reports of abuse and even death have been brought to the media s attention over the
past few years. One popular case was of two nurses that came home to the orphanage after a night
of drinking to crying little ones. In an attempt to muffle the sounds of the cries the two women
stuffed one child into a tub with a blanket over him. The other ones were stuffed in covers and put
into a closet. It was not until the next morning when the next crew came in that the three children
were found. Two had severe injuries afterward and one child, the youngest died.
Because of harsh relationships between Russia and many other countries the Russian government
has put a ban on all adoptions by many other countries. Due to the use of children as a political
tool, many ethical and moral values and rights are being broken by Russian officials. Not only is
this immoral to couples who wish to adopt these children but to the children themselves as well. By
preventing foreign couples from adopting these children, the Russian government is holding back
the orphans from a better life. The homes that they are kept in while living in Russia are poorly
equipped and the children then suffer from mental and physical illnesses as a result of the
The rejection of
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Review Of Zebulon M. Pike s A Map Of New Spain
Published in 1810 in An Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi, and Through
the Western Parts of Louisiana, to the Sources of the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte, and Pierre Jaun,
Rivers, Zebulon M. Pike s titled A Map of The Internal Provinces of New Spain, depicts territories
extending from the Baja California Peninsula to Nacogdoches in east Texas, provincial boundaries
and capitals of provinces, Indian and Spanish villages, and route taken by American Troops. Pike
s map corrected and improved on Alexander von Humboldt s manuscript map of New Spain,
which was not published until 1811, but was available to Pike in Washington. Pike was able to use
firsthand knowledge gained from is exploration of the Southwest and the West
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The Bluest Eye Literary Devices
Through the prologue there is symbolism, distortion and imagery that shows what is to come in
the Bluest Eyes. Mother, Father, Dick and Jane appear to represent the perfect family. They also
appear to be white although not directly stated. The Bluest Eyes is a story of racism and how
mean people can be. It is also a story of people wanting to be something they can never be. This
showing how other people s thoughts can hold so much value whether they are positive or
negative. There is also no such thing as perfect family which the prologue alludes to no matter
what background you are. In the start, it says Who will play with Jane? No one ends up playing
with Jane as to show how she gets ignored. The theme in this story is so much of these kids
wanting to be white because they believe that to be perfect. Pecola goes through this story
constantly getting ignored by everyone. Claudia even becomes jealous of a girl who is light
skinned and falls into the belief that she wishes she was white. The reference of the mother just
laughing and the father being strong relates to the characters in the story as well. Cholly is not
strong in this story as he has had a tough life.... Show more content on ...
The distortion of the same sentences she uses creates this imbalance that we know is coming. It
shows that although this family seems to be perfect there is this underlying problem of no one
wanting to play with Jane. This also suggests the fake or fantasy everyone lives in because it
says the mother and father are smiling yet no one pays attention to Jane. The cat and dogs don t
even pay attention and we see how Pecola is tricked into killing a dog later in the story. This
perhaps alluding to this moment in the book. The distortion is words also makes the reader after
you read the story aware of how confused all these characters are. They don t need to be wishing
they were another color when the beauty in them already
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Davis S. Willis
Chief Warrant Officer Four (retired) Davis S. Willis entered the Oregon Army National Guard
on 10 September 1981 at the age of 17 where he assigned to the 3670th Maintenance Company as
a 45B Small Arms Repairer. In 1983 Mr. Willis was promoted to SP4 he then competed and was
selected as Soldier of the Year for the 6th Army (RC). Mr. Willis went on to serve with the Oregon
MilitaryAcademy in 1984 as the unit Armorer, promoted to Corporal and then to Sergeantin 1985.
He then moved to Troop Command Battalion as a Specialist 5 and Sergeant and was hired into
the Active Guard Reserve Program in June 1985. Mr. Willis served as a Training NCO and
Supply Sergeant for the 2186th Light Equipment Maintenance Company (GS) and deployed to
Southwest Asia for Operation Desert Storm in January 1991. With the inactivation of the 2186th
LEMCO in 1995. Mr. Willis again became a member of the 3670th HEMCO until 1995when he
was transferred to begin his final tour as a Non Commissioned Officerin HHC 141 Support
Battalion. Mr. Willis received his appointment as a Warrant Officer on 21 March 1997 at Ft
Rucker Alabama. He was commissioned and received his Federal Recognition on 7 April 1999
with promotion to CW2. Upon becoming a Warrant Officer, Mr. Willis served as the Property
Book Officer for the 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team... Show more content on
Following Basic Training he attended Advanced Individual Training at Aberdeen Proving
Grounds MD. CW4 Willis Enlisted education included Primary Leadership Development Course
and Basic Non Commissioned Officer s Course. His Officer education includes Warrant Officer
Candidate School, Warrant Officer Basic Course, Warrant Officer Advanced Course and Warrant
Officer Staff Course. CW4 Willis has also attended NBC Defense School (Honor Graduate), Basic
Property Accounting, Standard Property Book System Redesign (SPBS R) Course, Property Book
Unit Supply Enhanced (PBUSE)
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South Korean Automotive Industry
Jason Choi
Student ID: 910687406
Professor Simeon
IBUS 690_01
Automotive Industry in South Korea
I. Introduction (Sector Analysis) A. Country Background
Known as one of the Four Asian Tigers, South Korea, officially known as the Republic of South
Korea has become a major force in today s globalized economy. With a population of just around
fifty million people, South Korea has a thriving economy, which is Asia s fourth largest
economy with a GDP (nominal) of $1.151 trillion (ranked 15th) (CIA, 2009). South Korea s rapidly
growing economy is evident when observing how its real GDP has expanded by 8 percent
annually, from $2.7 Billion in 1962 to $230 Billion in 1989. Most of South Korea s early economic
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In 1972, Daewoo entered the industry when they acquired one half of Saehan Motor Company
(Ebert, R., Montoney, M., 2007). However, Saehan was developed as a joint venture between
General Motors (GM) and South Korea s Shinjin Motors (Green, 1992). One of South Korea s
leading automobile assemblers was Shinjin at that time. When Shinjin showed financial troubles,
DMC stepped in and acquired half of the company (Green, pg. 7). GM and Daewoo entered into a
joint venture that mutually benefitted both companies with the sale of each other s automobiles in
their respective countries. As competition increased in the South Korean automobile industry, GM
sold majority of their shares in the joint venture to Daewoo (Ebert, R., Montoney, M., 2007).
Though GM and Daewoo s relationship briefly ended in 1992, GM once again showed renewed
interest in Daewoo and completed a takeover of what is now known as GM Daewoo in 2002 when
the Korean automaker showed signs of failing (Kirk, 2002). The merger was quite a successful
move with a combined domestic and export sales exceeding 1.5 million units in 2006 (Choe,
2006). Kia as well has taken action to sign strategic agreements with Ford (which at the time held
a 25% equity stake in Mazda) to supply them with technological know how and design of facilities
to develop their own vehicles (Green, p. 8). Mazda also sent out their
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A missionary can be defined as someone who is sent to...
A missionary can be defined as someone who is sent to spread Christianity throughout the world or
do other religious works. There have been several influential missionaries in modern day America
such as William Carey, George MГјller, David Livingstone, Lottie Moon, and Amy Carmichael.
These people have dedicated their lives to reaching out to others and have inspired many people to
become missionaries. Each one of them has impacted the world in a different way. William Carey
was an English Baptistmissionary. He was born on 17 August 1761 in Paulerspury, England. As a
child he was known for his ability to learn languages. He even taught himself Latin. Later in his
life he learned Greek with the help of a local villager. Carey had many... Show more content on ...
Carey however was not convinced so he challenged people at a minister s meeting by asking if it
was a Christian s duty to spread the gospel throughout the world. In response John Collet Ryland
said Young man, sit down; when God pleases to convert the heathen, he will do it without your
aid and mine. The man s son, Carey s friend, denied that his father made the comment. In 1789
Carey became the main pastor of a church in Leicester. A few years later he published an
enquiry that had five different parts. In part one he used scripture in order to convince people
that they had a duty as a Christian to spread the gospel throughout the world. The second part
contained the history of missions. Part three was just statistics in order to show how many
people need to be reached. The fourth part covered the dangers and struggles one might face as a
missionary. The fifth part talks about the need for a Baptist Mission Society and how it could
possibly be supported. After this pamphlet was made Carey preached a sermon about missionaries
where he used his most famous quote: Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.
On October 1792 Carey, Andrew Fuller, John Ryland, and John Sutcliff participated in the
founding of the Baptist Missionary Society. While looking for missionaries they could support and
ways to earn funds, Carey found a medical missionary named Dr. John Thomas who was in
England raising funds. Not only did they decide to
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The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain
The protagonist of Huckleberry Finn is the most remarkable character Mark Twain created in all
his writings. Huck is both a symbol of the freedom of the natural man and an individual creature
with a conscience and a basic sense of decency that are supposed to be the products of
civilization. He is also a wild teenager who is at odds with society, religion, work, and even his
own father, yet the reader never questions that Huck is a sensitive, loving human being who is in
many respects superior to the figures of adult authority that try to surround him. For these reasons,
Huck finds his closest friendships with boys his own age like Tom Sawyeror with outcasts from the
society of his elders like the ... Show more content on ...
Yet there is ample evidence of Huck s basic sense of decency, or rather shame, at his resemblance
to his non account father. Huck even accepts the Widow s forging religious Providence in spite of
his low self esteem:
I judged I could see that there was two Providences, and a poor chap would stand considerable
show with the widow s Providence, but if Miss Watson s got him there warn t no help for him
any more. I thought it all out, and reckoned I would belong to the Widow s if he wanted me,
though I couldn t make out how he was a going to be any better off then than what he was before,
seeing I was so ignorant, and so kind of low down and ornery.
Huck is ignorant in the sense of lacking a formal education, but low down and ornery is the
characterization of his father that Huck sees reflected in himself whenever he fidgets in front of
a mirror. In fact, Huck s greatest virtue is his absolute honesty in his self examination, which
overlooks his fundamental decency and compassion. Huck is actually very different from his
father, who is bigoted and ill tempered, as becomes apparent when Pap shows up to reclaim Huck
and the money. Huck probably would be happier in the wild state in which he lives with his father
after the latter abducts him, however. We sense this is the scenes of his self sufficient existence on
the island after he
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A Report On The War Of Church And A Lunch Date After The...
Allister had expected to pick up Tank for church and a lunch date after the service. Tank called on
Saturday evening to tell him he was feeling too sick to attend. When Monday came and went and
then Tuesday Allister became deeply concerned.
All day Tuesday, a wave of uneasiness drifted over him. He called Tank, and his voice mail
answered the call. Allister made up his mind that if he didn t hear from him by Wednesday
afternoon, he would take Pastor Jim over and visit him.
On Wednesday morning, several tenants in Tank s building were gathering outside his door. They
hadn t seen him for a few days birthing a feeling of dread. Emanating from under his door is a
faint, sickeningly sweet smell. They thought he had gone away and didn t dispose of the garbage
before he left.
When they notified the Superintendent, she wondered if Tank had taken in a dog and it died in his
absence. She called 911.
911 what is your emergency?
One of my tenants could be ill in his apartment.
What is the address?
264 Dawson Road, Apartment 7.
Can I have your name and phone number?
Cathy Reitman. I m the Superintendent. 213 555 6417.
Why are you suggesting, he could be sick? Did he seem ill when you last saw him?
No one has seen him in three days and there s an odor, coming from the apartment. Please send
somebody to help, right away.
I m sending a car over now. Don t enter the apartment until my officers arrive.
Is it a controlled entrance?
Yes, I ll be at the front door to let
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5 Paragraph Essay Read Write Think. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. 5 Paragraph Essay Read Write Think 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. 5 Paragraph Essay Read Write Think5 Paragraph Essay Read Write Think
  • 2. Pros And Cons Of Multitasking You ve probably heard the latest studies that multitasking may not be as productive as people once thought it was. According to an article on Entrepreneur, our brains hone in on distractions. The brain grabs our attention because the distraction signals change and change can signal danger. David Rock, the co founder of the NeuroLeadership Institute states that multitasking drops a person s IQ. We love the feeling of multitasking, too. Our brains get excited over multitasking, but this is not the most efficient way to work. Studies have found that doing more than one task at a time splits the brain. In one study in Paris, participants were asked to complete two tasks at the same time. The brain activity divided in half to try to complete both ... Show more content on ... However, there is some recent evidence to suggest that multitasking can work when you ve been trained to do both tasks simultaneously. Still, researchers suggest trying to avoid multitasking when possible. The moral? The more tasks you are trying to complete at once, the less effective you are at any given task. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to train your brain to stay focused on a single task and avoid the trap of keeping so many different tabs open on your computer screen and in your brain. Learn to Stay Focused multitasking manNational Public Radio recently reported on the the University of Michigan using an MRI scanner to monitor the brain activity of test subjects doing different tasks. One thing that researcher Daniel Weissman (a neuroscientist) found was that when the subjects went from one task to the next, that the brain had to pause and gather up what it knew of that task before moving on to the action that needed to be ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Snake Throughout this whole 20th century, the values in our society are changing all the time. Compared to now, towards the end of 20th century, some of the ideas introduced in the early century are very different. D.H. Lawrence s Snake is one of a group of poems entitled Birds, Beasts and Flowers written between 1920 and 1923. It tells of how Lawrence reacted when he saw a snake while he was living in Sicily. The poem can be interpreted in three different ways. The first possible theme is the idea that the natural, instinctive person is superior to the civilized person and that civilization robs people of their capacity for happiness. Jean Jacques Rousseau began this idea often referred to as the noble savage in the 18th Century and ... Show more content on ... He feels horrified, showing his fear of being buried under the dark ground. And as he put his head into that dreadful hole, And as he slowly drew up, snake easing his shoulders, and entered farther, A sort of horror, a sort of protest against his withdrawing into that horrid black hole, Deliberately going into the blackness, and slowly drawing himself after, Overcame me... He tries to stop the snake entering the hole by throwing the log, showing his desire to avoid death. His regret for throwing the log shows that he accepts that he must die. He sees the snake as a lord of life like Pluto and thinks that death may be a wonderful though frightening experience. For he seemed to me again like a king, Like a king in exile, uncrowned in the underworld, Now due to be crowned again. And so, I missed my chance with one of the lords of life. Lawrence uses the metaphor of the Underworld to represent death again in one of his last poems, Bavarian Gentians, in which he shows a greater acceptance of death and asks for a gentian to be his dark torch to guide him through the Underworld. Reach me a gentian, give me a torch! Let me guide myself with the blue, forked torch of this flower Down the darker and darker stairs, where blue is darkened on blueness Even where Persephone goes, just now, from the frosted September To the sightless realm where darkness is awake upon the dark And Persephone herself is but a voice Or a ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Legend Of The Infamous Dr. Thrasher Before I get to the story I must tell you the legend of the infamous Dr. Thrasher. In the Colorado Rockies. The Thresher family stayed in a cabin in the mountain. There was the father Oliver Thresher, the mother Margaret Thresher, and two kids Tracy Thresher, a five year old girl sharing the cabin with her family, and Tommy Thresher, a thirteen year old boy, out collecting wood for the fire. While Tommy was collecting wood he heard a scream from his sister he runs back to the house sees a burly man with a bloody knife and his parents on the ground and in their arms little Tracy Thresher cowering from the man. Before Tommy could do anything the man picked her up and slit her throat. Tommy furious with rage he takes the knife from the man s... Show more content on ... Hey, Theo greeted. Are you ready kid, Jenny laughed. Aye, aye captain, Theo chuckled. Ok, Spongebob, let s get rolling, Jenny teased. Hey, can you stop calling me kid, I m only a year younger than you two, I complained. We were on the road a while before we were even miles from the mountain, I don t like the way this car sounds. Hey, Old Bessy, has been very reliable for many years, Theo retaliated. It s an old rust bucket how is it going to last, I replied. By this time Jenny has already been asleep during this debate. This car has never broken down and it never will, Theo told. We were soon driving up the mountain, zig zagging back and forth to go all the way up. Then, car s gears started making a loud grinding sound. That doesn t sound good, Jenny yawned, as she woke up. It s fine, stop worryin she s never break down, Theo announced with pride. Half way up the mountain, Hey, Theo the sound is getting louder, I said. What have I been telling you, this car ain t never going to break down, Theo shouted. Uh, Theo it sound bad now, Jenny said cautiously. Shut up. My car ain t never going to break down, Old Bessy, is never going to break down! Theo screamed as he slammed on the breaks, Do you want me to turn this thing around. No keep going, Jenny and I said. We pulled up to the cabin the headlights illuminating the cabin with an eerie yellow glow. All of a sudden. Sputter! Gasp! Weeze! Pop! The car had ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Basketball Injury A male basketball player came into the clinic complaining of back pain that sometimes travels down his leg. This athlete has a long history( 3+ years) of back pain and often uses advil to get through practice and games. The pain often starts as pinching in the lumbar spine and as it gets worse, becomes a tight shooting pain into the left leg. The pain is often described as tightness or pulling with no numbness or tingling. He often has difficulty bending over to pick something up or tying his shoes while standing. This athlete has no previous injuries besides multiple inversion ankle sprains and has never observed any SHARDD on his back or down the back of his leg. Upon observation, sway back and excessive kyphosis of the thoracic spine was noted,... Show more content on ... However, even when the right leg was lifted, the pain was reproduced in the left. He was also only able to lift his legs approximately 40 degrees off the table. I then tried to explain the slump test to the athlete. For directions, I explained that you want to be sitting and have bad posture. With his femur in a dangling position, dorsiflexion and his knee at 60 degrees flexion caused a reproduction of symptoms. This was exasperated when the athlete attempted to lift his legs at all or put his head down. From here we checked piriformis using two different tests/checks. First, we had him prone, knees bent and together. He was instructed to let his feet fall out. His left leg was close to vertical whereas the right was 30 degrees from 90. I felt comfortable with all of these special tests as they did not involve therapist hand positioning, just clear instructions. After explaining the slump test, I thought it would be beneficial to also demonstrate it since the cue of have bad posture did not seem to work initially. From this experience I have become more cognizant of how I provide instructions. Although my intention is not to insult the athlete, I need to ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Turtle Twins Research Paper The Turtle Twins In a land far, far away, there were two turtles who were born. They were conjoined twins and shared the same body. The more dominant of the two, the one with the red spots arranged in a way that looked like Jensen Ackles face, is named Toby. The other, who is quite frail, has a dash of yellow on her nose is called Tabitha. They are both turtles of the Landslide Turtle Colony and were born on July 8th in 2015. Although, they were not believed to live long because Tabitha was not receiving as much food and nutrients as Toby, which has caused her to become weaker than she already is. Angelica, their veterinarian, had searched for 3 days nonstop trying to find a way in which to make these two turtles live as long as possible. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Chapter 3 Summary, Ways of Seeing Essay In Chapter 3 of his book, Ways of Seeing , John Berger argues that in western nude art and present day media, that women are largely shown and treated as objects upon whom power is asserted by men either as figures in the canvas or as spectators. Berger s purpose is to make readers aware of how the perception of women in the art so that they will recognize the evolution of western cultured art. Berger begins by claiming that in nude art the presence of a manis that of an actor who asserts his power over women, who are presented as objects. By presence, Berger means how men are authorities over women in these paintings. For example, in the painting, Reclining Bacchante (page 45), the women in the painting is wanting to appear... Show more content on ... {Berger defines nakedness as being to oneself .} {Nudity is to be seen naked by others, not recognizing oneself }. An example of one of many nude paintings is a the dark haired women posing in the bathtub holding her hair. In the photo the women is wanting to be intoxicating and looking as if she wants to be seen as an object of sex and also put on display her body off to the world. So, she is giving herself up as a object willingly. In the painting, Nell Gwynne , by Lely, the women is showing submissiveness to the painter/owner. She is also wanting to display herself for the enjoyment of men. Even though some artists, as Berger claims, tried to resist this tradition, they couldn t overcome the cultural tradition of female objectification that has continued to the present. These artists failed to create a different view in culture because of the media and how the perception wouldn t change in the eyes of men. One famous artist who tried to resist this awful trend was an artist name Rubens. In his portrait of his second wife, the painting named Helene Fourment in a Fur Coat, he tried to portray the same message with a different image.The image is of a women with no other clothing other than a fur coat looking shameful. The middle aged looking women in the painting was wearing a big brown fur coat. The difference between a regular nude ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Decision Of The Fourteenth Amendment On The Color Of... having children attend school based on the color of their skin was unconstitutional and it damaged children, especially African American children. The Court concluded that it was in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment to keep individuals separate based on the color of their skin. The decision in Brown was one of extreme importance and significance that could have represented a new start in the Supreme Court regarding civil rights cases. However, that was not the case, after Brown II the Supreme Court refused to hear a case that was on appeal: Naim v. Naim, Mr. Naim and Mrs. Naim one were white and the other was Chinese. The two individuals were residents of Virginia, where it was illegal for a white person to marry a person who was not white. The couple traveled to North Carolina to get married. After a while Mrs. Naim decided that the marriage wasn t going to work so she sued her husband for an annulment claiming that their marriage was not valid because of the law in Virginia. Mr. Naim appealed to the Supreme Court and as the court was breaking down the segregation system they chose not to hear the case. Naim v. Naim was an embarrassment only because it was out of the question, in 1955, that the Court upheld the constitutionality of a law prohibiting interracial marriage yet the constitutional object . This again emphasizes the weight and importance of the framing of the Fourteenth Amendment. The framers chose the option that meant the Constitution could be ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Free College Should Be Free Should college be free? In The Problem is That Free College Isn t Free, Andrew P. Kelly argues that free college would cost more for the American taxpayer. On the other hand, in Tennessee Is Showing How Free Tuition Community College Works, Celeste Carruthers states having free college will give more incentive for students to go to college. It will also encourage them to try community collegefirst. Although free college sounds great at first, it would be more practical to have programs for people who cannot simply afford it. College tuition shouldn t be the American taxpayers responsibility. To Carruthers, college should be free: the price of college is a critical piece of information for students who are unsure about going, and yet, it is a mystery until after admission and financial aid decisions are in, often late in their senior year (if they applied at all). Many students and their families cannot simply afford college, making the idea of going unrealistic. Carruthers believes that programs like Tennessee Promise will give students who didn t have the opportunity before a chance to go to college. She states, Tennessee Promise eliminates that uncertainty with a blunt and simple message: Free tuition for high schoolgraduates of any income and any amplitude. Free college programs will change the way we think about the academic system. More and more students will be allowed to continue their academic careers without having to worry about costs. On the other ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Political, Economic And Social Changes In The South... After the Civil War, it became very noticeable that changes in the South like, restoration of the Union, the transformation of Southern society, and the enactment of revolutionary legislation favoring the rights of freed slaves, had to be made. Therefore there were many political, economic, and social reforms introduced in the South between 1864 and 1877, some of which did not survive in the Compromise of 1877. There were three main phases of Reconstruction under, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson and the Radical Republicans. Reconstruction was a time period consisting of many leaders, objectives and accomplishments. Nevertheless the Reconstruction period did come to an end, the resulting outcome has been characterized as both an achievement... Show more content on ... Radical Republicans disliked the Ten Percent Plan because it enabled Lincoln to determine Union policy, so in place they put the Wade Davis Bill. The Wade Davis Bill was passed in 1864, and provided constitutional conventions only after the majority of the others in a southern state had taken a loyalty oath, this also guaranteed black equality. Lincoln later disposed of the Wade Davis Bill with a pocket veto, but the matters still stood when Andrew Johnson became president after the assassination. The Radical Republicans took a on a more vengeful approach to reconstruction, which Andrew Johnson did not approve of. Andrew Johnson ratified the Thirteenth amendment which, abolished slavery, and elected senators and representatives in 1865. Southern states resistance to ratifying the Thirteenth Amendment prevented reforms from working to a larger degree. The Thirteenth amendment was still ratified after enough other states agreed. After the Thirteenth Amendment was ratified, Southern states still showed resistance to blacks. The Ku Klux Klan, which originated in Tennessee in 1866, was created to intimidate blacks with physical and mental force to keep them from being in the poles. The ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Chronic And Complex Illness Important From A Nursing... 1.How is chronicity defined? Why is an illness rather than a disease approach to chronic and complex illness important from a nursing perspective? Discuss in regard to depression as co morbidity. Chronicity is generally used as an umbrella term of chronic illness or disease that refers to persistent impairments or disabilities deviating from normal life, which require long period of rehabilitation, supervision, observation and care (Lubkin Larsen 2006). However, in order to understand its complex context, the distinct difference between disease and illness should be understood (Johnson Chang 2008; Lubkin Larsen 2006). Disease can be defined as the pathophysiology of the condition, which refers to changes in structure and function (Lubkin Larsen 2006). However, the context of illness is much broader than disease, as it mainly focuses on symptoms and human experience that includes how individuals perceive and live with and respond to diseases including carers and health professionals (Johnson Chang 2008; Lubkin Larsen 2006). Therefore, chronic illness is often considered as irreversible and incurable condition, which requires ongoing care and attention on all aspects of the person s life (Johnson Chang 2008). The medical cure of chronic disease is not considered in nursing s domain, but a nurse can make a difference in individuals and their families experiences of chronic illness as a member of the multidisciplinary team (Lubkin Larsen 2006). Although, the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Should Shale Gas Controversy Shale gas controversy has been ongoing in New Brunswick for a number of years now, when the outgone Congressive premier: David Alward refused to stop the commencement of shale fracking in the region, there was an upsurge by the residents. Fracking is a form of natural gas extraction, where millions of gallons of pressurized and chemical treated water are pumped into shale to extract gases embedded in the deposits. Most of the residents of Richibuto New Brunswick are arguing that, although economic growth is important, it should not be at the detriment of the environment. However, the government and some residents are of the opinion that, because the province is poor, prioritizing economic growth over environmental concern is paramount. If fracking is allowed in the province, it will create more jobs, attract private investors Another major concern raised was the issue of water pollution and wastage . Shale is a dense rock found two miles underground, if fracking isn t done correctly, chemicals used in fracking can leak to the surface making water undrinkable.... Show more content on ... Currently a moratorium has been placed on all typed of hydraulic fracking to get shale gas until more information is known on its risks to health, water, and the environment. Companies can continue research activities, bt while moratorium is on, they are not allowed to frack test wells ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Similarities Between Fahrenheit 451 And The Veldt Fahrenheit 451 The Veldt Comparison Fahrenheit 451 compares to The Veldt in many ways. Fahrenheit 451 is a society where books are illegal and firemen burn houses instead of putting them out. Also the firemen own a eight legged mechanical dog that tracks down people who break the law. The Veldt is about this family who relies on a room called the nursery that does everything for them. The parents were trying to shut down the nursery but, the kids did not want that. These books have many similar themes like dystopian societies and future technology diminishing people s lives. One similar theme between The Veldt and Fahrenheit 451is that they both are a dystopian society. In both these books the societies have crime everywhere. In The Veldt the kids murdered their own parents through the nursery. The kids tricked their parents into the nursery where they were surrounded by hungry lions and the kids locked their parents inside to get eaten (Bradbury 10). Fahrenheit 451 Montag who is a firemen kills his captain. And then he was a shrieking blaze, a jumping, sprawling gibbering mannikin, no longer human or known, all writhing flame on the lawn as Montag shot one continuous pulse of liquid ... Show more content on ... In The Veldt a electronic room called the nursery was used to kill a set of kids parents. The parents were locked in the nursery because, they were fooled by their children but, inside the nursery were lions that came to life and mauled on the parents (Bradbury 10). In Fahrenheit 451 they sent a mechanical 8 legged robot hound to kill Montag. The hound was trying to kill Montag after, Montag killed Captain Beatty, the hound leapt towards montag with a procaine needle coming out his single angry tooth but, Montag caught the hound with a bloom of fire (Bradbury 120). This shows how technology can be dangerous and death threatening therefore technology ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Depression In William Wordsworth I have been seeing three new patients recently, all Romantic poets who appear to be suffering from various levels of melancholy. Although each one of these poets is highly successful and influential in the Romantic Movement, each has experienced bouts of dejection, loneliness, and disillusionment with reality. However, this melancholy seems different from cases I have encountered in the past. Strangely, none of these clients show symptoms of the excessive black bile that typically associated with melancholy such as apathy, lack of motivation, and hopelessness (Brady, Haapala). In fact, while all of these clients experience melancholic thoughts, these emotions appear to be more complex than depression as they allow the pleasures of deep reflection and often lead to feelings of sublime joy and inspiration. Instead of suffering from a clinical form of melancholy or depression, these clients appear to be experiencing a complex emotion of joypain which they believe has the capacity to reveal the infinite powers of the self or the imagination (Murray, 722). Yet, while all of these poets seem to believe in the importance of melancholy as inspiration for their work, each of these poets also seems to express this emotion in different ways. While one of these poets, Mr. William Wordsworth , often turns his negative ruminations into positive reflections on nature and memory, Mr. Coleridge instead experiences deeper melancholic moments that he cannot dispel quite so easily. Mr. John ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Improving A Cutting Edge Technology Position Introduction The purpose of the article is to establish that an IT strategy focused on maintain a cutting edge technology position is the most effective way to support any kind of overall business strategy. Not only will this article address this issue, but it will also display that a cutting edge is needed to gain and maintain a prominent position in any prospective market. It should be noted that when this article speaks of cutting edge of technology this is actually speaking of alignment of the organization s business and IT strategy. With this being said why then are many organizations not aligning their business and IT strategy together? This report will view why this remains a problem. Additionally, this document will... Show more content on ... Wherein this might have been possible in times past, it appears that in the future it will mean a decrease in revenue for these organizations. Another reason for a lack of alignment is that the key players of the organization are not on the same sheet of music. When this happens it is nearly impossible to form an internal alignment of types. In this situation information technology is wasted. The motive is because one key ingredient to alignment is collaboration. Collaboration is actually about effective communicating. In this forum not only is information shared it is also redefined into new ideas. All of this is not possible if key players of the organization do not work collaboratively. The Right Combination The solution to what ills the alignment of IT strategy and business strategy can be found in the alignment of the organization s CEO, CIO, and CFO. In order for the business strategy and the IT strategy to come together to for any type of alignment (cutting edge) there must be harmony among this group. The reason why this select few people are important to the alignment process is because of their roles inherent within the organization. Below is an illustration followed by a brief description of each role and what that person would be expected to bring to the organization. пѓџ пѓ CEO: (could also be known as President of GMs, MD or ED), as the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Wild Bill Hickok Research Paper My favorite orange juice is Tropicana. Because of this, I felt obliged to check out the poker room at the Tropicana Casino. When I got there, I wondered what I had gotten myself into as the hotel itself looked to need a little bit of work. Once inside, the place warmed up a little bit, though. I decided that once I traveled all the way over there, I had to check out what their poker room was really like. The Tropicana poker room itself leaves a lot to be desired, but it is probably better than the overall hotel. The room is very small and appears to be pretty plain. If you didn t know any better, you would swear that this room has been around forever. It hasn t been around for very long, though. Because of this fact, nobody really knows about... Show more content on ... The very name conjures up images of dusty trails and pearl handled revolvers and long blond locks and card games and why a cheater should never sit with his back to the door. Often confused with that other famous Bill, Buffalo Bill Cody, Wild Bill Hickokwas a lawman and a gambler and a rambler and I guess he always will be. Hickok had all the attributes required for a Wild West legend and then some some. Unlike Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill Hickok had courage to go along with his good looks and skill with a gun. (In fact, Earp didn t even possess that, really; Wyatt Earp s only real talent with a revolver lay in sneaking up behind his victims and cowardly cold cocking them.) By contrast, Wild Bill s long yellow locks, penetrating eyes and heroism as an Army scout are not dependent upon highly fictional Hollywood recreations of factual events in the way that pitiful Wyatt Earp was. Wild Bill also holds a place in gambling legend; when you bet on a poker hand made up of two Aces and two Eights, what you ve got there pardner is what is known as the Dead Man s Hand. Why? Because that is final deck that Wild Bill ever played; the hand he was holding when a young man named Jack McCall sauntered into the saloon in Deadwood, South Dakota where Wild Bill sat playing cards. Wild Bill Hickok normally made a habit verging on obsession of never sitting anywhere where his vision couldn t take in a panoramic view of everything in sight. There was a good reason for that and a bad result the one time he lapsed. Jack McCall calmly walked up behind Wild Bill and shot him point blank in the back of the head not terribly long after America had celebrated her first 100 years of existence. Such was Wild Bill s ferocious reputation that McCall s explanation for his Earp level cowardice was confined to these immortal words: I didn t want to commit suicide. Even aged and slowed down by alcohol, one didn t willingly do anything that might cause one to come to face to face with ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Success Of A Student Essay Results: Ultimately, this cycle culminated in a better understanding of, and connection with, my students. I felt that this cycle helped me to foster the gradual independence that the school encourages in its students, as we could then collaborate together on problems and recognise successes. Perhaps most importantly, the interest and focus I was able to show each student made the students feel valued and to be more motivated. The students also seemed to demonstrate greater understanding of themselves as learners; for example, the student who was struggling with maths expressed a desire to continue tracking his progress independently. It is important to note that in that case I have the advantage of only working with a class of 6 currently, and I may not be able to use this technique as effectively with a larger class, though I could surely use some variation of it. Though I did have a strong knowledge of students, particularly due to the small size of my class, having a detailed record to which to refer and create feedback helped to deepen this understanding and the quality of feedback. (reference) Cycle 2 Read Appropriate Material on Student Differentiation and Feedback Application Idea: I decided to research and read material on my major points of concern student differentiation and feedback application in my second cycle of my Action Research Plan. As my goal is to rethink how I provide feedback, having a range of perspectives on the topic would ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Summary Of Utiima By Ultima In the novel, Antonio s uncle, Lucas, was on the verge of dying due to a curse placed upon him by witches. A priest and a doctor had tried to deal with Lucas illness, but were unsuccessful at their attempts at doing so. It was noted that Lucas had witnessed Tenorio s daughters performing a satanic ritual, also known as the Black Mass . Afterwards, Lucas had tried to test whether or not Tenorio s daughters were indeed witches, but they had ran away once they noticed a makeshift cross. As all other measures had been taken, Lucas brother, Pedro, had asked Ultima to help. Ultima had agreed to help, but before Ultima would attend to Uncle Lucas, she has a confrontation with Tenorio. Within the story, the reader comes to understand that Ultima blames the curse placed on Lucas on the daughters of Tenorio. I have come to lift a curse. It is your daughters who do evil, that are brujas. (Bless Me, Ultima pg.39). This upsets Tenorio, and creates an argument between the two. Ultima goes on giving Tenorio an ultimatum if he does not try to convince his daughters to lift the curse on Lucas. After Ultima, threatens the daughters with an ultimatum, Tenorio goes on to call Ultima a bruja . Later in the novel, news arrives that Tenorio s daughterhas died. Narciso had told everyone in the MГЎrez home that Tenorio and a mob were on their way to see Ultima, as they have claimed to have found Ultima s herbal pouch under the daughter s bed. Once the mob has arrived, it was noted that a ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Good Oral Hygiene For A Persons Overall Health Good oral hygiene plays an important role in a persons overall health. Also, it can help a person to be more confident, which in turn leads to better success! Some people do not realize the consequences of poor oral hygiene on their overall health. The consequences are not just bad teeth! For example: you may end up with an infection of the blood, heart problems, respiratory problems, etc. While some know this, many do not think it affects their ability to succeed in school and career. If a person has bad teeth, they will be more likely to be self conscious. Therefore, they might not smile or seem as friendly. Friendliness and a smile is very important in any job because that is what builds trust. It is very hard for most people to trust someone who never smiles. Because of poor oral health, parents are missing more work and children are missing more school. Also, it is harder to concentrate when oral health is bad. Children with tooth pain maybe distracted from learning valuable information because they are so focused on their tooth pain. As a result, parents miss work because they have to take their kids to the dentists or tend to a sick child when teeth get infected. Then, if the parents themselves need care, that only adds to the struggle. Dental care is not cheap. Especially, if a person does not have insurance. A concern is that people might put off important dental work because they cannot afford dental care or insurance. As a result, they may battle ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Why Is Darh Vader Not Always Evil Darth Vader was not always evil but his way of life and tendencies and characteristics drove him to the dark side. as kid he was a slave and feared alot of things in his life as he got older and started learning the Jedi way he became less fearful for himself but more fearful of his moms safety. He was told he would be more poweful then any jedi who ever lived he liked the idea of that but what he did know is that these characteristics he was gaining was the key ways of the dark side the chosen ones had the higher risk of turning to the dark side him wanting more and more power was leading to shy away from the light side and move to the dark. When he finally knew what he was doing there was no going back he thought what he was doing was helping everything he cared about but he was lost in all this commotion so he turned to the dark side not knowing he broke his wifes heart and killing her he fought his Jedi master and after that dual he was now known as darth vader later down his life they fought one last time he ends up killing his old jedi master obi wan kinobi Unaware that he had two children, his son Luke was also unaware that he was is his father when Darth Vader is informed that his son Luke is now a Jedi and is looking to defeat his power during Lukes ... Show more content on ... He wants to know more of his fathers story his intentions now is to make his father apart of his life with doing so he knows he will have to change his fathers ways of the dark side to the light side.He knows this will be a great challenge but is confident in his skills that he can achieve this goal.Darth Vader now is rethinking what he has done he more cautious of his actions at this time not knowing if he is going to continue on the dark side path.once this starts happening he learns that the powers he was promised were not there. Luke is eager to reconnect with his father he goes back to seem him after all of ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Battle Of Yorktown By William Faulkner Battle of Yorktown A Striking Start You are galloping full speed at full speed like it is the last day of your life, you ride into the city of Yorktown fiercely, then your rider wants you to go faster, you are galloping faster than you have ever run, as fast as a speeding bullet. The wind is slapping your face as hard as a hammer, you finally run into the sea of smoke, muskets, and bayonets. The person riding you violently thrusts his mighty sword, and swiftly fires his French pistol. Cannonballs fly over you like soaring hawks destroying the fortifications that may have taken years to build, you are a proud horse in The American Revolutionary War, and you will never stop galloping for the Patriots even if it kills you. This scene is ... Show more content on ... The colonist brought a force of about 8800 to attack Yorktown . The Continental Army 7800 French troops commanded by George Washington and, admiral Francois, Count de Grasse a French naval leader fiercely decided to attack the headquarter with only about 6000 British defending the headquarters, but on the other side of the James River in Gloucester there were only 1,000 British troops to protect the fort against 3,000 French, and troops from the continental army. The Patriots set up a hospital 2 miles southeast from British lines, this is convenient because they didn t have to go a long way for a medic. The British soldiers were cornered because the Continental Army attacked from all sides. The Continental Army did what was the worst that could happen to the British during the Revolutionary War.On September 20th the Continental Army reached Yorktown and started to attack. The Continental Army set up a camp far outside the lines of the British Headquarters so the continental army could get new supplies so just in case of an attack from the land they would be able to access goods from water.The French army also had flooded the James river with their naval boats surrounding the British army from all sides.These boats played a key role in the battle of Yorktown not only because they were bombarding the Yorktown ... Get more on ...
  • 22. A Brief Look at DNA Profiling DNA profiling has several advantages in helping solve crimes, however, there are still disadvantages to this technique. DNA profiling can be beneficial, as well as detrimental to the society we live in. DNA profiling has become the most widely used tool in the field of forensics because of the advantages it has to offer, although there are some drawbacks when it comes to utilizing this technique. DNAprofiling has greatly enhanced law enforcement investigation by helping determine the suspect in a criminal investigation, minimizing the amount of unjustified arrests, and by overturning wrongful guilty sentencing. While DNA profilinghas advantages in the field of forensics, it also has disadvantages. A few of the key disadvantages of DNA profiling are easy contamination, wrongful convictions, and access to and use of data. One of the foundations in the field of forensics is the examination of DNA. DNA is the digenetic element which exists in each and every cell. Every human being has an exclusive analysis of DNA. In fact, there are even a small amount of variations among the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of identical twins. DNA profiling was established in the 1980 s by Sir Alec Jeffreys, a scientist from Britain. Investigators can obtain DNA for profiling from various evidence from a crime scene. DNA can be obtained from vital fluid, semen, epidermis, saliva, mucus, sweat and roots of hair. Additionally, profiling can be performed on old, as well as dried out specimens. One ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Glass Menagerie Manipulation How many people from the ages of 18 34 still live with their parents? Well, on average, about 30.3% of those people still live with their parents, but the reasons as to why are unknown. In the play, The Glass Menagerie, Tom and Laura Wingfield are between the ages of 18 34 and they still live with their mom, Amanda. Now their reasons why they both still live with her are clearly displayed in this play. All three familymembers show eager signs to escape from each other but some sort of physiological and manipulative tornado of emotions is holding them all back. Some might call Amanda crazy, but what is power without a little bit of irrational thinking and disguised manipulation? Although Laura may display her own robust qualities, they cannot match Amanda s steady flow of persuasive strength because she is manipulative, extremely emotional, and is a hard working mother. Throughout the play, Amanda persistently demonstrates controlling power. Before Laura s gentleman caller arrives, Amanda and Laura are arguing about Laura s appearance. Amanda says, To be painfully honest, your chest is flat, (Williams 70). Amanda directly... Show more content on ... Before Jim comes over, the narrator tells the audience how hard Amanda has worked to make her house presentable. He says, Amanda has worked like a Turk in preparation for the gentleman caller, (Williams 69). The narrator uses a simile to compare Amanda and Turk s because of how hard they both work. This makes a better and more dominant leader because the people that are being lead like a hard working leader. Throughout history, leaders that tend to have the most power are the hardest working. For example, Hitler, Stalin, Jesus, and Martin Luther King Jr. were all hard working and powerful leaders that had many followers. All of these leaders stood for something very different, but because of their dedication, they were the most ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Modern Day Russia Research Paper Introduction In this paper, I will be covering the country of Russia. During this essay, I will cover a variety of subject areas that make up modern day countries, especially a superpower like Russia; I will be covering the following subjects that makes Russia formidable adversary: political, economy,military composition, and social influences. I chose these areas because I feel they are important functions of any thriving civilizations, I also wanted to provide the contrasts between the former USSR and modern day Russia. By the end of this paper the goal is to have a better understanding of how a potential enemy is constructed and operates. The Russian Federation has a centralized political system, with the majority of the ... Show more content on ... Due to the increase in the exports of its natural resources, it repaid its Soviet era debt to Paris Club creditors and the International Monetary Fund. The poverty class has been on the declined and the middle class has consisentely grown. So has the number of Russia s super rich. The country s new billionaires now play on the global stage, buying luxury property and sports franchises. Russia s military is the second largest in the world behind the United States, they have 766,055 active frontline personnel with 2,485,000 active reserve personnel. Russian males are registered for the draft from the age of seventeen to fifty and have a one year service obligation. The age requirements for voluntary service is between the ages of 18 27, the draft will continue through the year 2030. The Soviet nuclear weapon program began during World War II and was successful in a atomic bomb test in 1949. According to estimates by the Natural Resources Defense Council, by 1991, the Soviet Union had approximately 35,000 weapons in its stockpile, down from a peak in 1986 of 45,00. Russia is estimated to now have around 20,000 nuclear weapons. Russia s land systems include Main Battle Tanks, light tanks, tank destroyers ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Edward Jones in 2006 Executive Summary This memorandum addresses some of the key issues with Edward Jones, which includes the lack of an online presence, possible cannibalization from larger firms, and the inability to manage funds from institutional investors. I conclude that the most effective of all of the theorized strategies would be a combination of Edward Jones original business model with an online platform. This plan would allow Edward Jones to stay true to its fundamentals, as well as attract new clientele and provide better service to its existing clients. Introduction Edward Jones has become the fourth largest brokerage firm in the United States. By holding on to a fundamental business strategy based on the core concepts of close client ... Show more content on ... Edward Jones average assets per account were $45,556 while Merrill Lynch amp; Morgan Stanley was $163,667 and $137,111 respectively. Edward Jones leaves revenue on the table by not managing higher net worth institutional accounts. Available Strategic Options Edward Jones strategic direction in 2006 had to respond to competitors like Merrill Lynch if the partnership wanted to maintain its exceptional performance and growth. The first option focuses on staying true to Edward Jones small town roots and demonstrating the value of strong personal relationships with one s financial advisor in planning for the distribution phase of life (Faux, 2014). FAs can take advantage of face to face interactions and close relationships to communicate to clients the importance of planning for the distribution phase as soon as possible and hopefully encourage client referrals. Also, a professional advisor who personally knows the clients and their needs provides critical support to keeping long term retirement plans on track while still focusing on time sensitive decisions. This defensive move could stunt the firm s growth, and if it fails, could leave Edward Jones even more vulnerable to cannibalization. The second option shifts the company s original policies of strictly face to face interaction to a hybrid model, which includes online account and portfolio tracking and current news and research. This option adds value for existing customers because they can view ... Get more on ...
  • 26. 1930-1940 Essay 1930 1940 The 1930s brought a very turbulent time to the United States. As a result of the Stock Market Crash of 1929, the nation was experiencing a severe depression. There were hard class divisions dividing the nation. People were either extremely rich or extremely poor. The middle class simply did not exist (Bondi 97). On March 4, 1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt took office with the promise of hope and relief for struggling Americans. Roosevelt followed up his promise for help with the New Deal, his plan to combat the depression. The New Deal involved the three R s: relief, recovery and reform. It included measures concerning banking, securities, industry, and agriculture (Bondi 97). Roosevelt won reelection in 1936 and the economy ... Show more content on ... This led to World War II which began on September 3, 1939 when Great Britain and France declared war on Germany (Bondi 22). Also in the 1930s, the Hindenburg exploded in the air killing thirty six passengers. The Hindenburg was a blimp that provided trans Atlantic air service between Germany and America. The explosion was a great blow to the prestige of the Nazi regime (Kirshon 676). In the 1930s, Surrealism developed in art with an emphasis on content and free form (Brittanica). As a part of the surrealist movement, Salvador Dali painted Persistence of Memory. However, Dali was expelled from Europe s Surrealists for his support of Franco in the Spanish civil war (Burne 996). In the United States, art was depicting regions. Regionalism was an artistic or literary style that was tied to American landscape. Painters such as Grant Wood and John Stuart Curry painted the landscape while writers such as Steinbeck and Farrell wrote about specific regions in their works (Bondi 44). Depression Modernism also developed in the United States. This movement brought gleaming black glass, black Vitrolite, chrome, Micarta, and peach tinted mirrors (Grief 1). According to the author, Streamlining became the vogue in furniture and clothing, clocks, and typewriters, toasters, and vacuum cleaners, but especially in houses, public buildings, airplanes, railway trains, and automobiles (Greif 193). Russell Wright was an artist that took part in this unique movement ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Nosocomial Infection Research Paper How does one feel when he or she is admitted into a hospital or health care facility, and on the news there is a feature on infections within the health care facilities. A major problem today s time in the health care is the risk for nosocomial infections. These nosocomial infections are contracted with in the hospitalor any health care facility, and are also known as health care acquired infections H.A.I. . The risk of these infections, are now higher than ever. With the constant flow of patients into the health care facility, it is nearly impossible to make sure the area is clean and safe for the next patient. This is a major problem just because the types of infection that are contracted. Infections include: Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus... Show more content on ... With the use of antibacterial wipes and other cleaning supplies and protective equipment the health care provider can sterilize areas that are needed for care and protect them selves from carrying the infections with them. There are some time management problems with supplied material to clean and protect the patients from infections. The problem with these wipes is that they take time to work effectively. And with the way the hospital works now a days the time spend making sure the rooms are set and clean for the next patient is not encouraged. Some time the cleaning and sterilization process is preformed but not enough. This is why we see the spread of infections with in the hospital. Now concerning the use of protective equipment. If we can use the equipment correctly we will diminish the risk of spreading infections. Look at the simple nitrile glove. It protects the hands from nasty bacteria and when disposed of properly it doesn t cause a concern of an infection. Now I under stand with the gloves and other equipment the cost will be an ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Analysis Of Quote By Gregory Crewdson Gregory Crewdson s work is very inspiring, he manages to complete an entire story, an entire character art, all in one image and you really get involved in his world. Using light and colour places a major cinematic role, the picture becomes an operatic framing device, there so rich with props and all the other little details that when you look closer you will find something different. Crewdson works with a medium format camera, eight by ten colour negatives, each print is fifty nine inches by ninety inches, when you look closely at his image you see clarity and detail. Crewsdon used Epson printing process in his studio, to maintain control over his entire process, which allowed him to make his pictures feel like his own, like they were part of his world. Quote by Gregory Crewdson My pictures are about a search for a moment a perfect moment. To me, the most powerful moment in the whole process is when everything comes together and there is that beautiful still moment, and for that instant my life makes sense. Birth was made on a sound stage, working with a large art department, Crewdson and his art director start by making sketches, then architectural drawings, they then build the set which normally takes about five to six weeks. In this specific photograph it looks like the woman has given birth, and from outside of the house the bedroom and the bathroom are visible from outside, which to me makes it an eerie concept as if life isn t private and shows real ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Essay about President Bush And Us Foreign Policy The United States election in 2000 raised a debate between democrat and republican and in the end the American people chose a new leader Mr. George w. Bush. President Bush clearly defined foreign policy objectives and goals. I have seen and hear our dear President Bush foreign policy after September 11. Following this, Bush has established its top priorities in foreign policy. He claims that an acts in the government to improve the international community through negotiation and cooperation. Likewise President Bush remark It is to inspire and be inspired by other nations to work together toward a peaceful and prosperous future (BBC News). Bush, as well as our society, feels the president should be strong especially in international... Show more content on ... Bush, as well as our society, feels the president should be strong especially in international politics and policies. When the United States was attacked September 11, 2001, the people looked to the president to lead, and in essence, seek revenge. On both of these levels of domestic considerations, we will never know to exactly what extent they influence the president s choice of action, but they help us in understanding some of the foreign policy decisions. Going beyond the individual to the expectations of the position, the role consideration plays an influential domestic part in the response to an external event and ultimately foreign policymaking. Furthermore to do this, Bush s administration has outlined some specific objectives. Allies are crucial to conduct foreign operations, so the Bush has joined several international organizations that allow it to serve at the forefront of international policy. Some of the more famous ones are the United Nations, which is the biggest organization and has many sub level organizations, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank Group (Directory of Economic, Commodity and Developmental Organizations). Knowing that United States is involved in these international organizations President Bush refuses to listen to UN (United Nation) and ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Puritans Ethics And The Pinto Disaster It is important to note, however, that Puritans ethics have been the catalyst that accelerated the growth of capitalism (Weber 107). At the same time, Puritans ethics initiated a formal and instrumental approach to life (115). In the case of the Pinto Disaster, Weber would claim that Ford s decision to settle in lawsuits, instead of installing the safety gadget, is a mathematical approach to life. Firstly, Weber would argue that bureaucracies structure has created a hierarchy system where workers are powerless and have fewer obligations. According to Dowie, the Pinto engineer did notify his superior about the defected product with a solution (16). However, the powerless engineer did not have the approval of his superior make the necessary ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Why the Police were Unable to Catch Jack the Ripper Essay Why the Police were Unable to Catch Jack the Ripper In the Victorian Times, smog was a big problem. It made visibility extremely bad, so the murders would have been harder to witness. There were lots of prostitutes because there weren t many jobs available for woman, so they were forced on the streets. Most turned to alcohol. The people out at the time of the murder would have been tramps and drunks, not reliable witnesses. The East End streets were maze like, and easy to escape from. These were a few of the problems the police encountered. Jack the Ripper was extremely clever to be able to evade the police the whole period in which he committed his murders. He chose different locations for ... Show more content on ... Theories were on whom the murderer might be, causing tension in the Whitechapel area and creating more racial hatred. The press received lots of letters from the murderer but held them back. Like the Dear Boss letter, They didn t give it to the police for a few days, slowing down any action that could have been taken. The police had only just been set up when the murders occurred, so had no previous experience. The only way to prove someone committed a murder was to catch them in the act or get a confession. Though they increased the number of officers, they only ever came across the bodies, warm. There was more than one police force operating in London at the time, which meant that there was a lack of communication. In fact, the superior officers told their subordinates to not reveal any evidence they retrieved to their rival force, each police force wanting the glory of catching the Whitechapel murderer. The Metropolitan police force was responsible for all of London, except the city of London, which had its own separate, City Police force. They were both working on the case because one of the murders had been committed in the area where the City Police operated, as opposed to the other ones which occurred in the Metropolitan police forces area. The Detective methods were not ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Offshore Drilling Will Be Harmful To The Environment What is offshore drilling? Offshore drilling is the procedure of oil wells on the continental shelf, here and there in water several hundred feet deep. Offshore drilling presents ecological difficulties, both from the delivered hydrocarbons and the materials utilized during the drilling operation. This offshore drilling has caused the U.S. offshore drilling debate. The U.S. offshore drilling debate is a progressing confrontation in the United States on regardless of whether offshore drilling ought to grant new wells off the shoreline of the U.S. Offshore drilling can be harmful to the environment around it. Some people are concerned that offshore drilling can cause oil spills. An oil spillis when oil leaks to the environment. When an oil ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Chemistry 100 Labreport Essay Determination of Vanillin in Imitation Vanilla Essence Chloe Nolan 14832679 Introduction 4 hydroxy 3 methoxybenzaldehyde or as it is better known, vanillin is most commonly used to create imitation vanilla essence (Southam, 2013). Figure 1: vanillin structure Vanillinwas first synthesised from eugenol from 1874 2001, from where it was later made from lignin containing sulphite liquor which is a by product of wood pulp processing in paper pulp manufacturing, most recently it is more common to find vanillin made from guaiacol and glyoxlic acid (3D chem, 2013). Vanillin is most commonly found in food flavour formulations, perfumes and fragrances and has been used in drugs used by those who suffer from Parkinson s disease ... Show more content on ... Experimental Diluted essence (10ml, 100 times diluted) was pipetted into a 100ml separating funnel. 20ml of dichloromethane was added to the diluted essence. The funnel was then shaken vigorously for 2 minutes with gas being release occasionally. The organic phase (lower layer) was released into a 100ml beaker and another 20 ml of dichloromethane was added to the funnel and shaken vigorously for another 2 minutes. The organic phase (lower layer) was again released into the 100 ml beaker. The contents of the funnel were disposed of. The organic phase was then added back into the separating funnel with 40ml of 0.1M sodium hydroxide solution and shaken well for 2 minutes. The organic phase was released and disposed of and the aqueous phase was kept and transferred to a 250ml volumetric flask and the volume was made up with 0.1M sodium hydroxide. Standards were then made using the 50mg/L standard provided and mixing with 0.1M sodium hydroxide to create standards with 1,2,3,4,5 mg/L concentrations. Each solution was run through the UV Visible spectrometer to find the absorbance and then the concentration. Results and Discussion [Vanillin] mg/L| Absorbance| 1.00| 0.195| 2.00| 0.380| 3.00| 0.540| 4.00| 0.750| 5.00| 0.940| Your vanilla essence extract| 0.430| Solution for 100% extraction efficiency| 0.450| Table 2: UV Visible Spectrometry Results Figure ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Volkswagen Golf R Is A High Performance The 2017 Volkswagen Golf R is a high performance subcompact four door hatchback, the most powerful model in the Golf product range. Equipped with standard all wheel drive, this vehicle has a raucous turbocharged four cylinder engine paired with a smooth shifting six speed manual gearbox or an available six speed dual clutch automatic transmission. Introduced for the 2012 model year, the VW Golf R had a two year model run, then updated in 2015. No 2014 model was built. The current model reflects updated styling, a more powerful engine, and a new automatic transmission. The most significant change for 2017 was making the driver assistance package standard equipment. Exterior: 9 Take a standard Golf four door hatchback design and... Show more content on ... Double that space with the rear seat folded. Marked by a pair of oversized dials for the tachometer and the speedometer, the instrument panel includes a digital driver s information center between the two. As for the instrument panel, it is ordered from top to bottom with vents, the display screen, climate control, and a storage compartment. The transmission shifter and other in cabin controls are found ahead of the cup holders and center armrest/enclosed storage compartment. Overall the interior is straightforward, with soft touch materials and various plastics used on the lower dashboard, door inlays, and the center console. A flat bottomed steering wheel wrapped in thick leather along with metal pedals, including a foot rest, offer sporty touches. Standard equipment includes keyless entry with push button start, full power accessories, dual climate control, ambient and footwell lighting, heated front seats, and cruise control. Performance: 10 A 2.0 liter turbocharged four cylinder engine powers the 2017 Golf R. Although the engine displacement is the same as what s found in the GTI, the Golf R benefits from a larger turbocharger and other enhancements, delivering 292 horsepower and 280 pound feet of torque. Shoppers have a choice of a six speed manual gearbox or a six speed dual clutch automatic transmission. The automatic provides faster shifts and also supplies ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Summary Of Romanticism In The Sandman The Romantic movement throughout Europe was in response to the rationalism and Enlightenment movement of the 18th century. This time period was seen as a Segway between two time periods, the Enlightenment and the Romantic movement, creating a conflict between cultures. Whereas most of Europe was transitioning into a time of Romanticism, German culture didn t accept the movement until later 1790 s, due to the thought that it was undermining the national identity. It wasn t until a new generation decided to break away from established tendencies in the culture and focus on the unique experiences of the individual. Goethe previously encourages the movement in the development of the Faust figure which in many ways reflects change and Romanticism. The new modern age of the Romantics distrusted the Enlightenment views of reason as the supreme guiding force of human action and they sensed a new age was dawning. As these cultural conflicts arose, the publication of The Sandman came out, illustrating characteristics that advocated for the Romantic era ideals, while also contrasting rational views. Within the story of The Sandman and as well as in his other novels and stories, E.T Hoffman depicts a duality between dream and reality, as it is a motif for his own life. Hoffman insists of there being an irreducible heterogeneity and dualism between the two realms of what is reality and what is a dream, which is seen through the dispute between Clara and Nathanael in The Sandman. Within this publication, Hoffman begins with a dispute between Clara and Nathanael regarding the death of his father. It then transitions into letter that were written between that of Nathanael, Clara, and Clara s brother Lothar.In one of the letters, Clara exemplifies her rational, clear headed personality leading Nathanael to believe that his recollections were mere childhood fantasies and that all the horrors in which he recalls exist only in his own mind. Some of these horrors are depicted in the first letter written by Nathanael to Lothar who as stated, is Clara s brother. Within this letter, Nathanael tells a story about a horrific story engrained in his mind from an incident earlier on in his childhood, where he was ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Staining Of Bacteria Are Known As Differential... The staining procedures used to differentiate the types of bacteria are known as differential technique of staining. The simple methods of staining impart same color to all types of bacteria and other biological materials. The principle behind this differentiation is due to the variation in physical and chemical properties of the cell. Consequently, reaction occurs differently to reagents. In handling of the sputum when testing for the presence of bacteriapathogen one has to ensure that there is no extraneous bacteria to contaminate the specimen. The sample is refrigerated for a maximum of twenty four hours. The sample should not be frozen or stored at room temperature. Ensure that the minimum amounts of the present antibiotics that inhibit bacterial growth are not visible to the eye. One should differentiate pathogenic and normal flora bacteria. The identification of the bacteria is a step by step process that involves biochemical, molecular and immunological tests and observations. To determine the viable bacterial numbers in the sputum sample, the sample is homogenized with dithiothreitol and glass beads in order to determine the method which recovered the greatest number of viable bacteria. Continuous monitoring systems of mycobacterium report higher contamination rates than traditional radiometric technologies. The first step in analyzing fresh sputum is the gram stain test which seeks to identify the type of bacteria in the sample. If the sample is seen to contain ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Abortion And The United States In the United States the abortion has become a big deal in American political landscape. Also is very sadly because is consider it moral issues rather than personal rights or civil liberties. This issue has much both sides of political fence but many do not consider it. But me myself I opposed to abortion, especially abortion on demand and welcome the government s protection of the unborn. Also other issues are involved in abortion debate, but this issue of personal is freedom already mentioned. There is also some women that they don t want to support unwanted children upon the American taxpayer to pay along with continuing the lack thereof to the city or civil rights. The abortion in the United States seems to be two different ... Show more content on ... Some people claim you are a person directly after conception, while others believe that a grouping of 46 chromosomes does not make you a human, but a potential life. Whether or not they are a living human being depends on whether they are protected by the right to life. Abortions for rape or incest victims is another controversial topic. Babies born of these acts are not intended at all, as the sexual act was forced and no contraception or precaution could be taken. Killing the babies from these actions is penalizing them for something they had no choice in the matter of. This dispute is the link between two groups; Pro Choice and Pro Life. Naturally, each side is the absolute reversal of the other. That is why negotiation is so difficult. Pro Life, or right to life , is the group that is against abortion. They are usually republicans, or conservatives. They claim human life begins at conception; thus making the fetus a person and elimination of such as that, manslaughter. The unborn are innocent, and deserve their right to life. The issue of abortion to them is one of civil rights they believe all humans justify equality, even those that aren t born yet. In the case of rape or incest, they still believe the child should not be punished for a criminal s wrong doing. Abortion is legal in our country, but Pro Lifers hope to make an amendment that gives all living humans from conception until death equal ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Objectivity Of Science And Science The objectivity of science would be contingent on our trust in the scientists who are feeding us knowledge. We often believe these scientists, but is there actually a reason for us to trust what they are passing on to us? What would science be if they had not been telling the truth? There is no denying the existence of public trust in the words of scientists, but it should be noted that everything that we understand as scientific fact today would be in question if we lost trust in our scientists. Teachers of science, doers of science, and scientific writers are most definitely the source of the majority of our scientific knowledge. We have to trust these people though because if we do not trust them, who do we trust? The main point I am ... Show more content on ... And if so, is being virtuous and moral enough of a reason for us to confirm our trust in the reliability and authority of science? Could it not be the case that scientists are seen as ordinary people possessing extraordinary knowledge as a result of their job title or description? The fact that we have this widespread trust of science proves that we must believe to have an understanding of what scientists are like. There has been a long going development of a public image of scientists, one that has recently begun to change. Due to factors such as the internet and the media, science is something that is able to been seen and looked into simultaneously by numerous people. When a scientist intentionally fudges their data, it is not small news. Problems of this sort have birthed various concerns about science, and about science s authority and reliability in specific. This speculation of dishonest scientists not only will effect the reliability of science in the eyes of the public, but also the realm in which scientists are producing truly credible knowledge. Our technical knowledge is only as secure as the moral economy in which it is produced (Shapin, ?). As of now, the way in which scientists come to agree or settle disputes, is an issue that we cannot fully grasp. This skepticism of scientific objectivity appears to be the cause of a number of our fundamental contemporary dilemmas regarding the morality and authority of science. As long as scientists ... Get more on ...
  • 39. St. Thomas Aquinas Argument On God St. Thomas Aquinas is a famous philosopher from the medieval period who believed there was a god. One of Aquinas significant works in philosophy was his argument that God exists. In Aquinas argument, or also known as Summa Theologica, he uses five arguments to support the claim that God exist and four of them are cosmological argument. Cosmological arguments are arguments that try to reason that god exists because of the universe or cosmos leads to the conclusion that god exists. His first argument is the Argument From Motion. In the argument of motion Aquinas observed that we live in a world and universe that things are continuously moving, and he also noticed that to make something move something has to move or start it moving. To Aquinas this means that everything that is moving must have been moved by something or someone and there had to be a time when the thing wasn t moving. The mover for the beginning of everything in Aquinas argument is God. The second argument is the Argument From Causation which is very similar to the Argument From Motion. Aquinas thoughts were that everything that is caused had to be caused by something else. Nothing can cause it s self so there must be an thing that is uncaused and to Aquinas that thing is God because it can t go back forever. The Third argument is The Argument From Contingency. Contingency is a future or thing that could have not existed and Aquinas believe that the world can t always be contingent because then it could have ... Get more on ...
  • 40. 1980s As time has gone by, trends come and go, but some stick with us. The 1980s was fun and bright and will be remembered forever in history because of its trends like MTV and the Rise of Michael Jackson. Additionally, the 1980s included three very significant topics that shaped the 80 s itself such as Cabbage Patch Dolls, the Nintendo Entertainment System, and fashion. First up is a toy that was very popular to kids in the 1980s. Its name was the Cabbage Patch Doll. The Cabbage Patch Doll was a small plush baby doll. They ve got baby soft vinyl faces, big wistful eyes, pudgy fingers and toes, dimpled knees and elbows.....and even a cute belly button ( When you bought yourself a doll it came with a certificate saying the ... Show more content on ... When the NES came out Nintendo started a licensing company for third party games to produce their games in Nintendo factories. After the NES was created Nintendo redesigned the Famicom (the game cartridge) to look like a VHS tape to help grip the system grip it better. Also, the rarest game in NES history is the boxed version of Stadium Events, but only a handful of boxed, complete copies have ever been seen in the wild, and they can fetch anywhere from $35,000 45,000 at auction ( The best selling game in NES history was Super Mario Bros as it sold a total of 40 million copies ( Before the NES came along, Donkey Kong was the king of gaming. The reason for this is because arcades were the only way to play at the time. Luckily, NES games were playable in the arcades. Games like Ninja Gaiden and Super Mario Bros were stretched into the arcades by a system called Play Choice10. In conclusion, the NES was part of a revolution in ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Cons Of Book Censorship Book censorship tries to shelter us from certain books that carry messages that are known as controversial, but this promotes cleansing children from the harsh reality that we live in today. Censorship is the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, and news. That are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security. Book censorshiphas taken many great works of literature away from us due to topics that may concern parents or school boards. These topics include racism, sexual jokes or references, and many other messages that have a negative image in the eyes of parents and schools. While some see book banning as an attack on their favorite book or just to literature in general, others, mostly parents and schools, see censorship as the best way of defending their children from the harsh reality that we live in today. Although some see book banning as a strong attack against important history in literature, others, especially parents, see book banning as protection from the cruel history our country has had. These inappropriate books could also affect a child s view on the world. The biggest culprit of this scenario is racism, which is the one reasoning for the banning of To Kill a Mockingbird and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Parents and schools are worried that if children read a book with such racial tension and prominence, than the children themselves will become racists. Stories like these could also confuse students into to ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Driveway Expansion Research Paper Things To Look Into When Considering A Driveway Expansion When your teens start to drive and get their own cars, you may experience a shortage of parking spaces, especially when you have guests over. The solution could be to expand your current driveway or add a circular drive to provide more parking and make it easier to maneuver cars. Here are a few things to consider about installing a driveway expansion. Check Local Codes There may be codes that regulate the placement of your new driveway, especially if you install a circular dive. Even if city codes don t come into play, there may be HOA rules or deed restrictions that affect your driveway. For instance, if your driveway is currently made of asphalt, you may be required to use asphalt... Show more content on ... This could affect the appearance of your property in a negative way. Even if your driveway is still fairly new, it will be faded somewhat due to UV exposure and the difference will be noticeable when it is against new asphalt. There are some options to consider. You could have a new layer of asphalt put on over your old driveway to make the color uniform throughout or you would have your driveway sealed. You can t seal a new driveway when it is applied since it needs to cure. When it s ready, you could have a sealcoat applied over your entire driveway that makes the color uniform. However, you ll need to go for a period of several weeks or months with the color difference while you wait. When you re considering a driveway expansion, talk to a paving contractor about these and any other concerns you have. The contractor will offer advice for the best placement of the expansion taking drainage, tree roots, and city codes into account. Even a small expansion of just a few feet has to be installed just like a regular driveway with a compacted base or it could cause your current driveway to deteriorate faster. It may seem like a complicated process for the simple act of making your driveway wider, but it is worth it to have the extra parking spaces when your family owns several ... Get more on ...
  • 43. A Human s Five Senses A human s five senses are normally separate from each other, with no one particular sense having an exact and direct relation to another. This statement is true for most, but not for everyone. There are individuals who experience a condition called synesthesia, in which two or more of the five senses can possibly trigger one another. Oftentimes people with this condition do not realize that their perception differs from most people around them. Two people, one with this condition and one without it, could see or feel everything entirely differently, a fascinating phenomenon that scientists have begun to study. After much analysis done by the scientists, three distinguishing types have been identified to most commonly affect specific senses. One of the three most common types of synesthesia that affects a human s perception is called grapheme to color. This type describes the process of sensing or physically seeing a projected color when a letter is shown or thought of. Interestingly enough, due to this unchanging perspective, a synesthete may feel unsettled if a letter is in a color that does not match the color they see for that specific letter. Seeing letters in accordance to color may help a student learn better in terms of being able to name letters and remember their colors. According to World Book Advanced, synesthesia experiments: ...have involved synesthetes in whom color sensations are triggered by letters of the alphabet ( Scientific ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Illness As Metaphor Chapter 1 Summary Journal 1 Sontag, Susan. 1. Illness as Metaphor. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1978. 5 8. Print. Susan introduces and explores the literal meaning of illness by citing evidence of the widespread treatments to cancer and tuberculosis patients. She argues in the chapter 1 that cancer patients are lied to, not just because the disease is death sentence, but because it is felt to be obscene (9). Susan organizes the discussion centering on the theme that illness divides people apart in the rest of the chapter. She uses the example of cardiac patients who are not so much avoided by relatives and friend because they consider cardiac is a mechanism failure, unlike cancer is caused by something obscene. She ascribes theses commonly found phenomenon to the effect of metaphors. The metaphors attached to TB and to cancer imply living processes of a particularly resonant and horrid kind (9). I like the second part of the essay where she explains the phenomenon by associating it with metaphor. It introduces the title of the book, Illness as Metaphor, and intrigue me to read further. Journal 2 Sontag, Susan. 1. Illness as Metaphor. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1978. 8 17. Print.... Show more content on ... She comments that Humankind lingers unregenerately in Plato s Cave, still reveling, its age old habit, in mere images of the truth. (3). The Plato s Cave, examines the theme the illusion of images. She compares photographs to the shadow in the Plato s Cave, the prisoners or the human see the shadow on the wall and is trapped to believe what they see is the truth. Pointed, such comment leads me to think of the many people who watch the reports on the news and without individual judgment of the reliability. Like the image of the cave, the image on the television might be merely a carefully manipulated fallacy. Indeed, human is too easily tricked to trust the image; however, the image is only an image of ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Salvador Dali s Work For Inspiration Salvador Dali is a 20th century artist from Spain and he is known for having the technique surrealism . Surrealism is described to be an anti art and surfaced in between the World Wars. The art form in surrealism looks abstract as images come from the artists subconscious mind and later transferred to a blank piece of canvas. Besides being a renowned painter, Salvador Dali was also involved in film, fashion, sculpture, and photography. His legacy continued on as modern artists seek Dali s work for inspiration. Museums honoring Dali s name and art are everywhere, particularly one that is local in Saint Petersburg, Florida. Dali might have been a gifted and unique painter, but through analyzing his behavior, works, letters, and way of life, people see his exterior as a crazy man. Salvador Dali s life started on May 11, 1904 in Catalonia, Spain. Dali had one older brother that was born nine months before Dali, but eventually died.his parents named Salvador Dali after his dead brother, basically becoming a dead ringer of his brother. Dali s parents are complete opposites from one another. His father is completely strict, while his beloved mother nurtured and accepted his son despite his eccentric behaviors. By the time Dali was 16, his mother died of breast cancer and his father quickly remarried his mom s sister. This creates multiple tensions between Dali and his father and would often fight and argue with each other. At some points, Dali s father would punish him ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Examples Of Selfishness In All My Sons People Are Selfish It is said that 70% of the American population is classified as being selfish. The author of All My Sons, Arthur Miller, reveals that most people really do not care about others. In the play All My Sons, there is much conflict centered around one family relating to the ideas of marriage, death, and lying. The character, Joe Keller, represents an image of how most people do not care about others because he is very selfish. Joe s selfishness are shown through how he blames others, and tries to cover up his mistakes, rather than owning up to them. This interpretation is important because it makes the reader think of how they act, and if they would be that 70% of the American population that is considered selfish. First, I will explain how Joe acts selfish by blaming others. First, Miller shows how Joe acts selfish through how he blames others. In the contents of the play, Joe tends to blameSteve, his previous business partner, for the majority of his problems. Throughout the play Steve is in jail because Joe blamed him for manufacturing, and distributing all of the defective plane parts that eventually lead to the death of twenty one innocent pilots. Miller is insisting that, Joe was indeed responsible for the manufacture, and led Steve to take the repercussions of this action, when Joe states, . . . the guy [Joe] who sold cracked cylinder heads to the Army Air Force; the guy who made twenty one P 40 s crash in Australia. . (Miller, 30) Joe then ... Get more on ...
  • 47. The Current State on Russian Orphans Essay Every year approximately one thousand Russian orphans are adopted by American couples. As of early 2012, President Vladmir Putin has called for a ban on all Americans adopting Russian children. Due to intense relations between America and Russia and the increasing death and illness rate of Russian children living in America, Russian officials have ceased adoptionby American couples. By denying access to Russian orphans, the government is bound to cause an increase in children with mental disease and possibly prevent these children from prospering for their future. In 2008 the first incident of an adopted Russians death occurred. Dima Yakovlev, or otherwise known as Chase Harrison passed after his father had accidentally left him in the ... Show more content on ... Along with the neglect that is pressed upon the children, the abuse rates in these homes are very high. Many reports of abuse and even death have been brought to the media s attention over the past few years. One popular case was of two nurses that came home to the orphanage after a night of drinking to crying little ones. In an attempt to muffle the sounds of the cries the two women stuffed one child into a tub with a blanket over him. The other ones were stuffed in covers and put into a closet. It was not until the next morning when the next crew came in that the three children were found. Two had severe injuries afterward and one child, the youngest died. Because of harsh relationships between Russia and many other countries the Russian government has put a ban on all adoptions by many other countries. Due to the use of children as a political tool, many ethical and moral values and rights are being broken by Russian officials. Not only is this immoral to couples who wish to adopt these children but to the children themselves as well. By preventing foreign couples from adopting these children, the Russian government is holding back the orphans from a better life. The homes that they are kept in while living in Russia are poorly equipped and the children then suffer from mental and physical illnesses as a result of the orphanages. The rejection of ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Review Of Zebulon M. Pike s A Map Of New Spain Published in 1810 in An Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi, and Through the Western Parts of Louisiana, to the Sources of the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte, and Pierre Jaun, Rivers, Zebulon M. Pike s titled A Map of The Internal Provinces of New Spain, depicts territories extending from the Baja California Peninsula to Nacogdoches in east Texas, provincial boundaries and capitals of provinces, Indian and Spanish villages, and route taken by American Troops. Pike s map corrected and improved on Alexander von Humboldt s manuscript map of New Spain, which was not published until 1811, but was available to Pike in Washington. Pike was able to use firsthand knowledge gained from is exploration of the Southwest and the West ... Get more on ...
  • 49. The Bluest Eye Literary Devices Through the prologue there is symbolism, distortion and imagery that shows what is to come in the Bluest Eyes. Mother, Father, Dick and Jane appear to represent the perfect family. They also appear to be white although not directly stated. The Bluest Eyes is a story of racism and how mean people can be. It is also a story of people wanting to be something they can never be. This showing how other people s thoughts can hold so much value whether they are positive or negative. There is also no such thing as perfect family which the prologue alludes to no matter what background you are. In the start, it says Who will play with Jane? No one ends up playing with Jane as to show how she gets ignored. The theme in this story is so much of these kids wanting to be white because they believe that to be perfect. Pecola goes through this story constantly getting ignored by everyone. Claudia even becomes jealous of a girl who is light skinned and falls into the belief that she wishes she was white. The reference of the mother just laughing and the father being strong relates to the characters in the story as well. Cholly is not strong in this story as he has had a tough life.... Show more content on ... The distortion of the same sentences she uses creates this imbalance that we know is coming. It shows that although this family seems to be perfect there is this underlying problem of no one wanting to play with Jane. This also suggests the fake or fantasy everyone lives in because it says the mother and father are smiling yet no one pays attention to Jane. The cat and dogs don t even pay attention and we see how Pecola is tricked into killing a dog later in the story. This perhaps alluding to this moment in the book. The distortion is words also makes the reader after you read the story aware of how confused all these characters are. They don t need to be wishing they were another color when the beauty in them already ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Davis S. Willis Chief Warrant Officer Four (retired) Davis S. Willis entered the Oregon Army National Guard on 10 September 1981 at the age of 17 where he assigned to the 3670th Maintenance Company as a 45B Small Arms Repairer. In 1983 Mr. Willis was promoted to SP4 he then competed and was selected as Soldier of the Year for the 6th Army (RC). Mr. Willis went on to serve with the Oregon MilitaryAcademy in 1984 as the unit Armorer, promoted to Corporal and then to Sergeantin 1985. He then moved to Troop Command Battalion as a Specialist 5 and Sergeant and was hired into the Active Guard Reserve Program in June 1985. Mr. Willis served as a Training NCO and Supply Sergeant for the 2186th Light Equipment Maintenance Company (GS) and deployed to Southwest Asia for Operation Desert Storm in January 1991. With the inactivation of the 2186th LEMCO in 1995. Mr. Willis again became a member of the 3670th HEMCO until 1995when he was transferred to begin his final tour as a Non Commissioned Officerin HHC 141 Support Battalion. Mr. Willis received his appointment as a Warrant Officer on 21 March 1997 at Ft Rucker Alabama. He was commissioned and received his Federal Recognition on 7 April 1999 with promotion to CW2. Upon becoming a Warrant Officer, Mr. Willis served as the Property Book Officer for the 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team... Show more content on ... Following Basic Training he attended Advanced Individual Training at Aberdeen Proving Grounds MD. CW4 Willis Enlisted education included Primary Leadership Development Course and Basic Non Commissioned Officer s Course. His Officer education includes Warrant Officer Candidate School, Warrant Officer Basic Course, Warrant Officer Advanced Course and Warrant Officer Staff Course. CW4 Willis has also attended NBC Defense School (Honor Graduate), Basic Property Accounting, Standard Property Book System Redesign (SPBS R) Course, Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced (PBUSE) ... Get more on ...
  • 51. South Korean Automotive Industry Jason Choi Student ID: 910687406 Professor Simeon IBUS 690_01 Automotive Industry in South Korea I. Introduction (Sector Analysis) A. Country Background Known as one of the Four Asian Tigers, South Korea, officially known as the Republic of South Korea has become a major force in today s globalized economy. With a population of just around fifty million people, South Korea has a thriving economy, which is Asia s fourth largest economy with a GDP (nominal) of $1.151 trillion (ranked 15th) (CIA, 2009). South Korea s rapidly growing economy is evident when observing how its real GDP has expanded by 8 percent annually, from $2.7 Billion in 1962 to $230 Billion in 1989. Most of South Korea s early economic ... Show more content on ... In 1972, Daewoo entered the industry when they acquired one half of Saehan Motor Company (Ebert, R., Montoney, M., 2007). However, Saehan was developed as a joint venture between General Motors (GM) and South Korea s Shinjin Motors (Green, 1992). One of South Korea s leading automobile assemblers was Shinjin at that time. When Shinjin showed financial troubles, DMC stepped in and acquired half of the company (Green, pg. 7). GM and Daewoo entered into a joint venture that mutually benefitted both companies with the sale of each other s automobiles in their respective countries. As competition increased in the South Korean automobile industry, GM sold majority of their shares in the joint venture to Daewoo (Ebert, R., Montoney, M., 2007). Though GM and Daewoo s relationship briefly ended in 1992, GM once again showed renewed interest in Daewoo and completed a takeover of what is now known as GM Daewoo in 2002 when the Korean automaker showed signs of failing (Kirk, 2002). The merger was quite a successful move with a combined domestic and export sales exceeding 1.5 million units in 2006 (Choe, 2006). Kia as well has taken action to sign strategic agreements with Ford (which at the time held a 25% equity stake in Mazda) to supply them with technological know how and design of facilities to develop their own vehicles (Green, p. 8). Mazda also sent out their ... Get more on ...
  • 52. A missionary can be defined as someone who is sent to... A missionary can be defined as someone who is sent to spread Christianity throughout the world or do other religious works. There have been several influential missionaries in modern day America such as William Carey, George MГјller, David Livingstone, Lottie Moon, and Amy Carmichael. These people have dedicated their lives to reaching out to others and have inspired many people to become missionaries. Each one of them has impacted the world in a different way. William Carey was an English Baptistmissionary. He was born on 17 August 1761 in Paulerspury, England. As a child he was known for his ability to learn languages. He even taught himself Latin. Later in his life he learned Greek with the help of a local villager. Carey had many... Show more content on ... Carey however was not convinced so he challenged people at a minister s meeting by asking if it was a Christian s duty to spread the gospel throughout the world. In response John Collet Ryland said Young man, sit down; when God pleases to convert the heathen, he will do it without your aid and mine. The man s son, Carey s friend, denied that his father made the comment. In 1789 Carey became the main pastor of a church in Leicester. A few years later he published an enquiry that had five different parts. In part one he used scripture in order to convince people that they had a duty as a Christian to spread the gospel throughout the world. The second part contained the history of missions. Part three was just statistics in order to show how many people need to be reached. The fourth part covered the dangers and struggles one might face as a missionary. The fifth part talks about the need for a Baptist Mission Society and how it could possibly be supported. After this pamphlet was made Carey preached a sermon about missionaries where he used his most famous quote: Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God. On October 1792 Carey, Andrew Fuller, John Ryland, and John Sutcliff participated in the founding of the Baptist Missionary Society. While looking for missionaries they could support and ways to earn funds, Carey found a medical missionary named Dr. John Thomas who was in England raising funds. Not only did they decide to ... Get more on ...
  • 53. The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain HUCKLEBERRY FINN by MARK TWAIN The protagonist of Huckleberry Finn is the most remarkable character Mark Twain created in all his writings. Huck is both a symbol of the freedom of the natural man and an individual creature with a conscience and a basic sense of decency that are supposed to be the products of civilization. He is also a wild teenager who is at odds with society, religion, work, and even his own father, yet the reader never questions that Huck is a sensitive, loving human being who is in many respects superior to the figures of adult authority that try to surround him. For these reasons, Huck finds his closest friendships with boys his own age like Tom Sawyeror with outcasts from the society of his elders like the ... Show more content on ... Yet there is ample evidence of Huck s basic sense of decency, or rather shame, at his resemblance to his non account father. Huck even accepts the Widow s forging religious Providence in spite of his low self esteem: I judged I could see that there was two Providences, and a poor chap would stand considerable show with the widow s Providence, but if Miss Watson s got him there warn t no help for him any more. I thought it all out, and reckoned I would belong to the Widow s if he wanted me, though I couldn t make out how he was a going to be any better off then than what he was before, seeing I was so ignorant, and so kind of low down and ornery. Huck is ignorant in the sense of lacking a formal education, but low down and ornery is the characterization of his father that Huck sees reflected in himself whenever he fidgets in front of a mirror. In fact, Huck s greatest virtue is his absolute honesty in his self examination, which overlooks his fundamental decency and compassion. Huck is actually very different from his father, who is bigoted and ill tempered, as becomes apparent when Pap shows up to reclaim Huck and the money. Huck probably would be happier in the wild state in which he lives with his father after the latter abducts him, however. We sense this is the scenes of his self sufficient existence on the island after he ... Get more on ...
  • 54. A Report On The War Of Church And A Lunch Date After The... Allister had expected to pick up Tank for church and a lunch date after the service. Tank called on Saturday evening to tell him he was feeling too sick to attend. When Monday came and went and then Tuesday Allister became deeply concerned. All day Tuesday, a wave of uneasiness drifted over him. He called Tank, and his voice mail answered the call. Allister made up his mind that if he didn t hear from him by Wednesday afternoon, he would take Pastor Jim over and visit him. On Wednesday morning, several tenants in Tank s building were gathering outside his door. They hadn t seen him for a few days birthing a feeling of dread. Emanating from under his door is a faint, sickeningly sweet smell. They thought he had gone away and didn t dispose of the garbage before he left. When they notified the Superintendent, she wondered if Tank had taken in a dog and it died in his absence. She called 911. 911 what is your emergency? One of my tenants could be ill in his apartment. What is the address? 264 Dawson Road, Apartment 7. Can I have your name and phone number? Cathy Reitman. I m the Superintendent. 213 555 6417. Why are you suggesting, he could be sick? Did he seem ill when you last saw him? No one has seen him in three days and there s an odor, coming from the apartment. Please send somebody to help, right away. I m sending a car over now. Don t enter the apartment until my officers arrive. Is it a controlled entrance? Yes, I ll be at the front door to let ... Get more on ...