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An Essay On Love
Writing an essay on the topic of "An Essay On Love" is an intricate endeavor that demands
navigating through the labyrinth of human emotions, experiences, and philosophical inquiries.
Love, being one of the most profound and enigmatic aspects of human existence, defies
simplistic definitions and categorizations. It transcends cultural, social, and personal boundaries,
making it a subject that invites endless contemplation and analysis.
Attempting to encapsulate the essence of love within the confines of an essay requires not only
linguistic prowess but also a deep understanding of its multifaceted nature. Love manifests in
various forms: romantic love, familial love, platonic love, and even self-love, each carrying its
own complexities, nuances, and contradictions. To explore these dimensions adequately demands
a delicate balance between personal reflection, scholarly insight, and creative expression.
Moreover, the task of writing about love necessitates grappling with the inherent subjectivity of
human experience. What love means to one person may differ vastly from another's
interpretation, shaped by individual backgrounds, beliefs, and life experiences. As such, crafting
an essay on love involves navigating a mosaic of perspectives, weaving together diverse voices
and narratives to capture the richness and diversity of human affection.
Yet, amidst the profundity and complexity, lies the challenge of avoiding clichГ©s and
platitudes that often plague discussions about love. The temptation to resort to trite expressions
and superficial analyses looms large, threatening to diminish the authenticity and depth of the
discourse. To transcend these pitfalls requires a commitment to authenticity, vulnerability, and
intellectual rigor, daring to explore love's darker corners as much as its radiant moments of joy
and fulfillment.
In essence, writing an essay on love demands a willingness to embrace ambiguity, vulnerability,
and uncertainty. It beckons the writer to embark on a journey of introspection and exploration,
delving deep into the recesses of the human heart in search of elusive truths and enduring
mysteries. It is a labor of love in itself, requiring patience, empathy, and a genuine reverence for
the enigmatic force that binds us all.
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An Essay On Love An Essay On Love
Essay On Diwali
Diwali or deepavali is a five day that festival that represents the start of the Hindu
New Year. All the fireworks, the small clay lamps and candles that are lit during
the celebration is one of the main reasons why it is called the Festival of Lights .
This festival usually falls on the month of October or November . The lights are
said to symbolize the victory of good over evil, and brightness over darkness. The
Festival of Lights creates a warm atmosphere and it is celebrated with much joy and
The first excitement would be the new clothing that we usually run around for
days buying to be worn for deepavali. Apart from this , the elders which usually
visits us would buy us sweets, gifts and not forgetting the packet of money.
Another aspect of deepavali is the many different sweet made for the celebration .
we usually visit relatives and friends with snacks and sweets and seek their
blessings. Gulab jamun, Laddoos, Halwas and Kaju cakes were my favorites. My
mom says that the festival is to mark the return of Rama to Ayodha after his defeat
to ravana. She starts the day by offering Puja to the goddess Lakshmi. The delicious
food that comes along with this festival is another reason why it should come more
often in a year. ... Show more content on ...
Deepavali is celebrated on the fist day as the day that Lord Rama returned to
Ayoda after defeating Ravana. It also signifies the Harvesting Festival. Another
legend is Naraksura, a monster who was a troublemaker to the gods. The second day
is called Narak Chatardasi. On this day Lord Krishna destroyed the demon and made
the world free from fear. The third day is called Diwali. Lakshmi puja is performed
on this day. All homes are decorated and lit up by Diyas. The fourth day is called
New Year of Bestavarsh. The fifth day is called Bhai Dhooj. It is about brothers and
Free will in Lord of the Flies , by William Golding, and...
According to Webster s dictionary, free will is defined as, the power of making free
choices (Webster 454). Humans, unlike any other creatures, have free will, or have
the ability to make their own decisions. Inherent in the ability to choose, is the
potential to make choices that perfect or even destroy the world. With good use of
free will, the world can be beautiful and pleasing; however, with misuse of free
will, evil takes root and has the power to destroy. It is a human venture to learn to
properly use the gift of free will. In William Golding s novel, Lord of the Flies, a
plane crashes and many of the children aboard flee to an island to survive. On this
island, these children abuse their newfound freedom and lose sight of their... Show
more content on ...
As Ralph weeps, we see how this knowledge hurts him and how he is destroyed by
the effects of human violence. Ralph had the choice to not submit to the temptations
and evils that take their innocence, but he is weak; he misuses this free will,
ultimately showing us, the reader, some of the dire consequences that can result from
misuse of free will.
Ralph s antithesis in the novel is Jack, the book s antagonist. Jack is
uncompromising as well as domineering and represents impulsive savagery and
violence; he has a desire and craving for power, which is shown early in the book
when he is infuriated that he loses the election of island leader to Ralph. However,
Jack soon learns how to become the real leader over all of the boys. He begins by
instinctively appealing to their base instincts, becoming more savage and
barbaric; he hunts pigs and obsesses over this violence. He eventually learns to
control the boys with their fear of the beast. Jack is the quintessential example of
one who misuses free will; Jack chooses to use his knowledge and power to bring
out the savagery in the little ones. Jack s savage mindset becomes even more power
hungry and violent after he kills his first pig, His mind was crowded with memories;
Edgar Allen Poe s The Raven
In spite of his strictly formulated idea of the step by step designed poetry, Poe
seemingly did not follow his own rules. Throughout his essay we can identify
several signs that lead us to the assumption that the essay serves as a kind of
device for hoaxing his audience. As Person highlights, Poe writes in his essay that
he was just led at once to the use of one word as refrain, which means that it was
not the result of a long process of designing. The case of the absurd speaking
creature is similar as well, as Poe admits that the idea of the non reasoning bird that
is capable to speech came to his mind randomly. (Person, 4.) Here, then, immediately
arose the idea of a non reasoning creature capable of speech, and very naturally, a
parrot,... Show more content on ...
Person argues that the denouement was not present in the beginning of the poem
but it was added at the end. This means that both the final effect and Poe s intention
was presented only at the end, which stands in opposition with what he had written
in the beginning of his essay. Poe himself admitted in the end of his analysis that
only in the very last stanza of The Raven can the reader identify the intention.
(Person, 5.) Regarding the operation of paradoxes within the essay, we can
conclude that the whole work can be seen as a hoax. According to Dennis W.
Eddings, who argued in his essay, Mad Ravings or Sound Thinking?: The
Philosophy of Composition and Poe s Parodic Raven that Poe baffled his readers
in many ways; first of all, his compositional method belied reality, as rather than
mathematical precision, The Raven seems to be the product of accident or
intuition. (Eddings, 194.) The issue of language can be seen as the other obvious
device for his game with the readers. Poe in his essay attacked the disjointed,
frenzied rhetoric, but his own language seemed to descend at that level in some
cases. The most outstanding example for this problem, according to Eddings, is the
part of the essay, when Poe refuted the idea of composing in the state of
Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose Essay
Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose The play Twelve Angry Men , By Reginald
Rose, is a play about 12 jurors that in an uncomfortable room have to discuss a life
and death case about a boy that is accused or killing his father. the jurors do not
really know eachother to talk to and wish they were anywhere but in that juryroom.
Every juror has a different emotional pattern that makes the play interesting. In my
opinion there were 3 main jurors in the jury room: Juror 8, Juror 3 and Juror 9. Juror
8 is important because he is smart, brave, and fair. Juror 3 was important because he
was the antagonist, he was mean, and he was intolerant. Juror 9 was important
because he wasn t afraid of confronting other jurors.
Juror 8 was ... Show more content on ...
In addition, Juror 8 was also fair. He said It s not easy for me to raise my hand and
send a boy off to die with out talking about it first when he was the only one that
voted not guilty in the first vote. He also listened to everyone s opinions and never
insulted anyone. Juror 3 was also a very important juror in the jury room. Juror 3
was the antagonist. He was the main enemy of Juror 8 and he was trying to keep
people from believing that the boy was not guilty. Juror 3 was also mean. He
wanted everyone to think the way he did, and lost his temper whenever they didn t.
In addition, Juror 3 was also intolerant. He didn t want to listen to anybody s
opinions and in the discussion that he had with Juror 8 on page 147 in the book, it
seemed that he personally wanted the kid to die.
Another very important juror in the jury room was Juror 9. Juror 9 was a fair man.
He voted not guilty because he had a reasonable doubt in his mind and he listened
to everyone s opinions, Juror 9 was also smart. He made a reasonable doubt by
saying that the old man might of lied to get attention because he noticed that he was
a quiet, frightened, insignificant man who has probably never been nothing all his
life. He also remembered that the woman in the train had bifocals, and that she never
took them off. that made a reasonable doubt on everyone s mind because it would of
been very hard for the woman in the
Roswell And Ufos
This essay will be about how the perspective of Roswell/UFO s have changed over
time. How after this incident, UFO s have been seen all over the world. In America,
over 80% of it s population now believe that UFO s exist (Wilson). Now for what
reason would so many people start to believe that UFO s exist. Will aliens were
believed way before this era, because people have said there s no way we re the
only people in the billions of galaxies. There was no evidence or proof of aliens
being encountered with, but after Roswell s incident, it led to innumerable amounts
of people believing that aliens do exist.
First, Roswell s incident was claimed to be the first encounter with aliens. The first
proof that aliens could exist. When the scene had happened, ... Show more content on ...
It could lead to different shocking outcomes that only the government could
imagine. But of course why, will first if someone is very religious, they can say there
is now way one planet in billions of galaxies only have life, but the government keeps
it secret for a very alarming reason. The government does not want us to be scared or
alarmed (THE UFO COVER UP). It s a very protective reason for the world to not go
into panic and havoc (The UFO COVER UP).Because of the reasonings, this shows
that aliens exist. For example. it s like hiding something that you know you ve
done wrong but can t hide. Giving new explanations and cover up proving it doesn
t exist when all these occurrences have already taken place. There s no way of
hiding that the government is just blinding the public from UFO s, making us worry
about our own lives, and our own self belief. (The UFO COVER UP).
In conclusion, Roswell s incident has been proven that a UFO has crashed near this
area. From why the military had covered up this situation so quickly, with all the new
sightings, evidence proving aliens have been encountered with at Roswell. Also with
the government secrecy, Area 51 being so secretive, military never giving out word
about aliens from all the occurrences that have taken. These all gives reason for
people to believe that aliens do exist. Proving that this incident might have been the
first and also proving that this
Case Study Of Fast Food
Introduction and Background:
In the 21st century, everybody has become so busy in his life. People have to work
more hours to live better life. So they prefer to eat fast food in the restaurant, which
consume less time rather than cooking in the house. There are so many information
on the internet that people are getting addicted to fast food, which is really unhealthy
for them. So our main purpose to findout that is fast food really unhealthy for the
people and if yes then how many its adverse effects will be. Because of there are
lots of fast food company, we have choosen McDonald for our research perposal
because it is well known and old fast food company all over the world. McDonald
is the one of the leading food industry, which started in 1940 by two brothers
Richard and Maurice McDonald in San Bernardino, California. In 1954, to began
new restaurant outside California, Ray Kroc who was a entrepreneur and milkshake
mixer salesman, acquired the franchise of McDonald. He opened his first restaurant
in Illinois, Chicago and established McDonald`s corporation. In 1961, Kroc had
owned the whole McDonald business by pay 2.7 million dollars to McDonald
brothers. To spread his business on the international level, Kroc opened first branch
of McDonald in Richmond, British Colombia in 1967. After that McDonald started
spreading its roots in other nations. In Porirua, New Zealand, first restaurant was
introduced in 1976. In present era, there are more than 150 restaurants all over
Three Views of Population Growth
Scenario 1 Disastrous
As the century began, natural resources are under increasing pressure, threatening
public health and development. Water shortages, soil exhaustion, loss of forests, air
and water pollution, and degradation of coastlines afflict many areas. As the world s
population grows, improving living standards without destroying the environment is
a global challenge.
Most developed economies currently consume resources much faster than they can
regenerate. Most developing countries with rapid population growth face the urgent
need to improve living standards. As we humans exploit nature to meet present needs,
are we destroying resources needed for the future? In the past decade in every
environmental sector, conditions have ... Show more content on ...
Pollution is decreasing in the world s seas due to the improved sanitation. Ocean
fisheries are prospering due to the improved measures that are taken to restock the
once dwindling ocean resources.
В•Forests: With improved technology, it is easier than ever to maintain and even
improve on the amount of forestry. More trees are being planted and grown, while
larger areas are being converted into new forests. As stated earlier, forests provide
over US$400 billion to the world economy annually and are vital to maintaining
healthy ecosystems. Future demands for forestry products will not even exceed 25%
of consumption.
В•Biodiversity: As stated earlier, the earth s biological diversity is crucial to the
continued vitality of agriculture and medicine and perhaps even to life on earth
itself. The global population has realized the importance of plant and animal species
and has begun to reproduce those plant and animal species which were once on the
verge of extinction.
В•Global climate change: The earth s surface has begun to cool due to the lowered
amount of greenhouse gas emissions. The global temperature will begin to decrease
and sea levels would remain at a normal level. The once feared issue of global
warming will become nothing more than a distant memory.
Scenario 3 В– Wildcard
In this third scenario, I have decided to use for my wildcard the Global Abortion Act.
Of course there is no such thing as the Global Abortion Act, so
Conformity In 1960s America
In the words of President Lyndon B. Johnson, Yesterday is not ours to recover, but
tomorrow is ours to win or lose. The connotation of this statement implies the strong
sentiment of the 60s that defines the transition from a traditionalist society to one of
free expression. Conformity shaped the American society of the 50s and continued to
influence the early years of the 1960s. The 50s created a sense of false stability and
unity in the United Statespost WWII. Economically, the country was prosperous due
to the levels of wartime production, and the population was at no shortage of citizens
thanks to the baby boom. However, the evident threat of communism during the Cold
Warat home during the Red Scare and the growing numbers of Americans... Show
more content on ...
These movements were popular influences for artists and sculptors alike and
helped to spread positive sentiment towards the affected minorities of the 60s
society. Judy Chicago was one of the main female pioneers for women in the arts
for her sculptures that promoted a sense of attention and recognition for women of
the feminist movement. Her pieces of art celebrated the experiences and
accomplishments of women through time and focused on the uniqueness and
differences that a woman had in comparison to man. Chicago also used materials
that would have been considered women s homestay activities, including
needlework and ceramic decoration, in order to show that a woman s art is
comparable to a man s and is capable of having its own story and content. Domes is
a selected piece of art that consists of three domed figures laid out in a triangular
formation that represents a symbol of feminism in its softer appearance and layout.
Transitively, the feminist art movement was also related to the art that was created
by African Americans during the 60s. Both groups were advocating for improved
rights, and both took the opportunity to utilize art to expand upon the ideas and
accomplishments of the movements they were a part of. Sculptor Elizabeth Catlett
and photographer Moneta Sleet Jr. were both influenced by the civil rights
movements, Sleet being closely associated with Martin Luther King Jr. and his
peace marches. Catlett had a hand in both the feminist and African American art
realms. Her wooden or clay sculptures represented the strength and power of both
African and Mexican women who ranged from laborers to mothers, and through this
art she established her position as an advocate for women of all races and the
African American race. Sleet was directly affiliated with Martin Luther King Jr. from
the day he was sent to record the boycott in
The Black Sox Scandal During The 1919 World Series
The Black Sox Scandal was during the 1919 World Series. The Chicago White Sox
lost the series to the Cincinnati Reds. This was the biggest scandal ever in
professional sports. Eight White Sox players were later accused of throwing the
game in exchange for money from gamblers. The players were acquitted in court, but
nevertheless, they were all banned for life from baseball. Here is their story.
What a hell of a league this is. I hit .387 .408 and .395 the last three years and I ain t
won nothin yet. This is one of the quotes from the famous Joe Jackson, known better
as Shoeless Joe. He played for the Chicago White Sox that later became known as
the Black Sox. He was involved in the huge scandal. The best players on the team
were ... Show more content on ...
Second was Joe. Their best pitcher was Eddie Cicotte with a 29 7 record. He was
known as the game changer . Lefty Williams was a close second with a record of
23 11. Shoeless Joe got his name in a weird way. Shoeless Joe had shoes and they
weren t broken in yet, so Shoeless Joe went barefoot the entire game and took on the
nickname Shoeless by the fans and it stuck. The Cincinnati coaches talked to the
eight and offered the money because they were afraid they were going to lose, they
thought money was the answer to their problem. I guess it was because the eight
agreed to the
Reactive Power Support And Control For Wind Farms
Reactive Power Support and control for Wind Farms
Ashish Mishra (R11324429)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas Tech University
Final term Paper for ECE 5343 Power Systems Engineering
Abstract: This report contains details on the reactive power compensation
techniques for fixed speed wind turbines as well as the inherent reactive power
support provided by the variable speed wind turbines. This paper also reviews the
latest grid codes and requirements for reactive power support by wind farms. In the
end this paper provides quantitative calculations for determining the reactive power
compensation needed for unity power factor operation by a fixed speed squirrel cage
induction generator based wind turbines.
Keywords: Reactive power support, fixed speed, variable speed, Wind Turbine, Grid
1. Introduction Since the last decade, there has been an increased growth in the
electricity production through wind power [8]. Such increasing penetration levels of
wind power in to the total generation mix has raised several concerns to the
transmission system operators. Some of the issues related to large scale grid
integration of wind power causing concern to the transmission system operators are
low voltage fault through capability, voltage support during large disturbances and
unity power factor operation [7]. This has made the regulators and transmission
system operators to introduce new grid standards and requirements for wind farms to
make sure the
My Last Day Of School
Summer The last day of school was a good day. Instead of having to take an ELAR
exam, we did PSP. On the last day I had ELAR for 4th and 5th period. I didn t have to
do anything. Since we didn t have to take a test we got to play games and mess
around. The day went by really slow, but I was fine with that. I was having fun
messing around and playing board games with my friends. At last, I heard the bell
ring. I walked outside of the classroom and heard a lot of noise. Everyone was so
excited that school was over. People were chanting things such as, FREEDOM!
FREEDOM! and SUMMER! SUMMER! After school, I went to Top Golf with my
friends. I had a blast and then went back to my friends house and swam. The next day
was my birthday party. My friend, Grant, and I have birthdays around the same time,
so we decided to have a birthday party together. I was turning 13 and Grant was
turning 14. I had my birthday party at a place called Group Dynamixs, it is a big
indoor area where you can play a ton of different games/sports and do indoor ropes
courses. I had a lot of fun, but I was super tired after. The next days of summer went
by pretty slow which was good. It seemed like each day was 48 hours. A month later,
time started to go by a little bit faster. I felt like July decided to have 25 days instead
of 31 days. I went to Austin, Texas from 7/1/17 to 7/6/17 which was fun. I go to a
place in Austin called Lakeway every year with my family. The hotel is on Lake
Essay On Locavores
Imagining a community in 2020 where the majority of the population were
Locavores is quite difficult due to the fact that modern society has expanded and
is continuing to grow all the time. Locavores are people who only eat food within a
100 mile radius.(source g) The idea of being a locavore is new but slightly
unnecessary due to the era of production our society lives on today. Foods shipped
from far places may be lacking the nutrients that any other fruit or vegetable grown
in a farm closer would have. (source B) But the nutritional differences are marginal ,
it s not much of a difference, not enough to affect a person s health anyways.
Considering the fast paced societies growing today in America, relying on the high
demand farmers would have to meet, can slow down the community s economic
growth speed. In 2020 the society will... Show more content on ...
Buying locally supports an area s farmers and, in turn, strengthens the community
.(source C) However, the localization of foods would have a negative effect on
farmers who rely on Americans by reducing demand. The decrease in business for
these farmers will cause less crops to be made because, if 90 percent of your
products is no longer being bought, then you re losing money if you make any
more than 10 percent. Another thing food localization will cause is local
businesses outside of these communities, like farmers markets to foreclose,
because farmers will be forced to look for different work. If all the farmers in New
Zealand are focusing on supplying the US than no one is focused on what percent
of foods stay locally in New Zealand. Therefore a major movement towards being a
locavore could have a big, negative effect on major food production across the
country. Many jobs will be lost, many families will be homeless, and many families
will split
Similarities Between Canada And Iceland
Migration, whether city to city or country to country has always existed and is
even essential to some countries. For an example of a country to country
migration, also known as international migration, we can do a comparison.
Approximately 250, 000 people from various areas around the world enter Canada
each year 1, as opposed to the 2000 that go to Iceland.2 People migrate seeking a
better life and for more opportunities. Not all places can provide what people want or
even need. Let us take a look back at the Canada Iceland comparison. Canada has a
drastically larger number of immigrants than Iceland. Many reasons contribute to this
increased amount of immigrants, including Canada which provides: universal
healthcare, access to education,... Show more content on ...
Going into unfamiliar lands, often not even knowing the language is very stressful
on the mind. With no one to guide you, no one to talk to, and no one to share your
thoughts with it will most definitely cause loneliness. This loneliness will discourage
the immigrant from even putting all their effort in striving in this new life. This is all
part of what an emotional barrier is. Before even leaving their country, a person will
most definitely think about their family. If they know they cannot bring the people
they care about most, it will reduce your willingness to move. Not only is loneliness
the only part of the emotional barrier, frustration is also included. The whole
migration/immigration process is hard. Having your whole fate in your government s
hands, knowing they could deny or stop you from migrating at any moment.That
itself could cause anyone emotional stress. People become extremely attached to
those closest to them and even their homes. Having to leave all that would make
anyone emotional. Besides the mental challenges people face during migration, they
also have to face the physical
Isis Are A Bunch Of Muslims Just Because
If you think ISIS are a bunch of Muslims just because they claim to be Muslims and
have a load of gibberish written on their flags then you are being fooled. And maybe
you ll live in that misconception forever. And I don t blame you. Anyone would
think ISIS are Muslim by what you are shown and are driven to see by the media. At
first, even I thought for a moment that ISIS are Muslims. The fact that they walk
down the streets with their pride, holding flags with Allahprinted on. And when they
deliver their speech on those pathetic leaked videos stating Allah commands them to
do this. We should give them a round of applause for the characters they play.
First, of all, let me start off by telling you some of the facts that you might be
familiar with. A number of journalist from over Syria have reported that more
Muslims are being killed by these so called Muslims . In countries like Syria and
Iraq, not only Muslims are suffering, but also non religious people. So why is it
that they are killing their own people if they claim to be people of Allah?
According to a report released by the United Nations, approximately 9,347 civilians
in Iraq in the first eight months of 2014 were killed by this group of terrorists.
Furthermore, as we all know about the Paris attack and as the death of 130 people
was confirmed according to CNN (Cable News Network) with hundreds being
injured, even then it was confirmed that far more Muslims were killed than any other
ethnicity group.
1776 by David Mccullough Book Summary Essay
Book Review on: 1776 by David McCullough The Non Fiction Historical Book
1776 By David McCullough is a historically accurate and in depth view of The
American Revolution; starting from The Battle of Bunker Hill, Boston, Brooklyn,
New York, Fort Washington, and ending its Analysis at the Battle of Trenton in 1776.
There are many fascinating features, trends, themes, and characteristics used in 1776
that make the book a fluent and enjoyable read. Also the book gives a very detailed
and informative account of the battles and military life from the Battle of Boston to
the Battle of Trenton. Finally the author, David McCullough, of the book as many
other works and experiences that tell the reader why and how 1776 is such a
credible source... Show more content on ...
The literary element such as features, trends, themes, and characteristics were a part
of the book that help make the book a wonderful teaching. 1776 started off in
Britain, giving a background of King George III and the start of the war. Then the
book moved to the Siege of Boston in America. In the siege of Boston an account of
both militaries moves and living routines were given leading up to the Continental
Army taking Dorchester Heights. This forced the British to evacuate because
Washington had sent for cannons and on Dorchester heights was close enough for
deadly fire on Boston. From Boston, Washington left a small group, but the rest of his
troops moved to New York; which was the British s next target. At New York the
battle of Brooklyn was disastrous for the Continental Army. Afterwards the British
moved ships into the Hudson and unleashed the remainder of Washington s troops
who had yet to retreat. When they fled to New Jersey the Continental Army was once
again bested. Soon after a brutal loss at Fort Washington was inflicted. Thousands of
troops were captured because there were too many in the fort to defend effectively
when they had to fallback. Finally Washington made a brilliant strike in the Battle
Trenton that gave the Continental Army the momentum it so dearly needed. David
McCullough is a well experienced Author with titles such as John Adams, Truman,
The Johnstown Flood, The Great Bridge, The Path between the Seas,
Batman s Iteral Questions Response To The Reader
iteral questions have responses that are directly stated in the text. The reader is able
to simply locate the information and copy, paraphrase or summarize. (summarize,
count, name, list, copy, record, retell). Ex. questions: Who are the characters in the
story? What is the name of the villian? Who is the main character? Where did they go
on their vacation? What does Batman say to the Joker in Chapter 1? What happens in
this chapter? Inferential questions have responses that are indirectly stated, implied,
or require other information. The reader needs be able use the clues and make
connections to make meaning of the text (identify, classify, categorize, explain,
predict, analyze). Ex. questions: Why does Batman run from the scene? What does
Compare And Contrast The Democratic Party And The...
In today s society, we think that the two main political parties of America, the
Democratic Party and the Republican Party are complete inverse. When we look
closer, the several gatherings are as a matter of fact exceptionally comparative. Their
strategies may be unexpected, but the roots that they are determined from are the
same. . These two parties dominate America s politics but differ significantly in their
beliefs. Some instances, many beliefs overlap. So what are the differences between
Democrats and Republicans? There are clear principles that distinguish Republicans
from Democrats. Republicans are conservative while Democrats are liberal.
Republicans believe that taxes shouldn t be increased for anyone, and wages should
reflect... Show more content on ...
The Democrats have diminished spending in military and sunk money into
activities that ll accommodate the nation. Whereas, Republicans have increased
their spending, regardless of the nation s debt. Democrats support gay marriages,
while republicans contradict. Democrats think that every person has luxury and
distinctive rights to marry the same sex. Democrats believe if they aren t allowed
to marry the same sex then it would be against their individual rights Republicans
on the different part think just in inverse sex marriage. They think that to live a
successful life, one needs an opposite sex in their life. Success forever begins at an
early experience where the establishment is raised. Democrats prefer to utilize
assessments as a root to finance the schools. Republicans prefer the schools to be
supported by volunteers. Democrats have chosen to take god out of the school. While
Republicans suspect that god ought to be part of our commonplace essence and
subsequently ought to be a part of school and training. And Republicans even believe
all students, regardless of race or socio economic background should become
proficient in both reading and math. Democrats suspect that god might as well be
private and shouldn t be put into mainstream schools. Democrats are against death
penalty. Republicans are for death penalty. Democrats believe death penalty is not
necessary. Republicans feel that passing retribution is fundamental to
Hand Hygeine Research Papaer
Capstone Project Abstract
Hand washing and hand hygiene are consider to be the number one, cheap essential
measure of preventing and controlling spread of hospital acquired infections (HAIs).
Hand washing and hygiene can significantly reduce the burden of disease, in
particular in hospitalized patient Unfortunately compliance to hand hygiene
recommended standard procedures by the health care workers (HCWs) has been
unacceptably poor. In order to design education program, identification of several
risk factors associated with poor hand hygiene (HH) compliance is of extreme
importance. Objective: The purpose of this study is to implement a hand hygiene
program for ... Show more content on ...
The identification of several risk factors associated with poor hand hygiene
compliance is of extreme importance in the design of an education program .There
should be continues education and monitoring of healthcare worker on effective hand
washing and hand hygiene. According to an outcome of a study, wearing finger
ring, wrist watch, long fingernail and use of hand lotion has impact on spread of
infection by healthcare workers (Fagemes amp;Lingaas 2010. Health care workers
that use wrist watches at work may cause or promote higher total bacteria count than
not wearing a watch. A similar situation occurs with finder ring and health care
workers should remove finger rings and watches when at work, fingernails should be
shorter than 2 mm, so as to reduce HAI (Fagemes amp;Lingaas 2010).
Description of Present Problem
In America and worldwide, millions of patient are suffering from hospital acquired
infections also call nocosomial infection (NIs). This infection rate has high
economic effect that is raising daily, rises from $6.5 to $33.8 billion within last 5
years (Spruce 2013). One in every 136 patients admitted to hospital or health facility
end up with HAIs and become severely ill causing longer stay in the hospital, thereby
increasing the cost of stay and antibiotic treatment. Morbidity rate of HAIs is very
high with thousands died every year (Spruce 2013). The most frequently occurring
hospital acquired infection is urinary tract
E Cummings Dbq
To destroy is always the first step in any creation . Cummings was an artist and a
poet. He was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Had went to Harvard University and
then joined a world war. Eventually he died in 1962. E.E cummings creates meaning
by using visual and hearing techniques. He creates meaning in his poetryby using
visual and auditory techniques. First of all, an example is in his poem l(a in (Doc A)
the way Cumings formed it makes the poem look like the number one. The way he
makes it look and sound in the poem was as if it were to stand for loneliness. In the
poem it talks about only one leaf that is most likely to be lonely. Also, another
example is in (Doc B) it is formed like if it were like a grasshopper leaping
`` Architecture And The Crisis Of Modern Science ``
Alberto Perez Gomez, Peter Zumthor, and Steven Holl emphasize on the
phenomenology in their design processes. Their compositions and beliefs are
evidences of the power of phenomenon. In addition, they argue that the sensory
experience between the architectural object and the audience of it should be
complimentary. These designers are famous for reviving the emotion evoking spaces
through expression of light and shadow, material, and intimate human perception. The
manifestation of this theory will be discussed further through the analysis of two case
studies: 1) Therme Vals in Switzerland by Peter Zumthor and 2) Nelson Atkins Art
Museum in Kansas City by Steven Holl.
Alberto Perez Gomez Challenges modern architecture in his book titled Architecture
and the Crisis of Modern Science , and he describes how modern architecture needs
to restate its position towards creation of memories. In addition, he explains that
modern architecture cannot believe in a meaningless structure because nothing in
built form can be meaningless (Rykwert) [11]. Furthermore, he explains how human
perception and the sensorial experience of a space is the origin of architectural
program. He describes human body as the focus of all the rules in the world, and
how human body is occupying space and time. Hence, this existence can push
architecture to create and order that resonates with the body itself (Perez Gomez) [11].
There is a kind of flexibility between the human perception and the rigor inherent
Alcoholics Family Characteristics
Family Roles and Characteristics of Adult Children of Alcoholics Addiction is a
disease that not only affects the person with the addiction but the family as well. The
children that grow up in this environment take on different roles in their family to try
and cope with their environment. According to American Association for Marriage
and FamilyTherapy, there is an estimate of 26.8 million children that are exposed to
alcoholismin the family (2015). As these children grow up they develop many
common characteristics into adulthood. These characteristics have a lasting impact
on their lives.
According to Gold, More than 28 million Americans have seen at least one parent
suffer alcohol s serious adverse effects, leading to serious family ... Show more
content on ...
The ACOA has to guess what normal behavior is because growing up in such a
dysfunctional home they had none. The ACOA, have difficulty following a project
through from beginning to end and lie when it would be better to tell the truth.
Furthermore, the adult children of alcoholics judges themselves without mercy
(Weintraub, 2015).The adult children of alcoholics take themselves very seriously in
their life. Also, the ACOA has difficulty with intimate relationships. The ACOA,
overact to change over which they have no control and constantly seek approval and
affirmation. As well as, feeling different from other people and are super responsible
or super irresponsible. The adult children of alcoholics are extremely loyal, even in
the face of evidence that the loyalty is undeserved. Lastly, the adult children of
alcoholics are impulsive. This can lead to going full steam ahead without realizing the
consequences that it may incur (Weintraub,
Differences Between Han China And Imperial Rome
Han China (206 B.C.E 220C.E) and Imperial Rome (31 B.C.E 476 C.E) empires
have both left big marks on our world and the way we view it today. Throughout
history, these empires tried to create something that stood out. Though both were in
different parts of the world, they both seemed to run their government in the same
type of fashion with a few differences that made their empire the best for them.
Although, they had a difference in slavery roles, they seem to fall under the
similarities of leadership styles, social orders, and world influence.
A major difference between Han China and Imperial Rome was in the way slavery
shaped their society. While the Romans society was based around slavery, the Han
s slavery population was 1 percent. The 1 percent consisted of convicted criminals
and indebted families who sold their children to pay off their debts. On the other
hand, Rome was considered a slave society. 1/3 of the population consisted of
slaves. Slaves were the main source of labor throughout the empire. This affected the
government because they didn t have to pay for this labor and affected the way the
government ran because people viewed their power differently in each empire. ...
Show more content on ...
Social/Family orders played a big role in both the Han and the Romans
administration. They both ran on a patriarchal society where men were viewed as
more valuable than women. In both empires, the family was the basic unit of
society. Han China Empire had filial piety, the respect for ones parents and
ancestors, and Rome had paterfamilias, the male head of the family. The reason
they shared this similarity is because family name/status played a big role in what
the person did in their life in both societies. One s family name based their social
order and a person s social order based their entire life in the empire and the way the
Trace Evidence Of Crime Scene
YuvRaaj M Madra
Professor Martinez
November 2nd, 2014
Trace Evidence
Crime Scene/Scenario #1 Sacramento, CA July 1986 Allan Dakin, 50, is bicycling
toward his favorite fishing spot. He stops at a flooded irrigation ditch and works his
way down to check his crawdad traps when he spots a young blond female, floating in
the water face down. He panics, heads home to notify authorities. Sheriff deputies
and local fire department respond first to the scene at 8:45 am, and push the body
using a long gaff to the opposite bank where the victim will not drift downstream.
A. Arrival
As the Homicide Detective, I must approach the scene cautiously, scan the entire area
thoroughly using all senses, assess the scene and be aware of people and ... Show
more content on ...
Now that I have recorded the scene as I found it, I am having have the fire
department captain remove the victim from the water in a way that will not
disturb any evidence left on the victims body, making certain they are careful to
not damage the body, leave any evidence in the water, or further contaminate the
body. They pull out a 5 8 , 150lb young female with short blond hair and brown
eyes, I have recorded this information using the Crime Scene and Human Figure
Templates (Swanson et al 54). I will now establish what happened here, determine
the sequence of events; find out what the perpetrator did, and note inconsistencies.
After organizing the crime scene I am interviewing Allan Dakin. I will ask what he
was doing here, how he found the body, why was he here, and take down all his
information for later interrogation. Once I have interviewed witnesses, I can
properly document and recover physical evidence in the evidence recovery log,
and photographs (Swanson et al 49). Anything can be physical evidence so it is
crucial that nothing be touched or tampered with until assessed. I am looking for
fingerprints, tire tracks, tools, weapons, damaged areas, palm prints and any body
materials. I see that there are twigs stuck in the victim s bra strap, and there is dirt
on her back and shoulders. I collect those twigs and dirt samples as evidence so that
the forensic team may later test them using genetic fingerprinting to see if
Education Reform For The United States
Education in America started with the Pilgrims in the early 1600 s. The first public
school was opened in 1635 in Boston Massachusetts. In 1642, Massachusetts started
an education reform that stated Any child not properly educated would apprentice
to a trade . This education reform was created because they believed it was
important for children and citizens to be able to read the laws of the land. This was
the first law that required children to be education. If they were not properly educated
they would be moved from their home to a better fit environment where they would
be able to learn. Virginia then followed with a similar law in 1646. In 1647
Massachusetts founded an act called Old Deluder Satan Act . This act required
towns of more than fifty families to hire a teacher for reading and writing. Towns of
more than a hundred families had to establish a grammar schoolwhich served as
college preparation. Dame schools taught reading and writing to females because this
was all they were expected to learn so that they would not have the same intellect as
men. Their classes were held in the teacher s kitchen who continued her chores while
the students did their lessons. At the beginning of the 20th century, parents and public
schools began demanding more practical and useful curriculums. Growing up with
my mom as a teacher I know how much time they spend working and helping their
students learn and achieve so many things and how little they receive back in
How to Create and Mantain a Blog
For anyone starting a blog, abandoned a blog or need fine tuning on it this is the blog
for you. Make your blog better through your writing skills, the content created and the
strategies used to promote it.
Writing Skills
Being a better blogger begins with you. You must improve your writingskills through
reading, learning and education. You are reading constantly and learning new
information while reading. Learn the basic rules of grammar, proofreading and
editing through websites and books. Educate yourself by joining mailing lists related
to the blog topic. If you like furniture, allow furniture related newsletters to come to
your email.
Bloggers know that creating content isn t easy. Writers block come over us many
times, but we must be creative in our content. Furthermore, we must make sure that
every blog is original and useful.
Writing content is about relevance. How does this content benefit the reader? Include
a mix of helpful content and how to s with company news, product/service updates
and accolades. Straying away from the company s products, services, mission and
reputation is not an option.
Find new ways to write content. Use video, podcasting, photojournalism, contests,
polls, Q A s and guest blogging to assist you. Some sites like WordPress offer
plugins; use those plugins.
Attention grabbing headlines are going to be the headline listed on your blog, links
and search engine sites like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Make sure
Causes Of The Musket War
In the beginning of the 19th century, almost all New Zealanders were considered to
be Maoris. The Maoris made up nearly the whole country, with a population
between 100 120,000, while the European population was down in the hundreds. In
1818, the Musket Wars resulted in the loss of over a fifth of the Maori population,
at least 20,000 dead and thousands more captured ( Overview of NZ ). The Musket
War was a war that began when the Europeans introduced their advanced technology
and muskets into New Zealand. The Musket Wars were a series of inter tribal wars
caused by tribes all trading to obtain muskets. At the end of the wars, in 1830, a
new conflict for the Maori population took rise when warfare gave way to
economic rivalry ( The Musket Wars ). From 1830 on, Europeans would come to
New Zealand in waves of hundreds and thousands of people, threatening the Maoris
once complete control over the land. This brewing economic rivalry was what paved
the way for the Treaty of Waitangi, New Zealand s founding document. This treaty
was interpreted differently by the English and Maoris, something the British had
purposely done. The British plan to deceive the natives resulted in both land and
governmental conflicts. Land disputes caused by the treaty s misinterpretations
between the Maori people and the settlers sparked the New Zealand Wars in 1861
1870. At the end of these wars, new laws were passed that nearly abolished Maori
rights. In 1896, New Zealand was no longer a Maori
Tivo Marketing Case Analysis (Hbs)
Executive Summary
The disappointing sales performance during the Christmas 1999 season ended up
being a priceless lesson for TiVo s marketing team: it was the catalyst that created the
need for a TiVo s new communications strategy. However, defining this new marketing
campaign was challenging, especially after the feedback received about the product
indicated issues like limited awareness and hard to communicate functionalities. The
main focus of this new marketing campaign is to select a positioning strategy that
will speed up the adoption of TiVo among consumers. The marketing team has three
options on how to position TiVo: 1) as an enhanced digital video recorder, 2) as a
product that gives viewers the ... Show more content on ...
Viewers can pause live television to attend interruptions such as phone calls or
unexpected visits. It gives viewers the freedom to watch whichever program they
want, whenever they want. With TiVo s capacity to store up to 30 hours of recorded
television, users reduce the hassle of using videotapes to record television programs.
Users virtually eliminate the possibility of missing their favorite shows, since they
can set up TiVo to record them. With these aforementioned features, TiVo will
revolutionize the way Americans view television.
Price. The current price of $999 for the 30 hour TiVo box is extremely high. It can
easily discourage any early adopter or a TV addict. Hence, the marketing team
should reduce the price to $399, even lower if financially viable. The more
attractive the ticket (i.e. TiVo Box) for the ultimate TV experience, the easier
consumers will be lured in. The service fee structure seems at a very reasonable
price, it requires no major price adjustments.
Place. Electronic retail stores, such as Best Buy, Circuit City, and Sears serve as the
best channels to sell the product. It is imperative that the marketing team develops a
training program for the sales force of those retail outlets. Many consumers will
have their first TiVo experience in a retail store; hence, the salespeople must be
prepared to demonstrate the benefits of TiVo in a flawless way. The internet should
be used as another channel to sell the product, especially the
Telstra SWOT Analysis and Marketing Strategies
1.0 IntroductionTelstra Corporation is a telecommunications and information
services company. It provides a range of services including fixed line services,
Internet access, and business services. Telstra is the market leader in the
telecommunication industry in Australia, with one of the most prominent brand
names. However, its products and operating services face an increasing threat from
competitors. An analysis with recommendations of Telstra marketingis necessary in
order to improve its performance.
2.0 SWOT Analysis2.1 StrengthsTelstra is one of the biggest brands in Australia and
dominates the leading business position of telecommunications and information
services in this country.
Telstra owns and operates an extensive network ... Show more content on ...
And the target segments may include rural area (Farms), business and government.
3.2 Telstra Market PositioningTelstra s target segments are based on knowing
customers and meeting their needs. And its positioning strategy is to express the
valuable differences on products and services offered and create competitive
advantages. To position Telstra and capture its target segments most effectively, the
followings need to be taken into consideration:Important: the key difference to
promote is the scope and reliability of Telstra products and services.
Distinctive: promote the distinctive features such as the easy access to broadband via
mobile, Satellite, ADSL2 Plus and the extended features of using mobile phones.
Superior: promote quality and the multi functional applications of our products and
that services are superior to most of our competitors.
Communicable: the above mentioned features are communicable and customers can
easily identify the differences.
Affordable: the above mentioned competitive advantages offer high value benefits
and our target market can afford the prices.
Profitable: one of the key criterions for selecting the above competitive advantages is
that the company can introduce them profitably.
4.0 Marketing objectives:The marketing objectives of Telstra for the future market
are:To segment the industry and focus upon the target customer group in the
identified target region.
To create public awareness
The Physics Of Infrared Radiation
A vibration can result in an absorption peak of infrared radiation, only if there is a
change in the dipole moment of the molecule. The larger this change, the more
intense will be the absorption band. Furthermore, the electron polarity vectors in the
covalent bond should not cancel out i.e the covalent bonds must be asymmetric.
Asymmetrical bonds carry a net polarity vector and show absorption peaks; bonds
that are centered along the plane of symmetry cancel out their polarity vectors upon
stretching and there is no net change in dipole moment. Such molecules are known to
be infrared inactive. An infrared spectrum is the plot of absorbance (or %
transmission) against the wavenumber (cm 1) (Rehman et al., 2012). Wavenumber is
defined as number of waves in a length of one centimeter and is a commonly used
unit for representing spectral regions. Wavenumber is linear with energy and is
expressed with the following equation.Significant parts of the spectrum are the
regions where the molecule absorbs the infrared energy. These are shown as
characteristic absorption peaks. A molecule can only absorb radiation when the
incoming infrared radiation is of the same frequency as one of the fundamental modes
of vibration of the molecule (Stuart and Barbara, 2004). The modes of vibration
usually encountered include bending, stretching, wagging and out of plane
vibrations. These molecular vibrations result in changes in dipole moments of the
molecular groups and the resulting vibrating
Cuba Juice Essay
Juicing is a great way to integrate fruits and vegetables into your diet, especially if
you do not like to eat whole fruits and vegetables. It can help you meet the daily
recommendations for these foods as well as allow you to consume a wide variety of
fruits and vegetables in a tasty way. Juicing is usually done with a machine which
turns raw fruits and vegetables into liquid and pulp. The machine chops the fruits and
vegetables into tiny pieces and spins them, separating the juice from the pulp.
Even before juicers were invented fruits were mashed. Text from the Dead Sea
Scrolls, A pounded mash of pomegranate and fig resulting in profound strength and
subtle form, indicates that juicing has been around ... Show more content on ...
A centered dual knife and stabilizing knife creates consistent juice flow and stops
clogging within the feed tube which drastically cuts down the time of cleanup
The juice jug capacity is 1 liter and includes a froth separator to save the user an
extra step
This model also comes with a 3 liter pulp collector so the consumer won t have to
empty it numerous times to squeeze enough juice for multiple people
Professional Juicing
The final juicer we reviewed was targeted toward the experienced consumer. Rather
than a high speed centrifugal juicer, our last review consisted of a masticating juicer.
It differs than that of the centrifugal juicer by using a single auger to compact and
squeeze the fruit s juice along a static screen at a slow speed, rather than pushing the
fruit through a central blade at a high operating speed. Although there are many
masticating juicers, we recommend the Omega Vert VRT350 Juicer for these reasons:
The Omega Vert VRT350 has a retail value of $430.00 but can be found online for
around $380.00
This model comes stock with a 2 horsepower motor, runs on 150 watts, and runs at
optimal efficiency at 80 RPM
By running at a lower RPM, low speed juicing prevents oxidation of your juice and
results in more nutrients and enzymes found in the final product of your juice as
opposed to a high speed juicer
Ease of Use:
The VRT350
An Investigation to Find the Effect of Bile Salts of on...
I have investigated that if there is an effect of bile salts on the digestion of lipids
in the milk. When lipids are broken down in to fatty acids and glycerol (see below),
the acid lowers the pH of the mixture. To help me determine and measure the
digestion of lipids, a pH indicator phenolphthalein has been used to measure the pH
of the mixtures. The pH indicator will change the colour from pink to either white (if
bile is not contained) or brown (if bile is contained), this will indicate that the
solution is changing from alkaline to acidic. So if I want to use phenolphthalein, I
will have to firstly make the mixtures alkaline. This will be achieved by ... Show more
content on ...
sx = ∑x2 (∑x)2 n n 1
I will draw a table in which I will work out ∑x2 and (∑x)2 . Treatment tube
∑x = 302∑x2 = 30414
(∑x)2 = 91204
The standard deviation for the y:
Sx = ∑x2 (∑x)2 nn n 1 = (30414 (91204 ÷ 3)) ÷ 2 = (30414 30401.3*) ÷ 2 =
12.7 Г· 2 = 6.35 The standard deviation for the y:
Sy = ∑y2 (∑y)2 n n n 1
I will draw a table in which I will work out ∑y2 and (∑y)2 . Treatment tube
∑x = 42∑x2 = 596
(∑x)2 = 1764
Sy = ∑y2 (∑y)2 nn n 1 = (596 (1764 ÷ 3)) ÷ 2 = (596 588) ÷ 2 = 8 ÷ 2 = 4 My
null hypothesis is that bile salts have no effect on the digestion of lipid and lipase will
still breakdown the fat, the reaction times will be the same.
The critical value of probability is 0.05. The critical value at 4 degrees of freedom
with probability 0.05 is 2.776.
tcalc = x y sx2 + sy2 n1
The Differing Perspectives of the Patriots and Loyalists...
Patriots vs Loyalists Being subjected to public humilation in front of massive crowds
with harsh punishments, the loyalists found themselves in a tough predicament
between the radicals and their independence from Britian while the loyalists thought
differently. Most of the loyalists found their properties vandalized, looted and burned
by angry mobs of men. There was no doubt that the patriots of the thirteen colonies
controlled the public discourse. There was bound to be a revolt against the British by
the patriots because they didn t agree against the policies imposed by the British
parliament. The patriots of The New World have a much more logical reasoning than
the loyalists because they felt that the British parliament was in... Show more content
on ...
James Otis mentions No part of His Majesty s dominions can be taxed without their
consent... this would seem to [contradict] the theory of the constitution which
explains that the governed must have a say in what they will be taxed on and if not,
the British Parliament is par taking in illegal actions. With no representation in
Parliament, American colonists who felt the taxes to be a little excessive had no
other option other than civil disobedience to rebel. It is safe to to say that the
colonists had every right to rebel against the British. Unlike other acts and taxes
imposed by the British parliament the Stamp Act effected everyone in the colonies
even the colonists who remained loyal to King eventhough, all the colonies were all
equally effected by this act imposed by the British. This meant that all legal
documents including permits, contracts, newspapers and even playing cards had to
carry a tax stamp, the revenue (collected by American customs agents) was
supposedly to be used for defending, protecting and securing the colonies, but the
patriots would have thought differently. They just wanted to be independent from
Britian. There was little expectation from Britian and the members of parliament of
how intense of a protest that the Stamp Act would generate in America. As mentioned
before, the colonists didn t like to be taxed by Britian any more because they felt
living separate from the mother country would only decrease the amount of taxation
Women During The Civil War Essay
Women during the Civil War were thought to be those who supplied food and
clothing for their men. Some made a difference by becoming nurses, yet some
women strived for more. They wanted to be able to see first hand on the front line
what kind of war they were really fighting. Women brave enough to risk their lives
would disguise themselves as men and fight. Other women tried to find papers and
try to understand truthfully what was happening, and the urge to know if they were
winning took over their minds.
This War was the first where women wanted to know more and became more
involved, they played important roles toward the war. During the time of the Civil War
women who were associated with it at the scene were nurses. Some even set up
ladies aid societies in which they would send food, clothes, and even cash to their
troops ( Women in the Civil War , 2017).... Show more content on ...
Most soldiers in the war were known as citizen soldiers meaning they were not
trained to fight, and both women and men learned at the same pace what was
occurring during the Civil War ( Female Soldiers in the Civil War , 2017).
Prevailing Victorian sentiments compelled most soldiers to sleep clothed, bathe
separately, and avoid public latrines ( Female Soldiers in the Civil War , 2017). In
this century illnesses were easily spread from person to person, so the more
clothing and coverage a person had, the smaller chance they would have of
becoming infected ( Female Soldiers in the Civil War , 2017). This made it
effortless for women to hide their body shape and feminine looks, and at the time
men with no beard were just considered to be young ( Female Soldiers in the Civil
War , 2017). Also even though there is no true evidence of this, for women to hide
their facial they would rub dirt on their face and cut their hair to give them a
Copper s Atomic Structure Essay
Copper is the 29th element in the periodic table, located more specifically at group
11, period 4. Because of its chemical and physical attributes, it is a transition metal,
which denotes high boiling and melting points. Both a conductor of heat and
electricity, Copper is ductile and malleable. Its symbol Cu derives from the Latin
cuprum. Copper is also valued for its two for one practicality: it is a vital nutrient that
has antibacterial properties. Aside from what many people generally know about
Copper (the common knowledge, so to speak), there is much information regarding
its atomic buildup.
Every element s atoms are composed of three main subatomic particles: neutrons,
electrons and protons. Located in the atom s nucleus, ... Show more content on ...
Copper has atomic number 29 and mass number 63.546 u. With that information,
one can deduce that Copper has 29 protons (the atomic number) and 35 neutrons
(mass number minus atomic number). For all decimal cases, mass number is
rounded up to the closest integer, so Copper is listed as having 35 neutrons instead
of 34.546 neutrons. This discrepancy exists because Copper s atomic mass is the
average atomic mass of a mixture of isotopes (in this case, Copper atoms that differ
in their neutrons count). For the purpose of this essay, we should only mention two
isotopes of Copper: the two stable, naturally occurring isotopes. These isotopes are
Cu with mass number 63 and a percent abundance of 69.17 (while still keeping
atomic number of 29) and Cu with mass number 65 and a percent abundance of
30.83 (once again, atomic number 29). Copper has 27 other isotopes, whose mass
numbers range from 52 to 80, but they are radioactive, highly unstable, and sustain
very short half lives. As stated before, a proton carries a positive charge and an
electron has a negative charge. So, as logic and basic mathematics would suggest, an
atom is always electrically neutral when the number of protons equals the number of
electrons and the two cumulative charges cancel. For Copper to be neutral, its
electron count must match its atomic number 29, so one can infer
Analysis Of The Book Praisesong For The Widow By Paule...
All the three novels represent inevitable shaping of identities through memories of
slavery and the past. For this reason, the main characters in the novels are tightly
connected to their homelands as it is essential part of their beings although American
culture is strange and complicated for them to fit in and be a part of it. This is
because of their alienation from cultural practices such as the use of a common
dialect. The novelPraisesong for the Widow written by Paule Marshall revolves
around a characternamed Avey Johnson who is crossroads to define her destiny
generated from years of poverty and a rocky marriage. According to the detailed
novel, Avey Johnson faces discrimination and attempts to assimilate her into being a
white. It is evident throughout the novel that the senior citizen is unable to clearly
acknowledge the white cultureas a result of endless memory running across her mind.
In her school of thought, the dense population of whites was not a representative of
her identity but as conformity to the majority perspective. In this regard, this novel
highlights the hegemonic practice of the ideology of selective retention. For
example, Avey Johnson is singled out as one among many of the assimilated
Americans who follow a certain culture blindly to limit violence and extremism from
the majority of the citizenry. The Avey Johnson, the main character in Praisesong for
the Widow (1983), in trying to become a part of wealthy, white society, forgets her
The Little Mouse
The little mouse crouched in the bush. Ginger went into a hunting crouch he snuck
up on the mouse. Right when he was about to pounce, he heard a grumbling the
mouse scapered away and Ginger woke up with a start. He jumped down from his
twoleg bed and walked out into the kitchen. He had been having this dream for
many moons now. He looked down at his food bowl and ate the food. His fur was
glimmering in the morning sun. His dream reminded him of how he always
wanted to live in the forest and hunt for mice. He went out to his twolegs garden.
He looked at the forest beyond his home. He wanted to go and live a life in the
forest ever since he was a kit. He had heard of stray cats that lived in the forest
beyond. He thought that maybe he could join them.
He decided it was time he journeyed away from his home into the forest beyond. He
knew it was going to be hard but it was life he had always dreamed of. He thought
that maybe other cats might want to come along with him. He knew that none of
his kittypet friends would want to come along. I might be able to find other cats
along the way , he thought. He knew that it was to early to leave today. He to
prepare for the long journey ahead. He had to find the cats that wanted to go with
him today. He jumped down from the fence and started looking.
This task is harder than I inferred , he said to himself. Maybe I should ask some cats
I know, he thought. None of the cats knew any strays that might want to come with
him, but one cat
Non Profit Business Plan
Non Profit Business Plan
Legal Page
Confidentiality Agreement
The undersigned reader acknowledges that the information provided by
_________________________ in this business plan is confidential; therefore, reader
agrees not to disclose it without the express written permission of
It is acknowledged by reader that information to be furnished in this business plan is
in all respects confidential in nature, other than information which is in the public
domain through other means and that any disclosure or use of same by reader, may
cause serious harm or damage to _________________________.
Upon request, this document is to be immediately returned to
___________________ ... Show more content on ...
It is projected that within three years, 50% of the system s students will be in middle
school. This age group is particularly problematic and a perfect time for mentoring to
be effective.
Unite for Youths mentoring programs will pair a youth with mentor for 12 months.
During that time the two will participate in weekly planned activities to strengthen
the relationship between the two and improve the young person s confidence and
hopefulness. Mentors will receive continuous training throughout the year and will
participate in monthly meeting to report the young person s progress.
Over time, Unite for Youth will create a learning environment that will be an
invaluable resource to young people, aspiring mentors and the community at large.
Chart: Highlights
1.1 Objectives
Unite for Youth is being established to provide mentoring for at risk middle and high
school youth in the Greater Claremont area. The program will create partnerships
with the local school districts and the juvenile court system. Unite for Youth matches
a caring adult volunteer with a referred youth. Unite for Youth will setup four distinct
mentoring programs:
Trailblazers: Trailblazers is the central program of Unite for Youth. At risk middle
school students and their mentors participate in a structured program of support.
Turnaround: Turnaround focuses on students who are
I Am Malala Research Paper
In, I am Malala, it details the journey of Malala s fight for her and millions of other
girls to have an education. Malala was born on Swat Valley in Pakistan. She is a
girl like any other but she has her special talents. Malala lives in Mingora with her
two younger brothers and her parents. Before the Talibancame to Pakistan, Swat
Valley was a peaceful region known for its beauty, and tourists came from all over
the world to see its tall mountains, lush green hills and crystal clear rivers. Malala s
father, Zaiuddin, ran a school and that s where Malala s love for educationgrew. Many
people thought that her school was not in the straight path of Islam. As time passed
by, people started to listen to Radio Mullah. This Radio Mullah was telling people
that listening to music, seeing movies, dancing was... Show more content on ...
After a five hour operation, doctors successfully removed the bullet but she had
developed an infection so doctors decided to put her in a coma; that way Malala
could fly to England for better care. Dr. Fiona and Dr. Javid were in Pakistan at the
time and they asked for advice. They told the Pakistani doctors that Malala wouldn
t survive unless she was moved to a better hospital. So they flew her in a private jet
offered by the United Arab Emirates to Birmingham, England. There she recovered.
The Taliban shot Malala Yousafzai to silence her. Instead the whole world was
listening to her message now. People all over the world were praying for her to
recover. Many celebrities and politicians wished her a speedy recovery such as,
Selena Gomez, Angelina Jolie, BeyoncГ©, Madonna, and The president of Pakistan.
Malala is later released from the hospital and now lives in Birmingham with her
family. She later is asked to talk in the United Nations and she receives the Nobel
Early Childhood Coloring Essay
Many parents are looking for ways to give their children the tools they will need
for later in life. It is important that parents work with their children early on to
develop some much needed skills. It has been proven that children are more likely to
learn a new skill through play. Here are some important activities for early childhood
that your children are sure to find fun.
Many people may not look at coloring as an important activity. However, encouraging
a child to color has many benefits. Coloring will help a young child develop their
fine motor skills. Often children are first exposed to how to grip a writing instrument
when coloring. It is thought that children that color often during their early childhood
find it easier when learning how to write. As young children become more accustom
to coloring try using other tools such as an easel or tape the paper to the wall. You
can also introduce markers, colored pencils and chalk to give them a new experience
and broaden their coloring ability. A simple activity would be to trace your child s
hand and have them practice coloring within the lines.
Play Dough ... Show more content on ...
Many are not aware but this is a great exercise to develop a child s fine motor skills.
Play dough can be used to help a child learn many things such as shapes and letters.
Introducing rolling pins and child safe scissors is also a way to help develop a
child s fine motor skills and makes the activity more fun. For a fun early childhood
activity try making homemade play dough and allowing the children to help in
measuring the ingredients. Creating your own play dough also allows the children to
work on their color recognition by choosing their desired
Who Is The Protagonist In The Midwife s Parentice
Character Analysis She s cold... she s hungry... and she s alone until she knocks on
the door. The book The Midwife s Apprentice starts off by introducing us to an
unnamed orphan who scours from village to village just to get a meal. Later on in
the book, she finds a role as The Midwife s Apprentice she continues with this role
for the majority of the book. Towards the end of the book she begins to create a
positive reputation for herself and eventually gives herself the name Alyce, while
becoming well known in the village. When Alyce is first introduced to the reader,
she is hopeless, but as the book goes on she becomes wiser. Finally towards the end
of the book she becomes an experienced Midwife s Apprentice. At the beginning of
the book Alyce is starving, she s cold, and she has to sleep on a dung heap for
warmth. At this point she is hopeless, on Page 2, the text states Tonight she settled
for the warm rotting of the dung heap. This shows that she is hopeless as she has to
settle for the dung heap, it s not as if she had a choice of sleeping in a bed. On Page 2,
... Show more content on ...
People are actually asking her for advice on certain random topics. On Page 41 the
author states Alyce who had slept alone outside in the dark... had never yet seen
the devil and had nothing to fear. This shows that she s wise because she is smart
enough to realize that she had nothing to fear of the devil. A little later in the book
on Page 52 the author states As september turned to october and October to
November, through all those days, alyce grew in knowledge and skill. and but the
villagers noticed, and as October turned to November and the ghosts walked on
All hallows Eve, they began to ask her how why and what can I. This proves that she
s wise as villagers began to ask for advice, and the text specify specifies that she is
growing in knowledge and
Research Paper On Cuban Embargo
It is said that President John F. Kennedy secured nearly 1,200 Cuban cigars just
hours before enacting the Cuban trade embargo in 1962. Many Americans probably
wished they could have done this before all trade between the United States and
Cuba ceased as the United States now marks the 55th year of an ongoing embargo
against Cuba. On February 3, 1962 President Kennedy signed Proclamation 3447 to
declare an embargo against all trade between the United Statesand Cuba. This
embargo consists of trade, travel, and commerce restrictions for all people and
companies under United States jurisdiction. The United States cut off all ties with
this neighboring nation just ninety miles off the coast of Florida. This was Kennedy s
defense against communism,... Show more content on ...
What do these countries have to do with Cuba? While despite these countries records
of human rights violations and differing governments, the United States continues
trade, travel and commerce with all of these nations. Wayne Smith explains how
former President George W. Bush lifted trade sanctions on North Korea in 2008 even
amidst concerns about the nations desire to develop nuclear weapons (Smith,
Wayne). Cuba has tried to meet the high standards of the United States with no avail.
After the CDA was passed in 1992, Havana initiated a number of reform measures in
1993, permitting farmers markets and small private enterprises, including private
restaurants and repair shops, use of the U.S. dollar as legal daily tender, and more
favorable terms for foreign investment. Americans are allowed to travel to other
communist countries, nations known for human rights violations, and even places on
the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism but cannot travel to Cuba. The United States
even trade with countries of differing governments and policies such as China,
Venezuela, and Vietnam regardless of their opposing governments and Cuba should
be no
Bill Of Rights Definition
The Bill of Rights was written by James Madison and was ratified in December 15,
1791. The Bill of Rights was created because the colonies didn t want a constitution
without a Bill of Rights because they were afraid that the government would
become too powerful and they would not have rights. In June 8, 1789, James
Madison proposed the Bill of Rights to the House of Representatives and they
approved 17 amendments, and in September 25, 1789 congressed approved
ratification for 12 amendments. After congress ratified the amendments they sent it
to the colonies so they could ratify the bill as well. Finally on December 15, 1791
the colonies ratified only 10 of the 12 amendments and the bill became part of the
U.S. Constitution. Creation of The... Show more content on ...
This is the Ninth Amendment and it is very short, it just let us know that there are
other rights that may exist besides the ones mentioned, and even though they are not
listed, it does not mean they can be violated. The Ninth Amendment is now mainly
used to stop the government from expanding their power. The last amendment in the
Bill of Rights is the Tenth Amendment. This amendment states, The powers not
delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states,
are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people, (The Bill of Rights Institute,
2016). This amendment basically says that any power that is not given to the
federal government is given to the people or the states. The Bill of Rights Today
The Bill of Rights has made a huge impact in American s lives. Thanks to the Bill of
Rights everyone s unalienable rights are protected and the government hasn t turned
into a strong federal government. This bill has helped us with our daily life and I bet
it has saved an abundant number of people when they re in trouble. Without the Bill
of Rights U.S. citizens would have no natural
Comparing Anselm And St. Thomas Aquinas Cur Deus
In the Cur Deus Homo and the Compendium of Theology, Anselm of Canterbury and
St. Thomas Aquinas present their reasoning as to why it was necessary for the
incarnation and death of Jesus Christ. Although both theologians agree that it was
imperative for God to become incarnate as human in order to save the human race
from sin, Anselm and St. Thomas Aquinas disagree on the status of the human race
and the nature of God. In the Cur Deus Homo, Anselm portrays humans as lowly,
indebted vassals to a wrathful God. On the contrary, St. Thomas Aquinas portrays
humans as damaged beings who, through atonement, can join a merciful God in His
kingdom. Much like the lord and vassal relationships of the Middle Ages, Anselm of
Canterburyargues that humans owe God a debt of honor. In Anselm s theology, every
single one of God s rational creatures owes their entire physical and mental being to
the... Show more content on ...
Thomas Aquinas theology agreed with Anselm on why God had to incarnate into
man in order to save humans, his portrayal of humans and God is a stark contrast to
Anselm s blatantly disrespectful humans and justice seeking, verging on vengeful,
God. In his Compendium of Theology, St. Thomas Aquinas states that in the plan of
divine Providence it was decreed that human nature, which had been ravaged in the
manner described, should be restored. It could not be admitted to perfect beatitude
unless it were freed of its defilement (Compendium of Theology, ch. 199, pp. 255).
Unlike the humans in Anselm s theology, St. Thomas Aquinas paints them as people
who were created to reach happiness with God by God, but are unable to because
they are tainted by original sin. Also, unlike the Anselm s portrayal of God, St.
Thomas Aquinas portrayal of God is merciful and wants humans to reach eternal
salvation. This God wants to restore humanity from sin in order for them to gain true
happiness by living with their Creator in harmony. However, in very similar theology
Thomas Jefferson Paragraph
Rough Draft
He did not fight with a gun or a sword. He fought with words. (Meet Thomas
Jefferson, page one chapter one). Thomas Jefferson was a terrible speaker, he did
better writing. Thomas Jefferson was one of the best writers in the time. He was the
third U.S. president of our country. He is famous for writing the Declaration of
Independence, it took him seventeen days to write. Personally Jefferson was an
architect who designed his own house and Virginia State College. He also was a
statesman, a collector of prehistoric bones, and had the largest book collection of
books in America. Thomas Jefferson held himself up to high standards, and he wrote
about them in the Declaration of Independence, which made him a strong, honest,
and loyal man.
Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743, in Shadwell plantation. Shadwell
plantation is near Charlottesville, Virginia, which is on the western edge of the
Great Britain American Empire. Jefferson s dad is Peter Jefferson, he lived from
1708 to 1757, he was a successful planter, and farmer, his dad also made the first
correct map of Province, Virginia. Jefferson s mother was Jane Randolph Jefferson,
was an English Scottish descent. Thomas Jefferson was born into an important
family of Virginia planter group. He was the third oldest son of ten kids in his
family he has six sisters, and one surviving brother. Him and his brothers, and sisters
played in the woods read, and practiced violin together.
Jefferson was properly educated at the age of nine. He excelled in classical
languages like Latin, and Greek in 1757, also excelled in literature, and math, when
he was fourteen years old. In 1760 Jefferson went to the college of William and
Mary. Near the Williamsburg, Virginia s capital. The College of William and Mary
is the second oldest college in the United States. Jefferson got a true college
After college Thomas Jefferson wanted to learn American law, so he practiced law
from 1760 to 1764. He was a great lawyer, because he won almost every cases he had.
Thomas Jefferson took a five year course that was exhausting for him, but for him the
work payed off because he passed the Bar. He passed the Bar in the year of 1767
adderall advantage
Drug Abuse in College New York Times Page 1 of 3 July 31, 2005 The Adderall
Advantage By ANDREW JACOBS IT was finals week at Columbia University and
Angela needed a miracle. Like many of her classmates, Angela, a bleary eyed
junior, had already pulled a pair of all nighters to get through a paper on Finnegans
Wake, a French test and an exam for her music humanities class. All that remained
was a Latin American literature final, but as midnight approached, her stamina was
beginning to fade. This week is killing me, she said, taking a cigarette break in front
of the school library. At this point, I could use a little help. Thanks to a friend, the
tiny orange pill in her purse would provide the needed miracle.... Show more content
on ...
Sorting out those with legitimate diagnoses from the deceivers can be nearly
impossible, he said, because in psychiatry, there is no blood test. He said he always
tells patients that it s illegal to share their medicine, but added, I can t exactly go into
their dorm room and count their pills. Requests for comment by Columbia
administrators were referred to Dr. Laurence Greenhill, a clinical psychiatrist at the
university, who said that the idea that Adderall is a performance enhancer is a myth.
It won t increase your intelligence, it just increases your diligence, he said.
Essentially, the drugs delay the onset of sleep so you can stay up all night and cram.
Designer stimulants like Adderall are far less dangerous than cocaine or
methamphetamines. According to the Shire Pharmaceuticals Group, which makes
Adderall, medical research has found it has no potential for addiction. But Adderall,
like many other medications, can interact with other drugs and create problems,
particularly when taken in other than prescribed dosages, a spokesman said. The main
side effects of analeptics are increased heart rate, agitation and the kind of paranoia
and disorientation that results from amphetamine induced insomnia. In February, the
Canadian government suspended sales of Adderall XR, the time release version of
the medication, noting 20 international reports of sudden deaths, heart related deaths
and strokes in children and
Aluminium Commodities
World production: 44.6 million tonnes (2011)
Despite being the most abundant metal on earth (in its raw state of bauxite),
aluminium used to be considered a precious metal. Only once the processes of
extraction and smelting were made more efficient and electricity became cheaper and
more readily available did aluminium become what it is today the most extensively
used non ferrous metal in the world and the most liquid contract traded on the LME.
Aluminium is extremely light, pliable, has good electrical conductivity and is
resistant to corrosion. It is used in a wide variety of products: cans, foils, window
frames, car body panels,wiring and kitchen utensils.
World aluminium production 2011 Region| %| Asia| 55%| Europe| 20%... Show more
content on ...
Exercise will result in two futures contracts, one at the strike price and the other at the
Monthly Average Settlement Price (MASP). The effect is to generate a cash
settlement which is settled on the second business day after the declaration day for
the TAPO month| Settlement type| Financial| Trading venues| Ring, inter office
telephone and LMEselect (as a hedged option only)|
* LMEswaps
LMEswaps are financially settled LME futures contracts based on the Monthly
Average Settlement Price (MASP) of the relevant metal. Contract code| OAD|
Contract months| Monthly out to 63 months| Price quotation| US dollars per tonne|
Clearable currencies| US dollars| Averaging period| The number of business days in a
calendar month| Final settlement day| Two business days after the averaging month|
Settlement price
Persuasive Essay On Risk Taking
My theme report looks at the issues of taking risks in order to overcome
stereotypes, poor decisions from the past, and the make progress in life. I learned
from the theme study that if you take risks and if you have the right personal
qualities you can change your world personally, and influence others positively. The
four films I watched for this report were Les Intouchables,Life of a King,12 years a
slave and they all showed me the consequences of risktaking which were either loss
or great rewards in life.some of the results of risk taking I have discovered from
these movies are it can change your personality,leads to wealth and money,second
chances in life and mostly you take possession of something you once lost.
A significant connection across the texts is the positive consequences in life that
come from taking risks. The first similarity I see is that risk taking leads to
happiness and earning a new life. We see this in both 12 years a slave and The
Hurricane. We see this positive consequence from risk taking in life of a king where
Eugene earns back love from his children and got his family back. This positive
outcome is similar to 12 years a slave when Solomon is returned (right at the end)
to his family. From the dialogue between Eugene and Katrina daughter we can see
how desperate and self accusatory Eugene is feeling about his son Marco being in
prison when Katrina says I wanted to come tell you in person. Marco s locked up. He
s been in juvenile
Cough Case Study Essay
Heather Colome
University of South Florida
CASE ONE: Mrs. L. Windermere is a 73 year old woman under your care for more
than a decade. She has no chronic medical conditions and comes in once a year in
the spring just to catch up. In this visit her only complaint is a cough. It started a
month or two ago following a cold. She hadn t been very ill just some congestion and
rhinorrhea. After those symptoms mostly resolved, she developed this cough. She
asks, Is there something you can give me for this cough?
1. How is cough categorized? Is this a chronic cough?
According to Pratter, Brightling, Boulet, and Irwin, (2006), based on duration, cough
can be divided into three categories: acute, lasting 3 ... Show more content on ...
She doesn t recall any sick contacts, but her husband is a minister, and she mingles
with members of his congregation three to four days a week. On physical exam her
oral pharynx is slightly erythematous but there is no cobblestoning and her nasal
turbinates are neither pale nor inflamed. She has no lymphadenopathy, and her lungs
sound clear without any wheezing or crackles.
3. Do you want an X ray? How are you going to treat this cough?
Yes I would order a chest x ray due to the duration of her cough, the fact that it is
post infectious, her age, and to evaluate for pneumonia and masses. Due to the
duration of the cough and the fact that her cough is becoming productive with
yellow sputum, I would tell the patient she probably started out with a viral
bronchitis that now could be transitioning into a bacterial bronchitis and/or
Pertussis and I would prescribe an antibiotic that will cover both: Azithromycin
500mg PO day 1, then 250mg PO Daily X 4 days. I would instruct her to buy over
the counter mucinex take as directed on box, and drink plenty of fluids. If the cough
does not improve in 3 weeks have her follow up.
CASE ONE CONTINUED: She returns in three weeks. Her chest X ray was normal.
Her symptoms are unchanged.
4. Now what? What is Upper Airway Cough Syndrome?
Now further evaluation is needed and a change in treatment. According to Tofts,
P.H., Oliveira, E., and Ferrer, G. (2011), UACS (formerly known as postnasal drip) is
due to chronic upper
A Manager Communicating With Associates
A manager communicating with associates in China, using the Hofstede s cultural
dimension, will be mindful of such things as power distance, individualism,
masculinity, uncertainty avoidance and many other variables. Power distance
rankings 80, masculinity 66, uncertainty avoidance 30. A manager dealing with
associates in China, will need to be aware of associates rankings and address them
accordingly, because the higher ranking you have in China, the less your authority
is questioned. China ranks 20 on hofstedes cultural dimensions power of
individualism and this is considered very low, so a manager should inspire group
activity in associates and focus less on individual work. The manager should
group projects to associates, because the Chinese ranking is medium in masculinity
and low in uncertainty avoidance due to their high inclination to be entrepreneurs
they are willing to take on challenging tasks: (Geert, 2016). Ireland
ranks low in power distance with a score of 28, low in uncertainty avoidance with a
score of 35, and high in individualism and masculinity with a score of 70 and 68
respectively. This implies that a manager dealing with associates in Ireland, must
treat associates the same irrespective of their rankings and must also allow them to
take more risks and take on more challenging tasks as they are more optimistic about
their future. The manager must also treat associates as individuals as Ireland is a
very competitive society and values
Relationship Marketing And Its Impact On The Customer...
Relationship Marketing and its Impact on the Customer Retention in the Food
Industry: A Case study on McDonald s, Bow, London
Module Title: Course Work B
Course Title: MA in Marketing and Innovation (Top Up)
LSM ID: 14642
Student Name: Md Shumsuddin Haidar
London School of Marketing
Date of the Submission: 05 05 2015
Table of the Content
Lists of the Contents Page No
1.1 Introduction4
1.2 Rational for the Study5
1.3 Research Aim6
1.4 Research Objectives6 1.5 Research Questions6
2. Literature Review6
2.1 Introduction6
2.2 The Concept of the Relationship Marketing6
2.3 The Relationship Marketing Components7
2.4 The Satisfaction of Customers 7
2.4.1 The Relationships between the Relationship Marketing and the Satisfaction of
2.5 The Customer Orientation8
2.6 The Customer Orientation and Customer Satisfaction8
2.7 The Retention of Customer 9
2.8 The Relationship Marketing and the Customer Retention9
3 Research Design and Methodology10
3.0 Research methodology10
3.1 Types of Investigation10
3.2 Data Collection Method11
3.3 Sampling Method11
3.4 Accessibility Issues12
3.5 Ethical Issues12
3.6 Data Analysis Plan12
3.7 Research Limitations13
4.1 Gantt Chart for Time Table14
5.1 References15
Study of Profitability of a Logistics Company
Executive summary
This study examines the impact of three factors, namely Sales, Fixed assets and
Interest paid on the profitability of a logistics company. Econometric tool of
multiple linear regression model was used for analyzing the impact of above factors
on profitability of a major logistics company GATI Limited. Based on the financial
data of last 10 years 2000 2009 the regression analysis has revealed that profitability
of GATI ltd. is significantly affected positively by increase in fixed assets and
adversely affected by increase in interest paid. The impact of increase in sales volume
on profitability is positive but miniscule. In addition seasonality ... Show more content
on ...
Moreover, projects such as the Golden Quadrilateral program, National Maritime
program, and introduction of freight corridors in rails shall strengthen the growth.
The current economic scenario, which is largely impacted by the global slowdown
however is expected to recover soon with the fall in logistics costs due to the huge
developments in infrastructure. With the rise in disposable incomes, changing
consumer preferences, fast emerging retail segments, infrastructure investment, the
Indian logistics sector and the 3PL markets are expected to witness explosive growth
in the successive years.
Constraints and Challenges
The biggest challenge faced by the organised logistics companies in India today, is
competition from the unorganized operators. This is coupled with increasing
environmental pressures, government regulations and subsidies for infrastructure
development. Adding to all these, is the lack of Industry status to the logistics sector.
Business Risks and Mitigation
The Year 2008 2009 for India was quite different from the expectations of industry
stalwarts and economy speculators. Increase in input materials costs, wages, interest
and transportation forced companies to cut costs. Logistic service providers
therefore are required to be cost effective and more efficient to compete in market
place. High logistics and warehousing costs in India shows that there are
The Orthodox View Of Orthodox Church
Orthodox is a religion that is talked less among strong Christian believers. Many of
the population don t even know that it exists, youth, and old adults are more likely
to discuss the religion Catholicism. Directly following the social protocol, many
think that orthodox is a religion that died out long time ago and few never learns
the history behind of its being in this world. Unlike the other denominations,
Orthodox churches have followed strict rules and scriptures that have been passed
down from generations. Many of my friends may say, Orthodox is not a true
religion. Stop wasting your time! As a member of the Orthodox faith for eighteen
years, I can only replay and say, You have no idea what you are talking about. In this
DCA paper, I will write to show that I am part of the Orthodox church, logically
explain why Orthodox altar boys is so strong, and illustrate how this type of
commitment affects your emotional life to prove that I belong in the Orthodox
discourse community.
I have always admired my faith, since birth I have been grown to believe Orthodox
scriptures and to follow the undying faith. I nearly never understood what certain
motions of a priest during a service or what some of the readings meant in my years
as a child. The recognition of church faith began when I was 12 years old, as a
member of the St. Mary s, now called St. Mary s Valliyapally, in Farmers Branch,
Carrolton, TX. I started to learn the importance of each word in the prayer book, and
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An Essay On Love. 001 Do People Really Fall In Love Essay Sample Essays On Thatsnotus

  • 1. An Essay On Love Writing an essay on the topic of "An Essay On Love" is an intricate endeavor that demands navigating through the labyrinth of human emotions, experiences, and philosophical inquiries. Love, being one of the most profound and enigmatic aspects of human existence, defies simplistic definitions and categorizations. It transcends cultural, social, and personal boundaries, making it a subject that invites endless contemplation and analysis. Attempting to encapsulate the essence of love within the confines of an essay requires not only linguistic prowess but also a deep understanding of its multifaceted nature. Love manifests in various forms: romantic love, familial love, platonic love, and even self-love, each carrying its own complexities, nuances, and contradictions. To explore these dimensions adequately demands a delicate balance between personal reflection, scholarly insight, and creative expression. Moreover, the task of writing about love necessitates grappling with the inherent subjectivity of human experience. What love means to one person may differ vastly from another's interpretation, shaped by individual backgrounds, beliefs, and life experiences. As such, crafting an essay on love involves navigating a mosaic of perspectives, weaving together diverse voices and narratives to capture the richness and diversity of human affection. Yet, amidst the profundity and complexity, lies the challenge of avoiding clichГ©s and platitudes that often plague discussions about love. The temptation to resort to trite expressions and superficial analyses looms large, threatening to diminish the authenticity and depth of the discourse. To transcend these pitfalls requires a commitment to authenticity, vulnerability, and intellectual rigor, daring to explore love's darker corners as much as its radiant moments of joy and fulfillment. In essence, writing an essay on love demands a willingness to embrace ambiguity, vulnerability, and uncertainty. It beckons the writer to embark on a journey of introspection and exploration, delving deep into the recesses of the human heart in search of elusive truths and enduring mysteries. It is a labor of love in itself, requiring patience, empathy, and a genuine reverence for the enigmatic force that binds us all. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on An Essay On Love An Essay On Love
  • 2. Essay On Diwali Diwali or deepavali is a five day that festival that represents the start of the Hindu New Year. All the fireworks, the small clay lamps and candles that are lit during the celebration is one of the main reasons why it is called the Festival of Lights . This festival usually falls on the month of October or November . The lights are said to symbolize the victory of good over evil, and brightness over darkness. The Festival of Lights creates a warm atmosphere and it is celebrated with much joy and happiness. The first excitement would be the new clothing that we usually run around for days buying to be worn for deepavali. Apart from this , the elders which usually visits us would buy us sweets, gifts and not forgetting the packet of money. Another aspect of deepavali is the many different sweet made for the celebration . we usually visit relatives and friends with snacks and sweets and seek their blessings. Gulab jamun, Laddoos, Halwas and Kaju cakes were my favorites. My mom says that the festival is to mark the return of Rama to Ayodha after his defeat to ravana. She starts the day by offering Puja to the goddess Lakshmi. The delicious food that comes along with this festival is another reason why it should come more often in a year. ... Show more content on ... Deepavali is celebrated on the fist day as the day that Lord Rama returned to Ayoda after defeating Ravana. It also signifies the Harvesting Festival. Another legend is Naraksura, a monster who was a troublemaker to the gods. The second day is called Narak Chatardasi. On this day Lord Krishna destroyed the demon and made the world free from fear. The third day is called Diwali. Lakshmi puja is performed on this day. All homes are decorated and lit up by Diyas. The fourth day is called New Year of Bestavarsh. The fifth day is called Bhai Dhooj. It is about brothers and
  • 3. Free will in Lord of the Flies , by William Golding, and... According to Webster s dictionary, free will is defined as, the power of making free choices (Webster 454). Humans, unlike any other creatures, have free will, or have the ability to make their own decisions. Inherent in the ability to choose, is the potential to make choices that perfect or even destroy the world. With good use of free will, the world can be beautiful and pleasing; however, with misuse of free will, evil takes root and has the power to destroy. It is a human venture to learn to properly use the gift of free will. In William Golding s novel, Lord of the Flies, a plane crashes and many of the children aboard flee to an island to survive. On this island, these children abuse their newfound freedom and lose sight of their... Show more content on ... As Ralph weeps, we see how this knowledge hurts him and how he is destroyed by the effects of human violence. Ralph had the choice to not submit to the temptations and evils that take their innocence, but he is weak; he misuses this free will, ultimately showing us, the reader, some of the dire consequences that can result from misuse of free will. Ralph s antithesis in the novel is Jack, the book s antagonist. Jack is uncompromising as well as domineering and represents impulsive savagery and violence; he has a desire and craving for power, which is shown early in the book when he is infuriated that he loses the election of island leader to Ralph. However, Jack soon learns how to become the real leader over all of the boys. He begins by instinctively appealing to their base instincts, becoming more savage and barbaric; he hunts pigs and obsesses over this violence. He eventually learns to control the boys with their fear of the beast. Jack is the quintessential example of one who misuses free will; Jack chooses to use his knowledge and power to bring out the savagery in the little ones. Jack s savage mindset becomes even more power hungry and violent after he kills his first pig, His mind was crowded with memories; memories
  • 4. Edgar Allen Poe s The Raven In spite of his strictly formulated idea of the step by step designed poetry, Poe seemingly did not follow his own rules. Throughout his essay we can identify several signs that lead us to the assumption that the essay serves as a kind of device for hoaxing his audience. As Person highlights, Poe writes in his essay that he was just led at once to the use of one word as refrain, which means that it was not the result of a long process of designing. The case of the absurd speaking creature is similar as well, as Poe admits that the idea of the non reasoning bird that is capable to speech came to his mind randomly. (Person, 4.) Here, then, immediately arose the idea of a non reasoning creature capable of speech, and very naturally, a parrot,... Show more content on ... Person argues that the denouement was not present in the beginning of the poem but it was added at the end. This means that both the final effect and Poe s intention was presented only at the end, which stands in opposition with what he had written in the beginning of his essay. Poe himself admitted in the end of his analysis that only in the very last stanza of The Raven can the reader identify the intention. (Person, 5.) Regarding the operation of paradoxes within the essay, we can conclude that the whole work can be seen as a hoax. According to Dennis W. Eddings, who argued in his essay, Mad Ravings or Sound Thinking?: The Philosophy of Composition and Poe s Parodic Raven that Poe baffled his readers in many ways; first of all, his compositional method belied reality, as rather than mathematical precision, The Raven seems to be the product of accident or intuition. (Eddings, 194.) The issue of language can be seen as the other obvious device for his game with the readers. Poe in his essay attacked the disjointed, frenzied rhetoric, but his own language seemed to descend at that level in some cases. The most outstanding example for this problem, according to Eddings, is the part of the essay, when Poe refuted the idea of composing in the state of
  • 5. Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose Essay Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose The play Twelve Angry Men , By Reginald Rose, is a play about 12 jurors that in an uncomfortable room have to discuss a life and death case about a boy that is accused or killing his father. the jurors do not really know eachother to talk to and wish they were anywhere but in that juryroom. Every juror has a different emotional pattern that makes the play interesting. In my opinion there were 3 main jurors in the jury room: Juror 8, Juror 3 and Juror 9. Juror 8 is important because he is smart, brave, and fair. Juror 3 was important because he was the antagonist, he was mean, and he was intolerant. Juror 9 was important because he wasn t afraid of confronting other jurors. Juror 8 was ... Show more content on ... In addition, Juror 8 was also fair. He said It s not easy for me to raise my hand and send a boy off to die with out talking about it first when he was the only one that voted not guilty in the first vote. He also listened to everyone s opinions and never insulted anyone. Juror 3 was also a very important juror in the jury room. Juror 3 was the antagonist. He was the main enemy of Juror 8 and he was trying to keep people from believing that the boy was not guilty. Juror 3 was also mean. He wanted everyone to think the way he did, and lost his temper whenever they didn t. In addition, Juror 3 was also intolerant. He didn t want to listen to anybody s opinions and in the discussion that he had with Juror 8 on page 147 in the book, it seemed that he personally wanted the kid to die. Another very important juror in the jury room was Juror 9. Juror 9 was a fair man. He voted not guilty because he had a reasonable doubt in his mind and he listened to everyone s opinions, Juror 9 was also smart. He made a reasonable doubt by saying that the old man might of lied to get attention because he noticed that he was a quiet, frightened, insignificant man who has probably never been nothing all his life. He also remembered that the woman in the train had bifocals, and that she never took them off. that made a reasonable doubt on everyone s mind because it would of been very hard for the woman in the
  • 6. Roswell And Ufos This essay will be about how the perspective of Roswell/UFO s have changed over time. How after this incident, UFO s have been seen all over the world. In America, over 80% of it s population now believe that UFO s exist (Wilson). Now for what reason would so many people start to believe that UFO s exist. Will aliens were believed way before this era, because people have said there s no way we re the only people in the billions of galaxies. There was no evidence or proof of aliens being encountered with, but after Roswell s incident, it led to innumerable amounts of people believing that aliens do exist. First, Roswell s incident was claimed to be the first encounter with aliens. The first proof that aliens could exist. When the scene had happened, ... Show more content on ... It could lead to different shocking outcomes that only the government could imagine. But of course why, will first if someone is very religious, they can say there is now way one planet in billions of galaxies only have life, but the government keeps it secret for a very alarming reason. The government does not want us to be scared or alarmed (THE UFO COVER UP). It s a very protective reason for the world to not go into panic and havoc (The UFO COVER UP).Because of the reasonings, this shows that aliens exist. For example. it s like hiding something that you know you ve done wrong but can t hide. Giving new explanations and cover up proving it doesn t exist when all these occurrences have already taken place. There s no way of hiding that the government is just blinding the public from UFO s, making us worry about our own lives, and our own self belief. (The UFO COVER UP). In conclusion, Roswell s incident has been proven that a UFO has crashed near this area. From why the military had covered up this situation so quickly, with all the new sightings, evidence proving aliens have been encountered with at Roswell. Also with the government secrecy, Area 51 being so secretive, military never giving out word about aliens from all the occurrences that have taken. These all gives reason for people to believe that aliens do exist. Proving that this incident might have been the first and also proving that this
  • 7. Case Study Of Fast Food Introduction and Background: In the 21st century, everybody has become so busy in his life. People have to work more hours to live better life. So they prefer to eat fast food in the restaurant, which consume less time rather than cooking in the house. There are so many information on the internet that people are getting addicted to fast food, which is really unhealthy for them. So our main purpose to findout that is fast food really unhealthy for the people and if yes then how many its adverse effects will be. Because of there are lots of fast food company, we have choosen McDonald for our research perposal because it is well known and old fast food company all over the world. McDonald is the one of the leading food industry, which started in 1940 by two brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald in San Bernardino, California. In 1954, to began new restaurant outside California, Ray Kroc who was a entrepreneur and milkshake mixer salesman, acquired the franchise of McDonald. He opened his first restaurant in Illinois, Chicago and established McDonald`s corporation. In 1961, Kroc had owned the whole McDonald business by pay 2.7 million dollars to McDonald brothers. To spread his business on the international level, Kroc opened first branch of McDonald in Richmond, British Colombia in 1967. After that McDonald started spreading its roots in other nations. In Porirua, New Zealand, first restaurant was introduced in 1976. In present era, there are more than 150 restaurants all over
  • 8. Three Views of Population Growth Scenario 1 Disastrous As the century began, natural resources are under increasing pressure, threatening public health and development. Water shortages, soil exhaustion, loss of forests, air and water pollution, and degradation of coastlines afflict many areas. As the world s population grows, improving living standards without destroying the environment is a global challenge. Most developed economies currently consume resources much faster than they can regenerate. Most developing countries with rapid population growth face the urgent need to improve living standards. As we humans exploit nature to meet present needs, are we destroying resources needed for the future? In the past decade in every environmental sector, conditions have ... Show more content on ... Pollution is decreasing in the world s seas due to the improved sanitation. Ocean fisheries are prospering due to the improved measures that are taken to restock the once dwindling ocean resources. В•Forests: With improved technology, it is easier than ever to maintain and even improve on the amount of forestry. More trees are being planted and grown, while larger areas are being converted into new forests. As stated earlier, forests provide over US$400 billion to the world economy annually and are vital to maintaining healthy ecosystems. Future demands for forestry products will not even exceed 25% of consumption. В•Biodiversity: As stated earlier, the earth s biological diversity is crucial to the continued vitality of agriculture and medicine and perhaps even to life on earth itself. The global population has realized the importance of plant and animal species and has begun to reproduce those plant and animal species which were once on the verge of extinction. В•Global climate change: The earth s surface has begun to cool due to the lowered amount of greenhouse gas emissions. The global temperature will begin to decrease and sea levels would remain at a normal level. The once feared issue of global warming will become nothing more than a distant memory. Scenario 3 В– Wildcard In this third scenario, I have decided to use for my wildcard the Global Abortion Act. Of course there is no such thing as the Global Abortion Act, so
  • 9. Conformity In 1960s America In the words of President Lyndon B. Johnson, Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose. The connotation of this statement implies the strong sentiment of the 60s that defines the transition from a traditionalist society to one of free expression. Conformity shaped the American society of the 50s and continued to influence the early years of the 1960s. The 50s created a sense of false stability and unity in the United Statespost WWII. Economically, the country was prosperous due to the levels of wartime production, and the population was at no shortage of citizens thanks to the baby boom. However, the evident threat of communism during the Cold Warat home during the Red Scare and the growing numbers of Americans... Show more content on ... These movements were popular influences for artists and sculptors alike and helped to spread positive sentiment towards the affected minorities of the 60s society. Judy Chicago was one of the main female pioneers for women in the arts for her sculptures that promoted a sense of attention and recognition for women of the feminist movement. Her pieces of art celebrated the experiences and accomplishments of women through time and focused on the uniqueness and differences that a woman had in comparison to man. Chicago also used materials that would have been considered women s homestay activities, including needlework and ceramic decoration, in order to show that a woman s art is comparable to a man s and is capable of having its own story and content. Domes is a selected piece of art that consists of three domed figures laid out in a triangular formation that represents a symbol of feminism in its softer appearance and layout. Transitively, the feminist art movement was also related to the art that was created by African Americans during the 60s. Both groups were advocating for improved rights, and both took the opportunity to utilize art to expand upon the ideas and accomplishments of the movements they were a part of. Sculptor Elizabeth Catlett and photographer Moneta Sleet Jr. were both influenced by the civil rights movements, Sleet being closely associated with Martin Luther King Jr. and his peace marches. Catlett had a hand in both the feminist and African American art realms. Her wooden or clay sculptures represented the strength and power of both African and Mexican women who ranged from laborers to mothers, and through this art she established her position as an advocate for women of all races and the African American race. Sleet was directly affiliated with Martin Luther King Jr. from the day he was sent to record the boycott in
  • 10. The Black Sox Scandal During The 1919 World Series The Black Sox Scandal was during the 1919 World Series. The Chicago White Sox lost the series to the Cincinnati Reds. This was the biggest scandal ever in professional sports. Eight White Sox players were later accused of throwing the game in exchange for money from gamblers. The players were acquitted in court, but nevertheless, they were all banned for life from baseball. Here is their story. What a hell of a league this is. I hit .387 .408 and .395 the last three years and I ain t won nothin yet. This is one of the quotes from the famous Joe Jackson, known better as Shoeless Joe. He played for the Chicago White Sox that later became known as the Black Sox. He was involved in the huge scandal. The best players on the team were ... Show more content on ... Second was Joe. Their best pitcher was Eddie Cicotte with a 29 7 record. He was known as the game changer . Lefty Williams was a close second with a record of 23 11. Shoeless Joe got his name in a weird way. Shoeless Joe had shoes and they weren t broken in yet, so Shoeless Joe went barefoot the entire game and took on the nickname Shoeless by the fans and it stuck. The Cincinnati coaches talked to the eight and offered the money because they were afraid they were going to lose, they thought money was the answer to their problem. I guess it was because the eight agreed to the
  • 11. Reactive Power Support And Control For Wind Farms Reactive Power Support and control for Wind Farms Ashish Mishra (R11324429) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas Tech University Final term Paper for ECE 5343 Power Systems Engineering Abstract: This report contains details on the reactive power compensation techniques for fixed speed wind turbines as well as the inherent reactive power support provided by the variable speed wind turbines. This paper also reviews the latest grid codes and requirements for reactive power support by wind farms. In the end this paper provides quantitative calculations for determining the reactive power compensation needed for unity power factor operation by a fixed speed squirrel cage induction generator based wind turbines. Keywords: Reactive power support, fixed speed, variable speed, Wind Turbine, Grid code 1. Introduction Since the last decade, there has been an increased growth in the electricity production through wind power [8]. Such increasing penetration levels of wind power in to the total generation mix has raised several concerns to the transmission system operators. Some of the issues related to large scale grid integration of wind power causing concern to the transmission system operators are low voltage fault through capability, voltage support during large disturbances and unity power factor operation [7]. This has made the regulators and transmission system operators to introduce new grid standards and requirements for wind farms to make sure the
  • 12. My Last Day Of School Summer The last day of school was a good day. Instead of having to take an ELAR exam, we did PSP. On the last day I had ELAR for 4th and 5th period. I didn t have to do anything. Since we didn t have to take a test we got to play games and mess around. The day went by really slow, but I was fine with that. I was having fun messing around and playing board games with my friends. At last, I heard the bell ring. I walked outside of the classroom and heard a lot of noise. Everyone was so excited that school was over. People were chanting things such as, FREEDOM! FREEDOM! and SUMMER! SUMMER! After school, I went to Top Golf with my friends. I had a blast and then went back to my friends house and swam. The next day was my birthday party. My friend, Grant, and I have birthdays around the same time, so we decided to have a birthday party together. I was turning 13 and Grant was turning 14. I had my birthday party at a place called Group Dynamixs, it is a big indoor area where you can play a ton of different games/sports and do indoor ropes courses. I had a lot of fun, but I was super tired after. The next days of summer went by pretty slow which was good. It seemed like each day was 48 hours. A month later, time started to go by a little bit faster. I felt like July decided to have 25 days instead of 31 days. I went to Austin, Texas from 7/1/17 to 7/6/17 which was fun. I go to a place in Austin called Lakeway every year with my family. The hotel is on Lake
  • 13. Essay On Locavores Imagining a community in 2020 where the majority of the population were Locavores is quite difficult due to the fact that modern society has expanded and is continuing to grow all the time. Locavores are people who only eat food within a 100 mile radius.(source g) The idea of being a locavore is new but slightly unnecessary due to the era of production our society lives on today. Foods shipped from far places may be lacking the nutrients that any other fruit or vegetable grown in a farm closer would have. (source B) But the nutritional differences are marginal , it s not much of a difference, not enough to affect a person s health anyways. Considering the fast paced societies growing today in America, relying on the high demand farmers would have to meet, can slow down the community s economic growth speed. In 2020 the society will... Show more content on ... Buying locally supports an area s farmers and, in turn, strengthens the community .(source C) However, the localization of foods would have a negative effect on farmers who rely on Americans by reducing demand. The decrease in business for these farmers will cause less crops to be made because, if 90 percent of your products is no longer being bought, then you re losing money if you make any more than 10 percent. Another thing food localization will cause is local businesses outside of these communities, like farmers markets to foreclose, because farmers will be forced to look for different work. If all the farmers in New Zealand are focusing on supplying the US than no one is focused on what percent of foods stay locally in New Zealand. Therefore a major movement towards being a locavore could have a big, negative effect on major food production across the country. Many jobs will be lost, many families will be homeless, and many families will split
  • 14. Similarities Between Canada And Iceland Migration, whether city to city or country to country has always existed and is even essential to some countries. For an example of a country to country migration, also known as international migration, we can do a comparison. Approximately 250, 000 people from various areas around the world enter Canada each year 1, as opposed to the 2000 that go to Iceland.2 People migrate seeking a better life and for more opportunities. Not all places can provide what people want or even need. Let us take a look back at the Canada Iceland comparison. Canada has a drastically larger number of immigrants than Iceland. Many reasons contribute to this increased amount of immigrants, including Canada which provides: universal healthcare, access to education,... Show more content on ... Going into unfamiliar lands, often not even knowing the language is very stressful on the mind. With no one to guide you, no one to talk to, and no one to share your thoughts with it will most definitely cause loneliness. This loneliness will discourage the immigrant from even putting all their effort in striving in this new life. This is all part of what an emotional barrier is. Before even leaving their country, a person will most definitely think about their family. If they know they cannot bring the people they care about most, it will reduce your willingness to move. Not only is loneliness the only part of the emotional barrier, frustration is also included. The whole migration/immigration process is hard. Having your whole fate in your government s hands, knowing they could deny or stop you from migrating at any moment.That itself could cause anyone emotional stress. People become extremely attached to those closest to them and even their homes. Having to leave all that would make anyone emotional. Besides the mental challenges people face during migration, they also have to face the physical
  • 15. Isis Are A Bunch Of Muslims Just Because If you think ISIS are a bunch of Muslims just because they claim to be Muslims and have a load of gibberish written on their flags then you are being fooled. And maybe you ll live in that misconception forever. And I don t blame you. Anyone would think ISIS are Muslim by what you are shown and are driven to see by the media. At first, even I thought for a moment that ISIS are Muslims. The fact that they walk down the streets with their pride, holding flags with Allahprinted on. And when they deliver their speech on those pathetic leaked videos stating Allah commands them to do this. We should give them a round of applause for the characters they play. First, of all, let me start off by telling you some of the facts that you might be familiar with. A number of journalist from over Syria have reported that more Muslims are being killed by these so called Muslims . In countries like Syria and Iraq, not only Muslims are suffering, but also non religious people. So why is it that they are killing their own people if they claim to be people of Allah? According to a report released by the United Nations, approximately 9,347 civilians in Iraq in the first eight months of 2014 were killed by this group of terrorists. Furthermore, as we all know about the Paris attack and as the death of 130 people was confirmed according to CNN (Cable News Network) with hundreds being injured, even then it was confirmed that far more Muslims were killed than any other ethnicity group.
  • 16. 1776 by David Mccullough Book Summary Essay Book Review on: 1776 by David McCullough The Non Fiction Historical Book 1776 By David McCullough is a historically accurate and in depth view of The American Revolution; starting from The Battle of Bunker Hill, Boston, Brooklyn, New York, Fort Washington, and ending its Analysis at the Battle of Trenton in 1776. There are many fascinating features, trends, themes, and characteristics used in 1776 that make the book a fluent and enjoyable read. Also the book gives a very detailed and informative account of the battles and military life from the Battle of Boston to the Battle of Trenton. Finally the author, David McCullough, of the book as many other works and experiences that tell the reader why and how 1776 is such a credible source... Show more content on ... The literary element such as features, trends, themes, and characteristics were a part of the book that help make the book a wonderful teaching. 1776 started off in Britain, giving a background of King George III and the start of the war. Then the book moved to the Siege of Boston in America. In the siege of Boston an account of both militaries moves and living routines were given leading up to the Continental Army taking Dorchester Heights. This forced the British to evacuate because Washington had sent for cannons and on Dorchester heights was close enough for deadly fire on Boston. From Boston, Washington left a small group, but the rest of his troops moved to New York; which was the British s next target. At New York the battle of Brooklyn was disastrous for the Continental Army. Afterwards the British moved ships into the Hudson and unleashed the remainder of Washington s troops who had yet to retreat. When they fled to New Jersey the Continental Army was once again bested. Soon after a brutal loss at Fort Washington was inflicted. Thousands of troops were captured because there were too many in the fort to defend effectively when they had to fallback. Finally Washington made a brilliant strike in the Battle Trenton that gave the Continental Army the momentum it so dearly needed. David McCullough is a well experienced Author with titles such as John Adams, Truman, The Johnstown Flood, The Great Bridge, The Path between the Seas,
  • 17. Batman s Iteral Questions Response To The Reader iteral questions have responses that are directly stated in the text. The reader is able to simply locate the information and copy, paraphrase or summarize. (summarize, count, name, list, copy, record, retell). Ex. questions: Who are the characters in the story? What is the name of the villian? Who is the main character? Where did they go on their vacation? What does Batman say to the Joker in Chapter 1? What happens in this chapter? Inferential questions have responses that are indirectly stated, implied, or require other information. The reader needs be able use the clues and make connections to make meaning of the text (identify, classify, categorize, explain, predict, analyze). Ex. questions: Why does Batman run from the scene? What does
  • 18. Compare And Contrast The Democratic Party And The... In today s society, we think that the two main political parties of America, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are complete inverse. When we look closer, the several gatherings are as a matter of fact exceptionally comparative. Their strategies may be unexpected, but the roots that they are determined from are the same. . These two parties dominate America s politics but differ significantly in their beliefs. Some instances, many beliefs overlap. So what are the differences between Democrats and Republicans? There are clear principles that distinguish Republicans from Democrats. Republicans are conservative while Democrats are liberal. Republicans believe that taxes shouldn t be increased for anyone, and wages should reflect... Show more content on ... The Democrats have diminished spending in military and sunk money into activities that ll accommodate the nation. Whereas, Republicans have increased their spending, regardless of the nation s debt. Democrats support gay marriages, while republicans contradict. Democrats think that every person has luxury and distinctive rights to marry the same sex. Democrats believe if they aren t allowed to marry the same sex then it would be against their individual rights Republicans on the different part think just in inverse sex marriage. They think that to live a successful life, one needs an opposite sex in their life. Success forever begins at an early experience where the establishment is raised. Democrats prefer to utilize assessments as a root to finance the schools. Republicans prefer the schools to be supported by volunteers. Democrats have chosen to take god out of the school. While Republicans suspect that god ought to be part of our commonplace essence and subsequently ought to be a part of school and training. And Republicans even believe all students, regardless of race or socio economic background should become proficient in both reading and math. Democrats suspect that god might as well be private and shouldn t be put into mainstream schools. Democrats are against death penalty. Republicans are for death penalty. Democrats believe death penalty is not necessary. Republicans feel that passing retribution is fundamental to
  • 19. Hand Hygeine Research Papaer Capstone Project Abstract Background Hand washing and hand hygiene are consider to be the number one, cheap essential measure of preventing and controlling spread of hospital acquired infections (HAIs). Hand washing and hygiene can significantly reduce the burden of disease, in particular in hospitalized patient Unfortunately compliance to hand hygiene recommended standard procedures by the health care workers (HCWs) has been unacceptably poor. In order to design education program, identification of several risk factors associated with poor hand hygiene (HH) compliance is of extreme importance. Objective: The purpose of this study is to implement a hand hygiene program for ... Show more content on ... The identification of several risk factors associated with poor hand hygiene compliance is of extreme importance in the design of an education program .There should be continues education and monitoring of healthcare worker on effective hand washing and hand hygiene. According to an outcome of a study, wearing finger ring, wrist watch, long fingernail and use of hand lotion has impact on spread of infection by healthcare workers (Fagemes amp;Lingaas 2010. Health care workers that use wrist watches at work may cause or promote higher total bacteria count than not wearing a watch. A similar situation occurs with finder ring and health care workers should remove finger rings and watches when at work, fingernails should be shorter than 2 mm, so as to reduce HAI (Fagemes amp;Lingaas 2010). Description of Present Problem In America and worldwide, millions of patient are suffering from hospital acquired infections also call nocosomial infection (NIs). This infection rate has high economic effect that is raising daily, rises from $6.5 to $33.8 billion within last 5 years (Spruce 2013). One in every 136 patients admitted to hospital or health facility end up with HAIs and become severely ill causing longer stay in the hospital, thereby increasing the cost of stay and antibiotic treatment. Morbidity rate of HAIs is very high with thousands died every year (Spruce 2013). The most frequently occurring hospital acquired infection is urinary tract
  • 20. E Cummings Dbq To destroy is always the first step in any creation . Cummings was an artist and a poet. He was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Had went to Harvard University and then joined a world war. Eventually he died in 1962. E.E cummings creates meaning by using visual and hearing techniques. He creates meaning in his poetryby using visual and auditory techniques. First of all, an example is in his poem l(a in (Doc A) the way Cumings formed it makes the poem look like the number one. The way he makes it look and sound in the poem was as if it were to stand for loneliness. In the poem it talks about only one leaf that is most likely to be lonely. Also, another example is in (Doc B) it is formed like if it were like a grasshopper leaping
  • 21. `` Architecture And The Crisis Of Modern Science `` Alberto Perez Gomez, Peter Zumthor, and Steven Holl emphasize on the phenomenology in their design processes. Their compositions and beliefs are evidences of the power of phenomenon. In addition, they argue that the sensory experience between the architectural object and the audience of it should be complimentary. These designers are famous for reviving the emotion evoking spaces through expression of light and shadow, material, and intimate human perception. The manifestation of this theory will be discussed further through the analysis of two case studies: 1) Therme Vals in Switzerland by Peter Zumthor and 2) Nelson Atkins Art Museum in Kansas City by Steven Holl. Alberto Perez Gomez Challenges modern architecture in his book titled Architecture and the Crisis of Modern Science , and he describes how modern architecture needs to restate its position towards creation of memories. In addition, he explains that modern architecture cannot believe in a meaningless structure because nothing in built form can be meaningless (Rykwert) [11]. Furthermore, he explains how human perception and the sensorial experience of a space is the origin of architectural program. He describes human body as the focus of all the rules in the world, and how human body is occupying space and time. Hence, this existence can push architecture to create and order that resonates with the body itself (Perez Gomez) [11]. There is a kind of flexibility between the human perception and the rigor inherent
  • 22. Alcoholics Family Characteristics Family Roles and Characteristics of Adult Children of Alcoholics Addiction is a disease that not only affects the person with the addiction but the family as well. The children that grow up in this environment take on different roles in their family to try and cope with their environment. According to American Association for Marriage and FamilyTherapy, there is an estimate of 26.8 million children that are exposed to alcoholismin the family (2015). As these children grow up they develop many common characteristics into adulthood. These characteristics have a lasting impact on their lives. According to Gold, More than 28 million Americans have seen at least one parent suffer alcohol s serious adverse effects, leading to serious family ... Show more content on ... The ACOA has to guess what normal behavior is because growing up in such a dysfunctional home they had none. The ACOA, have difficulty following a project through from beginning to end and lie when it would be better to tell the truth. Furthermore, the adult children of alcoholics judges themselves without mercy (Weintraub, 2015).The adult children of alcoholics take themselves very seriously in their life. Also, the ACOA has difficulty with intimate relationships. The ACOA, overact to change over which they have no control and constantly seek approval and affirmation. As well as, feeling different from other people and are super responsible or super irresponsible. The adult children of alcoholics are extremely loyal, even in the face of evidence that the loyalty is undeserved. Lastly, the adult children of alcoholics are impulsive. This can lead to going full steam ahead without realizing the consequences that it may incur (Weintraub,
  • 23. Differences Between Han China And Imperial Rome Han China (206 B.C.E 220C.E) and Imperial Rome (31 B.C.E 476 C.E) empires have both left big marks on our world and the way we view it today. Throughout history, these empires tried to create something that stood out. Though both were in different parts of the world, they both seemed to run their government in the same type of fashion with a few differences that made their empire the best for them. Although, they had a difference in slavery roles, they seem to fall under the similarities of leadership styles, social orders, and world influence. A major difference between Han China and Imperial Rome was in the way slavery shaped their society. While the Romans society was based around slavery, the Han s slavery population was 1 percent. The 1 percent consisted of convicted criminals and indebted families who sold their children to pay off their debts. On the other hand, Rome was considered a slave society. 1/3 of the population consisted of slaves. Slaves were the main source of labor throughout the empire. This affected the government because they didn t have to pay for this labor and affected the way the government ran because people viewed their power differently in each empire. ... Show more content on ... Social/Family orders played a big role in both the Han and the Romans administration. They both ran on a patriarchal society where men were viewed as more valuable than women. In both empires, the family was the basic unit of society. Han China Empire had filial piety, the respect for ones parents and ancestors, and Rome had paterfamilias, the male head of the family. The reason they shared this similarity is because family name/status played a big role in what the person did in their life in both societies. One s family name based their social order and a person s social order based their entire life in the empire and the way the government
  • 24. Trace Evidence Of Crime Scene YuvRaaj M Madra Professor Martinez CRJ 4 November 2nd, 2014 Trace Evidence Crime Scene/Scenario #1 Sacramento, CA July 1986 Allan Dakin, 50, is bicycling toward his favorite fishing spot. He stops at a flooded irrigation ditch and works his way down to check his crawdad traps when he spots a young blond female, floating in the water face down. He panics, heads home to notify authorities. Sheriff deputies and local fire department respond first to the scene at 8:45 am, and push the body using a long gaff to the opposite bank where the victim will not drift downstream. A. Arrival As the Homicide Detective, I must approach the scene cautiously, scan the entire area thoroughly using all senses, assess the scene and be aware of people and ... Show more content on ... Now that I have recorded the scene as I found it, I am having have the fire department captain remove the victim from the water in a way that will not disturb any evidence left on the victims body, making certain they are careful to not damage the body, leave any evidence in the water, or further contaminate the body. They pull out a 5 8 , 150lb young female with short blond hair and brown eyes, I have recorded this information using the Crime Scene and Human Figure Templates (Swanson et al 54). I will now establish what happened here, determine the sequence of events; find out what the perpetrator did, and note inconsistencies. After organizing the crime scene I am interviewing Allan Dakin. I will ask what he was doing here, how he found the body, why was he here, and take down all his information for later interrogation. Once I have interviewed witnesses, I can properly document and recover physical evidence in the evidence recovery log, and photographs (Swanson et al 49). Anything can be physical evidence so it is crucial that nothing be touched or tampered with until assessed. I am looking for fingerprints, tire tracks, tools, weapons, damaged areas, palm prints and any body materials. I see that there are twigs stuck in the victim s bra strap, and there is dirt on her back and shoulders. I collect those twigs and dirt samples as evidence so that the forensic team may later test them using genetic fingerprinting to see if
  • 25. Education Reform For The United States Education in America started with the Pilgrims in the early 1600 s. The first public school was opened in 1635 in Boston Massachusetts. In 1642, Massachusetts started an education reform that stated Any child not properly educated would apprentice to a trade . This education reform was created because they believed it was important for children and citizens to be able to read the laws of the land. This was the first law that required children to be education. If they were not properly educated they would be moved from their home to a better fit environment where they would be able to learn. Virginia then followed with a similar law in 1646. In 1647 Massachusetts founded an act called Old Deluder Satan Act . This act required towns of more than fifty families to hire a teacher for reading and writing. Towns of more than a hundred families had to establish a grammar schoolwhich served as college preparation. Dame schools taught reading and writing to females because this was all they were expected to learn so that they would not have the same intellect as men. Their classes were held in the teacher s kitchen who continued her chores while the students did their lessons. At the beginning of the 20th century, parents and public schools began demanding more practical and useful curriculums. Growing up with my mom as a teacher I know how much time they spend working and helping their students learn and achieve so many things and how little they receive back in
  • 26. How to Create and Mantain a Blog For anyone starting a blog, abandoned a blog or need fine tuning on it this is the blog for you. Make your blog better through your writing skills, the content created and the strategies used to promote it. Writing Skills Being a better blogger begins with you. You must improve your writingskills through reading, learning and education. You are reading constantly and learning new information while reading. Learn the basic rules of grammar, proofreading and editing through websites and books. Educate yourself by joining mailing lists related to the blog topic. If you like furniture, allow furniture related newsletters to come to your email. Content Bloggers know that creating content isn t easy. Writers block come over us many times, but we must be creative in our content. Furthermore, we must make sure that every blog is original and useful. Writing content is about relevance. How does this content benefit the reader? Include a mix of helpful content and how to s with company news, product/service updates and accolades. Straying away from the company s products, services, mission and reputation is not an option. Find new ways to write content. Use video, podcasting, photojournalism, contests, polls, Q A s and guest blogging to assist you. Some sites like WordPress offer plugins; use those plugins. Attention grabbing headlines are going to be the headline listed on your blog, links and search engine sites like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Make sure
  • 27. Causes Of The Musket War In the beginning of the 19th century, almost all New Zealanders were considered to be Maoris. The Maoris made up nearly the whole country, with a population between 100 120,000, while the European population was down in the hundreds. In 1818, the Musket Wars resulted in the loss of over a fifth of the Maori population, at least 20,000 dead and thousands more captured ( Overview of NZ ). The Musket War was a war that began when the Europeans introduced their advanced technology and muskets into New Zealand. The Musket Wars were a series of inter tribal wars caused by tribes all trading to obtain muskets. At the end of the wars, in 1830, a new conflict for the Maori population took rise when warfare gave way to economic rivalry ( The Musket Wars ). From 1830 on, Europeans would come to New Zealand in waves of hundreds and thousands of people, threatening the Maoris once complete control over the land. This brewing economic rivalry was what paved the way for the Treaty of Waitangi, New Zealand s founding document. This treaty was interpreted differently by the English and Maoris, something the British had purposely done. The British plan to deceive the natives resulted in both land and governmental conflicts. Land disputes caused by the treaty s misinterpretations between the Maori people and the settlers sparked the New Zealand Wars in 1861 1870. At the end of these wars, new laws were passed that nearly abolished Maori rights. In 1896, New Zealand was no longer a Maori
  • 28. Tivo Marketing Case Analysis (Hbs) [pic] TiVo Marketing Executive Summary The disappointing sales performance during the Christmas 1999 season ended up being a priceless lesson for TiVo s marketing team: it was the catalyst that created the need for a TiVo s new communications strategy. However, defining this new marketing campaign was challenging, especially after the feedback received about the product indicated issues like limited awareness and hard to communicate functionalities. The main focus of this new marketing campaign is to select a positioning strategy that will speed up the adoption of TiVo among consumers. The marketing team has three options on how to position TiVo: 1) as an enhanced digital video recorder, 2) as a product that gives viewers the ... Show more content on ... Viewers can pause live television to attend interruptions such as phone calls or unexpected visits. It gives viewers the freedom to watch whichever program they want, whenever they want. With TiVo s capacity to store up to 30 hours of recorded television, users reduce the hassle of using videotapes to record television programs. Users virtually eliminate the possibility of missing their favorite shows, since they can set up TiVo to record them. With these aforementioned features, TiVo will revolutionize the way Americans view television. Price. The current price of $999 for the 30 hour TiVo box is extremely high. It can easily discourage any early adopter or a TV addict. Hence, the marketing team should reduce the price to $399, even lower if financially viable. The more attractive the ticket (i.e. TiVo Box) for the ultimate TV experience, the easier consumers will be lured in. The service fee structure seems at a very reasonable price, it requires no major price adjustments. Place. Electronic retail stores, such as Best Buy, Circuit City, and Sears serve as the best channels to sell the product. It is imperative that the marketing team develops a training program for the sales force of those retail outlets. Many consumers will have their first TiVo experience in a retail store; hence, the salespeople must be prepared to demonstrate the benefits of TiVo in a flawless way. The internet should be used as another channel to sell the product, especially the
  • 29. Telstra SWOT Analysis and Marketing Strategies 1.0 IntroductionTelstra Corporation is a telecommunications and information services company. It provides a range of services including fixed line services, Internet access, and business services. Telstra is the market leader in the telecommunication industry in Australia, with one of the most prominent brand names. However, its products and operating services face an increasing threat from competitors. An analysis with recommendations of Telstra marketingis necessary in order to improve its performance. 2.0 SWOT Analysis2.1 StrengthsTelstra is one of the biggest brands in Australia and dominates the leading business position of telecommunications and information services in this country. Telstra owns and operates an extensive network ... Show more content on ... And the target segments may include rural area (Farms), business and government. 3.2 Telstra Market PositioningTelstra s target segments are based on knowing customers and meeting their needs. And its positioning strategy is to express the valuable differences on products and services offered and create competitive advantages. To position Telstra and capture its target segments most effectively, the followings need to be taken into consideration:Important: the key difference to promote is the scope and reliability of Telstra products and services. Distinctive: promote the distinctive features such as the easy access to broadband via mobile, Satellite, ADSL2 Plus and the extended features of using mobile phones. Superior: promote quality and the multi functional applications of our products and that services are superior to most of our competitors. Communicable: the above mentioned features are communicable and customers can easily identify the differences. Affordable: the above mentioned competitive advantages offer high value benefits and our target market can afford the prices. Profitable: one of the key criterions for selecting the above competitive advantages is that the company can introduce them profitably. 4.0 Marketing objectives:The marketing objectives of Telstra for the future market are:To segment the industry and focus upon the target customer group in the identified target region. To create public awareness
  • 30. The Physics Of Infrared Radiation A vibration can result in an absorption peak of infrared radiation, only if there is a change in the dipole moment of the molecule. The larger this change, the more intense will be the absorption band. Furthermore, the electron polarity vectors in the covalent bond should not cancel out i.e the covalent bonds must be asymmetric. Asymmetrical bonds carry a net polarity vector and show absorption peaks; bonds that are centered along the plane of symmetry cancel out their polarity vectors upon stretching and there is no net change in dipole moment. Such molecules are known to be infrared inactive. An infrared spectrum is the plot of absorbance (or % transmission) against the wavenumber (cm 1) (Rehman et al., 2012). Wavenumber is defined as number of waves in a length of one centimeter and is a commonly used unit for representing spectral regions. Wavenumber is linear with energy and is expressed with the following equation.Significant parts of the spectrum are the regions where the molecule absorbs the infrared energy. These are shown as characteristic absorption peaks. A molecule can only absorb radiation when the incoming infrared radiation is of the same frequency as one of the fundamental modes of vibration of the molecule (Stuart and Barbara, 2004). The modes of vibration usually encountered include bending, stretching, wagging and out of plane vibrations. These molecular vibrations result in changes in dipole moments of the molecular groups and the resulting vibrating
  • 31. Cuba Juice Essay Introduction Juicing is a great way to integrate fruits and vegetables into your diet, especially if you do not like to eat whole fruits and vegetables. It can help you meet the daily recommendations for these foods as well as allow you to consume a wide variety of fruits and vegetables in a tasty way. Juicing is usually done with a machine which turns raw fruits and vegetables into liquid and pulp. The machine chops the fruits and vegetables into tiny pieces and spins them, separating the juice from the pulp. History Even before juicers were invented fruits were mashed. Text from the Dead Sea Scrolls, A pounded mash of pomegranate and fig resulting in profound strength and subtle form, indicates that juicing has been around ... Show more content on ... A centered dual knife and stabilizing knife creates consistent juice flow and stops clogging within the feed tube which drastically cuts down the time of cleanup The juice jug capacity is 1 liter and includes a froth separator to save the user an extra step This model also comes with a 3 liter pulp collector so the consumer won t have to empty it numerous times to squeeze enough juice for multiple people Professional Juicing The final juicer we reviewed was targeted toward the experienced consumer. Rather than a high speed centrifugal juicer, our last review consisted of a masticating juicer. It differs than that of the centrifugal juicer by using a single auger to compact and squeeze the fruit s juice along a static screen at a slow speed, rather than pushing the fruit through a central blade at a high operating speed. Although there are many masticating juicers, we recommend the Omega Vert VRT350 Juicer for these reasons: Price: The Omega Vert VRT350 has a retail value of $430.00 but can be found online for around $380.00 Power: This model comes stock with a 2 horsepower motor, runs on 150 watts, and runs at optimal efficiency at 80 RPM By running at a lower RPM, low speed juicing prevents oxidation of your juice and results in more nutrients and enzymes found in the final product of your juice as opposed to a high speed juicer Ease of Use: The VRT350
  • 32. An Investigation to Find the Effect of Bile Salts of on... AN INVESTIGATION TO FIND THE EFFECT OF BILE SALTS OF ON THE DIGESTION OF LIPIDS I have investigated that if there is an effect of bile salts on the digestion of lipids in the milk. When lipids are broken down in to fatty acids and glycerol (see below), the acid lowers the pH of the mixture. To help me determine and measure the digestion of lipids, a pH indicator phenolphthalein has been used to measure the pH of the mixtures. The pH indicator will change the colour from pink to either white (if bile is not contained) or brown (if bile is contained), this will indicate that the solution is changing from alkaline to acidic. So if I want to use phenolphthalein, I will have to firstly make the mixtures alkaline. This will be achieved by ... Show more content on ... sx = ∑x2 (∑x)2 n n 1 I will draw a table in which I will work out ∑x2 and (∑x)2 . Treatment tube numberTime/seconds (x)x2 810110201 9989604 1010310609 ∑x = 302∑x2 = 30414 (∑x)2 = 91204 The standard deviation for the y: Sx = ∑x2 (∑x)2 nn n 1 = (30414 (91204 Г· 3)) Г· 2 = (30414 30401.3*) Г· 2 = 12.7 Г· 2 = 6.35 The standard deviation for the y: Sy = ∑y2 (∑y)2 n n n 1 I will draw a table in which I will work out ∑y2 and (∑y)2 . Treatment tube numberTime/seconds (y)y2 512144 614196 716256 ∑x = 42∑x2 = 596 (∑x)2 = 1764 Sy = ∑y2 (∑y)2 nn n 1 = (596 (1764 Г· 3)) Г· 2 = (596 588) Г· 2 = 8 Г· 2 = 4 My null hypothesis is that bile salts have no effect on the digestion of lipid and lipase will still breakdown the fat, the reaction times will be the same. The critical value of probability is 0.05. The critical value at 4 degrees of freedom with probability 0.05 is 2.776. tcalc = x y sx2 + sy2 n1
  • 33. The Differing Perspectives of the Patriots and Loyalists... Patriots vs Loyalists Being subjected to public humilation in front of massive crowds with harsh punishments, the loyalists found themselves in a tough predicament between the radicals and their independence from Britian while the loyalists thought differently. Most of the loyalists found their properties vandalized, looted and burned by angry mobs of men. There was no doubt that the patriots of the thirteen colonies controlled the public discourse. There was bound to be a revolt against the British by the patriots because they didn t agree against the policies imposed by the British parliament. The patriots of The New World have a much more logical reasoning than the loyalists because they felt that the British parliament was in... Show more content on ... James Otis mentions No part of His Majesty s dominions can be taxed without their consent... this would seem to [contradict] the theory of the constitution which explains that the governed must have a say in what they will be taxed on and if not, the British Parliament is par taking in illegal actions. With no representation in Parliament, American colonists who felt the taxes to be a little excessive had no other option other than civil disobedience to rebel. It is safe to to say that the colonists had every right to rebel against the British. Unlike other acts and taxes imposed by the British parliament the Stamp Act effected everyone in the colonies even the colonists who remained loyal to King eventhough, all the colonies were all equally effected by this act imposed by the British. This meant that all legal documents including permits, contracts, newspapers and even playing cards had to carry a tax stamp, the revenue (collected by American customs agents) was supposedly to be used for defending, protecting and securing the colonies, but the patriots would have thought differently. They just wanted to be independent from Britian. There was little expectation from Britian and the members of parliament of how intense of a protest that the Stamp Act would generate in America. As mentioned before, the colonists didn t like to be taxed by Britian any more because they felt living separate from the mother country would only decrease the amount of taxation not
  • 34. Women During The Civil War Essay Women during the Civil War were thought to be those who supplied food and clothing for their men. Some made a difference by becoming nurses, yet some women strived for more. They wanted to be able to see first hand on the front line what kind of war they were really fighting. Women brave enough to risk their lives would disguise themselves as men and fight. Other women tried to find papers and try to understand truthfully what was happening, and the urge to know if they were winning took over their minds. This War was the first where women wanted to know more and became more involved, they played important roles toward the war. During the time of the Civil War women who were associated with it at the scene were nurses. Some even set up ladies aid societies in which they would send food, clothes, and even cash to their troops ( Women in the Civil War , 2017).... Show more content on ... Most soldiers in the war were known as citizen soldiers meaning they were not trained to fight, and both women and men learned at the same pace what was occurring during the Civil War ( Female Soldiers in the Civil War , 2017). Prevailing Victorian sentiments compelled most soldiers to sleep clothed, bathe separately, and avoid public latrines ( Female Soldiers in the Civil War , 2017). In this century illnesses were easily spread from person to person, so the more clothing and coverage a person had, the smaller chance they would have of becoming infected ( Female Soldiers in the Civil War , 2017). This made it effortless for women to hide their body shape and feminine looks, and at the time men with no beard were just considered to be young ( Female Soldiers in the Civil War , 2017). Also even though there is no true evidence of this, for women to hide their facial they would rub dirt on their face and cut their hair to give them a masculine
  • 35. Copper s Atomic Structure Essay Copper is the 29th element in the periodic table, located more specifically at group 11, period 4. Because of its chemical and physical attributes, it is a transition metal, which denotes high boiling and melting points. Both a conductor of heat and electricity, Copper is ductile and malleable. Its symbol Cu derives from the Latin cuprum. Copper is also valued for its two for one practicality: it is a vital nutrient that has antibacterial properties. Aside from what many people generally know about Copper (the common knowledge, so to speak), there is much information regarding its atomic buildup. Every element s atoms are composed of three main subatomic particles: neutrons, electrons and protons. Located in the atom s nucleus, ... Show more content on ... Copper has atomic number 29 and mass number 63.546 u. With that information, one can deduce that Copper has 29 protons (the atomic number) and 35 neutrons (mass number minus atomic number). For all decimal cases, mass number is rounded up to the closest integer, so Copper is listed as having 35 neutrons instead of 34.546 neutrons. This discrepancy exists because Copper s atomic mass is the average atomic mass of a mixture of isotopes (in this case, Copper atoms that differ in their neutrons count). For the purpose of this essay, we should only mention two isotopes of Copper: the two stable, naturally occurring isotopes. These isotopes are Cu with mass number 63 and a percent abundance of 69.17 (while still keeping atomic number of 29) and Cu with mass number 65 and a percent abundance of 30.83 (once again, atomic number 29). Copper has 27 other isotopes, whose mass numbers range from 52 to 80, but they are radioactive, highly unstable, and sustain very short half lives. As stated before, a proton carries a positive charge and an electron has a negative charge. So, as logic and basic mathematics would suggest, an atom is always electrically neutral when the number of protons equals the number of electrons and the two cumulative charges cancel. For Copper to be neutral, its electron count must match its atomic number 29, so one can infer
  • 36. Analysis Of The Book Praisesong For The Widow By Paule... All the three novels represent inevitable shaping of identities through memories of slavery and the past. For this reason, the main characters in the novels are tightly connected to their homelands as it is essential part of their beings although American culture is strange and complicated for them to fit in and be a part of it. This is because of their alienation from cultural practices such as the use of a common dialect. The novelPraisesong for the Widow written by Paule Marshall revolves around a characternamed Avey Johnson who is crossroads to define her destiny generated from years of poverty and a rocky marriage. According to the detailed novel, Avey Johnson faces discrimination and attempts to assimilate her into being a white. It is evident throughout the novel that the senior citizen is unable to clearly acknowledge the white cultureas a result of endless memory running across her mind. In her school of thought, the dense population of whites was not a representative of her identity but as conformity to the majority perspective. In this regard, this novel highlights the hegemonic practice of the ideology of selective retention. For example, Avey Johnson is singled out as one among many of the assimilated Americans who follow a certain culture blindly to limit violence and extremism from the majority of the citizenry. The Avey Johnson, the main character in Praisesong for the Widow (1983), in trying to become a part of wealthy, white society, forgets her
  • 37. The Little Mouse The little mouse crouched in the bush. Ginger went into a hunting crouch he snuck up on the mouse. Right when he was about to pounce, he heard a grumbling the mouse scapered away and Ginger woke up with a start. He jumped down from his twoleg bed and walked out into the kitchen. He had been having this dream for many moons now. He looked down at his food bowl and ate the food. His fur was glimmering in the morning sun. His dream reminded him of how he always wanted to live in the forest and hunt for mice. He went out to his twolegs garden. He looked at the forest beyond his home. He wanted to go and live a life in the forest ever since he was a kit. He had heard of stray cats that lived in the forest beyond. He thought that maybe he could join them. He decided it was time he journeyed away from his home into the forest beyond. He knew it was going to be hard but it was life he had always dreamed of. He thought that maybe other cats might want to come along with him. He knew that none of his kittypet friends would want to come along. I might be able to find other cats along the way , he thought. He knew that it was to early to leave today. He to prepare for the long journey ahead. He had to find the cats that wanted to go with him today. He jumped down from the fence and started looking. This task is harder than I inferred , he said to himself. Maybe I should ask some cats I know, he thought. None of the cats knew any strays that might want to come with him, but one cat
  • 38. Non Profit Business Plan Non Profit Business Plan Legal Page Confidentiality Agreement The undersigned reader acknowledges that the information provided by _________________________ in this business plan is confidential; therefore, reader agrees not to disclose it without the express written permission of _________________________. It is acknowledged by reader that information to be furnished in this business plan is in all respects confidential in nature, other than information which is in the public domain through other means and that any disclosure or use of same by reader, may cause serious harm or damage to _________________________. Upon request, this document is to be immediately returned to _________________________. ___________________ ... Show more content on ... It is projected that within three years, 50% of the system s students will be in middle school. This age group is particularly problematic and a perfect time for mentoring to be effective. Unite for Youths mentoring programs will pair a youth with mentor for 12 months. During that time the two will participate in weekly planned activities to strengthen the relationship between the two and improve the young person s confidence and hopefulness. Mentors will receive continuous training throughout the year and will participate in monthly meeting to report the young person s progress. Over time, Unite for Youth will create a learning environment that will be an invaluable resource to young people, aspiring mentors and the community at large. Chart: Highlights [pic] 1.1 Objectives Unite for Youth is being established to provide mentoring for at risk middle and high school youth in the Greater Claremont area. The program will create partnerships with the local school districts and the juvenile court system. Unite for Youth matches a caring adult volunteer with a referred youth. Unite for Youth will setup four distinct mentoring programs:
  • 39. Trailblazers: Trailblazers is the central program of Unite for Youth. At risk middle school students and their mentors participate in a structured program of support. Turnaround: Turnaround focuses on students who are
  • 40. I Am Malala Research Paper In, I am Malala, it details the journey of Malala s fight for her and millions of other girls to have an education. Malala was born on Swat Valley in Pakistan. She is a girl like any other but she has her special talents. Malala lives in Mingora with her two younger brothers and her parents. Before the Talibancame to Pakistan, Swat Valley was a peaceful region known for its beauty, and tourists came from all over the world to see its tall mountains, lush green hills and crystal clear rivers. Malala s father, Zaiuddin, ran a school and that s where Malala s love for educationgrew. Many people thought that her school was not in the straight path of Islam. As time passed by, people started to listen to Radio Mullah. This Radio Mullah was telling people that listening to music, seeing movies, dancing was... Show more content on ... After a five hour operation, doctors successfully removed the bullet but she had developed an infection so doctors decided to put her in a coma; that way Malala could fly to England for better care. Dr. Fiona and Dr. Javid were in Pakistan at the time and they asked for advice. They told the Pakistani doctors that Malala wouldn t survive unless she was moved to a better hospital. So they flew her in a private jet offered by the United Arab Emirates to Birmingham, England. There she recovered. The Taliban shot Malala Yousafzai to silence her. Instead the whole world was listening to her message now. People all over the world were praying for her to recover. Many celebrities and politicians wished her a speedy recovery such as, Selena Gomez, Angelina Jolie, BeyoncГ©, Madonna, and The president of Pakistan. Malala is later released from the hospital and now lives in Birmingham with her family. She later is asked to talk in the United Nations and she receives the Nobel Peace
  • 41. Early Childhood Coloring Essay Many parents are looking for ways to give their children the tools they will need for later in life. It is important that parents work with their children early on to develop some much needed skills. It has been proven that children are more likely to learn a new skill through play. Here are some important activities for early childhood that your children are sure to find fun. Coloring Many people may not look at coloring as an important activity. However, encouraging a child to color has many benefits. Coloring will help a young child develop their fine motor skills. Often children are first exposed to how to grip a writing instrument when coloring. It is thought that children that color often during their early childhood find it easier when learning how to write. As young children become more accustom to coloring try using other tools such as an easel or tape the paper to the wall. You can also introduce markers, colored pencils and chalk to give them a new experience and broaden their coloring ability. A simple activity would be to trace your child s hand and have them practice coloring within the lines. Play Dough ... Show more content on ... Many are not aware but this is a great exercise to develop a child s fine motor skills. Play dough can be used to help a child learn many things such as shapes and letters. Introducing rolling pins and child safe scissors is also a way to help develop a child s fine motor skills and makes the activity more fun. For a fun early childhood activity try making homemade play dough and allowing the children to help in measuring the ingredients. Creating your own play dough also allows the children to work on their color recognition by choosing their desired
  • 42. Who Is The Protagonist In The Midwife s Parentice Character Analysis She s cold... she s hungry... and she s alone until she knocks on the door. The book The Midwife s Apprentice starts off by introducing us to an unnamed orphan who scours from village to village just to get a meal. Later on in the book, she finds a role as The Midwife s Apprentice she continues with this role for the majority of the book. Towards the end of the book she begins to create a positive reputation for herself and eventually gives herself the name Alyce, while becoming well known in the village. When Alyce is first introduced to the reader, she is hopeless, but as the book goes on she becomes wiser. Finally towards the end of the book she becomes an experienced Midwife s Apprentice. At the beginning of the book Alyce is starving, she s cold, and she has to sleep on a dung heap for warmth. At this point she is hopeless, on Page 2, the text states Tonight she settled for the warm rotting of the dung heap. This shows that she is hopeless as she has to settle for the dung heap, it s not as if she had a choice of sleeping in a bed. On Page 2, ... Show more content on ... People are actually asking her for advice on certain random topics. On Page 41 the author states Alyce who had slept alone outside in the dark... had never yet seen the devil and had nothing to fear. This shows that she s wise because she is smart enough to realize that she had nothing to fear of the devil. A little later in the book on Page 52 the author states As september turned to october and October to November, through all those days, alyce grew in knowledge and skill. and but the villagers noticed, and as October turned to November and the ghosts walked on All hallows Eve, they began to ask her how why and what can I. This proves that she s wise as villagers began to ask for advice, and the text specify specifies that she is growing in knowledge and
  • 43. Research Paper On Cuban Embargo It is said that President John F. Kennedy secured nearly 1,200 Cuban cigars just hours before enacting the Cuban trade embargo in 1962. Many Americans probably wished they could have done this before all trade between the United States and Cuba ceased as the United States now marks the 55th year of an ongoing embargo against Cuba. On February 3, 1962 President Kennedy signed Proclamation 3447 to declare an embargo against all trade between the United Statesand Cuba. This embargo consists of trade, travel, and commerce restrictions for all people and companies under United States jurisdiction. The United States cut off all ties with this neighboring nation just ninety miles off the coast of Florida. This was Kennedy s defense against communism,... Show more content on ... What do these countries have to do with Cuba? While despite these countries records of human rights violations and differing governments, the United States continues trade, travel and commerce with all of these nations. Wayne Smith explains how former President George W. Bush lifted trade sanctions on North Korea in 2008 even amidst concerns about the nations desire to develop nuclear weapons (Smith, Wayne). Cuba has tried to meet the high standards of the United States with no avail. After the CDA was passed in 1992, Havana initiated a number of reform measures in 1993, permitting farmers markets and small private enterprises, including private restaurants and repair shops, use of the U.S. dollar as legal daily tender, and more favorable terms for foreign investment. Americans are allowed to travel to other communist countries, nations known for human rights violations, and even places on the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism but cannot travel to Cuba. The United States even trade with countries of differing governments and policies such as China, Venezuela, and Vietnam regardless of their opposing governments and Cuba should be no
  • 44. Bill Of Rights Definition The Bill of Rights was written by James Madison and was ratified in December 15, 1791. The Bill of Rights was created because the colonies didn t want a constitution without a Bill of Rights because they were afraid that the government would become too powerful and they would not have rights. In June 8, 1789, James Madison proposed the Bill of Rights to the House of Representatives and they approved 17 amendments, and in September 25, 1789 congressed approved ratification for 12 amendments. After congress ratified the amendments they sent it to the colonies so they could ratify the bill as well. Finally on December 15, 1791 the colonies ratified only 10 of the 12 amendments and the bill became part of the U.S. Constitution. Creation of The... Show more content on ... This is the Ninth Amendment and it is very short, it just let us know that there are other rights that may exist besides the ones mentioned, and even though they are not listed, it does not mean they can be violated. The Ninth Amendment is now mainly used to stop the government from expanding their power. The last amendment in the Bill of Rights is the Tenth Amendment. This amendment states, The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people, (The Bill of Rights Institute, 2016). This amendment basically says that any power that is not given to the federal government is given to the people or the states. The Bill of Rights Today The Bill of Rights has made a huge impact in American s lives. Thanks to the Bill of Rights everyone s unalienable rights are protected and the government hasn t turned into a strong federal government. This bill has helped us with our daily life and I bet it has saved an abundant number of people when they re in trouble. Without the Bill of Rights U.S. citizens would have no natural
  • 45. Comparing Anselm And St. Thomas Aquinas Cur Deus In the Cur Deus Homo and the Compendium of Theology, Anselm of Canterbury and St. Thomas Aquinas present their reasoning as to why it was necessary for the incarnation and death of Jesus Christ. Although both theologians agree that it was imperative for God to become incarnate as human in order to save the human race from sin, Anselm and St. Thomas Aquinas disagree on the status of the human race and the nature of God. In the Cur Deus Homo, Anselm portrays humans as lowly, indebted vassals to a wrathful God. On the contrary, St. Thomas Aquinas portrays humans as damaged beings who, through atonement, can join a merciful God in His kingdom. Much like the lord and vassal relationships of the Middle Ages, Anselm of Canterburyargues that humans owe God a debt of honor. In Anselm s theology, every single one of God s rational creatures owes their entire physical and mental being to the... Show more content on ... Thomas Aquinas theology agreed with Anselm on why God had to incarnate into man in order to save humans, his portrayal of humans and God is a stark contrast to Anselm s blatantly disrespectful humans and justice seeking, verging on vengeful, God. In his Compendium of Theology, St. Thomas Aquinas states that in the plan of divine Providence it was decreed that human nature, which had been ravaged in the manner described, should be restored. It could not be admitted to perfect beatitude unless it were freed of its defilement (Compendium of Theology, ch. 199, pp. 255). Unlike the humans in Anselm s theology, St. Thomas Aquinas paints them as people who were created to reach happiness with God by God, but are unable to because they are tainted by original sin. Also, unlike the Anselm s portrayal of God, St. Thomas Aquinas portrayal of God is merciful and wants humans to reach eternal salvation. This God wants to restore humanity from sin in order for them to gain true happiness by living with their Creator in harmony. However, in very similar theology to
  • 46. Thomas Jefferson Paragraph Rough Draft He did not fight with a gun or a sword. He fought with words. (Meet Thomas Jefferson, page one chapter one). Thomas Jefferson was a terrible speaker, he did better writing. Thomas Jefferson was one of the best writers in the time. He was the third U.S. president of our country. He is famous for writing the Declaration of Independence, it took him seventeen days to write. Personally Jefferson was an architect who designed his own house and Virginia State College. He also was a statesman, a collector of prehistoric bones, and had the largest book collection of books in America. Thomas Jefferson held himself up to high standards, and he wrote about them in the Declaration of Independence, which made him a strong, honest, and loyal man. Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743, in Shadwell plantation. Shadwell plantation is near Charlottesville, Virginia, which is on the western edge of the Great Britain American Empire. Jefferson s dad is Peter Jefferson, he lived from 1708 to 1757, he was a successful planter, and farmer, his dad also made the first correct map of Province, Virginia. Jefferson s mother was Jane Randolph Jefferson, was an English Scottish descent. Thomas Jefferson was born into an important family of Virginia planter group. He was the third oldest son of ten kids in his family he has six sisters, and one surviving brother. Him and his brothers, and sisters played in the woods read, and practiced violin together. Jefferson was properly educated at the age of nine. He excelled in classical languages like Latin, and Greek in 1757, also excelled in literature, and math, when he was fourteen years old. In 1760 Jefferson went to the college of William and Mary. Near the Williamsburg, Virginia s capital. The College of William and Mary is the second oldest college in the United States. Jefferson got a true college education. After college Thomas Jefferson wanted to learn American law, so he practiced law from 1760 to 1764. He was a great lawyer, because he won almost every cases he had. Thomas Jefferson took a five year course that was exhausting for him, but for him the work payed off because he passed the Bar. He passed the Bar in the year of 1767
  • 47. adderall advantage Drug Abuse in College New York Times Page 1 of 3 July 31, 2005 The Adderall Advantage By ANDREW JACOBS IT was finals week at Columbia University and Angela needed a miracle. Like many of her classmates, Angela, a bleary eyed junior, had already pulled a pair of all nighters to get through a paper on Finnegans Wake, a French test and an exam for her music humanities class. All that remained was a Latin American literature final, but as midnight approached, her stamina was beginning to fade. This week is killing me, she said, taking a cigarette break in front of the school library. At this point, I could use a little help. Thanks to a friend, the tiny orange pill in her purse would provide the needed miracle.... Show more content on ... Sorting out those with legitimate diagnoses from the deceivers can be nearly impossible, he said, because in psychiatry, there is no blood test. He said he always tells patients that it s illegal to share their medicine, but added, I can t exactly go into their dorm room and count their pills. Requests for comment by Columbia administrators were referred to Dr. Laurence Greenhill, a clinical psychiatrist at the university, who said that the idea that Adderall is a performance enhancer is a myth. It won t increase your intelligence, it just increases your diligence, he said. Essentially, the drugs delay the onset of sleep so you can stay up all night and cram. Designer stimulants like Adderall are far less dangerous than cocaine or methamphetamines. According to the Shire Pharmaceuticals Group, which makes Adderall, medical research has found it has no potential for addiction. But Adderall, like many other medications, can interact with other drugs and create problems, particularly when taken in other than prescribed dosages, a spokesman said. The main side effects of analeptics are increased heart rate, agitation and the kind of paranoia and disorientation that results from amphetamine induced insomnia. In February, the Canadian government suspended sales of Adderall XR, the time release version of the medication, noting 20 international reports of sudden deaths, heart related deaths and strokes in children and
  • 48. Aluminium Commodities World production: 44.6 million tonnes (2011) Despite being the most abundant metal on earth (in its raw state of bauxite), aluminium used to be considered a precious metal. Only once the processes of extraction and smelting were made more efficient and electricity became cheaper and more readily available did aluminium become what it is today the most extensively used non ferrous metal in the world and the most liquid contract traded on the LME. Aluminium is extremely light, pliable, has good electrical conductivity and is resistant to corrosion. It is used in a wide variety of products: cans, foils, window frames, car body panels,wiring and kitchen utensils. World aluminium production 2011 Region| %| Asia| 55%| Europe| 20%... Show more content on ... Exercise will result in two futures contracts, one at the strike price and the other at the Monthly Average Settlement Price (MASP). The effect is to generate a cash settlement which is settled on the second business day after the declaration day for the TAPO month| Settlement type| Financial| Trading venues| Ring, inter office telephone and LMEselect (as a hedged option only)| * LMEswaps LMEswaps are financially settled LME futures contracts based on the Monthly Average Settlement Price (MASP) of the relevant metal. Contract code| OAD| Contract months| Monthly out to 63 months| Price quotation| US dollars per tonne| Clearable currencies| US dollars| Averaging period| The number of business days in a calendar month| Final settlement day| Two business days after the averaging month| Settlement price
  • 49. Persuasive Essay On Risk Taking My theme report looks at the issues of taking risks in order to overcome stereotypes, poor decisions from the past, and the make progress in life. I learned from the theme study that if you take risks and if you have the right personal qualities you can change your world personally, and influence others positively. The four films I watched for this report were Les Intouchables,Life of a King,12 years a slave and they all showed me the consequences of risktaking which were either loss or great rewards in life.some of the results of risk taking I have discovered from these movies are it can change your personality,leads to wealth and money,second chances in life and mostly you take possession of something you once lost. A significant connection across the texts is the positive consequences in life that come from taking risks. The first similarity I see is that risk taking leads to happiness and earning a new life. We see this in both 12 years a slave and The Hurricane. We see this positive consequence from risk taking in life of a king where Eugene earns back love from his children and got his family back. This positive outcome is similar to 12 years a slave when Solomon is returned (right at the end) to his family. From the dialogue between Eugene and Katrina daughter we can see how desperate and self accusatory Eugene is feeling about his son Marco being in prison when Katrina says I wanted to come tell you in person. Marco s locked up. He s been in juvenile
  • 50. Cough Case Study Essay Cough Heather Colome University of South Florida Cough CASE ONE: Mrs. L. Windermere is a 73 year old woman under your care for more than a decade. She has no chronic medical conditions and comes in once a year in the spring just to catch up. In this visit her only complaint is a cough. It started a month or two ago following a cold. She hadn t been very ill just some congestion and rhinorrhea. After those symptoms mostly resolved, she developed this cough. She asks, Is there something you can give me for this cough? 1. How is cough categorized? Is this a chronic cough? According to Pratter, Brightling, Boulet, and Irwin, (2006), based on duration, cough can be divided into three categories: acute, lasting 3 ... Show more content on ... She doesn t recall any sick contacts, but her husband is a minister, and she mingles with members of his congregation three to four days a week. On physical exam her oral pharynx is slightly erythematous but there is no cobblestoning and her nasal turbinates are neither pale nor inflamed. She has no lymphadenopathy, and her lungs sound clear without any wheezing or crackles. 3. Do you want an X ray? How are you going to treat this cough? Yes I would order a chest x ray due to the duration of her cough, the fact that it is post infectious, her age, and to evaluate for pneumonia and masses. Due to the duration of the cough and the fact that her cough is becoming productive with yellow sputum, I would tell the patient she probably started out with a viral bronchitis that now could be transitioning into a bacterial bronchitis and/or Pertussis and I would prescribe an antibiotic that will cover both: Azithromycin 500mg PO day 1, then 250mg PO Daily X 4 days. I would instruct her to buy over the counter mucinex take as directed on box, and drink plenty of fluids. If the cough does not improve in 3 weeks have her follow up. CASE ONE CONTINUED: She returns in three weeks. Her chest X ray was normal. Her symptoms are unchanged. 4. Now what? What is Upper Airway Cough Syndrome? Now further evaluation is needed and a change in treatment. According to Tofts, P.H., Oliveira, E., and Ferrer, G. (2011), UACS (formerly known as postnasal drip) is due to chronic upper
  • 51. A Manager Communicating With Associates A manager communicating with associates in China, using the Hofstede s cultural dimension, will be mindful of such things as power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance and many other variables. Power distance rankings 80, masculinity 66, uncertainty avoidance 30. A manager dealing with associates in China, will need to be aware of associates rankings and address them accordingly, because the higher ranking you have in China, the less your authority is questioned. China ranks 20 on hofstedes cultural dimensions power of individualism and this is considered very low, so a manager should inspire group activity in associates and focus less on individual work. The manager should group projects to associates, because the Chinese ranking is medium in masculinity and low in uncertainty avoidance due to their high inclination to be entrepreneurs they are willing to take on challenging tasks: (Geert, 2016). Ireland ranks low in power distance with a score of 28, low in uncertainty avoidance with a score of 35, and high in individualism and masculinity with a score of 70 and 68 respectively. This implies that a manager dealing with associates in Ireland, must treat associates the same irrespective of their rankings and must also allow them to take more risks and take on more challenging tasks as they are more optimistic about their future. The manager must also treat associates as individuals as Ireland is a very competitive society and values
  • 52. Relationship Marketing And Its Impact On The Customer... Title: Relationship Marketing and its Impact on the Customer Retention in the Food Industry: A Case study on McDonald s, Bow, London Module Title: Course Work B Course Title: MA in Marketing and Innovation (Top Up) LSM ID: 14642 Student Name: Md Shumsuddin Haidar London School of Marketing Date of the Submission: 05 05 2015 Table of the Content Lists of the Contents Page No 1.1 Introduction4 1.2 Rational for the Study5 1.3 Research Aim6 1.4 Research Objectives6 1.5 Research Questions6 2. Literature Review6 2.1 Introduction6 2.2 The Concept of the Relationship Marketing6 2.3 The Relationship Marketing Components7 2.4 The Satisfaction of Customers 7 2.4.1 The Relationships between the Relationship Marketing and the Satisfaction of Customer8 2.5 The Customer Orientation8 2.6 The Customer Orientation and Customer Satisfaction8 2.7 The Retention of Customer 9 2.8 The Relationship Marketing and the Customer Retention9 3 Research Design and Methodology10 3.0 Research methodology10 3.1 Types of Investigation10 3.2 Data Collection Method11 3.3 Sampling Method11 3.4 Accessibility Issues12 3.5 Ethical Issues12 3.6 Data Analysis Plan12 3.7 Research Limitations13 4.1 Gantt Chart for Time Table14 5.1 References15 1.1
  • 53. Study of Profitability of a Logistics Company STUDY OF PROFITABILITY OF A LOGISTICS COMPANY USING ECONOMETRICS TOOLS Executive summary This study examines the impact of three factors, namely Sales, Fixed assets and Interest paid on the profitability of a logistics company. Econometric tool of multiple linear regression model was used for analyzing the impact of above factors on profitability of a major logistics company GATI Limited. Based on the financial data of last 10 years 2000 2009 the regression analysis has revealed that profitability of GATI ltd. is significantly affected positively by increase in fixed assets and adversely affected by increase in interest paid. The impact of increase in sales volume on profitability is positive but miniscule. In addition seasonality ... Show more content on ... Moreover, projects such as the Golden Quadrilateral program, National Maritime program, and introduction of freight corridors in rails shall strengthen the growth. The current economic scenario, which is largely impacted by the global slowdown however is expected to recover soon with the fall in logistics costs due to the huge developments in infrastructure. With the rise in disposable incomes, changing consumer preferences, fast emerging retail segments, infrastructure investment, the Indian logistics sector and the 3PL markets are expected to witness explosive growth in the successive years. Constraints and Challenges The biggest challenge faced by the organised logistics companies in India today, is competition from the unorganized operators. This is coupled with increasing environmental pressures, government regulations and subsidies for infrastructure development. Adding to all these, is the lack of Industry status to the logistics sector. Business Risks and Mitigation The Year 2008 2009 for India was quite different from the expectations of industry stalwarts and economy speculators. Increase in input materials costs, wages, interest and transportation forced companies to cut costs. Logistic service providers therefore are required to be cost effective and more efficient to compete in market place. High logistics and warehousing costs in India shows that there are
  • 54. The Orthodox View Of Orthodox Church Orthodox is a religion that is talked less among strong Christian believers. Many of the population don t even know that it exists, youth, and old adults are more likely to discuss the religion Catholicism. Directly following the social protocol, many think that orthodox is a religion that died out long time ago and few never learns the history behind of its being in this world. Unlike the other denominations, Orthodox churches have followed strict rules and scriptures that have been passed down from generations. Many of my friends may say, Orthodox is not a true religion. Stop wasting your time! As a member of the Orthodox faith for eighteen years, I can only replay and say, You have no idea what you are talking about. In this DCA paper, I will write to show that I am part of the Orthodox church, logically explain why Orthodox altar boys is so strong, and illustrate how this type of commitment affects your emotional life to prove that I belong in the Orthodox discourse community. I have always admired my faith, since birth I have been grown to believe Orthodox scriptures and to follow the undying faith. I nearly never understood what certain motions of a priest during a service or what some of the readings meant in my years as a child. The recognition of church faith began when I was 12 years old, as a member of the St. Mary s, now called St. Mary s Valliyapally, in Farmers Branch, Carrolton, TX. I started to learn the importance of each word in the prayer book, and