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Anthropomorphic Hibu-Fluffy Blob Thing
If I was given the opportunity to genetically modify an animal I would make it very multi
purposeful. It would be able to perform multiple tasks. It would be intelligent,protective, and
cute(because...why not?). This animal would be so intelligent, it would be able to help me any
problem or task. It would be able to solve everything from rocket science to everyday social issues.
This animal would also be very protective. This animal would be protective in both life danger
problems and everyday life. This animal would also be one of the cutest things to take foot in the
world. This animal would be called the....the Anthropomorphic Hibu–Fluffy Blob Thing. I would
start with the genetic frame of a hippo. Why you say? A hippo has a very strong bone
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Defense, Protection from Extinction, and Intelligence Can...
Recently, there have been many articles relating to animals and their survival skills. Also, many
researchers have been focusing on the daily life of a species and how well they can cooperate with
both their neighbors and the wildlife surrounding them. Many have found that animals are much
smarter than they are thought to be. They have a lot of potential which most species use to the fullest
of their ability. For example, Allegra Staples wrote an article explaining how some spiders have
recently been duplicating themselves with findings from their habitat to scare away any predators
that may come their way. Also, Meera Dolasia wrote about several naturalists that have decided to
travel to Tasmania so they are able to search for the extinct Tasmanian tiger because of all the
reported sightings around Australia. The following articles show just how far various animal species
have come over the years.
It is necessary for everyone to be aware of animals and insects when they are becoming extinct,
especially if there is something people can do to help the species have living representatives. For
example, in the article "Naturalists Begin Search For 'Extinct' Tasmanian Tiger", Meera Dolasia puts
forth that the Tasmanian tiger has been known as extinct for over 20 years, yet many have reported
sights of them recently. This article mentions how the reason of the rapid decrease of the population
is a dangerous tumor that appears on the tiger, causing them to get a
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Ribot's Nine Intelligences
According to Ribot (2007) the nine intelligences are as follows:
Verbal–Linguistic intelligence speaks to an individual's ability to understand and manipulate words
and language. This intelligence is possessed by everyone at the same level and includes reading,
writing, speaking and other forms of verbal and written communication. Logical–Mathematical
intelligence refers to an individual's ability to do things with data: collect, and organize, analyze and
interpret, conclude and predict. Individuals strong in this intelligence see patterns and relationships.
These individuals are oriented toward thinking: inductive and deductive logic, numeration, and
abstract patterns. Visual–Spatial intelligence refers to the ability to form and manipulate ... Show
more content on ...
These individuals often daydream, imagine and pretend. They are good at reading diagrams and
maps and enjoy solving mazes and jigsaw puzzles. Bodily–Kinesthetic intelligence refers to people
who process information through the sensations they feel in their bodies. These people like to move
around, touch the people they are talking to and act things out. They are good at small and large
muscle skills; they enjoy all types of sports and physical activities. They often express themselves
through dance. Musical–Rhythm intelligence refers to the ability to understand, create, and interpret
musical pitches, timbre, rhythm, and tones and the capability to compose music. Teachers can
integrate activities into their lessons that encourage students' musical intelligence by playing music
for the class and assigning tasks that involve students creating lyrics about the material being taught.
Composers and instrumentalists are individuals with strength in this area. Naturalistic intelligence is
seen in someone who recognizes and classifies plants, animals, and minerals including a mastery of
taxonomies. They are holistic thinkers who recognize specimens and value the unusual. They are
aware of species such as the flora and fauna around them. They notice natural and
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Animal Intelligence: Chaimps, Birds, And Killer Whales
We have seen many examples of animal intelligence, and I think Animals are smart in their own
ways. We have been focused on chimps, birds, and killer whales, and it is impressive how intelligent
they are. In one of the listening we have seen how a chimp understood that another chimp was
disabled and helped that chimp. We also learn that competition for food is what motivates them. For
example: A chimp with a human who has food, and the chimp want to get the food. The chimp
figured it out that if he sneaks around a barrier that the human can't see, it could get the food. So this
demonstrates that chimps understand how to manipulate the situation to get what it wants. Birds also
demonstrate that food is their principal motivation. We learn from
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Why Do Animals Lack Intelligence
Descartes posits that animals lack intelligence, a characteristic that is distinctly a human possession
(p.30, Adam & Tannery). By this he means their ability to be rational, to exercise reason and to
speak; the act of putting words in an orderly fashion to express thoughts. While the deaf and the
dumb lack this possession, they have the ability to speak through a different language, sign language
(p.31). Parrots in contrast, have the ability to speak but lack the comprehension to express higher
levels of thought (p.31). Language is a learnt behavior. If Descartes thought of language as a
measure of intelligence, then Washoe a chimp who has been taught to communicate through
American Sign Language (ASL) would be a refutable example of this statement. Critics argued that
the chimps were only taught to mimic, but Washoe shocked researchers when she taught her adopted
son Loulis about 50 ASL signs without researchers intervention2. Surely, this is evidence that
animals ... Show more content on ...
They have created niches in which they can successfully reproduce and propagate their genes to the
next generation in optimal ways that other animals cannot. This is true for artificial insemination and
genetic sequencing of DNA to select against deleterious genotypes and then inseminate a female
with this optimal zygote. They have also created defense mechanism that has nothing to do with
adaptation in a defense against deadly animals; these include tranquilizers and even guns. With all
that being said, they do not need to concern themselves with developing mechanisms to live in the
wild and surviving against predators. These concerns were the concerns of their ancestors and their
non–human counterparts. Humans are now concerned with understanding the complexities of their
creation and so some create religion as means to express that, which cannot be understood through
science or tangible matters on
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Animal Rights : A Case For Animal Intelligence
Animal Rights: A Case for Animal Intelligence
Starting in the 17th century, enlightenment philosophers contemplated animal consciousness and its
subsequent implications on animal rights. Descartes viewed animals as a modern–day machine:
organic beings that only act instinctually. Thus, Descartes critically distinguished humans and
animals based on their respective capacity for reason: since animals supposedly lack the ability to
learn, they forego fundamental human rights. However, animal mind philosophy gradually shifted
towards the end of the 19th century as Charles Darwin recorded notes of various species around the
world. For example, Darwin observed an earthworm consuming leaves in an intelligent, non–
instinctual way that, to him, ... Show more content on ...
So, Cartesian Dualism offers an empirical and partially objective way to measure animals, and will
be the basis for a contemporary test to assess an animal's abilities. Clearly, animal intelligence
clearly cannot be measured simply, since each animal must be inspected individually to assess its
competency. Therefore, animals should be considered intelligent if they meet a majority of the
following requirements: an ability to communicate and understand, self–consciousness, high relative
size of brain to body mass (>= ~2% of total mass), an ability to solve new problems using reasoning
without relying on instinct, a desire to seek pleasure and avoid pain, and an ability to act
empathetically. Of course, there will always exist animals that almost meet these requirements, but
do not quite fulfill a majority, so animal intelligence must be viewed in terms of relative
intelligence. Ultimately, although some animals today lack a mind capable of creating solutions to
novel problems and sensing oneself (self–consciousness), several animals today, including dolphins,
parrots, and chimpanzees, meet these requirements to be considered intelligent beings and thus
should be entitled to the same inalienable rights as humans proportionally to their intellect. Dolphins
exemplify high animal intelligence because of their unique levels of self–awareness and ability to
learn and teach each other. For instance, dolphins, like humans, can look at a mirror, recognize
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Animal Intelligence Essay
Animal Intelligence
Intelligence is defined as the ability to acquire and apply knowledge. Psychologists have exploited
this concept in many ways to try and determine whether non–human animals are capable of
From social learning it is logical to assume that, since non–human animals are able to both acquire
and use new behaviours, they must be intelligent in some way. Heyes stated that there are 6 types of
behaviour which suggest intelligence. These are imitation, self–recognition, social relationship
formation, role–taking, deception and perspective taking. These 6 behaviours are referred to as the
theory of mind (ToM).
Imitation is the ability to copy another's behaviour, ... Show more content on ...
This gives a good basis to ToM as intelligence is required to recognise that the mirror image is not
another individual. This behaviour has been reported in the higher primates.
Gallup's study required chimpanzees to be placed in a cage with a mirror. At first they reacted like
the image was another chimp, but later realised that it was actually themselves. Gallup anaesthetised
the chimpanzees then placed a red mark on one eyebrow and ear. After recovering, the chimpanzees
would often touch the red mark, when they looked in the mirror. This supports the idea that higher–
primates are capable of self–recognition. This experiment was tried out on other animals e.g. cats,
dogs, and elephants with unsuccessful results.
The fact that no other animals responded to this experiment means that it cannot be said for sure that
all non–human animals are capable of self–recognition. Therefore some non–human animals do not
show signs of ToM. Evolutionary science suggests that the higher primates are distant relatives of
human beings, having similar physiology may mean that higher primates are more capable of
Social relationships refer to an animal's ability to form bonds with others of its species. This
relationship formation may be affected by the animal's status or role in the community. In
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You Can Grow Your Intelligence: Article Analysis
In the article "You Can Grow Your Intelligence", the author discussed a couple of studies that
proved not only can your brain grow, but so can your intelligence. It mentioned facts pertaining to
the weight of the brain, connection between nerve cells and how it affects the overall intelligence of
a species. One of these studies included animals from different environments being tested on their
intelligence. According to the study, the animals that were held in captivity and lived alone were not
only found to have smaller brains than the ones who lived in a challenging environment, but had less
communication between the brain cells that allows them to think strategically and communicate
with others. The article claims this theory to be true
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Why Do Animals Lack Intelligence
Descartes posits that animals lack intelligence, a characteristic that is distinctly a human possession
(p.30, Adam & Tannery). By this he means their ability to be rational, to exercise reason and to
speak; the act of putting words in an orderly fashion to express thoughts. While the deaf and the
dumb lack this possession, they have the ability to speak through a different language, sign language
(p.31). Parrots in contrast, have the ability to speak but lack the comprehension to express higher
levels of thought (p.31). Language is a learnt behavior. If Descartes thought of language as a
measure of intelligence, then Washoe a chimp who has been taught to communicate through
American Sign Language (ASL) would be a refutable example of this statement. Critics argued that
the chimps were only taught to mimic, but Washoe shocked researchers when she taught her adopted
son Loulis about 50 ASL signs without researchers intervention2. Surely, this is evidence that
animals ... Show more content on ...
They have created niches in which they can successfully reproduce and propagate their genes to the
next generation in optimal ways that other animals cannot. This is true for artificial insemination and
genetic sequencing of DNA to select against deleterious genotypes and then inseminate a female
with this optimal zygote. They have also created defense mechanism that has nothing to do with
adaptation in a defense against deadly animals; these include tranquilizers and even guns. With all
that being said, they do not need to concern themselves with developing mechanisms to live in the
wild and surviving against predators. These concerns were the concerns of their ancestors and their
non–human counterparts. Humans are now concerned with understanding the complexities of their
creation and so some create religion as means to express that, which cannot be understood through
science or tangible matters on
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How Does Orwell Use Intelligence In Animal Farm
"They explained that by their studies of the past three months the pigs had succeeded in reducing the
principles of Animalism to Seven Commandments" (Orwell 24). This passage from the book
suggests that the pigs are completely in charge of Animal Farm, and they use their intelligence to
create the Seven Commandments, and rule the farm This moment is the beginning of the pigs' reign
over Animal Farm. Although it may look like Orwell shows the pigs using their intelligence for the
well–being and prosperity of Animal Farm, he is actually using techniques like simile, metaphor,
and imagery, to portray that they are using their intelligence incorrectly. The pigs in Animal Farm
use their intelligence to make the common animals do dirty work that ... Show more content on ...
"The mystery of where the milk went to was soon cleared up. It was mixed every day into the pigs'
mash" (Orwell 35). The milk and apples of the farm had been mysteriously disappearing, but it turns
out that the pigs had been smuggling them in all along. "'We pigs are brainworkers. The whole
management and organisation of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your
welfare. It is for your sake that we drink milk and eat those apples'" (Orwell 36). It is implied in
Squealer's quote that the pigs' stealing of the milk and apples can be justified, because it is for the
well–being of the animals. This is evidence of the pigs' incorrect use of intelligence leading to
corruption. In addition to this, the pigs' brainwashing of the animals is evident in the character
Boxer. Orwell uses imagery to depict Boxer's loyalty to Napoleon and his dullness. "His two
slogans, 'I will work harder' and 'Napoleon is always right,' seemed to him a sufficient answer to all
his problems" (Orwell 61). In other words, Boxer motivates himself by saying things like "Napoleon
is always right," and "I will work harder." Boxer never questions anything on the farm, because
apparently to him ,"Napoleon is always right." This is evidence of the pigs' brainwashing of the
animals, because animals like Boxer always believe the pigs no matter what they
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How Psychology Helps Us Understand the Concept of Language...
How Psychology Helps Us Understand the Concept of Language and Intelligence as Related to
Human Beings
Psychology, the study of behaviour and mental processes concerns itself with the reasons organisms
do what they do and how they behave in a particular way, For example why acquired skills are not
lost when learnt ; Why do children rebel against parents and, why humans speak, love and fight each
other. These examples of learning and behaviour are directly related to intelligence and language in
human beings.
It is said that language, foresight, musical skills and other hallmarks of intelligence are connected
through an underlying facility that enhances rapid movements. To most observers, the essence of
Intelligence is ... Show more content on ...
Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon together developed a test called the ( Simon Binet Test ), to assess
the ability of children's performance at school. They developed a table used to compare the mental
age of a child to the actual age to produce the concept of I.Q. The conclusion was that a particular
intelligent person often seem quick and capable of juggling many ideas at once.
Not to be outdone, Wechler developed intelligence scales for both adults and children (WAIS &
WISC). The scales are in two parts VERBAL AND PERFORMANCE, giving a clear picture of the
person's IQ; by identifying their strength and weaknesses in specific areas .The information can be
used in planning individualized instruction programs.
To help us understand the nature side of intelligence versus the nurture side Psychologists Bouchard
McGue (1981), and Harrell et al(1955) provided us with correlations and comparisons . In the case
of Bouchard and McGue the correlations thus provided were:
Identical twins reared apart .72
Identical twins reared together .86 compared to
Non–identical twins reared together .60
Siblings reared apart .47
Then child and natural parent .50 while.
Then child and adopted parent .19
These results appear to strongly support the nature issue.
Numerous studies show or emphasizes the influences that environmental factors have on
Intelligence. Harrell et al (1955) compared two groups of enormously
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A Brave New Student Summary
A Brave New Student: The Undeveloped Mind Of Students
I walked up to the professor's desk. I handed her my paper and I said, I don't know what you want
written down. –Barbara, Student, The College Fear Factor
Many students believe that intelligence is fixed, that everyone is given a certain amount, but with
practice, intelligence can be grown overtime. Recent research reveals several important factors in
student success including, challenging the mind to learn, having a growth mindset, and overcoming
personal fears and anxiety. Of these, the most important factors to student success are, challenging
the mind to learn and overcoming personal fears and anxiety, because students that challenge the
mind to learn enjoy challenging and complex tasks which helps develop and grow the ... Show more
content on ...
According to Lisa Blackwell, author of, "You Can Grow Your Intelligence", scientist began to think
the human brain could develop and change, so they completed studies on animals that suggested,
animals who lived alone and slept all the time where different then animals who lived with different
toys and where always active. The animals that lived with the different toys spent a lot of time
understanding how to use those toys and how to get along with other animals, and when the study
was completed, it showed that the animals who spent time figuring out how to use the toys and
socialized with each other ended up having more connections between nerve cells in their brains, the
connections become stronger and the brains of those animals become ten percent heavier then those
animals that lived without toys, lived alone and had minimal activity. This example shows us that
the animals who enjoyed being active and challenged themselves to learn something new, overtime
those animals began to grow their brains by challenging their minds to
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Flowers For Algernon Comprehension Questions
Flowers For Algernon Comprehension Questions
Charlie decides to put his knowledge and skills to good use when he sees the boy drop the dishes at
the restaurant. He wants, "to work in the field of increasing human intelligence levels." The boy at
the diner was so oblivious of the fact he was being made fun of, and that reminded Charlie of
himself. He didn't want other people to end up like he did. (Keyes, 202)
Time has become important for Charlie because he does not know how much time he has left in his
life. After watching Algernon die, along with the other animals producing strange behavior, Charlie
is questioning the safety of his operation, and he is trying to finish his studies before he loses his
intelligence or dies. (Keyes, 203)
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How Does Daniel Keyes Use Simile In Flowers For Algernon
"I wanted to race algernon some more but Burt said thats enough for one day. They let me hold him
for a minit. Hes not so bad," (Keyes 120). Charlie Gordon has a good heart, but a very low
intelligence. In Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes, Charlie Gordon is eager for a surgery that
will hopefully triple his IQ and make him much more intelligent than the average man. After Charlie
gets his operation, he meets a lab animal, a mouse named Algernon, who has had the same operation
that Charlie had. Dr. Strauss, the man who started this all, has Charlie and Algernon race to solve
mazes that measure Charlie's intellectual growth, which increases proving the operation successful.
Daniel Keyes focused on multiple craft moves: simile, foreshadow, and personification to give the
reader a way to associate the story with ways that they can relate to.
The author uses a simile when he compares a person's IQ to numbers on a measuring cup. For
instance, ... Show more content on ...
You still had to fill the cup up with stuff." (Keyes 125) Considering that the definition of a simile is
a comparison using the words like or as, and Keyes compared intelligence to a measuring cup using
"like" then this quote is, in fact, a simile. This comparison shows that people may be the most
intelligent person in the world, but they still need to fill their brain with knowledge. This is used in
the story by a character to show that Charlie may be very intelligent, but he still needs to learn the
information that went over his
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Artificial Intelligence And Authentic Intelligence Essay
Artificial Intelligence and Authentic Intelligence By Weldon Smith | Submitted On May 23, 2012
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Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Weldon Smith Scientific people have always enjoyed
the thought of artificial intelligence––of a machine being able to think and act on its own. It 's a
popular theme for novels and movies too. And who of us wouldn 't love to have a personal robot to
anticipate our needs and take care of them? I even remember a production from the local
planetarium about computers worldwide that networked and synergized their data. At the end of the
production this networked computer system commanded, "Let there be light!" and a new universe
was born. Artificial intelligence has as many definitions as people defining it. For some it is only a
matter of a machine being able to analyze data and then take an appropriate action. But I think for
most, it means that a machine can actually think, can learn, can create, can come up with original
ideas––that it can act like a person and be indistinguishable from a human being in its actions and
thoughts. If artificial intelligence is only a machine or a system acting on its own, then a lawn
sprinkler system that has
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High School Years Were The Worst Time For Me
High school years were the worst time for me. I have absolutely no idea how I made it through to
graduation, but I did. My learning style was to cram everything in my mind right before a test
because my mentality was that if I did that I would recall everything. Well, I was wrong. School
work has always been difficult for me because I find it hard to pay attention and do not understand
everything I am being told. I have this learning block that does not allow me to process information
until I understand every thought or action behind it and if I do not comprehend the details then the
information is not retained. That might be a side effect of my traumatic brain injury or it could just
be because of how I was raised or my own personal way of thinking, whatever the case may be, the
disability is tormenting.
Additionally, when I was little my parents and I continuously got into fights about schoolwork. I
could never explain why my grades were as low as they were or why I still needed help with
homework even after they clarified it fifteen times. In middle school it took me four hours to do
thirty minutes' worth of homework because I was not retaining what I had learned in class. My dad
asked me how it was possible for me to know every lyric known to mankind but remembering my
multiplication tables was a struggle. Thus, bringing me to the discovery of a learning style known as
kinesthetic. Upon this detection I decided to research what that meant. Astonishingly it is very
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Animal Intelligence
Animal Intelligence Animals are smarter than people think they are. As animal studies keep on
increasing, we find out that some animals are close to our level of thinking. Animals such as chimps,
parrots, elephants, dolphins and monkeys have been studied and proved to us that they too have a
good level of intelligence. Self recognition, social skills, language skills and the use of tools are all
signs that scientist use to prove that these animals have a good capacity of smarts in their brain.
Many people may think that only humans have the ability to recognize themselves or to be
recognized. But the study of two animals has turned that statement to something new. In one study,
an elephant was looking at its own appearance and saw ... Show more content on ...
By knowing how to use tools to solve problems indicates intelligence. Vultures use rocks to open
eggs; a wood pecker uses the needles of a cactus to get the roots of a tree, and a couple of times a
crow in a lab used its cup and got water to moisten its food when the keepers forget to moisten it.
(Willett) Many studies have been made that shows animals do have intelligence. Different types of
animals may vary in intelligence, but to determine who smarter than whom, a continuum was made.
Animals can not come up and tell us what they are intelligent in and what ideas they do are similar
to ours. So it is our job to experiment and find out. When we do complete everything specific thing
about animal intelligence in the future, maybe they will not seem so inferior to us any
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Classical Vs Operant Conditioning Essay
Exam 2
1. What is the difference between classical and operant conditioning? How might both play roles in
the life of an animal in a natural environment? The classical conditioning is when an animal learns
the relation between an event, that it has no control over, with a beneficial consequence. In operant
conditioning, the animal learns the association between an action, or situation that it has control
over, in order to produce a beneficial consequence, such as a reward. Both these two associative
learning behaviors can be relevant to the animal in the wild. In the classical conditioning, for
example, if a predator animal that learns how to associate the sunset with the appearance of prey has
more chance to survive. In the operant conditioning, an animal can learn how to gather a food
resource by performing a determinate behavior. For example, if the animal knock on a specific tree,
the prey would appear.
Textbook Animal Behavior
2. What is a "critical period" for imprint learning? If a male duck is raised by a female of another
species, what could happen to his courtship ... Show more content on ...
The food aversion is normally caused by a very strong discomfort, bad taste, nausea, and vomiting.
The nervous system learns to correlate the discomfort feeling with the food ingested, and store it in
the long–lasting memory. Ever more, the taste aversion learning is different from the associative
learn, because the nausea is right after eating the food, and it needs to happen only one time to be
learned, so the correlation is instantly and do not need repetition. This behavior can shape the diet of
animals in an evolutionary way by natural selection, since it is a long–lasting memory. Animals that
learn what food resource to avoid have more chances to
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What Is The Character Of Intelligence In Maroo Of The...
In the book Maroo of the Winter Caves by Ann Turnbull, we introduced to a group of Cro Magnon
at the end of the last Ice Age in what is now France. Maroo and her people face lethal obstacles
during unforgiving weathers, however, they survived. Being capable to endure such conditions
would get hold of true intelligence. Maroo and her people were intelligent because they could hunt,
they had a culture, and most of all the capability of crafting. Overall, a Maroo and her people
weren't some cave people who ran around banging on their chest, they showed signs of intelligence.
One reason Maroo and her people were intelligent is that they had the ability to hunt. For example,
(Turnbull, 8), "The hunters had approached. Otak and Maroo made out ... Show more content on ...
When Maroo and Nimai were talking about the story, Nimai mentioned the "Great Mother" and that
they needed to pray to her. Another part of their culture is letting the hunters eat first. To summarize,
Maroo and her people were intelligent because they had a culture. The most important reason Maroo
and her people were intelligent is that they could build. For example, Maroo and her people lived
such a hard time, and they had certain ways of having fun like playing the drum. Maroo and her
people didn't buy their drums from the stores, they build them. Aldo, ( Turnbull, 77) "We have to
stop and build a snow house until the blizzard is over." Maroo and her people knew how to build
snow houses during the blizzard. In addition, the mare and her people were also able to build tools
such as scrapers, knives, bowls, and etc. Whenever Old Mother is making warm water with dried
herbs she makes fire with a bow–drill. Making fire was extremely difficult in the Ice Ages. This
shows that Maroo and her people were intelligent enough to build fires. This shows that they had the
intelligence of building tools which helped them survive and make their lives easier. To summarize,
Maroo and her people, were intelligent because they had the capability of building something
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The True Meaning of Intelligence Essays
When a person utters the word "intelligence," people tend to think of a genius like Albert Einstein
developing some obscure equation that the great majority of the population will never understand.
The problem with the definition of intelligence is that people relate intelligence to words like
"genius" which require intelligence but do not have the same definition as intelligence. Often,
people try to use related words to define intelligence, but these words are unable to define
intelligence since many are only different levels of intelligence. While many definitions try to
encompass the meaning of intelligence and various definitions describe a small part of intelligence,
no definition completely explains intelligence, because ... Show more content on ...
Although intelligence is a concept, there are many definitions that try to describe and interpret
intelligence for people. One of the many definitions is the "capacity to understand" (World English
Dictionary: Intelligence). This definition is describing intelligence and giving one facet of the
diamond that is the various definitions of intelligence. This simple definition is often used by many
common people, but a more in depth definition is "the ability to derive information, learn from
experience, adapt to the environment, understand, and correctly utilize thought and reaction" (APA
Dictionary of Psychology: Intelligence). This definition delves deeper into intelligence and paints a
general picture of intelligence but is unable to define intelligence for a simple reason. Intelligence is
a concept and thus is impossible to completely define by one comprehensive definition. Since
intelligence is a concept, there are no words that are able to completely explain the concept, but
there are words that can give a general idea of the concept. Intelligence has three main facets that
must be acknowledged before one can understand intelligence. Each facet is intertwined with
another of the facets that each connect to create intelligence. The three facets are logic, growth, and
emotion. The logic of intelligence allows one to solve problems in order to
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Border Collie: One Of The Smartest Types Of Animal...
Animal Intelligence Research
Dogs are capable of understanding up to 100 words or more. Many people consider dogs to be more
intelligent than a human child. In reality there are different kinds of intelligence. Different breeds of
dogs are better at different types of things.Certain breeds, like Border Collies and Golden Retrievers,
are easier to train than other types of dogs. A study has shown that a Border Collie is one of the
smartest types of dogs. The Border Collie is full of energy, affectionate, and extremely smart. This
type of dog is a true working dog excelling in sheep herding, agility, and athleticism. Border Collies
are also known for their "herding eyes," an intense gaze used to stare down and herd other animals.
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The Individual 's Stage Of Cognitive Development
2. If the individual is an infant, test for object permanence (see pp. 101–102 in your textbook).
Describe both the test and the results. If the individual is a child, test his or her conservation skills
using one of the tasks described on pp. 148–151 in your textbook. Describe both the test(s) and the
results. What does performance on the object permanence or conservation task tell you about the
individual's stage of cognitive development in Piaget's theory?
If the individual is a child, adolescent, or adult, ask the individual to draw a picture of what a human
being would look like if he or she had three eyes instead of two. Ask the individual where the third
eye should go and why it should go there. Describe both the test and the results. Scan or take a
digital photo of the drawing and upload the image to your course dropbox along with the submission
version of these forms. What does this drawing tell you about the individual's stage of cognitive
development in Piaget's theory? Can the individual think creatively about possible (hypothetical)
worlds or is he or she stuck in concrete reality?
I told Nina to draw a human with a third eye located anywhere she would like to place it. She
decided to put the eye on the chin so the person could have a "broader view and different
perspective". Nina is in the formal operational stage of cognitive development. Instead of placing
the eye on the forehead like a child would do, she placed it on the chin which
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Do Dolphins Have Emotions And Empathy?
It has long been known that dolphins are some of the smartest, and cutest, animals on Earth.
However, how smart are they really? Do they have complex thoughts and comprehensions like
humans do? Do they have long–term memory like humans? Do dolphins have emotions and
empathy? Through researching dolphins' memory and problem solving skills, I will move to
understand basic dolphin intelligence and mental capacity in the hopes that, if shared, the world will
learn to empathize with dolphins and strive to help protect them and their homes in the wild. This
also ties into some of the benefits of having marine mammals in human care. Without them in
human care, we could not understand their wild counterparts. Animals in human care are
ambassadors ... Show more content on ...
More specifically, how do they work and how do they compare to humans? In 2013, Jason Bruck
published an article about social memory in dolphins. Bruck's goal was to find out how long
dolphins could remember each other by using their signature whistles. A signature whistle is a
specific sound pattern that each dolphin has assigned to them after birth. It is equivalent to what we
would call their name. Each dolphin has their own personal signature whistle that other dolphins use
to get their attention. This signature whistle follows the dolphins for their whole lives. This fact in
itself shows that dolphins have high intelligence that is comparable to that of a human (Janik, 2006).
Since a dolphin's signature whistle is used throughout their entire life, Nuck believed that it would
be a reliable way to evaluate dolphins' memories. Bruck tested the dolphins' abilities to recognize an
unfamiliar signature whistle vs. the signature whistle of a dolphin that they previously lived with
(Burck 2013).
The study found that the dolphins have amazing memories; they are able to remember "friends"
from over 20 years ago. The study overall shows that dolphins "have the potential for lifelong
memory for each other regardless of relatedness, sex or duration of association" (Bruck 2013). We
can compare these findings to our own knowledge of our own memory. We know that we have the
ability to remember names and other various
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Absence of Evidence, or Evidence of Absence; A paper on...
Absence of Evidence, or Evidence of Absence? A paper on Animal Consciousness
     Consciousness is a difficult term to grasp; so much so, that
many scientists will not even attempt to define the term, much less search for it's evidence. Most
however, do agree that consciousness must include certain aspects; specifically cognition, self–
awareness, memory, and abstract thought.      Lesley J. Rogers
describes consciousness as, "related to awareness, intelligence, and complex cognition, as well as
language. Consciousness may be manifested in self–awareness, awareness of others, intentional
behavior, including intentional communication, deception of others, and in the ... Show more
content on ...
     In Dr. Pepperberg's book, The Alex Studies, she taught the
parrot to be able to recognize different objects by color, shape, and material. He was even able to
eventually distinguish between concepts such as "bigger," "smaller," "same," "different," "over," and
"under." When asked to identify objects, Alex correctly identified, on first try, 80% of all objects
presented in over 200 tests (45). He was also able to correctly pair different labels together to fit a
certain object; for example color and material. After only two years of training, Alex was able to
communicate with contextual and conceptual use of human speech. He could identify, request, and
refuse a set of objects for play or food (50). Dr. Pepperberg also took precautions to ensure that she
had not allowed for any "cues" to tip off Alex to a correct answer, as in the case of "Clever Hans."
     These animals also demonstrated memory, another of the
aspects of consciousness. Many behaviorists believe that animals act only on instinct, or on
conditioned responses to stimuli. Others, like Lesley J. Rogers, believe that memories actually play
an important part in an animal's behavior. "The uniqueness of an individual is not simply encoded in
the enormous diversity of our genetic code (our inheritance) but is established by our unique
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Why Genetic Engineering Is Morally Good Essay
Determining if genetic engineering is morally good is only half the battle with this ethical issue.
Regardless of whether morally good reasons are used to justify it, genetic engineering is an attempt
to use human intelligence in order to try to overthrow God's original creation or plan for humans.
Scientist are trying to perfect his creation or change it. God has laid out the way things should
happen naturally and humans are attempting to overthrow it. A key word to note is "attempt"
because Scotus would see genetic engineering as a failed attempt at playing God because he
believes that God is all powerful and it would be impossible for a human to possess that same type
of power. In the article "Freedom Beyond Practice Reason: Duns Scotus on Will– Dependent
Relations" the author Tobias Hoffmann discusses freedom of will according to Scotus. Hoffmann
explains that, "for Scotus, the will is free to will any good either for its own sake alone... or for the
sake of something else." (Hoffmann 1077). God gave humans the freedom of will which allows
individuals to live a life they choice. This means an individual could choice a life of virtue or a life
of sin and God would not intentionally interfere in their life and force that individual to choose
God's preferred path of righteousness. God has given humans a choice, and permits them to do what
they want with their own lives. Likewise, God has given humans intelligence and what humans do
with their intelligence is also up to them
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The Theory Of Animal Intelligence By Edward L. Thorndike...
Edward L. Thorndike's Impact
Zion Johnson
American River College
Psychology 300
Ms. Carlson
Contribution to Animal Learning As a young man working in the field of Psychology mostly
working in the field of educational Psychology while teaching at the University of Columbia. His
exploration into the mind of animal's learning habits led the world to figuring out connectionism.
Before Thorndike had discovered the theory of Animal Intelligence the anecdotal method was
always used which used collections of memorial events or situations where animals showed natural
thinking processes. Thorndike challenged this method for the flaws that it showed including
overestimation of animals natural thought by using experiments that his test subjects could use to
attempt to counter the anecdotal method. Edward ultimately assumed that they simply use trial and
error method to discover answers to the experiments.(International Encyclopedia of Social Science
The Puzzle Box Experiment Through this experiment Edward placed a cat inside of a box with
latches that could open the door to let the kitten out. Through trial and error as the cat proceeded to
go through this experiment multiple times the times it took the cat to open the door were
documented. While the cat struggled with the first trial by the end of the experiment the cat
developed a sense of how to get through the cage within seconds showing that animals do not learn
mental processing, but
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Ignorance Vs. Intelligence : Animal Experimentation And...
Ignorance v. Intelligence: Animal Experimentation and Life Saving Medical Technology
The use of non–human animals in experiments in order to gain a further understanding of the
functions of biological systems is known as animal experimentation. Medicine as it is known today
would not exist without animal experimentation, also referred to as animal testing, animal research,
and/or biomedical testing. Albert Sabin, who developed the Polio vaccine said, "Without animal
research, polio would still be claiming thousands of lives each year." and Dr. Robert Palazzo,
President of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) stated that
"Americans are living longer, healthier lives and we owe much of that success to biomedical
research." (Forty reasons why we need animals in research, 2014). Animal experimentation is
greatly responsible for the discovery of treatments for some of history's most deadly diseases, as
well as antibiotics for raging infections and vaccines for debilitating viruses that once consumed the
United States, and the rest of the world. Some of the most notable medical advancements that relied
on animal testing over the past three decades include, the cervical cancer/ HPV vaccine, asthma
treatments, and Insulin. Now, in the 21st century, PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals),
the ALF (Animal Liberation Front), and The Humane Society of the United States are seen as heros
in the eyes of many Americans for their rebellion against
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Bonobo Intelligence Animal Essay
Why do we say that Bonobo has intelligence? Similar to humans might be a partial reason why
Bonobo is classified as intelligence animal. Many evidences show that Bonobo expresses its
intelligence in the natural world. Bonobo is highly intelligence and physically similar to human
ancestor. Bonobos were discovered in the forest along the Congo River in the Democratic Republic
of Congo in 1927. They are named as the "pygmy chimpanzees" because of the similarities in their
physical traits with chimpanzees. A lot of people make the same mistake in recognizing Bonobo and
Chimpanzee though they have the same height. However, Bonobo come with leaner body, smaller
head and longer leg than Chimpanzee. Moreover, they physically feature as the closest primates to
human who hold "almost 98.6 percent of their DNA" comparing with human.(
Specifically, learning language indicates the most stunning ability about Bonobos intelligence.
Human is regarded as the intelligence animal because we can use language which distinguishes us
with others. Language covers many combinations of words such as grammars, sentences, phrases
that only human can understand. Since I was a child, I usually thought that the world of animal had
its own language that we did not know about it. Although many species can understand what their
species want to transfer in the world of nature by using methods such as waves or signal, but none of
them can deliver it into language. But we know this:
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Flowers For Algernon 700 Word Essay
Flowers For Algernon: 700 word Essay
In the novel Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes, Charlie, a mentally disabled adult, has brain
surgery to increase intelligence.The scientists do not have a right to surgically change his
brain.Rather than think about/believe Charlie's quality of life, the scientists think about/believe their
own fame.Ultimately, with the death of Algernon and Charlie's research, the operation did not yield
Before Charlie performs the operation he enjoyed the mockery of his friends.For Example; when
Charlie gets taunted by his "friends" he always responds in a calm gesture. The reason why Charlie
enjoys people mocking him is because in the novel he states: "Its ... Show more content on ...
Charlie also notices that they do not have the role of god and he states: "It may sound like
ingratitude, but that is one of the things I hate here – the attitude that I am a guinea pig. Nemur's
constant references to having made me what I am, or that someday there will be others like me who
will become real human beings. How can I make him understand that he did not create me?" PR 13,
pg. 101. Although the scientists did increase Charlie's intelligence it was not enough to be called a
quality of life. Charlie was intelligent for only 6 months. The problem with Charlie is that he was
not socially or mentally mature which he also needed time for in the operation and that's another
reason why this is not a quality of life. Another reason is that the scientists only tested the operation
on one mouse which was not enough to test it on a human being. The scientists should have tested
the operation on more than one mouse so they can be more confident about the operation. Not only
does this operation contain more than one flaw but it is also an impossible operation. Before Charlie
lost his intelligence he did some research and he found out that it is impossible. The operation is
impossible because if god wanted him to be intelligent he would have done
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The Advancements Of Technology In The 21st Century
Technology Advances Over the last 30 years, IQ levels have risen dramatically and continue to rise
each generation. Along with rising IQ levels, technological advancement is rising more than it ever
was before. Let's think back to the time of cavemen. They started the invention of "technology" as
we know it today, making tools out of anything they can find such as bones, stone, and wood.
Cavemen are seen as uneducated and savage. During 3500 BCE, the wheel is invented. Humans are
seen as a little more advanced and educated during this time period as more devices are innovated.
Fast forward to the 17th century when Galileo and Isaac Newton show their discoveries. Because of
these improvements in science and technology, Galileo and Newton are seen as geniuses that
revolutionize the way humans learn about information. Today's inventors and innovators are
constantly teaching us new ways to go about life and showing us how to take advantage of it.
Technology has not only increased our overall intelligence, but has helped society advance
successfully. Ever since the invention of the internet, the way we go about our lives everyday has
been changed forever. We suddenly have access to answers of almost any question anyone can think
of at our fingertips. Figuring out how to fix any problems in your life and learning about any subject
matter is something that we as a society know how to do. In the past, people didn't know how to do
half of the things we know how to do because there
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Intelligence Vs Growth Mindset
Although many with a fixed mindset believe that intelligence is determined at birth, research has
shown how the brain can be developed to ultimately make someone become smarter, instantly
favoring those with a growth mindset. The way a person with a fixed mindset feels about something
like accepting feedback and constructive criticism absolutely differs from the way one with a growth
mindset would feel. Those with a fixed mindset feel threatened by feedback and may avoid it
altogether if possible due to thinking that they'll never become better ("Effective Effort Rubric")
(Knapp). On the contrary, those with a growth mindset are motivated by feedback and criticism,
thinking of it as a crucial element in the learning process("Effective Effort ... Show more content on ...
Brain researchers have found evidence that the way a person thinks with a growth mindset actually
helps to develop their intelligence and become smarter. Scientists have formed the conclusion after
studying the brains of animals and infants that the brain's neurons multiply, get stronger, and take in
new information after being mentally challenged ("You Can Grow Your Intelligence")(Knapp). This
leads to an increased growth of dendrites that helps to speed up how fast information travels, further
leading to a faster learning process and eventually resulting to an improved intelligence. Common
habits of those with a growth mindset, like focusing on learning, practicing, and challenging
themselves mentally, is exactly what is needed to strengthen the brain. Doing things along with
having a growth mindset, like getting enough sleep, eating nutritional foods and exercising
regularly, can also lead to an improved intelligence. Having a growth mindset is ones' choice, but it
can overall help them to become more successful and intelligent in life. From getting that A on a test
to being better at a job, there are endless possibilities that can result by having a growth
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Intelligence And Power In Animal Farm By George Orwell
Intelligence and Power. These two concepts are closer than most think. Many political figures use
their intelligence to get their position in society. However, many use their intelligence for the sake of
themselves and not for others. Their intelligence is what lead them to power and power is what
polluted their mind. In the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell, a group of animals on a farm
called the Manor farm incite a rebellion against their human oppressor, Mr.Jones. After the
Rebellion is completed, the animals rejoice and put the pigs of the farm in charge. However, trouble
comes up later for the animals. Political figures like Hitler and Stalin, in history and literature, use
their intelligence and status to get their desired position ... Show more content on ...
Their followers, however, are not educated most of the time. Not only leaders need intelligence but
they need the ignorance and loyalty of people to follow them. An example from the novel is Boxer,
the most–respected and hard–working animal on the farm. Boxer has such ridiculous strength and
his loyalty is higher than any other animal. The pigs see these traits and exploit them for their own
interests. When Napoleon becomes the leader of the farm,"Boxer, voiced the general feeling by the
saying: 'If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right.' "And from then on he adopted the maxim
"Napoleon is always right," in addition to his private motto of "I will work harder!" (Orwell 56). As
what the quote shows, Boxer is becoming very loyal to Napoleon, ignorant to his corruption.
Boxer's defining trait is his loyalty. Although one would consider loyalty to be a positive trait, it can
also be a negative trait as well. Boxer's real life counterpart, The working class of communist Russia
(International Socialism). is the same as well. They simply accepted their position in society and
was particularly royal to Stalin. They worked extremely well in labor but like Boxer, they're
uneducated. Like Boxer, they were betrayed by those they were loyal to. The pigs and Stalinists see
Boxer and the working class as nothing but slaves. This is how leaders get their power. By having
the loyalty of their followers and something much
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Non Satis Scire Research Paper
Non Satis Scire: To Know Is Not Enough
Elementary schools no longer require students to memorize multiplication tables. Learning how to
perform complex calculations using long division is passé. Many schools no longer teach children
cursive writing, and none teach, much less emphasize, the importance of good penmanship. The
advent of the age of technology is the cause...but is it to blame? Many people might believe that by
excluding some of the things that educators thought were important skills fifty years ago, makes
today's young adults ill–educated. However, elementary students of the 1950's were not taught
keyboarding or the use of the internet, or about the basic structure of DNA, or cyber–bullying or
global warming either. Such subjects, ... Show more content on ...
The amount of information that needed to be absorbed and applied in order to earn a doctorate in
1850 is nowhere near the volumes of information required to earn that same degree today.
Immediate access to information has started the idea of "just–in– time learning" (Collins and
Halverson 14). This means that when one needs immediate information to accomplish a complex
task, one can receive the needed data at just the right time. "Enthusiasts argue for just–in–time
learning as the counter to the school strategy of trying to teach everything one might need to know
someday. Many Americans spend 15–20 years in school learning things that they may or may not
use later in life."(Collins and Halverson 14) Not many Americans have ever required the date that
Columbus discovered America to enhance their lives. Since that kind of information is now
available at the touch of a button, why do educators still require children to memorize extraneous
material? It would be much more logical and efficient to teach children how to obtain that data,
leaving more 'space' to memorize other more vital
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Narby Research Chapter 5 Summary
Objective: In this chapter Narby researches past findings of intelligence in animals and plants. Some
examples include the self–awareness of dolphins and crows creating tools. Narby's definition of
intelligence seems to change to being capable of consciously making decisions.
Subjective: One part of this chapter I was able to associate to was the part about parrots answering
questions. I could relate to this because I remember seeing a parrot identify shapes once while I was
on vacation. Initially it blew my mind, but I later convinced myself it was a routine, however now it
makes sense, parrots are capable of learning.
i) The problem with these definitions of intelligence, is that they can only be applied to humans. So
based off of these definitions, no other species can be "intelligent" even if they act in such ways that
would require intelligence (43–44) ii) Monod didn't believe there was intelligence in nature. He
thought the scientific method meant that ... Show more content on ...
Much like the scientists in previous chapters, Martin Giurfa thinks bees are much more than the
"machines" they had been referred to as by Monod. Narby mentions how Giurfa's studies showed
that bees could grasp "abstract concepts" like identifying corresponding images to find a reward.
The bees were even able to figure out to recognize and match new patterns after the original image
was changed.
Subjective: I am conflicted about this experiment because it's cool and cruel at the same time. I think
it's cool that bees are able to learn to match corresponding images to find food, meaning that they
are able to learn new processes for finding food. However, it is also cruel because Narby mentions
that once the bees got to the food, they repeatedly tried flying straight up, hitting a plexiglass cover,
instead of exiting through the tubes. This means that even though the bees were successful, they
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Border Collie: One Of The Smartest Types Of Animal...
Animal Intelligence Research
Dogs are capable of understanding up to 100 words or more. Many people consider dogs to be more
intelligent than a human child. In reality there are different kinds of intelligence. Different breeds of
dogs are better at different types of things.Certain breeds, like Border Collies and Golden Retrievers,
are easier to train than other types of dogs. A study has shown that a Border Collie is one of the
smartest types of dogs. The Border Collie is full of energy, affectionate, and extremely smart. This
type of dog is a true working dog excelling in sheep herding, agility, and athleticism. Border Collies
are also known for their "herding eyes," an intense gaze used to stare down and herd other animals.
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Anthropomorphism And Early Learning About Animals Essay
(Un)Real Animals: Anthropomorphism and Early Learning about Animals 1. What are the most
important points of this article? The purpose of this paper is to explain anthropomorphism and its
effect on children's early learning about animals. The term anthropomorphism gives life–like or
human characteristics to those who are not human such as an animal or an object. The author's
writing will inform those who are concerned about this current dilemma and their effects on the
children's early learning about animals as well as provide us with our next steps to ensure academic
success for our youth. The proper development of these early young minds is the main purpose of
this research and article. Anthropomorphism plays a crucial part on the child's developing mind.
Between the ages of three and five years old, children become exposed to anthromorphic depictions
when beginning to learn about real–life animals. This skewed view of the natural world and how
children are taught to interpret it may be why children become confused when faced with real
animals because of the human qualities are not really present. Throughout the article the author
discuses different cross–cultural and experimental studies to show the different ways that children
responded to various representations of animals. For example, a child that has a pet at home may be
more likely to tell the difference between anthromorphism and real–life animals as opposed to a
child who does not have a pet. Other studies have
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Analysis Of A Walk In The Woods
Bill Bryson is the author and the main character of the novel "A Walk in The Woods." Bryson came
from Britain over twenty years ago. He brought along his friend Katz to reflect and reacquaint his
discovery on a 2,100 mile of the Appalachian Trail. The Appalachian Trail stretches from the two
states of Georgia to Maine. They will be discussing their hilarious jokes that were witnessed in this
novel. Here are few examples: Bryson said he wanted to use the bathroom in the woods, Mary Ellen
was the controlling and impatient camper they met, and what Mary Ellen called and did for Bryson
and Katz while on the trail. Bill Bryson and his friend Katz are determined to experience the
Appalachian Trail, which creates amusing stories.
First, Bill himself is hilarious. For example, the reader writes this quote: "I wanted a little of that
swagger that comes with being able to gaze at a far horizon through eyes of chipped granite and say
with a slow, manly sniff, "Yeah, I've shit in woods." (Bryson 4) Bill Bryson said that because the
restrooms on the trail were disgusting and completely appalling to go into. He probably meant that
they were all taken by other camper and that he couldn't wait so he decided to use the restroom in
the woods. Or he wanted to go in the restroom in the woods to prove a point to show other campers
and animals that the woods are just nature.
Second, Mary Ellen is one example of amusing by this quote in the novel: "When's your birthday?"
she said to me.
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Exercise Increases The Intelligence Of Humans
Now a days everywhere you go people are idolizing human fitness and exercise. The majority of this
generation eats right, lifts right and obsesses over their image. The average person is going to strive
for a great body, and great intelligence. But who ever said you can have both a great– healthy body
and intelligence? I do, the human brain is the most complex and unique organ in the body. Some
even consider it a muscle. Similar to muscles, your brain can be trained and worked for better
functionality. There is a direct connection between exercising and increased intelligence in humans.
In this paper I will be backing up my claim that exercise increases the intelligence of humans. By
exercise I mean aerobic physical activity. Physical activity is better known as cardio, it is when your
body requires pumping of oxygenated blood by the heart to deliver oxygen to working muscles. By
intelligence I mean cognitive ability, memorization and academic achievement. Humans, meaning
the entire general population, not a specific sample of the population. I will also being offering a
counter argument, stating that intelligence does not increase human intelligence. Then, I will be
evaluating the two claims, applying reason, and utilizing the four tests of an argument and taking
advantage of my critical thinking skills to validate my claim. Lastly, I will be concluding and
synthesizing my argument. A study done by Kaycee M. Sink, M.D., M.A.S., of Wake Forest Baptist
Medical Center and
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Howard Gardner Research Paper
Professor Howard Gardner what was the connection of the real world and the work he has done. He
said that throughout the world, the educators found ideas of wellbeing and began to establish
changes that could come out to be "Multiple Intelligences" of the students. Intelligence id not the
same as domain or discipline. In 1969, he was a psychology graduate in developmental psychology
at Harvard University. He was part of a research team called the "project zero" a group concerned
primarily with the nature of human artistic activity. This research team was renowned by
philosopher Nelson Goodman. They were all interested in artistic cognitions, which is how artists
make worlds through the use of various symbol systems. There was an era where ... Show more
content on ...
There is linguistic intelligences which enables people to process information and make products
with language. Logical – mathematical intelligence which allows people to make calculations and
considers hypotheses and solve abstract problems. Spatial intelligence allows people to navigate
around complex terrains and manipulate spatial images in their head. Musical intelligences enable
humans to produce and make meaning of music of patterns in their head. Bodily–kinesthetic
intelligence involves using someone's body to create products or solve something. Interpersonal
intelligences reflects an individual's ability to recognize and interpret people moods, desires, skills,
motivations and intentions. Intrapersonal intelligences allow people to recognize and assess the
characteristics with themselves. Lastly, is the naturalistic intelligence helps distinguish among
various types of plants, animals, weather, and anything found in the natural world like the
atmosphere. There are many types of intelligences people have uniquely. Understanding the
outcomes of this research in the fields of neuroscience and genetics proceeds, there is different
genes in the areas of the brain, involving specific intellectual capacities will rise
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Anthropomorphic Hibu-Fluffy Blob Thing

  • 1. Anthropomorphic Hibu-Fluffy Blob Thing If I was given the opportunity to genetically modify an animal I would make it very multi purposeful. It would be able to perform multiple tasks. It would be intelligent,protective, and cute(because...why not?). This animal would be so intelligent, it would be able to help me any problem or task. It would be able to solve everything from rocket science to everyday social issues. This animal would also be very protective. This animal would be protective in both life danger problems and everyday life. This animal would also be one of the cutest things to take foot in the world. This animal would be called the....the Anthropomorphic Hibu–Fluffy Blob Thing. I would start with the genetic frame of a hippo. Why you say? A hippo has a very strong bone ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Defense, Protection from Extinction, and Intelligence Can... Recently, there have been many articles relating to animals and their survival skills. Also, many researchers have been focusing on the daily life of a species and how well they can cooperate with both their neighbors and the wildlife surrounding them. Many have found that animals are much smarter than they are thought to be. They have a lot of potential which most species use to the fullest of their ability. For example, Allegra Staples wrote an article explaining how some spiders have recently been duplicating themselves with findings from their habitat to scare away any predators that may come their way. Also, Meera Dolasia wrote about several naturalists that have decided to travel to Tasmania so they are able to search for the extinct Tasmanian tiger because of all the reported sightings around Australia. The following articles show just how far various animal species have come over the years. It is necessary for everyone to be aware of animals and insects when they are becoming extinct, especially if there is something people can do to help the species have living representatives. For example, in the article "Naturalists Begin Search For 'Extinct' Tasmanian Tiger", Meera Dolasia puts forth that the Tasmanian tiger has been known as extinct for over 20 years, yet many have reported sights of them recently. This article mentions how the reason of the rapid decrease of the population is a dangerous tumor that appears on the tiger, causing them to get a ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Ribot's Nine Intelligences According to Ribot (2007) the nine intelligences are as follows: Verbal–Linguistic intelligence speaks to an individual's ability to understand and manipulate words and language. This intelligence is possessed by everyone at the same level and includes reading, writing, speaking and other forms of verbal and written communication. Logical–Mathematical intelligence refers to an individual's ability to do things with data: collect, and organize, analyze and interpret, conclude and predict. Individuals strong in this intelligence see patterns and relationships. These individuals are oriented toward thinking: inductive and deductive logic, numeration, and abstract patterns. Visual–Spatial intelligence refers to the ability to form and manipulate ... Show more content on ... These individuals often daydream, imagine and pretend. They are good at reading diagrams and maps and enjoy solving mazes and jigsaw puzzles. Bodily–Kinesthetic intelligence refers to people who process information through the sensations they feel in their bodies. These people like to move around, touch the people they are talking to and act things out. They are good at small and large muscle skills; they enjoy all types of sports and physical activities. They often express themselves through dance. Musical–Rhythm intelligence refers to the ability to understand, create, and interpret musical pitches, timbre, rhythm, and tones and the capability to compose music. Teachers can integrate activities into their lessons that encourage students' musical intelligence by playing music for the class and assigning tasks that involve students creating lyrics about the material being taught. Composers and instrumentalists are individuals with strength in this area. Naturalistic intelligence is seen in someone who recognizes and classifies plants, animals, and minerals including a mastery of taxonomies. They are holistic thinkers who recognize specimens and value the unusual. They are aware of species such as the flora and fauna around them. They notice natural and ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Animal Intelligence: Chaimps, Birds, And Killer Whales We have seen many examples of animal intelligence, and I think Animals are smart in their own ways. We have been focused on chimps, birds, and killer whales, and it is impressive how intelligent they are. In one of the listening we have seen how a chimp understood that another chimp was disabled and helped that chimp. We also learn that competition for food is what motivates them. For example: A chimp with a human who has food, and the chimp want to get the food. The chimp figured it out that if he sneaks around a barrier that the human can't see, it could get the food. So this demonstrates that chimps understand how to manipulate the situation to get what it wants. Birds also demonstrate that food is their principal motivation. We learn from ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Why Do Animals Lack Intelligence Descartes posits that animals lack intelligence, a characteristic that is distinctly a human possession (p.30, Adam & Tannery). By this he means their ability to be rational, to exercise reason and to speak; the act of putting words in an orderly fashion to express thoughts. While the deaf and the dumb lack this possession, they have the ability to speak through a different language, sign language (p.31). Parrots in contrast, have the ability to speak but lack the comprehension to express higher levels of thought (p.31). Language is a learnt behavior. If Descartes thought of language as a measure of intelligence, then Washoe a chimp who has been taught to communicate through American Sign Language (ASL) would be a refutable example of this statement. Critics argued that the chimps were only taught to mimic, but Washoe shocked researchers when she taught her adopted son Loulis about 50 ASL signs without researchers intervention2. Surely, this is evidence that animals ... Show more content on ... They have created niches in which they can successfully reproduce and propagate their genes to the next generation in optimal ways that other animals cannot. This is true for artificial insemination and genetic sequencing of DNA to select against deleterious genotypes and then inseminate a female with this optimal zygote. They have also created defense mechanism that has nothing to do with adaptation in a defense against deadly animals; these include tranquilizers and even guns. With all that being said, they do not need to concern themselves with developing mechanisms to live in the wild and surviving against predators. These concerns were the concerns of their ancestors and their non–human counterparts. Humans are now concerned with understanding the complexities of their creation and so some create religion as means to express that, which cannot be understood through science or tangible matters on ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Animal Rights : A Case For Animal Intelligence Animal Rights: A Case for Animal Intelligence Starting in the 17th century, enlightenment philosophers contemplated animal consciousness and its subsequent implications on animal rights. Descartes viewed animals as a modern–day machine: organic beings that only act instinctually. Thus, Descartes critically distinguished humans and animals based on their respective capacity for reason: since animals supposedly lack the ability to learn, they forego fundamental human rights. However, animal mind philosophy gradually shifted towards the end of the 19th century as Charles Darwin recorded notes of various species around the world. For example, Darwin observed an earthworm consuming leaves in an intelligent, non– instinctual way that, to him, ... Show more content on ... So, Cartesian Dualism offers an empirical and partially objective way to measure animals, and will be the basis for a contemporary test to assess an animal's abilities. Clearly, animal intelligence clearly cannot be measured simply, since each animal must be inspected individually to assess its competency. Therefore, animals should be considered intelligent if they meet a majority of the following requirements: an ability to communicate and understand, self–consciousness, high relative size of brain to body mass (>= ~2% of total mass), an ability to solve new problems using reasoning without relying on instinct, a desire to seek pleasure and avoid pain, and an ability to act empathetically. Of course, there will always exist animals that almost meet these requirements, but do not quite fulfill a majority, so animal intelligence must be viewed in terms of relative intelligence. Ultimately, although some animals today lack a mind capable of creating solutions to novel problems and sensing oneself (self–consciousness), several animals today, including dolphins, parrots, and chimpanzees, meet these requirements to be considered intelligent beings and thus should be entitled to the same inalienable rights as humans proportionally to their intellect. Dolphins exemplify high animal intelligence because of their unique levels of self–awareness and ability to learn and teach each other. For instance, dolphins, like humans, can look at a mirror, recognize ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Animal Intelligence Essay Animal Intelligence Intelligence is defined as the ability to acquire and apply knowledge. Psychologists have exploited this concept in many ways to try and determine whether non–human animals are capable of intelligence. From social learning it is logical to assume that, since non–human animals are able to both acquire and use new behaviours, they must be intelligent in some way. Heyes stated that there are 6 types of behaviour which suggest intelligence. These are imitation, self–recognition, social relationship formation, role–taking, deception and perspective taking. These 6 behaviours are referred to as the theory of mind (ToM). Imitation is the ability to copy another's behaviour, ... Show more content on ... This gives a good basis to ToM as intelligence is required to recognise that the mirror image is not another individual. This behaviour has been reported in the higher primates. Gallup's study required chimpanzees to be placed in a cage with a mirror. At first they reacted like the image was another chimp, but later realised that it was actually themselves. Gallup anaesthetised the chimpanzees then placed a red mark on one eyebrow and ear. After recovering, the chimpanzees would often touch the red mark, when they looked in the mirror. This supports the idea that higher– primates are capable of self–recognition. This experiment was tried out on other animals e.g. cats, dogs, and elephants with unsuccessful results. The fact that no other animals responded to this experiment means that it cannot be said for sure that all non–human animals are capable of self–recognition. Therefore some non–human animals do not show signs of ToM. Evolutionary science suggests that the higher primates are distant relatives of human beings, having similar physiology may mean that higher primates are more capable of intelligence. Social relationships refer to an animal's ability to form bonds with others of its species. This relationship formation may be affected by the animal's status or role in the community. In ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. You Can Grow Your Intelligence: Article Analysis In the article "You Can Grow Your Intelligence", the author discussed a couple of studies that proved not only can your brain grow, but so can your intelligence. It mentioned facts pertaining to the weight of the brain, connection between nerve cells and how it affects the overall intelligence of a species. One of these studies included animals from different environments being tested on their intelligence. According to the study, the animals that were held in captivity and lived alone were not only found to have smaller brains than the ones who lived in a challenging environment, but had less communication between the brain cells that allows them to think strategically and communicate with others. The article claims this theory to be true ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Why Do Animals Lack Intelligence Descartes posits that animals lack intelligence, a characteristic that is distinctly a human possession (p.30, Adam & Tannery). By this he means their ability to be rational, to exercise reason and to speak; the act of putting words in an orderly fashion to express thoughts. While the deaf and the dumb lack this possession, they have the ability to speak through a different language, sign language (p.31). Parrots in contrast, have the ability to speak but lack the comprehension to express higher levels of thought (p.31). Language is a learnt behavior. If Descartes thought of language as a measure of intelligence, then Washoe a chimp who has been taught to communicate through American Sign Language (ASL) would be a refutable example of this statement. Critics argued that the chimps were only taught to mimic, but Washoe shocked researchers when she taught her adopted son Loulis about 50 ASL signs without researchers intervention2. Surely, this is evidence that animals ... Show more content on ... They have created niches in which they can successfully reproduce and propagate their genes to the next generation in optimal ways that other animals cannot. This is true for artificial insemination and genetic sequencing of DNA to select against deleterious genotypes and then inseminate a female with this optimal zygote. They have also created defense mechanism that has nothing to do with adaptation in a defense against deadly animals; these include tranquilizers and even guns. With all that being said, they do not need to concern themselves with developing mechanisms to live in the wild and surviving against predators. These concerns were the concerns of their ancestors and their non–human counterparts. Humans are now concerned with understanding the complexities of their creation and so some create religion as means to express that, which cannot be understood through science or tangible matters on ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. How Does Orwell Use Intelligence In Animal Farm "They explained that by their studies of the past three months the pigs had succeeded in reducing the principles of Animalism to Seven Commandments" (Orwell 24). This passage from the book suggests that the pigs are completely in charge of Animal Farm, and they use their intelligence to create the Seven Commandments, and rule the farm This moment is the beginning of the pigs' reign over Animal Farm. Although it may look like Orwell shows the pigs using their intelligence for the well–being and prosperity of Animal Farm, he is actually using techniques like simile, metaphor, and imagery, to portray that they are using their intelligence incorrectly. The pigs in Animal Farm use their intelligence to make the common animals do dirty work that ... Show more content on ... "The mystery of where the milk went to was soon cleared up. It was mixed every day into the pigs' mash" (Orwell 35). The milk and apples of the farm had been mysteriously disappearing, but it turns out that the pigs had been smuggling them in all along. "'We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organisation of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for your sake that we drink milk and eat those apples'" (Orwell 36). It is implied in Squealer's quote that the pigs' stealing of the milk and apples can be justified, because it is for the well–being of the animals. This is evidence of the pigs' incorrect use of intelligence leading to corruption. In addition to this, the pigs' brainwashing of the animals is evident in the character Boxer. Orwell uses imagery to depict Boxer's loyalty to Napoleon and his dullness. "His two slogans, 'I will work harder' and 'Napoleon is always right,' seemed to him a sufficient answer to all his problems" (Orwell 61). In other words, Boxer motivates himself by saying things like "Napoleon is always right," and "I will work harder." Boxer never questions anything on the farm, because apparently to him ,"Napoleon is always right." This is evidence of the pigs' brainwashing of the animals, because animals like Boxer always believe the pigs no matter what they ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. How Psychology Helps Us Understand the Concept of Language... How Psychology Helps Us Understand the Concept of Language and Intelligence as Related to Human Beings Psychology, the study of behaviour and mental processes concerns itself with the reasons organisms do what they do and how they behave in a particular way, For example why acquired skills are not lost when learnt ; Why do children rebel against parents and, why humans speak, love and fight each other. These examples of learning and behaviour are directly related to intelligence and language in human beings. It is said that language, foresight, musical skills and other hallmarks of intelligence are connected through an underlying facility that enhances rapid movements. To most observers, the essence of Intelligence is ... Show more content on ... Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon together developed a test called the ( Simon Binet Test ), to assess the ability of children's performance at school. They developed a table used to compare the mental age of a child to the actual age to produce the concept of I.Q. The conclusion was that a particular intelligent person often seem quick and capable of juggling many ideas at once. Not to be outdone, Wechler developed intelligence scales for both adults and children (WAIS & WISC). The scales are in two parts VERBAL AND PERFORMANCE, giving a clear picture of the person's IQ; by identifying their strength and weaknesses in specific areas .The information can be used in planning individualized instruction programs. To help us understand the nature side of intelligence versus the nurture side Psychologists Bouchard McGue (1981), and Harrell et al(1955) provided us with correlations and comparisons . In the case of Bouchard and McGue the correlations thus provided were: Identical twins reared apart .72 Identical twins reared together .86 compared to Non–identical twins reared together .60 Siblings reared apart .47 Then child and natural parent .50 while. Then child and adopted parent .19 These results appear to strongly support the nature issue.
  • 22. Numerous studies show or emphasizes the influences that environmental factors have on Intelligence. Harrell et al (1955) compared two groups of enormously ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. A Brave New Student Summary A Brave New Student: The Undeveloped Mind Of Students I walked up to the professor's desk. I handed her my paper and I said, I don't know what you want written down. –Barbara, Student, The College Fear Factor Many students believe that intelligence is fixed, that everyone is given a certain amount, but with practice, intelligence can be grown overtime. Recent research reveals several important factors in student success including, challenging the mind to learn, having a growth mindset, and overcoming personal fears and anxiety. Of these, the most important factors to student success are, challenging the mind to learn and overcoming personal fears and anxiety, because students that challenge the mind to learn enjoy challenging and complex tasks which helps develop and grow the ... Show more content on ... According to Lisa Blackwell, author of, "You Can Grow Your Intelligence", scientist began to think the human brain could develop and change, so they completed studies on animals that suggested, animals who lived alone and slept all the time where different then animals who lived with different toys and where always active. The animals that lived with the different toys spent a lot of time understanding how to use those toys and how to get along with other animals, and when the study was completed, it showed that the animals who spent time figuring out how to use the toys and socialized with each other ended up having more connections between nerve cells in their brains, the connections become stronger and the brains of those animals become ten percent heavier then those animals that lived without toys, lived alone and had minimal activity. This example shows us that the animals who enjoyed being active and challenged themselves to learn something new, overtime those animals began to grow their brains by challenging their minds to ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Flowers For Algernon Comprehension Questions Flowers For Algernon Comprehension Questions Charlie decides to put his knowledge and skills to good use when he sees the boy drop the dishes at the restaurant. He wants, "to work in the field of increasing human intelligence levels." The boy at the diner was so oblivious of the fact he was being made fun of, and that reminded Charlie of himself. He didn't want other people to end up like he did. (Keyes, 202) Time has become important for Charlie because he does not know how much time he has left in his life. After watching Algernon die, along with the other animals producing strange behavior, Charlie is questioning the safety of his operation, and he is trying to finish his studies before he loses his intelligence or dies. (Keyes, 203) ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. How Does Daniel Keyes Use Simile In Flowers For Algernon "I wanted to race algernon some more but Burt said thats enough for one day. They let me hold him for a minit. Hes not so bad," (Keyes 120). Charlie Gordon has a good heart, but a very low intelligence. In Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes, Charlie Gordon is eager for a surgery that will hopefully triple his IQ and make him much more intelligent than the average man. After Charlie gets his operation, he meets a lab animal, a mouse named Algernon, who has had the same operation that Charlie had. Dr. Strauss, the man who started this all, has Charlie and Algernon race to solve mazes that measure Charlie's intellectual growth, which increases proving the operation successful. Daniel Keyes focused on multiple craft moves: simile, foreshadow, and personification to give the reader a way to associate the story with ways that they can relate to. The author uses a simile when he compares a person's IQ to numbers on a measuring cup. For instance, ... Show more content on ... You still had to fill the cup up with stuff." (Keyes 125) Considering that the definition of a simile is a comparison using the words like or as, and Keyes compared intelligence to a measuring cup using "like" then this quote is, in fact, a simile. This comparison shows that people may be the most intelligent person in the world, but they still need to fill their brain with knowledge. This is used in the story by a character to show that Charlie may be very intelligent, but he still needs to learn the information that went over his ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. Artificial Intelligence And Authentic Intelligence Essay Artificial Intelligence and Authentic Intelligence By Weldon Smith | Submitted On May 23, 2012 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Weldon Smith Scientific people have always enjoyed the thought of artificial intelligence––of a machine being able to think and act on its own. It 's a popular theme for novels and movies too. And who of us wouldn 't love to have a personal robot to anticipate our needs and take care of them? I even remember a production from the local planetarium about computers worldwide that networked and synergized their data. At the end of the production this networked computer system commanded, "Let there be light!" and a new universe was born. Artificial intelligence has as many definitions as people defining it. For some it is only a matter of a machine being able to analyze data and then take an appropriate action. But I think for most, it means that a machine can actually think, can learn, can create, can come up with original ideas––that it can act like a person and be indistinguishable from a human being in its actions and thoughts. If artificial intelligence is only a machine or a system acting on its own, then a lawn sprinkler system that has ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. High School Years Were The Worst Time For Me High school years were the worst time for me. I have absolutely no idea how I made it through to graduation, but I did. My learning style was to cram everything in my mind right before a test because my mentality was that if I did that I would recall everything. Well, I was wrong. School work has always been difficult for me because I find it hard to pay attention and do not understand everything I am being told. I have this learning block that does not allow me to process information until I understand every thought or action behind it and if I do not comprehend the details then the information is not retained. That might be a side effect of my traumatic brain injury or it could just be because of how I was raised or my own personal way of thinking, whatever the case may be, the disability is tormenting. Additionally, when I was little my parents and I continuously got into fights about schoolwork. I could never explain why my grades were as low as they were or why I still needed help with homework even after they clarified it fifteen times. In middle school it took me four hours to do thirty minutes' worth of homework because I was not retaining what I had learned in class. My dad asked me how it was possible for me to know every lyric known to mankind but remembering my multiplication tables was a struggle. Thus, bringing me to the discovery of a learning style known as kinesthetic. Upon this detection I decided to research what that meant. Astonishingly it is very ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Animal Intelligence Animal Intelligence Animals are smarter than people think they are. As animal studies keep on increasing, we find out that some animals are close to our level of thinking. Animals such as chimps, parrots, elephants, dolphins and monkeys have been studied and proved to us that they too have a good level of intelligence. Self recognition, social skills, language skills and the use of tools are all signs that scientist use to prove that these animals have a good capacity of smarts in their brain. Many people may think that only humans have the ability to recognize themselves or to be recognized. But the study of two animals has turned that statement to something new. In one study, an elephant was looking at its own appearance and saw ... Show more content on ... By knowing how to use tools to solve problems indicates intelligence. Vultures use rocks to open eggs; a wood pecker uses the needles of a cactus to get the roots of a tree, and a couple of times a crow in a lab used its cup and got water to moisten its food when the keepers forget to moisten it. (Willett) Many studies have been made that shows animals do have intelligence. Different types of animals may vary in intelligence, but to determine who smarter than whom, a continuum was made. Animals can not come up and tell us what they are intelligent in and what ideas they do are similar to ours. So it is our job to experiment and find out. When we do complete everything specific thing about animal intelligence in the future, maybe they will not seem so inferior to us any ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Classical Vs Operant Conditioning Essay Exam 2 1. What is the difference between classical and operant conditioning? How might both play roles in the life of an animal in a natural environment? The classical conditioning is when an animal learns the relation between an event, that it has no control over, with a beneficial consequence. In operant conditioning, the animal learns the association between an action, or situation that it has control over, in order to produce a beneficial consequence, such as a reward. Both these two associative learning behaviors can be relevant to the animal in the wild. In the classical conditioning, for example, if a predator animal that learns how to associate the sunset with the appearance of prey has more chance to survive. In the operant conditioning, an animal can learn how to gather a food resource by performing a determinate behavior. For example, if the animal knock on a specific tree, the prey would appear. Resources: Textbook Animal Behavior 2. What is a "critical period" for imprint learning? If a male duck is raised by a female of another species, what could happen to his courtship ... Show more content on ... The food aversion is normally caused by a very strong discomfort, bad taste, nausea, and vomiting. The nervous system learns to correlate the discomfort feeling with the food ingested, and store it in the long–lasting memory. Ever more, the taste aversion learning is different from the associative learn, because the nausea is right after eating the food, and it needs to happen only one time to be learned, so the correlation is instantly and do not need repetition. This behavior can shape the diet of animals in an evolutionary way by natural selection, since it is a long–lasting memory. Animals that learn what food resource to avoid have more chances to ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. What Is The Character Of Intelligence In Maroo Of The... In the book Maroo of the Winter Caves by Ann Turnbull, we introduced to a group of Cro Magnon at the end of the last Ice Age in what is now France. Maroo and her people face lethal obstacles during unforgiving weathers, however, they survived. Being capable to endure such conditions would get hold of true intelligence. Maroo and her people were intelligent because they could hunt, they had a culture, and most of all the capability of crafting. Overall, a Maroo and her people weren't some cave people who ran around banging on their chest, they showed signs of intelligence. One reason Maroo and her people were intelligent is that they had the ability to hunt. For example, (Turnbull, 8), "The hunters had approached. Otak and Maroo made out ... Show more content on ... When Maroo and Nimai were talking about the story, Nimai mentioned the "Great Mother" and that they needed to pray to her. Another part of their culture is letting the hunters eat first. To summarize, Maroo and her people were intelligent because they had a culture. The most important reason Maroo and her people were intelligent is that they could build. For example, Maroo and her people lived such a hard time, and they had certain ways of having fun like playing the drum. Maroo and her people didn't buy their drums from the stores, they build them. Aldo, ( Turnbull, 77) "We have to stop and build a snow house until the blizzard is over." Maroo and her people knew how to build snow houses during the blizzard. In addition, the mare and her people were also able to build tools such as scrapers, knives, bowls, and etc. Whenever Old Mother is making warm water with dried herbs she makes fire with a bow–drill. Making fire was extremely difficult in the Ice Ages. This shows that Maroo and her people were intelligent enough to build fires. This shows that they had the intelligence of building tools which helped them survive and make their lives easier. To summarize, Maroo and her people, were intelligent because they had the capability of building something ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. The True Meaning of Intelligence Essays When a person utters the word "intelligence," people tend to think of a genius like Albert Einstein developing some obscure equation that the great majority of the population will never understand. The problem with the definition of intelligence is that people relate intelligence to words like "genius" which require intelligence but do not have the same definition as intelligence. Often, people try to use related words to define intelligence, but these words are unable to define intelligence since many are only different levels of intelligence. While many definitions try to encompass the meaning of intelligence and various definitions describe a small part of intelligence, no definition completely explains intelligence, because ... Show more content on ... Although intelligence is a concept, there are many definitions that try to describe and interpret intelligence for people. One of the many definitions is the "capacity to understand" (World English Dictionary: Intelligence). This definition is describing intelligence and giving one facet of the diamond that is the various definitions of intelligence. This simple definition is often used by many common people, but a more in depth definition is "the ability to derive information, learn from experience, adapt to the environment, understand, and correctly utilize thought and reaction" (APA Dictionary of Psychology: Intelligence). This definition delves deeper into intelligence and paints a general picture of intelligence but is unable to define intelligence for a simple reason. Intelligence is a concept and thus is impossible to completely define by one comprehensive definition. Since intelligence is a concept, there are no words that are able to completely explain the concept, but there are words that can give a general idea of the concept. Intelligence has three main facets that must be acknowledged before one can understand intelligence. Each facet is intertwined with another of the facets that each connect to create intelligence. The three facets are logic, growth, and emotion. The logic of intelligence allows one to solve problems in order to ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Border Collie: One Of The Smartest Types Of Animal... Animal Intelligence Research Dogs are capable of understanding up to 100 words or more. Many people consider dogs to be more intelligent than a human child. In reality there are different kinds of intelligence. Different breeds of dogs are better at different types of things.Certain breeds, like Border Collies and Golden Retrievers, are easier to train than other types of dogs. A study has shown that a Border Collie is one of the smartest types of dogs. The Border Collie is full of energy, affectionate, and extremely smart. This type of dog is a true working dog excelling in sheep herding, agility, and athleticism. Border Collies are also known for their "herding eyes," an intense gaze used to stare down and herd other animals. ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. The Individual 's Stage Of Cognitive Development 2. If the individual is an infant, test for object permanence (see pp. 101–102 in your textbook). Describe both the test and the results. If the individual is a child, test his or her conservation skills using one of the tasks described on pp. 148–151 in your textbook. Describe both the test(s) and the results. What does performance on the object permanence or conservation task tell you about the individual's stage of cognitive development in Piaget's theory? If the individual is a child, adolescent, or adult, ask the individual to draw a picture of what a human being would look like if he or she had three eyes instead of two. Ask the individual where the third eye should go and why it should go there. Describe both the test and the results. Scan or take a digital photo of the drawing and upload the image to your course dropbox along with the submission version of these forms. What does this drawing tell you about the individual's stage of cognitive development in Piaget's theory? Can the individual think creatively about possible (hypothetical) worlds or is he or she stuck in concrete reality? I told Nina to draw a human with a third eye located anywhere she would like to place it. She decided to put the eye on the chin so the person could have a "broader view and different perspective". Nina is in the formal operational stage of cognitive development. Instead of placing the eye on the forehead like a child would do, she placed it on the chin which ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. Do Dolphins Have Emotions And Empathy? It has long been known that dolphins are some of the smartest, and cutest, animals on Earth. However, how smart are they really? Do they have complex thoughts and comprehensions like humans do? Do they have long–term memory like humans? Do dolphins have emotions and empathy? Through researching dolphins' memory and problem solving skills, I will move to understand basic dolphin intelligence and mental capacity in the hopes that, if shared, the world will learn to empathize with dolphins and strive to help protect them and their homes in the wild. This also ties into some of the benefits of having marine mammals in human care. Without them in human care, we could not understand their wild counterparts. Animals in human care are ambassadors ... Show more content on ... More specifically, how do they work and how do they compare to humans? In 2013, Jason Bruck published an article about social memory in dolphins. Bruck's goal was to find out how long dolphins could remember each other by using their signature whistles. A signature whistle is a specific sound pattern that each dolphin has assigned to them after birth. It is equivalent to what we would call their name. Each dolphin has their own personal signature whistle that other dolphins use to get their attention. This signature whistle follows the dolphins for their whole lives. This fact in itself shows that dolphins have high intelligence that is comparable to that of a human (Janik, 2006). Since a dolphin's signature whistle is used throughout their entire life, Nuck believed that it would be a reliable way to evaluate dolphins' memories. Bruck tested the dolphins' abilities to recognize an unfamiliar signature whistle vs. the signature whistle of a dolphin that they previously lived with (Burck 2013). The study found that the dolphins have amazing memories; they are able to remember "friends" from over 20 years ago. The study overall shows that dolphins "have the potential for lifelong memory for each other regardless of relatedness, sex or duration of association" (Bruck 2013). We can compare these findings to our own knowledge of our own memory. We know that we have the ability to remember names and other various ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Absence of Evidence, or Evidence of Absence; A paper on... Absence of Evidence, or Evidence of Absence? A paper on Animal Consciousness      Consciousness is a difficult term to grasp; so much so, that many scientists will not even attempt to define the term, much less search for it's evidence. Most however, do agree that consciousness must include certain aspects; specifically cognition, self– awareness, memory, and abstract thought.      Lesley J. Rogers describes consciousness as, "related to awareness, intelligence, and complex cognition, as well as language. Consciousness may be manifested in self–awareness, awareness of others, intentional behavior, including intentional communication, deception of others, and in the ... Show more content on ...      In Dr. Pepperberg's book, The Alex Studies, she taught the parrot to be able to recognize different objects by color, shape, and material. He was even able to eventually distinguish between concepts such as "bigger," "smaller," "same," "different," "over," and "under." When asked to identify objects, Alex correctly identified, on first try, 80% of all objects presented in over 200 tests (45). He was also able to correctly pair different labels together to fit a certain object; for example color and material. After only two years of training, Alex was able to communicate with contextual and conceptual use of human speech. He could identify, request, and refuse a set of objects for play or food (50). Dr. Pepperberg also took precautions to ensure that she had not allowed for any "cues" to tip off Alex to a correct answer, as in the case of "Clever Hans."      These animals also demonstrated memory, another of the aspects of consciousness. Many behaviorists believe that animals act only on instinct, or on conditioned responses to stimuli. Others, like Lesley J. Rogers, believe that memories actually play an important part in an animal's behavior. "The uniqueness of an individual is not simply encoded in the enormous diversity of our genetic code (our inheritance) but is established by our unique ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. Why Genetic Engineering Is Morally Good Essay Determining if genetic engineering is morally good is only half the battle with this ethical issue. Regardless of whether morally good reasons are used to justify it, genetic engineering is an attempt to use human intelligence in order to try to overthrow God's original creation or plan for humans. Scientist are trying to perfect his creation or change it. God has laid out the way things should happen naturally and humans are attempting to overthrow it. A key word to note is "attempt" because Scotus would see genetic engineering as a failed attempt at playing God because he believes that God is all powerful and it would be impossible for a human to possess that same type of power. In the article "Freedom Beyond Practice Reason: Duns Scotus on Will– Dependent Relations" the author Tobias Hoffmann discusses freedom of will according to Scotus. Hoffmann explains that, "for Scotus, the will is free to will any good either for its own sake alone... or for the sake of something else." (Hoffmann 1077). God gave humans the freedom of will which allows individuals to live a life they choice. This means an individual could choice a life of virtue or a life of sin and God would not intentionally interfere in their life and force that individual to choose God's preferred path of righteousness. God has given humans a choice, and permits them to do what they want with their own lives. Likewise, God has given humans intelligence and what humans do with their intelligence is also up to them ... Get more on ...
  • 51.
  • 52. The Theory Of Animal Intelligence By Edward L. Thorndike... Edward L. Thorndike's Impact Zion Johnson American River College Psychology 300 Ms. Carlson Contribution to Animal Learning As a young man working in the field of Psychology mostly working in the field of educational Psychology while teaching at the University of Columbia. His exploration into the mind of animal's learning habits led the world to figuring out connectionism. Before Thorndike had discovered the theory of Animal Intelligence the anecdotal method was always used which used collections of memorial events or situations where animals showed natural thinking processes. Thorndike challenged this method for the flaws that it showed including overestimation of animals natural thought by using experiments that his test subjects could use to attempt to counter the anecdotal method. Edward ultimately assumed that they simply use trial and error method to discover answers to the experiments.(International Encyclopedia of Social Science 2008). The Puzzle Box Experiment Through this experiment Edward placed a cat inside of a box with latches that could open the door to let the kitten out. Through trial and error as the cat proceeded to go through this experiment multiple times the times it took the cat to open the door were documented. While the cat struggled with the first trial by the end of the experiment the cat developed a sense of how to get through the cage within seconds showing that animals do not learn mental processing, but ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Ignorance Vs. Intelligence : Animal Experimentation And... Ignorance v. Intelligence: Animal Experimentation and Life Saving Medical Technology The use of non–human animals in experiments in order to gain a further understanding of the functions of biological systems is known as animal experimentation. Medicine as it is known today would not exist without animal experimentation, also referred to as animal testing, animal research, and/or biomedical testing. Albert Sabin, who developed the Polio vaccine said, "Without animal research, polio would still be claiming thousands of lives each year." and Dr. Robert Palazzo, President of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) stated that "Americans are living longer, healthier lives and we owe much of that success to biomedical research." (Forty reasons why we need animals in research, 2014). Animal experimentation is greatly responsible for the discovery of treatments for some of history's most deadly diseases, as well as antibiotics for raging infections and vaccines for debilitating viruses that once consumed the United States, and the rest of the world. Some of the most notable medical advancements that relied on animal testing over the past three decades include, the cervical cancer/ HPV vaccine, asthma treatments, and Insulin. Now, in the 21st century, PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals), the ALF (Animal Liberation Front), and The Humane Society of the United States are seen as heros in the eyes of many Americans for their rebellion against ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Bonobo Intelligence Animal Essay Why do we say that Bonobo has intelligence? Similar to humans might be a partial reason why Bonobo is classified as intelligence animal. Many evidences show that Bonobo expresses its intelligence in the natural world. Bonobo is highly intelligence and physically similar to human ancestor. Bonobos were discovered in the forest along the Congo River in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1927. They are named as the "pygmy chimpanzees" because of the similarities in their physical traits with chimpanzees. A lot of people make the same mistake in recognizing Bonobo and Chimpanzee though they have the same height. However, Bonobo come with leaner body, smaller head and longer leg than Chimpanzee. Moreover, they physically feature as the closest primates to human who hold "almost 98.6 percent of their DNA" comparing with human.( Specifically, learning language indicates the most stunning ability about Bonobos intelligence. Human is regarded as the intelligence animal because we can use language which distinguishes us with others. Language covers many combinations of words such as grammars, sentences, phrases that only human can understand. Since I was a child, I usually thought that the world of animal had its own language that we did not know about it. Although many species can understand what their species want to transfer in the world of nature by using methods such as waves or signal, but none of them can deliver it into language. But we know this: ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Flowers For Algernon 700 Word Essay Flowers For Algernon: 700 word Essay In the novel Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes, Charlie, a mentally disabled adult, has brain surgery to increase intelligence.The scientists do not have a right to surgically change his brain.Rather than think about/believe Charlie's quality of life, the scientists think about/believe their own fame.Ultimately, with the death of Algernon and Charlie's research, the operation did not yield success. Before Charlie performs the operation he enjoyed the mockery of his friends.For Example; when Charlie gets taunted by his "friends" he always responds in a calm gesture. The reason why Charlie enjoys people mocking him is because in the novel he states: "Its ... Show more content on ... Charlie also notices that they do not have the role of god and he states: "It may sound like ingratitude, but that is one of the things I hate here – the attitude that I am a guinea pig. Nemur's constant references to having made me what I am, or that someday there will be others like me who will become real human beings. How can I make him understand that he did not create me?" PR 13, pg. 101. Although the scientists did increase Charlie's intelligence it was not enough to be called a quality of life. Charlie was intelligent for only 6 months. The problem with Charlie is that he was not socially or mentally mature which he also needed time for in the operation and that's another reason why this is not a quality of life. Another reason is that the scientists only tested the operation on one mouse which was not enough to test it on a human being. The scientists should have tested the operation on more than one mouse so they can be more confident about the operation. Not only does this operation contain more than one flaw but it is also an impossible operation. Before Charlie lost his intelligence he did some research and he found out that it is impossible. The operation is impossible because if god wanted him to be intelligent he would have done ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. The Advancements Of Technology In The 21st Century Technology Advances Over the last 30 years, IQ levels have risen dramatically and continue to rise each generation. Along with rising IQ levels, technological advancement is rising more than it ever was before. Let's think back to the time of cavemen. They started the invention of "technology" as we know it today, making tools out of anything they can find such as bones, stone, and wood. Cavemen are seen as uneducated and savage. During 3500 BCE, the wheel is invented. Humans are seen as a little more advanced and educated during this time period as more devices are innovated. Fast forward to the 17th century when Galileo and Isaac Newton show their discoveries. Because of these improvements in science and technology, Galileo and Newton are seen as geniuses that revolutionize the way humans learn about information. Today's inventors and innovators are constantly teaching us new ways to go about life and showing us how to take advantage of it. Technology has not only increased our overall intelligence, but has helped society advance successfully. Ever since the invention of the internet, the way we go about our lives everyday has been changed forever. We suddenly have access to answers of almost any question anyone can think of at our fingertips. Figuring out how to fix any problems in your life and learning about any subject matter is something that we as a society know how to do. In the past, people didn't know how to do half of the things we know how to do because there ... Get more on ...
  • 61.
  • 62. Intelligence Vs Growth Mindset Although many with a fixed mindset believe that intelligence is determined at birth, research has shown how the brain can be developed to ultimately make someone become smarter, instantly favoring those with a growth mindset. The way a person with a fixed mindset feels about something like accepting feedback and constructive criticism absolutely differs from the way one with a growth mindset would feel. Those with a fixed mindset feel threatened by feedback and may avoid it altogether if possible due to thinking that they'll never become better ("Effective Effort Rubric") (Knapp). On the contrary, those with a growth mindset are motivated by feedback and criticism, thinking of it as a crucial element in the learning process("Effective Effort ... Show more content on ... Brain researchers have found evidence that the way a person thinks with a growth mindset actually helps to develop their intelligence and become smarter. Scientists have formed the conclusion after studying the brains of animals and infants that the brain's neurons multiply, get stronger, and take in new information after being mentally challenged ("You Can Grow Your Intelligence")(Knapp). This leads to an increased growth of dendrites that helps to speed up how fast information travels, further leading to a faster learning process and eventually resulting to an improved intelligence. Common habits of those with a growth mindset, like focusing on learning, practicing, and challenging themselves mentally, is exactly what is needed to strengthen the brain. Doing things along with having a growth mindset, like getting enough sleep, eating nutritional foods and exercising regularly, can also lead to an improved intelligence. Having a growth mindset is ones' choice, but it can overall help them to become more successful and intelligent in life. From getting that A on a test to being better at a job, there are endless possibilities that can result by having a growth ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Intelligence And Power In Animal Farm By George Orwell Intelligence and Power. These two concepts are closer than most think. Many political figures use their intelligence to get their position in society. However, many use their intelligence for the sake of themselves and not for others. Their intelligence is what lead them to power and power is what polluted their mind. In the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell, a group of animals on a farm called the Manor farm incite a rebellion against their human oppressor, Mr.Jones. After the Rebellion is completed, the animals rejoice and put the pigs of the farm in charge. However, trouble comes up later for the animals. Political figures like Hitler and Stalin, in history and literature, use their intelligence and status to get their desired position ... Show more content on ... Their followers, however, are not educated most of the time. Not only leaders need intelligence but they need the ignorance and loyalty of people to follow them. An example from the novel is Boxer, the most–respected and hard–working animal on the farm. Boxer has such ridiculous strength and his loyalty is higher than any other animal. The pigs see these traits and exploit them for their own interests. When Napoleon becomes the leader of the farm,"Boxer, voiced the general feeling by the saying: 'If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right.' "And from then on he adopted the maxim "Napoleon is always right," in addition to his private motto of "I will work harder!" (Orwell 56). As what the quote shows, Boxer is becoming very loyal to Napoleon, ignorant to his corruption. Boxer's defining trait is his loyalty. Although one would consider loyalty to be a positive trait, it can also be a negative trait as well. Boxer's real life counterpart, The working class of communist Russia (International Socialism). is the same as well. They simply accepted their position in society and was particularly royal to Stalin. They worked extremely well in labor but like Boxer, they're uneducated. Like Boxer, they were betrayed by those they were loyal to. The pigs and Stalinists see Boxer and the working class as nothing but slaves. This is how leaders get their power. By having the loyalty of their followers and something much ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Non Satis Scire Research Paper Non Satis Scire: To Know Is Not Enough Elementary schools no longer require students to memorize multiplication tables. Learning how to perform complex calculations using long division is passé. Many schools no longer teach children cursive writing, and none teach, much less emphasize, the importance of good penmanship. The advent of the age of technology is the cause...but is it to blame? Many people might believe that by excluding some of the things that educators thought were important skills fifty years ago, makes today's young adults ill–educated. However, elementary students of the 1950's were not taught keyboarding or the use of the internet, or about the basic structure of DNA, or cyber–bullying or global warming either. Such subjects, ... Show more content on ... The amount of information that needed to be absorbed and applied in order to earn a doctorate in 1850 is nowhere near the volumes of information required to earn that same degree today. Immediate access to information has started the idea of "just–in– time learning" (Collins and Halverson 14). This means that when one needs immediate information to accomplish a complex task, one can receive the needed data at just the right time. "Enthusiasts argue for just–in–time learning as the counter to the school strategy of trying to teach everything one might need to know someday. Many Americans spend 15–20 years in school learning things that they may or may not use later in life."(Collins and Halverson 14) Not many Americans have ever required the date that Columbus discovered America to enhance their lives. Since that kind of information is now available at the touch of a button, why do educators still require children to memorize extraneous material? It would be much more logical and efficient to teach children how to obtain that data, leaving more 'space' to memorize other more vital ... Get more on ...
  • 67.
  • 68. Narby Research Chapter 5 Summary Objective: In this chapter Narby researches past findings of intelligence in animals and plants. Some examples include the self–awareness of dolphins and crows creating tools. Narby's definition of intelligence seems to change to being capable of consciously making decisions. Subjective: One part of this chapter I was able to associate to was the part about parrots answering questions. I could relate to this because I remember seeing a parrot identify shapes once while I was on vacation. Initially it blew my mind, but I later convinced myself it was a routine, however now it makes sense, parrots are capable of learning. i) The problem with these definitions of intelligence, is that they can only be applied to humans. So based off of these definitions, no other species can be "intelligent" even if they act in such ways that would require intelligence (43–44) ii) Monod didn't believe there was intelligence in nature. He thought the scientific method meant that ... Show more content on ... Much like the scientists in previous chapters, Martin Giurfa thinks bees are much more than the "machines" they had been referred to as by Monod. Narby mentions how Giurfa's studies showed that bees could grasp "abstract concepts" like identifying corresponding images to find a reward. The bees were even able to figure out to recognize and match new patterns after the original image was changed. Subjective: I am conflicted about this experiment because it's cool and cruel at the same time. I think it's cool that bees are able to learn to match corresponding images to find food, meaning that they are able to learn new processes for finding food. However, it is also cruel because Narby mentions that once the bees got to the food, they repeatedly tried flying straight up, hitting a plexiglass cover, instead of exiting through the tubes. This means that even though the bees were successful, they ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Border Collie: One Of The Smartest Types Of Animal... Animal Intelligence Research Dogs are capable of understanding up to 100 words or more. Many people consider dogs to be more intelligent than a human child. In reality there are different kinds of intelligence. Different breeds of dogs are better at different types of things.Certain breeds, like Border Collies and Golden Retrievers, are easier to train than other types of dogs. A study has shown that a Border Collie is one of the smartest types of dogs. The Border Collie is full of energy, affectionate, and extremely smart. This type of dog is a true working dog excelling in sheep herding, agility, and athleticism. Border Collies are also known for their "herding eyes," an intense gaze used to stare down and herd other animals. ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Anthropomorphism And Early Learning About Animals Essay (Un)Real Animals: Anthropomorphism and Early Learning about Animals 1. What are the most important points of this article? The purpose of this paper is to explain anthropomorphism and its effect on children's early learning about animals. The term anthropomorphism gives life–like or human characteristics to those who are not human such as an animal or an object. The author's writing will inform those who are concerned about this current dilemma and their effects on the children's early learning about animals as well as provide us with our next steps to ensure academic success for our youth. The proper development of these early young minds is the main purpose of this research and article. Anthropomorphism plays a crucial part on the child's developing mind. Between the ages of three and five years old, children become exposed to anthromorphic depictions when beginning to learn about real–life animals. This skewed view of the natural world and how children are taught to interpret it may be why children become confused when faced with real animals because of the human qualities are not really present. Throughout the article the author discuses different cross–cultural and experimental studies to show the different ways that children responded to various representations of animals. For example, a child that has a pet at home may be more likely to tell the difference between anthromorphism and real–life animals as opposed to a child who does not have a pet. Other studies have ... Get more on ...
  • 73.
  • 74. Analysis Of A Walk In The Woods Bill Bryson is the author and the main character of the novel "A Walk in The Woods." Bryson came from Britain over twenty years ago. He brought along his friend Katz to reflect and reacquaint his discovery on a 2,100 mile of the Appalachian Trail. The Appalachian Trail stretches from the two states of Georgia to Maine. They will be discussing their hilarious jokes that were witnessed in this novel. Here are few examples: Bryson said he wanted to use the bathroom in the woods, Mary Ellen was the controlling and impatient camper they met, and what Mary Ellen called and did for Bryson and Katz while on the trail. Bill Bryson and his friend Katz are determined to experience the Appalachian Trail, which creates amusing stories. First, Bill himself is hilarious. For example, the reader writes this quote: "I wanted a little of that swagger that comes with being able to gaze at a far horizon through eyes of chipped granite and say with a slow, manly sniff, "Yeah, I've shit in woods." (Bryson 4) Bill Bryson said that because the restrooms on the trail were disgusting and completely appalling to go into. He probably meant that they were all taken by other camper and that he couldn't wait so he decided to use the restroom in the woods. Or he wanted to go in the restroom in the woods to prove a point to show other campers and animals that the woods are just nature. Second, Mary Ellen is one example of amusing by this quote in the novel: "When's your birthday?" she said to me. ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Exercise Increases The Intelligence Of Humans Now a days everywhere you go people are idolizing human fitness and exercise. The majority of this generation eats right, lifts right and obsesses over their image. The average person is going to strive for a great body, and great intelligence. But who ever said you can have both a great– healthy body and intelligence? I do, the human brain is the most complex and unique organ in the body. Some even consider it a muscle. Similar to muscles, your brain can be trained and worked for better functionality. There is a direct connection between exercising and increased intelligence in humans. In this paper I will be backing up my claim that exercise increases the intelligence of humans. By exercise I mean aerobic physical activity. Physical activity is better known as cardio, it is when your body requires pumping of oxygenated blood by the heart to deliver oxygen to working muscles. By intelligence I mean cognitive ability, memorization and academic achievement. Humans, meaning the entire general population, not a specific sample of the population. I will also being offering a counter argument, stating that intelligence does not increase human intelligence. Then, I will be evaluating the two claims, applying reason, and utilizing the four tests of an argument and taking advantage of my critical thinking skills to validate my claim. Lastly, I will be concluding and synthesizing my argument. A study done by Kaycee M. Sink, M.D., M.A.S., of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center and ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Howard Gardner Research Paper Professor Howard Gardner what was the connection of the real world and the work he has done. He said that throughout the world, the educators found ideas of wellbeing and began to establish changes that could come out to be "Multiple Intelligences" of the students. Intelligence id not the same as domain or discipline. In 1969, he was a psychology graduate in developmental psychology at Harvard University. He was part of a research team called the "project zero" a group concerned primarily with the nature of human artistic activity. This research team was renowned by philosopher Nelson Goodman. They were all interested in artistic cognitions, which is how artists make worlds through the use of various symbol systems. There was an era where ... Show more content on ... There is linguistic intelligences which enables people to process information and make products with language. Logical – mathematical intelligence which allows people to make calculations and considers hypotheses and solve abstract problems. Spatial intelligence allows people to navigate around complex terrains and manipulate spatial images in their head. Musical intelligences enable humans to produce and make meaning of music of patterns in their head. Bodily–kinesthetic intelligence involves using someone's body to create products or solve something. Interpersonal intelligences reflects an individual's ability to recognize and interpret people moods, desires, skills, motivations and intentions. Intrapersonal intelligences allow people to recognize and assess the characteristics with themselves. Lastly, is the naturalistic intelligence helps distinguish among various types of plants, animals, weather, and anything found in the natural world like the atmosphere. There are many types of intelligences people have uniquely. Understanding the outcomes of this research in the fields of neuroscience and genetics proceeds, there is different genes in the areas of the brain, involving specific intellectual capacities will rise ... Get more on ...