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Anti Imperialism Essay
Crafting an essay on the theme of anti-imperialism presents a challenging yet intellectually
rewarding endeavor. The complexity arises from the multifaceted nature of the topic, which
demands a comprehensive understanding of historical events, political ideologies, economic
structures, and their interconnectedness. The essay requires an in-depth exploration of anti-
imperialist movements, their origins, motivations, and impacts on societies across different
Delving into the historical context is essential, as anti-imperialism has evolved over time, shaped
by diverse cultural, geopolitical, and economic factors. Analyzing the ideologies that fuel anti-
imperialist sentiments, such as nationalism, anti-colonialism, and anti-globalization, adds another
layer of intricacy. Moreover, addressing the contemporary relevance of anti-imperialist
perspectives and their influence on global affairs necessitates a nuanced examination of current
geopolitical dynamics.
The research process involves navigating through a plethora of scholarly articles, historical
documents, and political analyses. Balancing a critical evaluation of various viewpoints and
maintaining a coherent narrative is crucial. The essay should not only present a historical account
but also offer insightful interpretations and connections to contemporary issues.
Constructing a well-organized and persuasive argument demands a careful selection of evidence
to support key points. Engaging with opposing views and addressing potential counterarguments
adds depth to the essay, showcasing a nuanced understanding of the subject matter. Crafting a
compelling introduction and conclusion that frame the discussion effectively is equally
In conclusion, writing an essay on anti-imperialism requires a significant investment of time,
intellectual effort, and analytical skills. Successfully navigating the complexities of the topic
involves a meticulous research process, critical thinking, and the ability to articulate a coherent
and persuasive argument. As with any challenging academic task, dedication and a systematic
approach are crucial for producing a high-quality essay on anti-imperialism.
For assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, you may explore resources
such as, where expert writers can provide guidance and support in tackling
complex topics.
Anti Imperialism EssayAnti Imperialism Essay
The Physics and Science of the Violoncello Essay
The violoncello, or more commonly known as the cello, is often referred to as the
tenor of the string family. The name violoncello literally means little violone where
one means big and cello means little. The violone was the lowest pitched instrument
of the Viol family. By the end of the 19th century, the term violincello has been more
or less replaced with cello. The cello has four strings, tuned in relations of perfect
5ths. This fact is derived from the phenomenon of the overtone series; a perfect fifth
is the second overtone above the fundamental, and the first non repetitious overtone.
Therefore, relations of perfect fifths are the strongest relations in the musical
language, and are used for tuning as well as major... Show more content on ...
The cello is usually made of wood, although materials such as carbon fiber or
aluminum may be used in place. Luis Clark is a very cello manufacturer that
constructs carbon fiber cellos. They are suited for outdoor concerts and events
because of its resistence and strength to temperature and humidity. The wood that s
used for construction includes spruce for the top, maple for the back, sides, and
neck. The top and back parts of the cello are usually hand carved. The sides are
formed by heating up the wood and bending them. The body of the cello has two
wide bouts at the top and bottom, and two C bouts at the middle. A bridge and two
f holes are in place below the middle part. The top and back parts of the cello has
purfling a decorative border inlay. However, purfling is not just decoration; it is used
to protect the instrument from cracks. Because of playing, traveling, and/or the
weather, the cello may form cracks around the rim, but the pufling helps the crack
spreading further to the top or the back.
Above the top part of the cello is the neck, pegbox, and, the scroll. They are usually
carved out of a single piece of maple. The fingerboard, which is glued to the neck,
is spread over the body. The nut is a raised piece of wood at the top of the
fingerboard that keeps the strings in the correct spots and distance. The pegbox has
four tuning pegs, which have the four strings tied to it. The strings are tuned by
tuning the pegs, so that the
Italian Wedding Advantages And Disadvantages
In bygone Italy, wedding event celebrations kicked off in the morning, ideally on a
Sunday. Regional Italian folklore controlled that couples need to never ever wed
(or leave for their honeymoon) on a Friday or Tuesday, or they would certainly be
expecteded to have loads of misfortune, while Saturdays were booked for widows
obtaining hitched to husband second (or 3, or four ...). Outfit: In enhancement to a
white dress, the flushing bride to be s face would certainly be concealed beneath a
veil a symbol of her virginity and to shield her from rowdy spirits. The groom
hauled a sheet of iron (preferably a little one) in his pocket to ward off wicked
spirits. Activities: Italian brides and grooms made their method to the church walking.
... Show more content on ...
Shark fin soup was a lavish staple which, at upwards of $ONE HUNDRED a bowl
today, might drain anybody s checking account swiftly. (Today, as a result of the
environmental effects, lots of couples are skipping shark and also spending
lavishly on various other menu items like fine French wine!) Various other
delicacies included bird s nest soup (yes, made from actual swifts nests) and also an
entire fish, which was offered since the word for fish, yu, appears similar to the word
Different Morals, Attitudes, and Goals with Changing...
As generations come and go, I ve noticed that each generation has grown up with
different morals, attitudes, and goals for their life. Which puts a gap on all these
generations, each generation is very distinct in their own ways. With each new
generation being shaped and molded by the previous one, by offering more and
more to help them. Now when you look at my generation now and the new one
slowly coming up as well, you can see that we have been turned into a selfish, lazy,
and even rude generation. If you look back on our older generations, they were
never handed anything. Everything they wanted they had to work hard for an
even struggle doing it. In this day and age it seems all anyone looks for is hand
outs, no one wants to work hard for anything and achieve it. Everyone looks for the
shortcuts through life, when there are none. Another reason why things are so
much easier for this generation is the new technology we have available. With all
the new technology and so much help from our previous generations, it has gave
this generation a different attitude and not so much in a good way. This generation
s attitude has been infected with laziness, selfishness, and greed. It seems that most
people in my generation today is very and only self focused. They are all worried
about how much money they can make and care about only what they want, and
how quick they can obtain it. I feel as though previous generations have made our
life so much easier, we take it for
Original Definition of Art Essay
My definition of art is imagination and passion expressed by creating a visual
feature. I consider art to be a figurative of the imagination because everything starts
with thought. People create life by thinking of ways to develop; this then creates
art. It is as simple as watching a child draw a picture. I can recall imagining a
picture in my head and expressing my thoughts on paper. The drawing did not come
out as I imagined but it took me to a place and every time I saw the picture I thought
about the vision I had created in my head. Although art involves imagination, not
everyone has passion to create art. Art can be created through anger and frustration. I
think that is the best way to create art. It can show passion to the... Show more content
on ...
Architecture expresses art threw blueprints, construction, and innovation. It can be
said that the artwork was first brought to Chicago by Daniel H. Burnham, William Le
Baron Jenney, Louis H Sullivan, Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe, and Frank Lloyd
Wright. These artist are known as America s most important architects, and for
helping to rebuild Chicago after the Chicago Fire of 1871 (http:/
/ This started the development of Chicago as an industrialized
city. Visual Examples In class: (Right)
The picture shows the work of William Le Baron Jenney. This building is known as
the Home Insurance Building in Chicago and is famous for its curtain walls. The
term curtain walls refers to the horizontal lines that separate the buildings windows
into sections.
Outside of class: (Left)
This picture shows Louis H Sullivan s design (exterior view) in 1904 for the Carson
Pirie Scott building. ( This building represented architecture
art because of the symmetrical balance and the cresting on the top of the building
that allows a person standing in front of it to have idea of how high the building is.
 Paleolithic Era
Paleolithic Era is the time in which humans used stones as tools and hunting and
gathering was taking place and the art was expressed on cave walls
Knowledge Management in Healhcare Essay
Knowledge management in the healthcare domain may be regarded as an integration
of formal techniques and methods in order to ease the utilization, dissemination,
preservation, development, identification, acquisition and creation of the diverse
aspects of the knowledge assets of the healthcare organization (Bordoloi Islam, 2012).
Delivery of excellent healthcare services requires optimal knowledge management
and thereby having an established knowledge management process aids to enhance
the process performance. Past studies analyzing the importance of knowledge
management in healthcare depict that this process is far more complicated in the
healthcare domain. This is mainly as a result of diverse perspectives on knowledge ...
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However resolving the second issue of conflict in accessing medical data due to
medical guidelines may need challenging reconciliation tools (Nilakanta et al. 2009).
Knowledge management strategies in healthcare
Several factors influence the application of knowledge management in healthcare.
Attitudes, as well as technical aspects, greatly impact knowledge management
applications. One of the greatest determinants for successful development and
implementation of knowledge management in healthcare is motivating employees to
share data. Broadly speaking; knowledge management aspects may be further
classified to include the people aspect and the approach to manage communication
and information. Knowledge management strategies may be broadly divided into
codification and personalisation approaches. The codification strategy entails
codifying, storing and reusing knowledge. The personalisation approach entails in
establishing successful dialogue between individuals.
Most healthcare facilities emphasize on following the codification strategy for
successfully managing knowledge. This is mainly because the fundamental medical
information remains the same and hence codifying clinical guidelines helps in
facilitating effective dissemination of information. The codification strategy to
managing knowledge helps in saving on time and
Argumentative Essay On Israel Conflict
On Friday night, the University of Washington played host to three of today s greatest
historians concerning the Israel/Palestine issue. Professor Anita Shapira, known for
her contextual history of Israel ignited the room with her powerful comments about
the circumstances for Arab removal from Israeli lands. Professor James Gelvin
tiptoed on several touchy subjects, reiterating his concentration with causality history,
nevertheless his historical background gave insight to nationalistic movements both
groups have. The third historian, Professor Ilan Pappe concentrated the bulk of his
talk on explaining the movement of Palestinian refugees while advocating for the
acknowledgement of Israeli brutality in some Arab villages. Naturally, as it was the
first time all three sides had come head to head, the debate got heated. This was
especially true when comparing ideas of what the occupied territory should be
described as. History of Modern Israel/Palestine student Erika Arias was able to
mediate the debate, defuse tensions and at times draw laughs from the audience. Here
is what the historians at the UW Israel/Palestine Symposium had to say:
Arias: It s nice to finally to put three of the greatest minds concerning the Israel
/Palestine conflict together for one night! I m Erika Arias and I ll be mediating the
discussion tonight. Tonight, joining us we have Professors Shapira, Gelvin and
Pappe. I ll give them a few minutes to introduce themselves and give us the three main
The Reluctant Fundamentalist By Mohsin Hamid And Lucy
Does money makes the world go round? In the obvious sense, yes. Money is the
backbone of the financial systems that enable and regulate the creation, distribution,
and consumption of goods and services. Yet, it is also the foundation of many of
our world s inequalities. Namely, it is the basis of social classes. Through history,
the wealthy have always appeared to end up on top. They always seem to get the
upper hand. As a consequence, the upper class often have a certain air of arrogance
and/or ignorance. In the novels The Reluctant Fundamentalistby Mohsin Hamidand
Lucy by Jamaica Kincaid, the authors address this idea. Both Hamid and Kincaid
utilize interactions between wealthy Americans and immigrants to demonstrate how
wealthy American s arrogance or ignorance alienates non Americans. Whereas
Hamid uses Changez primarily focus on the effects of arrogance, Kincaid uses Lucy
as a critical observer of the effects of ignorance.
In Hamid s novel, Changez, a hopeful, educated, upper middle class Pakistani man
encounters with wealthy, entitled Americans causes him to feel isolated and alters
his perception of America. Changez first experiences American s sense of privilege
when he visits Greece. Changez s friends easily blow money on vacationing
delights, thinking nothing (Hamid 21) of the cost of their excursions. Changez
finds himself acting like he is more well endowed than he is, in order to not be
looked down upon by his peers. Yet, as he does this he is ashamed and
The Pros And Cons Of Wi-Fi In College
How many times did you find yourself on your Wi Fi compatible device, only to find
out that you have been disconnected from a game, movie, or music you were
streaming over Wi Fi? These occurrences are not often things you encounter when at
home, but when living on a campus with thousands of people connected to the internet
problems are bound to happen. Recently our campus suffered a problem with the
internet causing students to be disconnected from the school s Wi Fi. With problems
of this nature consistently occurring students are left without a resource to study,
communicate, and entertainment themselves on their free time. This problem
concerns me because I am a student at this university who relies mostly on using the
Attending Norwich University is not cheap and with the added fees the school has,
it does not make it better on the student. Alike other students there is about a $900
technology fee paid along with tuition which you would expect that for the price you
are paying you will receive outstanding internet results and tech support. We are an
academic institution where academics are the most important part of our daily lives.
With the consist failure of the Wi Fi connection research conducted by students is
not possible and could be a consequence by which a student may suffer from. The
time we live in is a time where technology leads not just in society but also in the
classroom. In a current statement the FCC state that schools do not have the
How The Heart Rate Is Affected By Meditation And
What affect does listening to 5 minutes of soft calming music do to my heart rate?
If I listen to soft calming music for 5 minutes, then my heart rate will slow 4 bpm.
Heart rate is the most important part of an individual s health. In this lab I am
experimenting with different reactions of the heart. I am specifically looking at how
the heart rate of an individual is affected by meditation and calming music. The
purpose of this research is to determine if an individual with a higher heart rate,
possible due to stress, could possibly lower their heart rate. Heart rate is very
important and can be a major factor in other diseases or health issues. This research
is important for understanding the heart and how it functions. Many people suffer
from panic attacks and stress; both of these problems cause higher heart rate. With
this research we can possibly determine ways to treat and help people who suffer
from panic attacks and stress. It is also important to learn my about the muscle itself
and how it functions, what affects it, and how we can lower someone s heart rate.
The heart is a very important organ that needs to be taken care of, this research
could show us one way to take care of our hearts.
Research and Current Ideas So what do we already know about heart rate. did a similar test to mine and came up with similar results,
according to them Our results indicated no significant differences in heart rate or
Carol Shelby s Life
When someone thinks of Ford Motor Company, one of the first things that comes
to mind is the Mustang. Carroll Shelby revolutionized the world of cars, especially
with his work on the Ford Mustangs. Carroll was not only a racecar driver, but he
also created racecars and street legal vehicles. He is a member of the Automotive
Hall of Fame and the International Motor Sports Hall of Fame, just to name a few,
and in 1956 and 57 was named Driver of the Year by Sports Illustrated. Shelby died
March 10, 2012 at the age of 89, and in this speech I hope that I can convince you
that he is more than worthy of the prominent place he holds in the history of
performance vehicles. While he admitted that his energy and passion for performance
were at... Show more content on ...
Ford demanded more, so Shelby made the decision to install a 7.0 liter stock
engine in the revised GT40s. Enter the Mark II GT40 performance era. In two
seasons, the new GT40 became a strong contender on the track. In fact, this
improved Mark II won the 24 Hours of the Le Mans 4 years straight, from 1965 to
1968. The ever dissatisfied Ford was appeased; he had a gold, silver, and bronze
medal to hang on his wall. This car has frequently been called the finest vehicle
ever produced by Ford. lt; gt; Like all the
greats, Shelby died doing what he loved. His last car was the 2013 Shelby
Mustang which sports an impressive 662 horsepower and 631 foot pounds of
torque. It is the most powerful V8 vehicle currently on the public market. Shelby
passed away at the age of 89 on May 10, 2012 in Dallas, Texas. He left his mark on
the world of racing and high performance vehicles with his devotion to the best and
only the best. The name Shelby still says quality. The name Shelby still says
excellence. The name Shelby still says, the best and only the best, no compromise .
Carroll Shelby was a true visionary, and as long as his cars are on the road his name
lives on. lt; gt;.
Bibliography AC Cobra Story. AC Cobra Story. The Cobra GT40 Club. Feb. 2013
lt; gt;. Carroll Shelby, Ford Family for More
Than Half a Century. 11 May
Marine Ecosystems
Rocky Shore Ecosystems Point Cartwright
Nicolas Cuny 11B Mr. Nisbett
Due Date: 03/09/2010
On the 23rd of August, the three biology classes or grade 11 at Redlands College
visited the rocky shore ecosystems at Point Cartwright in Queensland. Two different
types of rocky shore ecosystem were examined, the rock pool area, and the boulder
area. We first examined areas within the rock pool area. The rock pool area has
several specific features which set it apart from other rocky shore ecosystems,
including its geological makeup and position. It is made up of a flat platform of
rock pockmarked with numerous rock pools; indents in the rocks which are filled
with water and contain ... Show more content on ...
Sea anemones feed from the surrounding water by catching small micro organisms in
their tentacles. For this reason, anemones need constant water to survive which is
why none were observed in the boulder area as an area with constant water cannot
be guaranteed. Sand is another factor which is present in the boulder area, but not in
the rock pools. Sea cucumbers were thriving closer to the low tide mark in the
boulder area, yet none were observed in the rock pool area. Sea cucumbers are
almost always found laying spread out across the sand, with their feeding tubes out,
browsing along the sand bed. This is the feeding habit of the sea cucumber and it
would not be able to carry out this habit without the presence of sand. It is shown
time and time again by the presence and habits of specific organisms in each area
that the abiotic factors of each area affect the ability for an organism to survive in that
See next page for transect table taken at Point Cartwright boulder area.
Figure 1: Green Algae
Percentage of Algae Cover (%)
Metres from shore (M)
Figure 2: Limpets
Number of Limpets in Sector
Metres from Shore (M)
As seen in figure one, percentage of cover of green algae in each transect sector
decreased the further from shore we travelled, and closer to the low tide mark. This
is a clear example of an organism s ability to thrive depending on its position in the
boulder area. This
Horse And Sun Chriot Essay
Art emerged in the same time that human occured. In the prehistoric era, there was
no writing, recording and any languages for speaking. The only one method that
people used to communicate or tell the stories was arts. Arts tell us about the
development of ancient people. We can know what was the main tools of ancient
people for their living by analyzing arts. Arts do not only present belief, culture and
society but they also show the important situation in the past. In my view, Horse and
SunChariot is one of the most important prehistoric arts that can explain what
happened in long time ago. Hence, I am interested to analyze the sculpture named
Horse and Sun Chariot by focusing on composition, line and shape, colour, texture
and space.
To begin with the composition of Horse and Sun Chariot. It is a statute of house
which is drawing the sun in the chariot and the Chariot seem to move by itself. The
chariot has six wheels and each of them ... Show more content on ...
To begin with the texture of the Sun (Horse is in the left side). The texture of it is
bumpy because there is a lot of filigree. The feeling when you touch the Sun might
be similar to when you touch wax tiles that have design. On the other hand, if we
touch another side of the Sun, we can feel that it is different. This is because it is
covered by gold which makes the texture is glossy. The feeling when you touch it
is same as touching coins. Secondly, the texture of the Chariot is a little bit rough
especially the wheels. This is because it was corroded by rust. We can compare the
feeling when touching the Chariot to rusty mesh fence. Besides, the texture of the
Horse is also rough because of rusty. Moreover, there is some fractures at the Horse
s back. The texture of the Horse same as rusty galvanized irons. Thereby, the texture
of the House and Sun Chariot composes of bumpy (the Sun), glossy (another side of
the Sun) and rough (the Horse and the
People Corrupt Power In George Orwell s Animal Farm
William Gaddis once said Power doesn t corrupt people, People corrupt power In
Animal Farm and Mouseland both of the animals who have the power take over and
create corrupt and unequal societies. This causes the societies to fall under the rules
of greedy and selfish leaders. The authors of Animal Farm and Mouseland use the
narrative techniques of characterization and conflict to illustrate messages about how
power can destroy societies and take away the equality in the society.
First, in Animal Farm and Mouseland the authors use characterization to show how
power can destroy societies and can take away the equality that is in the society.
For example, in Animal Farm, George Orwell uses the pigs as a way to show the
different levels of importance. It shows how the other animals are always below
the pigs. On pages 35 and 36 it states You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are
doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk
and apples. I dislike them myself. Our sole object in taking these things is to
preserve our health. Milk and apples (this had been proven by science, comrades)
contain substances absolutely necessary to the well being of a pig. We pigs are
brainworkers. Orwell uses the words absolutely necessary to the well being of a pig
making it seem the most important to the pigs and no other animals.This means that
the pigs started to take the things they wanted and decided they were the ones who
had all of the power. This shows that the power they created could give them more
equal rights than the others. In a similar ways Tommy Douglas uses the cats to show
how the other animals are below them and the cats are the ones who have power.In
paragraph 3 of Mouseland it states A government made up of big, fat, black cats.
Douglas states fat, black, cats. characterizing the cats are lazy and useless. This
means that in Mouseland there was a society run by animals who didn t do what
they needed and they were lazy. This shows that just because of the way the cats are
characterized they aren t good leaders and they have the power. This shows that in
Animal Farm and Mouseland the people in power were characterized as greedy and
selfish, but came off to the
The Invention of Magnetic Resonance Scanner (MRI)
Title In 1976, science and medicine effectively crossed paths to create the full body
magnetic resonance scanner. This groundbreaking invention, completed by Dr.
Raymond Damadian, turned out to be one of the most important discoveries in the
history of medicine. Dr. Damadian s scanner applied the principles of nuclear
magnetic resonance to the human body for the first time, in order to detect
cancerous cells in the body without the use of X rays or surgery. Dr. Damadian s
first full body scanner, named Indomitable , gave rise to the practice of magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) in all fields of medicine. Nuclear magnetic resonance
imaging, which is often simply referred to as magnetic resonance imaging due to
the negative connotations that are associated with nuclear (Kleinfield 224), uses a
technique in which atoms absorb magnetic waves and then subsequently emit
specific frequencies of waves that can be used to create images (Edelson). Dr.
Damadian formulated the controversial idea of applying NMR to the human body
at a much larger scale than ever before based on prior research that indicated that
cancerous cells emit noticeably different levels of radiation than normal cells do.
In the 1940s the physicists Edward M. Purcell and Felix Bloch discovered NMR and
earned the Nobel Prize in 1952 for their discoveries. The original application of
NMR was done a very small scale by organic chemists in order to decipher the
composition of single compounds in pure solutions
The Cosmological Argument On The Existence Of God
Theories have arisen from many different philosophers trying to explain the
existence of God; the Cosmological Argument is one such theory. The Cosmological
Argument has been changed and reviewed for years; however, the focus has always
stayed the same. The universe is a prime example that there is a God. A simple
Cosmological argumentstates that:
Everything that exists has a cause of its existence. The universe exists.
The universe has a cause of its existence. If the universe has a cause of its existence,
then that cause is God.
God exists (NA, 2008).
In my opinion, this argument has very basic and broad statements that may be
difficult or impossible to be proven false. Everything that exists has a cause of its
existence and The universe exists are two statements that can be difficult to prove
incorrect. We know that nothing is made without a reason behind it, and nothing is
made without a process leading up to its creation. The universe exists cannot be
proven false without some very abstract thinking involved. We know that the
universe exists because you and I exist, everything around us exists, and the world
on which we live and the universe in which we live exist. We can conclude that the
universe has a cause of its existence because we can prove that the universe exists by
stating that humans and objects around us exist. In my opinion, we can can also
conclude that everything in the universe has a cause as to why it was created
The Importance Of Heroism
Heroes are everyday, common people. Most of what they do goes unheralded,
unappreciated. And that, ironically, is heroism: not to be recognized (Oliver Stone
pg. 73). Heroism doesn t offer recognition or rewards, in fact, most heroes go
unnoticed by the public. People are heroes because they care about problems that
might not affect them, but may affect other people in a harmful way. Heroes can be
afraid, but over time they have to overcome their fears and achieve what they are
shooting for. They are never selfish, and are always looking out for others, even if
that means they have to go out of their way to help someone. Heroism always means
determination, and always continuing to push through the hard obstacles in life that
they might... Show more content on ...
They are never cowards and they never run away from problems. They stand up to
them even if they are afraid. For example, Firefighters who go into burning buildings
and risk their lives for people in danger. Another brave herois a kid who stands up to a
bully, that might not be bullying them, but is still hurting others. Even when he knew
people were going to hate him for it, Abraham Lincoln was very brave because he did
what he knew was right. He had enough courage to prove what was right and he was
very successful because he saved a lot of people. In the story White House Funeral
Sermon for Abraham Lincoln Dr. Phineas D. Gurley states He is dead; but the God
in whom he trusted lives, and he can guide and strengthen his successor as He
guided and strengthened him (Dr. Phineas D. Gurley 77). Frederick Douglass is a
brave hero because he was beaten to his knees for not only his freedom, but the
freedom of others. In Frederick Douglass Robert Hayden states This man, this
Douglass, this former slave, this Negro beaten to his knees, exiled, visioning a
world where none is lonely, none hunted, alien (Robert Hayden 81). Both Frederick
Douglass and Abraham Lincoln were brave because they went through dangerous
obstacles for the freedom of others. Heroes are selfless and go out of their way to
save other people. For example, teachers who spend their lives educating students so
Disadvantages Of Blockchain Technology
Blockchain Technology
a) Introduction to Blockchain Technology
As defined by Marc Andreessen, the co founder of influential Silicon Valley venture
capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, Blockchain technology is a way for one Internet
user to transfer a unique piece of digital property to another Internet user, such that
the transfer is guaranteed to be safe and secure, everyone knows that the transfer has
taken place, and nobody can challenge the legitimacy of the transfer.
Virtually anything of value can be tracked and traded on a blockchain network,
reducing risk and cutting costs for all involved.
b) Advantages and Disadvantages
In a business industry where monetary involvement is concerned, there is no doubt
that transactions take place at almost ... Show more content on ...
Fraud, cyberattacks, and even simple mistakes add to the cost and complexity of
doing business, and they expose all participants in the network to risk if a central
system, such as a bank, is compromised.
Credit card organizations have essentially created walled gardens with a high price of
Merchants must pay the high costs of onboarding, which often involves considerable
paperwork and a time consuming vetting process.
Half of the people in the world don t have access to a bank account and have had to
develop parallel payment systems to conduct transactions.a dark side to
With such wide ranging possibilities, there is no surprise that blockchain has the
potential to enhance the quality of service delivery while improving confidentiality
and integrity of data. With its promise of providing secure and transparent
transactions, blockchain seems poised to be one of the digital world s key pillars.
C) Two Ways Blockchain Can Be Used
The potential use for the blockchain is vast. It could be applied to almost any form
of record keeping, agreement, contract or register.
1) Smartcard
The Australian Constitution Essay
The Australian Constitution
Will Australia become a republic in the next twenty years? This is a difficult question
to speculate on. The main area of law governing this issue is section 128 of the
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (U.K). Other issues in this debate
are regarding appointment, termination and the powers to be awarded to the proposed
Head of State, and the impact the change will have on the States. Examining the
history of Australian Legislative powers, and reasons why Australians would want to
change, is also useful when speculating on this issue.
The Colonial Laws Validity Act 1865 emphasized self government in the colonies,
although denying them the power to amend or repeal British law. (Enright ... Show
more content on ...
(Chisholm 1997,p.68) There is a feeling that for Australia to be truly independent,
the ties with England would need to be severed. (Mack, K., in Corkery 1998,
p.34) One view would be to simply abolish the Monarchy. (Winterton, G., in
Stephenson 1994, p.17) However, others might say that our current system is
already mostly Republican with the only Monarchial elements remaining being the
concentration of Royal powers in the Ministry. (
In any event, severing the Royal ties is not that easy, as amendments to the Australian
Constitution Acts 1900(U.K) can only be passed in Parliament in accordance with
section 128. (Chisholm 1997, p.61)
Section 128 prescribes that changes can only be implemented by referendum. To
hold a referendum a Bill needs to be passed through the Commonwealth Parliament
to authorize it. Once authorized, a majority of votes, as well as a majority of States
is required. This dual criterion has proven difficult to achieve, with only eight
referendums being successful since Federation. (Brown 2000, p.p. 68 69 and
Chisholm 1997, p.64)
If a referendum is successful, the Governor General will need to assent to the Bill to
become an Act. Moreover, since the referendum effectively abolishes the Office of
the Governor General, alternative arrangements could be needed to be
Uk s Driving Communities For Growing Up Instruction
Established in 1889, we are one of the UK s driving communities for grown up
instruction. Morley is best known for music and the visual expressions, with more
than 13,000 understudies contemplating with us every year. We have been
appraised as London s top school for learner fulfillment in 2015.* Our helpful focal
London area is spot on the limit of the districts of Lambeth and Southwark. We are
near Westminster Bridge and Waterloo Station as are truly very much put to serve
the adapting needs of Londoners, and in addition workers ready to set out effortlessly
to the College. Morley is about the delight of learning and the constructive effect
fruitful learning has in bringing out individual potential, restoring self conviction and
making new open door. The Morley staff group are authorities in grown up training,
with impressive subject mastery in the Arts, Culture and Applied Sciences.
Notwithstanding more than sixty regions of study Morley gives an uncommon scope
of advancement open doors for understudies and the more extensive group, keeping
up a prominent project of exhibitions and occasions, including open presentations at
the Morley Gallery. Whether considering for self improvement and prosperity, to
increase vital aptitudes (English, Maths, IT), to get to advanced education, or for
vocation improvement or change, our vision at Morley is for our understudies desire
to be propelled and accomplished through learning. Much obliged to you again for
2 Live Crew Case Summary
An example of the application of fair use exception in the US case, Campbell v.
Acuff Rose Music, Inc (1994) . In this case, there are a rap music group called 2
Live Crew utilise the composition of William Dees and Roy Orbison named Oh,
Pretty Woman as a fundamental of their own work titled Pretty Woman . 2 Live
Crew took the distinctive bass line of prior work and make adaptation of the lyrics
and reproduce in their own style. Hence, this turned the song into the popular parody.
The District Court granted summary judgment for 2 Live Crew that their reproduce
song was a parody which mad under fair usepurpose under section 107 of the US
While the Court of Appeals reversed and remanded, stated that the parody could cause
... Show more content on ...
Waugh consider this case in two ways , first, in an aspect of the copyright of
introductory eight notes separate from the whole track of the O Euchari copyright
which constitute the copyright infringement of the whole piece. Another aspect is
eight notes which have been sampled is considered as a substantial part of the O
Euchari . Judge Laddie Q.C. stated that if the copyright owner is entitled to refine his
copyright work so as to match the size of the alleged infringement, there would never
be a requirement for substantiality. In this case, the portion of the work dramatically
determine the result of the
Why Are Dental Implants Important
Dental implants are a very useful tool to combat a wide range of dental issues, such
as bone deterioration and loose dentures. Listed below are just two of the many
reasons to consider dental implants.
They Can Improve Your Dental Health
One of the primary reasons to consider implants is that they can improve your dental
health. This is because these implants can actually reduce a lot of the wear that
your teeth may begin experiencing once you have lost several of your teeth. When
you lose one or more teeth, you are most likely going to be favoring other areas of
your mouth whenever you chew, which means that the teeth in those areas are going
to be working substantially harder and more often in order to help you chew food.
The problem with
Structural Insanity In The 19th Century
It is essential to recognize that the meaning of insanity shifts depending on time and
place. What this means is that insanity, is in part, situated. Despite social change in
19th century America, power contributed to women being admitted to state insane
asylums. Those who are powerless lack authority; lack a sense of self; those over
whom power is exercised without their exercising it; the powerless are situated so
that they must take orders and rarely have the right to give them; the powerless have
little or no work autonomy, have no technical expertise or authority...and do not
command respect. Powerlessness, [is thus a] status best described negatively (Young,
2003, 56, 57). In the context of 19th century America, white middle class men... Show
more content on ...
Although gender contributed to why women were committed, race tells the story of
who was not committed, and when blacks were committed, the reasoning differed
from that of committing white women and white men. While insane asylums
produced racial and gender oppression, social class contributed by affecting
whether an individual was placed into a state or public insane asylum. Making
visible how these types of oppression intersects, sheds light on science s
misconceptions; misconceptions that sanctioned discrimination towards certain
groups, i.e. women and people of color. If one starts to deconstruct the science of
the 19th century, one will begin to see the layers of hidden assumptions and
contradictions. A science not completely rooted in objectivity, but in a science
influenced by politics and a society dominated by white males. As Benjamin
Pasamanick argues in Myths Regarding Prevalence of Mental Disease in the
American Negro, it would seem apparent that the thesis that the Negro has reacted to
segregation, and the struggle to desegregate and eliminate discrimination, by an
increased rate of psychoses must be discarded. The data for this were never very
good, were obviously selected and contradictory (1964,
Analysis Of Stanley Kubrick s The Shining
Stanley Kubrick is a man that has been respected in the cinema world for many
years. From films such as 2001 A Space Odyssey to Clock Work Orange he has
created a lot masterpieces that have survived the test of time. By far one of his
most popular works is The Shining which was released in 1980. Many film makers
use different tools to analyze films and figure out meanings behind them. Kubrick
was known for not explaining his work in any capacity. In order to figure out why
he made the films the way that he did film critics use mise en scenes. Through the
use of a mise en scene, the pantry scene is going to be analyzed to figure out the
deeper meaning. This essay is going to explore what a mise en scene is and why
the scene is used while also conducting a mise en scene to analyze a scene from all
aspects of cinematography. A mise en scene is tool some film critics use to
analyze a film more in depth then what they get at first glance. It analyzes a film
for all of its cinematographic elements, those include but are not limited to;
Lighting, Color, Angles, Costumes, Sound, and Framing. Traditionally, the mise en
scene is intended to only analyze what is seen in front of the lens and not how
things got to the camera, but the definition has since expanded and it is usually
acceptable to talk about every aspect of the film now (Elsaesser 80). Simply saying
mise en scene is a very broad term, because of this film critics have many different
strategies to help focus their viewing
Compare Reduced Instruction Set Computer (CISC And
Compare and contrast reduced instruction set computer (RISC) with the complex
Instruction set computer(CISC) [20]
(CISC) The term CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer or Computing) refers to
computers designed with a full set of computer instructions that were intended to
provide needed capabilities in the most efficient way. Later, it was discovered that, by
reducing the full set to only the most frequently used instructions, the computer
would get more work done in a shorter amount of time for most applications. Since
this was called reduced instruction set computing (RISC), there was now a need to
have something to call full set instruction computers thus, the term CISC.
These complex instruction set computer ... Show more content on ...
Since each instruction type that a computer must perform requires additional
transistors and circuitry, a larger list or set of computer instructions tends to make the
microprocessor more complicated and slower in operation.
Most RISC designs use uniform instruction length for almost all instructions, and
employ strictly separate load/store instructions.
Throughout the years various suggestions have been made regarding a precise
definition of RISC, but the general concept is that of a system that uses a really
small, highly optimized set of instructions, rather than a more versatile set of
instructions often found in other types of architectures like C.I.S.C, another common
trait is that RISC systems use the load/store architecture, which is where memory is
normally accessed only through certain specific instructions, rather than accessed as
part of other instructions like
Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Theory of multiple intelligences The theory of multiple intelligences was proposed
by Howard Gardner in 1983 as a model of intelligence that differentiates intelligence
into various specific (primarily sensory) modalities[disambiguation needed], rather
than seeing it as dominated by a single general ability. Gardner argues that there is a
wide range of cognitive abilities, and that there are only very weak correlations
among them. For example, the theory predicts that a child who learns to multiply
easily is not necessarily generally more intelligent than a child who has more
difficulty on this task. The child who takes more time to master simple multiplication
1) may best learn to multiply through a different approach, 2) may excel in a... Show
more content on ...
Gardner elaborates to say that this intelligence also includes a sense of timing, a clear
sense of the goal of a physical action, along with the ability to train responses so they
become like reflexes. In theory, people who have bodily kinesthetic intelligence
should learn better by involving muscular movement (e.g. getting up and moving
around into the learning experience), and are generally good at physical activities
such as sports or dance. They may enjoy acting or performing, and in general they are
good at building and making things. They often learn best by doing something
physically, rather than by reading or hearing about it. Those with strong bodily
kinesthetic intelligence seem to use what might be termed muscle memory , drawing
on it to supplement or in extreme cases even substitute for other skills such as verbal
memory. Careers that suit those with this intelligence include: athletes, pilots,
dancers, musicians, actors, surgeons, builders, police officers, and soldiers. Although
these careers can be duplicated through virtual simulation, they will not produce the
actual physical learning that is needed in this intelligence.[8]
Military Children
Military Children on The Go I was not a military brat, the child of a person in the
military, however I attended four different elementary schools before entering the
fifth grade. I cannot say it was something easy; I rather think that destiny was
preparing me to take care of my own military brats. Non militaryfamilies generally
think that military brats will have problems adapting to new places with constant
moves however, I have found through observation, personal experience, and research
that they develop good coping mechanisms to adapt and become resilient. Constant
moves are not easy. Children get sad and sometimes it takes time to adapt, but over
time, and with the right support they learn to cope and become resilient.
The journey ... Show more content on ...
Clinical Child Family Psychology Review, 16(3), 278 281. doi:10.1007/s10567 013
0150 2. Retrieved from Psychological and Behavioral Science Collection via Kansas
State Library
Mmari, K. N., Bradshaw, C. P., Sudhinaraset, M., Blum, R. (2010). Exploring the
Role of Social Connectedness Among Military Youth: Perceptions from Youth,
Parents, and School Personnel. Child Youth Care Forum, 39(5), 351 366.
doi:10.1007/s10566 010 9109 3. Retrieved from Psychological and Behavioral
Science Collection via Kansas State Library
Palmer, C. (2008). A Theory of Risk and ResilienceFactors in Military Families.
Military Psychology (Taylor Francis Ltd), 20(3), 205 217. Retrieved from
Psychological and Behavioral Science Collection via Kansas State Library
POPTECH (Producer). (2012). Inside resilient children. [Video file]. (2013, May
Retrieved from
Russo, T., Fallon, M. (2015). Coping with Stress: Supporting the Needs of Military
Families and Their Children. Early Childhood Education Journal, 43(5), 407 416.
doi:10.1007/s10643 014 0665 2. Retrieved from Psychological and Behavioral
Science Collection via Kansas State
Most Important Critical Factors
This semester in CPD VI, I sat down and determined what my critical factors are to
help me better find the best fit for me in terms of where I want to work after
graduation. A little over a year ago in CPD III I made a list of the top ten critical
factors like I did this year. After comparing the two lists from CPD III and CPD IV
side by side I realized that a majority of the critical factors were the same. The main
difference that I seen was mostly the order of the critical factors from most
important to lest important. At this stage of my career it is important for me to
determine my critical factors and choose rotation sites that are best suited for me so
that I can get the most out of my experiences. In CPD III my most important critical
factors in the order from most important to least important were: job security,
opportunity for leadershipdevelopment, income, benefits, working with a team,
business management, helping people, variety of daily activities, work schedule, and
finally entrepreneurial opportunities. In CPD VI my most important critical factors in
the order from most important to least important is: work schedule, income, benefits,
future... Show more content on ...
I believe that independent pharmacy is the best fit for me because I enjoy working
in the retail setting and getting to help patients directly. Hearing about specialty
pharmacy sounds interesting but I would have to try it out before I determine if it
is really a good fit for me. I think the one thing I would miss most about specialty
pharmacy is the patient interactions. I have never considered long term care
pharmacy as a career option for me I think this is partially because I do not
understand what they really do. When I think of long term care I thing of nursing
homes, and I do not think that I would like that as a career
Subsection 198A Sample Essay
On the 25th of July 2011, the Arrangement between the Government of Australia and
the Government of Malaysia on Transfer and Resettlement was ratified. To augment
this, the Operational guidelines to support transfers and resettlement was published.
Permitting the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship to announce that asylum
seekers could be handed over from Australiato Malaysia liable to the Instrument of
Declaration of Malaysia as a Declared Country under subsection 198A(3) of the
Migration Act 1958 . Nonetheless, the key legal concern raised by the plaintiffs was
that however the Malaysian Arrangement was augmented by the coinciding
Operational Guidelines, the Minister for Immigrationand Citizenship declaration of
Malaysia as a third country to which offshore entry persons can be withdrawn from,
was concluded as invalid.
In order to make a lawful declaration under subsection 198A(3) of the Migration Act
allowing for a third country to be added; the High Court reached the conclusion that it
had to of comply with the set criteria in subsection 198A(3)(a)(i) (iv). Fundamentally,
the criteria explicates that the country must provide protection for persons seeking ...
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On the account that it was not obliged under international law to provide those
protections to asylum seekers. Nor did its domestic law legislate the specifications
itemised in the Migration Act that the High Court contended to rater than pre
arranged assumptions. In particular, the arrangement did not necessitate for Malaysia
to ratify any international law obligations; significant on the account that Malaysia
had not yet signed either the Refugee Convention or moreover additionally
recognised human rights treaties inclusive of the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights or the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or
Degrading Treatment or
Textual Analysis Of Dante s Inferno
Textual Analysis
After crossing the Phlegethon, Dante the Pilgrim and Virgil cross into a dark forest
where there are no green leaves, but rather black in color, no smooth branches, but
twisted and entangled, no fruit, but thorns of poison bloomed instead (Dante, Inferno
186). The forest is depicted this way to give a picture of the barren nature of suicide.
Dante sees the Harpies nesting and tearing at the trees surrounding them,
Greek mythology the Harpies are storm winds which act as ministers of Divine
vengeance, mysteriously snatching offenders away out of the visible world
(Dartmouth). The Harpies are a depiction of how those who commit suicide snatch
themselves away from the visible world. He hears wails of torment within the
woods all around him and Dante is confused by the noise and its origin. He first
thinks that the yelling comes from individuals hiding behind the trees, but learns
the truth once prompted by Virgil to break a branch. Dante tears off a piece of a
great thornbush. The emphasis on the size of the bush may be a way to signify the
importance of the man entrapped inside it, possibly like Medieval art in which
artists stress the importance of a specific character by making it larger (Dartmouth).
To Dante s surprise, blood began to spew out of the branch, and the tree starts to
speak directly to the Pilgrim. This tree, named Pier, committed suicide after being
accused of treason. Pier continues to swear on the new roots of this tree that
Reflection About Culture
In some cases there are people that don t really matter with culture to see how a
person reacts to but the to get to know for what she/he is. So there might be people
that think that just because they are from that culture that they will act what you
imagine to be. Either way you maybe right but that you might be wrong so it
depends how they act in their own way. One s culture rarely informs the way one
views the world because not everyone decided to to their parents culture they might
change, but they might choose to but act in a different way that you have imagine.
This idea is supported by memoir, novel excerpt, and personal essay. First is a story
By Any other Name , about two sisters that are different from their classmates. One
was eight and the other was five a half, they had to change their names these two
girls are Premila and Santha. They were from India coming to a american school,
everything that the two sisters did, dress, eat, and play was different accustomed to
what they usually do. The story got to a point that peoplejust blamed the two sites
for cheating in the test in paragraph 26, 27, and 28 it say It was a week later, the
day of Premila s first test,that our lives changed rather abruptly. I was sitting at the
back of my class, in my inattentive way, only half listening to the teacher. ...
Occasionally, during class, my new friend and I would draw pictures and show them
to each other secretly. The door opened sharply and Premila marched in. At
Research Paper On Tattoo Redness
Tattoo Redness: Is It Normal? Wound healing, according to the Journal of
International Medical Research, starts immediately after an injury. The tattoo is a
wound too and it s healing process starts immediately the artist finishes. Redness is
one of the healing stages and most people will attest to having the tattoo look red,
swollen and inflamed when the tattoo is fresh. The little needle used to insert ink
into the skin, punches into it a thousand times to create a huge wound, depending
on the size of your tattoo. This will bruise the area for days before it heals. The
body naturally reacts to a wound by pumping blood to the area in large volumes, as
it tries to supply the area with oxygen, nutrients and blood clotting cells. This aid in...
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Such instances require a check up from either your artist or the doctor. swelling
can be caused by several reasons including: Infection This is one of the main
causes of redness. An infection occurs if one fails to take care of the tattoo
properly. Failure to keep it clean and sterile will introduce bacteria to the area and
cause infections. To prevent this, follow instructions given by your artist on tattoo
aftercare. Most tattoo artists recommend keeping the bandage on for 12 to 24
hours after the tattoo is done. Take the bandage off and use warm water and
fragrance free soap to clean the area. Use clean fingers to wash gently using
circular motions. Pat it dry and allow it to dry out before applying moisturizer.
Airing the tattoo prevents the area from trapping moisture that could harbor
bacteria. Tattoo infections though rare, can cause serious risks to your health. It s
also important to note that healing time for tattoos is different for everyone and
depends on many factors. Yours may just be taking some time before it heals. If the
redness persists for more than 10 days see a doctor especially if it s accompanied by
the following
The Peter Reflection
those classified in a certain category is well illustrated through the librarian who,
when asked if Peter did anything to her, answers He didn t do anything, but he made
me think that he is going to do something bad to me. So are you going to protect us?
(52:43) Peter didn t do anything; however, the librarian by witnessing his abnormal
behavior and finding out about his schizophreniaadapts her experience to something
that could have been dangerous. Similar to how Hacking expects classificatory
looping to work on those classified. She had an incomplete perception of the events
and took his actions to be part of his irrationality, instead of Peter s attempt to find his
daughter and stop the radio noises in his head.
Throughout the movie, we see Peter as this schizophrenic doing irrational things like
cutting his head and nail. Peter barely talks so the audience can only perceive him
through these irrational actions. With this, the audience is left to interpret the parallel
killings as Peter s work. It is only when Peter is with his daughter that he talks freely
about his delusions and the audience starts seeing Peter as a rational human. (62:34)
It is during his interaction with Nicole that there are no background noises, irrational
behavior or delusions. The audience sees only an awkward father trying to connect
with his daughter. It is during this moment that the audience starts seeing Peter as a
human, suffering with Schizophrenia and the pain of separation between him
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Software...
Advantages of software engineering
Software engineering as explained above the study and application of engineering to
the software project s design, development and maintenance has many advantages:
As in software engineering the software is made systematically, any failure in unit
testing or emergence of bugs, made it easy for developers to revert back to a bug free
state without wasting any time
Software are checked before the release of complete project, through which
can find the bugs and problems and get solutions to fix them continuously, avoiding
time chaos
All the changes undergone unit testing immediately
Early warning of the conflicts in the changes
Software are made available for testing, demo constantly ... Show more content on ...
what should
be the architecture, what are the components and interface and other characteristics of
system etc.
Software construction: In this part of software engineering actual software coding
starts which is followed by verification, unit testing then integration testing and finally
Software testing: Test cases for behavior of program are created in this phase
Quiz Questions On International Law
In order to receive credit for this assignment, please read the following guidelines and
confirm that you understand and will follow them:
By typing my name below, I acknowledge the following requirements for this
assignment and confirm that my work on this assignment abides by them.
1.I have drawn each of my answers from the required course texts, in class discussion
and lecture, or in class video material.
2.I have appropriately cited the course texts and/or in class material for each of my
answers. This means, for instance, that after providing a definition of a particular
term in my own words, I have cited the specific pages in the textbook(s) from which
I drew my answer. Example in text citation: (Murphy ... Show more content on ...
Be sure to explain the terms in your own words. Also, provide direct translations
(usually from the Latin) where relevant. (Direct translations can be quoted verbatim
from Murphy.) If you found it necessary to do additional research to understand a
term, cite the relevant passages in Murphy or NDJ and provide a complete citation
for the additional source(s) you used. (You will not get credit for only using internet
**Acceptable citation styles include Chicago, Turabian, APA, and MLA. If you used
a website, provide the link in conjunction with the proper citation. If you used another
text, provide the relevant page numbers.
1. Define and explain the significance of jure imperii and jure gestionis (reference the
theory of sovereign immunity to which they are relevant).
Principally, the theory of restrictive sovereign immunity is basically when the
Department of States can elect to instill immunity, or otherwise not let immunity
happen (Murphy, 305). There are specifically two areas that either allows this unit to
acclaim immunity and or reject immunity (Murphy, 305). The first area is known as
jure imperii. When governments of other nations have an undertaking that is relevant
to the community, then immunity is acclaimed (Murphy, 305). The second area is
known as jure gestionis. If a government of another nation has relayed information on
undertakings in being profit oriented, then rejecting immunity is the option (Murphy,
Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Essay
Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes For the purpose of this paper it will provide an
overview of ways that diabetes, type 2, can be prevented if a person is at risk for
developing it. Although there has been little research that diabetes can always be
prevented there are ways that a person can delay or improve their symptoms.
Diabetes is a disease that cases blood glucose levels to rise higher than normal in
the body. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes when being
compared to type 1diabetes. When blood sugars rises to levels higher than normal it
is called hyperglycemia. Diabetes, type 2 can result in many different issues that
affect the body. There are many complications that are linked with diabetes for
example, higher risk ... Show more content on ...
Diabetes is a disease affects many different systems of the body. It can be a
devastating disease and with the increasing numbers of people with the disease it is
crucial that research in done to help prevent and control the disease. Along with the
increase number of patients diagnosed with diabetes type 2 comings with the high
cost of the disease. The complications and increasing cost of diabetes has drawn
attention to the need for its prevention and its complications. With exercise and diet
studies have shown that a diabetes type 2 diagnoses can be prevented or prolonged.
Along with exercise to has been shown that nutrition plays a role in managing the
prevention of diabetes. Also in the study conducted by the Diabetes Prevention
Program Research Group that was shown that with people who took metformin
before being diagnosed with diabetes had a lower change of developed type 2
diabetes. In conclusion through it is shown that maintaining a health diet, and
exercising diabetes type 2 can possibly be prevented and with further research there
may be a cure
The One and Only Wife of Bath Essay
The One and Only Wife of Bath In The Canterbury tales, Chaucer uses The Wife of
Bath as a representation of what it was like for Women in the Middle Ages to be
striped of equality and bow to the otherwise male dominated society. For the
representation of women Chaucer uses the Tales of The Scholar , The Second
Nun The Reeve s , and The Franklin and many others in a very dry, pretentious
manner to steer readers into the view of how a women of the Middle Ages should
be as a so called virtuous wife or woman. The concept of marriage plays a major
part in manifesting the idea of the issues of inferiority of women. The perception
rendered as women having to be obedient and inferior figure to their husbands or
male counter parts. Chaucer... Show more content on ...
Her self proclaimed wisdom and experience makes her justly and to a certain
extent credible enough to stand in the position that she does that is as heroine of
her time. The Wife of Bath s Prologue is lengthy but everything said is important
and captures a prime image of who the Wife of Bath truly is but also the society
women are dealing with. Also her prologue retaliates against the problems of
inferiority of women at hand. She does her best to defend herself for her life
occurrences as well as preserving the merit of women. She explains a sensible
woman only busies herself to win love were there s none (177), although one may
say that this is a negative way for a woman to gain power .The positive note is that
the wife of Bath cares to give the only advise she knows that has worked for her.
The fact that the Wife of Bath cares about sharing advice in a sense that will cost
women a chance to gain power ,cancels out the seven deadly sin of greed in her
character. To expand on what was said about women and negative connotations
that are placed upon them as the Wife of Bath points out was a matter that was
seen even in writings of the time as her fifth husband read to her very often the
wrong doings of wicked wives and how all women are a disturbance and only seek
money and all the finer things from their men. The absolute goal was to make
women look like nuisances. At this point there was much literal works to in her
Prologue to prove the cynical mind
Hello Titi Mitron Case Study
Hello Titi Evelyn,
Although your medical records may have been compromised, you can find assurance
in the fact that you were not the only one. Along with your records, 80 million other
Anthem customer s records have been breached. The odds of you being specifically
targeted after this breach is pretty slim. The Health Insurance and Accountability Act
(HIPAA) prevents patient health information from being sent un encrypted over the
Internet. This ensures that hackers won t be able to read your records when they are
transmitted. The problem lies with the fact that the law does not require your
information to be encrypted when stored locally. This means that whoever has access
to a computer with your medical information on it also has access
Person Centered Theraphy Essay
If I can provide a certain type of relationship the other person will discover within
himself (sic) the capacity to use that relationship for growth and change and personal
development will occur.
Carl Rogers
Person Centered theraphy (Rogerian Theraphy)
Person centered Theraphy (PCT) was developed by Carl Rogers in the 1940 s. PCT
is also known as person centered psychotherapy, person centered counselling, client
centered theraphy and Rogerian psychotheraphy.
PCT is a form of talk psychotheraphy developed by psychologist Carl Rogers in the
1940s and 1950s.The goal of PCT is to provide clients with an opportunity to
develop a sense of self where they can realize how their attitudes, feelings and
behavior are being negatively affected. ... Show more content on ...
He still felt that the client was the one who should say what is wrong, find ways of
improving, and determine the conclusion of therapy his therapy was still very client
centered even while he acknowledged the impact of the therapist. Unfortunately, other
therapists felt that this name for his therapy was a bit of a slap in the face for them:
Aren t most therapies client centered?
Nowadays, though the terms non directive and client centered are still used, most
people just call it Rogerian therapy. One of the phrases that Rogers used to describe
his therapy is supportive, not reconstructive, and he uses the analogy of learning to
ride a bicycle to explain: When you help a child to learn to ride a bike, you can t
just tell them how. They have to try it for themselves. And you can t hold them up the
whole time either. There comes a point when you have to let them go. If they fall,
they fall, but if you hang on, they never learn.
It s the same in therapy. If independence (autonomy, freedom with responsibility) is
what you are helping a client to achieve, then they will not achieve it if they remain
dependent on you, the therapist. They need to try their insights on their own, in real
life beyond the therapist s office!
The Effects Of Long Term Use Of A Computer On Median,...
In the journal article Influence of long term use of a computer on median, ulnar
and radial sensory nerves in wrist region , a study was done between computer
users and none computer users. The result showed that the nerves that are located
in the wrist region (ulnar and median nerves) gets damaged even without and
neurological dysfunctions, just because the wrist part is being extended while
typing or using the mouse (Bamac, Belgin, et al., 1033.) on the website of U.S.
library of medicine it is stated that ulnar nerve damage can cause complications
like deformity of hand, partial or complete loss of hand/wrist movement or
sensation in hand/fingers etc. This is just one of the few health problems that we
are facing or about to face as a new big problems if we keep using computers
limitless. Another way the computers hurts a student is by hurting their capability
to focus on study while working through a computer. Teens tend to have very
playful mind and it s already hard for them to focus on boring thing like study. So
when they are in front of the computer screen, how can you expect them to pay
their 100 percent attention to study? Plus they have the Internet and growing social
media uses and gaming just lights up the fire more. So, why we allow them to be in
front of the computer for study? Is that become so impossible to make the kids
study without the use of a computer? Some people say it s easy and entertaining way
to study for the kids and they learn better. Agreed.
Significance And Significance Of Outsourcing
It is an evident fact that outsourcing is quite prevalent practice among both public and
private organizations. It has been considered as one of the prime elements of any
business strategy. It is with the aid of outsourcing that organizations attempt to reduce
the overall cost of sustenance and augment organizational productivity in
comprehensive terms. The activity of outsourcingenables the organization to render
higher level of emphasis on core activities of business. In the past thirty years, various
researchers have undertaken researches to support outsourcing as a mechanism for
bringing down organizational costsin a substantial manner. But the comprehensive
impact of outsourcing remains to be seen. This research work will assess the
relevance and significance of outsourcing in reference to the process of new product
development. It is a given fact that the process of new product development is a
highly knowledge driven activity and thereby depends on array of other activities. It
is highly dependent on organization s capabilities to manage uncertainties throughout
the course of new product development. Hence, various concerns in reference to
acquisition of knowledge and application need to be managed in the right manner. In
the words of Ford et al (1993), the main reason for costreduction is that organizations
engage in the process of outsourcing. Hence outsourcing of new product
development process can be regarded as a tool to decrease the high costs that are
Stryker Case
The power of suppliers can have a significant impact on most organizations. Mainly
because they have the power to determine the cost of goods and the amount of
profit an organization can earn. However, for Stryker the power of suppliers was
more on the lower side. Not only did Stryker produce medical tools and devices, but
they also manufactured their own materials. In other words, Stryker is their own
supplier. Therefore, Stryker dictated the prices of their products and services.
Suppliers can potentially have great power over organizations, for Stryker, the power
was theirs. This is definitely an advantage for Stryker.
Power of Buyers The power of buyers in the medical technology industry is relatively
high. Stryker s buyers have the ... Show more content on ...
Since Stryker acquires companies they are acquiring a brand that is recognized in that
country. This assists with the culture barrier of coming in with a brand not known in
that area. In addition their website does adjust depending on which country is
viewing it. Even the format in which it is viewed is changed slightly to match the
culture it is accustomed to.
Staff Regulator affair managers to ensure that the company is within regulations
internationally. Their responsibilities include Represent Stryker in interactions with
external organizations including the FDA and other global health authorities,
sponsors, and other organizations; serve as a primary Regulatory contact during all
premarket activities and work with Stryker organizations to support the regulatory
approval and commercialization efforts in global markets .
Stryker has many manufacturing locations that make it easier to give out products
around the world. This decreases the cost to ship products from the US to for
example China. They are consistently opening more locations in order to fill a
demand and a lower cost.
Analysis Of Descartes s First Attempt
In his first attempt, Descartes attempts to use the metaphor of weight to explain the
relation, such that we can apply weight in terms relating to the body and other times
relating to the soul, and just as we have the innate notion that an immaterial force
pushes weighted objects towards the earth, so too does the immaterial soul/mindact on
the body . However, this explanation proves unsatisfactory both to the modern reader
and to Elisabeth herself; as this analogy fails to bridge the gap as to how something
immaterial can enter into a causal relationship with something that is distinctly
material. Elizabeth agrees that the senses (and the passions) demonstrate that the soul
can move the body, but that falls far short of determining the mechanism by which
this can happen (without of course sacrificing the integrity of his immaterial/material
substance divide.)
In a second attempt (following Elisabeth s dissatisfaction with the weight analogy)
Descartes provides his most extensive response, explaining the three factors necessary
for causal functioning, and tying them to the specific example of thought and action .
This exposition is problematic for a number of reasons. Firstly, Jonathon Dennett
notes Descartes switches between using soul as the core subject of investigation to
using the word thought which is actually an entirely separate argument; while
thoughts are a necessary part of the soul/mind, they are not sufficient to explain all
the processes. Secondly, in
Wood Framing Research Paper
Wood individuals are sliced and joined to make floors, dividers and the top of a
structure as per the arrangement of construction archives and local building codes.
Since the 1830s, two strategies for wood framing have been utilized to encourage
building a structure: balloon framing and platform framing.
Balloon framing was genuinely well known on the east drift and parts of the Midwest
previously. Today it isn t for the most part permitted by current buildingcodes. Be
that as it may, it regards know about the technique if it is experienced in the field.
In this kind of framing the wall stud lays on the sill plate with a rim joist in the
interior side and after that the floor joist. The stud wall is persistent from the sill
plate to the best plate. At the second level the floor association, joists lay on a ledger
and are then face nailed to the studs.
Platform is the most widely recognized type of wood ... Show more content on ...
What s more a greater amount of the outside wall can be insulated because of the
more proficient framing.
The finalization of the schedule for a particular project will fluctuate in light of
numerous elements including, yet not restricted to, size and level of trouble of the
structure, site and climate conditions, material and contractual worker accessibility,
team sizes, powerful planning and correspondence, the learning and experience of
those dealing with the project, and maybe most essentially, the number, convenience,
and many sided quality of the progressions unavoidably made to the first contract
after construction has started.
Floor, wall, rooftop and stair congregations are each comprised of particular
dimensional wood segments (said to be like a skeleton.) These segments are
affixed together to shape the structure as well as enable the interior spaces to
properly work as they are needed to. Wood pieces are normally associated with nail
clasp nails or
Chapter Summaries Happiest Refugee
Chapter 1: Introduction to Anh s parent s family, their struggles and background.
That s not the way to treat a young lady. (Anh s father said) pg.3
On their third meeting he buys her a lemonade and makes a young guy in the
carriage stand up so that she can sit down. (Father s actions) pg.3
This particular girl had been enrolled in a convent until earlier that year. She was
supposed to be a nun by now, but the communists had closed down all the catholic
churches and convents. ( Anh on his mother) pg.3
My father grew up in extreme poverty. (Anh on his father) pg.6
His mother gave birth to twelve children but four had died in childbirth or early
infancy. Even with eight mouths to feed Grandma found it in her heart to adopt two ...
Show more content on ...
At least you know your sailing near the edge of your capacity! (pg 67 referring to
whenever the dad talks about failure)
If you don t have your identity papers they ll kick you out of the country (pg 65 said
by one of Anh s uncles)
The other motto was Born for Greater Things (pg 65 referring to the school motto)
Chapter 6.
The happiest refugee Chapter 6.
The period that this chapter focuses on:
Anh s family being scared of their father.
Losing the properties that they owned.
The family fracturing .
Issues being addressed:
Violence (Uncle Three and Anh s dad fighting, Anh s dad getting drunk and hitting
out at his family)
Grief (Anh s father feels quite upset about losing the trust of his brothers)
Guilt (Anh s father feels quite guilty over losing his brother s trust and is struggling
to cope with memories of the deaths of two other brothers)
Fear (Anh and his family are scared of their father due to his alcohol issue and
becoming violent)
Chapter seven: Highschool
During the six years I spent at St AloysiusI never quite had the right fitting uniform
In drama all of a sudden you could stride into a battle scene wearing a helmet and
vest, reciting heroic lines that save the kingdom. Instantly your worries would fade
away. Pg. 77
Mrs Borny not only taught us drama, but also how to write it, creating stories
The Definition Of Theatre In The 18th And 19th Century
The word Theatre originates from the Greek word theatron, which means seeing
place, therefore describing theatre as a place where you go see things. There are 2
types of definitions for Theatre; the hardware and the software . The hardware being
definitions like indicating where films are shown or metaphorically refers to a place
where wars and surgeries occur like theatreof operations The software definition of
theatre describes the activity involved in theatre like the group of people that
compose plays.
The theatre building used to be small open spaces where the people performed and
spectators watched. As it grew in popularity, theatres needed to be remodeled and
made big enough to sit everyone. The audience would be located would be in an
elevated area and the actors below. Roman theatres were elaborate and embellished
with marble carvings and gilded columns. Theaters built in the 18th and 19th
century are still open and operating today. Theatres are fundamental to urban
architecture as well as to contemporary life. Theatre involves a very large group of
people working together on a single performance. These groups can be called
companies or troupes that tour cities to present a play. These companies are self
contained production units capable of writing, preparing and presenting works to a
point where some have become legendary, like the Lord Chamberlain s Men of
London, which Shakespeare was a part of.
Theatre is also the occupation of its practitioners.
Cigarettes And Nicotine
Tobacco s effects on the human body have been studied thoroughly for years. Both
smokeless and cigarettes cause all different kind of cancers.They also kill many
family members and loved ones.Nicotine is a drug that is used to get people to buy
cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. The companies that make the stuff try any way
possible to get people to buy it . They advertise it to be the most glamorous thing
ever, but it is really deadly. Nicotineis highly poisonous chemical. As it states in
nicotine and cigarettes by Gina De Angelis in quantities smaller
Research Paper On Canned Food Drive
Lack of Canned Food Drive in the Holiday Season December is a perfect time to
raise money and awareness for the less fortunate in the local Salt Lake community,
and usually Skyline is a willing participant in having a canned food drive in the
holiday season. Local organizations such as the Ronald McDonald House Charity
start sending out letters and volunteers to help out at local homeless shelters and food
banks in the holiday season to gather as many giving people as possible. Last year,
the drive started to take momentum right before the Olympus v. Skyline football
game to advertise the drive for a better turn out. Unfortunately, this year the drive has
been set for the Olympus v. Skyline basketball game which takes place after the
entire holiday season, which takes away from the purpose of the canned food drive in
the coldest... Show more content on ...
The canned food drive gives to homeless shelters, families within Granite School
District, and helps to feed families in poverty who can barely pay for housing and heat
in the
The Beliefs Of AristotleMetaphysics And Epistemology
Aristotle Metaphysics and Epistemology
Aristotle claims that the principle of non contradiction [(PNC) the principle that the
same attribute cannot at the same time belong and not belong to the same subject
and in the same respect (Metaphysics, Aristotle, Part 3)] is the most certain of all
principles. He further explains that this is employed in all proofs, on any subject and
therefore is the most basic, and the first principle as it is not derived from anything
more basic . Aristotle also claims, unlike Socrates, that the forms exist on the same
level as becoming. Therefore, you can logically assume Socrates metaphysics is
hierarchical in this regard. It is important to note that Aristotle does have a focal
point with regards to metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics goods. Not goods as
in products, but goods as in moral goods. The reason this idea trickles down into
other areas of his philosophy is because this is where he fundamentally disagrees
with Socrates on the forms. He even goes as far as to say This sort of inquiry is, to
be sure unwelcome to us, because those who introduced the Forms (Socrates) were
friends of ours; still, it presumably seems better, indeed only right, to destroy even
what is close to us if that is the way to preserve the truth (Nicomachean Ethics, Part
6, The Platonic Form of the Good). Aristotle also believes in 3 ideas of substance:
changeable and perishable (organisms), changeable and eternal (souls/heavenly
bodies), and
American Airlines Executive Summary
American Airlines Individual Case Analysis
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
MBAA 514 Strategic Marketing Management in Aviation
November 20, 2014
Sarah Newman
I Introduction
Executive Summery American Airlines like many other airlines is trying to
maximize their revenue through pricing and yield management strategies. said
Robert Crandall, former Chairman and CEO of American Airlines. One flight, one
hundred seats, and one hundred different prices; the gentleman to left and the young
child to the right all paid up to 700% difference. American Airlines has battled the
pricing policy and the unstable pricing structure. Value pricing was introduced in
1992, setting four fares for any given flight. American Airlines reverted... Show more
content on ...
American Airlines is the largest airline carrier in the US, and after the recent merger
in the world. In 2013 American Airlines revenue alone was $24,825,000 and
combined $1.95 billion in earnings. With the positive revenue the new American
Airline will have a younger fleet giving the passenger the most up to date travel
Weaknesses: American Airlines is still not able to lead against competitors in Asia.
Both American Airlines and US Airways are having a difficult time with labor
Market Share: The airline industry is closed, there is no room for a small company
or a mistake. American Airlines with US Airways lead around the world, being the
largest company. Market share is difficult, reviewing the capacity growth in Pacific
market, American Airlines reported to have a 0.5% growth in total capacity as of
October 2014. Other regions that are focused on are domestic, Latin America,
Atlantic, and total

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Anti Imperialism Essay. Americas Imperialism - Free Essay Example

  • 1. Anti Imperialism Essay Crafting an essay on the theme of anti-imperialism presents a challenging yet intellectually rewarding endeavor. The complexity arises from the multifaceted nature of the topic, which demands a comprehensive understanding of historical events, political ideologies, economic structures, and their interconnectedness. The essay requires an in-depth exploration of anti- imperialist movements, their origins, motivations, and impacts on societies across different epochs. Delving into the historical context is essential, as anti-imperialism has evolved over time, shaped by diverse cultural, geopolitical, and economic factors. Analyzing the ideologies that fuel anti- imperialist sentiments, such as nationalism, anti-colonialism, and anti-globalization, adds another layer of intricacy. Moreover, addressing the contemporary relevance of anti-imperialist perspectives and their influence on global affairs necessitates a nuanced examination of current geopolitical dynamics. The research process involves navigating through a plethora of scholarly articles, historical documents, and political analyses. Balancing a critical evaluation of various viewpoints and maintaining a coherent narrative is crucial. The essay should not only present a historical account but also offer insightful interpretations and connections to contemporary issues. Constructing a well-organized and persuasive argument demands a careful selection of evidence to support key points. Engaging with opposing views and addressing potential counterarguments adds depth to the essay, showcasing a nuanced understanding of the subject matter. Crafting a compelling introduction and conclusion that frame the discussion effectively is equally challenging. In conclusion, writing an essay on anti-imperialism requires a significant investment of time, intellectual effort, and analytical skills. Successfully navigating the complexities of the topic involves a meticulous research process, critical thinking, and the ability to articulate a coherent and persuasive argument. As with any challenging academic task, dedication and a systematic approach are crucial for producing a high-quality essay on anti-imperialism. For assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, you may explore resources such as, where expert writers can provide guidance and support in tackling complex topics. Anti Imperialism EssayAnti Imperialism Essay
  • 2. The Physics and Science of the Violoncello Essay The violoncello, or more commonly known as the cello, is often referred to as the tenor of the string family. The name violoncello literally means little violone where one means big and cello means little. The violone was the lowest pitched instrument of the Viol family. By the end of the 19th century, the term violincello has been more or less replaced with cello. The cello has four strings, tuned in relations of perfect 5ths. This fact is derived from the phenomenon of the overtone series; a perfect fifth is the second overtone above the fundamental, and the first non repetitious overtone. Therefore, relations of perfect fifths are the strongest relations in the musical language, and are used for tuning as well as major... Show more content on ... The cello is usually made of wood, although materials such as carbon fiber or aluminum may be used in place. Luis Clark is a very cello manufacturer that constructs carbon fiber cellos. They are suited for outdoor concerts and events because of its resistence and strength to temperature and humidity. The wood that s used for construction includes spruce for the top, maple for the back, sides, and neck. The top and back parts of the cello are usually hand carved. The sides are formed by heating up the wood and bending them. The body of the cello has two wide bouts at the top and bottom, and two C bouts at the middle. A bridge and two f holes are in place below the middle part. The top and back parts of the cello has purfling a decorative border inlay. However, purfling is not just decoration; it is used to protect the instrument from cracks. Because of playing, traveling, and/or the weather, the cello may form cracks around the rim, but the pufling helps the crack spreading further to the top or the back. Above the top part of the cello is the neck, pegbox, and, the scroll. They are usually carved out of a single piece of maple. The fingerboard, which is glued to the neck, is spread over the body. The nut is a raised piece of wood at the top of the fingerboard that keeps the strings in the correct spots and distance. The pegbox has four tuning pegs, which have the four strings tied to it. The strings are tuned by tuning the pegs, so that the
  • 3. Italian Wedding Advantages And Disadvantages In bygone Italy, wedding event celebrations kicked off in the morning, ideally on a Sunday. Regional Italian folklore controlled that couples need to never ever wed (or leave for their honeymoon) on a Friday or Tuesday, or they would certainly be expecteded to have loads of misfortune, while Saturdays were booked for widows obtaining hitched to husband second (or 3, or four ...). Outfit: In enhancement to a white dress, the flushing bride to be s face would certainly be concealed beneath a veil a symbol of her virginity and to shield her from rowdy spirits. The groom hauled a sheet of iron (preferably a little one) in his pocket to ward off wicked spirits. Activities: Italian brides and grooms made their method to the church walking. ... Show more content on ... Shark fin soup was a lavish staple which, at upwards of $ONE HUNDRED a bowl today, might drain anybody s checking account swiftly. (Today, as a result of the environmental effects, lots of couples are skipping shark and also spending lavishly on various other menu items like fine French wine!) Various other delicacies included bird s nest soup (yes, made from actual swifts nests) and also an entire fish, which was offered since the word for fish, yu, appears similar to the word for
  • 4. Different Morals, Attitudes, and Goals with Changing... As generations come and go, I ve noticed that each generation has grown up with different morals, attitudes, and goals for their life. Which puts a gap on all these generations, each generation is very distinct in their own ways. With each new generation being shaped and molded by the previous one, by offering more and more to help them. Now when you look at my generation now and the new one slowly coming up as well, you can see that we have been turned into a selfish, lazy, and even rude generation. If you look back on our older generations, they were never handed anything. Everything they wanted they had to work hard for an even struggle doing it. In this day and age it seems all anyone looks for is hand outs, no one wants to work hard for anything and achieve it. Everyone looks for the shortcuts through life, when there are none. Another reason why things are so much easier for this generation is the new technology we have available. With all the new technology and so much help from our previous generations, it has gave this generation a different attitude and not so much in a good way. This generation s attitude has been infected with laziness, selfishness, and greed. It seems that most people in my generation today is very and only self focused. They are all worried about how much money they can make and care about only what they want, and how quick they can obtain it. I feel as though previous generations have made our life so much easier, we take it for
  • 5. Original Definition of Art Essay My definition of art is imagination and passion expressed by creating a visual feature. I consider art to be a figurative of the imagination because everything starts with thought. People create life by thinking of ways to develop; this then creates art. It is as simple as watching a child draw a picture. I can recall imagining a picture in my head and expressing my thoughts on paper. The drawing did not come out as I imagined but it took me to a place and every time I saw the picture I thought about the vision I had created in my head. Although art involves imagination, not everyone has passion to create art. Art can be created through anger and frustration. I think that is the best way to create art. It can show passion to the... Show more content on ... Architecture expresses art threw blueprints, construction, and innovation. It can be said that the artwork was first brought to Chicago by Daniel H. Burnham, William Le Baron Jenney, Louis H Sullivan, Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe, and Frank Lloyd Wright. These artist are known as America s most important architects, and for helping to rebuild Chicago after the Chicago Fire of 1871 (http:/ / This started the development of Chicago as an industrialized city. Visual Examples In class: (Right) The picture shows the work of William Le Baron Jenney. This building is known as the Home Insurance Building in Chicago and is famous for its curtain walls. The term curtain walls refers to the horizontal lines that separate the buildings windows into sections. ( Outside of class: (Left) This picture shows Louis H Sullivan s design (exterior view) in 1904 for the Carson Pirie Scott building. ( This building represented architecture art because of the symmetrical balance and the cresting on the top of the building that allows a person standing in front of it to have idea of how high the building is.  Paleolithic Era Definition Paleolithic Era is the time in which humans used stones as tools and hunting and gathering was taking place and the art was expressed on cave walls
  • 6. Knowledge Management in Healhcare Essay Introduction Knowledge management in the healthcare domain may be regarded as an integration of formal techniques and methods in order to ease the utilization, dissemination, preservation, development, identification, acquisition and creation of the diverse aspects of the knowledge assets of the healthcare organization (Bordoloi Islam, 2012). Delivery of excellent healthcare services requires optimal knowledge management and thereby having an established knowledge management process aids to enhance the process performance. Past studies analyzing the importance of knowledge management in healthcare depict that this process is far more complicated in the healthcare domain. This is mainly as a result of diverse perspectives on knowledge ... Show more content on ... However resolving the second issue of conflict in accessing medical data due to medical guidelines may need challenging reconciliation tools (Nilakanta et al. 2009). Knowledge management strategies in healthcare Several factors influence the application of knowledge management in healthcare. Attitudes, as well as technical aspects, greatly impact knowledge management applications. One of the greatest determinants for successful development and implementation of knowledge management in healthcare is motivating employees to share data. Broadly speaking; knowledge management aspects may be further classified to include the people aspect and the approach to manage communication and information. Knowledge management strategies may be broadly divided into codification and personalisation approaches. The codification strategy entails codifying, storing and reusing knowledge. The personalisation approach entails in establishing successful dialogue between individuals. Most healthcare facilities emphasize on following the codification strategy for successfully managing knowledge. This is mainly because the fundamental medical information remains the same and hence codifying clinical guidelines helps in facilitating effective dissemination of information. The codification strategy to managing knowledge helps in saving on time and
  • 7. Argumentative Essay On Israel Conflict On Friday night, the University of Washington played host to three of today s greatest historians concerning the Israel/Palestine issue. Professor Anita Shapira, known for her contextual history of Israel ignited the room with her powerful comments about the circumstances for Arab removal from Israeli lands. Professor James Gelvin tiptoed on several touchy subjects, reiterating his concentration with causality history, nevertheless his historical background gave insight to nationalistic movements both groups have. The third historian, Professor Ilan Pappe concentrated the bulk of his talk on explaining the movement of Palestinian refugees while advocating for the acknowledgement of Israeli brutality in some Arab villages. Naturally, as it was the first time all three sides had come head to head, the debate got heated. This was especially true when comparing ideas of what the occupied territory should be described as. History of Modern Israel/Palestine student Erika Arias was able to mediate the debate, defuse tensions and at times draw laughs from the audience. Here is what the historians at the UW Israel/Palestine Symposium had to say: Arias: It s nice to finally to put three of the greatest minds concerning the Israel /Palestine conflict together for one night! I m Erika Arias and I ll be mediating the discussion tonight. Tonight, joining us we have Professors Shapira, Gelvin and Pappe. I ll give them a few minutes to introduce themselves and give us the three main points
  • 8. The Reluctant Fundamentalist By Mohsin Hamid And Lucy By... Does money makes the world go round? In the obvious sense, yes. Money is the backbone of the financial systems that enable and regulate the creation, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Yet, it is also the foundation of many of our world s inequalities. Namely, it is the basis of social classes. Through history, the wealthy have always appeared to end up on top. They always seem to get the upper hand. As a consequence, the upper class often have a certain air of arrogance and/or ignorance. In the novels The Reluctant Fundamentalistby Mohsin Hamidand Lucy by Jamaica Kincaid, the authors address this idea. Both Hamid and Kincaid utilize interactions between wealthy Americans and immigrants to demonstrate how wealthy American s arrogance or ignorance alienates non Americans. Whereas Hamid uses Changez primarily focus on the effects of arrogance, Kincaid uses Lucy as a critical observer of the effects of ignorance. In Hamid s novel, Changez, a hopeful, educated, upper middle class Pakistani man encounters with wealthy, entitled Americans causes him to feel isolated and alters his perception of America. Changez first experiences American s sense of privilege when he visits Greece. Changez s friends easily blow money on vacationing delights, thinking nothing (Hamid 21) of the cost of their excursions. Changez finds himself acting like he is more well endowed than he is, in order to not be looked down upon by his peers. Yet, as he does this he is ashamed and
  • 9. The Pros And Cons Of Wi-Fi In College How many times did you find yourself on your Wi Fi compatible device, only to find out that you have been disconnected from a game, movie, or music you were streaming over Wi Fi? These occurrences are not often things you encounter when at home, but when living on a campus with thousands of people connected to the internet problems are bound to happen. Recently our campus suffered a problem with the internet causing students to be disconnected from the school s Wi Fi. With problems of this nature consistently occurring students are left without a resource to study, communicate, and entertainment themselves on their free time. This problem concerns me because I am a student at this university who relies mostly on using the internet. Attending Norwich University is not cheap and with the added fees the school has, it does not make it better on the student. Alike other students there is about a $900 technology fee paid along with tuition which you would expect that for the price you are paying you will receive outstanding internet results and tech support. We are an academic institution where academics are the most important part of our daily lives. With the consist failure of the Wi Fi connection research conducted by students is not possible and could be a consequence by which a student may suffer from. The time we live in is a time where technology leads not just in society but also in the classroom. In a current statement the FCC state that schools do not have the
  • 10. How The Heart Rate Is Affected By Meditation And Calming... What affect does listening to 5 minutes of soft calming music do to my heart rate? Hypothesis If I listen to soft calming music for 5 minutes, then my heart rate will slow 4 bpm. Introduction Heart rate is the most important part of an individual s health. In this lab I am experimenting with different reactions of the heart. I am specifically looking at how the heart rate of an individual is affected by meditation and calming music. The purpose of this research is to determine if an individual with a higher heart rate, possible due to stress, could possibly lower their heart rate. Heart rate is very important and can be a major factor in other diseases or health issues. This research is important for understanding the heart and how it functions. Many people suffer from panic attacks and stress; both of these problems cause higher heart rate. With this research we can possibly determine ways to treat and help people who suffer from panic attacks and stress. It is also important to learn my about the muscle itself and how it functions, what affects it, and how we can lower someone s heart rate. The heart is a very important organ that needs to be taken care of, this research could show us one way to take care of our hearts. Research and Current Ideas So what do we already know about heart rate. did a similar test to mine and came up with similar results, according to them Our results indicated no significant differences in heart rate or blood
  • 11. Carol Shelby s Life When someone thinks of Ford Motor Company, one of the first things that comes to mind is the Mustang. Carroll Shelby revolutionized the world of cars, especially with his work on the Ford Mustangs. Carroll was not only a racecar driver, but he also created racecars and street legal vehicles. He is a member of the Automotive Hall of Fame and the International Motor Sports Hall of Fame, just to name a few, and in 1956 and 57 was named Driver of the Year by Sports Illustrated. Shelby died March 10, 2012 at the age of 89, and in this speech I hope that I can convince you that he is more than worthy of the prominent place he holds in the history of performance vehicles. While he admitted that his energy and passion for performance were at... Show more content on ... Ford demanded more, so Shelby made the decision to install a 7.0 liter stock engine in the revised GT40s. Enter the Mark II GT40 performance era. In two seasons, the new GT40 became a strong contender on the track. In fact, this improved Mark II won the 24 Hours of the Le Mans 4 years straight, from 1965 to 1968. The ever dissatisfied Ford was appeased; he had a gold, silver, and bronze medal to hang on his wall. This car has frequently been called the finest vehicle ever produced by Ford. lt; gt; Like all the greats, Shelby died doing what he loved. His last car was the 2013 Shelby Mustang which sports an impressive 662 horsepower and 631 foot pounds of torque. It is the most powerful V8 vehicle currently on the public market. Shelby passed away at the age of 89 on May 10, 2012 in Dallas, Texas. He left his mark on the world of racing and high performance vehicles with his devotion to the best and only the best. The name Shelby still says quality. The name Shelby still says excellence. The name Shelby still says, the best and only the best, no compromise . Carroll Shelby was a true visionary, and as long as his cars are on the road his name lives on. lt; gt;. Bibliography AC Cobra Story. AC Cobra Story. The Cobra GT40 Club. Feb. 2013 lt; gt;. Carroll Shelby, Ford Family for More Than Half a Century. 11 May
  • 12. Marine Ecosystems Rocky Shore Ecosystems Point Cartwright Nicolas Cuny 11B Mr. Nisbett Due Date: 03/09/2010 Introduction: On the 23rd of August, the three biology classes or grade 11 at Redlands College visited the rocky shore ecosystems at Point Cartwright in Queensland. Two different types of rocky shore ecosystem were examined, the rock pool area, and the boulder area. We first examined areas within the rock pool area. The rock pool area has several specific features which set it apart from other rocky shore ecosystems, including its geological makeup and position. It is made up of a flat platform of rock pockmarked with numerous rock pools; indents in the rocks which are filled with water and contain ... Show more content on ... Sea anemones feed from the surrounding water by catching small micro organisms in their tentacles. For this reason, anemones need constant water to survive which is why none were observed in the boulder area as an area with constant water cannot be guaranteed. Sand is another factor which is present in the boulder area, but not in the rock pools. Sea cucumbers were thriving closer to the low tide mark in the boulder area, yet none were observed in the rock pool area. Sea cucumbers are almost always found laying spread out across the sand, with their feeding tubes out, browsing along the sand bed. This is the feeding habit of the sea cucumber and it would not be able to carry out this habit without the presence of sand. It is shown time and time again by the presence and habits of specific organisms in each area that the abiotic factors of each area affect the ability for an organism to survive in that system. See next page for transect table taken at Point Cartwright boulder area. (TRANSECT TABLE INSERT HERE!) Figure 1: Green Algae Percentage of Algae Cover (%) Metres from shore (M) Figure 2: Limpets Number of Limpets in Sector Metres from Shore (M) As seen in figure one, percentage of cover of green algae in each transect sector decreased the further from shore we travelled, and closer to the low tide mark. This is a clear example of an organism s ability to thrive depending on its position in the boulder area. This
  • 13. Horse And Sun Chriot Essay Art emerged in the same time that human occured. In the prehistoric era, there was no writing, recording and any languages for speaking. The only one method that people used to communicate or tell the stories was arts. Arts tell us about the development of ancient people. We can know what was the main tools of ancient people for their living by analyzing arts. Arts do not only present belief, culture and society but they also show the important situation in the past. In my view, Horse and SunChariot is one of the most important prehistoric arts that can explain what happened in long time ago. Hence, I am interested to analyze the sculpture named Horse and Sun Chariot by focusing on composition, line and shape, colour, texture and space. To begin with the composition of Horse and Sun Chariot. It is a statute of house which is drawing the sun in the chariot and the Chariot seem to move by itself. The chariot has six wheels and each of them ... Show more content on ... To begin with the texture of the Sun (Horse is in the left side). The texture of it is bumpy because there is a lot of filigree. The feeling when you touch the Sun might be similar to when you touch wax tiles that have design. On the other hand, if we touch another side of the Sun, we can feel that it is different. This is because it is covered by gold which makes the texture is glossy. The feeling when you touch it is same as touching coins. Secondly, the texture of the Chariot is a little bit rough especially the wheels. This is because it was corroded by rust. We can compare the feeling when touching the Chariot to rusty mesh fence. Besides, the texture of the Horse is also rough because of rusty. Moreover, there is some fractures at the Horse s back. The texture of the Horse same as rusty galvanized irons. Thereby, the texture of the House and Sun Chariot composes of bumpy (the Sun), glossy (another side of the Sun) and rough (the Horse and the
  • 14. People Corrupt Power In George Orwell s Animal Farm And... William Gaddis once said Power doesn t corrupt people, People corrupt power In Animal Farm and Mouseland both of the animals who have the power take over and create corrupt and unequal societies. This causes the societies to fall under the rules of greedy and selfish leaders. The authors of Animal Farm and Mouseland use the narrative techniques of characterization and conflict to illustrate messages about how power can destroy societies and take away the equality in the society. First, in Animal Farm and Mouseland the authors use characterization to show how power can destroy societies and can take away the equality that is in the society. For example, in Animal Farm, George Orwell uses the pigs as a way to show the different levels of importance. It shows how the other animals are always below the pigs. On pages 35 and 36 it states You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike them myself. Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this had been proven by science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well being of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers. Orwell uses the words absolutely necessary to the well being of a pig making it seem the most important to the pigs and no other animals.This means that the pigs started to take the things they wanted and decided they were the ones who had all of the power. This shows that the power they created could give them more equal rights than the others. In a similar ways Tommy Douglas uses the cats to show how the other animals are below them and the cats are the ones who have power.In paragraph 3 of Mouseland it states A government made up of big, fat, black cats. Douglas states fat, black, cats. characterizing the cats are lazy and useless. This means that in Mouseland there was a society run by animals who didn t do what they needed and they were lazy. This shows that just because of the way the cats are characterized they aren t good leaders and they have the power. This shows that in Animal Farm and Mouseland the people in power were characterized as greedy and selfish, but came off to the
  • 15. The Invention of Magnetic Resonance Scanner (MRI) Title In 1976, science and medicine effectively crossed paths to create the full body magnetic resonance scanner. This groundbreaking invention, completed by Dr. Raymond Damadian, turned out to be one of the most important discoveries in the history of medicine. Dr. Damadian s scanner applied the principles of nuclear magnetic resonance to the human body for the first time, in order to detect cancerous cells in the body without the use of X rays or surgery. Dr. Damadian s first full body scanner, named Indomitable , gave rise to the practice of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in all fields of medicine. Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, which is often simply referred to as magnetic resonance imaging due to the negative connotations that are associated with nuclear (Kleinfield 224), uses a technique in which atoms absorb magnetic waves and then subsequently emit specific frequencies of waves that can be used to create images (Edelson). Dr. Damadian formulated the controversial idea of applying NMR to the human body at a much larger scale than ever before based on prior research that indicated that cancerous cells emit noticeably different levels of radiation than normal cells do. In the 1940s the physicists Edward M. Purcell and Felix Bloch discovered NMR and earned the Nobel Prize in 1952 for their discoveries. The original application of NMR was done a very small scale by organic chemists in order to decipher the composition of single compounds in pure solutions
  • 16. The Cosmological Argument On The Existence Of God Theories have arisen from many different philosophers trying to explain the existence of God; the Cosmological Argument is one such theory. The Cosmological Argument has been changed and reviewed for years; however, the focus has always stayed the same. The universe is a prime example that there is a God. A simple Cosmological argumentstates that: Everything that exists has a cause of its existence. The universe exists. Therefore, The universe has a cause of its existence. If the universe has a cause of its existence, then that cause is God. Therefore, God exists (NA, 2008). In my opinion, this argument has very basic and broad statements that may be difficult or impossible to be proven false. Everything that exists has a cause of its existence and The universe exists are two statements that can be difficult to prove incorrect. We know that nothing is made without a reason behind it, and nothing is made without a process leading up to its creation. The universe exists cannot be proven false without some very abstract thinking involved. We know that the universe exists because you and I exist, everything around us exists, and the world on which we live and the universe in which we live exist. We can conclude that the universe has a cause of its existence because we can prove that the universe exists by stating that humans and objects around us exist. In my opinion, we can can also conclude that everything in the universe has a cause as to why it was created
  • 17. The Importance Of Heroism Heroes are everyday, common people. Most of what they do goes unheralded, unappreciated. And that, ironically, is heroism: not to be recognized (Oliver Stone pg. 73). Heroism doesn t offer recognition or rewards, in fact, most heroes go unnoticed by the public. People are heroes because they care about problems that might not affect them, but may affect other people in a harmful way. Heroes can be afraid, but over time they have to overcome their fears and achieve what they are shooting for. They are never selfish, and are always looking out for others, even if that means they have to go out of their way to help someone. Heroism always means determination, and always continuing to push through the hard obstacles in life that they might... Show more content on ... They are never cowards and they never run away from problems. They stand up to them even if they are afraid. For example, Firefighters who go into burning buildings and risk their lives for people in danger. Another brave herois a kid who stands up to a bully, that might not be bullying them, but is still hurting others. Even when he knew people were going to hate him for it, Abraham Lincoln was very brave because he did what he knew was right. He had enough courage to prove what was right and he was very successful because he saved a lot of people. In the story White House Funeral Sermon for Abraham Lincoln Dr. Phineas D. Gurley states He is dead; but the God in whom he trusted lives, and he can guide and strengthen his successor as He guided and strengthened him (Dr. Phineas D. Gurley 77). Frederick Douglass is a brave hero because he was beaten to his knees for not only his freedom, but the freedom of others. In Frederick Douglass Robert Hayden states This man, this Douglass, this former slave, this Negro beaten to his knees, exiled, visioning a world where none is lonely, none hunted, alien (Robert Hayden 81). Both Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln were brave because they went through dangerous obstacles for the freedom of others. Heroes are selfless and go out of their way to save other people. For example, teachers who spend their lives educating students so the
  • 18. Disadvantages Of Blockchain Technology Blockchain Technology a) Introduction to Blockchain Technology As defined by Marc Andreessen, the co founder of influential Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, Blockchain technology is a way for one Internet user to transfer a unique piece of digital property to another Internet user, such that the transfer is guaranteed to be safe and secure, everyone knows that the transfer has taken place, and nobody can challenge the legitimacy of the transfer. Virtually anything of value can be tracked and traded on a blockchain network, reducing risk and cutting costs for all involved. b) Advantages and Disadvantages In a business industry where monetary involvement is concerned, there is no doubt that transactions take place at almost ... Show more content on ... Fraud, cyberattacks, and even simple mistakes add to the cost and complexity of doing business, and they expose all participants in the network to risk if a central system, such as a bank, is compromised. Credit card organizations have essentially created walled gardens with a high price of entry. Merchants must pay the high costs of onboarding, which often involves considerable paperwork and a time consuming vetting process. Half of the people in the world don t have access to a bank account and have had to develop parallel payment systems to conduct transactions.a dark side to With such wide ranging possibilities, there is no surprise that blockchain has the potential to enhance the quality of service delivery while improving confidentiality and integrity of data. With its promise of providing secure and transparent transactions, blockchain seems poised to be one of the digital world s key pillars. C) Two Ways Blockchain Can Be Used The potential use for the blockchain is vast. It could be applied to almost any form of record keeping, agreement, contract or register. 1) Smartcard
  • 19. The Australian Constitution Essay The Australian Constitution Will Australia become a republic in the next twenty years? This is a difficult question to speculate on. The main area of law governing this issue is section 128 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (U.K). Other issues in this debate are regarding appointment, termination and the powers to be awarded to the proposed Head of State, and the impact the change will have on the States. Examining the history of Australian Legislative powers, and reasons why Australians would want to change, is also useful when speculating on this issue. The Colonial Laws Validity Act 1865 emphasized self government in the colonies, although denying them the power to amend or repeal British law. (Enright ... Show more content on ... (Chisholm 1997,p.68) There is a feeling that for Australia to be truly independent, the ties with England would need to be severed. (Mack, K., in Corkery 1998, p.34) One view would be to simply abolish the Monarchy. (Winterton, G., in Stephenson 1994, p.17) However, others might say that our current system is already mostly Republican with the only Monarchial elements remaining being the concentration of Royal powers in the Ministry. ( /republic.htm#aussie) In any event, severing the Royal ties is not that easy, as amendments to the Australian Constitution Acts 1900(U.K) can only be passed in Parliament in accordance with section 128. (Chisholm 1997, p.61) Section 128 prescribes that changes can only be implemented by referendum. To hold a referendum a Bill needs to be passed through the Commonwealth Parliament to authorize it. Once authorized, a majority of votes, as well as a majority of States is required. This dual criterion has proven difficult to achieve, with only eight referendums being successful since Federation. (Brown 2000, p.p. 68 69 and Chisholm 1997, p.64) If a referendum is successful, the Governor General will need to assent to the Bill to become an Act. Moreover, since the referendum effectively abolishes the Office of the Governor General, alternative arrangements could be needed to be
  • 20. Uk s Driving Communities For Growing Up Instruction Established in 1889, we are one of the UK s driving communities for grown up instruction. Morley is best known for music and the visual expressions, with more than 13,000 understudies contemplating with us every year. We have been appraised as London s top school for learner fulfillment in 2015.* Our helpful focal London area is spot on the limit of the districts of Lambeth and Southwark. We are near Westminster Bridge and Waterloo Station as are truly very much put to serve the adapting needs of Londoners, and in addition workers ready to set out effortlessly to the College. Morley is about the delight of learning and the constructive effect fruitful learning has in bringing out individual potential, restoring self conviction and making new open door. The Morley staff group are authorities in grown up training, with impressive subject mastery in the Arts, Culture and Applied Sciences. Notwithstanding more than sixty regions of study Morley gives an uncommon scope of advancement open doors for understudies and the more extensive group, keeping up a prominent project of exhibitions and occasions, including open presentations at the Morley Gallery. Whether considering for self improvement and prosperity, to increase vital aptitudes (English, Maths, IT), to get to advanced education, or for vocation improvement or change, our vision at Morley is for our understudies desire to be propelled and accomplished through learning. Much obliged to you again for your
  • 21. 2 Live Crew Case Summary An example of the application of fair use exception in the US case, Campbell v. Acuff Rose Music, Inc (1994) . In this case, there are a rap music group called 2 Live Crew utilise the composition of William Dees and Roy Orbison named Oh, Pretty Woman as a fundamental of their own work titled Pretty Woman . 2 Live Crew took the distinctive bass line of prior work and make adaptation of the lyrics and reproduce in their own style. Hence, this turned the song into the popular parody. The District Court granted summary judgment for 2 Live Crew that their reproduce song was a parody which mad under fair usepurpose under section 107 of the US copyrightlaw. While the Court of Appeals reversed and remanded, stated that the parody could cause ... Show more content on ... Waugh consider this case in two ways , first, in an aspect of the copyright of introductory eight notes separate from the whole track of the O Euchari copyright which constitute the copyright infringement of the whole piece. Another aspect is eight notes which have been sampled is considered as a substantial part of the O Euchari . Judge Laddie Q.C. stated that if the copyright owner is entitled to refine his copyright work so as to match the size of the alleged infringement, there would never be a requirement for substantiality. In this case, the portion of the work dramatically determine the result of the
  • 22. Why Are Dental Implants Important Dental implants are a very useful tool to combat a wide range of dental issues, such as bone deterioration and loose dentures. Listed below are just two of the many reasons to consider dental implants. They Can Improve Your Dental Health One of the primary reasons to consider implants is that they can improve your dental health. This is because these implants can actually reduce a lot of the wear that your teeth may begin experiencing once you have lost several of your teeth. When you lose one or more teeth, you are most likely going to be favoring other areas of your mouth whenever you chew, which means that the teeth in those areas are going to be working substantially harder and more often in order to help you chew food. The problem with
  • 23. Structural Insanity In The 19th Century It is essential to recognize that the meaning of insanity shifts depending on time and place. What this means is that insanity, is in part, situated. Despite social change in 19th century America, power contributed to women being admitted to state insane asylums. Those who are powerless lack authority; lack a sense of self; those over whom power is exercised without their exercising it; the powerless are situated so that they must take orders and rarely have the right to give them; the powerless have little or no work autonomy, have no technical expertise or authority...and do not command respect. Powerlessness, [is thus a] status best described negatively (Young, 2003, 56, 57). In the context of 19th century America, white middle class men... Show more content on ... Although gender contributed to why women were committed, race tells the story of who was not committed, and when blacks were committed, the reasoning differed from that of committing white women and white men. While insane asylums produced racial and gender oppression, social class contributed by affecting whether an individual was placed into a state or public insane asylum. Making visible how these types of oppression intersects, sheds light on science s misconceptions; misconceptions that sanctioned discrimination towards certain groups, i.e. women and people of color. If one starts to deconstruct the science of the 19th century, one will begin to see the layers of hidden assumptions and contradictions. A science not completely rooted in objectivity, but in a science influenced by politics and a society dominated by white males. As Benjamin Pasamanick argues in Myths Regarding Prevalence of Mental Disease in the American Negro, it would seem apparent that the thesis that the Negro has reacted to segregation, and the struggle to desegregate and eliminate discrimination, by an increased rate of psychoses must be discarded. The data for this were never very good, were obviously selected and contradictory (1964,
  • 24. Analysis Of Stanley Kubrick s The Shining Stanley Kubrick is a man that has been respected in the cinema world for many years. From films such as 2001 A Space Odyssey to Clock Work Orange he has created a lot masterpieces that have survived the test of time. By far one of his most popular works is The Shining which was released in 1980. Many film makers use different tools to analyze films and figure out meanings behind them. Kubrick was known for not explaining his work in any capacity. In order to figure out why he made the films the way that he did film critics use mise en scenes. Through the use of a mise en scene, the pantry scene is going to be analyzed to figure out the deeper meaning. This essay is going to explore what a mise en scene is and why the scene is used while also conducting a mise en scene to analyze a scene from all aspects of cinematography. A mise en scene is tool some film critics use to analyze a film more in depth then what they get at first glance. It analyzes a film for all of its cinematographic elements, those include but are not limited to; Lighting, Color, Angles, Costumes, Sound, and Framing. Traditionally, the mise en scene is intended to only analyze what is seen in front of the lens and not how things got to the camera, but the definition has since expanded and it is usually acceptable to talk about every aspect of the film now (Elsaesser 80). Simply saying mise en scene is a very broad term, because of this film critics have many different strategies to help focus their viewing
  • 25. Compare Reduced Instruction Set Computer (CISC And Cisc Compare and contrast reduced instruction set computer (RISC) with the complex Instruction set computer(CISC) [20] Definitions: (CISC) The term CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer or Computing) refers to computers designed with a full set of computer instructions that were intended to provide needed capabilities in the most efficient way. Later, it was discovered that, by reducing the full set to only the most frequently used instructions, the computer would get more work done in a shorter amount of time for most applications. Since this was called reduced instruction set computing (RISC), there was now a need to have something to call full set instruction computers thus, the term CISC. These complex instruction set computer ... Show more content on ... Since each instruction type that a computer must perform requires additional transistors and circuitry, a larger list or set of computer instructions tends to make the microprocessor more complicated and slower in operation. Most RISC designs use uniform instruction length for almost all instructions, and employ strictly separate load/store instructions. Throughout the years various suggestions have been made regarding a precise definition of RISC, but the general concept is that of a system that uses a really small, highly optimized set of instructions, rather than a more versatile set of instructions often found in other types of architectures like C.I.S.C, another common trait is that RISC systems use the load/store architecture, which is where memory is normally accessed only through certain specific instructions, rather than accessed as part of other instructions like
  • 26. Theory of Multiple Intelligences Theory of multiple intelligences The theory of multiple intelligences was proposed by Howard Gardner in 1983 as a model of intelligence that differentiates intelligence into various specific (primarily sensory) modalities[disambiguation needed], rather than seeing it as dominated by a single general ability. Gardner argues that there is a wide range of cognitive abilities, and that there are only very weak correlations among them. For example, the theory predicts that a child who learns to multiply easily is not necessarily generally more intelligent than a child who has more difficulty on this task. The child who takes more time to master simple multiplication 1) may best learn to multiply through a different approach, 2) may excel in a... Show more content on ... Gardner elaborates to say that this intelligence also includes a sense of timing, a clear sense of the goal of a physical action, along with the ability to train responses so they become like reflexes. In theory, people who have bodily kinesthetic intelligence should learn better by involving muscular movement (e.g. getting up and moving around into the learning experience), and are generally good at physical activities such as sports or dance. They may enjoy acting or performing, and in general they are good at building and making things. They often learn best by doing something physically, rather than by reading or hearing about it. Those with strong bodily kinesthetic intelligence seem to use what might be termed muscle memory , drawing on it to supplement or in extreme cases even substitute for other skills such as verbal memory. Careers that suit those with this intelligence include: athletes, pilots, dancers, musicians, actors, surgeons, builders, police officers, and soldiers. Although these careers can be duplicated through virtual simulation, they will not produce the actual physical learning that is needed in this intelligence.[8]
  • 27. Military Children Military Children on The Go I was not a military brat, the child of a person in the military, however I attended four different elementary schools before entering the fifth grade. I cannot say it was something easy; I rather think that destiny was preparing me to take care of my own military brats. Non militaryfamilies generally think that military brats will have problems adapting to new places with constant moves however, I have found through observation, personal experience, and research that they develop good coping mechanisms to adapt and become resilient. Constant moves are not easy. Children get sad and sometimes it takes time to adapt, but over time, and with the right support they learn to cope and become resilient. The journey ... Show more content on ... Clinical Child Family Psychology Review, 16(3), 278 281. doi:10.1007/s10567 013 0150 2. Retrieved from Psychological and Behavioral Science Collection via Kansas State Library Mmari, K. N., Bradshaw, C. P., Sudhinaraset, M., Blum, R. (2010). Exploring the Role of Social Connectedness Among Military Youth: Perceptions from Youth, Parents, and School Personnel. Child Youth Care Forum, 39(5), 351 366. doi:10.1007/s10566 010 9109 3. Retrieved from Psychological and Behavioral Science Collection via Kansas State Library Palmer, C. (2008). A Theory of Risk and ResilienceFactors in Military Families. Military Psychology (Taylor Francis Ltd), 20(3), 205 217. Retrieved from Psychological and Behavioral Science Collection via Kansas State Library POPTECH (Producer). (2012). Inside resilient children. [Video file]. (2013, May 2013) Retrieved from Russo, T., Fallon, M. (2015). Coping with Stress: Supporting the Needs of Military Families and Their Children. Early Childhood Education Journal, 43(5), 407 416. doi:10.1007/s10643 014 0665 2. Retrieved from Psychological and Behavioral Science Collection via Kansas State
  • 28. Most Important Critical Factors This semester in CPD VI, I sat down and determined what my critical factors are to help me better find the best fit for me in terms of where I want to work after graduation. A little over a year ago in CPD III I made a list of the top ten critical factors like I did this year. After comparing the two lists from CPD III and CPD IV side by side I realized that a majority of the critical factors were the same. The main difference that I seen was mostly the order of the critical factors from most important to lest important. At this stage of my career it is important for me to determine my critical factors and choose rotation sites that are best suited for me so that I can get the most out of my experiences. In CPD III my most important critical factors in the order from most important to least important were: job security, opportunity for leadershipdevelopment, income, benefits, working with a team, business management, helping people, variety of daily activities, work schedule, and finally entrepreneurial opportunities. In CPD VI my most important critical factors in the order from most important to least important is: work schedule, income, benefits, future... Show more content on ... I believe that independent pharmacy is the best fit for me because I enjoy working in the retail setting and getting to help patients directly. Hearing about specialty pharmacy sounds interesting but I would have to try it out before I determine if it is really a good fit for me. I think the one thing I would miss most about specialty pharmacy is the patient interactions. I have never considered long term care pharmacy as a career option for me I think this is partially because I do not understand what they really do. When I think of long term care I thing of nursing homes, and I do not think that I would like that as a career
  • 29. Subsection 198A Sample Essay On the 25th of July 2011, the Arrangement between the Government of Australia and the Government of Malaysia on Transfer and Resettlement was ratified. To augment this, the Operational guidelines to support transfers and resettlement was published. Permitting the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship to announce that asylum seekers could be handed over from Australiato Malaysia liable to the Instrument of Declaration of Malaysia as a Declared Country under subsection 198A(3) of the Migration Act 1958 . Nonetheless, the key legal concern raised by the plaintiffs was that however the Malaysian Arrangement was augmented by the coinciding Operational Guidelines, the Minister for Immigrationand Citizenship declaration of Malaysia as a third country to which offshore entry persons can be withdrawn from, was concluded as invalid. In order to make a lawful declaration under subsection 198A(3) of the Migration Act allowing for a third country to be added; the High Court reached the conclusion that it had to of comply with the set criteria in subsection 198A(3)(a)(i) (iv). Fundamentally, the criteria explicates that the country must provide protection for persons seeking ... Show more content on ... On the account that it was not obliged under international law to provide those protections to asylum seekers. Nor did its domestic law legislate the specifications itemised in the Migration Act that the High Court contended to rater than pre arranged assumptions. In particular, the arrangement did not necessitate for Malaysia to ratify any international law obligations; significant on the account that Malaysia had not yet signed either the Refugee Convention or moreover additionally recognised human rights treaties inclusive of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights or the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or
  • 30. Textual Analysis Of Dante s Inferno Textual Analysis After crossing the Phlegethon, Dante the Pilgrim and Virgil cross into a dark forest where there are no green leaves, but rather black in color, no smooth branches, but twisted and entangled, no fruit, but thorns of poison bloomed instead (Dante, Inferno 186). The forest is depicted this way to give a picture of the barren nature of suicide. Dante sees the Harpies nesting and tearing at the trees surrounding them, Greek mythology the Harpies are storm winds which act as ministers of Divine vengeance, mysteriously snatching offenders away out of the visible world (Dartmouth). The Harpies are a depiction of how those who commit suicide snatch themselves away from the visible world. He hears wails of torment within the woods all around him and Dante is confused by the noise and its origin. He first thinks that the yelling comes from individuals hiding behind the trees, but learns the truth once prompted by Virgil to break a branch. Dante tears off a piece of a great thornbush. The emphasis on the size of the bush may be a way to signify the importance of the man entrapped inside it, possibly like Medieval art in which artists stress the importance of a specific character by making it larger (Dartmouth). To Dante s surprise, blood began to spew out of the branch, and the tree starts to speak directly to the Pilgrim. This tree, named Pier, committed suicide after being accused of treason. Pier continues to swear on the new roots of this tree that
  • 31. Reflection About Culture In some cases there are people that don t really matter with culture to see how a person reacts to but the to get to know for what she/he is. So there might be people that think that just because they are from that culture that they will act what you imagine to be. Either way you maybe right but that you might be wrong so it depends how they act in their own way. One s culture rarely informs the way one views the world because not everyone decided to to their parents culture they might change, but they might choose to but act in a different way that you have imagine. This idea is supported by memoir, novel excerpt, and personal essay. First is a story By Any other Name , about two sisters that are different from their classmates. One was eight and the other was five a half, they had to change their names these two girls are Premila and Santha. They were from India coming to a american school, everything that the two sisters did, dress, eat, and play was different accustomed to what they usually do. The story got to a point that peoplejust blamed the two sites for cheating in the test in paragraph 26, 27, and 28 it say It was a week later, the day of Premila s first test,that our lives changed rather abruptly. I was sitting at the back of my class, in my inattentive way, only half listening to the teacher. ... Occasionally, during class, my new friend and I would draw pictures and show them to each other secretly. The door opened sharply and Premila marched in. At
  • 32. Research Paper On Tattoo Redness Tattoo Redness: Is It Normal? Wound healing, according to the Journal of International Medical Research, starts immediately after an injury. The tattoo is a wound too and it s healing process starts immediately the artist finishes. Redness is one of the healing stages and most people will attest to having the tattoo look red, swollen and inflamed when the tattoo is fresh. The little needle used to insert ink into the skin, punches into it a thousand times to create a huge wound, depending on the size of your tattoo. This will bruise the area for days before it heals. The body naturally reacts to a wound by pumping blood to the area in large volumes, as it tries to supply the area with oxygen, nutrients and blood clotting cells. This aid in... Show more content on ... Such instances require a check up from either your artist or the doctor. swelling can be caused by several reasons including: Infection This is one of the main causes of redness. An infection occurs if one fails to take care of the tattoo properly. Failure to keep it clean and sterile will introduce bacteria to the area and cause infections. To prevent this, follow instructions given by your artist on tattoo aftercare. Most tattoo artists recommend keeping the bandage on for 12 to 24 hours after the tattoo is done. Take the bandage off and use warm water and fragrance free soap to clean the area. Use clean fingers to wash gently using circular motions. Pat it dry and allow it to dry out before applying moisturizer. Airing the tattoo prevents the area from trapping moisture that could harbor bacteria. Tattoo infections though rare, can cause serious risks to your health. It s also important to note that healing time for tattoos is different for everyone and depends on many factors. Yours may just be taking some time before it heals. If the redness persists for more than 10 days see a doctor especially if it s accompanied by the following
  • 33. The Peter Reflection those classified in a certain category is well illustrated through the librarian who, when asked if Peter did anything to her, answers He didn t do anything, but he made me think that he is going to do something bad to me. So are you going to protect us? (52:43) Peter didn t do anything; however, the librarian by witnessing his abnormal behavior and finding out about his schizophreniaadapts her experience to something that could have been dangerous. Similar to how Hacking expects classificatory looping to work on those classified. She had an incomplete perception of the events and took his actions to be part of his irrationality, instead of Peter s attempt to find his daughter and stop the radio noises in his head. Throughout the movie, we see Peter as this schizophrenic doing irrational things like cutting his head and nail. Peter barely talks so the audience can only perceive him through these irrational actions. With this, the audience is left to interpret the parallel killings as Peter s work. It is only when Peter is with his daughter that he talks freely about his delusions and the audience starts seeing Peter as a rational human. (62:34) It is during his interaction with Nicole that there are no background noises, irrational behavior or delusions. The audience sees only an awkward father trying to connect with his daughter. It is during this moment that the audience starts seeing Peter as a human, suffering with Schizophrenia and the pain of separation between him
  • 34. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Software... Advantages of software engineering Software engineering as explained above the study and application of engineering to complete the software project s design, development and maintenance has many advantages: As in software engineering the software is made systematically, any failure in unit testing or emergence of bugs, made it easy for developers to revert back to a bug free state without wasting any time Software are checked before the release of complete project, through which developers can find the bugs and problems and get solutions to fix them continuously, avoiding last time chaos All the changes undergone unit testing immediately Early warning of the conflicts in the changes Software are made available for testing, demo constantly ... Show more content on ... what should be the architecture, what are the components and interface and other characteristics of system etc. Software construction: In this part of software engineering actual software coding starts which is followed by verification, unit testing then integration testing and finally debugging Software testing: Test cases for behavior of program are created in this phase
  • 35. Quiz Questions On International Law QUIZ 2: INTERNATIONAL LAW In order to receive credit for this assignment, please read the following guidelines and confirm that you understand and will follow them: By typing my name below, I acknowledge the following requirements for this assignment and confirm that my work on this assignment abides by them. 1.I have drawn each of my answers from the required course texts, in class discussion and lecture, or in class video material. 2.I have appropriately cited the course texts and/or in class material for each of my answers. This means, for instance, that after providing a definition of a particular term in my own words, I have cited the specific pages in the textbook(s) from which I drew my answer. Example in text citation: (Murphy ... Show more content on ... Be sure to explain the terms in your own words. Also, provide direct translations (usually from the Latin) where relevant. (Direct translations can be quoted verbatim from Murphy.) If you found it necessary to do additional research to understand a term, cite the relevant passages in Murphy or NDJ and provide a complete citation for the additional source(s) you used. (You will not get credit for only using internet sources.) **Acceptable citation styles include Chicago, Turabian, APA, and MLA. If you used a website, provide the link in conjunction with the proper citation. If you used another text, provide the relevant page numbers. 1. Define and explain the significance of jure imperii and jure gestionis (reference the theory of sovereign immunity to which they are relevant). Principally, the theory of restrictive sovereign immunity is basically when the Department of States can elect to instill immunity, or otherwise not let immunity happen (Murphy, 305). There are specifically two areas that either allows this unit to acclaim immunity and or reject immunity (Murphy, 305). The first area is known as jure imperii. When governments of other nations have an undertaking that is relevant to the community, then immunity is acclaimed (Murphy, 305). The second area is known as jure gestionis. If a government of another nation has relayed information on undertakings in being profit oriented, then rejecting immunity is the option (Murphy, 305).
  • 36. Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Essay Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes For the purpose of this paper it will provide an overview of ways that diabetes, type 2, can be prevented if a person is at risk for developing it. Although there has been little research that diabetes can always be prevented there are ways that a person can delay or improve their symptoms. Diabetes is a disease that cases blood glucose levels to rise higher than normal in the body. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes when being compared to type 1diabetes. When blood sugars rises to levels higher than normal it is called hyperglycemia. Diabetes, type 2 can result in many different issues that affect the body. There are many complications that are linked with diabetes for example, higher risk ... Show more content on ... Diabetes is a disease affects many different systems of the body. It can be a devastating disease and with the increasing numbers of people with the disease it is crucial that research in done to help prevent and control the disease. Along with the increase number of patients diagnosed with diabetes type 2 comings with the high cost of the disease. The complications and increasing cost of diabetes has drawn attention to the need for its prevention and its complications. With exercise and diet studies have shown that a diabetes type 2 diagnoses can be prevented or prolonged. Along with exercise to has been shown that nutrition plays a role in managing the prevention of diabetes. Also in the study conducted by the Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group that was shown that with people who took metformin before being diagnosed with diabetes had a lower change of developed type 2 diabetes. In conclusion through it is shown that maintaining a health diet, and exercising diabetes type 2 can possibly be prevented and with further research there may be a cure
  • 37. The One and Only Wife of Bath Essay The One and Only Wife of Bath In The Canterbury tales, Chaucer uses The Wife of Bath as a representation of what it was like for Women in the Middle Ages to be striped of equality and bow to the otherwise male dominated society. For the representation of women Chaucer uses the Tales of The Scholar , The Second Nun The Reeve s , and The Franklin and many others in a very dry, pretentious manner to steer readers into the view of how a women of the Middle Ages should be as a so called virtuous wife or woman. The concept of marriage plays a major part in manifesting the idea of the issues of inferiority of women. The perception rendered as women having to be obedient and inferior figure to their husbands or male counter parts. Chaucer... Show more content on ... Her self proclaimed wisdom and experience makes her justly and to a certain extent credible enough to stand in the position that she does that is as heroine of her time. The Wife of Bath s Prologue is lengthy but everything said is important and captures a prime image of who the Wife of Bath truly is but also the society women are dealing with. Also her prologue retaliates against the problems of inferiority of women at hand. She does her best to defend herself for her life occurrences as well as preserving the merit of women. She explains a sensible woman only busies herself to win love were there s none (177), although one may say that this is a negative way for a woman to gain power .The positive note is that the wife of Bath cares to give the only advise she knows that has worked for her. The fact that the Wife of Bath cares about sharing advice in a sense that will cost women a chance to gain power ,cancels out the seven deadly sin of greed in her character. To expand on what was said about women and negative connotations that are placed upon them as the Wife of Bath points out was a matter that was seen even in writings of the time as her fifth husband read to her very often the wrong doings of wicked wives and how all women are a disturbance and only seek money and all the finer things from their men. The absolute goal was to make women look like nuisances. At this point there was much literal works to in her Prologue to prove the cynical mind
  • 38. Hello Titi Mitron Case Study Hello Titi Evelyn, Although your medical records may have been compromised, you can find assurance in the fact that you were not the only one. Along with your records, 80 million other Anthem customer s records have been breached. The odds of you being specifically targeted after this breach is pretty slim. The Health Insurance and Accountability Act (HIPAA) prevents patient health information from being sent un encrypted over the Internet. This ensures that hackers won t be able to read your records when they are transmitted. The problem lies with the fact that the law does not require your information to be encrypted when stored locally. This means that whoever has access to a computer with your medical information on it also has access
  • 39. Person Centered Theraphy Essay If I can provide a certain type of relationship the other person will discover within himself (sic) the capacity to use that relationship for growth and change and personal development will occur. Carl Rogers Person Centered theraphy (Rogerian Theraphy) Person centered Theraphy (PCT) was developed by Carl Rogers in the 1940 s. PCT is also known as person centered psychotherapy, person centered counselling, client centered theraphy and Rogerian psychotheraphy. PCT is a form of talk psychotheraphy developed by psychologist Carl Rogers in the 1940s and 1950s.The goal of PCT is to provide clients with an opportunity to develop a sense of self where they can realize how their attitudes, feelings and behavior are being negatively affected. ... Show more content on ... He still felt that the client was the one who should say what is wrong, find ways of improving, and determine the conclusion of therapy his therapy was still very client centered even while he acknowledged the impact of the therapist. Unfortunately, other therapists felt that this name for his therapy was a bit of a slap in the face for them: Aren t most therapies client centered? Nowadays, though the terms non directive and client centered are still used, most people just call it Rogerian therapy. One of the phrases that Rogers used to describe his therapy is supportive, not reconstructive, and he uses the analogy of learning to ride a bicycle to explain: When you help a child to learn to ride a bike, you can t just tell them how. They have to try it for themselves. And you can t hold them up the whole time either. There comes a point when you have to let them go. If they fall, they fall, but if you hang on, they never learn. It s the same in therapy. If independence (autonomy, freedom with responsibility) is what you are helping a client to achieve, then they will not achieve it if they remain dependent on you, the therapist. They need to try their insights on their own, in real life beyond the therapist s office!
  • 40. The Effects Of Long Term Use Of A Computer On Median,... In the journal article Influence of long term use of a computer on median, ulnar and radial sensory nerves in wrist region , a study was done between computer users and none computer users. The result showed that the nerves that are located in the wrist region (ulnar and median nerves) gets damaged even without and neurological dysfunctions, just because the wrist part is being extended while typing or using the mouse (Bamac, Belgin, et al., 1033.) on the website of U.S. library of medicine it is stated that ulnar nerve damage can cause complications like deformity of hand, partial or complete loss of hand/wrist movement or sensation in hand/fingers etc. This is just one of the few health problems that we are facing or about to face as a new big problems if we keep using computers limitless. Another way the computers hurts a student is by hurting their capability to focus on study while working through a computer. Teens tend to have very playful mind and it s already hard for them to focus on boring thing like study. So when they are in front of the computer screen, how can you expect them to pay their 100 percent attention to study? Plus they have the Internet and growing social media uses and gaming just lights up the fire more. So, why we allow them to be in front of the computer for study? Is that become so impossible to make the kids study without the use of a computer? Some people say it s easy and entertaining way to study for the kids and they learn better. Agreed.
  • 41. Significance And Significance Of Outsourcing It is an evident fact that outsourcing is quite prevalent practice among both public and private organizations. It has been considered as one of the prime elements of any business strategy. It is with the aid of outsourcing that organizations attempt to reduce the overall cost of sustenance and augment organizational productivity in comprehensive terms. The activity of outsourcingenables the organization to render higher level of emphasis on core activities of business. In the past thirty years, various researchers have undertaken researches to support outsourcing as a mechanism for bringing down organizational costsin a substantial manner. But the comprehensive impact of outsourcing remains to be seen. This research work will assess the relevance and significance of outsourcing in reference to the process of new product development. It is a given fact that the process of new product development is a highly knowledge driven activity and thereby depends on array of other activities. It is highly dependent on organization s capabilities to manage uncertainties throughout the course of new product development. Hence, various concerns in reference to acquisition of knowledge and application need to be managed in the right manner. In the words of Ford et al (1993), the main reason for costreduction is that organizations engage in the process of outsourcing. Hence outsourcing of new product development process can be regarded as a tool to decrease the high costs that are
  • 42. Stryker Case The power of suppliers can have a significant impact on most organizations. Mainly because they have the power to determine the cost of goods and the amount of profit an organization can earn. However, for Stryker the power of suppliers was more on the lower side. Not only did Stryker produce medical tools and devices, but they also manufactured their own materials. In other words, Stryker is their own supplier. Therefore, Stryker dictated the prices of their products and services. Suppliers can potentially have great power over organizations, for Stryker, the power was theirs. This is definitely an advantage for Stryker. Power of Buyers The power of buyers in the medical technology industry is relatively high. Stryker s buyers have the ... Show more content on ... Since Stryker acquires companies they are acquiring a brand that is recognized in that country. This assists with the culture barrier of coming in with a brand not known in that area. In addition their website does adjust depending on which country is viewing it. Even the format in which it is viewed is changed slightly to match the culture it is accustomed to. Administrative Staff Regulator affair managers to ensure that the company is within regulations internationally. Their responsibilities include Represent Stryker in interactions with external organizations including the FDA and other global health authorities, sponsors, and other organizations; serve as a primary Regulatory contact during all premarket activities and work with Stryker organizations to support the regulatory approval and commercialization efforts in global markets . Geographical Stryker has many manufacturing locations that make it easier to give out products around the world. This decreases the cost to ship products from the US to for example China. They are consistently opening more locations in order to fill a demand and a lower cost.
  • 43. Analysis Of Descartes s First Attempt In his first attempt, Descartes attempts to use the metaphor of weight to explain the relation, such that we can apply weight in terms relating to the body and other times relating to the soul, and just as we have the innate notion that an immaterial force pushes weighted objects towards the earth, so too does the immaterial soul/mindact on the body . However, this explanation proves unsatisfactory both to the modern reader and to Elisabeth herself; as this analogy fails to bridge the gap as to how something immaterial can enter into a causal relationship with something that is distinctly material. Elizabeth agrees that the senses (and the passions) demonstrate that the soul can move the body, but that falls far short of determining the mechanism by which this can happen (without of course sacrificing the integrity of his immaterial/material substance divide.) In a second attempt (following Elisabeth s dissatisfaction with the weight analogy) Descartes provides his most extensive response, explaining the three factors necessary for causal functioning, and tying them to the specific example of thought and action . This exposition is problematic for a number of reasons. Firstly, Jonathon Dennett notes Descartes switches between using soul as the core subject of investigation to using the word thought which is actually an entirely separate argument; while thoughts are a necessary part of the soul/mind, they are not sufficient to explain all the processes. Secondly, in
  • 44. Wood Framing Research Paper Wood individuals are sliced and joined to make floors, dividers and the top of a structure as per the arrangement of construction archives and local building codes. Since the 1830s, two strategies for wood framing have been utilized to encourage building a structure: balloon framing and platform framing. Balloon framing was genuinely well known on the east drift and parts of the Midwest previously. Today it isn t for the most part permitted by current buildingcodes. Be that as it may, it regards know about the technique if it is experienced in the field. In this kind of framing the wall stud lays on the sill plate with a rim joist in the interior side and after that the floor joist. The stud wall is persistent from the sill plate to the best plate. At the second level the floor association, joists lay on a ledger and are then face nailed to the studs. Platform is the most widely recognized type of wood ... Show more content on ... What s more a greater amount of the outside wall can be insulated because of the more proficient framing. The finalization of the schedule for a particular project will fluctuate in light of numerous elements including, yet not restricted to, size and level of trouble of the structure, site and climate conditions, material and contractual worker accessibility, team sizes, powerful planning and correspondence, the learning and experience of those dealing with the project, and maybe most essentially, the number, convenience, and many sided quality of the progressions unavoidably made to the first contract after construction has started. Floor, wall, rooftop and stair congregations are each comprised of particular dimensional wood segments (said to be like a skeleton.) These segments are affixed together to shape the structure as well as enable the interior spaces to properly work as they are needed to. Wood pieces are normally associated with nail clasp nails or
  • 45. Chapter Summaries Happiest Refugee Chapter 1: Introduction to Anh s parent s family, their struggles and background. That s not the way to treat a young lady. (Anh s father said) pg.3 On their third meeting he buys her a lemonade and makes a young guy in the carriage stand up so that she can sit down. (Father s actions) pg.3 This particular girl had been enrolled in a convent until earlier that year. She was supposed to be a nun by now, but the communists had closed down all the catholic churches and convents. ( Anh on his mother) pg.3 My father grew up in extreme poverty. (Anh on his father) pg.6 His mother gave birth to twelve children but four had died in childbirth or early infancy. Even with eight mouths to feed Grandma found it in her heart to adopt two ... Show more content on ... At least you know your sailing near the edge of your capacity! (pg 67 referring to whenever the dad talks about failure) If you don t have your identity papers they ll kick you out of the country (pg 65 said by one of Anh s uncles) The other motto was Born for Greater Things (pg 65 referring to the school motto) Chapter 6. The happiest refugee Chapter 6. The period that this chapter focuses on: Anh s family being scared of their father. Losing the properties that they owned. The family fracturing . Issues being addressed: Violence (Uncle Three and Anh s dad fighting, Anh s dad getting drunk and hitting out at his family) Grief (Anh s father feels quite upset about losing the trust of his brothers) Guilt (Anh s father feels quite guilty over losing his brother s trust and is struggling to cope with memories of the deaths of two other brothers) Fear (Anh and his family are scared of their father due to his alcohol issue and becoming violent) Chapter seven: Highschool During the six years I spent at St AloysiusI never quite had the right fitting uniform In drama all of a sudden you could stride into a battle scene wearing a helmet and vest, reciting heroic lines that save the kingdom. Instantly your worries would fade away. Pg. 77 Mrs Borny not only taught us drama, but also how to write it, creating stories
  • 46. The Definition Of Theatre In The 18th And 19th Century The word Theatre originates from the Greek word theatron, which means seeing place, therefore describing theatre as a place where you go see things. There are 2 types of definitions for Theatre; the hardware and the software . The hardware being definitions like indicating where films are shown or metaphorically refers to a place where wars and surgeries occur like theatreof operations The software definition of theatre describes the activity involved in theatre like the group of people that compose plays. The theatre building used to be small open spaces where the people performed and spectators watched. As it grew in popularity, theatres needed to be remodeled and made big enough to sit everyone. The audience would be located would be in an elevated area and the actors below. Roman theatres were elaborate and embellished with marble carvings and gilded columns. Theaters built in the 18th and 19th century are still open and operating today. Theatres are fundamental to urban architecture as well as to contemporary life. Theatre involves a very large group of people working together on a single performance. These groups can be called companies or troupes that tour cities to present a play. These companies are self contained production units capable of writing, preparing and presenting works to a point where some have become legendary, like the Lord Chamberlain s Men of London, which Shakespeare was a part of. Theatre is also the occupation of its practitioners.
  • 47. Cigarettes And Nicotine Tobacco s effects on the human body have been studied thoroughly for years. Both smokeless and cigarettes cause all different kind of cancers.They also kill many family members and loved ones.Nicotine is a drug that is used to get people to buy cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. The companies that make the stuff try any way possible to get people to buy it . They advertise it to be the most glamorous thing ever, but it is really deadly. Nicotineis highly poisonous chemical. As it states in nicotine and cigarettes by Gina De Angelis in quantities smaller
  • 48. Research Paper On Canned Food Drive Lack of Canned Food Drive in the Holiday Season December is a perfect time to raise money and awareness for the less fortunate in the local Salt Lake community, and usually Skyline is a willing participant in having a canned food drive in the holiday season. Local organizations such as the Ronald McDonald House Charity start sending out letters and volunteers to help out at local homeless shelters and food banks in the holiday season to gather as many giving people as possible. Last year, the drive started to take momentum right before the Olympus v. Skyline football game to advertise the drive for a better turn out. Unfortunately, this year the drive has been set for the Olympus v. Skyline basketball game which takes place after the entire holiday season, which takes away from the purpose of the canned food drive in the coldest... Show more content on ... The canned food drive gives to homeless shelters, families within Granite School District, and helps to feed families in poverty who can barely pay for housing and heat in the
  • 49. The Beliefs Of AristotleMetaphysics And Epistemology Aristotle Metaphysics and Epistemology Aristotle claims that the principle of non contradiction [(PNC) the principle that the same attribute cannot at the same time belong and not belong to the same subject and in the same respect (Metaphysics, Aristotle, Part 3)] is the most certain of all principles. He further explains that this is employed in all proofs, on any subject and therefore is the most basic, and the first principle as it is not derived from anything more basic . Aristotle also claims, unlike Socrates, that the forms exist on the same level as becoming. Therefore, you can logically assume Socrates metaphysics is hierarchical in this regard. It is important to note that Aristotle does have a focal point with regards to metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics goods. Not goods as in products, but goods as in moral goods. The reason this idea trickles down into other areas of his philosophy is because this is where he fundamentally disagrees with Socrates on the forms. He even goes as far as to say This sort of inquiry is, to be sure unwelcome to us, because those who introduced the Forms (Socrates) were friends of ours; still, it presumably seems better, indeed only right, to destroy even what is close to us if that is the way to preserve the truth (Nicomachean Ethics, Part 6, The Platonic Form of the Good). Aristotle also believes in 3 ideas of substance: changeable and perishable (organisms), changeable and eternal (souls/heavenly bodies), and
  • 50. American Airlines Executive Summary American Airlines Individual Case Analysis Embry Riddle Aeronautical University MBAA 514 Strategic Marketing Management in Aviation November 20, 2014 Sarah Newman I Introduction Executive Summery American Airlines like many other airlines is trying to maximize their revenue through pricing and yield management strategies. said Robert Crandall, former Chairman and CEO of American Airlines. One flight, one hundred seats, and one hundred different prices; the gentleman to left and the young child to the right all paid up to 700% difference. American Airlines has battled the pricing policy and the unstable pricing structure. Value pricing was introduced in 1992, setting four fares for any given flight. American Airlines reverted... Show more content on ... American Airlines is the largest airline carrier in the US, and after the recent merger in the world. In 2013 American Airlines revenue alone was $24,825,000 and combined $1.95 billion in earnings. With the positive revenue the new American Airline will have a younger fleet giving the passenger the most up to date travel experience. Weaknesses: American Airlines is still not able to lead against competitors in Asia. Both American Airlines and US Airways are having a difficult time with labor relations. Market Share: The airline industry is closed, there is no room for a small company or a mistake. American Airlines with US Airways lead around the world, being the largest company. Market share is difficult, reviewing the capacity growth in Pacific market, American Airlines reported to have a 0.5% growth in total capacity as of October 2014. Other regions that are focused on are domestic, Latin America, Atlantic, and total