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Biodiversity Essays
Crafting an essay on the topic of biodiversity poses a unique set of challenges that require a
comprehensive understanding of ecological concepts, environmental science, and conservation
principles. The complexity of the subject lies not only in its scientific intricacies but also in the
need to convey the significance of biodiversity to a diverse audience.
Firstly, delving into the scientific aspects demands a grasp of taxonomy, ecosystem dynamics,
and the interconnectedness of various species. Articulating these concepts in a clear and
accessible manner while maintaining accuracy can be a daunting task. Additionally, keeping
abreast of the latest research findings and incorporating them into the essay requires diligence
and a commitment to staying informed about evolving scientific discourse.
Beyond the scientific realm, addressing the importance of biodiversity in the context of
environmental sustainability, human well-being, and global ecosystems adds another layer of
difficulty. The essay must strike a balance between presenting facts and fostering an appreciation
for the delicate balance that biodiversity maintains in sustaining life on Earth.
Moreover, the challenge lies in constructing a compelling narrative that engages readers and
encourages them to reflect on their role in preserving biodiversity. The need for a persuasive
argument is underscored by the urgency of conservation efforts and the potential consequences
of biodiversity loss.
In conclusion, writing an essay on biodiversity demands a multifaceted approach, combining
scientific accuracy with the ability to communicate complex concepts in an accessible way. The
task requires continuous research, a commitment to staying informed, and a skillful use of
language to convey the importance of biodiversity to a broad audience.
For assistance with similar essays and a wide range of topics, one may explore the services
offered on The platform provides professional support for academic writing
needs, offering a helping hand to those navigating the challenges of essay composition.
Biodiversity Essays Biodiversity Essays
Europeans In Africa Research Paper
Long before the Europeans arrived, Africans had a well formed society. The
people of this continent were intelligent, finding ways that not only benefit
themselves but others as well. One of the biggest trade centers in the world, at the
time, was the trade of the Sahara. Goods and valuables were transported
throughout the area. Before the Europeans arrived, African empires, kingdoms,
and cities all achieved great government, wealth, and trade. Politics and rulers
sprouted into the African lifestyle at around 800 A.D. Ghana, known as The Land
of Gold, was formed by the rulers of the Soninke people. The king controlled the
salt trades that passed through Ghana. This king collected tolls from all goods
entering or leaving his land. After Ghana s downfall and the attacks in Niger, all
but one son was left alive, Sundiata. This man was regarded as a sickly boy and
was too weak to be a threat. However, he proved the rivals wrong as he crushed his
enemies, gained control over trade routes, and founded the empire known as Mali.
The greatest ruler of this kingdom went by... Show more content on ...
In the early centuries, trade began to develop due to a surplus of farming production.
Civilizations began to cross the Sahara and developed a trading network. From
northern Africa, leather goods, kola nuts, cotton cloth, and enslaved people were
brought. From western Africa, merchants brought silk, metal, beads, and horses.
However, the two products that dominated the Sahara trade were gold and salt. In
West Africa, gold was an abundance. However, an equally valuable product was
found North, salt. These two valuable products became the leading trade products
throughout the Sahara. However, the Sahara was not the only trade system. In East
Africa, near the city of Axum, was a bustling community of trade. The people of
Axum were of mixed ethnicities and cultures. This enabled a great variety of goods
and enslaved people
El Nivel Socio Economico Y
EnfermerГa no es un simple trabajo remunerado es una vocaciГіn. Es la oferta a otros
seres humanos en el momento mГЎs difГcil de su vida cuando se estГЎ enfermo. La
necesidad de ofrecer en el paciente que sufre, es el punto de partida y la fuerza motriz
de los cuidados de enfermerГa. La necesidad de atenciГіn de la salud estГЎ en
constante evoluciГіn y tiene la forma de acuerdo a las necesidades, las capacidades,
la cultura y el nivel socio econГіmico de cada paГs. EnfermerГa hace mucho tiempo
juega y sigue jugando un papel destacado en la oferta de atenciГіn integrada. La
enfermerГa es una oferta de salud con sensibilidad social, el respeto a las personas en
todas las etapas de la salud y la enfermedad en todo el curso de su vida, incluso antes
de la concepciГіn y el nacimiento hasta la vejez y la muerte.
El objetivo de este desarrollo es actualizar la informaciГіn clave para las quemaduras
y abordarlas a travГ©s de primeros auxilios. Por lo tanto lo que las quemaduras se
encuentran en la vida cotidiana y, a veces lleva a la muerte.
Las herramientas utilizadas en este trabajo es estudiar en profundidad la literatura
existente, el griego y el extranjero, y los puestos relacionados en el Internet.
Este trabajo tiene como sujeto las quemaduras y el atenciГіn de la enfermerГa. En el
1Вє capГtulo, se hace referencia a la definiciГіn y las causas de las quemaduras
donde segГєn ellos, se dividen en tГ©rmicas, quГmicas, elГ©ctricas y de la
radiaciГіn. Entonces los
Misconceptions Of Policing Essay
Misconceptions of Policing As the day begins, millions of American s perception of
police work is influenced by everyday norms that they face. Whether it being actual
interaction with police, news, movies, TV, protests, social media, observing police,
or conversations with peers, people are knowingly or unknowingly forming an idea
as to what policework is like. The ideas of policing have taken on a drastic change
since the beginning of the 21st century. With the introduction of social media and the
internet, people have been free to express whatever feelings or stories they have
about police whenever they want without any fact checking or any type review by
professionals. Entertainment media has molded policing into action pact dramas
where... Show more content on ...
the CSI effect is the notion that people who watch crime shows like CSI feel as
though they have an understanding of forensic investigation and an expectation that
a certain amount of evidence should be presented at a trial just like in the shows.
In his research titled The Impact of Crime Drama Viewership on Perceptions of
Forensics and Science, Amber Ferris studied the relationships between crime drama
viewership and perceptions of forensics and science. Part of his research found a
positive correlation between the numbers of hours spent watching a show and it
effect on people s perception of forensic evidence. Ferris found that the more
participants watched CSI programming, the more likely they were to indicate that
scientific evidence would be presented in theft cases and in every criminal case
(Ferris,2011, p.78) and that hours spent per week viewing CSI: Miami was positively
related to participant s‟ likelihood of expecting forensic evidence in every
criminal case(Ferris,2011, p.76). This notion is one of many misconceptions that
come from TV s take on forensic investigation. In a study of 400 murder cases
across multiple jurisdictions, it was found that only 13.5% of the cases had physical
evidence that linked the crime to the suspect (Turvey,2011, p.147). DNA was found
in only 4.5% of the homicides with latent fingerprints being found 28% of the time
and biological
Musical Theatre As A Theatrical Performance
Musical Theatre is a theatrical performance when the story is told through dialogue,
song, and dance. Back then, people didn t Snap Chat, Face Time or watch TV for
entertainment; they would go to the Theatre for a night out, first date, etc. To give a
more definitive description of how musicals evolved, affected, and influenced
throughout history, a time line of major musicals that defined certain stages of
Musical Theatrewill probably help people understand what makes it so unique.
Now a quick history lesson, Musical Theatre technically was created in 5th Century
BCE Ancient Greece, when staged comedies and tragedies would be told with a bit
music and dance...but Musicals didn t fully emerge into the world until the early
20th Century when the art form went to London, England, and then to America,
which formed the famous theatre district, Broadway. Now that the basics are
covered of where Musical Theatre came from, this paper is more about how
Broadway Musicals evolved into what they are in present day, how people have
reacted to such performances, and how musical theatre has impacted not only
America, but also the world.
The first era of Musical Theatre actually started in the 1920 s 1930 s during the
Great Depression. This was a the first time there were musicals other than the fun,
young, and enjoyable shows, the first example of this would be the musical Show
Boat, which premiered in December 1927, the music was by Jerome Kern, book and
lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II,
Taft Dbq
Throughout the beginning of the 1900 s, Roosevelt became immensely favored and
adored by the majority of United States citizens. After Theodore Roosevelt served his
terms of presidency from 1901 1909, he declared that he would not accept a
renomination for another term. With being in control of the Republican Partyand also
becoming quite favored, Roosevelt was able to name who his successor would be.
With having being so popular and trustworthy, Roosevelt commanded the Republican
Party to stay loyal to his ways by nominating and supporting Roosevelt s secretary of
war, William Howard Taft. When Roosevelt left office, he stated,
I have the profound satisfaction of knowing that he [Taft] will do all in his power
to further every one of the great causes for which I have fought and that he will
persevere in every one of the great governmental policies in which I most firmly
believe (6).
However, when election time came around, many Americans were not impressed by
the actions that Taft had taken and the way he carried himself. Many Americans
were against Taft and believed that he was not competent enough to take on the job.
When Taft ran for his second term in 1912, his opposers, betrayal of the Republican
Party and his seemingly lack of political knowledge and training cost him the election.
Mid way through his first term, Taft had changed his motives and wanted to remove
so called disloyal members from the Republican party. Around this time, Taft was also
in a
Forecasting Using Eviews
Data The variables of interest are oil imports to Germany, and temperature in
Germany. The latter is used as a leading indicator for the former, to improve on the
forecast obtained by the univariate model. Both variables are collected over a time
range from January 1985 until and including December 1997, whereas the last year
is not used for constructing the optimal forecast, obtained by fitting a model through
the data until the end of 1996. This will enable us to forecast the year 1997 using
our model, and then comparing it to the actual data. Assuming no large one time
shock, meaning that it is not captured by seasonality or cyclical behaviour in the
data, occurs in this year, a graphical comparison of our forecast and the whole data...
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The insignificant December month can be explained by the little temperature
difference compared to the base month January, and roughly the same oil is
consumed therefore. Moreover the negative signs of their coefficients are in line with
intuition, that in the coldest month January more oil is needed than in all the other
month. The last step before fitting autoregressive and moving averages terms to the
data, is to check for unit roots. We will use the augmented Dickey Fuller test to
decide whether the data has a unit root or not. The H0 of the test is that the data has
a unit root against the Ha, that the data has no unit root. Table 1.1 shows the result of
the augmented Dickey Fuller test. The p value of the
Imperialism And Education
Throughout this semester, all of the novels and poetry that we have read have a
great deal to do with an individual s personal education. Within the last two works,
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and The Jungle Book, present the importance of
education in the form of not only enlightenment, but also as a tool to ensure clarity of
mind and ambitions. In a current sense, we are dealing with the same sort of issues in
education. This can in a conceptual way be applied to the difficult idea of combining
and finding a balance between the traditional form of teaching with the technology
advanced form of education that we are beginning to find normal, in contrast with the
concept of British imperialism blending with the previous Indian culture to give...
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This is simply an irrational apprehension toward people of different races or
countries than your own. Although the British see India simply as a land to
colonize, they are resistant to even contemplating the idea of accepting some of
the Indian traditions. The current pieties of the Indian culture were not only
decimated, but were being suppressed. We also see this form of resistance in
education as well. The state now requires standards of technology to be included in
every lesson plan that it taught. For traditional teachers who have no experience
with much of the technology, this can be overwhelming and they resist it on all
fronts because they do not understand it. We see this concept of the expectation for
us to drop the traditional ideals or techniques that we know well for something that
is supposedly better within the jungle in the story The Miracle of Purun Bhagat:
He had been, as the Old Law recommends, twenty years a youth, twenty years a
fighter though he had never carried a weapon in his life and twenty years the head
of a household. He had used his wealth and his power for what he known both to be
worth; he had taken honor when it came his way; he had seen men and cities far
and near, and men and cities had stood up and honored him. Now he would let these
things go, as a man drops the cloak he needs no
Child Sexual Abuse in India
B 18/15, Sec 3
Udya society, Tatibandh
Raipur (C.G.), 492001
I am Isha Kansal, I have completed my schooling from Gyan Ganga Educational
Academy, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. I am currently pursuing B.A.LL.B. (4th semester)
from Disha Law College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. ... Show more content on ...
In 2007, the ministry of Women and Child development released a study report on on
child abuse. The report discusses incidence of child abuse nationwide. It is
estimated that 150 million girls and 73 million boys under 18 have been subjected
to forced sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual violence .[4] In 2013, India s
Hell Holes: Child Sexual Assault in Juvenile Justice Homes, the Asian Centre for
Human Rights said that sexual offences against children in India have reached
epidemic proportion. [5] The report stated that more than 48,000 child rape cases
were recorded from 2001 to 2011 and that India saw an increase of 336% of child
rape cases from 2001 (2,113 cases) to 2011 (7,112 cases).[6]
The act has defined a child as any person who is below the age of 18 years and it
provides protection to all those children who are below the age of 18 years from the
offences of sexual assault, sexual harassment and pornography. [7]
This is the first time that the Act has listed aspects of touch as well as non touch
behavior (eg: photographing a child in an obscene manner) under the ambit of sexual
offences. [8]
The Act incorporates child friendly procedures for reporting, recording of evidence,
investigation and trial of offences. [9]
If a person attempts to commit an offence under the Act will be liable for
St. Jude Hospital Essay
St. Jude Children s Research Hospital St. Jude Children s Research Hospital is a
non profit organization that helps battle pediatric cancers. St. Jude Children s
Research Hospital is not your typical children s hospital. The services and support
they provide to their patients is unique as their founder Danny Thomas. I will
explore their founder s history, mission, and how they are able to continue the work
today. Danny Thomas was the founder of the hospital. The story begins when Mr.
Thomas went to church one day. He was so moved by the Mass that he gave his
last $7 dollars to the church. He realized soon after that he had offered the only
money he had to pay for hospital expenses for the birth of his first child. At that
moment... Show more content on ...
He went to his fellow friends in the Arabic community for their help. In 1957
Danny along with his friends formed the ALSAC (American Lebanese Syrian
Associated Charities). ALSAC purpose is to raise money for the hospital. It is
now the third largest health care charity. Some of the fundraisers that are held
include: FedEx St. Jude Classic, St. Jude Math a thon, Up til Dawn, radio thons, St
Jude Dream Home Giveaway, St. Jude Hope Gift Book, NBA Hoops for St Jude
Week and St Jude Give thanks. Give hope campaign. St. Jude is known for being at
the forefront of battling pediatric cancers. It was also the first hospital in Memphis
where patients were integrated in the same room. St Jude had a large impact on
nutrition in the United States. Physicians from the hospital created a volunteer
health clinic to treat some of the poorer areas of Memphis. They made a major
discovery. They found that a majority of the members in the community were
malnourished. The director of the hospital decided that this was a major
catastrophic disease and took action to create a research study. A news station
decided to do a report on the program that happened to catch the attention of a
senator. The senator then helped to create the Child Nutrition Act with the help of
St Jude which led to the creation of the WIC program. WIC serves 53 percent of the
infants born in the US (St. Jude Children Research Hospital). In the 1980s a new
disease was striking children and the
Bitcoin and Remittances in Karnataka
Subject Information Technology in a Global Society Topic Bitcoin and
remittances in Karnataka Research Question To what extent will Bitcoin be a
viable alternative to traditional methods of remittance to Karnataka? Word Count
2500 India currently has the highest amount of remittances in the world with
approximately 70 billion US dollars (The Economic Times, 2014) being sent to
India in all of 2013. As India is the highest in terms of receiving remittances, it is
the most likely be effected by a new, possibly better means of remittance which
through Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the world s first decentralized digital currency
launched in 2009 as open source software (The Economist , 2013). It is a peer to
peer network and transactions do not go through a bank which gives many
advantages over fiat money. The fees are much lower, you can use them in any
country, and your account cannot be frozen. To send Bitcoins from one digital
wallet to another no matter where each wallet is located, is a fast process with an
optional miniscule fee. The larger fee you put, the faster the transaction will be
processed. You do not need to give any personal information to anyone to send the
money and therefore in this sense it is anonymous. When you download and open
the digital wallet, it will generate an address, similar to an email address. With the
digital wallet you can easily send and receive an amount of Bitcoins from one
address to another, just as you would with sending and receive
Comparing Hepzibah And Clifford In The House Of Seven
The comparison in the changes between Hepzibah and Clifford both effects their
lives great in The House Of Seven Gables. The reader may feel that Clifford s
changes effected him more and were brought upon him by society. Clifford was
forced to make changes and had to do it so his past would not repeat himself. He
had to find out a new way of life and how to adjust to the new society he lives in.
Clifford changed more than Hepzibah in this novelfor several reasons.
Clifford changed the most in this novel upon his release from prison for thirty
years. He was framed for murder which he did not commit, which put him in jail
for thirty years. After getting out of jail for that long is a huge shock cause a lot
could change and Clifford needs to figure out how to go back to his old life. He
needs to be able to adjust to the different atmosphere rather than the one he had in
prison. Clifford was influenced by other and had to make a change to get his life
back on track. ... Show more content on ...
She is a great influence on him and brings the best out of Clifford. Their
relationship is just friends but he loves spending time with this lovely girl, her
influence on him forced him to change. A huge flaw of Clifford is that he cannot
stand to be taken care of by an ugly women, which makes him not let Hepzibah take
care of him because of her age. This is where Pheobe fits perfectly into the novel as
that women to take care of him and be there for
International Labour Organization
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all we would like to thank Almighty Allah for
giving us the courage and ability to complete this report.We would like to express
our gratitude to all those who gave us the possibility to complete this report. We
want to thank the Department of management sciences of our university for giving
us an opportunity to commence this project in the first instance and to do the
necessary research work. We are deeply indebted to our supervisor Sir Muzammil
Aftab whose help, stimulating suggestions and encouragement helped us all for
writing this report.Especially, we would like to give our special thanks to the staff
of ILO for cooperating with us and giving us all the relevant data according to our
project obligation.... Show more content on ...
IPEC s work to eliminate child labour is an important facet of the ILO s Decent
Work Agenda. Child labour not only prevents children from acquiring the skills
and education they need for a better future, it also perpetuates poverty and affects
national economies through losses in competitiveness, productivity and potential
income. Withdrawing children from child labour, providing them with education
and assisting their families with training and employment opportunities contribute
directly to creating decent work for adults. Setting target group priorities The goal
of IPEC remains the prevention and elimination of all forms of child labour, the
priority targets for immediate action are the worst forms of child labour, which are
defined in the ILO Convention on the worst forms of child labour, 1999 (No. 182)
as: All forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, Such as the sale and
trafficking of children, Debt bondage and serfdom and forced or compulsory labour,
including forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict;
The use, procuring or offering of a child for prostitution, for the production of
pornography or for pornographic performances; The use, procuring or offering of a
child for illicit activities, in particular for the production and trafficking of drugs as
defined in the relevant international treaties;
Dan Sperber s Article The Future of Writing
In Dan Sperber s article The Future of Writing, he assesses the presence of writing
and reading in our society, as well as where it may lie in the future . He addresses
the possible downfall of writing, the prevalence that reading will hold in our
society, as well as how our society will adapt and handle the changes. He also covers
the emergence of text to speech and speech to text technological advances, the effects
on society and how the disappearance of the two of them will never fully occur.
Sperber s main claim throughout the article is that writing, with the help of technology
, may eventually cease to exist, or at least be far less prominent . While writing has
obtained a unique and prominent standing in most places of the... Show more content
on ...
However, Sperber does stress that there is a strong difference between the writing and
reading, and their relationship with technology. While he states that writing may
completely be taken over by technology, the same could never be done to reading.
Most particularly because the two are very closely linked, yet writing could never
exist without reading. The benefits that are present with writing come mostly from
reading, as well as with the fact that as you write, you read along with your words.
Though writing may be replaced at some point in time, reading can never be replaced
despite the text to speech technology.
In particular, he addresses the impact that technology could have, and like writing it
involves both speech and text, yet in the opposite order. This time technology
would allow a person to listen to the text be read to them rather than having to read
it themselves. However, Sperber suspects that this is much less likely than the latter,
particularly because most people prefer to read and interpret on their own. They
typically also do not enjoy the voice of the computer, and it is much harder to follow,
especially due to
Speech On The Freedom Of Speech
Freedom of speech is the right to communicate one s opinions and ideas. The term
freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of
seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.
Governments restrict speech with varying limitations. Common limitations on speech
relate to libel, slander, obscenity, pornography, sedition, hate speech, incitement,
fighting words, classified information, copyright violation, trade secrets, non
disclosure agreements, right to privacy, right to be forgotten, public security, public
order, public nuisance, campaign finance reform and oppression. Whether these
limitations can be justified under the harm principle depends upon whether
influencing a third party s opinions or actions adversely to the second party
constitutes such harm or not. Governmental and other compulsory organizations
often have policies restricting the freedom of speech, for example, speech codes at
state schools. The term offense principle is also used to expand the range of free
speech limitations to prohibit forms of expression where they are considered
offensive to society, special interest groups or individuals. For example, freedom of
speech is limited in many jurisdictions to widely differing degrees by religious legal
systems, religious offense or incitement to ethnic or racial hatred laws. The right to
freedom of expression is recognized as a human right under article 19 of the
Universal Declaration
Egbert Roscoe Murrow Essay
Egbert Roscoe Murrow, an American broadcast journalist, was born on April 25,
1908. The youngest of three brothers, was raised in Guilford County, North Carolina
where they lived on a farm until the age of 6 only bringing a few hundred dollars a
year from corn and hay. The Murrow family lived without the amenities today that we
could not imagine life without, electricity and plumbing. After turning 6, Egbert and
his familymoved across the country to Skagit County, Washington. Skagit county
was only 30 miles south of the Canadian border and he attended school nearby in
Edison where he excelled greatly in basketball, winning a championship and was
president of the student body his senior year. In Egbert s sophomore year of college,
he changed... Show more content on ...
This signature line soon became the opening of many different radio broadcasts
and for many different CBS radio channels over the world, such as Europe.
Murrow was also famous for his line Good night and good luck at the end of every
radio report he gave. Murrow was named famous and celebrity like for his ability
to give such great war reports. Murrow returned to the United States again in 1941.
A dinner was held in his honor and Franklin D. Roosevelt sent him a welcome back
telegram which was read at the dinner. He was mostly recognized by a speech from
the Librarian of Congress for his power and intimacy of wartime dispatches. Only
a week after this speech the attack on Pearl Harbor occurred. Murrow brought in
several different combat missions to give additional reports to later broadcast.
Murrow learned skills while majoring in Speech in college on how to improvise
vivid descriptions and was able to broadcast a well descripted announcement of
what was going on. Murrow so closely worked with the British and was offered a
job by Winston Churchill to be in charge of programming. This job was declined
by Murrow but led him to meet Churchill s daughter in law, Pamela. Edward
Murrow married back in 1935, Janet Brewster and had their first son, Charles Casey
Murrow. Pamela wanted to get married to Murrow and he considered it but ended the
affair when his wife had their son Charles in
Military Culture
Culture of a nation is manifested and influenced by a number of factors. National
psyche and traits being the most pronounced ones. Military culture , to a certain
extent , is in harmony with the national culture, however, it has its own impulses and
dynamics. It incorporates obedience that curtails individual freedom or at times it
may be at tangent with the socio cultural values of a society ; Military culture of
British Indian Army ,as inherited by us is a case in point here. Philosophy of our
present military outlets draws strength from history , organisational infrastructure ,
uniform , traditions social moorings and a host of other factors which , despite
numerous changes , is still undergoing the process of evolution.
In ... Show more content on ...
The attitude, values, ideals and beliefs of individuals are greatly influenced by the
culture in which they live. Precisely, culture is the sum total of the ways of life of
people in a particular society.
Views on Concept of Culture
It would be in order to first examine the connotation and exact meaning of culture.
Sociologists differ wide in their perceptions in explanting culture and its inter
related concepts. The best definition from the military view point is given by
Leslie A. White, who quotes famous sociologists Frank Boas and Melville J.
Herskovits. He writes culture may be defined (as per Boas), as the totality of the
mental and physical reactions and activities that characterise the behaviour of
individuals composing a social group.... . He further quotes Herskovits and says,
When culture is closely analysed, we find but a series of patterned reactions that
characterise the behaviour of the individuals who constitute a given group. Another
writer Sapir quoted by Leslie white classified culture as the mass of typical reactions.
Culture is best summarised as a way of life of the people. It is manmade part of
environment. Cultures includes beliefs, ideas, religion, art, customs and other habits
which the people acquire while living in a society. Another very important aspect of
culture is that it is ever changing by learning and transmitting from one generation to
other through a
Protecting Wireless Sensor Network From Internet Attacks
Protect wireless sensor network from Internet attacks
As the rapid development of internet, the technology of wireless sensor network
(WSN) plays an important role in our real life. Moreover, WSN are the essential
elements on a wide range of fields such as Internet of things (IOT). Thus, it is
necessary to prevent WSN from internet attacks and maintain its stability. Sensor
nodes in WSN can not only collect and process physical data, but also communicate
with other entities. Therefore, this essay will illustrate three approaches on the
security of WSN and analyze as well as discuss the three approaches based on attacks
types, attacks source, applied range and energy consumption and so on.
Nowadays, there are already a large number of new ... Show more content on ...
Although wireless sensor network and the other types of network sometimes need
same security requirements, providing security service for WSN own more
challenges when compared with secure foundation of network because of limited
energy, the nodes number, storage, Internet bandwidth, communication of sensor
nodes and the capabilities of computation. Two main reasons are computation
capabilities and low traffic rates. The low traffic rate of sensor nodes can not support
battery of sensors to make the network smooth for a long time and devices in the
WSN can not support very complex computation to deal with some typical internet
attacks. Additionally, Internet attacks can be divided into two types: internal attacks
and external attacks. Generally, internal attacks are produced from malicious nodes.
On the other hand, when it comes to the external attacks, wireless sensor network are
easy to be attacked by several types of external internet attacks, which can be
considered to three main aspects: secrecy and authentication attacks, network
availability attacks and replay attacks.(p135, denial). Although many traditional
techniques that have been used to resist various kinds of attacks, there are still remain
serious problems in security of WSN. As a result, it is necessary to come up with the
most effective approach to handle the Internet attacks in time because the faster
development of technology, the more security problems. For these reasons, the
prevention of
A Midsummer Night s Dream By Michael Hoffman
A Midsummer Night s Dream, was written by William Shakespeare in the late 1500
s, and was first performed in the early 1600 s. Shakespeare was one of the most
influential writers of all time, and this play is one of his better known comedies
from a variety of others. Although this play, as well as many of Shakespeare s
plays have been performed on many different stages all over the world, this is a
focus on the film. The film was released in April, 1999, and was directed as well
screenplayed by Michael Hoffman. A Midsummer Night s Dream is a comedy that
has a mix up with young lovers, a trickster who causes most of the mess, and a
strong female and male character who face a major disagreement. The play has four
young individuals: two
A Case Study of Harlequin Publishing
Harlequin Romances: Strategic planning SWOT Strengths Harlequin is one of the
most famous mass market publishers in the world. It primarily publishes
romances, largely directed towards female readers, under a variety of imprints.
Some of these romances are historical, others are contemporary. Some are
extremely explicit, while others are more innocent. While certain aspects of these
different lines vary from imprint to imprint, there is a great deal of consistency to
Harlequin s brand image. Almost everyone knows that a Harlequin is a romance,
and the brand name is synonymous with romance, much like Coca Cola is
synonymous with soda. Weaknesses The publishing industry is struggling in many
areas. Customers have a great deal of other reading material they can access
online. Readers can read cheaper, self published novels on their Kindle, or surf free
content online. Also, the Harlequin image amongst some women is seen as out of
date, given contemporary feminist mores. Opportunities Harlequin is seeking to
enter the self publishing and e publishing market to diversify and modernize its
options. Creating books solely for online reading suits the Harlequin model, given
that there is a strong emphasis on creating disposable books for pleasure. Reading
online, consumers will no longer have to get rid of their old Harlequins at garage
sales, given that they can access the content virtually and dispose of it electronically
when finished. Romance readers buy in
Frederick Douglass Speech
In 1852, when Frederick Douglass, a prominent civil rights activist and former
slave, was invited to speak in front of a modest audience of abolitionists in
commemoration of Independence Day, surely they were unprepared. Surely, they
were expecting a tone far less solemn. Surely some, if not most, went home that
day with at least a fraction of their patriotism replaced with something far more
unsettling. Perhaps it was a newfound perspective: the perspective of an American
slave on Independence Day a day that was, according to Douglass, not a celebration
applicable to a person of color. The purpose of Douglass s speech, The Hypocrisy
of the Nation Must Be Exposed , is exactly that: to evoke a response that makes
people uncomfortable, a response that makes people reconsider. In this piece, he
criticizes the nation s blatant disregard for its own founding principles through the
practice of slavery, reminding his audience that many are still a far cry from being
truly free. Douglass is able to call attention to severe injustices faced by enslaved
blacks across the nation and expose the corruption of the United Statesthrough the use
of literary devices and rhetorical appeals within his speech. Frederick Douglass
begins his speech by immediately introducing a literary device. A rhetorical question
is defined as a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point
rather than to get an answer . Douglass offers several rhetorical questions in
Intellectual Disabilities Chapter 1 Summary
This week the reading was a review of Chapter five. I still believe it is true that it
takes a village. It takes the village of the community as well as the educational
village that works with students with intellectual disabilities every day. When
children have an IEP it is important to make sure the curriculum is adjusted to make
sure the needs of the children are met. The functional curriculum is still a great way
to teach students with intellectual disabilities because it helps the students learn
academic and life skills. Life skills are needed to be able to help the student with
intellectual disabilities to be able to function in the real world. This will help prepare
them to learn how to grocery shop, know the value of money and not be
Essay Life for Medieval Women
Medieval society was completely dominated by men, making a women s life at the
time difficult. Medieval law at the time stated that women could not marry without
their parents consent, could not divorce their husbands, could not own property
unless widows, could not inherit land if they had surviving brothers, and could own
no business with special permission (Trueman, Medieval Women ). When a woman
married a man, he would get any property she owned and she would forfeit any
rights she had to him. When the husband dies she would get one third of the land to
live on and support herself. Unmarried women who owned land had the same rights
as men (Hull). Whenever a woman got into trouble it would be her closest male
relative who would appear... Show more content on ...
Midwives also perform emergency baptisms if the baby was ill or dying (Bovey).
Women had trouble advancing in trade and were usually barred from entering a guild
(a group of skilled workers of the same trade). Typical duties would be to take care of
the family, work out in the fields, be a servant to rich people, or make some sort of
craft like cloths. Here s a quote from a record in 1461:
Various people of the weavers craft in Bristol employ their wives, daughters and
maids either to weave at their looms, or to work for someone else at the same craft.
Women would also be paid less than men for doing the same amount of work, an
issue that is still around today. For reaping, a peasant man could get 8 pence a day.
For the same task, peasant women would get 5 pence. For hay making, men would
earn 6 pence a day while women got 4 pence (Trueman, Medieval Women ).
Common jobs for medieval women were shopkeepers, bakers, spinners, alewives,
farmers, and silk weavers. There were even some women writers. Women worked
more than one job because they got paid less than men therefore, in order to make an
adequate income, they took on extra work. Being a spinner was the most common
occupation of that time period. Women spent much of their time spinning wool into
coarse thread, then weaving it into cloth and making garments (Hull). John
Fitzherbert in his book A Book of Husbandry written in 1525 said of a
Pierre Trudeau s Accomplishments
The past is to be respected and acknowledged but not to be worshipped. It is our
future in which we find our greatness. These words were written by Prime Minister
Pierre Elliott Trudeau, who paved the way for the great Canadian future present
today. Pierre Elliott Trudeau was an indispensable leader who guided Canadato
greatness, he brought biculturalism and bilingualism to Canada, believed in equality
and protecting human rights. Pierre Elliott Trudeau s accomplishments paved the
way for a greater Canadian future because he became the leader Canada needed for
protecting human rights, evolving Canada s language and by giving Canada the
confidence it needed to succeed.... Show more content on ...
Trudeau fought for Canada to be a country of many languages and cultures, he did
this by introducing The Official Languages Act. In 1969 Trudeau established The
Official Languages Act, this made English and French the official languages of
Canada. It required all federal institutions to provide services in English and French.
The Act was passed on the recommendation of the Royal Commission on
Bilingualism and Biculturalism on 7 September 1969. The act was to ensure respect
and equality of all rights and privileges as to their use in all federal institutions. The
act supported the development of English and French linguistic minority
communities and advanced the equality of English and French languages within
Canada s society. Trudeau truly lead Canada to success and wanted the nation to
become more diverse. Trudeau noted, Bilingualism means you can speak to the other;
duality means you live in one language and the rest of Canada will live in another
language. Trudeau strongly pushed for Canada to be Bilingual and thought it would
make Canada stronger as a country. Trudeau felt that Quebechad to be less isolated
and that it would allow French Canadians to maintain their culture while playing part
in a key role in Canada. It was because of Pierre Elliott Trudeau that Canada kept
peace amongst everyone and continued to be a united country. Trudeau made Canada
better by bringing
Liberty University Sample Book Review Chhi 520 Essay
How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind: Rediscovering the African Seedbed of
Western Christianity By Thomas C. Oden Downers Grove, Ill: Intervarsity Press,
2008, 204 pp, $ 19.00 hardcover. Thomas Oden, an accomplished scholar in
systematic and historical theology, and retired professor at Drew University, has
offered a compelling and positively provocative work in How AfricaShaped the
Christian Mind. A work of scholarly repentance, he ably repudiates the posture of
western theologians and historians (i.e. Harnack, Bauer, Schleiermacher) toward
Africa s theological legacy (pp. 57 59). His present work is the fruit of thirty years
of reading the early African fathers, and in the last fourteen, he has served as the
general editor of the... Show more content on ...
In chapter six, The Opportunity for Retrieval, Oden confronts the postEnlightenment
worldview and hermeneutics of suspicion that has effectively diminished Africa s
theological heritage. Chapter seven, How the Blood of the Martyrs Became the Seed
of European Christianity, proposes Africa s history of martyrdom and the exodus
event as alternatives to a Christian view of history marked by power. In chapter eight,
Right Remembering, Oden asserts that orthodoxy is not a prize awarded to
theological victors, but rather the fruit of correctly remembering the apostles
teachings. In chapter nine, Seeking the Reconciliation of Christianity and Islam
Through Historical Insight, he makes a case for the risky but necessary endeavor of
engaging African Muslims in dialogue over their Christian heritage. In the appendix,
Oden moves from being a scholar to an activist, laying out a strategic plan to
implement his vision for recovering Africa s theological legacy, which includes the
website, and the Journal of African Christianity.
The book concludes with a helpful Literary Chronology of Christianity in the First
Millenium, including key personalities, writings, and movements in the period.
Perhaps the most relevant set of works to How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind is
Oden s own Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture. Western theological
hegemony has also been
The Naturalistic Beliefs Of Homer And Hesiod
In this essay, I will be presenting the way Homer and Hesiod accounts for many
events such as the cosmos, origin, and nature of such. I will then present the same
information from two Philosophers who followed, Heraclitus and Parmenides. I will
then compare the differing philosophical arguments to determine how the cosmos
and the event surrounding it came to be; furthermore, the reason behind the differing
beliefs. In conclusion, I will state which Philosopher has the better argument
regarding the cosmos and how the world itself came to be. According to Homer, the
cosmos were created based upon different naturalistic interpretations. In Homer s
Iliad, he begins with the ethical values in the time of the Trojans. Pleasure and
happiness were cherished by the Trojans. Achilles, who was half God, half mortal,
and the toughest fighter, had a woman distributed to him. Agamemnon takes the
priest s daughter from Achilles, which leads him to become angry, and as a result,
he raced to Troy killing the Greeks with the plague in retaliation. This lead Homer to
conclude the Gods caused disease and were the conflict between human beings, but
they were also able to prevent conflict. (How?) Therefore, the cause of thought was
created by the God s. (How?) Furthermore, God s and/or Goddesses implant dreams,
which have the ability to predict the future. Leading Homer to conclude the cosmos,
and events surrounding, were naturalistic in nature. Following Homer s naturalistic
approach is
How Mauna Kea Should Remain Cultural And Not Allow
We are Mauna Kea Mauna Kea should remain cultural and not allow project TMT
(thirty meter telescope) on the mountain. According to Hawaiian legend, Mauna
Kea is the meeting place of Papa (Earth Mother) and Wakea (Sky Father) who are
first ancestors in Hawaiian history. We as Hawaiians view Mauna Kea as a temple or
house of worship. In our cultural understanding, it is believed that Mauna Keawas not
created by man, but by Ke Akua (God). Mauna Kea is both the burial ground and
the embodiment of the most sacred ancestors. This is why I am advocating that a
thirty meter telescope, or TMT does not belong on Mauna Kea. Mauna Kea is a
volcano on the island of Hawai i that is sacred to Native Hawaiiansas an elder
ancestor and the physical embodiment of deities revered in Hawaiian culture and
religion. According to Kay Ala Kahaulelio, a Hawaiian astronomer and student at
University of Hawaii, he says, the sacredness of Mauna Kea is beyond what we can
comprehend in the human realm. It is so scared because it is the portal and the
closest temple where we can connect with our God. In Hawaiian genealogy, Mauna
Kea is perceived as the center of ones being. It holds burial grounds and is a place
where people scatter ashes of their loved ones. On Mauna Kea there are a total of 13
telescopes a number that I feel is too high that there are enough telescopes on Mauna
Kea. Currently, there are thirteen working telescopes being operated by astronomers
from 11 different countries, so why do
Essay On The Aztecs
In 1519, the Aztecs were the most powerful kingdom in Mesoamerica. At the peak of
their reign, their territory stretched as far as 80,000 square miles over southern
Mexico, and had as many as fifteen million people.
The Aztecs emerged in the thirteenth century, as a nomadic tribe. They were guided
by their chief god, Huitzilopochtli, the war god and representative of the sun. The
Aztecs couldn t find a place to settle in the crowded central Mexico. Eventually, they
were taken as serfs and mercenaries by the Colhuacan. Their population increased as
they married the women that belonged to their neighbors. Eventually, the lowly
Aztecs received a Toltec princess for their chief In 1323, the Aztecs sacrificed the
princess with the belief that she would become a war goddess. The Colhuacan were
horrified, and expelled the Aztecs from their territory.
The Aztecs, no longer a hungry band of nomads, but a group of wise people after
serving the Colhuacan, set out to find a new territory once again. They traveled
southwest to the borders of the lakes that once surrounded Mexico City. There, they
found two unoccupied, marshy islands that they quickly took and claimed as their
own. They believed they were chosen by the gods and foretold that they would find
a mighty city at a place where they would see an eagle perched on a cactus devouring
a snake. Eventually, on a deserted island, they saw the majestic sight. Around 1345,
under the rule of the ChiefTenoch, they had
What Are Chapter Three Expatiates Eric s Depression In...
Don DeLillo (1936 ) is an outstanding post modern novelist, dramatist and prose
writer in contemporary American. With a wide range of creative themes and post
modern writing style, DeLillo writes about American society and shows readers the
holographic landscape of post modern society. Cosmopolis is one of DeLillo s
novels, by describing the absurd travel experience of the protagonist Eric Parker in
one day, it reveals the influence of science and technology and media on the
development of contemporary society and the construction of subject consciousness,
which reflects the alienation characteristics of subject consciousness. Based on close
reading, this paper attempts to combine Edward Soja s Thirdspace theory with
Cosmopolis and starts... Show more content on ...
Chapter three expatiates Eric s depression in physical space. Firstly analysis Eric s
depression in a skyscraper and streets, explores the globalization brings
multiculture and material satisfaction for the modern, but it also brings depression
mood. Then discuss indifference in elevators and limousine, and explores the
physical space which is the symbol of wealth and position could bring the
depression mood and make people become indifference. Chapter four analysis Eric
s consciousness expression of paranoia in psychological space. In life, his
psychological state shows an elite character with extreme narcissism and inferiority,
revealing the influence of power and status on Eric s narcissistic personality. At
work, Eric s arrogant attitude towards acquaintances and strangers and strong
possessiveness in love makes Eric difficult to integrate into society and others, and
becoming more sober and weird, and shows readers an alienation image like a
paranoia. Chapter five focuses on the alienated representation of Eric and Benno
Levin in the Thirdspace. Firstly, through analysis Eric s self escapement in theater
and Benno s self isolation in a tenement, explores the alienated self separation in
marginal space. Secondly, it expounds the alienated self retrospection of the subject
in memorial space. By describing Eric s memories in barbershop and Benno s
memories in an abandoned tenement, expresses the subject s remembrance for the
Lucille Clifton After Oz Analysis
Throughout her life, Lucille Clifton was oppressed by the society around her.
Growing up during a time where African Americans were not fully accepted or
supported, Lucille Clifton had first hand experience of what it felt like to be held
back from exploring your interest. Her poem after oz tells the story of Dorothy,
from the The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and how she was held from exploring the
land around her. The story is told through the eyes of adults who are trying to keep
her close, presumably a parents. As the parents slip into her room at midnight, they
show that the actions they are commiting are unknown to Dorothy (Clifton 1). By
filling her pockets with stones, the parents are trying to keep Dorothy safe from
the storms (Clifton 2, 4). The storm itself does not resemble those due to weather,
but instead those caused by the unpredictable actions of children. The parents
believe that by weighing her down they are doing her a favor; keeping her safe
from a society that they are certain will affect her negatively. However, Dorothy will
not let the stones stop her. She believes deeply in her mission, and because of that is
able to escape from the imprisonment of her home. As she disappears for hours the
parents display concern and disappointment, believing that they have lost her ... Show
more content on ...
She no longer feels supported or accepted by them, as they slow her down in every
part of her life. They can not come to the understanding that Dorothy is changing,
and by holding her back from change they only make matters worse. Her staggering
return indicates that she is exhausted and weary from her daily travels. Though the
poem itself does not describe where Dorothy travels to on her escapade, it can only
be assumed that she is happier there as she staggers back smelling of straw / of
animals (Clifton 6,
Why Teenagers Should Be Allowed To Vote
Teens are not the same as they used to be. Those who are not at least 16 years of
age should have the choice to vote. Teenager s minds have developed a lot. Voting
is a privilege, but you don t have to vote, because it isn t mandatory. Some
teenagers are now mature, and know what they want at the age of 16. If they voted,
knowing who they wanted to pick, then it s just an extra vote. Depending on who
you vote for, this can be an advantage. Some teenagers don t know what they want. It
it very true that there are a lot of teens that do not know what they want, which can
be confusing at times. If they chose randomly, then it can either mess up your vote or
make it larger. Again, depending on who you are votingfor, this can be an advantage.
Dannelly On Relatives
They may not be able to remember who we are, but they feel us just the same
(Amanda Dillon). For my assignment of visiting with an elderly, I chose a couple
that have been part of my family for many years. We call this couple our
grandparents however they are not our real grandparents. This couple adopts families
that are lacking in grandparents, and we are a very diverse family. They have adopted
Filipino families, Native American families and Mexican Americanfamilies. What
this couple try to do, is give the children some sort of a complete family where they
can help out with babysitting or help with housing. I believe that they have a
adopted at least 6 families in the town of Llano, Tx. Mr.and Mrs. Dannelley, have
lived in... Show more content on ...
Dannelly was interrupting on saying that he was late for mass and that he need to
get there on time to prepare for his homily. Mrs. Dannelly replied in a quiet but
strong voice that he was not going anywhere because that was long time ago. Mrs.
Dannelly explained to us that he was getting worse with each day and she does not
know how to handle it anymore. She does not want to put him in a nursing care
because he was there for her when she needed it and she does not want to leave
him when he needs it the most. Mrs. Dannelly, was a women that could handle any
situation however, as she was explaining how it was getting harder to care for him,
she had so much pain in her voice. Thankful their daughter lives next door and is
always there to help out when she is needed. Mrs. Dannelly, was explained that it
hurts some days because he can t remember her name and who she is. She elucidate
that when she wakes up she is worried that he might forget her all together. As she is
explaining her emotions to us. Mr. Dannelly understands that Mrs. Dannelly is upset
therefore he grabs her hand and lightly pats it. However, he does not know what she
is upset therefore just pats and nods his head as if he
Manager Job Description Of A Podcast Manager
Podcast Manager Job Description
The Podcast Manager is responsible for maintaining editorial and stylistic standards,
quality, and content accuracy of all communications. The position develops, edits,
and publishes written and visual content; manages NUNU Publishing social media
channels; and provides billable communication services to NUNU PUBLISHING.
This position generates story ideas for, edits all content of, and is integral to readying
for publication of media content generated by NUNU PUBLISHING. The incumbent
produces concise written copy for press releases and member communications;
creates and maintains production calendars; writes, edits, and proofreads written
corporate communication products.
This position demonstrates a ... Show more content on ...
Job Type: Full time or Contract
Salary: $ to $/year
Job Location:
Tallahassee, FL
NuNu Publishing is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Executive Producer
We are seeking an experienced Executive Producer to work on podcasts for NuNu
Publishing, a company focusing on the stories of companies, organizations and
individuals that are making incredible efforts to advance and achieve a more healthy
and sustainable world.
The person we have in mind is an avid podcast listener,
Tigris And Euphary
I looked into the two most important water sources in Turkey, Tigris and Euphrates
river basins. Tigris and Euphrates Rivers that originate entirely within highlands of
eastern Turkey flow from the mountains of Anatolia (Taurus Mountains), into Syria,
and then through Iraq. In addition, Tigris River spreads across Iran. Both rivers
merge in southern Iraqand empty into the Persian Gulf. Since the rivers follow a
southeastern route across arid lands of Syria and Iraq, they are fed very little when
flowing through these lands. As there isn t an effective international water
management strategy for this region, countries are free to act unilaterally.
Iraq was the first state to develop projects including the North and East Al Jazeera
Superman And Wonder Woman
It all started out in New York, Superman was fighting Parasite.Parasite was about to
destroy Superman when someone flew out of nowhere and saved superman. At first
Superman thought it was Supergirl but when she landed Superman couldn t believe
his eyes it was Wonder Woman. She came from New Jersey and rescued Superman
One week later Wonder Woman was also about to be destroyed, but Superman came
to the rescue Wonder Woman couldn t believe that Superman saved her. A month
later Superman and Wonder Women were fighting crime and together they were
unstoppable, unbeatable and invincible. A year later after SuperMan and
WonderWoman were dating SuperMan proposed with a sapphire ring in 1998. They
lived a happy crime fighting life.
In the year of 2000, Superman and Wonder Woman had a beautiful baby girl named
Sapphire. She had long black hair and dark blue eyes and was the sweetest little girl
that anyone has ever met. Years later superman and Wonder Woman were captured by
batman and catwoman and sapphire was only three years old. So sapphire had to live
with her aunt and uncle. Thirteen years later, Sapphire was about to turn 16. sapphire
was sick of this one boy bullying her everyday at school his name was Obsidian. He
was the son of Batman and Catwoman . He had black hair and hazel eyes. He was
only a year older than young sapphire. He was super smart kid and he was a good
gymnast. In New York City that s where obsidian was born and where they still live
today. On 1999
The Augustinian Theodicy Of Augustine Of Hippo
The Augustinian theodicy, named for the fourth and fifth century theologian and
philosopher Augustine of Hippo, is a type of Christian theodicy designed in response
to the evidential problem of evil and suffering. It attempts to explain how an
omnipotent and omnibenevolent God could exist amid evidence of evil in the
According to Augustine, the universe was originally free from sin due to God
creating the world perfectly, as He is both omnipotent and omnibenevolent
according to Christian belief. This means He both wants to and has the ability to
create perfection. Since it is a fact of the created universe that God has called all
things into the universe ex nihilo, and did so perfectly, suffering was absent from
the world. Evil did not exist before the sin of angels and humans, as it first came into
existence when angels, followed by humans, abused their power of free will and
turned away from the person who had gifted them with it, God, their creator.
Therefore Augustine states that evil is not ... Show more content on ...
Augustine compares the presence of evil in the universe to the colour black in a
black and white painting. Without the black in the painting, we would not be able
to appreciate the beauty as we would not be able to see the art, due to there being
no contrast. Augustine says without the contrast of evil in the universe, we would
not be able to appreciate the good and beauty, as there would be nothing to
compare them to. Therefore the presence of evil in the universe according to
Augustine is not necessarily a bad thing, as it gives us the ability to see the
perfection originally made by God. Additionally evil could serve a cause, as facing
suffering allows us to develop traits such as courage and compassion which assist us
in getting back to God and gaining eternal life in heaven as we can prove ourselves
to Him this
How Did Truett Build A Fried Chicken Sandwich
I.As a young boy, Truett Cathy watched his mother cook fried chicken for boarders
they took in after his father died. a.Even then Truett was already thinking as an
entrepreneur to help his family make money. i.He would go in to Atlanta and
purchase six packs of Coca Cola, bring them back to his home town of Hapeville
and sell them for five cents a piece. This would in turn make him a profit of five
cents on every six bottles he sold. II.In 1946, a then 25 year old Truett Cathy and
his younger brother Ben opened a restaurant called the Dwarf House , in their
home town of Hapeville, Georgia. III.Truett started experimenting with different
ways to cook and serve chicken quickly and economically. He started serving a
fried chicken breast fillet on a bun to keep customers from getting grease on their
fingers. He then went on to perfect the chicken sandwich by experimenting with
different cooking methods, seasonings and spices. When he finally felt it was right
he had ended up using a special blend of seasonings and cooking the chicken in a
pressure cooker with peanut oil, then adding a pickle to the finished sandwich. This
would eventually become the Chick fil A Chicken Sandwich and become a lasting
part of the Chick fil A formula. Transition I.... Show more content on
Before they became Chick fil A sandwiches, they were just listed as chicken
sandwiches on the Dwarf House menu. Soon the chicken sandwich was outselling
hamburgers. In 1963 Truett decided to give the sandwiches a name to help market
the product. When he consulted a patent attorney he was told that he could use
ordinary words as long as he misspelled or altered the meaning from the dictionary
usage. Working with the words chicken and filliet , Truett came up with Chick fil A,
making the A stand for the first or best. He then hired the Richard Heiman Company
to create the logo that is still being used
The Visual Characteristics Of Tea And Porcelain In China
The visual sources provided throughout 14.1 14.4 assist in showing what items
were used, and why they were there at the time; while the descriptions give us
evidence of how the products were collected. In 14.1, there s many foreign items
to take note of in the visual source provided that is Tea and Porcelain in China. For
example, the Porcelain tea cups, teapot, and saucer are all in the image to show
what materials were used at the time. Though the tea cups were manufactured in
China, they were specifically made for the target audience of European buyers.
There is evidence of this shown in the Chinese patterns on the cups and teapots.
The Chinese floral designs, clothing styles, creativity, and more had a major
impact on the desires of the elite upper class in Europe as they had become widely
fascinated with all things Chinese. While the Chinese had realized this liking of
their designs by the European market, they used this to target their buyers by
making the teacups with cultured designs such as the Chinese gardens but also tied
in the European style houses to cater to the tastes of the European consumers. The
woman shown in the visual source looks as if she is from the upper class. Judging
by her silk dress and that she is using the Porcelain cups makes it most likely that
this is the case. If the dress was of unimportance, then there could be the possibility
that she is involved in the trade but I would argue that she is in fact in the elite upper
class. This take
David Lockyer s War Limericks
War it isn t desired by anyone. If we can, we try to avoid it as much as possible. But
there are times when war can t be avoided. This fighting ultimately leads to thousands
of innocent lives lost men, women and children. We grieve their deaths, we mourn
their deaths and we feel saddened by their deaths. Poetrycan help alleviate this
saddened feeling. It can help us to feel happier in times of great depression and
stress. Some poems however strike the heart of warand the horrors related to it. The
poets can express their points of view on war, conscriptions or the propagandas in a
dark manner and create a gloomy atmosphere. One of these poems is part of David
Lockyer s War Limericks. As the title suggests, this poem is a limerick with sound
and visual language used to boost the poems meaning.
The theme of Lockyer s poem is the B 17, a bomber which flew for the United States
Army Air Corps in World War II. In this poem, Lockyer is trying to express his own
point of view ... Show more content on ...
In the poem, Lockyer is expressing the success of the B 17 bomber in World War II.
The bomber was a relatively large airframe measuring in at a wingspan of 32 metres
and an overall length of 21 metres. Because of this, he compares the B 17 to a castle,
saying it was a castle in the air. He also calls the B 17 a flying fortress. This name
again gives us a visual image of just how large this bomber was.
Speaking of a flying fortress, this is one example of sound language that Lockyer
has used. It is a form of alliteration and helps to flow the poem. It helps to emphasise
the idea of the B 17 being a castle in the sky. Alliteration also adds to the rhythm of a
poem and in a limerick this is all the more important. Because this poem is a limerick,
it contains an AABBA rhyme and rhythm pattern. Rhyme and rhythm in a poem are
important because they provide the heartbeat of the poem to which it can flow
Poetry And Literary Analysis Of Birches By Robert Frost
Birches , written by Robert Frost in 1913 and published as part of his Mountain
Interval collection, is a poem of childhood naivety. The euphonic piece explores the
use of abundant writing techniques, all of which contribute to its layers of
complexity. The speaker of this poem is focused on birch trees, hoping that they
have been bent by a young boy swinging them; however, the speaker is fully aware
of the Truth , knowing that they have indeed been bent down by an ice storm.
Wishing to go back in time to the days in which he himself would swing birchtrees,
the speaker contemplates more profound meanings of this swinging. A tendency
found in Frost s writing is an implementation of nature, often utilized as either the
focus of the work or just an auxiliary motif, resulting in quasi transcendental themes.
Being one of his most beloved works, Robert Frost s Birches is a poem which, upon
analysis of its complex use of poetic and literary devices, reveals a culmination of
distinct themes. Birches is a poem open to many themes and interpretations, some of
which only require the poem s most direct, nominal meaning. Others interpretations
require a more in depth, holistic approach, analyzing its structure and devices. Neither
of these approaches are more correct than the other. A holistic interpretation of this
work instills the motif of balance, putting forth the idea that life is a constant pursuit
to achieve balance between equal, yet opposite concepts. Another
Legal Issues Related To The Fashion Industry
The major problems facing companies, especially smaller ones, in resolving product
adaptation issues are things that can differ in different cultures such as the taste of
the product, the style, the color, or symbols, language, but also more specific like
differences in technology, environmental differences, religion etc. The taste of a
product is very important for the food, drinks and cigarette industry. Style is more
important in car and fashion industry, which also includes the color and symbols.
The meaning of a color or a symbol can differ from culture to culture. The package of
the product can also need adaptations. Special symbols and the language need to
adapt to the country/culture. Some symbols can be offensive in one... Show more
content on ...
4. Propose ways in which intellectual property piracy could be stopped permanently.
I believe that it is simply not realistic to speak of eliminating all piracy, as there
will always be at least a small segment of the population who can t be deterred from
stealing others ideas and creativity. Instead, what we can and should strive for is
the reduction of piracy to the lowest levels possible; levels that will not rob authors
and copyright owners of the incentive to create and distribute their works. I believe
that this could be accomplished through a two step copyright protection program of:
1) crafting a proper legal framework and 2) the adequate and proper implementation
of the said framework. The legal framework provides the basic rights to copyright
owners and establishes procedures for the enforcement of those rights. Those
procedures must provide the opportunity to obtain adequate remedies when those
rights are violated as well as the possibility of punitive monetary judgments and, in
appropriate cases, imprisonment of the infringer. The second part of this copyright
protection program is the application of these legal rules to ensure that copyright
owners have actual, effective protection against infringement of their rights. 5.The
software industry is the hardest hit by piracy. Using the Web site of the Business
Software Alliance ( and WTO ( check out egroups
LINKS assess how this
Healthy Food Vs Unhealthy Food
Healthy food vs unhealthy food, knowing the difference and what it does to our
body and why some of the food we eat causes obesity. They both have a similarity,
but there is a huge difference in healthy and unhealthy food. The main difference
are taste, cost, and health. You will see a difference in the costs, but not a huge
difference, but we are still saving money from not eating healthy food. Buying
cheaper food and healthy food you will see the quality and quantity. Especially, how
it looks, feels, and how much comes with the product. I feel like our rate of obesity
is so high because healthy food is more expensive than eating junk foodor fast food.
When eating healthy there are a good amount of benefits compared to not eating...
Show more content on ...
Just about every fast food restaurant offers some kind of healthy alternatives today.
Whether it s grilled chicken sandwiches, wraps, or salads, there is usually
something for everyone. One thing to keep in mind is that healthier options
generally tend to be a little more expensive. But because it is fast food, you are still
going to save money over homemade foods. (2017, July 5). Healthy food quality
and quantity. Yes , you are paying more for healthy food and yes, you do get less
product from paying their expensive healthy food. When you are buying healthy
food they already have them package individually so the food you buy will have
just amount of calories you want and just enough of nutrients. Having such good
quality from eating healthy food, it will make you fuller faster because of the
product they put in the meat, snacks, and drinks. There are a few disadvantages of
eating unhealthy cheap food because sometimes the product they make contains too
much salt and fat. Which is why sometimes cheap food has bad quality for the price
you are getting. Unhealthy foods contain unhealthy product do not get me wrong
though, there are some cheap food that does have great quality in their food. You just
have to pick out the right stuff for the right prices. There is not a huge price
difference in healthy food or unhealthy

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Biodiversity Essays

  • 1. Biodiversity Essays Crafting an essay on the topic of biodiversity poses a unique set of challenges that require a comprehensive understanding of ecological concepts, environmental science, and conservation principles. The complexity of the subject lies not only in its scientific intricacies but also in the need to convey the significance of biodiversity to a diverse audience. Firstly, delving into the scientific aspects demands a grasp of taxonomy, ecosystem dynamics, and the interconnectedness of various species. Articulating these concepts in a clear and accessible manner while maintaining accuracy can be a daunting task. Additionally, keeping abreast of the latest research findings and incorporating them into the essay requires diligence and a commitment to staying informed about evolving scientific discourse. Beyond the scientific realm, addressing the importance of biodiversity in the context of environmental sustainability, human well-being, and global ecosystems adds another layer of difficulty. The essay must strike a balance between presenting facts and fostering an appreciation for the delicate balance that biodiversity maintains in sustaining life on Earth. Moreover, the challenge lies in constructing a compelling narrative that engages readers and encourages them to reflect on their role in preserving biodiversity. The need for a persuasive argument is underscored by the urgency of conservation efforts and the potential consequences of biodiversity loss. In conclusion, writing an essay on biodiversity demands a multifaceted approach, combining scientific accuracy with the ability to communicate complex concepts in an accessible way. The task requires continuous research, a commitment to staying informed, and a skillful use of language to convey the importance of biodiversity to a broad audience. For assistance with similar essays and a wide range of topics, one may explore the services offered on The platform provides professional support for academic writing needs, offering a helping hand to those navigating the challenges of essay composition. Biodiversity Essays Biodiversity Essays
  • 2. Europeans In Africa Research Paper Long before the Europeans arrived, Africans had a well formed society. The people of this continent were intelligent, finding ways that not only benefit themselves but others as well. One of the biggest trade centers in the world, at the time, was the trade of the Sahara. Goods and valuables were transported throughout the area. Before the Europeans arrived, African empires, kingdoms, and cities all achieved great government, wealth, and trade. Politics and rulers sprouted into the African lifestyle at around 800 A.D. Ghana, known as The Land of Gold, was formed by the rulers of the Soninke people. The king controlled the salt trades that passed through Ghana. This king collected tolls from all goods entering or leaving his land. After Ghana s downfall and the attacks in Niger, all but one son was left alive, Sundiata. This man was regarded as a sickly boy and was too weak to be a threat. However, he proved the rivals wrong as he crushed his enemies, gained control over trade routes, and founded the empire known as Mali. The greatest ruler of this kingdom went by... Show more content on ... In the early centuries, trade began to develop due to a surplus of farming production. Civilizations began to cross the Sahara and developed a trading network. From northern Africa, leather goods, kola nuts, cotton cloth, and enslaved people were brought. From western Africa, merchants brought silk, metal, beads, and horses. However, the two products that dominated the Sahara trade were gold and salt. In West Africa, gold was an abundance. However, an equally valuable product was found North, salt. These two valuable products became the leading trade products throughout the Sahara. However, the Sahara was not the only trade system. In East Africa, near the city of Axum, was a bustling community of trade. The people of Axum were of mixed ethnicities and cultures. This enabled a great variety of goods and enslaved people
  • 3. El Nivel Socio Economico Y INTRODUCCION EnfermerГa no es un simple trabajo remunerado es una vocaciГіn. Es la oferta a otros seres humanos en el momento mГЎs difГcil de su vida cuando se estГЎ enfermo. La necesidad de ofrecer en el paciente que sufre, es el punto de partida y la fuerza motriz de los cuidados de enfermerГa. La necesidad de atenciГіn de la salud estГЎ en constante evoluciГіn y tiene la forma de acuerdo a las necesidades, las capacidades, la cultura y el nivel socio econГіmico de cada paГs. EnfermerГa hace mucho tiempo juega y sigue jugando un papel destacado en la oferta de atenciГіn integrada. La enfermerГa es una oferta de salud con sensibilidad social, el respeto a las personas en todas las etapas de la salud y la enfermedad en todo el curso de su vida, incluso antes de la concepciГіn y el nacimiento hasta la vejez y la muerte. El objetivo de este desarrollo es actualizar la informaciГіn clave para las quemaduras y abordarlas a travГ©s de primeros auxilios. Por lo tanto lo que las quemaduras se encuentran en la vida cotidiana y, a veces lleva a la muerte. Las herramientas utilizadas en este trabajo es estudiar en profundidad la literatura existente, el griego y el extranjero, y los puestos relacionados en el Internet. RESUMEN Este trabajo tiene como sujeto las quemaduras y el atenciГіn de la enfermerГa. En el 1Вє capГtulo, se hace referencia a la definiciГіn y las causas de las quemaduras donde segГєn ellos, se dividen en tГ©rmicas, quГmicas, elГ©ctricas y de la radiaciГіn. Entonces los
  • 4. Misconceptions Of Policing Essay Misconceptions of Policing As the day begins, millions of American s perception of police work is influenced by everyday norms that they face. Whether it being actual interaction with police, news, movies, TV, protests, social media, observing police, or conversations with peers, people are knowingly or unknowingly forming an idea as to what policework is like. The ideas of policing have taken on a drastic change since the beginning of the 21st century. With the introduction of social media and the internet, people have been free to express whatever feelings or stories they have about police whenever they want without any fact checking or any type review by professionals. Entertainment media has molded policing into action pact dramas where... Show more content on ... the CSI effect is the notion that people who watch crime shows like CSI feel as though they have an understanding of forensic investigation and an expectation that a certain amount of evidence should be presented at a trial just like in the shows. In his research titled The Impact of Crime Drama Viewership on Perceptions of Forensics and Science, Amber Ferris studied the relationships between crime drama viewership and perceptions of forensics and science. Part of his research found a positive correlation between the numbers of hours spent watching a show and it effect on people s perception of forensic evidence. Ferris found that the more participants watched CSI programming, the more likely they were to indicate that scientific evidence would be presented in theft cases and in every criminal case (Ferris,2011, p.78) and that hours spent per week viewing CSI: Miami was positively related to participant s‟ likelihood of expecting forensic evidence in every criminal case(Ferris,2011, p.76). This notion is one of many misconceptions that come from TV s take on forensic investigation. In a study of 400 murder cases across multiple jurisdictions, it was found that only 13.5% of the cases had physical evidence that linked the crime to the suspect (Turvey,2011, p.147). DNA was found in only 4.5% of the homicides with latent fingerprints being found 28% of the time and biological
  • 5. Musical Theatre As A Theatrical Performance Musical Theatre is a theatrical performance when the story is told through dialogue, song, and dance. Back then, people didn t Snap Chat, Face Time or watch TV for entertainment; they would go to the Theatre for a night out, first date, etc. To give a more definitive description of how musicals evolved, affected, and influenced throughout history, a time line of major musicals that defined certain stages of Musical Theatrewill probably help people understand what makes it so unique. Now a quick history lesson, Musical Theatre technically was created in 5th Century BCE Ancient Greece, when staged comedies and tragedies would be told with a bit music and dance...but Musicals didn t fully emerge into the world until the early 20th Century when the art form went to London, England, and then to America, which formed the famous theatre district, Broadway. Now that the basics are covered of where Musical Theatre came from, this paper is more about how Broadway Musicals evolved into what they are in present day, how people have reacted to such performances, and how musical theatre has impacted not only America, but also the world. The first era of Musical Theatre actually started in the 1920 s 1930 s during the Great Depression. This was a the first time there were musicals other than the fun, young, and enjoyable shows, the first example of this would be the musical Show Boat, which premiered in December 1927, the music was by Jerome Kern, book and lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II,
  • 6. Taft Dbq Throughout the beginning of the 1900 s, Roosevelt became immensely favored and adored by the majority of United States citizens. After Theodore Roosevelt served his terms of presidency from 1901 1909, he declared that he would not accept a renomination for another term. With being in control of the Republican Partyand also becoming quite favored, Roosevelt was able to name who his successor would be. With having being so popular and trustworthy, Roosevelt commanded the Republican Party to stay loyal to his ways by nominating and supporting Roosevelt s secretary of war, William Howard Taft. When Roosevelt left office, he stated, I have the profound satisfaction of knowing that he [Taft] will do all in his power to further every one of the great causes for which I have fought and that he will persevere in every one of the great governmental policies in which I most firmly believe (6). However, when election time came around, many Americans were not impressed by the actions that Taft had taken and the way he carried himself. Many Americans were against Taft and believed that he was not competent enough to take on the job. When Taft ran for his second term in 1912, his opposers, betrayal of the Republican Party and his seemingly lack of political knowledge and training cost him the election. Mid way through his first term, Taft had changed his motives and wanted to remove so called disloyal members from the Republican party. Around this time, Taft was also in a
  • 7. Forecasting Using Eviews Data The variables of interest are oil imports to Germany, and temperature in Germany. The latter is used as a leading indicator for the former, to improve on the forecast obtained by the univariate model. Both variables are collected over a time range from January 1985 until and including December 1997, whereas the last year is not used for constructing the optimal forecast, obtained by fitting a model through the data until the end of 1996. This will enable us to forecast the year 1997 using our model, and then comparing it to the actual data. Assuming no large one time shock, meaning that it is not captured by seasonality or cyclical behaviour in the data, occurs in this year, a graphical comparison of our forecast and the whole data... Show more content on ... The insignificant December month can be explained by the little temperature difference compared to the base month January, and roughly the same oil is consumed therefore. Moreover the negative signs of their coefficients are in line with intuition, that in the coldest month January more oil is needed than in all the other month. The last step before fitting autoregressive and moving averages terms to the data, is to check for unit roots. We will use the augmented Dickey Fuller test to decide whether the data has a unit root or not. The H0 of the test is that the data has a unit root against the Ha, that the data has no unit root. Table 1.1 shows the result of the augmented Dickey Fuller test. The p value of the
  • 8. Imperialism And Education Throughout this semester, all of the novels and poetry that we have read have a great deal to do with an individual s personal education. Within the last two works, The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and The Jungle Book, present the importance of education in the form of not only enlightenment, but also as a tool to ensure clarity of mind and ambitions. In a current sense, we are dealing with the same sort of issues in education. This can in a conceptual way be applied to the difficult idea of combining and finding a balance between the traditional form of teaching with the technology advanced form of education that we are beginning to find normal, in contrast with the concept of British imperialism blending with the previous Indian culture to give... Show more content on ... This is simply an irrational apprehension toward people of different races or countries than your own. Although the British see India simply as a land to colonize, they are resistant to even contemplating the idea of accepting some of the Indian traditions. The current pieties of the Indian culture were not only decimated, but were being suppressed. We also see this form of resistance in education as well. The state now requires standards of technology to be included in every lesson plan that it taught. For traditional teachers who have no experience with much of the technology, this can be overwhelming and they resist it on all fronts because they do not understand it. We see this concept of the expectation for us to drop the traditional ideals or techniques that we know well for something that is supposedly better within the jungle in the story The Miracle of Purun Bhagat: He had been, as the Old Law recommends, twenty years a youth, twenty years a fighter though he had never carried a weapon in his life and twenty years the head of a household. He had used his wealth and his power for what he known both to be worth; he had taken honor when it came his way; he had seen men and cities far and near, and men and cities had stood up and honored him. Now he would let these things go, as a man drops the cloak he needs no
  • 9. Child Sexual Abuse in India SUB THEME VIOLENCE AGAINST GIRL CHILD TITLE CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE IN INDIA: A SOCIO LEGAL ISSUES ISHA KANSAL STUDENT OF B.A.LL.B. (4th SEMESTER) DISHA LAW COLLEGE RAIPUR, CHHATTISGARH ADDRESS OF AUTHOR Mr. Neeraj Kansal B 18/15, Sec 3 Udya society, Tatibandh Raipur (C.G.), 492001 BIOGRAPHY OF AUTHOR I am Isha Kansal, I have completed my schooling from Gyan Ganga Educational Academy, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. I am currently pursuing B.A.LL.B. (4th semester) from Disha Law College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. ... Show more content on ... In 2007, the ministry of Women and Child development released a study report on on child abuse. The report discusses incidence of child abuse nationwide. It is estimated that 150 million girls and 73 million boys under 18 have been subjected to forced sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual violence .[4] In 2013, India s Hell Holes: Child Sexual Assault in Juvenile Justice Homes, the Asian Centre for Human Rights said that sexual offences against children in India have reached epidemic proportion. [5] The report stated that more than 48,000 child rape cases were recorded from 2001 to 2011 and that India saw an increase of 336% of child rape cases from 2001 (2,113 cases) to 2011 (7,112 cases).[6] PROTECTION OF CHILDREN FROM SEXUAL OFFENCES ACT, 2012 (HIGHLIGHTS) : The act has defined a child as any person who is below the age of 18 years and it provides protection to all those children who are below the age of 18 years from the offences of sexual assault, sexual harassment and pornography. [7]
  • 10. This is the first time that the Act has listed aspects of touch as well as non touch behavior (eg: photographing a child in an obscene manner) under the ambit of sexual offences. [8] The Act incorporates child friendly procedures for reporting, recording of evidence, investigation and trial of offences. [9] If a person attempts to commit an offence under the Act will be liable for
  • 11. St. Jude Hospital Essay St. Jude Children s Research Hospital St. Jude Children s Research Hospital is a non profit organization that helps battle pediatric cancers. St. Jude Children s Research Hospital is not your typical children s hospital. The services and support they provide to their patients is unique as their founder Danny Thomas. I will explore their founder s history, mission, and how they are able to continue the work today. Danny Thomas was the founder of the hospital. The story begins when Mr. Thomas went to church one day. He was so moved by the Mass that he gave his last $7 dollars to the church. He realized soon after that he had offered the only money he had to pay for hospital expenses for the birth of his first child. At that moment... Show more content on ... He went to his fellow friends in the Arabic community for their help. In 1957 Danny along with his friends formed the ALSAC (American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities). ALSAC purpose is to raise money for the hospital. It is now the third largest health care charity. Some of the fundraisers that are held include: FedEx St. Jude Classic, St. Jude Math a thon, Up til Dawn, radio thons, St Jude Dream Home Giveaway, St. Jude Hope Gift Book, NBA Hoops for St Jude Week and St Jude Give thanks. Give hope campaign. St. Jude is known for being at the forefront of battling pediatric cancers. It was also the first hospital in Memphis where patients were integrated in the same room. St Jude had a large impact on nutrition in the United States. Physicians from the hospital created a volunteer health clinic to treat some of the poorer areas of Memphis. They made a major discovery. They found that a majority of the members in the community were malnourished. The director of the hospital decided that this was a major catastrophic disease and took action to create a research study. A news station decided to do a report on the program that happened to catch the attention of a senator. The senator then helped to create the Child Nutrition Act with the help of St Jude which led to the creation of the WIC program. WIC serves 53 percent of the infants born in the US (St. Jude Children Research Hospital). In the 1980s a new disease was striking children and the
  • 12. Bitcoin and Remittances in Karnataka Subject Information Technology in a Global Society Topic Bitcoin and remittances in Karnataka Research Question To what extent will Bitcoin be a viable alternative to traditional methods of remittance to Karnataka? Word Count 2500 India currently has the highest amount of remittances in the world with approximately 70 billion US dollars (The Economic Times, 2014) being sent to India in all of 2013. As India is the highest in terms of receiving remittances, it is the most likely be effected by a new, possibly better means of remittance which through Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the world s first decentralized digital currency launched in 2009 as open source software (The Economist , 2013). It is a peer to peer network and transactions do not go through a bank which gives many advantages over fiat money. The fees are much lower, you can use them in any country, and your account cannot be frozen. To send Bitcoins from one digital wallet to another no matter where each wallet is located, is a fast process with an optional miniscule fee. The larger fee you put, the faster the transaction will be processed. You do not need to give any personal information to anyone to send the money and therefore in this sense it is anonymous. When you download and open the digital wallet, it will generate an address, similar to an email address. With the digital wallet you can easily send and receive an amount of Bitcoins from one address to another, just as you would with sending and receive
  • 13. Comparing Hepzibah And Clifford In The House Of Seven Gables The comparison in the changes between Hepzibah and Clifford both effects their lives great in The House Of Seven Gables. The reader may feel that Clifford s changes effected him more and were brought upon him by society. Clifford was forced to make changes and had to do it so his past would not repeat himself. He had to find out a new way of life and how to adjust to the new society he lives in. Clifford changed more than Hepzibah in this novelfor several reasons. Clifford changed the most in this novel upon his release from prison for thirty years. He was framed for murder which he did not commit, which put him in jail for thirty years. After getting out of jail for that long is a huge shock cause a lot could change and Clifford needs to figure out how to go back to his old life. He needs to be able to adjust to the different atmosphere rather than the one he had in prison. Clifford was influenced by other and had to make a change to get his life back on track. ... Show more content on ... She is a great influence on him and brings the best out of Clifford. Their relationship is just friends but he loves spending time with this lovely girl, her influence on him forced him to change. A huge flaw of Clifford is that he cannot stand to be taken care of by an ugly women, which makes him not let Hepzibah take care of him because of her age. This is where Pheobe fits perfectly into the novel as that women to take care of him and be there for
  • 14. International Labour Organization ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all we would like to thank Almighty Allah for giving us the courage and ability to complete this report.We would like to express our gratitude to all those who gave us the possibility to complete this report. We want to thank the Department of management sciences of our university for giving us an opportunity to commence this project in the first instance and to do the necessary research work. We are deeply indebted to our supervisor Sir Muzammil Aftab whose help, stimulating suggestions and encouragement helped us all for writing this report.Especially, we would like to give our special thanks to the staff of ILO for cooperating with us and giving us all the relevant data according to our project obligation.... Show more content on ... IPEC s work to eliminate child labour is an important facet of the ILO s Decent Work Agenda. Child labour not only prevents children from acquiring the skills and education they need for a better future, it also perpetuates poverty and affects national economies through losses in competitiveness, productivity and potential income. Withdrawing children from child labour, providing them with education and assisting their families with training and employment opportunities contribute directly to creating decent work for adults. Setting target group priorities The goal of IPEC remains the prevention and elimination of all forms of child labour, the priority targets for immediate action are the worst forms of child labour, which are defined in the ILO Convention on the worst forms of child labour, 1999 (No. 182) as: All forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, Such as the sale and trafficking of children, Debt bondage and serfdom and forced or compulsory labour, including forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict; The use, procuring or offering of a child for prostitution, for the production of pornography or for pornographic performances; The use, procuring or offering of a child for illicit activities, in particular for the production and trafficking of drugs as defined in the relevant international treaties;
  • 15. Dan Sperber s Article The Future of Writing In Dan Sperber s article The Future of Writing, he assesses the presence of writing and reading in our society, as well as where it may lie in the future . He addresses the possible downfall of writing, the prevalence that reading will hold in our society, as well as how our society will adapt and handle the changes. He also covers the emergence of text to speech and speech to text technological advances, the effects on society and how the disappearance of the two of them will never fully occur. Sperber s main claim throughout the article is that writing, with the help of technology , may eventually cease to exist, or at least be far less prominent . While writing has obtained a unique and prominent standing in most places of the... Show more content on ... However, Sperber does stress that there is a strong difference between the writing and reading, and their relationship with technology. While he states that writing may completely be taken over by technology, the same could never be done to reading. Most particularly because the two are very closely linked, yet writing could never exist without reading. The benefits that are present with writing come mostly from reading, as well as with the fact that as you write, you read along with your words. Though writing may be replaced at some point in time, reading can never be replaced despite the text to speech technology. In particular, he addresses the impact that technology could have, and like writing it involves both speech and text, yet in the opposite order. This time technology would allow a person to listen to the text be read to them rather than having to read it themselves. However, Sperber suspects that this is much less likely than the latter, particularly because most people prefer to read and interpret on their own. They typically also do not enjoy the voice of the computer, and it is much harder to follow, especially due to
  • 16. Speech On The Freedom Of Speech Freedom of speech is the right to communicate one s opinions and ideas. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. Governments restrict speech with varying limitations. Common limitations on speech relate to libel, slander, obscenity, pornography, sedition, hate speech, incitement, fighting words, classified information, copyright violation, trade secrets, non disclosure agreements, right to privacy, right to be forgotten, public security, public order, public nuisance, campaign finance reform and oppression. Whether these limitations can be justified under the harm principle depends upon whether influencing a third party s opinions or actions adversely to the second party constitutes such harm or not. Governmental and other compulsory organizations often have policies restricting the freedom of speech, for example, speech codes at state schools. The term offense principle is also used to expand the range of free speech limitations to prohibit forms of expression where they are considered offensive to society, special interest groups or individuals. For example, freedom of speech is limited in many jurisdictions to widely differing degrees by religious legal systems, religious offense or incitement to ethnic or racial hatred laws. The right to freedom of expression is recognized as a human right under article 19 of the Universal Declaration
  • 17. Egbert Roscoe Murrow Essay Egbert Roscoe Murrow, an American broadcast journalist, was born on April 25, 1908. The youngest of three brothers, was raised in Guilford County, North Carolina where they lived on a farm until the age of 6 only bringing a few hundred dollars a year from corn and hay. The Murrow family lived without the amenities today that we could not imagine life without, electricity and plumbing. After turning 6, Egbert and his familymoved across the country to Skagit County, Washington. Skagit county was only 30 miles south of the Canadian border and he attended school nearby in Edison where he excelled greatly in basketball, winning a championship and was president of the student body his senior year. In Egbert s sophomore year of college, he changed... Show more content on ... This signature line soon became the opening of many different radio broadcasts and for many different CBS radio channels over the world, such as Europe. Murrow was also famous for his line Good night and good luck at the end of every radio report he gave. Murrow was named famous and celebrity like for his ability to give such great war reports. Murrow returned to the United States again in 1941. A dinner was held in his honor and Franklin D. Roosevelt sent him a welcome back telegram which was read at the dinner. He was mostly recognized by a speech from the Librarian of Congress for his power and intimacy of wartime dispatches. Only a week after this speech the attack on Pearl Harbor occurred. Murrow brought in several different combat missions to give additional reports to later broadcast. Murrow learned skills while majoring in Speech in college on how to improvise vivid descriptions and was able to broadcast a well descripted announcement of what was going on. Murrow so closely worked with the British and was offered a job by Winston Churchill to be in charge of programming. This job was declined by Murrow but led him to meet Churchill s daughter in law, Pamela. Edward Murrow married back in 1935, Janet Brewster and had their first son, Charles Casey Murrow. Pamela wanted to get married to Murrow and he considered it but ended the affair when his wife had their son Charles in
  • 18. Military Culture THEME Culture of a nation is manifested and influenced by a number of factors. National psyche and traits being the most pronounced ones. Military culture , to a certain extent , is in harmony with the national culture, however, it has its own impulses and dynamics. It incorporates obedience that curtails individual freedom or at times it may be at tangent with the socio cultural values of a society ; Military culture of British Indian Army ,as inherited by us is a case in point here. Philosophy of our present military outlets draws strength from history , organisational infrastructure , uniform , traditions social moorings and a host of other factors which , despite numerous changes , is still undergoing the process of evolution. In ... Show more content on ... The attitude, values, ideals and beliefs of individuals are greatly influenced by the culture in which they live. Precisely, culture is the sum total of the ways of life of people in a particular society. Views on Concept of Culture It would be in order to first examine the connotation and exact meaning of culture. Sociologists differ wide in their perceptions in explanting culture and its inter related concepts. The best definition from the military view point is given by Leslie A. White, who quotes famous sociologists Frank Boas and Melville J. Herskovits. He writes culture may be defined (as per Boas), as the totality of the mental and physical reactions and activities that characterise the behaviour of individuals composing a social group.... . He further quotes Herskovits and says, When culture is closely analysed, we find but a series of patterned reactions that characterise the behaviour of the individuals who constitute a given group. Another writer Sapir quoted by Leslie white classified culture as the mass of typical reactions. Culture is best summarised as a way of life of the people. It is manmade part of environment. Cultures includes beliefs, ideas, religion, art, customs and other habits which the people acquire while living in a society. Another very important aspect of culture is that it is ever changing by learning and transmitting from one generation to other through a
  • 19. Protecting Wireless Sensor Network From Internet Attacks Protect wireless sensor network from Internet attacks As the rapid development of internet, the technology of wireless sensor network (WSN) plays an important role in our real life. Moreover, WSN are the essential elements on a wide range of fields such as Internet of things (IOT). Thus, it is necessary to prevent WSN from internet attacks and maintain its stability. Sensor nodes in WSN can not only collect and process physical data, but also communicate with other entities. Therefore, this essay will illustrate three approaches on the security of WSN and analyze as well as discuss the three approaches based on attacks types, attacks source, applied range and energy consumption and so on. Nowadays, there are already a large number of new ... Show more content on ... Although wireless sensor network and the other types of network sometimes need same security requirements, providing security service for WSN own more challenges when compared with secure foundation of network because of limited energy, the nodes number, storage, Internet bandwidth, communication of sensor nodes and the capabilities of computation. Two main reasons are computation capabilities and low traffic rates. The low traffic rate of sensor nodes can not support battery of sensors to make the network smooth for a long time and devices in the WSN can not support very complex computation to deal with some typical internet attacks. Additionally, Internet attacks can be divided into two types: internal attacks and external attacks. Generally, internal attacks are produced from malicious nodes. On the other hand, when it comes to the external attacks, wireless sensor network are easy to be attacked by several types of external internet attacks, which can be considered to three main aspects: secrecy and authentication attacks, network availability attacks and replay attacks.(p135, denial). Although many traditional techniques that have been used to resist various kinds of attacks, there are still remain serious problems in security of WSN. As a result, it is necessary to come up with the most effective approach to handle the Internet attacks in time because the faster development of technology, the more security problems. For these reasons, the prevention of
  • 20. A Midsummer Night s Dream By Michael Hoffman A Midsummer Night s Dream, was written by William Shakespeare in the late 1500 s, and was first performed in the early 1600 s. Shakespeare was one of the most influential writers of all time, and this play is one of his better known comedies from a variety of others. Although this play, as well as many of Shakespeare s plays have been performed on many different stages all over the world, this is a focus on the film. The film was released in April, 1999, and was directed as well screenplayed by Michael Hoffman. A Midsummer Night s Dream is a comedy that has a mix up with young lovers, a trickster who causes most of the mess, and a strong female and male character who face a major disagreement. The play has four young individuals: two
  • 21. A Case Study of Harlequin Publishing Harlequin Romances: Strategic planning SWOT Strengths Harlequin is one of the most famous mass market publishers in the world. It primarily publishes romances, largely directed towards female readers, under a variety of imprints. Some of these romances are historical, others are contemporary. Some are extremely explicit, while others are more innocent. While certain aspects of these different lines vary from imprint to imprint, there is a great deal of consistency to Harlequin s brand image. Almost everyone knows that a Harlequin is a romance, and the brand name is synonymous with romance, much like Coca Cola is synonymous with soda. Weaknesses The publishing industry is struggling in many areas. Customers have a great deal of other reading material they can access online. Readers can read cheaper, self published novels on their Kindle, or surf free content online. Also, the Harlequin image amongst some women is seen as out of date, given contemporary feminist mores. Opportunities Harlequin is seeking to enter the self publishing and e publishing market to diversify and modernize its options. Creating books solely for online reading suits the Harlequin model, given that there is a strong emphasis on creating disposable books for pleasure. Reading online, consumers will no longer have to get rid of their old Harlequins at garage sales, given that they can access the content virtually and dispose of it electronically when finished. Romance readers buy in
  • 22. Frederick Douglass Speech In 1852, when Frederick Douglass, a prominent civil rights activist and former slave, was invited to speak in front of a modest audience of abolitionists in commemoration of Independence Day, surely they were unprepared. Surely, they were expecting a tone far less solemn. Surely some, if not most, went home that day with at least a fraction of their patriotism replaced with something far more unsettling. Perhaps it was a newfound perspective: the perspective of an American slave on Independence Day a day that was, according to Douglass, not a celebration applicable to a person of color. The purpose of Douglass s speech, The Hypocrisy of the Nation Must Be Exposed , is exactly that: to evoke a response that makes people uncomfortable, a response that makes people reconsider. In this piece, he criticizes the nation s blatant disregard for its own founding principles through the practice of slavery, reminding his audience that many are still a far cry from being truly free. Douglass is able to call attention to severe injustices faced by enslaved blacks across the nation and expose the corruption of the United Statesthrough the use of literary devices and rhetorical appeals within his speech. Frederick Douglass begins his speech by immediately introducing a literary device. A rhetorical question is defined as a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer . Douglass offers several rhetorical questions in succession,
  • 23. Intellectual Disabilities Chapter 1 Summary This week the reading was a review of Chapter five. I still believe it is true that it takes a village. It takes the village of the community as well as the educational village that works with students with intellectual disabilities every day. When children have an IEP it is important to make sure the curriculum is adjusted to make sure the needs of the children are met. The functional curriculum is still a great way to teach students with intellectual disabilities because it helps the students learn academic and life skills. Life skills are needed to be able to help the student with intellectual disabilities to be able to function in the real world. This will help prepare them to learn how to grocery shop, know the value of money and not be
  • 24. Essay Life for Medieval Women Medieval society was completely dominated by men, making a women s life at the time difficult. Medieval law at the time stated that women could not marry without their parents consent, could not divorce their husbands, could not own property unless widows, could not inherit land if they had surviving brothers, and could own no business with special permission (Trueman, Medieval Women ). When a woman married a man, he would get any property she owned and she would forfeit any rights she had to him. When the husband dies she would get one third of the land to live on and support herself. Unmarried women who owned land had the same rights as men (Hull). Whenever a woman got into trouble it would be her closest male relative who would appear... Show more content on ... Midwives also perform emergency baptisms if the baby was ill or dying (Bovey). Careers Women had trouble advancing in trade and were usually barred from entering a guild (a group of skilled workers of the same trade). Typical duties would be to take care of the family, work out in the fields, be a servant to rich people, or make some sort of craft like cloths. Here s a quote from a record in 1461: Various people of the weavers craft in Bristol employ their wives, daughters and maids either to weave at their looms, or to work for someone else at the same craft. Women would also be paid less than men for doing the same amount of work, an issue that is still around today. For reaping, a peasant man could get 8 pence a day. For the same task, peasant women would get 5 pence. For hay making, men would earn 6 pence a day while women got 4 pence (Trueman, Medieval Women ). Common jobs for medieval women were shopkeepers, bakers, spinners, alewives, farmers, and silk weavers. There were even some women writers. Women worked more than one job because they got paid less than men therefore, in order to make an adequate income, they took on extra work. Being a spinner was the most common occupation of that time period. Women spent much of their time spinning wool into coarse thread, then weaving it into cloth and making garments (Hull). John Fitzherbert in his book A Book of Husbandry written in 1525 said of a
  • 25. Pierre Trudeau s Accomplishments The past is to be respected and acknowledged but not to be worshipped. It is our future in which we find our greatness. These words were written by Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, who paved the way for the great Canadian future present today. Pierre Elliott Trudeau was an indispensable leader who guided Canadato greatness, he brought biculturalism and bilingualism to Canada, believed in equality and protecting human rights. Pierre Elliott Trudeau s accomplishments paved the way for a greater Canadian future because he became the leader Canada needed for protecting human rights, evolving Canada s language and by giving Canada the confidence it needed to succeed.... Show more content on ... Trudeau fought for Canada to be a country of many languages and cultures, he did this by introducing The Official Languages Act. In 1969 Trudeau established The Official Languages Act, this made English and French the official languages of Canada. It required all federal institutions to provide services in English and French. The Act was passed on the recommendation of the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism on 7 September 1969. The act was to ensure respect and equality of all rights and privileges as to their use in all federal institutions. The act supported the development of English and French linguistic minority communities and advanced the equality of English and French languages within Canada s society. Trudeau truly lead Canada to success and wanted the nation to become more diverse. Trudeau noted, Bilingualism means you can speak to the other; duality means you live in one language and the rest of Canada will live in another language. Trudeau strongly pushed for Canada to be Bilingual and thought it would make Canada stronger as a country. Trudeau felt that Quebechad to be less isolated and that it would allow French Canadians to maintain their culture while playing part in a key role in Canada. It was because of Pierre Elliott Trudeau that Canada kept peace amongst everyone and continued to be a united country. Trudeau made Canada better by bringing
  • 26. Liberty University Sample Book Review Chhi 520 Essay How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind: Rediscovering the African Seedbed of Western Christianity By Thomas C. Oden Downers Grove, Ill: Intervarsity Press, 2008, 204 pp, $ 19.00 hardcover. Thomas Oden, an accomplished scholar in systematic and historical theology, and retired professor at Drew University, has offered a compelling and positively provocative work in How AfricaShaped the Christian Mind. A work of scholarly repentance, he ably repudiates the posture of western theologians and historians (i.e. Harnack, Bauer, Schleiermacher) toward Africa s theological legacy (pp. 57 59). His present work is the fruit of thirty years of reading the early African fathers, and in the last fourteen, he has served as the general editor of the... Show more content on ... In chapter six, The Opportunity for Retrieval, Oden confronts the postEnlightenment worldview and hermeneutics of suspicion that has effectively diminished Africa s theological heritage. Chapter seven, How the Blood of the Martyrs Became the Seed of European Christianity, proposes Africa s history of martyrdom and the exodus event as alternatives to a Christian view of history marked by power. In chapter eight, Right Remembering, Oden asserts that orthodoxy is not a prize awarded to theological victors, but rather the fruit of correctly remembering the apostles teachings. In chapter nine, Seeking the Reconciliation of Christianity and Islam Through Historical Insight, he makes a case for the risky but necessary endeavor of engaging African Muslims in dialogue over their Christian heritage. In the appendix, Oden moves from being a scholar to an activist, laying out a strategic plan to implement his vision for recovering Africa s theological legacy, which includes the website, and the Journal of African Christianity. The book concludes with a helpful Literary Chronology of Christianity in the First Millenium, including key personalities, writings, and movements in the period. Perhaps the most relevant set of works to How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind is Oden s own Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture. Western theological hegemony has also been
  • 27. The Naturalistic Beliefs Of Homer And Hesiod In this essay, I will be presenting the way Homer and Hesiod accounts for many events such as the cosmos, origin, and nature of such. I will then present the same information from two Philosophers who followed, Heraclitus and Parmenides. I will then compare the differing philosophical arguments to determine how the cosmos and the event surrounding it came to be; furthermore, the reason behind the differing beliefs. In conclusion, I will state which Philosopher has the better argument regarding the cosmos and how the world itself came to be. According to Homer, the cosmos were created based upon different naturalistic interpretations. In Homer s Iliad, he begins with the ethical values in the time of the Trojans. Pleasure and happiness were cherished by the Trojans. Achilles, who was half God, half mortal, and the toughest fighter, had a woman distributed to him. Agamemnon takes the priest s daughter from Achilles, which leads him to become angry, and as a result, he raced to Troy killing the Greeks with the plague in retaliation. This lead Homer to conclude the Gods caused disease and were the conflict between human beings, but they were also able to prevent conflict. (How?) Therefore, the cause of thought was created by the God s. (How?) Furthermore, God s and/or Goddesses implant dreams, which have the ability to predict the future. Leading Homer to conclude the cosmos, and events surrounding, were naturalistic in nature. Following Homer s naturalistic approach is
  • 28. How Mauna Kea Should Remain Cultural And Not Allow Project... We are Mauna Kea Mauna Kea should remain cultural and not allow project TMT (thirty meter telescope) on the mountain. According to Hawaiian legend, Mauna Kea is the meeting place of Papa (Earth Mother) and Wakea (Sky Father) who are first ancestors in Hawaiian history. We as Hawaiians view Mauna Kea as a temple or house of worship. In our cultural understanding, it is believed that Mauna Keawas not created by man, but by Ke Akua (God). Mauna Kea is both the burial ground and the embodiment of the most sacred ancestors. This is why I am advocating that a thirty meter telescope, or TMT does not belong on Mauna Kea. Mauna Kea is a volcano on the island of Hawai i that is sacred to Native Hawaiiansas an elder ancestor and the physical embodiment of deities revered in Hawaiian culture and religion. According to Kay Ala Kahaulelio, a Hawaiian astronomer and student at University of Hawaii, he says, the sacredness of Mauna Kea is beyond what we can comprehend in the human realm. It is so scared because it is the portal and the closest temple where we can connect with our God. In Hawaiian genealogy, Mauna Kea is perceived as the center of ones being. It holds burial grounds and is a place where people scatter ashes of their loved ones. On Mauna Kea there are a total of 13 telescopes a number that I feel is too high that there are enough telescopes on Mauna Kea. Currently, there are thirteen working telescopes being operated by astronomers from 11 different countries, so why do
  • 29. Essay On The Aztecs In 1519, the Aztecs were the most powerful kingdom in Mesoamerica. At the peak of their reign, their territory stretched as far as 80,000 square miles over southern Mexico, and had as many as fifteen million people. The Aztecs emerged in the thirteenth century, as a nomadic tribe. They were guided by their chief god, Huitzilopochtli, the war god and representative of the sun. The Aztecs couldn t find a place to settle in the crowded central Mexico. Eventually, they were taken as serfs and mercenaries by the Colhuacan. Their population increased as they married the women that belonged to their neighbors. Eventually, the lowly Aztecs received a Toltec princess for their chief In 1323, the Aztecs sacrificed the princess with the belief that she would become a war goddess. The Colhuacan were horrified, and expelled the Aztecs from their territory. The Aztecs, no longer a hungry band of nomads, but a group of wise people after serving the Colhuacan, set out to find a new territory once again. They traveled southwest to the borders of the lakes that once surrounded Mexico City. There, they found two unoccupied, marshy islands that they quickly took and claimed as their own. They believed they were chosen by the gods and foretold that they would find a mighty city at a place where they would see an eagle perched on a cactus devouring a snake. Eventually, on a deserted island, they saw the majestic sight. Around 1345, under the rule of the ChiefTenoch, they had
  • 30. What Are Chapter Three Expatiates Eric s Depression In... Don DeLillo (1936 ) is an outstanding post modern novelist, dramatist and prose writer in contemporary American. With a wide range of creative themes and post modern writing style, DeLillo writes about American society and shows readers the holographic landscape of post modern society. Cosmopolis is one of DeLillo s novels, by describing the absurd travel experience of the protagonist Eric Parker in one day, it reveals the influence of science and technology and media on the development of contemporary society and the construction of subject consciousness, which reflects the alienation characteristics of subject consciousness. Based on close reading, this paper attempts to combine Edward Soja s Thirdspace theory with Cosmopolis and starts... Show more content on ... Chapter three expatiates Eric s depression in physical space. Firstly analysis Eric s depression in a skyscraper and streets, explores the globalization brings multiculture and material satisfaction for the modern, but it also brings depression mood. Then discuss indifference in elevators and limousine, and explores the physical space which is the symbol of wealth and position could bring the depression mood and make people become indifference. Chapter four analysis Eric s consciousness expression of paranoia in psychological space. In life, his psychological state shows an elite character with extreme narcissism and inferiority, revealing the influence of power and status on Eric s narcissistic personality. At work, Eric s arrogant attitude towards acquaintances and strangers and strong possessiveness in love makes Eric difficult to integrate into society and others, and becoming more sober and weird, and shows readers an alienation image like a paranoia. Chapter five focuses on the alienated representation of Eric and Benno Levin in the Thirdspace. Firstly, through analysis Eric s self escapement in theater and Benno s self isolation in a tenement, explores the alienated self separation in marginal space. Secondly, it expounds the alienated self retrospection of the subject in memorial space. By describing Eric s memories in barbershop and Benno s memories in an abandoned tenement, expresses the subject s remembrance for the
  • 31. Lucille Clifton After Oz Analysis Throughout her life, Lucille Clifton was oppressed by the society around her. Growing up during a time where African Americans were not fully accepted or supported, Lucille Clifton had first hand experience of what it felt like to be held back from exploring your interest. Her poem after oz tells the story of Dorothy, from the The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and how she was held from exploring the land around her. The story is told through the eyes of adults who are trying to keep her close, presumably a parents. As the parents slip into her room at midnight, they show that the actions they are commiting are unknown to Dorothy (Clifton 1). By filling her pockets with stones, the parents are trying to keep Dorothy safe from the storms (Clifton 2, 4). The storm itself does not resemble those due to weather, but instead those caused by the unpredictable actions of children. The parents believe that by weighing her down they are doing her a favor; keeping her safe from a society that they are certain will affect her negatively. However, Dorothy will not let the stones stop her. She believes deeply in her mission, and because of that is able to escape from the imprisonment of her home. As she disappears for hours the parents display concern and disappointment, believing that they have lost her ... Show more content on ... She no longer feels supported or accepted by them, as they slow her down in every part of her life. They can not come to the understanding that Dorothy is changing, and by holding her back from change they only make matters worse. Her staggering return indicates that she is exhausted and weary from her daily travels. Though the poem itself does not describe where Dorothy travels to on her escapade, it can only be assumed that she is happier there as she staggers back smelling of straw / of animals (Clifton 6,
  • 32. Why Teenagers Should Be Allowed To Vote Teens are not the same as they used to be. Those who are not at least 16 years of age should have the choice to vote. Teenager s minds have developed a lot. Voting is a privilege, but you don t have to vote, because it isn t mandatory. Some teenagers are now mature, and know what they want at the age of 16. If they voted, knowing who they wanted to pick, then it s just an extra vote. Depending on who you vote for, this can be an advantage. Some teenagers don t know what they want. It it very true that there are a lot of teens that do not know what they want, which can be confusing at times. If they chose randomly, then it can either mess up your vote or make it larger. Again, depending on who you are votingfor, this can be an advantage.
  • 33. Dannelly On Relatives They may not be able to remember who we are, but they feel us just the same (Amanda Dillon). For my assignment of visiting with an elderly, I chose a couple that have been part of my family for many years. We call this couple our grandparents however they are not our real grandparents. This couple adopts families that are lacking in grandparents, and we are a very diverse family. They have adopted Filipino families, Native American families and Mexican Americanfamilies. What this couple try to do, is give the children some sort of a complete family where they can help out with babysitting or help with housing. I believe that they have a adopted at least 6 families in the town of Llano, Tx. Mr.and Mrs. Dannelley, have lived in... Show more content on ... Dannelly was interrupting on saying that he was late for mass and that he need to get there on time to prepare for his homily. Mrs. Dannelly replied in a quiet but strong voice that he was not going anywhere because that was long time ago. Mrs. Dannelly explained to us that he was getting worse with each day and she does not know how to handle it anymore. She does not want to put him in a nursing care because he was there for her when she needed it and she does not want to leave him when he needs it the most. Mrs. Dannelly, was a women that could handle any situation however, as she was explaining how it was getting harder to care for him, she had so much pain in her voice. Thankful their daughter lives next door and is always there to help out when she is needed. Mrs. Dannelly, was explained that it hurts some days because he can t remember her name and who she is. She elucidate that when she wakes up she is worried that he might forget her all together. As she is explaining her emotions to us. Mr. Dannelly understands that Mrs. Dannelly is upset therefore he grabs her hand and lightly pats it. However, he does not know what she is upset therefore just pats and nods his head as if he
  • 34. Manager Job Description Of A Podcast Manager Podcast Manager Job Description The Podcast Manager is responsible for maintaining editorial and stylistic standards, quality, and content accuracy of all communications. The position develops, edits, and publishes written and visual content; manages NUNU Publishing social media channels; and provides billable communication services to NUNU PUBLISHING. This position generates story ideas for, edits all content of, and is integral to readying for publication of media content generated by NUNU PUBLISHING. The incumbent produces concise written copy for press releases and member communications; creates and maintains production calendars; writes, edits, and proofreads written corporate communication products. This position demonstrates a ... Show more content on ... Job Type: Full time or Contract Salary: $ to $/year Job Location: Tallahassee, FL NuNu Publishing is an Equal Opportunity Employer. . Executive Producer We are seeking an experienced Executive Producer to work on podcasts for NuNu Publishing, a company focusing on the stories of companies, organizations and individuals that are making incredible efforts to advance and achieve a more healthy and sustainable world. The person we have in mind is an avid podcast listener,
  • 35. Tigris And Euphary I looked into the two most important water sources in Turkey, Tigris and Euphrates river basins. Tigris and Euphrates Rivers that originate entirely within highlands of eastern Turkey flow from the mountains of Anatolia (Taurus Mountains), into Syria, and then through Iraq. In addition, Tigris River spreads across Iran. Both rivers merge in southern Iraqand empty into the Persian Gulf. Since the rivers follow a southeastern route across arid lands of Syria and Iraq, they are fed very little when flowing through these lands. As there isn t an effective international water management strategy for this region, countries are free to act unilaterally. Iraq was the first state to develop projects including the North and East Al Jazeera irrigation
  • 36. Superman And Wonder Woman It all started out in New York, Superman was fighting Parasite.Parasite was about to destroy Superman when someone flew out of nowhere and saved superman. At first Superman thought it was Supergirl but when she landed Superman couldn t believe his eyes it was Wonder Woman. She came from New Jersey and rescued Superman . One week later Wonder Woman was also about to be destroyed, but Superman came to the rescue Wonder Woman couldn t believe that Superman saved her. A month later Superman and Wonder Women were fighting crime and together they were unstoppable, unbeatable and invincible. A year later after SuperMan and WonderWoman were dating SuperMan proposed with a sapphire ring in 1998. They lived a happy crime fighting life. In the year of 2000, Superman and Wonder Woman had a beautiful baby girl named Sapphire. She had long black hair and dark blue eyes and was the sweetest little girl that anyone has ever met. Years later superman and Wonder Woman were captured by batman and catwoman and sapphire was only three years old. So sapphire had to live with her aunt and uncle. Thirteen years later, Sapphire was about to turn 16. sapphire was sick of this one boy bullying her everyday at school his name was Obsidian. He was the son of Batman and Catwoman . He had black hair and hazel eyes. He was only a year older than young sapphire. He was super smart kid and he was a good gymnast. In New York City that s where obsidian was born and where they still live today. On 1999
  • 37. The Augustinian Theodicy Of Augustine Of Hippo The Augustinian theodicy, named for the fourth and fifth century theologian and philosopher Augustine of Hippo, is a type of Christian theodicy designed in response to the evidential problem of evil and suffering. It attempts to explain how an omnipotent and omnibenevolent God could exist amid evidence of evil in the universe. According to Augustine, the universe was originally free from sin due to God creating the world perfectly, as He is both omnipotent and omnibenevolent according to Christian belief. This means He both wants to and has the ability to create perfection. Since it is a fact of the created universe that God has called all things into the universe ex nihilo, and did so perfectly, suffering was absent from the world. Evil did not exist before the sin of angels and humans, as it first came into existence when angels, followed by humans, abused their power of free will and turned away from the person who had gifted them with it, God, their creator. Therefore Augustine states that evil is not ... Show more content on ... Augustine compares the presence of evil in the universe to the colour black in a black and white painting. Without the black in the painting, we would not be able to appreciate the beauty as we would not be able to see the art, due to there being no contrast. Augustine says without the contrast of evil in the universe, we would not be able to appreciate the good and beauty, as there would be nothing to compare them to. Therefore the presence of evil in the universe according to Augustine is not necessarily a bad thing, as it gives us the ability to see the perfection originally made by God. Additionally evil could serve a cause, as facing suffering allows us to develop traits such as courage and compassion which assist us in getting back to God and gaining eternal life in heaven as we can prove ourselves to Him this
  • 38. How Did Truett Build A Fried Chicken Sandwich I.As a young boy, Truett Cathy watched his mother cook fried chicken for boarders they took in after his father died. a.Even then Truett was already thinking as an entrepreneur to help his family make money. i.He would go in to Atlanta and purchase six packs of Coca Cola, bring them back to his home town of Hapeville and sell them for five cents a piece. This would in turn make him a profit of five cents on every six bottles he sold. II.In 1946, a then 25 year old Truett Cathy and his younger brother Ben opened a restaurant called the Dwarf House , in their home town of Hapeville, Georgia. III.Truett started experimenting with different ways to cook and serve chicken quickly and economically. He started serving a fried chicken breast fillet on a bun to keep customers from getting grease on their fingers. He then went on to perfect the chicken sandwich by experimenting with different cooking methods, seasonings and spices. When he finally felt it was right he had ended up using a special blend of seasonings and cooking the chicken in a pressure cooker with peanut oil, then adding a pickle to the finished sandwich. This would eventually become the Chick fil A Chicken Sandwich and become a lasting part of the Chick fil A formula. Transition I.... Show more content on ... Before they became Chick fil A sandwiches, they were just listed as chicken sandwiches on the Dwarf House menu. Soon the chicken sandwich was outselling hamburgers. In 1963 Truett decided to give the sandwiches a name to help market the product. When he consulted a patent attorney he was told that he could use ordinary words as long as he misspelled or altered the meaning from the dictionary usage. Working with the words chicken and filliet , Truett came up with Chick fil A, making the A stand for the first or best. He then hired the Richard Heiman Company to create the logo that is still being used
  • 39. The Visual Characteristics Of Tea And Porcelain In China The visual sources provided throughout 14.1 14.4 assist in showing what items were used, and why they were there at the time; while the descriptions give us evidence of how the products were collected. In 14.1, there s many foreign items to take note of in the visual source provided that is Tea and Porcelain in China. For example, the Porcelain tea cups, teapot, and saucer are all in the image to show what materials were used at the time. Though the tea cups were manufactured in China, they were specifically made for the target audience of European buyers. There is evidence of this shown in the Chinese patterns on the cups and teapots. The Chinese floral designs, clothing styles, creativity, and more had a major impact on the desires of the elite upper class in Europe as they had become widely fascinated with all things Chinese. While the Chinese had realized this liking of their designs by the European market, they used this to target their buyers by making the teacups with cultured designs such as the Chinese gardens but also tied in the European style houses to cater to the tastes of the European consumers. The woman shown in the visual source looks as if she is from the upper class. Judging by her silk dress and that she is using the Porcelain cups makes it most likely that this is the case. If the dress was of unimportance, then there could be the possibility that she is involved in the trade but I would argue that she is in fact in the elite upper class. This take
  • 40. David Lockyer s War Limericks War it isn t desired by anyone. If we can, we try to avoid it as much as possible. But there are times when war can t be avoided. This fighting ultimately leads to thousands of innocent lives lost men, women and children. We grieve their deaths, we mourn their deaths and we feel saddened by their deaths. Poetrycan help alleviate this saddened feeling. It can help us to feel happier in times of great depression and stress. Some poems however strike the heart of warand the horrors related to it. The poets can express their points of view on war, conscriptions or the propagandas in a dark manner and create a gloomy atmosphere. One of these poems is part of David Lockyer s War Limericks. As the title suggests, this poem is a limerick with sound and visual language used to boost the poems meaning. The theme of Lockyer s poem is the B 17, a bomber which flew for the United States Army Air Corps in World War II. In this poem, Lockyer is trying to express his own point of view ... Show more content on ... In the poem, Lockyer is expressing the success of the B 17 bomber in World War II. The bomber was a relatively large airframe measuring in at a wingspan of 32 metres and an overall length of 21 metres. Because of this, he compares the B 17 to a castle, saying it was a castle in the air. He also calls the B 17 a flying fortress. This name again gives us a visual image of just how large this bomber was. Speaking of a flying fortress, this is one example of sound language that Lockyer has used. It is a form of alliteration and helps to flow the poem. It helps to emphasise the idea of the B 17 being a castle in the sky. Alliteration also adds to the rhythm of a poem and in a limerick this is all the more important. Because this poem is a limerick, it contains an AABBA rhyme and rhythm pattern. Rhyme and rhythm in a poem are important because they provide the heartbeat of the poem to which it can flow
  • 41. Poetry And Literary Analysis Of Birches By Robert Frost Birches , written by Robert Frost in 1913 and published as part of his Mountain Interval collection, is a poem of childhood naivety. The euphonic piece explores the use of abundant writing techniques, all of which contribute to its layers of complexity. The speaker of this poem is focused on birch trees, hoping that they have been bent by a young boy swinging them; however, the speaker is fully aware of the Truth , knowing that they have indeed been bent down by an ice storm. Wishing to go back in time to the days in which he himself would swing birchtrees, the speaker contemplates more profound meanings of this swinging. A tendency found in Frost s writing is an implementation of nature, often utilized as either the focus of the work or just an auxiliary motif, resulting in quasi transcendental themes. Being one of his most beloved works, Robert Frost s Birches is a poem which, upon analysis of its complex use of poetic and literary devices, reveals a culmination of distinct themes. Birches is a poem open to many themes and interpretations, some of which only require the poem s most direct, nominal meaning. Others interpretations require a more in depth, holistic approach, analyzing its structure and devices. Neither of these approaches are more correct than the other. A holistic interpretation of this work instills the motif of balance, putting forth the idea that life is a constant pursuit to achieve balance between equal, yet opposite concepts. Another
  • 42. Legal Issues Related To The Fashion Industry The major problems facing companies, especially smaller ones, in resolving product adaptation issues are things that can differ in different cultures such as the taste of the product, the style, the color, or symbols, language, but also more specific like differences in technology, environmental differences, religion etc. The taste of a product is very important for the food, drinks and cigarette industry. Style is more important in car and fashion industry, which also includes the color and symbols. The meaning of a color or a symbol can differ from culture to culture. The package of the product can also need adaptations. Special symbols and the language need to adapt to the country/culture. Some symbols can be offensive in one... Show more content on ... 4. Propose ways in which intellectual property piracy could be stopped permanently. I believe that it is simply not realistic to speak of eliminating all piracy, as there will always be at least a small segment of the population who can t be deterred from stealing others ideas and creativity. Instead, what we can and should strive for is the reduction of piracy to the lowest levels possible; levels that will not rob authors and copyright owners of the incentive to create and distribute their works. I believe that this could be accomplished through a two step copyright protection program of: 1) crafting a proper legal framework and 2) the adequate and proper implementation of the said framework. The legal framework provides the basic rights to copyright owners and establishes procedures for the enforcement of those rights. Those procedures must provide the opportunity to obtain adequate remedies when those rights are violated as well as the possibility of punitive monetary judgments and, in appropriate cases, imprisonment of the infringer. The second part of this copyright protection program is the application of these legal rules to ensure that copyright owners have actual, effective protection against infringement of their rights. 5.The software industry is the hardest hit by piracy. Using the Web site of the Business Software Alliance ( and WTO ( check out egroups LINKS assess how this
  • 43. Healthy Food Vs Unhealthy Food Healthy food vs unhealthy food, knowing the difference and what it does to our body and why some of the food we eat causes obesity. They both have a similarity, but there is a huge difference in healthy and unhealthy food. The main difference are taste, cost, and health. You will see a difference in the costs, but not a huge difference, but we are still saving money from not eating healthy food. Buying cheaper food and healthy food you will see the quality and quantity. Especially, how it looks, feels, and how much comes with the product. I feel like our rate of obesity is so high because healthy food is more expensive than eating junk foodor fast food. When eating healthy there are a good amount of benefits compared to not eating... Show more content on ... Just about every fast food restaurant offers some kind of healthy alternatives today. Whether it s grilled chicken sandwiches, wraps, or salads, there is usually something for everyone. One thing to keep in mind is that healthier options generally tend to be a little more expensive. But because it is fast food, you are still going to save money over homemade foods. (2017, July 5). Healthy food quality and quantity. Yes , you are paying more for healthy food and yes, you do get less product from paying their expensive healthy food. When you are buying healthy food they already have them package individually so the food you buy will have just amount of calories you want and just enough of nutrients. Having such good quality from eating healthy food, it will make you fuller faster because of the product they put in the meat, snacks, and drinks. There are a few disadvantages of eating unhealthy cheap food because sometimes the product they make contains too much salt and fat. Which is why sometimes cheap food has bad quality for the price you are getting. Unhealthy foods contain unhealthy product do not get me wrong though, there are some cheap food that does have great quality in their food. You just have to pick out the right stuff for the right prices. There is not a huge price difference in healthy food or unhealthy