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Black Boy Joy Research Paper
What does Black Boy Joy mean to you?
Black Boy Joy is an expression of freedom. It's the freedom to not only be, but to love oneself for existence. The phrase allows black men to escape
from the horrors of anti–blackness. Bypassing the intersections of masculinity, femininity, sexuality, and spirituality,Black Boy Joy cures the fragility
society gives us. BBJ means to be great. So, I do just that each and every day of my life. Where did you learn this from?
I first learned of the phrase because of the hashtag started by Chance the Rapper. Beyond that, I learned of a separate but similar movement called
Black Men Smile. I had hoped to bring this campaign to Sewanee during my tenure, but senior year said nah! LOL! However, I am very pleased
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Black History Month Assignment
For the general news assignment, I attended the "Black is Beautiful Hair and Fashion Show." I chose to do my assignment over this event because it
celebrates Black History Month and I love fashion. I thought it was important to capture because black history month is only one month every year,
and these photos will be sentimental to remember in the future. I arrived later than I planned because I left my SD card at home, but I still arrived
several minutes before it started and I began taking some photos to test the lighting. It was dim but still acceptable, however once the show started the
light was turned off and stage lights were the only light source. This caused the photos to be very dark as a beginner photographer this made my job
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Of course a high ISO produces a fast shutter speed and I capture the photos quickly because the models are constantly moving. Consequently, all of
my photos were grainy and dark. Afterwards, I increased the brightness and removed some of the noise but editing can only fix minor issues. Now
I realize the flash would have been helpful but I thought the flash would ruin the quality of the photos. Next time I will take a few photos with the
flash on and some without the flash to test the lighting. I will also find a light source that can reflect off the subject. Another issue I realized is
because the models are on a platform I am not able to get close and they are on a different level. I had to rely on the zoom to capture close shots and I
moved closer to get better
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What are you? Do you classify yourself as simply black, African–American, or do you not know? When I ask what are you, I am asking you about
your roots, the roots that make you, you. My roots is what I use to differentiate myself because I am more than just an American and I am more than
just black. Nowadays black identity is used not only as a race but as ethnicity, including for people who do not know their heritage. On the other hand,
freedom for people in the black race is much more than it was in the 20th century. Although, the black race have civil rights, racial issues still continue
to exist today.
Black identity is not only the color of your skin but how you identify yourself whether it is by cultural experiences, accustoms, and historical roots.
Personally, I do not classify myself as being African–American. I am black as in my skin color, but the main part of my identity is my ethnicity.
Though I am an American due to the fact that it is my birth country, I do not adhere to the quintessential American culture. My bloodline is pure
Haitian. I do not associate myself as being a true American because I do not share the same customs and history. My mother was born in Haiti and
migrated to the United States in 1995, so essentially I was raised in a strict Haitian household. She was very sheltered from America's issues and
immersed herself in the Haitian enclaves. Thus, in my household my family would speak Creole, I went to a Haitian church, and was only fed Haitian
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African Of African American Culture
There is no doubt that African Americans have a rich cultural background and history like the many different ethnic groups who settled in the New
World, whose origins lie in another country. For this reason, America was known as the melting pot. However, the backgrounds of each of these
cultures were not always understood or, in the case of African Americans, accepted among the New World society and culture. Americans were ignorant
to the possibility of differences among groups of people until information and ideas started to emerge, particularly, the African retention theories. This
sparked an interest in the field of African culture and retention in African Americans. However, the study ofAfrican American culture truly emerged as
a result of increased awareness in America, specifically through the publication and findings of scholarly research and cultural events like the Harlem
Renaissance where all ethnicities were able to see this rich historical culture of African Americans.
There were many who became dedicated to this field of study, but two of the most predominant researchers and scholars of the African retention
theories were Lorenzo Turner and Melville Herskovits. While both researchers examined different aspects of culture, Herskovits and Turner were both
convinced that there was indeed African retention in African American culture and society (Wade–Lewis 402). Turner specifically researched linguistic
retention, while Herskovits researched many aspects of the
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Reflection On African American History
Over the course of this semester, I was introduced to many people, ideas, writings, and discussions that sparked my interest and enlightened me on
African American history. However, I feel like this was just the beginning of my journey of learning the history of my people, as there is still so much
out there to be brought to the surface. Prior to taking this course, I was always ignorant on the topic of African American history and simply made the
connection to slavery. Additionally, I was unaware of other black activist, movements, and struggles that I had the chance to witness for the first time in
this class. I came to a realization of how deprived of this information I was, because other historic events have been deemed more important. A quote
that stuck with me throughout the course that was made by Arthur Schomburg was, "... African history and negro history, are the missing pages of
world history". At the start of this semester we discuss an issue that has poisoned the dynamic of society in the United States since the beginning, white
supremacy. For centuries, members of the white community have simply used the color of their skin to attain and remain in power. In my opinion,
those that use their white privilege to partake in white supremacy are the only ones who benefit from this poison. White supremacy continues to be
fueled in the United States, and plays just as big of a factor in today's world as it did many years ago. There is no retaliation for uproars or
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Black History Importance Essay
Black History Importance The time has come again to celebrate the achievements of all black men and women who have chipped in to form the Black
society. There are television programs about the African Queens and Kings who never set sail for America, but are acknowledged as the pillars of our
identity. In addition, our black school children finally get to hear about the history of their ancestors instead of hearing about Columbus and the
founding of America. The great founding of America briefly includes the slavery period and the Antebellum south, but readily excludes both black men
and women, such as George Washington Carver, Langston Hughes, and Mary Bethune. These men and women have contributed greatly to American more content...
Black Americans should be acknowledged for not only their contributions to American society, but also for being a part of American society and
upholding the traditions and values of this country. Black History Month should not be a celebration that comes and goes in our own minds and
homes. Black History Month should not be a remembrance that is acknowledged only when the official day begins. Black History Month is an
accomplishment that we should be proud of in the Black community. Carter G. Woodson chose the month of February for some important reasons.
For instance, Black History Month marks the birthdays of two men who influenced the black population, Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln
according to Woodson. In addition, the Fifteenth Amendment was passed on February 3, 1870, which granted blacks the right to vote. There were a
lot of significant reasons for allowing Black History Week to begin in February. However, I seriously doubt if Woodson would have accepted the
extension of this week in the shortest month of the year. Woodson chose a week in February, because it had symbolic significance. Black History
Week began in 1926. However, it is now 1999 and in seventy–three years Black Americans allowed our contributions to American society to be
extended from Negro History Week to Black History
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African American History Essay
African American History During my early years of school, I remember being taught white accomplishments and wondering if blacks and other people
of color had made any significant contributions to today's world. I noticed that television consist of all white people. Throughout my research paper I
hope to cover certain aspects of African American heritage. Aspects such as blacks making up the largest minority group in the United States, although
Mexican–Americans are rapidly changing that. The contributions blacks have provided to our country are immeasurable. Unfortunately though rather
than recognizing these contributions, white America would rather focus on oppressing and degrading these people. As a consequence
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Individuality was not stressed but rather the importance of the extended family. I believe that African Americans suffering through the hardships of
slavery strengthened the idea of kinship even further. The unity of the African culture became strong due to a series of trials and tribulations. The
majority of the slaves were employed in agricultural areas in the South. By the mid–19th century, a large number of slaves worked in urban areas as
well, and about 5% worked in more industrial occupations. The hours of the slave workers were long. The average life expectancy of African slaves
was at least 12% lower than whit Americans in 1850 and the infant mortality rate was 25% higher for slaves. Oftentimes slave marriages and families
dissolved due to separation. This concept is horrible when you take under consideration that family was the entire basis of African culture. Although
frequent separation occurred slaves were very careful to pass on the surnames of their black family of origin to their children. Kinship again is an
importance in African society. Although the first steps towards in improvements for African
–American culture began in the North, social and economic
conditions didn't improve much at all. The racial attitudes of whites were still obvious among the white society. Laws banning interracial marriage and
voting among free blacks accompanied every northern state emancipation. These laws were supposedly designed to
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Essay On Black History Month
Carter G. Woodson officially established Black history month in 1926, therefore most of the world's population today never experienced a world
without black history month. Without Black history month are incapable of learning and knowing about those African American inventors, engineers
and scientist, that changed the world without even receiving credit. I believe that's the purpose of black history month. Black history month, designed
to give recognition to those whom, in their lifetime, denied the credit that they deserved. Black history month educates people, because in school we
rarely learn about how minorities such as african americans, helped build the world we live in today. Black history month "constitutes cultural
affordances that, depending on their source, can promote (or impede) perception of racism and anti–racism efforts. This research contributes to an
emerging body of work examining the bidirectional, psychological importance of cultural products. We discuss implications for theorizing collective
manifestations of mind." (Salter, Phia S. and Glenn Adams. "On the Intentionality of Cultural Products: Representations of Black History as
Psychological Affordances." Frontiers in Psychology, 29 Aug. 2016) Black history month not only spreads awareness for the unaccredited success of
african americans, more content...
it is through the widespread dissemination of black history during Black History Month and elsewhere that the historical category of the post–racial era
has been constituted. The post racial era is not, as is so often claimed, a denial of historical context." (VAN DE MIEROOP, KENAN. "On the
Advantage and Disadvantage of Black History Month for Life: The Creation of the Post–Racial Era." History & Theory, vol. 55, no. 1, Feb. 2016, pp.
3–24. EBSCOhost,
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Black History Month Essay: Rock And Roll
Black History Month Essay African Americans contributed highly in the music genre rock–and–roll, which is something people don't really discuss.
Rock and roll was highly influenced by the Blues, from rhythm and instruments. One African–American Blues singer, Muddy Waters was one Blues
singer that influenced rock and roll, he changed the sound of his music which gave it a rock and roll sound as we know it today. Many believe
Elvis was the first to sing Rock and Roll but Joe Turner's song "Shake, rattle and Roll" (1951) sounds much like rock and roll and not Blues. This is
ignored by many because of the racism in society, especially at that time. Many Black artists were not acknowledge even after they passed away and
white male artists were
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Carter G. Woodson formally known as the "Father of Black History Month" was an extraordinarily wise man who dedicated his life time to African
American History. His most famous pieces of writings was his book The Mis–Education of the Negro in which many topics are discussed for example
education, business, politics, religion, self–hatred, and black on black prejudice, which I exceptionally believe is a very negative dilemma in the
present day society. An abundant amount of what Woodson wrote about in nineteen
–thirtythree about blacks minds being controlled through the white
people in economics, history, literature, philosophy and religion I strongly agree is still, to an extent the problem today. Is Carter. G Woodson's
thoughts in more content...
This like then is still negatively affecting the black children being taught these biased "history" because it is teaching them that we was nothing but
slaves who picked cotton on plantations. If they are lucky the book may mention a sentence or two about Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman, but
for the most part that is all black people contributed to history. Which installs at an early age in black children that we are not as smart, skilled, and
important as the white man. Education was not the only aspect Woodson discussed in his book that is still prevalent today. Correspondingly, politics
also is an aspect Woodson discussed in The Mis–Education of the Negro that is prevalent in present day society. Woodson quotes, "ANOTHER factor
the Negro needs is a new figure in politics, one who will not concern himself so much with what others can do for him as with what he can do for
himself" (Woodson chap. 17 par. 1). In Woodson's book when he talks about politics like the quote above he says how black people need to make a
way for themselves and respect themselves instead of being so dependent on the white man's government that has been against black people from the
beginning. What Woodson spoke about is still prevalent in the society today but to an extent. It is prevalent because
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The Accomplishments Of Black History Month
Black History Month is the month where blacks get recognized for what they did. Jesse E founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and
History. It recognized researched and promoted achievements to Black Americans and Africans. They sponsored the group to choose the second week
of February. They did this to remember Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. Black History Month began in 1915 after the slaves were illegal in
the United States.Nine years later, the Black Americans and Africans were recognized for their accomplishments. In the 1960's, Negro history week
changed into Black History Month for many colleges.President Gerald Ford recognized Black History Month in 1976. He said that it should never be
forgotten throughout the
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Informative Essay On Black History
Black history is an important topic in America, but not to everyone. Black history is a part of American history, but yet it is not treated like American
history. America has so much diversity that we should be teaching the students about everyone's history. It will teach the students how much America
has changed and how it is still the same. Yes, black history should be taught through–out the school year. Isolating black history to just a month is
actually rasict. It's showing that America doesn't think black history is important, because it shows America's flaws. If it wasn't for the antiquity of
African Americans, America wouldn't be the way it is now. The regular American History shows thatwhite people are strong and it makes it seem
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Definition Essay: The Color Black
If there is one thing that has been consistent throughout the ages, it is the colour black. Black is one of the most fantastic colours. Contrary to what
some people think, black isn't always about voodoo. It is about discipline, elegance and class. This is why black is the most popular choice for all
formal occasions. You may have several shades of other colours that don't look good when you want to have some kind of a formal event. But the
colour black is always the same, and thus, you can achieve uniformity and conformance when you dress up in
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Essay on Black Arts Movement
BAM! The Black Arts Movement
The amazing era of the Black Arts Movement developed the concept of an influential and artistic blackness that created controversial but significant
organizations such as the Black Panther Party. The Black Arts Movement called for "an explicit connection between art and politics" (Smith). This
movement created the most prevalent era in black art history by taking stereotypes and racism and turning it into artistic value.
This connection between black art and politics was first made clear in a great essay written by Larry Neal in the summer of 1968. This essay
illustrated the Black Arts Movement's "manifesto" or plan. Neal wrote: "The Black Arts Movement is radically opposed to any concept of the artist more content...
The poem went on to read,
Poems are bullshit unless they are teeth or trees or lemons piled on a step. Or black ladies dying of men leaving nickel hearts beating them down.
Fuck poems and they are useful, wd they shoot come at you, love what you are, breathe like wrestlers, or shudder strangely after pissing. We want
live words of the hip world live flesh & coursing blood. Hearts Brains
Souls splintering fire. We want poems like fists beating niggers out of Jocks or dagger poems in the slimy bellies of the owner–Jews." (Norton 1943)"
All agreed the words Baraka used were harsh, but that is the essence of writing in this era. Any words, illustrations, and depictions can be used to
describe the feelings of Black Power. His words, "Fuck poems that are useful" summed up that the black community was not looking for false hopes but
for reality. This poem had a very powerful effect on the black community who related to the desire of Black Art (Bader). His poems contained an
unconventional syntaxes, different poetic rhythms, and dark urban dialect creating interesting poems that illustrated the movement he helped create.
Baraka was the first to illustrate this movement in such a vulgar but amazing way. He described the type of writing that Black people
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Black History Month Essay
No, black history month should be practice in every middle/high school just as U.S. history. It does not make since for black history month to be
racist. Black history month being racist is far beyond the point.
Take a look at this debate from a different perspective, to understand the sexism, double standards, and incrimination of men by having a Women's
Only Lounge(WOL). The 'WOL' paints the picture to women that they are 'endanger' by all men so they have to escape this threat. The 'WOL' help
women 'feel safe' but also assist women to run from their problems. Along with that flaw, men face a lot of pressure to be "manly" (non–sentimental)
and assumed to always be the aggressor in every situation. If a trans–woman or a person with gender identity disorder wanted to use the 'WOL' study
lounge she(biological he) would be asked to leave which is gender discrimination. Ignoring the fact that their men are assaulted, sexual assaulted, or
sense inequality by females lengthen the problem and creates a double more content...
If women are going to a certain space to 'escape' or 'feel safe from', it could be from a certain someone that abuse them. That defeat the purpose of
having a women's lounge. Were there even resources provided for women if they needed help? A representative or counselor women could talk
with problems they were facing? Were their feminine products offered? If not, then most likely females would go there to escape from their
oppressor or abuser without solving the problem. I believe that the 'WOL' created more of a problem than a safe space. "All men are oppressor,
aggressors, rapist, and not emotional etc, so create a space away from the problem rather than work to solve it." Hiding out in a room don't solve
problems, all men are not
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african american leaders Essay
Jesse Jackson, Mumia Abu–Jamal, Booker T. Washington, and W.E.B DuBois are all African American leaders. All of these men were leaders in their
own time and their own sense, living in different eras with different views, but they all shared common ground. All four were African Americans trying
to overcome obstacles and become influential leaders in their society.
Jesse Jackson was an African American civilrights activist and political leader. He was born in Greenville, South Carolina in 1941. Jackson overcame
numerous childhood insecurities. He was shunned and taunted my classmates and neighbors. However, instead of letting this adversity defeat him,
Jackson developed his exceptional drive and understanding for the oppressed. more content...
That is what drew attention to his trial. For the last 17 years Mumia has been locked up and denied any visits from family or press. Although
imprisoned and "silenced" he is still considered an influential voice.
Booker T. Washington rose up from slavery and illiteracy to become the foremost educator and leader of black Americans at the turn of the century.
He was born on April 5, 1856 in Franklin County, Virginia. As a child he worked in the salt mines but always found time for education. Washington
constantly dreamed of college but as an African American this dream was nearly impossible. His scrupulous working habits from the mines set him
out for college at the Hampton Institute. He graduated in 1876 and became a teacher at a rural school. After 2 years of teaching, he went back to the
Hampton Institute and was a "professor" here for 2 more years. His next challenge would be at a new all black college, Tuskegee Institute where he
would become president. Under Washington's leadership (1881–1915), Tuskegee Institute became an important force in black education. Washington
won a Harvard honorary degree in 1891.
Washington was powerful and influential in both the black and white communities. He was a confidential advisor to President Roosevelt and for years,
presidential political appointments of African–Americans were cleared through him. By the last years of his life Washington began speaking
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Essay Black Study Black Struggle
Hello, I am first year student at California State University, Los Angeles. Recently in my Pan–African Studies class I have read your article "Black
Study, Black Struggle". Overall your work shined some light about the struggle that many black students enrolled in universities face. I would like to
comment on your description of black students, mentioning those who feel under or misrepresented on college campuses in addition to those who have
even received threats from other colleagues. This has opened my eyes to not believe what is presented on the surface of a university because that is a
false perception of what truly happens on campus and to start looking within the student body. You mention in your debate that, The modern university, more content...
In the beginning of the debate you start with how students are felt as if they are not part of the university looking for acceptance within the student
body which has created violence and an unsupportive school system. Then, concluding with the final section love study struggle in simple terms, there
is advice on how to receive a support system within the school. I agree with your viewpoint of zooming into the root of "the historical, resistance,
cultural, ideological, material, economic root – of oppression3 to study in great detail what has happened since the beginning of the start of oppression
in order to understand what is happening now. As you have mention that black study and resistance must begin with love4, in order to feel
accepted within the university, the student must first accept himself. Recently I read a few works of Marcus Garvey, while reading I encountered
a similarity between your work and Mr. Garvey's philosophy. Both you and Mr. Marcus Garvey share an insight which is for black students to love
oneself as a black person in order to gain acceptance. In Marcus Garvey's speech "The Future as I see it" speaks about his vision of one day blacks
will rise together forming a new organization based on the equality between all that someday may be as powerful as the United States. Even though
putting it in its historical context, Garvey's speech is mostly about liberation and
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Racism In The Black Community
With the rise in the #BlackLivesMatter movement, racism has been a hot topic of discussion in news, music, television, and in film. America is finally
beginning to understand and confront the effects of racism in society. Although the country still has a long way to go in regards to reform and
achieving true equality, the acknowledgement of the existence of racism is a large first step. Despite the frequency of conversations about racism, there
is still one vital aspect that is ignored and overlooked that greatly contributes to the hindrance of true change. Colorism. As a society, when speaking of
racial inequality in the black community we fail to realize the role colorism has and the effect it has on those that suffer from it. Colorism in the black
community is one of the main things that keeps us more content...
Not only was I seen as lesser because I was black, but my darker than most skin left me vulnerable to the torment of others. Throughout high school,
everywhere I would look; social media, television, magazines, and film, I would see dark–skin women being represented as lesser beings. In
entertainment we were always the characters that were aggressive, high–tempered, "ghetto", sassy, uneducated, ugly, and the list goes on whereas
light–skin women were put on a pedestal. It made it seem that if you weren't mixed, you were automatically not worth anyones time or effort. The
representation of dark–skin women presents us in a permanently negative light and destroys the self esteem of thousands of young girls. When I was
young, I always told by my classmates "you would be pretty if you weren't so dark." This was extremely detrimental to my self confidence as a
young girl and led to the festering of insecurities I still haven't completely recovered from today. As a society, we need to work towards presenting
dark–skin and light–skin women in a more equal
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A Showcase Of Black History Essay
A Showcase of Black History Sometimes movies and TV networks show things in connection with certain events. I believe that was the case with
Hacksaw ridge in theaters which arrive on November 9th due to Veteran day being in that month. That is what some of channels did with some of
their programs that featured things like Civil rights and famous black individuals for Feb because its black history month. I believe it helped with
them doing well with the public. Although this been a little earlier than in the month of Feb. a TV special: We have a Dream which featured stories
about Blacks Americans who would inspire others to achieve the American dream because they have. Some of them being quite well known. One
person being Senator Cory Booker. (bet) Of course on the history channel they did something in connect with Feb being black history month and BET
TV network did something involving a famous black person in connection with the month. That is a six part miniseries called Madiba which involved
the detailed story of Nelson Mandela starting Lawrence Fishburne and premiered on Feb 1st. Nelson Mandela was a more content...
It was a documentary TV series that in Season 1 episode 9 focused Freedom Summer which connect to a chapter of civil right movement that leaded
to a voting right act to pass making easier for minorities and poor people. Another TV series like that:10 things you don't know about was also on the
channel focused on civil rights by the host looking at the Civil Rights movement. In this episode, he looked at the actions of Martin Luther King Jr.,
Malcolm X, and Lyndon Johnson to the unknown people involved.. Its appropriate for the History channel to show again their remake of famous
miniseries: Roots. If that doesn't scream black history. Due to it being about one man's history starting with his ancestor. I don't know what
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Black Boy Joy Research Paper

  • 1. Black Boy Joy Research Paper What does Black Boy Joy mean to you? Black Boy Joy is an expression of freedom. It's the freedom to not only be, but to love oneself for existence. The phrase allows black men to escape from the horrors of anti–blackness. Bypassing the intersections of masculinity, femininity, sexuality, and spirituality,Black Boy Joy cures the fragility society gives us. BBJ means to be great. So, I do just that each and every day of my life. Where did you learn this from? I first learned of the phrase because of the hashtag started by Chance the Rapper. Beyond that, I learned of a separate but similar movement called Black Men Smile. I had hoped to bring this campaign to Sewanee during my tenure, but senior year said nah! LOL! However, I am very pleased Get more content on
  • 2. Black History Month Assignment For the general news assignment, I attended the "Black is Beautiful Hair and Fashion Show." I chose to do my assignment over this event because it celebrates Black History Month and I love fashion. I thought it was important to capture because black history month is only one month every year, and these photos will be sentimental to remember in the future. I arrived later than I planned because I left my SD card at home, but I still arrived several minutes before it started and I began taking some photos to test the lighting. It was dim but still acceptable, however once the show started the light was turned off and stage lights were the only light source. This caused the photos to be very dark as a beginner photographer this made my job more more content... Of course a high ISO produces a fast shutter speed and I capture the photos quickly because the models are constantly moving. Consequently, all of my photos were grainy and dark. Afterwards, I increased the brightness and removed some of the noise but editing can only fix minor issues. Now I realize the flash would have been helpful but I thought the flash would ruin the quality of the photos. Next time I will take a few photos with the flash on and some without the flash to test the lighting. I will also find a light source that can reflect off the subject. Another issue I realized is because the models are on a platform I am not able to get close and they are on a different level. I had to rely on the zoom to capture close shots and I moved closer to get better Get more content on
  • 3. What are you? Do you classify yourself as simply black, African–American, or do you not know? When I ask what are you, I am asking you about your roots, the roots that make you, you. My roots is what I use to differentiate myself because I am more than just an American and I am more than just black. Nowadays black identity is used not only as a race but as ethnicity, including for people who do not know their heritage. On the other hand, freedom for people in the black race is much more than it was in the 20th century. Although, the black race have civil rights, racial issues still continue to exist today. Black identity is not only the color of your skin but how you identify yourself whether it is by cultural experiences, accustoms, and historical roots. Personally, I do not classify myself as being African–American. I am black as in my skin color, but the main part of my identity is my ethnicity. Though I am an American due to the fact that it is my birth country, I do not adhere to the quintessential American culture. My bloodline is pure Haitian. I do not associate myself as being a true American because I do not share the same customs and history. My mother was born in Haiti and migrated to the United States in 1995, so essentially I was raised in a strict Haitian household. She was very sheltered from America's issues and immersed herself in the Haitian enclaves. Thus, in my household my family would speak Creole, I went to a Haitian church, and was only fed Haitian Get more content on
  • 4. African Of African American Culture There is no doubt that African Americans have a rich cultural background and history like the many different ethnic groups who settled in the New World, whose origins lie in another country. For this reason, America was known as the melting pot. However, the backgrounds of each of these cultures were not always understood or, in the case of African Americans, accepted among the New World society and culture. Americans were ignorant to the possibility of differences among groups of people until information and ideas started to emerge, particularly, the African retention theories. This sparked an interest in the field of African culture and retention in African Americans. However, the study ofAfrican American culture truly emerged as a result of increased awareness in America, specifically through the publication and findings of scholarly research and cultural events like the Harlem Renaissance where all ethnicities were able to see this rich historical culture of African Americans. There were many who became dedicated to this field of study, but two of the most predominant researchers and scholars of the African retention theories were Lorenzo Turner and Melville Herskovits. While both researchers examined different aspects of culture, Herskovits and Turner were both convinced that there was indeed African retention in African American culture and society (Wade–Lewis 402). Turner specifically researched linguistic retention, while Herskovits researched many aspects of the Get more content on
  • 5. Reflection On African American History Over the course of this semester, I was introduced to many people, ideas, writings, and discussions that sparked my interest and enlightened me on African American history. However, I feel like this was just the beginning of my journey of learning the history of my people, as there is still so much out there to be brought to the surface. Prior to taking this course, I was always ignorant on the topic of African American history and simply made the connection to slavery. Additionally, I was unaware of other black activist, movements, and struggles that I had the chance to witness for the first time in this class. I came to a realization of how deprived of this information I was, because other historic events have been deemed more important. A quote that stuck with me throughout the course that was made by Arthur Schomburg was, "... African history and negro history, are the missing pages of world history". At the start of this semester we discuss an issue that has poisoned the dynamic of society in the United States since the beginning, white supremacy. For centuries, members of the white community have simply used the color of their skin to attain and remain in power. In my opinion, those that use their white privilege to partake in white supremacy are the only ones who benefit from this poison. White supremacy continues to be fueled in the United States, and plays just as big of a factor in today's world as it did many years ago. There is no retaliation for uproars or Get more content on
  • 6. Black History Importance Essay Black History Importance The time has come again to celebrate the achievements of all black men and women who have chipped in to form the Black society. There are television programs about the African Queens and Kings who never set sail for America, but are acknowledged as the pillars of our identity. In addition, our black school children finally get to hear about the history of their ancestors instead of hearing about Columbus and the founding of America. The great founding of America briefly includes the slavery period and the Antebellum south, but readily excludes both black men and women, such as George Washington Carver, Langston Hughes, and Mary Bethune. These men and women have contributed greatly to American more content... Black Americans should be acknowledged for not only their contributions to American society, but also for being a part of American society and upholding the traditions and values of this country. Black History Month should not be a celebration that comes and goes in our own minds and homes. Black History Month should not be a remembrance that is acknowledged only when the official day begins. Black History Month is an accomplishment that we should be proud of in the Black community. Carter G. Woodson chose the month of February for some important reasons. For instance, Black History Month marks the birthdays of two men who influenced the black population, Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln according to Woodson. In addition, the Fifteenth Amendment was passed on February 3, 1870, which granted blacks the right to vote. There were a lot of significant reasons for allowing Black History Week to begin in February. However, I seriously doubt if Woodson would have accepted the extension of this week in the shortest month of the year. Woodson chose a week in February, because it had symbolic significance. Black History Week began in 1926. However, it is now 1999 and in seventy–three years Black Americans allowed our contributions to American society to be extended from Negro History Week to Black History Get more content on
  • 7. African American History Essay African American History During my early years of school, I remember being taught white accomplishments and wondering if blacks and other people of color had made any significant contributions to today's world. I noticed that television consist of all white people. Throughout my research paper I hope to cover certain aspects of African American heritage. Aspects such as blacks making up the largest minority group in the United States, although Mexican–Americans are rapidly changing that. The contributions blacks have provided to our country are immeasurable. Unfortunately though rather than recognizing these contributions, white America would rather focus on oppressing and degrading these people. As a consequence more content... Individuality was not stressed but rather the importance of the extended family. I believe that African Americans suffering through the hardships of slavery strengthened the idea of kinship even further. The unity of the African culture became strong due to a series of trials and tribulations. The majority of the slaves were employed in agricultural areas in the South. By the mid–19th century, a large number of slaves worked in urban areas as well, and about 5% worked in more industrial occupations. The hours of the slave workers were long. The average life expectancy of African slaves was at least 12% lower than whit Americans in 1850 and the infant mortality rate was 25% higher for slaves. Oftentimes slave marriages and families dissolved due to separation. This concept is horrible when you take under consideration that family was the entire basis of African culture. Although frequent separation occurred slaves were very careful to pass on the surnames of their black family of origin to their children. Kinship again is an importance in African society. Although the first steps towards in improvements for African –American culture began in the North, social and economic conditions didn't improve much at all. The racial attitudes of whites were still obvious among the white society. Laws banning interracial marriage and voting among free blacks accompanied every northern state emancipation. These laws were supposedly designed to Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On Black History Month Carter G. Woodson officially established Black history month in 1926, therefore most of the world's population today never experienced a world without black history month. Without Black history month are incapable of learning and knowing about those African American inventors, engineers and scientist, that changed the world without even receiving credit. I believe that's the purpose of black history month. Black history month, designed to give recognition to those whom, in their lifetime, denied the credit that they deserved. Black history month educates people, because in school we rarely learn about how minorities such as african americans, helped build the world we live in today. Black history month "constitutes cultural affordances that, depending on their source, can promote (or impede) perception of racism and anti–racism efforts. This research contributes to an emerging body of work examining the bidirectional, psychological importance of cultural products. We discuss implications for theorizing collective manifestations of mind." (Salter, Phia S. and Glenn Adams. "On the Intentionality of Cultural Products: Representations of Black History as Psychological Affordances." Frontiers in Psychology, 29 Aug. 2016) Black history month not only spreads awareness for the unaccredited success of african americans, more content... it is through the widespread dissemination of black history during Black History Month and elsewhere that the historical category of the post–racial era has been constituted. The post racial era is not, as is so often claimed, a denial of historical context." (VAN DE MIEROOP, KENAN. "On the Advantage and Disadvantage of Black History Month for Life: The Creation of the Post–Racial Era." History & Theory, vol. 55, no. 1, Feb. 2016, pp. 3–24. EBSCOhost, Get more content on
  • 9. Black History Month Essay: Rock And Roll Black History Month Essay African Americans contributed highly in the music genre rock–and–roll, which is something people don't really discuss. Rock and roll was highly influenced by the Blues, from rhythm and instruments. One African–American Blues singer, Muddy Waters was one Blues singer that influenced rock and roll, he changed the sound of his music which gave it a rock and roll sound as we know it today. Many believe Elvis was the first to sing Rock and Roll but Joe Turner's song "Shake, rattle and Roll" (1951) sounds much like rock and roll and not Blues. This is ignored by many because of the racism in society, especially at that time. Many Black artists were not acknowledge even after they passed away and white male artists were Get more content on
  • 10. Carter G. Woodson formally known as the "Father of Black History Month" was an extraordinarily wise man who dedicated his life time to African American History. His most famous pieces of writings was his book The Mis–Education of the Negro in which many topics are discussed for example education, business, politics, religion, self–hatred, and black on black prejudice, which I exceptionally believe is a very negative dilemma in the present day society. An abundant amount of what Woodson wrote about in nineteen –thirtythree about blacks minds being controlled through the white people in economics, history, literature, philosophy and religion I strongly agree is still, to an extent the problem today. Is Carter. G Woodson's thoughts in more content... This like then is still negatively affecting the black children being taught these biased "history" because it is teaching them that we was nothing but slaves who picked cotton on plantations. If they are lucky the book may mention a sentence or two about Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman, but for the most part that is all black people contributed to history. Which installs at an early age in black children that we are not as smart, skilled, and important as the white man. Education was not the only aspect Woodson discussed in his book that is still prevalent today. Correspondingly, politics also is an aspect Woodson discussed in The Mis–Education of the Negro that is prevalent in present day society. Woodson quotes, "ANOTHER factor the Negro needs is a new figure in politics, one who will not concern himself so much with what others can do for him as with what he can do for himself" (Woodson chap. 17 par. 1). In Woodson's book when he talks about politics like the quote above he says how black people need to make a way for themselves and respect themselves instead of being so dependent on the white man's government that has been against black people from the beginning. What Woodson spoke about is still prevalent in the society today but to an extent. It is prevalent because Get more content on
  • 11. The Accomplishments Of Black History Month Black History Month is the month where blacks get recognized for what they did. Jesse E founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History. It recognized researched and promoted achievements to Black Americans and Africans. They sponsored the group to choose the second week of February. They did this to remember Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. Black History Month began in 1915 after the slaves were illegal in the United States.Nine years later, the Black Americans and Africans were recognized for their accomplishments. In the 1960's, Negro history week changed into Black History Month for many colleges.President Gerald Ford recognized Black History Month in 1976. He said that it should never be forgotten throughout the Get more content on
  • 12. Informative Essay On Black History Black history is an important topic in America, but not to everyone. Black history is a part of American history, but yet it is not treated like American history. America has so much diversity that we should be teaching the students about everyone's history. It will teach the students how much America has changed and how it is still the same. Yes, black history should be taught through–out the school year. Isolating black history to just a month is actually rasict. It's showing that America doesn't think black history is important, because it shows America's flaws. If it wasn't for the antiquity of African Americans, America wouldn't be the way it is now. The regular American History shows thatwhite people are strong and it makes it seem Get more content on
  • 13. Definition Essay: The Color Black If there is one thing that has been consistent throughout the ages, it is the colour black. Black is one of the most fantastic colours. Contrary to what some people think, black isn't always about voodoo. It is about discipline, elegance and class. This is why black is the most popular choice for all formal occasions. You may have several shades of other colours that don't look good when you want to have some kind of a formal event. But the colour black is always the same, and thus, you can achieve uniformity and conformance when you dress up in Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Black Arts Movement BAM! The Black Arts Movement The amazing era of the Black Arts Movement developed the concept of an influential and artistic blackness that created controversial but significant organizations such as the Black Panther Party. The Black Arts Movement called for "an explicit connection between art and politics" (Smith). This movement created the most prevalent era in black art history by taking stereotypes and racism and turning it into artistic value. This connection between black art and politics was first made clear in a great essay written by Larry Neal in the summer of 1968. This essay illustrated the Black Arts Movement's "manifesto" or plan. Neal wrote: "The Black Arts Movement is radically opposed to any concept of the artist more content... The poem went on to read, Poems are bullshit unless they are teeth or trees or lemons piled on a step. Or black ladies dying of men leaving nickel hearts beating them down. Fuck poems and they are useful, wd they shoot come at you, love what you are, breathe like wrestlers, or shudder strangely after pissing. We want live words of the hip world live flesh & coursing blood. Hearts Brains Souls splintering fire. We want poems like fists beating niggers out of Jocks or dagger poems in the slimy bellies of the owner–Jews." (Norton 1943)" All agreed the words Baraka used were harsh, but that is the essence of writing in this era. Any words, illustrations, and depictions can be used to describe the feelings of Black Power. His words, "Fuck poems that are useful" summed up that the black community was not looking for false hopes but for reality. This poem had a very powerful effect on the black community who related to the desire of Black Art (Bader). His poems contained an unconventional syntaxes, different poetic rhythms, and dark urban dialect creating interesting poems that illustrated the movement he helped create. Baraka was the first to illustrate this movement in such a vulgar but amazing way. He described the type of writing that Black people Get more content on
  • 15. Black History Month Essay No, black history month should be practice in every middle/high school just as U.S. history. It does not make since for black history month to be racist. Black history month being racist is far beyond the point. Take a look at this debate from a different perspective, to understand the sexism, double standards, and incrimination of men by having a Women's Only Lounge(WOL). The 'WOL' paints the picture to women that they are 'endanger' by all men so they have to escape this threat. The 'WOL' help women 'feel safe' but also assist women to run from their problems. Along with that flaw, men face a lot of pressure to be "manly" (non–sentimental) and assumed to always be the aggressor in every situation. If a trans–woman or a person with gender identity disorder wanted to use the 'WOL' study lounge she(biological he) would be asked to leave which is gender discrimination. Ignoring the fact that their men are assaulted, sexual assaulted, or sense inequality by females lengthen the problem and creates a double more content... If women are going to a certain space to 'escape' or 'feel safe from', it could be from a certain someone that abuse them. That defeat the purpose of having a women's lounge. Were there even resources provided for women if they needed help? A representative or counselor women could talk with problems they were facing? Were their feminine products offered? If not, then most likely females would go there to escape from their oppressor or abuser without solving the problem. I believe that the 'WOL' created more of a problem than a safe space. "All men are oppressor, aggressors, rapist, and not emotional etc, so create a space away from the problem rather than work to solve it." Hiding out in a room don't solve problems, all men are not Get more content on
  • 16. african american leaders Essay Jesse Jackson, Mumia Abu–Jamal, Booker T. Washington, and W.E.B DuBois are all African American leaders. All of these men were leaders in their own time and their own sense, living in different eras with different views, but they all shared common ground. All four were African Americans trying to overcome obstacles and become influential leaders in their society. Jesse Jackson was an African American civilrights activist and political leader. He was born in Greenville, South Carolina in 1941. Jackson overcame numerous childhood insecurities. He was shunned and taunted my classmates and neighbors. However, instead of letting this adversity defeat him, Jackson developed his exceptional drive and understanding for the oppressed. more content... That is what drew attention to his trial. For the last 17 years Mumia has been locked up and denied any visits from family or press. Although imprisoned and "silenced" he is still considered an influential voice. Booker T. Washington rose up from slavery and illiteracy to become the foremost educator and leader of black Americans at the turn of the century. He was born on April 5, 1856 in Franklin County, Virginia. As a child he worked in the salt mines but always found time for education. Washington constantly dreamed of college but as an African American this dream was nearly impossible. His scrupulous working habits from the mines set him out for college at the Hampton Institute. He graduated in 1876 and became a teacher at a rural school. After 2 years of teaching, he went back to the Hampton Institute and was a "professor" here for 2 more years. His next challenge would be at a new all black college, Tuskegee Institute where he would become president. Under Washington's leadership (1881–1915), Tuskegee Institute became an important force in black education. Washington won a Harvard honorary degree in 1891. Washington was powerful and influential in both the black and white communities. He was a confidential advisor to President Roosevelt and for years, presidential political appointments of African–Americans were cleared through him. By the last years of his life Washington began speaking Get more content on
  • 17. Essay Black Study Black Struggle Hello, I am first year student at California State University, Los Angeles. Recently in my Pan–African Studies class I have read your article "Black Study, Black Struggle". Overall your work shined some light about the struggle that many black students enrolled in universities face. I would like to comment on your description of black students, mentioning those who feel under or misrepresented on college campuses in addition to those who have even received threats from other colleagues. This has opened my eyes to not believe what is presented on the surface of a university because that is a false perception of what truly happens on campus and to start looking within the student body. You mention in your debate that, The modern university, more content... In the beginning of the debate you start with how students are felt as if they are not part of the university looking for acceptance within the student body which has created violence and an unsupportive school system. Then, concluding with the final section love study struggle in simple terms, there is advice on how to receive a support system within the school. I agree with your viewpoint of zooming into the root of "the historical, resistance, cultural, ideological, material, economic root – of oppression3 to study in great detail what has happened since the beginning of the start of oppression in order to understand what is happening now. As you have mention that black study and resistance must begin with love4, in order to feel accepted within the university, the student must first accept himself. Recently I read a few works of Marcus Garvey, while reading I encountered a similarity between your work and Mr. Garvey's philosophy. Both you and Mr. Marcus Garvey share an insight which is for black students to love oneself as a black person in order to gain acceptance. In Marcus Garvey's speech "The Future as I see it" speaks about his vision of one day blacks will rise together forming a new organization based on the equality between all that someday may be as powerful as the United States. Even though putting it in its historical context, Garvey's speech is mostly about liberation and Get more content on
  • 18. Racism In The Black Community With the rise in the #BlackLivesMatter movement, racism has been a hot topic of discussion in news, music, television, and in film. America is finally beginning to understand and confront the effects of racism in society. Although the country still has a long way to go in regards to reform and achieving true equality, the acknowledgement of the existence of racism is a large first step. Despite the frequency of conversations about racism, there is still one vital aspect that is ignored and overlooked that greatly contributes to the hindrance of true change. Colorism. As a society, when speaking of racial inequality in the black community we fail to realize the role colorism has and the effect it has on those that suffer from it. Colorism in the black community is one of the main things that keeps us more content... Not only was I seen as lesser because I was black, but my darker than most skin left me vulnerable to the torment of others. Throughout high school, everywhere I would look; social media, television, magazines, and film, I would see dark–skin women being represented as lesser beings. In entertainment we were always the characters that were aggressive, high–tempered, "ghetto", sassy, uneducated, ugly, and the list goes on whereas light–skin women were put on a pedestal. It made it seem that if you weren't mixed, you were automatically not worth anyones time or effort. The representation of dark–skin women presents us in a permanently negative light and destroys the self esteem of thousands of young girls. When I was young, I always told by my classmates "you would be pretty if you weren't so dark." This was extremely detrimental to my self confidence as a young girl and led to the festering of insecurities I still haven't completely recovered from today. As a society, we need to work towards presenting dark–skin and light–skin women in a more equal Get more content on
  • 19. A Showcase Of Black History Essay A Showcase of Black History Sometimes movies and TV networks show things in connection with certain events. I believe that was the case with Hacksaw ridge in theaters which arrive on November 9th due to Veteran day being in that month. That is what some of channels did with some of their programs that featured things like Civil rights and famous black individuals for Feb because its black history month. I believe it helped with them doing well with the public. Although this been a little earlier than in the month of Feb. a TV special: We have a Dream which featured stories about Blacks Americans who would inspire others to achieve the American dream because they have. Some of them being quite well known. One person being Senator Cory Booker. (bet) Of course on the history channel they did something in connect with Feb being black history month and BET TV network did something involving a famous black person in connection with the month. That is a six part miniseries called Madiba which involved the detailed story of Nelson Mandela starting Lawrence Fishburne and premiered on Feb 1st. Nelson Mandela was a more content... It was a documentary TV series that in Season 1 episode 9 focused Freedom Summer which connect to a chapter of civil right movement that leaded to a voting right act to pass making easier for minorities and poor people. Another TV series like that:10 things you don't know about was also on the channel focused on civil rights by the host looking at the Civil Rights movement. In this episode, he looked at the actions of Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Lyndon Johnson to the unknown people involved.. Its appropriate for the History channel to show again their remake of famous miniseries: Roots. If that doesn't scream black history. Due to it being about one man's history starting with his ancestor. I don't know what Get more content on