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China Politics Essay Topics
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China Politics Essay TopicsChina Politics Essay Topics
Business Data Comm Network Chap 10 to 13
1._________ is being pioneered by Student ResponseCorrect AnswerFeedback A.Next
Generation InternetB.Active fibrous networkingC.CA*Net3D.Ethernet to the homeDifficulty:
Moderate Page: 346 E.The Abilene networkGeneral Feedback:Difficulty: Moderate Page: 346
Score:6/6 2.The multipoint version of fixed wireless is sometimes known as: Student
ResponseCorrect AnswerFeedback A.DSLAMB.point to multipointDifficulty: Moderate Page: 343
C.point to pointD.CA*Net3E.DOCSISGeneral Feedback:Difficulty: Moderate Page: 343 Score:6/6
3.DSL modem is also known as a: Student ResponseCorrect Answer... Show more content on ...
Student ResponseCorrect AnswerFeedback A.Fault managementDifficulty: Easy Page: 454
B.Performance managementC.TroubleshootingD.Fault toleranceE.FirefightingGeneral
Feedback:Difficulty: Easy Page: 454 Score:6/6 17.___________ allows the network manager to
determine who is responsible for correcting any outstanding problems. Student ResponseCorrect
AnswerFeedback A.MTBFB.ReliabilityC.AvailabilityD.Load balancingE.Problem
trackingDifficulty: Easy Page: 459 General Feedback:Difficulty: Easy Page: 459 Score:6/6 18.If
managers do not pay enough attention to planning and organizing the network, they are going to
end up being proactive vs. reactive in solving network problems. Student ResponseCorrect
AnswerFeedback A.TrueB.FalseDifficulty: Moderate Page: 447 General Feedback:Difficulty:
Moderate Page: 447 Score:6/6 19.To help in negotiating site licenses for software, it is important to
document which software packages are installed on each client. Student ResponseCorrect
AnswerFeedback A.TrueDifficulty: Easy Page: 453 B.FalseGeneral Feedback:Difficulty: Easy
Page: 453 Score:6/6 20.Quality control charts are a simple tool that can be
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Chapter five of Crispin Sartwell’s †Six Names of
Chapter five of Crispin Sartwell s Six Names of Beauty discuss the Japanese aesthetic of Wabi
sabi. Sartwell begins the chapter by describing a harmonica that he started playing at the age of
fourteen. During the recount, which included a detailed description of an old CD, Sartwell
shows an evident appreciation for the aged item and it s imperfection. The damage on its surface
its crackles and skips traces my intense relation to it, and gives it a kind of old time sounding
authenticity. His description of an old blues CD and the evident appreciation for the crackles and
skips , is essentially wabi sabi. But before explaining one of the most important aesthetic principle
in Japanese aesthetics, Sartwell describes the language as... Show more content on
An appreciation of wabi is an affirmation of the world and a certain sort of refusal of its
transformation for declaration. As an aesthetic, it s a a way of seeing imperfection as itself
embodying beauty.
Sabi, meaning loneliness , refers to the solitude as both a state of aloneness in persons and a s a
spareness of objects. It can also be considered as a subjective state that is appropriate to the
experience of wabiL a kind of desolation or meditative depression that can be sweet. Sabi is a
quality of stillness and solitude, a melancholy that is one of the basic human responses to and
sources of beauty,
Wabi sabi is an aesthetic of poverty and loneliness, imperfection and austerity, affirmation and
melancholy. It is the beauty of the withered, weathered, tarnished, scarred, intimate, coarse,
earthly, evanescent, tentative, ephemeral. It is a broken earthenware in contrast to a Ming vase,
a branch of autumn leaves to a dozen roses, a lined and bent old woman in contrast to a model, a
mature love as opposed to an infatuation, a bare wall with peeling paint in contrast to a wall hung
with beautiful paintings. It is also a trap. Wabi sabi is an ever intensifying consciousness of the
need to a lapse of consciousness, an ever broadening elation of the ordinary in which the ordinary
loses its ordinariness. It is a form of beauty that overcomes the differences of beauty and ugliness,
even as it overcomes the differences of ordinary and extraordinary. The
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Comparison of Oedipus Rex and a Raisin in the Sun Essay
An Introduction to Oedipus Rex by Sophocles.
Greek and Roman plays, and even Indeed ancient Indian plays (a common Indo European
Tradition), usually had a pivotal character that held the play together . Also there would be a
Chorus that would come into play when the tragedy would begin unfolding. The Greco Roman
variants were almost always tragedies.
Be it Homer s Iliad or Odessey. The hero after long travails always seemed to return to nothing and
would come to grief. Achilles, Priam, Agamemnon, Oedipus, all came to grief. In the Greco Roman
tradition, it seems to be a common practice by the Bards and playwrights, to depict their heroes as
strong and upright men who fell prey to either their fates or to the whims and fancies of ... Show
more content on ...
Oedipus the king thought highly about himself and in his pride, thought himself above
everyone. And said to the people of the city You pray to the gods? Let me grant your prayers
(1231 Oedipus Rex). Oedipus did not see his own life for what it was or the mere mortal that he
was. He was vain in that sense, having a lot of pride in who he was and what he had done for the
city, after all he was the man who outsmarted the last plague on the city, and saved the city for the
citizens. This unfortunately went to his head, and made him arrogant.
Jacota was his wife and mother, her character has also been depicted as unwilling to see the truth.
She knew in detail about the happenings on night her husband, King Laius was killed, but made it
out that there were more than one stranger who murdered him. This remark threw Oedipus off, and
he then began searching harder for more clues to this mystery.
By this point in the story, Jacota had too much pride to admit what was happening. Later she
hung herself so she did not have to face it anymore. In a fashion, Oedipus was a blessed with a
good heart and noble intentions, but with a dark fate. He made an honest king, as a king of
Thebes, and he wanted the best for his citizens, and he wanted to rid them of the plague that
afflicted them. An example of his loyalty was that he sent Creon and he persevered to hunt the
murderer to stop the plague. Oedipus was brought up well, he was raised by
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The Death of Ivan Ilych Essay
Psychological Importance in The Death of Ivan Illych
In The Death of Ivan Ilych Leo Tolstoy conveys the psychological importance of the last, pivotal
scene through the use of diction, symbolism, irony. As Ivan Ilych suffers through his last moments
on earth, Tolstoy narrates this man s struggle to evolve and to ultimately realize his life was not
perfect. Using symbols Tolstoy creates a vivid image pertaining to a topic few people can even
start to comprehend the reexamination of one s life while on the brink of death. In using symbols
and irony Tolstoy vividly conveys the manner in which Ilych views death as darkness unto his last
moments of life when he finally admits imperfection.
In the first paragraph of the ending chapter, ... Show more content on ...
Tolstoy also employs irony as he examines the plight of Ivan Ilych. This highlights the
differences between Ilych s perception of his own life and reality while also allowing the reader
to take part in some of the tearing anguish Ivan feels in having to submit to the wrongdoings in
his life. Tolstoy compares Ivan Ilych s struggle to the plight of a man condemned to death as he
struggles in the hands of an executioner (61). Ivan Ilych does not see death as a natural process,
but as a punishment controlled by a merciless executioner, ironically much like the merciless
judge he once was. Ivan Ilych s feels that death is an undeserved punishment because he never
considered his own mortality. His obsession with social adroitness made mortality feel like a
punishment, and his justification of this obsession made it impossible for him to let go of his
life. Ivan Ilych believed he had lived his life up to social standards and because of this he would
not have to endure the terrible agony of death that is beset among ordinary people. In reality he
was blind to his shallow life and the transgressions he made. Tolstoy uses vivid imagery to
describe Ivan Ilych s struggle to submit to his life s end. For example, Tolstoy describes Ivan as
feeling as though he is struggling to get inside of a hole. The darkness in the hole obstructs Ivan s
ability to get in, and he is unable to get past
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Into Thin Air by Jon Krauker Essay
The book Into Thin Air, written by Jon Krakauer, explores the struggle of man versus man and
man versus nature. The very different personalities proved costly to everyone involved on the
expedition. The team of climbers that were hiking toward the summit of Mt. Everest on May 10,
1996, was oblivious to what lay ahead of them. No matter how advanced the hikers were, Everest
on this day would test the will and endurance of everyone attempting to reach the summit. The one
element that no one person could elude was pain.
Jon Krakauer stated in his book, I quickly came to understand that climbing Everest was primarily
about enduring pain (136). At this point in the book, Jon was unaware of the events that would
soon transpire. Even the ... Show more content on ...
The pain for everyone grew increasingly greater each day that they were on the mountain.
Everyone on the expedition had to dig deep into themselves to find the will to keep moving and to
put their pain and fears aside. The pain that each of these men and women on this mountain were
beginning to feel was pain that would linger well after they got off the mountain.
Mt. Everest s summit has always seemed an unattainable goal for most people. The idea that most
people have is that if I can climb Mt Everest, I can accomplish anything. To have the money and
desire to try to attempt it is one thing, but being able to endure the punishment is quite another.
Beck Weathers, one of the climbers on this particular expedition, had such severe frostbite that he
had to have his right arm, nose and the fingers on his left hand amputated. Everyone on the
expedition suffered the rigors of Everest. The two expert guides, Rob Hall and Scott Fischer, lost
their lives due to a violent storm that ripped through during their descent from the summit. Their
impaired judgment also contributed to their demise. Everest is no respecter of persons. Mt Everest
is the most respected mountain in the whole world and if
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Effectiveness Of Clinical Decision Making
The effectiveness of clinical decision making is crucial in nursing practice to ensure positive
outcome (Goodman, 2014). This essay will explore the clinical and decision making process in
adult nursing by analysing how nursing practice is applied in decision making considering the
individual needs of the patient. Ms LG is a 42 years old white British female with a history of
dyspepsia, constipation, continuous poorly localized abdominal pain, bloating and history of
vomiting (NA2010/3010). Ms LG had chemotherapy for ovarian cancer prior to being admitted to
the gastro intestinal oncology ward.
Ovarian cancer is a fifth most common cancer in women in the UK (NICE, 2011). Ms LG is
currently in treatment phase which comes under stage 4 of ... Show more content on
Stage one of ovarian cancer involves just the ovaries. Stage two indicates cancer has spread
outside of the ovaries however, not outside the pelvis. Stage three indicates the cancer has spread
outside of the pelvis however, not to other parts of the body and lastly, stage four indicates the
cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Ms LG is in the stage three of ovarian cancer as her
cancer has metastases into her bowel. Problems establishing goals Ms LG has problem with her
bowel as she had undergone resection of a tumour bearing ilea segment with bowel
reanastamosis. According to Bayless, Hanauer, and Bayless, (2014) a bowel reanastamosis is an
operative union of two hollow or tubular structures. It is likely that the cancer could metastasis
and Ms LG could have another bowel obstruction. The nurses would therefore monitor for any
signs and symptoms of bowel obstruction. For example, vomiting is an early sign of of bowel
obstruction, abdominal pain, constipation, severe bloating, decreased appetite and diarrhoea
(Moore, 2005). The nurses would have to develop a ceiling of care for Ms LG s goal if surgery was
not an option in the case of more than one metastasis.
Ceiling of care is the patient s expectation from a healthcare setting of their treatment and what is in
the best interest of the patient (BMJ, 2015). As nurses are the advocates for
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Depersonalization Disorder
After gathering information about Caleb from his homeroom teacher and another session with
his mother, I considered two more disorders. Caleb s mother mentioned that Caleb s father
physically and verbally abused her and Caleb witnessed the abuse several times. This
immediately made me think of Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders. I also considered
Dissociative Disorders, although Dissociative Disorders are not labeled as a Trauma and Stressor
Related Disorders in the DSM 5, they are triggered by traumatic events. The primary disorder I
thought of after my second session with Caleb s mother was Depersonalization/ Derealization
Disorder; Caleb may have had depersonalization experiences, evident by his emotional numbness
and his seemingly absent... Show more content on ...
I am not sure whether to report schizophreniform Disorder or Schizophrenia because it is not
clear how long Caleb has displayed negative symptoms and symptoms of catatonia. It is also
unclear whether his behavior is due to the physiological effects of a substance, which is important
to consider since he was caught drinking alcohol. However, Schizophreniform Disorder and
Schizophrenia is still worth considering due to the possibility that Caleb may have had a
hallucination and was rather obsessed with his fantasies during his daycare years, as mentioned in
the first session. Caleb also may have another symptom of catatonia, making a total of three
symptoms of catatonia, which is the minimum requirement. Caleb exhibited negativism by not
reporting or reacting to bullying behavior targeted at him; Caleb simply ignores his peers when
they tease him, rather than respond or report them. Moreover, there is still reason to consider
Autism Spectrum Disorder, based on his mother s and homeroom teacher s report. During the
second session, Caleb s mother admitted that her sister has severe autism, indicating that there may
be a genetic link to Caleb s eccentric behavior. Furthermore, his teacher reported that Caleb is
academically average, and has exceptional written vocabulary skills, which eliminates the
possibility of Caleb s behavior
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The Effect Of Phonetic And Semantic Encoding On Correct...
The current lab experiment was a partial replication of Craik and Tulving s 1975 study. The aim
was to investigate the effect of phonetic and semantic encoding on correct recognition of words.
The research hypothesis was semantically encoded words have a higher rate of correct recognition
then words that have been phonetically encoded. This was a one tailed hypothesis, as previous
research supported it. The null hypothesis was that the results will show no difference between
words that are successfully recognised from the two levels of encoding, and any difference will be
due to chance. The independent variable was the encoding level Phonetic or Semantic and the
dependent variable was the number of correctly recognized words on a standardized recognition
sheet. An independent measures design was used, with opportunity sampling to select 20
participants 10 male, 10 female who were split into phonetic and semantic groups of 10 each. The
findings were that phonetic encoding had a mean of 17.2, and semantic encoding had a mean of
27.8. The Mann Whitney U test showed that the results had a significance level of 0.01. Therefore,
this experiment s data can be considered 99% significant; the research hypothesis was supported
and the null hypothesis was rejected.
Word Count: 200
Cognitive processes such as memory (the process of encoding, storing and retrieving) and encoding
(the form in which the memory is retained) are based on mental
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The National Action Party As A Federal Republic Based On...
The official name of Mexico is Mexican United States. Mexico is primarily a federal republic
based on presidential democracy.* It is a country with solid and independent executive, legislative,
and judicial branches. The president of Mexico is selected by plurality vote, meaning the winner
receives the most votes but not necessarily more than half of the votes. This president serves a term
of six years; however, unlike most Latin American countries, there is no second term available.
There are three main political parties that are seen throughout Mexico. The first is the National
Action Party, or PAN (Partido Accion Nacional). The National Action Party is a conservative liberal
party that is seen as one with close ties to the Roman Catholic Church. Generally, PAN supports
minimal government intervention in the economy. The National Action Party was founded in
1939, mainly consisting of support from the northern parts of the country entailing the urban middle
class. PAN represents the interests of business and of the Roman Catholic Church. PAN was the
main opposition party to the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) for six decades after
being founded, until the late 1980s where it fared poorly at all levels. Another political party in
Mexico is the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional). The
Institutional Revolutionary Party represented the institutionalization of the new power structure
that emerged after 1920 as result
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Civil Conspiracy Essay
I.Questions Presented
1.What elements are required for a defendant to have engaged in a civil conspiracy to defame a
2.What procedures must a plaintiff satisfy in order to bring an action on behalf of an LLC.
II.Brief Answers
1.To conspire to defame a plaintiff, two or more persons must agree to intentionally make false
representations about another that causes the other harm.
A.Overview of Civil Conspiracy
You have inquired about the elements of and what steps are necessary in order for an individual to
engage in a civil conspiracy. In order to make a prima facie claim for civil conspiracy, the plaintiff
must satisfy the following elements:
1)A confederation of two or more persons by agreement or understanding;
2)Some unlawful or tortious act done in ... Show more content on ...
Lacey, 262 Md. 94, 97 98 (1971). Moreover, as Van Royen demonstrates, that analysis has
partially been borrowed from the criminal realm in order to determine whether there was an
agreement. The distinction between these two analyses is that in a criminal conspiracy, the
confederacy is the crime, that is, it is the ends of the analysis. In a civil conspiracy, however, the
confederacy is merely a means to the end of determining the greater question of whether the
confederacy is a proximate cause of the plaintiff s damages. Accordingly, while the elements
articulated in Lloyd, 397 Md. at 154, set forth a helpful framework within which to analyze a civil
conspiracy, the overarching consideration is whether one who is not the principal actor in an event
causing harm can nevertheless be said to be a proximate cause of the harm solely by means of their
agreement. With these considerations in mind, the following is an assessment of the elements set
forth in
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Enron s Impact On Enron
In 1985, two companies, Houston Natural Gas, and InterNorth merged to form Enron. Kenneth Lay
wanted to create a company that can supply electricity and natural gas at a much lower price. As
time went on, Enron ranked as the nation s sixth largest energy company with global internet
trading commodities in plastics, steel, petrochemicals and waste water to name a few (Fusaro,
2000, p. 157). From the time they merged to form Enronup to the point of their collapse, Enron s
executive committee had squandered many of the company s assets through bad strategies, hiding
money, and creating an illusion of a stable financial company.
Most of the top executives overstated Enron s earnings by several million dollars (Niskanen, 2005)
causing the company s stockholders to lose millions of dollars. Kenneth Lay who joined InterNorth,
later renamed Enron, in 1985 became the CEO the following year. In 1990, Kenneth Lay hired Jeff
Skilling to work in the operations department. Jeff Skilling would eventually take over Enron in
2001 as there Chief Executive Officer, replacing Kenneth Lay (Zimmerli, Richter, Holzinger, 2007,
p. 131).
There was no oversight in Enron s top managerial positions. Most of Enron s top executives
controlled all the schemes and allowed the accounting to create fraudulent documents to hide the
losses from investors. Enron was a public company which was run by Kenneth Lay and Jeffery
Skilling. They made up the top executive board which dealt in providing the means and
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Healthy Eating Speech Essay
Day 3 Saturday
Format: LF Copy
Theme: Natural Beauty Foods to Glow
It s been great to hear some thoughts on yesterday s healthy eating overview. It s reminded me
just how individual we are and how diverse our experiences and journeys are too. For some the
next five days will be a healthy challenge, and others it s a normal way of eating for optimum
health and wellbeing.
Also, to remind you that the #28NBR is a general guide and doesn t cater for everyone s individual
needs. Always check with your own medical practitioner if have any concerns or specific
We know our beauty regimes aren t confined to our bathroom... Our natural beauty should be part
of our daily life, supported by ... Show more content on ...
Breakfast: Small bowl quinoa porridge, berries, sprinkle of chia seeds use almond or walnut milk.
Morning snack: Glow go green smoothie (or if you re like me, you can choose to have it with
breakfast and skip the snack)
Lunch: Left over quinoa, with half an avocado or tin of tuna/mackerel plus mixed salad with herbs,
drizzle olive or avocado oil, sprinkle of apple cider vinegar.
Afternoon snack: Sliced red capsicum, cucumber or celery and carrot stick with hummus.
Dinner: Small piece salmon with stir fried vegetables with a sesame seed / seaweed sprinkle.
To drink: Sip water with lemon or a natural herbal tea that includes liquorice.
Here is a great selection of some of my favourite and delicious #28NBR recipes to inspire your
clean, healthy eating guide for the next five days. Breakfast
Go + Glow Green Smoothie
Beauty Breakfast Bar
Skin Moisturising Milk pear, ginger, turmeric almond milk
Quinoa Breakfast Bowl
Crisp Iceberg SautГ©ed Vegetable Salad
Green Goddess Salads
GREEN LEAVES | how to create a salad repertoire
Sweet Potato and Pomegranate Salad Recipe
Avocado Lime Dressing
Savoury Snacks
Red Dip (Capsicum + Cashew)
Smashed Green Pea Patties
Pumpkin Soup with Asian Aromatics
Salmon for the Family
Veggie + Quinoa Soup
Red Lentil Curry Recipe
(please wrap copy around image)
As Winter is well and truly here, this is one of my favourite recipes Indian red lentil curry to warm
you and your
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I Want To Become A Pre-Physical Therapist
To B.G. or Not to Be Choosing what to do after high school is a major decision in life and for most
it is the first big decision that will lead to many others. I have always wanted to go to college but
still have not decided on which one is best for me. This decision became easier for me once I
decided which major I wanted to go into. A lot of schools in Ohio do not offer a Doctorate in
Physical Therapy or classes for Pre Physical Therapy so that narrowed down my list greatly.
Bowling Green State Universityis a better fit than Toledo University for me in my path towards
becoming a Physical Therapist in regards to cost, size, and logistics for my major. A big deciding
factor for me in deciding a collegeis the cost. When I am exploring possible... Show more content
on ...
I decided that I wanted to be a Physical Therapist so now I have to choose which path I want to
go down to earn my Doctorate in Physical Therapy. If I went to BGSU then I would go there for
four years and earn my Bachelor s degree in Pre Physical Therapy. Since BGSU does not offer a
doctorate program, I would then have to apply to different universities that offer the doctorate
program, such as Ohio University, in hopes that I would get accepted into their doctorate
program ( BGSU ). If I went to Toledo then I would, like BGSU, go four years then apply to a
university. In contrast to BGSU, Toledo has a doctorate program, and when looking through
applications they favor students who have done their undergrad at Toledo so there would be a
greater chance of being accepted, and I would not have to switch universities after four years (
Toledo ). Based on these reasons, I feel that Bowling Green State University is the best college
for me to start my Doctorate in Physical Therapy. The biggest reason for me is cost because I
want to come out of college with the least amount of debt possible. In regards to size and
logistics for my major, BGSU and Toledo match up pretty closely. Since I am choosing Bowling
Green, I am going to have to keep my grades up extra high to make sure that I can get accepted
into a doctorate program. This means a lot of hard work and time studying but I feel I am ready
for the
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Multi Drum Research Paper
WFLIII Drums Multi Drum Performances
Remember when 1,000 Foo Fighter s fans in Cesana, Italy, played Learn How To Fly in an
attempt to lure the band to play in their beautiful city? No? Well, you can watch a video of the
performance here, and it is full of passion and lightness of spirit.
When musicians who do not usually come together do, it is a special thing, creating spine tingling
moments. And drummers who usually sit behind their kit behind the rest of the band can blow our
minds when they play in tandem with another of their kind.
Let s note some performances that truly rocked, and deserve a look.
6 Notable Multi Drum Performances
1. The Nashville Drummers Jam
Nashville has been described in many ways, though Charles Esten, the non musician actor who stars
in the TV show Nashville may have put it best: There s an authenticity to the music and a
truthfulness of the ... Show more content on ...
To learn more about The Nashville Drummers Jam check out their Facebook page.
2. Stewart Copeland Of The Police And Neil Peart of Rush
The track is called A Little More Noise and the jam that brings together Copeland and Peart can be
heard here. When giants of the drumming world play together, blending their styles, working to
complement each other s talent, the room falls quiet. Stewart Copeland is known as a kind of
alchemist in the music world, bringing together epic talent in his private studio.
3. Queen And The Foo Fighters
A sublime moment in rock unrolled when The Foo Fighters and Queen brought three drummers on
the stage to perform We Will Rock You. You might quibble with the vocals here but drum fans will
surely sit up a little straighter while taking this in.
4. Phil Collins With Chester Thompson And Luis
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Summary Of Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Stage 1 is the Electroencephalogram (EEG). The EEG provides a summary of electro activity
from a certain area of the brain. The EEG is also the sum of the electrical activity of all neurons
between the two recording electrodes (Garrett,2015). Stage 1 is when one is feeling drowsy and
transitioning into a state of sleep (Thien Thanh Dang Vu, 2017). Stage 2 is the K complex. These
are sharp waves that happen at least once a minute. This stage characterizes the first stage of sleep.
Stage 2 has an appearance of spindles (Thien Thanh Dang Vu, 2017). Where the waves have a
gating function that help to prevent the unsettling stimuli from reaching the cortex part of the brain
that will in turn awaken the sleeper. Stage 3 is known as the slow wave
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Pregnancy and Sweet Home Essay
4. What new information do we learn about Sweet Home in this chapter, specifically about
Denver s birth? In this chapter, we learn that Sethe was already pregnant with Denver when she
ran away from Sweet Home. By the time when Sethe collapsed her feet in the woods, a white
girl Amy Denver had found Sethe. Due to Sethe s fear about Sweet Home, she told Amy Denver
a false name Lu , because if she were caught, she would be returned to Sweet Home, and she
would continue experiencing her previous painful daily life again. Amy Denver helps Sethe by
massaged her feet and release her pain. Later, Sethe gave birth to her baby successfully with Amy s
help and Sethe also naming the child after Amy Denver. 5. Retell the night of Denver s birth,...
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We lucky this ghost is a baby. (5) In my opinion, I think Baby Sugg means that they are lucky
that the ghost is a baby which would not be able to hurt the family in a huge and horrible way.
Likewise, if the ghost is not a baby but an adult, then the ghost might easily kill them when it got
mad. Thus, Baby Sugg thinks that there is no point of moving to another house because they
baby has none of harmful impacts on them. 3.20 27.What do Paul D and Sethe remember about
Sweet Home? Why do you think Morrison gives us the information bit by little bit? Both Paul D
and Sethe s memories about Sweet Home are extremely grieved. For an example, Sethe s life as
a slave in Sweet Home is painful. This quote demonstrates that Sethe s chokecherry tree scar on
her back was resulted by the men who whipped her and tole her baby s milk when she was still a
slave. I think Morrison gives us the information bit by little bit because she wanted to hid certain
information for the middle of the book. Also, she might also wanted to attract readers mind by
using this Strategy. Similarly, if an author gives the readers all the information at one time, then the
readers might lose the interest to continue reading the book because the reader had already what
will happen later
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Sons and Lovers
Sons and Lovers: A Psychoanalytic Criticism Psychoanalysis is a psychological approach that
focuses on the concepts of Sigmund Freud and helps us to understand human behavior. D.H.
Lawrence s Sons and Lovers (1913) is a text that cries out for a psychoanalytic interpretation.One
of Freud s most famous theories is the Oedipus complex, which deals with a child s emerging
sexuality. Freud used the story of Sophocles Oedipus Rex to help illustrate his theory. In the story,
Oedipus unwittingly kills his father and marries his mother. According to Freud, all male children
form an erotic attachment to their mother and are jealous of the relationship the father has with the
mother. The male child fears he will be castrated by the father so he... Show more content on ...
His relationship with his father is strained and he becomes jealous of him. He even asks his
mother not to sleep with the father anymore (Lawrence 215). Paul meets Miriam Leivers and
although he likes her, he repeats the same misogynistic behavior as William did with Lily. He
feels he would be betraying his mother by being with her. However, the idea that Paul is
interested in someone other than his mother shows an attempt to break the oedipal fixation he
has. But, the mother foils this attempt by making him feel guilty for wanting to be with Miriam.
She says, I can t bear it. I could let another woman but not her. She d leave me no room, not a bit
of room. And I ve never you know Paul I ve never had a husband, not really (Lawrence 212). This
same behavior the mother exhibited with William, by being jealous of his female companions, is
now being inflicted on Paul. She reinforces the Oedipus complex that is within Paul by
suffocating him and in a subtle way asking him to replace her husband. Paul s relationship with
Miriam is reduced to friendship. He has to repress any romantic feelings that he might have for
her, so she will not replace his mother. Later in the novel, Paul does become physically intimate
with Miriam, but it is short lived because Paul will not marry her. This also shows that Paul suffers
from a fear of intimacy as he continues to remain emotionally detached from Miriam. Once again,
Paul succumbs
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The Iowa State Teaching Standards
The Iowa State teaching standards helped me throughout student teaching, and prepared me to be
an effective classroom teacher. Through lesson planning, delivery, and reflection I was able to see
how the standards were interdependent with one another. A great lesson cannot be created only
using one standard, several standards should be used in every lesson I create as a teacher. Below I
will explain how the standards better prepared me for the classroom while interrelating them
throughout student teaching. During student teaching both of my placements were in math
classrooms. With math being my endorsement, having a strong understanding of the content and
knowing different methods (standards I XII) lead to success with my students As a future teacher, I
believe these two standards are the most important. I need to create learningexperiences that are
meaningful and age appropriate for my students. I created a lesson for my 8th grade students that
showed the importance of content and methods of teaching. In this lesson, students had to solve
questions involving the 8th grade math standards, but the questions were made in puzzle pieces.
Students had to match the question and answers, making a shape once the problems were
completed. This is called a tangram, which is a concept students had learned in an earlier grade.
This lesson used a variety of strategies and met the needs of my diverse learners (standards III V).
The puzzle pieces had students use creative thinking and
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The Broken Windows Style Of Policing
Some people think assigning officers to communities can be rewarding and some people think it
is a form of punishment. Whatever the case may be, people need some form of protection.
Crime is very real. Today s violence seems to go far past those standard reasons. As humans,
people tend to overlook or forget who are there to protect the society from disorderly people. The
good order of a community is important to those who lived and worked in the community. In
other words, the little things matter to a person in his or her community. There will always be a
person who cares and will take charge in the community. Arguments have been made that the
application of the Broken Windows style of policing leads to negative results for the poor and
minority residents of the area impacted. The application of the Broken Windows style of policing
did leads to negative results for the poor and minority residents of the area impacted. Fagan Davies
(2000) When it comes to debating theories of crimeand law, some people pretend that race does not
matter at all, while others accord it undue, if not determinative, significance. There is now strong
empirical evidence that individuals of color are more likely than white Americans to be stopped,
questioned, searched, and arrested by police. For example, according to Fagan Davies (2000) The
OAG Report showed that stops were disproportionately concentrated in the city s poorest
neighborhoods, neighborhoods with high
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Nike s Benefits Of Nike
Nike is one of the world s largest footwear athletic apparel manufacturer and supplier. Nike
markets athletic wear, footwear, accessories and sports equipment for all types of sports and
training. Nike started out named Blue Ribbon Sports Inc. and changed its name in 1971 to Nike.
The famous company is headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon. Nike sells its products in all Nike
belongs to the apparel footwear and accessories industry, and is one of the leading company
when it comes to profitability. In 2015, Nike s global revenue was around 30.6 billion dollars.
Nike focuses on invention of products for athletes to solve problems leading into the next
generation. A few of Nike s largest competitors are Under armor, Adidas, and Reebok. This essay
uses key financial ratiosto measure Nike s strength or weakness as a company, and ultimately
decide if Nike is worth investing in.
Our first important financial ratio is the current ratio. The current ratio measures a firms potential
or ability to pay off it s short term debts (or liabilities) with specifically it s current assets. Short
term liabilities are due within a year, which makes the current ratio extremely important. The ratio
is both a liquidity ratio and an efficiency ratio. A company favors a higher current ratio because it
shows the company can pay current debt payments with little hassle. If a company has a current
ratio of 3, it means the company has 3x the current assets than current liabilities. But If a company
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Essay On As Our Jobs Guaranteed Basic Income
Technology will forever be the next big thing. Robots are starting to take over people s jobs. If
robots start to take over jobs then what would people do to earn money in a short notice? In the
article As Our Jobs Are Automated, Some Say We ll Need a Guaranteed Basic Income it states
that people will not have to worry about starving or going without shelter because the
government will give a $10,000 universal income to each person. Suppose we advanced in
technology to the point where machines could take care of anything we want. Would we need
jobs? With all of the technologic changes going on in our world we will always need jobs. In the
article states, And then there s Uber, which is experimenting with driverless taxis and trucks.
That would affect approximately 3.5 million truck drivers, and 5 million people who support the
truck driving industry. Selfless driving sounds pretty great but there is no way that could ever
happen. Even the most advanced cars will not know what the other drivers are thinking. The
only way selfless driving could ever come to highway is if everybody owned a car that had the
ability to know what other cars are going to do. There will be jobs for truck drivers, jobs in the
medial field, and jobs making the robots.... Show more content on ...
We would have more people that don t feel the need to go to school and get an education because
they know they can just get money sitting on their couch watching tv. A lot of citizens work for
what they have, they go to college and make something of their selves, why can t everybody do
that? On the contrary, a basic income will help the people who truly need the money to help
them get back up on their feet. I do not agree with the $10,000 income if it will be coming out of
my paycheck. I don t think its right to make up pay for people who don t want to work. Again, I
think if people have the drive to make something out of them then money won t be an
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The Effects Of Urbanization On The Belizean Society Essay
Negative Effects of Urbanization to the Belizean Society
Many small town dwellers and villagers had left their hometown for the cities in search of higher
standard of living. This movement from rural areas to big cities is called urbanization (Boundless,
2015). As a result, urbanization is the process by which there is an increase in the number and the
percentage of people living in the urban settlements and the amount of industrialization of the
settlement. In Belize statistics shows that 45% of the population lives in urban areas (Population
Reference Bureau, 2014). It also refers to the increase in the size of land area occupied by urban
settlements such as towns and cities. Although urbanization has brought about numerous positive
impacts, it also has its share of disadvantages as well. The negative impacts of urbanization shall be
discussed by means of the economic, environmental and social aspect.
The main negative economic impact of urbanization in Belize is unemployment which ties into
social conflict theory. According to Guardian Newspaper the Statistical Institute of Belize
released its preliminary results for the April 2014 labor force survey on Wednesday, June 25, and
it shows that the unemployment rate has decreased from 14.2 percent in September of 2013 to
11.1 percent in April of 2014 (Williams, 2014, P.18). With massive migration from rural areas, jobs
in the urban area may not be created fast enough to meet the needs. Therefore, the first problem
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The Importance Of Satirical Humor
Satirical humor can form an idea of the comedy that expresses a humorous way to entertain the
audience; it shows the different perspectives on how they manipulate the ideas and turn it into
something funny to the audience. Satire always has different flavors on how they appeal enjoyable
to the audience. Satiredemonstrates something secure and ironic. Satirical humor is a
communication tool to get involved more in politics in a positive way to people. Sometimes, satire
can misunderstand people about their jokes are very insulting to the society. Satirical humor
expresses some opinions about political acts so people can view them more critically. The satirical
humor expresses the social criticism on wider issues about politics. Satirical humor can help
involved with people with entertainment through media in politics, and it gains the people s
attention. Satire features a heightened sense of irony, highlighting contradictions, inconsistencies,
absurdities, mining them for their humor, and even highlighting flaws and fakeries to people (Day
256). The satirical humor reveals everything about hypocrisy and foolishness of people,
organizations, society, and governments. Also, satire can involve people to know more about their
politics because it can easily seduce them to experience as a passive form of humor rather than as
a source of moral distress in requiring citizen activism. For example, The Colbert Reportis one that
uses satirical humor to expose U.S. politics. The
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When I Came To America
When I came to America from China at age 16, everyone around me appeared to be different.
However, I didn t just talk to my Chinese friends. I pushed myself outside of my bubble; I tried
my best to make friends with American students, while I still maintained good relationships with
my Chinese friends. America is very different from what I expected, everyone speaks so fast and
unclear; it almost made English a completely different language from what I had already learned.
As I was trying to make friends, I realized that Chinese culturehad made me different from
Americans; things that I was curious about as a Chinese person were very private to American
students. For example, in America, people won t mention what their parents jobs are when they
meet someone for the first time.... Show more content on ...
She thought I was really weird, well she still thinks I m weird but that is beside the point. At
first we spoke two different languages and shared completely different customs. Being the new
kid from another country, my conversations with her were tended to be short and awkward and
we never had much to talk about. I would laugh when she and her friends laughed, even if I didn
t understand the joke at all. I tried using slang as often as I could, even though I wasn t sure what
any of it meant. However, after an entire year of frustration and self motivation, I was finally
making progress. I picked up some more English and learned a lot about American culture and
customs. Then I became even more engaged, I joined the school tennis team and even became the
only Chinese cheerleader in our school. Slowly, I found out that Daniela and I share a lot in
common: we both love reading, eating healthy and working out. Nowadays she helps me enhance
my English and I help her learn how to be more
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Walmart de Mexico
Wal Mart de Mexico
Comercial Mexicana S.A. (Comerci), one of Mexico s largest retail chains, was faced with a
serious dilemma. Since Wal Mart s aggressive entry into the Mexican retail market, Comerci has
found it increasingly difficult to remain competitive. Wal Mart s strong operating presence and
low prices since NAFTA s lifting of tariffs have put pressure on Comerci, and now management
must decide if it can improve Comerci s competitive position by remaining independent or by
merging with either a local or foreign retailer. Which raises one question that needs to be answered:
What has caused this intense competitive pressure on Comerci, and what is likely to be its future?
Mexico s retail sector has benefited greatly from the ... Show more content on ...
Wal Mart has also come across logistics problems due to poor roads and the scarcity of delivery
trucks. Yet another problem was the culture clashes between the Arkansas executive and the
Mexican managers. Some of these problems were solved by trial and error, but the emergence
of the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994 helped solve most of the problems. Among
other things, NAFTA reduced tariffs on American goods sold to Mexico from 10 percent to 3
percent. Prior to NAFTA, Wal Mart was not much of a threat to companies like Comerci,
Gigante, and Soriana, Mexico s top retailers. But once the agreement was signed, the barriers fell
and Wal Mart was on a level playing field with its competitors which was all it needed to become
number one. NAFTA encouraged Mexico to improve its transportation infrastructure, thus helping
to solve Wal Mart s logistical problems. The signing of NAFTA also opened wider gates to
foreign investment in Mexico. Wal Mart was paying huge import fees on goods shipped to
Mexican areas like Europe and Asia. Foreign companies knew that if they built manufacturing
plants in Mexico, they could keep costs low with Mexican labor but ship to NAFTA s free trade
zone, Mexico, the United States, or Canada. As companies began to build manufacturing plants, in
Mexico, Wal Mart could buy these products without paying the high import tariffs. An example of
this tactic is Sony s flat screen television line, Wega. Sam s Clubs in Mexico imported
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Essay on My Nursing Career
Me and my nursing career
As a child, a nurse wearing a white uniform and a doctor wearing white coat fascinated me. My
cousin was a nurse and often when I visited her, I felt a force pulling me or attracting me to that
white uniform. Never realized until I became a nurse that it was not a dream, I was destined to be a
nurse. Today we call Florence Nightingalepioneer of nursing and Mother Teresa the epitome of
love and compassion (, 2010, p. 1). These women choose to do what was in their heart, the
passion to serve the hungry and needy, sick and poor, leper and beggar, weak and in street,
embracing them with love and thus showing a unique example for people like me to follow. In
India years ago nursing was considered very cheap profession ... Show more content on ...
Recently I read in OJIN magazine, students shared that they entered a nursing program because
they valued a career involving altruism, making a difference, intellectual challenges, goal
attainment, job security, and flexibility (Rhodes, Morris, amp; Lazenby, Feb 25 2011, p. 2).
Altruism was identified as the most dominant theme and students considered themselves as caring
individuals (Rhodes et al., Feb 25 2011, p. 2). Besides flexibility, job security and career
opportunities I consider nursing one of the well paying jobs. Higher education brings prospects of
climbing the ladder in the same facility. I work as a patient flow coordinator and my job is to
maintain the flow of patient throughout the hospital, in terms of admission, discharge and transfers.
My job does not require direct patient care but it gives me opportunity to communicate with all
departments and health personnel throughout the hospital.
As I described in introduction my motto is from Bible Do unto others what they would have do
unto you. Going above and beyond our call of duty or walking extra mile that what as a nurse I
choose to do. Bottom line is I love my job and at the end of the day it gives me an immense sense
of fulfillment.
Numerous issues concern me about the nursing profession. First is nursing shortage. Hospitals are
not able to maintain nurse patient ratio due to nursing shortage thus nursing staff is under
tremendous stress, workload is too much
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Understanding Stress During Puberty
In this experiment, the author s focused on understanding stress during puberty and the sex
specific differences of the effects on humans through rat models. As we go through puberty, both
male and females have increased levels of sex steroid hormones. In females this causes levels of
cortisol to increase, as well as the probability of developing a mood disorder relating to stress. Past
studies have shown that this is because of the plasticity of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis
(HPA) axis and the areas of the brainthe regulate mood, such as the amygdala. They supported their
previous claim with an experiment that was done on rats where they were subjected to stressful
events, known as juvenile social subjugation (JSS), and... Show more content on ...
Autoradiography helps to visualize the CRF1 and CRF2 receptors. The sections of the brain
were incubated for 2 hours in a binding chamber that contained 500 mM Astressin 2B and
500mM CP 154,526. The Astressin 2B helps to visualize the CRF1 receptors, while the CP
154,526 helps to visualize the CRF2 receptors. The control group of sections of brains was
incubated for 2 hours in 0.2nm 125I Sanguine. They were washed then exposed to Kodak Biomax
MR film. Next, they calculated the receptor binding density and background measurements of the
lateral dorsal thalamus and the dorsal striatum. They created heat maps of the brain sections, whose
densitometry measurements were close to the mean, using Photoshop. They performed two way
ANOVA and post hoc Student s t tests. They compared between subject with sexand age, as well as
the effects of age within each sex and sex within each age.
Overall the Basolateral Nucleus of the Amgdala (BLA) was the primary location for the
expression of CRF1 binding and the MePV was the secondary location for binding. CRF2
expression in the MePV was not as intense as that of the CRF1 receptor. The MePD had less
expression of both types of CRF receptor and no expression in the CeA. They found intense
expression of CRF2 receptor in the cortical nucleus of the amygdala and choroid plexus.
Each hemisphere of the brain had no significant difference in the binding of both types of CRF
receptors. Figure 2 shows that in the binding
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Bipolar I Disorder ( Bd )
This paper focuses on bipolar I disorder, previously known as manic depressive illness. It
includes the definition and characteristics, neurobiology and pathophysiology, psychological and
environmental factors about the disorder. There is also a brief description about nursing
interventions. Next, two evidence based research papers will be presented. Additionally, there
will be a summary on two audiovisual films that focused on bipolar I disorder. Lastly, there is a
brief discussion about personal thoughts and feelings about bipolar I disorder. Introduction
When people are asked what bipolar I disorder (BD) is, they often describe someone as being
psychotic, having drastic mood changes, being depressed then super happy, and the list is
endless. Often, individuals who suffer with BD are stigmatized and discriminated. The
following piece is part of a poem called You and Me written by Debbie Sesula, ...If you get angry
/ You re considered upset/ If I get angry/ I m considered dangerous. / If you over react to
something/ You re sensitive/ If I over react to something/ I m out of control... BD is not well
understood by society and it is unfortunate that individuals who have this disorder often isolate
themselves and feel ashamed. Definition and Characteristics The essential feature of a manic
episode is a distinct period during which there is an abnormally, persistently elevated, expansive
irritable mood and persistently increased activity or
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Nucor Corporation Case Essays
Assignment #4: HRM Issues/Diversification Strategies: Nucor Corporation
Strategic Management, Business 599
Introduction In this paper, we will present an analysis of Nucor Corporation in Case # 10 (Arthur,
Strickland, John, 2010). The paper will discuss the trends in steel industry and how it may impact
Nucor s strategy. In addition, the paper will describe the organizational and management philosophy
at Nucor. Furthermore, the paper will identify 3 HRM issues related to strategy implementation and
recommend actions to address these issues. Recommendation whether a related or unrelated
diversification should be used will also be discussed. Finally, we will be looking at Organizational
structure issues the company ... Show more content on ...
manufacturing GDP. The industry has undergone a major transformation since its recession during
the late 1980s, investing in new process and product technologies and closing older mills. Today s
steel industry is technologically sophisticated, employing over 189,000 American production
workers in jobs paying about 55% above the average for all U.S. manufacturing. The United States
is the largest steel producer in the world, producing 112 million tons of raw steel in 2000, 12% of
total world production. The industry has recently experienced large levels of imports because of
world steel overcapacity resulting from economic downturns in Asia. The industry s return on sales
for the year 2000 was 2.8%.] Nucor s strategy focused on two major competencies: building steel
manufacturing facilities economically and operating them productively. The company s hallmarks
were continuous innovation, modern equipment, individualized customer service, and a
commitment to producing high quality steel and steel products at competitive prices. Nucor was
the first in the industry to adopt a number of new products and innovative processes, including thin
slab cast steel, iron carbide, and the direct casting of stainless wire. Nucor s analysis will primarily
focus on management s ability to allocate resources while cutting costs and competing in
international markets. The industry itself does not allow for product differentiation or immense
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Henry Wirz Research Paper
Henry Wirz, originally named Heinrich Hartmann Wirz, was known as a military leader during
the Civil War. Henry was born in Zurich, Switzerland on November 25, 1823. Although Henry
had a set future of becoming a doctor, instead he had studied to become a weaver. In 1845, he had
married a woman named Emilie Oschwald. After the couple had two children, the marriage had
ended poorly. Sources say, According to some reports, Wirz had legal troubles while in Europe
involving embezzled money, and may have served some time in prison. After all the troubles within
the divorce, Henry had moved to the United Statesin 1849. As he made his way to Lawrence,
Massachusetts, he had started his profession of becoming a weaver as he had studied about it back
in Switzerland. Henry had moved from Massachusetts to Kentucky to Louisiana becoming a doctor,
remarrying, and working on a plantation throughout the journey.... Show more content on ...
After he had joined the Fourth Louisiana Infantry, Henry had received many promotions and
accepted the role of captain after serving as a soldier in the Battle of Seven Pines in 1862. He
had taken command of his first military at a Confederate Facility in Richmond, Virginia. He had
also taken charge of another military prison in Alabama. Henry eventually received the job of the
special assistant of Confederate President Jefferson Davis. As an order from the President, he had
spent a year in Europe returning in 1864 to claim the Military position at the Andersonville Prison
at Camp Sumter. Henry had the tendency of having a bad temper. The prisoners had struggled to
stay alive as they had to experience the horrible torture and starvation while the sick and wounded
were left untreated. Along with the harsh handling to the prisoners, all of this resulted in an
estimate number of 13,000 deaths at the prison
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Persuasive Essay On Having A Child
Growing up having kids is something that you simply assume would happen. It was never even
a question you always knew that one day you would be a parent and that having kids seemed
like a natural step in becoming an adult. Your thoughts are to meet someone, get married, and
eventually have children.Sometimes life doesn t work out that way. Many women have trouble
conceiving depending on age and how the body reacts to developing a child. Some people don t
have to try to get pregnant but others aren t so lucky they have to continue to try until your results
come out positive, so to speak. But trying to conceive and failing after many attempts can be
overwhelming and frustrating always trying to stay positive that this time will work. It s important
to start the process of finding out what test s you have to take to know if you re able to have
children; and what are options for infertility.
Many women feel hesitant to discuss their difficulties with conceiving and carrying babies to term,
fearing embarrassment, judgment from others, or simply other people s awkward or inappropriate
responses.10 percent of women (6.1 million) between the ages of 15 44 in the U.S. struggle getting
pregnant according to the (CDC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
If a woman is having trouble getting pregnant they go to their doctors to find the reason behind it,
their are a number of things that can cause you to not get pregnant. It s a good idea for any women
to talk to a doctor
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Essay About Moving
As I went downstairs the tone of the room felt hot, humid, and empty. Hot, because of the
burning Atlanta temperatures of ninety eight degrees or higher. Humid, caused by the broken air
conditioning and affecting the density of the atmosphere. Finally empty. The furniture was
missing and minimal sounds can bounce off to make echoes. I was departing from a place that I
called home. I lived at the address 353 Leisure Court for almost a year; the identity of the street
brings back smiles to my face because of its pleasantry. Living here has made me feel secure like
a dog to his owner. Moving away from this security brought feelings of uncertainty. My lack of
confidence was about the new beginnings my family would experience after the move. But... Show
more content on ...
I couldn t seem to locate the big picture. The thing I felt was important was my friends, school,
and most significant my home. Presently, realizing my lack of compassion, I come to the
understanding my mom made this decision to better our lives. I couldn t come to this
understanding until after the move because of the occurring despair I felt before the move. In
the stages of this hopelessness, I began to lash out on my mother because of this betrayal I felt
she was committing to move away from the place I had my childhood and beginning of
adolescence. This was an action of the negative presence or bug I have developed in my mind,
which in every moment I carried out, I later remorse. In spite of this I knew the way I presented
myself was not only new to my mom but it was also new to me, the new me was unfavorable. I
thought the best way to retaliate to the move was to show my mother I was unhappy and maybe
she just might change her mind about her decision. The more we packed to leave; I knew my
theory was just a theory itself. After a couple of days I noticed my mother was pretty broken
about the move also, I wasn t making it any better with my attitude, I could see the selfish ways I
was told to be
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Definition Of Bureaucratic Authoritarianism
Bureaucratic Authoritarianism a concept by Guillermo O Donnell. A form of authoritarian rule in
Latin America that was prevalent during the 1970s which many active duty officers and civilian
bureaucrats rationalized dictatorships by claiming that electoral politics would leave the country
vulnerable to economic subversion. long term intervention with the goal of transforming society
most intense of the military establishments military as institutions governs Chile 1973 1990 under
Pinochet Argentina 1976 1983 repressed labour unions attempt to administer the economy
prohibition of elections and repressions of civil liberties justified by saying they needed to restore
economic stability and eliminate guerilla insurgencies.
Caudillos military strongmen that fought their way to power in the first century after independence
established long lived dictatorships Juan Manuel de Rosas 1835 1852, Argentina Juan Vicente
GГіmez 1908 1935, Venezuela In Argentina caudillos rule lasted from independence to 1835
Import Substitution Industrialization a policy approach to industrialization that focuses on
promoting the production of finished goods that had previously been imported from outside the
region via the use of tariffs on imports and subsidies for firms that produce goods domestically.
Latin America should produce their own manufactured goods to substitute for imports
Ex. Peron bought the Railroad company from Great Britain which financed,
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How Did Leonardo Da Vinci Represent
After a while Leonardo da Vinci left the academy of his master Verrocchio, he was sought to
make his first job inside a chapel in Florence, Italy. Three years later monks from the city of
Florence learned of the great capabilities in the art that had Leonardo da Vinci in painting and
sought to do a paint job called adoration of the magi. four years later roler Florentine Lorenzo de
Medici, Da Vinci instructs him to create a symbol silver lyre shaped. To offer it as a symbol of
peace to the governor of Milan, Ludovico Sforza. After that the governor was impressed by the
good artisan work of Leonardo da Vinciand sent a letter asking to return to work to make drawings
of military engineering. Leonardo da Vinci using his creative mind drawing
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Cost Effectiveness Of A New Technique For A Common...
Cost effectiveness of a new technique for a Common surgical procedure
In this present era of technological revolution, a scientific breakthrough or an advancement is a
common event. It is a tough task for any organization to maintain the balance between staying
ahead with the scientific know how and aligning the cost effectiveness of each intervention, which
they are accountable for, without compromising highest levels of patient management, safety and
care. Therefore, any new technique has to be cross examined not only for the robust clinical
effectiveness as to its competitors and also to justify its economic worthiness.
NHS (National Health services) takes recommendations from NICE (National Institute for health
and Care Excellence) ... Show more content on ...
2)Assessment provides a systematic evaluation of evidence available on the technology along with
a critical analysis of the clinical and cost effectiveness of the intervention. It has two parts
a.Systematic review of literature
b.Economic evaluation / Cost effectiveness analysis.
3)Appraisal Appraisal committee provides evidence based on analytic report and proposes
Defining scope
1)This is one of the integral preliminary steps in evaluating a new technique. It defines framework
for appraisal and determines issues of interest. The following steps are involved:
a.Cohort involved with the disease condition
b.Level at which intervention is proposed like community/hospital
c.Cost effectiveness to the organization
d.Analysis of outcome measures with the potential comparators
e.Defines efficient time period in which effects and cost can be analyzed
f.Identifies the evidence base from which data is collected
g.Highlights social concerns of equality along with maintenance of quality of life outcome
Systematic review of literature
A comprehensive evidence base forms the backbone of a systematic appraisal. Systematic evidence
gathering is done to minimize deficiencies database and quantification of limitations in database is
analyzed with reflection of uncertainty in the results. A meta analysis of all the evidence is done
and critically appraised.
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Differences Between Types of Mouth Guards
In dentistry there are three main types of mouth guards. The first one is the Stock mouth protector.
This protector is preformed and it comes ready to wear immediately. These ones can be bought at
department stores and are fairly inexpensive. When you get one of these guards it is not easy to
adjust or fit in the mouth since they are sold at stores. In some instances they do not offer or
provide much safety or protection, and with this dentist do not recommend these for their patients.
Some other names for guards include; bite plane, bite splint, gum guard, gum shield, mouth piece,
mouth protector, night guard, and occlusal splint. The second protector is the Boil and bite mouth
protector. This one is a little more fitting and helps protect the teeth. This one you can also get at a
store, but the difference between this protector and the stock mouth protector is that this mouth
piece is made out of a thermoplastic material. This means that when you get this guard you put it
into hot bowling water and then put the piece in your mouth and it makes an impression around the
teeth using your finger and tongue to put pressure on it to form to your mouth. The third protector
that is used in dentistryis the Custom Fitted mouth protector. This protector is highly recommended
by dentist due to the fact that it is fitted and formed to your mouth in a direct way. This is made
inside a dental office after the assistant and or dentist make a mold of your teeth and mouth.
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Marcus Mill s Article On Connotations And Connotation
1.Stuart Mill s article on Denotation vs Connotation emphasizes the meaning of words which are a
way for us to communicate with one another. He had his own theory on this article. His view on the
meaning of words was that there was a distinction between the connotation and the denotation of a
term. There are two kinds of descriptive values according to Mill. Denotationis the literal meaning
of a term whereas connotationis the idea or feeling that the word implies; the conceptual
representation of it. For example he states, The word white denotes all white things, as snow
paper, the foam of the sea, etc., and implies, or in the language of the schoolmen, connotes, the
attribute whiteness. The word white is not predicated of the attribute, but of the objects, snow,
etc.; but when we predicate it of them, we convey the meaning that the attribute whiteness
belongs to them 167). What Mill is implying is that the term white it characterizes the thing
denoted by the expression. When we say the word white we think of these other things (snow,
paper, wedding dress, white flowers) because they are defined as the color white. For instance,
take the word home. The connotation of the term home would be a place of warmth, comfort,
affection etc. She feels like home . It means that the person gives us a comforting vibe in which
we can rely on to feel peace within ourselves. How it is denoted; the place where one lives (family
members) for a certain period of time. It is
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The Influence Of The Renaissance
The Renaissance is an important part of history because it was seen as the start of the new
modern era. It is plausible to give this time such a title, since it portrayed a largely profound
influence on the eras to follow. Never before (or since) had there been such a coming together of
art, science and philosophy (The Renaissancewhy it changed the world). During the Renaissance,
many new ideas and inventions emerged. The popularity of inventing was a result of social needs
among various people in societies and other cultures through the development of the modern era
(Salisbury). THESIS
The Renaissance explored many new ideas in a variety of topics such as; culture, politics, science,
and an improved type of intelligence in individuals (The Renaissance why it changed the world).
The spread of these ideas began in Europe in the 14th century (Salisbury). As the philosophies of
the Renaissance spread across Europe, they evolved to match local cultural thinking, while still
remaining true to its core meaning. These ideas brought diplomatic excursions, war, exploration,
trade, and marriage. It had a kind of snowball effect: each new intellectual advance paved the way
for further advancements. Even the art during this time was different. There was a larger focus on
human anatomy as a result of the influence of realism and the desire to capture the world as it was
(The Renaissance why it changed the world).
Sciences during this time were being developed under Copernicus and Galileo. Separately, these
two scientists had developed an understanding of Earth s place in the universe and proved that all
planets revolved around the sun (The Renaissance why it changed the world). Other scientific
advances were discovered through chemistry and mathematics through the development of
gunpower and a new financial trading system that made it simpler to navigate across the world
(The Renaissance why it changed the world).
These new advances were so successfully spread due to one specific invention, the printing press.
In 1440, Gitenberg introduced this machine to the world, and for the first time ever books could
be mass produced. Renaissance philosophers were able to print mass copies of their discoveries and
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Squirt Case Study
Product Strategies
Product Classification Squirt Soda is a carbonated beverage with grapefruit flavoring. It is an
impulse buy; consumers do not put a lot of time and effort in deciding whether or not to purchase
such a product. Therefore consumers need to be reminded of the brand through intelligent, funny
advertising or advertising that creates a relevant connection with the consumer audience.
o Soft Drinks are homogenous goods. They compete on price, availability, and most importantly,
their sale and success depends on their images in the minds of consumers.
Differentiation Squirt has a unique image opportunity: Brand itself as the most refreshing and
naturally made citrus soda on the market. It should have the lowest ... Show more content on ...
This can be done only as far as legally and ethically permitted. For example, Ben and Jerry s Ice
Cream has been pressured into removing the All Natural slogan from their containers because of
certain ingredients in their product.
o Create consumer confidence Consumers appreciate quality packaging, it makes an image
difference for them if the product comes in a more prestigious package. Squirt must keep up the
status quo of soft drink packaging quality standards. We do not recommend alternative luxurious
containers, but we do recommend attention to detail and attention to competitors package quality.
Brand Strategies, Product/Market Strategies and Line Strategies
o Market Penetration Strategy The main goal for Squirt grapefruit beverage is to gain more market
share within the current target market. Squirt s new Natural image is intended to make the product
more appealing to more people that buy Mountain Dew or Fanta or other colas in general.
o Market Development Strategy Through skillful promotion and advertising,( TV, print, online,
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Dances With Wolves Analysis
I thought the movie Dances with Wolves was a good film. I think that this was a good film since it
had a good storyline. In addition, I had thought the movies was also very interesting. I thought it
was interesting as it showed me the communication barrier between Dunbar and the Indians, the
Indians lack of knowledge on weaponry, and the perception of Indians. I also thought it was a good
film, since I had also learned a few things from it. One of those things being the perception of
The movie gave me an insight on the relationship between the US and Indian relationships as it
seems as the USA did not like the Indians. It shows this with the perception of the Indians from the
comments the white people had made toward the Indians and ... Show more content on ...
I feel that this movie would be a historical fiction since the film does have some historical facts and
meaning. Some parts of the movie that show historical facts would be the perception of the Indians,
the few battles, and the customs of the Indians. These things cannot fictionalized, and would require
some research.
The treatment of the native people west of the Mississippi river in the time period following the
civil war was poor. The white people wanted the Indians to be exterminated. An example of this
happened in Colorado, when some Indian chiefs had sought peace and negotiation. In this
negotiation, they had army protection, however, they were killed in their sleep. The Indians
were also treated poorly as they suffered from the white Americans racism, their belief that they
owned all the land, and paternalism. The forces at work on both of these sides were the people
that had strong beliefs and were not going to stand for anything but their beliefs. The Indians
were on the west side of the Mississippi river, and they did not want to leave their land. The white
people were on the other side of the Mississippi river and had their belief that they owned all the
land. With these two groups of people with different beliefs, this had lead to incompatible
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Plan For A Campaign The Right Consultant
To plan for a campaign the right consultant should be hired. The consultant will conduct a
feasibility study to ensure that the organization and prospective donors are ready for the campaign.
The feasibility study looks at all aspects of a campaign. The study will review the campaign
timeline and the plan for each phases of the campaign.
Once the campaign has received the results of the feasibility study the campaign leaders will need
to review the consultant s suggestions and review any newly acquired information that relates to
the campaign. A task force should be created to revise the campaign s goals, plans and case for
support (Bancel 2000). During this time period the task force will focus on strengthening any weak
areas of a ... Show more content on ...
Thankfully our campaign is riding of the success of the Children s Hospital redesign and the
remodel for West Side Adult Medicine so confidence in the project is high, and donors recognize
that the organization has been through in it s planning process for the campaign. It has been
decided that there will be three phases to the project. Different milestones will be tied to each phase
of this project.
The first phase will revolve around planning, the second phase will be connecting with donors and
introducing the project to them and around solicitation, the third phase will revolve the successful
completion of the campaign.
Phase 1 Planning Checklist: This phase will take place for over the course of 12 to 18 months
A seed fund is created three years before the campaign and the appropriate money is added to it
each year to ensure that the campaign will have the funds required for the upfront costs of the
The campaign committee meets to draft the campaign cause, a campaign timeline and a campaign
Find the right volunteer leader then meet with volunteer leader as well as human resources to
review criteria for volunteers and staff. Draft and post new positions that will be needed for the
campaign. A job description should be created for both volunteer positions and staffed positions.
Each position needs a clear description that outlines the responsibilities of the role, the time
commitment, the skills needed for the
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The Use of Language to create the setting in The Great Gatsby
How Does F Scott Fitzgerald use Language to create the setting and the atmosphere of this
extract? This extract, which describes Jay Gatsby s extravagant party is a microcosm of the type
of seductive and exciting lifestyle that was lived by those eager to fulfil the American dream in
the 1920 s. It shows how the original dream of happiness, individualism and prosperity has
disintegrated into the mere pursuit of wealth. Fitzgerald himself experienced this type of society
and uses symbolism in this extract to represent his conflicting feelings about the Jazz age and
create a typical setting of this kind of society. Referring to the novel as a whole, Giltrow David
(from Studies in the Novel ) states that The style F. Scott... Show more content on ...
The guests attending the party represent the restless need of society to be entertained and
artificially amused by those willing to provide it, and in this case it is Gatsby who succumbs to
their insatiable need, both for his own benefit and theirs. We are guided through the first half of
the extract by Nick as a third person narrator, and thus the reader is given a view of what takes
place before the guests arrive at least once a fortnight several corps of caterers came down .
Nick gives the feeling of repetition of the rituals described every Friday five crates of oranges
and lemons arrived and by using this narrative technique, creates a tired ritualistic atmosphere of
routine labour on Mondays eight servants, including an extra gardener, toiled all day . The tense
changes, however, to the first person when people begin to enter the party, and the previously
felt negative atmosphere slowly disappear. The reader feels as if they are on Nick s level, seeing
what he sees. The reader s interpretation of the party is coloured by Nick s almost poetic
description and sometimes, ironic views on the event itself and its inhabitants. Two distinct types of
people are represented here: those who work for their money and those who don t. During this
... Get more on ...
The Importance Of Learning A Second Language
Should schoolchildren be required to learn a second or even third language from a young age?
According to studies at the Cornell Language Acquisition Lab (CLAL), children who learn a second
language can maintain attention despite outside stimuli better than those who know only one
language. Learning foreign languages from a young age is much easier than trying to pick one up
later in life, researchers say that their elementary brains are most receptive to picking it up and
enabling them to speak the languagefluently with little or no hint of a foreign accent. Schools
around the country are struggling to keep their foreign languageprograms alive. My interest in this
topic has developed from my cousins, who live out in California who have been taught a foreign
from a younger age, and the school I went to didn t start teaching it until the ninth grade.
Learning a second language from a young age can be beneficial for students, as Jamaal Abdul alim
talks about in his article, States are teaching core content in other tongues. In his article, he wrote
a quote from Hendrik J. Haarmann, the area director of cognitive neuroscience at the University
of Maryland Center for Advanced Study of Language saying, Early age is the best time to be
introduced to a foreign language because the mind/brain is most plastic at that age in terms of its
ability to learn a language. Preschool, early elementary aged students brains are developing rapidly
making it easier for them to adapt to
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Stereotypical Fairytale And Relative Peace
When a child does something wrong, an older, wiser adult is always there to scold them for the
wrongdoing. Inevitably, they are then forced to accept the punishment and guilt that it bears.
However, when they transform into an adult, they are the old, wise adult, and no one is there to
scold them. It must be found within themselves to discern the sin committed and hold the guilt
within their own hearts, but then also forgive themselves for it, of which it is much easier to do as
a child. If unforgiven, the guilt manifests itself within their being, slowly monopolizing on their
lives until they become a mere shell of their prior beings, scarcely able to survive daily life with
the blanket of guilt weighing down so heavily upon them. In... Show more content on ...
Barely under this facade of composure and innocence, unbeknownst to him, was his rapidly
expanding feeling of dishonor. Not only had he committed an act so unspeakable for the time,
but he had also failed to admit this fault to those who held his holiness above all else. In this way,
he felt he had betrayed the townspeople, of whom he knew their countless sins, and the only
person who could ever truly forgive him: God. As a result of these unforgivable crimes,
Dimmesdale subjected himself to a torture brought about by his own inability to forgive himself
for the crimes committed. Only a short while into his self flagellation, the decaying of his
physical well being became apparent to any and all onlookers, as the text states, he was often
observed, on any slight alarm or other sudden accident, to put his hand over his heart, with first a
flush and then a paleness, indicative of pain, (Hawthorne 108). This quotation exemplifies the
obvious change in Dimmesdale s demeanor, while also creating a connection between mind and
body. With such a guilt fueling his need to gain redemption, he turned to pain as a way to relieve
the unshakeable ailment he invariably felt. However, this did not achieve anything as his mental
state further deteriorated and his physical conditions followed suit, to the point that he was scarcely
able to bear his own weight or
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An Evaluation Of A Company At This Time
First of all, I am glad to inform you that I am thrilled to be advising your company at this time.
Thus, I would do my very best to help the company to perform at its best. In order to accomplish
this, first I would like to introduce the current economic, politics, and the social conditions in
Japan to help the company to decide whether or not it should invest money in this country. This
information is crucial in business because all these three factors mentioned above play a
significant role for private businesses to be successful in certain countries. Therefore, I would
like to start this advisement with the economic situation in Japan since this is the most
important of all three. Initially, for investor companies, the economic conditions of the country
that the firm is investing is vital. For example, an investment for Zimbabwe is not going to be a
great decision. Zimbabwe is a country surrounded by a myriad of problems. For instance,
Zimbabwe s GDP has declined by 38 percent between 1998 and 2003 (Raftopoulos, 2015) also
the inflation in Zimbabwe is enormous that the price of consumer items like meat and clothes rose
by 223 percent in a week (Wines, 2007). This economic condition can be readily understood that
the economy in Zimbabwe is highly unstable; therefore, the investment will be a poor decision. On
the other hand, the economy in Japan is quite stable. Japan is one of the biggest exporters in the
world also they have they third largest GDP. However, after the
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Rudyard Kipling s The Jungle Book
The representation of animals within Rudyard Kipling s The Jungle Book is symbolic of the
colonisation of India, advocating the agenda of the British colonisers through the theme of
imperialist oppression. This is particularly evident within the Mowgli story Kaa s Hunting as well
as the animal story Rikki Tikki Tavi . Within the Mowglistory, the theme of imperialist oppression
is conveyed primarily through the Law of the Jungle as Kipling uses Baloo, the Bandar log and
Shere Khan symbolically as justification. Animals within Rikki Tikki Tavi embody this
representation also, reflecting this demonstration of imperialist oppression despite the lack of
pronounced law. The Law of the Jungle is essentially a set of rules devised to govern... Show more
content on ...
Like Shere Khan, Nag and Nagaina represent the resisting of colonial imposition yet are
presented as antagonists despite their celebrated significance within Eastern culture (Veloso de
Abreu 690). The portrayal of these characters as the enemy epitomises Kipling s connotation of
resistance as adverse. Both Nag and Nagaina meet the same fate as Shere Khan to further
reinforce this notion as they die and imperial oppression triumphs. The character of Rikki Tikki
Tavi also holds symbolism within the scheme of Indian colonisation as he is subject of colonial
rule, employed to protect and defend his white masters (Nyman 207). The mongoose sacrifices
his traditional role to live under colonial rule, a choice encouraged as the narrator states that
every well brought up mongoose always hopes to be a house mongoose some day (Kipling). For
both Rikki Tikki Tavi and his masters to live, the antagonists, those who resist imperial oppression,
must die. This is explicit as Nag knows that mongooses in the garden meant death sooner or later
for him and his family (Kipling), once again justifying imperial oppression even without the Law
of the Jungle . The advocating of the agenda of British colonisers through imperial oppression even
extends to the character of Chuchundra as he is afraid of both the coloniser and of standing up to
the coloniser, represented
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Healthcare Personal Statement
Some people have wanted to be in the health care field for as long as they can remember. Some
people have a moment or one specific incident that they can point to and say this is the reason I
want to be in the health care field. I am not one of those people. My interest has developed more
slowly and steady. As I progressed through school I noticed that the subjects I enjoy the most are
the sciences. Learning about the human body and disease fascinates me. I began to realize I
wanted to have a career where I have a true purpose. Healthcare allows me to truly make a
difference in people s lives while also pursuing my desire for scientific knowledge. So, when I first
began my college studies I decided I would be pre med and become a doctor.... Show more content
on ...
I began as a one on one tutor teaching reading, comprehension, and math to students of all ages.
The work was rewarding, but teaching has never been my passion. Science is what I love.
Throughout the time, I served as a trainer to new employees and took on more of a leadership
role. I enjoyed helping shape the new employees to teach the students, and answering their
questions to help them become great at their job. I liked knowing that if I did well at my job then
they would do well in teaching the children. Eventually, I was promoted to office manager. This
role took me out of the teaching side and more into the business side of the company. I realized
that I would not be happy to continue to progress in that role, and went back to school to pursue my
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Poverty s Impact On Education
Poverty s Impact on Education Poverty, a state of economic scarcity in which one lacks material
possessions or money, has endured in even the most vibrant and influential of cultures throughout
the world. The United States, as a country of diverse societies and cultures, demonstrates the
reality of this phenomenon. To be specific, forty five million, three hundred thousand Americans,
or the equivalent of 14.5 percent of the population, live below the poverty line. And as of 2013,
the U.S. Census Bureau concluded that 19.9% of children under the age of 18 are living in
poverty. Sixty to seventy percent of these impoverished students do not graduate, and their test
scores are 10% lower than those of their wealthier peers (Hochschild). The seemingly inevitable
issue of poverty affects many aspects of Americans lives; it is particularly detrimental to their
educational opportunities. From a cultural, historical, economical, and political standpoint, one can
see how a wide variety of perspectives reveal unique and unseen views on the issue at hand.
Educational Environment The educational environment of a student, such as one s access to a
public library, ability to use a computer or public library, or capability to ask for academic aid, can
be decisive to the outcome of his or her academic success. An advantageous, supportive environment
for students can allow them to develop to their true academic potential. However, a conflicting
environment can lead to the academic
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Standard Deduction
Standard deduction is a provision of the United States federal income tax system, which serves two
purposes including a least amount amount of untaxed income, thus acting as an ingredient of
progressivity. Second, it provides a simplified alternative to the itemized deductions for tax payers
with comparatively low itemizable expenses, thus relieving them of the record keeping and
computational burden of itemizing deductions. Having one provision is a compromise to other but
it is a compromise that is unnecessary. (Samansky, 1991)
A base sum of income that is not focused to tax and that can be used to decrease a taxpayer s
adjusted gross income (AGI), a standard deduction can only be used if the taxpayer does not
prefer the itemized deduction method of calculating taxable income. The sum of the standard
deduction is based on a taxpayer s filing status, age and whether he or she is disabled or claimed
as a reliant on another person s tax return.
The major reason taxpayers exercise standard instead of itemized deductions is that taxpayers don
t have to keep track of every potential tax deductible expense throughout the year. Plus, a lot of
people find the standard deduction amount to be fairly generous and usually greater than the total
they could reach if they added up all of ... Show more content on ...
People often overlook or fail to record allowable tax deductions and keep their approach only for
the standard amount specified by the IRS. For instance, homeowners often pay more interest and
real estate tax than the standard deduction permits. Also, small business owners who have a running
home office often can incur additional tax deductions higher than the standard amount. Taxpayers
must keep accurate records along with actual receipts to itemize deductions. Failure to do this
makes the standard deduction a advantage but also may cost you a lot of money in tax
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Ordinary People
Interestingly, this documentary is based on the lives of five individuals and their experiences with
Russia s transition that came from the collapse of the Soviet Union. Moreover, four of the five
people have known each other from childhood and lived in similar circumstances under the
authoritarian rule. I will be focusing on how Olga, Andrei, Borya and Lyuba who are ordinary
citizens have managed to live under an authoritarian rule. To begin with, USSR was the union of 15
socialist republic that included: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belorussia, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan,
Kirgiziya Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Russia,Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
Without a doubt, USSR adopted a authoritarian regime in which it the socialist had the ultimate
ownership in all areas of manufacture, distribution, and trade.
This centralized economic system lasted from 1922 until 1991 and it function under the Communist
party. The philosophy behind this authoritarian regime derived from MarxismLeninism in which it
valued and pushed for a one party state. The main theme behind this documentary is about the
experiences of five people that were greatly affected by the political change. These people were
able to express and tell their story about living under USSR totalitarian authoritarian regime and
then to partial ... Show more content on ...
Although at some point they all lived closely to each other and had similar childhood we can
conclude that they chose a different path in live. Moreover, due to the authoritarian transition they
were introduced to western norms that include clothing, access to more information, and stock
market. Also, they were all part of history in the making since in 1989 it was the first open election
and lived through the End of a single party system. Even though they also experienced hardships, as
the economy did not prosper when Yesltsin was reelected in
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A Study On Mythical Creatures
It turned into a cold and rainy day in my hometown of Autumn Burrow. It s the place where
everyone works day and night, and where I find fascinating creatures in the deep forests in this
town. I study these creatures for a living, as it is my day job and I have nothing else to do. A
huge majority of people who live in Autumn Burrow think I m a madman, but I take my studies
seriously. I ve been investigating and researching on mythical creatures since I was 13 years old.
I became a young prodigy, and surpassed all subjects and gained great knowledge. However, I
haven t been able to use that knowledge until years later. As I quitted working a University for a
year, and went back to researching weird creatures that were rumored to live in... Show more
content on ...
Then as I walked even further more, I manage to find a little ghost like creature lying to a tree
with dead leaves. The tiny creature looked like he was crying, as tears are running down out of his
sorrow eyes. It didn t really seem like it was talking much, but I wanted to get the little guy s
Hello. Are you lost? What s wrong, are you ok? I spoke to it as the creature as the creature took
notice of my presence. The small shadow began look up at me, as it then noticed my presence.
A are you a monster? You look s s scary. It said as it was too frightened to even look at my face
It was then that I knew I became fascinated with the tiny, shadow creature. I never saw anything
like a living shadow, but I have discovered stranger things before. In any case, I decide to pick up
the petite wisp, and let it follow me on my expedition through the evergreen forest. Thus far, Little
Wisp, as I decide to call my shadow friend, went on to help me navigate dangerous parts of the
forest. After walking for quite sometime, I then trip over from a small
indent in the ground. I fall face first into the dirt, as I felt a little dizzy. Brown lumps of earth
covered my face, as the eerie, dark atmosphere already made me feel worse. Trying to get up off
from the forest surface, I immediately turn to the sight of anther shadow monster looking down at
me with a fearsome look. His white, soulless eyes and his hunched over back gave him a sense of
intimidation. It
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China Politics Essay Topics

  • 1. China Politics Essay Topics 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. China Politics Essay TopicsChina Politics Essay Topics
  • 2. Business Data Comm Network Chap 10 to 13 1._________ is being pioneered by Student ResponseCorrect AnswerFeedback A.Next Generation InternetB.Active fibrous networkingC.CA*Net3D.Ethernet to the homeDifficulty: Moderate Page: 346 E.The Abilene networkGeneral Feedback:Difficulty: Moderate Page: 346 Score:6/6 2.The multipoint version of fixed wireless is sometimes known as: Student ResponseCorrect AnswerFeedback A.DSLAMB.point to multipointDifficulty: Moderate Page: 343 C.point to pointD.CA*Net3E.DOCSISGeneral Feedback:Difficulty: Moderate Page: 343 Score:6/6 3.DSL modem is also known as a: Student ResponseCorrect Answer... Show more content on ... Student ResponseCorrect AnswerFeedback A.Fault managementDifficulty: Easy Page: 454 B.Performance managementC.TroubleshootingD.Fault toleranceE.FirefightingGeneral Feedback:Difficulty: Easy Page: 454 Score:6/6 17.___________ allows the network manager to determine who is responsible for correcting any outstanding problems. Student ResponseCorrect AnswerFeedback A.MTBFB.ReliabilityC.AvailabilityD.Load balancingE.Problem trackingDifficulty: Easy Page: 459 General Feedback:Difficulty: Easy Page: 459 Score:6/6 18.If managers do not pay enough attention to planning and organizing the network, they are going to end up being proactive vs. reactive in solving network problems. Student ResponseCorrect AnswerFeedback A.TrueB.FalseDifficulty: Moderate Page: 447 General Feedback:Difficulty: Moderate Page: 447 Score:6/6 19.To help in negotiating site licenses for software, it is important to document which software packages are installed on each client. Student ResponseCorrect AnswerFeedback A.TrueDifficulty: Easy Page: 453 B.FalseGeneral Feedback:Difficulty: Easy Page: 453 Score:6/6 20.Quality control charts are a simple tool that can be ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Chapter five of Crispin Sartwell’s †Six Names of Beauty’... Chapter five of Crispin Sartwell s Six Names of Beauty discuss the Japanese aesthetic of Wabi sabi. Sartwell begins the chapter by describing a harmonica that he started playing at the age of fourteen. During the recount, which included a detailed description of an old CD, Sartwell shows an evident appreciation for the aged item and it s imperfection. The damage on its surface its crackles and skips traces my intense relation to it, and gives it a kind of old time sounding authenticity. His description of an old blues CD and the evident appreciation for the crackles and skips , is essentially wabi sabi. But before explaining one of the most important aesthetic principle in Japanese aesthetics, Sartwell describes the language as... Show more content on ... An appreciation of wabi is an affirmation of the world and a certain sort of refusal of its transformation for declaration. As an aesthetic, it s a a way of seeing imperfection as itself embodying beauty. Sabi, meaning loneliness , refers to the solitude as both a state of aloneness in persons and a s a spareness of objects. It can also be considered as a subjective state that is appropriate to the experience of wabiL a kind of desolation or meditative depression that can be sweet. Sabi is a quality of stillness and solitude, a melancholy that is one of the basic human responses to and sources of beauty, Wabi sabi is an aesthetic of poverty and loneliness, imperfection and austerity, affirmation and melancholy. It is the beauty of the withered, weathered, tarnished, scarred, intimate, coarse, earthly, evanescent, tentative, ephemeral. It is a broken earthenware in contrast to a Ming vase, a branch of autumn leaves to a dozen roses, a lined and bent old woman in contrast to a model, a mature love as opposed to an infatuation, a bare wall with peeling paint in contrast to a wall hung with beautiful paintings. It is also a trap. Wabi sabi is an ever intensifying consciousness of the need to a lapse of consciousness, an ever broadening elation of the ordinary in which the ordinary loses its ordinariness. It is a form of beauty that overcomes the differences of beauty and ugliness, even as it overcomes the differences of ordinary and extraordinary. The ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Comparison of Oedipus Rex and a Raisin in the Sun Essay An Introduction to Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. Greek and Roman plays, and even Indeed ancient Indian plays (a common Indo European Tradition), usually had a pivotal character that held the play together . Also there would be a Chorus that would come into play when the tragedy would begin unfolding. The Greco Roman variants were almost always tragedies. Be it Homer s Iliad or Odessey. The hero after long travails always seemed to return to nothing and would come to grief. Achilles, Priam, Agamemnon, Oedipus, all came to grief. In the Greco Roman tradition, it seems to be a common practice by the Bards and playwrights, to depict their heroes as strong and upright men who fell prey to either their fates or to the whims and fancies of ... Show more content on ... Oedipus the king thought highly about himself and in his pride, thought himself above everyone. And said to the people of the city You pray to the gods? Let me grant your prayers (1231 Oedipus Rex). Oedipus did not see his own life for what it was or the mere mortal that he was. He was vain in that sense, having a lot of pride in who he was and what he had done for the city, after all he was the man who outsmarted the last plague on the city, and saved the city for the citizens. This unfortunately went to his head, and made him arrogant. Jacota was his wife and mother, her character has also been depicted as unwilling to see the truth. She knew in detail about the happenings on night her husband, King Laius was killed, but made it out that there were more than one stranger who murdered him. This remark threw Oedipus off, and he then began searching harder for more clues to this mystery. By this point in the story, Jacota had too much pride to admit what was happening. Later she hung herself so she did not have to face it anymore. In a fashion, Oedipus was a blessed with a good heart and noble intentions, but with a dark fate. He made an honest king, as a king of Thebes, and he wanted the best for his citizens, and he wanted to rid them of the plague that afflicted them. An example of his loyalty was that he sent Creon and he persevered to hunt the murderer to stop the plague. Oedipus was brought up well, he was raised by ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Death of Ivan Ilych Essay Psychological Importance in The Death of Ivan Illych In The Death of Ivan Ilych Leo Tolstoy conveys the psychological importance of the last, pivotal scene through the use of diction, symbolism, irony. As Ivan Ilych suffers through his last moments on earth, Tolstoy narrates this man s struggle to evolve and to ultimately realize his life was not perfect. Using symbols Tolstoy creates a vivid image pertaining to a topic few people can even start to comprehend the reexamination of one s life while on the brink of death. In using symbols and irony Tolstoy vividly conveys the manner in which Ilych views death as darkness unto his last moments of life when he finally admits imperfection. In the first paragraph of the ending chapter, ... Show more content on ... Tolstoy also employs irony as he examines the plight of Ivan Ilych. This highlights the differences between Ilych s perception of his own life and reality while also allowing the reader to take part in some of the tearing anguish Ivan feels in having to submit to the wrongdoings in his life. Tolstoy compares Ivan Ilych s struggle to the plight of a man condemned to death as he struggles in the hands of an executioner (61). Ivan Ilych does not see death as a natural process, but as a punishment controlled by a merciless executioner, ironically much like the merciless judge he once was. Ivan Ilych s feels that death is an undeserved punishment because he never considered his own mortality. His obsession with social adroitness made mortality feel like a punishment, and his justification of this obsession made it impossible for him to let go of his life. Ivan Ilych believed he had lived his life up to social standards and because of this he would not have to endure the terrible agony of death that is beset among ordinary people. In reality he was blind to his shallow life and the transgressions he made. Tolstoy uses vivid imagery to describe Ivan Ilych s struggle to submit to his life s end. For example, Tolstoy describes Ivan as feeling as though he is struggling to get inside of a hole. The darkness in the hole obstructs Ivan s ability to get in, and he is unable to get past ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Into Thin Air by Jon Krauker Essay The book Into Thin Air, written by Jon Krakauer, explores the struggle of man versus man and man versus nature. The very different personalities proved costly to everyone involved on the expedition. The team of climbers that were hiking toward the summit of Mt. Everest on May 10, 1996, was oblivious to what lay ahead of them. No matter how advanced the hikers were, Everest on this day would test the will and endurance of everyone attempting to reach the summit. The one element that no one person could elude was pain. Jon Krakauer stated in his book, I quickly came to understand that climbing Everest was primarily about enduring pain (136). At this point in the book, Jon was unaware of the events that would soon transpire. Even the ... Show more content on ... The pain for everyone grew increasingly greater each day that they were on the mountain. Everyone on the expedition had to dig deep into themselves to find the will to keep moving and to put their pain and fears aside. The pain that each of these men and women on this mountain were beginning to feel was pain that would linger well after they got off the mountain. Mt. Everest s summit has always seemed an unattainable goal for most people. The idea that most people have is that if I can climb Mt Everest, I can accomplish anything. To have the money and desire to try to attempt it is one thing, but being able to endure the punishment is quite another. Beck Weathers, one of the climbers on this particular expedition, had such severe frostbite that he had to have his right arm, nose and the fingers on his left hand amputated. Everyone on the expedition suffered the rigors of Everest. The two expert guides, Rob Hall and Scott Fischer, lost their lives due to a violent storm that ripped through during their descent from the summit. Their impaired judgment also contributed to their demise. Everest is no respecter of persons. Mt Everest is the most respected mountain in the whole world and if ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Effectiveness Of Clinical Decision Making The effectiveness of clinical decision making is crucial in nursing practice to ensure positive outcome (Goodman, 2014). This essay will explore the clinical and decision making process in adult nursing by analysing how nursing practice is applied in decision making considering the individual needs of the patient. Ms LG is a 42 years old white British female with a history of dyspepsia, constipation, continuous poorly localized abdominal pain, bloating and history of vomiting (NA2010/3010). Ms LG had chemotherapy for ovarian cancer prior to being admitted to the gastro intestinal oncology ward. Ovarian cancer is a fifth most common cancer in women in the UK (NICE, 2011). Ms LG is currently in treatment phase which comes under stage 4 of ... Show more content on ... Stage one of ovarian cancer involves just the ovaries. Stage two indicates cancer has spread outside of the ovaries however, not outside the pelvis. Stage three indicates the cancer has spread outside of the pelvis however, not to other parts of the body and lastly, stage four indicates the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Ms LG is in the stage three of ovarian cancer as her cancer has metastases into her bowel. Problems establishing goals Ms LG has problem with her bowel as she had undergone resection of a tumour bearing ilea segment with bowel reanastamosis. According to Bayless, Hanauer, and Bayless, (2014) a bowel reanastamosis is an operative union of two hollow or tubular structures. It is likely that the cancer could metastasis and Ms LG could have another bowel obstruction. The nurses would therefore monitor for any signs and symptoms of bowel obstruction. For example, vomiting is an early sign of of bowel obstruction, abdominal pain, constipation, severe bloating, decreased appetite and diarrhoea (Moore, 2005). The nurses would have to develop a ceiling of care for Ms LG s goal if surgery was not an option in the case of more than one metastasis. Ceiling of care is the patient s expectation from a healthcare setting of their treatment and what is in the best interest of the patient (BMJ, 2015). As nurses are the advocates for ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Depersonalization Disorder After gathering information about Caleb from his homeroom teacher and another session with his mother, I considered two more disorders. Caleb s mother mentioned that Caleb s father physically and verbally abused her and Caleb witnessed the abuse several times. This immediately made me think of Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders. I also considered Dissociative Disorders, although Dissociative Disorders are not labeled as a Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders in the DSM 5, they are triggered by traumatic events. The primary disorder I thought of after my second session with Caleb s mother was Depersonalization/ Derealization Disorder; Caleb may have had depersonalization experiences, evident by his emotional numbness and his seemingly absent... Show more content on ... I am not sure whether to report schizophreniform Disorder or Schizophrenia because it is not clear how long Caleb has displayed negative symptoms and symptoms of catatonia. It is also unclear whether his behavior is due to the physiological effects of a substance, which is important to consider since he was caught drinking alcohol. However, Schizophreniform Disorder and Schizophrenia is still worth considering due to the possibility that Caleb may have had a hallucination and was rather obsessed with his fantasies during his daycare years, as mentioned in the first session. Caleb also may have another symptom of catatonia, making a total of three symptoms of catatonia, which is the minimum requirement. Caleb exhibited negativism by not reporting or reacting to bullying behavior targeted at him; Caleb simply ignores his peers when they tease him, rather than respond or report them. Moreover, there is still reason to consider Autism Spectrum Disorder, based on his mother s and homeroom teacher s report. During the second session, Caleb s mother admitted that her sister has severe autism, indicating that there may be a genetic link to Caleb s eccentric behavior. Furthermore, his teacher reported that Caleb is academically average, and has exceptional written vocabulary skills, which eliminates the possibility of Caleb s behavior ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Effect Of Phonetic And Semantic Encoding On Correct... Abstract The current lab experiment was a partial replication of Craik and Tulving s 1975 study. The aim was to investigate the effect of phonetic and semantic encoding on correct recognition of words. The research hypothesis was semantically encoded words have a higher rate of correct recognition then words that have been phonetically encoded. This was a one tailed hypothesis, as previous research supported it. The null hypothesis was that the results will show no difference between words that are successfully recognised from the two levels of encoding, and any difference will be due to chance. The independent variable was the encoding level Phonetic or Semantic and the dependent variable was the number of correctly recognized words on a standardized recognition sheet. An independent measures design was used, with opportunity sampling to select 20 participants 10 male, 10 female who were split into phonetic and semantic groups of 10 each. The findings were that phonetic encoding had a mean of 17.2, and semantic encoding had a mean of 27.8. The Mann Whitney U test showed that the results had a significance level of 0.01. Therefore, this experiment s data can be considered 99% significant; the research hypothesis was supported and the null hypothesis was rejected. Word Count: 200 Introduction Cognitive processes such as memory (the process of encoding, storing and retrieving) and encoding (the form in which the memory is retained) are based on mental ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The National Action Party As A Federal Republic Based On... The official name of Mexico is Mexican United States. Mexico is primarily a federal republic based on presidential democracy.* It is a country with solid and independent executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The president of Mexico is selected by plurality vote, meaning the winner receives the most votes but not necessarily more than half of the votes. This president serves a term of six years; however, unlike most Latin American countries, there is no second term available. There are three main political parties that are seen throughout Mexico. The first is the National Action Party, or PAN (Partido Accion Nacional). The National Action Party is a conservative liberal party that is seen as one with close ties to the Roman Catholic Church. Generally, PAN supports minimal government intervention in the economy. The National Action Party was founded in 1939, mainly consisting of support from the northern parts of the country entailing the urban middle class. PAN represents the interests of business and of the Roman Catholic Church. PAN was the main opposition party to the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) for six decades after being founded, until the late 1980s where it fared poorly at all levels. Another political party in Mexico is the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional). The Institutional Revolutionary Party represented the institutionalization of the new power structure that emerged after 1920 as result ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Civil Conspiracy Essay I.Questions Presented 1.What elements are required for a defendant to have engaged in a civil conspiracy to defame a plaintiff. 2.What procedures must a plaintiff satisfy in order to bring an action on behalf of an LLC. II.Brief Answers 1.To conspire to defame a plaintiff, two or more persons must agree to intentionally make false representations about another that causes the other harm. 2. III.Discussion A.Overview of Civil Conspiracy You have inquired about the elements of and what steps are necessary in order for an individual to engage in a civil conspiracy. In order to make a prima facie claim for civil conspiracy, the plaintiff must satisfy the following elements: 1)A confederation of two or more persons by agreement or understanding; 2)Some unlawful or tortious act done in ... Show more content on ... Lacey, 262 Md. 94, 97 98 (1971). Moreover, as Van Royen demonstrates, that analysis has partially been borrowed from the criminal realm in order to determine whether there was an agreement. The distinction between these two analyses is that in a criminal conspiracy, the confederacy is the crime, that is, it is the ends of the analysis. In a civil conspiracy, however, the confederacy is merely a means to the end of determining the greater question of whether the confederacy is a proximate cause of the plaintiff s damages. Accordingly, while the elements articulated in Lloyd, 397 Md. at 154, set forth a helpful framework within which to analyze a civil conspiracy, the overarching consideration is whether one who is not the principal actor in an event causing harm can nevertheless be said to be a proximate cause of the harm solely by means of their agreement. With these considerations in mind, the following is an assessment of the elements set forth in ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Enron s Impact On Enron In 1985, two companies, Houston Natural Gas, and InterNorth merged to form Enron. Kenneth Lay wanted to create a company that can supply electricity and natural gas at a much lower price. As time went on, Enron ranked as the nation s sixth largest energy company with global internet trading commodities in plastics, steel, petrochemicals and waste water to name a few (Fusaro, 2000, p. 157). From the time they merged to form Enronup to the point of their collapse, Enron s executive committee had squandered many of the company s assets through bad strategies, hiding money, and creating an illusion of a stable financial company. Most of the top executives overstated Enron s earnings by several million dollars (Niskanen, 2005) causing the company s stockholders to lose millions of dollars. Kenneth Lay who joined InterNorth, later renamed Enron, in 1985 became the CEO the following year. In 1990, Kenneth Lay hired Jeff Skilling to work in the operations department. Jeff Skilling would eventually take over Enron in 2001 as there Chief Executive Officer, replacing Kenneth Lay (Zimmerli, Richter, Holzinger, 2007, p. 131). There was no oversight in Enron s top managerial positions. Most of Enron s top executives controlled all the schemes and allowed the accounting to create fraudulent documents to hide the losses from investors. Enron was a public company which was run by Kenneth Lay and Jeffery Skilling. They made up the top executive board which dealt in providing the means and ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Healthy Eating Speech Essay Day 3 Saturday Format: LF Copy Theme: Natural Beauty Foods to Glow Morning It s been great to hear some thoughts on yesterday s healthy eating overview. It s reminded me just how individual we are and how diverse our experiences and journeys are too. For some the next five days will be a healthy challenge, and others it s a normal way of eating for optimum health and wellbeing. Also, to remind you that the #28NBR is a general guide and doesn t cater for everyone s individual needs. Always check with your own medical practitioner if have any concerns or specific requirements. We know our beauty regimes aren t confined to our bathroom... Our natural beauty should be part of our daily life, supported by ... Show more content on ... Breakfast: Small bowl quinoa porridge, berries, sprinkle of chia seeds use almond or walnut milk. Morning snack: Glow go green smoothie (or if you re like me, you can choose to have it with breakfast and skip the snack) Lunch: Left over quinoa, with half an avocado or tin of tuna/mackerel plus mixed salad with herbs, drizzle olive or avocado oil, sprinkle of apple cider vinegar. Afternoon snack: Sliced red capsicum, cucumber or celery and carrot stick with hummus. Dinner: Small piece salmon with stir fried vegetables with a sesame seed / seaweed sprinkle. To drink: Sip water with lemon or a natural herbal tea that includes liquorice. Here is a great selection of some of my favourite and delicious #28NBR recipes to inspire your clean, healthy eating guide for the next five days. Breakfast Go + Glow Green Smoothie Beauty Breakfast Bar Skin Moisturising Milk pear, ginger, turmeric almond milk Quinoa Breakfast Bowl Lunch Crisp Iceberg SautГ©ed Vegetable Salad Green Goddess Salads GREEN LEAVES | how to create a salad repertoire Sweet Potato and Pomegranate Salad Recipe Avocado Lime Dressing Savoury Snacks Red Dip (Capsicum + Cashew) Crackers Hummus Dinner Smashed Green Pea Patties
  • 14. Pumpkin Soup with Asian Aromatics Salmon for the Family Veggie + Quinoa Soup Red Lentil Curry Recipe (please wrap copy around image) As Winter is well and truly here, this is one of my favourite recipes Indian red lentil curry to warm you and your ... Get more on ...
  • 15. I Want To Become A Pre-Physical Therapist To B.G. or Not to Be Choosing what to do after high school is a major decision in life and for most it is the first big decision that will lead to many others. I have always wanted to go to college but still have not decided on which one is best for me. This decision became easier for me once I decided which major I wanted to go into. A lot of schools in Ohio do not offer a Doctorate in Physical Therapy or classes for Pre Physical Therapy so that narrowed down my list greatly. Bowling Green State Universityis a better fit than Toledo University for me in my path towards becoming a Physical Therapist in regards to cost, size, and logistics for my major. A big deciding factor for me in deciding a collegeis the cost. When I am exploring possible... Show more content on ... I decided that I wanted to be a Physical Therapist so now I have to choose which path I want to go down to earn my Doctorate in Physical Therapy. If I went to BGSU then I would go there for four years and earn my Bachelor s degree in Pre Physical Therapy. Since BGSU does not offer a doctorate program, I would then have to apply to different universities that offer the doctorate program, such as Ohio University, in hopes that I would get accepted into their doctorate program ( BGSU ). If I went to Toledo then I would, like BGSU, go four years then apply to a university. In contrast to BGSU, Toledo has a doctorate program, and when looking through applications they favor students who have done their undergrad at Toledo so there would be a greater chance of being accepted, and I would not have to switch universities after four years ( Toledo ). Based on these reasons, I feel that Bowling Green State University is the best college for me to start my Doctorate in Physical Therapy. The biggest reason for me is cost because I want to come out of college with the least amount of debt possible. In regards to size and logistics for my major, BGSU and Toledo match up pretty closely. Since I am choosing Bowling Green, I am going to have to keep my grades up extra high to make sure that I can get accepted into a doctorate program. This means a lot of hard work and time studying but I feel I am ready for the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Multi Drum Research Paper WFLIII Drums Multi Drum Performances Remember when 1,000 Foo Fighter s fans in Cesana, Italy, played Learn How To Fly in an attempt to lure the band to play in their beautiful city? No? Well, you can watch a video of the performance here, and it is full of passion and lightness of spirit. When musicians who do not usually come together do, it is a special thing, creating spine tingling moments. And drummers who usually sit behind their kit behind the rest of the band can blow our minds when they play in tandem with another of their kind. Let s note some performances that truly rocked, and deserve a look. 6 Notable Multi Drum Performances 1. The Nashville Drummers Jam Nashville has been described in many ways, though Charles Esten, the non musician actor who stars in the TV show Nashville may have put it best: There s an authenticity to the music and a truthfulness of the ... Show more content on ... To learn more about The Nashville Drummers Jam check out their Facebook page. 2. Stewart Copeland Of The Police And Neil Peart of Rush The track is called A Little More Noise and the jam that brings together Copeland and Peart can be heard here. When giants of the drumming world play together, blending their styles, working to complement each other s talent, the room falls quiet. Stewart Copeland is known as a kind of alchemist in the music world, bringing together epic talent in his private studio. 3. Queen And The Foo Fighters A sublime moment in rock unrolled when The Foo Fighters and Queen brought three drummers on the stage to perform We Will Rock You. You might quibble with the vocals here but drum fans will surely sit up a little straighter while taking this in. 4. Phil Collins With Chester Thompson And Luis ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Summary Of Electroencephalogram (EEG) Stage 1 is the Electroencephalogram (EEG). The EEG provides a summary of electro activity from a certain area of the brain. The EEG is also the sum of the electrical activity of all neurons between the two recording electrodes (Garrett,2015). Stage 1 is when one is feeling drowsy and transitioning into a state of sleep (Thien Thanh Dang Vu, 2017). Stage 2 is the K complex. These are sharp waves that happen at least once a minute. This stage characterizes the first stage of sleep. Stage 2 has an appearance of spindles (Thien Thanh Dang Vu, 2017). Where the waves have a gating function that help to prevent the unsettling stimuli from reaching the cortex part of the brain that will in turn awaken the sleeper. Stage 3 is known as the slow wave ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Pregnancy and Sweet Home Essay 4. What new information do we learn about Sweet Home in this chapter, specifically about Denver s birth? In this chapter, we learn that Sethe was already pregnant with Denver when she ran away from Sweet Home. By the time when Sethe collapsed her feet in the woods, a white girl Amy Denver had found Sethe. Due to Sethe s fear about Sweet Home, she told Amy Denver a false name Lu , because if she were caught, she would be returned to Sweet Home, and she would continue experiencing her previous painful daily life again. Amy Denver helps Sethe by massaged her feet and release her pain. Later, Sethe gave birth to her baby successfully with Amy s help and Sethe also naming the child after Amy Denver. 5. Retell the night of Denver s birth,... Show more content on ... We lucky this ghost is a baby. (5) In my opinion, I think Baby Sugg means that they are lucky that the ghost is a baby which would not be able to hurt the family in a huge and horrible way. Likewise, if the ghost is not a baby but an adult, then the ghost might easily kill them when it got mad. Thus, Baby Sugg thinks that there is no point of moving to another house because they baby has none of harmful impacts on them. 3.20 27.What do Paul D and Sethe remember about Sweet Home? Why do you think Morrison gives us the information bit by little bit? Both Paul D and Sethe s memories about Sweet Home are extremely grieved. For an example, Sethe s life as a slave in Sweet Home is painful. This quote demonstrates that Sethe s chokecherry tree scar on her back was resulted by the men who whipped her and tole her baby s milk when she was still a slave. I think Morrison gives us the information bit by little bit because she wanted to hid certain information for the middle of the book. Also, she might also wanted to attract readers mind by using this Strategy. Similarly, if an author gives the readers all the information at one time, then the readers might lose the interest to continue reading the book because the reader had already what will happen later ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Sons and Lovers Sons and Lovers: A Psychoanalytic Criticism Psychoanalysis is a psychological approach that focuses on the concepts of Sigmund Freud and helps us to understand human behavior. D.H. Lawrence s Sons and Lovers (1913) is a text that cries out for a psychoanalytic interpretation.One of Freud s most famous theories is the Oedipus complex, which deals with a child s emerging sexuality. Freud used the story of Sophocles Oedipus Rex to help illustrate his theory. In the story, Oedipus unwittingly kills his father and marries his mother. According to Freud, all male children form an erotic attachment to their mother and are jealous of the relationship the father has with the mother. The male child fears he will be castrated by the father so he... Show more content on ... His relationship with his father is strained and he becomes jealous of him. He even asks his mother not to sleep with the father anymore (Lawrence 215). Paul meets Miriam Leivers and although he likes her, he repeats the same misogynistic behavior as William did with Lily. He feels he would be betraying his mother by being with her. However, the idea that Paul is interested in someone other than his mother shows an attempt to break the oedipal fixation he has. But, the mother foils this attempt by making him feel guilty for wanting to be with Miriam. She says, I can t bear it. I could let another woman but not her. She d leave me no room, not a bit of room. And I ve never you know Paul I ve never had a husband, not really (Lawrence 212). This same behavior the mother exhibited with William, by being jealous of his female companions, is now being inflicted on Paul. She reinforces the Oedipus complex that is within Paul by suffocating him and in a subtle way asking him to replace her husband. Paul s relationship with Miriam is reduced to friendship. He has to repress any romantic feelings that he might have for her, so she will not replace his mother. Later in the novel, Paul does become physically intimate with Miriam, but it is short lived because Paul will not marry her. This also shows that Paul suffers from a fear of intimacy as he continues to remain emotionally detached from Miriam. Once again, Paul succumbs ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Iowa State Teaching Standards The Iowa State teaching standards helped me throughout student teaching, and prepared me to be an effective classroom teacher. Through lesson planning, delivery, and reflection I was able to see how the standards were interdependent with one another. A great lesson cannot be created only using one standard, several standards should be used in every lesson I create as a teacher. Below I will explain how the standards better prepared me for the classroom while interrelating them throughout student teaching. During student teaching both of my placements were in math classrooms. With math being my endorsement, having a strong understanding of the content and knowing different methods (standards I XII) lead to success with my students As a future teacher, I believe these two standards are the most important. I need to create learningexperiences that are meaningful and age appropriate for my students. I created a lesson for my 8th grade students that showed the importance of content and methods of teaching. In this lesson, students had to solve questions involving the 8th grade math standards, but the questions were made in puzzle pieces. Students had to match the question and answers, making a shape once the problems were completed. This is called a tangram, which is a concept students had learned in an earlier grade. This lesson used a variety of strategies and met the needs of my diverse learners (standards III V). The puzzle pieces had students use creative thinking and ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Broken Windows Style Of Policing Some people think assigning officers to communities can be rewarding and some people think it is a form of punishment. Whatever the case may be, people need some form of protection. Crime is very real. Today s violence seems to go far past those standard reasons. As humans, people tend to overlook or forget who are there to protect the society from disorderly people. The good order of a community is important to those who lived and worked in the community. In other words, the little things matter to a person in his or her community. There will always be a person who cares and will take charge in the community. Arguments have been made that the application of the Broken Windows style of policing leads to negative results for the poor and minority residents of the area impacted. The application of the Broken Windows style of policing did leads to negative results for the poor and minority residents of the area impacted. Fagan Davies (2000) When it comes to debating theories of crimeand law, some people pretend that race does not matter at all, while others accord it undue, if not determinative, significance. There is now strong empirical evidence that individuals of color are more likely than white Americans to be stopped, questioned, searched, and arrested by police. For example, according to Fagan Davies (2000) The OAG Report showed that stops were disproportionately concentrated in the city s poorest neighborhoods, neighborhoods with high ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Nike s Benefits Of Nike Nike is one of the world s largest footwear athletic apparel manufacturer and supplier. Nike markets athletic wear, footwear, accessories and sports equipment for all types of sports and training. Nike started out named Blue Ribbon Sports Inc. and changed its name in 1971 to Nike. The famous company is headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon. Nike sells its products in all Nike belongs to the apparel footwear and accessories industry, and is one of the leading company when it comes to profitability. In 2015, Nike s global revenue was around 30.6 billion dollars. Nike focuses on invention of products for athletes to solve problems leading into the next generation. A few of Nike s largest competitors are Under armor, Adidas, and Reebok. This essay uses key financial ratiosto measure Nike s strength or weakness as a company, and ultimately decide if Nike is worth investing in. Our first important financial ratio is the current ratio. The current ratio measures a firms potential or ability to pay off it s short term debts (or liabilities) with specifically it s current assets. Short term liabilities are due within a year, which makes the current ratio extremely important. The ratio is both a liquidity ratio and an efficiency ratio. A company favors a higher current ratio because it shows the company can pay current debt payments with little hassle. If a company has a current ratio of 3, it means the company has 3x the current assets than current liabilities. But If a company ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Essay On As Our Jobs Guaranteed Basic Income Technology will forever be the next big thing. Robots are starting to take over people s jobs. If robots start to take over jobs then what would people do to earn money in a short notice? In the article As Our Jobs Are Automated, Some Say We ll Need a Guaranteed Basic Income it states that people will not have to worry about starving or going without shelter because the government will give a $10,000 universal income to each person. Suppose we advanced in technology to the point where machines could take care of anything we want. Would we need jobs? With all of the technologic changes going on in our world we will always need jobs. In the article states, And then there s Uber, which is experimenting with driverless taxis and trucks. That would affect approximately 3.5 million truck drivers, and 5 million people who support the truck driving industry. Selfless driving sounds pretty great but there is no way that could ever happen. Even the most advanced cars will not know what the other drivers are thinking. The only way selfless driving could ever come to highway is if everybody owned a car that had the ability to know what other cars are going to do. There will be jobs for truck drivers, jobs in the medial field, and jobs making the robots.... Show more content on ... We would have more people that don t feel the need to go to school and get an education because they know they can just get money sitting on their couch watching tv. A lot of citizens work for what they have, they go to college and make something of their selves, why can t everybody do that? On the contrary, a basic income will help the people who truly need the money to help them get back up on their feet. I do not agree with the $10,000 income if it will be coming out of my paycheck. I don t think its right to make up pay for people who don t want to work. Again, I think if people have the drive to make something out of them then money won t be an ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Effects Of Urbanization On The Belizean Society Essay Negative Effects of Urbanization to the Belizean Society Many small town dwellers and villagers had left their hometown for the cities in search of higher standard of living. This movement from rural areas to big cities is called urbanization (Boundless, 2015). As a result, urbanization is the process by which there is an increase in the number and the percentage of people living in the urban settlements and the amount of industrialization of the settlement. In Belize statistics shows that 45% of the population lives in urban areas (Population Reference Bureau, 2014). It also refers to the increase in the size of land area occupied by urban settlements such as towns and cities. Although urbanization has brought about numerous positive impacts, it also has its share of disadvantages as well. The negative impacts of urbanization shall be discussed by means of the economic, environmental and social aspect. The main negative economic impact of urbanization in Belize is unemployment which ties into social conflict theory. According to Guardian Newspaper the Statistical Institute of Belize released its preliminary results for the April 2014 labor force survey on Wednesday, June 25, and it shows that the unemployment rate has decreased from 14.2 percent in September of 2013 to 11.1 percent in April of 2014 (Williams, 2014, P.18). With massive migration from rural areas, jobs in the urban area may not be created fast enough to meet the needs. Therefore, the first problem faced ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Importance Of Satirical Humor Satirical humor can form an idea of the comedy that expresses a humorous way to entertain the audience; it shows the different perspectives on how they manipulate the ideas and turn it into something funny to the audience. Satire always has different flavors on how they appeal enjoyable to the audience. Satiredemonstrates something secure and ironic. Satirical humor is a communication tool to get involved more in politics in a positive way to people. Sometimes, satire can misunderstand people about their jokes are very insulting to the society. Satirical humor expresses some opinions about political acts so people can view them more critically. The satirical humor expresses the social criticism on wider issues about politics. Satirical humor can help involved with people with entertainment through media in politics, and it gains the people s attention. Satire features a heightened sense of irony, highlighting contradictions, inconsistencies, absurdities, mining them for their humor, and even highlighting flaws and fakeries to people (Day 256). The satirical humor reveals everything about hypocrisy and foolishness of people, organizations, society, and governments. Also, satire can involve people to know more about their politics because it can easily seduce them to experience as a passive form of humor rather than as a source of moral distress in requiring citizen activism. For example, The Colbert Reportis one that uses satirical humor to expose U.S. politics. The ... Get more on ...
  • 26. When I Came To America When I came to America from China at age 16, everyone around me appeared to be different. However, I didn t just talk to my Chinese friends. I pushed myself outside of my bubble; I tried my best to make friends with American students, while I still maintained good relationships with my Chinese friends. America is very different from what I expected, everyone speaks so fast and unclear; it almost made English a completely different language from what I had already learned. As I was trying to make friends, I realized that Chinese culturehad made me different from Americans; things that I was curious about as a Chinese person were very private to American students. For example, in America, people won t mention what their parents jobs are when they meet someone for the first time.... Show more content on ... She thought I was really weird, well she still thinks I m weird but that is beside the point. At first we spoke two different languages and shared completely different customs. Being the new kid from another country, my conversations with her were tended to be short and awkward and we never had much to talk about. I would laugh when she and her friends laughed, even if I didn t understand the joke at all. I tried using slang as often as I could, even though I wasn t sure what any of it meant. However, after an entire year of frustration and self motivation, I was finally making progress. I picked up some more English and learned a lot about American culture and customs. Then I became even more engaged, I joined the school tennis team and even became the only Chinese cheerleader in our school. Slowly, I found out that Daniela and I share a lot in common: we both love reading, eating healthy and working out. Nowadays she helps me enhance my English and I help her learn how to be more ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Walmart de Mexico Wal Mart de Mexico Comercial Mexicana S.A. (Comerci), one of Mexico s largest retail chains, was faced with a serious dilemma. Since Wal Mart s aggressive entry into the Mexican retail market, Comerci has found it increasingly difficult to remain competitive. Wal Mart s strong operating presence and low prices since NAFTA s lifting of tariffs have put pressure on Comerci, and now management must decide if it can improve Comerci s competitive position by remaining independent or by merging with either a local or foreign retailer. Which raises one question that needs to be answered: What has caused this intense competitive pressure on Comerci, and what is likely to be its future? Mexico s retail sector has benefited greatly from the ... Show more content on ... Wal Mart has also come across logistics problems due to poor roads and the scarcity of delivery trucks. Yet another problem was the culture clashes between the Arkansas executive and the Mexican managers. Some of these problems were solved by trial and error, but the emergence of the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994 helped solve most of the problems. Among other things, NAFTA reduced tariffs on American goods sold to Mexico from 10 percent to 3 percent. Prior to NAFTA, Wal Mart was not much of a threat to companies like Comerci, Gigante, and Soriana, Mexico s top retailers. But once the agreement was signed, the barriers fell and Wal Mart was on a level playing field with its competitors which was all it needed to become number one. NAFTA encouraged Mexico to improve its transportation infrastructure, thus helping to solve Wal Mart s logistical problems. The signing of NAFTA also opened wider gates to foreign investment in Mexico. Wal Mart was paying huge import fees on goods shipped to Mexican areas like Europe and Asia. Foreign companies knew that if they built manufacturing plants in Mexico, they could keep costs low with Mexican labor but ship to NAFTA s free trade zone, Mexico, the United States, or Canada. As companies began to build manufacturing plants, in Mexico, Wal Mart could buy these products without paying the high import tariffs. An example of this tactic is Sony s flat screen television line, Wega. Sam s Clubs in Mexico imported ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Essay on My Nursing Career Me and my nursing career As a child, a nurse wearing a white uniform and a doctor wearing white coat fascinated me. My cousin was a nurse and often when I visited her, I felt a force pulling me or attracting me to that white uniform. Never realized until I became a nurse that it was not a dream, I was destined to be a nurse. Today we call Florence Nightingalepioneer of nursing and Mother Teresa the epitome of love and compassion (, 2010, p. 1). These women choose to do what was in their heart, the passion to serve the hungry and needy, sick and poor, leper and beggar, weak and in street, embracing them with love and thus showing a unique example for people like me to follow. In India years ago nursing was considered very cheap profession ... Show more content on ... Recently I read in OJIN magazine, students shared that they entered a nursing program because they valued a career involving altruism, making a difference, intellectual challenges, goal attainment, job security, and flexibility (Rhodes, Morris, amp; Lazenby, Feb 25 2011, p. 2). Altruism was identified as the most dominant theme and students considered themselves as caring individuals (Rhodes et al., Feb 25 2011, p. 2). Besides flexibility, job security and career opportunities I consider nursing one of the well paying jobs. Higher education brings prospects of climbing the ladder in the same facility. I work as a patient flow coordinator and my job is to maintain the flow of patient throughout the hospital, in terms of admission, discharge and transfers. My job does not require direct patient care but it gives me opportunity to communicate with all departments and health personnel throughout the hospital. As I described in introduction my motto is from Bible Do unto others what they would have do unto you. Going above and beyond our call of duty or walking extra mile that what as a nurse I choose to do. Bottom line is I love my job and at the end of the day it gives me an immense sense of fulfillment. Numerous issues concern me about the nursing profession. First is nursing shortage. Hospitals are not able to maintain nurse patient ratio due to nursing shortage thus nursing staff is under tremendous stress, workload is too much ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Understanding Stress During Puberty In this experiment, the author s focused on understanding stress during puberty and the sex specific differences of the effects on humans through rat models. As we go through puberty, both male and females have increased levels of sex steroid hormones. In females this causes levels of cortisol to increase, as well as the probability of developing a mood disorder relating to stress. Past studies have shown that this is because of the plasticity of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis (HPA) axis and the areas of the brainthe regulate mood, such as the amygdala. They supported their previous claim with an experiment that was done on rats where they were subjected to stressful events, known as juvenile social subjugation (JSS), and... Show more content on ... Autoradiography helps to visualize the CRF1 and CRF2 receptors. The sections of the brain were incubated for 2 hours in a binding chamber that contained 500 mM Astressin 2B and 500mM CP 154,526. The Astressin 2B helps to visualize the CRF1 receptors, while the CP 154,526 helps to visualize the CRF2 receptors. The control group of sections of brains was incubated for 2 hours in 0.2nm 125I Sanguine. They were washed then exposed to Kodak Biomax MR film. Next, they calculated the receptor binding density and background measurements of the lateral dorsal thalamus and the dorsal striatum. They created heat maps of the brain sections, whose densitometry measurements were close to the mean, using Photoshop. They performed two way ANOVA and post hoc Student s t tests. They compared between subject with sexand age, as well as the effects of age within each sex and sex within each age. Results Overall the Basolateral Nucleus of the Amgdala (BLA) was the primary location for the expression of CRF1 binding and the MePV was the secondary location for binding. CRF2 expression in the MePV was not as intense as that of the CRF1 receptor. The MePD had less expression of both types of CRF receptor and no expression in the CeA. They found intense expression of CRF2 receptor in the cortical nucleus of the amygdala and choroid plexus. Each hemisphere of the brain had no significant difference in the binding of both types of CRF receptors. Figure 2 shows that in the binding ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Bipolar I Disorder ( Bd ) This paper focuses on bipolar I disorder, previously known as manic depressive illness. It includes the definition and characteristics, neurobiology and pathophysiology, psychological and environmental factors about the disorder. There is also a brief description about nursing interventions. Next, two evidence based research papers will be presented. Additionally, there will be a summary on two audiovisual films that focused on bipolar I disorder. Lastly, there is a brief discussion about personal thoughts and feelings about bipolar I disorder. Introduction When people are asked what bipolar I disorder (BD) is, they often describe someone as being psychotic, having drastic mood changes, being depressed then super happy, and the list is endless. Often, individuals who suffer with BD are stigmatized and discriminated. The following piece is part of a poem called You and Me written by Debbie Sesula, ...If you get angry / You re considered upset/ If I get angry/ I m considered dangerous. / If you over react to something/ You re sensitive/ If I over react to something/ I m out of control... BD is not well understood by society and it is unfortunate that individuals who have this disorder often isolate themselves and feel ashamed. Definition and Characteristics The essential feature of a manic episode is a distinct period during which there is an abnormally, persistently elevated, expansive irritable mood and persistently increased activity or ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Nucor Corporation Case Essays Assignment #4: HRM Issues/Diversification Strategies: Nucor Corporation Strategic Management, Business 599 Introduction In this paper, we will present an analysis of Nucor Corporation in Case # 10 (Arthur, Strickland, John, 2010). The paper will discuss the trends in steel industry and how it may impact Nucor s strategy. In addition, the paper will describe the organizational and management philosophy at Nucor. Furthermore, the paper will identify 3 HRM issues related to strategy implementation and recommend actions to address these issues. Recommendation whether a related or unrelated diversification should be used will also be discussed. Finally, we will be looking at Organizational structure issues the company ... Show more content on ... manufacturing GDP. The industry has undergone a major transformation since its recession during the late 1980s, investing in new process and product technologies and closing older mills. Today s steel industry is technologically sophisticated, employing over 189,000 American production workers in jobs paying about 55% above the average for all U.S. manufacturing. The United States is the largest steel producer in the world, producing 112 million tons of raw steel in 2000, 12% of total world production. The industry has recently experienced large levels of imports because of world steel overcapacity resulting from economic downturns in Asia. The industry s return on sales for the year 2000 was 2.8%.] Nucor s strategy focused on two major competencies: building steel manufacturing facilities economically and operating them productively. The company s hallmarks were continuous innovation, modern equipment, individualized customer service, and a commitment to producing high quality steel and steel products at competitive prices. Nucor was the first in the industry to adopt a number of new products and innovative processes, including thin slab cast steel, iron carbide, and the direct casting of stainless wire. Nucor s analysis will primarily focus on management s ability to allocate resources while cutting costs and competing in international markets. The industry itself does not allow for product differentiation or immense ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Henry Wirz Research Paper Henry Wirz, originally named Heinrich Hartmann Wirz, was known as a military leader during the Civil War. Henry was born in Zurich, Switzerland on November 25, 1823. Although Henry had a set future of becoming a doctor, instead he had studied to become a weaver. In 1845, he had married a woman named Emilie Oschwald. After the couple had two children, the marriage had ended poorly. Sources say, According to some reports, Wirz had legal troubles while in Europe involving embezzled money, and may have served some time in prison. After all the troubles within the divorce, Henry had moved to the United Statesin 1849. As he made his way to Lawrence, Massachusetts, he had started his profession of becoming a weaver as he had studied about it back in Switzerland. Henry had moved from Massachusetts to Kentucky to Louisiana becoming a doctor, remarrying, and working on a plantation throughout the journey.... Show more content on ... After he had joined the Fourth Louisiana Infantry, Henry had received many promotions and accepted the role of captain after serving as a soldier in the Battle of Seven Pines in 1862. He had taken command of his first military at a Confederate Facility in Richmond, Virginia. He had also taken charge of another military prison in Alabama. Henry eventually received the job of the special assistant of Confederate President Jefferson Davis. As an order from the President, he had spent a year in Europe returning in 1864 to claim the Military position at the Andersonville Prison at Camp Sumter. Henry had the tendency of having a bad temper. The prisoners had struggled to stay alive as they had to experience the horrible torture and starvation while the sick and wounded were left untreated. Along with the harsh handling to the prisoners, all of this resulted in an estimate number of 13,000 deaths at the prison ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Persuasive Essay On Having A Child Growing up having kids is something that you simply assume would happen. It was never even a question you always knew that one day you would be a parent and that having kids seemed like a natural step in becoming an adult. Your thoughts are to meet someone, get married, and eventually have children.Sometimes life doesn t work out that way. Many women have trouble conceiving depending on age and how the body reacts to developing a child. Some people don t have to try to get pregnant but others aren t so lucky they have to continue to try until your results come out positive, so to speak. But trying to conceive and failing after many attempts can be overwhelming and frustrating always trying to stay positive that this time will work. It s important to start the process of finding out what test s you have to take to know if you re able to have children; and what are options for infertility. Many women feel hesitant to discuss their difficulties with conceiving and carrying babies to term, fearing embarrassment, judgment from others, or simply other people s awkward or inappropriate responses.10 percent of women (6.1 million) between the ages of 15 44 in the U.S. struggle getting pregnant according to the (CDC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If a woman is having trouble getting pregnant they go to their doctors to find the reason behind it, their are a number of things that can cause you to not get pregnant. It s a good idea for any women to talk to a doctor ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Essay About Moving As I went downstairs the tone of the room felt hot, humid, and empty. Hot, because of the burning Atlanta temperatures of ninety eight degrees or higher. Humid, caused by the broken air conditioning and affecting the density of the atmosphere. Finally empty. The furniture was missing and minimal sounds can bounce off to make echoes. I was departing from a place that I called home. I lived at the address 353 Leisure Court for almost a year; the identity of the street brings back smiles to my face because of its pleasantry. Living here has made me feel secure like a dog to his owner. Moving away from this security brought feelings of uncertainty. My lack of confidence was about the new beginnings my family would experience after the move. But... Show more content on ... I couldn t seem to locate the big picture. The thing I felt was important was my friends, school, and most significant my home. Presently, realizing my lack of compassion, I come to the understanding my mom made this decision to better our lives. I couldn t come to this understanding until after the move because of the occurring despair I felt before the move. In the stages of this hopelessness, I began to lash out on my mother because of this betrayal I felt she was committing to move away from the place I had my childhood and beginning of adolescence. This was an action of the negative presence or bug I have developed in my mind, which in every moment I carried out, I later remorse. In spite of this I knew the way I presented myself was not only new to my mom but it was also new to me, the new me was unfavorable. I thought the best way to retaliate to the move was to show my mother I was unhappy and maybe she just might change her mind about her decision. The more we packed to leave; I knew my theory was just a theory itself. After a couple of days I noticed my mother was pretty broken about the move also, I wasn t making it any better with my attitude, I could see the selfish ways I was told to be ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Definition Of Bureaucratic Authoritarianism Bureaucratic Authoritarianism a concept by Guillermo O Donnell. A form of authoritarian rule in Latin America that was prevalent during the 1970s which many active duty officers and civilian bureaucrats rationalized dictatorships by claiming that electoral politics would leave the country vulnerable to economic subversion. long term intervention with the goal of transforming society most intense of the military establishments military as institutions governs Chile 1973 1990 under Pinochet Argentina 1976 1983 repressed labour unions attempt to administer the economy prohibition of elections and repressions of civil liberties justified by saying they needed to restore economic stability and eliminate guerilla insurgencies. Caudillos military strongmen that fought their way to power in the first century after independence established long lived dictatorships Juan Manuel de Rosas 1835 1852, Argentina Juan Vicente GГіmez 1908 1935, Venezuela In Argentina caudillos rule lasted from independence to 1835 Import Substitution Industrialization a policy approach to industrialization that focuses on promoting the production of finished goods that had previously been imported from outside the region via the use of tariffs on imports and subsidies for firms that produce goods domestically. Latin America should produce their own manufactured goods to substitute for imports Ex. Peron bought the Railroad company from Great Britain which financed, ... Get more on ...
  • 36. How Did Leonardo Da Vinci Represent After a while Leonardo da Vinci left the academy of his master Verrocchio, he was sought to make his first job inside a chapel in Florence, Italy. Three years later monks from the city of Florence learned of the great capabilities in the art that had Leonardo da Vinci in painting and sought to do a paint job called adoration of the magi. four years later roler Florentine Lorenzo de Medici, Da Vinci instructs him to create a symbol silver lyre shaped. To offer it as a symbol of peace to the governor of Milan, Ludovico Sforza. After that the governor was impressed by the good artisan work of Leonardo da Vinciand sent a letter asking to return to work to make drawings of military engineering. Leonardo da Vinci using his creative mind drawing ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Cost Effectiveness Of A New Technique For A Common... Cost effectiveness of a new technique for a Common surgical procedure In this present era of technological revolution, a scientific breakthrough or an advancement is a common event. It is a tough task for any organization to maintain the balance between staying ahead with the scientific know how and aligning the cost effectiveness of each intervention, which they are accountable for, without compromising highest levels of patient management, safety and care. Therefore, any new technique has to be cross examined not only for the robust clinical effectiveness as to its competitors and also to justify its economic worthiness. NHS (National Health services) takes recommendations from NICE (National Institute for health and Care Excellence) ... Show more content on ... 2)Assessment provides a systematic evaluation of evidence available on the technology along with a critical analysis of the clinical and cost effectiveness of the intervention. It has two parts a.Systematic review of literature b.Economic evaluation / Cost effectiveness analysis. 3)Appraisal Appraisal committee provides evidence based on analytic report and proposes recommendations. Defining scope 1)This is one of the integral preliminary steps in evaluating a new technique. It defines framework for appraisal and determines issues of interest. The following steps are involved: a.Cohort involved with the disease condition b.Level at which intervention is proposed like community/hospital c.Cost effectiveness to the organization d.Analysis of outcome measures with the potential comparators e.Defines efficient time period in which effects and cost can be analyzed f.Identifies the evidence base from which data is collected g.Highlights social concerns of equality along with maintenance of quality of life outcome measures. Systematic review of literature A comprehensive evidence base forms the backbone of a systematic appraisal. Systematic evidence gathering is done to minimize deficiencies database and quantification of limitations in database is analyzed with reflection of uncertainty in the results. A meta analysis of all the evidence is done and critically appraised. ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Differences Between Types of Mouth Guards In dentistry there are three main types of mouth guards. The first one is the Stock mouth protector. This protector is preformed and it comes ready to wear immediately. These ones can be bought at department stores and are fairly inexpensive. When you get one of these guards it is not easy to adjust or fit in the mouth since they are sold at stores. In some instances they do not offer or provide much safety or protection, and with this dentist do not recommend these for their patients. Some other names for guards include; bite plane, bite splint, gum guard, gum shield, mouth piece, mouth protector, night guard, and occlusal splint. The second protector is the Boil and bite mouth protector. This one is a little more fitting and helps protect the teeth. This one you can also get at a store, but the difference between this protector and the stock mouth protector is that this mouth piece is made out of a thermoplastic material. This means that when you get this guard you put it into hot bowling water and then put the piece in your mouth and it makes an impression around the teeth using your finger and tongue to put pressure on it to form to your mouth. The third protector that is used in dentistryis the Custom Fitted mouth protector. This protector is highly recommended by dentist due to the fact that it is fitted and formed to your mouth in a direct way. This is made inside a dental office after the assistant and or dentist make a mold of your teeth and mouth. ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Marcus Mill s Article On Connotations And Connotation 1.Stuart Mill s article on Denotation vs Connotation emphasizes the meaning of words which are a way for us to communicate with one another. He had his own theory on this article. His view on the meaning of words was that there was a distinction between the connotation and the denotation of a term. There are two kinds of descriptive values according to Mill. Denotationis the literal meaning of a term whereas connotationis the idea or feeling that the word implies; the conceptual representation of it. For example he states, The word white denotes all white things, as snow paper, the foam of the sea, etc., and implies, or in the language of the schoolmen, connotes, the attribute whiteness. The word white is not predicated of the attribute, but of the objects, snow, etc.; but when we predicate it of them, we convey the meaning that the attribute whiteness belongs to them 167). What Mill is implying is that the term white it characterizes the thing denoted by the expression. When we say the word white we think of these other things (snow, paper, wedding dress, white flowers) because they are defined as the color white. For instance, take the word home. The connotation of the term home would be a place of warmth, comfort, affection etc. She feels like home . It means that the person gives us a comforting vibe in which we can rely on to feel peace within ourselves. How it is denoted; the place where one lives (family members) for a certain period of time. It is ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Influence Of The Renaissance The Renaissance is an important part of history because it was seen as the start of the new modern era. It is plausible to give this time such a title, since it portrayed a largely profound influence on the eras to follow. Never before (or since) had there been such a coming together of art, science and philosophy (The Renaissancewhy it changed the world). During the Renaissance, many new ideas and inventions emerged. The popularity of inventing was a result of social needs among various people in societies and other cultures through the development of the modern era (Salisbury). THESIS The Renaissance explored many new ideas in a variety of topics such as; culture, politics, science, and an improved type of intelligence in individuals (The Renaissance why it changed the world). The spread of these ideas began in Europe in the 14th century (Salisbury). As the philosophies of the Renaissance spread across Europe, they evolved to match local cultural thinking, while still remaining true to its core meaning. These ideas brought diplomatic excursions, war, exploration, trade, and marriage. It had a kind of snowball effect: each new intellectual advance paved the way for further advancements. Even the art during this time was different. There was a larger focus on human anatomy as a result of the influence of realism and the desire to capture the world as it was (The Renaissance why it changed the world). Sciences during this time were being developed under Copernicus and Galileo. Separately, these two scientists had developed an understanding of Earth s place in the universe and proved that all planets revolved around the sun (The Renaissance why it changed the world). Other scientific advances were discovered through chemistry and mathematics through the development of gunpower and a new financial trading system that made it simpler to navigate across the world (The Renaissance why it changed the world). These new advances were so successfully spread due to one specific invention, the printing press. In 1440, Gitenberg introduced this machine to the world, and for the first time ever books could be mass produced. Renaissance philosophers were able to print mass copies of their discoveries and ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Squirt Case Study Product Strategies Product Classification Squirt Soda is a carbonated beverage with grapefruit flavoring. It is an impulse buy; consumers do not put a lot of time and effort in deciding whether or not to purchase such a product. Therefore consumers need to be reminded of the brand through intelligent, funny advertising or advertising that creates a relevant connection with the consumer audience. o Soft Drinks are homogenous goods. They compete on price, availability, and most importantly, their sale and success depends on their images in the minds of consumers. Differentiation Squirt has a unique image opportunity: Brand itself as the most refreshing and naturally made citrus soda on the market. It should have the lowest ... Show more content on ... This can be done only as far as legally and ethically permitted. For example, Ben and Jerry s Ice Cream has been pressured into removing the All Natural slogan from their containers because of certain ingredients in their product. o Create consumer confidence Consumers appreciate quality packaging, it makes an image difference for them if the product comes in a more prestigious package. Squirt must keep up the status quo of soft drink packaging quality standards. We do not recommend alternative luxurious containers, but we do recommend attention to detail and attention to competitors package quality. Brand Strategies, Product/Market Strategies and Line Strategies o Market Penetration Strategy The main goal for Squirt grapefruit beverage is to gain more market share within the current target market. Squirt s new Natural image is intended to make the product more appealing to more people that buy Mountain Dew or Fanta or other colas in general. o Market Development Strategy Through skillful promotion and advertising,( TV, print, online, ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Dances With Wolves Analysis I thought the movie Dances with Wolves was a good film. I think that this was a good film since it had a good storyline. In addition, I had thought the movies was also very interesting. I thought it was interesting as it showed me the communication barrier between Dunbar and the Indians, the Indians lack of knowledge on weaponry, and the perception of Indians. I also thought it was a good film, since I had also learned a few things from it. One of those things being the perception of Indians. The movie gave me an insight on the relationship between the US and Indian relationships as it seems as the USA did not like the Indians. It shows this with the perception of the Indians from the comments the white people had made toward the Indians and ... Show more content on ... I feel that this movie would be a historical fiction since the film does have some historical facts and meaning. Some parts of the movie that show historical facts would be the perception of the Indians, the few battles, and the customs of the Indians. These things cannot fictionalized, and would require some research. The treatment of the native people west of the Mississippi river in the time period following the civil war was poor. The white people wanted the Indians to be exterminated. An example of this happened in Colorado, when some Indian chiefs had sought peace and negotiation. In this negotiation, they had army protection, however, they were killed in their sleep. The Indians were also treated poorly as they suffered from the white Americans racism, their belief that they owned all the land, and paternalism. The forces at work on both of these sides were the people that had strong beliefs and were not going to stand for anything but their beliefs. The Indians were on the west side of the Mississippi river, and they did not want to leave their land. The white people were on the other side of the Mississippi river and had their belief that they owned all the land. With these two groups of people with different beliefs, this had lead to incompatible ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Plan For A Campaign The Right Consultant To plan for a campaign the right consultant should be hired. The consultant will conduct a feasibility study to ensure that the organization and prospective donors are ready for the campaign. The feasibility study looks at all aspects of a campaign. The study will review the campaign timeline and the plan for each phases of the campaign. Once the campaign has received the results of the feasibility study the campaign leaders will need to review the consultant s suggestions and review any newly acquired information that relates to the campaign. A task force should be created to revise the campaign s goals, plans and case for support (Bancel 2000). During this time period the task force will focus on strengthening any weak areas of a ... Show more content on ... Thankfully our campaign is riding of the success of the Children s Hospital redesign and the remodel for West Side Adult Medicine so confidence in the project is high, and donors recognize that the organization has been through in it s planning process for the campaign. It has been decided that there will be three phases to the project. Different milestones will be tied to each phase of this project. The first phase will revolve around planning, the second phase will be connecting with donors and introducing the project to them and around solicitation, the third phase will revolve the successful completion of the campaign. Phase 1 Planning Checklist: This phase will take place for over the course of 12 to 18 months A seed fund is created three years before the campaign and the appropriate money is added to it each year to ensure that the campaign will have the funds required for the upfront costs of the campaign. The campaign committee meets to draft the campaign cause, a campaign timeline and a campaign plan Find the right volunteer leader then meet with volunteer leader as well as human resources to review criteria for volunteers and staff. Draft and post new positions that will be needed for the campaign. A job description should be created for both volunteer positions and staffed positions. Each position needs a clear description that outlines the responsibilities of the role, the time commitment, the skills needed for the ... Get more on ...
  • 44. The Use of Language to create the setting in The Great Gatsby How Does F Scott Fitzgerald use Language to create the setting and the atmosphere of this extract? This extract, which describes Jay Gatsby s extravagant party is a microcosm of the type of seductive and exciting lifestyle that was lived by those eager to fulfil the American dream in the 1920 s. It shows how the original dream of happiness, individualism and prosperity has disintegrated into the mere pursuit of wealth. Fitzgerald himself experienced this type of society and uses symbolism in this extract to represent his conflicting feelings about the Jazz age and create a typical setting of this kind of society. Referring to the novel as a whole, Giltrow David (from Studies in the Novel ) states that The style F. Scott... Show more content on ... The guests attending the party represent the restless need of society to be entertained and artificially amused by those willing to provide it, and in this case it is Gatsby who succumbs to their insatiable need, both for his own benefit and theirs. We are guided through the first half of the extract by Nick as a third person narrator, and thus the reader is given a view of what takes place before the guests arrive at least once a fortnight several corps of caterers came down . Nick gives the feeling of repetition of the rituals described every Friday five crates of oranges and lemons arrived and by using this narrative technique, creates a tired ritualistic atmosphere of routine labour on Mondays eight servants, including an extra gardener, toiled all day . The tense changes, however, to the first person when people begin to enter the party, and the previously felt negative atmosphere slowly disappear. The reader feels as if they are on Nick s level, seeing what he sees. The reader s interpretation of the party is coloured by Nick s almost poetic description and sometimes, ironic views on the event itself and its inhabitants. Two distinct types of people are represented here: those who work for their money and those who don t. During this extract ... Get more on ...
  • 45. The Importance Of Learning A Second Language Should schoolchildren be required to learn a second or even third language from a young age? According to studies at the Cornell Language Acquisition Lab (CLAL), children who learn a second language can maintain attention despite outside stimuli better than those who know only one language. Learning foreign languages from a young age is much easier than trying to pick one up later in life, researchers say that their elementary brains are most receptive to picking it up and enabling them to speak the languagefluently with little or no hint of a foreign accent. Schools around the country are struggling to keep their foreign languageprograms alive. My interest in this topic has developed from my cousins, who live out in California who have been taught a foreign from a younger age, and the school I went to didn t start teaching it until the ninth grade. Learning a second language from a young age can be beneficial for students, as Jamaal Abdul alim talks about in his article, States are teaching core content in other tongues. In his article, he wrote a quote from Hendrik J. Haarmann, the area director of cognitive neuroscience at the University of Maryland Center for Advanced Study of Language saying, Early age is the best time to be introduced to a foreign language because the mind/brain is most plastic at that age in terms of its ability to learn a language. Preschool, early elementary aged students brains are developing rapidly making it easier for them to adapt to ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Stereotypical Fairytale And Relative Peace When a child does something wrong, an older, wiser adult is always there to scold them for the wrongdoing. Inevitably, they are then forced to accept the punishment and guilt that it bears. However, when they transform into an adult, they are the old, wise adult, and no one is there to scold them. It must be found within themselves to discern the sin committed and hold the guilt within their own hearts, but then also forgive themselves for it, of which it is much easier to do as a child. If unforgiven, the guilt manifests itself within their being, slowly monopolizing on their lives until they become a mere shell of their prior beings, scarcely able to survive daily life with the blanket of guilt weighing down so heavily upon them. In... Show more content on ... Barely under this facade of composure and innocence, unbeknownst to him, was his rapidly expanding feeling of dishonor. Not only had he committed an act so unspeakable for the time, but he had also failed to admit this fault to those who held his holiness above all else. In this way, he felt he had betrayed the townspeople, of whom he knew their countless sins, and the only person who could ever truly forgive him: God. As a result of these unforgivable crimes, Dimmesdale subjected himself to a torture brought about by his own inability to forgive himself for the crimes committed. Only a short while into his self flagellation, the decaying of his physical well being became apparent to any and all onlookers, as the text states, he was often observed, on any slight alarm or other sudden accident, to put his hand over his heart, with first a flush and then a paleness, indicative of pain, (Hawthorne 108). This quotation exemplifies the obvious change in Dimmesdale s demeanor, while also creating a connection between mind and body. With such a guilt fueling his need to gain redemption, he turned to pain as a way to relieve the unshakeable ailment he invariably felt. However, this did not achieve anything as his mental state further deteriorated and his physical conditions followed suit, to the point that he was scarcely able to bear his own weight or ... Get more on ...
  • 47. An Evaluation Of A Company At This Time First of all, I am glad to inform you that I am thrilled to be advising your company at this time. Thus, I would do my very best to help the company to perform at its best. In order to accomplish this, first I would like to introduce the current economic, politics, and the social conditions in Japan to help the company to decide whether or not it should invest money in this country. This information is crucial in business because all these three factors mentioned above play a significant role for private businesses to be successful in certain countries. Therefore, I would like to start this advisement with the economic situation in Japan since this is the most important of all three. Initially, for investor companies, the economic conditions of the country that the firm is investing is vital. For example, an investment for Zimbabwe is not going to be a great decision. Zimbabwe is a country surrounded by a myriad of problems. For instance, Zimbabwe s GDP has declined by 38 percent between 1998 and 2003 (Raftopoulos, 2015) also the inflation in Zimbabwe is enormous that the price of consumer items like meat and clothes rose by 223 percent in a week (Wines, 2007). This economic condition can be readily understood that the economy in Zimbabwe is highly unstable; therefore, the investment will be a poor decision. On the other hand, the economy in Japan is quite stable. Japan is one of the biggest exporters in the world also they have they third largest GDP. However, after the ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Rudyard Kipling s The Jungle Book The representation of animals within Rudyard Kipling s The Jungle Book is symbolic of the colonisation of India, advocating the agenda of the British colonisers through the theme of imperialist oppression. This is particularly evident within the Mowgli story Kaa s Hunting as well as the animal story Rikki Tikki Tavi . Within the Mowglistory, the theme of imperialist oppression is conveyed primarily through the Law of the Jungle as Kipling uses Baloo, the Bandar log and Shere Khan symbolically as justification. Animals within Rikki Tikki Tavi embody this representation also, reflecting this demonstration of imperialist oppression despite the lack of pronounced law. The Law of the Jungle is essentially a set of rules devised to govern... Show more content on ... Like Shere Khan, Nag and Nagaina represent the resisting of colonial imposition yet are presented as antagonists despite their celebrated significance within Eastern culture (Veloso de Abreu 690). The portrayal of these characters as the enemy epitomises Kipling s connotation of resistance as adverse. Both Nag and Nagaina meet the same fate as Shere Khan to further reinforce this notion as they die and imperial oppression triumphs. The character of Rikki Tikki Tavi also holds symbolism within the scheme of Indian colonisation as he is subject of colonial rule, employed to protect and defend his white masters (Nyman 207). The mongoose sacrifices his traditional role to live under colonial rule, a choice encouraged as the narrator states that every well brought up mongoose always hopes to be a house mongoose some day (Kipling). For both Rikki Tikki Tavi and his masters to live, the antagonists, those who resist imperial oppression, must die. This is explicit as Nag knows that mongooses in the garden meant death sooner or later for him and his family (Kipling), once again justifying imperial oppression even without the Law of the Jungle . The advocating of the agenda of British colonisers through imperial oppression even extends to the character of Chuchundra as he is afraid of both the coloniser and of standing up to the coloniser, represented ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Healthcare Personal Statement Some people have wanted to be in the health care field for as long as they can remember. Some people have a moment or one specific incident that they can point to and say this is the reason I want to be in the health care field. I am not one of those people. My interest has developed more slowly and steady. As I progressed through school I noticed that the subjects I enjoy the most are the sciences. Learning about the human body and disease fascinates me. I began to realize I wanted to have a career where I have a true purpose. Healthcare allows me to truly make a difference in people s lives while also pursuing my desire for scientific knowledge. So, when I first began my college studies I decided I would be pre med and become a doctor.... Show more content on ... I began as a one on one tutor teaching reading, comprehension, and math to students of all ages. The work was rewarding, but teaching has never been my passion. Science is what I love. Throughout the time, I served as a trainer to new employees and took on more of a leadership role. I enjoyed helping shape the new employees to teach the students, and answering their questions to help them become great at their job. I liked knowing that if I did well at my job then they would do well in teaching the children. Eventually, I was promoted to office manager. This role took me out of the teaching side and more into the business side of the company. I realized that I would not be happy to continue to progress in that role, and went back to school to pursue my science ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Poverty s Impact On Education Poverty s Impact on Education Poverty, a state of economic scarcity in which one lacks material possessions or money, has endured in even the most vibrant and influential of cultures throughout the world. The United States, as a country of diverse societies and cultures, demonstrates the reality of this phenomenon. To be specific, forty five million, three hundred thousand Americans, or the equivalent of 14.5 percent of the population, live below the poverty line. And as of 2013, the U.S. Census Bureau concluded that 19.9% of children under the age of 18 are living in poverty. Sixty to seventy percent of these impoverished students do not graduate, and their test scores are 10% lower than those of their wealthier peers (Hochschild). The seemingly inevitable issue of poverty affects many aspects of Americans lives; it is particularly detrimental to their educational opportunities. From a cultural, historical, economical, and political standpoint, one can see how a wide variety of perspectives reveal unique and unseen views on the issue at hand. Educational Environment The educational environment of a student, such as one s access to a public library, ability to use a computer or public library, or capability to ask for academic aid, can be decisive to the outcome of his or her academic success. An advantageous, supportive environment for students can allow them to develop to their true academic potential. However, a conflicting environment can lead to the academic ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Standard Deduction Introduction Standard deduction is a provision of the United States federal income tax system, which serves two purposes including a least amount amount of untaxed income, thus acting as an ingredient of progressivity. Second, it provides a simplified alternative to the itemized deductions for tax payers with comparatively low itemizable expenses, thus relieving them of the record keeping and computational burden of itemizing deductions. Having one provision is a compromise to other but it is a compromise that is unnecessary. (Samansky, 1991) A base sum of income that is not focused to tax and that can be used to decrease a taxpayer s adjusted gross income (AGI), a standard deduction can only be used if the taxpayer does not prefer the itemized deduction method of calculating taxable income. The sum of the standard deduction is based on a taxpayer s filing status, age and whether he or she is disabled or claimed as a reliant on another person s tax return. The major reason taxpayers exercise standard instead of itemized deductions is that taxpayers don t have to keep track of every potential tax deductible expense throughout the year. Plus, a lot of people find the standard deduction amount to be fairly generous and usually greater than the total they could reach if they added up all of ... Show more content on ... People often overlook or fail to record allowable tax deductions and keep their approach only for the standard amount specified by the IRS. For instance, homeowners often pay more interest and real estate tax than the standard deduction permits. Also, small business owners who have a running home office often can incur additional tax deductions higher than the standard amount. Taxpayers must keep accurate records along with actual receipts to itemize deductions. Failure to do this makes the standard deduction a advantage but also may cost you a lot of money in tax ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Ordinary People Interestingly, this documentary is based on the lives of five individuals and their experiences with Russia s transition that came from the collapse of the Soviet Union. Moreover, four of the five people have known each other from childhood and lived in similar circumstances under the authoritarian rule. I will be focusing on how Olga, Andrei, Borya and Lyuba who are ordinary citizens have managed to live under an authoritarian rule. To begin with, USSR was the union of 15 socialist republic that included: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belorussia, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirgiziya Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Russia,Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Without a doubt, USSR adopted a authoritarian regime in which it the socialist had the ultimate ownership in all areas of manufacture, distribution, and trade. This centralized economic system lasted from 1922 until 1991 and it function under the Communist party. The philosophy behind this authoritarian regime derived from MarxismLeninism in which it valued and pushed for a one party state. The main theme behind this documentary is about the experiences of five people that were greatly affected by the political change. These people were able to express and tell their story about living under USSR totalitarian authoritarian regime and then to partial ... Show more content on ... Although at some point they all lived closely to each other and had similar childhood we can conclude that they chose a different path in live. Moreover, due to the authoritarian transition they were introduced to western norms that include clothing, access to more information, and stock market. Also, they were all part of history in the making since in 1989 it was the first open election and lived through the End of a single party system. Even though they also experienced hardships, as the economy did not prosper when Yesltsin was reelected in ... Get more on ...
  • 53. A Study On Mythical Creatures It turned into a cold and rainy day in my hometown of Autumn Burrow. It s the place where everyone works day and night, and where I find fascinating creatures in the deep forests in this town. I study these creatures for a living, as it is my day job and I have nothing else to do. A huge majority of people who live in Autumn Burrow think I m a madman, but I take my studies seriously. I ve been investigating and researching on mythical creatures since I was 13 years old. I became a young prodigy, and surpassed all subjects and gained great knowledge. However, I haven t been able to use that knowledge until years later. As I quitted working a University for a year, and went back to researching weird creatures that were rumored to live in... Show more content on ... Then as I walked even further more, I manage to find a little ghost like creature lying to a tree with dead leaves. The tiny creature looked like he was crying, as tears are running down out of his sorrow eyes. It didn t really seem like it was talking much, but I wanted to get the little guy s attention. Hello. Are you lost? What s wrong, are you ok? I spoke to it as the creature as the creature took notice of my presence. The small shadow began look up at me, as it then noticed my presence. A are you a monster? You look s s scary. It said as it was too frightened to even look at my face . It was then that I knew I became fascinated with the tiny, shadow creature. I never saw anything like a living shadow, but I have discovered stranger things before. In any case, I decide to pick up the petite wisp, and let it follow me on my expedition through the evergreen forest. Thus far, Little Wisp, as I decide to call my shadow friend, went on to help me navigate dangerous parts of the forest. After walking for quite sometime, I then trip over from a small indent in the ground. I fall face first into the dirt, as I felt a little dizzy. Brown lumps of earth covered my face, as the eerie, dark atmosphere already made me feel worse. Trying to get up off from the forest surface, I immediately turn to the sight of anther shadow monster looking down at me with a fearsome look. His white, soulless eyes and his hunched over back gave him a sense of intimidation. It ... Get more on ...