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College Application Essay Examples Format
Crafting an essay on the topic of "College Application Essay Examples Format" can pose a
considerable challenge due to the intricate nature of the subject matter. The difficulty lies not
only in presenting one's thoughts coherently but also in adhering to the specific format
requirements expected in a college application essay.
Firstly, there is the task of understanding the nuanced expectations of college admission
committees. These committees look for essays that not only showcase academic prowess but also
reveal the applicant's character, personality, and unique qualities. Striking the right balance
between personal expression and adherence to formal writing conventions can be a delicate
Next, the challenge involves finding suitable examples that effectively illustrate the desired
format. It requires a keen eye for detail to identify compelling anecdotes or experiences that align
with the overall theme of the essay. The examples chosen must resonate with the reader and
leave a lasting impression, emphasizing the applicant's suitability for the academic environment.
Moreover, managing the limited word count adds another layer of complexity. Conveying a
comprehensive picture of oneself within a confined space demands concise and impactful
writing. Struggling to strike this balance might result in an essay that feels either too brief or
overly verbose.
Additionally, the emotional investment required to write a college application essay can make
the process emotionally taxing. Applicants often grapple with the pressure of presenting their
best selves, which can lead to writer's block or self-doubt.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "College Application Essay Examples Format"
involves navigating a complex landscape that requires a deep understanding of the expectations,
adept storytelling skills, and a knack for concise expression. However, for those seeking
assistance, it's worth noting that resources like offer a variety of services
where similar essays and more can be ordered, providing support in the challenging task of
crafting a compelling college application essay.
College Application Essay Examples FormatCollege Application Essay Examples Format
Essay On Deque
A deque object is similar to a stack or a queue and is initialized left to right from an
iterable value (or empty). In case you re wondering, deque is pronounced deck and
is short for a double ended queue.
Deques are thread safe and memory efficient. They can be appended, extended or
popped from either side. The performance when performing these operations from
one side to the next is roughly the same. Lists of course are faster since they are
immutable but deques are slightly faster than standard tuples.
If you don t specify a size (using maxlen or the 2nd positional argument of deque()),
deques can be as large as you want them to be. If you do specify a size, you can still
use add and delete operations but when one side is added, ... Show more content on ...
Eventually, it will get the last element from the deque of another processor and
execute it until all deques are cleared (though usually with a processor, the work is
continuous and more efficient due to the algorithm).
No worries though, we will just go through some simple examples from the Python
The datatype deque comes from the collections package. So we need to import it
from there:
from collections import deque
Much like the namedtuple type, we can give it a string and it will be extended into
an array like structure like so:
my_deque = deque( long )
print(my_deque) deque([ l , o , n , g ])
If we want to add to the right, we can use append() just like you would with a normal
my_deque.append( d )
We can also add to the left side with appendleft():
my_deque.appendleft( s ) and continue on from there:
my_deque.append( e )
my_deque.appendleft( i )
my_deque.append( q )
my_deque.appendleft( h )
my_deque.append( u )
my_deque.appendleft( t )
my_deque.append( e )
print(my_deque) deque([ t , h , i , s , l , o , n , g , d , e , q , u , e ])
We can also make shallow copies with the copy() method:
deque_copy = my_deque.copy()
print(deque_copy) deque([ t , h , i , s , l , o , n , g , d , e , q , u , e ])
We can then clear them from all elements by using clear():
print(deque_copy) deque([]) To get a
Are Tornadoes Good Or Bad
What are tornadoes? How do they form? Many people, including scientists,
meteorologists, and people affected by tornadoes are looking to answer these very
important questions. Areas of research on tornadoes focus often on how tornadoes
form, how they are monitored, and what kind of scale is used to rate the damage they
can create.
Next, tornadoes are very unpredictable because they can form any time.
Meteorologists try their best to keep them monitored. Meteorologists use the
Doppler Radar to keep an eye out in case of a rotating updraft (Danielson1).
Tornadoes can strike at anytime especially the mid western areas such as Texas,
Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri (McCann125). Picture it, you
live in Texas. The tornado watch siren goes off. You try not to go into a panic mode.
You gather all the family into the cellar. You hear raging winds whipping, the roaring
of the rampaging tornado, and you had just gotten into the cellar with a few seconds
to spare. After the storm is over, your family and you open the cellar door. You look
around. You re surrounded by the remains of your house. In real life when you hear
the warning siren go off, you only have ... Show more content on ...
There are six ratings for a tornado. F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5. The scale is known as
the Fujita scale or the f scale for short F0 is a light damage with about 73 mph winds.
F1 is moderate damage and with 73 112 mph winds. F2 is considerable damage with
113 157 mph winds. F3 is severe damage and has wind speeds from 158 to 206 mph.
F4 is devastating damage with wind speeds of 207 to 260 mph. Last but not least,
the F5 rating. Its incredible damage which is the worst rating ever. It s about 261
316 mph winds. The creator of this scale is T. Theodore Fujita. He created this scale
to help scientists or meteorologists to determine what the power of a tornado is or
how much damage it will
Bali 9 Clock Ticks Analysis
Written by Cindy Wockner, the Bali 9 Clock Ticks newspaper article appearing in
the Herald Sun serves as a neat, professional update on the predicament of Myuran
Sukumaran and Andrew Chan. Written in typical newspaper fashion, the article
underlies themes of desperation, hopelessness and fear in a detached string of
paragraphs. The article catches our attention with a suspenseful, desperate title Bali 9
Clock Ticks. The phrase Clock Ticks paints a picture in our minds of time running
out, and having to do something drastic before it s too late. This theme of despair is
continuously highlighted throughout the text through phrases such as all but in their
executioners crosshairs , effectively signing his death warrant , the end is nigh , and
quickly running out of options . The audience... Show more content on ...
The next story, again regarding a woman, is made to push us into a position of
anger rather than regret, preparing us for the greater injustices to come later in the
text. Wockner casually details how another woman s co accursed including the drug
ring mastermind won clemency back in 2012. Wockner is subtly showing us the
unjustness of the legal system, in the example of a woman who was simply a pawn
being sentenced to death while her boss is set free. Anecdotes like this appeal to our
sense of justice, inciting feelings of rage towards those who caused the injustice in
this case, the Indonesian
Crucifixion By Giotto Di Bondone Essay
There are many different aspects to the mystery of god and many people believe in
different things. Our understanding of the ideal representation of the wonder and awe
in the mystery of god is the trinity where there are three aspects. Through the artwork
of Crucifixion by Giotto di Bondone portrays God, is divine and Trinitarian. The
mystery of God is reflected in the picture of Crucifixion painted by Giotto Di
Bondone as the image explains the core Catholic Christian belief in the mystery of
trinityof one God, three elements namely the creator, Jesusthe Son and the Holy Spirit.
Giotto di Bondone was an Italian painter and architect from Florence in the late
middle ages. He generally considered in the first line of great artists who contributed
to the renaissance, which is the style of the painting (Artable, n.d). He drew his
figures and their postures according to his interpretation to the nature of God. In this
artwork it speaks the trinity, three elements; with the creator being the sky, angels
representing the Holy Spirit and the human Jesus as the son on the cross. In the picture
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He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did
receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of
God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man,
but of God. This scripture shows how people are to live in relation to god. We are
meant to believe and follow his teachings left by Jesus the son, the Holy Spirit all
shown throughout the bible. This links to my artwork as it portrays people
following god through Jesus teachings, which is what the scripture, says which links
through to my painting. Courage is a main aspect of the mystery of god. I believe
this is portrayed through my image as it shows Jesus courage to sacrifice himself for
our sins. Scriptures further prove
Web Api Using The Entity Framework
Chapter 5: Creating Applications using AngularJS, Entity Frameworks, and ASP.Net
MVC , focuses on how to connect to database using Entity Framework. In this
chapter we will discuss how to create Web API using ASP.Net MVC and how to
consume these Web API with AngularJS. This chapter organized as follows.
Using Entity Framework o Creating a data model from existing database
Creating Web API using Visual Studio o Working with JSON Object in ASP.NET
MVC using Angular
Using Angular JS with ASP.NET MVC o Sending and Receiving JSON Object to
Angular JS
Using Entity Framework
ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), in .Net framework ADO.Net is a set of classes to
expose the data access services for .Net framework developer. ADO.Net contains the
set of components to create distribution and data sharing applications. Using
ADO.Net we can create front end database clients and data access layer to use by the
application. ADO.Net frequently used the application developer to access database in
relational database systems such as SQL, Oracle and so on.
ADO.Net is very powerful framework to use for accessing data. It has been in the
market since many years. ADO.Net Entity Framework is an enhancement to
traditional ADO.Net, which enable developer to develop data access application by
using a conceptual data model instead of directly connecting to the relational
database. With Entity Frameworks, the amount of code and the maintenance required
for data oriented application significantly will be
Disadvantages Of CHO Cells
CHO (Chinese Hamster Ovary) cells are cell lines extracted from the ovary of the
Chinese Hamster and are exclusively used for commercial purposes in the production
of recombinant therapeutic proteins. Some proteins are to be synthesized using
mammalian cells rather than the commonly used microbial cells as the latter lacks
the exact machinery to produce the complete protein or for safety concerns. Among
the mammalian cells, CHO cells continue to be the choice for the production of
several therapeutic proteins.
However there are certain disadvantages associated with CHO cells which include
low productivity, substrate product stability, slower growth rate, low cell density, etc.
These cell lines consume nutrients continuously beyond stoichiometric needs. Thus,
the mode of operation should be chosen in such a way that they overcome the
disadvantages of the CHO cell line.
The large scale production of therapeutic proteins in industries is done in suspension
culture as the adherent cell line poses a challenge in scaling up. Currently there are
two dominant modes of operation for producing therapeutic proteins based on
mammalian cell lines (Hu and Aunins, 1997) in industrial scale:
Fed batch bioreactors
Perfusion ... Show more content on ...
There is a gradual addition of a fresh volume of selected nutrients during the growth
culture cycle. It is basically a semi batch operation wherein nutrients are fed
intermittently or continuously using one or more fed streams. This is done to ensure
that productivity and growth is promoted. Once a run is finished, the culture is
harvested and the product is sent to downstream processing. The nutritional
environment can be maintained approximately constant during the course of the
batch. Fed batch culture is superior to conventional batch culture because
concentrations of nutrients can be
A Brief Note On Third Party Delivery Services Essay
Third Party Delivery Services Third party services are increasing nationally,
regionally and locally to provide restaurateurs with an array of delivery options.
Managing the delivery logistics is often challenging for restaurants that would
prefer concentrating on food preparation. The good news is that you don t have to
buy a delivery vehicle, train drivers and deal with delivery issues if you outsource
your deliveries. The major players nationally are currently in a major expansion
phase, and many national delivery services are merging. You can choose from these
major providers or local services that might offer better terms and more personalized
service. However, you should be aware that many of these local services might be
speculative in nature and hoping to sell out to one of the major services. Some of the
major national delivery services include GrubHub Seamless, Postmates, Caviar,
Dashed, Eat24, Takeout Taxi and Amazon. GrubHub Seamless GrubHub Seamless
has merged with other delivery services to become a commanding leader among
restaurant delivery services. Restaurants only pay for orders that the site generates for
them. The company currently delivers for more than 20,000 restaurants in 500 U.S.
cities. Recently acquiring Boston based DiningIn and a California delivery service
called Restaurants on the Run, GrubHub continues its march to dominate the delivery
market. However, Amazon s decision to enter the market should keep the industry
Christopher Columbus And Other Great People
When discussing the major explorers and travellers normally think about people,
such as, Ibn Batuta, Christopher Columbus and other great people. But, I have a
great tale to tell about a man by the name Marco Polo. Now most of you would
think of the pool game when you shout Marco! the others call Polo! Well it actually
relates to the man himself, Marco actually got separated from his family and
responded with Polo as they called for him with Marco! Marco s early life began
without him know much about his dad, who was also a traveller, and his journeys
revolved mostly on his journeys to Dadu and his life there, such as, his time
serving the Khan or he Journeys around China and his return home. Upon Marco s
return from his journeys he released a book about his journeys, but many critics
claimed this was a fools tale, a false journey that he developed as he rotted away
within the Genoan Prison. But, on the contrary it is to my belief that his story was
proven to be true because, no European had truly known what was east of the
Middle east, so they believe that his tale was bogus , so to speak, Marco and his
family had vanished from Venice for many years, so if they didn t go easy where
did they go, lastly Why would the Polo s return to Rome in search of what the
Khan had Requested if he had never met him. Beginning on Marco s Early life, He
was born in 1254 to a wealthy Venice family, at the time of his birth his father had
been in Venice with his mother for the most
Homeless Education Programs
Hello Mr. Michael Bond and Terrence Falk,
My name is Shantice Clinton, I am a student at MATC and I am writing you to get
more information on how to help the people in need with educational benefits. What
type of programs are you using for the disadvantages in unapproved areas? I know
that we have the HEP homeless education program but as a community what can we
do to help others? I also was wondering what type of resources you would provide. I
havr also did research on the policies the government have on hunger.
As a community I feel that I can help others that are struggling around me. I also
feel like people that are in need and wants to get helps would be able to get the help
they need. This also goes for the people that are not looking for help, us as a
community can try to convenience others. I am also a student and I am concerned
about other students about getting their education. Thanks for taking the time to read
this letter and please respond back
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Only 1 in 6 of these kids participate in the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). SFSP seeks to address food insecurity among
children and youth during the summer months when they are out of school. In 2009
2010, 21 states and the District of Columbia had at least one in four households with
children (25 percent or more) facing food hardship, according to the Food Research
and Action Center
Sociological Imagination In Research
So this question baffles me to the point that I couldn t even begin to answer it till
now, though I thought it was Thursday, not Friday....whoops. So this question is
baffling probably because I don t see how sociological imagination plays into this, as
its very nature is scientific. So the BRCA1 and 2 genemutations were found, and
scientist believe (I m guessing this is key to looking at it with sociological
imagination? When really what s to come is not sociological imagination so much as
healthy skepticism.) that they help prevent breast cancer by preventing the
degradation of DNA, to which cancer is a rapid and uncontrolled process involving
the altering of cellDNA. So how could the gene mutations/genetic markers that predict
cancer now
The Energy Crisis Of Oil Essay
In order to fulfill his desires, man will abuse environmental supplies to a great extent,
consequently indorsing his environment to lose its natural ability of supporting
mankind. Our voracious craving for gnawing away at the Earth s natural resources is
growing prodigiously. Perhaps our most keen appetite is for oil, the blood of the
earth. Similarly, to humans, when blood is removed from the body without being
replaced, a treacherous situation surfaces. This situation currently deals directly with
oil depletion. Oil is a standout amongst the most essential fuels available in today s
culture. It is a finite resource, incapable of being reproduced in human frames,
however, mankind voluntarily ignores this information and continues to consumed it
at an unstable acceleration. Peak oilhas been looming on the horizon for decades. It
is used to describe the global maximum in crude oil production which is predicted
to occur in the near future. Once this maximum has been reached, global oil
production will begin to forever decline afterwards, leading the world into a
catastrophic energy crunch that could cripple our economy. Oil will become more
difficult to extract, therefore making it more expensive as nations compete for the
declining supply. The failure of economies to adapt to the staggering cost of oil will
eventually kill off every endeavor by the economy to develop, and cause semi
permanent depression. Unfortunately, individuals cannot simply suck oil out of the
Depressants Research Paper
Depressants are drugs that inhibit the function of the central nervous system (CNS)
and are among the most widely used drugs in the world. These drugs operate by
affecting neurons in the CNS: central nervous system, which leads to symptoms such
as drowsiness, relaxation, decreased inhibition, sleep, coma, and even death. All
depressants also have the potential to be addictive. Central nervous system
depressants, sometimes referred to as tranquilizers or sedatives, are substances that
can slow brain activity. This property makes them useful for treating anxiety and
sleep disorders. For nearly a century, depressants have been used to reduce anxiety,
induce sleep and relieve stress in people. While alcohol is the most commonly used
depressant,... Show more content on ...
However, if abused, these depressants can have many unwanted and harmful
effects. With prescribed depressants, the first few days a person usually feels
sleepy and uncoordinated, but as the body becomes accustomed to the effects of the
drug and tolerance develops, these side effects begin to disappear. Sometimes the
dosage isn t enough, and the user requires more of the drug or begins to use long
term, and larger doses may be needed to achieve the therapeutic effects. Continued
use can also lead to physical dependence and withdrawal when use is abruptly
reduced or stopped. Only under a physician s supervision is it safe to use depressants
with other drugs or medications. Normally, they should not be combined with any
other medication or substance that causes central nervous system depression,
including prescription pain medicines, some OTC cold and allergy medications, and
alcohol. Using central nervous system depressants with these other substances
(especially alcohol) can affect heart rhythm, slow respiration, and even lead to
Essay About My Dream
Dream Paper
Since I was little my dreams have always been very vivid. I could always wake up
change what I wanted to dream about, go back to sleep and have the dream I
thought up. People like my Mom, Dad, and boyfriend are in my dreams the most of
the time.In the past year my dreams have changed to be more dark and I can t
always change them. Most of the time these dreams end up with me being all alone
somewhere, and I can t seem to find anyone. I have had that one dream I will never
forget about two years ago, it still haunts me today. Yet, 99% of the time my dreams
are bright and happy.
Dream One
This first dream occurred when they were doing construction around my house. I
was in my kitchen making a morning hot chocolate. Taking a look outside I
noticed something was different, there was a beach and ocean where my back
yard used to be. With my dad being from California I see the ocean every other year
and when i m there I know thats where I want to live. I run outside leaving my Hot
chocolate behind, and see a two person jet ski where my car used to be. The water
is so blue and the sun is shining. I jump on the pink jet ski and hit the waves,
somehow changing into a matching pink one piece, and started to ride the waves.
Three dolphins swam up to me one the jet ski then swam away. The rest of the dream
was spent sitting on the beach and tanning.
Dream Two This dream is one of the bad dreams I have had lately. I m walking down
a neighborhood street at night and it
Drama and Excitement in the Opening Scene of Romeo
Drama and Excitement in the Opening Scene of Romeo and Juliet by Baz
Lurhmann Romeo and Juliet is directed by Baz Lurhmann and was produced in
1997 .In the opening scene of the film is set in a petrol station . The Montague boys
and the Capulet boys happen to meet each other and a quarrel ensues and this leads
to a big gun battle accompanied by western music that adds humour to the scene. The
techniques the Luhrmann uses are lighting ,camera angles , setting and different
aspects of mis en scene to create drama and excitement for the audience. In the
opening scene of Romeo and Juliet sound is used to create an effect on the audience
. When the film starts images of the city of Verona are... Show more content on ...
On the other hand the Capulet boys have loud roaring coming from their car
luhrman uses this to present the Capulets in a totally different way to the
Montague s the loud roaring noise is used to make the Capulet seem more
menacing than the Montague s and that the Capulet are feared by the Montague s .
As from the moment Tybalt steps out of his car , western style music is played ,
this non diagetic sound is used to prepare the audience for the western style that is
about to occur, this western style music ties in with the diagetic sound of the sign
from the petrol station swinging , this all links in with the western genre which
coincides with the style of fighting between the two families in this particular
scene. When Tybalt steps out if the Capulet car we only see his western style boots
that link in with the western style music and the sign swinging . The sound his
boots make when he steps out on the lit match seem menacing , because we cannot
see his face and he makes a horrible noise with his boots . After the prologue is read
by the newsreader , the camera pans over the city . These erratic camera shots ,
show images of buildings that belong to the two families and religious buildings
such as the statue of Jesus in the centre of the city . These images give a birds eye
view of the city as if we are in a helicopter .Because of the erratic
Continous Improvement As A Business Strategy
The case study focuses on Corus, Europe s second largest steel manufacturing
company and their efforts in following the path of Continuous Improvement to
produce quality product in a timely manner by streamlining their processes and
reducing the wastage of resources. Corus is a subsidiary of Tata Steel, one of world s
top ten steelmakers.
In their own words, Corus aspires to be the world s steel industry benchmark for
value creation and corporate citizenship. Corus is a leading supplier to most of the
demanding markets around the world including construction, automotives, packaging,
mechanical and electrical engineering, metal goods, and oil gas. With innovation and
continuous improvement ... Show more content on ...
What is Continuous Improvement?
Continuous improvement, with respect to organizational quality and performance,
focuses on improving customer satisfaction through continuous and incremental
improvement processes, removing or minimizing unnecessary activities and delays in
product delivery and also minimizing defects in the products being delivered. Several
organizations have gained a competitive edge by implementing Kaizen, commonly
known as continuous improvement (CI).
The philosophy of Kaizen was spearheaded by Masaaki Imai, and is constituted of
two words, kai which means change and zen which means good as well as wisdom .
Hence we can conclude that Kaizen implies changes for the better and covers all
processes in an organization like Engineering, Information Technology, Finance,
Procurement and Supply, Customer Service and Manufacturing.
CI can be initiated either at Top Management level or at Process level based on
effective feedback system. The most important factor is that, all employees should be
responsible to make improvements and must work together to identify the steps
needed to improve the efficiency of the overall process, in an iterative manner. This
requires thorough supervision, flexible work force and
Rise Of Christianity Research Paper
Rise of Christianity
Among the many religions, Christianity is one of the world s most widely spread, it
has the most number of believers and its teachings spread all over the world, the
congregation distributed in various countries, it is certainly the world s first religion.
The core of the Christian faith is Jesus, mainly after progress of the initial of the
belief in Paul and John theology, Peter s Church believes.
This huge religion, its origin and development also experienced various ups and
downs. At first, Christianity was a sect of Judaism, the Jesus of Nazareth. He was
raised in Galilee, stronghold of the Zealots. A Jewish town, Galilee had come under
Roman political rule. Roman culture remained a veneer, deeper among those who had
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Believers in his divinity met in small assemblies or congregations, often in one
another s homes, to discuss the meaning of his message. These earliest Christians
defined their faith to fit the life of Jesus into an orthodox Jewish context. Only later
did these congregations evolve into what can be called a church with a formal
organization and set of beliefs. Christianity might have remained just another sect
had it not reached Rome, the capital of the Western world. Events in Rome proved
to be a dramatic step in the spread of Christianity for various reasons. First, Jesus
had told his followers to spread his word throughout the world, thus making his
teachings universal. The pagan Romans also considered their secular empire
universal, and early Christians there combined these two concepts of universalism.
Secular Rome provided another advantage to Christianity. If all roads led to Rome,
they also led outward to the provinces of central and Western Europe. The very
stability and extent of the Roman Empire enabled early Christians easily to spread
their faith southward to Africa and northward into Europe and across the channel to
Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson And Edgar Lee Masters
Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and Edgar Lee Masters were three literacy
scholars, who without a doubt evolved American literature. They were each able to
break the ancient stigmas, and created supplementary freedom when it came to what
a piece of literature can offer. They were known to speak upon various topics that
were recognized as inappropriate within the society, but that didn t stop them from
stating their beliefs. Common similarities that these literacy masters shared amongst
each other were constant themes of death, afterlife and religion. Although these three
themes made a regular occurrence in their pieces of literature, each writer had
different views towards the various themes which were displayed throughout their
texts, and pieces of poetries. Walt Whitmans thoughts towards the topic of religion,
and the afterlife was displayed throughout one of Whitman s most prodigious works,
Song of Myself. He intertwines his most deepest, and intimate beliefs on self
spirituality, and death. In section 48 of Song of Myself he mentions that, I have said
that the soul is not more than the body, / And I have said that the body is not more
than the soul, / And nothing, not God, is greater to one than one s self is... (Whitman,
Walt) In section 49, Whitman continues to add, And as to you Life I reckon you are
the leavings of many deaths, / (No doubt I have died myself ten thousand times
before.) (Whitman, Walt). It seems as though Whitman is implying to readers that
Comparative Education
France has a highly organized educational system, which is divided into primary,
secondary and tertiary (college) education. Primary and secondary education is
usually imparted at public schools although a strong network of private schools also
exists. All educational programs in France are regulated by the Ministry of National
Schooling in France is mandatory as of age 6, the first year of primary school while
secondary education consists of collГЁge for the first four years after primary school
and the lycГ©e for the next three years. The baccalaurГ©at is the end of lycГ©e
diploma that students must attain and is comparable to British A Levels and
American SATs. Students have a choice of sitting for the baccalaurГ©at gГ©nГ©ral
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Under the pressure of a massive rise in number pupils in middle and high schools,
project pedagogy was presented as a possible solution to meeting the needs of the
diversity of pupils, addressing their individual needs, and developing pupil autonomy
(GinestiГ©, 2002). It was in this context, in 1985, that technology education was
introduced in France as a part of science and technology education in elementary
schools, as a new subject for all pupils in middle schools and as an optional subject
in high schools. We can note four stages of organization of technology education
between 1985 and today.
1.1.2 1985 1991: the implementation of the first curriculum
Technology education was conceived of as a new subject and took the place of
MTE (manual and technical education) in terms of hours, classrooms, and teachers.
The curriculum emphasized the industrial environment, leaving little room for home
economics and craftsmanship (COPRET, 1984). It had two different elements that
made these references plain. On the one hand, the general part of the course described
the overall goals, context, and aims of technology education in France.
The aims were in terms of pupils attitudes towards technology (as related in many
papers, e.g. de Vries, 1994; Jones, 1997; Compton amp; Jones, 1998; Gardner amp;
1999; Dugger, 2000) and in terms of the social and professional world of industrial
production (this idea can also be found in many papers
Examine Why Multinational Corporations Seek to
The HRM policy of a firm is looked as a most important strength which needs to be
taken care of all the time to have a competitive advantage within the industry they
operating in. Multinational corporations (MNCs) seek to transfer their home country
human resource management (HRM) practices to their overseas subsidiary as to
them it is just another approach towards globalisation. It can be an element of
success for MNCs if they manage to transfer these HRM practices across their
subsidiaries in an effective manner. An effective transition of these policies depends
on the organisational, cultural, social and relational factors (Bartlett amp; Ghoshal
1998; Evans, Pucik amp; Barsoux 2002; Poedenphant 2002). The transition of these
policies... Show more content on ...
The whole procedure of international strategy is from adopting the policies
implemented from the parent company to the enhancement of the competencies
developed at the subsidiary, which will complement the organization on the whole.
International experience is also one of the factors that push a MNC to implement the
home country HRM policies across their subsidiaries. It depends on how long a MNC
has been active in their international operations that impact the nature of their
decision while implementing HR policies across their subsidiaries. Having a lack of
international experience, a MNC will make their subsidiaries adopt their home
country policies (The effect of corporate level organisational factors on the transfer of
human resource management practices: European and US MNCs and their Greek
subsidiaries, Barbara Myloni,July 2006). A MNC with more international experience
is less likely to adapt their home country policies as the more a firm gains
international experience, the less dominant their home country HR policies become.
Looking from the dependency theory s point of view, the need for control also
pushes a MNC to implement their home based policies. The stronger the need is, the
more the necessity of integrating these policies will grow, and hence there is a
probability that the HR practice will resemble the home country practices. The more
dependent a subsidiary is to their parent, the more the firm will try
The Economic And Social Influence Of The Soviet Union
Wallace vs. Byrnes
Abdulsalam Almusallam ESLI Texas A M University Corpus Christi
Introduction Soon after the World War II was finished, the confrontation between the
Soviet Union on in the United States of America unleashed (Holitz, 2010, 162).
Despite being in the convenient marriage during the war (Holitz, 2010, 165), these
great powers started their own campaigns for global supremacy and international
economic and social influence. The United States of America was recognized as a
leader of the free world and the main protagonist of the capitalistic model of country
development. The USSR, in its turn, emphasized the role of socialism, controlled
market and development of the communistic state as the most benevolent mode of
state construction.
Pres. Henry Truman clustered different advisers around him, among whom Henry
Wallace and James Byrnes were the most influential ones. However, the
methodologies of dealing with the Soviet Union advocated by them were drastically
different. The objective of this paper is to explore the foundations of their external
policy frameworks and to conclude on the winner of that political debate.
James Byrnes and the Doctrine of Aggressive Stance
Byrnes was appointed by Pres. Truman as the Secretary of State on July 3, 1945.
The role of this politician during the war conferences, and especially during the Paris
Peace Conference can hardly be underestimated in today s context.
Prohibition Of The Face Of Drug Prohibition Laws
Drugs or Don t? Tied Liberty in the face of Drug Prohibition Laws
Prohibition goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man s
appetite by legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A
prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was
founded. Abraham Lincoln
Prohibition is a word for containment; it is an act of limiting and holds a spirit of
negation. It limits our independent and individualist choices. It is not a democratic
value unless devised by the citizens. Prohibiting something on the basis of unsure
logistics and deviant arguments is not the way a democracy thrives. There is a fine
line between democracy and authoritarianism. Maybe the governments today need to
realize this fine conception!
It has been in our history and we all have suffered through this centered decision
making! Prohibition by the reasons of certain group of elites in the power structure is
the major malice of democracy. Drug Prohibition is one such veiled prophecy
/execution that provides a disastrous outcome. The central argument of my paper is
How modern day capitalism in all its variations offers an explanation (negative) to
the entire scenario of drug prohibition? What can be the benefits of this entire
arrangement and who are the major beneficiaries remains a crucial query. The recent
outrage in Philippines, the age old war on Drugs led by the US and the billion dollar
Serpent Mound Project Summary
The project was reviewed and accepted by the Institutional Review Board (IRB), to
work with human subjects. Additionally, this project was reviewed and accepted by
the Eastern Shawnee of Oklahoma Tribal Administration and the National Historic
Landmarks Program of the National Park Service allowing this project to work in
accordance with Section 106 of the archaeology guidelines. Ethnographic methods
are employed for this project to incorporate the Eastern Shawnee of Oklahoma s oral
histories into Serpent Mound s narrative. Semi Structured Interviews: Interview of
the seven Eastern Shawnee of Oklahoma collaborators on this project, will take
place. The oral histories allow Indigenous knowledge to be part of Serpent Mound s
rhetoric. The interviews
The Ethical Theories Of Ethical Subjectivism,...
Introduction Using The Philosopher s Way by John Chaffee, I will explain the
ethical theories of ethical subjectivism, utilitarianism, and Deontological ethics.
Secondly, I will summarize the main points of my article and then act in response
using the three ethical theories previously listed. I will also explain which ethical
theory best represents the article. Then, I will provide reasoning as to why stem cell
research is important; and lastly, I will offer two open ended questions. Defined
Ethical Theories All the ethical theories are going to be defined using The
Philosopher s Way by John Chaffee. Chaffee defines ethical subjectivism as, The view
that the ultimate moral authority is the individual or the subject (386). Next,... Show
more content on ...
Meanwhile, other scientists have been working on somatic nuclear transfer which
means the nucleus is taken out of a human egg and is substituted with the nucleus of
an adult cell. Scientists are looking to get pluripotent stem cells from this experiment.
Pluripotent stem cells are ones that can grow into many kinds of human tissues.
Although there were some achievements using somatic nuclear transfer, it took many
eggs. The author argues that scientists should not be restricted from research that
will significantly decrease human suffering and is scientifically useful. Article
Response I agree with the author in regards to using stem cell research to decrease
human suffering. The idea that human suffering will be decreased is directly related
to utilitarianism. If utilitarianism is applied to stem cell research, there would be no
reason not to use embryos if it means that there is less suffering for the greatest
number of people. Stem cell research would then, and only then, be considered
ethical. The problem is determining if most people would need stem cells for medical
issues. If only fifty percent of people find stem cells useful, utilitarianism would not
apply, therefore, the ethical issues still stand. Opposed to utilitarianism, a subjectivist
would argue that the individual decides whether something is ethical or not based on
how they feel. If a subjectivist found that using an embryo was ethical because it
could potentially fix the
Walmart s Credibility
It s been slandered by labor unions, planning boards, social commentators and
competitors, but for many American shoppers, Walmart is a lifesaver (Wolf,
2010). Walmart has successfully overcome the stereotypical retail outlet. Walmart
has taken negative publicity and turned it into a successful campaign of appealing
to all types of consumers. They are the first store to have their Black Friday ads
released and also state that they will beat any competitors pricing. Just recently the
company has come under fire because of not allowing female workers to advance.
They used this public information to start a new hiring process and now all workers
that are qualified for an open position can apply and stand a good chance of
acquiring the job.
Seioteuthis Research Paper
Adaptations Protective shell: The purpose of this shell is to protect the Sepioteuthis
testa from predators and other possible danger. This shell protects their vital organs
including the brain, heart, stomach, kidneys, and much more. This protection can
save the Sepioteuthis testa from being killed from a blow to their soft skin that
covers the organs. The Sepioteuthis testa cuts off the end of the shell so that the
shell does not extend to the end of the fish, but cuts off before the fins. This allows
the fins to be used to transport the Sepioteuthis testa. Similar to crabs, they must
find new shells to protect them as they grow. This shell protects the Sepioteuthis
testa, helping them survive. Claws: These claws are used to attract mates and catch
prey. The Sepioteuthis testa uses the claws to quickly snatch their prey out of the
water. The claws are also used during mating rituals. The males with the biggest
claw are more likely to impress the females. The males may fight with their big
claw, the one who wins reproduces with the female, passing on their genes. Poison
secreting pores: The Sepioteuthis testa uses these pores when feeling threatened. It
has a large amount of predators that could be waiting to pounce. If there is a
potential threat or predator nearby. the Sepioteuthis testa will produce batrachotoxin,
from its pores. This toxin is highly poisonous. When the predator is exposed to this
poison in heavy doses it could die. This defense... Show more content on ...
The Sepioteuthis testa evolved from the Sepioteuthis sepioidea, which also belongs to
the animal kingdom. The Sepioteuthis testa also has characteristics which qualify it
for the animal kingdom. The Sepioteuthis testa is a multicellular, heterotroph. This
means it has more than one cell and is dependent on other organisms as a source of
energy, which is eaten through the mouth. Their cells are diploid, having two sets of
Mass Shootings And Terrorist Attacks
Nous Sommes tous Unis The Introduction The topic of mass shootings and terrorists
attacks has been of particular attention to the American public this year. But the huge
event that has truly shocked Americans was the November 13th attacks on Paris. In
just a half hour gunmen and suicide bombers hit a concert hall, a major stadium,
restaurants and bars, and left 130 people dead and almost four hundred wounded.
The attacks on Paris monopolized the media, and soon no one found themselves
ignorant of the events that occurred on that Friday the 13th. Immediately the world
turned to France, and for the first time Americans were able to repay the French for
their empathy shown after the tragedies on 9/11. In a method previously reserved for
... Show more content on ...
slacktivism. Slacktivism, a common communication term used to describe taking
action on the Internet in support of a cause that requires little time or involvement,
is currently a huge topic in today s media. Many believe that millennials like
myself have no concept of performing anything other than slacktivism. Indeed,
many feel that while slacktivism has no immediate danger, it encourages the
decline of actual progress on issues (Penney, 2015). Terrorism, also all too familiar
for millennials, festered and opened up again in way most Americans had not
anticipated. Seeing the devastation and quick responses of these attacks led me to
analyze American responses to this tragedy. The question But this leads me to my
question of why? Why did the Facebook community cover their profile pictures
with a French flag? While this question seems like an easily answered one, it was
not easy to arrive at. Following the November 13th attacks I found myself at awe
of the new media we see in our world today. The way that news covers tragedy is
different, and even where people go to for reliable news has changed. I began my
search for information at these topics. Later, my mind marveled at social media in
the form of YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. These websites were often
the source of public opinion on this event. I wondered if there was any pressure to
participate in Parisian support. Finally, after looking at social media, I arrived at my
final inquiry,
Ethical Teachings and How They Guide Adherents in Their...
Religion essay
Ethical teachings and how they guide adherents in their daily lives
Ethics can be defined as Human moral conduct according to principles of what is
good or right to do . In Christianity there are certain ethical teachings, mainly The Ten
Commandments, Beatitudes, and Jesus commandments of love. The Ten
Commandments are derived from the Old Testamentwhich defines what people must
do in order to serve God faithfully and gives direction on how to live a life according
to the covenant and in essence to be a good Christian person. In the New Testament
the Beatitudes and Jesus commandments of love are found. With love being the main
concept of these teachings, they and the Ten Commandments can be seen as alike as
they ... Show more content on ...
The Ten Commandments are regarded as the fundamental laws that all Christians are
to conform to. They were written by the hands of God himself and revealed to Moses
on Mount Sinai, inscribed on two stone tablets. They offer basic rules of behaviour
for spiritual and moral living to Christians. These laws still instruct Adherents today,
for they expose sin and show us God s standard. Without the sacrifice of Christ,
Adherents are completely helpless to live up to God s holy standard.
The beatitudes are eight statements taught by Jesus. Each Beatitude calls us
towards holiness, commitment and promotes positive human values. They are
concerned with virtue and how a believer in Jesus Christ can achieve that virtue.
The Beatitudes are a map of life, a series of directives helping us on our journey to
be with God. They are simply stated, but are profound in meaning. They guide,
point and teach. In the Beatitudes, Jesus taught his followers how to let love reign
the world, and when love overcomes all other things there will be a state of peace.
They show Adherents the values that Christ cares about. These values if followed
can not only bring a believer into a state of peace and happiness, but also right into
the Kingdom of God after our journey on this earth is over. Teachings of the
Beatitudes can apply to our lives today as they are timeless in teaching and
confronting us with
The Market For Beauty Services
The market for beauty services in Brighton is on a rise with an estimate of 20 beauty
salons established in the city.
The Mobile Beauty Bar is a mobile beauty spa set in Brighton, East Sussex, offering
luxurious beauty experiences. For now it specialises in providing bespoke/luxury
eyelash extensions, eyelash tinting, brow threading as well as brow tinting to the
local community of Brighton.
We plan to offer these services at a fraction of the prices of our competitors.
MARKET RESEARCH: the process of gathering information on target marks or
market conditions.
We did this by handing out 20 questionnaires to women in Brighton. The questions
1.How old are you?
2.Do you thread your brows?
3.Do ... Show more content on ...
A product s unique selling point (USP) is a factor that differentiates a product from
its competitors. The Unique selling point of the services provided by the mobile
beauty bar is that the prices are relatively low in comparison with the competitors in
Brighton. Findings from our survey show that the average price of Eyelash
extensions are ВЈ55 while ours is at ВЈ29.99, which is just about half the price.
Although the business is going to be based in Brighton, It will be a mobile service
as there is so permanent location due to the limitation of capital. It will be an on
demand service where an appointment has to be made and they can get the service
right in the comfort of their homes. This satisfies the third C of the 4 C S of the
marketing mix which is Customer Convenience and is very important in enhancing
the customer experience, because customers are very busy and have may choices so
it is the venture s objective to make the services easily accessible to consumers.
A target market is the market group at which a company aims its products.
The mobile beauty bar s target market is young women in Brighton between the ages
15 and 35.
Furthermore, we are defining the target market not only by customers age, but also
by, demographic, social, psychological and economic factors to
Satan s Role In Ancient Polytheistic Religion
First of all, there is the fact that, because Satan is not associated to one particular
element considered evil, such as darkness, death or droughts, but rather to all the
evils that exist, he can change and evolve with time. Since he created indirect evil,
depending on which group is being studied, such as Christians for example, there will
always be another group to consider different and satanic, be it the Romans, the
Muslims, the Atheists or even other Christians. No matter the time in history, there
will always be a new event, a new group, or a new element to demonize.
The fact that Satan is able to evolve in such a way helps him remain relevant
throughout history. The similar figures discussed at the beginning came from
polytheistic religions, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Canaan, Ancient Greece and Ancient
Rome, so they had a single specific function for which they existed. This meant they
could be easily replaced by another deity with the same role, and so they d be either
forgotten and lost in history, or remember only as an old, dead God. This is most
notably shown in the fact there were four different Gods used as an example to
discuss similar evil figures in ancient polytheistic religions. ... Show more content on ...
As a matter of fact, there is not a single, strict and definite way that Satan can be
described. He is obviously known by many names; Lucifer, Beelzebub, The Devil,
Prince of Darkness, Father of Lies, Evil One...these are all different titles given to
Satan, yet they all don t necessarily mean the same thing. Different groups can hence
take the overall main idea of Satan and the function he fulfills in the world, and
adapt him to fill that same role, but in accordance to their own beliefs. This simply
comes to show just how versatile Satan really
The Tacoma Narrows Bridge, was also known as the
The Tacoma Narrows Bridge, was also known as the Galloping Gertie, was one of
the most famous cause study of structure failure in the world. The idea for
constructuring of the bridge came up in the date back to 1889 with a Northern
Pacific Railway proposal for a trestle. Then after a few yerars of concreted and
construction with the cost of over 6,400,000 dallors, the bridgewas been build and
became the third longest and the most flexible suspension bridgein the world of its
time of 1900s with a toatl length of 1810m. It was designed as a twin suspension
bridge which located between Tacoma and the Kitsap Peninsula in United States.
The Tacoma Narrows Bridge opened for traffic on July 1, 1940. After being in
service for 129 days,... Show more content on ...
Prior of this time, most bridge design were based on trusses, arches, and cantilevers
to support heavy freight trains. Automobiles were obviously much lighter.
Suspension bridge design had been envolving into producing bridges of maximum
grace, lightness and flexibility which actually was more suited for carrying lighter
cars and not heavier train. Unfortunately, engineers did not fully understand the
response of the suspension bridge design to these poorly understand forces. The
second reson was due to the excitation of torsional mode. The Tacoma Narrows
Bridge was built with shallow plate girders instead of the deep stiffening trusses of
railway bridges, in which trusses allowed wind to pass through but plate girders, on
the other hand, present an obstacle to the wind. As a result of its design, it was
proved that the bridge was too light and unstable. And causing о ©alloping
Gertieaction which were driven by the wind were being experienced by the bridge.
During the morning of 7 November 1940, the wind with around 56.3 km/h (35 miles
/h) excited bridge`s transverse vibration mode to its maximum amplitude of vibration
of 0.5 m within three hours. Then the wind started increasing to 67.6 km/h (42 miles
/h). One supporting cable at the mid span snapped causing unbalanced loading. The
bridge response thus changed to a 0.2 Hz torsional
Patients Experience And Patients Satisfaction
Patients Experience and Patients Satisfaction While the explicit study of the effect of
patient experience and satisfaction has been limited, many scholars have explored the
relationship between aspects of patients experience during their stay at hospitals or
health centers and their satisfaction ratings. Most of this literature focused on patient
centered care and its various manifestations from physicians communications to
nursing attention time spent per patient. Tables 2 and 3 presents the summary of this
research. Overall, improved experience represented by high levels of patients
centered care has resulted in improved patients satisfaction. Professionalism, respect,
empathy and support are parts and parcel of the process... Show more content on ...
This study shifted focus from patient defined criteria to the doctor domain criteria of
patients experience. The study utilized 103 videotaped doctors consultations and
presented them to a panel of twelve judges. The judges were trained physicians with 5
years of experience or higher in general practice. All judges rated the consultations
based on a number of scales measuring different aspects of doctor patient
communication Empathy, encouragement and engagement defined a good quality of
care from the doctors perspective. Judges generally rated the consultations as having
good quality of care. Further analyses compared the highly rated consultations with
the low rated ones resulting in significant differences. Tests and discriminant analysis
results indicated that the higher ratings of doctor patient communications aspects
were associated with higher levels of patient satisfaction. This research concluded that
when doctor s express empathy, encouragement and engagement, the experience of
the patient becomes much better. The authors concluded that). The study evidence
provided by the study seems to possess credibility, support, reasonableness and
accuracy. The study used facts, statistics and arguments backed by previous studies.
The study is useful for my research since it shows a robust connection between
patients experience from the physicians point of view and patients
Bittorrent Essay
If you ve spent any amount of time browsing the internet in the past half decade, you
ll probably have heard about BitTorrent, a popular program used for downloading
media. Whether or not you know how to use it is another thing altogether. I m here to
tell you that it s invaluable and to show you how to get started with it.
Disclaimer: BitTorrent is an entirely legal program and infrastructure. Downloading
copyrighted material through it is not. If you follow my instructions here, you will
have done something wholly illegal and morally reprehensible. Good people pay for
their media. If you don t intend on downloading copyrighted material, BitTorrent is
still extremely useful, as it is a powerful method of distributing legal ... Show more
content on ...
It differs from client server downloads (the standard save as protocol you see in
web browsers, for instance) in that it does not access a server and download a file
that is directly stored on that server. It differs from other peer to peer (distributed)
protocols, such as the original iteration of Napster or the newer Kazaa, by using a
truly distributed means of finding the trackers.
Trackers report on who has what of a particular torrent s information and may
actively maintain torrents health. The actual torrents are small files that tell the
client where to find the actual files. People who have the actual files and are
willing to allow you to download from them are called seeds. Seeds help the
growth of the torrent by spreading its information to people who are downloading
it, called leechers. Everyone beginning to download a torrent is initially a leecher.
Some trackers may cut your download off if you never seed while continuing to
leech. It all sounds complicated but is behind the scenes and very seamless, as you ll
An Overview of Clients To get started with torrenting, a term that s come to be used
commonly and summarizes the act of downloading and using torrents, you need a
client. Clients allow the tracker information to be processed onto your computer and
generally smooth the experience by automating many processes and managing your
Jimmy Cross s Influences
Tim O Brien is a writer that is able to attract and maintain the attention of readers
successfully throughout his books. The writer is dedicated towards highlighting
the differences in the desires that people often have in their lives but fail to pursue
them in order to fulfill the obligations assigned to them. This research paper proves
that the writer s work is more obligations oriented than desire oriented by
highlighting Jimmy Cross s character in Tim O Brien s The Things They Carried
is dragged off course from his obligations as a leader and protector by his desires
for love of thoughts: Comparatively, Going After Cacciato, O Brien shows how a
platoon of soldiers thoughts of desertion for freedom and obligations to their
service. In Tim O Brien s book The Things They Carried , Jimmy Cross is a person
who is a lieutenant who is dedicated to his work and ensuring that his people are
safe. However, he seems to neglect his duties due to a fantasy that he has with a girl
that he thinks that he loves. He goes through photographs taken with her and thereby
creates fantasies about things that he thinks should have happened when he was with
her (O Brien). As well as, the... Show more content on ...
Did O Brien write these stories on personal experiences? It was unrelenting
nastiness. You re endlessly and always tired. Pretty soon the fatigue becomes part
of your soul, he said. You re carrying all this stuff, the things you carry. (Homer) As
well as compared to his story Going After Cacciato He had protested the war in
college and didn t believe in it. Coming from a conservative Minnesota town, O
Brien said he thought about running away to Canada (Homer). He also played golf
near the Rainy River. My conscience kept telling me not to go, but my whole
upbringing told me I had to go to this horrible war as an patriot to my country
Historical Criticism Of Everyday Use By Alice Walker
Everyday Use demonstrates real life struggles during the period is was written and
published (1973), by using historical criticism, we can see that people are often
disconnected due to their education. Alice Walker successfully shows the
disconnection of heritage value by having one character well educated and young,
and another character who was not able to get an education and is much older.
Taking the historical context, plays a major role in the way this short storyis viewed.
It was a time where people of color had a different and difficult experiences getting
an education. The narrator was talking about not being able to get an education, so
it was important her daughter get an education; The narrator wanted to be on a
television show with her daughters to demonstrate how successful she became.
However Dee the narrator s daughter sees her mother and Maggie her sister
differently as if they do not know how to appreciate things for their valuable
history. One example is, when she wanted the quilts that were suppose to go to
Maggie; Dee gets upset that she cannot have them and her mother does not
understand why she wants to put them on display. This short story Alice Walker
had published it in 1973. During the seventies civil right movement were paving
ways for new opportunities for colored people, this was in the heyday of the Black
Power ideologies when Black was Beautiful, the Afro hairstyle was in fashion and
Blacks were seeking their cultural roots in Africa,
High Blood Cholesterol
High blood cholesterol is not only a major risk factor for cardiovascular heart
diseases, but also for conditions such as stroke and heart attack. Cholesterol consists
of two types lipoprotein, low density lipoproteins, which are commonly known as the
bad cholesterol that narrows arteries, and high density lipoproteins seen as the good
cholesterol . There are many determinants that contribute to high blood cholesterol,
for instance, environmental influences, genetic factors, existing illnesses and so on.
However, this literature review will primarily focus on controllable risk factors.
Amongst the numerous controllable risk factors, this review will zoom into the three
main factors, obesity caused by unhealthy diet, physical ... Show more content on ...
(Gonseth, S., Jacot Sadowski, I., Diethelm, P. A., Barras, V., Cornuz, J., 2012) also
adds that some tobacco companies include extra appetite suppressants substance into
their cigarettes. Although smoking raises causes high blood cholesterol, but people
will only selectively focus on the appetite suppressing function smoking brings. Thus,
people will be drawn to the fact that smoking can help them to control weight, rather
than the health issues that could arise from
Analysis Of The Movie Viva Villa
Luisa Anchondo
September 19, 2017
Chicano Cinema
T 6:00 8:50 pm.
Viva Villa The film Viva Villa is a 1934 drama film directed by Jack Conway and
(uncredited) Howard Hawks. The screenplay was written by Ben Hecht based on
the book written by Edgecumb Pichon and O.B. Stade and produced by David O.
Selznick. This movie is a biography of the life of the Mexican hero Pancho Villa and
how he participates on the revolution of Mexico. The main character of the movie
was Pancho Villa performed by Wallace Beery. The film started by showing when
Pancho Villa was young and saw how the killers beat his dad to death when he was
protesting after he lost his land. At that moment, Pancho Villa as a revenge he stab
one of the killers and then he head off to the Hills of Chihuahua. As the time passed
Pancho Villa with a band of rebel bandits started to killed wealthy land owners and
he became the hero for a lot of poor people that admired him. Then, Don Felipe, a
wealthy aristocrat, knew about Pancho Villa was the hero of a lot of poor people
arrange for him to meet Francisco Madero. In the meeting with Francisco Madero,
he convinces Pancho Villa to help him fight for the liberty of Mexico because he
didn t agree of what Mexico had become with the ruling of Porfirio Diaz. Pancho
Villa agreed to help him to fight for the liberty of Mexico. In the course of the fight
to obtain the liberty of Mexico as Francisco Madero dream, Francisco Madero was
killed. Pancho Villa decides to fight
The Worst Day Of The World
The worst day in the world started just like any other morning, it was the first
morning of the school holidays and Mum had cooked us a breakfast feast fit for
the Queen. There were three kinds of eggs, poached, scrambled and fried, with a
side of bacon and mushrooms, hash browns and toast, plus pancakes and orange
juice. Dad was digging into his serving when he looked up excitedly and said,
Guess what? I ve got a live interview with the one and only, Oprah Winfrey! She s
coming all the way from America and her first stop in Australia is here in Sydney,
at our national news broadcaster, Sunshine! That s amazing, Thomas! said Mum,
Well, Rebecca is going to my work today and see how Mum does her important
job. I just rolled my eyes because we both knew that Mum couldn t leave me at
home and I couldn t go with the others, so Mum was pretty much forced to take me
to her work. Actually, I had to remind Mum that I was going to be alone at home
today because she forgot about me! This breakfast is surely going to boost my
confidence for my drama exam, today, said Samantha, my 16 year old sister,
enthusiastically. Thanks, said Mum, Who tells the best chicken jokes? Comedi
hens! I should ve warned you before, Mum tries to tell funny jokes, because her boss
said to loosen up . My mum is an agent for a real estatecompany. Their company
uses humour to help sell their houses. Adam, my 13 year old brother, covers his ears,
pretending to be deafened by Mum s joke.
A Vegetarian Diet Is A Better Diet Than A Meat Eaters
If Slaughterhouses had glass walls the whole world would be Vegetarian.
Vegetarianism involves eating vegetable products and eliminating meat for ethical,
religious and nutritional reasons. A Vegetarian diet is a better diet than a meat eaters
because it supports many religious beliefs and also is ethical and healthier.
A vegetarian diet is a better diet than a meat eaters because it supports many
religious beliefs. The Idea of a fleshless diet arose in India and eastern
Mediterranean lands around the 1st millennium Bc. Many Greek and Roman
philosophers and writers advocated vegetarianism as part of an ethical way of life
(vegetarianism 1). For many people animal life is very sacred and is just as
important as human life. The practice of abstaining from the consumption of flesh
has been around for a long time and many well know genesis are or were
vegetarians. For example, Paul McCartney (British Singer Songwriter; former
Beatles Vocalist and bass guitarist), Mike Tyson (Former Undisputed heavyweight
Champion), Albert Einstein (German US physicist; author of the special and general
theories of relativity; Nobel prize recipient) and Rosa Parks (Civil rights activist
credited with starting the US civil rights movement; author; Us Medal of Freedom
recipient (1996); Martin Luther King jr. nonviolent peace prize recipient). In Roman
Catholic church Trappist monks have practiced vegetarianism since 1666
(vegetarianism 1). Jewish and Christian groups considered eating flesh
How Carlos Blasis And Arthur Mitchell s Role In The...
Carlos Blasis and Arthur Mitchell, two brilliant dancers, masters, and teachers in
their own rights, played a vital role in the evolution of ballet. Blasis, who was born
in 1797 s Italy, used his strong mind and understanding of the craft to construct and
raise the bar of ballet techniques worldwide. Mitchell, an African American born in
1934 s Harlem, spent his whole career breaking stereotypical barriers on the presence
of black people in ballet.
Their Ballet Tree
Growing up, Carlos Blasis studied in Bordeaux, France under Jean Dauberval (an
alias for Jean Bercher). Dauberval, famous for his comedy ballet, studied under
French ballet master, Jean Georges Noverre. Noverre created and pioneered ballet d
action which is a movement of transferring the emotions originally conveyed from
the costumes, scenery, and props to the emotions of a dancer s body and facial
expression. At this point the focus, in Noverre s eyes, were too much on the technical
precision than the actual dance itself. (Crain, 2010) Noverre influenced Blasis as he
too was praised for his expressiveness as a professional dancer (Cohen, 1998).
For Arthur Mitchell, ballet wasn t his first choice in the style of dance. A guidance
counselor convinced the young Mitchell to audition for the High School of the Arts
where he was more interested in Modern dance. During high school, Karel Shook,
who also taught other dance legends like Alvin Ailey, Carmen de Lavallade, and
Geoffrey Holder (Grant, 1985), was
Polygamy In Family Law Of The Qing Dynasty
Compare the traditional and modern marriage, women have more free to control
their own life now. They would like looking for love for their marriage, not a tool
for carry on the family descent line.
For traditional marriage, for mate selection, parents would like to choice family by
perfect match. Women do not have any choice for love, also women do not have any
opportunity to touch the society when after marriage in a family. The polygamy is a
symbol to restrict women status during Qing Dynasty. In family law of the Qing
Dynasty, polygamy with Chinese characteristics was both legally and morally
encouraged and accepted, amenable to the custom of being noble in male gender and
humble in female gender. Polygamy in the imperial palace set an example in society
that encouraged the rich, the noble ... Show more content on ...
The monogamy symbolizes the women has changes by serval ways, especially the
regime have been changed for women. It also reflect the progress of modern
civilization. For mate selection, women would like choose a men which have
more intellect and moral character, and pay more attention to love. Also, women
have the same position as men, and have opportunity to touch the society. They
can live by themselves, because they have jobs, even women can support their
families (Ke). In the article The Distant Sound of Tree felling , Yang Chun leave
her father and fiancГ© to looking for a free life. Before she leave, she does not
like the life which not subject to her control. In another article Love Must Not Be
Forgotten, the author wrote, she is thirty years old, and she doesn t think the love
with Qiaolin is true love. And then she asked her mother, Do you love my father?
Her mother said, No, I never love him, and he also doesn t love me. The author
states she is seeking for a true love, which is an easy thing but she is still seeking for
even she is thirty years old. The free love/marriage is stronger and stronger for
Who Is The Protagonist In The Midwife s Parentice
Character Analysis She s cold... she s hungry... and she s alone until she knocks on
the door. The book The Midwife s Apprentice starts off by introducing us to an
unnamed orphan who scours from village to village just to get a meal. Later on in
the book, she finds a role as The Midwife s Apprentice she continues with this role
for the majority of the book. Towards the end of the book she begins to create a
positive reputation for herself and eventually gives herself the name Alyce, while
becoming well known in the village. When Alyce is first introduced to the reader,
she is hopeless, but as the book goes on she becomes wiser. Finally towards the end
of the book she becomes an experienced Midwife s Apprentice. At the beginning of
the book Alyce is starving, she s cold, and she has to sleep on a dung heap for
warmth. At this point she is hopeless, on Page 2, the text states Tonight she settled
for the warm rotting of the dung heap. This shows that she is hopeless as she has to
settle for the dung heap, it s not as if she had a choice of sleeping in a bed. On Page 2,
... Show more content on ...
People are actually asking her for advice on certain random topics. On Page 41 the
author states Alyce who had slept alone outside in the dark... had never yet seen
the devil and had nothing to fear. This shows that she s wise because she is smart
enough to realize that she had nothing to fear of the devil. A little later in the book
on Page 52 the author states As september turned to october and October to
November, through all those days, alyce grew in knowledge and skill. and but the
villagers noticed, and as October turned to November and the ghosts walked on
All hallows Eve, they began to ask her how why and what can I. This proves that she
s wise as villagers began to ask for advice, and the text specify specifies that she is
growing in knowledge and
Arranged Marriage In Movies
Marriage has always had one meaning from the beginning of time, which is a union
between a man and a woman. However, more recently this definition has been
changed to a marriage between two people no matter what their gender is. There are
many opinions on marriage which can be seen in the scripture, the YOUCAT, in
society, as well as in modern movies. These all have different point of views which
portray marriagevery differently. The scripture is very clear on the roles of men and
women in a marriage. Women were primarily seen as subordinate and lesser than
men. They needed to do as their husband s wished. There are times that the scripture
said that men and women were to respond to one another, and eluded to their
equality. There was also... Show more content on ...
In Arranged, the idea of arranged marriage is displayed. There are the parents who
support it because they have had success, but the daughters are hesitant because
they feel that they have no choice. There were some perks because their parents
were being logical and thinking of economic security even though the daughters
were looking for love. The movie, Pride and Prejudice, shows the how some
parents may want their children to marry for financial purposes. The older sister
Catherine agrees to marry Mr. Collins even though she does not love him.
However, she does this because she does not want to be a burden to her parents. In
the movie, City Island, there is a very complex marriage seen. This marriage had
terrible communication in which the husband and wife lied to one another. They
were not truthful because the husband did not tell his wife that he had a son or
was interested in acting. The wife, however, smoked and would automatically
assume the worse of her family. This marriage was horrible, but there was love
deep down. They did love one another, and that is clear once they started to telling
each other the truth. They were able to forgive each other, and try to move on after
this. In the start of the movie, Not Easily Broken, there is the introduction to a
religious couple. In their wedding there is three cord strand which represents the
husband, wife, and God. There was a test to their marriage such as the car accident
and the introduction of Julie. There was test of infidelity and sticking together
through a hard time. They did stand strong in the end and were not easily
Two Kinds by Amy Tan Essay
In the short story, Two Kinds by Amy Tan, a Chinese mother and daughter are at odds
with each other. The mother pushes her daughter to become a prodigy, while the
daughter (like most children with immigrant parents) seeks to find herself in a world
that demands her Americanization. This is the theme of the story, conflicting values.
In a society that values individuality, the daughter sought to be an individual, while
her mother demanded she do what was suggested. This is a conflict within itself. The
daughter must deal with an internal and external conflict. Internally, she struggles to
find herself. Externally, she struggles with the burden of failing to meet her mother s
expectations. Being a first generation Asian American,... Show more content on ...
At first, the daughter was to become a Chinese version of Shirley Temple. When that
didn t work, her mother told her that she would be attending piano lessons.
The daughter did not like the idea of playing the piano. Why don t you like me the
way I am? . . . I am not a genius! I can t play the piano. And even if I could, I wouldn
t go on TV if you paid me a million dollars! (492 493). Here, Tan is conveying the
fact that parents and children have disagreements on what the child should do, and
who the child is to become. For example, parents may have an idea where they want
their child to attend their college education. The child, on the other hand, may want
to go to a different college as suggested. Ultimately, it is the decision of the child. We
cannot live how others want us to live. It is the path of our own making that truly
makes us happy.
Some may see the mother trying to live her life through her daughter. She invests
time trying to make her daughter a prodigy because she was her last hope. The
mother lost two children in China and moves to a new country. Coming to America,
she felt that immigrants have to prove that they are as talented as or more talented
than Americans. This belief is supposed to be the basis for the determination, that the
mother has, for Jing mei to become a prodigy.
The mother in the story tries everything in her power to make Jing mei famous in
some way. Yet Jing mei was content to being herself.
How Did Charles Correa s Contribution To The Art Of...
Charles Correa began his career when India became independent. He always worked
towards designing building which had Indian ethics and western modernity at the
same time. Correa drew inspiration from the historical buildings and vernacular
architecture. He inculcated western modern designs of abstractions and transformed
them into Indian imagination. His work depicts a certain playfulness of colour panes,
light and shadows. Awarded by the Royal Institute for British Architects, Charles
Correa believed that the architecture has lost it s true essence and is now all about
whims and odd fashion. In all his projects, Correa demonstrated a strong relationship
between the environment and the emotion related to it, ... Show more content on ...
He taught us how a big project like Gandhi Smarak Sanghralaya could be designed
with such simplicity. Correa designed a museum for the letters, books, values
which were an integral part of Gandhi s lifestyle. Correa had a major task in hand
to build a place which spoke of Gandhi s life, values and his philosophy. With some
very simple objects as his very last possessions his glasses, footwear and the three
monkeys, to Correa, it was the challenge to depict the Zen philosophy followed by
Gandhi in his design. Such was the design of Correa that it depicted elegance,
austere beauty, beaming with natural light and cool breeze. The structure was very
simply designed and felt of walking through an Indian village with random closed
and open spaces but it had a beautiful pattern which communicated that experience
lightness and transparency. The materials used are clay tiles, white walls, exposed
red brick; very simple and minimal for such a grand man. It is quite evident for the
visitors as well, wherein one experiences sudden peace and clarity. The principles
followed then by Gandhi and his people were very clear and straight which has been
reflected in the ashram. Wherever one sees to, the tranquillity and transparency is
observed. Started by Gandhi, the minimalism or the advent of it has been taken
forward by Charles Correa quite
Breach Of Confidentiality
As a business owner or professional in Texas, you may have business related
information you want kept confidential. As such, you may ask your employees or
those with whom you work to sign confidentiality agreements. According to Black s
Law Dictionary, these types of agreements stipulate that the signer keep information
confidential, and return any documents as requested. Perhaps the most obvious way
for you to handle a breach of confidentiality is to terminate the offending worker s
employment. Typically, you will be well within your legal rights to fire an employee
who has violated this type of agreement. If you have an employment contract in
place, it is advisable to check the fine print before making your decision. Often times,
Spiders Essay
Spiders can be found in all environments throughout the entire world, except in the
air and sea. (Biology of Spiders, R.Foelix) These invertebrates of the order Aranea
are one of the several groups of the Class Arachnida, with about thirty four thousand
They range in body size from only a few millimeters in length to almost five inches.
All are carniverous and have four pair of walking legs, one pair of pedipalps, and one
pair of chelicerae. (Spiders, W.Shear) Each chelicerae consists of a base and a fang.
The fang folds up inside of a groove in the base until needed when attacking food,
then moves out to bite and releases venom from a tiny opening at its end as it
penetrates the prey. (Biology Of Spiders, ... Show more content on ...
There are some spitting spiders that have only six, and there are some with only
two or four eyes. Some cave spiders have no eyes at all and rely only on vibration.
There are great differences in the ways which spiders capture prey. Some may
stalk their prey, while others may lie in wait and ambush it. Other spiders may
weave various types of webs used to capture passing prey, and there are some
smaller commensal spiders that live in larger spiders webs and feed on the smaller
insects neglected by their host. (The Spider Book, J.Comstock)
All spiders spin silk, though not all of them weave webs. Silk is most commonly
seen used in forming webs, which may vary from a highly elaborated orb of
spiraling threads to a single sticky string. Most webs can be placed into one of four
different types: the orb webs, the funnel webs, tangle webs, and the sheet webs. The
main purpose of a web is for catching prey. With orb weavers (Araneidae), the spider
will first form a supporting structure of frame threads to which it will then add on
radial threads.
(Biology of Spiders, R.Foelix) These tightly strung threads provide quick access to
any where on the web, and also carry any vibrations from the outer perimeter to the
(The Spider Book, J.Comstock) After the innitial threads are placed, the spider will
build on a catching spiral made of sticky silk. These spirals will be what capture and
snare prey until the spider is able to reach it and inject it with its
Watership Down Quotes
In the downs of a small farm, two rabbits are preparing to flee their warren in order
to escape men come to kill them. Richard Adam s Watership Down follows these
two rabbits Hazel and Fiver as they gather a following and make their way across
the farmland to safety. The band of misfits looks to Hazel for guidance, and he
leads them to their haven: a warren atop the hills where the rabbits are safe and
sound. However, the need to keep the warren going pushes the rabbits to continue
exploring and find does in other warrens. While looking, they meet the Efrafa
warren. This warren is lead by General Woundwort, and immediately the two
parties are at odds with one another. The most noticeable difference is between the
leaders of the two warrens: Hazel and General Woundwort. Both Hazel and
General Woundwort are cunning; however, the leaders use their wits in different
ways. Hazel uses his wit for the betterment of his people, while General Woundwort
uses his to control and oppress his people. Some leaders are born into their
position, others rise to the occasion, and a small few seize the position themselves
the latter of the three describe both Hazel and General Woundwort. Their
motivation is what separates them. Hazel takes charge of his warren to protect
them, while General Woundwort climbs up the ladder of power using any means
available. In the beginning, Hazel s warren did not have a leader. It was merely a
band of misfit rabbits trying to leave their warren. Hazel proves himself a leader
when the Owsla, or rabbitpolice, come to arrest the rabbits that try to leave. After a
fight breaks out, Hazel steps forward to protect his brothers, Go, said Hazel, firmly
and quietly, Or we ll kill you (21). Hazel believes that if there is no way to get his
people out safely, then they will have to go out fighting. The instinct to protect and
fight for his people is how Hazel becomes the leader of his warren. His brave actions
make him becomes the Chief Rabbit of his warren. Hazel did not seek leadership, he
simply led. In contrast to this natural leadership, General Woundwort is more power
hungry and ruthless. He is the tyrant of his warren Efrafa. The narrator tells the story
of General Woundwort and how his
Voltaire s Candide as an Attack on Optimism Essays
Voltaire s Attack on Optimism in Candide
Leibnitz emphasized, in his Discours de Metaphysique (Discourse on Metaphysics)
(1686) the role of a benevolent creator. He called the constituent components of the
universe monads, and while the philosophy of monads is of little concern to readers
of Candide, the conclusion which Leibnitz drew from these monads is crucial to an
understanding of optimism.
Leibnitz argued that all of these monads were linked in a complex chain of cause
and effect and that this linking had been done by a divine creator as he created the
harmonious universe. Since he was benevolent, omnipotent, and omniscient, he
logically would create the best of all possible worlds. Hence, everything ... Show
more content on ...
As a Deist, Voltaire s God was one who initially created the world, and then left it to
its own devices. When, at the end of Candide, Pangloss asks the dervish as to why
man exists, the dervish responds What does it matter whether there s good or evil?
When his highness sends a ship to Egypt, does he worry whether the mice on board
are comfortable or not? To Voltaire, men were the mice, and his highness was not
concerned in the least with their day to day existence.
How are Voltaire s views manifest in Candide??
Pangloss is meant not to attack Leibnitz, but rather optimism as a philosophy. Thus
the reader cannot forget that all of Pangloss s ramblings are not Voltaire s personal
attacks on Leibnitz, but in some way represent an (often humorous) characterization
of the typical optimist. Pangloss, writes Voltaire, Proved admirably that there
cannot possibly be an effect without a cause, and that in this best of all possible
worlds the Baron s castle was the most beautiful of all castles and his wife the best
of all possible baronesses (2). Thus we have established Pangloss as the champion of
Yet just as quickly, Voltaire points out the absurdity of this doctrine. Observe, says
Pangloss, seeking to demonstrate that everything has a cause and effect, noses were
made to support spectacles, hence we have spectacles. Legs, as anyone can
Free Cash Flow and Corporate Valuation Model
Assignment Chapter 15
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
_F___1.The corporate valuation model cannot be used unless a company doesn t pay
_T___2.Free cash flows should be discounted at the firm s weighted average cost of
capital to find the value of its operations.
_F___3.Value based management focuses on sales growth, profitability, capital
requirements, the weighted average cost of capital, and the dividend growth rate.
_F___4.Two important issues in corporate governance are (1) the rules that cover
the board s ability to fire the CEO and (2) the rules that cover the CEO s ability to
remove members of the board.
_F___5.If a company s expected return on ... Show more content on
If the weighted average cost of capital is 15%, what is the firm s value of operations,
in millions? a.| $948| b.| $998| c.| $1,050| d.| $1,103| e.| $1,158|
____16.Suppose Leonard, Nixon, amp; Shull Corporation s projected free cash flow
for next year is $100,000, and FCF is expected to grow at a constant rate of 6%. If the
company s weighted average cost of capital is 11%, what is the value of its
operations? a.| $1,714,750| b.| $1,805,000| c.| $1,900,000| d.| $2,000,000| e.|
____17.Zhdanov Inc. forecasts that its free cash flow in the coming year, i.e., at t = 1,
will be $10 million, but its FCF at t = 2 will be $20 million. After Year 2, FCF is
expected to grow at a constant rate of 4% forever. If the weighted average cost of
capital is 14%, what is the firm s value of operations, in millions? a.| $158| b.| $167|
c.| $175| d.| $184| e.| $193|
____18.Leak Inc. forecasts the free cash flows (in millions) shown below. If the
weighted average cost of capital is 11% and FCF is expected to grow at a rate of
5% after Year 2, what is the Year 0 value of operations, in millions? Assume that the
ROIC is expected to remain constant in Year 2 and beyond (and do not make any half
year adjustments).
Year:| 1| 2| Free cash flow:| $50| $100|
a.| $1,456| b.| $1,529| c.| $1,606| d.| $1,686| e.| $1,770|

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College Application Essay Examples Format

  • 1. College Application Essay Examples Format Crafting an essay on the topic of "College Application Essay Examples Format" can pose a considerable challenge due to the intricate nature of the subject matter. The difficulty lies not only in presenting one's thoughts coherently but also in adhering to the specific format requirements expected in a college application essay. Firstly, there is the task of understanding the nuanced expectations of college admission committees. These committees look for essays that not only showcase academic prowess but also reveal the applicant's character, personality, and unique qualities. Striking the right balance between personal expression and adherence to formal writing conventions can be a delicate process. Next, the challenge involves finding suitable examples that effectively illustrate the desired format. It requires a keen eye for detail to identify compelling anecdotes or experiences that align with the overall theme of the essay. The examples chosen must resonate with the reader and leave a lasting impression, emphasizing the applicant's suitability for the academic environment. Moreover, managing the limited word count adds another layer of complexity. Conveying a comprehensive picture of oneself within a confined space demands concise and impactful writing. Struggling to strike this balance might result in an essay that feels either too brief or overly verbose. Additionally, the emotional investment required to write a college application essay can make the process emotionally taxing. Applicants often grapple with the pressure of presenting their best selves, which can lead to writer's block or self-doubt. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "College Application Essay Examples Format" involves navigating a complex landscape that requires a deep understanding of the expectations, adept storytelling skills, and a knack for concise expression. However, for those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that resources like offer a variety of services where similar essays and more can be ordered, providing support in the challenging task of crafting a compelling college application essay. College Application Essay Examples FormatCollege Application Essay Examples Format
  • 2. Essay On Deque A deque object is similar to a stack or a queue and is initialized left to right from an iterable value (or empty). In case you re wondering, deque is pronounced deck and is short for a double ended queue. Deques are thread safe and memory efficient. They can be appended, extended or popped from either side. The performance when performing these operations from one side to the next is roughly the same. Lists of course are faster since they are immutable but deques are slightly faster than standard tuples. If you don t specify a size (using maxlen or the 2nd positional argument of deque()), deques can be as large as you want them to be. If you do specify a size, you can still use add and delete operations but when one side is added, ... Show more content on ... Eventually, it will get the last element from the deque of another processor and execute it until all deques are cleared (though usually with a processor, the work is continuous and more efficient due to the algorithm). No worries though, we will just go through some simple examples from the Python interpreter. The datatype deque comes from the collections package. So we need to import it from there: from collections import deque Much like the namedtuple type, we can give it a string and it will be extended into an array like structure like so: my_deque = deque( long ) print(type(my_deque)) print(my_deque) deque([ l , o , n , g ]) If we want to add to the right, we can use append() just like you would with a normal tuple: my_deque.append( d ) We can also add to the left side with appendleft(): my_deque.appendleft( s ) and continue on from there: my_deque.append( e ) my_deque.appendleft( i )
  • 3. my_deque.append( q ) my_deque.appendleft( h ) my_deque.append( u ) my_deque.appendleft( t ) my_deque.append( e ) print(my_deque) deque([ t , h , i , s , l , o , n , g , d , e , q , u , e ]) We can also make shallow copies with the copy() method: deque_copy = my_deque.copy() print(deque_copy) deque([ t , h , i , s , l , o , n , g , d , e , q , u , e ]) We can then clear them from all elements by using clear(): deque_copy.clear() print(deque_copy) deque([]) To get a
  • 4. Are Tornadoes Good Or Bad What are tornadoes? How do they form? Many people, including scientists, meteorologists, and people affected by tornadoes are looking to answer these very important questions. Areas of research on tornadoes focus often on how tornadoes form, how they are monitored, and what kind of scale is used to rate the damage they can create. Next, tornadoes are very unpredictable because they can form any time. Meteorologists try their best to keep them monitored. Meteorologists use the Doppler Radar to keep an eye out in case of a rotating updraft (Danielson1). Tornadoes can strike at anytime especially the mid western areas such as Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri (McCann125). Picture it, you live in Texas. The tornado watch siren goes off. You try not to go into a panic mode. You gather all the family into the cellar. You hear raging winds whipping, the roaring of the rampaging tornado, and you had just gotten into the cellar with a few seconds to spare. After the storm is over, your family and you open the cellar door. You look around. You re surrounded by the remains of your house. In real life when you hear the warning siren go off, you only have ... Show more content on ... There are six ratings for a tornado. F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5. The scale is known as the Fujita scale or the f scale for short F0 is a light damage with about 73 mph winds. F1 is moderate damage and with 73 112 mph winds. F2 is considerable damage with 113 157 mph winds. F3 is severe damage and has wind speeds from 158 to 206 mph. F4 is devastating damage with wind speeds of 207 to 260 mph. Last but not least, the F5 rating. Its incredible damage which is the worst rating ever. It s about 261 316 mph winds. The creator of this scale is T. Theodore Fujita. He created this scale to help scientists or meteorologists to determine what the power of a tornado is or how much damage it will
  • 5. Bali 9 Clock Ticks Analysis Written by Cindy Wockner, the Bali 9 Clock Ticks newspaper article appearing in the Herald Sun serves as a neat, professional update on the predicament of Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan. Written in typical newspaper fashion, the article underlies themes of desperation, hopelessness and fear in a detached string of paragraphs. The article catches our attention with a suspenseful, desperate title Bali 9 Clock Ticks. The phrase Clock Ticks paints a picture in our minds of time running out, and having to do something drastic before it s too late. This theme of despair is continuously highlighted throughout the text through phrases such as all but in their executioners crosshairs , effectively signing his death warrant , the end is nigh , and quickly running out of options . The audience... Show more content on ... The next story, again regarding a woman, is made to push us into a position of anger rather than regret, preparing us for the greater injustices to come later in the text. Wockner casually details how another woman s co accursed including the drug ring mastermind won clemency back in 2012. Wockner is subtly showing us the unjustness of the legal system, in the example of a woman who was simply a pawn being sentenced to death while her boss is set free. Anecdotes like this appeal to our sense of justice, inciting feelings of rage towards those who caused the injustice in this case, the Indonesian
  • 6. Crucifixion By Giotto Di Bondone Essay There are many different aspects to the mystery of god and many people believe in different things. Our understanding of the ideal representation of the wonder and awe in the mystery of god is the trinity where there are three aspects. Through the artwork of Crucifixion by Giotto di Bondone portrays God, is divine and Trinitarian. The mystery of God is reflected in the picture of Crucifixion painted by Giotto Di Bondone as the image explains the core Catholic Christian belief in the mystery of trinityof one God, three elements namely the creator, Jesusthe Son and the Holy Spirit. Giotto di Bondone was an Italian painter and architect from Florence in the late middle ages. He generally considered in the first line of great artists who contributed to the renaissance, which is the style of the painting (Artable, n.d). He drew his figures and their postures according to his interpretation to the nature of God. In this artwork it speaks the trinity, three elements; with the creator being the sky, angels representing the Holy Spirit and the human Jesus as the son on the cross. In the picture ... Show more content on ... He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. This scripture shows how people are to live in relation to god. We are meant to believe and follow his teachings left by Jesus the son, the Holy Spirit all shown throughout the bible. This links to my artwork as it portrays people following god through Jesus teachings, which is what the scripture, says which links through to my painting. Courage is a main aspect of the mystery of god. I believe this is portrayed through my image as it shows Jesus courage to sacrifice himself for our sins. Scriptures further prove
  • 7. Web Api Using The Entity Framework Chapter 5: Creating Applications using AngularJS, Entity Frameworks, and ASP.Net MVC , focuses on how to connect to database using Entity Framework. In this chapter we will discuss how to create Web API using ASP.Net MVC and how to consume these Web API with AngularJS. This chapter organized as follows. Using Entity Framework o Creating a data model from existing database Creating Web API using Visual Studio o Working with JSON Object in ASP.NET MVC using Angular Using Angular JS with ASP.NET MVC o Sending and Receiving JSON Object to Angular JS Using Entity Framework ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), in .Net framework ADO.Net is a set of classes to expose the data access services for .Net framework developer. ADO.Net contains the set of components to create distribution and data sharing applications. Using ADO.Net we can create front end database clients and data access layer to use by the application. ADO.Net frequently used the application developer to access database in relational database systems such as SQL, Oracle and so on. ADO.Net is very powerful framework to use for accessing data. It has been in the market since many years. ADO.Net Entity Framework is an enhancement to traditional ADO.Net, which enable developer to develop data access application by using a conceptual data model instead of directly connecting to the relational database. With Entity Frameworks, the amount of code and the maintenance required for data oriented application significantly will be
  • 8. Disadvantages Of CHO Cells CHO (Chinese Hamster Ovary) cells are cell lines extracted from the ovary of the Chinese Hamster and are exclusively used for commercial purposes in the production of recombinant therapeutic proteins. Some proteins are to be synthesized using mammalian cells rather than the commonly used microbial cells as the latter lacks the exact machinery to produce the complete protein or for safety concerns. Among the mammalian cells, CHO cells continue to be the choice for the production of several therapeutic proteins. However there are certain disadvantages associated with CHO cells which include low productivity, substrate product stability, slower growth rate, low cell density, etc. These cell lines consume nutrients continuously beyond stoichiometric needs. Thus, the mode of operation should be chosen in such a way that they overcome the disadvantages of the CHO cell line. The large scale production of therapeutic proteins in industries is done in suspension culture as the adherent cell line poses a challenge in scaling up. Currently there are two dominant modes of operation for producing therapeutic proteins based on mammalian cell lines (Hu and Aunins, 1997) in industrial scale: Fed batch bioreactors Perfusion ... Show more content on ... There is a gradual addition of a fresh volume of selected nutrients during the growth culture cycle. It is basically a semi batch operation wherein nutrients are fed intermittently or continuously using one or more fed streams. This is done to ensure that productivity and growth is promoted. Once a run is finished, the culture is harvested and the product is sent to downstream processing. The nutritional environment can be maintained approximately constant during the course of the batch. Fed batch culture is superior to conventional batch culture because concentrations of nutrients can be
  • 9. A Brief Note On Third Party Delivery Services Essay Third Party Delivery Services Third party services are increasing nationally, regionally and locally to provide restaurateurs with an array of delivery options. Managing the delivery logistics is often challenging for restaurants that would prefer concentrating on food preparation. The good news is that you don t have to buy a delivery vehicle, train drivers and deal with delivery issues if you outsource your deliveries. The major players nationally are currently in a major expansion phase, and many national delivery services are merging. You can choose from these major providers or local services that might offer better terms and more personalized service. However, you should be aware that many of these local services might be speculative in nature and hoping to sell out to one of the major services. Some of the major national delivery services include GrubHub Seamless, Postmates, Caviar, Dashed, Eat24, Takeout Taxi and Amazon. GrubHub Seamless GrubHub Seamless has merged with other delivery services to become a commanding leader among restaurant delivery services. Restaurants only pay for orders that the site generates for them. The company currently delivers for more than 20,000 restaurants in 500 U.S. cities. Recently acquiring Boston based DiningIn and a California delivery service called Restaurants on the Run, GrubHub continues its march to dominate the delivery market. However, Amazon s decision to enter the market should keep the industry competitive.
  • 10. Christopher Columbus And Other Great People When discussing the major explorers and travellers normally think about people, such as, Ibn Batuta, Christopher Columbus and other great people. But, I have a great tale to tell about a man by the name Marco Polo. Now most of you would think of the pool game when you shout Marco! the others call Polo! Well it actually relates to the man himself, Marco actually got separated from his family and responded with Polo as they called for him with Marco! Marco s early life began without him know much about his dad, who was also a traveller, and his journeys revolved mostly on his journeys to Dadu and his life there, such as, his time serving the Khan or he Journeys around China and his return home. Upon Marco s return from his journeys he released a book about his journeys, but many critics claimed this was a fools tale, a false journey that he developed as he rotted away within the Genoan Prison. But, on the contrary it is to my belief that his story was proven to be true because, no European had truly known what was east of the Middle east, so they believe that his tale was bogus , so to speak, Marco and his family had vanished from Venice for many years, so if they didn t go easy where did they go, lastly Why would the Polo s return to Rome in search of what the Khan had Requested if he had never met him. Beginning on Marco s Early life, He was born in 1254 to a wealthy Venice family, at the time of his birth his father had been in Venice with his mother for the most
  • 11. Homeless Education Programs Hello Mr. Michael Bond and Terrence Falk, My name is Shantice Clinton, I am a student at MATC and I am writing you to get more information on how to help the people in need with educational benefits. What type of programs are you using for the disadvantages in unapproved areas? I know that we have the HEP homeless education program but as a community what can we do to help others? I also was wondering what type of resources you would provide. I havr also did research on the policies the government have on hunger. As a community I feel that I can help others that are struggling around me. I also feel like people that are in need and wants to get helps would be able to get the help they need. This also goes for the people that are not looking for help, us as a community can try to convenience others. I am also a student and I am concerned about other students about getting their education. Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and please respond back ... Show more content on ... Only 1 in 6 of these kids participate in the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). SFSP seeks to address food insecurity among children and youth during the summer months when they are out of school. In 2009 2010, 21 states and the District of Columbia had at least one in four households with children (25 percent or more) facing food hardship, according to the Food Research and Action Center
  • 12. Sociological Imagination In Research So this question baffles me to the point that I couldn t even begin to answer it till now, though I thought it was Thursday, not Friday....whoops. So this question is baffling probably because I don t see how sociological imagination plays into this, as its very nature is scientific. So the BRCA1 and 2 genemutations were found, and scientist believe (I m guessing this is key to looking at it with sociological imagination? When really what s to come is not sociological imagination so much as healthy skepticism.) that they help prevent breast cancer by preventing the degradation of DNA, to which cancer is a rapid and uncontrolled process involving the altering of cellDNA. So how could the gene mutations/genetic markers that predict cancer now
  • 13. The Energy Crisis Of Oil Essay In order to fulfill his desires, man will abuse environmental supplies to a great extent, consequently indorsing his environment to lose its natural ability of supporting mankind. Our voracious craving for gnawing away at the Earth s natural resources is growing prodigiously. Perhaps our most keen appetite is for oil, the blood of the earth. Similarly, to humans, when blood is removed from the body without being replaced, a treacherous situation surfaces. This situation currently deals directly with oil depletion. Oil is a standout amongst the most essential fuels available in today s culture. It is a finite resource, incapable of being reproduced in human frames, however, mankind voluntarily ignores this information and continues to consumed it at an unstable acceleration. Peak oilhas been looming on the horizon for decades. It is used to describe the global maximum in crude oil production which is predicted to occur in the near future. Once this maximum has been reached, global oil production will begin to forever decline afterwards, leading the world into a catastrophic energy crunch that could cripple our economy. Oil will become more difficult to extract, therefore making it more expensive as nations compete for the declining supply. The failure of economies to adapt to the staggering cost of oil will eventually kill off every endeavor by the economy to develop, and cause semi permanent depression. Unfortunately, individuals cannot simply suck oil out of the ground
  • 14. Depressants Research Paper Depressants are drugs that inhibit the function of the central nervous system (CNS) and are among the most widely used drugs in the world. These drugs operate by affecting neurons in the CNS: central nervous system, which leads to symptoms such as drowsiness, relaxation, decreased inhibition, sleep, coma, and even death. All depressants also have the potential to be addictive. Central nervous system depressants, sometimes referred to as tranquilizers or sedatives, are substances that can slow brain activity. This property makes them useful for treating anxiety and sleep disorders. For nearly a century, depressants have been used to reduce anxiety, induce sleep and relieve stress in people. While alcohol is the most commonly used depressant,... Show more content on ... However, if abused, these depressants can have many unwanted and harmful effects. With prescribed depressants, the first few days a person usually feels sleepy and uncoordinated, but as the body becomes accustomed to the effects of the drug and tolerance develops, these side effects begin to disappear. Sometimes the dosage isn t enough, and the user requires more of the drug or begins to use long term, and larger doses may be needed to achieve the therapeutic effects. Continued use can also lead to physical dependence and withdrawal when use is abruptly reduced or stopped. Only under a physician s supervision is it safe to use depressants with other drugs or medications. Normally, they should not be combined with any other medication or substance that causes central nervous system depression, including prescription pain medicines, some OTC cold and allergy medications, and alcohol. Using central nervous system depressants with these other substances (especially alcohol) can affect heart rhythm, slow respiration, and even lead to
  • 15. Essay About My Dream Dream Paper Since I was little my dreams have always been very vivid. I could always wake up change what I wanted to dream about, go back to sleep and have the dream I thought up. People like my Mom, Dad, and boyfriend are in my dreams the most of the time.In the past year my dreams have changed to be more dark and I can t always change them. Most of the time these dreams end up with me being all alone somewhere, and I can t seem to find anyone. I have had that one dream I will never forget about two years ago, it still haunts me today. Yet, 99% of the time my dreams are bright and happy. Dream One This first dream occurred when they were doing construction around my house. I was in my kitchen making a morning hot chocolate. Taking a look outside I noticed something was different, there was a beach and ocean where my back yard used to be. With my dad being from California I see the ocean every other year and when i m there I know thats where I want to live. I run outside leaving my Hot chocolate behind, and see a two person jet ski where my car used to be. The water is so blue and the sun is shining. I jump on the pink jet ski and hit the waves, somehow changing into a matching pink one piece, and started to ride the waves. Three dolphins swam up to me one the jet ski then swam away. The rest of the dream was spent sitting on the beach and tanning. Dream Two This dream is one of the bad dreams I have had lately. I m walking down a neighborhood street at night and it
  • 16. Drama and Excitement in the Opening Scene of Romeo and... Drama and Excitement in the Opening Scene of Romeo and Juliet by Baz Lurhmann Romeo and Juliet is directed by Baz Lurhmann and was produced in 1997 .In the opening scene of the film is set in a petrol station . The Montague boys and the Capulet boys happen to meet each other and a quarrel ensues and this leads to a big gun battle accompanied by western music that adds humour to the scene. The techniques the Luhrmann uses are lighting ,camera angles , setting and different aspects of mis en scene to create drama and excitement for the audience. In the opening scene of Romeo and Juliet sound is used to create an effect on the audience . When the film starts images of the city of Verona are... Show more content on ... On the other hand the Capulet boys have loud roaring coming from their car luhrman uses this to present the Capulets in a totally different way to the Montague s the loud roaring noise is used to make the Capulet seem more menacing than the Montague s and that the Capulet are feared by the Montague s . As from the moment Tybalt steps out of his car , western style music is played , this non diagetic sound is used to prepare the audience for the western style that is about to occur, this western style music ties in with the diagetic sound of the sign from the petrol station swinging , this all links in with the western genre which coincides with the style of fighting between the two families in this particular scene. When Tybalt steps out if the Capulet car we only see his western style boots that link in with the western style music and the sign swinging . The sound his boots make when he steps out on the lit match seem menacing , because we cannot see his face and he makes a horrible noise with his boots . After the prologue is read by the newsreader , the camera pans over the city . These erratic camera shots , show images of buildings that belong to the two families and religious buildings such as the statue of Jesus in the centre of the city . These images give a birds eye view of the city as if we are in a helicopter .Because of the erratic
  • 17. Continous Improvement As A Business Strategy CONTINOUS IMPROVEMENT AS A BUSINESS STRATEGY The case study focuses on Corus, Europe s second largest steel manufacturing company and their efforts in following the path of Continuous Improvement to produce quality product in a timely manner by streamlining their processes and reducing the wastage of resources. Corus is a subsidiary of Tata Steel, one of world s top ten steelmakers. In their own words, Corus aspires to be the world s steel industry benchmark for value creation and corporate citizenship. Corus is a leading supplier to most of the demanding markets around the world including construction, automotives, packaging, mechanical and electrical engineering, metal goods, and oil gas. With innovation and continuous improvement ... Show more content on ... What is Continuous Improvement? Continuous improvement, with respect to organizational quality and performance, focuses on improving customer satisfaction through continuous and incremental improvement processes, removing or minimizing unnecessary activities and delays in product delivery and also minimizing defects in the products being delivered. Several organizations have gained a competitive edge by implementing Kaizen, commonly known as continuous improvement (CI). The philosophy of Kaizen was spearheaded by Masaaki Imai, and is constituted of two words, kai which means change and zen which means good as well as wisdom . Hence we can conclude that Kaizen implies changes for the better and covers all processes in an organization like Engineering, Information Technology, Finance, Procurement and Supply, Customer Service and Manufacturing. CI can be initiated either at Top Management level or at Process level based on effective feedback system. The most important factor is that, all employees should be responsible to make improvements and must work together to identify the steps needed to improve the efficiency of the overall process, in an iterative manner. This requires thorough supervision, flexible work force and
  • 18. Rise Of Christianity Research Paper Rise of Christianity Among the many religions, Christianity is one of the world s most widely spread, it has the most number of believers and its teachings spread all over the world, the congregation distributed in various countries, it is certainly the world s first religion. The core of the Christian faith is Jesus, mainly after progress of the initial of the belief in Paul and John theology, Peter s Church believes. This huge religion, its origin and development also experienced various ups and downs. At first, Christianity was a sect of Judaism, the Jesus of Nazareth. He was raised in Galilee, stronghold of the Zealots. A Jewish town, Galilee had come under Roman political rule. Roman culture remained a veneer, deeper among those who had ... Show more content on ... Believers in his divinity met in small assemblies or congregations, often in one another s homes, to discuss the meaning of his message. These earliest Christians defined their faith to fit the life of Jesus into an orthodox Jewish context. Only later did these congregations evolve into what can be called a church with a formal organization and set of beliefs. Christianity might have remained just another sect had it not reached Rome, the capital of the Western world. Events in Rome proved to be a dramatic step in the spread of Christianity for various reasons. First, Jesus had told his followers to spread his word throughout the world, thus making his teachings universal. The pagan Romans also considered their secular empire universal, and early Christians there combined these two concepts of universalism. Secular Rome provided another advantage to Christianity. If all roads led to Rome, they also led outward to the provinces of central and Western Europe. The very stability and extent of the Roman Empire enabled early Christians easily to spread their faith southward to Africa and northward into Europe and across the channel to Britain.
  • 19. Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson And Edgar Lee Masters Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and Edgar Lee Masters were three literacy scholars, who without a doubt evolved American literature. They were each able to break the ancient stigmas, and created supplementary freedom when it came to what a piece of literature can offer. They were known to speak upon various topics that were recognized as inappropriate within the society, but that didn t stop them from stating their beliefs. Common similarities that these literacy masters shared amongst each other were constant themes of death, afterlife and religion. Although these three themes made a regular occurrence in their pieces of literature, each writer had different views towards the various themes which were displayed throughout their texts, and pieces of poetries. Walt Whitmans thoughts towards the topic of religion, and the afterlife was displayed throughout one of Whitman s most prodigious works, Song of Myself. He intertwines his most deepest, and intimate beliefs on self spirituality, and death. In section 48 of Song of Myself he mentions that, I have said that the soul is not more than the body, / And I have said that the body is not more than the soul, / And nothing, not God, is greater to one than one s self is... (Whitman, Walt) In section 49, Whitman continues to add, And as to you Life I reckon you are the leavings of many deaths, / (No doubt I have died myself ten thousand times before.) (Whitman, Walt). It seems as though Whitman is implying to readers that
  • 20. Comparative Education France has a highly organized educational system, which is divided into primary, secondary and tertiary (college) education. Primary and secondary education is usually imparted at public schools although a strong network of private schools also exists. All educational programs in France are regulated by the Ministry of National Education. Schooling in France is mandatory as of age 6, the first year of primary school while secondary education consists of collГЁge for the first four years after primary school and the lycГ©e for the next three years. The baccalaurГ©at is the end of lycГ©e diploma that students must attain and is comparable to British A Levels and American SATs. Students have a choice of sitting for the baccalaurГ©at gГ©nГ©ral ... Show more content on ... Under the pressure of a massive rise in number pupils in middle and high schools, project pedagogy was presented as a possible solution to meeting the needs of the diversity of pupils, addressing their individual needs, and developing pupil autonomy (GinestiГ©, 2002). It was in this context, in 1985, that technology education was introduced in France as a part of science and technology education in elementary schools, as a new subject for all pupils in middle schools and as an optional subject in high schools. We can note four stages of organization of technology education between 1985 and today. 1.1.2 1985 1991: the implementation of the first curriculum Technology education was conceived of as a new subject and took the place of MTE (manual and technical education) in terms of hours, classrooms, and teachers. The curriculum emphasized the industrial environment, leaving little room for home economics and craftsmanship (COPRET, 1984). It had two different elements that made these references plain. On the one hand, the general part of the course described the overall goals, context, and aims of technology education in France. The aims were in terms of pupils attitudes towards technology (as related in many papers, e.g. de Vries, 1994; Jones, 1997; Compton amp; Jones, 1998; Gardner amp; Hill, 1999; Dugger, 2000) and in terms of the social and professional world of industrial production (this idea can also be found in many papers
  • 21. Examine Why Multinational Corporations Seek to Transfer... The HRM policy of a firm is looked as a most important strength which needs to be taken care of all the time to have a competitive advantage within the industry they operating in. Multinational corporations (MNCs) seek to transfer their home country human resource management (HRM) practices to their overseas subsidiary as to them it is just another approach towards globalisation. It can be an element of success for MNCs if they manage to transfer these HRM practices across their subsidiaries in an effective manner. An effective transition of these policies depends on the organisational, cultural, social and relational factors (Bartlett amp; Ghoshal 1998; Evans, Pucik amp; Barsoux 2002; Poedenphant 2002). The transition of these policies... Show more content on ... The whole procedure of international strategy is from adopting the policies implemented from the parent company to the enhancement of the competencies developed at the subsidiary, which will complement the organization on the whole. International experience is also one of the factors that push a MNC to implement the home country HRM policies across their subsidiaries. It depends on how long a MNC has been active in their international operations that impact the nature of their decision while implementing HR policies across their subsidiaries. Having a lack of international experience, a MNC will make their subsidiaries adopt their home country policies (The effect of corporate level organisational factors on the transfer of human resource management practices: European and US MNCs and their Greek subsidiaries, Barbara Myloni,July 2006). A MNC with more international experience is less likely to adapt their home country policies as the more a firm gains international experience, the less dominant their home country HR policies become. Looking from the dependency theory s point of view, the need for control also pushes a MNC to implement their home based policies. The stronger the need is, the more the necessity of integrating these policies will grow, and hence there is a probability that the HR practice will resemble the home country practices. The more dependent a subsidiary is to their parent, the more the firm will try
  • 22. The Economic And Social Influence Of The Soviet Union Wallace vs. Byrnes Abdulsalam Almusallam ESLI Texas A M University Corpus Christi Introduction Soon after the World War II was finished, the confrontation between the Soviet Union on in the United States of America unleashed (Holitz, 2010, 162). Despite being in the convenient marriage during the war (Holitz, 2010, 165), these great powers started their own campaigns for global supremacy and international economic and social influence. The United States of America was recognized as a leader of the free world and the main protagonist of the capitalistic model of country development. The USSR, in its turn, emphasized the role of socialism, controlled market and development of the communistic state as the most benevolent mode of state construction. Pres. Henry Truman clustered different advisers around him, among whom Henry Wallace and James Byrnes were the most influential ones. However, the methodologies of dealing with the Soviet Union advocated by them were drastically different. The objective of this paper is to explore the foundations of their external policy frameworks and to conclude on the winner of that political debate. James Byrnes and the Doctrine of Aggressive Stance Byrnes was appointed by Pres. Truman as the Secretary of State on July 3, 1945. The role of this politician during the war conferences, and especially during the Paris Peace Conference can hardly be underestimated in today s context.
  • 23. Prohibition Of The Face Of Drug Prohibition Laws Drugs or Don t? Tied Liberty in the face of Drug Prohibition Laws Prohibition goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man s appetite by legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded. Abraham Lincoln Prohibition is a word for containment; it is an act of limiting and holds a spirit of negation. It limits our independent and individualist choices. It is not a democratic value unless devised by the citizens. Prohibiting something on the basis of unsure logistics and deviant arguments is not the way a democracy thrives. There is a fine line between democracy and authoritarianism. Maybe the governments today need to realize this fine conception! Abstract It has been in our history and we all have suffered through this centered decision making! Prohibition by the reasons of certain group of elites in the power structure is the major malice of democracy. Drug Prohibition is one such veiled prophecy /execution that provides a disastrous outcome. The central argument of my paper is How modern day capitalism in all its variations offers an explanation (negative) to the entire scenario of drug prohibition? What can be the benefits of this entire arrangement and who are the major beneficiaries remains a crucial query. The recent outrage in Philippines, the age old war on Drugs led by the US and the billion dollar
  • 24. Serpent Mound Project Summary The project was reviewed and accepted by the Institutional Review Board (IRB), to work with human subjects. Additionally, this project was reviewed and accepted by the Eastern Shawnee of Oklahoma Tribal Administration and the National Historic Landmarks Program of the National Park Service allowing this project to work in accordance with Section 106 of the archaeology guidelines. Ethnographic methods are employed for this project to incorporate the Eastern Shawnee of Oklahoma s oral histories into Serpent Mound s narrative. Semi Structured Interviews: Interview of the seven Eastern Shawnee of Oklahoma collaborators on this project, will take place. The oral histories allow Indigenous knowledge to be part of Serpent Mound s rhetoric. The interviews
  • 25. The Ethical Theories Of Ethical Subjectivism,... Introduction Using The Philosopher s Way by John Chaffee, I will explain the ethical theories of ethical subjectivism, utilitarianism, and Deontological ethics. Secondly, I will summarize the main points of my article and then act in response using the three ethical theories previously listed. I will also explain which ethical theory best represents the article. Then, I will provide reasoning as to why stem cell research is important; and lastly, I will offer two open ended questions. Defined Ethical Theories All the ethical theories are going to be defined using The Philosopher s Way by John Chaffee. Chaffee defines ethical subjectivism as, The view that the ultimate moral authority is the individual or the subject (386). Next,... Show more content on ... Meanwhile, other scientists have been working on somatic nuclear transfer which means the nucleus is taken out of a human egg and is substituted with the nucleus of an adult cell. Scientists are looking to get pluripotent stem cells from this experiment. Pluripotent stem cells are ones that can grow into many kinds of human tissues. Although there were some achievements using somatic nuclear transfer, it took many eggs. The author argues that scientists should not be restricted from research that will significantly decrease human suffering and is scientifically useful. Article Response I agree with the author in regards to using stem cell research to decrease human suffering. The idea that human suffering will be decreased is directly related to utilitarianism. If utilitarianism is applied to stem cell research, there would be no reason not to use embryos if it means that there is less suffering for the greatest number of people. Stem cell research would then, and only then, be considered ethical. The problem is determining if most people would need stem cells for medical issues. If only fifty percent of people find stem cells useful, utilitarianism would not apply, therefore, the ethical issues still stand. Opposed to utilitarianism, a subjectivist would argue that the individual decides whether something is ethical or not based on how they feel. If a subjectivist found that using an embryo was ethical because it could potentially fix the
  • 26. Walmart s Credibility It s been slandered by labor unions, planning boards, social commentators and competitors, but for many American shoppers, Walmart is a lifesaver (Wolf, 2010). Walmart has successfully overcome the stereotypical retail outlet. Walmart has taken negative publicity and turned it into a successful campaign of appealing to all types of consumers. They are the first store to have their Black Friday ads released and also state that they will beat any competitors pricing. Just recently the company has come under fire because of not allowing female workers to advance. They used this public information to start a new hiring process and now all workers that are qualified for an open position can apply and stand a good chance of acquiring the job.
  • 27. Seioteuthis Research Paper Adaptations Protective shell: The purpose of this shell is to protect the Sepioteuthis testa from predators and other possible danger. This shell protects their vital organs including the brain, heart, stomach, kidneys, and much more. This protection can save the Sepioteuthis testa from being killed from a blow to their soft skin that covers the organs. The Sepioteuthis testa cuts off the end of the shell so that the shell does not extend to the end of the fish, but cuts off before the fins. This allows the fins to be used to transport the Sepioteuthis testa. Similar to crabs, they must find new shells to protect them as they grow. This shell protects the Sepioteuthis testa, helping them survive. Claws: These claws are used to attract mates and catch prey. The Sepioteuthis testa uses the claws to quickly snatch their prey out of the water. The claws are also used during mating rituals. The males with the biggest claw are more likely to impress the females. The males may fight with their big claw, the one who wins reproduces with the female, passing on their genes. Poison secreting pores: The Sepioteuthis testa uses these pores when feeling threatened. It has a large amount of predators that could be waiting to pounce. If there is a potential threat or predator nearby. the Sepioteuthis testa will produce batrachotoxin, from its pores. This toxin is highly poisonous. When the predator is exposed to this poison in heavy doses it could die. This defense... Show more content on ... The Sepioteuthis testa evolved from the Sepioteuthis sepioidea, which also belongs to the animal kingdom. The Sepioteuthis testa also has characteristics which qualify it for the animal kingdom. The Sepioteuthis testa is a multicellular, heterotroph. This means it has more than one cell and is dependent on other organisms as a source of energy, which is eaten through the mouth. Their cells are diploid, having two sets of
  • 28. Mass Shootings And Terrorist Attacks Nous Sommes tous Unis The Introduction The topic of mass shootings and terrorists attacks has been of particular attention to the American public this year. But the huge event that has truly shocked Americans was the November 13th attacks on Paris. In just a half hour gunmen and suicide bombers hit a concert hall, a major stadium, restaurants and bars, and left 130 people dead and almost four hundred wounded. The attacks on Paris monopolized the media, and soon no one found themselves ignorant of the events that occurred on that Friday the 13th. Immediately the world turned to France, and for the first time Americans were able to repay the French for their empathy shown after the tragedies on 9/11. In a method previously reserved for ... Show more content on ... slacktivism. Slacktivism, a common communication term used to describe taking action on the Internet in support of a cause that requires little time or involvement, is currently a huge topic in today s media. Many believe that millennials like myself have no concept of performing anything other than slacktivism. Indeed, many feel that while slacktivism has no immediate danger, it encourages the decline of actual progress on issues (Penney, 2015). Terrorism, also all too familiar for millennials, festered and opened up again in way most Americans had not anticipated. Seeing the devastation and quick responses of these attacks led me to analyze American responses to this tragedy. The question But this leads me to my question of why? Why did the Facebook community cover their profile pictures with a French flag? While this question seems like an easily answered one, it was not easy to arrive at. Following the November 13th attacks I found myself at awe of the new media we see in our world today. The way that news covers tragedy is different, and even where people go to for reliable news has changed. I began my search for information at these topics. Later, my mind marveled at social media in the form of YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. These websites were often the source of public opinion on this event. I wondered if there was any pressure to participate in Parisian support. Finally, after looking at social media, I arrived at my final inquiry,
  • 29. Ethical Teachings and How They Guide Adherents in Their... Religion essay Ethical teachings and how they guide adherents in their daily lives Ethics can be defined as Human moral conduct according to principles of what is good or right to do . In Christianity there are certain ethical teachings, mainly The Ten Commandments, Beatitudes, and Jesus commandments of love. The Ten Commandments are derived from the Old Testamentwhich defines what people must do in order to serve God faithfully and gives direction on how to live a life according to the covenant and in essence to be a good Christian person. In the New Testament the Beatitudes and Jesus commandments of love are found. With love being the main concept of these teachings, they and the Ten Commandments can be seen as alike as they ... Show more content on ... The Ten Commandments are regarded as the fundamental laws that all Christians are to conform to. They were written by the hands of God himself and revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai, inscribed on two stone tablets. They offer basic rules of behaviour for spiritual and moral living to Christians. These laws still instruct Adherents today, for they expose sin and show us God s standard. Without the sacrifice of Christ, Adherents are completely helpless to live up to God s holy standard. The beatitudes are eight statements taught by Jesus. Each Beatitude calls us towards holiness, commitment and promotes positive human values. They are concerned with virtue and how a believer in Jesus Christ can achieve that virtue. The Beatitudes are a map of life, a series of directives helping us on our journey to be with God. They are simply stated, but are profound in meaning. They guide, point and teach. In the Beatitudes, Jesus taught his followers how to let love reign the world, and when love overcomes all other things there will be a state of peace. They show Adherents the values that Christ cares about. These values if followed can not only bring a believer into a state of peace and happiness, but also right into the Kingdom of God after our journey on this earth is over. Teachings of the Beatitudes can apply to our lives today as they are timeless in teaching and confronting us with
  • 30. The Market For Beauty Services BUSINESS PLAN The market for beauty services in Brighton is on a rise with an estimate of 20 beauty salons established in the city. The Mobile Beauty Bar is a mobile beauty spa set in Brighton, East Sussex, offering luxurious beauty experiences. For now it specialises in providing bespoke/luxury eyelash extensions, eyelash tinting, brow threading as well as brow tinting to the local community of Brighton. We plan to offer these services at a fraction of the prices of our competitors. MARKET RESEARCH: the process of gathering information on target marks or market conditions. We did this by handing out 20 questionnaires to women in Brighton. The questions asked: 1.How old are you? 2.Do you thread your brows? 3.Do ... Show more content on ... UNIQUE SELLING POINT: A product s unique selling point (USP) is a factor that differentiates a product from its competitors. The Unique selling point of the services provided by the mobile beauty bar is that the prices are relatively low in comparison with the competitors in Brighton. Findings from our survey show that the average price of Eyelash extensions are ВЈ55 while ours is at ВЈ29.99, which is just about half the price. Although the business is going to be based in Brighton, It will be a mobile service as there is so permanent location due to the limitation of capital. It will be an on demand service where an appointment has to be made and they can get the service right in the comfort of their homes. This satisfies the third C of the 4 C S of the marketing mix which is Customer Convenience and is very important in enhancing the customer experience, because customers are very busy and have may choices so it is the venture s objective to make the services easily accessible to consumers. TARGET MARKET: A target market is the market group at which a company aims its products. The mobile beauty bar s target market is young women in Brighton between the ages 15 and 35. Furthermore, we are defining the target market not only by customers age, but also by, demographic, social, psychological and economic factors to
  • 31. Satan s Role In Ancient Polytheistic Religion First of all, there is the fact that, because Satan is not associated to one particular element considered evil, such as darkness, death or droughts, but rather to all the evils that exist, he can change and evolve with time. Since he created indirect evil, depending on which group is being studied, such as Christians for example, there will always be another group to consider different and satanic, be it the Romans, the Muslims, the Atheists or even other Christians. No matter the time in history, there will always be a new event, a new group, or a new element to demonize. The fact that Satan is able to evolve in such a way helps him remain relevant throughout history. The similar figures discussed at the beginning came from polytheistic religions, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Canaan, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, so they had a single specific function for which they existed. This meant they could be easily replaced by another deity with the same role, and so they d be either forgotten and lost in history, or remember only as an old, dead God. This is most notably shown in the fact there were four different Gods used as an example to discuss similar evil figures in ancient polytheistic religions. ... Show more content on ... As a matter of fact, there is not a single, strict and definite way that Satan can be described. He is obviously known by many names; Lucifer, Beelzebub, The Devil, Prince of Darkness, Father of Lies, Evil One...these are all different titles given to Satan, yet they all don t necessarily mean the same thing. Different groups can hence take the overall main idea of Satan and the function he fulfills in the world, and adapt him to fill that same role, but in accordance to their own beliefs. This simply comes to show just how versatile Satan really
  • 32. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge, was also known as the Galloping... The Tacoma Narrows Bridge, was also known as the Galloping Gertie, was one of the most famous cause study of structure failure in the world. The idea for constructuring of the bridge came up in the date back to 1889 with a Northern Pacific Railway proposal for a trestle. Then after a few yerars of concreted and construction with the cost of over 6,400,000 dallors, the bridgewas been build and became the third longest and the most flexible suspension bridgein the world of its time of 1900s with a toatl length of 1810m. It was designed as a twin suspension bridge which located between Tacoma and the Kitsap Peninsula in United States. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge opened for traffic on July 1, 1940. After being in service for 129 days,... Show more content on ... Prior of this time, most bridge design were based on trusses, arches, and cantilevers to support heavy freight trains. Automobiles were obviously much lighter. Suspension bridge design had been envolving into producing bridges of maximum grace, lightness and flexibility which actually was more suited for carrying lighter cars and not heavier train. Unfortunately, engineers did not fully understand the response of the suspension bridge design to these poorly understand forces. The second reson was due to the excitation of torsional mode. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge was built with shallow plate girders instead of the deep stiffening trusses of railway bridges, in which trusses allowed wind to pass through but plate girders, on the other hand, present an obstacle to the wind. As a result of its design, it was proved that the bridge was too light and unstable. And causing о ©alloping Gertieaction which were driven by the wind were being experienced by the bridge. During the morning of 7 November 1940, the wind with around 56.3 km/h (35 miles /h) excited bridge`s transverse vibration mode to its maximum amplitude of vibration of 0.5 m within three hours. Then the wind started increasing to 67.6 km/h (42 miles /h). One supporting cable at the mid span snapped causing unbalanced loading. The bridge response thus changed to a 0.2 Hz torsional
  • 33. Patients Experience And Patients Satisfaction Patients Experience and Patients Satisfaction While the explicit study of the effect of patient experience and satisfaction has been limited, many scholars have explored the relationship between aspects of patients experience during their stay at hospitals or health centers and their satisfaction ratings. Most of this literature focused on patient centered care and its various manifestations from physicians communications to nursing attention time spent per patient. Tables 2 and 3 presents the summary of this research. Overall, improved experience represented by high levels of patients centered care has resulted in improved patients satisfaction. Professionalism, respect, empathy and support are parts and parcel of the process... Show more content on ... This study shifted focus from patient defined criteria to the doctor domain criteria of patients experience. The study utilized 103 videotaped doctors consultations and presented them to a panel of twelve judges. The judges were trained physicians with 5 years of experience or higher in general practice. All judges rated the consultations based on a number of scales measuring different aspects of doctor patient communication Empathy, encouragement and engagement defined a good quality of care from the doctors perspective. Judges generally rated the consultations as having good quality of care. Further analyses compared the highly rated consultations with the low rated ones resulting in significant differences. Tests and discriminant analysis results indicated that the higher ratings of doctor patient communications aspects were associated with higher levels of patient satisfaction. This research concluded that when doctor s express empathy, encouragement and engagement, the experience of the patient becomes much better. The authors concluded that). The study evidence provided by the study seems to possess credibility, support, reasonableness and accuracy. The study used facts, statistics and arguments backed by previous studies. The study is useful for my research since it shows a robust connection between patients experience from the physicians point of view and patients
  • 34. Bittorrent Essay If you ve spent any amount of time browsing the internet in the past half decade, you ll probably have heard about BitTorrent, a popular program used for downloading media. Whether or not you know how to use it is another thing altogether. I m here to tell you that it s invaluable and to show you how to get started with it. Disclaimer: BitTorrent is an entirely legal program and infrastructure. Downloading copyrighted material through it is not. If you follow my instructions here, you will have done something wholly illegal and morally reprehensible. Good people pay for their media. If you don t intend on downloading copyrighted material, BitTorrent is still extremely useful, as it is a powerful method of distributing legal ... Show more content on ... It differs from client server downloads (the standard save as protocol you see in web browsers, for instance) in that it does not access a server and download a file that is directly stored on that server. It differs from other peer to peer (distributed) protocols, such as the original iteration of Napster or the newer Kazaa, by using a truly distributed means of finding the trackers. Trackers report on who has what of a particular torrent s information and may actively maintain torrents health. The actual torrents are small files that tell the client where to find the actual files. People who have the actual files and are willing to allow you to download from them are called seeds. Seeds help the growth of the torrent by spreading its information to people who are downloading it, called leechers. Everyone beginning to download a torrent is initially a leecher. Some trackers may cut your download off if you never seed while continuing to leech. It all sounds complicated but is behind the scenes and very seamless, as you ll see. An Overview of Clients To get started with torrenting, a term that s come to be used commonly and summarizes the act of downloading and using torrents, you need a client. Clients allow the tracker information to be processed onto your computer and generally smooth the experience by automating many processes and managing your downloads.
  • 35. Jimmy Cross s Influences Tim O Brien is a writer that is able to attract and maintain the attention of readers successfully throughout his books. The writer is dedicated towards highlighting the differences in the desires that people often have in their lives but fail to pursue them in order to fulfill the obligations assigned to them. This research paper proves that the writer s work is more obligations oriented than desire oriented by highlighting Jimmy Cross s character in Tim O Brien s The Things They Carried is dragged off course from his obligations as a leader and protector by his desires for love of thoughts: Comparatively, Going After Cacciato, O Brien shows how a platoon of soldiers thoughts of desertion for freedom and obligations to their service. In Tim O Brien s book The Things They Carried , Jimmy Cross is a person who is a lieutenant who is dedicated to his work and ensuring that his people are safe. However, he seems to neglect his duties due to a fantasy that he has with a girl that he thinks that he loves. He goes through photographs taken with her and thereby creates fantasies about things that he thinks should have happened when he was with her (O Brien). As well as, the... Show more content on ... Did O Brien write these stories on personal experiences? It was unrelenting nastiness. You re endlessly and always tired. Pretty soon the fatigue becomes part of your soul, he said. You re carrying all this stuff, the things you carry. (Homer) As well as compared to his story Going After Cacciato He had protested the war in college and didn t believe in it. Coming from a conservative Minnesota town, O Brien said he thought about running away to Canada (Homer). He also played golf near the Rainy River. My conscience kept telling me not to go, but my whole upbringing told me I had to go to this horrible war as an patriot to my country
  • 36. Historical Criticism Of Everyday Use By Alice Walker Everyday Use demonstrates real life struggles during the period is was written and published (1973), by using historical criticism, we can see that people are often disconnected due to their education. Alice Walker successfully shows the disconnection of heritage value by having one character well educated and young, and another character who was not able to get an education and is much older. Taking the historical context, plays a major role in the way this short storyis viewed. It was a time where people of color had a different and difficult experiences getting an education. The narrator was talking about not being able to get an education, so it was important her daughter get an education; The narrator wanted to be on a television show with her daughters to demonstrate how successful she became. However Dee the narrator s daughter sees her mother and Maggie her sister differently as if they do not know how to appreciate things for their valuable history. One example is, when she wanted the quilts that were suppose to go to Maggie; Dee gets upset that she cannot have them and her mother does not understand why she wants to put them on display. This short story Alice Walker had published it in 1973. During the seventies civil right movement were paving ways for new opportunities for colored people, this was in the heyday of the Black Power ideologies when Black was Beautiful, the Afro hairstyle was in fashion and Blacks were seeking their cultural roots in Africa,
  • 37. High Blood Cholesterol Introduction High blood cholesterol is not only a major risk factor for cardiovascular heart diseases, but also for conditions such as stroke and heart attack. Cholesterol consists of two types lipoprotein, low density lipoproteins, which are commonly known as the bad cholesterol that narrows arteries, and high density lipoproteins seen as the good cholesterol . There are many determinants that contribute to high blood cholesterol, for instance, environmental influences, genetic factors, existing illnesses and so on. However, this literature review will primarily focus on controllable risk factors. Amongst the numerous controllable risk factors, this review will zoom into the three main factors, obesity caused by unhealthy diet, physical ... Show more content on ... (Gonseth, S., Jacot Sadowski, I., Diethelm, P. A., Barras, V., Cornuz, J., 2012) also adds that some tobacco companies include extra appetite suppressants substance into their cigarettes. Although smoking raises causes high blood cholesterol, but people will only selectively focus on the appetite suppressing function smoking brings. Thus, people will be drawn to the fact that smoking can help them to control weight, rather than the health issues that could arise from
  • 38. Analysis Of The Movie Viva Villa Luisa Anchondo September 19, 2017 Chicano Cinema T 6:00 8:50 pm. Viva Villa The film Viva Villa is a 1934 drama film directed by Jack Conway and (uncredited) Howard Hawks. The screenplay was written by Ben Hecht based on the book written by Edgecumb Pichon and O.B. Stade and produced by David O. Selznick. This movie is a biography of the life of the Mexican hero Pancho Villa and how he participates on the revolution of Mexico. The main character of the movie was Pancho Villa performed by Wallace Beery. The film started by showing when Pancho Villa was young and saw how the killers beat his dad to death when he was protesting after he lost his land. At that moment, Pancho Villa as a revenge he stab one of the killers and then he head off to the Hills of Chihuahua. As the time passed Pancho Villa with a band of rebel bandits started to killed wealthy land owners and he became the hero for a lot of poor people that admired him. Then, Don Felipe, a wealthy aristocrat, knew about Pancho Villa was the hero of a lot of poor people arrange for him to meet Francisco Madero. In the meeting with Francisco Madero, he convinces Pancho Villa to help him fight for the liberty of Mexico because he didn t agree of what Mexico had become with the ruling of Porfirio Diaz. Pancho Villa agreed to help him to fight for the liberty of Mexico. In the course of the fight to obtain the liberty of Mexico as Francisco Madero dream, Francisco Madero was killed. Pancho Villa decides to fight
  • 39. The Worst Day Of The World The worst day in the world started just like any other morning, it was the first morning of the school holidays and Mum had cooked us a breakfast feast fit for the Queen. There were three kinds of eggs, poached, scrambled and fried, with a side of bacon and mushrooms, hash browns and toast, plus pancakes and orange juice. Dad was digging into his serving when he looked up excitedly and said, Guess what? I ve got a live interview with the one and only, Oprah Winfrey! She s coming all the way from America and her first stop in Australia is here in Sydney, at our national news broadcaster, Sunshine! That s amazing, Thomas! said Mum, Well, Rebecca is going to my work today and see how Mum does her important job. I just rolled my eyes because we both knew that Mum couldn t leave me at home and I couldn t go with the others, so Mum was pretty much forced to take me to her work. Actually, I had to remind Mum that I was going to be alone at home today because she forgot about me! This breakfast is surely going to boost my confidence for my drama exam, today, said Samantha, my 16 year old sister, enthusiastically. Thanks, said Mum, Who tells the best chicken jokes? Comedi hens! I should ve warned you before, Mum tries to tell funny jokes, because her boss said to loosen up . My mum is an agent for a real estatecompany. Their company uses humour to help sell their houses. Adam, my 13 year old brother, covers his ears, pretending to be deafened by Mum s joke.
  • 40. A Vegetarian Diet Is A Better Diet Than A Meat Eaters If Slaughterhouses had glass walls the whole world would be Vegetarian. Vegetarianism involves eating vegetable products and eliminating meat for ethical, religious and nutritional reasons. A Vegetarian diet is a better diet than a meat eaters because it supports many religious beliefs and also is ethical and healthier. A vegetarian diet is a better diet than a meat eaters because it supports many religious beliefs. The Idea of a fleshless diet arose in India and eastern Mediterranean lands around the 1st millennium Bc. Many Greek and Roman philosophers and writers advocated vegetarianism as part of an ethical way of life (vegetarianism 1). For many people animal life is very sacred and is just as important as human life. The practice of abstaining from the consumption of flesh has been around for a long time and many well know genesis are or were vegetarians. For example, Paul McCartney (British Singer Songwriter; former Beatles Vocalist and bass guitarist), Mike Tyson (Former Undisputed heavyweight Champion), Albert Einstein (German US physicist; author of the special and general theories of relativity; Nobel prize recipient) and Rosa Parks (Civil rights activist credited with starting the US civil rights movement; author; Us Medal of Freedom recipient (1996); Martin Luther King jr. nonviolent peace prize recipient). In Roman Catholic church Trappist monks have practiced vegetarianism since 1666 (vegetarianism 1). Jewish and Christian groups considered eating flesh
  • 41. How Carlos Blasis And Arthur Mitchell s Role In The... Carlos Blasis and Arthur Mitchell, two brilliant dancers, masters, and teachers in their own rights, played a vital role in the evolution of ballet. Blasis, who was born in 1797 s Italy, used his strong mind and understanding of the craft to construct and raise the bar of ballet techniques worldwide. Mitchell, an African American born in 1934 s Harlem, spent his whole career breaking stereotypical barriers on the presence of black people in ballet. Their Ballet Tree Growing up, Carlos Blasis studied in Bordeaux, France under Jean Dauberval (an alias for Jean Bercher). Dauberval, famous for his comedy ballet, studied under French ballet master, Jean Georges Noverre. Noverre created and pioneered ballet d action which is a movement of transferring the emotions originally conveyed from the costumes, scenery, and props to the emotions of a dancer s body and facial expression. At this point the focus, in Noverre s eyes, were too much on the technical precision than the actual dance itself. (Crain, 2010) Noverre influenced Blasis as he too was praised for his expressiveness as a professional dancer (Cohen, 1998). For Arthur Mitchell, ballet wasn t his first choice in the style of dance. A guidance counselor convinced the young Mitchell to audition for the High School of the Arts where he was more interested in Modern dance. During high school, Karel Shook, who also taught other dance legends like Alvin Ailey, Carmen de Lavallade, and Geoffrey Holder (Grant, 1985), was
  • 42. Polygamy In Family Law Of The Qing Dynasty Compare the traditional and modern marriage, women have more free to control their own life now. They would like looking for love for their marriage, not a tool for carry on the family descent line. For traditional marriage, for mate selection, parents would like to choice family by perfect match. Women do not have any choice for love, also women do not have any opportunity to touch the society when after marriage in a family. The polygamy is a symbol to restrict women status during Qing Dynasty. In family law of the Qing Dynasty, polygamy with Chinese characteristics was both legally and morally encouraged and accepted, amenable to the custom of being noble in male gender and humble in female gender. Polygamy in the imperial palace set an example in society that encouraged the rich, the noble ... Show more content on ... The monogamy symbolizes the women has changes by serval ways, especially the regime have been changed for women. It also reflect the progress of modern civilization. For mate selection, women would like choose a men which have more intellect and moral character, and pay more attention to love. Also, women have the same position as men, and have opportunity to touch the society. They can live by themselves, because they have jobs, even women can support their families (Ke). In the article The Distant Sound of Tree felling , Yang Chun leave her father and fiancГ© to looking for a free life. Before she leave, she does not like the life which not subject to her control. In another article Love Must Not Be Forgotten, the author wrote, she is thirty years old, and she doesn t think the love with Qiaolin is true love. And then she asked her mother, Do you love my father? Her mother said, No, I never love him, and he also doesn t love me. The author states she is seeking for a true love, which is an easy thing but she is still seeking for even she is thirty years old. The free love/marriage is stronger and stronger for modern
  • 43. Who Is The Protagonist In The Midwife s Parentice Character Analysis She s cold... she s hungry... and she s alone until she knocks on the door. The book The Midwife s Apprentice starts off by introducing us to an unnamed orphan who scours from village to village just to get a meal. Later on in the book, she finds a role as The Midwife s Apprentice she continues with this role for the majority of the book. Towards the end of the book she begins to create a positive reputation for herself and eventually gives herself the name Alyce, while becoming well known in the village. When Alyce is first introduced to the reader, she is hopeless, but as the book goes on she becomes wiser. Finally towards the end of the book she becomes an experienced Midwife s Apprentice. At the beginning of the book Alyce is starving, she s cold, and she has to sleep on a dung heap for warmth. At this point she is hopeless, on Page 2, the text states Tonight she settled for the warm rotting of the dung heap. This shows that she is hopeless as she has to settle for the dung heap, it s not as if she had a choice of sleeping in a bed. On Page 2, ... Show more content on ... People are actually asking her for advice on certain random topics. On Page 41 the author states Alyce who had slept alone outside in the dark... had never yet seen the devil and had nothing to fear. This shows that she s wise because she is smart enough to realize that she had nothing to fear of the devil. A little later in the book on Page 52 the author states As september turned to october and October to November, through all those days, alyce grew in knowledge and skill. and but the villagers noticed, and as October turned to November and the ghosts walked on All hallows Eve, they began to ask her how why and what can I. This proves that she s wise as villagers began to ask for advice, and the text specify specifies that she is growing in knowledge and
  • 44. Arranged Marriage In Movies Marriage has always had one meaning from the beginning of time, which is a union between a man and a woman. However, more recently this definition has been changed to a marriage between two people no matter what their gender is. There are many opinions on marriage which can be seen in the scripture, the YOUCAT, in society, as well as in modern movies. These all have different point of views which portray marriagevery differently. The scripture is very clear on the roles of men and women in a marriage. Women were primarily seen as subordinate and lesser than men. They needed to do as their husband s wished. There are times that the scripture said that men and women were to respond to one another, and eluded to their equality. There was also... Show more content on ... In Arranged, the idea of arranged marriage is displayed. There are the parents who support it because they have had success, but the daughters are hesitant because they feel that they have no choice. There were some perks because their parents were being logical and thinking of economic security even though the daughters were looking for love. The movie, Pride and Prejudice, shows the how some parents may want their children to marry for financial purposes. The older sister Catherine agrees to marry Mr. Collins even though she does not love him. However, she does this because she does not want to be a burden to her parents. In the movie, City Island, there is a very complex marriage seen. This marriage had terrible communication in which the husband and wife lied to one another. They were not truthful because the husband did not tell his wife that he had a son or was interested in acting. The wife, however, smoked and would automatically assume the worse of her family. This marriage was horrible, but there was love deep down. They did love one another, and that is clear once they started to telling each other the truth. They were able to forgive each other, and try to move on after this. In the start of the movie, Not Easily Broken, there is the introduction to a religious couple. In their wedding there is three cord strand which represents the husband, wife, and God. There was a test to their marriage such as the car accident and the introduction of Julie. There was test of infidelity and sticking together through a hard time. They did stand strong in the end and were not easily
  • 45. Two Kinds by Amy Tan Essay In the short story, Two Kinds by Amy Tan, a Chinese mother and daughter are at odds with each other. The mother pushes her daughter to become a prodigy, while the daughter (like most children with immigrant parents) seeks to find herself in a world that demands her Americanization. This is the theme of the story, conflicting values. In a society that values individuality, the daughter sought to be an individual, while her mother demanded she do what was suggested. This is a conflict within itself. The daughter must deal with an internal and external conflict. Internally, she struggles to find herself. Externally, she struggles with the burden of failing to meet her mother s expectations. Being a first generation Asian American,... Show more content on ... At first, the daughter was to become a Chinese version of Shirley Temple. When that didn t work, her mother told her that she would be attending piano lessons. The daughter did not like the idea of playing the piano. Why don t you like me the way I am? . . . I am not a genius! I can t play the piano. And even if I could, I wouldn t go on TV if you paid me a million dollars! (492 493). Here, Tan is conveying the fact that parents and children have disagreements on what the child should do, and who the child is to become. For example, parents may have an idea where they want their child to attend their college education. The child, on the other hand, may want to go to a different college as suggested. Ultimately, it is the decision of the child. We cannot live how others want us to live. It is the path of our own making that truly makes us happy. Some may see the mother trying to live her life through her daughter. She invests time trying to make her daughter a prodigy because she was her last hope. The mother lost two children in China and moves to a new country. Coming to America, she felt that immigrants have to prove that they are as talented as or more talented than Americans. This belief is supposed to be the basis for the determination, that the mother has, for Jing mei to become a prodigy. The mother in the story tries everything in her power to make Jing mei famous in some way. Yet Jing mei was content to being herself.
  • 46. How Did Charles Correa s Contribution To The Art Of... CHARLES CORREA Charles Correa began his career when India became independent. He always worked towards designing building which had Indian ethics and western modernity at the same time. Correa drew inspiration from the historical buildings and vernacular architecture. He inculcated western modern designs of abstractions and transformed them into Indian imagination. His work depicts a certain playfulness of colour panes, light and shadows. Awarded by the Royal Institute for British Architects, Charles Correa believed that the architecture has lost it s true essence and is now all about whims and odd fashion. In all his projects, Correa demonstrated a strong relationship between the environment and the emotion related to it, ... Show more content on ... He taught us how a big project like Gandhi Smarak Sanghralaya could be designed with such simplicity. Correa designed a museum for the letters, books, values which were an integral part of Gandhi s lifestyle. Correa had a major task in hand to build a place which spoke of Gandhi s life, values and his philosophy. With some very simple objects as his very last possessions his glasses, footwear and the three monkeys, to Correa, it was the challenge to depict the Zen philosophy followed by Gandhi in his design. Such was the design of Correa that it depicted elegance, austere beauty, beaming with natural light and cool breeze. The structure was very simply designed and felt of walking through an Indian village with random closed and open spaces but it had a beautiful pattern which communicated that experience lightness and transparency. The materials used are clay tiles, white walls, exposed red brick; very simple and minimal for such a grand man. It is quite evident for the visitors as well, wherein one experiences sudden peace and clarity. The principles followed then by Gandhi and his people were very clear and straight which has been reflected in the ashram. Wherever one sees to, the tranquillity and transparency is observed. Started by Gandhi, the minimalism or the advent of it has been taken forward by Charles Correa quite
  • 47. Breach Of Confidentiality As a business owner or professional in Texas, you may have business related information you want kept confidential. As such, you may ask your employees or those with whom you work to sign confidentiality agreements. According to Black s Law Dictionary, these types of agreements stipulate that the signer keep information confidential, and return any documents as requested. Perhaps the most obvious way for you to handle a breach of confidentiality is to terminate the offending worker s employment. Typically, you will be well within your legal rights to fire an employee who has violated this type of agreement. If you have an employment contract in place, it is advisable to check the fine print before making your decision. Often times, however,
  • 48. Spiders Essay Spiders Spiders can be found in all environments throughout the entire world, except in the air and sea. (Biology of Spiders, R.Foelix) These invertebrates of the order Aranea are one of the several groups of the Class Arachnida, with about thirty four thousand species. They range in body size from only a few millimeters in length to almost five inches. All are carniverous and have four pair of walking legs, one pair of pedipalps, and one pair of chelicerae. (Spiders, W.Shear) Each chelicerae consists of a base and a fang. The fang folds up inside of a groove in the base until needed when attacking food, then moves out to bite and releases venom from a tiny opening at its end as it penetrates the prey. (Biology Of Spiders, ... Show more content on ... There are some spitting spiders that have only six, and there are some with only two or four eyes. Some cave spiders have no eyes at all and rely only on vibration. There are great differences in the ways which spiders capture prey. Some may stalk their prey, while others may lie in wait and ambush it. Other spiders may weave various types of webs used to capture passing prey, and there are some smaller commensal spiders that live in larger spiders webs and feed on the smaller insects neglected by their host. (The Spider Book, J.Comstock) All spiders spin silk, though not all of them weave webs. Silk is most commonly seen used in forming webs, which may vary from a highly elaborated orb of spiraling threads to a single sticky string. Most webs can be placed into one of four different types: the orb webs, the funnel webs, tangle webs, and the sheet webs. The main purpose of a web is for catching prey. With orb weavers (Araneidae), the spider will first form a supporting structure of frame threads to which it will then add on radial threads. (Biology of Spiders, R.Foelix) These tightly strung threads provide quick access to any where on the web, and also carry any vibrations from the outer perimeter to the center. (The Spider Book, J.Comstock) After the innitial threads are placed, the spider will build on a catching spiral made of sticky silk. These spirals will be what capture and snare prey until the spider is able to reach it and inject it with its
  • 49. Watership Down Quotes In the downs of a small farm, two rabbits are preparing to flee their warren in order to escape men come to kill them. Richard Adam s Watership Down follows these two rabbits Hazel and Fiver as they gather a following and make their way across the farmland to safety. The band of misfits looks to Hazel for guidance, and he leads them to their haven: a warren atop the hills where the rabbits are safe and sound. However, the need to keep the warren going pushes the rabbits to continue exploring and find does in other warrens. While looking, they meet the Efrafa warren. This warren is lead by General Woundwort, and immediately the two parties are at odds with one another. The most noticeable difference is between the leaders of the two warrens: Hazel and General Woundwort. Both Hazel and General Woundwort are cunning; however, the leaders use their wits in different ways. Hazel uses his wit for the betterment of his people, while General Woundwort uses his to control and oppress his people. Some leaders are born into their position, others rise to the occasion, and a small few seize the position themselves the latter of the three describe both Hazel and General Woundwort. Their motivation is what separates them. Hazel takes charge of his warren to protect them, while General Woundwort climbs up the ladder of power using any means available. In the beginning, Hazel s warren did not have a leader. It was merely a band of misfit rabbits trying to leave their warren. Hazel proves himself a leader when the Owsla, or rabbitpolice, come to arrest the rabbits that try to leave. After a fight breaks out, Hazel steps forward to protect his brothers, Go, said Hazel, firmly and quietly, Or we ll kill you (21). Hazel believes that if there is no way to get his people out safely, then they will have to go out fighting. The instinct to protect and fight for his people is how Hazel becomes the leader of his warren. His brave actions make him becomes the Chief Rabbit of his warren. Hazel did not seek leadership, he simply led. In contrast to this natural leadership, General Woundwort is more power hungry and ruthless. He is the tyrant of his warren Efrafa. The narrator tells the story of General Woundwort and how his
  • 50. Voltaire s Candide as an Attack on Optimism Essays Voltaire s Attack on Optimism in Candide Leibnitz emphasized, in his Discours de Metaphysique (Discourse on Metaphysics) (1686) the role of a benevolent creator. He called the constituent components of the universe monads, and while the philosophy of monads is of little concern to readers of Candide, the conclusion which Leibnitz drew from these monads is crucial to an understanding of optimism. Leibnitz argued that all of these monads were linked in a complex chain of cause and effect and that this linking had been done by a divine creator as he created the harmonious universe. Since he was benevolent, omnipotent, and omniscient, he logically would create the best of all possible worlds. Hence, everything ... Show more content on ... As a Deist, Voltaire s God was one who initially created the world, and then left it to its own devices. When, at the end of Candide, Pangloss asks the dervish as to why man exists, the dervish responds What does it matter whether there s good or evil? When his highness sends a ship to Egypt, does he worry whether the mice on board are comfortable or not? To Voltaire, men were the mice, and his highness was not concerned in the least with their day to day existence. How are Voltaire s views manifest in Candide?? Pangloss is meant not to attack Leibnitz, but rather optimism as a philosophy. Thus the reader cannot forget that all of Pangloss s ramblings are not Voltaire s personal attacks on Leibnitz, but in some way represent an (often humorous) characterization of the typical optimist. Pangloss, writes Voltaire, Proved admirably that there cannot possibly be an effect without a cause, and that in this best of all possible worlds the Baron s castle was the most beautiful of all castles and his wife the best of all possible baronesses (2). Thus we have established Pangloss as the champion of optimism. Yet just as quickly, Voltaire points out the absurdity of this doctrine. Observe, says Pangloss, seeking to demonstrate that everything has a cause and effect, noses were made to support spectacles, hence we have spectacles. Legs, as anyone can
  • 51. Free Cash Flow and Corporate Valuation Model Assignment Chapter 15 True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. _F___1.The corporate valuation model cannot be used unless a company doesn t pay dividends. _T___2.Free cash flows should be discounted at the firm s weighted average cost of capital to find the value of its operations. _F___3.Value based management focuses on sales growth, profitability, capital requirements, the weighted average cost of capital, and the dividend growth rate. _F___4.Two important issues in corporate governance are (1) the rules that cover the board s ability to fire the CEO and (2) the rules that cover the CEO s ability to remove members of the board. _F___5.If a company s expected return on ... Show more content on ... If the weighted average cost of capital is 15%, what is the firm s value of operations, in millions? a.| $948| b.| $998| c.| $1,050| d.| $1,103| e.| $1,158| ____16.Suppose Leonard, Nixon, amp; Shull Corporation s projected free cash flow for next year is $100,000, and FCF is expected to grow at a constant rate of 6%. If the company s weighted average cost of capital is 11%, what is the value of its operations? a.| $1,714,750| b.| $1,805,000| c.| $1,900,000| d.| $2,000,000| e.| $2,100,000| ____17.Zhdanov Inc. forecasts that its free cash flow in the coming year, i.e., at t = 1, will be $10 million, but its FCF at t = 2 will be $20 million. After Year 2, FCF is expected to grow at a constant rate of 4% forever. If the weighted average cost of capital is 14%, what is the firm s value of operations, in millions? a.| $158| b.| $167| c.| $175| d.| $184| e.| $193| ____18.Leak Inc. forecasts the free cash flows (in millions) shown below. If the weighted average cost of capital is 11% and FCF is expected to grow at a rate of 5% after Year 2, what is the Year 0 value of operations, in millions? Assume that the ROIC is expected to remain constant in Year 2 and beyond (and do not make any half year adjustments). Year:| 1| 2| Free cash flow:| $50| $100| a.| $1,456| b.| $1,529| c.| $1,606| d.| $1,686| e.| $1,770|