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Conclusion Global Warming Essay
Writing an essay on the conclusion of global warming is a task that demands careful
consideration, extensive research, and a nuanced understanding of the subject matter. Global
warming is a complex and multifaceted issue, involving scientific, environmental, social, and
economic dimensions. Crafting a thoughtful conclusion requires synthesizing information from
various sources, analyzing data, and presenting a cohesive argument that addresses the key
points raised throughout the essay.
One of the challenges in concluding a global warming essay is the need to strike a balance
between highlighting the severity of the issue and proposing viable solutions. It's essential to
leave a lasting impact on the reader, urging them to reflect on the consequences of climate
change and the urgency for collective action. Achieving this balance requires a skillful use of
language, employing persuasive techniques to convey the significance of the problem without
inducing despair.
Moreover, addressing the potential counterarguments and criticisms is crucial in fortifying the
essay's conclusion. Anticipating opposing viewpoints and offering well-reasoned rebuttals adds
depth and credibility to the overall argument. This process demands meticulous research and an
understanding of the various perspectives on global warming, making the essay not only
informative but also intellectually robust.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the conclusion of global warming is a challenging endeavor
that requires a comprehensive grasp of the topic, effective communication skills, and the ability
to weave together diverse strands of information. It is an opportunity to leave a lasting
impression on the reader, inspiring them to consider the gravity of climate change and the
necessity for immediate and collective action.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing tasks, a variety of
resources are available. Platforms like provide professional services for custom
essays, research papers, and more. These services can offer support in crafting well-researched
and well-structured essays on a wide range of topics, including those related to global warming.
Conclusion Global Warming EssayConclusion Global Warming Essay
How America Treats Other Countries
In 1776, the United States of America gained its independence from Great Britain. At
this time, America was a small, developing country. Flash forward 239 years,
America is one of the world s most powerful and influential countries. How does the
world view this powerful, influential country? We will determine how other countries
view America by learning and analyzing how America treats its own citizens, how
America treats other countries, and how America manages its own budget. We
propose that the world views America as a well developed, economically, and
politically stable nation that treats its citizens with the utmost respect.
One way to analyze how the world views America, is to examine how America treats
its own citizens. One of a ... Show more content on ...
Americans also pay significantly higher for medicines and prescribed drugs than
other citizens in other countries. This information suggests the fact that even though
the United States of America has the proper health care available for every citizen,
America doesn t supply it to its citizens because some of them cannot afford it. This
shows other countries that America doesn t have the best interest for its citizens in
mind, only the most profitable one.
To analyze how the world views America, we need to examine exactly just how
America treats the rest of the world. Since the end of World War II, there have been
248 armed conflicts in 153 locations around the world. The United States launched
201 overseas military operations between the end of World War II and 2001, and
since then, others, including Afghanistan and Iraq .... (Arya, Barker, Donohoe,
Gorman, Hagopian, Lubens, Rohde, White, Wiist, 2014). America has engaged in
wars and operations throughout the entire world and has become involved in
foreign affairs where their participation is unwelcome and unwanted. I d feel deep
anger, not only at them returning Bush to power, but for allowing the outside world
to lump us all into the same category of moronic muppets. The self righteous, gun
totin , military lovin , sister marryin , abortion hatin , gay lothin , foreigner despisin ,
non passport ownin red necks, who believe God gave America
Joining Cross Country In High School
Imagine this, you are standing at the starting line. You turn your head to first your
left, then your right. You see the people you will be sharing the course with the next
3.1 miles. You take a deep breath and continue to move your legs around. The man
with the gun comes onto the course standing in front of all of the runners and
explains what to do and the rules. You get into position, take another deep breath,
then BAM! The gun goes off and everyone runs away.
I did not know that I could push myself so hard and come far enough to drop over a
minute of time from freshman year for my 5k time. Joining cross country in high
school was quite scary for me. I did not know many people, other than the two girls
who were over ten minutes faster than
Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay Guidelines
Writing Handout E 5: Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay Guidelines Structuring a
Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay A persuasive essay is simply a writer s attempt
to convince readers of the validity of a particular opinion on a controversial issue.
The following steps should help you write a persuasive essay. 1. Carefully select a
topic Choose a topic that interests you. An argument does not have to be a burning
issue, but it must be a debatable topic. It can be anything you feel strongly about. 2.
Identify the controversy Your introduction should clarify the controversy or issue.
Your thesis states your position on the issue. You must take a stand on the issue. 3.
Provide support The body paragraphs of the essay should provide... Show more
content on ...
It is not uncommon to see a boxer leave the ring with a cut on his face, an eye
swollen shut, and a nose enlarged and bloody. Often, healing in is incomplete
because these areas receive the same blows again and again in other matches. In
fact, repeated blows almost cost Sugar Ray Leonard his sight when his retina
detached in his left eye. Besides superficial injuries, boxers suffer
Attitude of Secondary level Teachers towards Continuous...
Model Research Proposal
Title of the problem
Submitted By Submitted To
Karikalan k Dr. M .Vakkil
M.Phil(P/T) Assistant Professor
Swami Vivekananda says, Education should help in the appearance of the latent
talents of the learner .
The National Police on Education (1986) emphasized the need for Continuous and
Comprehensive Evaluation to facilitate active and meaningful learning in classrooms.
The Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation is not only focusing on the classroom
... Show more content on ...
Apart from demographic variables related to Gender, School location, Teachers
Education qualification, School types are collected.
Secondary level Teachers in Dharmapuri District under Tamil Nadu state board.
Samples of the 300 Teachers are teaching Secondary / Middle Schools in Dharmapuri
District under Tamil Nadu state board.
The tool to be constructing by the Researcher:
Rating scale.
(Attitude of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation method of evaluation)
To collect the Attitude of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation method of
evaluation type Rating Scale to the selection sample of the Teachers teaching varies
place in Secondary level schools in Dharmapuri District.
Analysis of the data in the present study is done with the focus on the Continuous and
Comprehensive Evaluation methods of evaluation of Teachers with Gender, School
location, Teachers Education Qualification, School type. The data was analysis were
the Mean, Standard Deviation, t test and other statistical calculations.
Following are the Variables used in the study:
Attitude of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation
пѓ Gender
пѓ School location
пѓ Locality of teachers.
пѓ Teachers Education qualification.
пѓ Improved the quality
Mini-Trampoline Research Paper
Jumping for Joy: Tone Your Body On a Mini Trampoline Remember how much fun
it was to bounce on the bed when you were a kid, or jump on a trampoline at a
weight loss camp. You didn t realize that you were strengthening muscles in your
body including your heart. You can do that again, and this time, work out on the
abs with a mini trampoline in the spare time at home. Add it to your schedule and
soon you ll be looking forward to it. Get acquainted with sports clothes that contain
the miracle fibers of spandex. Along with enjoying your new look in fashionable
clothes, you ll bend and stretch with comfort, and you ll look good as you return to
a toned and energetic body. Stretch the Muscles to Lessen Injuries Take time for a
before and after
Work Breakdown Structure Of A New System
Work Breakdown Structure Gantt Chart The essential roles and required functions for
this project Reviewing the interview summaries is the first step of initiation for
creating a new system. According to the business case (Rosenblatt, 2014), there are
different perspectives and various aspects towards the existing system and the
essential preferences from the employees for creating a new system. Including, town
manager, equipment department manager, maintenance supervisor, maintenance
clerk, as well as mechanic are all the employees which perform a critical function in
the operation of the Town. Fact Finding and Reviewing existing system are the first
step to get the requirement, after review the interview summaries, which include the
main problems, unsystematic record keeping and standard in putting data into the
system. According to the role system analyst (Rosenblatt, 2014), system analyst will
associate with project manager in order to investigate and identify the issues that need
to fix. Moreover, they will transform the business requirements into IT
implementation, which will pass the requirement to the design process and prototype
respectively. Design process is really important for a new system proposal to respond
the need of the employees and overhaul the outdated system that there are some
problems especially in terms of standard in putting codes and integrating method of
working for productive system, for example, specifying the standard in putting data
Did Pugin s Revival Of The Gothic Use Tradition As A
Leigh Hamilton
AA100 TMA 4
In what ways did Pugin s revival of the Gothic use tradition as a form of dissent?
Essay Plan
Introduction What is dissent? Introduce Pugin
Paragraphs 1 2 Pugin s aims and inspiration
Paragraph 3 Attack on the era of Reformations and Protestantism. Plate 4.7 decay of
taste . Difference in Church styles.
Paragraph 4 Treatment of the poor. Plate 2.4.11
Paragraph 5 Christian architecture pointing upwards.
Paragraphs 6 7 Emphasis on Britain s greatness not requiring ideas from other
countries. Big Ben
Paragraph 8 Conclusion
Leigh Hamilton
AA100 TMA 4
In what ways did Pugin s revival of the Gothic use tradition as a form of dissent?
To answer this question, we must first ask ... Show more content on ...
While the Contrasts focused and differences and similarities between the two
historical periods, Pugin s next book True Principles focused on the Gothic as being a
true Christian architecture (Richardson, McKellar, Woods, 2008, p.128).
Pugin advocated for pointed or Christian architecture (as Pugin called then what is
now referred to as Gothic style; Richardson, McKellar, Woods, 2008, p. 113) aimed
to reach up to heaven, symbolising Jesus resurrection. Pugin stressed an
Analysis Of The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock
J. Alfred Prufrock is not your standard heroic alpha male. He is a representation of the
typical modern man. Prufrock is overeducated, fearful, timid, overly sensitive, and
graceful. Throughout the poems, he continuously ponders lost opportunities and
unanswered questions. This is the modern man, not strong and silent but weak and
accessible. He represents the modern man by openly displaying disappointment and
vulnerability. The modern man has lost sight of the quality of life and the truly
important things in life. The character, J. Alfred Prufrock, represents all
characteristics of a modern man; He is obsessed with his appearance and how much
and how fast he is aging.
The poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot centers on an aging,
insecure middle aged man. The action described in the poem takes place in the
evening in a dreary part of a foggy city. The exact location remains unknown, but it
is believed to be the City of London, or St. Luis. However, Eliot most likely
intended the setting to be any city, anywhere. The speaker of this ironic monologue
is a modern, urban man who, like many of his kind, feels lonely and incapable of
making a decision and acting upon it. Irony is apparent in the title since this is not a
predictable love song. Prufrock would like to speak and love a woman, but he does
not because of his insecurities and fear of rejection. Since the reader is overhearing
his thoughts, the poem seems rather confusing at first. But Prufrock
Altruism In The Armed Forces
The Armed Forces to me means for someone to battle with a selfless attitude. I
know many people who fight or have fought in the Armed Forces. Someone close
to fought in the Navy, he is my grandpa. My grandpa s and other troops love for the
United States of America is endless and unconditional. Leaving their loved ones
takes a deep devotion to go miles away from everyone they ve ever known so that
freedom our persist for generations. It can be hard for the loved ones to let the troop
leave, but they know it rewards the United Statesand all the people residing here.
That type of individual can be described as the trait of altruism. This specific type of
personality trait takes integrity and courage that encompasses this type of troop. The
Compare And Contrast Hardin And Swift
Garrett Hardin and Jonathan Swift have different views on helping the poor.
Although they grew up in different centuries, Hardin is against and Swift is for
helping the poor. People are going to continue to be poor if they depend on
someone else to help them. The ones living in poverty have the potential to do great
things if they put forth the effort. Hardin and Swift s opinions differ on whether or
not it is the peoples fault for being poor, the limited resources toward helping the
poor and if it is too late to help them.
When a country is poor the people blame others for their poverty. Hardin believes
that the poor are lazy and they rely on government assistance. The poor has the
ability to get a job, but they do not put effort into searching for one. On the other
hand, Swift blames the politicians and English for their poverty in Ireland. Swift
thinks that it isn t the poor s fault and if they could get a job, they would.
Is it possible for the world to run out of resources? ... Show more content on ...
Hardin states an example, a nation s land has a limited capacity to support a
population and as the current energy crisis has shown us, in some ways we have
already exceeded the carrying capacity of our land .(Hardin 169) It is believed by
Hardin that there is limited resources and if we helped the poor it would be
ineffective. In contrast, Swift thinks that limited resources are not an issue. In Swift s
A Modest Proposal , he says that the children, who are of poor decent, use them as
income for the poor and the children will be a commodity for the rich. Swift did not
literally mean for this to happen but that the proposal to sell the children was absurd
and the rich would do it
Nuclear Deterrence And The Soviet Union
Nuclear deterrence was first identified in you during the Cold War between the
United States and Soviet Union. The United States and the Soviet Union both
assembled a huge stockpile of nuclear weapons. Beforehand the United States had the
upper hand with nuclear weapons, but the Soviet Union quickly emerged. It used this
threat of massive retaliation as a means to deter Soviet hostility. The Soviet Union
insinuated that there was in fact leeway or a chance that a probable nuclear war
could be fought and won. At this moment the United States decided to adopt the idea
of nuclear deterrence. To be more threatening and convincing to the Soviet Union, the
United States began to develop and deploy several different types of systems or
strategies that could be used to attack the Soviet Union.
During 1960s the United States had by then developed three systems as a basis of
strategic deterrence. These three strategies were long range manned aircraft that
carried nuclear bombs, land based large scale ballistic missiles with nuclear
warheads, and nuclear powered submarines on with nuclear ballistic missiles. This
new system became known as the Strategic Triad. Because of how powerful the
three strategies are, it will be almost impossible to destroy all three at once, so the
strategic triad was impervious.
In 1968 the non proliferation treaty was made up the objective is to prevent the
spread of nuclear weapons technology nuclear disarmament in general and complete
The Planetary System Of The Earth And Moon
Abstract The planetary system consisting of the Earth and Moon has been closely
examined since the birth of man. The Moon is a scientifically important planet that
preserves a unique history of planetary formation and early development, as well as
recording the historical space environment and cosmic radiation for billions of years.
Due to its proximity to the Earth, the Moonhas also been a target for human
exploration and long term extraterrestrial habitation. Knowledge of the Moon s
characteristics and its resources has become especially important for planning future
space travel from Earth. Relationships between the Earth and Moon in origin,
composition, and orbital dynamics are critical to scientific understanding as well as
to the ultimate goals of lunar infrastructure development and habitation. The Moon
has several unique characteristics when compared to the Earth which stem primarily
from its lack of water, atmosphere, and biological life. Unlike on Earth,
sedimentation on the Moon occurs primarily as a result of meteoroid impacts, but
also by other means. Lunar soil is the fine fraction of the regolith found on the
surface of the Moon. Its properties can differ significantly from those of terrestrial
soil. The physical properties of lunar soil result from mechanical disintegration of
basaltic and anorthositic rock, caused by meteoric impact and bombardment over
billions of years. Weathering is primarily mechanical, in which the lunar terrain is
Janet Parshall s In The Marketplace
The talk radio program that I chose to listen to was Janet Parshall s In the
Marketplace. The topic discussed during this program was the Republican
Presidential Debate. The host, Janet Parshall, and her husband Craig lead the
conversation. A few people called in and voiced their opinions on the subject as well.
It was an hour long program that discussed many different things that had happened
during the Republican Presidential Debate. The program began with a few facts
about the debate that had occurred on Wednesday the 16th of September. Twenty five
million people tuned in to the debate that night, but the number of people who stayed
for the entire three hours of the debate is unsure. Many topics were discussed during
this debate including... Show more content on ...
It was clear that Washington outsiders had been receiving more votes as of late, and
these callers had mentioned these people as candidates they were supporting. Among
the names mentioned were Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, and Rand Paul. Janet Parshall
had posed the question, why are people more interested in the people who are outside
of Washington, and the answer was this: A lot of Americans want a President with a
business attitude instead of a political attitude. They want someone who can turn
around the national debt of our country and get the business side of our government
running smoothly again. This is why Donald Trump has been receiving a lot of
popularity. People don t want someone who is thinking only politically; they want a
businessman. That business man should, however, know how things operate in
government, and how they are supposed to operate in theory according to the
Constitution. Another thing they had talked about during this program was the fact
that at the Republican Presidential Debate, the moderators were deliberately turning
the candidates against each other with the questions they were asking. They were
purposely trying to get them to fight with each other instead of trying to get them to
discuss the real issues that needed to be discussed. The moderators just wanted to see
how the candidates reacted to this
Estate Of Erasmus Allassi. Thirty Years Before Erasmus
Estate of Erasmus Allassi
Thirty years before Erasmus Allassi became the last living heir to the Allassi
shipping fortune, his father, Stathos Allassi, lived in a small village, perched
clifftop, overlooking the Cycladic Islands in Greece. Growing up among the tranquil
white washed houses of Chora Anafi a poor village, where locals survived on
anchovies and sapts Erasmus Allassi found success in fishing. For Anafiots fishing
was as natural as the mythological stories surrounding Anafi; tales of the island
surfacing from the Aegean Sea to protect the Argonauts, who had prayed to Apollo to
save them from the angry sea.
However, the serenity of the village had been broken one day, when his father had
succumbed to an irresistible ... Show more content on ...
The well brushed man entered with a letter between his fingers. Sir, this just came
from you. I think you should open it.
What is the urgency?
It is from the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, sir. He handed the card to his boss and
stood back.
Allassi took the card from the man and read it. Engraved on the card:
Would like to invite Mr. Erasmus Allassi to an Evening Reception at Maxim s de
Paris at 3 Rue Royale, 75008 Paris, France on Monday, the 22nd, December, 1955, at
5:30 o clock
Black and White Formal Attire Requested. Allassi handed the card back to the man.
Put this on my calendar, as a maybe. Then he waved his majordomo away. He gazed
at the weathered stone walls of his grand bedroom. He lived in a windswept villa on
the CГґte d Azur, the benefactor of an unusually golden life, both in America and the
capitals of Europe. But, this afternoon he wished that he had not been invited to this
dinner at Maxims.
Sure, his golden court held him in high regard. Why not, with his witty repartee and
gallant Г©lan? But, he was growing bored with the galas. The illustrious fame. The
anointed. The monarchs and the divine. Including the bored expressions on the
perfect faces of women with superbly coifed hair, the blessed women of haute
Certainly, in privileged circles, he was known as an attractive, well heeled man about
town. Always congenial and known for that world famous
Farewell To Arms Masculinity
The traditional idea of male masculinity is upheld by enforcing a certain standard
upon men at an early age. A Farewell To Arms, by Ernest Hemingway, is a novel
about the tragedies of war, with an overly romanticized love story twisted in the
plot. With our two main characters severely impacted by World War 1, they find a
place of solitude and bliss after meeting. Lieutenant Frederic Henry moved from his
home in America to join the Italian army during WW1, With nothing but a search
for purpose in his life. Following an injury on the battlefield he is left hospitalized
and with the realization that he is not meant to be fighting in a war. He finds himself
beginning a relationship with his British nurse, Catherine Barkley. The two planned
on starting a family in Switzerland, yet soon after getting pregnant she gives birth to
a stillborn and passes away. What appears to be love takes place between Fredric,
and Catherine may just be a statement of the human desire to find affection after
loneliness and traumatic events. In love with the idea of love. The story constantly
reminds us of the coping... Show more content on ...
Males who display fear are labeled less of a man. Fredric states I‟m very brave
when I ve had a drink (111). Both Catherine and Frederic are emotionally deterred
from the devastating impact of war, either being through a death of a loved one or
separation. With our male protagonist beginning the story as a brave, and stoic
hero we soon realize a complex set of emotions, and alienation he endures. Fredric
is a man who lives a life without meaning, lost on a perilous journey in obtaining
purpose. The protagonist time after time fails to conceptualize his identity. While
most of his fellow comrades have found their place in the war, as brave men who
embrace death as their honorable fate. A lack of passion, motive, and direction is
enough to drive a person down a path of depression and
The Surprising Science Of Happiness Rhetorical Analysis
The Psychological Immune System In the Ted Talk The Surprising Science of
Happiness by Dan Gilbert in 2004, he talks about the psychological immune system
(4:30). In the lecture he uses different rhetorical technics to strengthen his examples.
The logic of logos, pathos and ethos are used to persuade the audience. Logos is the
appeal to reason, and it focuses on the practicality of the object. Ethosis the appeal to
authority, and an example is the use of an authoritative figure as a promotion. Pathos
is the appeal to emotion, which acts upon relating to and drawing out the emotions
of the audience (Kirszer and Mandell 13). To understand the purpose of the lecture
requires an analysis of the rhetorical strategies and logos, paths, ethos being used as a
means of persuasion to appeal to the... Show more content on ...
The purpose of the lecture is to encourage people to understand the true phycology of
happiness. Most people do not understand the way of thinking or how the brain
works. Dan Gilbert states the understanding of thought as an unknown bias because
of the psychological immune system (4:30) making humans have a preconceived
notion about happiness. People subconsciously divide happiness in to two categories:
natural happiness and synthetic happiness. Natural happiness occurs in the brain
when someone gets what they want. Synthetic happiness is happiness developed by
the brain to protect a person s ego, by making the unwanted outcome justifiable. The
negative unwanted outcome must be justified as superior to the original want
because the brain cannot deal with the cognitive dissonance of being denied.
Cognitive dissonance is a state of tension that occurs whenever a person holds two
cognitions(ideas, attitudes,
How To Write A Narrative Essay About Moving To College
Staying still in one place was something my body craved for years as time passed
by. Every year brought the same experience; just like a game of hopscotch.
Jumping from one school district to the next as my parents moved from one dairy
to another, in hopes to find a job that had enough income. As I moved from school
to school, a part of me became frustrated from all the jumping. In my studies, some
schools would be more ahead with their objectives for the year while others would
be below the state s educational standards. Consistency was something foreign, and
though foreign elements give most people a feeling of anxiety, it was something
that I wished for with excitement. By the time I entered fifth grade, marking the
end of elementary school, I was finally able to find consistency in my studies.
Although I was able to stay in the same public school district up until my senior
year, my family still moved from house to house. Even though my parents could
move my siblings and I to a school closer to home, they decided not to since they
believed the school district I was in now would set me up for a brighter and more
stable life than their own.... Show more content on ...
There were many times where the overwhelming pressure to bring my family pride
had taken a toll on my mentality, which resulted in me turning to music to cope
with my struggles. Realizing that music had helped me in ways I ve never even
imagined inspired me to see what it could do for others, and how it can be
beneficial to those who struggle in various ways. Shortly after this revelation, I
began to take in interest in music therapy and its ability to help an immense number
of people. If I could create music to help those in need, then I could live life contently
The Effects Of Media On Women s Body Image
The effects of media on women s body image has been a reality long before the
conception of social media. When someone is idealized, it is only natural that one
will gravitate towards the characteristics most define the idealized person. It is
innate in humankind to continuously strive for self betterment as it is a means for
survival. If we perceive someone else doing better than ourselves we try to find out
what they are doing that we aren t. The perception of self is often measurement of
how one feels about their life and the direction it is going. With the emergence of
social media, the number of idealizations has heightened due to the degree of content
that we are exposed to. The internet itself is an endless black hole with an infinite
amount of information. Roughly a third of the world having some form of social
media. In the United States alone, the population on social media is 78%.
The percentage of women who are dissatisfied with their bodies have increased.
Studies have directly linked media and its correlation to women s body image.
Women have developed insecurities because their standards of beauty have been
shaped by their exposure to media. According to the journal titled, Women s exposure
to thin and beautiful media images: body image effects of media ideal internalization
and impact reduction interventions television characters are overrepresented while
overweight characters are (Yamamiya et al., 2005). Leading to the normalization of
the depicted
Misery Islands Themes
Misery Islands by January O Neil
When I heard January O Neil read a few of her pieces from Misery Islands, I knew I
had to buy the book, and I m glad I did. If I had to name the theme of this book, I d
have to say it s a mix between pain and growth and joy and wanting to stay in one
place forever. I like the combination because while one piece makes you want to stay
in the place January is, and enjoy the moments that are happening, the next piece
can make you want to forget. It s not all happy pieces and then all sad pieces: it s
realistic with sad and happy pieces mixed together in random places. One minute
you re reading You Get Up and the next you re reading Cunt. It s like life. You Are
Not Your Salary (pg. 8) is a piece that caught my eye, and I ve found that I ve read
the piece almost every day, or I m saying it in my head. I interpreted it saying that
someone can be everything, they can be everywhere, but they re not the only thing
out there. I connected this piece to my Mom in a really strange way. She s the person
who gave birth to me, she s the one who raised me (kinda), she s my Mom... but she
s not the person I need. After Making Love, I Leave to Write a Poem (pg. 29) is one
of my favorite poems probably ever. I can ... Show more content on ...
Many of these pieces broke my heart into what seems like a million pieces. A heavy
topic in this book is sex, specifically, rape. This is something I ve experienced, and
the feelings that come with that experience are executed beautifully. It s like the
words I ve been needing to say are on the pages in front of me. One thing I found
interesting about this book is the fact that in random places, there are facts about
different things. For example, on page 31, the word rape is defined, and then a story
about the author s childhood is told. It s not poetic in the least, but it almost feels that
way because of everything you ve read up to that
The Effect Of Chemical Reactions On Temperature,
Discussion of Goals During this experiment we tested the amount of change in heat
given off during different chemical reactions. We created a calorimeter that we will
use to test different reactions to see how the heat energy was affected. After
completing the experiments we were able to tell what chemicals or metals would
change the heatenergy for every reaction we tested. Overall, this experiment showed
us what characteristics of chemical reactions affect the change in temperature,
enthalpy, and specific heat. Discussion of Results During the past four weeks we
have been working on identifying heat changes between an assortment of different
chemicals and metals. We constructed two calorimeters out of four Styrofoam cups,
tape,... Show more content on ...
The cause of the large gap simply could have been a measuring mistake and or
possibly an added human error. After making our final tweaks to our calorimeters we
moved on to experimenting with the heat changes for several acids and a base
mixture continuing from week one. We tested the same base (Sodium Hydroxide)
with three different acids (Acetic Acid, Nitric Acid, and Hydrochloric Acid) all at
one molarity; results are shown in Table 2. After testing our three experiments we
discovered a pattern with our acid and base reactions. Noticing that when we tested
a stronger acid with a base the reaction would give off higher heat energy readings;
versus the weak acid we tested. Which proves that there is a connection between
chemical strength and heat energy. Leaving us with the conclusion that the
stronger the chemical used, the greater heat energy released from the reaction that
took place. Moving on with our project into week two we continued to test acids
and bases; but, we changed the acid and base molarity this time as seen in Table 3.
The point of this experiment was to see if the acid and base molarity (that we
changed from 1, 3, and to 6 moles) would affect the amount of heat energy given
off. We tested the same Acetic Acid and NaOH. Measuring 50mL of one mole
NaOH and adding 50mL one mole Acetic Acid. We tested each experiment twice to
make sure we were accurate and checked for possible errors made. We did have one
Octopus Evolution
People have been comparing the octopus to an alien life form for years most notably
mollusk expert Martin Wells, grandson of H.G. Wells, who ate his subjects after he
experimented on them.
Wells anecdotally referred to octopuses as the only alien intelligence that humans
have encountered. But try as he might, Wells who devoted his life to the study of
cephalopods could not tap the origins of the creature s intelligence.
Now, a new breakthrough in octopus genome mapping has revealed that the strange
creatures have more secrets than we ever realized.
Scientists at the University of Chicago, the University of California at Berkeley, and
the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology have fully mapped the DNA
sequencing of the Bimac octopus, better known as the California two spot octopus. ...
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Alien????? Everything Octopus
For starters, the DNA of an octopus contains nearly 10,000 more gene codes than that
of a human. Various clusters of these gene codes perform different tasks and octopus
genes are specially equipped to do very versatile things. For instance, six different
octopus gene codes combine to produce an octopus s ability to rapidly camouflage
itself. Another gene type, protocadherin, allows the development of neurons and
neural transmissions.
Most mammals, including humans, only have 70 or so protocadherins. The octopus
has 168. And the octopus has one of the largest gene families devoted to
development of any animal we ve mapped so far second only to the elephant.
Perhaps the biggest surprise is that the DNA of an octopus is essentially like a road
map where the road signs keep hopping around. The octopus has an extremely large
number of jumping genes, called transposons, that can easily change their position in
a protein chain. Researchers also found evidence in the octopus s RNA suggesting
that they can easily alter their own protein sequences. In the researchers press release,
Caroline Albertin, who co led the study,
Analyzing The Movie Back To The Future
Back to the Future (1985): This movie is one of my all time favorites. Time travel
is always a good idea for a movie plot and makes things interesting, but for this
movie they keep it intense and comical. It will give a good laugh, but also keep
you at the edge of your seat during the intense parts. This movie is also very
nostalgic for people who were in school during the 80 s. This movie lets the
audience go back into the 50 s and see how life was like. A great plot line
throughout the trilogy with Marty McFly running around with the crazy doc. My
favorite comical duo from the 80 s. One of my most favorite episodes of the trilogy is
when Marty and Doc are working against timeto get Marty back to the future. Doc is
trying to fix the cable that came undone on top of the clock tower and Marty has
only a few minutes till the lighting bolt strikes the tower. Once Doc plugs the cord in
on top of the tower he has to some how get to the bottom of the tower and plug...
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It deals with the very prominent issue of poverty in America, and specifically
during the Great Depression. The movie is a giant metaphor for the entire
population and the suffering they endured. Everywhere the family went there was
starvation and no one with jobs and how the companies were trying to screw them.
One scene that held the most power to me is when they finally get a job picking
apples and have a place to stay, but they only get paid for how many buckets they
fill which is very little. What tops it off is that there is a monoply the apple farm
has because they own the only grocery store in town and everyone has to shop
there if they like it or not. What ends up happening to the store is that the prices of
the food is way over the top and they can get away with this because no one can
leave the place. The movie opens the eyes of the viewer to poverty. A very powerful
movie with no
Huffy The Vampire Figurative Language
Hush is an episode from Buffy the vampire slayer series it is forty four minutes and
twenty eight seconds long. In this episode the cast of Buffy the vampire slayer lose
their voices by monsters that need to steal human hearts without the victim
screaming. After the monsters steal the human voices they keep them in a small box
because human voices are their weaknesses, after the voices are sealed they start
attacking. The whole town starts going into panic because they lost their voice and
have to start expressing themselves nonverbally; this episode is a metaphoric
representation of how people have hard time expressing themselves verbally. This
episode is when the cast learns to overcome the difficulty of expressing their feelings,
confidence... Show more content on ...
In this episode two other fictional characters who had difficulty expressing
themselves like Xander did was Willow and Tara, these two girls had difficulty
expressing themselves when it came to confidence. Willow joins the Wicca group
thinking it is an actual group of witches wanting to help each other with powers so
she shares her thoughts in a joking suggestive manner, even though she means
what she says, yet, her thoughts get rejected and laughed at. Tara was also at the
same meeting for the Wicca group and it is evident that she struggles to speak her
opinions at the Wicca meeting especially when it seems like she wants to agree
with Willow who has already shared her opinions but when she does get the
opportunity to say her ideas she decides not to. Both girls find themselves in a bad
situation without their voices but Tara finds the confidence to show Willow that
she also shares the same ability of powers. They both were able to find their
confidence without their voices to show each other their powers, and because of this
when they regained their voices back they were able to talk to each other about their
witch ways. If they never found the confidence to show each other nonverbally they
probably would of never found out and /or talked to each
Ac552 W3 Lecture Process Costing Quiz
Use the following information for questions 1 10. Top That manufactures baseball
style hats. Material is introduced at the beginning of the process in the Cutting
Department. Conversion costs are incurred (and allocated) uniformly throughout the
process. As the cutting of material is completed, the pieces are immediately
transferred to the Sewing Department. Data for the Cutting Department for the month
of February 2005 follow: Workin process, January 31 50,000 units 100% complete for
direct materials, 40% completed for conversion costsactual costs of direct materials,
$70,500; actual costs of conversion, $34,050Units started during February,
225,000Units completed during February,200,000... Show more content on ...
6. Assuming Top That uses the first in, first out (FIFO) method to account for
inventories, the assignment of costs to units completed and transferred to the Sewing
Department during February is a. $658,350.b. $636,450.c. $666,000.d. $652,000.
The following additional data apply to questions 7 9. Standard costs for the Cutting
Department: Direct materials $1.50 per unit;
A Brief Comparison Of Lord Salisbury And William
Comparison of Lord Salisbury and William McKinley Lord Salisbury and William
McKinley operated quite differently in social environments. McKinley was very
much a people person. He came from a large close knit family and enjoyed meeting
people. McKinley was warm and concerned with his constituent s perception of
him. McKinley s social aptitude affected his political endeavors as well as his social
interactions and some historians interpret his political behavior as indecisive and
irresolute. Lord Salisbury on the other end of the spectrum had a miserable lonely
childhood with few friends likely instrumental in shaping his general outlook on life.
He was reportedly likeable yet competitive. He remained reserved yet somewhat
cynical. Salisbury was thought quite fearful of change and loss of control in his
political interactions. Both Salisbury and McKinley pioneered their respective
countries into the period called imperialism. Imperialism is the policy of squiring
dependent territories or expanding a country s influence through economic, military
or cultural endeavors. Much like McKinley with China and the land secured with the
war with Spain; and Salisbury push to colonize Africa through trade with other
European countries.... Show more content on ...
Lord Salisbury was constrained by natural caution, with his pursuits methodical and
calculated. He was conscious of the need to maintain party unity by taking account of
what was acceptable to rank and file Conservatives in addition to his introverted
views. It is not surprising that Salisbury, like British aristocracy of the time viewed
the abolition of slavery as non beneficial while sympathetic to the Confederates
during the civil war as a welcomed threat to disrupt the American union. McKinley,
because of his sentiments, character and upbringing, felt an obligation to fight with
the Union Army to end involuntary
Why Is Samsung To Achieve Global Competitive Advantage
Question 1 (40 Marks)
Critically analyze and discuss the strategy adopted by Samsung to achieve global
competitive Advantage. (500 words)
Answer 1
To understand how Samsung achieved global competitive advantage we first need to
understand what do we mean by Strategy ?
At the business unit level, strategy is a set of management decisions concerning
which customers to target and what to offer them. (European Business Forum, 2007)1
Strategy is a concept that focuses on long term objectives of a firm keeping in view
the changes that take place in the business environment and the possible implications
that it has on the firm. Thus, a dominant and well structured strategy plays a very
important element in capturing competitive advantage ... Show more content on ...
The reason being that the company didn t depend upon its organizational members or
managers to act rationally and take decisions. Rather the firm was highly determined
on revising its product design in order to achieve global competitive advantage. The
processual strategy states that organizations whose products are genuinely better can
outwit their competitors. In a similar manner Samsung also came out with a variety
of convergence products which gave the firm an extra boost of competitive edge. For
instance, Samsung launched 5 and 7 mega pixel camera phones in 2005 along with a
10 mega pixel camera in 2005. It also launched the SGH i310, a phone with a
capacity of 8 GB that could easily store about 2,000 MP3 files. By offering products
that were completely different and unique with respect to their design, features,
quality etc. Samsung soon occupied a major share in the electronics market. The
systemic school sees strategy as constrained and shaped by the socio economic
systems in which it is embedded. (Small Business Economics, Jan 2009)3 Samsung
along with the processual strategy also adopts the systemic theory of strategy. In that
the company aligns its activities and products with the social systems that the firm
interacts with for instance cultural, political, social etc. Samsung functions in an
environment that is highly
Why I Want Anytime Change
Analyze Your Organization Kevin C. Gilmore Dr. Linda Ballard MGT 509,
Module 3 Case Trident University International December 14, 2016 Personally I
think anytime change is implemented or necessary in an organization involving the
employees is key to its success. Training is a good place to start. Are the employees
being trained according to the organizations business needs that makes sense.
Employees perform better when they are informed and made to feel like they are a
part of the process, but training is just the beginning. Being in the military taught me
a lot about managing people and equipment, neither one is an easy task. I selected
these steps because I ve implemented them several times as I encountered many
permanent change of stations as a senior noncommissioned officer. Making changes
in a military organization is a little different than in a business environment but some
of the obstacles you may encounter are the same. In any organization you should first
examine the resources that you have available to you. What are your liabilities,
capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses? The first step in strategic HR planning is by
assessing your workforce and identifying your current employees knowledge, skills
and abilities. This includes evaluating your employees strengths, education levels,
additional training, and certifications. Personnel files should be examined as well,
you can find a wealth of information needed to help
The Creation of Federal Laws in Australia
The Creation of Federal Laws in Australia The Commonwealth of Australia was
created with the 1901 unification of six recently independent British colonies. All
were solidified under the authorship of a Constitution that same year which
predicated the form of government and the legal orientation of the new nation. (AG,
p. 1) In doing so, it also vested the power to create federal laws in Australian
Parliament and, in one sense, gave it exclusive authority to do so. And in this sense,
one might render the interpretation that one advantage Australiahas is that it has a
written constitution which gives nearly all the power to make laws for Australia to
the Commonwealth Parliament. However, a more complete understanding of the
structure of Australian law suggests that this is a great understatement and one which
does not make full accounting for the roles played either by the states that are
confederated to make up Australia or by the judicial branch of the federal
government. A consideration of the roles played by Parliament, the states and the
court systems reveals that in fact, while the power to legislate laws is entrusted in
Australian parliament, this entitlement is only possible through an interdependence
with these other dimensions of the government. First, it is appropriate to examine the
conditions that will have allowed for one to make the blanket statement quoted here
above. Namely, the Australian Government (AG)(2011) documents that Section 51 of
Siddhartha s Journey Of Enlightenment Essay
Vedant Patel Mr. Kadar / Mr. Herzenberg Period 4 November 9, 2015Siddhartha s
journey to enlightenment can be described by three terms that are described in
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse. Siddhartha goes through many challenges and
suffers in his journey to reach Nirvana. He wants to be enlightened one, one without
fear to anything. He wants to keep continue his path to Nirvana. He leaves
everything behind and keeps going towards his goal. The terms are very significant
in Siddhartha s life because the word Om guides him to perfection and oneness, he
goes through many challenges to reach Nirvana, and the term Samsara makes him
keep going in his life. The term Om is seen throughout Siddhartha s journey in
finding enlightenment. The word Om keeps him in the touch with the universe.
When Siddhartha gets into conflicts, Om saves him. When Siddhartha listened
attentively to this river, to this song of thousands voices; when he did not listen to
the sorrow or laughter, when he did not bind his soul to any one particular voice and
absorb it in his Self, but heard them all, the whole, the unity; then the great song of
thousand voices consisted of one word: Om Perfection (Hesse 136). The word Om
helps him to realize that he is not desiring anything, that he has reached the oneness.
He is out of every conflicts and he is united with everything. When he hears the word
Om, he reaches Nirvana. At that moment, when the sound of Om reached Siddhartha
s ears, his slumbering soul
Things Fall Apart Fact
Biased or Based in Fact? An Analysis of Things Fall Apart
Winston Churchill, the British Prime minister during World War II once said that,
History is written by the victors . This is an idea that has piqued the interest of
many individuals throughout history. It is an idea that challenges historians to
broaden their horizons, and to look at something from a purely objective point of
view in order to remove bias. However, often times primary sources can come in the
form of diary entries or handwritten letters, which can contain opinion. Opinionated
sources can give us a view of a certain demographic, or allow us to step into the
shoes of the individual or individuals that created the primary source. What place
does historical fiction have ... Show more content on ...
When the novel reaches fever pitch and tensions are high between the natives and
the missionaries, the natives moved like a furious whirlwind to [the missionaries ]
compound and with machete and fire reduced it to a desolate heap...When the
[natives] went away the red earth church which Mr. Brown had built was a pile of
earth and ashes , effectively committing an act of arson(Achebe 188 191). The
missionaries don t retaliate in this situation, and they had no history of physical
violence or destruction of property. Through primary sources historians know that
the extreme aggression of the natives was actually toned down compared to how
they fought with each other, as one individual describes: [Tribe 1] attacked [Tribe
2] while beaten back by [Tribe 2], [Tribe 1]found that [Tribe 3] had in the mean
time burned their town taken every thing they had, besides destroying many of the
women children [of Tribe 1] (Africa Through Western Eyes, Part 3). The natives
have been pillaging and looting each other, a massive show of violence, and the
British come nowhere near as close to inflicting this much damage unto the people of
the village of Umuofia in the novel Things Fall Apart. While the British did employ
some violence to achieve their goals, Things Fall Apart paints them out to be much
more violent than they are, even though the natives are shown to be far more
aggressive and belligerent than the
Similarities Between Equality And Inequality
The social issue of equality and inequality, has dated back to the beginning of time.
Although there is no way to find out, would one really think that cavemen would not
fight about who got the most food? Even children would argue if someone else has
more crayons, or more toys. Everyone has demanded equalityat least once in their
lifetime. Unfortunately inequalityoccurs more often than equality, and this will never
change. Race, sex, and religion are the three main points that occur most often in
today s society. If someone were to turn on the news, they would more than likely
see global issues on race, sex, religion, and their fight for equality. I will be
discussing the similarities and differences of equality and inequality through race,
sex, and religion.
When someone thinks about the similarities of equality and inequality in a social
setting, they might think that there are none. In fact, there are many similarities, and
the main one is humans. Humans either have equality, or they do not have it, and
want it. Usually people have more courage in a group, rather than alone. This is also
a similarity with equality and inequality. It is often groups that rightfully raise the
issue of an inequality between themselves and the rest of society (Gosepath). The
rest of society that Gosepath is referring to, is people who have equality, which
connects equality and inequality. The first similarity of equality and inequality is
race. Both sides deal with all kinds of people
The Norman Conquest and the French Influence on
Transilvania University of Brasov
Faculty of Letters
Department of English
General aspects about the origin of the English language
Brief presentation of the Norman Conquest
Aspects of the social and political transformations occured after the Conquest
The roles of each on the three languages in the society of the time
Influences on the way the sounds were rendered
Influences on the pronounciation of the sounds
French loan words and the fields they belonged to
Other elements of ... Show more content on ...
At Stamford Bridge, he won a decisive victory on 25th September, in which Harald
Hard1rada and Tostig were both killed. But after that, Harold s sick, exhausted Saxon
army met William s fresh, rested Norman troops on October 14th at Battle near
Hastings, and the great battle began. That was the moment when King Harold was
killed and the Normans gained control of England. On Christmas Day 1066, William
was crowned King of England.
The Norman Conquest had important consequences on all levels, including the
linguistic one. English phonetics, vocabulary, morphology and also syntax were
influenced by French, but, despite the historical and social background, the mother
tongue survived and adapted, reestablishing itself after 1200.
At the moment, the conquest probably came as a disaster for the English people, as
the Normans brought their new territory under control with systematic rigour. After
the English royal family had been destroyed in the battle, the new king established his
own regime. At the time, Normandy had an advanced feudal system of political
organisation, which accelerated the establishment of feudalism in Britain. Moreover,
most of the representatives of the native nobility were eliminated and a French
speaking monarchy, aristocracy and clerical hierarchy took over. Thus, the important
positions and the great estates were mostly in
Long Term Effects of Alchool
Keith McGrenaghan
12th Grade
Alcohol essay
The Long Term Effects of Alcohol Use
Alcohol is primarily absorbed through the stomach and the small intestines. It is
considered a food because it has calories, but does not need to be digested and
proceeds directly into the body through the digestive system. After ingestion it is
carried through the blood stream and crosses the bloodВ–brain barrier, at which time
impairment begins. A greater amount of ingestion causes greater impairment to the
brain, which, in turn, causes a person to have a greater degree of difficulty in
functioning. The majority of alcohol in the body is eliminated by the liver. Ninety
percent is eliminated through the body, while ten percent is eliminated through ...
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There is mounting evidence that repeated exposure to alcohol during adolescence
leads to long lasting deficits in cognitive abilities, including learning and memory, in
humans. The ages 15 and 16 years old in in patient treatment for alcohol dependence
perform more poorly on test of memory and attention than healthy control subjects
from the surrounding community. Research with human adolescents clearly suggests
that alcohol abuse during the teen years has long lasting effects. It appears that
adolescents might be particularly vulnerable to the long lasting effects of alcohol use.
The causes of these long lasting changes are unclear, but they might involve brain
damage and alterations in normal brain development. Prolonged, heavy use of alcohol
can lead to addiction (alcoholism). Sudden cessation of long term, extensive alcohol
intake is likely to produce withdrawal symptoms, including severe anxiety, tremors,
hallucinations and convulsions. Long term effects of consuming large quantities of
alcohol, especially when combined with poor nutrition, can lead to permanent
damage to vital organs such as the brain and liver. In addition, mothers who drink
alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to infants with fetal alcohol syndrome.
These infants may suffer from mental retardation and other irreversible physical
abnormalities. In addition, research indicates that children of alcoholic parents are at
greater risk than other children of becoming
The University of Michigan Fab Five Essay
There seems to be a fine line, a three point line, between pushing the envelope and
pushing a revolution. In 1991, five freshmen from the University of Michigan
brashly stepped over that line redefining the world of college basketball as we knew
it and in the process, revolutionized the relationship between style and sport. These
men were fresh in more ways than one, causing an entire nation to dub them
fabulous. They brought a hip and a hop to a game that was previously flat. Anyone
following college basketballloved or hated to love the Fab Five, evincing that either
way five things were on people s minds or television screens. Whether you were a kid
begging your mom to take you to a sporting goods store, like I was, to get those...
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With a grin on his face and hands over knees, Juwan explains how they became
five: Back then high school basketball players weren t legitimate pro prospects so
blue chip recruits would call other blue chip recruits in order to sway their
decision. The more details about his pursuit of the other four, the more his grin
grows, I knew if I could get Jalen I could get Chris since they were both from
Detroit. Ray, on the other hand, was a whole different story. Being from Texas and
the son of a Preacher, Ray s decision really wasn t his. Ray s father made it clear
that school and family come before basketball. Impersonating his father s initial
response Ray can t help but get animated Michigan? Ray you ve never seen snow!
But when decision making time came Michigan s prestigious academic history, a
full scholarship, and combined with the Ray s constant badgering was the right
choice according to the Preacher. The fifth guy was Jimmy. Juwan didn t even have
to call him. Before Jimmy was even off the phone with Coach Steve Fisher he made
his decision to attend Michigan. It was out of habit that the Fib Five displayed style,
when they dunked over someone they danced and talked trash to them because that
was how they were used to playing. They all grew up playing street basketball.
Taunting, trash talking, and flashiness are all characteristics of playground basketball
Research Paper On Rocky Point
Puerto PeГ±asco, affectionately referred to as Rocky Point, was once a small,
quiet fishing village. But today it is a world class destination offering traditional
charms with modern conveniences. Vast stretches of white sand hug an azure
coastline and the effect must be seen to be believed. As must the sunsets over the
Sea of Cortez, which are kaleidoscopic and breathtaking. Try not to watch one of
them with your mouth agape, as you wonder why you never see those same colors
back home. Fun in the Sun? Rocky Point s Got That, Too Rocky Point is sunny
practically 365 days of the year with almost no rainfall. This makes it an ideal
location for those who want to get outside for some adventure, or just to live a more
active lifestyle year round.
Similarities Between A Crab Spider And An Elephant
A generalist and a specialist, they may seem like complete opposites but are they?
A generalist can survive in a myriad of conditions oppose to a specialist, they can
only thrive when certain requirements are reached. Although a generalist appears to
be entirely different from a specialist they still both have similarities. This can be
shown by the comparison of a Crab Spider and an Elephant. A Crab Spider and an
Elephant have a lot of sharp distinctions between each other but they also have many
similarities. One instant where this is the manifestation is how their behaviour is in
the presence of humans. Both an Elephant and a Crab Spider will not attack an
individual unless they provoke the species. Another
France Research Paper
Have you ever heard about the awesome and amazing country France? It is an
amazing country with delicious foods, amazing sights, and much more! France has
potential to be the perfect vacation as well. France has so much amazing things to do
there for entertainment as well! France Is a truley amazing country. Here are some
amazing facts about France.One awsome thing in France is the famous Eiffel
Tower. It is a truley amazing sight, being both massive, tall, and it being a famous
world known tourist atraction, and the landmark of France! France also has lots of
cool things to do there. This is good because who doesn t want to have fun? You can
go on a boat and paddle around in all the water, play around, swim, and ... Show more
content on ...
Crapes! One of the most delicious foods ever. Along with other amazingly
delicious foods, such as a baguette, a long stick of yummy, chewy bread, and also
the well known croissant. So in France you also now know that there is delicious
foods along side the fun ativities, and cool places to go in France. France is a really,
cool, fun, amazing country with amazing foods. But wait we forgot about the
famous people from France, along with the important events! One important event
from France is when the first written records were written. Another was when the
colony of Massalia was founded by ancient Greeks. The last important event I will
be sharing is when Celtic tribes began to settle in what is now known as
France.Now, I will tell you about some of the famous people from France. They Are
Edith Pief, Jhonny Hallyday, and Charles Aznavour, all famous French musicions.
France Is a truley amazing place with many cool things to see, cool places to visit,
and most importantly, lots of fun! Some Amazing, Delicious foods can also be found
in France, besides the ones that were mentioned! Some of these delicious dishes
include Onion soup, cassoulet, and souffl e. These are all yummy delicious, French
Essay on The Benefits of High Quality Child Care
It is common knowledge that a parent is considered the most efficient caregiver for
their children. It s also known that with daily responsibilities of caring for a child
financially, parents partake in full time and/or part time employment. While needing
to do so, many children attend daycare/preschool facilities. Granted, it is the parent
s responsibility to cautiously select where they decide to take their children. This is
because parents know that while they are away for numerous hours of the day, their
children are in the hands of another care provider and that their care would have an
enormous impact on their children. At a young age, a child s social and cognitive
skills are continuing to take shape and the amount of time spent in... Show more
content on ...
While daycare/ childcare centers provide a safe haven for young children and left in
the care of licensed caregivers, there is more to daycare then just temporary relief for
parents. These facilities offer a nurturing and fun learning environment to promote
curiosity, innovation, and continuous growth in developmental abilities and positivity
in children, and they also have the ability to provide encouraging and engaging
activities that endorse emotional, social, and academic development (Phillips 1987).
Within these facilities, high quality care calls for each child reach greater levels of
learning and can develop skills at their own pace under supervision.
Along with knowing the purpose of quality daycare/child care facilities, the next
important factor is to be aware of what generates a high quality daycare/child care
facility. It is vital to know the characteristics because these prime objectives are the
driving forces influenced by what children need in order to succeed and grow in their
developmental skills. Fundamentally, High quality [preschool] education can support
early development in ways that yield long term social, cognitive and emotional
benefits (Barnett 2005, p1). The most essential aspect of a high quality facility are the
trained, certified and attentive teachers hired to support children s developmental
needs. They ensure this by respectful interaction,
Lgbt Controversy
Equal rights for homosexuals and others of the LGBT community have been a
source of controversy for years now. Homosexuals have been punished for their
sexual preference since as early as 1290. In present times, however, the main issues
in question come down to marriage, adoption, and bullying. As of today, not all states
allow same sex marriageor same sex adoption. Bullying has also proved to be a big
issue in the LGBTcommunity and it has accounted for about 30% of suicides in the
LGBT community. Controversy and debate follow this topic to this day and some
states have come to accept certain aspects of it, though there s still work to be done.
Same sex marriageis a huge source of debate. Whether for religious or moral reasons,
many people
Old South vs. New South in O Conner s Everything That...
Old South vs. New South in O Conner s Everything That Rises Must Converge
Flannery O Connor s Everything That Rises Must Converge depicts a stifling mother
son relationship in which the conflict is never resolved, or even acknowledged. This
relationship is a metaphor which describes the transition from the Old South, with its
inherent values used to justify slavery and segregation, to the New South, striving for
justice based on equality. Mrs, Chestney (old South) and her son Julian (New South)
represent, on an individual scale, the interactions of their corresponding
constituencies, The world is a mess everywhere... I don t know how we ve let it get
in this mess , states Mrs, Chestney on the subject of segregation, ... Show more
content on ...
Kathleen Feeley wrote that eventually the mother s culture of the heart fails
because it is unreal , and her inability to advise Julian clearly is indicative of this.
Julian does not like his mother. To him, she is an embarrassment, a burden, and
backward. He has learned to identify racism, and has learned to argue against it,
However, when his mother is the perpetrator, the issue becomes wrapped around the
hostility he feels for her. For example, he resents her methods of motherhood, or
perhaps her headstrong commitment to her unwitting ignorance. Most likely, when
taking the issue into account, he feels the most anger towards her for raising him
as a racist, and now, despite an education that presumes the opposite, he finds that
he remains racist. Instead of addressing these problems, he seeks to belittle her,
When the large Negro woman first enters the story, he immediately wished that she
sit beside his mother, in order to disturb her. Yet to his annoyance, she squeezed
herself into [the seat next to his] . His lack of insight regarding their relationship is
revealed when he has fantasies of presenting his mother with a Black acquaintance:
either a business associate, a lover, or even the doctor whom he could hire to heal
her. When he asks the man with the newspaper for a light (with neither cigarettes nor
the desire to smoke), he embarrasses himself solely to confound her. He remains
racist not
Effects Of Reading Instruction On The Literacy
The Effects of Reading Instruction on Students of Low Socioeconomic Status
Amelia K.L. Reynolds
Edmond, Oklahoma
This paper explores related research in aspects of language acquisition, specifically,
reading instruction and its effect on students who live in low socioeconomic
environments. We will review the methods of explicit phonics and whole language to
examine what, if any, is the more advantageous method of reading instruction for
students who live in poverty. The purpose of this literature review is to investigate the
impacts of specific reading instruction on the literacy development of children and
how socioeconomics restricts these impacts. The research reviewed was collected
from peer review journals using the Central Search feature on the UCO Chambers
Library website. The majority of the researcher s findings came from EBSCOhost
Education Research Complete and JSTOR: Journal Storage. Given the findings of
this literature review, research suggests that explicit phonics instruction, when
embedded in a whole language classroom, promotes growth in literacy skills among
young children. Research suggests that multisensory phonics, based on Orton
Gillingham Approach, promotes literacy growth for students who are at risk,
however, its impact within a whole language classroom are undetermined. This
literature review suggests that multisensory phonics should be utilized in a whole
language classroom to determine if its use promotes growth in
Profit Is Not The Purpose Of Enterprise
Profit is not the purpose of enterprise
Many people mistakenly think that the purpose of the company is simply to make
money. In fact, profit is actually just an important result of the existence of a
company. The real reason for company existence has to be further studied. Companies
need profits, but more importantly they must have the social responsibility.
Companies have a great responsibility to their employees, customers, suppliers and
the general welfare of society, as well as the ecological environment. It inevitably
comes to a conclusion that the existence of the company is to be able to complete a
work which cannot be done by one person. It actually is a kind of contribution to
society. But now, it can be seen that... Show more content on ...
For one hundred percent of the profits, all human laws will be trampled by these
capitals. If there are three hundred percent of the profits, any crime will be
committed, even with the risk of strangulation (Marx, Engels, Levitsky, 1996). For
example, before Enron declared bankruptcy in 2001, it had about 21,000 employees
and was one of the world s largest electricity, gas and telecommunication companies.
The company had been named as America s most innovative company by Fortune
for six consecutive years. But the real cause of Enron famous in the world was
financial fraud scandal which made this company with hundreds of billions of assets
in bankruptcy within a few weeks (Cahan Zhang, 2005). Therefore, it can be seen that
the pursuit of profit as the purpose of the enterprise inevitably causes the emergence
of various cases of unsustainable development, thereby harming the enterprise,
society, the community, the environment and the staffs.
The purpose of business is to provide goods and services, thus contributing to society.
Despite obtaining profit is not a fundamental purpose of business, profit and purpose
are not in confrontation. There are correlations between profit and purpose.
First, profits are the result of corporate contribution to society. If the business
provides the community with the necessary products and services in an efficient way,
then the business will earn profits. Therefore, profit is
Zara s Case Study
1. What is Zara s value Proposition? How does it differ from its Competitors?
Zara has pioneered leading edge fashion clothes for budget minded young adults
through a tightly integrated vertical structure that cuts delivery time between a
garment s design and retail delivery to under three weeks (against the industry norm
of three to six months) (Grant, 2010, p.212)
According to Clayton Christensen in order to process you Value Proposition you
must look at the following (Harvard Business Review)
Zara s value proposition is that it offers its customers cutting edge fashion at very
affordable prices. It actively seeks out what styles are hot in the fashion world. After
Zara has identified the latest trend it can have the ... Show more content on ...
4. Marketing amp; Sales:
Zara broad offering meets its customer s demands quickly. This is due to management
s almost instantaneous response to changes in customers needs (Ghemawat et al,
Zara s prices consider the cost of exporting and market conditions of the store s
location (D Andrea et al, 2003) instead of the traditional application a cost plus
Zaras inventory turnover is higher than their direct competition (at 10.67% versus H
amp;M at 6.84%) (D Andrea et al, 2003). Constantly changing stock encourages sales
and increase the average visits to stores per customer (Kotler et al, 2009).
5. Service:
Traditional supply chains take a supplier centric/push view with a focus on what a
business is trying to sell rather than a focus on customer s demands (Kotler et al,
2009). Zara s supply chain adopts a vertical structure which is mainly demand driven
with cycle times being kept to a minimum which allows information to be acted upon
quickly (Grant, 2011).
Zara s Supporting Activities (4)
1. Infrastructure
Zara IT supports the interaction between the different departments throughout the
entire company.
2. Human Resource Management (HRM)
Zara focus on HRM is evident in their hiring of newly graduated designers with fresh
ideas and energy from the local areas.
3. Technology
Robotics, Warfare, And Warfare
Robotics and Warfare
Introduction When we talk about robotic and warfare, it s like we are focusing on
military robots. First of all there is need to understand what a robot is; it is a
programmable machine that can sense and interact with its environment.
Consequently, military robots are often viewed as remote controlled moveable
gargets, which are designed specifically for military use. Many of the robotic
controlled systems are currently in use while others are under way to be
developed. The origin of military robots can be traced back to the Second World
War and Cold War periods. Despite The fact that the use of robots in warfareis a
traditional topic of science fiction, it is currently under research as it is considered
to be a possible channel of fighting wars in future. There are believes among the
soldiers that the future of present warfare would be handled by automated systems
(Sharkey, 2012). Therefore, this paper will first try to find clarifications on what
current roboticists visualize in the future warfare. This can be done better by
identifying the stakeholders and their responsibilities towards the future of robotic
warfare. Moreover, the paper will highlight the need of an autonomous system,
determine the impacts of warfare robots and finally identify those responsible for
future killings caused by robotic systems.
If we can assess the nature of military men today, it is clear that they have a lot of
Argumentative Essay On Radiocarbon Dating
Radiocarbon dating is a scientific procedure used to calculate the age of dead
specimens by the rate of decay in their levels of C 14. Radiocarbon dating methods
are deeply flawed and do not reliably determine the age of certain fossils or the earth.
This is due to the assumptions that they are built upon. These assumptions include
that the conditions on the earth have always been constant and nothing has ever
caused the C 14 levels to fluctuate. These assumptions must be true for radiocarbon
datingto be reliable. However, there is a plethora of evidence showing that these
assumptions cannot be trusted.
Radiocarbon dating is a heavily debated topic in the world today. This is primarily
due to the powerful implications it has on people s belief systems. Christians and
atheists alike view radiocarbon dating as important and need to be able to defend
or support it. Findings through the process of radiocarbon dating can help prove or
disprove people s beliefs about the world. Radiocarbon dating will always be a
controversial method because of its impact on one s worldview. However,... Show
more content on ...
For radiocarbon dating to accurately date anything no matter its age, two facts must
be accounted for. The rate of decay of Carbon 14 and the amount of Carbon 14 in the
creature at the time of its death must be known. The rate of decay of Carbon 14
can be determined by its half life, which is around 5,730 years. This means that
every 5,730 years the amount of Carbon 14 in an organism is cut in half. As a
result, the amount of Carbon 14 would eventually dissipate to nothing in every
organism after its death. Because of this, radiocarbon dating has a limit to its
accuracy. Many times, scientists will claim that an organism was dated to be many
millions of years old. However, according to the half life of Carbon 14 and the limits
that it possesses, this is
Literature Review Of Royal Jelly
REVIEW OF LITERATURE Royal jelly (RJ) is a honeybee product secreted from the
hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands of the worker honeybees. It contains a
mixture of very important compounds that give it therapeutic and nutritional
properties. These compounds as protein, glucose, lipid, vitamins, minerals, aspartic
acid, gelatin, sterols, phosphorous compounds, acetylcholine, nucleic acids, and
numerous trace ingredients. The ingredients are in the form of water, crude protein
and monosaccharides. The remainder of the royal jelly is composed of an ether
soluble fraction of fatty acid (Galaly et al., 2014).
Royal jelly is a viscous jelly substance which is partially soluble in water with a
density of 1.1 g/ ml. Its colour is whitish to yellow, the yellow color increases upon
storage. Its odor is pungent, the taste being sour and sweet. Old RJ, which stored
for long time tends to be darker and possess a rancid taste. For optimum quality, RJ
should be stored in frozen state. According to water content, the viscosity of RJ
varies and it slowly becomes more viscous when stored at room temperature or in a
refrigerator at 5ВєC. The viscosity of RJ increases with increment of water insoluble
nitrogenous compounds and a reduction in soluble nitrogen and free amino acids
(Ramadan and Al Ghamdi, 2012).
Royal jelly contains proteins, more than 80% of RJ proteins are soluble proteins
called major royal jelly proteins (MRJPs) which are glycoproteins. These proteins
The Importance Of Family History
Knowing our family history is essential to understanding ourselves and basic
humanity and diversity. Family history helps to keep memories alive and allow
each generation to have an idea of who they are and where they come from. It helps
to provide meaningful connections to our ancestors. Old photos, letters, and journals
give us a glimpse into what our ancestors were really like. Familyhistories are passed
down to generations in the form of stories. As a young kid, I used to cajole my
grandfather to repeat his childhood stories over and over again before I went to bed.
As I recall, my great grandfather, Pir Mohammad and mother, Jenna, were born in
Abad Pura, a small rural village in Gujrat, India. There were many Muslim towns
along the ... Show more content on ...
He married my grandmother when he was twenty and gave birth to seven kids,
including my dad. My grandmother helped my grandfather in farming and harvesting
too. Despite all the efforts, their family was still financially unstable. It was a time,
when British arrived in India and brought various reforms. They made schools and
hospitals, reconstructed roads and houses, and introduced English language in the
country. The cities were getting better but the villages were still the same. Britishers
encouraged the Indians to make schools in all parts of the India including the villages
to educate children.
Unlike my grandfather, my dad got a chance to go to school in his village but he
couldn t continue his education for very long. He studied from nine in the morning to
two in the afternoon and helped his father in farming until the dusk. During the
1900s, British efforts to change the country s traditions and cultural practices turned
into destructive riots. People started blaming British for creating religious divisions
between Hindus and Muslims. In 1947, the British finally left India and the
subcontinent was partitioned into two independent nation states: Hindu majority
India and Muslim majority Pakistan. My grandfather, alone, moved to Pakistan,
searching for various opportunities to earn money in the new land, that demanded
services and businesses. Unfortunately, he failed at starting a good business and
eventually returned
Johannes, Jan Or Johan Vermeer
Johannes, Jan or Johan Vermeer was a magnificent Dutch painter who specialized
in domestic scenes of common middle class family life. Vermeer often hailed as
the most famous artist of the Dutch Golden age, or perhaps second to only
Rembrandt himself. Johannes Vermeer would not be recognized as a wealthy man,
later in life, alas, his younger years did include various hardships which included a
lavish rich lifestyle. Growing up in the Netherlands in a small city named Delft,
Johannes was would be greatly influenced by his father, his father was only a middle
class worker who worked for years in an industry that manufactured silk products.
Eventually, Johannes father would leave the silk industry to pursue another
profession, which was to become
Essay on Battle of Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter is located in Charleston, South Carolina. The fort is in Charleston s
harbor. The fort was not even complete when war broke out. This was a big turning
point for the United States of America. It separated the north from the south and in
some cases it separated families. This war would impact how the United Statessaw
slavery. It is the most deadly war that the United States has every seen in its history. It
all began with the secession of South Carolina. After this an understanding was
established between the authorities in Washington and the members of Congress from
South Carolina. They both agreed that the forts, Fort Moultrie and Fort Sumter, would
not be attacked, or seized as an act of war, until proper negotiations for... Show more
content on ...
If it was refused he was to force its evacuation. (
Anderson received a letter from Gen. Beauregard telling him to evacuate the fort or
he will force them out. Anderson refused even though that the lack of supplies would
force him to evacuate. He replied to Beauregard that unless he received instructions
or supplies from Washington by noon April 15 he would evacuate. (The atlas of the
Civil War) On April 11 Gen. Beauregard sent Maj. Anderson the following
communication: Headquarters Provisional Army, C.S.A. Charleston, April 11, 1861
Sir; The government of the Confederate States has hitherto foreborne from any
hostile demonstrations against Fort Sumter, in hope that the government of the
United States with a view to the amicable adjustment of all questions between the two
governments, and to avert the calamities of war would voluntarily evacuate it. There
was reason at one time to believe that such would be the course pursued by the
government of the United States, and under that impression my government has
refrained from making any demand for the surrender of the fort. But the Confederate
States can no longer delay assuming actual possession of a fortification commanding
the entrance of one of their harbors and necessary to its defense and security. I am
ordered by the government of the Confederate States to demand the evacuation of
Fort Sumter. My aides, Col. Chestnut and Cap. Lee, are
Network Design
Running head:PROJECT #3
Unit #3 Individual Project Network Design For Champions, Inc.
Travis Lee Thompson
ITCO103 1201A 05
American International University
Table Of Contents
Network Architecture/Model ........................................................................................
Page 3
Star Network Topology(before the donation) ..............................................................
Page 5
Star Network Topology (after the donation) .................................................................
Page 6
Advantages of the Star Network Design .......................................................................
Page 7
Disadvantages of the Star Network Design ... Show more content on
2. Star Network Topology (before the donation)
3. Star Network Topology (after the donation)
4. Advantages of the Star Network Design
It is the most cost effective strategy for cash strapped businesses with no special
emphasis on security. Sometimes the cheapest design doesn t always translate into
the easiest design. In this case, the translation is a success. The hub will serve as the
intermediary between the computers and the internet (via cable modem). Also, in this
case, easy design also translate into easy troubleshooting of any network problem.
The star network allows troubleshooters to isolate issues on the network instead of
taking the entire local network offline. Moreover, the star network implies direct
data flow from the computers (via hub) to the internet instead of the data flowing
through the nodes first. Hence, speed is a benefit of such a network. In addition,
because of the direct data flow methodology (nodes to hub to modem to internet and
vice versa), the data is safe. Finally, the star network allows for expansion of nodes,
hubs, and gateways without losing any of the networks advantages listed on this
page. The owner plans to eventually add 7 more computers to the network. My
recommendation is to purchase an additional hub to manage the 7 additional
computers. Also, an additional modem is needed for load balancing purposes.
5. Disadvantages of a Star Network Design
Widespread Offences In Football
My Senior Project is on the diversion I have cherished since I have been a young
man, which is football. What I adore most about football is the hostile plans and
various types that are out there. There are three principle offenses in football which
are the Spread, Option, and Wing T. They all have distinctive outlines that add to
them being fruitful. The spread offense is the best on the grounds that the spread,
which is the most energizing also, has a considerable measure of wide
arrangements. The most imperative part of the spread offense is the blocking,
makes resistances concentrate on the running back so that the pass can get to be
helpful. The line should be great at a zone blocking yet first the Quarterback should
read the front side border LOS danger, not posterior in light of the fact that in the
event that he peruses the rear he will neglect to ride the work point which
incorporates a playside shuffle,which helps the play create and purchases time on the
front side read. Another... Show more content on ...
Make them move vertical. Vertical development is crucial to accomplishment on
the O line. Each penetrate you will 4 run includes the O line moving downfield.
Have them complete pieces and sprint downfield. Clearing the read key is the most
essential thing the handle can do to make the play effective. Presently another
critical thing on the O line is The linemen far from the play must scoop on the rear.
This cuts off interest and gives the B Back wrinkles to run when the ball is
decreased. It additionally wears out the restricting d line on the off chance that they
are continue getting cut on the rear of the play. Presently you should have a shrewd
Quarterback that peruses in light of the fact that one that didn t read well groups he
will play with awesome resistance and had have extraordinary sums ability on
Brewster Island day in history/battle of brewster island summary of
eventsho thursday battles
boston light/ alternate summary light history.html in depth summary of
events that occurred on Greater Brewster Island
More repairs to the lighthouse were in the works when the American Revolution
intervened. In July 1775, Boston Harbor and the lighthouse were under the control of
the British. On July 20, American troops under Major Joseph Vose landed at the
lighthouse and took lamps, oil, and some gunpowder, and burned the wooden parts of
the tower. After leaving the island they had to outrun an armed British schooner, and
two Americans were wounded. An eyewitness described the flames of the lighthouse
ascending up to Heaven, like grateful incense, and the ships wasting their powder.
As the British worked to repair the tower, 300 American soldiers under Major
Benjamin Tupper landed at the island on July 31. They easily defeated the British
guard and again burned the lighthouse. As they tried to leave, they found their boats
stranded because the tide had gone out. This gave British vessels time to reach the
scene. ... Show more content on ...
American troops at Nantasket in Hull helped by firing a cannon at the British boats,
landing a direct hit on one. This turned the tide of battle and the Americans escaped
with only one soldier having been killed. General George Washington praised the
men: The General thanks Major Tupper and the Officers and Soldiers under his
Command, for their gallant and soldierlike behaviour in possessing themselves of the
enemy s post at the Light House, and for the Number of Prisoners they took there,
and doubts not, but the Continental Army, will be as famous for their mercy as for
Dog Fostering Research Paper
Dog fostering is the best way to help and enjoy a dog for a couple of days. In recent
years shelters have become a good source of happiness to a lot of people. Many dogs
have been able to be adopted after being fostered, If a person wants to foster, there
are very few requisites to fulfill and once they are met the rest is easy. Furthermore,
shelters provide all the necessities that every dogmay need. That is why fostering is a
great choice for those that can not commit to own a dog.
Lately shelters have been promoting fostering of dogs to help relieve some of the
burden and also to be able to accept more dogs and save more lives. Due to the
increasing population of dogs that come to shelters this new option is the best
Same-Sex Marriage Argument
Same Sex Marriage Argument
Sarah Springstube
PHI103 Informal Logic
Instructor DeFusco
August 4, 2014
Same sex marriage has been an issue among society for many years. Not all people
understand there is no ban on same sex marriage nor is it illegal. In all fifty states
there are couples of the same sex who live together, ones who choose their
professional job to be in a workplace where joint benefits are offered, and ones who
choose a religious community which accepts their relationship. Those who believe
this is an issue and feel it should be illegal were likely raised to believe it is wrong to
marry someone of the same gender. Whether these people in society were raised by
what their religion believes or what their families have ... Show more content on ...
Anyone could sit and debate this issue all day long, but understanding the reality of
the situation is another story. Everyone s reality is different and everyone s
perspective on same sex marriage is different. If society came together as a whole
and realized that any person who is categorized as gay has the same opportunities
in life that anyone else has. They cannot help that they are gay, they were born that
way. Being who you are is especially important in order to feel accepted as a person.
Without the support of society and the government same sex marriages will bring a
new chapter into each and every state. It is up to the individuals in society to accept
one not because of their sexual orientation but be accepted for who they are as an
individual. Listening to others debate this issue is interesting and the feedback one
encounters could make feelings change or become real.
Anderson, Ryan, T. March 20, 2013, In defense of traditional marriage. Retrieved
from defense of traditional
marriage Jowett, Adam. But if you legalise same sex marriage... : Arguments against
marriage equality in the British press. Retrieved from http:/
/ /
/detail/detail?vid=8 amp;sid=4c9b548e 3c99 4c9f 9140
Heraclitus And Parmenides Research Paper
The thinkers of the sixth and fifth centuries B.C.E. in Greece are known today as
the pre Socratic philosophers. All the pre Socratic thinkers had a common goal, a
goal in which to create a theory of the cosmos. Kosmos is the Greek word for
world. The thinkers were able to create these theories using observation and reason.
Two philosophers of this time with very different theses were Heraclitus and
Parmenides. Heraclitus believed change is the key feature of reality, whereas
Parmenides believed nothing ever changes and that motion is an illusion.
Parmenides theory was defended by Zeno, another pre Socratic philosopher. Which
position is more sound? Heraclitus was a philosopher from Ephesus in the century
470 B.C.E. One of his most famous sayings is There is an exchange of all things for
fire and... Show more content on ...
In this statement, Heraclitus is reducing all things to one element, fire. Fire is this
thing that is there and is not there. The image of it is used in a figurative sense, the
form of it is stable and in the flames, everything changes. Another one of his
sayings is You cannot step in the same river twice (Palmer, 30). By saying this,
Heraclitus is implying that water is constantly flowing, making it almost impossible
to be in the same water more than one time. This never stopping flow of water again
reiterates his point that there is always change. The examples of fire and water are
just two ways to demonstrate change. Another more complex way of looking at
change is life and the transition from childhood to adulthood. In the transition to
adulthood, childhood is lost along with friends. The friends one has in elementary
school may differ when they transition to middle school and high school. Similarly,
as they go off to college, being that they know no one, they are forced to make new
friends. Then, because there is
Afghan Drug Trafficking
Drug trafficking is an international trade entailing the planting, manufacture,
disbursement, as well as sale of substances that are subject to drug ban rules. It is
amid the most profitable unlawful businesses, which prevails all over the globe.
Currently, there are numerous illicit groups, which every year make profits from drug
trade (Lacher, 2013). Fighting drugs is a contemporary issue, challenging crime
management. Heroinand cocaine are the main drugs, which has had a long standing in
the international scene. Heroin is produced in large scale in Afghan, while cocaine
production is widespread in South America. The paper is a comparison and contrast
of the Afghan heroin trade and South American cocaine trade.
In both Afghan ... Show more content on ...
The criminal organizations are large and widespread all through the nations of their
operation, which makes it possible to convince farmers on the need to cultivate
opium and coca. Because many of these rural farmers are poor, it is easy for drug
traffickers to convince them, via incentives, on the financial benefits arising from
drug manufacturing. Drug traffickers in Afghan have a close association with
terrorist organizations, as well as insurgents like the al Qaeda and Taliban. Research
demonstrates that the Taliban and al Qaeda generate a lot of income from unlawful
drug trade in Afghanistan. The groups are an international threat, when dealing with
the problem of crime management, which makes it even difficult for the Afghan
administration to ban the criminal organization groups involvement in heroin trade.
In South America, drug trafficking is an organized business, where different groups
are in charge of manufacture, while other distribute the drug. From the 1990s, the
Cali and Medellin groups, had exclusive regulation in the making and selling of
cocaine internationally. However, after Pablo Escobar s passing away, and
incarceration of Rodriguez brothers, the individuals leading the organizations, the
organized trade became decentralized to other criminal organizations. For instance,
Colombia s armed organizations are significantly engaged in drug trade. Currently,
different organizations working in small cells regulate the trade of
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Conclusion Global Warming Essay

  • 1. Conclusion Global Warming Essay Writing an essay on the conclusion of global warming is a task that demands careful consideration, extensive research, and a nuanced understanding of the subject matter. Global warming is a complex and multifaceted issue, involving scientific, environmental, social, and economic dimensions. Crafting a thoughtful conclusion requires synthesizing information from various sources, analyzing data, and presenting a cohesive argument that addresses the key points raised throughout the essay. One of the challenges in concluding a global warming essay is the need to strike a balance between highlighting the severity of the issue and proposing viable solutions. It's essential to leave a lasting impact on the reader, urging them to reflect on the consequences of climate change and the urgency for collective action. Achieving this balance requires a skillful use of language, employing persuasive techniques to convey the significance of the problem without inducing despair. Moreover, addressing the potential counterarguments and criticisms is crucial in fortifying the essay's conclusion. Anticipating opposing viewpoints and offering well-reasoned rebuttals adds depth and credibility to the overall argument. This process demands meticulous research and an understanding of the various perspectives on global warming, making the essay not only informative but also intellectually robust. In conclusion, writing an essay on the conclusion of global warming is a challenging endeavor that requires a comprehensive grasp of the topic, effective communication skills, and the ability to weave together diverse strands of information. It is an opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the reader, inspiring them to consider the gravity of climate change and the necessity for immediate and collective action. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing tasks, a variety of resources are available. Platforms like provide professional services for custom essays, research papers, and more. These services can offer support in crafting well-researched and well-structured essays on a wide range of topics, including those related to global warming. Conclusion Global Warming EssayConclusion Global Warming Essay
  • 2. How America Treats Other Countries In 1776, the United States of America gained its independence from Great Britain. At this time, America was a small, developing country. Flash forward 239 years, America is one of the world s most powerful and influential countries. How does the world view this powerful, influential country? We will determine how other countries view America by learning and analyzing how America treats its own citizens, how America treats other countries, and how America manages its own budget. We propose that the world views America as a well developed, economically, and politically stable nation that treats its citizens with the utmost respect. One way to analyze how the world views America, is to examine how America treats its own citizens. One of a ... Show more content on ... Americans also pay significantly higher for medicines and prescribed drugs than other citizens in other countries. This information suggests the fact that even though the United States of America has the proper health care available for every citizen, America doesn t supply it to its citizens because some of them cannot afford it. This shows other countries that America doesn t have the best interest for its citizens in mind, only the most profitable one. To analyze how the world views America, we need to examine exactly just how America treats the rest of the world. Since the end of World War II, there have been 248 armed conflicts in 153 locations around the world. The United States launched 201 overseas military operations between the end of World War II and 2001, and since then, others, including Afghanistan and Iraq .... (Arya, Barker, Donohoe, Gorman, Hagopian, Lubens, Rohde, White, Wiist, 2014). America has engaged in wars and operations throughout the entire world and has become involved in foreign affairs where their participation is unwelcome and unwanted. I d feel deep anger, not only at them returning Bush to power, but for allowing the outside world to lump us all into the same category of moronic muppets. The self righteous, gun totin , military lovin , sister marryin , abortion hatin , gay lothin , foreigner despisin , non passport ownin red necks, who believe God gave America
  • 3. Joining Cross Country In High School Imagine this, you are standing at the starting line. You turn your head to first your left, then your right. You see the people you will be sharing the course with the next 3.1 miles. You take a deep breath and continue to move your legs around. The man with the gun comes onto the course standing in front of all of the runners and explains what to do and the rules. You get into position, take another deep breath, then BAM! The gun goes off and everyone runs away. I did not know that I could push myself so hard and come far enough to drop over a minute of time from freshman year for my 5k time. Joining cross country in high school was quite scary for me. I did not know many people, other than the two girls who were over ten minutes faster than
  • 4. Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay Guidelines Writing Handout E 5: Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay Guidelines Structuring a Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay A persuasive essay is simply a writer s attempt to convince readers of the validity of a particular opinion on a controversial issue. The following steps should help you write a persuasive essay. 1. Carefully select a topic Choose a topic that interests you. An argument does not have to be a burning issue, but it must be a debatable topic. It can be anything you feel strongly about. 2. Identify the controversy Your introduction should clarify the controversy or issue. Your thesis states your position on the issue. You must take a stand on the issue. 3. Provide support The body paragraphs of the essay should provide... Show more content on ... It is not uncommon to see a boxer leave the ring with a cut on his face, an eye swollen shut, and a nose enlarged and bloody. Often, healing in is incomplete because these areas receive the same blows again and again in other matches. In fact, repeated blows almost cost Sugar Ray Leonard his sight when his retina detached in his left eye. Besides superficial injuries, boxers suffer
  • 5. Attitude of Secondary level Teachers towards Continuous... Model Research Proposal Title of the problem ATTITUDE OF SECONDARY LEVEL TEACHERS TOWARDS CONTINUOUS AND COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION METHOD PERIYAR UNIVERSITY SALEM Submitted By Submitted To Karikalan k Dr. M .Vakkil M.Phil(P/T) Assistant Professor ATTITUDE OF SECONDARY LEVEL TEACHERS TOWARDS CONTINUOUS AND COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION METHOD INTRODUCTION Swami Vivekananda says, Education should help in the appearance of the latent talents of the learner . The National Police on Education (1986) emphasized the need for Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation to facilitate active and meaningful learning in classrooms. The Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation is not only focusing on the classroom ... Show more content on ... Apart from demographic variables related to Gender, School location, Teachers Education qualification, School types are collected. POPULATION Secondary level Teachers in Dharmapuri District under Tamil Nadu state board. SAMPLE OF THE STUDY Samples of the 300 Teachers are teaching Secondary / Middle Schools in Dharmapuri District under Tamil Nadu state board. TOOLS The tool to be constructing by the Researcher: Rating scale. (Attitude of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation method of evaluation) PROCEDURE FOR DATA COLLECTION To collect the Attitude of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation method of evaluation type Rating Scale to the selection sample of the Teachers teaching varies place in Secondary level schools in Dharmapuri District. DATA ANALYSIS Analysis of the data in the present study is done with the focus on the Continuous and
  • 6. Comprehensive Evaluation methods of evaluation of Teachers with Gender, School location, Teachers Education Qualification, School type. The data was analysis were the Mean, Standard Deviation, t test and other statistical calculations. VARIABLES USED Following are the Variables used in the study: MAIN VARIABLES Attitude of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES пѓ Gender пѓ School location пѓ Locality of teachers. пѓ Teachers Education qualification. EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION пѓ Improved the quality
  • 7. Mini-Trampoline Research Paper Jumping for Joy: Tone Your Body On a Mini Trampoline Remember how much fun it was to bounce on the bed when you were a kid, or jump on a trampoline at a weight loss camp. You didn t realize that you were strengthening muscles in your body including your heart. You can do that again, and this time, work out on the abs with a mini trampoline in the spare time at home. Add it to your schedule and soon you ll be looking forward to it. Get acquainted with sports clothes that contain the miracle fibers of spandex. Along with enjoying your new look in fashionable clothes, you ll bend and stretch with comfort, and you ll look good as you return to a toned and energetic body. Stretch the Muscles to Lessen Injuries Take time for a before and after
  • 8. Work Breakdown Structure Of A New System Work Breakdown Structure Gantt Chart The essential roles and required functions for this project Reviewing the interview summaries is the first step of initiation for creating a new system. According to the business case (Rosenblatt, 2014), there are different perspectives and various aspects towards the existing system and the essential preferences from the employees for creating a new system. Including, town manager, equipment department manager, maintenance supervisor, maintenance clerk, as well as mechanic are all the employees which perform a critical function in the operation of the Town. Fact Finding and Reviewing existing system are the first step to get the requirement, after review the interview summaries, which include the main problems, unsystematic record keeping and standard in putting data into the system. According to the role system analyst (Rosenblatt, 2014), system analyst will associate with project manager in order to investigate and identify the issues that need to fix. Moreover, they will transform the business requirements into IT implementation, which will pass the requirement to the design process and prototype respectively. Design process is really important for a new system proposal to respond the need of the employees and overhaul the outdated system that there are some problems especially in terms of standard in putting codes and integrating method of working for productive system, for example, specifying the standard in putting data
  • 9. Did Pugin s Revival Of The Gothic Use Tradition As A Form... Leigh Hamilton AA100 TMA 4 In what ways did Pugin s revival of the Gothic use tradition as a form of dissent? Essay Plan Introduction What is dissent? Introduce Pugin Paragraphs 1 2 Pugin s aims and inspiration Paragraph 3 Attack on the era of Reformations and Protestantism. Plate 4.7 decay of taste . Difference in Church styles. Paragraph 4 Treatment of the poor. Plate 2.4.11 Paragraph 5 Christian architecture pointing upwards. Paragraphs 6 7 Emphasis on Britain s greatness not requiring ideas from other countries. Big Ben Paragraph 8 Conclusion Leigh Hamilton AA100 TMA 4 In what ways did Pugin s revival of the Gothic use tradition as a form of dissent? To answer this question, we must first ask ... Show more content on ... While the Contrasts focused and differences and similarities between the two historical periods, Pugin s next book True Principles focused on the Gothic as being a true Christian architecture (Richardson, McKellar, Woods, 2008, p.128). Pugin advocated for pointed or Christian architecture (as Pugin called then what is now referred to as Gothic style; Richardson, McKellar, Woods, 2008, p. 113) aimed to reach up to heaven, symbolising Jesus resurrection. Pugin stressed an
  • 10. Analysis Of The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock J. Alfred Prufrock is not your standard heroic alpha male. He is a representation of the typical modern man. Prufrock is overeducated, fearful, timid, overly sensitive, and graceful. Throughout the poems, he continuously ponders lost opportunities and unanswered questions. This is the modern man, not strong and silent but weak and accessible. He represents the modern man by openly displaying disappointment and vulnerability. The modern man has lost sight of the quality of life and the truly important things in life. The character, J. Alfred Prufrock, represents all characteristics of a modern man; He is obsessed with his appearance and how much and how fast he is aging. The poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot centers on an aging, insecure middle aged man. The action described in the poem takes place in the evening in a dreary part of a foggy city. The exact location remains unknown, but it is believed to be the City of London, or St. Luis. However, Eliot most likely intended the setting to be any city, anywhere. The speaker of this ironic monologue is a modern, urban man who, like many of his kind, feels lonely and incapable of making a decision and acting upon it. Irony is apparent in the title since this is not a predictable love song. Prufrock would like to speak and love a woman, but he does not because of his insecurities and fear of rejection. Since the reader is overhearing his thoughts, the poem seems rather confusing at first. But Prufrock
  • 11. Altruism In The Armed Forces The Armed Forces to me means for someone to battle with a selfless attitude. I know many people who fight or have fought in the Armed Forces. Someone close to fought in the Navy, he is my grandpa. My grandpa s and other troops love for the United States of America is endless and unconditional. Leaving their loved ones takes a deep devotion to go miles away from everyone they ve ever known so that freedom our persist for generations. It can be hard for the loved ones to let the troop leave, but they know it rewards the United Statesand all the people residing here. That type of individual can be described as the trait of altruism. This specific type of personality trait takes integrity and courage that encompasses this type of troop. The
  • 12. Compare And Contrast Hardin And Swift Garrett Hardin and Jonathan Swift have different views on helping the poor. Although they grew up in different centuries, Hardin is against and Swift is for helping the poor. People are going to continue to be poor if they depend on someone else to help them. The ones living in poverty have the potential to do great things if they put forth the effort. Hardin and Swift s opinions differ on whether or not it is the peoples fault for being poor, the limited resources toward helping the poor and if it is too late to help them. When a country is poor the people blame others for their poverty. Hardin believes that the poor are lazy and they rely on government assistance. The poor has the ability to get a job, but they do not put effort into searching for one. On the other hand, Swift blames the politicians and English for their poverty in Ireland. Swift thinks that it isn t the poor s fault and if they could get a job, they would. Is it possible for the world to run out of resources? ... Show more content on ... Hardin states an example, a nation s land has a limited capacity to support a population and as the current energy crisis has shown us, in some ways we have already exceeded the carrying capacity of our land .(Hardin 169) It is believed by Hardin that there is limited resources and if we helped the poor it would be ineffective. In contrast, Swift thinks that limited resources are not an issue. In Swift s A Modest Proposal , he says that the children, who are of poor decent, use them as income for the poor and the children will be a commodity for the rich. Swift did not literally mean for this to happen but that the proposal to sell the children was absurd and the rich would do it
  • 13. Nuclear Deterrence And The Soviet Union Nuclear deterrence was first identified in you during the Cold War between the United States and Soviet Union. The United States and the Soviet Union both assembled a huge stockpile of nuclear weapons. Beforehand the United States had the upper hand with nuclear weapons, but the Soviet Union quickly emerged. It used this threat of massive retaliation as a means to deter Soviet hostility. The Soviet Union insinuated that there was in fact leeway or a chance that a probable nuclear war could be fought and won. At this moment the United States decided to adopt the idea of nuclear deterrence. To be more threatening and convincing to the Soviet Union, the United States began to develop and deploy several different types of systems or strategies that could be used to attack the Soviet Union. During 1960s the United States had by then developed three systems as a basis of strategic deterrence. These three strategies were long range manned aircraft that carried nuclear bombs, land based large scale ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads, and nuclear powered submarines on with nuclear ballistic missiles. This new system became known as the Strategic Triad. Because of how powerful the three strategies are, it will be almost impossible to destroy all three at once, so the strategic triad was impervious. In 1968 the non proliferation treaty was made up the objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons technology nuclear disarmament in general and complete
  • 14. The Planetary System Of The Earth And Moon Abstract The planetary system consisting of the Earth and Moon has been closely examined since the birth of man. The Moon is a scientifically important planet that preserves a unique history of planetary formation and early development, as well as recording the historical space environment and cosmic radiation for billions of years. Due to its proximity to the Earth, the Moonhas also been a target for human exploration and long term extraterrestrial habitation. Knowledge of the Moon s characteristics and its resources has become especially important for planning future space travel from Earth. Relationships between the Earth and Moon in origin, composition, and orbital dynamics are critical to scientific understanding as well as to the ultimate goals of lunar infrastructure development and habitation. The Moon has several unique characteristics when compared to the Earth which stem primarily from its lack of water, atmosphere, and biological life. Unlike on Earth, sedimentation on the Moon occurs primarily as a result of meteoroid impacts, but also by other means. Lunar soil is the fine fraction of the regolith found on the surface of the Moon. Its properties can differ significantly from those of terrestrial soil. The physical properties of lunar soil result from mechanical disintegration of basaltic and anorthositic rock, caused by meteoric impact and bombardment over billions of years. Weathering is primarily mechanical, in which the lunar terrain is
  • 15. Janet Parshall s In The Marketplace The talk radio program that I chose to listen to was Janet Parshall s In the Marketplace. The topic discussed during this program was the Republican Presidential Debate. The host, Janet Parshall, and her husband Craig lead the conversation. A few people called in and voiced their opinions on the subject as well. It was an hour long program that discussed many different things that had happened during the Republican Presidential Debate. The program began with a few facts about the debate that had occurred on Wednesday the 16th of September. Twenty five million people tuned in to the debate that night, but the number of people who stayed for the entire three hours of the debate is unsure. Many topics were discussed during this debate including... Show more content on ... It was clear that Washington outsiders had been receiving more votes as of late, and these callers had mentioned these people as candidates they were supporting. Among the names mentioned were Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, and Rand Paul. Janet Parshall had posed the question, why are people more interested in the people who are outside of Washington, and the answer was this: A lot of Americans want a President with a business attitude instead of a political attitude. They want someone who can turn around the national debt of our country and get the business side of our government running smoothly again. This is why Donald Trump has been receiving a lot of popularity. People don t want someone who is thinking only politically; they want a businessman. That business man should, however, know how things operate in government, and how they are supposed to operate in theory according to the Constitution. Another thing they had talked about during this program was the fact that at the Republican Presidential Debate, the moderators were deliberately turning the candidates against each other with the questions they were asking. They were purposely trying to get them to fight with each other instead of trying to get them to discuss the real issues that needed to be discussed. The moderators just wanted to see how the candidates reacted to this
  • 16. Estate Of Erasmus Allassi. Thirty Years Before Erasmus Estate of Erasmus Allassi Thirty years before Erasmus Allassi became the last living heir to the Allassi shipping fortune, his father, Stathos Allassi, lived in a small village, perched clifftop, overlooking the Cycladic Islands in Greece. Growing up among the tranquil white washed houses of Chora Anafi a poor village, where locals survived on anchovies and sapts Erasmus Allassi found success in fishing. For Anafiots fishing was as natural as the mythological stories surrounding Anafi; tales of the island surfacing from the Aegean Sea to protect the Argonauts, who had prayed to Apollo to save them from the angry sea. However, the serenity of the village had been broken one day, when his father had succumbed to an irresistible ... Show more content on ... The well brushed man entered with a letter between his fingers. Sir, this just came from you. I think you should open it. What is the urgency? It is from the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, sir. He handed the card to his boss and stood back. Allassi took the card from the man and read it. Engraved on the card: THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF WINDSOR Would like to invite Mr. Erasmus Allassi to an Evening Reception at Maxim s de Paris at 3 Rue Royale, 75008 Paris, France on Monday, the 22nd, December, 1955, at 5:30 o clock Black and White Formal Attire Requested. Allassi handed the card back to the man. Put this on my calendar, as a maybe. Then he waved his majordomo away. He gazed at the weathered stone walls of his grand bedroom. He lived in a windswept villa on the CГґte d Azur, the benefactor of an unusually golden life, both in America and the capitals of Europe. But, this afternoon he wished that he had not been invited to this dinner at Maxims. Sure, his golden court held him in high regard. Why not, with his witty repartee and gallant Г©lan? But, he was growing bored with the galas. The illustrious fame. The anointed. The monarchs and the divine. Including the bored expressions on the perfect faces of women with superbly coifed hair, the blessed women of haute couture. Certainly, in privileged circles, he was known as an attractive, well heeled man about town. Always congenial and known for that world famous
  • 17. Farewell To Arms Masculinity The traditional idea of male masculinity is upheld by enforcing a certain standard upon men at an early age. A Farewell To Arms, by Ernest Hemingway, is a novel about the tragedies of war, with an overly romanticized love story twisted in the plot. With our two main characters severely impacted by World War 1, they find a place of solitude and bliss after meeting. Lieutenant Frederic Henry moved from his home in America to join the Italian army during WW1, With nothing but a search for purpose in his life. Following an injury on the battlefield he is left hospitalized and with the realization that he is not meant to be fighting in a war. He finds himself beginning a relationship with his British nurse, Catherine Barkley. The two planned on starting a family in Switzerland, yet soon after getting pregnant she gives birth to a stillborn and passes away. What appears to be love takes place between Fredric, and Catherine may just be a statement of the human desire to find affection after loneliness and traumatic events. In love with the idea of love. The story constantly reminds us of the coping... Show more content on ... Males who display fear are labeled less of a man. Fredric states I‟m very brave when I ve had a drink (111). Both Catherine and Frederic are emotionally deterred from the devastating impact of war, either being through a death of a loved one or separation. With our male protagonist beginning the story as a brave, and stoic hero we soon realize a complex set of emotions, and alienation he endures. Fredric is a man who lives a life without meaning, lost on a perilous journey in obtaining purpose. The protagonist time after time fails to conceptualize his identity. While most of his fellow comrades have found their place in the war, as brave men who embrace death as their honorable fate. A lack of passion, motive, and direction is enough to drive a person down a path of depression and
  • 18. The Surprising Science Of Happiness Rhetorical Analysis The Psychological Immune System In the Ted Talk The Surprising Science of Happiness by Dan Gilbert in 2004, he talks about the psychological immune system (4:30). In the lecture he uses different rhetorical technics to strengthen his examples. The logic of logos, pathos and ethos are used to persuade the audience. Logos is the appeal to reason, and it focuses on the practicality of the object. Ethosis the appeal to authority, and an example is the use of an authoritative figure as a promotion. Pathos is the appeal to emotion, which acts upon relating to and drawing out the emotions of the audience (Kirszer and Mandell 13). To understand the purpose of the lecture requires an analysis of the rhetorical strategies and logos, paths, ethos being used as a means of persuasion to appeal to the... Show more content on ... The purpose of the lecture is to encourage people to understand the true phycology of happiness. Most people do not understand the way of thinking or how the brain works. Dan Gilbert states the understanding of thought as an unknown bias because of the psychological immune system (4:30) making humans have a preconceived notion about happiness. People subconsciously divide happiness in to two categories: natural happiness and synthetic happiness. Natural happiness occurs in the brain when someone gets what they want. Synthetic happiness is happiness developed by the brain to protect a person s ego, by making the unwanted outcome justifiable. The negative unwanted outcome must be justified as superior to the original want because the brain cannot deal with the cognitive dissonance of being denied. Cognitive dissonance is a state of tension that occurs whenever a person holds two cognitions(ideas, attitudes,
  • 19. How To Write A Narrative Essay About Moving To College Staying still in one place was something my body craved for years as time passed by. Every year brought the same experience; just like a game of hopscotch. Jumping from one school district to the next as my parents moved from one dairy to another, in hopes to find a job that had enough income. As I moved from school to school, a part of me became frustrated from all the jumping. In my studies, some schools would be more ahead with their objectives for the year while others would be below the state s educational standards. Consistency was something foreign, and though foreign elements give most people a feeling of anxiety, it was something that I wished for with excitement. By the time I entered fifth grade, marking the end of elementary school, I was finally able to find consistency in my studies. Although I was able to stay in the same public school district up until my senior year, my family still moved from house to house. Even though my parents could move my siblings and I to a school closer to home, they decided not to since they believed the school district I was in now would set me up for a brighter and more stable life than their own.... Show more content on ... There were many times where the overwhelming pressure to bring my family pride had taken a toll on my mentality, which resulted in me turning to music to cope with my struggles. Realizing that music had helped me in ways I ve never even imagined inspired me to see what it could do for others, and how it can be beneficial to those who struggle in various ways. Shortly after this revelation, I began to take in interest in music therapy and its ability to help an immense number of people. If I could create music to help those in need, then I could live life contently
  • 20. The Effects Of Media On Women s Body Image The effects of media on women s body image has been a reality long before the conception of social media. When someone is idealized, it is only natural that one will gravitate towards the characteristics most define the idealized person. It is innate in humankind to continuously strive for self betterment as it is a means for survival. If we perceive someone else doing better than ourselves we try to find out what they are doing that we aren t. The perception of self is often measurement of how one feels about their life and the direction it is going. With the emergence of social media, the number of idealizations has heightened due to the degree of content that we are exposed to. The internet itself is an endless black hole with an infinite amount of information. Roughly a third of the world having some form of social media. In the United States alone, the population on social media is 78%. The percentage of women who are dissatisfied with their bodies have increased. Studies have directly linked media and its correlation to women s body image. Women have developed insecurities because their standards of beauty have been shaped by their exposure to media. According to the journal titled, Women s exposure to thin and beautiful media images: body image effects of media ideal internalization and impact reduction interventions television characters are overrepresented while overweight characters are (Yamamiya et al., 2005). Leading to the normalization of the depicted
  • 21. Misery Islands Themes Misery Islands by January O Neil When I heard January O Neil read a few of her pieces from Misery Islands, I knew I had to buy the book, and I m glad I did. If I had to name the theme of this book, I d have to say it s a mix between pain and growth and joy and wanting to stay in one place forever. I like the combination because while one piece makes you want to stay in the place January is, and enjoy the moments that are happening, the next piece can make you want to forget. It s not all happy pieces and then all sad pieces: it s realistic with sad and happy pieces mixed together in random places. One minute you re reading You Get Up and the next you re reading Cunt. It s like life. You Are Not Your Salary (pg. 8) is a piece that caught my eye, and I ve found that I ve read the piece almost every day, or I m saying it in my head. I interpreted it saying that someone can be everything, they can be everywhere, but they re not the only thing out there. I connected this piece to my Mom in a really strange way. She s the person who gave birth to me, she s the one who raised me (kinda), she s my Mom... but she s not the person I need. After Making Love, I Leave to Write a Poem (pg. 29) is one of my favorite poems probably ever. I can ... Show more content on ... Many of these pieces broke my heart into what seems like a million pieces. A heavy topic in this book is sex, specifically, rape. This is something I ve experienced, and the feelings that come with that experience are executed beautifully. It s like the words I ve been needing to say are on the pages in front of me. One thing I found interesting about this book is the fact that in random places, there are facts about different things. For example, on page 31, the word rape is defined, and then a story about the author s childhood is told. It s not poetic in the least, but it almost feels that way because of everything you ve read up to that
  • 22. The Effect Of Chemical Reactions On Temperature, Enthalpy,... Discussion of Goals During this experiment we tested the amount of change in heat given off during different chemical reactions. We created a calorimeter that we will use to test different reactions to see how the heat energy was affected. After completing the experiments we were able to tell what chemicals or metals would change the heatenergy for every reaction we tested. Overall, this experiment showed us what characteristics of chemical reactions affect the change in temperature, enthalpy, and specific heat. Discussion of Results During the past four weeks we have been working on identifying heat changes between an assortment of different chemicals and metals. We constructed two calorimeters out of four Styrofoam cups, tape,... Show more content on ... The cause of the large gap simply could have been a measuring mistake and or possibly an added human error. After making our final tweaks to our calorimeters we moved on to experimenting with the heat changes for several acids and a base mixture continuing from week one. We tested the same base (Sodium Hydroxide) with three different acids (Acetic Acid, Nitric Acid, and Hydrochloric Acid) all at one molarity; results are shown in Table 2. After testing our three experiments we discovered a pattern with our acid and base reactions. Noticing that when we tested a stronger acid with a base the reaction would give off higher heat energy readings; versus the weak acid we tested. Which proves that there is a connection between chemical strength and heat energy. Leaving us with the conclusion that the stronger the chemical used, the greater heat energy released from the reaction that took place. Moving on with our project into week two we continued to test acids and bases; but, we changed the acid and base molarity this time as seen in Table 3. The point of this experiment was to see if the acid and base molarity (that we changed from 1, 3, and to 6 moles) would affect the amount of heat energy given off. We tested the same Acetic Acid and NaOH. Measuring 50mL of one mole NaOH and adding 50mL one mole Acetic Acid. We tested each experiment twice to make sure we were accurate and checked for possible errors made. We did have one
  • 23. Octopus Evolution People have been comparing the octopus to an alien life form for years most notably mollusk expert Martin Wells, grandson of H.G. Wells, who ate his subjects after he experimented on them. Wells anecdotally referred to octopuses as the only alien intelligence that humans have encountered. But try as he might, Wells who devoted his life to the study of cephalopods could not tap the origins of the creature s intelligence. Now, a new breakthrough in octopus genome mapping has revealed that the strange creatures have more secrets than we ever realized. Scientists at the University of Chicago, the University of California at Berkeley, and the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology have fully mapped the DNA sequencing of the Bimac octopus, better known as the California two spot octopus. ... Show more content on ... Alien????? Everything Octopus For starters, the DNA of an octopus contains nearly 10,000 more gene codes than that of a human. Various clusters of these gene codes perform different tasks and octopus genes are specially equipped to do very versatile things. For instance, six different octopus gene codes combine to produce an octopus s ability to rapidly camouflage itself. Another gene type, protocadherin, allows the development of neurons and neural transmissions. Most mammals, including humans, only have 70 or so protocadherins. The octopus has 168. And the octopus has one of the largest gene families devoted to development of any animal we ve mapped so far second only to the elephant. Perhaps the biggest surprise is that the DNA of an octopus is essentially like a road map where the road signs keep hopping around. The octopus has an extremely large number of jumping genes, called transposons, that can easily change their position in a protein chain. Researchers also found evidence in the octopus s RNA suggesting that they can easily alter their own protein sequences. In the researchers press release, Caroline Albertin, who co led the study,
  • 24. Analyzing The Movie Back To The Future Back to the Future (1985): This movie is one of my all time favorites. Time travel is always a good idea for a movie plot and makes things interesting, but for this movie they keep it intense and comical. It will give a good laugh, but also keep you at the edge of your seat during the intense parts. This movie is also very nostalgic for people who were in school during the 80 s. This movie lets the audience go back into the 50 s and see how life was like. A great plot line throughout the trilogy with Marty McFly running around with the crazy doc. My favorite comical duo from the 80 s. One of my most favorite episodes of the trilogy is when Marty and Doc are working against timeto get Marty back to the future. Doc is trying to fix the cable that came undone on top of the clock tower and Marty has only a few minutes till the lighting bolt strikes the tower. Once Doc plugs the cord in on top of the tower he has to some how get to the bottom of the tower and plug... Show more content on ... It deals with the very prominent issue of poverty in America, and specifically during the Great Depression. The movie is a giant metaphor for the entire population and the suffering they endured. Everywhere the family went there was starvation and no one with jobs and how the companies were trying to screw them. One scene that held the most power to me is when they finally get a job picking apples and have a place to stay, but they only get paid for how many buckets they fill which is very little. What tops it off is that there is a monoply the apple farm has because they own the only grocery store in town and everyone has to shop there if they like it or not. What ends up happening to the store is that the prices of the food is way over the top and they can get away with this because no one can leave the place. The movie opens the eyes of the viewer to poverty. A very powerful movie with no
  • 25. Huffy The Vampire Figurative Language Hush is an episode from Buffy the vampire slayer series it is forty four minutes and twenty eight seconds long. In this episode the cast of Buffy the vampire slayer lose their voices by monsters that need to steal human hearts without the victim screaming. After the monsters steal the human voices they keep them in a small box because human voices are their weaknesses, after the voices are sealed they start attacking. The whole town starts going into panic because they lost their voice and have to start expressing themselves nonverbally; this episode is a metaphoric representation of how people have hard time expressing themselves verbally. This episode is when the cast learns to overcome the difficulty of expressing their feelings, confidence... Show more content on ... In this episode two other fictional characters who had difficulty expressing themselves like Xander did was Willow and Tara, these two girls had difficulty expressing themselves when it came to confidence. Willow joins the Wicca group thinking it is an actual group of witches wanting to help each other with powers so she shares her thoughts in a joking suggestive manner, even though she means what she says, yet, her thoughts get rejected and laughed at. Tara was also at the same meeting for the Wicca group and it is evident that she struggles to speak her opinions at the Wicca meeting especially when it seems like she wants to agree with Willow who has already shared her opinions but when she does get the opportunity to say her ideas she decides not to. Both girls find themselves in a bad situation without their voices but Tara finds the confidence to show Willow that she also shares the same ability of powers. They both were able to find their confidence without their voices to show each other their powers, and because of this when they regained their voices back they were able to talk to each other about their witch ways. If they never found the confidence to show each other nonverbally they probably would of never found out and /or talked to each
  • 26. Ac552 W3 Lecture Process Costing Quiz Use the following information for questions 1 10. Top That manufactures baseball style hats. Material is introduced at the beginning of the process in the Cutting Department. Conversion costs are incurred (and allocated) uniformly throughout the process. As the cutting of material is completed, the pieces are immediately transferred to the Sewing Department. Data for the Cutting Department for the month of February 2005 follow: Workin process, January 31 50,000 units 100% complete for direct materials, 40% completed for conversion costsactual costs of direct materials, $70,500; actual costs of conversion, $34,050Units started during February, 225,000Units completed during February,200,000... Show more content on ... $1.52$1.81 6. Assuming Top That uses the first in, first out (FIFO) method to account for inventories, the assignment of costs to units completed and transferred to the Sewing Department during February is a. $658,350.b. $636,450.c. $666,000.d. $652,000. The following additional data apply to questions 7 9. Standard costs for the Cutting Department: Direct materials $1.50 per unit;
  • 27. A Brief Comparison Of Lord Salisbury And William Mckinley Comparison of Lord Salisbury and William McKinley Lord Salisbury and William McKinley operated quite differently in social environments. McKinley was very much a people person. He came from a large close knit family and enjoyed meeting people. McKinley was warm and concerned with his constituent s perception of him. McKinley s social aptitude affected his political endeavors as well as his social interactions and some historians interpret his political behavior as indecisive and irresolute. Lord Salisbury on the other end of the spectrum had a miserable lonely childhood with few friends likely instrumental in shaping his general outlook on life. He was reportedly likeable yet competitive. He remained reserved yet somewhat cynical. Salisbury was thought quite fearful of change and loss of control in his political interactions. Both Salisbury and McKinley pioneered their respective countries into the period called imperialism. Imperialism is the policy of squiring dependent territories or expanding a country s influence through economic, military or cultural endeavors. Much like McKinley with China and the land secured with the war with Spain; and Salisbury push to colonize Africa through trade with other European countries.... Show more content on ... Lord Salisbury was constrained by natural caution, with his pursuits methodical and calculated. He was conscious of the need to maintain party unity by taking account of what was acceptable to rank and file Conservatives in addition to his introverted views. It is not surprising that Salisbury, like British aristocracy of the time viewed the abolition of slavery as non beneficial while sympathetic to the Confederates during the civil war as a welcomed threat to disrupt the American union. McKinley, because of his sentiments, character and upbringing, felt an obligation to fight with the Union Army to end involuntary
  • 28. Why Is Samsung To Achieve Global Competitive Advantage Question 1 (40 Marks) Critically analyze and discuss the strategy adopted by Samsung to achieve global competitive Advantage. (500 words) Answer 1 To understand how Samsung achieved global competitive advantage we first need to understand what do we mean by Strategy ? At the business unit level, strategy is a set of management decisions concerning which customers to target and what to offer them. (European Business Forum, 2007)1 Strategy is a concept that focuses on long term objectives of a firm keeping in view the changes that take place in the business environment and the possible implications that it has on the firm. Thus, a dominant and well structured strategy plays a very important element in capturing competitive advantage ... Show more content on ... The reason being that the company didn t depend upon its organizational members or managers to act rationally and take decisions. Rather the firm was highly determined on revising its product design in order to achieve global competitive advantage. The processual strategy states that organizations whose products are genuinely better can outwit their competitors. In a similar manner Samsung also came out with a variety of convergence products which gave the firm an extra boost of competitive edge. For instance, Samsung launched 5 and 7 mega pixel camera phones in 2005 along with a 10 mega pixel camera in 2005. It also launched the SGH i310, a phone with a capacity of 8 GB that could easily store about 2,000 MP3 files. By offering products that were completely different and unique with respect to their design, features, quality etc. Samsung soon occupied a major share in the electronics market. The systemic school sees strategy as constrained and shaped by the socio economic systems in which it is embedded. (Small Business Economics, Jan 2009)3 Samsung along with the processual strategy also adopts the systemic theory of strategy. In that the company aligns its activities and products with the social systems that the firm interacts with for instance cultural, political, social etc. Samsung functions in an environment that is highly
  • 29. Why I Want Anytime Change Analyze Your Organization Kevin C. Gilmore Dr. Linda Ballard MGT 509, Module 3 Case Trident University International December 14, 2016 Personally I think anytime change is implemented or necessary in an organization involving the employees is key to its success. Training is a good place to start. Are the employees being trained according to the organizations business needs that makes sense. Employees perform better when they are informed and made to feel like they are a part of the process, but training is just the beginning. Being in the military taught me a lot about managing people and equipment, neither one is an easy task. I selected these steps because I ve implemented them several times as I encountered many permanent change of stations as a senior noncommissioned officer. Making changes in a military organization is a little different than in a business environment but some of the obstacles you may encounter are the same. In any organization you should first examine the resources that you have available to you. What are your liabilities, capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses? The first step in strategic HR planning is by assessing your workforce and identifying your current employees knowledge, skills and abilities. This includes evaluating your employees strengths, education levels, additional training, and certifications. Personnel files should be examined as well, you can find a wealth of information needed to help
  • 30. The Creation of Federal Laws in Australia The Creation of Federal Laws in Australia The Commonwealth of Australia was created with the 1901 unification of six recently independent British colonies. All were solidified under the authorship of a Constitution that same year which predicated the form of government and the legal orientation of the new nation. (AG, p. 1) In doing so, it also vested the power to create federal laws in Australian Parliament and, in one sense, gave it exclusive authority to do so. And in this sense, one might render the interpretation that one advantage Australiahas is that it has a written constitution which gives nearly all the power to make laws for Australia to the Commonwealth Parliament. However, a more complete understanding of the structure of Australian law suggests that this is a great understatement and one which does not make full accounting for the roles played either by the states that are confederated to make up Australia or by the judicial branch of the federal government. A consideration of the roles played by Parliament, the states and the court systems reveals that in fact, while the power to legislate laws is entrusted in Australian parliament, this entitlement is only possible through an interdependence with these other dimensions of the government. First, it is appropriate to examine the conditions that will have allowed for one to make the blanket statement quoted here above. Namely, the Australian Government (AG)(2011) documents that Section 51 of the
  • 31. Siddhartha s Journey Of Enlightenment Essay Vedant Patel Mr. Kadar / Mr. Herzenberg Period 4 November 9, 2015Siddhartha s journey to enlightenment can be described by three terms that are described in Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse. Siddhartha goes through many challenges and suffers in his journey to reach Nirvana. He wants to be enlightened one, one without fear to anything. He wants to keep continue his path to Nirvana. He leaves everything behind and keeps going towards his goal. The terms are very significant in Siddhartha s life because the word Om guides him to perfection and oneness, he goes through many challenges to reach Nirvana, and the term Samsara makes him keep going in his life. The term Om is seen throughout Siddhartha s journey in finding enlightenment. The word Om keeps him in the touch with the universe. When Siddhartha gets into conflicts, Om saves him. When Siddhartha listened attentively to this river, to this song of thousands voices; when he did not listen to the sorrow or laughter, when he did not bind his soul to any one particular voice and absorb it in his Self, but heard them all, the whole, the unity; then the great song of thousand voices consisted of one word: Om Perfection (Hesse 136). The word Om helps him to realize that he is not desiring anything, that he has reached the oneness. He is out of every conflicts and he is united with everything. When he hears the word Om, he reaches Nirvana. At that moment, when the sound of Om reached Siddhartha s ears, his slumbering soul
  • 32. Things Fall Apart Fact Biased or Based in Fact? An Analysis of Things Fall Apart Winston Churchill, the British Prime minister during World War II once said that, History is written by the victors . This is an idea that has piqued the interest of many individuals throughout history. It is an idea that challenges historians to broaden their horizons, and to look at something from a purely objective point of view in order to remove bias. However, often times primary sources can come in the form of diary entries or handwritten letters, which can contain opinion. Opinionated sources can give us a view of a certain demographic, or allow us to step into the shoes of the individual or individuals that created the primary source. What place does historical fiction have ... Show more content on ... When the novel reaches fever pitch and tensions are high between the natives and the missionaries, the natives moved like a furious whirlwind to [the missionaries ] compound and with machete and fire reduced it to a desolate heap...When the [natives] went away the red earth church which Mr. Brown had built was a pile of earth and ashes , effectively committing an act of arson(Achebe 188 191). The missionaries don t retaliate in this situation, and they had no history of physical violence or destruction of property. Through primary sources historians know that the extreme aggression of the natives was actually toned down compared to how they fought with each other, as one individual describes: [Tribe 1] attacked [Tribe 2] while beaten back by [Tribe 2], [Tribe 1]found that [Tribe 3] had in the mean time burned their town taken every thing they had, besides destroying many of the women children [of Tribe 1] (Africa Through Western Eyes, Part 3). The natives have been pillaging and looting each other, a massive show of violence, and the British come nowhere near as close to inflicting this much damage unto the people of the village of Umuofia in the novel Things Fall Apart. While the British did employ some violence to achieve their goals, Things Fall Apart paints them out to be much more violent than they are, even though the natives are shown to be far more aggressive and belligerent than the
  • 33. Similarities Between Equality And Inequality The social issue of equality and inequality, has dated back to the beginning of time. Although there is no way to find out, would one really think that cavemen would not fight about who got the most food? Even children would argue if someone else has more crayons, or more toys. Everyone has demanded equalityat least once in their lifetime. Unfortunately inequalityoccurs more often than equality, and this will never change. Race, sex, and religion are the three main points that occur most often in today s society. If someone were to turn on the news, they would more than likely see global issues on race, sex, religion, and their fight for equality. I will be discussing the similarities and differences of equality and inequality through race, sex, and religion. When someone thinks about the similarities of equality and inequality in a social setting, they might think that there are none. In fact, there are many similarities, and the main one is humans. Humans either have equality, or they do not have it, and want it. Usually people have more courage in a group, rather than alone. This is also a similarity with equality and inequality. It is often groups that rightfully raise the issue of an inequality between themselves and the rest of society (Gosepath). The rest of society that Gosepath is referring to, is people who have equality, which connects equality and inequality. The first similarity of equality and inequality is race. Both sides deal with all kinds of people
  • 34. The Norman Conquest and the French Influence on Middle... Transilvania University of Brasov Faculty of Letters Department of English THE NORMAN CONQUEST AND THE FRENCH INFLUENCE ON MIDDLE ENGLISH SENTENCE OUTLINE I. INTRODUCTION General aspects about the origin of the English language Brief presentation of the Norman Conquest II. ENGLISH, FRENCH, LATIN THREE LANGUAGES IN USE Aspects of the social and political transformations occured after the Conquest The roles of each on the three languages in the society of the time III. FRENCH INFLUENCE ON ENGLISH SPELLING AND PRONOUNCIATION Influences on the way the sounds were rendered Influences on the pronounciation of the sounds IV. FRENCH INFLUENCE ON ENGLISH VOCABULARY French loan words and the fields they belonged to Other elements of ... Show more content on ... At Stamford Bridge, he won a decisive victory on 25th September, in which Harald Hard1rada and Tostig were both killed. But after that, Harold s sick, exhausted Saxon army met William s fresh, rested Norman troops on October 14th at Battle near Hastings, and the great battle began. That was the moment when King Harold was killed and the Normans gained control of England. On Christmas Day 1066, William was crowned King of England. The Norman Conquest had important consequences on all levels, including the linguistic one. English phonetics, vocabulary, morphology and also syntax were influenced by French, but, despite the historical and social background, the mother tongue survived and adapted, reestablishing itself after 1200. II. ENGLISH, FRENCH, LATIN THREE LANGUAGES IN USE At the moment, the conquest probably came as a disaster for the English people, as the Normans brought their new territory under control with systematic rigour. After the English royal family had been destroyed in the battle, the new king established his own regime. At the time, Normandy had an advanced feudal system of political organisation, which accelerated the establishment of feudalism in Britain. Moreover,
  • 35. most of the representatives of the native nobility were eliminated and a French speaking monarchy, aristocracy and clerical hierarchy took over. Thus, the important positions and the great estates were mostly in
  • 36. Long Term Effects of Alchool Keith McGrenaghan 12th Grade Alcohol essay The Long Term Effects of Alcohol Use Alcohol is primarily absorbed through the stomach and the small intestines. It is considered a food because it has calories, but does not need to be digested and proceeds directly into the body through the digestive system. After ingestion it is carried through the blood stream and crosses the bloodВ–brain barrier, at which time impairment begins. A greater amount of ingestion causes greater impairment to the brain, which, in turn, causes a person to have a greater degree of difficulty in functioning. The majority of alcohol in the body is eliminated by the liver. Ninety percent is eliminated through the body, while ten percent is eliminated through ... Show more content on ... There is mounting evidence that repeated exposure to alcohol during adolescence leads to long lasting deficits in cognitive abilities, including learning and memory, in humans. The ages 15 and 16 years old in in patient treatment for alcohol dependence perform more poorly on test of memory and attention than healthy control subjects from the surrounding community. Research with human adolescents clearly suggests that alcohol abuse during the teen years has long lasting effects. It appears that adolescents might be particularly vulnerable to the long lasting effects of alcohol use. The causes of these long lasting changes are unclear, but they might involve brain damage and alterations in normal brain development. Prolonged, heavy use of alcohol can lead to addiction (alcoholism). Sudden cessation of long term, extensive alcohol intake is likely to produce withdrawal symptoms, including severe anxiety, tremors, hallucinations and convulsions. Long term effects of consuming large quantities of alcohol, especially when combined with poor nutrition, can lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and liver. In addition, mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to infants with fetal alcohol syndrome. These infants may suffer from mental retardation and other irreversible physical abnormalities. In addition, research indicates that children of alcoholic parents are at greater risk than other children of becoming
  • 37. The University of Michigan Fab Five Essay There seems to be a fine line, a three point line, between pushing the envelope and pushing a revolution. In 1991, five freshmen from the University of Michigan brashly stepped over that line redefining the world of college basketball as we knew it and in the process, revolutionized the relationship between style and sport. These men were fresh in more ways than one, causing an entire nation to dub them fabulous. They brought a hip and a hop to a game that was previously flat. Anyone following college basketballloved or hated to love the Fab Five, evincing that either way five things were on people s minds or television screens. Whether you were a kid begging your mom to take you to a sporting goods store, like I was, to get those... Show more content on ... With a grin on his face and hands over knees, Juwan explains how they became five: Back then high school basketball players weren t legitimate pro prospects so blue chip recruits would call other blue chip recruits in order to sway their decision. The more details about his pursuit of the other four, the more his grin grows, I knew if I could get Jalen I could get Chris since they were both from Detroit. Ray, on the other hand, was a whole different story. Being from Texas and the son of a Preacher, Ray s decision really wasn t his. Ray s father made it clear that school and family come before basketball. Impersonating his father s initial response Ray can t help but get animated Michigan? Ray you ve never seen snow! But when decision making time came Michigan s prestigious academic history, a full scholarship, and combined with the Ray s constant badgering was the right choice according to the Preacher. The fifth guy was Jimmy. Juwan didn t even have to call him. Before Jimmy was even off the phone with Coach Steve Fisher he made his decision to attend Michigan. It was out of habit that the Fib Five displayed style, when they dunked over someone they danced and talked trash to them because that was how they were used to playing. They all grew up playing street basketball. Taunting, trash talking, and flashiness are all characteristics of playground basketball
  • 38. Research Paper On Rocky Point Puerto PeГ±asco, affectionately referred to as Rocky Point, was once a small, quiet fishing village. But today it is a world class destination offering traditional charms with modern conveniences. Vast stretches of white sand hug an azure coastline and the effect must be seen to be believed. As must the sunsets over the Sea of Cortez, which are kaleidoscopic and breathtaking. Try not to watch one of them with your mouth agape, as you wonder why you never see those same colors back home. Fun in the Sun? Rocky Point s Got That, Too Rocky Point is sunny practically 365 days of the year with almost no rainfall. This makes it an ideal location for those who want to get outside for some adventure, or just to live a more active lifestyle year round.
  • 39. Similarities Between A Crab Spider And An Elephant A generalist and a specialist, they may seem like complete opposites but are they? A generalist can survive in a myriad of conditions oppose to a specialist, they can only thrive when certain requirements are reached. Although a generalist appears to be entirely different from a specialist they still both have similarities. This can be shown by the comparison of a Crab Spider and an Elephant. A Crab Spider and an Elephant have a lot of sharp distinctions between each other but they also have many similarities. One instant where this is the manifestation is how their behaviour is in the presence of humans. Both an Elephant and a Crab Spider will not attack an individual unless they provoke the species. Another
  • 40. France Research Paper France Have you ever heard about the awesome and amazing country France? It is an amazing country with delicious foods, amazing sights, and much more! France has potential to be the perfect vacation as well. France has so much amazing things to do there for entertainment as well! France Is a truley amazing country. Here are some amazing facts about France.One awsome thing in France is the famous Eiffel Tower. It is a truley amazing sight, being both massive, tall, and it being a famous world known tourist atraction, and the landmark of France! France also has lots of cool things to do there. This is good because who doesn t want to have fun? You can go on a boat and paddle around in all the water, play around, swim, and ... Show more content on ... Crapes! One of the most delicious foods ever. Along with other amazingly delicious foods, such as a baguette, a long stick of yummy, chewy bread, and also the well known croissant. So in France you also now know that there is delicious foods along side the fun ativities, and cool places to go in France. France is a really, cool, fun, amazing country with amazing foods. But wait we forgot about the famous people from France, along with the important events! One important event from France is when the first written records were written. Another was when the colony of Massalia was founded by ancient Greeks. The last important event I will be sharing is when Celtic tribes began to settle in what is now known as France.Now, I will tell you about some of the famous people from France. They Are Edith Pief, Jhonny Hallyday, and Charles Aznavour, all famous French musicions. France Is a truley amazing place with many cool things to see, cool places to visit, and most importantly, lots of fun! Some Amazing, Delicious foods can also be found in France, besides the ones that were mentioned! Some of these delicious dishes include Onion soup, cassoulet, and souffl e. These are all yummy delicious, French
  • 41. Essay on The Benefits of High Quality Child Care It is common knowledge that a parent is considered the most efficient caregiver for their children. It s also known that with daily responsibilities of caring for a child financially, parents partake in full time and/or part time employment. While needing to do so, many children attend daycare/preschool facilities. Granted, it is the parent s responsibility to cautiously select where they decide to take their children. This is because parents know that while they are away for numerous hours of the day, their children are in the hands of another care provider and that their care would have an enormous impact on their children. At a young age, a child s social and cognitive skills are continuing to take shape and the amount of time spent in... Show more content on ... While daycare/ childcare centers provide a safe haven for young children and left in the care of licensed caregivers, there is more to daycare then just temporary relief for parents. These facilities offer a nurturing and fun learning environment to promote curiosity, innovation, and continuous growth in developmental abilities and positivity in children, and they also have the ability to provide encouraging and engaging activities that endorse emotional, social, and academic development (Phillips 1987). Within these facilities, high quality care calls for each child reach greater levels of learning and can develop skills at their own pace under supervision. Along with knowing the purpose of quality daycare/child care facilities, the next important factor is to be aware of what generates a high quality daycare/child care facility. It is vital to know the characteristics because these prime objectives are the driving forces influenced by what children need in order to succeed and grow in their developmental skills. Fundamentally, High quality [preschool] education can support early development in ways that yield long term social, cognitive and emotional benefits (Barnett 2005, p1). The most essential aspect of a high quality facility are the trained, certified and attentive teachers hired to support children s developmental needs. They ensure this by respectful interaction,
  • 42. Lgbt Controversy Equal rights for homosexuals and others of the LGBT community have been a source of controversy for years now. Homosexuals have been punished for their sexual preference since as early as 1290. In present times, however, the main issues in question come down to marriage, adoption, and bullying. As of today, not all states allow same sex marriageor same sex adoption. Bullying has also proved to be a big issue in the LGBTcommunity and it has accounted for about 30% of suicides in the LGBT community. Controversy and debate follow this topic to this day and some states have come to accept certain aspects of it, though there s still work to be done. Same sex marriageis a huge source of debate. Whether for religious or moral reasons, many people
  • 43. Old South vs. New South in O Conner s Everything That... Old South vs. New South in O Conner s Everything That Rises Must Converge Flannery O Connor s Everything That Rises Must Converge depicts a stifling mother son relationship in which the conflict is never resolved, or even acknowledged. This relationship is a metaphor which describes the transition from the Old South, with its inherent values used to justify slavery and segregation, to the New South, striving for justice based on equality. Mrs, Chestney (old South) and her son Julian (New South) represent, on an individual scale, the interactions of their corresponding constituencies, The world is a mess everywhere... I don t know how we ve let it get in this mess , states Mrs, Chestney on the subject of segregation, ... Show more content on ... Kathleen Feeley wrote that eventually the mother s culture of the heart fails because it is unreal , and her inability to advise Julian clearly is indicative of this. Julian does not like his mother. To him, she is an embarrassment, a burden, and backward. He has learned to identify racism, and has learned to argue against it, However, when his mother is the perpetrator, the issue becomes wrapped around the hostility he feels for her. For example, he resents her methods of motherhood, or perhaps her headstrong commitment to her unwitting ignorance. Most likely, when taking the issue into account, he feels the most anger towards her for raising him as a racist, and now, despite an education that presumes the opposite, he finds that he remains racist. Instead of addressing these problems, he seeks to belittle her, When the large Negro woman first enters the story, he immediately wished that she sit beside his mother, in order to disturb her. Yet to his annoyance, she squeezed herself into [the seat next to his] . His lack of insight regarding their relationship is revealed when he has fantasies of presenting his mother with a Black acquaintance: either a business associate, a lover, or even the doctor whom he could hire to heal her. When he asks the man with the newspaper for a light (with neither cigarettes nor the desire to smoke), he embarrasses himself solely to confound her. He remains racist not
  • 44. Effects Of Reading Instruction On The Literacy Development... The Effects of Reading Instruction on Students of Low Socioeconomic Status Amelia K.L. Reynolds Edmond, Oklahoma Abstract This paper explores related research in aspects of language acquisition, specifically, reading instruction and its effect on students who live in low socioeconomic environments. We will review the methods of explicit phonics and whole language to examine what, if any, is the more advantageous method of reading instruction for students who live in poverty. The purpose of this literature review is to investigate the impacts of specific reading instruction on the literacy development of children and how socioeconomics restricts these impacts. The research reviewed was collected from peer review journals using the Central Search feature on the UCO Chambers Library website. The majority of the researcher s findings came from EBSCOhost Education Research Complete and JSTOR: Journal Storage. Given the findings of this literature review, research suggests that explicit phonics instruction, when embedded in a whole language classroom, promotes growth in literacy skills among young children. Research suggests that multisensory phonics, based on Orton Gillingham Approach, promotes literacy growth for students who are at risk, however, its impact within a whole language classroom are undetermined. This literature review suggests that multisensory phonics should be utilized in a whole language classroom to determine if its use promotes growth in
  • 45. Profit Is Not The Purpose Of Enterprise Profit is not the purpose of enterprise Introduction Many people mistakenly think that the purpose of the company is simply to make money. In fact, profit is actually just an important result of the existence of a company. The real reason for company existence has to be further studied. Companies need profits, but more importantly they must have the social responsibility. Companies have a great responsibility to their employees, customers, suppliers and the general welfare of society, as well as the ecological environment. It inevitably comes to a conclusion that the existence of the company is to be able to complete a work which cannot be done by one person. It actually is a kind of contribution to society. But now, it can be seen that... Show more content on ... For one hundred percent of the profits, all human laws will be trampled by these capitals. If there are three hundred percent of the profits, any crime will be committed, even with the risk of strangulation (Marx, Engels, Levitsky, 1996). For example, before Enron declared bankruptcy in 2001, it had about 21,000 employees and was one of the world s largest electricity, gas and telecommunication companies. The company had been named as America s most innovative company by Fortune for six consecutive years. But the real cause of Enron famous in the world was financial fraud scandal which made this company with hundreds of billions of assets in bankruptcy within a few weeks (Cahan Zhang, 2005). Therefore, it can be seen that the pursuit of profit as the purpose of the enterprise inevitably causes the emergence of various cases of unsustainable development, thereby harming the enterprise, society, the community, the environment and the staffs. The purpose of business is to provide goods and services, thus contributing to society. Despite obtaining profit is not a fundamental purpose of business, profit and purpose are not in confrontation. There are correlations between profit and purpose. First, profits are the result of corporate contribution to society. If the business provides the community with the necessary products and services in an efficient way, then the business will earn profits. Therefore, profit is
  • 46. Zara s Case Study 1. What is Zara s value Proposition? How does it differ from its Competitors? Zara has pioneered leading edge fashion clothes for budget minded young adults through a tightly integrated vertical structure that cuts delivery time between a garment s design and retail delivery to under three weeks (against the industry norm of three to six months) (Grant, 2010, p.212) According to Clayton Christensen in order to process you Value Proposition you must look at the following (Harvard Business Review) Zara s value proposition is that it offers its customers cutting edge fashion at very affordable prices. It actively seeks out what styles are hot in the fashion world. After Zara has identified the latest trend it can have the ... Show more content on ... 4. Marketing amp; Sales: Zara broad offering meets its customer s demands quickly. This is due to management s almost instantaneous response to changes in customers needs (Ghemawat et al, 2006). Zara s prices consider the cost of exporting and market conditions of the store s location (D Andrea et al, 2003) instead of the traditional application a cost plus margin. Zaras inventory turnover is higher than their direct competition (at 10.67% versus H amp;M at 6.84%) (D Andrea et al, 2003). Constantly changing stock encourages sales and increase the average visits to stores per customer (Kotler et al, 2009). 5. Service: Traditional supply chains take a supplier centric/push view with a focus on what a business is trying to sell rather than a focus on customer s demands (Kotler et al, 2009). Zara s supply chain adopts a vertical structure which is mainly demand driven with cycle times being kept to a minimum which allows information to be acted upon quickly (Grant, 2011). Zara s Supporting Activities (4) 1. Infrastructure Zara IT supports the interaction between the different departments throughout the entire company. 2. Human Resource Management (HRM) Zara focus on HRM is evident in their hiring of newly graduated designers with fresh ideas and energy from the local areas.
  • 48. Robotics, Warfare, And Warfare Robotics and Warfare Name Course Instructor Date Introduction When we talk about robotic and warfare, it s like we are focusing on military robots. First of all there is need to understand what a robot is; it is a programmable machine that can sense and interact with its environment. Consequently, military robots are often viewed as remote controlled moveable gargets, which are designed specifically for military use. Many of the robotic controlled systems are currently in use while others are under way to be developed. The origin of military robots can be traced back to the Second World War and Cold War periods. Despite The fact that the use of robots in warfareis a traditional topic of science fiction, it is currently under research as it is considered to be a possible channel of fighting wars in future. There are believes among the soldiers that the future of present warfare would be handled by automated systems (Sharkey, 2012). Therefore, this paper will first try to find clarifications on what current roboticists visualize in the future warfare. This can be done better by identifying the stakeholders and their responsibilities towards the future of robotic warfare. Moreover, the paper will highlight the need of an autonomous system, determine the impacts of warfare robots and finally identify those responsible for future killings caused by robotic systems. If we can assess the nature of military men today, it is clear that they have a lot of
  • 49. Argumentative Essay On Radiocarbon Dating Radiocarbon dating is a scientific procedure used to calculate the age of dead specimens by the rate of decay in their levels of C 14. Radiocarbon dating methods are deeply flawed and do not reliably determine the age of certain fossils or the earth. This is due to the assumptions that they are built upon. These assumptions include that the conditions on the earth have always been constant and nothing has ever caused the C 14 levels to fluctuate. These assumptions must be true for radiocarbon datingto be reliable. However, there is a plethora of evidence showing that these assumptions cannot be trusted. Radiocarbon dating is a heavily debated topic in the world today. This is primarily due to the powerful implications it has on people s belief systems. Christians and atheists alike view radiocarbon dating as important and need to be able to defend or support it. Findings through the process of radiocarbon dating can help prove or disprove people s beliefs about the world. Radiocarbon dating will always be a controversial method because of its impact on one s worldview. However,... Show more content on ... For radiocarbon dating to accurately date anything no matter its age, two facts must be accounted for. The rate of decay of Carbon 14 and the amount of Carbon 14 in the creature at the time of its death must be known. The rate of decay of Carbon 14 can be determined by its half life, which is around 5,730 years. This means that every 5,730 years the amount of Carbon 14 in an organism is cut in half. As a result, the amount of Carbon 14 would eventually dissipate to nothing in every organism after its death. Because of this, radiocarbon dating has a limit to its accuracy. Many times, scientists will claim that an organism was dated to be many millions of years old. However, according to the half life of Carbon 14 and the limits that it possesses, this is
  • 50. Literature Review Of Royal Jelly REVIEW OF LITERATURE Royal jelly (RJ) is a honeybee product secreted from the hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands of the worker honeybees. It contains a mixture of very important compounds that give it therapeutic and nutritional properties. These compounds as protein, glucose, lipid, vitamins, minerals, aspartic acid, gelatin, sterols, phosphorous compounds, acetylcholine, nucleic acids, and numerous trace ingredients. The ingredients are in the form of water, crude protein and monosaccharides. The remainder of the royal jelly is composed of an ether soluble fraction of fatty acid (Galaly et al., 2014). Royal jelly is a viscous jelly substance which is partially soluble in water with a density of 1.1 g/ ml. Its colour is whitish to yellow, the yellow color increases upon storage. Its odor is pungent, the taste being sour and sweet. Old RJ, which stored for long time tends to be darker and possess a rancid taste. For optimum quality, RJ should be stored in frozen state. According to water content, the viscosity of RJ varies and it slowly becomes more viscous when stored at room temperature or in a refrigerator at 5ВєC. The viscosity of RJ increases with increment of water insoluble nitrogenous compounds and a reduction in soluble nitrogen and free amino acids (Ramadan and Al Ghamdi, 2012). Royal jelly contains proteins, more than 80% of RJ proteins are soluble proteins called major royal jelly proteins (MRJPs) which are glycoproteins. These proteins perform
  • 51. The Importance Of Family History Knowing our family history is essential to understanding ourselves and basic humanity and diversity. Family history helps to keep memories alive and allow each generation to have an idea of who they are and where they come from. It helps to provide meaningful connections to our ancestors. Old photos, letters, and journals give us a glimpse into what our ancestors were really like. Familyhistories are passed down to generations in the form of stories. As a young kid, I used to cajole my grandfather to repeat his childhood stories over and over again before I went to bed. As I recall, my great grandfather, Pir Mohammad and mother, Jenna, were born in Abad Pura, a small rural village in Gujrat, India. There were many Muslim towns along the ... Show more content on ... He married my grandmother when he was twenty and gave birth to seven kids, including my dad. My grandmother helped my grandfather in farming and harvesting too. Despite all the efforts, their family was still financially unstable. It was a time, when British arrived in India and brought various reforms. They made schools and hospitals, reconstructed roads and houses, and introduced English language in the country. The cities were getting better but the villages were still the same. Britishers encouraged the Indians to make schools in all parts of the India including the villages to educate children. Unlike my grandfather, my dad got a chance to go to school in his village but he couldn t continue his education for very long. He studied from nine in the morning to two in the afternoon and helped his father in farming until the dusk. During the 1900s, British efforts to change the country s traditions and cultural practices turned into destructive riots. People started blaming British for creating religious divisions between Hindus and Muslims. In 1947, the British finally left India and the subcontinent was partitioned into two independent nation states: Hindu majority India and Muslim majority Pakistan. My grandfather, alone, moved to Pakistan, searching for various opportunities to earn money in the new land, that demanded services and businesses. Unfortunately, he failed at starting a good business and eventually returned
  • 52. Johannes, Jan Or Johan Vermeer Johannes, Jan or Johan Vermeer was a magnificent Dutch painter who specialized in domestic scenes of common middle class family life. Vermeer often hailed as the most famous artist of the Dutch Golden age, or perhaps second to only Rembrandt himself. Johannes Vermeer would not be recognized as a wealthy man, later in life, alas, his younger years did include various hardships which included a lavish rich lifestyle. Growing up in the Netherlands in a small city named Delft, Johannes was would be greatly influenced by his father, his father was only a middle class worker who worked for years in an industry that manufactured silk products. Eventually, Johannes father would leave the silk industry to pursue another profession, which was to become
  • 53. Essay on Battle of Fort Sumter Fort Sumter is located in Charleston, South Carolina. The fort is in Charleston s harbor. The fort was not even complete when war broke out. This was a big turning point for the United States of America. It separated the north from the south and in some cases it separated families. This war would impact how the United Statessaw slavery. It is the most deadly war that the United States has every seen in its history. It all began with the secession of South Carolina. After this an understanding was established between the authorities in Washington and the members of Congress from South Carolina. They both agreed that the forts, Fort Moultrie and Fort Sumter, would not be attacked, or seized as an act of war, until proper negotiations for... Show more content on ... If it was refused he was to force its evacuation. ( Anderson received a letter from Gen. Beauregard telling him to evacuate the fort or he will force them out. Anderson refused even though that the lack of supplies would force him to evacuate. He replied to Beauregard that unless he received instructions or supplies from Washington by noon April 15 he would evacuate. (The atlas of the Civil War) On April 11 Gen. Beauregard sent Maj. Anderson the following communication: Headquarters Provisional Army, C.S.A. Charleston, April 11, 1861 Sir; The government of the Confederate States has hitherto foreborne from any hostile demonstrations against Fort Sumter, in hope that the government of the United States with a view to the amicable adjustment of all questions between the two governments, and to avert the calamities of war would voluntarily evacuate it. There was reason at one time to believe that such would be the course pursued by the government of the United States, and under that impression my government has refrained from making any demand for the surrender of the fort. But the Confederate States can no longer delay assuming actual possession of a fortification commanding the entrance of one of their harbors and necessary to its defense and security. I am ordered by the government of the Confederate States to demand the evacuation of Fort Sumter. My aides, Col. Chestnut and Cap. Lee, are
  • 54. Network Design Running head:PROJECT #3 Unit #3 Individual Project Network Design For Champions, Inc. Travis Lee Thompson ITCO103 1201A 05 American International University Table Of Contents Network Architecture/Model ........................................................................................ Page 3 Star Network Topology(before the donation) .............................................................. Page 5 Star Network Topology (after the donation) ................................................................. Page 6 Advantages of the Star Network Design ....................................................................... Page 7 Disadvantages of the Star Network Design ... Show more content on ... 2. Star Network Topology (before the donation) [pic] 3. Star Network Topology (after the donation) [pic] 4. Advantages of the Star Network Design It is the most cost effective strategy for cash strapped businesses with no special emphasis on security. Sometimes the cheapest design doesn t always translate into the easiest design. In this case, the translation is a success. The hub will serve as the intermediary between the computers and the internet (via cable modem). Also, in this case, easy design also translate into easy troubleshooting of any network problem. The star network allows troubleshooters to isolate issues on the network instead of taking the entire local network offline. Moreover, the star network implies direct data flow from the computers (via hub) to the internet instead of the data flowing through the nodes first. Hence, speed is a benefit of such a network. In addition, because of the direct data flow methodology (nodes to hub to modem to internet and vice versa), the data is safe. Finally, the star network allows for expansion of nodes, hubs, and gateways without losing any of the networks advantages listed on this page. The owner plans to eventually add 7 more computers to the network. My recommendation is to purchase an additional hub to manage the 7 additional computers. Also, an additional modem is needed for load balancing purposes.
  • 55. 5. Disadvantages of a Star Network Design The
  • 56. Widespread Offences In Football My Senior Project is on the diversion I have cherished since I have been a young man, which is football. What I adore most about football is the hostile plans and various types that are out there. There are three principle offenses in football which are the Spread, Option, and Wing T. They all have distinctive outlines that add to them being fruitful. The spread offense is the best on the grounds that the spread, which is the most energizing also, has a considerable measure of wide arrangements. The most imperative part of the spread offense is the blocking, makes resistances concentrate on the running back so that the pass can get to be helpful. The line should be great at a zone blocking yet first the Quarterback should read the front side border LOS danger, not posterior in light of the fact that in the event that he peruses the rear he will neglect to ride the work point which incorporates a playside shuffle,which helps the play create and purchases time on the front side read. Another... Show more content on ... Make them move vertical. Vertical development is crucial to accomplishment on the O line. Each penetrate you will 4 run includes the O line moving downfield. Have them complete pieces and sprint downfield. Clearing the read key is the most essential thing the handle can do to make the play effective. Presently another critical thing on the O line is The linemen far from the play must scoop on the rear. This cuts off interest and gives the B Back wrinkles to run when the ball is decreased. It additionally wears out the restricting d line on the off chance that they are continue getting cut on the rear of the play. Presently you should have a shrewd Quarterback that peruses in light of the fact that one that didn t read well groups he will play with awesome resistance and had have extraordinary sums ability on
  • 57. Brewster Island day in history/battle of brewster island summary of eventsho thursday battles boston light/ alternate summary light history.html in depth summary of events that occurred on Greater Brewster Island More repairs to the lighthouse were in the works when the American Revolution intervened. In July 1775, Boston Harbor and the lighthouse were under the control of the British. On July 20, American troops under Major Joseph Vose landed at the lighthouse and took lamps, oil, and some gunpowder, and burned the wooden parts of the tower. After leaving the island they had to outrun an armed British schooner, and two Americans were wounded. An eyewitness described the flames of the lighthouse ascending up to Heaven, like grateful incense, and the ships wasting their powder. As the British worked to repair the tower, 300 American soldiers under Major Benjamin Tupper landed at the island on July 31. They easily defeated the British guard and again burned the lighthouse. As they tried to leave, they found their boats stranded because the tide had gone out. This gave British vessels time to reach the scene. ... Show more content on ... American troops at Nantasket in Hull helped by firing a cannon at the British boats, landing a direct hit on one. This turned the tide of battle and the Americans escaped with only one soldier having been killed. General George Washington praised the men: The General thanks Major Tupper and the Officers and Soldiers under his Command, for their gallant and soldierlike behaviour in possessing themselves of the enemy s post at the Light House, and for the Number of Prisoners they took there, and doubts not, but the Continental Army, will be as famous for their mercy as for their
  • 58. Dog Fostering Research Paper Dog fostering is the best way to help and enjoy a dog for a couple of days. In recent years shelters have become a good source of happiness to a lot of people. Many dogs have been able to be adopted after being fostered, If a person wants to foster, there are very few requisites to fulfill and once they are met the rest is easy. Furthermore, shelters provide all the necessities that every dogmay need. That is why fostering is a great choice for those that can not commit to own a dog. Lately shelters have been promoting fostering of dogs to help relieve some of the burden and also to be able to accept more dogs and save more lives. Due to the increasing population of dogs that come to shelters this new option is the best opportunity
  • 59. Same-Sex Marriage Argument Same Sex Marriage Argument Sarah Springstube PHI103 Informal Logic Instructor DeFusco August 4, 2014 Same sex marriage has been an issue among society for many years. Not all people understand there is no ban on same sex marriage nor is it illegal. In all fifty states there are couples of the same sex who live together, ones who choose their professional job to be in a workplace where joint benefits are offered, and ones who choose a religious community which accepts their relationship. Those who believe this is an issue and feel it should be illegal were likely raised to believe it is wrong to marry someone of the same gender. Whether these people in society were raised by what their religion believes or what their families have ... Show more content on ... Anyone could sit and debate this issue all day long, but understanding the reality of the situation is another story. Everyone s reality is different and everyone s perspective on same sex marriage is different. If society came together as a whole and realized that any person who is categorized as gay has the same opportunities in life that anyone else has. They cannot help that they are gay, they were born that way. Being who you are is especially important in order to feel accepted as a person. Without the support of society and the government same sex marriages will bring a new chapter into each and every state. It is up to the individuals in society to accept one not because of their sexual orientation but be accepted for who they are as an individual. Listening to others debate this issue is interesting and the feedback one encounters could make feelings change or become real. References Anderson, Ryan, T. March 20, 2013, In defense of traditional marriage. Retrieved from defense of traditional marriage Jowett, Adam. But if you legalise same sex marriage... : Arguments against marriage equality in the British press. Retrieved from http:/ / / /detail/detail?vid=8 amp;sid=4c9b548e 3c99 4c9f 9140
  • 60. Heraclitus And Parmenides Research Paper The thinkers of the sixth and fifth centuries B.C.E. in Greece are known today as the pre Socratic philosophers. All the pre Socratic thinkers had a common goal, a goal in which to create a theory of the cosmos. Kosmos is the Greek word for world. The thinkers were able to create these theories using observation and reason. Two philosophers of this time with very different theses were Heraclitus and Parmenides. Heraclitus believed change is the key feature of reality, whereas Parmenides believed nothing ever changes and that motion is an illusion. Parmenides theory was defended by Zeno, another pre Socratic philosopher. Which position is more sound? Heraclitus was a philosopher from Ephesus in the century 470 B.C.E. One of his most famous sayings is There is an exchange of all things for fire and... Show more content on ... In this statement, Heraclitus is reducing all things to one element, fire. Fire is this thing that is there and is not there. The image of it is used in a figurative sense, the form of it is stable and in the flames, everything changes. Another one of his sayings is You cannot step in the same river twice (Palmer, 30). By saying this, Heraclitus is implying that water is constantly flowing, making it almost impossible to be in the same water more than one time. This never stopping flow of water again reiterates his point that there is always change. The examples of fire and water are just two ways to demonstrate change. Another more complex way of looking at change is life and the transition from childhood to adulthood. In the transition to adulthood, childhood is lost along with friends. The friends one has in elementary school may differ when they transition to middle school and high school. Similarly, as they go off to college, being that they know no one, they are forced to make new friends. Then, because there is
  • 61. Afghan Drug Trafficking Drug trafficking is an international trade entailing the planting, manufacture, disbursement, as well as sale of substances that are subject to drug ban rules. It is amid the most profitable unlawful businesses, which prevails all over the globe. Currently, there are numerous illicit groups, which every year make profits from drug trade (Lacher, 2013). Fighting drugs is a contemporary issue, challenging crime management. Heroinand cocaine are the main drugs, which has had a long standing in the international scene. Heroin is produced in large scale in Afghan, while cocaine production is widespread in South America. The paper is a comparison and contrast of the Afghan heroin trade and South American cocaine trade. Comparison In both Afghan ... Show more content on ... The criminal organizations are large and widespread all through the nations of their operation, which makes it possible to convince farmers on the need to cultivate opium and coca. Because many of these rural farmers are poor, it is easy for drug traffickers to convince them, via incentives, on the financial benefits arising from drug manufacturing. Drug traffickers in Afghan have a close association with terrorist organizations, as well as insurgents like the al Qaeda and Taliban. Research demonstrates that the Taliban and al Qaeda generate a lot of income from unlawful drug trade in Afghanistan. The groups are an international threat, when dealing with the problem of crime management, which makes it even difficult for the Afghan administration to ban the criminal organization groups involvement in heroin trade. In South America, drug trafficking is an organized business, where different groups are in charge of manufacture, while other distribute the drug. From the 1990s, the Cali and Medellin groups, had exclusive regulation in the making and selling of cocaine internationally. However, after Pablo Escobar s passing away, and incarceration of Rodriguez brothers, the individuals leading the organizations, the organized trade became decentralized to other criminal organizations. For instance, Colombia s armed organizations are significantly engaged in drug trade. Currently, different organizations working in small cells regulate the trade of