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Criticism Essay Example
Crafting a criticism essay example can be a challenging task that demands a thoughtful approach
and a nuanced understanding of the subject matter. The difficulty lies not only in expressing
personal opinions but also in presenting a well-reasoned and coherent argument supported by
evidence. To create a compelling essay, one must navigate the fine line between providing
constructive criticism and avoiding undue negativity.
The initial hurdle involves thoroughly grasping the subject of criticism, whether it be a literary
work, a piece of art, or any other topic. It necessitates a comprehensive analysis, requiring a deep
dive into the nuances and intricacies of the subject. This, in turn, demands time and dedication to
research, ensuring that the critique is informed and substantiated.
Structuring the essay poses another challenge. Organizing thoughts coherently, developing a
clear thesis statement, and supporting arguments with relevant examples demand careful
planning. Balancing the introduction, body, and conclusion while maintaining a logical flow
requires both writing skills and analytical prowess.
Moreover, a criticism essay should not merely highlight flaws but also acknowledge strengths.
This requires a delicate balance, as the writer must constructively critique while appreciating the
positive aspects of the subject. Striking this equilibrium can be a daunting task, as it requires a
nuanced understanding of the subject matter.
Furthermore, expressing opinions in a persuasive and articulate manner is crucial. The language
must be precise, engaging, and free from ambiguity. Developing a distinctive voice that
captivates the reader without overshadowing the objective analysis adds another layer of
complexity to the writing process.
In conclusion, writing a criticism essay example is a challenging endeavor that demands a
combination of research skills, analytical thinking, and effective communication. Navigating the
terrain between constructive critique and unwarranted negativity requires finesse, making the
task a formidable one. Despite the difficulties, a well-crafted criticism essay can be a powerful
tool for conveying insightful perspectives on a given subject.
If you find yourself struggling with similar assignments or need assistance with writing essays,
you may explore the services offered by, where professional writers can
provide support tailored to your specific needs.
Criticism Essay ExampleCriticism Essay Example
Milton Friedman s Philosophy, Consumption Analysis, And...
Milton Friedman was a respected economist that posited numerous new ideologies
within the economic realm during the 20th century. In 1976, Friedman was awarded
the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his examination of monetary
history and philosophy, consumption analysis, and the theory of stabilization policy.
Another theme Friedman is generally known for is his position with respect to the
responsibilities of corporations. He had expressed that few trends could so
thoroughly undermine the very foundations of our free society as the acceptance by
corporate officials of a social responsibility other than to make as much money for
their stockholders as possible (Chandler and Werther Jr., 2014, p. xxxii). By this,
Friedman is saying that maximization of property for the sake of shareholder return
jeopardizes and subverts the possibility of corporations acting ethically and socially
responsibly. He does not trust that their fundamental center inside their operations
ought to be focused on the part of corporate social obligation. Not at all like
individuals, Friedman trusts that an organization cannot have an obligation. They
have one obligation and that is to make a profit (Friedman, 2013). No we will look at
the different balances, counterbalances, and threats to social corporate responsibility.
These elements, based off their motivation, can be ordered into two or three distinct
gatherings, which are revenue driven associations, not for profits, and governments.
Inquiry Based Learning
Inquiry based learning * Inquiry based instruction is a student centered and teacher
guided instructional approach that engages students in investigating real world
questions that they choose within a broad thematic framework. * Inquiry Based
instruction complements traditional instruction by providing a vehicle for extending
and applying the learningof students in a way that connects with their interests within
a broader thematic framework. Students acquire and analyze information, develop
and support propositions, provide solutions, and design technology and arts products
that demonstrate their thinking and make their learning visible.
. Inquiry based instructional approaches place students at the helm of the learning
process ... Show more content on ...
Then get them to prepare a questionnaire. (The questionnaire should be structure in a
way that it will gain information about the selected economic activity and its
importance during that time). After making the questionnaires present it to the class.
After the presentation, based on the comments they get, the groups can improve their
Finding out
Interviewing a resource person
Ask the children to be in their groups and concentrate and gain information about the
economic activity that they had chosen so they can become specialized in that
particular activity, then bring a resource person and get him to give information about
the early economic activities, how important it was to the community during the early
times, and why most of these activities are declining. During the lecture get the
children to fill in their questionnaires and clear their doubts
Sorting out
Making a comic strip or writing a report
After the interview get the children to discuss about the information they have gained
in their groups about the early economic activity they had chosen and then prepare a
comic strip or write a report about the particular economic activity they specialized in
and present it to class. Others will listen to the presentation from each group and
learn more about each economic activity
Going further
Tell the students that a lot
How Did The Aztecs Expand Their Empire
The Aztecs were created in the 1400s and early 1500s. No one really liked the
Aztecs because of their wars and how they killed. They lived in modern day of
Mesoamerica. Their agriculture method is an artificial island named chinampas
which really helped them and with the chinampas they grew crops and more. Next, it
is their agricultural method that made the Aztecs to expand their empire. The more
their empire expanded the more food they will have to make. In Document A, it
shows that the Aztec empire grew so much that it was more than 200 miles east to
west, and north to south. The Aztecs were polytheistic meaning they believe in
different gods. Most of their gods were nature based which is that the gods had to
do something with nature. Without
Questions On Strategic Alliance And The Assurance Of...
Strategic alliance is an assertion between at least two associations to collaborate in
a particular business action, so that every advantage from the qualities of the other,
and increases upper hand. The development of key unions has been viewed as a
reaction to globalization and expanding instability and many sided quality in the
business environment. Key unions include the sharing of information and skill
between accomplices and in addition the decrease of hazard and expenses in
ranges, for example, associations with providers and the advancement of new items
and innovations. A key organization together is here and there compared with a
joint wander, yet collusion may include competitors, and for the most part has a
shorter life expectancy. Vital organization is a firmly related idea. This article
breaks down meaning of key union, its advantages, sorts, procedure of arrangement,
and gives a couple cases investigations of vital organizations together. This paper
tries to combine the degree and part of advertising capacities in the assurance of
adequacy of key partnerships. A few recommendations from a promoting perspective
concerning the investigation of organization together process are detailed. On the
premise of the recommendations, a system is created for future research. Table: The
factors leading to alliances (Source: adapted from Harbison and Pekar, 1998) 1970
s1980 s1990 s Product performancesPositions In factorsCapabilities Produce using the
most recent
Career Goals For The Hospitality Industry
Five years ago was when I knew I wanted to work within the hospitality industry.
This was the time in my life where I came to the realization that this fun and
entertaining industry was a place where I could develop a career. Every since this
time in my life I have been creating goals for my career and steps to achieve these
goals. One of these steps to achieving a successful career includes attending a
university to study hospitality. This step has brought me to this point, where I am
creating goals specifically for this course. I believe creating these goals will put me
in a position to better succeed. I know being successful in this course is important
because the information taught will help me in achieving my career goals.
Through travel and hospitality related experiences in my life I have created two
major goals for my career. My first trip to Las Vegas was the time when my first
major career goal was established. By walking through each hotel I could easily see
that each place had a different style and way of operating. Observing these
examples allowed me to determine which hotel/resort or company would be the best
to work for. MGM s Aria Resort and Casino has always stuck out to me as a well
running, high class establishment; the workers are professional, but friendly and the
atmosphere is comforting while keeping up with the modern times. With this said,
one of my goals is to be employed by the Aria. Although, knowing how competitive
this industry can be, I would
Mindy Kaling Thesis
Annotation Essay Mindy Kaling is an esteemed Hollywood actress known for her
roles as Jane on Jane the Virgin and Kelly on The Office. Many people know her
on screen but few know that in addition to her acting she is also a scriptwriter. So,
when Kaling was given the chance to pitch ideas for the next Hollywood hit, she
jumped at the opportunity. She went before a panel of executives to share her
thoughts for the next box office romcom, and was left both confused and surprised
by their lack of interest, with a counter that they were looking into movies that were
about boardgames. This experience prompted Kaling to write an opinion piece for
The New Yorker and called Flick Chicks, a satirical sequential essay that categorizes
the inadequate... Show more content on ...
A female who is not one hundred percent perfect looking in every way? You might
as well film a dead squid decaying on a beach somewhere for two hours. She then
goes on to describe another kind of female movie character, known as the Ethereal
Weirdo. This is who Kaling describes as the Manic Pixie Dream Girl. She uses
description techniques to create the ideal version of a character that puts an image
in the mind of the reader. She wears gauzy blouses and braids. She likes to dance in
the rain and she weeps uncontrollably if she sees a sign for a missing dog or cat.
She might spin a globe, place her finger on a random spot, and decide to move
there. Following this anecdote, she refocuses the piece, stating that such an
individual shows up often in movies but never in real life. Kaling also plays to the
common prejudice that females are meant to fit to male ideals. Roles like that of
the Ethereal Weirdo actually perpetuate sexism and degrade the role of women in
acting. She conveys this point through dry satirical elements, saying, She is
essential to the male fantasy that even if a guy is boring he deserves a woman who
will find him fascinating and perk up his dreary life by forcing him to go skinny
dipping in a stranger s
Biblical Allusions In Scarlet Letter
D.H. Lawrence s critical essay On the Scarlet Letter displays his views of how the
protagonist of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne, is
depicted, as well as how he feels she should have been depicted in the novel.
Hawthorne and Lawrence have many clashing views about Hester s sin; Hawthorne
seems to focus on the effects of the sin whereas Lawrence focuses on the sin itself.
Lawrence utilizes the literary devices of choppy syntax, biblical allusions, and
satirical tone to emphasize his opinion that Hester Prynnes sinful actions should not
have been praised by Hawthorne. Lawrence uses choppy syntax to sarcastically
emulate the way in which Hawthorne praises Hester throughout the novel. Lawrence
repeats the words... Show more content on ...
In the book of Genesis in the Holy Bible, Abel was killed by his brother Cain as a
result of Cain s jealousy. Abel was the victim of death, such as Hawthorne portrays
Hester as the victim of sin. In this sense, Lawrence states that [t]his time it is Mr.
Dimmesdale who dies. [Hester] lives on and is Abel (Lawrence). It is ironic that
Lawrence compares Hester to Abel because Lawrence believes that Hester is the
initial cause of the sin, and that successfully seducing a pure man is [t]he greatest
triumph a woman can have (Lawrence). Lawrence is therefore mocking Hawthorne
s view of Hester by comparing her to Abel because he believes that Hester is the
source of blame for the sin itself, rather than the helpless victim. Lawrence also
compares Hester to Adam from the Holy Bible, by calling her Adama numerous
times throughout the piece (Lawrence). Lawrence is comparing Hester to Adam
because he had committed a tremendous sin and was therefore banished from the
Garden of Eden and forced to toil in pain and suffering because of his unholy
actions. This is the same response that Hester was granted for her sin, she was an
outcast in her town and was forced to live with the pain and guilt of her sin for the
rest of her
Tom Canty s The Black Ships Before Troy
A long time ago, back in periods of time hundreds and hundreds of years ago,
myths, folktales, dramas, poems, and fairy tales were commonly believed in in
ancient civilizations and cultures. Each myth, folktale, drama, poem or fairy tale
taught something and had a morale in the story. The events that occurred taught a
lesson so people in real life could learn from the characters mistakes. These stories
were passed down, generation to generation, like a tradition. As the stories reach
modern times, some of these stories are turned into a parody, which is an
exaggerated, humorous drama of the story. Traditional stories are not only fun and
interesting to read, but there are still many lessons that can be learned from these
traditional stories. They are important to local areas where they are traditional, and
characters in these stories act like people today, so you can learn from their mistakes
and revise your behavior.
One reason these traditional local stories ... Show more content on ...
This shows relevance because there are still people today poor enough to have to
beg for money for food, although this behavior has been somewhat revised, as in
most of the world, it is illegal to abuse your child (or anyone, for that matter), as
Tom Canty was describing in the story. A second example of this argument can be
found on line 62 of page 315 from the myth The Black Ships Before Troy by
Rosemary Sutcliff. This quote reads: ... until one day, the three jealous goddesses... .
These three jealous goddesses are Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite; so this is telling a
tale similar to the Apple of Discord by Hovey. This is relevant because the quote
clearly reveals that the three goddesses were jealous. This is a lesson so we can
revise our behavior because in the story, the characters let their feelings get the best
of them, and that leads to a war. So the lesson the story is teaching is not to let your
feelings get the best of
How Does Beethoven Use Gcse Form In Symphony 8
Introduction One of the most crucial composers throughout the transition of the
classical era to the romantic era was Beethoven. He was pronounced as the greatest
living composer by the time he was 50. Throughout his lifetime he had published
138 compositions and after his death there were over 200 more compositions
published. This is an amazing feat as he had started suffering from hearing loss at
the age of 26 and by the time he was around the age of 46, he became fully deaf. He
created some of the most famous pieces of which includes Fur Elise, Symphony
No.5, and Symphony No.9. This topic interested me because of how he was able to
create spectacular compositions even while being affected by hearing loss. I also
realized that I did not... Show more content on ...
This theme begins with a legato and lyrical style that contrasts the staccato style of
the first theme. The violins are used as an accompaniment of the melodic exchange
between the flute and the oboe. This exchange creates a back and forth movement
between the two instruments. The melody begins with a rising fourth which is a
link to the first theme. The accompaniment plays staccato arpeggios which gives a
reminder of the last measure of the first theme. From measure 65, the use of
syncopation previously heard measures 57 to 58 gives rhythmic drive through this
section. The violins then take the lead and restate the theme with the flutes and
oboes answering. Beethoven s use of diminished chords, in measure 65, and
adding emphasis using sforzando adds more the dramatic nature of the passage. In
measure 69, the strings have rising eighth notes with semitones. A few measures
later the flutes and oboes double the violins rising eighth notes which again
underlines the importance of the rising semitone. This last until measure 77 as the
second theme returns to a soft ending as the lyrical phrases played by the violins,
oboes, and flutes are now played by the cellos and double basses. The codetta, or
closing, begins at measure 88 and lasts until measure 110. This section creates a
conclusion by combining familiar elements from the first and second themes. In
measures 94 to 99, the strings have tremolos which gives a sensation of the music
being at fast rhythmic tempo and in measures 100 to 109 the woodwinds and horns
have slurred phrases which resembles the lyrical phrases played in the second
Traba 24k Roosters Essay
Four men from Lawrence were arrested Sunday after a state trooper discovered
roosters that had just come from a cockfight in their car, said police
Sunday around 1:45 a.m., a state trooper pulled over a gray 2003 Honda Accord on
Route 84 for failure to move over for an ambulance. Inside were four men and police
said the trooper witnessed them shoving something under the seat. The trooper had
noticed a sticker on the back of the car that read TRABA 24K with a silhouette of a
As the trooper stood by the accord s window, he was a bag under one of the seats
moving and he heard noises coming from it, said police. He then radioed for backup.
Police said the four people were taken out of the car; the trooper has hens at his own
home and recognized chicken noises coming from the bags. ... Show more content on ...
The animals were poor condition, with the roosters missing all the feathers below the
neck and chest area. They also were covered with gouges on their bodies.
Police said that also inside the Accord was a bag containing several rolls of medical
tape, nail files, a block of wax, long sharp acrylic talon, pictures of a rooster and a
container of styptic powder which is used to stop bleeding.
Information indicates that the men had been participating in a New Jersey cockfight,
said police.
The four men have been identified as 26 year old Winton Hernandez, 54 year old
Cesareo Ruiz, 22 year old William Morales and 23 year old Erick Lora Lopez, all
from Lawrence. All four were charged with animal cruelty, animal fight and
conspiracy. In addition, the driver, Hernandez, was charged with obstructing an
emergency vehicle.
The birds were taken to Tufts Veterinary Hospital in Grafton where they are being
treated. All four men were transported to the State Police Barracks in Sturbridge
where they were booked and later released on $500 bail
The Causes Of Lisa And American Anti-Intellectualism
When I was five, I tried to expose the fraud of Santa Claus to my kindergarten class.
The teacher asked us to say what we had asked him for for Christmas and I
responded by saying, Nothing! He s not real! When my peers questioned me on
how I knew this, I informed them it was simply not possible for a single man to fly
around the world in one night. I had looked into it, I knew how many hours were
in a night, and there was simply no way. Despite my in depth research, my
classmates dismissed my conclusion, attributing the impossible feat to magic .
They were mad I had tried to lie to them and I was mad I was surrounded by narrow
minded, santa loving idiots. Luckily, we were able to move past the disagreement
and were all best friends again by lunch. The underlying problem, however, my
classmates inability to accept the evidence, has not gone away. In his paper Lisa and
American Anti Intellectualism , psychology professor Dr. Aeon J. Skoble explains,
the United States has always had a love hate relationship with intellectuals. While
professors and scientists garner a certain level of respect in this country, there is also
a significant amount of contempt held for those who reside in the ivory tower of
academia, presumably away from the practicalities of real life. This shows a
disturbing trend of anti intellectualism, or the opposition to intellectualpursuits and
works providing progressive and rational thought. The rise of anti intellectualism in
the United
Ford Fusion Research Papers
The 2014 Ford Fusion is a roomy, midsize sedan and one of the best sellers in this
highly competitive segment. Its dashing style, family of four cylinder engines, and
available all wheel drive help this sedan stand out. Hybrid and plug in hybrid
variants are also available. The Ford Fusion seats five and is available in S, SE, and
Titanium trims. A 2.5 liter, four cylinder engine is standard; three turbocharged four
cylinder engines are available. All wheel drive is available on the Titanium trim. One
year removed from the introduction of the current generation model, the 2014 Ford
Fusion gains several available features, including ventilated front seats, a heated
steering wheel, and inflatable seat belts. A 1.5 liter, turbocharged four cylinder...
Show more content on ...
Standard 16 inch steel covered wheels become 17 or 18 inch wheels elsewhere.
Higher trim models bring in fog lights, heated and power folding side mirrors with
integrated turn signals, rocker molding, door keypad, a decklid spoiler, and dual
integrated bright exhaust tips. Interior The 2014 Fusion offers excellent interior
room. Plush bucket seats are in the first row, a 60 40 fold flat bench seat is in the
second row. Standard cloth seats, piano black trim, and well fitted panels mark the
Fusion sedan. Available leather treatment may be found on the seats, steering wheel,
and shift knob, for a more refined look. All controls are logically placed, the cabin is
quiet, and the doors close with a reassuring thud. All models come with keyless entry
and push button start, stainless steel door sill plates, full power accessories, air
conditioning, cruise control, an automatic dimming rear mirror, multiple cargo
compartments and beverage holders, and a tilt and telescoping steering column.
Available equipment includes a power driver s seat with lumbar support, heated front
seats, and a power
Dumas Free Time Essay
Timed Essay
Dumas is a very joyful and loving child, she moved to America from Iran, which
was a very miniscule country. Many people asked Dumas questions some serious,
some silly, but what surprised her is they never ask geographic questions, They
wanted to know more important things, such as camels. How many did we own
back home? What did we feed them? Was it a bumpy ride? (Funny in Farsi, 90).
Dumas often became frustrated with people that asked her idiotic questions, and she
expressed it not physically but, verbally (Fun in Farski, 91). The reason she does, is
because the questions are unimportant and they re just teasing her and she knows
that, and the questions are never about her.
Most everyone at her school are rude and they tease Dumas all of the time. They
made her feel uncomfortable and not needed, like they did not want her there.
Although, there were rude students, there was a small group that were nice to her,
they would invite her over to their house to play and sleep over (Funny in Farsi,
91). The kids that were nice to her often did things for her like giving her a
Halloween costume for their cities Halloween parade. They wanted to know more
important things, such as camels. How many did we own back home? What did we
feed ... Show more content on ...
Although she had people that teased her, she had friends that were there for her
throughout her time in America. Her mother was not American and did not know
English, she had to pronounce things for her and translate sometimes. They wanted
to know more important things, such as camels. How many did we own back
home? What did we feed them? Was it a bumpy ride? (Funny in Farsi, 90). This is
showing a perfect example of people creating hardships and an extremity of
problems. Duma was a cheery little girl, she was kind to most but, some people didn t
treat her the same, but she had friends that cheered her up and made her
Imperialism In Ngugi Wa ThiongO s The River Between
In the book The River Between, Ngugi wa Thiong o details of the division of an
African community, home to the Gikuyu people, the arrival of the white
missionaries, and the destruction of traditional African life by European imperialism.
Throughout the book, Ngugi wa Thiong o uses events that transpire to address real
life events that are taking place during this time period in Africadue to European
imperialism. He uses Waiyaki and the other characters in the book to explain the
change that occurs in African societies and the conflict that imperialism creates.
Ngugi wa Thiong o s The River Between addresses conflicts that African societies
face as a result of European imperialism and the arrival of the white missionaries,
which ultimately changes the layout and of entire communities. In The River
Between, Ngugi wa Thiong o uses Waiyaki s story to address conflicts that occur in
these African societies, such as the invasion of white missionaries, the internal
conflicts of the tribe, and European imperialism as a whole. In the book, there is
division among the Gikuyu people when the white missionaries invade their lands.
The tribe becomes split into two villages: Komeno, where the traditional community
resides, still adhering to all of the tribe s traditions and customs, and Makuyu, where
the converts to Christianityreside. The biggest divide between these two groups is the
traditionof circumcision. In the Gikuyu community of Komeno, the tradition has
always been that
Dante s Inferno
1) Inferno by Dan Brown, 2) Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, 3) Intelligent
Investor by Ben Graham 4) Artemis Fowl: The Last Guardian by Eoin Colfer
Pacing through Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy, Robert Langdon is drenched in
hundreds of years of eminent work of art, the summit of the Renaissance in Italy. In
any case, he isn t here for relaxation, he s set for discover the piece of information
covered up in the Dante s veil, with a specific end goal to spare the world. Simple to
become mixed up in the tremendous accumulation of craftsmanship, an exact
arrangement of activity is important to achieve his objective of dodging Inferno. (Dan
Robert Langdon is a Harvard Professor of symbology, who is entrusted with sorting
Tycho Brahe Research Paper
He played a vital role in the development of various astronomical instruments. Brahe
is also known for his precise and comprehensive astronomical planetary
observations, which heavily influenced future discoveries.He made accurate and
precise astronomical observations for his times, even without the help of the
telescope. Brahe was an active participant to the debates on the nature of the
Universe. Although better known as a famed astronomer, Tycho Brahe also played a
crucial role in the development of geodesy and cartography. Brahe died in 1601 at
the age of 54. While attending a banquet, societal customs did not allow him to
excuse himself before his host. Brahe had drunk excessively, but refused to leave to
use the bathroom. It is thought
The Power Within Wal-Mart
Burger King Beefs up Global Operations
James E. Payton
Columbia Southern University
Burger King Beefs up Global Operations
According to Daniels, Radebaugh, and Sullivan (2011), Burger King is the world s
largest chain of flame broiled fast food restaurants. Its core competency is its flame
broiled burgers, whereas other fast food hamburger joints serve fried burgers or no
burgers at all, Burger King offers the unique flame broiled burgers with any options
that a customer might like, consumers have the benefit of having a burger they
cannot find elsewhere. Initially Burger King only sold burgers, fries, shakes, and
sodas, but they have chosen to expand to offering chicken, fish, salads etc. Although
they offer these extra items, ... Show more content on ...
Daniels et al. (2011) understood that this relationship should not change because
about two thirds of Burger King s restaurants are in the United States, and its U. S.
and Canadian operations accounted for 69 percent of its $ 2.54 billion revenue in
fiscal 2009. Although the company began in 1954 by offering just burgers, fries,
milk shakes, and sodas, the menu has expanded to include breakfast as well as
various chicken, fish, and salad offerings. Nevertheless, burgers remain the mainstay
of the company, and 2007 marked the 50th anniversary of the Whopper sandwich,
which is considered Burger King s signature product (Daniels et al., 2011).
Over time, especially since the company went public, Burger King has taken a more
systematic approach toward restaurant expansion (Alva, 1994). While it still sees
substantial growth opportunities within the United States, he thinks that Burger King
sees the United States as a mature market for fast food, especially for hamburgers,
in comparison with many foreign countries. In looking for new countries to enter,
Burger King looks most favorably at those with large populations (especially of
young people), high consumption of beef, availability of capital to franchisees for
growth, a safe pro business
Nordstrom s A Fashion Bazaar
Many people know that Nordstrom s is a fashion bazaar. What multitudinous
amounts of people do not grasp is that Nordstrom s positioned itself as a retailer of
high end clothing and extravagant goods. This is how Nordstrom s distinguished
itself from other retailers. Numerous people associate Nordstrom s with other
ubiquitous department stores, such as Macy s and JC Penney. Interestingly, these
stores are not Nordstroms predominant competitors. Because Nordstrom s caters to
a more expensive partiality, its main competitors include upscale department stores
such as Bloomingdale s and Saks Fifth Avenue. Within Nordstrom s marketing
strategy, the emporium must strategize ways to discern itself from both the mid
scale department stores as well as the high end ones. Nordstrom s is able to
accomplish this through its determination of which products to vend, its customer
service policies, and the schematics of typical Nordstrom s store design. Nordstrom
s product selection is probably the store s most effective method of distinguishing
itself from its competitors. The comprehensive categories of goods which the store
supplies offers the initial disparateness from most other retailers in the market.
Many stores offer a specific category of goods, such as food with grocery stores.
Other retailers, such as Target or Walmart, offer a wide variety goods. Nordstrom s
has established itself as a retailer of clothing, shoes, and accessories. This over all
summation of the store
Cyber-bullying Powered by Technology
Cyber bullying has become a huge issue recently not only in high school but in the
middle schools as well. For awhile there it seemed that just about every time you
turned on the news there was another story of bullying or a suicide related to
bullying incident being reported. Love is louder has become a popular phrase among
celebrities and other influential figures lately. They re trying to send out a message to
anyone listening saying that bullyingis wrong and it shouldn t be tolerated. With the
expansion of communication technologies, bullies are gaining more and more
ways to torture their victims. The fact of the matter is, technology isn t going
anywhere anytime soon, so we need to come up with a way to end cyber bullies
permanently. Cyber bullying is becoming more of a problem and all of us need to
work together in figuring out how we can stop cyber bullies once and for all. Until
we take precautionary measures, cyber bullies will continue to be a threat to today s
youth. Before putting an end to cyber bullying we must comprehend why and how a
cyber bully works. By understanding how a cyber bully works we ll be able to better
defend our youth population as technology expands.
Cyber bullying is mainly powered by technology and as it expands, bullying
becomes harder to notice and stop. Bullying over social media makes it easier for the
attacker to get away with their harmful behavior. Although the Internet has kicked
opened multiple doors to new possibilities in the
Medical Assistant
After a careful reading, Health Status Outcome (HSO) studies are focused on the
ending result or outcome of medical care given, taking into account the health care
process, and well being of patients and the population. Ultimately, these studies are
looking at the health status of the patient and are related to diagnosis. For example,
lab test results, complication rates, morbidity rates, functional status, well being, and
satisfaction with care given are health status outcomes. Patient Reported Outcomes
(PRO) are subjective reports generated from the patient either through diaries, self
completed questionnaires, or interviews regarding their treatment. PRO helps with
research to evaluate patient s perception, symptoms, satisfaction... Show more content
on ...
Many patients on questions answers with low scores, which is perceived as out of
control, but when asked they do not feel they have poor health status outcome and
physically functional well. Myself, being diagnosed with Asthma at a late age a
disease of remission and exacerbations is a constant battle. My health status is poor
and unstable because the disease flares up most days of my life and it is physically
draining. My PRO in relationship to Asthma Control Test Scores is measured by the
self completed questionnaires. I feel that my health status outcome affects both and it
affects my functions of life and satisfaction with quality of life because of the
constant flare ups. Research is taken from the Asthma Control Test Scores from
patients reported outcome scores including ages 4 11 and 12 and above, from any
given score 19 or less is related to poor asthma control. I would differ in the
diagnosis of hypertension; I have a much more positive outlook on life and report a
better outcome as long as I take my recommended regimen. Research has also been
researched in women that had breast cancer that complained of breast pain after
surgery. Reported breast pain elicited impacted there health status and quality of life
(Burchardt amp; Jones, 2005).
Currently, asthma is a disorder that is prevalent in my day to day practice and is
currently the subject of a growing body of research. Many patients within my rural
area practice are
Natural Childbirth is Superior to Drug Induced Childbirth...
I remember when my water bag broke; it was August 12, 1992, and the time was
12:15am.I was very excited that I would see my new baby on her due date. I did
what the child birthing book recommended. I woke my husband up and told him to
call the hospital. In the meantime I decided to take a shower. I was pretty calm
because I didn t have any contractions. I wore my best maternity outfit and was
spruced up compared to my husband. I even put on some perfume. You see, we had
just gone to bed at 11:30 that night. My husband looked a little worse for wear. We
got to the hospital and then were led into the maternity room. The room looked a
little dingy with its yellow light and peeling paint. The hospital bed was small and
narrow. I got scared,... Show more content on ...
I recall tugging at my nether lands, and a swoop of hands into my womb. The doctors
got the baby and she let out a cry that sounded triumphant. They showed me the
baby and it seemed like they whisked her away too quickly. There is a fog around
the edges of that memory. The doctors said that my baby was doing fine. My body
started to shake and wouldn t stop. I was wheeled into recovery and then all was
dark. I didn t bond with my baby until the next morning seven hours later. She was
beautiful but I felt very unfulfilled.
Four years later, I got pregnant. I was nervous, scared and anxious. The doctor I
saw said that I could have a VBAC(vaginal birth after c section). I raided the library
and read books on that subject. It was then I found out that the United States had the
highest incidence of C sections in the world. Research shows that epidurals increase
the use of other interventions that themselves carry risks. These interventions include
electronic fetal monitoring (which has shown to increase the likelihood of a cesarean
without improving outcome), I. V oxytocin, and instrumental delivery. Epidurals also
deprive women of a sense of mastery over labor. Goer, Henci. Epidurals Myth Vs
Reality. Childbirth Instructor Magazine Winter 1995: 17 22
I prepared myself mentally, physically and spiritually for the birth of my second
child. I decided to become a better consumer by educating myself with all the child
birthing techniques that were
Humanity In The Maze Runner
What does the Maze Runner suggest about the world as it is today? Dashner is
suggesting through the science fictional novel The Maze Runner that we humans
allow the rough times to get the best of our humanity (what makes us human).
Dashner discusses and reflects on the threats humanity faces, looks into the truths
behind science fiction, highlights the impact that our attitude towards and perspective
on certain people has on us, contributes factors that have the power to claim certain
senses of our humanity, warns of the dangers behind our rapidly advancing
technology, questions the decisions and ways of our leaders and, in particular, takes a
deeper look into what it means to be human. Through science fiction Dashner has
reflected... Show more content on ...
Dashner has used the character Chuck to represent humanity. Despite the rough
times Chuck still remains the innocent child with the big heart. He s the small,
podgy, humorous 12 year old with the ugly bowl haircut amongst the big, strong,
serious 16+ young adults. Thomas turned to his right to see a kid standing nearby,
short and podgy, staring at him. He was young probably the youngest of any in the
group he d seen so far, maybe twelve or thirteen years old. His brown hair hung
over his ears and neck, scraping the tops of his shoulders. Blue eyes shone through
his otherwise pitiful face, flabby and flushed. (Thomas s description of Chuck,
pg.13 14). Chuck is the odd one out, and Dashner has purposely made him to stand
out in order to emphasise how the others have lost a sense of their humanity. Chuck
also has the ability to return and remind other characters of this lost sense, in
particular Thomas. The friendship struck by these two characters is rather
heartwarming. As much as Thomas tries to deny their relationship at first, he can t
help but take on a big brother like role towards him. Through this connection Chuck
helps us to identify the sense of humanity Tom has lost, compassion and real
emotion, as well as being able to remind Tom again of what it feels like to truly love
and care. Thomas stared at him, stared at his lifeless body. Something happened
within Thomas. It started deep down in his chest, a seed of rage. Of revenge. Of hate.
Something dark and terrible. And then it exploded, bursting through his lungs,
through his neck, through his arms and legs. Through his mind . (Thomas feelings
towards Chucks murder, pg.354). This emotion from Thomas was evoked by Chuck.
Hate, one of humanities strongest emotions that can only truly be brought on by
loving something so much. Tom s feelings towards Chuck were able to return is
strong emotions and fuel his motivation.
Liberalism And Conservatism Are An Abstract Political...
Liberalism and conservatism are an abstract political ideology that is formed from
evolving list of political attributes (Bruns Gimpel, 2000). While it may be difficult to
create a comprehensive definition, Smith (1990) defined liberalism as individuals
who are reformist, democratic, libertarian, humanitarian, egalitarian, and permissive.
Conservative attributes focus on, small state, minimal regulations, individual freedom
and responsibility, patriotism, and strong law and order (Dommett, 2015). When
measuring trends in a variety of topics, Smith (1990) found that trends dealing with
individualism and equal rights were mostly associated with liberal views, while
trends on the topic of crime was mostly associated with conservatives. Bruns and
Gimpel (2000) noted that Americans identification as either liberal or conservative
was not entirely due to political knowledge, instead, their identification reflects the
individual s actual feelings towards particular groups and topics. Such findings
(Smith, 1990; Bruns Gimpel, 2000; Dommett, 2015) on the topic of crime and
individualism have recently been the subjects of debate throughout the presidential
election. On June 16, 2015, Donald Trump began his Republican National Committee
(GOP) presidential campaign with a speech labeling Mexican immigrants as rapists
and criminals. Throughout the rest of his successful campaign, now president elected,
Trump continued to use such rhetoric towards Hispanics as one of the leading
Knowledge In The Clinical Application Environment
5 What is knowledge management in the clinical application environment and how
can network technologies, wired or wireless, support knowledge management? Come
up with examples of a clinical application environment and network support to link all
its necessary elements together.
There are two main classifications of knowledge, tacit and explicit. Tacit knowledge
is the knowledge that is in each person, whereas, explicit knowledge can be collected,
stored, shared, retrieved, and used (Karamitri, Talias, Bellali, 2015). It is this explicit
knowledge that is at the core of knowledge management (KM) and network
technologies have a significant role in improving KM within the healthcare setting.
Knowledge in the healthcare setting is worthless ... Show more content on ...
In fact, if they were switched to VLAN it could provide an added layer of security
since the devices would be accessing the internet. The devices can access the
internet either through a wireless router which is shown in the diagram or via a
wired internet connection; whichever access method is used, the connection needs
to be reliable since physician s and nurse s need to depend on the CDS tool when
they are taking care of patients. The advantage of using a web based clinical
application for a CDS tool is fewer man hours are required to ensure the application
is up to date. If this application was housed on an application server in house, then
the HCO would need to assign an application manager to be responsible for
ensuring the most up to date version of the CDS tool application software was
available. By choosing a web based application, updates occur as they are available.
This is just one example of how IT and clinical applications intertwine in order to
enhance patient
Case Study Of The Maersk Group
For our current context, we are dealing logistics as limited to the warehousing,
transport and integral management part of the whole supply chain of an
organization. In any small to big business, logistics holds a crucial importance of
cutting costs and avoiding waste of materials and the golden time resource (Anon.,
2012). In our earlier assignment, we mentioned five critical global changes which are
bring vital transform in the logistics functionalities of the enterprises. These changes
were analyzed for the current period scenario and the coming decade in the
organizations regarding Australian Context.
Increase of global sourcing
Increase of logistics outsourcing
Increase of fuel prices
Priority of GSCM
Increase in Transparency in Logistics Practices
The need was to choose a current enterprise which will be affected by these global
changes and what strategies are appointed to deal with these global logistics changes.
We have chosen Maersk Company, to analyze how these changes are impacting the
overall stratagem of a logistics based organization. ... Show more content on ...
Till then the company has launched many standalone businesses leading to a group
with 66,000 stakeholders. The company has a global network in 130 countries with
a workforce of 89,000 employees. The company has overall 8 standalone businesses
holding a prominent reputation worldwide. The company was able to generate 47.4
billion USD revenue in 2013, with 3.8 billion USD
Human Genome Project Pros And Cons
Research on our genetic composition is one of the more intricate researches because
of its risk, cost and required effort. But understanding the blueprint of the human
race is equally important that is why researchers are still determined to learn more
about it. Genes are also very difficult to understand, because they are so complex and
basically define what we are. A better understanding of genes and our DNAcan lead to
revolutionary medical advancements. (Healthcare Infographics, 2014)
The Human Genome Project (HGP) follows a different approach in discovery. It s an
inward approach rather than the more usual outside exploration just like our voyages
in outer space.
The Human Genome Project (HGP) was the international, collaborative research ...
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As researchers learn more about the functions of genes and proteins, this knowledge
will have a major impact in the fields of medicine, biotechnology, and the life
sciences. (n.d.) As a STEM student, my opinion on this matter is entirely about the
benefits and its drawbacks. I think almost all researches that has touched on genetics
pose unethical issues in them. This will be heading into questions regarding the
manipulation of the natural sequence of our DNA which, makes this a very
controversial issue. Next is protecting privacy of the individual whose genes were
collected as part of the research.
Despite these drawbacks, it has encouraged researchers to continue because of its
numerous advantages. One is creating effective drugs in the field of medicine.
Gaining an understanding about genes could lead to much more efficient drug
modification which can entirely change how it works on the individual. Another pro
is the advancement in discoveries. The more of the genome that is known, the more
particular medical conditions can be attributed to certain genes. By understanding the
underlying genes involved in the process, it is possible that more medical discoveries
can be made regarding the origin, evolution, and potential cure for these
The Benefits Of Radio Frequency Identification
RFID, or Radio Frequency Identification, is becoming the new technology through
which data can automatically be collected and transferred, along with the capability
of tracking assets such as inventory, machinery, or even people. RFID readers collect,
store, and relay important data to other application systems, and receives this
information from RFIDtags. The two types of RFID tags are active and passive.
Active RFIDs use power and can broadcast signals to the RFID readers, while
passive RFIDs are powerless and only communicate with the reader when within a
specified distance. Passive RFID s are typically used to identify things, whether it be
patients at a hospital, drug authentication, inventory, etc; they are very similar to
barcodes.... Show more content on ...
Patient identification with the use of wristbands containing identity, medical history,
and insurance information have been implemented in the University College Hospital
in Galway, Ireland. Other applications still pending are RFID use as sensors for
temperature and chemical sensing to protect hospital blood supply, and use as alerts
or triggers to protect patients dangerous or emergencies during surgeries.
Hospitals are finding all kinds of uses for RFID systems in order to improve safety
and save money long term. Many of these same uses can be applied elsewhere as
well. For our senior project, RFIDs will be put to use in a very similar way as
hospitals have started to do so. We plan to use active and passive RFID tags, in
addition to RFID readers, all connected to a main database, in order to essentially
create zones on drilling or production rigs that allow only designated personnel. In
order to do so, active RFIDs will be placed on IDs given to all working personnel
while RFID readers will be set up at selective zones on the rig, so that sensors may
be used to alarm the individual or staff that he or she is in a restricted area for their
level of clearance. Other passive RFID tags will be placed in equidistant locations in
each zone so that their interaction with the active
Nike Strategic Analysis
Introduction Every box of Nike shoes states, engineered and built to the exact
specifications for championship athletes around the world. Nike has become the
measuring stick in the world of merchandising and endorsing. Top athletes around
the world are often seen with a famous Nike swoosh on their shoes. It is not
uncommon to see some form of Nike product everywhere you look. It all begins
with Phil Knight, a competitive runner, who incorporated Blue Ribbon Sports in
Oregon in 1968. Blue Ribbon Sports was the first to receive the swoosh logo, but
changed its name to Nike in 1978. Nike means the goddess of victory, which is
exactly what the company has had since its creation. The swoosh logo is
automatically associated with... Show more content on ...
New Competitors: Nautica, Tommy Hilfiger Fashions shoe brands: Vans and
Skerchers Opportunities 1)New Technology for products development and
production. 2)Emerging markets such as China and India, Mexico, and South Africa
3)New trends for products such as boots and sandals. 4)Global marketing events that
can be utilized to support the brand such as the Soccer World Cup and The Olympics
Games 5)Increase of the female consumer market. Threats 1)Buys and sells in
different currencies and so costs and margins are not stable over long periods of time.
2)Fierce competition both domestically and internationally 3)Increased European
competition and US competition. 4)The retail sector is becoming price competitive
namely with Internet 5)Change in the young consumer to sandals and boots 6)High
inflation and unemployment in Asia and Pacific Rim, Latin America, and Russia
7)Competition from ex manufacturing which are becoming more developed (Taiwan,
South Korea) 8)Import and export regulations. 9)Fluctuation of foreign currency and
interest rate 10)Products have short life cycles, and success depends on the fact that
what is flashy and hot will sell External Factor Evaluation Matrix (EFE)
OpportunitiesWeightRatingsWeighted Score New Technology for products
development and production. 0.0520.10 Emerging markets such as China and
The Wife Of Bath s Tale Essay
The Wife of Bath s Tale plot is a basic set up with exposition, rising action,
complication, climax, suspense, and denouement. The exposition starts out with the
knight finding what most women desire. Then goes onto the rising action of finding
an old women, who knows the answer to the queen s question, but faces complication
when the old women forces the knight to marry her. The climax is when the old
women gives the knight two choices, an ugly faithful women, or a beautiful
unfaithful women. Then faces suspense when the old women is allowed to choose
the women she wants to be, but then faces the denouement when the old women is
pleased with the knights response. With the exposition starts out with a knight who
rapes a maiden. He will face punishment of death unless he comes up with the Queens
answer to her question, what is the thing that women most desire (The Canterbury
Tales, 172). If the knight does not come up with the... Show more content on ...
Some say that they want to be free, have sex, and some even remarried. On the
knights way home, he rides past a group of women dancing, and goes up and asks
them his question. As he rides nearer the group vanishes, and all that is left is an
ugly old women. He explains his predicament and she promises to help if the
knight if he does the first thing she tells him to do, Put your hand in mine and
pledge your word, said she,/ That you will do the first thing I require/ Of you, so be
that is lies in your power,/ And I shall tell it to you before night. (The Canterbury
Tales, 175). When the night approaches the queen and tells her, Women desire to
have dominion/ Over their husbands, and their lovers too;/ They want to have
mastery over them./ That s what you most desire, (The Canterbury Tales, 176). With
the correct answer given the knight must keep his promise to the old
The City Of Southern Mexico Los Lobos Meaning The...
There once was a small village in Southern Mexico called Los Lobos meaning The
Wolves. The village was named that because the hills that the village were built on,
it was inhabited with wild wolves and the people had to be careful where they
went. A family was going down there to visit their relatives including Bryan and his
nephew Miguel. They were very excited since it was their first time visiting Mexico,
but it all changed once they got closer to the small villagewhich was filled with dirty
streets and homeless families begging for food. The sad scenery looked like
something you would see only on T.V, but it was worse and the saddest thing he had
seen. They finally arrived in the state of Guanajuato where the village was at. They...
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The house had an unusual smell to it that Bryan couldn t quite his finger on it.
Miguel had never minded any of the people in the village had always believed the
story ever since they were a young child, but there showed no evidence of this so
called Witch . old lady on the corner of Babylan St. because he always knew it was
just a folktale,so they wouldn t go into a stranger s house.
Many of the old people in the village had claimed they had been marked by the
witch when they were little while sleeping in their very own homes including Bryan s
Grandma Mrs. Ojeda. The family was enjoying their first chilly night under the
stars that were clearly visible unlike how they were back home. It was a perfect
time for Bryan and his nephew to ask their grandmother to tell them the story of
the witch on the corner of Babylan St. that was just 4 houses away. Bryan finally
broke the silence of the night by telling his grandma, Grandma can you tell us the
story of the witch on the corner of the street? Bryans Grandma had agreed but told
us not to tell their parents she had told them the story. She said, The rumors began
when a family had moved into the house a week before Christmas. Time had passed
and the day was Christmas Eve and as traditions went, they would blow fireworks
starting at midnight and burn the dummies they had made of hay and fireworks with
old clothes they saved all year. The family did not want to do fireworks that night so
they stayed inside the house for
Horse s Jumping
Lewczuk, Sloniewski, and Reklewski, (2006). Had completed and published a major
research work entitled as Repeatability of the horse s jumping parameters with and
without the rider. The aim of this study was to investigate the repeatabilities of
jumping parameters that seem to be most often discussed by breeders. Video image
analysis was used to study measurements which described the silhouette of horses
bascule (when the highest position of withers is observed) and taking off and landing
distances. The total numbers of 4323 jumps of 143 young stallions were filmed and
measured using video image analysis. Horses were filmed during their usual work in
the 8th, 9th and 10th month of training at the stallion s performance test station. The
investigations were hold on the... Show more content on ...
The repeatability of the jumps parameters were calculated as ratio of animal effect
variance to the sum of all random variances received from the model included
statistically significant fixed effects and regressions on the frame of horses. All
analyses were done using SAS procedure MIXED. The jumps parameters were
analyzed as different traits for free jumping and jumping under the rider. The style of
jump was characterized by measurements of taking off and landing distances,
measurements of lifting horses body over the obstacle and measurements of legs
lifting above the obstacle. The repeatability of distances of the jump s length were
0.40 0.58. Similiar repeatabilities were estimated for the bascule s measurements
(from 0.37 to
Great Acting Research Paper
A swath of videos titled Why Action Movies Suck have been buzzing around the
internet for the past few years. They have discussed surface details of some of the
practical and obvious reasons why so many big time action movies released over the
past few years have been such a massive disappointment.
Writing, directing, post production and executive interference are all aspects that
affect the final quality of an action film, but the most important and most overlooked
aspect of action films that plays a huge role in the quality of an action movie is the
Stunt Aspect. In action movies stunt performers are often responsible for as much if
not more of the film than the actors. Every time you see Spiderman with his mask
on, chances are you are ... Show more content on ...
However, millions of movie fans are complaining about bad action movies. Bad
action takes away from a film just as much as bad acting, but the studios have no
system in place to protect movie fans from bad action..
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was created with for this has
served as a nucleus of quality control for American Actors and Filmmakers since it
was established in in 1927. At that time, the Art Science of stunts had not evolved to
the point where it required an Oscar. However times have changed and the industry
has evolved. Award winning films like The Revenant and Mad Max: Roads of Fury
use stunts and action as fundamental element to their success. If, but until they create
a Stunt Oscar, Action Movie Fans will be stuck with the leftovers.
As long as there is not an Oscar for Best Stunt Work, Line Producers will continue
to without proper accountability in place. The reason there is so much bad action in
today s market is no one is held accountable for the quality of the action in a film.
Other than a select group of smart directors and producers (JJ Abrams, Stephen
Spielberg, Alejandro Gonzales Inararritu to name a few), filmmakers don t fight for
the team and resources they need to make their action great. Outside of
Integrated Approach In Early Childhood
Early childhood classrooms serve as the environment for young children to learn and
develop. In order to effectively facility students learning a teacher must have well
organized, evidence based, exciting, teaching strategies and approaches. One effective
approach teacher can utilize is integrated curriculum approach. An integrated
approach allows students to engage in purposeful, relevant learning. Integrated
learning encourages students to see connections and relationships between
curriculum areas. Rather than focusing on learning in an isolated curriculum area,
an integrated program is based on skill development around a particular theme that
is relevant to the children in the class. Mrs. Gonzalez s 3k through 3rd grade
Spanish class is a great example of a well organized integrated approach. Through
my observation of Mrs. Gonzalez s Spanish class I was able to comprehend the
impact an integrated approach can have on students learning and development.
In Mrs. Gonzalez s Spanish class, her students learn the Spanish language is a vast
range of contexts both social and educational. Effective ... Show more content on ...
Gonzalez s integrated Spanish curriculum is a great idea for her young students
because each student becomes more engaged in different activities that combine
different skills. As the students sing different Spanish songs Mrs. Gonzalez layers
rhythm, which is math, then the melody, which is music, and the lyrics, which is the
new language of Spanish, then she adds some fun dance moves, for a layer physical
development. This type of learning is more meaningful for the children as each one
feels positive about their accomplishment in the scheme of the overall lesson. Mrs.
Gonzalez s Spanish class is a balanced learning approach that is fun. She keeps her
students interested and focused on learning Spanish. In Mrs. Gonzalez s integrated
Spanish class the kids feel knowledgeable enough about Spanish to answer simple
questions, which make them feel important and
Difference Between Counseling And Clinical Psychology
What is the difference between clinical and counseling psychology?
Clinical psychology deal with being able to diagnose and treat any psychological
problems and distress (Kuther Morgan, p20). Clinical psychology also deals with
mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. So disorders that are treat in clinical
psychology is learning disabilities such as dyslexia. Substance abuse such as alcohol,
cocaine, heroin, and LSD. Also depression, anxiety and various eating disorders.
Clinical psychology specializes in disease treatment. When it comes to counseling
psychology, unlike clinical, counseling deals with finding ways for a someone to
improve themselves. This includes emotional, social, vocational, health related,
developmental, and organizational concerns. (Kuther Morgan, p21). Counseling
psychology falls more on the lines of everyday issues. Counseling psychology can
help with physical, emotional, and also mental health issues. Counseling psychology
are able to meet with their patients and being able to teach them how to be able to
manage types of stress, by either enhancing current functioning or by alleviating
distress (Kuther Morgan, p21).
2. What are some of the other mental health professions? The other mental health
professions mentioned are programs in Marriage and family therapy(MFT),
rehabilitation counseling programs, social work programs (Kuther Morgan, p22).
Marriage and family therapist can treat depression, marital problems,
Working With The Communications Department A
Due to the fact the issue was identified through an audit, it was on all the manager s
radar. However, we as managers tend to get issues on our radar and fail to act. The
business started to address this issue by holding a Town Hall meeting with leaders
to address the issue. By working with the Communications Department a
presentation was created to capture what our competitors were doing in the same
arena, we were bleeding out in. By putting this into perspective, leaders were able to
see how close those competitors were, to taking the business away from us.
Knowing that their jobs and futures are at risk, we were able to gain about a 55 65%
stakeholder commitment to drive this initiativeforward. Even though the support was
more than we... Show more content on ...
Obtain customer confidence in process and implementation of new tool.
Demonstrate reliability, readiness, and performance of all processes and systems.
Each of this was marked by milestones and objectives. Each step is being messaged
to the stakeholders. However, as we will cover later we failed to celebrate the
milestones in an effort to keep the group that much more engaged and their eye on
the end result for the business. The forming of the team was a well thought out plan
and to this day has been the key to the success of the vision.
Create a Vision The approach we are currently taking, creates a relationship that
starts with the mission statement and ends with a strategic action plan directly
focusing on the concern. The goal is to show that linkage that brings into fruition a
roadmap that outlines a road of success, addressing the concerns of our customers.
In a business as intricate as ours, it is critical to have a roadmap that helps all
stakeholders understand the direction the business is taking and a solid plan on
how we will get there. In order to ensure achievement and success of the goals, we
needed to tie the initiative directly to the objectives. With this new initiative, each
employee was able to see exactly the importance that each piece plays, in the overall
strategy of our business. The Risk Manager objectives should align with the mission
and we made
Annotated Bibliography Ernest Hemingway
Therapy of Ernest Hemingway
Rebecca McRunnel
PSY 303: Abnormal Psychology
Professor Hillary Locke
August 13, 2015
I.Identifying Information
Ernest Hemingway was born July 21, 1989 (Ernest Hemingway Biography, 2015).
Ernest is a 40 year old white male, average build weighing no more than 180 pounds.
He was born in Cicero, Illinois. Ernest is a heterosexual male, who enjoys the
company of woman. Hemingway is an author of many novels and many publications
within newspapers.
II.Chief Complaint/Presenting Problem
Ernest Hemingway was referred to me from Dr. John in regards to his explosive
disorders and loss of sleep and appetite. Dr. John also said that he has feeling of
suicide following the death of his father. Dr. John... Show more content on ...
John. Through his referral we have discovered that Ernest has many mood changes
and anger issues that are unresolved resulting in resentment from his father s
suicide and his mother dressing him as a girl. Martha, Ernest wife, describes him
as very violent tendencies, along with not sleeping or eating. He also has expressed
thoughts that he will commit suicide like his father and two of his siblings. His
thoughts are unstable and have many mood changes from happy to sad to angry
with no reason. He was very angry with the reasons why I was asking his wife her
experience with her husband. He showed that he could have violent behaviors
through his yelling and expressed feelings of
The Social and Moral Values of the Aztecs Essays
Document 13.1 Questions 1 3.
1.) What do the Montezuma s laws tell us about the social and moral values of the
Montezuma helped improved living conditions by setting up fresh water to
Tenochtitlan, he was able to establish penal and social laws, and civic standards
became high along with social advancement. Montezuma also developed a secure
sophisticated cultural history and its accomplishments. While the Aztecs where under
the watchful control of Montezuma s the empire expanded pass the valleys of Mexico
and much of central Mexico. The people viewed Montezuma s as one of the first
represents and independence of power. He was known to be a good leader and a wise
warrior and that s what helped Mexica state to develop more ... Show more content on ...
He was amazed with how much people ran the markets and how widely affected the
Aztec economy. In his words described the markets as Inviting, pleasurable,
appealing, and pleasing to these people that great crowds attended, and still attend,
them, especially during the big fairs, as is well known to all.... The markets in this
land were all enclosed by walls and stood either in front of the temples of the gods or
to one side. Market day in each town was considered a main food based celebration
in that town or city.
The Aztec was very well developed and I would thinking coming from back then
another world to this without any clue what it would hold, whether or not if people
are even develop in art music, markets i would be very impressed.
Document 13.2 Question 3.
1. The emperor was a complete and total ruler and was thought of as wonderful/God
2. In explanation (of why something works or happens the way it does), the state
owned all land and useful things/valuable supplies.
3. Subject peoples were needed/demanded to admit/recognize/respond to major Inca
gods, although once they did so; they were mostly free to carry on their own religious
4. The Inca Empire played a big part in the production and distribution of goods.
Document 13.3, Question 2 4
2.) Busbecq love the Ottoman framework on that no single man owed his poise to
anything besides his individual benefits and dauntlessness; nobody is recognized
from the rest
The Accounting Policies Of The United States
2.Significant Accounting Policies
A)Basis of accounting
Both the U.S. GAAP and IFRS both have similar requirements when it comes to the
basis of accounting. This means that they both place a heavy emphasis on fair
values, essentially implying that Chris does not need to address the basis of his
company s policies. In addition, both standards require companies to inform the
public regarding any uncertainties in the accounting records. However, Chris was
already given sufficient information for the conversion in the Basis of Accounting
section, as the accounting policies were applied by each consolidated company
consistently to all relevant periods. Therefore, Chris is able to transition the company
s basis of accounting with no other ... Show more content on ...
Other than bank overdrafts, however; Chris should have enough information to
convert cash and cash equivalents to IFRS.
C)Accounts Receivable and Other Receivables
Chris first objective in analyzing his firm s receivables is to understand how they are
recorded. The International Standards require receivables to be measured at fair value
with an amortization cost. However, Chris was not given this information in his
financial records. Still, what he was given is that Ruckman analyzes accounts
receivable based on transaction history and creditworthiness of the customer,
suggesting that the firm s receivables are done per case, and thus cannot be lumped
together. With that, Chris can move forward knowing that accounts receivable are in
accordance with IFRS.
Inventory is known as the single most important item on a balance sheet. Every
business contains inventory, and Ruckman, Inc. is no exception. With the concept of
inventory come the different types of cost methods, including: last in first out (LIFO),
first in first out (FIFO), and the weighted average cost. With such an important item,
it is understandable that both standards allow and prohibit different types of costing
methods due to certain reasons. The major difference between the two is the
allowance of the LIFO method, which is only allowed by GAAP. This method allows
companies to highlight
Essay On American Government
American Government Essay
The ultimate goal of our constitutional order is not merely to produce democratic
procedures but a democratic culture; a culture in which all citizens can participate and
feel they have a stake, a culture in which unjust social privileges and status
hierarchies have been disestablished. Democracy is more than a matter of fair legal
process. It is a feature of social organization, of social structure. Democracy inheres
not only in procedural mechanisms like universal suffrage but in cultural modes like
dress, language, manners and behavior. Political egalitarianism must be nourished by
cultural egalitarianism. A culture of democracy must include both legal rights and
institutions as well as cultural predicates for the ... Show more content on ...
We must challenge all of the forms of status enforcing state action, not merely those
that overtly preserve status hierarchy through direct classification. And we must resist
all attempts by law to reproduce unjust status
Cohabitation Before Marriage
Did you know that over half of all first marriages are now preceded by living
together compared to virtually none 50 years ago? The number of unmarried
couples living together increased tenfold from 1960 to 2000. The number of
unmarried couples living together increased 72% between 1990 and 2000. By the
year 2010, if the present trend continues, there will be 7 married couples for every
cohabiting couple. (CohabitationFacts, Cohabitation It s Training for Divorce Chuck
Colson (1995). Here are some statistics on cohabitating couples. These numbers show
that as times go on more and more people will be living together before marriage.
What is your opinion on cohabitation before marriage? Is this something that you see
yourself doing in... Show more content on ...
Second, economical advantages do not determine whether something is morally right
or wrong.
Third, the majority of cohabitants do eventually break up and economics are
obviously not a problem then, so why allow it to become a controlling factor from
the start. The moral questions is, What is my virginity worth and Will I save
myself for my lifelong spouse? Kevin Leman in Smart Kids, Stupid Choices says,
It s kind of like giving someone a million dollars and later finding out you gave it to
the wrong person, but now he s gone and so is your money. Gone for good. You don
t have it anymore. And the person who should have had it will now never get it. A
2005 study, published in the Journal of Marriage and the Family (Smock) viewed the
relationship between economic uncertainty and relationship conflict. Researchers
interviewed 115 young adults in Toledo, Ohio, who were cohabiting or had recently
cohabited. They found that among cohabiters financial uncertainty and a lack of
money were greatly associated with the relationships conflicts and the lack of a sense
of a stable future, thus choosing the decision to marry.
In a recent statement by the Catholic Bishops of Pennsylvania they said, Sure, you
might save the price of monthly rent, but you re sacrificing something more valuable.
Engagement is more than just time to plan the party. It is a time for deeper
discussion and more thorough reflection, which are best carried out in a detached way.
Defining Microsoft Windows Vista
Defining Microsoft Windows Vista
The intent of this paper is to provide a background of the Microsoft Windows Vista
operating system development, including when it was developed, how the
development process was management, what needs this specific operating systems
was developed to respond to in the Information Technologies market. This paper will
also analyze the correlation of Information Technologies and Microsofts Windows
Vista position.
Background of Windows Vista Development
Originally announced as Longhorn by Microsoft ( on July 22, 2005 to
journalists and analysts it was released to public distribution use by hardware OEM
(Original Equipment Manufacturers) and the general public on January 230, 2007.
This is the ... Show more content on ...
Microsoft also has been working extensively in their research labs on algorithms so
operating systems can learn how to anticipate how people work. The differentiating
feature of SuperFetch is a result of this research, and relies on machine learning
techniques to anticipate usage patterns. This is in part due to the latent semantic
indexing Microsoft is pioneering in Microsoft Research. Microsoft also anticipates
the majority of users to rely on USB drives and hybrid hard disk drives. The
branding on these optimization techniques is ReadyBoost and ReadyDrive. Highly
differentiating security related technologies includes a bit level locking algorithm
included in the Enterprise and Ultimate editions, enhanced Windows Firewall support
including SSL and TLS cryptographic extensions. There are dozens of features for
business users and developers, most notably being support for Version 3.0 of the
Windows .NET Development Framework.
From the standpoint of Microsoft Windows Vista being suitable as an enterprise
desktop, the inclusion of highly differentiated security features and the reliance on
the security development lifecycle will be quickly tested and evaluated by CIOs
looking for the increased productivity that Windows Vista claims to provide in
conjunction with Microsoft Office applications, for example. For those enterprises
with a geographically diverse
Absalom Racism
In Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner, Thomas Sutpen runs away from home at
the age of fourteen to pursue his own design. After arriving in the West Indies, Sutpen
subdues a slave rebellion and later marries the plantation owner s daughter. However,
the plantation owner fails to inform Sutpen that the wife has African blood. Since the
misrepresentation of the marriage (voids) and (frustrates) ...the central motivation of
his central design , Sutpen voluntarily (relinquishes) the marriage settlement . In the
passage, Sutpen explains his decision to relinquish the marriage to Quentin s
Grandfather, who passed the information through the family and, now, is retold by
Quentin Compson. In short, Quentin s contractual description depicts Sutpen s
rationale, highlighting Sutpen s simple view of the world. The passage begins with
Quentin presenting the injustice as a legal document, depicting Sutpen s rationale.
Sutpen enters the marriage in good faith , suggesting that Sutpen thinks high of
himself and believes that he is truly innocent. Moreover, Quentin uses the correlative
conjunction not only... but twice to emphasize the atrocity of the injustice and
display that Sutpen truly feels that he has been wronged. The words reservation and
misrepresentation alliterate, making the long sentence read like a formal, legal
statement, emphasizing the injustice. The contractual tone creates a sense of power
and legality, conveying a mechanical process. Quentin deliberately uses
Limitations Of Adult Social Care
Limitations of adult social care in England Underfunding Rigid system
Unavailability of choice of where to be treated Neglect and abuse in some
residential and care homes. Rising needs from an ageing population with
increasingly complex conditions. Rising costs to providers of adult social care.
Restricted public funds to meet those costs and a strain on the resources of those
who pay for their own care. Serious challenges in recruiting and retaining good
quality staff. Solution Financial transfers from the NHS, a social care precept in
local areas, Calling on family and friends to do more Flexible system Better
remuneration package for staff Analyse similarities and
differences===demonstrate this by analyzing funding and delivery of
services.describe some practical realities. Case study Mr. M contacted a local charity
just over two years ago saying he was feeling suicidal. The charity referred Mr. M to
adult social care who judged he was eligible to receive support from a social worker.
Mr. M had been out of work and very isolated for a long time. His social worker
gave Mr. M support in dealing with his landlord and energy provider plus some
budget and debt support. She also referred him to a local exercise programme for
people with a range of conditions and a peer support group for people with mental
health conditions. Mr. M tried LIFT (talking therapies) and volunteering but neither
were right for him but he did start working with his
History And Memory Essay
Representation is the coalescence of selected mediums and techniques in an attempt
to depict a veracious reflection of a certain person, object or event. The symbiosis
between history and memory allows for a more cohesive representation of past
events, however an inconclusive disposition exists that cannot be deputised for by
either. Mark Baker s post factum pastiche, The Fiftieth Gate (1997), and the American
Social HistoryProject s patriotic website, The September 11 Digital Archive, explore
the personalisation of history derived from the emotional truthand the legitimisation
of memory attained through statistical data to offer a more comprehensive
perspective in the examination of one s identity. Although the ultimate truth is
irretrievable... Show more content on ...
Both Mark Baker and the American Social History Project s decision to foreground
personal memory and emotion follows the poststructuralist ideology of Hayden
White, who infers that the knowledge an individual pursues serves to reconstruct a
past that draws vital connections to their identity in the present. By choosing to
fabricate his text through a bricolage structure, Baker accentuates his parents
subjective recollections to explicate that the Holocaust was not just an event of
history, but also a crucial component of Jewish ancestry and his own ethnicity. The
structural division of the fifty gates as an extended metaphor denotes the composers
emerging cultural value for the emotional truth in his rigorous comprehension of the
past. An impediment manifested from history alone is portrayed in the juxtaposition
between the sibilance screaming, the sound of shots, mothers separated from their
children and the indifferent tone shot 1381 to illustrate the unsympathetic nature of
circumstantial evidence. The capacity of memory to humanise history is a major
element in attaining a cultivated awareness of the past and one s linked identity.
The value of memory in sculpting one s assimilation of the past is demonstrated by
the Smithsonian website through a deliberate selection and emphasis of personal
accounts in the critical analysis of the September 11 attacks. The layout of
Taking a Look at the Cold War
Prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor and United State s involvement in World War II,
we remained an isolationist country. Once World War II ended, the United States left
isolationism behind and began a quest to abolish communism during the Cold War,
involving many nations. Although the success of the containment policy in South
America and Asia was not identical, each were beneficial in decreasing communism
during the Cold War. Throughout the Cold War, communistic governments were
rising all over the world. In South American and Asia, blood was shed by those on
both sides of communistic views. Attempts were made on the lives of non
communistic leaders, some which did succeed, in an attempt by the communistic to
take over a countries government. With the help of neighboring countries; the United
Statesaided South America and Asian countries were supported by neighboring Asian
countries; most protestors were able to overthrow their communist governments and
gain their county back. In 1979, thick communism was brewing for the United State
s neighbor, Central America. A leftist group, called Sandinistas, had overthrown the
long reigned dictator of Nicaragua. Carter was president at the time and had turned a
blind eye to the event in order for a good relationship to remain between the United
States and the new Nicaraguan government. President Reagan, however, was not so
sycophant and accused the Sandinistas of recreating Nicaragua to be a military base
for communistic forces

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Criticism Essay Example. Business paper: Examples of critique essays

  • 1. Criticism Essay Example Crafting a criticism essay example can be a challenging task that demands a thoughtful approach and a nuanced understanding of the subject matter. The difficulty lies not only in expressing personal opinions but also in presenting a well-reasoned and coherent argument supported by evidence. To create a compelling essay, one must navigate the fine line between providing constructive criticism and avoiding undue negativity. The initial hurdle involves thoroughly grasping the subject of criticism, whether it be a literary work, a piece of art, or any other topic. It necessitates a comprehensive analysis, requiring a deep dive into the nuances and intricacies of the subject. This, in turn, demands time and dedication to research, ensuring that the critique is informed and substantiated. Structuring the essay poses another challenge. Organizing thoughts coherently, developing a clear thesis statement, and supporting arguments with relevant examples demand careful planning. Balancing the introduction, body, and conclusion while maintaining a logical flow requires both writing skills and analytical prowess. Moreover, a criticism essay should not merely highlight flaws but also acknowledge strengths. This requires a delicate balance, as the writer must constructively critique while appreciating the positive aspects of the subject. Striking this equilibrium can be a daunting task, as it requires a nuanced understanding of the subject matter. Furthermore, expressing opinions in a persuasive and articulate manner is crucial. The language must be precise, engaging, and free from ambiguity. Developing a distinctive voice that captivates the reader without overshadowing the objective analysis adds another layer of complexity to the writing process. In conclusion, writing a criticism essay example is a challenging endeavor that demands a combination of research skills, analytical thinking, and effective communication. Navigating the terrain between constructive critique and unwarranted negativity requires finesse, making the task a formidable one. Despite the difficulties, a well-crafted criticism essay can be a powerful tool for conveying insightful perspectives on a given subject. If you find yourself struggling with similar assignments or need assistance with writing essays, you may explore the services offered by, where professional writers can provide support tailored to your specific needs. Criticism Essay ExampleCriticism Essay Example
  • 2. Milton Friedman s Philosophy, Consumption Analysis, And... Milton Friedman was a respected economist that posited numerous new ideologies within the economic realm during the 20th century. In 1976, Friedman was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his examination of monetary history and philosophy, consumption analysis, and the theory of stabilization policy. Another theme Friedman is generally known for is his position with respect to the responsibilities of corporations. He had expressed that few trends could so thoroughly undermine the very foundations of our free society as the acceptance by corporate officials of a social responsibility other than to make as much money for their stockholders as possible (Chandler and Werther Jr., 2014, p. xxxii). By this, Friedman is saying that maximization of property for the sake of shareholder return jeopardizes and subverts the possibility of corporations acting ethically and socially responsibly. He does not trust that their fundamental center inside their operations ought to be focused on the part of corporate social obligation. Not at all like individuals, Friedman trusts that an organization cannot have an obligation. They have one obligation and that is to make a profit (Friedman, 2013). No we will look at the different balances, counterbalances, and threats to social corporate responsibility. These elements, based off their motivation, can be ordered into two or three distinct gatherings, which are revenue driven associations, not for profits, and governments.
  • 3. Inquiry Based Learning Inquiry based learning * Inquiry based instruction is a student centered and teacher guided instructional approach that engages students in investigating real world questions that they choose within a broad thematic framework. * Inquiry Based instruction complements traditional instruction by providing a vehicle for extending and applying the learningof students in a way that connects with their interests within a broader thematic framework. Students acquire and analyze information, develop and support propositions, provide solutions, and design technology and arts products that demonstrate their thinking and make their learning visible. . Inquiry based instructional approaches place students at the helm of the learning process ... Show more content on ... Then get them to prepare a questionnaire. (The questionnaire should be structure in a way that it will gain information about the selected economic activity and its importance during that time). After making the questionnaires present it to the class. After the presentation, based on the comments they get, the groups can improve their questionnaires. Finding out Interviewing a resource person Ask the children to be in their groups and concentrate and gain information about the economic activity that they had chosen so they can become specialized in that particular activity, then bring a resource person and get him to give information about the early economic activities, how important it was to the community during the early times, and why most of these activities are declining. During the lecture get the children to fill in their questionnaires and clear their doubts Sorting out Making a comic strip or writing a report After the interview get the children to discuss about the information they have gained in their groups about the early economic activity they had chosen and then prepare a comic strip or write a report about the particular economic activity they specialized in and present it to class. Others will listen to the presentation from each group and learn more about each economic activity Going further Debate Tell the students that a lot
  • 4. How Did The Aztecs Expand Their Empire The Aztecs were created in the 1400s and early 1500s. No one really liked the Aztecs because of their wars and how they killed. They lived in modern day of Mesoamerica. Their agriculture method is an artiп¬Ѓcial island named chinampas which really helped them and with the chinampas they grew crops and more. Next, it is their agricultural method that made the Aztecs to expand their empire. The more their empire expanded the more food they will have to make. In Document A, it shows that the Aztec empire grew so much that it was more than 200 miles east to west, and north to south. The Aztecs were polytheistic meaning they believe in diп¬Ђerent gods. Most of their gods were nature based which is that the gods had to do something with nature. Without
  • 5. Questions On Strategic Alliance And The Assurance Of... Strategic alliance is an assertion between at least two associations to collaborate in a particular business action, so that every advantage from the qualities of the other, and increases upper hand. The development of key unions has been viewed as a reaction to globalization and expanding instability and many sided quality in the business environment. Key unions include the sharing of information and skill between accomplices and in addition the decrease of hazard and expenses in ranges, for example, associations with providers and the advancement of new items and innovations. A key organization together is here and there compared with a joint wander, yet collusion may include competitors, and for the most part has a shorter life expectancy. Vital organization is a firmly related idea. This article breaks down meaning of key union, its advantages, sorts, procedure of arrangement, and gives a couple cases investigations of vital organizations together. This paper tries to combine the degree and part of advertising capacities in the assurance of adequacy of key partnerships. A few recommendations from a promoting perspective concerning the investigation of organization together process are detailed. On the premise of the recommendations, a system is created for future research. Table: The factors leading to alliances (Source: adapted from Harbison and Pekar, 1998) 1970 s1980 s1990 s Product performancesPositions In factorsCapabilities Produce using the most recent
  • 6. Career Goals For The Hospitality Industry Five years ago was when I knew I wanted to work within the hospitality industry. This was the time in my life where I came to the realization that this fun and entertaining industry was a place where I could develop a career. Every since this time in my life I have been creating goals for my career and steps to achieve these goals. One of these steps to achieving a successful career includes attending a university to study hospitality. This step has brought me to this point, where I am creating goals specifically for this course. I believe creating these goals will put me in a position to better succeed. I know being successful in this course is important because the information taught will help me in achieving my career goals. Through travel and hospitality related experiences in my life I have created two major goals for my career. My first trip to Las Vegas was the time when my first major career goal was established. By walking through each hotel I could easily see that each place had a different style and way of operating. Observing these examples allowed me to determine which hotel/resort or company would be the best to work for. MGM s Aria Resort and Casino has always stuck out to me as a well running, high class establishment; the workers are professional, but friendly and the atmosphere is comforting while keeping up with the modern times. With this said, one of my goals is to be employed by the Aria. Although, knowing how competitive this industry can be, I would
  • 7. Mindy Kaling Thesis Annotation Essay Mindy Kaling is an esteemed Hollywood actress known for her roles as Jane on Jane the Virgin and Kelly on The Office. Many people know her on screen but few know that in addition to her acting she is also a scriptwriter. So, when Kaling was given the chance to pitch ideas for the next Hollywood hit, she jumped at the opportunity. She went before a panel of executives to share her thoughts for the next box office romcom, and was left both confused and surprised by their lack of interest, with a counter that they were looking into movies that were about boardgames. This experience prompted Kaling to write an opinion piece for The New Yorker and called Flick Chicks, a satirical sequential essay that categorizes the inadequate... Show more content on ... A female who is not one hundred percent perfect looking in every way? You might as well film a dead squid decaying on a beach somewhere for two hours. She then goes on to describe another kind of female movie character, known as the Ethereal Weirdo. This is who Kaling describes as the Manic Pixie Dream Girl. She uses description techniques to create the ideal version of a character that puts an image in the mind of the reader. She wears gauzy blouses and braids. She likes to dance in the rain and she weeps uncontrollably if she sees a sign for a missing dog or cat. She might spin a globe, place her finger on a random spot, and decide to move there. Following this anecdote, she refocuses the piece, stating that such an individual shows up often in movies but never in real life. Kaling also plays to the common prejudice that females are meant to fit to male ideals. Roles like that of the Ethereal Weirdo actually perpetuate sexism and degrade the role of women in acting. She conveys this point through dry satirical elements, saying, She is essential to the male fantasy that even if a guy is boring he deserves a woman who will find him fascinating and perk up his dreary life by forcing him to go skinny dipping in a stranger s
  • 8. Biblical Allusions In Scarlet Letter D.H. Lawrence s critical essay On the Scarlet Letter displays his views of how the protagonist of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne, is depicted, as well as how he feels she should have been depicted in the novel. Hawthorne and Lawrence have many clashing views about Hester s sin; Hawthorne seems to focus on the effects of the sin whereas Lawrence focuses on the sin itself. Lawrence utilizes the literary devices of choppy syntax, biblical allusions, and satirical tone to emphasize his opinion that Hester Prynnes sinful actions should not have been praised by Hawthorne. Lawrence uses choppy syntax to sarcastically emulate the way in which Hawthorne praises Hester throughout the novel. Lawrence repeats the words... Show more content on ... In the book of Genesis in the Holy Bible, Abel was killed by his brother Cain as a result of Cain s jealousy. Abel was the victim of death, such as Hawthorne portrays Hester as the victim of sin. In this sense, Lawrence states that [t]his time it is Mr. Dimmesdale who dies. [Hester] lives on and is Abel (Lawrence). It is ironic that Lawrence compares Hester to Abel because Lawrence believes that Hester is the initial cause of the sin, and that successfully seducing a pure man is [t]he greatest triumph a woman can have (Lawrence). Lawrence is therefore mocking Hawthorne s view of Hester by comparing her to Abel because he believes that Hester is the source of blame for the sin itself, rather than the helpless victim. Lawrence also compares Hester to Adam from the Holy Bible, by calling her Adama numerous times throughout the piece (Lawrence). Lawrence is comparing Hester to Adam because he had committed a tremendous sin and was therefore banished from the Garden of Eden and forced to toil in pain and suffering because of his unholy actions. This is the same response that Hester was granted for her sin, she was an outcast in her town and was forced to live with the pain and guilt of her sin for the rest of her
  • 9. Tom Canty s The Black Ships Before Troy A long time ago, back in periods of time hundreds and hundreds of years ago, myths, folktales, dramas, poems, and fairy tales were commonly believed in in ancient civilizations and cultures. Each myth, folktale, drama, poem or fairy tale taught something and had a morale in the story. The events that occurred taught a lesson so people in real life could learn from the characters mistakes. These stories were passed down, generation to generation, like a tradition. As the stories reach modern times, some of these stories are turned into a parody, which is an exaggerated, humorous drama of the story. Traditional stories are not only fun and interesting to read, but there are still many lessons that can be learned from these traditional stories. They are important to local areas where they are traditional, and characters in these stories act like people today, so you can learn from their mistakes and revise your behavior. One reason these traditional local stories ... Show more content on ... This shows relevance because there are still people today poor enough to have to beg for money for food, although this behavior has been somewhat revised, as in most of the world, it is illegal to abuse your child (or anyone, for that matter), as Tom Canty was describing in the story. A second example of this argument can be found on line 62 of page 315 from the myth The Black Ships Before Troy by Rosemary Sutcliff. This quote reads: ... until one day, the three jealous goddesses... . These three jealous goddesses are Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite; so this is telling a tale similar to the Apple of Discord by Hovey. This is relevant because the quote clearly reveals that the three goddesses were jealous. This is a lesson so we can revise our behavior because in the story, the characters let their feelings get the best of them, and that leads to a war. So the lesson the story is teaching is not to let your feelings get the best of
  • 10. How Does Beethoven Use Gcse Form In Symphony 8 Introduction One of the most crucial composers throughout the transition of the classical era to the romantic era was Beethoven. He was pronounced as the greatest living composer by the time he was 50. Throughout his lifetime he had published 138 compositions and after his death there were over 200 more compositions published. This is an amazing feat as he had started suffering from hearing loss at the age of 26 and by the time he was around the age of 46, he became fully deaf. He created some of the most famous pieces of which includes Fur Elise, Symphony No.5, and Symphony No.9. This topic interested me because of how he was able to create spectacular compositions even while being affected by hearing loss. I also realized that I did not... Show more content on ... This theme begins with a legato and lyrical style that contrasts the staccato style of the first theme. The violins are used as an accompaniment of the melodic exchange between the flute and the oboe. This exchange creates a back and forth movement between the two instruments. The melody begins with a rising fourth which is a link to the first theme. The accompaniment plays staccato arpeggios which gives a reminder of the last measure of the first theme. From measure 65, the use of syncopation previously heard measures 57 to 58 gives rhythmic drive through this section. The violins then take the lead and restate the theme with the flutes and oboes answering. Beethoven s use of diminished chords, in measure 65, and adding emphasis using sforzando adds more the dramatic nature of the passage. In measure 69, the strings have rising eighth notes with semitones. A few measures later the flutes and oboes double the violins rising eighth notes which again underlines the importance of the rising semitone. This last until measure 77 as the second theme returns to a soft ending as the lyrical phrases played by the violins, oboes, and flutes are now played by the cellos and double basses. The codetta, or closing, begins at measure 88 and lasts until measure 110. This section creates a conclusion by combining familiar elements from the first and second themes. In measures 94 to 99, the strings have tremolos which gives a sensation of the music being at fast rhythmic tempo and in measures 100 to 109 the woodwinds and horns have slurred phrases which resembles the lyrical phrases played in the second
  • 11. Traba 24k Roosters Essay Four men from Lawrence were arrested Sunday after a state trooper discovered roosters that had just come from a cockfight in their car, said police Sunday around 1:45 a.m., a state trooper pulled over a gray 2003 Honda Accord on Route 84 for failure to move over for an ambulance. Inside were four men and police said the trooper witnessed them shoving something under the seat. The trooper had noticed a sticker on the back of the car that read TRABA 24K with a silhouette of a rooster. As the trooper stood by the accord s window, he was a bag under one of the seats moving and he heard noises coming from it, said police. He then radioed for backup. Police said the four people were taken out of the car; the trooper has hens at his own home and recognized chicken noises coming from the bags. ... Show more content on ... The animals were poor condition, with the roosters missing all the feathers below the neck and chest area. They also were covered with gouges on their bodies. Police said that also inside the Accord was a bag containing several rolls of medical tape, nail files, a block of wax, long sharp acrylic talon, pictures of a rooster and a container of styptic powder which is used to stop bleeding. Information indicates that the men had been participating in a New Jersey cockfight, said police. The four men have been identified as 26 year old Winton Hernandez, 54 year old Cesareo Ruiz, 22 year old William Morales and 23 year old Erick Lora Lopez, all from Lawrence. All four were charged with animal cruelty, animal fight and conspiracy. In addition, the driver, Hernandez, was charged with obstructing an emergency vehicle. The birds were taken to Tufts Veterinary Hospital in Grafton where they are being treated. All four men were transported to the State Police Barracks in Sturbridge where they were booked and later released on $500 bail
  • 12. The Causes Of Lisa And American Anti-Intellectualism When I was five, I tried to expose the fraud of Santa Claus to my kindergarten class. The teacher asked us to say what we had asked him for for Christmas and I responded by saying, Nothing! He s not real! When my peers questioned me on how I knew this, I informed them it was simply not possible for a single man to fly around the world in one night. I had looked into it, I knew how many hours were in a night, and there was simply no way. Despite my in depth research, my classmates dismissed my conclusion, attributing the impossible feat to magic . They were mad I had tried to lie to them and I was mad I was surrounded by narrow minded, santa loving idiots. Luckily, we were able to move past the disagreement and were all best friends again by lunch. The underlying problem, however, my classmates inability to accept the evidence, has not gone away. In his paper Lisa and American Anti Intellectualism , psychology professor Dr. Aeon J. Skoble explains, the United States has always had a love hate relationship with intellectuals. While professors and scientists garner a certain level of respect in this country, there is also a significant amount of contempt held for those who reside in the ivory tower of academia, presumably away from the practicalities of real life. This shows a disturbing trend of anti intellectualism, or the opposition to intellectualpursuits and works providing progressive and rational thought. The rise of anti intellectualism in the United
  • 13. Ford Fusion Research Papers The 2014 Ford Fusion is a roomy, midsize sedan and one of the best sellers in this highly competitive segment. Its dashing style, family of four cylinder engines, and available all wheel drive help this sedan stand out. Hybrid and plug in hybrid variants are also available. The Ford Fusion seats five and is available in S, SE, and Titanium trims. A 2.5 liter, four cylinder engine is standard; three turbocharged four cylinder engines are available. All wheel drive is available on the Titanium trim. One year removed from the introduction of the current generation model, the 2014 Ford Fusion gains several available features, including ventilated front seats, a heated steering wheel, and inflatable seat belts. A 1.5 liter, turbocharged four cylinder... Show more content on ... Standard 16 inch steel covered wheels become 17 or 18 inch wheels elsewhere. Higher trim models bring in fog lights, heated and power folding side mirrors with integrated turn signals, rocker molding, door keypad, a decklid spoiler, and dual integrated bright exhaust tips. Interior The 2014 Fusion offers excellent interior room. Plush bucket seats are in the first row, a 60 40 fold flat bench seat is in the second row. Standard cloth seats, piano black trim, and well fitted panels mark the Fusion sedan. Available leather treatment may be found on the seats, steering wheel, and shift knob, for a more refined look. All controls are logically placed, the cabin is quiet, and the doors close with a reassuring thud. All models come with keyless entry and push button start, stainless steel door sill plates, full power accessories, air conditioning, cruise control, an automatic dimming rear mirror, multiple cargo compartments and beverage holders, and a tilt and telescoping steering column. Available equipment includes a power driver s seat with lumbar support, heated front seats, and a power
  • 14. Dumas Free Time Essay Timed Essay Dumas is a very joyful and loving child, she moved to America from Iran, which was a very miniscule country. Many people asked Dumas questions some serious, some silly, but what surprised her is they never ask geographic questions, They wanted to know more important things, such as camels. How many did we own back home? What did we feed them? Was it a bumpy ride? (Funny in Farsi, 90). Dumas often became frustrated with people that asked her idiotic questions, and she expressed it not physically but, verbally (Fun in Farski, 91). The reason she does, is because the questions are unimportant and they re just teasing her and she knows that, and the questions are never about her. Most everyone at her school are rude and they tease Dumas all of the time. They made her feel uncomfortable and not needed, like they did not want her there. Although, there were rude students, there was a small group that were nice to her, they would invite her over to their house to play and sleep over (Funny in Farsi, 91). The kids that were nice to her often did things for her like giving her a Halloween costume for their cities Halloween parade. They wanted to know more important things, such as camels. How many did we own back home? What did we feed ... Show more content on ... Although she had people that teased her, she had friends that were there for her throughout her time in America. Her mother was not American and did not know English, she had to pronounce things for her and translate sometimes. They wanted to know more important things, such as camels. How many did we own back home? What did we feed them? Was it a bumpy ride? (Funny in Farsi, 90). This is showing a perfect example of people creating hardships and an extremity of problems. Duma was a cheery little girl, she was kind to most but, some people didn t treat her the same, but she had friends that cheered her up and made her
  • 15. Imperialism In Ngugi Wa ThiongO s The River Between In the book The River Between, Ngugi wa Thiong o details of the division of an African community, home to the Gikuyu people, the arrival of the white missionaries, and the destruction of traditional African life by European imperialism. Throughout the book, Ngugi wa Thiong o uses events that transpire to address real life events that are taking place during this time period in Africadue to European imperialism. He uses Waiyaki and the other characters in the book to explain the change that occurs in African societies and the conflict that imperialism creates. Ngugi wa Thiong o s The River Between addresses conflicts that African societies face as a result of European imperialism and the arrival of the white missionaries, which ultimately changes the layout and of entire communities. In The River Between, Ngugi wa Thiong o uses Waiyaki s story to address conflicts that occur in these African societies, such as the invasion of white missionaries, the internal conflicts of the tribe, and European imperialism as a whole. In the book, there is division among the Gikuyu people when the white missionaries invade their lands. The tribe becomes split into two villages: Komeno, where the traditional community resides, still adhering to all of the tribe s traditions and customs, and Makuyu, where the converts to Christianityreside. The biggest divide between these two groups is the traditionof circumcision. In the Gikuyu community of Komeno, the tradition has always been that
  • 16. Dante s Inferno 1) Inferno by Dan Brown, 2) Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, 3) Intelligent Investor by Ben Graham 4) Artemis Fowl: The Last Guardian by Eoin Colfer Pacing through Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy, Robert Langdon is drenched in hundreds of years of eminent work of art, the summit of the Renaissance in Italy. In any case, he isn t here for relaxation, he s set for discover the piece of information covered up in the Dante s veil, with a specific end goal to spare the world. Simple to become mixed up in the tremendous accumulation of craftsmanship, an exact arrangement of activity is important to achieve his objective of dodging Inferno. (Dan Brown) Robert Langdon is a Harvard Professor of symbology, who is entrusted with sorting out
  • 17. Tycho Brahe Research Paper He played a vital role in the development of various astronomical instruments. Brahe is also known for his precise and comprehensive astronomical planetary observations, which heavily influenced future discoveries.He made accurate and precise astronomical observations for his times, even without the help of the telescope. Brahe was an active participant to the debates on the nature of the Universe. Although better known as a famed astronomer, Tycho Brahe also played a crucial role in the development of geodesy and cartography. Brahe died in 1601 at the age of 54. While attending a banquet, societal customs did not allow him to excuse himself before his host. Brahe had drunk excessively, but refused to leave to use the bathroom. It is thought
  • 18. The Power Within Wal-Mart Burger King Beefs up Global Operations James E. Payton Columbia Southern University Burger King Beefs up Global Operations According to Daniels, Radebaugh, and Sullivan (2011), Burger King is the world s largest chain of flame broiled fast food restaurants. Its core competency is its flame broiled burgers, whereas other fast food hamburger joints serve fried burgers or no burgers at all, Burger King offers the unique flame broiled burgers with any options that a customer might like, consumers have the benefit of having a burger they cannot find elsewhere. Initially Burger King only sold burgers, fries, shakes, and sodas, but they have chosen to expand to offering chicken, fish, salads etc. Although they offer these extra items, ... Show more content on ... 74). Daniels et al. (2011) understood that this relationship should not change because about two thirds of Burger King s restaurants are in the United States, and its U. S. and Canadian operations accounted for 69 percent of its $ 2.54 billion revenue in fiscal 2009. Although the company began in 1954 by offering just burgers, fries, milk shakes, and sodas, the menu has expanded to include breakfast as well as various chicken, fish, and salad offerings. Nevertheless, burgers remain the mainstay of the company, and 2007 marked the 50th anniversary of the Whopper sandwich, which is considered Burger King s signature product (Daniels et al., 2011). Over time, especially since the company went public, Burger King has taken a more systematic approach toward restaurant expansion (Alva, 1994). While it still sees substantial growth opportunities within the United States, he thinks that Burger King sees the United States as a mature market for fast food, especially for hamburgers, in comparison with many foreign countries. In looking for new countries to enter, Burger King looks most favorably at those with large populations (especially of young people), high consumption of beef, availability of capital to franchisees for growth, a safe pro business
  • 19. Nordstrom s A Fashion Bazaar Many people know that Nordstrom s is a fashion bazaar. What multitudinous amounts of people do not grasp is that Nordstrom s positioned itself as a retailer of high end clothing and extravagant goods. This is how Nordstrom s distinguished itself from other retailers. Numerous people associate Nordstrom s with other ubiquitous department stores, such as Macy s and JC Penney. Interestingly, these stores are not Nordstroms predominant competitors. Because Nordstrom s caters to a more expensive partiality, its main competitors include upscale department stores such as Bloomingdale s and Saks Fifth Avenue. Within Nordstrom s marketing strategy, the emporium must strategize ways to discern itself from both the mid scale department stores as well as the high end ones. Nordstrom s is able to accomplish this through its determination of which products to vend, its customer service policies, and the schematics of typical Nordstrom s store design. Nordstrom s product selection is probably the store s most effective method of distinguishing itself from its competitors. The comprehensive categories of goods which the store supplies offers the initial disparateness from most other retailers in the market. Many stores offer a specific category of goods, such as food with grocery stores. Other retailers, such as Target or Walmart, offer a wide variety goods. Nordstrom s has established itself as a retailer of clothing, shoes, and accessories. This over all summation of the store
  • 20. Cyber-bullying Powered by Technology Cyber bullying has become a huge issue recently not only in high school but in the middle schools as well. For awhile there it seemed that just about every time you turned on the news there was another story of bullying or a suicide related to bullying incident being reported. Love is louder has become a popular phrase among celebrities and other influential figures lately. They re trying to send out a message to anyone listening saying that bullyingis wrong and it shouldn t be tolerated. With the expansion of communication technologies, bullies are gaining more and more ways to torture their victims. The fact of the matter is, technology isn t going anywhere anytime soon, so we need to come up with a way to end cyber bullies permanently. Cyber bullying is becoming more of a problem and all of us need to work together in figuring out how we can stop cyber bullies once and for all. Until we take precautionary measures, cyber bullies will continue to be a threat to today s youth. Before putting an end to cyber bullying we must comprehend why and how a cyber bully works. By understanding how a cyber bully works we ll be able to better defend our youth population as technology expands. Cyber bullying is mainly powered by technology and as it expands, bullying becomes harder to notice and stop. Bullying over social media makes it easier for the attacker to get away with their harmful behavior. Although the Internet has kicked opened multiple doors to new possibilities in the
  • 21. Medical Assistant After a careful reading, Health Status Outcome (HSO) studies are focused on the ending result or outcome of medical care given, taking into account the health care process, and well being of patients and the population. Ultimately, these studies are looking at the health status of the patient and are related to diagnosis. For example, lab test results, complication rates, morbidity rates, functional status, well being, and satisfaction with care given are health status outcomes. Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) are subjective reports generated from the patient either through diaries, self completed questionnaires, or interviews regarding their treatment. PRO helps with research to evaluate patient s perception, symptoms, satisfaction... Show more content on ... Many patients on questions answers with low scores, which is perceived as out of control, but when asked they do not feel they have poor health status outcome and physically functional well. Myself, being diagnosed with Asthma at a late age a disease of remission and exacerbations is a constant battle. My health status is poor and unstable because the disease flares up most days of my life and it is physically draining. My PRO in relationship to Asthma Control Test Scores is measured by the self completed questionnaires. I feel that my health status outcome affects both and it affects my functions of life and satisfaction with quality of life because of the constant flare ups. Research is taken from the Asthma Control Test Scores from patients reported outcome scores including ages 4 11 and 12 and above, from any given score 19 or less is related to poor asthma control. I would differ in the diagnosis of hypertension; I have a much more positive outlook on life and report a better outcome as long as I take my recommended regimen. Research has also been researched in women that had breast cancer that complained of breast pain after surgery. Reported breast pain elicited impacted there health status and quality of life (Burchardt amp; Jones, 2005). Currently, asthma is a disorder that is prevalent in my day to day practice and is currently the subject of a growing body of research. Many patients within my rural area practice are
  • 22. Natural Childbirth is Superior to Drug Induced Childbirth... I remember when my water bag broke; it was August 12, 1992, and the time was 12:15am.I was very excited that I would see my new baby on her due date. I did what the child birthing book recommended. I woke my husband up and told him to call the hospital. In the meantime I decided to take a shower. I was pretty calm because I didn t have any contractions. I wore my best maternity outfit and was spruced up compared to my husband. I even put on some perfume. You see, we had just gone to bed at 11:30 that night. My husband looked a little worse for wear. We got to the hospital and then were led into the maternity room. The room looked a little dingy with its yellow light and peeling paint. The hospital bed was small and narrow. I got scared,... Show more content on ... I recall tugging at my nether lands, and a swoop of hands into my womb. The doctors got the baby and she let out a cry that sounded triumphant. They showed me the baby and it seemed like they whisked her away too quickly. There is a fog around the edges of that memory. The doctors said that my baby was doing fine. My body started to shake and wouldn t stop. I was wheeled into recovery and then all was dark. I didn t bond with my baby until the next morning seven hours later. She was beautiful but I felt very unfulfilled. Four years later, I got pregnant. I was nervous, scared and anxious. The doctor I saw said that I could have a VBAC(vaginal birth after c section). I raided the library and read books on that subject. It was then I found out that the United States had the highest incidence of C sections in the world. Research shows that epidurals increase the use of other interventions that themselves carry risks. These interventions include electronic fetal monitoring (which has shown to increase the likelihood of a cesarean without improving outcome), I. V oxytocin, and instrumental delivery. Epidurals also deprive women of a sense of mastery over labor. Goer, Henci. Epidurals Myth Vs Reality. Childbirth Instructor Magazine Winter 1995: 17 22 I prepared myself mentally, physically and spiritually for the birth of my second child. I decided to become a better consumer by educating myself with all the child birthing techniques that were
  • 23. Humanity In The Maze Runner What does the Maze Runner suggest about the world as it is today? Dashner is suggesting through the science fictional novel The Maze Runner that we humans allow the rough times to get the best of our humanity (what makes us human). Dashner discusses and reflects on the threats humanity faces, looks into the truths behind science fiction, highlights the impact that our attitude towards and perspective on certain people has on us, contributes factors that have the power to claim certain senses of our humanity, warns of the dangers behind our rapidly advancing technology, questions the decisions and ways of our leaders and, in particular, takes a deeper look into what it means to be human. Through science fiction Dashner has reflected... Show more content on ... Dashner has used the character Chuck to represent humanity. Despite the rough times Chuck still remains the innocent child with the big heart. He s the small, podgy, humorous 12 year old with the ugly bowl haircut amongst the big, strong, serious 16+ young adults. Thomas turned to his right to see a kid standing nearby, short and podgy, staring at him. He was young probably the youngest of any in the group he d seen so far, maybe twelve or thirteen years old. His brown hair hung over his ears and neck, scraping the tops of his shoulders. Blue eyes shone through his otherwise pitiful face, flabby and flushed. (Thomas s description of Chuck, pg.13 14). Chuck is the odd one out, and Dashner has purposely made him to stand out in order to emphasise how the others have lost a sense of their humanity. Chuck also has the ability to return and remind other characters of this lost sense, in particular Thomas. The friendship struck by these two characters is rather heartwarming. As much as Thomas tries to deny their relationship at first, he can t help but take on a big brother like role towards him. Through this connection Chuck helps us to identify the sense of humanity Tom has lost, compassion and real emotion, as well as being able to remind Tom again of what it feels like to truly love and care. Thomas stared at him, stared at his lifeless body. Something happened within Thomas. It started deep down in his chest, a seed of rage. Of revenge. Of hate. Something dark and terrible. And then it exploded, bursting through his lungs, through his neck, through his arms and legs. Through his mind . (Thomas feelings towards Chucks murder, pg.354). This emotion from Thomas was evoked by Chuck. Hate, one of humanities strongest emotions that can only truly be brought on by loving something so much. Tom s feelings towards Chuck were able to return is strong emotions and fuel his motivation.
  • 24. Liberalism And Conservatism Are An Abstract Political... Liberalism and conservatism are an abstract political ideology that is formed from evolving list of political attributes (Bruns Gimpel, 2000). While it may be difficult to create a comprehensive definition, Smith (1990) defined liberalism as individuals who are reformist, democratic, libertarian, humanitarian, egalitarian, and permissive. Conservative attributes focus on, small state, minimal regulations, individual freedom and responsibility, patriotism, and strong law and order (Dommett, 2015). When measuring trends in a variety of topics, Smith (1990) found that trends dealing with individualism and equal rights were mostly associated with liberal views, while trends on the topic of crime was mostly associated with conservatives. Bruns and Gimpel (2000) noted that Americans identification as either liberal or conservative was not entirely due to political knowledge, instead, their identification reflects the individual s actual feelings towards particular groups and topics. Such findings (Smith, 1990; Bruns Gimpel, 2000; Dommett, 2015) on the topic of crime and individualism have recently been the subjects of debate throughout the presidential election. On June 16, 2015, Donald Trump began his Republican National Committee (GOP) presidential campaign with a speech labeling Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals. Throughout the rest of his successful campaign, now president elected, Trump continued to use such rhetoric towards Hispanics as one of the leading
  • 25. Knowledge In The Clinical Application Environment 5 What is knowledge management in the clinical application environment and how can network technologies, wired or wireless, support knowledge management? Come up with examples of a clinical application environment and network support to link all its necessary elements together. There are two main classifications of knowledge, tacit and explicit. Tacit knowledge is the knowledge that is in each person, whereas, explicit knowledge can be collected, stored, shared, retrieved, and used (Karamitri, Talias, Bellali, 2015). It is this explicit knowledge that is at the core of knowledge management (KM) and network technologies have a significant role in improving KM within the healthcare setting. Knowledge in the healthcare setting is worthless ... Show more content on ... In fact, if they were switched to VLAN it could provide an added layer of security since the devices would be accessing the internet. The devices can access the internet either through a wireless router which is shown in the diagram or via a wired internet connection; whichever access method is used, the connection needs to be reliable since physician s and nurse s need to depend on the CDS tool when they are taking care of patients. The advantage of using a web based clinical application for a CDS tool is fewer man hours are required to ensure the application is up to date. If this application was housed on an application server in house, then the HCO would need to assign an application manager to be responsible for ensuring the most up to date version of the CDS tool application software was available. By choosing a web based application, updates occur as they are available. This is just one example of how IT and clinical applications intertwine in order to enhance patient
  • 26. Case Study Of The Maersk Group Introduction: For our current context, we are dealing logistics as limited to the warehousing, transport and integral management part of the whole supply chain of an organization. In any small to big business, logistics holds a crucial importance of cutting costs and avoiding waste of materials and the golden time resource (Anon., 2012). In our earlier assignment, we mentioned five critical global changes which are bring vital transform in the logistics functionalities of the enterprises. These changes were analyzed for the current period scenario and the coming decade in the organizations regarding Australian Context. Increase of global sourcing Increase of logistics outsourcing Increase of fuel prices Priority of GSCM Increase in Transparency in Logistics Practices The need was to choose a current enterprise which will be affected by these global changes and what strategies are appointed to deal with these global logistics changes. We have chosen Maersk Company, to analyze how these changes are impacting the overall stratagem of a logistics based organization. ... Show more content on ... Till then the company has launched many standalone businesses leading to a group with 66,000 stakeholders. The company has a global network in 130 countries with a workforce of 89,000 employees. The company has overall 8 standalone businesses holding a prominent reputation worldwide. The company was able to generate 47.4 billion USD revenue in 2013, with 3.8 billion USD
  • 27. Human Genome Project Pros And Cons Research on our genetic composition is one of the more intricate researches because of its risk, cost and required effort. But understanding the blueprint of the human race is equally important that is why researchers are still determined to learn more about it. Genes are also very difficult to understand, because they are so complex and basically define what we are. A better understanding of genes and our DNAcan lead to revolutionary medical advancements. (Healthcare Infographics, 2014) The Human Genome Project (HGP) follows a different approach in discovery. It s an inward approach rather than the more usual outside exploration just like our voyages in outer space. The Human Genome Project (HGP) was the international, collaborative research ... Show more content on ... As researchers learn more about the functions of genes and proteins, this knowledge will have a major impact in the fields of medicine, biotechnology, and the life sciences. (n.d.) As a STEM student, my opinion on this matter is entirely about the benefits and its drawbacks. I think almost all researches that has touched on genetics pose unethical issues in them. This will be heading into questions regarding the manipulation of the natural sequence of our DNA which, makes this a very controversial issue. Next is protecting privacy of the individual whose genes were collected as part of the research. Despite these drawbacks, it has encouraged researchers to continue because of its numerous advantages. One is creating effective drugs in the field of medicine. Gaining an understanding about genes could lead to much more efficient drug modification which can entirely change how it works on the individual. Another pro is the advancement in discoveries. The more of the genome that is known, the more particular medical conditions can be attributed to certain genes. By understanding the underlying genes involved in the process, it is possible that more medical discoveries can be made regarding the origin, evolution, and potential cure for these
  • 28. The Benefits Of Radio Frequency Identification RFID, or Radio Frequency Identification, is becoming the new technology through which data can automatically be collected and transferred, along with the capability of tracking assets such as inventory, machinery, or even people. RFID readers collect, store, and relay important data to other application systems, and receives this information from RFIDtags. The two types of RFID tags are active and passive. Active RFIDs use power and can broadcast signals to the RFID readers, while passive RFIDs are powerless and only communicate with the reader when within a specified distance. Passive RFID s are typically used to identify things, whether it be patients at a hospital, drug authentication, inventory, etc; they are very similar to barcodes.... Show more content on ... Patient identification with the use of wristbands containing identity, medical history, and insurance information have been implemented in the University College Hospital in Galway, Ireland. Other applications still pending are RFID use as sensors for temperature and chemical sensing to protect hospital blood supply, and use as alerts or triggers to protect patients dangerous or emergencies during surgeries. Hospitals are finding all kinds of uses for RFID systems in order to improve safety and save money long term. Many of these same uses can be applied elsewhere as well. For our senior project, RFIDs will be put to use in a very similar way as hospitals have started to do so. We plan to use active and passive RFID tags, in addition to RFID readers, all connected to a main database, in order to essentially create zones on drilling or production rigs that allow only designated personnel. In order to do so, active RFIDs will be placed on IDs given to all working personnel while RFID readers will be set up at selective zones on the rig, so that sensors may be used to alarm the individual or staff that he or she is in a restricted area for their level of clearance. Other passive RFID tags will be placed in equidistant locations in each zone so that their interaction with the active
  • 29. Nike Strategic Analysis Introduction Every box of Nike shoes states, engineered and built to the exact specifications for championship athletes around the world. Nike has become the measuring stick in the world of merchandising and endorsing. Top athletes around the world are often seen with a famous Nike swoosh on their shoes. It is not uncommon to see some form of Nike product everywhere you look. It all begins with Phil Knight, a competitive runner, who incorporated Blue Ribbon Sports in Oregon in 1968. Blue Ribbon Sports was the first to receive the swoosh logo, but changed its name to Nike in 1978. Nike means the goddess of victory, which is exactly what the company has had since its creation. The swoosh logo is automatically associated with... Show more content on ... New Competitors: Nautica, Tommy Hilfiger Fashions shoe brands: Vans and Skerchers Opportunities 1)New Technology for products development and production. 2)Emerging markets such as China and India, Mexico, and South Africa 3)New trends for products such as boots and sandals. 4)Global marketing events that can be utilized to support the brand such as the Soccer World Cup and The Olympics Games 5)Increase of the female consumer market. Threats 1)Buys and sells in different currencies and so costs and margins are not stable over long periods of time. 2)Fierce competition both domestically and internationally 3)Increased European competition and US competition. 4)The retail sector is becoming price competitive namely with Internet 5)Change in the young consumer to sandals and boots 6)High inflation and unemployment in Asia and Pacific Rim, Latin America, and Russia 7)Competition from ex manufacturing which are becoming more developed (Taiwan, South Korea) 8)Import and export regulations. 9)Fluctuation of foreign currency and interest rate 10)Products have short life cycles, and success depends on the fact that what is flashy and hot will sell External Factor Evaluation Matrix (EFE) OpportunitiesWeightRatingsWeighted Score New Technology for products development and production. 0.0520.10 Emerging markets such as China and
  • 30. The Wife Of Bath s Tale Essay The Wife of Bath s Tale plot is a basic set up with exposition, rising action, complication, climax, suspense, and denouement. The exposition starts out with the knight finding what most women desire. Then goes onto the rising action of finding an old women, who knows the answer to the queen s question, but faces complication when the old women forces the knight to marry her. The climax is when the old women gives the knight two choices, an ugly faithful women, or a beautiful unfaithful women. Then faces suspense when the old women is allowed to choose the women she wants to be, but then faces the denouement when the old women is pleased with the knights response. With the exposition starts out with a knight who rapes a maiden. He will face punishment of death unless he comes up with the Queens answer to her question, what is the thing that women most desire (The Canterbury Tales, 172). If the knight does not come up with the... Show more content on ... Some say that they want to be free, have sex, and some even remarried. On the knights way home, he rides past a group of women dancing, and goes up and asks them his question. As he rides nearer the group vanishes, and all that is left is an ugly old women. He explains his predicament and she promises to help if the knight if he does the first thing she tells him to do, Put your hand in mine and pledge your word, said she,/ That you will do the first thing I require/ Of you, so be that is lies in your power,/ And I shall tell it to you before night. (The Canterbury Tales, 175). When the night approaches the queen and tells her, Women desire to have dominion/ Over their husbands, and their lovers too;/ They want to have mastery over them./ That s what you most desire, (The Canterbury Tales, 176). With the correct answer given the knight must keep his promise to the old
  • 31. The City Of Southern Mexico Los Lobos Meaning The... There once was a small village in Southern Mexico called Los Lobos meaning The Wolves. The village was named that because the hills that the village were built on, it was inhabited with wild wolves and the people had to be careful where they went. A family was going down there to visit their relatives including Bryan and his nephew Miguel. They were very excited since it was their first time visiting Mexico, but it all changed once they got closer to the small villagewhich was filled with dirty streets and homeless families begging for food. The sad scenery looked like something you would see only on T.V, but it was worse and the saddest thing he had seen. They finally arrived in the state of Guanajuato where the village was at. They... Show more content on ... The house had an unusual smell to it that Bryan couldn t quite his finger on it. Miguel had never minded any of the people in the village had always believed the story ever since they were a young child, but there showed no evidence of this so called Witch . old lady on the corner of Babylan St. because he always knew it was just a folktale,so they wouldn t go into a stranger s house. Many of the old people in the village had claimed they had been marked by the witch when they were little while sleeping in their very own homes including Bryan s Grandma Mrs. Ojeda. The family was enjoying their first chilly night under the stars that were clearly visible unlike how they were back home. It was a perfect time for Bryan and his nephew to ask their grandmother to tell them the story of the witch on the corner of Babylan St. that was just 4 houses away. Bryan finally broke the silence of the night by telling his grandma, Grandma can you tell us the story of the witch on the corner of the street? Bryans Grandma had agreed but told us not to tell their parents she had told them the story. She said, The rumors began when a family had moved into the house a week before Christmas. Time had passed and the day was Christmas Eve and as traditions went, they would blow fireworks starting at midnight and burn the dummies they had made of hay and fireworks with old clothes they saved all year. The family did not want to do fireworks that night so they stayed inside the house for
  • 32. Horse s Jumping Lewczuk, Sloniewski, and Reklewski, (2006). Had completed and published a major research work entitled as Repeatability of the horse s jumping parameters with and without the rider. The aim of this study was to investigate the repeatabilities of jumping parameters that seem to be most often discussed by breeders. Video image analysis was used to study measurements which described the silhouette of horses bascule (when the highest position of withers is observed) and taking off and landing distances. The total numbers of 4323 jumps of 143 young stallions were filmed and measured using video image analysis. Horses were filmed during their usual work in the 8th, 9th and 10th month of training at the stallion s performance test station. The investigations were hold on the... Show more content on ... The repeatability of the jumps parameters were calculated as ratio of animal effect variance to the sum of all random variances received from the model included statistically significant fixed effects and regressions on the frame of horses. All analyses were done using SAS procedure MIXED. The jumps parameters were analyzed as different traits for free jumping and jumping under the rider. The style of jump was characterized by measurements of taking off and landing distances, measurements of lifting horses body over the obstacle and measurements of legs lifting above the obstacle. The repeatability of distances of the jump s length were 0.40 0.58. Similiar repeatabilities were estimated for the bascule s measurements (from 0.37 to
  • 33. Great Acting Research Paper A swath of videos titled Why Action Movies Suck have been buzzing around the internet for the past few years. They have discussed surface details of some of the practical and obvious reasons why so many big time action movies released over the past few years have been such a massive disappointment. Writing, directing, post production and executive interference are all aspects that affect the final quality of an action film, but the most important and most overlooked aspect of action films that plays a huge role in the quality of an action movie is the Stunt Aspect. In action movies stunt performers are often responsible for as much if not more of the film than the actors. Every time you see Spiderman with his mask on, chances are you are ... Show more content on ... However, millions of movie fans are complaining about bad action movies. Bad action takes away from a film just as much as bad acting, but the studios have no system in place to protect movie fans from bad action.. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was created with for this has served as a nucleus of quality control for American Actors and Filmmakers since it was established in in 1927. At that time, the Art Science of stunts had not evolved to the point where it required an Oscar. However times have changed and the industry has evolved. Award winning films like The Revenant and Mad Max: Roads of Fury use stunts and action as fundamental element to their success. If, but until they create a Stunt Oscar, Action Movie Fans will be stuck with the leftovers. As long as there is not an Oscar for Best Stunt Work, Line Producers will continue to without proper accountability in place. The reason there is so much bad action in today s market is no one is held accountable for the quality of the action in a film. Other than a select group of smart directors and producers (JJ Abrams, Stephen Spielberg, Alejandro Gonzales Inararritu to name a few), filmmakers don t fight for the team and resources they need to make their action great. Outside of
  • 34. Integrated Approach In Early Childhood Early childhood classrooms serve as the environment for young children to learn and develop. In order to effectively facility students learning a teacher must have well organized, evidence based, exciting, teaching strategies and approaches. One effective approach teacher can utilize is integrated curriculum approach. An integrated approach allows students to engage in purposeful, relevant learning. Integrated learning encourages students to see connections and relationships between curriculum areas. Rather than focusing on learning in an isolated curriculum area, an integrated program is based on skill development around a particular theme that is relevant to the children in the class. Mrs. Gonzalez s 3k through 3rd grade Spanish class is a great example of a well organized integrated approach. Through my observation of Mrs. Gonzalez s Spanish class I was able to comprehend the impact an integrated approach can have on students learning and development. In Mrs. Gonzalez s Spanish class, her students learn the Spanish language is a vast range of contexts both social and educational. Effective ... Show more content on ... Gonzalez s integrated Spanish curriculum is a great idea for her young students because each student becomes more engaged in different activities that combine different skills. As the students sing different Spanish songs Mrs. Gonzalez layers rhythm, which is math, then the melody, which is music, and the lyrics, which is the new language of Spanish, then she adds some fun dance moves, for a layer physical development. This type of learning is more meaningful for the children as each one feels positive about their accomplishment in the scheme of the overall lesson. Mrs. Gonzalez s Spanish class is a balanced learning approach that is fun. She keeps her students interested and focused on learning Spanish. In Mrs. Gonzalez s integrated Spanish class the kids feel knowledgeable enough about Spanish to answer simple questions, which make them feel important and
  • 35. Difference Between Counseling And Clinical Psychology What is the difference between clinical and counseling psychology? Clinical psychology deal with being able to diagnose and treat any psychological problems and distress (Kuther Morgan, p20). Clinical psychology also deals with mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. So disorders that are treat in clinical psychology is learning disabilities such as dyslexia. Substance abuse such as alcohol, cocaine, heroin, and LSD. Also depression, anxiety and various eating disorders. Clinical psychology specializes in disease treatment. When it comes to counseling psychology, unlike clinical, counseling deals with finding ways for a someone to improve themselves. This includes emotional, social, vocational, health related, developmental, and organizational concerns. (Kuther Morgan, p21). Counseling psychology falls more on the lines of everyday issues. Counseling psychology can help with physical, emotional, and also mental health issues. Counseling psychology are able to meet with their patients and being able to teach them how to be able to manage types of stress, by either enhancing current functioning or by alleviating distress (Kuther Morgan, p21). 2. What are some of the other mental health professions? The other mental health professions mentioned are programs in Marriage and family therapy(MFT), rehabilitation counseling programs, social work programs (Kuther Morgan, p22). Marriage and family therapist can treat depression, marital problems,
  • 36. Working With The Communications Department A Presentation Due to the fact the issue was identified through an audit, it was on all the manager s radar. However, we as managers tend to get issues on our radar and fail to act. The business started to address this issue by holding a Town Hall meeting with leaders to address the issue. By working with the Communications Department a presentation was created to capture what our competitors were doing in the same arena, we were bleeding out in. By putting this into perspective, leaders were able to see how close those competitors were, to taking the business away from us. Knowing that their jobs and futures are at risk, we were able to gain about a 55 65% stakeholder commitment to drive this initiativeforward. Even though the support was more than we... Show more content on ... Obtain customer confidence in process and implementation of new tool. Demonstrate reliability, readiness, and performance of all processes and systems. Each of this was marked by milestones and objectives. Each step is being messaged to the stakeholders. However, as we will cover later we failed to celebrate the milestones in an effort to keep the group that much more engaged and their eye on the end result for the business. The forming of the team was a well thought out plan and to this day has been the key to the success of the vision. Create a Vision The approach we are currently taking, creates a relationship that starts with the mission statement and ends with a strategic action plan directly focusing on the concern. The goal is to show that linkage that brings into fruition a roadmap that outlines a road of success, addressing the concerns of our customers. In a business as intricate as ours, it is critical to have a roadmap that helps all stakeholders understand the direction the business is taking and a solid plan on how we will get there. In order to ensure achievement and success of the goals, we needed to tie the initiative directly to the objectives. With this new initiative, each employee was able to see exactly the importance that each piece plays, in the overall strategy of our business. The Risk Manager objectives should align with the mission and we made
  • 37. Annotated Bibliography Ernest Hemingway Therapy of Ernest Hemingway Rebecca McRunnel PSY 303: Abnormal Psychology Professor Hillary Locke August 13, 2015 I.Identifying Information Ernest Hemingway was born July 21, 1989 (Ernest Hemingway Biography, 2015). Ernest is a 40 year old white male, average build weighing no more than 180 pounds. He was born in Cicero, Illinois. Ernest is a heterosexual male, who enjoys the company of woman. Hemingway is an author of many novels and many publications within newspapers. II.Chief Complaint/Presenting Problem Ernest Hemingway was referred to me from Dr. John in regards to his explosive disorders and loss of sleep and appetite. Dr. John also said that he has feeling of suicide following the death of his father. Dr. John... Show more content on ... John. Through his referral we have discovered that Ernest has many mood changes and anger issues that are unresolved resulting in resentment from his father s suicide and his mother dressing him as a girl. Martha, Ernest wife, describes him as very violent tendencies, along with not sleeping or eating. He also has expressed thoughts that he will commit suicide like his father and two of his siblings. His thoughts are unstable and have many mood changes from happy to sad to angry with no reason. He was very angry with the reasons why I was asking his wife her experience with her husband. He showed that he could have violent behaviors through his yelling and expressed feelings of
  • 38. The Social and Moral Values of the Aztecs Essays Document 13.1 Questions 1 3. 1.) What do the Montezuma s laws tell us about the social and moral values of the Aztecs? Montezuma helped improved living conditions by setting up fresh water to Tenochtitlan, he was able to establish penal and social laws, and civic standards became high along with social advancement. Montezuma also developed a secure sophisticated cultural history and its accomplishments. While the Aztecs where under the watchful control of Montezuma s the empire expanded pass the valleys of Mexico and much of central Mexico. The people viewed Montezuma s as one of the first represents and independence of power. He was known to be a good leader and a wise warrior and that s what helped Mexica state to develop more ... Show more content on ... He was amazed with how much people ran the markets and how widely affected the Aztec economy. In his words described the markets as Inviting, pleasurable, appealing, and pleasing to these people that great crowds attended, and still attend, them, especially during the big fairs, as is well known to all.... The markets in this land were all enclosed by walls and stood either in front of the temples of the gods or to one side. Market day in each town was considered a main food based celebration in that town or city. The Aztec was very well developed and I would thinking coming from back then another world to this without any clue what it would hold, whether or not if people are even develop in art music, markets i would be very impressed. Document 13.2 Question 3. 1. The emperor was a complete and total ruler and was thought of as wonderful/God related. 2. In explanation (of why something works or happens the way it does), the state owned all land and useful things/valuable supplies. 3. Subject peoples were needed/demanded to admit/recognize/respond to major Inca gods, although once they did so; they were mostly free to carry on their own religious traditions. 4. The Inca Empire played a big part in the production and distribution of goods. Document 13.3, Question 2 4 2.) Busbecq love the Ottoman framework on that no single man owed his poise to anything besides his individual benefits and dauntlessness; nobody is recognized from the rest
  • 39. The Accounting Policies Of The United States 2.Significant Accounting Policies A)Basis of accounting Both the U.S. GAAP and IFRS both have similar requirements when it comes to the basis of accounting. This means that they both place a heavy emphasis on fair values, essentially implying that Chris does not need to address the basis of his company s policies. In addition, both standards require companies to inform the public regarding any uncertainties in the accounting records. However, Chris was already given sufficient information for the conversion in the Basis of Accounting section, as the accounting policies were applied by each consolidated company consistently to all relevant periods. Therefore, Chris is able to transition the company s basis of accounting with no other ... Show more content on ... Other than bank overdrafts, however; Chris should have enough information to convert cash and cash equivalents to IFRS. C)Accounts Receivable and Other Receivables Chris first objective in analyzing his firm s receivables is to understand how they are recorded. The International Standards require receivables to be measured at fair value with an amortization cost. However, Chris was not given this information in his financial records. Still, what he was given is that Ruckman analyzes accounts receivable based on transaction history and creditworthiness of the customer, suggesting that the firm s receivables are done per case, and thus cannot be lumped together. With that, Chris can move forward knowing that accounts receivable are in accordance with IFRS. D)Inventories Inventory is known as the single most important item on a balance sheet. Every business contains inventory, and Ruckman, Inc. is no exception. With the concept of inventory come the different types of cost methods, including: last in first out (LIFO), first in first out (FIFO), and the weighted average cost. With such an important item, it is understandable that both standards allow and prohibit different types of costing methods due to certain reasons. The major difference between the two is the allowance of the LIFO method, which is only allowed by GAAP. This method allows companies to highlight
  • 40. Essay On American Government American Government Essay The ultimate goal of our constitutional order is not merely to produce democratic procedures but a democratic culture; a culture in which all citizens can participate and feel they have a stake, a culture in which unjust social privileges and status hierarchies have been disestablished. Democracy is more than a matter of fair legal process. It is a feature of social organization, of social structure. Democracy inheres not only in procedural mechanisms like universal suffrage but in cultural modes like dress, language, manners and behavior. Political egalitarianism must be nourished by cultural egalitarianism. A culture of democracy must include both legal rights and institutions as well as cultural predicates for the ... Show more content on ... We must challenge all of the forms of status enforcing state action, not merely those that overtly preserve status hierarchy through direct classification. And we must resist all attempts by law to reproduce unjust status
  • 41. Cohabitation Before Marriage Did you know that over half of all first marriages are now preceded by living together compared to virtually none 50 years ago? The number of unmarried couples living together increased tenfold from 1960 to 2000. The number of unmarried couples living together increased 72% between 1990 and 2000. By the year 2010, if the present trend continues, there will be 7 married couples for every cohabiting couple. (CohabitationFacts, Cohabitation It s Training for Divorce Chuck Colson (1995). Here are some statistics on cohabitating couples. These numbers show that as times go on more and more people will be living together before marriage. What is your opinion on cohabitation before marriage? Is this something that you see yourself doing in... Show more content on ... Second, economical advantages do not determine whether something is morally right or wrong. Third, the majority of cohabitants do eventually break up and economics are obviously not a problem then, so why allow it to become a controlling factor from the start. The moral questions is, What is my virginity worth and Will I save myself for my lifelong spouse? Kevin Leman in Smart Kids, Stupid Choices says, It s kind of like giving someone a million dollars and later finding out you gave it to the wrong person, but now he s gone and so is your money. Gone for good. You don t have it anymore. And the person who should have had it will now never get it. A 2005 study, published in the Journal of Marriage and the Family (Smock) viewed the relationship between economic uncertainty and relationship conflict. Researchers interviewed 115 young adults in Toledo, Ohio, who were cohabiting or had recently cohabited. They found that among cohabiters financial uncertainty and a lack of money were greatly associated with the relationships conflicts and the lack of a sense of a stable future, thus choosing the decision to marry. In a recent statement by the Catholic Bishops of Pennsylvania they said, Sure, you might save the price of monthly rent, but you re sacrificing something more valuable. Engagement is more than just time to plan the party. It is a time for deeper discussion and more thorough reflection, which are best carried out in a detached way.
  • 42. Defining Microsoft Windows Vista Defining Microsoft Windows Vista The intent of this paper is to provide a background of the Microsoft Windows Vista operating system development, including when it was developed, how the development process was management, what needs this specific operating systems was developed to respond to in the Information Technologies market. This paper will also analyze the correlation of Information Technologies and Microsofts Windows Vista position. Background of Windows Vista Development Originally announced as Longhorn by Microsoft ( on July 22, 2005 to journalists and analysts it was released to public distribution use by hardware OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) and the general public on January 230, 2007. This is the ... Show more content on ... Microsoft also has been working extensively in their research labs on algorithms so operating systems can learn how to anticipate how people work. The differentiating feature of SuperFetch is a result of this research, and relies on machine learning techniques to anticipate usage patterns. This is in part due to the latent semantic indexing Microsoft is pioneering in Microsoft Research. Microsoft also anticipates the majority of users to rely on USB drives and hybrid hard disk drives. The branding on these optimization techniques is ReadyBoost and ReadyDrive. Highly differentiating security related technologies includes a bit level locking algorithm included in the Enterprise and Ultimate editions, enhanced Windows Firewall support including SSL and TLS cryptographic extensions. There are dozens of features for business users and developers, most notably being support for Version 3.0 of the Windows .NET Development Framework. From the standpoint of Microsoft Windows Vista being suitable as an enterprise desktop, the inclusion of highly differentiated security features and the reliance on the security development lifecycle will be quickly tested and evaluated by CIOs looking for the increased productivity that Windows Vista claims to provide in conjunction with Microsoft Office applications, for example. For those enterprises with a geographically diverse
  • 43. Absalom Racism In Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner, Thomas Sutpen runs away from home at the age of fourteen to pursue his own design. After arriving in the West Indies, Sutpen subdues a slave rebellion and later marries the plantation owner s daughter. However, the plantation owner fails to inform Sutpen that the wife has African blood. Since the misrepresentation of the marriage (voids) and (frustrates) ...the central motivation of his central design , Sutpen voluntarily (relinquishes) the marriage settlement . In the passage, Sutpen explains his decision to relinquish the marriage to Quentin s Grandfather, who passed the information through the family and, now, is retold by Quentin Compson. In short, Quentin s contractual description depicts Sutpen s rationale, highlighting Sutpen s simple view of the world. The passage begins with Quentin presenting the injustice as a legal document, depicting Sutpen s rationale. Sutpen enters the marriage in good faith , suggesting that Sutpen thinks high of himself and believes that he is truly innocent. Moreover, Quentin uses the correlative conjunction not only... but twice to emphasize the atrocity of the injustice and display that Sutpen truly feels that he has been wronged. The words reservation and misrepresentation alliterate, making the long sentence read like a formal, legal statement, emphasizing the injustice. The contractual tone creates a sense of power and legality, conveying a mechanical process. Quentin deliberately uses
  • 44. Limitations Of Adult Social Care Limitations of adult social care in England Underfunding Rigid system Unavailability of choice of where to be treated Neglect and abuse in some residential and care homes. Rising needs from an ageing population with increasingly complex conditions. Rising costs to providers of adult social care. Restricted public funds to meet those costs and a strain on the resources of those who pay for their own care. Serious challenges in recruiting and retaining good quality staff. Solution Financial transfers from the NHS, a social care precept in local areas, Calling on family and friends to do more Flexible system Better remuneration package for staff Analyse similarities and differences===demonstrate this by analyzing funding and delivery of services.describe some practical realities. Case study Mr. M contacted a local charity just over two years ago saying he was feeling suicidal. The charity referred Mr. M to adult social care who judged he was eligible to receive support from a social worker. Mr. M had been out of work and very isolated for a long time. His social worker gave Mr. M support in dealing with his landlord and energy provider plus some budget and debt support. She also referred him to a local exercise programme for people with a range of conditions and a peer support group for people with mental health conditions. Mr. M tried LIFT (talking therapies) and volunteering but neither were right for him but he did start working with his
  • 45. History And Memory Essay Representation is the coalescence of selected mediums and techniques in an attempt to depict a veracious reflection of a certain person, object or event. The symbiosis between history and memory allows for a more cohesive representation of past events, however an inconclusive disposition exists that cannot be deputised for by either. Mark Baker s post factum pastiche, The Fiftieth Gate (1997), and the American Social HistoryProject s patriotic website, The September 11 Digital Archive, explore the personalisation of history derived from the emotional truthand the legitimisation of memory attained through statistical data to offer a more comprehensive perspective in the examination of one s identity. Although the ultimate truth is irretrievable... Show more content on ... Both Mark Baker and the American Social History Project s decision to foreground personal memory and emotion follows the poststructuralist ideology of Hayden White, who infers that the knowledge an individual pursues serves to reconstruct a past that draws vital connections to their identity in the present. By choosing to fabricate his text through a bricolage structure, Baker accentuates his parents subjective recollections to explicate that the Holocaust was not just an event of history, but also a crucial component of Jewish ancestry and his own ethnicity. The structural division of the fifty gates as an extended metaphor denotes the composers emerging cultural value for the emotional truth in his rigorous comprehension of the past. An impediment manifested from history alone is portrayed in the juxtaposition between the sibilance screaming, the sound of shots, mothers separated from their children and the indifferent tone shot 1381 to illustrate the unsympathetic nature of circumstantial evidence. The capacity of memory to humanise history is a major element in attaining a cultivated awareness of the past and one s linked identity. The value of memory in sculpting one s assimilation of the past is demonstrated by the Smithsonian website through a deliberate selection and emphasis of personal accounts in the critical analysis of the September 11 attacks. The layout of
  • 46. Taking a Look at the Cold War Prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor and United State s involvement in World War II, we remained an isolationist country. Once World War II ended, the United States left isolationism behind and began a quest to abolish communism during the Cold War, involving many nations. Although the success of the containment policy in South America and Asia was not identical, each were beneficial in decreasing communism during the Cold War. Throughout the Cold War, communistic governments were rising all over the world. In South American and Asia, blood was shed by those on both sides of communistic views. Attempts were made on the lives of non communistic leaders, some which did succeed, in an attempt by the communistic to take over a countries government. With the help of neighboring countries; the United Statesaided South America and Asian countries were supported by neighboring Asian countries; most protestors were able to overthrow their communist governments and gain their county back. In 1979, thick communism was brewing for the United State s neighbor, Central America. A leftist group, called Sandinistas, had overthrown the long reigned dictator of Nicaragua. Carter was president at the time and had turned a blind eye to the event in order for a good relationship to remain between the United States and the new Nicaraguan government. President Reagan, however, was not so sycophant and accused the Sandinistas of recreating Nicaragua to be a military base for communistic forces