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Critique Response Sample : Peer Review Feedback Fo Critique Response Sample : Peer Review Feedback Fo
Optimism Vs Pessimism
Optimists and pessimists look at the world and life in very different ways. It s factual that optimism
and pessimism are both views, however, that s where the similarities ultimately end, and the
differences start to show. Optimists look at the world and life with joy, heart, and determination, and
pessimists, people who see the world and life negatively, just can t seem to muster the sort of
positivity that optimists have. The differences between the two views is most commonly seen when it
comes to romantic relationships, school, and work. Romantic relationships are difficult for anyone.
They are great things, and make life a little easier, however, romantic relationships can be trying and
often times hard to maintain. An optimist goes into a relationship knowing that it will be hard, but they
are far from afraid to push forward and weather the coming storm. Optimists keep their positivity
throughout a relationship, which helps eliminate jealousy and other things that would eventually tear a
relationship asunder. An optimists can maintain a relationship without negativity eating at their mind,
telling them that they should be worried, or angry, or afraid. On the other hand, when a pessimist
enters a romantic relationship they do not see it lasting, and often times will put far too much pressure
on their partner, because of their own insecurities to keep a relationship going. Pessimists are
constantly worried about their partner losing interest and cheating or leaving
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Communicable Disease Chicken Pox
Communicable Disease Chickenpox
Grand Canyon University
Concepts in Community and Public Health
NRS 427V
May 01, 2016
Communicable Disease Chickenpox
Here is some background on varicella zoster virus. Chickenpox and Shingles used to be considered
two different diseases, but they are both caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV) ( CDC
chickenpox, 2016). Varicella is the primary infection that causes the chickenpox and the herpes zoster
is the virus that lays dormant in the host until reactivation and causes shingles. About 70 90% of all
chickenpox cases that are reported occur in children under the age of 10 years old ( CDC chickenpox,
2016). Before the vaccine was introduced in March of 1995, there were 4 million cases ... Show more
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Typically the infected person will need to be sequestered for 5 to 10 days or until the blisters have all
scabbed over. The incubation period is about 2 weeks after exposure ( CDC chickenpox, 2016).
The possible complications though rare can be devastating. It can cause hospital stays or even death.
Adults who contract the chickenpox are at greatest risk for death. Infants are at risk for death too.
Males have a higher risk for contracting the virus than females do. The older the individual the higher
the risk for more severe reaction. The primary complication from this chickenpox is itching.
Secondary to the itching is the increase risk for infection and scaring from scratching the pox blisters.
There is also a risk in children for ear infections and hearing loss due to the virus. For most people,
once they have had the chickenpox they are immune for life. But for a few individuals they can get the
chickenpox more than once (Tabers Medical Dictionary Unbound Medicine, Inc., 2016).
There are several home treatments that can be done to relieve the symptoms and stop possible
infection and scaring. Oatmeal or baking soda baths help to relieve the itch and sooth the skin, and
calamine lotion will decrease the itch. The physician may prescribe an antiviral if the case of
chickenpox is severe ( CDC chickenpox, 2016).
Prevention is best. In 1995 the varicella vaccine was introduced to the USA. There are two types
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Benjamin Franklin And John Winthrop
Benjamin Franklin and John Winthrop, men with different ideals, present the same notion that
America should be presented as a city upon a hill. Franklin believed that the American dream should
be presented as an ideal where men and women are equal and can both move up in social class on
their own, practicing any religion they desired. On the other hand, Winthrop believed that the new
world was a religious safe haven only for the Puritans. American Exceptionalism was overall the main
focus, guiding America to define itself as a special nation founded upon democratic values and liberty.
Benjamin Franklin believed in developing an America that respected all religions and thought the best
of each and every other one. He believed that a ... Show more content on ...
Franklin had a lot of respect for women, especially in a social setting. He did not a typical man s
perspective about women, he had a different understanding of women and their role in marriage. In his
autobiography, Franklin spoke of his wife with compassion and appreciation quoting an English
proverb He that would thrive must ask his wife (Franklin 62). Franklin respected his wife for her work
ethic and considered himself lucky to such an amazing woman in his life. Through his respect for his
wife, Franklin demonstrated a respect for all women and not just their ability to do basic household
chores but their ability to perform difficult tasks in the workplace as well. He believed that there was
room for women in the American Dream. During this time, women did not have very large roles in
society besides being in charge or maintaining the household, but Franklin foreshadowed an America
that would have women as a strong part of the workforce and leadership. He had high hopes that
women would climb the ranks of society just as men did.
Franklin, himself climbed the ranks society having emerged from the poverty and obscurity in which
[he] was born and bred to a state of affluence and some degree of reputation in the world (Franklin
27). He had been raised by a humble middle class family, not being promised much wealth or land,
forcing him to make a name for himself. Franklin, a man of the enlightenment,
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Symbolism In Slaughterhouse Five
Looking this quote above, there is only one repetitive word sin; especially using it to question what is
sin? The tone of Felix Hoenikker when he asks the question is designed out of sarcasm to keep the
scientific disguise of not questioning an ethical truth; however, the term of sin brings the scientific
disguise all into focus. When the concept of ice nine is introduced to the reader, the crystal was
designed to prevent the military from stepping into the mud (43); however, during John s research
process, Dr. Asa Breed a former supervisor of Dr. Felix Hoenikker, also introduced in chapter nine
explains that ice nine can end the world if the crystal is exposed to water elements; despite his
impulsive ending to the interview (47 48). This would seem to coincidental, especially in ... Show
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While Pilgrim is the main character of the novel, he is considered the non hero based on the actions of
his life as he is unstuck in time (Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse Five, 21). Vonnegut has the reader
experience Pilgrim s life events that include being in the war or being a father, which are not in
chronological order, and has a result people believe he s mentally unstable based on his time travelling
experience with aliens, no less. Anyway, Vonnegut starts the novel in a way that s in a similar
approach to Cat s Cradle, where he is the narrator of a story; even states that it s an anti war novel on
page three. The narration quickly changes to third person but it s still Vonnegut playing the subtle
author figure in the story, which is ingenious on the part of Kurt Vonnegut. This keeps the narrative
hook from chapter one that this is an anti war novel, albeit he s using a character to convey the story.
Throughout the novel, Vonnegut uses some literary techniques throughout this semi autobiographical
novel to keep a reader compelled in this novel and keep up with the
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Pros And Cons Of Sleep Apnoea
TREATMENTS OF SLEEP APNOEA Sleep Apnoea Occurs when the walls of your throat come
together during sleep blocking off the airway above your trachea. CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway
Pressure) is considered to be the most effective treatment of sleep apnoea for the reason that it reduces
night time sleeplessness as compared to oral appliance. In the discussion below will consider the
argument for the treatments of sleep apnoea and which treatments is the most effective whether CPAP
or Oral Appliance. CPAP therapy is been considered as the most common effective treatment for sleep
apnoea in adults. A CPAP is a machine which uses a mask that fits over the throat. It gently blows air
into the throat and the pressure from the air helps to keep the airway open while asleep (Moses, n.d).
However, some patients of sleep apnoea still find it uncomfortable with CPAP therapy so they tend to
use oral appliance therapy as it has aside effect which causes dry mouth, but it comes with a
humidifier which adds moisture to the air as it flows and also used for patients with mild to moderate
sleep apnoea who do not respond to CPAP therapy (Downey, 2014). Therefore, the use of CAP
therapy as a treatment for sleep apnoea seems to be effective for moderate to severe sleep apnoea. ...
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CPAP therapy eradicates breathing stoppages caused by sleep apnoea, so that patients will stop
snoring or unusual congestion noises in their sleep (, 2014).Patients will be able to
sleep throughout the night without the waking disturbances. Nevertheless ,due to poor mask fittings as
complains from some patients, oral appliance is considered to be convenient and easy to wear because
it only takes few days to get used to it(AADSM, 2014) but it s limits varies from mild to moderate.
Henceforth CPAP suggests the smoothness of sleep for patients with sleep apnoea in moderate to
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The Right And The Protection Under The Constitution
Do civil authorities have the right to use every legal resource or tool within their power to protect their
citizens? As a citizen of a civilized country, I believe the civil authorities have the right and it is their
duty to do whatever is within their legal authority to protect our way of life. At this time an ongoing
debate in our political discourse is the concern for privacy rights versus the concern for national
security. Benjamin Franklin once said Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety . I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment, as
Americans, we are guaranteed the right and the protection under the constitution to our privacy.
During the digital age, social media has exploded and caused all of us as a society to question the
difference between private and public information. I believe private information is one that is not
shared explicitly by an individual, therefore entitling the information to all the protections guaranteed
by our constitution. However, I believe once an individual decides to post private information on a
public social media platform that information is no longer private and grants the civil authorities the
legal power to access it.
According to a 2013 Pew Research report, 73% of Americans use social networking sites, with this
rise in popularity social media has also attracted criminals. I believe if people are willing to put their
personal information on the
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The Pros And Cons Of Human Trafficking
After attending a 3 day training on commercial sexual exploitation of children conducted by the Girls
educational and mentoring services (GEMS), I discussed the issue with my friend, an ER physician. I
mentioned that after the workshop, every troubled child seemed like a trafficked child to me, and that I
was obviously just being paranoid. Not exactly, she replied. I myself have observed quite a few girls
whom I suspected to be human trafficking victims while I was at the ER. When I asked her about the
protocol ER officials followed when they suspected trafficking, she replied Nothing! We treat them for
superficial wounds or injuries like any other patient and send them home. We have neither the time or
the training to deal with that situation, heart wrenching as it may be. Human trafficking is a pressing
human rights and public health issue of our time. According to the Department of homeland security,
Human trafficking is modern day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain
some type of labor or commercial sex act (Homeland Security, 2017).
There are hundreds of thousands of trafficking victims in the US. 8042 cases of human trafficking
were reported to the National Human Trafficking hotline in the US in 2016, a 35% increase over the
previous year (Polaris, 2017). It is shameful how many cases go unnoticed and how many
opportunities are lost due to lack of training of healthcare personnel and first responders. The most
shocking fact is
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Bojack Horseman Personality Disorder
BoJack Horseman is the main character in the animated sitcom BoJack Horseman. The show follows
BoJack, an anthropomorphic horse, through his life as a washed up actor living in Hollywood, or as
the show calls it, Hollywoo. While on the surface the show is just another off beat comedy, it often
explores the dark realities of depression, especially that of the titular character, BoJack Horseman.
BoJack s depression, likely caused by his abusive childhood, manifests itself in his alcoholism, self
centeredness, and self destructive behavior. In the mid sixties, BoJack was born to mother Beatrice
Horseman and father Butterscotch Horseman. Butterscotch was a failed novelist who had become
alcoholic, and routinely abused BoJack verbally. Beatrice ... Show more content on ...
According to (2015), patients with moderate depression may not experience any
enjoyment. Patients may also neglect daily activities or stop doing those activities altogether.
Typically severe depression is characterized with suicidal thoughts, and patients with mild depression
can usually do routine activities with little disturbance. This makes it most likely that BoJack
Horseman is suffering with moderate depression. Although BoJack is diagnosed with depression,
bipolar disorder can be ruled out because he does not experience episodes of mania. His depression is
unipolar, so as the depressive episode ends, he returns to a normal emotional level. If he were to have
bipolar disorder, a manic episode would involve being overly excited with a heavily inflated self
esteem, and he may not sleep for days, according to Psychology in Action (2015). BoJack has never
experienced an episode of mania in the series, he is consistently depressed, but will occasionally show
a return to contentment and
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Outdoor Graduation
Do you remember the day you graduated from high school? Do you recall the joy and happiness you
experienced when you stepped up on that stage to receive your diploma? in general, students look
forward to the day they graduate high school. Where the students have their graduation ceremonies
has been debated by students for many years. Although outdoor graduations may cost more than
indoor and require a lot more effort, they could be worth a student s time and money in the end. That
is why an outdoor graduation should be a student s first choice over an indoor graduation. First off, an
outdoor graduation should be a student s first choice because it would allow more people to attend the
ceremony. for example, if a graduating class consists of more than 500 people, then there would be
limited space at an indoor graduation for students and families. At an outdoor graduation, space is an
available resource and more people would be able to attend. ... Show more content on
For many years in Gateway, high school students pay class dues throughout their high school career in
order to ultimately afford an outdoor graduation. The money would cover most of the expenses
required to set up for an outdoor ceremony. Some students in Gateway argue that this is a waste of
money because it doesn t matter where we graduate, as long as we receive our diploma. I think it does
matter, because a high school student only graduates once, and graduation should be a memorable
experience. And where would you rather make good memories? Inside, where you have limited space
and where less family members could share the joy with you, or outside on a beautiful summer day
where your whole family could share the joy with
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How Literacy Is Used As A Communication Method
When it comes to understanding literacy I learned that reading, along with writing is used as a
communication method. However, there s so much more to it than just obtaining the knowledge of
knowing how to read and write. It all truly depends on the way you use your skills in literature.
Literacy is different to each and every person, depending on who they are as a person. It can consist of
your culture, pronunciation, the way you dress, as well as all of your actions. That being said,
personally literature means not only knowing how to read and write, but the way we approach it as an
individual. For example, we are judged by the way we speak, look, act, where we come from, as well
as how we were raised. Which is all ... Show more content on ...
Although I love her deeply, the way she spoke always bothered me as a child. My sister always spoke
proper english is what I will not call it, but politely and she understood how to express herself and
speak her mind in a polite manner. I was taught manners by my parents, greetings were something you
could not just pass by. good morning was to be said every morning to everyone in the house along
with a kiss otherwise it was a form of disrespect. A hug was followed with every goodbye. Even
though you could have been upset with a family member you were required to forgive them and let the
past stay in the past. Mainly because you never know if you are going to see them tomorrow, living
with regret is something no one wants. My father always told me, since I was always a stubborn child,
forgiveness is not for the other person it is for you. At that moment I realized he was right, the only
person I was hurting all along was myself. Nevertheless, I have had a time where I had to teach myself
something that not only had disadvantages but some advantages as well. Learning how to think before
I spoke, Speaking your mind and the truths was always something I believed in. However, I never
realized that sometimes you have to think about the consequences about your statement. Some days
you have to tell people what they want to hear, not the truth, but yes, in some occasions you have to
speak your truths for the better of
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Magellan Spacecraft, By Justinas Lialys
14 | Page Magellan Spacecraft ? Venus Radar Mapper
By Justinas Lialys
Abstract The main Magellan spacecraft?s mission objective was to map 70 % of the surface of Venus.
The mission succeeded in mapping 98% of the Venus surface. This paper analyzes the resolution and
timing aspects of the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and radiometer modes of the Magellan spacecraft.
Also, the transmission method of data from Earth to the spacecraft and vice versa is discussed. The
incidence angle effects on the cross track resolution and signal to noise ratio are analyzed. The simple
models of the cross track resolution versus the incidence angle of the SAR and radiometer modes are
derived. The function of the Venus surface emissivity is presented. Next, the resolution element size
(pixel size) is modeled as the function of the spacecraft height.
Overview of the mission
The Magellan spacecraft (Venus Radar Mapper) was launched by NASA on the 4th of May, 1989. The
main goal of its mission was to map the surface of Venus by employing the synthetic aperture radar
method. The first stage of the mission began on the 15th of September, 1990. The objective was to
map 70% of the Venus surface through a left looking method. This stage ended on the 15th of May,
1991. The Magellan spacecraft mapped 83.7% of the Venus surface. Right after the end of the first
stage, the spacecraft was reoriented by 180 degrees such that a right looking method could be invoked.
By the 14th of January, 1992, the
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Effects Of The Vietnam War On Australian Society
The Vietnam War beginning on November 1st 1955 and ending April 30th 1975 was a highly
controversial war that originally took place as a civil war between Northern and Southern Vietnam.
Northern Vietnam was backed by Russia and China while Southern Vietnam was backed by the USA.
This war made a hugely divisive impact on Australian society a few months after they entered in July
1962 as allies to the USA and Southern Vietnam. Some factors of the Vietnam War contributed to
cohesion among the Australian public such as the fear of communism and the subsequent domino
effect. However many factors of this war such as the media coverage, conscription being brought back
under the Menzies government, anti war protests and post war immigration, were all important aspects
of this war and made it much more divisive than cohesive, especially in the later stages.
The Vietnam War did bring about large amounts of cohesion in the early stages due to the majority of
the Australian public supporting the fact that their soldiers were assisting the USA as part of SEATO.
Another big part of this came from the fact that Australia had been prepared for war since the Korean
War in the early 1950 s. Australia had been preparing itself for another war for so long, that when the
threat of communism began to rise once more, many Australians were thinking it was only a matter of
time before they would go back into battle with them. This notion of fear for communism became
incredibly apparent during
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Summary Of The Case 26, 2000, Monterey County, California
Case 3: On October, 26, 2000, Monterey County, California was the scene of a remarkable
phenomenon. According to the reports, in the morning of the incidence, at least two of the major Bay
Area radio stations stated that a terrorist group called the Locos managed to blast a hole in Lake
Nacimiento Dam, causing a deadly wall of water sweeping across the Salinas Valley. The disturbing
news caused a wave of panic in the Valley s residents. Fortunately, it turned out to be a disaster drill
that inadvertently set off incorrect media reports. Even though the misreports of the disaster drill
caused a brief public panic for the Monterey County residents, no case of harmed citizen was reported.
Yet, according to the Monterey officials, calls from
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Seif Font Psychology Essay
The Psychology Behind the Font
Many are aware of the psychology that exists behind color, but many may not know that it also
extends to type choices. Just like color, a particular font can trigger associations, and conjure up
powerful emotions, ideas, and feelings. This is why utilizing the correct typeface is an important facet
of good design. Choosing the correct typeface is more like a science, and when used correctly will
help deliver your message effectively and can help bridge any gaps within the design. In addition,
using the proper typography plays a vital role in the development of your brand, and can help ensure
that the first impression is a good one. Of course, before you are able to pick the correct font type, you
first must know ... Show more content on ...
It also represents modernism with the use of Museo, being solid (Clarendon), as well as funky
Script Font
This typeface can express the emotions of being affectionate with the use of Edwardian Script, and
elegance with the use of Bickham Script and Zaphino. It also represents creativity with the use of
Lavanderia and Brush Script, as well as being friendly (Pacifico). It also has associations with being
feminine (Lobster), and intriguing (Lucida).
Display Font
This typeface can express the emotions of being expressive with the use of Valencia, and friendly with
the use of Cooper. It also represents uniqueness with the use of Spaceage Round, as well as the
feelings of amusement (Giddyup).
Modern Font
This typeface can express the emotions of being progressive with the use of ITC Avant Garde Extra
Light, and being chic with the use of Century Gothic. It represents strength with the use of Futura, and
style (Didot Italic and Majoram). It also has associations with intelligence (Politica), exclusivity
(Infinity), being fashionable (Eurostyle), as well as sharp
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High Stakes Testing In Schools Essay
Should our public schools continue to allow high stakes assessments, for example the FCAT, to play a
large factor in determining if a student has met mastery of grade level standards? Numerous students
do not test well due to nerves or other disabilities; some students even become ill which equates to
inaccurate test results. Additionally, testing is such an enormous process that students are losing out on
valuable classroom instruction. Finally, with students pending graduation or promotion to the next
grade these high stakes tests are forcing teachers to teach to the test to ensure greater success.
High stakes testing is a high pressure situation for any student at all grade levels. There are many
seniors ready to graduate but have not passed their final state assessment to meet that requirement or a
younger elementary student pending promotion to the next grade based on the results of the state
assessment. No wonder kids are literally a bundle of nerves, making themselves sick over these tests.
As stated by Melissa Nott, a seasoned public school teacher, Children in high stakes testing situations
are more likely to throw up, lose control of their bowels, and experience ... Show more content on ...
Ben Johnson is an educator, author, and administrator and basically feels if a teacher does not teach to
the test then the student will not be prepared. Johnson compares it to preparing a kids sports team for a
soccer game. If you just drill them and they go to the game but have no idea which goal to shoot the
ball or the importance to defend your goal it would be a losing game. In order to be successful in the
assessments the teachers and students must equally understand and know what the expectations of the
assessment are and how they can work together to meet these expectations (Johnson). When it comes
to high states testing failure is not an option for the student or
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A Typical Victorian Villian in The Speckled Band Essay
Coursework The Speckled Band How does Conan Doyle present Dr. Grimesby Roylott as a typical
Victorian Villain. Having now read this book I feel I am now able to complete this essay about
Roylott. The main constituents of a typical classic murder mystery invariably consist of a body, a
motive, a weapon, a suspect, an alibi and a detective. Conan Doyle s,The Speckled Band demonstrates
all those typical characteristics. I am now going to briefly summarise the story and identify each of the
ingredients of the murder mystery, The Speckled Band, to help the reader understand the elements of
the story. I will then analyse how Conan Doyle presents Dr. Roylett as a typical Victorian villain. The
story begins with Holmes and Watson ... Show more content on ...
There was then a huge squeal at which point Helen rushed into Julia s bedroom. She found her dead
on the floor with her face contorted with anguish and terror. Holmes and Watson asked Helen if they
could visit Stoke Moron, the house where Julia died. Suddenly Roylott bursts in and threatens
Holmes. It is now obvious that Roylott has followed Helen, to Baker Street, the residence of Holmes.
Holmes and Watson caught a train to Leatherhead as they made their way to Stoke Moron. Roylott has
gone out for the day so they are free to examine the house. Holmes inspects the house in his usual
manner, thoroughly looking for any clues. He scrutinises the scene and objects with fine detail, unlike
Watson who is less careful and less observant. Holmes obtains the necessary clues, such as an air vent
not leading outside and the bed being chained to the floor. Holmes informs Watson and Helen Stoner
of his plan. Holmes and Watson waited for night to fall and following a cue from Helen Stoner, made
there way into Julia s bedroom. They then sat and watched the ventilator until they saw a light. They
then made sure nothing could come through the ventilator into the room and that anything that did try
to get in would return from where it came from. The plan was perfectly executed and Roylott had been
killed! It was apparent to Holmes that Roylott had killed Julia and would try to kill Helen with a
venomous snake by putting the snake through the
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Nazi Death Marches Analysis
Starting in the summer of 1944 the Nazi were getting defeated and the war was almost over. When
they realized that they would lose they wanted to get rid of all evidence of crimes, even the survivors.
Nazi s would burn the bodies of dead people and try to get rid of the camps but, there was still
survivors who could tell people what they had happen to them so the Nazi s walked them on death
marches in worse conditions than in the camp. Over 250,000 people died on the marches but some
lived to tell what happened and here is one of their stories. Gerda Weissmann Klein is a Polish born,
now American woman who went on one of these death marches. She was first put in a forced labor
camp when she was a teen and before she was her father told her
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Different Perspectives Of Knowledge Production
3.1. Introduction
The purpose of this dissertation was to explore the relationship between several variables such as age,
gender, locations and experiences, and the degree of perceived cultural conflicts in the workplace. In
addition, it also aimed to test the relationship between perceived cultural conflicts, support from the
HR department and the willingness to take online cross cultural training.
In order to collect effective data, the researcher carefully made choices in terms of research design,
research methods, and sampling. Next, limitations of the selected research choices were clarified and
discussed by the researcher. Last but most importantly, the researcher kept the ethical principles in
mind when conducting ... Show more content on ...
Theory can be viewed as an explanation of observed regulations (Bryman and Bell, 2011). After that,
the concept of epistemology and ontology needs to be taken into consideration, which influences the
formation of research questions and implementation of research (Bryman and Bell, 2011).
Epistemology is concerned about questions of what is regarded as acceptable knowledge in a
discipline (Bryman and Bell, 2011). Two main ideologies in epistemology are positivism and
interpretivism. The former combines both a deductive approach and inductive strategy; it aims to test
theories (Pugh, 1983). The latter aims to gather and appreciate subjective settings in natural contexts
(Bryman and Bell, 2011). Ontology is relevant to the nature of society and two main ideologies within
ontology are objectivism and constructionism. Objectivism argues that social actors are independent
of social phenomena; however, constructionism argues that the actions of social actors construct the
social phenomena such as organisational culture.
There is a difference between quantitative and qualitative research in terms of relationship with theory,
epistemological and ontological orientations. After taking epistemology (positivism and
interpretivism) and ontology (objectivism and constructionism) into consideration, both quantitative
and qualitative researches were required in this research. Quantitative research was needed to test
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The Rosewood Hotels Resorts
The Rosewood Hotels Resorts is a private hotel management company founded in Dallas, Texas by
Caroline Rose Hunt Trust Estate in 1979. The company had been adopting an individual branding
positioning strategy, for which it managed a collection of hotels across continents under individual
property names. This positioning strategy had helped differentiate Rosewood from corporate chain
like competitors in the same industry. Prior to 2003, Rosewoods focused mainly on acquiring and
renovating properties, building 12 unique and distinctive hotels globally. This strategy proved
successful, despite the fact that the John Scott, the company s CEO and Robert Boulogne, the COO
were concerned that the company was missing out the opportunity for potential growth in brand
recognition. However, after 25 years of operation, in the year of 2004, the company encountered some
business challenges that became barriers in raising brand awareness and customer retentions.
Issue Statement
Rosewood s individual brand strategy was consistent with their brand concept: A sense of Place ,
which was the underlying standards Rosewood capitalized upon when developing their properties.
This concept implies that each hotel needed to be tailored in a way such that the unique features and
characteristics of a specific location were emphasized and prominent, in respect of interior designs,
services and amenities. This positioning strategy was sufficient to generating considerable revenues
for the company,
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Relationships and Setting in Willa Cather s O Pioneers!...
Relationships and Setting in Willa Cather s O Pioneers!
O Pioneers!(1993) by Willa Cather begins on a blustery winter day, in the town of Hanover, Nebraska,
sometime between 1883 and 1890. The narrator introduces four main character: the very young Emil
Bergson; his older sister, Alexandra; her friend Carl Linstrum; and a little girl, Marie Shabata.
Alexandra s father, John Bergson, is dying. He tells his two oldest sons, Lou and Oscar, that he is
leaving the farmland, and all of what he has accomplished, to their sister.
Alexandra is a hard working young lady and will do anything to make her father proud. When the
drought and depression struck three years later, Alexandra s determination to keep the farm allows her
to persevere. ... Show more content on ...
Lou and Oscar are married and each of them owns their own farm. Alexandra s farm is still the most
prosperous on the entire Divide. Emil is grown up and is leaving the Divide for the State University.
Carl Linstrum returns for a long visit after years of being gone. Marie is unhappily married and it
becomes very evident that her and Emil are falling in love.
This novel measures the influence of an individual against human desires and the forces of nature. For
example, Alexandra s relationship with the land summarizes the struggle between human desires and
the larger forces than manipulate individuals. This difficult relationship between individuals and
society is one of the most dominant themes and is depicted throughout the novel by using setting to
reflect the characters.
In the first sentence, Cather establishes a sense of symbolism when the narrator states ...the little town
of Hanover...was trying not to be blown away (1). Cather is personifying the prairie s existence to help
paint a picture of both the beauty and the difficulty of pioneer life. Much of the opening section of the
novel focuses itself to a description, and more importantly, to a characterization of the land, setting
personified forces and individuals into conflict with each other.
In this novel, the forces of nature are so powerful that they overwhelm the settlers. The narrator states
this fact when stating, The record of the plow was insignificant, like the feeble scratches on the
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Service Request Sr-Kf-013 Paper
Kudler Fine Foods Frequent Shopper Program
Kudler Fine Foods is a local and upscale specialty food store with a total of four stores in La Jolla, Del
Mar, and Encinitas California with their main base store in San Diego, California. Each store
maintains and sells high quality bakery, pastries, fresh produce, meat, seafood, specialty condiments,
packaged foods, cheeses, and dairy products.
Kathy Kudler owner and founder of Kudler Fine Foods is looking to expand her company and market
her products to new prospective clients, along with improving her services to her current clientele.
Since the opening day of Kudler Fine Foods in June 1998 the business has become sustainable and
Ten years later Kathy wants to implement a ... Show more content on ...
Legally Kudler needs to stay within the boundaries set up for E commerce. The rules for online
business and e mail advertisement are very far reaching some of which include an opt out link that
allows any consumer to stop receiving e mail advertisements. This must be easily viewable and
verifiable to the recipient for online spam advertisement. Electronic contracts are legal and binding
along with electronic signatures, these forms of agreements must have legal disclaimers visible for the
customer to read.
These are just a few of many other legal ramifications that Kudler would need to investigate and
consider before moving forward. Ethical considerations are also vital to both the customers and
Kudler Fine Foods when implementing the shoppers program. Any customers who register with
Kudler s shoppers program understand that all personal information given to Kudler will not be given
or sold to another company without the express approval of the customer. Kudler has to take into
consideration that registration online has to be implemented with the highest security software on the
market. Protection of sensitive data is vital to the success of any online purchases or programs.
Pornographic material and anything refereeing to pornography is prohibited by law. Breaches of
contractual agreements are also considered unethical. Therefore, Kudler must have strict policy and
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Love and sex are two different emotions that when are put...
Love and sex are two different emotions that when are put together they make an all around love
Love and sex are two different emotions that when are put together they make an all around love
relationship. Love is an emotional feeling that a partner or both partners are feeling towards one
another. Sex on the other hand is a physical action that is taking place between both partners. Men and
women may have different views on love and sex. In the short story, I fell in love, or my hormones
awakened , a little girl has a crush on a young man. The short story demonstrates the responses that
men and women have towards love, lust, and hate.
In this short story, the young girl who is a freshman in ... Show more content on ...
Lust is apparent towards the end of this story.
The lust between the women and the man is when the play has ended and the girl is waiting in the
bathroom for everyone to leave. When she hears the crowds voices diminishing she decides to walk
through the hallway to the exist. The hallway is dark and she can only see the exist. While she s
walking someone grabs her by the waist and turns her around and gives her a kiss. After the kiss she
pulls away to see who is kissing her and meanwhile the man of her dreams plants her another kiss and
another kiss she can enjoy. The lust in this part of the story is the dramatic first kiss for the young girl.
She was walking in the dark and the boy of her dreams comes out of no where and kisses her. Her
response to the lust of the kiss was excitement, joy, and curiosity of what would to come next. The boy
s response to the kiss is basically I m older and I can have whom ever I want and whenever I want. He
has no feelings towards this girl whatsoever. The young girl interpreted the kiss as he wanted to be
with her and maybe start a relationship, but on the other hand the young mans interpretation of the kiss
was basically his role in the social status meaning that he is the oldest which gives him the right to
kiss her with no meaning behind the kiss.
This story ends with the girl living with her mama in Puerto Rico and the young man still
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Corporate Financial Crime And Its Effects On Our Economy...
When you get paid, where is your payroll check deposited or cashed? If you need to pay a bill, what is
your usual method of paying? If you need to send money to a relative, how do you typically send it? If
you purchase an item, how do you typically pay? What is the common factor in these scenarios? In
most circumstances the answer would be your bank. Paychecks are usually direct deposited or cashed
in your bank account. You generally pay bills using your bank s bill pay system. You can transfer or
wire money from your bank account to another account using your bank s system. You typically
purchase items with your debit card or credit card. You utilize your bank daily for many of your needs.
Now what happens when the bank that you trusted and have been loyal to is involved in a corporate
financial crime? Corporate financial crime can have devastating effects on our economy, businesses
and consumers. December 2007 June 2009 was one of the worst economic recessions our country
faced since the Great Depression. One of the major factors the led to this recession was the
implementation of subprime mortgage lending. Mortgage lenders offered loans to borrowers with
unfavorable credit; payment delinquencies charge offs/judgements/bankruptcies, high DTI and were
considered a higher credit risk (ComE IN Background Definitions, 2015). Subprime loans steadily
increased from 8% to about 20% in 2006 (Simkovic, 2011) Over 90% of these loans in 2006 were
adjustable rate
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Out of Control Infidelity. Reasons for cheating, Ways in Which People Cheat, or Is it really that out of
control or just actually being discussed more?
Amanda A Northrup
Schiller International University
Cheating seems like it is almost a guaranteed topic of discussion at least once a day. Whether you re
hearing a struggle of someone close to you, hearing about it on the television, or even telling your own
personal experience, we hear about it way too often. Cheating can be done in the palm of your hand,
just on your cell phone alone. We are surrounded in a social media thriving world which allows you to
chat with anyone via email, games, apps, text, and even websites designed for the cheating spouse.
The reasons people ... Show more content on ...
More often than not families try to hide everything possible from their kids when sometimes
explaining to them, without all the dramatic detail, can teach the most. To me, I d rather know what
happened and know that it is not something that is accepted but because we are a family and we love
each other we choose to work things out, if possible. Without any explanation kids conjure ideas in
their heads that end up consuming them which in turn can have a negative effect when they have a
family of their own and the same issue arises. Secondly, both men and women work harder, longer
hours than ever before. On top of that, to make ends meet, some families end up working completely
opposite hours to either get extra money or to work out childcare. When two people rarely see each
other, you have a lot of alone time on your hands to either find someone who is awake when you are
or someone in general that you can relate to. Just like day shift workers that go to lunch with their
coworkers and befriend them, people who work nights do the exact same thing. Overworking yourself
can set the tone for exhaustion, vulnerability, and just about anything else that can lead up to finding
yourself in someone else s arms. Lastly, and the most common reason given for cheating, would be
lack of intimacy or sex in the relationship. This one seems to be geared more towards men but plenty
of women cheat for this reason alone. In the beginning of any relationship it seems that you just can t
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Predator Prey Paper
The role of predation is critical in shaping ecosystem structure and function (Berger et al., 2001;
Hawlena and Schmitz, 2010). Predator prey interactions can alter community composition (Kneite and
Chase, 2004), mediate trophic cascades (Mooney et al., 2010), increase biodiversity (Letnic and
Ritchie, 2012), and affect species invasions (Snyder et al. 2004). Furthermore, predators can control
the dynamics of prey populations by influencing such aspects as survival, growth, behavior, size
structure, and distribution (Beauchamp et al., 2007) while prey can likewise regulate predator
populations (Yoshida et al., 2003; Ishii and Shimada, 2010). One of the primary components of
predator prey interactions is the behavior and subsequent survival of prey in the presence of predators
which we focus on in this study. For decades scientists have studied the behavioral response of prey to
predators. Numerous studies have directly linked prey activity levels (e.g. Skelly, 1994; McIntyre et
al. 2012) and refuge use (e.g. Cowlishaw, 1997; Belgrad and Smith, 2014) to predation risk, while
other investigations have determined that predator avoidance behaviors (e.g. migration, reduced
foraging) can limit prey growth (Werner et al., 1983), development (Skelly and Werner, 1990), and
fecundity (Peckarsky et al., 1993). These behavioral changes also have an enormous ... Show more
content on ...
However, ecologists have yet to establish a relationship between predator hunting mode and prey
mortality while incorporating personality. Here, we test this theory and examine the roles prey
personality and predator species play in governing predation risk within a simple food
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What Are The Objectives Of A Company Aims And Objectives
Policies are the ends towards which activity is aimed. They represent not only the end point of
planning but also the end toward which organizing, staffing, leading and controlling are aimed.
The objectives for which the company is established are:
To imports and exports, buy, sell and trade in manufacture and mill supplies, fire engines, trucks,
vehicles, machine tools, machine shops, processes and electric supplies and appliances.
To carry on any other business, whether manufacturing or otherwise, which may seem to the company
capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with the above or calculated directly or
indirectly to enhance the value of or render profitable to the company s property or rights.
To take, or otherwise ... Show more content on ...
To borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in such manner as the company shall think fit, and
in particular by the issue of debentures or debentures stock, perpetual or otherwise charged upon all or
any of the company s property, both present and future including its uncalled capital and to purchase
or pay off any such securities.
Shareholders of the company in the form of dividends and as the directors of the company may think
fit and to issue bonus shares, as fully paid up, in favor of the shareholders of the company.
To undertake and execute any trust, the undertaking where off may seem desirable, and either
gratuitously or otherwise.
To subscribe or contribute or otherwise to assist or to guarantee money to charitable, benevolent,
religious, scientific, technical, national, public, political or any other institutions, objects or purpose or
for any exhibition.
To adopt such means of making known the products of the company as may seem expedient, and in
particularly advertising in the press by circulars by purchase and exhibition of works of art or interest,
by publication of books and periodicals and by granting prizes, rewards and
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Analysis Of The Book Gore A Political Life By Bob Zelnick
Review of the book Gore a Political Life by Bob Zelnick (Liberal)
Gore A Political Life by Bob Zelnick is a book about the life of Al Gore Junior, the fourth fifth vice
president of the united states. Bob Zelnick is a former senior ABC news correspondent. The book
gives details about Al Gore Juniors childhood until his later adult years. It describe the people he has
known and decisions he has made.
Al Gore Junior is the son of Al Gore senior and Pauline LaFon Gore. He was on of two children. AL
Gore Junior had an older sister named Nancy, who was ten years older. Gore was born on March 31,
1948 in Washington D.C. Gores father was a member of the house of representatives and also a senate
member for Tennessee. Gores father was a ... Show more content on ...
Al Gore Jr., would not endanger his father s political future or his own. He would volunteer for
military service and take his chances in Vietnam, (Zelnick, 57). In my opinion it is more of a liberal
opinion to be against war, I also think the author thinks this.
Al Gore was a Reluctant warrior in the Persian Gulf crisis, (Zelnick, 195). This quote also supports the
above idea. The author believes that liberalism is the way you should think. He seemed to support
Gores decision to be against the Vietnam War. The author agreed with Al Gores views on global
warming. The author believed that Clinton and gore were good running mates, with similar views.
I think the author would agree and disagree with the way the country is being run. I think he would
definitely think that we should not be involved in a war with Iraq or Afghanistan. I do think he would
want the United States people to aid Iraq and Afghanistan though. I say this because the author
seemed to be against the Vietnam war. I think the author would like all of the things the country is
trying to do to be green. I say this because the author talked quite a bit about Al Gore Juniors views on
the environment.
Global warming was very important to Al Gore as shown in the following quote, Global warming was
Al Gore s issue. He had raised it from the academic fascination of a single scholar to the leading
environmental issue on the international
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Differences Between Phineas And Ferb
Show 2: Phineas and Ferb Season 2 Episode 35
1. Name Phineas and Ferb Source television, Disney XD Date 16 August 2010 Time unknown
2. Phineas and Ferb go to the Tri State Area s sci fi and fantasy convention to meet their hero Clive
Addison, a special effects specialist. However, when two sides of the convention (Speckies and
Finkies) start a duel, their plans are sidetracked. Meanwhile, Candace tries to attend the convention
while hiding her love of Ducky Momo. In another area, Dr. Doofenshmirtz pitches a show he
developed, ... Show more content on ...
There are 12 scenes exhibiting aggression
4. The entire episode various scenes of differing sides yelling, arguing with, and putting down one
another. The debacle starts with the following scene:
Albert: (Dressed as a dragon, speaking to Irving dressed in a costume similar to R2 D2) If you think
Lump Sharkboard can defeat Hymie Silverman, the elf prince, than you are three phlorics short of a
foxonian zipfeller, my friend!
Irving: Oh yeah? Well, you can carry your own action figures! (Opens the hatch on his costume, and
various action figures spill out)
5. There are 10 scenes that exhibit prosocial behavior.
6. At the climax of the episode, while both Speckies and Finkies are running scared from the
(unbeknownst to them) special effects monster, Baljeet catches Buford running away. Baljeet
convinces Buford that running away is not what Odaf Underhump (the character Buford is dressed as)
would do. Bufford and Baljeet decide to fight the monster together to save their friends.
7. 3 6 year old children will find the friendly animated characters and imaginative situations
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Eminent Domain Paper
When Should Eminent Domain be Used?
When should a city or state use their eminent domain powers? Over the past few years there have been
a couple of cases that raised the questions of when eminent domain should be used. One of the most
controversial cases in the history of the United States was the Kelo v New
London Supreme Court ruling. In order to generate tax revenue, add jobs, and to prevent bankruptcy,
the government s right to initiate eminent domain for public good is a necessary evil.
Eminent domain in definition is the right or power of public purposes without the owner s consent on
payment of just compensation ( Eminent Domain History ). Eminent domain has been a part of the
United States ever since the constitution ... Show more content on ...
Which would cause the city to grow and that would provide more money to the government with the
increased tax revenue from all of the new families. This could create more jobs, because more
companies might be interested in locating there due to all of the growth. Eminent domain should also
be used by a city or state if it prevents it from going bankrupt.
A city or state should use eminent domain if it prevents it from going bankrupt. If a city is near
bankrupt then it cannot provide all of the necessary items that a city needs in order to run like it is
supposed to. For example, if a city is short of funds then it would have to reduce its budget in places
that would harm the city. It would have to cut money from the police, and fire departments. However,
by using their eminent domain powers a city could keep all of this from happening by letting a
business come that would create thousands in tax dollars, and add jobs to the city. This means that a
reduction in the police and fire departments would not happen and the city would still run smoothly.
The cities and states that use eminent domain to acquire land in order to keep themselves running
smoothly is sad; however, these cities and states are looking out for what is best for their areas. These
cities and states are not trying to make families move out of their homes in order to earn a quick
dollar. These cities and states are only
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Project Classroom Makeover Analysis
In Project Classroom Makeover , Cathy Davidson demonstrates the potential benefits that can come
from the implementation of technology in the current educational paradigm. Furthermore, in Sherry
Turkle s selections from Alone Together , Turkle discusses the unique relationship between a child and
his or her artificially intelligent toys, some of which included Tamagotchis and Furbies. Interestingly,
children give these toys special treatment relative to other toys. If the special treatment encourages
positive behavior, then these toys could be potentially implemented into the current educational
paradigm as a new form of technology. Therefore, the real question is are there benefits of allowing
children to play with these toys, or will there ... Show more content on ...
As discussed before, as long as these toys do not shut down in response to pain and do not overly
express their pain by crying, these toys should be safe in a school environment. Also, if these toys
respond to behavior like the Tamagotchis and Furbies, then it will be beneficial to allow children to
play with these toys during school time. This is due to the ability of computers...[that can] turn
children into philosophers (Turkle, 463). For the Duke university students, computers enabled them to
create new applications for the iPod. Therefore, the computers helped turn them into a type of
philosopher, one that thinks innovatively. The iPod experiment is a perfect example of benefits of
applying technology to the education system because it did in fact turn young adults into a type of
philosophers. For children, computers turned them into a type of philosophers by transforming them
into caretakers (Turkle, 464). Philosophers of this type thinks emotionally and understands that all life,
even digital life, can be emotionally roiling (Turkle, 464). When children play with their Tamagotchis
and Furbies, they can experiment their actions with toys and not with people. This allows for them to
understand the consequences of mistreating
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Michael Eisner Disney America
Michael Eisner underestimated the public relation and marketing aspect of the Disney America Theme
Park. Pinkleton, Austin, Zhou, Willoughby and Reiser (2012) stated: a healthy, well functioning
democracy depends on the participation of engaged citizens who understand the political process and
keep informed about the actions of their government and public officials (p. 24). Likewise, Eisner
misjudged the media s reaction to the creation of a Disney theme park. Schlichting (2014) concluded,
journalists were still seen as the most powerful mediators of the public sphere and hence the key
stakeholders of the public path of public affairs management (p. 414).
Therefore, this case study is an example of a large corporation attempting to implement its will
amongst the people and our democracy allowed them to fight against the measure. Moreover, Eisner
miscalculation led to multiple hiccups that range from leaked information, employees misspeaking
and Eisner himself letting emotions and his bearing jeopardize the future them park existence.
Furthermore, if I found myself as Eisner senior advisor I would request that I be able to analyze the
entire situation thru a hired independent counsel and provide him with three course of actions that he
... Show more content on ...
Budgets have numbers (rational) but the document itself can be manipulated to paint a different
picture (symbolic) (Zavattaro, 2013, p. 35). Therefore, in order to provide selling points for or against
the theme park, I would require the council to provide detailed current budgets of the local economy
and Disney current 10K. Additionally, the council would create eight projected budgets based on five
and ten year increments that display projections with and without the theme park. The council would
also be required to do the same for Disney s 10K s as well. Overall, these budgets would provide
selling points for or against the project for both the local government and
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Sentences By Bonaventure
When one believes in God he naturally revealed to them through the goodness in his creation. By
looking at the surrounding world one can see God s fingerprints. In his work, Sentences, Bonaventure
modestly defines creation as as the loving outflow of a loving God whose infinite dynamic goodness
is shared in a limited dynamic way. Creation is God s other. God doesn t have to create since God is
infinitely bountiful and self communicative within Himself. Creation flows out of the infinite fountain
of divine self diffusive goodness because God is creative and loving. The Father freely desires to
create because God is love, and perfect love can never be self contained it must be shared.
Bonaventure indicates that the world exists by virtue of the free creative power of divine love.
Creation is a free act of divine goodness spilling forth from the infinite divine community of love.
Bonaventure uses the term emanation to describe the expression of creation from the loving
community of a triune God. Emanation used in the Christian sense means that creation flows out of
the infinite, transcendent one. Bonaventure metaphorically writes, Creation is like a river, which flows
from a spring, spreads throughout the land to purify and fructify it, and eventually flows back to its
point of origin. This image speaks to the intimate connection between creation and the triune God as
well as creation s cyclical nature. Bonaventure writes that creation can find its origin in a single
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  • 2. Optimism Vs Pessimism Optimists and pessimists look at the world and life in very different ways. It s factual that optimism and pessimism are both views, however, that s where the similarities ultimately end, and the differences start to show. Optimists look at the world and life with joy, heart, and determination, and pessimists, people who see the world and life negatively, just can t seem to muster the sort of positivity that optimists have. The differences between the two views is most commonly seen when it comes to romantic relationships, school, and work. Romantic relationships are difficult for anyone. They are great things, and make life a little easier, however, romantic relationships can be trying and often times hard to maintain. An optimist goes into a relationship knowing that it will be hard, but they are far from afraid to push forward and weather the coming storm. Optimists keep their positivity throughout a relationship, which helps eliminate jealousy and other things that would eventually tear a relationship asunder. An optimists can maintain a relationship without negativity eating at their mind, telling them that they should be worried, or angry, or afraid. On the other hand, when a pessimist enters a romantic relationship they do not see it lasting, and often times will put far too much pressure on their partner, because of their own insecurities to keep a relationship going. Pessimists are constantly worried about their partner losing interest and cheating or leaving ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Communicable Disease Chicken Pox Communicable Disease Chickenpox Grand Canyon University Concepts in Community and Public Health NRS 427V May 01, 2016 Communicable Disease Chickenpox Here is some background on varicella zoster virus. Chickenpox and Shingles used to be considered two different diseases, but they are both caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV) ( CDC chickenpox, 2016). Varicella is the primary infection that causes the chickenpox and the herpes zoster is the virus that lays dormant in the host until reactivation and causes shingles. About 70 90% of all chickenpox cases that are reported occur in children under the age of 10 years old ( CDC chickenpox, 2016). Before the vaccine was introduced in March of 1995, there were 4 million cases ... Show more content on ... Typically the infected person will need to be sequestered for 5 to 10 days or until the blisters have all scabbed over. The incubation period is about 2 weeks after exposure ( CDC chickenpox, 2016). The possible complications though rare can be devastating. It can cause hospital stays or even death. Adults who contract the chickenpox are at greatest risk for death. Infants are at risk for death too. Males have a higher risk for contracting the virus than females do. The older the individual the higher the risk for more severe reaction. The primary complication from this chickenpox is itching. Secondary to the itching is the increase risk for infection and scaring from scratching the pox blisters. There is also a risk in children for ear infections and hearing loss due to the virus. For most people, once they have had the chickenpox they are immune for life. But for a few individuals they can get the chickenpox more than once (Tabers Medical Dictionary Unbound Medicine, Inc., 2016). There are several home treatments that can be done to relieve the symptoms and stop possible infection and scaring. Oatmeal or baking soda baths help to relieve the itch and sooth the skin, and calamine lotion will decrease the itch. The physician may prescribe an antiviral if the case of chickenpox is severe ( CDC chickenpox, 2016). Prevention is best. In 1995 the varicella vaccine was introduced to the USA. There are two types ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Benjamin Franklin And John Winthrop Benjamin Franklin and John Winthrop, men with different ideals, present the same notion that America should be presented as a city upon a hill. Franklin believed that the American dream should be presented as an ideal where men and women are equal and can both move up in social class on their own, practicing any religion they desired. On the other hand, Winthrop believed that the new world was a religious safe haven only for the Puritans. American Exceptionalism was overall the main focus, guiding America to define itself as a special nation founded upon democratic values and liberty. Benjamin Franklin believed in developing an America that respected all religions and thought the best of each and every other one. He believed that a ... Show more content on ... Franklin had a lot of respect for women, especially in a social setting. He did not a typical man s perspective about women, he had a different understanding of women and their role in marriage. In his autobiography, Franklin spoke of his wife with compassion and appreciation quoting an English proverb He that would thrive must ask his wife (Franklin 62). Franklin respected his wife for her work ethic and considered himself lucky to such an amazing woman in his life. Through his respect for his wife, Franklin demonstrated a respect for all women and not just their ability to do basic household chores but their ability to perform difficult tasks in the workplace as well. He believed that there was room for women in the American Dream. During this time, women did not have very large roles in society besides being in charge or maintaining the household, but Franklin foreshadowed an America that would have women as a strong part of the workforce and leadership. He had high hopes that women would climb the ranks of society just as men did. Franklin, himself climbed the ranks society having emerged from the poverty and obscurity in which [he] was born and bred to a state of affluence and some degree of reputation in the world (Franklin 27). He had been raised by a humble middle class family, not being promised much wealth or land, forcing him to make a name for himself. Franklin, a man of the enlightenment, ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Symbolism In Slaughterhouse Five Looking this quote above, there is only one repetitive word sin; especially using it to question what is sin? The tone of Felix Hoenikker when he asks the question is designed out of sarcasm to keep the scientific disguise of not questioning an ethical truth; however, the term of sin brings the scientific disguise all into focus. When the concept of ice nine is introduced to the reader, the crystal was designed to prevent the military from stepping into the mud (43); however, during John s research process, Dr. Asa Breed a former supervisor of Dr. Felix Hoenikker, also introduced in chapter nine explains that ice nine can end the world if the crystal is exposed to water elements; despite his impulsive ending to the interview (47 48). This would seem to coincidental, especially in ... Show more content on ... While Pilgrim is the main character of the novel, he is considered the non hero based on the actions of his life as he is unstuck in time (Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse Five, 21). Vonnegut has the reader experience Pilgrim s life events that include being in the war or being a father, which are not in chronological order, and has a result people believe he s mentally unstable based on his time travelling experience with aliens, no less. Anyway, Vonnegut starts the novel in a way that s in a similar approach to Cat s Cradle, where he is the narrator of a story; even states that it s an anti war novel on page three. The narration quickly changes to third person but it s still Vonnegut playing the subtle author figure in the story, which is ingenious on the part of Kurt Vonnegut. This keeps the narrative hook from chapter one that this is an anti war novel, albeit he s using a character to convey the story. Throughout the novel, Vonnegut uses some literary techniques throughout this semi autobiographical novel to keep a reader compelled in this novel and keep up with the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Pros And Cons Of Sleep Apnoea TREATMENTS OF SLEEP APNOEA Sleep Apnoea Occurs when the walls of your throat come together during sleep blocking off the airway above your trachea. CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) is considered to be the most effective treatment of sleep apnoea for the reason that it reduces night time sleeplessness as compared to oral appliance. In the discussion below will consider the argument for the treatments of sleep apnoea and which treatments is the most effective whether CPAP or Oral Appliance. CPAP therapy is been considered as the most common effective treatment for sleep apnoea in adults. A CPAP is a machine which uses a mask that fits over the throat. It gently blows air into the throat and the pressure from the air helps to keep the airway open while asleep (Moses, n.d). However, some patients of sleep apnoea still find it uncomfortable with CPAP therapy so they tend to use oral appliance therapy as it has aside effect which causes dry mouth, but it comes with a humidifier which adds moisture to the air as it flows and also used for patients with mild to moderate sleep apnoea who do not respond to CPAP therapy (Downey, 2014). Therefore, the use of CAP therapy as a treatment for sleep apnoea seems to be effective for moderate to severe sleep apnoea. ... Show more content on ... CPAP therapy eradicates breathing stoppages caused by sleep apnoea, so that patients will stop snoring or unusual congestion noises in their sleep (, 2014).Patients will be able to sleep throughout the night without the waking disturbances. Nevertheless ,due to poor mask fittings as complains from some patients, oral appliance is considered to be convenient and easy to wear because it only takes few days to get used to it(AADSM, 2014) but it s limits varies from mild to moderate. Henceforth CPAP suggests the smoothness of sleep for patients with sleep apnoea in moderate to severe ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Right And The Protection Under The Constitution Do civil authorities have the right to use every legal resource or tool within their power to protect their citizens? As a citizen of a civilized country, I believe the civil authorities have the right and it is their duty to do whatever is within their legal authority to protect our way of life. At this time an ongoing debate in our political discourse is the concern for privacy rights versus the concern for national security. Benjamin Franklin once said Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety . I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment, as Americans, we are guaranteed the right and the protection under the constitution to our privacy. During the digital age, social media has exploded and caused all of us as a society to question the difference between private and public information. I believe private information is one that is not shared explicitly by an individual, therefore entitling the information to all the protections guaranteed by our constitution. However, I believe once an individual decides to post private information on a public social media platform that information is no longer private and grants the civil authorities the legal power to access it. According to a 2013 Pew Research report, 73% of Americans use social networking sites, with this rise in popularity social media has also attracted criminals. I believe if people are willing to put their personal information on the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Pros And Cons Of Human Trafficking After attending a 3 day training on commercial sexual exploitation of children conducted by the Girls educational and mentoring services (GEMS), I discussed the issue with my friend, an ER physician. I mentioned that after the workshop, every troubled child seemed like a trafficked child to me, and that I was obviously just being paranoid. Not exactly, she replied. I myself have observed quite a few girls whom I suspected to be human trafficking victims while I was at the ER. When I asked her about the protocol ER officials followed when they suspected trafficking, she replied Nothing! We treat them for superficial wounds or injuries like any other patient and send them home. We have neither the time or the training to deal with that situation, heart wrenching as it may be. Human trafficking is a pressing human rights and public health issue of our time. According to the Department of homeland security, Human trafficking is modern day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act (Homeland Security, 2017). There are hundreds of thousands of trafficking victims in the US. 8042 cases of human trafficking were reported to the National Human Trafficking hotline in the US in 2016, a 35% increase over the previous year (Polaris, 2017). It is shameful how many cases go unnoticed and how many opportunities are lost due to lack of training of healthcare personnel and first responders. The most shocking fact is ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Bojack Horseman Personality Disorder BoJack Horseman is the main character in the animated sitcom BoJack Horseman. The show follows BoJack, an anthropomorphic horse, through his life as a washed up actor living in Hollywood, or as the show calls it, Hollywoo. While on the surface the show is just another off beat comedy, it often explores the dark realities of depression, especially that of the titular character, BoJack Horseman. BoJack s depression, likely caused by his abusive childhood, manifests itself in his alcoholism, self centeredness, and self destructive behavior. In the mid sixties, BoJack was born to mother Beatrice Horseman and father Butterscotch Horseman. Butterscotch was a failed novelist who had become alcoholic, and routinely abused BoJack verbally. Beatrice ... Show more content on ... According to (2015), patients with moderate depression may not experience any enjoyment. Patients may also neglect daily activities or stop doing those activities altogether. Typically severe depression is characterized with suicidal thoughts, and patients with mild depression can usually do routine activities with little disturbance. This makes it most likely that BoJack Horseman is suffering with moderate depression. Although BoJack is diagnosed with depression, bipolar disorder can be ruled out because he does not experience episodes of mania. His depression is unipolar, so as the depressive episode ends, he returns to a normal emotional level. If he were to have bipolar disorder, a manic episode would involve being overly excited with a heavily inflated self esteem, and he may not sleep for days, according to Psychology in Action (2015). BoJack has never experienced an episode of mania in the series, he is consistently depressed, but will occasionally show a return to contentment and ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Outdoor Graduation Do you remember the day you graduated from high school? Do you recall the joy and happiness you experienced when you stepped up on that stage to receive your diploma? in general, students look forward to the day they graduate high school. Where the students have their graduation ceremonies has been debated by students for many years. Although outdoor graduations may cost more than indoor and require a lot more effort, they could be worth a student s time and money in the end. That is why an outdoor graduation should be a student s first choice over an indoor graduation. First off, an outdoor graduation should be a student s first choice because it would allow more people to attend the ceremony. for example, if a graduating class consists of more than 500 people, then there would be limited space at an indoor graduation for students and families. At an outdoor graduation, space is an available resource and more people would be able to attend. ... Show more content on ... For many years in Gateway, high school students pay class dues throughout their high school career in order to ultimately afford an outdoor graduation. The money would cover most of the expenses required to set up for an outdoor ceremony. Some students in Gateway argue that this is a waste of money because it doesn t matter where we graduate, as long as we receive our diploma. I think it does matter, because a high school student only graduates once, and graduation should be a memorable experience. And where would you rather make good memories? Inside, where you have limited space and where less family members could share the joy with you, or outside on a beautiful summer day where your whole family could share the joy with ... Get more on ...
  • 11. How Literacy Is Used As A Communication Method When it comes to understanding literacy I learned that reading, along with writing is used as a communication method. However, there s so much more to it than just obtaining the knowledge of knowing how to read and write. It all truly depends on the way you use your skills in literature. Literacy is different to each and every person, depending on who they are as a person. It can consist of your culture, pronunciation, the way you dress, as well as all of your actions. That being said, personally literature means not only knowing how to read and write, but the way we approach it as an individual. For example, we are judged by the way we speak, look, act, where we come from, as well as how we were raised. Which is all ... Show more content on ... Although I love her deeply, the way she spoke always bothered me as a child. My sister always spoke proper english is what I will not call it, but politely and she understood how to express herself and speak her mind in a polite manner. I was taught manners by my parents, greetings were something you could not just pass by. good morning was to be said every morning to everyone in the house along with a kiss otherwise it was a form of disrespect. A hug was followed with every goodbye. Even though you could have been upset with a family member you were required to forgive them and let the past stay in the past. Mainly because you never know if you are going to see them tomorrow, living with regret is something no one wants. My father always told me, since I was always a stubborn child, forgiveness is not for the other person it is for you. At that moment I realized he was right, the only person I was hurting all along was myself. Nevertheless, I have had a time where I had to teach myself something that not only had disadvantages but some advantages as well. Learning how to think before I spoke, Speaking your mind and the truths was always something I believed in. However, I never realized that sometimes you have to think about the consequences about your statement. Some days you have to tell people what they want to hear, not the truth, but yes, in some occasions you have to speak your truths for the better of ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Magellan Spacecraft, By Justinas Lialys 14 | Page Magellan Spacecraft ? Venus Radar Mapper By Justinas Lialys Abstract The main Magellan spacecraft?s mission objective was to map 70 % of the surface of Venus. The mission succeeded in mapping 98% of the Venus surface. This paper analyzes the resolution and timing aspects of the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and radiometer modes of the Magellan spacecraft. Also, the transmission method of data from Earth to the spacecraft and vice versa is discussed. The incidence angle effects on the cross track resolution and signal to noise ratio are analyzed. The simple models of the cross track resolution versus the incidence angle of the SAR and radiometer modes are derived. The function of the Venus surface emissivity is presented. Next, the resolution element size (pixel size) is modeled as the function of the spacecraft height. Overview of the mission The Magellan spacecraft (Venus Radar Mapper) was launched by NASA on the 4th of May, 1989. The main goal of its mission was to map the surface of Venus by employing the synthetic aperture radar method. The first stage of the mission began on the 15th of September, 1990. The objective was to map 70% of the Venus surface through a left looking method. This stage ended on the 15th of May, 1991. The Magellan spacecraft mapped 83.7% of the Venus surface. Right after the end of the first stage, the spacecraft was reoriented by 180 degrees such that a right looking method could be invoked. By the 14th of January, 1992, the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Effects Of The Vietnam War On Australian Society The Vietnam War beginning on November 1st 1955 and ending April 30th 1975 was a highly controversial war that originally took place as a civil war between Northern and Southern Vietnam. Northern Vietnam was backed by Russia and China while Southern Vietnam was backed by the USA. This war made a hugely divisive impact on Australian society a few months after they entered in July 1962 as allies to the USA and Southern Vietnam. Some factors of the Vietnam War contributed to cohesion among the Australian public such as the fear of communism and the subsequent domino effect. However many factors of this war such as the media coverage, conscription being brought back under the Menzies government, anti war protests and post war immigration, were all important aspects of this war and made it much more divisive than cohesive, especially in the later stages. The Vietnam War did bring about large amounts of cohesion in the early stages due to the majority of the Australian public supporting the fact that their soldiers were assisting the USA as part of SEATO. Another big part of this came from the fact that Australia had been prepared for war since the Korean War in the early 1950 s. Australia had been preparing itself for another war for so long, that when the threat of communism began to rise once more, many Australians were thinking it was only a matter of time before they would go back into battle with them. This notion of fear for communism became incredibly apparent during ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Summary Of The Case 26, 2000, Monterey County, California Case 3: On October, 26, 2000, Monterey County, California was the scene of a remarkable phenomenon. According to the reports, in the morning of the incidence, at least two of the major Bay Area radio stations stated that a terrorist group called the Locos managed to blast a hole in Lake Nacimiento Dam, causing a deadly wall of water sweeping across the Salinas Valley. The disturbing news caused a wave of panic in the Valley s residents. Fortunately, it turned out to be a disaster drill that inadvertently set off incorrect media reports. Even though the misreports of the disaster drill caused a brief public panic for the Monterey County residents, no case of harmed citizen was reported. Yet, according to the Monterey officials, calls from ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Seif Font Psychology Essay The Psychology Behind the Font Many are aware of the psychology that exists behind color, but many may not know that it also extends to type choices. Just like color, a particular font can trigger associations, and conjure up powerful emotions, ideas, and feelings. This is why utilizing the correct typeface is an important facet of good design. Choosing the correct typeface is more like a science, and when used correctly will help deliver your message effectively and can help bridge any gaps within the design. In addition, using the proper typography plays a vital role in the development of your brand, and can help ensure that the first impression is a good one. Of course, before you are able to pick the correct font type, you first must know ... Show more content on ... It also represents modernism with the use of Museo, being solid (Clarendon), as well as funky (Bevan). Script Font This typeface can express the emotions of being affectionate with the use of Edwardian Script, and elegance with the use of Bickham Script and Zaphino. It also represents creativity with the use of Lavanderia and Brush Script, as well as being friendly (Pacifico). It also has associations with being feminine (Lobster), and intriguing (Lucida). Display Font This typeface can express the emotions of being expressive with the use of Valencia, and friendly with the use of Cooper. It also represents uniqueness with the use of Spaceage Round, as well as the feelings of amusement (Giddyup). Modern Font This typeface can express the emotions of being progressive with the use of ITC Avant Garde Extra Light, and being chic with the use of Century Gothic. It represents strength with the use of Futura, and style (Didot Italic and Majoram). It also has associations with intelligence (Politica), exclusivity (Infinity), being fashionable (Eurostyle), as well as sharp ... Get more on ...
  • 16. High Stakes Testing In Schools Essay Should our public schools continue to allow high stakes assessments, for example the FCAT, to play a large factor in determining if a student has met mastery of grade level standards? Numerous students do not test well due to nerves or other disabilities; some students even become ill which equates to inaccurate test results. Additionally, testing is such an enormous process that students are losing out on valuable classroom instruction. Finally, with students pending graduation or promotion to the next grade these high stakes tests are forcing teachers to teach to the test to ensure greater success. High stakes testing is a high pressure situation for any student at all grade levels. There are many seniors ready to graduate but have not passed their final state assessment to meet that requirement or a younger elementary student pending promotion to the next grade based on the results of the state assessment. No wonder kids are literally a bundle of nerves, making themselves sick over these tests. As stated by Melissa Nott, a seasoned public school teacher, Children in high stakes testing situations are more likely to throw up, lose control of their bowels, and experience ... Show more content on ... Ben Johnson is an educator, author, and administrator and basically feels if a teacher does not teach to the test then the student will not be prepared. Johnson compares it to preparing a kids sports team for a soccer game. If you just drill them and they go to the game but have no idea which goal to shoot the ball or the importance to defend your goal it would be a losing game. In order to be successful in the assessments the teachers and students must equally understand and know what the expectations of the assessment are and how they can work together to meet these expectations (Johnson). When it comes to high states testing failure is not an option for the student or ... Get more on ...
  • 17. A Typical Victorian Villian in The Speckled Band Essay Coursework The Speckled Band How does Conan Doyle present Dr. Grimesby Roylott as a typical Victorian Villain. Having now read this book I feel I am now able to complete this essay about Roylott. The main constituents of a typical classic murder mystery invariably consist of a body, a motive, a weapon, a suspect, an alibi and a detective. Conan Doyle s,The Speckled Band demonstrates all those typical characteristics. I am now going to briefly summarise the story and identify each of the ingredients of the murder mystery, The Speckled Band, to help the reader understand the elements of the story. I will then analyse how Conan Doyle presents Dr. Roylett as a typical Victorian villain. The story begins with Holmes and Watson ... Show more content on ... There was then a huge squeal at which point Helen rushed into Julia s bedroom. She found her dead on the floor with her face contorted with anguish and terror. Holmes and Watson asked Helen if they could visit Stoke Moron, the house where Julia died. Suddenly Roylott bursts in and threatens Holmes. It is now obvious that Roylott has followed Helen, to Baker Street, the residence of Holmes. Holmes and Watson caught a train to Leatherhead as they made their way to Stoke Moron. Roylott has gone out for the day so they are free to examine the house. Holmes inspects the house in his usual manner, thoroughly looking for any clues. He scrutinises the scene and objects with fine detail, unlike Watson who is less careful and less observant. Holmes obtains the necessary clues, such as an air vent not leading outside and the bed being chained to the floor. Holmes informs Watson and Helen Stoner of his plan. Holmes and Watson waited for night to fall and following a cue from Helen Stoner, made there way into Julia s bedroom. They then sat and watched the ventilator until they saw a light. They then made sure nothing could come through the ventilator into the room and that anything that did try to get in would return from where it came from. The plan was perfectly executed and Roylott had been killed! It was apparent to Holmes that Roylott had killed Julia and would try to kill Helen with a venomous snake by putting the snake through the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Nazi Death Marches Analysis Starting in the summer of 1944 the Nazi were getting defeated and the war was almost over. When they realized that they would lose they wanted to get rid of all evidence of crimes, even the survivors. Nazi s would burn the bodies of dead people and try to get rid of the camps but, there was still survivors who could tell people what they had happen to them so the Nazi s walked them on death marches in worse conditions than in the camp. Over 250,000 people died on the marches but some lived to tell what happened and here is one of their stories. Gerda Weissmann Klein is a Polish born, now American woman who went on one of these death marches. She was first put in a forced labor camp when she was a teen and before she was her father told her ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Different Perspectives Of Knowledge Production 3. METHODOLOGY 3.1. Introduction The purpose of this dissertation was to explore the relationship between several variables such as age, gender, locations and experiences, and the degree of perceived cultural conflicts in the workplace. In addition, it also aimed to test the relationship between perceived cultural conflicts, support from the HR department and the willingness to take online cross cultural training. In order to collect effective data, the researcher carefully made choices in terms of research design, research methods, and sampling. Next, limitations of the selected research choices were clarified and discussed by the researcher. Last but most importantly, the researcher kept the ethical principles in mind when conducting ... Show more content on ... Theory can be viewed as an explanation of observed regulations (Bryman and Bell, 2011). After that, the concept of epistemology and ontology needs to be taken into consideration, which influences the formation of research questions and implementation of research (Bryman and Bell, 2011). Epistemology is concerned about questions of what is regarded as acceptable knowledge in a discipline (Bryman and Bell, 2011). Two main ideologies in epistemology are positivism and interpretivism. The former combines both a deductive approach and inductive strategy; it aims to test theories (Pugh, 1983). The latter aims to gather and appreciate subjective settings in natural contexts (Bryman and Bell, 2011). Ontology is relevant to the nature of society and two main ideologies within ontology are objectivism and constructionism. Objectivism argues that social actors are independent of social phenomena; however, constructionism argues that the actions of social actors construct the social phenomena such as organisational culture. There is a difference between quantitative and qualitative research in terms of relationship with theory, epistemological and ontological orientations. After taking epistemology (positivism and interpretivism) and ontology (objectivism and constructionism) into consideration, both quantitative and qualitative researches were required in this research. Quantitative research was needed to test relationships ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Rosewood Hotels Resorts The Rosewood Hotels Resorts is a private hotel management company founded in Dallas, Texas by Caroline Rose Hunt Trust Estate in 1979. The company had been adopting an individual branding positioning strategy, for which it managed a collection of hotels across continents under individual property names. This positioning strategy had helped differentiate Rosewood from corporate chain like competitors in the same industry. Prior to 2003, Rosewoods focused mainly on acquiring and renovating properties, building 12 unique and distinctive hotels globally. This strategy proved successful, despite the fact that the John Scott, the company s CEO and Robert Boulogne, the COO were concerned that the company was missing out the opportunity for potential growth in brand recognition. However, after 25 years of operation, in the year of 2004, the company encountered some business challenges that became barriers in raising brand awareness and customer retentions. Issue Statement Rosewood s individual brand strategy was consistent with their brand concept: A sense of Place , which was the underlying standards Rosewood capitalized upon when developing their properties. This concept implies that each hotel needed to be tailored in a way such that the unique features and characteristics of a specific location were emphasized and prominent, in respect of interior designs, services and amenities. This positioning strategy was sufficient to generating considerable revenues for the company, ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Relationships and Setting in Willa Cather s O Pioneers!... Relationships and Setting in Willa Cather s O Pioneers! O Pioneers!(1993) by Willa Cather begins on a blustery winter day, in the town of Hanover, Nebraska, sometime between 1883 and 1890. The narrator introduces four main character: the very young Emil Bergson; his older sister, Alexandra; her friend Carl Linstrum; and a little girl, Marie Shabata. Alexandra s father, John Bergson, is dying. He tells his two oldest sons, Lou and Oscar, that he is leaving the farmland, and all of what he has accomplished, to their sister. Alexandra is a hard working young lady and will do anything to make her father proud. When the drought and depression struck three years later, Alexandra s determination to keep the farm allows her to persevere. ... Show more content on ... Lou and Oscar are married and each of them owns their own farm. Alexandra s farm is still the most prosperous on the entire Divide. Emil is grown up and is leaving the Divide for the State University. Carl Linstrum returns for a long visit after years of being gone. Marie is unhappily married and it becomes very evident that her and Emil are falling in love. This novel measures the influence of an individual against human desires and the forces of nature. For example, Alexandra s relationship with the land summarizes the struggle between human desires and the larger forces than manipulate individuals. This difficult relationship between individuals and society is one of the most dominant themes and is depicted throughout the novel by using setting to reflect the characters. In the first sentence, Cather establishes a sense of symbolism when the narrator states ...the little town of Hanover...was trying not to be blown away (1). Cather is personifying the prairie s existence to help paint a picture of both the beauty and the difficulty of pioneer life. Much of the opening section of the novel focuses itself to a description, and more importantly, to a characterization of the land, setting personified forces and individuals into conflict with each other. In this novel, the forces of nature are so powerful that they overwhelm the settlers. The narrator states this fact when stating, The record of the plow was insignificant, like the feeble scratches on the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Service Request Sr-Kf-013 Paper Kudler Fine Foods Frequent Shopper Program Kudler Fine Foods is a local and upscale specialty food store with a total of four stores in La Jolla, Del Mar, and Encinitas California with their main base store in San Diego, California. Each store maintains and sells high quality bakery, pastries, fresh produce, meat, seafood, specialty condiments, packaged foods, cheeses, and dairy products. Kathy Kudler owner and founder of Kudler Fine Foods is looking to expand her company and market her products to new prospective clients, along with improving her services to her current clientele. Since the opening day of Kudler Fine Foods in June 1998 the business has become sustainable and profitable. Ten years later Kathy wants to implement a ... Show more content on ... Legally Kudler needs to stay within the boundaries set up for E commerce. The rules for online business and e mail advertisement are very far reaching some of which include an opt out link that allows any consumer to stop receiving e mail advertisements. This must be easily viewable and verifiable to the recipient for online spam advertisement. Electronic contracts are legal and binding along with electronic signatures, these forms of agreements must have legal disclaimers visible for the customer to read. These are just a few of many other legal ramifications that Kudler would need to investigate and consider before moving forward. Ethical considerations are also vital to both the customers and Kudler Fine Foods when implementing the shoppers program. Any customers who register with Kudler s shoppers program understand that all personal information given to Kudler will not be given or sold to another company without the express approval of the customer. Kudler has to take into consideration that registration online has to be implemented with the highest security software on the market. Protection of sensitive data is vital to the success of any online purchases or programs. Pornographic material and anything refereeing to pornography is prohibited by law. Breaches of contractual agreements are also considered unethical. Therefore, Kudler must have strict policy and ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Love and sex are two different emotions that when are put... Love and sex are two different emotions that when are put together they make an all around love relationship. LOVE ==== Love and sex are two different emotions that when are put together they make an all around love relationship. Love is an emotional feeling that a partner or both partners are feeling towards one another. Sex on the other hand is a physical action that is taking place between both partners. Men and women may have different views on love and sex. In the short story, I fell in love, or my hormones awakened , a little girl has a crush on a young man. The short story demonstrates the responses that men and women have towards love, lust, and hate. In this short story, the young girl who is a freshman in ... Show more content on ... Lust is apparent towards the end of this story. The lust between the women and the man is when the play has ended and the girl is waiting in the bathroom for everyone to leave. When she hears the crowds voices diminishing she decides to walk through the hallway to the exist. The hallway is dark and she can only see the exist. While she s walking someone grabs her by the waist and turns her around and gives her a kiss. After the kiss she pulls away to see who is kissing her and meanwhile the man of her dreams plants her another kiss and another kiss she can enjoy. The lust in this part of the story is the dramatic first kiss for the young girl. She was walking in the dark and the boy of her dreams comes out of no where and kisses her. Her response to the lust of the kiss was excitement, joy, and curiosity of what would to come next. The boy s response to the kiss is basically I m older and I can have whom ever I want and whenever I want. He has no feelings towards this girl whatsoever. The young girl interpreted the kiss as he wanted to be with her and maybe start a relationship, but on the other hand the young mans interpretation of the kiss was basically his role in the social status meaning that he is the oldest which gives him the right to kiss her with no meaning behind the kiss. This story ends with the girl living with her mama in Puerto Rico and the young man still ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Corporate Financial Crime And Its Effects On Our Economy... When you get paid, where is your payroll check deposited or cashed? If you need to pay a bill, what is your usual method of paying? If you need to send money to a relative, how do you typically send it? If you purchase an item, how do you typically pay? What is the common factor in these scenarios? In most circumstances the answer would be your bank. Paychecks are usually direct deposited or cashed in your bank account. You generally pay bills using your bank s bill pay system. You can transfer or wire money from your bank account to another account using your bank s system. You typically purchase items with your debit card or credit card. You utilize your bank daily for many of your needs. Now what happens when the bank that you trusted and have been loyal to is involved in a corporate financial crime? Corporate financial crime can have devastating effects on our economy, businesses and consumers. December 2007 June 2009 was one of the worst economic recessions our country faced since the Great Depression. One of the major factors the led to this recession was the implementation of subprime mortgage lending. Mortgage lenders offered loans to borrowers with unfavorable credit; payment delinquencies charge offs/judgements/bankruptcies, high DTI and were considered a higher credit risk (ComE IN Background Definitions, 2015). Subprime loans steadily increased from 8% to about 20% in 2006 (Simkovic, 2011) Over 90% of these loans in 2006 were adjustable rate ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Infidelity Out of Control Infidelity. Reasons for cheating, Ways in Which People Cheat, or Is it really that out of control or just actually being discussed more? Amanda A Northrup Schiller International University Abstract Cheating seems like it is almost a guaranteed topic of discussion at least once a day. Whether you re hearing a struggle of someone close to you, hearing about it on the television, or even telling your own personal experience, we hear about it way too often. Cheating can be done in the palm of your hand, just on your cell phone alone. We are surrounded in a social media thriving world which allows you to chat with anyone via email, games, apps, text, and even websites designed for the cheating spouse. The reasons people ... Show more content on ... More often than not families try to hide everything possible from their kids when sometimes explaining to them, without all the dramatic detail, can teach the most. To me, I d rather know what happened and know that it is not something that is accepted but because we are a family and we love each other we choose to work things out, if possible. Without any explanation kids conjure ideas in their heads that end up consuming them which in turn can have a negative effect when they have a family of their own and the same issue arises. Secondly, both men and women work harder, longer hours than ever before. On top of that, to make ends meet, some families end up working completely opposite hours to either get extra money or to work out childcare. When two people rarely see each other, you have a lot of alone time on your hands to either find someone who is awake when you are or someone in general that you can relate to. Just like day shift workers that go to lunch with their coworkers and befriend them, people who work nights do the exact same thing. Overworking yourself can set the tone for exhaustion, vulnerability, and just about anything else that can lead up to finding yourself in someone else s arms. Lastly, and the most common reason given for cheating, would be lack of intimacy or sex in the relationship. This one seems to be geared more towards men but plenty of women cheat for this reason alone. In the beginning of any relationship it seems that you just can t ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Predator Prey Paper The role of predation is critical in shaping ecosystem structure and function (Berger et al., 2001; Hawlena and Schmitz, 2010). Predator prey interactions can alter community composition (Kneite and Chase, 2004), mediate trophic cascades (Mooney et al., 2010), increase biodiversity (Letnic and Ritchie, 2012), and affect species invasions (Snyder et al. 2004). Furthermore, predators can control the dynamics of prey populations by influencing such aspects as survival, growth, behavior, size structure, and distribution (Beauchamp et al., 2007) while prey can likewise regulate predator populations (Yoshida et al., 2003; Ishii and Shimada, 2010). One of the primary components of predator prey interactions is the behavior and subsequent survival of prey in the presence of predators which we focus on in this study. For decades scientists have studied the behavioral response of prey to predators. Numerous studies have directly linked prey activity levels (e.g. Skelly, 1994; McIntyre et al. 2012) and refuge use (e.g. Cowlishaw, 1997; Belgrad and Smith, 2014) to predation risk, while other investigations have determined that predator avoidance behaviors (e.g. migration, reduced foraging) can limit prey growth (Werner et al., 1983), development (Skelly and Werner, 1990), and fecundity (Peckarsky et al., 1993). These behavioral changes also have an enormous ... Show more content on ... However, ecologists have yet to establish a relationship between predator hunting mode and prey mortality while incorporating personality. Here, we test this theory and examine the roles prey personality and predator species play in governing predation risk within a simple food ... Get more on ...
  • 27. What Are The Objectives Of A Company Aims And Objectives Policies are the ends towards which activity is aimed. They represent not only the end point of planning but also the end toward which organizing, staffing, leading and controlling are aimed. The objectives for which the company is established are: To imports and exports, buy, sell and trade in manufacture and mill supplies, fire engines, trucks, vehicles, machine tools, machine shops, processes and electric supplies and appliances. To carry on any other business, whether manufacturing or otherwise, which may seem to the company capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with the above or calculated directly or indirectly to enhance the value of or render profitable to the company s property or rights. To take, or otherwise ... Show more content on ... To borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in such manner as the company shall think fit, and in particular by the issue of debentures or debentures stock, perpetual or otherwise charged upon all or any of the company s property, both present and future including its uncalled capital and to purchase or pay off any such securities. Shareholders of the company in the form of dividends and as the directors of the company may think fit and to issue bonus shares, as fully paid up, in favor of the shareholders of the company. To undertake and execute any trust, the undertaking where off may seem desirable, and either gratuitously or otherwise. To subscribe or contribute or otherwise to assist or to guarantee money to charitable, benevolent, religious, scientific, technical, national, public, political or any other institutions, objects or purpose or for any exhibition. To adopt such means of making known the products of the company as may seem expedient, and in particularly advertising in the press by circulars by purchase and exhibition of works of art or interest, by publication of books and periodicals and by granting prizes, rewards and ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Analysis Of The Book Gore A Political Life By Bob Zelnick Review of the book Gore a Political Life by Bob Zelnick (Liberal) Gore A Political Life by Bob Zelnick is a book about the life of Al Gore Junior, the fourth fifth vice president of the united states. Bob Zelnick is a former senior ABC news correspondent. The book gives details about Al Gore Juniors childhood until his later adult years. It describe the people he has known and decisions he has made. Al Gore Junior is the son of Al Gore senior and Pauline LaFon Gore. He was on of two children. AL Gore Junior had an older sister named Nancy, who was ten years older. Gore was born on March 31, 1948 in Washington D.C. Gores father was a member of the house of representatives and also a senate member for Tennessee. Gores father was a ... Show more content on ... Al Gore Jr., would not endanger his father s political future or his own. He would volunteer for military service and take his chances in Vietnam, (Zelnick, 57). In my opinion it is more of a liberal opinion to be against war, I also think the author thinks this. Al Gore was a Reluctant warrior in the Persian Gulf crisis, (Zelnick, 195). This quote also supports the above idea. The author believes that liberalism is the way you should think. He seemed to support Gores decision to be against the Vietnam War. The author agreed with Al Gores views on global warming. The author believed that Clinton and gore were good running mates, with similar views. I think the author would agree and disagree with the way the country is being run. I think he would definitely think that we should not be involved in a war with Iraq or Afghanistan. I do think he would want the United States people to aid Iraq and Afghanistan though. I say this because the author seemed to be against the Vietnam war. I think the author would like all of the things the country is trying to do to be green. I say this because the author talked quite a bit about Al Gore Juniors views on the environment. Global warming was very important to Al Gore as shown in the following quote, Global warming was Al Gore s issue. He had raised it from the academic fascination of a single scholar to the leading environmental issue on the international ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Differences Between Phineas And Ferb Show 2: Phineas and Ferb Season 2 Episode 35 1. Name Phineas and Ferb Source television, Disney XD Date 16 August 2010 Time unknown 2. Phineas and Ferb go to the Tri State Area s sci fi and fantasy convention to meet their hero Clive Addison, a special effects specialist. However, when two sides of the convention (Speckies and Finkies) start a duel, their plans are sidetracked. Meanwhile, Candace tries to attend the convention while hiding her love of Ducky Momo. In another area, Dr. Doofenshmirtz pitches a show he developed, ... Show more content on ... There are 12 scenes exhibiting aggression 4. The entire episode various scenes of differing sides yelling, arguing with, and putting down one another. The debacle starts with the following scene: Albert: (Dressed as a dragon, speaking to Irving dressed in a costume similar to R2 D2) If you think Lump Sharkboard can defeat Hymie Silverman, the elf prince, than you are three phlorics short of a foxonian zipfeller, my friend! Irving: Oh yeah? Well, you can carry your own action figures! (Opens the hatch on his costume, and various action figures spill out) 5. There are 10 scenes that exhibit prosocial behavior. 6. At the climax of the episode, while both Speckies and Finkies are running scared from the (unbeknownst to them) special effects monster, Baljeet catches Buford running away. Baljeet convinces Buford that running away is not what Odaf Underhump (the character Buford is dressed as) would do. Bufford and Baljeet decide to fight the monster together to save their friends. 7. 3 6 year old children will find the friendly animated characters and imaginative situations ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Eminent Domain Paper When Should Eminent Domain be Used? When should a city or state use their eminent domain powers? Over the past few years there have been a couple of cases that raised the questions of when eminent domain should be used. One of the most controversial cases in the history of the United States was the Kelo v New London Supreme Court ruling. In order to generate tax revenue, add jobs, and to prevent bankruptcy, the government s right to initiate eminent domain for public good is a necessary evil. Eminent domain in definition is the right or power of public purposes without the owner s consent on payment of just compensation ( Eminent Domain History ). Eminent domain has been a part of the United States ever since the constitution ... Show more content on ... Which would cause the city to grow and that would provide more money to the government with the increased tax revenue from all of the new families. This could create more jobs, because more companies might be interested in locating there due to all of the growth. Eminent domain should also be used by a city or state if it prevents it from going bankrupt. A city or state should use eminent domain if it prevents it from going bankrupt. If a city is near bankrupt then it cannot provide all of the necessary items that a city needs in order to run like it is supposed to. For example, if a city is short of funds then it would have to reduce its budget in places that would harm the city. It would have to cut money from the police, and fire departments. However, by using their eminent domain powers a city could keep all of this from happening by letting a business come that would create thousands in tax dollars, and add jobs to the city. This means that a reduction in the police and fire departments would not happen and the city would still run smoothly. The cities and states that use eminent domain to acquire land in order to keep themselves running smoothly is sad; however, these cities and states are looking out for what is best for their areas. These cities and states are not trying to make families move out of their homes in order to earn a quick dollar. These cities and states are only ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Project Classroom Makeover Analysis In Project Classroom Makeover , Cathy Davidson demonstrates the potential benefits that can come from the implementation of technology in the current educational paradigm. Furthermore, in Sherry Turkle s selections from Alone Together , Turkle discusses the unique relationship between a child and his or her artificially intelligent toys, some of which included Tamagotchis and Furbies. Interestingly, children give these toys special treatment relative to other toys. If the special treatment encourages positive behavior, then these toys could be potentially implemented into the current educational paradigm as a new form of technology. Therefore, the real question is are there benefits of allowing children to play with these toys, or will there ... Show more content on ... As discussed before, as long as these toys do not shut down in response to pain and do not overly express their pain by crying, these toys should be safe in a school environment. Also, if these toys respond to behavior like the Tamagotchis and Furbies, then it will be beneficial to allow children to play with these toys during school time. This is due to the ability of computers...[that can] turn children into philosophers (Turkle, 463). For the Duke university students, computers enabled them to create new applications for the iPod. Therefore, the computers helped turn them into a type of philosopher, one that thinks innovatively. The iPod experiment is a perfect example of benefits of applying technology to the education system because it did in fact turn young adults into a type of philosophers. For children, computers turned them into a type of philosophers by transforming them into caretakers (Turkle, 464). Philosophers of this type thinks emotionally and understands that all life, even digital life, can be emotionally roiling (Turkle, 464). When children play with their Tamagotchis and Furbies, they can experiment their actions with toys and not with people. This allows for them to understand the consequences of mistreating ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Michael Eisner Disney America Michael Eisner underestimated the public relation and marketing aspect of the Disney America Theme Park. Pinkleton, Austin, Zhou, Willoughby and Reiser (2012) stated: a healthy, well functioning democracy depends on the participation of engaged citizens who understand the political process and keep informed about the actions of their government and public officials (p. 24). Likewise, Eisner misjudged the media s reaction to the creation of a Disney theme park. Schlichting (2014) concluded, journalists were still seen as the most powerful mediators of the public sphere and hence the key stakeholders of the public path of public affairs management (p. 414). Therefore, this case study is an example of a large corporation attempting to implement its will amongst the people and our democracy allowed them to fight against the measure. Moreover, Eisner miscalculation led to multiple hiccups that range from leaked information, employees misspeaking and Eisner himself letting emotions and his bearing jeopardize the future them park existence. Furthermore, if I found myself as Eisner senior advisor I would request that I be able to analyze the entire situation thru a hired independent counsel and provide him with three course of actions that he ... Show more content on ... Budgets have numbers (rational) but the document itself can be manipulated to paint a different picture (symbolic) (Zavattaro, 2013, p. 35). Therefore, in order to provide selling points for or against the theme park, I would require the council to provide detailed current budgets of the local economy and Disney current 10K. Additionally, the council would create eight projected budgets based on five and ten year increments that display projections with and without the theme park. The council would also be required to do the same for Disney s 10K s as well. Overall, these budgets would provide selling points for or against the project for both the local government and ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Sentences By Bonaventure When one believes in God he naturally revealed to them through the goodness in his creation. By looking at the surrounding world one can see God s fingerprints. In his work, Sentences, Bonaventure modestly defines creation as as the loving outflow of a loving God whose infinite dynamic goodness is shared in a limited dynamic way. Creation is God s other. God doesn t have to create since God is infinitely bountiful and self communicative within Himself. Creation flows out of the infinite fountain of divine self diffusive goodness because God is creative and loving. The Father freely desires to create because God is love, and perfect love can never be self contained it must be shared. Bonaventure indicates that the world exists by virtue of the free creative power of divine love. Creation is a free act of divine goodness spilling forth from the infinite divine community of love. Bonaventure uses the term emanation to describe the expression of creation from the loving community of a triune God. Emanation used in the Christian sense means that creation flows out of the infinite, transcendent one. Bonaventure metaphorically writes, Creation is like a river, which flows from a spring, spreads throughout the land to purify and fructify it, and eventually flows back to its point of origin. This image speaks to the intimate connection between creation and the triune God as well as creation s cyclical nature. Bonaventure writes that creation can find its origin in a single ... Get more on ...