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Cubism Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of Cubism can be a challenging yet intellectually rewarding task.
Cubism, as an art movement pioneered by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque in the early 20th
century, is a complex and multifaceted subject that requires a deep understanding of art history,
aesthetics, and the cultural context of the time.
One of the difficulties lies in grasping the fundamental principles of Cubism itself. Explaining
how artists deconstructed and reassembled forms, embracing a geometric and fragmented
approach, requires a keen eye for detail and an ability to articulate these concepts in a clear and
coherent manner. Moreover, delving into the historical background of Cubism and its impact on
the art world necessitates extensive research to provide a comprehensive and accurate portrayal.
Another challenge is the need to explore the diverse perspectives and interpretations of Cubism.
Different art historians and critics may offer varying insights into the movement, and
synthesizing these viewpoints while maintaining a coherent narrative can be demanding.
Analyzing specific artworks, such as Picasso's "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" or Braque's "Violin
and Candlestick," adds another layer of complexity, as it requires an in-depth examination of
artistic techniques and symbolism.
Furthermore, constructing a well-organized and engaging essay on Cubism involves the art of
balancing descriptive analysis with insightful commentary. It requires the writer to convey not
only the visual aspects of Cubist works but also the underlying philosophical and cultural
influences that shaped this revolutionary movement. This synthesis demands a high level of
critical thinking and the ability to articulate complex ideas in a manner accessible to the reader.
In conclusion, writing an essay on Cubism is a challenging endeavor that requires a deep
understanding of art history, a mastery of descriptive and analytical skills, and the ability to
navigate the intricate web of artistic, cultural, and philosophical elements associated with this
If you find such tasks daunting or time-consuming, it's worth noting that assistance is available.
Similar essays and more can be ordered on platforms like, where professionals
can provide tailored and well-researched content to meet your academic needs.
Cubism Essay Cubism Essay
What Are The Inconsistencies In A Mystery Novel
How were the inconsistencies throughout the reading consistent with the theme of the
Throughout the novel, many inconsistencies exist to show that in a mystery novel,
mystery must be a factor for the reader to experience, as well. In the novel, a murder
becomes a mystery case. The plot of the novel is to not only distinguish who
committed the crime, but also, his/her rationale behind doing so. In order to avoid
the reader having to feel like a speculator, perhaps, Gabriel GarcГa MГЎrquez uses
inconsistencies in writing to incite the confusion in the reader. This concept is best
explained through the New York Time literary criticism article entitled, MURDER
MOST FOUL AND COMIC (Michaels). Essentially, this criticism seeks to
understand why exactly fallacies and inconsistences are so prevalent in a novel that
demands attention to detail. The first possible explanation for this reoccurring event
in MГЎrquez s writing is the idea that if inconsistency, in life and novels, bespeaks
the unthinkable, then the inconsistency throughout the course of the novel is
symbolic and expressive of the theme deliberately or not. Essentially, in order to
establish the same mood and tone the characters face in the novel, MГЎrquez
structures her writing in a way that leaves the plot as a mystery to the reader, as
well (Michaels). Critic Leonard Michaels goes on in his article to cite specific
examples of inconsistencies being parallel to the idea of keeping the mood and tone
Kinky Boots Analysis
Kinky Boots: Still Stunningly Flashy
Kinky Boots is a stunningly flashy Broadway musical that tugs on the heartstrings
with its equally stunning clichГ©s. With its plot originally conceived as a British
film in 2005, the stage production was not produced until 2012 and was based on
the book written by Harvey Fierstein. Furthermore, the show did not find its way to
Broadway until 2013. When it debuted, the show opened to critical acclaim with
Billy Porter and Stark Sands originating the roles of lead characters Lola and
Charlie. Since its Broadway debut, Kinky Boots has been a smashing commercial
success. Over the years, Kinky Boots has swapped out the actors in its cast many
times. However, the original leading actors of the show, Billy Porter and Stark
Sands, have returned once again to play Lola and Charlie in 2017.
Kinky Boots, directed by Jerry Mitchell with music and lyrics by Cyndi Lauper,
follows the story of Charlie Price when he inherits his family s shoe factory from his
father. The factory has fallen on hard times with sales reaching depressing lows and
the factory bleeding cash flow. All seems lost until Charlie has a fateful meeting with
drag performer Lola, who inspires Charlie to reinvent the factory and produce a new
line of high heeled boots in an unlikely partnership. Tensions mount and personalities
clash as their production deadline nears, but in the end the partners realize that they
have more in common than meets the eye.
With the shows prime
Don Quijote Truthful History Summary
Contrary to those who might delve into the imaginative truths of the text, I am
taking a more literal and common sense approach in my belief that the claim
Cervantes makes through the narrator of Don Quijote being a truthful history is
most definitely a claim in jest. It was in all likelihood included to mirror the
humorous realities believed by the titular knight himself. This same assertion could
also be used to justify the seriousness of the claim by way of it being Don Quijote s
truthful history , which some would affirm is what you expect to glean from a
biographical tale in the first place. This can also be compounded on with the
protestation of the narrator on page 52: And if there is any possible objection to the
Socialism And Social Problems In Upton Sinclair s The
Truly understanding the conditions of an immigrant s life during the Gilded Age is
a feat of remarkable magnitude for us who live such amazing lives today, but Upton
Sinclair s The Jungle achieves this astonishing task by describing the tortuous lives
of Jurgis and his family as they toil to simply survive the insurmountable debts and
problems society has placed upon them. Sinclair enthralls the reader with this story
of small joys that are quickly overshadowed by depression, death, and anger. He
effectively builds relationships between this small Lithuanian family which seems to
be desperately fending off the whole world and the reader who just wants the best for
them. The Jungle also details the conflicting opinions between the wealthy and the
poor and the growing movement of socialismin America. While I do not agree with
his idea of using socialism as a solution for the problems many immigrants have
faced, Upton Sinclair has crafted a thrilling tale that successfully expresses the lives
of immigrants during the Gilded Age and the amount of dangers they constantly
faced. The Jungle begins with Jurgis Rudkus, our main character who is a recent
Lithuanian immigrant, getting married in Chicago. After his marriage, Jurgis and
several of his relatives find work in Packingtown, a section of Chicago where meat
industry is king. His family rents a shoddy house forcing more of them to find work
in Packingtown. After he joins a union, he begins to see the political corruption that
The Predicament of Teenage Pregnancy
Teen pregnancy is a worldwide controversy that has become a major predicament in
the society that we live in today. Each year, almost half of all pregnancies among
American women are not intended. The lack of sex education in schools may be the
cause of why teen pregnancy is at an uprise. Young women try to find solutions to
stop pregnancy, birth control is one form of preventing pregnancy. Other people
choose to get an abortion. Sex educationclasses in high school can also help and
inform teens about STD s and HIV/AIDS. The history of sex education and its
controversy began in the U.S. It began as early as 1912. The National Education
Association put teachers in training programs for sex education. Some people saw
this as unnecessary and thought that this did not have to be taught in school s. In
1960 to about 1980, sex education programs were described as the Christian
Crusade. Sex education programs in public schools proliferated, in large part due to
newly emerging evidence that such programs didn t promote sex but in fact helped
delay sexual activity and reduce teen pregnancy rates (Pardini,Priscilla). Many teen s
in America get the education they need about sex, but they are not aware of the
consequences of having a child at an early age. Teen pregnancy can be prevented by
using a condom or birth control. When these products fail, teens are not sure on what
to do with the baby. Some solutions
The Hand, Foot And Mouth Disease
The hand, foot and mouth disease (HMFD) is a viral infection that primarily affects
young children and infants and is characterized by eruptions of vesicles on the skin of
the mouth, hands and feet of infected humans.
The most prevalent pathogen is the Coxsakievirus A16, which is of the family
Picornaviradie and the genus Enterovirus. Infections from Coxsakievirus A4 A7, A9,
A10, B1 B3, as well as B5 have been found to occur occasionally. In addition, the
virus Enterovirus 71 is also known to cause HMFD. However, it must be noted that
it is not a general rule for Coxsakievirus A16 to be the most prevalent cause of
HFMD cases. For instance, in a study of the HFMD disease that broke out in China
in 2003, researchers Yan XF et al observed that over 80% of all infections were
caused by enterovirus 71 while Coxsakievirus A16 only accounted for less than 7%.
The two viruses have also been known to co infect a host.
Coxsakieviruses are viruses that are without the lipid bilayer that make up the
capsid of viruses. The genetic materials of Coxsakieviruses are single stranded
RNAs. There are two major types of Coxsakieviruses referred to as group A and
group B. About 23 serotypes of group A coxsakieviruses have been discovered and
about 6 serotypes for group B. The two groups of viuses are very different in terms
of where they attack. Group A coxsakieviruses attack the skin and mucous membrane
while Group B coxsakieviruses
Battery Conditioning ( Auto Repair Shops
Battery Conditioning | Auto Repair Shops Lewisville, TX
The batteries for a hybrid are a source of dread for many owners, who realize
eventually they will require replacement with new or reconditioned batteries. Now
you have an additional option in the Lewisville area. Fifth Gear Automotive offers
battery conditioning for your hybrid vehicles. Bring your hybrid vehicle to Fifth Gear
Automotive auto repair shops in Lewisville, TX for conditioning of your battery pack
by our certified experts.
You may not realize it, but many hybrids completely shut down if they run out of gas.
It is a protective feature on several brands of hybrid vehicles, with the intention to
protect the costly batteries. Not all hybrids have the mechanism, and those ... Show
more content on ...
Contact Fifth Gear Automotive hybrid battery specialists in our auto repair shops in
Lewisville, TX.
Improving Your Hybrid s Efficiency
You have probably heard how you drive affects your gas mileage, and its just as true
with a hybrid as any other vehicle. Accelerating and braking gently are essential for
improved efficiency. In the hybrid vehicle, accelerating gradually will ensure electric
motor use only, maintaining efficiency and possibly assisting you to surpass the EPA
mileage estimate. This habit is especially beneficial in heavy traffic conditions.
Factors Affecting the Battery Lifespan
A conditioned battery can provide reliable service for years properly conditioned.
Fifth Gear Automotive hybrid battery specialists are certified to provide batter
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conditioning of your hybrid battery in our auto repair shops in Lewisville, TX.
However, you should be aware of the following factors which can affect the lifespan
of a conditioned battery:
While battery packs can be reconditioned an unlimited amount of time, age is one of
the factors that can affect its length of service after conditioning.
Extreme temperatures in your location, the elevation and heavy use of the vehicle.
Operating the vehicle in a manner that places the battery in an extreme profound
discharge state is discouraged for old or new batteries alike.
Only use a certified hybrid battery specialist for service
The Time Machine Sparknotes
802,701 AD. What would you expect throughout this time period? Flying cars,
robots that work for you, and perfect weather is what the typical everyday person
would answer that question. Would anybody ever expect anything less? The Time
Machine by H.G. Wells tells the story of an ambitious man who seeks answers from
the unknown. He takes risks throughout his journey, almost dies to quench his thirst
of curiosity, and treating people the wrong way can backfire We take risks for the
reward, not thinking about failure. The TimeTraveler takes the biggest risk, to risk
his life, for the name of science. He travels into the future to get a look into the
advancement of humanity, so the people today can thirst their quench for their
curiosity of the future. For him, the reward is bigger than the risk. After he comes
back from the future, he will become a well known scientist that will be recognized
for his discoveries, inferring he time travels for scientific advancements. After
traveling far into the future, he is teleported into... Show more content on ...
Forgetfulness and being careless causes him to lose the only pathway between safety
and the unknown. His ambition and curiosity leads him to his own demise. As he
was so determined to become a pioneer in discovery about the future, he lost sight of
his most important goal, making it out alive to tell the story. Ambitions and goals
distract him from being circumspect of his surroundings. The Time Traveler
contemplates on this new foreign world while the machine is being seized from him
without his knowledge. This is like the concrete jungle, A.K.A. New York. There are
many eye catching sights to see, but while sight seeing, money is being taken away,
most of the time it is happening unknowingly. This compares to the book because the
sight seekers (including the Time Traveler) are having something stolen from them
Asset Value Of A Mutual Fund Essay
A mutual fund is one of the investment programs that is a pool of funds from many
investors, and trade in securities such as diversified holdings, stocks, bonds,
mortgages, money market instruments, other securities etc... Professional portfolio
managers use the money from the investors to buy securities to meet the funds
investment objectives. Investors own units that represent a proportionate share of all
of mutual funds assets. Net asset value per unit (NAVPU) is used to process the price
for the individual unit of the mutual fund. Net asset value will change is due to the
fluctuation (rise or fall) in the market value of the asset held by the funds.
Mutual funds are under securities regulations. The Mutual Fund Dealers Associations
of Canada is national self regulatory organization in the Canadian mutual fund
industry. The MFDA regulates and oversights the business conducts of its members,
and their representatives to protect the investors and reinforce public confidence in
mutual fund industry.
The advantages of the Mutual funds are professionally managed by portfolio
management, and attempt to generate income such as capital gains on sales,
dividends on stocks or interest on bonds for the investors. Most of Investors purchase
in mutual funds due to the lack of time or expertise to manage their own portfolios.
Investing in a mutual fund is a relatively inexpensive to a small investor to get a full
time portfolio manager to control or monitor their investments.
Guide to Networking Essentials, 6th ed., ISBN 1111312524...
Guide to Networking Essentials, 6th ed., ISBN 1111312524 Chapter 1 Solutions
REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Which of the following is one of the three basic
functions a computer performs? (Choose all that apply.) a. Processing 2. c. Input e.
Output The __________ executes instructions provided by computer programs. a.
CPU 3. When a CPU is composed of two or more processors, each one is referred to
as a(n) ________. b. Core 4. Which of the following is considered long term
storage? (Choose all that apply.) a. Flash drive 5. d. Hard drive Which motherboard
component controls data transfers between memory, expansion slots, I/O devices, and
the CPU? c. Chipset 6. You want to purchase a new... Show more content on ...
This configuration is an example of which of the following? (Choose the best
answer.) a. MAN 27. You have installed Windows Server 2008 on a new server and
want to centralize user logons and security policies. What type of software should
you install and configure on this server? d. Directory services 28. Peer to peer
networks aren t suitable in which of the following situations? a. Tight security is
required. 29. Which of the following best describes a storage area network? b. Uses
high speed networking technologies to give servers fast access to large amounts
of disk storage 30. Why might Windows 7 or Windows Vista require more RAM or
disk space than Windows Server 2008? d. They support a graphics intensive user
following is a limitation of early networks that used a daisy chain method of
connecting computers? (Choose all that apply.) a. Total number of computers that
could be connected 2. c. Cable length Which of the following is true of a repeater?
c. Receives bit signals and strengthens them 3. Which of the following is true of a
hub? (Choose all that apply.) b. Transmits regenerated signals to all connected ports
4. c. Usually has four or more ports Which of the following is the unit of
measurement by which a hub s bandwidth is usually
Women s Rights During The Victorian Age
Despite being under the rule of a female monarch, women faced many inequalities
and suffering during the Victorian age. Examples of these inequalities include not
having the right to vote, unequal educational and employment opportunities.
Women were even denied the legal right to divorce in most cases. As the Norton
Anthology states, these debates over women s rights and their roles came to be
known as the woman question by the Victorians. This lead to many conflicting
struggles, such as the desire by all for women to be educated, yet they are denied
the same opportunities afforded to men. While these women faced these difficulties,
there was also the notion that women should be domestic and feminine. There was
an ideal that women should be submissive and pure because they are naturally
different. The industrial revolution introduced women into the labor workforce, but
there was still a conflict between the two identities; one of an employed woman,
and one of a domestic housewife. Despite there being a need for women in the
labor workforce, it was solely men that were considered strong based on their
physical strength. It was believed that a woman s strength lied in her ability to be
somewhat of a moral compass for men. Sarah Stickney Ellis discussed this in her
work The Women of England. Their Social Duties and Domestic Habits. In the ideal
Victorian household, the man would support the family financially, and the woman
would handle all of the domestic duties. Any
Similarities Between Cuban Revolution And Nicaraguan...
The Cuban and Nicaraguan revolutions examined in this study show an association
with the most profound processes of transformations. As established in the study,
Cuba was more radical in bringing change to the society than Nicaragua was.
Conversely, apart from the fact that the revolutions had distinct, idiosyncratic
features. Both revolutions independently survived the hostility brought about by the
foreign forces throughout their revolution process. Evidently, some of the differences
and similarities originate from political dynamics and social changes as established in
this paper. The study confirmed that both the revolutions had different ideological
blueprints, which acted as a guide in the processes of social engineering. Although
the ideological approaches tend to overlap in certain areas, they also present
significant differences. Both countries are nationalists, anti imperialists, and support
the third world and the high demand for satisfaction on the previously abandoned
social aggregates. The demand for comfort on the already abandoned social
aggregates directed at improving the general standards of living of the entire
population on both social democratic and egalitarian... Show more content on ...
While the Nicaraguan revolution continued to struggle against the Somoza
administration, Sandinistas had adopted a more orthodox Marxist alignment. For
example, the Tercerista played a significant role in helping the FSL alongside other
groups and individuals to be accepted to participate in the anti Somoza movement.
The followers of liberation theology, such as the radical Christians joined the
movement as a result of the appeal. By 1979 when FSLN acquired power, it had
managed to take control of an ideology that was supported by major groups.
Understanding the course of FSLN ideologies helped these groups to come up with
effective ways of addressing problems such as the unequal distribution of wealth and
The Transmission Of Measles Virus
Measles is a highly transmissible viral infection caused by the rubeola virus. The
first published record of the disease dates back to the 9th century. It has become an
increased problem in the United States due to the elevated population travelling
around the globe. Most outbreak cases of measles have come from Germany, India,
England, France, Vietnam and the Philippines (MeaslesCases and Outbreaks, 2017).
The most recent measles outbreak was discovered on January 5th, 2015. After
researching the outbreak, it was concluded that it originated between December 17th
and 20th of 2014. It was linked to two Disney theme parks in California and believed
to have been originally transmitted from the Philippines (Measles Outbreak, 2015). A
total of... Show more content on ...
With close work and school proximity, children and adults would easily become
infected if they were non immune. Adults who must stay home to care for sick
children, would miss work and decrease their business s productivity. The government
would increase funds for the hospitals and health departments to treat the increased
patient acuity and provide proper immunizations. Hospitals would need to increase
staff to provide adequate care. Many areas of the community would be affected by a
measles outbreak.
At the first sign of measles, health care providers are required to immediately report
their findings to the county health department. Even without lab work for proof of
the virus in the community, health care practitioners should still declare suspicions
of the virus. This will help to decrease the spread of the disease throughout the
community. If the outbreak occurred in a public place, a press conference by the
Department of Health Bureau of Epidemiology would be needed to inform the public
Benefits And Drawbacks Of Outsourcing
The development of the worldwide economy has resulted in the United States
companies to outsource its operations to less costing labor. This consequently led to
these companies seeking employees from developing countries. The outsourcing is an
initiative taken by these companies to seek both the skilled and unskilled personnel to
offer their services to all industries. The information technology industry has been one
of the industries in the U.S affected by outsourcing. For this effect, the New York
State legislative bill A. 8284/S. 2317 was endorsed by act on August 1st 2007 ( The
Offshore , 2010). The law allows the Commissioner of Labor to alter or affect a
report on matters associated with the offshore outsourcingof IT jobs and the future of
New York State s job market ( The Offshore , 2010).
This paper bases its arguments on the benefits and some dangers associated with
offshoring mostly in the IT sector in the U.S companies (Goloboy et. Al 209). It
also explores the factors leading to offshoring of IT jobs to developing countries. A
rough estimate of the jobs to be affected by offshore outsourcing and finally the state
and civic legislation concerning this exercise (Goloboy et. Al 209).
Many countries have considered it sensible to use off shore locations to offer high
quality products at a reduced cost; this is because the current business environment
aims at reducing the costs of operations. A survey conducted in the year 2005
estimated that
Double Cup Research Paper
The Price of the Double Cup (rough draft) Uno dos cups stuffed...Gamble with
your life if I don t get 2 cups stuffed. Rapper Young Thug chants on his song 2 Cups
Stuffed , an ode to his love of lean. Lean , Dirty Sprite , Purple Drank or Sizzurp ,
is a mixture of prescription cough syrup, soda and candy ingested to produce a
high. From Lil Wayne to Justin Bieber the use of lean has been glamourized by
celebrities primarily in the hip hop world. Usually placed in two stacked Styrofoam
cups, lean has been making appearances across the globe. While following the trends
of celebrities have become the latest obsession we have to wonder, what are the
effects of this purple concoction? The primary ingredient in lean is prescription
cough syrup
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Polyhydroxybutyrate
Sonal Shinde; Vatsala Singh; Guide: Mrs. Reshma Pol; | M. Tech Integrated [Date]
Bioplastic is a form of plastic synthesized from renewable resources such as plant
starch and microbial species. Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) is a carbon reserve and
biodegradable polyesters which are synthesized by many bacteria. Marine organisms
have strategies to produce novel compounds like PHB due to the unique environment
they survive. They are accumulated intracellularly as carbon and energy reserves
under certain conditions like, in the presence of excess carbon source.
Polyhydroxybutyrate have been drawing much attention as biodegradable substitutes
for conventional non biodegradable plastics ... Show more content on
For this method, the plates containing nutrient agar was divided into 4 parts. In each
part, a bacterial isolate was spotted in duplicates. The plate was incubated at 30в—¦C
for 24 hours. Ethanolic solution of (0.02%) Sudan Black was spread over the
colonies and the plate was kept undisturbed for 30 minutes. They were washed with
ethanol (96%) to remove the excess stain from the colonies. The dark blue stained
colonies were taken as positives. All the positive isolates were assigned a code and
were sub cultured and maintained in their respective slants at 4в—¦C
Information Security Program Summary
The Licensee maintains an Information Security Program to insure the security and
confidentiality of borrower information as well as protect against anticipated threats
or unauthorized access to borrower information. The Program is implemented and
maintained by Program Coordinators that are designated by the Licensee. The
Program Coordinators are currently Lori Pelinski of the legal department and John
Giambrone of the IT department.
All employees and independent contractors must comply with the Information
Security Program. References, consumer reports, and criminal background checks of
each potential employee are conducted prior to the employment. All new employees
and independent contractors that have access to borrower information participate ...
Show more content on ...
Paper records are stored in a room, cabinet, or other container that is locked when
unattended. All storage areas are protected against destruction or potential damage
from physical hazards, such as fire or floods. Electronic borrower information is
stored on secure, password controlled servers. Paper records are converted to
electronic images and stored securely and the paper records destroyed. Storing
borrower information consisting of financial or other similar information on any
computer system with a direct Internet connection is prohibited. All borrower
information is backed up on a daily basis.
Borrowers are given a secure option for electronically communicating inbound credit
card information, credit applications, or other sensitive financial data to maintain
security. Consumers are advised against sending sensitive data via unsecured
electronic mail. Transmissions to the Licensee by electronic mail or other sources
are to be password controlled or otherwise protected from theft or unauthorized
access. The Program Coordinators review all vendor applications to ensure an
appropriate level of security both within the Licensee and with the Licensee s
business partners and
Invasion Of The Swiss Roll Analysis
Invasion Of The Swiss Rolls by: Patrick Immelman edited Domanick Once there
was a fat kid named Chubs that lived in new york he was trying to lose weight by
putting carrots in swiss rolls but that did not work that good, and he thought what
ever . Then as he was walking home from school there was a swiss roll arguing at
him, and he said Why you making me more healthy?! . After all swiss rolls are not
that healthy and there not supposed to be, but the boy doesn t care. After that he ate
him cause he got so angry, And went home and ran for one minute and said This is
athletic! to get unstressed. After his workout he put carrots in a swiss rolls again
then the swiss roll yelled Why man just why I am calling my friends! not cool bro.
Marowe And Christopher Marlowe s The Passionate
Classic ideas such as love or the country transcend throughout the tests of time,
writing styles, and different cultures. Thanks to this, poems that are up to five
centuries old are still relevant on present time. Some poems that could greatly help
support this argument wold be the following : The Passionate Shepherd to his Love
by Christopher Marlowe, The Nymph s Reply to the Shepherd by Sir Walter Raleigh,
and Raleigh Was Right by William Carlos William. Williams uses Raleigh and
Marlowe s ideas of love lasting, or not lasting and transforms them into a larger
idea of life in the country giving you peace, or in Williams case not giving you
peace. Marlowe is showing a romanticized idea of the country in his poem.
Describing each May morning as... Show more content on ...
He makes a connection with love in his poem while still mentioning the rough
situation of the country. Love itself a flower / with roots in a parched ground (17
18) .In here the author means that love is weak and perishable just like a flower,
and to add on to the expression of just how perished love is the symbolic flower is
set in parched ground. The author shows how he very efficiently bases his whole
poem on a classic from the 1600s and gives his own theme of live in the country to
Marlowe and Raleigh argument. The theme of love is raised by Williams into an
idea of the country bringing you peace. We cannot go to the country for the
country will bring us no peace (1 3). By this the author means that if life seems
complex in the city, the country wont make it better. If any it will make it worse.
Just like love is said to be weak and perishable, life in the country is. They both can
be constantly switched to symbolize each other. Here the author proves how complex
yet simple idea love transcends into a larger and more universal
Duane Hanson Analysis
Duane Hanson, born in 1925, used his traditional painting and sculpting techniques
to create a realistic sculpture of a football player. The work is known as Football
Player, made in 1981. Hanson used oil on polyvinyl, clothed, helmet, and
styrofoam cup. By painting this sculpture realistically with oils and adding real
hair and clothes, this sculpture has been mistakenly thought of as a human being.
Hanson was able to create a mix media of a football player. His sculpture, Football
Player, focuses mainly on the details seen on a typical football player. For example,
Hanson uses curly, dirty blonde hair and adds hair on the player s forearms. He also
creates the effect of sweat running down the sculpture s face and showing dirt on the
clothes. The sculpture is sitting on the helmet while holding a styrofoam cup, giving
the illusion of a tired... Show more content on ...
Hansen also shows off rough, smooth, matte, and shiny texture as well. One
example of a rough texture can be the clothes. The clothes that the sculpture is
wearing are wrinkled and dirtied giving it a rough texture. An example of a smooth
texture can be the helmet. The helmet is smooth when you touch it. An example of
a matte texture can be the sneakers because the sneakers looks dull and dirtied
giving off a matte look. Finally, one example of shiny texture can be be the face.
Hansen was able to give off a sweaty look to the face. This gives the face a shiny
texture. Hansen was able to use these textures to create a realistic human being. The
rough texture and shiny texture contrast with each other, making the details on the
face and arms pop out more. The rough texture and smooth texture help the sculpture
seem more realistic while showing off the matte textures. This artwork can be defined
as a geometric because a human being is symmetrical and use shapes to create the
structure. Unlike free form, human beings are not irregular shaped or non
Greenhouse Gases Essay
I want to discuss how our modern society continues to contribute to this increase in
greenhouse gases. How individual users acting independently and rationally
according to their own self interests behave contrary to the common good of all users
by depleting that resource. How these resources are depleting and greener options are
available and how the new sustainability advantage is a better and profitable option.
Climate change is defined as, a change in the statistical distribution of weather
patterns when that change last for an extended period of time. Certain human
activities have also been identified as significant causes of recent climate change,
referred to as Global Warming. Such as greenhouse gases, a gas that contributes to the
greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation. The green house effect is the ...
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creating sustainability where economic, environmental and social awareness is
needed to keep the balance. Reducing expenses is one way to improve profits.
sustainable enterprises disconnect revenue growth from depletion of natural
resources by drastically reducing the amount of natural resources required to make
their products and by using resource and energy efficient manufacturing processes.
This can come from using wind, solar, and hydro energy. These are clean energy
sources that first provide clean energy, second will never run out of power. Also
allow for the planet to survive for generations to come.
I believe that the use of greener energy will ensure first the survival of the planet,
allowing for us to ensure the survival of society. Second the use of this green energy
allows for constant energy for all of the world, without having to produce harmful
gases, or ruining the environment ssurrounding the plants. Allows for these
corporations to still make a profit of energy that is sustainable and safer for all
Bluffing Summary
Bluffing A Summary Gail Helgason
The story focuses on the relationship between Gabriella and Liam. They live
together as a couple. Gabriella is a Biology teacher whereas Liam is a Mountain
The story starts with Gabriella rushing towards Jasper hospital on a cold winter day.
At the hospital, she is asked to sit down and wait for a while. While sitting on a
couch she thinks of the incident that happened three weeks ago.
Gabriella had proposed a hike to Liam that day, as she wanted to discuss with him
about renewing the lease of their apartment since the term of lease was coming to an
end. She wanted a private place to discuss about it and she was hopeful that Liam
would fully go ... Show more content on ...
Liam was following her.
She had walked quite a long distance from the lake towards the huckleberry shrubs
when she suddenly found herself facing a grizzly bear just twenty paces ahead of
her. She wanted to run away that instant but her instincts stopped her and she slowly
tried moving one step backward. When she did that the bear came one or two steps
forward. She stopped and the bear stopped too. She saw Liam behind the
Essay on Consequences of the War on Terror in the United...
The terrorist attacks of September 11 led to a lot of pressure from the public to
find those responsible and bring them to justice . In order to do so, President Bush
declared a war on terrorism just a few days after the attacks, but little did he know
that this very decision would also bring devastating consequences to many countries.
Over time, people have been losing faith in the war and in its purpose. Consequently,
countries whose economies have fallen under the Military Industrial Complex have
manufactured a societal fear against Muslims and jihadists. As a result, they are now
being stigmatized and portrayed as the enemies of democracy, and of the United
Statesin particular. To make matter worse, it has driven western countries to... Show
more content on ...
Here, they fail to take into consideration that the United States is already in massive
amounts of debt and has more pressing issues than a socially constructed fear of
terrorism, such as high unemployment rates and increasing poverty. They believe
that it is justifiable for them to spend all this money and resources on the war as it
is a means of protecting themselves and their democratic state, but they provide no
proof of why a less invasive and violent effort will not work. Chomsky proves the
Heritage Society is wrong for saying that it is a justifiable form of revenge by
stating that the United States has attacked other countries in the past and if it is a
crime when others violate international law, it is also a crime when Americans do it
(Chomsky). The problem with Chomsky s article is that he fails to provide any
alternative solutions; he only criticizes the efforts of the Obama and Bush
administrations. This paper will look at the consequences of terrorism from liberal
point of view similar to that of Noam Chomsky.
Former American president Dwight Eisenhower warned the United States in his
farewell speech about what he referred to as the Military Industrial Complex, which
refers to the United States economy becoming dependent on warfare and on the
production of weapons. In order to fuel their economy, the States declared a war on
terrorism and on bin Laden shortly after the attacks.
How Does Mark Antony Use Language In Julius Caesar
Our use of words and language has an immense impact on the messages we project.
In Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Mark Antony uses strong speech making
techniques to persuade the audience of his claim. Antony was a friend of Julius
Caesar s and speaks at his funeral. Brutus, another noble man like Antony, talks
before him and causes the audience of Plebeians to believe that Caesar was a bad
ruler and an unambitious man. Brutus claims that he believed he was helping his
country by helping to kill Caesar. Mark Antonyinvolves the use of repetition and
irony to reverse the meanings of Brutus words, effective word choice and language
to discredit Brutus, and theatrical gestures to sway the crowd of his claim that Caesar
was a generous leader.... Show more content on ...
Antony references Brutus speech and repeats how he claims Caesar was an ambitious
man. Antony mentions that when the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept and that
Antony thrice presented him a kingly crown, Which he did thrice refuse. By
participating in these weak actions of weeping and refusing a higher position, it is
made clear that Caesar was not ambitious as Brutus made the audience believe.
Antony uses these examples and this repetition of ambition to convince the crowd
that Brutus is untrustworthy. Mark Antony also expresses his ideas regarding Brutus
by ironically using the term honourable man. Antony believes that Brutus is a
corrupt man as helped to murder his friend Caesar and then spoke to the people of
Rome about how he believed it was the right thing to do. In Rome, Brutus is
considered noble and honorable. In Mark Antony s speech, he repeats something false
that Brutus did or wrong that he did and follows it with And Brutus is an honourable
man. As Antony proves that Caesar was unambitious, he repeats Yet Brutus says he
Pseudo Event Research Paper
Pseudo event Pseudo event, also known as a media event [4], is an event or activity
that exists for the sole purpose of media publicity. It may also include any event that
is covered in the mass media or was hosted largely with the media in mind [5]. Typical
examples including news announcements, corporate anniversary, press conference in
response to a major media event, or planned events like speeches or demonstrations.
Instead of paying for advertising time, a pseudo event seeks to use public relations to
gain media and public attention. In 1962, historian Daniel Boorstin objected to the
increasing manipulation of American culture and politics by an industry dedicated to
the construction of artificial images. Rather than presenting facts... Show more
content on ...
It was viewed as the most innovative creation of the twenty first century and
became the fastest growing area of the media industry today. Full screen is right in
the middle of an amazing transformation in how individual creators and talent are
breaking down all the traditional barriers of reaching their audiences. Creators are
speaking directly to their audiences and getting direct feedback from their fans.
This type of communication and fandom is so powerful, in fact, according to a
survey conducted by Variety, YouTube personalities were ranked the top five most
influential individuals to Americans aged 13 and 18, even out ranking mainstream
movie celebrities. Traces can be found for their success in social development into
micro celebrities. By uploading new videos weekly even daily (repetitive social
construction), the active YouTubers effectively established their unique cultural
visibility through their contents. The concept of micro celebrity is also appealing
because it allows us to create an image of ourselves based on what we want others
to see. Many of those who achieved success ono YouTube began with no more
influence than we have now. Whereas, despite rapid success and larger viewership
than many television programs, there Internet faces are not yet familiar outside of a
relatively limited demographic. On the other hand, some YouTubers could be
classified as macro celebrities. Currently, the most subscribed YouTuber, PewDiePie,
has over 35 million subscribers, a number that should realistically define him as part
of the mainstream celebeity. However, most vloggers, especially those with smaller
audiences, simply lack the degree of cross demographic recognition that characterises
many TV, movie and pop stars. For example, my flatmate has never watched Keeping
Up with
Through My Creative Writing And Reading Experience, I
Through my creative writing and reading experience, I have been exposed to a
variety of literary genres. My preferred genres have consistently been free verse
poetry, fiction, and non fiction. For the purpose of this class, I have chosen the
genre of creative non fiction. My focus will be literary essays that address
humanity s universal desire for a sense of identity and belonging; these essays will
be written from a personal perspective, containing anecdotes, internal conflicts, and
external opinions. Free verse poetry is one of the reasons I became a writer. In
high school, it was my outlet to express myself. When I took English 240 (Regent
University), I wrote a poem titled Open City, and I was convinced I would become a
great poet.... Show more content on ...
Initially, I strongly disliked writing in this genre, mostly because of fear. Before
taking English 305, I hated writing about myself because it was too personal and
awkward. My professor for English 305 encouraged me to keep an open mind, and I
halfheartedly heeded his advice until I read How It Feels to Be Colored Me. After
reading Hurston s essay about racism and discrimination, I felt compelled to
respond. I wrote and struggled for weeks until produced an essay called A Ripped
Out Prologue. My work addressed how it felt to be an adopted from China. While I
had written several non fiction pieces before, this particular essay made me
understand why people write non fiction. Creative non fiction exposes truth in a
beautiful way. Non fiction tells stories of survival and endurance; it tells others that
they are not alone in their suffering. English 326 also heavily influenced my
decision to pursue creative non fiction. One of the required essays was a literary
journalism piece. My essay, Gender at the Pool, was about a lifeguard s experience
with gender inequality. Even though I do not plan to have a future in literary
journalism, this essay taught me that non fiction is much more than just about me.
Literary non fiction is about people real life people and their experiences. After
taking English 326, I knew creative non fiction was my desired future
Disadvantages Of Designer Babies
Technology is quickly advancing, and many opportunities only dreamt about
previously have developed. One of these opportunities arising is designing your baby.
Currently, scientist can eliminate genetic diseases or screen for gender, and in the
future, will be able to choose various traits. Pursuing this research of designer babies
is creating a conflict though. Through multiple techniques, scientists can alter the
embryo to the parent s desire but while this has numerous benefits, there are also
many concerns.
PGD (pre implantation genetic diagnosis) is one way to create a designer baby. This
allows doctors to determine the sex of an embryo, whether the embryo has a genetic
disease, and if the embryo has certain genes which cause traits like intelligence and
musical ability (Bostrom 19). The doctor screens multiple embryos to see what traits
the it carries, and the parents can choose which embryo they desire (Ethical
questions over designer babies). Another way to create a designer baby is to use a
donor gamete. This allows parents to match a donor gamete with desired traits to one
of their own and then implant that embryo through in vitro fertilisation (Bostrom 19).
Currently, it is not possible for doctors to screen for intelligence and musical ability,
but it is possible to screen for gender, eye color, and genetic diseases. There is also a
technique called CRISPR which, in the future, could allow scientist to edit the
embryo s genes to ensure the baby has certain
Analysis Of The Book The I
I Vitya liked rose wine with her frozen meat lasagne and had so many other
laughable quirks that I didn t have the heart to tell her that her name actually meant
Victor in Russian. We met when we were eighteen and twenty nine, respectively. I
was so much older than Vitya that I never thought she would take interest, despite
that my infatuation was angry and urgent from the beginning. I first saw her in the
back of her boyfriend s car, stowing away her underage alcohol in her ratty canvas
bag, her lips already the color of her stupid wine. On the seat beside her was a soggy
Styrofoam container with Chinese fried rice swimming in a red sweet sauce (another
favorite), the receipt from the illegal purchase crumpled and stuck to the left... Show
more content on ...
She was wearing a candy striper s uniform, the dress cut straight and box like, lace
socks sagging around her awkward boney ankles and her hair tied back with a tired
looking ribbon. The electronic buzzer that warned her of entering customers rung
it s hollow tone as I opened the door and Vitya s face jumped with an adorable
surprise. Hello there, what can I get for ya? She said as she chewed the inside of
her lip. She did not seem to recognize me, but I knew instantly where I had seen her
before, her strawberry blonde hair already familiar and the knobbiness of her
knees a welcoming sight. There was a bulge in her cheek that looked like she
might be hiding a wad of gum. She would tell me later that her boss, Mr. Frye,
forbade the habit and labelled it as unprofessional, often making her spit out the
pieces she smacked into his outstretched hand. It took me a moment to respond,
both taken with the notion that I was staring down at the striking, scowling girl
from the liquor store parking lot and entirely unsure of what I wanted to begin
with. My eyes slid over her as I cupped a menu in my hand and struggled with the
options, aware that her eyes bored into my forehead as I let my gaze fall
downward. I felt so pressured by her presence that I didn t bother to read any of the
item descriptions and I answered her lamely, fidgeted in my summer suit, and slowly
lost my mind right there in front of her.
Oprah Winfrey Phenomenon
Books on Oprah Winfrey
1.The Oprah Phenomenon by Jennifer Harris, Elwood Watson (University Press of
Kentucky, 2007) Review: If you want to read a book on Oprah Winfrey, this would
certainly be one you should start off with. This book investigates the works and
influence of Oprah Winfrey and tries to discover what maker her who she is today.
They ve found out that the ability to connect with her audience is the master key that
she has used over the years to build her brand. Oprah Winfrey s greatest ability is to
communicate the most pressing issues to millions and millions of people and make
an impact on each one of them without individually addressing them. This book has
analysed what made Oprah Winfrey so popular a rag to riches story,... Show more
content on ...
This book is filled with quotes, anecdotes, events, examples, characters that
normally don t show their ugly faces and so on and so forth. But read this book
with a tinge of salt because all the sources from which the information is collected
can t always be verified. This book is well researched and the author took a lot of
time to go through the sources to write this book. However, you may see some
negative biases of the author about Oprah which may or may not be true. If you go
through all the new biographies of authors or success lessons, you may find bits and
pieces of information about Oprah. But this book is undoubtedly the most
admirable, thorough (more than 600 pages), and in depth study of Oprah Winfrey s
life and work. Does greatness need to be examined? If you think so, read this book.
Best takeaways: The only thing that you would get from this book is a holistic view
of Oprah Winfrey. An individual, no matter how epic one is, can t be perfect. You
would know that in this biography of Oprah Winfrey.
5.The Oprah Winfrey Show: Reflections on an American Legacy by Deborah Davis
(Harry N. Abrams, November 15,
Larry The Cable Guy Analysis
Language is a powerful tool that the average person uses on a day to day basis.
There are many dialects and accents within each language in the world. Sometimes
people manipulate the way they speak in order to achieve a goal. This paper will
serve to illustrate a particular dialect that is being manipulated in order to achieve
a goal. I chose to analyze the speech of Larry the Cable Guy and will attempt to
explain the language bias he employs. Larry the Cable Guy is a famous stand up
comedian, actor, voice artist and country music artist. He is best known as a
member of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour where he performs stand up. His real
name is Daniel Lawrence Whitney, although he usually is referred to by his stage
name. He was born in Pawnee City, Nebraska. His father was raised in a farming
and cattle ranching family from Northeast Kansas. As a result, Whitney s father
became a pig farmer which is what Whitney was raised around. Then, Whitney
moved to Florida in high school where he gravitated towards people similar to his
family. This is when he first began to pick up on the Southern American English
dialect. He then attended Baptist University of America in Georgia where he
majored in drama and speech. He claims to have really picked up on the southern
dialect during his first year of college. He credits his roommate for influencing the
way he began to speak as he was from Dalton, Georgia and had a thick southern
accent. Whitney calls himself a linguist chameleon as a result of always speaking
like those that are around him (Graham Bensinger 2017). His ability to speak another
dialect well is obvious during his stand up especially. He clearly articulates a Southern
American Englishdialect during his stand up and other various roles. The Southern
English dialect is one of the most stigmatized dialects, behind African American
Vernacular English. There are many misconceptions about having a southern accent.
Those who speak Southern American English often face discrimination as many
people few it as an ignorant way to speak. It is theorized that the Southern American
English dialect originated in a large part from a mix of immigrants from the British
Isles who moved to the American
Nursing Home Care Case Studies
Mr. Johnny Boggs (69 year old Caucasian divorced male) reported living in Louisa
at the current residence (381 Greenbriar Rd, Louisa, KY, 41230) for the last 50
years. The number on the mailbox outside the house has a different number. Mr.
Boggs s daughter, Wanda Boggs Ferguson (20 year old Caucasian female) is
married to Charles Ferguson (21 year old Caucasian male) and they both live in the
same house along with their two sons Charles Ferguson Jr (3 years 10 months old)
and Liam Ferguson (13 months old). Randel is the youngest child, 17 year old
Caucasian male, who was placed out of home for drug use, aggression (hitting,
pushing, and cursing) towards his father, non compliance, defiance, running away
from the home with whereabouts unknown,... Show more content on
The children have access to seasonal appropriate clothing. Mr. and Ms. Ferguson
along with their children presented clean and free of body odor during sessions;
however, Mr. Boggs has incontinence problem. Ms. Ferguson reported that Mr.
Boggs is numb below his back and does not feel anything and the family is in the
process of getting Home Health nursing service. Mr. Ferguson reported that he has
provided VA administration the correct number so that they can reach Mr. Boggs;
however, the reason of delay in getting the services was not made clear. The family
owns a car and a truck and reportedly has a reliable transportation. Randel has
intermediate driving license and also own a car. He reportedly received a ticket by
the police for driving without any emergency situation and it appears that he drives
against the state law provisions of his license. The family (especially Mr. Boggs)
involvement with Randle s school and academic activities appears insufficient.
Although Randle appears to be motivated for the reunification and family being
receptive of Randel s needs there is a disconnect between some of the family
Why the Poor Stay Poor
In recent times we have seen the income distribution in many developed nations
expand, meaning that the gap between rich and poor has grown. Coupled with this
is the resultant degradation of economic and social mobility. This serves to show
that they there is a tendency for those that are poor, to remain poor. There are a
number of causal factors that seemingly predicate this fate of a povertycycle. The
issues that contribute to this range from the education and wellbeing of the
individual, societal influences and values, their spending habits, their living
conditions as well as their ability to access funding as a means of fuelling
entrepreneurial endeavours.
Those that are born into poor families will not have access to the resources ... Show
more content on ...
Not only does this make it incredibly difficult to break out of poverty but it also goes
a long way to shaping the attitudes and values of the poor. The poor will consider the
acquisition of credit as something that is impossible and will therefore have no
determination to obtain it. These attitudes become engrained in a community and
unfortunately goes a long way to shaping the economic outlook of a communities
respected constituents.
It can be seen that there are a multitude of reasons that the poor tend to remain poor.
Reasons ranging from the spending patterns of the poor to the health and nutrition of
the poor all attribute to the creation of a poverty cycle that seemingly condemns the
poor to being poor. Obviously this isn t a rule of thumb but rather an accurate
observation, it is not to say that the poor can t become affluent but rather the
conditions and environment that surrounds those who are poor severely impedes
their ability to earn an income and move over the poverty
Financial Risks for Banks
Table of content
Question 1 3
How can the regulator i.e. the Central Bank mitigate these risks?
Question 2 5
Discuss the various kinds of risks involved in outsourcing of financial services which
in your opinion, Standard Chartered Bank needs to take note of?
Question 3 6
What are the principles and procedures Standard Chartered Bank should put in place
before outsourcing their activities?
Question 4 8
What are the key issues which emerged in the Standard Chartered Bank case?
References 9
Question 1
How can the regulator i.e. the Central Bank mitigate these risks?
There are number of the risk types which can influence to this situation. In its
operations bank meet many types of risks as following:
Credit risks
Market risks
Liquidity risks
Operational risks
Reputational risks
Political risks
General legal risks
Main of them is the operational risk. This type of the risk includes internal and
external factors. Also, they are subdivided into the
The Collapse Of The Minoan
One may ask, who are the Minoans? Well they are considered by many Historians
and Archeologists to be the first great European Civilization. Some people
believed that this was the mythical land of Atlantis. They were located near the
Aegean Sea and lands such as Greece, Troy and Asia Minor. One interesting fact is
that these people never called themselves the Minoans. There wasn t any name
listed in the history books for these people but the Ancient Crete Civilization. They
were known as the Crete Civilization because they lived on the island of Crete
which is now part of Greece. It wasn t until a 19th century British Archeologist, Sir
Author Evans gave them the name, The Minoans. He gave them this name
because he believed he had found the legendary palace of King Minos. There has
been many civilization collapses over the World s history, but most can be
explained in great detail. There are some that are very mysterious and not
definitively explained. The collapse of the Minoan people happens to be one of
those mysterious collapses which ranks 3rd in the top ten most mysterious collapses
of the world and is still to this day debated on what actually caused their demise.
There are many factors that go into the collapse of a civilization, but this kind of
catastrophe doesn t just happen in a blink of an eye this is something that happens
over a long period of time. This paper will touch on the climate and environment, the
time period and culture, how they became
Ifrs Adoption in the Us
Adoption of IFRS in U.S. Companies The Sooner, the Better
Introduction Source:
IFRS Implementation Around the World (2008)
Over 120 countries around the world already permit or even require public
companies to use the new International Financial Accounting Standards IFRS.
Among them are the EU, China, Russia, and Brazil. Canada and Korea are expected
to adopt IFRS by 2012; Mexico will require all listed companies to adopt IFRS in
2012 (
The U.S., despite a strong initial reluctance to adopt the new standards, are currently
working toward a convergence of U.S. GAAP and IFRS. The SEC recently approved
2015 as the earliest ... Show more content on ...
U.S. companies would have to adopt IFRS way of valuing assets and liabilities just to
remain competitive without understating for example their total assets (http:/
/ vs us gaap european banks leverage overstated picture/).
A set of internationally recognized accounting standards facilitates capital flows
across borders. Globally accepted standards make financial information readily
comparable for its users. Foreign investors are more inclined to put money into a
U.S. company if they are familiar with the company s financial reporting.
Conversely, U.S. investors will find it easier and less risky to invest in foreign
companies when they know the local accounting standards (Epstein 2009). This will
make U.S. companies and capital markets more competitive, since it saves costly
reconcilition of different standards. Preparers, investors, auditors, and others will
benefit from these cost effieciencies, since a Results of an IFAC Survey among
accounting leaders around the world with respect to the importance of convergence
to International Financial Reporting Standards for economic growth in their
countries: global standard allows them to operate in a single accounting environment
worldwide (PricewaterhouseCoopers 2007). The globally positive attitude towards
an convergence to IFRS is exemplified by an IFAC survey among
Demographic Transition
The demographic transition is compiled of four stages that attempt to summarize the
population shifts and economic development of countries. It is based on the levels of
human fertility and mortality, birth rates, and death rates to be precise. These levels
of birth and death have correlated with the evolution of industrialization and
urbanization of areas. It illustrates the idea that over time there has been a shift from
high birth rates and death rates to low rates of birth and death. It originated to
describe the Western Experience in Europe, that first moved throughout the four
To begin, in stage one the birth rates and death rates are both high. Birth rates can
average 37 per 1000 births during the first stage and death rates ... Show more content
on ...
This decline in birth rates seems to be the result of adults starting to control their
family size or even government action. With the implementation of urban societies
and an industrialized culture, the want and need for many children had become
less evident as children are seen as a hassle than a benefit. Urbanization and
industrialization are more common with more developed countries so these
countries have the ability to provide opportunities that are more attracting than
raising children. These countries have the money to invest in controlling birth
rates, unlike poorer countries that can t afford to help their people as much. It
seems to be a pattern, that developed countries has already gone through each stage
because of their power to shape and implement technology into their people daily
lives, but it has lowered birth rates severely as well. The Demographic Transition
model will end with the fourth and final stage, which is characterized by low birth
rates and low death rates. This accounts for a very small increase in population and
will add up to possibly over a thousand years of doubling time to replace the current
Design a Repeater for Digital Rf Signal
Abstract Repeaters for digital TV broadcasting can use either analogue or digital
techniques. The purpose of using repeater is to boost signals into areas of weak
coverage in any radio communication system. However wave interference means
the repeater usually requires a frequency shift for analogue modulated signal. For
digitally modulated signal it may be possible to use same frequency. This paper
investigated and designed a RF repeater which will improve the inter symbol
interference by incorporating delay between received and transmit signal. This
project also reviewed the basics of current Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial
(DVB T) techniques and selected it as a suitable choice for lab experiment. The
practical side of this... Show more content on ...
However, this is not the only way in which television signals are transmitted.
Another popular method of transmitting signals digital video broadcasting terrestrial
(DVB T). When broadcasters employ this method, the digital signals do not leave
the earth. The signals transmitted using DVB T do not travel via cable, though;
rather, they go from antenna to aerial antenna, from signal blaster to home receiver.
Digital signals are routinely transmitted using terrestrial methods. The transmission
method has different names in different parts of the world. DVB T is the name
used in Europe and Australia. North American customers receive these signals
using a set of standards approved by the Advanced Television Systems Committee
(ATSC). In Japan, it is known as Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting Terrestrial
(IDSB T). DVB T broadcasters transmit data using a compressed digital audio video
stream, with the entire process based on the MPEG 2 standard. These transmissions
can include all kinds of digital broadcasting, including HDTV and other high
intensity methods. This is a vast improvement over the old analog signals, which
required separate streams of transmission. Oddly enough, some DVB T transmissions
take place over analog networks, with the antennas and receivers getting some
helpful technological upgrades along the way. (Pool, 2002) 1.2 Aim of this project
The aim of this project is to
Brown Bear, What I Learned To Speak
My twin brother and I both learned to speak much later than the rest of our peers. I
very clearly remember him saying his first words; My mother was reading Brown
Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? to us on the floor of the room we shared and
he cut in with red bird! . My mother cooed at him excitedly and then turned to me
Emma, can you say red bird? Red bird? I was silent. I didn t see the need to speak.
My brother and I had our own unique language that just the two of us understood and
that was what felt natural to me. We were toddlers; we didn t understand verb
conjugations or tenses, but somehow we just understood each other completely. I don
t remember a word, but I think maybe we stumbled upon something amazing, because
despite... Show more content on ...
We will find meaning, but we will not finding Dickinson s meaning. It is
impossible to perceive anything objectively (this is one of many points on which
Ayn Rand and I do not agree), almost as soon as a person has sensed anything they
have judged, changed, and twisted it. For this reason, true communication is
impossible. No matter how clearly an individual attempts to portray an idea, some
of the meaning will be lost. It s like having a conversation in a noisy room; you
pick up the gist of what the other person is saying, but you ll miss some of the
words some of the nuances. It s enough to get by ... until it isn t, and you end up
saying entirely the wrong thing. For a long time, this compelled me to draw back
from other people, feeling that communication was pointless. We re born alone,
we live alone, we die alone, said Orson Welles. Except I wasn t. I was born with a
companion and before we even found words, we found each other, and I don t
think communication is meaningless anymore. I ll never understand Dickinson. I ll
never know exactly what she meant, but I feel very connected to her none the less.
There are times when I m reading her work, and I see reflections of my own
thoughts, and I feel like we are both reaching across this divide touching, if only for a
Louis Armstrong Song Analysis
Summary: Louis Armstrong singing is remarkable. I can understand why he
inspired so many people in the music industry. What I love about this album is his
singing and his form in trumpet playing. Listening to Armstrong voice, as well as
his lyrics, flushes away my sorrow when I listen to What a Wonderful World and
Sittin in the Sun. These types of songs help me appreciate what I have. Armstrong
duet with Bing Cosby is adorable. Gone Fishin song has humor, in addition, both
man scats singing makes me smile. Armstrong and Cosby voices work well in
numerous levels together. When you Smile (The World Smile with you) is one of my
favorites. I can never get enough of this song. The way Armstrong plays his trumpet
is truly tremendous the timing of his trumpet playing with his notes is on point.
2. Date of Listening: 06/21/17Time: 6:45 8:03am
Recording: The Best of Ella Fitzgerald 20th Century Masters: Millennium Collection
Artist: Ella FitzgeraldPeriod: 1960s
Selections: A Tisket, A Tisket Dream A Little Dream for Me; But Not for Me;
Undecided; I m Just a Lucky So And So; Lullaby of Birdland; You ll Have to Swing
It (Mr. Paganini), Parts One Two; Hard Hearted Hannah; Let s Do It(Lets fall in
Love); Just A Sittin and A Rockin ; A Fine Romance; BluesIn The Night.
Summary: First lady of Song, Ella Fitzgerald, became top female jazz singer in the
50s and 60s. I actually had chosen this album because of one particular song that
came across in a game. Undecided is a
Compare And Contrast Samurai And European Warrior
The Japanese warrior, the samurai, and the European warrior, the knight, are similar
to each other, but also have many differences. They show differences and similarities
in their training, armor, and codes. While both warriors trained with artificial
swords, the squire promotes at the age of 21 to become a knight, but the Japanese
become a samuraithrough a ceremony called genpuku. According to document A, The
rigorous training of samurai began in childhood. and document B, A prospective
knight s training began at age four or five, the warriors both began training during
childhood. Both the Samurai and knight armor included helmets, were very heavy,
and were plate armor. Although their armor is very alike in structure they are made of
Stereotypes Of Australian Bush Women During The 20th
The ideologies of the Australian bush man and bush women during the 19th to 20th
century, although, different, demonstrates many similarities when it comes to gender
roles and stereotypes. This is demonstrated through the written works of both Henry
Lawson and Ray Lawler, who demonstrate the realities of living in the 1890 s and
1950 s in Australia. The similarities and differences will be demonstrated by
examining and comparing both maleand femalestereotypes of the typical bush man,
while looking at women s loyalty to their men, male masculinity and female
femininity, and the roles that men and women play in Lawson and Lawler s written
works during this time.
The 1890 s saw Henry Lawson s written works touch on the issues of male and female
... Show more content on ...
Lawler s representation of women during the 1950 s is controversial to the female
stereotypes of the time. Lawler demonstrates the new divide between women
wanting to work, being independent and holding their own, compared to women
who wanted to get married, settle down and be the typical housewife. Lawler s
portrayal of the 1950 s saw women continue to work male dominated roles after the
war, during a time when the women s liberation movement was being formed and
women had more choices in life (Red Apple Education). Olive a bartender, happy
to work a male dominated role, had the married women look down their noses at her
for her life choices, compared to Pearl who although a bartender, wants to settle
down and be a respectful wife and mother, like the other women (Lawler 9
Genetically Modified Organisms In Frankenstein
In his article, GMO Foods and Crops: Africa s choice , Robert Paarlberg suggests,
...there has not been any documented evidence that approved GMOs have posed new
risks either to human health or the environment. With that being said, genetically
modified organisms are not at risk to anyone or anything. There are countless studies
that prove GMOs are in fact beneficial to the environment and human health. GMOs
can be directly correlated to Frankenstein; a Gothic Fiction novel, written by Mary
Shelley, by resulting that the monster was an organism that was created. There could
have been possible breakthroughs in science, if the monster stayed alive longer, or
used responsibly. Furthermore, the creature in Frankenstein is genetically modified...
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Robert Paarlberg once stated, There is a scientific consensus, even in Europe, that the
GMO foods and crops currently on the market have brought no documented new risks
either to human health or the environment. A widely known debate about GM crops
is the risks the organisms have to human health and the environment. Chen Zhang
discusses the benefits throughout his article, Genetically modified foods: A critical
review of their promise and problems, and not only the benefits to human health, but
also the benefits to the environment. For instance, Some genetic modification is
specifically targeted to enrich certain nutrients or substances having high therapeutic
and pro health value, including vitamins A, C, E, unsaturated fatty acids, alimentary
cellulose and probiotics (Zhang). Chen Zhang is portraying there are modifications in
genetic material, which benefit health by the targeted nutrients and vitamins when
modified. Scientists are able to modify the chemical composition in food, which
means there will be less of harmful chemicals and more of the beneficial makeup of
foods. Later on in the same article it states, Similarly, using this biotechnology,
researchers can also alter the amino acid composition of proteins as well as the
content of carbohydrates (Zhang). In other words, Chen Zhang asserts that scientists
and researchers have the capability to change the
The Creation Of Careers Through Physics
The Creation of Careers through Physics Physics is often deemed useless and
stressful by young students taking the course in high school and college. However,
many you students don t the advantages and opportunity s that the subject can
provide for them in the future. Most young adults think that Physics will most likely
not help them in the future and end up being waste of time and a credit, but, most of
them don t know that the careers that physics provides can both high paying and fun
. Over the course of this research paper, I hope I can provide sustainable reasoning
on why Physics can help us in the near future. This first careers I will be presenting
will have to do with Kinematics, the word that most physics students are annoyed of
hearing. Most high school students often dream about going into the engineeringfield.
Some don t know that this field itself uses physics, a lot. A specific career that often
uses kinematics is a Mechanical Engineer. The field requires such precision in
building the interior or exterior of the machine the engineer is designing, that the
engineer needs to be as precise as possible with his calculations. Mechanical engineers
are often interacting with the distribution of power. They create machines that can
benefit humans or benefit the environment such as electric generations, engines,
turbines, elevators, and escalators. Entering the field will require at least a Bachelor s
degree in mechanical engineeringand a Professional
Why Ai And Robots Start Engagement Marketing
Why AI and Robots Continue to Rise in Engagement Marketing The rise of robots
and AI in engagement marketing is fueled by several factors. The introduction of
Apple s Siri and Microsoft s Cortana proves that artificial intelligence can provide a
possible point of contact when reaching out to customers. Here are some of the
reasons why AI and robots are here to stay and why we will see more of them in
the future: Robots and AI are reliable and consistent Humans are prone to making
mistakes. This is the reason why in every industry, the human error factor always
has to be considered. With robots, everything will be consistent, and there will be
less chance of mistakes and errors. Robots can deal with all types of people
uniformly without... Show more content on ...
Robots are now able to assist here and be our companion. Robots and AI are not
developed to make people lazy in thought or movement. They are created with good
intentions, which can improve people s lives in many ways. Robots are able to
assist people in learning things, organizing their schedules, creating new ideas,
offering advice in different areas like money saving and healthy living, managing
their homes and offices, and understanding audience specific needs. Robots Role in
Changing Advertising Methods Many factors have influenced advertising strategies.
No doubt one such factor has been and will continue to be robots. Brands associated
with robots are likely to have a great influence on customers purchasing decisions,
similar to endorsements from celebrities. This is one reason brands are playing
significant roles in the evolution of robots. People trust different brands when it
comes to offices, home, communication, entertainment, and utilities. Programmers
and engineers work with strategists and professional designers to achieve the best
product or functionality, and many believe robots can help them accomplish this
goal for brands. Many small businesses are not yet using marketing robots due to
cost, lack of proficiency, and even fear of the unknown. All these reasons will soon
be overcome as the costs of robots decline and the functionality improves. Robot
marketing employees are also
Business Strategy Of ITC Limited
ITC Limited or ITC is an Indian conglomerate headquartered in Kolkata. Its
diversified business includes five segments: Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG),
Hotels, Paperboards Packaging, Agri Business Information Technology.
Established in 1910 as the Imperial Tobacco Company of India Limited, the company
was renamed as the Indian Tobacco Company Limited in 1970 and further to I.T.C.
Limited in 1974.
This company is rated among the World s Best Big Companies by Forbes magazine.
ITC ranks third on all major profit parameters among India s private sector
corporations. ITC employs over 20,000 people at more than 60 locations across India.
ITC is one of India s foremost private sector companies with a market capitalization
of over US $ 13 billion and a turnover of US $ 3.5 billion.
ITC has a ... Show more content on ...
However, growing public concern with regard to the consumption of tobacco has
led the government to ban all sorts of advertisements like the commercials, print
media and pamphlets. This may act as a setback for the company. For the hospitality
business, the society is now turning more towards an individual oriented culture
which means that people spend only for themselves. The rise in the per capita
income and the working population in the country is also a good sign for the
company because the number of people willing to spend more on leisure increases
with per capita income.
Technological factors:
ITC came a long way on the technological front. With state of the art factories and
cheap labor supply from the second largest tobacco producing country in the world,
India, the supply chain management of the ITC follows the latest trend. ITC also has
the great inventory control and logistics support. They have also been adapting other
quality concepts such as quality control, total quality management and 6 sigma
Persuasive Essay On Prayer For God
He is unaware, or He is too old and inept to function alone and needs you to watch
Him as you would someone disabled. If you believe every hair on your head is
counted and God knows when the sparrow falls to the ground, you must also know
God is aware of everyone s plight and condition. He does not need you to tell Him
what to do; such is demeaning to the Creator. Rather than praying for someone s
healing, you should pray the person is filled with strength to overcome adversity.
Never should you pray to receive anything in your life except strength to overcome
adversities. The gifts you should pray to receive is the wisdom to ask for what God
has chosen for you to receive. The blessing you need from God is to know how He
wants you to serve Him. Everything else will follow. Now I will tell you how to
please your Creator. In the past, you had an excuse of ignorance; now you have no
excuse. Your God insists His creation emulate His holiness and purity. Whatever is
holy, pure, and clean you will have; anything less, you will not have. You will live
for your neighbor, the stranger you do not know. Let me inform you, anyone with a
me first attitude will become last. You will achieve spiritual godliness when you are
in overwhelming thankfulness in the face of adversity. In this era, you will be given
many chances to achieve spiritual godliness you will use to please your Creator.
There cannot be true godliness unless you are proficient in hate. Many believe all
they need is to
Elephant Reproduction
Reproduction of Female Elephants
Basic anatomy and physiology, artificial insemination, parturition, and social aspects
of reproduction
The study and research of reproduction in elephants is increasingly critical in
consideration of the quickly dwindling population numbers and estimates. The
current Asian elephant population is estimated to lie between 50,000 70,000 across
the world, with 15,000 of these individuals in captivity. African elephant population
numbers are low as well after serious culling through hunting and poaching. These
numbers make the low reproduction rates a great concern as elephants do not
currently sufficiently reproduce at an adequate rate to sustain population size.12
Reproductive Anatomy and ... Show more content on ...
The first pregnancy that resulted from AI was accounted for in 1998 using fresh
semen and was done by detecting a slight rise in progesterone prior to ovulation,
indicating proper timing for insemination.9, 14 Now ultrasonagraphy can also be
used to detect imminent ovulation as follicular development is easily followed, as
well as detect the timing of ovulation.14
It is common for the semen of 2 3 bulls to be used to ensure at least one quality
sample to produce a pregnancy. In the instance that multiple donors are used,
parentage is confirmed via DNA analysis. Most frequently, nonsurgical insemination
is performed. This method calls for a trained and accommodating elephant as a large
bore cannula is inserted into the lower urogenital tract. A 3m endoscope is inserted
through the cannula and conducted to the hymen in first time mothers and the cervix
or uterine horn of a cow that has calved. A small insemination cannula is used to
deposit semen into the vagina, threaded through the hymen in nulliparous cows. In
parous cows the semen may be deposited further into the uterus.14 Surgical
Chako Pit Bull Research Paper
In October 2014, a family in Sacramento found a dog that had been hit by a car.
The dog, a pit bull named Zoe, was emaciated, abused and had spent her life being
bred for puppies. Though full grown, she weighed only 38 pounds at the time of her
rescue. Her owners denied that they had ever owned her, so the familythat found her
came to her rescue, providing her with food, warmth and shelter.
Unfortunately, the family that saved Zoe was unable to keep her so she was
brought to Front Street Animal Shelter, where she was determined to be
unadoptable due to her medical issues. Chako Pit Bull Rescue stepped in and took
Zoe to live in a loving foster home. She received proper medical care, nourishment,
love and training while she was in foster
Technology Addiction Research Paper
We live in a new world, a world that is constantly changing. We are forever adapting
to all these changes that occur in all the different areas of our life. Technology is by
far the area that is influences people most. and most constantly changing. The
meaning of technology according to Webster Dictionary is: The use of ever changing
science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful things or to solve ever
occurring problems. Technology is always advancing, this means that technology is
being used to complete more tasks; leaving the long and tedious process behind.
Today, we are surrounded by computers, and technology addictionhas become a real
problem. It was predicted in 2000 that technology would become a common addiction.
In those ... Show more content on ...
They are helpful inventions that make tasks and work easier, quicker, less tedious,
and they can also improve the quality of the job. People use electronic devices all
the time for a number of things; things that would otherwise be more difficult and
time consuming. Some of these people use devices all the time without break, and
others that moderate their time. There is no problem with using tech all the time,
the problem occurs when you can t stop using it. The addiction becomes real when
we can t go a day without using any electronic device. We start using electronic
devices almost 24/7; we don t talk to the person in front of us because we are caught
up on our phone.
Some say that technology addiction is not real, others say that it is real but it is
not a real threat. I believe that technology addiction is real and is a very big threat.
There people that are addicted to tech, they spend hours on their computer a day.
They say, I m not addicted to my computer; I can go days without using it; I can stop
using it whenever I want. That is exactly what drug addicts say, they say they can
stop whenever they want when the truth is that technology is just as addictive as
drugs. They have become hooked on the addictive drug of
Origin Of The Tokyo Raid
Origin of the Tokyo Raid
In the late 1930 s to early 1940 s tension between the United States and Japan was
rising. Japan invaded China and by 1931 was at war with China (Scott, 2015). The
United States opposed the invasion and ceased to give Japan oil, equipment, and
fuel. Dependent on the United States for oil, Japan saw this as an act of aggression.
Japan started to invade western countries territories in the Pacific in order to get
resource needed for war with China. Japan was certain this would draw the United
States into a war. In order to prevent the United States from interfering they decided
to attack the United States Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (Scott, 2015).
Once President Franklin D. Roosevelt heard of the news in Hawaii, he immediately
gathered his staff to discuss the next course of action. The decision was made to
address Congress the following day to declare war on Japan. Further meetings were
held to plan an attack on Japan (Scott, 2015). President Roosevelt wanted an attack
as soon as possible in the heart of Japan. He wanted to crush and demoralize the
Japanese people s will to fight, and to send a message that the United States can
attack them at their home (Doolittle Glines, 1991).
President Roosevelt turned to his military advisors to figure out a way to complete
the attack. President Roosevelt was unsure how to accomplish an attack with the
majority of the Pacific fleet now destroyed. President Roosevelt tasked his War
Tourette Syndrome Research Papers
Tourette syndrome is a disorder that affects people worldwide, no matter what age,
ethnic group, or race. It is a disorder characterized by uncontrollable, repetitive
motor or vocal actions called tics. Though not much is known about how TS is
passed on, how it can be prevented, or the causes, there is still research being
conducted on how TS can be treated and about TS itself.
Not much is known about how TS is passed on over generations or the causes. Yet
that does not stop scientists from forming guesses. Scientists once believed that it
was an autosomal dominant disorder. Though this has been dismissed as false, there
are other ideas of where this disorder comes from. One hypothesis says that TS
comes from a mutation on the SLITRK1 gene because this has been found in few
people with TS. But this is not proven to be the sole cause of TS. That of which is
not known.
Tourette syndrome is known for the tics that come with it. If a person has tics, that
does ... Show more content on ...
Medicine such as Neuroleptics, Risperidone, and Fluphenazine have all shown
progress in lessening the occurrence of tics. Therapy has also shown promising
results in those diagnosed with TS. Therapies such as Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
and Comprehensive behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) have both shown great
progress in decreasing the occurrence and complexity of the tics.
The outlook for Tourette s syndrome is hopeful. High quality research is being
conducted by medical professionals and support groups such as Tourette s Association
of America. This is a group that teaches people about Tourette s and provides support
for those diagnosed and their family members. It provides information on Tourette s
syndrome and shows the complications that those with the disorder and their family
members have to go through. Tourette s syndrome is a complex disorder that affects
those with the disorder and those around
Minority Trope Representation in AMC’s The Walking
Dead Essay
The Walking Dead is a television show produced by AMC based off the black and
white comic books by Robert Kirkman. The show and comic book center around
main character Rick Grimes as he learns to cope with life after waking up from a
deadly wound into an outbreak of virus wielding undead creatures known as walkers.
Over the course of season two and season three, the show starts to center around how
Rick is able to command the group of survivors and the challenges they face trying to
settle down in a safe area. They are confronted with another community nearby late in
season three along with the increasing number of walkers in the area. While facing
these challenges, the number of surviving members continues to dwindle; however,
the... Show more content on ...
Usually, they are forgotten or killed off and labeled with the mental occupational
hazard trope. This trope proves that once a minority has served their purpose, they are
no longer needed to help the group survive any longer and the main character forgets
about the minority ( These are the main ideas perpetuated in AMC s
thriller television show The Walking Dead. From the very beginning, the show
portrayed minorities as nothing more than the magical negro helping to further Rick
s survival in the zombie infested world. As more characters are introduced, the
majorities are of the white race with a few exceptions; Morgan, his son, and T Dog
are African American. They represent a racial inequality constitutive [...] order while
Michonne represents a progressive move toward equality within the group (Hugey, p
Literature Review Matthew Hughey wrote Cinethetic Racism: White Redemption and
Black Stereotypes in Magical Negro Films in 2009 to dicuss the trend of progressive
African American representation called the magical negro. Hughey examined 26
films to understand race relations and how mainstream audiences interpret the films.
He found that the magical negro are placed in subservient positions and can reaffirm
the status quo by changing contemporary racism rather than showing evidence of
racial progress. This literature piece is used to help describe the relationship between
the majority and minority groups within the film, and
Airtel s Position for the Next Generation
An Analysis of Gupti s Proposal for Bharti For Bharti Airtel to maintain its lead in
wireless telecommunications in India, aggressive steps are proposed involving the
outsourcing outlined by Gupta. The proposal has both advantages and
disadvantages, but in the final analysis it appears to be a step worth taking because
of the limited risk infrastructural overhaul that it affords Airtel. This paper will
assess the good points and bad points of the proposal and show why, despite the
bad, it is still a step that will help secure Airtel s position for the next generation.
The problem facing Bharti Airtel was the fact that it had to spend far too much
time and money negotiating terms with vendors for equipment that was already
outdated and useless the minute it was fired up. The $20 million mail server is one
example of expenditure waste (Martinex Jerez, Narayana 2007:1). Bharti Airtel also
needed to revamp its IT sector or else risk losing ground to competitors who could
boast a more stabilized infrastructure. To tackle both fronts continually was
problematic. Gupta desired a solution that could minimize negotiation times and
investment risk. The answer was a plan to outsource much of the family business
that was Bharti Airtel to IBM, which looked to control Airtel s telecom base for the
next ten years. The good side of this plan was that it limited equipment investment
risk by transferring it to the vendors (Martinex Jerez, Narayana 2007:10). Bharti
Airtel was in a
Essay about Tft2
Heart Healthy Information Security Policy
Due to personnel, policy and system changes, and audits, Heart Healthy has
voluntarily updated their information security policy to be in line with the current
information security laws and regulations. Currently Heart Healthy Insurance, a large
insurance company, plans to review and provide recommendations for an updated
information security policy in the area s of: 1. Current New Users Policy The current
new user section of the policy states: New users are assigned access based on the
content of an access request. The submitter must sign the request and indicate which
systems the new user will need access to and what level of access will be needed. A
manager s approval is ... Show more content on ...
The combination of the password and the complexity directly lead to its
unpredictability. With 8 character complex passwords, with current GPU processing
power a password can be broken in less than 26 days by exhausting all possible
Proposed Password Guidelines * Passwords should be a minimum of 14 characters *
Passwords based on dictionary words are prohibited * Passwords based on pet names,
biographical information, children s names, no names of relatives * Passwords
must consist of a mixture of uppercase, lowercase, and a special character * System
will remember last 12 passwords * If passwords are written down, they must be kept
in a safe place, e.g. a wallet, or a safe. Passwords are not be be written down and tape
to the bottom of the keyboard, stuck to the computer monitor with a sticky note, or
put in an unlocked desk drawer. * All passwords will be changed every 90 days
Proposed Password Policy
Heart Healthy password policy guideline is a recommendation for creating a new
user password. This policy is a guideline to help end users in: * Choosing and
creating a strong password * Ensure that passwords are highly resistant to brute force
attacks and password guessing * Recommendations on how users should handle and
store their passwords safely * Recommendations on lost or stolen passwords
Password expiration * Password expiration
St. Patrick s College London HND Health and Social Care Management HEALTH
This essay is about how health and safety is applied in health and social care in
order to protect everyone in health and social care environment, and it will also
examine the importance of health and safety policy and risk assessment in
workplace. Health and Safety at work etc Act 1974 is concern with maintaining and
improving the physical and mental well being of employees at work and protecting
anyone else who may be adversely affected. Care homes are therefore subject to the
provision of health and safety policy, employers and employees have... Show more
content on ...
The minimum requirement for any workplace is that when people are at work,
there should be at least one trained first aid appointed person who will take charge
in an emergency before the arrival of the paramedic. A first aid box should be
provided and should contain only items that a first aider has been trained to use,
and must be checked regularly and first aid sign should be display (HSE, 2001).
The control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1994 (COSHH)
require employers to prevent or control exposure to hazardous substances at work.
Employers are required to carry out an assessment of health risk faced by their
employees, and to prevent, or control the exposure of their workplace to hazardous
substances. Employees should be trained about the risks and the precautions to be
taken (Shranks, 2010). Fire Precautions Act 1971 (as amended by the fire safety
and safety of places of sport Act 1987) requires strict control of fire in the
workplace by making sure fire warning signs are visible, maintaining fire fighting
equipment, training of staff on what to do if there is fire and fire exit doors are free
from obstructions etc. (HSE, 1993). Health and safety increase awareness of
regulatory requirements and reduce the chance of committing any offence, it improve
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Cubism Essay. Cubism essay pablo picasso

  • 1. Cubism Essay Writing an essay on the topic of Cubism can be a challenging yet intellectually rewarding task. Cubism, as an art movement pioneered by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque in the early 20th century, is a complex and multifaceted subject that requires a deep understanding of art history, aesthetics, and the cultural context of the time. One of the difficulties lies in grasping the fundamental principles of Cubism itself. Explaining how artists deconstructed and reassembled forms, embracing a geometric and fragmented approach, requires a keen eye for detail and an ability to articulate these concepts in a clear and coherent manner. Moreover, delving into the historical background of Cubism and its impact on the art world necessitates extensive research to provide a comprehensive and accurate portrayal. Another challenge is the need to explore the diverse perspectives and interpretations of Cubism. Different art historians and critics may offer varying insights into the movement, and synthesizing these viewpoints while maintaining a coherent narrative can be demanding. Analyzing specific artworks, such as Picasso's "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" or Braque's "Violin and Candlestick," adds another layer of complexity, as it requires an in-depth examination of artistic techniques and symbolism. Furthermore, constructing a well-organized and engaging essay on Cubism involves the art of balancing descriptive analysis with insightful commentary. It requires the writer to convey not only the visual aspects of Cubist works but also the underlying philosophical and cultural influences that shaped this revolutionary movement. This synthesis demands a high level of critical thinking and the ability to articulate complex ideas in a manner accessible to the reader. In conclusion, writing an essay on Cubism is a challenging endeavor that requires a deep understanding of art history, a mastery of descriptive and analytical skills, and the ability to navigate the intricate web of artistic, cultural, and philosophical elements associated with this movement. If you find such tasks daunting or time-consuming, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on platforms like, where professionals can provide tailored and well-researched content to meet your academic needs. Cubism Essay Cubism Essay
  • 2. What Are The Inconsistencies In A Mystery Novel How were the inconsistencies throughout the reading consistent with the theme of the novel? Throughout the novel, many inconsistencies exist to show that in a mystery novel, mystery must be a factor for the reader to experience, as well. In the novel, a murder becomes a mystery case. The plot of the novel is to not only distinguish who committed the crime, but also, his/her rationale behind doing so. In order to avoid the reader having to feel like a speculator, perhaps, Gabriel GarcГa MГЎrquez uses inconsistencies in writing to incite the confusion in the reader. This concept is best explained through the New York Time literary criticism article entitled, MURDER MOST FOUL AND COMIC (Michaels). Essentially, this criticism seeks to understand why exactly fallacies and inconsistences are so prevalent in a novel that demands attention to detail. The first possible explanation for this reoccurring event in MГЎrquez s writing is the idea that if inconsistency, in life and novels, bespeaks the unthinkable, then the inconsistency throughout the course of the novel is symbolic and expressive of the theme deliberately or not. Essentially, in order to establish the same mood and tone the characters face in the novel, MГЎrquez structures her writing in a way that leaves the plot as a mystery to the reader, as well (Michaels). Critic Leonard Michaels goes on in his article to cite specific examples of inconsistencies being parallel to the idea of keeping the mood and tone
  • 3. Kinky Boots Analysis Kinky Boots: Still Stunningly Flashy Kinky Boots is a stunningly flashy Broadway musical that tugs on the heartstrings with its equally stunning clichГ©s. With its plot originally conceived as a British film in 2005, the stage production was not produced until 2012 and was based on the book written by Harvey Fierstein. Furthermore, the show did not find its way to Broadway until 2013. When it debuted, the show opened to critical acclaim with Billy Porter and Stark Sands originating the roles of lead characters Lola and Charlie. Since its Broadway debut, Kinky Boots has been a smashing commercial success. Over the years, Kinky Boots has swapped out the actors in its cast many times. However, the original leading actors of the show, Billy Porter and Stark Sands, have returned once again to play Lola and Charlie in 2017. Kinky Boots, directed by Jerry Mitchell with music and lyrics by Cyndi Lauper, follows the story of Charlie Price when he inherits his family s shoe factory from his father. The factory has fallen on hard times with sales reaching depressing lows and the factory bleeding cash flow. All seems lost until Charlie has a fateful meeting with drag performer Lola, who inspires Charlie to reinvent the factory and produce a new line of high heeled boots in an unlikely partnership. Tensions mount and personalities clash as their production deadline nears, but in the end the partners realize that they have more in common than meets the eye. With the shows prime
  • 4. Don Quijote Truthful History Summary Contrary to those who might delve into the imaginative truths of the text, I am taking a more literal and common sense approach in my belief that the claim Cervantes makes through the narrator of Don Quijote being a truthful history is most definitely a claim in jest. It was in all likelihood included to mirror the humorous realities believed by the titular knight himself. This same assertion could also be used to justify the seriousness of the claim by way of it being Don Quijote s truthful history , which some would affirm is what you expect to glean from a biographical tale in the first place. This can also be compounded on with the protestation of the narrator on page 52: And if there is any possible objection to the truthfulness
  • 5. Socialism And Social Problems In Upton Sinclair s The Jungle Truly understanding the conditions of an immigrant s life during the Gilded Age is a feat of remarkable magnitude for us who live such amazing lives today, but Upton Sinclair s The Jungle achieves this astonishing task by describing the tortuous lives of Jurgis and his family as they toil to simply survive the insurmountable debts and problems society has placed upon them. Sinclair enthralls the reader with this story of small joys that are quickly overshadowed by depression, death, and anger. He effectively builds relationships between this small Lithuanian family which seems to be desperately fending off the whole world and the reader who just wants the best for them. The Jungle also details the conflicting opinions between the wealthy and the poor and the growing movement of socialismin America. While I do not agree with his idea of using socialism as a solution for the problems many immigrants have faced, Upton Sinclair has crafted a thrilling tale that successfully expresses the lives of immigrants during the Gilded Age and the amount of dangers they constantly faced. The Jungle begins with Jurgis Rudkus, our main character who is a recent Lithuanian immigrant, getting married in Chicago. After his marriage, Jurgis and several of his relatives find work in Packingtown, a section of Chicago where meat industry is king. His family rents a shoddy house forcing more of them to find work in Packingtown. After he joins a union, he begins to see the political corruption that
  • 6. The Predicament of Teenage Pregnancy Teen pregnancy is a worldwide controversy that has become a major predicament in the society that we live in today. Each year, almost half of all pregnancies among American women are not intended. The lack of sex education in schools may be the cause of why teen pregnancy is at an uprise. Young women try to find solutions to stop pregnancy, birth control is one form of preventing pregnancy. Other people choose to get an abortion. Sex educationclasses in high school can also help and inform teens about STD s and HIV/AIDS. The history of sex education and its controversy began in the U.S. It began as early as 1912. The National Education Association put teachers in training programs for sex education. Some people saw this as unnecessary and thought that this did not have to be taught in school s. In 1960 to about 1980, sex education programs were described as the Christian Crusade. Sex education programs in public schools proliferated, in large part due to newly emerging evidence that such programs didn t promote sex but in fact helped delay sexual activity and reduce teen pregnancy rates (Pardini,Priscilla). Many teen s in America get the education they need about sex, but they are not aware of the consequences of having a child at an early age. Teen pregnancy can be prevented by using a condom or birth control. When these products fail, teens are not sure on what to do with the baby. Some solutions
  • 7. The Hand, Foot And Mouth Disease DISEASE NAME HAND FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE BIOGRAPHY The hand, foot and mouth disease (HMFD) is a viral infection that primarily affects young children and infants and is characterized by eruptions of vesicles on the skin of the mouth, hands and feet of infected humans. The most prevalent pathogen is the Coxsakievirus A16, which is of the family Picornaviradie and the genus Enterovirus. Infections from Coxsakievirus A4 A7, A9, A10, B1 B3, as well as B5 have been found to occur occasionally. In addition, the virus Enterovirus 71 is also known to cause HMFD. However, it must be noted that it is not a general rule for Coxsakievirus A16 to be the most prevalent cause of HFMD cases. For instance, in a study of the HFMD disease that broke out in China in 2003, researchers Yan XF et al observed that over 80% of all infections were caused by enterovirus 71 while Coxsakievirus A16 only accounted for less than 7%. The two viruses have also been known to co infect a host. Coxsakieviruses are viruses that are without the lipid bilayer that make up the capsid of viruses. The genetic materials of Coxsakieviruses are single stranded RNAs. There are two major types of Coxsakieviruses referred to as group A and group B. About 23 serotypes of group A coxsakieviruses have been discovered and about 6 serotypes for group B. The two groups of viuses are very different in terms of where they attack. Group A coxsakieviruses attack the skin and mucous membrane while Group B coxsakieviruses
  • 8. Battery Conditioning ( Auto Repair Shops Battery Conditioning | Auto Repair Shops Lewisville, TX The batteries for a hybrid are a source of dread for many owners, who realize eventually they will require replacement with new or reconditioned batteries. Now you have an additional option in the Lewisville area. Fifth Gear Automotive offers battery conditioning for your hybrid vehicles. Bring your hybrid vehicle to Fifth Gear Automotive auto repair shops in Lewisville, TX for conditioning of your battery pack by our certified experts. You may not realize it, but many hybrids completely shut down if they run out of gas. It is a protective feature on several brands of hybrid vehicles, with the intention to protect the costly batteries. Not all hybrids have the mechanism, and those ... Show more content on ... Contact Fifth Gear Automotive hybrid battery specialists in our auto repair shops in Lewisville, TX. Improving Your Hybrid s Efficiency You have probably heard how you drive affects your gas mileage, and its just as true with a hybrid as any other vehicle. Accelerating and braking gently are essential for improved efficiency. In the hybrid vehicle, accelerating gradually will ensure electric motor use only, maintaining efficiency and possibly assisting you to surpass the EPA mileage estimate. This habit is especially beneficial in heavy traffic conditions. Factors Affecting the Battery Lifespan A conditioned battery can provide reliable service for years properly conditioned. Fifth Gear Automotive hybrid battery specialists are certified to provide batter conditioning. Trained to the highest standards of the industry, you can rely on the conditioning of your hybrid battery in our auto repair shops in Lewisville, TX. However, you should be aware of the following factors which can affect the lifespan of a conditioned battery: While battery packs can be reconditioned an unlimited amount of time, age is one of the factors that can affect its length of service after conditioning. Extreme temperatures in your location, the elevation and heavy use of the vehicle. Operating the vehicle in a manner that places the battery in an extreme profound discharge state is discouraged for old or new batteries alike. Only use a certified hybrid battery specialist for service
  • 9. The Time Machine Sparknotes 802,701 AD. What would you expect throughout this time period? Flying cars, robots that work for you, and perfect weather is what the typical everyday person would answer that question. Would anybody ever expect anything less? The Time Machine by H.G. Wells tells the story of an ambitious man who seeks answers from the unknown. He takes risks throughout his journey, almost dies to quench his thirst of curiosity, and treating people the wrong way can backfire We take risks for the reward, not thinking about failure. The TimeTraveler takes the biggest risk, to risk his life, for the name of science. He travels into the future to get a look into the advancement of humanity, so the people today can thirst their quench for their curiosity of the future. For him, the reward is bigger than the risk. After he comes back from the future, he will become a well known scientist that will be recognized for his discoveries, inferring he time travels for scientific advancements. After traveling far into the future, he is teleported into... Show more content on ... Forgetfulness and being careless causes him to lose the only pathway between safety and the unknown. His ambition and curiosity leads him to his own demise. As he was so determined to become a pioneer in discovery about the future, he lost sight of his most important goal, making it out alive to tell the story. Ambitions and goals distract him from being circumspect of his surroundings. The Time Traveler contemplates on this new foreign world while the machine is being seized from him without his knowledge. This is like the concrete jungle, A.K.A. New York. There are many eye catching sights to see, but while sight seeing, money is being taken away, most of the time it is happening unknowingly. This compares to the book because the sight seekers (including the Time Traveler) are having something stolen from them
  • 10. Asset Value Of A Mutual Fund Essay A mutual fund is one of the investment programs that is a pool of funds from many investors, and trade in securities such as diversified holdings, stocks, bonds, mortgages, money market instruments, other securities etc... Professional portfolio managers use the money from the investors to buy securities to meet the funds investment objectives. Investors own units that represent a proportionate share of all of mutual funds assets. Net asset value per unit (NAVPU) is used to process the price for the individual unit of the mutual fund. Net asset value will change is due to the fluctuation (rise or fall) in the market value of the asset held by the funds. Mutual funds are under securities regulations. The Mutual Fund Dealers Associations of Canada is national self regulatory organization in the Canadian mutual fund industry. The MFDA regulates and oversights the business conducts of its members, and their representatives to protect the investors and reinforce public confidence in mutual fund industry. The advantages of the Mutual funds are professionally managed by portfolio management, and attempt to generate income such as capital gains on sales, dividends on stocks or interest on bonds for the investors. Most of Investors purchase in mutual funds due to the lack of time or expertise to manage their own portfolios. Investing in a mutual fund is a relatively inexpensive to a small investor to get a full time portfolio manager to control or monitor their investments.
  • 11. Guide to Networking Essentials, 6th ed., ISBN 1111312524... Guide to Networking Essentials, 6th ed., ISBN 1111312524 Chapter 1 Solutions REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Which of the following is one of the three basic functions a computer performs? (Choose all that apply.) a. Processing 2. c. Input e. Output The __________ executes instructions provided by computer programs. a. CPU 3. When a CPU is composed of two or more processors, each one is referred to as a(n) ________. b. Core 4. Which of the following is considered long term storage? (Choose all that apply.) a. Flash drive 5. d. Hard drive Which motherboard component controls data transfers between memory, expansion slots, I/O devices, and the CPU? c. Chipset 6. You want to purchase a new... Show more content on ... This configuration is an example of which of the following? (Choose the best answer.) a. MAN 27. You have installed Windows Server 2008 on a new server and want to centralize user logons and security policies. What type of software should you install and configure on this server? d. Directory services 28. Peer to peer networks aren t suitable in which of the following situations? a. Tight security is required. 29. Which of the following best describes a storage area network? b. Uses high speed networking technologies to give servers fast access to large amounts of disk storage 30. Why might Windows 7 or Windows Vista require more RAM or disk space than Windows Server 2008? d. They support a graphics intensive user interface. CHAPTER 2 SOLUTIONS REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Which of the following is a limitation of early networks that used a daisy chain method of connecting computers? (Choose all that apply.) a. Total number of computers that could be connected 2. c. Cable length Which of the following is true of a repeater? c. Receives bit signals and strengthens them 3. Which of the following is true of a hub? (Choose all that apply.) b. Transmits regenerated signals to all connected ports 4. c. Usually has four or more ports Which of the following is the unit of measurement by which a hub s bandwidth is usually
  • 12. Women s Rights During The Victorian Age Despite being under the rule of a female monarch, women faced many inequalities and suffering during the Victorian age. Examples of these inequalities include not having the right to vote, unequal educational and employment opportunities. Women were even denied the legal right to divorce in most cases. As the Norton Anthology states, these debates over women s rights and their roles came to be known as the woman question by the Victorians. This lead to many conflicting struggles, such as the desire by all for women to be educated, yet they are denied the same opportunities afforded to men. While these women faced these difficulties, there was also the notion that women should be domestic and feminine. There was an ideal that women should be submissive and pure because they are naturally different. The industrial revolution introduced women into the labor workforce, but there was still a conflict between the two identities; one of an employed woman, and one of a domestic housewife. Despite there being a need for women in the labor workforce, it was solely men that were considered strong based on their physical strength. It was believed that a woman s strength lied in her ability to be somewhat of a moral compass for men. Sarah Stickney Ellis discussed this in her work The Women of England. Their Social Duties and Domestic Habits. In the ideal Victorian household, the man would support the family financially, and the woman would handle all of the domestic duties. Any
  • 13. Similarities Between Cuban Revolution And Nicaraguan... The Cuban and Nicaraguan revolutions examined in this study show an association with the most profound processes of transformations. As established in the study, Cuba was more radical in bringing change to the society than Nicaragua was. Conversely, apart from the fact that the revolutions had distinct, idiosyncratic features. Both revolutions independently survived the hostility brought about by the foreign forces throughout their revolution process. Evidently, some of the differences and similarities originate from political dynamics and social changes as established in this paper. The study confirmed that both the revolutions had different ideological blueprints, which acted as a guide in the processes of social engineering. Although the ideological approaches tend to overlap in certain areas, they also present significant differences. Both countries are nationalists, anti imperialists, and support the third world and the high demand for satisfaction on the previously abandoned social aggregates. The demand for comfort on the already abandoned social aggregates directed at improving the general standards of living of the entire population on both social democratic and egalitarian... Show more content on ... While the Nicaraguan revolution continued to struggle against the Somoza administration, Sandinistas had adopted a more orthodox Marxist alignment. For example, the Tercerista played a significant role in helping the FSL alongside other groups and individuals to be accepted to participate in the anti Somoza movement. The followers of liberation theology, such as the radical Christians joined the movement as a result of the appeal. By 1979 when FSLN acquired power, it had managed to take control of an ideology that was supported by major groups. Understanding the course of FSLN ideologies helped these groups to come up with effective ways of addressing problems such as the unequal distribution of wealth and
  • 14. The Transmission Of Measles Virus Measles is a highly transmissible viral infection caused by the rubeola virus. The first published record of the disease dates back to the 9th century. It has become an increased problem in the United States due to the elevated population travelling around the globe. Most outbreak cases of measles have come from Germany, India, England, France, Vietnam and the Philippines (MeaslesCases and Outbreaks, 2017). The most recent measles outbreak was discovered on January 5th, 2015. After researching the outbreak, it was concluded that it originated between December 17th and 20th of 2014. It was linked to two Disney theme parks in California and believed to have been originally transmitted from the Philippines (Measles Outbreak, 2015). A total of... Show more content on ... With close work and school proximity, children and adults would easily become infected if they were non immune. Adults who must stay home to care for sick children, would miss work and decrease their business s productivity. The government would increase funds for the hospitals and health departments to treat the increased patient acuity and provide proper immunizations. Hospitals would need to increase staff to provide adequate care. Many areas of the community would be affected by a measles outbreak. At the first sign of measles, health care providers are required to immediately report their findings to the county health department. Even without lab work for proof of the virus in the community, health care practitioners should still declare suspicions of the virus. This will help to decrease the spread of the disease throughout the community. If the outbreak occurred in a public place, a press conference by the Department of Health Bureau of Epidemiology would be needed to inform the public (Measles,
  • 15. Benefits And Drawbacks Of Outsourcing The development of the worldwide economy has resulted in the United States companies to outsource its operations to less costing labor. This consequently led to these companies seeking employees from developing countries. The outsourcing is an initiative taken by these companies to seek both the skilled and unskilled personnel to offer their services to all industries. The information technology industry has been one of the industries in the U.S affected by outsourcing. For this effect, the New York State legislative bill A. 8284/S. 2317 was endorsed by act on August 1st 2007 ( The Offshore , 2010). The law allows the Commissioner of Labor to alter or affect a report on matters associated with the offshore outsourcingof IT jobs and the future of New York State s job market ( The Offshore , 2010). This paper bases its arguments on the benefits and some dangers associated with offshoring mostly in the IT sector in the U.S companies (Goloboy et. Al 209). It also explores the factors leading to offshoring of IT jobs to developing countries. A rough estimate of the jobs to be affected by offshore outsourcing and finally the state and civic legislation concerning this exercise (Goloboy et. Al 209). BACKGROUND INFORMATION Many countries have considered it sensible to use off shore locations to offer high quality products at a reduced cost; this is because the current business environment aims at reducing the costs of operations. A survey conducted in the year 2005 estimated that
  • 16. Double Cup Research Paper The Price of the Double Cup (rough draft) Uno dos cups stuffed...Gamble with your life if I don t get 2 cups stuffed. Rapper Young Thug chants on his song 2 Cups Stuffed , an ode to his love of lean. Lean , Dirty Sprite , Purple Drank or Sizzurp , is a mixture of prescription cough syrup, soda and candy ingested to produce a high. From Lil Wayne to Justin Bieber the use of lean has been glamourized by celebrities primarily in the hip hop world. Usually placed in two stacked Styrofoam cups, lean has been making appearances across the globe. While following the trends of celebrities have become the latest obsession we have to wonder, what are the effects of this purple concoction? The primary ingredient in lean is prescription cough syrup
  • 17. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Polyhydroxybutyrate STUDY OF POLYHYDROXYBUTYRATE PRODUCING MARINE BACTERIA Sonal Shinde; Vatsala Singh; Guide: Mrs. Reshma Pol; | M. Tech Integrated [Date] ABSTRACT: Bioplastic is a form of plastic synthesized from renewable resources such as plant starch and microbial species. Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) is a carbon reserve and biodegradable polyesters which are synthesized by many bacteria. Marine organisms have strategies to produce novel compounds like PHB due to the unique environment they survive. They are accumulated intracellularly as carbon and energy reserves under certain conditions like, in the presence of excess carbon source. Polyhydroxybutyrate have been drawing much attention as biodegradable substitutes for conventional non biodegradable plastics ... Show more content on ... For this method, the plates containing nutrient agar was divided into 4 parts. In each part, a bacterial isolate was spotted in duplicates. The plate was incubated at 30в—¦C for 24 hours. Ethanolic solution of (0.02%) Sudan Black was spread over the colonies and the plate was kept undisturbed for 30 minutes. They were washed with ethanol (96%) to remove the excess stain from the colonies. The dark blue stained colonies were taken as positives. All the positive isolates were assigned a code and were sub cultured and maintained in their respective slants at 4в—¦C
  • 18. Information Security Program Summary The Licensee maintains an Information Security Program to insure the security and confidentiality of borrower information as well as protect against anticipated threats or unauthorized access to borrower information. The Program is implemented and maintained by Program Coordinators that are designated by the Licensee. The Program Coordinators are currently Lori Pelinski of the legal department and John Giambrone of the IT department. All employees and independent contractors must comply with the Information Security Program. References, consumer reports, and criminal background checks of each potential employee are conducted prior to the employment. All new employees and independent contractors that have access to borrower information participate ... Show more content on ... Paper records are stored in a room, cabinet, or other container that is locked when unattended. All storage areas are protected against destruction or potential damage from physical hazards, such as fire or floods. Electronic borrower information is stored on secure, password controlled servers. Paper records are converted to electronic images and stored securely and the paper records destroyed. Storing borrower information consisting of financial or other similar information on any computer system with a direct Internet connection is prohibited. All borrower information is backed up on a daily basis. Borrowers are given a secure option for electronically communicating inbound credit card information, credit applications, or other sensitive financial data to maintain security. Consumers are advised against sending sensitive data via unsecured electronic mail. Transmissions to the Licensee by electronic mail or other sources are to be password controlled or otherwise protected from theft or unauthorized access. The Program Coordinators review all vendor applications to ensure an appropriate level of security both within the Licensee and with the Licensee s business partners and
  • 19. Invasion Of The Swiss Roll Analysis Invasion Of The Swiss Rolls by: Patrick Immelman edited Domanick Once there was a fat kid named Chubs that lived in new york he was trying to lose weight by putting carrots in swiss rolls but that did not work that good, and he thought what ever . Then as he was walking home from school there was a swiss roll arguing at him, and he said Why you making me more healthy?! . After all swiss rolls are not that healthy and there not supposed to be, but the boy doesn t care. After that he ate him cause he got so angry, And went home and ran for one minute and said This is athletic! to get unstressed. After his workout he put carrots in a swiss rolls again then the swiss roll yelled Why man just why I am calling my friends! not cool bro.
  • 20. Marowe And Christopher Marlowe s The Passionate Shepherd... Classic ideas such as love or the country transcend throughout the tests of time, writing styles, and different cultures. Thanks to this, poems that are up to five centuries old are still relevant on present time. Some poems that could greatly help support this argument wold be the following : The Passionate Shepherd to his Love by Christopher Marlowe, The Nymph s Reply to the Shepherd by Sir Walter Raleigh, and Raleigh Was Right by William Carlos William. Williams uses Raleigh and Marlowe s ideas of love lasting, or not lasting and transforms them into a larger idea of life in the country giving you peace, or in Williams case not giving you peace. Marlowe is showing a romanticized idea of the country in his poem. Describing each May morning as... Show more content on ... He makes a connection with love in his poem while still mentioning the rough situation of the country. Love itself a flower / with roots in a parched ground (17 18) .In here the author means that love is weak and perishable just like a flower, and to add on to the expression of just how perished love is the symbolic flower is set in parched ground. The author shows how he very efficiently bases his whole poem on a classic from the 1600s and gives his own theme of live in the country to Marlowe and Raleigh argument. The theme of love is raised by Williams into an idea of the country bringing you peace. We cannot go to the country for the country will bring us no peace (1 3). By this the author means that if life seems complex in the city, the country wont make it better. If any it will make it worse. Just like love is said to be weak and perishable, life in the country is. They both can be constantly switched to symbolize each other. Here the author proves how complex yet simple idea love transcends into a larger and more universal
  • 21. Duane Hanson Analysis Duane Hanson, born in 1925, used his traditional painting and sculpting techniques to create a realistic sculpture of a football player. The work is known as Football Player, made in 1981. Hanson used oil on polyvinyl, clothed, helmet, and styrofoam cup. By painting this sculpture realistically with oils and adding real hair and clothes, this sculpture has been mistakenly thought of as a human being. Hanson was able to create a mix media of a football player. His sculpture, Football Player, focuses mainly on the details seen on a typical football player. For example, Hanson uses curly, dirty blonde hair and adds hair on the player s forearms. He also creates the effect of sweat running down the sculpture s face and showing dirt on the clothes. The sculpture is sitting on the helmet while holding a styrofoam cup, giving the illusion of a tired... Show more content on ... Hansen also shows off rough, smooth, matte, and shiny texture as well. One example of a rough texture can be the clothes. The clothes that the sculpture is wearing are wrinkled and dirtied giving it a rough texture. An example of a smooth texture can be the helmet. The helmet is smooth when you touch it. An example of a matte texture can be the sneakers because the sneakers looks dull and dirtied giving off a matte look. Finally, one example of shiny texture can be be the face. Hansen was able to give off a sweaty look to the face. This gives the face a shiny texture. Hansen was able to use these textures to create a realistic human being. The rough texture and shiny texture contrast with each other, making the details on the face and arms pop out more. The rough texture and smooth texture help the sculpture seem more realistic while showing off the matte textures. This artwork can be defined as a geometric because a human being is symmetrical and use shapes to create the structure. Unlike free form, human beings are not irregular shaped or non representational
  • 22. Greenhouse Gases Essay I want to discuss how our modern society continues to contribute to this increase in greenhouse gases. How individual users acting independently and rationally according to their own self interests behave contrary to the common good of all users by depleting that resource. How these resources are depleting and greener options are available and how the new sustainability advantage is a better and profitable option. Climate change is defined as, a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change last for an extended period of time. Certain human activities have also been identified as significant causes of recent climate change, referred to as Global Warming. Such as greenhouse gases, a gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation. The green house effect is the ... Show more content on ... creating sustainability where economic, environmental and social awareness is needed to keep the balance. Reducing expenses is one way to improve profits. sustainable enterprises disconnect revenue growth from depletion of natural resources by drastically reducing the amount of natural resources required to make their products and by using resource and energy efficient manufacturing processes. This can come from using wind, solar, and hydro energy. These are clean energy sources that first provide clean energy, second will never run out of power. Also allow for the planet to survive for generations to come. I believe that the use of greener energy will ensure first the survival of the planet, allowing for us to ensure the survival of society. Second the use of this green energy allows for constant energy for all of the world, without having to produce harmful gases, or ruining the environment ssurrounding the plants. Allows for these corporations to still make a profit of energy that is sustainable and safer for all
  • 23. Bluffing Summary Bluffing A Summary Gail Helgason The story focuses on the relationship between Gabriella and Liam. They live together as a couple. Gabriella is a Biology teacher whereas Liam is a Mountain climber. The story starts with Gabriella rushing towards Jasper hospital on a cold winter day. At the hospital, she is asked to sit down and wait for a while. While sitting on a couch she thinks of the incident that happened three weeks ago. Gabriella had proposed a hike to Liam that day, as she wanted to discuss with him about renewing the lease of their apartment since the term of lease was coming to an end. She wanted a private place to discuss about it and she was hopeful that Liam would fully go ... Show more content on ... Liam was following her. She had walked quite a long distance from the lake towards the huckleberry shrubs when she suddenly found herself facing a grizzly bear just twenty paces ahead of her. She wanted to run away that instant but her instincts stopped her and she slowly tried moving one step backward. When she did that the bear came one or two steps forward. She stopped and the bear stopped too. She saw Liam behind the
  • 24. Essay on Consequences of the War on Terror in the United... The terrorist attacks of September 11 led to a lot of pressure from the public to find those responsible and bring them to justice . In order to do so, President Bush declared a war on terrorism just a few days after the attacks, but little did he know that this very decision would also bring devastating consequences to many countries. Over time, people have been losing faith in the war and in its purpose. Consequently, countries whose economies have fallen under the Military Industrial Complex have manufactured a societal fear against Muslims and jihadists. As a result, they are now being stigmatized and portrayed as the enemies of democracy, and of the United Statesin particular. To make matter worse, it has driven western countries to... Show more content on ... Here, they fail to take into consideration that the United States is already in massive amounts of debt and has more pressing issues than a socially constructed fear of terrorism, such as high unemployment rates and increasing poverty. They believe that it is justifiable for them to spend all this money and resources on the war as it is a means of protecting themselves and their democratic state, but they provide no proof of why a less invasive and violent effort will not work. Chomsky proves the Heritage Society is wrong for saying that it is a justifiable form of revenge by stating that the United States has attacked other countries in the past and if it is a crime when others violate international law, it is also a crime when Americans do it (Chomsky). The problem with Chomsky s article is that he fails to provide any alternative solutions; he only criticizes the efforts of the Obama and Bush administrations. This paper will look at the consequences of terrorism from liberal point of view similar to that of Noam Chomsky. Former American president Dwight Eisenhower warned the United States in his farewell speech about what he referred to as the Military Industrial Complex, which refers to the United States economy becoming dependent on warfare and on the production of weapons. In order to fuel their economy, the States declared a war on terrorism and on bin Laden shortly after the attacks.
  • 25. How Does Mark Antony Use Language In Julius Caesar Our use of words and language has an immense impact on the messages we project. In Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Mark Antony uses strong speech making techniques to persuade the audience of his claim. Antony was a friend of Julius Caesar s and speaks at his funeral. Brutus, another noble man like Antony, talks before him and causes the audience of Plebeians to believe that Caesar was a bad ruler and an unambitious man. Brutus claims that he believed he was helping his country by helping to kill Caesar. Mark Antonyinvolves the use of repetition and irony to reverse the meanings of Brutus words, effective word choice and language to discredit Brutus, and theatrical gestures to sway the crowd of his claim that Caesar was a generous leader.... Show more content on ... Antony references Brutus speech and repeats how he claims Caesar was an ambitious man. Antony mentions that when the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept and that Antony thrice presented him a kingly crown, Which he did thrice refuse. By participating in these weak actions of weeping and refusing a higher position, it is made clear that Caesar was not ambitious as Brutus made the audience believe. Antony uses these examples and this repetition of ambition to convince the crowd that Brutus is untrustworthy. Mark Antony also expresses his ideas regarding Brutus by ironically using the term honourable man. Antony believes that Brutus is a corrupt man as helped to murder his friend Caesar and then spoke to the people of Rome about how he believed it was the right thing to do. In Rome, Brutus is considered noble and honorable. In Mark Antony s speech, he repeats something false that Brutus did or wrong that he did and follows it with And Brutus is an honourable man. As Antony proves that Caesar was unambitious, he repeats Yet Brutus says he was
  • 26. Pseudo Event Research Paper Pseudo event Pseudo event, also known as a media event [4], is an event or activity that exists for the sole purpose of media publicity. It may also include any event that is covered in the mass media or was hosted largely with the media in mind [5]. Typical examples including news announcements, corporate anniversary, press conference in response to a major media event, or planned events like speeches or demonstrations. Instead of paying for advertising time, a pseudo event seeks to use public relations to gain media and public attention. In 1962, historian Daniel Boorstin objected to the increasing manipulation of American culture and politics by an industry dedicated to the construction of artificial images. Rather than presenting facts... Show more content on ... It was viewed as the most innovative creation of the twenty first century and became the fastest growing area of the media industry today. Full screen is right in the middle of an amazing transformation in how individual creators and talent are breaking down all the traditional barriers of reaching their audiences. Creators are speaking directly to their audiences and getting direct feedback from their fans. This type of communication and fandom is so powerful, in fact, according to a survey conducted by Variety, YouTube personalities were ranked the top five most influential individuals to Americans aged 13 and 18, even out ranking mainstream movie celebrities. Traces can be found for their success in social development into micro celebrities. By uploading new videos weekly even daily (repetitive social construction), the active YouTubers effectively established their unique cultural visibility through their contents. The concept of micro celebrity is also appealing because it allows us to create an image of ourselves based on what we want others to see. Many of those who achieved success ono YouTube began with no more influence than we have now. Whereas, despite rapid success and larger viewership than many television programs, there Internet faces are not yet familiar outside of a relatively limited demographic. On the other hand, some YouTubers could be classified as macro celebrities. Currently, the most subscribed YouTuber, PewDiePie, has over 35 million subscribers, a number that should realistically define him as part of the mainstream celebeity. However, most vloggers, especially those with smaller audiences, simply lack the degree of cross demographic recognition that characterises many TV, movie and pop stars. For example, my flatmate has never watched Keeping Up with
  • 27. Through My Creative Writing And Reading Experience, I Have Through my creative writing and reading experience, I have been exposed to a variety of literary genres. My preferred genres have consistently been free verse poetry, fiction, and non fiction. For the purpose of this class, I have chosen the genre of creative non fiction. My focus will be literary essays that address humanity s universal desire for a sense of identity and belonging; these essays will be written from a personal perspective, containing anecdotes, internal conflicts, and external opinions. Free verse poetry is one of the reasons I became a writer. In high school, it was my outlet to express myself. When I took English 240 (Regent University), I wrote a poem titled Open City, and I was convinced I would become a great poet.... Show more content on ... Initially, I strongly disliked writing in this genre, mostly because of fear. Before taking English 305, I hated writing about myself because it was too personal and awkward. My professor for English 305 encouraged me to keep an open mind, and I halfheartedly heeded his advice until I read How It Feels to Be Colored Me. After reading Hurston s essay about racism and discrimination, I felt compelled to respond. I wrote and struggled for weeks until produced an essay called A Ripped Out Prologue. My work addressed how it felt to be an adopted from China. While I had written several non fiction pieces before, this particular essay made me understand why people write non fiction. Creative non fiction exposes truth in a beautiful way. Non fiction tells stories of survival and endurance; it tells others that they are not alone in their suffering. English 326 also heavily influenced my decision to pursue creative non fiction. One of the required essays was a literary journalism piece. My essay, Gender at the Pool, was about a lifeguard s experience with gender inequality. Even though I do not plan to have a future in literary journalism, this essay taught me that non fiction is much more than just about me. Literary non fiction is about people real life people and their experiences. After taking English 326, I knew creative non fiction was my desired future
  • 28. Disadvantages Of Designer Babies Technology is quickly advancing, and many opportunities only dreamt about previously have developed. One of these opportunities arising is designing your baby. Currently, scientist can eliminate genetic diseases or screen for gender, and in the future, will be able to choose various traits. Pursuing this research of designer babies is creating a conflict though. Through multiple techniques, scientists can alter the embryo to the parent s desire but while this has numerous benefits, there are also many concerns. PGD (pre implantation genetic diagnosis) is one way to create a designer baby. This allows doctors to determine the sex of an embryo, whether the embryo has a genetic disease, and if the embryo has certain genes which cause traits like intelligence and musical ability (Bostrom 19). The doctor screens multiple embryos to see what traits the it carries, and the parents can choose which embryo they desire (Ethical questions over designer babies). Another way to create a designer baby is to use a donor gamete. This allows parents to match a donor gamete with desired traits to one of their own and then implant that embryo through in vitro fertilisation (Bostrom 19). Currently, it is not possible for doctors to screen for intelligence and musical ability, but it is possible to screen for gender, eye color, and genetic diseases. There is also a technique called CRISPR which, in the future, could allow scientist to edit the embryo s genes to ensure the baby has certain
  • 29. Analysis Of The Book The I I Vitya liked rose wine with her frozen meat lasagne and had so many other laughable quirks that I didn t have the heart to tell her that her name actually meant Victor in Russian. We met when we were eighteen and twenty nine, respectively. I was so much older than Vitya that I never thought she would take interest, despite that my infatuation was angry and urgent from the beginning. I first saw her in the back of her boyfriend s car, stowing away her underage alcohol in her ratty canvas bag, her lips already the color of her stupid wine. On the seat beside her was a soggy Styrofoam container with Chinese fried rice swimming in a red sweet sauce (another favorite), the receipt from the illegal purchase crumpled and stuck to the left... Show more content on ... She was wearing a candy striper s uniform, the dress cut straight and box like, lace socks sagging around her awkward boney ankles and her hair tied back with a tired looking ribbon. The electronic buzzer that warned her of entering customers rung it s hollow tone as I opened the door and Vitya s face jumped with an adorable surprise. Hello there, what can I get for ya? She said as she chewed the inside of her lip. She did not seem to recognize me, but I knew instantly where I had seen her before, her strawberry blonde hair already familiar and the knobbiness of her knees a welcoming sight. There was a bulge in her cheek that looked like she might be hiding a wad of gum. She would tell me later that her boss, Mr. Frye, forbade the habit and labelled it as unprofessional, often making her spit out the pieces she smacked into his outstretched hand. It took me a moment to respond, both taken with the notion that I was staring down at the striking, scowling girl from the liquor store parking lot and entirely unsure of what I wanted to begin with. My eyes slid over her as I cupped a menu in my hand and struggled with the options, aware that her eyes bored into my forehead as I let my gaze fall downward. I felt so pressured by her presence that I didn t bother to read any of the item descriptions and I answered her lamely, fidgeted in my summer suit, and slowly lost my mind right there in front of her.
  • 30. Oprah Winfrey Phenomenon Books on Oprah Winfrey 1.The Oprah Phenomenon by Jennifer Harris, Elwood Watson (University Press of Kentucky, 2007) Review: If you want to read a book on Oprah Winfrey, this would certainly be one you should start off with. This book investigates the works and influence of Oprah Winfrey and tries to discover what maker her who she is today. They ve found out that the ability to connect with her audience is the master key that she has used over the years to build her brand. Oprah Winfrey s greatest ability is to communicate the most pressing issues to millions and millions of people and make an impact on each one of them without individually addressing them. This book has analysed what made Oprah Winfrey so popular a rag to riches story,... Show more content on ... This book is filled with quotes, anecdotes, events, examples, characters that normally don t show their ugly faces and so on and so forth. But read this book with a tinge of salt because all the sources from which the information is collected can t always be verified. This book is well researched and the author took a lot of time to go through the sources to write this book. However, you may see some negative biases of the author about Oprah which may or may not be true. If you go through all the new biographies of authors or success lessons, you may find bits and pieces of information about Oprah. But this book is undoubtedly the most admirable, thorough (more than 600 pages), and in depth study of Oprah Winfrey s life and work. Does greatness need to be examined? If you think so, read this book. Best takeaways: The only thing that you would get from this book is a holistic view of Oprah Winfrey. An individual, no matter how epic one is, can t be perfect. You would know that in this biography of Oprah Winfrey. 5.The Oprah Winfrey Show: Reflections on an American Legacy by Deborah Davis (Harry N. Abrams, November 15,
  • 31. Larry The Cable Guy Analysis Language is a powerful tool that the average person uses on a day to day basis. There are many dialects and accents within each language in the world. Sometimes people manipulate the way they speak in order to achieve a goal. This paper will serve to illustrate a particular dialect that is being manipulated in order to achieve a goal. I chose to analyze the speech of Larry the Cable Guy and will attempt to explain the language bias he employs. Larry the Cable Guy is a famous stand up comedian, actor, voice artist and country music artist. He is best known as a member of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour where he performs stand up. His real name is Daniel Lawrence Whitney, although he usually is referred to by his stage name. He was born in Pawnee City, Nebraska. His father was raised in a farming and cattle ranching family from Northeast Kansas. As a result, Whitney s father became a pig farmer which is what Whitney was raised around. Then, Whitney moved to Florida in high school where he gravitated towards people similar to his family. This is when he first began to pick up on the Southern American English dialect. He then attended Baptist University of America in Georgia where he majored in drama and speech. He claims to have really picked up on the southern dialect during his first year of college. He credits his roommate for influencing the way he began to speak as he was from Dalton, Georgia and had a thick southern accent. Whitney calls himself a linguist chameleon as a result of always speaking like those that are around him (Graham Bensinger 2017). His ability to speak another dialect well is obvious during his stand up especially. He clearly articulates a Southern American Englishdialect during his stand up and other various roles. The Southern English dialect is one of the most stigmatized dialects, behind African American Vernacular English. There are many misconceptions about having a southern accent. Those who speak Southern American English often face discrimination as many people few it as an ignorant way to speak. It is theorized that the Southern American English dialect originated in a large part from a mix of immigrants from the British Isles who moved to the American
  • 32. Nursing Home Care Case Studies Mr. Johnny Boggs (69 year old Caucasian divorced male) reported living in Louisa at the current residence (381 Greenbriar Rd, Louisa, KY, 41230) for the last 50 years. The number on the mailbox outside the house has a different number. Mr. Boggs s daughter, Wanda Boggs Ferguson (20 year old Caucasian female) is married to Charles Ferguson (21 year old Caucasian male) and they both live in the same house along with their two sons Charles Ferguson Jr (3 years 10 months old) and Liam Ferguson (13 months old). Randel is the youngest child, 17 year old Caucasian male, who was placed out of home for drug use, aggression (hitting, pushing, and cursing) towards his father, non compliance, defiance, running away from the home with whereabouts unknown,... Show more content on ... The children have access to seasonal appropriate clothing. Mr. and Ms. Ferguson along with their children presented clean and free of body odor during sessions; however, Mr. Boggs has incontinence problem. Ms. Ferguson reported that Mr. Boggs is numb below his back and does not feel anything and the family is in the process of getting Home Health nursing service. Mr. Ferguson reported that he has provided VA administration the correct number so that they can reach Mr. Boggs; however, the reason of delay in getting the services was not made clear. The family owns a car and a truck and reportedly has a reliable transportation. Randel has intermediate driving license and also own a car. He reportedly received a ticket by the police for driving without any emergency situation and it appears that he drives against the state law provisions of his license. The family (especially Mr. Boggs) involvement with Randle s school and academic activities appears insufficient. Although Randle appears to be motivated for the reunification and family being receptive of Randel s needs there is a disconnect between some of the family
  • 33. Why the Poor Stay Poor In recent times we have seen the income distribution in many developed nations expand, meaning that the gap between rich and poor has grown. Coupled with this is the resultant degradation of economic and social mobility. This serves to show that they there is a tendency for those that are poor, to remain poor. There are a number of causal factors that seemingly predicate this fate of a povertycycle. The issues that contribute to this range from the education and wellbeing of the individual, societal influences and values, their spending habits, their living conditions as well as their ability to access funding as a means of fuelling entrepreneurial endeavours. Those that are born into poor families will not have access to the resources ... Show more content on ... Not only does this make it incredibly difficult to break out of poverty but it also goes a long way to shaping the attitudes and values of the poor. The poor will consider the acquisition of credit as something that is impossible and will therefore have no determination to obtain it. These attitudes become engrained in a community and unfortunately goes a long way to shaping the economic outlook of a communities respected constituents. It can be seen that there are a multitude of reasons that the poor tend to remain poor. Reasons ranging from the spending patterns of the poor to the health and nutrition of the poor all attribute to the creation of a poverty cycle that seemingly condemns the poor to being poor. Obviously this isn t a rule of thumb but rather an accurate observation, it is not to say that the poor can t become affluent but rather the conditions and environment that surrounds those who are poor severely impedes their ability to earn an income and move over the poverty
  • 34. Financial Risks for Banks Table of content Question 1 3 How can the regulator i.e. the Central Bank mitigate these risks? Question 2 5 Discuss the various kinds of risks involved in outsourcing of financial services which in your opinion, Standard Chartered Bank needs to take note of? Question 3 6 What are the principles and procedures Standard Chartered Bank should put in place before outsourcing their activities? Question 4 8 What are the key issues which emerged in the Standard Chartered Bank case? References 9 Question 1 How can the regulator i.e. the Central Bank mitigate these risks? There are number of the risk types which can influence to this situation. In its operations bank meet many types of risks as following: Credit risks Market risks Liquidity risks Operational risks Reputational risks Political risks General legal risks Main of them is the operational risk. This type of the risk includes internal and external factors. Also, they are subdivided into the
  • 35. The Collapse Of The Minoan One may ask, who are the Minoans? Well they are considered by many Historians and Archeologists to be the first great European Civilization. Some people believed that this was the mythical land of Atlantis. They were located near the Aegean Sea and lands such as Greece, Troy and Asia Minor. One interesting fact is that these people never called themselves the Minoans. There wasn t any name listed in the history books for these people but the Ancient Crete Civilization. They were known as the Crete Civilization because they lived on the island of Crete which is now part of Greece. It wasn t until a 19th century British Archeologist, Sir Author Evans gave them the name, The Minoans. He gave them this name because he believed he had found the legendary palace of King Minos. There has been many civilization collapses over the World s history, but most can be explained in great detail. There are some that are very mysterious and not definitively explained. The collapse of the Minoan people happens to be one of those mysterious collapses which ranks 3rd in the top ten most mysterious collapses of the world and is still to this day debated on what actually caused their demise. There are many factors that go into the collapse of a civilization, but this kind of catastrophe doesn t just happen in a blink of an eye this is something that happens over a long period of time. This paper will touch on the climate and environment, the time period and culture, how they became
  • 36. Ifrs Adoption in the Us Adoption of IFRS in U.S. Companies The Sooner, the Better Introduction Source: /map_en.gif IFRS Implementation Around the World (2008) Over 120 countries around the world already permit or even require public companies to use the new International Financial Accounting Standards IFRS. Among them are the EU, China, Russia, and Brazil. Canada and Korea are expected to adopt IFRS by 2012; Mexico will require all listed companies to adopt IFRS in 2012 ( The U.S., despite a strong initial reluctance to adopt the new standards, are currently working toward a convergence of U.S. GAAP and IFRS. The SEC recently approved 2015 as the earliest ... Show more content on ... U.S. companies would have to adopt IFRS way of valuing assets and liabilities just to remain competitive without understating for example their total assets (http:/ / vs us gaap european banks leverage overstated picture/). Source: A set of internationally recognized accounting standards facilitates capital flows across borders. Globally accepted standards make financial information readily comparable for its users. Foreign investors are more inclined to put money into a U.S. company if they are familiar with the company s financial reporting. Conversely, U.S. investors will find it easier and less risky to invest in foreign companies when they know the local accounting standards (Epstein 2009). This will make U.S. companies and capital markets more competitive, since it saves costly reconcilition of different standards. Preparers, investors, auditors, and others will benefit from these cost effieciencies, since a Results of an IFAC Survey among accounting leaders around the world with respect to the importance of convergence to International Financial Reporting Standards for economic growth in their countries: global standard allows them to operate in a single accounting environment worldwide (PricewaterhouseCoopers 2007). The globally positive attitude towards an convergence to IFRS is exemplified by an IFAC survey among
  • 37. Demographic Transition The demographic transition is compiled of four stages that attempt to summarize the population shifts and economic development of countries. It is based on the levels of human fertility and mortality, birth rates, and death rates to be precise. These levels of birth and death have correlated with the evolution of industrialization and urbanization of areas. It illustrates the idea that over time there has been a shift from high birth rates and death rates to low rates of birth and death. It originated to describe the Western Experience in Europe, that first moved throughout the four stages. To begin, in stage one the birth rates and death rates are both high. Birth rates can average 37 per 1000 births during the first stage and death rates ... Show more content on ... This decline in birth rates seems to be the result of adults starting to control their family size or even government action. With the implementation of urban societies and an industrialized culture, the want and need for many children had become less evident as children are seen as a hassle than a benefit. Urbanization and industrialization are more common with more developed countries so these countries have the ability to provide opportunities that are more attracting than raising children. These countries have the money to invest in controlling birth rates, unlike poorer countries that can t afford to help their people as much. It seems to be a pattern, that developed countries has already gone through each stage because of their power to shape and implement technology into their people daily lives, but it has lowered birth rates severely as well. The Demographic Transition model will end with the fourth and final stage, which is characterized by low birth rates and low death rates. This accounts for a very small increase in population and will add up to possibly over a thousand years of doubling time to replace the current
  • 38. Design a Repeater for Digital Rf Signal Abstract Repeaters for digital TV broadcasting can use either analogue or digital techniques. The purpose of using repeater is to boost signals into areas of weak coverage in any radio communication system. However wave interference means the repeater usually requires a frequency shift for analogue modulated signal. For digitally modulated signal it may be possible to use same frequency. This paper investigated and designed a RF repeater which will improve the inter symbol interference by incorporating delay between received and transmit signal. This project also reviewed the basics of current Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial (DVB T) techniques and selected it as a suitable choice for lab experiment. The practical side of this... Show more content on ... However, this is not the only way in which television signals are transmitted. Another popular method of transmitting signals digital video broadcasting terrestrial (DVB T). When broadcasters employ this method, the digital signals do not leave the earth. The signals transmitted using DVB T do not travel via cable, though; rather, they go from antenna to aerial antenna, from signal blaster to home receiver. Digital signals are routinely transmitted using terrestrial methods. The transmission method has different names in different parts of the world. DVB T is the name used in Europe and Australia. North American customers receive these signals using a set of standards approved by the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC). In Japan, it is known as Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting Terrestrial (IDSB T). DVB T broadcasters transmit data using a compressed digital audio video stream, with the entire process based on the MPEG 2 standard. These transmissions can include all kinds of digital broadcasting, including HDTV and other high intensity methods. This is a vast improvement over the old analog signals, which required separate streams of transmission. Oddly enough, some DVB T transmissions take place over analog networks, with the antennas and receivers getting some helpful technological upgrades along the way. (Pool, 2002) 1.2 Aim of this project The aim of this project is to
  • 39. Brown Bear, What I Learned To Speak My twin brother and I both learned to speak much later than the rest of our peers. I very clearly remember him saying his first words; My mother was reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? to us on the floor of the room we shared and he cut in with red bird! . My mother cooed at him excitedly and then turned to me Emma, can you say red bird? Red bird? I was silent. I didn t see the need to speak. My brother and I had our own unique language that just the two of us understood and that was what felt natural to me. We were toddlers; we didn t understand verb conjugations or tenses, but somehow we just understood each other completely. I don t remember a word, but I think maybe we stumbled upon something amazing, because despite... Show more content on ... We will find meaning, but we will not finding Dickinson s meaning. It is impossible to perceive anything objectively (this is one of many points on which Ayn Rand and I do not agree), almost as soon as a person has sensed anything they have judged, changed, and twisted it. For this reason, true communication is impossible. No matter how clearly an individual attempts to portray an idea, some of the meaning will be lost. It s like having a conversation in a noisy room; you pick up the gist of what the other person is saying, but you ll miss some of the words some of the nuances. It s enough to get by ... until it isn t, and you end up saying entirely the wrong thing. For a long time, this compelled me to draw back from other people, feeling that communication was pointless. We re born alone, we live alone, we die alone, said Orson Welles. Except I wasn t. I was born with a companion and before we even found words, we found each other, and I don t think communication is meaningless anymore. I ll never understand Dickinson. I ll never know exactly what she meant, but I feel very connected to her none the less. There are times when I m reading her work, and I see reflections of my own thoughts, and I feel like we are both reaching across this divide touching, if only for a
  • 40. Louis Armstrong Song Analysis Summary: Louis Armstrong singing is remarkable. I can understand why he inspired so many people in the music industry. What I love about this album is his singing and his form in trumpet playing. Listening to Armstrong voice, as well as his lyrics, flushes away my sorrow when I listen to What a Wonderful World and Sittin in the Sun. These types of songs help me appreciate what I have. Armstrong duet with Bing Cosby is adorable. Gone Fishin song has humor, in addition, both man scats singing makes me smile. Armstrong and Cosby voices work well in numerous levels together. When you Smile (The World Smile with you) is one of my favorites. I can never get enough of this song. The way Armstrong plays his trumpet is truly tremendous the timing of his trumpet playing with his notes is on point. 2. Date of Listening: 06/21/17Time: 6:45 8:03am Recording: The Best of Ella Fitzgerald 20th Century Masters: Millennium Collection Artist: Ella FitzgeraldPeriod: 1960s Selections: A Tisket, A Tisket Dream A Little Dream for Me; But Not for Me; Undecided; I m Just a Lucky So And So; Lullaby of Birdland; You ll Have to Swing It (Mr. Paganini), Parts One Two; Hard Hearted Hannah; Let s Do It(Lets fall in Love); Just A Sittin and A Rockin ; A Fine Romance; BluesIn The Night. Summary: First lady of Song, Ella Fitzgerald, became top female jazz singer in the 50s and 60s. I actually had chosen this album because of one particular song that came across in a game. Undecided is a
  • 41. Compare And Contrast Samurai And European Warrior The Japanese warrior, the samurai, and the European warrior, the knight, are similar to each other, but also have many differences. They show differences and similarities in their training, armor, and codes. While both warriors trained with artificial swords, the squire promotes at the age of 21 to become a knight, but the Japanese become a samuraithrough a ceremony called genpuku. According to document A, The rigorous training of samurai began in childhood. and document B, A prospective knight s training began at age four or five, the warriors both began training during childhood. Both the Samurai and knight armor included helmets, were very heavy, and were plate armor. Although their armor is very alike in structure they are made of
  • 42. Stereotypes Of Australian Bush Women During The 20th Century The ideologies of the Australian bush man and bush women during the 19th to 20th century, although, different, demonstrates many similarities when it comes to gender roles and stereotypes. This is demonstrated through the written works of both Henry Lawson and Ray Lawler, who demonstrate the realities of living in the 1890 s and 1950 s in Australia. The similarities and differences will be demonstrated by examining and comparing both maleand femalestereotypes of the typical bush man, while looking at women s loyalty to their men, male masculinity and female femininity, and the roles that men and women play in Lawson and Lawler s written works during this time. The 1890 s saw Henry Lawson s written works touch on the issues of male and female ... Show more content on ... Lawler s representation of women during the 1950 s is controversial to the female stereotypes of the time. Lawler demonstrates the new divide between women wanting to work, being independent and holding their own, compared to women who wanted to get married, settle down and be the typical housewife. Lawler s portrayal of the 1950 s saw women continue to work male dominated roles after the war, during a time when the women s liberation movement was being formed and women had more choices in life (Red Apple Education). Olive a bartender, happy to work a male dominated role, had the married women look down their noses at her for her life choices, compared to Pearl who although a bartender, wants to settle down and be a respectful wife and mother, like the other women (Lawler 9
  • 43. Genetically Modified Organisms In Frankenstein In his article, GMO Foods and Crops: Africa s choice , Robert Paarlberg suggests, ...there has not been any documented evidence that approved GMOs have posed new risks either to human health or the environment. With that being said, genetically modified organisms are not at risk to anyone or anything. There are countless studies that prove GMOs are in fact beneficial to the environment and human health. GMOs can be directly correlated to Frankenstein; a Gothic Fiction novel, written by Mary Shelley, by resulting that the monster was an organism that was created. There could have been possible breakthroughs in science, if the monster stayed alive longer, or used responsibly. Furthermore, the creature in Frankenstein is genetically modified... Show more content on ... Robert Paarlberg once stated, There is a scientific consensus, even in Europe, that the GMO foods and crops currently on the market have brought no documented new risks either to human health or the environment. A widely known debate about GM crops is the risks the organisms have to human health and the environment. Chen Zhang discusses the benefits throughout his article, Genetically modified foods: A critical review of their promise and problems, and not only the benefits to human health, but also the benefits to the environment. For instance, Some genetic modification is specifically targeted to enrich certain nutrients or substances having high therapeutic and pro health value, including vitamins A, C, E, unsaturated fatty acids, alimentary cellulose and probiotics (Zhang). Chen Zhang is portraying there are modifications in genetic material, which benefit health by the targeted nutrients and vitamins when modified. Scientists are able to modify the chemical composition in food, which means there will be less of harmful chemicals and more of the beneficial makeup of foods. Later on in the same article it states, Similarly, using this biotechnology, researchers can also alter the amino acid composition of proteins as well as the content of carbohydrates (Zhang). In other words, Chen Zhang asserts that scientists and researchers have the capability to change the
  • 44. The Creation Of Careers Through Physics The Creation of Careers through Physics Physics is often deemed useless and stressful by young students taking the course in high school and college. However, many you students don t the advantages and opportunity s that the subject can provide for them in the future. Most young adults think that Physics will most likely not help them in the future and end up being waste of time and a credit, but, most of them don t know that the careers that physics provides can both high paying and fun . Over the course of this research paper, I hope I can provide sustainable reasoning on why Physics can help us in the near future. This first careers I will be presenting will have to do with Kinematics, the word that most physics students are annoyed of hearing. Most high school students often dream about going into the engineeringfield. Some don t know that this field itself uses physics, a lot. A specific career that often uses kinematics is a Mechanical Engineer. The field requires such precision in building the interior or exterior of the machine the engineer is designing, that the engineer needs to be as precise as possible with his calculations. Mechanical engineers are often interacting with the distribution of power. They create machines that can benefit humans or benefit the environment such as electric generations, engines, turbines, elevators, and escalators. Entering the field will require at least a Bachelor s degree in mechanical engineeringand a Professional
  • 45. Why Ai And Robots Start Engagement Marketing Why AI and Robots Continue to Rise in Engagement Marketing The rise of robots and AI in engagement marketing is fueled by several factors. The introduction of Apple s Siri and Microsoft s Cortana proves that artificial intelligence can provide a possible point of contact when reaching out to customers. Here are some of the reasons why AI and robots are here to stay and why we will see more of them in the future: Robots and AI are reliable and consistent Humans are prone to making mistakes. This is the reason why in every industry, the human error factor always has to be considered. With robots, everything will be consistent, and there will be less chance of mistakes and errors. Robots can deal with all types of people uniformly without... Show more content on ... Robots are now able to assist here and be our companion. Robots and AI are not developed to make people lazy in thought or movement. They are created with good intentions, which can improve people s lives in many ways. Robots are able to assist people in learning things, organizing their schedules, creating new ideas, offering advice in different areas like money saving and healthy living, managing their homes and offices, and understanding audience specific needs. Robots Role in Changing Advertising Methods Many factors have influenced advertising strategies. No doubt one such factor has been and will continue to be robots. Brands associated with robots are likely to have a great influence on customers purchasing decisions, similar to endorsements from celebrities. This is one reason brands are playing significant roles in the evolution of robots. People trust different brands when it comes to offices, home, communication, entertainment, and utilities. Programmers and engineers work with strategists and professional designers to achieve the best product or functionality, and many believe robots can help them accomplish this goal for brands. Many small businesses are not yet using marketing robots due to cost, lack of proficiency, and even fear of the unknown. All these reasons will soon be overcome as the costs of robots decline and the functionality improves. Robot marketing employees are also
  • 46. Business Strategy Of ITC Limited ITC Limited or ITC is an Indian conglomerate headquartered in Kolkata. Its diversified business includes five segments: Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Hotels, Paperboards Packaging, Agri Business Information Technology. Established in 1910 as the Imperial Tobacco Company of India Limited, the company was renamed as the Indian Tobacco Company Limited in 1970 and further to I.T.C. Limited in 1974. This company is rated among the World s Best Big Companies by Forbes magazine. ITC ranks third on all major profit parameters among India s private sector corporations. ITC employs over 20,000 people at more than 60 locations across India. ITC is one of India s foremost private sector companies with a market capitalization of over US $ 13 billion and a turnover of US $ 3.5 billion. ITC has a ... Show more content on ... However, growing public concern with regard to the consumption of tobacco has led the government to ban all sorts of advertisements like the commercials, print media and pamphlets. This may act as a setback for the company. For the hospitality business, the society is now turning more towards an individual oriented culture which means that people spend only for themselves. The rise in the per capita income and the working population in the country is also a good sign for the company because the number of people willing to spend more on leisure increases with per capita income. Technological factors: ITC came a long way on the technological front. With state of the art factories and cheap labor supply from the second largest tobacco producing country in the world, India, the supply chain management of the ITC follows the latest trend. ITC also has the great inventory control and logistics support. They have also been adapting other quality concepts such as quality control, total quality management and 6 sigma concepts. Environmental
  • 47. Persuasive Essay On Prayer For God He is unaware, or He is too old and inept to function alone and needs you to watch Him as you would someone disabled. If you believe every hair on your head is counted and God knows when the sparrow falls to the ground, you must also know God is aware of everyone s plight and condition. He does not need you to tell Him what to do; such is demeaning to the Creator. Rather than praying for someone s healing, you should pray the person is filled with strength to overcome adversity. Never should you pray to receive anything in your life except strength to overcome adversities. The gifts you should pray to receive is the wisdom to ask for what God has chosen for you to receive. The blessing you need from God is to know how He wants you to serve Him. Everything else will follow. Now I will tell you how to please your Creator. In the past, you had an excuse of ignorance; now you have no excuse. Your God insists His creation emulate His holiness and purity. Whatever is holy, pure, and clean you will have; anything less, you will not have. You will live for your neighbor, the stranger you do not know. Let me inform you, anyone with a me first attitude will become last. You will achieve spiritual godliness when you are in overwhelming thankfulness in the face of adversity. In this era, you will be given many chances to achieve spiritual godliness you will use to please your Creator. There cannot be true godliness unless you are proficient in hate. Many believe all they need is to
  • 48. Elephant Reproduction Reproduction of Female Elephants Basic anatomy and physiology, artificial insemination, parturition, and social aspects of reproduction Introduction The study and research of reproduction in elephants is increasingly critical in consideration of the quickly dwindling population numbers and estimates. The current Asian elephant population is estimated to lie between 50,000 70,000 across the world, with 15,000 of these individuals in captivity. African elephant population numbers are low as well after serious culling through hunting and poaching. These numbers make the low reproduction rates a great concern as elephants do not currently sufficiently reproduce at an adequate rate to sustain population size.12 Reproductive Anatomy and ... Show more content on ... The first pregnancy that resulted from AI was accounted for in 1998 using fresh semen and was done by detecting a slight rise in progesterone prior to ovulation, indicating proper timing for insemination.9, 14 Now ultrasonagraphy can also be used to detect imminent ovulation as follicular development is easily followed, as well as detect the timing of ovulation.14 It is common for the semen of 2 3 bulls to be used to ensure at least one quality sample to produce a pregnancy. In the instance that multiple donors are used, parentage is confirmed via DNA analysis. Most frequently, nonsurgical insemination is performed. This method calls for a trained and accommodating elephant as a large bore cannula is inserted into the lower urogenital tract. A 3m endoscope is inserted through the cannula and conducted to the hymen in first time mothers and the cervix or uterine horn of a cow that has calved. A small insemination cannula is used to deposit semen into the vagina, threaded through the hymen in nulliparous cows. In parous cows the semen may be deposited further into the uterus.14 Surgical insemination
  • 49. Chako Pit Bull Research Paper In October 2014, a family in Sacramento found a dog that had been hit by a car. The dog, a pit bull named Zoe, was emaciated, abused and had spent her life being bred for puppies. Though full grown, she weighed only 38 pounds at the time of her rescue. Her owners denied that they had ever owned her, so the familythat found her came to her rescue, providing her with food, warmth and shelter. Unfortunately, the family that saved Zoe was unable to keep her so she was brought to Front Street Animal Shelter, where she was determined to be unadoptable due to her medical issues. Chako Pit Bull Rescue stepped in and took Zoe to live in a loving foster home. She received proper medical care, nourishment, love and training while she was in foster
  • 50. Technology Addiction Research Paper We live in a new world, a world that is constantly changing. We are forever adapting to all these changes that occur in all the different areas of our life. Technology is by far the area that is influences people most. and most constantly changing. The meaning of technology according to Webster Dictionary is: The use of ever changing science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful things or to solve ever occurring problems. Technology is always advancing, this means that technology is being used to complete more tasks; leaving the long and tedious process behind. Today, we are surrounded by computers, and technology addictionhas become a real problem. It was predicted in 2000 that technology would become a common addiction. In those ... Show more content on ... They are helpful inventions that make tasks and work easier, quicker, less tedious, and they can also improve the quality of the job. People use electronic devices all the time for a number of things; things that would otherwise be more difficult and time consuming. Some of these people use devices all the time without break, and others that moderate their time. There is no problem with using tech all the time, the problem occurs when you can t stop using it. The addiction becomes real when we can t go a day without using any electronic device. We start using electronic devices almost 24/7; we don t talk to the person in front of us because we are caught up on our phone. Some say that technology addiction is not real, others say that it is real but it is not a real threat. I believe that technology addiction is real and is a very big threat. There people that are addicted to tech, they spend hours on their computer a day. They say, I m not addicted to my computer; I can go days without using it; I can stop using it whenever I want. That is exactly what drug addicts say, they say they can stop whenever they want when the truth is that technology is just as addictive as drugs. They have become hooked on the addictive drug of
  • 51. Origin Of The Tokyo Raid Origin of the Tokyo Raid In the late 1930 s to early 1940 s tension between the United States and Japan was rising. Japan invaded China and by 1931 was at war with China (Scott, 2015). The United States opposed the invasion and ceased to give Japan oil, equipment, and fuel. Dependent on the United States for oil, Japan saw this as an act of aggression. Japan started to invade western countries territories in the Pacific in order to get resource needed for war with China. Japan was certain this would draw the United States into a war. In order to prevent the United States from interfering they decided to attack the United States Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (Scott, 2015). Once President Franklin D. Roosevelt heard of the news in Hawaii, he immediately gathered his staff to discuss the next course of action. The decision was made to address Congress the following day to declare war on Japan. Further meetings were held to plan an attack on Japan (Scott, 2015). President Roosevelt wanted an attack as soon as possible in the heart of Japan. He wanted to crush and demoralize the Japanese people s will to fight, and to send a message that the United States can attack them at their home (Doolittle Glines, 1991). President Roosevelt turned to his military advisors to figure out a way to complete the attack. President Roosevelt was unsure how to accomplish an attack with the majority of the Pacific fleet now destroyed. President Roosevelt tasked his War Secretary
  • 52. Tourette Syndrome Research Papers Tourette syndrome is a disorder that affects people worldwide, no matter what age, ethnic group, or race. It is a disorder characterized by uncontrollable, repetitive motor or vocal actions called tics. Though not much is known about how TS is passed on, how it can be prevented, or the causes, there is still research being conducted on how TS can be treated and about TS itself. Not much is known about how TS is passed on over generations or the causes. Yet that does not stop scientists from forming guesses. Scientists once believed that it was an autosomal dominant disorder. Though this has been dismissed as false, there are other ideas of where this disorder comes from. One hypothesis says that TS comes from a mutation on the SLITRK1 gene because this has been found in few people with TS. But this is not proven to be the sole cause of TS. That of which is not known. Tourette syndrome is known for the tics that come with it. If a person has tics, that does ... Show more content on ... Medicine such as Neuroleptics, Risperidone, and Fluphenazine have all shown progress in lessening the occurrence of tics. Therapy has also shown promising results in those diagnosed with TS. Therapies such as Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Comprehensive behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) have both shown great progress in decreasing the occurrence and complexity of the tics. The outlook for Tourette s syndrome is hopeful. High quality research is being conducted by medical professionals and support groups such as Tourette s Association of America. This is a group that teaches people about Tourette s and provides support for those diagnosed and their family members. It provides information on Tourette s syndrome and shows the complications that those with the disorder and their family members have to go through. Tourette s syndrome is a complex disorder that affects those with the disorder and those around
  • 53. Minority Trope Representation in AMC’s The Walking Dead Essay The Walking Dead is a television show produced by AMC based off the black and white comic books by Robert Kirkman. The show and comic book center around main character Rick Grimes as he learns to cope with life after waking up from a deadly wound into an outbreak of virus wielding undead creatures known as walkers. Over the course of season two and season three, the show starts to center around how Rick is able to command the group of survivors and the challenges they face trying to settle down in a safe area. They are confronted with another community nearby late in season three along with the increasing number of walkers in the area. While facing these challenges, the number of surviving members continues to dwindle; however, the... Show more content on ... Usually, they are forgotten or killed off and labeled with the mental occupational hazard trope. This trope proves that once a minority has served their purpose, they are no longer needed to help the group survive any longer and the main character forgets about the minority ( These are the main ideas perpetuated in AMC s thriller television show The Walking Dead. From the very beginning, the show portrayed minorities as nothing more than the magical negro helping to further Rick s survival in the zombie infested world. As more characters are introduced, the majorities are of the white race with a few exceptions; Morgan, his son, and T Dog are African American. They represent a racial inequality constitutive [...] order while Michonne represents a progressive move toward equality within the group (Hugey, p 544). Literature Review Matthew Hughey wrote Cinethetic Racism: White Redemption and Black Stereotypes in Magical Negro Films in 2009 to dicuss the trend of progressive African American representation called the magical negro. Hughey examined 26 films to understand race relations and how mainstream audiences interpret the films. He found that the magical negro are placed in subservient positions and can reaffirm the status quo by changing contemporary racism rather than showing evidence of racial progress. This literature piece is used to help describe the relationship between the majority and minority groups within the film, and
  • 54. Airtel s Position for the Next Generation An Analysis of Gupti s Proposal for Bharti For Bharti Airtel to maintain its lead in wireless telecommunications in India, aggressive steps are proposed involving the outsourcing outlined by Gupta. The proposal has both advantages and disadvantages, but in the final analysis it appears to be a step worth taking because of the limited risk infrastructural overhaul that it affords Airtel. This paper will assess the good points and bad points of the proposal and show why, despite the bad, it is still a step that will help secure Airtel s position for the next generation. The problem facing Bharti Airtel was the fact that it had to spend far too much time and money negotiating terms with vendors for equipment that was already outdated and useless the minute it was fired up. The $20 million mail server is one example of expenditure waste (Martinex Jerez, Narayana 2007:1). Bharti Airtel also needed to revamp its IT sector or else risk losing ground to competitors who could boast a more stabilized infrastructure. To tackle both fronts continually was problematic. Gupta desired a solution that could minimize negotiation times and investment risk. The answer was a plan to outsource much of the family business that was Bharti Airtel to IBM, which looked to control Airtel s telecom base for the next ten years. The good side of this plan was that it limited equipment investment risk by transferring it to the vendors (Martinex Jerez, Narayana 2007:10). Bharti Airtel was in a
  • 55. Essay about Tft2 Heart Healthy Information Security Policy Due to personnel, policy and system changes, and audits, Heart Healthy has voluntarily updated their information security policy to be in line with the current information security laws and regulations. Currently Heart Healthy Insurance, a large insurance company, plans to review and provide recommendations for an updated information security policy in the area s of: 1. Current New Users Policy The current new user section of the policy states: New users are assigned access based on the content of an access request. The submitter must sign the request and indicate which systems the new user will need access to and what level of access will be needed. A manager s approval is ... Show more content on ... The combination of the password and the complexity directly lead to its unpredictability. With 8 character complex passwords, with current GPU processing power a password can be broken in less than 26 days by exhausting all possible combinations. Proposed Password Guidelines * Passwords should be a minimum of 14 characters * Passwords based on dictionary words are prohibited * Passwords based on pet names, biographical information, children s names, no names of relatives * Passwords must consist of a mixture of uppercase, lowercase, and a special character * System will remember last 12 passwords * If passwords are written down, they must be kept in a safe place, e.g. a wallet, or a safe. Passwords are not be be written down and tape to the bottom of the keyboard, stuck to the computer monitor with a sticky note, or put in an unlocked desk drawer. * All passwords will be changed every 90 days Proposed Password Policy Heart Healthy password policy guideline is a recommendation for creating a new user password. This policy is a guideline to help end users in: * Choosing and creating a strong password * Ensure that passwords are highly resistant to brute force attacks and password guessing * Recommendations on how users should handle and store their passwords safely * Recommendations on lost or stolen passwords Password expiration * Password expiration
  • 56. HEALTH AND SAFETY ASSIGNMENT St. Patrick s College London HND Health and Social Care Management HEALTH AND SAFETY IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE WORKPLACE John Egharevba This essay is about how health and safety is applied in health and social care in order to protect everyone in health and social care environment, and it will also examine the importance of health and safety policy and risk assessment in workplace. Health and Safety at work etc Act 1974 is concern with maintaining and improving the physical and mental well being of employees at work and protecting anyone else who may be adversely affected. Care homes are therefore subject to the provision of health and safety policy, employers and employees have... Show more content on ... The minimum requirement for any workplace is that when people are at work, there should be at least one trained first aid appointed person who will take charge in an emergency before the arrival of the paramedic. A first aid box should be provided and should contain only items that a first aider has been trained to use, and must be checked regularly and first aid sign should be display (HSE, 2001). The control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1994 (COSHH) require employers to prevent or control exposure to hazardous substances at work. Employers are required to carry out an assessment of health risk faced by their employees, and to prevent, or control the exposure of their workplace to hazardous substances. Employees should be trained about the risks and the precautions to be taken (Shranks, 2010). Fire Precautions Act 1971 (as amended by the fire safety and safety of places of sport Act 1987) requires strict control of fire in the workplace by making sure fire warning signs are visible, maintaining fire fighting equipment, training of staff on what to do if there is fire and fire exit doors are free from obstructions etc. (HSE, 1993). Health and safety increase awareness of regulatory requirements and reduce the chance of committing any offence, it improve