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Dermatology diseases Index
Your gate to FIRST
and LARGEST index
of skin diseases
With special signs
1. Acanthosis nigricans
2. Accessory nipple
3. Actinic keratosis
4. Tinea capitis
5. Trichotillomania TTM
6. Alopecia androgenetic AGA
7. Alopecia areata AA
8. Alopecia areata incognito
9. Alopecia central cicatricial centrifugal
10. Alopecia dissecting cellulitis
11. Alopecia pseudopelade (brocq)
12. Alopecia telogen effluvium
14. Alopecia tractional
15. Alopecia congenital triangular CTA
16. Angiokeratoma
17. Angiosarcoma
18. Ashy dermatosis Erythema dyschromicum perstans
19. Basal cell carcinoma BCC
20. Becker nevus
21. Bier spot
22. Bowen disease
23. Café-au-lait macule
24. Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis
25. Hair Cast
26. Cicatricial alopecia
27. Clear cell acanthoma
28. Darier disease
29. Demodex & demodicosis
30. Dermatofibroma
31. Discoid lupus erythematous dermoscope
32. Eczema
33. Eoisinophilic fasciitis Shulman syndrome
34. Erythma ab igne
35. Fordyce spot
36. Foreign body
37. Granuloma annulare
38. Granuloma faciale
39. Graft vs host disease GVHD
40. Hemangioma
41. Hair shaft (see 3rd
42. Hand foot mouth disease
43. Herpes zoster chickenpox
44. Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis IGH
45. Ito hypomelanosis
46. Kaposi sarcoma
47. Keratoacanthoma
48. leishmaniasis
49. Leprosy
50. Lichen aureus
51. Lichen planopilaris& frontal fibrosing alopecia
52. Lichen planus
53. Lichen planus pigmentosa
54. Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus
55. Lichen simplex Scalp
56. Lichen spinulosa
57. Lichen striatus
58. Lichenoid keratosis
59. Linear whorled hypermelanosis
60. Lipodermatosclerosis
61. Lupus vulgaris
62. Lymphangioma circumscriptum
63. Lymphatoid papulosis
64. Mccune-albright
65. Mastocytosis
66. Melanoma &lentigo maligna
67. Melasma
68. Mycosis fungoid
69. Molloscum
70. Morphea
71. Nail melanonychia pigment
72. Nail infection
73. Nail subungual heamatoma
74. Necrobiosis lipodica
75. Nevus acral
76. Nevus Aquired type
77. Nevus becker
78. Nevus blue (Common & Cellular & Epithelioid& Malignant)
79. Nevus comedonicus
80. Nevus congenital type
81. Nevus depigmentosa &anemicus
82. Nevus dysplastic
83. Nevus epidermal
84. Nevus halo
85. Nevus pattern analysis.
86. Nevus recurrent
87. Nevus spilus
88. Nevus spitz
89. Normal scalp
90. Ochronosis
91. Ota nevus
92. Parapsoriasais
93. Perforating dermatosis
94. Piebaldism
95. Pigmented purpuric dermatosis
96. Pitryiasis alba
97. Pitryiasis rosea
98. Pitryiasis lichenoid chronica
99. Palisaded neutrophilic granulomatous dermatitis
100. Lichen nitidus
101. Lichen simplex chronicus
102. Melanoma
103. Nail loop
104. Nevus sebacous
105. Poikloderma civatte
106. Porokeratosis.
107. Poroma
108. Portwine stain
109. Postinflammatory hypopigmentation
110. Prayer nodule
111. Prp Pityriasis rubra pilaris
112. Pseudofolliculitis barbe
113. Psoriasis
114. Pyogenic granuloma
115. Riehl melanosis
116. Rosacea
117. Sarcoidosis
118. Scabies
119. sebaceous carcinoma
120. sebaceous hyperplasia
121. Seborrheic dermatitis
122. Seborrheic keratosis
123. Solar lentigo
124. Sqamous cell carcinoma
125. Talon noire
126. Terra firma forme
127. Tinea fungal
128. Tufted folliculitis
129. Urticaria
130. Vasculitis
131. Vitiligo
132. Wart
133. juvenile Xanthogranuloma
134. Xanthoma
135. Xanthoma disseminatum
1. Acropathie ulcéromutilante
2. Alopecia nail
3. Amelanotic melanoma
4. Angioleiomyoma
5. Anonychia
6. Beau's lines
7. Basal cell carcinoma BCC
8. Bowen disease
9. Bullous disease nail (pemphigus)
10. Carpal tunnel syndrome
11. Chromonychia
12. Clubbing
13. Darier darrier nail
14. Dermatomyositis
15. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
16. Double nail
17. Dyskeratosis congenita nail
18. Ectopic nail
19. Eczema nail
20. Elkonyxis
21. Erythronychia
22. Fibrokeratoma
23. Fibroma
24. Fibromyxoma
25. Filamentous tumor
26. Glomus tumour
27. Granular cell tumor
28. Green nail
29. Graft vs host disease
30. habit tic deformity
31. Half and half nail
32. Hallux
33. Herpes
34. Hook nail
35. Hypoplasia
36. Ingrown toe nail
37. Iso kikuchi - congenital onychodysplasia of index finger COIF
38. Kaposi sarcoma
39. Keratoacanthoma
40. Koilonychia
41. Leukonychia
42. Lichen nail
43. Lipoma
44. Lymphoma
45. Macronychia
46. Malalignment of the great toenails
47. Median canaliform dystrophy of heller
48. Mees line
49. Melanoma nail
50. Melanonychia
51. Micronychia
52. Muhcker line
53. Myxoid cyst
54. Nail biting
55. Nail patella syndrome
56. Neurofibroma
57. Normal anatomy
58. Onychoatrophy
59. Onychogryphosis
60. Onychohauxes
61. onychoheterotopia
62. Onycholysis
63. Onychomatricoma
64. Onychomadesis
65. Onychomycosis
66. Onychopapilloma
67. Onychorehexis
68. Onychoschizia
69. Onychotillomania
70. Osteochondroma
71. Pachyonychia congnita
72. Parakertaotic pustulosa
73. Paronychia
74. Pigmentation melanonychia
75. Pincer nail
76. Poroma
77. pitryiasis rubra pilaris nail PRP
78. Psoriasis nail
79. Pterygium pterygium
80. Pyogenic granuloma
81. Raquet brachy
82. Reiter disease
83. Retronychia
84. Rheumatoid arthritis
85. Ridges
86. Scabies nail
87. SCC squamous cell carcinoma
88. Schwannoma
89. Scleromyxdema
90. seborhic keratosis
91. Splinter heamorhage
92. Subungual exostosis
93. Subungual heamatoma
94. Subungual hyperkeratosis
95. Subungual osteochondroma
96. Systemic lupus
97. Systemic sclerosis
98. Terry nail
99. Trachyonychia twenty nail syndrome
100.Upward growth
102.Worn down
1. Abcess
4. Acanthosis nigricans nevoid type
5. Acanthosis nigricans
6. Acantholytic (dyskeratotic) acanthoma
7. Accessory digit Supernumerary
8. Accessory nipple/ Supernumerary nipples
9. Accessory tragus
10. Achenbach syndrome
11. Aciduria
12. Acne aestivalis estival
13. Acne chlorance
14. Acne conglobata
15. Acne cosmetica
16. Acne detergent
17. Acne excoriee (Acne excoriée des jeunes filles)
18. Acne hemorrhagic
19. Oil acne
20. Tar acne
21. Acne halogens
22. Acne fulminans
23. Acne fulminans sine fulminans
24. Acne keloidal nuchea
25. Acne mechanicha & Fiddler's neck
26. Acne mcdonald
27. Acne necrotica miliaris
28. Acne necrotica varioliformis
29. Acne neonatal
30. Acne -infantile
31. mid‐childhood acne
32. Acne nevus of munro
33. Acne penile
34. Acne pitch
35. Acne pomade
36. Acne postmenopausal
37. Acne scar (Ice pick/ rolling/ boxcar/ pitted/ stellate/ crateriform
38. Acne senile - favre - Racouchot- solar comedones
39. Acne smoker
40. Acne toilet
41. Maskne
42. Acne- tranvesrse nasal crease milia
43. Acne tropical
44. Acne due to tumor
45. Acne radiation / radiation-induced comedones
46. Acne vasculitis
47. Acne venenata& Mallorca
48. Acne vulgaris
49. Acne unilateral
50. Acneform drug &steroid
51. Acnitis (acne agminata)
52. Acquired Bilateral Telangiectatic Macules (ABTM
53. Acquired, Bilateral Nevus of Ota- Like Macules (ABNOM)
54. Acquired dermal melanocytosis
55. Acquired elastotic hemangioma
56. Acquired focal dermal elastosis
57. Acquired Linear Hyperpigmentation of the Lips (ALHL)
58. Acquired perforating dermatosis /kyrle
59. Acquired progressive lymphangioma
60. Acquired Universal Melanosis
61. Acquired Bilateral Melanosis of the Neck in the Perimenopausal
62. Acral peeling skin syndrome
63. Acral pseudolymphomatous angiokeratoma APACHE
64. Acral fibromyxoma
65. Acral psoriasiform hemispherical Papulosis
66. Acral Speckled Hypomelanosis (ASH)
67. Acroangiodermatitis of Mali
68. Acrocyanosis
69. acrodermatitis acidemia
70. Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans of lyme
71. Acrodermatitis dysmetabolica
72. Acrodermatitis enteropathica
73. Acrodermatitis pustulosa
74. Acarodermatitis urticarioides
75. Acrodynia
76. Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica bazex
77. Acrokeratosis verruciformis of hopf
78. acro osteolysis
79. Acrogeria
80. Acromelanosis
81. Acromelanosis albo-punctata
82. Acropustulosis of infancy
83. Acrospiroma
84. Actinic keratosis (Atrophic&Actinic cheilitis&Hypertrophic
(hyperkeratotic) &Lichenoid&pigmented)
85. Actinic : chronic actinic dermatitis CAC-
86. Actinic prurigo
87. Actinic reticuloid
88. Actinomycosis
89. Actinobacillosis
90. Activated pi3kδ syndrome
91. Acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy AHEI
92. Acute inflammatory edema (AIE)
93. Acute myloid leukemia
94. Acute syndrome of apoptotic panepidermolysis
95. Adenocarcinoma
96. Adenosquamous Carcinoma
97. Adenoid cystic carcinoma
98. Aleukemic leukemia cutis
99. ADA defeciency
100. Adams oliver syndrome
101. ADAM17 deletion/neonatal-onset inflammatory skin and bowel
102. Adeno virus
103. Adducted thumbs syndrome
104. Adrenoleukodystrophy
105. Adult-onset Still disease (AOSD)
106. AESOP syndrome – adenopathy, extensive skin patch overlying (a)
108. ✓ Agammaglobulinemia
109. ✓ Common variable immunodeficiency
110. ✓ IgA immunodeficiency
111. ✓ IgM deficiency
112. ✓ TWEAK deficiency
113. ✓ Activated PI3Kδ syndrome
114. ✓ X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome
115. ✓ Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with immunodeficiency
116. ✓ immunodeficiency, centromeric instability, and facial
anomalies (ICF) syndrom
117. ✓ Transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy
118. Aging related disorders
119. Aggressive digital adenocarcinoma
120. Aggressive digital adenoma
121. Aicardi–Goutières syndrome
122. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)– HIV
123. Ainhum &pseudo ainhum
124. Aggressive digital papillary adenoma
125. Alagille syndrome
126. Albinism & oculocutaneous albinism
127. Albright osteodystrophy
128. Alezzandrini syndrome
129. Alkaptonuria
130. Allgrove’s syndrome
131. androgenetic Alopecia androgenic baldness
132. anagen effluvium
133. Alopecia areata(totalis&universalis&ophiasis&linear&perinevoid)
134. Alopecia areta ophiasis inversa
135. Alopecia atrichia with popular lesion
136. Alopecia central centrifugal cicatricial - hot comb
137. Alopecia cicatricial
138. congenital triangular alopecia
139. dissecting cellulitis/ folliculitis capitis abscedens et suffodiens
140. Alopecia dle discoid lupus
141. folliculitis decalvan
142. frontal fibrosing alopecia
143. Alopecia areata incognito
144. keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvan. Kfsd
145. lichen planopilaris lpp
146. Alopecia lipedematous
147. Alopecia mucinosa
148. Alopecia neoplastica
149. Alopecia occipital
150. Alopecia parvimaculata
151. Alopecia perinevoid
152. Alopecia premature
153. Alopecia pseudopelade (brocq)
154. retrograde alopecia
155. Alopecia syphilis
156. telogen effluvium
157. Alopecia :tractional
158. trichotillomania
159. tufted folliculitis
160. ulerythema ophryogenes
161. alopecia universalis congenital
162. alopecic and aseptic nodule of scalp
163. Alopecia-onycho- dysplasia-hypohidrosis-deafness
164. syndrome.
165. Alport syndrome
166. Alteranariosis
167. Alveolar soft part sarcoma
168. Amalgam tooth
169. Amastia
170. Amazia
171. Amoebiasis cutis
172. Ameloblastoma
173. Amicrobial pustulosis of fold
174. Amniotic band sequence
175. Amputation diseases
176. Amyloidosis (see next)
177. ✓ systemic
178. ✓ Amyloidosis cutis dyschromia
179. ✓ macular
180. ✓ Familial amyloidosis, Finnish type
181. ✓ friction
182. ✓biphasic
183. ✓ nodular
184. ✓ lichen
185. ✓ bullous
186. ✓ anosacral
187. ✓ Atrophic Nodular Cutaneous Amyloidosis (ANCA)
188. ✓ Poikiloderma-like cutaneous amyloidosis
189. Anetoderma
190. Angina bullous heamorhagica/ Benign hemorrhagic bullous
191. Angioedema
192. Angiohistiocytoma
193. Angioinvasive fungal infections
194. Angiokeratoma (solitary &circumscriptum & Mibelli& corporis)
195. Angiokeratoma fordyce
196. Angioleiomyoma
197. Angiolipoma
198. Angiolipoleiomyoma
199. Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia (ALHE)
200. Angioma serpignosa
201. Angiomatosis: diffuse dermal angiomatosis
202. Malignant angioendotheliomatosis
203. Glomeruloid reactive angioendotheliomatosis
204. Reactive angioendotheliomatosis (RAE)
205. Angiomyolipoma
206. Angiopericytomatosis
207. Angiomyxoma
208. Angiosarcoma
209. Angelman syndrome
210. Angora hair nevus
211. Angry back syndrome
212. Ankyloglossia
213. Annular erythema of infancy
214. Annually recurring erythema annulare centrifugum (AR EAC)
215. Anogenital digitate keratosiis
216. Anorexia nervosa
217. ANOTHER syndrome (alopecia, nail dystrophy, ophthalmic
complications, thyroid dysfunction, hypohidrosis, ephelides and
enteropathy, and respiratory tract infections)
218. Anthrax
219. Antiphospholipid syndrome
220. Antithrombin III deficiency
221. Antisynthetase syndrome
222. Apert syndrome
223. Aplasia cutis
224. Aphthous ulcer / recurrent aphthous stomatitis
225. Apocrine mixed tumors
226. Apocrine nevus
227. Aponeurotic fibroma
228. Aquagenic pruritus
229. Arborizing and Stellate Melanosis
230. Argininosuccinic aciduria
231. Argyria
232. Arsenic palmoplantar
233. Arsenicosis
234. Arsenic Keratosis
235. Arsenical Melanoderma
236. Arterial embolism
237. Arterial tortuosity Syndrome
238. Arterio veno lymphatic
239. Arteriovenous fistula
240. Arteriovenous malformation
241. Arthreogyposis
242. Arthrogryposis–renal dysfunction–cholestasis (ARC)syndrome
243. Aspartylglucosaminuria
244. Ascher syndrome/ blepharochalsis
245. Aseptic abscess syndrome
246. Aspergillosis
247. Aspirin related diseases
248. Ataxia telangctasia- Louis-Bar syndrome
249. Atherosclerosis
250. Atopic dermatitis
251. Atrophoderma moulin
252. Atrophoderma of pasini and pierini
253. Atrophoderma vermiculata
254. Follicular atrophoderma
255. Atrophia maculosa varioliformis cutis
256. Atypical fibroxanthoma
257. Atypical mole syndrome
258. Atypical vascular lesions
259. Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (Canale–Smith
260. Autoimmune Polyendocrinopathy-Candidiasis- Ectodermal
261. Axillary web syndrome
262. Axillary granular parakeratosis
263. Bacillary Angiomatosis
264. Baker's cyst
265. Balamuthia mandrillaris
266. Balanitis
267. Balanitis xerotica obliterans
268. Balanoposthitis
269. BAP-oma
270. Bannayan-riley-ruvalcaba syndrome
271. Bannayan-Zonana syndrome
272. Barber say syndrome
273. Bart syndrome
274. Basaloid follicular hamartoma
275. Basal cell carcinoma ( SEE NEXT)
276. ✓ Nodular basal cell carcinoma
277. ✓ Pigmented type
278. ✓ Superficial basal cell carcinoma
279. ✓ Morpheaform basal cell carcinoma
280. ✓ Fibroepithelial basal cell carcinoma - fibroepithelioma of
281. ✓ Micronodular basal cell carcinoma
282. ✓ cystic basal cell carcinoma
283. ✓ Basosquamous carcinoma
284. ✓ Terebrant carcinoma
285. Basal cell nevus syndrome
286. Multiple hereditary infundibulo-cystic basal cell carcinoma
287. Multiple infundibulo-cystic basal cell carcinomas
288. Basan syndrome
289. Bascule syndrome
290. Basidiobolomycosis
291. Bart-Pumphrey syndrome
292. Bateman purpura
293. Batman dermatitis
294. Battered child syndrome
295. Battered baby syndrome
296. Bazex dubre christol
298. Betel leaf (piper betle)
299. Beare–stevenson cutis gyrate syndrome
300. Beard folliculitis
301. Beard herpetic folliculitis
302. Beard pseudofolliculitis barbe
303. Beard sycosis barbe
304. Beard tinea
305. Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome
306. Behcet syndrome
307. Bejel
308. Bendar tumour
309. Benign lymphoepithelial cyst
310. Benign neonatal hemangiomatosis
311. Benign symmetric lipomatosis
312. Berardinelli’s syndrome
313. Beriberi
314. Berlin syndrome
315. Berloque dermatitis
316. Besnier prurigo
318. Bilharziasis /bilharzia (Swimmer's itch)
319. Biotinidase deficiency
320. Bird nest
321. Bird-headed dwarfism or Seckel Syndrome
322. Birt-hogg-dubé
323. Bites (see next)
324. ✓Arthropod bite
325. ✓anemon
326. ✓bee
327. ✓beetle paederus dermatitis
328. ✓bug
329. ✓cat
330. ✓caterpillar
331. ✓chigger
332. ✓ coral
333. ✓dog
334. ✓fireant
335. ✓flea
336. ✓jelly fish
337. ✓mite
338. ✓mosquito
339. ✓portguese man of war /physalia physalis
340. ✓sea bather
341. ✓snake
342. ✓scorpion
343. ✓ spider
344. ✓tick
345. ✓urchin
346. ✓weever
347. Björnstad syndrome
348. Blaschkitis(adult)
349. Blastomycosis
350. Blau syndrome
351. Blepharophyma
352. Blistering dactylitis
353. Bloom syndrome
354. Blue baby syndrome
355. Blue Nevus
356. Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome/ Bean syndrome
357. Blue toe syndrome
358. Blue berry muffin baby
359. Bockenheimer
360. Body Dysmorphic Disorder
361. Bohn nodule
362. boil
363. Bonbon toffee sign (sebaceous hyperplasia)
364. Bonnet–Dechaume–Blanc syndrome
365. Book syndrome
366. Borrone dermato-cardio-skeletal
367. Botryomycosis
369. Bourneville-Pringle
370. Bowen disease
371. Bownoid papulosis
372. Bpes (Blepharophimosis, ptosis, and epicanthus inversus
syndrome (BPES))
373. Branched-chain amino acid deficiency.
374. Brachioradial pruritus
375. Branchial Cleft Sinuses and Fistulae
376. Branchial cyst
377. Branchio-oculo-facial syndrome
378. Branchio-Oto-Renal syndrome
379. Brazilian hemorrhagic fever
380. Bresek syndrome
381. Brooke-spiegler syndrome
382. Bronchogenic cyst
383. Bronze baby syndrome
384. Brucellosis
385. Bruton syndrome
386. Brünauer–Fuhs–Siemens
387. Buerger diseases
388. Buffalopox
389. Bulla coma
390. Bulla after burn
391. Bulla coma
392. Bulla diabetes
393. Bulla edema
394. Bulla fracture
395. Bulla friction
396. Bulla insect bite
397. Blisters postgraft
398. Bullous dermatitis artefacta
399. Bullous urticaria
400. PUVA-induced acrobullous dermatosis
401. Bullous pemphigoid (SEE NEXT)
402. ✓ Dyshidrosiform pemphigoid
403. ✓ Pemphigoid vegetans
404. ✓ Pemphigoid nodularis
405. ✓ Large erosive TEN-like lesions
406. ✓ Papular pemphigoid
407. ✓ Eczematous pemphigoid
408. ✓ Erythrodermic pemphigoid
409. ✓ Lichen planus pemphigoides
410. ✓ Bullous pemphigoid juvenile
411. ✓ Localized lesions
412. ✓ Brunsting–Perry form
413. Bureau–Barrière syndrome
414. Burn
415. Burning feet syndrome
416. Burning mouth syndrome
417. Burning scalp syndrome
418. Burning scrotum syndrome
419. Buschke-lowenstein tumour
420. Buschke ollendorff syndrome
421. CADASIL syndrome (cerebral autosomal dominant
arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leuko-
422. CAHMR syndrome ( cataract, hypertrichosis, mental retardation)
423. Cafe noir
424. Calabar swelling
425. Calcinosis circumscripta
426. Calcinosis cutis
427. Calcinosis universalis
428. Tumoral Calcinosis
429. Calciphylaxis
430. Calcium deposition –calcinosis(metastatic& dystrophic &
idiopathic & iatrogenic) calcification
431. Calculus
432. Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma
433. Callus
434. Callosities
435. Calm café-au-lait macules
436. CAMPS (CARD14-mediated pustular psoriasis)
437. Cancrum oris noma
438. Candida candidiasis
439. ✓ angular cheilitis (perlèche)
440. ✓ thrush (acute pseudo‐membranous candidiasis
441. ✓ candidal leucoplakia (chronic hyperplastic candidiasis)
442. ✓ chronic denture stomatitis (chronic atrophic candidiasis)
443. ✓ chronic hyperplastic candidiasis
444. ✓ Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis
445. candidemia
446. Candle: chronic atypical neutrophilic dermatosis with
lipodystrophy and elevated temperature
447. Canities ( Premature Canities&Canities Subita)
448. CANNON DISEASE/ white sponge naevus
449. Cantu syndrome
450. Capillary malformation
451. Capillary leak syndrome
452. Carboxylase defeciency
453. Carbuncle
454. Carcinoid syndrome
455. Carcinosarcoma
456. Carcinoma en cuirasse
457. Carcinoma erysipeloides (telangiectatica)
458. Carcinoma telangiectoides
459. Cardio-acro-facial syndrome
460. Cardiofaciocutanous syndrome
461. Carney complex
462. Carnitine translocase deficiency
463. Carotenemia
464. CARP -confluent and reticulated papillomatosis Gougerot-
465. Carpenter syndrome
466. Cartilage hair hypoplasia
467. Cartilagnous rest of neck
468. Castleman diseases
469. Cat scratch disease
470. Cavernous Hemangioma
471. Cavernous lymphangioma
472. CBDC: chronic bullous disease of childhood
473. CEDNIK cerebral dysgenesis, neuropathy, ichthyosis, and
474. Cellulite
475. Cellulitis
476. Cerebro-oculo-facio-skeletal (COFS)
477. Cervical cleft
478. Cervical chondrocutaneous branchial remnants
479. Chagas disease
480. Chancre
481. Chancroid
483. Charcot-marie-tooth
484. CHARGE Syndrome = (coloboma, heart defects, atresia choanae,
growth retardation, genital abnormalities, and
485. Chediak - higashi syndrome (CHS)
486. Cheiralgia paresthetica
487. Cheiroarthropathy
488. Cherry angioma
489. Chickenpox scar
490. Chickenpox varicella
491. Neonatal varicella
492. Chickenpox photolocalized
493. Chickenpox bullosa
494. Chikungunya chicku
495. Childhood flexural comedones
496. Chime syndrome
497. Chondrodermatitis nodularis helics
498. Chondrodermatitis nodularis nasi (of nose)
499. Chonrdomas
500. Chloroma
501. Chondroid syringoma
502. Malignant chondroid syringoma
503. Chondrosarcoma
504. Chromoblastomycosis
505. Chronic eczematous eruptions of the aged
506. Chronic granulomatous disese
507. Chronic recurrent annular neutrophilic dermatosis
508. Chronic nipple eczema
509. Chrysiasis
510. Churg strausse vasculitis Eosinophilic granulomatosis with
511. Cicatricial pemphigoid
512. Ciliated cyst of the vulva
513. CINCA : The Chronic Infantile Neurological Cutaneous and Articular
514. Cisriod aneurysm
515. Citrullinemia
516. CLAPO (capillary malformation of the lower lip, lymphatic
malformation predominant on the face and neck, asymmetry, and
partial/generalized overgrowth.)
517. Clarkson’s syndrome
518. Clear cell acanthoma - Acanthoma of Degos
519. Clear cell hidradenocarcinoma
520. Clear cell papulosis
521. Cleido-cranial dysostosis
522. Cloves syndrome
523. Cob syndrome
524. Coccidioidomycosis
525. Coccydynia
526. Cockayne syndrome
527. Coffin–Siris syndrome
528. Cohen syndrome
529. Cutaneous Collagenous Vasculopathy
530. Cole syndrome
531. Colloid milium
532. Collision tumour
533. Comedocarcinoma
534. Common variable immunodeficiency
535. Complement deficiency
536. Complex regional pain syndrome/ reflex sympathetic dystrophy
537. Composite hemangioendotheliomna
538. Compulsuive hand washing
539. Condyloma acuminate
540. Condyloma lata
541. Confetti-Like Macular Atrophy
542. Congenital cd34+ granular cell dendrocytosis
543. Congenital deficiency of glutamine synthetase
544. Congenital disorders of glycosylation
545. Congenital epulis
546. Congenital Hypertrichotic Melanoneurocytoma (CHM)
547. Congenital erosive and vesicular dermatosis
548. Congenital Insensitivity to Pain hereditary sensory and autonomic
neuropathies (HSAN)
549. congenital idiopathic generalized anhidrosis (CIGA)
550. Congenital pseudarthrosis of the clavicle
551. Congenital varicella syndrome (CVS)
552. Congenital Venous Malformation
553. Conidobolus coronatus
554. Contact stomatitis
555. Cooks syndrome
556. Corn
557. Cornelia de Lange syndrome
558. Corona seborrhoeica
559. Corona veneris
560. Costello syndrome
561. Covid corona 19 ( Ischemic/livedoid/necrotic lesions&Chilblain-like
eruption (pernio-like)&Varicella-like&Urticarial
eruptions&Erythema multiforme-like
eruptions&Petechial/purpuric rash)
562. Covid toes
563. Cowden syndrome
564. Cowpox
565. Coumadin-induced necrosis
566. Cranioectodermal dysplasia
567. Craniofaciocutanous SYNDROME
568. Craniosynostosis
569. CREST syndrome
571. Crohn disease
572. Cronkhite–Canada syndrome
573. Cross syndrome
574. Crouzon syndrome/ Brachial syndrome
575. Crow’s feet
576. Crow-fukase syndrome
577. Cryoglobulinemia (3 types)
578. Cryofibrinogenemia
579. Crystalglobulin vasculopathy
580. Cold agglutinin disease
581. Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS)
582. Cryotherapy related complications
583. Cryptococcosis
584. Cullen sign/peritonitis pancreatitis
585. Cupping
586. cutaneous endometriosis
587. Cutanous horn
588. Cutaneous lymphadenoma
589. Cutaneous Waldenström macroglobulinemia
590. Cutis laxa
591. Cutis tricolor
592. Cutis marmorata
593. Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita
594. Cutis rhomboidalis nuchae
595. Cutis verticis gyrata (Pachydermia verticis gyrate)
596. Curry-jones syndrome
597. Cyanosis
598. Cyclic edema
599. Cydnidae burrowing bug
600. Cylindroma
601. Cylindrocarcinoma
602. Cyrano nose
603. Cystadenoma
604. Cysticercosis
605. Cystic fibrosis
606. Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
607. D-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria
608. Dabska’s tumour
609. Dacrocystitis
610. Dadru
611. Dandruff/ Pityriasis simplex capillitii
612. Darier white darrier& dyskeratosis follicularis
613. Darier–Roussy disease
614. Pseudo-Darier’s sign
615. Dark halo/circles
616. Davener’s Dermatosis (DD)
617. De barsy syndrome
618. Deckchair sign
619. Deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2 (DADA2)
620. Defoliants
621. Degos disease – malignant atrophic papulosis
622. Delleman syndrome
623. Delusion parasitosis
624. Demodicosis &demodex (SEE NEXT)
625. ✓ Pityriasis folliculorum
626. ✓ Perioral dermatitis
627. ✓ facial dermatitis
628. ✓ folliculitis
629. ✓ Demodex abscesses
630. ✓ Blepharitis
631. Dengue
632. De Sanctis–Cacchione syndrome
633. Dental sinus(sinus of dental origin)
634. Dependency disease
635. Dependent edema
636. Dercum diseases
637. Dermal dendrocyte hamartoma with stubby white hair
638. Dermal hyperneury
639. Dermatitis factitial artifacta
640. Dermatitis cruris pustulosa atrophican
641. Dermatitis herpetiformis DH
642. Dermatitis medicamentosa
643. Dermatitis palmaris sicca
644. Dermatitis passivata
645. Dermatitis plantaris sicca
646. Dermatitis repens
647. Dermatitis simulata
648. Dermatitis vegetans
649. Dermatitis neglecta
650. Dermatofibroma- Dermatofibroma- Benign fibrous histiocytoma
651. Dermatofibroma Types (SEE NEXT)
652. • Hyperpigmented nodular dermatofibroma
653. • Nonpigmented dermatofibroma
654. • Delled (“atrophic”) dermatofibroma
655. • Giant dermatofibroma
656. • Subcutaneous dermatofibroma
657. • Multiple grouped dermatofibromas
658. • Disseminated multiple dermatofibromas
659. • Ankle-type dermatofibroma (lipidized fibrous histiocytoma)
660. • Erosive and ulcerated dermatofibroma
661. • Pedunculated or polypoid dermatofibroma
662. • Hyperkeratotic dermatofibroma
663. • Annular hemosiderotic dermatofibroma
664. • Multinodular hemosiderotic dermatofibroma
665. • Dermatofibroma with satellitosis
666. Dermatofibrosis lenticularis disseminate
667. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
668. Dermatoglyphs( ridge aplasia, ridge hypoplasia, ridge dissociation,
669. Dermatographism(See next)
670. ✓ Red Dermatographism
671. ✓ Yellow Dermatographism
672. ✓ White Dermatographism
673. ✓ Black Dermatographism
674. Dermatoheliosis
675. Dermatomyofibroma
676. Dermatomyositis
677. Dermatopathia reticularis
678. Dermatoporosis
679. Dermochondrocorneal syndrome
680. Dermoid Cyst
681. Diabetic diabetes related disorders
682. Diabetic dermopathy
683. Diffuse lipomatosis
684. Diffuse capillary malformation with overgrowth DCMO
685. Digeorge’s syndrome
686. Digital fibromatosis
687. Digitalgia paresthetica
688. Digital verrucous fibroangioma
689. Dilated pore of winer
690. Dimple
691. Diogenes syndrome
692. Diphtheria
693. DIRA deficiency Deficiency of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist
694. DITRA deficiency of interleukin-36 receptor antagonist
695. Dirofilaria
696. Disabling pansclerotic morphoea of
697. Distichiasis
698. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
699. Disseminated Hypopigmented Keratoses (DHK)
700. Dock8 deficiency
701. Donohue syndrome
702. Donovanosis & granuloma inguinale
703. DOORS syndrome
704. Dowling degos disease
705. Down syndrome
706. Vesiculopustular eruption of transient myeloproliferative disorder
in Down syndrome
707. Double eyebrow
708. Dracunculiasis
709. Drug abuse popping
710. Drug induced acne (DIA)
711. Drug-induced acneiform eruption (DIAE)
712. Drug: AGEP Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis
713. Drug: arsenic
714. Drug: bleomycin
715. Drug: BRAF inhibitor
716. Drug: bromoderma &iododerma &halogenoderma
717. Drug: Bullous hemorrhagic dermatosis
718. Drug: toxic erythema of chemotherapy
719. Drug: Chrysiasis
720. Drug: DLE discoid / systemic lupus
721. Drug: dress drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic
722. Drug: Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors EGFRI
723. Drug: emboli nicolau
724. Drug extravasation
725. Chemotherapy-induced stomatitis
726. Drug: fixed drug eruption
727. Drug hand foot skin reaction
728. Drug hand foot skin syndrome
729. Drug: hydroquin
730. Drug: insulin
731. Drug: lichnoid drug eruption
732. Drug: lichen planus pigmentosus (lpp) like eruption
733. Drug: mek1 inhibitor
734. Drug: methotrexate
735. Methotrexate (MTX) Toxicity
736. Drug: minocyclin
737. Drug: minoxdil
738. Drug: pitryiasis rosea like
739. Drug: induced pruritus
740. Drug: psoriasiform
741. Drug: retinoid induced
742. Drug: SDRIF SDIRF symmetrical drug-related intertriginous and
flexural exanthema
743. Drug: true serum sickness
744. Serum sickness-like reaction
745. Drug: steroid induced
746. Drug: phototoxic
747. Drug: Serpentine supravenous hyperpigmentation
748. Drug induced vitiligo
749. Drug: exanthema - Morbilliform drug eruption/ maculopapular
drug eruptions
750. Drug: Hyperpigmentation
751. Drug: Hypopigmentation
752. Drug: Nail abnormalities
753. Drug-induced necrotizing purpura.
754. Drug: Granulomatous
755. Dubowitz syndrome.
756. Dupuytren contracture
757. Dyschromatosis brachial
758. Dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria
759. Dyschromatosis universalis hereditaria
760. Dyssebacea
761. Dyskeratosis congenita (Zinsser–Engman–Cole syndrome)
762. Dysthesia
763. Dysesthetic anogenital pain syndromes
764. Ear :acanthoma fissuratum
765. Ear: pinna accessory
766. Ear :pinna hairy
767. Ear pit
768. Ear :preauricular sinus
769. Ebola virus related diseases
770. primary EBV infection
771. Ebstien bar infectious mononucleosis
772. Eccrine angiomatous hamartoma
773. Eccrine angiomatous neavus with verrucous
774. Eccrine nevus
775. Ecchymoses
776. Echo virus related diseases
777. Ecthyma simplex
778. Ecthyma contagiosum (orf)
779. Ecthyma gangrenosum
780. Ectodermal dysplasia (see next)
781. ✓Ectodermal dysplasia adult acro-dermato-ungual-lacrimal-tooth
783. ✓Ectodermal dysplasia AEC ankyloblepharon, ectodermal
dysplasia, cleft lip/palate-Hay–Wells syndrome)
784. ✓Ectodermal dysplasia EEC ectodermal dysplasia, ectrodactyly,
cleft lip/palate
785. ✓Ectodermal dysplasia hair nail
786. ✓Ectodermal dysplasia nectin 4
787. ✓Ectodermal dysplasia Rapp Hodgkin
788. ✓Hypohidrotic ED–immune defeciency
789. ✓Hypohidrotic Ectodermal dysplasia/Christ–Siemens–Touraine
790. ✓Ectodermal dysplasia/skin fragility syndrome (ED-SFS)
791. ✓Hidrotic Ectodermal dysplasia/Clouston Syndrome
792. Ectopic cilia
793. Eczema: airborn
794. Eczema: Asteatotic craquele
795. Eczema: baboon
796. Eczema: contact dermatitis
797. Irritant contact dermatitis (ICD)
798. Allergic contact dermatitis
799. Eczema discoid Nummular dermatitis
800. Eczema: Disseminated - Autosensitization dermatitis
801. Eczema: Dyshidrotic
802. Eczema: follicular type
803. Eczema: frictional lichenoid dermatitis
804. Eczema halo
805. Eczema herpeticum kaposi varicelliform eruption
806. Eczema infectious eczematoid dermatitis
807. Eczema infective & Infective Dermatitis HTLV1
808. Eczema: lymphatoid contact dermatitis
809. Eczema: marginatum
810. Eczema: molluscatum
811. Posttraumatic Eczema
812. Eczema: Sulzberger–Garbe syndrome
814. Eczema: patch test
815. Eczema: phytophotodermatitis
816. Eczema: poison ivy
817. Eczema: pompholyx
818. Eczema: slobber dermatitis
819. Eczema: stasis dermatitis
820. Eczema: vaacina coxsackie
821. Eczema due to war chemicals
822. Eczma palmoplantar
823. EHLERS–DANLOS SYNDROME (Classic&Classic-like&Cardiac
valvular&Hypermobile&Vascular& Kyphoscoliotic
&Dermatosparaxis&Periodontal&Brittle cornea
824. Elastoderma
825. Elastofibroma dorsi
826. Elastoma
827. Elastoma of Dubreuilh
828. Papular elastorrhexis
829. juvenile elastoma
830. perforating elastosis
831. Elastosis perforans serpiginosa
832. Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa
833. Elephantiasic pretibial myxedema
834. Elephantiasis neurofibromatosa
835. Elephantine psoriasis
836. Ellis–van Creveld syndrome
837. Elejalde syndrome
838. Emboli cholestrol
839. Emboli oxalate
840. Emboli
841. Emmonsiosis
842. Encephalocele
843. Endocarditis
844. Endocrine diseases
845. Endocrine: Acromegaly
846. Endocrine: Addison disease
847. Endocrine: cushing
848. Endocrine: hyperthyroidism
849. Endocrine: hypothyroidism
850. Endocrine mucin-producing sweat gland carcinoma
851. Men: multiple endocrine neoplasia (1 &2a &2b)
852. Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 Wermer
853. Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN 2A, Sipple syndrome)
854. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2B= Multiple
endocrine neoplasia type 3
855. Engraftment syndrome
856. Enterobiasis
857. Entomophthoromycosis
858. Envelopathies
859. Eosinophilic annular erythema
860. Eosinophilic myalgia syndrome
861. Eosinophilic panniculitis
862. Eosinophilic Pustular Folliculitis
863. Eosinophilic ulcer tongue/ Eosinophilic Nodule of the Tongue
864. Eosinophilic fasciitis
865. Epidermization of lip
866. Epidermoid Cyst
867. Epidermodysplasia verruciformis edv
868. Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita EBA
869. Epidermolysis bullosa superficialis
870. Epidermolysis bullosa prurignosa
871. Epidermolysis bullosa simplex (ebs) (SEE NEXT)
872. ✓ Ebs due to klhl24 ad kelch-like protein 24
873. ✓ Ebs with mottled pigmentation
874. ✓ Ebs with pyloric atresia ar plectin; α 6 β 4 integrin
875. ✓ Ebs, ar-bp230 deficiency ar bullous pemphigoid antigen 1
876. ✓ Ebs, ar-exophilin 5 deficiency
877. ✓ Ebs, ar-krt14 ar
878. ✓ Ebs, generalized intermediate
879. ✓ Ebs, generalized severe (formerly dowling–meara)
880. ✓ Ebs, localized (formerly weber–cockayne)
881. ✓ Bs, migratory circinate
882. ✓ Ebs-ogna ad plectin
883. Epidermolysis bullousa dystrophic (SEE NEXT)
884. ✓ Other ddeb variants: acral, pretibial, pruriginosa, nails only
885. ✓ rdeb variants: localized, pretibial, pruriginosa, centripetalis
886. ✓ Rdeb, bullous dermolysis of the newborn
887. ✓ Rdeb, generalized intermediate
888. ✓ Rdeb, generalized severe (formerly hallopeau–siemens)
889. ✓ Rdeb, inversa
890. ✓ Ddeb, bullous dermolysis of the newborn
891. ✓ Ddeb, generalized
893. Epidermolysis bullousa junctional (SEE NEXT)
894. ✓ Jeb with pyloric atresia ar α 6 β 4 integrin
895. ✓ Jeb with respiratory and renal involvement ar α 3 integrin
896. ✓ Jeb, generalized intermediate ar * laminin 332; collagen xvii
897. ✓ Jeb, generalized severe (formerly herlitz) ar laminin 332
898. ✓ Jeb, inversa ar laminin 332
899. ✓ Jeb, late onset ar collagen xvii
900. ✓ Jeb-laryngo-onycho-cutaneous syndrome
901. Epidermolytic acanthoma
902. Epitheliod Hemangioma
903. Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma
904. Epithelioma cuniculatum
905. Epithelioid sarcoma
906. Epithelioid Cell Histiocytoma
907. Episodic angioedema with eosinophilia (Gleich syndrome)
908. Eponymous signs in dermatology (see next)
909. ✓Albright’s dimple sign
910. ✓Antenna sign
911. ✓Asboe-Hansen sign
912. ✓Auspitz sign
913. ✓Barnett’s sign
914. ✓ “Breakfast, lunch, and dinner” sign
915. ✓Branham’s sign (Nicoladoni sign)
916. ✓Buschke-Ollendorff sign
917. ✓Butterfly sign
918. ✓Buttonhole sign
919. ✓Carpet tack sign (Tin tack sign, Cat tongue sign)
920. ✓Chagas–Mazza–Romaña’s sign
921. ✓Coral bead sign
922. ✓Coudability sign
923. ✓Crowe’s sign
924. ✓Cullen’s sign
925. ✓Deck-chair sign
926. ✓Dew drop on rose petal sign
927. ✓Darier‘s sign
928. ✓Dimple sign (Fitzpatrick sign)
929. ✓Dory-flop sign
930. ✓Flag sign
931. ✓Forscheimer’s sign
932. ✓Frank’s sign
933. ✓Friar tuck sign
934. ✓Gorlin’s sign
935. ✓Gottron’s sign
936. ✓Groove sign
937. ✓Hang-glider sign
938. ✓Hair collar sign
939. ✓Hairy palm sign
940. ✓Hamburger sign
941. ✓Hanging curtain sign
942. ✓Hertoghe’s sign (Queen Anne’s sign)
943. ✓Higoumenaki’s sign
944. ✓Holster sign of dermatomyositis
945. ✓Hutchinson’s sign
946. ✓Hypopyon sign
947. ✓Ingram’s sign
948. ✓Jellinek’s sign (Rasin’s sign)
949. ✓Kaposi-Stemmer sign
950. ✓Leser–Trelat sign
951. ✓Love’s sign
952. ✓Matchbox sign
953. ✓Meffert’s sign
954. ✓Milian’s ear sign
955. ✓Mizutani’s sign (Round finger pad sign)
956. ✓Nazzaro’s sign
957. ✓Nikolskiy’s sign
958. ✓Nose sign (Pavithran’s nose sign)
959. ✓Osler’s sign
960. ✓Pastia’s sign
961. ✓Patrick Yesudian sign
962. ✓Prayer sign
963. ✓Promontory sign
964. ✓Punshi’s sign
965. ✓Pup-tent sign
966. ✓Raccoon sign
967. ✓Reverse Namaskar sign
968. ✓Rope sign
969. ✓Russell’s sign
970. ✓Sandwich sign
971. ✓Scratch sign (coup d’ongle sign, Besnier’s sign,
972. ✓Shawl sign
973. ✓Samitz’s sign
974. ✓Shuster’s sign
975. ✓Stafne’s sign
976. ✓Thumb sign (Steinberg sign)
977. ✓Toy soldier sign
978. ✓Ugly duckling sign
979. ✓Umbilical sign
980. ✓Volcano sign
981. ✓V- sign
982. ✓Wartenberg’s sign
983. ✓Wimberger’s sign
984. ✓Wrist sign (Walker’s sign)
985. ✓Winterbottom’s sign
986. Epstein pearl
987. Epulis fissuratum
988. Ethylmalonic aciduria
989. Erosive adenomatosis of the nipple
990. Erosive pustular dermatosis of the scalp
991. Erosive pustular dermatosis of the leg
992. Eruptive hypomelanosis (idiopathic()
993. Eruptive pseudoangioma
994. Erysipelas
995. Erysipeloid
996. Erythema
997. Erythema ab igne
998. Erythema contusiforme
999. Erythema induratum
1000. Erythema infectiosum fifth disease
1001. Erythema multiforme (minor &major)
1002. Erythema nodosum EN
1003. Erythema nodosum migrans
1004. Erythema nuchae (salmon patch)
1005. Erythema annulare centrifugum (EAC)
1006. Erythema arthriticum
1007. Erythema dyschromicum perstans ashy dermatosis
1008. Erythema elevatum diutinum
1009. Erythema gyratum atrophican
1010. Erythema gyratum repen
1011. Erythema marginatum
1012. Erythema marginatum-like Lesions of hereditary angioedema
1013. Erythema migrans---lyme
1014. Erythema Punctatum Higuchi (EPH)
1015. Erythema Rhematicum Migrans
1016. Palpable migratory arciform erythema
1017. Erythema necroticans
1018. Erythema papulosa semicircularis recidivans - Erythema
papulatum Centrifugum
1019. Erythema toxicum neonatorum (toxic)
1020. Erythrasma
1021. Erythrocyanosis
1022. Erythroderma
1023. Idiopathic erythroderma
1024. Paraneoplastic erythroderma
1025. Paraneoplastic scleroderma-like syndrome
1026. Erythrodermic trichophyton
1027. Erythrokeratodermia with spinocerebellar ataxia (giroux–barbeau
1028. Erythrokeratodermia-cardiomyopathy syndrome
1029. Erythrokeratolysis hiemalis (keratolytic winter erythema,
oudtshoorn disease
1030. Erythrokeratoderma En Cocardes
1031. Erytroleukoplakia
1032. Erythromelalgia/ Erythralgia/ Erythermalgia
1033. Erythromelanosis follicularis faciei et colli
1034. Erythrose péribuccale of brocq
1035. Erythrosis pigmentosa mediofacialis
1036. Erythroplasia of Queyrat
1037. Erasmus syndrome
1039. Excited skin syndrome
1040. Exercise-induced vasculitis /golfer
1041. Exfoliative dermatitis
1042. Extramedullary hematopoiesis
1043. Farber lipogranulomatosis
1044. Fabry disease
1045. FACE : Facial afro caribbean childhood eruption
1046. Facial idiopathic granulomas with regressive evolution FIGURE
1047. Facio-auriculovertebral syndrome
1048. Facio-digito-genital syndrome
1049. Facies in Dermatology (SEE NEXT)
1050. ✓ Bird-like facies
1051. ✓ Atopic facies
1052. ✓ Asiatic porcelain doll facies
1053. ✓ Angelic facies
1054. ✓ Antonine facies
1055. ✓ Amiodarone facies
1056. ✓ Adenoid facies
1057. ✓ Acromegaloid facies
1058. ✓ Acrogeric facies
1059. ✓ Bloodhound facies
1060. ✓ Bull dog face
1061. ✓ Cadaveric facies
1062. ✓ Cigarette facies
1063. ✓ Coarse facies
1064. ✓ Dengue facies
1065. ✓ Dog/Simian facies
1066. ✓ Drawn facies
1067. ✓ Dysmorphic facies
1068. ✓ Elfin facies
1069. ✓ Gargoyles facies
1070. ✓ Gaunt facies
1071. ✓ Grimace-like facies
1072. ✓ Greek helmet facies
1073. ✓ Hippocratic facies
1074. ✓ Latrodectus facies
1075. ✓ Leonine facies
1076. ✓ Mask like face
1077. ✓ Mickey mouse facies
1078. ✓ Mitral face
1079. ✓ Mongoloid face/flat facies
1080. ✓ Monkey facies
1081. ✓ Moon facies
1082. ✓ Old man facies
1083. ✓ Sad man facies
1084. ✓ Slapped cheek facies
1085. ✓ Tabetic facies
1086. ✓ Triangular face
1087. ✓ Whistling facies
1088. Familial annular erythema
1089. Familial dyskeratotic comedon
1090. Familial Cold Auto-inflammatory syndrome
1091. Familial cutaneous and mucosal venous malformation
1092. Familial Gigantic Melanocytosis
1093. Familial mediterranean fever (FMF)
1094. Familial Multiple Café-au-Lait Spots
1095. Familial multiple discoid fibromas (FMDF)
1096. familial multiple lipomatosis
1097. Familial progressive hyperpigmentation –congenital diffuse
1098. Familial progressive hypo- and hyperpigmentation
1099. Familial speckled acral hypopigmentation
1100. Factor V Leiden mutation.
1101. Fanconi anemia
1102. Fat-storing hamartoma of dermal dendrocytes
1103. Fascioliasis
1104. Faun tail
1105. Felty’s syndrome
1106. Fetal alcohol syndrome
1107. Fetal hydantoin syndrome
1108. Ferguson–Smith syndrome
1109. Foreign body granuloma
1110. Female genital mutilation
1111. Fiberglass Dermatitis
1112. Cutaneous Fibroadenoma
1113. Fibro adipose vascular anomaly
1114. Fibroblastic connective tissue nevus
1115. Fibroblastoma
1116. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive
1117. Fibroepithelial polyp
1118. Fibroepithelioma of pinkus
1119. Fibrofolliculoma
1120. Fibrokeratoma
1121. Fibroma
1122. Fibroma fissuratum
1123. Fibromatoses (SEE NEXT)
1124. ✓ Superficial fascial fibromatosis
1125. ✓ Palmar fibromatosis (Dupuytren disease)
1126. ✓ Plantar fibromatosis (Ledderhose disease)
1127. ✓ Penile fibromatosis (Peyronie disease)
1128. ✓ Knuckle pads (holoderma)
1129. ✓ Pachydermodactyly
1130. ✓ Desmoid tumor
1131. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive
1132. Fibroelastolytic Papulosis
1133. Fibroma of tendon sheath
1134. Fibrosarcoma (SEE NEXT)
1135. ✓ Classic fibrosarcoma
1136. ✓ Myxoid fibrosarcoma&Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
1137. ✓ fibromyxoid sarcoma
1138. ✓ Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma
1139. ✓ Fibromyxoid fibrosarcoma
1140. Fibrous hamartoma of infancy
1141. Fibrous papule of nose
1142. Fiddler's neck
1143. Finger pebbles
1144. Fisher-Volavsek syndrome
1145. Fisch syndrome
1146. fish odour syndrome
1147. fixed drug eruption
1148. fixed food eruption
1149. fixed sunlight eruption
1150. flagellate dermatoses (SEE NEXT)
1151. ✓ Religious punishment
1152. ✓ Torture
1153. ✓ Sexual pleasure (sadomasochism)
1154. ✓ Child/partner abuse
1155. ✓ Dermatitis artefacta
1156. ✓ Bleomycin
1157. ✓ Peplomycin
1158. ✓ Docetaxel
1159. ✓ Bendamustine
1160. ✓ Dermatomyositis
1161. ✓ Adult-onset still’s disease
1162. ✓ Shiitake mushroom ingestion (raw or undercooked)
1163. ✓ Cnidarian (Portuguese man-of-war and jellyfi sh) stings✓
1164. ✓ Paederus and other insects
1165. ✓ Dermatographism
1166. ✓ Excoriations by pruritic conditions
1167. ✓ Phytophotodermatitis
1168. ✓ Poison ivy dermatitis
1169. ✓ Hypereosinophilic syndrome
1170. ✓ Chikungunya fever induced fl agellate pigmentation
1171. ✓ Idiopathic flagellate pigmentation
1172. Flagellate Hypopigmentation
1173. Flegel diseases
1174. Floppy Eyelid Syndrome
1175. Flotch suyndrome
1176. Florid papillomatosis
1177. Flushing
1178. Focal facial dermal Dysplasia (FFDD)
1179. FFDD1 – Brauer
1180. FFDD2 – Brauer–Setleis
1181. FFDD3 – Setleis
1182. FFDD4 – preauricular
1183. Focal epithelial hyperplasia
1184. Folliculosebaceous cystic hamartoma (FSCH)/ Sebofolliculoma
1185. Superficial folliculitis
1186. Folliculitis AIDS HIV
1187. Follicuitis pitryiasis
1188. Irritation Folliculitis
1189. Folliculitis actinic
1190. Folliculitis bacterial
1191. Friction Folliculitis
1192. Trunk Folliculitis
1193. Demodex Folliculitis
1194. Herpes simplex folliculitis
1195. Traumatic anserine folliculosis
1196. dissecting terminal hair folliculitis
1197. Disseminate and recurrent infundibulofolliculitis (DRIF)
1198. eosinophilic pustular folliculitis infancy
1199. eosonophilic Folliculitis of ofuji
1200. Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis
1201. gram negative Folliculitis
1202. hot tub Folliculitis
1203. pseudolymphoma Folliculitis
1204. Follicullitis candida
1205. Folliculocystic and Collagenous Hamartoma
1206. Forchheimer spots
1207. Fordyce spots oral
1208. Fox-fordyce Apocrine miliaria
1209. Fournier Gangrene
1210. Frank sign (diagonal earlobe crease)
1211. Frank ter haar syndrome
1212. Franceschetti-klein syndrome
1213. Freckles
1214. Frictional melanosis
1215. Frictional sweet dermatitis
1216. Frictional Asymptomatic Darkening of the Extensor Surfaces
1217. Frost bite
1218. Fucosidosis
1219. Furuncle
1220. Fusarium
1221. Futcher’s lines
1222. Galli-galli diseas
1223. Gamasoidosis
1224. Galactosialidosis
1225. Ganastomiasis
1226. Ganglion Cyst
1227. Gangliosidosis
1228. Gangrene
1229. Gapo syndrome (Growth retardation, Alopecia, Pseudoanodontia
and Optic atrophy.)
1230. Gardner syndrome/ familial polyposis of the colon.
1231. Gardner-diamond syndrome/AUTOERYTH ROCV rE SENSITIZATION
1232. Gata2 deficiency
1233. Gas gangrene
1234. Goeminne syndrome
1235. Gaucher disease
1236. Genralized essential Telangectasia
1237. Generalized inflammatory peeling skin syndrome
1238. Genodermatoses
1239. Gianotti-crosti syndrome papular acrodermatitis of childhood
1240. Giant axonal neuropathy with curly hair
1241. Giant cell arteritis temporal
1242. Giant cell granuloma
1243. Giant cell tumor tendon sheath
1244. Gingival fibromatosis
1245. Gigantic melanocytosis
1246. Gingival hyperplasia
1247. Gingivitis :Desquamative
1248. Gingivitis: Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis
1249. Glanders
1250. Gleich syndrome
1251. Glioma
1252. Glomeruloid hemangioma
1253. Glomangiopericytoma
1254. Glomus tumour
1255. Glomangioma
1256. Glomangiomyoma
1257. Glomuvenous malformation
1258. Glomangiosarcoma
1259. Glossodynia
1260. Glucagonoma syndrome
1261. Glutaric aciduria
1262. Glycogen storage disease
1263. Gnas mutation disorders
1264. Gnathostomiasis
1265. Gnathophyma
1266. Noonan
1267. Goldenhar syndrome
1268. Goltz Focal dermal hypoplasia
1269. Gonorrhoea
1270. Gordonia bronchialis
1271. Gorlin sign
1272. Gorlin-Goltz syndrome
1273. Gorlin–Chaudry–Moss syndrome
1274. Good syndrome
1275. Gorham-stout syndrome
1276. Goodpasture syndrome
1277. Gottron papule
1278. Inverse Gottron papule
1279. Sclerodermoid amyloidosum Gottron
1280. Gottron sign
1281. Gottron-like papule
1282. Gottron acrogeria (Gottron syndrome
1283. Papillomatosis cutis carcinoides of Gottron
1284. Darrier-Gottron erythrokeratoderma
1285. Gout &tophi
1286. Gouty panniculitis
1287. Pseudo gout
1288. Graft versus host disease GVHD (acute&chronic)
1289. Graham-little-piccardi-lasseur syndrome
1290. Granular cell tumour
1291. Granular cell tumour oral mucosa
1292. Granular parakeratosis
1293. Granulosis rubra nasi
1294. granulocytic spongiotic papulovesiculosis
1295. Annular elastolytic giant cell Granuloma
1296. Actinic granuloma
1297. Granuloma annular
1298. Granuloma fissuratum
1299. Granuloma gluteal infantum
1300. Granuloma inguinale
1301. Granuloma multiform
1302. Granuloma faciale facial
1303. Gray turner sign
1304. Gregg syndrome
1305. Grey baby syndrome
1306. Griscelli syndrome( grisceli)
1307. Groin acrodermatitis enteropathica
1308. Grover disease/ Transient acantholytic dermatosis
1309. Grybowski type generalized eruptive keratoacanthoma
1310. Guinea worm
1311. Gumma syphilis
1312. Gynecomastia
1313. H syndrome
1314. Haber’s syndrome
1315. Hair-an syndrome hyperandrogenemia, insulin resistance
Acanthosis nigricans
1316. Hemangioma (PHACE&LUMBAR&PELVIS)
1317. Haemangioma syndrome
1318. noninvoluting congenital haemangioma NICH
1319. Rapidly involuting congenital haemangioma RICH
1320. Haemangiopericytoma
1321. Haemochromatosis
1322. Hemophagocytic syndrome.
1323. Haemophilus influenzae infection
1324. Hailey - hailey disease
1325. Hair cast
1326. Hair premature gray
1327. Hair excess: hirsutism
1328. Hair excess : hypertrichosis
1329. Congenital hypertrichosis lanuginose
1330. Universal hypertrichosis
1331. Ambras syndrome
1332. X-linked hypertrichosis
1333. Hypertrichosis of the auricle
1334. Hypertrichosis of the eyebrows
1335. Hypertrichosis cubiti
1336. Anterior cervical hypertrichosis
1337. Posterior cervical hypertrichosis
1338. Hairy palms and soles
1339. Hairy ear pina
1340. Hair heterochromia
1341. Hair :red color
1342. Hair removal
1343. Hair transplant related diseases
1344. Hair-follicle nevus
1345. Halo dermatitis
1346. Halo scalp ring
1347. Hallermann–streiff syndrome
1348. Hand-foot-and-mouth disease
1349. Happle–Tinschert syndrome
1350. Hartnup disease
1351. Hay-wells syndrome
1352. Heamatohidrosis
1353. Heamngiopericytoma
1354. Hemolytic uremic syndrome
1355. Heat cramps
1356. Heat edema
1357. Heberden nodule
1358. Heck disease -Focal epithelial hyperplasia
1359. Heel black talon noir
1360. Heel-Line Hyperpigmentation
1361. Heel fissures
1362. Heel stick injury
1363. Hemifacial atrophy
1364. Hemihyperplasia lipomatosis
1365. hemochromatosis
1366. Hemosiderotic fibrolipomatous tumor (HFLT)
1367. Hemophagocytic syndrome
1368. Henna
1369. Hennekam lymphangiectasia–lymphedema syndrome
1370. Henoch schonlein purpura purpura
1371. Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia syndrome (HITS)
1372. Heterotopic neural tissue of the skin
1373. Heberden nodes
1374. He remained (Hematologic Related Malignancy induced
Eosinophilic dermatoses)
1375. hereditary angioedema
1376. Hereditary benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis
1377. Hereditary benign telangiectasia
1378. Hereditary congenital hypopigmented and hyperpigmented
macules (Westerhof syndrome)
1379. Hereditary Generalized Punctate Leukoderma
1380. hereditary gingival fibromatosis
1381. Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer (HLRCC)
1382. Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia Osler-Weber-Rendu
1383. Hereditary fibrosing poikiloderma
1384. Hereditary mucoepithelial dysplasia
1385. hereditary multiple lipomas
1386. Hereditary papulotranslucent acrokeratoderma
1387. Hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia
1388. Hereditary premature canities
1389. Hereditary sclerosing poikiloderma/POIKILODERMA Of WEARY
1390. Heerfordt syndrome
1391. Hermansky pudlak syndrome
1392. Herpangina
1393. Herpes simplex
1394. Herpes simplex (Neonatal& Intrauterine)
1395. Herpes simplex whitlow
1396. Herpes zoster phenomenon & scar
1397. Herpes zoster (classic&abortive&hemorrhagic&duplex
1398. Heterochromia
1399. Hibernoma
1400. Hidroacanthoma simplex
1401. Malignant hidroacanthoma simplex
1402. Hidradenitis: neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis NEH
1403. Hidradenitis palmar& plantar
1404. Hidradenitis suppurativa hs/acne inversa
1405. Hidradenoma
1406. Hidradenoma papilliferum
1407. Hidradnocarcinoma
1408. Hidrocystoma (Apocrine& Eccrine)
1409. Histiocytosis (SEE NEXT)
1410. ✓ LCH langerhan cell Histiocytosis
1411. ✓ Hand-Schüller-Christian
1412. ✓ Eosinophilic granuloma
1413. ✓ Self healing Hashimoto-Pritzker disease
1414. ✓ Letterer-Siwe
1415. ✓ Crystal-storing histiocytosis
1416. ✓ adult xanthogranuloma
1417. ✓ Progressive nodular histiocytosis PNH
1418. ✓ Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
1419. ✓ Papular xanthoma
1420. ✓ Generalized eruptive GEH
1421. ✓ Histiocytosis dermal dendrocyte hamartoma
1422. ✓ Erdheim-chester disease
1423. ✓ Histiocytosis indeterminate
1424. ✓ Juvenile xanthogranuloma
1425. ✓ Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma
1426. ✓ Histiocytosis progresive mucinosis
1427. ✓ Histiocytosis –multicentric reticulohistiocytosis
1428. ✓ Giant cell reticulohistiocytoma
1429. ✓ Rosai–dorfman disease
1430. ✓ Xanthoma disseminatum
1431. ✓ Benign cephalic Histiocytosis
1432. ✓ Kikuchi disease
1433. ✓ Histiocytosis sea blue
1434. Histiocytosis malignant (SEE NEXT)
1435. ✓ Histiocytic sarcoma
1436. ✓ Langerhans cell sarcoma
1437. ✓ Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma
1438. ✓ Interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma
1439. Histoplasmosis
1440. Hobnail Hemangioma
1441. Holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency
1442. Homocystinuria
1443. Hookworm disease
1444. HOPP (hypotrichosis, acro-osteolysis/onychogryphosis,
palmoplantar Keratoderma, and periodontitis) syndrome
1445. Horizontal forehead lines
1446. Hoyeraal–Hreidarrson syndrome
1447. Human ehrlichioses
1448. Human granulocytic anaplasmosis
1449. Huntley's papule
1450. Hutchinson’s sign
1451. Hyalohyphomycosis
1452. Hybrid cysts
1453. Hydatid cyst
1454. Hydroa vacciniforme
1455. hydroa vacciniforme‐like cutaneous T‐cell lymphoma
1456. Hydroxyurea-induced ulcers
1457. 4-Hydroxybutyric aciduria
1458. Hyper eosinophilic syndrome HES
1459. Hypereosinophilic dermatitis (Nir-Westfried)
1460. Hyperirritable skin
1461. Hyper IGD
1462. Hyper IGE syndrome/job
1463. Hyper linearity palm -sole
1464. Hyperkeratotic spicules
1465. Hyperkeratotic flexural erythema
1466. Hypertrophic scar
1467. Hyperhidrosis
1468. Hyperpigmented Macules on the Face of Young Children (HMFYC)
1469. Hypervitaminosis A
1470. Hypodermatitis sclerodermaformis
1471. Hypomelia–hypotrichosis–facial
1472. Hypoglossia-hypodactylia anomaly
1473. Hypohidrosis
1474. Hypophosphatasia (HPP)
1475. Hypopyon sign
1476. Hypothenar hammer
1477. Hypotrichosis (SEE NEXT)
1478. ✓ Hypotrichosis&anhidrosis
1479. ✓ Hypotrichosis, Mari
1480. ✓ Hypotrichosis, Marie Unna
1481. ✓ Hypotrichosis simplex
1482. ✓ Hypotrichosis simplex of the scalp
1483. ✓ Hypotrichosis with juvenile macular dystrophy
1484. ✓ Hypotrichosis with recurrent skin “vesicles”
1485. ✓ Localized autosomal recessive hypotrichosis
1486. ✓ Hypotrichosis–lymphedema–Telangiectasia syndrome
1487. Ichthyosis autosomal recessive exfoliative
1488. Ichthyosis, intellectual disability, and spastic quadriplegia
1489. Icthyosis bathing suit
1490. Icthyosis - Collodion baby
1491. Icthyosis - congenital icthyosiform erythroderma
1492. ichthyosis Curth–Macklin
1493. Icthyosis - Netherton
1494. Icthyosis - x linked
1495. Icthyosis acquired
1496. Icthyosis bullous epidermolytic
1497. Icthyosis Chanarin–Dorfman syndrome
1498. Icthyosis CHILD: Congenital hemidysplasia with ichthyosiform
1499. derma and limb defects
1500. Icthyosis confetti
1501. Icthyosis congenital reticular icthyosiform erythroderma CRIE
1502. Icthyosis Conradi–Hünermann–Happle
1503. Icthyosis cribriformis
1504. Icthyosis erythrokeratoderma variabilis ekv
1505. Icthyosis -herlequin
1506. Icthyosis HID: Hystrix-like ichthyosis with deafnes
1507. Icthyosis hypotrichosis
1508. Icthyosis hystrix
1509. Icthyosis IFAP ichthyosis follicularis, alopecia, and photophobia
1510. Icthyosis kid keratitis–ichthyosis–deafness syndrome
1511. Icthyosis klick keratosis linearis with ichthyosis congenita and
sclerosing keratoderma (klick) syndrome
1512. Icthyosis –lamellar
1513. ichthyosis linearis circumflexa
1514. Icthyosis Peeling skin syndrome (PSS)
1515. Icthyosis prematurity
1516. Icthyosis progressive symmetric erythrokeratoderma
1517. Icthyosis refsum
1518. Icthyosis bullosa of Siemens (superficial epidermolytic ichthyosis)
1519. Icthyosis sjögren-larsson syndrome
1520. Icthyosis unclassified
1521. Icthyosis vulgaris
1522. Icterus marginatus
1523. Id reaction
1524. Idiopathic Facial aseptic granuloma (IFAG)
1525. Idiopathic dermal melanosis
1526. Idiopathic eruptive macular pigmentation (IEMP)
1527. Idiopathic eruptive hypopigmentation
1528. Idiopathic unilateral lower limb gangrene in a neonate
1529. Hypopigmented scar
1530. Idiopathic lobular panniculitis of pregnancy
1531. Idiopathic mucositis
1532. Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpu
1533. Interstitial granulomatous dermatitis (Ackerman syndrome)
1534. Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis
1535. IL-10/IL-10R deficiency
1536. Immunodeficiency, centromeric instability, and facial anomalies
(ICF) syndrome
1537. Impetigo (Non-bullous & Bullous)
1538. Impetigo of bochart
1539. Impetigo herpetiformis
1540. Impetigo Incognito
1541. Immersion foot
1542. Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD)
1543. Impetiginization
1544. Infantile Tremor Syndrome
1545. infantile perineal (perianal) protrusion
1546. Infantile digital fibromatosis
1547. Infantile myofibromatosis
1548. Infantile transient smooth muscle contraction of the skin
1549. Infant Pyemotes Dermatitis
1550. infantile systemic hyalinosis
1551. Inflammatory Pseudotumor.
1552. Incontinentia pigmenti
1553. Infundibuloma
1554. Infundibular Cyst .
1555. Interferon-Induced Vitiligo
1556. Interdigital blastomycetia erosio
1557. Interdigital candida interdigital
1558. Interdigital intertrigo
1559. Interdigital pseudomonaus
1560. Interdigital tinea
1561. Interdigital erythrasma
1562. Interdigital gram negative toe web infection
1563. Interferon-Associated Cutaneous Necrosis
1564. Intertrigo
1565. Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia -Masson
1566. Intravascular histiocytosis & Intralymphatic histiocytosis (IH)
1567. Intraepithelial neoplasia
1568. Intrauterine epidermal necrosis
1569. Insect bite reaction
1570. Invasive fungal dermatitis
1571. Inverted follicular keratosis
1572. Ipex syndrome (Immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy,
enteropathy, X-linked syndrome)
1573. Itching purpura/ Disseminated pruriginous angiodermatitis,
1574. Ito hypomelanosis
1575. Ischemia-Induced Perianal Ulceration
1576. Isolated white forelock
1577. Isolated occipital white lock
1578. isolated melanocytic hyperpigmentation of the distal digits
1579. Isovaleric acidemia
1580. Jackson-sertoli syndrome
1581. Jacquet erosive dermatitis
1582. Janeway lesions
1583. Jessner’s lymphocytic infiltrate
1584. Johanson–Blizzard syndrome
1585. Jogger’s nipples
1586. Joint contractures, muscle atrophy, microcytic anemia, and
panniculitis-induced lipodystrophy (JMP) syndrome
1587. Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis &infantile systemic hyalinosis
1588. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
1589. Juvenile plantar dermatosis
1590. Juvenile aponeurotic fibroma
1591. Juvenile gangrenous vasculitis of the scrotum
1592. Juvenile polyposis
1593. Juvenile melanoma
1594. Juvenile spring eruption
1595. Juvenile xanthogranuloma
1596. Kabuki syndrome
1597. Kallin syndrome ((EBS with
anodontia or hypodontia, nail dystrophy and alopecia).
1598. Kanzaki syndrome
1599. Pseudo kaposi acroangiodermatits mali
1600. Kaposi sarcoma
1601. Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma
1602. kaposiform lymphangiomatosis
1603. Kaposi varicelliform eruption
1604. Kasabach merritt syndrome
1605. Kawasaki//mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
1606. Kayser-fleischer rings
1607. Kearns-Sayre syndrome
1608. Keloid
1609. Ketron-Goodman disease
1610. Keratoacanthoma (solitary&, subungual &mucosal&, giant
keratoacanthoma, &centrifugum marginatum, generalized
eruptive keratoacanthoma of Grzybowski, and multiple
keratoacanthomas Ferguson-Smith syndrome.)
1611. Keratoderma blenorrhagica
1612. Keratoderma climactericum
1613. Keratolysis exfoliativa
1614. Keratolysis exfoliativa congenita (dyshidrosis lamellosa sicca)
1615. Keratolytic winter erythema
1616. Keratosis alba
1617. Keratosis circumscripta
1618. Keratosis follicularis squamosa
1619. Keratosis lichenoid chronica nekam
1620. Keratosis multiformis
1621. Keratosis pilaris
1622. Keratosis pilaris decalvans
1623. keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans
1624. Keratosis rubra pilaris faciei atrophicans
1625. papular, profuse, precocious keratosis pilaris
1626. Keratosis pilaris rubra faceii
1627. Keutel syndrome
1628. Killian
1629. Kikuchi disease
1630. Kimura’s disease
1631. Kindler syndrome (acrokeratotic poikiloderma)
1632. Klinefelter syndrome
1633. Klippel–trénauna syndrome
1634. Klippel-feil syndrome
1635. Knuckle pads
1636. Koebner phenomenon
1637. Koenen tumour
1638. Koplik spots
1639. Koro syndrome
1640. Ksdr-related erythrokeratoderma
1641. Kwashiorkor
1642. Kyrle’s disease
1643. Labrune syndrome
1644. L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria
1645. Lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital syndrome
1646. LAMB syndrome
1647. Laron syndrome pituitary dwarfism
1648. Late-Onset Focal Dermal Elastosis
1649. Lawrence Syndrome
1650. Laddering Melanotic Pattern of Langer’s Lines (LMPLL)
1651. Large cell acanthoma
1652. Large hematoma occlusion syndrome
1653. Larsen-like syndrome
1654. Larva currens
1655. Larva migran /Cutaneous larvae migrans (CLM)
1656. Lassa fever
1657. Late-onset focal dermal elastosis
1658. Laugier-Hunziker syndrome
1659. Launois-bensaude syndrome
1660. Legius
1661. Leiomyoma cutis
1662. Leiomyosarcoma
1663. Leigh syndrome
1665. Leiner's disease
1666. Leishmaniasis leshmania (recidivans& diffuse& disseminated&
kala-azar&post kala azar&mucocutanous&mucosal)
1667. Lelis syndrome
1668. Lentigenossis inherited pattern
1669. Acral Lentigines (AL)
1670. Lentiginosis centrofacial
1671. Lentiginosis eruptive
1672. Lentiginosis generalized
1673. Lentiginosis --melanotic macule
1674. Lentigo simplex
1675. Lentigo solar
1676. Lenz-majewski syndrome
1677. Leopard syndrome
1678. Leprechaunism (donohue )
1679. Leprosy -hansen
1680. Leprosy borderline
1681. Leprosy deformity deformities
1682. Leprosy histoid histoid
1683. Leprosy indeterminate
1684. Leprosy lepromatous
1685. Leprosy tubercloid
1686. Leprosy Lucio
1687. Leprosy reaction (type 1 &type 2)
1688. type 1 reversal reaction
1689. type 2 Leprosy reaction/ erythema nodosum leprosum
1690. Leprosy verrucous
1691. Leptospirosis
1692. Leser–Trélat sign
1693. Letterer–Siwe disease
1694. Leucinosis
1695. Leukaemia cutis
1696. Leukoderma syphiliticum
1697. Leukoderma Punctata
1698. Leucoderma Induced by Spectacle Frames
1699. Leukoencephalopathy, brain calcifications, and cysts
1700. leucocyte adhesion deficiency - LAD
1701. Leukodema
1702. Leukoderma due to drug
1703. Leukoplakia
1704. Leukotrichia
1705. Levamisol cocaine vasculopathy
1706. Lipoblastoma
1707. Lipoblastomatosis
1708. Lipogranulomatosis
1709. Lichenification
1710. Lichen aureus/ /lichen purpuricus
1711. Lichen dermatitis
1712. Lichen nitidus
1713. Lichen nitidus actinic
1714. Lichen palmoplantar
1715. Lichen pilaris
1716. Lichen planus (skin +mm) (SEE NEXT)
1717. ✓ Atrophic,✓ Annular, ✓ Acute (exanthematous),✓
Hypertrophic , ✓ Bullous LP , ✓ LP pemphigoides,✓ Actinic, ✓
Inverse, ✓ LP pigmentosus,✓ Linear, ✓ zosteriform
1718. Lichen planus actincus &actinic lichen
1719. Lichen planus oral &genital mucosa
1720. Lichen planus overlap
1721. Lichen planus pemphigoides
1722. Lichen planus pigmentosa
1723. Lichen planus poikiloderma
1724. Lichen planopilaris
1725. Lichen purpuricus
1726. Lichen sclerossus et atrophicus lsea
1727. Lichen sclerossus extra genital
1728. Lichen simplex chronicus LSC
1729. Lichen spinulosus
1730. Lichen striatus
1731. Lichen striatus adult – blaschkitis
1732. Lichen ruber acuminatus
1733. Lichen ruber moniliformis
1734. Lichen nuchae
1735. Lichen planus follicularis tumidus
1736. Lichen amyloidosis
1737. Lichenoid keratosis
1738. Lichen tropicus
1739. Lichenoid pseudovesicular papular eruption
1740. Annular lichnoid dermatitis of youth
1741. Lichen verrucosus et reticularis
1742. Ligature injury
1743. Limb girdle muscular dystrophy
1744. Limb–mammary syndrome
1745. Linea alba
1746. Linear IgA bullous LABD
1747. Linear naevus syndrome
1748. Linea nigra
1749. Linear focal elastosis
1750. Lingual papillitis
1751. Lingual tonsil hypertrophy
1752. Lingual Epidermal Choristoma
1753. Lip: atopic dermatitis
1754. Lip: factitial chelitis
1755. Lip: herpes simplex
1756. Lip: actinic chelitis
1757. Lip: angular chelitis
1758. Lip: eczma lip contact
1759. Lip: erythema multiform em
1760. Lip: fixed drug eruption oral
1761. Lip: glandular chelitis
1762. Lip: granulomatous chelitis
1763. Lip: lichen planus
1764. Lip lick dermatitis
1765. Lip: orofacial granulomatosis
1766. Lip: paraneoplastic pemphigus
1767. Lip: pemphigus lip
1768. Lip pit
1769. Lip: plasma cell chelitis
1770. Lip: toxic epidermal necrolysis
1771. Lipedema
1772. Lipodermatosclerosis panniculitis
1773. Lipoatrophia semicircularis
1774. Annular lipoatrophy
1775. Congenital generalized lipodystrophy
1776. Berardinelli-Seip Congenital Lipodystrophy (BSCL)
1777. Familial partial lipodystrophy
1778. Acquired generalized lipodystrophy
1779. Acquired partial lipodystrophy barraquer–simons syndrome
1780. Lipodystrophia centrifugalis abdominalis infantilis
1781. Hiv/art-associated lipodystrophy syndrome
1782. Recurrent lipoatrophic Panniculitis of children
1783. Localized lipoatrophy
1784. Lipohypertrophy
1785. Insulin lipodystrophy
1786. Hemi lipodystrophy
1787. Levator ani syndrome
1788. Linea Fusca (LF)
1789. Linear nevoid hypopigmentation
1790. Linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis/ Linear nevoid
hyperpigmentation / Zebra-like hyperpigmentation in whorls and
streaks / Progressive cribriform and zosteriform
1791. Lipogranulomatosis of penis
1792. Lipoid proteinosis
1793. Lipoma
1794. Liposarcoma
1795. Spindle cell liposarcoma
1796. Myxoid liposarcoma
1797. lichtenberg figures
1798. Listeriosis
1799. Livedo reticularis
1800. Livedo racemosa
1801. Livedo vasculopathy
1802. Livedoid atrophie blanche
1803. Liver diseases &hepatitis &cirrhosis
1804. Lobomycosis
1805. Lobo’s disease
1806. Localized Hypopigmented Keratoses
1807. Locus minoris resistentiae
1808. Loeffler syndrome
1809. Loaiasis
1810. Loa loa
1811. Loeys–Dietz syndrome
1812. loxoscelism
1813. Löfgren syndrome
1814. Loose anagen syndrome
1815. Lucky/winter syndrome
1816. lupus erythematosus (see next)
1817. ✓Acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (ACLE) :localized or
generalized erythema or bullae, generally associated
with SLE
1818. ✓Acute syndrome of apoptotic pan-epidermolysis
1819. ✓ bullous Lupus erythematous
1820. ✓ chilblain Lupus
1821. ✓ dle discoid lupus erythematous ( Localized& Disseminated)
1822. ✓Lupus hypertrophic / Verrucous
1823. ✓ neonatal lupus erythematous
1824. ✓Lupus panniculitis
1825. ✓Lupus profundus
1826. ✓Lupus tumidus
1827. ✓ rowell syndrome
1828. ✓Lupus subacute (Papulosquamous &Annular& Neonatal LE&
1829. ✓ systemic Lupus erythematous SLE
1830. Lupus miliaris disseminated facei. LMDF
1831. Lyell’s syndrome
1832. Lymphamatoid papulosis (LYP)
1833. Lymphangitis
1834. Lymphangiosarcoma
1835. Lymphangioma
1836. Lymphangiomatosis
1837. Lymphangiomyomatosis
1838. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
1839. Lymphangiopericytoma
1840. Lymphangiectasia
1841. Lymphangioendothelioma
1842. Lymphangioma circumscriptum
1843. Combined microcystic and macrocystic Lymphatic malformation
1844. Kaposiform lymphangiomatosis
1845. Macrocystic Lymphatic malformation &cystic hygroma
1846. Lymphedema
1847. Lymphoedema–lipoedema syndrome
1848. Lymphedema praecox
1849. Lymphedema tarda
1850. Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma
1851. Lymphedema–distichiasis syndrome
1852. Lymphedema: Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa
1853. Lymphedema: filaria
1854. Nodular lymphedema
1855. Lymphedema: podoconiosis
1856. Lymphoma adult t-cell leukemia/lymphoma
1857. Lymphoma Anaplastic large cell lymphoma
1858. Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma
1859. Acral pseudolymphomatous angiokeratoma APACHE
1860. Lymphoma Burkitt
1861. Primary cutaneous CD30-positive lymphoproliferative
1862. Lymphoma cd 30 negative
1863. Primary cutaneous CD4+ small/medium T-cel lymphoma
1864. Primary cutaneous CD8+ aggressive epidermotropic cytotoxic T-
cell Lymphoma
1865. Cutanous lymphoid hyperplasia &pseudolymphoma&
Lymphocytoma cutis& Spiegler–Fendt sarcoid
1866. Pseudolymphoma:borrelia lyme/ lymphadenosis benigna cutis
1867. Pseudolymphoma: miliarial type
1868. Primary cutaneous gamma/delta T-cell lymphoma
1869. Lymphoma Hodgkin
1870. Lymphoma hydroa vacciniforme–like
1871. Immunocytoma/ Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma
1872. Lennert’s lymphoma (Lymphoepithelioid lymphoma).
1873. Leukemia cutis
1874. Lymphoma: mycosis fungoides MF
1875. ✓Poikilodermatous MF
1876. ✓ Hypopigmented MF
1877. ✓ Hyperpigmented MF
1878. ✓ Granulomatous slack skin
1879. ✓ Unilesional Mf
1880. ✓ Granulomatous Mf
1881. ✓ Papular MF
1882. ✓ Verrucous MF
1883. ✓ Icthyosiform MF
1884. ✓ Bullous MF
1885. ✓ Pustular MF
1886. ✓ MF palmaris et plantaris
1887. ✓ Acanthosis nigricans like MF
1888. ✓ Pigmented purpura –like MF
1889. ✓ Granuloma annulare like MF
1890. ✓ Erythema annulare centrifugum like MF
1891. ✓ Pyoderma Gangrenosum like –MF
1892. ✓ Pityriasis lichenoides like MF
1893. ✓ Keratosis lichenoides like MF
1894. ✓ Perioral dermatitis like MF
1895. ✓ Folliculotropic mycosis fungoides
1896. ✓ syringotropic mycosis fungoides
1897. ✓ invisible mycosis fungoides
1898. ✓ MF associated follicular mucinosis
1899. ✓ Lymphoma sezary TYPE
1900. ✓ Pagetoid reticulosis (Ketron-Goodman disease)
1901. ✓ granulomatous slack
1902. ✓ Granulomatous cutaneous T cell lymphoma
1903. Lymphomatoid granulomatosis
1904. Pyogenic Lymphoma (Neutrophil-rich CD30 anaplastic large cell
1905. extra nodal natural killer NK Lymphoma
1906. Blastic NK- Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm
1907. Lymphoma nodular hyperplasia
1908. Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell Lymphoma (SPTCL)
1909. Peripheral Tcell Lymphoma
1910. plasmacytoma
1911. Lymphoma en cuirasse
1912. Plasmablastic lymphoma
1913. Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders
1914. Lymphoma T cell other
1915. Lymphoma un classified
1916. Primary cutaneous mantle cell lymphoma
1917. Lymphoma B cell (SEE NEXT)
1918. ✓ Primary cutaneous marginal zone B-cell lymphoma,
1919. ✓ Intravascular diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
1920. ✓ Cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, Leg type
1921. ✓ Primary cutaneous follicle center lymphoma
1922. Marginal Zone Lymphoma (MZL)
1923. ✓ Cutaneous extranodal marginal zone lymphoma of mucosal-
associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)
1924. Lymphoma of Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT-
1925. ✓ Cutaneous B lymphoblastic lymphoma
1926. Lymphogranuloma venereum
1927. Lymphorrhoea
1928. Lymphoepithelial Cyst
1929. Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma
1930. Lesch nyhan syndrome
1931. Lynch syndrome
1932. MACS( Macrocephaly, alopecia, Cutis Laxa, and scoliosis)
1933. Macrodystrophia lipomatosa
1934. Macular lymphocytic arteritis& Lymphocytic Thrombophilic
1935. Madelung diseases
1936. Magic syndrome (mouth and genital ulcers with inflammed
1937. Majeed syndrome
1938. Majocchi granuloma
1939. Maffucci syndrome
1940. Malakoplakia Malacoplakia
1941. maple syrup urine disease
1942. Malignant Mixed tumor
1943. Mandibuloacral macrocephaly, alopecia, cutis laxa and scoliosis
1944. Mandibuloacral dysplasia
1945. Mandibulofacial dysostosis
1946. Mannosidosis
1947. Mantleoma
1948. Marantic endocarditis
1949. Marfan syndrome
1950. Martinez syndrome
1951. MARINESCO-sjogren syndrome
1952. MORFAN syndrome
1953. Marfanoid progeria–lipodystrophy syndrome
1954. Marfanoid hypermobility syndrome
1955. Marasmus
1956. Marshal –smith syndrome
1957. Marshal white syndrome
1958. Mastocytosis (SEE NEXT)
1959. ✓ Mastocytosis:adult type mastocytosis
1960. ✓ Mastocytosis:telangiectasia macularis eruptiv perstan tmep
1961. ✓ Mastocytosis:diffuse cutanous mastocytosis bullous
1962. ✓ Mastocytosis: mastocytoma
1963. ✓ Mastocytosis:nodular type
1964. ✓ Mastocytosis:telangectatic
1965. ✓ Mastocytosis: xanthelasmoid
1966. ✓ Mastocytosis:urticaria pigmentosa
1967. ✓ Mast cell leukemia
1968. ✓ Mast cell sarcoma
1969. ✓ Systemic mastocytosis with associated clonal hematological
non-mast cell-lineage disease (SM-AHNMD)
1970. Maturational hyperpigmentation
1971. Mccune-albright syndrome
1972. Mcgrath syndrome
1973. Mckusick syndrome
1974. Mdpl, mandibular hypoplasia, deafness, progeroid features, and
1975. Measles
1976. Medalion like dendrocyte hamartoma
1977. Median raphe Cyst
1978. Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome
1979. Mednik
1980. Mendes da Costa syndrome
1981. Megalencephaly-capillary malformation
1982. Megarbane–Loiselet neonatal progeroid
1983. Meige disease
1984. Melanosis of the Nipple and Areola
1985. Melorheostosis
1986. Melanoacanthoma
1987. Melanoma (SEE NEXT)
1988. ✓ Superficial Spreading Melanoma
1989. ✓ Nodular melanoma
1990. ✓ Lentigo maligna melanoma
1991. ✓ Acral lentiginous melanoma
1992. ✓ Amelanotic Melanomas
1993. ✓ Spitzoid Melanoma
1994. ✓ Clear Cell Sarcoma
1995. ✓ Desmoplastic Melanoma
1996. ✓ “Borderline melanoma”&nevoid melanoma
1997. ✓ Nested melanoma of the elderly (NME)
1998. ✓ Melanoma leukoderma
1999. ✓ Melanoma associated hyperpigmentation
2000. ✓ Melanoma metastis
2001. ✓ mucosal melanoma
2002. Melanosis difusa carbon baby
2003. Melanocytic matricoma
2004. MELAS Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis and
stroke-like episodes
2005. Melasma chloasma
2006. 308-nm UVB Induced Melasma
2007. Melioidosis
2008. Meningococcemia
2009. Meningomyeloceles
2010. Meningocele
2011. Menkes’ syndrome
2012. Mental retardation, enteropathy, deafness, neuropathy,
ichthyosis, keratodermia
2013. Meralgia paresthetica
2014. Merkel cell carcinoma
2015. Mesotherapy
2016. Metageria
2017. Metastasis & METASTASES
2018. methylmalonic acidemia
2019. methylmalonic aciduria
2020. 3-MethylcrotonylCoA carboxylase (EC deficiency
2021. Metophyma
2022. Mikulicz syndrome
2023. Microcephaly-capillary malformation syndrome
2024. Microcephaly-intracranial calcification syndrome
2025. Michelin tyre baby tyre baby
2026. Microcystic adnexal carcinoma
2027. Microscopic polyangitis
2028. Microvenular hemangioma
2029. MIDAS microphthalmia, orbital cysts, corneal opacities) and linear
skin dysplasia)
2030. Midline skin tag
2031. Mid dermal elastolysis
2032. Miescher's radial granulomas
2033. Migratory thrombophlebitis
2034. Milia
2035. Milia like calcinosis
2036. Milia en plaque
2037. Milia trandverse nasal crease
2038. Miliaria (crystallina, rubra, profunda, pustulosa)
2039. Miliary haemangiomatosis of infancy
2040. Miliary osteomata cutis
2041. Miliary tuberculosis
2042. Milker nodule
2043. Millipedes
2044. Milroy’s disease
2045. Mitten-Line Hyperpigmentation
2046. Mitochondrial cytopathies
2047. Mitral face
2048. Mixed connective tissue disease(sharp)
2049. Molluscoid tumors
2050. Molluscum contagiosum
2051. Molluscum-induced comedones
2052. Molluscum fibrosum gravidarum
2053. Molluscum pendulum
2054. Molloscum like histiocytosis
2055. MONA (multicentric osteolysis, nodulosis, And arthropathy
2056. Mondor’s disease
2057. Mongolian spot /dermal melanocytosis
2058. Monkeypox
2059. Montgomery tubercle
2060. Montgomery syndrome
2061. Morbihan’s disease
2062. MORFAN syndrome
2063. Morgellon
2064. Morphea (localized scleroderma)
2065. Morphea :parry-romberg (hemifacial atrophy)
2066. Morsicatio buccarum
2067. morsicatio linguarum
2068. Morel-Lavallee lesion
2069. morvan syndrome
2070. Mosaic trisomy 8
2071. Mosaicism
2072. Moynahan syndrome
2073. MDPL syndrome :Mandibular hypoplasia, deafness, progeroid
features, and lipodystrophy
2074. Muehrcke’s lines
2075. Mucinosis:cutaneous myxoma
2076. Mucinosis: Generalized myxedema
2077. Mucinosis: focal cutaneous mucinoosis
2078. Mucinosis: Follicular –Alopecia mucinosa
2079. Mucinosis of infancy
2080. Papulonodular mucinosis associated with autoimmune connective
tissue Diseases
2081. trauma-induced cutaneous mucinosis
2082. Self-healing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis.
2083. Mucinosis lichen myxedema (Discrete papular, Acral persistent
papular, Cutaneous mucinosis of infancy,Nodular form)
2084. Mucinosis nevus
2085. Mucinosis obesity
2086. Mucinosis: pretibial myxedema
2087. Mucinosis REM Reticular erythematous mucinosis
2088. Mucinosis: scleredema
2089. Mucinosis: scleredema bushke
2090. Mucinosis: scleromyxedema –papular mucinosis
2091. Mucinosis self healing
2092. Mucinosis Urticaria-like follicular mucinosis
2093. Mucinous carcinoma
2094. Muckle–Wells syndrome
2095. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
2096. Mucolipidosis
2097. Mucopolysachride ( Hurler syndrome (MPS IH).
2098. – Hurler-Scheie syndrome (MPS I-H/S).
2099. – Scheie syndrome (MPS IS).
2100. – Hunter syndrome (MPS II).
2101. – Sanfilippo syndrome (MPS III).
2102. – Morquio syndrome (MP IV).
2103. – Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome (MPS VI).
2104. – Sly syndrome (MPS VII).
2105. Mucosal neuroma
2106. Mucositis
2107. Mucormycosis
2108. Mudichood
2109. Muir torre syndrome
2110. Mulvihill–Smith syndrome
2111. Mullerian Cyst
2112. Multiple sulfatase deficiency (mucosulfatidosis)
2113. Multiple hamartoma syndrome
2114. Multiple hemangiomas of infancy.
2115. Multifocal lymphangioendotheliomatosis.
2116. Multiple myeloma
2117. multiple circumscribed lipomas
2118. Multiple cutaneous linear neuromas (MCLN)
2119. Multiple minute digitate hyperkeratosis
2120. Munchausen syndrome
2121. Mycoplasma pneumoniae-induced rash and mucositis (MIRM)
2122. Myelodysplastic syndrome
2123. Myeloproliferative disorders essential thrombocythemia
2124. Myopericytoma
2125. myhre syndrome
2126. Myiasis
2127. Myoepithelioma
2128. Myofibromatosis (adult & Infantile)
2129. Myonecrosis
2130. Myopericytoma
2131. Myotonia
2132. Myotonic dystrophy
2133. Myxofibrosarcoma
2134. Myxoid cyst
2135. Naegeli-franceschetti-jadassohn
2136. Nail patella syndrome
2137. Nagayama spot
2138. NAME syndrome ( (nevi, atrial myxoma, mucinosis of the skin and
ephelides syndrome)
2139. Napkin dermatitis
2140. Natal teeth
2141. Necrobiosis lipoidica
2142. Necrolytic migratory erythema glaucagnoma
2143. Necrolytic acral erythema
2144. Necrotizing eosinophilic folliculitis
2145. Necrotizing infundibular crystalline folliculitis
2146. Necrotizing sialometaplasia
2147. necrotizing lymphocytic folliculitis
2148. Necrotizing fasciitis/ flesh eating bacteria syndrome
2149. Necrotizing neutrophilic dermatosis
2150. Neonatal cold injury
2151. Neonatal ichthyosis–sclerosing cholangitis (nisch) syndrome
2152. Neonatal onset multi-inflammatory NOMID
2153. neonatal cephalic pustulosis
2154. Neonatal progeroid syndrome or Wiedemann-
Rautenstrauch syndrome (WRS)
2155. Neonatal varicella
2156. Nephrosis with ichthyosis and adrenal insufficiency
2157. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
2158. Néstor–Guillermo progeria syndrome
2159. NERD Nodules, eosinophilia, rheumatism, dermatitis and swelling
2160. Nerve sheath myxoma
2161. Neu laxova syndrome
2162. Neuroendocrine
2163. Neuroblastoma
2164. Neurocutaneous (leptomeningeal) melanocytosis
2165. Neurodermatitis
2166. Circumscribed neurodermatitis
2167. Neurofibroma
2168. Plexiform neurofibroma
2169. Neurofibromatosis (SEE next)
2170. ✓NF1 von Recklinghausen disease
2171. ✓NF2 Acoustic schwannoma
2172. ✓NF3 * Mixed (central and peripheral neurofibromas)
2173. ✓NF4 * Variant
2174. ✓NF5 * ,† Segmental café-au-lait macules, neurofibromas, or
2175. ✓NF6 * ,‡ Café-au-lait macules only
2176. ✓NF7 * Late onset
2177. ✓NF-NOS Not otherwise specified
2178. Neurofibrosarcoma
2179. Neuroma
2180. Neurosarcoma
2181. Neurothekoma
2182. Neurotic excoriation
2183. Neural tube defects
2184. Neutral lipid storage disease
2185. Severe congenital Neutropenia
2186. Cyclic neutropenia
2187. X-linked neutropenia
2188. Poikiloderma with Neutropenia, Clericuzio type
2189. Neutrophilic figurate erythema
2190. Neutrophilic sebaceous adenitis
2191. Neutrophilic urticarial dermatosis
2192. Nevoid Acanthosis
2193. Nevoid hamartoma
2194. Nevus acquired (juncional &compound &dermal)
2195. Nevus agimated
2196. Nevus anelasticus
2197. Nevus anemicus- Pharmacologic nevus
2198. Naevus araneus
2199. Nevus becker
2200. Becker naevus syndrome
2201. blitz nevus
2202. Nevus: blue Nevus (Common & Cellular & Epithelioid&
Malignant& hypochromic)
2203. Nevus brauer
2204. Nevus cerebriform nevus
2205. Nevus en cocarde - cockade
2206. Nevus combined
2207. Nevus comedonicus
2208. Nevus comedonicus syndrome
2209. Nevus congenital
2210. Nevus connective tissue collagenoma
2211. Nevus corymbosa
2212. Nevus depigmentosa
2213. Divided nevus of the eyelid
2214. Divided nevus of the penis
2215. Nevus: dysplastic nevus
2216. Nevus eclipse
2217. Nevus epidermal (keratinocyte)
2218. Nevus inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus (ilven)
2219. Nevus unius lateralis
2220. Nevus epidermal verrucosus
2221. naevus marginatus
2222. Nevus epidermolysis bullosa
2223. Nevus globeloo
2224. Nevus halo
2225. Nevus hori
2226. Nevus hypertrichosis
2227. Naevus Spinofiliformis
2228. Nevus lipomatosis- Hoffman-Zurhalle nevus
2229. Miescher nevus
2230. Nevus mucinous eccrine
2231. Nevus myerson
2232. Nevus neurocutanous melanosis
2233. Nevus of ito
2234. Naevus oligaemicus
2235. Nevus osteo nanta
2236. oral pigmented naevi
2237. Nevus ota
2238. Nevus PENS papular epidermal naevus with skyline basal cell layer
2239. Penetrating nevus
2240. Nevus recurrent
2241. Nevus reed
2242. Nevus sebaceous / Nevus of Jadassohn
2243. Nevus simplex & angel’s kiss &stork bite (salmon patch)
2244. Nevus spilus
2245. Nevus spindle
2246. Nevus spitz (Juvenile melanoma ,)
2247. Spotted Grouped Pigmented Nevi
2248. Nevus sudiferous
2249. Nevus trichlmocysticus
2250. Nevus unna
2251. Nevus venous
2252. Nevus xanthoma
2253. Newborn exfoliation
2254. Newborn :Harlequin colour change
2255. Newborn :natal teeth
2256. Newborn :neonatal reaction &diseases
2257. Newborn :penile disorder
2258. Newborn staph infection
2259. Nicolaides–Baraitser syndrome
2260. Nicotine stomatitis
2261. Niemann–Pick disease
2262. Nikolsky sign
2263. Nipple adenoma
2264. Chronic nipple eczema
2265. Absent, Hypoplastic or Anomalous Nipples
2266. Nevoid hyperkeratosis of nipple
2267. Nocardiosis
2268. Nodular colloid degeneration
2269. Nodular elastosis
2270. Nodular fasciitis
2271. nodular scleroderma
2272. Nodular vasculitis
2273. Nonne-milroy-meige syndrome
2274. Noonan syndrome
2275. Non suicidal injury
2276. Normal tongue
2277. Nose clown differential diagnosis
2278. Notalgia parasethica
2279. Nuclear factor-kappa B essential modulator (NEMO)
deficiency syndrome
2280. Oasthouse disease
2281. Obesity
2282. Obsessive–compulsive disorders
2283. Occipital horn syndrome
2284. Ochrnosis
2285. Oculocerebral syndrome with hypopigmentation
2286. Oculocerebrocutaneous Syndrome (Delleman syndrome)
2287. Lowe syndrome (oculo-cerebro-renal syndrome).
2288. Oculo-dento-digital dysplasia
2289. Oculoectodermal syndrome
2290. Oculodermal melanocytosis
2291. Oculofaciocardiodental (ofcd)
2292. Odonto-onycho-dermal dysplasia
2293. Odonto-onychodysplasia with alopecia
2294. Odonto trichomelic syndrome
2295. Odonto tricho ungual digital palmar syndrome
2296. Oleoma
2298. Olmsted’s syndrome
2299. Omenn syndrome
2300. Omphalomesenteric Cyst
2301. Omphalomesenteric duct anomalies
2302. Omphalocoele
2303. Onchocerciasis /River blindness
2304. Oral allergy syndrome
2305. Oral cancrum oris noma
2306. Oral facial digital syndrome
2307. Oral melanoma
2308. Oral nevus
2309. Oral papiiloma
2310. Orf Ecthyma contagiosum (orf)
2311. Ornithosis (psittacosis)
2312. Orofacial granulomatosis
2313. Oro-oculo-genital syndrome
2314. Osler–Rendu–Weber disease
2315. Osler’s sign
2316. Osler’s nodes
2317. Osteogenesis imperfecta
2318. Ossification
2319. Osteomata cutis
2320. Osteomyelitis
2321. Osteopoikilosis
2322. Oestrogen hypersensitivity vulvovaginitis
2323. Otophyma
2325. Pachyderma
2326. Pachydermatoglyphy
2327. Pachydermatous eosinophilic dermatitis
2328. Pachydermia oralis
2329. Pachydermodactyly
2330. Pachydermoperiostosis
2331. Paget diseases
2332. Paget extramammary
2333. Pallister–Killian syndrome
2334. Palisaded encapsulated neuroma (PEN)
2335. Palpable Migratory Arciform Erythema
2336. Palmar erythema
2337. Palmoplantar erythrodysesthesia syndrome
2338. Palmoplantar pustulosis
2339. Palmoplantar pustular psoriasis
2340. PAN polyarteritis nodosa (vasculitis)
2341. Pangeria
2342. Panfolliculomas
2343. Panniculitis (SEE NEXT)
2344. ✓ subcutanous fat necrosis
2345. ✓ post radiotherapy
2346. ✓Lipophagic panniculitis
2347. ✓ Rothmann-Makai
2348. ✓Lupus erythematosus panniculitis
2350. ✓Annular atrophic connective tissue panniculitis of
the ankles
2351. ✓Atrophic connective tissue panniculitis
2352. ✓Panniculitis of dermatomyositis
2353. ✓Lipodystrophic panniculitis
2354. ✓Panniculitis due to other injectable substances
2355. ✓ Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency panniculitis
2356. ✓ factitial
2357. ✓Crystal depositionpanniculitis
2358. ✓Panniculitic bacterid
2359. ✓Plasma cell panniculitis
2360. ✓Fasciitis–panniculitis syndrome
2361. ✓Atypical lymphocytic lobular panniculitis
2362. ✓Infantile-onset panniculitis with uveitis and systemic
2363. ✓Panniculitis of Lyme disease
2364. ✓Infection-induced panniculitis
2365. ✓ Malignancy-related panniculitis-like infiltrates
2366. ✓ Panniculitis due to blunt trauma
2367. ✓ post-steroid
2368. ✓ Cytophagic histiocytic Panniculitis
2369. ✓ Weber-Christian/ RELAPSING FEBRILE NODU LAR NON-
2370. ✓ Pancreatic panniculitis
2371. ✓ cold Panniculitis
2372. PAPA syndrome (pyogenic arthritis, PG and acne)
2373. PASH syndrome (PG, acne and suppurative hidradenitis)
2374. PAPASH syndrome (pyogenic arthritis, acne, PG and suppurative
2375. PASS (pyoderma gangrenosum, acne, and ankylosing spondylitis,
with or without HS)
2376. PSAPASH (Psoriatic Arthritis, Pyoderma gangrenosum, Acne and
Hidradenitis Suppurativa)
2377. PAC (Pyoderma gangrenosum, Acne and ulcerative Colitis)
2378. PFAPA = Periodic Fever, Aphthae, Pharyngitis, and
2379. Adenitis syndrome.
2380. Papilary Hemangioma
2381. Papillary endothelial hyperplasia
2382. Papillomatosis cutis carcinoides Gottron
2383. Papillomatosis cutis lymphostatica
2384. Papillary intralymphatic angioendothelioma (PILA)
2385. Papillary Carcinoma
2386. Papillon–Léage syndrome
2387. Papillon–Léfèvre syndrome
2388. Papular acantholytic dyskeratosis
2389. Papular dermatitis
2390. Papular epidermal nevus with “skyline”
2391. Papuloerythroderma of ofuji
2392. Paracoccidioidomycosis
2393. Paraffinoma
2394. paraganglioma-like dermal melanocytic tumor
2395. Paraquat tongue
2396. Paragonimiasis
2397. Parapox
2398. Parakeratosis variegata
2399. Parapsoriasis :small plaque
2400. Parapsoriasis :large plaque
2401. Parapsoriasis -Febrile ulceronecrotic Mucha-Habermann disease
2402. Parasitophobia
2404. Parkes weber syndrome
2405. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
2406. Parry-romberg syndrome
2407. Pastia’s sign
2408. Pecoma
2409. Pediculosis lice pediculosis capitis
2410. Pediculosis corporis
2411. Pediculosis pubis & Pthirus pubis
2412. Pellagra (Casal's necklace)
2413. Perlman syndrome
2414. Pemphigus erythematous senear-usher syndrome
2415. Erythema Annulare Centrifugum-like Pemphigus Erythematosus
(EAC-like PE)
2416. Fogo selvagem
2417. Pemphigoid gestationis - herpes gestation
2418. Pemphigoid Brunsting–Perry
2419. Pemphigoid nodularis
2420. Pemphigoid vegetans
2421. Pemphigus foliaceus
2422. Pemphigus herpetiformis
2423. Pemphigus IGA
2424. Pemphigus neonatal
2425. Pemphigus paraneoplastic
2426. Pemphigus syphiliticus
2427. Pemphigus vegetans( Hallopeau&Neumann)
2428. Pemphigus vulgaris
2429. neonatal pemphigus vulgaris
2430. Pemphigus drug induced
2431. Pena-Shokeir syndrome
2432. Penicilliosis
2433. Penile acne
2434. Penile lymphedema
2435. Penile pearly penile papules
2436. Penile phimosis
2437. Penile plasma cell (zoon’s) balanitis
2438. Penile sclerosing lymphangitis
2439. Penttinen syndrome
2440. Perianal and Vulvovaginal (Perineal) Streptococcal Infection
2441. Perinatal gangrene of the buttock
2442. Perifollicular fibromas
2443. Periflexural exanthema
2444. Perineurioma
2445. periodic fever with aphtous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenitis
2446. Perioral dermatitis
2447. Periorificial dermatitis
2449. Periporitis staphylogenes -sweat gland abcess
2450. Pernio chilblain
2451. Perlèche
2452. Petechiae
2453. Persistent cholinergic erythema
2454. Persistent acrovasculopathy syndrome
2455. Peutz jeghers syndrome
2456. Peyronie’s disease
2457. Phacomatosis phakomatosis (SEE NEXT)
2458. ✓Type I (Adamson-Best syndrome)/Type II (Takano-Kruger-Doi
syndrome)/Type III (Kobori-Toda syndrome)//Type IV
2459. ✓ Phakomatosis cesioflammea
2460. ✓ Phakomatosis spilorosea
2461. ✓ Phakomatosis melanovascularis
2462. ✓ Phakomatosis cesiomarmorata
2463. ✓ Phakomatosis pigmentovascularis
2464. ✓ Phakomatosis pigmentokeratotica
2465. Phenomena in Dermatology (SEE NEXT)
2480. ✓ NOSE SIGN
2496. ✓ Koebner reaction
2497. ✓ Isomosaictopic reaction
2498. ✓ Wolf ’s isotopic response
2499. ✓ Isovaccinetopic reaction
2500. ✓ Isoradiotopic reaction
2501. ✓ Isophototopic reaction
2502. ✓ Isotraumatopic reaction
2503. ✓ Isocaumatopic reaction
2504. ✓ Isoscartopic reaction
2505. ✓ Isotattotopic reaction:
2506. ✓ Isolymphtopic reaction
2507. ✓ Isovenostatic reaction
2508. ✓ Isoneuraltopic reaction
2509. ✓ Isoshockwave reaction
2510. ✓ Isodermatopic reaction
2511. ✓ Reverse Koebner reaction
2512. ✓ Isomosaictopic nonreaction
2513. ✓ Wolf’s isotopic nonreaction
2514. ✓ Isovaccinetopic nonreaction
2515. ✓ Isoradiotopic nonreaction
2516. ✓ Isophototopic nonreaction
2517. ✓ Isotraumatopic nonreaction
2518. ✓ Isocaumatopic nonreaction
2519. ✓ Isoscartopic nonreaction
2520. ✓ Isotattotopic nonreaction
2521. ✓ Isolymphtopic nonreaction
2522. ✓ Isovenostatic nonreaction
2523. ✓ Isoneuraltopic nonreaction
2524. ✓ Isoshockwave nonreaction
2525. ✓ Isodermatopic nonreaction
2526. ✓ Prozone phenomenon
2527. ✓ Pagetoid phenomenon
2528. ✓ Reynold’s Braude phenomenon
2529. ✓ Epitope spreading phenomenon
2530. ✓ Rebound phenomenon
2531. ✓ Sulzberger-Chase phenomenon
2532. ✓ Harlequin phenomenon
2533. ✓ Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon
2534. ✓ Rumpel Leede phenomenon
2535. ✓ Olfleck’s phenomenon
2536. ✓ Ultraviolet recall phenomenon
2537. ✓ Raynaud’s phenomenon
2538. ✓ Hoigne’s phenomenon
2539. ✓ Bell’s phenomenon
2540. ✓ Delayed blanch phenomenon
2541. ✓ Castling phenomenon
2542. ✓ Kasabach Merritt phenomenon
2543. ✓ Halo phenomenon
2544. ✓ Lucio phenomenon
2545. ✓ Mauserung phenomenon
2546. ✓ Meyerson phenomenon
2547. ✓ Meirowsky phenomenon
2548. ✓ Brocq’s phenomenon
2549. ✓ Pathergy phenomenon
2550. ✓ Nikolskiy’s phenomenon
2551. Phenylketonuria PKU
2552. Pheohyphomycosis
2553. Pheochromocytoma
2554. Phlebolymphedema
2555. Phlebectasia
2556. Photoageing
2557. Photodamage
2558. Phototoxic reaction
2559. Photo allergic reaction
2560. Photoleukomelanodermatitis of kobori
2561. Phrynoderma-vit A
2562. Phyloid phylloid hypomelanosis
2563. Phylloid Hypermelanosis
2564. Physical purpura suction
2565. Physiologic hyperpigmentation
2566. Picker’s nodule
2567. Piebaldism
2568. Piedra (white &black)
2570. Piezogenic pedal papules
2571. Pigmented Cyst
2572. Pigmentary damarcation lines PDL
2573. Pigmentary mosaicism
2574. Pigmentary Twin Spotting
2575. Pigmented epithelioid melanocytomas
2576. Pigmented Macules of Bony Prominences (PMBP)
2577. Pigmented neuroectodermal tumour of Infancy
2578. Pigmentatio reticularis faciei Et colli
2579. Pik3ca-related segmental overgrowth syndrome
2580. Pilar sheath acanthoma
2581. Pilar cyst/ wen /trichilemmal cyst
2582. Proliferating trichilemmal cyst
2583. Pilomatricoma
2584. Pilomatrical carcinoma
2585. Pilomatrixoma
2586. Pilomatrixcarcinoma
2587. Pilonidal sinus
2588. Pinta
2589. Pintoid Dyschromia of Yaws
2590. pitryiasis rubra pilaris PRP
2591. Pitryiasis alba
2592. Pityriasis folliculorum
2593. Pitryiasis lichenoid chronica PLC
2594. Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta PLEVA
2595. Pitryiasis rosea (classic&vesicular&urticarial&target
2596. Pityriasis rosea gigantea of darier
2597. Pityriasis circinata et marginata of widal
2598. Pitryiasis rotunda
2599. Pitted keratolysis
2600. Pfeiffer syndrome
2601. Pleomorphic fibroma of the skin
2602. Precalcaneal congenital fibrolipomatous hamartoma (PCFH)
2603. propionic acidemia
2604. Plague
2605. Plack syndrome (Peeling skin-leukonychia-acral punctate
2606. Plaid immune plcg2-associated antibody deficiency and immune
2607. APLAID (Autoinflammation and PLCG2-associated antibody
deficiency and immune dysregulation)
2608. Plantar fibromatosis- ledderhose disease
2609. Palisaded neutrophilic and granulomatous dermatitis
2610. Pendulous fibroma
2611. Peristomal skin related skin disorders
2612. Periumbilical calcific elastolysis
2613. Plasma cell granuloma
2614. Pleomorphic dermal sarcoma
2615. Plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumor
2616. Plummer-vinson syndrome
2617. Pneumocystis carinii
2618. POEM syndrome- Crow-Fukase syndrome
2619. Poikiloderma
2620. Poikiloderma vasculare atrophicans.
2621. Poikiloderma-like cutaneous amyloidosis
2622. Poikiloderma of civatte
2623. Pointlist melanotic macules
2624. Poland syndrome
2625. Poliosis
2626. Polycythemia rubra vera
2627. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos)
2628. Polymastia
2629. Polymorphous light eruption
2630. Polymorphous Sweat Gland Carcinoma
2631. Juvenile spring eruption
2632. Popping
2633. Popliteal pterygium syndrome
2634. Popsicle panniculitis
2635. Porokeratoma
2636. Porokeratosis (Porokeratosis of Mibelli, Disseminated
superficialactinic porokeratosis (DSAP), Linear porokeratosis,
Punctate porokeratosis, Eruptive disseminated porokeratosis,
Porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris et disseminata (PPPD)&
eruptive pruritic papular porokeratosis)
2637. Porokeratosis ptychotropica
2638. Porokeratotic eccrine ostial and dermal duct nevus (peoddn)
2639. Porokeratotic eccrine and hair follicle nevus
2640. Poroma
2641. Porocarcinoma
2642. Porphyria (SEE NEXT)
2643. ✓ ALA dehydratase deficiency
2644. ✓ Acute intermittent porphyria
2645. ✓ Congenital erythropoietic porphyria
2646. ✓ Hereditary coproporphyria
2647. ✓ Porphyria cutanous tarda
2648. ✓ Erythropoietic protoporphyria
2649. ✓ Hepatoerythropoietic porphyria
2650. ✓ Porphyria pseudoporphyria
2651. ✓ X-linked dominant protoporphyria
2652. ✓ Porphyria variegate
2653. Port wine stain
2654. Post cosmotic procedures
2655. Post ECG leads
2656. Post herpetic neuralgia
2657. Post inflammatory hypopigmentation
2658. Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation
2659. Postirradiation digitate keratosis (PIDK)
2660. Post-Irradiation Pseudo-Sclerodermatous Panniculitis
2661. Post-Kala-Azar Dermatosis (PKDL)
2662. Post menopausal symptoms
2663. Post traumatic hematoma
2664. Powassan virus
2665. Pigmented purpura dermatosis PPD (SEE NEXT)
2666. ✓ Eczematid-like purpura of Doucas and Kapetanakis
2667. ✓ Lichen aureus
2668. ✓ Pigmented purpuric lichenoid dermatitis of Gougerot and Blum
2669. ✓ Linear pigmented purpura
2670. ✓ Granulomatous pigmented purpura
2671. ✓ Purpura annularis telangiectodes of Majocchi
2672. ✓ Schamberg disease
2673. palmar or plantar hypokeratosis
2674. Palmoplantar keratoderma (ppk)
2675. Focal PPK (see next)
2676. ✓ Richner–hanhart syndrome
2677. ✓ Carvajal syndrome
2678. ✓ Howel–Evans syndrome
2679. ✓ pachyonychia congenital/ Jackson–Lawler s/ Jadassohn–
2680. ✓ PPK and woolly hair
2681. ✓Focal PPK, isolated: Brünauer–Fuhs–Siemens
2682. ✓Focal palmoplantar and gingival keratosis
2683. Punctate PPK (see next)
2684. ✓Punctate ppk buschke–fischer–brauer (type1)
2685. ✓Ppk spiny musicbox/ Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma type
2 / Filiform hyperkeratosis
2686. ✓Marginal papular keratoderma: acrokeratoelastoidosis, focal
acral hyperkeratosis (type 3 punctate PPK)
2687. ✓Punctate keratoses of the palmar creases
2688. ✓Porokeratosis punctata palmaris et plantaris
2689. ✓Cole disease
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf
Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf

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Dermatology diseases Index 2024 (most updated).pdf

  • 3. Your gate to FIRST and LARGEST index of skin diseases Here
  • 4. (1) DERMOSCOPY With special signs 1. Acanthosis nigricans 2. Accessory nipple 3. Actinic keratosis 4. Tinea capitis 5. Trichotillomania TTM 6. Alopecia androgenetic AGA 7. Alopecia areata AA 8. Alopecia areata incognito 9. Alopecia central cicatricial centrifugal 10. Alopecia dissecting cellulitis 11. Alopecia pseudopelade (brocq) 12. Alopecia telogen effluvium 14. Alopecia tractional 15. Alopecia congenital triangular CTA 16. Angiokeratoma 17. Angiosarcoma 18. Ashy dermatosis Erythema dyschromicum perstans 19. Basal cell carcinoma BCC 20. Becker nevus 21. Bier spot 22. Bowen disease 23. Café-au-lait macule 24. Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis 25. Hair Cast 26. Cicatricial alopecia
  • 5. 27. Clear cell acanthoma 28. Darier disease 29. Demodex & demodicosis 30. Dermatofibroma 31. Discoid lupus erythematous dermoscope 32. Eczema 33. Eoisinophilic fasciitis Shulman syndrome 34. Erythma ab igne 35. Fordyce spot 36. Foreign body 37. Granuloma annulare 38. Granuloma faciale 39. Graft vs host disease GVHD 40. Hemangioma 41. Hair shaft (see 3rd section) 42. Hand foot mouth disease 43. Herpes zoster chickenpox 44. Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis IGH 45. Ito hypomelanosis 46. Kaposi sarcoma 47. Keratoacanthoma 48. leishmaniasis 49. Leprosy 50. Lichen aureus 51. Lichen planopilaris& frontal fibrosing alopecia 52. Lichen planus 53. Lichen planus pigmentosa 54. Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus 55. Lichen simplex Scalp 56. Lichen spinulosa 57. Lichen striatus 58. Lichenoid keratosis 59. Linear whorled hypermelanosis
  • 6. 60. Lipodermatosclerosis 61. Lupus vulgaris 62. Lymphangioma circumscriptum 63. Lymphatoid papulosis 64. Mccune-albright 65. Mastocytosis 66. Melanoma &lentigo maligna 67. Melasma 68. Mycosis fungoid 69. Molloscum 70. Morphea 71. Nail melanonychia pigment 72. Nail infection 73. Nail subungual heamatoma 74. Necrobiosis lipodica 75. Nevus acral 76. Nevus Aquired type 77. Nevus becker 78. Nevus blue (Common & Cellular & Epithelioid& Malignant) 79. Nevus comedonicus 80. Nevus congenital type 81. Nevus depigmentosa &anemicus 82. Nevus dysplastic 83. Nevus epidermal 84. Nevus halo 85. Nevus pattern analysis. 86. Nevus recurrent 87. Nevus spilus 88. Nevus spitz 89. Normal scalp 90. Ochronosis 91. Ota nevus 92. Parapsoriasais
  • 7. 93. Perforating dermatosis 94. Piebaldism 95. Pigmented purpuric dermatosis 96. Pitryiasis alba 97. Pitryiasis rosea 98. Pitryiasis lichenoid chronica 99. Palisaded neutrophilic granulomatous dermatitis 100. Lichen nitidus 101. Lichen simplex chronicus 102. Melanoma 103. Nail loop 104. Nevus sebacous 105. Poikloderma civatte 106. Porokeratosis. 107. Poroma 108. Portwine stain 109. Postinflammatory hypopigmentation 110. Prayer nodule 111. Prp Pityriasis rubra pilaris 112. Pseudofolliculitis barbe 113. Psoriasis 114. Pyogenic granuloma 115. Riehl melanosis 116. Rosacea 117. Sarcoidosis 118. Scabies 119. sebaceous carcinoma 120. sebaceous hyperplasia 121. Seborrheic dermatitis 122. Seborrheic keratosis 123. Solar lentigo 124. Sqamous cell carcinoma 125. Talon noire
  • 8. 126. Terra firma forme 127. Tinea fungal 128. Tufted folliculitis 129. Urticaria 130. Vasculitis 131. Vitiligo 132. Wart 133. juvenile Xanthogranuloma 134. Xanthoma 135. Xanthoma disseminatum
  • 9. (2) NAIL DISEASES 1. Acropathie ulcéromutilante 2. Alopecia nail 3. Amelanotic melanoma 4. Angioleiomyoma 5. Anonychia 6. Beau's lines 7. Basal cell carcinoma BCC 8. Bowen disease 9. Bullous disease nail (pemphigus) 10. Carpal tunnel syndrome 11. Chromonychia 12. Clubbing 13. Darier darrier nail 14. Dermatomyositis 15. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans 16. Double nail 17. Dyskeratosis congenita nail 18. Ectopic nail 19. Eczema nail 20. Elkonyxis 21. Erythronychia 22. Fibrokeratoma 23. Fibroma 24. Fibromyxoma 25. Filamentous tumor 26. Glomus tumour 27. Granular cell tumor 28. Green nail 29. Graft vs host disease
  • 10. 30. habit tic deformity 31. Half and half nail 32. Hallux 33. Herpes 34. Hook nail 35. Hypoplasia 36. Ingrown toe nail 37. Iso kikuchi - congenital onychodysplasia of index finger COIF 38. Kaposi sarcoma 39. Keratoacanthoma 40. Koilonychia 41. Leukonychia 42. Lichen nail 43. Lipoma 44. Lymphoma 45. Macronychia 46. Malalignment of the great toenails 47. Median canaliform dystrophy of heller 48. Mees line 49. Melanoma nail 50. Melanonychia 51. Micronychia 52. Muhcker line 53. Myxoid cyst 54. Nail biting 55. Nail patella syndrome 56. Neurofibroma 57. Normal anatomy 58. Onychoatrophy 59. Onychogryphosis 60. Onychohauxes 61. onychoheterotopia 62. Onycholysis
  • 11. 63. Onychomatricoma 64. Onychomadesis 65. Onychomycosis 66. Onychopapilloma 67. Onychorehexis 68. Onychoschizia 69. Onychotillomania 70. Osteochondroma 71. Pachyonychia congnita 72. Parakertaotic pustulosa 73. Paronychia 74. Pigmentation melanonychia 75. Pincer nail 76. Poroma 77. pitryiasis rubra pilaris nail PRP 78. Psoriasis nail 79. Pterygium pterygium 80. Pyogenic granuloma 81. Raquet brachy 82. Reiter disease 83. Retronychia 84. Rheumatoid arthritis 85. Ridges 86. Scabies nail 87. SCC squamous cell carcinoma 88. Schwannoma 89. Scleromyxdema 90. seborhic keratosis 91. Splinter heamorhage 92. Subungual exostosis 93. Subungual heamatoma 94. Subungual hyperkeratosis 95. Subungual osteochondroma
  • 12. 96. Systemic lupus 97. Systemic sclerosis 98. Terry nail 99. Trachyonychia twenty nail syndrome 100.Upward growth 101.Wart 102.Worn down 103.Xanthogranuloma 104.Xanthonychia
  • 13.
  • 14. 1. Abcess 2. ABCD SYNDROME/ BLACK LOCKS- ALBINISM-DEAFNESS 3. AARSKOG SYNDROME/ FACIAL DIGITAL GENITAL SYNDROME 4. Acanthosis nigricans nevoid type 5. Acanthosis nigricans 6. Acantholytic (dyskeratotic) acanthoma 7. Accessory digit Supernumerary 8. Accessory nipple/ Supernumerary nipples 9. Accessory tragus 10. Achenbach syndrome 11. Aciduria 12. Acne aestivalis estival 13. Acne chlorance 14. Acne conglobata 15. Acne cosmetica 16. Acne detergent 17. Acne excoriee (Acne excoriée des jeunes filles) 18. Acne hemorrhagic 19. Oil acne 20. Tar acne 21. Acne halogens 22. Acne fulminans 23. Acne fulminans sine fulminans 24. Acne keloidal nuchea 25. Acne mechanicha & Fiddler's neck 26. Acne mcdonald 27. Acne necrotica miliaris 28. Acne necrotica varioliformis 29. Acne neonatal 30. Acne -infantile 31. mid‐childhood acne 32. Acne nevus of munro 33. Acne penile
  • 15. 34. Acne pitch 35. Acne pomade 36. Acne postmenopausal 37. Acne scar (Ice pick/ rolling/ boxcar/ pitted/ stellate/ crateriform scars/post erythema/keloid/Lipoatrophic/papular/hypopigmented) 38. Acne senile - favre - Racouchot- solar comedones 39. Acne smoker 40. Acne toilet 41. Maskne 42. Acne- tranvesrse nasal crease milia 43. Acne tropical 44. Acne due to tumor 45. Acne radiation / radiation-induced comedones 46. Acne vasculitis 47. Acne venenata& Mallorca 48. Acne vulgaris 49. Acne unilateral 50. Acneform drug &steroid 51. Acnitis (acne agminata) 52. Acquired Bilateral Telangiectatic Macules (ABTM 53. Acquired, Bilateral Nevus of Ota- Like Macules (ABNOM) 54. Acquired dermal melanocytosis 55. Acquired elastotic hemangioma 56. Acquired focal dermal elastosis 57. Acquired Linear Hyperpigmentation of the Lips (ALHL) 58. Acquired perforating dermatosis /kyrle 59. Acquired progressive lymphangioma 60. Acquired Universal Melanosis 61. Acquired Bilateral Melanosis of the Neck in the Perimenopausal Woman (ABMNPW 62. Acral peeling skin syndrome 63. Acral pseudolymphomatous angiokeratoma APACHE
  • 16. 64. Acral fibromyxoma 65. Acral psoriasiform hemispherical Papulosis 66. Acral Speckled Hypomelanosis (ASH) 67. Acroangiodermatitis of Mali 68. Acrocyanosis 69. acrodermatitis acidemia 70. Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans of lyme 71. Acrodermatitis dysmetabolica 72. Acrodermatitis enteropathica 73. Acrodermatitis pustulosa 74. Acarodermatitis urticarioides 75. Acrodynia 76. Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica bazex 77. Acrokeratosis verruciformis of hopf 78. acro osteolysis 79. Acrogeria 80. Acromelanosis 81. Acromelanosis albo-punctata 82. Acropustulosis of infancy 83. Acrospiroma 84. Actinic keratosis (Atrophic&Actinic cheilitis&Hypertrophic (hyperkeratotic) &Lichenoid&pigmented) 85. Actinic : chronic actinic dermatitis CAC- 86. Actinic prurigo 87. Actinic reticuloid 88. Actinomycosis 89. Actinobacillosis 90. Activated pi3kδ syndrome 91. Acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy AHEI 92. Acute inflammatory edema (AIE) 93. Acute myloid leukemia 94. Acute syndrome of apoptotic panepidermolysis 95. Adenocarcinoma
  • 17. 96. Adenosquamous Carcinoma 97. Adenoid cystic carcinoma 98. Aleukemic leukemia cutis 99. ADA defeciency 100. Adams oliver syndrome 101. ADAM17 deletion/neonatal-onset inflammatory skin and bowel disease 102. Adeno virus 103. Adducted thumbs syndrome 104. Adrenoleukodystrophy 105. Adult-onset Still disease (AOSD) 106. AESOP syndrome – adenopathy, extensive skin patch overlying (a) plasmacytoma 107. PRIMARY IMMUNOGLOBULIN DEFICIENCY DISORDERS (SEE NEXT) 108. ✓ Agammaglobulinemia 109. ✓ Common variable immunodeficiency 110. ✓ IgA immunodeficiency 111. ✓ IgM deficiency 112. ✓ TWEAK deficiency 113. ✓ Activated PI3Kδ syndrome 114. ✓ X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome 115. ✓ Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with immunodeficiency 116. ✓ immunodeficiency, centromeric instability, and facial anomalies (ICF) syndrom 117. ✓ Transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy 118. Aging related disorders 119. Aggressive digital adenocarcinoma 120. Aggressive digital adenoma 121. Aicardi–Goutières syndrome 122. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)– HIV 123. Ainhum &pseudo ainhum 124. Aggressive digital papillary adenoma
  • 18. 125. Alagille syndrome 126. Albinism & oculocutaneous albinism 127. Albright osteodystrophy 128. Alezzandrini syndrome 129. Alkaptonuria 130. Allgrove’s syndrome 131. androgenetic Alopecia androgenic baldness 132. anagen effluvium 133. Alopecia areata(totalis&universalis&ophiasis&linear&perinevoid) 134. Alopecia areta ophiasis inversa 135. Alopecia atrichia with popular lesion 136. Alopecia central centrifugal cicatricial - hot comb 137. Alopecia cicatricial 138. congenital triangular alopecia 139. dissecting cellulitis/ folliculitis capitis abscedens et suffodiens 140. Alopecia dle discoid lupus 141. folliculitis decalvan 142. frontal fibrosing alopecia 143. Alopecia areata incognito 144. keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvan. Kfsd 145. lichen planopilaris lpp 146. Alopecia lipedematous 147. Alopecia mucinosa 148. Alopecia neoplastica 149. Alopecia occipital 150. Alopecia parvimaculata 151. Alopecia perinevoid 152. Alopecia premature 153. Alopecia pseudopelade (brocq) 154. retrograde alopecia 155. Alopecia syphilis 156. telogen effluvium 157. Alopecia :tractional
  • 19. 158. trichotillomania 159. tufted folliculitis 160. ulerythema ophryogenes 161. alopecia universalis congenital 162. alopecic and aseptic nodule of scalp 163. Alopecia-onycho- dysplasia-hypohidrosis-deafness 164. syndrome. 165. Alport syndrome 166. Alteranariosis 167. Alveolar soft part sarcoma 168. Amalgam tooth 169. Amastia 170. Amazia 171. Amoebiasis cutis 172. Ameloblastoma 173. Amicrobial pustulosis of fold 174. Amniotic band sequence 175. Amputation diseases 176. Amyloidosis (see next) 177. ✓ systemic 178. ✓ Amyloidosis cutis dyschromia 179. ✓ macular 180. ✓ Familial amyloidosis, Finnish type 181. ✓ friction 182. ✓biphasic 183. ✓ nodular 184. ✓ lichen 185. ✓ bullous 186. ✓ anosacral 187. ✓ Atrophic Nodular Cutaneous Amyloidosis (ANCA) 188. ✓ Poikiloderma-like cutaneous amyloidosis 189. Anetoderma
  • 20. 190. Angina bullous heamorhagica/ Benign hemorrhagic bullous stomatitis. 191. Angioedema 192. Angiohistiocytoma 193. Angioinvasive fungal infections 194. Angiokeratoma (solitary &circumscriptum & Mibelli& corporis) 195. Angiokeratoma fordyce 196. Angioleiomyoma 197. Angiolipoma 198. Angiolipoleiomyoma 199. Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia (ALHE) 200. Angioma serpignosa 201. Angiomatosis: diffuse dermal angiomatosis 202. Malignant angioendotheliomatosis 203. Glomeruloid reactive angioendotheliomatosis 204. Reactive angioendotheliomatosis (RAE) 205. Angiomyolipoma 206. Angiopericytomatosis 207. Angiomyxoma 208. Angiosarcoma 209. Angelman syndrome 210. Angora hair nevus 211. Angry back syndrome 212. Ankyloglossia 213. Annular erythema of infancy 214. Annually recurring erythema annulare centrifugum (AR EAC) 215. Anogenital digitate keratosiis 216. Anorexia nervosa 217. ANOTHER syndrome (alopecia, nail dystrophy, ophthalmic complications, thyroid dysfunction, hypohidrosis, ephelides and enteropathy, and respiratory tract infections) 218. Anthrax 219. Antiphospholipid syndrome
  • 21. 220. Antithrombin III deficiency 221. Antisynthetase syndrome 222. Apert syndrome 223. Aplasia cutis 224. Aphthous ulcer / recurrent aphthous stomatitis 225. Apocrine mixed tumors 226. Apocrine nevus 227. Aponeurotic fibroma 228. Aquagenic pruritus 229. Arborizing and Stellate Melanosis 230. Argininosuccinic aciduria 231. Argyria 232. Arsenic palmoplantar 233. Arsenicosis 234. Arsenic Keratosis 235. Arsenical Melanoderma 236. Arterial embolism 237. Arterial tortuosity Syndrome 238. Arterio veno lymphatic 239. Arteriovenous fistula 240. Arteriovenous malformation 241. Arthreogyposis 242. Arthrogryposis–renal dysfunction–cholestasis (ARC)syndrome 243. Aspartylglucosaminuria 244. Ascher syndrome/ blepharochalsis 245. Aseptic abscess syndrome 246. Aspergillosis 247. Aspirin related diseases 248. Ataxia telangctasia- Louis-Bar syndrome 249. Atherosclerosis 250. Atopic dermatitis 251. Atrophoderma moulin 252. Atrophoderma of pasini and pierini
  • 22. 253. Atrophoderma vermiculata 254. Follicular atrophoderma 255. Atrophia maculosa varioliformis cutis 256. Atypical fibroxanthoma 257. Atypical mole syndrome 258. Atypical vascular lesions 259. Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (Canale–Smith syndrome) 260. Autoimmune Polyendocrinopathy-Candidiasis- Ectodermal Dystrophy)/APECED 261. Axillary web syndrome 262. Axillary granular parakeratosis 263. Bacillary Angiomatosis 264. Baker's cyst 265. Balamuthia mandrillaris 266. Balanitis 267. Balanitis xerotica obliterans 268. Balanoposthitis 269. BAP-oma 270. Bannayan-riley-ruvalcaba syndrome 271. Bannayan-Zonana syndrome 272. Barber say syndrome 273. Bart syndrome 274. Basaloid follicular hamartoma 275. Basal cell carcinoma ( SEE NEXT) 276. ✓ Nodular basal cell carcinoma 277. ✓ Pigmented type 278. ✓ Superficial basal cell carcinoma 279. ✓ Morpheaform basal cell carcinoma 280. ✓ Fibroepithelial basal cell carcinoma - fibroepithelioma of Pinkus 281. ✓ Micronodular basal cell carcinoma
  • 23. 282. ✓ cystic basal cell carcinoma 283. ✓ Basosquamous carcinoma 284. ✓ Terebrant carcinoma 285. Basal cell nevus syndrome 286. Multiple hereditary infundibulo-cystic basal cell carcinoma syndrome 287. Multiple infundibulo-cystic basal cell carcinomas 288. Basan syndrome 289. Bascule syndrome 290. Basidiobolomycosis 291. Bart-Pumphrey syndrome 292. Bateman purpura 293. Batman dermatitis 294. Battered child syndrome 295. Battered baby syndrome 296. Bazex dubre christol 297. BECKER NEVUS SYNDROME 298. Betel leaf (piper betle) 299. Beare–stevenson cutis gyrate syndrome 300. Beard folliculitis 301. Beard herpetic folliculitis 302. Beard pseudofolliculitis barbe 303. Beard sycosis barbe 304. Beard tinea 305. Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome 306. Behcet syndrome 307. Bejel 308. Bendar tumour 309. Benign lymphoepithelial cyst 310. Benign neonatal hemangiomatosis 311. Benign symmetric lipomatosis 312. Berardinelli’s syndrome
  • 24. 313. Beriberi 314. Berlin syndrome 315. Berloque dermatitis 316. Besnier prurigo 317. Bier spot /ANGIOSPASTIC MACULES 318. Bilharziasis /bilharzia (Swimmer's itch) 319. Biotinidase deficiency 320. Bird nest 321. Bird-headed dwarfism or Seckel Syndrome 322. Birt-hogg-dubé 323. Bites (see next) 324. ✓Arthropod bite 325. ✓anemon 326. ✓bee 327. ✓beetle paederus dermatitis 328. ✓bug 329. ✓cat 330. ✓caterpillar 331. ✓chigger 332. ✓ coral 333. ✓dog 334. ✓fireant 335. ✓flea 336. ✓jelly fish 337. ✓mite 338. ✓mosquito 339. ✓portguese man of war /physalia physalis 340. ✓sea bather 341. ✓snake 342. ✓scorpion 343. ✓ spider
  • 25. 344. ✓tick 345. ✓urchin 346. ✓weever 347. Björnstad syndrome 348. Blaschkitis(adult) 349. Blastomycosis 350. Blau syndrome 351. Blepharophyma 352. Blistering dactylitis 353. Bloom syndrome 354. Blue baby syndrome 355. Blue Nevus 356. Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome/ Bean syndrome 357. Blue toe syndrome 358. Blue berry muffin baby 359. Bockenheimer 360. Body Dysmorphic Disorder 361. Bohn nodule 362. boil 363. Bonbon toffee sign (sebaceous hyperplasia) 364. Bonnet–Dechaume–Blanc syndrome 365. Book syndrome 366. Borrone dermato-cardio-skeletal 367. Botryomycosis 368. BOWEL-ASSOCIATED DERMATOSIS–ARTHRITIS syndrome 369. Bourneville-Pringle 370. Bowen disease 371. Bownoid papulosis 372. Bpes (Blepharophimosis, ptosis, and epicanthus inversus syndrome (BPES)) 373. Branched-chain amino acid deficiency. 374. Brachioradial pruritus
  • 26. 375. Branchial Cleft Sinuses and Fistulae 376. Branchial cyst 377. Branchio-oculo-facial syndrome 378. Branchio-Oto-Renal syndrome 379. Brazilian hemorrhagic fever 380. Bresek syndrome 381. Brooke-spiegler syndrome 382. Bronchogenic cyst 383. Bronze baby syndrome 384. Brucellosis 385. Bruton syndrome 386. Brünauer–Fuhs–Siemens 387. Buerger diseases 388. Buffalopox 389. Bulla coma 390. Bulla after burn 391. Bulla coma 392. Bulla diabetes 393. Bulla edema 394. Bulla fracture 395. Bulla friction 396. Bulla insect bite 397. Blisters postgraft 398. Bullous dermatitis artefacta 399. Bullous urticaria 400. PUVA-induced acrobullous dermatosis 401. Bullous pemphigoid (SEE NEXT) 402. ✓ Dyshidrosiform pemphigoid 403. ✓ Pemphigoid vegetans 404. ✓ Pemphigoid nodularis 405. ✓ Large erosive TEN-like lesions 406. ✓ Papular pemphigoid
  • 27. 407. ✓ Eczematous pemphigoid 408. ✓ Erythrodermic pemphigoid 409. ✓ Lichen planus pemphigoides 410. ✓ Bullous pemphigoid juvenile 411. ✓ Localized lesions 412. ✓ Brunsting–Perry form 413. Bureau–Barrière syndrome 414. Burn 415. Burning feet syndrome 416. Burning mouth syndrome 417. Burning scalp syndrome 418. Burning scrotum syndrome 419. Buschke-lowenstein tumour 420. Buschke ollendorff syndrome 421. CADASIL syndrome (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leuko- encephalopathy) 422. CAHMR syndrome ( cataract, hypertrichosis, mental retardation) 423. Cafe noir 424. Calabar swelling 425. Calcinosis circumscripta 426. Calcinosis cutis 427. Calcinosis universalis 428. Tumoral Calcinosis 429. Calciphylaxis 430. Calcium deposition –calcinosis(metastatic& dystrophic & idiopathic & iatrogenic) calcification 431. Calculus 432. Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma 433. Callus 434. Callosities 435. Calm café-au-lait macules
  • 28. 436. CAMPS (CARD14-mediated pustular psoriasis) 437. Cancrum oris noma 438. Candida candidiasis 439. ✓ angular cheilitis (perlèche) 440. ✓ thrush (acute pseudo‐membranous candidiasis 441. ✓ candidal leucoplakia (chronic hyperplastic candidiasis) 442. ✓ chronic denture stomatitis (chronic atrophic candidiasis) 443. ✓ chronic hyperplastic candidiasis 444. ✓ Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis 445. candidemia 446. Candle: chronic atypical neutrophilic dermatosis with lipodystrophy and elevated temperature 447. Canities ( Premature Canities&Canities Subita) 448. CANNON DISEASE/ white sponge naevus 449. Cantu syndrome 450. Capillary malformation 451. Capillary leak syndrome 452. Carboxylase defeciency 453. Carbuncle 454. Carcinoid syndrome 455. Carcinosarcoma 456. Carcinoma en cuirasse 457. Carcinoma erysipeloides (telangiectatica) 458. Carcinoma telangiectoides 459. Cardio-acro-facial syndrome 460. Cardiofaciocutanous syndrome 461. Carney complex 462. Carnitine translocase deficiency 463. Carotenemia 464. CARP -confluent and reticulated papillomatosis Gougerot- Carteaud 465. Carpenter syndrome
  • 29. 466. Cartilage hair hypoplasia 467. Cartilagnous rest of neck 468. Castleman diseases 469. Cat scratch disease 470. Cavernous Hemangioma 471. Cavernous lymphangioma 472. CBDC: chronic bullous disease of childhood 473. CEDNIK cerebral dysgenesis, neuropathy, ichthyosis, and keratoderma 474. Cellulite 475. Cellulitis 476. Cerebro-oculo-facio-skeletal (COFS) 477. Cervical cleft 478. Cervical chondrocutaneous branchial remnants 479. Chagas disease 480. Chancre 481. Chancroid 482. CHANDS SYNDROME 483. Charcot-marie-tooth 484. CHARGE Syndrome = (coloboma, heart defects, atresia choanae, growth retardation, genital abnormalities, and earabnormalities). 485. Chediak - higashi syndrome (CHS) 486. Cheiralgia paresthetica 487. Cheiroarthropathy 488. Cherry angioma 489. Chickenpox scar 490. Chickenpox varicella 491. Neonatal varicella 492. Chickenpox photolocalized 493. Chickenpox bullosa 494. Chikungunya chicku 495. Childhood flexural comedones
  • 30. 496. Chime syndrome 497. Chondrodermatitis nodularis helics 498. Chondrodermatitis nodularis nasi (of nose) 499. Chonrdomas 500. Chloroma 501. Chondroid syringoma 502. Malignant chondroid syringoma 503. Chondrosarcoma 504. Chromoblastomycosis 505. Chronic eczematous eruptions of the aged 506. Chronic granulomatous disese 507. Chronic recurrent annular neutrophilic dermatosis 508. Chronic nipple eczema 509. Chrysiasis 510. Churg strausse vasculitis Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis 511. Cicatricial pemphigoid 512. Ciliated cyst of the vulva 513. CINCA : The Chronic Infantile Neurological Cutaneous and Articular syndrome 514. Cisriod aneurysm 515. Citrullinemia 516. CLAPO (capillary malformation of the lower lip, lymphatic malformation predominant on the face and neck, asymmetry, and partial/generalized overgrowth.) 517. Clarkson’s syndrome 518. Clear cell acanthoma - Acanthoma of Degos 519. Clear cell hidradenocarcinoma 520. Clear cell papulosis 521. Cleido-cranial dysostosis 522. Cloves syndrome 523. Cob syndrome 524. Coccidioidomycosis
  • 31. 525. Coccydynia 526. Cockayne syndrome 527. Coffin–Siris syndrome 528. Cohen syndrome 529. Cutaneous Collagenous Vasculopathy 530. Cole syndrome 531. Colloid milium 532. Collision tumour 533. Comedocarcinoma 534. Common variable immunodeficiency 535. Complement deficiency 536. Complex regional pain syndrome/ reflex sympathetic dystrophy 537. Composite hemangioendotheliomna 538. Compulsuive hand washing 539. Condyloma acuminate 540. Condyloma lata 541. Confetti-Like Macular Atrophy 542. Congenital cd34+ granular cell dendrocytosis 543. Congenital deficiency of glutamine synthetase 544. Congenital disorders of glycosylation 545. Congenital epulis 546. Congenital Hypertrichotic Melanoneurocytoma (CHM) 547. Congenital erosive and vesicular dermatosis 548. Congenital Insensitivity to Pain hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies (HSAN) 549. congenital idiopathic generalized anhidrosis (CIGA) 550. Congenital pseudarthrosis of the clavicle 551. Congenital varicella syndrome (CVS) 552. Congenital Venous Malformation 553. Conidobolus coronatus 554. Contact stomatitis 555. Cooks syndrome 556. Corn
  • 32. 557. Cornelia de Lange syndrome 558. Corona seborrhoeica 559. Corona veneris 560. Costello syndrome 561. Covid corona 19 ( Ischemic/livedoid/necrotic lesions&Chilblain-like eruption (pernio-like)&Varicella-like&Urticarial eruptions&Erythema multiforme-like eruptions&Petechial/purpuric rash) 562. Covid toes 563. Cowden syndrome 564. Cowpox 565. Coumadin-induced necrosis 566. Cranioectodermal dysplasia 567. Craniofaciocutanous SYNDROME 568. Craniosynostosis 569. CREST syndrome 570. CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME 571. Crohn disease 572. Cronkhite–Canada syndrome 573. Cross syndrome 574. Crouzon syndrome/ Brachial syndrome 575. Crow’s feet 576. Crow-fukase syndrome 577. Cryoglobulinemia (3 types) 578. Cryofibrinogenemia 579. Crystalglobulin vasculopathy 580. Cold agglutinin disease 581. Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS) 582. Cryotherapy related complications 583. Cryptococcosis 584. Cullen sign/peritonitis pancreatitis 585. Cupping 586. cutaneous endometriosis
  • 33. 587. Cutanous horn 588. Cutaneous lymphadenoma 589. Cutaneous Waldenström macroglobulinemia 590. Cutis laxa 591. Cutis tricolor 592. Cutis marmorata 593. Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita 594. Cutis rhomboidalis nuchae 595. Cutis verticis gyrata (Pachydermia verticis gyrate) 596. Curry-jones syndrome 597. Cyanosis 598. Cyclic edema 599. Cydnidae burrowing bug 600. Cylindroma 601. Cylindrocarcinoma 602. Cyrano nose 603. Cystadenoma 604. Cysticercosis 605. Cystic fibrosis 606. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 607. D-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria 608. Dabska’s tumour 609. Dacrocystitis 610. Dadru 611. Dandruff/ Pityriasis simplex capillitii 612. Darier white darrier& dyskeratosis follicularis 613. Darier–Roussy disease 614. Pseudo-Darier’s sign 615. Dark halo/circles 616. Davener’s Dermatosis (DD) 617. De barsy syndrome 618. Deckchair sign 619. Deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2 (DADA2)
  • 34. 620. Defoliants 621. Degos disease – malignant atrophic papulosis 622. Delleman syndrome 623. Delusion parasitosis 624. Demodicosis &demodex (SEE NEXT) 625. ✓ Pityriasis folliculorum 626. ✓ Perioral dermatitis 627. ✓ facial dermatitis 628. ✓ folliculitis 629. ✓ Demodex abscesses 630. ✓ Blepharitis 631. Dengue 632. De Sanctis–Cacchione syndrome 633. Dental sinus(sinus of dental origin) 634. Dependency disease 635. Dependent edema 636. Dercum diseases 637. Dermal dendrocyte hamartoma with stubby white hair 638. Dermal hyperneury 639. Dermatitis factitial artifacta 640. Dermatitis cruris pustulosa atrophican 641. Dermatitis herpetiformis DH 642. Dermatitis medicamentosa 643. Dermatitis palmaris sicca 644. Dermatitis passivata 645. Dermatitis plantaris sicca 646. Dermatitis repens 647. Dermatitis simulata 648. Dermatitis vegetans 649. Dermatitis neglecta 650. Dermatofibroma- Dermatofibroma- Benign fibrous histiocytoma 651. Dermatofibroma Types (SEE NEXT)
  • 35. 652. • Hyperpigmented nodular dermatofibroma 653. • Nonpigmented dermatofibroma 654. • Delled (“atrophic”) dermatofibroma 655. • Giant dermatofibroma 656. • Subcutaneous dermatofibroma 657. • Multiple grouped dermatofibromas 658. • Disseminated multiple dermatofibromas 659. • Ankle-type dermatofibroma (lipidized fibrous histiocytoma) 660. • Erosive and ulcerated dermatofibroma 661. • Pedunculated or polypoid dermatofibroma 662. • Hyperkeratotic dermatofibroma 663. • Annular hemosiderotic dermatofibroma 664. • Multinodular hemosiderotic dermatofibroma 665. • Dermatofibroma with satellitosis 666. Dermatofibrosis lenticularis disseminate 667. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans 668. Dermatoglyphs( ridge aplasia, ridge hypoplasia, ridge dissociation, ridges-off-the-end) 669. Dermatographism(See next) 670. ✓ Red Dermatographism 671. ✓ Yellow Dermatographism 672. ✓ White Dermatographism 673. ✓ Black Dermatographism 674. Dermatoheliosis 675. Dermatomyofibroma 676. Dermatomyositis 677. Dermatopathia reticularis 678. Dermatoporosis 679. Dermochondrocorneal syndrome 680. Dermoid Cyst 681. Diabetic diabetes related disorders 682. Diabetic dermopathy
  • 36. 683. Diffuse lipomatosis 684. Diffuse capillary malformation with overgrowth DCMO 685. Digeorge’s syndrome 686. Digital fibromatosis 687. Digitalgia paresthetica 688. Digital verrucous fibroangioma 689. Dilated pore of winer 690. Dimple 691. Diogenes syndrome 692. Diphtheria 693. DIRA deficiency Deficiency of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist 694. DITRA deficiency of interleukin-36 receptor antagonist 695. Dirofilaria 696. Disabling pansclerotic morphoea of Childhood 697. Distichiasis 698. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) 699. Disseminated Hypopigmented Keratoses (DHK) 700. Dock8 deficiency 701. Donohue syndrome 702. Donovanosis & granuloma inguinale 703. DOORS syndrome 704. Dowling degos disease 705. Down syndrome 706. Vesiculopustular eruption of transient myeloproliferative disorder in Down syndrome 707. Double eyebrow 708. Dracunculiasis 709. Drug abuse popping 710. Drug induced acne (DIA) 711. Drug-induced acneiform eruption (DIAE) 712. Drug: AGEP Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis 713. Drug: arsenic
  • 37. 714. Drug: bleomycin 715. Drug: BRAF inhibitor 716. Drug: bromoderma &iododerma &halogenoderma 717. Drug: Bullous hemorrhagic dermatosis 718. Drug: toxic erythema of chemotherapy 719. Drug: Chrysiasis 720. Drug: DLE discoid / systemic lupus 721. Drug: dress drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms 722. Drug: Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors EGFRI 723. Drug: emboli nicolau 724. Drug extravasation 725. Chemotherapy-induced stomatitis 726. Drug: fixed drug eruption 727. Drug hand foot skin reaction 728. Drug hand foot skin syndrome 729. Drug: hydroquin 730. Drug: insulin 731. Drug: lichnoid drug eruption 732. Drug: lichen planus pigmentosus (lpp) like eruption 733. Drug: mek1 inhibitor 734. Drug: methotrexate 735. Methotrexate (MTX) Toxicity 736. Drug: minocyclin 737. Drug: minoxdil 738. Drug: pitryiasis rosea like 739. Drug: induced pruritus 740. Drug: psoriasiform 741. Drug: retinoid induced 742. Drug: SDRIF SDIRF symmetrical drug-related intertriginous and flexural exanthema 743. Drug: true serum sickness 744. Serum sickness-like reaction
  • 38. 745. Drug: steroid induced 746. Drug: phototoxic 747. Drug: Serpentine supravenous hyperpigmentation 748. Drug induced vitiligo 749. Drug: exanthema - Morbilliform drug eruption/ maculopapular drug eruptions 750. Drug: Hyperpigmentation 751. Drug: Hypopigmentation 752. Drug: Nail abnormalities 753. Drug-induced necrotizing purpura. 754. Drug: Granulomatous 755. Dubowitz syndrome. 756. Dupuytren contracture 757. Dyschromatosis brachial 758. Dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria 759. Dyschromatosis universalis hereditaria 760. Dyssebacea 761. Dyskeratosis congenita (Zinsser–Engman–Cole syndrome) 762. Dysthesia 763. Dysesthetic anogenital pain syndromes 764. Ear :acanthoma fissuratum 765. Ear: pinna accessory 766. Ear :pinna hairy 767. Ear pit 768. Ear :preauricular sinus 769. Ebola virus related diseases 770. primary EBV infection 771. Ebstien bar infectious mononucleosis 772. Eccrine angiomatous hamartoma 773. Eccrine angiomatous neavus with verrucous 774. Eccrine nevus 775. Ecchymoses 776. Echo virus related diseases
  • 39. 777. Ecthyma simplex 778. Ecthyma contagiosum (orf) 779. Ecthyma gangrenosum 780. Ectodermal dysplasia (see next) 781. ✓Ectodermal dysplasia adult acro-dermato-ungual-lacrimal-tooth 782. 783. ✓Ectodermal dysplasia AEC ankyloblepharon, ectodermal dysplasia, cleft lip/palate-Hay–Wells syndrome) 784. ✓Ectodermal dysplasia EEC ectodermal dysplasia, ectrodactyly, cleft lip/palate 785. ✓Ectodermal dysplasia hair nail 786. ✓Ectodermal dysplasia nectin 4 787. ✓Ectodermal dysplasia Rapp Hodgkin 788. ✓Hypohidrotic ED–immune defeciency 789. ✓Hypohidrotic Ectodermal dysplasia/Christ–Siemens–Touraine syndrome 790. ✓Ectodermal dysplasia/skin fragility syndrome (ED-SFS) 791. ✓Hidrotic Ectodermal dysplasia/Clouston Syndrome 792. Ectopic cilia 793. Eczema: airborn 794. Eczema: Asteatotic craquele 795. Eczema: baboon 796. Eczema: contact dermatitis 797. Irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) 798. Allergic contact dermatitis 799. Eczema discoid Nummular dermatitis 800. Eczema: Disseminated - Autosensitization dermatitis 801. Eczema: Dyshidrotic 802. Eczema: follicular type 803. Eczema: frictional lichenoid dermatitis 804. Eczema halo 805. Eczema herpeticum kaposi varicelliform eruption
  • 40. 806. Eczema infectious eczematoid dermatitis 807. Eczema infective & Infective Dermatitis HTLV1 808. Eczema: lymphatoid contact dermatitis 809. Eczema: marginatum 810. Eczema: molluscatum 811. Posttraumatic Eczema 812. Eczema: Sulzberger–Garbe syndrome 813. OlD-OlD DISEASE 814. Eczema: patch test 815. Eczema: phytophotodermatitis 816. Eczema: poison ivy 817. Eczema: pompholyx 818. Eczema: slobber dermatitis 819. Eczema: stasis dermatitis 820. Eczema: vaacina coxsackie 821. Eczema due to war chemicals 822. Eczma palmoplantar 823. EHLERS–DANLOS SYNDROME (Classic&Classic-like&Cardiac valvular&Hypermobile&Vascular& Kyphoscoliotic &Musculocontractural&Arthrochalasia &Dermatosparaxis&Periodontal&Brittle cornea syndrome&Myopathic&Spondylodysplastic) 824. Elastoderma 825. Elastofibroma dorsi 826. Elastoma 827. Elastoma of Dubreuilh 828. Papular elastorrhexis 829. juvenile elastoma 830. perforating elastosis 831. Elastosis perforans serpiginosa 832. Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa 833. Elephantiasic pretibial myxedema 834. Elephantiasis neurofibromatosa
  • 41. 835. Elephantine psoriasis 836. Ellis–van Creveld syndrome 837. Elejalde syndrome 838. Emboli cholestrol 839. Emboli oxalate 840. Emboli 841. Emmonsiosis 842. Encephalocele 843. Endocarditis 844. Endocrine diseases 845. Endocrine: Acromegaly 846. Endocrine: Addison disease 847. Endocrine: cushing 848. Endocrine: hyperthyroidism 849. Endocrine: hypothyroidism 850. Endocrine mucin-producing sweat gland carcinoma 851. Men: multiple endocrine neoplasia (1 &2a &2b) 852. Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 Wermer 853. Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN 2A, Sipple syndrome) 854. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2B= Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 3 855. Engraftment syndrome 856. Enterobiasis 857. Entomophthoromycosis 858. Envelopathies 859. Eosinophilic annular erythema 860. Eosinophilic myalgia syndrome 861. Eosinophilic panniculitis 862. Eosinophilic Pustular Folliculitis 863. Eosinophilic ulcer tongue/ Eosinophilic Nodule of the Tongue 864. Eosinophilic fasciitis 865. Epidermization of lip 866. Epidermoid Cyst
  • 42. 867. Epidermodysplasia verruciformis edv 868. Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita EBA 869. Epidermolysis bullosa superficialis 870. Epidermolysis bullosa prurignosa 871. Epidermolysis bullosa simplex (ebs) (SEE NEXT) 872. ✓ Ebs due to klhl24 ad kelch-like protein 24 873. ✓ Ebs with mottled pigmentation 874. ✓ Ebs with pyloric atresia ar plectin; α 6 β 4 integrin 875. ✓ Ebs, ar-bp230 deficiency ar bullous pemphigoid antigen 1 (bp230) 876. ✓ Ebs, ar-exophilin 5 deficiency 877. ✓ Ebs, ar-krt14 ar 878. ✓ Ebs, generalized intermediate 879. ✓ Ebs, generalized severe (formerly dowling–meara) 880. ✓ Ebs, localized (formerly weber–cockayne) 881. ✓ Bs, migratory circinate 882. ✓ Ebs-ogna ad plectin 883. Epidermolysis bullousa dystrophic (SEE NEXT) 884. ✓ Other ddeb variants: acral, pretibial, pruriginosa, nails only 885. ✓ rdeb variants: localized, pretibial, pruriginosa, centripetalis 886. ✓ Rdeb, bullous dermolysis of the newborn 887. ✓ Rdeb, generalized intermediate 888. ✓ Rdeb, generalized severe (formerly hallopeau–siemens) 889. ✓ Rdeb, inversa 890. ✓ Ddeb, bullous dermolysis of the newborn 891. ✓ Ddeb, generalized 892. ✓COCKAYNE-TOURAINE SYNDROME 893. Epidermolysis bullousa junctional (SEE NEXT) 894. ✓ Jeb with pyloric atresia ar α 6 β 4 integrin 895. ✓ Jeb with respiratory and renal involvement ar α 3 integrin
  • 43. subunit 896. ✓ Jeb, generalized intermediate ar * laminin 332; collagen xvii 897. ✓ Jeb, generalized severe (formerly herlitz) ar laminin 332 898. ✓ Jeb, inversa ar laminin 332 899. ✓ Jeb, late onset ar collagen xvii 900. ✓ Jeb-laryngo-onycho-cutaneous syndrome 901. Epidermolytic acanthoma 902. Epitheliod Hemangioma 903. Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma 904. Epithelioma cuniculatum 905. Epithelioid sarcoma 906. Epithelioid Cell Histiocytoma 907. Episodic angioedema with eosinophilia (Gleich syndrome) 908. Eponymous signs in dermatology (see next) 909. ✓Albright’s dimple sign 910. ✓Antenna sign 911. ✓Asboe-Hansen sign 912. ✓Auspitz sign 913. ✓Barnett’s sign 914. ✓ “Breakfast, lunch, and dinner” sign 915. ✓Branham’s sign (Nicoladoni sign) 916. ✓Buschke-Ollendorff sign 917. ✓Butterfly sign 918. ✓Buttonhole sign 919. ✓Carpet tack sign (Tin tack sign, Cat tongue sign) 920. ✓Chagas–Mazza–Romaña’s sign 921. ✓Coral bead sign 922. ✓Coudability sign 923. ✓Crowe’s sign 924. ✓Cullen’s sign 925. ✓Deck-chair sign
  • 44. 926. ✓Dew drop on rose petal sign 927. ✓Darier‘s sign 928. ✓Dimple sign (Fitzpatrick sign) 929. ✓Dory-flop sign 930. ✓Flag sign 931. ✓Forscheimer’s sign 932. ✓Frank’s sign 933. ✓Friar tuck sign 934. ✓Gorlin’s sign 935. ✓Gottron’s sign 936. ✓Groove sign 937. ✓Hang-glider sign 938. ✓Hair collar sign 939. ✓Hairy palm sign 940. ✓Hamburger sign 941. ✓Hanging curtain sign 942. ✓Hertoghe’s sign (Queen Anne’s sign) 943. ✓Higoumenaki’s sign 944. ✓Holster sign of dermatomyositis 945. ✓Hutchinson’s sign 946. ✓Hypopyon sign 947. ✓Ingram’s sign 948. ✓Jellinek’s sign (Rasin’s sign) 949. ✓Kaposi-Stemmer sign 950. ✓Leser–Trelat sign 951. ✓Love’s sign 952. ✓Matchbox sign 953. ✓Meffert’s sign 954. ✓Milian’s ear sign 955. ✓Mizutani’s sign (Round finger pad sign) 956. ✓Nazzaro’s sign
  • 45. 957. ✓Nikolskiy’s sign 958. ✓Nose sign (Pavithran’s nose sign) 959. ✓Osler’s sign 960. ✓Pastia’s sign 961. ✓Patrick Yesudian sign 962. ✓Prayer sign 963. ✓Promontory sign 964. ✓Punshi’s sign 965. ✓Pup-tent sign 966. ✓Raccoon sign 967. ✓Reverse Namaskar sign 968. ✓Rope sign 969. ✓Russell’s sign 970. ✓Sandwich sign 971. ✓Scratch sign (coup d’ongle sign, Besnier’s sign, 972. ✓Shawl sign 973. ✓Samitz’s sign 974. ✓Shuster’s sign 975. ✓Stafne’s sign 976. ✓Thumb sign (Steinberg sign) 977. ✓Toy soldier sign 978. ✓Ugly duckling sign 979. ✓Umbilical sign 980. ✓Volcano sign 981. ✓V- sign 982. ✓Wartenberg’s sign 983. ✓Wimberger’s sign 984. ✓Wrist sign (Walker’s sign) 985. ✓Winterbottom’s sign 986. Epstein pearl 987. Epulis fissuratum
  • 46. 988. Ethylmalonic aciduria 989. Erosive adenomatosis of the nipple 990. Erosive pustular dermatosis of the scalp 991. Erosive pustular dermatosis of the leg 992. Eruptive hypomelanosis (idiopathic() 993. Eruptive pseudoangioma 994. Erysipelas 995. Erysipeloid 996. Erythema 997. Erythema ab igne 998. Erythema contusiforme 999. Erythema induratum 1000. Erythema infectiosum fifth disease 1001. Erythema multiforme (minor &major) 1002. Erythema nodosum EN 1003. Erythema nodosum migrans 1004. Erythema nuchae (salmon patch) 1005. Erythema annulare centrifugum (EAC) 1006. Erythema arthriticum 1007. Erythema dyschromicum perstans ashy dermatosis 1008. Erythema elevatum diutinum 1009. Erythema gyratum atrophican 1010. Erythema gyratum repen 1011. Erythema marginatum 1012. Erythema marginatum-like Lesions of hereditary angioedema 1013. Erythema migrans---lyme 1014. Erythema Punctatum Higuchi (EPH) 1015. Erythema Rhematicum Migrans 1016. Palpable migratory arciform erythema 1017. Erythema necroticans 1018. Erythema papulosa semicircularis recidivans - Erythema papulatum Centrifugum 1019. Erythema toxicum neonatorum (toxic)
  • 47. 1020. Erythrasma 1021. Erythrocyanosis 1022. Erythroderma 1023. Idiopathic erythroderma 1024. Paraneoplastic erythroderma 1025. Paraneoplastic scleroderma-like syndrome 1026. Erythrodermic trichophyton 1027. Erythrokeratodermia with spinocerebellar ataxia (giroux–barbeau syndrome 1028. Erythrokeratodermia-cardiomyopathy syndrome 1029. Erythrokeratolysis hiemalis (keratolytic winter erythema, oudtshoorn disease 1030. Erythrokeratoderma En Cocardes 1031. Erytroleukoplakia 1032. Erythromelalgia/ Erythralgia/ Erythermalgia 1033. Erythromelanosis follicularis faciei et colli 1034. Erythrose péribuccale of brocq 1035. Erythrosis pigmentosa mediofacialis 1036. Erythroplasia of Queyrat 1037. Erasmus syndrome 1038. EVANS SYNDROME 1039. Excited skin syndrome 1040. Exercise-induced vasculitis /golfer 1041. Exfoliative dermatitis 1042. Extramedullary hematopoiesis 1043. Farber lipogranulomatosis 1044. Fabry disease 1045. FACE : Facial afro caribbean childhood eruption 1046. Facial idiopathic granulomas with regressive evolution FIGURE 1047. Facio-auriculovertebral syndrome 1048. Facio-digito-genital syndrome 1049. Facies in Dermatology (SEE NEXT) 1050. ✓ Bird-like facies
  • 48. 1051. ✓ Atopic facies 1052. ✓ Asiatic porcelain doll facies 1053. ✓ Angelic facies 1054. ✓ Antonine facies 1055. ✓ Amiodarone facies 1056. ✓ Adenoid facies 1057. ✓ Acromegaloid facies 1058. ✓ Acrogeric facies 1059. ✓ Bloodhound facies 1060. ✓ Bull dog face 1061. ✓ Cadaveric facies 1062. ✓ Cigarette facies 1063. ✓ Coarse facies 1064. ✓ Dengue facies 1065. ✓ Dog/Simian facies 1066. ✓ Drawn facies 1067. ✓ Dysmorphic facies 1068. ✓ Elfin facies 1069. ✓ Gargoyles facies 1070. ✓ Gaunt facies 1071. ✓ Grimace-like facies 1072. ✓ Greek helmet facies 1073. ✓ Hippocratic facies 1074. ✓ Latrodectus facies 1075. ✓ Leonine facies 1076. ✓ Mask like face 1077. ✓ Mickey mouse facies 1078. ✓ Mitral face 1079. ✓ Mongoloid face/flat facies 1080. ✓ Monkey facies 1081. ✓ Moon facies
  • 49. 1082. ✓ Old man facies 1083. ✓ Sad man facies 1084. ✓ Slapped cheek facies 1085. ✓ Tabetic facies 1086. ✓ Triangular face 1087. ✓ Whistling facies 1088. Familial annular erythema 1089. Familial dyskeratotic comedon 1090. Familial Cold Auto-inflammatory syndrome 1091. Familial cutaneous and mucosal venous malformation 1092. Familial Gigantic Melanocytosis 1093. Familial mediterranean fever (FMF) 1094. Familial Multiple Café-au-Lait Spots 1095. Familial multiple discoid fibromas (FMDF) 1096. familial multiple lipomatosis 1097. Familial progressive hyperpigmentation –congenital diffuse melanosis 1098. Familial progressive hypo- and hyperpigmentation 1099. Familial speckled acral hypopigmentation 1100. Factor V Leiden mutation. 1101. Fanconi anemia 1102. Fat-storing hamartoma of dermal dendrocytes 1103. Fascioliasis 1104. Faun tail 1105. Felty’s syndrome 1106. Fetal alcohol syndrome 1107. Fetal hydantoin syndrome 1108. Ferguson–Smith syndrome 1109. Foreign body granuloma 1110. Female genital mutilation 1111. Fiberglass Dermatitis 1112. Cutaneous Fibroadenoma
  • 50. 1113. Fibro adipose vascular anomaly 1114. Fibroblastic connective tissue nevus 1115. Fibroblastoma 1116. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive 1117. Fibroepithelial polyp 1118. Fibroepithelioma of pinkus 1119. Fibrofolliculoma 1120. Fibrokeratoma 1121. Fibroma 1122. Fibroma fissuratum 1123. Fibromatoses (SEE NEXT) 1124. ✓ Superficial fascial fibromatosis 1125. ✓ Palmar fibromatosis (Dupuytren disease) 1126. ✓ Plantar fibromatosis (Ledderhose disease) 1127. ✓ Penile fibromatosis (Peyronie disease) 1128. ✓ Knuckle pads (holoderma) 1129. ✓ Pachydermodactyly 1130. ✓ Desmoid tumor 1131. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive 1132. Fibroelastolytic Papulosis 1133. Fibroma of tendon sheath 1134. Fibrosarcoma (SEE NEXT) 1135. ✓ Classic fibrosarcoma 1136. ✓ Myxoid fibrosarcoma&Malignant fibrous histiocytoma 1137. ✓ fibromyxoid sarcoma 1138. ✓ Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma 1139. ✓ Fibromyxoid fibrosarcoma 1140. Fibrous hamartoma of infancy 1141. Fibrous papule of nose 1142. Fiddler's neck 1143. Finger pebbles 1144. Fisher-Volavsek syndrome
  • 51. 1145. Fisch syndrome 1146. fish odour syndrome 1147. fixed drug eruption 1148. fixed food eruption 1149. fixed sunlight eruption 1150. flagellate dermatoses (SEE NEXT) 1151. ✓ Religious punishment 1152. ✓ Torture 1153. ✓ Sexual pleasure (sadomasochism) 1154. ✓ Child/partner abuse 1155. ✓ Dermatitis artefacta 1156. ✓ Bleomycin 1157. ✓ Peplomycin 1158. ✓ Docetaxel 1159. ✓ Bendamustine 1160. ✓ Dermatomyositis 1161. ✓ Adult-onset still’s disease 1162. ✓ Shiitake mushroom ingestion (raw or undercooked) 1163. ✓ Cnidarian (Portuguese man-of-war and jellyfi sh) stings✓ 1164. ✓ Paederus and other insects 1165. ✓ Dermatographism 1166. ✓ Excoriations by pruritic conditions 1167. ✓ Phytophotodermatitis 1168. ✓ Poison ivy dermatitis 1169. ✓ Hypereosinophilic syndrome 1170. ✓ Chikungunya fever induced fl agellate pigmentation 1171. ✓ Idiopathic flagellate pigmentation 1172. Flagellate Hypopigmentation 1173. Flegel diseases 1174. Floppy Eyelid Syndrome 1175. Flotch suyndrome
  • 52. 1176. Florid papillomatosis 1177. Flushing 1178. Focal facial dermal Dysplasia (FFDD) 1179. FFDD1 – Brauer 1180. FFDD2 – Brauer–Setleis 1181. FFDD3 – Setleis 1182. FFDD4 – preauricular 1183. Focal epithelial hyperplasia 1184. Folliculosebaceous cystic hamartoma (FSCH)/ Sebofolliculoma 1185. Superficial folliculitis 1186. Folliculitis AIDS HIV 1187. Follicuitis pitryiasis 1188. Irritation Folliculitis 1189. Folliculitis actinic 1190. Folliculitis bacterial 1191. Friction Folliculitis 1192. Trunk Folliculitis 1193. Demodex Folliculitis 1194. Herpes simplex folliculitis 1195. Traumatic anserine folliculosis 1196. dissecting terminal hair folliculitis 1197. Disseminate and recurrent infundibulofolliculitis (DRIF) 1198. eosinophilic pustular folliculitis infancy 1199. eosonophilic Folliculitis of ofuji 1200. Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis 1201. gram negative Folliculitis 1202. hot tub Folliculitis 1203. pseudolymphoma Folliculitis 1204. Follicullitis candida 1205. Folliculocystic and Collagenous Hamartoma 1206. Forchheimer spots 1207. Fordyce spots oral 1208. Fox-fordyce Apocrine miliaria
  • 53. 1209. Fournier Gangrene 1210. Frank sign (diagonal earlobe crease) 1211. Frank ter haar syndrome 1212. Franceschetti-klein syndrome 1213. Freckles 1214. Frictional melanosis 1215. Frictional sweet dermatitis 1216. Frictional Asymptomatic Darkening of the Extensor Surfaces (FADES) 1217. Frost bite 1218. Fucosidosis 1219. Furuncle 1220. Fusarium 1221. Futcher’s lines 1222. Galli-galli diseas 1223. Gamasoidosis 1224. Galactosialidosis 1225. Ganastomiasis 1226. Ganglion Cyst 1227. Gangliosidosis 1228. Gangrene 1229. Gapo syndrome (Growth retardation, Alopecia, Pseudoanodontia and Optic atrophy.) 1230. Gardner syndrome/ familial polyposis of the colon. 1231. Gardner-diamond syndrome/AUTOERYTH ROCV rE SENSITIZATION 1232. Gata2 deficiency 1233. Gas gangrene 1234. Goeminne syndrome 1235. Gaucher disease 1236. Genralized essential Telangectasia 1237. Generalized inflammatory peeling skin syndrome 1238. Genodermatoses 1239. Gianotti-crosti syndrome papular acrodermatitis of childhood
  • 54. 1240. Giant axonal neuropathy with curly hair 1241. Giant cell arteritis temporal 1242. Giant cell granuloma 1243. Giant cell tumor tendon sheath 1244. Gingival fibromatosis 1245. Gigantic melanocytosis 1246. Gingival hyperplasia 1247. Gingivitis :Desquamative 1248. Gingivitis: Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis 1249. Glanders 1250. Gleich syndrome 1251. Glioma 1252. Glomeruloid hemangioma 1253. Glomangiopericytoma 1254. Glomus tumour 1255. Glomangioma 1256. Glomangiomyoma 1257. Glomuvenous malformation 1258. Glomangiosarcoma 1259. Glossodynia 1260. Glucagonoma syndrome 1261. Glutaric aciduria 1262. Glycogen storage disease 1263. Gnas mutation disorders 1264. Gnathostomiasis 1265. Gnathophyma 1266. Noonan 1267. Goldenhar syndrome 1268. Goltz Focal dermal hypoplasia 1269. Gonorrhoea 1270. Gordonia bronchialis 1271. Gorlin sign 1272. Gorlin-Goltz syndrome
  • 55. 1273. Gorlin–Chaudry–Moss syndrome 1274. Good syndrome 1275. Gorham-stout syndrome 1276. Goodpasture syndrome 1277. Gottron papule 1278. Inverse Gottron papule 1279. Sclerodermoid amyloidosum Gottron 1280. Gottron sign 1281. Gottron-like papule 1282. Gottron acrogeria (Gottron syndrome 1283. Papillomatosis cutis carcinoides of Gottron 1284. Darrier-Gottron erythrokeratoderma 1285. Gout &tophi 1286. Gouty panniculitis 1287. Pseudo gout 1288. Graft versus host disease GVHD (acute&chronic) 1289. Graham-little-piccardi-lasseur syndrome 1290. Granular cell tumour 1291. Granular cell tumour oral mucosa 1292. Granular parakeratosis 1293. Granulosis rubra nasi 1294. granulocytic spongiotic papulovesiculosis 1295. Annular elastolytic giant cell Granuloma 1296. Actinic granuloma 1297. Granuloma annular 1298. Granuloma fissuratum 1299. Granuloma gluteal infantum 1300. Granuloma inguinale 1301. Granuloma multiform 1302. Granuloma faciale facial 1303. Gray turner sign 1304. Gregg syndrome 1305. Grey baby syndrome
  • 56. 1306. Griscelli syndrome( grisceli) 1307. Groin acrodermatitis enteropathica 1308. Grover disease/ Transient acantholytic dermatosis 1309. Grybowski type generalized eruptive keratoacanthoma 1310. Guinea worm 1311. Gumma syphilis 1312. Gynecomastia 1313. H syndrome 1314. Haber’s syndrome 1315. Hair-an syndrome hyperandrogenemia, insulin resistance Acanthosis nigricans 1316. Hemangioma (PHACE&LUMBAR&PELVIS) 1317. Haemangioma syndrome 1318. noninvoluting congenital haemangioma NICH 1319. Rapidly involuting congenital haemangioma RICH 1320. Haemangiopericytoma 1321. Haemochromatosis 1322. Hemophagocytic syndrome. 1323. Haemophilus influenzae infection 1324. Hailey - hailey disease 1325. Hair cast 1326. Hair premature gray 1327. Hair excess: hirsutism 1328. Hair excess : hypertrichosis 1329. Congenital hypertrichosis lanuginose 1330. Universal hypertrichosis 1331. Ambras syndrome 1332. X-linked hypertrichosis 1333. Hypertrichosis of the auricle 1334. Hypertrichosis of the eyebrows 1335. Hypertrichosis cubiti 1336. Anterior cervical hypertrichosis 1337. Posterior cervical hypertrichosis
  • 57. 1338. Hairy palms and soles 1339. Hairy ear pina 1340. Hair heterochromia 1341. Hair :red color 1342. Hair removal 1343. Hair transplant related diseases 1344. Hair-follicle nevus 1345. Halo dermatitis 1346. Halo scalp ring 1347. Hallermann–streiff syndrome 1348. Hand-foot-and-mouth disease 1349. Happle–Tinschert syndrome 1350. Hartnup disease 1351. Hay-wells syndrome 1352. Heamatohidrosis 1353. Heamngiopericytoma 1354. Hemolytic uremic syndrome 1355. Heat cramps 1356. Heat edema 1357. Heberden nodule 1358. Heck disease -Focal epithelial hyperplasia 1359. Heel black talon noir 1360. Heel-Line Hyperpigmentation 1361. Heel fissures 1362. Heel stick injury 1363. Hemifacial atrophy 1364. Hemihyperplasia lipomatosis 1365. hemochromatosis 1366. Hemosiderotic fibrolipomatous tumor (HFLT) 1367. Hemophagocytic syndrome 1368. Henna 1369. Hennekam lymphangiectasia–lymphedema syndrome 1370. Henoch schonlein purpura purpura
  • 58. 1371. Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia syndrome (HITS) 1372. Heterotopic neural tissue of the skin 1373. Heberden nodes 1374. He remained (Hematologic Related Malignancy induced Eosinophilic dermatoses) 1375. hereditary angioedema 1376. Hereditary benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis 1377. Hereditary benign telangiectasia 1378. Hereditary congenital hypopigmented and hyperpigmented macules (Westerhof syndrome) 1379. Hereditary Generalized Punctate Leukoderma 1380. hereditary gingival fibromatosis 1381. Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer (HLRCC) 1382. Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome 1383. Hereditary fibrosing poikiloderma 1384. Hereditary mucoepithelial dysplasia 1385. hereditary multiple lipomas 1386. Hereditary papulotranslucent acrokeratoderma 1387. Hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia 1388. Hereditary premature canities 1389. Hereditary sclerosing poikiloderma/POIKILODERMA Of WEARY 1390. Heerfordt syndrome 1391. Hermansky pudlak syndrome 1392. Herpangina 1393. Herpes simplex 1394. Herpes simplex (Neonatal& Intrauterine) 1395. Herpes simplex whitlow 1396. Herpes zoster phenomenon & scar 1397. Herpes zoster (classic&abortive&hemorrhagic&duplex unilaterralis) 1398. Heterochromia 1399. Hibernoma
  • 59. 1400. Hidroacanthoma simplex 1401. Malignant hidroacanthoma simplex 1402. Hidradenitis: neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis NEH 1403. Hidradenitis palmar& plantar 1404. Hidradenitis suppurativa hs/acne inversa 1405. Hidradenoma 1406. Hidradenoma papilliferum 1407. Hidradnocarcinoma 1408. Hidrocystoma (Apocrine& Eccrine) 1409. Histiocytosis (SEE NEXT) 1410. ✓ LCH langerhan cell Histiocytosis 1411. ✓ Hand-Schüller-Christian 1412. ✓ Eosinophilic granuloma 1413. ✓ Self healing Hashimoto-Pritzker disease 1414. ✓ Letterer-Siwe 1415. ✓ Crystal-storing histiocytosis 1416. ✓ adult xanthogranuloma 1417. ✓ Progressive nodular histiocytosis PNH 1418. ✓ Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis 1419. ✓ Papular xanthoma 1420. ✓ Generalized eruptive GEH 1421. ✓ Histiocytosis dermal dendrocyte hamartoma 1422. ✓ Erdheim-chester disease 1423. ✓ Histiocytosis indeterminate 1424. ✓ Juvenile xanthogranuloma 1425. ✓ Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma 1426. ✓ Histiocytosis progresive mucinosis 1427. ✓ Histiocytosis –multicentric reticulohistiocytosis 1428. ✓ Giant cell reticulohistiocytoma 1429. ✓ Rosai–dorfman disease 1430. ✓ Xanthoma disseminatum
  • 60. 1431. ✓ Benign cephalic Histiocytosis 1432. ✓ Kikuchi disease 1433. ✓ Histiocytosis sea blue 1434. Histiocytosis malignant (SEE NEXT) 1435. ✓ Histiocytic sarcoma 1436. ✓ Langerhans cell sarcoma 1437. ✓ Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma 1438. ✓ Interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma 1439. Histoplasmosis 1440. Hobnail Hemangioma 1441. Holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency 1442. Homocystinuria 1443. Hookworm disease 1444. HOPP (hypotrichosis, acro-osteolysis/onychogryphosis, palmoplantar Keratoderma, and periodontitis) syndrome 1445. Horizontal forehead lines 1446. Hoyeraal–Hreidarrson syndrome 1447. Human ehrlichioses 1448. Human granulocytic anaplasmosis 1449. Huntley's papule 1450. Hutchinson’s sign 1451. Hyalohyphomycosis 1452. Hybrid cysts 1453. Hydatid cyst 1454. Hydroa vacciniforme 1455. hydroa vacciniforme‐like cutaneous T‐cell lymphoma 1456. Hydroxyurea-induced ulcers 1457. 4-Hydroxybutyric aciduria 1458. Hyper eosinophilic syndrome HES 1459. Hypereosinophilic dermatitis (Nir-Westfried) 1460. Hyperirritable skin 1461. Hyper IGD
  • 61. 1462. Hyper IGE syndrome/job 1463. Hyper linearity palm -sole 1464. Hyperkeratotic spicules 1465. Hyperkeratotic flexural erythema 1466. Hypertrophic scar 1467. Hyperhidrosis 1468. Hyperpigmented Macules on the Face of Young Children (HMFYC) 1469. Hypervitaminosis A 1470. Hypodermatitis sclerodermaformis 1471. Hypomelia–hypotrichosis–facial 1472. Hypoglossia-hypodactylia anomaly 1473. Hypohidrosis 1474. Hypophosphatasia (HPP) 1475. Hypopyon sign 1476. Hypothenar hammer 1477. Hypotrichosis (SEE NEXT) 1478. ✓ Hypotrichosis&anhidrosis 1479. ✓ Hypotrichosis, Mari 1480. ✓ Hypotrichosis, Marie Unna 1481. ✓ Hypotrichosis simplex 1482. ✓ Hypotrichosis simplex of the scalp 1483. ✓ Hypotrichosis with juvenile macular dystrophy 1484. ✓ Hypotrichosis with recurrent skin “vesicles” 1485. ✓ Localized autosomal recessive hypotrichosis 1486. ✓ Hypotrichosis–lymphedema–Telangiectasia syndrome 1487. Ichthyosis autosomal recessive exfoliative 1488. Ichthyosis, intellectual disability, and spastic quadriplegia 1489. Icthyosis bathing suit 1490. Icthyosis - Collodion baby 1491. Icthyosis - congenital icthyosiform erythroderma 1492. ichthyosis Curth–Macklin 1493. Icthyosis - Netherton
  • 62. 1494. Icthyosis - x linked 1495. Icthyosis acquired 1496. Icthyosis bullous epidermolytic 1497. Icthyosis Chanarin–Dorfman syndrome 1498. Icthyosis CHILD: Congenital hemidysplasia with ichthyosiform erythro- 1499. derma and limb defects 1500. Icthyosis confetti 1501. Icthyosis congenital reticular icthyosiform erythroderma CRIE 1502. Icthyosis Conradi–Hünermann–Happle 1503. Icthyosis cribriformis 1504. Icthyosis erythrokeratoderma variabilis ekv 1505. Icthyosis -herlequin 1506. Icthyosis HID: Hystrix-like ichthyosis with deafnes 1507. Icthyosis hypotrichosis 1508. Icthyosis hystrix 1509. Icthyosis IFAP ichthyosis follicularis, alopecia, and photophobia 1510. Icthyosis kid keratitis–ichthyosis–deafness syndrome 1511. Icthyosis klick keratosis linearis with ichthyosis congenita and sclerosing keratoderma (klick) syndrome 1512. Icthyosis –lamellar 1513. ichthyosis linearis circumflexa 1514. Icthyosis Peeling skin syndrome (PSS) 1515. Icthyosis prematurity 1516. Icthyosis progressive symmetric erythrokeratoderma 1517. Icthyosis refsum 1518. Icthyosis bullosa of Siemens (superficial epidermolytic ichthyosis) 1519. Icthyosis sjögren-larsson syndrome 1520. Icthyosis unclassified 1521. Icthyosis vulgaris 1522. Icterus marginatus 1523. Id reaction 1524. Idiopathic Facial aseptic granuloma (IFAG)
  • 63. 1525. Idiopathic dermal melanosis 1526. Idiopathic eruptive macular pigmentation (IEMP) 1527. Idiopathic eruptive hypopigmentation 1528. Idiopathic unilateral lower limb gangrene in a neonate 1529. Hypopigmented scar 1530. Idiopathic lobular panniculitis of pregnancy 1531. Idiopathic mucositis 1532. Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpu 1533. Interstitial granulomatous dermatitis (Ackerman syndrome) 1534. Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis 1535. IL-10/IL-10R deficiency 1536. Immunodeficiency, centromeric instability, and facial anomalies (ICF) syndrome 1537. Impetigo (Non-bullous & Bullous) 1538. Impetigo of bochart 1539. Impetigo herpetiformis 1540. Impetigo Incognito 1541. Immersion foot 1542. Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) 1543. Impetiginization 1544. Infantile Tremor Syndrome 1545. infantile perineal (perianal) protrusion 1546. Infantile digital fibromatosis 1547. Infantile myofibromatosis 1548. Infantile transient smooth muscle contraction of the skin 1549. Infant Pyemotes Dermatitis 1550. infantile systemic hyalinosis 1551. Inflammatory Pseudotumor. 1552. Incontinentia pigmenti 1553. Infundibuloma 1554. Infundibular Cyst . 1555. Interferon-Induced Vitiligo 1556. Interdigital blastomycetia erosio
  • 64. 1557. Interdigital candida interdigital 1558. Interdigital intertrigo 1559. Interdigital pseudomonaus 1560. Interdigital tinea 1561. Interdigital erythrasma 1562. Interdigital gram negative toe web infection 1563. Interferon-Associated Cutaneous Necrosis 1564. Intertrigo 1565. Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia -Masson hemangioma 1566. Intravascular histiocytosis & Intralymphatic histiocytosis (IH) 1567. Intraepithelial neoplasia 1568. Intrauterine epidermal necrosis 1569. Insect bite reaction 1570. Invasive fungal dermatitis 1571. Inverted follicular keratosis 1572. Ipex syndrome (Immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked syndrome) 1573. Itching purpura/ Disseminated pruriginous angiodermatitis, 1574. Ito hypomelanosis 1575. Ischemia-Induced Perianal Ulceration 1576. Isolated white forelock 1577. Isolated occipital white lock 1578. isolated melanocytic hyperpigmentation of the distal digits (IMHDD). 1579. Isovaleric acidemia 1580. Jackson-sertoli syndrome 1581. Jacquet erosive dermatitis 1582. Janeway lesions 1583. Jessner’s lymphocytic infiltrate 1584. Johanson–Blizzard syndrome 1585. Jogger’s nipples 1586. Joint contractures, muscle atrophy, microcytic anemia, and
  • 65. panniculitis-induced lipodystrophy (JMP) syndrome 1587. Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis &infantile systemic hyalinosis 1588. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis 1589. Juvenile plantar dermatosis 1590. Juvenile aponeurotic fibroma 1591. Juvenile gangrenous vasculitis of the scrotum 1592. Juvenile polyposis 1593. Juvenile melanoma 1594. Juvenile spring eruption 1595. Juvenile xanthogranuloma 1596. Kabuki syndrome 1597. Kallin syndrome ((EBS with anodontia or hypodontia, nail dystrophy and alopecia). 1598. Kanzaki syndrome 1599. Pseudo kaposi acroangiodermatits mali 1600. Kaposi sarcoma 1601. Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma 1602. kaposiform lymphangiomatosis 1603. Kaposi varicelliform eruption 1604. Kasabach merritt syndrome 1605. Kawasaki//mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome 1606. Kayser-fleischer rings 1607. Kearns-Sayre syndrome 1608. Keloid 1609. Ketron-Goodman disease 1610. Keratoacanthoma (solitary&, subungual &mucosal&, giant keratoacanthoma, &centrifugum marginatum, generalized eruptive keratoacanthoma of Grzybowski, and multiple keratoacanthomas Ferguson-Smith syndrome.) 1611. Keratoderma blenorrhagica 1612. Keratoderma climactericum 1613. Keratolysis exfoliativa 1614. Keratolysis exfoliativa congenita (dyshidrosis lamellosa sicca)
  • 66. 1615. Keratolytic winter erythema 1616. Keratosis alba 1617. Keratosis circumscripta 1618. Keratosis follicularis squamosa 1619. Keratosis lichenoid chronica nekam 1620. Keratosis multiformis 1621. Keratosis pilaris 1622. Keratosis pilaris decalvans 1623. keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans 1624. Keratosis rubra pilaris faciei atrophicans 1625. papular, profuse, precocious keratosis pilaris 1626. Keratosis pilaris rubra faceii 1627. Keutel syndrome 1628. Killian 1629. Kikuchi disease 1630. Kimura’s disease 1631. Kindler syndrome (acrokeratotic poikiloderma) 1632. Klinefelter syndrome 1633. Klippel–trénauna syndrome 1634. Klippel-feil syndrome 1635. Knuckle pads 1636. Koebner phenomenon 1637. Koenen tumour 1638. Koplik spots 1639. Koro syndrome 1640. Ksdr-related erythrokeratoderma 1641. Kwashiorkor 1642. Kyrle’s disease 1643. Labrune syndrome 1644. L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria 1645. Lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital syndrome 1646. LAMB syndrome 1647. Laron syndrome pituitary dwarfism
  • 67. 1648. Late-Onset Focal Dermal Elastosis 1649. Lawrence Syndrome 1650. Laddering Melanotic Pattern of Langer’s Lines (LMPLL) 1651. Large cell acanthoma 1652. Large hematoma occlusion syndrome 1653. Larsen-like syndrome 1654. Larva currens 1655. Larva migran /Cutaneous larvae migrans (CLM) 1656. Lassa fever 1657. Late-onset focal dermal elastosis 1658. Laugier-Hunziker syndrome 1659. Launois-bensaude syndrome 1660. Legius 1661. Leiomyoma cutis 1662. Leiomyosarcoma 1663. Leigh syndrome 1664. LELIS SYNDROME 1665. Leiner's disease 1666. Leishmaniasis leshmania (recidivans& diffuse& disseminated& kala-azar&post kala azar&mucocutanous&mucosal) 1667. Lelis syndrome 1668. Lentigenossis inherited pattern 1669. Acral Lentigines (AL) 1670. Lentiginosis centrofacial 1671. Lentiginosis eruptive 1672. Lentiginosis generalized 1673. Lentiginosis --melanotic macule 1674. Lentigo simplex 1675. Lentigo solar 1676. Lenz-majewski syndrome 1677. Leopard syndrome 1678. Leprechaunism (donohue ) 1679. Leprosy -hansen
  • 68. 1680. Leprosy borderline 1681. Leprosy deformity deformities 1682. Leprosy histoid histoid 1683. Leprosy indeterminate 1684. Leprosy lepromatous 1685. Leprosy tubercloid 1686. Leprosy Lucio 1687. Leprosy reaction (type 1 &type 2) 1688. type 1 reversal reaction 1689. type 2 Leprosy reaction/ erythema nodosum leprosum 1690. Leprosy verrucous 1691. Leptospirosis 1692. Leser–Trélat sign 1693. Letterer–Siwe disease 1694. Leucinosis 1695. Leukaemia cutis 1696. Leukoderma syphiliticum 1697. Leukoderma Punctata 1698. Leucoderma Induced by Spectacle Frames 1699. Leukoencephalopathy, brain calcifications, and cysts 1700. leucocyte adhesion deficiency - LAD 1701. Leukodema 1702. Leukoderma due to drug 1703. Leukoplakia 1704. Leukotrichia 1705. Levamisol cocaine vasculopathy 1706. Lipoblastoma 1707. Lipoblastomatosis 1708. Lipogranulomatosis 1709. Lichenification 1710. Lichen aureus/ /lichen purpuricus 1711. Lichen dermatitis 1712. Lichen nitidus
  • 69. 1713. Lichen nitidus actinic 1714. Lichen palmoplantar 1715. Lichen pilaris 1716. Lichen planus (skin +mm) (SEE NEXT) 1717. ✓ Atrophic,✓ Annular, ✓ Acute (exanthematous),✓ Hypertrophic , ✓ Bullous LP , ✓ LP pemphigoides,✓ Actinic, ✓ Inverse, ✓ LP pigmentosus,✓ Linear, ✓ zosteriform 1718. Lichen planus actincus &actinic lichen 1719. Lichen planus oral &genital mucosa 1720. Lichen planus overlap 1721. Lichen planus pemphigoides 1722. Lichen planus pigmentosa 1723. Lichen planus poikiloderma 1724. Lichen planopilaris 1725. Lichen purpuricus 1726. Lichen sclerossus et atrophicus lsea 1727. Lichen sclerossus extra genital 1728. Lichen simplex chronicus LSC 1729. Lichen spinulosus 1730. Lichen striatus 1731. Lichen striatus adult – blaschkitis 1732. Lichen ruber acuminatus 1733. Lichen ruber moniliformis 1734. Lichen nuchae 1735. Lichen planus follicularis tumidus 1736. Lichen amyloidosis 1737. Lichenoid keratosis 1738. Lichen tropicus 1739. Lichenoid pseudovesicular papular eruption 1740. Annular lichnoid dermatitis of youth 1741. Lichen verrucosus et reticularis 1742. Ligature injury
  • 70. 1743. Limb girdle muscular dystrophy 1744. Limb–mammary syndrome 1745. Linea alba 1746. Linear IgA bullous LABD 1747. Linear naevus syndrome 1748. Linea nigra 1749. Linear focal elastosis 1750. Lingual papillitis 1751. Lingual tonsil hypertrophy 1752. Lingual Epidermal Choristoma 1753. Lip: atopic dermatitis 1754. Lip: factitial chelitis 1755. Lip: herpes simplex 1756. Lip: actinic chelitis 1757. Lip: angular chelitis 1758. Lip: eczma lip contact 1759. Lip: erythema multiform em 1760. Lip: fixed drug eruption oral 1761. Lip: glandular chelitis 1762. Lip: granulomatous chelitis 1763. Lip: lichen planus 1764. Lip lick dermatitis 1765. Lip: orofacial granulomatosis 1766. Lip: paraneoplastic pemphigus 1767. Lip: pemphigus lip 1768. Lip pit 1769. Lip: plasma cell chelitis 1770. Lip: toxic epidermal necrolysis 1771. Lipedema 1772. Lipodermatosclerosis panniculitis 1773. Lipoatrophia semicircularis 1774. Annular lipoatrophy 1775. Congenital generalized lipodystrophy
  • 71. 1776. Berardinelli-Seip Congenital Lipodystrophy (BSCL) 1777. Familial partial lipodystrophy 1778. Acquired generalized lipodystrophy 1779. Acquired partial lipodystrophy barraquer–simons syndrome 1780. Lipodystrophia centrifugalis abdominalis infantilis 1781. Hiv/art-associated lipodystrophy syndrome 1782. Recurrent lipoatrophic Panniculitis of children 1783. Localized lipoatrophy 1784. Lipohypertrophy 1785. Insulin lipodystrophy 1786. Hemi lipodystrophy 1787. Levator ani syndrome 1788. Linea Fusca (LF) 1789. Linear nevoid hypopigmentation 1790. Linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis/ Linear nevoid hyperpigmentation / Zebra-like hyperpigmentation in whorls and streaks / Progressive cribriform and zosteriform hyperpigmentation 1791. Lipogranulomatosis of penis 1792. Lipoid proteinosis 1793. Lipoma 1794. Liposarcoma 1795. Spindle cell liposarcoma 1796. Myxoid liposarcoma 1797. lichtenberg figures 1798. Listeriosis 1799. Livedo reticularis 1800. Livedo racemosa 1801. Livedo vasculopathy 1802. Livedoid atrophie blanche 1803. Liver diseases &hepatitis &cirrhosis 1804. Lobomycosis 1805. Lobo’s disease
  • 72. 1806. Localized Hypopigmented Keratoses 1807. Locus minoris resistentiae 1808. Loeffler syndrome 1809. Loaiasis 1810. Loa loa 1811. Loeys–Dietz syndrome 1812. loxoscelism 1813. Löfgren syndrome 1814. Loose anagen syndrome 1815. Lucky/winter syndrome 1816. lupus erythematosus (see next) 1817. ✓Acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (ACLE) :localized or generalized erythema or bullae, generally associated with SLE 1818. ✓Acute syndrome of apoptotic pan-epidermolysis 1819. ✓ bullous Lupus erythematous 1820. ✓ chilblain Lupus 1821. ✓ dle discoid lupus erythematous ( Localized& Disseminated) 1822. ✓Lupus hypertrophic / Verrucous 1823. ✓ neonatal lupus erythematous 1824. ✓Lupus panniculitis 1825. ✓Lupus profundus 1826. ✓Lupus tumidus 1827. ✓ rowell syndrome 1828. ✓Lupus subacute (Papulosquamous &Annular& Neonatal LE& Drug-induced) 1829. ✓ systemic Lupus erythematous SLE 1830. Lupus miliaris disseminated facei. LMDF 1831. Lyell’s syndrome 1832. Lymphamatoid papulosis (LYP) 1833. Lymphangitis 1834. Lymphangiosarcoma
  • 73. 1835. Lymphangioma 1836. Lymphangiomatosis 1837. Lymphangiomyomatosis 1838. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis 1839. Lymphangiopericytoma 1840. Lymphangiectasia 1841. Lymphangioendothelioma 1842. Lymphangioma circumscriptum 1843. Combined microcystic and macrocystic Lymphatic malformation 1844. Kaposiform lymphangiomatosis 1845. Macrocystic Lymphatic malformation &cystic hygroma 1846. Lymphedema 1847. Lymphoedema–lipoedema syndrome 1848. Lymphedema praecox 1849. Lymphedema tarda 1850. Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma 1851. Lymphedema–distichiasis syndrome 1852. Lymphedema: Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa 1853. Lymphedema: filaria 1854. Nodular lymphedema 1855. Lymphedema: podoconiosis 1856. Lymphoma adult t-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1857. Lymphoma Anaplastic large cell lymphoma 1858. Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma 1859. Acral pseudolymphomatous angiokeratoma APACHE 1860. Lymphoma Burkitt 1861. Primary cutaneous CD30-positive lymphoproliferative 1862. Lymphoma cd 30 negative 1863. Primary cutaneous CD4+ small/medium T-cel lymphoma 1864. Primary cutaneous CD8+ aggressive epidermotropic cytotoxic T- cell Lymphoma 1865. Cutanous lymphoid hyperplasia &pseudolymphoma& Lymphocytoma cutis& Spiegler–Fendt sarcoid
  • 74. 1866. Pseudolymphoma:borrelia lyme/ lymphadenosis benigna cutis 1867. Pseudolymphoma: miliarial type 1868. Primary cutaneous gamma/delta T-cell lymphoma 1869. Lymphoma Hodgkin 1870. Lymphoma hydroa vacciniforme–like 1871. Immunocytoma/ Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma 1872. Lennert’s lymphoma (Lymphoepithelioid lymphoma). 1873. Leukemia cutis 1874. Lymphoma: mycosis fungoides MF 1875. ✓Poikilodermatous MF 1876. ✓ Hypopigmented MF 1877. ✓ Hyperpigmented MF 1878. ✓ Granulomatous slack skin 1879. ✓ Unilesional Mf 1880. ✓ Granulomatous Mf 1881. ✓ Papular MF 1882. ✓ Verrucous MF 1883. ✓ Icthyosiform MF 1884. ✓ Bullous MF 1885. ✓ Pustular MF 1886. ✓ MF palmaris et plantaris 1887. ✓ Acanthosis nigricans like MF 1888. ✓ Pigmented purpura –like MF 1889. ✓ Granuloma annulare like MF 1890. ✓ Erythema annulare centrifugum like MF 1891. ✓ Pyoderma Gangrenosum like –MF 1892. ✓ Pityriasis lichenoides like MF 1893. ✓ Keratosis lichenoides like MF 1894. ✓ Perioral dermatitis like MF 1895. ✓ Folliculotropic mycosis fungoides 1896. ✓ syringotropic mycosis fungoides
  • 75. 1897. ✓ invisible mycosis fungoides 1898. ✓ MF associated follicular mucinosis 1899. ✓ Lymphoma sezary TYPE 1900. ✓ Pagetoid reticulosis (Ketron-Goodman disease) 1901. ✓ granulomatous slack 1902. ✓ Granulomatous cutaneous T cell lymphoma 1903. Lymphomatoid granulomatosis 1904. Pyogenic Lymphoma (Neutrophil-rich CD30 anaplastic large cell lymphoma). 1905. extra nodal natural killer NK Lymphoma 1906. Blastic NK- Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm 1907. Lymphoma nodular hyperplasia 1908. Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell Lymphoma (SPTCL) 1909. Peripheral Tcell Lymphoma 1910. plasmacytoma 1911. Lymphoma en cuirasse 1912. Plasmablastic lymphoma 1913. Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders 1914. Lymphoma T cell other 1915. Lymphoma un classified 1916. Primary cutaneous mantle cell lymphoma 1917. Lymphoma B cell (SEE NEXT) 1918. ✓ Primary cutaneous marginal zone B-cell lymphoma, 1919. ✓ Intravascular diffuse large B-cell lymphoma 1920. ✓ Cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, Leg type 1921. ✓ Primary cutaneous follicle center lymphoma 1922. Marginal Zone Lymphoma (MZL) 1923. ✓ Cutaneous extranodal marginal zone lymphoma of mucosal- associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) 1924. Lymphoma of Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT- lymphoma). 1925. ✓ Cutaneous B lymphoblastic lymphoma
  • 76. 1926. Lymphogranuloma venereum 1927. Lymphorrhoea 1928. Lymphoepithelial Cyst 1929. Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma 1930. Lesch nyhan syndrome 1931. Lynch syndrome 1932. MACS( Macrocephaly, alopecia, Cutis Laxa, and scoliosis) 1933. Macrodystrophia lipomatosa 1934. Macular lymphocytic arteritis& Lymphocytic Thrombophilic Arteritis 1935. Madelung diseases 1936. Magic syndrome (mouth and genital ulcers with inflammed cartilage) 1937. Majeed syndrome 1938. Majocchi granuloma 1939. Maffucci syndrome 1940. Malakoplakia Malacoplakia 1941. maple syrup urine disease 1942. Malignant Mixed tumor 1943. Mandibuloacral macrocephaly, alopecia, cutis laxa and scoliosis (MAC) 1944. Mandibuloacral dysplasia 1945. Mandibulofacial dysostosis 1946. Mannosidosis 1947. Mantleoma 1948. Marantic endocarditis 1949. Marfan syndrome 1950. Martinez syndrome 1951. MARINESCO-sjogren syndrome 1952. MORFAN syndrome 1953. Marfanoid progeria–lipodystrophy syndrome 1954. Marfanoid hypermobility syndrome 1955. Marasmus
  • 77. 1956. Marshal –smith syndrome 1957. Marshal white syndrome 1958. Mastocytosis (SEE NEXT) 1959. ✓ Mastocytosis:adult type mastocytosis 1960. ✓ Mastocytosis:telangiectasia macularis eruptiv perstan tmep 1961. ✓ Mastocytosis:diffuse cutanous mastocytosis bullous 1962. ✓ Mastocytosis: mastocytoma 1963. ✓ Mastocytosis:nodular type 1964. ✓ Mastocytosis:telangectatic 1965. ✓ Mastocytosis: xanthelasmoid 1966. ✓ Mastocytosis:urticaria pigmentosa 1967. ✓ Mast cell leukemia 1968. ✓ Mast cell sarcoma 1969. ✓ Systemic mastocytosis with associated clonal hematological non-mast cell-lineage disease (SM-AHNMD) 1970. Maturational hyperpigmentation 1971. Mccune-albright syndrome 1972. Mcgrath syndrome 1973. Mckusick syndrome 1974. Mdpl, mandibular hypoplasia, deafness, progeroid features, and lipodystrophy; 1975. Measles 1976. Medalion like dendrocyte hamartoma 1977. Median raphe Cyst 1978. Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome 1979. Mednik 1980. Mendes da Costa syndrome 1981. Megalencephaly-capillary malformation 1982. Megarbane–Loiselet neonatal progeroid 1983. Meige disease 1984. Melanosis of the Nipple and Areola 1985. Melorheostosis
  • 78. 1986. Melanoacanthoma 1987. Melanoma (SEE NEXT) 1988. ✓ Superficial Spreading Melanoma 1989. ✓ Nodular melanoma 1990. ✓ Lentigo maligna melanoma 1991. ✓ Acral lentiginous melanoma 1992. ✓ Amelanotic Melanomas 1993. ✓ Spitzoid Melanoma 1994. ✓ Clear Cell Sarcoma 1995. ✓ Desmoplastic Melanoma 1996. ✓ “Borderline melanoma”&nevoid melanoma 1997. ✓ Nested melanoma of the elderly (NME) 1998. ✓ Melanoma leukoderma 1999. ✓ Melanoma associated hyperpigmentation 2000. ✓ Melanoma metastis 2001. ✓ mucosal melanoma 2002. Melanosis difusa carbon baby 2003. Melanocytic matricoma 2004. MELAS Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes 2005. Melasma chloasma 2006. 308-nm UVB Induced Melasma 2007. Melioidosis 2008. Meningococcemia 2009. Meningomyeloceles 2010. Meningocele 2011. Menkes’ syndrome 2012. Mental retardation, enteropathy, deafness, neuropathy, ichthyosis, keratodermia 2013. Meralgia paresthetica 2014. Merkel cell carcinoma 2015. Mesotherapy
  • 79. 2016. Metageria 2017. Metastasis & METASTASES 2018. methylmalonic acidemia 2019. methylmalonic aciduria 2020. 3-MethylcrotonylCoA carboxylase (EC deficiency 2021. Metophyma 2022. Mikulicz syndrome 2023. Microcephaly-capillary malformation syndrome 2024. Microcephaly-intracranial calcification syndrome (MICS). 2025. Michelin tyre baby tyre baby 2026. Microcystic adnexal carcinoma 2027. Microscopic polyangitis 2028. Microvenular hemangioma 2029. MIDAS microphthalmia, orbital cysts, corneal opacities) and linear skin dysplasia) 2030. Midline skin tag 2031. Mid dermal elastolysis 2032. Miescher's radial granulomas 2033. Migratory thrombophlebitis 2034. Milia 2035. Milia like calcinosis 2036. Milia en plaque 2037. Milia trandverse nasal crease 2038. Miliaria (crystallina, rubra, profunda, pustulosa) 2039. Miliary haemangiomatosis of infancy 2040. Miliary osteomata cutis 2041. Miliary tuberculosis 2042. Milker nodule 2043. Millipedes 2044. Milroy’s disease 2045. Mitten-Line Hyperpigmentation 2046. Mitochondrial cytopathies
  • 80. 2047. Mitral face 2048. Mixed connective tissue disease(sharp) 2049. Molluscoid tumors 2050. Molluscum contagiosum 2051. Molluscum-induced comedones 2052. Molluscum fibrosum gravidarum 2053. Molluscum pendulum 2054. Molloscum like histiocytosis 2055. MONA (multicentric osteolysis, nodulosis, And arthropathy 2056. Mondor’s disease 2057. Mongolian spot /dermal melanocytosis 2058. Monkeypox 2059. Montgomery tubercle 2060. Montgomery syndrome 2061. Morbihan’s disease 2062. MORFAN syndrome 2063. Morgellon 2064. Morphea (localized scleroderma) 2065. Morphea :parry-romberg (hemifacial atrophy) 2066. Morsicatio buccarum 2067. morsicatio linguarum 2068. Morel-Lavallee lesion 2069. morvan syndrome 2070. Mosaic trisomy 8 2071. Mosaicism 2072. Moynahan syndrome 2073. MDPL syndrome :Mandibular hypoplasia, deafness, progeroid features, and lipodystrophy 2074. Muehrcke’s lines 2075. Mucinosis:cutaneous myxoma 2076. Mucinosis: Generalized myxedema 2077. Mucinosis: focal cutaneous mucinoosis 2078. Mucinosis: Follicular –Alopecia mucinosa
  • 81. 2079. Mucinosis of infancy 2080. Papulonodular mucinosis associated with autoimmune connective tissue Diseases 2081. trauma-induced cutaneous mucinosis 2082. Self-healing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis. 2083. Mucinosis lichen myxedema (Discrete papular, Acral persistent papular, Cutaneous mucinosis of infancy,Nodular form) 2084. Mucinosis nevus 2085. Mucinosis obesity 2086. Mucinosis: pretibial myxedema 2087. Mucinosis REM Reticular erythematous mucinosis 2088. Mucinosis: scleredema 2089. Mucinosis: scleredema bushke 2090. Mucinosis: scleromyxedema –papular mucinosis 2091. Mucinosis self healing 2092. Mucinosis Urticaria-like follicular mucinosis 2093. Mucinous carcinoma 2094. Muckle–Wells syndrome 2095. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 2096. Mucolipidosis 2097. Mucopolysachride ( Hurler syndrome (MPS IH). 2098. – Hurler-Scheie syndrome (MPS I-H/S). 2099. – Scheie syndrome (MPS IS). 2100. – Hunter syndrome (MPS II). 2101. – Sanfilippo syndrome (MPS III). 2102. – Morquio syndrome (MP IV). 2103. – Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome (MPS VI). 2104. – Sly syndrome (MPS VII). 2105. Mucosal neuroma 2106. Mucositis 2107. Mucormycosis 2108. Mudichood 2109. Muir torre syndrome
  • 82. 2110. Mulvihill–Smith syndrome 2111. Mullerian Cyst 2112. Multiple sulfatase deficiency (mucosulfatidosis) 2113. Multiple hamartoma syndrome 2114. Multiple hemangiomas of infancy. 2115. Multifocal lymphangioendotheliomatosis. 2116. Multiple myeloma 2117. multiple circumscribed lipomas 2118. Multiple cutaneous linear neuromas (MCLN) 2119. Multiple minute digitate hyperkeratosis 2120. Munchausen syndrome 2121. Mycoplasma pneumoniae-induced rash and mucositis (MIRM) 2122. Myelodysplastic syndrome 2123. Myeloproliferative disorders essential thrombocythemia 2124. Myopericytoma 2125. myhre syndrome 2126. Myiasis 2127. Myoepithelioma 2128. Myofibromatosis (adult & Infantile) 2129. Myonecrosis 2130. Myopericytoma 2131. Myotonia 2132. Myotonic dystrophy 2133. Myxofibrosarcoma 2134. Myxoid cyst 2135. Naegeli-franceschetti-jadassohn 2136. Nail patella syndrome 2137. Nagayama spot 2138. NAME syndrome ( (nevi, atrial myxoma, mucinosis of the skin and ephelides syndrome) 2139. Napkin dermatitis 2140. Natal teeth 2141. Necrobiosis lipoidica
  • 83. 2142. Necrolytic migratory erythema glaucagnoma 2143. Necrolytic acral erythema 2144. Necrotizing eosinophilic folliculitis 2145. Necrotizing infundibular crystalline folliculitis 2146. Necrotizing sialometaplasia 2147. necrotizing lymphocytic folliculitis 2148. Necrotizing fasciitis/ flesh eating bacteria syndrome 2149. Necrotizing neutrophilic dermatosis 2150. Neonatal cold injury 2151. Neonatal ichthyosis–sclerosing cholangitis (nisch) syndrome 2152. Neonatal onset multi-inflammatory NOMID 2153. neonatal cephalic pustulosis 2154. Neonatal progeroid syndrome or Wiedemann- Rautenstrauch syndrome (WRS) 2155. Neonatal varicella 2156. Nephrosis with ichthyosis and adrenal insufficiency 2157. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis 2158. Néstor–Guillermo progeria syndrome 2159. NERD Nodules, eosinophilia, rheumatism, dermatitis and swelling 2160. Nerve sheath myxoma 2161. Neu laxova syndrome 2162. Neuroendocrine 2163. Neuroblastoma 2164. Neurocutaneous (leptomeningeal) melanocytosis 2165. Neurodermatitis 2166. Circumscribed neurodermatitis 2167. Neurofibroma 2168. Plexiform neurofibroma 2169. Neurofibromatosis (SEE next) 2170. ✓NF1 von Recklinghausen disease 2171. ✓NF2 Acoustic schwannoma 2172. ✓NF3 * Mixed (central and peripheral neurofibromas)
  • 84. 2173. ✓NF4 * Variant 2174. ✓NF5 * ,† Segmental café-au-lait macules, neurofibromas, or both 2175. ✓NF6 * ,‡ Café-au-lait macules only 2176. ✓NF7 * Late onset 2177. ✓NF-NOS Not otherwise specified 2178. Neurofibrosarcoma 2179. Neuroma 2180. Neurosarcoma 2181. Neurothekoma 2182. Neurotic excoriation 2183. Neural tube defects 2184. Neutral lipid storage disease 2185. Severe congenital Neutropenia 2186. Cyclic neutropenia 2187. X-linked neutropenia 2188. Poikiloderma with Neutropenia, Clericuzio type 2189. Neutrophilic figurate erythema 2190. Neutrophilic sebaceous adenitis 2191. Neutrophilic urticarial dermatosis 2192. Nevoid Acanthosis 2193. Nevoid hamartoma 2194. Nevus acquired (juncional &compound &dermal) 2195. Nevus agimated 2196. Nevus anelasticus 2197. Nevus anemicus- Pharmacologic nevus 2198. Naevus araneus 2199. Nevus becker 2200. Becker naevus syndrome 2201. blitz nevus 2202. Nevus: blue Nevus (Common & Cellular & Epithelioid& Malignant& hypochromic)
  • 85. 2203. Nevus brauer 2204. Nevus cerebriform nevus 2205. Nevus en cocarde - cockade 2206. Nevus combined 2207. Nevus comedonicus 2208. Nevus comedonicus syndrome 2209. Nevus congenital 2210. Nevus connective tissue collagenoma 2211. Nevus corymbosa 2212. Nevus depigmentosa 2213. Divided nevus of the eyelid 2214. Divided nevus of the penis 2215. Nevus: dysplastic nevus 2216. Nevus eclipse 2217. Nevus epidermal (keratinocyte) 2218. Nevus inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus (ilven) 2219. Nevus unius lateralis 2220. Nevus epidermal verrucosus 2221. naevus marginatus 2222. Nevus epidermolysis bullosa 2223. Nevus globeloo 2224. Nevus halo 2225. Nevus hori 2226. Nevus hypertrichosis 2227. Naevus Spinofiliformis 2228. Nevus lipomatosis- Hoffman-Zurhalle nevus 2229. Miescher nevus 2230. Nevus mucinous eccrine 2231. Nevus myerson 2232. Nevus neurocutanous melanosis 2233. Nevus of ito 2234. Naevus oligaemicus 2235. Nevus osteo nanta
  • 86. 2236. oral pigmented naevi 2237. Nevus ota 2238. Nevus PENS papular epidermal naevus with skyline basal cell layer (PENS) 2239. Penetrating nevus 2240. Nevus recurrent 2241. Nevus reed 2242. Nevus sebaceous / Nevus of Jadassohn 2243. Nevus simplex & angel’s kiss &stork bite (salmon patch) 2244. Nevus spilus 2245. Nevus spindle 2246. Nevus spitz (Juvenile melanoma ,) 2247. Spotted Grouped Pigmented Nevi 2248. Nevus sudiferous 2249. Nevus trichlmocysticus 2250. Nevus unna 2251. Nevus venous 2252. Nevus xanthoma 2253. Newborn exfoliation 2254. Newborn :Harlequin colour change 2255. Newborn :natal teeth 2256. Newborn :neonatal reaction &diseases 2257. Newborn :penile disorder 2258. Newborn staph infection 2259. Nicolaides–Baraitser syndrome 2260. Nicotine stomatitis 2261. Niemann–Pick disease 2262. Nikolsky sign 2263. Nipple adenoma 2264. Chronic nipple eczema 2265. Absent, Hypoplastic or Anomalous Nipples 2266. Nevoid hyperkeratosis of nipple 2267. Nocardiosis
  • 87. 2268. Nodular colloid degeneration 2269. Nodular elastosis 2270. Nodular fasciitis 2271. nodular scleroderma 2272. Nodular vasculitis 2273. Nonne-milroy-meige syndrome 2274. Noonan syndrome 2275. Non suicidal injury 2276. Normal tongue 2277. Nose clown differential diagnosis 2278. Notalgia parasethica 2279. Nuclear factor-kappa B essential modulator (NEMO) deficiency syndrome 2280. Oasthouse disease 2281. Obesity 2282. Obsessive–compulsive disorders 2283. Occipital horn syndrome 2284. Ochrnosis 2285. Oculocerebral syndrome with hypopigmentation 2286. Oculocerebrocutaneous Syndrome (Delleman syndrome) 2287. Lowe syndrome (oculo-cerebro-renal syndrome). 2288. Oculo-dento-digital dysplasia 2289. Oculoectodermal syndrome 2290. Oculodermal melanocytosis 2291. Oculofaciocardiodental (ofcd) 2292. Odonto-onycho-dermal dysplasia 2293. Odonto-onychodysplasia with alopecia 2294. Odonto trichomelic syndrome 2295. Odonto tricho ungual digital palmar syndrome 2296. Oleoma 2297. OLLIER DYSCHONDROPLASIA 2298. Olmsted’s syndrome 2299. Omenn syndrome
  • 88. 2300. Omphalomesenteric Cyst 2301. Omphalomesenteric duct anomalies 2302. Omphalocoele 2303. Onchocerciasis /River blindness 2304. Oral allergy syndrome 2305. Oral cancrum oris noma 2306. Oral facial digital syndrome 2307. Oral melanoma 2308. Oral nevus 2309. Oral papiiloma 2310. Orf Ecthyma contagiosum (orf) 2311. Ornithosis (psittacosis) 2312. Orofacial granulomatosis 2313. Oro-oculo-genital syndrome 2314. Osler–Rendu–Weber disease 2315. Osler’s sign 2316. Osler’s nodes 2317. Osteogenesis imperfecta 2318. Ossification 2319. Osteomata cutis 2320. Osteomyelitis 2321. Osteopoikilosis 2322. Oestrogen hypersensitivity vulvovaginitis 2323. Otophyma 2324. OUDSTHOORN DISEASE 2325. Pachyderma 2326. Pachydermatoglyphy 2327. Pachydermatous eosinophilic dermatitis 2328. Pachydermia oralis 2329. Pachydermodactyly 2330. Pachydermoperiostosis 2331. Paget diseases 2332. Paget extramammary
  • 89. 2333. Pallister–Killian syndrome 2334. Palisaded encapsulated neuroma (PEN) 2335. Palpable Migratory Arciform Erythema 2336. Palmar erythema 2337. Palmoplantar erythrodysesthesia syndrome 2338. Palmoplantar pustulosis 2339. Palmoplantar pustular psoriasis 2340. PAN polyarteritis nodosa (vasculitis) 2341. Pangeria 2342. Panfolliculomas 2343. Panniculitis (SEE NEXT) 2344. ✓ subcutanous fat necrosis 2345. ✓ post radiotherapy 2346. ✓Lipophagic panniculitis 2347. ✓ Rothmann-Makai 2348. ✓Lupus erythematosus panniculitis 2349. ✓MORPHEA/SCLERODERMA PANNICULITIS 2350. ✓Annular atrophic connective tissue panniculitis of the ankles 2351. ✓Atrophic connective tissue panniculitis 2352. ✓Panniculitis of dermatomyositis 2353. ✓Lipodystrophic panniculitis 2354. ✓Panniculitis due to other injectable substances 2355. ✓ Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency panniculitis 2356. ✓ factitial 2357. ✓Crystal depositionpanniculitis 2358. ✓Panniculitic bacterid 2359. ✓Plasma cell panniculitis 2360. ✓Fasciitis–panniculitis syndrome 2361. ✓Atypical lymphocytic lobular panniculitis 2362. ✓Infantile-onset panniculitis with uveitis and systemic
  • 90. granulomatosis 2363. ✓Panniculitis of Lyme disease 2364. ✓Infection-induced panniculitis 2365. ✓ Malignancy-related panniculitis-like infiltrates 2366. ✓ Panniculitis due to blunt trauma 2367. ✓ post-steroid 2368. ✓ Cytophagic histiocytic Panniculitis 2369. ✓ Weber-Christian/ RELAPSING FEBRILE NODU LAR NON- SUPPURATIVE PANNICULITIS SYNDROME 2370. ✓ Pancreatic panniculitis 2371. ✓ cold Panniculitis 2372. PAPA syndrome (pyogenic arthritis, PG and acne) 2373. PASH syndrome (PG, acne and suppurative hidradenitis) 2374. PAPASH syndrome (pyogenic arthritis, acne, PG and suppurative hidradenitis) 2375. PASS (pyoderma gangrenosum, acne, and ankylosing spondylitis, with or without HS) 2376. PSAPASH (Psoriatic Arthritis, Pyoderma gangrenosum, Acne and Hidradenitis Suppurativa) 2377. PAC (Pyoderma gangrenosum, Acne and ulcerative Colitis) 2378. PFAPA = Periodic Fever, Aphthae, Pharyngitis, and 2379. Adenitis syndrome. 2380. Papilary Hemangioma 2381. Papillary endothelial hyperplasia 2382. Papillomatosis cutis carcinoides Gottron 2383. Papillomatosis cutis lymphostatica 2384. Papillary intralymphatic angioendothelioma (PILA) 2385. Papillary Carcinoma 2386. Papillon–Léage syndrome 2387. Papillon–Léfèvre syndrome 2388. Papular acantholytic dyskeratosis 2389. Papular dermatitis
  • 91. 2390. Papular epidermal nevus with “skyline” 2391. Papuloerythroderma of ofuji 2392. Paracoccidioidomycosis 2393. Paraffinoma 2394. paraganglioma-like dermal melanocytic tumor 2395. Paraquat tongue 2396. Paragonimiasis 2397. Parapox 2398. Parakeratosis variegata 2399. Parapsoriasis :small plaque 2400. Parapsoriasis :large plaque 2401. Parapsoriasis -Febrile ulceronecrotic Mucha-Habermann disease 2402. Parasitophobia 2403. PARINAUD SYNDROME 2404. Parkes weber syndrome 2405. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria 2406. Parry-romberg syndrome 2407. Pastia’s sign 2408. Pecoma 2409. Pediculosis lice pediculosis capitis 2410. Pediculosis corporis 2411. Pediculosis pubis & Pthirus pubis 2412. Pellagra (Casal's necklace) 2413. Perlman syndrome 2414. Pemphigus erythematous senear-usher syndrome 2415. Erythema Annulare Centrifugum-like Pemphigus Erythematosus (EAC-like PE) 2416. Fogo selvagem 2417. Pemphigoid gestationis - herpes gestation 2418. Pemphigoid Brunsting–Perry 2419. Pemphigoid nodularis 2420. Pemphigoid vegetans 2421. Pemphigus foliaceus
  • 92. 2422. Pemphigus herpetiformis 2423. Pemphigus IGA 2424. Pemphigus neonatal 2425. Pemphigus paraneoplastic 2426. Pemphigus syphiliticus 2427. Pemphigus vegetans( Hallopeau&Neumann) 2428. Pemphigus vulgaris 2429. neonatal pemphigus vulgaris 2430. Pemphigus drug induced 2431. Pena-Shokeir syndrome 2432. Penicilliosis 2433. Penile acne 2434. Penile lymphedema 2435. Penile pearly penile papules 2436. Penile phimosis 2437. Penile plasma cell (zoon’s) balanitis 2438. Penile sclerosing lymphangitis 2439. Penttinen syndrome 2440. Perianal and Vulvovaginal (Perineal) Streptococcal Infection 2441. Perinatal gangrene of the buttock 2442. Perifollicular fibromas 2443. Periflexural exanthema 2444. Perineurioma 2445. periodic fever with aphtous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenitis syndrome 2446. Perioral dermatitis 2447. Periorificial dermatitis 2448. PEROXISOMOPATHIES 2449. Periporitis staphylogenes -sweat gland abcess 2450. Pernio chilblain 2451. Perlèche 2452. Petechiae 2453. Persistent cholinergic erythema
  • 93. 2454. Persistent acrovasculopathy syndrome 2455. Peutz jeghers syndrome 2456. Peyronie’s disease 2457. Phacomatosis phakomatosis (SEE NEXT) 2458. ✓Type I (Adamson-Best syndrome)/Type II (Takano-Kruger-Doi syndrome)/Type III (Kobori-Toda syndrome)//Type IV 2459. ✓ Phakomatosis cesioflammea 2460. ✓ Phakomatosis spilorosea 2461. ✓ Phakomatosis melanovascularis 2462. ✓ Phakomatosis cesiomarmorata 2463. ✓ Phakomatosis pigmentovascularis 2464. ✓ Phakomatosis pigmentokeratotica 2465. Phenomena in Dermatology (SEE NEXT) 2466. ✓ ALOPECIA AREATA (AA) SPARING LESIONAL GRAY/WHITE HAIRS 2467. ✓ ANATOPIC PHENOMENON 2468. ✓ ATOPIC DERMATITIS GENERALLY SPARE THE NAPKIN AREA 2469. ✓ BUTTERFLY SIGN 2470. ✓ DECK CHAIR SIGN 2471. ✓ EAR LOBE SIGN 2472. ✓ IRRITANT DIAPER DERMATITIS SPARES FLEXURES 2473. ✓ ISLANDS OF SPARING IN PITYRIASIS RUBRA PILARIS 2474. ✓ REVERSE KOEBNER PHENOMENON 2475. ✓ ICHTHYOSIS VULGARIS SPARES FLEXURES 2476. ✓ EPIDERMAL GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR (EGFR) INHIBITOR- ASSOCIATED RASH SPARES IRRADIATED AREAS 2477. ✓ KNUCKLE SPARING OF ACUTE CUTANEOUS LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS (ACLE) 2478. ✓ MILIAN’S EAR SIGN 2479. ✓ NASOLABIAL FOLD SPARING IN THE MALAR RASH OF SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS
  • 94. 2480. ✓ NOSE SIGN 2481. ✓ PARETIC LIMBS SPARED IN RHEUMATIC DISEASES 2482. ✓ PITYRIASIS ROSEA SPARE SUN-EXPOSED AREAS 2483. ✓ PRURITIC URTICARIAL PAPULES AND PLAQUES OF PREGNANCY (PUPPP) SPARES PERIUMBILICAL AREA 2484. ✓ PSORIASIS OFTEN SPARE CENTRAL FACE 2485. ✓ RELAPSING POLYCHONDRITIS SPARE EARLOBES 2486. ✓ RENBOK PHENOMENON 2487. ✓ ROSACEA SPARES CIRCUM-ORAL AND PERI-ORBITAL AREAS 2488. ✓ SCROTUM SPARING IN TINEA CRURIS 2489. ✓ SPARED ZONES IN LEPROSY 2490. ✓ SUNBED SUNTAN SACROSCAPULAR SPARING SIGN 2491. ✓ UPPER AXILLARY AREA SPARED IN PITYRIASIS VERSICOLOR 2492. ✓ WHITE ISLANDS IN A SEA OF RED IN DENGUE FEVER 2493. ✓ VERMILLION BORDER SPARED IN PERI-ORAL DERMATITIS 2494. ✓ VERMILION BORDER SPARED IN AN ACRODERMATITIS ENTEROPATHICA (AE)-LIKE SYNDROME 2495. ✓ WILKINSON’S TRIANGLE 2496. ✓ Koebner reaction 2497. ✓ Isomosaictopic reaction 2498. ✓ Wolf ’s isotopic response 2499. ✓ Isovaccinetopic reaction 2500. ✓ Isoradiotopic reaction 2501. ✓ Isophototopic reaction 2502. ✓ Isotraumatopic reaction 2503. ✓ Isocaumatopic reaction 2504. ✓ Isoscartopic reaction 2505. ✓ Isotattotopic reaction: 2506. ✓ Isolymphtopic reaction 2507. ✓ Isovenostatic reaction 2508. ✓ Isoneuraltopic reaction
  • 95. 2509. ✓ Isoshockwave reaction 2510. ✓ Isodermatopic reaction 2511. ✓ Reverse Koebner reaction 2512. ✓ Isomosaictopic nonreaction 2513. ✓ Wolf’s isotopic nonreaction 2514. ✓ Isovaccinetopic nonreaction 2515. ✓ Isoradiotopic nonreaction 2516. ✓ Isophototopic nonreaction 2517. ✓ Isotraumatopic nonreaction 2518. ✓ Isocaumatopic nonreaction 2519. ✓ Isoscartopic nonreaction 2520. ✓ Isotattotopic nonreaction 2521. ✓ Isolymphtopic nonreaction 2522. ✓ Isovenostatic nonreaction 2523. ✓ Isoneuraltopic nonreaction 2524. ✓ Isoshockwave nonreaction 2525. ✓ Isodermatopic nonreaction 2526. ✓ Prozone phenomenon 2527. ✓ Pagetoid phenomenon 2528. ✓ Reynold’s Braude phenomenon 2529. ✓ Epitope spreading phenomenon 2530. ✓ Rebound phenomenon 2531. ✓ Sulzberger-Chase phenomenon 2532. ✓ Harlequin phenomenon 2533. ✓ Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon 2534. ✓ Rumpel Leede phenomenon 2535. ✓ Olfleck’s phenomenon 2536. ✓ Ultraviolet recall phenomenon 2537. ✓ Raynaud’s phenomenon 2538. ✓ Hoigne’s phenomenon 2539. ✓ Bell’s phenomenon
  • 96. 2540. ✓ Delayed blanch phenomenon 2541. ✓ Castling phenomenon 2542. ✓ Kasabach Merritt phenomenon 2543. ✓ Halo phenomenon 2544. ✓ Lucio phenomenon 2545. ✓ Mauserung phenomenon 2546. ✓ Meyerson phenomenon 2547. ✓ Meirowsky phenomenon 2548. ✓ Brocq’s phenomenon 2549. ✓ Pathergy phenomenon 2550. ✓ Nikolskiy’s phenomenon 2551. Phenylketonuria PKU 2552. Pheohyphomycosis 2553. Pheochromocytoma 2554. Phlebolymphedema 2555. Phlebectasia 2556. Photoageing 2557. Photodamage 2558. Phototoxic reaction 2559. Photo allergic reaction 2560. Photoleukomelanodermatitis of kobori 2561. Phrynoderma-vit A 2562. Phyloid phylloid hypomelanosis 2563. Phylloid Hypermelanosis 2564. Physical purpura suction 2565. Physiologic hyperpigmentation 2566. Picker’s nodule 2567. Piebaldism 2568. Piedra (white &black) 2569. PIERRE ROBIN SYNDROME 2570. Piezogenic pedal papules 2571. Pigmented Cyst
  • 97. 2572. Pigmentary damarcation lines PDL 2573. Pigmentary mosaicism 2574. Pigmentary Twin Spotting 2575. Pigmented epithelioid melanocytomas 2576. Pigmented Macules of Bony Prominences (PMBP) 2577. Pigmented neuroectodermal tumour of Infancy 2578. Pigmentatio reticularis faciei Et colli 2579. Pik3ca-related segmental overgrowth syndrome 2580. Pilar sheath acanthoma 2581. Pilar cyst/ wen /trichilemmal cyst 2582. Proliferating trichilemmal cyst 2583. Pilomatricoma 2584. Pilomatrical carcinoma 2585. Pilomatrixoma 2586. Pilomatrixcarcinoma 2587. Pilonidal sinus 2588. Pinta 2589. Pintoid Dyschromia of Yaws 2590. pitryiasis rubra pilaris PRP 2591. Pitryiasis alba 2592. Pityriasis folliculorum 2593. Pitryiasis lichenoid chronica PLC 2594. Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta PLEVA 2595. Pitryiasis rosea (classic&vesicular&urticarial&target like&purpuric&pustular&abortive) 2596. Pityriasis rosea gigantea of darier 2597. Pityriasis circinata et marginata of widal 2598. Pitryiasis rotunda 2599. Pitted keratolysis 2600. Pfeiffer syndrome 2601. Pleomorphic fibroma of the skin 2602. Precalcaneal congenital fibrolipomatous hamartoma (PCFH) 2603. propionic acidemia
  • 98. 2604. Plague 2605. Plack syndrome (Peeling skin-leukonychia-acral punctate keratosis) 2606. Plaid immune plcg2-associated antibody deficiency and immune dysregulation 2607. APLAID (Autoinflammation and PLCG2-associated antibody deficiency and immune dysregulation) 2608. Plantar fibromatosis- ledderhose disease 2609. Palisaded neutrophilic and granulomatous dermatitis 2610. Pendulous fibroma 2611. Peristomal skin related skin disorders 2612. Periumbilical calcific elastolysis 2613. Plasma cell granuloma 2614. Pleomorphic dermal sarcoma 2615. Plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumor 2616. Plummer-vinson syndrome 2617. Pneumocystis carinii 2618. POEM syndrome- Crow-Fukase syndrome 2619. Poikiloderma 2620. Poikiloderma vasculare atrophicans. 2621. Poikiloderma-like cutaneous amyloidosis 2622. Poikiloderma of civatte 2623. Pointlist melanotic macules 2624. Poland syndrome 2625. Poliosis 2626. Polycythemia rubra vera 2627. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos) 2628. Polymastia 2629. Polymorphous light eruption 2630. Polymorphous Sweat Gland Carcinoma 2631. Juvenile spring eruption 2632. Popping 2633. Popliteal pterygium syndrome
  • 99. 2634. Popsicle panniculitis 2635. Porokeratoma 2636. Porokeratosis (Porokeratosis of Mibelli, Disseminated superficialactinic porokeratosis (DSAP), Linear porokeratosis, Punctate porokeratosis, Eruptive disseminated porokeratosis, Porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris et disseminata (PPPD)& eruptive pruritic papular porokeratosis) 2637. Porokeratosis ptychotropica 2638. Porokeratotic eccrine ostial and dermal duct nevus (peoddn) 2639. Porokeratotic eccrine and hair follicle nevus 2640. Poroma 2641. Porocarcinoma 2642. Porphyria (SEE NEXT) 2643. ✓ ALA dehydratase deficiency 2644. ✓ Acute intermittent porphyria 2645. ✓ Congenital erythropoietic porphyria 2646. ✓ Hereditary coproporphyria 2647. ✓ Porphyria cutanous tarda 2648. ✓ Erythropoietic protoporphyria 2649. ✓ Hepatoerythropoietic porphyria 2650. ✓ Porphyria pseudoporphyria 2651. ✓ X-linked dominant protoporphyria 2652. ✓ Porphyria variegate 2653. Port wine stain 2654. Post cosmotic procedures 2655. Post ECG leads 2656. Post herpetic neuralgia 2657. Post inflammatory hypopigmentation 2658. Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation 2659. Postirradiation digitate keratosis (PIDK) 2660. Post-Irradiation Pseudo-Sclerodermatous Panniculitis 2661. Post-Kala-Azar Dermatosis (PKDL)
  • 100. 2662. Post menopausal symptoms 2663. Post traumatic hematoma 2664. Powassan virus 2665. Pigmented purpura dermatosis PPD (SEE NEXT) 2666. ✓ Eczematid-like purpura of Doucas and Kapetanakis 2667. ✓ Lichen aureus 2668. ✓ Pigmented purpuric lichenoid dermatitis of Gougerot and Blum 2669. ✓ Linear pigmented purpura 2670. ✓ Granulomatous pigmented purpura 2671. ✓ Purpura annularis telangiectodes of Majocchi 2672. ✓ Schamberg disease 2673. palmar or plantar hypokeratosis 2674. Palmoplantar keratoderma (ppk) 2675. Focal PPK (see next) 2676. ✓ Richner–hanhart syndrome 2677. ✓ Carvajal syndrome 2678. ✓ Howel–Evans syndrome 2679. ✓ pachyonychia congenital/ Jackson–Lawler s/ Jadassohn– Lewandowsky 2680. ✓ PPK and woolly hair 2681. ✓Focal PPK, isolated: Brünauer–Fuhs–Siemens 2682. ✓Focal palmoplantar and gingival keratosis 2683. Punctate PPK (see next) 2684. ✓Punctate ppk buschke–fischer–brauer (type1) 2685. ✓Ppk spiny musicbox/ Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma type 2 / Filiform hyperkeratosis 2686. ✓Marginal papular keratoderma: acrokeratoelastoidosis, focal acral hyperkeratosis (type 3 punctate PPK) 2687. ✓Punctate keratoses of the palmar creases 2688. ✓Porokeratosis punctata palmaris et plantaris 2689. ✓Cole disease