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Effects Of The New Deal Dbq
Having gone through severe unemployment, food shortages, and a seemingly remiss President
Hoover, the American people were beginning to lose hope. But sentiments began to turn as FDR
stepped into office and implemented his New Deal programs. FDR and his administration responded
to the crisis by executing policies that would successfully address reform, relief, and,
unsuccessfully, recovery. Although WWII ultimately recovered America from its depression, it was
FDR's response with the New Deal programs that stopped America's economic downfall, relieved
hundreds of Americans, reformed many policies, and consequently expanded government power.
One of FDR's first orders of business was to respond to the need of reforming the banking system. ...
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Yet, it implanted hope into millions of Americans for the well–being of their future and the capitalist
system. The Social Security Act was also revolutionary in changing the government's role by
showing how a citizen's welfare was now also part of the government's responsibility. All these new
programs and organizations created by the New Deal show how they greatly expanded the
government's power and influence, as shown in Document C. In Document C, the cartoon shows
how FDR's New Deal was a progression of small change that consequently led to an expansion of
government power. The New Deal's many reform programs provided a foundation for America to
build off of.
FDR's New Deal also sought out to provide relief for Americans. Unemployment rates were high
and poverty was widespread. To solve these problems, FDR created many programs and
organizations, such as the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), the Civil Works
Administration (CWA), the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), and the Works Progress
Administration (WPA). Document A shows how poor women, and also men, were barely assisted by
the government. Urban unemployment represented a big problem in the US. To solve the
unemployment issue, FDR implemented the CWA, which gave jobs to many people to build or
repair roads, buildings, and other structures. This was very effective because it not only dealt with
the problem of unemployment,
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt And The Great Depression
The Great Depression was a time in history that our country was brought to the edge of financial and
emotional despair. There were many events that led to the great Depression, what were at the
important factors that brought the Depression to an end? A man by the name of Franklin Delano
Roosevelt was pivotal in bringing the nation a mindset of hope, his New Deal brought about change
and the beginning of World War II all contributed to ending the Great Depression.
The collapse of the Stock Market in October 1929 began when 16,410,030 shares of stock were sold
off in a single day and the market lost $14 billion in value, nearly five–times more than the annual
budget of the United States, capping off a week in which the market lost 39.6% of its value between
October 24th and October 29th. Many economists simply considered this part of the "normal
business cycle" and believed that intervening to stop or reverse it would cause even greater
problems. By July 8, 1932, when the market finally hit its bottom, it had lost a stunning 89% of its
pre–crash October 23, 1929 value. ( )
Roosevelt is revered as one of the greatest men of the 20th century much because of his desire and
dedication to pulling the nation out of depression. Roosevelt won 42 of the 48 states and became
President in March 1933. In his inaugural address, Roosevelt stated the now–famous line, "The only
thing we have to fear is fear itself" he went on to say that this fear was, "nameless, unreasoning,
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The New Deal And Social Security Act Of 1935 Essay
Poverty, Rehabilitation, and Legislation: The New Deal and Social Security Act of 1935.
Jacquelyn R. Ward
United States History II: 1865–Present
September 27, 2016 After the Great Depression, many Americans were left disheveled. They needed
some form of financial assistance to help them get their lives back to normal. Many government
officials such as Hurbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt helped to enact bills and programs that
would assist Americans in rehabilitating their lives. The amount of unemployed workers, the
economic relief for retired workers, and the creation of legislature directed towards financial
stability all illustrate that the most important effects that the New Deal legislation had on the
American government was a liberal one..
The Great Depression left the American banking system in shambles and left the American people
broken and scared for their futures. There were several causes that led up to the enactment of the
New Deal and the Social Security Act. A major cause was "Black Tuesday." This was the largest
stock market crash in U.S. history that took place on October 29, 1929. The crash happened because
wealthy Americans used their revenue to speculate in real estate and the stock market rather than
invest in new businesses. Another cause was U.S. banks issuing loans and credits to foreign
governments in the amount of billions of dollars. Prior to the Great Depression and the enactment of
the FERA, relief was based on the poor laws.
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The Impact of the New Deal on the Great Depression Era Essay
The Impact of the New Deal on the Great Depression Era
In 1933, President Roosevelt proposed New Deal legislation to alleviate the effects of the Great
Depression through various public works programs and other federal initiatives. The many reforms
of the New Deal were racked by intense criticism from their very beginnings. The New Deal was a
catalyst in the surge of the federal government's power.
One year before the financial collapse on Wall Street, President Hoover said, "We in America today
are nearer to the financial triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of our land" (Major
31). This overly confident statement was outrageously wrong. On October 24, 1929, the Wall Street
stock market plummeted. As of that date, ... Show more content on ...
15). The FERA's main purpose was to assume economic responsibility for 18 million unemployed
Americans. FERA was to help these people find work through the private sector. FERA was
intended to allow unemployed people regain their dignity and improve their economic status
(Hopkins par. 12).
Many people outside of the United States foresaw the greatness and legacy that would follow the
Roosevelt administration. For instance, Neville Chamberlain, the British Chancellor of the
Exchequer (later to become the British Prime Minister), said before the House of Commons
concerning FDR's first 100 days in office "Within weeks of taking office Roosevelt had carried off
his first triumph, the restoration of national confidence" (Rosenman 66).
Key factors of New Deal reforms to end the depression were to create work relief programs. The
epitome of F.D.R.'s feelings toward work relief were spoken eloquently when he said "The test of
our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those have it much; it is whether we
provide enough for those who have too little" (Wolters 170). With this said, in 1933 Roosevelt
signed an executive order to create the CWA, or the Civil Works Administration. Four hundred
million dollars was eventually transferred from the FERA program's budget to help boost the CWA.
The CWA, a basic extension of the FERA, was created because of FERA's general lack of putting
enough people to work. The CWA would
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The Pros And Cons Of The New Deal
American Business man, Lloyd Blankfein, once quoted, "We certainly had an upheaval at the start
of the Great Depression, and that resulted in a lot of financial reform, but it wasn't done in one
stroke, and it wasn't done immediately." The Great Depression was by far the worst economic
downturn during the period of the 20th century. The financial crisis was caused by the stock market
crash in 1929 which sent Wall Street into utter chaos and turmoil. Following the stock market crash,
American citizens could no longer trust the government to protect its people and finances. Millions
of Americans were unemployed and the economy was tiptoeing on thin ice. With the upcoming
presidential election, America was desperate for industrial and agricultural revival; they had no
choice but to vote for democratic candidate, Franklin D. Roosevelt. During Roosevelt's first
inaugural address, the new president offered a propitious vision of America including increased jobs
and prosperity. He called these ideas the New Deal. The New Deal included legislation enacted by
congress and the president to lessen the repercussions followed by the Great Depression. The whole
purpose of the New Deal was to institute an application for Americans to use for revival methods.
However, some of the programs created by the New Deal are still being utilized today and have had
lasting reforms. Although President Roosevelt had much opposition during the creation of many
programs, he was able to create many
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The Pros And Cons Of The New Deal
The New Deal was an initiative set forth by Franklin D. Roosevelt when he entered the presidential
office. The New Deal consisted of multiple programs, projects, and reforms in order to bring
America back into financial stability after the Wall Street crash of 1929 which directly led into the
Great Depression. Some of these programs and projects majorly revolved around helping out the
unemployed, the elderly, the youth, and farmers. The New Deal also heavily focused on fixing the
banks and making safer and better decisions on how to protect the country's monetary system.
When you begin to take a broader look at what the New Deal accomplished, you will see that many
of its programs and reforms came from the mid to late 30's. These programs included actual laws
that were voted on and passed by the U.S. Congress, as well as executive orders from the President
himself. Many historians have decided to label these programs as the 3 R's, for relief, recovery, and
reform. These were used to represent what the functions of these programs were supposed to
accomplish in light of the New Deal. Relief for the less fortunate and unemployed, recovery of
America's economic system to a more balanced level, and reform of America's monetary and
banking systems to stop from another Great Depression ever happening again. The New Deal also
helped the Democrats take over as the political majority, due to them putting all their eggs in the
basket of the New Deal. The Republican side was much more
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Essay about Main Features of The New Deal
Main Features of The New Deal
In 1929, the stock market collapsed causing a worldwide economic depression, destroying
America's economy with many people losing their life savings therefore thrusting them into
unemployment and poverty. Unemployment reached highs of over 13 million whilst the GNP for the
country reached as low as $58 billion, compared to the $100 billion+ pre depression figures, because
demand and production fell so dramatically. People were forced out of their homes and moved to
shantytowns known as 'Hoovervilles'. The president in power at the time, J. Edgar Hoover, refused
to use the government funds in order to help the American people. He believed that America was a
land of ... Show more content on ...
The main features of the New Deal were what are known as the alphabet agencies as they all their
names were reduced to acronyms, which were government, funded and employed many people.
Each agency had specific responsibilities to help get America back on track. The initial agencies
were: Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Civilian Conservation Corps, Public Works
Administration (which later became the Works Progress Administration), Agricultural Adjustment
Administration and the Tennessee Valley Authority. Another feature of the New Deal was the
various acts passed, which were: The Emergency Banking Act, Securities Exchange Act and the
National Industrial Recovery Act.
The first thing Roosevelt did as part of his New Deal was to pass the aforementioned Emergency
Banking Act which declared a bank holiday and closed all banks for at least 8 days. During those 8
days, government workers investigated the banks reopening only those that were deemed reliable,
sound and safe. Soon they officially opened 5000 banks reassuring Americans that their money was
indeed safe. This helped solve the depression partly as it helped return some confidence to the
Americans, which meant that more people would spend or invest money. This was a huge success
because as soon as the banks had re–opened, over $1 billion was deposited back into them.
While this was taking place, Roosevelt
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How Did The New Deal Affect The Federal Government
Amid the Great Depression, the role of the government altered enormously. Prior to the Depression
hit, the government did close to nothing or nothing at all to assistance individuals monetarily. This
was not seen as something the administration should do. With the Depression came an adjustment in
this discernment. President Roosevelt's New Deal made government in charge of peopling from
numerous points of view. These courses run from ensuring that they would not lose cash they had
stored in banks (FDIC) to guaranteeing that they would have cash to live on after they resigned
(Social Security). When all is said in done, the New Deal brought on another part for government,
one in which the legislature did significantly more to help people monetarily.
There are numerous history specialists who see the New Deal approaches of President Franklin D.
Roosevelt as the start of the social welfare arrangement of the Federal Government. Amid the Great
Depression, there were numerous men who had no employments; thus, their families endured
hardship and yearning. The New Deal projects were a progression of local projects, for example, the
Federal Emergency Relief ... Show more content on ...
What is collectively recognized is the manner by which it changed the part of the national
government. All in all, most Americans now anticipate that the national government will manage the
economy, accommodate those that battle, and essentially be occupied with the requirements of its
natives. Before the New Deal, residents looked towards nearby governments to aid critical
crossroads. After the New Deal, many look to Washington. There are numerous cases of government
projects that would not exist in the event that it were not for the priority set by the New Deal.
Programs like school help, veteran's advantages, Medicare, Medicaid, and government interests in
expressions and sciences are all extraordinary
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Relief, Recovery, & Regulation
"Relief, Recovery, & Regulation "
When Franklin personally addressed the Democratic Party Convention to accept the nomination, he
was the first candidate to do so and thus received a lot of attention. These were the words from the
acceptance speech that set the tone for his campaign and his administration:
"I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people. Let us all here assembled
constitute ourselves prophets of a new order of competence and of courage. This is more than a
political campaign; it is a call to arms. Give me your help, not to win votes alone, but to win in this
crusade to restore America to its own people." 1
These words might have been just platitudes, uttered by another progressive ... Show more content
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While many of these programs were wasteful, they succeeded to some extent in keeping people out
of foreclosure, out of starvation, and propped up morale. I think they could have been more
successful had the Administration not shot itself in the foot with a perverse economic tightening in
One of the best examples of a successful recovery program was the Tennessee Valley Authority
(TVA). This program was proposed by Senator George Norris 5 during the Hoover Administration.
Resurrected and expanded under Roosevelt, despite opposition from private utilities, The TVA
constructed and maintained dams, provided hydroelectric power where there was no electricity
before, and stimulated investment in the region. The TVA is one of the shining success stories of the
New Deal.
A less successful program was called the National Recovery Act (NRA). The NRA established a
minimum wage, set working hours, and attempted to regulate prices. The act invested the President
with vast authority to intervene in the market economy. One example was power to regulate aspects
of interstate commerce, a power that the Constitution invests in Congress. The act was voluntary to
business and riddled with bureaucracy.
In May 1935 the US Supreme Court, in Schechter Poultry Corporation
V. United States, unanimously ruled the NRA unconstitutional. In fact, 11 out of 16 of the
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The Impact of the New Deal on the United States Essay
The Impact of the New Deal on the United States The Great Depression, an era of great poverty,
misery, and hopelessness, proved to be one of the most dreadful time periods in all of America's
history. During the Great Depression, dreams were lost and having a moderate amount of food
everyday became a difficult challenge for many. Nonetheless, through the dark clouds, appeared the
next president of the United States: Franklin Delano Roosevelt. By offering hope in his inaugural
address, Roosevelt boosted morale and despair ... Show more content on ...
In later days, Congress created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in June1933. This reform
insured each bank deposited up to $2,500 a day and consequently, banks gained more trust from
their investors. As money once again started to flow, it helped stabilize the financial situation of the
country. After achieving this goal without difficulty, Roosevelt issued an executive order to create
the Farm Credit Administration. The purpose of this was to provide low interest, long–term loans to
farmers. Farmers then paid off mortgages and overdue taxes, bought back–lost farms, and purchased
the needed seed, fertilizer, and equipment. The outcome of this program was quite obvious; farming
would once again flourish and thus, more food available for the American people. In April,
Roosevelt asked Congress to create a similar program expect for non–farming personal. Congress
without hesitation passed the Home Owners Loan Corporation. It addressed the problem to those
who could not pay off their mortgage. By 1936 it saved at least a million American families by
granting them low interest, long–term mortgage loans.
Other programs established because of the New Deal, were aimed for many unemployed Americans.
Roosevelt in May of 1933 encouraged Congress to establish the Federal Emergency Relief
Administration, with half a billion dollars for relief aid to be given directly to
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The Federal Emergency Relief Act, Tennessee Valley...
In 1932 during the worst of the great depression and prior to World War II, President Roosevelt's
administration implemented a series of initiatives or legislative reforms that all fell under the New
Deal. "The flood of New Deal legislation that followed produced major changes in government–
economy relationships and in government's role in American society generally." (Anderson, 2015, p.
72) Roosevelt's description of the New Deal was that it would help to provide relief, recovery, and
reform; this came to be known as the "3 Rs." Many of the reforms were highly successful like the
Federal Emergency Relief Act, Tennessee Valley Authority, Federal Housing Administration and the
Social Security Act. In 1933 the Rural Rehabilitation ... Show more content on ...
The local welfare employees were actually the ones who chose which families were eligible.
Perhaps the problems began there. There were no requirements except for the employees thinking
that the families had minimal skills and could figure it out for themselves. Once chosen the families
had to decide very quickly if they would be making the move. Due to the short season for farming
and building, some families had only days to decide. The following were the guidelines for choosing
a family.
As far as possible, families should be selected first on their farming ability and secondly, those who
may have secondary skills and who may adjust themselves to a diversified farming activity and can
assist with carpentry on their homes and then those who may know something about machinery and
blacksmithing and who have leadership qualities. (Lundberg, 1998)
Using our current speed of government projects this resettlement endeavor moved at lightning
speed. The first survey was completed in June of 1934 and FERA agreed to the project in January
1935. It only took only eight weeks after that to acquire the 260,000 acres for the new colony. A
month later in late April, the construction workers and supplies were enroute to the valley. "Three
days later, the first of the colonists left Minnesota!" (Lundberg, 1998)
The families traveled to the west coast on the railroad. That first round of families from
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President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Second Inaugural Speech
President Franklin D. Roosevelt Second Inaugural Speech The second term for President Franklin
D. Roosevelt is very important for various reasons. One of them is that historically it was the first
inauguration to be celebrated in January instead of March as previous presidential inaugurations.
Secondary, this speech reminded people the New Deal intentions and accomplishments. Also, to
underline the progress coming up and priorities in the second term of President Franklin D.
The country was going through an ongoing rough depression that the previous President Hoover left
in the road for his processor, President Roosevelt. Although not only President Hoover decisions and
approval of laws added to the great depression, but the ... Show more content on ...
The New Deal was a set of federal programs with the principle of social–welfare liberalism.
President Roosevelt was deeply compromised to help the most vulnerable in the ongoing crisis. In
second inaugural address he outlines the progress of the New Deal "We have always known that
heedless self–interest was bed morals.... Out of the collapse of a prosperity whose builders boasted
their practicality has come to the conviction that in the long run economy morality pays." At some
extend President Roosevelt proudly tell the Nation that he was heading to the right direction to
progress. Some of the New Deal successful programs that brought relief and dignify living to many
Americans were Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) a direct governmental regulation of farm
economy to resolve the overproduction problem. In the unemployment relief, the Federal
Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) that provided federal funds for state relief programs.
Public Works Administration (PWA) a construction program that lead to Civil Works Administration
(CWA) that provide work for more than 4 million Americans repairing, building, and constructing
America's infrastructure. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) that mobilized young men to do
reforestation and conservation work helping their family's income and the country reservation. In
1935 in housing issues Works Progress Administration (WPA) Home Owners Loan Corporation
(HOLC) that help many Americans keep their
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Role in Reforming America
Born January 30th, 1882 Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a son of a wealthy man who owned an
estate of hundreds of hectors of farmland and forest around the house at Hyde park and also had an
interest in a number of thriving business companies.
In September 1896 Roosevelt's parents sent him to Groton, a boarding school for boys whom come
from wealthy families which had recently been set up in New England. Roosevelt's head teacher at
his new school was described as big, athletic, young clergy man. His head teacher, Peabody, insisted
that these young boys shall learn to stand on their own two feet and not to go through life being
pampered just because their parents are wealthy. Peabody thought that the boys needed to make a
name for ... Show more content on ...
This helped the unemployment rate go up.
Recovery was another aim of Roosevelt's, the public works administration which is part of the
national industrial recovery act of 33 which was for the government to give money to build schools,
dams. Roads, bridges, airports, local offices and parks. This created millions of jobs and a better life
for the Americans in the future. Another recovery act was the AAA aka agricultural adjustment
administration. This agency was to make sure that farms reduced how much product they were
producing, made sure the farms products were up to standards and also to make sure the farmers
didn't tire out the soil.
Roosevelt introduced many acts to reform America for instance the Tennessee valley authority
which was made to build two dams on the Tennessee river, cutting across the powers of the local
state government which made irrigation of dried– out land possible and also it was very useful as it
provided electricity for undeveloped areas and created thousands of jobs in areas that were hit by the
depression. The Wagner act was also a new measure which was introduced by Roosevelt which
forced all employers to allow trade unions and allowed for them to have a right to talk. The social
security act of 1935 which was to provide pensions for the elders, unemployed insurance, help for
the poor, sick and disabled . The evidence to show that the social security act was a success was that
unemployment insurance meant if a
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Social Work Case Study Essay
Ms. Apple is a 45 year old African American woman who has been a widow for about 4 years. Ms.
Apple has three children, whose ages range from 5–12 years old. Ms. Apple has been struggling to
keep her family afloat since the death of her husband. Ms. Apple convinced herself that she would
not require the extra assistance. However, she realized in attempting to provide alone has not only
become very strenuous, but also quite costly. Expenses have become overwhelming for Ms. Apple
to maintain, since her husband took care of the finances and was the breadwinner for the family. Ms.
Apple has minimal education as she is able to read and write at grade school level. Ms. Apple also
has never been employed as she was a home maker. At this ... Show more content on ...
According to Jansson, (2009), the confidence of the African American women became more
prevalent than the Caucasian women, as they took initiative in developing crucial programs for their
fellow peers. The women's effective efforts included programs such as providing education and
vocational skills to the women (Jansson, 2009). The efforts were demonstrated by the significantly
large number of members in the society (Jansson, 2009). The Charity Organization Society was
recognized for attempting to rationalize and systemize philanthropy (Oyen, 2006). The Charity
Organization Society cut relief costs and cut able bodied individuals from relief. The Charity
Organization Society wanted to pass a clear message that relief was not a right, but an act of charity.
Also, the society recruited volunteers who were white upper class females known as the Friendly
Visitors. The purpose of the friendly visitors was to provide motivation and encourage the destitute.
The organization was primarily run by white men who believed the poor were in need of upper class
role models. According to Schram and Mandell (1997), "The roots of social work were nurtured by
two major wellsprings: the Charity Organization Societies (COSs), from which pioneered group
work, community and social change, advocacy, and the all–around societal gadfly. The COS first
began in England, expanding later to larger cities in the Unites
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The New Deal and the Civil Rights Legislation of the 1960's
The New Deal of the 1930s and the civil rights legislation and movements of the 1960s were very
different in what they did, but shared a common goal of bettering the country when they were
introduced, and making the country better in the future. The New Deal of the 1930s and its programs
were able to help millions of Americans get their feet back on the ground after the Great Depression.
Civil rights legislation of the 1960s helped African–Americans get the respect and equality they
deserved after slavery had been eradicated. Prior to the 1960s, there were a few attempts to pass
civil rights bills. During the early 1960s, many believed it was time to finally pass civil rights bills
that would make a serious impact on the country as a whole. The goal of civil rights legislation was
to completely desegregate the blacks and whites, and had a vision of peace of equality. Martin
Luther King Jr. wanted a demonstration, or protest, of the situation of the blacks and whites to be
held in the most segregated city in the United States, Birmingham, Alabama. The Birmingham
March took place between April and May of 1963. The protests and rallies were both peaceful and
nonviolent. However, the police got tired of the daily protests and arrested hundreds that they found
to be responsible for taking part in them and used unnecessary force, such as high pressured water
hoses. As a result of these protests, President Kennedy made an announcement speaking out against
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The Pros And Cons Of The New Deal
The New Deal was a necessary program out in place which helped the nation and expanded the role
of the government in a positive way. The nation was struggling in effect of the Great Depression and
going through a hard time, and the New Deal helped the country out of it. Alone, the citizens of the
United States would have never been able to pull themselves out of this mess, but the government
stepped in and helped to fix the nation. The benefits of the New Deal can best be summed up with
the three R's: relief, recovery, and reform.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt knew immediate action had to be taken to stop the economy
from crumbling more than it already had. The New Deal enforced many new policies that helped the
nation start fresh and halted any further damage to the economy. Many new legislations were put in
place, such as the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Civil Works Administration, the Federal
Emergency Relief Act, and others intended to provide immediate jobs or financial assistance. These
were all part of the relief stage, which was aimed to help those in urgent need of food, money and
care. Founded in 1933, the Civilian Conservation Corps, or CCC, was one of the most successful
legislations and it provided jobs for young men. It was a win–win because not only were the men
employed and making money, but a part of their salary was sent home to their families, saving
millions, and according to document 3, they began construction projects around America,
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Essay on What is the federal theatre project
What Was The Federal Theatre Project?????
Throughout the late 1920's an important theatrical movement developed: The Workers' Theatre
Movement. In the end, it diminished around the middle of the 1930's, and one of the developments
aiding the decline of the Workers' Theatre Movement, was the creation of the Federal Theatre
Project. The Federal Theatre Project was the largest and most motivated effort mounted by the
Federal Government to organize and produce theater events. Once the government took on the duty
of putting people to work, it was able to consider the movement. The Federal Theatre Project's
purpose was "to provide relief work for theatrical artists that utilized their talents and to ... Show
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The W. P. A., or Works Progress Administration, was started in the year 1935 to provide jobs for
unemployed people in their areas of skill. Harry Hopkins headed this reform as well. There were
four art projects developed
for white–collar workers: Music, Writers, and Theatre and Art. The four art projects spent less than
3/4 of 1 percent of the total WPA budget, but were blamed and accused for being un–democratic and
inefficient. The FTP was "the most controversial and short–lived of the Works Progress
Administration art projects." ( With its first production in the year 1936, The
Federal Theatre Project remained in existence until the year 1939. It employed nearly 10,000 people
per year on average; up to 12,000 people at it's highest. The Federal Theatre Project provided 1200
productions as a minimum of 850 main works and of 309 innovative plays (29 new musicals) to an
audience estimated at 25 million people in 40 states. It also "employed actors, playwrights,
directors, producers, composers, and technicians, including notables as Orson Welles, Arthur Miller,
John Huston, E. G. Marshall, and John Houseman." (Manning) The FTP gave many Americans their
first opportunity to attend live theater performances. It sent companies on tour to smaller cities and
also gave shows for younger audiences.
Harry Hopkins did not want just a relief development, though it was important. He then turned to
Hallie Flanagan who
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The Pros And Cons Of The New Deal
"I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people." Franklin D. Roosevelt.
President Roosevelt made this pledge when America was in one of the worst economical disasters to
happen in America ever. The Stock market crash of 1929. October 24, 1929, also called Black
Tuesday, was when America when to panic. The president at the time was President Hoover. Hoover
thought the economy would work itself out and that the government should stay out of it. Franklin
D. Roosevelt, also known as FDR, was later elected and won by a landslide. President Roosevelt
knew how bad this depression was and wanted to do something about it. He created the New Deal.
There was also a lot of positive outcomes of the New Deal, some of which we still use today. The
first action of panic Americans took were bank runs. Bank runs were when people would run to their
banks and demand their money back in cash. Since everyone wanted their money back at once, large
crowds would gather in and outside the banks. The First bank run happened in Nashville, Tennessee.
This bank run encouraged many more to happen all over America. Depositors lost confidence in the
security of their money in their banks. Many people lost most of their money because banks didn't
keep all the cash with them. The banks ran out of bills because of this (History). Roosevelt did not
take long to react. He took immediate action and declared a "Bank Holiday". He did this only after 2
days of taking the oath to be
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Poverty And Poverty
Overall, our society looks down upon those living in poverty. However, there have been different
approaches to and views of poverty over time (Barusch, 2015). For instance, the religious approach
to poverty was to stress, if not require, charity toward poor individuals (Barusch, 2015). This
approach does not explain poverty as a shortcoming of the individual or of the society; rather, it was
viewed as a reality of the human condition (Barusch, 2015). Likewise, in colonial America, poverty
was not viewed as a fault of either the individuals or the society (Trattner, 1999). Taxes were
collected to care for individuals who could not do so for themselves, and had no family to do so,
either (Trattner, 2017). Some people have punitive responses to poverty, thinking that poor
individuals are lazy, especially those who are capable of working and do not and alcoholics
(Barusch, 2015). Another perspective on poverty is that it is orchestrated by the wealthy, who want
to drive these individuals to low–paying jobs (Barusch, 2015). Yet another view on this matter is
that no one is to blame; it is simply that the economy changed, and now the individual's skills are
outdated, rendering them unemployed (Barusch, 2015). Some believe that poverty is a result of
growing up in a culture of poverty, teaching individuals that industry is not rewarding, causing them
to focus on instant gratification (Barusch, 2015). This is viewed as irresponsible spending, and
causes people to believe that these
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How Significant Was The New Deal
How Significant was the New Deal for the USA?
There were numerous factors brought up, questioning whether or not the New Deal was in fact
beneficial for the whole of America. Many say no, as it was followed by a handful of other issues,
such as inflation, national debt, and unemployment. On the contrary, I will be arguing that it was, in
many ways, helpful for their economy of the US, due to the benefits regarding human rights,
standard of living, and the citizen's overall happiness.
One of the many factors in which the New Deal was seen as beneficial would definitely be the
recognition of various human rights, including rights for Women, Blacks and Native Indians, as well
as workers in Trade Unions. This showed the citizens how much Roosevelt cared for everyone in the
country, speaking and acting for the minorities. ... Show more content on ...
Knowing the hardships Natives faced, including banning their culture, language, clothing and
beliefs during the late 1920s, The Indian Reorganisation Act of 1934 was established.To assure them
that they no longer had to fear their land being taken away, money was provided by the government
which allowed tribes to buy and protect their land from individuals. This increased the amount they
spent in things such as businesses, land and farming tools and machinery. The land they owned
increased by a whopping number of 3 million acres. In addition, they were then encouraged to
practise their cultural and religious traditions, which was the complete opposite of how they were
treated in the late
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President Franklin Delano Roosevelt And The National Labor...
In 1776, this great nation, the United States of America was created by Congress through its hopes
of an independent nation. In the last two hundred plus years, we have accumulated forty–four
presidents. Our longest serving president was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He a served a consecutive
three terms and was re–elected for a fourth term but sadly he died two months in(A&E). FDR was a
dominant leader in the democratic party and had lead the country through economic depression and
all–out war. In the twelves years he had served he had created many important legislations, such as
the Securities Exchange Act and the National Labor Relations Act(A&E).
FDR was inaugurated for his first term on March 4, 1933. At this time, the U.S was at its ... Show
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The most popular of the New Deal agencies was the Civilian Conservation Corp(Home), this hired
250,000 unemployed men to work on local rural projects(A&E). Congress also produced mortgage
relief for millions of farmer and homeowners around the same time. FDR made agricultural relief a
top priority and created the Agricultural Adjustment Administration(A&E), forcing higher prices for
items by paying these farmer to take land out of crops and to cut herds.
In 1933 the National Industrial Recovery Act was created in order to reform the economy. It forced
industries to establish rules of operations for all firms within specific industries(Gilder), minimum
prices, agreements not to compete, and production restrictions. These industries also needed to raise
wages. Provisions inspired unions and suspended anti–trust laws. The same year major new banking
regulations were passed and in 1934(A&E), the Securities and Exchange Commission was instituted
to control Wall Street(Home).
Roosevelt pursued recovery through federal spending, the NIRA spent $3.3 billion on the Public
Works Administration to stimulate the economy(A&E). He also worked with Republican senator
George Norris to create the biggest government–owned industrial enterprise in American history, the
Tennessee Valley Authority(Gilder). The TVA built dams and power stations, kept floods under
control, and modernized agriculture and homes in the poverty engulfed Tennessee
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Harry Hopkins And The New Deal
Harry Hopkins was one of the many of the social workers who have changed the United States.
Hopkins went to New York to become a social worker where he resided there for twenty years and
accomplished to help Americans. After the great depression the United States was in a very bad
situation where many people seeked hope. This left Americans homeless, jobless, and hopeless.
Harry Hopkins alongside president Franklin D. Roosevelt was appointed to take part of The New
Deal, which provided many relief programs to bring Americans out of their economic burden. The
New Deal consisted of the 3 Rs which are relief, recovery, and reform. Relief were immediate
actions taken to recuperate the economic decline. Recovery consisted of temporary programs to
initiate consumer demands. However, the United States needed a steady and permanent change
which was Reform, the creation of permanent programs in order to prevent another great depression
to take place, which Hopkins was a part of.
Harry Hopkins was born in Iowa on 1980. Hopkins grew up in the midwestern with their values of
self–reliance and thrift. Which is using money in a reliable manner. He studied in Iowa until his
graduation date in 1912 where he completed college. He studied in Grinnell College where he
studied American Politics, and the British Parliamentary System. Grinnell College is a liberal arts
college known for their academic excellence. Harry Hopkins was a very enthusiastic man who
always knew that he wanted to do
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Poverty And Poverty
Despite the ups and downs of the country's financial state, one thing that hasn't changed is the
identified vulnerable populations that for years have felt the long lasting impact of poverty. Prior to
the Great Depression in the 1930's the economically prosperous state of the country had long been
blanketed those still struggling with being economically disadvantaged. Of course, those that
chronically felt this impact were women, the disabled, people of color, the disabled, and those with
low paying and unreliable jobs. James Patterson referred to this as "old poverty" (America's struggle
against poverty). However in 1929 when the stock market crashed and began the Great Depression
"new poverty" began and those who previously had well paying jobs and owned real estate were
now also experiencing life in poverty. Many have historically placed the blame of the Great
Depression on President Hoover (1929–1937) and his employment policies in addition to his wage
policies. In fact 18% of the 27% fall in GDP was directly associated with Hoover and his policies
(What caused the depression Ohinian). It wasn't until 1933 when President Roosevelt (1933–1945)
came into Office that the state of the nation began to change. Policy Decisions and the New Deal
President Roosevelt Came into office during a time where "poor "went from being categorized into
deserving and undeserving into being the majority of citizens. Even the local governments were left
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The New Deal
Do you know what it's like to live in a cardboard home, starve, and raise a family in poverty?
Unfortunately, most Americans in the 1930s went through this on a day–to–day basis. In 1929 the
stock market crashed. Many people lost their life savings; they invested everything they owned in a
failing stock market. The country was falling, everyone needed strong leadership and help from the
government. Devastation and desperation started on Thursday, October 24, 1929. There was a strong
sense of panic in the air at the Stock Exchange. The stocks were dropping, alarmingly fast; the
worried American tried desperately to keep their savings. Markets began to steady again on Friday
and Saturday only to sweep back down the following Monday. By ... Show more content on ...
Roosevelt" 2–3). Not only did the programs of the New Deal protect finances, they gave money
back to Americans too. For instance, the Social Security Act (SSA) provided many citizens with a
newfound sense of security by creating a program the paid the injured, blind, and deaf ("Franklin D.
Roosevelt" 4). Another new program was created, the Farm Security Administration (FSA) help
farmers out by loaning millions of dollars. The FSA also set up camps for migrant workers.
Sure, there we're relief programs aimed towards helping America, but none quite like the Federal
Emergency Relief Administration (FERA). Mr. Harry Hopkins of FERA set out the "revitalize many
deteriorating relief programs". He did just that. FERA sent out five million dollars to local, depleted
relief programs in its first two hours alone ("Franklin D. Roosevelt" 1). In some cases, mortgages
had to be refinanced in order to be saved; the Home Owners Loan Corporation was created to help
with this issue ("Franklin D. Roosevelt" 3). As one can imagine, different groups of people were
affected, and helped differently thorough out the Great Depression. For example, The Indian
Reorganization Act of 1934 gave the Native Americans back the ownership of unallocated lands and
put a stop to the selling of any tribal lands ("Franklin D. Roosevelt" 2). In some cases, Union
Workers were favored over others. The Wagner Act legalized practices such as
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President Hoover 's New Deal Essay
"Prosperity is just around the corner," President Herbert Hoover announces, as the country fell into
the Great Depression of the 1930s. Unable to recognize citizens, Hoover was kicked out of office
and Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected as president, which resulted the start of great social upheaval
through the presentation of the New Deal. The New Deal ran from 1933 to 1937 under two stages.
First, he set about offering relief to its people, then after 1935, he set profound agendas for social
reform, which was specifically a socio–economic reform agenda that was made up of a host of
legislative initiatives and government programs, launched by President Roosevelt supported by
Congress in response to Great Depression. The New Deal composed of the three R 's: relief for those
Americans unemployed, recovery towards the economy allowing businesses to operate again, and
reform economy in preventing replicating situations. President Roosevelt's New Deal was guided by
four principles, set of ideas and beliefs that formed the New Deal Agenda, which were to balance
production and consumption, reform capitalism, to alleviate the inequalities of wealth, and to
counterbalance the power of big corporation with government programs and public interest. The
New Deal is significant because programs and initiatives were created in providing channels for the
working people to gain more access to work. In order to transform society, the New Deal
constructed a sense of economic prosperity
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Summary : ' Great Depression '
Phillip Durgin
March 10th, 2016
G Block History
Great Depression DBQ As "prosperity 's decade" came to a symbolically harsh and sudden end on
Thursday, October 24, 1929, the United States government, led by President Herbert Hoover, was
thrown into the unknown. No such downturn had ever presented itself before, which compounded
itself with the lack of economic understanding present at the time. Yet it had seemed that the
economy was healthy before the crash. Employment was high and inflation was low. Yet these
conditions only served as a mirage for many Americans. As industrialists became wealthy using new
age technology and selfish business methods, 70 million people lived below the poverty line. Many
of these men and women lived in ... Show more content on ...
Unemployment would skyrocket, coinciding with a massive decrease in industrial production. The
country was in shambles, unable to find a way out of its economic woes. The newly elected Franklin
D. Roosevelt saw his contemporary Hoover fail to stop the recession with his conservative policies.
Believing in "voluntary organization and community service," Hoover feared that federal relief
programs would create a culture of dependency. What he did not recognize was that the vast size of
the nation 's problems had made the idea of "rugged individualism" inadequate. Roosevelt did not
want to repeat the mistakes of the former president, instead believing that he alone must expand
executive power while carrying out a policy of experimentation. He would directly lend a hand to
the forgotten man, implementing bold and controversial acts in order to spur the economy.
Roosevelt, although not quelling the Depression completely, effectively expanded the role of
government in order to address his nation's struggles and provide relief, recovery, and reform for the
millions affected by the downturn.
One such example of his efforts to relieve the burdens of the Depressions in rural America was the
creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority. Even before this program, The New Deal attacked
problems facing those affected by failing industry head on. Rural electrification programs were
created, changing life in the country forever, as for the
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The New Deal
As Franklin D. Roosevelt commented: "But while they prate of economic laws, men and women are
starving. We must lay hold of the fact that economic laws are not made by nature. They are made by
human beings." The New Deal was a plan that was consecrated during the mid–20th Century by
President Franklin D. Roosevelt in order to ordain financial reform, direct relief and economic
provision. These dispositions were able to constitute our modern foundation of our true economic
stability and financial reformation, despite our nation's current financial status due to our later
United States presidents. The New Deal has been depicted as a vital approach to the nation's
economic crisis of the 1930's. Roosevelt postulated that this conceptional ... Show more content on ...
The main bases for the foundation of work relief projects were not intended to substitute private
production but to build and maintain public buildings and communities. The payments were
designed to stay beneath market wage rates to encourage workers to seek private employment. The
creation of such projects brought forth the growth and prosperity of communities by introducing
civil infrastructure such as more roads, sanitation facilities, schools and dams. According to William
Horrace, the public works projects paid immensely better wages than relief projects, more freedom
was established for appointment of a diverse class of skilled workers; however, they were only
permitted to hire a portion of people from the relief rolls. In conclusion to the relief of The New
Deal, the WPA, PBA, PWA and PRA had been accepted into the Federal Works Agency. Over all,
the companies were able to tremendously assist the working and poor class of America to a better
state, despite their allocation to different federal agencies by 1942.
Recovery was the destination of the country to restore the economy to a better union and welfare of
the people. Relief was regarded by America as the nation's expeditious effort to counter–act the
effects of the Great Depression of 1929 and uplift the majority's economic and social welfare.
Congress also enacted several major measures of recovery during the middle of Roosevelt's
presidency, formally known as the Second Hundred Days. For example, the
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Great Depression Relief
The Great Depression and the Progress to Relief The Great Depression has been marked as one of
the darkest periods faced by the world after the Total War, WWI. Many in the U.S. can recall the
good times felt in the 1920's. Money could be made and credit was the norm, much the same, seen
today. The despair that rolled on the world in 1929, when the stock market crashed brought much
devastation not just to Americans, but the world. It is not that the struggle was necessary forgotten,
just push to the back of minds as something that will never happen again. The democratic America
first did as a democracy is expected to do, under the Hoover administration "stay far removed from
the lives of its citizens," (George, 2011) was American democracy ... Show more content on ...
Many citizens protest this action since most of the meat went to waste
The Civil Works Administration is established" (American Experience: TV's most–watched history
series, 2013)
"Father Charles E. Coughlin establishes the Union for Social Justice.
FDR signs legislation creating the Works Progress Administration. (Its name would be changed in
1939 to the Work Projects Administration)
The National Youth Administration is set up to address the needs of young men and women (who
are not allowed in the CCC)." (American Experience: TV's most–watched history series, 2013)
"Photographer Dorothea Lange visits a pea–pickers' camp in California's San Joaquin Valley and
takes photographs of harvest workers.
United Automobile Workers strike at the General Motors Plant in Flint, Michigan
Roosevelt recession ensues" (American Experience: TV's most–watched history series, 2013)
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The Great Depression And The New Deal Essay
The late 1930s were a time of great suffering and uncertainty in the United States. The country was
crippled by effects of the Great Depression; the result was a massive decline in jobs and economic
stability that dramatically impacted both rural and urban communities. Millions of Americans were
out of work, unable to support their families. State organizations and charities were unable to meet
the growing needs of the people and many were left to fend for themselves. The Great Depression
brought with it a legitimate, tangible fear about the future of America and its citizens. Upon the
outcry of the American people a "New Deal" was struck giving the citizens of America a lifeline of
hope in the ever–growing State. The New Deal was a succession of programs, organizations and
laws, enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, directly addressing the issues of jobs, welfare and
uncertainty through direct federal involvement. The creators of the New Deal worked across party
lines to reshape the norms of state involvement whilst making a great legislative effort to turn the
declining economy around. The New Deal reshaped the federal government's relationship with its
citizens in a time of economic uncertainty helping to grow the State in a time of peace. The "state" is
best understood in relation to a government's power, influence and involvement with citizens' rights
in a given territory. The larger the state the more involved it is in the lives of its citizens.
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Progressive Era Essay
The role and responsibilities of the federal government changed drastically during the Progressive
Era and the New Deal. Rapid changes after the Civil War brought on a need for economic, social
and political reforms. Before the Progressive Era and the New Deal, the federal government took a
very hands–off approach and had little involvement in, and little care for the welfare of the
American people. With the Progressive Era and the New Deal, the federal government became more
involved and responsive to the public and implemented many revisions and reforms. The
Progressive Era was a time of political and economic transformation. The role and responsibilities of
the federal government evolved. Reform was necessary because of the changes that ... Show more
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Through voluntary and collaborative means, the federal government rallied businesses and the
public in support of the war effort. The federal government made political changes on a national
level with the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Amendments. The Sixteenth
Amendment imposed an income tax. The Seventeenth Amendment allowed for the direct election of
U.S. Senators. The Eighteenth Amendment established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages and
the Nineteenth Amendment prohibited any U.S. citizen from being denied the right to vote based on
sex. During the Progressive Era, social reform and cultural changes also occurred. Consumerism
was at an all time high. It became a time of economic prosperity. With the introduction of electricity
came household appliances. Movies, automobiles, radios, telephones, magazines, and advertising
were in the forefront. While consumption prompted the economy in a forward direction, other
economic issues arose throughout the country. Agriculture and mining were not prospering. The
steel and textile industries were standing idly. The nation also relied too heavily on credit in order to
maintain product demand and economic expansion. Lastly, consumer
confidence led to over–speculation in stocks. This inevitably led to the Stock Market Crash of
1929, which in turn marked the beginning of the Great Depression. Franklin Delano Roosevelt came
into office in 1933 during the depth of the Great
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The Success of the New Deal in Solving the Problems Caused...
The Success of the New Deal in Solving the Problems Caused by the Great Depression
Introduction– In the late 1920's and early 1930's the whole of America was in a deep depression and
was in desperate need of help. When Franklin D Roosevelt was elected president of USA he came
up with the plan of "the new deal" this was a planned guideline to regenerate money and the high
standards of living the Americans once had not so long ago. He introduced 5 major organisations to
restructure the American way of life they were now facing; these were the F.E.R.A, C.C.C, A.A.A,
T.V.A and the N.R.A. In this essay I am going to study if "the new deal" was successful up to 1941.
During the Great Depression, when ... Show more content on ...
He asked Congress to create "a corporation clothed with the power of government but possessed of
the flexibility and initiative of a private enterprise." On May 18, 1933, Congress passed the TVA act.
Right from the start, TVA established a unique problem–solving approach to fulfilling its mission–
integrated resource management. Each issue TVA faced–whether it was power production,
navigation, flood control, malaria prevention, reforestation, or erosion control–was studied in its
broadest context.
The N.R.A was an act called for industrial self–regulation and declared that codes of fair
competition–for the protection of consumers, competitors, and employers–were to be drafted for the
various industries of the country and were to be subject to public hearings. The administration was
empowered to make voluntary agreements dealing with hours of work, rates of pay, and the fixing of
The AAA paid farmers not to grow crops and not to produce dairy produce such as milk and butter.
It also paid them not to raise pigs and lambs. The money to pay the farmers for cutting back
production of about 30% was raised by a tax on companies that bought the farm products and
processed them into food and clothing. The AAA also became involved in trying to help farmers
destroyed by the creation of the dust bowl in 1934.
The Federal Emergency Relief Administration, or FERA, is a government
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New Deal Outline
It all started on a day called Black Tuesday, which was on October 29 1929. On this day, the
American stock market crashed after years of upward growth. The Great Depression was one of the
darkest times in American history. It was a frustrating time for all Americans. For one thing, there
was the government not doing enough at the start of the event. The unemployment rate was
ridiculously high because there was not enough money to hire people. According to PBS, more than
3.2 million Americans were unemployed. Race in the Great Depression was a rising issue. African–
American citizens were getting tired of the lack of rights that they had, so civil rights leaders started
fighting back by speaking up. Overall the New Deal was an important part ... Show more content on ...
Racism was also a big problem during the Great Depression, but was not addressed as much as it
should of, because of the main issues of the Great Depression. The NAACP came in with anti–
lynching laws, which was a no–brainer to say that the laws should be made, but they were not until
later dates. The NAACP led the civil rights act for a long time in the early twentieth century with
anti–lynching laws, segregation in schools, and overall human rights.
In conclusion, the New Deal saved the great depression after failing the first try. It was successful
because of organization, deals and most of all, a great president named Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
that was the longest serving president of the United
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President Fdr 's New Deal
At the peak of the Great Depression in 1932 the unemployment rate stood at 25 percent and the Dow
Jones Average sunk to a mere 34, indicating severe economic distress.1 Millions of individuals were
starving on the streets and billions of dollars were lost in the stock market. When Franklin Roosevelt
released the New Deal in 1933, a plan to provide relief, reform, and recovery to the distressed
country, Americans were in dire need of relief. Recognizing that something had to be done quickly,
President FDR implemented a series of programs to immediately mitigate the effects of the
Depression. By focusing on programs to aid business and labor, farmers, housing and homeowners,
banks and the stock market, and the youth of America, FDR attempted to provide the immediate
relief from the Great Depression that America so desperately needed. Although some of the
programs in the New Deal were more successful than others, they succeeded as a whole in providing
the short–term relief that America needed to survive the Great Depression. The first major relief
program for businesses and labor was the Federal Emergency Relief Act. Released in 1933, the
FERA created the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, an agency that not only distributed
federal aid to states for relief, but also provided state–directed work to boost the morale of the
recipients.2 As Harry Hopkins, advisor to FDR on work relief programs stated about FERA, "Give
him a job and pay him an assured wage, and you save
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Biography of Franklin Delano Roosevelt Essay
Biography of Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, (1882–1945), 32nd of the United States. Roosevelt became president in
March 1933 at the depth of the Great Depression, was reelected for an unprecedented three more
terms, and died in office in April 1945, less than a month before the surrender of Germany in World
War II. Despite an attack of poliomyelitis, which paralyzed his legs in 1921, he was a charismatic
optimist whose confidence helped sustain the American people during the strains of economic crisis
and world war.
He was one of America's most controversial leaders. Conservatives claimed that he undermined
states' rights and individual liberty. Though Roosevelt labored hard to end the Depression, he had
limited ... Show more content on ...
Her father, one of James' business associates, had made and lost fortunes in the China trade before
settling with his wife and 11 children on the west bank of the Hudson. Sara had sailed to China as a
girl, attended school abroad, and moved in high social circles in London and Paris. Though only half
her husband's age of 52 at the time of her marriage in 1880, she settled in happily at Hyde Park.
Their marriage was serene until broken by James' death in 1900.
His record at Harvard, which he attended between 1900 and 1904, was only slightly more
impressive. Thanks to his excellent preparation at Groton, he was able to complete his course of
study for his B.A. in 1903, in only three years. During his fourth year he served as editor of the
Crimson, the college newspaper. However, he was not accepted for Porcellian, Harvard's most
prestigious social club, and he did not receive much stimulation in the classroom. As at Groton, his
grades were mediocre, and he showed no excitement about his studies.
At this point politics gave him a sense of purpose. The Democratic organization in Dutchess county,
the area around Hyde Park, needed a candidate for the New York state Senate in 1910. Party leaders
recognized that although Roosevelt had no political experience he had assets as a candidate: the
wealth to finance a campaign, and the best–known political name in the United States. Roosevelt
worked as never before during the campaign.
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Review Of Alan Brinkley 's The Unfinished Nation
Section 1: Identification and Evaluation The investigation question: What were the limitations of the
programs presented in the first New Deal? will focus between the years 1933 to 1935, as the nation,
with FDR 's guidance, slowly attempted to dig its way out of the Depression. Analysis will be made
regarding the purpose of the programs and what they lacked in gaining success. Though some of his
first few domestic programs garnered success, Roosevelt's first New Deal had not fully provided the
country with the solace it needed. The first source evaluated was Alan Brinkley 's The Unfinished
Nation, published in 2004. This source is valuable in its origin because Brinkley, a professor
Columbia University, specializes in twentieth century American history. He has won several awards
for his works, was chair of the Department of History, and later became University Provost.
Brinkley 's 45 years as a historian, as well as the fact that his scholarship focuses mainly on the
period of the Great Depression, indicates extensive knowledge on the subject. The purpose is
valuable in that Brinkley 's The Unfinished Nation is a historical textbook used widely in colleges
and high schools with AP classes, indicating the validity of the work. The second source evaluated
was Ira Katznelson 's Fear Itself, published in 2014. This source is valuable in its origin because
Katznelson is an Americanist––a specialist in American culture and history––allowing him to be
knowledgeable in most, if not
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The Great Depression
The 1930s was one of the most challenging times in US history, where the Great Depression caused
millions of Americans to suffer through hardships because of the economy. Many people were out of
work and unemployed, and the government at the time, believed that the best option was to stay out
of its affairs, leaving the struggling people hung out to dry. It was not until Franklin Roosevelt was
elected president, that the state of the country began to change. And that was due to the creation of
the New Deal; a plan to alleviate the state of the country, providing help through increased
government spending and programs, that led to its eventual recovery after the second World War.
Many have argued that the New Deal was unconstitutional and violated the rights of government
power. Roosevelt responded to these arguments speaking of political and economic inequality
claiming that "these economic royalists complain that we seek to overthrow the institutions of
America. What they are really complain of is that we seek to take away their power. Our allegiance
to American institutions requires the overthrow of this kind of of power" (Voices of Freedom, 169).
He believed that those who disagreed with his programs sought to protect their own economic
interests. The New Deal and its programs assisted so many suffering at the time, and helped save the
nation by throwing the people a lifeline, giving them hope for the future as opposed to the
alternative which, proven by Herbert
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The World War II: Relief, Recovery, and Reform
The World War II, also called The Second World War, began when the Germans invaded Poland in
1939, and when the Germans and the Japanese finally surrendered in 1945, the War ended. The
United States entered the war after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7th,
1941. During World War II, the world was divided into two major forces: Axis and Allies. The
United States, Britain, The Soviet Union and the French resistance were the Allies, while Germany,
Italy, and Japan were the main powers that formed the Axis. Throughout this time, the United States
was giving all kinds of support to the Allies, such as armies, weapons, money and other things. The
economic development in the United States had become much stronger and more ... Show more
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Second, Recovery was designed to gain what America has lost through the Great Depression by
publishing the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), Home Owners Loan Corporation, Works
Progress Administration (WPA), and Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). NIRA was enacted in 1933,
its purpose was to regulate industry and raise prices to recover from previous economic issues. It
also created the National Recovery Administration, to eliminate competitions between industries by
getting them together and write codes of fair competition. However, NIRA was considered a failure
because the US Supreme Court declared that NIRA was unconstitutional in 1935. In that same year,
President Roosevelt established Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC), a association that give
the government rights to help the real estates that were influenced by the Great Depression. Because
of the Corporation, millions of homeowners were able to keep their houses by the large amount of
mortgage loans that the government has given them. It was a great plan for both the government and
homeowners for neither of them would lose anything. Among all the plans Roosevelt has made,
there were this one that became the legacy during his presidency: Works Progress Administration
(WPA). It employed more than eight million people to work. This
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Harry Hopkins Contributions
This paper will explore three important aspects that Harry Hopkins achieved in this social work
career. Fist the path he took in working within the social work field, second the contributions he
made and lastly how his work could inform individuals working in the practice of a social worker.
Utilizing eight different articles, this paper will explore the life of Harry Hopkins and how he had an
account of the impact on public policies here in the United States, and how no other social worker
has had the influence in changing the direction of American social policy.
Keywords: paths, contributions, inform the social work now Social Work and Social Change
In the year 1926, Harry Hopkins, who was the Director of the New York Tuberculosis Society, who
would go on to be one of Franklin D. Roosevelt's closest advisors and became a designer of the New
Deal. Harry Hopkins wrote, "The field of social work and public health are inseparable, and not
artificial boundaries can separate them. Social work is interwoven in the whole fabric of the public
health movement, and has directly influenced it at every point" (Hopkins, 1926). A review of social
work's past and current efforts can highlight its contemporary value. Hopkins believed that there
was a creative understanding in face–to–face relationships. The immediate problems of this
Association of social workers explain Kurzman (1977) is to bring together social work and public
administration. When Harry Hopkins
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Franklin D. Roosevelt 's Impact On The New Deal
3.)Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected into office in 1932 and promised a new deal for Americans.
From a social welfare perspective he was viewed as the best president because he advanced social
welfare policies. Initial proposals were timid at this time and focused on balancing budgets, similar
to prior thinking. Once Roosevelt was elected into office, the activism of those suffering helped
push this period in a more progressive era. In 1933 Roosevelt initiated a variety of programs and
policies during the early New Deal, known as the "alphabet agencies". Unfortunately, most of these
programs were short lived, but they helped society significantly in the New Deal era.
The Civilian Conservation Corps took young men and put them to work on outdoor projects, such as
reforestation and building trails and private parks. The Public Works Administration provided
employment for millions of people, primarily construction positions. Other programs that were
initiated under Roosevelt's administration were the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, the
National Recovery Administration, and most importantly, the Federal Emergency Relief Act. All of
these programs and policies were passed within the first one hundred days of Roosevelt's
administration. Some of these programs were not as effective as others but they were headed in the
right direction by trying new policies. The amount of good that was done for society as a whole
could not be underestimated and goes beyond of what social
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Effects Of The New Deal Dbq

  • 1. Effects Of The New Deal Dbq Having gone through severe unemployment, food shortages, and a seemingly remiss President Hoover, the American people were beginning to lose hope. But sentiments began to turn as FDR stepped into office and implemented his New Deal programs. FDR and his administration responded to the crisis by executing policies that would successfully address reform, relief, and, unsuccessfully, recovery. Although WWII ultimately recovered America from its depression, it was FDR's response with the New Deal programs that stopped America's economic downfall, relieved hundreds of Americans, reformed many policies, and consequently expanded government power. One of FDR's first orders of business was to respond to the need of reforming the banking system. ... Show more content on ... Yet, it implanted hope into millions of Americans for the well–being of their future and the capitalist system. The Social Security Act was also revolutionary in changing the government's role by showing how a citizen's welfare was now also part of the government's responsibility. All these new programs and organizations created by the New Deal show how they greatly expanded the government's power and influence, as shown in Document C. In Document C, the cartoon shows how FDR's New Deal was a progression of small change that consequently led to an expansion of government power. The New Deal's many reform programs provided a foundation for America to build off of. FDR's New Deal also sought out to provide relief for Americans. Unemployment rates were high and poverty was widespread. To solve these problems, FDR created many programs and organizations, such as the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), the Civil Works Administration (CWA), the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), and the Works Progress Administration (WPA). Document A shows how poor women, and also men, were barely assisted by the government. Urban unemployment represented a big problem in the US. To solve the unemployment issue, FDR implemented the CWA, which gave jobs to many people to build or repair roads, buildings, and other structures. This was very effective because it not only dealt with the problem of unemployment, ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt And The Great Depression The Great Depression was a time in history that our country was brought to the edge of financial and emotional despair. There were many events that led to the great Depression, what were at the important factors that brought the Depression to an end? A man by the name of Franklin Delano Roosevelt was pivotal in bringing the nation a mindset of hope, his New Deal brought about change and the beginning of World War II all contributed to ending the Great Depression. The collapse of the Stock Market in October 1929 began when 16,410,030 shares of stock were sold off in a single day and the market lost $14 billion in value, nearly five–times more than the annual budget of the United States, capping off a week in which the market lost 39.6% of its value between October 24th and October 29th. Many economists simply considered this part of the "normal business cycle" and believed that intervening to stop or reverse it would cause even greater problems. By July 8, 1932, when the market finally hit its bottom, it had lost a stunning 89% of its pre–crash October 23, 1929 value. ( ) Roosevelt is revered as one of the greatest men of the 20th century much because of his desire and dedication to pulling the nation out of depression. Roosevelt won 42 of the 48 states and became President in March 1933. In his inaugural address, Roosevelt stated the now–famous line, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" he went on to say that this fear was, "nameless, unreasoning, unjustified ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The New Deal And Social Security Act Of 1935 Essay Poverty, Rehabilitation, and Legislation: The New Deal and Social Security Act of 1935. Jacquelyn R. Ward United States History II: 1865–Present September 27, 2016 After the Great Depression, many Americans were left disheveled. They needed some form of financial assistance to help them get their lives back to normal. Many government officials such as Hurbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt helped to enact bills and programs that would assist Americans in rehabilitating their lives. The amount of unemployed workers, the economic relief for retired workers, and the creation of legislature directed towards financial stability all illustrate that the most important effects that the New Deal legislation had on the American government was a liberal one.. The Great Depression left the American banking system in shambles and left the American people broken and scared for their futures. There were several causes that led up to the enactment of the New Deal and the Social Security Act. A major cause was "Black Tuesday." This was the largest stock market crash in U.S. history that took place on October 29, 1929. The crash happened because wealthy Americans used their revenue to speculate in real estate and the stock market rather than invest in new businesses. Another cause was U.S. banks issuing loans and credits to foreign governments in the amount of billions of dollars. Prior to the Great Depression and the enactment of the FERA, relief was based on the poor laws. ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Impact of the New Deal on the Great Depression Era Essay The Impact of the New Deal on the Great Depression Era In 1933, President Roosevelt proposed New Deal legislation to alleviate the effects of the Great Depression through various public works programs and other federal initiatives. The many reforms of the New Deal were racked by intense criticism from their very beginnings. The New Deal was a catalyst in the surge of the federal government's power. One year before the financial collapse on Wall Street, President Hoover said, "We in America today are nearer to the financial triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of our land" (Major 31). This overly confident statement was outrageously wrong. On October 24, 1929, the Wall Street stock market plummeted. As of that date, ... Show more content on ... 15). The FERA's main purpose was to assume economic responsibility for 18 million unemployed Americans. FERA was to help these people find work through the private sector. FERA was intended to allow unemployed people regain their dignity and improve their economic status (Hopkins par. 12). Many people outside of the United States foresaw the greatness and legacy that would follow the Roosevelt administration. For instance, Neville Chamberlain, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer (later to become the British Prime Minister), said before the House of Commons concerning FDR's first 100 days in office "Within weeks of taking office Roosevelt had carried off his first triumph, the restoration of national confidence" (Rosenman 66). Key factors of New Deal reforms to end the depression were to create work relief programs. The epitome of F.D.R.'s feelings toward work relief were spoken eloquently when he said "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those have it much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little" (Wolters 170). With this said, in 1933 Roosevelt signed an executive order to create the CWA, or the Civil Works Administration. Four hundred million dollars was eventually transferred from the FERA program's budget to help boost the CWA. The CWA, a basic extension of the FERA, was created because of FERA's general lack of putting enough people to work. The CWA would ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Pros And Cons Of The New Deal American Business man, Lloyd Blankfein, once quoted, "We certainly had an upheaval at the start of the Great Depression, and that resulted in a lot of financial reform, but it wasn't done in one stroke, and it wasn't done immediately." The Great Depression was by far the worst economic downturn during the period of the 20th century. The financial crisis was caused by the stock market crash in 1929 which sent Wall Street into utter chaos and turmoil. Following the stock market crash, American citizens could no longer trust the government to protect its people and finances. Millions of Americans were unemployed and the economy was tiptoeing on thin ice. With the upcoming presidential election, America was desperate for industrial and agricultural revival; they had no choice but to vote for democratic candidate, Franklin D. Roosevelt. During Roosevelt's first inaugural address, the new president offered a propitious vision of America including increased jobs and prosperity. He called these ideas the New Deal. The New Deal included legislation enacted by congress and the president to lessen the repercussions followed by the Great Depression. The whole purpose of the New Deal was to institute an application for Americans to use for revival methods. However, some of the programs created by the New Deal are still being utilized today and have had lasting reforms. Although President Roosevelt had much opposition during the creation of many programs, he was able to create many ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Pros And Cons Of The New Deal The New Deal was an initiative set forth by Franklin D. Roosevelt when he entered the presidential office. The New Deal consisted of multiple programs, projects, and reforms in order to bring America back into financial stability after the Wall Street crash of 1929 which directly led into the Great Depression. Some of these programs and projects majorly revolved around helping out the unemployed, the elderly, the youth, and farmers. The New Deal also heavily focused on fixing the banks and making safer and better decisions on how to protect the country's monetary system. When you begin to take a broader look at what the New Deal accomplished, you will see that many of its programs and reforms came from the mid to late 30's. These programs included actual laws that were voted on and passed by the U.S. Congress, as well as executive orders from the President himself. Many historians have decided to label these programs as the 3 R's, for relief, recovery, and reform. These were used to represent what the functions of these programs were supposed to accomplish in light of the New Deal. Relief for the less fortunate and unemployed, recovery of America's economic system to a more balanced level, and reform of America's monetary and banking systems to stop from another Great Depression ever happening again. The New Deal also helped the Democrats take over as the political majority, due to them putting all their eggs in the basket of the New Deal. The Republican side was much more ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Essay about Main Features of The New Deal Main Features of The New Deal In 1929, the stock market collapsed causing a worldwide economic depression, destroying America's economy with many people losing their life savings therefore thrusting them into unemployment and poverty. Unemployment reached highs of over 13 million whilst the GNP for the country reached as low as $58 billion, compared to the $100 billion+ pre depression figures, because demand and production fell so dramatically. People were forced out of their homes and moved to shantytowns known as 'Hoovervilles'. The president in power at the time, J. Edgar Hoover, refused to use the government funds in order to help the American people. He believed that America was a land of ... Show more content on ... The main features of the New Deal were what are known as the alphabet agencies as they all their names were reduced to acronyms, which were government, funded and employed many people. Each agency had specific responsibilities to help get America back on track. The initial agencies were: Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Civilian Conservation Corps, Public Works Administration (which later became the Works Progress Administration), Agricultural Adjustment Administration and the Tennessee Valley Authority. Another feature of the New Deal was the various acts passed, which were: The Emergency Banking Act, Securities Exchange Act and the National Industrial Recovery Act. The first thing Roosevelt did as part of his New Deal was to pass the aforementioned Emergency Banking Act which declared a bank holiday and closed all banks for at least 8 days. During those 8 days, government workers investigated the banks reopening only those that were deemed reliable, sound and safe. Soon they officially opened 5000 banks reassuring Americans that their money was indeed safe. This helped solve the depression partly as it helped return some confidence to the Americans, which meant that more people would spend or invest money. This was a huge success because as soon as the banks had re–opened, over $1 billion was deposited back into them. While this was taking place, Roosevelt ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. How Did The New Deal Affect The Federal Government Amid the Great Depression, the role of the government altered enormously. Prior to the Depression hit, the government did close to nothing or nothing at all to assistance individuals monetarily. This was not seen as something the administration should do. With the Depression came an adjustment in this discernment. President Roosevelt's New Deal made government in charge of peopling from numerous points of view. These courses run from ensuring that they would not lose cash they had stored in banks (FDIC) to guaranteeing that they would have cash to live on after they resigned (Social Security). When all is said in done, the New Deal brought on another part for government, one in which the legislature did significantly more to help people monetarily. There are numerous history specialists who see the New Deal approaches of President Franklin D. Roosevelt as the start of the social welfare arrangement of the Federal Government. Amid the Great Depression, there were numerous men who had no employments; thus, their families endured hardship and yearning. The New Deal projects were a progression of local projects, for example, the Federal Emergency Relief ... Show more content on ... What is collectively recognized is the manner by which it changed the part of the national government. All in all, most Americans now anticipate that the national government will manage the economy, accommodate those that battle, and essentially be occupied with the requirements of its natives. Before the New Deal, residents looked towards nearby governments to aid critical crossroads. After the New Deal, many look to Washington. There are numerous cases of government projects that would not exist in the event that it were not for the priority set by the New Deal. Programs like school help, veteran's advantages, Medicare, Medicaid, and government interests in expressions and sciences are all extraordinary ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Relief, Recovery, & Regulation "Relief, Recovery, & Regulation " When Franklin personally addressed the Democratic Party Convention to accept the nomination, he was the first candidate to do so and thus received a lot of attention. These were the words from the acceptance speech that set the tone for his campaign and his administration: "I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people. Let us all here assembled constitute ourselves prophets of a new order of competence and of courage. This is more than a political campaign; it is a call to arms. Give me your help, not to win votes alone, but to win in this crusade to restore America to its own people." 1 These words might have been just platitudes, uttered by another progressive ... Show more content on ... While many of these programs were wasteful, they succeeded to some extent in keeping people out of foreclosure, out of starvation, and propped up morale. I think they could have been more successful had the Administration not shot itself in the foot with a perverse economic tightening in 1937. Recovery One of the best examples of a successful recovery program was the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). This program was proposed by Senator George Norris 5 during the Hoover Administration. Resurrected and expanded under Roosevelt, despite opposition from private utilities, The TVA constructed and maintained dams, provided hydroelectric power where there was no electricity before, and stimulated investment in the region. The TVA is one of the shining success stories of the New Deal. A less successful program was called the National Recovery Act (NRA). The NRA established a minimum wage, set working hours, and attempted to regulate prices. The act invested the President with vast authority to intervene in the market economy. One example was power to regulate aspects of interstate commerce, a power that the Constitution invests in Congress. The act was voluntary to business and riddled with bureaucracy. In May 1935 the US Supreme Court, in Schechter Poultry Corporation
  • 18. V. United States, unanimously ruled the NRA unconstitutional. In fact, 11 out of 16 of the ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. The Impact of the New Deal on the United States Essay The Impact of the New Deal on the United States The Great Depression, an era of great poverty, misery, and hopelessness, proved to be one of the most dreadful time periods in all of America's history. During the Great Depression, dreams were lost and having a moderate amount of food everyday became a difficult challenge for many. Nonetheless, through the dark clouds, appeared the next president of the United States: Franklin Delano Roosevelt. By offering hope in his inaugural address, Roosevelt boosted morale and despair ... Show more content on ... In later days, Congress created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in June1933. This reform insured each bank deposited up to $2,500 a day and consequently, banks gained more trust from their investors. As money once again started to flow, it helped stabilize the financial situation of the country. After achieving this goal without difficulty, Roosevelt issued an executive order to create the Farm Credit Administration. The purpose of this was to provide low interest, long–term loans to farmers. Farmers then paid off mortgages and overdue taxes, bought back–lost farms, and purchased the needed seed, fertilizer, and equipment. The outcome of this program was quite obvious; farming would once again flourish and thus, more food available for the American people. In April, Roosevelt asked Congress to create a similar program expect for non–farming personal. Congress without hesitation passed the Home Owners Loan Corporation. It addressed the problem to those who could not pay off their mortgage. By 1936 it saved at least a million American families by granting them low interest, long–term mortgage loans. Other programs established because of the New Deal, were aimed for many unemployed Americans. Roosevelt in May of 1933 encouraged Congress to establish the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, with half a billion dollars for relief aid to be given directly to ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. The Federal Emergency Relief Act, Tennessee Valley... In 1932 during the worst of the great depression and prior to World War II, President Roosevelt's administration implemented a series of initiatives or legislative reforms that all fell under the New Deal. "The flood of New Deal legislation that followed produced major changes in government– economy relationships and in government's role in American society generally." (Anderson, 2015, p. 72) Roosevelt's description of the New Deal was that it would help to provide relief, recovery, and reform; this came to be known as the "3 Rs." Many of the reforms were highly successful like the Federal Emergency Relief Act, Tennessee Valley Authority, Federal Housing Administration and the Social Security Act. In 1933 the Rural Rehabilitation ... Show more content on ... The local welfare employees were actually the ones who chose which families were eligible. Perhaps the problems began there. There were no requirements except for the employees thinking that the families had minimal skills and could figure it out for themselves. Once chosen the families had to decide very quickly if they would be making the move. Due to the short season for farming and building, some families had only days to decide. The following were the guidelines for choosing a family. As far as possible, families should be selected first on their farming ability and secondly, those who may have secondary skills and who may adjust themselves to a diversified farming activity and can assist with carpentry on their homes and then those who may know something about machinery and blacksmithing and who have leadership qualities. (Lundberg, 1998) Adoption/Implementation Using our current speed of government projects this resettlement endeavor moved at lightning speed. The first survey was completed in June of 1934 and FERA agreed to the project in January 1935. It only took only eight weeks after that to acquire the 260,000 acres for the new colony. A month later in late April, the construction workers and supplies were enroute to the valley. "Three days later, the first of the colonists left Minnesota!" (Lundberg, 1998) The families traveled to the west coast on the railroad. That first round of families from ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Second Inaugural Speech President Franklin D. Roosevelt Second Inaugural Speech The second term for President Franklin D. Roosevelt is very important for various reasons. One of them is that historically it was the first inauguration to be celebrated in January instead of March as previous presidential inaugurations. Secondary, this speech reminded people the New Deal intentions and accomplishments. Also, to underline the progress coming up and priorities in the second term of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The country was going through an ongoing rough depression that the previous President Hoover left in the road for his processor, President Roosevelt. Although not only President Hoover decisions and approval of laws added to the great depression, but the ... Show more content on ... The New Deal was a set of federal programs with the principle of social–welfare liberalism. President Roosevelt was deeply compromised to help the most vulnerable in the ongoing crisis. In second inaugural address he outlines the progress of the New Deal "We have always known that heedless self–interest was bed morals.... Out of the collapse of a prosperity whose builders boasted their practicality has come to the conviction that in the long run economy morality pays." At some extend President Roosevelt proudly tell the Nation that he was heading to the right direction to progress. Some of the New Deal successful programs that brought relief and dignify living to many Americans were Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) a direct governmental regulation of farm economy to resolve the overproduction problem. In the unemployment relief, the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) that provided federal funds for state relief programs. Public Works Administration (PWA) a construction program that lead to Civil Works Administration (CWA) that provide work for more than 4 million Americans repairing, building, and constructing America's infrastructure. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) that mobilized young men to do reforestation and conservation work helping their family's income and the country reservation. In 1935 in housing issues Works Progress Administration (WPA) Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) that help many Americans keep their ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Role in Reforming America Born January 30th, 1882 Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a son of a wealthy man who owned an estate of hundreds of hectors of farmland and forest around the house at Hyde park and also had an interest in a number of thriving business companies. In September 1896 Roosevelt's parents sent him to Groton, a boarding school for boys whom come from wealthy families which had recently been set up in New England. Roosevelt's head teacher at his new school was described as big, athletic, young clergy man. His head teacher, Peabody, insisted that these young boys shall learn to stand on their own two feet and not to go through life being pampered just because their parents are wealthy. Peabody thought that the boys needed to make a name for ... Show more content on ... This helped the unemployment rate go up. Recovery was another aim of Roosevelt's, the public works administration which is part of the national industrial recovery act of 33 which was for the government to give money to build schools, dams. Roads, bridges, airports, local offices and parks. This created millions of jobs and a better life for the Americans in the future. Another recovery act was the AAA aka agricultural adjustment administration. This agency was to make sure that farms reduced how much product they were producing, made sure the farms products were up to standards and also to make sure the farmers didn't tire out the soil. Roosevelt introduced many acts to reform America for instance the Tennessee valley authority which was made to build two dams on the Tennessee river, cutting across the powers of the local state government which made irrigation of dried– out land possible and also it was very useful as it provided electricity for undeveloped areas and created thousands of jobs in areas that were hit by the depression. The Wagner act was also a new measure which was introduced by Roosevelt which forced all employers to allow trade unions and allowed for them to have a right to talk. The social security act of 1935 which was to provide pensions for the elders, unemployed insurance, help for the poor, sick and disabled . The evidence to show that the social security act was a success was that unemployment insurance meant if a ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Social Work Case Study Essay Ms. Apple is a 45 year old African American woman who has been a widow for about 4 years. Ms. Apple has three children, whose ages range from 5–12 years old. Ms. Apple has been struggling to keep her family afloat since the death of her husband. Ms. Apple convinced herself that she would not require the extra assistance. However, she realized in attempting to provide alone has not only become very strenuous, but also quite costly. Expenses have become overwhelming for Ms. Apple to maintain, since her husband took care of the finances and was the breadwinner for the family. Ms. Apple has minimal education as she is able to read and write at grade school level. Ms. Apple also has never been employed as she was a home maker. At this ... Show more content on ... According to Jansson, (2009), the confidence of the African American women became more prevalent than the Caucasian women, as they took initiative in developing crucial programs for their fellow peers. The women's effective efforts included programs such as providing education and vocational skills to the women (Jansson, 2009). The efforts were demonstrated by the significantly large number of members in the society (Jansson, 2009). The Charity Organization Society was recognized for attempting to rationalize and systemize philanthropy (Oyen, 2006). The Charity Organization Society cut relief costs and cut able bodied individuals from relief. The Charity Organization Society wanted to pass a clear message that relief was not a right, but an act of charity. Also, the society recruited volunteers who were white upper class females known as the Friendly Visitors. The purpose of the friendly visitors was to provide motivation and encourage the destitute. The organization was primarily run by white men who believed the poor were in need of upper class role models. According to Schram and Mandell (1997), "The roots of social work were nurtured by two major wellsprings: the Charity Organization Societies (COSs), from which pioneered group work, community and social change, advocacy, and the all–around societal gadfly. The COS first began in England, expanding later to larger cities in the Unites ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. The New Deal and the Civil Rights Legislation of the 1960's The New Deal of the 1930s and the civil rights legislation and movements of the 1960s were very different in what they did, but shared a common goal of bettering the country when they were introduced, and making the country better in the future. The New Deal of the 1930s and its programs were able to help millions of Americans get their feet back on the ground after the Great Depression. Civil rights legislation of the 1960s helped African–Americans get the respect and equality they deserved after slavery had been eradicated. Prior to the 1960s, there were a few attempts to pass civil rights bills. During the early 1960s, many believed it was time to finally pass civil rights bills that would make a serious impact on the country as a whole. The goal of civil rights legislation was to completely desegregate the blacks and whites, and had a vision of peace of equality. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted a demonstration, or protest, of the situation of the blacks and whites to be held in the most segregated city in the United States, Birmingham, Alabama. The Birmingham March took place between April and May of 1963. The protests and rallies were both peaceful and nonviolent. However, the police got tired of the daily protests and arrested hundreds that they found to be responsible for taking part in them and used unnecessary force, such as high pressured water hoses. As a result of these protests, President Kennedy made an announcement speaking out against racism ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. The Pros And Cons Of The New Deal The New Deal was a necessary program out in place which helped the nation and expanded the role of the government in a positive way. The nation was struggling in effect of the Great Depression and going through a hard time, and the New Deal helped the country out of it. Alone, the citizens of the United States would have never been able to pull themselves out of this mess, but the government stepped in and helped to fix the nation. The benefits of the New Deal can best be summed up with the three R's: relief, recovery, and reform. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt knew immediate action had to be taken to stop the economy from crumbling more than it already had. The New Deal enforced many new policies that helped the nation start fresh and halted any further damage to the economy. Many new legislations were put in place, such as the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Civil Works Administration, the Federal Emergency Relief Act, and others intended to provide immediate jobs or financial assistance. These were all part of the relief stage, which was aimed to help those in urgent need of food, money and care. Founded in 1933, the Civilian Conservation Corps, or CCC, was one of the most successful legislations and it provided jobs for young men. It was a win–win because not only were the men employed and making money, but a part of their salary was sent home to their families, saving millions, and according to document 3, they began construction projects around America, ... Get more on ...
  • 33.
  • 34. Essay on What is the federal theatre project What Was The Federal Theatre Project????? Throughout the late 1920's an important theatrical movement developed: The Workers' Theatre Movement. In the end, it diminished around the middle of the 1930's, and one of the developments aiding the decline of the Workers' Theatre Movement, was the creation of the Federal Theatre Project. The Federal Theatre Project was the largest and most motivated effort mounted by the Federal Government to organize and produce theater events. Once the government took on the duty of putting people to work, it was able to consider the movement. The Federal Theatre Project's purpose was "to provide relief work for theatrical artists that utilized their talents and to ... Show more content on ... The W. P. A., or Works Progress Administration, was started in the year 1935 to provide jobs for unemployed people in their areas of skill. Harry Hopkins headed this reform as well. There were four art projects developed for white–collar workers: Music, Writers, and Theatre and Art. The four art projects spent less than 3/4 of 1 percent of the total WPA budget, but were blamed and accused for being un–democratic and inefficient. The FTP was "the most controversial and short–lived of the Works Progress Administration art projects." ( With its first production in the year 1936, The Federal Theatre Project remained in existence until the year 1939. It employed nearly 10,000 people per year on average; up to 12,000 people at it's highest. The Federal Theatre Project provided 1200 productions as a minimum of 850 main works and of 309 innovative plays (29 new musicals) to an audience estimated at 25 million people in 40 states. It also "employed actors, playwrights, directors, producers, composers, and technicians, including notables as Orson Welles, Arthur Miller, John Huston, E. G. Marshall, and John Houseman." (Manning) The FTP gave many Americans their first opportunity to attend live theater performances. It sent companies on tour to smaller cities and also gave shows for younger audiences. Harry Hopkins did not want just a relief development, though it was important. He then turned to Hallie Flanagan who ... Get more on ...
  • 35.
  • 36. The Pros And Cons Of The New Deal "I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people." Franklin D. Roosevelt. President Roosevelt made this pledge when America was in one of the worst economical disasters to happen in America ever. The Stock market crash of 1929. October 24, 1929, also called Black Tuesday, was when America when to panic. The president at the time was President Hoover. Hoover thought the economy would work itself out and that the government should stay out of it. Franklin D. Roosevelt, also known as FDR, was later elected and won by a landslide. President Roosevelt knew how bad this depression was and wanted to do something about it. He created the New Deal. There was also a lot of positive outcomes of the New Deal, some of which we still use today. The first action of panic Americans took were bank runs. Bank runs were when people would run to their banks and demand their money back in cash. Since everyone wanted their money back at once, large crowds would gather in and outside the banks. The First bank run happened in Nashville, Tennessee. This bank run encouraged many more to happen all over America. Depositors lost confidence in the security of their money in their banks. Many people lost most of their money because banks didn't keep all the cash with them. The banks ran out of bills because of this (History). Roosevelt did not take long to react. He took immediate action and declared a "Bank Holiday". He did this only after 2 days of taking the oath to be ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Poverty And Poverty Overall, our society looks down upon those living in poverty. However, there have been different approaches to and views of poverty over time (Barusch, 2015). For instance, the religious approach to poverty was to stress, if not require, charity toward poor individuals (Barusch, 2015). This approach does not explain poverty as a shortcoming of the individual or of the society; rather, it was viewed as a reality of the human condition (Barusch, 2015). Likewise, in colonial America, poverty was not viewed as a fault of either the individuals or the society (Trattner, 1999). Taxes were collected to care for individuals who could not do so for themselves, and had no family to do so, either (Trattner, 2017). Some people have punitive responses to poverty, thinking that poor individuals are lazy, especially those who are capable of working and do not and alcoholics (Barusch, 2015). Another perspective on poverty is that it is orchestrated by the wealthy, who want to drive these individuals to low–paying jobs (Barusch, 2015). Yet another view on this matter is that no one is to blame; it is simply that the economy changed, and now the individual's skills are outdated, rendering them unemployed (Barusch, 2015). Some believe that poverty is a result of growing up in a culture of poverty, teaching individuals that industry is not rewarding, causing them to focus on instant gratification (Barusch, 2015). This is viewed as irresponsible spending, and causes people to believe that these ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. How Significant Was The New Deal How Significant was the New Deal for the USA? There were numerous factors brought up, questioning whether or not the New Deal was in fact beneficial for the whole of America. Many say no, as it was followed by a handful of other issues, such as inflation, national debt, and unemployment. On the contrary, I will be arguing that it was, in many ways, helpful for their economy of the US, due to the benefits regarding human rights, standard of living, and the citizen's overall happiness. One of the many factors in which the New Deal was seen as beneficial would definitely be the recognition of various human rights, including rights for Women, Blacks and Native Indians, as well as workers in Trade Unions. This showed the citizens how much Roosevelt cared for everyone in the country, speaking and acting for the minorities. ... Show more content on ... Knowing the hardships Natives faced, including banning their culture, language, clothing and beliefs during the late 1920s, The Indian Reorganisation Act of 1934 was established.To assure them that they no longer had to fear their land being taken away, money was provided by the government which allowed tribes to buy and protect their land from individuals. This increased the amount they spent in things such as businesses, land and farming tools and machinery. The land they owned increased by a whopping number of 3 million acres. In addition, they were then encouraged to practise their cultural and religious traditions, which was the complete opposite of how they were treated in the late ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt And The National Labor... In 1776, this great nation, the United States of America was created by Congress through its hopes of an independent nation. In the last two hundred plus years, we have accumulated forty–four presidents. Our longest serving president was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He a served a consecutive three terms and was re–elected for a fourth term but sadly he died two months in(A&E). FDR was a dominant leader in the democratic party and had lead the country through economic depression and all–out war. In the twelves years he had served he had created many important legislations, such as the Securities Exchange Act and the National Labor Relations Act(A&E). FDR was inaugurated for his first term on March 4, 1933. At this time, the U.S was at its ... Show more content on ... The most popular of the New Deal agencies was the Civilian Conservation Corp(Home), this hired 250,000 unemployed men to work on local rural projects(A&E). Congress also produced mortgage relief for millions of farmer and homeowners around the same time. FDR made agricultural relief a top priority and created the Agricultural Adjustment Administration(A&E), forcing higher prices for items by paying these farmer to take land out of crops and to cut herds. In 1933 the National Industrial Recovery Act was created in order to reform the economy. It forced industries to establish rules of operations for all firms within specific industries(Gilder), minimum prices, agreements not to compete, and production restrictions. These industries also needed to raise wages. Provisions inspired unions and suspended anti–trust laws. The same year major new banking regulations were passed and in 1934(A&E), the Securities and Exchange Commission was instituted to control Wall Street(Home). Roosevelt pursued recovery through federal spending, the NIRA spent $3.3 billion on the Public Works Administration to stimulate the economy(A&E). He also worked with Republican senator George Norris to create the biggest government–owned industrial enterprise in American history, the Tennessee Valley Authority(Gilder). The TVA built dams and power stations, kept floods under control, and modernized agriculture and homes in the poverty engulfed Tennessee ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Harry Hopkins And The New Deal Harry Hopkins was one of the many of the social workers who have changed the United States. Hopkins went to New York to become a social worker where he resided there for twenty years and accomplished to help Americans. After the great depression the United States was in a very bad situation where many people seeked hope. This left Americans homeless, jobless, and hopeless. Harry Hopkins alongside president Franklin D. Roosevelt was appointed to take part of The New Deal, which provided many relief programs to bring Americans out of their economic burden. The New Deal consisted of the 3 Rs which are relief, recovery, and reform. Relief were immediate actions taken to recuperate the economic decline. Recovery consisted of temporary programs to initiate consumer demands. However, the United States needed a steady and permanent change which was Reform, the creation of permanent programs in order to prevent another great depression to take place, which Hopkins was a part of. Harry Hopkins was born in Iowa on 1980. Hopkins grew up in the midwestern with their values of self–reliance and thrift. Which is using money in a reliable manner. He studied in Iowa until his graduation date in 1912 where he completed college. He studied in Grinnell College where he studied American Politics, and the British Parliamentary System. Grinnell College is a liberal arts college known for their academic excellence. Harry Hopkins was a very enthusiastic man who always knew that he wanted to do ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Poverty And Poverty Despite the ups and downs of the country's financial state, one thing that hasn't changed is the identified vulnerable populations that for years have felt the long lasting impact of poverty. Prior to the Great Depression in the 1930's the economically prosperous state of the country had long been blanketed those still struggling with being economically disadvantaged. Of course, those that chronically felt this impact were women, the disabled, people of color, the disabled, and those with low paying and unreliable jobs. James Patterson referred to this as "old poverty" (America's struggle against poverty). However in 1929 when the stock market crashed and began the Great Depression "new poverty" began and those who previously had well paying jobs and owned real estate were now also experiencing life in poverty. Many have historically placed the blame of the Great Depression on President Hoover (1929–1937) and his employment policies in addition to his wage policies. In fact 18% of the 27% fall in GDP was directly associated with Hoover and his policies (What caused the depression Ohinian). It wasn't until 1933 when President Roosevelt (1933–1945) came into Office that the state of the nation began to change. Policy Decisions and the New Deal President Roosevelt Came into office during a time where "poor "went from being categorized into deserving and undeserving into being the majority of citizens. Even the local governments were left ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. The New Deal Do you know what it's like to live in a cardboard home, starve, and raise a family in poverty? Unfortunately, most Americans in the 1930s went through this on a day–to–day basis. In 1929 the stock market crashed. Many people lost their life savings; they invested everything they owned in a failing stock market. The country was falling, everyone needed strong leadership and help from the government. Devastation and desperation started on Thursday, October 24, 1929. There was a strong sense of panic in the air at the Stock Exchange. The stocks were dropping, alarmingly fast; the worried American tried desperately to keep their savings. Markets began to steady again on Friday and Saturday only to sweep back down the following Monday. By ... Show more content on ... Roosevelt" 2–3). Not only did the programs of the New Deal protect finances, they gave money back to Americans too. For instance, the Social Security Act (SSA) provided many citizens with a newfound sense of security by creating a program the paid the injured, blind, and deaf ("Franklin D. Roosevelt" 4). Another new program was created, the Farm Security Administration (FSA) help farmers out by loaning millions of dollars. The FSA also set up camps for migrant workers. Sure, there we're relief programs aimed towards helping America, but none quite like the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA). Mr. Harry Hopkins of FERA set out the "revitalize many deteriorating relief programs". He did just that. FERA sent out five million dollars to local, depleted relief programs in its first two hours alone ("Franklin D. Roosevelt" 1). In some cases, mortgages had to be refinanced in order to be saved; the Home Owners Loan Corporation was created to help with this issue ("Franklin D. Roosevelt" 3). As one can imagine, different groups of people were affected, and helped differently thorough out the Great Depression. For example, The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 gave the Native Americans back the ownership of unallocated lands and put a stop to the selling of any tribal lands ("Franklin D. Roosevelt" 2). In some cases, Union Workers were favored over others. The Wagner Act legalized practices such as ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. President Hoover 's New Deal Essay "Prosperity is just around the corner," President Herbert Hoover announces, as the country fell into the Great Depression of the 1930s. Unable to recognize citizens, Hoover was kicked out of office and Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected as president, which resulted the start of great social upheaval through the presentation of the New Deal. The New Deal ran from 1933 to 1937 under two stages. First, he set about offering relief to its people, then after 1935, he set profound agendas for social reform, which was specifically a socio–economic reform agenda that was made up of a host of legislative initiatives and government programs, launched by President Roosevelt supported by Congress in response to Great Depression. The New Deal composed of the three R 's: relief for those Americans unemployed, recovery towards the economy allowing businesses to operate again, and reform economy in preventing replicating situations. President Roosevelt's New Deal was guided by four principles, set of ideas and beliefs that formed the New Deal Agenda, which were to balance production and consumption, reform capitalism, to alleviate the inequalities of wealth, and to counterbalance the power of big corporation with government programs and public interest. The New Deal is significant because programs and initiatives were created in providing channels for the working people to gain more access to work. In order to transform society, the New Deal constructed a sense of economic prosperity ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Summary : ' Great Depression ' Phillip Durgin March 10th, 2016 G Block History Great Depression DBQ As "prosperity 's decade" came to a symbolically harsh and sudden end on Thursday, October 24, 1929, the United States government, led by President Herbert Hoover, was thrown into the unknown. No such downturn had ever presented itself before, which compounded itself with the lack of economic understanding present at the time. Yet it had seemed that the economy was healthy before the crash. Employment was high and inflation was low. Yet these conditions only served as a mirage for many Americans. As industrialists became wealthy using new age technology and selfish business methods, 70 million people lived below the poverty line. Many of these men and women lived in ... Show more content on ... Unemployment would skyrocket, coinciding with a massive decrease in industrial production. The country was in shambles, unable to find a way out of its economic woes. The newly elected Franklin D. Roosevelt saw his contemporary Hoover fail to stop the recession with his conservative policies. Believing in "voluntary organization and community service," Hoover feared that federal relief programs would create a culture of dependency. What he did not recognize was that the vast size of the nation 's problems had made the idea of "rugged individualism" inadequate. Roosevelt did not want to repeat the mistakes of the former president, instead believing that he alone must expand executive power while carrying out a policy of experimentation. He would directly lend a hand to the forgotten man, implementing bold and controversial acts in order to spur the economy. Roosevelt, although not quelling the Depression completely, effectively expanded the role of government in order to address his nation's struggles and provide relief, recovery, and reform for the millions affected by the downturn. One such example of his efforts to relieve the burdens of the Depressions in rural America was the creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority. Even before this program, The New Deal attacked problems facing those affected by failing industry head on. Rural electrification programs were created, changing life in the country forever, as for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. The New Deal As Franklin D. Roosevelt commented: "But while they prate of economic laws, men and women are starving. We must lay hold of the fact that economic laws are not made by nature. They are made by human beings." The New Deal was a plan that was consecrated during the mid–20th Century by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in order to ordain financial reform, direct relief and economic provision. These dispositions were able to constitute our modern foundation of our true economic stability and financial reformation, despite our nation's current financial status due to our later United States presidents. The New Deal has been depicted as a vital approach to the nation's economic crisis of the 1930's. Roosevelt postulated that this conceptional ... Show more content on ... The main bases for the foundation of work relief projects were not intended to substitute private production but to build and maintain public buildings and communities. The payments were designed to stay beneath market wage rates to encourage workers to seek private employment. The creation of such projects brought forth the growth and prosperity of communities by introducing civil infrastructure such as more roads, sanitation facilities, schools and dams. According to William Horrace, the public works projects paid immensely better wages than relief projects, more freedom was established for appointment of a diverse class of skilled workers; however, they were only permitted to hire a portion of people from the relief rolls. In conclusion to the relief of The New Deal, the WPA, PBA, PWA and PRA had been accepted into the Federal Works Agency. Over all, the companies were able to tremendously assist the working and poor class of America to a better state, despite their allocation to different federal agencies by 1942. Recovery was the destination of the country to restore the economy to a better union and welfare of the people. Relief was regarded by America as the nation's expeditious effort to counter–act the effects of the Great Depression of 1929 and uplift the majority's economic and social welfare. Congress also enacted several major measures of recovery during the middle of Roosevelt's presidency, formally known as the Second Hundred Days. For example, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Great Depression Relief The Great Depression and the Progress to Relief The Great Depression has been marked as one of the darkest periods faced by the world after the Total War, WWI. Many in the U.S. can recall the good times felt in the 1920's. Money could be made and credit was the norm, much the same, seen today. The despair that rolled on the world in 1929, when the stock market crashed brought much devastation not just to Americans, but the world. It is not that the struggle was necessary forgotten, just push to the back of minds as something that will never happen again. The democratic America first did as a democracy is expected to do, under the Hoover administration "stay far removed from the lives of its citizens," (George, 2011) was American democracy ... Show more content on ... Many citizens protest this action since most of the meat went to waste The Civil Works Administration is established" (American Experience: TV's most–watched history series, 2013) 1935 "Father Charles E. Coughlin establishes the Union for Social Justice. FDR signs legislation creating the Works Progress Administration. (Its name would be changed in 1939 to the Work Projects Administration) The National Youth Administration is set up to address the needs of young men and women (who are not allowed in the CCC)." (American Experience: TV's most–watched history series, 2013) 1936 "Photographer Dorothea Lange visits a pea–pickers' camp in California's San Joaquin Valley and takes photographs of harvest workers. 1937 United Automobile Workers strike at the General Motors Plant in Flint, Michigan Roosevelt recession ensues" (American Experience: TV's most–watched history series, 2013) ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. The Great Depression And The New Deal Essay The late 1930s were a time of great suffering and uncertainty in the United States. The country was crippled by effects of the Great Depression; the result was a massive decline in jobs and economic stability that dramatically impacted both rural and urban communities. Millions of Americans were out of work, unable to support their families. State organizations and charities were unable to meet the growing needs of the people and many were left to fend for themselves. The Great Depression brought with it a legitimate, tangible fear about the future of America and its citizens. Upon the outcry of the American people a "New Deal" was struck giving the citizens of America a lifeline of hope in the ever–growing State. The New Deal was a succession of programs, organizations and laws, enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, directly addressing the issues of jobs, welfare and uncertainty through direct federal involvement. The creators of the New Deal worked across party lines to reshape the norms of state involvement whilst making a great legislative effort to turn the declining economy around. The New Deal reshaped the federal government's relationship with its citizens in a time of economic uncertainty helping to grow the State in a time of peace. The "state" is best understood in relation to a government's power, influence and involvement with citizens' rights in a given territory. The larger the state the more involved it is in the lives of its citizens. ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Progressive Era Essay The role and responsibilities of the federal government changed drastically during the Progressive Era and the New Deal. Rapid changes after the Civil War brought on a need for economic, social and political reforms. Before the Progressive Era and the New Deal, the federal government took a very hands–off approach and had little involvement in, and little care for the welfare of the American people. With the Progressive Era and the New Deal, the federal government became more involved and responsive to the public and implemented many revisions and reforms. The Progressive Era was a time of political and economic transformation. The role and responsibilities of the federal government evolved. Reform was necessary because of the changes that ... Show more content on ... Through voluntary and collaborative means, the federal government rallied businesses and the public in support of the war effort. The federal government made political changes on a national level with the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Amendments. The Sixteenth Amendment imposed an income tax. The Seventeenth Amendment allowed for the direct election of U.S. Senators. The Eighteenth Amendment established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages and the Nineteenth Amendment prohibited any U.S. citizen from being denied the right to vote based on sex. During the Progressive Era, social reform and cultural changes also occurred. Consumerism was at an all time high. It became a time of economic prosperity. With the introduction of electricity came household appliances. Movies, automobiles, radios, telephones, magazines, and advertising were in the forefront. While consumption prompted the economy in a forward direction, other economic issues arose throughout the country. Agriculture and mining were not prospering. The steel and textile industries were standing idly. The nation also relied too heavily on credit in order to maintain product demand and economic expansion. Lastly, consumer confidence led to over–speculation in stocks. This inevitably led to the Stock Market Crash of 1929, which in turn marked the beginning of the Great Depression. Franklin Delano Roosevelt came into office in 1933 during the depth of the Great ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The Success of the New Deal in Solving the Problems Caused... The Success of the New Deal in Solving the Problems Caused by the Great Depression Introduction– In the late 1920's and early 1930's the whole of America was in a deep depression and was in desperate need of help. When Franklin D Roosevelt was elected president of USA he came up with the plan of "the new deal" this was a planned guideline to regenerate money and the high standards of living the Americans once had not so long ago. He introduced 5 major organisations to restructure the American way of life they were now facing; these were the F.E.R.A, C.C.C, A.A.A, T.V.A and the N.R.A. In this essay I am going to study if "the new deal" was successful up to 1941. During the Great Depression, when ... Show more content on ... He asked Congress to create "a corporation clothed with the power of government but possessed of the flexibility and initiative of a private enterprise." On May 18, 1933, Congress passed the TVA act. Right from the start, TVA established a unique problem–solving approach to fulfilling its mission– integrated resource management. Each issue TVA faced–whether it was power production, navigation, flood control, malaria prevention, reforestation, or erosion control–was studied in its broadest context. The N.R.A was an act called for industrial self–regulation and declared that codes of fair competition–for the protection of consumers, competitors, and employers–were to be drafted for the various industries of the country and were to be subject to public hearings. The administration was empowered to make voluntary agreements dealing with hours of work, rates of pay, and the fixing of prices. The AAA paid farmers not to grow crops and not to produce dairy produce such as milk and butter. It also paid them not to raise pigs and lambs. The money to pay the farmers for cutting back production of about 30% was raised by a tax on companies that bought the farm products and processed them into food and clothing. The AAA also became involved in trying to help farmers destroyed by the creation of the dust bowl in 1934. The Federal Emergency Relief Administration, or FERA, is a government ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. New Deal Outline It all started on a day called Black Tuesday, which was on October 29 1929. On this day, the American stock market crashed after years of upward growth. The Great Depression was one of the darkest times in American history. It was a frustrating time for all Americans. For one thing, there was the government not doing enough at the start of the event. The unemployment rate was ridiculously high because there was not enough money to hire people. According to PBS, more than 3.2 million Americans were unemployed. Race in the Great Depression was a rising issue. African– American citizens were getting tired of the lack of rights that they had, so civil rights leaders started fighting back by speaking up. Overall the New Deal was an important part ... Show more content on ... Racism was also a big problem during the Great Depression, but was not addressed as much as it should of, because of the main issues of the Great Depression. The NAACP came in with anti– lynching laws, which was a no–brainer to say that the laws should be made, but they were not until later dates. The NAACP led the civil rights act for a long time in the early twentieth century with anti–lynching laws, segregation in schools, and overall human rights. In conclusion, the New Deal saved the great depression after failing the first try. It was successful because of organization, deals and most of all, a great president named Franklin Delano Roosevelt, that was the longest serving president of the United ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. President Fdr 's New Deal At the peak of the Great Depression in 1932 the unemployment rate stood at 25 percent and the Dow Jones Average sunk to a mere 34, indicating severe economic distress.1 Millions of individuals were starving on the streets and billions of dollars were lost in the stock market. When Franklin Roosevelt released the New Deal in 1933, a plan to provide relief, reform, and recovery to the distressed country, Americans were in dire need of relief. Recognizing that something had to be done quickly, President FDR implemented a series of programs to immediately mitigate the effects of the Depression. By focusing on programs to aid business and labor, farmers, housing and homeowners, banks and the stock market, and the youth of America, FDR attempted to provide the immediate relief from the Great Depression that America so desperately needed. Although some of the programs in the New Deal were more successful than others, they succeeded as a whole in providing the short–term relief that America needed to survive the Great Depression. The first major relief program for businesses and labor was the Federal Emergency Relief Act. Released in 1933, the FERA created the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, an agency that not only distributed federal aid to states for relief, but also provided state–directed work to boost the morale of the recipients.2 As Harry Hopkins, advisor to FDR on work relief programs stated about FERA, "Give him a job and pay him an assured wage, and you save ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Biography of Franklin Delano Roosevelt Essay Biography of Franklin Delano Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt, (1882–1945), 32nd of the United States. Roosevelt became president in March 1933 at the depth of the Great Depression, was reelected for an unprecedented three more terms, and died in office in April 1945, less than a month before the surrender of Germany in World War II. Despite an attack of poliomyelitis, which paralyzed his legs in 1921, he was a charismatic optimist whose confidence helped sustain the American people during the strains of economic crisis and world war. He was one of America's most controversial leaders. Conservatives claimed that he undermined states' rights and individual liberty. Though Roosevelt labored hard to end the Depression, he had limited ... Show more content on ... Her father, one of James' business associates, had made and lost fortunes in the China trade before settling with his wife and 11 children on the west bank of the Hudson. Sara had sailed to China as a girl, attended school abroad, and moved in high social circles in London and Paris. Though only half her husband's age of 52 at the time of her marriage in 1880, she settled in happily at Hyde Park. Their marriage was serene until broken by James' death in 1900. His record at Harvard, which he attended between 1900 and 1904, was only slightly more impressive. Thanks to his excellent preparation at Groton, he was able to complete his course of study for his B.A. in 1903, in only three years. During his fourth year he served as editor of the Crimson, the college newspaper. However, he was not accepted for Porcellian, Harvard's most prestigious social club, and he did not receive much stimulation in the classroom. As at Groton, his grades were mediocre, and he showed no excitement about his studies. At this point politics gave him a sense of purpose. The Democratic organization in Dutchess county, the area around Hyde Park, needed a candidate for the New York state Senate in 1910. Party leaders recognized that although Roosevelt had no political experience he had assets as a candidate: the wealth to finance a campaign, and the best–known political name in the United States. Roosevelt worked as never before during the campaign. ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Review Of Alan Brinkley 's The Unfinished Nation Section 1: Identification and Evaluation The investigation question: What were the limitations of the programs presented in the first New Deal? will focus between the years 1933 to 1935, as the nation, with FDR 's guidance, slowly attempted to dig its way out of the Depression. Analysis will be made regarding the purpose of the programs and what they lacked in gaining success. Though some of his first few domestic programs garnered success, Roosevelt's first New Deal had not fully provided the country with the solace it needed. The first source evaluated was Alan Brinkley 's The Unfinished Nation, published in 2004. This source is valuable in its origin because Brinkley, a professor Columbia University, specializes in twentieth century American history. He has won several awards for his works, was chair of the Department of History, and later became University Provost. Brinkley 's 45 years as a historian, as well as the fact that his scholarship focuses mainly on the period of the Great Depression, indicates extensive knowledge on the subject. The purpose is valuable in that Brinkley 's The Unfinished Nation is a historical textbook used widely in colleges and high schools with AP classes, indicating the validity of the work. The second source evaluated was Ira Katznelson 's Fear Itself, published in 2014. This source is valuable in its origin because Katznelson is an Americanist––a specialist in American culture and history––allowing him to be knowledgeable in most, if not ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. The Great Depression The 1930s was one of the most challenging times in US history, where the Great Depression caused millions of Americans to suffer through hardships because of the economy. Many people were out of work and unemployed, and the government at the time, believed that the best option was to stay out of its affairs, leaving the struggling people hung out to dry. It was not until Franklin Roosevelt was elected president, that the state of the country began to change. And that was due to the creation of the New Deal; a plan to alleviate the state of the country, providing help through increased government spending and programs, that led to its eventual recovery after the second World War. Many have argued that the New Deal was unconstitutional and violated the rights of government power. Roosevelt responded to these arguments speaking of political and economic inequality claiming that "these economic royalists complain that we seek to overthrow the institutions of America. What they are really complain of is that we seek to take away their power. Our allegiance to American institutions requires the overthrow of this kind of of power" (Voices of Freedom, 169). He believed that those who disagreed with his programs sought to protect their own economic interests. The New Deal and its programs assisted so many suffering at the time, and helped save the nation by throwing the people a lifeline, giving them hope for the future as opposed to the alternative which, proven by Herbert ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. The World War II: Relief, Recovery, and Reform The World War II, also called The Second World War, began when the Germans invaded Poland in 1939, and when the Germans and the Japanese finally surrendered in 1945, the War ended. The United States entered the war after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7th, 1941. During World War II, the world was divided into two major forces: Axis and Allies. The United States, Britain, The Soviet Union and the French resistance were the Allies, while Germany, Italy, and Japan were the main powers that formed the Axis. Throughout this time, the United States was giving all kinds of support to the Allies, such as armies, weapons, money and other things. The economic development in the United States had become much stronger and more ... Show more content on ... Second, Recovery was designed to gain what America has lost through the Great Depression by publishing the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), Home Owners Loan Corporation, Works Progress Administration (WPA), and Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). NIRA was enacted in 1933, its purpose was to regulate industry and raise prices to recover from previous economic issues. It also created the National Recovery Administration, to eliminate competitions between industries by getting them together and write codes of fair competition. However, NIRA was considered a failure because the US Supreme Court declared that NIRA was unconstitutional in 1935. In that same year, President Roosevelt established Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC), a association that give the government rights to help the real estates that were influenced by the Great Depression. Because of the Corporation, millions of homeowners were able to keep their houses by the large amount of mortgage loans that the government has given them. It was a great plan for both the government and homeowners for neither of them would lose anything. Among all the plans Roosevelt has made, there were this one that became the legacy during his presidency: Works Progress Administration (WPA). It employed more than eight million people to work. This ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Harry Hopkins Contributions Abstract This paper will explore three important aspects that Harry Hopkins achieved in this social work career. Fist the path he took in working within the social work field, second the contributions he made and lastly how his work could inform individuals working in the practice of a social worker. Utilizing eight different articles, this paper will explore the life of Harry Hopkins and how he had an account of the impact on public policies here in the United States, and how no other social worker has had the influence in changing the direction of American social policy. Keywords: paths, contributions, inform the social work now Social Work and Social Change In the year 1926, Harry Hopkins, who was the Director of the New York Tuberculosis Society, who would go on to be one of Franklin D. Roosevelt's closest advisors and became a designer of the New Deal. Harry Hopkins wrote, "The field of social work and public health are inseparable, and not artificial boundaries can separate them. Social work is interwoven in the whole fabric of the public health movement, and has directly influenced it at every point" (Hopkins, 1926). A review of social work's past and current efforts can highlight its contemporary value. Hopkins believed that there was a creative understanding in face–to–face relationships. The immediate problems of this Association of social workers explain Kurzman (1977) is to bring together social work and public administration. When Harry Hopkins ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Franklin D. Roosevelt 's Impact On The New Deal 3.)Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected into office in 1932 and promised a new deal for Americans. From a social welfare perspective he was viewed as the best president because he advanced social welfare policies. Initial proposals were timid at this time and focused on balancing budgets, similar to prior thinking. Once Roosevelt was elected into office, the activism of those suffering helped push this period in a more progressive era. In 1933 Roosevelt initiated a variety of programs and policies during the early New Deal, known as the "alphabet agencies". Unfortunately, most of these programs were short lived, but they helped society significantly in the New Deal era. The Civilian Conservation Corps took young men and put them to work on outdoor projects, such as reforestation and building trails and private parks. The Public Works Administration provided employment for millions of people, primarily construction positions. Other programs that were initiated under Roosevelt's administration were the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, the National Recovery Administration, and most importantly, the Federal Emergency Relief Act. All of these programs and policies were passed within the first one hundred days of Roosevelt's administration. Some of these programs were not as effective as others but they were headed in the right direction by trying new policies. The amount of good that was done for society as a whole could not be underestimated and goes beyond of what social ... Get more on ...