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Essay about Health Care Reform
Background Universal Health Care System
One of the most long–standing health care systems was originated in Germany in 1889 by Otto von Bismarck's social legislation. Its included bills
were the Health Insurance Bill 1883, Old Age and Disability Insurance Bill of 1889, and Accident Insurance Bill of 1883. The NationalInsurance Act of
1911 in Britain covered most people employed. It also financed dependents if families had contributed for at least five years. This coverage lasted
whether families worked or not. This Act was amended in 1948 with the National Health Service revised the act to secure only legal residents to
benefit from this plan. Many universal health care systems originated after the 2nd world war. During this period, more content...
Even wealthy Americans encounter instances where they can't get in touch with a doctor without seeing a nurse first.
Health care systems in Germany faced problems including a growing population, visitation of patients and tourists who needed assistance, and an
increase in the costs of providing medical care to the entire population. Both Germany and the US systems have its setbacks. The US suffers from
deficits in rich and poor disparity, over–testing patients, and preventable deaths of adults and infants.
German government established its system to distribute fairness to all by engulfing itself in the socioeconomic system. This idea differs from
American policy which uses the government to develop systems of mass assistance (welfare, Medicare, etc) then state that the government shouldn't
control it. It has been demonstrated that his method is largely ineffective. The pricing and distribution of services is largely unfair with little to no
reward for effective services.
In March of 2010, Congress enacted and the President signed sweeping health–reform legislation. The effort by President Obama and Congressional
Democrats to expand health insurance coverage too many of the 46 million uninsured people living in the United States involves provisions aimed at
increasing the number of people receiving health insurance both through the government as well as through private insurance. In particular, much of the
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Healthcare Reform Essay
HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT ,ABSTRACT Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act( PPACA) also known as Obama care is a healthcare
reform signed in March 23, 2010 whose main goal is to conceptualizes the " Universal affordable Healthcare Coverage "making significant impacts in
the healthcare system. The purpose of this board is to discuss the challenges that effective leaders at different levels in the society should face on
regards more content...
Moreover, the office visit length will be shortened due to the high demand of customers making it harder to provide good quality of care to
patients as well . On the other hand, from the physician point of view it is predictable that doctors will change practice patterns from private
offices to hospital services because the facilities pay salaries with less expectations in the number of patients seen per day. Furthermore, due to the
elevated number of patients, time left for clinical documentation and record keeping will be nulle. Expansion of the Medicaid coverage to all new
eligible adults and increase fee for service and managed care by primary care physicians will be financed by federal funding. This will cause an
outreageous increase in the Federal deficit from the historical 2.9% Gross Domestic Product to more than 20% by 2050. Employers should offer
affordable( employee premium less than 9.5% of employee's wages) and of minimum value( employers must pay at least 60% of insurance cost)
healthcare benefits to their employees depending on factors like number of FTE, number of employees receiving premium tax credits and other
complex measurements to calculate the amounts. Employers should also notify employees by written about State exchanges, and advise them that if
an employee decides to purchase a health Plan through an exchange, they may lose the employers'
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Health Care Reform Essay
Health care reform in the United States is a vital issue. Over the years, multiple Presidents have attempted to address reform but significant political
obstacles have prevented any major change since the Social Security Act which established Medicaid and Medicare in 1965 (Kaiser Family
Foundation [KFF], 2009). On March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed into law The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The
premise of this legislation was to increase access to care by allowing more Americans to gain access to coverage and to impact the rising cost of
healthcare in the country. After its implementation, between one and three million Americans ages 18– 26 gained access to health insurance through
coverage more content...
There are four categories of quality measures used in pay–for–performance: process measures, outcome measures, patient experience, and structure
measures. Process measures evaluate activities which positively affect health outcomes for patients. Outcome measures determine the effects the care
provided have on the patient. Patient experience encompasses the patients' satisfaction with the services received. Structure measures evaluate the
equipment used by facilities, as well as the personnel employed by the facilities (James, 2012).
As of 2016, expenditures for hospital readmissions were estimated at twelve billion dollars a year (Mason et al., 2016). These costs are many times
unnecessary and avoidable. Medicare's Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program can reduce payments by one percent to hospitals for readmissions
for heart attacks, heart failure, or pneumonia in disproportionate amounts (James, 2012). It also will reward the hospitals that exceed the expectations
set forth. The wide–ranging changes to healthcare policy impelled hospitals to discover other avenues for mitigating financial risks associated with the
new policy. Patient coordination and discharge planning have become central to patient care. Case managers utilize medical homes, home care,
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Essay On Health Care
Healthcare is a major political subject for individuals in power especially in the Unites States of America and because of this ongoing issue, health has
a constant wave of changes that has resulted in a long history of health reform in both Canada and the United States of America. In this analysis, it
shows somewhere down the fountain of healthcare history, the development of health insurance in both Canada and the United States started to
separate or –"Parting at the Crossroads" as Maioni stated between Canada and the United States. As I read this article, it came to my attention how
much Canadian and American health reform has been an abstract of each societal foundation in both systems. Maioni gave the audience a brief political more content...
As for Canada, we took the leap that is now considered the difference in health reform and health insurance development between Canada and the
United States. Universal access and public administration was now an essential part for federal involvement in provincial health insurance programs.
Maioni gave us strong historical evidence which supported her claim of the influential roles that played in health reform and policy . What she is
portraying to the audience is the mere constant political leaps that had a domino effect against the development of health insurance and health reform.
Due to the political agendas of both countries, each created their own roads to health reform and even if by experimentation. Now we can see the
growth of health reform in its own entirety from each country. The United States still allows itself to be bullied by propaganda and division of political
parties which is the result of the health reform setbacks the United States wounds themselves with. The reoccurrence of country wide health insurance
on political "to–do list," rest assured that the demand is persistently growing within society. Antonia Maioni is convincing because she pulls us in as
readers into the evidence based facts that create strong conclusions for this case. She lays a foundation with historical background then pulls our
attention with the separation aspect for both countries. With her compelling argument she ties in the reality of each of the countries
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Essay On Health Care Reform
The publics' opinion has had many influences on the debate on healthcare and healthcare reform. Although an issue primarily in charge by the
government, many people have been voicing their opinion dating back all the way to the introduction of Medicare. Recent surveys have shown
many trends and many variations in public opinion that take a toll on health care reform. These opinions played a very important role in the overall
results of polls in the federal health care reform debate. The polls that were studied were pulled from a range of opinion pulls dating back to 1943
however, only 2008 and 2009–2010 reform opinions were pin pointed and reviewed/studied. These polls specifically selected dealt with changes to the
health care system as more content...
Sadly many Americans do not have health care while not participating in the debate to receive it. No matter what happens in term of reform, whether
Obamacare being discontinued or a new bill for health care arises, this issue will always spark much debate within the government and in the publics'
eye. Healthcare will always be heavily politicized time and time again. If health care is turned into something so extreme that it affects more and more
people (even those who were happily covered), a public push for reform will become that much
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Healthcare Reform Essay
The healthcare climate in the United States was grim. Per capita spending was amongst the highest in the world, and while more than four out of every
five Americans had health insurance of some kind, spending on healthcare continued to increase and services continued to decline. Insurance
companies had the ability to deny coverage when people became ill, and they limited their responsibility towards those who were insured by enforcing
both annual and lifetime limits. Those who had pre–existing conditions had great difficulty getting insurance. Profit margins for insurance companies
became steeper, but the health of Americans suffered.
The number of individuals who were uninsured or underinsured due to the expense of insurance more content...
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was historic, improving access to healthcare for the estimated 30 million Americans who are currently
without insurance.
In the year 2011, healthcare reform is well on its way to reducing healthcare costs for both individuals and the country as a whole, but it is unlikely the
health of the nation will improve unless lifelong healthy habits are established.
It has been estimated that the Affordable Care Act will reduce the overall costs while improving both access and quality of healthcare to Americans.
Some parts of the act have already been implemented, while others will gradually take place over the next several years. The Congressional Budget
Office estimates the overall savings at more than $10 billion a year for the next decade. ("Healthcare Overview" 1)
Some of the changes that have already been implemented include a Patient's Bill of Rights to end insurance company abuses, the creation of health
insurance exchanges, protection from unreasonable insurance premium increases, provisions for Americans with pre–existing conditions, coverage for
retirees who are too young for Medicare, programs for small businesses, and changes to increase overall efficiency.
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Essay Health Care Reform
Health Care Reform
There has been a lot of talk and debate lately over Health Care Reform, as people are trying to answer the question – Should a universally accessible
health care system be implemented in the United States (US)? This ongoing highly debatable issue remains a hot topic among US citizens from all
walks of life, from the very poor to the very wealthy. Health Care Reform affects everyone. The vast majority of the US population is very dissatisfied
with the current state of health care. According to the ABC News and Washington Post cooperative poll, 57 percent of Americans aren't satisfied with
the overall system of health care (Langer, 2009). Consequently, the issue of the Health Care Reform was born, but before analyzing more
Moreover, Americans have quite a diverse outlook on health insurance and its applicability in different situations. The Washington Post poll stated that
49 percent of people affirm the idea of overall health insurance (if it is required). More importantly, the majority of respondents agreed on certain
major points that insurance must contain and they are: special aid to the poor (70 percent), coverage of those, who have pre–existing conditions such
as disability or chronic diseases (68 percent), must be offered by the employers (62 percent), and underinsured mustn't pay into government funds (52
percent) (Langer,2009).
Most Americans are provided with some form of insurance either through their employer or an individual plan which is part of a public program
such as Medicaid or Medicare. However, there are still 45 million people who lack coverage (Melisa Paradis, Janelle Wood, Mary Cramer, 2009).
According to the governmental insurance plan, people who are underinsured must be protected and have an opportunity to buy suitable medical
coverage through the insurance exchange. Yet the actual utilization of such an exchange is scheduled in the beginning of 2013, which indicates a
considerable period of waiting. America's Affordable Health Choices Act informs that people should be provided with standardized benefit packages in
order to compare the
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Health Care Reform
Health Care Reform A newest way to finance health care now days is the health care reform which it is also called Obama Care. The Affordable Care
Act was signed into law in 2010. The main objective behind the Affordable Care Act was to ensure that affordable health care insurance was available
to every U.S citizen. This law is an extensive document that contains many regulations and laws that relate not only to health care but also to the
regulation of insurance companies. One of the best known regulations is that group health plans can no longer put limitations or deny benefits to
individuals under the age of 19 due to pre–existing conditions and individuals under the age of 26, are now eligible to be covered under their parents' more content...
Medicare beneficiaries will experience lower costs on prescription drugs, primary, and preventive services. The new law expanded Medicare by
fighting fraud, adding new benefits, and improving care for patients. Medicare will see lower cost on prescription drugs and free preventive services.
There are positives and negatives when it comes to the affordable care act. According to Blumberg (2012) some of the positive aspects of the health
care reform are:
–Increased access to health care services
–Increased affordability of health care services.
–Decreasing of overall costs in health care.
–Employers are able to get a tax break for offering health coverage to their employees
–Lower rate for employers offering health coverage to their employees.
–Individuals are able to purchase health insurance even if they have pre–existing conditions.
–Individuals under the age of 26 are able to stay under their parents insurances.
–Better quality of care for elderly patients.
–New health prevention and wellness programs. Some of the negative sides to the health care reform includes:
–Individuals are required to purchase their own insurance if their income is above the guidelines.
–They could face penalties that will increase gradually if they choose not to purchase an insurance policy.
–Premiums may be too high for some individuals even with the tax breaks and discounts.
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Health Care Reform Essay
Healthcare Financial Reform Proposal Sandra Xavier Grand Canyon University: HCA 240 Professor Tina Block July 8, 2012 Healthcare Financial
Reform Proposal I believe healthcare reform is a waste of time and money but I also see that it can be beneficial to many uninsured Americans. First of
all, health care costs keep rising and in 2011 the average cost for a family of four increased by 7.3% or $19,393. This is double the cost estimated in
2003, and by 2030 payroll taxes will cover only 38% of Medicare Costs and the rest will be added to our already enormous budget deficit. Second,
health care reform is needed to improve the quality of care, which is the worst in the developed world. Chronic diseases cause almost 70%
more content...
These reforms are expected to save an additional $13.5 billion over 10 years according to Healthcare Financial Management Association
( President Obama's pledge to pay for the program by taxing the rich, who is anyone that makes more than $1 million a
year (which would include President Obama) and will make for "a marketplace that provides choice and competition" (Conniff, 2009). He also
proposes that reform is about every American who has ever feared losing their coverage if they become too sick, lose their jobs or even change their
jobs. It's realizing that the biggest force behind our deficit is the growing costs for Medicare and Medicaid programs." A powerful force for change
can be created by embracing transparency. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, "transparency is a broad–scale initiative
enabling consumers to compare quality and the price of health care services so they can make their own informative choices among doctors and
hospitals. This initiative is laying the foundation for pooling and analyzing information about procedures, hospitals and physicians services. In order to
create value driven health care, there are four steps to turn raw data into
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Health Care Reform Essay
Hippocratic Oath is one of the oldest binding documents in history, and it is still held sacred by physicians to help the ill, to preserve a patient's
privacy, but most importantly it is taken by doctors swearing to practice medicine ethically. Practicing medicine ethically might have been very sacred
centuries ago, but unfortunately it is not the case in today's society especially in the United States. Doctors in the United States face more than just
high education costs, liability insurance payments, and long hours of work just to stay on top of the latest advancement in medical technology, but
many of them also have to deal every day with insurance companies that do not want to cover their patients recommended treatments. A doctor'
more content...
The fear of organized medicines opposition to universal health care became standard from that point on. Health Care reform came back into
considerations again in the 1990s by the Clinton Administration, but once again the plan was shut down
The Patient Protection Affordability Act is currently one of the hottest topics among politicians, the Act affects every man, woman and child.
About 47 million people in America do not have health care coverage and are faced with a burden of paying high medical costs and those who do
have coverage face the burden of paying high premiums. I am a Citizen of Poland, and I was a legal resident of Canada, both counties who have
Universal Health Care systems, I have been living in Poland for the first 10 years of my life, Canada for the next two years, therefore I can speak
from experience about the effects of Universal Health Care System. Some arguments against the universal health care systems are that patients have
to wait for hours to see a doctor, and while in the emergency room days if a patient comes into the ER with a less serious condition than others, I can
say that both of these theories have been false at least in some of the situations where I needed medical attention. In the summer of 2006 while I was
already living in the United States I was involved in a car accident, I was taken into
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Essay About Health Care Reform

  • 1. Essay about Health Care Reform Background Universal Health Care System One of the most long–standing health care systems was originated in Germany in 1889 by Otto von Bismarck's social legislation. Its included bills were the Health Insurance Bill 1883, Old Age and Disability Insurance Bill of 1889, and Accident Insurance Bill of 1883. The NationalInsurance Act of 1911 in Britain covered most people employed. It also financed dependents if families had contributed for at least five years. This coverage lasted whether families worked or not. This Act was amended in 1948 with the National Health Service revised the act to secure only legal residents to benefit from this plan. Many universal health care systems originated after the 2nd world war. During this period, more content... Even wealthy Americans encounter instances where they can't get in touch with a doctor without seeing a nurse first. Health care systems in Germany faced problems including a growing population, visitation of patients and tourists who needed assistance, and an increase in the costs of providing medical care to the entire population. Both Germany and the US systems have its setbacks. The US suffers from deficits in rich and poor disparity, over–testing patients, and preventable deaths of adults and infants. German government established its system to distribute fairness to all by engulfing itself in the socioeconomic system. This idea differs from American policy which uses the government to develop systems of mass assistance (welfare, Medicare, etc) then state that the government shouldn't control it. It has been demonstrated that his method is largely ineffective. The pricing and distribution of services is largely unfair with little to no reward for effective services. In March of 2010, Congress enacted and the President signed sweeping health–reform legislation. The effort by President Obama and Congressional Democrats to expand health insurance coverage too many of the 46 million uninsured people living in the United States involves provisions aimed at increasing the number of people receiving health insurance both through the government as well as through private insurance. In particular, much of the Get more content on
  • 2. Healthcare Reform Essay LEADER'S EFFECTIVENESS USING UTILITARIANISM AS THE ETHICAL DECISION –MAKING APPROACH IN REGARD TO THE HEALTHCARE CHALLENGES SET FORTH BY THE PROTECTION AND AFFORDABLE CARE ACT OF 2010 CECILIA AVEROS MBA IN HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT ,ABSTRACT Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act( PPACA) also known as Obama care is a healthcare reform signed in March 23, 2010 whose main goal is to conceptualizes the " Universal affordable Healthcare Coverage "making significant impacts in the healthcare system. The purpose of this board is to discuss the challenges that effective leaders at different levels in the society should face on regards more content... Moreover, the office visit length will be shortened due to the high demand of customers making it harder to provide good quality of care to patients as well . On the other hand, from the physician point of view it is predictable that doctors will change practice patterns from private offices to hospital services because the facilities pay salaries with less expectations in the number of patients seen per day. Furthermore, due to the elevated number of patients, time left for clinical documentation and record keeping will be nulle. Expansion of the Medicaid coverage to all new eligible adults and increase fee for service and managed care by primary care physicians will be financed by federal funding. This will cause an outreageous increase in the Federal deficit from the historical 2.9% Gross Domestic Product to more than 20% by 2050. Employers should offer affordable( employee premium less than 9.5% of employee's wages) and of minimum value( employers must pay at least 60% of insurance cost) healthcare benefits to their employees depending on factors like number of FTE, number of employees receiving premium tax credits and other complex measurements to calculate the amounts. Employers should also notify employees by written about State exchanges, and advise them that if an employee decides to purchase a health Plan through an exchange, they may lose the employers' Get more content on
  • 3. Health Care Reform Essay Health care reform in the United States is a vital issue. Over the years, multiple Presidents have attempted to address reform but significant political obstacles have prevented any major change since the Social Security Act which established Medicaid and Medicare in 1965 (Kaiser Family Foundation [KFF], 2009). On March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed into law The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The premise of this legislation was to increase access to care by allowing more Americans to gain access to coverage and to impact the rising cost of healthcare in the country. After its implementation, between one and three million Americans ages 18– 26 gained access to health insurance through coverage more content... There are four categories of quality measures used in pay–for–performance: process measures, outcome measures, patient experience, and structure measures. Process measures evaluate activities which positively affect health outcomes for patients. Outcome measures determine the effects the care provided have on the patient. Patient experience encompasses the patients' satisfaction with the services received. Structure measures evaluate the equipment used by facilities, as well as the personnel employed by the facilities (James, 2012). As of 2016, expenditures for hospital readmissions were estimated at twelve billion dollars a year (Mason et al., 2016). These costs are many times unnecessary and avoidable. Medicare's Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program can reduce payments by one percent to hospitals for readmissions for heart attacks, heart failure, or pneumonia in disproportionate amounts (James, 2012). It also will reward the hospitals that exceed the expectations set forth. The wide–ranging changes to healthcare policy impelled hospitals to discover other avenues for mitigating financial risks associated with the new policy. Patient coordination and discharge planning have become central to patient care. Case managers utilize medical homes, home care, Get more content on
  • 4. Essay On Health Care Healthcare is a major political subject for individuals in power especially in the Unites States of America and because of this ongoing issue, health has a constant wave of changes that has resulted in a long history of health reform in both Canada and the United States of America. In this analysis, it shows somewhere down the fountain of healthcare history, the development of health insurance in both Canada and the United States started to separate or –"Parting at the Crossroads" as Maioni stated between Canada and the United States. As I read this article, it came to my attention how much Canadian and American health reform has been an abstract of each societal foundation in both systems. Maioni gave the audience a brief political more content... As for Canada, we took the leap that is now considered the difference in health reform and health insurance development between Canada and the United States. Universal access and public administration was now an essential part for federal involvement in provincial health insurance programs. Maioni gave us strong historical evidence which supported her claim of the influential roles that played in health reform and policy . What she is portraying to the audience is the mere constant political leaps that had a domino effect against the development of health insurance and health reform. Due to the political agendas of both countries, each created their own roads to health reform and even if by experimentation. Now we can see the growth of health reform in its own entirety from each country. The United States still allows itself to be bullied by propaganda and division of political parties which is the result of the health reform setbacks the United States wounds themselves with. The reoccurrence of country wide health insurance on political "to–do list," rest assured that the demand is persistently growing within society. Antonia Maioni is convincing because she pulls us in as readers into the evidence based facts that create strong conclusions for this case. She lays a foundation with historical background then pulls our attention with the separation aspect for both countries. With her compelling argument she ties in the reality of each of the countries Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On Health Care Reform The publics' opinion has had many influences on the debate on healthcare and healthcare reform. Although an issue primarily in charge by the government, many people have been voicing their opinion dating back all the way to the introduction of Medicare. Recent surveys have shown many trends and many variations in public opinion that take a toll on health care reform. These opinions played a very important role in the overall results of polls in the federal health care reform debate. The polls that were studied were pulled from a range of opinion pulls dating back to 1943 however, only 2008 and 2009–2010 reform opinions were pin pointed and reviewed/studied. These polls specifically selected dealt with changes to the health care system as more content... Sadly many Americans do not have health care while not participating in the debate to receive it. No matter what happens in term of reform, whether Obamacare being discontinued or a new bill for health care arises, this issue will always spark much debate within the government and in the publics' eye. Healthcare will always be heavily politicized time and time again. If health care is turned into something so extreme that it affects more and more people (even those who were happily covered), a public push for reform will become that much Get more content on
  • 6. Healthcare Reform Essay The healthcare climate in the United States was grim. Per capita spending was amongst the highest in the world, and while more than four out of every five Americans had health insurance of some kind, spending on healthcare continued to increase and services continued to decline. Insurance companies had the ability to deny coverage when people became ill, and they limited their responsibility towards those who were insured by enforcing both annual and lifetime limits. Those who had pre–existing conditions had great difficulty getting insurance. Profit margins for insurance companies became steeper, but the health of Americans suffered. The number of individuals who were uninsured or underinsured due to the expense of insurance more content... The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was historic, improving access to healthcare for the estimated 30 million Americans who are currently without insurance. In the year 2011, healthcare reform is well on its way to reducing healthcare costs for both individuals and the country as a whole, but it is unlikely the health of the nation will improve unless lifelong healthy habits are established. It has been estimated that the Affordable Care Act will reduce the overall costs while improving both access and quality of healthcare to Americans. Some parts of the act have already been implemented, while others will gradually take place over the next several years. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the overall savings at more than $10 billion a year for the next decade. ("Healthcare Overview" 1) Some of the changes that have already been implemented include a Patient's Bill of Rights to end insurance company abuses, the creation of health insurance exchanges, protection from unreasonable insurance premium increases, provisions for Americans with pre–existing conditions, coverage for retirees who are too young for Medicare, programs for small businesses, and changes to increase overall efficiency. Get more content on
  • 7. Essay Health Care Reform Health Care Reform There has been a lot of talk and debate lately over Health Care Reform, as people are trying to answer the question – Should a universally accessible health care system be implemented in the United States (US)? This ongoing highly debatable issue remains a hot topic among US citizens from all walks of life, from the very poor to the very wealthy. Health Care Reform affects everyone. The vast majority of the US population is very dissatisfied with the current state of health care. According to the ABC News and Washington Post cooperative poll, 57 percent of Americans aren't satisfied with the overall system of health care (Langer, 2009). Consequently, the issue of the Health Care Reform was born, but before analyzing more content... Moreover, Americans have quite a diverse outlook on health insurance and its applicability in different situations. The Washington Post poll stated that 49 percent of people affirm the idea of overall health insurance (if it is required). More importantly, the majority of respondents agreed on certain major points that insurance must contain and they are: special aid to the poor (70 percent), coverage of those, who have pre–existing conditions such as disability or chronic diseases (68 percent), must be offered by the employers (62 percent), and underinsured mustn't pay into government funds (52 percent) (Langer,2009). Most Americans are provided with some form of insurance either through their employer or an individual plan which is part of a public program such as Medicaid or Medicare. However, there are still 45 million people who lack coverage (Melisa Paradis, Janelle Wood, Mary Cramer, 2009). According to the governmental insurance plan, people who are underinsured must be protected and have an opportunity to buy suitable medical coverage through the insurance exchange. Yet the actual utilization of such an exchange is scheduled in the beginning of 2013, which indicates a considerable period of waiting. America's Affordable Health Choices Act informs that people should be provided with standardized benefit packages in order to compare the Get more content on
  • 8. Health Care Reform Health Care Reform A newest way to finance health care now days is the health care reform which it is also called Obama Care. The Affordable Care Act was signed into law in 2010. The main objective behind the Affordable Care Act was to ensure that affordable health care insurance was available to every U.S citizen. This law is an extensive document that contains many regulations and laws that relate not only to health care but also to the regulation of insurance companies. One of the best known regulations is that group health plans can no longer put limitations or deny benefits to individuals under the age of 19 due to pre–existing conditions and individuals under the age of 26, are now eligible to be covered under their parents' more content... Medicare beneficiaries will experience lower costs on prescription drugs, primary, and preventive services. The new law expanded Medicare by fighting fraud, adding new benefits, and improving care for patients. Medicare will see lower cost on prescription drugs and free preventive services. There are positives and negatives when it comes to the affordable care act. According to Blumberg (2012) some of the positive aspects of the health care reform are: –Increased access to health care services –Increased affordability of health care services. –Decreasing of overall costs in health care. –Employers are able to get a tax break for offering health coverage to their employees –Lower rate for employers offering health coverage to their employees. –Individuals are able to purchase health insurance even if they have pre–existing conditions. –Individuals under the age of 26 are able to stay under their parents insurances. –Better quality of care for elderly patients. –New health prevention and wellness programs. Some of the negative sides to the health care reform includes: –Individuals are required to purchase their own insurance if their income is above the guidelines. –They could face penalties that will increase gradually if they choose not to purchase an insurance policy. –Premiums may be too high for some individuals even with the tax breaks and discounts. Get more content on
  • 9. Health Care Reform Essay Healthcare Financial Reform Proposal Sandra Xavier Grand Canyon University: HCA 240 Professor Tina Block July 8, 2012 Healthcare Financial Reform Proposal I believe healthcare reform is a waste of time and money but I also see that it can be beneficial to many uninsured Americans. First of all, health care costs keep rising and in 2011 the average cost for a family of four increased by 7.3% or $19,393. This is double the cost estimated in 2003, and by 2030 payroll taxes will cover only 38% of Medicare Costs and the rest will be added to our already enormous budget deficit. Second, health care reform is needed to improve the quality of care, which is the worst in the developed world. Chronic diseases cause almost 70% more content... These reforms are expected to save an additional $13.5 billion over 10 years according to Healthcare Financial Management Association ( President Obama's pledge to pay for the program by taxing the rich, who is anyone that makes more than $1 million a year (which would include President Obama) and will make for "a marketplace that provides choice and competition" (Conniff, 2009). He also proposes that reform is about every American who has ever feared losing their coverage if they become too sick, lose their jobs or even change their jobs. It's realizing that the biggest force behind our deficit is the growing costs for Medicare and Medicaid programs." A powerful force for change can be created by embracing transparency. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, "transparency is a broad–scale initiative enabling consumers to compare quality and the price of health care services so they can make their own informative choices among doctors and hospitals. This initiative is laying the foundation for pooling and analyzing information about procedures, hospitals and physicians services. In order to create value driven health care, there are four steps to turn raw data into Get more content on
  • 10. Health Care Reform Essay Hippocratic Oath is one of the oldest binding documents in history, and it is still held sacred by physicians to help the ill, to preserve a patient's privacy, but most importantly it is taken by doctors swearing to practice medicine ethically. Practicing medicine ethically might have been very sacred centuries ago, but unfortunately it is not the case in today's society especially in the United States. Doctors in the United States face more than just high education costs, liability insurance payments, and long hours of work just to stay on top of the latest advancement in medical technology, but many of them also have to deal every day with insurance companies that do not want to cover their patients recommended treatments. A doctor' more content... The fear of organized medicines opposition to universal health care became standard from that point on. Health Care reform came back into considerations again in the 1990s by the Clinton Administration, but once again the plan was shut down The Patient Protection Affordability Act is currently one of the hottest topics among politicians, the Act affects every man, woman and child. About 47 million people in America do not have health care coverage and are faced with a burden of paying high medical costs and those who do have coverage face the burden of paying high premiums. I am a Citizen of Poland, and I was a legal resident of Canada, both counties who have Universal Health Care systems, I have been living in Poland for the first 10 years of my life, Canada for the next two years, therefore I can speak from experience about the effects of Universal Health Care System. Some arguments against the universal health care systems are that patients have to wait for hours to see a doctor, and while in the emergency room days if a patient comes into the ER with a less serious condition than others, I can say that both of these theories have been false at least in some of the situations where I needed medical attention. In the summer of 2006 while I was already living in the United States I was involved in a car accident, I was taken into Get more content on