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Essay Energy Crisis
Writing an essay on the subject of "Energy Crisis" can be quite challenging due to the
complexity and multifaceted nature of the topic. The energy crisis encompasses a wide range of
issues, including the depletion of natural resources, environmental concerns, geopolitical
implications, technological advancements, and the socio-economic impact on global
communities. Addressing all these aspects requires in-depth research, critical analysis, and a
comprehensive understanding of various disciplines such as economics, environmental science,
and international relations.
One of the difficulties lies in striking a balance between providing a detailed overview of the
global energy crisis and maintaining a focused and coherent argument. The essay needs to
explore the causes and consequences of the energy crisis while considering the perspectives of
different stakeholders, including governments, industries, and the general public. Crafting a
well-structured and logically sequenced essay requires meticulous planning to ensure a smooth
flow of ideas and a clear presentation of facts.
Moreover, staying updated with the latest developments in the field is crucial, as the energy
crisis is a dynamic and evolving issue. New technologies, policy changes, and environmental
considerations continually shape the landscape of energy production and consumption.
Therefore, the writer must be vigilant in incorporating the most recent information and
perspectives to present a comprehensive and relevant analysis.
Furthermore, the essay should strive to engage the reader by offering innovative solutions or
proposing a thoughtful perspective on how society can address the energy crisis. This involves
creative thinking, a deep understanding of sustainable practices, and an ability to foresee
potential challenges and opportunities in the future of energy.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the energy crisis demands a significant investment of time,
effort, and intellectual resources. It requires a synthesis of information from various disciplines,
a critical analysis of complex issues, and the ability to communicate ideas effectively. As
challenging as it may be, delving into this crucial topic allows for a deeper understanding of the
pressing challenges facing our world today.
For those seeking assistance with essays or exploring related topics, various resources are
available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on platforms like, offering
support to individuals navigating the complexities of academic writing.
Essay Energy CrisisEssay Energy Crisis
The Qualities Of A Good Leader
John Wooden was a visionary leader and undoubtedly one of the greatest coaches in
history. Full of anecdotes from past experiences, Wooden on Leadership details the
leadership strategies of Wooden. This personal account makes it clear that it wasn t
winning games that made him a model leader; it was ensuring that, regardless of the
final score, his players grew and put forth their utmost effort. His philosophy
regarding leadershipnot only applies to sports, but to life as well. Wooden viewed
the concept of leadership as a learning experience that is constantly changing within
the boundaries of a core set of values; and he displayed leadership techniques that
modeled these views.
In Wooden s eyes, knowledge of material is not enough to ... Show more content on ...
In order to attract those with unfaltering character Wooden made sure to advertise
the values he stood for through his actions. By displaying a clear set of values
Wooden believed that he would attract players with similar values. In simpler
terms, he said, good values are like a magnet they attract good people (68). Wooden
believed that character and values were the key to successful leadership and to his
teams accomplishments in basketball. Tying together woodens views on the
concepts of teaching and values he said, When it comes to character and values you
don t need to become a preacher, just an effective teacher who understand the power
of setting a good example, especially when it comes to standards and values (74).
A few of the values that Wooden prized are team unity, discipline, and organization.
Each of these values influenced his various leadership strategies. Relating to the
importance of teamwork, Wooden said, a leader must accomplish the difficult task
of getting the team to believe that we supersedes me (119). Although Wooden knew
it was a difficult task to overcome a me first mentality, he had a specific way of
countering this natural instinct. He believed the only way to do so was to teach
each member of the group how she or he contribute to the organization (120).
Wooden made sure that each of his players felt equally valued and led them to
comprehend how their individual skills and effort
Life In Trenches
What was life in the trenches like? This is a question you might ask yourself after
learning more about WW1 and its exploits. Soldiers did not have an easy life to
live in the trenches and everyday just grew harder. Trenches are basically long
narrow ditches that were dug by soldiers for shelter from enemy fire. Back in
WW1, the trenches became a place where soldiers would live and sleep with poor
living conditions. The way the trenches in WW1 were set up was with the German
trenches on one side and all the Allied trenches on the other. Between the two
enemy trenches would be no man s land which didn t belong to either one of the
armies. Some soldiers would climb out of the trenches and charge across no man s
land to attack the enemy. This tactic is known as going over the top .
Back then, soldiers often wouldn t sleep and when they found the time to it ... Show
more content on ...
This makes sense considering soldiers were living in basically tunnels with no
toilets or other necessities. Trenches were described as cold, muddy and smelly. If
soldiers wanted to use the bathroom they would have to dig holes and those toilets
would sometimes overflow into the trenches. Soldiers would also have to live in the
trenches alongside multiple rats carrying diseases. Rat infestation was a huge
problem in the trenches as they would feed on the soldier s food and chew up their
clothing. They were two types of rats in the trenches, the black and brown rat. Both of
these rats were hated however, the brown rats were particularly feared. This was
because brown rats were often seen devouring human remains in a grotesque manner
by eating their eyes and liver. Soldiers often said that the rats could grow to be as
big as a cat. They tried to get rid of these rats with methods such as gunfire, dogs,
using bayonets and battering them to death. But no matter how much they tried, the
rats would still come back and continue to wreck
Romanticism versus Neoclassicism
Neoclassical and Romantic movements cover the period of 1750 to 1850.
Neoclassicism showed life to be more rational than it really was. The Romantics
favoured an interest in nature, picturesque, violent, sublime. Unlike Neo_classicism,
which stood for the order, reason, tradition, society, intellect and formal diction,
Romanticismallowed people to get away from the constrained rational views of life
and concentrate on an emotional and sentimental side of humanity. In this movement
the emphasis was on emotion, passion, imagination, individual and natural diction.
Resulting in part from the liberation and egalitarian ideals of the French Revolution,
the romantic movement had in common only a revolt against the rules of classicism.
There are... Show more content on ...
Qualities of reality, the divine, or divinities may be reflected in nature in
Romanticism and we can sense God or the gods through our sensing of
nature.While in Neo_classicism there is a concern for nature or the way things
are (and should be). This relates back to the distrust of innovation and inherent
conservatism of neoclassicism. The artistic rules of old, for instance, Pope
describes as having been discovered, not devised and are Nature methodized ; so
too, Nature and Homer are the same (Essay on Criticism 88ff., 135). This belief in
nature implies a conviction that there is a permanent, universal way things are (and
should be), which obviously entails fundamental political and ethical commitments.
The focus on natural feeling over conventional rules led to an emphasis on the self
over the earlier neoclassical emphasis on society. The individual becomes the
source of wisdom and morality, displacing the received set of rules and norms
given by society. As a result, emphasis is paced on understanding the individual s
subjective state, especially as it relates to the outside world. Works ranging from
Rousseau s Confessions and Reveries of a Solitary Walker to Wordsworth s Prelude,
Coleridge s В«conversationВ» poems, В«DejectionВ», В«Frost at MidnightВ»,
В«Lime Tree BeautyВ» are examples of the romantic exploration
The Railroad Earth Summary
In the poem The RailRoad Earth Jack Kerouac, a pioneer of the Beat Generation,
narrates his daily life as a railroad worker in the 1960 s. He begins his story in an
alley behind the Southern Pacific Station anticipating the coming commuter frenzy at
the station. He offers a unique perspective as a bystander that looks upon the city
and the two conflicting cultures that divide it. He puts on display not just the
everyday hustle and bustle of corporate America, but exposes the low down and
dirty underbelly of the city. He uncovers a layer to the city that is deeper than its
corporates exterior. One of povertyand hopelessness that swallows the city like a
pothole yet ultimately lets light to a valuable idea of freedom and self expression.
In his poem The RailRoad Earth , Kerouac presents the real San Francisco. He
disregards the city s fancy and sophisticated corporate image that many believe it to
be for the real and raw, poverty stricken city it is.
In fact the corporate exterior is composed of commuters, who are not native to the
city, while the soul of the city lies in the hands of the homeless and low income
people of color who actually live there. These commuters are businessmen who come
from the railroad earth , the outside lands connected to the city by the railroad. The
men of the railroad earth manifested in San Francisco because of the trains, buses,
and cars that merely pass through the city. Just like the railroads that pass through
San Francisco on route
Werewolves Research Paper
Do you ever feel scared of the night of a full moon? Werewolves are the mythical
legends of the night. They turn into hairy beast and feed on animals or whatever they
can get there mouth on. At least that s what some people think. Werewolves are
actually real.
# Evidence 1
Some people say that werewolves are only mythical creatures stories about humans
shape shifting into wolf like creatures are contained in ancient folklore of various
cultures, while legends about savage, super hairy, woods dwelling men known as
Wodewose date back to medieval England (Classic Monsters at Somerset Public
Library) Werewolves are the world s most hairy beast that are there in the woods you
just have to find them.
# Evidence 2 When a werewolf
The Negative Impacts Of Global Media
Brand Over
Technology has improved dramatically, to open the gate of globalization during the
changing stages of media and communication. These very functions have played an
important role in economic growth and at the same time spreads culture growth
globally, and with the revolution of global media, it helps the world become smaller
and easier to reach. With its growth and capability, global media has attracted many
capitalists, especially who are from the West, to grab such opportunity. This has
become a question is it true, that the global media systems are mostly controlled by
Western transnational media forums, and is there any negative impact from such
The 2016, top six media corporations on revenue are ($59.62 billion), Walt Disney
($22.45 billion), Comcast ($19.72 billion), 21st Century Fox ($18.67 billion),
Facebook ($11.49 billion), Viacom ($9.61 billion), CBS Corporation.
Comcast is an entertainment branding provider considered in providing Cable,
Internet, Wifi, Phone services, and now Home Security features for families and is in
the Oligopoly Market Structure. It s a multimedia company leading the market with
many assets controlled. There are few large companies in this industry that have
products that are the same, but they differentiate in the ways they are offered.
Companies in this industry must work together to co exist somewhat; they typically
counteract what the other companies are offering because they may have an upper
hand to direct rights
The Analysis of Saving Private Ryan by Steven Spielberg
The Analysis of Saving Private Ryan by Steven Spielberg Analyse he methods used
to make the opening sequence of Saving Private Ryan both shocking and realistic,
and discuss its effectiveness as an opening to a film
The film Saving Private Ryan was released on September 11th 1998; the film was
directed by Steven Spielberg, and was produced by Paramount pictures along with
DreamWorks. Steven Spielberg has directed many films, such as: Jaws in 1975,
Raiders of the Lost Ark in 1981 and Minority Report in 2002. Spielberg had never
directed a war film before, and this one showed that he had the ability to do so. In
1999 the film won five awards ... Show more content on ...
At the start of this scene, as James is heading toward the graves it is mainly close
up shots of James, and then it begins to include shots of James family as well. These
shots indicate that his family are supporting him and the shots of him show that he is
the main subject. As James and his family are walking along the path towards the
graves a very patriotic orchestral music is being played, the rhythm is based on their
every step James takes there is a beat of a drum. As they enter the grave yard the
camera rises up above the grave stones and shows the vast number of graves. The
camera then moves to the graveyard and whilst this is happening the music is still
the same orchestral music but the beat of the drum is heavier. As the camera
moves over the grave stone American flag, this shows how patriotic this event is.
The effect of this is it hits you as to how many people have died pointlessly and a
feeling of empathy for James because of the loss of his friends. Then James Ryan
falls to his knees in front of one gravestone and he begins to cry. This is a close up
shot of him then the transition begins. The camera falls into James eyes and then
you can hear the ocean, the waves crashing and the sound of engines. This gives
you a feeling of what it is like to be where they are. This sets the scene for this
moment; the camera comes onto a troop carrier, the camera
Spinal Cord Injury Case Study
Question 1
The spinal cord has 31 spinal nerves that control most of our sensory and motor
responses to a stimulus. When it comes down to injuring the spinal cord, it is a
serious matter because it leads to a severe condition of being paralyzed. Both
Paraplegic and Quadriplegic deals with a spinal cord injury and both injuries lead to
limited to no movement or sensory responses within certain areas of the body.
Paraplegic refers to an injury below the waist. The spinal cord is injured below the
neck which allows motor or sensory impairment below the waist. When the spinal
cord is injured below the neck, the person is not able to move their legs and there is
limited feeling. A treatment for this type of injury would be rehabilitation so that...
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School lunch is the time when children eat at school every day when they attend
school. Lunch at school is what ensures that the children are getting at least some
kind of nutrients because for some, it may be the only meal that they are receiving
and are able to eat. It is required that the schools feed the children that attend there. It
can be a topic of issue because of the many complaints about some schools cooking
unhealthy foods.
Some pros about school lunches is that they allow the student to receive good
nutrients, they are able to discover new things outside of their home cooked meals,
and they are able to learn table manners. Nutrients is a good thing for children
because they are still growing. School lunches give that to the students because that
may be the only time for them to receive it. It also gives them a chance to explore
foods. Some schools change up the menu so that there can be a variety of choice
within the week. School lunches are able to teach children table manners because
they are in a social setting and are able to learn from one another. In addition, there
are some cons when it comes to school lunches also. One is that it may not be what
the children want. That issue hinders the child to not eat. Not eating causing many
problems within children. Another reason is that the menu is not flexible. There is
only a limited amount of
Service Learning At Fraser School
I participated in service learning at Fraser school in Richfield. Starting in September
I helped out in a toddler age classroom every Thursday. Fraser school is a preschool
setting for infants and toddlers. Besides getting the children kindergarten ready and
offering a somewhat typical day of daycare/school, Fraser offers occupational,
physical, and speech therapy. Some of the children have disabilities and some do
not, Fraser is not discriminatory and they provide care for anyone. Some of the
things I did in the classroom were prepare snack and lunch for the children, play
games, participate in art projects, music, and reading, and play games with the
children. The two teachers really appreciated my help, as I was provided an extra
hand for them while they prepared daily activities. Playtime was usually hectic for
the group and it needed to be closely monitored. I was also able to keep the children
safe and keep a close eye on the total of twelve toddlers during playtime. My
experiences at Fraser helped me understand many topics we talked about in our Intro
to Sociology class. A few topics that stood out to me the most were the idea of social
integration and many of the functions of the educationsystem, the three stages in the
development of self, institutional discriminationwith minority and group divisions.
Looking at the education system, a lot of things we talked about in class related to
the Fraser school. Because Fraser school has a lot of children who have
Story Of The Migrant Mother Analysis
The iconic image for discussion is from the women named Florence Owens
Thompson. The image is this woman who is with her children in the Great
Depression era called the Migrant Mother taken by the photographer Dorothea Lange.
The Great Depression was a difficult time for people in the United States. The stock
market crash caused debt for many citizens, which caused them to struggle with their
bills. Thus, people lost their homes which caused them to be homeless. The Great
Depressionoccurred during the 1930 s a little before World War II. This war helped
carry the U.S. out of the struggle of the Great Depression. This image reflects a
strong message showing how troubling the Great Depression was. To decipher the
mysterious meaning of this... Show more content on ...
When looking at this image I personally cannot relate to the troubles Florence
Thompson went through because she was living during the Great Depression as a
single mother with her children. The image portrays more than just a woman, it
shows hope and resilience, which is probably why it is such an iconic image.
Comparing this image of the Great Depression to others of its time, Thompson s
gaze is serious and many describe her as beautiful in a motherly way. In reading
other people s point of views, the image of Thompson seems to be a mystery to all.
It must be the serious gaze she reflects while looking away from the camera. The
image should make many thankful not having to live during the Great Depression.
This was a time where many families became homeless, divorced, sick and fatalities
where at its high. The image of Thompson is a historic picture and for good reason.
This is because her image is still taught in today s classroom in American society as
a symbol of hope in desperate
Cable Networks And The Cable Providers
Distributors include satellite TV providers, cable providers and wired
telecommunications carriers.
Industry outlook
Satellite TV providers
Satellite television (TV) providers distribute TV programs on a subscription or fee
basis through direct broadcast satellites. In general, satellite TV providers earn
revenue from monthly subscriptions to basic and premium programming. Revenue
from advertising accounts for a small, but increasing, portion of industry revenue.
Over the five years to 2015, new networks, more channel offerings, apps and bonus
features are expected to increase industry revenue at an annualized rate of 7.1% to
$52.8 billion. This growth will be hindered by new and fierce competition emerging
from online streaming companies that have been cutting into the number of satellite
TV subscribers. With a slower annual rise in demand from subscribers, forecasted
revenue will increase at a slower annualized 4.0% to $64.2 billion over the five years
to 20201.
Cable Providers
The Cable Providers industry disseminates TV programming from cable networks to
consumers, and also provides high speed internet access and digital voice telephony
services. These three core products are typically bundled in a single package.
In the five years to 2015, industry revenue expanded an annualized 4.2% to $115.9
billion due to rate adjustments and subscriber upgrades. Demand for the industry s
core product, cable TV subscriptions, has suffered over the past five years. The
The Importance Of History During The United States
Miguel Bohrer
English 102
16 July 2016
Research Essay
The Importance of History Many Americans do not appreciate history. They do not
take the time to delve into how the United States was founded, and how it has stood
for many years as the symbol of hope. For more than two hundred years, the United
States has stood under many beliefs, but all have been defended with the blood of
many fallen heroes. When countries told the United States to submit, it stood firm.
When war was at America s footsteps, she planted her feet and said, No, you move.
America s history is vast. America has had missteps, but at the end of the day she is
worth defending. Eighteen percent of eighth graders are not proficient in history,
which in turn are the future Americans who will take charge of America. These
future leaders must learn that many men and women have died for their freedom,
and many mistakes have been made that need to be addressed and learned more
about. Parents, your children must learn the history of this great country. Ask
yourself, do not we owe it to the future of America to learn our wrong doings and
our greatest achievements? This country will not know where it is going, if it does
not know where it came from. If students do not know the wars fought in this
country, students will never understand the sacrifices made for their freedom. A
survey conducted by Common Core showed out of 1,200 seventeen year olds, nearly
a quarter could not identify Adolf Hitler, less that
Rome Changing Faces Of The Eternal City
The class tour to Pietralata clearly demonstrates how gentrification is thriving due to
Rome s growth as a modern, tourist city, which has forced locals to relocate outside
of the cityscape, and with their exodus, the culture, economy, infrastructure, sociology
and identity of Rome are forever changed. This transition was noted by Marinaro,
who stated, As Romehas become elevated on the global stage, so it has
progressively surrendered its local identity (Marinaro 2014, 196). It seems rather
ironic that as tourists flock to experience the culture of Rome, they are displacing the
very citizens who comprise Rome s identity. In Global Rome: Changing Faces of the
Eternal City, Isabella Clough Marinaro and BjГёrn Thomassen discuss the transition
of Rome from an old, historic city to one of modernity, that began to occur post War.
This approach sought to construct new hotels, roads and public transportation
systems, that would facilitate the modernization of Rome, and expand its appeal and
accessibility as a tourist destination. This transition continued, but seemed to ignore
the fact that while making Rome more tourist oriented, many locals were being
displaced. Since 1980, the majority of areas in the city have lost 60 70 percent of
their local residents (Marinaro 2014, 186). This disturbing trend continues as central
Rome has adapted its infrastructure, including residential, industrial and commercial
properties to accommodate more tourists (Marinaro 2014, 196). As if
The World s Population Uses Technology For Their
Over half of the world s population uses technology for their everyday routine. In
American Greed, the hacker Albert Gonzalez takes technology to a complete other
level. Albert would hack with his computer into different retailer systems, and he
would steal credit card numbers to sell them on the black market making a heavy
amount of cash to keep. Albert Gonzalez was a nobody in the real universe, but on
the internet he was a true evil genius that made a killing with other people s hard
earned money with just a click of a button. Albert Gonzalez mainly grew up in
south Florida. He became interested in computers when he welcomed his first one
at the age of twelve. Albert was obsessed with his computer, and his grades started
dropping in school. He merely went to a community college for half a semester
then dropped out. Albert moved to New York and got a job with a company called
dot com. The I.T. Tech company called Siemens had Albert working for them as
well, but the company moved to Pennsylvania and he didn t go with them. Albert
was jobless and set about taking drugs. A great reason everyone trusted Albert is
he worked with the secret service to help catch hackers on the black market. The
only part was that Albert was working both sides. When he worked for the service
he was taught material he never knew about. The material would help him turn a
better hacker to still earn money off the black market for himself. Once a hacker,
always a hacker the best mode to
Pool Deck Research Paper
Take a good, hard look at your deck. Is it time for a new pool deck coating? If the
deck has seen better days, consider calling us at Altra Cook Deck in Phoenix, AZ to
discuss having us come out to put down a new, and pristine pool deck coating. No
matter how great your pool looks, and how lovely your landscaping looks, a shabby
deck will detract from it. In some cases the deck looks so bad that homeowners no
longer enjoy sitting out by the pool. Stop letting a less than perfect deck take away
the enjoyment of sitting near the pool with familyand friends. We can easily get that
deck back in shape. Whether you need a new coating, or some spot repairs, let our
expert staff tackle the job for you. We ll come out to your residence, at your
Anatomy And Physiology Of The Ear
Introduction There are three separate segments that make up the ear. There is an
outer, middle, and inner ear. If any of these structures were to receive some sort of
trauma it could in turn cause some major damage and produce some serious
complications. This paper is going to discuss the anatomy and physiology of the ear,
different traumas in each segment of the ear, some signs and symptoms of ear
trauma, treatments, and complications that can proceed from the trauma.
External ear Trauma The pinna (auricle) and external auditory canal make up the
outer ear. Trauma to the outer ear normally consists of blunt traumas, lacerations,
bites, and penetrating injuries. Blunt trauma can occur if the ear was struck with an
object and in turn cause a hematoma. Cauliflower ear is a common result of blunt
trauma. With these patients the health care providers need to assess the hematoma
periodically to maintain the swelling and keep the bleeding under control in order to
with stain from further complications. Lacerations can occur if the ear were to be cut
or torn. When lacerations occur the health care providers administer an antibacterial
agent topically and question when the patient last received his/her tetanus shot. This
may require a simple dressing, stitches, or tissue loss. If tissue loss does occur it is
important to monitor the site for chondritis (infection of the collagen) secondary to
the trauma. Penetrating injuries can occur from a foreign object entering the lumen of
How To Be Thankful For A Day
There are many things to be grateful for each day. Whenever I fill my heart with
gratitude, the day will become very happy and productive. I realized that the time
when I am not appreciate the things around me,it is also the time I complain the
most.Living in BYU Hawaii has numberless things to be thankful for.
I am really grateful for my current job and the jobs I did in PCC. As students in BYU
Hawaii, we are lucky to have a job to support ourselves, as well as gain working
experiences before graduate. My first year and half, I worked for Food and Beverage
Department in PCC. It was an extremely the best working experiences. I was able to
meet people from different places, and learned how to work as a team. After I
became a Student Lead ... Show more content on ...
Having a temple located beside our campus makes this campus a unique place for
all of us. Each week, there are many faculties and students serving there as a temple
worker. I am so grateful to be one of them.This is a learning opportunity that God
provided for me so that I can learn early. Like temple president s wife says: young
people who serve here is a huge blessing, they do not have to wait till older age. This
serving experiences can help them do better in their future
Paper On Color Blindness
Approximately thirty two million Americans suffer from some degree of color
blindness. For these people, simple tasks may become complicated; such as
matching an outfit or telling the difference of the signals at a traffic light. Many
people do not even know that they have some kind of color blindness. The technical
term is color vision deficiency because colorblindness is usually confused with
seeing the world in black and white. However, there are various forms of color vision
deficiency that keep people from seeing all of the colors that normal eyes may see.
In an article titled Probing Question: What is colorblindness? on the Penn State
website, psychology professor Rick Gilmore explains how and why certain
individuals are kept from seeing the world in full color. He says that there are three
types of cones in the retinathat give us the ability to see color. Each cone is sensitive
to a specific light; red, green, and blue. When one or more of the cones is not there or
has received some sort of damage, some form of color vision deficiency will... Show
more content on ...
In an article called Color Blindness , it says that at the University of Washington and
University of Florida, a type of treatment called gene therapy has cured color
blindness in monkeys. Although this worked on the subjects, this therapy is not
yet considered safe for humans. There are some ways to help people who suffer
from color vision deficiency until a cure is perfected. Special lenses used to
improve color perception are available to the people who could benefit from them in
certain parts of the United States and other countries. These contact lenses and
glasses can be very expensive but very effective. There are online tools that can
identify colors by name to better help the color blind understand what everyone else
sees. Along with the lenses and websites are medications that better the pathway that
order how the cones in the retina
Comparing God And God In Greek Mythology
I had taken a particular liking to Greek mythology when I read a certain book
series. I knew very well about god at the time so despite me liking Greek mythology,
actually believing it never crossed my mind. I will explain the overall difference
between Gods sovereignty and that of Greek fatalism.
If you so happen to be a Christian that knows about Greek mythology, then one thing
stands out the most; there is only one god in Christianity besides there are several
gods in Greek mythology. Zeus (the highest and most powerful god) created all
gods in Greek mythology, as in our god that has been here since the beginning of
time. Zeus is not a loving god. Zeus is more of a figure that plays with puppets in
this huge play room, he s more of an image of power and greatness that wished to
be worshiped at all times. Our God is a loving God that created everything and
controls everything. He has an image of power and love though has a personal
relationship with his followers. ... Show more content on ...
He can produce lightning bolts and alter the weather. Unlike God, Zeus has
weaknesses which basically means he could be defeated. Zeus s two brothers
Poseidon and Hades are also the most powerful gods among most other gods. All
of these gods can sometimes have children called demigods which is a being that
is half God half Man. God only has one child, Jesus. Since Zeus could be defeated,
he is not as almighty and powerful as God. God granted us the ability of free will
while as Zeus and all other Gods can manipulate, control and destroy its people at
will. When you die you would go the three realms, with God there is only heaven or
Symbolism in the poem the Walrus and the Carpenter
Lewis Carroll s The Walrus and the Carpenter could possibly be just a nonsensical
rhyme meant purely for entertainment value. The fact that this is a nonsense poem
inside a nonsense story makes it all the more difficult to decipher a deeper
meaning. Like the author, who had a darker side to him, so too might his work.
Carroll made this statement in a letter to an American friend,I m very much afraid I
didn t mean anything but nonsense. Still, you know, words mean more than we
mean to express when we use them; so a whole book ought to mean a great deal
more than the writer means. So, whatever good meanings are in the book, I m glad to
accept as the meaning of the book. (Shaw)This passage almost defines the
relationship between the author... Show more content on ...
Through his wise years and possible tricks in the past he knows enough not to
budge from the mud. The eldest Oyster looked at him,?But never a word he
said:?The eldest Oyster winked his eye,?And shook his heavy head ?Meaning to
say he did not choose?To leave the oyster bed. (Carroll 37 42 qtd. in Shaw)The
youthful oysters, who have not yet dealt with such persons, agree to venture out
on a jaunt. The trip down the beach symbolizes the blind way the common man
will follow the politician to his eminent demise. The oysters gather and more and
more follow the two leaders down the length of the beach. The Walrus and the
Carpenter lead the oysters a great distance until the oysters are exhausted from the
journey. Stopping on a rock that is conveniently low, the Walrus gathers up his
followers, who stand in neat rows close by, and begins a speech with the most
remembered portion of Carroll s poem. The time has come, the Walrus said,? To
talk of many things:?Of shoes and ships and sealing wax ?Of cabbages and kings
?And why the sea is boiling hot ?And whether pigs have wings. (Carroll 61 66 qtd.
in Shaw)The Walrus s speech is a remark on politicians gathering listeners and
mesmerizing them into thinking that everything they say is pertinent to them when
really it is all nonsense (De Rooy). Oysters do not care about shoes, they do not
even have feet, which Carroll points out in a previous line. Before the walk, the
oysters did make sure that
Persuasive Essay On The Dangers Of Using Drones
Today, people create many kinds of aircrafts for new weapons. Using drones to kill
enemies is safer than using aircrafts because drone pilots can control drones with a
remote control, but aircraft pilots must go to the enemy s place to assassinate them.
Tom Mockaitis explained critics insist that they make it too easy to killfrom a
distance... The famous counter terrorismincident with drones happened when an
unmanned aircraft killed Pakistan s Talibanleader Hakimura Meshud on November
1, 2013 ( Pakistani Taliban ). Many people were pleased by it, but some of them did
not agree with the use of drones to annihilate terrorists. Drones are accurate when
killing the enemies, but aircrafts are dangerous to other people because they are
inaccurate (Mockaitis). Therefore, people can use drones to counter terrorism. On the
other hand, opponents argue that by using drones it is too easy to kill from a
distance. Unmanned aircrafts cause far more civilian casualties than the government
admits (Mockaitis). The government is not mentioning how many civilians died, so
they are angry. People s anger may become the fuel for terrorism. Drones are
expected to be a technology of the future, but the abuse by the government comes
alongside the killing of terrorists. Therefore, there are two different opinions for using
drones, especially, prevention of terrorism with drones. First, the history of unmanned
aerial vehicles is not old. The first unmanned aircraft was known as the target
The Career Of The Legendary Blues Artist Joe Bonamassa
Focussing on the career of the legendary Blues artist Joe Bonamassa, this case
study will explore the differing areas of the music industry and the relationships
between them. Joe s career began at age twelve when he supported BB King in
1989. Since then he has become one of the prolific guitarists on the planet, playing
around 200 shows worldwide every year. For the past two decades Joe s manager
and business partner has been Roy Wiesman. Roy spotted Joe on a television
programme in 1991 and signed him shortly after. The pair attribute their close
relationship as the reason behind Joe s success, with Joe stating that his position in
the industry is solely because of Roy Wiesman and Roy s ability to reinvent what
the music business is, even though at one point it felt as though the entire music
business was against us (JoeBonamassaTV 2013). The role of an artist manager like
Roy is to bring together the aspects required in order to meet the specific criteria set
out by the artist (and if applicable, their record company). Ultimately they handle the
artists business affairs, make sure that projects are running efficiently and most
importantly coordinate the different areas of the industry to ensure that the end goal
is being met. It is paramount that the manager has detailed knowledge about the
industry and in particular the genre, and types of artist associated with said genre
before signing an act. A reputable manager would also be apart of the MMF. In Joe s
The Plot Against People Literary Devices
Many of your favorite authors bring their successful literature to life with the use
of literary devices. For example, in The Book Thief, the author, Markus Zusak
conveyed a story from death s perspective of adversities faced during World War II.
On the other hand, in The Monkey s Paw, author W.W. Jacobs told his audience
about a magical paw that revealed the meaning of fate to the White family. In
another work, The Plot Against People, Russell Baker took a humorous spin on his
frustration of inanimate objects. Although these three authors tell three
completely different narratives, they all used literary devices to enhance their
stories. Some of the most compelling literary devices used in these works include
irony, mood, and personification. By using these literary devices, the authors
effectively convey their purposes. In The Plot Against People, Baker humorously
expressed his frustration at inanimate objects by using literary devices. For
example, he created a humorous mood by using phrases such as ...furnaces,
gloves, and pliers are incredibly stupid (Baker 45 46). Baker mocked objects in
order to further express his frustrations. In addition, he used personification to
persuade readers how objects plot against people. To help illustrate his point, Baker
stated that It is not uncommon for a pair of pliers to climb all the way from the
cellar to the attic in its single minded determination to raise its owner s blood
pressure (27 30). Readers can clearly picture
Online Flower Shop
Introduction to Cyberpreneurship (BEN2019) MR. LIEW TZE HUI Prepared by
Aida Abolhassany (1071118199) Date prepared December 2007 ONLINE FLOWER
SHOP BUSINESS PLAN Table of Content Page Executive Summary 4 The Mission
Statement 5 The Analysis of the Business Environment 5 Description of Products and
Services 5 Analyze the Competition 6 Description of Pricing Strategy... Show more
content on ...
And remain a step ahead of the competition through an exemplary service
provision. The Analysis of the Business Environment Building a business from the
ground up is a real challenge for anyone who is thinking about starting business.
That is why many would be business owners first explore the possibility of finding
a flower shop for sale that is already successful. Even those that may not be the most
successful financially but must sell out for one reason or another can prove to be a
good financial investment to the smart entrepreneur that knows the floristry business.
Updating a place through renovations, contemporary arrangements and fresh
consumer appeal can do wonders in rejuvenating a failing business if a prospective
owner uses smart business tactics. Some prospective business owners, however, have
a dream of owning their own flower shop online that they start from scratch and can
run exclusively according to innovative concepts. Nowadays, development of new
technologies and easy access to internet affected the structure of some businesses in
different ways. The different elements such as cash payment problems, traffic
difficulties, waste in time and energy and etc. made business owners to looking for
some new ways to offer their services and products to the customers in a more
convenience way. Online
Shiloh, By Bobbie Ann Mason
Shiloh , by Bobbie Ann Mason, explores an interesting theme, the distinct parallel
between the surface level of what the events of the story are, and the meaning
underneath. This parallel is seen throughout the story, from the start when Leroy
Moffitt is building craft kits for at first just to pass time, while Norma Jean is
lifting weights and working at a Rexall drugstore for the same reason; To later on
when Norma says she doesn t know what she s talking about and Leroy thinks that
the way to saving his marriage is to come up with a last minute idea. The story
engages the theme of the parallellevels through the unstable marriage of Leroy and
Norma Jean. The theme of this parallel is shown overtly through the images,
descriptions, and characterizations of the log cabins in the story, and of Shiloh.
Interestingly, the characters and the world they live in are stuck on the surface,
shown through how both Leroy and Norma Jean drift on subjects, and through the
names in the story.
Norma Jean and Leroy s marriage shows an insight on the theme in action because
of how their lack of understanding the inner workings of marriage, which causes
them to drift apart and eventually separate. One of the most important things in
marriage is the ability to communicate, but neither of them are able to do so on a
meaningful level. An example of this is when Norma Jean starts to explain why she
wants to leave him, then as she walks away she takes back what she said, adding No,
Pablo Picasso And George Braque
1. Pablo Picasso and George Braque founded cubism in the early 20th century in
Paris. It was an artwork to be considered as the first radical approach in expressing
visual reality. According to Cubist, any perception of an object was a composite of
simultaneous and different perspectives. Cubism tries to help one understand the
world around them in a different way by changing their perspective on a certain
subject. It is an approach of art where a painter takes a real life object and changes
it in a completely different way to the way he or she views it in there mind and how
they perceive it. Cubismused geometric shapes to replace traditional forms. An
example of this type of art form is Picasso s 1907 painting, Les Demoiselles... Show
more content on ...
One of the most famous Surrealists was the Spaniard Salvadore Dali, who subverted
the sense of reality in his painting by using near photographic detail in presenting a
fantastic and irrational world. One of his most famous artworks was the persistence
of memory . It represented that time was fluid. What motivated him to draw this
picture was the Brie cheese that was melting in front of him while he was having a
2. Technological achievements created a second stage of the Industrial Revolution
that transformed the human environment and led people to believe that their
material progress would improve world conditions and solve all human problems.
The invention of electricity was a major new form of energy that proved to be of
great value since it could be easily converted into other forms of energy, such as heat,
light, and motion, and moved relatively effortlessly through space by means of
transmitting wires. In 1910, hydroelectric power stations and coal fired steam
generating plants enabled entire districts to be tied into s ingle power distribution
system that provided a common source of power for homes, shops, and industrial
enterprises. Electricity procreated a whole series of innovative products such as the
incandescent filament lamp. This opened homes and cities to illumination by electric
Essay on Examining the Pathetique Sonata
Examining The Pathetique Sonata At the start of the nineteenth century, the world of
music made a transition from the Classic Period of composition to what is now
known as the Romantic Era. Composers experimented with more expressive and
songlike melodies while pianists developed higher skill levels to match the increased
technical demands of the pieces. One man who embodied this particular transitional
period was Ludwig van Beethoven. Beethoven was one of the first composers to
stray from traditional forms of music and incorporate a broader range of pitch and
dynamics into his compositions. In 1798 Beethoven composed the Sonata No. 8 in C
Minor, which incorporates many romantic elements of music. Often referred to as The
... Show more content on ...
The theme begins quietly in piano, but tension builds as the left hand rumbles back
and forth between octaves. A subtle crescendo eventually leads to a stunning virtuoso
passage that incorporates the use of a cross hand technique and modulates into the
key of E flat major. This key change is carried over throughout the remainder of the
exposition and into the closing, which is typical of the sonata allegro from. What
makes this first movement unique is the fact that the introductory Grave theme is
repeated both at the beginning of the development section and in the coda. This was
not typical of pieces written during the late eighteenth century and proved to be one
of Beethoven s initial experiments with the sonata allegro form. The second
movement of Beethoven s eighth sonata entitled Adagio cantabile is strikingly
different from the fast pace and thundering themes of the first movement. It opens
with eight bars of a beautiful and delicate melody that most people can readily
identify. It is this songlike melody of the second movement that many romantic
composers attempted to emulate in their compositions. After the introduction of this
melody, the movement progresses in a traditional rondo form as new themes are
introduced, and the initial melody is repeated. The initial theme is written in the key
of A flat and is repeated a total of three times during the movement. It is followed the
first time by a theme beginning in the key
The Dehumanization Of Slavery In Beloved, By Toni
Toni Morrison conveys her strong feelings in her novel about slavery depicting the
emotional impact slavery has had on individual mainly the centered character Sethe.
The protagonist of the novel is unable to fully prosper in life due to resentment and
the ability to move on from her past experiences. In Morrison s story, since 1873
slaverywas abolished for ten years in Cincinnati, Ohio. By the author choosing this
setting it had a great impact on the reader like myself. I didn t see her, but a few
times out in the fields and once when she was working indigo. By the time I woke
up in the morning, she was in line (Morrison1). Not being able to sustain a
relationship with others because loved ones were constantly snatched from her
presence, making it impossible for her to acquire a chance to feel loved especially
by her mom. The text Beloved is related to events that occurred during the Civil War
indistinguishable to the 1793 Fugitive Slave Act. Once this act was passed, slave
owners in the south took this opportunity to reclaim any slaves that escaped from
their ownership. When Sethe was enslaved she had experienced the unbelievable
cruelty of slavery.
In particular, the novel explores how slavery dehumanizes the individuals who were
affected by it at the time, treating them as if they were property or animals. Before
Sethe was considered a freed individual she belonged to a slave master, Mr. Garner on
the plantation that was considered home, the Sweet Home Plantation.
Comparison Of Alexander Mcqueen And Marc Jacobs
What do Coco Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Jean Paul Gaultier and Alexander
McQueen have in common? They are designers who have challenged ideas on gender
norms. (Marcangell, pg.1) McQueen fearlessly challenged the conventions of fashion.
Rare among designers, he saw beyond clothing s physical constraints to its conceptual
and imaginative possibilities. (Victoria and Albert Museum, 2015)
Moving into contemporary design, Marc Jacobs, best known for his fashion design
with Louis Vuitton and his own label, Marc Jacobs and Marc by Marc Jacobs who
also brought grunge fashion into the 19th century. (Biography, para. 1)
I am going to be talking about Alexander McQueen and Marc Jacobs, specifically in
the period of the 1990s and what inspired their designs, their methods of designing,
their individual ... Show more content on ...
I used it as my signature label. In the early collections, it was my own hair. (Time
Out, London, 1997)
Whereas, Marc Jacobs is an American fashion designer renowned for his sartorial
interpretations of trends in popular culture, most notably in his grunge collection,
which was credited with launching the grunge look of the 1990s. (Nolen, para. 1)
Working on his approaches, McQueen composed a dark, disturbing mood and
constructed the most outstanding and iconic pieces in his collections. Here, as seen
in so much of McQueen s subsequent work, the themes of sex, death and commerce
intertwined. Going beneath the skin of conventional fashion, McQueen s first
collections explored the taboo area of interiority, going beyond the limitations
between inside and out. (Evans, para.8) The fantasy of exploring and probing the
interior of the body, he actively explored the tropes of abjection in relation to the
female body. As shown in the process of working for his collection, It s a Jungle Out
, he mentioned in an
Cyber Warfare Between The United States And Russia
Drawing from authors like Jason Andress who is an academic teacher and a
professional security expert, the book Cyber Warfare states that The U.S. military
does not have a definition for cyber warfare today (53). While this work was
published in 2014, it is still a fair assessment into today. According to the CCDCOE,
again on their webpage Cyber Definitions, cyber warfare as agreed between The
United Statesand Russia is defined as cyber attacks that are authorized by state actors
against cyber infrastructure in conjunction with government campaign. The two
nations also define cyber attacks in the same agreement to mean an offensive use of a
cyber weapon intended to hard designated target. Finally, the two nations define cyber
... Show more content on ...
Beyond the problem of defining what cyberwarfare is, for all parties involved, comes
the problems of attributing if an attack was state sponsored or not. Crimes performed
by non state actors certainly require a response that is different than those which
other nations were complicit in carrying out. This means cyber space attacks,
which are the basis of cyberwarfare, do not make it easy to determine who the
perpetrators of such attacks are. Even in cases where the trail of breadcrumbs
leads right back to the perpetrators, there are real challenges in many forms to be
dealt with. Challenges like legally charging, apprehending, and holding
accountable those involved in a practical manner. Challenges like determining
rather it was an action under official orders or rogue attacks. Certainly the
anonymity cyberspace provides for actors adds a difficult level to deal with when
facing the challenges of keeping us well prepared against the threat. How do you
stop getting hit in any conflict if you are unsure of who is hitting you? Until the
United States as a whole is more capable of nailing down the ability to track such
information with the ability to prove such findings, there is little to deter those
hostile to the United States from making those challenges hard to be well prepared for.
Another factor worth discussing is the concept of being cyber
Gender Devices In Hills Like White Elephants
After reading both Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway, and The Girls
in Their Summer Dresses by Irwin Shaw, at first glance both stories appear to be
quite different but, these two stories share the same theme: the male female
miscommunication issues. In addition, the reader becomes aware of the similarities
between the two stories which are implied in the setting, conversation, and characters.
The setting of the two stories, is similar in that it presents the gradual sequences of
the plot, and the deterioration of the couple s relationship. In Hills Like White
Elephants , the setting represents a junction in the relationship between the couple:
The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white. On this... Show more
content on ...
Both stories are pictures of significant moments in a relationship. In addition, it is
notable that both stories share the idea of open communication and honesty in order
to have a healthy relationship. Each story unfolds male and female attitudes towards
different issues, as in Hills Like White Elephants towards the unborn child, and in The
Girls in Their Summer Dresses towards looking on other women. Although Jig and
Frances, are two different women facing a conflict, but subsequently they reject their
male partner at the end. In addition, the American and Michael who play the role of
inconsiderate side in the relationship have portrayed masculine control over women.
On the one hand, the reader encounters different relationships, but on the other hand,
both stories lack commitment. Hemingway and Shaw illustrate that both partnerships
based on mutual relationships, sharing and caring for each other can establish strong
and successful
Rights of Juvenile Delinquency Essay
Rights of Juvenile Delinquency couldn t be as fair as it is today without the efforts
made by reformers throughout history. During the late 18th and early century youths
committing crimes has little to no rights given. Children as young as 7 years old can
be put and trialed as an adult even have a chance with the death penalty. These
punishments where so outrageous that even if you spoke against your parents wishes
you will be put in jail. Something needed to be done about these cruel treatments for
a child at such a young age who may or may not know right from wrong. The victims
had the questions, the government had both the power and most importantly the
resolution. It was not only the right but also the responsibility for the people... Show
more content on ...
A prisoner became qualified for release when had obtained the required number
credits which interpreted for good behavior, hard work, and study but they could be
denied or subtracted for misconduct .The mark system symbolized the opposite let the
punishment fit the crime theory of correction and presaged the use of indeterminate
sentences, individualized. treatment,and prarole.All together it emphasized training
and performance as the chief mechanisms of reformation.
Another Penal reformer named Thomas Eddy he advocated moral uplift of blacks, the
poor, and other unfortunates. In 1873 this characteristics Impulse him to have interest
in penal reform which he wanted to put an end to branding, solitary, confinement,
whipping posts, and pillories, Eddy had served on the prison reform commission and
helped Senators like Philip Schulyer and Ambrose Spence to draft the penitentiary
reform bill that became a law in 1796.His penal legislation authorized two state
penitentiaries in Canada and New York City,
John Augustus known as the Father of Probation. He persuaded the Boston Police
Court to release an adult drunkard into his custody rather than sending him to
prison. His efforts at reforming his first were not only successful he convinced the
court to release other offenders under his supervision. His efforts and title did not
come easy because they were resisted by people like the police, court clerks,and etc
who only made money when offenders were incarcerated.
Maya Angelou s Dominant Motif In Phenomenal Woman
Confidence is a very dominant motif in Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou. The
speaker uses parallelism and strong descriptions of herself to portray the fact that
she is confident in her not so perfect body. She proves that anyone can look good no
matter what your body shape is as long as you are confident with yourself. She is
confident at being a womanphenomenally. The speaker s confidencestarts off strong
in the first stanza by telling us Pretty women wonder where my secret lies (line 1).
She s saying that nice looking girls don t know how she has all this bravado and
receives male attention especially when she tells us that she is a bigger woman in
the next line, I m not cute or built to suit a fashion model s size (line 2). She
furthers her confidence by proving to us that she knows the real way to get
attention. The speaker points out seemingly ordinary characteristics of a woman.
She knows that in order to get male attention you just have to be confident that you
re a woman. You have to be a phenomenal woman (line 12). Even when she doesn t
try, all the men are drawn to her. I walk into a room just as cool as you please (lines
14 15). The natural confidence she always has grabs the attention of all... Show more
content on ...
Using these lines also show s her confidence in herself that she knows she is not
perfect and will even point it out to you. It s like saying look, I m an ordinary
woman and I look great being one. The speaker exaggerates, again, the fact that she
doesn t have to try to be noticed by saying I don t shout or jump about or have to
talk real loud. When you see me passing, it ought to make you proud (lines 48 51).
She doesn t try to be modest in the least. She knows she gets everyone s attention and
the fact that she is confident in being an ordinary woman makes her a phenomenal
Factors Of Internal Migration
The movement of people from one place to another for the purpose of taking up a
permanent or semi permanent residence is termed as Migration. People can either
choose to move voluntarily (Voluntary Migration) or may be forced to move
(Involuntary Migration).Internal Migration is the process of movement within a
state or country, or a continent. The 2001 Census defined a migrant as anyone
who lives in a place that is different from their birth place or from their last place of
residence. External Migration is the movement to a different state or a country, or
to a continent. Emigration is the leasing of one country to move to another
country. Immigration is the process of moving into a new country. Population
Transfer happens when a government tries to force a large group of people to
move out of a region and this is can also be called as the involuntary migration.
Impelled Migration happens when individuals leave because of unfavourable
conditions such as warfare, religious persecution or political problems. People
migrate for a lot of reasons. The two main factors which contribute to migration
include Push Factors which are the reasons for leaving a place due to difficulties
like war, food shortage, flood and the like. The Pull Factors that are the reasons for
moving to a place due to the availability of factors like a better food supply,
freedom, nicer climate and the like. The people moving into a certain place from
another within a nation can also be termed as
Technical Report On The Hepatitis C Virus Rna
Personal Electronics, Clothing, And Vacation Destination
1.Consider the last purchase you made in these categories: personal electronics,
clothing, and vacation destination. To what extent was your purchase decision
influenced by decision making complexity, individual influences, social
influences, and situational influences? What specific issues were the most
influential in making the decision? How could a marketer have swayed your
decision in each case? When making majority of my purchases I do research on
the item and analyze all the reviews that are left from customers that have already
purchased the item. The last personal electronic that I purchased was my Apple
MacBook. The decision making complexity was not a major issue when making
this purchase. I have owned many laptops and they all seemed to have last for
about three to four years. My wife has owned her MacBook for almost ten years
and has never had an issue. I knew I was going to buy a MacBook and all the
different specs that I could choose from never really made a difference. The
individual influence from my wife played a major role in this purchase. She has
never had any problems with her MacBook and pushed that I make the same
purchase for my next computer. The social influence was not a major factor in the
decision to make the purchase as many of my friends did not own a MacBook. The
situational influence played two major factors against the purchase of the MacBook.
The software that a MacBook uses is different from Windows that majority of
computers use.
Gary Gilmore In The Executioner s Song
In the book The Executioner s Song, we follow the life of Gary Gilmore as written
by Norman Mailer. Mailer describes Gary s childhood throughout the book as a
very rough living, followed by Gary finding himself practically living his adult life
in a series of institutions for bad behavior ( mostly burglary). During the course of
his young adult life, Gary s cousin, Brenda, and he had been writing letters back
and forth, and eventually Gary is taken for parole in by his cousin s parents.
Quickly the family becomes worn out from Gary s rough personality traits. He
drinks too much, borrows a lot of money, asks a lot of favors, and doesn t give much
in return. He has an almost violent behavior and everyone quickly learns to try to pass
... Show more content on ...
The truth of the matter is, however, that Gary was a psychopath and was headed
down a bad road. Despite his cousin s hope for a good Mormon caring town to be
rehabilitating for this stone cold criminal, Gary Gilmore was only getting worse. And
despite Gary being such a rough character and admitting to the killing of the two
young Mormon men, Nicole couldn t stop her love for Gary and wrote to him often.
Being charged with the murder of Ben Bushnell (the stronger of the two cases), and
having an incredibly weak defense between Gary Gilmore having shot himself
with the same gun and having a trail of blood, an eye witness, and his own family
(Brenda) turn him into the police, Gary Gilmore soon admits to the killings and
claimed an insanity defense as an excuse (this is an excuse rather than a
justification because he is admitting that the act was wrong, however he has an
explanation for it happening, such as mental illness. A justification is an act that
could be thought to be justified). This defense however does not stick as four
psychiatrists said Gary (although had mental problems that I ll mention again
shortly) was aware of what he was doing and he was aware that those actions were
wrong, making him ineligible for that defense, vanquishing his hope for a lesser
charge (such as second degree). However, because of the felony murder rule (because
he was committing a felony during the course of the murder), premeditation, and
malice (the will to do
Acc 206 Essay
ACC 206 Week 3 Assignment: Chapter 4 and 5 Problems
Please complete the following 7 exercises below in either Excel or a word document
(but must be single document). You must show your work where appropriate (leaving
the calculations within Excel cells is acceptable). Save the document, and submit it in
the appropriate week using the Assignment Submission button.
Chapter 4 Exercise 7 7. Overhead application: Working backward The Towson
Manufacturing Corporation applies overhead on the basis of machine hours. The
following divisional information is presented for your review: |Division A |Division
B | |Actual machine hours |22,500 |? | |Estimated machine hours |20,000 |? |
|Overhead application ... Show more content on ...
Break even and other CVP relationships Cedars Hospital has average revenue of $180
per patient day. Variable costsare $45 per patient day; fixed costs total $4,320,000 per
How many patient days does the hospital need to break even? 4,320,000
What level of revenue is needed to earn a target income of $540,000?
If variable costs drop to $36 per patient day, what increase in fixed costs can be
tolerated without changing the break even point as determined in part (a)? $45
$36=$9.00 increase
Chapter 5 Problem 6 6. Direct and absorption costing The information that follows
pertains to Consumer Products for the year ended December 31, 20X6. Inventory,
1/1/X6 |24,000 units | |Units manufactured |80,000 | |Units sold |82,000 |
|Inventory, 12/31/X6 |22,000 units | |Manufacturing costs: | |Direct materials |$3
per unit | |Direct labor |$5 per unit | |Variable factory overhead |$9 per unit | |Fixed
factory overhead |$280,000 | |Selling administrative expenses: | |Variable |$2 per unit
| |Fixed |$136,000 | | The unit selling price is $26. Assume that costs have been stable
in recent years.
Compute the number of units in the ending inventory.
Calculate the cost of a unit assuming use of:
Direct costing. 280000/9.00= 31.00 per unit
Absorption costing. Inventory
Christopher Wren Contributions
Christopher Wren s advancements during his time were some of the best and well
known. He furthered science and technology as a professor and helped rebuild the
lives of many through his architecture. Even with his being sick all the time he still
was able to help and contribute. Wren s many achievements and discoveries as well
as his contribution to the London fire lead him to being remembered in history and
influenced other scientists along the way. Christopher Wrens architecture was greatly
influenced by the architecture before him. Medieval and baroque architecture
especially. Baroque architecture is tall arches long hallways and grand entrances and
rooms. Almost everything is covered in gold and intricate designs. There are often
mirrors and windows lining the walls. At the entrance there are usually roman
columns. Art and tapestries cover everything as well. Every the entire building is
symmetrical making it look visually pleasing. The medieval architecture had tall
arches and spires throughout the building. The spires were tall symbolizing to look to
God not the world. These attributes among others influenced Wren s designs. In fact
wren said, The secret of architectural excellence is to translate the proportions of a
dachshund into bricks, mortar and marble. (Geraghty 2).
Christopher Wren was born October 20,1632, in East Knoyle, United Kingdom.
Wren s mother was Mary Cox, and his father was Christopher Wren senior.
Christopher Wren Jr. was married to Jane
Worksheet On Allison s Disease
3. All of Allison s eggs will carry the X chromosome and 50% of Allison s egg cells
will carry the recessive allele (hexa).
4.a. There is a 25% chance that Allison and Tim will have a baby boy who is
heterozygous for Tay Sachs.
b. No, the baby boy will not have Tay Sachs he will be a carrier for the disease. The
boy would only have the disease if he was homozygous recessive.
| X| Y| X| XX| XY| X| XX| XY|
1:21:2 | T| t| T| TT| Tt| t| Tt| tt|
2X2=4 1:4= 25%
5. a. Yes, there is a 50% chance that the young woman will develop FFI disease.
| f| f| F| Ff| Ff| f| ff| ff| This Punnett square shows that there is a 50% chance that the
young woman will have ... Show more content on ...
8. An allele can produce a protein in a very specific step by step manor. The whole
process starts with transcription. Transcription starts in the nucleus. Transcription is
the process of how RNA is created from a DNA template with the help of RNA
polymerase. mRNA is a complimentary stand to the DNA template. This is a
messenger to carry the information stored in the DNA in the nucleus out into the
cytoplasm and to ribosomes on the ER. mRNA has to go through processing
before it is able to pass through the membrane of the nucleus. The mRNA has a
methylated cap added to the 5 end and the poly A tail is added to the 3 end. Then
there are certain sequences in the mRNA that are useless and are spliced out, these
are called introns, the sequences of information that is important are called exons
they are put together. On the mRNA each three bases in a row are called a codon.
Each codon is specific to a certain amino acid. Translation occurs in the cytoplasm
at the ribosomes, this is the process of how information from mRNA is used to
synthesize a polypeptide. The codons on the mRNA have a matching
complimentary anticodon on the tRNA molecules. A tRNA molecule is small and
only can bind to one specific amino acid amino acid at one end and one specific
mRNA codon at the other end. Protein folding is when the alpha helices and beta
sheets fold on to itself to form a 3D shape. The dominant XPA allele is present all of
this normally occurs in a human. All the
How Effectively Did Tudor Governments Deal with
How effectively did Tudor governments deal with rebellion in England and Ireland?
Tudor governments were relatively successful in dealing with the problem of
rebellion, although this was more effective towards the end of the period than at the
beginning shown through the decline in rebellion after 1549: only 5 English
rebellions occurred as opposed to 10 before 1549. Over the course of the Tudor period
the main aims of rebellions were only fully achieved in the rebellions of 1525, the
Amicable Grant and 1553. In addition to this the reforms made to local government,
policies directly implemented by central government and the effects of trials and
retribution, such as Henry VII s concessions made to the late 15th century pretenders,
Lambert ... Show more content on ...
In Ireland, rival clan chiefs were offered rewards, pardons and promises in return
for helping to maintain English rule, Elizabeth in particular in 1558 for example,
invited rebel leader Shane O Neill to London where she recognised him as Earl of
Tyrone. A similar policy of conciliatory politics can be observed under Edward VI
and Henry VIII, who in response to the Pilgrimage of Grace sent the Duke of
Northumberland to bargain with rebel leaders; Robert Aske was even invited to
the palace and treated with dignity on Christmas day 1536. Protector Somerset,
operating on Edward s behalf, sent Peter Carew to persude the Prayer Book rebels
to disperse in 1549, arguably with lesser success considering his heavy protestant
agenda, conciliatory politics is also shown to be used to lesser success through
Henry VII s decision to replace members of the leading clan, the Geraldines, with
loyal English officials actually resulted in increased disorder from 1534 1603 and
attempts by rival Irish clans to seize power.
Concessions were generally made to rebels were largely a strategy used to buy time
to assemble troops to suppress rebellions in Tudor England. However some lasting
concessions made by Tudor governments
The Private Eye By Brian K. Vaughan
In the graphic novel, The Private Eye, by Brian K. Vaughan, Marcos Martin, and
Munsta Vicente, a society is depicted where people do not use advanced
technology. In an event known as the cloudburst , a whole society has their
personal information revealed. Due to the horrors of having no privacy, the people
went into hiding for protection. Since the leaks of information came from using
advanced technology, the people also decided to no longer use this type of
material. This type of technology uses the Internet, which was also destroyed for
personal safety. Now the people live in a society where libraries and books serve as
forms of information. Due to the fact that the people did not have access to the
Internet, they actually became more... Show more content on ...
One of the side effects of technology is how all information is eventually scrambled
and means something incredibly different than the original idea. Comparatively,
Telephone , a popular children s game, is where a child makes up a sentence and the
sentence is passed by word of mouth in a circle. Once the sentence is back to the
beginning, the children often laugh at how different the sentence is from the original.
This is exactly what the advanced technology does. In the process of trying to
understand the original message, advanced technology can make everything out to be
a lot worse than it actually is. What once was an inspiring story about how to grow a
vegetable can turn into a story about animal rights. With technology, information is
moved around a lot faster, meaning there is a higher chance that something will be
misunderstood in the middle. Everything that is put through technology is changed
and altered. Correspondingly, a techno pessimist believes that people should solve
problems, They do not have faith in technological fixes to solve social problems,
instead emphasizing moral or political solutions (Techno optimism versus Techno
pessimism). A techno pessimist believes that problems should not be solved by
technology. Technology will always use logical problem solving techniques. Humans
will always include emotional connection to create solutions. Technology may miss
vital information that only the human heart can process and find
Queen Cecily s Leadership Style
A high stone ceiling etched with fine silver filagree arched above the cavernous
throne room. Below this, dark marble floors were polished until their inky surfaces
shone like glass. The walls were intersected by evenly spaced archways leading to
doorways which, in turn, led to various other parts of the castle. A carpet of
bloodred velvet stretched the length of the hall, leading from the massive, ebony
doors at one end to the high backed throne at the other end. The person sitting in this
throne, however, looked out of place. One would expect a regal figure with striking
features, perhaps resplendent in intricate robes and a heavy crown wrought with gold
and fine gems. Instead, Queen Cecily, a plain looking, twelve year old girl, sat
hunched in the straight backed chair, not... Show more content on ...
Since Queen Cecily had been a very small child when she had ascended the throne,
the Chancellor had been tasked with directing the Queendom until she became an
adult. He, of course, had no intention of handing over the role of supreme leader
anytime soon, and was planning on ruling for the rest of his life, using the Queen as a
puppet to direct as he pleased. Queen Cecily didn t mind in the slightest that she
had no say in how her Queendom was run; politics bored her. In fact, she was quite
happy to go along with whatever Thanos said, seeing as he was handsome,
charming, and gave her his undivided attention and affection. The woman
straightened, brushing her long, dark hair away from her face to reveal a smooth,
alabaster complexion and a set of piercing green and gold eyes. She smiled,
although the smile never touched her eyes. They remained cold and calculating, like
the eyes of a predator. Indeed they were the eyes of a predator; the woman was a
Witch, the most talented, and cold blooded, Witch in the Queendom, second only to
Queen Cecily and the Chancellor
Mega Event Essay
Evolution of the Modern Sporting Mega Event
The modern sporting mega event (Olympics, World Cup, Commonwealth Games
etc.) was motivated by a commitment to educational reform, especially physical
education, by the European capitalist and aristocratic elites in order to establish
domestic equilibrium among the social classes, and to be prepared physically for
future wars. The International Olympic Committee and the FГ©dГ©ration
Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) were formed in 1894 and 1904
respectively with these similar ideals. The promotion of national pride through
international competition was at the forefront of both of these organizations and were
a direct cause of creating the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 and the first World
Cup in 1930. As sporting mega events have evolved over the course of the 20th and
21st centuries, it is clear that these ideals have shifted. Since the inception of the
mega event the tides of globalization and the allure of capitalist gains have tainted the
once pure concept of international competition and made the events into the corrupt,
profit hounding spectacles they are today. In order to examine the landscape of the
modern sporting mega event, it is first necessary to track the evolution of the
governing bodies that control these events (IOC and FIFA) and see how they went
from their humble beginnings to their larger than life status they hold today.
The largest event in the history in the world has been and will always be
Super Pig Stops Bank Robbery
Super Pig Stops Bank Robbery Friday afternoon, a bank robbery occurred on West
Elm Street. 3 criminals who the police would not like to give out any names were
robbing a bank. When they entered the bank they each held up a gun and demanded
as much money they could put in their bags. A panicked customer in the bank called
the authorities. When the authorities were alerted they immediately called Super Pig
and his side kick The Farmer. Right as the robbers were loading the money into
their bags the door bursts open and in comes Super Pig and The Farmer. When they
saw the crime being committed Super Pig makes a loud supersonic Oink and knocks
the robbers down to the ground. Then as quickly as a cheetah on steroids, The Farmer
Wuthering Heights
Angel and Tess: A Romance Fit For the Books?
Romeo and Juliet, Antony and Cleopatra, Napolean and Josephine. Throughout
society s entire existence, we have known almost innately that these couples belong
together, and yet fate intervened to deal their relationship a tragic blow. Yet readers
persist on viewing these couples as the most passionate of all times. What makes
them so unique? What makes them so compatible? What makes everyone see them
as half of a whole instead of two? These couples proved to society that they belonged
together, no matter what circumstances they faced . They possessed True Love, the
rare gift that makes a relationship last, amidst outer turmoil. In the novel, Tess of the
D Ubervilles, by Thomas Hardy, ... Show more content on ...
Hardy writes, Her face was dry and pale as if she regarded herself in the light of a
murderess. (29) Tess was the only one who realized what the absence of a horse
would mean to the family s welfare, and therefore, felt guilty. However, Angel Clare
finds problems like these somewhat unfathomable. His wealth and social class has
not allowed him to experience such situations as Tess. Once again, differences such
as these break the ties of the unification of true love.
Tess, unlike Angel, was taken advantage of. In different stages of her life, she is used
in more ways than one. Angel never was, and could not understand to what extent
Tess s trauma has been stretched to. Tess is taken advantage of both knowingly, and
unwittingly. Her mother did not realize that she was using her daughter. Joan
Durbeyfield is just an extravagant impractical woman who meant no harm. She,
too, wants the best for her family, but she goes about the wrong way of doing it.
She even triumphantly points out, And if he don t marry her afore, he will after.
(47) Joan, heedlessly, plans on Alec and Tess marrying, barely realizing that that is
the last thing Tess wants. Joan just wants Tess to marry into money. Tess is also
taken advantage of in a much more serious way. Why it was upon this beautiful
feminine tissue, sensitive, as gossamer, and practically blank as snow as yet, there
should have been traced such a coarse pattern as it was doomed to receive. (71)
While Tess was
Is Hemophilia A Possible Cause Of Unexpected Bleeding...
Hemophilia is a possible cause of unexpected bleeding during surgery. This paper will
discuss important topics related to hemophilia, including pathology, risk factors, signs
and symptoms, and treatment.
Anatomy and Physiology of Hemostasis
Hemostasis is the process whereby blood coagulates at the site of an injury to a blood
vessel. Cellular components involved in hemostasis include platelets, endothelial
cells of blood vessels, tissue factor bearing cells, and coagulation factors (Davoren
Wang, 2014). Coagulation factors are specialized plasma proteins that circulate in
the bloodstream in inactive forms. Most coagulation factors are activated by
enzymes that catalyze their conversion to active forms. The active forms then
contribute to hemostasis. Factors VIII (FVIII) and IX (FIX) are the factors involved
in the most common forms of hemophilia. The coagulation cascade has many steps
and reciprocal interactions; however, FVIII and FIX are most involved with the
following steps:
Injured blood vessel cells release tissue factor (TF), which activates factor VII.
Activated factor VII (FVIIa) and TF bind together to form complex TF VIIa.
Complex TF VIIa activates FIX and X.
Activated factor X converts prothrombin to thrombin.
Thrombin activates factors VIII, V, and XI.
Activated FVIII and FIX also convert prothrombin to thrombin (Davoren Wang,
There are other coagulation factors, enzymes, and steps involved in the coagulation
cascade. As
Role Of God In Iberian Conflict
God as an Observer to Iberian Conflict Throughout the accounts of war in Iberia,
both Christians and Muslims alike call upon God to grant them favor, strength, and
protection as they charge into battle. Where they differ on the subject is typically
ingrained in the belief that only one form of worship is correct for the monotheistic
deity, and in doing so use Gods invocation to justify the Christian and Muslim
invasions. However, God himself does not intervene with the conflicts, but rather
plays a role as an observer to the conflict whose name continues to be mentioned
despite his lack of contributions to said wars. In this paper I will argue that God is an
omnipotent observer to the Iberian conflicts between Christians and Muslims, in
which... Show more content on ...
For example, during the Umayyad campaigns when territories were taken by the
Muslims it s described that Castles and fortresses quaked as though death had rushed
upon them, [...] / their hearts, publicly recognizing obedience, unanimously agreed to
join the Islamic community, which suggests that the military conquest was the
reason for the conversion, not God as the Muslims believed (The First Campaign
Undertaken by the Prince of the Faithful, 80 82). Because the denizens of the lands
converted, they were spared from further death and destruction, and so it begs the
question: if God was going to have them convert at the end of the battle, why would
he not have them convert before innocents were killed? Therefore, it seems that God
once again is merely observing the developments as the Umayyad Caliphate expands,
and he has no particular favor with Islam or Christianity because if he did he probably
would have shown a sign to either religion or saved them from death. In the same
way, El Cid justifies his conquests by declaring that I win battles as it pleases the
Creator, and both Moors and Christians fear me, which suggests that God favors no
side in the conflict as he allows El Cid to plunder the countryside of its wealth (Cid,
153). This also establishes that God observes El Cid s conquests and victories, does
nothing when his followers The Moors called on Muhammad
Analysis Of Beth Johnson s Bombs Bursting Into Air
Background Born in 1956, Beth Johnson is a mother of three and the author of
multiple dominant pieces such as Facing Addiction (2006) and Surviving Abuse
(2006). She lives in Lederach, Pennsylvania and her occupations include writing,
freelance editor, and college professor. Johnson graduated from Goshen College and
Syracuse University. Her writingmainly focuses on encouraging readers to
accomplish their personal goals as well as college texts such as Everyday Heroes
Bombs bursting in air. They can blind us, like fireworks at the moment of
explosion. If we close our eyes and turn away, all we see is the fiery image. But if
we have the courage to keep our eyes open and welcoming, even bombs finally fade
against the vastness of the starry sky (15). Bombs Bursting in Air begins with the
narrator talking about her son s game and her daughter acting silly while singing the
national anthem. More specifically, the line Bombs bursting in air. The author gives
the word bombs a whole new definition in this essay. Rather than meaning an
explosive weapon often used in war, Johnson refers to the difficult obstacles
people face everyday. The more one risks a person takes results in more of life s
destructible bombs. These obstacles explode unexpectedly, and that is exactly what
happened to Shannon. Shannon is five years old and is the author s daughter s best
friend. Doctors found a brain tumor when she went to get an x ray for a sledding
accident. After
Sophocles Oedipus the King
People can be blinded by the truth. In the play, Oedipus the King, there are many
references to blindness and sight throughout. Certain characters have physically
limited blindness such as the prophet Teiresias, but have the ability to see the truth.
While other characters such as Oedipus, have perfect vision, but they re blind to the
truth. In the play, sight is used to represent knowledge. An example would be how
prophets or seers, can see the truth behind what is really going on. Throughout the
play, Oedipusis blind to everything that alludes to his downfall despite being pretty
obvious. The underlying question in the play is if one can alter his fate. Sophocles
uses sight and blindness to answer this question by showing that being blind or
having sight can alter one s fate.
When Oedipus is blind from the truth, he is safe from his destiny. He is safe
because if he doesn t know anything about the prophecy, it won t come true in a
way. He believed his biological parents to be the King and Queen of Corinth. So
when he killed King Laius, it would have been just a random person to him and not
his real father. But once he learns of the prophecy, this is when the actual prophecy
unfolds. He flees Corinth because of what the oracle said to him. Thus setting in
motion the events of the play. If Oedipus was never made aware of the truth, then he
could have remained blissfully ignorant and may have not fulfilled the prophecy.
If Oedipus, on the other hand was made
The Unknown World of Web Design Essay
Hundreds of thousands of people surf the internet every day visiting web sites like
Facebook and Twitter. Though millions of web sites are all similar in a way, the
average person overlooks the similarities. They are oblivious to an entire language
that is so complex that it can be used to create the most beautiful and simple
creations on the web. This language is used to create Facebook, Twitter, Google, and
even your everyday blog. In order to understand this language fully one must spend
countless hours behind a computer screen working through problems, going thought
books, as well as looking though others work to see how they solved problems. This
evolutionary language is known by today s computer scientist as hypertext markup...
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HTML was used to create web pages all over the internet making it into what it is
today. It was not long after HTML was created that it was questioned as to whether
or not it was advanced enough to keep up with the rapid advancement of the internet.
This lead to closing the development on HTML by the World Wide WebConsortium
or W3C in 1998. After the closing of development on HTML in 1998 the W3C began
to work on a new project to replace HTML known as extensible hypertext markup
language or XHTML. XHTML was used in the same way as HTML and was very
similar. XHTML was designed to allow for more flexibility with design and lead the
world into the 21 century with web design. All of the promises of XHTML were
broken as the computer world put down XHTML and refused to show support for the
new computer language. XHTML was mostly criticized for not being very forgivable
in the way HTML was. If a couple lines were off in HTML the web pagewould
generate without the content associated with the error or even figure out what the
programmer was trying to say. This allowed for programmers to see exactly what
was wrong without allowing for the average person to tell. XHTML was not
forgivable and would not generate any content if a single line was wrong. This
frustrated programmers as it cost them countless hours looking through lines and
lines looking for that one error that was causing the whole page not to load. Not only
did XHTML make
Vulnerability And Risk Of Poor Health
INTRODUCTION Everyone is potentially vulnerable at some point over the extent
of one s lifetime. More specifically, everyone is potentially at risk of poor physical,
psychological, or social health. The word vulnerable is defined by the Merrian
Webster s Dictionary as capable of being physically wounded or open to attack or
damage . Commonly, the word vulnerability indicates one s susceptibility to health
problems, harm or neglect. Some however, maybe more or less susceptible or at
risk of poor health at different times in their lives, while certain individuals and
communities are more likely to be at risk than others at any given point in time
(Aday, 1994). Thus, vulnerable populations may be defined as social groups with an
increased susceptibility to adverse health outcomes (Flaskerud Winslow, 1998). A
fundamental component to the definition of vulnerability is the concept of risk, or
the relative probability that an individual may become ill within a given period of
time (Aday, 1994). Community and individual characteristics are risk factors
predictive of the incidence of vulnerability. Risk factors, for example smoking or lead
exposure, are attributes that are related to increases in the probability of occurrence
of health related outcomes (Aday, 1998). Evidence of differences in vulnerability or
increased risk, which lead to negative health outcomes include: premature mortality,
comparative morbidity, decreased functional and mental status, decreased ability to
What Will Happen After The War On Drugs
Drugs first surfaced in the United States in the 1800s. After the Civil War opium
become very popular and was used medicinally. Following opium was cocaine
which was also used as a health remedy but near the end of the 19th century opium
and cocaine abuse peaked and local governments began to prohibit opium dens and
importation. In 1914 the first federal drug policy, the Harrison Narcotics act, is
passed and drugs are no longer seen as harmless remedies. The act aggressively
regulated the manufacturing of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and morphine. During the
50 s more federal drug policies were passed and drugs began to become more
criminalized. The 60 s saw a rise in counter culture and substances such as
marijuana and LSD saw widespread use. The demand for drugs skyrocketed in the
1960s. In 1971 President Nixon declared drug abuse America s number one enemy
and proclaimed that we must wave a all out offensive. After President Nixon
declared the War on Drugs in 1971, the United States has spent more than a trillion
dollars on this failing policy that not only has had no effect on the amount of drugs
being used in the United States and has increased the number of people incarcerated
on drug charges from just 50,000 to over half a million, but also has helped fuel drug
cartels and foment violence and death through overdoses from uncontrolled drug
potency and turf wars between street gangs.
The War on Drugs has an annual cost of $51 billion( Drug War Statistics. Drug Policy.
Essay about Experiential and Constructivist Learning
Experiential and Constructivist Learning Experiential approach to learning can be
an extremely effective form of learning, especially for adults. Confucius said Tell
me, and I will forget. Show me and I may remember and that saying still applies to
today as many adults learn better by experience than they do by the traditional chalk
and talk (Conlan, Grabowski Smith, 2012). The following essay will discuss how to
utilize experiential learningin a heavy equipment construction company. It will
illustrate how to facilitate student employee learning by doing.
Ideas, Skills and Student Outcomes Learning to operate heavy equipment, or in this
case a font end loader, is no straightforward task. It is a skilled trade and takes many
... Show more content on ...
It is a widely acknowledged fact in the industry that the organization will lose money
on its employee for the first one to two years, if the employee has no previous
The Experiential Learning Cycle The first part of the five part experiential
learning cycle is the experiencing (Evans, 2006). The first part of this plan would
be to have the student observe the equipment being operated by experience
operators. Sometimes it is helpful to have them observe and interact with operators
for an eight hour shift so they can get an idea of the job being done. One of the
issues teachers run into with adult students associated with this learning style is
scheduling conflict, however because the student is an employee this is not an
issue; the student will be paid to observe in this situation (Answers Corporation,
2013). The next aspect of this would be to let the student actually operate a piece of
equipment and allow them see how the controls are laid out and what the controls
do. This will enable them to have a better understand of how to move the equipment
and ultimately the dirt. The second part to the experiential learning cycle is the
sharing of observations (Evans, 2006). This is a critical aspect when teaching
someone how to operate a 35,000 pound machine. It is imperative for someone to be
comfortable with operating a big machine and by sharing their observations or
concerns. This will enable management to have a enhanced understanding as to what
The Ripple Effect By Mrs. Jones
The Ripple effect, the ripple effect is about one good deed rippling out and making
other good deeds. That is basically what this is, when you think about it it is
actually true. In the story there are so many examples of a small action making a
big change. One of those actions are when Mrs. Jones doesn t call the cops and
instead takes Roger back to her house. This is like the ripple effect because if she
called the police and got taken in then he wouldn t be given a change, Roger knows
that he can do good but if he got taken to jail then he would think that he was bad
because everyone is saying he is bad but instead Mrs.Jones gave him a chance and it
helped him realize that he shouldn t do bad deeds and then maybe roger can teach
other people
The Impacts Of Osama Bin Laden
III.These are the impacts of Bin Laden s death.
The death of Osama bin Laden by American forces signifies a symbolic victory on
the war on terror movement. Bin Laden is the first leader and forefather of Al
Qaeda terrorist movement that is based on extreme Islamic beliefs to execute
political and religious purposes. Many Americans applauded as justice was served to
the man who planned the attacks of 9/11, which slayed thousands of innocent
Americans almost fifteen years ago. Many people decided to celebrate the
declaration of Osama bin Laden s death by waving American flags and singing God
Bless America as the news coverage of his killing appeared throughout the media.
However, this celebration caused skirmish between those who thought it was right
to celebrate a murder, and those who believed in exultation at the end of the war.
In the article Why We Celebrate a Killing , the author exposed his ideas of why it
was constructive to rejoice Osama bin Laden s death as it united a diverse
population, allowed for closure to those affected and increased pride in the American
government. He also touched upon a few reasons ... Show more content on ...
The article The Aftershocks of bin Laden discusses that in war, the issue of morale
is critical. To break the enemy is to break his morale. The killing of Osama bin
Laden by U.S. Special Operations forces in a firefight north of the Pakistani capital
of Islamabad delivered a pivotal boost to American morale and a blow to the morale
of al Qaeda, with repercussions that are being felt worldwide. Bin Laden did not
mysteriously fade into oblivion, simply never to be heard from again, fueling
conjecture about his fate, and thus giving hope to the radicalized Sunni Muslim
faithful; nor did he die a natural death. He was hunted down and killed. This fact
cannot be overestimated. The following number among the salutary
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  • 1. Essay Energy Crisis Writing an essay on the subject of "Energy Crisis" can be quite challenging due to the complexity and multifaceted nature of the topic. The energy crisis encompasses a wide range of issues, including the depletion of natural resources, environmental concerns, geopolitical implications, technological advancements, and the socio-economic impact on global communities. Addressing all these aspects requires in-depth research, critical analysis, and a comprehensive understanding of various disciplines such as economics, environmental science, and international relations. One of the difficulties lies in striking a balance between providing a detailed overview of the global energy crisis and maintaining a focused and coherent argument. The essay needs to explore the causes and consequences of the energy crisis while considering the perspectives of different stakeholders, including governments, industries, and the general public. Crafting a well-structured and logically sequenced essay requires meticulous planning to ensure a smooth flow of ideas and a clear presentation of facts. Moreover, staying updated with the latest developments in the field is crucial, as the energy crisis is a dynamic and evolving issue. New technologies, policy changes, and environmental considerations continually shape the landscape of energy production and consumption. Therefore, the writer must be vigilant in incorporating the most recent information and perspectives to present a comprehensive and relevant analysis. Furthermore, the essay should strive to engage the reader by offering innovative solutions or proposing a thoughtful perspective on how society can address the energy crisis. This involves creative thinking, a deep understanding of sustainable practices, and an ability to foresee potential challenges and opportunities in the future of energy. In conclusion, writing an essay on the energy crisis demands a significant investment of time, effort, and intellectual resources. It requires a synthesis of information from various disciplines, a critical analysis of complex issues, and the ability to communicate ideas effectively. As challenging as it may be, delving into this crucial topic allows for a deeper understanding of the pressing challenges facing our world today. For those seeking assistance with essays or exploring related topics, various resources are available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on platforms like, offering support to individuals navigating the complexities of academic writing. Essay Energy CrisisEssay Energy Crisis
  • 2. The Qualities Of A Good Leader John Wooden was a visionary leader and undoubtedly one of the greatest coaches in history. Full of anecdotes from past experiences, Wooden on Leadership details the leadership strategies of Wooden. This personal account makes it clear that it wasn t winning games that made him a model leader; it was ensuring that, regardless of the final score, his players grew and put forth their utmost effort. His philosophy regarding leadershipnot only applies to sports, but to life as well. Wooden viewed the concept of leadership as a learning experience that is constantly changing within the boundaries of a core set of values; and he displayed leadership techniques that modeled these views. In Wooden s eyes, knowledge of material is not enough to ... Show more content on ... In order to attract those with unfaltering character Wooden made sure to advertise the values he stood for through his actions. By displaying a clear set of values Wooden believed that he would attract players with similar values. In simpler terms, he said, good values are like a magnet they attract good people (68). Wooden believed that character and values were the key to successful leadership and to his teams accomplishments in basketball. Tying together woodens views on the concepts of teaching and values he said, When it comes to character and values you don t need to become a preacher, just an effective teacher who understand the power of setting a good example, especially when it comes to standards and values (74). A few of the values that Wooden prized are team unity, discipline, and organization. Each of these values influenced his various leadership strategies. Relating to the importance of teamwork, Wooden said, a leader must accomplish the difficult task of getting the team to believe that we supersedes me (119). Although Wooden knew it was a difficult task to overcome a me first mentality, he had a specific way of countering this natural instinct. He believed the only way to do so was to teach each member of the group how she or he contribute to the organization (120). Wooden made sure that each of his players felt equally valued and led them to comprehend how their individual skills and effort
  • 3. Life In Trenches What was life in the trenches like? This is a question you might ask yourself after learning more about WW1 and its exploits. Soldiers did not have an easy life to live in the trenches and everyday just grew harder. Trenches are basically long narrow ditches that were dug by soldiers for shelter from enemy fire. Back in WW1, the trenches became a place where soldiers would live and sleep with poor living conditions. The way the trenches in WW1 were set up was with the German trenches on one side and all the Allied trenches on the other. Between the two enemy trenches would be no man s land which didn t belong to either one of the armies. Some soldiers would climb out of the trenches and charge across no man s land to attack the enemy. This tactic is known as going over the top . Back then, soldiers often wouldn t sleep and when they found the time to it ... Show more content on ... This makes sense considering soldiers were living in basically tunnels with no toilets or other necessities. Trenches were described as cold, muddy and smelly. If soldiers wanted to use the bathroom they would have to dig holes and those toilets would sometimes overflow into the trenches. Soldiers would also have to live in the trenches alongside multiple rats carrying diseases. Rat infestation was a huge problem in the trenches as they would feed on the soldier s food and chew up their clothing. They were two types of rats in the trenches, the black and brown rat. Both of these rats were hated however, the brown rats were particularly feared. This was because brown rats were often seen devouring human remains in a grotesque manner by eating their eyes and liver. Soldiers often said that the rats could grow to be as big as a cat. They tried to get rid of these rats with methods such as gunfire, dogs, using bayonets and battering them to death. But no matter how much they tried, the rats would still come back and continue to wreck
  • 4. Romanticism versus Neoclassicism Neoclassical and Romantic movements cover the period of 1750 to 1850. Neoclassicism showed life to be more rational than it really was. The Romantics favoured an interest in nature, picturesque, violent, sublime. Unlike Neo_classicism, which stood for the order, reason, tradition, society, intellect and formal diction, Romanticismallowed people to get away from the constrained rational views of life and concentrate on an emotional and sentimental side of humanity. In this movement the emphasis was on emotion, passion, imagination, individual and natural diction. Resulting in part from the liberation and egalitarian ideals of the French Revolution, the romantic movement had in common only a revolt against the rules of classicism. There are... Show more content on ... Qualities of reality, the divine, or divinities may be reflected in nature in Romanticism and we can sense God or the gods through our sensing of nature.While in Neo_classicism there is a concern for nature or the way things are (and should be). This relates back to the distrust of innovation and inherent conservatism of neoclassicism. The artistic rules of old, for instance, Pope describes as having been discovered, not devised and are Nature methodized ; so too, Nature and Homer are the same (Essay on Criticism 88ff., 135). This belief in nature implies a conviction that there is a permanent, universal way things are (and should be), which obviously entails fundamental political and ethical commitments. The focus on natural feeling over conventional rules led to an emphasis on the self over the earlier neoclassical emphasis on society. The individual becomes the source of wisdom and morality, displacing the received set of rules and norms given by society. As a result, emphasis is paced on understanding the individual s subjective state, especially as it relates to the outside world. Works ranging from Rousseau s Confessions and Reveries of a Solitary Walker to Wordsworth s Prelude, Coleridge s В«conversationВ» poems, В«DejectionВ», В«Frost at MidnightВ», В«Lime Tree BeautyВ» are examples of the romantic exploration
  • 5. The Railroad Earth Summary In the poem The RailRoad Earth Jack Kerouac, a pioneer of the Beat Generation, narrates his daily life as a railroad worker in the 1960 s. He begins his story in an alley behind the Southern Pacific Station anticipating the coming commuter frenzy at the station. He offers a unique perspective as a bystander that looks upon the city and the two conflicting cultures that divide it. He puts on display not just the everyday hustle and bustle of corporate America, but exposes the low down and dirty underbelly of the city. He uncovers a layer to the city that is deeper than its corporates exterior. One of povertyand hopelessness that swallows the city like a pothole yet ultimately lets light to a valuable idea of freedom and self expression. In his poem The RailRoad Earth , Kerouac presents the real San Francisco. He disregards the city s fancy and sophisticated corporate image that many believe it to be for the real and raw, poverty stricken city it is. In fact the corporate exterior is composed of commuters, who are not native to the city, while the soul of the city lies in the hands of the homeless and low income people of color who actually live there. These commuters are businessmen who come from the railroad earth , the outside lands connected to the city by the railroad. The men of the railroad earth manifested in San Francisco because of the trains, buses, and cars that merely pass through the city. Just like the railroads that pass through San Francisco on route
  • 6. Werewolves Research Paper #Introduction Do you ever feel scared of the night of a full moon? Werewolves are the mythical legends of the night. They turn into hairy beast and feed on animals or whatever they can get there mouth on. At least that s what some people think. Werewolves are actually real. # Evidence 1 Some people say that werewolves are only mythical creatures stories about humans shape shifting into wolf like creatures are contained in ancient folklore of various cultures, while legends about savage, super hairy, woods dwelling men known as Wodewose date back to medieval England (Classic Monsters at Somerset Public Library) Werewolves are the world s most hairy beast that are there in the woods you just have to find them. # Evidence 2 When a werewolf
  • 7. The Negative Impacts Of Global Media Brand Over Technology has improved dramatically, to open the gate of globalization during the changing stages of media and communication. These very functions have played an important role in economic growth and at the same time spreads culture growth globally, and with the revolution of global media, it helps the world become smaller and easier to reach. With its growth and capability, global media has attracted many capitalists, especially who are from the West, to grab such opportunity. This has become a question is it true, that the global media systems are mostly controlled by Western transnational media forums, and is there any negative impact from such actions? The 2016, top six media corporations on revenue are ($59.62 billion), Walt Disney ($22.45 billion), Comcast ($19.72 billion), 21st Century Fox ($18.67 billion), Facebook ($11.49 billion), Viacom ($9.61 billion), CBS Corporation. Comcast is an entertainment branding provider considered in providing Cable, Internet, Wifi, Phone services, and now Home Security features for families and is in the Oligopoly Market Structure. It s a multimedia company leading the market with many assets controlled. There are few large companies in this industry that have products that are the same, but they differentiate in the ways they are offered. Companies in this industry must work together to co exist somewhat; they typically counteract what the other companies are offering because they may have an upper hand to direct rights
  • 8. The Analysis of Saving Private Ryan by Steven Spielberg Essay The Analysis of Saving Private Ryan by Steven Spielberg Analyse he methods used to make the opening sequence of Saving Private Ryan both shocking and realistic, and discuss its effectiveness as an opening to a film The film Saving Private Ryan was released on September 11th 1998; the film was directed by Steven Spielberg, and was produced by Paramount pictures along with DreamWorks. Steven Spielberg has directed many films, such as: Jaws in 1975, Raiders of the Lost Ark in 1981 and Minority Report in 2002. Spielberg had never directed a war film before, and this one showed that he had the ability to do so. In 1999 the film won five awards ... Show more content on ... At the start of this scene, as James is heading toward the graves it is mainly close up shots of James, and then it begins to include shots of James family as well. These shots indicate that his family are supporting him and the shots of him show that he is the main subject. As James and his family are walking along the path towards the graves a very patriotic orchestral music is being played, the rhythm is based on their footsteps, every step James takes there is a beat of a drum. As they enter the grave yard the camera rises up above the grave stones and shows the vast number of graves. The camera then moves to the graveyard and whilst this is happening the music is still the same orchestral music but the beat of the drum is heavier. As the camera moves over the grave stone American flag, this shows how patriotic this event is. The effect of this is it hits you as to how many people have died pointlessly and a feeling of empathy for James because of the loss of his friends. Then James Ryan falls to his knees in front of one gravestone and he begins to cry. This is a close up shot of him then the transition begins. The camera falls into James eyes and then you can hear the ocean, the waves crashing and the sound of engines. This gives you a feeling of what it is like to be where they are. This sets the scene for this moment; the camera comes onto a troop carrier, the camera
  • 9. Spinal Cord Injury Case Study Question 1 The spinal cord has 31 spinal nerves that control most of our sensory and motor responses to a stimulus. When it comes down to injuring the spinal cord, it is a serious matter because it leads to a severe condition of being paralyzed. Both Paraplegic and Quadriplegic deals with a spinal cord injury and both injuries lead to limited to no movement or sensory responses within certain areas of the body. Paraplegic refers to an injury below the waist. The spinal cord is injured below the neck which allows motor or sensory impairment below the waist. When the spinal cord is injured below the neck, the person is not able to move their legs and there is limited feeling. A treatment for this type of injury would be rehabilitation so that... Show more content on ... School lunch is the time when children eat at school every day when they attend school. Lunch at school is what ensures that the children are getting at least some kind of nutrients because for some, it may be the only meal that they are receiving and are able to eat. It is required that the schools feed the children that attend there. It can be a topic of issue because of the many complaints about some schools cooking unhealthy foods. Some pros about school lunches is that they allow the student to receive good nutrients, they are able to discover new things outside of their home cooked meals, and they are able to learn table manners. Nutrients is a good thing for children because they are still growing. School lunches give that to the students because that may be the only time for them to receive it. It also gives them a chance to explore foods. Some schools change up the menu so that there can be a variety of choice within the week. School lunches are able to teach children table manners because they are in a social setting and are able to learn from one another. In addition, there are some cons when it comes to school lunches also. One is that it may not be what the children want. That issue hinders the child to not eat. Not eating causing many problems within children. Another reason is that the menu is not flexible. There is only a limited amount of
  • 10. Service Learning At Fraser School I participated in service learning at Fraser school in Richfield. Starting in September I helped out in a toddler age classroom every Thursday. Fraser school is a preschool setting for infants and toddlers. Besides getting the children kindergarten ready and offering a somewhat typical day of daycare/school, Fraser offers occupational, physical, and speech therapy. Some of the children have disabilities and some do not, Fraser is not discriminatory and they provide care for anyone. Some of the things I did in the classroom were prepare snack and lunch for the children, play games, participate in art projects, music, and reading, and play games with the children. The two teachers really appreciated my help, as I was provided an extra hand for them while they prepared daily activities. Playtime was usually hectic for the group and it needed to be closely monitored. I was also able to keep the children safe and keep a close eye on the total of twelve toddlers during playtime. My experiences at Fraser helped me understand many topics we talked about in our Intro to Sociology class. A few topics that stood out to me the most were the idea of social integration and many of the functions of the educationsystem, the three stages in the development of self, institutional discriminationwith minority and group divisions. Looking at the education system, a lot of things we talked about in class related to the Fraser school. Because Fraser school has a lot of children who have
  • 11. Story Of The Migrant Mother Analysis The iconic image for discussion is from the women named Florence Owens Thompson. The image is this woman who is with her children in the Great Depression era called the Migrant Mother taken by the photographer Dorothea Lange. The Great Depression was a difficult time for people in the United States. The stock market crash caused debt for many citizens, which caused them to struggle with their bills. Thus, people lost their homes which caused them to be homeless. The Great Depressionoccurred during the 1930 s a little before World War II. This war helped carry the U.S. out of the struggle of the Great Depression. This image reflects a strong message showing how troubling the Great Depression was. To decipher the mysterious meaning of this... Show more content on ... When looking at this image I personally cannot relate to the troubles Florence Thompson went through because she was living during the Great Depression as a single mother with her children. The image portrays more than just a woman, it shows hope and resilience, which is probably why it is such an iconic image. Comparing this image of the Great Depression to others of its time, Thompson s gaze is serious and many describe her as beautiful in a motherly way. In reading other people s point of views, the image of Thompson seems to be a mystery to all. It must be the serious gaze she reflects while looking away from the camera. The image should make many thankful not having to live during the Great Depression. This was a time where many families became homeless, divorced, sick and fatalities where at its high. The image of Thompson is a historic picture and for good reason. This is because her image is still taught in today s classroom in American society as a symbol of hope in desperate
  • 12. Cable Networks And The Cable Providers Distributors Distributors include satellite TV providers, cable providers and wired telecommunications carriers. Industry outlook Satellite TV providers Satellite television (TV) providers distribute TV programs on a subscription or fee basis through direct broadcast satellites. In general, satellite TV providers earn revenue from monthly subscriptions to basic and premium programming. Revenue from advertising accounts for a small, but increasing, portion of industry revenue. Over the five years to 2015, new networks, more channel offerings, apps and bonus features are expected to increase industry revenue at an annualized rate of 7.1% to $52.8 billion. This growth will be hindered by new and fierce competition emerging from online streaming companies that have been cutting into the number of satellite TV subscribers. With a slower annual rise in demand from subscribers, forecasted revenue will increase at a slower annualized 4.0% to $64.2 billion over the five years to 20201. Cable Providers The Cable Providers industry disseminates TV programming from cable networks to consumers, and also provides high speed internet access and digital voice telephony services. These three core products are typically bundled in a single package. In the five years to 2015, industry revenue expanded an annualized 4.2% to $115.9 billion due to rate adjustments and subscriber upgrades. Demand for the industry s core product, cable TV subscriptions, has suffered over the past five years. The
  • 13. The Importance Of History During The United States Miguel Bohrer English 102 16 July 2016 Research Essay The Importance of History Many Americans do not appreciate history. They do not take the time to delve into how the United States was founded, and how it has stood for many years as the symbol of hope. For more than two hundred years, the United States has stood under many beliefs, but all have been defended with the blood of many fallen heroes. When countries told the United States to submit, it stood firm. When war was at America s footsteps, she planted her feet and said, No, you move. America s history is vast. America has had missteps, but at the end of the day she is worth defending. Eighteen percent of eighth graders are not proficient in history, which in turn are the future Americans who will take charge of America. These future leaders must learn that many men and women have died for their freedom, and many mistakes have been made that need to be addressed and learned more about. Parents, your children must learn the history of this great country. Ask yourself, do not we owe it to the future of America to learn our wrong doings and our greatest achievements? This country will not know where it is going, if it does not know where it came from. If students do not know the wars fought in this country, students will never understand the sacrifices made for their freedom. A survey conducted by Common Core showed out of 1,200 seventeen year olds, nearly a quarter could not identify Adolf Hitler, less that
  • 14. Rome Changing Faces Of The Eternal City The class tour to Pietralata clearly demonstrates how gentrification is thriving due to Rome s growth as a modern, tourist city, which has forced locals to relocate outside of the cityscape, and with their exodus, the culture, economy, infrastructure, sociology and identity of Rome are forever changed. This transition was noted by Marinaro, who stated, As Romehas become elevated on the global stage, so it has progressively surrendered its local identity (Marinaro 2014, 196). It seems rather ironic that as tourists flock to experience the culture of Rome, they are displacing the very citizens who comprise Rome s identity. In Global Rome: Changing Faces of the Eternal City, Isabella Clough Marinaro and BjГёrn Thomassen discuss the transition of Rome from an old, historic city to one of modernity, that began to occur post War. This approach sought to construct new hotels, roads and public transportation systems, that would facilitate the modernization of Rome, and expand its appeal and accessibility as a tourist destination. This transition continued, but seemed to ignore the fact that while making Rome more tourist oriented, many locals were being displaced. Since 1980, the majority of areas in the city have lost 60 70 percent of their local residents (Marinaro 2014, 186). This disturbing trend continues as central Rome has adapted its infrastructure, including residential, industrial and commercial properties to accommodate more tourists (Marinaro 2014, 196). As if
  • 15. The World s Population Uses Technology For Their Everyday... Over half of the world s population uses technology for their everyday routine. In American Greed, the hacker Albert Gonzalez takes technology to a complete other level. Albert would hack with his computer into different retailer systems, and he would steal credit card numbers to sell them on the black market making a heavy amount of cash to keep. Albert Gonzalez was a nobody in the real universe, but on the internet he was a true evil genius that made a killing with other people s hard earned money with just a click of a button. Albert Gonzalez mainly grew up in south Florida. He became interested in computers when he welcomed his first one at the age of twelve. Albert was obsessed with his computer, and his grades started dropping in school. He merely went to a community college for half a semester then dropped out. Albert moved to New York and got a job with a company called dot com. The I.T. Tech company called Siemens had Albert working for them as well, but the company moved to Pennsylvania and he didn t go with them. Albert was jobless and set about taking drugs. A great reason everyone trusted Albert is he worked with the secret service to help catch hackers on the black market. The only part was that Albert was working both sides. When he worked for the service he was taught material he never knew about. The material would help him turn a better hacker to still earn money off the black market for himself. Once a hacker, always a hacker the best mode to
  • 16. Pool Deck Research Paper Take a good, hard look at your deck. Is it time for a new pool deck coating? If the deck has seen better days, consider calling us at Altra Cook Deck in Phoenix, AZ to discuss having us come out to put down a new, and pristine pool deck coating. No matter how great your pool looks, and how lovely your landscaping looks, a shabby deck will detract from it. In some cases the deck looks so bad that homeowners no longer enjoy sitting out by the pool. Stop letting a less than perfect deck take away the enjoyment of sitting near the pool with familyand friends. We can easily get that deck back in shape. Whether you need a new coating, or some spot repairs, let our expert staff tackle the job for you. We ll come out to your residence, at your convenience,
  • 17. Anatomy And Physiology Of The Ear Introduction There are three separate segments that make up the ear. There is an outer, middle, and inner ear. If any of these structures were to receive some sort of trauma it could in turn cause some major damage and produce some serious complications. This paper is going to discuss the anatomy and physiology of the ear, different traumas in each segment of the ear, some signs and symptoms of ear trauma, treatments, and complications that can proceed from the trauma. External ear Trauma The pinna (auricle) and external auditory canal make up the outer ear. Trauma to the outer ear normally consists of blunt traumas, lacerations, bites, and penetrating injuries. Blunt trauma can occur if the ear was struck with an object and in turn cause a hematoma. Cauliflower ear is a common result of blunt trauma. With these patients the health care providers need to assess the hematoma periodically to maintain the swelling and keep the bleeding under control in order to with stain from further complications. Lacerations can occur if the ear were to be cut or torn. When lacerations occur the health care providers administer an antibacterial agent topically and question when the patient last received his/her tetanus shot. This may require a simple dressing, stitches, or tissue loss. If tissue loss does occur it is important to monitor the site for chondritis (infection of the collagen) secondary to the trauma. Penetrating injuries can occur from a foreign object entering the lumen of
  • 18. How To Be Thankful For A Day There are many things to be grateful for each day. Whenever I fill my heart with gratitude, the day will become very happy and productive. I realized that the time when I am not appreciate the things around me,it is also the time I complain the most.Living in BYU Hawaii has numberless things to be thankful for. I am really grateful for my current job and the jobs I did in PCC. As students in BYU Hawaii, we are lucky to have a job to support ourselves, as well as gain working experiences before graduate. My first year and half, I worked for Food and Beverage Department in PCC. It was an extremely the best working experiences. I was able to meet people from different places, and learned how to work as a team. After I became a Student Lead ... Show more content on ... Having a temple located beside our campus makes this campus a unique place for all of us. Each week, there are many faculties and students serving there as a temple worker. I am so grateful to be one of them.This is a learning opportunity that God provided for me so that I can learn early. Like temple president s wife says: young people who serve here is a huge blessing, they do not have to wait till older age. This serving experiences can help them do better in their future
  • 19. Paper On Color Blindness Approximately thirty two million Americans suffer from some degree of color blindness. For these people, simple tasks may become complicated; such as matching an outfit or telling the difference of the signals at a traffic light. Many people do not even know that they have some kind of color blindness. The technical term is color vision deficiency because colorblindness is usually confused with seeing the world in black and white. However, there are various forms of color vision deficiency that keep people from seeing all of the colors that normal eyes may see. In an article titled Probing Question: What is colorblindness? on the Penn State website, psychology professor Rick Gilmore explains how and why certain individuals are kept from seeing the world in full color. He says that there are three types of cones in the retinathat give us the ability to see color. Each cone is sensitive to a specific light; red, green, and blue. When one or more of the cones is not there or has received some sort of damage, some form of color vision deficiency will... Show more content on ... In an article called Color Blindness , it says that at the University of Washington and University of Florida, a type of treatment called gene therapy has cured color blindness in monkeys. Although this worked on the subjects, this therapy is not yet considered safe for humans. There are some ways to help people who suffer from color vision deficiency until a cure is perfected. Special lenses used to improve color perception are available to the people who could benefit from them in certain parts of the United States and other countries. These contact lenses and glasses can be very expensive but very effective. There are online tools that can identify colors by name to better help the color blind understand what everyone else sees. Along with the lenses and websites are medications that better the pathway that order how the cones in the retina
  • 20. Comparing God And God In Greek Mythology I had taken a particular liking to Greek mythology when I read a certain book series. I knew very well about god at the time so despite me liking Greek mythology, actually believing it never crossed my mind. I will explain the overall difference between Gods sovereignty and that of Greek fatalism. If you so happen to be a Christian that knows about Greek mythology, then one thing stands out the most; there is only one god in Christianity besides there are several gods in Greek mythology. Zeus (the highest and most powerful god) created all gods in Greek mythology, as in our god that has been here since the beginning of time. Zeus is not a loving god. Zeus is more of a figure that plays with puppets in this huge play room, he s more of an image of power and greatness that wished to be worshiped at all times. Our God is a loving God that created everything and controls everything. He has an image of power and love though has a personal relationship with his followers. ... Show more content on ... He can produce lightning bolts and alter the weather. Unlike God, Zeus has weaknesses which basically means he could be defeated. Zeus s two brothers Poseidon and Hades are also the most powerful gods among most other gods. All of these gods can sometimes have children called demigods which is a being that is half God half Man. God only has one child, Jesus. Since Zeus could be defeated, he is not as almighty and powerful as God. God granted us the ability of free will while as Zeus and all other Gods can manipulate, control and destroy its people at will. When you die you would go the three realms, with God there is only heaven or
  • 21. Symbolism in the poem the Walrus and the Carpenter Lewis Carroll s The Walrus and the Carpenter could possibly be just a nonsensical rhyme meant purely for entertainment value. The fact that this is a nonsense poem inside a nonsense story makes it all the more difficult to decipher a deeper meaning. Like the author, who had a darker side to him, so too might his work. Carroll made this statement in a letter to an American friend,I m very much afraid I didn t mean anything but nonsense. Still, you know, words mean more than we mean to express when we use them; so a whole book ought to mean a great deal more than the writer means. So, whatever good meanings are in the book, I m glad to accept as the meaning of the book. (Shaw)This passage almost defines the relationship between the author... Show more content on ... Through his wise years and possible tricks in the past he knows enough not to budge from the mud. The eldest Oyster looked at him,?But never a word he said:?The eldest Oyster winked his eye,?And shook his heavy head ?Meaning to say he did not choose?To leave the oyster bed. (Carroll 37 42 qtd. in Shaw)The youthful oysters, who have not yet dealt with such persons, agree to venture out on a jaunt. The trip down the beach symbolizes the blind way the common man will follow the politician to his eminent demise. The oysters gather and more and more follow the two leaders down the length of the beach. The Walrus and the Carpenter lead the oysters a great distance until the oysters are exhausted from the journey. Stopping on a rock that is conveniently low, the Walrus gathers up his followers, who stand in neat rows close by, and begins a speech with the most remembered portion of Carroll s poem. The time has come, the Walrus said,? To talk of many things:?Of shoes and ships and sealing wax ?Of cabbages and kings ?And why the sea is boiling hot ?And whether pigs have wings. (Carroll 61 66 qtd. in Shaw)The Walrus s speech is a remark on politicians gathering listeners and mesmerizing them into thinking that everything they say is pertinent to them when really it is all nonsense (De Rooy). Oysters do not care about shoes, they do not even have feet, which Carroll points out in a previous line. Before the walk, the oysters did make sure that
  • 22. Persuasive Essay On The Dangers Of Using Drones Today, people create many kinds of aircrafts for new weapons. Using drones to kill enemies is safer than using aircrafts because drone pilots can control drones with a remote control, but aircraft pilots must go to the enemy s place to assassinate them. Tom Mockaitis explained critics insist that they make it too easy to killfrom a distance... The famous counter terrorismincident with drones happened when an unmanned aircraft killed Pakistan s Talibanleader Hakimura Meshud on November 1, 2013 ( Pakistani Taliban ). Many people were pleased by it, but some of them did not agree with the use of drones to annihilate terrorists. Drones are accurate when killing the enemies, but aircrafts are dangerous to other people because they are inaccurate (Mockaitis). Therefore, people can use drones to counter terrorism. On the other hand, opponents argue that by using drones it is too easy to kill from a distance. Unmanned aircrafts cause far more civilian casualties than the government admits (Mockaitis). The government is not mentioning how many civilians died, so they are angry. People s anger may become the fuel for terrorism. Drones are expected to be a technology of the future, but the abuse by the government comes alongside the killing of terrorists. Therefore, there are two different opinions for using drones, especially, prevention of terrorism with drones. First, the history of unmanned aerial vehicles is not old. The first unmanned aircraft was known as the target
  • 23. The Career Of The Legendary Blues Artist Joe Bonamassa Focussing on the career of the legendary Blues artist Joe Bonamassa, this case study will explore the differing areas of the music industry and the relationships between them. Joe s career began at age twelve when he supported BB King in 1989. Since then he has become one of the prolific guitarists on the planet, playing around 200 shows worldwide every year. For the past two decades Joe s manager and business partner has been Roy Wiesman. Roy spotted Joe on a television programme in 1991 and signed him shortly after. The pair attribute their close relationship as the reason behind Joe s success, with Joe stating that his position in the industry is solely because of Roy Wiesman and Roy s ability to reinvent what the music business is, even though at one point it felt as though the entire music business was against us (JoeBonamassaTV 2013). The role of an artist manager like Roy is to bring together the aspects required in order to meet the specific criteria set out by the artist (and if applicable, their record company). Ultimately they handle the artists business affairs, make sure that projects are running efficiently and most importantly coordinate the different areas of the industry to ensure that the end goal is being met. It is paramount that the manager has detailed knowledge about the industry and in particular the genre, and types of artist associated with said genre before signing an act. A reputable manager would also be apart of the MMF. In Joe s case,
  • 24. The Plot Against People Literary Devices Many of your favorite authors bring their successful literature to life with the use of literary devices. For example, in The Book Thief, the author, Markus Zusak conveyed a story from death s perspective of adversities faced during World War II. On the other hand, in The Monkey s Paw, author W.W. Jacobs told his audience about a magical paw that revealed the meaning of fate to the White family. In another work, The Plot Against People, Russell Baker took a humorous spin on his frustration of inanimate objects. Although these three authors tell three completely different narratives, they all used literary devices to enhance their stories. Some of the most compelling literary devices used in these works include irony, mood, and personification. By using these literary devices, the authors effectively convey their purposes. In The Plot Against People, Baker humorously expressed his frustration at inanimate objects by using literary devices. For example, he created a humorous mood by using phrases such as ...furnaces, gloves, and pliers are incredibly stupid (Baker 45 46). Baker mocked objects in order to further express his frustrations. In addition, he used personification to persuade readers how objects plot against people. To help illustrate his point, Baker stated that It is not uncommon for a pair of pliers to climb all the way from the cellar to the attic in its single minded determination to raise its owner s blood pressure (27 30). Readers can clearly picture
  • 25. Online Flower Shop | | | | ONLINE FLOWER SHOP BUSINESS PLAN CASE STUDY: TULIPWORLD Introduction to Cyberpreneurship (BEN2019) MR. LIEW TZE HUI Prepared by Aida Abolhassany (1071118199) Date prepared December 2007 ONLINE FLOWER SHOP BUSINESS PLAN Table of Content Page Executive Summary 4 The Mission Statement 5 The Analysis of the Business Environment 5 Description of Products and Services 5 Analyze the Competition 6 Description of Pricing Strategy... Show more content on ... And remain a step ahead of the competition through an exemplary service provision. The Analysis of the Business Environment Building a business from the ground up is a real challenge for anyone who is thinking about starting business. That is why many would be business owners first explore the possibility of finding a flower shop for sale that is already successful. Even those that may not be the most successful financially but must sell out for one reason or another can prove to be a good financial investment to the smart entrepreneur that knows the floristry business. Updating a place through renovations, contemporary arrangements and fresh consumer appeal can do wonders in rejuvenating a failing business if a prospective owner uses smart business tactics. Some prospective business owners, however, have a dream of owning their own flower shop online that they start from scratch and can run exclusively according to innovative concepts. Nowadays, development of new technologies and easy access to internet affected the structure of some businesses in different ways. The different elements such as cash payment problems, traffic difficulties, waste in time and energy and etc. made business owners to looking for some new ways to offer their services and products to the customers in a more convenience way. Online
  • 26. Shiloh, By Bobbie Ann Mason Shiloh , by Bobbie Ann Mason, explores an interesting theme, the distinct parallel between the surface level of what the events of the story are, and the meaning underneath. This parallel is seen throughout the story, from the start when Leroy Moffitt is building craft kits for at first just to pass time, while Norma Jean is lifting weights and working at a Rexall drugstore for the same reason; To later on when Norma says she doesn t know what she s talking about and Leroy thinks that the way to saving his marriage is to come up with a last minute idea. The story engages the theme of the parallellevels through the unstable marriage of Leroy and Norma Jean. The theme of this parallel is shown overtly through the images, descriptions, and characterizations of the log cabins in the story, and of Shiloh. Interestingly, the characters and the world they live in are stuck on the surface, shown through how both Leroy and Norma Jean drift on subjects, and through the names in the story. Norma Jean and Leroy s marriage shows an insight on the theme in action because of how their lack of understanding the inner workings of marriage, which causes them to drift apart and eventually separate. One of the most important things in marriage is the ability to communicate, but neither of them are able to do so on a meaningful level. An example of this is when Norma Jean starts to explain why she wants to leave him, then as she walks away she takes back what she said, adding No, it
  • 27. Pablo Picasso And George Braque 1. Pablo Picasso and George Braque founded cubism in the early 20th century in Paris. It was an artwork to be considered as the first radical approach in expressing visual reality. According to Cubist, any perception of an object was a composite of simultaneous and different perspectives. Cubism tries to help one understand the world around them in a different way by changing their perspective on a certain subject. It is an approach of art where a painter takes a real life object and changes it in a completely different way to the way he or she views it in there mind and how they perceive it. Cubismused geometric shapes to replace traditional forms. An example of this type of art form is Picasso s 1907 painting, Les Demoiselles... Show more content on ... One of the most famous Surrealists was the Spaniard Salvadore Dali, who subverted the sense of reality in his painting by using near photographic detail in presenting a fantastic and irrational world. One of his most famous artworks was the persistence of memory . It represented that time was fluid. What motivated him to draw this picture was the Brie cheese that was melting in front of him while he was having a picnic. 2. Technological achievements created a second stage of the Industrial Revolution that transformed the human environment and led people to believe that their material progress would improve world conditions and solve all human problems. The invention of electricity was a major new form of energy that proved to be of great value since it could be easily converted into other forms of energy, such as heat, light, and motion, and moved relatively effortlessly through space by means of transmitting wires. In 1910, hydroelectric power stations and coal fired steam generating plants enabled entire districts to be tied into s ingle power distribution system that provided a common source of power for homes, shops, and industrial enterprises. Electricity procreated a whole series of innovative products such as the incandescent filament lamp. This opened homes and cities to illumination by electric
  • 28. Essay on Examining the Pathetique Sonata Examining The Pathetique Sonata At the start of the nineteenth century, the world of music made a transition from the Classic Period of composition to what is now known as the Romantic Era. Composers experimented with more expressive and songlike melodies while pianists developed higher skill levels to match the increased technical demands of the pieces. One man who embodied this particular transitional period was Ludwig van Beethoven. Beethoven was one of the first composers to stray from traditional forms of music and incorporate a broader range of pitch and dynamics into his compositions. In 1798 Beethoven composed the Sonata No. 8 in C Minor, which incorporates many romantic elements of music. Often referred to as The ... Show more content on ... The theme begins quietly in piano, but tension builds as the left hand rumbles back and forth between octaves. A subtle crescendo eventually leads to a stunning virtuoso passage that incorporates the use of a cross hand technique and modulates into the key of E flat major. This key change is carried over throughout the remainder of the exposition and into the closing, which is typical of the sonata allegro from. What makes this first movement unique is the fact that the introductory Grave theme is repeated both at the beginning of the development section and in the coda. This was not typical of pieces written during the late eighteenth century and proved to be one of Beethoven s initial experiments with the sonata allegro form. The second movement of Beethoven s eighth sonata entitled Adagio cantabile is strikingly different from the fast pace and thundering themes of the first movement. It opens with eight bars of a beautiful and delicate melody that most people can readily identify. It is this songlike melody of the second movement that many romantic composers attempted to emulate in their compositions. After the introduction of this melody, the movement progresses in a traditional rondo form as new themes are introduced, and the initial melody is repeated. The initial theme is written in the key of A flat and is repeated a total of three times during the movement. It is followed the first time by a theme beginning in the key
  • 29. The Dehumanization Of Slavery In Beloved, By Toni Morrison Toni Morrison conveys her strong feelings in her novel about slavery depicting the emotional impact slavery has had on individual mainly the centered character Sethe. The protagonist of the novel is unable to fully prosper in life due to resentment and the ability to move on from her past experiences. In Morrison s story, since 1873 slaverywas abolished for ten years in Cincinnati, Ohio. By the author choosing this setting it had a great impact on the reader like myself. I didn t see her, but a few times out in the fields and once when she was working indigo. By the time I woke up in the morning, she was in line (Morrison1). Not being able to sustain a relationship with others because loved ones were constantly snatched from her presence, making it impossible for her to acquire a chance to feel loved especially by her mom. The text Beloved is related to events that occurred during the Civil War indistinguishable to the 1793 Fugitive Slave Act. Once this act was passed, slave owners in the south took this opportunity to reclaim any slaves that escaped from their ownership. When Sethe was enslaved she had experienced the unbelievable cruelty of slavery. In particular, the novel explores how slavery dehumanizes the individuals who were affected by it at the time, treating them as if they were property or animals. Before Sethe was considered a freed individual she belonged to a slave master, Mr. Garner on the plantation that was considered home, the Sweet Home Plantation.
  • 30. Comparison Of Alexander Mcqueen And Marc Jacobs What do Coco Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Jean Paul Gaultier and Alexander McQueen have in common? They are designers who have challenged ideas on gender norms. (Marcangell, pg.1) McQueen fearlessly challenged the conventions of fashion. Rare among designers, he saw beyond clothing s physical constraints to its conceptual and imaginative possibilities. (Victoria and Albert Museum, 2015) Moving into contemporary design, Marc Jacobs, best known for his fashion design with Louis Vuitton and his own label, Marc Jacobs and Marc by Marc Jacobs who also brought grunge fashion into the 19th century. (Biography, para. 1) I am going to be talking about Alexander McQueen and Marc Jacobs, specifically in the period of the 1990s and what inspired their designs, their methods of designing, their individual ... Show more content on ... I used it as my signature label. In the early collections, it was my own hair. (Time Out, London, 1997) Whereas, Marc Jacobs is an American fashion designer renowned for his sartorial interpretations of trends in popular culture, most notably in his grunge collection, which was credited with launching the grunge look of the 1990s. (Nolen, para. 1) Working on his approaches, McQueen composed a dark, disturbing mood and constructed the most outstanding and iconic pieces in his collections. Here, as seen in so much of McQueen s subsequent work, the themes of sex, death and commerce intertwined. Going beneath the skin of conventional fashion, McQueen s first collections explored the taboo area of interiority, going beyond the limitations between inside and out. (Evans, para.8) The fantasy of exploring and probing the interior of the body, he actively explored the tropes of abjection in relation to the female body. As shown in the process of working for his collection, It s a Jungle Out , he mentioned in an
  • 31. Cyber Warfare Between The United States And Russia Drawing from authors like Jason Andress who is an academic teacher and a professional security expert, the book Cyber Warfare states that The U.S. military does not have a definition for cyber warfare today (53). While this work was published in 2014, it is still a fair assessment into today. According to the CCDCOE, again on their webpage Cyber Definitions, cyber warfare as agreed between The United Statesand Russia is defined as cyber attacks that are authorized by state actors against cyber infrastructure in conjunction with government campaign. The two nations also define cyber attacks in the same agreement to mean an offensive use of a cyber weapon intended to hard designated target. Finally, the two nations define cyber ... Show more content on ... Beyond the problem of defining what cyberwarfare is, for all parties involved, comes the problems of attributing if an attack was state sponsored or not. Crimes performed by non state actors certainly require a response that is different than those which other nations were complicit in carrying out. This means cyber space attacks, which are the basis of cyberwarfare, do not make it easy to determine who the perpetrators of such attacks are. Even in cases where the trail of breadcrumbs leads right back to the perpetrators, there are real challenges in many forms to be dealt with. Challenges like legally charging, apprehending, and holding accountable those involved in a practical manner. Challenges like determining rather it was an action under official orders or rogue attacks. Certainly the anonymity cyberspace provides for actors adds a difficult level to deal with when facing the challenges of keeping us well prepared against the threat. How do you stop getting hit in any conflict if you are unsure of who is hitting you? Until the United States as a whole is more capable of nailing down the ability to track such information with the ability to prove such findings, there is little to deter those hostile to the United States from making those challenges hard to be well prepared for. Another factor worth discussing is the concept of being cyber
  • 32. Gender Devices In Hills Like White Elephants After reading both Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway, and The Girls in Their Summer Dresses by Irwin Shaw, at first glance both stories appear to be quite different but, these two stories share the same theme: the male female miscommunication issues. In addition, the reader becomes aware of the similarities between the two stories which are implied in the setting, conversation, and characters. The setting of the two stories, is similar in that it presents the gradual sequences of the plot, and the deterioration of the couple s relationship. In Hills Like White Elephants , the setting represents a junction in the relationship between the couple: The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white. On this... Show more content on ... Both stories are pictures of significant moments in a relationship. In addition, it is notable that both stories share the idea of open communication and honesty in order to have a healthy relationship. Each story unfolds male and female attitudes towards different issues, as in Hills Like White Elephants towards the unborn child, and in The Girls in Their Summer Dresses towards looking on other women. Although Jig and Frances, are two different women facing a conflict, but subsequently they reject their male partner at the end. In addition, the American and Michael who play the role of inconsiderate side in the relationship have portrayed masculine control over women. On the one hand, the reader encounters different relationships, but on the other hand, both stories lack commitment. Hemingway and Shaw illustrate that both partnerships based on mutual relationships, sharing and caring for each other can establish strong and successful
  • 33. Rights of Juvenile Delinquency Essay Rights of Juvenile Delinquency couldn t be as fair as it is today without the efforts made by reformers throughout history. During the late 18th and early century youths committing crimes has little to no rights given. Children as young as 7 years old can be put and trialed as an adult even have a chance with the death penalty. These punishments where so outrageous that even if you spoke against your parents wishes you will be put in jail. Something needed to be done about these cruel treatments for a child at such a young age who may or may not know right from wrong. The victims had the questions, the government had both the power and most importantly the resolution. It was not only the right but also the responsibility for the people... Show more content on ... A prisoner became qualified for release when had obtained the required number credits which interpreted for good behavior, hard work, and study but they could be denied or subtracted for misconduct .The mark system symbolized the opposite let the punishment fit the crime theory of correction and presaged the use of indeterminate sentences, individualized. treatment,and prarole.All together it emphasized training and performance as the chief mechanisms of reformation. Another Penal reformer named Thomas Eddy he advocated moral uplift of blacks, the poor, and other unfortunates. In 1873 this characteristics Impulse him to have interest in penal reform which he wanted to put an end to branding, solitary, confinement, whipping posts, and pillories, Eddy had served on the prison reform commission and helped Senators like Philip Schulyer and Ambrose Spence to draft the penitentiary reform bill that became a law in 1796.His penal legislation authorized two state penitentiaries in Canada and New York City, John Augustus known as the Father of Probation. He persuaded the Boston Police Court to release an adult drunkard into his custody rather than sending him to prison. His efforts at reforming his first were not only successful he convinced the court to release other offenders under his supervision. His efforts and title did not come easy because they were resisted by people like the police, court clerks,and etc who only made money when offenders were incarcerated.
  • 34. Maya Angelou s Dominant Motif In Phenomenal Woman Confidence is a very dominant motif in Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou. The speaker uses parallelism and strong descriptions of herself to portray the fact that she is confident in her not so perfect body. She proves that anyone can look good no matter what your body shape is as long as you are confident with yourself. She is confident at being a womanphenomenally. The speaker s confidencestarts off strong in the first stanza by telling us Pretty women wonder where my secret lies (line 1). She s saying that nice looking girls don t know how she has all this bravado and receives male attention especially when she tells us that she is a bigger woman in the next line, I m not cute or built to suit a fashion model s size (line 2). She furthers her confidence by proving to us that she knows the real way to get attention. The speaker points out seemingly ordinary characteristics of a woman. She knows that in order to get male attention you just have to be confident that you re a woman. You have to be a phenomenal woman (line 12). Even when she doesn t try, all the men are drawn to her. I walk into a room just as cool as you please (lines 14 15). The natural confidence she always has grabs the attention of all... Show more content on ... Using these lines also show s her confidence in herself that she knows she is not perfect and will even point it out to you. It s like saying look, I m an ordinary woman and I look great being one. The speaker exaggerates, again, the fact that she doesn t have to try to be noticed by saying I don t shout or jump about or have to talk real loud. When you see me passing, it ought to make you proud (lines 48 51). She doesn t try to be modest in the least. She knows she gets everyone s attention and the fact that she is confident in being an ordinary woman makes her a phenomenal
  • 35. Factors Of Internal Migration The movement of people from one place to another for the purpose of taking up a permanent or semi permanent residence is termed as Migration. People can either choose to move voluntarily (Voluntary Migration) or may be forced to move (Involuntary Migration).Internal Migration is the process of movement within a state or country, or a continent. The 2001 Census defined a migrant as anyone who lives in a place that is different from their birth place or from their last place of residence. External Migration is the movement to a different state or a country, or to a continent. Emigration is the leasing of one country to move to another country. Immigration is the process of moving into a new country. Population Transfer happens when a government tries to force a large group of people to move out of a region and this is can also be called as the involuntary migration. Impelled Migration happens when individuals leave because of unfavourable conditions such as warfare, religious persecution or political problems. People migrate for a lot of reasons. The two main factors which contribute to migration include Push Factors which are the reasons for leaving a place due to difficulties like war, food shortage, flood and the like. The Pull Factors that are the reasons for moving to a place due to the availability of factors like a better food supply, freedom, nicer climate and the like. The people moving into a certain place from another within a nation can also be termed as
  • 37. Personal Electronics, Clothing, And Vacation Destination 1.Consider the last purchase you made in these categories: personal electronics, clothing, and vacation destination. To what extent was your purchase decision influenced by decision making complexity, individual influences, social influences, and situational influences? What specific issues were the most influential in making the decision? How could a marketer have swayed your decision in each case? When making majority of my purchases I do research on the item and analyze all the reviews that are left from customers that have already purchased the item. The last personal electronic that I purchased was my Apple MacBook. The decision making complexity was not a major issue when making this purchase. I have owned many laptops and they all seemed to have last for about three to four years. My wife has owned her MacBook for almost ten years and has never had an issue. I knew I was going to buy a MacBook and all the different specs that I could choose from never really made a difference. The individual influence from my wife played a major role in this purchase. She has never had any problems with her MacBook and pushed that I make the same purchase for my next computer. The social influence was not a major factor in the decision to make the purchase as many of my friends did not own a MacBook. The situational influence played two major factors against the purchase of the MacBook. The software that a MacBook uses is different from Windows that majority of computers use.
  • 38. Gary Gilmore In The Executioner s Song In the book The Executioner s Song, we follow the life of Gary Gilmore as written by Norman Mailer. Mailer describes Gary s childhood throughout the book as a very rough living, followed by Gary finding himself practically living his adult life in a series of institutions for bad behavior ( mostly burglary). During the course of his young adult life, Gary s cousin, Brenda, and he had been writing letters back and forth, and eventually Gary is taken for parole in by his cousin s parents. Quickly the family becomes worn out from Gary s rough personality traits. He drinks too much, borrows a lot of money, asks a lot of favors, and doesn t give much in return. He has an almost violent behavior and everyone quickly learns to try to pass ... Show more content on ... The truth of the matter is, however, that Gary was a psychopath and was headed down a bad road. Despite his cousin s hope for a good Mormon caring town to be rehabilitating for this stone cold criminal, Gary Gilmore was only getting worse. And despite Gary being such a rough character and admitting to the killing of the two young Mormon men, Nicole couldn t stop her love for Gary and wrote to him often. Being charged with the murder of Ben Bushnell (the stronger of the two cases), and having an incredibly weak defense between Gary Gilmore having shot himself with the same gun and having a trail of blood, an eye witness, and his own family (Brenda) turn him into the police, Gary Gilmore soon admits to the killings and claimed an insanity defense as an excuse (this is an excuse rather than a justification because he is admitting that the act was wrong, however he has an explanation for it happening, such as mental illness. A justification is an act that could be thought to be justified). This defense however does not stick as four psychiatrists said Gary (although had mental problems that I ll mention again shortly) was aware of what he was doing and he was aware that those actions were wrong, making him ineligible for that defense, vanquishing his hope for a lesser charge (such as second degree). However, because of the felony murder rule (because he was committing a felony during the course of the murder), premeditation, and malice (the will to do
  • 39. Acc 206 Essay ACC 206 Week 3 Assignment: Chapter 4 and 5 Problems Please complete the following 7 exercises below in either Excel or a word document (but must be single document). You must show your work where appropriate (leaving the calculations within Excel cells is acceptable). Save the document, and submit it in the appropriate week using the Assignment Submission button. Chapter 4 Exercise 7 7. Overhead application: Working backward The Towson Manufacturing Corporation applies overhead on the basis of machine hours. The following divisional information is presented for your review: |Division A |Division B | |Actual machine hours |22,500 |? | |Estimated machine hours |20,000 |? | |Overhead application ... Show more content on ... Break even and other CVP relationships Cedars Hospital has average revenue of $180 per patient day. Variable costsare $45 per patient day; fixed costs total $4,320,000 per year. How many patient days does the hospital need to break even? 4,320,000 /180.00=24,000 What level of revenue is needed to earn a target income of $540,000? 180+45=225*24,000=540,000 If variable costs drop to $36 per patient day, what increase in fixed costs can be tolerated without changing the break even point as determined in part (a)? $45 $36=$9.00 increase Chapter 5 Problem 6 6. Direct and absorption costing The information that follows pertains to Consumer Products for the year ended December 31, 20X6. Inventory, 1/1/X6 |24,000 units | |Units manufactured |80,000 | |Units sold |82,000 | |Inventory, 12/31/X6 |22,000 units | |Manufacturing costs: | |Direct materials |$3 per unit | |Direct labor |$5 per unit | |Variable factory overhead |$9 per unit | |Fixed factory overhead |$280,000 | |Selling administrative expenses: | |Variable |$2 per unit | |Fixed |$136,000 | | The unit selling price is $26. Assume that costs have been stable in recent years. Instructions: Compute the number of units in the ending inventory. Calculate the cost of a unit assuming use of: Direct costing. 280000/9.00= 31.00 per unit Absorption costing. Inventory
  • 40. Christopher Wren Contributions Christopher Wren s advancements during his time were some of the best and well known. He furthered science and technology as a professor and helped rebuild the lives of many through his architecture. Even with his being sick all the time he still was able to help and contribute. Wren s many achievements and discoveries as well as his contribution to the London fire lead him to being remembered in history and influenced other scientists along the way. Christopher Wrens architecture was greatly influenced by the architecture before him. Medieval and baroque architecture especially. Baroque architecture is tall arches long hallways and grand entrances and rooms. Almost everything is covered in gold and intricate designs. There are often mirrors and windows lining the walls. At the entrance there are usually roman columns. Art and tapestries cover everything as well. Every the entire building is symmetrical making it look visually pleasing. The medieval architecture had tall arches and spires throughout the building. The spires were tall symbolizing to look to God not the world. These attributes among others influenced Wren s designs. In fact wren said, The secret of architectural excellence is to translate the proportions of a dachshund into bricks, mortar and marble. (Geraghty 2). Christopher Wren was born October 20,1632, in East Knoyle, United Kingdom. Wren s mother was Mary Cox, and his father was Christopher Wren senior. Christopher Wren Jr. was married to Jane
  • 41. Worksheet On Allison s Disease 1. 2. 3. All of Allison s eggs will carry the X chromosome and 50% of Allison s egg cells will carry the recessive allele (hexa). 4.a. There is a 25% chance that Allison and Tim will have a baby boy who is heterozygous for Tay Sachs. b. No, the baby boy will not have Tay Sachs he will be a carrier for the disease. The boy would only have the disease if he was homozygous recessive. | X| Y| X| XX| XY| X| XX| XY| 1:21:2 | T| t| T| TT| Tt| t| Tt| tt| 1x1=1 2X2=4 1:4= 25% 5. a. Yes, there is a 50% chance that the young woman will develop FFI disease. B. | f| f| F| Ff| Ff| f| ff| ff| This Punnett square shows that there is a 50% chance that the young woman will have ... Show more content on ... 8. An allele can produce a protein in a very specific step by step manor. The whole process starts with transcription. Transcription starts in the nucleus. Transcription is the process of how RNA is created from a DNA template with the help of RNA polymerase. mRNA is a complimentary stand to the DNA template. This is a messenger to carry the information stored in the DNA in the nucleus out into the cytoplasm and to ribosomes on the ER. mRNA has to go through processing before it is able to pass through the membrane of the nucleus. The mRNA has a methylated cap added to the 5 end and the poly A tail is added to the 3 end. Then there are certain sequences in the mRNA that are useless and are spliced out, these are called introns, the sequences of information that is important are called exons they are put together. On the mRNA each three bases in a row are called a codon. Each codon is specific to a certain amino acid. Translation occurs in the cytoplasm at the ribosomes, this is the process of how information from mRNA is used to synthesize a polypeptide. The codons on the mRNA have a matching complimentary anticodon on the tRNA molecules. A tRNA molecule is small and only can bind to one specific amino acid amino acid at one end and one specific mRNA codon at the other end. Protein folding is when the alpha helices and beta sheets fold on to itself to form a 3D shape. The dominant XPA allele is present all of this normally occurs in a human. All the
  • 42. How Effectively Did Tudor Governments Deal with Rebellion... How effectively did Tudor governments deal with rebellion in England and Ireland? Tudor governments were relatively successful in dealing with the problem of rebellion, although this was more effective towards the end of the period than at the beginning shown through the decline in rebellion after 1549: only 5 English rebellions occurred as opposed to 10 before 1549. Over the course of the Tudor period the main aims of rebellions were only fully achieved in the rebellions of 1525, the Amicable Grant and 1553. In addition to this the reforms made to local government, policies directly implemented by central government and the effects of trials and retribution, such as Henry VII s concessions made to the late 15th century pretenders, Lambert ... Show more content on ... In Ireland, rival clan chiefs were offered rewards, pardons and promises in return for helping to maintain English rule, Elizabeth in particular in 1558 for example, invited rebel leader Shane O Neill to London where she recognised him as Earl of Tyrone. A similar policy of conciliatory politics can be observed under Edward VI and Henry VIII, who in response to the Pilgrimage of Grace sent the Duke of Northumberland to bargain with rebel leaders; Robert Aske was even invited to the palace and treated with dignity on Christmas day 1536. Protector Somerset, operating on Edward s behalf, sent Peter Carew to persude the Prayer Book rebels to disperse in 1549, arguably with lesser success considering his heavy protestant agenda, conciliatory politics is also shown to be used to lesser success through Henry VII s decision to replace members of the leading clan, the Geraldines, with loyal English officials actually resulted in increased disorder from 1534 1603 and attempts by rival Irish clans to seize power. Concessions were generally made to rebels were largely a strategy used to buy time to assemble troops to suppress rebellions in Tudor England. However some lasting concessions made by Tudor governments
  • 43. The Private Eye By Brian K. Vaughan In the graphic novel, The Private Eye, by Brian K. Vaughan, Marcos Martin, and Munsta Vicente, a society is depicted where people do not use advanced technology. In an event known as the cloudburst , a whole society has their personal information revealed. Due to the horrors of having no privacy, the people went into hiding for protection. Since the leaks of information came from using advanced technology, the people also decided to no longer use this type of material. This type of technology uses the Internet, which was also destroyed for personal safety. Now the people live in a society where libraries and books serve as forms of information. Due to the fact that the people did not have access to the Internet, they actually became more... Show more content on ... One of the side effects of technology is how all information is eventually scrambled and means something incredibly different than the original idea. Comparatively, Telephone , a popular children s game, is where a child makes up a sentence and the sentence is passed by word of mouth in a circle. Once the sentence is back to the beginning, the children often laugh at how different the sentence is from the original. This is exactly what the advanced technology does. In the process of trying to understand the original message, advanced technology can make everything out to be a lot worse than it actually is. What once was an inspiring story about how to grow a vegetable can turn into a story about animal rights. With technology, information is moved around a lot faster, meaning there is a higher chance that something will be misunderstood in the middle. Everything that is put through technology is changed and altered. Correspondingly, a techno pessimist believes that people should solve problems, They do not have faith in technological fixes to solve social problems, instead emphasizing moral or political solutions (Techno optimism versus Techno pessimism). A techno pessimist believes that problems should not be solved by technology. Technology will always use logical problem solving techniques. Humans will always include emotional connection to create solutions. Technology may miss vital information that only the human heart can process and find
  • 44. Queen Cecily s Leadership Style A high stone ceiling etched with fine silver filagree arched above the cavernous throne room. Below this, dark marble floors were polished until their inky surfaces shone like glass. The walls were intersected by evenly spaced archways leading to doorways which, in turn, led to various other parts of the castle. A carpet of bloodred velvet stretched the length of the hall, leading from the massive, ebony doors at one end to the high backed throne at the other end. The person sitting in this throne, however, looked out of place. One would expect a regal figure with striking features, perhaps resplendent in intricate robes and a heavy crown wrought with gold and fine gems. Instead, Queen Cecily, a plain looking, twelve year old girl, sat hunched in the straight backed chair, not... Show more content on ... Since Queen Cecily had been a very small child when she had ascended the throne, the Chancellor had been tasked with directing the Queendom until she became an adult. He, of course, had no intention of handing over the role of supreme leader anytime soon, and was planning on ruling for the rest of his life, using the Queen as a puppet to direct as he pleased. Queen Cecily didn t mind in the slightest that she had no say in how her Queendom was run; politics bored her. In fact, she was quite happy to go along with whatever Thanos said, seeing as he was handsome, charming, and gave her his undivided attention and affection. The woman straightened, brushing her long, dark hair away from her face to reveal a smooth, alabaster complexion and a set of piercing green and gold eyes. She smiled, although the smile never touched her eyes. They remained cold and calculating, like the eyes of a predator. Indeed they were the eyes of a predator; the woman was a Witch, the most talented, and cold blooded, Witch in the Queendom, second only to Queen Cecily and the Chancellor
  • 45. Mega Event Essay Evolution of the Modern Sporting Mega Event The modern sporting mega event (Olympics, World Cup, Commonwealth Games etc.) was motivated by a commitment to educational reform, especially physical education, by the European capitalist and aristocratic elites in order to establish domestic equilibrium among the social classes, and to be prepared physically for future wars. The International Olympic Committee and the FГ©dГ©ration Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) were formed in 1894 and 1904 respectively with these similar ideals. The promotion of national pride through international competition was at the forefront of both of these organizations and were a direct cause of creating the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 and the first World Cup in 1930. As sporting mega events have evolved over the course of the 20th and 21st centuries, it is clear that these ideals have shifted. Since the inception of the mega event the tides of globalization and the allure of capitalist gains have tainted the once pure concept of international competition and made the events into the corrupt, profit hounding spectacles they are today. In order to examine the landscape of the modern sporting mega event, it is first necessary to track the evolution of the governing bodies that control these events (IOC and FIFA) and see how they went from their humble beginnings to their larger than life status they hold today. The largest event in the history in the world has been and will always be
  • 46. Super Pig Stops Bank Robbery Super Pig Stops Bank Robbery Friday afternoon, a bank robbery occurred on West Elm Street. 3 criminals who the police would not like to give out any names were robbing a bank. When they entered the bank they each held up a gun and demanded as much money they could put in their bags. A panicked customer in the bank called the authorities. When the authorities were alerted they immediately called Super Pig and his side kick The Farmer. Right as the robbers were loading the money into their bags the door bursts open and in comes Super Pig and The Farmer. When they saw the crime being committed Super Pig makes a loud supersonic Oink and knocks the robbers down to the ground. Then as quickly as a cheetah on steroids, The Farmer
  • 47. Wuthering Heights Angel and Tess: A Romance Fit For the Books? Romeo and Juliet, Antony and Cleopatra, Napolean and Josephine. Throughout society s entire existence, we have known almost innately that these couples belong together, and yet fate intervened to deal their relationship a tragic blow. Yet readers persist on viewing these couples as the most passionate of all times. What makes them so unique? What makes them so compatible? What makes everyone see them as half of a whole instead of two? These couples proved to society that they belonged together, no matter what circumstances they faced . They possessed True Love, the rare gift that makes a relationship last, amidst outer turmoil. In the novel, Tess of the D Ubervilles, by Thomas Hardy, ... Show more content on ... Hardy writes, Her face was dry and pale as if she regarded herself in the light of a murderess. (29) Tess was the only one who realized what the absence of a horse would mean to the family s welfare, and therefore, felt guilty. However, Angel Clare finds problems like these somewhat unfathomable. His wealth and social class has not allowed him to experience such situations as Tess. Once again, differences such as these break the ties of the unification of true love. Tess, unlike Angel, was taken advantage of. In different stages of her life, she is used in more ways than one. Angel never was, and could not understand to what extent Tess s trauma has been stretched to. Tess is taken advantage of both knowingly, and unwittingly. Her mother did not realize that she was using her daughter. Joan Durbeyfield is just an extravagant impractical woman who meant no harm. She, too, wants the best for her family, but she goes about the wrong way of doing it. She even triumphantly points out, And if he don t marry her afore, he will after. (47) Joan, heedlessly, plans on Alec and Tess marrying, barely realizing that that is the last thing Tess wants. Joan just wants Tess to marry into money. Tess is also taken advantage of in a much more serious way. Why it was upon this beautiful feminine tissue, sensitive, as gossamer, and practically blank as snow as yet, there should have been traced such a coarse pattern as it was doomed to receive. (71) While Tess was
  • 48. Is Hemophilia A Possible Cause Of Unexpected Bleeding... Introduction Hemophilia is a possible cause of unexpected bleeding during surgery. This paper will discuss important topics related to hemophilia, including pathology, risk factors, signs and symptoms, and treatment. Anatomy and Physiology of Hemostasis Hemostasis is the process whereby blood coagulates at the site of an injury to a blood vessel. Cellular components involved in hemostasis include platelets, endothelial cells of blood vessels, tissue factor bearing cells, and coagulation factors (Davoren Wang, 2014). Coagulation factors are specialized plasma proteins that circulate in the bloodstream in inactive forms. Most coagulation factors are activated by enzymes that catalyze their conversion to active forms. The active forms then contribute to hemostasis. Factors VIII (FVIII) and IX (FIX) are the factors involved in the most common forms of hemophilia. The coagulation cascade has many steps and reciprocal interactions; however, FVIII and FIX are most involved with the following steps: Injured blood vessel cells release tissue factor (TF), which activates factor VII. Activated factor VII (FVIIa) and TF bind together to form complex TF VIIa. Complex TF VIIa activates FIX and X. Activated factor X converts prothrombin to thrombin. Thrombin activates factors VIII, V, and XI. Activated FVIII and FIX also convert prothrombin to thrombin (Davoren Wang, 2014). There are other coagulation factors, enzymes, and steps involved in the coagulation cascade. As
  • 49. Role Of God In Iberian Conflict God as an Observer to Iberian Conflict Throughout the accounts of war in Iberia, both Christians and Muslims alike call upon God to grant them favor, strength, and protection as they charge into battle. Where they differ on the subject is typically ingrained in the belief that only one form of worship is correct for the monotheistic deity, and in doing so use Gods invocation to justify the Christian and Muslim invasions. However, God himself does not intervene with the conflicts, but rather plays a role as an observer to the conflict whose name continues to be mentioned despite his lack of contributions to said wars. In this paper I will argue that God is an omnipotent observer to the Iberian conflicts between Christians and Muslims, in which... Show more content on ... For example, during the Umayyad campaigns when territories were taken by the Muslims it s described that Castles and fortresses quaked as though death had rushed upon them, [...] / their hearts, publicly recognizing obedience, unanimously agreed to join the Islamic community, which suggests that the military conquest was the reason for the conversion, not God as the Muslims believed (The First Campaign Undertaken by the Prince of the Faithful, 80 82). Because the denizens of the lands converted, they were spared from further death and destruction, and so it begs the question: if God was going to have them convert at the end of the battle, why would he not have them convert before innocents were killed? Therefore, it seems that God once again is merely observing the developments as the Umayyad Caliphate expands, and he has no particular favor with Islam or Christianity because if he did he probably would have shown a sign to either religion or saved them from death. In the same way, El Cid justifies his conquests by declaring that I win battles as it pleases the Creator, and both Moors and Christians fear me, which suggests that God favors no side in the conflict as he allows El Cid to plunder the countryside of its wealth (Cid, 153). This also establishes that God observes El Cid s conquests and victories, does nothing when his followers The Moors called on Muhammad
  • 50. Analysis Of Beth Johnson s Bombs Bursting Into Air Background Born in 1956, Beth Johnson is a mother of three and the author of multiple dominant pieces such as Facing Addiction (2006) and Surviving Abuse (2006). She lives in Lederach, Pennsylvania and her occupations include writing, freelance editor, and college professor. Johnson graduated from Goshen College and Syracuse University. Her writingmainly focuses on encouraging readers to accomplish their personal goals as well as college texts such as Everyday Heroes (1996). Summary Bombs bursting in air. They can blind us, like fireworks at the moment of explosion. If we close our eyes and turn away, all we see is the fiery image. But if we have the courage to keep our eyes open and welcoming, even bombs finally fade against the vastness of the starry sky (15). Bombs Bursting in Air begins with the narrator talking about her son s game and her daughter acting silly while singing the national anthem. More specifically, the line Bombs bursting in air. The author gives the word bombs a whole new definition in this essay. Rather than meaning an explosive weapon often used in war, Johnson refers to the difficult obstacles people face everyday. The more one risks a person takes results in more of life s destructible bombs. These obstacles explode unexpectedly, and that is exactly what happened to Shannon. Shannon is five years old and is the author s daughter s best friend. Doctors found a brain tumor when she went to get an x ray for a sledding accident. After
  • 51. Sophocles Oedipus the King People can be blinded by the truth. In the play, Oedipus the King, there are many references to blindness and sight throughout. Certain characters have physically limited blindness such as the prophet Teiresias, but have the ability to see the truth. While other characters such as Oedipus, have perfect vision, but they re blind to the truth. In the play, sight is used to represent knowledge. An example would be how prophets or seers, can see the truth behind what is really going on. Throughout the play, Oedipusis blind to everything that alludes to his downfall despite being pretty obvious. The underlying question in the play is if one can alter his fate. Sophocles uses sight and blindness to answer this question by showing that being blind or having sight can alter one s fate. When Oedipus is blind from the truth, he is safe from his destiny. He is safe because if he doesn t know anything about the prophecy, it won t come true in a way. He believed his biological parents to be the King and Queen of Corinth. So when he killed King Laius, it would have been just a random person to him and not his real father. But once he learns of the prophecy, this is when the actual prophecy unfolds. He flees Corinth because of what the oracle said to him. Thus setting in motion the events of the play. If Oedipus was never made aware of the truth, then he could have remained blissfully ignorant and may have not fulfilled the prophecy. If Oedipus, on the other hand was made
  • 52. The Unknown World of Web Design Essay Hundreds of thousands of people surf the internet every day visiting web sites like Facebook and Twitter. Though millions of web sites are all similar in a way, the average person overlooks the similarities. They are oblivious to an entire language that is so complex that it can be used to create the most beautiful and simple creations on the web. This language is used to create Facebook, Twitter, Google, and even your everyday blog. In order to understand this language fully one must spend countless hours behind a computer screen working through problems, going thought books, as well as looking though others work to see how they solved problems. This evolutionary language is known by today s computer scientist as hypertext markup... Show more content on ... HTML was used to create web pages all over the internet making it into what it is today. It was not long after HTML was created that it was questioned as to whether or not it was advanced enough to keep up with the rapid advancement of the internet. This lead to closing the development on HTML by the World Wide WebConsortium or W3C in 1998. After the closing of development on HTML in 1998 the W3C began to work on a new project to replace HTML known as extensible hypertext markup language or XHTML. XHTML was used in the same way as HTML and was very similar. XHTML was designed to allow for more flexibility with design and lead the world into the 21 century with web design. All of the promises of XHTML were broken as the computer world put down XHTML and refused to show support for the new computer language. XHTML was mostly criticized for not being very forgivable in the way HTML was. If a couple lines were off in HTML the web pagewould generate without the content associated with the error or even figure out what the programmer was trying to say. This allowed for programmers to see exactly what was wrong without allowing for the average person to tell. XHTML was not forgivable and would not generate any content if a single line was wrong. This frustrated programmers as it cost them countless hours looking through lines and lines looking for that one error that was causing the whole page not to load. Not only did XHTML make
  • 53. Vulnerability And Risk Of Poor Health INTRODUCTION Everyone is potentially vulnerable at some point over the extent of one s lifetime. More specifically, everyone is potentially at risk of poor physical, psychological, or social health. The word vulnerable is defined by the Merrian Webster s Dictionary as capable of being physically wounded or open to attack or damage . Commonly, the word vulnerability indicates one s susceptibility to health problems, harm or neglect. Some however, maybe more or less susceptible or at risk of poor health at different times in their lives, while certain individuals and communities are more likely to be at risk than others at any given point in time (Aday, 1994). Thus, vulnerable populations may be defined as social groups with an increased susceptibility to adverse health outcomes (Flaskerud Winslow, 1998). A fundamental component to the definition of vulnerability is the concept of risk, or the relative probability that an individual may become ill within a given period of time (Aday, 1994). Community and individual characteristics are risk factors predictive of the incidence of vulnerability. Risk factors, for example smoking or lead exposure, are attributes that are related to increases in the probability of occurrence of health related outcomes (Aday, 1998). Evidence of differences in vulnerability or increased risk, which lead to negative health outcomes include: premature mortality, comparative morbidity, decreased functional and mental status, decreased ability to
  • 54. What Will Happen After The War On Drugs Drugs first surfaced in the United States in the 1800s. After the Civil War opium become very popular and was used medicinally. Following opium was cocaine which was also used as a health remedy but near the end of the 19th century opium and cocaine abuse peaked and local governments began to prohibit opium dens and importation. In 1914 the first federal drug policy, the Harrison Narcotics act, is passed and drugs are no longer seen as harmless remedies. The act aggressively regulated the manufacturing of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and morphine. During the 50 s more federal drug policies were passed and drugs began to become more criminalized. The 60 s saw a rise in counter culture and substances such as marijuana and LSD saw widespread use. The demand for drugs skyrocketed in the 1960s. In 1971 President Nixon declared drug abuse America s number one enemy and proclaimed that we must wave a all out offensive. After President Nixon declared the War on Drugs in 1971, the United States has spent more than a trillion dollars on this failing policy that not only has had no effect on the amount of drugs being used in the United States and has increased the number of people incarcerated on drug charges from just 50,000 to over half a million, but also has helped fuel drug cartels and foment violence and death through overdoses from uncontrolled drug potency and turf wars between street gangs. The War on Drugs has an annual cost of $51 billion( Drug War Statistics. Drug Policy.
  • 55. Essay about Experiential and Constructivist Learning Experiential and Constructivist Learning Experiential approach to learning can be an extremely effective form of learning, especially for adults. Confucius said Tell me, and I will forget. Show me and I may remember and that saying still applies to today as many adults learn better by experience than they do by the traditional chalk and talk (Conlan, Grabowski Smith, 2012). The following essay will discuss how to utilize experiential learningin a heavy equipment construction company. It will illustrate how to facilitate student employee learning by doing. Ideas, Skills and Student Outcomes Learning to operate heavy equipment, or in this case a font end loader, is no straightforward task. It is a skilled trade and takes many ... Show more content on ... It is a widely acknowledged fact in the industry that the organization will lose money on its employee for the first one to two years, if the employee has no previous experience. The Experiential Learning Cycle The first part of the five part experiential learning cycle is the experiencing (Evans, 2006). The first part of this plan would be to have the student observe the equipment being operated by experience operators. Sometimes it is helpful to have them observe and interact with operators for an eight hour shift so they can get an idea of the job being done. One of the issues teachers run into with adult students associated with this learning style is scheduling conflict, however because the student is an employee this is not an issue; the student will be paid to observe in this situation (Answers Corporation, 2013). The next aspect of this would be to let the student actually operate a piece of equipment and allow them see how the controls are laid out and what the controls do. This will enable them to have a better understand of how to move the equipment and ultimately the dirt. The second part to the experiential learning cycle is the sharing of observations (Evans, 2006). This is a critical aspect when teaching someone how to operate a 35,000 pound machine. It is imperative for someone to be comfortable with operating a big machine and by sharing their observations or concerns. This will enable management to have a enhanced understanding as to what
  • 56. The Ripple Effect By Mrs. Jones The Ripple effect, the ripple effect is about one good deed rippling out and making other good deeds. That is basically what this is, when you think about it it is actually true. In the story there are so many examples of a small action making a big change. One of those actions are when Mrs. Jones doesn t call the cops and instead takes Roger back to her house. This is like the ripple effect because if she called the police and got taken in then he wouldn t be given a change, Roger knows that he can do good but if he got taken to jail then he would think that he was bad because everyone is saying he is bad but instead Mrs.Jones gave him a chance and it helped him realize that he shouldn t do bad deeds and then maybe roger can teach other people
  • 57. The Impacts Of Osama Bin Laden III.These are the impacts of Bin Laden s death. The death of Osama bin Laden by American forces signifies a symbolic victory on the war on terror movement. Bin Laden is the first leader and forefather of Al Qaeda terrorist movement that is based on extreme Islamic beliefs to execute political and religious purposes. Many Americans applauded as justice was served to the man who planned the attacks of 9/11, which slayed thousands of innocent Americans almost fifteen years ago. Many people decided to celebrate the declaration of Osama bin Laden s death by waving American flags and singing God Bless America as the news coverage of his killing appeared throughout the media. However, this celebration caused skirmish between those who thought it was right to celebrate a murder, and those who believed in exultation at the end of the war. In the article Why We Celebrate a Killing , the author exposed his ideas of why it was constructive to rejoice Osama bin Laden s death as it united a diverse population, allowed for closure to those affected and increased pride in the American government. He also touched upon a few reasons ... Show more content on ... The article The Aftershocks of bin Laden discusses that in war, the issue of morale is critical. To break the enemy is to break his morale. The killing of Osama bin Laden by U.S. Special Operations forces in a firefight north of the Pakistani capital of Islamabad delivered a pivotal boost to American morale and a blow to the morale of al Qaeda, with repercussions that are being felt worldwide. Bin Laden did not mysteriously fade into oblivion, simply never to be heard from again, fueling conjecture about his fate, and thus giving hope to the radicalized Sunni Muslim faithful; nor did he die a natural death. He was hunted down and killed. This fact cannot be overestimated. The following number among the salutary