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Essay Gay Marriage
Writing an essay on the topic of "Gay Marriage" can be both challenging and thought-provoking.
The difficulty lies not only in presenting a well-researched and coherent argument but also in
navigating the complex and often sensitive nature of the subject matter. This topic encompasses
a wide range of social, political, ethical, and cultural aspects, making it necessary to approach it
with a balanced and informed perspective.
Addressing the historical context, legal implications, and societal attitudes towards gay marriage
requires a deep understanding of the subject. It involves delving into various sources to gather
accurate and up-to-date information, ensuring that the essay reflects the current state of affairs.
Moreover, articulating a clear thesis statement and structuring the essay in a logical manner
becomes crucial to convey a compelling narrative.
One of the challenges may arise from the need to engage with diverse viewpoints and opinions
surrounding gay marriage. Crafting an essay that respects differing perspectives while still
presenting a cohesive argument demands careful consideration of language and tone. Striking a
balance between academic rigor and empathy for various stances on the issue is an intricate task
that requires meticulous attention to detail.
Additionally, tackling potential biases and ensuring a fair representation of different voices can
be demanding. It requires an awareness of one's own beliefs and a commitment to objective
analysis. Handling potentially controversial material with sensitivity and respect for all parties
involved is essential to maintain the integrity of the essay.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Gay Marriage" is a challenging task that requires
a nuanced understanding of the subject, the ability to synthesize diverse perspectives, and a
commitment to presenting information objectively. As with any complex topic, it necessitates
thorough research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills to navigate the intricacies
of the discussion. If you find yourself struggling, remember that assistance is available, and
services like offer support for various types of essays and topics.
Essay Gay MarriageEssay Gay Marriage
The Safety For Illegal Aliens
Safety for Illegal Aliens From January to August 2014 over 200 sanctuary cities
released some 8,145 illegal aliens despite the fact that they were being held on
criminal charges. Of those over 8,000 released, 1,800 of them were charged with
crimes such as rape and child sex abuse ( Sanctuary City Crime Wave in 43 States).
Although there is no clear definition of sanctuary city each of these cities generally
have laws that limit how far government employees and law enforcement officials are
allowed to go to aid the federal government on immigrationmatters. Sanctuary cities
should be outlawed because they go against federal law, the release of criminals are
endangering the public, and negative effects it has on the economy. Sanctuary... Show
more content on ...
So apparently in reality, funding cuts won t do much to stop these cities from
resisting ICE. Something needs to be done in order to prevent these cities and their
politicians from resisting the federal law and ICE. Not only are these cities
resisting federal law, they are also endangering their own citizens who live there as
well. On July 1, 2015 in San Francisco, CA, a well known sanctuary city, Kathryn
Steinle (32), was shot and killed while walking with her father by an undocumented
illegal alien Juan Francisco Lopez Sanchez. Before his arrest after killing Steinle,
Lopez Sanchez had been convicted of seven felonies and been deported five times
( Sanctuary Cities: How Kathryn Steinle s death ). Lopez Sanchez had been in
prison following his fifth deportation for re entering the country, but was
transferred from Victorville, CA to San Francisco because of an outstanding drug
related charge despite the fact that he had an immigration detainer. However, San
Francisco s DA refused to prosecute him over a decade old marijuana possession case
( Sanctuary Cities: How Kathryn Steinle s death ), and Lopez Sanchez was
released in April 2015. ICE had made a request to know when Lopez Sanchez would
be released from prison, so that he could be
Western Pleasure vs Hunter Jumpers
Nikki Yager
Mrs. Yates
English II
3 October 2010
English Essay There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the
inside of a man. Winston Churchill. Horses not only inspire their riders, but also the
spectators. The art of equestrian is generally disregarded as a competitive sport.
Being a rider not only takes raw talent but also devotion, skill, concentration,
knowledge, and strength. With a variety of riding styles, it s difficult to express
which one is superior to the others. There is tension between the horsemen with
different riding styles; each believe their accomplishments take more skill. Western
Pleasure riding and English Hunter Jumpers are two distinctive techniques with
diverse characteristics, but ... Show more content on ...
Doping and the inappropriate use of normal medications present a serious threat to
the integrity and reputation of our sport, because they give athletes an unfair
advantage and threaten the welfare of horses. (FEI s Clean Sport Campaign pg1)
Federation Equestre Inerationale and several other animal welfare organizations have
well established regulations trying to create a more perfect sport. Because riding in
shows is so competitive riders need to understand that showing isn t always about
winning but learning for the experience of showing.
Western Pleasure riding and English Hunter Jumpers are two distinctive techniques
with diverse characteristics, but the riders themselves share a common attitude of
love and passion for riding. Talent and technique ample for creating a riding career,
but the need for passion in riding significantly exceeds that of talent and technique.
The creation of the horse is a gift, which enables people to feel freedom and
adoration towards a magnificent animal. Riders with a desire to succeed recognize
that riding is not about conquering the horse but becoming one with the
Literary Devices In To Kill A Mockingbird
Literary devices can be mildly, or majorly, confusing, depending on personal
reading level or the way they are taught, which can make all the difference.
Thankfully, there are many books that can aid in understanding the pesky literary
terms. Like How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster, for
example. Each chapter of the book focuses on a literary device or technique that may
have multiple meanings depending on the context. Therefore, this book can help
readers understand more confusing pieces of literature with underlying messages
such as To Kill a Mockingbird. Particularly, Foster can help readers dissect more
difficult parts of the novel by Lee including violence and death, symbols, and ironies.
Violence and death are limited in To Kill a Mockingbird, as there is really only
one case. The case of Tom Robbinson and his trial for raping Mayella Ewell, which
is none the less a bit confusing. When Bob and Mayella Ewell both come to the
stand, they insist that Mayella was choked and beat on the right ride of her face,
indicating someone primarily left handed would have done the crime. At first
glance, a reader may wonder why that matters, but in chapter eleven of HTRLLAP,
More Than It s Gonna Hurt You: Concerning Violence, Foster points out that while
violence is literal, there is usually also something else (Foster 95). Later in TKAM
readers realize there is something else; Tom Robbinson has a maimed left arm, which
as Scout explains, she could see
Kids In Congo By Annie Oonard Analysis
Annie Leonard creates a cohesive and influential argument against man s
overwhelming reliance on consumption by integrating numerous personal anecdotes,
popular environmental design philosophies, governmental initiatives, and
corporations backward innovation tactics to reaffirm man s need to use their
sociological imagination to truly see the world in front of them and fight for a more
socially equitable and environmentally sustainable way of life. First, Leonard
provides an all encompassing perspective of corporations and the government as they
weave an overarching business safety net of monetarily driven intentions to protect
the uncontrolled growth of capitalism in the American economy. The bottom up,
American dream businesses, are overpowered... Show more content on ...
She first references many upstream efforts to change the way corporations and
industries design, market, and produce their products. For instance, she frequently
echoes the claims of the Upcycle s McDonough and Braungart to take the toxins out
of the design process in the beginning, like Europe is doing with chlorine removal
from paper (Leonard, 54). Leonard also continually references closing the loop for
production materials and changing values to ensure design is environmentally and
socially sound (Leonard, 84, 103). Biomimicry is also celebrated as an influential
and revolutionary design tactic (Leonard, 19). While those efforts are more top down,
Leonard also supports bottom up, such as Greenmanager (Leonard, 188). The author
successfully incorporates many environmental initiatives and efforts into a
comprehensive plan for moving forward. She embraces and encourages these efforts,
but argues they are just placing more Band Aids on a leaky pipe, rather than dealing
with the problem at hand, they are just not big or powerful enough. Rather, Leonard
asserts there must be a civic engagement part to bring the accountability and
responsibility back to the government and corporations (175). Leonard makes a great
point, but
Lab 10
Lindsay Bingham
PHY101 18801
Electrical Components and Circuits
Purpose: The objective of this experiment was to analyze light and its relationship
between energy and color of the light producing that energy. We also were in charge
of measuring the rate at which evaporation occurs for rubbing alcohol depending on
the different colored diodes.
* LEDs and circuits (from previous lab) * Pipette (or eyedropper) * Rubbing alcohol
* Index card * 9 volt battery * Flashlight * Stopwatch * Small cardboard shoe box
1. Set up an Excel spreadsheet listing variables: evaporation time vs. frequency of
LED. 2. Make a three sided enclosure from the cardboard box. This ... Show more
content on ...
We were asked to look up the frequency of the different colored diodes and the
results are presented in a graph.
After plotting the graph to determine the relationship of evaporation rate and
frequency of LED, it seemed that the lower the frequency, the less time it took for the
alcohol to evaporate. Although, the green LED bulb was an outlier, the rest of the
values (on average) met this relationship.
The theory behind this experiment was to use previous learning of light and
frequency to determine how fast alcohol evaporates when certain colored lights shine
on it. The wavelength and frequency of light are inversely proportional, and
wavelength decreases from red to violet. The goal is to investigate the relationship
between the frequency of light (color) and the energy produced by different colors of
light. The relationship is proportional, as discovered by this activity, and the larger
the frequency (such as blue), the longer it takes for the alcohol to evaporate.
The results of the experiment produced known errors. Since we were told to make
10 trials, I decided to do 12. Many of the times, the lights would flicker or not light
up completely, especially when working with the green. This is probably why my
results produced varied numbers, and why the green LED light was an outlier with
the average evaporation time. Some of the times, I accidentally dropped one too
many drops of alcohol, but I started over and
Oral History In Canada
The use of audio records for this project is significantly important as audio records
allows people to heard the voices of those who are not heard, in this specific case,
it is the voices of immigrants that are heard. Often, there is a general belief that
people come to Canada for a better life, which is true. However, people also assume
that immigrants instantly have a better life in an economic and social way, which is
not true. This is why oral history is important in this situation. Oral history will allow
immigrants to share their personal experience with immigration and new life in
Canada. This will allow the providing of a new perspective on immigration and even
contradict the general beliefs on immigrations thanks to the use of oral history....
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Oral history can capture the essence of a person that other forms of historical
research cannot as the interviewer has the ability to ``connect`` with the person and
truly understand the impact of a specific event due to the detailed personal experience
told by the interviewee
Indi Causes And Effects Of Caste System In India
based. India has been a victim of caste system since ages.
The causes, effects and solutions of Caste system in India are discussed below:
Causes: The main reason behind the growth of Caste system in India is the
assignment of caste based on job specialization. There were different types of jobs
in the society which were done by the people based on their capability. This division
of job based on specialization resulted into caste system.
Four classes of Caste system: The four classes includes:
The Brahmins the priestly class. They were mainly engaged in religious and priestly
activities. They were also appointed as advisors to the Kings.
The Kshatriyas the warrior and ruler class. They were mainly engaged in warfare
The Vaishyas the trader class. They were mainly engaged in... Show more content on ...
Increases gap between upper and lower caste people.
Caste system is also a danger towards the National integration of the country. Caste
system is a major cause for many inhuman and immoral social practices such as
untouchability, child marriage, sati system, prostitution, etc.
2. Poverty
Introduction: Poverty refers to a situation when people s basic needs are not
fulfilled. When people doesn t have the necessary food to eat or clothes to wear or
shelter to stay then its called poverty. Life becomes very difficult for people with
income is below the poverty line (BPL).
Effects: The negative effects of poverty are mentioned below:
Poor people will always have to depend on others to survive.Low quality foods may
leads to bad nutrition.Poor people have less liberty for the choice of
profession.Poverty may affect the moral and self esteem of people living in extreme
hardship.Poverty also results in building stress which ultimately affects the
relationship of people.The low standard of living prevails among poor people.
Solutions: The solutions for poverty are discussed
Irish Nationalists Struggle for Independence from Britain
Irish Nationalists attempted to establish continuity with what they believed to be
appropriate or suitable aspects of Irish history and culture. These attempts lead to
both the revival and invention of a culturally distinct Irish heritage not associated
with British rule in order to justify a sense of nationhood and to support the Irish
struggle for Independence (Hobsbawm in Laurence, A p176) (Laurence, A p.160).
Whilst there is no single definition of Irish Nationalism, as the various groups and
movements within the Nationalist cause differed in views, opinions and methods.
Irish nationalism can be defined as the early struggle in the nineteenth and twentieth
century to achieve independence from British rule, achieved in 1921 and the ... Show
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The methods they used showed further attempts by a new government to establish
continuity with what they believed to be a suitable Irish past. Materials used for
reconstruction had to be or Irish origin and certain buildings, such as Dublin Castle
and the Royal Hospital Kilmainham former symbols of British rule were abandoned
in favour of rebuilding other parts of Dublin such as the Four Corners, the Custom
House and the GPO the headquarters of the Easter Uprising. Whilst the decision was
not wholly un pragmatic as these were important placed in Dublin that the public
needed access to it also shows what the early Irish government deemed as suitable to
the Irish past they were trying to rebuild. This along with the destruction of some 300
private homes showed that the early government had little interest in preserving an
Ireland associated with British rule. As did the creation of the Ancient Monuments
Act in 1929 which preserved and protected pre 1700 buildings in Ireland.
Whilst later efforts were made restore Dublin Castle and the transformation of
Kilmainham hospital into an art gallery as well as the restoration of number of
private houses in Ireland, these restorations were not taken until after Ireland joined
the European Union in 1973. These efforts were again not un pragmatic as the early
Irish government has little funds for restoration but the timing is also significant and
perhaps shows a coming to
Marketing New Product
Marketing New Product Assignment
Case 1
This case is largely based on Vanessa O Connell, Food for Thought: How Campbell
Saw a Breakthrough Menu Turn into Leftovers, the goals we need to reach is to gain
the understanding of this company, why they can get the innovation and how they can
manage it, also we can learn the experience of this company.
The back ground of the company: In 1990, Campbell Soup was the undisputed leader
among U.S. soup manufacturers, with a market share of over 75 percentages. Soup
consumption, however, was levelling off, and top management was looking for
opportunities for growth in related markets. Competitors such as ConAgra ... Show
more content on ...
By fall 1997, Campbell announced plans to sell IQ Meals. For using the correct
strategy, in 2012, Campbell announced plans to buy Bolthouse Farms, a maker of
juices, salad dressings and baby carrots, for $1.55 billion. Analysts saw this as an
attempt to reach younger, more affluent consumers.
Reference: Collins, Douglas (1994). America s Favorite Food: The Story of
Campbell Soup Company. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Shea, Martha Esposito, and Mathis,
Mike (2002). Images of America: Campbell Soup Company. Arcadia Publishing.
Wikipedia,Campbell Soup Company. Link:
/Campbell_Soup_Company#Recalls case 2:
In this case, you and your classmates play the role of the marketing department in a
firm involved in new product development. This case we link each other in different
department and position. We have different duties. How to coordinate our ideas in
Background of the company:
My firm is struggling with instituting team based product development, and over the
last several months several of the marketing staff has been placed on product teams
with personnel from engineering, design, and manufacturing.
We need find the way to get more solutions. All open about their opinions and
participate in the discussion of the views of others. This way .they will strive to
come up with solutions that are actually workable, and weed out the pie in the sky
Comparative Essay-to Kill a Mockingbird and I Know Why
Mrs. Teacher
Honors English 10
18 November 2012
Response to Literature
The free bird thinks of another breeze....a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams...
The two literary works I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou and
Harper Lee s To Kill a Mockingbird can be seen as mockingbirds that have flown over
fields of prejudice and repeat what they have seen for all to hear. Jem Finch, a young
boy and lawyer s son from To Kill a Mockingbird clearly symbolizes a mockingbird
because of his youth and innocence, and because of his innocence he cannot fully
understand the racism in the story. Jem also has many similarities to the caged and
free birds in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings , whether it be Jem s ... Show more
content on ...
While Jem was a young boy he acted very similar to the free bird in I Know Why
the Caged Bird Sings. He lived life to its fullest never stopping to think of the
racism he was being shielded from. The free bird thinks of another breeze and the
trade winds soft through the sighing trees and the fat worms waiting on a dawn
bright lawn and he names the sky his own. (Angelou, 14 18) In this stanza of the
poem you can infer that the free bird is very happy with life and never thinks of
anything upsetting. The upsetting things in this instance would be the racism in
the story; the free bird never stops to think about the caged bird. As the summer
progressed, so did our game. (Lee, pg. 52) When Jem and his sister Scout meet
Dill, a boy in their neighbor s yard, they get to know him and play with him. They
are always thinking of improving their game, living life to its fullest as much as a
kid can. When they are playing said game, Jem never stops to think about the
racism in the world and is shielded from it by the fun of being a kid. Concluding
that they are similar characters because both Jem and the free bird enjoy their
lives. Another reason why the free bird and Jem , the symbol of a mockingbird are
similar is they are both able to do what they please. A free bird leaps on the back of
the wind and floats downstream till the current ands and dips his wing
What Determines The Effectiveness Of Communication...
Communication is a primary aspect of our daily lives by which people exchange
ideas, information, and opinions. What determines the effectiveness of
communication process is the ability of the medium used to deliver the message to
the recipient in a consistent format and to provide feedback. Several factors can
hinder the communication process from taking place efficiently. These include
communication channels used, message length, distractions, message clarity,
availability of feedback, as well as the time it takes the message to reach the intended
recipient (Ludlow Panton, 2002). By choosing communication channel, it becomes
necessary to consider the recipient, especially where applying technology to eliminate
chances of digital divide hindering the communication process. Use of internet in
connection is thus only necessary where both parties, that is the sender and the
intended receiver of the message are familiar with the channel and are in possession
of necessary equipment that will facilitate the communication e.g. mobile phones,
tablets, laptops, or personal computers (Taylor, 2000).
The number of global Internet users has enormously grown from less than 1
percent in the year 1995 to around 40 percent today. By the year 2005, there were
around a billion users and this figure double by the year 2010. This number had risen
to three billion by 2014. Asia leads in the number of internet users, commanding a
48.4%, followed by both North and South America at
Reflection Analysis
In 2017, it seems engagement in controversial discourse is the ultimate taboo. In
fear of offending others, youth avoid discussions of religion, political opinions, and
economic problems altogether. Or, in contrast, discussions of these topics turn
hostile and have to be extinguished in the classroom. The result of this problem is
that many young people do not know what they truly think about controversial
topics, and a generation of apathetic thinkers that never go beyond the mainstream
media for their opinions is produced. A society without individual core beliefs and
values cannot function as a democratic republic. I think it is important for our
society to be able to discuss controversial topics because I think that, like Christ, we
should meet others where they are. Every day, I see people dismiss an idea simply
because it does not fall in line with their particular political partyor because the idea
conflicts with the sentiments of the popular media. Instead, if we hear out the
challenging opinions of others, we can unravel ideologies of our own. I also see
people who avoid the news or political disputes at all costs because they do not want
to feel the debaters contention. I too dodged the nightly news and the following
dinner table deliberations until I attended Volunteer Girls State in June 2017. At
Volunteer Girls State, I learned how to be civically engaged in my community and
how to be an effective leader. Throughout the week, I participated as a Senator,
Racial Disparity In The Criminal Justice System
Racial Disparities Among The Criminal Justice System
Social issues are dealt with every day, everywhere in our society. Issues like
immigration all the way to climate change. As our world evolves the number of social
issues only continue to accumulate. Racial disparity is something that is in every
aspect of our society. A repetitive social issue is minorities being targeted in the
criminal justice system. Minorities, in specific African Americans receive unequal
treatment and punishment in the criminal justice system this causes a split in our
society, racist outburst, and million of unjustified incarcerations affecting the
environment millennials grow in, and the economy as money is being spent where
there should be no need for it.
Barack Obama once stated during one of his speeches that the U.S contains 5
percent of the world population and 25 percent of the world s prisoners. There is a
large numeric difference between those two numbers. One would ask why? But in the
film, 13th the documentary explores the linking elements of race, mass incarceration,
and justice in the United States. It is stated that after the Civil War African Americans
were imprisoned in mass. This was due to the fact the 13th amendment states neither
slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party
shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place
subject to their jurisdiction. The amendment clearly stated that slavery was no
Allusions and Intertextuality Essay
Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan is a famous singer song writer and has been for five decades. His early
lyrics incorporated a variety of political, social and philosophical, as well as literary
In 2008, a Bob Dylan Pathway was opened in the singer s honor in his birthplace of
Duluth, Minnesota.
Bob Dylan was refered to in the novel The Messenger when Ed was describing his
bad his career was going at his age. Ed Kennedy is 19 and very much aware of how
little he has going for him. After all, both Salvador Dali and Bob Dylan were well
on their way by the time they were his age. And also a song of Bob Dylans, The
Hurricane was mentioned.
Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali was a prominent Spanish surrealist painter born in ... Show more
content on ...
Pryor was listed at number one on Comedy Central s list of all time greatest stand up
Rictchie has a tattoo of Jimi Hendrix on his right arm. But everyone thinks it looks
more like Richard Pryor.
The Proclaimers
A band formed by identical twins, Charlie and Craig Reid, they are probably best
known for the songs Letter from America , I m On My Way and I m Gonna Be (500
Miles) .
The band was one of The B 52s touring partners on their Funplex tour in Australia
and New Zealand in November 2009.
The Proclaimers are first mentioned when Ed is searching through a record collect
his dad gave him for The Proclaimers. The songs Two Scottish Nerds and Five
Hundred Miles are mentioned.
Paul Newman
He was an American actor, film director, entrepreneur, humanitarian, professional
racing driver and auto racing enthusiast. He won numerous awards, including an
Academy Award for best actor for his performance in the 1986 Martin Scorsese film
The Color of Money.
Newman was a co founder of Newman s Own, a food company from which Newman
donated all post tax profits and royalties to charity.
Ed chose a movie staring Paul Newman to watch.
Sylvia Plath
Sylvia Plath was an American poet, novelist and short story writer.
Following a long struggle with depression and a marital separation, Plath committed
suicide in 1963.
The Moon Landings Weren t Faked
Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed ( Neil Armstrong ). The 60s
were an interesting decade for The United States of America. Richard M. Nixon
had been inaugurated as the 37th President, but he had created such a scandal with
Watergate that he had resigned soon after and had the Vice President Gerald Ford
take over in his shameful leave. The US had decided to hold the second draft lottery
in order to find men to serve in the upcoming Vietnam War. This meant that the
Selective Service System would conduct a lottery like situation drawing both a
sequence number and a date would be drawn to select the next men serving in the
war. A fatal event happened when Senator Edward M. Kennedy was in a car accident
with Mary Jo... Show more content on ...
Luckily no one was inside. Over the time that had separated Apollo 11 from the
previous mission, NASA had fixed many of the faulty equipment and even tested the
rocket out several times. Even though NASA made it to the moon, many theorists are
not easily convinced. Although there are many inconsistencies of the moon landing
in 1969, evidence shows that this was the first successful journey to the moon.
Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man s desire to understand. (Neil
Armstrong). As a boy, Neil always dreamed about becoming an astronaut. He was
cut out for it and had the intellectual capabilities. Neil had played with airplanes and
other replicas of machines that were able to fly. He also enjoyed science. He had a
scientist s kit as a kid and had been able to perform college education labs and
procedures at the age of eight due to his exploring and capability of knowing what
chemical to mix and how to solve many of the problems he encountered. Once his
job became his dream, Neil gave this quote to be able to justify his decisions. One of
many supporting pieces of evidence that the moon landing happened is moon rocks
that were brought back from the journey. These rocks were something you would
have never seen before. Scientists knew from the moment they saw those rocks that,
they were from a
Mount Saint Helens and Ecological Succession
Throughout history, great importance has been placed on the existence of God. Every
civilization through time has sought some sort of reassurance that their is a higher
being the watches over humanity. The evidence of this belief can be seen in the
tombs of the Egyptians, in the sculptures of the Greeks and in the customs of the
African tribes, among many other cultures. It seems that the existence of a deity is
something that every culture comes to accept at some time or another. In Would
Tarzan Believe in God? , the authors say that, ...many cognitive scientists see the
universality and pervasiveness of religious belief as suggesting that it is a natural
feature of evolved human psychology. (Banjeree, pg. 1) There are none who would...
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In his argument, Craig says he will not treat the New Testament as an inspired text,
but as a historical Greek text to prove the point from an outside view. (Craig pg.
22) Now, Jesus was an important historical figure who had a huge influence on the
world, even to this day, therefore it makes sense that He should be brought into the
discussion regarding the existence of God. Craig establishes that of what we
know of Jesus, he was crucified and died, buried and then came back to life and
appeared to his followers. Since God raising him from the dead is the best
explanation of these facts, God must therefore exist. (Craig pg. 25) The fifth and
final argument of Craig s is that God can be immediately known and experience,
which he states is not so much a proof as it is an escape from proof. (Craig Pg. 26)
For those willing to cast aside the arguments, God can be known outside of them
according to Craig. For those who have religious experiences, they claim to know
God and have experienced him and this is what is known as properly basic beliefs.
These beliefs cannot be proven, yet they remain solid beliefs because they are similar
to other basic beliefs that could never be proven. For example, how can we prove that
we are not simply a brain floating in chemicals being stimulated by electrodes?
(Craig pg. 26) We can t, yet we believe that we are not and this is what a basic belief
is. There is reassurance in
Theodore Roosevelt And The Progressive Party
In 1912, the Progressive Party formed to support Theodore Roosevelt in his attempt
to be elected for a third presidential term (O Toole par. 7, 11). The party was formed
after the Republican National Convention repudiated the nomination of Roosevelt
(Bardes, Shelley, and Schmidt 251). Furthermore, this resulted in Roosevelt splitting
the Republican vote between him and William Howard Taftand gave Democrat
Woodrow Wilsonan advantage (Bardes, Shelley, and Schmidt). The Progressive
Party took a platform that was new and innovative for the time period in which it
began. To understand the the start of the Progressive Party one must acknowledge
its political platform, the outcome of the presidential election between Roosevelt,
Taft, and Wilson, and the outcome and end of the Progressive Party. After failing
to receive the nomination, those who supported Roosevelt had to develop another
strategy for his campaign. To run as a third party member, Roosevelt would
continue to require financial support. James Chance, professor of government and
public law at Bard College, claims that, Roosevelt was assured that he would have
the financial backing he would need . . . when his financial supporters, George
Perkins and millionaire publisher Frank Munsey, met with him . . . At that moment
the Progressive Party was born (120 121). Following this meeting, all that was left
before the Progressive Party would have a nominee was for Roosevelt to accept. He
responded saying, I shall accept
How Did Sylvia Plath Write The Bell Jar
The Bell Jar was written by Sylvia Plath and published in Britain under the
pseudonym Victoria Lucas in January 1963, merely a few weeks before her suicide.
In summer of 1953, Plath was awarded a summer as a guest editor at the women s
magazine Mademoiselle, and her internship in New York City would ultimately
inspire Plath to write The Bell Jar. The novel lightly fictionalized Plath s life under
the facade of Esther Greenwood, right down to the method of her failed suicide
attempt and extensive shock therapy. For instance, in Chapter 10, Esther decides to
write a novel and states: My Heroine would be myself, only in disguise.
It was the only novel published before her death, but Plath had been considering
writing a novel for a long time before publishing The Bell Jar. In fact, she had
already begun one the previous spring and, by her mother s account, burned yet
another finished novel in a bonfire during a fit of rage. ... Show more content on ...
The Saxton Fellowship also turned down Plath s poetry manuscript that eventually
became The Colossus, which was published by William Heinemann in 1960. The
Colossus was received by critics as hauntingly beautiful and was the only collection
of her poetry published before her death.
Heinemann also agreed to publish The Bell Jar, but by the time it was published
Plath was at a breaking point in her life; her marriage to Ted Hughes was over, she
struggled financially with her two children, and she faced critical rejection when she
was not accepted for Frank O Connor s writing class at Harvard. The Bell Jar
documents in great depth her harrowing descent into madness that reflects upon her
obsession with
Plato s Influence On Christian Life
Plato (/Л€pleЙ
ЄtoКЉ/;[a][1] Greek: О О»О¬П„П‰ОЅ[a] PlГЎtЕЌn, pronounced
[plГЎ.tЙ”Лђn] in Classical Attic; 428/427 or 424/423[b] 348/347 BCE) was a
philosopher in Classical Greece and the founder of the Academy in Athens, the first
institution of higher learning in the Western world. He is widely considered the most
pivotal figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western tradition.[2]
Unlike nearly all of his philosophical contemporaries, Platos entire Е“uvre is believed
to have survived intact for over 2,400 years.[3]
Along with his teacher, Socrates, and his most famous student, Aristotle, Plato laid
the very foundations of Western philosophy and science.[4] Alfred North Whitehead
once noted: the safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition
is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato. [5] In addition to being a
foundational figure for Western science, philosophy, and mathematics, Plato has also
often been cited as one of the founders of Western religion and spirituality.[6]
Friedrich Nietzsche, amongst other scholars, called Christianity, Platonism for the
people. [7] Plato s influence on Christian thought is often thought to be mediated by
his major influence on Saint Augustine of Hippo, one of the most important
philosophers and theologians in the history of Christianity. ... Show more content on ...
Plato appears to have been the founder of Western political philosophy, with his
Republic, and Laws among other dialogues, providing some of the earliest extant
treatments of political questions from a philosophical perspective. Plato s own most
decisive philosophical influences are usually thought to have been Socrates,
Parmenides, Heraclitus and Pythagoras, although few of his predecessors works
remain extant and much of what we know about these figures today derives from
Finance 261 Mock Test
Version 1
FINANCE 261 Test Answer Sheet
Name: __________________________________________ Student ID
Please use CAPITAL LETTERS when writing your answers.
Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer
Question Answer
Version 1
THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND Department of Accounting and Finance
FINANCE 261 Introduction to Investments
MID SEMESTER TEST Semester 1 2013
INSTRUCTIONS Time allowed: 60 minutes (includes reading time) Total Marks: 20
a. b. c. d. e. f.
Answer ALL questions. There are 20 questions each worth 1 mark.... Show more
content on ...
The optimal weights of X and Y in O are 60% and 40% respectively. X has an
expected rate of return of 14% and Y has an expected rate of return of 10%. To form
an efficient portfolio with an expected rate of return of 8%, you should invest
approximately __________ and __________ of your $1,000 in security X and Y
respectively. A. $348, $232 B. $312, $208 C. $279, $186 D. $243, $162 D Expected
return on Portfolio O = 12.4% Denoting the weight on Portfolio O, w: 12.4w +
5Г—(1 w) =8 w = 3/7.4 = 0.4054 Dollar investment in X = 1000 Г—0.6Г—0.4504 =
$243 Dollar investment in Y = 1000 Г—0.4Г—0.4504 = $162
Version 1
Question 10 You invest $1,000 in a portfolio composed of the risky market portfolio
with an expected rate of return of 16% and a standard deviation of 20% and (risk
free) treasury bills with a rate of return of 6%. The slope of the capital market line
formed with the risky market portfolio and the risk free asset is _________. A. 1.10
B. 0.80 C. 0.50 D. 0.20 C Sharpe ratio = (16 6) / 20 = 0.5 Question 11 When
calculating the variance of a portfolio s percentage returns squaring the deviations
from the mean percentage return results in ________. I. preventing the sum of the
deviations from always equaling zero II. exaggerating the effects of large positive
and negative deviations III. a number in units of percentage of returns A. III only B. I
and II only C. I and III only D. I, II and III B Question 12 You would like to
Learning Philosophy And Teaching Philosophy
Creating a multitude of experiences for students and focusing instruction around the
vocabulary that stems from those experiences is the foundation of my teaching
philosophy. From daily exposure and continuous personal research I know that
poverty means more than a lack of money; it means a lack of resources financial,
relational, neurological, social emotional, experiential, and linguistic. It was from this
list of necessary resources that I developed my teaching philosophy and the strategies
to reinforce it. Currently, I collaboratively teach Pre K with another teacher, two
teacher assistants and 40 children. About 60% of my students are English language
learners. I teach all subjects: reading, writing, math, science, and art. Inclusive in the
content are the social emotional skills: patience, sharing, focus, emotional vocabulary,
standing up for others, using words instead of violence, exploration, and the value of
creativity. Collaborative teaching is a critical tool for balancing efficacious direct
instruction and observation/assessment. By choosing to team teach I have provided
myself with supports that make time for meaningful student teacher interactions and
encourage daily reflection of student growth. Effectively, my students are
impoverished of experience: background knowledge. This lack of experience means
they also lack exposure to a rich vocabulary, to those one million words that middle
class children come to school having heard and often use.
Quitting In Softball
Fastpitch softball is a game of mental precision. It has its ups and downs. One game,
you may feel as if you are unstoppable. While the following game may send you
crying the entire car ride home. Even the rush of hitting a home run or the excitement
of pitching a no hitter, are no match for the mental games that always seem to follow
a disappointing play. There are moments in each athlete s softball career in which this
disappointment becomes too much. It swallows them completely and consequently
leaves them questioning why they ever started playing the game. It may even cause
them to consider quitting.
There have been moments in my softball career when quitting appeared to be the best
option. Ordinarily, it is not difficult to believe quitting
The P2P Piracy Prevention Act Attacks Consumers Essay
The P2P Piracy Prevention Act Attacks Consumers
Peer to peer (P2P) networks have had a staggering growth in the past few years.
Since Napster, dozens of P2P networks have been created in its imitation. Due to the
growing accessibility of broadband, which increases the speed of downloads, P2P
networks generate nearly 1.8 billion downloads per month. Popularity and acceptance
is still continually growing.
As many users see P2P software as just file sharing, entertainment industries and other
big companies see it as copyright infringement and stealing from copyright owners
without their rightful authorization or compensation. These companies complain that
P2P file sharing threatens the survival of the industries and believe that there ... Show
more content on ...
Berman proposed a legislation called the Peer to Peer Piracy Prevention Act last year
that ensures that all copyright owners won t face liability for using reasonable,
limited self help to prevent the theft of their works on peer to peer networks such as
Kazaa and Gnutella. The bill says that since no legislation can eliminate the problem
of P2P piracy, the law should allow copyright owners to take action into their own
hands in protecting and preventing infringements on their products. With this act,
Congress can help manage problematic issues of the market without interfering with
the system itself. Furthermore, this bill would allow copyright owners to enter and
look into a P2P user s computer to the same extent that any other P2P user is able to,
and allows the owners to take limited measures to prevent and stop the distribution of
their copyrighted property.
The problem with this bill is that it s unethical. Swapping or sharing files with
another user is not illegal. It is the act of sharing copywritten files without
authorization or rightful compensation to the owners that makes it illegal.
However, giving rights to copyright owners to look into P2P users computer files is
an invasion of privacy and that is illegal too. Berman tries to say that the P2P
Piracy Prevention Act primarily allows owners to retrieve or protect their property
much like a bicycle owner grabbing his bike from a thief s yard . But nonetheless this
act is basically asking
Comparison Of Greek And Roman Slavery
Comparable to some degree with the struggle of the early civilizations (i.e. Greek
and Roman slavery) to break out their condition of being slaves, the classic animated
movie A Bug s Life depicted in a similar way, but in different causes to bring the
system down. In the mentioned movie, various societal form and structures of
interest are exposed in this paper.
The Capitalist Pyramid Strikes Again The government structure of the AntIsland is
certainly a monarchy, where the Queen inherits the position to Princess Atta, and then
later to Dot. The level between the government and the rest of the colony of the ants
greatly differed in terms of the division of labor, where the ants carried different
foods, while the ants in the ... Show more content on ...
Apart from the demand for food and protection for the ants, Hopper avoided being
dominated and at the same time, used coercion to keep in power over the ants,
including the queen, while the team enjoyed their gaming, luxury, and gang life.
Because of this grave deviance against the freedom (although, it is not absolutely
possible) of the ants, the colony made a wake up call that their forces combined can
abolish the slavery system posed by the grasshoppers. In addition, these forces from
the grasshoppers are important towards the stability in the society in the way that
they measure how strong the civilization of the ants were, in terms of governance,
manpower, and firepower. After all, the society, at large, is open that the civilization
of ants drastically moved from slaves to free people (in terms of the capitalist
pyramid with the grasshoppers in power).
The Disclosure of Sexual and Gender Behavior by both Flik and Atta As early in
the introduction, Flik demonstrated his interest towards Princess Atta, as he
described her as lovely, based on common characteristics set on women. In addition,
he developed his love further for the princess under the principle of token economy,
where he was able to kiss the princess in exchange for the information that
grasshoppers are afraid of birds, and his courage to save the princess s little sister.
Despite of the existing
Analysis Of `` Bill T. Jones, Matthew Bourne, And Axis Are...
Arthur Mitchell, Bill T. Jones, Matthew Bourne, and AXIS are monumental
choreographers/companies whose work serves as a way for culture to express
themselves. Arthur Mitchell, born in Harlem in 1934, began the Dance Theatre of
Harlem which provided opportunities for African American dancers. Bill T. Jones,
who struggled with his position as an African American man, a gay man, and an HIV
positive man, used danceto face these issues head on. Matthew Bourne reinvented
classic performances to become modern retellings. AXIS, a company that began in
Oakland, California in 1987, choreographs pieces for dancers with and without
disabilities. These artists challenge our preconceived ideas about dance by taking on
the issues of civil rights,... Show more content on ...
Arthur Mitchell had a policy that his company would not turn down anyone for any
reason. He did not care if they did not have talent, Mitchell only cared about their
desire to dance. Furthermore, Mitchell broke down boundaries in dance by:
...battl[ing] the sissy stigma attached to male ballet dancers by consciously not using
the word ballet in the name of his organization. He relaxed the ballet dress code, so
that instead of wearing tights, boys could attend class in cutoffs or jeans. Their
classes, too, were less traditional... (Hawley).
Arthur Mitchell challenges preconceived ideas about dance by meddling with
traditional dance ideas. Mitchell also inspired the community to take pride in
themselves. He fought for those less fortunate so they would have equal
opportunities. He gave African Americans a chance in the dance world. Bill T.
Jones was born in 1952 in upstate New York. He met Arnie Zane, who became not
only a dance partner, but a life partner to him as well. Together, these two created
the Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company in 1982. In 1988, Arnie Zane passed
away due to AIDS and this is when Bill T. Jones discovered he was HIV positive.
Not only was he HIV positive, but he struggled with being stereotyped as a gay man
and an African American man. These issues caused Jones to use dance as an escape
goat and created some of
Essay On Winning
I will never be happy with just a participation trophy, I ve always been one to fight
for the trophy with actual recognition that represents hard work and achievements. So
what does it mean when i can t even get the participation trophy/ but in this case I
didn t even get the participation award.
The giant fan that sat on the window sill next to my table sent chills through my
body the entire night. The darkly lit room and background noise of the hundred girls
in the room added to my nervous excitement. I anxiously waited for the awards to
start as I thought about how I would feel when I accepted my award. This moment
had been in the back of my mind since the dance season started the year before. The
obnoxiously loud fan blocked out most ... Show more content on ...
When the director got to our group again I sat there and thought just clap for Zoe,
as I held back tears full of disappointment. Zoe was another girl in my age group I
suspected could receive the award. Clap for her, Zoe Greear . My body went even
more numb and I could barely smile. The fan then seemed to drown everything out
completely. I had to keep applauding with a dead smile on my face holding back
tears. I wanted to leave right then and there, but I still had to sit through at least
another half an hour of awards. I couldn t leave, I had to sit there in that
uncomfortable chair, frozen in a painful position I didn t bother to make more
comfortable. The second I got to my car, I immediately started sobbing. All the
feelings I put on pause in the banquet were now immersing my entire body. I felt
utterly heartbroken and worthless. I began to question why I danced, and why I ever
tried to put in the effort of trying to stand out and be better if it never meant anything
to anyone. Even more, I began to question why I tried my hardest to do anything in
life because I felt as though I never got the recognition I thought I deserved.
The reason I didn t get any award could have been because of a mishap that
happened with my parents signing me up for the event too late. This has happened
to me plenty of times and I usually accept the fact that if there is the one thing that
could go wrong, it will go wrong specifically for me,
Mistaken Identity, Cerak And Tabb
The shocking, heartbreaking, and tragic event that led to the devastation of two
families started with the mistaken identity of their daughters. When dealing with the
problems in life that come to, you sometimes you have to have faith that everything
will work out fine. From dealing with a tragic accident, caused a familyto spend
weeks in the hospital. Next to a girl in a coma that they were told was your
daughter, may just not be her. In the novel Mistaken Identity by Van Ryn, Cerak
and Tabb, there are many historical fiction points that are based off a true story. The
evening of April 26, 2006 (Ryn 13) was when the Taylor University van was struck
head on by a semi truck when the driver of the truck had fallen asleep and crossed
over the... Show more content on ...
During the novel, there were many doubts about Laura s Identity in the hospital.
The moment when the therapist asked Laura, Could you write your name. She
printed in big letters: WHITNEY (Hoogland). With the doubts about Laura s
identity, they grew even more doubtful. The parents began to think that this wasn t
their daughter Laura. Laura began talking about her parents names, and the
therapist realized they were not the names of Laura s parents. (Ryn 178). Laura
also had 2 siblings, a brother and a sister, Laura s sister noticed that Laura s teeth
looked different. (Boyle) By calling in dental records and examining them, they
found that Laura s teeth they did not match. That s when they discovered there was
a mistaken identity at the accident scene. The Doctor had come in to Laura s room
and said I m so sorry, but your daughter Laura didn t survive the accident. (Ryn 184)
They soon figured out the girl that had been in a coma for five weeks wasn t Laura.
The girl was identified as Whitney Cerak. The devastation of the Van Ryn family
was unreal. They had spent 5 weeks in the hospital by a girl s side thinking it was
their daughter, only to find out their daughter was pronounced dead at the accident
Application Of Delay Tolerant Network Essay
Abstract A class of wireless network is represented by Delay Tolerant Networks
(DTNs) that experience regular and long lasting partitions due to light distribution
of nodes in the network topology. In DTN, store carry forward mechanism is used
for packets routing. In this paper, for performance evaluation three popular routing
protocols are used namely; Epidemic, Direct Delivery and First contact. The
performance of these routing protocols generates a new subarea movement model
based on the splitting of network simulation area. Keywords: Delay Tolerant
Network (DTN), The ONE (Opportunistic Network) simulator, Movement Models,
Routing protocols, TTL (time to live). 1. Introduction Delay Tolerant Network
(DTN) represents a class of wireless networks that has no connected path between a
source and the destination. The network is partitioned into several sub networks in
DTN. DTNs represent a class of wireless systems with no infrastructure and support
the functionality of networks experiencing recurrent and long lasting partitions.
Delay tolerant networking [1] has received major attention in recent years. Since in
DTN, the destination path is not connected, so the main purpose here is to find the
intermediate nodes for routing the packets [2, 3]. When two nodes come in contact
with each other, they may exchange the packets and such an occasion is known as
encounter. In DTN, store carry forward model is used for packet delivery. According
to this model, each node along the
Dave Egger s Shortcomings In Zeitoun
In his national bestselling novel Zeitoun, author Dave Eggers draws sympathy from
his audience by applying the three appeals during the documentation of a muslim
family s experience with racial prejudice in post 9/11 Katrina. Eggers purpose calls
upon painting a vivid picture of the discrimination towards the protagonist and his
family before and after Hurricane Katrina. His tone is often sentimental and builds
emotional appeal.
Throughout the novel, Zeitoun experiences a number of shortcomings due to his race.
Eggers often employs pathos during such moments and uses an objective tone to
indirectly voice his opinions to his readers. By utilizing this method, his prose is
subtly convincing in a way that allows readers to form their own similar ... Show
more content on ...
His work during Katrina involved compassionate actions and centralized the
rhetoricals of pathos. However, many of the actions went unrecognized or
completely ignored by the officials who were assisting him. One example would be
his persistent care in feeding the neighborhood dogs that were stranded and
uncared for in deserted houses. Zeitoun sympathy for the dogs allowed their
hunger to be dissolved. Zeitoun s effort towards the dogs immediately went to
waste after being arrested by the police. He pleads to the officials to take care of
them, but later finds them to be deceitful. The stench hit him immediately. He knew
the dogs were dead before he saw them (Pg. 280) Eggers urges his readers visualize
the distrust that the soldiers had toward Zeitoun. Despite his attempts to care for the
dogs at the expense of his time and personal resources, his pleas to save the innocent
dogs are scornfully disregarded due to the arrogance and skepticism of officials. Thus,
the dogs went uncared for and died. From his neighbors to the dogs, Zeitoun s
dedication of his trustworthiness and sympathetic heart exhibits a trustful attitude
towards his community that the government fails to
Nazi Propaganda In The 1940s
Propaganda is in use practically everywhere and has been for hundreds of years.
Various forms of propaganda has been used throughout history to effectively relay
different messages, such as positive messages or harmful, discriminatory messages.
However, all forms of propaganda are utilized with the same intent to alter public
perceptions into the initiator s beliefs. Propaganda can vary from being an innocent
company slogan, such as Apple s Think Different , to the crucial factor that
determines the difference between winning and losing a war. Example..........
Propaganda itself is neither sinister nor evil. It is really no more than the organization
of methods designed to persuade people to think and behave in a certain way, and in
wartime that usually means getting them to fight or to support the fight. Though
propaganda has been used in various ways... Show more content on ...
The film Der Ewige Jude , The Eternal Jew, is a prime example of anti Semitic Nazi
propaganda during the 1940 s. In The Eternal Jew, also translated as The
Wandering Jew , the Jews are portrayed as mere parasites who live off the hard
work and effort of the Germans. The Jews who possessed riches were accused of
earning it through usury, swindling, and fraud (The Eternal Jew, 35:11). Fritz
Hippler, the director of the film, also depicted the Jews as rats, which accentuated the
belief that Jews were subhuman specimens. Whenever rats appear they bring ruin,
they ravage human property and foodstuffs. In this way they spread disease. They
represent the elements of sneakiness and subterranean destruction among animals.
Just as the Jews do among mankind (Giesen 2003). This dehumanization not only
created fear and resentment towards the Jews, but it also allowed the Germans to
justify the atrocities they inflicted upon the Jews. It s wrong to kill a person, but
permissible to exterminate a rat ( Smith
Essay on My Religious Belief
My Religious Belief
I am a Christian and I believe in the Holy trinity: God, the Son, the Holy Spirit.
God is the most high God, all powerful, all knowing, the creator, full of unfailing
love and truth, God is the only true God. He is the light.
Jesus is the son of God, he is God in the flesh, he came into this world for two
purposes, to teach us how to live on earth and because God so loved the world that
he gave his only begotten son, Jesus. Jesus died on cross for our sins, and is sitting at
God s right hand today.
The Holy Spirit is the spirit of love that dwells in each and every last one of us, it is
not a part of the body so if the body dies, the spirit will continue to live. Because love
never dies.
All ... Show more content on ...
God wants our attention right now. God said that if we take one step, he will take
two. He said this to encourage our relationship with him and to reinforce the fact that
he loves us and will never turn his back on us, even if we are living in sin.
However, in order for us to truly have a relationship with God (take the first step);
we must first accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We have to accept Christ
as our Savior because we can t have a personal relationship with God as long as we
are with sin .In order to make atonement for our sins, we have to accept Christ. To
accept Christ, which can be done anywhere, anytime and anyplace, is taking the
first step to building a relationship with God, we must confess of our sins, repent of
our sins, confess with our mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior and he
died on the cross for our sins, and finally, have faith in our prayers (what we just
said, or simply put, just talking to God). By following the steps mentioned above,
we are considered born again Christians and can now have a loving relationship
with God. Although it is not required, Christians also get baptized in holy water to
cleanse the body (flesh) of all of its sin, generally the same day they accept Jesus as
their Savior. Christians prefer to do this step because Jesus was
Marlowe And FaustusDamnation In Shakespeare s Death
Perhaps the most poignant of these moments is in Act IV during which Faustus has a
troubling encounter with a horse courser. Speaking to himself (as well as the
audience), Faustus laments, what are thou, Faustus, but a man condemned to die?
(4.1, line 127). If the play were to be accepted as Calvinist, Faustus then becomes the
worst sort of sinner. As Calvin himself explains in Institutes of Christian Religion, We
see therefore that it is no absurdity, that one self act be ascribed to God, to Satan, and
to man: but the diversity in the end and manner of doing, causeth that therein
appeareth the justice of God to be without fault, and also the wickedness of Satan
and man, bewrayeth itself to their reproach (Calvin 207). In the Calvinist mindset,
Faustus damnation was first willed by God, then by Satan, and then by himself.
Faustus, and his actions in the play, could have acted as a cautionary tale, though a
rather dramatic one. However, even if one chooses to view the play as a critic of
Calvinism, it remains true that Marlowe s interpretation of the Faustmyth is wrought
with religious concerns of the time. Was Faustus fate predestined or could he have
saved his soul? This question and its difficult answer certainly would have resonated
with Elizabethan audiences. Interestingly enough, 21st century America was also
navigating a world in which religion and politics cannot be separated from one
another. During David Mamet s original production of Faustus,
My Experience At Dunkin Donuts
Everybody remembers his or her first job most likely not every detail, but
definitely the experiences one learned. My first job had its ups and downs similar
to a roller coaster. Being a Dunkin Donuts employee is a satisfying feeling because
daily you re surrounded by not only coffee but delicious donuts. My experience as a
Dunkin Donuts employee taught me patience and the importance of being a hard
worker. First, I understood the importance of patience because a cup of coffeeis made
every second. I started my first day at Dunkin Donuts on a Saturday and quickly
learned how busy the weekends can be. I woke up feeling real nervous that
morning. I felt even more nervous knowing my parents decided to wake up early as
well. Mom why... Show more content on ...
Although now in days we laugh about it every day. Several days, into working I
forgot to turn the burner on for Decaf coffee and I had to remake several drinks.
Luckily the customer didn t mind waiting. Instead, he asked How do you
pronounce your name? Honestly, every customer asked about my name. Usually,
every conversation at the cash register or drive through involved a discussion of
my name origin or pronunciation. Although, I learned more than the intentions at
Dunkin Donuts because I learned the importance of patience through learning.
Yes, this includes having patience in endless conversations customers usually like
to have with me. In the time, I realized the importance of being a hard worker.
Several months into working at Dunkin Donuts, I decided to quit. I had in mind
working several months until I started college in the Spring. James I need to tell
you something. I said to my assistant manager. I remember it being late at night that
evening. I start college next week and I believe this week is my last. All right, I
will let Sharon know. he replied. Although know if you leave, you will be missed
he added. I felt extremely upset with my decision because James told me earlier
her mother in law passed away several days ago. I felt guilty maybe resigning could
stress her more out. He texted her right away. James showed me the text, Mrs.
Sharon replied to him Aw! I don t want her to leave! But, I
Panama Canal Thesis Statement
Thesis Statement
There is no doubt that the building of the Panama Canal was a major feat in history
that has made a huge impact on the way many countries trade with each other. It was
a great struggle to complete but it also was very rewarding.
The Land Area
The Isthmus of Panama is about 50 miles wide at its narrowest point. The land was
thick with jungle, deep swamp, and mountains. What the surveyors did not realize is
that the geology behind the land made it much harder to build the canal than in other
places around the world. The surrounding mountain range was formed differently
than most mountain ranges, commonly formed by folding due to lateral pressure.
These mountains were formed by individual volcanic actions. Formations ... Show
more content on ...
In 1876, French Navy Lieutenant Lucien N. B. Wyse, a grandson of Lucien
Bonaparte, was sent to explore locations and different possibilities for the canal.
He returned home in April 1877 and showed De Lesseps the construction plans. De
Lesseps rejected all of the plans because they required tunnels and locks to be
built. De Lesseps prefered to build a sea level canal like the Suez Canal. Wyse
went back to the isthmus on December 6, 1877. He explored two routes in Panama,
one through Nicaragua and one through Panama. In the end he chose the
Panamanian route, which would be sea level. The route would follow the Panama
Railroad and require a 7,720 meter long tunnel through the Continental Divide at
Culebra. He traveled to Bogota and the Colombian government signed a treaty on
March 20th, 1878 that granted rights to build the canal through Panama, then part of
Colombia. The treaty promised Colombia ownership of the canal after 99 years. It
was estimated to take six years and $240 million. The digging started the first day of
By March 1883, construction was behind schedule and 660,000 out the promised
5,000,000 cubic meters have been excavated. After visiting Panama in 1886, De
Lesseps claims construction will be done by July 1889. Later that year, only a few
feet out of hundreds have been removed from the Culebra Cut. De Lesseps hired
The St. Bartholomew s Day Massacre
between the Huguenots and Catholics would take place throughout the cities causing
complete destruction. The Huguenots attacked properties such as churches and
assaulted priests. On the other hand, Catholics directly attacked the Huguenots
through methods of stoning and interruptions of worship. Leading up to The St.
Bartholomew s Day Massacre, tension was already high between the Huguenots and
the Catholics. Massacres took place throughout France and the three religious wars
showed no sign of an end to the violence. In hopes to gain power over the Protestants,
Queen Catherine de Medici organized a marriage between her daughter, the king s
sister, Marguerite of Valois and The Protestant Prince Henry of Navarre. This alliance
although uncommon,
Wealthier Is Wrong
73,000 people sit on waiting lists for a kidney 18 of them will die tomorrow and
6,000 more patients join the list every year (Monti, 2013, p. 1). To get needed
organs, many people have proposed the idea of selling organs to persuade the general
public to give organs instead of donating and make the availability greater. Currently
in America, the only way to obtain an organis to have it donated by someone who is a
match, which greatly revolves around family members and friends. If a family
member is not a match, then the patient gets put on a waiting list that may take
months to fulfill. This has turned wealthier patients to buying illegal organs off the
black market. Furthermore, it creates an unfair advantage for the wealthier patients...
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Wealthier people have more opportunities using their money. For example,
Marchione (2015) states, Wealthy people can better afford the tests and travel to
get on more than one transplant center s lists (p.5). These events are something
that an individual in the lower class can not do. Even if a poor patient has a more
serious condition, the wealthier patient can take the availability of that organ
away. Also, according to Marchione (2015), Multiple listed patients are more
likely to get a transplant and less likely to die, a recent study shows (p.1). This is
stating that patients who are on more lists are getting their needed organs, making
the organs availability for the less fortunate go down. Selling organs also creates
an unfair advantage because it can destroy altruism. Altruism is the medical term
meaning to promote someone else s success, when an individual is at risk of their
own wellbeing. According to Ireland (2008), Studies suggest that a profit based
system will destroy altruism and reduce the number of kidneys for the poor from
live donors and cadavers (p. 1). This makes the act of being selfless and caring go
away from the process of organ donation. It creates an advantage for the wealthy
because a lower class individual is only selling the organ for money. Therefore, this
builds another circumstance for the poor when wanting to sell organs to needy
patients. The underprivileged sellers
Business Economics
Peter F. Drucker is the management scholar. He is thought to be the establishing
father of current management. Peter Drucker, whose life crossed the previous
century (1909 2005), was an exceedingly instructed native of the world: an innovative
soul who composed thirty nine books including numerous fantastic chips away at
business management. He was a man of numerous parts: a sharp eyewitness, a long
lasting understudy, an educator, mentor of eminent corporate pioneers, and the
organizer of an official school in Claremont, California, that bears his name. Peter
Ferdinand Drucker was an author, management advisor and college teacher. His
written work concentrated on management related writing. Peter Drucker made well
known the term ... Show more content on ...
3. The point when Peter Drucker, then a trainee bank assistant in Hamburg, initially
contemplated the works of Sören Kierkegaard (1813 1855): the existentialist savant,
theologist, religious writer and advocate of the Idea of Christianity, Kierkegaard was
still moderately obscure. Drucker was captivated by the philosophy embraced by this
philosophical independent, in particular, to utilize logic as an instrument for
reflecting upon Christianity. Kierkegaard suspected that people existed in an element
relationship as both profound creatures and individuals from society. As per
Kierkegaard, it is conviction that instills our otherworldly existence with the
conviction that we are not the only one, with importance, and with a flat out
perspective, in particular God. The distinguishment on one hand that wickedness is a
piece of human instinct and on the other that a sufferable coexistence is still
conceivable got to be natural to Peter Drucker s own rationality.
This gathering of Peter F. Drucker s papers investigates the crossing point between
society, governmental issues, and financial aspects. Notwithstanding this grand
objective, be that as it may, the papers themselves stay sensible, very meaningful, and
brimming with stories and thoughts that make us ponder the business world around us.
The dominant part of these papers were composed in the 1960s, and in
Purpose Of Psalms
Psalms is the book most Christians turn to in times of trouble. Psalms is full of
poetry expressing a multitude of characters responding to God with song. A
person is having a tough day like David and in need of encouragement or a person
full of such praise and joy they are unable to put into words, there is a psalm to fit
every occasion. The book of Psalmswas written between the time of Moses in 1440
B.C. and the Babylonian captivity in 586 B.C. to the people of Israel. Psalms
parallels many historic events. Some of the events covered include: Davids flight
from Saul, the destruction of the city and temple, David s adultery with Bathsheba,
David s flight from Absalom, and Asaph retelling the history of the Jewish nation
from their time... Show more content on ...
Psalms is filled with deep emotions and personal turmoil, and cries for help from
God, while providing praise on worship during these troubled times. Psalm s was
written primarily by David who is ascribed to have written seventy three psalms
(possibly seventy five with two unknown psalms are attributed to him in the New
Testament). Besides David there were at least six other authors given credit for
writing at least one psalm. Asaph who was a Levite and a seer, is credited for
writing twelve psalms. The sons of Korah (whose fathers story is found in
Numbers 16:28 35) are credited for writing nine psalms. Solomon who was King
David s son as well as his successor to the throne is credited for writing two psalms.
Moses is credited for writing Psalm 90, the oldest of the psalms. Heman who was
the grandson of Samuel the prophet and a singer not musician, is credited for
writing Psalm 88. Ethan the Ezahite was a wise man from the time of Solomon is
credited for writing Psalm 89. Besides the authors listed, there are fifty one psalms
written by unknown authors. Due to psalms being written over a vast period of time
and multiple authors there is no specific setting
The Primary Causes Of Electronic Waste
Electronic Waste
How often do individuals change your electronic equipment? Does anyone know
where used electronic merchandise go to? Electronic waste is called an E waste that
has been becoming a serious issue all over the world. People should be concerned in
this century because E waste contains hazardous, toxic ingredients which have
adverse effects on society Toxic chemicals in electronicsproducts can leach into the
land over time or are released into the atmosphere, impacting nearby communities and
the environment ( Where ). Young people are not aware of the caveat that used
electronic products to bring. E waste causes not only the environmental problems
such as air and water pollution but also health problems. An amount of E waste has
been increasing rapidly. Moreover, it has even been turning the land into substantial
electronic landfill mountains. Three primary reasons for electronic waste: waste is
the accelerated development of science and technology, increasing world population
and over consumption.
The first primary cause of the E waste is the accelerated development of science and
technology. Acceleration can be measured in the returns of the technology such as
speed, efficiency, price performance, and overall power which improve exponentially
too ( Technology ). The last 20 years have notably changed in many aspects because
of the technological innovation, and modern society is filled with various electronic
products such as computers, televisions, cell
How Does Dodger Affect Oliver s Life
Similar in the novel Oliver Twist, Oliver had characters that impacted his life greatly,
which also helped to develop his character further. Each of these characters being
Dodger, Fagin and Mr. Brownlow. The first character being Dodger. Dodger was very
important to Oliver s life because he was actually Oliver s first friend ever, but later
Oliver quickly realizes that Dodger was not the best person to be friends with.
Dodger influence Oliver s life badly by showing Oliver how to pickpocket, and other
crimes. Oliver first realizes that Dodger was a bad influence on his life when Dodger
and him are out for a walk. Dodger finds a target on the other side of the street and
crossed over, Oliver follows cluelessly. Then Dodger quickly pickpockets an... Show
more content on ...
Brownlow called after him Thief! Thief! Stop that Thief! (Dickens 66). This goes
to show what kind of person Dodger is. The person that Dodger stole from was Mr.
Brownlow, Mr. Brownlow realized that Oliver did not steal from him, quickly
tried to undo his mistake by telling everyone that he mistaken him for a thief, when
Oliver was brought to court, it took a lot persuading for the judge to not find
Oliver guilty of this crime [because at that time] children had little status or
importance [on the world], (Trensky 5) . After this happens to makeup to him,
Mr.Brownlow gives him a place to stay. This influence Oliver to do his best and
stay out of trouble with the law. These two characters influence Oliver s life by
doing the complete opposite of each other, Dodger did not care where Oliver
ended up as long as he was safe, whereas Mr.Brownlow gave Oliver a place to stay,
and tried to raise him like his own. Mr. Brownlow was similar to Matthew in Anne
of Green Gables because they both wanted give them a place to stay in their time of
need. The people that one surrounds themselves with impacts everything that person
does, because of how society portrays
Is John A Coward
To whether or not John is a coward I would have to agree. Certain aspects of certain
decisions he has made have been weak. When faced with confrontation he tends to
move away for back down. John is a coward because he is weak in his decisions, he
is easily scared, and he does not have faith in anything. Some of the choices he
made through out the story have shown to be not strong or brave. When he was
confronted with learning he would stray away and not take on the task. When he
was confronted with his cousins he would back down and give in. When Owen
Meany was disputing him he would give in or give up to the conversation. Towards
the end John didn t want to make many decisions. He wasn t sure what he wanted to
do with his life and as he did
The Similarities Between 1984 And Totalitarianism
Totalitarian governments have been used countless times as examples of the
privileges Americans have, simply by living in this country. For many 1984 is
simply a fictional book that is distorted beyond belief and that it is an exaggeration
of something that may never happen, for others however it is a reality they face
every day in Communist or fascist countries. The liberal values that lack in 1984 are
ones that many Americans take for granted; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
George Orwells 1984 is an embodiment of the values America holds dear and an
indictment against other forms of governmentbecause it serves as a reminder of the
values Americans are privileged with.
Totalitarianism is defined as being a system of government that is centralized and
dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state. Totalitarian governments
such as Nazi Germany and Italy while under Mussolini s dictatorship compare to
INGSOC in the way that they eliminated everything an individual should be able to
decide for themselves. For instance, they decide what people should believe and what
values they should hold.
The most striking resemblance between INGSOC ... Show more content on ...
This portrays quite a resemblance to what McCarthy did with anyone who gave off
an impression that could be interpreted as remotely Communist. McCarthy s
unscrupulous tactics included badgering people and later refusing to accept their
answer (Red Scare). This is much like what 1984 portrays with the Party trying to
find all perpetrators of plotting to overthrow INGSOC. The loyalty can also be
compared to the time when the red scare was occurring. American citizens were so
devoted to the U.S. when there was word that someone may or may not be
Communist citizens were quick to turn their backs on
The Day That Changed America Essay
The Day That Changed America
On September 11, 2001, America as we know it changed forever. We were attacked
on our own soil for the first time since the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. Our
country thought we were safe from terrorist attacks due to the oceans that separated
us. We discovered on that horror filled day that we were extremely incorrect. Our
own resources were used against us in those atrocious acts of terrorism. America was
transformed from the numerous consequences that came from 9/11. Despite the
attacks, the leaders and our nation came together for support and comfort.
Four planes were used in the terrorist attempt to tear the nation apart. Five hijackers
apprehended American Airlines Flight 11 and used that commercial airplane to crash
into the North Tower in New York s World Trade Centerat 8:46 a.m. At 9:03 a.m.,
five more hijackers overtook the pilots of United Airlines Flight 175 to fly into the
South Tower. American Airlines Flight 77 was also seized by five terrorists and
used to crash into the western side of the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. The Capitol or the
White House was thought to be the fourth hijacked plane s target. Because of the
heroics of the passengers on United Airlines Flight 93, the plane was forced down
in a rural field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03 a.m. Flight 93 s voice
recorder showed that the passengers and crew tried to regain control from the
hijackers. The people aboard that flight were informed of the attacks that took

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Essay Gay Marriage

  • 1. Essay Gay Marriage Writing an essay on the topic of "Gay Marriage" can be both challenging and thought-provoking. The difficulty lies not only in presenting a well-researched and coherent argument but also in navigating the complex and often sensitive nature of the subject matter. This topic encompasses a wide range of social, political, ethical, and cultural aspects, making it necessary to approach it with a balanced and informed perspective. Addressing the historical context, legal implications, and societal attitudes towards gay marriage requires a deep understanding of the subject. It involves delving into various sources to gather accurate and up-to-date information, ensuring that the essay reflects the current state of affairs. Moreover, articulating a clear thesis statement and structuring the essay in a logical manner becomes crucial to convey a compelling narrative. One of the challenges may arise from the need to engage with diverse viewpoints and opinions surrounding gay marriage. Crafting an essay that respects differing perspectives while still presenting a cohesive argument demands careful consideration of language and tone. Striking a balance between academic rigor and empathy for various stances on the issue is an intricate task that requires meticulous attention to detail. Additionally, tackling potential biases and ensuring a fair representation of different voices can be demanding. It requires an awareness of one's own beliefs and a commitment to objective analysis. Handling potentially controversial material with sensitivity and respect for all parties involved is essential to maintain the integrity of the essay. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Gay Marriage" is a challenging task that requires a nuanced understanding of the subject, the ability to synthesize diverse perspectives, and a commitment to presenting information objectively. As with any complex topic, it necessitates thorough research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills to navigate the intricacies of the discussion. If you find yourself struggling, remember that assistance is available, and services like offer support for various types of essays and topics. Essay Gay MarriageEssay Gay Marriage
  • 2. The Safety For Illegal Aliens Safety for Illegal Aliens From January to August 2014 over 200 sanctuary cities released some 8,145 illegal aliens despite the fact that they were being held on criminal charges. Of those over 8,000 released, 1,800 of them were charged with crimes such as rape and child sex abuse ( Sanctuary City Crime Wave in 43 States). Although there is no clear definition of sanctuary city each of these cities generally have laws that limit how far government employees and law enforcement officials are allowed to go to aid the federal government on immigrationmatters. Sanctuary cities should be outlawed because they go against federal law, the release of criminals are endangering the public, and negative effects it has on the economy. Sanctuary... Show more content on ... So apparently in reality, funding cuts won t do much to stop these cities from resisting ICE. Something needs to be done in order to prevent these cities and their politicians from resisting the federal law and ICE. Not only are these cities resisting federal law, they are also endangering their own citizens who live there as well. On July 1, 2015 in San Francisco, CA, a well known sanctuary city, Kathryn Steinle (32), was shot and killed while walking with her father by an undocumented illegal alien Juan Francisco Lopez Sanchez. Before his arrest after killing Steinle, Lopez Sanchez had been convicted of seven felonies and been deported five times ( Sanctuary Cities: How Kathryn Steinle s death ). Lopez Sanchez had been in prison following his fifth deportation for re entering the country, but was transferred from Victorville, CA to San Francisco because of an outstanding drug related charge despite the fact that he had an immigration detainer. However, San Francisco s DA refused to prosecute him over a decade old marijuana possession case ( Sanctuary Cities: How Kathryn Steinle s death ), and Lopez Sanchez was released in April 2015. ICE had made a request to know when Lopez Sanchez would be released from prison, so that he could be
  • 3. Western Pleasure vs Hunter Jumpers Nikki Yager Mrs. Yates English II 3 October 2010 English Essay There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man. Winston Churchill. Horses not only inspire their riders, but also the spectators. The art of equestrian is generally disregarded as a competitive sport. Being a rider not only takes raw talent but also devotion, skill, concentration, knowledge, and strength. With a variety of riding styles, it s difficult to express which one is superior to the others. There is tension between the horsemen with different riding styles; each believe their accomplishments take more skill. Western Pleasure riding and English Hunter Jumpers are two distinctive techniques with diverse characteristics, but ... Show more content on ... Doping and the inappropriate use of normal medications present a serious threat to the integrity and reputation of our sport, because they give athletes an unfair advantage and threaten the welfare of horses. (FEI s Clean Sport Campaign pg1) Federation Equestre Inerationale and several other animal welfare organizations have well established regulations trying to create a more perfect sport. Because riding in shows is so competitive riders need to understand that showing isn t always about winning but learning for the experience of showing. Western Pleasure riding and English Hunter Jumpers are two distinctive techniques with diverse characteristics, but the riders themselves share a common attitude of love and passion for riding. Talent and technique ample for creating a riding career, but the need for passion in riding significantly exceeds that of talent and technique. The creation of the horse is a gift, which enables people to feel freedom and adoration towards a magnificent animal. Riders with a desire to succeed recognize that riding is not about conquering the horse but becoming one with the
  • 4. Literary Devices In To Kill A Mockingbird Literary devices can be mildly, or majorly, confusing, depending on personal reading level or the way they are taught, which can make all the difference. Thankfully, there are many books that can aid in understanding the pesky literary terms. Like How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster, for example. Each chapter of the book focuses on a literary device or technique that may have multiple meanings depending on the context. Therefore, this book can help readers understand more confusing pieces of literature with underlying messages such as To Kill a Mockingbird. Particularly, Foster can help readers dissect more difficult parts of the novel by Lee including violence and death, symbols, and ironies. Violence and death are limited in To Kill a Mockingbird, as there is really only one case. The case of Tom Robbinson and his trial for raping Mayella Ewell, which is none the less a bit confusing. When Bob and Mayella Ewell both come to the stand, they insist that Mayella was choked and beat on the right ride of her face, indicating someone primarily left handed would have done the crime. At first glance, a reader may wonder why that matters, but in chapter eleven of HTRLLAP, More Than It s Gonna Hurt You: Concerning Violence, Foster points out that while violence is literal, there is usually also something else (Foster 95). Later in TKAM readers realize there is something else; Tom Robbinson has a maimed left arm, which as Scout explains, she could see
  • 5. Kids In Congo By Annie Oonard Analysis Annie Leonard creates a cohesive and influential argument against man s overwhelming reliance on consumption by integrating numerous personal anecdotes, popular environmental design philosophies, governmental initiatives, and corporations backward innovation tactics to reaffirm man s need to use their sociological imagination to truly see the world in front of them and fight for a more socially equitable and environmentally sustainable way of life. First, Leonard provides an all encompassing perspective of corporations and the government as they weave an overarching business safety net of monetarily driven intentions to protect the uncontrolled growth of capitalism in the American economy. The bottom up, American dream businesses, are overpowered... Show more content on ... She first references many upstream efforts to change the way corporations and industries design, market, and produce their products. For instance, she frequently echoes the claims of the Upcycle s McDonough and Braungart to take the toxins out of the design process in the beginning, like Europe is doing with chlorine removal from paper (Leonard, 54). Leonard also continually references closing the loop for production materials and changing values to ensure design is environmentally and socially sound (Leonard, 84, 103). Biomimicry is also celebrated as an influential and revolutionary design tactic (Leonard, 19). While those efforts are more top down, Leonard also supports bottom up, such as Greenmanager (Leonard, 188). The author successfully incorporates many environmental initiatives and efforts into a comprehensive plan for moving forward. She embraces and encourages these efforts, but argues they are just placing more Band Aids on a leaky pipe, rather than dealing with the problem at hand, they are just not big or powerful enough. Rather, Leonard asserts there must be a civic engagement part to bring the accountability and responsibility back to the government and corporations (175). Leonard makes a great point, but
  • 6. Lab 10 Lindsay Bingham PHY101 18801 8/19/2013 Electrical Components and Circuits Purpose: The objective of this experiment was to analyze light and its relationship between energy and color of the light producing that energy. We also were in charge of measuring the rate at which evaporation occurs for rubbing alcohol depending on the different colored diodes. Materials: * LEDs and circuits (from previous lab) * Pipette (or eyedropper) * Rubbing alcohol * Index card * 9 volt battery * Flashlight * Stopwatch * Small cardboard shoe box Procedure: 1. Set up an Excel spreadsheet listing variables: evaporation time vs. frequency of LED. 2. Make a three sided enclosure from the cardboard box. This ... Show more content on ... We were asked to look up the frequency of the different colored diodes and the results are presented in a graph. Results: After plotting the graph to determine the relationship of evaporation rate and frequency of LED, it seemed that the lower the frequency, the less time it took for the alcohol to evaporate. Although, the green LED bulb was an outlier, the rest of the values (on average) met this relationship. Conclusion: The theory behind this experiment was to use previous learning of light and frequency to determine how fast alcohol evaporates when certain colored lights shine on it. The wavelength and frequency of light are inversely proportional, and wavelength decreases from red to violet. The goal is to investigate the relationship between the frequency of light (color) and the energy produced by different colors of light. The relationship is proportional, as discovered by this activity, and the larger the frequency (such as blue), the longer it takes for the alcohol to evaporate. The results of the experiment produced known errors. Since we were told to make 10 trials, I decided to do 12. Many of the times, the lights would flicker or not light up completely, especially when working with the green. This is probably why my results produced varied numbers, and why the green LED light was an outlier with the average evaporation time. Some of the times, I accidentally dropped one too many drops of alcohol, but I started over and
  • 7. Oral History In Canada The use of audio records for this project is significantly important as audio records allows people to heard the voices of those who are not heard, in this specific case, it is the voices of immigrants that are heard. Often, there is a general belief that people come to Canada for a better life, which is true. However, people also assume that immigrants instantly have a better life in an economic and social way, which is not true. This is why oral history is important in this situation. Oral history will allow immigrants to share their personal experience with immigration and new life in Canada. This will allow the providing of a new perspective on immigration and even contradict the general beliefs on immigrations thanks to the use of oral history.... Show more content on ... Oral history can capture the essence of a person that other forms of historical research cannot as the interviewer has the ability to ``connect`` with the person and truly understand the impact of a specific event due to the detailed personal experience told by the interviewee
  • 8. Indi Causes And Effects Of Caste System In India based. India has been a victim of caste system since ages. The causes, effects and solutions of Caste system in India are discussed below: Causes: The main reason behind the growth of Caste system in India is the assignment of caste based on job specialization. There were different types of jobs in the society which were done by the people based on their capability. This division of job based on specialization resulted into caste system. Four classes of Caste system: The four classes includes: The Brahmins the priestly class. They were mainly engaged in religious and priestly activities. They were also appointed as advisors to the Kings. The Kshatriyas the warrior and ruler class. They were mainly engaged in warfare activities. The Vaishyas the trader class. They were mainly engaged in... Show more content on ... Increases gap between upper and lower caste people. Caste system is also a danger towards the National integration of the country. Caste system is a major cause for many inhuman and immoral social practices such as untouchability, child marriage, sati system, prostitution, etc. 2. Poverty Introduction: Poverty refers to a situation when people s basic needs are not fulfilled. When people doesn t have the necessary food to eat or clothes to wear or shelter to stay then its called poverty. Life becomes very difficult for people with income is below the poverty line (BPL). Effects: The negative effects of poverty are mentioned below: Poor people will always have to depend on others to survive.Low quality foods may leads to bad nutrition.Poor people have less liberty for the choice of profession.Poverty may affect the moral and self esteem of people living in extreme hardship.Poverty also results in building stress which ultimately affects the relationship of people.The low standard of living prevails among poor people. Solutions: The solutions for poverty are discussed
  • 9. Irish Nationalists Struggle for Independence from Britain Irish Nationalists attempted to establish continuity with what they believed to be appropriate or suitable aspects of Irish history and culture. These attempts lead to both the revival and invention of a culturally distinct Irish heritage not associated with British rule in order to justify a sense of nationhood and to support the Irish struggle for Independence (Hobsbawm in Laurence, A p176) (Laurence, A p.160). Whilst there is no single definition of Irish Nationalism, as the various groups and movements within the Nationalist cause differed in views, opinions and methods. Irish nationalism can be defined as the early struggle in the nineteenth and twentieth century to achieve independence from British rule, achieved in 1921 and the ... Show more content on ... The methods they used showed further attempts by a new government to establish continuity with what they believed to be a suitable Irish past. Materials used for reconstruction had to be or Irish origin and certain buildings, such as Dublin Castle and the Royal Hospital Kilmainham former symbols of British rule were abandoned in favour of rebuilding other parts of Dublin such as the Four Corners, the Custom House and the GPO the headquarters of the Easter Uprising. Whilst the decision was not wholly un pragmatic as these were important placed in Dublin that the public needed access to it also shows what the early Irish government deemed as suitable to the Irish past they were trying to rebuild. This along with the destruction of some 300 private homes showed that the early government had little interest in preserving an Ireland associated with British rule. As did the creation of the Ancient Monuments Act in 1929 which preserved and protected pre 1700 buildings in Ireland. Whilst later efforts were made restore Dublin Castle and the transformation of Kilmainham hospital into an art gallery as well as the restoration of number of private houses in Ireland, these restorations were not taken until after Ireland joined the European Union in 1973. These efforts were again not un pragmatic as the early Irish government has little funds for restoration but the timing is also significant and perhaps shows a coming to
  • 10. Marketing New Product Marketing New Product Assignment Case 1 Introduction: This case is largely based on Vanessa O Connell, Food for Thought: How Campbell Saw a Breakthrough Menu Turn into Leftovers, the goals we need to reach is to gain the understanding of this company, why they can get the innovation and how they can manage it, also we can learn the experience of this company. The back ground of the company: In 1990, Campbell Soup was the undisputed leader among U.S. soup manufacturers, with a market share of over 75 percentages. Soup consumption, however, was levelling off, and top management was looking for opportunities for growth in related markets. Competitors such as ConAgra ... Show more content on ... By fall 1997, Campbell announced plans to sell IQ Meals. For using the correct strategy, in 2012, Campbell announced plans to buy Bolthouse Farms, a maker of juices, salad dressings and baby carrots, for $1.55 billion. Analysts saw this as an attempt to reach younger, more affluent consumers. Reference: Collins, Douglas (1994). America s Favorite Food: The Story of Campbell Soup Company. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Shea, Martha Esposito, and Mathis, Mike (2002). Images of America: Campbell Soup Company. Arcadia Publishing. Wikipedia,Campbell Soup Company. Link: /Campbell_Soup_Company#Recalls case 2: Introduction: In this case, you and your classmates play the role of the marketing department in a firm involved in new product development. This case we link each other in different department and position. We have different duties. How to coordinate our ideas in company, Background of the company: My firm is struggling with instituting team based product development, and over the last several months several of the marketing staff has been placed on product teams with personnel from engineering, design, and manufacturing. We need find the way to get more solutions. All open about their opinions and participate in the discussion of the views of others. This way .they will strive to come up with solutions that are actually workable, and weed out the pie in the sky
  • 11. Comparative Essay-to Kill a Mockingbird and I Know Why the... Triginhall Mrs. Teacher Honors English 10 18 November 2012 Response to Literature The free bird thinks of another breeze....a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams... The two literary works I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou and Harper Lee s To Kill a Mockingbird can be seen as mockingbirds that have flown over fields of prejudice and repeat what they have seen for all to hear. Jem Finch, a young boy and lawyer s son from To Kill a Mockingbird clearly symbolizes a mockingbird because of his youth and innocence, and because of his innocence he cannot fully understand the racism in the story. Jem also has many similarities to the caged and free birds in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings , whether it be Jem s ... Show more content on ... While Jem was a young boy he acted very similar to the free bird in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. He lived life to its fullest never stopping to think of the racism he was being shielded from. The free bird thinks of another breeze and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees and the fat worms waiting on a dawn bright lawn and he names the sky his own. (Angelou, 14 18) In this stanza of the poem you can infer that the free bird is very happy with life and never thinks of anything upsetting. The upsetting things in this instance would be the racism in the story; the free bird never stops to think about the caged bird. As the summer progressed, so did our game. (Lee, pg. 52) When Jem and his sister Scout meet Dill, a boy in their neighbor s yard, they get to know him and play with him. They are always thinking of improving their game, living life to its fullest as much as a kid can. When they are playing said game, Jem never stops to think about the racism in the world and is shielded from it by the fun of being a kid. Concluding that they are similar characters because both Jem and the free bird enjoy their lives. Another reason why the free bird and Jem , the symbol of a mockingbird are similar is they are both able to do what they please. A free bird leaps on the back of the wind and floats downstream till the current ands and dips his wing
  • 12. What Determines The Effectiveness Of Communication... Introduction Communication is a primary aspect of our daily lives by which people exchange ideas, information, and opinions. What determines the effectiveness of communication process is the ability of the medium used to deliver the message to the recipient in a consistent format and to provide feedback. Several factors can hinder the communication process from taking place efficiently. These include communication channels used, message length, distractions, message clarity, availability of feedback, as well as the time it takes the message to reach the intended recipient (Ludlow Panton, 2002). By choosing communication channel, it becomes necessary to consider the recipient, especially where applying technology to eliminate chances of digital divide hindering the communication process. Use of internet in connection is thus only necessary where both parties, that is the sender and the intended receiver of the message are familiar with the channel and are in possession of necessary equipment that will facilitate the communication e.g. mobile phones, tablets, laptops, or personal computers (Taylor, 2000). The number of global Internet users has enormously grown from less than 1 percent in the year 1995 to around 40 percent today. By the year 2005, there were around a billion users and this figure double by the year 2010. This number had risen to three billion by 2014. Asia leads in the number of internet users, commanding a 48.4%, followed by both North and South America at
  • 13. Reflection Analysis In 2017, it seems engagement in controversial discourse is the ultimate taboo. In fear of offending others, youth avoid discussions of religion, political opinions, and economic problems altogether. Or, in contrast, discussions of these topics turn hostile and have to be extinguished in the classroom. The result of this problem is that many young people do not know what they truly think about controversial topics, and a generation of apathetic thinkers that never go beyond the mainstream media for their opinions is produced. A society without individual core beliefs and values cannot function as a democratic republic. I think it is important for our society to be able to discuss controversial topics because I think that, like Christ, we should meet others where they are. Every day, I see people dismiss an idea simply because it does not fall in line with their particular political partyor because the idea conflicts with the sentiments of the popular media. Instead, if we hear out the challenging opinions of others, we can unravel ideologies of our own. I also see people who avoid the news or political disputes at all costs because they do not want to feel the debaters contention. I too dodged the nightly news and the following dinner table deliberations until I attended Volunteer Girls State in June 2017. At Volunteer Girls State, I learned how to be civically engaged in my community and how to be an effective leader. Throughout the week, I participated as a Senator,
  • 14. Racial Disparity In The Criminal Justice System Racial Disparities Among The Criminal Justice System Social issues are dealt with every day, everywhere in our society. Issues like immigration all the way to climate change. As our world evolves the number of social issues only continue to accumulate. Racial disparity is something that is in every aspect of our society. A repetitive social issue is minorities being targeted in the criminal justice system. Minorities, in specific African Americans receive unequal treatment and punishment in the criminal justice system this causes a split in our society, racist outburst, and million of unjustified incarcerations affecting the environment millennials grow in, and the economy as money is being spent where there should be no need for it. Barack Obama once stated during one of his speeches that the U.S contains 5 percent of the world population and 25 percent of the world s prisoners. There is a large numeric difference between those two numbers. One would ask why? But in the film, 13th the documentary explores the linking elements of race, mass incarceration, and justice in the United States. It is stated that after the Civil War African Americans were imprisoned in mass. This was due to the fact the 13th amendment states neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. The amendment clearly stated that slavery was no
  • 15. Allusions and Intertextuality Essay Bob Dylan Bob Dylan is a famous singer song writer and has been for five decades. His early lyrics incorporated a variety of political, social and philosophical, as well as literary influences. In 2008, a Bob Dylan Pathway was opened in the singer s honor in his birthplace of Duluth, Minnesota. Bob Dylan was refered to in the novel The Messenger when Ed was describing his bad his career was going at his age. Ed Kennedy is 19 and very much aware of how little he has going for him. After all, both Salvador Dali and Bob Dylan were well on their way by the time they were his age. And also a song of Bob Dylans, The Hurricane was mentioned. Salvador Dali Salvador Dali was a prominent Spanish surrealist painter born in ... Show more content on ... Pryor was listed at number one on Comedy Central s list of all time greatest stand up comedians. Rictchie has a tattoo of Jimi Hendrix on his right arm. But everyone thinks it looks more like Richard Pryor. The Proclaimers A band formed by identical twins, Charlie and Craig Reid, they are probably best known for the songs Letter from America , I m On My Way and I m Gonna Be (500 Miles) . The band was one of The B 52s touring partners on their Funplex tour in Australia and New Zealand in November 2009. The Proclaimers are first mentioned when Ed is searching through a record collect his dad gave him for The Proclaimers. The songs Two Scottish Nerds and Five Hundred Miles are mentioned. Paul Newman He was an American actor, film director, entrepreneur, humanitarian, professional racing driver and auto racing enthusiast. He won numerous awards, including an Academy Award for best actor for his performance in the 1986 Martin Scorsese film The Color of Money. Newman was a co founder of Newman s Own, a food company from which Newman donated all post tax profits and royalties to charity. Ed chose a movie staring Paul Newman to watch. Sylvia Plath Sylvia Plath was an American poet, novelist and short story writer. Following a long struggle with depression and a marital separation, Plath committed suicide in 1963.
  • 16. The Moon Landings Weren t Faked Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed ( Neil Armstrong ). The 60s were an interesting decade for The United States of America. Richard M. Nixon had been inaugurated as the 37th President, but he had created such a scandal with Watergate that he had resigned soon after and had the Vice President Gerald Ford take over in his shameful leave. The US had decided to hold the second draft lottery in order to find men to serve in the upcoming Vietnam War. This meant that the Selective Service System would conduct a lottery like situation drawing both a sequence number and a date would be drawn to select the next men serving in the war. A fatal event happened when Senator Edward M. Kennedy was in a car accident with Mary Jo... Show more content on ... Luckily no one was inside. Over the time that had separated Apollo 11 from the previous mission, NASA had fixed many of the faulty equipment and even tested the rocket out several times. Even though NASA made it to the moon, many theorists are not easily convinced. Although there are many inconsistencies of the moon landing in 1969, evidence shows that this was the first successful journey to the moon. Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man s desire to understand. (Neil Armstrong). As a boy, Neil always dreamed about becoming an astronaut. He was cut out for it and had the intellectual capabilities. Neil had played with airplanes and other replicas of machines that were able to fly. He also enjoyed science. He had a scientist s kit as a kid and had been able to perform college education labs and procedures at the age of eight due to his exploring and capability of knowing what chemical to mix and how to solve many of the problems he encountered. Once his job became his dream, Neil gave this quote to be able to justify his decisions. One of many supporting pieces of evidence that the moon landing happened is moon rocks that were brought back from the journey. These rocks were something you would have never seen before. Scientists knew from the moment they saw those rocks that, they were from a
  • 17. Mount Saint Helens and Ecological Succession Throughout history, great importance has been placed on the existence of God. Every civilization through time has sought some sort of reassurance that their is a higher being the watches over humanity. The evidence of this belief can be seen in the tombs of the Egyptians, in the sculptures of the Greeks and in the customs of the African tribes, among many other cultures. It seems that the existence of a deity is something that every culture comes to accept at some time or another. In Would Tarzan Believe in God? , the authors say that, ...many cognitive scientists see the universality and pervasiveness of religious belief as suggesting that it is a natural feature of evolved human psychology. (Banjeree, pg. 1) There are none who would... Show more content on ... In his argument, Craig says he will not treat the New Testament as an inspired text, but as a historical Greek text to prove the point from an outside view. (Craig pg. 22) Now, Jesus was an important historical figure who had a huge influence on the world, even to this day, therefore it makes sense that He should be brought into the discussion regarding the existence of God. Craig establishes that of what we know of Jesus, he was crucified and died, buried and then came back to life and appeared to his followers. Since God raising him from the dead is the best explanation of these facts, God must therefore exist. (Craig pg. 25) The fifth and final argument of Craig s is that God can be immediately known and experience, which he states is not so much a proof as it is an escape from proof. (Craig Pg. 26) For those willing to cast aside the arguments, God can be known outside of them according to Craig. For those who have religious experiences, they claim to know God and have experienced him and this is what is known as properly basic beliefs. These beliefs cannot be proven, yet they remain solid beliefs because they are similar to other basic beliefs that could never be proven. For example, how can we prove that we are not simply a brain floating in chemicals being stimulated by electrodes? (Craig pg. 26) We can t, yet we believe that we are not and this is what a basic belief is. There is reassurance in
  • 18. Theodore Roosevelt And The Progressive Party In 1912, the Progressive Party formed to support Theodore Roosevelt in his attempt to be elected for a third presidential term (O Toole par. 7, 11). The party was formed after the Republican National Convention repudiated the nomination of Roosevelt (Bardes, Shelley, and Schmidt 251). Furthermore, this resulted in Roosevelt splitting the Republican vote between him and William Howard Taftand gave Democrat Woodrow Wilsonan advantage (Bardes, Shelley, and Schmidt). The Progressive Party took a platform that was new and innovative for the time period in which it began. To understand the the start of the Progressive Party one must acknowledge its political platform, the outcome of the presidential election between Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson, and the outcome and end of the Progressive Party. After failing to receive the nomination, those who supported Roosevelt had to develop another strategy for his campaign. To run as a third party member, Roosevelt would continue to require financial support. James Chance, professor of government and public law at Bard College, claims that, Roosevelt was assured that he would have the financial backing he would need . . . when his financial supporters, George Perkins and millionaire publisher Frank Munsey, met with him . . . At that moment the Progressive Party was born (120 121). Following this meeting, all that was left before the Progressive Party would have a nominee was for Roosevelt to accept. He responded saying, I shall accept
  • 19. How Did Sylvia Plath Write The Bell Jar The Bell Jar was written by Sylvia Plath and published in Britain under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas in January 1963, merely a few weeks before her suicide. In summer of 1953, Plath was awarded a summer as a guest editor at the women s magazine Mademoiselle, and her internship in New York City would ultimately inspire Plath to write The Bell Jar. The novel lightly fictionalized Plath s life under the facade of Esther Greenwood, right down to the method of her failed suicide attempt and extensive shock therapy. For instance, in Chapter 10, Esther decides to write a novel and states: My Heroine would be myself, only in disguise. It was the only novel published before her death, but Plath had been considering writing a novel for a long time before publishing The Bell Jar. In fact, she had already begun one the previous spring and, by her mother s account, burned yet another finished novel in a bonfire during a fit of rage. ... Show more content on ... The Saxton Fellowship also turned down Plath s poetry manuscript that eventually became The Colossus, which was published by William Heinemann in 1960. The Colossus was received by critics as hauntingly beautiful and was the only collection of her poetry published before her death. Heinemann also agreed to publish The Bell Jar, but by the time it was published Plath was at a breaking point in her life; her marriage to Ted Hughes was over, she struggled financially with her two children, and she faced critical rejection when she was not accepted for Frank O Connor s writing class at Harvard. The Bell Jar documents in great depth her harrowing descent into madness that reflects upon her obsession with
  • 20. Plato s Influence On Christian Life Plato (/Л€pleЙ ЄtoКЉ/;[a][1] Greek: О О»О¬П„П‰ОЅ[a] PlГЎtЕЌn, pronounced [plГЎ.tЙ”Лђn] in Classical Attic; 428/427 or 424/423[b] 348/347 BCE) was a philosopher in Classical Greece and the founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. He is widely considered the most pivotal figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western tradition.[2] Unlike nearly all of his philosophical contemporaries, Platos entire Е“uvre is believed to have survived intact for over 2,400 years.[3] Along with his teacher, Socrates, and his most famous student, Aristotle, Plato laid the very foundations of Western philosophy and science.[4] Alfred North Whitehead once noted: the safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato. [5] In addition to being a foundational figure for Western science, philosophy, and mathematics, Plato has also often been cited as one of the founders of Western religion and spirituality.[6] Friedrich Nietzsche, amongst other scholars, called Christianity, Platonism for the people. [7] Plato s influence on Christian thought is often thought to be mediated by his major influence on Saint Augustine of Hippo, one of the most important philosophers and theologians in the history of Christianity. ... Show more content on ... Plato appears to have been the founder of Western political philosophy, with his Republic, and Laws among other dialogues, providing some of the earliest extant treatments of political questions from a philosophical perspective. Plato s own most decisive philosophical influences are usually thought to have been Socrates, Parmenides, Heraclitus and Pythagoras, although few of his predecessors works remain extant and much of what we know about these figures today derives from Plato
  • 21. Finance 261 Mock Test Version 1 FINANCE 261 FINANCE 261 Test Answer Sheet Name: __________________________________________ Student ID Number:_______________________________ Please use CAPITAL LETTERS when writing your answers. Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Question Answer
  • 22. 16 17 18 19 20 1 Version 1 FINANCE 261 THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND Department of Accounting and Finance FINANCE 261 Introduction to Investments MID SEMESTER TEST Semester 1 2013 INSTRUCTIONS Time allowed: 60 minutes (includes reading time) Total Marks: 20 a. b. c. d. e. f. Answer ALL questions. There are 20 questions each worth 1 mark.... Show more content on ... The optimal weights of X and Y in O are 60% and 40% respectively. X has an expected rate of return of 14% and Y has an expected rate of return of 10%. To form an efficient portfolio with an expected rate of return of 8%, you should invest approximately __________ and __________ of your $1,000 in security X and Y respectively. A. $348, $232 B. $312, $208 C. $279, $186 D. $243, $162 D Expected return on Portfolio O = 12.4% Denoting the weight on Portfolio O, w: 12.4w + 5Г—(1 w) =8 w = 3/7.4 = 0.4054 Dollar investment in X = 1000 Г—0.6Г—0.4504 = $243 Dollar investment in Y = 1000 Г—0.4Г—0.4504 = $162 5 Version 1 FINANCE 261 Question 10 You invest $1,000 in a portfolio composed of the risky market portfolio with an expected rate of return of 16% and a standard deviation of 20% and (risk
  • 23. free) treasury bills with a rate of return of 6%. The slope of the capital market line formed with the risky market portfolio and the risk free asset is _________. A. 1.10 B. 0.80 C. 0.50 D. 0.20 C Sharpe ratio = (16 6) / 20 = 0.5 Question 11 When calculating the variance of a portfolio s percentage returns squaring the deviations from the mean percentage return results in ________. I. preventing the sum of the deviations from always equaling zero II. exaggerating the effects of large positive and negative deviations III. a number in units of percentage of returns A. III only B. I and II only C. I and III only D. I, II and III B Question 12 You would like to
  • 24. Learning Philosophy And Teaching Philosophy Creating a multitude of experiences for students and focusing instruction around the vocabulary that stems from those experiences is the foundation of my teaching philosophy. From daily exposure and continuous personal research I know that poverty means more than a lack of money; it means a lack of resources financial, relational, neurological, social emotional, experiential, and linguistic. It was from this list of necessary resources that I developed my teaching philosophy and the strategies to reinforce it. Currently, I collaboratively teach Pre K with another teacher, two teacher assistants and 40 children. About 60% of my students are English language learners. I teach all subjects: reading, writing, math, science, and art. Inclusive in the content are the social emotional skills: patience, sharing, focus, emotional vocabulary, standing up for others, using words instead of violence, exploration, and the value of creativity. Collaborative teaching is a critical tool for balancing efficacious direct instruction and observation/assessment. By choosing to team teach I have provided myself with supports that make time for meaningful student teacher interactions and encourage daily reflection of student growth. Effectively, my students are impoverished of experience: background knowledge. This lack of experience means they also lack exposure to a rich vocabulary, to those one million words that middle class children come to school having heard and often use.
  • 25. Quitting In Softball Fastpitch softball is a game of mental precision. It has its ups and downs. One game, you may feel as if you are unstoppable. While the following game may send you crying the entire car ride home. Even the rush of hitting a home run or the excitement of pitching a no hitter, are no match for the mental games that always seem to follow a disappointing play. There are moments in each athlete s softball career in which this disappointment becomes too much. It swallows them completely and consequently leaves them questioning why they ever started playing the game. It may even cause them to consider quitting. There have been moments in my softball career when quitting appeared to be the best option. Ordinarily, it is not difficult to believe quitting
  • 26. The P2P Piracy Prevention Act Attacks Consumers Essay The P2P Piracy Prevention Act Attacks Consumers Peer to peer (P2P) networks have had a staggering growth in the past few years. Since Napster, dozens of P2P networks have been created in its imitation. Due to the growing accessibility of broadband, which increases the speed of downloads, P2P networks generate nearly 1.8 billion downloads per month. Popularity and acceptance is still continually growing. As many users see P2P software as just file sharing, entertainment industries and other big companies see it as copyright infringement and stealing from copyright owners without their rightful authorization or compensation. These companies complain that P2P file sharing threatens the survival of the industries and believe that there ... Show more content on ... Berman proposed a legislation called the Peer to Peer Piracy Prevention Act last year that ensures that all copyright owners won t face liability for using reasonable, limited self help to prevent the theft of their works on peer to peer networks such as Kazaa and Gnutella. The bill says that since no legislation can eliminate the problem of P2P piracy, the law should allow copyright owners to take action into their own hands in protecting and preventing infringements on their products. With this act, Congress can help manage problematic issues of the market without interfering with the system itself. Furthermore, this bill would allow copyright owners to enter and look into a P2P user s computer to the same extent that any other P2P user is able to, and allows the owners to take limited measures to prevent and stop the distribution of their copyrighted property. The problem with this bill is that it s unethical. Swapping or sharing files with another user is not illegal. It is the act of sharing copywritten files without authorization or rightful compensation to the owners that makes it illegal. However, giving rights to copyright owners to look into P2P users computer files is an invasion of privacy and that is illegal too. Berman tries to say that the P2P Piracy Prevention Act primarily allows owners to retrieve or protect their property much like a bicycle owner grabbing his bike from a thief s yard . But nonetheless this act is basically asking
  • 27. Comparison Of Greek And Roman Slavery Comparable to some degree with the struggle of the early civilizations (i.e. Greek and Roman slavery) to break out their condition of being slaves, the classic animated movie A Bug s Life depicted in a similar way, but in different causes to bring the system down. In the mentioned movie, various societal form and structures of interest are exposed in this paper. The Capitalist Pyramid Strikes Again The government structure of the AntIsland is certainly a monarchy, where the Queen inherits the position to Princess Atta, and then later to Dot. The level between the government and the rest of the colony of the ants greatly differed in terms of the division of labor, where the ants carried different foods, while the ants in the ... Show more content on ... Apart from the demand for food and protection for the ants, Hopper avoided being dominated and at the same time, used coercion to keep in power over the ants, including the queen, while the team enjoyed their gaming, luxury, and gang life. Because of this grave deviance against the freedom (although, it is not absolutely possible) of the ants, the colony made a wake up call that their forces combined can abolish the slavery system posed by the grasshoppers. In addition, these forces from the grasshoppers are important towards the stability in the society in the way that they measure how strong the civilization of the ants were, in terms of governance, manpower, and firepower. After all, the society, at large, is open that the civilization of ants drastically moved from slaves to free people (in terms of the capitalist pyramid with the grasshoppers in power). The Disclosure of Sexual and Gender Behavior by both Flik and Atta As early in the introduction, Flik demonstrated his interest towards Princess Atta, as he described her as lovely, based on common characteristics set on women. In addition, he developed his love further for the princess under the principle of token economy, where he was able to kiss the princess in exchange for the information that grasshoppers are afraid of birds, and his courage to save the princess s little sister. Despite of the existing
  • 28. Analysis Of `` Bill T. Jones, Matthew Bourne, And Axis Are... Arthur Mitchell, Bill T. Jones, Matthew Bourne, and AXIS are monumental choreographers/companies whose work serves as a way for culture to express themselves. Arthur Mitchell, born in Harlem in 1934, began the Dance Theatre of Harlem which provided opportunities for African American dancers. Bill T. Jones, who struggled with his position as an African American man, a gay man, and an HIV positive man, used danceto face these issues head on. Matthew Bourne reinvented classic performances to become modern retellings. AXIS, a company that began in Oakland, California in 1987, choreographs pieces for dancers with and without disabilities. These artists challenge our preconceived ideas about dance by taking on the issues of civil rights,... Show more content on ... Arthur Mitchell had a policy that his company would not turn down anyone for any reason. He did not care if they did not have talent, Mitchell only cared about their desire to dance. Furthermore, Mitchell broke down boundaries in dance by: ...battl[ing] the sissy stigma attached to male ballet dancers by consciously not using the word ballet in the name of his organization. He relaxed the ballet dress code, so that instead of wearing tights, boys could attend class in cutoffs or jeans. Their classes, too, were less traditional... (Hawley). Arthur Mitchell challenges preconceived ideas about dance by meddling with traditional dance ideas. Mitchell also inspired the community to take pride in themselves. He fought for those less fortunate so they would have equal opportunities. He gave African Americans a chance in the dance world. Bill T. Jones was born in 1952 in upstate New York. He met Arnie Zane, who became not only a dance partner, but a life partner to him as well. Together, these two created the Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company in 1982. In 1988, Arnie Zane passed away due to AIDS and this is when Bill T. Jones discovered he was HIV positive. Not only was he HIV positive, but he struggled with being stereotyped as a gay man and an African American man. These issues caused Jones to use dance as an escape goat and created some of
  • 29. Essay On Winning I will never be happy with just a participation trophy, I ve always been one to fight for the trophy with actual recognition that represents hard work and achievements. So what does it mean when i can t even get the participation trophy/ but in this case I didn t even get the participation award. The giant fan that sat on the window sill next to my table sent chills through my body the entire night. The darkly lit room and background noise of the hundred girls in the room added to my nervous excitement. I anxiously waited for the awards to start as I thought about how I would feel when I accepted my award. This moment had been in the back of my mind since the dance season started the year before. The obnoxiously loud fan blocked out most ... Show more content on ... When the director got to our group again I sat there and thought just clap for Zoe, as I held back tears full of disappointment. Zoe was another girl in my age group I suspected could receive the award. Clap for her, Zoe Greear . My body went even more numb and I could barely smile. The fan then seemed to drown everything out completely. I had to keep applauding with a dead smile on my face holding back tears. I wanted to leave right then and there, but I still had to sit through at least another half an hour of awards. I couldn t leave, I had to sit there in that uncomfortable chair, frozen in a painful position I didn t bother to make more comfortable. The second I got to my car, I immediately started sobbing. All the feelings I put on pause in the banquet were now immersing my entire body. I felt utterly heartbroken and worthless. I began to question why I danced, and why I ever tried to put in the effort of trying to stand out and be better if it never meant anything to anyone. Even more, I began to question why I tried my hardest to do anything in life because I felt as though I never got the recognition I thought I deserved. The reason I didn t get any award could have been because of a mishap that happened with my parents signing me up for the event too late. This has happened to me plenty of times and I usually accept the fact that if there is the one thing that could go wrong, it will go wrong specifically for me,
  • 30. Mistaken Identity, Cerak And Tabb The shocking, heartbreaking, and tragic event that led to the devastation of two families started with the mistaken identity of their daughters. When dealing with the problems in life that come to, you sometimes you have to have faith that everything will work out fine. From dealing with a tragic accident, caused a familyto spend weeks in the hospital. Next to a girl in a coma that they were told was your daughter, may just not be her. In the novel Mistaken Identity by Van Ryn, Cerak and Tabb, there are many historical fiction points that are based off a true story. The evening of April 26, 2006 (Ryn 13) was when the Taylor University van was struck head on by a semi truck when the driver of the truck had fallen asleep and crossed over the... Show more content on ... During the novel, there were many doubts about Laura s Identity in the hospital. The moment when the therapist asked Laura, Could you write your name. She printed in big letters: WHITNEY (Hoogland). With the doubts about Laura s identity, they grew even more doubtful. The parents began to think that this wasn t their daughter Laura. Laura began talking about her parents names, and the therapist realized they were not the names of Laura s parents. (Ryn 178). Laura also had 2 siblings, a brother and a sister, Laura s sister noticed that Laura s teeth looked different. (Boyle) By calling in dental records and examining them, they found that Laura s teeth they did not match. That s when they discovered there was a mistaken identity at the accident scene. The Doctor had come in to Laura s room and said I m so sorry, but your daughter Laura didn t survive the accident. (Ryn 184) They soon figured out the girl that had been in a coma for five weeks wasn t Laura. The girl was identified as Whitney Cerak. The devastation of the Van Ryn family was unreal. They had spent 5 weeks in the hospital by a girl s side thinking it was their daughter, only to find out their daughter was pronounced dead at the accident
  • 31. Application Of Delay Tolerant Network Essay Abstract A class of wireless network is represented by Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) that experience regular and long lasting partitions due to light distribution of nodes in the network topology. In DTN, store carry forward mechanism is used for packets routing. In this paper, for performance evaluation three popular routing protocols are used namely; Epidemic, Direct Delivery and First contact. The performance of these routing protocols generates a new subarea movement model based on the splitting of network simulation area. Keywords: Delay Tolerant Network (DTN), The ONE (Opportunistic Network) simulator, Movement Models, Routing protocols, TTL (time to live). 1. Introduction Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) represents a class of wireless networks that has no connected path between a source and the destination. The network is partitioned into several sub networks in DTN. DTNs represent a class of wireless systems with no infrastructure and support the functionality of networks experiencing recurrent and long lasting partitions. Delay tolerant networking [1] has received major attention in recent years. Since in DTN, the destination path is not connected, so the main purpose here is to find the intermediate nodes for routing the packets [2, 3]. When two nodes come in contact with each other, they may exchange the packets and such an occasion is known as encounter. In DTN, store carry forward model is used for packet delivery. According to this model, each node along the
  • 32. Dave Egger s Shortcomings In Zeitoun In his national bestselling novel Zeitoun, author Dave Eggers draws sympathy from his audience by applying the three appeals during the documentation of a muslim family s experience with racial prejudice in post 9/11 Katrina. Eggers purpose calls upon painting a vivid picture of the discrimination towards the protagonist and his family before and after Hurricane Katrina. His tone is often sentimental and builds emotional appeal. Throughout the novel, Zeitoun experiences a number of shortcomings due to his race. Eggers often employs pathos during such moments and uses an objective tone to indirectly voice his opinions to his readers. By utilizing this method, his prose is subtly convincing in a way that allows readers to form their own similar ... Show more content on ... His work during Katrina involved compassionate actions and centralized the rhetoricals of pathos. However, many of the actions went unrecognized or completely ignored by the officials who were assisting him. One example would be his persistent care in feeding the neighborhood dogs that were stranded and uncared for in deserted houses. Zeitoun sympathy for the dogs allowed their hunger to be dissolved. Zeitoun s effort towards the dogs immediately went to waste after being arrested by the police. He pleads to the officials to take care of them, but later finds them to be deceitful. The stench hit him immediately. He knew the dogs were dead before he saw them (Pg. 280) Eggers urges his readers visualize the distrust that the soldiers had toward Zeitoun. Despite his attempts to care for the dogs at the expense of his time and personal resources, his pleas to save the innocent dogs are scornfully disregarded due to the arrogance and skepticism of officials. Thus, the dogs went uncared for and died. From his neighbors to the dogs, Zeitoun s dedication of his trustworthiness and sympathetic heart exhibits a trustful attitude towards his community that the government fails to
  • 33. Nazi Propaganda In The 1940s Propaganda is in use practically everywhere and has been for hundreds of years. Various forms of propaganda has been used throughout history to effectively relay different messages, such as positive messages or harmful, discriminatory messages. However, all forms of propaganda are utilized with the same intent to alter public perceptions into the initiator s beliefs. Propaganda can vary from being an innocent company slogan, such as Apple s Think Different , to the crucial factor that determines the difference between winning and losing a war. Example.......... Propaganda itself is neither sinister nor evil. It is really no more than the organization of methods designed to persuade people to think and behave in a certain way, and in wartime that usually means getting them to fight or to support the fight. Though propaganda has been used in various ways... Show more content on ... The film Der Ewige Jude , The Eternal Jew, is a prime example of anti Semitic Nazi propaganda during the 1940 s. In The Eternal Jew, also translated as The Wandering Jew , the Jews are portrayed as mere parasites who live off the hard work and effort of the Germans. The Jews who possessed riches were accused of earning it through usury, swindling, and fraud (The Eternal Jew, 35:11). Fritz Hippler, the director of the film, also depicted the Jews as rats, which accentuated the belief that Jews were subhuman specimens. Whenever rats appear they bring ruin, they ravage human property and foodstuffs. In this way they spread disease. They represent the elements of sneakiness and subterranean destruction among animals. Just as the Jews do among mankind (Giesen 2003). This dehumanization not only created fear and resentment towards the Jews, but it also allowed the Germans to justify the atrocities they inflicted upon the Jews. It s wrong to kill a person, but permissible to exterminate a rat ( Smith
  • 34. Essay on My Religious Belief My Religious Belief I am a Christian and I believe in the Holy trinity: God, the Son, the Holy Spirit. God is the most high God, all powerful, all knowing, the creator, full of unfailing love and truth, God is the only true God. He is the light. Jesus is the son of God, he is God in the flesh, he came into this world for two purposes, to teach us how to live on earth and because God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, Jesus. Jesus died on cross for our sins, and is sitting at God s right hand today. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of love that dwells in each and every last one of us, it is not a part of the body so if the body dies, the spirit will continue to live. Because love never dies. All ... Show more content on ... God wants our attention right now. God said that if we take one step, he will take two. He said this to encourage our relationship with him and to reinforce the fact that he loves us and will never turn his back on us, even if we are living in sin. However, in order for us to truly have a relationship with God (take the first step); we must first accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We have to accept Christ as our Savior because we can t have a personal relationship with God as long as we are with sin .In order to make atonement for our sins, we have to accept Christ. To accept Christ, which can be done anywhere, anytime and anyplace, is taking the first step to building a relationship with God, we must confess of our sins, repent of our sins, confess with our mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior and he died on the cross for our sins, and finally, have faith in our prayers (what we just said, or simply put, just talking to God). By following the steps mentioned above, we are considered born again Christians and can now have a loving relationship with God. Although it is not required, Christians also get baptized in holy water to cleanse the body (flesh) of all of its sin, generally the same day they accept Jesus as their Savior. Christians prefer to do this step because Jesus was
  • 35. Marlowe And FaustusDamnation In Shakespeare s Death Perhaps the most poignant of these moments is in Act IV during which Faustus has a troubling encounter with a horse courser. Speaking to himself (as well as the audience), Faustus laments, what are thou, Faustus, but a man condemned to die? (4.1, line 127). If the play were to be accepted as Calvinist, Faustus then becomes the worst sort of sinner. As Calvin himself explains in Institutes of Christian Religion, We see therefore that it is no absurdity, that one self act be ascribed to God, to Satan, and to man: but the diversity in the end and manner of doing, causeth that therein appeareth the justice of God to be without fault, and also the wickedness of Satan and man, bewrayeth itself to their reproach (Calvin 207). In the Calvinist mindset, Faustus damnation was first willed by God, then by Satan, and then by himself. Faustus, and his actions in the play, could have acted as a cautionary tale, though a rather dramatic one. However, even if one chooses to view the play as a critic of Calvinism, it remains true that Marlowe s interpretation of the Faustmyth is wrought with religious concerns of the time. Was Faustus fate predestined or could he have saved his soul? This question and its difficult answer certainly would have resonated with Elizabethan audiences. Interestingly enough, 21st century America was also navigating a world in which religion and politics cannot be separated from one another. During David Mamet s original production of Faustus,
  • 36. My Experience At Dunkin Donuts Everybody remembers his or her first job most likely not every detail, but definitely the experiences one learned. My first job had its ups and downs similar to a roller coaster. Being a Dunkin Donuts employee is a satisfying feeling because daily you re surrounded by not only coffee but delicious donuts. My experience as a Dunkin Donuts employee taught me patience and the importance of being a hard worker. First, I understood the importance of patience because a cup of coffeeis made every second. I started my first day at Dunkin Donuts on a Saturday and quickly learned how busy the weekends can be. I woke up feeling real nervous that morning. I felt even more nervous knowing my parents decided to wake up early as well. Mom why... Show more content on ... Although now in days we laugh about it every day. Several days, into working I forgot to turn the burner on for Decaf coffee and I had to remake several drinks. Luckily the customer didn t mind waiting. Instead, he asked How do you pronounce your name? Honestly, every customer asked about my name. Usually, every conversation at the cash register or drive through involved a discussion of my name origin or pronunciation. Although, I learned more than the intentions at Dunkin Donuts because I learned the importance of patience through learning. Yes, this includes having patience in endless conversations customers usually like to have with me. In the time, I realized the importance of being a hard worker. Several months into working at Dunkin Donuts, I decided to quit. I had in mind working several months until I started college in the Spring. James I need to tell you something. I said to my assistant manager. I remember it being late at night that evening. I start college next week and I believe this week is my last. All right, I will let Sharon know. he replied. Although know if you leave, you will be missed he added. I felt extremely upset with my decision because James told me earlier her mother in law passed away several days ago. I felt guilty maybe resigning could stress her more out. He texted her right away. James showed me the text, Mrs. Sharon replied to him Aw! I don t want her to leave! But, I
  • 37. Panama Canal Thesis Statement Thesis Statement There is no doubt that the building of the Panama Canal was a major feat in history that has made a huge impact on the way many countries trade with each other. It was a great struggle to complete but it also was very rewarding. The Land Area The Isthmus of Panama is about 50 miles wide at its narrowest point. The land was thick with jungle, deep swamp, and mountains. What the surveyors did not realize is that the geology behind the land made it much harder to build the canal than in other places around the world. The surrounding mountain range was formed differently than most mountain ranges, commonly formed by folding due to lateral pressure. These mountains were formed by individual volcanic actions. Formations ... Show more content on ... In 1876, French Navy Lieutenant Lucien N. B. Wyse, a grandson of Lucien Bonaparte, was sent to explore locations and different possibilities for the canal. He returned home in April 1877 and showed De Lesseps the construction plans. De Lesseps rejected all of the plans because they required tunnels and locks to be built. De Lesseps prefered to build a sea level canal like the Suez Canal. Wyse went back to the isthmus on December 6, 1877. He explored two routes in Panama, one through Nicaragua and one through Panama. In the end he chose the Panamanian route, which would be sea level. The route would follow the Panama Railroad and require a 7,720 meter long tunnel through the Continental Divide at Culebra. He traveled to Bogota and the Colombian government signed a treaty on March 20th, 1878 that granted rights to build the canal through Panama, then part of Colombia. The treaty promised Colombia ownership of the canal after 99 years. It was estimated to take six years and $240 million. The digging started the first day of 1880 By March 1883, construction was behind schedule and 660,000 out the promised 5,000,000 cubic meters have been excavated. After visiting Panama in 1886, De Lesseps claims construction will be done by July 1889. Later that year, only a few feet out of hundreds have been removed from the Culebra Cut. De Lesseps hired
  • 38. The St. Bartholomew s Day Massacre between the Huguenots and Catholics would take place throughout the cities causing complete destruction. The Huguenots attacked properties such as churches and assaulted priests. On the other hand, Catholics directly attacked the Huguenots through methods of stoning and interruptions of worship. Leading up to The St. Bartholomew s Day Massacre, tension was already high between the Huguenots and the Catholics. Massacres took place throughout France and the three religious wars showed no sign of an end to the violence. In hopes to gain power over the Protestants, Queen Catherine de Medici organized a marriage between her daughter, the king s sister, Marguerite of Valois and The Protestant Prince Henry of Navarre. This alliance although uncommon,
  • 39. Wealthier Is Wrong 73,000 people sit on waiting lists for a kidney 18 of them will die tomorrow and 6,000 more patients join the list every year (Monti, 2013, p. 1). To get needed organs, many people have proposed the idea of selling organs to persuade the general public to give organs instead of donating and make the availability greater. Currently in America, the only way to obtain an organis to have it donated by someone who is a match, which greatly revolves around family members and friends. If a family member is not a match, then the patient gets put on a waiting list that may take months to fulfill. This has turned wealthier patients to buying illegal organs off the black market. Furthermore, it creates an unfair advantage for the wealthier patients... Show more content on ... Wealthier people have more opportunities using their money. For example, Marchione (2015) states, Wealthy people can better afford the tests and travel to get on more than one transplant center s lists (p.5). These events are something that an individual in the lower class can not do. Even if a poor patient has a more serious condition, the wealthier patient can take the availability of that organ away. Also, according to Marchione (2015), Multiple listed patients are more likely to get a transplant and less likely to die, a recent study shows (p.1). This is stating that patients who are on more lists are getting their needed organs, making the organs availability for the less fortunate go down. Selling organs also creates an unfair advantage because it can destroy altruism. Altruism is the medical term meaning to promote someone else s success, when an individual is at risk of their own wellbeing. According to Ireland (2008), Studies suggest that a profit based system will destroy altruism and reduce the number of kidneys for the poor from live donors and cadavers (p. 1). This makes the act of being selfless and caring go away from the process of organ donation. It creates an advantage for the wealthy because a lower class individual is only selling the organ for money. Therefore, this builds another circumstance for the poor when wanting to sell organs to needy patients. The underprivileged sellers
  • 40. Business Economics | Peter F. Drucker is the management scholar. He is thought to be the establishing father of current management. Peter Drucker, whose life crossed the previous century (1909 2005), was an exceedingly instructed native of the world: an innovative soul who composed thirty nine books including numerous fantastic chips away at business management. He was a man of numerous parts: a sharp eyewitness, a long lasting understudy, an educator, mentor of eminent corporate pioneers, and the organizer of an official school in Claremont, California, that bears his name. Peter Ferdinand Drucker was an author, management advisor and college teacher. His written work concentrated on management related writing. Peter Drucker made well known the term ... Show more content on ... 3. The point when Peter Drucker, then a trainee bank assistant in Hamburg, initially contemplated the works of SГ¶ren Kierkegaard (1813 1855): the existentialist savant, theologist, religious writer and advocate of the Idea of Christianity, Kierkegaard was still moderately obscure. Drucker was captivated by the philosophy embraced by this philosophical independent, in particular, to utilize logic as an instrument for reflecting upon Christianity. Kierkegaard suspected that people existed in an element relationship as both profound creatures and individuals from society. As per Kierkegaard, it is conviction that instills our otherworldly existence with the conviction that we are not the only one, with importance, and with a flat out perspective, in particular God. The distinguishment on one hand that wickedness is a piece of human instinct and on the other that a sufferable coexistence is still conceivable got to be natural to Peter Drucker s own rationality. This gathering of Peter F. Drucker s papers investigates the crossing point between society, governmental issues, and financial aspects. Notwithstanding this grand objective, be that as it may, the papers themselves stay sensible, very meaningful, and brimming with stories and thoughts that make us ponder the business world around us. The dominant part of these papers were composed in the 1960s, and in
  • 41. Purpose Of Psalms Psalms is the book most Christians turn to in times of trouble. Psalms is full of poetry expressing a multitude of characters responding to God with song. A person is having a tough day like David and in need of encouragement or a person full of such praise and joy they are unable to put into words, there is a psalm to fit every occasion. The book of Psalmswas written between the time of Moses in 1440 B.C. and the Babylonian captivity in 586 B.C. to the people of Israel. Psalms parallels many historic events. Some of the events covered include: Davids flight from Saul, the destruction of the city and temple, David s adultery with Bathsheba, David s flight from Absalom, and Asaph retelling the history of the Jewish nation from their time... Show more content on ... Psalms is filled with deep emotions and personal turmoil, and cries for help from God, while providing praise on worship during these troubled times. Psalm s was written primarily by David who is ascribed to have written seventy three psalms (possibly seventy five with two unknown psalms are attributed to him in the New Testament). Besides David there were at least six other authors given credit for writing at least one psalm. Asaph who was a Levite and a seer, is credited for writing twelve psalms. The sons of Korah (whose fathers story is found in Numbers 16:28 35) are credited for writing nine psalms. Solomon who was King David s son as well as his successor to the throne is credited for writing two psalms. Moses is credited for writing Psalm 90, the oldest of the psalms. Heman who was the grandson of Samuel the prophet and a singer not musician, is credited for writing Psalm 88. Ethan the Ezahite was a wise man from the time of Solomon is credited for writing Psalm 89. Besides the authors listed, there are fifty one psalms written by unknown authors. Due to psalms being written over a vast period of time and multiple authors there is no specific setting
  • 42. The Primary Causes Of Electronic Waste Electronic Waste How often do individuals change your electronic equipment? Does anyone know where used electronic merchandise go to? Electronic waste is called an E waste that has been becoming a serious issue all over the world. People should be concerned in this century because E waste contains hazardous, toxic ingredients which have adverse effects on society Toxic chemicals in electronicsproducts can leach into the land over time or are released into the atmosphere, impacting nearby communities and the environment ( Where ). Young people are not aware of the caveat that used electronic products to bring. E waste causes not only the environmental problems such as air and water pollution but also health problems. An amount of E waste has been increasing rapidly. Moreover, it has even been turning the land into substantial electronic landfill mountains. Three primary reasons for electronic waste: waste is the accelerated development of science and technology, increasing world population and over consumption. The first primary cause of the E waste is the accelerated development of science and technology. Acceleration can be measured in the returns of the technology such as speed, efficiency, price performance, and overall power which improve exponentially too ( Technology ). The last 20 years have notably changed in many aspects because of the technological innovation, and modern society is filled with various electronic products such as computers, televisions, cell
  • 43. How Does Dodger Affect Oliver s Life Similar in the novel Oliver Twist, Oliver had characters that impacted his life greatly, which also helped to develop his character further. Each of these characters being Dodger, Fagin and Mr. Brownlow. The first character being Dodger. Dodger was very important to Oliver s life because he was actually Oliver s first friend ever, but later Oliver quickly realizes that Dodger was not the best person to be friends with. Dodger influence Oliver s life badly by showing Oliver how to pickpocket, and other crimes. Oliver first realizes that Dodger was a bad influence on his life when Dodger and him are out for a walk. Dodger finds a target on the other side of the street and crossed over, Oliver follows cluelessly. Then Dodger quickly pickpockets an... Show more content on ... Brownlow called after him Thief! Thief! Stop that Thief! (Dickens 66). This goes to show what kind of person Dodger is. The person that Dodger stole from was Mr. Brownlow, Mr. Brownlow realized that Oliver did not steal from him, quickly tried to undo his mistake by telling everyone that he mistaken him for a thief, when Oliver was brought to court, it took a lot persuading for the judge to not find Oliver guilty of this crime [because at that time] children had little status or importance [on the world], (Trensky 5) . After this happens to makeup to him, Mr.Brownlow gives him a place to stay. This influence Oliver to do his best and stay out of trouble with the law. These two characters influence Oliver s life by doing the complete opposite of each other, Dodger did not care where Oliver ended up as long as he was safe, whereas Mr.Brownlow gave Oliver a place to stay, and tried to raise him like his own. Mr. Brownlow was similar to Matthew in Anne of Green Gables because they both wanted give them a place to stay in their time of need. The people that one surrounds themselves with impacts everything that person does, because of how society portrays
  • 44. Is John A Coward To whether or not John is a coward I would have to agree. Certain aspects of certain decisions he has made have been weak. When faced with confrontation he tends to move away for back down. John is a coward because he is weak in his decisions, he is easily scared, and he does not have faith in anything. Some of the choices he made through out the story have shown to be not strong or brave. When he was confronted with learning he would stray away and not take on the task. When he was confronted with his cousins he would back down and give in. When Owen Meany was disputing him he would give in or give up to the conversation. Towards the end John didn t want to make many decisions. He wasn t sure what he wanted to do with his life and as he did
  • 45. The Similarities Between 1984 And Totalitarianism Totalitarian governments have been used countless times as examples of the privileges Americans have, simply by living in this country. For many 1984 is simply a fictional book that is distorted beyond belief and that it is an exaggeration of something that may never happen, for others however it is a reality they face every day in Communist or fascist countries. The liberal values that lack in 1984 are ones that many Americans take for granted; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. George Orwells 1984 is an embodiment of the values America holds dear and an indictment against other forms of governmentbecause it serves as a reminder of the values Americans are privileged with. Totalitarianism is defined as being a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state. Totalitarian governments such as Nazi Germany and Italy while under Mussolini s dictatorship compare to INGSOC in the way that they eliminated everything an individual should be able to decide for themselves. For instance, they decide what people should believe and what values they should hold. The most striking resemblance between INGSOC ... Show more content on ... This portrays quite a resemblance to what McCarthy did with anyone who gave off an impression that could be interpreted as remotely Communist. McCarthy s unscrupulous tactics included badgering people and later refusing to accept their answer (Red Scare). This is much like what 1984 portrays with the Party trying to find all perpetrators of plotting to overthrow INGSOC. The loyalty can also be compared to the time when the red scare was occurring. American citizens were so devoted to the U.S. when there was word that someone may or may not be Communist citizens were quick to turn their backs on
  • 46. The Day That Changed America Essay The Day That Changed America On September 11, 2001, America as we know it changed forever. We were attacked on our own soil for the first time since the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. Our country thought we were safe from terrorist attacks due to the oceans that separated us. We discovered on that horror filled day that we were extremely incorrect. Our own resources were used against us in those atrocious acts of terrorism. America was transformed from the numerous consequences that came from 9/11. Despite the attacks, the leaders and our nation came together for support and comfort. Four planes were used in the terrorist attempt to tear the nation apart. Five hijackers apprehended American Airlines Flight 11 and used that commercial airplane to crash into the North Tower in New York s World Trade Centerat 8:46 a.m. At 9:03 a.m., five more hijackers overtook the pilots of United Airlines Flight 175 to fly into the South Tower. American Airlines Flight 77 was also seized by five terrorists and used to crash into the western side of the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. The Capitol or the White House was thought to be the fourth hijacked plane s target. Because of the heroics of the passengers on United Airlines Flight 93, the plane was forced down in a rural field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03 a.m. Flight 93 s voice recorder showed that the passengers and crew tried to regain control from the hijackers. The people aboard that flight were informed of the attacks that took