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Essay Of Culture
Crafting an essay on the subject of culture can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a delicate
balance between broad exploration and focused analysis. Culture, being a multifaceted and
dynamic concept, demands a nuanced approach that delves into its various dimensions – from
societal norms and values to artistic expressions and historical influences.
One of the challenges lies in the vastness of the topic. Culture encompasses an extensive range
of aspects, including but not limited to language, customs, traditions, beliefs, arts, and social
structures. Navigating this expansive terrain requires careful selection of themes and a clear
thesis to avoid the pitfall of superficiality.
Furthermore, the sensitivity of cultural topics necessitates a thoughtful and respectful tone. A
comprehensive understanding of diverse cultures and their intricacies is crucial to avoid
stereotyping or oversimplification. Striking a balance between appreciation and critique, while
maintaining cultural sensitivity, adds another layer of complexity to the writing process.
Research becomes a pivotal aspect of writing an essay on culture. Drawing from a variety of
sources, including academic papers, historical records, and contemporary analyses, is essential to
present a well-rounded perspective. The challenge lies in synthesizing this information
cohesively and weaving a narrative that not only informs but also engages the reader.
Moreover, addressing the evolving nature of culture is imperative. In the contemporary world,
cultures are in a constant state of flux due to globalization, technological advancements, and
social changes. Reflecting on these dynamic shifts requires staying abreast of current events and
societal transformations.
In conclusion, composing an essay on culture demands a thorough understanding of the topic's
complexity, a careful selection of themes, a nuanced and respectful approach, comprehensive
research, and an acknowledgment of cultural dynamism. Successfully navigating these
challenges can lead to a rich and insightful exploration of the multifaceted concept of culture.
And for those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, resources
like can provide professional support and expertise.
Essay Of Culture Essay Of Culture
Acc 563 Week 9 Assignment 3 Strayer Latest
ACC 563 WEEK 9 ASSIGNMENT 3 STRAYER LATEST To purchase this visit
following link: 563 week 9 assignment 3
strayer latest/ Contact us at:HELP@APEXSEEKERS.COM ACC 563 WEEK 9
ASSIGNMENT 3 STRAYER LATEST Assignment 3: Accounting for Pensions and
other Post Retirement Benefits Due Week 9 and worth 150 points Using the Internet
or Strayer databases, go to the FASB Website, located at, and
other resources to research the Disclosure of Postretirement Health Care and Life
Insurance Benefits. Write a four to six (4 6) page paper in which you: 1.Based on
your research, compare and contrast the early historical accounting for Postretirement
Health Care and Life Insurance Benefits... Show more content on ...
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student s name, the
professor s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference
page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning
outcomes associated with this assignment are: Analyze the key elements related to
accounting for leases, pension funds, and other post retirement benefits. Use
technology and information resources to research issues in tax research and
planning. Write clearly and concisely about tax research and planning using proper
writing mechanics. Course Home Work aims to provide quality study notes and
tutorials to the students of ACC 563 Week 9 Assignment 3 Strayer Latest in order
to ace their studies. ACC 563 WEEK 9 ASSIGNMENT 3 STRAYER LATEST To
purchase this visit following link: 563
week 9 assignment 3 strayer latest/ Contact us at:HELP@APEXSEEKERS.COM
Accounting for Pensions and other Post Retirement Benefits Due Week 9 and worth
150 points Using the Internet or Strayer databases, go to the FASB Website, located
at, and other resources to research the Disclosure of
Postretirement Health Care and Life Insurance Benefits. Write a four to six (4 6)
page paper in which you: 1.Based on your research, compare and contrast the early
historical accounting for
The Post-WWII Period
The Post WWII period. While the world reels from the war, Americans indulge in
new technologies such as the TV, washing machine, and suburban housing. However,
the tension between the USA and the USSR mounts. The nuclear arms race makes
the world fear what might become of the world. causes widespread fear of the future.
Even now, 70 years after WWII, humans still fear the atomic bomb and the many
consequences of the bombs being detonated. Would past humans have ever thought
that one day they would create their own means of destruction? In Pity this busy
monster, manunkind, E.E. Cummings mocks humans for having become destructors
physically, socially, and spiritually because of their infatuation with advancing
technology. In the first
Examples Of Figurative Language In Shooting An Elephant
Well known author and journalist, George Orwell, in his essay, Shooting an
Elephant, describes his experiences as a Policeman in Moulmein, Burma during
European Imperialism. Orwell s purpose is to convey the ideal that what is right
and what is accepted don t always align. He adopts a remorseful tone in order to
convey to the reader the weight of his actions. By looking at George Orwells use of
imagery and figurative language, one can see his strongly conflicting opinions on
Orwell begins his essay, Shooting an Elephant, by explaining the actions of the
Burmese people and by expressing his contempt for imperialism. He appeals to the
empathy of the audience by stating the actions of the Burmese people: if a European
woman went ... Show more content on ...
Orwell writes, If the elephant charged and I missed him, I should have about as
much chance as a toad under a steam roller. (3). Orwell s use of the phrase adds to
the dramatic humor of the situation, and creates a better understanding of his
conflicting opinions on his situation. Preceding this statement is an internal argument
within which Orwell debates whether he should shoot the elephant or not. To
connect this statement back to the symbol of the elephant representing imperialism
it shows that if he were to go against the European imperialist he would surely lose
everything he had and possibly his life depending on the person, but right after the
quote above Orwell writes about not thinking particularly of his own skin but of the
natives behind him. Meaning he wasn t thinking so much about saving himself but
rather saving those around him. He was breathing very rhythmically with long
rattling gasps, his great mound of a side painfully rising and falling (4), this quote
within it s self is a metaphor as well as imagery. It is a metaphor for how imperialists
may be overthrown but influences can never be forgotten, through this it gives us a
better understanding a picture of the scene and Orwell s feelings during this
Oscar Wilde Influences
Known for his unique writing style, prominence in the Decadence movement, art
critiques, and imprisonment for homosexuality, Oscar Wilde is one of the most
well known Irish authors of all time. Oscar Fingal O flahertie Willis Wilde was
born on October 16, 1854 in Dublin Ireland. His father, Sir William Wilde, was a
successful aural surgeon, and his mother, Jane Francesca Elgee, was a revolutionary
poet and a great supporter of the Irish nationalist movement. Her passion for literature
had an obvious impact on Oscar Wilde, as well as on his brother Willie Wilde, who
went on to become a journalist and poet. Wilde also had a younger sister, Isola,
who died at the age of ten. During his childhood, Wilde was able to interact with
well known artists, doctors, and other influential intellectuals that his parents knew.
These interactions probably had a lasting influence on Oscar Wilde s beliefs and
attitudes. When Wilde was eleven years old, he had the opportunity to attend
Portora Royal School, where he became especially interested in Greek and Roman.
He excelled in his studies throughout his time at Portora, and he graduated in 1871
with the Royal School Scholarship. This allowed him to attend Trinity College in
Dublin, where he also went on to receive the school s Foundation Scholarship, the
highest award given to undergraduates. When he graduated in 1874, he was awarded
several other awards, such as the Berkeley Gold Medal and the Demyship scholarship
for further study at
Fixed Weight Dumbbells
Everyone needs at least one pair of dumbbells in their home gym. These short bars
with weights attached at both ends are definitely must haves. The uses for
dumbbells are endless and they present an easy and convenient way to add more
resistance to workouts. This piece of equipment is available in a wide range of
weights ranging from 1 lb. to about 125 lbs. and are available in a variety of colors
and types including fixed weight dumbbells, plate loaded adjustable dumbbells and
the innovative selectorized adjustable dumbbells that allow users to select the desired
amount of weight before picking up the dumbbell. Anyone shopping around will soon
discover the options available. Fixed weight dumbbells are the most commonly used
type of dumbbell.
Reagan s Economic Policy
In 1981 President Jimmy Carter left America in an inevitable hole that the country
needed to get out of. The country was left with high inflation, unemployment and a
major energy crisis. America needed a big clean up. The presidency of Reagan,
Bush, and Clinton came in to change the mess that they were left with. All three men
had their own way doing things that would help America. But it would not be easy
to be behind the desk in the oval office. Apart from the annual Easter Egg Rolls and
the annual correspondent s dinner their time in the office would be filled with
meticulous decisions that would affect the world, foreign and domestic policies and
scandals. Ronald Reaganwas the 40th president of the United Statesand acted as
president... Show more content on ...
Reagan s supply slide theory included two main things: a major tax cut and
economic growth. The cuts on taxes would be responsible for a decrease in taxes
on the topic of national debt. The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, the bill
represented a significant change in the course of federal income tax policy. The
act included a 25 percent reduction in marginal tax rates for people. These tax cuts
were designed to create an increase of capital in the of the entrepreneurship
economy. The rise of computer companies which include Dell, Sun Microsystem,
and Intel boasted because of this tax cuts. The tax act had a 30 percent reduction.
The new approach to the economy lead posthaste into a homerun for the American
people. Reagan was set on an idea to lower taxes and that is what he did. In 1982
he convinced congress to lower the top tax rate from 70% to 50%. Although in 1986
congress went furthermore in adding the tax reform act this act lowered top income
tax rate to 28%. Reagan had the idea that lowered taxes would be the best way to
encourage economic growth, in doing do so, supply slide would intend high interest
rates would combat inflation accompanied with cutting taxes, especially for the
wealthy, would embolden the wealthy to spend money again which would eventually
lead to the creation for many new jobs as during this time unemployment rate was
Paraneoplastic Syndrome Research Paper
Paraneoplastic Syndromes
Paraneoplastic syndromes are rare disorders triggered by a person s immune system
in response to a cancerous tumor. Paraneoplastic syndromes can affect many areas of
the body systems, including the nervous system, hormone (endocrine) system, skin
(dermatologic) system, blood (hematologic) system, and joints (rheumatologic)
The exact cause of these syndromes is not known. However, these syndromes are
believed to occur when the tumor cells of the cancer cause an immune response in the
body system where the cancer is located.
The normal cancer fighting response from the immune system activates white blood
cells, also called T cells, which target cancer cells in the area. The cancer fighting
cells also ... Show more content on ...
CT scan.
Positron emission tomography (PET).
Electroencephalogram (EEG).
Electromyelogram (EMG).
There is no cure for these syndromes. Treatment will first focus on treating whatever
cancer you have. Then, treatment will focus on helping your immune system lower
its response to the tumor. This may be done with:
Medicines to slow the immune response (immunosuppressants).
Anti seizure medicines.
Blood cleansing (plasmapheresis).
Immunoglobulin antibodies given intravenously (IVIg).
Speech and physical therapy may also be recommended.
Take over the counter and prescription medicines only as told by your health care
Do any speech or physical therapy as told by your health care provider.
Keep all follow up visits as told by your health care provider. This is important.
You have a fever.
You have a reaction to a medicine you are taking.
Your symptoms change or get worse.
You have trouble breathing.
You have more trouble
Difference Between Antonio And Felix
Antonio and Felix have a dream of becoming lightweight champions of the world
but each of them have a different boxing style. Soon Antonio and Felix will fight for
the win in the Golden Glove champion ship. What exactly is the Golden Glove
Champion ship? It is we re young athletes can develop lifetime skills. The first
tournament was held in 1923.
Both Felix and Antonio are seventeen years old, they live in New York City. Felix
and Antonio have the dream of one day to become lightweight champions of the
world. They are silver and bronze medallions. They train at Boys Club on Tenth
Street, Avenue A,and Pro`s gym on Fourteenth Street. With their boxingcareer they
both are very well respected. They are also well known because of their skill level.
As Antonio and Felix were getting close to the match they felt a wall grow between
them,because they had to fight each other and they both wanted to win. At the end of
the match they were both champions. ... Show more content on ...
There boxing style is different Antonio is a better boxer but Felix is a better
slugger. How they look is different Antonio is fair,lean, and lanky. Felix on the
other hand is dark,short,and husky. Or Antonio is 133 pounds and Felix 134
pounds. Felix has a natural afro and Antonios hair long and over the eyes. They
have different style trainers to Felix s trainer is telling him to get in the fight more
and is telling him he is doing a good job. Antonios trainer is telling him what he is
doing wrong and how he could beat
The Nexus Between Women s Land Rights And Food
This research is interested in identifying the nexus between women land rights and
food security within West African states (ECOWAS states). The majority of
ECOWAS countries sustain their economies through agriculture. In 2012, agriculture
accounted for 35% of the region s Gross Domestic Product (DGP), contributing $6
billion to its foreign trade and represented 16.1% of products and services exported
from ECOWAS region (Salifou 2012). Agriculturealso created 60% all jobs in the
ECOWAS region in 2012.
Women accounted for 60 80% of the production, processing and marketing of
agricultural produce in the region. About 80% of the regional population s food
needs are met by regional produce, with the remaining 20% being met by import
(Salifou 2012). Several imperial studies reveal that African women, compared
with other regions, are far more involved in agriculture (Adekaney, Otitulaiye and
Opaluwa 2009). One study in Nigeria showed that men abandoned areas like food
crop farming because those sectors are considered as unprofitable (Afolabi 2008).
Other studies also revealed that 80% of all staple food consumed in Ondo State of
Nigeria in 2005, and 80% of all the staple food produced in Ghana were locally
produced and processed by women (Bravo, Seufferhand and Agunbiade 2011).
While women play a substantial role in the production, marketing and distribution of
agricultural produce, their access to land, an important means of production, is
hindered by
The Rise Of Fashion And Downfall
Is it the rise of fashion or downfall in taste. Everyone knows a little bit about
fashion, because everyone wears clothes, lately, it s been noticeable that fashion is
taking a steep decline, the celebrities have a big influence on fashion, because many
people look up to them, celebrities rarely wear clothes anymore though, because
modestyhas all but been thrown out the window, and it is sterling to affect
everyone in this day and age. Everyone wears clothes! Whether it is shorts, pants,
tank top, t shirt. We all wear clothes so we aren t naked! But as you can see it is
getting less and less modest. And everyone might has a religion that allows them to
wear that kind of stuff and show nudity. IВґm not a religious person but i can tell...
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What I ve only just begun to realize is that these two extremes represent different
sides of the same coin. While popular culture tends to disempower women by telling
them they must dress to get men to look at them, the modesty culture tends to
disempower women by telling them they must dress to keep men from looking at
them.It is important here to make a distinction between attraction and lust. Attraction
is a natural biological response to beauty; lust obsesses on that attraction until it
grows into a sense of ownership, a drive to conquer and claim. When Jesus warns
that everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with
her in his heart, he uses the same word found in the Ten Commandments to refer to
a person who covets his neighbor s property. Lust takes attraction and turns it into
the coveting of a woman s body as though it were property. And men are
responsible for their own thoughts and actions when this happens; they don t get
to blame it on what a woman is wearing. Many discussions of modesty, from
diverse cultural or religious perspectives, revolve around the idea of keeping sinful
and unholy female bodies and body parts from the gaze of others particularly men.
This privileges the male gaze, in a backward sort of way, and puts females at a
disadvantage for being the ones in control of what others think or feel when seeing
their bodies. When we speak of modesty
Preschool World Language
The author will reflect on the article Preschool World Language Learners Engagement
with Language: What are the Possibilities? The prevailing thought that younger is
better when acquiring a second language is shared by language education
professionals, parents, and administrators (Kearney Ahn, 2014). Although studies
show evidence that a young learner does not have unlimited advantages due to age,
beginning the learning process earlier gives opportunity for attainment of language
abilities throughout the lifespan (Kearney Ahn, 2014). World language learning
(WLL) continues to increase in popularity in the United States (Kearney Ahn, 2014).
This author will reflect on the outcome of an exploratory study of preschool
classrooms participating in the same WLL program. Discussion will include language
awareness, teacher initiated engagement with language, and student initiated
engagement with language.
The author chose to reflect on this article because ... Show more content on ...
This EWL is directly asking students to recall information and is not cognitively
demanding (Kearney Ahn, 2014). In this interaction, the children are affectively
willing to engage by responding to the teacher (Kearney Ahn, 2014). Child A
responds with the translation, and the teacher asks all students to repeat the word
(Kearney Ahn, 2014). The students response is not autonomous and relies heavily on
the teacher s contribution to the conversation (Kearney Ahn, 2014). This EWL highly
controlled the depth and ways in which the students participated (Kearney Ahn,
2014). In the aforementioned EWL episode, rather than treating language as a means
of communication, it is treated as an object in which children do not notice the form
on their own (Kearney Ahn,
Tomorrow When The War Began Essay
Tomorrow, When the War Began In the novel Tomorrow, When the War Began
written by John Marsden, we as the readers are asked a continuous question, would
you love someone to the point where you would sacrifice your life for their safety?
Marsden helps us understand love, innocence and maturity through the way he
outlines this question in his novel. Love is a theme in Tomorrow, When the War
Began, which outlines the bond between a couple when going through war. It helps
us as readers understand how difficult situations and tragic loss can strengthen this
bond. Marsden explores a different side to the character Kevin, a sacrificial side, one
we as the readers have never seen before. When Corrie his girlfriend is shot, and...
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Marsden explores the fantasy of safety and believing their would never be a time
in your life where you may have to hurt others to keep yourself alive through the
character Ellie. This is seen in the novel when Ellie and Corrie are sitting in Corrie
s tree house that they spent hours in when they were young. They were discussing
their innocence and how they lost it all when they stopped believing in Santa
Clause and the tooth fairy, at least they thought they did, but then Ellie says ... but
I ve learnt something now Corrie, we were still innocent up until yesterday, we
didn t believe in Santa Clause but we believed in other fantasies you said it. You
said the big one. We believed we were safe. That was the big fantasy... (pg. 107).
The author uses juxtaposition to emphasize the meaning behind this quote. We as
the readers are once again being challenged by Marsden We believed we were safe
Ellie didn t believe in magical myths anymore, but never in her wildest dreams did
she think her safety, her life and the lives of her friends would be put in jeopardy,
especially at such a young age. Marsden is trying to show us as readers that
innocence isn t just being young and free of all our troubles, but it s so much more
than that. Innocence is believing you were ever safe in this violent world. Something
all readers would have done until now. Anything could happen in this world after all
Humans created evil.
Why Did Jack The Ripper Happen
Jack the Ripper is a famous serial killer during the early 19th century of London.
Jack the Ripper is an interesting topic for me because of it s mystery and that most
people thought it was a myth. I also believed that Jack the Ripper truly exists which
brings me to have the interest to write this essay. Therefore, what led Jack the Ripper
to kill the various victims he did in early 19th century London? I believed that Jack
the ripper killed his victim due to the corruptness of early 19th century London. 19th
century London is a time era where people are starting to rise up on economy.
England during that time had a very important change to it which is the Industrial
revolution. London as the main capital of England had a big profit made from... Show
more content on ...
He got his name Jack the Ripper because of a letter called Dear Boss . Therefore,
according to Rubinstein, Many believe that this postcard was actually written by a
journalist, though there is no clear evidence for this. (Rubinstein). Which means the
name Jack the Ripper could be a news speculation. He became famous because there
was no murder happened in London at all in 1887. Even his He committed these
crimes in 1888 which made people shocked. He picked female prostitutes as his
victims and killed them at night when no one was around. He was also famous
because there were not many clues to lead the police to find the killer. This made
suspects ranged from woman to doctor. The police did a lot of attempts and
changes in order to catch Jack the Ripper. There were multiple letters written
between polices to request for operation or changes. Jack the Ripper was so skilled
at creating a crime that James Munro, one of the officer, requested a hundred more
uniformed officers and disguised officers to Whitechapel. The officers also tried
using a blood hound to sniff out Jack the Ripper. Therefore, Jack the Ripper made
blood all over the place, this made using smell to find the murderer very hard
because the dog may identify the incorrect smell. Another police officer Thomas
Gribton requested for an operation to catch Jack the Ripper. He requested for twelve
police officer with
The Triumph of Christianity in the Roman Empire Essays
Christians went from being persecuted to dominating Rome rather quickly. In a
world where separation between church and state does not exist, a Christian
becoming the sole emperor of Rome symbolized a huge turning point in history. The
power switched and the Pagans in turn became persecuted. Christians rose up and
took control of all aspects of Roman society. The Pagan past was destroyed, banned,
or forgotten about. Those Christians that did not agree with how things were being
run either left the empire and became monks or formed their own sect. All of Rome
The part that interested me the most in these readings were those that strayed away
from the standard Christianity that the emperor instated and followed their own ...
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Like the monks they too believed in penance, suffering, and martyrdom (164). Led by
Donatus, this movement dominated North Africa. The church was not purely
religious; however, its underlay was a revolutionary social movement. It was popular
among peasants due to promises of reversing roles of slaves and masters. What
confuses me is that the base of their religion seems very much involved with the
government. That alone would not be surprising, since many religions share that
quality; but, Donatus insisted on complete separation of this Spirit directed Church
from the state (164).
Separation of church and state was a big issue in the beginning of Christianity,
mostly because it didn t exist. God supposedly chose the emperor Constantine and in
turn Constantine chose Christianity as the empire s official religion. The union of
church and state may not have been as great a problem if freedom of speech had
also existed. It seems weird to imagine a right that I have taken for granted all of my
life not to be present. Pagans experience a loss of political rights and status. Anti
pagan and anti Semitic preaching rallied everyone against the outsiders. Those, such
as the popes, that enjoyed high ranks in Christianity now enjoyed high ranks in the
government. Those, such as the emperor, that enjoyed high ranks in the government
now enjoyed high ranks in Christianity. The line
Cfi Oral Plan of Action
CFI I Oral Plan of Action
Discussion of the elements related to Basic fundamentals of Fundamentals of
Instruction, Technical Subject Areas, Preflight Planning.
Fundamentals of Instruction
Certificates and Documents Airworthiness Requirements
Weather Information
IFR Cross Country Flight Planning
National Airspace
Technical Subject Areas
Regulations and Publications
Operations of Systems
Aircraft Systems, Flight Instruments, and Navigational equipment
Instrument Cockpit Check
Air Traffic Control Clearances
Lost Communications
Schedule: FOI0:15 Review0:45Technical subject areas1:00
Dry erase board, markers, Pilot Operating Handbook (POH), ... Show more content
on ...
* IFR Cross Country Flight Planning * Regulatory requirements for instrument flight
within various types of airspace. * Computation of estimated time en route and total
fuel requirement for an IFR cross country flight. * Selection and correct
interpretation of the current and applicable en route charts, RNAV, DPs, STARs, and
standard instrument approach procedure charts (IAP). * Procurement and
interpretation of the applicable NOTAM information. * Completes and files an IFR
flight plan that accurately reflects the conditions of the proposed flight. (Does not
have to be filed with ATC.) * Demonstrates adequate knowledge of GPS and RAIM
capability, when aircraft is so equipped. * National Airspace System
Technical Subject Areas * Regulations and Publications Related to IFR Operations
* 14 CFR parts 61, 71, 91, 95, and 97. * FAA H 8083 15, Instrument Flying
Handbook. * Aeronautical Information Manual. * Practical Test Standards. * Airport
Facility Directory. * Standard Instrument Departures/Terminal Arrivals. * En Route
Charts. * Standard Instrument Approach Procedure Charts. * Operations of
Systems * Primary flight controls and trim * Flaps, leading edge devices, and
spoilers * Powerplant and propeller * Landing gear * Fuel, oil, and hydraulic *
Electrical * Avionics * Pitot static,
Hyperactive-Impulsive Disorder (ADHD)
ADHD is a disorder that can cause one to have a very short attention span. It also
leads you to be a very hyperactive person, which can make one appear overjoyed
and energetic about life. ADHD is found in young children and adults and varies
from person to person. This disorder has many levels. For example, you could be in
school working on an assignment and notice a friend playing with his/her pencil so
you get their attentionand tell them to do their work only to look back a few
minutes later and see him/her digging in their bag unfocused. This doesn t represent
anything bad ,it is a neurological disorder that cannot be controlled and the person
has a hard time staying focused for long periods of times. People affected by this
disorder... Show more content on ...
Agree on a time that works for both you and your child s teacher and stick to it.
Avoid cancelling. If it is convenient, meet in your child s classroom so you can get a
sense of your child s physical learning environment.
Create goals together. Discuss your hopes for your child s school success. Together,
write down specific and realistic goals and talk about how they can be reached.
Listen carefully. Like you, your child s teacher wants to see your child succeed at
school. Listen to what he or she has to say even if it is sometimes hard to hear. Avoid
interrupting. Understanding your child s challenges in school is the key to finding
solutions that work.
Share information. You know your child s history, and your child s teacher sees him
or her every day: together you have a lot of information that can lead to a better
understanding of your child s hardships. Share your observations freely, and
encourage your child s teachers to do the same.
Communication can only work effectively if it is honest. Be sure to list any
medications your child takes and explain any other treatments. Share with your
child s teacher what tactics work well and which don t for your child at home. Ask
if your child is having any problems in school, including on the playground. Find out
if your child can get any special services to help with
Comparing A Streetcar Named Desire and Cat on a Hot Tin
Comparing A Streetcar Named Desire and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
In the game of life man is given the options to bluff, raise, or fold. He is dealt a
hand created by the consequences of his choices or by outside forces beyond his
control. It is a never ending cycle: choices made create more choices. Using diverse,
complex characters simmering with passion and often a contradiction within
themselves, Tennessee Williams examines the link of past and present created by
man s choices in A StreetcarNamed Desire and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
Delicate Blanche, virile Stanley. Dynamic Maggie, impotent Brick. Williams
protagonists are distinctly different in temperament. In A Streetcar Named Desire
Blanche exemplifies the stereotypical ... Show more content on ...
In contrast, Brick is cool and nonchalant. He wears the charm of the defeated to
disguise his power. Power isn t always brute force. Sometimes refusing to make
choices is powerful. Forcing other to make decisions and thus never shouldering
the responsibility is a form of dominance. Brick proudly proclaims Maggie laid down
the law to me said now or never, and so I married Maggie (Williams, Cat 37). She has
to accept a non sexual marriage or she has to be the one decide to leave. In the end
Maggie, wanting to sire an heir and secure her position in the family, forces Brick
to make love to her. He doesn t fight her off, but accepts meekly. It seems as if he
isn t making choice, but by surrendering he does not have to forgive Maggie or
change the terms of their lifeless marriage. Brick, hiding his anger behind a wall of
indifference, is powerless and powerful.
The characters are neither saintly nor villainous but rather a combination of both,
often a contradiction within themselves. Blanche DuBois is Williams masterpiece of
contradiction. The very name Blanche DuBois suggests her duality (Cohn 46). She
tells Mitch her name means white woods. Like an orchard in spring (Williams,
Street 55) But even her translation is a fantasy. Blanche is past her spring and she no
longer possesses the virtue associated with white (Cohn 46).
The Good Earth, By Pearl S. Buck
In The Good Earth, written by Pearl S. Buck, a traditional Chinese family was
measured by their luck and prosperity. On the contrary, the protagonist, Wang
Lung, finds fortune through his land, but he merits the love of his family over
anything else. For instance, Wang Lung reveals a heartfelt care for his son when
he was asked to sell his land for the price of his loved ones, and [he] began to weep
silently, the tears gathering in great knots of pain in his throat and rolling down his
cheek (86). The humble farmer sacrifices his own pride and land for the sake of his
son and family. The idea brings great pain to his heart and moral sense. Land is
highly valued to this young farmer yet he considers the thought of giving that life
Evaluating The Profitability Of A Company
Trend Analysis While ratios are certainly important in evaluating the profitability
of a company, it is also important to consider overall trends. An analysis of revenue
and net income trends, which can be found in Appendix VII, appears to reveal that
2014 was a standout year for Martinrea. During fiscal years 2012 and 2013, revenue
increased by 32.3% and 11.1% respectively over the previous year. However, despite
these increases in revenue, net incomedecreased by 28.9% and 56.3% respectively. In
2014, revenue increased by just 11.7% from the previous year, but net income
increased by 320.7%. On the surface, these trends indicate that Martinrea had an
amazing turnaround this year, but the notes reveal that this turnaround is not as...
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The combination of these two factors reveals that while Martinrea s profitability did
improve in 2014, bucking the trend of previous years, the extent of this improvement
is due in part to fluctuations in deferred taxes, which are entirely temporary have little
correlation with improvements in the underlying business.
Operating Expenses
During 2014, Martinrea s operating expenses fell by 1.3%, causing operating
income to increase by $26,663,000, or 25.3% YoY. Research and development
costs increased by $1,548,000, or 9.2% YoY, largely as a result of restructuring
costs attributed to the R D department. Selling, general and administrative expenses
increased $20,515,000 or 12.5% YoY, mainly due to new expenses incurred by
expanding facilities, increasing employee levels, and higher travel costs. These two
large operating expense increases were offset by the complete reduction in Martinrea
s impairment charges. Overall, the small decrease in operating costs is marginally
beneficial to Martinrea s profitability in the short and long run.
Cash Flow Analysis
Operating Activities
Although net income is an important indicator of financial health, it is not the only
metric that can reveal the fiscal strength of a company. In 2014, Martinrea received
$264,354,000 in net cash flow from operating activities, which represents an inflow
that is 2.96 times greater than its net income of $89,416,000. This margin is
reassuring for Martinrea
Personal Narrative-Recovered
Wait, you need to wave the wand that way not...! I hollered. A little bit too late. My
sister already waved her shiny new wand. She has terrible control over her
gleaming new staff that our parents bought for school. She just combined the
power of two fire spells and the magic of some kind that I m not sure of. A flame
pole shot from the ground shaking the entire school. With a wave of the teacher s
magical wand, everyone is teleported out into the grassy fields. The school claims
that a bottle of potion was made with unknown properties because it was never seen
before by any teacher or heard by anyone, which is very rare for a kid to accidently
create. The fire faded as quickly as it struck because the building is fireproof. My
sister... Show more content on ...
A lot of teams helped us by putting different spells to the world below us, the Earth.
Soon after, the spells were broken with more powerful dark spells, more powerful
than what I ve ever seen in my whole entire life. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,
hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, floods, tsunamis, and other natural disasters
all hit Earth at many different spots at the exact same time. Many people were
injured and some died which I knew would happen. We all split up and went
researching at many different angles. Where the power is from, how the natural
disasters occur suddenly in a very unnatural way. After a full day of research, we
were able to declare that they are using one of the most powerful dark spells.
Someone else told us that after matching identities they are the Bubble team, who
defeated us and got first place in the
How Did Charlemagne Develop His Empire
Throughout the reign of Charlemagne, he imposed many crucial developments
which were key to the success of his empire. First off, up until this point in history
so far, high positions in government tended to be given to people who came from
wealthy and noble families. This meant that these people holding high positions felt
as if they were entitled to their positions, often felt they were in a higher social class
from the common person, and thought they did not have to agree with the absolute
ruler on everything since they are a noble in their own right. When Charlemagne
inherited the throne, he set up a new system where high ranking officials, called
counts, were selected by him and only him, and could include even the lowest
peasant in... Show more content on ...
It is critical to point out that the main reason why commoners were so afraid of the
Vikings was because they are an especially brutal group of people. They were not
interested in taking over villages and enforcing their own rules, instead they would
ransack the village, horrifically kill everyone, and leave the place in ruins. When
the commoners would flee to the countryside, they would end up running into the
land which was left over to the nobles from the Carolingian Empire. These
commoners would then end up under control by the nobles, and in exchange the
nobles offered protection from the Vikings. This practice was referred to as was
feudalism. Manorialism refers to the economic system which was in place under the
nobles. The peasants, or serfs, would be bound to producing agricultural goods for
the nobles kingdom. In return, the nobles would hire Vassals, or knights to protect
the serfs, and in return the Vassals were given land which was farmed by some serfs
to produce food and income for
Red Dog Quotes
Peeto: What makes you think that the girl wants a skinny yank like you when us
real blokes are here? This quote is one of the many examples of the typical Aussie
bloke that is portrayed in the film, Red Dog. Good morning/afternoon ladies and
gentlemen, I am here to suggest the film Red Dog to the Australian film festival. I
strongly recommend that the film Red Dog be exemplified in the film festival since
it offers a reasonable and truthful depiction of Australia given the films time period.
The film like no other nails the acts of mateship, gives an impeccable image of the
Australian landscape as well as a fantastic representation of the Aussie male. During
the movie a strong connection is created within two main characters which in turn...
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They drink beer after work at the local bar, they are shown gambling on red dog
and have beach BBQ s. This stereotypical view on the males can be considered
normal activities when looking at the time period the movie is set in, in this time
that would be the average day for a male, working hard and going to a pub for a
relaxing drink with your mates however this is not the case for all the males who
have ranging personalities such as Peeto who likes to knit and listen yodelling,
compared to Jocko who was in a car accident leading to his families death making
him depressed and wanting to die as he had nothing to live for. A reasonable person
would realise that the characters don t only have this stereotypical larrikin side but
maintain their own personalities as independent citizens. This is a prime reason why
the film must be included into the festival as it shows that Australians do have their
own personalities and they aren t just a bunch of people following stereotypical
nonsense. To come to conclusion, the film known as Red Dog must be included into
the 2016 film festival, it can be proven beyond reasonable doubt that it provided a fair
and accurate representation of mateship, elegant, beautiful and meaningful
representations of the landscape and lastly a just illustration of the Aussie male,
making the film very well deserving of being included into the film
Jane Eyre Motherhood Essay
Charlotte BrontГ«, the author of Jane Eyre, places Jane Eyre, the protagonist, in
various scenarios where she has substitute mothers to replace the death of her
biological one. Surrogate mothers are represented in several roles as hired
servants, governesses, nannies, or siblings (Mattson). Throughout the course of
her life Jane meets women who care, teach, and guide her to become a strong and
independent woman. The first substitute motherhood figure to appear in Jane s life
is Bessie, the maid at Gateshead Hall. After Jane is sent away to Lowood, the
school she would attend, she then meets Miss Temple, the superintendent of the
school. A couple of years pass by and Jane ends up becoming a teacher at Lowood
herself and then leaves to become a governess at the Thornfield manor.
Complications happen during her stay at Thornfield, which causes her to leave.
She has nowhere to live, and is depleted of money and food. This is when two
women, Diana and Mary, take Jane into their home and take care of her, with them
being the last substitute mothers that Jane will encounter. As a child, Jane lived with
her malicious Aunt Reed at Gateshead Hall due to the death of her parents. Her
Aunt Reed and cousins John, Georgiana, and Eliza disliked her and treated her
cruelly. In one incident, Jane was sent to the red room as punishment, which was the
bedroom of his Uncle Reed, and also the bedroom in which he died. Jane claimed to
have seen the... Show more content on ...
She is being noticed and appreciated, unlike at the Gateshead Hall, where she was
not payed attention to and was ignored by everyone except Bessie. Miss Temple
was a substitute mother not only to Jane but also to all the students at Lowood.
She does her best under Brocklehurts s control to provide her pupils with more and
better food, (Kawasaki). Miss Temple was also a nurse to Helen and took care of her
while she was
A Functional Structured Organization With Hierarchal
KovГЎl is a functional structured organization with hierarchal rankings. Below is the
organizational chart;
Owner 1; Zachary Houghton is part owner of KovГЎl and manager or sales and
advertising. Some of his duties include; overseeing all sales, setting long range sales
goals and schedules, and leading company wide business meetings. Weekly sales
reports are given to Zachary showing total sales, revenue, and losses, with this data,
he can make educated decisions and decide the direction that the company will take
as it pertains to sales. Long range, one to five year, sales goals and schedules must be
set so that lower management has an idea of how to handle volume and traffic, also
this information is needed for other departments, such as ... Show more content on ...
Florence s responsibilities include; answering customer s questions, supporting sales
associates, setting and meeting short term sales goals and schedules; one to six
months, and holding daily meetings with sales associates before opening each day.
Florence is expected to be knowledgeable of all products sold by KovГЎl so that he
can properly answer any questions. He must set short term goals for sales associates
to meet. Also, he must hold daily pep meetings to prepare the sales team for the day.
Sales Associates; Debby Bub, Lush June, and Lashaunda Miavers are all part of
the sales team. The sales associates process transactions, take orders, restock retail
space, and interact with customers. Processing transactions is the chief duty of each
sales associate, this includes operating a cash register, processing returns, and
signing customers up for the company newsletter. The associates will also take
orders over the phone from business clients, these orders will be processed directly
from their computer to the sales directors who will then send to the production
officer upon acceptance. The sales associates are responsible for restocking the store
shelves and arranging in an organized fashion as designated by the marketing and
sales team. Occasionally customers will return items, this transaction will be handled
by the sales associate. Finally, the sales associate is encouraged to talk to customers
about signing up for the weekly newsletter that KovГЎl
Conception Of A Feral Child
A feral child is a child who has been in isolation from human contact from a very
young age. They have little or no experience of human care, behavior, or have little
knowledge of human language. This therefore hinders their development of human
social skills. Some feral children have been confined, a lot of times it would be by
their own parents. In some cases, child abandonmentoccurs due to the parents
rejection of a child s severe intellectual or physical impairment. Feral children
experience a lot of things including: severe abuse or trauma before being abandoned
or before they ran away. Feral children are sometimes subjects of traditional art,
myths and literature like the boy in the Jungle Book story. In these stories they are
portrayed... Show more content on ...
At the time she was found, she was only 8 years old and is said to have lived
amongst dogs since she was 3 years old. She was kept in a kennel in the backyard
of her home. Because of this she picked up common behaviors that dogs exhibit:
barking, growling, and even protecting the pack, so to speak. She even walked on
four legs as a dog does and sniffed out her food before she ate it. When authorities
came to rescue Oxana, the other dogs growled and attempted to attack them while
Oxana barked and growled as well. Because of her lack of human interaction,
Oxana had no vocabulary except the words yes and no. As a result of neglect,
experienced by feral children they are affected in three major ways: physically,
psychologically, and
Psychology Career Assignment
Career Assignment Getting a Job with a B.A. in Psychology
Ever since I was younger I want to be a police officer. However, my switch to
wanting to be an FBI agent happened after I discovered that I will be going to
college. Instead of just getting a degree and going to be police officer that I could
be without a degree, I decided to use my education for what was worth and to give
back on a grander scale. So I chose FBI, this fits my characteristics because the FBI
will allow me to use skills that I developed in the military and throughout life to not
only make our federal government a safer place, but our local states and cities.
Though a Psychology degree, not the only one that will possess when I leave this
University is one of the most ... Show more content on ...
Also, handling any student and/or teacher complaints regarding the classroom
atmosphere and how it will affect Greek life. Recruiting, managing, and training new
staff and lastly administering and coordinating in the preparation of student exams
and assessment activities.
Human Resources
Employment and Recruitment for Large Companies
Why you would be interested in pursuing a job? The interest in this job derives
from my experience with the military and recruitment. Considering my success low
at recruiting young men and women into the United States military, I feel like this
would be a perfect fit for me if I ever chose to do another career besides the FBI.
What is the expected job salary?
Starting entry pay is around $55, 640 a year.
What all does this job entail?
To design and implement a recruiting plan, to prepare and post jobs to the appropriate
areas such as colleges or news papers
What is the job outlook?
The job outlook is about 7% slower than average, considering this job to be difficult
to get ahead in. This average was predicted for the years of 2012 two
Antibiotic Investigation
The graph I have created is a line graph. I included the four types of antibiotics we
Control, which is a blank template and has no medicine on it, but acted example of
no effectiveness, penicillin, streptomycin, and tetracycline. The zone of inhabitation
is a circular shape around the circle pad of antibiotic that represents the effectiveness
of an antibiotic at a given dosage. It is measured in millimeters and included the
diameter of the disk of antibiotic. We determine the effectiveness of it by putting the
different measurements in three different categories. The categories are resistant,
intermediate, and susceptible. Resistant means that the antibiotic was not effective,
intermediate means it was slightly effective, and susceptible ... Show more content on ...
coli, and the other was for s. epi. We covered the inside of each petri dish (that had a
jelly base) with the bacteria it was designated for. After that, we split both dishes
into four sections. In the middle of each section we would put an antibiotic disc.
After all four of the antibiotics were placed in each dish with tweezers, they were
incubated overnight. The next day, we measured the zone of inhabitance around
each antibiotic disc. I had two statements in my hypothesis. If S. epi is gram
positive, then penicillin, streptomycin, and tetracycline will be effective on it
because each one reacts with gram positive bacteria. If E. coli is gram negative,
then streptomycin and tetracycline will be effective on it because each one reacts
with gram positive bacteria. I reject the first statement in my hypothesis because
only one of the antibiotics was susceptible on s. epi, while the others were
resistant. I accept my second hypothesis because both streptomycin and tetracycline
were susceptible on the e. coli bacteria. We can relate this experiment to the outside
world by testing the effectiveness of antibiotics on certain diseases and infections.
This important for the care and treatment of people so they can continue living
their lives. If I or a friend every needed to know the effectiveness of a antibiotic
against a bacteria I can look up labs similar to this one to make sure we are taking
the right
The Pros And Cons Of Banning The Armalite Rifle
The AR 15 (ArmaLite Rifle) is a modern sporting rifle that has been a main
controversy in America which dominates the gun control conversation. With the mass
shootings that occurred in the previous years, the AR 15 was the dominant weapon
used in these tragedies. This semi automatic rifle is classified by the media as an
assault riflein which it is not because the AR 15 is not automatic. The supporters of
banning the AR 15 and Gun Control believe that it will stop mass shootings from
happening, but there is no evidence that banning any assault weapon would prevent
mass shootings. The AR 15 should not be banned because the Second Amendment of
the United StatesConstitution protects individual gun ownership. This weapon is
mainly used for hunting and defense, but banning this rifle will not prevent any more
mass shooting from occurring since the gun is not doing... Show more content on ...
People who are against this rifle being legal often ask supporters of the rifle Is it
necessary to use this weapon outside of military combat? . The AR 15 is one of the
most popular rifles of all time and it is used by many American hunters because of
the rifles effectiveness. The AR 15 is effective when hunting due to the higher
magazine capacity and quicker fire power compared to other standard bolt action
hunting rifles. The opposing side would argue that it is not necessary to have a
quicker fire rate for hunters, but the AR 15 is needed for farmers who are having
their farms ruined by wild hogs. Many farmers are losing thousands of acres of
crops as well as money due to a high population of wild hogs. People believe that
you should only use a bolt action rifle, but when there are dozens of wild hogs
destroying your crops, it is necessary to use a semi automatic rifle. The AR 15 in
this case would be able to kill many wild animals faster than a standard bolt action
rifle that takes longer to shoot and is less
The Life Of Ancient Egyptian Religion
The concept of the eternal life in traditional Egypt is associated with the sun that
always rose up to give renewal and vigor on a daily basis. Ancient Egyptians
considered the afterlife as an ideal dimension in its peace, delight, and bliss. There
were no hardships, rivalry or any negative emotions in the spiritual realm. The
dimension was referred to commonly as the Field of Offerings or the Field of
Rushes. The heavenly place was complete with its own version of the river Nile
and was composed of two fields. The Egyptians society saw it possible to attain the
peace given in the afterlife if they led an earthly religious life. The next life was
eternal in nature. Ancient Egyptians employed two religious criteria to structure
their belief in the afterlife. The beliefs were centered on godly myths and the
spiritual connection between the body and the soul. One of the major elements in
traditional Egyptian religion was their worship and belief in a variety of gods and
goddesses. Each of the deities had their particular power, relevance and function in
the ancient religion. The spirit world was associated with the god Ra, who was the
deity with the duty of ruling the dimension. According to McKay, Ra was
responsible for choosing individuals who were eligible for traveling in his boat
across the spirit river Nile into the land of the two fields . According to the religion,
only Pharaohs had automatic passage to Ra s boat ride into the land of the two
fields. God Osiris, one
Indi The Next Economic Superpower
I believe India is going to be the next economic superpower because of many different
factors but not without change to traditional practices. Macroeconomics is a branch
of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision making
of an economy as a whole, rather than individual markets. Macroeconomics simplifies
the analysis of how the country s total production and level of employment are related
to attributes including national, regional, and global economies. Indiabeing the largest
democracy and very high in many other rankings, including national wealth. India s
citizens are yet ranked as some of the most impoverished in the whole world. (Witt,
Chapter 11).
The International Monetary Fund released an update ... Show more content on ...
India s service sector has been a primary driver of economic growth over the past
few decades, but the industry s share of value added is stuck at 25%. The share of
microenterprises and small businesses in manufacturing employment is 84%,
compared with 25% in China. The fact that it has moved from an agricultural
economy to a service driven economy with almost no growth in industry is not a
virtue, it is the result of policies that have hampered manufacturing and mining.
The main industrial exports of India are textiles, chemicals, food processing, steel,
transportation equipment, cement, mining, petroleum, machinery, software,
pharmaceuticals and agricultural exports like rice, wheat, oilseed, cotton, jute, tea,
sugarcane, lentils, onions, potatoes, livestock, and poultry keep India s export
income one of the highest. With the world s second highest workforce at a 2014
estimate of 502.2 million people (US CIA World Factbook)
The financial sector in India is predominantly a banking sector with commercial
banks accounting for more than 60 percent of the total assets held by the financial
system. India s services sector has always served the country s economy well,
accounting for about 57 per cent of the gross domestic product. The financial
services sector has been an important contributor to the country gross domestic
product (GDP) accounting for nearly 6 percent share in 2014 15. The success of
their financial sector is from the
The Origin Of The Haqqani Network
This paper covers the origins of the Haqqani network. This document describes the
Operational Environment of the Haqqani network and their leadership structure. This
document explains the Haqqani network objectives, and the methods they are using
to accomplish their goals. The Haqqani network would be unable to accomplish their
goals without external support, which comes from Pakistan. Pakistan has a role in
supporting the Haqqani networkby providing military assistance. The Haqqani
network is using direct action techniques in order to achieve their goals. The
Haqqani network had one type of leadership until recent. Some of these leaders are a
replacement for those that have been captured, killed, or are too ill to perform. The
Haqqani... Show more content on ...
The Haqqani network forms their ideology from Hizb i Islami and the Taliban. The
Haqqani network s main goal is to drive foreign military power and influence out of
Afghanistan permanently.
Pakistan is the largest supporter of the Haqqani network. Pakistani military and the
Inter Services Intelligence Directorate (ISID) are supporting the group by refusing to
take military action. The Pakistani military feels that the Haqqani network is a useful
ally due to their actions in Afghanistan. Pakistan is now in the process of banning the
Haqqani network. However, without active support this will be ineffective. Recent
statements by Sartaj Aziz, the adviser on National Security and Foreign Affairs to
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, also indicate that the Pakistani government is not
serious about tackling the Haqqani network. In mid November, Aziz said Pakistan
should not make enemies out of groups such as the Haqqani network, and that the
Afghan Taliban was Afghanistan s problem, not Pakistan s. (Roggio, 2015).
The Haqqani network uses bombings, kidnappings, and assassinations as their
methods of attack. However, the Haqqani network is shifting from direct attacks and
use of suicide bombers due to ineffectiveness on their targets. The main effort now is
to destabilize the governing power, and prevent reconstruction. Haqqani fighters are
attempting to destabilize governance and reconstruction efforts from the inside while
continuing to operate on the periphery and around
What Role Does Ballet Play In The Swan
Ballet played an enormous role in this beautiful artistic story of The Swan, for the
very simple reason that every movement and every gesture signifies a different
experience for someone who is opening up your mind, and eyes that they re
attempting to escape death. The ballet is not about a ballerina being able to transform
herself into a swan, but about death, with the swan simply being a metaphor for that.
Watching Svetlana Zakharova performing The Swan she really used a combination of
masterful technique with expressiveness. It was like she was proving that dancecould
and should satisfy not only the eye, but through the medium of the eye should
penetrate the soul. If you sit back, close your eyes, and just listen to the musical tempo
Boat-Ponymy Research Papers
Boat billed heron The boat billed herons average height for a full grown adult is
about 20 inches. They weight usually about 600g or 1.3 pounds. They have a
unique black patch at the base of the hind neck. The animals feathers are a pale
grey to white color,they have a chestnut colored belly and black on their side near
the hip and ribs. They also have a scoop like bill, so they can scoop up their prey.
They have wings that they fly with, as their main source of transportation. The have
eyes, ears, and a beak that help them to find their prey, but mostly rely on touch. To
protect themselves they raise their dark feathers that are located on their heads. The
Boat billed herons diet relies on mostly shrimp, sleeper goby, and
Bach And Telemann Critique
On April 2, 2017 at 2pm I went to watch the Baroque Chamber Music Series: Bach
Telemann s Coffeehouse: St. Luke s Chamber Ensemble at the Brooklyn Museum.
There were 5 performers: Krista Bennion Feeney, who played the violin; Naoko
Tanaka, who also played the violin; David Cerutti, who played the viola; Myron
Lutzke, who played the cello; and Robert Wolinsky who played the harpsichord.
The first performer was Krista Bennion Feeney, she played Gigue from Fantasia No.
12 for Solo Violin by George Philipp Telemann. The next performance was Trio
Sonata in G Major, BWV 1039 by Johann Sebastian Bach, which included four
movements: Adagio, Allegro ma non presto, Adagio e piano, and Presto. This was
performed by two violinists, a cello player and ... Show more content on ...
It started with a rather slow tempo that had a call and answer type of theme, with
the call part being more loud and dramatic while the answer was soft and then after
a part that flowed without the call and answer theme, it was vice versa so the call
part was soft and the answer was louder and more dramatic. This movement faded
out and into a slightly more fast paced part, however it wasn t the end of that
movement because it wasn t a complete stop. The second movement was quicker and
much shorter than the first movement. The third movement was very similar to the
first, in that it was a little slow and has very short pauses that fade into a different
paced part of the same movement. This movement had variations to the first theme
and had a short harpsichord solo. The fourth movement, Menuetto alternativo trio had
a faster pace and sounded like a non imitative polyphony with the violins and viola as
the main melody and the cello and harpsichord as the second melody at most times
and as the background accompaniment at other times. The last movement was much
louder, more dramatic and more lively than the rest of the movements.This movement
had multiple parts that sounded were crescendo and then decrescendo. They finished
the song with crescendo and it was a very dramatic ending. Most of the movements
in this piece were played by the strings, and the harpsichord was rarely heard because
the strings overpowered it and were much louder than the
Snt Legal Essay
Sierra Nevada Trees Inc. Legal Analysis Consequential Damages Disclaimer: The
disclaimer that protects Sierra Nevada Trees Inc. from liability in a claim for
consequential damages contained in the purchase order acknowledgement is part of
the agreement with Burger Ranch Inc. Burger Ranch Inc. accepted the terms of the
offer and there was proper performance by both parties. As stated in the Gould
Commercial Code Section 2 207 subsection 1, A definite and seasonable expression
of acceptance or a written confirmation which is sent within a reasonable time
operates as an acceptance even though it states terms additional to or different from
those offered or agreed upon, unless acceptance is expressly made conditional on
assent to... Show more content on ...
Simon, the manager of the damaged Burger Ranch, inspected the tree, was satisfied
with the tree, initialed the receipt, and paid the $150 for the tree. These facts
definitively imply that the buyer did accept the goods after he had a reasonable
opportunity to inspect it and then made the judgement that it conformed to their
satisfaction, therefore legally accepting the goods. The buyer may contend that
regardless of these facts, the disclaimer clause of the purchase order
acknowledgement represents a material alteration to the original contract and
therefore would not become part of the contract as per Gould Commercial Code
Section 2 207 subsection 2, The additional terms are to be construed as proposals for
addition to the contract. Between merchants such terms become part of the contract
unless: a. The offer expressly limits acceptance to the terms of the offer; b. They
materially alter it; or c. Notification of objection to them has already been given or is
given within a reasonable time after notice of them is received. Despite this
Wood Fencing Benefits
Need A New Fence? Why You Should Go With Wood
If you need privacy when relaxing in your backyard, you may be thinking about
getting a wood fence for your home. A fence is a great way to make it difficult for
neighbors to peer in and see what you are up to, while also adding some security. By
understanding the benefits and cost of wood fencing, you may find that it is the right
choice for you.
The Benefits of Wood Fencing
A main benefit of wood fencing is how easy it is to repair the material when it
becomes damaged. There are many wood pickets used to construct each panel, but
those pickets can easily be removed and replaced. That s why it is a good idea to save
some extra pickets for when you need to make a repair. Other materials that come
Oedipus Vs Hamlet Essay
When dealing with universal themes in plays like Oedipus or Hamlet, a set time
period is not necessarily required. A production of Hamlet could take place in the
year 2016 and make sense if adapted correctly. What is important when adapting a
play is not presenting it exactly as the playwright wrote it hundreds of years ago, in
the case of Shakespeare s Hamlet, but keeping the themes that make the playwhat it
is. To completely change the story of Hamlet and differ too greatly from the
original story would defeat the purpose of the production. The director has to
adhere to the main themes of whichever play they choose because that play they
chose obviously carries the message they want to send to an audience. A director s
job is to bring their ideas about a play to life and present that to an audience,
therefore, demonstrating their ideas for that audience. The ideas spread and are then
absorbed by an audience member, who leaves the play filled with the new knowledge
or new ideas.
Older plays, like Oedipus or Hamlet, are the most ... Show more content on ...
When adapting a play into a different historical era or setting it in modern times,
maintaining the essential themes that make the play what it is cannot be
manipulated. However, some main ideas and themes in a play can be enhanced or
made clearer to the audience by setting the play in a different time period. It all
depends on whether the creative team behind a production can communicate their
meaning and the change to the audience. If the audience understands the change, the
interpretation and adaptation is successful. Implementing a new idea or a different
outlook into an older play might enhance the play by bringing forth political points
that correlate with today s society and its issues, prompting the audience to take note
and reflect on our problems and attempt to find a
Colin Kaepernick s Argument Analysis
According to Colin Kaepernick, There are bodies in the street and people getting
paid leave and getting away with murder (qtd. in Florio). In other words, police are
not being held accountable for the many killings of innocent people. The police
are being cruel; police are malicious people. Therefore, Kaepernick is going to
protest until change come. This situation is vested to Kaepernick s belief and
values. People should be able to protest the pledge to show respect, to allow the
freedom of religion and speech, and to not impose American ideals on others. First,
people show respect by protesting the flag. It is important to Colin Kaepernick to
protest the flag because police killings of African Americans have come under
widespread scrutiny (qtd. in Lutz). Many African American families are going through
... Show more content on ...
Always pledging to the flag runs the risk of turning a central statement of
patriotism into a chore (qtd. in Longman). Because the pledge is recited at every
event, the pledge it is starting to lose it s meaning. The purpose of the pledge was
to protect our freedom and showed that freedom was valued. According to Longman,
Two of UConn s players are German...but both said they were comfortable standing
on the court as their teammates recited the oath. It is true that some foreigners may
not having a problem with standing for the pledge, however, they may feel a sense
rejection. Players that are not from America may feel uncomfortable with saying I
pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for
which it stands. Can you really blame them? In another situation official said, Our
[school] board has long supported the Pledge of Allegiance as an appropriate
patriotic exercise for willing students (qtd. in pledge). In summary, one can not force
others to do something that one does not feel comfortable with
Isaiah Berlin s Fathers And Children-Turgenev And The...
In the lecture titled Fathers and Children Turgenev and the Liberal Predicament,
Isaiah Berlin draws our attention to Turgenev s ambivalent attitude towards the
hero of the novel, Bazarov. Turgenev is no doubt fascinated by Bazarov s
destructive energy, and yet remains unable to stand firmly on Bazarov s side.
Bazarov is not a revolutionist dreaming to build a utopian empire on the ruin of
existing orders he does not care to analyse what is it that he swears to destroy but is
a self proclaimed nihilist vowing to clear the ground. The author almost wishes that
the sheer force in Bazarov could be smoothened, be tempered and be steered to
something constructive; but in his attempt to reshape Bazarov by subjecting him to
the ordeal of love, he finds himself with no other choice but to shatter Bazarov
altogether. Love ties one to the mundane in life at the present moment and renders
one vulnerable to all the sentimentalism that a nihilist should contempt. Consequently
a Bazarov in love must die.... Show more content on ...
Although a peer of Bazarov and his most enthusiastic disciple, in the course of the
story Arkady discovers himself to be the opposite of Bazarov and falls back to
become his father. Bazarov s has to die, but Arkday is granted worldly happiness in
the end by the affectionate pen of the author. Turgenev does not force himself or
the readers to struggle with Arkady, and consequently Arkady does not possess
Bazarov s power to provoke or to despair. It would not be inappropriate to suggest,
however, that deep in Turgenev s heart, Arkady s resign constitutes an important part
of his own attitude towards the dilemma of his time. Fathers and Sons is a book
about the deep gulf between the two generations of Russians in the 1840s and the
1860s, and Arkady, a member of the new generation, symbolizes the impossibility of a
true settlement of the deeply trenched conflicts by way of reconciliation, because he
simply withdraws without
Slave My True Story Character Analysis
The nature of one s upbringing greatly determines the development of how a person
perceives the world around them. The ways in which we understand the nature of
the world stems from how reality is framed through in the beginning of life, and
many hold onto this time of life as the foundation of who they become. In her
memoir, Slave: My True Story, Mende Nazerdescribes the impact that her time in
slaveryduring the early years of her life had on her personal reality as well as her
own role within the world. The oppression she faced during her years of maturation
not only changed her own perspective of herself, but also her past and her
understanding of freedom moving forward. Slave begins with Nazer describing her
early childhood, growing... Show more content on ...
While many may perceive the problems with slavery and refugees to reside
specifically in underdeveloped, Third WorldCountries, Nazer s story displays how
ethical problems, such as slavery, reside in global powers as well. Alison Jaggar
expresses the necessary elimination of the assumptive societal viewpoint of these
problems in her work, Saving Amina : Global Justice for Women and Intercultural
Dialogue . Jaggar stresses that it is necessary to realize that Third World poverty, ...
cannot be attributed exclusively to the injustice of... local cultures, and that many
people in these countries, are oppressed by global forces (Jaggar 62 67). Omer s
utter disbelief once he, ... discovered the full truth about, Nazer not being paid for her
service depicts how many people the ignorance that many people in countries, such a
England, have towards problems within their own countries (Nazer 296). Both Nazer
and Jaggar speak, through their works, directly to, ... those in the West, that, as Nazer
puts it, often take their freedom for granted (311). At the same time, though, both
stress the importance of creating an, ... intercultural dialogue about global justice, and
ensuring that those in power understand their own moral and ethical problems just as
much as those in Third World countries (Jaggar
Friar In Romeo And Juliet
Friars, which are similar to nuns, are known for their benevolence, righteousness,
and helpfulness. As a Friar, one is agreeing to serve society. Their central duty and
purpose is to help those in need. Along with their helpfulness is their intelligence
due to their extensive education. They also have a high sense of morality as
members of a religious order. Accordingly, these virtues are possessed by the
character of Friar Lawrence from William Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet. The
Friar spends the entire story assisting the other characters in some way, whether it be
with his advice or with his inventive plans. He is a pivotal character in the story as
his well meaning attempts to help Romeo and Juliet unfortunately lead to the demise
of the... Show more content on ...
The Friar explains his plan to help Juliet to her and says she will, appear like death
/...Shall Romeo bear thee hence to Mantua (IV.I.103, 117). Juliet does not want to
marry Paris and their wedding is planned to take place in only a few days. Friar
Lawrence thinks outside of the box and devises a scheme that will fool others into
thinking that Juliet is dead so that she will not have to marry Paris. The fact that
the Friar came up with such a plan under such short notice shows that he is a quick,
but careful thinker. Later, Friar Lawrence is told that Romeo was not aware of his
plan yet and reacts, Romeo hath no notice of these accidents/... [I will] keep her at
my cell till Romeo came (V.II. 26 28). The Friar had planned to send a message to
Romeo telling him that Juliet is not actually dead, but he has not gotten this note
yet, so he believes his love has died. Friar Lawrence is aware of the love between
the two and knows that this mistake could result in Romeo harming himself, so he
must fix this immediately. The Friar is clever enough to quickly rethink his plan in
order to save Romeo from himself. The Friar uses his qualities of intelligence and
cunning to help Romeo and Juliet, greatly influencing and changing their
Mowgli Girl Research Paper
A recent event that I have found interesting is the story about the Mowgli Girl .
This is a girl that was discovered around January 2017 in the jungle near the border
of Nepal in the Bahaich region. They think that the girl was living with monkeys.
She was name Mowgli after the Jungle Books. They said when the workers that
found her would come near her she would screech and act like a monkeyand that
there would be monkeys near her. One story even said that the guy got chased
down by monkeys while he was trying to help the girl. Mowgli girl adapted to her
society of living with monkeys and appears that she became like a monkey. There
were marks on her body indicating that she has been in the jungle for some time, and
she was malnourished appearing... Show more content on ...
Culture is something developed over time by a group of people not just created by
one person. Referring back to gender role in society this was not something that
humans were born with but it was created and reinforced over long period of time.
Now more recently we can see these behaviors changing where women work more,
men help with chores, and the roles are starting to merge. Culture also has a way of
shaping one s view and values in the world. Culture also shapes our behavior and
our reason for doing certain things which is known as cultural behavior. The
difficult thing about cultures is that no two cultures are the same so it is not a one
size fits all. You have to take time to learn each culture and some cultures you will
fit in better into than others. This is like a work place have that has developed a
culture that constantly changes as new employees come and old one leave. If you are
more laid back then you will fit into a work culture that is more flexible then one that
is tightly structured.
Social self is how you think others see you and if you belong and or connect with
others around you. Women in the US tend to prioritize differences and uniqueness
construing the self in more independent terms. This relates to the social comparison
theory. The social comparison theory is defined as the hypothesis that people
compare themselves to others people in order to obtain an accurate assessment of
their own opinion, abilities, and internal
Causes Child Labour
What are some of the causes of child labour?
Poverty and its related problems are the two main factors, which lead to the cause of
child labour around the world. They are both extreme dominant factors in the use of
child labour as families on or below the poverty line force their children into work to
supplement their household s extremely low income. Poverty around the world are
due to population pressure, land degradation, unemployment and underage
employment. Other main causes of child labour is due to cultural values. Some
countries encourage children to work to develop skills and they are considered assets
to generate income in a time of poverty. Other, smaller reasons include education
problems, over crowding, and inability to support schools, various conflict, war,
orphanhood and rapid urbanisation.
Reasons given by children (under 15 years) for working in Egypt
ReasonMale %Female %
Education Failure52.618.9
Learn a profession47.818.9
Contribute to family income43.366.0
Earn own money34.558.5
Other 5.518.9
(Azer, 1993)
How can child labour be resolved?
The end of child labour is extremely critical to the growth, development and
technological advancement of countries that Australia relies on to produce materials,
goods and services that we purchase. Child labour has shown to increase adult
unemployment and depress national wages. Relying on child labour means that
workers of age are not being invested in or paid fairly, creates a society of adults
Narrative For The Timken Company Valuation Of
Narrative for the Timken Company Valuation of Acquisition of Torrington
The first step in completing this case study was to determine what hypothesis needed
to be tested. We came up with the following six questions that needed to be answered
in our research and calculations:
1.What synergies, if any, can the Timken Companyexpect through its acquisition of
Torrington? What are the risks?
2.What is the value of Torrington including the expected synergies of its acquisition
by the Timken Company?
3.Is this valuation higher than the value of Torrington by itself?
4.How should the Timken Company seek to structure this acquisition?
5.What will the impacts of this deal be on their investment grade status?
6.Should Timken seek to keep investment grade status, or forego this requirement in
structuring the deal?
Step One Evaluate the Potential Synergies and Risks of the Acquisition
At the time of this case study, 2002, Timken was involved in company wide
restructuring. They were consolidating current operational segments into global
business units to reduce expenses. Their goal was more penetration in global
markets due to reduced growth in the US based on the bearing industry s cyclical
nature. Analysts predicted 2 3% industry growth in the US, but 6.5% global growth
through 2005. The slow US growth was directly tied to the automotive industry s
cyclical nature, which was declining in 2002. Global penetration would help to
achieve economies of scale, whilst hedging the

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Essay Of Culture. My culture essay. An Essay About My Culture. 2022-11-05

  • 1. Essay Of Culture Crafting an essay on the subject of culture can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a delicate balance between broad exploration and focused analysis. Culture, being a multifaceted and dynamic concept, demands a nuanced approach that delves into its various dimensions – from societal norms and values to artistic expressions and historical influences. One of the challenges lies in the vastness of the topic. Culture encompasses an extensive range of aspects, including but not limited to language, customs, traditions, beliefs, arts, and social structures. Navigating this expansive terrain requires careful selection of themes and a clear thesis to avoid the pitfall of superficiality. Furthermore, the sensitivity of cultural topics necessitates a thoughtful and respectful tone. A comprehensive understanding of diverse cultures and their intricacies is crucial to avoid stereotyping or oversimplification. Striking a balance between appreciation and critique, while maintaining cultural sensitivity, adds another layer of complexity to the writing process. Research becomes a pivotal aspect of writing an essay on culture. Drawing from a variety of sources, including academic papers, historical records, and contemporary analyses, is essential to present a well-rounded perspective. The challenge lies in synthesizing this information cohesively and weaving a narrative that not only informs but also engages the reader. Moreover, addressing the evolving nature of culture is imperative. In the contemporary world, cultures are in a constant state of flux due to globalization, technological advancements, and social changes. Reflecting on these dynamic shifts requires staying abreast of current events and societal transformations. In conclusion, composing an essay on culture demands a thorough understanding of the topic's complexity, a careful selection of themes, a nuanced and respectful approach, comprehensive research, and an acknowledgment of cultural dynamism. Successfully navigating these challenges can lead to a rich and insightful exploration of the multifaceted concept of culture. And for those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, resources like can provide professional support and expertise. Essay Of Culture Essay Of Culture
  • 2. Acc 563 Week 9 Assignment 3 Strayer Latest ACC 563 WEEK 9 ASSIGNMENT 3 STRAYER LATEST To purchase this visit following link: 563 week 9 assignment 3 strayer latest/ Contact us at:HELP@APEXSEEKERS.COM ACC 563 WEEK 9 ASSIGNMENT 3 STRAYER LATEST Assignment 3: Accounting for Pensions and other Post Retirement Benefits Due Week 9 and worth 150 points Using the Internet or Strayer databases, go to the FASB Website, located at, and other resources to research the Disclosure of Postretirement Health Care and Life Insurance Benefits. Write a four to six (4 6) page paper in which you: 1.Based on your research, compare and contrast the early historical accounting for Postretirement Health Care and Life Insurance Benefits... Show more content on ... Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student s name, the professor s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Analyze the key elements related to accounting for leases, pension funds, and other post retirement benefits. Use technology and information resources to research issues in tax research and planning. Write clearly and concisely about tax research and planning using proper writing mechanics. Course Home Work aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of ACC 563 Week 9 Assignment 3 Strayer Latest in order to ace their studies. ACC 563 WEEK 9 ASSIGNMENT 3 STRAYER LATEST To purchase this visit following link: 563 week 9 assignment 3 strayer latest/ Contact us at:HELP@APEXSEEKERS.COM ACC 563 WEEK 9 ASSIGNMENT 3 STRAYER LATEST Assignment 3: Accounting for Pensions and other Post Retirement Benefits Due Week 9 and worth 150 points Using the Internet or Strayer databases, go to the FASB Website, located at, and other resources to research the Disclosure of Postretirement Health Care and Life Insurance Benefits. Write a four to six (4 6) page paper in which you: 1.Based on your research, compare and contrast the early historical accounting for
  • 3. The Post-WWII Period The Post WWII period. While the world reels from the war, Americans indulge in new technologies such as the TV, washing machine, and suburban housing. However, the tension between the USA and the USSR mounts. The nuclear arms race makes the world fear what might become of the world. causes widespread fear of the future. Even now, 70 years after WWII, humans still fear the atomic bomb and the many consequences of the bombs being detonated. Would past humans have ever thought that one day they would create their own means of destruction? In Pity this busy monster, manunkind, E.E. Cummings mocks humans for having become destructors physically, socially, and spiritually because of their infatuation with advancing technology. In the first
  • 4. Examples Of Figurative Language In Shooting An Elephant Well known author and journalist, George Orwell, in his essay, Shooting an Elephant, describes his experiences as a Policeman in Moulmein, Burma during European Imperialism. Orwell s purpose is to convey the ideal that what is right and what is accepted don t always align. He adopts a remorseful tone in order to convey to the reader the weight of his actions. By looking at George Orwells use of imagery and figurative language, one can see his strongly conflicting opinions on Imperialism. Orwell begins his essay, Shooting an Elephant, by explaining the actions of the Burmese people and by expressing his contempt for imperialism. He appeals to the empathy of the audience by stating the actions of the Burmese people: if a European woman went ... Show more content on ... Orwell writes, If the elephant charged and I missed him, I should have about as much chance as a toad under a steam roller. (3). Orwell s use of the phrase adds to the dramatic humor of the situation, and creates a better understanding of his conflicting opinions on his situation. Preceding this statement is an internal argument within which Orwell debates whether he should shoot the elephant or not. To connect this statement back to the symbol of the elephant representing imperialism it shows that if he were to go against the European imperialist he would surely lose everything he had and possibly his life depending on the person, but right after the quote above Orwell writes about not thinking particularly of his own skin but of the natives behind him. Meaning he wasn t thinking so much about saving himself but rather saving those around him. He was breathing very rhythmically with long rattling gasps, his great mound of a side painfully rising and falling (4), this quote within it s self is a metaphor as well as imagery. It is a metaphor for how imperialists may be overthrown but influences can never be forgotten, through this it gives us a better understanding a picture of the scene and Orwell s feelings during this
  • 5. Oscar Wilde Influences Known for his unique writing style, prominence in the Decadence movement, art critiques, and imprisonment for homosexuality, Oscar Wilde is one of the most well known Irish authors of all time. Oscar Fingal O flahertie Willis Wilde was born on October 16, 1854 in Dublin Ireland. His father, Sir William Wilde, was a successful aural surgeon, and his mother, Jane Francesca Elgee, was a revolutionary poet and a great supporter of the Irish nationalist movement. Her passion for literature had an obvious impact on Oscar Wilde, as well as on his brother Willie Wilde, who went on to become a journalist and poet. Wilde also had a younger sister, Isola, who died at the age of ten. During his childhood, Wilde was able to interact with well known artists, doctors, and other influential intellectuals that his parents knew. These interactions probably had a lasting influence on Oscar Wilde s beliefs and attitudes. When Wilde was eleven years old, he had the opportunity to attend Portora Royal School, where he became especially interested in Greek and Roman. He excelled in his studies throughout his time at Portora, and he graduated in 1871 with the Royal School Scholarship. This allowed him to attend Trinity College in Dublin, where he also went on to receive the school s Foundation Scholarship, the highest award given to undergraduates. When he graduated in 1874, he was awarded several other awards, such as the Berkeley Gold Medal and the Demyship scholarship for further study at
  • 6. Fixed Weight Dumbbells Everyone needs at least one pair of dumbbells in their home gym. These short bars with weights attached at both ends are definitely must haves. The uses for dumbbells are endless and they present an easy and convenient way to add more resistance to workouts. This piece of equipment is available in a wide range of weights ranging from 1 lb. to about 125 lbs. and are available in a variety of colors and types including fixed weight dumbbells, plate loaded adjustable dumbbells and the innovative selectorized adjustable dumbbells that allow users to select the desired amount of weight before picking up the dumbbell. Anyone shopping around will soon discover the options available. Fixed weight dumbbells are the most commonly used type of dumbbell.
  • 7. Reagan s Economic Policy In 1981 President Jimmy Carter left America in an inevitable hole that the country needed to get out of. The country was left with high inflation, unemployment and a major energy crisis. America needed a big clean up. The presidency of Reagan, Bush, and Clinton came in to change the mess that they were left with. All three men had their own way doing things that would help America. But it would not be easy to be behind the desk in the oval office. Apart from the annual Easter Egg Rolls and the annual correspondent s dinner their time in the office would be filled with meticulous decisions that would affect the world, foreign and domestic policies and scandals. Ronald Reaganwas the 40th president of the United Statesand acted as president... Show more content on ... Reagan s supply slide theory included two main things: a major tax cut and economic growth. The cuts on taxes would be responsible for a decrease in taxes on the topic of national debt. The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, the bill represented a significant change in the course of federal income tax policy. The act included a 25 percent reduction in marginal tax rates for people. These tax cuts were designed to create an increase of capital in the of the entrepreneurship economy. The rise of computer companies which include Dell, Sun Microsystem, and Intel boasted because of this tax cuts. The tax act had a 30 percent reduction. The new approach to the economy lead posthaste into a homerun for the American people. Reagan was set on an idea to lower taxes and that is what he did. In 1982 he convinced congress to lower the top tax rate from 70% to 50%. Although in 1986 congress went furthermore in adding the tax reform act this act lowered top income tax rate to 28%. Reagan had the idea that lowered taxes would be the best way to encourage economic growth, in doing do so, supply slide would intend high interest rates would combat inflation accompanied with cutting taxes, especially for the wealthy, would embolden the wealthy to spend money again which would eventually lead to the creation for many new jobs as during this time unemployment rate was very
  • 8. Paraneoplastic Syndrome Research Paper Paraneoplastic Syndromes Paraneoplastic syndromes are rare disorders triggered by a person s immune system in response to a cancerous tumor. Paraneoplastic syndromes can affect many areas of the body systems, including the nervous system, hormone (endocrine) system, skin (dermatologic) system, blood (hematologic) system, and joints (rheumatologic) system. CAUSES The exact cause of these syndromes is not known. However, these syndromes are believed to occur when the tumor cells of the cancer cause an immune response in the body system where the cancer is located. The normal cancer fighting response from the immune system activates white blood cells, also called T cells, which target cancer cells in the area. The cancer fighting cells also ... Show more content on ... MRI. CT scan. Positron emission tomography (PET). Electroencephalogram (EEG). Electromyelogram (EMG). TREATMENT There is no cure for these syndromes. Treatment will first focus on treating whatever cancer you have. Then, treatment will focus on helping your immune system lower its response to the tumor. This may be done with: Steroids. Medicines to slow the immune response (immunosuppressants). Anti seizure medicines. Blood cleansing (plasmapheresis). Immunoglobulin antibodies given intravenously (IVIg). Speech and physical therapy may also be recommended. HOME CARE INSTRUCTIONS Take over the counter and prescription medicines only as told by your health care provider. Do any speech or physical therapy as told by your health care provider. Keep all follow up visits as told by your health care provider. This is important. SEEK MEDICAL CARE IF: You have a fever. You have a reaction to a medicine you are taking. Your symptoms change or get worse. SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL CARE IF:
  • 9. You have trouble breathing. You have more trouble
  • 10. Difference Between Antonio And Felix Antonio and Felix have a dream of becoming lightweight champions of the world but each of them have a different boxing style. Soon Antonio and Felix will fight for the win in the Golden Glove champion ship. What exactly is the Golden Glove Champion ship? It is we re young athletes can develop lifetime skills. The first tournament was held in 1923. Both Felix and Antonio are seventeen years old, they live in New York City. Felix and Antonio have the dream of one day to become lightweight champions of the world. They are silver and bronze medallions. They train at Boys Club on Tenth Street, Avenue A,and Pro`s gym on Fourteenth Street. With their boxingcareer they both are very well respected. They are also well known because of their skill level. As Antonio and Felix were getting close to the match they felt a wall grow between them,because they had to fight each other and they both wanted to win. At the end of the match they were both champions. ... Show more content on ... There boxing style is different Antonio is a better boxer but Felix is a better slugger. How they look is different Antonio is fair,lean, and lanky. Felix on the other hand is dark,short,and husky. Or Antonio is 133 pounds and Felix 134 pounds. Felix has a natural afro and Antonios hair long and over the eyes. They have different style trainers to Felix s trainer is telling him to get in the fight more and is telling him he is doing a good job. Antonios trainer is telling him what he is doing wrong and how he could beat
  • 11. The Nexus Between Women s Land Rights And Food Security... Introduction This research is interested in identifying the nexus between women land rights and food security within West African states (ECOWAS states). The majority of ECOWAS countries sustain their economies through agriculture. In 2012, agriculture accounted for 35% of the region s Gross Domestic Product (DGP), contributing $6 billion to its foreign trade and represented 16.1% of products and services exported from ECOWAS region (Salifou 2012). Agriculturealso created 60% all jobs in the ECOWAS region in 2012. Women accounted for 60 80% of the production, processing and marketing of agricultural produce in the region. About 80% of the regional population s food needs are met by regional produce, with the remaining 20% being met by import (Salifou 2012). Several imperial studies reveal that African women, compared with other regions, are far more involved in agriculture (Adekaney, Otitulaiye and Opaluwa 2009). One study in Nigeria showed that men abandoned areas like food crop farming because those sectors are considered as unprofitable (Afolabi 2008). Other studies also revealed that 80% of all staple food consumed in Ondo State of Nigeria in 2005, and 80% of all the staple food produced in Ghana were locally produced and processed by women (Bravo, Seufferhand and Agunbiade 2011). While women play a substantial role in the production, marketing and distribution of agricultural produce, their access to land, an important means of production, is hindered by
  • 12. The Rise Of Fashion And Downfall Is it the rise of fashion or downfall in taste. Everyone knows a little bit about fashion, because everyone wears clothes, lately, it s been noticeable that fashion is taking a steep decline, the celebrities have a big influence on fashion, because many people look up to them, celebrities rarely wear clothes anymore though, because modestyhas all but been thrown out the window, and it is sterling to affect everyone in this day and age. Everyone wears clothes! Whether it is shorts, pants, tank top, t shirt. We all wear clothes so we aren t naked! But as you can see it is getting less and less modest. And everyone might has a religion that allows them to wear that kind of stuff and show nudity. IВґm not a religious person but i can tell... Show more content on ... What I ve only just begun to realize is that these two extremes represent different sides of the same coin. While popular culture tends to disempower women by telling them they must dress to get men to look at them, the modesty culture tends to disempower women by telling them they must dress to keep men from looking at them.It is important here to make a distinction between attraction and lust. Attraction is a natural biological response to beauty; lust obsesses on that attraction until it grows into a sense of ownership, a drive to conquer and claim. When Jesus warns that everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart, he uses the same word found in the Ten Commandments to refer to a person who covets his neighbor s property. Lust takes attraction and turns it into the coveting of a woman s body as though it were property. And men are responsible for their own thoughts and actions when this happens; they don t get to blame it on what a woman is wearing. Many discussions of modesty, from diverse cultural or religious perspectives, revolve around the idea of keeping sinful and unholy female bodies and body parts from the gaze of others particularly men. This privileges the male gaze, in a backward sort of way, and puts females at a disadvantage for being the ones in control of what others think or feel when seeing their bodies. When we speak of modesty
  • 13. Preschool World Language Introduction The author will reflect on the article Preschool World Language Learners Engagement with Language: What are the Possibilities? The prevailing thought that younger is better when acquiring a second language is shared by language education professionals, parents, and administrators (Kearney Ahn, 2014). Although studies show evidence that a young learner does not have unlimited advantages due to age, beginning the learning process earlier gives opportunity for attainment of language abilities throughout the lifespan (Kearney Ahn, 2014). World language learning (WLL) continues to increase in popularity in the United States (Kearney Ahn, 2014). This author will reflect on the outcome of an exploratory study of preschool classrooms participating in the same WLL program. Discussion will include language awareness, teacher initiated engagement with language, and student initiated engagement with language. Justification The author chose to reflect on this article because ... Show more content on ... This EWL is directly asking students to recall information and is not cognitively demanding (Kearney Ahn, 2014). In this interaction, the children are affectively willing to engage by responding to the teacher (Kearney Ahn, 2014). Child A responds with the translation, and the teacher asks all students to repeat the word (Kearney Ahn, 2014). The students response is not autonomous and relies heavily on the teacher s contribution to the conversation (Kearney Ahn, 2014). This EWL highly controlled the depth and ways in which the students participated (Kearney Ahn, 2014). In the aforementioned EWL episode, rather than treating language as a means of communication, it is treated as an object in which children do not notice the form on their own (Kearney Ahn,
  • 14. Tomorrow When The War Began Essay Tomorrow, When the War Began In the novel Tomorrow, When the War Began written by John Marsden, we as the readers are asked a continuous question, would you love someone to the point where you would sacrifice your life for their safety? Marsden helps us understand love, innocence and maturity through the way he outlines this question in his novel. Love is a theme in Tomorrow, When the War Began, which outlines the bond between a couple when going through war. It helps us as readers understand how difficult situations and tragic loss can strengthen this bond. Marsden explores a different side to the character Kevin, a sacrificial side, one we as the readers have never seen before. When Corrie his girlfriend is shot, and... Show more content on ... Marsden explores the fantasy of safety and believing their would never be a time in your life where you may have to hurt others to keep yourself alive through the character Ellie. This is seen in the novel when Ellie and Corrie are sitting in Corrie s tree house that they spent hours in when they were young. They were discussing their innocence and how they lost it all when they stopped believing in Santa Clause and the tooth fairy, at least they thought they did, but then Ellie says ... but I ve learnt something now Corrie, we were still innocent up until yesterday, we didn t believe in Santa Clause but we believed in other fantasies you said it. You said the big one. We believed we were safe. That was the big fantasy... (pg. 107). The author uses juxtaposition to emphasize the meaning behind this quote. We as the readers are once again being challenged by Marsden We believed we were safe Ellie didn t believe in magical myths anymore, but never in her wildest dreams did she think her safety, her life and the lives of her friends would be put in jeopardy, especially at such a young age. Marsden is trying to show us as readers that innocence isn t just being young and free of all our troubles, but it s so much more than that. Innocence is believing you were ever safe in this violent world. Something all readers would have done until now. Anything could happen in this world after all Humans created evil.
  • 15. Why Did Jack The Ripper Happen Jack the Ripper is a famous serial killer during the early 19th century of London. Jack the Ripper is an interesting topic for me because of it s mystery and that most people thought it was a myth. I also believed that Jack the Ripper truly exists which brings me to have the interest to write this essay. Therefore, what led Jack the Ripper to kill the various victims he did in early 19th century London? I believed that Jack the ripper killed his victim due to the corruptness of early 19th century London. 19th century London is a time era where people are starting to rise up on economy. England during that time had a very important change to it which is the Industrial revolution. London as the main capital of England had a big profit made from... Show more content on ... He got his name Jack the Ripper because of a letter called Dear Boss . Therefore, according to Rubinstein, Many believe that this postcard was actually written by a journalist, though there is no clear evidence for this. (Rubinstein). Which means the name Jack the Ripper could be a news speculation. He became famous because there was no murder happened in London at all in 1887. Even his He committed these crimes in 1888 which made people shocked. He picked female prostitutes as his victims and killed them at night when no one was around. He was also famous because there were not many clues to lead the police to find the killer. This made suspects ranged from woman to doctor. The police did a lot of attempts and changes in order to catch Jack the Ripper. There were multiple letters written between polices to request for operation or changes. Jack the Ripper was so skilled at creating a crime that James Munro, one of the officer, requested a hundred more uniformed officers and disguised officers to Whitechapel. The officers also tried using a blood hound to sniff out Jack the Ripper. Therefore, Jack the Ripper made blood all over the place, this made using smell to find the murderer very hard because the dog may identify the incorrect smell. Another police officer Thomas Gribton requested for an operation to catch Jack the Ripper. He requested for twelve police officer with
  • 16. The Triumph of Christianity in the Roman Empire Essays Christians went from being persecuted to dominating Rome rather quickly. In a world where separation between church and state does not exist, a Christian becoming the sole emperor of Rome symbolized a huge turning point in history. The power switched and the Pagans in turn became persecuted. Christians rose up and took control of all aspects of Roman society. The Pagan past was destroyed, banned, or forgotten about. Those Christians that did not agree with how things were being run either left the empire and became monks or formed their own sect. All of Rome changed. The part that interested me the most in these readings were those that strayed away from the standard Christianity that the emperor instated and followed their own ... Show more content on ... Like the monks they too believed in penance, suffering, and martyrdom (164). Led by Donatus, this movement dominated North Africa. The church was not purely religious; however, its underlay was a revolutionary social movement. It was popular among peasants due to promises of reversing roles of slaves and masters. What confuses me is that the base of their religion seems very much involved with the government. That alone would not be surprising, since many religions share that quality; but, Donatus insisted on complete separation of this Spirit directed Church from the state (164). Separation of church and state was a big issue in the beginning of Christianity, mostly because it didn t exist. God supposedly chose the emperor Constantine and in turn Constantine chose Christianity as the empire s official religion. The union of church and state may not have been as great a problem if freedom of speech had also existed. It seems weird to imagine a right that I have taken for granted all of my life not to be present. Pagans experience a loss of political rights and status. Anti pagan and anti Semitic preaching rallied everyone against the outsiders. Those, such as the popes, that enjoyed high ranks in Christianity now enjoyed high ranks in the government. Those, such as the emperor, that enjoyed high ranks in the government now enjoyed high ranks in Christianity. The line
  • 17. Cfi Oral Plan of Action CFI I Oral Plan of Action Objective: Discussion of the elements related to Basic fundamentals of Fundamentals of Instruction, Technical Subject Areas, Preflight Planning. Contents: Fundamentals of Instruction Review Certificates and Documents Airworthiness Requirements Weather Information IFR Cross Country Flight Planning National Airspace Technical Subject Areas Regulations and Publications Operations of Systems Aeromedical Aircraft Systems, Flight Instruments, and Navigational equipment Instrument Cockpit Check Air Traffic Control Clearances Lost Communications Schedule: FOI0:15 Review0:45Technical subject areas1:00 Equipment: Dry erase board, markers, Pilot Operating Handbook (POH), ... Show more content on ... * IFR Cross Country Flight Planning * Regulatory requirements for instrument flight within various types of airspace. * Computation of estimated time en route and total fuel requirement for an IFR cross country flight. * Selection and correct interpretation of the current and applicable en route charts, RNAV, DPs, STARs, and standard instrument approach procedure charts (IAP). * Procurement and interpretation of the applicable NOTAM information. * Completes and files an IFR flight plan that accurately reflects the conditions of the proposed flight. (Does not have to be filed with ATC.) * Demonstrates adequate knowledge of GPS and RAIM capability, when aircraft is so equipped. * National Airspace System Technical Subject Areas * Regulations and Publications Related to IFR Operations * 14 CFR parts 61, 71, 91, 95, and 97. * FAA H 8083 15, Instrument Flying Handbook. * Aeronautical Information Manual. * Practical Test Standards. * Airport Facility Directory. * Standard Instrument Departures/Terminal Arrivals. * En Route Charts. * Standard Instrument Approach Procedure Charts. * Operations of Systems * Primary flight controls and trim * Flaps, leading edge devices, and spoilers * Powerplant and propeller * Landing gear * Fuel, oil, and hydraulic * Electrical * Avionics * Pitot static,
  • 18. Hyperactive-Impulsive Disorder (ADHD) ADHD is a disorder that can cause one to have a very short attention span. It also leads you to be a very hyperactive person, which can make one appear overjoyed and energetic about life. ADHD is found in young children and adults and varies from person to person. This disorder has many levels. For example, you could be in school working on an assignment and notice a friend playing with his/her pencil so you get their attentionand tell them to do their work only to look back a few minutes later and see him/her digging in their bag unfocused. This doesn t represent anything bad ,it is a neurological disorder that cannot be controlled and the person has a hard time staying focused for long periods of times. People affected by this disorder... Show more content on ... Agree on a time that works for both you and your child s teacher and stick to it. Avoid cancelling. If it is convenient, meet in your child s classroom so you can get a sense of your child s physical learning environment. Create goals together. Discuss your hopes for your child s school success. Together, write down specific and realistic goals and talk about how they can be reached. Listen carefully. Like you, your child s teacher wants to see your child succeed at school. Listen to what he or she has to say even if it is sometimes hard to hear. Avoid interrupting. Understanding your child s challenges in school is the key to finding solutions that work. Share information. You know your child s history, and your child s teacher sees him or her every day: together you have a lot of information that can lead to a better understanding of your child s hardships. Share your observations freely, and encourage your child s teachers to do the same. Communication can only work effectively if it is honest. Be sure to list any medications your child takes and explain any other treatments. Share with your child s teacher what tactics work well and which don t for your child at home. Ask if your child is having any problems in school, including on the playground. Find out if your child can get any special services to help with
  • 19. Comparing A Streetcar Named Desire and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Comparing A Streetcar Named Desire and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof In the game of life man is given the options to bluff, raise, or fold. He is dealt a hand created by the consequences of his choices or by outside forces beyond his control. It is a never ending cycle: choices made create more choices. Using diverse, complex characters simmering with passion and often a contradiction within themselves, Tennessee Williams examines the link of past and present created by man s choices in A StreetcarNamed Desire and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Delicate Blanche, virile Stanley. Dynamic Maggie, impotent Brick. Williams protagonists are distinctly different in temperament. In A Streetcar Named Desire Blanche exemplifies the stereotypical ... Show more content on ... In contrast, Brick is cool and nonchalant. He wears the charm of the defeated to disguise his power. Power isn t always brute force. Sometimes refusing to make choices is powerful. Forcing other to make decisions and thus never shouldering the responsibility is a form of dominance. Brick proudly proclaims Maggie laid down the law to me said now or never, and so I married Maggie (Williams, Cat 37). She has to accept a non sexual marriage or she has to be the one decide to leave. In the end Maggie, wanting to sire an heir and secure her position in the family, forces Brick to make love to her. He doesn t fight her off, but accepts meekly. It seems as if he isn t making choice, but by surrendering he does not have to forgive Maggie or change the terms of their lifeless marriage. Brick, hiding his anger behind a wall of indifference, is powerless and powerful. The characters are neither saintly nor villainous but rather a combination of both, often a contradiction within themselves. Blanche DuBois is Williams masterpiece of contradiction. The very name Blanche DuBois suggests her duality (Cohn 46). She tells Mitch her name means white woods. Like an orchard in spring (Williams, Street 55) But even her translation is a fantasy. Blanche is past her spring and she no longer possesses the virtue associated with white (Cohn 46).
  • 20. The Good Earth, By Pearl S. Buck In The Good Earth, written by Pearl S. Buck, a traditional Chinese family was measured by their luck and prosperity. On the contrary, the protagonist, Wang Lung, finds fortune through his land, but he merits the love of his family over anything else. For instance, Wang Lung reveals a heartfelt care for his son when he was asked to sell his land for the price of his loved ones, and [he] began to weep silently, the tears gathering in great knots of pain in his throat and rolling down his cheek (86). The humble farmer sacrifices his own pride and land for the sake of his son and family. The idea brings great pain to his heart and moral sense. Land is highly valued to this young farmer yet he considers the thought of giving that life away.
  • 21. Evaluating The Profitability Of A Company Trend Analysis While ratios are certainly important in evaluating the profitability of a company, it is also important to consider overall trends. An analysis of revenue and net income trends, which can be found in Appendix VII, appears to reveal that 2014 was a standout year for Martinrea. During fiscal years 2012 and 2013, revenue increased by 32.3% and 11.1% respectively over the previous year. However, despite these increases in revenue, net incomedecreased by 28.9% and 56.3% respectively. In 2014, revenue increased by just 11.7% from the previous year, but net income increased by 320.7%. On the surface, these trends indicate that Martinrea had an amazing turnaround this year, but the notes reveal that this turnaround is not as... Show more content on ... The combination of these two factors reveals that while Martinrea s profitability did improve in 2014, bucking the trend of previous years, the extent of this improvement is due in part to fluctuations in deferred taxes, which are entirely temporary have little correlation with improvements in the underlying business. Operating Expenses During 2014, Martinrea s operating expenses fell by 1.3%, causing operating income to increase by $26,663,000, or 25.3% YoY. Research and development costs increased by $1,548,000, or 9.2% YoY, largely as a result of restructuring costs attributed to the R D department. Selling, general and administrative expenses increased $20,515,000 or 12.5% YoY, mainly due to new expenses incurred by expanding facilities, increasing employee levels, and higher travel costs. These two large operating expense increases were offset by the complete reduction in Martinrea s impairment charges. Overall, the small decrease in operating costs is marginally beneficial to Martinrea s profitability in the short and long run. Cash Flow Analysis Operating Activities Although net income is an important indicator of financial health, it is not the only metric that can reveal the fiscal strength of a company. In 2014, Martinrea received $264,354,000 in net cash flow from operating activities, which represents an inflow that is 2.96 times greater than its net income of $89,416,000. This margin is reassuring for Martinrea
  • 22. Personal Narrative-Recovered Wait, you need to wave the wand that way not...! I hollered. A little bit too late. My sister already waved her shiny new wand. She has terrible control over her gleaming new staff that our parents bought for school. She just combined the power of two fire spells and the magic of some kind that I m not sure of. A flame pole shot from the ground shaking the entire school. With a wave of the teacher s magical wand, everyone is teleported out into the grassy fields. The school claims that a bottle of potion was made with unknown properties because it was never seen before by any teacher or heard by anyone, which is very rare for a kid to accidently create. The fire faded as quickly as it struck because the building is fireproof. My sister... Show more content on ... A lot of teams helped us by putting different spells to the world below us, the Earth. Soon after, the spells were broken with more powerful dark spells, more powerful than what I ve ever seen in my whole entire life. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, floods, tsunamis, and other natural disasters all hit Earth at many different spots at the exact same time. Many people were injured and some died which I knew would happen. We all split up and went researching at many different angles. Where the power is from, how the natural disasters occur suddenly in a very unnatural way. After a full day of research, we were able to declare that they are using one of the most powerful dark spells. Someone else told us that after matching identities they are the Bubble team, who defeated us and got first place in the
  • 23. How Did Charlemagne Develop His Empire Throughout the reign of Charlemagne, he imposed many crucial developments which were key to the success of his empire. First off, up until this point in history so far, high positions in government tended to be given to people who came from wealthy and noble families. This meant that these people holding high positions felt as if they were entitled to their positions, often felt they were in a higher social class from the common person, and thought they did not have to agree with the absolute ruler on everything since they are a noble in their own right. When Charlemagne inherited the throne, he set up a new system where high ranking officials, called counts, were selected by him and only him, and could include even the lowest peasant in... Show more content on ... It is critical to point out that the main reason why commoners were so afraid of the Vikings was because they are an especially brutal group of people. They were not interested in taking over villages and enforcing their own rules, instead they would ransack the village, horrifically kill everyone, and leave the place in ruins. When the commoners would flee to the countryside, they would end up running into the land which was left over to the nobles from the Carolingian Empire. These commoners would then end up under control by the nobles, and in exchange the nobles offered protection from the Vikings. This practice was referred to as was feudalism. Manorialism refers to the economic system which was in place under the nobles. The peasants, or serfs, would be bound to producing agricultural goods for the nobles kingdom. In return, the nobles would hire Vassals, or knights to protect the serfs, and in return the Vassals were given land which was farmed by some serfs to produce food and income for
  • 24. Red Dog Quotes Peeto: What makes you think that the girl wants a skinny yank like you when us real blokes are here? This quote is one of the many examples of the typical Aussie bloke that is portrayed in the film, Red Dog. Good morning/afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I am here to suggest the film Red Dog to the Australian film festival. I strongly recommend that the film Red Dog be exemplified in the film festival since it offers a reasonable and truthful depiction of Australia given the films time period. The film like no other nails the acts of mateship, gives an impeccable image of the Australian landscape as well as a fantastic representation of the Aussie male. During the movie a strong connection is created within two main characters which in turn... Show more content on ... They drink beer after work at the local bar, they are shown gambling on red dog and have beach BBQ s. This stereotypical view on the males can be considered normal activities when looking at the time period the movie is set in, in this time that would be the average day for a male, working hard and going to a pub for a relaxing drink with your mates however this is not the case for all the males who have ranging personalities such as Peeto who likes to knit and listen yodelling, compared to Jocko who was in a car accident leading to his families death making him depressed and wanting to die as he had nothing to live for. A reasonable person would realise that the characters don t only have this stereotypical larrikin side but maintain their own personalities as independent citizens. This is a prime reason why the film must be included into the festival as it shows that Australians do have their own personalities and they aren t just a bunch of people following stereotypical nonsense. To come to conclusion, the film known as Red Dog must be included into the 2016 film festival, it can be proven beyond reasonable doubt that it provided a fair and accurate representation of mateship, elegant, beautiful and meaningful representations of the landscape and lastly a just illustration of the Aussie male, making the film very well deserving of being included into the film
  • 25. Jane Eyre Motherhood Essay Charlotte BrontГ«, the author of Jane Eyre, places Jane Eyre, the protagonist, in various scenarios where she has substitute mothers to replace the death of her biological one. Surrogate mothers are represented in several roles as hired servants, governesses, nannies, or siblings (Mattson). Throughout the course of her life Jane meets women who care, teach, and guide her to become a strong and independent woman. The first substitute motherhood figure to appear in Jane s life is Bessie, the maid at Gateshead Hall. After Jane is sent away to Lowood, the school she would attend, she then meets Miss Temple, the superintendent of the school. A couple of years pass by and Jane ends up becoming a teacher at Lowood herself and then leaves to become a governess at the Thornfield manor. Complications happen during her stay at Thornfield, which causes her to leave. She has nowhere to live, and is depleted of money and food. This is when two women, Diana and Mary, take Jane into their home and take care of her, with them being the last substitute mothers that Jane will encounter. As a child, Jane lived with her malicious Aunt Reed at Gateshead Hall due to the death of her parents. Her Aunt Reed and cousins John, Georgiana, and Eliza disliked her and treated her cruelly. In one incident, Jane was sent to the red room as punishment, which was the bedroom of his Uncle Reed, and also the bedroom in which he died. Jane claimed to have seen the... Show more content on ... She is being noticed and appreciated, unlike at the Gateshead Hall, where she was not payed attention to and was ignored by everyone except Bessie. Miss Temple was a substitute mother not only to Jane but also to all the students at Lowood. She does her best under Brocklehurts s control to provide her pupils with more and better food, (Kawasaki). Miss Temple was also a nurse to Helen and took care of her while she was
  • 26. A Functional Structured Organization With Hierarchal Rankings KovГЎl is a functional structured organization with hierarchal rankings. Below is the organizational chart; Owner 1; Zachary Houghton is part owner of KovГЎl and manager or sales and advertising. Some of his duties include; overseeing all sales, setting long range sales goals and schedules, and leading company wide business meetings. Weekly sales reports are given to Zachary showing total sales, revenue, and losses, with this data, he can make educated decisions and decide the direction that the company will take as it pertains to sales. Long range, one to five year, sales goals and schedules must be set so that lower management has an idea of how to handle volume and traffic, also this information is needed for other departments, such as ... Show more content on ... Florence s responsibilities include; answering customer s questions, supporting sales associates, setting and meeting short term sales goals and schedules; one to six months, and holding daily meetings with sales associates before opening each day. Florence is expected to be knowledgeable of all products sold by KovГЎl so that he can properly answer any questions. He must set short term goals for sales associates to meet. Also, he must hold daily pep meetings to prepare the sales team for the day. Sales Associates; Debby Bub, Lush June, and Lashaunda Miavers are all part of the sales team. The sales associates process transactions, take orders, restock retail space, and interact with customers. Processing transactions is the chief duty of each sales associate, this includes operating a cash register, processing returns, and signing customers up for the company newsletter. The associates will also take orders over the phone from business clients, these orders will be processed directly from their computer to the sales directors who will then send to the production officer upon acceptance. The sales associates are responsible for restocking the store shelves and arranging in an organized fashion as designated by the marketing and sales team. Occasionally customers will return items, this transaction will be handled by the sales associate. Finally, the sales associate is encouraged to talk to customers about signing up for the weekly newsletter that KovГЎl
  • 27. Conception Of A Feral Child A feral child is a child who has been in isolation from human contact from a very young age. They have little or no experience of human care, behavior, or have little knowledge of human language. This therefore hinders their development of human social skills. Some feral children have been confined, a lot of times it would be by their own parents. In some cases, child abandonmentoccurs due to the parents rejection of a child s severe intellectual or physical impairment. Feral children experience a lot of things including: severe abuse or trauma before being abandoned or before they ran away. Feral children are sometimes subjects of traditional art, myths and literature like the boy in the Jungle Book story. In these stories they are portrayed... Show more content on ... At the time she was found, she was only 8 years old and is said to have lived amongst dogs since she was 3 years old. She was kept in a kennel in the backyard of her home. Because of this she picked up common behaviors that dogs exhibit: barking, growling, and even protecting the pack, so to speak. She even walked on four legs as a dog does and sniffed out her food before she ate it. When authorities came to rescue Oxana, the other dogs growled and attempted to attack them while Oxana barked and growled as well. Because of her lack of human interaction, Oxana had no vocabulary except the words yes and no. As a result of neglect, experienced by feral children they are affected in three major ways: physically, psychologically, and
  • 28. Psychology Career Assignment Career Assignment Getting a Job with a B.A. in Psychology Ever since I was younger I want to be a police officer. However, my switch to wanting to be an FBI agent happened after I discovered that I will be going to college. Instead of just getting a degree and going to be police officer that I could be without a degree, I decided to use my education for what was worth and to give back on a grander scale. So I chose FBI, this fits my characteristics because the FBI will allow me to use skills that I developed in the military and throughout life to not only make our federal government a safer place, but our local states and cities. Though a Psychology degree, not the only one that will possess when I leave this University is one of the most ... Show more content on ... Also, handling any student and/or teacher complaints regarding the classroom atmosphere and how it will affect Greek life. Recruiting, managing, and training new staff and lastly administering and coordinating in the preparation of student exams and assessment activities. Human Resources Employment and Recruitment for Large Companies Why you would be interested in pursuing a job? The interest in this job derives from my experience with the military and recruitment. Considering my success low at recruiting young men and women into the United States military, I feel like this would be a perfect fit for me if I ever chose to do another career besides the FBI. What is the expected job salary? Starting entry pay is around $55, 640 a year. What all does this job entail? To design and implement a recruiting plan, to prepare and post jobs to the appropriate areas such as colleges or news papers What is the job outlook? The job outlook is about 7% slower than average, considering this job to be difficult to get ahead in. This average was predicted for the years of 2012 two
  • 29. Antibiotic Investigation The graph I have created is a line graph. I included the four types of antibiotics we tested. Control, which is a blank template and has no medicine on it, but acted example of no effectiveness, penicillin, streptomycin, and tetracycline. The zone of inhabitation is a circular shape around the circle pad of antibiotic that represents the effectiveness of an antibiotic at a given dosage. It is measured in millimeters and included the diameter of the disk of antibiotic. We determine the effectiveness of it by putting the different measurements in three different categories. The categories are resistant, intermediate, and susceptible. Resistant means that the antibiotic was not effective, intermediate means it was slightly effective, and susceptible ... Show more content on ... coli, and the other was for s. epi. We covered the inside of each petri dish (that had a jelly base) with the bacteria it was designated for. After that, we split both dishes into four sections. In the middle of each section we would put an antibiotic disc. After all four of the antibiotics were placed in each dish with tweezers, they were incubated overnight. The next day, we measured the zone of inhabitance around each antibiotic disc. I had two statements in my hypothesis. If S. epi is gram positive, then penicillin, streptomycin, and tetracycline will be effective on it because each one reacts with gram positive bacteria. If E. coli is gram negative, then streptomycin and tetracycline will be effective on it because each one reacts with gram positive bacteria. I reject the first statement in my hypothesis because only one of the antibiotics was susceptible on s. epi, while the others were resistant. I accept my second hypothesis because both streptomycin and tetracycline were susceptible on the e. coli bacteria. We can relate this experiment to the outside world by testing the effectiveness of antibiotics on certain diseases and infections. This important for the care and treatment of people so they can continue living their lives. If I or a friend every needed to know the effectiveness of a antibiotic against a bacteria I can look up labs similar to this one to make sure we are taking the right
  • 30. The Pros And Cons Of Banning The Armalite Rifle The AR 15 (ArmaLite Rifle) is a modern sporting rifle that has been a main controversy in America which dominates the gun control conversation. With the mass shootings that occurred in the previous years, the AR 15 was the dominant weapon used in these tragedies. This semi automatic rifle is classified by the media as an assault riflein which it is not because the AR 15 is not automatic. The supporters of banning the AR 15 and Gun Control believe that it will stop mass shootings from happening, but there is no evidence that banning any assault weapon would prevent mass shootings. The AR 15 should not be banned because the Second Amendment of the United StatesConstitution protects individual gun ownership. This weapon is mainly used for hunting and defense, but banning this rifle will not prevent any more mass shooting from occurring since the gun is not doing... Show more content on ... People who are against this rifle being legal often ask supporters of the rifle Is it necessary to use this weapon outside of military combat? . The AR 15 is one of the most popular rifles of all time and it is used by many American hunters because of the rifles effectiveness. The AR 15 is effective when hunting due to the higher magazine capacity and quicker fire power compared to other standard bolt action hunting rifles. The opposing side would argue that it is not necessary to have a quicker fire rate for hunters, but the AR 15 is needed for farmers who are having their farms ruined by wild hogs. Many farmers are losing thousands of acres of crops as well as money due to a high population of wild hogs. People believe that you should only use a bolt action rifle, but when there are dozens of wild hogs destroying your crops, it is necessary to use a semi automatic rifle. The AR 15 in this case would be able to kill many wild animals faster than a standard bolt action rifle that takes longer to shoot and is less
  • 31. The Life Of Ancient Egyptian Religion The concept of the eternal life in traditional Egypt is associated with the sun that always rose up to give renewal and vigor on a daily basis. Ancient Egyptians considered the afterlife as an ideal dimension in its peace, delight, and bliss. There were no hardships, rivalry or any negative emotions in the spiritual realm. The dimension was referred to commonly as the Field of Offerings or the Field of Rushes. The heavenly place was complete with its own version of the river Nile and was composed of two fields. The Egyptians society saw it possible to attain the peace given in the afterlife if they led an earthly religious life. The next life was eternal in nature. Ancient Egyptians employed two religious criteria to structure their belief in the afterlife. The beliefs were centered on godly myths and the spiritual connection between the body and the soul. One of the major elements in traditional Egyptian religion was their worship and belief in a variety of gods and goddesses. Each of the deities had their particular power, relevance and function in the ancient religion. The spirit world was associated with the god Ra, who was the deity with the duty of ruling the dimension. According to McKay, Ra was responsible for choosing individuals who were eligible for traveling in his boat across the spirit river Nile into the land of the two fields . According to the religion, only Pharaohs had automatic passage to Ra s boat ride into the land of the two fields. God Osiris, one
  • 32. Indi The Next Economic Superpower I believe India is going to be the next economic superpower because of many different factors but not without change to traditional practices. Macroeconomics is a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision making of an economy as a whole, rather than individual markets. Macroeconomics simplifies the analysis of how the country s total production and level of employment are related to attributes including national, regional, and global economies. Indiabeing the largest democracy and very high in many other rankings, including national wealth. India s citizens are yet ranked as some of the most impoverished in the whole world. (Witt, Chapter 11). The International Monetary Fund released an update ... Show more content on ... India s service sector has been a primary driver of economic growth over the past few decades, but the industry s share of value added is stuck at 25%. The share of microenterprises and small businesses in manufacturing employment is 84%, compared with 25% in China. The fact that it has moved from an agricultural economy to a service driven economy with almost no growth in industry is not a virtue, it is the result of policies that have hampered manufacturing and mining. The main industrial exports of India are textiles, chemicals, food processing, steel, transportation equipment, cement, mining, petroleum, machinery, software, pharmaceuticals and agricultural exports like rice, wheat, oilseed, cotton, jute, tea, sugarcane, lentils, onions, potatoes, livestock, and poultry keep India s export income one of the highest. With the world s second highest workforce at a 2014 estimate of 502.2 million people (US CIA World Factbook) The financial sector in India is predominantly a banking sector with commercial banks accounting for more than 60 percent of the total assets held by the financial system. India s services sector has always served the country s economy well, accounting for about 57 per cent of the gross domestic product. The financial services sector has been an important contributor to the country gross domestic product (GDP) accounting for nearly 6 percent share in 2014 15. The success of their financial sector is from the
  • 33. The Origin Of The Haqqani Network This paper covers the origins of the Haqqani network. This document describes the Operational Environment of the Haqqani network and their leadership structure. This document explains the Haqqani network objectives, and the methods they are using to accomplish their goals. The Haqqani network would be unable to accomplish their goals without external support, which comes from Pakistan. Pakistan has a role in supporting the Haqqani networkby providing military assistance. The Haqqani network is using direct action techniques in order to achieve their goals. The Haqqani network had one type of leadership until recent. Some of these leaders are a replacement for those that have been captured, killed, or are too ill to perform. The Haqqani... Show more content on ... The Haqqani network forms their ideology from Hizb i Islami and the Taliban. The Haqqani network s main goal is to drive foreign military power and influence out of Afghanistan permanently. Pakistan is the largest supporter of the Haqqani network. Pakistani military and the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate (ISID) are supporting the group by refusing to take military action. The Pakistani military feels that the Haqqani network is a useful ally due to their actions in Afghanistan. Pakistan is now in the process of banning the Haqqani network. However, without active support this will be ineffective. Recent statements by Sartaj Aziz, the adviser on National Security and Foreign Affairs to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, also indicate that the Pakistani government is not serious about tackling the Haqqani network. In mid November, Aziz said Pakistan should not make enemies out of groups such as the Haqqani network, and that the Afghan Taliban was Afghanistan s problem, not Pakistan s. (Roggio, 2015). The Haqqani network uses bombings, kidnappings, and assassinations as their methods of attack. However, the Haqqani network is shifting from direct attacks and use of suicide bombers due to ineffectiveness on their targets. The main effort now is to destabilize the governing power, and prevent reconstruction. Haqqani fighters are attempting to destabilize governance and reconstruction efforts from the inside while continuing to operate on the periphery and around
  • 34. What Role Does Ballet Play In The Swan Ballet played an enormous role in this beautiful artistic story of The Swan, for the very simple reason that every movement and every gesture signifies a different experience for someone who is opening up your mind, and eyes that they re attempting to escape death. The ballet is not about a ballerina being able to transform herself into a swan, but about death, with the swan simply being a metaphor for that. Watching Svetlana Zakharova performing The Swan she really used a combination of masterful technique with expressiveness. It was like she was proving that dancecould and should satisfy not only the eye, but through the medium of the eye should penetrate the soul. If you sit back, close your eyes, and just listen to the musical tempo
  • 35. Boat-Ponymy Research Papers Boat billed heron The boat billed herons average height for a full grown adult is about 20 inches. They weight usually about 600g or 1.3 pounds. They have a unique black patch at the base of the hind neck. The animals feathers are a pale grey to white color,they have a chestnut colored belly and black on their side near the hip and ribs. They also have a scoop like bill, so they can scoop up their prey. They have wings that they fly with, as their main source of transportation. The have eyes, ears, and a beak that help them to find their prey, but mostly rely on touch. To protect themselves they raise their dark feathers that are located on their heads. The Boat billed herons diet relies on mostly shrimp, sleeper goby, and
  • 36. Bach And Telemann Critique On April 2, 2017 at 2pm I went to watch the Baroque Chamber Music Series: Bach Telemann s Coffeehouse: St. Luke s Chamber Ensemble at the Brooklyn Museum. There were 5 performers: Krista Bennion Feeney, who played the violin; Naoko Tanaka, who also played the violin; David Cerutti, who played the viola; Myron Lutzke, who played the cello; and Robert Wolinsky who played the harpsichord. The first performer was Krista Bennion Feeney, she played Gigue from Fantasia No. 12 for Solo Violin by George Philipp Telemann. The next performance was Trio Sonata in G Major, BWV 1039 by Johann Sebastian Bach, which included four movements: Adagio, Allegro ma non presto, Adagio e piano, and Presto. This was performed by two violinists, a cello player and ... Show more content on ... It started with a rather slow tempo that had a call and answer type of theme, with the call part being more loud and dramatic while the answer was soft and then after a part that flowed without the call and answer theme, it was vice versa so the call part was soft and the answer was louder and more dramatic. This movement faded out and into a slightly more fast paced part, however it wasn t the end of that movement because it wasn t a complete stop. The second movement was quicker and much shorter than the first movement. The third movement was very similar to the first, in that it was a little slow and has very short pauses that fade into a different paced part of the same movement. This movement had variations to the first theme and had a short harpsichord solo. The fourth movement, Menuetto alternativo trio had a faster pace and sounded like a non imitative polyphony with the violins and viola as the main melody and the cello and harpsichord as the second melody at most times and as the background accompaniment at other times. The last movement was much louder, more dramatic and more lively than the rest of the movements.This movement had multiple parts that sounded were crescendo and then decrescendo. They finished the song with crescendo and it was a very dramatic ending. Most of the movements in this piece were played by the strings, and the harpsichord was rarely heard because the strings overpowered it and were much louder than the
  • 37. Snt Legal Essay Sierra Nevada Trees Inc. Legal Analysis Consequential Damages Disclaimer: The disclaimer that protects Sierra Nevada Trees Inc. from liability in a claim for consequential damages contained in the purchase order acknowledgement is part of the agreement with Burger Ranch Inc. Burger Ranch Inc. accepted the terms of the offer and there was proper performance by both parties. As stated in the Gould Commercial Code Section 2 207 subsection 1, A definite and seasonable expression of acceptance or a written confirmation which is sent within a reasonable time operates as an acceptance even though it states terms additional to or different from those offered or agreed upon, unless acceptance is expressly made conditional on assent to... Show more content on ... Simon, the manager of the damaged Burger Ranch, inspected the tree, was satisfied with the tree, initialed the receipt, and paid the $150 for the tree. These facts definitively imply that the buyer did accept the goods after he had a reasonable opportunity to inspect it and then made the judgement that it conformed to their satisfaction, therefore legally accepting the goods. The buyer may contend that regardless of these facts, the disclaimer clause of the purchase order acknowledgement represents a material alteration to the original contract and therefore would not become part of the contract as per Gould Commercial Code Section 2 207 subsection 2, The additional terms are to be construed as proposals for addition to the contract. Between merchants such terms become part of the contract unless: a. The offer expressly limits acceptance to the terms of the offer; b. They materially alter it; or c. Notification of objection to them has already been given or is given within a reasonable time after notice of them is received. Despite this contention,
  • 38. Wood Fencing Benefits Need A New Fence? Why You Should Go With Wood If you need privacy when relaxing in your backyard, you may be thinking about getting a wood fence for your home. A fence is a great way to make it difficult for neighbors to peer in and see what you are up to, while also adding some security. By understanding the benefits and cost of wood fencing, you may find that it is the right choice for you. The Benefits of Wood Fencing A main benefit of wood fencing is how easy it is to repair the material when it becomes damaged. There are many wood pickets used to construct each panel, but those pickets can easily be removed and replaced. That s why it is a good idea to save some extra pickets for when you need to make a repair. Other materials that come
  • 39. Oedipus Vs Hamlet Essay When dealing with universal themes in plays like Oedipus or Hamlet, a set time period is not necessarily required. A production of Hamlet could take place in the year 2016 and make sense if adapted correctly. What is important when adapting a play is not presenting it exactly as the playwright wrote it hundreds of years ago, in the case of Shakespeare s Hamlet, but keeping the themes that make the playwhat it is. To completely change the story of Hamlet and differ too greatly from the original story would defeat the purpose of the production. The director has to adhere to the main themes of whichever play they choose because that play they chose obviously carries the message they want to send to an audience. A director s job is to bring their ideas about a play to life and present that to an audience, therefore, demonstrating their ideas for that audience. The ideas spread and are then absorbed by an audience member, who leaves the play filled with the new knowledge or new ideas. Older plays, like Oedipus or Hamlet, are the most ... Show more content on ... When adapting a play into a different historical era or setting it in modern times, maintaining the essential themes that make the play what it is cannot be manipulated. However, some main ideas and themes in a play can be enhanced or made clearer to the audience by setting the play in a different time period. It all depends on whether the creative team behind a production can communicate their meaning and the change to the audience. If the audience understands the change, the interpretation and adaptation is successful. Implementing a new idea or a different outlook into an older play might enhance the play by bringing forth political points that correlate with today s society and its issues, prompting the audience to take note and reflect on our problems and attempt to find a
  • 40. Colin Kaepernick s Argument Analysis According to Colin Kaepernick, There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder (qtd. in Florio). In other words, police are not being held accountable for the many killings of innocent people. The police are being cruel; police are malicious people. Therefore, Kaepernick is going to protest until change come. This situation is vested to Kaepernick s belief and values. People should be able to protest the pledge to show respect, to allow the freedom of religion and speech, and to not impose American ideals on others. First, people show respect by protesting the flag. It is important to Colin Kaepernick to protest the flag because police killings of African Americans have come under widespread scrutiny (qtd. in Lutz). Many African American families are going through ... Show more content on ... Always pledging to the flag runs the risk of turning a central statement of patriotism into a chore (qtd. in Longman). Because the pledge is recited at every event, the pledge it is starting to lose it s meaning. The purpose of the pledge was to protect our freedom and showed that freedom was valued. According to Longman, Two of UConn s players are German...but both said they were comfortable standing on the court as their teammates recited the oath. It is true that some foreigners may not having a problem with standing for the pledge, however, they may feel a sense rejection. Players that are not from America may feel uncomfortable with saying I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands. Can you really blame them? In another situation official said, Our [school] board has long supported the Pledge of Allegiance as an appropriate patriotic exercise for willing students (qtd. in pledge). In summary, one can not force others to do something that one does not feel comfortable with
  • 41. Isaiah Berlin s Fathers And Children-Turgenev And The... In the lecture titled Fathers and Children Turgenev and the Liberal Predicament, Isaiah Berlin draws our attention to Turgenev s ambivalent attitude towards the hero of the novel, Bazarov. Turgenev is no doubt fascinated by Bazarov s destructive energy, and yet remains unable to stand firmly on Bazarov s side. Bazarov is not a revolutionist dreaming to build a utopian empire on the ruin of existing orders he does not care to analyse what is it that he swears to destroy but is a self proclaimed nihilist vowing to clear the ground. The author almost wishes that the sheer force in Bazarov could be smoothened, be tempered and be steered to something constructive; but in his attempt to reshape Bazarov by subjecting him to the ordeal of love, he finds himself with no other choice but to shatter Bazarov altogether. Love ties one to the mundane in life at the present moment and renders one vulnerable to all the sentimentalism that a nihilist should contempt. Consequently a Bazarov in love must die.... Show more content on ... Although a peer of Bazarov and his most enthusiastic disciple, in the course of the story Arkady discovers himself to be the opposite of Bazarov and falls back to become his father. Bazarov s has to die, but Arkday is granted worldly happiness in the end by the affectionate pen of the author. Turgenev does not force himself or the readers to struggle with Arkady, and consequently Arkady does not possess Bazarov s power to provoke or to despair. It would not be inappropriate to suggest, however, that deep in Turgenev s heart, Arkady s resign constitutes an important part of his own attitude towards the dilemma of his time. Fathers and Sons is a book about the deep gulf between the two generations of Russians in the 1840s and the 1860s, and Arkady, a member of the new generation, symbolizes the impossibility of a true settlement of the deeply trenched conflicts by way of reconciliation, because he simply withdraws without
  • 42. Slave My True Story Character Analysis The nature of one s upbringing greatly determines the development of how a person perceives the world around them. The ways in which we understand the nature of the world stems from how reality is framed through in the beginning of life, and many hold onto this time of life as the foundation of who they become. In her memoir, Slave: My True Story, Mende Nazerdescribes the impact that her time in slaveryduring the early years of her life had on her personal reality as well as her own role within the world. The oppression she faced during her years of maturation not only changed her own perspective of herself, but also her past and her understanding of freedom moving forward. Slave begins with Nazer describing her early childhood, growing... Show more content on ... While many may perceive the problems with slavery and refugees to reside specifically in underdeveloped, Third WorldCountries, Nazer s story displays how ethical problems, such as slavery, reside in global powers as well. Alison Jaggar expresses the necessary elimination of the assumptive societal viewpoint of these problems in her work, Saving Amina : Global Justice for Women and Intercultural Dialogue . Jaggar stresses that it is necessary to realize that Third World poverty, ... cannot be attributed exclusively to the injustice of... local cultures, and that many people in these countries, are oppressed by global forces (Jaggar 62 67). Omer s utter disbelief once he, ... discovered the full truth about, Nazer not being paid for her service depicts how many people the ignorance that many people in countries, such a England, have towards problems within their own countries (Nazer 296). Both Nazer and Jaggar speak, through their works, directly to, ... those in the West, that, as Nazer puts it, often take their freedom for granted (311). At the same time, though, both stress the importance of creating an, ... intercultural dialogue about global justice, and ensuring that those in power understand their own moral and ethical problems just as much as those in Third World countries (Jaggar
  • 43. Friar In Romeo And Juliet Friars, which are similar to nuns, are known for their benevolence, righteousness, and helpfulness. As a Friar, one is agreeing to serve society. Their central duty and purpose is to help those in need. Along with their helpfulness is their intelligence due to their extensive education. They also have a high sense of morality as members of a religious order. Accordingly, these virtues are possessed by the character of Friar Lawrence from William Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet. The Friar spends the entire story assisting the other characters in some way, whether it be with his advice or with his inventive plans. He is a pivotal character in the story as his well meaning attempts to help Romeo and Juliet unfortunately lead to the demise of the... Show more content on ... The Friar explains his plan to help Juliet to her and says she will, appear like death /...Shall Romeo bear thee hence to Mantua (IV.I.103, 117). Juliet does not want to marry Paris and their wedding is planned to take place in only a few days. Friar Lawrence thinks outside of the box and devises a scheme that will fool others into thinking that Juliet is dead so that she will not have to marry Paris. The fact that the Friar came up with such a plan under such short notice shows that he is a quick, but careful thinker. Later, Friar Lawrence is told that Romeo was not aware of his plan yet and reacts, Romeo hath no notice of these accidents/... [I will] keep her at my cell till Romeo came (V.II. 26 28). The Friar had planned to send a message to Romeo telling him that Juliet is not actually dead, but he has not gotten this note yet, so he believes his love has died. Friar Lawrence is aware of the love between the two and knows that this mistake could result in Romeo harming himself, so he must fix this immediately. The Friar is clever enough to quickly rethink his plan in order to save Romeo from himself. The Friar uses his qualities of intelligence and cunning to help Romeo and Juliet, greatly influencing and changing their
  • 44. Mowgli Girl Research Paper A recent event that I have found interesting is the story about the Mowgli Girl . This is a girl that was discovered around January 2017 in the jungle near the border of Nepal in the Bahaich region. They think that the girl was living with monkeys. She was name Mowgli after the Jungle Books. They said when the workers that found her would come near her she would screech and act like a monkeyand that there would be monkeys near her. One story even said that the guy got chased down by monkeys while he was trying to help the girl. Mowgli girl adapted to her society of living with monkeys and appears that she became like a monkey. There were marks on her body indicating that she has been in the jungle for some time, and she was malnourished appearing... Show more content on ... Culture is something developed over time by a group of people not just created by one person. Referring back to gender role in society this was not something that humans were born with but it was created and reinforced over long period of time. Now more recently we can see these behaviors changing where women work more, men help with chores, and the roles are starting to merge. Culture also has a way of shaping one s view and values in the world. Culture also shapes our behavior and our reason for doing certain things which is known as cultural behavior. The difficult thing about cultures is that no two cultures are the same so it is not a one size fits all. You have to take time to learn each culture and some cultures you will fit in better into than others. This is like a work place have that has developed a culture that constantly changes as new employees come and old one leave. If you are more laid back then you will fit into a work culture that is more flexible then one that is tightly structured. Social self is how you think others see you and if you belong and or connect with others around you. Women in the US tend to prioritize differences and uniqueness construing the self in more independent terms. This relates to the social comparison theory. The social comparison theory is defined as the hypothesis that people compare themselves to others people in order to obtain an accurate assessment of their own opinion, abilities, and internal
  • 45. Causes Child Labour What are some of the causes of child labour? Poverty and its related problems are the two main factors, which lead to the cause of child labour around the world. They are both extreme dominant factors in the use of child labour as families on or below the poverty line force their children into work to supplement their household s extremely low income. Poverty around the world are due to population pressure, land degradation, unemployment and underage employment. Other main causes of child labour is due to cultural values. Some countries encourage children to work to develop skills and they are considered assets to generate income in a time of poverty. Other, smaller reasons include education problems, over crowding, and inability to support schools, various conflict, war, orphanhood and rapid urbanisation. Reasons given by children (under 15 years) for working in Egypt ReasonMale %Female % Education Failure52.618.9 Learn a profession47.818.9 Contribute to family income43.366.0 Earn own money34.558.5 Other 5.518.9 (Azer, 1993) How can child labour be resolved? The end of child labour is extremely critical to the growth, development and technological advancement of countries that Australia relies on to produce materials, goods and services that we purchase. Child labour has shown to increase adult unemployment and depress national wages. Relying on child labour means that workers of age are not being invested in or paid fairly, creates a society of adults whose
  • 46. Narrative For The Timken Company Valuation Of Acquisition... Narrative for the Timken Company Valuation of Acquisition of Torrington The first step in completing this case study was to determine what hypothesis needed to be tested. We came up with the following six questions that needed to be answered in our research and calculations: 1.What synergies, if any, can the Timken Companyexpect through its acquisition of Torrington? What are the risks? 2.What is the value of Torrington including the expected synergies of its acquisition by the Timken Company? 3.Is this valuation higher than the value of Torrington by itself? 4.How should the Timken Company seek to structure this acquisition? 5.What will the impacts of this deal be on their investment grade status? 6.Should Timken seek to keep investment grade status, or forego this requirement in structuring the deal? Step One Evaluate the Potential Synergies and Risks of the Acquisition At the time of this case study, 2002, Timken was involved in company wide restructuring. They were consolidating current operational segments into global business units to reduce expenses. Their goal was more penetration in global markets due to reduced growth in the US based on the bearing industry s cyclical nature. Analysts predicted 2 3% industry growth in the US, but 6.5% global growth through 2005. The slow US growth was directly tied to the automotive industry s cyclical nature, which was declining in 2002. Global penetration would help to achieve economies of scale, whilst hedging the