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Environmental conservation Essay example
An Environmental Conservationist, which is also known as a conservation scientist, is an
excellent job for anyone who loves nature and wants to preserve all of earth's natural wonders. As
a conservationist you need to, "Find your own ways to make less trash, and help others to learn
how to reduce, reuse, and recycle." (EPA). The job is a hands–on job which means "spending a
major portion of the workday outdoors without regard to weather." (Easton 35) Though this doesn't
seem like a scientific job to most people it is because it involves calculating the outcome of certain
things on the environment.
The purpose of this career is to protect the environment and the people and wildlife that live in it. The more content...
Environmental Conservation is labeled as a field that is hazardous, because as an Environmental
conservationist, you are " working with infectious materials, or where accidents are common."
(Easton 35) To perform this job, you need a lot of initiative because you need to determine what
needs to be done and often it can be a life or death situation for people and/or animals.
It is easy to get burned out in this career, due to "enduring long–term stress and strain." (Easton 35)
This is not a job people can have for a short time. This a career that people commit their whole lives
Berry 3
People with degrees in this field can be employed by local, state or federal governments. It is also
likely to be hired by an organization such as the EPA( the
Environmental Protection Agency). Through 2010, "Growth will be strongest in state and local
government thanks to efforts to protect the environment. Growth will probably be less at the federal
level, despite growing need in areas of soil and water conservation." (Easton 89–90)
It is estimated that "2,200 new jobs (will be established) between 2000–2010." (Easton 36) The
federal government currently employs most of those in his field. There are agencies set up and
people are hired by these agencies which are branches of the federal
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Due to activities of human beings, many plants and animals species become endangered or some of
them are already disappearing in the Third World countries. Their habitats are being destroyed by
human beings and this cause the wildlife to loss their shelter, foods, water and other life–supporting
matters. Nowadays, the rate of harvesting of many species regardless plants or animals is fastest
than ever and some cases actually are harvest at an unsustainable rate. In some cases, although human
does not harvest the species or their habitats are not threaten, human is competing intensively with
those species for certain resources such as food and water which are important to the species.
(Selman, 1985) However, destruction of habitat is more content...
Many of these factors have been discussed however it is necessary to look thoroughly at each factors
for their significance in conservation of environment.
Growth of human population and rising of income aspiration of consumption of goods are one of the
factors that cause the destruction of the surrounding environment. Although in most of the least
developed countries the incomes per capita are not increasing significantly, their rate of population
growth is rising which in turn causing the increase of levels of consumption per capita and
population consumption which creates pressure on availability of natural resources. (Barney, 1986)
Furthermore, the increase of demand from the developed countries to the least developing countries
for natural resources puts further pressure to the environment of Third World countries. It seems
like major reversal of these influences is not happening for the next few years. Although it was
observed that the rates of population increase are decreasing in the developing countries and rates of
population increase are nearly zero in many First and Second World countries,
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Persuasive Essay On Rights Of Nature
Cedric Quintana
Prof Cassidy Litle
Eng 122–008
July 15, 2017
Rights of Nature
We must take care of our environment by continually educating our youth on natural selection and
the four laws of ecology, and supporting environmental movements that recognize the rights of
Impacts of climate change are increasingly felt by Earth's inhabitants including us, humans. The
current warming, which is only one degree Celsius, has affected different ecological processes such
as "species' genetics, seasonal response, overall distribution, and even morphology" (Hance). Species
are suddenly disappearing. A study conducted by "PLOS Biology found that more than 450 plants
and animals have undergone local extinctions due to climate change" (Hance) more content...
We still should maintain that the ecosystem consists of living species, which in their nature have the
right to evolve. Significantly, in 2008 Ecuador granted a statutory right on nature in which a
sustainable model of progress guarantees the "conservation of biodiversity and the recovering
capacity of ecosystems.
For example, "fish and other species in a river may be recognized as having the right to exist and
evolve" (Martin). Ecologists are then pursuing legal protection of nature's right to evolve. This is an
appropriate response to Darwin's implications of natural selection. But why such law does not seize
the attention of the global audience?
Ecuador, Bolivia, and Argentina are the only countries, so far, which embrace the right of nature to
evolve (Laitos). Instead, we misuse natural resources which results in health–issues and pollution
(Laitos). We also accelerate the nature's course to evolution through artificial selection or selective
Artificial selection gets in the development of nature, which in turn produces lesser quality of a
species. As Darwin puts it: "How fleeting are the wishes and efforts of man!", "How short his time,
and consequently how poor will his products be, compared with those accumulated by nature during
whole geological periods." (Martin)
In other words, we weaken the art of nature. We selfishly only look at our own interest. Our own
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Essay Arguments for Environmental Conservation
Response 3: Arguments for Environmental Conservation Since the beginning of civilization
humanity has adopted a subjugating stance toward nature. Ecological exploitation has become the de
facto standard, contributing to the illusion of self–subsistence provided by modern society. This
mindset is untenable given humanities reliance on the natural world, as best demonstrated by the
critical importance of various parts of the environment to humanities continued existence. This
includes the importance of biodiversity to medicinal advancement and climate adaptation, the role of
insects in the renewal of the biosphere, and the importance of the environment for humanities
psychological health. A huge number of modern medicines are more content...
(31) In addition, biodiversity will be crucial for humanities continued survival in the case of climate
change or widespread crop failures. The majority of people on earth are reliant on four crops for
subsistence; wheat, rice, corn, and millet. (11) These crops are threatened by climate change and the
spread of disease facilitated by modern transportation. If humanity is to survive such an eventuality it
must be ready to draw upon the earth's biodiversity for replacements. And while there are
approximately 50 thousand plant species that could offer alternatives, this bank of resources is
quickly thinning as various ecosystems are being destroyed. (11) Other services nature provides are
more easily taken for granted. We depend on plant life to replenish the oxygen in the atmosphere,
and on insects to replace nutrients in the soil. (31) These insects are especially vital, as they are
part of the foundation of nearly all ecosystems. Without insects, plant species that rely on them for
pollination would quickly become extinct, including many of the species we rely on for food.
Following them would be species that feed on insects, as well as species which rely on vegetation as
part of their habitats. Finally, as insects make the prime contribution to soil renewal, even non–insect
pollinated plant life would begin to decline. (34) The result, according to Wilson, would
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It's common for people to be reluctant to admit their faults. However, their ignorance of their
destruction of the world around them is astounding. People need to open their eyes. The world
around us is dying, and we all are going down with it. For too long, people have ignored their
blatant destruction of the world around them, refusing to acknowledge our mistakes as the Earth
expires. Whether from deforestation, invasive species, or climate change, there is one thing
completely clear. The Earth is currently in the middle of a sixth mass extinction, and it's been caused
by the human race.
It's clear that a great extinction is coming from the evidence of the destruction of other species
around us. The choices made by the human race have too often negatively affected the species
around them. Tracy Wilson, in an article for animal planet, states that "...frequent... headlines that
warn of species that are dying out, or becoming extinct" (Wilson). This shows how species have
begun dying out, and are frequently becoming extinct. The extinction of the species around us is a
concerning factor, one that points towards the subject of mass extinction. According to the
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), "...22,413 species of plants and animals are
threatened with extinction" (Gilman). There are multiple species dying out, and it's happening at an
alarming rate, to the point where it's clear we are in the middle of a sixth mass extinction.
It's also clear that the
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Speech On Wildlife Conservation
1.Introduction :– "The morality of a Nation is judged by the way its people treat their
Animals".............Mahatma Gandhi. Nature has created several ecosystems and millions of animal
and plant species including micro–organisms within each ecosystem on mother earth and every life
form has specific roles to play for auto–run of the ecosystem. All life forms are interdependent either
to render services to one another or become food for the animals through a food chain or food web.
If one species gets eliminated due to some reason or other, the food chain breaks consequently
affecting the ecosystem automation process. Man is one of the species among millions of species more content...
The conservation ethic was imbibed in the sylvan surroundings of the ashrams of sages which
were the seats of learning in the country's ancient past. Indian wildlife sanctuaries are home to
diverse species of birds, mammals and other animals. In India there are around 531 wildlife
sanctuaries. Among these wildlife sanctuaries, Project Tiger in India governs 28 Tiger Reserves
and they hold special significance in the preservation of tiger. Interestingly, some of the wildlife
sanctuaries are specifically named as Bird Sanctuary, such as Keoladeo Ghana National Park
before they attained the status of National Park. Several National Parks of the country were
formerly wildlife sanctuaries. Wildlife sanctuaries in India cover near about 4.5 percent of the
country's total geographical area. These sanctuaries are scattered throughout the country and they
with their amazing rock formation, diverse flora and fauna and beautiful landscapes attract the
attention of the tourists from far and wide. National Parks in India are IUCN category II
protected areas. As of July 2015 there were 105 National Parks encompassing an area of 40,500 sq
km comprising 1.23% of India's total surface area. Wildlife sanctuaries are established by IUCN
category II protected areas. India has 531 animal sanctuaries referred as wildlife sanctuary. Jim
Corbett National Park established in
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Wildlife Conservation Essay
They are responsible for cleaning the air most living creatures breath, they give humans and animals
material to build homes and buildings with, they help keep the dirt in place, and, among many other
uses, they gave humans the material that people use every day, paper. They do all this for humans,
and all they need in return is for their young to be planted. If you have not guessed by now, this is
describing trees. It is vital for humans to maintain not only the trees population, but also the
population of all wildlife. Wildlife conservation is important because regulates wildlife population,
helps balance the ecosystem, and maintains the natural beauty for future generations. People mostly
assume that maintaining wildlife more content...
Also, when the deer population is too high, farmers crops become damaged by the deer, as well as
there are more deer killings by car ("Deer" par. 1–10). It is important to keep track of an animals
population in order to make sure that the negative side affects do not occur. Sometimes it means
keeping one species in its own habitat and preventing it from expanding into habitats that are not
its own. Species who manage to do this are called invasive species. Species such as the Lionfish.
Lionfish are not a native species to the Atlantic Ocean. They are a venomous, fast reproducing fish
that are aggressive eaters and will eat almost anything in copious amounts. They eat so much that
they will actual become obese and contract liver diseases. They have no know predators, besides
humans. Because they have no predators, once introduced to a reef, they can wipe out 90% of it.
"The lionfish invasion is probably the worst environmental disaster the Atlantic will ever face" said
Graham Maddocks, president and founder of Ocean Support Foundation ("Lionfish" Par. 3). Lionfish
are especially dangerous to ecosystems, because the native aquatic life–forms do not have a natural
instinct to be wary of the lionfish. Some may wonder, "how did the lionfish become introduced to
the Atlantic ocean?". Well, Florida pet owners are to blame. Lionfish are most known for their
beauty, which makes them valuable as pets. However, they are violent fish and tend to attack and
kill other fish in the
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Reflection Paper On Nature
Nature is a multitude of things due to its essence as an abstract idea. At one point nature can
encompass the world, life, and everything in–between. While at the next moment, it can transform
into a qualitative description of inherent features, humans and their activities. While it holds an aura
of mystery, Nature can simultaneously be likened to concrete ideas and things. Throughout history,
nature has taken on different forms and meanings depending on which period is studied. My view of
nature closely resembles that of the current era. I believe nature is an environment devoid of human
intervention or corruption, yet a place that remains an integral spirit of humanities' interaction with
the world around them. This is due to more content...
Life and death are delicate strings that weave through our daily lives. Like a balance tipping the
scales of the cosmos, nature's life provides enrichment for future generations and civilizations.
Diverse species of plants and animals scour the Earth, each one of them strikingly different to the
very fiber of their DNA. Nature is life in its rudimentary form. From the primitive life of plankton to
the intricate behaviors displayed by primates, nature's life is present everywhere. I share the current
era's view that humanities' existence is equal in importance to the most insignificant member of an
ecosystem. The continuation of life is bound by species' interdependence for nature's resources.
Without harmonious cohabitation, nature's life would cease to progress. Even as the last plumes of
smoke die down in the burnt forest, buds and vegetation begin to sprout and flourish, giving life to
the dependents of its ecosystem. Images of greenery, saplings, and offspring cross mymind when
nature is mentioned. In recent years, nature has developed colloquial meanings as a living entity.
Phrases like, "save mother nature" or "nature is dying" are usually used to describe the state of the
ecosystem we live and share. Nature is a mother, nursing her young back to health.
Due to recent achievements in human development, the current era views intelligence as an endearing
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The preservation of the environment and conservation of energy are dynamic topics in the political
world of today and actions to be taken are discussed every day. It is time to advance beyond the
ordinary gasoline engine automobile that has polluted our environment for several decades. The
recurring problem that hasn't been solved is the pollution from automobiles that harms the
environment and uses fuel that won't be around some time in the future. Neglect for the preservation
of the environment has spread like an infection over the years, and automobiles are major players in
the pollution of the environment. A change is vital, and hybrid cars have begun to lead the way to
that change, besting regular car in cost–effectiveness more content...
The environmental impacts from automobiles come in the dozens ranging from brake and tire
debris to the toxicity of the lead acid batteries in cars. These problems are also not to be taken
lightly. For example, the debris from tires and braking raises the toxicity levels of nearby soils and
leads to the formation of black carbon. Both pollutants have been shown to cause lung toxicity and
significant portions of particulate matter in urban areas. Painting and coating cause discharges of
harmful materials such as nickel, copper, and hexavalent chromium into the atmosphere. Batteries
are a more critical part of the automobile, and even though they can be recycled they account for the
release of 42,000 tons of unwanted lead release into the environment. The plethora of environmental
problems from automobiles today is affecting the lifespan of our atmosphere and causing a
downward spiral that is exponentially increasing. With these problems, the transportation revolution
is knocking on the door and as the guardians of our planet, humanity needs to find a way to decrease
pollution and that way has been opened with the hybrid car.
Hybrid cars are more beneficial to the environment than their traditional counterparts, but not all
hybrid vehicles function the same way. To decrease emissions all hybrid cars run on some form of
electricity, whether it run on pure electricity or splits power with
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The dynamic natural environment and abundant wildlife are the most prominent features of the
African continent. Due to its wide variety of biomes ranging from tropical forests to arid deserts,
Africa consists of bountiful wildlife diversity. However, because of environmentally harmful human
interactions, the variety of biomes is shrinking to all–time lows, which causes wildlife to die out.
These detrimental human interactions, particularly livestock overgrazing and desertification, occur
partly because the native people who depend on the land for daily life do not realize the potential
benefits of wildlife and the unsustainability of their current ways. Poaching for horns and other
valuable animal parts has also contributed to more content...
Herding allowed people to extract previously unobtainable nutrients from their environment. Since
humans could not directly digest the grasses that existed in the savannas, the only way for them to
take in the nutrients was to use cattle, which are capable of grazing or consuming grass, to convert it
into edible forms. By consuming the milk and meat that the cattle produced the people were able to
fully exploit the resources available. This pastoralist lifestyle was symbiotic with the agriculturalist
lifestyle because the two communities traded goods with each other to maintain healthy diets.
Therefore, many civilizations, like Mapungubwe in southern Africa, depended on the mutual
relationship between humans and domestic animals to survive. This system was widely accepted
due to its effectiveness and eventually became ingrained in African social and economic life.
However, because of the rapid increase in population in Africa over the last several centuries has
led to severe overgrazing, which occurs when the grass doesn't have sufficient time to recover before
being consumed. This has led to desertification, one of the major causes of the decrease in African
wildlife populations. (Child Physical Environment, 2013)
Desertification is a process that degrades the natural environment to an unproductive state that cannot
support the native wildlife communities. More specifically, desertification involves land degradation
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Conservation Ethic Research Paper
Conservation Ethics Conservation is a key component in the preservation of Earth's wildlife,
resources and overall sustainability. Our ethics and respect for the environment make an everlasting
impact on not just our lives but the many other organisms that inhabit this planet with us. Well, what
are conservation ethics exactly? "The conservation ethic is an ethic of resource use, allocation,
exploitation, and protection. Its primary focus is upon maintaining the health of the natural world:
its forests, fisheries, habitats, and biological diversity" (Conservation Ethic). Actions as small as
picking up garbage strewn across the landscape can be a form of preservation and a great ethic to
possess and pass on to future generations. Our more content...
For example, one could just recycle cans and plastic bottles lessening their chance of ending up
on the landscape and or in a landfill. We have all seen those commercials of people rescuing sea
creatures from plastic and or human waste of some form and in some cases this could be
prevented just by recycling. Another conservation ethic that is needed quite dearly involves
lessening our overall water consumption. States such as California and Nevada have been
experiencing water shortages do to droughts, and who is to say that this cannot happen
worldwide if proactive measures are not acted upon. From taking shorter showers to turning off
the water when you stop to brush your teeth can really help make a difference. I myself as well,
have many different conservation ethics that I live my life by. For example, plastic is abundant
enough on the landscape, so I avoid buying bottled water and stick to filtered tap water. I as well
monitor my water usage and recycle whenever possible. When grocery shopping, I tend to try and
get paper when possible to avoid any unnecessary plastic consumption. Many other important aspects
of conservation ethics have to do with sustainability, animal welfare, endangered species and
environmental advocacy groups and agencies. We share this planet with some amazing creatures and
it is important to preserve and cherish this wonderful place we all call
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Paragraph On Conservation Of Biodiversity
In todays society of growth and production, we have reached an age where our industrialism has
changed the biodiversity of the worlds ecosystems, and we need to make a choice to preserve them,
or we will lose them entirely. The conservation of biology is the idea of understanding and trying to
find ways to preserve Earth's biodiversity. Without the biodiversity of ecosystems, they would
slowly start to fail and we could potentially lose all the life and resources we gather from our
environment. The understanding of conservation of biodiversity needs to be in knowing the role of
conservation, the causes in decline of biodiversity, and how biodiversity involves other disciplines.
Conservation is defined as understanding and preserving biodiversity in genetic diversities, specie
diversities, and ecosystem diversities. The genetic diversity is the long–term survival of species in an
environment, species diversity is the protection of a community's diversity, and ecosystem diversity
is the varieties from all the communities living and non–living from aquatic to terrestrial. Scientist
have determined a plethora of reasons in which we need, and must, find a way to protect our
biodiversity. Biodiversity effects the ecosystem services, that benefit people through ecosystem's
resources. This pertains to the food coming from agricultural ecosystems, raw goods such as wood
and the fresh water used in agriculture, industry, or drinking. These ecosystems also effect the
regulating services of water purification by removing sediments, pollination from bees and other
insects, pest control that feed on pests, climate regulations by providing shade and serving as
windbreakers, the carbon storage in plants removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, as well as
erosion and flood protection through plant roots. Our society should understand why biodiversity is
important because everything that happens in the ecosystems and biomes around us will directly
impact the human race, and we cannot live without some of the biotic and abiotic factors that
support all life around us.
In recent years more people have noticed the changes in ecosystems and have made an effort to get
communities to come together and protect the biodiversity
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While wetland loss is happening globally, the destruction is most severe in the forty–eight
conterminous United States where almost half of the wetlands were lost by the middle of the
1980's. Over the past thirty years "the wetlands have been recognized as complex, diverse
ecosystems whose functions provide an incredible range of beneficial functions and services
within the landscape" (BenDor et al. 342). Areas where wetlands were once located were
considered wastelands and little was done to protect or preserve these areas. These important
ecological areas have been lost in the last two centuries due to industrialization and urbanization. In
this paper, I want to explore the threats our wetlands are facing and examine if enough is being
done to preserve these natural resources. To understand why the loss of wetlands is important, we
need to know what wetlands are and the significance of them in our environment. The Fish and
Wildlife Service defines wetlands as "land where water saturation is a dominant factor that
determines the nature of soil development and types of plant and animal communities living in the
soil and on the surface." There are two types of Wetlands; non–tidal and tidal. Non–tidal wetlands are
the type most prevalent in the United States. Some examples are, deep water swamps like the
Okefenokee in Georgia and inland freshwater marshes or meadows like the prairie potholes in the
Midwest, Everglades in Florida and Sequoia National Park in California. Tidal
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Animal Conservation Essay
Earth is home to a collection of wonderful flora and fauna. From the bold and beautiful macaw to
the miniscule pygmy fruit bat, ever ecosystem hosts a multitude of fantastic creatures and fauna.
Unfortunately, approximately 16,306 species of plants and animals have been placed on the IUCN's
red list as endangered. It is estimated that every day 150–200 fauna and flora species become extinct.
Our world cannot afford to lose so much of our natural world, and I believe that it is our
responsibility to conserve and protect our ecosystems and the inhabitants of those ecosystems. It is
my intention to major in the field of animal sciences with a concentration in biodiversity and
conservation so I have the means to aide conservation. Moreover, I hope that by receiving a higher
education I can aide in the protection and relief efforts of these wonderful creatures. My intentions
are to attend classes that will equip me with the mandatory college and skills to protect and preserve
the natural wonder of this earth.
My passion for nature was kindled through the wildlife exposer I received from the Great Smoky
Mountains national park. The mountains have always been an inspiration and I would love to
work in a field in which I get to work the nature within them. Tennessee is home to some many
wonderful flora and fauna and it is a place when I truly feel at home. This national park is home to
many spectacular and rare animals. Protecting and researching these animals is a truly
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Persuasive Essay On Biodiversity Conservation
Biodiversity Conservation in Australia
Biodiversity exists in every type of environment. Our existence, as humans, depends greatly on these
environments, whether it be for food, materials, or energy. Thus, the conservation of this biodiversity
is crucial in sustaining life on Earth. Currently in Australia, the risk of extinction is very real for
thousands of species. This is not only detrimental to the actual threatened species, but also for all of
the other species in the ecosystem that depend on it. Australia's biodiversity is constantly being
threatened by habitat loss, unsustainable practices, overuse of resources, and climate change.
Unfortunately, once biodiversity has been lost, it can never fully be restored, thus, we must act
quickly and efficiently to ensure that the least amount of permanent loss occurs.
According to Australia's 2010–2030 Biodiversity Conservation Strategy, there are three important
steps that must be taken above all else to conserve biodiversity. Firstly, all Australian's must be
engaged and motivated to take action. Secondly, everyone must work to aid in "building ecosystem
resilience." Lastly, once the first two steps have been taken, we must work toward attaining tangible
results (Australian Government Department of Environment and Energy).
Currently, the main cause of biodiversity loss in Australia is very much due to human intervention in
nature–this leading cause being habitat destruction. Thus, it is no surprise that the demolishing of the
rainforest is a major problem and threat to Australian biodiversity. As of now, with the massive
amount of deforestation occurring daily around the globe, Australia is the only western country to
still have large patches of rainforest. Thankfully, today's world has seen a surge in activism. Thus, it
is no surprise that there are many movements and campaigns by the Australian people to protect their
Unfortunately, however, activism is not enough to fully protect biodiversity and prevent further loss.
Even with all of the good that comes with these movements, there are a lot of problems with
Australia's current state of conservation. Australia has dug itself into a fairly deep hole; continuing
unsustainable practices in the
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The Conservation of the Environment
The conservation of the environment is essential for ecosystem functioning and protecting or
managing natural plant and animal species. Many plant species are unique because they are
irreplaceable and thus need to be protected so that they can be enjoyed to observe in the future just
as they are enjoyed now. Conservation of biodiversity is needed due to population and economic
growths causing habitat fragmentation, habitat loss, the introduction of invasive species, pollution,
soil erosion, unbalanced overexploitation and nutrient loss in soils. Many plant species occurring in
the Jan Marais Nature reserve are very vulnerable and very valuable as they are the only undisturbed
natural plant species to still remain in the borders of Stellenbosch, which includes the Boland Granite
Fynbos and Swartland Shale Renosterveld. The benefits that result from conservation areas are
limitless and can include great economic, research, social and educational values. The establishment
of conservation areas can benefit biodiversity and conserve or protect vulnerable ecosystems.
Conservation areas provide great economical values such as eco–tourism and can also provide
employment. Scientists can benefit from conservation areas as they can do research and conduct
scientific experiments in natural environments which are not disturbed. Conservation areas are also
an important component in education as people can visit these parks to learn more about what
conservation is, what species are
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Essay On Conservation Of Nature

  • 1. Environmental conservation Essay example An Environmental Conservationist, which is also known as a conservation scientist, is an excellent job for anyone who loves nature and wants to preserve all of earth's natural wonders. As a conservationist you need to, "Find your own ways to make less trash, and help others to learn how to reduce, reuse, and recycle." (EPA). The job is a hands–on job which means "spending a major portion of the workday outdoors without regard to weather." (Easton 35) Though this doesn't seem like a scientific job to most people it is because it involves calculating the outcome of certain things on the environment. The purpose of this career is to protect the environment and the people and wildlife that live in it. The more content... Environmental Conservation is labeled as a field that is hazardous, because as an Environmental conservationist, you are " working with infectious materials, or where accidents are common." (Easton 35) To perform this job, you need a lot of initiative because you need to determine what needs to be done and often it can be a life or death situation for people and/or animals. It is easy to get burned out in this career, due to "enduring long–term stress and strain." (Easton 35) This is not a job people can have for a short time. This a career that people commit their whole lives to. Berry 3 People with degrees in this field can be employed by local, state or federal governments. It is also likely to be hired by an organization such as the EPA( the Environmental Protection Agency). Through 2010, "Growth will be strongest in state and local government thanks to efforts to protect the environment. Growth will probably be less at the federal level, despite growing need in areas of soil and water conservation." (Easton 89–90) It is estimated that "2,200 new jobs (will be established) between 2000–2010." (Easton 36) The federal government currently employs most of those in his field. There are agencies set up and people are hired by these agencies which are branches of the federal Get more content on
  • 2. Due to activities of human beings, many plants and animals species become endangered or some of them are already disappearing in the Third World countries. Their habitats are being destroyed by human beings and this cause the wildlife to loss their shelter, foods, water and other life–supporting matters. Nowadays, the rate of harvesting of many species regardless plants or animals is fastest than ever and some cases actually are harvest at an unsustainable rate. In some cases, although human does not harvest the species or their habitats are not threaten, human is competing intensively with those species for certain resources such as food and water which are important to the species. (Selman, 1985) However, destruction of habitat is more content... Many of these factors have been discussed however it is necessary to look thoroughly at each factors for their significance in conservation of environment. Growth of human population and rising of income aspiration of consumption of goods are one of the factors that cause the destruction of the surrounding environment. Although in most of the least developed countries the incomes per capita are not increasing significantly, their rate of population growth is rising which in turn causing the increase of levels of consumption per capita and population consumption which creates pressure on availability of natural resources. (Barney, 1986) Furthermore, the increase of demand from the developed countries to the least developing countries for natural resources puts further pressure to the environment of Third World countries. It seems like major reversal of these influences is not happening for the next few years. Although it was observed that the rates of population increase are decreasing in the developing countries and rates of population increase are nearly zero in many First and Second World countries, Get more content on
  • 3. Persuasive Essay On Rights Of Nature Cedric Quintana Prof Cassidy Litle Eng 122–008 July 15, 2017 Rights of Nature We must take care of our environment by continually educating our youth on natural selection and the four laws of ecology, and supporting environmental movements that recognize the rights of nature. Impacts of climate change are increasingly felt by Earth's inhabitants including us, humans. The current warming, which is only one degree Celsius, has affected different ecological processes such as "species' genetics, seasonal response, overall distribution, and even morphology" (Hance). Species are suddenly disappearing. A study conducted by "PLOS Biology found that more than 450 plants and animals have undergone local extinctions due to climate change" (Hance) more content... (Martin) We still should maintain that the ecosystem consists of living species, which in their nature have the right to evolve. Significantly, in 2008 Ecuador granted a statutory right on nature in which a sustainable model of progress guarantees the "conservation of biodiversity and the recovering capacity of ecosystems. For example, "fish and other species in a river may be recognized as having the right to exist and evolve" (Martin). Ecologists are then pursuing legal protection of nature's right to evolve. This is an appropriate response to Darwin's implications of natural selection. But why such law does not seize the attention of the global audience? Ecuador, Bolivia, and Argentina are the only countries, so far, which embrace the right of nature to evolve (Laitos). Instead, we misuse natural resources which results in health–issues and pollution (Laitos). We also accelerate the nature's course to evolution through artificial selection or selective breeding. Artificial selection gets in the development of nature, which in turn produces lesser quality of a species. As Darwin puts it: "How fleeting are the wishes and efforts of man!", "How short his time, and consequently how poor will his products be, compared with those accumulated by nature during whole geological periods." (Martin) In other words, we weaken the art of nature. We selfishly only look at our own interest. Our own
  • 4. Get more content on
  • 5. Essay Arguments for Environmental Conservation Response 3: Arguments for Environmental Conservation Since the beginning of civilization humanity has adopted a subjugating stance toward nature. Ecological exploitation has become the de facto standard, contributing to the illusion of self–subsistence provided by modern society. This mindset is untenable given humanities reliance on the natural world, as best demonstrated by the critical importance of various parts of the environment to humanities continued existence. This includes the importance of biodiversity to medicinal advancement and climate adaptation, the role of insects in the renewal of the biosphere, and the importance of the environment for humanities psychological health. A huge number of modern medicines are more content... (31) In addition, biodiversity will be crucial for humanities continued survival in the case of climate change or widespread crop failures. The majority of people on earth are reliant on four crops for subsistence; wheat, rice, corn, and millet. (11) These crops are threatened by climate change and the spread of disease facilitated by modern transportation. If humanity is to survive such an eventuality it must be ready to draw upon the earth's biodiversity for replacements. And while there are approximately 50 thousand plant species that could offer alternatives, this bank of resources is quickly thinning as various ecosystems are being destroyed. (11) Other services nature provides are more easily taken for granted. We depend on plant life to replenish the oxygen in the atmosphere, and on insects to replace nutrients in the soil. (31) These insects are especially vital, as they are part of the foundation of nearly all ecosystems. Without insects, plant species that rely on them for pollination would quickly become extinct, including many of the species we rely on for food. Following them would be species that feed on insects, as well as species which rely on vegetation as part of their habitats. Finally, as insects make the prime contribution to soil renewal, even non–insect pollinated plant life would begin to decline. (34) The result, according to Wilson, would Get more content on
  • 6. It's common for people to be reluctant to admit their faults. However, their ignorance of their destruction of the world around them is astounding. People need to open their eyes. The world around us is dying, and we all are going down with it. For too long, people have ignored their blatant destruction of the world around them, refusing to acknowledge our mistakes as the Earth expires. Whether from deforestation, invasive species, or climate change, there is one thing completely clear. The Earth is currently in the middle of a sixth mass extinction, and it's been caused by the human race. It's clear that a great extinction is coming from the evidence of the destruction of other species around us. The choices made by the human race have too often negatively affected the species around them. Tracy Wilson, in an article for animal planet, states that "...frequent... headlines that warn of species that are dying out, or becoming extinct" (Wilson). This shows how species have begun dying out, and are frequently becoming extinct. The extinction of the species around us is a concerning factor, one that points towards the subject of mass extinction. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), "...22,413 species of plants and animals are threatened with extinction" (Gilman). There are multiple species dying out, and it's happening at an alarming rate, to the point where it's clear we are in the middle of a sixth mass extinction. It's also clear that the Get more content on
  • 7. Speech On Wildlife Conservation 1.Introduction :– "The morality of a Nation is judged by the way its people treat their Animals".............Mahatma Gandhi. Nature has created several ecosystems and millions of animal and plant species including micro–organisms within each ecosystem on mother earth and every life form has specific roles to play for auto–run of the ecosystem. All life forms are interdependent either to render services to one another or become food for the animals through a food chain or food web. If one species gets eliminated due to some reason or other, the food chain breaks consequently affecting the ecosystem automation process. Man is one of the species among millions of species more content... The conservation ethic was imbibed in the sylvan surroundings of the ashrams of sages which were the seats of learning in the country's ancient past. Indian wildlife sanctuaries are home to diverse species of birds, mammals and other animals. In India there are around 531 wildlife sanctuaries. Among these wildlife sanctuaries, Project Tiger in India governs 28 Tiger Reserves and they hold special significance in the preservation of tiger. Interestingly, some of the wildlife sanctuaries are specifically named as Bird Sanctuary, such as Keoladeo Ghana National Park before they attained the status of National Park. Several National Parks of the country were formerly wildlife sanctuaries. Wildlife sanctuaries in India cover near about 4.5 percent of the country's total geographical area. These sanctuaries are scattered throughout the country and they with their amazing rock formation, diverse flora and fauna and beautiful landscapes attract the attention of the tourists from far and wide. National Parks in India are IUCN category II protected areas. As of July 2015 there were 105 National Parks encompassing an area of 40,500 sq km comprising 1.23% of India's total surface area. Wildlife sanctuaries are established by IUCN category II protected areas. India has 531 animal sanctuaries referred as wildlife sanctuary. Jim Corbett National Park established in Get more content on
  • 8. Wildlife Conservation Essay They are responsible for cleaning the air most living creatures breath, they give humans and animals material to build homes and buildings with, they help keep the dirt in place, and, among many other uses, they gave humans the material that people use every day, paper. They do all this for humans, and all they need in return is for their young to be planted. If you have not guessed by now, this is describing trees. It is vital for humans to maintain not only the trees population, but also the population of all wildlife. Wildlife conservation is important because regulates wildlife population, helps balance the ecosystem, and maintains the natural beauty for future generations. People mostly assume that maintaining wildlife more content... Also, when the deer population is too high, farmers crops become damaged by the deer, as well as there are more deer killings by car ("Deer" par. 1–10). It is important to keep track of an animals population in order to make sure that the negative side affects do not occur. Sometimes it means keeping one species in its own habitat and preventing it from expanding into habitats that are not its own. Species who manage to do this are called invasive species. Species such as the Lionfish. Lionfish are not a native species to the Atlantic Ocean. They are a venomous, fast reproducing fish that are aggressive eaters and will eat almost anything in copious amounts. They eat so much that they will actual become obese and contract liver diseases. They have no know predators, besides humans. Because they have no predators, once introduced to a reef, they can wipe out 90% of it. "The lionfish invasion is probably the worst environmental disaster the Atlantic will ever face" said Graham Maddocks, president and founder of Ocean Support Foundation ("Lionfish" Par. 3). Lionfish are especially dangerous to ecosystems, because the native aquatic life–forms do not have a natural instinct to be wary of the lionfish. Some may wonder, "how did the lionfish become introduced to the Atlantic ocean?". Well, Florida pet owners are to blame. Lionfish are most known for their beauty, which makes them valuable as pets. However, they are violent fish and tend to attack and kill other fish in the Get more content on
  • 9. Reflection Paper On Nature Nature is a multitude of things due to its essence as an abstract idea. At one point nature can encompass the world, life, and everything in–between. While at the next moment, it can transform into a qualitative description of inherent features, humans and their activities. While it holds an aura of mystery, Nature can simultaneously be likened to concrete ideas and things. Throughout history, nature has taken on different forms and meanings depending on which period is studied. My view of nature closely resembles that of the current era. I believe nature is an environment devoid of human intervention or corruption, yet a place that remains an integral spirit of humanities' interaction with the world around them. This is due to more content... Life and death are delicate strings that weave through our daily lives. Like a balance tipping the scales of the cosmos, nature's life provides enrichment for future generations and civilizations. Diverse species of plants and animals scour the Earth, each one of them strikingly different to the very fiber of their DNA. Nature is life in its rudimentary form. From the primitive life of plankton to the intricate behaviors displayed by primates, nature's life is present everywhere. I share the current era's view that humanities' existence is equal in importance to the most insignificant member of an ecosystem. The continuation of life is bound by species' interdependence for nature's resources. Without harmonious cohabitation, nature's life would cease to progress. Even as the last plumes of smoke die down in the burnt forest, buds and vegetation begin to sprout and flourish, giving life to the dependents of its ecosystem. Images of greenery, saplings, and offspring cross mymind when nature is mentioned. In recent years, nature has developed colloquial meanings as a living entity. Phrases like, "save mother nature" or "nature is dying" are usually used to describe the state of the ecosystem we live and share. Nature is a mother, nursing her young back to health. Due to recent achievements in human development, the current era views intelligence as an endearing Get more content on
  • 10. The preservation of the environment and conservation of energy are dynamic topics in the political world of today and actions to be taken are discussed every day. It is time to advance beyond the ordinary gasoline engine automobile that has polluted our environment for several decades. The recurring problem that hasn't been solved is the pollution from automobiles that harms the environment and uses fuel that won't be around some time in the future. Neglect for the preservation of the environment has spread like an infection over the years, and automobiles are major players in the pollution of the environment. A change is vital, and hybrid cars have begun to lead the way to that change, besting regular car in cost–effectiveness more content... The environmental impacts from automobiles come in the dozens ranging from brake and tire debris to the toxicity of the lead acid batteries in cars. These problems are also not to be taken lightly. For example, the debris from tires and braking raises the toxicity levels of nearby soils and leads to the formation of black carbon. Both pollutants have been shown to cause lung toxicity and significant portions of particulate matter in urban areas. Painting and coating cause discharges of harmful materials such as nickel, copper, and hexavalent chromium into the atmosphere. Batteries are a more critical part of the automobile, and even though they can be recycled they account for the release of 42,000 tons of unwanted lead release into the environment. The plethora of environmental problems from automobiles today is affecting the lifespan of our atmosphere and causing a downward spiral that is exponentially increasing. With these problems, the transportation revolution is knocking on the door and as the guardians of our planet, humanity needs to find a way to decrease pollution and that way has been opened with the hybrid car. Hybrid cars are more beneficial to the environment than their traditional counterparts, but not all hybrid vehicles function the same way. To decrease emissions all hybrid cars run on some form of electricity, whether it run on pure electricity or splits power with Get more content on
  • 11. The dynamic natural environment and abundant wildlife are the most prominent features of the African continent. Due to its wide variety of biomes ranging from tropical forests to arid deserts, Africa consists of bountiful wildlife diversity. However, because of environmentally harmful human interactions, the variety of biomes is shrinking to all–time lows, which causes wildlife to die out. These detrimental human interactions, particularly livestock overgrazing and desertification, occur partly because the native people who depend on the land for daily life do not realize the potential benefits of wildlife and the unsustainability of their current ways. Poaching for horns and other valuable animal parts has also contributed to more content... Herding allowed people to extract previously unobtainable nutrients from their environment. Since humans could not directly digest the grasses that existed in the savannas, the only way for them to take in the nutrients was to use cattle, which are capable of grazing or consuming grass, to convert it into edible forms. By consuming the milk and meat that the cattle produced the people were able to fully exploit the resources available. This pastoralist lifestyle was symbiotic with the agriculturalist lifestyle because the two communities traded goods with each other to maintain healthy diets. Therefore, many civilizations, like Mapungubwe in southern Africa, depended on the mutual relationship between humans and domestic animals to survive. This system was widely accepted due to its effectiveness and eventually became ingrained in African social and economic life. However, because of the rapid increase in population in Africa over the last several centuries has led to severe overgrazing, which occurs when the grass doesn't have sufficient time to recover before being consumed. This has led to desertification, one of the major causes of the decrease in African wildlife populations. (Child Physical Environment, 2013) Desertification is a process that degrades the natural environment to an unproductive state that cannot support the native wildlife communities. More specifically, desertification involves land degradation Get more content on
  • 12. Conservation Ethic Research Paper Conservation Ethics Conservation is a key component in the preservation of Earth's wildlife, resources and overall sustainability. Our ethics and respect for the environment make an everlasting impact on not just our lives but the many other organisms that inhabit this planet with us. Well, what are conservation ethics exactly? "The conservation ethic is an ethic of resource use, allocation, exploitation, and protection. Its primary focus is upon maintaining the health of the natural world: its forests, fisheries, habitats, and biological diversity" (Conservation Ethic). Actions as small as picking up garbage strewn across the landscape can be a form of preservation and a great ethic to possess and pass on to future generations. Our more content... For example, one could just recycle cans and plastic bottles lessening their chance of ending up on the landscape and or in a landfill. We have all seen those commercials of people rescuing sea creatures from plastic and or human waste of some form and in some cases this could be prevented just by recycling. Another conservation ethic that is needed quite dearly involves lessening our overall water consumption. States such as California and Nevada have been experiencing water shortages do to droughts, and who is to say that this cannot happen worldwide if proactive measures are not acted upon. From taking shorter showers to turning off the water when you stop to brush your teeth can really help make a difference. I myself as well, have many different conservation ethics that I live my life by. For example, plastic is abundant enough on the landscape, so I avoid buying bottled water and stick to filtered tap water. I as well monitor my water usage and recycle whenever possible. When grocery shopping, I tend to try and get paper when possible to avoid any unnecessary plastic consumption. Many other important aspects of conservation ethics have to do with sustainability, animal welfare, endangered species and environmental advocacy groups and agencies. We share this planet with some amazing creatures and it is important to preserve and cherish this wonderful place we all call Get more content on
  • 13. Paragraph On Conservation Of Biodiversity In todays society of growth and production, we have reached an age where our industrialism has changed the biodiversity of the worlds ecosystems, and we need to make a choice to preserve them, or we will lose them entirely. The conservation of biology is the idea of understanding and trying to find ways to preserve Earth's biodiversity. Without the biodiversity of ecosystems, they would slowly start to fail and we could potentially lose all the life and resources we gather from our environment. The understanding of conservation of biodiversity needs to be in knowing the role of conservation, the causes in decline of biodiversity, and how biodiversity involves other disciplines. Conservation is defined as understanding and preserving biodiversity in genetic diversities, specie diversities, and ecosystem diversities. The genetic diversity is the long–term survival of species in an environment, species diversity is the protection of a community's diversity, and ecosystem diversity is the varieties from all the communities living and non–living from aquatic to terrestrial. Scientist have determined a plethora of reasons in which we need, and must, find a way to protect our biodiversity. Biodiversity effects the ecosystem services, that benefit people through ecosystem's resources. This pertains to the food coming from agricultural ecosystems, raw goods such as wood and the fresh water used in agriculture, industry, or drinking. These ecosystems also effect the regulating services of water purification by removing sediments, pollination from bees and other insects, pest control that feed on pests, climate regulations by providing shade and serving as windbreakers, the carbon storage in plants removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, as well as erosion and flood protection through plant roots. Our society should understand why biodiversity is important because everything that happens in the ecosystems and biomes around us will directly impact the human race, and we cannot live without some of the biotic and abiotic factors that support all life around us. In recent years more people have noticed the changes in ecosystems and have made an effort to get communities to come together and protect the biodiversity Get more content on
  • 14. While wetland loss is happening globally, the destruction is most severe in the forty–eight conterminous United States where almost half of the wetlands were lost by the middle of the 1980's. Over the past thirty years "the wetlands have been recognized as complex, diverse ecosystems whose functions provide an incredible range of beneficial functions and services within the landscape" (BenDor et al. 342). Areas where wetlands were once located were considered wastelands and little was done to protect or preserve these areas. These important ecological areas have been lost in the last two centuries due to industrialization and urbanization. In this paper, I want to explore the threats our wetlands are facing and examine if enough is being done to preserve these natural resources. To understand why the loss of wetlands is important, we need to know what wetlands are and the significance of them in our environment. The Fish and Wildlife Service defines wetlands as "land where water saturation is a dominant factor that determines the nature of soil development and types of plant and animal communities living in the soil and on the surface." There are two types of Wetlands; non–tidal and tidal. Non–tidal wetlands are the type most prevalent in the United States. Some examples are, deep water swamps like the Okefenokee in Georgia and inland freshwater marshes or meadows like the prairie potholes in the Midwest, Everglades in Florida and Sequoia National Park in California. Tidal Get more content on
  • 15. Animal Conservation Essay Earth is home to a collection of wonderful flora and fauna. From the bold and beautiful macaw to the miniscule pygmy fruit bat, ever ecosystem hosts a multitude of fantastic creatures and fauna. Unfortunately, approximately 16,306 species of plants and animals have been placed on the IUCN's red list as endangered. It is estimated that every day 150–200 fauna and flora species become extinct. Our world cannot afford to lose so much of our natural world, and I believe that it is our responsibility to conserve and protect our ecosystems and the inhabitants of those ecosystems. It is my intention to major in the field of animal sciences with a concentration in biodiversity and conservation so I have the means to aide conservation. Moreover, I hope that by receiving a higher education I can aide in the protection and relief efforts of these wonderful creatures. My intentions are to attend classes that will equip me with the mandatory college and skills to protect and preserve the natural wonder of this earth. My passion for nature was kindled through the wildlife exposer I received from the Great Smoky Mountains national park. The mountains have always been an inspiration and I would love to work in a field in which I get to work the nature within them. Tennessee is home to some many wonderful flora and fauna and it is a place when I truly feel at home. This national park is home to many spectacular and rare animals. Protecting and researching these animals is a truly Get more content on
  • 16. Persuasive Essay On Biodiversity Conservation Biodiversity Conservation in Australia Biodiversity exists in every type of environment. Our existence, as humans, depends greatly on these environments, whether it be for food, materials, or energy. Thus, the conservation of this biodiversity is crucial in sustaining life on Earth. Currently in Australia, the risk of extinction is very real for thousands of species. This is not only detrimental to the actual threatened species, but also for all of the other species in the ecosystem that depend on it. Australia's biodiversity is constantly being threatened by habitat loss, unsustainable practices, overuse of resources, and climate change. Unfortunately, once biodiversity has been lost, it can never fully be restored, thus, we must act quickly and efficiently to ensure that the least amount of permanent loss occurs. According to Australia's 2010–2030 Biodiversity Conservation Strategy, there are three important steps that must be taken above all else to conserve biodiversity. Firstly, all Australian's must be engaged and motivated to take action. Secondly, everyone must work to aid in "building ecosystem resilience." Lastly, once the first two steps have been taken, we must work toward attaining tangible results (Australian Government Department of Environment and Energy). Currently, the main cause of biodiversity loss in Australia is very much due to human intervention in nature–this leading cause being habitat destruction. Thus, it is no surprise that the demolishing of the rainforest is a major problem and threat to Australian biodiversity. As of now, with the massive amount of deforestation occurring daily around the globe, Australia is the only western country to still have large patches of rainforest. Thankfully, today's world has seen a surge in activism. Thus, it is no surprise that there are many movements and campaigns by the Australian people to protect their environment. Unfortunately, however, activism is not enough to fully protect biodiversity and prevent further loss. Even with all of the good that comes with these movements, there are a lot of problems with Australia's current state of conservation. Australia has dug itself into a fairly deep hole; continuing unsustainable practices in the Get more content on
  • 17. The Conservation of the Environment The conservation of the environment is essential for ecosystem functioning and protecting or managing natural plant and animal species. Many plant species are unique because they are irreplaceable and thus need to be protected so that they can be enjoyed to observe in the future just as they are enjoyed now. Conservation of biodiversity is needed due to population and economic growths causing habitat fragmentation, habitat loss, the introduction of invasive species, pollution, soil erosion, unbalanced overexploitation and nutrient loss in soils. Many plant species occurring in the Jan Marais Nature reserve are very vulnerable and very valuable as they are the only undisturbed natural plant species to still remain in the borders of Stellenbosch, which includes the Boland Granite Fynbos and Swartland Shale Renosterveld. The benefits that result from conservation areas are limitless and can include great economic, research, social and educational values. The establishment of conservation areas can benefit biodiversity and conserve or protect vulnerable ecosystems. Conservation areas provide great economical values such as eco–tourism and can also provide employment. Scientists can benefit from conservation areas as they can do research and conduct scientific experiments in natural environments which are not disturbed. Conservation areas are also an important component in education as people can visit these parks to learn more about what conservation is, what species are Get more content on