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Essay On Garden City
Garden City (Background and concept)
According to Garden Cities of To–morrow (Howard 1902), during 19th due to industrialization,
London was the capitalist financial central city. Therefore, more and more people were moving to
urban city from rural areas. Howard (1902) points out that there are 35% of population living in
English agricultural districts are over 60 years old. Consequently, cities became over centralizing
and rural areas became degenerated which also brings the negative impact to the environment. Dal
co (1980, cited in The Uni Tutor 2016) states that these problems drove Howard to start the garden
city movement in 1898.
Garden city movement refers to planning to create planned cities surrounded by the green space.
These ... Show more content on ...
However, different from town magnet, country magnet has abundant natural resource and beauty
living environment but with a lack of social opportunities and communication and complete living
facilities as well. In order to deal with the cities overcentralizing and combine the beautiful natural
environment with human society, there is a concept of town–country magnet which could provide a
livable environment, more job opportunities and social activities at the same time. Barcelona Cerda
plans (background and concept)
In early 19th, There was a dramatic increase of population in Barcelona because of the development
of industrial. During that period, population density was sharply risen in Barcelona because there
were walls surrounding Barcelona which leads to that the city unable to expend. In addition, the
lower income workers almost cannot support their daily life after paying the rent. Moreover, the
worse thing was the health of living space getting worse with the city developed. Therefore, the
Cerda plans was published by IIdefons Cerda.
Kropf (1996, cited in the Uni Tutor 2016) states that the Cerda plans have greatly contributed to the
situation of present day Barcelona due to its unique design in the provision of services to the
population. According to a social–statistical and in–depth
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The Increasing Need for Urban Planning
1. Introduction Quantitative urban studies are becoming increasingly important for planners
knowing that in the year 2015 more than half the global population will be residing in cities [1].
Suitable urban planning ought to be a top priority for future development but unfortunately sound
planning has not taken place especially in many African cities as heavy rural–urban migration
continues to cause cities to expand at uncontrollable rates [2]. As a consequence, the urban
population in Africa is increasing at a much faster rate than in the rest of the world, contributing to
the augmentation of the existing problems such as unsuitable land–use [3]. The concentration of
population in cities comprises as much as 60% of the total population in most countries. In these
immense urban settlements the environmental and social consequences are sometimes disastrous [4].
Large cities in Africa such as Nakuru have experienced a fast growth rate of 13.3% between 1990
and 2006 [5]. The magnification has been attributed to a number of factors, mainly the aperture of
the new Naivasha–Nakuru road, which links the megacity of Nairobi. Post–election violence is
verbally expressed to be one of the contributing factors, since many displaced people from
neighboring towns migrated to Nakuru as a safe shelter. The main consequences in these African
cities include; urban sprawl, unsuitable land–use, inadequate transportation systems, air and water
pollution, depletion of natural resources,
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Exploring Sustainable Urban Developments Require More...
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to view the analysis presented from opposing views
about the above–referenced question. After reading about this matter in question, we should be able
to discern what patterns resulted from Americans moving to suburban areas, what type of social and
environmental characteristics developed, and what were the consequences associated from this
suburban sprawl (p. 271). This post will seek to share their opinions in answering this week's
question from their respective point of view with a special emphasis on Consequences. Question at
Issue: The question to answer this week is whether Sustainable Urban Developments require more
policy innovation and planning. Taylor gives us an abstract in how the opposing sides address
whether current approaches meet present–day urban and metropolitan needs, or whether further
activities and proposals are needed to achieve these ultimate goals (Taylor, pp. 271 – 288).
Information: Answering in the affirmative is Bruce Katz (Katz, 2002); outlines the development
trends that are affecting the demographic in certain areas, and how the consequences of "unbalanced
growth" are affecting central cities, older suburbs, newer communities and low–income and
minority families (pp. 277 – 278). Answering in the opposing side is David B. Resnik (Resnik,
2010), shares why he believes that the urban sprawl model around the perimeter of a city has
negative effect on the
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Overcrowding and Urban Planning in Victorian London Essay
Victorian London in Charles Dickens era was a city suffering under the weight of the masses of
people that lived there. In Dickens' time, London was the largest city in the world, both due to its
population increase and the urban sprawl caused by influx of so many people. There were nearly 4
million inhabitants of the 'Great City' at the height of the Victorian age. This number was an increase
of nearly three million people over a period of approximately 30 years, there were many problems
associated with such explosive growth, problems which were most recognizable during Charles
Dickens lifetime.
The migration from rural settings to an urban setting was common throughout the country but
mainly in London, which was prompted by the lack ... Show more content on ...
H. J. Dyos writes in his book, Exploring the Urban Past: Essays in urban history, of the Select
Committee of 1838:
'other public benefits might in some cases be derived simultaneously with that principal object',(1)
in particular the partial clearance of the 'Rookery' of St. Giles' by means of an extension of Oxford
Street to Hart Street. They based these conclusions on a mass of evidence they had taken on the
desirability of improved both public health and morals, and they had been regaled by the first hand
accounts of the brutish horrors of slum life in various parts of central London. It was hardly
surprising, therefore, that they insisted that the most important improvements . . . are in direct
proportion to the degree in which they embrace all the great purposes of amendment in respect of
health and morals . . . by the removal of congregations of vice and misery, and the introduction of a
better police.(2) (Dyos 86)
As a result of overcrowding, the sanitation issue had to be contended with first and foremost. The
expansion and improvement of the streets, and the expansion of the rail system (including the
Underground) would in turn lead to implementation of the sewer system (which in London emptied
into the Thames.) When new streets were being planned or tramways being laid (for the omnibuses),
the main concern was not for aesthetics, but for sanitation. When questioned by the Royal
Commission on Metropolitan
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With Reference to Examples, Assess the Degree to Which the...
With reference to examples, assess the degree to which the level of economic development of a
country affects planning and management in urban areas.
Planning and management needs to happen in all countries over the world because no matter how
different the level of development between countries the problems will be same in urban areas.
These problems that need to be planned and managed in the urban areas of the city are becoming
increasingly significant due to the fact that there has been a hug increase in the number of people
living in cities worldwide, just over fifty percent of the world are now living in urban areas. The
main reason for this is the huge increase in urbanisation which is defined as an increase in the
proportion of ... Show more content on ...
This master plan was promoted by the central government of France between 1970–2000 it is
known as the Schema Directeur. To some extent this was a success because redevelopment plans of
the Schema Directeur created new futuristic high rise buildings, and better transport links were
creates such as metro stations and RER. Originally 5 new towns were planned in the NW and SE
corridors 30km from the city centre only 4 were ever built though. It has not quite been a total
success even though the amount of people moving out of the city in this green wedge idea has
increased as conterurbanisation has increased. However there are still problems in the urban areas
such as racial disharmony between North Africans and Black Africans. Also in the grande couronne
there is a very young populations and unemployment is still large here. Another problem with the
grande couronne is that 30% of the space is still vacant, so the youth became disenchanted, and riots
in 2005 occurred. Also the increase in commuting to Paris city centre has caused an increase in
Mumbai is on the west coast of India and has had a population growth from 2.9million to
24.3million between 1950 and 2010. This growth is mainly due to migration but these are mostly
men so it is limited growth. The average increase is 12% growth per annum due to rural to urban
migration this occurred
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The City Of The Mercantile City
1. Within the last few centuries, cities as have evolved to take on the features that are used today to
identify the makings of what is a great city. As cities shifted from the concept of the political city to
the mercantile city and finally the industrial city, traditional political, economic and social patterns
began to take on new forms and functions that transformed them to become the urbanized spaces
they are now. Major early cites began in the form of the political city, a place that was the
functioning center of the state or empire. Often populated by the bureaucratic ruling class, the city
was regarded as a space for elite. As the apex of the state, cities served as nexus of trade. A crossing
ground for people, goods, and ideas. As this network of exchange transforms the common concept
of the city, merchants slowly gained status and were allowed to move in. Gradually the once
exclusively aristocratic setting evolved into what became known as the mercantile city where the
market became the core of the city. No longer primarily a place of consuming elites, but a hub of
new complexity, cities not only drew in commodities in the form of imports but also dynamic and
profound ideas and people that reshaped cities as they were seen previously – giving rise to Henri
Lefebvre's notion of heterogeneity. Cities were mirroring social and cultural diversity with material
processes; a picture of modernity as old ties were being replaced by newer ones. Thus began the
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Department Of Urban And Regional Planning
Jackson State University
History of Planning (URP 500)–MID–TERM EXAM
DUE––October 14, 2016, by 5:00PM
Directions: Please answer all the following questions. Total points 30.
In 1926, the Village of Euclid vs Amber Realty Corporation was a historical event in planning, why?
It was the first significant case that addressed the new practice of zoning, and served to substantially
boost to zoning ordinances in towns nationwide in the United States and in other countries.
In the case of Village of Euclid vs. Ambler Realty Corporation; Ambler Realty owned 68 acres of
land in the Village of Euclid, a suburban neighbor in Cleveland, Ohio. The village, in attempt to
prevent Cleveland industrializing their suburban neighborhood on November 13, 1922, general
counsel created a zoning ordinance for Euclid as an effort to stop the growth of industry which
would ultimately change the dynamics of the Euclid community. The zoning ordinance included 6
classes of use, 3 classes of height, and 4 classes of area. The property that Ambler Realty owned was
divided into the three different areas of classes and it prevented Ambler Realty from developing the
land for industrial purposes. Ambler Realty filed the lawsuit because of the zoning ordinance that
they said ultimately decrease the value of the land, limited the use of the land, prevented the sale of
the land and the also claimed that it violated their right to due process. Amber
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How The Urban Planning And Development Of Jane Jacobs :...
"What is here for a resident?" was the most commonly asked question throughout the afternoon of
exploration in downtown Springfield, Massachusetts. Unfortunately many urban planning and
development endeavors will not always cater to the citizen, but the wealthy, whether that be upper
class company workers, tourists, or the suburbs. This trend is noticeable throughout many cities but
is especially apparent in Springfield. A city with a class pre–World War II design that has been on
the decline as industrial work has left, nearby areas have held steady while the actual city core has
been neglected. Recently though, some initiatives have been put in place to revive the Central
Business Districts, and those efforts do not go unnoticed. Some of ... Show more content on ...
Jacobs agrees with this trend, arguing, "It is necessary to take issue with a common belief about
cities– the belief that uses of low status drive out uses of high status. This is not how cities behave,
and the belief that it is render futile much energy aimed at attacking symptoms and ignoring causes."
The basis of the 'Renaissance' campaign is that because housing, office space, and cost of living are
affordable, now is the opportune time to participate, engage, and become a part of the Springfield
community. So far the campaign is working, noticeable by the numerous banks, financial centers,
and, most notably, Mass Mutual insurance. These companies have brought in an impressive revenue
yet have changed that landscape of downtown to a transitory place that caters to the commuting
workers, not the actual community nearby. This transitory space of downtown is most visible in the
parks downtown. Court Square is a beautiful park surrounded by businesses and cafes and has all
the elements of a park Jacobs' argues for. Her book details the essential elements of a good park as
intricacy, centering, sun, and enclosure. Court Square has a clear center with easy walking paths the
lead to it, with plenty of trees to provide ample shade, greenery, and sun, and well marked
boundaries to signal the beginning and end of park space. The only issue is intricacy, a space that is
complex enough to serve different purposes for different groups of people. The
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Urban Planning Models
Talen has been trying hard to build them a theory and has written many articles and books on the
subject. But their lack of theory leads to a malleability within New Urbanism, that helps suspend
their stated principles of diversity and affordability when they are not feasible, and perpetuates a
dogma about the effects of the built environment.
Similar to urban planners of the past new urbanist believe in their own expertise. June Thomas
writes about the failures of different urban planning models to include justice but still believes in
their intentions and role in building the best community. Thomas (2005) writes, about the tenacity of
urban planners. She states, in spite of false steps and inadequate tools, in spite of political turmoil
and social upheaval, local efforts continued. At no time during this half century did such efforts stop,
although sometimes they slowed and became practically invisible. Someone was always trying to
plan and develop a better city, and someone always will, for the foreseeable future (Thomas, 2005:
Even as Thomas writes about the failures of urban planning to act justly in a racist society she still
centers the role of professionals to create a better city. It may be true that urban planning will always
seek to build a better place for people to live. However, the real question is who will that city be for
and whose interests will it serve.
Holston (1998) writes that urban planning has always been for those who fit neatly into the
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An Eco Friendly Architecture, H E C. E B At Muller And The...
Nowadays, sustainability has been taken more into consideration for contemporary designs as it
means people need to leave enough resources for future generation while they are consuming for
their own needs which requires people to keep a balanced relationship with natural environment
when they have their own plannings(van de Kerk and Manuel as cited in Bender, H., Judith, K. &
Beilin, R, 2012). That is, some designs are well considered and constructed in order to achieve
sustainability in many ways, such as reducing energy consumption, having less impact to the
environment and starting to repay to nature. This essay will use the examples of an eco–friendly
architecture, H–E–B at Muller and the city planning of Melbourne to illustrate how urban designs
can contribute to sustainability.
Some architectures are designed to consume resources more efficiently aiming not to exceed the
availability for satisfying future generation needs and continuing a balanced ecosystem. It seems
that renewable energy is being used in some architectures in order to achieve the low consumption
of resource. This is one attempt for human to try to make the buildings sustainable and ecofriendly,
because it is can be noticed that the buildings may consume materials, energy and functioning the
buildings needs to use energy as well(Cordero, 1992). It has been found that buildings did have an
impact on the environment such as generating greenhouse gas emission(Cordero, 1992). Thus, in
order to reduce the
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Urban Water Planning
In this changing global world, urban water systems are the most essential, valuable and sensitive
part of public infrastructure. Different utilities and municipalities are dealing with this infrastructure
with high responsibility and trying to manage and expand this infrastructure properly for present and
future generations [2].
In this present world, some emerging issues should be taken in consideration for future planning as
these issues are going to increase day by day in near future. These most important issues are: rising
population, increasing urbanization, growth in development and climate change. According to
United Nations Department of Economy And Social Affairs (UNDESA), the projected increase of
global water ... Show more content on ...
The application of systematic and effective processes to manage the assets over a whole life–cycle is
provided by Whole Life Asset Management (WLAM), in order to ensure that the infrastructure
performance satisfies the intended service and meets the demand of the stakeholders with minimized
corresponding risk and cost [4] [5].
Each utility company or Government faces unique problems. Therefore an asset management plan
(AMP) that gives unique solution to the particular problems that the utility company faces due to
urbanization, while considering the current issues, technologies and time required for planning,
implementation, associated risks and challenges is a necessity to provide.
As an analysis to measure, how WLAM can improve the asset performance of water infrastructure,
this report evaluates a case study carried out by GHD, University of Sydney and p3iC, on one water
approach to urban water management at a city scale, namely that of the city of Sydney (CoS). The
study highlighted the challenges and the problems that are present in the water infrastructure of the
CoS [1].
This report shows where WLAM can be applied at the water infrastructure of the CoS to cope up
with the pressure exerted on the infrastructure for increasing urban population and suggests methods
and techniques that can be applied or utilized in doing so.
'The line of sight' approach will be developed as a guideline from corporate objectives to final
implementation of an AMP. 'Line of sight is very
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Utopian Urbanism That Forms Utopic Degeneration
From recent years, utopian urbanism connects with the so–called crisis of modernist urbanism that
forms utopic degeneration. Utopia has developed to mean a community with a visionary system of
political and societal perfection, where cities that function to improve the daily lives of its citizens;
an ideal society, However these concepts are more often than not depicted as an impossible dream,
yet too bold, too radical to ever exist in real life. Some utopian visions are focused on new
technology, whereas others are on intact landscapes. In other occasions, some are based on new
social orders, but all were combined under a radical avant–garde and progressive architecture. It is
this, their new and bold concepts that drive the imagination of architects and town planners.
Although rarely realized in full, principles from some utopian visions have been adopted in part and
have had significant influence on existing cities such as New York, Chandigarh and Paris. They are a
catalyst for generating ideas and new forms of thinking that leads to, for better or for worse the
many innovations in 21st century urban planning. Since utopian thinking can produce a vision of the
future that is achievable, what is the connection between having a vision of the future, whether
achievable or not, and utopian thinking?
The concept of utopia, derived from Thomas Mores, in his famous text in 1516 where he refers a
place as to both somewhere good and to nowhere. The connections between utopian
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Associative Parametric Urbanism : A Computational Approach...
Associative Parametric Urbanism:
A Computational Approach to Parameterization of Conceptual Design Phase
Ayoub, M. 1
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design
Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport, Egypt email:
Technological advancements and their rapid effects on humanity are forcing our cities to transform
at all levels, as modern cities are becoming more dynamic and opened for future changes. During
the urban planning process, the traditional conceptual design phase usually comprises a complex set
of objectives and requirements that needs to be addressed, such as site considerations, circulation,
land use, and environmental issues. To respond to these complexities, a number of design
alternatives is developed and assessed against certain criteria, which require a lot of repetitive steps
resulting in fewer and slowly–developed design varieties. The traditional development processes are
no longer able to give the optimum design solution, as they are considered static ones. They lack the
flexibility and responsiveness needed to follow the speed of new paradigm shifts. Urban planners
find themselves at the mid–point of an ongoing cycle of adaptation to comply with the demand for
an increased level of complexity. It is not simply the use of pre–compiled computer aided design
software that aims to replicate the drawing board, but rather the development of computer
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Single Person 's Talent Or Effort Essay
Project is never outcome of single person's talent or effort. It would have been impossible to
complete this journey without support & encouragement of lots of people. This project work has
been the most practical and exciting part of our learning experience, which would be an asset for us
for our future. No system is created entirely by an individual. Many people have helped us to create
this application and each for their contribution has been valuable. Proper organization of concept
and analysis of the system is due to taken to keep interest and helping hand of our teachers and
colleagues. Our most sincere thanks to our head of the department Mrs. Urvisha Patel and our
project guide Mr. Mayank Chauhan for the kind of co–operation and for guiding, encouraging and
motivating us through out in the project. At last we would like to thank all those people who have
helped or assisted us in any way, directly or indirectly to make our project successful. No words can
express the deep gratitude for all of you. Submitted by: Mayur Patel (130333131072) Jinesh Patel
(130330131059) Nikunj Patel (130330131079) Smit Patel (130330131091) ABSTRACT Project
topic:Mobile Village(M–Village) The main Objective of this "Mobile Village" Project is to provide
information about village and also provide the various facilities which makes the villagers life easy
& time saving. In this project we make our
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The Element Of Great City
The Element of Great City
The film, Before Sunset, is about a couple who spent a passionate day together and separated get
back again in Paris. Paris has so much history and tradition all over the city. These remarkable
landmarks and classical architecture are pervading over the city and it represents a history of France.
Another unique about the Paris is that unlike any other cities, Paris makes the best use of what they
have and maintain its characteristics while they modernize rebuilding the city. It looks like their
attempt succeed and tourist from all over the world constantly show their love in Paris. However, it
could be a different story for people who live in Paris. Of the planning and urban environment
related issues in the film, the inconvenience of development and access, the complicated
transportation system, and underdevelopment of residential districts. These planning issues cause a
structural conflict on city planning and also a discomfort of daily life for people live in Paris.
People's daily life sacrifices the convenience to maintain the city's history. In "Whose Culture?
Whose City?" sociologist Sharon Zukin suggested that "Gentrification, historic preservation, and
other cultural strategies to enhance the visual appeal of urban spaces developed as major trends".
For example, the historical and classic buildings in Paris are one of main reasons that people love
about the Paris. Most of buildings are hundreds years old at least and they have their own
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Children Of Heaven Sociology
Film Analysis #1 All over the world, there are various kinds of socio–economic classes, races, and
ethnicities, all with a different style of living. One important sociological idea is that a person's
quality of life is determined by their rank in a social hierarchy. This includes education, access to
jobs, income, and other factors that all determine where and how they will live. In all parts of the
world, urban planning is significant for a society to prosper. However, in underdeveloped parts of
the world, this aspect is a struggling factor. The movie, Children of Heaven, directed by Majid
Majidi, is a perfect example of a lower–class society struggling in the city of Tehran, Iran. It is
centered around a family of five trying to make a living with the little income that they have. Not
only does Children of Heaven show the hardships of a poor family, but it also displays the inequality
between different classes, and the ways that the community can be affected by Urban Planning, both
today and for years to come. One of the most important themes in the movie is the difference in how
the poor neighborhoods are structured when compared to the rich neighborhoods. Max Weber's
concept of socioeconomic status, a ranking that is based on social inequality, is shown in this aspect
to distinguish between the upper class and low class. It is clear to the viewer the difference in what
the houses look like in these two areas. The houses that the family is living in are very
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Garden City Movement Essay
The garden city movement, a method of urban planning that was initiated in 1898 by Sir Ebenezer
Howard, had a significant influence on urban planning. The theory of urban planning has envolved
over the past hundred years, some have attempted to emulate theories from the garden city
movement, while others have been revised based on Howard's original ideas. The Garden City
concept spawned many ideas of urban planning. Among these ideas, the Garden Suburb, Satellite
City, the New Towns Movement and the New Urbanism are all significant theories in the history of
urban planning and had their influence to this day. The integration of town and country, the
separation of conflicting land uses and modes of travel, and the ideas of growth management are all
elements of the Garden City concept that have made made their ways into plans of most major
Western cities.
The purpose of this paper is to review the key ideas of the Garden City Movement and to discuss
how his ideas have been developed and revised in the latter urban planning theories, which are, the
Garden Suburb, Satellite City, the New Towns Movement and the New Urbanism.
Ebenezer Howard and the Garden City Idea
The garden city idea emerged during a time when countries were beginning to urbanize (15% of the
world's population were urban, a rapidly growing figure). There, the living and working
environments were squalid and the working
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The World Of Urban Planning
Assignment #2
In the world of urban planning it seems a million different elements can, or should, be taken into
consideration when proposing a new development. Whether it be factors ranging from homeowner
value, to economic contribution, to environmental science, and so on, they all have a common action
of measuring the opportunity cost. When all the factors influencing the plan are considered, the
lengthy timetables, even for smaller projects such as a connecting freeway, begin to be accepted or
otherwise understood. That is to say, in a democratic society with a complex structure of laws and
policies there will be a countless amount of stakeholders, making it impossible to find an urban plan
that was finished without facing ... Show more content on ...
The meeting officials provided everything that would be needed for a first time patron, as they cared
for even the minuscule details such as providing water and snacks or, more importantly, the
awareness behind having a 15 minute meet and greet at the start of the event that functionally, not
only encourages fellow community members to become acquainted, but can serve as a leeway for
the inevitable few that always seem to be running late. Attending to these small details lead to a
more fluid presentation that significantly reduces late patron interruptions and the bombardments of
questions overall creating a great framework for hosting a public meeting. As the meeting was
successful and seemingly effortless it did not come without its hiccups the most significant being the
first speakers lack of tech savvy that delayed the start of his presentation. This small mistake was
able to provide a great example of how the flaw of not being fully prepared with the presentation's
technology can be a simple fix to increase the meeting's flow.
The aviation public meeting served as a head start for the city of Tempe's community, providing
important information regarding the recent dialogue on Phoenix Sky Harbor and FAA's new
"NextGen" operation. This meeting can be seen as a head start because the issues, which are rising
from the FAA's unconventional advance on the NextGen plan, are currently topics the City of
Tempe does not hold a
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Theory on Urban Planning
I Introduction
Urban planning is the difficult and often frustrating business of trying to design cities that are livable
and safe. When city neighborhoods decay, civic leaders often turn to urban planners with the hope
that they can revitalize and reenergize the area. However, all too often it seems that in making their
plans for renewal, urban designers fail to take into account the needs and desires of perhaps the most
important people who will be involved in the process: the citizens.
This paper examines the theoretical aspects of urban planning. It also discusses what lessons
professional planners can learn during the process, and what the conflicts between planners and
citizens may be.
II Theory of Urban Planning
Although the trend is to think that planning is a recent concept, urban planning is not new. Chicago
is a prime example, it was the first city to be laid out according to a plan; the plan included aspiring
ideas for the river and lakefront as well as the idea that every citizen should be within walking
distance of a park. As history shows us early cities intentionally designed narrow streets to make it
difficult for an enemy to move through the city easily. Yet today's plans have wider streets, setbacks
and green space integrated throughout a city.
Today, urban planning has become increasingly important due to a high concentration of people
living in or near city centers as well as blight in inner city neighborhoods. During the 20th Century
several things
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Modern Urban Planning in The Life and Death of Great...
Literature Review
"Architecture needs to understand what people's needs are and incorporate those needs into the
In a developing country like Pakistan, the growth of urban poor is increasing rapidly. Consequently,
the need for shelter is increasing to accommodate the growing urban poor. The housing provided by
the public sector is based on modern conventional zoning practices which do not respond to the
housing needs of the lower income group in the third world countries. In the absence of appropriate
low income housing, the lower income group are left with no other choice but to live in squatter
settlements which are termed as illegal. However, these settlements present ideas that help to
develop a sense of community and ... Show more content on ...
Consequently, increasing the level of attachment people have with a neighbourhood adding to its
sense of place.
Along with it, the idea of mixed use zoning, ensures the constant presence of people at different
times throughout the day for different purposes and where they overlap, they promote the idea of
human interaction. The idea of a shorter block and network of narrow streets put forward in the
book promotes the idea of human interaction since it provides different possibilities of reaching the
same location; encouraging informal encounters and interactions. This book helps to understand
how certain physical environment and sociological setup helps in building a sense of community of
a neighbourhood.
How can our acts of making become more effective by working with rather than against human
patterns of use and interaction, elaborating forms of life and knowledge embedded in urban
Taking the research further, the book "The New Urbanism: Toward an Architecture of Community"
by Peter Katz elaborates on the theory of New Urbanism and present principles that focus on the
idea that certain physical setup can enhance a social behaviour. The New Urbanism theory came
forward in the 1980s as a response to the urban sprawl of the suburbs based on single use
conventional planning practices .The reason being that such prevailing patterns have lost the charm
the emphasize on the public realm of the traditional
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China 's Recent Urban Planning
Study Context and Data Sources
2.1 Beijing's Recent Urban Planning
Beijing is the capital of China and one of the most populous cities in the world. The current
population as of 2014 was over 21 million. The area of Beijing Metropolitan Area (BMA) is 16,410
square kilometers. According to land use dataset of Beijing Institute of City Planning, the total urban
area as of 2012 was 1,675 square kilometers. The BMA currently comprises 16 administrative
subdivisions, as presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1 The Beijing Metropolitan Area Since the latest administrative boundary adjustment of
Beijing in 1958, there have been five urban master plans drafted in 1958, 1973, 1982, 1992 and
2004. Each master plan was associated with a planned overall land use map. Individual land parcels
in the map were assigned with a land classification of either urban (residential, commercial,
industrial, public green land, and mixed–use land) or non–urban (farmland, forestland, and wetland)
(Long, Gu, & Han, 2012). The maps guide the future urban development, and actual land uses
should conform to the land classification plan.
Since the beginning of the 1990s, the BMA has experienced an unprecedented increase in
population growth and urban development. By the year 2003, Beijing's population and urban built–
up area had already surpassed the capacity set forth in the 1992 –2010 Master Plan, seven years
ahead of the plan's scheduled expiration date. To address new challenges and plan for greater
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The Impact of Contemporary Urban Planning Principles and...
Since the 1950s, the cities of Saudi Arabia witnessed significant changes in the composition of the
population and the arrangement of the built environment. The Saudi society has transformed from a
nomadic pastoral society to a highly modernized one as a result of the increase in national revenues
from oil production. Rapid growth and improved economic conditions led to the adoption of modern
planning principles which are in contrary to the traditional city. Although modernization had
contributed to raising the living standard of the neighbourhood, it led to the creation of social,
cultural and climate problems as well. This essay will shed light on the impact of the contemporary
urban planning principles and the setback regulations ... Show more content on ...
it is located in the centre of the Arabian peninsula (Figure 1). The modern history of Saudi Arabia
began in 1939 when King Abdul–Aziz Al Saud united the parties of the peninsula under a single
authority and then declared the emergence of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Before 1939, Riyadh
lived a state of poverty, starvation, lack of resources and the most important of all, lack of security.
The region began a new phase after the unification of the Kingdom and the spread of security. Walls
of the city lost its importance. A number of neighbourhoods were established outside the city walls,
with wide and straight streets in response to the arrival of the car has become the means of transport.
The planning aspects of the new neighbourhoods do not differ from the built environment within the
walled city, the semi–private spaces and the courtyard houses are part of the neighbourhoods'
characteristics (Eben Saleh, 2002). Riyadh had witnessed a considerable increase in population due
to immigrants from the surrounding areas (Figure 2). Significant changes in the city of Riyadh
occurred when the government established AlMalaz project according to Western planning
principles in 1953. Later, the government emphasized the orientation of the Western system by
adopting Doxiadis's gridiron master plan for Riyadh in 1970 (Figure 3). The grid planning pattern
and setback regulations are in contrast with the pattern of
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Native American Urban Planning
The federal government is in charge of all the Native American affairs but they have failed to live up
to the responsibility to help them. At one point in time the Native American population owned 6.1
billion acres of land and that has been decreased all the way down to 50 million acres. In the class
article Off the Land it says, "During the fur trade we could make a killing because we were sitting
on the greatest concentration of beavers." This was talking about when they were free to trade and
make money and then their way of life was taken from them and they were kicked on to less
valuable land with no way of making money. This is a direct quote of how great their life used and
how they were able to make money and support their families and community. According to Forbes,
"Native American reservations are among the poorest communities in the United States." The US
government has kept them in poverty and managed their lands for a long time.
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Participation in Urban Planning of China
Participation in urban planning of China
With the development of society and economic, public participation has been a popular topic which
attracted people from different fields. On the basic of various theories of urban planning, a great
amount of market economy countries have successively established public participation system in
the field of urban planning. These successful experiences provide a good guide for China urban
planning to use for reference, the changes in Chinese politics, economic system and social culture
also provide an opportunity to do a new change on urban planning system of China. This article
mainly introduces three planning theories which represent different degrees of participation in urban
planning, and then an analysis of these three theories in connection to the status of urban planning of
China will be provided. At the end of this article, I will give out several improvements in relation to
the issues in urban planning of China.
Rational–comprehensive planning theory Auguste Comte has offered rational–comprehensive
planning theory in 18th century, who first put forward the concept of the theory. He believes that
people could realize a superior state of civilization with the help of science of technology and
sociology,which is still the mainstream urban planning thought by now (Mäntysalo, 2005). The
core thought of the theory of rational–comprehensive planning is the combination of the approaches
of classical science with the
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Paris Urban Planning
As the largest city in France with a 10.8 million population ("The World Factbook: France", 2017),
Paris has been ranked number four according the global power city index measured by Institute for
Urban Strategies, The Mori Memorial Foundation (2017). Moreover, as one of the most visited city
in the world (Millington, 2017), proper urban planning in Paris seems to be required in order to
maintain an appropriate balance between the large amount of tourists' influx and the residents' living
quality. Based on Before Sunset (Linklater, 2004), the movie conveyed several perspectives that
could potentially impact the urban planning of Paris. This paper would be analyzing the following
aspects in order to emphasize the importance of urban planning in such a megacity: the concept of
city sustainability, the mixed–use concept within the city, and the importance of open space. An
insight on the relation between urban planning and vulnerability towards terrorism attack would also
be discussed.
The concept of urban sustainability stemmed from the expectation of large population influx within
the next 50 years to major cities. If no sustainable plans were implemented prior to the population
growth, the sudden increase in carbon footprint, household and transportation greenhouse gases, and
so on could potentially worsen some severe global phenomena such as climate change or extreme
weather conditions (Kammen & Sunter, 2016). As a result, in major cities like Paris, the integration
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How Do Planning Work?
Does Planning work? Choose one plan and consider the ways in which it has either ameliorated or
exacerbated to social and/or physical environment.
This essay will discuss Urban Planning and its relation to a specific plan. The plan that will be
discussed is the 2011, "Nowra CBD Master Plan". The essay will also aim to address the question
"Does Planning Work?" through the discussion of relevant examples and leading factors in the role
of planning.
Often said that planners draw plans and once one has been done then another will take its place
without much regard for what has preceded it. Plan–making indeed is often seen as a futile practice,
making projections into a future which no–one can ever know in a situation where much of for ...
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30year vision addresses how we will grow as a township
What framework are they using?
What are the aims of this 30 year plan?
Planning is not a science, it is a political process, this plan has no guarantee and the predictions for
population growth are exactly that, predictions.
Liveability is part
This is the inner ring where retail is high and businesses are located, t
The emergence and demand for new retails distributors
CONCEPT: Expand the central city!
The Shoalhaven City Council is concerned with the
Look to the terms set by the planners themselves.
Use some of the ethical principles from Module 1 (such as enhancing social equity or progressing
the greater good)
Enhancing economical and financial status
Draw on some of the theories presented in Module 2 (such as ones supporting higher urban densities
In addition you should locate your chosen plan into the history of Australian planning (described in
Module 3) and might even consider some of the current issues and how they might be addressed
(such as for better suburbs from Module 4).
Current issues, both legislative and those exciting the popular imagination (and these will vary from
year to year of unit offer). For example: sustainability, public vs. private transport, sprawl vs.
consolidation, heritage vs. development, Indigenous issues, social
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What role does community planning have in economic...
DBP411 – Community Planning
Assignment 2
Community Planning Practice Paper
What role does Community Planning have in Local Economic Development?
Lecturers: Fiona Caniglia & Stuart McLaughlin
Student: Andreas Faludi
Student ID: 02534955
Due Date: 4 June 2004
"Planning ahead is a measure of class. The rich and even the middle class plan for generations, but
the poor can plan ahead only a few weeks or days."
Gloria Steinam, The Time Factor (1980)
INTRODUCTION ... Show more content on ...
This paper will examine the role that Community Planning principles can play in Local Economic
Development (LED). Importantly, this report will aim to identify the causes an consequences of
economic disparity within communities, identify those individuals and groups that have the most to
contribute to LED in their community and finally discuss and examine a range of policy initiatives
that focus on sustainable economic outcomes for all members of the community network. It is also
hoped that this paper may provide a guide for students of urban and regional planning, as to how
human and financial goals need not be mutually exclusive of one another.
Economic growth, not just community bonding
In international business, the world is divided into developed and developing nations. The yardstick
used to measure this difference is typically economic. How then do we know when we have crossed
the line between a "developing" and a "developed" community? What
yardsticks are available to us? Typically, successful communities are measured in terms of
participation, support networks and a general willingness to action outcomes (more often human and
intangible outcomes) for that community. But while in terms of participation, a community may be
very wealthy, a large proportion may be just as poor in economic standards. Accordingly, it is
submitted that having implemented a community plan that succeeds in uniting a local area is only
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Discuss the Impact of the Automobile’s Rise on Urban Form...
Discuss the impact of the automobile's rise on urban form during the twentieth century and critically
evaluate planning measures used to limit the negative social and environmental aspects Since the
rise of the automobile, there have been many dramatic changes to urban form in attempts to
accommodate this new mode of transport. Focusing on America and Britain, this discussion
considers influences on all scales ranging from reclassification of physical roads to the
decentralization of urban cores. The rising social and environmental concerns caused by the increase
in vehicle usage include pedestrian safety, residential livability, and environmental deterioration. I
have decided to explore this question by ... Show more content on ...
Lippincott suggested the widening of existing streets and "new diagonal arteries dedicated only to
traffic", these plans alone would cut across the existing urban fabric dramatically (see figure 1).
Eventually, the study led to formations of Major Street Traffic Plans, written by Olmsted,
Bartholomew and Cheney from 1929. When implemented, the plans altered urban form in American
cities with new openings, extensions and street patterns to reduce barriers to traffic (Roth, 2007).
Figure 1. Proposed Plans for Downtown, Los Angeles
(Traffic Commission of City and County of Los Angeles, 1924)
To an extent, the Major Street Plans and motorways were planning measures to limit social and
environmental externalities. "Separating pedestrian, streetcar, and auto traffic" enhanced the form of
urban areas and provided an efficient, coordinated street system, for example improved traffic
crossings ensured maximum pedestrian safety (Brown, 2006). With the separation of mobility and
access, crossings and passageways secured pedestrian safety in high traffic areas. However, with
cities serving as "places of innovation and creative hubs of the economy", it is assumed that the
mass population would favour proximity to central business districts (Jacobs, 1961). Considering a
lower population residing in outskirt regions and motorway infrastructures encircling cities,
consequently, the separation of pedestrian and
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Energy Planners And Energy Planning
Energy Planners and Energy Planning
Tim Bowles
PPA–604 Urban Planning/Redevelopment
Prof. Jacqueline Thomas, Instructor
Ashford University
September 19, 2016
Introduction The discussion will be the subject of Energy. In a personal way, energy can be defined
as efficiency and effectiveness. The majority of energy regulations is done by the national
government. At the national level, there are concerns for the environment and environmental
problems when it comes to energy planning. The national government has to establish national
standards for all the states that are involved in energy planning and producing energy resources. Due
to the national level and national regulations, this means that energy planning is a joint activity
between the states and the federal government.
Energy planning surfaced with the increase in oil prices began. The planning included controls and
the intensity of development. An energy planner is someone who assists with the regulations and
development of energy policies for the long term. These regulations and development are
established with the national, regional state, and local governments. Energy planning and energy
planners both conduct integrated approaches with academic institutions, government agencies, oil
companies, utility companies, coal and solar energy industries. The original concerns of energy
planners and energy planning, is the conservation of energy sources. The Levy text,
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Objectives Of Urban Planning
3. Urban planning and informality, a Proposed Urban Model
The effectiveness of urban planning is the key factor in regulating villages and settlements
uncontrolled informality. The main objective is to Plan an integrated and sustainable human
settlements that demonstrate a certain amount of resilience towards to increase environmental, social
and economic challenges and improve the rural community quality of life. Figure 4, a Design
3–1 Goals
3–1–a Environmental
– Improve environmental sustainability and village's resilience about climate change.
– Reduce pollution and greenhouse gas effects on rural settlements.
– Increase environmental awareness towards renewable energy resources.
3–1–b Economic.
– Promote economic growth by encouraging productivity for a better economic quality of life.
– Create an attracting economic environment to reduce urban migration.
3–1–c Socially
– Promote equality in access to social and cultural services/ education.
– Promote cultural identity and social integration by providing a physical space with means of
– Increase a sense of security by eliminating violence and crime.
3–2 Mechanisms
3–2–a Environmental
– Encourage energy and water saving through adapting certain on site renewable mechanism and
recycling facilities.
– Increase environmental awareness and educate rural inhabitants affordable means of maintaining
such systems.
– Prevent hazardous and polluting materials.
– Promote sustainable and low Carbone
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Importance Of Urban Planning In Australia
Planning at both urban and regional level in Australia exhibits several common features, shaped
largely by the same challenges and managed by similar responses.
Urban planning in Australia has a significant role to play in ensuring the future sustainability of
Australian cities.
Population and urbanization:
Australia is one of the most highly urbanised societies in the world. Urbanization is occurring not
only in the capital cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane etc but also in coastal areas within 2–3
hours of commutable distance from city centre. This has lead to formation of an exurban belt that is
facilitated by transport improvements and technological change such as the internet. Such continued
population growth in Australian cities is placing increasing pressure on infrastructure, such as public
transport and roadways, energy, air and water systems within the urban environment.
Planning challenges: For Planners, the expanding human settlement and land use bring a range of
specific challenges, such as housing people, creating employment and providing physical and social
infrastructure while minimizing potential land–use conflicts and environmental impacts.
Governance and management:
Urban planning is undertaken at all levels of Government in Australia. However, the Federal
Government is playing an increasing part in setting policy as part of an overall response to
developing climate adaptation and mitigation strategies. The local government has also been
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Essay On Urban Planning By Jane Jacobs
Urban planning is an important aspect of city life, especially in light of today's dynamic economy
and environment. With increasing levels of crime, pollution, and environmental degradation, many
cities are looking for new solutions to solve these. Large influences on the ideas that are shaping
urban planning today come from urban theorist, Jane Jacobs. Jacobs challenged the way urban
planners, architects, urban designer and sociologist thought about cities. In order to solve "the kind
of problem which cities pose", Jacobs promotes the idea of the use of sidewalks includes three
majors. It is about city sidewalk safety and sidewalk contacts. Jacobs wrote that "there must be eyes
upon the street, eyes belonging to those we might call the natural proprietors of the street." Through
analyzing and observing such things as city streets and sidewalks, neighborhood parks within a city
and what Jacobs refers to as "the four generators of diversity", Jacobs has developed theories that
can guide city planners, architects, urban designer and most ... Show more content on ...
Stores, bars, cafés and restaurants are necessary to attract people at night. The mixture of
workplaces and residences generally assures that there are always people around keeping the streets
safe with their presence. The "eyes on the street" is one of the several phrases that Jacobs coined and
entered into the terminology of urban planning. She demonstrates the vitality and benefits of busy
sidewalks on the basis of the street life at her doorstep in Greenwich Village. Jacobs depicts how a
marvelous order for maintaining the safety of the streets is working under the seeming disorder of
the city. Her description of the "sidewalk ballet" that takes place every day on Hudson Street is
probably the most famous passage of
Death and
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How Do Urban Planners Use Zoning
Urban planners use zoning to designate the land use in the city. Examples of zoning districts include
residential, commercial, industrial, and mixed use. Within these districts, there are certain uses,
permitted use, in which the land is intended; in addition, there are exceptions to these uses. Zoning
can be disadvantageous due to the discriminatory practices based off of race and class; however,
zoning is a very important tool because it provides a guide for future development and support
public interest.
Zoning is a very important tool for urban planning because it provides a guide to the future
development of a municipality. Zoning takes in consideration the interests of the residents and the
environment. As zoning became widely used throughout
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The Center For Urban Sustainable Planning
Executive summary
The Center for Urban Sustainable Planning (CUSP) was established in 1996 as a United States
501(c) (3) non–profit organization intended to educate city planners and government officials on
sustainable urban planning programs for low– to mid–range developing countries and assist them in
developing urban systems that serve industry, tourism, and provide opportunities for the urban poor.
Our areas of expertise include urban planning, tenure rights, economic development, infrastructure,
environmentally friendly development, social engagement, poverty reduction, zoning codes,
legislation, and residential housing focused on provision of adequate housing for the urban poor.
The CUSP mission is to ensure that city planners, government officials, transnational corporations,
and the international community engages in urban planning activities to build better cities that serve
their entire population in environmental and economically sustainable ways.
We are aware that with increasing migration to urban centers by both professionals seeking work, as
well as those in low–skill, no–skill industries, there are increasing challenges for these various
stakeholders and decision makers in the area of providing adequate housing, infrastructure, and
services that reach the poor and lower–middle class residents, while also providing infrastructure
that serves investors well and will attract their more highly paid professional staff to areas where
they would like to develop
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Urban Planning And Design Of Urban Cities Essay
Cities are characterized by the patterns of streets and squares that define their arrangement, a
concept that undergoes frequent changes since the establishment of cities 10,000 years ago. There
are multitude factors that influence such changes with system of government, values, population
size, values, artistic sensibility, building methods, design techniques, paving techniques, military
considerations, and transport technology being the main determinants. Medieval architectural
designs emphasized on rigid grid forms, that contemporary writers of the history of urban planning
and design, assume the presence of grids even in plans where they exist in approximate forms.
Absence of grids is often perceived as lack of planning. Nevertheless, it is critical to note that the
complex patters of streets in medieval cities were neither random nor chaotic.
The developments in planning and design of urban cities inform the argument surrounding the
unsuitability of grids to carfree cities, whose medieval patterns provided efficient radial routes for
centrally located goods, services, and transport. The emergence of city planning as a profession
borrows significantly from the long and complex history of planning, whereby all cities display
variations in forethought and conscious designs that define their layout and functioning. The paper
uses Rome as a case study to analyse and critique the concepts and principles in the history of urban
planning and design, and their
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The Importance Of Urban Planning On The City Of Vancouver
Vancouver: The Greenest City
Urban planning has been relied on in order to keep the city as clean and efficient as possible, with
the concept of eco–density. This refers to building vertically, as in skyscrapers, as opposed to urban
sprawl. The City of Vancouver has the goal of building energy efficient buildings, so that, along
with retrofits, all buildings in the city are carbon neutral by 2030. They have the goal of becoming
"the greenest city on earth".
According to the official website of the city of Vancouver,
The Greenest City Action Plan is a strategy for staying on the leading edge of urban sustainability.
They are working with Council, residents, businesses, other organizations, and all levels of
government to implement this plan. Their visions to create opportunities today, while building:
 A strong local economy
 Vibrant and inclusive neighborhoods
 Internationally recognized city that meets the needs of generations to come
Through a set of measurable and attainable targets, we they are putting Vancouver on the path to
becoming the greenest city the world. (City of Vancouver, 2017).
The world is facing an energy crisis and it is growing day by day. The way out is creative energy
sources and innovative solutions to urgent power crisis. But more power involves in more CFC. But
still Vancouver is supremely green, in both senses of the word. Set between ocean and mountains
and lined with verdant trees, Vancouver also has the lowest greenhouse gas emissions of any
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Detroit Is Experiencing A Crippling Urban Crisis
Detroit is experiencing a crippling urban crisis. And many people treat Detroit as ground zero for the
creation of a new city. In the 1950s, Detroit was once known as the arsenal of democracy and now it
is the worst–off rust belt city. Although the problems of Detroit are not unique, they are exacerbated
far beyond the extent of other cities. In the 1950s, the population was around 1.8 million and now it
is estimated at 618,000 (Linebaugh, 2015). From the years, 2005–2014 1 in 3 homes were
foreclosed on from back taxes or mortgage defaults, leaving the city owning many abandoned
homes and major losses in tax revenues (MacDonald and Kurth, n.d.). In 2013, the prior mayor,
Mayor Bing, was replaced by an unelected emergency manager as the city filed for bankruptcy
(Detroit Free Press, 2014). In 2014, the debt restructuring plan was accepted, making Detroit the
largest municipality in American history to file for bankruptcy. (Davey, 2014). Seven million dollars
of Detroit's debt was forgiven and 1.7 billion was made available to spend on rebuilding the city
(Davey, 2014). Many hope the bankruptcy will be the climax of the urban crisis in Detroit and are
looking forward to a long overdue comeback. To create this comeback massive change must come
to the City of Detroit.
The mayor before the bankruptcy and the emergency manager after him worked on a project once
known as Detroit Works. In 2010, Mayor Bing made it clear the project was explicitly about
rightsizing the city and
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International Reputation Of Urban Transportation Planning
Transportation infrastructure is not only regarded as the artery of massive urban system, but also the
cornerstone of urban growth as transportation advantages attract development opportunities.
However, in the 20th century, unprecedented urbanisation pressured transportation worldwide, as
population growth and rise of automobile ownership plagued various cities into chronic traffic
problems with subsequent social and environmental impacts. This report explores Curitiba that has
developed an international reputation of urban transportation planning, in order to understand how
increasingly urbanised city as Curitiba alleviates its traffic issues through urban design and creative
management. Critical analysis and implications in terms of the results of implemented solutions will
be provided.
II. HISTORY & PROBLEMS Curitiba, capital of the state of Parana ́ in Brazil, originated with a
strong emphasis on transportation, as the first patches of rail–road constructions in 1880s between
the city and ports of its state upgraded Curitiba into a strategic location for business and trade
(Macedo 2004). Although the city experienced growth through capital investment in coffee
production since 1940s (Macedo 2013), the significant driver of Curitiba 's expansion was the
mechanisation of agriculture and its emerging industrial and commercial importance since 1960s,
during which the resulting rural in–migration of displaced labour–force fueled urban
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Did Le Corbusier Herd Cats : Totalitarian Design?
Did Le Corbusier herd cats: Totalitarian design in Post War Architecture
Choose an architect or practice whose work is covered by or relevant to this course and discuss
critically one or more of their design projects or drawings or urban proposals as precedent case–
studies. Selectively situate this work in relation to their body of work, and against the practices and
concerns of the period. Focus on the architectural qualities of a specific key aspect of the design of
the projects. Selectively consider how they might relate to the historical situation, cultural values,
theoretical concerns and design practices of the time. This may involve a selective analysis of
compositional design practices, material fabrication production and the experiential reception of
built outcomes of the projects.
This paper is an exploration in to the works of Charles–Édouard Jeanneret–Gris, more commonly
known as Le Corbusier. Heavily criticized for "ignoring the social aspect of urban architectural
principles and separating urban functions in different neighbourhoods" (Gonclaves, 2010, p. 30), did
Le Corbusier intentionally pursue an anti–social design to impose order on society? Through
examination of his life's work, ranging from built projects including Unite d'Habitation, case studies
and the unbuilt urban proposals such as Ville contemporaine (1922), the Plan Voisin (1925) and the
refined Ville Radieuse (1933–35) to what is arguably Le Corbusier's most influential text 'Vers une
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Essay On Garden City

  • 1. Essay On Garden City Garden City (Background and concept) According to Garden Cities of To–morrow (Howard 1902), during 19th due to industrialization, London was the capitalist financial central city. Therefore, more and more people were moving to urban city from rural areas. Howard (1902) points out that there are 35% of population living in English agricultural districts are over 60 years old. Consequently, cities became over centralizing and rural areas became degenerated which also brings the negative impact to the environment. Dal co (1980, cited in The Uni Tutor 2016) states that these problems drove Howard to start the garden city movement in 1898. Garden city movement refers to planning to create planned cities surrounded by the green space. These ... Show more content on ... However, different from town magnet, country magnet has abundant natural resource and beauty living environment but with a lack of social opportunities and communication and complete living facilities as well. In order to deal with the cities overcentralizing and combine the beautiful natural environment with human society, there is a concept of town–country magnet which could provide a livable environment, more job opportunities and social activities at the same time. Barcelona Cerda plans (background and concept) In early 19th, There was a dramatic increase of population in Barcelona because of the development of industrial. During that period, population density was sharply risen in Barcelona because there were walls surrounding Barcelona which leads to that the city unable to expend. In addition, the lower income workers almost cannot support their daily life after paying the rent. Moreover, the worse thing was the health of living space getting worse with the city developed. Therefore, the Cerda plans was published by IIdefons Cerda. Kropf (1996, cited in the Uni Tutor 2016) states that the Cerda plans have greatly contributed to the situation of present day Barcelona due to its unique design in the provision of services to the population. According to a social–statistical and in–depth ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Increasing Need for Urban Planning 1. Introduction Quantitative urban studies are becoming increasingly important for planners knowing that in the year 2015 more than half the global population will be residing in cities [1]. Suitable urban planning ought to be a top priority for future development but unfortunately sound planning has not taken place especially in many African cities as heavy rural–urban migration continues to cause cities to expand at uncontrollable rates [2]. As a consequence, the urban population in Africa is increasing at a much faster rate than in the rest of the world, contributing to the augmentation of the existing problems such as unsuitable land–use [3]. The concentration of population in cities comprises as much as 60% of the total population in most countries. In these immense urban settlements the environmental and social consequences are sometimes disastrous [4]. Large cities in Africa such as Nakuru have experienced a fast growth rate of 13.3% between 1990 and 2006 [5]. The magnification has been attributed to a number of factors, mainly the aperture of the new Naivasha–Nakuru road, which links the megacity of Nairobi. Post–election violence is verbally expressed to be one of the contributing factors, since many displaced people from neighboring towns migrated to Nakuru as a safe shelter. The main consequences in these African cities include; urban sprawl, unsuitable land–use, inadequate transportation systems, air and water pollution, depletion of natural resources, ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Exploring Sustainable Urban Developments Require More... Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to view the analysis presented from opposing views about the above–referenced question. After reading about this matter in question, we should be able to discern what patterns resulted from Americans moving to suburban areas, what type of social and environmental characteristics developed, and what were the consequences associated from this suburban sprawl (p. 271). This post will seek to share their opinions in answering this week's question from their respective point of view with a special emphasis on Consequences. Question at Issue: The question to answer this week is whether Sustainable Urban Developments require more policy innovation and planning. Taylor gives us an abstract in how the opposing sides address whether current approaches meet present–day urban and metropolitan needs, or whether further activities and proposals are needed to achieve these ultimate goals (Taylor, pp. 271 – 288). Information: Answering in the affirmative is Bruce Katz (Katz, 2002); outlines the development trends that are affecting the demographic in certain areas, and how the consequences of "unbalanced growth" are affecting central cities, older suburbs, newer communities and low–income and minority families (pp. 277 – 278). Answering in the opposing side is David B. Resnik (Resnik, 2010), shares why he believes that the urban sprawl model around the perimeter of a city has negative effect on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Overcrowding and Urban Planning in Victorian London Essay Victorian London in Charles Dickens era was a city suffering under the weight of the masses of people that lived there. In Dickens' time, London was the largest city in the world, both due to its population increase and the urban sprawl caused by influx of so many people. There were nearly 4 million inhabitants of the 'Great City' at the height of the Victorian age. This number was an increase of nearly three million people over a period of approximately 30 years, there were many problems associated with such explosive growth, problems which were most recognizable during Charles Dickens lifetime. The migration from rural settings to an urban setting was common throughout the country but mainly in London, which was prompted by the lack ... Show more content on ... H. J. Dyos writes in his book, Exploring the Urban Past: Essays in urban history, of the Select Committee of 1838: 'other public benefits might in some cases be derived simultaneously with that principal object',(1) in particular the partial clearance of the 'Rookery' of St. Giles' by means of an extension of Oxford Street to Hart Street. They based these conclusions on a mass of evidence they had taken on the desirability of improved both public health and morals, and they had been regaled by the first hand accounts of the brutish horrors of slum life in various parts of central London. It was hardly surprising, therefore, that they insisted that the most important improvements . . . are in direct proportion to the degree in which they embrace all the great purposes of amendment in respect of health and morals . . . by the removal of congregations of vice and misery, and the introduction of a better police.(2) (Dyos 86) As a result of overcrowding, the sanitation issue had to be contended with first and foremost. The expansion and improvement of the streets, and the expansion of the rail system (including the Underground) would in turn lead to implementation of the sewer system (which in London emptied into the Thames.) When new streets were being planned or tramways being laid (for the omnibuses), the main concern was not for aesthetics, but for sanitation. When questioned by the Royal Commission on Metropolitan ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. With Reference to Examples, Assess the Degree to Which the... With reference to examples, assess the degree to which the level of economic development of a country affects planning and management in urban areas. Planning and management needs to happen in all countries over the world because no matter how different the level of development between countries the problems will be same in urban areas. These problems that need to be planned and managed in the urban areas of the city are becoming increasingly significant due to the fact that there has been a hug increase in the number of people living in cities worldwide, just over fifty percent of the world are now living in urban areas. The main reason for this is the huge increase in urbanisation which is defined as an increase in the proportion of ... Show more content on ... This master plan was promoted by the central government of France between 1970–2000 it is known as the Schema Directeur. To some extent this was a success because redevelopment plans of the Schema Directeur created new futuristic high rise buildings, and better transport links were creates such as metro stations and RER. Originally 5 new towns were planned in the NW and SE corridors 30km from the city centre only 4 were ever built though. It has not quite been a total success even though the amount of people moving out of the city in this green wedge idea has increased as conterurbanisation has increased. However there are still problems in the urban areas such as racial disharmony between North Africans and Black Africans. Also in the grande couronne there is a very young populations and unemployment is still large here. Another problem with the grande couronne is that 30% of the space is still vacant, so the youth became disenchanted, and riots in 2005 occurred. Also the increase in commuting to Paris city centre has caused an increase in congestion. Mumbai is on the west coast of India and has had a population growth from 2.9million to 24.3million between 1950 and 2010. This growth is mainly due to migration but these are mostly men so it is limited growth. The average increase is 12% growth per annum due to rural to urban migration this occurred ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The City Of The Mercantile City 1. Within the last few centuries, cities as have evolved to take on the features that are used today to identify the makings of what is a great city. As cities shifted from the concept of the political city to the mercantile city and finally the industrial city, traditional political, economic and social patterns began to take on new forms and functions that transformed them to become the urbanized spaces they are now. Major early cites began in the form of the political city, a place that was the functioning center of the state or empire. Often populated by the bureaucratic ruling class, the city was regarded as a space for elite. As the apex of the state, cities served as nexus of trade. A crossing ground for people, goods, and ideas. As this network of exchange transforms the common concept of the city, merchants slowly gained status and were allowed to move in. Gradually the once exclusively aristocratic setting evolved into what became known as the mercantile city where the market became the core of the city. No longer primarily a place of consuming elites, but a hub of new complexity, cities not only drew in commodities in the form of imports but also dynamic and profound ideas and people that reshaped cities as they were seen previously – giving rise to Henri Lefebvre's notion of heterogeneity. Cities were mirroring social and cultural diversity with material processes; a picture of modernity as old ties were being replaced by newer ones. Thus began the ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Department Of Urban And Regional Planning DEPARTMENT OF URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING Jackson State University History of Planning (URP 500)–MID–TERM EXAM DUE––October 14, 2016, by 5:00PM Directions: Please answer all the following questions. Total points 30. In 1926, the Village of Euclid vs Amber Realty Corporation was a historical event in planning, why? It was the first significant case that addressed the new practice of zoning, and served to substantially boost to zoning ordinances in towns nationwide in the United States and in other countries. In the case of Village of Euclid vs. Ambler Realty Corporation; Ambler Realty owned 68 acres of land in the Village of Euclid, a suburban neighbor in Cleveland, Ohio. The village, in attempt to prevent Cleveland industrializing their suburban neighborhood on November 13, 1922, general counsel created a zoning ordinance for Euclid as an effort to stop the growth of industry which would ultimately change the dynamics of the Euclid community. The zoning ordinance included 6 classes of use, 3 classes of height, and 4 classes of area. The property that Ambler Realty owned was divided into the three different areas of classes and it prevented Ambler Realty from developing the land for industrial purposes. Ambler Realty filed the lawsuit because of the zoning ordinance that they said ultimately decrease the value of the land, limited the use of the land, prevented the sale of the land and the also claimed that it violated their right to due process. Amber ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. How The Urban Planning And Development Of Jane Jacobs :... "What is here for a resident?" was the most commonly asked question throughout the afternoon of exploration in downtown Springfield, Massachusetts. Unfortunately many urban planning and development endeavors will not always cater to the citizen, but the wealthy, whether that be upper class company workers, tourists, or the suburbs. This trend is noticeable throughout many cities but is especially apparent in Springfield. A city with a class pre–World War II design that has been on the decline as industrial work has left, nearby areas have held steady while the actual city core has been neglected. Recently though, some initiatives have been put in place to revive the Central Business Districts, and those efforts do not go unnoticed. Some of ... Show more content on ... Jacobs agrees with this trend, arguing, "It is necessary to take issue with a common belief about cities– the belief that uses of low status drive out uses of high status. This is not how cities behave, and the belief that it is render futile much energy aimed at attacking symptoms and ignoring causes." The basis of the 'Renaissance' campaign is that because housing, office space, and cost of living are affordable, now is the opportune time to participate, engage, and become a part of the Springfield community. So far the campaign is working, noticeable by the numerous banks, financial centers, and, most notably, Mass Mutual insurance. These companies have brought in an impressive revenue yet have changed that landscape of downtown to a transitory place that caters to the commuting workers, not the actual community nearby. This transitory space of downtown is most visible in the parks downtown. Court Square is a beautiful park surrounded by businesses and cafes and has all the elements of a park Jacobs' argues for. Her book details the essential elements of a good park as intricacy, centering, sun, and enclosure. Court Square has a clear center with easy walking paths the lead to it, with plenty of trees to provide ample shade, greenery, and sun, and well marked boundaries to signal the beginning and end of park space. The only issue is intricacy, a space that is complex enough to serve different purposes for different groups of people. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Urban Planning Models Talen has been trying hard to build them a theory and has written many articles and books on the subject. But their lack of theory leads to a malleability within New Urbanism, that helps suspend their stated principles of diversity and affordability when they are not feasible, and perpetuates a dogma about the effects of the built environment. Similar to urban planners of the past new urbanist believe in their own expertise. June Thomas writes about the failures of different urban planning models to include justice but still believes in their intentions and role in building the best community. Thomas (2005) writes, about the tenacity of urban planners. She states, in spite of false steps and inadequate tools, in spite of political turmoil and social upheaval, local efforts continued. At no time during this half century did such efforts stop, although sometimes they slowed and became practically invisible. Someone was always trying to plan and develop a better city, and someone always will, for the foreseeable future (Thomas, 2005: 221) Even as Thomas writes about the failures of urban planning to act justly in a racist society she still centers the role of professionals to create a better city. It may be true that urban planning will always seek to build a better place for people to live. However, the real question is who will that city be for and whose interests will it serve. Holston (1998) writes that urban planning has always been for those who fit neatly into the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. An Eco Friendly Architecture, H E C. E B At Muller And The... Nowadays, sustainability has been taken more into consideration for contemporary designs as it means people need to leave enough resources for future generation while they are consuming for their own needs which requires people to keep a balanced relationship with natural environment when they have their own plannings(van de Kerk and Manuel as cited in Bender, H., Judith, K. & Beilin, R, 2012). That is, some designs are well considered and constructed in order to achieve sustainability in many ways, such as reducing energy consumption, having less impact to the environment and starting to repay to nature. This essay will use the examples of an eco–friendly architecture, H–E–B at Muller and the city planning of Melbourne to illustrate how urban designs can contribute to sustainability. Some architectures are designed to consume resources more efficiently aiming not to exceed the availability for satisfying future generation needs and continuing a balanced ecosystem. It seems that renewable energy is being used in some architectures in order to achieve the low consumption of resource. This is one attempt for human to try to make the buildings sustainable and ecofriendly, because it is can be noticed that the buildings may consume materials, energy and functioning the buildings needs to use energy as well(Cordero, 1992). It has been found that buildings did have an impact on the environment such as generating greenhouse gas emission(Cordero, 1992). Thus, in order to reduce the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Urban Water Planning Introduction: In this changing global world, urban water systems are the most essential, valuable and sensitive part of public infrastructure. Different utilities and municipalities are dealing with this infrastructure with high responsibility and trying to manage and expand this infrastructure properly for present and future generations [2]. In this present world, some emerging issues should be taken in consideration for future planning as these issues are going to increase day by day in near future. These most important issues are: rising population, increasing urbanization, growth in development and climate change. According to United Nations Department of Economy And Social Affairs (UNDESA), the projected increase of global water ... Show more content on ... The application of systematic and effective processes to manage the assets over a whole life–cycle is provided by Whole Life Asset Management (WLAM), in order to ensure that the infrastructure performance satisfies the intended service and meets the demand of the stakeholders with minimized corresponding risk and cost [4] [5]. Each utility company or Government faces unique problems. Therefore an asset management plan (AMP) that gives unique solution to the particular problems that the utility company faces due to urbanization, while considering the current issues, technologies and time required for planning, implementation, associated risks and challenges is a necessity to provide. As an analysis to measure, how WLAM can improve the asset performance of water infrastructure, this report evaluates a case study carried out by GHD, University of Sydney and p3iC, on one water approach to urban water management at a city scale, namely that of the city of Sydney (CoS). The study highlighted the challenges and the problems that are present in the water infrastructure of the CoS [1]. This report shows where WLAM can be applied at the water infrastructure of the CoS to cope up with the pressure exerted on the infrastructure for increasing urban population and suggests methods and techniques that can be applied or utilized in doing so. 'The line of sight' approach will be developed as a guideline from corporate objectives to final implementation of an AMP. 'Line of sight is very ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Utopian Urbanism That Forms Utopic Degeneration From recent years, utopian urbanism connects with the so–called crisis of modernist urbanism that forms utopic degeneration. Utopia has developed to mean a community with a visionary system of political and societal perfection, where cities that function to improve the daily lives of its citizens; an ideal society, However these concepts are more often than not depicted as an impossible dream, yet too bold, too radical to ever exist in real life. Some utopian visions are focused on new technology, whereas others are on intact landscapes. In other occasions, some are based on new social orders, but all were combined under a radical avant–garde and progressive architecture. It is this, their new and bold concepts that drive the imagination of architects and town planners. Although rarely realized in full, principles from some utopian visions have been adopted in part and have had significant influence on existing cities such as New York, Chandigarh and Paris. They are a catalyst for generating ideas and new forms of thinking that leads to, for better or for worse the many innovations in 21st century urban planning. Since utopian thinking can produce a vision of the future that is achievable, what is the connection between having a vision of the future, whether achievable or not, and utopian thinking? The concept of utopia, derived from Thomas Mores, in his famous text in 1516 where he refers a place as to both somewhere good and to nowhere. The connections between utopian ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Associative Parametric Urbanism : A Computational Approach... Associative Parametric Urbanism: A Computational Approach to Parameterization of Conceptual Design Phase Ayoub, M. 1 1 Assistant Professor, Department of Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport, Egypt email: 2016 REFERENCE Abstract Technological advancements and their rapid effects on humanity are forcing our cities to transform at all levels, as modern cities are becoming more dynamic and opened for future changes. During the urban planning process, the traditional conceptual design phase usually comprises a complex set of objectives and requirements that needs to be addressed, such as site considerations, circulation, land use, and environmental issues. To respond to these complexities, a number of design alternatives is developed and assessed against certain criteria, which require a lot of repetitive steps resulting in fewer and slowly–developed design varieties. The traditional development processes are no longer able to give the optimum design solution, as they are considered static ones. They lack the flexibility and responsiveness needed to follow the speed of new paradigm shifts. Urban planners find themselves at the mid–point of an ongoing cycle of adaptation to comply with the demand for an increased level of complexity. It is not simply the use of pre–compiled computer aided design software that aims to replicate the drawing board, but rather the development of computer ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Single Person 's Talent Or Effort Essay Project is never outcome of single person's talent or effort. It would have been impossible to complete this journey without support & encouragement of lots of people. This project work has been the most practical and exciting part of our learning experience, which would be an asset for us for our future. No system is created entirely by an individual. Many people have helped us to create this application and each for their contribution has been valuable. Proper organization of concept and analysis of the system is due to taken to keep interest and helping hand of our teachers and colleagues. Our most sincere thanks to our head of the department Mrs. Urvisha Patel and our project guide Mr. Mayank Chauhan for the kind of co–operation and for guiding, encouraging and motivating us through out in the project. At last we would like to thank all those people who have helped or assisted us in any way, directly or indirectly to make our project successful. No words can express the deep gratitude for all of you. Submitted by: Mayur Patel (130333131072) Jinesh Patel (130330131059) Nikunj Patel (130330131079) Smit Patel (130330131091) ABSTRACT Project topic:Mobile Village(M–Village) The main Objective of this "Mobile Village" Project is to provide information about village and also provide the various facilities which makes the villagers life easy & time saving. In this project we make our ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Element Of Great City The Element of Great City The film, Before Sunset, is about a couple who spent a passionate day together and separated get back again in Paris. Paris has so much history and tradition all over the city. These remarkable landmarks and classical architecture are pervading over the city and it represents a history of France. Another unique about the Paris is that unlike any other cities, Paris makes the best use of what they have and maintain its characteristics while they modernize rebuilding the city. It looks like their attempt succeed and tourist from all over the world constantly show their love in Paris. However, it could be a different story for people who live in Paris. Of the planning and urban environment related issues in the film, the inconvenience of development and access, the complicated transportation system, and underdevelopment of residential districts. These planning issues cause a structural conflict on city planning and also a discomfort of daily life for people live in Paris. People's daily life sacrifices the convenience to maintain the city's history. In "Whose Culture? Whose City?" sociologist Sharon Zukin suggested that "Gentrification, historic preservation, and other cultural strategies to enhance the visual appeal of urban spaces developed as major trends". For example, the historical and classic buildings in Paris are one of main reasons that people love about the Paris. Most of buildings are hundreds years old at least and they have their own ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Children Of Heaven Sociology Film Analysis #1 All over the world, there are various kinds of socio–economic classes, races, and ethnicities, all with a different style of living. One important sociological idea is that a person's quality of life is determined by their rank in a social hierarchy. This includes education, access to jobs, income, and other factors that all determine where and how they will live. In all parts of the world, urban planning is significant for a society to prosper. However, in underdeveloped parts of the world, this aspect is a struggling factor. The movie, Children of Heaven, directed by Majid Majidi, is a perfect example of a lower–class society struggling in the city of Tehran, Iran. It is centered around a family of five trying to make a living with the little income that they have. Not only does Children of Heaven show the hardships of a poor family, but it also displays the inequality between different classes, and the ways that the community can be affected by Urban Planning, both today and for years to come. One of the most important themes in the movie is the difference in how the poor neighborhoods are structured when compared to the rich neighborhoods. Max Weber's concept of socioeconomic status, a ranking that is based on social inequality, is shown in this aspect to distinguish between the upper class and low class. It is clear to the viewer the difference in what the houses look like in these two areas. The houses that the family is living in are very ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Garden City Movement Essay THE EVOLUTION OF THE GARDEN CITY MOVEMENT AND ITS HISTORICAL INFLUENCE INTRODUCTION The garden city movement, a method of urban planning that was initiated in 1898 by Sir Ebenezer Howard, had a significant influence on urban planning. The theory of urban planning has envolved over the past hundred years, some have attempted to emulate theories from the garden city movement, while others have been revised based on Howard's original ideas. The Garden City concept spawned many ideas of urban planning. Among these ideas, the Garden Suburb, Satellite City, the New Towns Movement and the New Urbanism are all significant theories in the history of urban planning and had their influence to this day. The integration of town and country, the separation of conflicting land uses and modes of travel, and the ideas of growth management are all elements of the Garden City concept that have made made their ways into plans of most major Western cities. The purpose of this paper is to review the key ideas of the Garden City Movement and to discuss how his ideas have been developed and revised in the latter urban planning theories, which are, the Garden Suburb, Satellite City, the New Towns Movement and the New Urbanism. Ebenezer Howard and the Garden City Idea The garden city idea emerged during a time when countries were beginning to urbanize (15% of the world's population were urban, a rapidly growing figure). There, the living and working environments were squalid and the working ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The World Of Urban Planning Assignment #2 In the world of urban planning it seems a million different elements can, or should, be taken into consideration when proposing a new development. Whether it be factors ranging from homeowner value, to economic contribution, to environmental science, and so on, they all have a common action of measuring the opportunity cost. When all the factors influencing the plan are considered, the lengthy timetables, even for smaller projects such as a connecting freeway, begin to be accepted or otherwise understood. That is to say, in a democratic society with a complex structure of laws and policies there will be a countless amount of stakeholders, making it impossible to find an urban plan that was finished without facing ... Show more content on ... The meeting officials provided everything that would be needed for a first time patron, as they cared for even the minuscule details such as providing water and snacks or, more importantly, the awareness behind having a 15 minute meet and greet at the start of the event that functionally, not only encourages fellow community members to become acquainted, but can serve as a leeway for the inevitable few that always seem to be running late. Attending to these small details lead to a more fluid presentation that significantly reduces late patron interruptions and the bombardments of questions overall creating a great framework for hosting a public meeting. As the meeting was successful and seemingly effortless it did not come without its hiccups the most significant being the first speakers lack of tech savvy that delayed the start of his presentation. This small mistake was able to provide a great example of how the flaw of not being fully prepared with the presentation's technology can be a simple fix to increase the meeting's flow. The aviation public meeting served as a head start for the city of Tempe's community, providing important information regarding the recent dialogue on Phoenix Sky Harbor and FAA's new "NextGen" operation. This meeting can be seen as a head start because the issues, which are rising from the FAA's unconventional advance on the NextGen plan, are currently topics the City of Tempe does not hold a ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Theory on Urban Planning I Introduction Urban planning is the difficult and often frustrating business of trying to design cities that are livable and safe. When city neighborhoods decay, civic leaders often turn to urban planners with the hope that they can revitalize and reenergize the area. However, all too often it seems that in making their plans for renewal, urban designers fail to take into account the needs and desires of perhaps the most important people who will be involved in the process: the citizens. This paper examines the theoretical aspects of urban planning. It also discusses what lessons professional planners can learn during the process, and what the conflicts between planners and citizens may be. II Theory of Urban Planning Although the trend is to think that planning is a recent concept, urban planning is not new. Chicago is a prime example, it was the first city to be laid out according to a plan; the plan included aspiring ideas for the river and lakefront as well as the idea that every citizen should be within walking distance of a park. As history shows us early cities intentionally designed narrow streets to make it difficult for an enemy to move through the city easily. Yet today's plans have wider streets, setbacks and green space integrated throughout a city. Today, urban planning has become increasingly important due to a high concentration of people living in or near city centers as well as blight in inner city neighborhoods. During the 20th Century several things ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Modern Urban Planning in The Life and Death of Great... Literature Review "Architecture needs to understand what people's needs are and incorporate those needs into the home," In a developing country like Pakistan, the growth of urban poor is increasing rapidly. Consequently, the need for shelter is increasing to accommodate the growing urban poor. The housing provided by the public sector is based on modern conventional zoning practices which do not respond to the housing needs of the lower income group in the third world countries. In the absence of appropriate low income housing, the lower income group are left with no other choice but to live in squatter settlements which are termed as illegal. However, these settlements present ideas that help to develop a sense of community and ... Show more content on ... Consequently, increasing the level of attachment people have with a neighbourhood adding to its sense of place. Along with it, the idea of mixed use zoning, ensures the constant presence of people at different times throughout the day for different purposes and where they overlap, they promote the idea of human interaction. The idea of a shorter block and network of narrow streets put forward in the book promotes the idea of human interaction since it provides different possibilities of reaching the same location; encouraging informal encounters and interactions. This book helps to understand how certain physical environment and sociological setup helps in building a sense of community of a neighbourhood. How can our acts of making become more effective by working with rather than against human patterns of use and interaction, elaborating forms of life and knowledge embedded in urban environments? Taking the research further, the book "The New Urbanism: Toward an Architecture of Community" by Peter Katz elaborates on the theory of New Urbanism and present principles that focus on the idea that certain physical setup can enhance a social behaviour. The New Urbanism theory came forward in the 1980s as a response to the urban sprawl of the suburbs based on single use conventional planning practices .The reason being that such prevailing patterns have lost the charm the emphasize on the public realm of the traditional ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. China 's Recent Urban Planning Study Context and Data Sources 2.1 Beijing's Recent Urban Planning Beijing is the capital of China and one of the most populous cities in the world. The current population as of 2014 was over 21 million. The area of Beijing Metropolitan Area (BMA) is 16,410 square kilometers. According to land use dataset of Beijing Institute of City Planning, the total urban area as of 2012 was 1,675 square kilometers. The BMA currently comprises 16 administrative subdivisions, as presented in Figure 1. Figure 1 The Beijing Metropolitan Area Since the latest administrative boundary adjustment of Beijing in 1958, there have been five urban master plans drafted in 1958, 1973, 1982, 1992 and 2004. Each master plan was associated with a planned overall land use map. Individual land parcels in the map were assigned with a land classification of either urban (residential, commercial, industrial, public green land, and mixed–use land) or non–urban (farmland, forestland, and wetland) (Long, Gu, & Han, 2012). The maps guide the future urban development, and actual land uses should conform to the land classification plan. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the BMA has experienced an unprecedented increase in population growth and urban development. By the year 2003, Beijing's population and urban built– up area had already surpassed the capacity set forth in the 1992 –2010 Master Plan, seven years ahead of the plan's scheduled expiration date. To address new challenges and plan for greater ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The Impact of Contemporary Urban Planning Principles and... Since the 1950s, the cities of Saudi Arabia witnessed significant changes in the composition of the population and the arrangement of the built environment. The Saudi society has transformed from a nomadic pastoral society to a highly modernized one as a result of the increase in national revenues from oil production. Rapid growth and improved economic conditions led to the adoption of modern planning principles which are in contrary to the traditional city. Although modernization had contributed to raising the living standard of the neighbourhood, it led to the creation of social, cultural and climate problems as well. This essay will shed light on the impact of the contemporary urban planning principles and the setback regulations ... Show more content on ... it is located in the centre of the Arabian peninsula (Figure 1). The modern history of Saudi Arabia began in 1939 when King Abdul–Aziz Al Saud united the parties of the peninsula under a single authority and then declared the emergence of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Before 1939, Riyadh lived a state of poverty, starvation, lack of resources and the most important of all, lack of security. The region began a new phase after the unification of the Kingdom and the spread of security. Walls of the city lost its importance. A number of neighbourhoods were established outside the city walls, with wide and straight streets in response to the arrival of the car has become the means of transport. The planning aspects of the new neighbourhoods do not differ from the built environment within the walled city, the semi–private spaces and the courtyard houses are part of the neighbourhoods' characteristics (Eben Saleh, 2002). Riyadh had witnessed a considerable increase in population due to immigrants from the surrounding areas (Figure 2). Significant changes in the city of Riyadh occurred when the government established AlMalaz project according to Western planning principles in 1953. Later, the government emphasized the orientation of the Western system by adopting Doxiadis's gridiron master plan for Riyadh in 1970 (Figure 3). The grid planning pattern and setback regulations are in contrast with the pattern of ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Native American Urban Planning The federal government is in charge of all the Native American affairs but they have failed to live up to the responsibility to help them. At one point in time the Native American population owned 6.1 billion acres of land and that has been decreased all the way down to 50 million acres. In the class article Off the Land it says, "During the fur trade we could make a killing because we were sitting on the greatest concentration of beavers." This was talking about when they were free to trade and make money and then their way of life was taken from them and they were kicked on to less valuable land with no way of making money. This is a direct quote of how great their life used and how they were able to make money and support their families and community. According to Forbes, "Native American reservations are among the poorest communities in the United States." The US government has kept them in poverty and managed their lands for a long time. ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Participation in Urban Planning of China Participation in urban planning of China Introduction With the development of society and economic, public participation has been a popular topic which attracted people from different fields. On the basic of various theories of urban planning, a great amount of market economy countries have successively established public participation system in the field of urban planning. These successful experiences provide a good guide for China urban planning to use for reference, the changes in Chinese politics, economic system and social culture also provide an opportunity to do a new change on urban planning system of China. This article mainly introduces three planning theories which represent different degrees of participation in urban planning, and then an analysis of these three theories in connection to the status of urban planning of China will be provided. At the end of this article, I will give out several improvements in relation to the issues in urban planning of China. Rational–comprehensive planning theory Auguste Comte has offered rational–comprehensive planning theory in 18th century, who first put forward the concept of the theory. He believes that people could realize a superior state of civilization with the help of science of technology and sociology,which is still the mainstream urban planning thought by now (Mäntysalo, 2005). The core thought of the theory of rational–comprehensive planning is the combination of the approaches of classical science with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Paris Urban Planning As the largest city in France with a 10.8 million population ("The World Factbook: France", 2017), Paris has been ranked number four according the global power city index measured by Institute for Urban Strategies, The Mori Memorial Foundation (2017). Moreover, as one of the most visited city in the world (Millington, 2017), proper urban planning in Paris seems to be required in order to maintain an appropriate balance between the large amount of tourists' influx and the residents' living quality. Based on Before Sunset (Linklater, 2004), the movie conveyed several perspectives that could potentially impact the urban planning of Paris. This paper would be analyzing the following aspects in order to emphasize the importance of urban planning in such a megacity: the concept of city sustainability, the mixed–use concept within the city, and the importance of open space. An insight on the relation between urban planning and vulnerability towards terrorism attack would also be discussed. The concept of urban sustainability stemmed from the expectation of large population influx within the next 50 years to major cities. If no sustainable plans were implemented prior to the population growth, the sudden increase in carbon footprint, household and transportation greenhouse gases, and so on could potentially worsen some severe global phenomena such as climate change or extreme weather conditions (Kammen & Sunter, 2016). As a result, in major cities like Paris, the integration of ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. How Do Planning Work? Does Planning work? Choose one plan and consider the ways in which it has either ameliorated or exacerbated to social and/or physical environment. This essay will discuss Urban Planning and its relation to a specific plan. The plan that will be discussed is the 2011, "Nowra CBD Master Plan". The essay will also aim to address the question "Does Planning Work?" through the discussion of relevant examples and leading factors in the role of planning. Often said that planners draw plans and once one has been done then another will take its place without much regard for what has preceded it. Plan–making indeed is often seen as a futile practice, making projections into a future which no–one can ever know in a situation where much of for ... Show more content on ... 30year vision addresses how we will grow as a township What framework are they using? What are the aims of this 30 year plan? Planning is not a science, it is a political process, this plan has no guarantee and the predictions for population growth are exactly that, predictions. Liveability is part This is the inner ring where retail is high and businesses are located, t The emergence and demand for new retails distributors CONCEPT: Expand the central city! The Shoalhaven City Council is concerned with the Look to the terms set by the planners themselves. Use some of the ethical principles from Module 1 (such as enhancing social equity or progressing the greater good) Enhancing economical and financial status Draw on some of the theories presented in Module 2 (such as ones supporting higher urban densities In addition you should locate your chosen plan into the history of Australian planning (described in Module 3) and might even consider some of the current issues and how they might be addressed (such as for better suburbs from Module 4). Current issues, both legislative and those exciting the popular imagination (and these will vary from year to year of unit offer). For example: sustainability, public vs. private transport, sprawl vs. consolidation, heritage vs. development, Indigenous issues, social ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. What role does community planning have in economic... DBP411 – Community Planning Assignment 2 Community Planning Practice Paper What role does Community Planning have in Local Economic Development? Lecturers: Fiona Caniglia & Stuart McLaughlin Student: Andreas Faludi Student ID: 02534955 Due Date: 4 June 2004 "Planning ahead is a measure of class. The rich and even the middle class plan for generations, but the poor can plan ahead only a few weeks or days." Gloria Steinam, The Time Factor (1980) INTRODUCTION ... Show more content on ... This paper will examine the role that Community Planning principles can play in Local Economic Development (LED). Importantly, this report will aim to identify the causes an consequences of economic disparity within communities, identify those individuals and groups that have the most to contribute to LED in their community and finally discuss and examine a range of policy initiatives that focus on sustainable economic outcomes for all members of the community network. It is also hoped that this paper may provide a guide for students of urban and regional planning, as to how human and financial goals need not be mutually exclusive of one another. THE ISSUES Economic growth, not just community bonding In international business, the world is divided into developed and developing nations. The yardstick used to measure this difference is typically economic. How then do we know when we have crossed
  • 106. the line between a "developing" and a "developed" community? What yardsticks are available to us? Typically, successful communities are measured in terms of participation, support networks and a general willingness to action outcomes (more often human and intangible outcomes) for that community. But while in terms of participation, a community may be very wealthy, a large proportion may be just as poor in economic standards. Accordingly, it is submitted that having implemented a community plan that succeeds in uniting a local area is only ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Discuss the Impact of the Automobile’s Rise on Urban Form... Discuss the impact of the automobile's rise on urban form during the twentieth century and critically evaluate planning measures used to limit the negative social and environmental aspects Since the rise of the automobile, there have been many dramatic changes to urban form in attempts to accommodate this new mode of transport. Focusing on America and Britain, this discussion considers influences on all scales ranging from reclassification of physical roads to the decentralization of urban cores. The rising social and environmental concerns caused by the increase in vehicle usage include pedestrian safety, residential livability, and environmental deterioration. I have decided to explore this question by ... Show more content on ... Lippincott suggested the widening of existing streets and "new diagonal arteries dedicated only to traffic", these plans alone would cut across the existing urban fabric dramatically (see figure 1). Eventually, the study led to formations of Major Street Traffic Plans, written by Olmsted, Bartholomew and Cheney from 1929. When implemented, the plans altered urban form in American cities with new openings, extensions and street patterns to reduce barriers to traffic (Roth, 2007). Figure 1. Proposed Plans for Downtown, Los Angeles (Traffic Commission of City and County of Los Angeles, 1924) To an extent, the Major Street Plans and motorways were planning measures to limit social and environmental externalities. "Separating pedestrian, streetcar, and auto traffic" enhanced the form of urban areas and provided an efficient, coordinated street system, for example improved traffic crossings ensured maximum pedestrian safety (Brown, 2006). With the separation of mobility and access, crossings and passageways secured pedestrian safety in high traffic areas. However, with cities serving as "places of innovation and creative hubs of the economy", it is assumed that the mass population would favour proximity to central business districts (Jacobs, 1961). Considering a lower population residing in outskirt regions and motorway infrastructures encircling cities, consequently, the separation of pedestrian and ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Energy Planners And Energy Planning Energy Planners and Energy Planning By Tim Bowles PPA–604 Urban Planning/Redevelopment Prof. Jacqueline Thomas, Instructor Ashford University September 19, 2016 Introduction The discussion will be the subject of Energy. In a personal way, energy can be defined as efficiency and effectiveness. The majority of energy regulations is done by the national government. At the national level, there are concerns for the environment and environmental problems when it comes to energy planning. The national government has to establish national standards for all the states that are involved in energy planning and producing energy resources. Due to the national level and national regulations, this means that energy planning is a joint activity between the states and the federal government. Energy planning surfaced with the increase in oil prices began. The planning included controls and the intensity of development. An energy planner is someone who assists with the regulations and development of energy policies for the long term. These regulations and development are established with the national, regional state, and local governments. Energy planning and energy planners both conduct integrated approaches with academic institutions, government agencies, oil companies, utility companies, coal and solar energy industries. The original concerns of energy planners and energy planning, is the conservation of energy sources. The Levy text, ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Objectives Of Urban Planning 3. Urban planning and informality, a Proposed Urban Model The effectiveness of urban planning is the key factor in regulating villages and settlements uncontrolled informality. The main objective is to Plan an integrated and sustainable human settlements that demonstrate a certain amount of resilience towards to increase environmental, social and economic challenges and improve the rural community quality of life. Figure 4, a Design Methodology 3–1 Goals 3–1–a Environmental – Improve environmental sustainability and village's resilience about climate change. – Reduce pollution and greenhouse gas effects on rural settlements. – Increase environmental awareness towards renewable energy resources. 3–1–b Economic. – Promote economic growth by encouraging productivity for a better economic quality of life. – Create an attracting economic environment to reduce urban migration. 3–1–c Socially – Promote equality in access to social and cultural services/ education. – Promote cultural identity and social integration by providing a physical space with means of interaction. – Increase a sense of security by eliminating violence and crime. 3–2 Mechanisms 3–2–a Environmental – Encourage energy and water saving through adapting certain on site renewable mechanism and recycling facilities. – Increase environmental awareness and educate rural inhabitants affordable means of maintaining such systems. – Prevent hazardous and polluting materials. – Promote sustainable and low Carbone ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Importance Of Urban Planning In Australia Planning at both urban and regional level in Australia exhibits several common features, shaped largely by the same challenges and managed by similar responses. Urban planning in Australia has a significant role to play in ensuring the future sustainability of Australian cities. Population and urbanization: Australia is one of the most highly urbanised societies in the world. Urbanization is occurring not only in the capital cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane etc but also in coastal areas within 2–3 hours of commutable distance from city centre. This has lead to formation of an exurban belt that is facilitated by transport improvements and technological change such as the internet. Such continued population growth in Australian cities is placing increasing pressure on infrastructure, such as public transport and roadways, energy, air and water systems within the urban environment. Planning challenges: For Planners, the expanding human settlement and land use bring a range of specific challenges, such as housing people, creating employment and providing physical and social infrastructure while minimizing potential land–use conflicts and environmental impacts. Governance and management: Urban planning is undertaken at all levels of Government in Australia. However, the Federal Government is playing an increasing part in setting policy as part of an overall response to developing climate adaptation and mitigation strategies. The local government has also been ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Essay On Urban Planning By Jane Jacobs JANE JACOBS CITY STREETS AND THE MIX OF USES Urban planning is an important aspect of city life, especially in light of today's dynamic economy and environment. With increasing levels of crime, pollution, and environmental degradation, many cities are looking for new solutions to solve these. Large influences on the ideas that are shaping urban planning today come from urban theorist, Jane Jacobs. Jacobs challenged the way urban planners, architects, urban designer and sociologist thought about cities. In order to solve "the kind of problem which cities pose", Jacobs promotes the idea of the use of sidewalks includes three majors. It is about city sidewalk safety and sidewalk contacts. Jacobs wrote that "there must be eyes upon the street, eyes belonging to those we might call the natural proprietors of the street." Through analyzing and observing such things as city streets and sidewalks, neighborhood parks within a city and what Jacobs refers to as "the four generators of diversity", Jacobs has developed theories that can guide city planners, architects, urban designer and most ... Show more content on ... Stores, bars, cafés and restaurants are necessary to attract people at night. The mixture of workplaces and residences generally assures that there are always people around keeping the streets safe with their presence. The "eyes on the street" is one of the several phrases that Jacobs coined and entered into the terminology of urban planning. She demonstrates the vitality and benefits of busy sidewalks on the basis of the street life at her doorstep in Greenwich Village. Jacobs depicts how a marvelous order for maintaining the safety of the streets is working under the seeming disorder of the city. Her description of the "sidewalk ballet" that takes place every day on Hudson Street is probably the most famous passage of Death and ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. How Do Urban Planners Use Zoning Urban planners use zoning to designate the land use in the city. Examples of zoning districts include residential, commercial, industrial, and mixed use. Within these districts, there are certain uses, permitted use, in which the land is intended; in addition, there are exceptions to these uses. Zoning can be disadvantageous due to the discriminatory practices based off of race and class; however, zoning is a very important tool because it provides a guide for future development and support public interest. Zoning is a very important tool for urban planning because it provides a guide to the future development of a municipality. Zoning takes in consideration the interests of the residents and the environment. As zoning became widely used throughout ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. The Center For Urban Sustainable Planning Executive summary The Center for Urban Sustainable Planning (CUSP) was established in 1996 as a United States 501(c) (3) non–profit organization intended to educate city planners and government officials on sustainable urban planning programs for low– to mid–range developing countries and assist them in developing urban systems that serve industry, tourism, and provide opportunities for the urban poor. Our areas of expertise include urban planning, tenure rights, economic development, infrastructure, environmentally friendly development, social engagement, poverty reduction, zoning codes, legislation, and residential housing focused on provision of adequate housing for the urban poor. The CUSP mission is to ensure that city planners, government officials, transnational corporations, and the international community engages in urban planning activities to build better cities that serve their entire population in environmental and economically sustainable ways. We are aware that with increasing migration to urban centers by both professionals seeking work, as well as those in low–skill, no–skill industries, there are increasing challenges for these various stakeholders and decision makers in the area of providing adequate housing, infrastructure, and services that reach the poor and lower–middle class residents, while also providing infrastructure that serves investors well and will attract their more highly paid professional staff to areas where they would like to develop ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Urban Planning And Design Of Urban Cities Essay Cities are characterized by the patterns of streets and squares that define their arrangement, a concept that undergoes frequent changes since the establishment of cities 10,000 years ago. There are multitude factors that influence such changes with system of government, values, population size, values, artistic sensibility, building methods, design techniques, paving techniques, military considerations, and transport technology being the main determinants. Medieval architectural designs emphasized on rigid grid forms, that contemporary writers of the history of urban planning and design, assume the presence of grids even in plans where they exist in approximate forms. Absence of grids is often perceived as lack of planning. Nevertheless, it is critical to note that the complex patters of streets in medieval cities were neither random nor chaotic. The developments in planning and design of urban cities inform the argument surrounding the unsuitability of grids to carfree cities, whose medieval patterns provided efficient radial routes for centrally located goods, services, and transport. The emergence of city planning as a profession borrows significantly from the long and complex history of planning, whereby all cities display variations in forethought and conscious designs that define their layout and functioning. The paper uses Rome as a case study to analyse and critique the concepts and principles in the history of urban planning and design, and their ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. The Importance Of Urban Planning On The City Of Vancouver Vancouver: The Greenest City Urban planning has been relied on in order to keep the city as clean and efficient as possible, with the concept of eco–density. This refers to building vertically, as in skyscrapers, as opposed to urban sprawl. The City of Vancouver has the goal of building energy efficient buildings, so that, along with retrofits, all buildings in the city are carbon neutral by 2030. They have the goal of becoming "the greenest city on earth". According to the official website of the city of Vancouver, The Greenest City Action Plan is a strategy for staying on the leading edge of urban sustainability. They are working with Council, residents, businesses, other organizations, and all levels of government to implement this plan. Their visions to create opportunities today, while building:  A strong local economy  Vibrant and inclusive neighborhoods  Internationally recognized city that meets the needs of generations to come Through a set of measurable and attainable targets, we they are putting Vancouver on the path to becoming the greenest city the world. (City of Vancouver, 2017). The world is facing an energy crisis and it is growing day by day. The way out is creative energy sources and innovative solutions to urgent power crisis. But more power involves in more CFC. But still Vancouver is supremely green, in both senses of the word. Set between ocean and mountains and lined with verdant trees, Vancouver also has the lowest greenhouse gas emissions of any ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Detroit Is Experiencing A Crippling Urban Crisis Detroit is experiencing a crippling urban crisis. And many people treat Detroit as ground zero for the creation of a new city. In the 1950s, Detroit was once known as the arsenal of democracy and now it is the worst–off rust belt city. Although the problems of Detroit are not unique, they are exacerbated far beyond the extent of other cities. In the 1950s, the population was around 1.8 million and now it is estimated at 618,000 (Linebaugh, 2015). From the years, 2005–2014 1 in 3 homes were foreclosed on from back taxes or mortgage defaults, leaving the city owning many abandoned homes and major losses in tax revenues (MacDonald and Kurth, n.d.). In 2013, the prior mayor, Mayor Bing, was replaced by an unelected emergency manager as the city filed for bankruptcy (Detroit Free Press, 2014). In 2014, the debt restructuring plan was accepted, making Detroit the largest municipality in American history to file for bankruptcy. (Davey, 2014). Seven million dollars of Detroit's debt was forgiven and 1.7 billion was made available to spend on rebuilding the city (Davey, 2014). Many hope the bankruptcy will be the climax of the urban crisis in Detroit and are looking forward to a long overdue comeback. To create this comeback massive change must come to the City of Detroit. The mayor before the bankruptcy and the emergency manager after him worked on a project once known as Detroit Works. In 2010, Mayor Bing made it clear the project was explicitly about rightsizing the city and ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. International Reputation Of Urban Transportation Planning I. INTRODUCTION Transportation infrastructure is not only regarded as the artery of massive urban system, but also the cornerstone of urban growth as transportation advantages attract development opportunities. However, in the 20th century, unprecedented urbanisation pressured transportation worldwide, as population growth and rise of automobile ownership plagued various cities into chronic traffic problems with subsequent social and environmental impacts. This report explores Curitiba that has developed an international reputation of urban transportation planning, in order to understand how increasingly urbanised city as Curitiba alleviates its traffic issues through urban design and creative management. Critical analysis and implications in terms of the results of implemented solutions will be provided. II. HISTORY & PROBLEMS Curitiba, capital of the state of Parana ́ in Brazil, originated with a strong emphasis on transportation, as the first patches of rail–road constructions in 1880s between the city and ports of its state upgraded Curitiba into a strategic location for business and trade (Macedo 2004). Although the city experienced growth through capital investment in coffee production since 1940s (Macedo 2013), the significant driver of Curitiba 's expansion was the mechanisation of agriculture and its emerging industrial and commercial importance since 1960s, during which the resulting rural in–migration of displaced labour–force fueled urban ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Did Le Corbusier Herd Cats : Totalitarian Design? Did Le Corbusier herd cats: Totalitarian design in Post War Architecture Choose an architect or practice whose work is covered by or relevant to this course and discuss critically one or more of their design projects or drawings or urban proposals as precedent case– studies. Selectively situate this work in relation to their body of work, and against the practices and concerns of the period. Focus on the architectural qualities of a specific key aspect of the design of the projects. Selectively consider how they might relate to the historical situation, cultural values, theoretical concerns and design practices of the time. This may involve a selective analysis of compositional design practices, material fabrication production and the experiential reception of built outcomes of the projects. This paper is an exploration in to the works of Charles–Édouard Jeanneret–Gris, more commonly known as Le Corbusier. Heavily criticized for "ignoring the social aspect of urban architectural principles and separating urban functions in different neighbourhoods" (Gonclaves, 2010, p. 30), did Le Corbusier intentionally pursue an anti–social design to impose order on society? Through examination of his life's work, ranging from built projects including Unite d'Habitation, case studies and the unbuilt urban proposals such as Ville contemporaine (1922), the Plan Voisin (1925) and the refined Ville Radieuse (1933–35) to what is arguably Le Corbusier's most influential text 'Vers une ... Get more on ...