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Essay On Goals And Objectives
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Essay On Goals And Objectives Essay On Goals And Objectives
Safaris In Kenya Essay
1) Kenyan Safaris Kenya has beautiful, picturesque mountains including Mount Kilimanjaro,
waterfalls, lakes, and deserts. Kenya has over 65 wildlife preserves and national parks Popular
safaris in Kenya include Amboseli National Park, Lake Nakuru National Park, Tsavo East and West
National Parks, MaasaiMara National Reserve, Samburu National Reserve, Taita Hills Wildlife
Sanctuary, and Lake Naivasha National Park.
В· Amboseli National Park is 151 sq miles of beauty. This park is most famous for being the best
place in Africa to watch free range elephants, seeing the best views of Mount Kilimanjaro and also
being able to interact with the Maasai people.
В· Lake Nakuru National Park is home to one of the Rift Valley soda lakes. The lake has an
abundance of algae that attracts an enormous quantity of birds including flamingoes. Warthogs,
rhinos, and baboons are also very popular in the area.
В· Tsavo East National Park is very flat with dry plains. The park features the Galena River, Yatta
Plateau, and Lugard Falls. Comment by Grammarly: Deleted:a
В· Tsavo West National Park is one of the oldest parks in Kenya, opening in 1948. Compared to the
Tsavo East National Park, The Tsavo West National Park is more mountainous and wet. Lake Jipe,
swamps, and Mzima Springs are locations within the park. There is lots of animal life in this park
including Maasai giraffes, black rhinos, elephants, and leopards.Comment by Grammarly:
Deleted:the Comment by Grammarly:
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Learning Disabilities and the Classroom
Mary L. Burkitt
Grand Canyon University: SPE 359
July 7, 2013
Learning Disabilities and the Classroom With every classroom you are able to see a dynamic
between students and their teacher. It takes a strong teacher to really make everything accessible
to all students including student with learning disabilities. The class that I watched was Christina
Hilliker s second grade. The disabilities that were part of this great dynamic were Downs, Autism,
ADHD, auditory processing and behavior issues that cause learning difficulties. Within the
classroom I was able to see many ways that Ms. Hilliker was maintaining her classroom. For
general classroom behavior she used a stop light method (red, green yellow). Each student had a ...
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I found it very strange to find out that the student with Downs was not labeled as a learning
disability but was put into this category to access what she needed academically. I did not like
the fact that due to funding most of the students like this were not on an alternative curriculum
in all cases. I would however use Ms. Hilliker s seating ideas because it seemed to help B.S.
maintain his behavior and compete is work with minimal distractions and M.M. was close to the
teacher at all times to ask for clarification. I did notice that M.M. was labeled as auditory
processing disorder and there were few accommodations to help this student as an individual.
While watching B.S. it was clear that there was the need to have some type of social skills
expectations that should be worked with, this student was very immature and inappropriate at
times. M.M. on the other hand had no social interaction with his classmates unless the teacher
essential made him do it. I also saw that students that were higher sometimes made B.S. and C.S.
get off task when they thought it would be funny for them to get negative attention from the
teacher, this was normally right after the Para or teacher paid one on one attention to these two
particular students. It was clear that Ms. Hilliker was familiar with this behavior as well because
she was able to stop most of this behavior before it got out of hand and was
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Economic Development For A Defined Area
Economic development for a defined area has three primary goals foster employment
opportunities for the area s current residents, diversify the area s economic and employment base,
and stabilize the local economy (Blakely Leigh, 2013). By providing quality jobs for an area s
residents, versus the more costly alternative of bringing new firms to the area (which could also
require a different skill set in their labor force than what the city currently has rendering the city s
effort somewhat fruitless), the economic planning organization is looking to create employment
diversity and opportunities from within their own community that are suitable for the area s
workforce. An area must also be highly aware of the business environment within the community to
ensure that local economic stability is possible. If the city does not have a diverse infrastructure
that firms require to conduct business than the locality will not be able to grow, retain, or attract
firms within or to the area. Diversity in the economic and employment base is also a complex and
constantly evolving challenge for local economic developmentpractitioners. The organization must
be able to keep track and organize employment data within a locality to see where certain sectors of
the economyare in the need of assistance to prevent employment gaps in the community. Planner s
should be constantly comparing their strategies and approaches to the three goals local economic
development, and prevent any action
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Comparison Of Doxorubicin And BV
There is no cure for HIV, but there are treatments to enable most people with the virus to live a long
and healthy life.
If anyone think he has been exposed to the virus within the last 72 hours (three days), anti HIV
medication post exposure prophylaxis may stop him becoming infected.
The quicker PEP is started the better The longer the wait, the less chance of it being effective. But
the description is not accurate. PEP is a month long treatment, which has serious side effects and is
not guaranteed to work. The treatment involves taking the same drugs prescribed to people who
have tested positive for HIV.
If you are diagnosed with HIV, you will have regular blood tests to monitor the progress of the virus
before starting treatment.
You... Show more content on ...
Always check with clinic staff or your GP before taking any other medicines.
Cytotoxic chemotherapy is frequently required for the more severe manifestations of human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) related Kaposi s sarcoma. Combinations of bleomycin and
vincristine (BV) or BV with the addition of doxorubicin (ABV) are the most commonly used
regimens against which new treatments may be compared. We report a multicenter phase III study
that compared pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) to the BV combination. on other hand in
other studies Food insecurity, micronutrient deficits, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, obesity,
cardiovascular disease, and bone disorders complicate the treatment of HIV infection. Nutrition and
exercise interventions can be effective in ameliorating these symptoms that are associated with HIV
and antiretroviral therapy (ART). In this literature review, we examine the most recent nutrition and
exercise interventions for HIV infected patients. Macronutrient supplementation can be useful in
treating malnutrition and wasting. Multivitamin (vitamin B complex, vitamin C, and vitamin E)
supplements and vitamin D may improve quality of life and decrease morbidity and mortality.
Nutritional counseling and exercise interventions are effective for treating obesity, fat
redistribution, and metabolic abnormalities. Physical activity interventions improve body
composition, strength, and fitness in HIV infected individuals. Taken collectively, the evidence
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Making a Suitable Environment for Your Disabled Child
Children with disabilities will make a significant improvement in their skills if they live in
comprehensive and inclusive environment for them. Inclusive environment will benefit the child in
several ways. The primary goal of creating an inclusive environment is to involve the disabled child
with their peers, family, and the outside world. The suitable environment will support them by
making modification and training on their behavior and attitude. Therefore, they will be prepared
to life s experiences and daily life activities.
A special needs child s early years are different as his later years. Inclusive environment is what
makes the difference in the child s development. The development is achieved through several
settings and strategies. Home environment and interaction with the family will build a strong base
of personality and behavioral aspects for the child s first years. Afterward school environment starts
to intervene and affect a child s intellectual and learning skills. As well as a playground and
activities which include social communication and behavior skills. Therefore, providing facilities
and inclusive environment for disabled children will make them learn to interact with non disabled
children and develop their skills. A suitable environment for special needs children is created in the
school, house, and playground.
First, school is the main source for promoting skills for disabled children. The school environment
which includes techniques or
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Compare And Contrast Starry Night And Stary Night
A Night to Remember
Imagine the wonder of staring into a clear night sky, being able to see the stars reflecting against
water and seeing the faint light of civilization in the distance. This is the same mindset that caught
Van Gogh s imagination. In fact, it excited Van Gogh so much, he would say to another painter
before painting But when shall I ever paint the Starry Sky, this painting that keeps haunting me
(Lewandowski). Starry Night Over the Rhone and Starry Night would be the culmination of his
thoughts and efforts. However, even though they are a part of the same collection, these paintings
contain stark differences compared to each other. Mostly, these differences are found in the
former painting. Compared to the latter, this version contains much calmer colors, and the style
is much less aggressive, with less emphasis on the stars and more emphasis on how light
interacts. Nevertheless, both paintings represent two different states of Van Gogh s mind. Starry
Night Over the Rhone, compared to Starry Night, was painted during a much happier time in Van
Gogh s life, which is reflected both in style, color, imagery, and in history. Starry Night Over the
Rhone is a painting that follows the same styling of painting of many other of Van Gogh s
paintings. The painting itself portrayed the scene of a view near Van Gogh s house at the time. In
the foreground, there is the river with its dark water and a couple taking a romantic walk around
the beaches under the night sky. In the background, Van Gogh paints the city across the river as a
minor part of the painting, putting more emphasis on the street lamps within the city, as if the lights
the city holds are the same as the stars in the night sky. Finally, as the name suggests, the starry night
is in full effect in this painting, with major emphasis one the stars. He would even go as far as to
paint the stars massively disproportionate to their real size and change the local astronomy in the
painting to add to its serene setting. To match Van Gogh s style, it contains broad brush strokes for
much of the painting, combining many dark blues and even blacks to create the river Rhone and a
starry sky. However, in contrast to the night and the river, he uses
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My Experience At Vegas Yep, It s Mine
Winter. We try to celebrate, but no, every resort in Vegas just has to be closed, doesn t it. And what
s more, closed because of a bit of cold weather! You only have to wait a week. Right. Of all the
times we could ve celebrated, or when we want to celebrate, and now, today, they have to be closed.
No, I wouldn t want offend the owners or anything. I only graduated high school! I mean really, I
even waited for a break in this college semester. I may be on break, but c mon Vegas, give me a
break. Why did winter have to came so early this year, tell me god? The Idea of traveling to
Vegas... Yep, it s mine. Why I even traveled here in the first place... It is questionable if even god
knows? I m just gonna ask Joel if he cares if we stay at a... Show more content on ...
Yes Joel, that vision. Only a vision. Jake says calmly with more than a bit of sarcasm in his voice.
Yeah, well... I m still a bit worried. Joel said, a bit calmer now.
Relax Joel, we ll be fine Jake said. Well I guess waiting just flew out the door. Jake had thought,
much less mad, much more tired. It s 11:30 at night. Hey look, Paragon Hotel, Let s check it out.
Ok, but if anything happens, I m blaming you.
Sounds reasonable, Jake says, turning in to the hotel as he speaks.
Jake pulls into the Paragon Hotel. The hotel has more so the shape of the letter L in the exterior.
It is three stories high with a glass elevator, and black, iron spiraled stairs on each end to each
story.A blizzard is beginning. As might be expected, all of Paragon Hotel has been covered in
snow. I m surprised they found the door, It did take about thirty minutes, but, they found the door. It
was midnight and colder than ever thought. Joel was almost fully awake, though a hint of worry
was still traceable on his face.
Thank god we finally found the door. Now to check in...another thirty minutes. Great. Jake thinks to
himself, irritated at Vegas as a whole now. As it turned out, Jake and Joel did check in.Though they
were so tired, they immediately went to sleep, drifting deeply into the void, as they rest in their
soft, feathered bed.
What is this place. Jake thinks to himself, confused.
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The Bean Trees Essay
The Bean Tree
Write a composition based on the novel you have studied discussing the basis for and impact of
individual choices. What idea does the author develop regarding choices?
amp;#9;Living is about making choices. The choices people make shape their lives for better or
worse. Even the decision not to choose has its effects, often not wanted. But the individual who
chooses to make positive choices and to act accordingly is more likely to see his or her life reflect
his or her beliefs and desires. Usually the individual who chooses to take action is also willing to
face the risks and obstacles that such choices involve.
amp;#9; quot;The Bean Tree, quot; by Barbara Kingsolver, is a warm, funny story about a ... Show
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There appears to be no hope of Taylor adopting her without the permission of Turtle s family.
Because Taylor loves and can not imagine losing Turtle, she turns to Estevan and Esperanza as her
last hope. Feeling that she has no other choice, she asks them to help her by posing as Turtle s
parents and signing the adoption papers. Although there is risk involved for them too, Estevan and
Esperanza agree without hesitation to do so. If they get caught, however, Taylor will lose
everything she wants. Turtle will be taken away and so will Estevan and Esperanza, since they are
in fact illegal immigrants. amp;#9;
amp;#9;Circumstances have forced Taylor to face some difficult decisions, but her upbringing
and strength of character help her move forward. Despite some moments of hesitation and self
doubt she makes her choices with full knowledge of what she is doing and why. Being neither her
real mother or legal guardian, if Taylor gets caught Turtle will certainly be taken away from her
and put into the custody of foster parents. But, if she does nothing she will lose Turtle anyway.
amp;#9; In the same way, she agrees to take Esperanza and Estevan to Oklahoma. Before she
makes this decision too, she knows there is much risk involved. If she does not help them move
on from Arizona they are likely to be deported, and could face death in Guatemala. But she is
breaking the law by taking illegal immigrants out of Arizona. Yet her conscienceand her heart are
involved. She
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Analysis Of The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
Tashinga Chitambira
Brit Lit
18 April 2016
Finding Christian Imagery in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Many people read Samuel Coleridge s ballad, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and find various
and complex symbols. Among these symbols are spiritual and religious analogies. The poem
connects God and Nature and the way that God is represented in All things great and small,
(Coleridge 7.617). There is an allegorical nature of Coleridge s work best found in his Christ like
albatross. The bird itself become a Christ figure in which the poem illustrates the necessity for love,
sacrifice, and sometimes suffering.
We see that all humans are in communion with Christ and our actions affect each other directly as
we are all connected through Christ.
...A torch that s borne upright.
Their stony eye balls glitter d on
In the red and smoky light.(pg 240
Here we see that that the mariner s actions affected his crew as well because even though the crew
was not a part of the killing. The people that surrounded him suffered with him up to a certain point.
Showing that Christ want unity of man so they can help each other become better.
The poem opens with the ancient mariner telling his story to a wedding party. He tell the story of
the albatross and the dead of his crew that followed his slaying of the bird. The bird represents
Christ through connecting Christianity to veneration for nature. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Has a religious moral that can be derived
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Lorraine Hansberry Essay
Her first play, A Raisin In the Sun, is based on her childhood experiences of desegregating a
white neighborhood. It won the New York Drama Critic s Circle Award as Best Play of the Year.
She was the youngest American, the fifth woman and the first black to win the award. Her success
opened the floodgates for a generation of modern black actors and writers who were influenced and
encouraged by her writing.
Hansberry was born in 1930, the youngest of four children of Carl and Nannie Hansberry, a
respected and successful black family in Chicago, Illinois. Nannie was the college educated
daughter of an African Methodist Episcopal minister, and Carl was a successful real estate
businessman, an inventor and a politician who ran for congress ... Show more content on ...
Cover of A Raisin in the Sun
Hansberry used the success of A Raisin In the Sun as a platform to speak out for the American
Civil Rights Movement and for the African struggle to free itself from white rule. She helped raise
money, gave impassioned speeches and took part in panels and interviews to further these causes.
After her initial success she lived only six years and was able to complete only one more play, a
movie and a television script which was too racially controversial to be aired. Her second play,
The Sign in Sidney Brustein s Window, was received with mixed reviews and kept open for 101
performances only by the contributions and support of the theatre community. It closed the night
she died at 34 from cancer. After her death Nemiroff finished and produced her final work, Les
Blancs, a play about African liberation.
Hansberry had begun to claim her identity as a lesbian in a 1957 letter to a lesbian periodical, The
Ladder. This information and her 1964 divorce from Nemiroff was not widely known at the time of
her death. In 1965 the Gay Liberation Movement did not exist and a woman could not claim such
an identity without major reprisals. It was not until the 1980s that feminist scholars began
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The Genetic Pathogenesis Of Migraine
Genetics has been shown to play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of migraine. The studies in the
field of migraine has advanced tremendously in the last two decades resulting in the development
of the existing knowledge about genetic inheritance of this debilitating disease. However, there is
a need to expand this knowledge in the areas of treatment. Approximately 70% of patients with
migraine reported to have a first degree relative who is also suffering from migraine. The relatives
of migraine patients with aura has a four times increased risk of developing migraine (Medscape).
The studies conducted among the twins and families of migraine patients have shown that migraine
with aura (MA) and migraine without aura (MO) have a heritability... Show more content on ...
The hemiplegia associated with FHM typically resolves. It is also accompanied with cerebellar
ataxia that is related to the 19p locus. So far three genes are recognized as causing FHM. The type
I FHM is caused by mutations in theCACNA1A gene located on 19p13. FHM type 2 is linked to
mutations in the ATP1A2 gene and the type 3 is attributed to the mutations in the SCN1A gene.
Migraine is also associated with other inherited disorders such as mitochondrial myopathy,
encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke like episodes (MELAS) as well as cerebral autosomal
dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL). Migraine is
also a common clinical manifestation of various genetic vasculopathies such as retinal vasculopathy
with cerebral leukodystrophy (RVCL) and hereditary infantile hemiparesis, retinal arteriolar
tortuosity, and leukoencephalopathy (HIHRATL). These two vasculopathies are autosomal
dominant disorders. However the process by which these genetic vasculopathies causing migraine
is still not
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How Did Pat Tillman Show Loyalty
Somewhere inside, we hear a voice. It leads us in the direction of the person we wish to become.
But it is up to us whether or not we follow. Pat Tillman. Pat Tillman once said this, and from
looking at his life, you can see that he followed that voice. Tillman was born in San Jose,
California on November 6, 1976 to Mary and Patrick Tillman. He attended Leland High School
where he excelled at football. He went on to play at Arizona State University, where they took
notice of his incredible talent, and personality. After he graduated from Arizona State he was
drafted in the seventh round and ended up on the Cardinals. After September 11, 2001 Tillman was
hit hard, and decided that he was going to serve his country. Sadly, Tillman... Show more content on ...
His freshman year in high school Tillman tried out for baseball, however after making the JV
team he decided that he would rather try being a football player. At first that was a confusing
goal, Tillman was not shaped like a football player. However, he surprised everyone. When he
was just a sophomore he got moved up to the varsity team, ending up being the youngest person
on the team at only age 16. During his NFL years he set a recorded for the most number of
tackes totalling 224. However, Tillman didn t only work hard on the field, but also in school.
Tillman graduated in only 3.5 years with a 3.84 grade point average. Adding to that Tillman
went back to get his masters for history during his NFL years. Overall, Tillman was a hard
working man. During one off season Tillman decided that he was going to run a marathon. He
said he was going to do it, so he did it. He had this phrase that just shows how hard working he was.
You can accomplish anything if you just push yourself through it. Through running a marathon, to
getting high grades, to being an amazing football player you can see that Pat Tillman had a strong
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Zulu Tribe
The Zulu Tribe Of Africa
KwaZulu Natal is the smallest province in South Africa, yet it contains the remnants of the once
powerful Zulu tribe. The history of the Zulu people is rather short in comparison to other tribes in
Africa. In this essay I hope to briefly discuss the Zulu history, what makes them unique, the Zulu
religion, the interaction with the British colonial groups, how the Zulu nation came to come into
power, and where the present day Zulu people stand in society today.
It is not known exactly when or how the Zulu tribe came into existence, but it is thought it
originated around the 1620 s. Because there is no real evidence that describes the origin of the
Zulu people, one has to filter through some of the ... Show more content on ...
Warriors were ordered to live in special camps under their commanders, and were not allowed to
marry before the age of 409. The traditional throwing spear was replaced by the short spear used
for stabbing called the iklwa by the Zulu because of the sound it made when pulled out of the
enemy s body10. Shaka s soldiers were trained constantly, becoming so fit that they were able to
go into battle after marching 50 miles in one day. The Zulu tribe was being transformed into a
new strictly militarized nation. When his old enemy, Zwide, chief of the Ndwandwe killed
Dingiswayo in an ambush, Shaka emerged as the undisputed successor. He reorganized the
Mthethwa along Zulu lines, and adopted a new policy consisting of conquering tribes and using
their young men as soldiers in his army. Shaka declared the Zulu dialect to be the official
language. The advisory role of the old councils of chiefs and elders was done away with. Shaka
occasionally took advice from his commanders, but he ruled with absolute power11.
After consolidating his rule, Shaka began to look outward. His first task was to rid himself of
the Ndwandwe threat that had claimed Dingiswayo s life. This he did in a seven week campaign
that culminated in the annihilation of the Ndwandwe forces. Zwide and some of his subjects
escaped and settled with some of his subjects on the upper Nkomati River. Zwide eventually died
in 182512. Meanwhile, in his ten year reign, Shaka s army dominated all of
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Who Stayed On Junas On The Em
Four days later they, without O Donnell, who stayed on Junas to work on the EM device, made
their way, with IQ and Screwdriver as guides, in a transport vessel towards the planet Kalos to
inspect the battle fleet. None was ready for the incredible sight as they approached the planets
orbital plane. The rate of the fleets construction was unbelievable. In four days, six finished battle
groups, each containing three thousand battle cruisers, already orbited the western side of the
planet, with at least thirty finished fighter squadrons, each containing five hundred fighters, orbiting
its eastern side. IQ slowed the transport shipdown and guided it into the planet s atmosphere
before turning towards the Central Construction Headquarters. On the ground, the heavy rumble
of industry vibrated the atmosphere like a constant thunder as they walked from the transport
vessel to a waiting runabout. Everywhere around, androids worked at impossible paces as
automated machines spun and clattered. Above their heads, booms swished to and fro as they
swung their heavy payloads from one place to another and, amidst all of this, loud orders cut
through the dust filled noise like gaggles of tempered Geese. The loudest of these belonging to
Sidebottom. Get a move on! He shouted, as he whizzed between the construction workers. Hurry
with that Neutronic Booster! On your feet, it s not time for an oil break! I ll turn his head inside
out if he doesn t shut up! A voice
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Reckless Driving Essay
As Americans we love our cars, trucks, SUVs, and motorbikes for many different reasons. One
major reason is that they are an easy and convenient mobility; a personal mode of transportation.
It is rather hard to imagine what this county would be like without all the roads and vehicles on
them. This is abundantly evident in Arizona, where the majority of us drive to most all of our
activities from going to work or taking the kids for an ice cream. We jump into our vehicle and go.
However, a curious thing often happens when we get in our car, truck and SUVs. We sometimes
change turning into someone different when behind the wheel of our vehicle. We can become
inconsiderate and aggressive to other drivers; at times even becoming rude, crude,... Show more
content on ...
They are failure to yield the right of way, reckless, carless, erratic driving, failure to obey traffic
signs, and other traffic control devices, and making improper turns (AAA Foundation (2009).
Arizona law makers took notice of the dangers that are created by aggressive drivers. The
lawmakers amended the Reckless Driving Section and amended the name of the statute 28 695
to Reckless and Aggressive Driving. Arizona statute defines aggressive driving as a situation in
which a person commits a violation of speeding and at least two other traffic violations (i.e.,
failure to obey traffic control devices, improper passing, driving off the pavement or traveled
portion of the highway, following too close, failure to yield right of way, or driving in a way
that is an immediate hazard to another person or vehicle). (ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF
PUBLIC SAFETY , para. 2). This was an important step allow law enforcement a tool to make
the roads safer. The serious problem is we should be trying to be safer on our own. The question
that should be asked is why are so many people are compelled to be dangerous drivers? It could
be that there is a sense of invincibility when they are in control of a big powerful machine. This is
often the case with younger male drivers, who enjoy the thrill of dangerous driving. In other
instances normally calm, law abiding drivers snap in a fit of rage. This road rage can turn a driver
from calm to instantly a monster behind the wheel,
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Scarlet Letter Analysic- Form, Plot, Tone, Essay
Scarlet Letter Analysis
Form, Structure and Plot: The structure that Hawthorne puts the Scarlet Letter is very tight, and
is in essentially three parts, each revolving around the scaffold. The first scaffold scene, Hester
confesses her sin of adultery to the crowd in the light of day. The second scaffold scene takes
place in the middle of the book at night; it is the climax of the plot. Dimmesdale climbs onto the
scaffold, and asks for Hester and Pearl to join him. This is not a confession, as there are no
witnesses, except for Chillington. The third scaffold scene is at the end of the novel. Here,
Dimmesdale is on the scaffold, with Hester and Pearl. It is light out, and they are speaking to a
crowd. Here, Dimmesdale confesses his sin. ... Show more content on ...
His face darkened with some powerful emotion, which, nevertheless, he instantaneously controlled
by an effort of his will, that, save at a singly moment, its expression might have passed for
calmness. The majority of the sentence is secondary structure. There are two primary his face
darkened and he controlled. The primary structure allows us to understand what is happening at the
moment, while the secondary allows us to see an image of what Hawthorne was trying to get
across cynicism. With the first part of the sentence his face darkened with some powerful emotion ,
he can imagine his expression growing into a scowl, the air around him darkening as he meets eyes
with Hester.
Tone: The tone in The Scarlet Letteris moralizing, impassioned, formal, and skeptical. The narrator
of the story pretends to be unbiased, although it is blatantly obvious he does not think highly of
Puritans. He often spends one to two paragraphs discussing the problems he has with Puritan
society, or a law that had effect at the time.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet letter. New York: Barnes Noble Children s Classics, 2001.
SparkNotes: The Scarlet Letter: Context. SparkNotes: Today s Most Popular Study Guides. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 3 Oct. 2011. .
The Scarlet Letter Hypocrisy Quotes. Shmoop: Homework Help, Teacher Resources, Test Prep.
N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Oct. 2011.
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Women Should Be Allowed In The Military Draft
Should women be allowed in all areas in the military? Making a draft for women will destroy
families, cost more money for the military, and women have a big disadvantage against men. If
there is a draft for women it will only make things harder on everyone. If women want to serve,
go find another job; and there is no reason why they should be forced to. Because of these
reasons there should not be a draft for women. There has already been 2 females that have
completed the marine corps. Females shouldn t be allowed in all areas of the militaryif they can t
meet the same standards the men have to meet. To begin with, there is no problem without women
why make it harder and put women in the draft. Making a draft for women can cause many
problems.... Show more content on ...
Women are different from men. If a woman is carrying 130 pounds of equipment into combat,
there is a high risk of them getting hurt. If a girl gets hurt in the military this can cost more
money for medical bills. Also if a woman gets hurt in battle just because she is carrying more than
she can handle, someone else is going to have to put themselves at risk to help her get back safely.
With this being said, there is no reason to have women on the ground and in battle over men. The
military already uses so much money, putting girls in battle would only hurt the
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Poe Oval Portrait Essay
1. Why did the mysterious gentleman and his valet break into the abandoned chateau? a) The valet
brings the mysterious gentleman, who is also the narrator, into an abandoned chateau because the
man is injured and he does not want the man to have to sleep outside.
2. What was unusual about the oval portrait? a) The oval portrait was so unusual because it had
been hidden in the dark near the bedpost. The painting is of a young girl who looks like she is about
to become a woman. The painting startled the narrator because it looks so real that he almost
thought the girl was in front of him in real life.
3. What did the gentleman find out about the portrait from the book he had found?
a)The gentleman read about the portrait ... Show more content on ...
I think he was more in love with his paintings and art in general. I believe he married his wife
because he knew that she was an obedient caring woman and would support him. A man who
truly loved his wife would not put art before his own wife and would definitely not allow her to
die in front of him. This just proves what his true priorities in life are.
6. Can you imagine a similar situation occurring today? Explain why or why not.
a)I feel like this situation is quite common in relationships. A man or woman goes out with
someone just because they know that person is a good person at heart. They believe they love
them, but it is their qualities the love, not the person as a whole and definitely not for the right
reasons. Relationships like this never last, because the person is always choosing other things over
their loved one. Gambling is a perfect example for this scenario. A person may choose gambling
over the person they love, because in fact they love gambling more than the person itself, and
therefore cannot stop gambling and will put nothing above it.
7. In what descriptive terms does Poe describe the environment of the chateau and its turret room?
a) The chateau seems abandoned and worn out. The turret room is in a remote section of the
chateau. The room is rich in decorations, but they are decaying and antique. The walls are filled
with tapestries, trophies, and many paintings.
8. How is the
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Dov Charney s Struggle For Control Of American Apparel
Susan Berfield starts her article, Dov Charney s Sleazy Struggle for Control of American Apparel
by stating how Charney struggled to get his company back. She in her article hints that Charney
was aware that it was totally his fault for the downfall of his company American Apparel. She
proves that by stating evidence of Charney making excuse to get away from the conversation
/interview with her not once but multiple times. The evidence includes, Oh wait, got to take this , It
s my mother, let me take this, I apologize , and much more. Susan s articles focus is to find out
who and what was it that led to the downfall of American Apparel.
Being the CEO of a company, your personality does affect the business of the company. In this
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Club Aguilas
I enjoyed playing Soccer because I could unite with other people and make other people feel
happy. When I was in Guatemala, I practiced soccer almost every day and I wanted to play
soccer for the major leagues. One day in Guatemala when I was walking on the streets and I saw
a sign that said: club Aguilas FC would be making tryouts for new players. Before I went to the
tryouts I practiced like crazy because I want to get in the team.
The club Aguilas FC was a third division which was a good way to start as a new soccer player.
After few weeks, the tryouts started. When I got to the stadium I was really excited because
finally, I would be able to show my talents as a soccer player. However, I wasn t the only guy that
was trying to get into the team. That day I saw more than 75 guys showing their ... Show more
content on ...
Also as a professional player, you can go to the stadium for free and watch all the games from the
second and first division which were really good. With the time the World Cup was coming soon
and I was really excited because it only happens every four years.
The World Cup is the biggest soccer event because this event unites all the countries in order to
play against each other and win the Gold Cup that means that your team is the best in all world.
The World Cup always take place in a different country. The country is chosen by FIFAand after is
chose, FIFA makes a big conference in which give the details about where the World Cup would
take place.
The FIFA created groups for every continent. The groups are created to get the first 3 places of
each group that would be representing their continents. After FIFA has the names of the first 3
places, they are mix with different countries in order to have only 16 groups to start to play the
World Cup. After the 16 groups have played only a few groups are able to pass to the next round call
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Compare And Contrast Maol Pot And Mao Zedong
Pol Pot and Mao Zedong committed horrendous acts of genocide. Both are leaders of their
country and are merciless when it comes to gaining, and or controlling power. Pol Pot was a leader
of the Khmer Rouge and committed the Cambodia genocide. Mao Zedong was the leader of China
and he committed the Great Chinese Famine. Both countries were communist; Cambodia became a
communist country after it was taken over by the Khmer Rouge. Both Pol Pot and Mao Zedong
were fearless leaders who would give the order to commit violence. Pol Pot played a role in
mass violence in Cambodia with the Khmer Rouge. While taking over Cambodia, people were
relocated, starved, and executed. The total death toll of the Cambodian genocide was around 2
million. Mao Zedong was perhaps the biggest advocate for mass violence. His plan, the Great
Leap Forward, was a plan in which farmers would report higher agricultural gains than in reality.
This would bring about a deficit within China and many people would soon start to starve and die
from starvation. After the Great China Famine, the Cultural Revolution and Red Guards came into
play. Red Guards roamed the cities and humiliated, persecuted, and or killed enemies of the state.
Pol Pot s justification for mass violence was that he wanted to create an agrarian utopia. Pol Pot
wanted complete control, so he would execute anyone who would oppose him. Anyone that may
have been thought as a threat towards a revolution was also killed, such as educated people.
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The Adventrue of Hucleberry Fin by Mark Twain
The classic novel Huckleberry Fin, by Mark Twain, has been debated of being appropriate or not
due to the racist content within. Many disagree with Mark Twain s use of derogatory terms and
phrases such as the word Nigger in his book. IT seems unlikely that anyone, of any color, who had
actually read Huckleberry Fin...could accuse of it being racist (Kaplan 20). Huckleberry Fin uses
necessary racismin order to show the culture and attributes of the time period as well as to portray
Twains message of promoting equality and that they are not morally better if they are one raceover
another. What is now seen as racism was simply the culture and attributes during the time setting
of the novel (Toltzman 1). Huck Fin was written when cruel and unjust treatments of blacks were
common and use of derogatory words didn t get much attention. Huck Finn is during a time
when blacks were not treated or thought as people but as objects without personalities or
emotions. For instance, Jim is initially only knows to whose property he is. He was considered
Miss Watson property that was about to be sold, which resulted in him running away. The racist
attitudes of the South are were most obvious in the character of Huck Finn himself, and how he
relates to the runaway slave, Jim. He plays tricks on Jim and uses dialogue that makes him appear
foolish or perhaps to make Jim painfully aware of his own belittlement. During their entire journey
Huck and Jim become closer. They achieved a state
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The Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Solar Energy
Small wind generator is an ideal complement of photovoltaic.
Small wind generator can be established anywhere (Ground or Roof top).
Low cost, Low maintenance cost, No fuel cost.
Easy Installation, No pollution.
No tower required for roof top installation.
For seasonal fluctuations it is ideal complementary with photovoltaic modules.
1.4 Solar Energy
Solar energy is quite simply the energy produced directly by the sun. The sun creates its energy
through a thermonuclear process that converts about 650,000,000 tons of hydrogen to helium every
second. The process creates heat and electromagnetic radiation. The heat remains in the sun and is
instrumental in maintaining the thermonuclear reaction. The electromagnetic radiation (including
visible light, infra red light, and ultra violet radiation) streams out into space in all directions. It is a
clean inexhaustible, abundantly and universally available source of renewable energy. The major
drawbacks of solar energy ... Show more content on ...
The characteristic curve of a SPV system varying with solar radiation and temperature does not
match the characteristic curve of the load. In those cases, the power conditioning unit regulates the
load s voltage and current in such a way, that the SPV system is operated at its optimum operation
voltage (VMPP) and current (IMPP).
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT): Solar panels have a nonlinear voltage current (V I)
characteristic with a distinct maximum power point (MPP), which depends on the environmental
factors such as solar insolation and the cell temperature. To ensure the continuous harvesting of
maximum power from the solar panels, it is necessary to control the operation at optimum
impedance of the SPV module, so that the module can be operated at Maximum power point (MPP).
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Comics Influence On American Society
Comics, since the beginning of the World war 2 and now. Comics have been modern art and
superheroes such as Captain America and the Avengers to Dark Horse s DC comics anti hero
Batman and Superman have entertained young minds, during the war and taught them to help
out. There were many comics about fighting hitler and how the battles went down in Vietnam.
Most comics were written during the second world war during the vietnam war. Most WW2
comics had captain america fighting the so called evil german leader Hitler. It was to get little
boys to want to dress like stars and striped spangled hero and, help fight while at home just by
collecting scraps to make amo. It was part of the total war concept and it was foreign to the
american society.
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Political Theory Has Changed Over The History Of The World
Political theory has changed over the history of the discipline. Two of the most influential and
arguably most important theorists are the Greek philosopher Plato, and the Renaissance s Niccolo
Machiavelli. These two characters represent the beginning of idealistic political thought, and a
more realist and contemporary way that politics are looked at even today. The ideals of these two
will be discussed and dissected, to some extent to show how unobtainable Platos ideal is compared
to Machiavelli s realism that is seen in today s political atmosphere in various types of political
systems seen throughout the world. Looking at Plato, you must understand where and what the
timeframe he lived in. He was born in Classical Greece in the year 427. He was educated,
sophisticate, wise, intelligent, and also wealthy. These were traits that in this time period put
you at the top of societal elites. Plato was a very gifted orator and speaker, giving him the ability
to reason and discuss any topic really, with the ability to win arguments and persuade people.
Due to his status in society, he was very idealistic and used this idealism to reason how a perfect
society should be constructed and run. Plato discusses and sets forth his political ideal in the
Republic. He uses platonic type writing in the book, using characters to discuss, make points and
arguments about how to form such a society. The ideal city, or state even, is a model for how we
as people look at
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Cold War-Original Writing
Rainsford s eyes closed as he fell into deep sleep. For many silent peaceful hours he slept. Finally
after manys days he could sleep without a worry. Nothing was going to wake Rainsford up out
of this deep sleep. Bark bark , Rainsford hears in background, Bark bark , the barking gets louder
what could it be he thinks to himself crawling out of the bed he desperately doesn t want to get
out of but his drive and curiosity pulls him out like someone pulling off a band aid. Looking out
the window he sees nothing besides the usual, he doesn t see a mysterious dog running around.
The smallest part of Rainsford thought it could be the General s dog but it wasn t he was long
gone. Sundly Rainsford thought where is the General ? Is he hiding and going... Show more content
on ...
When he reached it he stopped and paced back and forth in an odd impatient way. Like he was
waiting and had an idea what could it be? After a solid 25 minutes of pacing Rainsford stops and
takes a stick broke it in two, one half he keeps the other he whipps into the water. With the first
half he takes it and writes in the sand a symbol. It looks like a box with a cross and star inside of
it. What is this am I going mad and I insane? . Rainsford says out loud. Soon the rain washes
away the writing he had written in his moment of said to be insane. Still persistent about finding
out where the General is and where that barking had come from he continues the search. Running
around in the mad search he finds himself in a futile position of not finding the answer to his
questions that were beginning to eat away at him. Still run he questions himself is what I am
doing naive? Am I not doing what is right am I going insane from being on this island for to long?
Has the General played his worst grotesque game yet the game against myself the game of my mind
that has caused me to go insane?
Trying to keep his sanity the self questioning Rainsford stop s as he see s something flash out of
the corner of his eye. A very faint dark figure runs back toward the mansion. Following an extreme
speed that came out of nowhere he desperately tried to catch up with the mystery figure. Was that
General? Rainsford
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American Chemical Corporation Case Summary
1) This report considers the potential purchase of the sodium chlorate producing plant in
Collinsville, Alabama by Dixon Corporation from American Chemical Corporation in October
1979. The reason for this stems from the fact that American Chemical Corporation was attempting
at the time to buy a controlling stake in Universal Paper Corporation, but the management of
Universal contested this on the basis that it would be anti competitive, given that they were both
producers of sodium chlorate. The US government supported Universal in this belief and in order
to prevent court action American had to agree to divest its sodium chlorate producing plant in
Collinsville, Alabama. As of October of 1979 Dixon has agreed to... Show more content on ...
2)Assumes cash flows are reinvested at a hurdle rate specified by Dixon, which accounts for the
required rate of return on the project given its risk profile (unlike the IRR, where cash flows are
assumed to be reinvested at the IRR).
3)Takes account of the time value of money by discounting the cash flows back to the present
period, with higher weightings given to more recent cash flows.
4)This discounting is done using our specified hurdle rate, ensuring that the discounted value
accounts for the required return on the project.
Now that we have determined that NPV is to be our evaluation method for the plant we need to
calculate a discount rate (or hurdle rate) for the plant based on its risk profile.
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
11) In calculating a discount rate for this firm we need to ask Is it to be cost of debt, cost of
equity, or a weighted average of the two in a cost of capital? The financing for this project is
100% debt so the initial thought is to use cost of debt as the discount rate. However we believe
this to not be the correct approach. Debt as at October 30, 1979 (prior to the proposed acquisition)
was $1,000,00) while Stockholder s Equity was $14,718,000. So equity makes up a substantial
amount of the
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History of Education
In the decades that made up the fifties, sixties, and seventies numerous events that would paint the
canvas of American education took place. Equality was an idea that some thought we would never
see. Civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr. saw this idea of equity as an obtainable dream
that was in the hearts of all Americans. Though desegregation and the fair treatment of African
Americans was at the forefront of the civil rights movement, there were several issues that would be
brought to the attention of law makers, federal judges, and the education system. Such issues
included segregation, bilingual students, and special needs education. In 1954, Chief Justice Earl
Warren delivered the opinion of the court in one of the... Show more content on ...
Samuel Kirk coined the term learning disability at a Chicago conference in 1963. A year later,
the Association for Children with Learning Disabilities was formed. Later, it became known as
the Learning Disabilities Association of America. It was some seven years later in 1971 when
the Supreme Court ruled that students with mental retardation are entitled to a free public
education. The case of Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) v. Pennsylvania
served as a catalyst to bring to the public eye the needs of the mentally handicapped. The next
year, Mills v the Board of Education of Washington, D.C. extended the ruling of PARC v.
Pennsylvania to include students with disabilities. This ruling also required that educational
alternatives must be provided that fit the child s needs. The Rehabilitation Act, which became
law in 1973, required accommodations in school including participation in programs and
activities as well as access to buildings. Section 504 of this act guaranteed people with disabilities
would enjoy civil rights in the context of federally funded institutions. 504 plans are used today
in place of Individualized Education Programs (IEP s) for those students who do not qualify for
special education. The Education of All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94 142) became law in
1975. This law required free and appropriate public education (FAPE) that was suited to meet a
student s individual
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History Of The Watergate Scandal
Throughout history, the American people have had a hard time instilling trust in their government
and political leaders. Between the numerous scandals involving United States presidents and other
political leaders and the dozens of conspiracy theories encompassing the United States government,
it is no wonder why the American people have lost trust in their government, and why the United
States has become the laughing stock of foreign countries. The 2016 presidential election was
arguably the most controversial election in American history; many voters felt that neither of the
candidates could be trusted due to their questionable actions. Numerous Americans were outraged
when current U.S. president, Donald J. Trump, was sworn into office; due... Show more content on ...
Flynn was one of the earliest supporters of Trump s campaign. Often known to have harsh
political views and fondness of conspiracy theories, Flynn was no stranger to controversy. In a
hacked email scandal, former Secretary of State Colin Powell called him right wing nutty but
Trump that did not matter to Trump and he rewarded Flynn s loyalty by making him his national
security adviser (SCHMIDLE, NICHOLAS). The Washington Post publicized that Flynn, who was
still a private citizen at the time, had talked about American sanctions against Russia with Sergey
Kislyak, the Russian Ambassador while he was in Washington. This scandal was revealed when
Flynn was only three weeks into his new job as Trump s national security adviser. The
conversations were between the two were thought to be illegal. The Obama Administration declared
the removal of 35 Russian diplomats in retaliation for Russia s attempts to swing the election in
Trump s favor; ironically, Flynn and Kislyak s communications, by phone calls and text messaging,
happened on the same day (SCHMIDLE, NICHOLAS). Flynn had denied talking about sanctions
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Malvolio In Twelfth Night
Count Malvolio
In the play Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare there are many rising conflicts that occur,
Malvolio being the cause of a great deal. His naive personality plays a key role is the way he acts
towards others, more specifically, Olivia. Malvolio s naive personality reflects on his devotion
towards Olivia, he cares deeply for her and so he is dedicated and will do about anything he is told.
Although Malvolio feels one way towards Olivia, she does not feel the same way. Malvolio s
overconfidence in himself leads him to be a bigger fool than he thinks he is. Portraying a naive,
devoted and overconfident persona leads someone to be so blindly in love and to foresee reality for
what it really is.
Naivety will allow you to do things ... Show more content on ...
Malvolio being so in love with Olivia, he is at her every call, he is devoted to duty. Although
Malvolio is Olivia s servant, he does not just do the bare minimum, but rather to the above and
beyond of her requests. He is at her call almost immediately and is ready to do whatever is told. I
may command where I adore. Why she may command me: I serve her, she is my lady (2.5.119
120) Malvolio dreams of the day when Olivia feels the same way towards him as he feels
towards her. He fantasizes of how it would feel to be her husband and the master of her house,
having power over all of the other members of the house that are not his absolute favourites. He
will do just about anything to succeed this goal because whatever that has to be done to gain her
love is worth it. For example, although wearing yellow stockings and tying ribbon around your
knees may be majority s idea of embarrassing, Malvolio still does it, just because Olivia said so.
Not only does Malvolio do things to impress Olivia directly but he goes out of his way to better
Olivia s life. My masters are you mad? Or what are you? Have you no wit, manners, nor honesty,
but to gabble like tinkers at this time of night? Do you make an ale house of my lady s house,
that you squeak out your coziers catches without any mitigation or remorse of voice? Is there no
respect of place, persons, nor time in you? (2.3.87 93) Sir Toby and Sir Andrew are complete
drunks who have no respect for Olivia s house. They both get rowdy and have no sense of good
behavior. Malvolio feels as though Sir Toby and Sir Andrew are acting like unmannered
commoners instead of members of nobility. He calls them out because he does not want Olivia
having to deal with
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Analysis of Shipping Industry
Contents |Question No. | |Page | | | | | |1 |Critically assess the key drivers of the Shipping Industry.
|1 | | | | | |2 |To what extent are firms in the Shipping Industry likely to achieve what Hitt et al., |6 | |...
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(Source: Kulwant Singh et al., 2010, Pg 109) | | | | | | | | | | According to the case, in order to
encourage competitive price setting, there are
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The Underrepresentation Of Women In Film
Women are often underrepresented in many fields and occupations in today s day in age,
whether it be STEM careers, big business CEOs, or in the case of this paper, film directors.
Often the females that are present and well known, still face a large amount of discrimination.
Male directors make more than 90 percent of films, reinforcing the anonymity of women in the
film industry. In 2015, women only accounted for seven percent of the directors of big
Hollywood movies. In Brent Lang s article, Number of Female Directors Falls Over 17 Year
Period, Study Finds , he discusses a study that found that women are best represented as producers
(23%) followed by executive producers (19%), editors (18%), writers (11%), cinematographers
(5%), sounds... Show more content on ...
In The Virgin Suicides, we see the Lisbon sisters lounging around their bedroom. In Lost in
Translation, we see many scenes of Scarlett Johansson s character Charlotte lying in bed, pacing
back and forth in her hotel room, and wandering around the streets of Tokyo. In Marie
Antoinette, Marie becomes so bored with her husband and life at Versailles that she starts
becoming obsessed with consuming a variety of material items. In her book, And the Mirror
Cracked: Feminist Cinema and Film Theory, Anneke Smelik says that, the historical context of
feminism allows both the position of the female filmmaker and that of the female spectator to
become enacted and empowered as conscious and self reflexive subject positions (1). Coppola s
powerful position of female filmmaker lets her explore femininity and asks her audience to
identify with the gaze of the powerless woman (44). Girls are often understood to be symbols of
mass consumption/passive consumerism, and you can t help but wonder if Coppola is just trying
to cash in on a niche market trying to enact an empower the female
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Gilman s The 19th Century
Gilman s audiences in the 19th century were bizarre to read such a book like Herland. Nobody
really expected to read a novel about a world of only women and given male abilities. Women s
lives in the 19th century were not always as easy. They faced inequality, abuse, expectations and
stereotypes. Gilman did not just wanted to write Herland for women, but wanted both genders to
treat each other equally and have respect. It s sadly to say but the stereotypes, unequally and
expectations for women are still happing in our world today. We made some achievements through
out the years but are still struggling to fight that equality that Gilman wanted in the 19th century.
Gilman wanted her audience during the 19th century to see in the eyes of the characters Terry, Jeff
and Vandyke as they go through their journey to womentopia. They become shock when they
discuss the physical features of the women. They see what is totally unacceptable in their culture,
Women with short hair, muscular features, farming and climbing up trees. They see it as
unwomanly like and discuss with the women how they are supposed to act, dress and know their
expectations in their world. The women s became bizarre how they are treated in the real world
and explain to the men that they don t need men in their world to be happy. Gilman wanted to her
audience to understand that women were seen as inhumanly and their life were very difficult
making them feel that they were owned just like a object.
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Mad Scientists and Mad Elements Essay
We all know the saying, Don t judge a book by it s cover. Similarly, every element in the periodic
table has its own story and its own unique meaning. However, the average high schooler simply
associates these elements as something used in their chemistry classes. In fact, the elements seen on
the periodic tableactually have much more to do in our daily lives and in history than most people
know. While giving a whole new perspective to the meaning of Chemistry, author Sam Kean
successfully recounts the hidden tales through humor and wit in his bestselling novel The
Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from
the Periodic Table of Elements. Specifically, Chapter 15, An Element of... Show more content on ...
Roentgen performed many tests, including his colleagues discoveries, which involved painting the
plates with a barium compound. When the plates were held in front of an object, Roentgen was
able to see through whatever he was holding up. Inevitably, he was astonished by this discovery
and immediately suspected that he had gone mad. As readers now, one finds his reaction to the first
traces of x ray quite humorous. In fact, this tale is certainly one where the ending is not
detrimental, and in contrary the happy opposite. Essentially, Kean focuses on the idea that these
certain elements mentioned in the chapter affected the lives of these mad scientists immensely. For
the most part, these elements hurt the careers and lives of some scientists, however this was not
the case in all of the stories in this chapter. The examples of selenium crazed Crookes, the false
hype of the manganese covered megadaltons, the palladium scandal of Pons and Fleischmann and
the startling discovery of the x ray by Roentgen successfully conveyed the central theme and
concepts. It is very easy for someone to understand the context filled stories and how they connect
to what Kean is trying to establish. Additionally, the author generally maintains a balanced bias
throughout the chapter. However, with the story of Pons and Fleischmann, one can really sense
Kean s negative attitude to these two scientists. He describes the pair as impostors, swindlers, and
cheats (263) as well as
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Violin Description
The violin is one of the most popular instruments for people looking to develop a musical talent. Its
light weight makes it easily transported from the practice room to the lesson location and
everywhere in between. It generates a familiar and sweet sounding music that people all over the
world will recognize and appreciate. It teaches commitment, dedication, and time management. It
trains hand eye coordination as an effective cross training with athletic abilities. The violinteaches a
skill that can be nurtured and enjoyed over a lifetime of hard work. Violins are made from high
quality wood, ensuring they will withstand the beatings of both a curious child and a frustrated
adult. They feature various colors, bow types, and string qualities.... Show more content on ...
The violin comes with a rosin package, bow, and case. The package has sold millions of copies
worldwide as students all over the world have learned to play. With its compact 1/4 design, this
is one of the best selections for younger players. It is lightweight, portable, and one of the most
popular models on the market. This violin is highly recommended by the most experienced
teachers all over the world. The beautiful body is eloquently designed to ensure comfortable and
efficient practices. Finally, the strings have a natural feel that will ensure fingers do not blister or
bleed. The wood is solid maple and comes with a one year warranty. The case is padded hardwood
for additional
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Surrogacy And The Adoption Of The Surrogate
Q1) As a doctor how would you deconstruct the concept of surrogacy for our readers who may
want to go in for the option? Please elucidate with two different types of surrogacy etc
A1) Surrogacy is a process in which a woman carries and delivers a baby for someone else
because of some problems involving the intended parents. The women who delivers is the
gestational surrogate or carrier. The parents are called as intended parents . They are fully involved
in the pregnancy, present at birth and become the child s parents after its birth. There are two types
of surrogacy
1.Gestational surrogacy The baby here is not genetically related to the surrogate. Eggs come from
intended mother and sperm from intended father. Sometimes donor eggs, ... Show more content on ...
When would you suggest a couple to opt for surrogacy?
A2.) Surrogacy is an arrangement when a woman agrees to carry a pregnancy for another couple
who will become the newborn s parents after birth of the baby.
The couple is asked to opt for surrogacy if the patient does not have a uterus, she has problems in
uterus, she is unable to carry pregnancy safely, pregnancy is medically impossible, serious
medical condition that could be exacerbated by pregnancy or cause significant risk to fetus,
biological inability to conceive( homosexual couple). It is also an option if the couple has had
multiple failures in IVF.
If the surrogate receives monetary compensation, it is called commercial surrogacy. If no payment
is done except for medical reimbursement and basic pregnancy expenses, it is called as altruistic
Q3) What kind of medical, emotional and legal/paperwork preparations that a couple requires to
undergo before opting for surrogacy?
A3) Decision to use surrogacy is very complicated and psychosocial education and counselling by a
qualified mental health professional should be given to all intended parents. Genetic parents should
undergo genetic evaluation, complete medical and physical evaluation. Before acceptance and
within six months of creating the embryos to be transferred, genetic parents undergo the following
tests and if found positive, the genetic
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Objectivity In Autophenonmenology And Heterophenomenology.
Objectivity in Autophenonmenology and Heterophenomenology
In the journal How to Study Human Consciousness Empirically, Daniel Dennett claims that people
are often just wrong about what they are doing and how they are doing it. Rather than having an
objective and complete understanding of our own intentions and processes, we tend to use
assumptions as knowledge, alter facts to align with our beliefs, and theorize about causes and
effects. As a result, studies of traditional phenomenology (referred to in this situation as
autophenomenology) are often clouded by personal biases and misinterpretations. The evidence of
this confabulation is very similar to a curious child it reveals itself through one repeated question:
why? For example, ... Show more content on ...
This intrinsic subjectivity is important to keep in mind when studying consciousness from a
heterophenomenological perspective. The only true basis we have to determine the individual
experience of another person is what they communicate to us. If this communication is inherently
jumbled with misunderstandings and theories of one s qualia, the data on which
heterophenomenology is based is flawed and, consequently, so is heterophenomenology itself.
Rather than providing a scientific third person view of consciousness, it creates more of a
collective fictional narrative that describes the average experiences of others. In analogous terms,
heterophenomenology aims to create a textbook, but can only produce a pop culture magazine.
This view may be debated by analyzing the validity of personal experience. The fact that an
individual s view of their own internal processes is flawed could be seen as irrelevant; in the end,
what truly matters to the study of consciousness is what one is experiencing. If what one believes
differs from the truth, does this incongruity not reveal key factors of consciousness? Furthermore,
these subjective claims can be cross referenced with scientific facts to neutralize human error. This
can be seen in one of the examples above, in which an individual claims that they went to a
restaurant because they were hungry because they had not eaten in
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Book Of Mormon Evaluation
Shows Improvement: The more I study the Book of Mormon the more I understand that it was
written for us. Sometimes I feel like the characters of the Book of Mormon are out of touch or
hard to relate to, but in reality they represent every facet of modern society. They help us see the
good in the world, they help us see the evil in our lives, and ultimately warn us from the swaying
philosophies of the world that lead men into sin. When I read about Nephi and his brothers and the
fights that they had, I think about the relationship that I have with my brothers; when I read about
Sherem and Nehor, I think about the dangerous and volatile philosophies of men that justify sin
and denounce the teachings of Chirst; and when I read about Ammon and the Sons of Mosiah, I
think about the missionaries that have touched my life and the kind of missionary that I hope to
be. Every story and every character relates to an experience of mine or an... Show more content on ...
The practicum made me understand how important it is to apply what you study. I have been
studying the Book Mormon and gaining knowledge, but I have not been acting on what I have
learned and I ultimately have not changed, or have not become a better person. For the
practicum I chose to improve my personal prayer. The prophets in the Book of Mormon such as
Nephi, Enos, and Alma testify of the importance of prayer when it comes to personal conversion
and guidance. During (and now after my practicum) I understand how important communication
with God is and how strengthened I feel after I pray. When I study the Book of Mormon, now I
try to identify doctrines and principles and how I can apply them to my life. For example, when
we read about Ammon and the Sons of Mosiah I tried to identify specific doctrine that I could
apply about being a better
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Greek Sports Vs Roman Games
The nature of competitive sports has been an interest to humans since ancient times.
The creation of sports spectacles was not initially meant to display athletic excellence. Secondly,
some of the events that happened did not pertain to athletics at all because the main focus was not
on one specific sport. Although separated by distance and time, the Roman Games and Greek
Olympics both exemplify practices that are familiar to modern sporting events. Both of these
athletic events were the primal source of influence on modern sports competitions. Sports were a
primary source of entertainment for people in ancient times, thus large sporting events became very
popular, received a lot of attention, and have remained in society until present day.... Show more
content on ...
The Greeks invented athletic contests and held them in honour of their gods. The Greek Olympic
Games was one of the first and most famous sporting events in history, dating back to 776 BC.
The Olympics were held every four years and the purpose of this event was to honour the god,
Zeus. Furthermore, the Isthmian Games was also held to honour the sea god, Poseidon, and the
Pythian Games honoured the god, Apollo. These three events verify that the ancient Greeks
initially held sporting events to honour their gods. The creation of the Roman Games began in
264 BC, centuries after the first Olympic Games. Romans were more interested in the
entertaining aspects of these competitions rather than the honouring of foreign Greek gods. The
first instance of gladiator contests, a popular event in Roman Games, was when an important
Roman citizen died and his family decided to have slaves fight each other during the funeral.
This is because Romans believed that after death, a person s soul would be transported by human
blood. This became more common amongst aristocratic and wealthy families who tried to prove
their dominance in the community. As it became more common, more people started to watch
these events and it grew into a spectacle. As time passed, the Games became solely a source of
entertainment for the spectators, however it also became a tool for politicians. Julius Caesar was
one of the first Roman politicians to utilise free gladiatorial contests as a way of gaining popularity.
These free events became the Roman
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Dna Profiling Essay
Deoxyribonucleic acid profiling also commonly known as DNA is a biotechnological science, a
forensic technique used to identify individuals by using their genetic sequencing, although most
people have the same DNA they have different regions within their sequencing that makes them
individual. Profiling is not only used for fingerprinting it is used to analyse saliva, skin tissue,
blood, hair and semen. The procedure of DNAprofiling is used to identify criminals, disaster victims
and one s pedigrees through paternity tests.
The advantages of DNA profiling is any cell with nuclei can be used for testing. The testing is
severely sensitive so that any difference in the DNA sequence with be easily picked up when the
scientist is taking extra care. DNA is robust and can hold out from deteriorating even when being
contaminated with toxins and or bacteria. Profiling can easily exclude many suspects from a case,
leading crime investigators on to the right track. Leaving out the innocent suspects and giving them
justice. The table below proves that DNA profiling is a major benefit to our worlds justice today....
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The match of DNA to a suspect doesn t have an absolute guarantee of accuracy of the suspects
guilt. Although if this is suspected forensic scientists will provide a statistical analyses with the
evidence to provide a strong case for the prosecutor. In some cases the juror is too heavily reliant
and in demand of DNA testing. Although criminals can plant fake DNA sequences at the crime
scene. This is done by having access to DNA databases and a replication of the same DNA without
having to utilise the actual tissue of the person being replicated. Tests have been created to identify
between real and fake DNA
... Get more on ...
Screenwriter And Director Research Paper
Carlissa Hinton
April 12, 2017 Screenwriters and Directors
To be a screenwriter and/or a director you must be willing to share your imagination with the
world. There s so many ideas that flow through my mind daily, therefore this would be the perfect
job for me. A great outlet to express my feelings and thoughts with the world. If I just described
you, then continue reading to further discover the life of a writer/director.
Rather you want to be a screenwriter and/or a director, those two occupations are similar but very
different. The screenwriter is responsible for writing the script. Once they ve handed over the script
that s pretty much the end of their creative involvement with the project. The director is responsible
for making ... Show more content on ...
Sure, the aftermath is awesome: watching something you ve written come to life, etc. But getting it
onto the page is, personally speaking, excruciating.
Question:How do you avoid exposition?
Answer:You don t. You police it. I go back through and read it over and over and continually ask
myself do they need to say this? And in doing so, I ve come up with some really cool scenes and
interesting ways to show things that I initially had been telling.
Fascination with Becoming a Screenwriter/Director
I made the career choice to become a screenwriter/director because it is an easy outlet. Since I
was in elementary school I was an excellent writer. I would write fairytales upon fairytales and
read them to whoever was willing to listen. When all the other children wanted to go outside and
play, I would be writing. Anywhere and everywhere, you could always catch me with a pen and
paper. Growing up I had many dreams, had many aspirations. Over time most of those aspirations
faded, and it became all but nothing a simple dream. Yet as I grow older writing has never left my
side. I began doing spoken word which opened the door to my public speaking. Which now has me
so excited to write something, anything, knowing that people are excited and willing to hear me
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. Essay On Goals And Objectives 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay On Goals And Objectives Essay On Goals And Objectives
  • 2. Safaris In Kenya Essay 1) Kenyan Safaris Kenya has beautiful, picturesque mountains including Mount Kilimanjaro, waterfalls, lakes, and deserts. Kenya has over 65 wildlife preserves and national parks Popular safaris in Kenya include Amboseli National Park, Lake Nakuru National Park, Tsavo East and West National Parks, MaasaiMara National Reserve, Samburu National Reserve, Taita Hills Wildlife Sanctuary, and Lake Naivasha National Park. В· Amboseli National Park is 151 sq miles of beauty. This park is most famous for being the best place in Africa to watch free range elephants, seeing the best views of Mount Kilimanjaro and also being able to interact with the Maasai people. В· Lake Nakuru National Park is home to one of the Rift Valley soda lakes. The lake has an abundance of algae that attracts an enormous quantity of birds including flamingoes. Warthogs, rhinos, and baboons are also very popular in the area. В· Tsavo East National Park is very flat with dry plains. The park features the Galena River, Yatta Plateau, and Lugard Falls. Comment by Grammarly: Deleted:a В· Tsavo West National Park is one of the oldest parks in Kenya, opening in 1948. Compared to the Tsavo East National Park, The Tsavo West National Park is more mountainous and wet. Lake Jipe, swamps, and Mzima Springs are locations within the park. There is lots of animal life in this park including Maasai giraffes, black rhinos, elephants, and leopards.Comment by Grammarly: Deleted:the Comment by Grammarly: ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Learning Disabilities and the Classroom Mary L. Burkitt Grand Canyon University: SPE 359 July 7, 2013 Learning Disabilities and the Classroom With every classroom you are able to see a dynamic between students and their teacher. It takes a strong teacher to really make everything accessible to all students including student with learning disabilities. The class that I watched was Christina Hilliker s second grade. The disabilities that were part of this great dynamic were Downs, Autism, ADHD, auditory processing and behavior issues that cause learning difficulties. Within the classroom I was able to see many ways that Ms. Hilliker was maintaining her classroom. For general classroom behavior she used a stop light method (red, green yellow). Each student had a ... Show more content on ... I found it very strange to find out that the student with Downs was not labeled as a learning disability but was put into this category to access what she needed academically. I did not like the fact that due to funding most of the students like this were not on an alternative curriculum in all cases. I would however use Ms. Hilliker s seating ideas because it seemed to help B.S. maintain his behavior and compete is work with minimal distractions and M.M. was close to the teacher at all times to ask for clarification. I did notice that M.M. was labeled as auditory processing disorder and there were few accommodations to help this student as an individual. While watching B.S. it was clear that there was the need to have some type of social skills expectations that should be worked with, this student was very immature and inappropriate at times. M.M. on the other hand had no social interaction with his classmates unless the teacher essential made him do it. I also saw that students that were higher sometimes made B.S. and C.S. get off task when they thought it would be funny for them to get negative attention from the teacher, this was normally right after the Para or teacher paid one on one attention to these two particular students. It was clear that Ms. Hilliker was familiar with this behavior as well because she was able to stop most of this behavior before it got out of hand and was ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Economic Development For A Defined Area Economic development for a defined area has three primary goals foster employment opportunities for the area s current residents, diversify the area s economic and employment base, and stabilize the local economy (Blakely Leigh, 2013). By providing quality jobs for an area s residents, versus the more costly alternative of bringing new firms to the area (which could also require a different skill set in their labor force than what the city currently has rendering the city s effort somewhat fruitless), the economic planning organization is looking to create employment diversity and opportunities from within their own community that are suitable for the area s workforce. An area must also be highly aware of the business environment within the community to ensure that local economic stability is possible. If the city does not have a diverse infrastructure that firms require to conduct business than the locality will not be able to grow, retain, or attract firms within or to the area. Diversity in the economic and employment base is also a complex and constantly evolving challenge for local economic developmentpractitioners. The organization must be able to keep track and organize employment data within a locality to see where certain sectors of the economyare in the need of assistance to prevent employment gaps in the community. Planner s should be constantly comparing their strategies and approaches to the three goals local economic development, and prevent any action ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Comparison Of Doxorubicin And BV There is no cure for HIV, but there are treatments to enable most people with the virus to live a long and healthy life. If anyone think he has been exposed to the virus within the last 72 hours (three days), anti HIV medication post exposure prophylaxis may stop him becoming infected. The quicker PEP is started the better The longer the wait, the less chance of it being effective. But the description is not accurate. PEP is a month long treatment, which has serious side effects and is not guaranteed to work. The treatment involves taking the same drugs prescribed to people who have tested positive for HIV. If you are diagnosed with HIV, you will have regular blood tests to monitor the progress of the virus before starting treatment. You... Show more content on ... Always check with clinic staff or your GP before taking any other medicines. Cytotoxic chemotherapy is frequently required for the more severe manifestations of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) related Kaposi s sarcoma. Combinations of bleomycin and vincristine (BV) or BV with the addition of doxorubicin (ABV) are the most commonly used regimens against which new treatments may be compared. We report a multicenter phase III study that compared pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) to the BV combination. on other hand in other studies Food insecurity, micronutrient deficits, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and bone disorders complicate the treatment of HIV infection. Nutrition and exercise interventions can be effective in ameliorating these symptoms that are associated with HIV and antiretroviral therapy (ART). In this literature review, we examine the most recent nutrition and exercise interventions for HIV infected patients. Macronutrient supplementation can be useful in treating malnutrition and wasting. Multivitamin (vitamin B complex, vitamin C, and vitamin E) supplements and vitamin D may improve quality of life and decrease morbidity and mortality. Nutritional counseling and exercise interventions are effective for treating obesity, fat redistribution, and metabolic abnormalities. Physical activity interventions improve body composition, strength, and fitness in HIV infected individuals. Taken collectively, the evidence ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Making a Suitable Environment for Your Disabled Child Children with disabilities will make a significant improvement in their skills if they live in comprehensive and inclusive environment for them. Inclusive environment will benefit the child in several ways. The primary goal of creating an inclusive environment is to involve the disabled child with their peers, family, and the outside world. The suitable environment will support them by making modification and training on their behavior and attitude. Therefore, they will be prepared to life s experiences and daily life activities. A special needs child s early years are different as his later years. Inclusive environment is what makes the difference in the child s development. The development is achieved through several settings and strategies. Home environment and interaction with the family will build a strong base of personality and behavioral aspects for the child s first years. Afterward school environment starts to intervene and affect a child s intellectual and learning skills. As well as a playground and activities which include social communication and behavior skills. Therefore, providing facilities and inclusive environment for disabled children will make them learn to interact with non disabled children and develop their skills. A suitable environment for special needs children is created in the school, house, and playground. First, school is the main source for promoting skills for disabled children. The school environment which includes techniques or ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Compare And Contrast Starry Night And Stary Night A Night to Remember Imagine the wonder of staring into a clear night sky, being able to see the stars reflecting against water and seeing the faint light of civilization in the distance. This is the same mindset that caught Van Gogh s imagination. In fact, it excited Van Gogh so much, he would say to another painter before painting But when shall I ever paint the Starry Sky, this painting that keeps haunting me (Lewandowski). Starry Night Over the Rhone and Starry Night would be the culmination of his thoughts and efforts. However, even though they are a part of the same collection, these paintings contain stark differences compared to each other. Mostly, these differences are found in the former painting. Compared to the latter, this version contains much calmer colors, and the style is much less aggressive, with less emphasis on the stars and more emphasis on how light interacts. Nevertheless, both paintings represent two different states of Van Gogh s mind. Starry Night Over the Rhone, compared to Starry Night, was painted during a much happier time in Van Gogh s life, which is reflected both in style, color, imagery, and in history. Starry Night Over the Rhone is a painting that follows the same styling of painting of many other of Van Gogh s paintings. The painting itself portrayed the scene of a view near Van Gogh s house at the time. In the foreground, there is the river with its dark water and a couple taking a romantic walk around the beaches under the night sky. In the background, Van Gogh paints the city across the river as a minor part of the painting, putting more emphasis on the street lamps within the city, as if the lights the city holds are the same as the stars in the night sky. Finally, as the name suggests, the starry night is in full effect in this painting, with major emphasis one the stars. He would even go as far as to paint the stars massively disproportionate to their real size and change the local astronomy in the painting to add to its serene setting. To match Van Gogh s style, it contains broad brush strokes for much of the painting, combining many dark blues and even blacks to create the river Rhone and a starry sky. However, in contrast to the night and the river, he uses ... Get more on ...
  • 8. My Experience At Vegas Yep, It s Mine Winter. We try to celebrate, but no, every resort in Vegas just has to be closed, doesn t it. And what s more, closed because of a bit of cold weather! You only have to wait a week. Right. Of all the times we could ve celebrated, or when we want to celebrate, and now, today, they have to be closed. No, I wouldn t want offend the owners or anything. I only graduated high school! I mean really, I even waited for a break in this college semester. I may be on break, but c mon Vegas, give me a break. Why did winter have to came so early this year, tell me god? The Idea of traveling to Vegas... Yep, it s mine. Why I even traveled here in the first place... It is questionable if even god knows? I m just gonna ask Joel if he cares if we stay at a... Show more content on ... Yes Joel, that vision. Only a vision. Jake says calmly with more than a bit of sarcasm in his voice. Yeah, well... I m still a bit worried. Joel said, a bit calmer now. Relax Joel, we ll be fine Jake said. Well I guess waiting just flew out the door. Jake had thought, much less mad, much more tired. It s 11:30 at night. Hey look, Paragon Hotel, Let s check it out. Ok, but if anything happens, I m blaming you. Sounds reasonable, Jake says, turning in to the hotel as he speaks. Jake pulls into the Paragon Hotel. The hotel has more so the shape of the letter L in the exterior. It is three stories high with a glass elevator, and black, iron spiraled stairs on each end to each story.A blizzard is beginning. As might be expected, all of Paragon Hotel has been covered in snow. I m surprised they found the door, It did take about thirty minutes, but, they found the door. It was midnight and colder than ever thought. Joel was almost fully awake, though a hint of worry was still traceable on his face. Thank god we finally found the door. Now to check in...another thirty minutes. Great. Jake thinks to himself, irritated at Vegas as a whole now. As it turned out, Jake and Joel did check in.Though they were so tired, they immediately went to sleep, drifting deeply into the void, as they rest in their soft, feathered bed. What is this place. Jake thinks to himself, confused. ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Bean Trees Essay The Bean Tree amp;nbsp; Write a composition based on the novel you have studied discussing the basis for and impact of individual choices. What idea does the author develop regarding choices? amp;#9;Living is about making choices. The choices people make shape their lives for better or worse. Even the decision not to choose has its effects, often not wanted. But the individual who chooses to make positive choices and to act accordingly is more likely to see his or her life reflect his or her beliefs and desires. Usually the individual who chooses to take action is also willing to face the risks and obstacles that such choices involve. amp;#9; quot;The Bean Tree, quot; by Barbara Kingsolver, is a warm, funny story about a ... Show more content on ... There appears to be no hope of Taylor adopting her without the permission of Turtle s family. Because Taylor loves and can not imagine losing Turtle, she turns to Estevan and Esperanza as her last hope. Feeling that she has no other choice, she asks them to help her by posing as Turtle s parents and signing the adoption papers. Although there is risk involved for them too, Estevan and Esperanza agree without hesitation to do so. If they get caught, however, Taylor will lose everything she wants. Turtle will be taken away and so will Estevan and Esperanza, since they are in fact illegal immigrants. amp;#9; amp;#9;Circumstances have forced Taylor to face some difficult decisions, but her upbringing and strength of character help her move forward. Despite some moments of hesitation and self doubt she makes her choices with full knowledge of what she is doing and why. Being neither her real mother or legal guardian, if Taylor gets caught Turtle will certainly be taken away from her and put into the custody of foster parents. But, if she does nothing she will lose Turtle anyway. amp;#9; In the same way, she agrees to take Esperanza and Estevan to Oklahoma. Before she makes this decision too, she knows there is much risk involved. If she does not help them move on from Arizona they are likely to be deported, and could face death in Guatemala. But she is breaking the law by taking illegal immigrants out of Arizona. Yet her conscienceand her heart are involved. She ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Analysis Of The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner Tashinga Chitambira Salsbury Brit Lit 18 April 2016 Finding Christian Imagery in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Many people read Samuel Coleridge s ballad, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and find various and complex symbols. Among these symbols are spiritual and religious analogies. The poem connects God and Nature and the way that God is represented in All things great and small, (Coleridge 7.617). There is an allegorical nature of Coleridge s work best found in his Christ like albatross. The bird itself become a Christ figure in which the poem illustrates the necessity for love, sacrifice, and sometimes suffering. We see that all humans are in communion with Christ and our actions affect each other directly as we are all connected through Christ. ...A torch that s borne upright. Their stony eye balls glitter d on In the red and smoky light.(pg 240 Here we see that that the mariner s actions affected his crew as well because even though the crew was not a part of the killing. The people that surrounded him suffered with him up to a certain point. Showing that Christ want unity of man so they can help each other become better. The poem opens with the ancient mariner telling his story to a wedding party. He tell the story of the albatross and the dead of his crew that followed his slaying of the bird. The bird represents Christ through connecting Christianity to veneration for nature. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Has a religious moral that can be derived ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Lorraine Hansberry Essay Her first play, A Raisin In the Sun, is based on her childhood experiences of desegregating a white neighborhood. It won the New York Drama Critic s Circle Award as Best Play of the Year. She was the youngest American, the fifth woman and the first black to win the award. Her success opened the floodgates for a generation of modern black actors and writers who were influenced and encouraged by her writing. Hansberry was born in 1930, the youngest of four children of Carl and Nannie Hansberry, a respected and successful black family in Chicago, Illinois. Nannie was the college educated daughter of an African Methodist Episcopal minister, and Carl was a successful real estate businessman, an inventor and a politician who ran for congress ... Show more content on ... Cover of A Raisin in the Sun Hansberry used the success of A Raisin In the Sun as a platform to speak out for the American Civil Rights Movement and for the African struggle to free itself from white rule. She helped raise money, gave impassioned speeches and took part in panels and interviews to further these causes. After her initial success she lived only six years and was able to complete only one more play, a movie and a television script which was too racially controversial to be aired. Her second play, The Sign in Sidney Brustein s Window, was received with mixed reviews and kept open for 101 performances only by the contributions and support of the theatre community. It closed the night she died at 34 from cancer. After her death Nemiroff finished and produced her final work, Les Blancs, a play about African liberation. Hansberry had begun to claim her identity as a lesbian in a 1957 letter to a lesbian periodical, The Ladder. This information and her 1964 divorce from Nemiroff was not widely known at the time of her death. In 1965 the Gay Liberation Movement did not exist and a woman could not claim such an identity without major reprisals. It was not until the 1980s that feminist scholars began connecting ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Genetic Pathogenesis Of Migraine Genetics has been shown to play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of migraine. The studies in the field of migraine has advanced tremendously in the last two decades resulting in the development of the existing knowledge about genetic inheritance of this debilitating disease. However, there is a need to expand this knowledge in the areas of treatment. Approximately 70% of patients with migraine reported to have a first degree relative who is also suffering from migraine. The relatives of migraine patients with aura has a four times increased risk of developing migraine (Medscape). The studies conducted among the twins and families of migraine patients have shown that migraine with aura (MA) and migraine without aura (MO) have a heritability... Show more content on ... The hemiplegia associated with FHM typically resolves. It is also accompanied with cerebellar ataxia that is related to the 19p locus. So far three genes are recognized as causing FHM. The type I FHM is caused by mutations in theCACNA1A gene located on 19p13. FHM type 2 is linked to mutations in the ATP1A2 gene and the type 3 is attributed to the mutations in the SCN1A gene. Migraine is also associated with other inherited disorders such as mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke like episodes (MELAS) as well as cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL). Migraine is also a common clinical manifestation of various genetic vasculopathies such as retinal vasculopathy with cerebral leukodystrophy (RVCL) and hereditary infantile hemiparesis, retinal arteriolar tortuosity, and leukoencephalopathy (HIHRATL). These two vasculopathies are autosomal dominant disorders. However the process by which these genetic vasculopathies causing migraine is still not ... Get more on ...
  • 13. How Did Pat Tillman Show Loyalty Somewhere inside, we hear a voice. It leads us in the direction of the person we wish to become. But it is up to us whether or not we follow. Pat Tillman. Pat Tillman once said this, and from looking at his life, you can see that he followed that voice. Tillman was born in San Jose, California on November 6, 1976 to Mary and Patrick Tillman. He attended Leland High School where he excelled at football. He went on to play at Arizona State University, where they took notice of his incredible talent, and personality. After he graduated from Arizona State he was drafted in the seventh round and ended up on the Cardinals. After September 11, 2001 Tillman was hit hard, and decided that he was going to serve his country. Sadly, Tillman... Show more content on ... His freshman year in high school Tillman tried out for baseball, however after making the JV team he decided that he would rather try being a football player. At first that was a confusing goal, Tillman was not shaped like a football player. However, he surprised everyone. When he was just a sophomore he got moved up to the varsity team, ending up being the youngest person on the team at only age 16. During his NFL years he set a recorded for the most number of tackes totalling 224. However, Tillman didn t only work hard on the field, but also in school. Tillman graduated in only 3.5 years with a 3.84 grade point average. Adding to that Tillman went back to get his masters for history during his NFL years. Overall, Tillman was a hard working man. During one off season Tillman decided that he was going to run a marathon. He said he was going to do it, so he did it. He had this phrase that just shows how hard working he was. You can accomplish anything if you just push yourself through it. Through running a marathon, to getting high grades, to being an amazing football player you can see that Pat Tillman had a strong work ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Zulu Tribe The Zulu Tribe Of Africa KwaZulu Natal is the smallest province in South Africa, yet it contains the remnants of the once powerful Zulu tribe. The history of the Zulu people is rather short in comparison to other tribes in Africa. In this essay I hope to briefly discuss the Zulu history, what makes them unique, the Zulu religion, the interaction with the British colonial groups, how the Zulu nation came to come into power, and where the present day Zulu people stand in society today. It is not known exactly when or how the Zulu tribe came into existence, but it is thought it originated around the 1620 s. Because there is no real evidence that describes the origin of the Zulu people, one has to filter through some of the ... Show more content on ... Warriors were ordered to live in special camps under their commanders, and were not allowed to marry before the age of 409. The traditional throwing spear was replaced by the short spear used for stabbing called the iklwa by the Zulu because of the sound it made when pulled out of the enemy s body10. Shaka s soldiers were trained constantly, becoming so fit that they were able to go into battle after marching 50 miles in one day. The Zulu tribe was being transformed into a new strictly militarized nation. When his old enemy, Zwide, chief of the Ndwandwe killed Dingiswayo in an ambush, Shaka emerged as the undisputed successor. He reorganized the Mthethwa along Zulu lines, and adopted a new policy consisting of conquering tribes and using their young men as soldiers in his army. Shaka declared the Zulu dialect to be the official language. The advisory role of the old councils of chiefs and elders was done away with. Shaka occasionally took advice from his commanders, but he ruled with absolute power11. After consolidating his rule, Shaka began to look outward. His first task was to rid himself of the Ndwandwe threat that had claimed Dingiswayo s life. This he did in a seven week campaign that culminated in the annihilation of the Ndwandwe forces. Zwide and some of his subjects escaped and settled with some of his subjects on the upper Nkomati River. Zwide eventually died in 182512. Meanwhile, in his ten year reign, Shaka s army dominated all of ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Who Stayed On Junas On The Em Four days later they, without O Donnell, who stayed on Junas to work on the EM device, made their way, with IQ and Screwdriver as guides, in a transport vessel towards the planet Kalos to inspect the battle fleet. None was ready for the incredible sight as they approached the planets orbital plane. The rate of the fleets construction was unbelievable. In four days, six finished battle groups, each containing three thousand battle cruisers, already orbited the western side of the planet, with at least thirty finished fighter squadrons, each containing five hundred fighters, orbiting its eastern side. IQ slowed the transport shipdown and guided it into the planet s atmosphere before turning towards the Central Construction Headquarters. On the ground, the heavy rumble of industry vibrated the atmosphere like a constant thunder as they walked from the transport vessel to a waiting runabout. Everywhere around, androids worked at impossible paces as automated machines spun and clattered. Above their heads, booms swished to and fro as they swung their heavy payloads from one place to another and, amidst all of this, loud orders cut through the dust filled noise like gaggles of tempered Geese. The loudest of these belonging to Sidebottom. Get a move on! He shouted, as he whizzed between the construction workers. Hurry with that Neutronic Booster! On your feet, it s not time for an oil break! I ll turn his head inside out if he doesn t shut up! A voice ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Reckless Driving Essay As Americans we love our cars, trucks, SUVs, and motorbikes for many different reasons. One major reason is that they are an easy and convenient mobility; a personal mode of transportation. It is rather hard to imagine what this county would be like without all the roads and vehicles on them. This is abundantly evident in Arizona, where the majority of us drive to most all of our activities from going to work or taking the kids for an ice cream. We jump into our vehicle and go. However, a curious thing often happens when we get in our car, truck and SUVs. We sometimes change turning into someone different when behind the wheel of our vehicle. We can become inconsiderate and aggressive to other drivers; at times even becoming rude, crude,... Show more content on ... They are failure to yield the right of way, reckless, carless, erratic driving, failure to obey traffic signs, and other traffic control devices, and making improper turns (AAA Foundation (2009). Arizona law makers took notice of the dangers that are created by aggressive drivers. The lawmakers amended the Reckless Driving Section and amended the name of the statute 28 695 to Reckless and Aggressive Driving. Arizona statute defines aggressive driving as a situation in which a person commits a violation of speeding and at least two other traffic violations (i.e., failure to obey traffic control devices, improper passing, driving off the pavement or traveled portion of the highway, following too close, failure to yield right of way, or driving in a way that is an immediate hazard to another person or vehicle). (ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY , para. 2). This was an important step allow law enforcement a tool to make the roads safer. The serious problem is we should be trying to be safer on our own. The question that should be asked is why are so many people are compelled to be dangerous drivers? It could be that there is a sense of invincibility when they are in control of a big powerful machine. This is often the case with younger male drivers, who enjoy the thrill of dangerous driving. In other instances normally calm, law abiding drivers snap in a fit of rage. This road rage can turn a driver from calm to instantly a monster behind the wheel, ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Scarlet Letter Analysic- Form, Plot, Tone, Essay Scarlet Letter Analysis Form, Structure and Plot: The structure that Hawthorne puts the Scarlet Letter is very tight, and is in essentially three parts, each revolving around the scaffold. The first scaffold scene, Hester confesses her sin of adultery to the crowd in the light of day. The second scaffold scene takes place in the middle of the book at night; it is the climax of the plot. Dimmesdale climbs onto the scaffold, and asks for Hester and Pearl to join him. This is not a confession, as there are no witnesses, except for Chillington. The third scaffold scene is at the end of the novel. Here, Dimmesdale is on the scaffold, with Hester and Pearl. It is light out, and they are speaking to a crowd. Here, Dimmesdale confesses his sin. ... Show more content on ... His face darkened with some powerful emotion, which, nevertheless, he instantaneously controlled by an effort of his will, that, save at a singly moment, its expression might have passed for calmness. The majority of the sentence is secondary structure. There are two primary his face darkened and he controlled. The primary structure allows us to understand what is happening at the moment, while the secondary allows us to see an image of what Hawthorne was trying to get across cynicism. With the first part of the sentence his face darkened with some powerful emotion , he can imagine his expression growing into a scowl, the air around him darkening as he meets eyes with Hester. Tone: The tone in The Scarlet Letteris moralizing, impassioned, formal, and skeptical. The narrator of the story pretends to be unbiased, although it is blatantly obvious he does not think highly of Puritans. He often spends one to two paragraphs discussing the problems he has with Puritan society, or a law that had effect at the time. Bibliography Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet letter. New York: Barnes Noble Children s Classics, 2001. Print. SparkNotes: The Scarlet Letter: Context. SparkNotes: Today s Most Popular Study Guides. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Oct. 2011. . The Scarlet Letter Hypocrisy Quotes. Shmoop: Homework Help, Teacher Resources, Test Prep. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Oct. 2011. ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Women Should Be Allowed In The Military Draft Should women be allowed in all areas in the military? Making a draft for women will destroy families, cost more money for the military, and women have a big disadvantage against men. If there is a draft for women it will only make things harder on everyone. If women want to serve, go find another job; and there is no reason why they should be forced to. Because of these reasons there should not be a draft for women. There has already been 2 females that have completed the marine corps. Females shouldn t be allowed in all areas of the militaryif they can t meet the same standards the men have to meet. To begin with, there is no problem without women why make it harder and put women in the draft. Making a draft for women can cause many problems.... Show more content on ... Women are different from men. If a woman is carrying 130 pounds of equipment into combat, there is a high risk of them getting hurt. If a girl gets hurt in the military this can cost more money for medical bills. Also if a woman gets hurt in battle just because she is carrying more than she can handle, someone else is going to have to put themselves at risk to help her get back safely. With this being said, there is no reason to have women on the ground and in battle over men. The military already uses so much money, putting girls in battle would only hurt the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Poe Oval Portrait Essay 1. Why did the mysterious gentleman and his valet break into the abandoned chateau? a) The valet brings the mysterious gentleman, who is also the narrator, into an abandoned chateau because the man is injured and he does not want the man to have to sleep outside. 2. What was unusual about the oval portrait? a) The oval portrait was so unusual because it had been hidden in the dark near the bedpost. The painting is of a young girl who looks like she is about to become a woman. The painting startled the narrator because it looks so real that he almost thought the girl was in front of him in real life. 3. What did the gentleman find out about the portrait from the book he had found? a)The gentleman read about the portrait ... Show more content on ... I think he was more in love with his paintings and art in general. I believe he married his wife because he knew that she was an obedient caring woman and would support him. A man who truly loved his wife would not put art before his own wife and would definitely not allow her to die in front of him. This just proves what his true priorities in life are. 6. Can you imagine a similar situation occurring today? Explain why or why not. a)I feel like this situation is quite common in relationships. A man or woman goes out with someone just because they know that person is a good person at heart. They believe they love them, but it is their qualities the love, not the person as a whole and definitely not for the right reasons. Relationships like this never last, because the person is always choosing other things over their loved one. Gambling is a perfect example for this scenario. A person may choose gambling over the person they love, because in fact they love gambling more than the person itself, and therefore cannot stop gambling and will put nothing above it. 7. In what descriptive terms does Poe describe the environment of the chateau and its turret room? a) The chateau seems abandoned and worn out. The turret room is in a remote section of the chateau. The room is rich in decorations, but they are decaying and antique. The walls are filled with tapestries, trophies, and many paintings. 8. How is the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Dov Charney s Struggle For Control Of American Apparel Susan Berfield starts her article, Dov Charney s Sleazy Struggle for Control of American Apparel by stating how Charney struggled to get his company back. She in her article hints that Charney was aware that it was totally his fault for the downfall of his company American Apparel. She proves that by stating evidence of Charney making excuse to get away from the conversation /interview with her not once but multiple times. The evidence includes, Oh wait, got to take this , It s my mother, let me take this, I apologize , and much more. Susan s articles focus is to find out who and what was it that led to the downfall of American Apparel. Being the CEO of a company, your personality does affect the business of the company. In this article, ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Club Aguilas I enjoyed playing Soccer because I could unite with other people and make other people feel happy. When I was in Guatemala, I practiced soccer almost every day and I wanted to play soccer for the major leagues. One day in Guatemala when I was walking on the streets and I saw a sign that said: club Aguilas FC would be making tryouts for new players. Before I went to the tryouts I practiced like crazy because I want to get in the team. The club Aguilas FC was a third division which was a good way to start as a new soccer player. After few weeks, the tryouts started. When I got to the stadium I was really excited because finally, I would be able to show my talents as a soccer player. However, I wasn t the only guy that was trying to get into the team. That day I saw more than 75 guys showing their ... Show more content on ... Also as a professional player, you can go to the stadium for free and watch all the games from the second and first division which were really good. With the time the World Cup was coming soon and I was really excited because it only happens every four years. The World Cup is the biggest soccer event because this event unites all the countries in order to play against each other and win the Gold Cup that means that your team is the best in all world. The World Cup always take place in a different country. The country is chosen by FIFAand after is chose, FIFA makes a big conference in which give the details about where the World Cup would take place. The FIFA created groups for every continent. The groups are created to get the first 3 places of each group that would be representing their continents. After FIFA has the names of the first 3 places, they are mix with different countries in order to have only 16 groups to start to play the World Cup. After the 16 groups have played only a few groups are able to pass to the next round call ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Compare And Contrast Maol Pot And Mao Zedong Pol Pot and Mao Zedong committed horrendous acts of genocide. Both are leaders of their country and are merciless when it comes to gaining, and or controlling power. Pol Pot was a leader of the Khmer Rouge and committed the Cambodia genocide. Mao Zedong was the leader of China and he committed the Great Chinese Famine. Both countries were communist; Cambodia became a communist country after it was taken over by the Khmer Rouge. Both Pol Pot and Mao Zedong were fearless leaders who would give the order to commit violence. Pol Pot played a role in mass violence in Cambodia with the Khmer Rouge. While taking over Cambodia, people were relocated, starved, and executed. The total death toll of the Cambodian genocide was around 2 million. Mao Zedong was perhaps the biggest advocate for mass violence. His plan, the Great Leap Forward, was a plan in which farmers would report higher agricultural gains than in reality. This would bring about a deficit within China and many people would soon start to starve and die from starvation. After the Great China Famine, the Cultural Revolution and Red Guards came into play. Red Guards roamed the cities and humiliated, persecuted, and or killed enemies of the state. Pol Pot s justification for mass violence was that he wanted to create an agrarian utopia. Pol Pot wanted complete control, so he would execute anyone who would oppose him. Anyone that may have been thought as a threat towards a revolution was also killed, such as educated people. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Adventrue of Hucleberry Fin by Mark Twain The classic novel Huckleberry Fin, by Mark Twain, has been debated of being appropriate or not due to the racist content within. Many disagree with Mark Twain s use of derogatory terms and phrases such as the word Nigger in his book. IT seems unlikely that anyone, of any color, who had actually read Huckleberry Fin...could accuse of it being racist (Kaplan 20). Huckleberry Fin uses necessary racismin order to show the culture and attributes of the time period as well as to portray Twains message of promoting equality and that they are not morally better if they are one raceover another. What is now seen as racism was simply the culture and attributes during the time setting of the novel (Toltzman 1). Huck Fin was written when cruel and unjust treatments of blacks were common and use of derogatory words didn t get much attention. Huck Finn is during a time when blacks were not treated or thought as people but as objects without personalities or emotions. For instance, Jim is initially only knows to whose property he is. He was considered Miss Watson property that was about to be sold, which resulted in him running away. The racist attitudes of the South are were most obvious in the character of Huck Finn himself, and how he relates to the runaway slave, Jim. He plays tricks on Jim and uses dialogue that makes him appear foolish or perhaps to make Jim painfully aware of his own belittlement. During their entire journey Huck and Jim become closer. They achieved a state ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Solar Energy Small wind generator is an ideal complement of photovoltaic. Small wind generator can be established anywhere (Ground or Roof top). Low cost, Low maintenance cost, No fuel cost. Easy Installation, No pollution. No tower required for roof top installation. For seasonal fluctuations it is ideal complementary with photovoltaic modules. 1.4 Solar Energy Solar energy is quite simply the energy produced directly by the sun. The sun creates its energy through a thermonuclear process that converts about 650,000,000 tons of hydrogen to helium every second. The process creates heat and electromagnetic radiation. The heat remains in the sun and is instrumental in maintaining the thermonuclear reaction. The electromagnetic radiation (including visible light, infra red light, and ultra violet radiation) streams out into space in all directions. It is a clean inexhaustible, abundantly and universally available source of renewable energy. The major drawbacks of solar energy ... Show more content on ... The characteristic curve of a SPV system varying with solar radiation and temperature does not match the characteristic curve of the load. In those cases, the power conditioning unit regulates the load s voltage and current in such a way, that the SPV system is operated at its optimum operation voltage (VMPP) and current (IMPP). Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT): Solar panels have a nonlinear voltage current (V I) characteristic with a distinct maximum power point (MPP), which depends on the environmental factors such as solar insolation and the cell temperature. To ensure the continuous harvesting of maximum power from the solar panels, it is necessary to control the operation at optimum impedance of the SPV module, so that the module can be operated at Maximum power point (MPP). ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Comics Influence On American Society Comics, since the beginning of the World war 2 and now. Comics have been modern art and superheroes such as Captain America and the Avengers to Dark Horse s DC comics anti hero Batman and Superman have entertained young minds, during the war and taught them to help out. There were many comics about fighting hitler and how the battles went down in Vietnam. Most comics were written during the second world war during the vietnam war. Most WW2 comics had captain america fighting the so called evil german leader Hitler. It was to get little boys to want to dress like stars and striped spangled hero and, help fight while at home just by collecting scraps to make amo. It was part of the total war concept and it was foreign to the american society. ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Political Theory Has Changed Over The History Of The World Political theory has changed over the history of the discipline. Two of the most influential and arguably most important theorists are the Greek philosopher Plato, and the Renaissance s Niccolo Machiavelli. These two characters represent the beginning of idealistic political thought, and a more realist and contemporary way that politics are looked at even today. The ideals of these two will be discussed and dissected, to some extent to show how unobtainable Platos ideal is compared to Machiavelli s realism that is seen in today s political atmosphere in various types of political systems seen throughout the world. Looking at Plato, you must understand where and what the timeframe he lived in. He was born in Classical Greece in the year 427. He was educated, sophisticate, wise, intelligent, and also wealthy. These were traits that in this time period put you at the top of societal elites. Plato was a very gifted orator and speaker, giving him the ability to reason and discuss any topic really, with the ability to win arguments and persuade people. Due to his status in society, he was very idealistic and used this idealism to reason how a perfect society should be constructed and run. Plato discusses and sets forth his political ideal in the Republic. He uses platonic type writing in the book, using characters to discuss, make points and arguments about how to form such a society. The ideal city, or state even, is a model for how we as people look at ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Cold War-Original Writing Rainsford s eyes closed as he fell into deep sleep. For many silent peaceful hours he slept. Finally after manys days he could sleep without a worry. Nothing was going to wake Rainsford up out of this deep sleep. Bark bark , Rainsford hears in background, Bark bark , the barking gets louder what could it be he thinks to himself crawling out of the bed he desperately doesn t want to get out of but his drive and curiosity pulls him out like someone pulling off a band aid. Looking out the window he sees nothing besides the usual, he doesn t see a mysterious dog running around. The smallest part of Rainsford thought it could be the General s dog but it wasn t he was long gone. Sundly Rainsford thought where is the General ? Is he hiding and going... Show more content on ... When he reached it he stopped and paced back and forth in an odd impatient way. Like he was waiting and had an idea what could it be? After a solid 25 minutes of pacing Rainsford stops and takes a stick broke it in two, one half he keeps the other he whipps into the water. With the first half he takes it and writes in the sand a symbol. It looks like a box with a cross and star inside of it. What is this am I going mad and I insane? . Rainsford says out loud. Soon the rain washes away the writing he had written in his moment of said to be insane. Still persistent about finding out where the General is and where that barking had come from he continues the search. Running around in the mad search he finds himself in a futile position of not finding the answer to his questions that were beginning to eat away at him. Still run he questions himself is what I am doing naive? Am I not doing what is right am I going insane from being on this island for to long? Has the General played his worst grotesque game yet the game against myself the game of my mind that has caused me to go insane? Trying to keep his sanity the self questioning Rainsford stop s as he see s something flash out of the corner of his eye. A very faint dark figure runs back toward the mansion. Following an extreme speed that came out of nowhere he desperately tried to catch up with the mystery figure. Was that General? Rainsford ... Get more on ...
  • 28. American Chemical Corporation Case Summary Introduction: 1) This report considers the potential purchase of the sodium chlorate producing plant in Collinsville, Alabama by Dixon Corporation from American Chemical Corporation in October 1979. The reason for this stems from the fact that American Chemical Corporation was attempting at the time to buy a controlling stake in Universal Paper Corporation, but the management of Universal contested this on the basis that it would be anti competitive, given that they were both producers of sodium chlorate. The US government supported Universal in this belief and in order to prevent court action American had to agree to divest its sodium chlorate producing plant in Collinsville, Alabama. As of October of 1979 Dixon has agreed to... Show more content on ... 2)Assumes cash flows are reinvested at a hurdle rate specified by Dixon, which accounts for the required rate of return on the project given its risk profile (unlike the IRR, where cash flows are assumed to be reinvested at the IRR). 3)Takes account of the time value of money by discounting the cash flows back to the present period, with higher weightings given to more recent cash flows. 4)This discounting is done using our specified hurdle rate, ensuring that the discounted value accounts for the required return on the project. Now that we have determined that NPV is to be our evaluation method for the plant we need to calculate a discount rate (or hurdle rate) for the plant based on its risk profile. Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) 11) In calculating a discount rate for this firm we need to ask Is it to be cost of debt, cost of equity, or a weighted average of the two in a cost of capital? The financing for this project is 100% debt so the initial thought is to use cost of debt as the discount rate. However we believe this to not be the correct approach. Debt as at October 30, 1979 (prior to the proposed acquisition) was $1,000,00) while Stockholder s Equity was $14,718,000. So equity makes up a substantial amount of the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. History of Education In the decades that made up the fifties, sixties, and seventies numerous events that would paint the canvas of American education took place. Equality was an idea that some thought we would never see. Civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr. saw this idea of equity as an obtainable dream that was in the hearts of all Americans. Though desegregation and the fair treatment of African Americans was at the forefront of the civil rights movement, there were several issues that would be brought to the attention of law makers, federal judges, and the education system. Such issues included segregation, bilingual students, and special needs education. In 1954, Chief Justice Earl Warren delivered the opinion of the court in one of the... Show more content on ... Samuel Kirk coined the term learning disability at a Chicago conference in 1963. A year later, the Association for Children with Learning Disabilities was formed. Later, it became known as the Learning Disabilities Association of America. It was some seven years later in 1971 when the Supreme Court ruled that students with mental retardation are entitled to a free public education. The case of Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) v. Pennsylvania served as a catalyst to bring to the public eye the needs of the mentally handicapped. The next year, Mills v the Board of Education of Washington, D.C. extended the ruling of PARC v. Pennsylvania to include students with disabilities. This ruling also required that educational alternatives must be provided that fit the child s needs. The Rehabilitation Act, which became law in 1973, required accommodations in school including participation in programs and activities as well as access to buildings. Section 504 of this act guaranteed people with disabilities would enjoy civil rights in the context of federally funded institutions. 504 plans are used today in place of Individualized Education Programs (IEP s) for those students who do not qualify for special education. The Education of All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94 142) became law in 1975. This law required free and appropriate public education (FAPE) that was suited to meet a student s individual ... Get more on ...
  • 30. History Of The Watergate Scandal Throughout history, the American people have had a hard time instilling trust in their government and political leaders. Between the numerous scandals involving United States presidents and other political leaders and the dozens of conspiracy theories encompassing the United States government, it is no wonder why the American people have lost trust in their government, and why the United States has become the laughing stock of foreign countries. The 2016 presidential election was arguably the most controversial election in American history; many voters felt that neither of the candidates could be trusted due to their questionable actions. Numerous Americans were outraged when current U.S. president, Donald J. Trump, was sworn into office; due... Show more content on ... Flynn was one of the earliest supporters of Trump s campaign. Often known to have harsh political views and fondness of conspiracy theories, Flynn was no stranger to controversy. In a hacked email scandal, former Secretary of State Colin Powell called him right wing nutty but Trump that did not matter to Trump and he rewarded Flynn s loyalty by making him his national security adviser (SCHMIDLE, NICHOLAS). The Washington Post publicized that Flynn, who was still a private citizen at the time, had talked about American sanctions against Russia with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian Ambassador while he was in Washington. This scandal was revealed when Flynn was only three weeks into his new job as Trump s national security adviser. The conversations were between the two were thought to be illegal. The Obama Administration declared the removal of 35 Russian diplomats in retaliation for Russia s attempts to swing the election in Trump s favor; ironically, Flynn and Kislyak s communications, by phone calls and text messaging, happened on the same day (SCHMIDLE, NICHOLAS). Flynn had denied talking about sanctions ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Malvolio In Twelfth Night Count Malvolio In the play Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare there are many rising conflicts that occur, Malvolio being the cause of a great deal. His naive personality plays a key role is the way he acts towards others, more specifically, Olivia. Malvolio s naive personality reflects on his devotion towards Olivia, he cares deeply for her and so he is dedicated and will do about anything he is told. Although Malvolio feels one way towards Olivia, she does not feel the same way. Malvolio s overconfidence in himself leads him to be a bigger fool than he thinks he is. Portraying a naive, devoted and overconfident persona leads someone to be so blindly in love and to foresee reality for what it really is. Naivety will allow you to do things ... Show more content on ... Malvolio being so in love with Olivia, he is at her every call, he is devoted to duty. Although Malvolio is Olivia s servant, he does not just do the bare minimum, but rather to the above and beyond of her requests. He is at her call almost immediately and is ready to do whatever is told. I may command where I adore. Why she may command me: I serve her, she is my lady (2.5.119 120) Malvolio dreams of the day when Olivia feels the same way towards him as he feels towards her. He fantasizes of how it would feel to be her husband and the master of her house, having power over all of the other members of the house that are not his absolute favourites. He will do just about anything to succeed this goal because whatever that has to be done to gain her love is worth it. For example, although wearing yellow stockings and tying ribbon around your knees may be majority s idea of embarrassing, Malvolio still does it, just because Olivia said so. Not only does Malvolio do things to impress Olivia directly but he goes out of his way to better Olivia s life. My masters are you mad? Or what are you? Have you no wit, manners, nor honesty, but to gabble like tinkers at this time of night? Do you make an ale house of my lady s house, that you squeak out your coziers catches without any mitigation or remorse of voice? Is there no respect of place, persons, nor time in you? (2.3.87 93) Sir Toby and Sir Andrew are complete drunks who have no respect for Olivia s house. They both get rowdy and have no sense of good behavior. Malvolio feels as though Sir Toby and Sir Andrew are acting like unmannered commoners instead of members of nobility. He calls them out because he does not want Olivia having to deal with ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Analysis of Shipping Industry Contents |Question No. | |Page | | | | | |1 |Critically assess the key drivers of the Shipping Industry. |1 | | | | | |2 |To what extent are firms in the Shipping Industry likely to achieve what Hitt et al., |6 | |... Show more content on ... (Source: Kulwant Singh et al., 2010, Pg 109) | | | | | | | | | | According to the case, in order to encourage competitive price setting, there are ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Underrepresentation Of Women In Film Women are often underrepresented in many fields and occupations in today s day in age, whether it be STEM careers, big business CEOs, or in the case of this paper, film directors. Often the females that are present and well known, still face a large amount of discrimination. Male directors make more than 90 percent of films, reinforcing the anonymity of women in the film industry. In 2015, women only accounted for seven percent of the directors of big Hollywood movies. In Brent Lang s article, Number of Female Directors Falls Over 17 Year Period, Study Finds , he discusses a study that found that women are best represented as producers (23%) followed by executive producers (19%), editors (18%), writers (11%), cinematographers (5%), sounds... Show more content on ... In The Virgin Suicides, we see the Lisbon sisters lounging around their bedroom. In Lost in Translation, we see many scenes of Scarlett Johansson s character Charlotte lying in bed, pacing back and forth in her hotel room, and wandering around the streets of Tokyo. In Marie Antoinette, Marie becomes so bored with her husband and life at Versailles that she starts becoming obsessed with consuming a variety of material items. In her book, And the Mirror Cracked: Feminist Cinema and Film Theory, Anneke Smelik says that, the historical context of feminism allows both the position of the female filmmaker and that of the female spectator to become enacted and empowered as conscious and self reflexive subject positions (1). Coppola s powerful position of female filmmaker lets her explore femininity and asks her audience to identify with the gaze of the powerless woman (44). Girls are often understood to be symbols of mass consumption/passive consumerism, and you can t help but wonder if Coppola is just trying to cash in on a niche market trying to enact an empower the female ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Gilman s The 19th Century Gilman s audiences in the 19th century were bizarre to read such a book like Herland. Nobody really expected to read a novel about a world of only women and given male abilities. Women s lives in the 19th century were not always as easy. They faced inequality, abuse, expectations and stereotypes. Gilman did not just wanted to write Herland for women, but wanted both genders to treat each other equally and have respect. It s sadly to say but the stereotypes, unequally and expectations for women are still happing in our world today. We made some achievements through out the years but are still struggling to fight that equality that Gilman wanted in the 19th century. Gilman wanted her audience during the 19th century to see in the eyes of the characters Terry, Jeff and Vandyke as they go through their journey to womentopia. They become shock when they discuss the physical features of the women. They see what is totally unacceptable in their culture, Women with short hair, muscular features, farming and climbing up trees. They see it as unwomanly like and discuss with the women how they are supposed to act, dress and know their expectations in their world. The women s became bizarre how they are treated in the real world and explain to the men that they don t need men in their world to be happy. Gilman wanted to her audience to understand that women were seen as inhumanly and their life were very difficult making them feel that they were owned just like a object. ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Mad Scientists and Mad Elements Essay We all know the saying, Don t judge a book by it s cover. Similarly, every element in the periodic table has its own story and its own unique meaning. However, the average high schooler simply associates these elements as something used in their chemistry classes. In fact, the elements seen on the periodic tableactually have much more to do in our daily lives and in history than most people know. While giving a whole new perspective to the meaning of Chemistry, author Sam Kean successfully recounts the hidden tales through humor and wit in his bestselling novel The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of Elements. Specifically, Chapter 15, An Element of... Show more content on ... Roentgen performed many tests, including his colleagues discoveries, which involved painting the plates with a barium compound. When the plates were held in front of an object, Roentgen was able to see through whatever he was holding up. Inevitably, he was astonished by this discovery and immediately suspected that he had gone mad. As readers now, one finds his reaction to the first traces of x ray quite humorous. In fact, this tale is certainly one where the ending is not detrimental, and in contrary the happy opposite. Essentially, Kean focuses on the idea that these certain elements mentioned in the chapter affected the lives of these mad scientists immensely. For the most part, these elements hurt the careers and lives of some scientists, however this was not the case in all of the stories in this chapter. The examples of selenium crazed Crookes, the false hype of the manganese covered megadaltons, the palladium scandal of Pons and Fleischmann and the startling discovery of the x ray by Roentgen successfully conveyed the central theme and concepts. It is very easy for someone to understand the context filled stories and how they connect to what Kean is trying to establish. Additionally, the author generally maintains a balanced bias throughout the chapter. However, with the story of Pons and Fleischmann, one can really sense Kean s negative attitude to these two scientists. He describes the pair as impostors, swindlers, and cheats (263) as well as ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Violin Description The violin is one of the most popular instruments for people looking to develop a musical talent. Its light weight makes it easily transported from the practice room to the lesson location and everywhere in between. It generates a familiar and sweet sounding music that people all over the world will recognize and appreciate. It teaches commitment, dedication, and time management. It trains hand eye coordination as an effective cross training with athletic abilities. The violinteaches a skill that can be nurtured and enjoyed over a lifetime of hard work. Violins are made from high quality wood, ensuring they will withstand the beatings of both a curious child and a frustrated adult. They feature various colors, bow types, and string qualities.... Show more content on ... The violin comes with a rosin package, bow, and case. The package has sold millions of copies worldwide as students all over the world have learned to play. With its compact 1/4 design, this is one of the best selections for younger players. It is lightweight, portable, and one of the most popular models on the market. This violin is highly recommended by the most experienced teachers all over the world. The beautiful body is eloquently designed to ensure comfortable and efficient practices. Finally, the strings have a natural feel that will ensure fingers do not blister or bleed. The wood is solid maple and comes with a one year warranty. The case is padded hardwood for additional ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Surrogacy And The Adoption Of The Surrogate Q1) As a doctor how would you deconstruct the concept of surrogacy for our readers who may want to go in for the option? Please elucidate with two different types of surrogacy etc A1) Surrogacy is a process in which a woman carries and delivers a baby for someone else because of some problems involving the intended parents. The women who delivers is the gestational surrogate or carrier. The parents are called as intended parents . They are fully involved in the pregnancy, present at birth and become the child s parents after its birth. There are two types of surrogacy 1.Gestational surrogacy The baby here is not genetically related to the surrogate. Eggs come from intended mother and sperm from intended father. Sometimes donor eggs, ... Show more content on ... When would you suggest a couple to opt for surrogacy? A2.) Surrogacy is an arrangement when a woman agrees to carry a pregnancy for another couple who will become the newborn s parents after birth of the baby. The couple is asked to opt for surrogacy if the patient does not have a uterus, she has problems in uterus, she is unable to carry pregnancy safely, pregnancy is medically impossible, serious medical condition that could be exacerbated by pregnancy or cause significant risk to fetus, biological inability to conceive( homosexual couple). It is also an option if the couple has had multiple failures in IVF. If the surrogate receives monetary compensation, it is called commercial surrogacy. If no payment is done except for medical reimbursement and basic pregnancy expenses, it is called as altruistic surrogacy. Q3) What kind of medical, emotional and legal/paperwork preparations that a couple requires to undergo before opting for surrogacy? A3) Decision to use surrogacy is very complicated and psychosocial education and counselling by a qualified mental health professional should be given to all intended parents. Genetic parents should undergo genetic evaluation, complete medical and physical evaluation. Before acceptance and within six months of creating the embryos to be transferred, genetic parents undergo the following tests and if found positive, the genetic ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Objectivity In Autophenonmenology And Heterophenomenology. Objectivity in Autophenonmenology and Heterophenomenology In the journal How to Study Human Consciousness Empirically, Daniel Dennett claims that people are often just wrong about what they are doing and how they are doing it. Rather than having an objective and complete understanding of our own intentions and processes, we tend to use assumptions as knowledge, alter facts to align with our beliefs, and theorize about causes and effects. As a result, studies of traditional phenomenology (referred to in this situation as autophenomenology) are often clouded by personal biases and misinterpretations. The evidence of this confabulation is very similar to a curious child it reveals itself through one repeated question: why? For example, ... Show more content on ... This intrinsic subjectivity is important to keep in mind when studying consciousness from a heterophenomenological perspective. The only true basis we have to determine the individual experience of another person is what they communicate to us. If this communication is inherently jumbled with misunderstandings and theories of one s qualia, the data on which heterophenomenology is based is flawed and, consequently, so is heterophenomenology itself. Rather than providing a scientific third person view of consciousness, it creates more of a collective fictional narrative that describes the average experiences of others. In analogous terms, heterophenomenology aims to create a textbook, but can only produce a pop culture magazine. This view may be debated by analyzing the validity of personal experience. The fact that an individual s view of their own internal processes is flawed could be seen as irrelevant; in the end, what truly matters to the study of consciousness is what one is experiencing. If what one believes differs from the truth, does this incongruity not reveal key factors of consciousness? Furthermore, these subjective claims can be cross referenced with scientific facts to neutralize human error. This can be seen in one of the examples above, in which an individual claims that they went to a restaurant because they were hungry because they had not eaten in ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Book Of Mormon Evaluation Shows Improvement: The more I study the Book of Mormon the more I understand that it was written for us. Sometimes I feel like the characters of the Book of Mormon are out of touch or hard to relate to, but in reality they represent every facet of modern society. They help us see the good in the world, they help us see the evil in our lives, and ultimately warn us from the swaying philosophies of the world that lead men into sin. When I read about Nephi and his brothers and the fights that they had, I think about the relationship that I have with my brothers; when I read about Sherem and Nehor, I think about the dangerous and volatile philosophies of men that justify sin and denounce the teachings of Chirst; and when I read about Ammon and the Sons of Mosiah, I think about the missionaries that have touched my life and the kind of missionary that I hope to be. Every story and every character relates to an experience of mine or an... Show more content on ... The practicum made me understand how important it is to apply what you study. I have been studying the Book Mormon and gaining knowledge, but I have not been acting on what I have learned and I ultimately have not changed, or have not become a better person. For the practicum I chose to improve my personal prayer. The prophets in the Book of Mormon such as Nephi, Enos, and Alma testify of the importance of prayer when it comes to personal conversion and guidance. During (and now after my practicum) I understand how important communication with God is and how strengthened I feel after I pray. When I study the Book of Mormon, now I try to identify doctrines and principles and how I can apply them to my life. For example, when we read about Ammon and the Sons of Mosiah I tried to identify specific doctrine that I could apply about being a better ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Greek Sports Vs Roman Games The nature of competitive sports has been an interest to humans since ancient times. The creation of sports spectacles was not initially meant to display athletic excellence. Secondly, some of the events that happened did not pertain to athletics at all because the main focus was not on one specific sport. Although separated by distance and time, the Roman Games and Greek Olympics both exemplify practices that are familiar to modern sporting events. Both of these athletic events were the primal source of influence on modern sports competitions. Sports were a primary source of entertainment for people in ancient times, thus large sporting events became very popular, received a lot of attention, and have remained in society until present day.... Show more content on ... The Greeks invented athletic contests and held them in honour of their gods. The Greek Olympic Games was one of the first and most famous sporting events in history, dating back to 776 BC. The Olympics were held every four years and the purpose of this event was to honour the god, Zeus. Furthermore, the Isthmian Games was also held to honour the sea god, Poseidon, and the Pythian Games honoured the god, Apollo. These three events verify that the ancient Greeks initially held sporting events to honour their gods. The creation of the Roman Games began in 264 BC, centuries after the first Olympic Games. Romans were more interested in the entertaining aspects of these competitions rather than the honouring of foreign Greek gods. The first instance of gladiator contests, a popular event in Roman Games, was when an important Roman citizen died and his family decided to have slaves fight each other during the funeral. This is because Romans believed that after death, a person s soul would be transported by human blood. This became more common amongst aristocratic and wealthy families who tried to prove their dominance in the community. As it became more common, more people started to watch these events and it grew into a spectacle. As time passed, the Games became solely a source of entertainment for the spectators, however it also became a tool for politicians. Julius Caesar was one of the first Roman politicians to utilise free gladiatorial contests as a way of gaining popularity. These free events became the Roman ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Dna Profiling Essay Deoxyribonucleic acid profiling also commonly known as DNA is a biotechnological science, a forensic technique used to identify individuals by using their genetic sequencing, although most people have the same DNA they have different regions within their sequencing that makes them individual. Profiling is not only used for fingerprinting it is used to analyse saliva, skin tissue, blood, hair and semen. The procedure of DNAprofiling is used to identify criminals, disaster victims and one s pedigrees through paternity tests. The advantages of DNA profiling is any cell with nuclei can be used for testing. The testing is severely sensitive so that any difference in the DNA sequence with be easily picked up when the scientist is taking extra care. DNA is robust and can hold out from deteriorating even when being contaminated with toxins and or bacteria. Profiling can easily exclude many suspects from a case, leading crime investigators on to the right track. Leaving out the innocent suspects and giving them justice. The table below proves that DNA profiling is a major benefit to our worlds justice today.... Show more content on ... The match of DNA to a suspect doesn t have an absolute guarantee of accuracy of the suspects guilt. Although if this is suspected forensic scientists will provide a statistical analyses with the evidence to provide a strong case for the prosecutor. In some cases the juror is too heavily reliant and in demand of DNA testing. Although criminals can plant fake DNA sequences at the crime scene. This is done by having access to DNA databases and a replication of the same DNA without having to utilise the actual tissue of the person being replicated. Tests have been created to identify between real and fake DNA ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Screenwriter And Director Research Paper Carlissa Hinton AVID April 12, 2017 Screenwriters and Directors To be a screenwriter and/or a director you must be willing to share your imagination with the world. There s so many ideas that flow through my mind daily, therefore this would be the perfect job for me. A great outlet to express my feelings and thoughts with the world. If I just described you, then continue reading to further discover the life of a writer/director. Rather you want to be a screenwriter and/or a director, those two occupations are similar but very different. The screenwriter is responsible for writing the script. Once they ve handed over the script that s pretty much the end of their creative involvement with the project. The director is responsible for making ... Show more content on ... Sure, the aftermath is awesome: watching something you ve written come to life, etc. But getting it onto the page is, personally speaking, excruciating. Question:How do you avoid exposition? Answer:You don t. You police it. I go back through and read it over and over and continually ask myself do they need to say this? And in doing so, I ve come up with some really cool scenes and interesting ways to show things that I initially had been telling. Fascination with Becoming a Screenwriter/Director I made the career choice to become a screenwriter/director because it is an easy outlet. Since I was in elementary school I was an excellent writer. I would write fairytales upon fairytales and read them to whoever was willing to listen. When all the other children wanted to go outside and play, I would be writing. Anywhere and everywhere, you could always catch me with a pen and paper. Growing up I had many dreams, had many aspirations. Over time most of those aspirations faded, and it became all but nothing a simple dream. Yet as I grow older writing has never left my side. I began doing spoken word which opened the door to my public speaking. Which now has me so excited to write something, anything, knowing that people are excited and willing to hear me ... Get more on ...