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Essay On Green Environment
Writing an essay on the topic of a green environment can be both challenging and rewarding.
While it may seem like a straightforward subject, delving into the intricacies of environmental
issues requires a comprehensive understanding of various concepts, ranging from ecology to
sustainable development. Crafting a thoughtful and impactful essay involves thorough research,
critical thinking, and the ability to present complex information in a coherent manner.
One of the challenges lies in the vastness of the topic. A green environment encompasses a broad
spectrum of issues, including climate change, deforestation, pollution, renewable energy,
conservation, and more. Narrowing down the focus and selecting key aspects to discuss is crucial
to maintain clarity and relevance throughout the essay.
Moreover, staying updated with the latest developments in environmental science and policy is
essential. The field is dynamic, with new research findings and initiatives emerging regularly.
Incorporating current information adds depth and credibility to the essay but requires continuous
research and fact-checking.
Addressing the urgency of environmental concerns while maintaining a balanced and optimistic
tone is another challenge. It's important to raise awareness about the severity of the issues
without inducing despair. Offering practical solutions and emphasizing individual and collective
actions for a sustainable future is a delicate balancing act.
Additionally, the essay should engage the reader and evoke a sense of responsibility towards the
environment. This requires effective communication skills, creativity, and the ability to connect
with the audience on an emotional level.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of a green environment demands a combination of
research, analytical thinking, and effective communication skills. While challenging, it provides
an opportunity to contribute to the ongoing discourse on environmental issues and inspire
positive change.
For those seeking assistance with essays or exploring diverse topics, there are resources available.
Services like offer a platform where you can order similar essays and access a
wide range of writing assistance to meet your academic or informational needs.
Essay On Green Environment Essay On Green Environment
Should Adoptees Have The Right To Access To Original
My mother was adopted, along with her twin sister. Now, my mom wants to know
who her parents are., bBut, there are laws preventing her from doing so. The big
question in this essay is, Should adoptees have the right to know who their
biological parents are, You could also phrase it asking the question, Do adoptees
have the right to access original birth certificates? This question covers much more,
and will be what the information in this essay circles around. This essay covers three
things: adoptees have the right to access to original birth certificates because they
have questions, because of equality issues, and because of the doors it opens to
adoptees that have empty holes in their history.
First, adoptees have the right to have access to original birth certificates because they
have questions. Questions about their health, questions about who they came, who
they got their blue eyes from, and other such things. As Melinda Elkins Dawson, one
of 200 newborns relocated to other states for adoption in Georgia in the 50 s and 60 s
says, Every adopted child has questions. Adoptees, especially adoptees who are
older, feel empty spaces in their history, and they want to be able to fill them. We
don t have a history. Our history begins the day we were adopted into a new
family... It s important to know where you came from. Bob MacNish says, of how
not knowing your past, which makes an empty slate until you get adopted. As it says
above, all adoptees have questions, and an
Lee Jun Fan s Life and Accomplishments
Lee Jun Fan, more commonly known as Bruce Lee, was born November 27th,
1940, in San Francisco, California. During this time it was the hour and year of the
Dragon, in San Francisco s Chinatown. Bruce was the fourth child of Lee Hoi
Chuen and Grace Ho. Lee Hoi Chuen, Bruce s father, was a comedic actor in the
Chinese opera. Chuen and his wife were on tour in America with the opera
company when Bruce was born. At three months old, Bruce and his family
returned to Hong Kong. On the way back, Bruce became weak from the change in
climates and the long ocean trip. From a young age, Bruce had already appeared in
many films as a child actor, studied dance, and wrote poetry. While in middle school,
Bruce would be taunted by English boys in... Show more content on
One of Bruce s students, Linda Garfield, was a freshman at the University of
Washington, later married Bruce in 1964. Linda and Bruce moved to Oakland,
California to open another school, leaving the Seattle institute with friend Taky
Kimura. While teaching gung fu in California, Bruce set to improve by expanding
his knowledge of other styles. In 1964, Bruce s self exploration was delayed by a
challenge from other gung fu teachers from San Francisco. These teachers didn t
like that Bruce was teaching non Chinese people. The terms of the challenge were
if Bruce lost, he would stop teaching non Chinese. Bruce won the fight in three
minutes, but was disappointed in himself, for taking so long and being exhausted.
This is the point where Bruce turned in his self exploration in martial arts and
physical fitness, bringing the evolution of Jeet Kune Do. In earlier years, Bruce
became friends with Ed Parker, the man regarded as the starter of American Kenpo.
Bruce was invited by Parker in August of 1964, to Long Beach, California, for
Parker s First International Karate Tournament to give a demonstration. Bruce
demonstrated blindfolded chi sao techniques, and his one inch punch. A well known
hair stylist, Jay Sebring, was in the audience that day of the First International
Karate Tournament and saw Bruce s performance. Later, Jay was giving a haircut to
William Dozier, a producer. Dozier told Jay that for a series he was
Costa Rican Mountains
A View Of The Mountains Just a little farther! This is the last steep hill! I think... A
collective groan of relief came from behind me as my group started up one of the last
steep sections of our trail up the beautiful, Costa Rican mountain. Our guide, Riza, the
mother of our mission group s host family, gave the rest of the group a smile. You
volunteered to climb a mountain! What d you expect? I seemed to be the only one
who was actually enjoying the rewarding exercise. The crisp mountain air and
occasional breeze felt refreshing as I trudged up the path, being careful to avoid
holes and wondering what sights lie ahead. As I reached the crest, I looked at the
path before me. While the last section was the steepest of our recent stretch of the
mountain, it was by no means the last steep hill we would encounter. I stood up
straight and did a quick stretch as I looked around, taking in the scenery around me.
It was unlike any view I had ever seen. As far as the eye could see, within the large,
terraced field which was bordered by large foliage, there were coffee trees.... Show
more content on ...
A few white tailed deer bounded this way and that, while birds sang overhead. It
was truly beautiful, but not as beautiful as the view that awaited us down the road.
Just a few minutes down that path, right before it trailed back into the forest, I
could literally see for miles. What lie before me were the fields of coffee on the
sides of the mountain. Behind this were neighborhoods of cream stucco with their
brick red ceramic or bright, tin roofs. The cityscape was unlike any I had seen;
instead of rising up, like they do in America, it sprawled out organically. The city
mingled with the greenery in such a way that the homes seemed as if they belonged
there. I was struck by how different the landscape of this beautiful country was
compared to back
Edward Bloor Use Of Flashback In Tangerine
The novel Tangerine, is a book full of friendships, secrets, and conquering fear. The
main character, Paul, (Antagonist) is hoping to get a fresh start when his family
moves to Tangerine, Florida. There, Paul makes new friends, and also finds the
courage to stand up to his brother Erik, who everyone loves, but Paul knows him
for who he really is. Paul also learns some dark secrets about his eyes and why he has
to wear his coke bottle glasses. Paul also encounters many deaths there, like his
friend Joey s brother(Mike), and also Luis, who was a great friend to Paul. In the
novel, Edward Bloor expertly uses flashback and the value of truth to convey the
theme of conquering fear.
To begin with, Edward Bloor uses flashback to show the theme
Andrew Jackson Young Research Paper
Andrew Jackson Young Jr was born on March 12, 1932 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
His parents were Andrew Jackson Young, a dentist, and Daisy (Fuller) Young, a
teacher. Andrew
Young married Jean Childs Young ( June 7, 1954 September 16, 1994, her death)
then he married Carolyn McClain Young (April 15, 1996 present) Young had kids
with Jean Childs
Young; Andrea, Lisa, Paula, and Andrew III. He attended Dillard University from
1947 1948.
After graduation from Howard University, with a B.S. Biology, Young chose to study
Connecticut s Hartford Theological Seminary in 1955.
In 1955 he was struggling with his lifepath. He went on top of King s Mountain in
Carolina and prayed to God about what he should do in his life. Later, he attended a
... Show more content on ...
In the mid 1950 s he became a pastor to several churches in Alabama and Georgia.
Andrew Young won the Peabody Broadcasting and Film Commission
Institutional Award for Radio Television Education in 1960. He won for the National
Council of Churches of Christ for the programs Frontiers of Faith, Pilgrimage and
Talk back.
( Andrew Young Fast Facts ). In 1961, Young left his job as a pastor at Bethany
Church to work with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference or SCLC with
Martin Luther
King Jr. He assisted in the organization of citizenship school which taught local,
uneducated people how to organize without violence. In that time, some other black
leaders thought that
Young believed that he was better than anyone else. However, what they thought didn
t matter.
The citizenship school that the civic leaders worked for was able to help many
thousands of blacks vote throughout the South. It was responsible for both the civil
rights movement s democratic feelings and it success.
On May 3, 1963, 40 percent of the students at the all black Parker High School in
Birmingham, Alabama skipped class to protest, and the Birmingham City Jail filled
Roman Arch Essay
During the Roman Empire, the original arch was redesigned to be strong and
support large structures. In the original arch, various rectangle shaped bricks were
haphazardly stacked on each other with hopes of at most supporting a small room.
However, the redesigned arch used precisely measured polyhedrons and trapezoidal
prisms in a specific way to support each other. This developed arch led to the
creation of larger builders, aqueducts, and tunnels. Many empires proceeding the
Romans adapted this design to fit their specific and different needs, and arches are
still used today. Therefore, using basic geometric shapes, the people in the Roman
Empirerevolutionized the arch forever. The Roman Empire did not create the arch
in 23 CE (Ambler). However, they adapted it from a weak arch that could barely
support a small building. Before the Roman Empire, the original arch design was
corbeled with congruent rectangular prisms. A corbeled arch is an arch where
stones are laid so they move toward the center as they move higher (Ambler). Each
rectangular prism has the properties of parallelograms, which are that opposite sides
are congruent, and diagonals bisect each other, as well as all angles in the rectangle,
are right angles, and the diagonals are congruent. The congruent... Show more content
on ...
This evolution led to the construction of large buildings, cathedrals, and other
structures used today. Over time, Byzantine architect in Eastern Europe and
Romanesque architects in Western Europe (Ambler) adopted the newly designed arch
and even developed it further. Through centuries, many empires borrowed this design
and modified it in various ways to satisfy their different needs. In this way, the
architecture of ancient Rome has a lasting impact on the world. Therefore, the mere
change in the geometric shapes used in arches had a lasting impact on the world that
can be seen in everyday
Death Persuasive Speech Outline
Full Sentence Outline Format
Name: Joy D. Brown
Date: 10/23/2017
Topic: Three extraordinary options for body donation after death
Purpose: Introduce the audience to three unusual ways they can take part in scientific
research after death.
Thesis: Exploration of three remarkable options for body donation after death
a.Imagine walking into a room with 30 severed heads sitting in individual aluminum
roasting pans. This is the gory sight plastic surgeons encounter to practice the art of
face lift surgery.
b.I will explore three remarkable options for body donation after death.
c.Each one of us will face the choice of what we want to do with our bodies after
death. What will choose?
d.Recently making the choice ... Show more content on ...
(2017). Body After You Die. [online] Available at:
/10/28/ [Accessed 13 Oct. 2017].
Foer, J., Thuras, D., Morton, E. (2016). Atlas Obscura. New York: Workman
Khidas, K. (2015, May 07). Odyssey under the skin [Web log post]. Retrieved October
16, 2017, from
under the skin/
King, A. I., Viano, D. C., Mizeres, N. States, J. D. (1995). Humanitarian Benefits of
Cadaver Research on Injury Prevention. The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection,
and Critical Care, 38(4), 564 569. doi. 10.1097/00005373 199504000 00016
Roach, M. (2004). Stiff: the curious lives of human cadavers. New York: W.W.
Norton Co.
Roach, M. (2010). The Cadaver in the Space Capsule. Popular Mechanics, 187(8),
Improving Customer Demand And Organisational Supply
The main objective of any organisation is to enhance the customer demand and
organisational supply that significantly results in increased business profit. For the
specific purpose, Marks and Spencer needs to improve its customer demand that will
directly result in enhanced sales generation. In the particular consideration, it is
essential for organisation to attract new customer base. The aim of particular research
study is to determine the level of customers demand of selected organisation and ways
in which it changes over time. At the same time, the paper also involves discussion on
the capacity of organisation to meet appropriate products supply. The information for
the particular research study is gathered through primary data... Show more content
on ...
In consideration questionnaire has been designed that tends to involve 5 research
relevant questions taking into account Likert five point scale ranging from strongly
disagree to strongly agree notions that support respondents to provide the most
authentic response. In reference to quantitative research investigation, random
sampling techniques have been identified as the relevant aspect. For the purpose of
research examination, sample size of 10 participants were selected from whom
responses has been gathered.
In contrary, secondary data has been gathered from different books, journals and
online database according to the selected research topic. The other sources used for
attaining qualitative data involve magazines, archival records as well as website of
Marks and Spencer has been used as well (Bredillet, Dwivedula, MГјller, 2011).
3.Research Discussion
3.1Level of Customer Demand
Marks and Spencer has the business strategy to become a market leader surpassing
other brands operating in specific business industry. In particular respect, company
can achieve competitive market position by satisfying the needs of existing
customers as well as by significantly enhancing the potential customer base through
offering high quality range of products at preferably affordable prices. It reflects that
the main purpose and objective of organisation is to increase level of customer
demand which will result in higher organisational growth. By
Major Differences Between The Medicaid And Medicare
ion 1: Describe the major differences between the Medicaid and Medicare programs.
Answer: Medicare and Medicaid both represent federal healthcare initiatives, still
some major differences exist between those programs. The existing differences
largely pertain to a number of factors such as overall mission goals; authorities
administering implementing the programs; sources of program funding; eligible
populations; range of services covered by the programs; and costs on the part of the
program user (patient).
Medicare represents a social insurance initiative with uniform, national rules. It is
administered by federal officials and a number of insurance companies employed to
manage particular tasks (e.g. part C part D of the Medicare). ... Show more content on ...
Medicaid, in its turn, has a much more extensive range of benefits, with Federal
Government mandating coverage for certain services which are deemed as medically
Question 2: Describe the Medicare Part D Donut Hole . Give details.
Answer: The Donut Hole , or coverage gap, represents one of the most controversial
aspects of the Medicare Part D prescription drug plan and has been of concern to
many Medicaid beneficiaries who have opted for the plan. A coverage gap, contained
within the plan, obliges beneficiaries to pay for the full cost of their prescription
drugs, despite beneficiaries continuing to pay their monthly plan contributions. To
illustrate, in 2010, when Medicare patients out of pocket prescription drug expenses
exceeded $2,840, they entered the Donut Hole . Coverage for medications resumed
when expenditures totaled $4,550. These annual out of pocket expense amounts
included yearly deductible, copayment, and coinsurance payments associated with the
The ACA of March 23, 2010 initiated several improvements to Medicare Part D, in
order to reduce out of pocket expenses of beneficiaries when they reached the Donut
Hole . In 2010, if beneficiary has expenditures in the coverage gap, he/she should be
eligible for a $250 rebate from Medicare. In 2011, if beneficiary reaches the Donut
Hole , he/she should be given a 50%
Aeromedical Evacuations In The Korean War
In every war or conflict, both sides of the engagement experience causalities. One
of the basic skills of any Soldier is to render aid to their injured battle buddies and to
never leave a fallen comrade. Even with the medical equipment Soldiers or medics
carry with them sometimes the aid they can render is not suitable for the types of
injures the casualty has sustained. The Army needed a way to quickly get their
wounded from the battlefield or field treatment facility to an established medical
treatment facility so that they can receive treatment more appropriate for their
injuries. Thus enters the medical evacuation, more specifically aeromedical
evacuation. The feasibility and full advantages of aeromedical evacuation by high
performance,... Show more content on ...
In the early 1990s, the Army created a new specification for a dedicated
MEDEVAC helicopter to be designed around the updated UH 60L airframe. It was
designated as the UH 60Q DUSTOFF that was an acronym for Dedicated
Unhesitating Service To Our Fighting Forces (Leoni, 2011). It was equipped with
new medical equipment including an oxygen generating system, a cardiac
monitoring system, a powered litter lift system and outlets for AC electrical power
and night vision compatible lighting. The new litter system could accommodate six
patients and provided convenient access for medical personnel to treat injuries. It
was also equipped with Forward Looking Infra Red (FLIR) system that allowed the
crew to identify casualties by body heat or in inclement weather. These upgraded
systems lead to quicker evacuations while improving life saving measures for
wounded personnel. Aviation Medical Evacuation operations have evolved
significantly from its inception. From single pilot operated aircraft with litters
outside the helicopter installed on landing gear to complete hospital helicopters with
advanced medical systems and the capability to perform combat rescue, forward
surgical team support as well and humanitarian relief missions. The absence of these
vital aircraft systems would have been a detrimental to the lifesaving efforts of our
Soldiers wounded in
Jim Jones Town Analysis
As Jim Jones portrayed in North Guyana that it was the ideal place he used to
attract people to whom don t have a lot to offer. Not much money, need a home,
food, shelter. A place to start over and call home again. Doing so Jim jones used
these technics to help attract people who needed these things and all they had to
do was arrive. Foot in the door; Jones talked about all the great opportunities,
having a home growing our own crops starting over with a new life where people
respect you and want the same thing. A good environment for families and children.
Low balling; Joes set out for everything here will be perfect, starting over having
everything you ever wanted and more if you come to Jones Town, then he started
asking more of the people.
The Catcher in the Rye Relative to the 1950 s Essay
The Catcher in the Rye Relative to the 1950 s
The Catcher in the Rye can be strongly considered as one of the greatest novels of
all time and Holden Caufield distinguishes himself as one of the greatest and most
diverse characters. His moral system and his sense of justice force him to detect
horrifying flaws in the society in which he lives.
However, this is not his principle difficulty. His principle difficulty is not that he is a
rebel, or a coward, nor that he hates society, it is that he has had many experiences
and he remembers everything. Salinger indicates this through Holden s confusion of
time throughout the novel. Experiences at Whooten, Pency, and Elkton Hills
combine and no levels of time separate them. This ... Show more content on ...
I mean if they re running and they don t look we re they re going I have to come
out from somewhere and catch them. That s all I have to do all day. I d just be the
Catcher in the Rye and all. I know it s crazy, but that s the only thing I d really like
to be. I know it s crazy(Salinger 173). Holden exhibits the madness described before
at often times throughout the book and in the end it ends up sending him to a
sanitarium. He knows he has become mad and he even tells himself this many times
in the book; but he never really believes it. One time in the book when he displays
this madness is,
Wadsworth 4.
But I m crazy I swear to God I am. About halfway to the bathroom, I started
pretending I had a bullet in my guts. Old Maurice had plugged me.
Now I was on the way to the bathroom to get a good shot of bourbon. I pictured
myself with my automatic in my pocket, and staggering a little bit. I d walk down
a couple of floors holding on to my guts, blood leaking all over the place. As soon
as old Maurice opened the doors he d start screaming at me. But I d plug him
anyway (Salinger 103 4). This explains the psychotically disturbing actions Holden
takes in this novel. Holden becomes obsessed with death and dying, and several
times in the book he wishes he was dead. Again, Holden can t stay away from the
subject of the death of family members and the decay of the corpse. Even when he
later goes to the Museum of
T. V TV Show
Friends Forever
Back when I was still in high school, whenever the clock turned eleven p.m., my
brother and I immediately turn the television to channel 5 to watch the rerun of our
all time favorite T.V. sitcom, Friends. This was when we use the time to sit back and
relax with the show s hilarious and funny moment.
On September 22, 1994, NBC debuted a brand new sitcom about the life of six friends
living in New York City, with the creators, Marta Kauffman and David Crane, never
expecting it to become such a huge and phenomenal success. The show started off
with Rachel Green, played by Jennifer Anniston, as a run away bride who came into
the city looking for help from her old high school friends, Monica Geller, portrayed
by Courtney Cox. There ... Show more content on ...
Yes, it is a sitcom so the main focus is to bring laughter to the viewers. However, if
it want to stick with the audiences and be remember long after the show is over, it
need to touch the viewers heart, and that s is exactly what the show did. There are
so many moments to choose from, ranging from Phoebe saying goodbye to her
triplets, Ross and Rachel s breakup, to the final goodbye between the gang. The
most touching and memorable scene for me would be when Monica and Chandler
found out they cannot have a baby. It all started when Rachel was giving birth to
her child that the two decided to try to have one of their own. After failing for what
seem to be the hundredth time, Chandler and Monica decided to go get themselves
tested and see what s wrong. What follow was the emotional moment where
Chandler got a phone call from the clinic telling him the bad new. This touching
and sad moment will leave viewers breathless as they feel compassion for the
couple. This was even more upsetting to know that around the same time that this
was film, Courtney Cox, who played Monica, was faced with a miscarriage herself.
Cox and her husband were in fact very relatable with what was happening with
Chandler and Monica, since they too struggle to get pregnant for about two years. In
a NBC interview with Matt Lauer, Cox stated that she was finding difficulty in
Nicklaus Children s Hospital Case Study
Nicklaus Children s Hospital, formerly Miami Children s Hospital, is the world
leading pediatric healthcare. With a medical staff of more than 650 physicians and
over 3,500 employees, the hospital is renowned for excellence in all aspects of
pediatric medical care from birth through adolescence. Nicklaus Children s Hospital,
formerly Miami Children s Hospital, offers more than 40 pediatric specialties and
subspecialties, and is home to Florida s only free standing pediatric trauma centre.
Nicklaus Children s Hospital also identified a need in the Miami Metro area for
Pediatric Outpatient Centers to serve the community. To enhance our service to South
Florida Families we developed nine (9) centers that feature select pediatric healthcare
Leslie Marmon Silko Essay
February 19, 2012
Wk 5 Silko Annotation
She retraces the mountain of her ancestry every single day quietly. In the wind she
can smell the scent of her ancestors made from crushed pale blue leaves of the
mountain. The smell is coming from up the mountain side from which her ancestors
descended from, where the mountain lion laid down and ate their deer. It is better to
be where she once came from, where her ancestors came from, up on that mountain
watching nature. The elderly that remember it once are all gone, the old songs of
ancestors are forgotten, and the story where it all began died with its memory. The
memory of the culture dances in the snow frost moonlight, swam in the freezing
mountain water, went through the ... Show more content on ...
The protagonist looks deep into her soul to grab her ancestry. This is what allows her
to use her senses and find it in her every day bearing. The spirits of the ancestors
roam the earth and go back up to that mountain where she originated from. It is
because of them that she can still remember her culture, it lives within her and her
surroundings. She is connected with the spirits and is unable to part with them, there
is almost an interdependency with them.
Thomas from the movie Smoke Signals tries very hard to remain connected with his
Native American Ancestors. Thomas likes to think of himself as a story teller like
those of his ancestor tribes. He spends his time telling people stories that are based
on reality and fiction in order to create symbolism and meaning to life. Arnold uses
nature and its elements to describe many of his stories. An example of this is when
he describes himself and Victor as children of fire and ash. Like Silko, he uses
elements to describe where he came from. At times it seems as though Thomas does
not really understand his ancestry but continues to try and use their ways in his story
Victor struggles to identify himself as a Native American. We see him describe what
an Indian is supposed to be like and it is loosely connected with his ancestry. Unlike
the protagonist of the poem he is unable to connect with the land and his ancestors.
The protagonist mentions that the memory of her people has
Radio Frequency Identification Chip Research Paper
For The Best Or The Worst
What if they finally found a way? A way that they you can be tagged just like
about everything else. Is it true? Has the government finally found a way to get all
the information they need from us? What if they could know everything about you
from just one simple scan of a chip the size of a grain of rice? What if it s bigger
than that and could be one of those scams into getting the human race finally under
the NWA (New World Order).
First and foremost the RFID IC or (Radio Frequency Identification Chip) is a tag,
label, or card that can exchange data with the reader using its built in antenna and its
IC (Integrated circuit ). There are a numerous amount of different things that helps tie
this chip tie together, such as your personal ID, Medical history , bank information,
and all of the other information government wants to know about you. The chip is
inserted by doctors in one of your hands right between your index finger and you
thumb they say it take no longer than thirty seconds to a minute. ... Show more
content on ...
I believe it s bigger than what it is and that the government is only telling us the
things that we want to hear and not the truth, but then again too what is its bigger
than the government like on a religious type level. Some believe that the RFID
chip is part of the book of Revelations in the bible which refers to the chip as the
Mark of the beast . The book of Revelations talks about how all people will have to
receive a mark on their foreheads or their hands so that they can not buy or sell
unless they had the mark of the beast or the number of its name, basically saying the
same things that happening now. If you are not really familiar with the book of
revelations it basically talks about the signs of the world ending and the lord coming
District 13b Analysis
When an undercover cop and an ex thug strive to penetrate a gang in order to defuse
a neutron bomb, an unstoppable wave of electricity races through the crowd s
mentality. District 13b, directed by Pierre Morel is a surpassing action packed film
jammed with intriguing fights, stunts and a climactic story that leads to a nourishing
ending. District 13b not only excels in the action set pieces, especially during the
fight or flight scenes, but the entire production is a thrilling and unique film.
This French action production may sound and look correlative to an American action
production. There is a plenteous use of guns and car chases. District 13b contains a
certain aspect that the majority of American films don t comprehend, street ballet
The Characteristics Of Kona Coffee
Kona coffee As unique as it gets
What is Kona and what makes it so unique?
It s a coffee that s grown in the North and South Kona districts of Hawaii. The Kona
districts in Hawaii is a two mile long stretch of land which contains over 600 coffee
farms; and this district is often referred to as the Kona coffee belt
Here are the reasons that make Kona coffee the most unique coffee region on the
The number one reason is the low altitude. Usually coffee is grown at 5000+ feet
and the Kona coffee grows in places that range from 800 ft. to 2300 ft.
One of the reasons that this happens is because clouds settle over the crops in the
afternoon and thus provide a natural shade for the coffee protecting it from the hot
sun in Hawaii.
Reason number two is the steep volcanic slopes which create ideal drainage system
for the rain and all of this delivers conditions that resemble much higher elevations in
other parts of the world. ... Show more content on ...
What are the characteristics of the Kona Coffee?
As we mentioned previously, there are over 600 farms with various growing,
processing and roasting methods and the coffee from this region isn t known for any
particular flavor. You may know that a coffee from a particular region has cocoa
notes, coffee from another region has citrusy, but what s interesting about the Kona
flavors is that they vary from farm to farm.
Although there are many different flavors in the Kona coffee, there are also some
general characteristics that you can expect from each cup of Kona coffee.
The Kona coffee has a distinct smoothness. Most of the Kona coffees at the first sip
have a caramel taste and it is unlikely to find citrusy or floral aftertaste in your
What Is The Cowpens Flag
make the thirteenth star. It is said that the fabric and development of the flag was
the same as other flags around the 19th century. The Cowpens flag is considerably
long and the stars are in a oval and one in the center. According to Archibald
Willard, around 1875, Archibald MacNeal Willard, actually included the Cowpens
flag in a painting called the Spirit of 76. According to Paul Pavao In the
Revolutionary War Generals, General Daniel Morgan won the Revolutionary war at
Cowpens. Morgan had the help of Maryland, Virginia, and Georgia regiment to stop
the British in their path in the Battle of Cowpens. The Cowpens flag, a very famous
and important symbol in the heart of America. The Battle of Bennington introduced a
very important, symbolic, and famous... Show more content on ...
The Bennington flag was also flown over the Battle of Bennington. The Battle of
Bennington did not take place at Bennington, Vermont but took place in Upstate
New York. Besides the Bennington flag, the flag is also called the Fillmore flag.
The flag is sometimes referred to the Fillmore flag because after the Battle of
Bennington, Nathaniel Fillmore brought home the Bennington flag and ever since it
was passed for generations through the Fillmore family. No one really knows the
exact date that the flag was adopted by the nation but is was around 1776. Archibald
MacNeal Willard, an artist, also made a painting about the flag called the Spirit of 76.
The Bennington flag has thirteen red and white alternating stripes and has thirteen
stars. The thirteen stars have seven points where most American flags only have five
points. The 13 stripes represent the
Analysis Of Baz Luhrmann
Baz Luhrmann Essay By Warwick Taylor Baz Luhrmann s directional style is not
about naturalism. Rather, Luhrmann uses his cinematic language, storytelling
techniques and his belief in a theatrical cinema to assure viewers that they are
indeed watching a movie. In this essay I will tackle some aspects of his movies in
his red curtain trilogy, namely Strictly ballroom , Romeo and Juliet and The Great
Gatsby that indeed prove my topic statement. The setting of the movies is a clear
indicator to the audience that the movie that they are watching is indeed just that, a
movie. The setting of Strictly Ballroom is in Australia, but when the view thinks
about Australia, the setting that comes to mind is the Sydney Opera House, white
beaches and long walkways. But in Strictly Ballroom we are greeted, with small
halls, dark alleyways and people struggling for money (something that we don t
associate with Australia at all).... Show more content on ...
This makes the viewer feel uneasy as it doesn t seem exactly like the place that one
must visit for a holiday, much less the setting for the most well known love story.
The combination of the two makes the viewer know at all times that they are
indeed not a part of the movie. The setting for The Great Gatsby is set in New
York, the city of dreams. This is the setting that makes viewers feel most
comfortable as many would have gone there and seen many of the sites that are in
the movie (Empire State Building). However it is an unfamiliar New York mostly
set in Long island, a place for the wealthy. And the breaks between Long Island, the
Valley of Ashes and central New York, are a constant reminder that the viewer is not
a part of the
Prison And Zoo System
A poor helpless animal is stuck in a cage against their will. This is just like our
citizens who are sitting in prisons like caged birds. In today s society we believe
that it is acceptable to take animals out of their natural habitat and keep them in
cages for our own personal gain. This is almost identical to what is happening in the
prison system. We are capturing individuals off the streets and keeping them behind
bars, so we don t have to worry about them committing crimes .
The Prison and Zoo systems would want you to believe that they are helping to
rehabilitate the animals and criminals because they were not able to fit into their
ecosystems, but unfortunately when these poor organisms go through these systems,
they will
paul hoang answers
Paul Hoang and IBID Press
Business Management Answer Book
Important message from the author
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you for purchasing my textbook and for the encouraging words that many of
you have passed on from around the world.
In the final installment, I have put together answers/solutions to all 217 case studies.
I hope you will find these solutions as a useful starting point. As with all B M mark
schemes, the solutions in this Answer
Book should be used with caution and flexibility. Students who take an alternative
approach to the suggested solutions should still be credited where appropriate;
teachers should use their professional judgment in such cases.
Since the Answer Book is 178 pages long, ... Show more content on
[1 2 marks]
The answer is vague and/or descriptive. There may be no distinction made between
the influences on training and recruitment.
Paul Hoang and IBID Press
Definition of conflict should be given. The possible solutions will depend on the
cause(s) of conflict within the department. For instance:
Poor communication channels lead to misunderstandings; look into improving
communications within the department, e.g. regular team briefings.
Lack of promotional opportunities; perhaps investigate the possibility of delegating
responsibility to allow subordinates to gain valuable experiences.
Given the culture, the new HOD might be expected to be more democratic in his/her
approach to conflict management, e.g. perhaps by using forms of empowerment.
Conflict may also arise if the Principal uses external recruitment to appoint the new
Any conflict between subordinates will most likely to be dealt with by the HOD, i.e.
conflict is resolved within the department.
The new HOD will therefore need to have good interpersonal and communications
skills. S/he may also need to develop situational management styles with clear goals
and objectives for the
[5 6 marks]
There is a thorough examination of the various ways in which different sources of
conflict can be handled by the Head of Department. Appropriate terms are used with
good application.
[3 4 marks]
The examination
Research Paper On Bahamas
Did you know that the Bahamas is on the corner of the Bermuda triangle? The
Bahamas is a group of over 700 islands in the Atlantic Ocean. One of the main
reasons why people go to the Bahamas is because of the weather and the climate.
There weather is around 80 degrees year round. The attractions are another reason
why people go to the Bahamas. There is a lot of water parks in the Bahamas. A
historical site in the Bahamas is Fort Charlotte. Fort Charlotte is a fort built in the
British colonial era. You should go to the Bahamas because it is the best country in
the world. In the Bahamas the weather is usually 80 degrees year round. The reason
why they have that weather is because it is a Tropical Marine climate. In a tropical
marine climate,
Male-Female Relationships In When Harry Met Sally And
After recently meeting, Harry and Sally are stuck together in an eight hour car ride
heading to New York City. Not knowing each other well, they make small talk,
getting to know the other person. The topic of male female relationships comes up in
the conversation, and Harry says that men are only friends with women because they
want to sleep with them. This question of Can women and men be friends without
sleeping with each other? is one of main themes films most popular romantic
comedies of all time, When Harry met Sally.
In recent years, one of the most popular sub genre of film, romantic comedies or
rom coms for short, has gotten a bad reputation. Due to many rom coms following
the same storyline and containing typical rom com tropes, many have become
bored with the genre, and some detest it because of its predictable nature. There are
some hidden gems within the genre that veer off from the typical rom com films,
like When Harry Met Sally. With a well casted group of characters to a well written
screenplay, When Harry Met Sally goes against many of the stereotypes of a rom
com while dealing with themes that are commonly used in the genre.
The movie begins with recently graduated Sally and Harry headed off to New
York City. Just recently met, Harry and Sally start to learn more about each other
while being stuck in a car for eight hours, but after arriving at the city, they part
ways with both assuming that they won t ever see each other again. Five years
pass, and Harry and Sally accidentally bump into each other. They both speak
briefly to each other, but both decide not to keep in touch after the awkward
encounter. Another five years pass and Sally runs into Harry again in a bookstore.
Both talk about their recent heartbreaks and bond over them. The rest of the film
follows Harry and Sally friendship while both are dealing with their recently ended
relationships and are trying to find love in the city.
The screenplay for this film is what makes it original in a genre that is stereotypical.
Nora Ephron, who wrote the film, has written other well known rom com films such
as Bewitched and Sleepless in Seattle. An aspect of this screenplay that makes this
film special is the pacing. The balance
Religion During The Civil Rights Movement
The civil rights movement was made up to give African Americans freedom that
white citizens loved and took for granted, like eating in specific restaurants, voting,
and going to churches that they wanted to worship in. African Americans suffered
from beatings and arrest as a part of their everyday lives. The church gave African
Americans hope and was a religious safe haven. During the time of slavery ancestors
of African Americans looked to God for freedom which is why the love of religion is
so strong. African AmericanChristians saw the church as a safe place where they
could be during the civil rights movement that provided moral and spiritual support.
Most of the black communities had at least one church that provided them with
Liberty Leading The People And The Oath Of The Horatii
There were several strong influences on painters after the French Revolution,
especially in the Neoclassical and Romantic periods. The bloody events of the
revolution inspired painters to write about similarly important and momentous
events, and it was not just French painters who took steps to show these emotions
through their work. From the Neoclassical period, Jacques Louis David s The Oath
of the Horatii conveys these ideas, and from the Romantic period, Eugene Delacroix
s Liberty Leading the People show similar ideas. In both paintings, the use of red is
striking. Both painters use red, white, and blue in these large works of art, which
represent different colors on the French flag. This independence and clear artistic
choice help
The Influences Of Carl Czerny Style
III. The influences of Carl Czerny composition technique
The influences of Carl Czerny to Chopin s etude can be found certain evidence
through the letters and comments, as they were both appreciated on both
compositions and the piano pedagogy with demonstrated one of well known efficient
way reach to virtuosity, step by step practice exercises. As one of the Chopin s letters
to his parents wrote that:
Czerny is more sensitive than any of his compositions, but to a friend he was more
overly critical: he is a good fellow. But nothing more.
Chopin s impression to Carl Czerny that is very critical in a way that full of interest,
with a sensitive mind to take care each of his compositions. He appreciated Czerny s
using step by step musical exercises with the indication of various technical
difficulties, which usually appeared in different composers masterpieces.In the other
perspective from Czerny s view to Chopin, he praised later pianist composers
including Chopin lead Etudes to a brand new way to interpret; (the brilliance in
conquering new technical difficulties,some with more elegance and grace), lead to
the strong links in musicality developments, with the consideration of technical
difficulties for his students.
D. Chopin s pedagogy in his Etudes:
Playing techniques involved in Chopin s Etudes
i) Tone color:finger... Show more content on ...
The right hand melody shows the use of chordal texture which allows performers
using the force from the forearm, with the focus of top note to bring out the melody
of music. It s not appreciated that using the force from the wrist and being overforce
while playing the music. In Chopin s points of view, he requires the soft and round
tone color in all his compositions, Forget you re being listened to, and listen to
yourself... to let his pupil listen and decorate the melody with finger touch with
emotional and spiritual in
A Philosophical Point Of View Essay
Ethics in a philosophical point of view allows humans to fully understand the
importance of morality in a society. Throughout history, numerous philosophers have
had their own sense of morality. For instance, Thomas Hobbs considered morality as
simply as a social contract between cultures through the establishment of laws,
however others like Immanuel Kant saw it as an internal duty that all humans
unconsciously share and owe each other. Most people must side with one spectrum of
a topic than the other to determine an action is moral. Topics such as abortion, war,
marriage etc... have infiltrated modern liberal s conversations. I will write this paper
about abortion and, to support my opinion, I will first compare the arguments
previously made by four well known philosophers: Mary Ann Warren, Patrick Lee,
Robert P. George, and Judith Jarvis Thomson. After partaking on whichever side, I
will then apply a specific ethical theory that will help explain what influenced my
decision, then cover any possible objections and finish with any current
improvements being made to appease the tension from the topic. Abortion is the
deliberate termination of a humanpregnancy. For such a heartfelt topic, it needs has
been a practice since the ancient times They always contradict with the people that
consider themselves traditional.
Abortion as most people know, can be a difficult topic to speak of. It contains the
preservation of human life against the choice of protecting one s body and
The allurement to Hofstra come in a myriad of ways that make it a top college and
a prospective place to apply. It is the largest private college on long island, New
York, which is beautifully situated on a 240 acre campus. The thing I love about
Hofstra is the dedicated faculty and the way they aid Students and make themselves
available to everyone. The student faculty ratio 14:1 shows the personal attention
devoted to students. In the past few months, they have reached out to me and helped
me in the most cooperative manner. You can almost feel the love resonating from
the campus. The wide range of majors and minors that are offered on campus 140
undergraduate programs gives the sophomores a variety of programs to choose from
while shaping... Show more content on ...
The diversity at Hofstra is commendable as people from all walks of life contribute
to the intricate community at Union, which invariably is a learning curve for the
student as the student is exposed to a dynamic environment. I am inspiring to
apply to the Frank G. Zarb school of business. One of the main reasons why I am
applying to Hofstra is the fact that very few schools offer the major of my choice
Accounting. Hofstra has one of the most renowned Accounting programs which are
accredited from the AACSB as well, which attests to how well Hofstra prepares its
graduates for today s global business environment. The Frank G. Zarb business
school has won many accolades and having award winning teachers under Hofstra s
belt, no doubt, Hofstra provides world class education. Having one of the largest and
most technologically advanced academic facilities in the country, Hofstra provides its
graduates with the most top notch education. Over 30,000 successful Zarb alumni,
bestow invaluable connections leading to prestigious internships and full time
positions. Moreover, when you are living in New York, a thousand opportunities are
waiting for graduates just around the corner. Hofstra offers a vibrant campus with
hundreds of social, academic, and cultural events per year. Offering dynamic
programs with up to 200 student run organizations to provide a diverse college
experience, Hofstra University enriches the student s college experience beyond the
classroom as well. With so much to offer, I envision myself at studying in
Piano Lessons At The Age Of 6
Music, in one way or another, is a part of everyone s life, whether it is listening to
music when travelling or learning how to play a musical instrument (Stutz).
Beginning piano lessons at the age of 6, I have developed a passion for music and
find it to be a way to escape from a hectic life. A requirement of the Royal
Conservatory of Music, a corporation that runs exams to test the ability of music
students, is to learn music history, and during the course, I was amazed at the fact
that when two instruments, for example the flute and oboe, play the same note, they
soundentirely different. The difference in sounds can even be heard in instruments
that are similar in nature, for instance, the pianoand the keyboard. When practicing
piano pieces for exams or piano festivals, I go online to listen to the interpretations
of others for inspiration. I usually find videos of people playing a piano, but
sometimes there are people playing a keyboard. What surprised me was that the
sounds of the keyboard and the piano were entirely different, and this difference was
especially noticeable practicing for a performance. The practice room only contained
a keyboard, and after playing the keyboard, I realized that the music sounded much
emptier compared to a piano. That got me to wonder, what makes two instruments
sound entirely different, even when playing the same note?
From comparing sounds from the keyboard and piano, I came to a conclusion that
even though the two instruments are
Compare And Contrast Macbeth And Lady Macbeth
Macbeth is definitely one of my favorite plays of Shakespeare. Almost every
character in this play is unique and living. Not to mention Macbeth and Lady
Macbeth, as the main characters of this play, the complexity of their personalities is
what I like the most about Macbeth. I want to argue in this paper that, unlike what we
might seen Macbethand Lady Macbeth as ruthless and heartless from the first look,
actually both of them are killed by their own conscience. I will analyze these two
characters separately first and then compare them with each other.
First, we can see that Macbeth is tough and have rather stronger mentality and
stress tolerance compare to Lady Macbeth. According to his way of handling his
enemies (Banquo, Macduff, etc.) after he becomes the king, he is cruel and
rigorous most of the time. This can prove that unlike Lady Macbeth, the crime he
did to get the crown never directly crashes Macbeth he almost fights till his last
moment, I will not yield, to kiss the ground before young Malcolm s feet, and to be
baited with the rabble s curse (Shakespeare 5.8.32 34). Apparently, what really destroy
Macbeth are the ghosts and the predictions from the witches.
In my opinion, most of the supernatural that Macbeth experiences are just illusions
that come from his inside. Therefore all the ghosts and predictions are just part ...
Show more content on ...
From what I understand, the illusions are the key point, because they explain
everything. Macbeth s illusion is ghosts, while Lady Macbeth s illusion is blood.
We all know that ghost comes from dead people, so Macbeth is guilt of killing
those specific people. While blood is a sign of killing ad murder, which implicated
that Lady Macbeth s guilt is coming from the fact that she kills someone (indirectly),
it doesn t matter who she kills, what s matters is only the fact that she is no longer
the person who never kills anyone she is not clean
Santiago In How To Read Literature Like A Professor
As Santiago continues to struggle with the Marlin many characteristics become
obvious, specifically characteristics that show a parallel to Christ. Referring back
to the example used in How to Read Literature Like a Professor, Santiago shares
similarities to Christ. Throughout his struggle with the Marlin, many references are
made to being alone and far from land. This isolation is similar to that of Jesus, and
along with the doubts of his peers, puts Santiago in a similar situation as that of
Christ s. The old man also acquires cuts on his hands and carries the fish on his back.
Jesus carried the cross that eventually killed him upon his back, and was pierced
through the hands. This poses the question of whether Santiago will share the fate
Degradation Of The Paracetamol Drug Using Lanthanum
Photocatalytic degradation of the Paracetamol drug using Lanthanum doped ZnO
nanoparticles and their in vitro Cytotoxicity assay. M.Shakira*, M.Faraza, Asif
Sherwanib and Saud I. Al Resayesc a. Department of Chemistry, Aligarh Muslim
University, Aligarh 202002, India. b. Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit, Aligarh
Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, India c. Department of Chemistry, College of
Science, King Saud University, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia. *To whom
correspondence should be addressed Email: Phone No. +91
9837430035 a Abstract. The doping of semiconductor by rare earth metal
nanoparticles is an effective way for increasing in photocatalytic activity. Zinc oxide
and Lanthanum doped Zinc oxide nanoparticles were synthesized by modifying the
gel combustion method. It was found that La can greatly enhance the cytotoxicity
and photocatalytic activity of ZnO nanoparticles towards various cell lines and
paracetamol drug. These nanoparticles were characterized by various spectroscopic
and other techniques which clearly revealed the presence of lanthanum ions. The
UV vis spectroscopy displayed the absorption edge shifts towards the visible region
after doping with La which is extremely favorable for absorbing the visible light. We
compared the enhancing effect of La ions and found that La doped ZnO nanoparticles
is more effective than ZnO nanoparticles in promoting the generation of hydroxyl
radicals, holes and the photocatalytic activity of
Myrtle s Use Of Symbols In The Great Gatsby
Humidor Noun An airtight container for keeping cigars or tobacco moist. (Pg 148)
Settee Noun A long upholstered seat for more than one person, typically with a back
and arms. (Pg 150)
Pasquinade Noun A satire or lampoon, originally one displayed or delivered publicly.
(Pg 163)
II. Discussion Questions
After Myrtle died, Wilson went into a state of depression and grief. Do you think the
support of Michaelis was helping Wilson get through this rough time? Could he have
handled the situation better?
Wolfsheim appeared to be a close friend to Gatsby throughout the course of the
novel. Do you think there was a deeper meaning as to why Wolfsheim did not want
to go to Gatsby s funeral besides the fact he did not want to get mixed up in it?
Do you think it was peculiar that the man from the library was the only outside
person who attended Gatsby s funeral? Why do you think he came out of everyone?
III. Literary Term Symbol
There was a dog leash that was made of leather and braided silver that Myrtle left
for Wilson. Wilson had ordered Michaelis to get it for him, but he did not really
understand why he wanted it. Michaelis did not see any significance in the dog leash
compared to the ... Show more content on ...
There was a recollection of the moments that Gatsby and Daisy had together and
Daisy was the first nice girl that Gatsby had ever known. Gatsby cuddled with
Daisy before he left for the Armistice, but after it instead of getting sent home he
was sent to Oxford instead. Daisy wanted to shape her life and that decision had to
be made by a force of love or money. The force that she was looking for was fulfilled
in Tom. Gatsby had told Nick that he thought that Daisy had never loved Tom. Nick
made it clear that he was no longer talking to Jordan after an abrupt conversation that
they had on the phone with each
Williams Hero Model
Williams fits into the Aristotelian tragic hero model because he was born slightly
elevated status in the 1950 s Chicago society. Williams came from a pretty well
known family; his mother being former model Laurie McLaurin, and his father,
Robert Fitzgerald Williams, a Ford Motor Company executive. His great great
grandfather was Mississippi Governor and Senator Anselm J. McLaurin. Growing up
in Chicago, Williams was lonesome and was often found playing with toys by
himself in his familys suburban mansion and not with any of the other kids his age.
No one had thought that Williams would become the brilliant comedian and actor
that he became. Starting his career performing at nightclubs in San Francisco and
Los Angeles, Williams got his big break in 1978 when he made a guest appearance on
the tv show Happy Days as an alien named Mork.... Show more content on ...
Williams other roles include Popeye (1980); The World According to Garp(1982);
Moscow on the Hudson (1984); Good Morning Vietnam (1987); Dead Poets
Society (1989); Cadillac Man and Awakenings (both 1990); The Fisher
King(1991); Mrs. Doubtfire (1993); The Bird Cage (1996); What Dreams May
Come And Patch Adams (both 1998); Insomnia and One Hour Photo (both
2002);August Rush (2007); World s Greatest Dad and Old Dogs (both 2009); The
Big Wedding and Lee Daniels The Butler (both 2013); The Angriest Man in
Brooklyn(2014); and A Merry Friggin Christmas and Boulevard (2014, both
released after his death). He also provided voices for the animated films Aladdin
(1992),Robots (2005), and Happy Feet (2006)
Essay On Copernicus
Nicolaus Copernicus started out as just an ordinary person. In fact, according to
today s standards of intelligence, he was below average. Who knew that Copernicus
would later become one of the most intelligent people in the world. Copernicus
changed the way that people during the Renaissance viewed astronomy. Copernicus
changed history as we know it today and if it wasn t for him, today s astronomers
may still be theorizing about the basic facts of our solar system.
Nicolaus Copernicus was born on February 19, 1473 in Poland. His parents,
Nicolaus and Barbara, were leading merchants and parented four children,
Copernicus being the youngest. Then, when Copernicus was around 10 to 12 years
old, his father died and his brother, Lucas, took his nephew under protection and was
soon to become bishop of ... Show more content on ...
These two books taught Copernicus everything he needed to know about
astronomy and astrology. These books also led Copernicus to most of his
discoveries and the making of a few books himself such as De revolutionibus . In
this book, Copernicus described viewing the Moon Eclipse stating it was, the
brightest star in the eye of the Bull .
Copernicus had only 27 recorded observations in his lifetime though he most likely
had more than that. He viewed eclipses, planets, stars, and much more. That may not
seem very impressive today but, for Copernicus time period, it was quite a discovery.
Copernicus wrote his book, De revolutionibus , it was only published the year of
his death in 1543. The reason for his book with priceless information about our solar
system to be published so late was that it was controversial and many other theorists
disagreed with Copernicus claims. It was only at the year of his death that people
realized that Copernicus was
Ecg Complex Waveform Patterns
.1 Explain the ECG complex waveform pattern (PQRST)
The ECG waveform allows us to monitor the electrical activity of the heart and how
the mechanical side of it is functioning. At the beginning of the ECG wave form is
the P complex which is when the depolarisation of the atrial cells and when the SA
(Sino atrial) node induces an electric wave that travels throughout the heart to cause
the muscle cells to contract. After the P wave there is the PR interval, it is a flat line
as the ventricles in the heart are filling up with blood which roughly takes 0.2
seconds. In addition to this the PR interval is also when electrical activity is moving
to the ventricles by being conducted through the bundle of hiss then through the
purkinje fibres which ... Show more content on ...
Premature beats that occur in the atria are called premature atrial contractions, or
(PACs), premature beats that occur in the ventricles are called premature ventricular
contractions or (PVCs). Another type of arrhythmia is tachycardia also known as
fast heart rate, there are numerous of arrhythmias that fall under this category such
as atrial fibliration, which means that the electrical signal don t begin at the SA
node instead they begin near the atria or nearby the pulmonary veins. The electrical
signal will spread throughout the atria in a rapid disorganised way causing it to
fibrillate hence tachycardia. Another type of tachycardia arrhythmia is Wolff
Parkinson White syndrome or (WPW) syndrome is a condition in which the heart s
electrical signals travel along an extra pathway from the atria to the ventricles. This
extra pathway disrupts the timing of the heart s electrical signals and can cause the
ventricles to beat very fast and can be life threatening. Another class of arrhythmia
are Bradyarrhythmias which cause a slow irregular heartbeat, as an example is sinus
pause this condition is when the heart pauses for brief milliseconds it may miss a
beat because its natural pacemaker fails to conduct the electric signal to the rest of the
heart causing
Noble Eightfold Path
Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the
people.Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah,
the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and
lying in a manger states Luke chapter 2, verses 10 12. These verses show the
importance that Jesushad on the people of his town. At birth Jesus was named the
Messiah, the Lord. God made the birth of Jesus different than that of other kings. His
birth was in a stable, surrounded by animals and in hay. This birth, as you wouldn t
think,doesn t instantly make you think of a king s birth. I believe that God was
putting Jesus and Mary in this situation to symbolize the hope that this Messiah s
birth brings... Show more content on ...
Some roads may overlap but the pathways are different. The Noble Eightfold
Pathway of Buddhism is described by Elizabeth West as steps to happiness. These
buddhist steps consist of a balanced view, a right intention, a right speech, a right
action, a right livelihood, a right effort, a right mindfulness, and a right samadhi.
Buddhist uses these steps as a way to end unsatisfactoriness. By following the path
lead by the Noble Eightfold Path, this does not promise you success, by leads you in
the direction for a happy life.
In the article, Elizabeth West explains how the beatitudes contrast the Path of
Buddhists. The beatitudes are eight directions on how to be blessed rather than the
Noble Eightfold Path which lead you to only be happy. Elizabeth explains a
scenario that she was able to be present at. The reading of the beatitudes at the John
Main seminar in London. The holy Dalai Lama, was said to have inbodied Christ as
the beatitudes were read. The beatitudes are written in the present tense and explain
the realization as it is right now in the present time. Elizabeth West describes the
comparison of the Noble Eightfold Path and the Beatitudes as being different but
both being a positive pathway to be
Comparing Working Memory And The Episodic Buffer
In 1974 the researchers Baddeley and Hitch argued that the picture of short term
memory (STM) provided by the Multi Store Model was far too simple. Following
the Multi Store Model, it is believed that STM holds limited amounts of information
for short periods of time with relatively little processing, it is believed to be a unitary
store. This means that due to its single store it has no subsystems, unlike the Working
MemoryModel which has many subsystems. This proves that the Working Memory
is not a unitary store. Working Memory is STM. In contrast to the Multi Store
Model, where all the information goes to one single store (Unitary store), there are
different systems for the different types of information. Working Memory consists of
... Show more content on ...
This supports the idea of an immediate memory store for items that are neither
visual nor phonological and that draw on long term memory to link the related
words. It is used as both the Phonological Loop and the Visuo Spatial Sketch Pad
have specific roles and the Central Executive has very limited storage capacity so as
a result there was no where to store both visual and acoustic information. The
Episodic Buffer is an extra storage system that has in common with all working
memory units, a limited capacity. It is handy and can integrate information from the
Central Executive, The Phonological Loop, The Visuo Spatial Sketch Pad and also
information from the Long Term Memory.
Researchers such as Logie, Baddeley and Bunge generally agree that the short term
memory is made up of a number of components or subsystems. The working
memory model has replaced the idea of a unitary store short term memory as
suggested by the multistore model. The working memory model explains a lot more
and in a lot more detail than the multistore model. It makes sense a range of tasks
verbal reasoning, comprehension, reading, problem solving and visual and spatial
processing, it also applies to real life tasks such as reading which involves the
phonological loop subsystem, problem solving which involves the central executive
and navigation which involves the visual and spatial subsystem. The Working
Memory Model is supported by
A Brief Note On Flamenco
Flamenco is a Spanish musical genre that embodies a complex musical and cultural
tradition (New World Encyclopedia). Although considered part of the culture of Spain
in general, flamenco actually originates from Andalusia (New World Encyclopedia).
However, it is thought to be influenced by many world cultures, including Latin
American, Cuban and Jewish traditions. Flamencodanceand music became popular in
the early 19th century as cafГ© entertainment (wonderopolis). Flamenco is more
popular today both in Spain and abroad due to the new generation of flamenco
performers who have broadened flamenco s appeal internationally (Spanish fiesta,
2015). Flamenco is made up of three parts: guitar playing ( guitarra ), song ( cante )
and dance ( baile ) (wonderopolis)
The song (cante) is the most important element of flamenco. Originally, flamenco was
comprised of purely cante, with hand clapping (palmas) (knuckle rapping ... Show
more content on ...
The flamenco guitar has plastic tappingplates (or teardrop scratch plates) known as
golpeadores which protect the face of the intrument from damage by the tapping and
other percussive strokes (such as drumming and slapping) performed with the right
hand fingernails (a specific feature of the flamenco technique). Flamenco guitars
often have push pegs (akin to a violin) for tuning. The flamenco guitar began as an
accompaniment for cante (the song) and, in Spain, has largely remained as such with
the role of the flamenco guitarist being chiefly that of a musician who knows how to
musically support the singers and dancers.
Flamenco dance is very captivating to watch as the dancers are very expressive.
There are two basic forms, like the song they are the jondo and the chico. The jondo
is a profound and serious dance while the chico is a happy, light and often humorous
Guilt, Suffering, Confession and Redemption in Crime and...
Guilt, Suffering, Confession and Redemption in Crime and Punishment
You keep lying! screamed Raskolnikov, no longer able to restrain himself. You re
lying, you damned clown! And he flung himself on Porfiry, who retired to the
doorway, but without a trace of panic. I understand everything, everything! He
approached Porfiry. You re lying and taunting me so Ill give myself away You can t
give yourself away any more than you have already, Rodion Romanovich, old man.
Why, you ve gone into a state. Don t shout, I ll call my men, sir! (Dostoyevsky, 34)
No humane person with any values is able to commit a heinous crime without some
feeling of guilt or remorse afterwards. Slowly, this guilt festers and eats away at ...
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Both of them had experienced sufferings beyond what one can imagine.
Dostoyevsky felt that suffering gives one the chance of puri6cation and
transformation. Through his many ordeals of suffering, ranging from the near death
of his sick children or his epileptic seizures, to his early imprisonment and exile to
Siberia, Dostoyevsky felt that he eventually reached the point of happiness The way
of salvation is the way of suffering could often be heard mumbled from Dostoyevsky
s mouth. For these reasons, critics believe that Raskolnikov may have been a direct
symbol of Dostoyevsky and his suffering. (Kjetsaa, 346 349)
Dostoyevsky most likely modeled Crime and Punishment after his own experiences.
Since the two men s lives had striking similarities, many people believed that was
evidence to prove their thinking. As Raskolnikov was overcome with tremendous
suffering, sent to Siberia, and fell madly in love with a beautiful woman; so did
Dostoyevsky within his lifetime. I do believe that the character (Raskolnikov) was
the epitome of Dostoyevsky s life. (Timoney)
Even when Raskolnikov was asleep he received painful messages of others who were
suffering, just as he was. In one particular instance, before the double murder,
Raskolnikov is brought back to the poverty he suffered throughout his childhood. He
once again feels a great empathy toward the suffered, but this time
Analysis Of Mill On The Floss By George Eliot
This research report reviews scholarly criticism on the much debated character
MAGGIE TULLIVER from the book Mill on the floss written by George Eliot.
The project I propose analyses Maggie s character as a whole. The report will
begin by discussing the critics point of view of various reasons responsible for the
death of Maggie Tulliver. The report then focuses on how society and how her
relationships lead to her downfall from the point of view of various critics. A part
of my report also critically analyses the death of Maggie Tulliver. Lastly my report
discusses about the inner conflicts of Maggie and how those conflicts eventually
lead to her fate. Maggie suppresses herself in the patriarchal system and struggles to
make a place for herself and to find an identity of her own. In her article Maggie
Tulliver s long suicide1974 Elizabeth Deeds Ermarth says that Maggie eventually
believes the lie, that she is inferior, or wrong, or not to be taken seriously. She
learned to collaborate in her own defeat . ELIZABETH ERMARTH also
comments on how society affects Maggie since she was shaped to be a child by the
family pieties, it is fitting that her life ends in a reversion to childhood where her
energies to be an adult, tragically, are unneeded. Moving on to her relationships,
Ermarth analyses that her relationships with Mr.Tulliver and her brother Tom
Tulliver play a very important role in her being a selfless person. In return of being
obedient Tom gives
Stakeholder for Staples
Introduction Stakeholders are individuals and constituencies that contribute, either
voluntarily or involuntarily, to its wealth creating capacity and activities, and who
are therefore its potential beneficiaries and/or risk bearers1. There are several
different types of stakeholders associated with a corporation, and those stakeholders
can have different views and opinions on what corporation s goals should be and how
they should be running. I have interviewed three different stakeholders of Staples
Inc., an employee, a customerand a stock holder, to find their relationship between
them and the firm. Then, I will use this information to suggest how the firm should
proceed and continue to have a better and more beneficial... Show more content on ...
Another question was whether or not they thought that the Staples Soul program
was a good idea or not. Again the customer and the employee had agreed that it was
a good idea, but it was not important to them. In fact Ms. Lam had stated that I don t
really mind. Although I think that they should work on their customer relations a
little more. Mr. Esteves, the stockholder, found this program important due to the
fact that since it was instituted the stocks of Staples Inc. have been going up.
Although all three agree it is not a bad idea, Ms. Lam and Mr. Forgione do not find
this type of program important to them at all. The fact that they do not find this
program of no importance is because it has absolutely no affect on the customer or
the employee stakeholders. The benefits of this program do not directly impact a
majority of its employees or its customers. It appears that the relationship between
Staples and its employee and customer stakeholders is a straight give take
relationship, through the perspective of the stakeholders. Ms. Lam, in answering
about what type of relationship she had with Staples said, I need supplies, they
need money. They take my money, I take their supplies. While Mr. Forgione stated,
The only thing Staples has done for me is provide me with a paycheck every week
and some benefits. Next, I asked all three stakeholders to order which
Marxist Theory Of Colombian Conflict
Marxist theory dictates that the accumulation of wealth at one side is the
accumulation of misery and agony on the opposite side. The theory also claims that
society is systematically prone to conflict between classes and the more economic
freedom there is the more economic inequalities there are in society. The country of
Colombia is a country that is known to have a significant socioeconomic inequality
between its citizens. The guerrilla military units involved in the Colombian conflict
believed there should be a revolution in the country in order to get rid of the capitalist
government and both the FARC and ENL were strongly against the privatization of
the country s natural resources. Marxismbelieves capitalism nurtures a never ending...
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They believe that international relations are necessarily conflictual and that
international conflicts can only be resolved by war. They also strongly believe in the
need for national security and the survival of the state. Additionally, they believe in
the need for the state to guarantee its citizens security because otherwise, they believe
humans are bound to live a lonely and miserable life. They also believe states should
be in charge of pursuing their own interests because they cannot completely rely on
the help of another state. They believe each state has a responsibility of advancing
and defending their own interests. The paramilitary groups involved in the
Colombian conflict first took up arms because they saw the need to defend their
country against guerrilla military units, they believed they had to defend themselves
and they thought they couldn t entirely rely on the country to give them the security
they wanted. The Colombian government knew they had to do something about their
multiple enemies in the form of guerilla movements and paramilitary groups in order
to preserve the survival of the state. The Uribe administration took action against the
guerrilla movements plaguing the country in order to ensure their citizens security.
The U.S. sought to help Colombia in order to ensure dominance over Colombia being
their largest trading partners. Realists would have criticized the Colombian
Everett Massacre Research Paper
The Everett massacre took place November 5,1916 and took place in Everett
washington it was the biggest battle of labor unions. The Everett massacre was a
conflict between local authorities and members of the industrial workers of the
world (IWW) commonly called Wobblies . Everett washington was in a serious
depression.there was ongoing confrontation between commercial interests,
business labor organizers. There had been a number of labor organized rallies and
speeches in the street. These were opposed by local law enforcement, witch was
on the side of business. Before this conflict was caused, The wobbles had planned
a public demonstration in everett that afternoon, to be held on the corner of hewitt
and witmor, a spot usually used by street speakers the wobblies hoping to form one
big union. The wobblies, traveled from seattle to everett aboard the stemsters
verona and calista to support a strike by local shingle weavers. A group of citizens
deputies under the authority of snohomish county sheriff Donald Mcrae, refused to
let them land. A shot was fired followed by several minutes of gunfire that killed 5
wobblies and two deputies. 74 workers of the world returned to seattle here they were
put in snohomish county jail. ... Show more content on ...
Because the the wobblies wouldn t have gotten so upset on the ship where the
sheriffs couldn t get to the wobblies to take away their guns before they got mad
and shot at them, just because they couldn t support a strike by local shingal
weavers.The first cause of the conflict was free speech soon became a issue because
Wobblies began street speaking in Everett during local shingle weavers strike,
encouraging brutal suppression by local
Business Level Strategy Of The Coca Cola Company And
Although business level and corporate level strategies differ in scope, development,
and enforcement, they interact in the achievement of organizational goals.
Consequently, it is important to assess the best strategies that an organization should
adopt as this defines its performance both in the short term and long term. As seen in
this study, the difference in choice of strategy between the Coca Cola Company and
Pepsi define their performance, command, and dominance of the market. The
strategies adopted by a firm ought to be in line with its organizational objective sand
goals. For instance, a long term business strategy affects the performance of the firm
in the future. Therefore, a proper choice of strategy guarantees good business
performance and satisfies all the company s stakeholders.... Show more content on ...
In the modern and evolving business environment, business level strategy contributes
significantly to the organization s efforts to gain a competitive advantage over their
competitors. The Coca Cola Company is one of the firms operating in international
markets, which face fierce competition from their competitors. Its main competitor is
the Pepsi Company, with others including Groupe Danone, Kraft Foods, and Dr.
Pepper Snapple Group Incorporated among others (Rao, Rao, Sivaramakrishna,
2008). Moreover, the firm has to address significant threats, including health
concerns, which are an emerging trend in the beverages industry. These concerns
pose a great challenge for the beverage producing firm, and particularly the Coca
Cola Company. For this reason, the company has launched a series of strategies to
counter these

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Essay On Green Environment. Essay on go green save future ways2gogreen blog

  • 1. Essay On Green Environment Writing an essay on the topic of a green environment can be both challenging and rewarding. While it may seem like a straightforward subject, delving into the intricacies of environmental issues requires a comprehensive understanding of various concepts, ranging from ecology to sustainable development. Crafting a thoughtful and impactful essay involves thorough research, critical thinking, and the ability to present complex information in a coherent manner. One of the challenges lies in the vastness of the topic. A green environment encompasses a broad spectrum of issues, including climate change, deforestation, pollution, renewable energy, conservation, and more. Narrowing down the focus and selecting key aspects to discuss is crucial to maintain clarity and relevance throughout the essay. Moreover, staying updated with the latest developments in environmental science and policy is essential. The field is dynamic, with new research findings and initiatives emerging regularly. Incorporating current information adds depth and credibility to the essay but requires continuous research and fact-checking. Addressing the urgency of environmental concerns while maintaining a balanced and optimistic tone is another challenge. It's important to raise awareness about the severity of the issues without inducing despair. Offering practical solutions and emphasizing individual and collective actions for a sustainable future is a delicate balancing act. Additionally, the essay should engage the reader and evoke a sense of responsibility towards the environment. This requires effective communication skills, creativity, and the ability to connect with the audience on an emotional level. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of a green environment demands a combination of research, analytical thinking, and effective communication skills. While challenging, it provides an opportunity to contribute to the ongoing discourse on environmental issues and inspire positive change. For those seeking assistance with essays or exploring diverse topics, there are resources available. Services like offer a platform where you can order similar essays and access a wide range of writing assistance to meet your academic or informational needs. Essay On Green Environment Essay On Green Environment
  • 2. Should Adoptees Have The Right To Access To Original Birth... My mother was adopted, along with her twin sister. Now, my mom wants to know who her parents are., bBut, there are laws preventing her from doing so. The big question in this essay is, Should adoptees have the right to know who their biological parents are, You could also phrase it asking the question, Do adoptees have the right to access original birth certificates? This question covers much more, and will be what the information in this essay circles around. This essay covers three things: adoptees have the right to access to original birth certificates because they have questions, because of equality issues, and because of the doors it opens to adoptees that have empty holes in their history. First, adoptees have the right to have access to original birth certificates because they have questions. Questions about their health, questions about who they came, who they got their blue eyes from, and other such things. As Melinda Elkins Dawson, one of 200 newborns relocated to other states for adoption in Georgia in the 50 s and 60 s says, Every adopted child has questions. Adoptees, especially adoptees who are older, feel empty spaces in their history, and they want to be able to fill them. We don t have a history. Our history begins the day we were adopted into a new family... It s important to know where you came from. Bob MacNish says, of how not knowing your past, which makes an empty slate until you get adopted. As it says above, all adoptees have questions, and an
  • 3. Lee Jun Fan s Life and Accomplishments Lee Jun Fan, more commonly known as Bruce Lee, was born November 27th, 1940, in San Francisco, California. During this time it was the hour and year of the Dragon, in San Francisco s Chinatown. Bruce was the fourth child of Lee Hoi Chuen and Grace Ho. Lee Hoi Chuen, Bruce s father, was a comedic actor in the Chinese opera. Chuen and his wife were on tour in America with the opera company when Bruce was born. At three months old, Bruce and his family returned to Hong Kong. On the way back, Bruce became weak from the change in climates and the long ocean trip. From a young age, Bruce had already appeared in many films as a child actor, studied dance, and wrote poetry. While in middle school, Bruce would be taunted by English boys in... Show more content on ... One of Bruce s students, Linda Garfield, was a freshman at the University of Washington, later married Bruce in 1964. Linda and Bruce moved to Oakland, California to open another school, leaving the Seattle institute with friend Taky Kimura. While teaching gung fu in California, Bruce set to improve by expanding his knowledge of other styles. In 1964, Bruce s self exploration was delayed by a challenge from other gung fu teachers from San Francisco. These teachers didn t like that Bruce was teaching non Chinese people. The terms of the challenge were if Bruce lost, he would stop teaching non Chinese. Bruce won the fight in three minutes, but was disappointed in himself, for taking so long and being exhausted. This is the point where Bruce turned in his self exploration in martial arts and physical fitness, bringing the evolution of Jeet Kune Do. In earlier years, Bruce became friends with Ed Parker, the man regarded as the starter of American Kenpo. Bruce was invited by Parker in August of 1964, to Long Beach, California, for Parker s First International Karate Tournament to give a demonstration. Bruce demonstrated blindfolded chi sao techniques, and his one inch punch. A well known hair stylist, Jay Sebring, was in the audience that day of the First International Karate Tournament and saw Bruce s performance. Later, Jay was giving a haircut to William Dozier, a producer. Dozier told Jay that for a series he was
  • 4. Costa Rican Mountains A View Of The Mountains Just a little farther! This is the last steep hill! I think... A collective groan of relief came from behind me as my group started up one of the last steep sections of our trail up the beautiful, Costa Rican mountain. Our guide, Riza, the mother of our mission group s host family, gave the rest of the group a smile. You volunteered to climb a mountain! What d you expect? I seemed to be the only one who was actually enjoying the rewarding exercise. The crisp mountain air and occasional breeze felt refreshing as I trudged up the path, being careful to avoid holes and wondering what sights lie ahead. As I reached the crest, I looked at the path before me. While the last section was the steepest of our recent stretch of the mountain, it was by no means the last steep hill we would encounter. I stood up straight and did a quick stretch as I looked around, taking in the scenery around me. It was unlike any view I had ever seen. As far as the eye could see, within the large, terraced field which was bordered by large foliage, there were coffee trees.... Show more content on ... A few white tailed deer bounded this way and that, while birds sang overhead. It was truly beautiful, but not as beautiful as the view that awaited us down the road. Just a few minutes down that path, right before it trailed back into the forest, I could literally see for miles. What lie before me were the fields of coffee on the sides of the mountain. Behind this were neighborhoods of cream stucco with their brick red ceramic or bright, tin roofs. The cityscape was unlike any I had seen; instead of rising up, like they do in America, it sprawled out organically. The city mingled with the greenery in such a way that the homes seemed as if they belonged there. I was struck by how different the landscape of this beautiful country was compared to back
  • 5. Edward Bloor Use Of Flashback In Tangerine The novel Tangerine, is a book full of friendships, secrets, and conquering fear. The main character, Paul, (Antagonist) is hoping to get a fresh start when his family moves to Tangerine, Florida. There, Paul makes new friends, and also finds the courage to stand up to his brother Erik, who everyone loves, but Paul knows him for who he really is. Paul also learns some dark secrets about his eyes and why he has to wear his coke bottle glasses. Paul also encounters many deaths there, like his friend Joey s brother(Mike), and also Luis, who was a great friend to Paul. In the novel, Edward Bloor expertly uses flashback and the value of truth to convey the theme of conquering fear. To begin with, Edward Bloor uses flashback to show the theme
  • 6. Andrew Jackson Young Research Paper Andrew Jackson Young Jr was born on March 12, 1932 in New Orleans, Louisiana. His parents were Andrew Jackson Young, a dentist, and Daisy (Fuller) Young, a teacher. Andrew Young married Jean Childs Young ( June 7, 1954 September 16, 1994, her death) then he married Carolyn McClain Young (April 15, 1996 present) Young had kids with Jean Childs Young; Andrea, Lisa, Paula, and Andrew III. He attended Dillard University from 1947 1948. After graduation from Howard University, with a B.S. Biology, Young chose to study at Connecticut s Hartford Theological Seminary in 1955. In 1955 he was struggling with his lifepath. He went on top of King s Mountain in North Carolina and prayed to God about what he should do in his life. Later, he attended a ... Show more content on ... In the mid 1950 s he became a pastor to several churches in Alabama and Georgia. Andrew Young won the Peabody Broadcasting and Film Commission Institutional Award for Radio Television Education in 1960. He won for the National Council of Churches of Christ for the programs Frontiers of Faith, Pilgrimage and Talk back. ( Andrew Young Fast Facts ). In 1961, Young left his job as a pastor at Bethany Congregational Church to work with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference or SCLC with Martin Luther King Jr. He assisted in the organization of citizenship school which taught local, uneducated people how to organize without violence. In that time, some other black leaders thought that Young believed that he was better than anyone else. However, what they thought didn t matter. The citizenship school that the civic leaders worked for was able to help many thousands of blacks vote throughout the South. It was responsible for both the civil rights movement s democratic feelings and it success. On May 3, 1963, 40 percent of the students at the all black Parker High School in Birmingham, Alabama skipped class to protest, and the Birmingham City Jail filled
  • 7. Roman Arch Essay During the Roman Empire, the original arch was redesigned to be strong and support large structures. In the original arch, various rectangle shaped bricks were haphazardly stacked on each other with hopes of at most supporting a small room. However, the redesigned arch used precisely measured polyhedrons and trapezoidal prisms in a specific way to support each other. This developed arch led to the creation of larger builders, aqueducts, and tunnels. Many empires proceeding the Romans adapted this design to fit their specific and different needs, and arches are still used today. Therefore, using basic geometric shapes, the people in the Roman Empirerevolutionized the arch forever. The Roman Empire did not create the arch in 23 CE (Ambler). However, they adapted it from a weak arch that could barely support a small building. Before the Roman Empire, the original arch design was corbeled with congruent rectangular prisms. A corbeled arch is an arch where stones are laid so they move toward the center as they move higher (Ambler). Each rectangular prism has the properties of parallelograms, which are that opposite sides are congruent, and diagonals bisect each other, as well as all angles in the rectangle, are right angles, and the diagonals are congruent. The congruent... Show more content on ... This evolution led to the construction of large buildings, cathedrals, and other structures used today. Over time, Byzantine architect in Eastern Europe and Romanesque architects in Western Europe (Ambler) adopted the newly designed arch and even developed it further. Through centuries, many empires borrowed this design and modified it in various ways to satisfy their different needs. In this way, the architecture of ancient Rome has a lasting impact on the world. Therefore, the mere change in the geometric shapes used in arches had a lasting impact on the world that can be seen in everyday
  • 8. Death Persuasive Speech Outline Full Sentence Outline Format Name: Joy D. Brown Date: 10/23/2017 Topic: Three extraordinary options for body donation after death Purpose: Introduce the audience to three unusual ways they can take part in scientific research after death. Thesis: Exploration of three remarkable options for body donation after death I.Introduction a.Imagine walking into a room with 30 severed heads sitting in individual aluminum roasting pans. This is the gory sight plastic surgeons encounter to practice the art of face lift surgery. b.I will explore three remarkable options for body donation after death. c.Each one of us will face the choice of what we want to do with our bodies after death. What will choose? d.Recently making the choice ... Show more content on ... (2017). Body After You Die. [online] Available at: /10/28/ [Accessed 13 Oct. 2017]. Foer, J., Thuras, D., Morton, E. (2016). Atlas Obscura. New York: Workman Publishing. Khidas, K. (2015, May 07). Odyssey under the skin [Web log post]. Retrieved October 16, 2017, from under the skin/ King, A. I., Viano, D. C., Mizeres, N. States, J. D. (1995). Humanitarian Benefits of Cadaver Research on Injury Prevention. The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care, 38(4), 564 569. doi. 10.1097/00005373 199504000 00016 Roach, M. (2004). Stiff: the curious lives of human cadavers. New York: W.W. Norton Co. Roach, M. (2010). The Cadaver in the Space Capsule. Popular Mechanics, 187(8),
  • 9. Improving Customer Demand And Organisational Supply The main objective of any organisation is to enhance the customer demand and organisational supply that significantly results in increased business profit. For the specific purpose, Marks and Spencer needs to improve its customer demand that will directly result in enhanced sales generation. In the particular consideration, it is essential for organisation to attract new customer base. The aim of particular research study is to determine the level of customers demand of selected organisation and ways in which it changes over time. At the same time, the paper also involves discussion on the capacity of organisation to meet appropriate products supply. The information for the particular research study is gathered through primary data... Show more content on ... In consideration questionnaire has been designed that tends to involve 5 research relevant questions taking into account Likert five point scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree notions that support respondents to provide the most authentic response. In reference to quantitative research investigation, random sampling techniques have been identified as the relevant aspect. For the purpose of research examination, sample size of 10 participants were selected from whom responses has been gathered. In contrary, secondary data has been gathered from different books, journals and online database according to the selected research topic. The other sources used for attaining qualitative data involve magazines, archival records as well as website of Marks and Spencer has been used as well (Bredillet, Dwivedula, MГјller, 2011). 3.Research Discussion 3.1Level of Customer Demand Marks and Spencer has the business strategy to become a market leader surpassing other brands operating in specific business industry. In particular respect, company can achieve competitive market position by satisfying the needs of existing customers as well as by significantly enhancing the potential customer base through offering high quality range of products at preferably affordable prices. It reflects that the main purpose and objective of organisation is to increase level of customer demand which will result in higher organisational growth. By
  • 10. Major Differences Between The Medicaid And Medicare Programs ion 1: Describe the major differences between the Medicaid and Medicare programs. Answer: Medicare and Medicaid both represent federal healthcare initiatives, still some major differences exist between those programs. The existing differences largely pertain to a number of factors such as overall mission goals; authorities administering implementing the programs; sources of program funding; eligible populations; range of services covered by the programs; and costs on the part of the program user (patient). Medicare represents a social insurance initiative with uniform, national rules. It is administered by federal officials and a number of insurance companies employed to manage particular tasks (e.g. part C part D of the Medicare). ... Show more content on ... Medicaid, in its turn, has a much more extensive range of benefits, with Federal Government mandating coverage for certain services which are deemed as medically necessary. Question 2: Describe the Medicare Part D Donut Hole . Give details. Answer: The Donut Hole , or coverage gap, represents one of the most controversial aspects of the Medicare Part D prescription drug plan and has been of concern to many Medicaid beneficiaries who have opted for the plan. A coverage gap, contained within the plan, obliges beneficiaries to pay for the full cost of their prescription drugs, despite beneficiaries continuing to pay their monthly plan contributions. To illustrate, in 2010, when Medicare patients out of pocket prescription drug expenses exceeded $2,840, they entered the Donut Hole . Coverage for medications resumed when expenditures totaled $4,550. These annual out of pocket expense amounts included yearly deductible, copayment, and coinsurance payments associated with the plan. The ACA of March 23, 2010 initiated several improvements to Medicare Part D, in order to reduce out of pocket expenses of beneficiaries when they reached the Donut Hole . In 2010, if beneficiary has expenditures in the coverage gap, he/she should be eligible for a $250 rebate from Medicare. In 2011, if beneficiary reaches the Donut Hole , he/she should be given a 50%
  • 11. Aeromedical Evacuations In The Korean War In every war or conflict, both sides of the engagement experience causalities. One of the basic skills of any Soldier is to render aid to their injured battle buddies and to never leave a fallen comrade. Even with the medical equipment Soldiers or medics carry with them sometimes the aid they can render is not suitable for the types of injures the casualty has sustained. The Army needed a way to quickly get their wounded from the battlefield or field treatment facility to an established medical treatment facility so that they can receive treatment more appropriate for their injuries. Thus enters the medical evacuation, more specifically aeromedical evacuation. The feasibility and full advantages of aeromedical evacuation by high performance,... Show more content on ... In the early 1990s, the Army created a new specification for a dedicated MEDEVAC helicopter to be designed around the updated UH 60L airframe. It was designated as the UH 60Q DUSTOFF that was an acronym for Dedicated Unhesitating Service To Our Fighting Forces (Leoni, 2011). It was equipped with new medical equipment including an oxygen generating system, a cardiac monitoring system, a powered litter lift system and outlets for AC electrical power and night vision compatible lighting. The new litter system could accommodate six patients and provided convenient access for medical personnel to treat injuries. It was also equipped with Forward Looking Infra Red (FLIR) system that allowed the crew to identify casualties by body heat or in inclement weather. These upgraded systems lead to quicker evacuations while improving life saving measures for wounded personnel. Aviation Medical Evacuation operations have evolved significantly from its inception. From single pilot operated aircraft with litters outside the helicopter installed on landing gear to complete hospital helicopters with advanced medical systems and the capability to perform combat rescue, forward surgical team support as well and humanitarian relief missions. The absence of these vital aircraft systems would have been a detrimental to the lifesaving efforts of our Soldiers wounded in
  • 12. Jim Jones Town Analysis As Jim Jones portrayed in North Guyana that it was the ideal place he used to attract people to whom don t have a lot to offer. Not much money, need a home, food, shelter. A place to start over and call home again. Doing so Jim jones used these technics to help attract people who needed these things and all they had to do was arrive. Foot in the door; Jones talked about all the great opportunities, having a home growing our own crops starting over with a new life where people respect you and want the same thing. A good environment for families and children. Low balling; Joes set out for everything here will be perfect, starting over having everything you ever wanted and more if you come to Jones Town, then he started asking more of the people.
  • 13. The Catcher in the Rye Relative to the 1950 s Essay The Catcher in the Rye Relative to the 1950 s The Catcher in the Rye can be strongly considered as one of the greatest novels of all time and Holden Caufield distinguishes himself as one of the greatest and most diverse characters. His moral system and his sense of justice force him to detect horrifying flaws in the society in which he lives. However, this is not his principle difficulty. His principle difficulty is not that he is a rebel, or a coward, nor that he hates society, it is that he has had many experiences and he remembers everything. Salinger indicates this through Holden s confusion of time throughout the novel. Experiences at Whooten, Pency, and Elkton Hills combine and no levels of time separate them. This ... Show more content on ... I mean if they re running and they don t look we re they re going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That s all I have to do all day. I d just be the Catcher in the Rye and all. I know it s crazy, but that s the only thing I d really like to be. I know it s crazy(Salinger 173). Holden exhibits the madness described before at often times throughout the book and in the end it ends up sending him to a sanitarium. He knows he has become mad and he even tells himself this many times in the book; but he never really believes it. One time in the book when he displays this madness is, Wadsworth 4. But I m crazy I swear to God I am. About halfway to the bathroom, I started pretending I had a bullet in my guts. Old Maurice had plugged me. Now I was on the way to the bathroom to get a good shot of bourbon. I pictured myself with my automatic in my pocket, and staggering a little bit. I d walk down a couple of floors holding on to my guts, blood leaking all over the place. As soon as old Maurice opened the doors he d start screaming at me. But I d plug him anyway (Salinger 103 4). This explains the psychotically disturbing actions Holden takes in this novel. Holden becomes obsessed with death and dying, and several times in the book he wishes he was dead. Again, Holden can t stay away from the subject of the death of family members and the decay of the corpse. Even when he later goes to the Museum of
  • 14. T. V TV Show Friends Forever Back when I was still in high school, whenever the clock turned eleven p.m., my brother and I immediately turn the television to channel 5 to watch the rerun of our all time favorite T.V. sitcom, Friends. This was when we use the time to sit back and relax with the show s hilarious and funny moment. On September 22, 1994, NBC debuted a brand new sitcom about the life of six friends living in New York City, with the creators, Marta Kauffman and David Crane, never expecting it to become such a huge and phenomenal success. The show started off with Rachel Green, played by Jennifer Anniston, as a run away bride who came into the city looking for help from her old high school friends, Monica Geller, portrayed by Courtney Cox. There ... Show more content on ... Yes, it is a sitcom so the main focus is to bring laughter to the viewers. However, if it want to stick with the audiences and be remember long after the show is over, it need to touch the viewers heart, and that s is exactly what the show did. There are so many moments to choose from, ranging from Phoebe saying goodbye to her triplets, Ross and Rachel s breakup, to the final goodbye between the gang. The most touching and memorable scene for me would be when Monica and Chandler found out they cannot have a baby. It all started when Rachel was giving birth to her child that the two decided to try to have one of their own. After failing for what seem to be the hundredth time, Chandler and Monica decided to go get themselves tested and see what s wrong. What follow was the emotional moment where Chandler got a phone call from the clinic telling him the bad new. This touching and sad moment will leave viewers breathless as they feel compassion for the couple. This was even more upsetting to know that around the same time that this was film, Courtney Cox, who played Monica, was faced with a miscarriage herself. Cox and her husband were in fact very relatable with what was happening with Chandler and Monica, since they too struggle to get pregnant for about two years. In a NBC interview with Matt Lauer, Cox stated that she was finding difficulty in
  • 15. Nicklaus Children s Hospital Case Study Nicklaus Children s Hospital, formerly Miami Children s Hospital, is the world leading pediatric healthcare. With a medical staff of more than 650 physicians and over 3,500 employees, the hospital is renowned for excellence in all aspects of pediatric medical care from birth through adolescence. Nicklaus Children s Hospital, formerly Miami Children s Hospital, offers more than 40 pediatric specialties and subspecialties, and is home to Florida s only free standing pediatric trauma centre. Nicklaus Children s Hospital also identified a need in the Miami Metro area for Pediatric Outpatient Centers to serve the community. To enhance our service to South Florida Families we developed nine (9) centers that feature select pediatric healthcare
  • 16. Leslie Marmon Silko Essay Lit211J February 19, 2012 Wk 5 Silko Annotation She retraces the mountain of her ancestry every single day quietly. In the wind she can smell the scent of her ancestors made from crushed pale blue leaves of the mountain. The smell is coming from up the mountain side from which her ancestors descended from, where the mountain lion laid down and ate their deer. It is better to be where she once came from, where her ancestors came from, up on that mountain watching nature. The elderly that remember it once are all gone, the old songs of ancestors are forgotten, and the story where it all began died with its memory. The memory of the culture dances in the snow frost moonlight, swam in the freezing mountain water, went through the ... Show more content on ... The protagonist looks deep into her soul to grab her ancestry. This is what allows her to use her senses and find it in her every day bearing. The spirits of the ancestors roam the earth and go back up to that mountain where she originated from. It is because of them that she can still remember her culture, it lives within her and her surroundings. She is connected with the spirits and is unable to part with them, there is almost an interdependency with them. Thomas from the movie Smoke Signals tries very hard to remain connected with his Native American Ancestors. Thomas likes to think of himself as a story teller like those of his ancestor tribes. He spends his time telling people stories that are based on reality and fiction in order to create symbolism and meaning to life. Arnold uses nature and its elements to describe many of his stories. An example of this is when he describes himself and Victor as children of fire and ash. Like Silko, he uses elements to describe where he came from. At times it seems as though Thomas does not really understand his ancestry but continues to try and use their ways in his story telling. Victor struggles to identify himself as a Native American. We see him describe what an Indian is supposed to be like and it is loosely connected with his ancestry. Unlike the protagonist of the poem he is unable to connect with the land and his ancestors. The protagonist mentions that the memory of her people has
  • 17. Radio Frequency Identification Chip Research Paper For The Best Or The Worst What if they finally found a way? A way that they you can be tagged just like about everything else. Is it true? Has the government finally found a way to get all the information they need from us? What if they could know everything about you from just one simple scan of a chip the size of a grain of rice? What if it s bigger than that and could be one of those scams into getting the human race finally under the NWA (New World Order). First and foremost the RFID IC or (Radio Frequency Identification Chip) is a tag, label, or card that can exchange data with the reader using its built in antenna and its IC (Integrated circuit ). There are a numerous amount of different things that helps tie this chip tie together, such as your personal ID, Medical history , bank information, and all of the other information government wants to know about you. The chip is inserted by doctors in one of your hands right between your index finger and you thumb they say it take no longer than thirty seconds to a minute. ... Show more content on ... I believe it s bigger than what it is and that the government is only telling us the things that we want to hear and not the truth, but then again too what is its bigger than the government like on a religious type level. Some believe that the RFID chip is part of the book of Revelations in the bible which refers to the chip as the Mark of the beast . The book of Revelations talks about how all people will have to receive a mark on their foreheads or their hands so that they can not buy or sell unless they had the mark of the beast or the number of its name, basically saying the same things that happening now. If you are not really familiar with the book of revelations it basically talks about the signs of the world ending and the lord coming back
  • 18. District 13b Analysis When an undercover cop and an ex thug strive to penetrate a gang in order to defuse a neutron bomb, an unstoppable wave of electricity races through the crowd s mentality. District 13b, directed by Pierre Morel is a surpassing action packed film jammed with intriguing fights, stunts and a climactic story that leads to a nourishing ending. District 13b not only excels in the action set pieces, especially during the fight or flight scenes, but the entire production is a thrilling and unique film. This French action production may sound and look correlative to an American action production. There is a plenteous use of guns and car chases. District 13b contains a certain aspect that the majority of American films don t comprehend, street ballet
  • 19. The Characteristics Of Kona Coffee Kona coffee As unique as it gets What is Kona and what makes it so unique? It s a coffee that s grown in the North and South Kona districts of Hawaii. The Kona districts in Hawaii is a two mile long stretch of land which contains over 600 coffee farms; and this district is often referred to as the Kona coffee belt Here are the reasons that make Kona coffee the most unique coffee region on the planet. The number one reason is the low altitude. Usually coffee is grown at 5000+ feet and the Kona coffee grows in places that range from 800 ft. to 2300 ft. One of the reasons that this happens is because clouds settle over the crops in the afternoon and thus provide a natural shade for the coffee protecting it from the hot sun in Hawaii. Reason number two is the steep volcanic slopes which create ideal drainage system for the rain and all of this delivers conditions that resemble much higher elevations in other parts of the world. ... Show more content on ... What are the characteristics of the Kona Coffee? As we mentioned previously, there are over 600 farms with various growing, processing and roasting methods and the coffee from this region isn t known for any particular flavor. You may know that a coffee from a particular region has cocoa notes, coffee from another region has citrusy, but what s interesting about the Kona flavors is that they vary from farm to farm. Although there are many different flavors in the Kona coffee, there are also some general characteristics that you can expect from each cup of Kona coffee. The Kona coffee has a distinct smoothness. Most of the Kona coffees at the first sip have a caramel taste and it is unlikely to find citrusy or floral aftertaste in your
  • 20. What Is The Cowpens Flag make the thirteenth star. It is said that the fabric and development of the flag was the same as other flags around the 19th century. The Cowpens flag is considerably long and the stars are in a oval and one in the center. According to Archibald Willard, around 1875, Archibald MacNeal Willard, actually included the Cowpens flag in a painting called the Spirit of 76. According to Paul Pavao In the Revolutionary War Generals, General Daniel Morgan won the Revolutionary war at Cowpens. Morgan had the help of Maryland, Virginia, and Georgia regiment to stop the British in their path in the Battle of Cowpens. The Cowpens flag, a very famous and important symbol in the heart of America. The Battle of Bennington introduced a very important, symbolic, and famous... Show more content on ... The Bennington flag was also flown over the Battle of Bennington. The Battle of Bennington did not take place at Bennington, Vermont but took place in Upstate New York. Besides the Bennington flag, the flag is also called the Fillmore flag. The flag is sometimes referred to the Fillmore flag because after the Battle of Bennington, Nathaniel Fillmore brought home the Bennington flag and ever since it was passed for generations through the Fillmore family. No one really knows the exact date that the flag was adopted by the nation but is was around 1776. Archibald MacNeal Willard, an artist, also made a painting about the flag called the Spirit of 76. The Bennington flag has thirteen red and white alternating stripes and has thirteen stars. The thirteen stars have seven points where most American flags only have five points. The 13 stripes represent the
  • 21. Analysis Of Baz Luhrmann Baz Luhrmann Essay By Warwick Taylor Baz Luhrmann s directional style is not about naturalism. Rather, Luhrmann uses his cinematic language, storytelling techniques and his belief in a theatrical cinema to assure viewers that they are indeed watching a movie. In this essay I will tackle some aspects of his movies in his red curtain trilogy, namely Strictly ballroom , Romeo and Juliet and The Great Gatsby that indeed prove my topic statement. The setting of the movies is a clear indicator to the audience that the movie that they are watching is indeed just that, a movie. The setting of Strictly Ballroom is in Australia, but when the view thinks about Australia, the setting that comes to mind is the Sydney Opera House, white beaches and long walkways. But in Strictly Ballroom we are greeted, with small halls, dark alleyways and people struggling for money (something that we don t associate with Australia at all).... Show more content on ... This makes the viewer feel uneasy as it doesn t seem exactly like the place that one must visit for a holiday, much less the setting for the most well known love story. The combination of the two makes the viewer know at all times that they are indeed not a part of the movie. The setting for The Great Gatsby is set in New York, the city of dreams. This is the setting that makes viewers feel most comfortable as many would have gone there and seen many of the sites that are in the movie (Empire State Building). However it is an unfamiliar New York mostly set in Long island, a place for the wealthy. And the breaks between Long Island, the Valley of Ashes and central New York, are a constant reminder that the viewer is not a part of the
  • 22. Prison And Zoo System Trapped A poor helpless animal is stuck in a cage against their will. This is just like our citizens who are sitting in prisons like caged birds. In today s society we believe that it is acceptable to take animals out of their natural habitat and keep them in cages for our own personal gain. This is almost identical to what is happening in the prison system. We are capturing individuals off the streets and keeping them behind bars, so we don t have to worry about them committing crimes . The Prison and Zoo systems would want you to believe that they are helping to rehabilitate the animals and criminals because they were not able to fit into their ecosystems, but unfortunately when these poor organisms go through these systems, they will
  • 23. paul hoang answers Paul Hoang and IBID Press 1 Business Management Answer Book Important message from the author Dear Colleagues, Thank you for purchasing my textbook and for the encouraging words that many of you have passed on from around the world. In the final installment, I have put together answers/solutions to all 217 case studies. I hope you will find these solutions as a useful starting point. As with all B M mark schemes, the solutions in this Answer Book should be used with caution and flexibility. Students who take an alternative approach to the suggested solutions should still be credited where appropriate; teachers should use their professional judgment in such cases. Since the Answer Book is 178 pages long, ... Show more content on ... [1 2 marks] The answer is vague and/or descriptive. There may be no distinction made between the influences on training and recruitment. Paul Hoang and IBID Press 3 c) Definition of conflict should be given. The possible solutions will depend on the cause(s) of conflict within the department. For instance: Poor communication channels lead to misunderstandings; look into improving communications within the department, e.g. regular team briefings. Lack of promotional opportunities; perhaps investigate the possibility of delegating responsibility to allow subordinates to gain valuable experiences. Given the culture, the new HOD might be expected to be more democratic in his/her approach to conflict management, e.g. perhaps by using forms of empowerment. Conflict may also arise if the Principal uses external recruitment to appoint the new HOD.
  • 24. Any conflict between subordinates will most likely to be dealt with by the HOD, i.e. conflict is resolved within the department. The new HOD will therefore need to have good interpersonal and communications skills. S/he may also need to develop situational management styles with clear goals and objectives for the Department. [5 6 marks] There is a thorough examination of the various ways in which different sources of conflict can be handled by the Head of Department. Appropriate terms are used with good application. [3 4 marks] The examination
  • 25. Research Paper On Bahamas Did you know that the Bahamas is on the corner of the Bermuda triangle? The Bahamas is a group of over 700 islands in the Atlantic Ocean. One of the main reasons why people go to the Bahamas is because of the weather and the climate. There weather is around 80 degrees year round. The attractions are another reason why people go to the Bahamas. There is a lot of water parks in the Bahamas. A historical site in the Bahamas is Fort Charlotte. Fort Charlotte is a fort built in the British colonial era. You should go to the Bahamas because it is the best country in the world. In the Bahamas the weather is usually 80 degrees year round. The reason why they have that weather is because it is a Tropical Marine climate. In a tropical marine climate,
  • 26. Male-Female Relationships In When Harry Met Sally And When... After recently meeting, Harry and Sally are stuck together in an eight hour car ride heading to New York City. Not knowing each other well, they make small talk, getting to know the other person. The topic of male female relationships comes up in the conversation, and Harry says that men are only friends with women because they want to sleep with them. This question of Can women and men be friends without sleeping with each other? is one of main themes films most popular romantic comedies of all time, When Harry met Sally. In recent years, one of the most popular sub genre of film, romantic comedies or rom coms for short, has gotten a bad reputation. Due to many rom coms following the same storyline and containing typical rom com tropes, many have become bored with the genre, and some detest it because of its predictable nature. There are some hidden gems within the genre that veer off from the typical rom com films, like When Harry Met Sally. With a well casted group of characters to a well written screenplay, When Harry Met Sally goes against many of the stereotypes of a rom com while dealing with themes that are commonly used in the genre. The movie begins with recently graduated Sally and Harry headed off to New York City. Just recently met, Harry and Sally start to learn more about each other while being stuck in a car for eight hours, but after arriving at the city, they part ways with both assuming that they won t ever see each other again. Five years pass, and Harry and Sally accidentally bump into each other. They both speak briefly to each other, but both decide not to keep in touch after the awkward encounter. Another five years pass and Sally runs into Harry again in a bookstore. Both talk about their recent heartbreaks and bond over them. The rest of the film follows Harry and Sally friendship while both are dealing with their recently ended relationships and are trying to find love in the city. The screenplay for this film is what makes it original in a genre that is stereotypical. Nora Ephron, who wrote the film, has written other well known rom com films such as Bewitched and Sleepless in Seattle. An aspect of this screenplay that makes this film special is the pacing. The balance
  • 27. Religion During The Civil Rights Movement The civil rights movement was made up to give African Americans freedom that white citizens loved and took for granted, like eating in specific restaurants, voting, and going to churches that they wanted to worship in. African Americans suffered from beatings and arrest as a part of their everyday lives. The church gave African Americans hope and was a religious safe haven. During the time of slavery ancestors of African Americans looked to God for freedom which is why the love of religion is so strong. African AmericanChristians saw the church as a safe place where they could be during the civil rights movement that provided moral and spiritual support. Most of the black communities had at least one church that provided them with spiritual,
  • 28. Liberty Leading The People And The Oath Of The Horatii There were several strong influences on painters after the French Revolution, especially in the Neoclassical and Romantic periods. The bloody events of the revolution inspired painters to write about similarly important and momentous events, and it was not just French painters who took steps to show these emotions through their work. From the Neoclassical period, Jacques Louis David s The Oath of the Horatii conveys these ideas, and from the Romantic period, Eugene Delacroix s Liberty Leading the People show similar ideas. In both paintings, the use of red is striking. Both painters use red, white, and blue in these large works of art, which represent different colors on the French flag. This independence and clear artistic choice help
  • 29. The Influences Of Carl Czerny Style III. The influences of Carl Czerny composition technique The influences of Carl Czerny to Chopin s etude can be found certain evidence through the letters and comments, as they were both appreciated on both compositions and the piano pedagogy with demonstrated one of well known efficient way reach to virtuosity, step by step practice exercises. As one of the Chopin s letters to his parents wrote that: Czerny is more sensitive than any of his compositions, but to a friend he was more overly critical: he is a good fellow. But nothing more. Chopin s impression to Carl Czerny that is very critical in a way that full of interest, with a sensitive mind to take care each of his compositions. He appreciated Czerny s using step by step musical exercises with the indication of various technical difficulties, which usually appeared in different composers masterpieces.In the other perspective from Czerny s view to Chopin, he praised later pianist composers including Chopin lead Etudes to a brand new way to interpret; (the brilliance in conquering new technical difficulties,some with more elegance and grace), lead to the strong links in musicality developments, with the consideration of technical difficulties for his students. D. Chopin s pedagogy in his Etudes: Playing techniques involved in Chopin s Etudes i) Tone color:finger... Show more content on ... The right hand melody shows the use of chordal texture which allows performers using the force from the forearm, with the focus of top note to bring out the melody of music. It s not appreciated that using the force from the wrist and being overforce while playing the music. In Chopin s points of view, he requires the soft and round tone color in all his compositions, Forget you re being listened to, and listen to yourself... to let his pupil listen and decorate the melody with finger touch with emotional and spiritual in
  • 30. A Philosophical Point Of View Essay Ethics in a philosophical point of view allows humans to fully understand the importance of morality in a society. Throughout history, numerous philosophers have had their own sense of morality. For instance, Thomas Hobbs considered morality as simply as a social contract between cultures through the establishment of laws, however others like Immanuel Kant saw it as an internal duty that all humans unconsciously share and owe each other. Most people must side with one spectrum of a topic than the other to determine an action is moral. Topics such as abortion, war, marriage etc... have infiltrated modern liberal s conversations. I will write this paper about abortion and, to support my opinion, I will first compare the arguments previously made by four well known philosophers: Mary Ann Warren, Patrick Lee, Robert P. George, and Judith Jarvis Thomson. After partaking on whichever side, I will then apply a specific ethical theory that will help explain what influenced my decision, then cover any possible objections and finish with any current improvements being made to appease the tension from the topic. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a humanpregnancy. For such a heartfelt topic, it needs has been a practice since the ancient times They always contradict with the people that consider themselves traditional. Abortion as most people know, can be a difficult topic to speak of. It contains the preservation of human life against the choice of protecting one s body and
  • 31. Hofstra The allurement to Hofstra come in a myriad of ways that make it a top college and a prospective place to apply. It is the largest private college on long island, New York, which is beautifully situated on a 240 acre campus. The thing I love about Hofstra is the dedicated faculty and the way they aid Students and make themselves available to everyone. The student faculty ratio 14:1 shows the personal attention devoted to students. In the past few months, they have reached out to me and helped me in the most cooperative manner. You can almost feel the love resonating from the campus. The wide range of majors and minors that are offered on campus 140 undergraduate programs gives the sophomores a variety of programs to choose from while shaping... Show more content on ... The diversity at Hofstra is commendable as people from all walks of life contribute to the intricate community at Union, which invariably is a learning curve for the student as the student is exposed to a dynamic environment. I am inspiring to apply to the Frank G. Zarb school of business. One of the main reasons why I am applying to Hofstra is the fact that very few schools offer the major of my choice Accounting. Hofstra has one of the most renowned Accounting programs which are accredited from the AACSB as well, which attests to how well Hofstra prepares its graduates for today s global business environment. The Frank G. Zarb business school has won many accolades and having award winning teachers under Hofstra s belt, no doubt, Hofstra provides world class education. Having one of the largest and most technologically advanced academic facilities in the country, Hofstra provides its graduates with the most top notch education. Over 30,000 successful Zarb alumni, bestow invaluable connections leading to prestigious internships and full time positions. Moreover, when you are living in New York, a thousand opportunities are waiting for graduates just around the corner. Hofstra offers a vibrant campus with hundreds of social, academic, and cultural events per year. Offering dynamic programs with up to 200 student run organizations to provide a diverse college experience, Hofstra University enriches the student s college experience beyond the classroom as well. With so much to offer, I envision myself at studying in
  • 32. Piano Lessons At The Age Of 6 Music, in one way or another, is a part of everyone s life, whether it is listening to music when travelling or learning how to play a musical instrument (Stutz). Beginning piano lessons at the age of 6, I have developed a passion for music and find it to be a way to escape from a hectic life. A requirement of the Royal Conservatory of Music, a corporation that runs exams to test the ability of music students, is to learn music history, and during the course, I was amazed at the fact that when two instruments, for example the flute and oboe, play the same note, they soundentirely different. The difference in sounds can even be heard in instruments that are similar in nature, for instance, the pianoand the keyboard. When practicing piano pieces for exams or piano festivals, I go online to listen to the interpretations of others for inspiration. I usually find videos of people playing a piano, but sometimes there are people playing a keyboard. What surprised me was that the sounds of the keyboard and the piano were entirely different, and this difference was especially noticeable practicing for a performance. The practice room only contained a keyboard, and after playing the keyboard, I realized that the music sounded much emptier compared to a piano. That got me to wonder, what makes two instruments sound entirely different, even when playing the same note? From comparing sounds from the keyboard and piano, I came to a conclusion that even though the two instruments are
  • 33. Compare And Contrast Macbeth And Lady Macbeth Macbeth is definitely one of my favorite plays of Shakespeare. Almost every character in this play is unique and living. Not to mention Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, as the main characters of this play, the complexity of their personalities is what I like the most about Macbeth. I want to argue in this paper that, unlike what we might seen Macbethand Lady Macbeth as ruthless and heartless from the first look, actually both of them are killed by their own conscience. I will analyze these two characters separately first and then compare them with each other. First, we can see that Macbeth is tough and have rather stronger mentality and stress tolerance compare to Lady Macbeth. According to his way of handling his enemies (Banquo, Macduff, etc.) after he becomes the king, he is cruel and rigorous most of the time. This can prove that unlike Lady Macbeth, the crime he did to get the crown never directly crashes Macbeth he almost fights till his last moment, I will not yield, to kiss the ground before young Malcolm s feet, and to be baited with the rabble s curse (Shakespeare 5.8.32 34). Apparently, what really destroy Macbeth are the ghosts and the predictions from the witches. In my opinion, most of the supernatural that Macbeth experiences are just illusions that come from his inside. Therefore all the ghosts and predictions are just part ... Show more content on ... From what I understand, the illusions are the key point, because they explain everything. Macbeth s illusion is ghosts, while Lady Macbeth s illusion is blood. We all know that ghost comes from dead people, so Macbeth is guilt of killing those specific people. While blood is a sign of killing ad murder, which implicated that Lady Macbeth s guilt is coming from the fact that she kills someone (indirectly), it doesn t matter who she kills, what s matters is only the fact that she is no longer the person who never kills anyone she is not clean
  • 34. Santiago In How To Read Literature Like A Professor As Santiago continues to struggle with the Marlin many characteristics become obvious, specifically characteristics that show a parallel to Christ. Referring back to the example used in How to Read Literature Like a Professor, Santiago shares similarities to Christ. Throughout his struggle with the Marlin, many references are made to being alone and far from land. This isolation is similar to that of Jesus, and along with the doubts of his peers, puts Santiago in a similar situation as that of Christ s. The old man also acquires cuts on his hands and carries the fish on his back. Jesus carried the cross that eventually killed him upon his back, and was pierced through the hands. This poses the question of whether Santiago will share the fate
  • 35. Degradation Of The Paracetamol Drug Using Lanthanum Doped... Photocatalytic degradation of the Paracetamol drug using Lanthanum doped ZnO nanoparticles and their in vitro Cytotoxicity assay. M.Shakira*, M.Faraza, Asif Sherwanib and Saud I. Al Resayesc a. Department of Chemistry, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, India. b. Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, India c. Department of Chemistry, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia. *To whom correspondence should be addressed Email: Phone No. +91 9837430035 a Abstract. The doping of semiconductor by rare earth metal nanoparticles is an effective way for increasing in photocatalytic activity. Zinc oxide and Lanthanum doped Zinc oxide nanoparticles were synthesized by modifying the gel combustion method. It was found that La can greatly enhance the cytotoxicity and photocatalytic activity of ZnO nanoparticles towards various cell lines and paracetamol drug. These nanoparticles were characterized by various spectroscopic and other techniques which clearly revealed the presence of lanthanum ions. The UV vis spectroscopy displayed the absorption edge shifts towards the visible region after doping with La which is extremely favorable for absorbing the visible light. We compared the enhancing effect of La ions and found that La doped ZnO nanoparticles is more effective than ZnO nanoparticles in promoting the generation of hydroxyl radicals, holes and the photocatalytic activity of
  • 36. Myrtle s Use Of Symbols In The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Humidor Noun An airtight container for keeping cigars or tobacco moist. (Pg 148) Settee Noun A long upholstered seat for more than one person, typically with a back and arms. (Pg 150) Pasquinade Noun A satire or lampoon, originally one displayed or delivered publicly. (Pg 163) II. Discussion Questions After Myrtle died, Wilson went into a state of depression and grief. Do you think the support of Michaelis was helping Wilson get through this rough time? Could he have handled the situation better? Wolfsheim appeared to be a close friend to Gatsby throughout the course of the novel. Do you think there was a deeper meaning as to why Wolfsheim did not want to go to Gatsby s funeral besides the fact he did not want to get mixed up in it? Do you think it was peculiar that the man from the library was the only outside person who attended Gatsby s funeral? Why do you think he came out of everyone? III. Literary Term Symbol There was a dog leash that was made of leather and braided silver that Myrtle left for Wilson. Wilson had ordered Michaelis to get it for him, but he did not really understand why he wanted it. Michaelis did not see any significance in the dog leash compared to the ... Show more content on ... There was a recollection of the moments that Gatsby and Daisy had together and Daisy was the first nice girl that Gatsby had ever known. Gatsby cuddled with Daisy before he left for the Armistice, but after it instead of getting sent home he was sent to Oxford instead. Daisy wanted to shape her life and that decision had to be made by a force of love or money. The force that she was looking for was fulfilled in Tom. Gatsby had told Nick that he thought that Daisy had never loved Tom. Nick made it clear that he was no longer talking to Jordan after an abrupt conversation that they had on the phone with each
  • 37. Williams Hero Model Williams fits into the Aristotelian tragic hero model because he was born slightly elevated status in the 1950 s Chicago society. Williams came from a pretty well known family; his mother being former model Laurie McLaurin, and his father, Robert Fitzgerald Williams, a Ford Motor Company executive. His great great grandfather was Mississippi Governor and Senator Anselm J. McLaurin. Growing up in Chicago, Williams was lonesome and was often found playing with toys by himself in his familys suburban mansion and not with any of the other kids his age. No one had thought that Williams would become the brilliant comedian and actor that he became. Starting his career performing at nightclubs in San Francisco and Los Angeles, Williams got his big break in 1978 when he made a guest appearance on the tv show Happy Days as an alien named Mork.... Show more content on ... Williams other roles include Popeye (1980); The World According to Garp(1982); Moscow on the Hudson (1984); Good Morning Vietnam (1987); Dead Poets Society (1989); Cadillac Man and Awakenings (both 1990); The Fisher King(1991); Mrs. Doubtfire (1993); The Bird Cage (1996); What Dreams May Come And Patch Adams (both 1998); Insomnia and One Hour Photo (both 2002);August Rush (2007); World s Greatest Dad and Old Dogs (both 2009); The Big Wedding and Lee Daniels The Butler (both 2013); The Angriest Man in Brooklyn(2014); and A Merry Friggin Christmas and Boulevard (2014, both released after his death). He also provided voices for the animated films Aladdin (1992),Robots (2005), and Happy Feet (2006)
  • 38. Essay On Copernicus Nicolaus Copernicus started out as just an ordinary person. In fact, according to today s standards of intelligence, he was below average. Who knew that Copernicus would later become one of the most intelligent people in the world. Copernicus changed the way that people during the Renaissance viewed astronomy. Copernicus changed history as we know it today and if it wasn t for him, today s astronomers may still be theorizing about the basic facts of our solar system. Nicolaus Copernicus was born on February 19, 1473 in Poland. His parents, Nicolaus and Barbara, were leading merchants and parented four children, Copernicus being the youngest. Then, when Copernicus was around 10 to 12 years old, his father died and his brother, Lucas, took his nephew under protection and was soon to become bishop of ... Show more content on ... These two books taught Copernicus everything he needed to know about astronomy and astrology. These books also led Copernicus to most of his discoveries and the making of a few books himself such as De revolutionibus . In this book, Copernicus described viewing the Moon Eclipse stating it was, the brightest star in the eye of the Bull . Copernicus had only 27 recorded observations in his lifetime though he most likely had more than that. He viewed eclipses, planets, stars, and much more. That may not seem very impressive today but, for Copernicus time period, it was quite a discovery. Copernicus wrote his book, De revolutionibus , it was only published the year of his death in 1543. The reason for his book with priceless information about our solar system to be published so late was that it was controversial and many other theorists disagreed with Copernicus claims. It was only at the year of his death that people realized that Copernicus was
  • 39. Ecg Complex Waveform Patterns .1 Explain the ECG complex waveform pattern (PQRST) The ECG waveform allows us to monitor the electrical activity of the heart and how the mechanical side of it is functioning. At the beginning of the ECG wave form is the P complex which is when the depolarisation of the atrial cells and when the SA (Sino atrial) node induces an electric wave that travels throughout the heart to cause the muscle cells to contract. After the P wave there is the PR interval, it is a flat line as the ventricles in the heart are filling up with blood which roughly takes 0.2 seconds. In addition to this the PR interval is also when electrical activity is moving to the ventricles by being conducted through the bundle of hiss then through the purkinje fibres which ... Show more content on ... Premature beats that occur in the atria are called premature atrial contractions, or (PACs), premature beats that occur in the ventricles are called premature ventricular contractions or (PVCs). Another type of arrhythmia is tachycardia also known as fast heart rate, there are numerous of arrhythmias that fall under this category such as atrial fibliration, which means that the electrical signal don t begin at the SA node instead they begin near the atria or nearby the pulmonary veins. The electrical signal will spread throughout the atria in a rapid disorganised way causing it to fibrillate hence tachycardia. Another type of tachycardia arrhythmia is Wolff Parkinson White syndrome or (WPW) syndrome is a condition in which the heart s electrical signals travel along an extra pathway from the atria to the ventricles. This extra pathway disrupts the timing of the heart s electrical signals and can cause the ventricles to beat very fast and can be life threatening. Another class of arrhythmia are Bradyarrhythmias which cause a slow irregular heartbeat, as an example is sinus pause this condition is when the heart pauses for brief milliseconds it may miss a beat because its natural pacemaker fails to conduct the electric signal to the rest of the heart causing
  • 40. Noble Eightfold Path Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger states Luke chapter 2, verses 10 12. These verses show the importance that Jesushad on the people of his town. At birth Jesus was named the Messiah, the Lord. God made the birth of Jesus different than that of other kings. His birth was in a stable, surrounded by animals and in hay. This birth, as you wouldn t think,doesn t instantly make you think of a king s birth. I believe that God was putting Jesus and Mary in this situation to symbolize the hope that this Messiah s birth brings... Show more content on ... Some roads may overlap but the pathways are different. The Noble Eightfold Pathway of Buddhism is described by Elizabeth West as steps to happiness. These buddhist steps consist of a balanced view, a right intention, a right speech, a right action, a right livelihood, a right effort, a right mindfulness, and a right samadhi. Buddhist uses these steps as a way to end unsatisfactoriness. By following the path lead by the Noble Eightfold Path, this does not promise you success, by leads you in the direction for a happy life. In the article, Elizabeth West explains how the beatitudes contrast the Path of Buddhists. The beatitudes are eight directions on how to be blessed rather than the Noble Eightfold Path which lead you to only be happy. Elizabeth explains a scenario that she was able to be present at. The reading of the beatitudes at the John Main seminar in London. The holy Dalai Lama, was said to have inbodied Christ as the beatitudes were read. The beatitudes are written in the present tense and explain the realization as it is right now in the present time. Elizabeth West describes the comparison of the Noble Eightfold Path and the Beatitudes as being different but both being a positive pathway to be
  • 41. Comparing Working Memory And The Episodic Buffer In 1974 the researchers Baddeley and Hitch argued that the picture of short term memory (STM) provided by the Multi Store Model was far too simple. Following the Multi Store Model, it is believed that STM holds limited amounts of information for short periods of time with relatively little processing, it is believed to be a unitary store. This means that due to its single store it has no subsystems, unlike the Working MemoryModel which has many subsystems. This proves that the Working Memory is not a unitary store. Working Memory is STM. In contrast to the Multi Store Model, where all the information goes to one single store (Unitary store), there are different systems for the different types of information. Working Memory consists of ... Show more content on ... This supports the idea of an immediate memory store for items that are neither visual nor phonological and that draw on long term memory to link the related words. It is used as both the Phonological Loop and the Visuo Spatial Sketch Pad have specific roles and the Central Executive has very limited storage capacity so as a result there was no where to store both visual and acoustic information. The Episodic Buffer is an extra storage system that has in common with all working memory units, a limited capacity. It is handy and can integrate information from the Central Executive, The Phonological Loop, The Visuo Spatial Sketch Pad and also information from the Long Term Memory. Researchers such as Logie, Baddeley and Bunge generally agree that the short term memory is made up of a number of components or subsystems. The working memory model has replaced the idea of a unitary store short term memory as suggested by the multistore model. The working memory model explains a lot more and in a lot more detail than the multistore model. It makes sense a range of tasks verbal reasoning, comprehension, reading, problem solving and visual and spatial processing, it also applies to real life tasks such as reading which involves the phonological loop subsystem, problem solving which involves the central executive and navigation which involves the visual and spatial subsystem. The Working Memory Model is supported by
  • 42. A Brief Note On Flamenco Flamenco is a Spanish musical genre that embodies a complex musical and cultural tradition (New World Encyclopedia). Although considered part of the culture of Spain in general, flamenco actually originates from Andalusia (New World Encyclopedia). However, it is thought to be influenced by many world cultures, including Latin American, Cuban and Jewish traditions. Flamencodanceand music became popular in the early 19th century as cafГ© entertainment (wonderopolis). Flamenco is more popular today both in Spain and abroad due to the new generation of flamenco performers who have broadened flamenco s appeal internationally (Spanish fiesta, 2015). Flamenco is made up of three parts: guitar playing ( guitarra ), song ( cante ) and dance ( baile ) (wonderopolis) The song (cante) is the most important element of flamenco. Originally, flamenco was comprised of purely cante, with hand clapping (palmas) (knuckle rapping ... Show more content on ... The flamenco guitar has plastic tappingplates (or teardrop scratch plates) known as golpeadores which protect the face of the intrument from damage by the tapping and other percussive strokes (such as drumming and slapping) performed with the right hand fingernails (a specific feature of the flamenco technique). Flamenco guitars often have push pegs (akin to a violin) for tuning. The flamenco guitar began as an accompaniment for cante (the song) and, in Spain, has largely remained as such with the role of the flamenco guitarist being chiefly that of a musician who knows how to musically support the singers and dancers. Flamenco dance is very captivating to watch as the dancers are very expressive. There are two basic forms, like the song they are the jondo and the chico. The jondo is a profound and serious dance while the chico is a happy, light and often humorous
  • 43. Guilt, Suffering, Confession and Redemption in Crime and... Guilt, Suffering, Confession and Redemption in Crime and Punishment You keep lying! screamed Raskolnikov, no longer able to restrain himself. You re lying, you damned clown! And he flung himself on Porfiry, who retired to the doorway, but without a trace of panic. I understand everything, everything! He approached Porfiry. You re lying and taunting me so Ill give myself away You can t give yourself away any more than you have already, Rodion Romanovich, old man. Why, you ve gone into a state. Don t shout, I ll call my men, sir! (Dostoyevsky, 34) No humane person with any values is able to commit a heinous crime without some feeling of guilt or remorse afterwards. Slowly, this guilt festers and eats away at ... Show more content on ... Both of them had experienced sufferings beyond what one can imagine. Dostoyevsky felt that suffering gives one the chance of puri6cation and transformation. Through his many ordeals of suffering, ranging from the near death of his sick children or his epileptic seizures, to his early imprisonment and exile to Siberia, Dostoyevsky felt that he eventually reached the point of happiness The way of salvation is the way of suffering could often be heard mumbled from Dostoyevsky s mouth. For these reasons, critics believe that Raskolnikov may have been a direct symbol of Dostoyevsky and his suffering. (Kjetsaa, 346 349) Dostoyevsky most likely modeled Crime and Punishment after his own experiences. Since the two men s lives had striking similarities, many people believed that was evidence to prove their thinking. As Raskolnikov was overcome with tremendous suffering, sent to Siberia, and fell madly in love with a beautiful woman; so did Dostoyevsky within his lifetime. I do believe that the character (Raskolnikov) was the epitome of Dostoyevsky s life. (Timoney) Nightmares Even when Raskolnikov was asleep he received painful messages of others who were suffering, just as he was. In one particular instance, before the double murder, Raskolnikov is brought back to the poverty he suffered throughout his childhood. He once again feels a great empathy toward the suffered, but this time
  • 44. Analysis Of Mill On The Floss By George Eliot This research report reviews scholarly criticism on the much debated character MAGGIE TULLIVER from the book Mill on the floss written by George Eliot. The project I propose analyses Maggie s character as a whole. The report will begin by discussing the critics point of view of various reasons responsible for the death of Maggie Tulliver. The report then focuses on how society and how her relationships lead to her downfall from the point of view of various critics. A part of my report also critically analyses the death of Maggie Tulliver. Lastly my report discusses about the inner conflicts of Maggie and how those conflicts eventually lead to her fate. Maggie suppresses herself in the patriarchal system and struggles to make a place for herself and to find an identity of her own. In her article Maggie Tulliver s long suicide1974 Elizabeth Deeds Ermarth says that Maggie eventually believes the lie, that she is inferior, or wrong, or not to be taken seriously. She learned to collaborate in her own defeat . ELIZABETH ERMARTH also comments on how society affects Maggie since she was shaped to be a child by the family pieties, it is fitting that her life ends in a reversion to childhood where her energies to be an adult, tragically, are unneeded. Moving on to her relationships, Ermarth analyses that her relationships with Mr.Tulliver and her brother Tom Tulliver play a very important role in her being a selfless person. In return of being obedient Tom gives
  • 45. Stakeholder for Staples Introduction Stakeholders are individuals and constituencies that contribute, either voluntarily or involuntarily, to its wealth creating capacity and activities, and who are therefore its potential beneficiaries and/or risk bearers1. There are several different types of stakeholders associated with a corporation, and those stakeholders can have different views and opinions on what corporation s goals should be and how they should be running. I have interviewed three different stakeholders of Staples Inc., an employee, a customerand a stock holder, to find their relationship between them and the firm. Then, I will use this information to suggest how the firm should proceed and continue to have a better and more beneficial... Show more content on ... Another question was whether or not they thought that the Staples Soul program was a good idea or not. Again the customer and the employee had agreed that it was a good idea, but it was not important to them. In fact Ms. Lam had stated that I don t really mind. Although I think that they should work on their customer relations a little more. Mr. Esteves, the stockholder, found this program important due to the fact that since it was instituted the stocks of Staples Inc. have been going up. Although all three agree it is not a bad idea, Ms. Lam and Mr. Forgione do not find this type of program important to them at all. The fact that they do not find this program of no importance is because it has absolutely no affect on the customer or the employee stakeholders. The benefits of this program do not directly impact a majority of its employees or its customers. It appears that the relationship between Staples and its employee and customer stakeholders is a straight give take relationship, through the perspective of the stakeholders. Ms. Lam, in answering about what type of relationship she had with Staples said, I need supplies, they need money. They take my money, I take their supplies. While Mr. Forgione stated, The only thing Staples has done for me is provide me with a paycheck every week and some benefits. Next, I asked all three stakeholders to order which
  • 46. Marxist Theory Of Colombian Conflict Marxist theory dictates that the accumulation of wealth at one side is the accumulation of misery and agony on the opposite side. The theory also claims that society is systematically prone to conflict between classes and the more economic freedom there is the more economic inequalities there are in society. The country of Colombia is a country that is known to have a significant socioeconomic inequality between its citizens. The guerrilla military units involved in the Colombian conflict believed there should be a revolution in the country in order to get rid of the capitalist government and both the FARC and ENL were strongly against the privatization of the country s natural resources. Marxismbelieves capitalism nurtures a never ending... Show more content on ... They believe that international relations are necessarily conflictual and that international conflicts can only be resolved by war. They also strongly believe in the need for national security and the survival of the state. Additionally, they believe in the need for the state to guarantee its citizens security because otherwise, they believe humans are bound to live a lonely and miserable life. They also believe states should be in charge of pursuing their own interests because they cannot completely rely on the help of another state. They believe each state has a responsibility of advancing and defending their own interests. The paramilitary groups involved in the Colombian conflict first took up arms because they saw the need to defend their country against guerrilla military units, they believed they had to defend themselves and they thought they couldn t entirely rely on the country to give them the security they wanted. The Colombian government knew they had to do something about their multiple enemies in the form of guerilla movements and paramilitary groups in order to preserve the survival of the state. The Uribe administration took action against the guerrilla movements plaguing the country in order to ensure their citizens security. The U.S. sought to help Colombia in order to ensure dominance over Colombia being their largest trading partners. Realists would have criticized the Colombian
  • 47. Everett Massacre Research Paper The Everett massacre took place November 5,1916 and took place in Everett washington it was the biggest battle of labor unions. The Everett massacre was a conflict between local authorities and members of the industrial workers of the world (IWW) commonly called Wobblies . Everett washington was in a serious depression.there was ongoing confrontation between commercial interests, business labor organizers. There had been a number of labor organized rallies and speeches in the street. These were opposed by local law enforcement, witch was on the side of business. Before this conflict was caused, The wobbles had planned a public demonstration in everett that afternoon, to be held on the corner of hewitt and witmor, a spot usually used by street speakers the wobblies hoping to form one big union. The wobblies, traveled from seattle to everett aboard the stemsters verona and calista to support a strike by local shingle weavers. A group of citizens deputies under the authority of snohomish county sheriff Donald Mcrae, refused to let them land. A shot was fired followed by several minutes of gunfire that killed 5 wobblies and two deputies. 74 workers of the world returned to seattle here they were put in snohomish county jail. ... Show more content on ... Because the the wobblies wouldn t have gotten so upset on the ship where the sheriffs couldn t get to the wobblies to take away their guns before they got mad and shot at them, just because they couldn t support a strike by local shingal weavers.The first cause of the conflict was free speech soon became a issue because Wobblies began street speaking in Everett during local shingle weavers strike, encouraging brutal suppression by local
  • 48. Business Level Strategy Of The Coca Cola Company And Pepsi Although business level and corporate level strategies differ in scope, development, and enforcement, they interact in the achievement of organizational goals. Consequently, it is important to assess the best strategies that an organization should adopt as this defines its performance both in the short term and long term. As seen in this study, the difference in choice of strategy between the Coca Cola Company and Pepsi define their performance, command, and dominance of the market. The strategies adopted by a firm ought to be in line with its organizational objective sand goals. For instance, a long term business strategy affects the performance of the firm in the future. Therefore, a proper choice of strategy guarantees good business performance and satisfies all the company s stakeholders.... Show more content on ... In the modern and evolving business environment, business level strategy contributes significantly to the organization s efforts to gain a competitive advantage over their competitors. The Coca Cola Company is one of the firms operating in international markets, which face fierce competition from their competitors. Its main competitor is the Pepsi Company, with others including Groupe Danone, Kraft Foods, and Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Incorporated among others (Rao, Rao, Sivaramakrishna, 2008). Moreover, the firm has to address significant threats, including health concerns, which are an emerging trend in the beverages industry. These concerns pose a great challenge for the beverage producing firm, and particularly the Coca Cola Company. For this reason, the company has launched a series of strategies to counter these