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Abstract On Environmental Pollution
Environmental pollution is anything that can cause harm to the environment. Pollution is any
undesired alteration of the environment and is often caused by human activities (Mader, 2016, pg.
552). Types of human pollution would be air, water, soil, radioactive, thermal, noise, and light. Each
of these forms of pollution has been known to cause the enormous amount of concern for the
environment. There are laws in place now that are limiting pollution and to help control the issue.
Environmental pollution is a serious problem we are facing globally. It is the debate concerning
pollution, which we have been pondering for the past century. Prior to the industrial revolution,
scientists thought that the atmosphere was untouched by man–made pollutants until they found air
bubbles hidden in the core of Greenland's ice shelf (Stromberg). After finding this essential
development, scientist began to reconsider the initial cause of pollution and how to decrease the
lasting effects of it. With this discovery, pollution was traced back to Ancient Rome and it was
decided that globally we needed a new approach for dealing with this problem. There are numerous
types of pollution and they each have a devastating effect on the global climate. A scientist has been
working on ways to re–direct the negative effects of pollution and at the same time encourage
people to try to find ways to do that part to help with this effort. We all can find some way to
improve the world and decrease pollution.
The problems with air pollution seem to be one of the largest most discussed situations. The Natural
Resource Defense Council (NRDC) air pollution is the release of pollutants into the air that is
damaging human health and world. There are many forms of air pollution and smog and soot are
two of them. These two are discussed more when dissecting this problem due to them being the
most common forms of air position, which are also the most detrimental of them all. When the
sunlight and emissions from fossil fuels interact that is how smog is created. The creation of soot
formed from smoke, dust, allergens and other particles are spread throughout the air in gas or solid
form. Methane is also a huge component of the
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Persuasive Essay On Air Pollution
What comes to your mind when you think of pollution? Is it air pollution? Is it water pollution? Both
of these are crucial to understand and should pop into your head when think of pollution. According
to Merriam–Webster, pollution is "the action of polluting especially by environmental contamination
with man–made waste; also: the condition of being polluted." I would like the audience to use this
definition to further their understanding of what pollution is. This could be anything from an
inconsiderate person tossing their trash out the car window to toxic fertilizer chemicals leeching into
the soil and then eventually working their way down into the Mississippi and creating a hypoxic
zone. Pollution can also be naturally created more content...
If the electricity used to charge the car was generated via coal, then essentially the electric car is
being powered by coal and is reinforcing the justification for there to be deeply polluting fossil fuels.
A foolproof way to reduce air pollution is to use biodiesel fuel. Biodiesel burns clean and without
toxic chemicals as does normal fuel. In my high school environmental club we created biodiesel fuel
from leftover cafeteria oil, methanol, glycerol and sodium hydroxide. We then used the biodiesel fuel
to power the concessions stand at football games and prevent nasty smoke from going up into the air.
I think that engagement and hands on participation is important in environmental stewardship
because the people involved gain a better understanding of the environment and the processes to keep
it clean. Engagement is also necessary because the participants have a duty to protect the
environment and their planet instilled in them.
Stationary sources of air pollution are industrial factories and refineries that breathe out vast
quantities of toxic hydrocarbons and carbon monoxides that are detrimental to the environment and
especially human health. Area sources are composed of farms and fireplaces, which individually
are fine but collectively pose a threat to our clean air. Although huge smokestacks from factories are
often symbolic of pollution, they are less of a problem to air quality than
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Essay about Pollution
Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment. It is a major
problem in America and as well as the world. Pollution not only damages the environment, but
damages us also. It has cause many problems ranging from lung cancer to the greenhouse effect. It
is all among us but we continue to live in our own filth. What is the reason behind this flawed
logic? In this paper I will examine the problems and solutions for this issue.
Automobiles are undeniable the greatest source of pollution. The noise pollution created by cars is
immense. Another polluting effect of cars is the heat it creates. This heat makes it unpleasant to be
near the car while its running. And of course the most more content...
American citizens throw away millions of tons of garbage each year, and this trash has to go
somewhere. While there are projects underway to clean and reuse this refuse most of it gets dumped
into huge landfills. These landfills are disgusting festering blisters on our country's landscape. But
people continue to consume and throw away more and more in the name of convenience. As they see
it, when things get old, throw it away and get a new one. They blame the government for the trash
problem, but the truth blame should be placed on themselves.
The last great source of pollution lays in the businesses. Although not common, businesses have been
known to dump their waste products into streams, lakes, and rivers. This may seem like a relatively
small occurrence that really is not your concern, but you're wrong. Each time one of these companies
pollutes there are horrible consequences to pay. Mutations, destroyed ecosystems, and human death
have all occurred as a direct result of illegal dumping. It contaminates our drinking water and soil. It
causes entire communities of humans (not to mention animals) to move on to new places not to
return for at least a century. The pollutants dumped by industry are so concentrated that a single
barrel can destroy an entire lake's ecosystem. Not only do companies dump chemicals, but also hot
water. This hot water kills most life it comes into contact with, but also causes an overgrowth
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Air And Water Pollution Essay
Air and water pollution is one of the biggest problems the environment faces today. It is one of the
highest leading cause of death. Air and water pollution has been affecting the environment for
many years causing many diseases among people especially children. I will study and examine the
early childhood growth between two countries which are Australia and Tanzania. I will discuss how
clean and polluted their air and water is for each country. Their access to clean water. I will also
explain the effects that can occur when water is contaminated. How children are affected when they
don 't have access to primary essentials and how each country and their environment and living
condition might threatened a child 's life. more content...
But in recent studies it has shown that in some communities in Australia struggle to meet water
standards. (Schwarzenbach et al., 2010) has recently shown that drinking water in some parts of
Australia has shown to be contaminated with uranium, faecal bacteria and nitrates.
(Schwarzenbach, R., Egli, T., Hofstetter, T., Von Gunten, U., & Wehrli, B. (2010).Meaning those
who don 't have access to clean water in Australia will likely become sick or catch a disease
affecting not only their growth but a child growth as well. Water is important to the human body.
As we not only depend on it to live it helps our cells to function properly. Not having clean water
can hinder our development but can affect our organs as well.As that being said low income
communities in Australia will most likely have less access to clean water as opposed to those who
are of high income. (Health, J., & Kim. (2004) found that air pollution can cause chronic effects on
the development of a child that can lead to many illnesses like asthma and bronchitis as a result of
living in high–ozone country meaning high pollutant than those who live in a low–ozone
country.Committee on Environmental Health, J., & Kim. (2004). In Australia, food security is
considered to be an important social determinant of health and a significant public health issue at
national and state levels. Food insecurity is, however, especially important to child and family
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Thesis Statement On Air Pollution
I. Introduction
A. Hook/Attention getter (2 marks): What is beauty? Beauty have a lot of definition and very
subjective. There are many kinds of beauty has given and loaned to us by the creators, ALLAH,
such as the vast blue ocean, high mountains clawed the sky, the planets rotate in the orbit, the
rainbow that appeared after the rain, the green forest, the fresh air and many others. All of this
beauty will give the peace of mind and make everyone be grateful for this lovely creation especially
for nature lovers.
B. General statement (2 marks):
However, these amazing creation nowadays slowly start to destroyed from day by day. The
destruction occurs due to the bad attitudes some of irresponsible people who are only thinks about
their more content...
a.Sub–supporting Point 1:
People nowadays are too busy with their daily life activities and they don't have much time to take
care about other silly thing such as about environment. So, to make their work easier, they are
burning the rubbish such as bottles, plastics bag,paper in the open place without thinking of the
effect will occur in future.
B. Topic sentence 2 (2 marks):
Secondly, due to an increasing in the number of vehicles the sky has become very hazy.
1.Supporting Point 1 (2 marks) : Vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, trucks and others are need to
make life comfortable eventhough the smoke produce by the vehicle is a harmful smoke and
seriously influence the air pollution.
a.Sub–supporting point 1:
In this high–tech era, people need to be aggressive in everything they do and move as fast as they
could. Therefore, it dominated the increase in demand for vehicles. The vehicle have been the
necessary thing to make their life moving smoothly
a.Sub–supporting point 2:
Example, people going to work early in the morning to avoid traffic
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Methods to Reduce Air Pollution Essay
Methods to Reduce Air Pollution
Air pollution is nothing new. Ever since the discovery of fire, less–than–desirable substances have
been vented into the air. One of the first air–pollution regulations dates back to the fourteenth
century, when King Edward I banned the burning of sea coal in lime kilns. U.S. air–pollution
regulations have their roots in British Common Law. But regardless of those efforts, air pollution
continues to be a serious local and world–wide problem. Pollution is the pressure within the air of
one or more substances that are harmful to human health, welfare, animal or plant life, or property.
In the past with air pollution we included mainly the outdoor pollutants, although in recent years this
is not the more content...
All these particles are mainly products of combustion. The major sources include industrial
processes, power plants that are both coal and oil–fired, residential heating, and transportation. But
coal burning is the greatest source.
Table 1 below shows estimates of U.S. particulate emissions from various sources.
National U.S. Emissions Estimates–1990
(Million metric tons/year)
Highway 1.3 0.6 30.3
Aircraft 0.1 0 1.1
Rail&Sea 0 0.3 1.9
Off–Highway equipment 0.1 0.1 4.4
TOTAL 1.5 1 37.7
Stationary fuel combustion
Electric utilities 0.4 14.2 0.3
Indusrial furnaces 0.3 2.3 0.7
Commercial 0 0.4 0.1
Residential 1 0.3 6.4
TOTAL 1.7 17.2 7.5
Industrial processes 2.8 3.1 4.7
Solid waste disposal 0.3 0 1.7
Forest fires 1.1 0 8.1
Other burning 0.1 0 0.6
Misc. Organic solvents 0 0 0
TOTAL 1.2 0 8.7
OVERALL TOTAL 7.5 21.3 60.3
Only 13% of the total is generated by transportation. Industrial sources account for nearly three times
as much as 37%. Fires account for just about as much particulate emissions as transportation. That
amount is matched by combustion from sources, which include the generation of all heat and
When coal was the main source to generate energy, power plants and homes accounted for much
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Environmental Pollution In The US Today
Earth, home to the beauty of blue skies and clear waters, and bearer of each delicate life form, from
the moss floating atop rivers, to the lions that prowl the mesa deserts; however, Earth is also home to
the most destructive life form, humans. People reap the fruit of the Earth and bask in the beauty of
nature, yet for generations, the efforts to protect the environment have only declined. The pollution
that is wrought upon the environment every day is too often ignored for "more important" issues,
such as poverty or crime; however, protecting the literal soil that people dwell on is just as vital as
patrolling the society in which they live. Environmental pollution is a growing issue in the U.S.
today, caused primarily by the lack of public concern or caution, harmful chemicals used by
manufacturers and farmers, and lack of government enforcement or intervention. To begin with, the
energy wasted out of pure negligence while performing daily tasks and activities wreaks havoc on
the environment, greatly contributing to this issue. Fortunately, more often than not, excessive
waste can easily be avoided altogether by being conscious of what is necessary, and what's just
luxury. However, the extra couple of seconds that it takes to flip off a light switch or turn down a
faucet often proves to be too inconvenient of a task for many individuals. By far, unnecessary use of
electricity is the biggest energy waster among the general population. While one may believe they
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Persuasive Essay On Air Pollution
Most parents would do anything for their children. If their child needs a new organ, pending their
compatibility, they would give them theirs. Many parents work two or three dead end jobs just to
ensure their child can go to college. So why does society not take the air that these children breath
more serious? Most likely, because the problem does not come in a physical form. Air pollution does
not come in the form of a giant two headed monster or a giant lump on your body. Airpollution is
invisible to the human eye. To see it, special equipment from Nasa or other research facility would
be required. But just because it's not visible, does not mean it's not present. Air pollution surrounds
humans daily. It is caused by motor vehicles, planes, ships, energy plants, and much more. Humans
cannot just take away automobiles or the energy plants. And humanity cannot eliminate all the
pollution in the air. But pollution can be reduced to the point where it will decrease the number of
stoke, asthma, and lung cancer. Society can reduce air pollution by making better use of vehicles,
planting more trees, and decreasing energy use. In America, the saying has always been "bigger is
better" Americans want bigger houses, bigger cars, and bigger dinner plates. Who knew that bigger
was not always better. Lifted diesel trucks are sot after by young males who do not actually haul
anything. Trucks are considered a fashion statement in America. These trucks have no use other than
polluting the air. Automobiles are responsible for more than half of the air pollution in the world.
This air pollution wreaks havoc on the environment and health. The vehicles release carbon dioxide,
methane, and nitrous oxide. These gases already exist in the atmosphere at a tolerable rate. When
vehicles increase the amount of these gases, humanity pays through sickness. Society cannot just
take away all the vehicles off the road. Humanity has become dependent on modern transportation to
meet the economic demands. There is however a way humanity can reduce air pollution without
eliminating vehicles. When the destination is close, people can walk or ride a bicycle. Not only are
they helping with air pollution but they are increasing their health
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Smog Pollution Control Of Los Angeles Essay
It is well known that for decades the city of Los Angeles has had some of the worst air pollution in
the country. There would be days where the smog would be so thick that people were forced to stay
indoors due to the health risks. In the late 1940's Los Angeles established the Air Pollution Control
District. It was the first in the nation. Since then there have been stricter regulations and laws passed
to help reduce Los Angeles smog problem. Though Los Angeles has reduced its air pollution by
nearly a third of what it was, it is still one of the nation worst air polluters. It has not met the
Environmental Protection Agency's acceptable levels of air pollutant.
Photochemical smog is the main reason behind the air pollution in Los Angeles, but there are many
parts of photochemical smog that make it so harmful. Photochemical smog develops from two main
sources: sunlight and the emission from combustible engines. What are emitted from the incomplete
combustion are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur oxide, volatile organic compounds (VOC's)
and very fine particulate matter. When nitrogen oxide reacts with sunlight, it creates ground level
ozone, O3. Ozone in the upper atmosphere does is very beneficial and shields us from ultra violet
rays. At ground level, ozone can cause damage to the respiratory system and cardiac problems.
Carbon monoxide binds to red blood cells and prevents them from absorbing oxygen and can stay in
your system for days. VOC's can be an eyes, nose
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Abstract On Water Pollution
Abstract Water pollution is one of most rapidly growing problems occurring today. It is responsible
for more than million deaths worldwide. The Industrial Revolution was the catalyst that sparked
several types of pollution, air, water, and noise, to become more apparent in our society because of
the developments of factories, trains, and cars. Rivers were getting polluted by sewage and the air
by carbon monoxide and lead. This pushed the government to take affirmative action against
pollution by creating the Pollution Prevention Act and 1972 Clean water Act. Several other acts
were made to help clean the environment. Simple solutions to combat water pollution includes,
carpooling, ending the use of pesticides and fertilizers, and stop littering.
3 "Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage
cans." ― Jacques–Yves Cousteau Over the years this statement has become very true. Today,
developing countries like India use their rivers to dump their sewage waste not realizing the
last–longing effects. This research paper will go into depth in water pollution, detailing the history,
types, and sources of water pollution as well as the possible solutions to how to combat this problem
and what governments around the world are doing to fix this issue.
Pollution comes
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Argumentative Essay On Climate Control
Dawson Sanders
Mr. Coomes
ENGL 1301, Fall 2016
4 November 2016
Mankind's Climate Control
Will mankind be able to live on Earth in 100 years? The controversy about whether human activity
affects climate change has been pestering scientists, journalists, and politicians alike. Some scientists
believe that global warming is significantly due to human activity, while others believe global
warming is a scam. Mankind should begin to make major changes to prevent further global warming.
Global warming is a major issue for all of humanity, and it should be addressed with the utmost
However, there are those who disagree and would argue that mankind's lifestyles should not be
altered to prevent further damage to earth's environment. In the article "Climate Change Science, Not
Hype," those who oppose state, "The very fact that we take mainstream climate science seriously
will paint us a partisan on hacks in the eyes of those who insist the whole thing is a scam and that
includes some scientist with doctorates of their own" (Lemonick). Some scientists think global
warming is not true, and that it is just another excuse to scare people. According to the article, "The
False Alert of Global Warming" by Tom Bethell states, "Whether man
–made carbon–dioxide
emissions have caused measurable temperature increases over the last 30 years more
Therefore, does society want to risk the harmful effects of global warming? The effects of global
warming will result in a hotter climate, rising sea levels, and more frequent and severe weather.
Mankind will not like the outcome of global warming. The damage to Earth can never be undone,
therefore humans must take action now. Society must reduce fossil fuel emissions and greenhouse gas
emissions, if not the results will be devastating. Global warming is an important topic and society
needs to realize that the future is in mankind's
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Air pollution is now one of the most pressing environmental concerns. While nine out of the ten
most polluted cities in the world lie in India and Pakistan that leaves no room for complacency
amongst other countries; partly because they too have their own issues and also because we live in a
connected ecosystem.
What Is Air Pollution?
Air pollution is a complex topic as so many factors are responsible for the poor quality of our air.
However, simply put, air pollution is any chemical, physical or biological change which causes the
atmosphere to become dirty and thus risks not only our own potential for survival but also that of
other animals and plants.
Air pollution can also be further divided into two distinct categories; visible and invisible. Both
can lead to an alteration of the delicate balance of our atmosphere and cause problems to health on
a local scale and also damage to the ecosystem globally in terms of depletion of the ozone layer
leading to climate change.
Air pollution can arise in two main ways. First, pollutants can be released directly into the
atmosphere and are known as primary pollutants. Second, primary pollutants can combine to form
secondary pollutants and this can be seen in the formation of issues such as smog.
What Causes Air Pollution?
Fossil Fuels: A main cause of air pollution is the one you might expect, namely the sulphur
released from the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum. We rely on petrol, diesel and
jet fuel to transport not only us but our goods around the world as we live in an increasingly
globalised economy. In 2015 alone nearly 3.6 billion passengers, almost half the world's population,
were transported by the world's airlines.
Vehicle Emissions: As our reliance on cars, trucks, shipping freighters and aeroplanes increases so
do the levels of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides released into the atmosphere. 13 percent of
global CO2 emissions, a major factor in global warming, come from transport.
Agriculture: We may not always immediately think of agricultural activities being connected to air
pollution but methane and ammonia are both by–products of farming and are highly hazardous to
our environment. This is compounded by the use of pesticides,
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Environmental Pollution Control Measures
Chapter 6 Environmental Pollution Control Measures
While modern societies face growing concern about global environmental issues, developing
countries are experiencing complex, serious and fast–growing pollution problems of their own. The
potent combination of industrialization, urban development and mass consumption trends is
exacerbated by foreign companies operating with little regard for the impact on the local
environment. Environmental pollution is more than just a health issue; it is a wider social issue in
that pollution has the potential to destroy homes and communities. Pollution problems are also
closely tied to the mode of development in developing countries. Despite this, many developing
countries either have not more content...
history of pollution problems and countermeasures in Japan. The specific case of Minamata Disease
will be discussed in detail, looking at questions such as the difficulties encountered in the
implementation of pollution initiatives and the wider social roles of those responsible for, or
otherwise related to, the initial problem. This will be followed by an analysis of environmental
policy and philosophy in Japan to identify those experiences and initiatives that have relevance for
developing countries today.
been grouped into four main periods to clarify the past experiences of Japan that are of relevance to
developing countries today. Below we present an overview of the social background in each period
and the development of pollution control measures.
1–3 Trends in Environmental Pollution Control Measures
1–3–1 Beginning of Environmental Pollution (1600s~1945) The first known instance of pollution
damage in Japan involved emissions of wastewater containing heavy metals by mining operations
back in the 1600's, before the Edo Era. Affected farmers and fishermen launched bitter protests
against the environmental
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Pollution Analysis Essay
Michael Abate
Energy: Ecology & Economy
April 4, 2011
Section 1
Instructor: Dr. Eric Malm
Pollution Analysis Pollution can take many forms. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the
ground where we grow our food, and even the increasing noise we hear every day all contribute to
health problems and a lower quality of life. Pollution is everywhere. Pollution is the unwanted
introduction of substances that harm or destroy the atmosphere and our environment. The Economy
is slowing; third world nations have political unrest. Our culture is more focused on obtaining
material possessions then addressing our geological problems. In this essay I am going to identify
the history, causes of pollution, effects on our planet, and more content...
Air pollution from automobiles from the industrial processes, and the burning of coal in factories
and in homes also became a serious problem. In the 19th century, episodes of smog in cities like
New York and London resulted in many deaths. The rising problems of pollution led to the
formation of the National Coast Anti Pollution League. It was formed by municipal officials from
Atlantic City to Maine who are concerned with oil and sewage pollution detracting from tourism
from the areas. Led by Gifford Pinchot, Teddy Roosevelt the league succeeds with an international
oil dumping treaty passed by Congress in 1924. In late October of 1948, 20 people were
asphyxiated and more than 7,000 became seriously ill as the result of severe air pollution over
Donora, Pennsylvania. In response was The Air Pollution control act that declared that air pollution
was a danger to public health and welfare, but preserved the primary responsibilities and rights of the
States and local government in controlling air pollution. The Seventies was the decade of awakening
and clean up it began with the birth of the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA is an agency
of the federal government of the United States charged with protecting human health and the
environment, by writing and enforcing
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Proposal Essay On Pollution
Proposal Essay Suneet Mahajan
Western Governors University
WGU Student ID #000704510
Pollution refers to impurity into the environment of particles which has harmful effect on health.
There are many forms of pollution, like air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution which impact
health and environment. High air pollution level is responsible for health issues in Delhi. Over the
last few years, the level of pollution has changed significantly in India and specifically in
Delhi.Due to increased traffic on roads, traffic movement is slow which forces vehicles to move in
lower speed which reduces efficiency and emission level increases. Another cause of vehicular
pollution is increase in number of diesel vehicles, which is also a major contributor to air pollution.
According to Department of Transport of Delhi, there are more than 7.6 million vehicles on
National Capital region and which grows at a target rate of 14% per annum. Due to air pollution
people are suffering from Lung and heart disease. In addition to 7.6 million registered vehicles of
Delhi and equal number of vehicles enter Delhi everyday which add to air pollution. In order to
control Vehicular pollution, we have to adopt and implement stringent steps to reduce the vehicular
pollution. The feasible solutions to control pollution is to reduce the number of vehicles on roads
by introducing concept of odd/even rule for playing the vehicles, ban on registration of diesel cars
which is major source of vehicular pollution, introduction of CNG (Combined National GAS) for
taxis coming in delhi these steps will reduce vehicular pollution and help people to breath clean air.
In order to reduce the congestion of road, the proposal is to apply odd/even rule for playing the
vehicles wherein vehicles with odd number registration plates will run on odd dates and vehicles
with even number registration plates will run on Even dates. This will be applicable between 8
AM to 8 PM and will result into challan but no compounding of Vehicles. This rule will be
applicable to all the government Vehicles and vehicles coming out of Delhi. There will be
exemption for CNG Cars, cars driven by women with kids, President of India Vehicles, Prime
minister and
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Argumentative Essay On Air Pollution
"Air pollution is terrible for our children. Every single scientist, every single doctor will tell you the
same thing: Air pollution damages our children's brains, their hearts, and their lungs," verbalized by
Julianne Moore. As Moore stated, pollution is terrible for our youth and can be verified by
scientists and doctors. There's nothing quite like opening the door and breathing fresh, clean air but
how clean is the air you're breathing right now? Air pollution is not only detrimental to humans but
all life on earth is harmed by it. It's the presence of the air of a substance which has inimical and
poisonous effects contributing to climate change.
Pollution has an astronomically immense impact on our environment, in human health, and is an
inimical catastrophe in the earth today. Smoking, global warming, overpopulation, and pollution
emitting from vehicles including cars, airplanes, and trains are all additionally the causes of
pollution in California cities, especially Merced. One issue of air pollution are the things humans use
in their everyday life; vehicles. Vehicles emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which
contribute one–fifth of the United States' total global warming pollution. In 2016, cars, trucks, and
diesel are responsible for about 80 percent of the Valley's pollution (Heinks 1). High–levels of
environmental pollution is detrimental to human and animal health. Because of vehicles, lung
disease can occur or worsened by it. "Particle pollutants are found more excessively in the winter
because of woodsmoke, diesel from trucks and agricultural systems." (Velez 1) Since we have an
extensive of agricultural systems, it's a huge contributor pollution in our Valley. Speaking of
agricultural systems, Merced is surrounded by farming and agriculture; and air quality is a top
priority for the Central Valley. The huge growth in industrial agriculture is using fertilizers,
pesticides, and many other chemical products to increase crop yields and feed the world's
ever–growing population. On the other hand, pesticides not only apply to farming but inside the
household too. According to Environmental Protection Agency, seventy–five percent of the United
States households used at least one pesticide
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Pollution Control as Environmental Ethics
Name of Student
Institution Affiliation
Pollution Control as Environmental Ethics Environmental ethics is the study of moral relationship
between human beings and their surroundings. Sustainable environment is essential to human lives
as well as that of plants and animals. With the rise of large scale industrial powers all across the
globe, little consideration is at play regarding the ethical and moral position of these enterprises.
This is because most of the companies run on a profit–based business policy that seldom consider
environmental ethics valuable enough to be incorporated into business strategies. Governments must
intervene in cases where a company's usage of natural resources is harmful to its surroundings by
regulating stringent laws. Similarly, environmental protection and preservation must be incorporated
as part of business ethics as well.
Causes of Pollution
Air pollution is mainly caused due to combustion of fossil fuels which is one of the aspects of
environmental pollution. Because of this combustion, oxygen is exhausted and carbon monoxide in
the atmosphere rises consequently. One of the usual examples of this automobiles and airplanes that
run on fossil fuels. Not only that, air pollution is also known to damage vegetable crops that are part
of daily meal of both human beings and animals. Industries that deal with chemicals have a
degrading effect on water resources. Effluents from such
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Essay on Preventing Air Pollution
Preventing Air Pollution
Air Pollution is a problem nation wide. The pollution hangs over our cities and is harmful and
destroys living things and materials. Diesel exhaust is one of the most dangerous sources of air
pollution. This type of pollution comes from on road vehicles such as large trucks and buses
although factories, construction equipment and farms are big polluters too. Pollution from diesel
engines contributes to about 80% of the added cancer risk from toxic air pollution nationwide. A
main pollution problem has typically been high levels of smoke and sulphur dioxide arising from
the burning of smoke and sulphur dioxide arising of sulphur containing fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, more content...
In the 17th century, scientists noted the ill effects that industry and acidic pollution was having on
vegetation and people. However, the term acid rain was not coined until two centuries later when
Angus Smith published a book called 'Acid Rain' in 1872. In the 1960s, the problems associated
with acid deposition became an international problem when fishermen noticed declines in fish
numbers and diversity in many lakes throughout North America and Europe. Now Acid rain is
commonly know nation wide. It takes place when discharge of sulphur dioxide (S02) and oxides of
nitrogen (N0x) react in the atmosphere with water, oxygen, and oxidants to form various acidic
compounds. This mixture then forms a solution of sulphuric and nitric acid compounds. Sunlight
then increases the rate of these reactions. Theses compounds then fall to the ground in either a
wet form (such as rain, snow and fog or it can fall in a dry form (such as gas particles). Once the
acid rain falls the runoff water adds those acids to fully acid rain making the combination more
acidic then the falling rain alone. Acid rain causes acidification of rivers and lakes.
Wiping out whole populations of fish also no frog eggs are laid and no bird eggs etc.
All living things surrounding the lake or river die including plant life, which cannot under go
photosynthesis. The reason animals and
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Persuasive Essay On Air Pollution
Did you know that the air we are breathing in is killing us? With the Earth hanging by a thread, our
actions can cause many dangers to not only Earth but ourselves. Currently, studies have empirical
evidence that shows humans put more than 40 billion tons of COв‚‚ into the air every year and the
number steadily increases (Plait, 2014). This pollution and smoke mixed with fog creates smog
(Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 2016). As we go about our day, we do not give a second
thought to what our actions might lead. Air pollution from smoke and various chemicals can kill
more than 3 million people a year (Environmental Pollution Centers, 2017). Many cities have
recognized the harms of smoke and have attempted to find resolutions (Air Pollution Control
Association, 1915). The removal or prevention of pollution is part of having a healthy life, because
the quality of the air we breathe is just as important as the purity of our food and water (Dobson et
al., 1945). There have been many studies conducted that demonstrates the correlations between air
pollution and health. Everyone needs to take action and do something to protect our air because it
affects every living thing that breathes and can cause many irreversible damages to our bodies.
Air pollution comes from many different sources. It is a mixture of solid particles and gases that can
cause harm to the body (Environmental Protection Agency, 2016). One of the most common mobile
sources of pollution is the burning of
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Solution Essay On Water Pollution
Pollution Have you ever imagine live in a world where you can go out and breath fresh air? Where
can you drink water or swim in the ocean with no worries of getting any disease? That could be
possible if we help our planet and if we reduce the levels of water, air, land, and light pollution. Why
should we care? Now a days, pollution is getting bigger and bigger every day, and we should take
care immediately due we do not have other planet where to live. If we do not do anything, no one
will do it. If we destroy our planet, we are destroying ourselves, and we have to remember that
most of our problems are the reflection of our actions. If we compare a way of life that helps the
planet in which we live in contrast to the chaotic reality that we inhabit. To begin with, water
pollution is one of the biggest pollution that we are facing and "it is caused by many factors
including (but certainly not limited to): uncontrolled constructions sites, leaking sewer lines, storm
water runoff, accidental spills and leaks, improper discharge of wastes, mining activities, foundries,
animal waste, and others." (Water Pollution Solutions | 7 Simple Solutions) But we can try to fic
this with one of these solutions. For example, create a group in your community in order to
consciousness in your community, also look for more information and try to persuade others, and
something that all of us can do in our own houses is close the tap when we finish to use the water.
When there is a group in a
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Essay On Pollution Control

  • 1. Abstract On Environmental Pollution Abstract Environmental pollution is anything that can cause harm to the environment. Pollution is any undesired alteration of the environment and is often caused by human activities (Mader, 2016, pg. 552). Types of human pollution would be air, water, soil, radioactive, thermal, noise, and light. Each of these forms of pollution has been known to cause the enormous amount of concern for the environment. There are laws in place now that are limiting pollution and to help control the issue. Environmental pollution is a serious problem we are facing globally. It is the debate concerning pollution, which we have been pondering for the past century. Prior to the industrial revolution, scientists thought that the atmosphere was untouched by man–made pollutants until they found air bubbles hidden in the core of Greenland's ice shelf (Stromberg). After finding this essential development, scientist began to reconsider the initial cause of pollution and how to decrease the lasting effects of it. With this discovery, pollution was traced back to Ancient Rome and it was decided that globally we needed a new approach for dealing with this problem. There are numerous types of pollution and they each have a devastating effect on the global climate. A scientist has been working on ways to re–direct the negative effects of pollution and at the same time encourage people to try to find ways to do that part to help with this effort. We all can find some way to improve the world and decrease pollution. The problems with air pollution seem to be one of the largest most discussed situations. The Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC) air pollution is the release of pollutants into the air that is damaging human health and world. There are many forms of air pollution and smog and soot are two of them. These two are discussed more when dissecting this problem due to them being the most common forms of air position, which are also the most detrimental of them all. When the sunlight and emissions from fossil fuels interact that is how smog is created. The creation of soot formed from smoke, dust, allergens and other particles are spread throughout the air in gas or solid form. Methane is also a huge component of the Get more content on
  • 2. Persuasive Essay On Air Pollution What comes to your mind when you think of pollution? Is it air pollution? Is it water pollution? Both of these are crucial to understand and should pop into your head when think of pollution. According to Merriam–Webster, pollution is "the action of polluting especially by environmental contamination with man–made waste; also: the condition of being polluted." I would like the audience to use this definition to further their understanding of what pollution is. This could be anything from an inconsiderate person tossing their trash out the car window to toxic fertilizer chemicals leeching into the soil and then eventually working their way down into the Mississippi and creating a hypoxic zone. Pollution can also be naturally created more content... If the electricity used to charge the car was generated via coal, then essentially the electric car is being powered by coal and is reinforcing the justification for there to be deeply polluting fossil fuels. A foolproof way to reduce air pollution is to use biodiesel fuel. Biodiesel burns clean and without toxic chemicals as does normal fuel. In my high school environmental club we created biodiesel fuel from leftover cafeteria oil, methanol, glycerol and sodium hydroxide. We then used the biodiesel fuel to power the concessions stand at football games and prevent nasty smoke from going up into the air. I think that engagement and hands on participation is important in environmental stewardship because the people involved gain a better understanding of the environment and the processes to keep it clean. Engagement is also necessary because the participants have a duty to protect the environment and their planet instilled in them. Stationary sources of air pollution are industrial factories and refineries that breathe out vast quantities of toxic hydrocarbons and carbon monoxides that are detrimental to the environment and especially human health. Area sources are composed of farms and fireplaces, which individually are fine but collectively pose a threat to our clean air. Although huge smokestacks from factories are often symbolic of pollution, they are less of a problem to air quality than Get more content on
  • 3. Essay about Pollution Pollution Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment. It is a major problem in America and as well as the world. Pollution not only damages the environment, but damages us also. It has cause many problems ranging from lung cancer to the greenhouse effect. It is all among us but we continue to live in our own filth. What is the reason behind this flawed logic? In this paper I will examine the problems and solutions for this issue. Automobiles are undeniable the greatest source of pollution. The noise pollution created by cars is immense. Another polluting effect of cars is the heat it creates. This heat makes it unpleasant to be near the car while its running. And of course the most more content... American citizens throw away millions of tons of garbage each year, and this trash has to go somewhere. While there are projects underway to clean and reuse this refuse most of it gets dumped into huge landfills. These landfills are disgusting festering blisters on our country's landscape. But people continue to consume and throw away more and more in the name of convenience. As they see it, when things get old, throw it away and get a new one. They blame the government for the trash problem, but the truth blame should be placed on themselves. The last great source of pollution lays in the businesses. Although not common, businesses have been known to dump their waste products into streams, lakes, and rivers. This may seem like a relatively small occurrence that really is not your concern, but you're wrong. Each time one of these companies pollutes there are horrible consequences to pay. Mutations, destroyed ecosystems, and human death have all occurred as a direct result of illegal dumping. It contaminates our drinking water and soil. It causes entire communities of humans (not to mention animals) to move on to new places not to return for at least a century. The pollutants dumped by industry are so concentrated that a single barrel can destroy an entire lake's ecosystem. Not only do companies dump chemicals, but also hot water. This hot water kills most life it comes into contact with, but also causes an overgrowth Get more content on
  • 4. Air And Water Pollution Essay Air and water pollution is one of the biggest problems the environment faces today. It is one of the highest leading cause of death. Air and water pollution has been affecting the environment for many years causing many diseases among people especially children. I will study and examine the early childhood growth between two countries which are Australia and Tanzania. I will discuss how clean and polluted their air and water is for each country. Their access to clean water. I will also explain the effects that can occur when water is contaminated. How children are affected when they don 't have access to primary essentials and how each country and their environment and living condition might threatened a child 's life. more content... But in recent studies it has shown that in some communities in Australia struggle to meet water standards. (Schwarzenbach et al., 2010) has recently shown that drinking water in some parts of Australia has shown to be contaminated with uranium, faecal bacteria and nitrates. (Schwarzenbach, R., Egli, T., Hofstetter, T., Von Gunten, U., & Wehrli, B. (2010).Meaning those who don 't have access to clean water in Australia will likely become sick or catch a disease affecting not only their growth but a child growth as well. Water is important to the human body. As we not only depend on it to live it helps our cells to function properly. Not having clean water can hinder our development but can affect our organs as well.As that being said low income communities in Australia will most likely have less access to clean water as opposed to those who are of high income. (Health, J., & Kim. (2004) found that air pollution can cause chronic effects on the development of a child that can lead to many illnesses like asthma and bronchitis as a result of living in high–ozone country meaning high pollutant than those who live in a low–ozone country.Committee on Environmental Health, J., & Kim. (2004). In Australia, food security is considered to be an important social determinant of health and a significant public health issue at national and state levels. Food insecurity is, however, especially important to child and family Get more content on
  • 5. Thesis Statement On Air Pollution I. Introduction A. Hook/Attention getter (2 marks): What is beauty? Beauty have a lot of definition and very subjective. There are many kinds of beauty has given and loaned to us by the creators, ALLAH, such as the vast blue ocean, high mountains clawed the sky, the planets rotate in the orbit, the rainbow that appeared after the rain, the green forest, the fresh air and many others. All of this beauty will give the peace of mind and make everyone be grateful for this lovely creation especially for nature lovers. B. General statement (2 marks): However, these amazing creation nowadays slowly start to destroyed from day by day. The destruction occurs due to the bad attitudes some of irresponsible people who are only thinks about their more content... a.Sub–supporting Point 1: People nowadays are too busy with their daily life activities and they don't have much time to take care about other silly thing such as about environment. So, to make their work easier, they are burning the rubbish such as bottles, plastics bag,paper in the open place without thinking of the effect will occur in future. B. Topic sentence 2 (2 marks): Secondly, due to an increasing in the number of vehicles the sky has become very hazy. 1.Supporting Point 1 (2 marks) : Vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, trucks and others are need to make life comfortable eventhough the smoke produce by the vehicle is a harmful smoke and seriously influence the air pollution. a.Sub–supporting point 1: In this high–tech era, people need to be aggressive in everything they do and move as fast as they could. Therefore, it dominated the increase in demand for vehicles. The vehicle have been the necessary thing to make their life moving smoothly a.Sub–supporting point 2: Example, people going to work early in the morning to avoid traffic Get more content on
  • 6. Methods to Reduce Air Pollution Essay Methods to Reduce Air Pollution Air pollution is nothing new. Ever since the discovery of fire, less–than–desirable substances have been vented into the air. One of the first air–pollution regulations dates back to the fourteenth century, when King Edward I banned the burning of sea coal in lime kilns. U.S. air–pollution regulations have their roots in British Common Law. But regardless of those efforts, air pollution continues to be a serious local and world–wide problem. Pollution is the pressure within the air of one or more substances that are harmful to human health, welfare, animal or plant life, or property. In the past with air pollution we included mainly the outdoor pollutants, although in recent years this is not the more content... All these particles are mainly products of combustion. The major sources include industrial processes, power plants that are both coal and oil–fired, residential heating, and transportation. But coal burning is the greatest source. Table 1 below shows estimates of U.S. particulate emissions from various sources. TABLE 1 National U.S. Emissions Estimates–1990 (Million metric tons/year) SOURCE PARTICULATES SULFUR OXIDES CARBON MONOXIDES Transportation Highway 1.3 0.6 30.3 Aircraft 0.1 0 1.1 Rail&Sea 0 0.3 1.9 Off–Highway equipment 0.1 0.1 4.4 TOTAL 1.5 1 37.7 Stationary fuel combustion Electric utilities 0.4 14.2 0.3 Indusrial furnaces 0.3 2.3 0.7 Commercial 0 0.4 0.1 Residential 1 0.3 6.4 TOTAL 1.7 17.2 7.5 Industrial processes 2.8 3.1 4.7 Solid waste disposal 0.3 0 1.7
  • 7. Miacellaneous Forest fires 1.1 0 8.1 Other burning 0.1 0 0.6 Misc. Organic solvents 0 0 0 TOTAL 1.2 0 8.7 OVERALL TOTAL 7.5 21.3 60.3 Only 13% of the total is generated by transportation. Industrial sources account for nearly three times as much as 37%. Fires account for just about as much particulate emissions as transportation. That amount is matched by combustion from sources, which include the generation of all heat and electricity. Emissions When coal was the main source to generate energy, power plants and homes accounted for much greater Get more content on
  • 8. Environmental Pollution In The US Today Earth, home to the beauty of blue skies and clear waters, and bearer of each delicate life form, from the moss floating atop rivers, to the lions that prowl the mesa deserts; however, Earth is also home to the most destructive life form, humans. People reap the fruit of the Earth and bask in the beauty of nature, yet for generations, the efforts to protect the environment have only declined. The pollution that is wrought upon the environment every day is too often ignored for "more important" issues, such as poverty or crime; however, protecting the literal soil that people dwell on is just as vital as patrolling the society in which they live. Environmental pollution is a growing issue in the U.S. today, caused primarily by the lack of public concern or caution, harmful chemicals used by manufacturers and farmers, and lack of government enforcement or intervention. To begin with, the energy wasted out of pure negligence while performing daily tasks and activities wreaks havoc on the environment, greatly contributing to this issue. Fortunately, more often than not, excessive waste can easily be avoided altogether by being conscious of what is necessary, and what's just luxury. However, the extra couple of seconds that it takes to flip off a light switch or turn down a faucet often proves to be too inconvenient of a task for many individuals. By far, unnecessary use of electricity is the biggest energy waster among the general population. While one may believe they don't Get more content on
  • 9. Persuasive Essay On Air Pollution Most parents would do anything for their children. If their child needs a new organ, pending their compatibility, they would give them theirs. Many parents work two or three dead end jobs just to ensure their child can go to college. So why does society not take the air that these children breath more serious? Most likely, because the problem does not come in a physical form. Air pollution does not come in the form of a giant two headed monster or a giant lump on your body. Airpollution is invisible to the human eye. To see it, special equipment from Nasa or other research facility would be required. But just because it's not visible, does not mean it's not present. Air pollution surrounds humans daily. It is caused by motor vehicles, planes, ships, energy plants, and much more. Humans cannot just take away automobiles or the energy plants. And humanity cannot eliminate all the pollution in the air. But pollution can be reduced to the point where it will decrease the number of stoke, asthma, and lung cancer. Society can reduce air pollution by making better use of vehicles, planting more trees, and decreasing energy use. In America, the saying has always been "bigger is better" Americans want bigger houses, bigger cars, and bigger dinner plates. Who knew that bigger was not always better. Lifted diesel trucks are sot after by young males who do not actually haul anything. Trucks are considered a fashion statement in America. These trucks have no use other than polluting the air. Automobiles are responsible for more than half of the air pollution in the world. This air pollution wreaks havoc on the environment and health. The vehicles release carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. These gases already exist in the atmosphere at a tolerable rate. When vehicles increase the amount of these gases, humanity pays through sickness. Society cannot just take away all the vehicles off the road. Humanity has become dependent on modern transportation to meet the economic demands. There is however a way humanity can reduce air pollution without eliminating vehicles. When the destination is close, people can walk or ride a bicycle. Not only are they helping with air pollution but they are increasing their health Get more content on
  • 10. Smog Pollution Control Of Los Angeles Essay It is well known that for decades the city of Los Angeles has had some of the worst air pollution in the country. There would be days where the smog would be so thick that people were forced to stay indoors due to the health risks. In the late 1940's Los Angeles established the Air Pollution Control District. It was the first in the nation. Since then there have been stricter regulations and laws passed to help reduce Los Angeles smog problem. Though Los Angeles has reduced its air pollution by nearly a third of what it was, it is still one of the nation worst air polluters. It has not met the Environmental Protection Agency's acceptable levels of air pollutant. Photochemical smog is the main reason behind the air pollution in Los Angeles, but there are many parts of photochemical smog that make it so harmful. Photochemical smog develops from two main sources: sunlight and the emission from combustible engines. What are emitted from the incomplete combustion are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur oxide, volatile organic compounds (VOC's) and very fine particulate matter. When nitrogen oxide reacts with sunlight, it creates ground level ozone, O3. Ozone in the upper atmosphere does is very beneficial and shields us from ultra violet rays. At ground level, ozone can cause damage to the respiratory system and cardiac problems. Carbon monoxide binds to red blood cells and prevents them from absorbing oxygen and can stay in your system for days. VOC's can be an eyes, nose Get more content on
  • 11. Abstract On Water Pollution Abstract Water pollution is one of most rapidly growing problems occurring today. It is responsible for more than million deaths worldwide. The Industrial Revolution was the catalyst that sparked several types of pollution, air, water, and noise, to become more apparent in our society because of the developments of factories, trains, and cars. Rivers were getting polluted by sewage and the air by carbon monoxide and lead. This pushed the government to take affirmative action against pollution by creating the Pollution Prevention Act and 1972 Clean water Act. Several other acts were made to help clean the environment. Simple solutions to combat water pollution includes, carpooling, ending the use of pesticides and fertilizers, and stop littering. 3 "Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans." ― Jacques–Yves Cousteau Over the years this statement has become very true. Today, developing countries like India use their rivers to dump their sewage waste not realizing the last–longing effects. This research paper will go into depth in water pollution, detailing the history, types, and sources of water pollution as well as the possible solutions to how to combat this problem and what governments around the world are doing to fix this issue. Pollution comes Get more content on
  • 12. Argumentative Essay On Climate Control Dawson Sanders Mr. Coomes ENGL 1301, Fall 2016 4 November 2016 Mankind's Climate Control Will mankind be able to live on Earth in 100 years? The controversy about whether human activity affects climate change has been pestering scientists, journalists, and politicians alike. Some scientists believe that global warming is significantly due to human activity, while others believe global warming is a scam. Mankind should begin to make major changes to prevent further global warming. Global warming is a major issue for all of humanity, and it should be addressed with the utmost attention. However, there are those who disagree and would argue that mankind's lifestyles should not be altered to prevent further damage to earth's environment. In the article "Climate Change Science, Not Hype," those who oppose state, "The very fact that we take mainstream climate science seriously will paint us a partisan on hacks in the eyes of those who insist the whole thing is a scam and that includes some scientist with doctorates of their own" (Lemonick). Some scientists think global warming is not true, and that it is just another excuse to scare people. According to the article, "The False Alert of Global Warming" by Tom Bethell states, "Whether man –made carbon–dioxide emissions have caused measurable temperature increases over the last 30 years more content... Therefore, does society want to risk the harmful effects of global warming? The effects of global warming will result in a hotter climate, rising sea levels, and more frequent and severe weather. Mankind will not like the outcome of global warming. The damage to Earth can never be undone, therefore humans must take action now. Society must reduce fossil fuel emissions and greenhouse gas emissions, if not the results will be devastating. Global warming is an important topic and society needs to realize that the future is in mankind's Get more content on
  • 13. Air pollution is now one of the most pressing environmental concerns. While nine out of the ten most polluted cities in the world lie in India and Pakistan that leaves no room for complacency amongst other countries; partly because they too have their own issues and also because we live in a connected ecosystem. What Is Air Pollution? Air pollution is a complex topic as so many factors are responsible for the poor quality of our air. However, simply put, air pollution is any chemical, physical or biological change which causes the atmosphere to become dirty and thus risks not only our own potential for survival but also that of other animals and plants. Air pollution can also be further divided into two distinct categories; visible and invisible. Both can lead to an alteration of the delicate balance of our atmosphere and cause problems to health on a local scale and also damage to the ecosystem globally in terms of depletion of the ozone layer leading to climate change. Air pollution can arise in two main ways. First, pollutants can be released directly into the atmosphere and are known as primary pollutants. Second, primary pollutants can combine to form secondary pollutants and this can be seen in the formation of issues such as smog. What Causes Air Pollution? Fossil Fuels: A main cause of air pollution is the one you might expect, namely the sulphur released from the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum. We rely on petrol, diesel and jet fuel to transport not only us but our goods around the world as we live in an increasingly globalised economy. In 2015 alone nearly 3.6 billion passengers, almost half the world's population, were transported by the world's airlines. Vehicle Emissions: As our reliance on cars, trucks, shipping freighters and aeroplanes increases so do the levels of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides released into the atmosphere. 13 percent of global CO2 emissions, a major factor in global warming, come from transport. Agriculture: We may not always immediately think of agricultural activities being connected to air pollution but methane and ammonia are both by–products of farming and are highly hazardous to our environment. This is compounded by the use of pesticides, Get more content on
  • 14. Environmental Pollution Control Measures Chapter 6 Environmental Pollution Control Measures While modern societies face growing concern about global environmental issues, developing countries are experiencing complex, serious and fast–growing pollution problems of their own. The potent combination of industrialization, urban development and mass consumption trends is exacerbated by foreign companies operating with little regard for the impact on the local environment. Environmental pollution is more than just a health issue; it is a wider social issue in that pollution has the potential to destroy homes and communities. Pollution problems are also closely tied to the mode of development in developing countries. Despite this, many developing countries either have not more content... history of pollution problems and countermeasures in Japan. The specific case of Minamata Disease will be discussed in detail, looking at questions such as the difficulties encountered in the implementation of pollution initiatives and the wider social roles of those responsible for, or otherwise related to, the initial problem. This will be followed by an analysis of environmental policy and philosophy in Japan to identify those experiences and initiatives that have relevance for developing countries today. been grouped into four main periods to clarify the past experiences of Japan that are of relevance to developing countries today. Below we present an overview of the social background in each period and the development of pollution control measures. 1–3 Trends in Environmental Pollution Control Measures 1–3–1 Beginning of Environmental Pollution (1600s~1945) The first known instance of pollution damage in Japan involved emissions of wastewater containing heavy metals by mining operations back in the 1600's, before the Edo Era. Affected farmers and fishermen launched bitter protests against the environmental Get more content on
  • 15. Pollution Analysis Essay Michael Abate Energy: Ecology & Economy April 4, 2011 Section 1 Instructor: Dr. Eric Malm Pollution Analysis Pollution can take many forms. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the ground where we grow our food, and even the increasing noise we hear every day all contribute to health problems and a lower quality of life. Pollution is everywhere. Pollution is the unwanted introduction of substances that harm or destroy the atmosphere and our environment. The Economy is slowing; third world nations have political unrest. Our culture is more focused on obtaining material possessions then addressing our geological problems. In this essay I am going to identify the history, causes of pollution, effects on our planet, and more content... Air pollution from automobiles from the industrial processes, and the burning of coal in factories and in homes also became a serious problem. In the 19th century, episodes of smog in cities like New York and London resulted in many deaths. The rising problems of pollution led to the formation of the National Coast Anti Pollution League. It was formed by municipal officials from Atlantic City to Maine who are concerned with oil and sewage pollution detracting from tourism from the areas. Led by Gifford Pinchot, Teddy Roosevelt the league succeeds with an international oil dumping treaty passed by Congress in 1924. In late October of 1948, 20 people were asphyxiated and more than 7,000 became seriously ill as the result of severe air pollution over Donora, Pennsylvania. In response was The Air Pollution control act that declared that air pollution was a danger to public health and welfare, but preserved the primary responsibilities and rights of the States and local government in controlling air pollution. The Seventies was the decade of awakening and clean up it began with the birth of the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA is an agency of the federal government of the United States charged with protecting human health and the environment, by writing and enforcing Get more content on
  • 16. Proposal Essay On Pollution Proposal Essay Suneet Mahajan Western Governors University WGU Student ID #000704510 Pollution refers to impurity into the environment of particles which has harmful effect on health. There are many forms of pollution, like air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution which impact health and environment. High air pollution level is responsible for health issues in Delhi. Over the last few years, the level of pollution has changed significantly in India and specifically in Delhi.Due to increased traffic on roads, traffic movement is slow which forces vehicles to move in lower speed which reduces efficiency and emission level increases. Another cause of vehicular pollution is increase in number of diesel vehicles, which is also a major contributor to air pollution. According to Department of Transport of Delhi, there are more than 7.6 million vehicles on National Capital region and which grows at a target rate of 14% per annum. Due to air pollution people are suffering from Lung and heart disease. In addition to 7.6 million registered vehicles of Delhi and equal number of vehicles enter Delhi everyday which add to air pollution. In order to control Vehicular pollution, we have to adopt and implement stringent steps to reduce the vehicular pollution. The feasible solutions to control pollution is to reduce the number of vehicles on roads by introducing concept of odd/even rule for playing the vehicles, ban on registration of diesel cars which is major source of vehicular pollution, introduction of CNG (Combined National GAS) for taxis coming in delhi these steps will reduce vehicular pollution and help people to breath clean air. In order to reduce the congestion of road, the proposal is to apply odd/even rule for playing the vehicles wherein vehicles with odd number registration plates will run on odd dates and vehicles with even number registration plates will run on Even dates. This will be applicable between 8 AM to 8 PM and will result into challan but no compounding of Vehicles. This rule will be applicable to all the government Vehicles and vehicles coming out of Delhi. There will be exemption for CNG Cars, cars driven by women with kids, President of India Vehicles, Prime minister and Get more content on
  • 17. Argumentative Essay On Air Pollution "Air pollution is terrible for our children. Every single scientist, every single doctor will tell you the same thing: Air pollution damages our children's brains, their hearts, and their lungs," verbalized by Julianne Moore. As Moore stated, pollution is terrible for our youth and can be verified by scientists and doctors. There's nothing quite like opening the door and breathing fresh, clean air but how clean is the air you're breathing right now? Air pollution is not only detrimental to humans but all life on earth is harmed by it. It's the presence of the air of a substance which has inimical and poisonous effects contributing to climate change. Pollution has an astronomically immense impact on our environment, in human health, and is an inimical catastrophe in the earth today. Smoking, global warming, overpopulation, and pollution emitting from vehicles including cars, airplanes, and trains are all additionally the causes of pollution in California cities, especially Merced. One issue of air pollution are the things humans use in their everyday life; vehicles. Vehicles emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which contribute one–fifth of the United States' total global warming pollution. In 2016, cars, trucks, and diesel are responsible for about 80 percent of the Valley's pollution (Heinks 1). High–levels of environmental pollution is detrimental to human and animal health. Because of vehicles, lung disease can occur or worsened by it. "Particle pollutants are found more excessively in the winter because of woodsmoke, diesel from trucks and agricultural systems." (Velez 1) Since we have an extensive of agricultural systems, it's a huge contributor pollution in our Valley. Speaking of agricultural systems, Merced is surrounded by farming and agriculture; and air quality is a top priority for the Central Valley. The huge growth in industrial agriculture is using fertilizers, pesticides, and many other chemical products to increase crop yields and feed the world's ever–growing population. On the other hand, pesticides not only apply to farming but inside the household too. According to Environmental Protection Agency, seventy–five percent of the United States households used at least one pesticide Get more content on
  • 18. Pollution Control as Environmental Ethics Name of Student Institution Affiliation Pollution Control as Environmental Ethics Environmental ethics is the study of moral relationship between human beings and their surroundings. Sustainable environment is essential to human lives as well as that of plants and animals. With the rise of large scale industrial powers all across the globe, little consideration is at play regarding the ethical and moral position of these enterprises. This is because most of the companies run on a profit–based business policy that seldom consider environmental ethics valuable enough to be incorporated into business strategies. Governments must intervene in cases where a company's usage of natural resources is harmful to its surroundings by regulating stringent laws. Similarly, environmental protection and preservation must be incorporated as part of business ethics as well. Causes of Pollution Air pollution is mainly caused due to combustion of fossil fuels which is one of the aspects of environmental pollution. Because of this combustion, oxygen is exhausted and carbon monoxide in the atmosphere rises consequently. One of the usual examples of this automobiles and airplanes that run on fossil fuels. Not only that, air pollution is also known to damage vegetable crops that are part of daily meal of both human beings and animals. Industries that deal with chemicals have a degrading effect on water resources. Effluents from such Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Preventing Air Pollution Preventing Air Pollution Air Pollution is a problem nation wide. The pollution hangs over our cities and is harmful and destroys living things and materials. Diesel exhaust is one of the most dangerous sources of air pollution. This type of pollution comes from on road vehicles such as large trucks and buses although factories, construction equipment and farms are big polluters too. Pollution from diesel engines contributes to about 80% of the added cancer risk from toxic air pollution nationwide. A main pollution problem has typically been high levels of smoke and sulphur dioxide arising from the burning of smoke and sulphur dioxide arising of sulphur containing fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, more content... In the 17th century, scientists noted the ill effects that industry and acidic pollution was having on vegetation and people. However, the term acid rain was not coined until two centuries later when Angus Smith published a book called 'Acid Rain' in 1872. In the 1960s, the problems associated with acid deposition became an international problem when fishermen noticed declines in fish numbers and diversity in many lakes throughout North America and Europe. Now Acid rain is commonly know nation wide. It takes place when discharge of sulphur dioxide (S02) and oxides of nitrogen (N0x) react in the atmosphere with water, oxygen, and oxidants to form various acidic compounds. This mixture then forms a solution of sulphuric and nitric acid compounds. Sunlight then increases the rate of these reactions. Theses compounds then fall to the ground in either a wet form (such as rain, snow and fog or it can fall in a dry form (such as gas particles). Once the acid rain falls the runoff water adds those acids to fully acid rain making the combination more acidic then the falling rain alone. Acid rain causes acidification of rivers and lakes. Wiping out whole populations of fish also no frog eggs are laid and no bird eggs etc. All living things surrounding the lake or river die including plant life, which cannot under go photosynthesis. The reason animals and Get more content on
  • 20. Persuasive Essay On Air Pollution Did you know that the air we are breathing in is killing us? With the Earth hanging by a thread, our actions can cause many dangers to not only Earth but ourselves. Currently, studies have empirical evidence that shows humans put more than 40 billion tons of COв‚‚ into the air every year and the number steadily increases (Plait, 2014). This pollution and smoke mixed with fog creates smog (Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 2016). As we go about our day, we do not give a second thought to what our actions might lead. Air pollution from smoke and various chemicals can kill more than 3 million people a year (Environmental Pollution Centers, 2017). Many cities have recognized the harms of smoke and have attempted to find resolutions (Air Pollution Control Association, 1915). The removal or prevention of pollution is part of having a healthy life, because the quality of the air we breathe is just as important as the purity of our food and water (Dobson et al., 1945). There have been many studies conducted that demonstrates the correlations between air pollution and health. Everyone needs to take action and do something to protect our air because it affects every living thing that breathes and can cause many irreversible damages to our bodies. Air pollution comes from many different sources. It is a mixture of solid particles and gases that can cause harm to the body (Environmental Protection Agency, 2016). One of the most common mobile sources of pollution is the burning of Get more content on
  • 21. Solution Essay On Water Pollution Pollution Have you ever imagine live in a world where you can go out and breath fresh air? Where can you drink water or swim in the ocean with no worries of getting any disease? That could be possible if we help our planet and if we reduce the levels of water, air, land, and light pollution. Why should we care? Now a days, pollution is getting bigger and bigger every day, and we should take care immediately due we do not have other planet where to live. If we do not do anything, no one will do it. If we destroy our planet, we are destroying ourselves, and we have to remember that most of our problems are the reflection of our actions. If we compare a way of life that helps the planet in which we live in contrast to the chaotic reality that we inhabit. To begin with, water pollution is one of the biggest pollution that we are facing and "it is caused by many factors including (but certainly not limited to): uncontrolled constructions sites, leaking sewer lines, storm water runoff, accidental spills and leaks, improper discharge of wastes, mining activities, foundries, animal waste, and others." (Water Pollution Solutions | 7 Simple Solutions) But we can try to fic this with one of these solutions. For example, create a group in your community in order to consciousness in your community, also look for more information and try to persuade others, and something that all of us can do in our own houses is close the tap when we finish to use the water. When there is a group in a Get more content on