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Essay On Pop Culture
Writing an essay on the vast and ever-evolving topic of pop culture can be a daunting task. The
challenge lies not only in capturing the essence of a phenomenon that is constantly changing but
also in navigating the intricate web of influences, trends, and expressions that constitute popular
The difficulty begins with the sheer breadth of the subject matter. Pop culture is an
amalgamation of various elements, including music, fashion, film, television, social media, and
more. Trying to cover all these aspects comprehensively within the confines of an essay requires
careful selection and a keen understanding of what truly defines the essence of pop culture.
Moreover, pop culture is dynamic. What is considered trendy or significant today may be
outdated tomorrow. Staying current and relevant in the analysis is a continuous challenge. The
essay writer must keep a finger on the pulse of societal trends, making the writing process not
just an exercise in research but a constant effort to capture the zeitgeist.
Another hurdle is the diversity within pop culture itself. It encompasses a wide array of genres,
subcultures, and niche interests. Balancing the coverage of mainstream phenomena with the
exploration of subcultures requires a delicate touch to avoid oversimplification or neglect of
crucial aspects.
Furthermore, pop culture is deeply intertwined with societal issues, politics, and historical events.
An effective essay on pop culture must delve into these connections, exploring how cultural
phenomena both reflect and shape the world around them. This adds an extra layer of
complexity, as the writer must seamlessly weave together cultural analysis with broader socio-
political insights.
In conclusion, writing an essay on pop culture is a challenging endeavor that demands a
comprehensive understanding of diverse elements, an acute awareness of current trends, and the
ability to navigate the intricate interplay between culture, society, and history. However, for
those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that provides a platform where
similar essays and much more can be ordered to ease the burden of tackling this intricate and
multifaceted topic.
Essay On Pop Culture Essay On Pop Culture
Case Study Hashimoto
Hashimoto s
Hashimoto s is an autoimmune disease, also known as Chronic Lymphocytic
Thyroiditis. The thyroid is part of the endocrine system and it is below your adam s
apple in your neck. In this case, your thyroid is attacked by your immune system,
which can cause hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is the result of an underactive
thyroid function, similar to Hashimoto s where your thyroid retires and quits
Hashimoto s can also be part of a condition called Type 1 polyglandular autoimmune
syndrome, an inherited autoimmune disease affecting different organs in the body.
Hashimoto s is 7 times more likely to develop in women than in men. The most
common symptoms are enlarged thyroid, fatigue, constipation, dry skin, muscle
Performance Strategy Of L Oreal
L OreМЃal Performance Strategy
A review of the Company
Jessica Niro
Graduate School of Business Touro College
L OreМЃal Performance Strategy
A review of the Company
For over 105 years, L OreМЃal Group has been dedicated to the business of beauty. It
is the global beauty leader in 130 countries. The worldwide beauty market is, to me,
highly interesting to develop and analyze because of its specificity. The fact that
success in this particular industry depends on different factors such as the importance
of image and communication makes it more complex for a company to set up and
implement clear guidelines. In addition, the size of an organization that operates
globally, present in all distribution channels in markets that have sometimes opposite
characteristics, is another incentive for analyzing the objectives, the strategy and the
tactics of a company such as L OreМЃal. With 28 international brands, the Group
achieved in 2013 an annual turnover of € 23 billion and has 77,500 employees
worldwide. L OreМЃal relies on excellence in research and innovation and on 4000
researchers to meet all beauty aspirations in the world and the Group s objective to
conquer a billion of new consumers in the coming years. Also, through its program
Sharing beauty with all L OreМЃal is making impressive commitments on sustainable
development throughout its value chain for 2020 ( STRATEGIC TRANSACTION ,
n.d., para. 16).
L OreМЃal
Verizon Executive Summary
Verizon Wireless Communications, Inc. Verizon originally began as a standard
telcom company offering fixed line services. As the market evolved, Verizon
evolved with it and has become a leader in the wireless industry. Not only does
Verizon offer wireless services, they also offer Fios TV, internet, and phone services
as well as Telematics, and digital media. Verizon Wireless provides wireless
communication services to over 142 million customers nationwide including
customers in Hawaii and Alaska (Dano, 2016). Its products include wireless voice
and data services using the largest wireless voice and data network in the United
States and ranks number one in total revenue collected. Verizon Wireless strong
market position, perception of quality,... Show more content on ...
The explanation for the increase in wireless network costs is explained as a result
of an increase in the average cost per unit, driven by a shift to higher priced units
in the mix of devices sold, partially offset by a decline in the number of units sold.
While Wireless costs went up, Selling, general and administrative expenses went
down. This was due to non operational credits recorded in 2015. A contributing
factor of this was a decline in sales commission in the Wireless segment. This drop
in commissions was due to an increase in consumers choosing to use the device
payment plan rather than point of sale purchase. Depreciation and amortization
expenses also decreased in 2015. This was due to Depreciation and amortization
expenses not being recorded on Wireline assets in California, Florida, and Texas.
These Assets are classified as held for sale as of February 5, 2015. Verizon
explained their reasoning for this in the review by stating We will not record
depreciation and amortization expense on our depreciable Wireline assets in
California, Florida and Texas through the closing of the transaction with Frontier,
which is expected to occur at the end of the first quarter of 2016. (Verizon, 2015)
2016 Oscar Awards Controversy
SummaryThe article explores the difference between 2016 Oscar Awards, which
was surrounded by controversy regarding the lack of diversity, and the 2017 show,
which attempted to demonstrate diversity. According to the post, there were no
actors of color nominated for the Oscars for the last two years, and the issue arose
some debates in 2016. As a result, seven minority actors were nominated, six of
which were black. Denzel Washington became the most nominated black actor after
he received a nomination for his role in Fences. On the other hand, Viola Davis is
the most nominated black actress for her supporting role in Fences. Similarly,
Octavia Spencer landed a nominee for Hidden Figures while Naomie Harris landed
one for Moonlight. Other actresses nominated from the... Show more content on ...
The 2016 Oscar nominations sparked a heated debate over why the show had only
white nominees and prompted the academy to address the lack of diversity.
However, it is imperative to note that the event only represents what is happening
in Hollywood and the filming studios. If the industry does not give opportunities to
the minorities to shine, they are not likely to appear in the Oscars. As several
leaders in the sector of complained, the minority rarely get chances to work in front
of the camera, which defines their presence at the award shows and not just the
Oscars. Nonetheless, it is a diversity issue that deserves attention and should be
remedied. It is a source of difference, especially in a country that prides itself as a
multicultural nation. The Oscars should embrace the diversity that reflects the
entirety of the nation and simply the majority. Moreover, such an action would
demonstrate to be beneficial not only to the United States but also the Oscar
Academy, which will be able to assess a wider pool of talent in the industry and
ensure that the voice of everyone gets
How Does Design Bring Meaningful Experience Persuasive...
How Does Design Bring Meaningful Experience to Persuasive Technology in IoT?
Internet of Things (Iot) in recent years, with human technology s extremely fast
improvement, has become something more than it was meant to be. Henry Holtzman
explained that IoT was defined as objects that contain some sort of digital shadows
(RFID) while us human having a database to manipulate, share and organise these
objects in a virtual environment. This very definition was put forward in 1990s,
where in present, IoT has evolved into objects that has embedded processers,
computing capabilities and the ability to perform communications with other objects.
Right now we have objects that could do things much more than the impression we
get from its look, the... Show more content on ...
The first requirement for an exemplary user experience is to meet the exact needs
of the customer, without fuss or bother. Next comes simplicity and elegance that
produce products that are a joy to own, a joy to use. True user experience goes far
beyond giving customers what they say they want, or providing checklist features.
Nieson Norman Group Marc Hazzensal further describes the user experience in
design. Experience emerges from intertwined works of perception, action,
motivation, and cognition in dialogue with the world (Pace, time, people and
objects) (Hassenzahl,2004). Many processes are involved in producing experience,
yet the core of it is emotion and it has accentuated position in this regard. McCarthy
and Wright (2004) also put forward the idea of emotion being the quality of
particular experience. An experience is the consequences of a series of events while
using a product or services. Figure 1 demonstrated the difference in designer and user
s perspective. User will assign different attribute to a product base on the particular
product characteristic while using it, the experience of a product is the result of these
attributes plus the situation in which the product is used. As for this reason, each
individual will have different perception of a product given the, assigned attributes,
Adam Miller Campaign Case Study
The Adam Miller Campaign for the 17th Ohio House District was a well organized
campaign. Adam ran his campaign similar to how John Kerry ran his campaigns, and
by this, I mean that Adam more or less ran his own campaign. This does not mean
that Adam did not have a team to help him make decisions. Adam s team was
modeled after the military model of functional units, which he had broken down into
four different units. The first was logistics and supply, this unit was made up of union
leaders and Katherine as a consultant. The next unit was intel, which was made up of
democrats in the statehouse and the OhioDemocratic Party. The third unit was
operations, which was headed by Barbara Herman who was the Campaign Manager
and the student volunteers.... Show more content on ...
Show the community that we are involved in it in a very meaningful way. This was
the strategy that Adam chose because it shows that he truly cares about the
community and not just doing these nice activities to appear appealing to the
community. The important thing about this is that it obviously needs to have a
positive outcome. The first thing that we desired this approach to do was to gain the
support of the community leaders. These community leaders include natural leaders
within the community, Union Leaders, and politically active citizens. One example
of these community leaders was Lisa Boggs. She is a Civic Association Leader and
is on the Ward Committee. This was important because it helped us gain the support
of republicans who have not voted democrat in a very long time. While being
meaningfully involved in the community and gaining the trust of the community
leaders Adam did not ask for an endorsement until the very end. He did this on
purpose because he believed that you have to show you are willing to help them
before they will be ready to help you. In addition to showing his meaningful
involvement in the community when we went canvassing Adam insisted that we
leave a personal note on the literature that we left to show that we truly cared about
talking with them. In addition to showing how much we truly cared about the
community and gaining the trust of the community leaders, we also relied on Mike
Stinziano and Dan Stewart to help gain the trust of the voters in our district.
Democrats in the district know both of these men and trust them both. They helped
our campaign immensely and this is obvious through Dan Stewart helped Adam get
the support of the Somalian Voters. We won ninety percent of the Somalian vote.
When it came time to start canvassing Adam decided he wanted us to start in The
Westgate Neighborhood, specifically Ward 32 and work our way outwards. He
believed this because this
Examples Of Psychological Resilience
Psychological Resilience
People contend with many difficult and trying times every day. These may be the
loss of a loved one, a serious illness, the loss of a job or source of income, a terrorist
attack, to mention but a few tragic events. More often than not, these events tend to
be life changing, and how people react to them matters. For the most part, most
people react to such incidences with a sense of uncertainty, accompanied by a
flood of strong emotions. In retrospect, people have the tendency to adapt
c0onsidrably to such life changing situations, albeit over time. This process
involves a lot of resilience, which is an ongoing process that necessitates effort,
time, and engagement, with the people going through a series of stages. Of
interest to this discourse, therefore, are some of the coping strategies individuals
employ, to cope with some of these challenging situations. To do this, this essay
uses the example of Frederic Henry in Ernest Hemingway s A Farwell to Arms.
First, we will talk about how Henry has a series of misfortunes from his past, which
he appears to cope with rather well. Second, we will talk about Catherine Barkley,
Frederic s love interest. She has also lost her fiancГ© when she meets ... Show more
content on ...
psychological dysfunction may range from persistent negative moods, or even a
mental illness. This constitutes the mainstream perception of psychological
resilience. In this sense, Neill observes that psychological stressors, also dubbed risk
factors, are those experiences of major chronic or acute stress, such as the death or
someone close, chronic illness, or even the sexual, emotion, or even physical abuse
(par. 2). Other common stress factors include sudden employment, fear, or even
community violence, such as the recent upheaval of terrorist attacks across the
Stereotypes of Afrcan American Males
I had the opportunity to attend the Why do the police think I m a thug?
Stereotypes of African American males in the media event. The event opened up
with a video clip titled Black Men in America and then we had a chance to have a
discussion panel with an African man named Nicholas Peart, who has been
stopped and frisked numerous times by the NYPD. The video clip, Black Men in
America, explains how mainstream media has a negative image of African
Americans males and portrayers them as criminals, drug dealers and rappers. In
the video Spike Lee, a film director explains how it s hard to push the media away
from the stereotype images of black men, because the viewers of these shows and
movies don t want see positive actions, they want to see violence. Lee stated his
tried to steer away from these images by creating movies; such as, Malcolm X and
Do the Right Thing, but as a result these films never made it to the theaters. After
the video clip, Nicholas Peart, a black activist opened a discussion on the issue, by
telling the audience stories of when his been stopped and frisked. He stated after
being stopped so many times he started using Facebook and Twitter to express his
feelings and talk about his experiences. Peart explained that being stopped and frisk
was never a shock to him because ever since he was young his mother enforced him
that he might be stopped by the police one day. His mother told him to always carry
his identification on him, be nice to the
Lady Macbeth Character Analysis
it s quite a image, Ophelia, topped in flowers, singing to herself because the current
pulls her underneath the water. It s particularly quite a image once you notice that
Gertrude stood there and watched the entire factor.
Did she yell, Guards! facilitate her! ?
Did she yell, Be careful, don t kill yourself! ?
Why did she follow Ophelia thereto remote spot? perhaps she simply needed to
speak, far from the castle, far from the dudes in body armor with swords. perhaps
she pushed Ophelia within the water, or surprised her, inflicting her to fall. perhaps
her whole description of the event is associate in an elaborate way elaborated lie.
perhaps she simply watched, and thought, She s higher off or That ought to be ME.
perhaps she thought, What might I do associateyway? perhaps she was jealous of
Ophelia of achieving an escape that she couldn t.
Working back from this moment, you have got to form a call concerning Gertrude.
Did she aggroup with Roman Emperor to murder the king? is that this a love story?
Did she Lady Macbeth that shit and set the entire unhappy plot in motion? Is she
oblivious? Is she numb from grief and trauma? Is she maintaining plausible
deniability to make sure her own survival and perhaps discount for her son s life?
Instigator, victim, clever survivor the text leaves space for all of those prospects,
however if you re swing on Hamlet, you have got to make a decision. you have got
to visualize her as a personality s being United Nations agency
Of Conseciousness In William Faulkner s The Sound And
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V),
the symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) include: lack of motivation,
oppositional to others, irritability, feelings of guilt and worthlessness, as well as
suicidal thoughts and/or tendencies. (Beidel, 201). In fact, William Faulkner s The
Sound and The Fury(TSATF) portrays the internal struggle of a man with Major
Depressive Disorderthrough the character of Quentin Compson. Throughout TSATF
there is a ceaseless sense of meaninglessness. However, according to Kaczmarek,
Quentin displays William Faulkner s use of the stream of consciousness: Quentin is
the stream of consciousness technique itself ...Also it is hard to disagree that his
narrative exemplifies stream of consciousness, so the reader cannot expect
grammaticality as if it were a for and against essay. (Kaczmarek, 126). Many
excerpts in Quentin s chapter start and fail to end or end abruptly often altering into a
different scene or state of mind. The reader often feels a lack of motivation through
Quentin, because it is as if he is walking a journey without an end. He is incapable of
action and the actions he does commit have a meaningless sense to them. Throughout
Quentin s chapter, actions halt and transform into different scenes, never completing
the first. For example, when Quentin is at Harvard and his roommate, Shreve, leaves
for class he starts to get ready, but then the scene switches to him thinking of Caddy s
National Double Cheeseburger Day Research Paper
Bite into a juicy loaded burger: Celebrate National Double Cheeseburger Day
Hot off the grill, sizzling right out of the broiler or cooked upon the stove top there is
nothing more irresistible than sinking your teeth into a loaded juicy burger with or
without cheese. Piling on all the trimmings is fun, interesting and makes each burger
held together between toasted buns for a tasty treat that eats like a full course meal.
Today, September 15 is the annual foodholiday called National Double Cheeseburger
Day . Each year folks who have a love for flame broiled meat create patties covered
with cheese for a quick meal the whole family can enjoy. Over the years there has
been a debate as to who really invented the cheeseburger. In the 1920s a
8 Habits Of Mind Analysis
The 8 Habits of Mind are what writers would consider the foundation you need to
be able to write well. They are curiosity, openness, engagement, creativity,
persistence, responsibility, flexibility, and lastly metacognition. I consider myself
to be a good writer, having a little grammar errors here and there, but I have never
heard of these 8 habits of mind. I was though familiar with using some of the habits
of mind when I m writing, one in particular that I feel I use a lot is creativity. The
list about the 8 habits of mind is something new to me and something I am not very
familiar with, but after reading what each of the habits were about I feel as if I
would use them a lot to help me become a better writer. The list is very useful and...
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These four habits are the ones I m not so used to and I feel like I ve never used
them much in my writings before. Engagement is defined as a sense of investment
and involvement in learning. Persistence is the ability to sustain interest in and
attention to short and long term projects. Flexibility is the ability to adapt to
situation, expectation, or demands. Metacognition is the ability to reflect on one s
own thinking as well as on the individual and cultural processes and systems used to
structure knowledge. The one that I need to develop further on is the one world that
I didn t understand when I first heard it, and that is metacognition. This was my first
time hearing this word and at first I didn t understand what it was but after reading
the definition of it helps me understand it
Identify The Importance Of Primary Children s Hospitals
Primary Children s Hospital is a tremendous hospital that cares about the patients
with love and concern, Thousands of individual children receive extraordinary care
each year at Primary Children s (History).When it comes to pediatrics, kids need
special and unique care that regular hospitals most likely can t provide. With 33
million children who are under medicaid, 2 million of those children are medically
challenged(About Children s Hospitals). Those children require long term care that
only Children s Hospitals can provide. Though Children s Hospitals are very
successful, they would not be as successful without the help and donations the
hospitals get from the community. To identify the importance of Children s
Hospitals, the public must... Show more content on ...
Many children s hospitals have similar items donated to them, but they also may
have different items donated to them. At primary Children s Hospital the items
they look for include: games, DVD s, books, toys, arts and crafts, CD s, clothing,
earbuds, gift cards, nail polish, makeup, and guitar picks. The items primary
children s has the community make and donate includes: safe sleep sacks,
monster(puppets), fleece blankets, quilts, medical play dolls, decoration and craft
kits, and hats. Items donated to the NICU include: Cotton sleepers, cotton rompers,
flannel blankets, gauze/muslin blankets for swaddling (Giving and Volunteering).
The donated items can always make a child happy, but one item that can also
comfort a child are the fleece blankets. Marie Henriksen the In Kind Gifts Service
Projects Coordinator said, I hear back from staff and families how the blankets
help comfort children of all ages during a difficult time. Hendriksen told me a story
about a ten year old little boy who had just been through a procedure and he was
complaining a lot about how much he has now. One of the techs went and got him
a fleece blanket for him, after that he never mentioned any pain and everyone that
came in he told them to look at his cool fire engine blanket. Even spending a little
time making some fleece blankets can impact a child at Primary Children s a lot.
At Nationwide Children s Hospital the items donated to them include: toys,
crayons, coloring books, games, puzzles, wii/xbox games/ DVD s, nail polish, CD
players/MP3 player, sketch pads, drawing/coloring pencils, patient dolls, comforts,
quilts, fleece blankets, activity bags, toiletry kits, pillows, and pillow cases (Wish
List for Donations and Indirect Services). If everyone spent just a day making
blankets or patient dolls or collecting other items it could make a huge difference at
all the children s
The Building A Prison For Those Who Didn t Quality Essay
Upon arrived to TALA, I was greeted by an astonishing monumental architecture.
The symmetry of the building was elegant and well complimented by its weathered
look. It is difficult to imagine that this very building had once housed the mentally
ill. I had never seen such a facility before and thus expected something less
remarkable. As I stood admiring the building, I noticed the multitude of windows
it contained. Upon further examination, I noticed the bars surrounding them and
suddenly realized that the illusion of paradise was in reality a prison for those who
dwelled here. I was surprised to learn how many people were housed in this
building and likewise shocked to discover what passed as mentally insane during
the 19th century. The criteria used to determine mental illness were nonexistent and
arbitrary. I was extremely concerned when the tour guide mentioned kids being
born and raised in TALA. It was also distressing to learn that people who didn t
quality as having mental problems were also placed into such a facility. In contrast,
it was interesting to learn that the community had openly embraced TALA as part of
their home to the extent that a high school prom was held inside the building. This
helped me to recognize that TALA was more than just an insane asylum, it was truly
home to those living inside and outside its walls. As I progressed through the tour, I
discovered that I was unaware of the many practices of insane asylums, especially the
methods used in
Why Stalin Emerged as the Sole Leader of the U.S.S.R.
Why Stalin Emerged as the Sole Leader of the U.S.S.R. and Not Trotsky Trotsky
was a leading Bolshevik and played a pivotal role in the revolution, persuading
Lenin to delay the revolution until the Bolshevik s had a much stronger place in
the country. He also was crucial to the civil war, as he organised the troops and
motivated them. Stalin on the other hand was in charge of all the dull jobs within
the Bolshevik party and In Lenin s last Testament, he was referred to as rude and
he needed to be removed. So why did Stalin, and not Trotsky emerge as Lenin s
successor. It s a mixture of Stalin s luck and skill, and Trotsky s misfortune, which
will be explained in the following paragraphs.... Show more content on ...
These Were: В· Factionalism В· The N.E.P. В· Socialism In One Country
/ permanent Revolution В· His Power Base Factionalism was the Idea that if a
member of the party discusses ideas which did not have the majority vote by the
party. There were 2 main Ideas about the N.E.P. , these were the left wing and the
right wing. The left wing said it should go and the right wing said it should stay as
it would aid Industrialisation, as it allowed free trade to sell goods on the open
market which would give money into the open market. Stalin s powerbase was due
to him being the general secretary, who was in charge of recruiting people, so when
the Lenin enrolment scheme was introduced, Stalin recruited malleable recruits
who wouldn t be impressed by Trotsky s intellect. This was skill on Stalin s part,
but also a mistake on Trotsky s behalf, as he had paid no attention previously to
Stalin, calling him a grey blur Permanent Revolution was the idea that Russia would
change, but at the same time help other countries to change and receive their help.
Stalin had an opposing idea to this, which was socialism in one country, which was
basically that Russia revolutionise on it s own with no input from other countries.
1924 was the first stage of the power struggle When Zinoviev, Kamenev and Stalin
sided against Trotsky, as Zinoviev and
Business Law Case Study Sample
Silver: Thank you for your message. I hope that the following message will work to
alive some of your worries, or at lease help you better understand what will be at
issue in this case. I recognize how stressful this can be, and I assure you that we will
do everything we can to obtain a favorable result for you.
To your first question, I have no qualms with you making a distribution to a
beneficiary of the trust.
With regard to your concerns about personal liability, there are a few different
theories upon which the plaintiff may allege that you are liable. First, in the
complaint, the plaintiff alleges that she told you about the lack of light. For the
reasons you have articulated to me, we have serious reasons to doubt the veracity of
that ... Show more content on ...
. . has provided written or actual notice of a good faith complaint about an alleged
violation of the lease, violation of law, or condition on the leased premises that is a
substantial threat to the health or safety of occupants. If an eviction is found to be
retaliatory under this section, the court may enter judgment against the landlord for
damages not to exceed the equivalent of 3 months rent, reasonable attorney fees, and
court costs. Note that these damages are incredibly minor in comparison to the
potential liability for the personal injury claim. Moreover, a tenant can only recover if
the tenant was current on the rent owed to the landlord at the time of the alleged
Analysis Of Three Sisters, The Time Span Of The Play
In Three Sisters, the time span of the play covers three years, starting from Irena s
20th birthday. At the start of the play, Irena was a cheerful, naГ
Їve dreamer. Even
though Irena is from an upper class family, her actions and words depicted her as
someone innocent and somewhat childish. Irena s fantasy about the life of the
working class made her very passionate about the concept of working from dawn to
dusk. She often wondered about the fulfillment of having a job, and disliked the
aristocrats meaningless lifestyle. Irena also adored the idea about being in love, she
believed that she will find her true love in Moscow. In fact, out of three Prozorova
sisters, Irena is most attached to Moscow. At the end of each act, she would state how
she missed her hometown dearly and wanted to return to her hometown.
The physical world of the play looks old and simplistic. The Prozorov household
looks grandiose but empty, the interior furniture and wallpaper are simple and
quaint. The emptiness of the house reflected the three sister s yearning for their
return to Moscow. Most of the furniture seen around the house, such as chairs and
tables, are made out of wood. A simple white laced tablecloth was placed over the
rectangular dinner table. Silverwares and cups were neatly placed in front of each
chairs as guests filed in the living room one by one. When guests entered the room,
they are greeted with candles from the chandelier as lunch was being prepared. The
smell of
Manager s Basic Tools Used for Making Financial Decisions
Manager s Basic Tools Used for Making Financial Decisions
Willie A. McCall
Principles of Finance Writing Assignment 1
Professor Eleanor Cook
30 January 2011
Manager s Basic Tools Used for Making Financial Decisions
Explain why market prices are useful to a financial manager. A competitive market
is one which a good can be bought and sold at the same price. We can use prices
from competitive markets to determine the cash value of a good. Whenever a good
trades in a competitive market, the price determines the value of the good. Financial
Managers must be able to evaluate costs and benefits in order to make the appropriate
decisions that benefit the company. Once we use the market prices to evaluate the cost
and benefits of ... Show more content on ...
When the value of a cost or benefit is computed in terms of cash today, we refer to
it as the present value. The net present value of a project or investment is the
difference between the present value of its benefits and the present value of its
cost. The NPV expresses the value of an investment decision as an amount of cash
received today. As long as the NPV is positive, the decision increases the value of
the firm and is a good decision regardless of your current cash needs or preferences
regarding when to spend the money. The NPV decision rule implies that we should
undertake projects with a positive NPV. Managers only take the good projects, those
for which the present value of the benefits exceeds the present value of the costs. The
end result, the value of the firm increases and investors are wealthier. Projects with
negative NPVs have cost that exceed their benefits. Accepting them is equivalent to
losing money.
Explain how an interest rate is just a price. To understand interest rates, it s
important to think of interest rates as a price, the price of using money. When you
borrow money to buy a car, you are using the bank s money now to get the car and
paying the money back over time. The interest rate on your loan is the price you pay
to be able to convert your future loan payment into a car today. Similarly, when you
deposit money into your savings
Essay Investigating Air Pollution
Investigating Air Pollution
There are many different types of air pollutant. These pollutants have different effects
on the environment and on our health. Some, directly because they are harmful
chemicals and others because they can react together to produce harmful chemicals.
Other pollutants or pollutant combinations upset the natural balance of acidity and
nitrogen in the environment which can affect the diversity of species in sensitive
areas. Other pollutants can contribute to changing global conditions and potentially
give rise to dramatic changes in climate and sea level.
Main Air Pollutants
Sulphur dioxide is an acidic gas which combines with water vapour in the atmosphere
to ... Show more content on ...
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a toxic gas which is emitted into the atmosphere as a result
of combustion processes, and is also formed by the oxidation of hydrocarbons and
other organic compounds. In European urban areas, CO is produced almost entirely
(90%) from road traffic emissions. It survives in the atmosphere for a period of
approximately one month but is eventually oxidised to carbon dioxide (CO2).
Nitrogen Dioxide. Nitrogen oxides are formed during high temperature combustion
processes from the oxidation of nitrogen in the air or fuel. The principal source of
nitrogen oxides nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), collectively known as
NOx is road traffic, which is responsible for approximately half the emissions in
Europe. NO and NO2 concentrations are therefore greatest in urban areas where
traffic is heaviest. Other important sources are power stations, heating plants and
industrial processes.
Ground level ozone (O3), unlike other pollutants mentioned , is not emitted directly
into the atmosphere, but is a secondary pollutant produced by reaction between
nitrogen dioxide (NO2), hydrocarbons and sunlight. Ozone levels are not as high in
urban areas (where high levels of NO are emitted from vehicles) as in rural areas.
Sunlight provides the energy to initiate ozone formation; consequently,
Grizzly Bear Recovery Case Study
Chris Servheen, the Grizzly Bear Recovery Coordinator for the US Fish and
Wildlife Service, has said that the grizzly bears have met every criteria set forth
towards their recovery plan. Since meeting these criteria, it may be time to have them
removed from the Endangered Species List (delisted). Delisting means that the bears
won t be protected by the Endangered SpeciesAct (ESA). As it can be seen from the
grizzly delisting public comments that I agreed with, I am against having the
grizzlies delisted.
I believe that the current population is too small, even though it has recovered a good
amount from the recovery plan. Also, I believe that the population is too isolated to
ensure long term survival. Based on expert opinion, the current population is about Вј
of what is needed in ... Show more content on ...
More importantly, the long term health of the grizzlies can be assured by maintaining
a population number of a several thousand. This include expanding their potential
living area and connecting the grizzly bear ecosystems to source populations in
Canada. In addition to this, delisting relies on the importation of bears to address
genetic problems. It requires the importation of two bears every ten years into the
Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem to address genetic problem. Importing these bears
into the ecosystem is not likely to provide necessary gene flow due to the low
success of transplants in habitat that is already occupied. Also, the delisting plans
does not seem to consider the degree and the pace of habitat change occurring in the
region. For example, there is a current loss for whitebark pine (an important food
source for the grizzlies) due to mountain pine beetles, blister rust, and global
Bullying In Public Schools
According to the online dictionary, a bully is someone that uses superior strength or
influence to intimidate another person typically to force the bullied person to do
what the bully wants them to do. Bullying, whether in person or in the cyber world,
has become an extremely large issue in society. I live in a very small, rural
community where life is very laid back and everyone knows each other, but bullying
still exists. I find it very interesting that each public school in Pennsylvania has an anti
bullying system that is practiced, anti bullying is consistently taught in media and in
religious institutions but it doesn t seem to have impacted the rate of bullying issues.
Most teenagers, whether they are the bully or the bullied, think the programs that
they must participate in are a joke, and the media plays on the stories of those that...
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Bullying is an issue that is widespread from small children through adults. It is an
issue that must have community involvement or it will never be reduced. Youth
sporting groups or religious organizations must become involved and the coaches and
group leaders must be trained to prevent bullying. Local businesses should financially
support any anti bullying programs and possibly donate items with anti bullying
slogans to hand out at local community events. Religious organizations can make
bullying a priority topic at church youth group gatherings or even in weekly
teachings. Local law enforcement can support anti bullying with speaking at
community functions, school assemblies and religious based events. Mental Health
specialties, medical practices and local clinics can stress the importance of good
mental health and self esteem to combat the intimidation of one human from another.
Community groups, businesses and leaders all working together to take a stand against
2-Naphthol Lab Report
Objective In this experiment, the pKa, dissociation constant, of 2 naphthol was
determined by measuring the UV visible absorption spectra of solution of the acid at
different pH values.
Procedure In this experiment, solutions of 2 naphthol will be prepared in buffer
solutions with pH values near the expected pKa (refer to Table 7.1 in the lab Manual)
at 25 В°C and the UV visble spectra of each solution will be measured using a Cary
50 spectrometer. For detailed procedure, refer to the lab manual (J. F. WГіjcik and T.
S. Ahmadi, Experimental Physical Chemistry, 2015; p.3 5.). A modification of the
procedure is, time drift of the pH was not calculated. The pH of the pH = 4.00 buffer
was not measured every 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Data 2 naphthol has a molecular weight of 144.17 g/mol, with a density of 1.22 g
/cm3. The melting point of 2 naphthol is in the range of 121 to 123 В°C. The stock
solution of 2 naphthol has a concentration of 1.9844E 3 M.
Results Before any calculations, the spectra from the HCl solution and NaOH
solution was verified to make sure that the wavelength at which the deprotonated
form of 2 naphthol absorbs at 345 nm and that protonated form does not absorb
significantly at the same wavelength. All the spectra in Figure 1 were baseline
corrected using the HCl solution spectrum, shown in Figure 2, and the NaOH
solution spectrum was used to determine Amax at 345 nm. To calculate the pHC of
each trial solution, the concentration of every ion in the
Rebecca Skloot Book Report
Rebecca Skloot in her book uses scientific facts as well as dialogue of the family
and others Skloot meets on her journey and with her family comes their views of
how Henrietta was treated by the doctors at Johns Hopkins Hospital. When
Henrietta was diagnosed it was the era of the Jim Crow South. In a time that was
predominantly racist, African Americans weren t treated with the most consideration.
No researcher found it necessary to compensate the Lackses for using their mother s
cells. The Lackses still show their frustration about how they have yet to be
compensated for researchers using their mother s cells. Reverend Pullum, Deborah s
second ex husband, answered her phone saying if Skloot wishes to speak with
Deborah they want to be assured... Show more content on ...
In her book Skloot describes a man named Ted Slavin, who was born and grew up
with hemophilia. In the 1950 s the only kind of treatment for hemophilia was a
blood transfusion. Today screening blood for disease is a regular practice to make
sure the recipient is still healthy, but in the 50 s that wasn t common or standard so
the possibility for contamination was much greater. Because of this, the hepatitis
B virus was present in some of Slavin s blood and the exposure to the virus caused
Slavin to develop antibodies. Once a doctor had discovered Slavins antibodies he
explained just how valuable his blood was. Slavin contacted laboratories and
pharmaceutical companies and asked if they wanted to buy his antibodies, and
they did. Soon, Slavin started selling his blood for about 10 dollars a milliliter, but
money wasn t the only thing motivating Slavin; he wanted to find a cure for
hepatitis B. Slavin wrote to the doctor who had discovered the antibodies; Nobel
prizewinning virologist Baruch Blumberg. He and Slavin entered an agreement
that Slavin would provide blood and tissue and Blumberg would continue his
research to find a cure for hepatitis B and, With the help of Slavins serum,
Blumberg eventually uncovered the link between hepatitis B and liver cancer,
and created the first hepatitis B vaccine, saving millions of lives (Skloot 203).
Skloot using an interesting dictions when describing that the vaccine will [save]
millions of lives . Even though the disease only affected about 35,000 people,
Skloot chose to use millions as a way to inspire fear into the reader. This use of
motivational warrant gives the reader a greater appreciation of just how wide of a
scope one lady s cervical cancer cells has on the popular. This evidence is crucial to
understanding Skloot s views on tissue usage. Skloot conveys that tissue usage is
essential to
Pathology Of The Autonomic Nervous System
In this report, the symptoms of this patient will be diagnosed, and the causes of them
discussed with reference to the physiology and pharmacology of the autonomic
nervous system.
The Autonomic Nervous System
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is the part of the motor division of the
peripheral nervous system (PNS) that controls involuntary processes in the body
(Wieczorek, 2014). Such functions include control of heart rate, gland activity,
smooth muscle contraction and constriction of blood vessels (Biology,
2014). The ANS is divided into two branches, the sympathetic nervous system (SN)
and the parasympathetic nervous system (PN). The SN is responsible for the fight or
flight response, which results in increased preparedness for vigorous activity in
response to exercise or emergency. The PN acts antagonistically to the SN, in that it
produces the opposite effects to those of the SN. Under normal circumstances, the
PN is dominant, and allows processes such as digestion and defecation to occur,
while also conserving energy (, 2014). Most of the visceral organs of the
body are innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic neurones, with the
exceptions being sweat glands and the smooth muscle of blood vessels they are only
innervated by sympathetic nerve fibres (Wieczorek, 2014).
In the ANS, a number of different neurotransmitters and receptors are present. In both
the PN and SN, the neurotransmitter at the ganglia is
Comparing A P And Where Are You Going, Where Have
Comparing and Contrasting of Coming of Age Stories Throughout the short stories,
A P by John Updike and Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce
Carol Oates there are a various number of similarities and differences between the
two. Both Updike and Oates short stories focused on the sexuality of younger girls
and force the main characters to make a life changing decision. Leaving their
innocence behind, whether they like it or not, by the end of the stories, Sammy and
Connie have come into adulthood. Throughout comparing and contrasting the stories
point of view, main characters, parent involvement, antagonists, and ending of the
stories, you ll come to see that they are coming of age stories. Both John Updike s
and Joyce Carol Oatesshort stories were published in the 1960 s and focused on the
transitional period of the main characters. While Where Are You Going, Where
Have You Been had multiple settings, the main climax took part at Connie s home,
and in, A P , the whole story took place at the supermarket. While A P was told in
first person, through Sammy s eyes, Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been
was told by an outside view in third person. Although the point of views are different,
they both helped the reader understand the text thoroughly. Without A P being told
through Sammy eyes, the reader wouldn t to be able to understand his obsession with
the girls as they walk through the store and why in the end he quit his job. The third
Comparing Emerson s Writings with Whitman s Writings
Emerson and Whitman
A commonality when comparing Emerson s writings with Whitman s writings are
the use of the ideas Emerson came up with integrated and used in Whitman s
writing. It is clear that Emerson s writing were a set of instructions for the
Transcendentalist movement in addition to a lifestyle to try and attain or rise up to
for society. Emerson give guidelines and ideas on how people should function in
society largely based off of nature and its natural occurrence and set order. When
Whitman starts writing, he adopts Emerson s guidelines in order to become a great
poet. In Transcendentalism, one of the commonalities in the writing is the idea of
nature as a beneficial part of the world. The natural world to be precise is an
underused and not understood piece of the world. Emerson and Whitman both saw
nature as a beneficial topic to study in their writings. Emerson and Whitman both
studied and reflected upon nature in order to understand lessons or basic
guidelines that it could teach them about being human. In Self Reliance and Song
of Myself, it can be seen that if you are willing to study nature and gain the
knowledge it gives you to live your life lessons can be gained. Nature is not simply
pretty scenery to look at but if studied deeper it promotes a lifestyle. Particularly, for
Emerson, nature is seen as perfect because it is not tainted by the constructs or
failures of man it is simply natural and untouched. In addition, man s law has no
power over
The Church Is Holy Through Complete Devotion And Love
For God
The church is holy through complete devotion and love for God. Because the
church is holy, the church has the duty to love and take care of all people.
Holiness is a dedication to God. This dedication is formed individually by the
people of God, who are the church. However, not every person of God is one
hundred percent holy. Only Jesus Christ had complete dedication to God, but the
church strives for this dedication. Throughout time, there has been role models of
holiness within the church known as saints. Throughout the church s history, there
has been many saints that lived their life in complete devotion to God. For
example, Joan of Arc was known as a Fool for God. As a teenager, she trusted the
Lord and followed her call to lead a French army to victory. She went against all odds
but continued to put her faith in the Lord. Even when she was captured and burned at
the stake, the saintnever lost her faith. James Martin writes in his book, My Life
with the Saints, Joan was devoted to Jesus Christ, to prayer, to the sacraments, to
the church, and to its saints. She believed in God even when God asked her to
accomplish the seemingly impossible, (My life with the Saints, 25). Pedro Arrupe,
another saint studied within the book stated the following about devotion to God,
He or she is a person who hast the conviction that Gods knows, can do, and will do
what is best for mankind, (My Life with the Saints, 91). Throughout life, the people
of God face many setbacks, but
Family Planning And Poverty
The mainstreaming of the family planning agenda in many countries over the decades
has been accompanied by increased researcher interest in the subject, with a lot of
research attention being focused on the link between family planning and poverty.
Empirical research studies using standard economic models have demonstrated that
increased access to familyplanning services is associated with lower rates of poverty.
This effect has been posited as occurring through a number of channels. The first
channel is the family size channel. As per this channel, increased access to family
planningreduces the number of children per family, which results into parents
devoting more time and resources per child, and occasioning higher per child
investment that should lead to material decline in household poverty (Bailey,
Malkova and McLaren, 2013). The second channel is the household income channel.
Here, increased access to family planning services helps to free up more resources,
which can then be invested in the improvement of the human capital of the parents.
For instance, delaying parenthood can enable the soon to be parents to pursue
further education, gain more work experience, or enroll for further job training, and
thus raise their lifetime earnings levels (Bailey, Malkova and Norling, 2014). For
instance, Bailey, Hershbein, and Miller (2012) demonstrated that women who had
access to the pill were able to delay motherhood and to invest in their careers,
resulting in higher wage
Ph For Catalase Experiment
The results of the experiment were there that the catalase affected the rate of
hydrogen peroxide breakdown. Without the presence of the enzyme no reaction
would have occurred. Our control for this experiment was the amount of buffer
added each time (4.0 ml) and the amount of water added during each run with a
different pH level. The purpose of the controlled substances was to determine whether
or not the catalase really influenced the rate of oxygen production. Each of the five
tables shows the amount of oxygen produced by five varying pH levels, over a
certain amount of time ranging from fifteen seconds to thirty seconds. In Table 1.0
the volume of oxygen produced by combining the catalase with pH level 3 solutions
displayed. Correspondingly, ... Show more content on ...
My alternate hypothesis was the catalase would affect the rate of enzymatic hydrogen
peroxide breakdown and would optimally do so at pH 7. According to the data that
was collected, my hypotheses will be rejected because the highest reaction rate
was at pH level 9 and 11, not pH 7. As displayed on the data tables (see Figures 4.0
and 5.0), the average rate of gas production increased as a higher level pH solution
is added to the hydrogen peroxide and was not the highest at pH level 7 as
predicted (see Figure 3.0 and Table 3). The curve of each graph appears steeper as
a higher pH is added, but slows down over time and trails off which means that the
reaction rates decrease over time. When the volume of water displacement stopped
changing, it may have been due to the reason that the catalase is no longer effective
and may have been eventually denatured due to the pH level of the solution it was
mixed with. It is essential for the reaction of an enzyme to be at an optimal pH level,
which in the case of the catalase is pH level 7. When the pH changes and isn t at the
optimal pH of the enzyme, either a drastic decrease or increase, the enzyme is likely
to denature. Denaturation causes the shape and structure of an enzyme to change and
then it is no longer able to fit into a suitable substrate at the active site and form an
explicit enzyme substrate complex. I do not believe that we could have extended the
reaction to produce a higher displacement of water and more oxygen by raising the
pH of the solution because the enzymes already denatured had altered structures and
shapes. Therefore, they wouldn t fit any substrates and no reaction would occur due
to the lack of enzyme substrate complexes. Some difficulties occurred throughout the
experiment, such as the consistency in putting the correct and same amount of catalase
Essay Banning A Child Called It
I am writing to you to protest the School Board s proposed banning of the book A
Child Called It by Dave Pelzer. The book spent six years on the New York Times
best seller list, was an international best seller, and received a Pulitzer Prize
nomination. As an award winning author, Mr. Pelzer has shared his true life story
based on a childhood where he received physical and mental abuse by his alcoholic
mother. A Child Called It brings our attention to mental abuse that adults may inflict
on a human being and in this particular case, a child. David s mother respects the
family s dogs more than she respects her own son. The dogs are fed every day, yet
she attempts to starve David. Although David has two other brothers,... Show more
content on ...
His mother treats him like a slave, giving him daily chores and unbelievably
ruthless punishments. He has become inhuman to her as she refers to him as It.
The only hope of survival relies on his dad, in God, or in a miracle. His story
promotes the courageous human spirit and the determinate to survive. This book
does get harsh many times, but that does not mean people should shy away from it.
Schools feel the need to ban books that they do not think are appropriate for their
children, but that is not their say to take the book away from everyone. Some
schools tried to ban this book because they felt there was a lot of profanity and
violence. I do agree that both of those are in this story, but also profanity and
violence exists in the world today, so why should we try to act as if none of this
exists. Many children in middle school and high school face this problem of abuse
and feel a comfort by reading these types of stories that they can relate to; it helps
them to realize that they are not alone, and that there is hope. Perhaps David s
voice is the one that makes a difference for a young person facing such troubles.
Taking such a book off library shelves sends the wrong message to the public. It
doesn t just suggest that what is in the book may be offensive to you or your board.
It suggests that what is in the book is not a valuable and valid topic of discussion for
others to examine.
Trauma In The Sorrow Of War
Specifically in American soldiers, Almost 31 percent of Vietnam veterans [...] have
been affected by PTSD ( PTSD ). This means many soldiers have gone through a
traumatic experience during their time of war. Merriam Webster defines trauma as
A disordered psychic or behavioral state resulting from severe mental or emotional
stress or physical injury ( Trauma ). Kathleen M. O Connor, a professor at Columbia
Theological Seminary, states, Trauma Theory refers to a loose, interdisciplinary
conversation that investigates the lingering consequences of violence upon
individuals and communities (O Connor). The Sorrow of War by Bao Ninh can be
analyzed through a Trauma lens by asking what the causes and effects are of trauma,
and if there are any signs of addiction to trauma. Kien, the main character of the novel,
goes through many grim events that ultimately lead him to develop certain defense
mechanisms and a type of addiction.
Trauma Theory reveals that Kien s sorrow is derived from the Vietnamwar and
events that happened because of it. Maja Milatovic, a course coordinator at ANU
college in Australia, states that Trauma Theory has [...] connections to wider socio
political frames such as survivor narratives (Milatovic). The Sorrow of War can be
read as a survivor narrative because Of the entire scout platoon sent into ... Show
more content on ...
Terrible experiences during the war molded Kien s postwar life because of the
recurring thoughts and defense mechanisms he developed. The war had a large toll
on Kien s mind causing him to act certain ways, whether that was waking up
screaming, getting drunk, getting in fights, or writing. In the novel Kien thinks to
himself, Whether pleasant or ugly memories, they are there to stay for ten, twenty
years, perhaps forever (Ninh 44). The trauma that many people, especially veterans,
go through become apart of them for a large portion of their
Tuck Everlasting Research Paper
Tuck Everlasting Arg. Essay
Imagine if you had the chance to drink magical water from a spring and live
forever. Would you drink the water? I believe that you should drink from the spring
in Tuck Everlasting, because you could explore the world, never get hurt, or have the
fear of dying. Thinking it could happen is one thing, but it actually happening is
another, for the Tuck s, living it and believing it happen is their life.
In Tuck Everlasting, Jesse and Miles come home after 10 years to their small town
of Treegap to see their parents, and Jesse, having gone to Paris, brought Mae a
miniature Eiffel Tower. Exploring can be dangerous and sometimes life threatening,
but not in the Tuck s case. Scuba diving to the deepest parts of the ocean ... Show
more content on ...
Breaking a bone or injuring any part of your body can be horribly painful and also
very stressful. If you were playing your favorite sport and you gave it everything
you had plus that extra 10%, you break your arm and have to go to the hospital and
sit out the rest of the season versus getting back up perfectly fine and as if it had
never even happened. You hear of many books and movies about many people
being afraid to die. That fear is often what some people think about on their death
beds or very close to death. In Tuck Everlasting, the Tuck s aren t afraid to die
because they simply can t, one of the many perks of drinking the magical water. I
believe that drinking from the spring would help you not to live in fear of dying
your whole life. If you choose not to drink the water, it can also, be good for your
life. you can live out a normal, natural life without any magical water or a lifespan
that lasts forever. Children can be born and prevented from even knowing that this
type of water even exists. Thinking back on the book, Tuck Everlasting, drinking the
water is a more adventurous, and exciting way to live, because of your forever
lifespan. If you had that choice, wouldn t you take
Argumentative Essay On Underhand Shooting
Underhand Shooting Can Still be Reinstated Sports is the system of activities
based on physical athleticism. Humans involved themselves in hunting with spears
as part of their physical activities in prehistoric times. With time, the world has
evolved since then. People are now involved in sports and physical activities not to
survive but to remain healthy as well as entertained. There are many sports that is
played around the world. Among all those sports, basketball is one of the most
popular sport played with global recognition. It is played with five players on each
team at one time and they display an array of skills like ball handling, shooting,
passing, dribbling, dunking, shot blocking. Shooting successful free throws in
basketball that is not the most glamorous skill that a player can acquire. At times, it
is understated and considered to be a simple shot to score points. However, there
have been debates regarding the technique of shooting free throws. The effectiveness
of choosing between an underhand throw or an overhand throw still is fiercely...
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Since the use of overhand shooting there has been a masculine stigma relating to it
for the players to even think about switching back to the underhand style. That s the
way little kids shoot, and it didn t help that everybody calls it the granny shot ,
Barry says (Rist, 2000). It was even called granny shot as it was supposed to be an
old practice. It was the mockery that even led Wilt Chamberlin change his style from
underhand to overhand resulting in not getting the points. It can also be related with
the fact that the smart people can do the dumb things too. It can be called that it was
his dumbness that he tried to go with the crowd rather than following his own
instincts. If we think about it, it is not only his dumbness but his unwillingness in
doing something different than
Betrayal In Julius Caesar And John Knowles A Separate
The saddest thing about betrayal is that the pain never comes from your enemies.
This statement runs true for both pieces of literature, Shakespeare s Julius Caesar
and John Knowles A Separate Peace. Julius Caesar is a self titled play about Julius
Caesar s descent from power. The climax of the play is when Caesar s best friend,
Brutus, stabs and kills him before he can be crowned king. Caesar was truly defeated
when he saw that his illegitimate son was the one that struck him down. Similarly,
the book A Separate Peaceis about two best friends, Gene and Phineas, growing up
at a prep school during World War Two. The conflict of the story is when Gene
jounces Phineas off of a tree, effectively breaking his leg. Holding firmly to the trunk,
... Show more content on ...
To betray by definition is to, expose a person to danger by giving information or
being disloyal to . These books show that not only does conflict lead to broken
friendships, but brutal betrayal as well. Betrayal is a part of human interaction,
originating from conflict. Betrayal happens when friendship is not just broken, but
converted to hatred because of the conflict. This relationship becomes a bitter one,
with both people being against the other. Both Shakespeare and Knowles show
that betrayal is a natural result of broken friendships. Brutus was considered by
some to be Caesar s son. For him to betray Caesar was upsetting, but it came with
reasoning. Et tu, BrutГ©? then fall, Caesar (III.i.85). It was because Caesar was
usurping the Roman Empire, trying to take control. Brutus betrayed him because he
was in conflict with Caesar s new power. When Gene betrayed Phineas it was
similar. He pushed Phineas off because his popularity was in conflict with Gene.
Gene understands his inferiority to Phineas and his own moral ugliness, made the
more so when juxtaposed to Finny s innocence. It is this realization that prompts his
conscious shaking of the tree, which casts Phineas to the earth and which serves as
Gene s initiation to the ignorance and moral blackness of the human heart (Ellis,
315). Gene realizes how Finny is superior and purposely injures him because of
Judith Resnik Research Paper
Judith Resnik in STEM Women are a minority in the careers of math, science,
engineering, and technology. Judith Resnik is one of the most famous females who
have succeeded in this career minority. Resnik is known for her amazing intelligence
and her involvement in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Judith Resnikis a woman to be remembered in STEM because of her intellectual
background, her endeavor to succeed, and her legacy. Judith Resnik was brought
into this world by her parents, Dr. Marvin Resnik and Sarah Resnik Belfer, on
April 5, 1949 in Akron, Ohio. From the beginning of Resnik s life, her parents knew
she would be intellectually gifted. Before beginning school, Judith was already an
avid reader and was able... Show more content on ...
She died with her six crew members during the shuttle s explosion or its impact
with water, the exact cause is inconclusive. The last words that came from the
shuttle were, Go throttle up . Judith Resnik was awarded the Space Medal of Honor
after the explosion. Her legacy lives on after her premature death. As a tribute to the
Challenger crew, the Challenger Center for Space Science Education was founded in
April of 1986. There are now over 50 Challenger Centers across the nation. Resnik is
also honored through a Women s Health Center and a scholarship for a student
pursuing a career in math, science, or space technology. Judith Resnik is one of the
most successful members in the women minority of science, technology, engineering,
and math. Her intellectual background, her endeavor to succeed, and her legacy
will be remembered because they make up one of the greatest women in STEM.
Resnik s life and philosophy can be summed up in her response to an interview
saying, I think something is only dangerous if you aren t prepared for it, or if you
don t have control over it, or if you can t think of how to get yourself out of a
International Soccer s Influence on Diplomatic, Social,...
To what extent has international soccer influenced the world politically and socially?
This research question will be investigated using different books pertaining to the
subject. The investigation will cover the impacts of soccer in the 1930s during the
First World War, the 1940s during the Second World War and the 1970s during the
Cold War. The effect of soccer on a country s nationalism will be researched as well.
Soccer had a great impact on people s lives socially; it gave people hope when in a
time of need. It did not matter whether there was a war going on, or if there were
prisoners in camps, soccer was a popular activity to help people survive in the hardest
of times. Soccer had a great impact on the world politically as... Show more content
on ...
Italy hosted the 1934 World Cup and Mussolini took this chance to try to spread
the game across his nation. Since Italy was now a totalitarian nation, Mussolini
had control over politics as well as leisure activities, including soccer. Mussolini
used soccer as a way to show the world the power of Italy and they won the World
Cup, which in turn, gained support for Mussolini. Soccer not only affected nations
governments but nations citizens as well. The country s fans are passionate about
soccer and about their country s team winning. A soccer game can be compared to
small war, there is much fighting, anger, and extreme nationalism during a soccer
match. One example of the extreme effect of a soccer match on the nation s people
was in the 1936 Olympics. Peru defeated Austria 4 2 in extra time. The Austrians
were upset and claimed that it was unfair because after regulation time ended, there
was a pitch invasion of Peruvian fans that jostled some the Austrian players. The
Olympic Committee eventually called for a rematch because of the Peruvian field
invasion. After the game the Peruvians found out there was going to be a rematch, a
riot occurred and the German embassy in Lima was stoned. Peruvian ship hands
refused to assist German ships. The Peruvian people wanted to separate themselves
from the Germans in almost every way. This event is important because it shows
Analysis Of Mrs. Mallard In The Story Of An Hour
Death s Loving Embrace
Love does not claim possession, but gives freedom, this quote written by the famous
nineteenth century poet, Rabindranath Tagore, highlights the underlining belief: if
one loves or is truly loved it will free them in body and soul. In the Story of an Hour,
it s brings to light the death of someone who shares a bond with several, modest
people. Billy Mallard is a husband, a son, and a friend. Yet, instead of his passing
remaining an unfortunate incident his wife, Mrs. Mallard, is opportunistic and
turns it into a joyous occasion. However, she finds that he s alive and as their meet
eyes again for the last time, their union embodies the phrase death do us part. Mrs.
Mallard earns her escape at the helm of the death s one way trip. Within the Story
of an Hour, Mrs. Mallard embodies the classic form of a non sympathetic character:
she shifts to joy about her husband s death quickly, she has a lack of concern for
others who are grieving, and her glee at her future solo endeavor.
In death, usually one recalls moments with the deceased, yet Mrs. Mallard alters her
sadness to joy rather quickly. Mrs. Mallard is a woman of privilege; she doesn t
have to do hard labor, since she has two white slender hands (Chopin 235). This
means that she isn t in an environment that has a lot of dangers around her, and
women in the nineteenth century usually stay in their homes. She wouldn t have
gotten the chance to become desensitize to the concept of death. As a
Analysis Of The Movie White Liar By Miranda Lambert
Picking Up the Pieces Picking Up the Pieces is the film being produced to
document my life. I have never put much thought into how my life would be
portrayed or even documented. However, as I sit here thinking about what music I
would use for the soundtrack, I start thinking about all of the things that I have
been through in my life. All of those hurdles that I had to climb over and the songs
that have so much meaning start to flow through my mind. There are many songs
to choose from, but I narrow them down to the top four that I feel set the mood of
how I have picked up the pieces of my life from a tragic divorce and moved on to
now being a thriving non traditional college student seeking to become a
Hospitality Manager. The first song that I have chosen is White Liar by Miranda
Lambert because this song represents what I went through during my very tragic
divorce. Lambert is an American country music artist who co wrote this song with
Natalie Hemby. The song was released in August of 2009. The reason I chose this
song is because the words remind me of what I went through when I found out that
my husband of six years had been cheating on me and how I felt. Lambert sings,
Hey white liar, the truth comes out a little at a time and it spreads just like a fire.
My husband had been cheating on me and the entire time, I sensed something was
wrong, but he continued to tell me that I was wrong. According to him, they were
just friends. In reality, I too was also a white liar
Why Is Honesty Important
Why Is Honesty Important? The Impact of Honesty on Me Honesty has played a
key role in my success in life. Throughout my childhood my parents would always
remind me about the importance of being honest. In their opinion nothing was as
important as having self respect and being trustworthy. The saying honesty is the
best policy perfectly sums up my belief about how people should interact with each
other. For me, being honest in everything I do can be a very difficult thing, but I
have found that as I follow this basic principle my life has become better for it.
Growing up in my home as a child, I was surrounded by honesty and integrity. I
assumed that the world was a great place where all people genuinely cared... Show
more content on ...
With this done I proceeded back to my seat in the back row with the remote clutched
tightly in my hand. Approximately halfway through the teachers lecture I decided to
let it rip . The sound reverberated through the classroom as every pair of eyes in the
room slammed into the back of the student s head. This quiet student was so
The Last Race
Henry ford once said, Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a
worthwhile achievement. Mistakes can make smarter, learning from them can help
us not make the same mistake next time. They also make us wiser, but in the end
mistakes do their job. They teach us, they make us stronger. Runninga raceis mentally
and physically tough, but in the end finishing is always worth it. Not finishing a race
is a big mistakethat I made. Okay girls on the line! , yelled Mr. Wesley, We re doing
time trials for the 800, All the girls lined up, eager to see how they do, but nervous
for reasons of their own. Mr. Wesley told us about how a waterfall start works and set
us up. He told us how and what to do. On your marks, said Mr. Wesley, Get set. Go!
We were off, some girls were faster than others. I was closer to the front and running
fast. What I didn t realize was that I was going too fast. And as we got closer to the
end of the first lap, I was breathing heavily and coughing, I was like a fish out of
water. I was gasping for air. I walked off with a stitch in my side and slightly light
headed. There had been girls in front of me, but they were doing just fine. As I
walked off to get a drink of water people ran past, and I realized that I had been the
only one to give up. I was wondering what would my parents think? But there was no
way to undo what I had just done. How was track?
Erikson Early Adulthood
During early childhood the other children become more important in the life of
small; so is the language that allows them to communicate better with their playmates
and adults; They are better able to ask for and get what they want, to care and to
exercise self control; in their language, in their game and their drawings displayed
more imagination and resourcefulness.
Adolescence: The period between 10 and 19 years, the biological changes of puberty
give rise to psychological responses; the adolescent is separated progressively family
and the issue of identity arises. Identity is defined by Erikson as the sense of
continuity and stability of the person along the time. The sense of identity translates
into decisions at the end of adolescence regarding vocational and marital choices. If
this consolidation is not achieved, Erikson speaks of ... Show more content on ...
For Erikson is reached by the end theme of the life cycle, provided that the
individual has fully lived and ensured the survival of the generation that follows.
This closure is achieved by accepting the finitude of biological life and the
succession of generations. According to Erikson the negative outcome occurs with
the sense of failure or not to complete the life project itself, in this case the
hopelessness arises; frequent in depressive symptoms. These steps should not be
taken absolutely, no individual and cultural diversity. The crisis does not necessarily
imply a negative outcome, but is, at the same time, an opportunity for personal
growth and development. Aging is unquestionable, provided a biological fact in our
genetic code so that aging and death are as consubstantial as growth. But there is no
direct correlation between physical and psychological deterioration will depend on
the genetic code, in facts and history of life and endless data that we are not allowed
to talk about a general deterioration without pattern but rather a complex deterioration
Southern Religion
As of today, religion still maintains an impact throughout the domain of the South.
Religion in the South supports infrastructure educational and social services. It also
inhibits the growth of the traditional denominations to prosper, ranging from Baptist,
Methodist, Lutheran and even Catholic. Baptist make about 50% of church affiliation
population in the south while Methodist is about a quarter and Presbyterian around
10% or so ( Wison 1).Throughout the entire range of life of many religious
denominations since they were first introduced to the South, they have been able to
preserve their culture even during the social changes. To fully understand the
southern religious establishments, we must compromise motives, interaction and
movements... Show more content on ...
However it didn t just take one night for the Bible Belt to form and have a firm grip
in the South. What attributed to the growth and expansion of denominations across
the South? According to Heyrman, due to the high influx of Scots Irish immigrants
with their movement to the frontier, they didn t forcefully Christianize the settlers
already dwelling, there,but that their large numbers changed the arrangement of the
land entirely. The early increase in Evangelical numbers was largely illusory.
Converts stemmed from marginalized groups. Free African Americans, women, and
young people came into Evangelical congregations because of the agency these
churches afforded them in comparison to the hierarchical Anglican Church. More
interestingly to the scholar, and more ominously to contemporary southerners, slaves
often found a welcome home in Evangelical churches. The Evangelical struggle to
find acceptance in southern society during the Early Republic certainly stemmed
from the movement s weird novelty and perceived strangeness. Yet southerners
seemed willing to accept almost any eccentricity. The Evangelical movement s
insistence on egalitarianism crossed the line in southern thought. Strangeness became
subversive. Heryman challenged the traditional assumption than only planters
demurred from welcoming the Evangelical movement into southern society. Women s
involvement in Church and messages tailored to the poor angered yeomen farmers as
much as
Jamaica And The Substitute Teacher Analysis
Title:Jamaica and the Substitute Teacher Author:Juanita Haville Illustrator:Anne
Sibley O Brien Ages:4 8 Jamaica and her colleagues have a substitute educator for
the week. Mrs. Duval is warm, promising, and fun, and the kids are avid to satisfy
her. When it s the ideal time for the spelling test, Jamaica understands that she s
neglected to study and duplicates from a companion. Pained, she admits to Mrs.
Duval, who consoles her that she doesn t need to be impeccable to be exceptional in
her class. The full shading fine art delineates a present day classroom with a
differing understudy body. Title:The Honest to Goodness Truth Author:Patricia
McKissack Illustrator:Giselle Potter Ages:4 8 Other virtues:Kindness and tact,
possessing a sin covering eye At the point when Libby is gotten in her first mislead
her mom, she settles on a choice: Starting now and into the foreseeable future, just
reality. Soon she s spreading reality all over town about the opening in her
companion Ruthie May s sock, and... Show more content on ...
We meet the Red Cross Knight as he is heading into his first experience. Princess
Una has looked for him as champion for her guardians in battling the typical
threatening mythical beast. The plot is the typical one: kid meets young lady,
young lady tells kid how imperial folks are being threatened by a mythical beast.
Kid kills winged serpent, weds princess. In spite of the fact that this story does not
stray from the recipe, it is acknowledged in a fine manner and lavishly showed.
Each of approximately dozen sets of confronting pages has phenomenal
representations on one side with a couple passages of content on the other. The
delineations are among the best I ve seen, they rank together with Child of Faerie
Child of Earth and Fairy Wings. Each represented page is pleasantly encircled and
typically loaded with topical minimal drawings, which is an extremely decent
Desiree s Baby, By Kate Chopin
In Kate Chopin s short story, Desiree s Baby, she tells the story through the eyes of
the characters. This story is told in the omniscient point of view. The omniscient point
of view means that the storyteller knows all of the thoughts and emotions of all the
characters throughout the story. In the nineteenth century there was a lot of racial
discrimination against African Americans. The protagonist is Desiree; she is formed
throughout the many situations in the short story. She is fought by the antagonist,
Armand Aubigny. He is described, as a cruel, arrogant man who, likely, would never
admit he was wrong. At the end of this story Armand s assumptions and inferences
catch up to him. An inferenceis nothing more than a guess, an assumption. Inferring
does not always get us in trouble and it would almost be impossible to not assume
throughout an entire day. Unfortunately, making some inferences can have serious
consequences. There are is a lot of foreshadowing throughout the short story that tells
us that Armand has black ancestry. There is a key part of foreshadowing, there is
another form of foreshadowing when Madame Valmonde says, the child has grown,
has changed. This is another monstrous form of foreshadowing, that there is
something different about this child and that we will find out what is different later
in the story.
It had never hit Desiree that her baby was black until one day, The baby, half naked,
lay asleep...One of La Blanche s little quadroon

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Essay On Pop Culture. Descriptive Essay: Pop culture essay outline

  • 1. Essay On Pop Culture Writing an essay on the vast and ever-evolving topic of pop culture can be a daunting task. The challenge lies not only in capturing the essence of a phenomenon that is constantly changing but also in navigating the intricate web of influences, trends, and expressions that constitute popular culture. The difficulty begins with the sheer breadth of the subject matter. Pop culture is an amalgamation of various elements, including music, fashion, film, television, social media, and more. Trying to cover all these aspects comprehensively within the confines of an essay requires careful selection and a keen understanding of what truly defines the essence of pop culture. Moreover, pop culture is dynamic. What is considered trendy or significant today may be outdated tomorrow. Staying current and relevant in the analysis is a continuous challenge. The essay writer must keep a finger on the pulse of societal trends, making the writing process not just an exercise in research but a constant effort to capture the zeitgeist. Another hurdle is the diversity within pop culture itself. It encompasses a wide array of genres, subcultures, and niche interests. Balancing the coverage of mainstream phenomena with the exploration of subcultures requires a delicate touch to avoid oversimplification or neglect of crucial aspects. Furthermore, pop culture is deeply intertwined with societal issues, politics, and historical events. An effective essay on pop culture must delve into these connections, exploring how cultural phenomena both reflect and shape the world around them. This adds an extra layer of complexity, as the writer must seamlessly weave together cultural analysis with broader socio- political insights. In conclusion, writing an essay on pop culture is a challenging endeavor that demands a comprehensive understanding of diverse elements, an acute awareness of current trends, and the ability to navigate the intricate interplay between culture, society, and history. However, for those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that provides a platform where similar essays and much more can be ordered to ease the burden of tackling this intricate and multifaceted topic. Essay On Pop Culture Essay On Pop Culture
  • 2. Case Study Hashimoto Hashimoto s Hashimoto s is an autoimmune disease, also known as Chronic Lymphocytic Thyroiditis. The thyroid is part of the endocrine system and it is below your adam s apple in your neck. In this case, your thyroid is attacked by your immune system, which can cause hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is the result of an underactive thyroid function, similar to Hashimoto s where your thyroid retires and quits functioning. Hashimoto s can also be part of a condition called Type 1 polyglandular autoimmune syndrome, an inherited autoimmune disease affecting different organs in the body. Hashimoto s is 7 times more likely to develop in women than in men. The most common symptoms are enlarged thyroid, fatigue, constipation, dry skin, muscle
  • 3. Performance Strategy Of L Oreal PERFORMANCE STRATEGY OF L OREAL 1 L OreМЃal Performance Strategy A review of the Company Jessica Niro Graduate School of Business Touro College PERFORMANCE STRATEGY OF L OREAL 2 L OreМЃal Performance Strategy A review of the Company For over 105 years, L OreМЃal Group has been dedicated to the business of beauty. It is the global beauty leader in 130 countries. The worldwide beauty market is, to me, highly interesting to develop and analyze because of its specificity. The fact that success in this particular industry depends on different factors such as the importance of image and communication makes it more complex for a company to set up and implement clear guidelines. In addition, the size of an organization that operates globally, present in all distribution channels in markets that have sometimes opposite characteristics, is another incentive for analyzing the objectives, the strategy and the tactics of a company such as L OreМЃal. With 28 international brands, the Group achieved in 2013 an annual turnover of € 23 billion and has 77,500 employees worldwide. L OreМЃal relies on excellence in research and innovation and on 4000 researchers to meet all beauty aspirations in the world and the Group s objective to conquer a billion of new consumers in the coming years. Also, through its program Sharing beauty with all L OreМЃal is making impressive commitments on sustainable development throughout its value chain for 2020 ( STRATEGIC TRANSACTION , n.d., para. 16). L OreМЃal
  • 4. Verizon Executive Summary Verizon Wireless Communications, Inc. Verizon originally began as a standard telcom company offering fixed line services. As the market evolved, Verizon evolved with it and has become a leader in the wireless industry. Not only does Verizon offer wireless services, they also offer Fios TV, internet, and phone services as well as Telematics, and digital media. Verizon Wireless provides wireless communication services to over 142 million customers nationwide including customers in Hawaii and Alaska (Dano, 2016). Its products include wireless voice and data services using the largest wireless voice and data network in the United States and ranks number one in total revenue collected. Verizon Wireless strong market position, perception of quality,... Show more content on ... The explanation for the increase in wireless network costs is explained as a result of an increase in the average cost per unit, driven by a shift to higher priced units in the mix of devices sold, partially offset by a decline in the number of units sold. While Wireless costs went up, Selling, general and administrative expenses went down. This was due to non operational credits recorded in 2015. A contributing factor of this was a decline in sales commission in the Wireless segment. This drop in commissions was due to an increase in consumers choosing to use the device payment plan rather than point of sale purchase. Depreciation and amortization expenses also decreased in 2015. This was due to Depreciation and amortization expenses not being recorded on Wireline assets in California, Florida, and Texas. These Assets are classified as held for sale as of February 5, 2015. Verizon explained their reasoning for this in the review by stating We will not record depreciation and amortization expense on our depreciable Wireline assets in California, Florida and Texas through the closing of the transaction with Frontier, which is expected to occur at the end of the first quarter of 2016. (Verizon, 2015) Overall
  • 5. 2016 Oscar Awards Controversy SummaryThe article explores the difference between 2016 Oscar Awards, which was surrounded by controversy regarding the lack of diversity, and the 2017 show, which attempted to demonstrate diversity. According to the post, there were no actors of color nominated for the Oscars for the last two years, and the issue arose some debates in 2016. As a result, seven minority actors were nominated, six of which were black. Denzel Washington became the most nominated black actor after he received a nomination for his role in Fences. On the other hand, Viola Davis is the most nominated black actress for her supporting role in Fences. Similarly, Octavia Spencer landed a nominee for Hidden Figures while Naomie Harris landed one for Moonlight. Other actresses nominated from the... Show more content on ... The 2016 Oscar nominations sparked a heated debate over why the show had only white nominees and prompted the academy to address the lack of diversity. However, it is imperative to note that the event only represents what is happening in Hollywood and the filming studios. If the industry does not give opportunities to the minorities to shine, they are not likely to appear in the Oscars. As several leaders in the sector of complained, the minority rarely get chances to work in front of the camera, which defines their presence at the award shows and not just the Oscars. Nonetheless, it is a diversity issue that deserves attention and should be remedied. It is a source of difference, especially in a country that prides itself as a multicultural nation. The Oscars should embrace the diversity that reflects the entirety of the nation and simply the majority. Moreover, such an action would demonstrate to be beneficial not only to the United States but also the Oscar Academy, which will be able to assess a wider pool of talent in the industry and ensure that the voice of everyone gets
  • 6. How Does Design Bring Meaningful Experience Persuasive... How Does Design Bring Meaningful Experience to Persuasive Technology in IoT? Internet of Things (Iot) in recent years, with human technology s extremely fast improvement, has become something more than it was meant to be. Henry Holtzman explained that IoT was defined as objects that contain some sort of digital shadows (RFID) while us human having a database to manipulate, share and organise these objects in a virtual environment. This very definition was put forward in 1990s, where in present, IoT has evolved into objects that has embedded processers, computing capabilities and the ability to perform communications with other objects. Right now we have objects that could do things much more than the impression we get from its look, the... Show more content on ... The first requirement for an exemplary user experience is to meet the exact needs of the customer, without fuss or bother. Next comes simplicity and elegance that produce products that are a joy to own, a joy to use. True user experience goes far beyond giving customers what they say they want, or providing checklist features. Nieson Norman Group Marc Hazzensal further describes the user experience in design. Experience emerges from intertwined works of perception, action, motivation, and cognition in dialogue with the world (Pace, time, people and objects) (Hassenzahl,2004). Many processes are involved in producing experience, yet the core of it is emotion and it has accentuated position in this regard. McCarthy and Wright (2004) also put forward the idea of emotion being the quality of particular experience. An experience is the consequences of a series of events while using a product or services. Figure 1 demonstrated the difference in designer and user s perspective. User will assign different attribute to a product base on the particular product characteristic while using it, the experience of a product is the result of these attributes plus the situation in which the product is used. As for this reason, each individual will have different perception of a product given the, assigned attributes, situation
  • 7. Adam Miller Campaign Case Study The Adam Miller Campaign for the 17th Ohio House District was a well organized campaign. Adam ran his campaign similar to how John Kerry ran his campaigns, and by this, I mean that Adam more or less ran his own campaign. This does not mean that Adam did not have a team to help him make decisions. Adam s team was modeled after the military model of functional units, which he had broken down into four different units. The first was logistics and supply, this unit was made up of union leaders and Katherine as a consultant. The next unit was intel, which was made up of democrats in the statehouse and the OhioDemocratic Party. The third unit was operations, which was headed by Barbara Herman who was the Campaign Manager and the student volunteers.... Show more content on ... Show the community that we are involved in it in a very meaningful way. This was the strategy that Adam chose because it shows that he truly cares about the community and not just doing these nice activities to appear appealing to the community. The important thing about this is that it obviously needs to have a positive outcome. The first thing that we desired this approach to do was to gain the support of the community leaders. These community leaders include natural leaders within the community, Union Leaders, and politically active citizens. One example of these community leaders was Lisa Boggs. She is a Civic Association Leader and is on the Ward Committee. This was important because it helped us gain the support of republicans who have not voted democrat in a very long time. While being meaningfully involved in the community and gaining the trust of the community leaders Adam did not ask for an endorsement until the very end. He did this on purpose because he believed that you have to show you are willing to help them before they will be ready to help you. In addition to showing his meaningful involvement in the community when we went canvassing Adam insisted that we leave a personal note on the literature that we left to show that we truly cared about talking with them. In addition to showing how much we truly cared about the community and gaining the trust of the community leaders, we also relied on Mike Stinziano and Dan Stewart to help gain the trust of the voters in our district. Democrats in the district know both of these men and trust them both. They helped our campaign immensely and this is obvious through Dan Stewart helped Adam get the support of the Somalian Voters. We won ninety percent of the Somalian vote. When it came time to start canvassing Adam decided he wanted us to start in The Westgate Neighborhood, specifically Ward 32 and work our way outwards. He believed this because this
  • 8. Examples Of Psychological Resilience Psychological Resilience People contend with many difficult and trying times every day. These may be the loss of a loved one, a serious illness, the loss of a job or source of income, a terrorist attack, to mention but a few tragic events. More often than not, these events tend to be life changing, and how people react to them matters. For the most part, most people react to such incidences with a sense of uncertainty, accompanied by a flood of strong emotions. In retrospect, people have the tendency to adapt c0onsidrably to such life changing situations, albeit over time. This process involves a lot of resilience, which is an ongoing process that necessitates effort, time, and engagement, with the people going through a series of stages. Of interest to this discourse, therefore, are some of the coping strategies individuals employ, to cope with some of these challenging situations. To do this, this essay uses the example of Frederic Henry in Ernest Hemingway s A Farwell to Arms. First, we will talk about how Henry has a series of misfortunes from his past, which he appears to cope with rather well. Second, we will talk about Catherine Barkley, Frederic s love interest. She has also lost her fiancГ© when she meets ... Show more content on ... Such psychological dysfunction may range from persistent negative moods, or even a mental illness. This constitutes the mainstream perception of psychological resilience. In this sense, Neill observes that psychological stressors, also dubbed risk factors, are those experiences of major chronic or acute stress, such as the death or someone close, chronic illness, or even the sexual, emotion, or even physical abuse (par. 2). Other common stress factors include sudden employment, fear, or even community violence, such as the recent upheaval of terrorist attacks across the
  • 9. Stereotypes of Afrcan American Males I had the opportunity to attend the Why do the police think I m a thug? Stereotypes of African American males in the media event. The event opened up with a video clip titled Black Men in America and then we had a chance to have a discussion panel with an African man named Nicholas Peart, who has been stopped and frisked numerous times by the NYPD. The video clip, Black Men in America, explains how mainstream media has a negative image of African Americans males and portrayers them as criminals, drug dealers and rappers. In the video Spike Lee, a film director explains how it s hard to push the media away from the stereotype images of black men, because the viewers of these shows and movies don t want see positive actions, they want to see violence. Lee stated his tried to steer away from these images by creating movies; such as, Malcolm X and Do the Right Thing, but as a result these films never made it to the theaters. After the video clip, Nicholas Peart, a black activist opened a discussion on the issue, by telling the audience stories of when his been stopped and frisked. He stated after being stopped so many times he started using Facebook and Twitter to express his feelings and talk about his experiences. Peart explained that being stopped and frisk was never a shock to him because ever since he was young his mother enforced him that he might be stopped by the police one day. His mother told him to always carry his identification on him, be nice to the
  • 10. Lady Macbeth Character Analysis it s quite a image, Ophelia, topped in flowers, singing to herself because the current pulls her underneath the water. It s particularly quite a image once you notice that Gertrude stood there and watched the entire factor. Did she yell, Guards! facilitate her! ? Did she yell, Be careful, don t kill yourself! ? Why did she follow Ophelia thereto remote spot? perhaps she simply needed to speak, far from the castle, far from the dudes in body armor with swords. perhaps she pushed Ophelia within the water, or surprised her, inflicting her to fall. perhaps her whole description of the event is associate in an elaborate way elaborated lie. perhaps she simply watched, and thought, She s higher off or That ought to be ME. perhaps she thought, What might I do associateyway? perhaps she was jealous of Ophelia of achieving an escape that she couldn t. Working back from this moment, you have got to form a call concerning Gertrude. Did she aggroup with Roman Emperor to murder the king? is that this a love story? Did she Lady Macbeth that shit and set the entire unhappy plot in motion? Is she oblivious? Is she numb from grief and trauma? Is she maintaining plausible deniability to make sure her own survival and perhaps discount for her son s life? Instigator, victim, clever survivor the text leaves space for all of those prospects, however if you re swing on Hamlet, you have got to make a decision. you have got to visualize her as a personality s being United Nations agency
  • 11. Of Conseciousness In William Faulkner s The Sound And The... According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V), the symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) include: lack of motivation, oppositional to others, irritability, feelings of guilt and worthlessness, as well as suicidal thoughts and/or tendencies. (Beidel, 201). In fact, William Faulkner s The Sound and The Fury(TSATF) portrays the internal struggle of a man with Major Depressive Disorderthrough the character of Quentin Compson. Throughout TSATF there is a ceaseless sense of meaninglessness. However, according to Kaczmarek, Quentin displays William Faulkner s use of the stream of consciousness: Quentin is the stream of consciousness technique itself ...Also it is hard to disagree that his narrative exemplifies stream of consciousness, so the reader cannot expect grammaticality as if it were a for and against essay. (Kaczmarek, 126). Many excerpts in Quentin s chapter start and fail to end or end abruptly often altering into a different scene or state of mind. The reader often feels a lack of motivation through Quentin, because it is as if he is walking a journey without an end. He is incapable of action and the actions he does commit have a meaningless sense to them. Throughout Quentin s chapter, actions halt and transform into different scenes, never completing the first. For example, when Quentin is at Harvard and his roommate, Shreve, leaves for class he starts to get ready, but then the scene switches to him thinking of Caddy s
  • 12. National Double Cheeseburger Day Research Paper Bite into a juicy loaded burger: Celebrate National Double Cheeseburger Day Hot off the grill, sizzling right out of the broiler or cooked upon the stove top there is nothing more irresistible than sinking your teeth into a loaded juicy burger with or without cheese. Piling on all the trimmings is fun, interesting and makes each burger held together between toasted buns for a tasty treat that eats like a full course meal. Today, September 15 is the annual foodholiday called National Double Cheeseburger Day . Each year folks who have a love for flame broiled meat create patties covered with cheese for a quick meal the whole family can enjoy. Over the years there has been a debate as to who really invented the cheeseburger. In the 1920s a
  • 13. 8 Habits Of Mind Analysis The 8 Habits of Mind are what writers would consider the foundation you need to be able to write well. They are curiosity, openness, engagement, creativity, persistence, responsibility, flexibility, and lastly metacognition. I consider myself to be a good writer, having a little grammar errors here and there, but I have never heard of these 8 habits of mind. I was though familiar with using some of the habits of mind when I m writing, one in particular that I feel I use a lot is creativity. The list about the 8 habits of mind is something new to me and something I am not very familiar with, but after reading what each of the habits were about I feel as if I would use them a lot to help me become a better writer. The list is very useful and... Show more content on ... These four habits are the ones I m not so used to and I feel like I ve never used them much in my writings before. Engagement is defined as a sense of investment and involvement in learning. Persistence is the ability to sustain interest in and attention to short and long term projects. Flexibility is the ability to adapt to situation, expectation, or demands. Metacognition is the ability to reflect on one s own thinking as well as on the individual and cultural processes and systems used to structure knowledge. The one that I need to develop further on is the one world that I didn t understand when I first heard it, and that is metacognition. This was my first time hearing this word and at first I didn t understand what it was but after reading the definition of it helps me understand it
  • 14. Identify The Importance Of Primary Children s Hospitals Primary Children s Hospital is a tremendous hospital that cares about the patients with love and concern, Thousands of individual children receive extraordinary care each year at Primary Children s (History).When it comes to pediatrics, kids need special and unique care that regular hospitals most likely can t provide. With 33 million children who are under medicaid, 2 million of those children are medically challenged(About Children s Hospitals). Those children require long term care that only Children s Hospitals can provide. Though Children s Hospitals are very successful, they would not be as successful without the help and donations the hospitals get from the community. To identify the importance of Children s Hospitals, the public must... Show more content on ... Many children s hospitals have similar items donated to them, but they also may have different items donated to them. At primary Children s Hospital the items they look for include: games, DVD s, books, toys, arts and crafts, CD s, clothing, earbuds, gift cards, nail polish, makeup, and guitar picks. The items primary children s has the community make and donate includes: safe sleep sacks, monster(puppets), fleece blankets, quilts, medical play dolls, decoration and craft kits, and hats. Items donated to the NICU include: Cotton sleepers, cotton rompers, flannel blankets, gauze/muslin blankets for swaddling (Giving and Volunteering). The donated items can always make a child happy, but one item that can also comfort a child are the fleece blankets. Marie Henriksen the In Kind Gifts Service Projects Coordinator said, I hear back from staff and families how the blankets help comfort children of all ages during a difficult time. Hendriksen told me a story about a ten year old little boy who had just been through a procedure and he was complaining a lot about how much he has now. One of the techs went and got him a fleece blanket for him, after that he never mentioned any pain and everyone that came in he told them to look at his cool fire engine blanket. Even spending a little time making some fleece blankets can impact a child at Primary Children s a lot. At Nationwide Children s Hospital the items donated to them include: toys, crayons, coloring books, games, puzzles, wii/xbox games/ DVD s, nail polish, CD players/MP3 player, sketch pads, drawing/coloring pencils, patient dolls, comforts, quilts, fleece blankets, activity bags, toiletry kits, pillows, and pillow cases (Wish List for Donations and Indirect Services). If everyone spent just a day making blankets or patient dolls or collecting other items it could make a huge difference at all the children s
  • 15. The Building A Prison For Those Who Didn t Quality Essay Upon arrived to TALA, I was greeted by an astonishing monumental architecture. The symmetry of the building was elegant and well complimented by its weathered look. It is difficult to imagine that this very building had once housed the mentally ill. I had never seen such a facility before and thus expected something less remarkable. As I stood admiring the building, I noticed the multitude of windows it contained. Upon further examination, I noticed the bars surrounding them and suddenly realized that the illusion of paradise was in reality a prison for those who dwelled here. I was surprised to learn how many people were housed in this building and likewise shocked to discover what passed as mentally insane during the 19th century. The criteria used to determine mental illness were nonexistent and arbitrary. I was extremely concerned when the tour guide mentioned kids being born and raised in TALA. It was also distressing to learn that people who didn t quality as having mental problems were also placed into such a facility. In contrast, it was interesting to learn that the community had openly embraced TALA as part of their home to the extent that a high school prom was held inside the building. This helped me to recognize that TALA was more than just an insane asylum, it was truly home to those living inside and outside its walls. As I progressed through the tour, I discovered that I was unaware of the many practices of insane asylums, especially the methods used in
  • 16. Why Stalin Emerged as the Sole Leader of the U.S.S.R. and... Why Stalin Emerged as the Sole Leader of the U.S.S.R. and Not Trotsky Trotsky was a leading Bolshevik and played a pivotal role in the revolution, persuading Lenin to delay the revolution until the Bolshevik s had a much stronger place in the country. He also was crucial to the civil war, as he organised the troops and motivated them. Stalin on the other hand was in charge of all the dull jobs within the Bolshevik party and In Lenin s last Testament, he was referred to as rude and he needed to be removed. So why did Stalin, and not Trotsky emerge as Lenin s successor. It s a mixture of Stalin s luck and skill, and Trotsky s misfortune, which will be explained in the following paragraphs.... Show more content on ... These Were: В· Factionalism В· The N.E.P. В· Socialism In One Country / permanent Revolution В· His Power Base Factionalism was the Idea that if a member of the party discusses ideas which did not have the majority vote by the party. There were 2 main Ideas about the N.E.P. , these were the left wing and the right wing. The left wing said it should go and the right wing said it should stay as it would aid Industrialisation, as it allowed free trade to sell goods on the open market which would give money into the open market. Stalin s powerbase was due to him being the general secretary, who was in charge of recruiting people, so when the Lenin enrolment scheme was introduced, Stalin recruited malleable recruits who wouldn t be impressed by Trotsky s intellect. This was skill on Stalin s part, but also a mistake on Trotsky s behalf, as he had paid no attention previously to Stalin, calling him a grey blur Permanent Revolution was the idea that Russia would change, but at the same time help other countries to change and receive their help. Stalin had an opposing idea to this, which was socialism in one country, which was basically that Russia revolutionise on it s own with no input from other countries. 1924 was the first stage of the power struggle When Zinoviev, Kamenev and Stalin sided against Trotsky, as Zinoviev and
  • 17. Business Law Case Study Sample Silver: Thank you for your message. I hope that the following message will work to alive some of your worries, or at lease help you better understand what will be at issue in this case. I recognize how stressful this can be, and I assure you that we will do everything we can to obtain a favorable result for you. To your first question, I have no qualms with you making a distribution to a beneficiary of the trust. With regard to your concerns about personal liability, there are a few different theories upon which the plaintiff may allege that you are liable. First, in the complaint, the plaintiff alleges that she told you about the lack of light. For the reasons you have articulated to me, we have serious reasons to doubt the veracity of that ... Show more content on ... . . has provided written or actual notice of a good faith complaint about an alleged violation of the lease, violation of law, or condition on the leased premises that is a substantial threat to the health or safety of occupants. If an eviction is found to be retaliatory under this section, the court may enter judgment against the landlord for damages not to exceed the equivalent of 3 months rent, reasonable attorney fees, and court costs. Note that these damages are incredibly minor in comparison to the potential liability for the personal injury claim. Moreover, a tenant can only recover if the tenant was current on the rent owed to the landlord at the time of the alleged retaliatory
  • 18. Analysis Of Three Sisters, The Time Span Of The Play In Three Sisters, the time span of the play covers three years, starting from Irena s 20th birthday. At the start of the play, Irena was a cheerful, naГ Їve dreamer. Even though Irena is from an upper class family, her actions and words depicted her as someone innocent and somewhat childish. Irena s fantasy about the life of the working class made her very passionate about the concept of working from dawn to dusk. She often wondered about the fulfillment of having a job, and disliked the aristocrats meaningless lifestyle. Irena also adored the idea about being in love, she believed that she will find her true love in Moscow. In fact, out of three Prozorova sisters, Irena is most attached to Moscow. At the end of each act, she would state how she missed her hometown dearly and wanted to return to her hometown. The physical world of the play looks old and simplistic. The Prozorov household looks grandiose but empty, the interior furniture and wallpaper are simple and quaint. The emptiness of the house reflected the three sister s yearning for their return to Moscow. Most of the furniture seen around the house, such as chairs and tables, are made out of wood. A simple white laced tablecloth was placed over the rectangular dinner table. Silverwares and cups were neatly placed in front of each chairs as guests filed in the living room one by one. When guests entered the room, they are greeted with candles from the chandelier as lunch was being prepared. The smell of
  • 19. Manager s Basic Tools Used for Making Financial Decisions Manager s Basic Tools Used for Making Financial Decisions Willie A. McCall Principles of Finance Writing Assignment 1 Professor Eleanor Cook 30 January 2011 Manager s Basic Tools Used for Making Financial Decisions Explain why market prices are useful to a financial manager. A competitive market is one which a good can be bought and sold at the same price. We can use prices from competitive markets to determine the cash value of a good. Whenever a good trades in a competitive market, the price determines the value of the good. Financial Managers must be able to evaluate costs and benefits in order to make the appropriate decisions that benefit the company. Once we use the market prices to evaluate the cost and benefits of ... Show more content on ... When the value of a cost or benefit is computed in terms of cash today, we refer to it as the present value. The net present value of a project or investment is the difference between the present value of its benefits and the present value of its cost. The NPV expresses the value of an investment decision as an amount of cash received today. As long as the NPV is positive, the decision increases the value of the firm and is a good decision regardless of your current cash needs or preferences regarding when to spend the money. The NPV decision rule implies that we should undertake projects with a positive NPV. Managers only take the good projects, those for which the present value of the benefits exceeds the present value of the costs. The end result, the value of the firm increases and investors are wealthier. Projects with negative NPVs have cost that exceed their benefits. Accepting them is equivalent to losing money. Explain how an interest rate is just a price. To understand interest rates, it s important to think of interest rates as a price, the price of using money. When you borrow money to buy a car, you are using the bank s money now to get the car and paying the money back over time. The interest rate on your loan is the price you pay to be able to convert your future loan payment into a car today. Similarly, when you deposit money into your savings
  • 20. Essay Investigating Air Pollution Investigating Air Pollution There are many different types of air pollutant. These pollutants have different effects on the environment and on our health. Some, directly because they are harmful chemicals and others because they can react together to produce harmful chemicals. Other pollutants or pollutant combinations upset the natural balance of acidity and nitrogen in the environment which can affect the diversity of species in sensitive areas. Other pollutants can contribute to changing global conditions and potentially give rise to dramatic changes in climate and sea level. Main Air Pollutants Sulphur dioxide is an acidic gas which combines with water vapour in the atmosphere to ... Show more content on ... Carbon monoxide (CO) is a toxic gas which is emitted into the atmosphere as a result of combustion processes, and is also formed by the oxidation of hydrocarbons and other organic compounds. In European urban areas, CO is produced almost entirely (90%) from road traffic emissions. It survives in the atmosphere for a period of approximately one month but is eventually oxidised to carbon dioxide (CO2). Nitrogen Dioxide. Nitrogen oxides are formed during high temperature combustion processes from the oxidation of nitrogen in the air or fuel. The principal source of nitrogen oxides nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), collectively known as NOx is road traffic, which is responsible for approximately half the emissions in Europe. NO and NO2 concentrations are therefore greatest in urban areas where traffic is heaviest. Other important sources are power stations, heating plants and industrial processes. Ground level ozone (O3), unlike other pollutants mentioned , is not emitted directly into the atmosphere, but is a secondary pollutant produced by reaction between nitrogen dioxide (NO2), hydrocarbons and sunlight. Ozone levels are not as high in urban areas (where high levels of NO are emitted from vehicles) as in rural areas. Sunlight provides the energy to initiate ozone formation; consequently,
  • 21. Grizzly Bear Recovery Case Study Chris Servheen, the Grizzly Bear Recovery Coordinator for the US Fish and Wildlife Service, has said that the grizzly bears have met every criteria set forth towards their recovery plan. Since meeting these criteria, it may be time to have them removed from the Endangered Species List (delisted). Delisting means that the bears won t be protected by the Endangered SpeciesAct (ESA). As it can be seen from the grizzly delisting public comments that I agreed with, I am against having the grizzlies delisted. I believe that the current population is too small, even though it has recovered a good amount from the recovery plan. Also, I believe that the population is too isolated to ensure long term survival. Based on expert opinion, the current population is about Вј of what is needed in ... Show more content on ... More importantly, the long term health of the grizzlies can be assured by maintaining a population number of a several thousand. This include expanding their potential living area and connecting the grizzly bear ecosystems to source populations in Canada. In addition to this, delisting relies on the importation of bears to address genetic problems. It requires the importation of two bears every ten years into the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem to address genetic problem. Importing these bears into the ecosystem is not likely to provide necessary gene flow due to the low success of transplants in habitat that is already occupied. Also, the delisting plans does not seem to consider the degree and the pace of habitat change occurring in the region. For example, there is a current loss for whitebark pine (an important food source for the grizzlies) due to mountain pine beetles, blister rust, and global
  • 22. Bullying In Public Schools According to the online dictionary, a bully is someone that uses superior strength or influence to intimidate another person typically to force the bullied person to do what the bully wants them to do. Bullying, whether in person or in the cyber world, has become an extremely large issue in society. I live in a very small, rural community where life is very laid back and everyone knows each other, but bullying still exists. I find it very interesting that each public school in Pennsylvania has an anti bullying system that is practiced, anti bullying is consistently taught in media and in religious institutions but it doesn t seem to have impacted the rate of bullying issues. Most teenagers, whether they are the bully or the bullied, think the programs that they must participate in are a joke, and the media plays on the stories of those that... Show more content on ... Bullying is an issue that is widespread from small children through adults. It is an issue that must have community involvement or it will never be reduced. Youth sporting groups or religious organizations must become involved and the coaches and group leaders must be trained to prevent bullying. Local businesses should financially support any anti bullying programs and possibly donate items with anti bullying slogans to hand out at local community events. Religious organizations can make bullying a priority topic at church youth group gatherings or even in weekly teachings. Local law enforcement can support anti bullying with speaking at community functions, school assemblies and religious based events. Mental Health specialties, medical practices and local clinics can stress the importance of good mental health and self esteem to combat the intimidation of one human from another. Community groups, businesses and leaders all working together to take a stand against
  • 23. 2-Naphthol Lab Report Objective In this experiment, the pKa, dissociation constant, of 2 naphthol was determined by measuring the UV visible absorption spectra of solution of the acid at different pH values. Procedure In this experiment, solutions of 2 naphthol will be prepared in buffer solutions with pH values near the expected pKa (refer to Table 7.1 in the lab Manual) at 25 В°C and the UV visble spectra of each solution will be measured using a Cary 50 spectrometer. For detailed procedure, refer to the lab manual (J. F. WГіjcik and T. S. Ahmadi, Experimental Physical Chemistry, 2015; p.3 5.). A modification of the procedure is, time drift of the pH was not calculated. The pH of the pH = 4.00 buffer was not measured every 45 minutes to 1 hour. Data 2 naphthol has a molecular weight of 144.17 g/mol, with a density of 1.22 g /cm3. The melting point of 2 naphthol is in the range of 121 to 123 В°C. The stock solution of 2 naphthol has a concentration of 1.9844E 3 M. Results Before any calculations, the spectra from the HCl solution and NaOH solution was verified to make sure that the wavelength at which the deprotonated form of 2 naphthol absorbs at 345 nm and that protonated form does not absorb significantly at the same wavelength. All the spectra in Figure 1 were baseline corrected using the HCl solution spectrum, shown in Figure 2, and the NaOH solution spectrum was used to determine Amax at 345 nm. To calculate the pHC of each trial solution, the concentration of every ion in the
  • 24. Rebecca Skloot Book Report Rebecca Skloot in her book uses scientific facts as well as dialogue of the family and others Skloot meets on her journey and with her family comes their views of how Henrietta was treated by the doctors at Johns Hopkins Hospital. When Henrietta was diagnosed it was the era of the Jim Crow South. In a time that was predominantly racist, African Americans weren t treated with the most consideration. No researcher found it necessary to compensate the Lackses for using their mother s cells. The Lackses still show their frustration about how they have yet to be compensated for researchers using their mother s cells. Reverend Pullum, Deborah s second ex husband, answered her phone saying if Skloot wishes to speak with Deborah they want to be assured... Show more content on ... In her book Skloot describes a man named Ted Slavin, who was born and grew up with hemophilia. In the 1950 s the only kind of treatment for hemophilia was a blood transfusion. Today screening blood for disease is a regular practice to make sure the recipient is still healthy, but in the 50 s that wasn t common or standard so the possibility for contamination was much greater. Because of this, the hepatitis B virus was present in some of Slavin s blood and the exposure to the virus caused Slavin to develop antibodies. Once a doctor had discovered Slavins antibodies he explained just how valuable his blood was. Slavin contacted laboratories and pharmaceutical companies and asked if they wanted to buy his antibodies, and they did. Soon, Slavin started selling his blood for about 10 dollars a milliliter, but money wasn t the only thing motivating Slavin; he wanted to find a cure for hepatitis B. Slavin wrote to the doctor who had discovered the antibodies; Nobel prizewinning virologist Baruch Blumberg. He and Slavin entered an agreement that Slavin would provide blood and tissue and Blumberg would continue his research to find a cure for hepatitis B and, With the help of Slavins serum, Blumberg eventually uncovered the link between hepatitis B and liver cancer, and created the first hepatitis B vaccine, saving millions of lives (Skloot 203). Skloot using an interesting dictions when describing that the vaccine will [save] millions of lives . Even though the disease only affected about 35,000 people, Skloot chose to use millions as a way to inspire fear into the reader. This use of motivational warrant gives the reader a greater appreciation of just how wide of a scope one lady s cervical cancer cells has on the popular. This evidence is crucial to understanding Skloot s views on tissue usage. Skloot conveys that tissue usage is essential to
  • 25. Pathology Of The Autonomic Nervous System Introduction In this report, the symptoms of this patient will be diagnosed, and the causes of them discussed with reference to the physiology and pharmacology of the autonomic nervous system. The Autonomic Nervous System The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is the part of the motor division of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) that controls involuntary processes in the body (Wieczorek, 2014). Such functions include control of heart rate, gland activity, smooth muscle contraction and constriction of blood vessels (Biology, 2014). The ANS is divided into two branches, the sympathetic nervous system (SN) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PN). The SN is responsible for the fight or flight response, which results in increased preparedness for vigorous activity in response to exercise or emergency. The PN acts antagonistically to the SN, in that it produces the opposite effects to those of the SN. Under normal circumstances, the PN is dominant, and allows processes such as digestion and defecation to occur, while also conserving energy (, 2014). Most of the visceral organs of the body are innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic neurones, with the exceptions being sweat glands and the smooth muscle of blood vessels they are only innervated by sympathetic nerve fibres (Wieczorek, 2014). In the ANS, a number of different neurotransmitters and receptors are present. In both the PN and SN, the neurotransmitter at the ganglia is
  • 26. Comparing A P And Where Are You Going, Where Have You... Comparing and Contrasting of Coming of Age Stories Throughout the short stories, A P by John Updike and Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates there are a various number of similarities and differences between the two. Both Updike and Oates short stories focused on the sexuality of younger girls and force the main characters to make a life changing decision. Leaving their innocence behind, whether they like it or not, by the end of the stories, Sammy and Connie have come into adulthood. Throughout comparing and contrasting the stories point of view, main characters, parent involvement, antagonists, and ending of the stories, you ll come to see that they are coming of age stories. Both John Updike s and Joyce Carol Oatesshort stories were published in the 1960 s and focused on the transitional period of the main characters. While Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been had multiple settings, the main climax took part at Connie s home, and in, A P , the whole story took place at the supermarket. While A P was told in first person, through Sammy s eyes, Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been was told by an outside view in third person. Although the point of views are different, they both helped the reader understand the text thoroughly. Without A P being told through Sammy eyes, the reader wouldn t to be able to understand his obsession with the girls as they walk through the store and why in the end he quit his job. The third
  • 27. Comparing Emerson s Writings with Whitman s Writings Emerson and Whitman A commonality when comparing Emerson s writings with Whitman s writings are the use of the ideas Emerson came up with integrated and used in Whitman s writing. It is clear that Emerson s writing were a set of instructions for the Transcendentalist movement in addition to a lifestyle to try and attain or rise up to for society. Emerson give guidelines and ideas on how people should function in society largely based off of nature and its natural occurrence and set order. When Whitman starts writing, he adopts Emerson s guidelines in order to become a great poet. In Transcendentalism, one of the commonalities in the writing is the idea of nature as a beneficial part of the world. The natural world to be precise is an underused and not understood piece of the world. Emerson and Whitman both saw nature as a beneficial topic to study in their writings. Emerson and Whitman both studied and reflected upon nature in order to understand lessons or basic guidelines that it could teach them about being human. In Self Reliance and Song of Myself, it can be seen that if you are willing to study nature and gain the knowledge it gives you to live your life lessons can be gained. Nature is not simply pretty scenery to look at but if studied deeper it promotes a lifestyle. Particularly, for Emerson, nature is seen as perfect because it is not tainted by the constructs or failures of man it is simply natural and untouched. In addition, man s law has no power over
  • 28. The Church Is Holy Through Complete Devotion And Love For God The church is holy through complete devotion and love for God. Because the church is holy, the church has the duty to love and take care of all people. Holiness is a dedication to God. This dedication is formed individually by the people of God, who are the church. However, not every person of God is one hundred percent holy. Only Jesus Christ had complete dedication to God, but the church strives for this dedication. Throughout time, there has been role models of holiness within the church known as saints. Throughout the church s history, there has been many saints that lived their life in complete devotion to God. For example, Joan of Arc was known as a Fool for God. As a teenager, she trusted the Lord and followed her call to lead a French army to victory. She went against all odds but continued to put her faith in the Lord. Even when she was captured and burned at the stake, the saintnever lost her faith. James Martin writes in his book, My Life with the Saints, Joan was devoted to Jesus Christ, to prayer, to the sacraments, to the church, and to its saints. She believed in God even when God asked her to accomplish the seemingly impossible, (My life with the Saints, 25). Pedro Arrupe, another saint studied within the book stated the following about devotion to God, He or she is a person who hast the conviction that Gods knows, can do, and will do what is best for mankind, (My Life with the Saints, 91). Throughout life, the people of God face many setbacks, but
  • 29. Family Planning And Poverty The mainstreaming of the family planning agenda in many countries over the decades has been accompanied by increased researcher interest in the subject, with a lot of research attention being focused on the link between family planning and poverty. Empirical research studies using standard economic models have demonstrated that increased access to familyplanning services is associated with lower rates of poverty. This effect has been posited as occurring through a number of channels. The first channel is the family size channel. As per this channel, increased access to family planningreduces the number of children per family, which results into parents devoting more time and resources per child, and occasioning higher per child investment that should lead to material decline in household poverty (Bailey, Malkova and McLaren, 2013). The second channel is the household income channel. Here, increased access to family planning services helps to free up more resources, which can then be invested in the improvement of the human capital of the parents. For instance, delaying parenthood can enable the soon to be parents to pursue further education, gain more work experience, or enroll for further job training, and thus raise their lifetime earnings levels (Bailey, Malkova and Norling, 2014). For instance, Bailey, Hershbein, and Miller (2012) demonstrated that women who had access to the pill were able to delay motherhood and to invest in their careers, resulting in higher wage
  • 30. Ph For Catalase Experiment Results: The results of the experiment were there that the catalase affected the rate of hydrogen peroxide breakdown. Without the presence of the enzyme no reaction would have occurred. Our control for this experiment was the amount of buffer added each time (4.0 ml) and the amount of water added during each run with a different pH level. The purpose of the controlled substances was to determine whether or not the catalase really influenced the rate of oxygen production. Each of the five tables shows the amount of oxygen produced by five varying pH levels, over a certain amount of time ranging from fifteen seconds to thirty seconds. In Table 1.0 the volume of oxygen produced by combining the catalase with pH level 3 solutions displayed. Correspondingly, ... Show more content on ... My alternate hypothesis was the catalase would affect the rate of enzymatic hydrogen peroxide breakdown and would optimally do so at pH 7. According to the data that was collected, my hypotheses will be rejected because the highest reaction rate was at pH level 9 and 11, not pH 7. As displayed on the data tables (see Figures 4.0 and 5.0), the average rate of gas production increased as a higher level pH solution is added to the hydrogen peroxide and was not the highest at pH level 7 as predicted (see Figure 3.0 and Table 3). The curve of each graph appears steeper as a higher pH is added, but slows down over time and trails off which means that the reaction rates decrease over time. When the volume of water displacement stopped changing, it may have been due to the reason that the catalase is no longer effective and may have been eventually denatured due to the pH level of the solution it was mixed with. It is essential for the reaction of an enzyme to be at an optimal pH level, which in the case of the catalase is pH level 7. When the pH changes and isn t at the optimal pH of the enzyme, either a drastic decrease or increase, the enzyme is likely to denature. Denaturation causes the shape and structure of an enzyme to change and then it is no longer able to fit into a suitable substrate at the active site and form an explicit enzyme substrate complex. I do not believe that we could have extended the reaction to produce a higher displacement of water and more oxygen by raising the pH of the solution because the enzymes already denatured had altered structures and shapes. Therefore, they wouldn t fit any substrates and no reaction would occur due to the lack of enzyme substrate complexes. Some difficulties occurred throughout the experiment, such as the consistency in putting the correct and same amount of catalase
  • 31. Essay Banning A Child Called It I am writing to you to protest the School Board s proposed banning of the book A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer. The book spent six years on the New York Times best seller list, was an international best seller, and received a Pulitzer Prize nomination. As an award winning author, Mr. Pelzer has shared his true life story based on a childhood where he received physical and mental abuse by his alcoholic mother. A Child Called It brings our attention to mental abuse that adults may inflict on a human being and in this particular case, a child. David s mother respects the family s dogs more than she respects her own son. The dogs are fed every day, yet she attempts to starve David. Although David has two other brothers,... Show more content on ... His mother treats him like a slave, giving him daily chores and unbelievably ruthless punishments. He has become inhuman to her as she refers to him as It. The only hope of survival relies on his dad, in God, or in a miracle. His story promotes the courageous human spirit and the determinate to survive. This book does get harsh many times, but that does not mean people should shy away from it. Schools feel the need to ban books that they do not think are appropriate for their children, but that is not their say to take the book away from everyone. Some schools tried to ban this book because they felt there was a lot of profanity and violence. I do agree that both of those are in this story, but also profanity and violence exists in the world today, so why should we try to act as if none of this exists. Many children in middle school and high school face this problem of abuse and feel a comfort by reading these types of stories that they can relate to; it helps them to realize that they are not alone, and that there is hope. Perhaps David s voice is the one that makes a difference for a young person facing such troubles. Taking such a book off library shelves sends the wrong message to the public. It doesn t just suggest that what is in the book may be offensive to you or your board. It suggests that what is in the book is not a valuable and valid topic of discussion for others to examine.
  • 32. Trauma In The Sorrow Of War Specifically in American soldiers, Almost 31 percent of Vietnam veterans [...] have been affected by PTSD ( PTSD ). This means many soldiers have gone through a traumatic experience during their time of war. Merriam Webster defines trauma as A disordered psychic or behavioral state resulting from severe mental or emotional stress or physical injury ( Trauma ). Kathleen M. O Connor, a professor at Columbia Theological Seminary, states, Trauma Theory refers to a loose, interdisciplinary conversation that investigates the lingering consequences of violence upon individuals and communities (O Connor). The Sorrow of War by Bao Ninh can be analyzed through a Trauma lens by asking what the causes and effects are of trauma, and if there are any signs of addiction to trauma. Kien, the main character of the novel, goes through many grim events that ultimately lead him to develop certain defense mechanisms and a type of addiction. Trauma Theory reveals that Kien s sorrow is derived from the Vietnamwar and events that happened because of it. Maja Milatovic, a course coordinator at ANU college in Australia, states that Trauma Theory has [...] connections to wider socio political frames such as survivor narratives (Milatovic). The Sorrow of War can be read as a survivor narrative because Of the entire scout platoon sent into ... Show more content on ... Terrible experiences during the war molded Kien s postwar life because of the recurring thoughts and defense mechanisms he developed. The war had a large toll on Kien s mind causing him to act certain ways, whether that was waking up screaming, getting drunk, getting in fights, or writing. In the novel Kien thinks to himself, Whether pleasant or ugly memories, they are there to stay for ten, twenty years, perhaps forever (Ninh 44). The trauma that many people, especially veterans, go through become apart of them for a large portion of their
  • 33. Tuck Everlasting Research Paper Tuck Everlasting Arg. Essay Imagine if you had the chance to drink magical water from a spring and live forever. Would you drink the water? I believe that you should drink from the spring in Tuck Everlasting, because you could explore the world, never get hurt, or have the fear of dying. Thinking it could happen is one thing, but it actually happening is another, for the Tuck s, living it and believing it happen is their life. In Tuck Everlasting, Jesse and Miles come home after 10 years to their small town of Treegap to see their parents, and Jesse, having gone to Paris, brought Mae a miniature Eiffel Tower. Exploring can be dangerous and sometimes life threatening, but not in the Tuck s case. Scuba diving to the deepest parts of the ocean ... Show more content on ... Breaking a bone or injuring any part of your body can be horribly painful and also very stressful. If you were playing your favorite sport and you gave it everything you had plus that extra 10%, you break your arm and have to go to the hospital and sit out the rest of the season versus getting back up perfectly fine and as if it had never even happened. You hear of many books and movies about many people being afraid to die. That fear is often what some people think about on their death beds or very close to death. In Tuck Everlasting, the Tuck s aren t afraid to die because they simply can t, one of the many perks of drinking the magical water. I believe that drinking from the spring would help you not to live in fear of dying your whole life. If you choose not to drink the water, it can also, be good for your life. you can live out a normal, natural life without any magical water or a lifespan that lasts forever. Children can be born and prevented from even knowing that this type of water even exists. Thinking back on the book, Tuck Everlasting, drinking the water is a more adventurous, and exciting way to live, because of your forever lifespan. If you had that choice, wouldn t you take
  • 34. Argumentative Essay On Underhand Shooting Underhand Shooting Can Still be Reinstated Sports is the system of activities based on physical athleticism. Humans involved themselves in hunting with spears as part of their physical activities in prehistoric times. With time, the world has evolved since then. People are now involved in sports and physical activities not to survive but to remain healthy as well as entertained. There are many sports that is played around the world. Among all those sports, basketball is one of the most popular sport played with global recognition. It is played with five players on each team at one time and they display an array of skills like ball handling, shooting, passing, dribbling, dunking, shot blocking. Shooting successful free throws in basketball that is not the most glamorous skill that a player can acquire. At times, it is understated and considered to be a simple shot to score points. However, there have been debates regarding the technique of shooting free throws. The effectiveness of choosing between an underhand throw or an overhand throw still is fiercely... Show more content on ... Since the use of overhand shooting there has been a masculine stigma relating to it for the players to even think about switching back to the underhand style. That s the way little kids shoot, and it didn t help that everybody calls it the granny shot , Barry says (Rist, 2000). It was even called granny shot as it was supposed to be an old practice. It was the mockery that even led Wilt Chamberlin change his style from underhand to overhand resulting in not getting the points. It can also be related with the fact that the smart people can do the dumb things too. It can be called that it was his dumbness that he tried to go with the crowd rather than following his own instincts. If we think about it, it is not only his dumbness but his unwillingness in doing something different than
  • 35. Betrayal In Julius Caesar And John Knowles A Separate Peace The saddest thing about betrayal is that the pain never comes from your enemies. This statement runs true for both pieces of literature, Shakespeare s Julius Caesar and John Knowles A Separate Peace. Julius Caesar is a self titled play about Julius Caesar s descent from power. The climax of the play is when Caesar s best friend, Brutus, stabs and kills him before he can be crowned king. Caesar was truly defeated when he saw that his illegitimate son was the one that struck him down. Similarly, the book A Separate Peaceis about two best friends, Gene and Phineas, growing up at a prep school during World War Two. The conflict of the story is when Gene jounces Phineas off of a tree, effectively breaking his leg. Holding firmly to the trunk, ... Show more content on ... To betray by definition is to, expose a person to danger by giving information or being disloyal to . These books show that not only does conflict lead to broken friendships, but brutal betrayal as well. Betrayal is a part of human interaction, originating from conflict. Betrayal happens when friendship is not just broken, but converted to hatred because of the conflict. This relationship becomes a bitter one, with both people being against the other. Both Shakespeare and Knowles show that betrayal is a natural result of broken friendships. Brutus was considered by some to be Caesar s son. For him to betray Caesar was upsetting, but it came with reasoning. Et tu, BrutГ©? then fall, Caesar (III.i.85). It was because Caesar was usurping the Roman Empire, trying to take control. Brutus betrayed him because he was in conflict with Caesar s new power. When Gene betrayed Phineas it was similar. He pushed Phineas off because his popularity was in conflict with Gene. Gene understands his inferiority to Phineas and his own moral ugliness, made the more so when juxtaposed to Finny s innocence. It is this realization that prompts his conscious shaking of the tree, which casts Phineas to the earth and which serves as Gene s initiation to the ignorance and moral blackness of the human heart (Ellis, 315). Gene realizes how Finny is superior and purposely injures him because of
  • 36. Judith Resnik Research Paper Judith Resnik in STEM Women are a minority in the careers of math, science, engineering, and technology. Judith Resnik is one of the most famous females who have succeeded in this career minority. Resnik is known for her amazing intelligence and her involvement in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Judith Resnikis a woman to be remembered in STEM because of her intellectual background, her endeavor to succeed, and her legacy. Judith Resnik was brought into this world by her parents, Dr. Marvin Resnik and Sarah Resnik Belfer, on April 5, 1949 in Akron, Ohio. From the beginning of Resnik s life, her parents knew she would be intellectually gifted. Before beginning school, Judith was already an avid reader and was able... Show more content on ... She died with her six crew members during the shuttle s explosion or its impact with water, the exact cause is inconclusive. The last words that came from the shuttle were, Go throttle up . Judith Resnik was awarded the Space Medal of Honor after the explosion. Her legacy lives on after her premature death. As a tribute to the Challenger crew, the Challenger Center for Space Science Education was founded in April of 1986. There are now over 50 Challenger Centers across the nation. Resnik is also honored through a Women s Health Center and a scholarship for a student pursuing a career in math, science, or space technology. Judith Resnik is one of the most successful members in the women minority of science, technology, engineering, and math. Her intellectual background, her endeavor to succeed, and her legacy will be remembered because they make up one of the greatest women in STEM. Resnik s life and philosophy can be summed up in her response to an interview saying, I think something is only dangerous if you aren t prepared for it, or if you don t have control over it, or if you can t think of how to get yourself out of a
  • 37. International Soccer s Influence on Diplomatic, Social,... To what extent has international soccer influenced the world politically and socially? This research question will be investigated using different books pertaining to the subject. The investigation will cover the impacts of soccer in the 1930s during the First World War, the 1940s during the Second World War and the 1970s during the Cold War. The effect of soccer on a country s nationalism will be researched as well. Soccer had a great impact on people s lives socially; it gave people hope when in a time of need. It did not matter whether there was a war going on, or if there were prisoners in camps, soccer was a popular activity to help people survive in the hardest of times. Soccer had a great impact on the world politically as... Show more content on ... Italy hosted the 1934 World Cup and Mussolini took this chance to try to spread the game across his nation. Since Italy was now a totalitarian nation, Mussolini had control over politics as well as leisure activities, including soccer. Mussolini used soccer as a way to show the world the power of Italy and they won the World Cup, which in turn, gained support for Mussolini. Soccer not only affected nations governments but nations citizens as well. The country s fans are passionate about soccer and about their country s team winning. A soccer game can be compared to small war, there is much fighting, anger, and extreme nationalism during a soccer match. One example of the extreme effect of a soccer match on the nation s people was in the 1936 Olympics. Peru defeated Austria 4 2 in extra time. The Austrians were upset and claimed that it was unfair because after regulation time ended, there was a pitch invasion of Peruvian fans that jostled some the Austrian players. The Olympic Committee eventually called for a rematch because of the Peruvian field invasion. After the game the Peruvians found out there was going to be a rematch, a riot occurred and the German embassy in Lima was stoned. Peruvian ship hands refused to assist German ships. The Peruvian people wanted to separate themselves from the Germans in almost every way. This event is important because it shows
  • 38. Analysis Of Mrs. Mallard In The Story Of An Hour Death s Loving Embrace Love does not claim possession, but gives freedom, this quote written by the famous nineteenth century poet, Rabindranath Tagore, highlights the underlining belief: if one loves or is truly loved it will free them in body and soul. In the Story of an Hour, it s brings to light the death of someone who shares a bond with several, modest people. Billy Mallard is a husband, a son, and a friend. Yet, instead of his passing remaining an unfortunate incident his wife, Mrs. Mallard, is opportunistic and turns it into a joyous occasion. However, she finds that he s alive and as their meet eyes again for the last time, their union embodies the phrase death do us part. Mrs. Mallard earns her escape at the helm of the death s one way trip. Within the Story of an Hour, Mrs. Mallard embodies the classic form of a non sympathetic character: she shifts to joy about her husband s death quickly, she has a lack of concern for others who are grieving, and her glee at her future solo endeavor. In death, usually one recalls moments with the deceased, yet Mrs. Mallard alters her sadness to joy rather quickly. Mrs. Mallard is a woman of privilege; she doesn t have to do hard labor, since she has two white slender hands (Chopin 235). This means that she isn t in an environment that has a lot of dangers around her, and women in the nineteenth century usually stay in their homes. She wouldn t have gotten the chance to become desensitize to the concept of death. As a
  • 39. Analysis Of The Movie White Liar By Miranda Lambert Picking Up the Pieces Picking Up the Pieces is the film being produced to document my life. I have never put much thought into how my life would be portrayed or even documented. However, as I sit here thinking about what music I would use for the soundtrack, I start thinking about all of the things that I have been through in my life. All of those hurdles that I had to climb over and the songs that have so much meaning start to flow through my mind. There are many songs to choose from, but I narrow them down to the top four that I feel set the mood of how I have picked up the pieces of my life from a tragic divorce and moved on to now being a thriving non traditional college student seeking to become a Hospitality Manager. The first song that I have chosen is White Liar by Miranda Lambert because this song represents what I went through during my very tragic divorce. Lambert is an American country music artist who co wrote this song with Natalie Hemby. The song was released in August of 2009. The reason I chose this song is because the words remind me of what I went through when I found out that my husband of six years had been cheating on me and how I felt. Lambert sings, Hey white liar, the truth comes out a little at a time and it spreads just like a fire. My husband had been cheating on me and the entire time, I sensed something was wrong, but he continued to tell me that I was wrong. According to him, they were just friends. In reality, I too was also a white liar
  • 40. Why Is Honesty Important Why Is Honesty Important? The Impact of Honesty on Me Honesty has played a key role in my success in life. Throughout my childhood my parents would always remind me about the importance of being honest. In their opinion nothing was as important as having self respect and being trustworthy. The saying honesty is the best policy perfectly sums up my belief about how people should interact with each other. For me, being honest in everything I do can be a very difficult thing, but I have found that as I follow this basic principle my life has become better for it. Growing up in my home as a child, I was surrounded by honesty and integrity. I assumed that the world was a great place where all people genuinely cared... Show more content on ... With this done I proceeded back to my seat in the back row with the remote clutched tightly in my hand. Approximately halfway through the teachers lecture I decided to let it rip . The sound reverberated through the classroom as every pair of eyes in the room slammed into the back of the student s head. This quiet student was so
  • 41. The Last Race Henry ford once said, Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement. Mistakes can make smarter, learning from them can help us not make the same mistake next time. They also make us wiser, but in the end mistakes do their job. They teach us, they make us stronger. Runninga raceis mentally and physically tough, but in the end finishing is always worth it. Not finishing a race is a big mistakethat I made. Okay girls on the line! , yelled Mr. Wesley, We re doing time trials for the 800, All the girls lined up, eager to see how they do, but nervous for reasons of their own. Mr. Wesley told us about how a waterfall start works and set us up. He told us how and what to do. On your marks, said Mr. Wesley, Get set. Go! We were off, some girls were faster than others. I was closer to the front and running fast. What I didn t realize was that I was going too fast. And as we got closer to the end of the first lap, I was breathing heavily and coughing, I was like a fish out of water. I was gasping for air. I walked off with a stitch in my side and slightly light headed. There had been girls in front of me, but they were doing just fine. As I walked off to get a drink of water people ran past, and I realized that I had been the only one to give up. I was wondering what would my parents think? But there was no way to undo what I had just done. How was track?
  • 42. Erikson Early Adulthood During early childhood the other children become more important in the life of small; so is the language that allows them to communicate better with their playmates and adults; They are better able to ask for and get what they want, to care and to exercise self control; in their language, in their game and their drawings displayed more imagination and resourcefulness. Adolescence: The period between 10 and 19 years, the biological changes of puberty give rise to psychological responses; the adolescent is separated progressively family and the issue of identity arises. Identity is defined by Erikson as the sense of continuity and stability of the person along the time. The sense of identity translates into decisions at the end of adolescence regarding vocational and marital choices. If this consolidation is not achieved, Erikson speaks of ... Show more content on ... For Erikson is reached by the end theme of the life cycle, provided that the individual has fully lived and ensured the survival of the generation that follows. This closure is achieved by accepting the finitude of biological life and the succession of generations. According to Erikson the negative outcome occurs with the sense of failure or not to complete the life project itself, in this case the hopelessness arises; frequent in depressive symptoms. These steps should not be taken absolutely, no individual and cultural diversity. The crisis does not necessarily imply a negative outcome, but is, at the same time, an opportunity for personal growth and development. Aging is unquestionable, provided a biological fact in our genetic code so that aging and death are as consubstantial as growth. But there is no direct correlation between physical and psychological deterioration will depend on the genetic code, in facts and history of life and endless data that we are not allowed to talk about a general deterioration without pattern but rather a complex deterioration and
  • 43. Southern Religion As of today, religion still maintains an impact throughout the domain of the South. Religion in the South supports infrastructure educational and social services. It also inhibits the growth of the traditional denominations to prosper, ranging from Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran and even Catholic. Baptist make about 50% of church affiliation population in the south while Methodist is about a quarter and Presbyterian around 10% or so ( Wison 1).Throughout the entire range of life of many religious denominations since they were first introduced to the South, they have been able to preserve their culture even during the social changes. To fully understand the southern religious establishments, we must compromise motives, interaction and movements... Show more content on ... However it didn t just take one night for the Bible Belt to form and have a firm grip in the South. What attributed to the growth and expansion of denominations across the South? According to Heyrman, due to the high influx of Scots Irish immigrants with their movement to the frontier, they didn t forcefully Christianize the settlers already dwelling, there,but that their large numbers changed the arrangement of the land entirely. The early increase in Evangelical numbers was largely illusory. Converts stemmed from marginalized groups. Free African Americans, women, and young people came into Evangelical congregations because of the agency these churches afforded them in comparison to the hierarchical Anglican Church. More interestingly to the scholar, and more ominously to contemporary southerners, slaves often found a welcome home in Evangelical churches. The Evangelical struggle to find acceptance in southern society during the Early Republic certainly stemmed from the movement s weird novelty and perceived strangeness. Yet southerners seemed willing to accept almost any eccentricity. The Evangelical movement s insistence on egalitarianism crossed the line in southern thought. Strangeness became subversive. Heryman challenged the traditional assumption than only planters demurred from welcoming the Evangelical movement into southern society. Women s involvement in Church and messages tailored to the poor angered yeomen farmers as much as
  • 44. Jamaica And The Substitute Teacher Analysis Title:Jamaica and the Substitute Teacher Author:Juanita Haville Illustrator:Anne Sibley O Brien Ages:4 8 Jamaica and her colleagues have a substitute educator for the week. Mrs. Duval is warm, promising, and fun, and the kids are avid to satisfy her. When it s the ideal time for the spelling test, Jamaica understands that she s neglected to study and duplicates from a companion. Pained, she admits to Mrs. Duval, who consoles her that she doesn t need to be impeccable to be exceptional in her class. The full shading fine art delineates a present day classroom with a differing understudy body. Title:The Honest to Goodness Truth Author:Patricia McKissack Illustrator:Giselle Potter Ages:4 8 Other virtues:Kindness and tact, possessing a sin covering eye At the point when Libby is gotten in her first mislead her mom, she settles on a choice: Starting now and into the foreseeable future, just reality. Soon she s spreading reality all over town about the opening in her companion Ruthie May s sock, and... Show more content on ... We meet the Red Cross Knight as he is heading into his first experience. Princess Una has looked for him as champion for her guardians in battling the typical threatening mythical beast. The plot is the typical one: kid meets young lady, young lady tells kid how imperial folks are being threatened by a mythical beast. Kid kills winged serpent, weds princess. In spite of the fact that this story does not stray from the recipe, it is acknowledged in a fine manner and lavishly showed. Each of approximately dozen sets of confronting pages has phenomenal representations on one side with a couple passages of content on the other. The delineations are among the best I ve seen, they rank together with Child of Faerie Child of Earth and Fairy Wings. Each represented page is pleasantly encircled and typically loaded with topical minimal drawings, which is an extremely decent
  • 45. Desiree s Baby, By Kate Chopin In Kate Chopin s short story, Desiree s Baby, she tells the story through the eyes of the characters. This story is told in the omniscient point of view. The omniscient point of view means that the storyteller knows all of the thoughts and emotions of all the characters throughout the story. In the nineteenth century there was a lot of racial discrimination against African Americans. The protagonist is Desiree; she is formed throughout the many situations in the short story. She is fought by the antagonist, Armand Aubigny. He is described, as a cruel, arrogant man who, likely, would never admit he was wrong. At the end of this story Armand s assumptions and inferences catch up to him. An inferenceis nothing more than a guess, an assumption. Inferring does not always get us in trouble and it would almost be impossible to not assume throughout an entire day. Unfortunately, making some inferences can have serious consequences. There are is a lot of foreshadowing throughout the short story that tells us that Armand has black ancestry. There is a key part of foreshadowing, there is another form of foreshadowing when Madame Valmonde says, the child has grown, has changed. This is another monstrous form of foreshadowing, that there is something different about this child and that we will find out what is different later in the story. It had never hit Desiree that her baby was black until one day, The baby, half naked, lay asleep...One of La Blanche s little quadroon