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Essay On Why I Want To Go To College Essay On Why I Want To Go To College
The Poverty Of New Zealand
You would like to believe that New Zealand, a well developed country, is a great place for children to
live. For most of us that is true however there is still a concerning amount of children who live in
poverty. Since the late 1980 s and early 1990 s there has been an increase in child poverty of around
15 percent (Boston, 2014). Currently the New Zealand government spends up to ten billion dollars a
year on attempting to solve child poverty and yet still as many as 25 percent of children, which is
roughly about 270,000 children, currently live in poverty in New Zealand, (Expert Advisory Group on
solutions to Child Poverty (EAG), 2012), (Boston McIntosh, 2012). Poverty in New Zealand means
experiencing hunger, food insecurity, reduced life expectancy, poor health outcomes, debt, inability to
afford required medical care, unaffordable or crowded housing and not being able to fully participate
in society (Haultain, 2012). This is an issue that urgently needs to be resolved as poverty can have
some serious negative impacts on people s lives. (EAG, 2012).
While Maori are represented within all socioeconomic areas of New Zealand society, Maori are
currently over represented in poverty statistics. Maori children are far more likely to be exposed to the
impacts and effects of poverty than the average child. (Simpson, Duncanson, Oben, Wicken Pierson.
2015). There are around 13 percent of Maori children that are effected by severe poverty compared to
only five percent of
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Punishment In Night By Elie Wiesel
Throughout the history of mankind, many genocides have occurred around the world because there is
much hatred among specific kinds of people. A genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of
people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. An example of a genocide in Germany
is the Holocaust where Elie Wiesel, the author of Night, showed the Jews experience from the horrors,
tortures, and killings in the death camps. At the same time, a mass execution was happening in
Nanjing, China, where the Japanese soldiers were slaughtering and torturing thousands of the Chinese.
Both the Jews from Night and the Chinese in the Nanking Massacre had suffered the elements of
cruelty from execution methods and their torture such ... Show more content on ...
The Jews and Chinese suffered beatings from their oppressors while they were trying to recover from
their recent injuries. In the memoir, Night, Idek, a German Kapo, conducted the Jews viciously,
making almost any injuries very difficult to recover from. For example, Idek was viciously beating
Elie when they crossed paths. Idek lost his temper and caused himself to jump on Elie. Idek violently
beat Elie continuously until Elie was covered in blood. Even though Elie tried not to howl in pain in
the way of accepting his false, Idek mistook him and beat Elise harder and harder (Wiesel 53). This
was an example of cruelty because Elie was being beaten for just being in Idek s path while Idek was
venting his anger. Idek s actions showed cruelty because he attacked Elie without stopping to let Elie
recover even though, Elie was nearly dying from the beating. Another example of beatings, was that in
the Nanjing database of war, Alan Axelrod s The Rape of Nanjing, the war crime database stated that
Atrocities reported and (in many cases) documented include a rampage through the Nanking Hospital,
during which soldiers tore bandages from the flesh of the wounded, smashed casts with clubs, and
raped nurses (Axelrod). These actions showed cruelty to the Chinese because the Chinese were being
beaten from the brutality of the Japanese, even though the Chinese were already suffering from their
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Jazz Music Research Paper
Of all the arts that took place in the United States, Jazz is well thought out as America s first original
art form. Since its beginning in the 20th century, Jazz music is defined by chronicle changes. Almost
every decade a new essence enhanced the movement, and by the 1940 s jazz had developed into a
mature, complex form of music, with many nuances and avenues for unceasing changes.
Jazz appeared in New Orleans in the early twentieth century. It is the product of miscegenation
between the culture of American black people from slavery, and European culture imported by the
colonists. In the early 1910s, New Orleans Jazz began combining ragtime and blues with
improvisation. In 1930, the swing era emerged followed by Bebop in 1940 where jazz shifted ... Show
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First, the traditional artist performs jazz based on bebop, swing, blues and hard bop. They dismiss free
jazz and fusion. These artists consider that they play real jazz, not the diverse hybrids and adds on that
aroused since 1960. One of the most important artists of this movement is the trumpeter Wynton
Marsalis, who played a major role in the reappearance of jazz.
Second, the contemporary mainstream artists are mainly influenced by hard bop. Although they use
Hard Bop instrumentation and musical forms, contemporary mainstream artists try to push the music
further. They increase technical proficiency on their instruments, they expand musical harmonies
using more difficult chords and complex chords progression and they express deeper and varied
emotions. The trumpeter Terence Blanchard is today s most important contemporary mainstream jazz
Third, as their name indicates, anything goes jazz artists mix up all kind of music. Their music can
include all styles of jazz, blues, rock, Latin, classical, popular, hip hop... The saxophonist Dave
Liebman and the trumpeter Dave Douglas are two important anything goes artists.
Another thing that is specific to today s jazz is the variation in the
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Race, Class and Gender
Franklin (1987) also alluded that patriarchy did not serve black men; the notion of black men being
domineering over groups is questionable. Besides, Pleck (2008) claimed that the male heterosexual
homosexual dichotomy is used as the main symbolic tool defining the rankings of masculinity.
Highlighting racial politics, it would be interesting to have a study focusing on the power relations
between white gay men and black heterosexual men. This is premised on the stance that the racial
hierarchy, regardless of its dismissal, seems to continue to characterise socio economic relations. ????
stated that race remains a factor because it is deeply embedded within the subconscious, a discussion
on this shall follow suit.
McClintock (1992: 5) ... Show more content on ...
Erasmus (2008) stated that apartheid discourse merged race, class, culture and nation together. While
MacDonald (2006) argued that apartheid is rightly perceived as racism, it was also racialist. Racialists
view race as a source of identity which marks difference between human beings. They regard
identities as axes of political institutions and then urge states to be organized on the basis of race.
Whitehead and Barret (2001) stated that in white supremacist contexts, black masculinities play
symbolic roles for white gender constructions whereby whiteness and white men and women are the
norm and blackness is the Other.
Seekings (2008) buttresses this viewpoint as he argued that apartheid was a system aimed at ordering
society and explicitly according to racial categories and this was achieved utilizing state power and its
apparatuses. Apartheid entrenched radicalized identities and fostered racial division at the same time
as exacerbating inequality in the distribution of income (Seekings, 2008: 5). Seekings (2008) also
cited that the apartheid regime had three broad objectives. The first one was ideological in effort to
maintain racial purity; policies prohibiting inter racial marriage were formulated. Residential
segregation was also enacted as part of this endeavour. Another objective cited by Seekings (2008) is
that apartheid was utilized to establish and maintain economic privilege for the white
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Metric System Research Paper
How many 16ths of an inch are in a mile? How many fluid ounces in a cubic inch? What is the
conversion factor between degrees celsius and degrees Fahrenheit? These are some of the terrible
questions that plague only the minds of people in three countries in the world: the United States of
America, Myanmar, and Liberia. All 193 of the other countries in the world use the metric system. The
United States of America should convert to the metric system because of the following reasons: it is
the global and scientific standard, it is much easier to use, not using it causes US consumers and
businesses to lose money, and our lack of familiarity with it is part of the reason why our students lag
so far behind much of the rest of the world in STEM ... Show more content on ...
One example of this occurred in 1999 when the NASA spacecraft Orbiter burned up in the Martian
atmosphere due to a conversion error. This was caused because one of the Lockheed Martin engineers
tried to use the US customary (imperial) system while all the other engineers used the metric system
(SI) This eventually caused the $125,000,000 orbiter to miss its proper orbit and burn up in the
atmosphere of mars (NASA). Although losses due to conversion errors on this magnitude are rather
uncommon, there are still other ways in which not using the metric system that can cause US
consumers and business to lose money, When selling a product, the seller needs to have sufficient
demand for their product in order to justify the cost of production. One way to increase the profit is to
start mass producing the product. This is because mass producing can significantly reduce the cost per
item to produce a product. However when there is insufficient demand for a product to mass produce
the profit margin will substantially decrease, and the price of the item for consumers will need to be
increased to maintain the cost of operations for the company making the product. This means that
because the US uses a different measurement system than the rest of the world and has different sizes
of products, that any business that makes things for our country has fewer potential buyers and a
higher cost to make each item. This means that if that business converted to the metric system that
they could potentially increase their sales by a factor of 31. Along with increasing business profits,
changing to the metric system would lead to cheaper prices for all consumers because businesses
would not need to have both metric and special US customary equipment thus, lowering the operating
costs of the
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Mandan Tribe Research Paper
The Mandan Tribe is a society of Native Americans that have managed to survive for longer than three
centuries through many various hardships in their environments of North Dakota and South Dakota.
The Mandans have prospered due to their adaptable and unique civilization. They have anomalous
customs and cultures that make it easy to advance. Some of the most essential and important
information to include about them is how they have lived over the years. This involves their lifestyles,
history, and how they used their surroundings. The Mandan People are diverse in their lifestyles from
the family roles to the traditions. Mandan men were hunters and sometimes went to war to protect
their families. Mandan women were farmers and also did most ... Show more content on ...
Near there they can grow the necessary and indigenous plants and hunt the region s animals to remain
strong and healthy. They can make shelter depending on what they are going through. Some domiciles
that they have made are the traditional Native American teepee which they only used for their
nomadic trips in which they are following their prey, bison and other animals. Their more permanent
homes were called earth lodges and were extremely simplistic in design, yet functioned sufficiently.
The earth lodges were just holes in the ground with a kind of dome covered with dirt and materials of
that type. In the 19th century the Mandan lived in dome shaped earth lodges clustered in stockaded
villages; their economy centred on raising corn (maize), beans, pumpkins, sunflowers, and tobacco
and on hunting buffalo, fishing, and trading with nomadic Plains tribes (Source C). To make things
easier and more efficient the Mandans also were able to create weapons and tools. They were usually
just the typical straightforward devices such as bows and arrows, axes, knives, shields, spears. Some
different weapons were shields, clubs, and lances. Mandan hunters used bows and arrows. In war,
Mandan men fired their bows or fought with war clubs and hide shields (Source A) Clothing was also
acquired through the land.
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The Future Challenges Of Energy Storage Technology...
Administrative Summary
Proposal Working Title: The future challenges in energy storage technology Rechargeable battery.
Proposal summary:
Impact Statement:
Project Description:
The future challenges in energy storage technology Rechargeable Battery.
Li ion rechargeable battery
Energy is the lifeblood of modern society, but the major energy supplies are fossil fuel generation,
which leads to air pollution and environmental issues. Then, there is an increasing need to develop
renewable energy to balance the demand and supply. Electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles will
be the effective method to decrease fossil fuel usage and rechargeable batteries are one of the main
strategies to power these vehicles. [tarascon] Figure1. Schematic illustration of the first Li ion battery
Rechargeable battery is one of the electrochemical energy storage technologies, which can be charged
and discharged into a load and recharged many times. Compare to disposable batteries the
rechargeable batteries have higher initially cost, but they have a much lower total cost of ownership
and environmental impact since they can be recharged inexpensively many times before replaced
[wiki]. Therefore, rechargeable battery has a potential in commercial field. The three main targets for
rechargeable batteries are portable electronics, power
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Analysis Of Who Own History By Eric Foner
To begin, in the prefix of Who Owns History , the author, Eric Foner hints at what the whole book will
be about the way history is taught will be the way we are able to view it. In the prefix the author wrote
about all the different experiences he had and how he viewed the change in history. Eric Foner
explained, History always has been and always will be regularly rewritten, in response to new
questions, new information... While the author explains this he s describing how we change the way
history is viewed. The way you are taught it will be the cause of you seeing it in a different way than
other people might have seen the same topic at hand. History will be constantly evolving due our ever
changing society, we all have a different perspective
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Human Trafficking also Known as Modern Day Slave Trade
Human Trafficking, also referred to as modern day slave trade, has been defined by the United Nations
Palermo Protocol as, the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons, by
means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of
abuse of power or of position of vulnerability or of the giving and receiving of payments or benefits to
achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation.
Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms
of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the
removal of organs ... Show more content on ...
However, the number of calls referring to potential trafficking situations dropped to 97. The top three
categories of trafficking changed to the following; sex trafficking, labor trafficking, and sex and labor
trafficking. The number of calls from Dallas in 2010 was 96( 27/123 = 21.95%) and the number from
Houston was 327(37/290 = 12.76%) ( Texas Polaris Project 2014). In 2011, the total number of calls
made to the NHTRC was 19,427, out of those calls 1,314 were from Texas, this is 247 more than in
2010. Only 84 of those calls could be used in reference to potential situations. In 2011, the types of
trafficking went back to the same top three as in 2009. Dallas had 130 calls and Houston had 378 calls
( Texas Polaris Project 2014). In 2012 the total number of calls made throughout the United States to
NHTRC was 20,652, out of those calls 1,900 were from Texas, which is 586 more than in 2011. In the
2012 report the NHTRC changed the way the monitored the way they calculated the number of calls
that could be used to reference to potential situations the numbers are as follows; 140 calls had high
reference ability and 235 calls had moderate reference ability. In 2012, Dallas had 252 calls made to
the NHTRC. Houston had 547 calls. As measured through reported frequencies of phone calls to
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Thermal Solar Energy Lab Report
The results of this simulation are displayed in Fig. 4, where injected and extracted heat per length ((q)
̇/L) pulses were simulated for 300 months. A charging time of 19 months is needed to charge the
ground by thermal solar energy in order to achieve the desired design temperature. In the figure, this
19 month period begins in June and ends in January. When the system is actively supplying thermal
energy to the building, the temperature rises in the summer months to a peak of about 80 C and falls in
the winter months to a low of about 67 C. The yearly average is about 71.5 C.
Figure 4 Monthly BTES temperatures over the project lifetime
During this charging time, the existing water heater and heat pumps will be used to satisfy ... Show
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Also, some savings are achieved by using more efficient cooling technology to reduce grid purchases.
The retrofit therefore reduces the total energy purchased from the grid, but it also modifies the hourly
electrical demand profile. Both pieces of information are required to compute the savings, because it is
assumed that the grid pricing is demand sensitive, such that the price per kWh each month is a
function of the load factor for that month. Load factor is defined on a monthly basis as the ratio of the
average power consumption for the month divided by the peak hourly power consumption. The load
factor measures the consistency of the demand over time, with high load factors indicating a more
consistent demand that is less costly for the utility to provide. The monthly per kWh grid price is
therefore inversely related to load factor.
To determine how the building retrofit would modify the grid electrical demand, the original aggregate
hourly demand is split, as was previously described, into heating, hot water, cooling, and baseline plug
load profiles. The cooling profile is scaled by 80% to estimate the electrical load for the more
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Gallipoli Mission Command Analysis
Mission Command: Anzac Cove Landing The Battle of Gallipoli, or the Gallipoli Campaign, was
fought during the First World War. It is known by either name because the Battle of Gallipoli featured
many different battles and phases that comprised the entirety of the campaign. This engagement began
on February 17, 1915 and ended on January 9, 1916. The Allied forces were tasked with attempting to
secure the strait. The purpose of this was twofold: first, it provided the Russian Empire with much
needed shipping access, and second, it would serve to cut the Ottoman Empire in half. The Allies also
planned to capture the capital of the Ottoman Empire during this operation. The British and the French
attempted to launch a combined naval offensive ... Show more content on ...
He was placed in command of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. Prior to the landings on
the Gallipoli peninsula, the general decided to split his forces. As Powles described: The New Zealand
and Australian Division normally also had two mounted brigades assigned to it, but these had been left
in Egypt, as it was believed there would be no requirement or opportunities to use mounted troops on
the peninsula. (Powles, 1922) This is an example of accepting prudent risk. However, here, the general
made a poor choice because he could have utilized those brigades had they dismounted upon landing.
The accounts of why he made this particular decision vary greatly. Some historians believe he did it
because he did not have the resources to transport the troops from Egypt to Turkey. Other accounts
argue that he did not believe that the enemy merited the extra troops. Regardless of the reason behind
the choice, the general did not correctly exercise prudent risk in this case. The landing at Anzac Cove
was set to send the 1st Australian Division ashore first. Their task was to establish strong points on
Gun Ridge, and the purpose behind this pass the 3rd Infantry Brigade in order to facilitate their
capture of the remainder of Gun Ridge. Then, with the capture of Gun Ridge, the 2nd Infantry Brigade
would execute a forward passage of lines to capture of the high ground of Sari Bair. Looking at this
action through the lens of mission command, it is a
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The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test and Takin it to the...
The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test and Takin it to the Streets as Drug influenced Literature
Art influenced by drugs faces a unique challenge from the mainstream: prove its legitimacy despite its
tainted origins. The established judges of culture tend to look down upon drug related art and artists,
as though it is the drug and not the artist that is doing the creating. This conflict, less intense but still
with us today, has its foundations in the 1960s. As the Beatnik, Hippie, and psychedelic movements
grew increasing amounts of national attention, the influence of drugs on culture could no longer be
ignored by the mainstream. In an age where once prolific drugs like marijuana and cocaine had
become prohibited and sensationalized, ... Show more content on ...
(Bloom 374 375)
Even something as seemingly harmless as Puff invoked this sort of hostile politicized response from
mainstream culture; it is not difficult to imagine the vitriol that was directed at more serious (and more
blatant) works of drug influenced art.
Mainstream society s bias against drugs was not unknown to drug influenced artists by any means.
The drug users used the word straight very disparagingly to describe the general close mindedness of
mainstream culture. In The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test, Tom Wolfe includes an excerpt from some of
Ken Kesey s letters, in which he parodies general public s conception of his career. What was it, he
writes of himself, that had brought a man so high of promise to so low a state in so short a time? Well,
the answer can be found in just one short word, my friends, in just one all well used syllable: Dope!
(5). Drug influenced artists, like Kesey, unquestionably knew what mainstream society thought of
them, and in many cases set about trying to alter what they
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Charles Boblit Case Summary
Facts: John Brady (petitioner) and Charles Boblit were found guilty of first degree murder and
sentenced to death. Convictions were affirmed by the Court of Appeals in Maryland. Their trials were
processed separately. At Brady s trial, he took stand and maintained that he participated in the
preceding robbery, but not in the killing. At the sentencing, both men received the death penalty.
Brady s counsel conceded that Brady was guilty of murder in the first degree, and asking the jury to
return that verdict without capital punishment. Prior to the trial counsel requested to examine Boblit s
extra judicial statements. Several statements were shown to Petitioner s counsel; but the one was dated
on July 09, 1958, in which Boblit admitted the actual homicide, was ... Show more content on ...
Petitioner s appeal from a denial of that motion was dismissed by the Court of Appeals without any
prejudice to relief under the Maryland. The petition for post conviction relief was dismissed by the
trial court; and on appeal the Court of appeals held that suppression of the evidence by the prosecution
denied petitioner due process of law and remanded the case for a retrial of the question of punishment,
not the question of guilt. Ruling: The Supreme Court held that withholding evidence violated the
process where the evidence is crucial either to guilt or to punishment. The court also determined that
under Maryland state law the withheld evidence could not have exculpated the defendant, but was
material to the level of punishment he would be given. Relevance: Police officers who becomes
dishonest are sometimes referred to as Brady cops . Because of the Brandy ruling, prosecutors are
required to nifty defendants and their attorneys whenever a law enforcement official involved in their
case has a confirmed record of knowingly lying in an official
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Urinary Tract Disease Research Paper
Diet Changes for FLUTD
Feline lower urinary tract disease is a general term used when there is a condition affecting a cat s
bladder or urethra. These problems can consist of: urinary stones or crystals that form in the urine and
irritate the lining of the bladder, urethral plugs that form in the male cats urethra, causing a physical
obstruction, spasm of the muscle in the wall of the urethra, stress and behavioral problems, and
bacterial infections in the bladder (Understanding). Clinical signs of feline lower urinary tract disease
include: straining to urinate, urinating small amounts, frequent and/or prolonged attempts to urinate,
crying out while urinating, excessive licking of the genital area, urinating outside the litter box, and
blood ... Show more content on ...
It is possible to make a homemade diet for your cat but these following things must be followed to
ensure a healthy urinary tract. Diluting the urine is extremely important to decrease the number of
possible irritants in the bladder causing inflammation in the bladder mucosa. One way to accomplish
dilution is to feed a canned food by increasing water intake. Another way to increase water intake is to
add a sodium supplementation, however this can be a problem in some cats especially ones with renal
failure. Highly acidic diets are not recommended because acidic diets can increase pain perception in
the bladder by stimulating the bladders nerves (Sanderson). Ensuring the diet is also low in
magnesium will help alleviate the chances of forming crystals, some of which are made up of
magnesium, therefore a low magnesium diet will prevent their formation. Also, ensuring the diet is
high in protein will bring the urine pH to an optimum level (pH 5.9 6.3) as well as a low fat content,
which is a contributing factor to feline lower urinary tract disease. (Understanding). Usually dietary
management will depend of the type of crystal present in the urine. A veterinary diagnosis with a
microscopic analysis of the urine is necessary to properly treat feline lower urinary tract disease. A cat
s diet that had an increased level of sodium needs to have regular checkups to monitor blood
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Essay on Book Blindness
The sinners dealt with in our past novels and the present novel Blindness empathetically been assigned
the trait of ignorance. Thus, providing the root of sin and degration of lives, as relating to the
treatment of people in the short story Somni in the novel Cloud Atlas. Focusing on Blindness, the
ungreedy are horribly dealt with by the thugs with a conscience with teeth to bite (18). This quality of
man is the result of how humans sometimes favor short term luxuries over long term consequences.
This can be related to the car thief of the blind man near the beginning of the novel. So evidently,
Saramago uses greed for fuel of ignorance to corrupt reason in this novel, and diagnoses the sensual
appetite (171) of humans as a ... Show more content on ...
This can also be the thesis for the occupants on the boat in Life of Pi; such a long and hopeless
endurement leads to the destruction of reason and dignity. Relating more on main group of blindness;
there is the thought that what is right and what is wrong are simply different ways of understanding
relationships with others ; compensating for the group s down spiral of dignity. That kind of
understanding seemed to be essential in preserving the group s sanity.
Sanity is a huge factor when dealing with ones actions, and when considering human value. The
surveillance of the doctor s wife and the group effort to keep strong preserved such sanity. As for the
others, the psychological realm they were trapped in seemed to betray such sanity. Reflecting back on
the main group, the length of the period in which they were all confined in was definitely a
contribution to the durability of the group.
The cruel confinement placed on the blind from the government manifestly shows the degration of
humans, especially when it comes to the impaired judgment enforced by the ignorant. Survival and
selfishness erased all reason and worthiness. In the short story of Somni in Cloud Atlas, we reflect on
the greed of Papa John s for the degration of lives. In the Luisa Rey short story, money overwhelms
the value of everything else. The military s motives in Blindness also illustrates unhealthy dignity.
One of the
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Antifungal Drugs Literature Review
Review of Literature
Classification of antifungal drugs: Barar (2000) reported that, the antifungal drugs may be classified
1 Antifungal antibiotics:
Polyenes (Nystatin,Natamycin,Hamycin and Amphotericin B). 2 Synthetic antifungal agents:
Flucytosine,Cotrimoxazole,Dapsone,Haloprogin,Imidazoles, Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Econazole,
Ketoconazole, Isoconazole, Sulconazole and Tioconazole.
Triazoles: Fluconazole and Itraconazole. 3 Miscellaneous antifungal agents:
Hydroxystilbamidine, Potassium iodide, Tolnaftate, Undecylenic acid, Clioqinol, Terbinafine,
Ciclopirox olamine, Triacetin, Benzoic and Salicylic acid. Abuhammour and Habte Gabr (2001)
reported that, fungal infections have been classified into two distinctive classes: systemic and
superficial. Consequently antifungal agents are classified under two major headings, systemic and
topical agents .There are only a few systemic antifungal drugs available for use and these are polyenes
(Amphotericin B), pyrimidines (Flucytosine), azoles (Ketoconazole,Fluconazole and Itraconazole) and
Griseofulvin. Brenner and Stevens (2006) recorded that, antifungal drugs are classified as:
Polyene antibiotics(Amphotericin B,Natamycin and Nystatin).
Azole derivatives(Clotrimazole,Econazole, Ketoconazole, Voriconazole, Fluconazole and
Allylamine drugs(Naftifine and Terbinafine).
Other antifungal drugs (Caspofungin, Ciclopirox,
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Elie Wiesel Night Themes
Elie Wiesel has said that all his works are commentary on Night, his one work that deals directly with
the Holocaust. His novels are odysseys of a soul fragmented by the Holocaust, in quest of tranquillity,
an attempt to move away from the night, reaching the shores of day. The key to understanding Wiesel,
then, is his memoir in the form of a novella, Night. It is a slim volume that records his childhood
memories of his hometown and his experiences in the concentration camp. It also contains the themes,
images, and devices that recur throughout his novels.
The opening chapter of Night begins with the social setting of Wiesel s native village of Sighet in
Transylvania its inhabitants, their customs, their beliefs and his first meeting with Moché, the beadle,
a character who forms a link to all his other works. Events occur rapidly. The disruption of normalcy
with the invasion of the Germans, the forcing of the Jews into ghettos, their deportation, and the
obliteration of the Jewish community are recorded tersely ... Show more content on ...
The townspeople, however, refuse to believe him and think he has gone mad. Moché appears in every
book; his role is usually that of messenger in the tale he tells. Madness is an essential element in all
Wiesel s works. On the one hand, it is indicative of the malady that struck the world during the
Holocaust years. Wiesel, however, treats his madmen sympathetically. Their madness is not clinical
but mystical. They are visionaries, saints, or messengers, endowed with the task of saving the world.
As such, they become one with humankind, God, and creation. Wiesel s point is that madness can be a
force of evil or good. Hitler and his Nazis were mad. Their madness was employed to destroy the
world. Most of Wiesel s madmen want to bring about the Messiah; they want to redeem the
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Betspin Casino
Betspin Casino, an online casino operated by MT SecureTrade Limited is a leading provider of online
casino games and entertainment, and known for its sleek, modern and sophisticated playing
environment. The high level of comfort, satisfaction and convenience that players receive are made
possible by the corporate values the casino adheres to. For a start, Betspin Casino is designed as a
giver, a gaming hub that puts the concerns of players and casino enthusiasts first. Instead of thinking
solely about profits, Betspin takes the high road, and promote player confidence and satisfaction. Also,
all services and transactions by Betspin are anchored on trust and honesty. And finally, part of the core
values of Betspin Casino is respect, a respect for the security and confidence of members and players.
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The Physical Effects And Social Effects Of HIV And AIDS
HIV and AIDS has not only physical effects on the body, but social effects as well. People infected
HIV and AIDs have different experiences of the world, compared to others infected by other illnesses.
People living with HIV or AIDs have different social lives due to the stigma attached to these diseases,
which in turn affects their mental health. People infected with HIV/AIDs are at higher risk of mental
disorders, because of the stigma attached, as well as social isolation.
HIV and AIDS are one of the leading causes of illness related stigma toward the homosexual
community around the globe. However, we must first understand the difference between HIV and
AIDs. HIV or human immunodeficiency virus. It is the virus that can lead to acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS, if not treated. Unlike some other viruses, the human body can
t get rid of HIV completely, even with treatment. So once you get HIV, you have it for life.
(HIV.GOV). Being that HIV is with you for your rest of your life with currently no cures, there is a
possibly of becoming discouraged. However, HIV and AIDS affects people in different way.
HIV has higher risk of mental disorders and change in the sense of self for women. Many women still
hold traditional roles such as being care providers, taking care of the needs of everyone. However, a
diagnosis of HIV can affect their own perception of caring for others. The experience of one HIV
counseling center, for example, has been that women to an
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Comparison Of Jesus In The Lion, The Witch, And Thewardrobe
two theives on the cross. While in the Bible the theives also die, Susan and Lucy do not go all the way
with him to the execution. Also, they watch his painful torture and death.
In the Bible, the Romans taunt and beat Jesus before he is forced to carry the cross. In The Lion, the
Witch, and theWardrobe, the White Witch s followers taunted him, bound him, and beat him before his
execution (Lewis The Lion, the Witch, and theWardrobe 153 154). The difference between the two
was that Jesus was never bound and Christ was nailed to a cross, not stabbed with a dagger. These
differences are there so that Lewis can show that the execution was not Christian but pulled from other
sacrificial religions.
When Jesus died on the cross, the devil assumed he had won Earth and that he could now take over
unchallenge. The White Witch had a similar theme going through her head before she killed Aslan.
Lewis wrote Understand that you have given me Narnia forever, you have lost your own life and you
have not saved his ( The Lion, the Witch, and theWardrobe 155). The White Witch assumed that since
she was about to kill Aslan she would have Narnia all to herself and she would rule as she had
previously. ... Show more content on ...
The sky turned dark and the people watching paniced. Lewis recreates this when Susan and Lucy
covered their eyes when Aslan is executed ( The Lion, the Witch, and theWardrobe 155). Just like
God, they deeply cared about Aslan and his well being, so his murder made them need to turn away,
just for the fact they could not believe the White Witch s minions could be happy about this. Susan
and Lucy had compassion for Aslan and they could not bear to see him murdered in such a horrid
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Loneliness In Catcher In The Rye
In the beginning of The Catcher in the Rye, Salinger brings up the motif of loneliness and depression
which Holden reveals to the reader while at Pencey Prep. For example while writing a essay for
Stradlater, he reflects on how after Allie, Holden s brother died, Holden slept in the garage, the night
he died and [he] broke all the god damn window. (39). This reaction to inflict pain on himself is
evidence that the loss triggered severe emotional disturbances. Holden isolates himself after a tragic
event proving Allie s death is the cause for his loneliness. Also, while alone in his dorm at Pencey
writing a composition for Stradlater his roommate, Holden couldn t think of a room or a house to
describe... [he] wrote about [his] brother Allie s ... Show more content on ...
After Holden arrives in New York and takes a cab to his hotel, he damn near gave my kid sister
Phoebe a buzz, though. I certainly felt like talking to her on the phone. Somebody with sense and all,
(66). Holden wants to talk to Phoebe as he has been isolated from her and feels because she is
someone who he has a strong connection with, that she will make him less depressed shown by him
saying that she had sense. Also while Holden is in his hotel room in New York, after his prostitute
leaves, he felt depressed, then he began talking, sort of out loud, to Allie, (98). Allie s death made
Holden isolated form someone who was close to him. Him attempting to talk to Allie shows how his
loneliness and depression was caused by his isolation because he wants to try to reconnect with Allie
to end his loneliness. While on his way to a bar from the hotel, Holden describes New York as making
him feel lonesome and depressed and how he wished [he] could go home and shoot the bull with old
Phoebe, (81). Holden feels lonely and depressed in New York because of his isolation from Phoebe,
someone he loves. This is proved by how he describes that he wishes he could go home and talk with
her for a while. After getting to New York, Holden s feelings still follow him as he feels lonely and
depressed thinking about Phoebe and wanting to see
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Student Athletes Paid
Students who attend college as athletes face the everyday struggles of being a full time athlete and a
full time student. It has been long debated whether or not time restricted athletes should be
compensated for the work they do on the field. Student athletes should be paid for their work as
athletes, but because of NCAA amateurism rules, they are left with a busy training schedule, no athlete
compensation if injury occurs, and no steady income.
Student athletes have highly active training schedules and therefore have no time to get a job and
support themselves with a steady income. While regular students are able to have part time jobs to
help fend for their expenses in school, college players do not get to have this kind of luxury (Green ...
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However, scholarships can go away at anytime if the athlete is injured or is not eligible to play the
next year. Nevertheless situations where a scholarship has to be taken away could be avoided by
providing the athlete with money and by paying college players, they will have the money to pay for
treatment, hospitalization, rehabilitation and other expenses when it comes to injuries (Green Garage).
In this case they would be able to see professionals about injuries, and this could further their chance
of an easy recovery, so no scholarship has to be revoked. There are many other downsides to athletes
receiving a scholarship but no side income. Lauren Deutsch is a college student who writes news for
her college news site called The Crimson White. She reminds us in a Should College Athletes be Paid
article that when an athlete loses their scholarship, they are left with no saved money from not being
able to work a job therefore not only has no money but no way to pay for school the following year
(Deutsch). Paying college athletes will give the athlete a chance to have some money just in case
under any circumstance. That way this will provide them for the hard work they did, but also be there
as an emergency or when their scholarship is gone. Ultimately, athletes have no income and stand on
their own if they lose their scholarship, but in reality this is all because of
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The World s First Global Conflict
Chantel banks World Literature II Literature Essay March 7, 2015 Illustrations on the Impact of War
The world s first global conflict, World War 1 (1914 1918), opposed the Central Powers of Germany,
Ottoman Empire, Austria and Hungary against the Allied forces of The United States, Great Britain,
Russia, France, Japan and Italy. World War 1 was significant because of the initial appliance of
modern technology into warfare; which consequently resulted in an unfathomable amount of soldiers
deaths and multinational collateral damage. Through the introduction of multinational war, was the
introduction of personal experiences and perspectives of all parties included. Although we may never
know firsthand of the emotional pressure and frame of mind of the many individuals who endured the
World War 1, we are fortunate in the amounts of historical artifacts, including literature written during
those times, to help provide the future with an awareness and appreciation for those who sacrificed
their lives for the world today. Two pieces of literature which specifically explores the emotional
impact of war is Katherine Mansfield s symbolic work of literature The Fly: and W.B Yeats poignant
elegy, An Irish Airman Foresees His Death. Each piece of literature written during the first year of the
post war era, are an impressively intimate illustration of emotionally expressions and perspectives of
the protagonists caused by the devastation of the war. The two pieces of literature
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Smoke Signals Analysis
The film, Smoke Signals was about an adolescent name Victor and his friend Thomas on a journey to
see what happened to Victor s father. Throughout the movie, Victor has trouble trying to forgive his
father for leaving his mother and himself behind. The context behind the movie did a great job in
illustrating the culture of Native Americans and threw in some of the common stereotypes that are
associated with Native Americans. Some of the stereotypes about Native Americans were domestic
violence, them being alcoholics and a scene where one of the female characters, Lucy, says we barter
because we re Indian. The depiction of poverty and struggle in the movie was not as concise because
of the difference in living space between Victor s family and Thomas s. Victor and his mother live in a
decent home. In contrast, Thomas and his grandmother live in a higher standard living space. No one
in the film was really struggling to meet ends met like how it is in the real world. If the movie was not
focused on Victor and Thomas journey, the story would have taken a different path.
In the scene where Victor and Thomas were on the bus, Victor stated there s three things that are
needed to be a true Indian. The first thing being is that you have to be stoic, if not White people will
walk all over you. The second thing is that an Indian is nothing without his hair. Lastly, to be Indian
you have to dress like an Indian, in essence culturally or like a warrior. The culture of Native
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The Regime Of The Cuban Revolution
Cuba is a nation that has been conquered by many people over the years and because of
decolonization it is hard for the Cuban people to get rid of the rulers who wanted to influence their
history. Fidel Castro gave the Cuban people independence. He was a forceful and cunning dictator
who controlled the country and negatively effected the economy. The United States did not support the
arrogant dictator s establishment of communism which led to an economic downfall. Due to Castro s
insistence on practicing communism, the Cuban economy suffered as the government nationalized
businesses while the United States implemented a trade embargo. In 1940 a dictator named Fulgencio
Batista came to power in Cuba and was the President there until 1944. He then returned in 1952 and
ruled until 1959 (Levinson). Batista was a dictator and an ally of the United States. The United States
supported Batista and his dictatorship because they felt like they could control and overpower him, not
making him any sort of threat. Between 1940 1944 Batista sponsored a large program of public works,
expanded the educational system, and fostered the growth of the economy. When Batista returned to
power in 1952 he was a brutal dictator and increasingly participated in corrupt actions (Levinson).
Batista took control of the university, press and congress so he could maintain a strong hold on the
people and the country. Batista also took lots of money that was meant for the government and held
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Mattel Case Study Analysis
Unit Four Mattel Case Study Analysis
Tosha Collins
Kaplan University
School of Business and Management
MT 460 04 Management Policy and Strategy
Dr. K. Peterson
Unit Four Mattel Case Study Analysis In 1944, the Mattel brand was founded by Ruth and Elliot
Handler and Harold Matt Matson. They launched Mattel out of a garage workshop in Southern
California. The first Mattel products were actually picture frames, but Elliot soon started using the
scrap from the picture frames to create dollhouse furniture. Harold Matson eventually sold out to his
partner, Ruth and Elliot Handler. The Handler s, encouraged by the success of the doll furniture and
turned the emphasis of the company to toys. By 1955, Mattel was advertising ... Show more content
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Mattel investigated the toy crisis thoroughly. The outcome to the problem had Mattel dismiss several
of their subcontractors in the global economy. The next step was to ensure that all toys manufactured
by those subcontractors, were removed from the shelves.
Prior to facing any these problems, Mattel implemented their Global Manufacturing Principles
(GMP). This applied to all businesses that produced or distributed their products. The GMP s provided
structure for both subcontractors and contractors to abide by. This also helped to maintain safety for
employees as well as the consumers.
Mattel should revise their GMP s to be more up to update and implement them in their global
economy, since much of their business is oversees. There should be regular inspections to make sure
that their products are lead free. Equipment and products should be tested and examined to ensure that
there are limited issues that could arise, which could lead to harmful safety issues for the consumer.
Even though running a business may be stressful, it is important that companies make sure that the
safety of their consumers is part of their mission, even when expanded globally. A business must make
sure that their standards and principle are ones that their global contractors and subcontractors adhere
to when manufacturing products for the company.
Mattel inc. about us
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Dr. Anthony Jordan
Dr. Anthony Jordan is the Executive Director Treasurer of the Baptist General Convention of
Oklahoma (BGCO). The BGCO is a convention of 1813 Southern Baptist churches comprising of
about 614,000 members. This organization s purpose is to help the churches that are members of the
convention spiritually, financially, and structurally. They provide a number of camps and conventions
for people to attend and use. They also provide assistance in handling the business and professional
aspect of a church s ministry. One of the most popular camps that the BGCO puts on is Falls Creek
Youth Camp where around 50,000 students attend over an 8 week period. Dr. Anthony Jordan has a
Bachelor of Arts degree from Southwest Baptist University and a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of
Divinity from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary ( He has been the Executive
Director Treasurer for the last nineteen years. Before he became the Executive Director Treasurer, Dr.
Jordan served as the lead pastor at Northwest Baptist Church in Oklahoma City from 1982 1996
( The members of the BGCO have been very positive about the way Dr. Jordan leads and
structures the convention. In the rest of this paper, I will inform you of how Dr. Jordan handles ethical
dilemmas, how the convention is structured and the culture surrounding it, and the leadership style and
qualities that Dr. Jordan uses and exemplifies as he holds the position of Executive Director Treasurer
of the
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Massageluxe Research Paper
Benefits of Facials at MassageLuXe
Our faces are exposed to the elements such as the sun and wind on a daily basis. On top of that, they
are also exposed to pollution and other environmental toxins. This exposure can cause wrinkles,
sunspots, and more. The facials offered at MassageLuXe in Edwardsville, IL, offer numerous benefits
for your skin and your overall well being. Their team of licensed and talented estheticians use
Rêpechage® skin care products to provide the highest quality facial treatments. In addition to the
relaxing atmosphere, MassageLuXe s facials offer a slew of other benefits, including a reduction in
redness and acne as well as fine lines and wrinkles. To learn more about the various facials offered at
MassageLuXe in Edwardsville, contact their team today.
Facials Available from MassageLuXe
A variety of ... Show more content on ...
Hydra Medic Facial: This facial is ideal for those with acne prone skin, as it cleanses pores. It not only
helps control current breakouts but also helps prevent future breakouts.
Vita Cura: If you have begun to experience sagging skin, this facial can lift and firm, improving your
skin s elasticity.
Biolight Facial: This treatment reduces the appearance of hyper pigmentation for a more even skin
Microdermabrasion: Appropriate for most skin types, microdermabrasion can reduce the appearance
of fine lines and wrinkles, hyper pigmentation, acne scars, sun damage, and more.
Hydra4® Red OutTM: This advanced treatment is an excellent option for those suffering from rosacea
or hypersensitive skin as it calms the skin and reduces redness.
Pore Refining Facial: This deep cleansing facial is ideal for oily or combination skin types, reducing
the potential for future breakouts.
Seaweed Facial: Appropriate for all skin types, this soothing facial hydrates and firms the
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Vampire Subcultures
There are many subcultures in the United States that are strange to me that some people think are
completely normal. A subculture is a cultural group within a larger culture that has the same interests,
beliefs, behaviors, or religion. Subcultures varies from things like southern food culture, to things like
bodybuilding. The strangest subcultures to me are the vampires, and the bronies. There were some
more in mind, but these are the two that stood out the most to me.
Strangely enough, vampires are already in people s imagination. Now they have a cultural group just
for their imagination. I m not trying to seem disrespectful to the vampire subculture, but it s honestly
strange that they think they are real vampires. This lifestyle formed in the western culture, stemming
from horror films, and overall styles of Victorian England. The vampire subculture is just like any
other system of beliefs. They commit themselves to this lifestyle and participate in rituals.
Continually, vampires dress themselves in gothic clothing with dark eye shadow, and black nail polish.
In this vampire lifestyle, you will find blood donors who are people who allow the vampires to drink
their actual blood. The donors are hard to find, but they are subservient to the vampires. There are
different types of vampires within the vampire subculture. They have the sanguinarians, the psychic
vampires, the living vampires, and the transcendental vampires. The sanguinarians who look at
themselves as real
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Representing My Cultural Identity
The three artifacts that I will be bring in my cajita that representing my cultural identity is a Bible,
kickboxing hand wraps, and hair pick. The reason why these artifacts describe me is because the Bible
symbolize being free from worldly way, it help to guide me in important decisions since I am one of
does people who second guest their selves, its help me to point out what I am doing wrong and to
accept myself for who I am. Since grow up in America and being African American I heard that I was
not beautiful because of my feature that I not going to be any and that their not a future for people who
look like me. I heard all of this from both the media and community. However, two year ago when I
starts reading and listening to the Bible
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The Ideal Dance I Pick Was A Mixed Of Modern Dance Ballet...
The ideal dance I pick was a mixed of modern/ballet dance. I constantly desired to dance like a
mystical Firebird called the Phoenix and how they interpret the meaning of reincarnation. How the
Phoenix used its feathers to turn it to flames and able to swirl. It around to engulf itself in flames to
get the sun to become as one with the world. The phoenix opens its wings and lift itself to the cosmos
as the young phoenix from its old ashes and rejuvenate to a beautiful organism. The song I used is
called Awakening by Taylor Davis. She a famous violinist player from YouTube, she creates beautiful
music with her violin and take on other famous music other ideas. When I try to work with my
consistency, I m using my arms to represent the extensions of the phoenix as the flames are dancing
within the plumes. The feather belt at the closing of each of my hands represents the length of the
plumes from each of the wind. I affected my arms to illustrate the flames of my wings When I was
running my legs along with my weaponry, I m testing to establish the flow of time from being young
and being old of the direction of the river. I used my cape as the tail and shares of the wings. I turned
down both of my legs and came up and dangle my arms like the waves of the oceans current. I pinch
my right arm in the air to demonstrate the stunner of the flames of the extension. I whirled around and
duplicated the same move and moved my right arm up into the breeze. I circle my arms to make the
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The Life Of Marco Polo
Early Life Marco Polo was born in 1254 in Venice Italy to a wealthy Merchant family. Since his father
traveled a lot and his mother died when he was very young much of Marco s childhood he was
parentless left to be raised by an extended family. Marco Polo s father Niccolo Polo and Uncle Maffeo
Polo were very successful Jewel Merchants with an interest in Constantinople and in Sudak, which
was a Venetian colony off the coast of the Crimea. The Polo brother s travels led them to Asia for most
of Marco s youth Niccolo and Maffeo Polo While Niccolo and Maffeo Polo were away their travels
through the Black Sea to Sudak and then continue on to the Volga, where they visited Sarai Berke
were they lived among the Mongols for a year. On their voyage
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The Legend Sleepy Hollow By Washington Irving
Max Lippman
21st of September 2015
B Block
Sleepy Hollow In the Legend Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving, the reader follows the story of a
Man named Ichabod Crane. It all takes place in 18th century New York, where we see Ichabod the
lanky, poor, school teacher attempt to court the rich and lovely Katrina Van Tassel. Ichabod comes to
Sleepy Hollow, New York, from his home state of Connecticut, to be the schoolmaster of the village.
The town of Sleepy Hollow and its inhabitants are said to be under some kind of spell or enchantment,
and the place is shrouded by supernatural rumors. Irving plays out these aspects of Sleepy Hollow
throughout the story helping the reader to become more engaged in the story using aspects of ... Show
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They originally start off, Brom Bones, knowing that Ichabod believes in the supernatural world,
moves all the desks in Ichabod s class to scare him. Sadly and ironically it works. The irony in this is
that Ichabod is a man of intellect, a school teacher the fact that he actually believes in all of the
supernatural tales that surround Sleepy Hollow would most likely not be seen in the majority of other
schoolmasters. From the very beginning Irving shows the reader that Ichabod has fatal flaw that will
only hurt him as his conflict worsen. Later on Ichabod attends Katrina s party hoping to win her over,
sadly he is disappointed and leaves the party walking back on the dark and eerily quiet path home.
While passing the possibly haunted Major Andre s tree, otherwise known as the Headless Horseman,
Ichabod notices a shadowy figure tracing him. After calling out and receiving no response he begins to
quicken his pace attempting to lose the pursuer. This proves to no avail as the figure takes shape, to
Ichabod s horror. It is the headless horseman. Hoping on Gunpowder, Ichabod s decrepit horse, he
attempts to escape the headless horseman. The problem was that he was not a skilled horse rider and
ultimately as Ichabod looks back, but he sees the Horseman, instead of fading away or turning back,
hurl his head at him,
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Essay On Stereotypes Of Boys
Many things and many problems appear to all people in all ages but when we say boys we talk about
our future and the main treasure, and here we talk about boys will be boys which refer to one thing.
we should treat boys according to their ages. Some boys find themselves depressed and want to
commit crimes, why? this is a result of not being able to live their childhood in societies which treat
them differently from girls. They are oppressed to act like real men not real boys; Subsequently we
find them hiding their emotions, lying to themselves and keeping silent. There are roles for family,
school and community to get rid off all the oppressive stereotypes associated with boys so we can
discover their merits and demerits. As one s family is usually closer, families should start by treating
boys with more kindness. Schools should recognise their abilities and communities should facilitates
their talents.
If we want to know the reasons ... Show more content on ...
They then start feeling isolated. This isolation evolves to depression. Depressed boys can commit
crimes, do strange acts, and rebel against all people whom they believe have wronged them.
Especially their parents.
The point here is how we can treat boys better. At first, we should acknowledge their needs, let them
express themselves, and we should let them live their ages. They can cry, they can love, and they can
hate. Schools should take extra steps in student care. Starting with its teachers, Teachers should
interact with boys and keep an eye on them if they showed aggression or violence. And if a boy
misbehaved, communication is key. The boy s family should be informed and a follow up from the
school is obligatory. Also communities should establish programs about how to communicate with
boys in different
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Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma Case Study
value about 0.71 + 0.15 x 10 3 mm2/sec (mean + SD) and four cases of malignant fibrous
histiocytoma their mean ADC value was about 0.81 + 0.15 x 10 3 mm2/sec (mean + SD); thus our
results are comparable to those of Oka K, et al (24), as the mean ADC value of the malignant soft
tissue tumors reported in his study was 1.02 + 0.20 x 10 3 mm2/sec (mean + SD).
Also in the current study there were three cases of each of the following: undifferentiated round cell
sarcoma and synovial sarcoma with mean ADC values: 0.52 + 0.20 and 1.02 + 0.30 x 10 3 mm2/sec
(mean + SD) respectively; thus our results are consistent with those of Oka K, et al (24). In this study
we encountered a case of malignant myxoid tumor (high grade myxofibrosarcoma), its ADC ... Show
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Although there was no significant difference in the ADC value between benign and malignant myxoid
tumors, in the contrary among non myxoid tumors the mean ADC value for malignant tumors was
significantly lower than that for benign tumors all ADC values for malignant non myxoid tumors were
lower than 1.235 × 10−3 mm2/s . These findings suggest that if an ADC value exceeds 1.235 × 10−3
mm2/s in non myxoid tumors the possibility of malignancy is low. Furthermore, these findings
suggest that a low ADC value does not exclude the possibility that a tumor is benign. . In our study we
obtained threshold value 1.235 x 10 3 mm2/s with 73 % sensitivity and 91.7% specificity where there
is highly significant difference between benign and malignant soft tissue tumors. In the current study
we encountered three patients with benign lesions, demonstrating low SI in DWI and very low ADC
value similar to ADC values of malignant soft tissue tumors, yet turned to be lipomas with mean ADC
value 0.31 + 0.91 x 10 3mm2/sec and they were considered as false positive, and these results were
consistent with those of
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The Conservation Of Chimpanzees Is The Idea Of Protecting...
The conservation of Chimpanzees is the idea of protecting this endangered species from going extinct.
The ides of protecting the chimps are motivated by their human like characteristics, and ability to be
seen as little people . People want to save the reflection of themselves because they feel that a piece of
our human history will be lost without them.
There isn t a big difference between humans and chimps as we once thought. Humans, chimps and
bonobos descended from a single ancestor species that lived six million years ago. Gradually
evolution has evolved them to become three separate species. Although they come from a common
ancestor, their DNA that was passed down from generation to generation has changed due to
adaptations in the gene, environmental factors, reproductive fitness, and mate selection. Bones and
muscle tissue are the same in both species.
The only differentiation is the bipedal and quadrupedal movement. Bipedalism adapted to have shorter
arms while for quadrupedalism the arm length is much longer. The facial features are quite similar.
Both have little hairs all over their body, similar eye shape, ear and mouth structure. Chimps even get
bald spots on their head like older men when it comes to aging. When looking at a chimp it is easy to
see the resemblance we share. We enjoy watching these creatures do human like activities in the media
because they look like little people, it s so adorable and entertaining. These chimps can even function
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Genetic Determinism of Human Character Essay
Human character and behaviour are not only shaped by the genes that encompass the individual s
genotype. Human character comprising mainly of personality, sexuality, morality and intelligence are
the products of genetic determinism as well as external environmental factors. Single genes can have
surprisingly strong influences on particular aspects of behaviour. (Frank., 2009)
Genes build the phenotype of humans as well as the underlying genotype. Competition between
cultural genes leads to varied success of genetic determinism. It can therefore be said that learnt traits
such as those espoused within a specific culture, can produce what may seem to be the genetic
genotype of an individual. Genes are not always advantageous in the ... Show more content on ...
This being said, there is not a specific gene for a specific trait. Traits are inherited although without
the environmental influence they are not expressed in an individual s phenotype.
Contrariwise, you can find genes under a microscope. They exist in nature. The same cannot be said of
either personality or intelligence. Behaviour, therefore, depends on the interaction of multiple gene
sequences with environmental influences. It has been found that 30 70% of one s personality traits are
genetic and the rest are environmental. (Gil, 2010) Genes are found in the DNA of a human and genes
are expressed through phenotypes (The set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting
from the interaction of its genotype with the environment (Google, 2014)). Each person has a human
genome sequence and the gene segments within ones genome have certain effects on the body. Gene
segments contain hereditary information and therefore certain genes can be and associated with
particular behavioural traits.
Genes and the environment influence behaviour, as there is constantly an interaction between the two.
Genes, via their influences on morphology and physiology, create a framework within which the
environment acts to shape the behaviour of an individual. The environment can affect morphological
and physiological development; therefore behaviour develops as a result of ones interactions with the
environment. Genes create the scaffold for
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Social Cost Benefit Analysis And Itemization Of On Site...
Joseph Cavera
Dr. Pankaj Lal
Environmental Economics
November 22, 2014
Social Cost Benefit Analysis and Itemization of On Site Sediment Remediation
Transport of contaminated sediments from major regional Superfund projects in the NY/NJ harbor
corridor has been the preferred back end alternative after the dredging remedy is performed in order to
clean these areas without generating higher costs. However, after dewatering, these sediments are
shipped at great distances (to UT, OK, TX, ID) for final disposition at C landfills or for incineration.
Corporate risk management in mishandling the Superfund sediment in transport such as a derailment
can lead to long term corporate liability as well as environmental hazards from a spill from both the
ecological and human health perspectives. As such, a new localized remediation method involving
superheating sediments on site within a rotary kiln have recently been implemented in other areas,
and, because of its beneficial use product generation, reduction of risk and gaseous contaminants, and
removal of transport costs, it is now being considered as a viable alternative to traditional post dredge
remediation procedures.
This social cost benefit analysis will look at the Focused Feasibility Study Report (FFS) on the
USEPA Passaic River Superfund concentrating on sediment processing and subsequent transport by
rail to out of state landfill and incineration facilities. Costs components of the process have
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Research Paper On Health Insurance
Can everyone in the United States have a Health insurance? That is the big question. As we know it s
impossible to get treated in the hospital without health insurance because it s very expensive. Let me
talk about my story, when I have arrived to the United States at Arizona, Tempe specifically, I got very
ill because I have Asthma so I couldn t breath properly, so my friend took me to St Luke Hospital in
Tempe, the doctor gave me Oxygen mask only nothing more. Then when I got better it s time to
checkout so they gave me the bill and it was 2500 $, I was choked with the price but I have realized
that my insurance company will take care of it.
In fact, nearly 40 million Americans does not have health insurance, most of them can t afford the
price of the health insurance. This issue is leading to many deaths in the United States due to not
having a health care. So the question is, why poor people can not afford a health insurance? or in other
way, why it s very expensive to have a health insurance? The answer for the first question is very
simple, some people were born poor and they do not have jobs, and if some of them have jobs they
don t offer them a health insurance and their income is very low so they can t buy their own health
care. The answer for the second question is kind of complicated. Health insurances are expensive
because the government does not have censorship ... Show more content on ...
These poor people may suffer from a minor illness but the can not afford the price to go to the hospital
also they don t have health insurance, so over the time this minor illness will cause a bigger illness
then it will become very hard to cure it. Also can barley afford the health insurance but they have
some previous illness, the insurance company won t cover him because if they did his treatment will
cost them a lot, this issue caused many deaths in the United
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Case Study Of Etihad Airways
There are 7 board of directors in the airline. Etihad Airways is governed by a board of directors.As of
2016,the chairman of the board is known as Mohammad Mubarak Bin Fadil Al Mazroui (Etihad,n.d).
The Board consists of seven independent non executive members.It also has two sub committees,
which is known as Audit Committee and the Executive committee.These two committes have each
their own charter and chairman.Currentky,there are no women who are appointed as the board
members. The board members are as follows: H.E. Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak ,H.E. Hamad
Abdulla Al Shamsi,H.E. Ahmed Ali Al Sayegh, H.E. Mohamed Hareb Sultan Al Yousef ,H.E. Ahmed
Ali Matar Al Romaithi and H.E. Khalifa Sultan Al Suwaidi (Etihad,n.d.) As the airline is wholly ...
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He has over 20 years of extensive experience in the investment industry (,n.d.). His main aim
is to accomplish shareholders expectations and ensure that the company achieves its financial goals.
H.E. Al Romaithi is also currently a board member of several institutions, one of which is the Etihad
Aviation Group, and he is a member of several other committees including the Abu Dhabi Investment
Council, Etihad Airways since 2016, and ADNOC, giving him a thorough understanding of finance
and corporate governance.He is an external board of director in Etihad Airways.H.E. Al Romaithi
holds a Bachelor s Degree in Business Administration from The University of Denver, USA. He is
also a certified Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).
In conclusion, there are only 1 internal board of directors in that were elected for Etihad Airways. An
internal board of director is a member who has the interest of major shareholders, officers, and
employees in mind and whose expertise in their business and their market adds value to the board. The
other 6 board of directors are the external board of directors. External board of directors are not
involved in the inner workings of the company and bring experience from working in with other
businesses. This position provides more of an objective view what goals need to be met and how to
fairly settle
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Jurassic Park Film Analysis Essay
Jurassic Park is an American authorization centered on a catastrophic endeavour to create theme park
of emulated dinosaurs who escapes imprisonment and riot on the human characters. In 1990,
Universal Studios bought the rights of the novel, written by Michael Crichton, followed by the release
of the movie adaption in 1993. Science versus ethics, the main theme of the film, is very polemical
and not commonly argued by the media, making the film even more appealing. Steven Spielberg
successfully creates a cliff hanger making the viewer entertain and thrilled. To create the unendurable
suspense, Steven Spielberg has used different type of shots and angles, colours and light and acting,
which all contributed to build the tension in the movie. ... Show more content on ...
To illustrate, director often uses red details in scenes to symbolise danger, small things such as a scarf
on Dr Sattler s neck in the beginning of the film. These tiny details indicated the audience about
danger and builds a fearful mood. In addition, the weight of the evidence suggest that, colours and
lights can make any situation appealing and horrifying. A final point, the performances of the actors
were magnificent and absolutely accurate, as it acknowledges the audience with the actor s genuine
emotions. Joining, Jeff Goldblum as Mathematics Malcolm are Sam O Neill as Dr. Alan Grant, Laura
Dern as Dr. Ellie Sattler, Richard Attenborough as park creator John Hammond, Samuel L. Jackson as
a computer guru and Wayne Knight as the villain Newman. The picture starts off with an outbreak,
nevertheless, the audience doesn t know what is creating so much horror to the characters. To be more
precise, in the scene when Dr Grant, Mathematician Malcolm, and the two kids: Tim (Joseph
Mazzello) and Lex (Ariana Richards) were waiting to see the T rex. This scene builds up curiosity in
the viewers because of the excited reactions of the actors. Malcolm notices something in the dark and
looks very surprised, the audience notices the raw human emotion of Malcolm and the curious
reaction. Overall, this scene supports the aspect as it displays to the audience the outstanding
expression and the naturalistic emotions from
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The Pros And Cons Of Cryptography
Cryptography Is considered the most important thing by means of secure communication. It is used to
encrypt and decrypt data and provide secure communication between the sender and receiver. As a
finance company, the most important thing to look after is the process speed and security of the data.
There are two types of encryption and decryption methods known as a Symmetric key and Public key
cryptography. Symmetric key has set of algorithms such as Blowfish, two fish, DES, 3DES, AES etc
and on the other hand Asymmetric key has set of an algorithm such as Elliptic curve, Diffie Hellman,
DSA, RSA etc. These symmetric and asymmetric keys have its own advantages and disadvantages.
Hybrid cryptography is one of most famous cryptography ... Show more content on ...
Asymmetric cryptography:
Asymmetric encryption is also known as public key encryption. This uses two keys for encryption and
decryption of data. The two keys are the Public key which it can be shared with anyone and the other
one is a Private key or secret key which should be kept secretly. Each user will have its own public
key and private key. Let s assume Alice and Bob are the sender and receiver. Alice(A) wants to send a
message to Bob(B). Alice will first encrypt(E) the plaintext(M) with Alice s public key and send to
bob. Now Bob verifies Alice s message by checking whether it is Alice s digital signature and then
bob decrypts(D) the key using the bob private key. This process will be the same if Bob sends Alice
↓ ↓
Plain text(M)→ → → →Plain text(M)
More secure when compared to symmetric key because the private key is not shared with each other.
Uses digital signature for encrypting data.
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Cross-cultural Communication and Power Distance
Executive Summary
This assignment is to analyze the U.S. culture and Japanese culture by using Hofstede s 5 cultural
dimensions and Trompenaars s cultural dimensions. According to the Wal Mart s Japanese strategy
case to distinguish the difference culture in Japan compare with U.S. There are some problems that
Wal Mart may encounter which are Japan s current distribution system, people s traditional thinking of
low price equate low quality and people would not going big shopping. The inherent risks of Wal Mart
s entry strategies include trust, communication, and power problems. Further more, the advantages of
crossing culture diversity that are more creativity, more and better ideas, better decision making can
strengthen an ... Show more content on ...
Further more, People live in very small space since the real state became expensive, they have no
space to store things cause people in Japan has no big shopping activities.
2. Do you agree with Wal Mart s entry strategy? From a cross cultural perspective, what are the
inherent risks? Do you think that a faster market entry would be more effective?
Yes, I agree. From the perspective of crossing culture, the inherent risks include trust, power
problems, and communication problems. Wal Mart bought Seiyu to enter Japanese market. It is
difficult to communicate between 2 countries which have totally difficult cultures. No matter in the
language or in mind. Language problem may be more easy to solved. They can apply interpreters, but
the culture stuff influent people s thinking, behavior. People from different culture think from different
ways. Trust can be also a big problem. Firm engaged in international trade have to trust someone they
may have never seen, who lives in a different country, who speaks a different language, who abides by
( or does not abide by) a different legal system, and who could be very difficult to track down if he or
she defaults on an obligation.(Charles, 1994) Another problem is power. Both Japan and U.S are the
masculinity country, they are ambitious and fight for power while work in same place.
I don t think the faster market entry would be effective. Because Wal Mart
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Complex Interrelationship Among The Cardiovascular System
There is a complex interrelationship among the cardiovascular system, the central nervous system
(Na+, appetite and thirst regulation), the kidneys, and the tissue capillary beds distribution of
extracellular fluid volume). Any change at any of these sites affects the function at other sites. There is
a basic law of kidneys that Na+ excretion is directly proportional to mean arterial blood pressure
(MABP). A marginal increase in MABP causes significant increase in Na+ excretion. Redistribution
of blood flow between outer cortex and medulla alters salt and water excretion. The majority of Na+
ion is reabsorbed by the thick ascending loop of Henley, the length of loop of Henley effects the
amount of Na+ reabsorbed.
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Corrie Ten Boom
The theme of selfless service and unflinching love in the face of persecution dominates the work of
Corrie ten Boom in THE HIDING PLACE. Through the lens of her Christian upbringing, ten Boom
articulately recounts her life s journey from a small child living in a bustling Dutch city to a vapid,
malnourished prisoner of the German Nazis. Through her life s struggle, she hopes to inspire others
and teach a new generation about the value of life and the innate capacity that all possess to fully love
one another.
THE HIDING PLACE recounts Corrie ten Boom s intriguing life story. Casper ten Boom and
Cornelia ten Boom were married and started a family in the late 1800s in Haarlem, Holland. Cornelia
ten Boom, the youngest of four children, was born ... Show more content on ...
This visit marked a turning point for Corrie. Through the Bulldog s anecdotes of harassment and
difficulty, she was able to personalize the wrath of the German soldiers. She experienced first hand the
effects that the persecution had on Haarlem s Jews. Over the next few weeks, Jews began furtively
arriving at the Beje under the cover of night in order to escape their captors. Corrie, Betsie, and their
father welcomed these new guests with open arms, but the ten Booms knew that the Jews would not
be able to stay for very long. Ration cards were scarce and food would soon run out. Corrie turned to
her brother Willem, who worked with the Underground Resistance. Willem arranged for the
transportation of the Jews to the countryside, but Corrie knew that his help would only last for so long.
For her to be successful at helping the Jews, she needed to make her own connections and arrange her
own system of dealings. She arranged for ration cards to be dropped off at the Beje, kept in contact
with the Resistance s top leaders, and had alarm systems and a secret hiding place in her room built.
The Beje turned into the hub of the Jewish underground movement in Haarlem under the guise of a
petty watch repair shop. Putting their personal safety at risk week after week, month after month, the
ten Booms oversaw hundreds of Jews taken to
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Aristotle Voluntary And Involuntary Act Summary
In Book III Chapter one of The Nicomachean Ethnics, Aristotle has his explanation of the meaning of
the voluntary act and involuntary act. He thinks the criterion for judging whether a man should be held
accountable for one of his actions was whether he had acted voluntarily. As the main idea of book
three moral virtue, Aristotle starts his discussion from point out the issue of moral responsibility,
which can be considered as a basis of moral virtue, because if a man cannot be responsible for the
action he did, then theoretically the discussion is superfluous. For example, the person was carried by
the wind; then his behavior does not have any moral significance. Therefore, Aristotle wants to make a
distinction between the voluntary actions and the involuntary actions, that is, for the moral
responsibility to draw a piece of their territory, as a basis to talk about other ... Show more content on ...
to do something that is humiliating and painful for the sake of nobility. B. to do something that is
humiliating and painful for the sake of no nobility. C. to do a wrongful action under pressure which
overstrains human nature (39 25) D. to do nothing rather than facing death.The first two acts A and B
have more initiatives than the latter, and the two acts C and D seems too passive, and closer to the
involuntary actions but still because of its will. However, C and D can clearly reflect the meaning of
the mixed actions, that is, in a situation, we are willing to make the choice which is voluntarily, but if
it is in a different situation, then it against our wills. In this case, A should be praise; B should be
blamed because Aristotle thinks this is characteristic of wicked; C cannot get the praise, but because of
the pressure, it can get away from the blame. However, that does not mean the action is right; D.
cannot be forgiven because the fear we have of this kind of evil action should greater than anything
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Themes In The Inheritance Of Loss
Human Deprivation
The title of the novel The Inheritance of Loss is very suitable as tells failures, disappoinments of the
real characters once lived in the post colonial India. The themes of loss, for in our world if mankind
has nothing else to take over, it can accept loss as its heritage, however, the matter is not as simple or
straight as it looks, the reason is that this novel is a highly intricate work which confronts several
themes extending from loss to poverty, gain, to wealth, justice to injustice.
The Inheritance of Loss is a political and historical novel, but the truth is that in spite of its political
and historical extents, it is a socio cultural work of fiction. Desai pursues to redefine human culture,
the elements of love ... Show more content on ...
His life is totally different and he finds totally no interest in his career, and finding nothing but despair
and seeks early retirement from his job. Jemubhai hates his wife because she was uneducated and dark
in complexion and he sends his wife to her father s house. Later his wife Lakshmi dies in a domestic
accident and his position becomes strangely curious.
On the other he has to undergo a heart breaking loss. He has to tolerate, the loss of power and position
to which he reconcile himself with plenty seriousness and concern. This loss of family relationship is
one of major issues in Indian society that Kiran Desai relates in this novel.
The Inheritance of Loss may be viewed as an anti colonial novel which goes against the deprivation of
poor and weak people in all possible ways. The cook is so much involved in his son s career that in
spite of all problems and adversities he manages to send him to America for suitable employment.
Biju reaches New york and he makes a number of friends. Both Indians and Pakistanis, as well as the
other Asians, but he understands that all foreigners are exposed to racial
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The Role Of Labelling Theory And Differential Association...
INTRODUCTION The focus of this paper will be on two contemporary criminological theories and
their application to the crime film, Eastern Promises. The two theories to be discussed, and
subsequently applied to the film, are labelling theory and differential association theory. Labelling
theory falls under the symbolic interactionist approach, and the primary level of analysis of this theory
is micro, as it tends to focus on the effect of labels on an individual s sense of self . The basis of
labelling theory is that no act is inherently deviant; it is only when the act is labelled deviant that it
becomes so. When someone is labelled as deviant, they begin to see themselves as the label they have
been assigned. This can cause the behaviour to happen more frequently, as the individual who has
been labelled begins to see themselves as they label they have been given. A criticism of labelling
theory is that it lacks empirical validity, and is deterministic. There is no way to effectively test this
theory, so there is no way to know for sure how accurate the concept of labelling is and the effect it
has on an individual and their propensity towards criminality. This and other aspects of labelling
theory will be broken down and discussed later on in the paper. The second theory to be discussed in
this paper is Edwin Sutherland s theory of differential association. This theory is an extension of social
learning theory, and it follows the positivist approach. It also uses a micro
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Implementing Physical Security As An Access Control Plan
Implementing physical security as an access control plan takes a great effort of planning. Physical
security is the protection and controlled access of personnel, the environment they operate in, which
includes the hardware and what it contains, as well as the rooms and buildings they are located in.
Physical security has three indispensable parts: access to control, observation, and testing. Obstacles
should be set for potential aggressors and physical areas should be bolstered against anything causing
delays, attacks or natural disasters. Such measures can include proper fencing, locks, control access
cards, biometrics that control systems and fire proofing structures. Physical areas should be checked
using observation cameras and for ... Show more content on ...
A clear and concise plan is needed, which will help lessen potential threats. The foundation of
biometric sensors, for instance, iris inspecting or one of a kind finger impression affirmation, can
make even the most formidable intruder think twice about gaining unauthorized access. Now and
again, all that is relied upon to decide the issue is an instrument to give enough time to contact the
authorities. In any case, access control should consist of physical security as well as information
security (Ricardo, 2015).
Consideration should be given to shutting off access to portable workstations, desktops, and servers.
There is great risk for a potential insider threat, such as personnel leaving the workplace undetected
with a portable device tucked under a clothing item. Such circumstances happen extremely often and
more organizations are being compromised. One conceivable situation to fix security is to utilize the
terminal server and a bootable Linux conveyance. Likewise avoided are DHCP (Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol), anticipating issues with spyware, malware, or infections (Ricardo, 2015).
Security Controls Physical security manages and protects assets as regulatory, specialized, what s
more, physical controls. Control frameworks, interruption discovery frameworks, and evaluating
frameworks are cases of specialized controls. A few examples of regulatory controls are site area,
office configuration,
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Essay On Why I Want To Go To College

  • 1. Essay On Why I Want To Go To College 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay On Why I Want To Go To College Essay On Why I Want To Go To College
  • 2. The Poverty Of New Zealand You would like to believe that New Zealand, a well developed country, is a great place for children to live. For most of us that is true however there is still a concerning amount of children who live in poverty. Since the late 1980 s and early 1990 s there has been an increase in child poverty of around 15 percent (Boston, 2014). Currently the New Zealand government spends up to ten billion dollars a year on attempting to solve child poverty and yet still as many as 25 percent of children, which is roughly about 270,000 children, currently live in poverty in New Zealand, (Expert Advisory Group on solutions to Child Poverty (EAG), 2012), (Boston McIntosh, 2012). Poverty in New Zealand means experiencing hunger, food insecurity, reduced life expectancy, poor health outcomes, debt, inability to afford required medical care, unaffordable or crowded housing and not being able to fully participate in society (Haultain, 2012). This is an issue that urgently needs to be resolved as poverty can have some serious negative impacts on people s lives. (EAG, 2012). While Maori are represented within all socioeconomic areas of New Zealand society, Maori are currently over represented in poverty statistics. Maori children are far more likely to be exposed to the impacts and effects of poverty than the average child. (Simpson, Duncanson, Oben, Wicken Pierson. 2015). There are around 13 percent of Maori children that are effected by severe poverty compared to only five percent of ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Punishment In Night By Elie Wiesel Throughout the history of mankind, many genocides have occurred around the world because there is much hatred among specific kinds of people. A genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. An example of a genocide in Germany is the Holocaust where Elie Wiesel, the author of Night, showed the Jews experience from the horrors, tortures, and killings in the death camps. At the same time, a mass execution was happening in Nanjing, China, where the Japanese soldiers were slaughtering and torturing thousands of the Chinese. Both the Jews from Night and the Chinese in the Nanking Massacre had suffered the elements of cruelty from execution methods and their torture such ... Show more content on ... The Jews and Chinese suffered beatings from their oppressors while they were trying to recover from their recent injuries. In the memoir, Night, Idek, a German Kapo, conducted the Jews viciously, making almost any injuries very difficult to recover from. For example, Idek was viciously beating Elie when they crossed paths. Idek lost his temper and caused himself to jump on Elie. Idek violently beat Elie continuously until Elie was covered in blood. Even though Elie tried not to howl in pain in the way of accepting his false, Idek mistook him and beat Elise harder and harder (Wiesel 53). This was an example of cruelty because Elie was being beaten for just being in Idek s path while Idek was venting his anger. Idek s actions showed cruelty because he attacked Elie without stopping to let Elie recover even though, Elie was nearly dying from the beating. Another example of beatings, was that in the Nanjing database of war, Alan Axelrod s The Rape of Nanjing, the war crime database stated that Atrocities reported and (in many cases) documented include a rampage through the Nanking Hospital, during which soldiers tore bandages from the flesh of the wounded, smashed casts with clubs, and raped nurses (Axelrod). These actions showed cruelty to the Chinese because the Chinese were being beaten from the brutality of the Japanese, even though the Chinese were already suffering from their ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Jazz Music Research Paper Of all the arts that took place in the United States, Jazz is well thought out as America s first original art form. Since its beginning in the 20th century, Jazz music is defined by chronicle changes. Almost every decade a new essence enhanced the movement, and by the 1940 s jazz had developed into a mature, complex form of music, with many nuances and avenues for unceasing changes. Jazz appeared in New Orleans in the early twentieth century. It is the product of miscegenation between the culture of American black people from slavery, and European culture imported by the colonists. In the early 1910s, New Orleans Jazz began combining ragtime and blues with improvisation. In 1930, the swing era emerged followed by Bebop in 1940 where jazz shifted ... Show more content on ... First, the traditional artist performs jazz based on bebop, swing, blues and hard bop. They dismiss free jazz and fusion. These artists consider that they play real jazz, not the diverse hybrids and adds on that aroused since 1960. One of the most important artists of this movement is the trumpeter Wynton Marsalis, who played a major role in the reappearance of jazz. Second, the contemporary mainstream artists are mainly influenced by hard bop. Although they use Hard Bop instrumentation and musical forms, contemporary mainstream artists try to push the music further. They increase technical proficiency on their instruments, they expand musical harmonies using more difficult chords and complex chords progression and they express deeper and varied emotions. The trumpeter Terence Blanchard is today s most important contemporary mainstream jazz artist. Third, as their name indicates, anything goes jazz artists mix up all kind of music. Their music can include all styles of jazz, blues, rock, Latin, classical, popular, hip hop... The saxophonist Dave Liebman and the trumpeter Dave Douglas are two important anything goes artists. Another thing that is specific to today s jazz is the variation in the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Race, Class and Gender Franklin (1987) also alluded that patriarchy did not serve black men; the notion of black men being domineering over groups is questionable. Besides, Pleck (2008) claimed that the male heterosexual homosexual dichotomy is used as the main symbolic tool defining the rankings of masculinity. Highlighting racial politics, it would be interesting to have a study focusing on the power relations between white gay men and black heterosexual men. This is premised on the stance that the racial hierarchy, regardless of its dismissal, seems to continue to characterise socio economic relations. ???? stated that race remains a factor because it is deeply embedded within the subconscious, a discussion on this shall follow suit. McClintock (1992: 5) ... Show more content on ... Erasmus (2008) stated that apartheid discourse merged race, class, culture and nation together. While MacDonald (2006) argued that apartheid is rightly perceived as racism, it was also racialist. Racialists view race as a source of identity which marks difference between human beings. They regard identities as axes of political institutions and then urge states to be organized on the basis of race. Whitehead and Barret (2001) stated that in white supremacist contexts, black masculinities play symbolic roles for white gender constructions whereby whiteness and white men and women are the norm and blackness is the Other. Seekings (2008) buttresses this viewpoint as he argued that apartheid was a system aimed at ordering society and explicitly according to racial categories and this was achieved utilizing state power and its apparatuses. Apartheid entrenched radicalized identities and fostered racial division at the same time as exacerbating inequality in the distribution of income (Seekings, 2008: 5). Seekings (2008) also cited that the apartheid regime had three broad objectives. The first one was ideological in effort to maintain racial purity; policies prohibiting inter racial marriage were formulated. Residential segregation was also enacted as part of this endeavour. Another objective cited by Seekings (2008) is that apartheid was utilized to establish and maintain economic privilege for the white ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Metric System Research Paper How many 16ths of an inch are in a mile? How many fluid ounces in a cubic inch? What is the conversion factor between degrees celsius and degrees Fahrenheit? These are some of the terrible questions that plague only the minds of people in three countries in the world: the United States of America, Myanmar, and Liberia. All 193 of the other countries in the world use the metric system. The United States of America should convert to the metric system because of the following reasons: it is the global and scientific standard, it is much easier to use, not using it causes US consumers and businesses to lose money, and our lack of familiarity with it is part of the reason why our students lag so far behind much of the rest of the world in STEM ... Show more content on ... One example of this occurred in 1999 when the NASA spacecraft Orbiter burned up in the Martian atmosphere due to a conversion error. This was caused because one of the Lockheed Martin engineers tried to use the US customary (imperial) system while all the other engineers used the metric system (SI) This eventually caused the $125,000,000 orbiter to miss its proper orbit and burn up in the atmosphere of mars (NASA). Although losses due to conversion errors on this magnitude are rather uncommon, there are still other ways in which not using the metric system that can cause US consumers and business to lose money, When selling a product, the seller needs to have sufficient demand for their product in order to justify the cost of production. One way to increase the profit is to start mass producing the product. This is because mass producing can significantly reduce the cost per item to produce a product. However when there is insufficient demand for a product to mass produce the profit margin will substantially decrease, and the price of the item for consumers will need to be increased to maintain the cost of operations for the company making the product. This means that because the US uses a different measurement system than the rest of the world and has different sizes of products, that any business that makes things for our country has fewer potential buyers and a higher cost to make each item. This means that if that business converted to the metric system that they could potentially increase their sales by a factor of 31. Along with increasing business profits, changing to the metric system would lead to cheaper prices for all consumers because businesses would not need to have both metric and special US customary equipment thus, lowering the operating costs of the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Mandan Tribe Research Paper The Mandan Tribe is a society of Native Americans that have managed to survive for longer than three centuries through many various hardships in their environments of North Dakota and South Dakota. The Mandans have prospered due to their adaptable and unique civilization. They have anomalous customs and cultures that make it easy to advance. Some of the most essential and important information to include about them is how they have lived over the years. This involves their lifestyles, history, and how they used their surroundings. The Mandan People are diverse in their lifestyles from the family roles to the traditions. Mandan men were hunters and sometimes went to war to protect their families. Mandan women were farmers and also did most ... Show more content on ... Near there they can grow the necessary and indigenous plants and hunt the region s animals to remain strong and healthy. They can make shelter depending on what they are going through. Some domiciles that they have made are the traditional Native American teepee which they only used for their nomadic trips in which they are following their prey, bison and other animals. Their more permanent homes were called earth lodges and were extremely simplistic in design, yet functioned sufficiently. The earth lodges were just holes in the ground with a kind of dome covered with dirt and materials of that type. In the 19th century the Mandan lived in dome shaped earth lodges clustered in stockaded villages; their economy centred on raising corn (maize), beans, pumpkins, sunflowers, and tobacco and on hunting buffalo, fishing, and trading with nomadic Plains tribes (Source C). To make things easier and more efficient the Mandans also were able to create weapons and tools. They were usually just the typical straightforward devices such as bows and arrows, axes, knives, shields, spears. Some different weapons were shields, clubs, and lances. Mandan hunters used bows and arrows. In war, Mandan men fired their bows or fought with war clubs and hide shields (Source A) Clothing was also acquired through the land. ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Future Challenges Of Energy Storage Technology... Administrative Summary Proposal Working Title: The future challenges in energy storage technology Rechargeable battery. Proposal summary: Impact Statement: Project Description: The future challenges in energy storage technology Rechargeable Battery. Introduction Background Li ion rechargeable battery Energy is the lifeblood of modern society, but the major energy supplies are fossil fuel generation, which leads to air pollution and environmental issues. Then, there is an increasing need to develop renewable energy to balance the demand and supply. Electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles will be the effective method to decrease fossil fuel usage and rechargeable batteries are one of the main strategies to power these vehicles. [tarascon] Figure1. Schematic illustration of the first Li ion battery [123123] Rechargeable battery is one of the electrochemical energy storage technologies, which can be charged and discharged into a load and recharged many times. Compare to disposable batteries the rechargeable batteries have higher initially cost, but they have a much lower total cost of ownership and environmental impact since they can be recharged inexpensively many times before replaced [wiki]. Therefore, rechargeable battery has a potential in commercial field. The three main targets for rechargeable batteries are portable electronics, power ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Analysis Of Who Own History By Eric Foner To begin, in the prefix of Who Owns History , the author, Eric Foner hints at what the whole book will be about the way history is taught will be the way we are able to view it. In the prefix the author wrote about all the different experiences he had and how he viewed the change in history. Eric Foner explained, History always has been and always will be regularly rewritten, in response to new questions, new information... While the author explains this he s describing how we change the way history is viewed. The way you are taught it will be the cause of you seeing it in a different way than other people might have seen the same topic at hand. History will be constantly evolving due our ever changing society, we all have a different perspective ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Human Trafficking also Known as Modern Day Slave Trade Human Trafficking, also referred to as modern day slave trade, has been defined by the United Nations Palermo Protocol as, the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons, by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of abuse of power or of position of vulnerability or of the giving and receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs ... Show more content on ... However, the number of calls referring to potential trafficking situations dropped to 97. The top three categories of trafficking changed to the following; sex trafficking, labor trafficking, and sex and labor trafficking. The number of calls from Dallas in 2010 was 96( 27/123 = 21.95%) and the number from Houston was 327(37/290 = 12.76%) ( Texas Polaris Project 2014). In 2011, the total number of calls made to the NHTRC was 19,427, out of those calls 1,314 were from Texas, this is 247 more than in 2010. Only 84 of those calls could be used in reference to potential situations. In 2011, the types of trafficking went back to the same top three as in 2009. Dallas had 130 calls and Houston had 378 calls ( Texas Polaris Project 2014). In 2012 the total number of calls made throughout the United States to NHTRC was 20,652, out of those calls 1,900 were from Texas, which is 586 more than in 2011. In the 2012 report the NHTRC changed the way the monitored the way they calculated the number of calls that could be used to reference to potential situations the numbers are as follows; 140 calls had high reference ability and 235 calls had moderate reference ability. In 2012, Dallas had 252 calls made to the NHTRC. Houston had 547 calls. As measured through reported frequencies of phone calls to ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Thermal Solar Energy Lab Report The results of this simulation are displayed in Fig. 4, where injected and extracted heat per length ((q) ̇/L) pulses were simulated for 300 months. A charging time of 19 months is needed to charge the ground by thermal solar energy in order to achieve the desired design temperature. In the figure, this 19 month period begins in June and ends in January. When the system is actively supplying thermal energy to the building, the temperature rises in the summer months to a peak of about 80 C and falls in the winter months to a low of about 67 C. The yearly average is about 71.5 C. Figure 4 Monthly BTES temperatures over the project lifetime During this charging time, the existing water heater and heat pumps will be used to satisfy ... Show more content on ... Also, some savings are achieved by using more efficient cooling technology to reduce grid purchases. The retrofit therefore reduces the total energy purchased from the grid, but it also modifies the hourly electrical demand profile. Both pieces of information are required to compute the savings, because it is assumed that the grid pricing is demand sensitive, such that the price per kWh each month is a function of the load factor for that month. Load factor is defined on a monthly basis as the ratio of the average power consumption for the month divided by the peak hourly power consumption. The load factor measures the consistency of the demand over time, with high load factors indicating a more consistent demand that is less costly for the utility to provide. The monthly per kWh grid price is therefore inversely related to load factor. To determine how the building retrofit would modify the grid electrical demand, the original aggregate hourly demand is split, as was previously described, into heating, hot water, cooling, and baseline plug load profiles. The cooling profile is scaled by 80% to estimate the electrical load for the more ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Gallipoli Mission Command Analysis Mission Command: Anzac Cove Landing The Battle of Gallipoli, or the Gallipoli Campaign, was fought during the First World War. It is known by either name because the Battle of Gallipoli featured many different battles and phases that comprised the entirety of the campaign. This engagement began on February 17, 1915 and ended on January 9, 1916. The Allied forces were tasked with attempting to secure the strait. The purpose of this was twofold: first, it provided the Russian Empire with much needed shipping access, and second, it would serve to cut the Ottoman Empire in half. The Allies also planned to capture the capital of the Ottoman Empire during this operation. The British and the French attempted to launch a combined naval offensive ... Show more content on ... He was placed in command of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. Prior to the landings on the Gallipoli peninsula, the general decided to split his forces. As Powles described: The New Zealand and Australian Division normally also had two mounted brigades assigned to it, but these had been left in Egypt, as it was believed there would be no requirement or opportunities to use mounted troops on the peninsula. (Powles, 1922) This is an example of accepting prudent risk. However, here, the general made a poor choice because he could have utilized those brigades had they dismounted upon landing. The accounts of why he made this particular decision vary greatly. Some historians believe he did it because he did not have the resources to transport the troops from Egypt to Turkey. Other accounts argue that he did not believe that the enemy merited the extra troops. Regardless of the reason behind the choice, the general did not correctly exercise prudent risk in this case. The landing at Anzac Cove was set to send the 1st Australian Division ashore first. Their task was to establish strong points on Gun Ridge, and the purpose behind this pass the 3rd Infantry Brigade in order to facilitate their capture of the remainder of Gun Ridge. Then, with the capture of Gun Ridge, the 2nd Infantry Brigade would execute a forward passage of lines to capture of the high ground of Sari Bair. Looking at this action through the lens of mission command, it is a ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test and Takin it to the... The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test and Takin it to the Streets as Drug influenced Literature Art influenced by drugs faces a unique challenge from the mainstream: prove its legitimacy despite its tainted origins. The established judges of culture tend to look down upon drug related art and artists, as though it is the drug and not the artist that is doing the creating. This conflict, less intense but still with us today, has its foundations in the 1960s. As the Beatnik, Hippie, and psychedelic movements grew increasing amounts of national attention, the influence of drugs on culture could no longer be ignored by the mainstream. In an age where once prolific drugs like marijuana and cocaine had become prohibited and sensationalized, ... Show more content on ... (Bloom 374 375) Even something as seemingly harmless as Puff invoked this sort of hostile politicized response from mainstream culture; it is not difficult to imagine the vitriol that was directed at more serious (and more blatant) works of drug influenced art. Mainstream society s bias against drugs was not unknown to drug influenced artists by any means. The drug users used the word straight very disparagingly to describe the general close mindedness of mainstream culture. In The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test, Tom Wolfe includes an excerpt from some of Ken Kesey s letters, in which he parodies general public s conception of his career. What was it, he writes of himself, that had brought a man so high of promise to so low a state in so short a time? Well, the answer can be found in just one short word, my friends, in just one all well used syllable: Dope! (5). Drug influenced artists, like Kesey, unquestionably knew what mainstream society thought of them, and in many cases set about trying to alter what they ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Charles Boblit Case Summary Facts: John Brady (petitioner) and Charles Boblit were found guilty of first degree murder and sentenced to death. Convictions were affirmed by the Court of Appeals in Maryland. Their trials were processed separately. At Brady s trial, he took stand and maintained that he participated in the preceding robbery, but not in the killing. At the sentencing, both men received the death penalty. Brady s counsel conceded that Brady was guilty of murder in the first degree, and asking the jury to return that verdict without capital punishment. Prior to the trial counsel requested to examine Boblit s extra judicial statements. Several statements were shown to Petitioner s counsel; but the one was dated on July 09, 1958, in which Boblit admitted the actual homicide, was ... Show more content on ... Petitioner s appeal from a denial of that motion was dismissed by the Court of Appeals without any prejudice to relief under the Maryland. The petition for post conviction relief was dismissed by the trial court; and on appeal the Court of appeals held that suppression of the evidence by the prosecution denied petitioner due process of law and remanded the case for a retrial of the question of punishment, not the question of guilt. Ruling: The Supreme Court held that withholding evidence violated the process where the evidence is crucial either to guilt or to punishment. The court also determined that under Maryland state law the withheld evidence could not have exculpated the defendant, but was material to the level of punishment he would be given. Relevance: Police officers who becomes dishonest are sometimes referred to as Brady cops . Because of the Brandy ruling, prosecutors are required to nifty defendants and their attorneys whenever a law enforcement official involved in their case has a confirmed record of knowingly lying in an official ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Urinary Tract Disease Research Paper Diet Changes for FLUTD Feline lower urinary tract disease is a general term used when there is a condition affecting a cat s bladder or urethra. These problems can consist of: urinary stones or crystals that form in the urine and irritate the lining of the bladder, urethral plugs that form in the male cats urethra, causing a physical obstruction, spasm of the muscle in the wall of the urethra, stress and behavioral problems, and bacterial infections in the bladder (Understanding). Clinical signs of feline lower urinary tract disease include: straining to urinate, urinating small amounts, frequent and/or prolonged attempts to urinate, crying out while urinating, excessive licking of the genital area, urinating outside the litter box, and blood ... Show more content on ... It is possible to make a homemade diet for your cat but these following things must be followed to ensure a healthy urinary tract. Diluting the urine is extremely important to decrease the number of possible irritants in the bladder causing inflammation in the bladder mucosa. One way to accomplish dilution is to feed a canned food by increasing water intake. Another way to increase water intake is to add a sodium supplementation, however this can be a problem in some cats especially ones with renal failure. Highly acidic diets are not recommended because acidic diets can increase pain perception in the bladder by stimulating the bladders nerves (Sanderson). Ensuring the diet is also low in magnesium will help alleviate the chances of forming crystals, some of which are made up of magnesium, therefore a low magnesium diet will prevent their formation. Also, ensuring the diet is high in protein will bring the urine pH to an optimum level (pH 5.9 6.3) as well as a low fat content, which is a contributing factor to feline lower urinary tract disease. (Understanding). Usually dietary management will depend of the type of crystal present in the urine. A veterinary diagnosis with a microscopic analysis of the urine is necessary to properly treat feline lower urinary tract disease. A cat s diet that had an increased level of sodium needs to have regular checkups to monitor blood ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Essay on Book Blindness The sinners dealt with in our past novels and the present novel Blindness empathetically been assigned the trait of ignorance. Thus, providing the root of sin and degration of lives, as relating to the treatment of people in the short story Somni in the novel Cloud Atlas. Focusing on Blindness, the ungreedy are horribly dealt with by the thugs with a conscience with teeth to bite (18). This quality of man is the result of how humans sometimes favor short term luxuries over long term consequences. This can be related to the car thief of the blind man near the beginning of the novel. So evidently, Saramago uses greed for fuel of ignorance to corrupt reason in this novel, and diagnoses the sensual appetite (171) of humans as a ... Show more content on ... This can also be the thesis for the occupants on the boat in Life of Pi; such a long and hopeless endurement leads to the destruction of reason and dignity. Relating more on main group of blindness; there is the thought that what is right and what is wrong are simply different ways of understanding relationships with others ; compensating for the group s down spiral of dignity. That kind of understanding seemed to be essential in preserving the group s sanity. Sanity is a huge factor when dealing with ones actions, and when considering human value. The surveillance of the doctor s wife and the group effort to keep strong preserved such sanity. As for the others, the psychological realm they were trapped in seemed to betray such sanity. Reflecting back on the main group, the length of the period in which they were all confined in was definitely a contribution to the durability of the group. The cruel confinement placed on the blind from the government manifestly shows the degration of humans, especially when it comes to the impaired judgment enforced by the ignorant. Survival and selfishness erased all reason and worthiness. In the short story of Somni in Cloud Atlas, we reflect on the greed of Papa John s for the degration of lives. In the Luisa Rey short story, money overwhelms the value of everything else. The military s motives in Blindness also illustrates unhealthy dignity. One of the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Antifungal Drugs Literature Review Review of Literature REVIEW OF LITERATURE Classification of antifungal drugs: Barar (2000) reported that, the antifungal drugs may be classified as: 1 Antifungal antibiotics: Griseofulvin. Polyenes (Nystatin,Natamycin,Hamycin and Amphotericin B). 2 Synthetic antifungal agents: Flucytosine,Cotrimoxazole,Dapsone,Haloprogin,Imidazoles, Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Econazole, Ketoconazole, Isoconazole, Sulconazole and Tioconazole. Triazoles: Fluconazole and Itraconazole. 3 Miscellaneous antifungal agents: Hydroxystilbamidine, Potassium iodide, Tolnaftate, Undecylenic acid, Clioqinol, Terbinafine, Ciclopirox olamine, Triacetin, Benzoic and Salicylic acid. Abuhammour and Habte Gabr (2001) reported that, fungal infections have been classified into two distinctive classes: systemic and superficial. Consequently antifungal agents are classified under two major headings, systemic and topical agents .There are only a few systemic antifungal drugs available for use and these are polyenes (Amphotericin B), pyrimidines (Flucytosine), azoles (Ketoconazole,Fluconazole and Itraconazole) and Griseofulvin. Brenner and Stevens (2006) recorded that, antifungal drugs are classified as: Polyene antibiotics(Amphotericin B,Natamycin and Nystatin). Azole derivatives(Clotrimazole,Econazole, Ketoconazole, Voriconazole, Fluconazole and Itraconazole). Allylamine drugs(Naftifine and Terbinafine). Other antifungal drugs (Caspofungin, Ciclopirox, ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Elie Wiesel Night Themes Elie Wiesel has said that all his works are commentary on Night, his one work that deals directly with the Holocaust. His novels are odysseys of a soul fragmented by the Holocaust, in quest of tranquillity, an attempt to move away from the night, reaching the shores of day. The key to understanding Wiesel, then, is his memoir in the form of a novella, Night. It is a slim volume that records his childhood memories of his hometown and his experiences in the concentration camp. It also contains the themes, images, and devices that recur throughout his novels. Night The opening chapter of Night begins with the social setting of Wiesel s native village of Sighet in Transylvania its inhabitants, their customs, their beliefs and his first meeting with Moché, the beadle, a character who forms a link to all his other works. Events occur rapidly. The disruption of normalcy with the invasion of the Germans, the forcing of the Jews into ghettos, their deportation, and the obliteration of the Jewish community are recorded tersely ... Show more content on ... The townspeople, however, refuse to believe him and think he has gone mad. Moché appears in every book; his role is usually that of messenger in the tale he tells. Madness is an essential element in all Wiesel s works. On the one hand, it is indicative of the malady that struck the world during the Holocaust years. Wiesel, however, treats his madmen sympathetically. Their madness is not clinical but mystical. They are visionaries, saints, or messengers, endowed with the task of saving the world. As such, they become one with humankind, God, and creation. Wiesel s point is that madness can be a force of evil or good. Hitler and his Nazis were mad. Their madness was employed to destroy the world. Most of Wiesel s madmen want to bring about the Messiah; they want to redeem the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Betspin Casino Betspin Casino, an online casino operated by MT SecureTrade Limited is a leading provider of online casino games and entertainment, and known for its sleek, modern and sophisticated playing environment. The high level of comfort, satisfaction and convenience that players receive are made possible by the corporate values the casino adheres to. For a start, Betspin Casino is designed as a giver, a gaming hub that puts the concerns of players and casino enthusiasts first. Instead of thinking solely about profits, Betspin takes the high road, and promote player confidence and satisfaction. Also, all services and transactions by Betspin are anchored on trust and honesty. And finally, part of the core values of Betspin Casino is respect, a respect for the security and confidence of members and players. All these factors help make Betspin by MT SecureTrade Limited a leading ... Show more content on ... Deposits and withdrawals made at Betspin can be facilitated through VISA, NETELLER, Skrill, MasterCard, EUTELLER and Trustly. Transactions are all secure, keeping player safety and comfort in mind. Customer Service Betspin provides a safe, secure and reliable gaming environment, and customer satisfaction is assured through a number of contact options. A Live Chat feature is available at Betspin, and customers can send in their queries from 08:00 00:00 CET. Players can also get information and clarification using the FAQ page of Betspin, and this section is arranged in different categories and by questions to allow better information dissemination. Betspin Casino also maintains a social media presence, particularly a Facebook page that helps engage more players and members. At Betspin, player comfort and entertainment remain the strongest priority. With an honest and transparent take on all services and transactions, your time at Betspin will easily become an entertaining, safe and profitable ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Physical Effects And Social Effects Of HIV And AIDS HIV and AIDS has not only physical effects on the body, but social effects as well. People infected HIV and AIDs have different experiences of the world, compared to others infected by other illnesses. People living with HIV or AIDs have different social lives due to the stigma attached to these diseases, which in turn affects their mental health. People infected with HIV/AIDs are at higher risk of mental disorders, because of the stigma attached, as well as social isolation. HIV and AIDS are one of the leading causes of illness related stigma toward the homosexual community around the globe. However, we must first understand the difference between HIV and AIDs. HIV or human immunodeficiency virus. It is the virus that can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS, if not treated. Unlike some other viruses, the human body can t get rid of HIV completely, even with treatment. So once you get HIV, you have it for life. (HIV.GOV). Being that HIV is with you for your rest of your life with currently no cures, there is a possibly of becoming discouraged. However, HIV and AIDS affects people in different way. HIV has higher risk of mental disorders and change in the sense of self for women. Many women still hold traditional roles such as being care providers, taking care of the needs of everyone. However, a diagnosis of HIV can affect their own perception of caring for others. The experience of one HIV counseling center, for example, has been that women to an ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Comparison Of Jesus In The Lion, The Witch, And Thewardrobe two theives on the cross. While in the Bible the theives also die, Susan and Lucy do not go all the way with him to the execution. Also, they watch his painful torture and death. In the Bible, the Romans taunt and beat Jesus before he is forced to carry the cross. In The Lion, the Witch, and theWardrobe, the White Witch s followers taunted him, bound him, and beat him before his execution (Lewis The Lion, the Witch, and theWardrobe 153 154). The difference between the two was that Jesus was never bound and Christ was nailed to a cross, not stabbed with a dagger. These differences are there so that Lewis can show that the execution was not Christian but pulled from other sacrificial religions. When Jesus died on the cross, the devil assumed he had won Earth and that he could now take over unchallenge. The White Witch had a similar theme going through her head before she killed Aslan. Lewis wrote Understand that you have given me Narnia forever, you have lost your own life and you have not saved his ( The Lion, the Witch, and theWardrobe 155). The White Witch assumed that since she was about to kill Aslan she would have Narnia all to herself and she would rule as she had previously. ... Show more content on ... The sky turned dark and the people watching paniced. Lewis recreates this when Susan and Lucy covered their eyes when Aslan is executed ( The Lion, the Witch, and theWardrobe 155). Just like God, they deeply cared about Aslan and his well being, so his murder made them need to turn away, just for the fact they could not believe the White Witch s minions could be happy about this. Susan and Lucy had compassion for Aslan and they could not bear to see him murdered in such a horrid ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Loneliness In Catcher In The Rye In the beginning of The Catcher in the Rye, Salinger brings up the motif of loneliness and depression which Holden reveals to the reader while at Pencey Prep. For example while writing a essay for Stradlater, he reflects on how after Allie, Holden s brother died, Holden slept in the garage, the night he died and [he] broke all the god damn window. (39). This reaction to inflict pain on himself is evidence that the loss triggered severe emotional disturbances. Holden isolates himself after a tragic event proving Allie s death is the cause for his loneliness. Also, while alone in his dorm at Pencey writing a composition for Stradlater his roommate, Holden couldn t think of a room or a house to describe... [he] wrote about [his] brother Allie s ... Show more content on ... After Holden arrives in New York and takes a cab to his hotel, he damn near gave my kid sister Phoebe a buzz, though. I certainly felt like talking to her on the phone. Somebody with sense and all, (66). Holden wants to talk to Phoebe as he has been isolated from her and feels because she is someone who he has a strong connection with, that she will make him less depressed shown by him saying that she had sense. Also while Holden is in his hotel room in New York, after his prostitute leaves, he felt depressed, then he began talking, sort of out loud, to Allie, (98). Allie s death made Holden isolated form someone who was close to him. Him attempting to talk to Allie shows how his loneliness and depression was caused by his isolation because he wants to try to reconnect with Allie to end his loneliness. While on his way to a bar from the hotel, Holden describes New York as making him feel lonesome and depressed and how he wished [he] could go home and shoot the bull with old Phoebe, (81). Holden feels lonely and depressed in New York because of his isolation from Phoebe, someone he loves. This is proved by how he describes that he wishes he could go home and talk with her for a while. After getting to New York, Holden s feelings still follow him as he feels lonely and depressed thinking about Phoebe and wanting to see ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Student Athletes Paid Students who attend college as athletes face the everyday struggles of being a full time athlete and a full time student. It has been long debated whether or not time restricted athletes should be compensated for the work they do on the field. Student athletes should be paid for their work as athletes, but because of NCAA amateurism rules, they are left with a busy training schedule, no athlete compensation if injury occurs, and no steady income. Student athletes have highly active training schedules and therefore have no time to get a job and support themselves with a steady income. While regular students are able to have part time jobs to help fend for their expenses in school, college players do not get to have this kind of luxury (Green ... Show more content on ... However, scholarships can go away at anytime if the athlete is injured or is not eligible to play the next year. Nevertheless situations where a scholarship has to be taken away could be avoided by providing the athlete with money and by paying college players, they will have the money to pay for treatment, hospitalization, rehabilitation and other expenses when it comes to injuries (Green Garage). In this case they would be able to see professionals about injuries, and this could further their chance of an easy recovery, so no scholarship has to be revoked. There are many other downsides to athletes receiving a scholarship but no side income. Lauren Deutsch is a college student who writes news for her college news site called The Crimson White. She reminds us in a Should College Athletes be Paid article that when an athlete loses their scholarship, they are left with no saved money from not being able to work a job therefore not only has no money but no way to pay for school the following year (Deutsch). Paying college athletes will give the athlete a chance to have some money just in case under any circumstance. That way this will provide them for the hard work they did, but also be there as an emergency or when their scholarship is gone. Ultimately, athletes have no income and stand on their own if they lose their scholarship, but in reality this is all because of ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The World s First Global Conflict Chantel banks World Literature II Literature Essay March 7, 2015 Illustrations on the Impact of War The world s first global conflict, World War 1 (1914 1918), opposed the Central Powers of Germany, Ottoman Empire, Austria and Hungary against the Allied forces of The United States, Great Britain, Russia, France, Japan and Italy. World War 1 was significant because of the initial appliance of modern technology into warfare; which consequently resulted in an unfathomable amount of soldiers deaths and multinational collateral damage. Through the introduction of multinational war, was the introduction of personal experiences and perspectives of all parties included. Although we may never know firsthand of the emotional pressure and frame of mind of the many individuals who endured the World War 1, we are fortunate in the amounts of historical artifacts, including literature written during those times, to help provide the future with an awareness and appreciation for those who sacrificed their lives for the world today. Two pieces of literature which specifically explores the emotional impact of war is Katherine Mansfield s symbolic work of literature The Fly: and W.B Yeats poignant elegy, An Irish Airman Foresees His Death. Each piece of literature written during the first year of the post war era, are an impressively intimate illustration of emotionally expressions and perspectives of the protagonists caused by the devastation of the war. The two pieces of literature ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Smoke Signals Analysis The film, Smoke Signals was about an adolescent name Victor and his friend Thomas on a journey to see what happened to Victor s father. Throughout the movie, Victor has trouble trying to forgive his father for leaving his mother and himself behind. The context behind the movie did a great job in illustrating the culture of Native Americans and threw in some of the common stereotypes that are associated with Native Americans. Some of the stereotypes about Native Americans were domestic violence, them being alcoholics and a scene where one of the female characters, Lucy, says we barter because we re Indian. The depiction of poverty and struggle in the movie was not as concise because of the difference in living space between Victor s family and Thomas s. Victor and his mother live in a decent home. In contrast, Thomas and his grandmother live in a higher standard living space. No one in the film was really struggling to meet ends met like how it is in the real world. If the movie was not focused on Victor and Thomas journey, the story would have taken a different path. In the scene where Victor and Thomas were on the bus, Victor stated there s three things that are needed to be a true Indian. The first thing being is that you have to be stoic, if not White people will walk all over you. The second thing is that an Indian is nothing without his hair. Lastly, to be Indian you have to dress like an Indian, in essence culturally or like a warrior. The culture of Native Americans ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Regime Of The Cuban Revolution Cuba is a nation that has been conquered by many people over the years and because of decolonization it is hard for the Cuban people to get rid of the rulers who wanted to influence their history. Fidel Castro gave the Cuban people independence. He was a forceful and cunning dictator who controlled the country and negatively effected the economy. The United States did not support the arrogant dictator s establishment of communism which led to an economic downfall. Due to Castro s insistence on practicing communism, the Cuban economy suffered as the government nationalized businesses while the United States implemented a trade embargo. In 1940 a dictator named Fulgencio Batista came to power in Cuba and was the President there until 1944. He then returned in 1952 and ruled until 1959 (Levinson). Batista was a dictator and an ally of the United States. The United States supported Batista and his dictatorship because they felt like they could control and overpower him, not making him any sort of threat. Between 1940 1944 Batista sponsored a large program of public works, expanded the educational system, and fostered the growth of the economy. When Batista returned to power in 1952 he was a brutal dictator and increasingly participated in corrupt actions (Levinson). Batista took control of the university, press and congress so he could maintain a strong hold on the people and the country. Batista also took lots of money that was meant for the government and held corrupt ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Mattel Case Study Analysis Unit Four Mattel Case Study Analysis Tosha Collins Kaplan University School of Business and Management MT 460 04 Management Policy and Strategy Dr. K. Peterson 1/31/12 Unit Four Mattel Case Study Analysis In 1944, the Mattel brand was founded by Ruth and Elliot Handler and Harold Matt Matson. They launched Mattel out of a garage workshop in Southern California. The first Mattel products were actually picture frames, but Elliot soon started using the scrap from the picture frames to create dollhouse furniture. Harold Matson eventually sold out to his partner, Ruth and Elliot Handler. The Handler s, encouraged by the success of the doll furniture and turned the emphasis of the company to toys. By 1955, Mattel was advertising ... Show more content on ... Mattel investigated the toy crisis thoroughly. The outcome to the problem had Mattel dismiss several of their subcontractors in the global economy. The next step was to ensure that all toys manufactured by those subcontractors, were removed from the shelves. Prior to facing any these problems, Mattel implemented their Global Manufacturing Principles (GMP). This applied to all businesses that produced or distributed their products. The GMP s provided structure for both subcontractors and contractors to abide by. This also helped to maintain safety for employees as well as the consumers. Mattel should revise their GMP s to be more up to update and implement them in their global economy, since much of their business is oversees. There should be regular inspections to make sure that their products are lead free. Equipment and products should be tested and examined to ensure that there are limited issues that could arise, which could lead to harmful safety issues for the consumer. Even though running a business may be stressful, it is important that companies make sure that the safety of their consumers is part of their mission, even when expanded globally. A business must make sure that their standards and principle are ones that their global contractors and subcontractors adhere to when manufacturing products for the company. Reference Mattel inc. about us ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Dr. Anthony Jordan Introduction Dr. Anthony Jordan is the Executive Director Treasurer of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma (BGCO). The BGCO is a convention of 1813 Southern Baptist churches comprising of about 614,000 members. This organization s purpose is to help the churches that are members of the convention spiritually, financially, and structurally. They provide a number of camps and conventions for people to attend and use. They also provide assistance in handling the business and professional aspect of a church s ministry. One of the most popular camps that the BGCO puts on is Falls Creek Youth Camp where around 50,000 students attend over an 8 week period. Dr. Anthony Jordan has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Southwest Baptist University and a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Divinity from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary ( He has been the Executive Director Treasurer for the last nineteen years. Before he became the Executive Director Treasurer, Dr. Jordan served as the lead pastor at Northwest Baptist Church in Oklahoma City from 1982 1996 ( The members of the BGCO have been very positive about the way Dr. Jordan leads and structures the convention. In the rest of this paper, I will inform you of how Dr. Jordan handles ethical dilemmas, how the convention is structured and the culture surrounding it, and the leadership style and qualities that Dr. Jordan uses and exemplifies as he holds the position of Executive Director Treasurer of the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Massageluxe Research Paper Benefits of Facials at MassageLuXe Our faces are exposed to the elements such as the sun and wind on a daily basis. On top of that, they are also exposed to pollution and other environmental toxins. This exposure can cause wrinkles, sunspots, and more. The facials offered at MassageLuXe in Edwardsville, IL, offer numerous benefits for your skin and your overall well being. Their team of licensed and talented estheticians use Rêpechage® skin care products to provide the highest quality facial treatments. In addition to the relaxing atmosphere, MassageLuXe s facials offer a slew of other benefits, including a reduction in redness and acne as well as fine lines and wrinkles. To learn more about the various facials offered at MassageLuXe in Edwardsville, contact their team today. Facials Available from MassageLuXe A variety of ... Show more content on ... Hydra Medic Facial: This facial is ideal for those with acne prone skin, as it cleanses pores. It not only helps control current breakouts but also helps prevent future breakouts. Vita Cura: If you have begun to experience sagging skin, this facial can lift and firm, improving your skin s elasticity. Biolight Facial: This treatment reduces the appearance of hyper pigmentation for a more even skin tone. Microdermabrasion: Appropriate for most skin types, microdermabrasion can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, hyper pigmentation, acne scars, sun damage, and more. Hydra4® Red OutTM: This advanced treatment is an excellent option for those suffering from rosacea or hypersensitive skin as it calms the skin and reduces redness. Pore Refining Facial: This deep cleansing facial is ideal for oily or combination skin types, reducing the potential for future breakouts. Seaweed Facial: Appropriate for all skin types, this soothing facial hydrates and firms the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Vampire Subcultures There are many subcultures in the United States that are strange to me that some people think are completely normal. A subculture is a cultural group within a larger culture that has the same interests, beliefs, behaviors, or religion. Subcultures varies from things like southern food culture, to things like bodybuilding. The strangest subcultures to me are the vampires, and the bronies. There were some more in mind, but these are the two that stood out the most to me. Strangely enough, vampires are already in people s imagination. Now they have a cultural group just for their imagination. I m not trying to seem disrespectful to the vampire subculture, but it s honestly strange that they think they are real vampires. This lifestyle formed in the western culture, stemming from horror films, and overall styles of Victorian England. The vampire subculture is just like any other system of beliefs. They commit themselves to this lifestyle and participate in rituals. Continually, vampires dress themselves in gothic clothing with dark eye shadow, and black nail polish. In this vampire lifestyle, you will find blood donors who are people who allow the vampires to drink their actual blood. The donors are hard to find, but they are subservient to the vampires. There are different types of vampires within the vampire subculture. They have the sanguinarians, the psychic vampires, the living vampires, and the transcendental vampires. The sanguinarians who look at themselves as real ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Representing My Cultural Identity The three artifacts that I will be bring in my cajita that representing my cultural identity is a Bible, kickboxing hand wraps, and hair pick. The reason why these artifacts describe me is because the Bible symbolize being free from worldly way, it help to guide me in important decisions since I am one of does people who second guest their selves, its help me to point out what I am doing wrong and to accept myself for who I am. Since grow up in America and being African American I heard that I was not beautiful because of my feature that I not going to be any and that their not a future for people who look like me. I heard all of this from both the media and community. However, two year ago when I starts reading and listening to the Bible ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Ideal Dance I Pick Was A Mixed Of Modern Dance Ballet... The ideal dance I pick was a mixed of modern/ballet dance. I constantly desired to dance like a mystical Firebird called the Phoenix and how they interpret the meaning of reincarnation. How the Phoenix used its feathers to turn it to flames and able to swirl. It around to engulf itself in flames to get the sun to become as one with the world. The phoenix opens its wings and lift itself to the cosmos as the young phoenix from its old ashes and rejuvenate to a beautiful organism. The song I used is called Awakening by Taylor Davis. She a famous violinist player from YouTube, she creates beautiful music with her violin and take on other famous music other ideas. When I try to work with my consistency, I m using my arms to represent the extensions of the phoenix as the flames are dancing within the plumes. The feather belt at the closing of each of my hands represents the length of the plumes from each of the wind. I affected my arms to illustrate the flames of my wings When I was running my legs along with my weaponry, I m testing to establish the flow of time from being young and being old of the direction of the river. I used my cape as the tail and shares of the wings. I turned down both of my legs and came up and dangle my arms like the waves of the oceans current. I pinch my right arm in the air to demonstrate the stunner of the flames of the extension. I whirled around and duplicated the same move and moved my right arm up into the breeze. I circle my arms to make the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Life Of Marco Polo Early Life Marco Polo was born in 1254 in Venice Italy to a wealthy Merchant family. Since his father traveled a lot and his mother died when he was very young much of Marco s childhood he was parentless left to be raised by an extended family. Marco Polo s father Niccolo Polo and Uncle Maffeo Polo were very successful Jewel Merchants with an interest in Constantinople and in Sudak, which was a Venetian colony off the coast of the Crimea. The Polo brother s travels led them to Asia for most of Marco s youth Niccolo and Maffeo Polo While Niccolo and Maffeo Polo were away their travels through the Black Sea to Sudak and then continue on to the Volga, where they visited Sarai Berke were they lived among the Mongols for a year. On their voyage ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Legend Sleepy Hollow By Washington Irving Max Lippman Mrs.Tortolla 21st of September 2015 B Block Sleepy Hollow In the Legend Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving, the reader follows the story of a Man named Ichabod Crane. It all takes place in 18th century New York, where we see Ichabod the lanky, poor, school teacher attempt to court the rich and lovely Katrina Van Tassel. Ichabod comes to Sleepy Hollow, New York, from his home state of Connecticut, to be the schoolmaster of the village. The town of Sleepy Hollow and its inhabitants are said to be under some kind of spell or enchantment, and the place is shrouded by supernatural rumors. Irving plays out these aspects of Sleepy Hollow throughout the story helping the reader to become more engaged in the story using aspects of ... Show more content on ... They originally start off, Brom Bones, knowing that Ichabod believes in the supernatural world, moves all the desks in Ichabod s class to scare him. Sadly and ironically it works. The irony in this is that Ichabod is a man of intellect, a school teacher the fact that he actually believes in all of the supernatural tales that surround Sleepy Hollow would most likely not be seen in the majority of other schoolmasters. From the very beginning Irving shows the reader that Ichabod has fatal flaw that will only hurt him as his conflict worsen. Later on Ichabod attends Katrina s party hoping to win her over, sadly he is disappointed and leaves the party walking back on the dark and eerily quiet path home. While passing the possibly haunted Major Andre s tree, otherwise known as the Headless Horseman, Ichabod notices a shadowy figure tracing him. After calling out and receiving no response he begins to quicken his pace attempting to lose the pursuer. This proves to no avail as the figure takes shape, to Ichabod s horror. It is the headless horseman. Hoping on Gunpowder, Ichabod s decrepit horse, he attempts to escape the headless horseman. The problem was that he was not a skilled horse rider and ultimately as Ichabod looks back, but he sees the Horseman, instead of fading away or turning back, hurl his head at him, ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Essay On Stereotypes Of Boys Many things and many problems appear to all people in all ages but when we say boys we talk about our future and the main treasure, and here we talk about boys will be boys which refer to one thing. we should treat boys according to their ages. Some boys find themselves depressed and want to commit crimes, why? this is a result of not being able to live their childhood in societies which treat them differently from girls. They are oppressed to act like real men not real boys; Subsequently we find them hiding their emotions, lying to themselves and keeping silent. There are roles for family, school and community to get rid off all the oppressive stereotypes associated with boys so we can discover their merits and demerits. As one s family is usually closer, families should start by treating boys with more kindness. Schools should recognise their abilities and communities should facilitates their talents. Causes: If we want to know the reasons ... Show more content on ... They then start feeling isolated. This isolation evolves to depression. Depressed boys can commit crimes, do strange acts, and rebel against all people whom they believe have wronged them. Especially their parents. Solutions: The point here is how we can treat boys better. At first, we should acknowledge their needs, let them express themselves, and we should let them live their ages. They can cry, they can love, and they can hate. Schools should take extra steps in student care. Starting with its teachers, Teachers should interact with boys and keep an eye on them if they showed aggression or violence. And if a boy misbehaved, communication is key. The boy s family should be informed and a follow up from the school is obligatory. Also communities should establish programs about how to communicate with boys in different ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma Case Study value about 0.71 + 0.15 x 10 3 mm2/sec (mean + SD) and four cases of malignant fibrous histiocytoma their mean ADC value was about 0.81 + 0.15 x 10 3 mm2/sec (mean + SD); thus our results are comparable to those of Oka K, et al (24), as the mean ADC value of the malignant soft tissue tumors reported in his study was 1.02 + 0.20 x 10 3 mm2/sec (mean + SD). Also in the current study there were three cases of each of the following: undifferentiated round cell sarcoma and synovial sarcoma with mean ADC values: 0.52 + 0.20 and 1.02 + 0.30 x 10 3 mm2/sec (mean + SD) respectively; thus our results are consistent with those of Oka K, et al (24). In this study we encountered a case of malignant myxoid tumor (high grade myxofibrosarcoma), its ADC ... Show more content on ... Although there was no significant difference in the ADC value between benign and malignant myxoid tumors, in the contrary among non myxoid tumors the mean ADC value for malignant tumors was significantly lower than that for benign tumors all ADC values for malignant non myxoid tumors were lower than 1.235 × 10−3 mm2/s . These findings suggest that if an ADC value exceeds 1.235 × 10−3 mm2/s in non myxoid tumors the possibility of malignancy is low. Furthermore, these findings suggest that a low ADC value does not exclude the possibility that a tumor is benign. . In our study we obtained threshold value 1.235 x 10 3 mm2/s with 73 % sensitivity and 91.7% specificity where there is highly significant difference between benign and malignant soft tissue tumors. In the current study we encountered three patients with benign lesions, demonstrating low SI in DWI and very low ADC value similar to ADC values of malignant soft tissue tumors, yet turned to be lipomas with mean ADC value 0.31 + 0.91 x 10 3mm2/sec and they were considered as false positive, and these results were consistent with those of ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Conservation Of Chimpanzees Is The Idea Of Protecting... The conservation of Chimpanzees is the idea of protecting this endangered species from going extinct. The ides of protecting the chimps are motivated by their human like characteristics, and ability to be seen as little people . People want to save the reflection of themselves because they feel that a piece of our human history will be lost without them. There isn t a big difference between humans and chimps as we once thought. Humans, chimps and bonobos descended from a single ancestor species that lived six million years ago. Gradually evolution has evolved them to become three separate species. Although they come from a common ancestor, their DNA that was passed down from generation to generation has changed due to adaptations in the gene, environmental factors, reproductive fitness, and mate selection. Bones and muscle tissue are the same in both species. The only differentiation is the bipedal and quadrupedal movement. Bipedalism adapted to have shorter arms while for quadrupedalism the arm length is much longer. The facial features are quite similar. Both have little hairs all over their body, similar eye shape, ear and mouth structure. Chimps even get bald spots on their head like older men when it comes to aging. When looking at a chimp it is easy to see the resemblance we share. We enjoy watching these creatures do human like activities in the media because they look like little people, it s so adorable and entertaining. These chimps can even function in ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Genetic Determinism of Human Character Essay Human character and behaviour are not only shaped by the genes that encompass the individual s genotype. Human character comprising mainly of personality, sexuality, morality and intelligence are the products of genetic determinism as well as external environmental factors. Single genes can have surprisingly strong influences on particular aspects of behaviour. (Frank., 2009) Genes build the phenotype of humans as well as the underlying genotype. Competition between cultural genes leads to varied success of genetic determinism. It can therefore be said that learnt traits such as those espoused within a specific culture, can produce what may seem to be the genetic genotype of an individual. Genes are not always advantageous in the ... Show more content on ... This being said, there is not a specific gene for a specific trait. Traits are inherited although without the environmental influence they are not expressed in an individual s phenotype. Contrariwise, you can find genes under a microscope. They exist in nature. The same cannot be said of either personality or intelligence. Behaviour, therefore, depends on the interaction of multiple gene sequences with environmental influences. It has been found that 30 70% of one s personality traits are genetic and the rest are environmental. (Gil, 2010) Genes are found in the DNA of a human and genes are expressed through phenotypes (The set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment (Google, 2014)). Each person has a human genome sequence and the gene segments within ones genome have certain effects on the body. Gene segments contain hereditary information and therefore certain genes can be and associated with particular behavioural traits. Genes and the environment influence behaviour, as there is constantly an interaction between the two. Genes, via their influences on morphology and physiology, create a framework within which the environment acts to shape the behaviour of an individual. The environment can affect morphological and physiological development; therefore behaviour develops as a result of ones interactions with the environment. Genes create the scaffold for ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Social Cost Benefit Analysis And Itemization Of On Site... Joseph Cavera Dr. Pankaj Lal Environmental Economics November 22, 2014 Social Cost Benefit Analysis and Itemization of On Site Sediment Remediation Introduction/Background Transport of contaminated sediments from major regional Superfund projects in the NY/NJ harbor corridor has been the preferred back end alternative after the dredging remedy is performed in order to clean these areas without generating higher costs. However, after dewatering, these sediments are shipped at great distances (to UT, OK, TX, ID) for final disposition at C landfills or for incineration. Corporate risk management in mishandling the Superfund sediment in transport such as a derailment can lead to long term corporate liability as well as environmental hazards from a spill from both the ecological and human health perspectives. As such, a new localized remediation method involving superheating sediments on site within a rotary kiln have recently been implemented in other areas, and, because of its beneficial use product generation, reduction of risk and gaseous contaminants, and removal of transport costs, it is now being considered as a viable alternative to traditional post dredge remediation procedures. This social cost benefit analysis will look at the Focused Feasibility Study Report (FFS) on the USEPA Passaic River Superfund concentrating on sediment processing and subsequent transport by rail to out of state landfill and incineration facilities. Costs components of the process have ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Research Paper On Health Insurance Can everyone in the United States have a Health insurance? That is the big question. As we know it s impossible to get treated in the hospital without health insurance because it s very expensive. Let me talk about my story, when I have arrived to the United States at Arizona, Tempe specifically, I got very ill because I have Asthma so I couldn t breath properly, so my friend took me to St Luke Hospital in Tempe, the doctor gave me Oxygen mask only nothing more. Then when I got better it s time to checkout so they gave me the bill and it was 2500 $, I was choked with the price but I have realized that my insurance company will take care of it. In fact, nearly 40 million Americans does not have health insurance, most of them can t afford the price of the health insurance. This issue is leading to many deaths in the United States due to not having a health care. So the question is, why poor people can not afford a health insurance? or in other way, why it s very expensive to have a health insurance? The answer for the first question is very simple, some people were born poor and they do not have jobs, and if some of them have jobs they don t offer them a health insurance and their income is very low so they can t buy their own health care. The answer for the second question is kind of complicated. Health insurances are expensive because the government does not have censorship ... Show more content on ... These poor people may suffer from a minor illness but the can not afford the price to go to the hospital also they don t have health insurance, so over the time this minor illness will cause a bigger illness then it will become very hard to cure it. Also can barley afford the health insurance but they have some previous illness, the insurance company won t cover him because if they did his treatment will cost them a lot, this issue caused many deaths in the United ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Case Study Of Etihad Airways There are 7 board of directors in the airline. Etihad Airways is governed by a board of directors.As of 2016,the chairman of the board is known as Mohammad Mubarak Bin Fadil Al Mazroui (Etihad,n.d). The Board consists of seven independent non executive members.It also has two sub committees, which is known as Audit Committee and the Executive committee.These two committes have each their own charter and chairman.Currentky,there are no women who are appointed as the board members. The board members are as follows: H.E. Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak ,H.E. Hamad Abdulla Al Shamsi,H.E. Ahmed Ali Al Sayegh, H.E. Mohamed Hareb Sultan Al Yousef ,H.E. Ahmed Ali Matar Al Romaithi and H.E. Khalifa Sultan Al Suwaidi (Etihad,n.d.) As the airline is wholly ... Show more content on ... He has over 20 years of extensive experience in the investment industry (,n.d.). His main aim is to accomplish shareholders expectations and ensure that the company achieves its financial goals. H.E. Al Romaithi is also currently a board member of several institutions, one of which is the Etihad Aviation Group, and he is a member of several other committees including the Abu Dhabi Investment Council, Etihad Airways since 2016, and ADNOC, giving him a thorough understanding of finance and corporate governance.He is an external board of director in Etihad Airways.H.E. Al Romaithi holds a Bachelor s Degree in Business Administration from The University of Denver, USA. He is also a certified Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). In conclusion, there are only 1 internal board of directors in that were elected for Etihad Airways. An internal board of director is a member who has the interest of major shareholders, officers, and employees in mind and whose expertise in their business and their market adds value to the board. The other 6 board of directors are the external board of directors. External board of directors are not involved in the inner workings of the company and bring experience from working in with other businesses. This position provides more of an objective view what goals need to be met and how to fairly settle ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Jurassic Park Film Analysis Essay Jurassic Park is an American authorization centered on a catastrophic endeavour to create theme park of emulated dinosaurs who escapes imprisonment and riot on the human characters. In 1990, Universal Studios bought the rights of the novel, written by Michael Crichton, followed by the release of the movie adaption in 1993. Science versus ethics, the main theme of the film, is very polemical and not commonly argued by the media, making the film even more appealing. Steven Spielberg successfully creates a cliff hanger making the viewer entertain and thrilled. To create the unendurable suspense, Steven Spielberg has used different type of shots and angles, colours and light and acting, which all contributed to build the tension in the movie. ... Show more content on ... To illustrate, director often uses red details in scenes to symbolise danger, small things such as a scarf on Dr Sattler s neck in the beginning of the film. These tiny details indicated the audience about danger and builds a fearful mood. In addition, the weight of the evidence suggest that, colours and lights can make any situation appealing and horrifying. A final point, the performances of the actors were magnificent and absolutely accurate, as it acknowledges the audience with the actor s genuine emotions. Joining, Jeff Goldblum as Mathematics Malcolm are Sam O Neill as Dr. Alan Grant, Laura Dern as Dr. Ellie Sattler, Richard Attenborough as park creator John Hammond, Samuel L. Jackson as a computer guru and Wayne Knight as the villain Newman. The picture starts off with an outbreak, nevertheless, the audience doesn t know what is creating so much horror to the characters. To be more precise, in the scene when Dr Grant, Mathematician Malcolm, and the two kids: Tim (Joseph Mazzello) and Lex (Ariana Richards) were waiting to see the T rex. This scene builds up curiosity in the viewers because of the excited reactions of the actors. Malcolm notices something in the dark and looks very surprised, the audience notices the raw human emotion of Malcolm and the curious reaction. Overall, this scene supports the aspect as it displays to the audience the outstanding expression and the naturalistic emotions from ... Get more on ...
  • 43. The Pros And Cons Of Cryptography INTRODUCTION Cryptography Is considered the most important thing by means of secure communication. It is used to encrypt and decrypt data and provide secure communication between the sender and receiver. As a finance company, the most important thing to look after is the process speed and security of the data. There are two types of encryption and decryption methods known as a Symmetric key and Public key cryptography. Symmetric key has set of algorithms such as Blowfish, two fish, DES, 3DES, AES etc and on the other hand Asymmetric key has set of an algorithm such as Elliptic curve, Diffie Hellman, DSA, RSA etc. These symmetric and asymmetric keys have its own advantages and disadvantages. Hybrid cryptography is one of most famous cryptography ... Show more content on ... Asymmetric cryptography: Asymmetric encryption is also known as public key encryption. This uses two keys for encryption and decryption of data. The two keys are the Public key which it can be shared with anyone and the other one is a Private key or secret key which should be kept secretly. Each user will have its own public key and private key. Let s assume Alice and Bob are the sender and receiver. Alice(A) wants to send a message to Bob(B). Alice will first encrypt(E) the plaintext(M) with Alice s public key and send to bob. Now Bob verifies Alice s message by checking whether it is Alice s digital signature and then bob decrypts(D) the key using the bob private key. This process will be the same if Bob sends Alice message. ↓ ↓ Plain text(M)→ → → →Plain text(M) Advantages: More secure when compared to symmetric key because the private key is not shared with each other. Uses digital signature for encrypting data. ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Cross-cultural Communication and Power Distance Executive Summary This assignment is to analyze the U.S. culture and Japanese culture by using Hofstede s 5 cultural dimensions and Trompenaars s cultural dimensions. According to the Wal Mart s Japanese strategy case to distinguish the difference culture in Japan compare with U.S. There are some problems that Wal Mart may encounter which are Japan s current distribution system, people s traditional thinking of low price equate low quality and people would not going big shopping. The inherent risks of Wal Mart s entry strategies include trust, communication, and power problems. Further more, the advantages of crossing culture diversity that are more creativity, more and better ideas, better decision making can strengthen an ... Show more content on ... Further more, People live in very small space since the real state became expensive, they have no space to store things cause people in Japan has no big shopping activities. 2. Do you agree with Wal Mart s entry strategy? From a cross cultural perspective, what are the inherent risks? Do you think that a faster market entry would be more effective? Yes, I agree. From the perspective of crossing culture, the inherent risks include trust, power problems, and communication problems. Wal Mart bought Seiyu to enter Japanese market. It is difficult to communicate between 2 countries which have totally difficult cultures. No matter in the language or in mind. Language problem may be more easy to solved. They can apply interpreters, but the culture stuff influent people s thinking, behavior. People from different culture think from different ways. Trust can be also a big problem. Firm engaged in international trade have to trust someone they may have never seen, who lives in a different country, who speaks a different language, who abides by ( or does not abide by) a different legal system, and who could be very difficult to track down if he or she defaults on an obligation.(Charles, 1994) Another problem is power. Both Japan and U.S are the masculinity country, they are ambitious and fight for power while work in same place. I don t think the faster market entry would be effective. Because Wal Mart ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Complex Interrelationship Among The Cardiovascular System There is a complex interrelationship among the cardiovascular system, the central nervous system (Na+, appetite and thirst regulation), the kidneys, and the tissue capillary beds distribution of extracellular fluid volume). Any change at any of these sites affects the function at other sites. There is a basic law of kidneys that Na+ excretion is directly proportional to mean arterial blood pressure (MABP). A marginal increase in MABP causes significant increase in Na+ excretion. Redistribution of blood flow between outer cortex and medulla alters salt and water excretion. The majority of Na+ ion is reabsorbed by the thick ascending loop of Henley, the length of loop of Henley effects the amount of Na+ reabsorbed. ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Corrie Ten Boom The theme of selfless service and unflinching love in the face of persecution dominates the work of Corrie ten Boom in THE HIDING PLACE. Through the lens of her Christian upbringing, ten Boom articulately recounts her life s journey from a small child living in a bustling Dutch city to a vapid, malnourished prisoner of the German Nazis. Through her life s struggle, she hopes to inspire others and teach a new generation about the value of life and the innate capacity that all possess to fully love one another. THE HIDING PLACE recounts Corrie ten Boom s intriguing life story. Casper ten Boom and Cornelia ten Boom were married and started a family in the late 1800s in Haarlem, Holland. Cornelia ten Boom, the youngest of four children, was born ... Show more content on ... This visit marked a turning point for Corrie. Through the Bulldog s anecdotes of harassment and difficulty, she was able to personalize the wrath of the German soldiers. She experienced first hand the effects that the persecution had on Haarlem s Jews. Over the next few weeks, Jews began furtively arriving at the Beje under the cover of night in order to escape their captors. Corrie, Betsie, and their father welcomed these new guests with open arms, but the ten Booms knew that the Jews would not be able to stay for very long. Ration cards were scarce and food would soon run out. Corrie turned to her brother Willem, who worked with the Underground Resistance. Willem arranged for the transportation of the Jews to the countryside, but Corrie knew that his help would only last for so long. For her to be successful at helping the Jews, she needed to make her own connections and arrange her own system of dealings. She arranged for ration cards to be dropped off at the Beje, kept in contact with the Resistance s top leaders, and had alarm systems and a secret hiding place in her room built. The Beje turned into the hub of the Jewish underground movement in Haarlem under the guise of a petty watch repair shop. Putting their personal safety at risk week after week, month after month, the ten Booms oversaw hundreds of Jews taken to ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Aristotle Voluntary And Involuntary Act Summary In Book III Chapter one of The Nicomachean Ethnics, Aristotle has his explanation of the meaning of the voluntary act and involuntary act. He thinks the criterion for judging whether a man should be held accountable for one of his actions was whether he had acted voluntarily. As the main idea of book three moral virtue, Aristotle starts his discussion from point out the issue of moral responsibility, which can be considered as a basis of moral virtue, because if a man cannot be responsible for the action he did, then theoretically the discussion is superfluous. For example, the person was carried by the wind; then his behavior does not have any moral significance. Therefore, Aristotle wants to make a distinction between the voluntary actions and the involuntary actions, that is, for the moral responsibility to draw a piece of their territory, as a basis to talk about other ... Show more content on ... to do something that is humiliating and painful for the sake of nobility. B. to do something that is humiliating and painful for the sake of no nobility. C. to do a wrongful action under pressure which overstrains human nature (39 25) D. to do nothing rather than facing death.The first two acts A and B have more initiatives than the latter, and the two acts C and D seems too passive, and closer to the involuntary actions but still because of its will. However, C and D can clearly reflect the meaning of the mixed actions, that is, in a situation, we are willing to make the choice which is voluntarily, but if it is in a different situation, then it against our wills. In this case, A should be praise; B should be blamed because Aristotle thinks this is characteristic of wicked; C cannot get the praise, but because of the pressure, it can get away from the blame. However, that does not mean the action is right; D. cannot be forgiven because the fear we have of this kind of evil action should greater than anything includes ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Themes In The Inheritance Of Loss Human Deprivation The title of the novel The Inheritance of Loss is very suitable as tells failures, disappoinments of the real characters once lived in the post colonial India. The themes of loss, for in our world if mankind has nothing else to take over, it can accept loss as its heritage, however, the matter is not as simple or straight as it looks, the reason is that this novel is a highly intricate work which confronts several themes extending from loss to poverty, gain, to wealth, justice to injustice. The Inheritance of Loss is a political and historical novel, but the truth is that in spite of its political and historical extents, it is a socio cultural work of fiction. Desai pursues to redefine human culture, the elements of love ... Show more content on ... His life is totally different and he finds totally no interest in his career, and finding nothing but despair and seeks early retirement from his job. Jemubhai hates his wife because she was uneducated and dark in complexion and he sends his wife to her father s house. Later his wife Lakshmi dies in a domestic accident and his position becomes strangely curious. On the other he has to undergo a heart breaking loss. He has to tolerate, the loss of power and position to which he reconcile himself with plenty seriousness and concern. This loss of family relationship is one of major issues in Indian society that Kiran Desai relates in this novel. The Inheritance of Loss may be viewed as an anti colonial novel which goes against the deprivation of poor and weak people in all possible ways. The cook is so much involved in his son s career that in spite of all problems and adversities he manages to send him to America for suitable employment. Biju reaches New york and he makes a number of friends. Both Indians and Pakistanis, as well as the other Asians, but he understands that all foreigners are exposed to racial ... Get more on ...
  • 49. The Role Of Labelling Theory And Differential Association... INTRODUCTION The focus of this paper will be on two contemporary criminological theories and their application to the crime film, Eastern Promises. The two theories to be discussed, and subsequently applied to the film, are labelling theory and differential association theory. Labelling theory falls under the symbolic interactionist approach, and the primary level of analysis of this theory is micro, as it tends to focus on the effect of labels on an individual s sense of self . The basis of labelling theory is that no act is inherently deviant; it is only when the act is labelled deviant that it becomes so. When someone is labelled as deviant, they begin to see themselves as the label they have been assigned. This can cause the behaviour to happen more frequently, as the individual who has been labelled begins to see themselves as they label they have been given. A criticism of labelling theory is that it lacks empirical validity, and is deterministic. There is no way to effectively test this theory, so there is no way to know for sure how accurate the concept of labelling is and the effect it has on an individual and their propensity towards criminality. This and other aspects of labelling theory will be broken down and discussed later on in the paper. The second theory to be discussed in this paper is Edwin Sutherland s theory of differential association. This theory is an extension of social learning theory, and it follows the positivist approach. It also uses a micro ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Implementing Physical Security As An Access Control Plan Implementing physical security as an access control plan takes a great effort of planning. Physical security is the protection and controlled access of personnel, the environment they operate in, which includes the hardware and what it contains, as well as the rooms and buildings they are located in. Physical security has three indispensable parts: access to control, observation, and testing. Obstacles should be set for potential aggressors and physical areas should be bolstered against anything causing delays, attacks or natural disasters. Such measures can include proper fencing, locks, control access cards, biometrics that control systems and fire proofing structures. Physical areas should be checked using observation cameras and for ... Show more content on ... A clear and concise plan is needed, which will help lessen potential threats. The foundation of biometric sensors, for instance, iris inspecting or one of a kind finger impression affirmation, can make even the most formidable intruder think twice about gaining unauthorized access. Now and again, all that is relied upon to decide the issue is an instrument to give enough time to contact the authorities. In any case, access control should consist of physical security as well as information security (Ricardo, 2015). Consideration should be given to shutting off access to portable workstations, desktops, and servers. There is great risk for a potential insider threat, such as personnel leaving the workplace undetected with a portable device tucked under a clothing item. Such circumstances happen extremely often and more organizations are being compromised. One conceivable situation to fix security is to utilize the terminal server and a bootable Linux conveyance. Likewise avoided are DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), anticipating issues with spyware, malware, or infections (Ricardo, 2015). Security Controls Physical security manages and protects assets as regulatory, specialized, what s more, physical controls. Control frameworks, interruption discovery frameworks, and evaluating frameworks are cases of specialized controls. A few examples of regulatory controls are site area, office configuration, ... Get more on ...