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Essay On Wireless Technology
Writing an essay on the topic of wireless technology can be both challenging and intriguing. On
one hand, the subject matter is vast and continuously evolving, encompassing various aspects
such as the history, current trends, technological advancements, applications, and future
prospects of wireless communication. This breadth of content presents the challenge of
condensing complex information into a coherent and structured essay. Moreover, staying updated
with the latest developments in wireless technology is essential to provide accurate and relevant
On the other hand, the dynamic nature of wireless technology offers a plethora of fascinating
angles to explore. From the inception of wireless communication to the emergence of 5G
networks, there are numerous milestones, controversies, and breakthroughs to delve into.
Analyzing the impact of wireless technology on society, economy, healthcare, and other sectors
adds depth to the discussion, but also requires thorough research and critical thinking.
Crafting a compelling essay on wireless technology demands not only a solid understanding of
the subject matter but also effective writing skills to engage the reader and convey complex ideas
with clarity. It involves conducting comprehensive research, synthesizing information from
diverse sources, and presenting a well-structured argument supported by evidence.
In conclusion, writing an essay on wireless technology is a challenging yet rewarding task that
requires dedication, research, and proficient writing abilities. It offers an opportunity to explore
the intricate world of wireless communication and its profound impact on various aspects of
modern life.
Similar essays and much more can be ordered on
Essay On Wireless TechnologyEssay On Wireless Technology
Essay about ICS 241 Exam 2
ICS 241
M. Bauer
Exam Two
1. Create a binary search tree from the following data which is as balanced as
No leaf node should be more than +/ 1 level from any other leaf node. Note: Do not
just create a tree from the data encountered in the following order. 78.2, 35.1, 48.2,
14.7, 86.1, 17.4, 92.7, 38.4, 2.8
2. Perform a postorder traversal of the tree depicted above.
Traverse its left subtree.
Traverse is right subtree.
Visit the root of the tree.
G, L, H, D, B, M, N, I, E, O, J, P, K, F, C, A
3. Evaluate the following prefix notation expression:
* * 3 ... Show more content on ...
Draw a digital logic circuit for the expression:
8. Find a minimal expansion of
+ y z + xz
9. Let G = (V,T,S,P) be the phrase structure grammar with V={0,1,A,B,S}, T={0,1},
and the set of productions P consisting of: S → 0AB, S→ 1B, A → 1B01, B → 100.
a. Either show that 0110001001 belongs to the language generated by G or explain
why it does not.
It is not possible to show that 0110001001 because we are looking for a string that
starts with a 0 and ends with a 1 . Since we can only use production S with starting
state S в†’ 0AB, the string created that will not end with a 1 but always will end with a
0 .
S в†’ 0AB в†’ 01B01B в†’ 0110001100
b. Either show that 1100 belongs to the language generated by G or explain why it
does not. We can show that 1100 belongs to language generated by G by using
production S with start state S→ 1B to be:
S→ 1B → 1100
10. Draw a finite state machine (with output) represented by the following state table.
s0 s1 s2 s3 s4
f(0) s1 s2 s2 s0 s3 f(1) s3 s4 s1 s4 s0 g(0)
11. What is
Analysis Of The Firs Two Questions I Can Be Solved
Who am I ? Why am I here ? Why are you here ? The firs two questions I can answer
.My name is Mohammed Jordan. I am here today ,because I want explain about the
possibilities of this beautiful give birth to a child. A sweet little child called Peace .
The younger sibling of Hope .
Let us examine our attitude toward peace itself. Too many of us think it is
impossible. Too many think it unreal. But that is a dangerous, defeatist belief. It leads
to the conclusion that war is inevitable, that mankind is doomed, that we are gripped
by forces we cannot control.
We need not accept that view. Our problems are manmade; therefore, they can be
solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is
beyond human beings. Man s reason and spirit have often solved the seemingly
unsolvable, and we believe they can do it again.
I am not referring to the absolute, infinite concept of peace and good will of which
some fantasies and fanatics dream. I do not deny the value of hopes and dreams, but
we merely invite discouragement and incredulity by making that our only and
immediate goal.
Let us focus instead on a more practical, more attainable peace, based not on a
sudden revolution in human nature but on a gradual evolution in human institutions,
on a series of concrete actions and effective agreements which are in the interest of
all concerned. There is no single, simple key to this peace, no grand or magic formula
to be adopted by one or two powers. Genuine
Red Bull Case Study
The above table the growth Red Bull experienced from 1996 to 2004. The data
points with an asterisk next them are based off estimates from information
provided throughout the case. In terms of sales the base for the calculation was
170.00 million cans sold which occurred in 1999 after quadrupling from the prior
year. There taking 170/4 resulted in approximately 42.5 million cans sold in 1996
and having triple in 1998, resulting in and estimated 28.33 million cans sold in
1997 and 14.16 million sold in 1996. Projection the calculation forward from 2000
2004 the estimated growth rate was 68.84% ((62.00 36.72)/36.72). By applying
that growth rate to the 260 million cans sold in 2004, an estimate of 438.98 million
cans were sold in the United Kingdom in 2004. Subsection: Bull Crosses the Pond
Red Bull mimicked entering the United States in how they successfully penetrated
Austria and the United Kingdom. In one alteration, Red Bull decided on targeting
cells, as the called them or certain geographical locations in the United States they
specifically targeted. The first three cells that were targeted included: Santa Cruz,
San Francisco, and their home base in the United States Santa Monica. All three of
these locations have something strong in common. Densely populated areas with a
strong number of young adults, the main target group for Red Bull. There was a
reason Red Bull did not come sailing across the seas, unload millions of cases, and
deliver them to every inch of the
Kie Grimes Quotes
In The Right Kind of House by Henry Slesar, Sadie Grimes is the main character of
the story. This old lady has a very vengeful, irrational yet stubborn and clever
characteristic during the story. She wanted to take revenge for her son without
thinking why her son got killed, or what her son Michael had done before he was
killed. However she is stubborn and clever because she prepared an abundance of
evidence for herself to prove who is the murderer and kill the murderer in the perfect
time, therefore she is a stubborn woman from waiting five years to complete her plan
and her revenge.
Sadie Grime in the story was a very vengeful character, she wanted to take revenge
for her son immensely and kill the murderer. So Mrs. Grimes stayed in a house that
is almost destroyed into a pile of junk for years to wait for the murderer to appear.
Mrs. Grimes made plans for her revenge to work, for example create troubles for
her house and rise to a unreasonable price for a old house. She did things that are
absurd because she knew the murderer could appear to complete her revenge. ... Show
more content on ...
When her son Michael was murdered, the police already told her that her son had
stolen thousands of dollars, which is reasonable for Michael to get murdered,
because he had interacted with people that he was not supposed to be with.
Therefore, it reflects how Mrs. Grimes s dotage to her son, she does not think how
and why Michael was killed. Her son was killed by Waterbury from stealing
thousands of money, which is already an illegal act, however, Sadie Grimes did not
bother to think about why Michael got murdered, instead she kept on desiring to kill
the murderer because she lost her
Analysis Of Native Son By Richard Wright
In Native Son, Richard Wright shines a light on the harsh reality a young African
American male faces, as a result of the unhealthy stereotypes created by a white
dominated society. Richard Wright was born in 1908, in Natchez, Mississippi. His
mother s chronic illness set the tone emotionally, in his life and writing. His
grandmother practiced evangelism. The prayers daily, up to half a dozen.
Although Wright s food was already limited, his grandmother applied further
dietary restrictions. Not only was he malnourished, he was also beaten throughout
his childhood. Wright s grandmother also did not allow him to participate in any
form of entertainment or games. Whether it be a game of baseball or a board
game, he was not allowed to partake in such activities. Wright did not have a proper
education because of his constant moving back and forth from relative to relative.
His schooling was broken. However, he did graduate from ninth grade at the age
of sixteen. Violence and hunger were his childhood memories. Which made him
bitter, leading him to join the communist party later in his lifetime. Wright s
majority of significant life events occurred in Mississippi, Chicago, New York and
Paris (Bone 1). In 1927, Wright along with his family moved to Chicago, where he
worked several jobs. During the depression, he was unemployed and placed in the
South Sided Boys Club, by a relief agency, where he created the character, Bigger
Thomas . Wright joined the communist party in 1932,
Plato And Plato s Republic
The ancient Greek Philosopher Plato had an interest in finding the ideal
government. In Plato s Republic, he discusses his ideas and views of how this
ideal government would function. He believed that people are born into 3 different
classes, with different responsibilities (Plato 415a). Only people in the golden class
were fit to rule. The most effective of these rulers would be philosophers, as they
have knowledge of the good of the whole (Plato473d). This system seems too perfect
for me. I believe that Plato s republic is unjust and would not work with our modern
society, as it relies too much on the golden class choosing what is right for everyone,
and there is nothing to make them accountable if they choose wrong.
Before arguing for my ideas on Plato s Republic, I will elaborate more on what the
Republic entails. Plato believed that the citizens of a state should be told you are
brothers, yet God has framed you differently (Plato 415a). Some people are born
into the golden class fit for leadership, some are born into the silver class meant to
be auxiliaries to aid the golden class, and others are born into the brass or iron
class destined to be farmers and labourers. It was Plato s idea that the fostering of
such a belief will make them [citizens] care more for the city and for one another
(Plato 415d). The most effective rulers in the golden class would be philosophers
(Plato 473d). According to Plato, they alone have the ability to see what is good for
Lecturer: ........................
In reacent history, corporate crises have received high media attention and
demonstrated the impact that a disaster can have on a company s reputation. This
essay evaluates the crisis communication strategy of Carnival Corporation plc after
the sinking of the Costa Concordia, and the impact that it had on the corporation s
future on the market.
This essay is a case study that examines the crisis communication strategy of Carnival
Corporation after the sinking of their ship Costa Concordia in ... Show more content
on ...
Carnival operates a combined fleet of over 100 ships, and additionally, the company
has 10 ships on order for delivery by 2016.
Carnival Corporation has four operating groups in charge of their own geographical
areas. Carnival Corporation controls all operations in North America, Costa
Crociere is in charge of the operation in Europe, other than U.K. which is operated
by Carnival UK, and Carnival Australia is in charge of Australia and South Pacific.
These individual divisions reported to the executive management of Carnival
Corporation plc, led by Chief Executive Officer Micky Arison. Carnival attributed its
success to its ability to manage brand autonomy, with each major cruise line
maintaining separate sales, marketing, and reservation offices, as well as through the
industry s most aggressive shipbuilding program. (Carnival Mission and History, n.d.)
Based on passenger volume, Carnival was the most popular cruise company, with an
estimated 51.6% of worldwide cruising revenue in 2011. (Market Share Statistics,
As a chairman and CEO, Micky Arison played an important role in the public profile
of the company in the past. This is a reason why the public expected him to take the
helm of the crisis communication after the sinking of one of his ships.
Micky Arison
Micky Arison was born in Israel in 1949 as a son of Carnival s co founder Ted
Arison. He started working in the sales department for his father s
Section 505 (Cr)
There are currently 50 titles listed. 21 CFR Chapter 1 is relevant for FDA. The
sequence of citation for a CFR is as follows Title, CFR, Chapter, Part, Section.
Chapter 1 of 21st CFR contains a total of 12 subchapters and 1299 parts. These
cover detailed guidance on regulated requirements for foods, drugs, medical
devices, cosmetics, tobacco products, radiation emitting products, vaccines, blood,
biologics and veterinary medicines, all subject to regulation by the FDA. Section 505
(b) (1) of the FD C act is applicable for new investigational drugs while Section 505
(b) (2) of the FD C act for approval of drugs that are already existing and are being
used. Application under 505 (b) (1) states the requirement of extensive data to prove
An Argument For Rose In The Hall Of Fame
Baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed three times out of
ten, and be considered a good performer. Ted Williams. When referring to all time
greats in the world of baseball you will hear about the likes of Babe Ruth, Lou
Gehrig, Ted Williams, Hank Aaron, Jackie Robinson, and Ernie Banks. None of
these men have the most hits in baseball s storied history. The man that does,
however, is not in the Hall of Fame.
There have only been 15,213 men to play in the MLB, only 29 of those
accumulated 3,000 career hits. Peter Edward Rose Sr, better known as just Pete,
played Major League Baseball for 23 years. In his 22nd season (1985) he surpassed
Ty Cobb as baseball s all time hit king with 4,256 hits. In 1989, Rose gambled ...
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He has had many supporters for his reinstatement over the years. Washington
Nationals closer Jonathan Papelbon said He should be in the Hall of Fame, One
Hundred Percent, if you don t want to put him in as a manager, put him in as a
player, he didn t make any mistakes as a player. (Isn t It Time to Forgive Pete Rose
and Put Him in Hall of Fame?) Similarly, Hall of Fame second baseman Joe
Morgan thinks it is long past time for his long time teammate Pete Rose to join
him in Cooperstown. I think if you are going to allow guys with PEDs on the
ballot, then we have to allow him on the Ballot, Morgan told USA Today. Let s
face it, he s been punished for 24 years. I think they have to take a second look at
Pete now that this (Biogenesis) has come out . (Joe Morgan: Time for Hall of
Fame to Induct Pete Rose) You could ask What will reinstating Pete Rose do for
baseball? really any answer would be valid. The right question to ask is What will
not reinstating Pete Rose due for baseball? (Rethinking Rose s Reinstatement) He
wouldn t be immediately inducted into Cooperstown if reinstated. Major League
Baseball s Committee will have to vote Pete Rose in the Hall of Fame if the ban
were removed. The Hall of Fame is controlled by Major League Baseball,
nevertheless there is no Hall of Fame without the players. If the players were to
show a united front for Rose, it could mean a great deal to the Commissioner and
other high ranking baseball officials (Should Pete Rose Be in the Hall of Fame? Let
the Voters Decide). For his enshrinement into Cooperstown Pete would need 75% of
the votes of the 65 member committee. If Rose were to be reinstated, he would not
appear on the BBWAA ballot, however, he would immediately appear on the ballot of
the Expansion Era Committee. Nevertheless, the Cincinnati Reds announced that the
Hit King would be inducted into their Hall of
Comparing Disney And Disney s The Frog Prince And The
The Frog Prince vs. The Princess and The Frog Disney s The Princess and The
Frog is based on the original story The Frog Prince written by the Grimm brothers
in 1812. There have been many books and movies inspired by the original The Frog
Prince, each being different in their own way. The name is a common difference
between the original and newer versions of the story, usually modern versions are
named The Princess and The Froglike Disney s adaptation. Even though Disney s
The Princess and The Frog and the original The Frog Prince are the same story,
they have notable differences and very few similarities; the setting, her status, the
story line, and the moral. The Frog Prince begins telling how the princess very
often spent her spare time at a well near her castle where she would play catch with
her golden ball. One day while she was playing catch, she accidentally threw her
golden ball into the well. As she cried about her golden ball a frog offered to help
her as long as she made a promise, but if you would love me, and have me for your
companion and play fellow, and let me sit by you at table, and eat from your plate,
and drink from your cup, and sleep in your little bed if you would promise all this,
then would I dive below the water and fetch you your golden ball again. (Grimm)
Even the princess agreed, she left after the frog retrieved her golden ball for her. The
day after meeting the frog, she sat, eating at her dinner table only to be interrupted by
Sparta A City Filled With Uncultured Discipline
Sparta a city filled with uncultured discipline, a city that was filled with the most
relentless warriors of all time, the Spartans. The Spartans dedicated their lives to
combat and training. Spartan children were removed from the homes of their
parents at the age of 7 to begin their training called agoge , which was a military
style training regimen to craft and mold them into the warriors the once were. They
were trained to endure the worst of elements and trained to overcome cold, hunger
and pain. They were accustomed to the to the Spartan code which was to follow
orders, fight hard, and without question, die in the line of battle and not withdraw or
surrender to the enemy. To achieve success in their military tactics and training Sparta
sacrificed all the pleasures many other regions were accustomed to such as, the
arts, culture, religion and other various things that made life worthwhile. To the
Spartans, their true purpose in this world was war and their entire life was to be
focused around it. From the vigorous iron hearted warriors of this city state has
come the adjective Spartan. Sparta prided itself not on art, learning, or splendid
buildings, but on its valiant men who served their city in the place of walls of
bricks. (History of Ancient Greece: Sparta) To the Spartans strength and power were
everything and because of this when Spartan boys were born they would inspect the
new born to justify if he was suitable to join the Spartan army. These inspectors
Diversity Impact on Individual Behavior
Diversity Impact on Individual Behavior
Behavior refers to the actions or reactions of an object or organism, usually in relation
to the environment. Behavior can be conscious or unconscious, overt or covert, and
voluntary or involuntary. Behavior is controlled by the nervous system; the
complexity of the behavior is related to the complexity of the nervous system.
Generally, organisms with complex nervous systems have a greater capacity to learn
new responses and thus adjust their behavior. Human behavior is the collection of
activities by human beings and influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, ethnicity,
gender, ethics, religion, authority, persuasion, and/or coercion. The behavior of
people falls within a range with some ... Show more content on ...
These words speak volume to the children and workers of today. We must keep in
mind that music is not biased to age ethnicity or gender, it is for everyone. Words are
heard and may even find there way to spot within people that is relevant. Regardless
of ethnicity it is easy to except this urban/rap culture and exemplify characteristics in
the form of attitude, clothing and speech.
Gender is another type of diversity that has impact on behavior. Whether you are
male or female, there are roles that society places on gender. For many years the
man the sole bread winner while the female was to stay at home and make home.
This idea was not only in the minds of society but could be found in television
programs. Some programs include; Leave it to Beaver (Ward June), The Wonder
Years and the Brady Bunch. In the late 60 s and early 70 s there was a woman s
movement, they liberated them selves. In today s businesses and Armed Forces the
female gender is very present. Females are no longer an oddity within the ranks of
upper management or the hierarchy of the military.
Behavior is influenced by many facets today. It starts with our own parents as well as
our grandparents. The reference to the grandparents is important because this is
where our parents received their foundation of
How the Earth Was Made
The three myths Chinese, African, and Norse have the same way of the earth being
made because they all have it that men made the earth.
This story has it that the heaven and earth were integrated into one body that
reminds you of an egg, that Pangu slept inside. He slept for about 18,000 years and
then woke up. He noticed that he was in a vast of dark; therefore, he made his
hands huge and cut into the darkness. After an explosion, heaven and earth started to
split. He was scared that the heaven and earth may go together again, so he held the
heaven with his hands and carefully walked on land. His body grew three meters
every day. therefore, the distance between heaven and earth became three meters
longer every day.
Another 18,000 years passed and now heaven became far away from the earth and the
earth was now very thick. At the same time, Pangu also grew to be a huge man.
During this time, heaven continued ascending and expanding while the earth sinking
and getting thicker until the distance between them was as far as 90,000 kilometers
which had reached the extreme. That was the situation of the universe in our eyes at
current time. Pangu gradually got weaker after he separated heaven and the earth.
After he died his body turned into all the things in the universe. His left eye became
the sun and his right eye, the moon.
The protruded parts in his body turned out to be high mountains and his blood
became rivers. His muscle became the soil field, and his hair and beard
Essay Dixon Corporation Case Analysis
1) Estimate the WACC that is appropriate for discounting the Collinsville plant s
incremental cash flows. You should estimate and present each component of the
WACC separately, explaining briefly but clearly what assumptions you are making
for each of them. In the same spirit, estimate the appropriate all equity cost of
capital for the APV based valuation. WACC calculation. WACC = RD*(1 t)*D
/(D+E)+RE* E/(D+E) Cost of equity We assume that risk free rate (Rf) equals rate of
long term Treasury Bonds (as the project s life is 10 years), so Rf = 9.5%.
According to Aswath Damodaran equity risk premium in the US in 1979 was
6.45%, thus Rm Rf = 6.45%. We will estimate beta equity using data of comparable
firms, focusing on... Show more content on ...
We assumed that the cost of graphite which according to exhibit 8 has been growing
slower year on year would grow steadily at 4% and that power costs would grow at
12% per year up to 1989. We also assumed that the benefits of laminate technology
will only be felt starting in 1981. With 1980 as the base year, the NPV calculation
was done as at December, 1980 and we assumed that the cash injection of $2.5million
dollars would occur instantaneously in December 1980. Using a median assumption
of power cost savings of 17.5%, we arrive at an NPV of $12.865million for the
laminate investment. The applicable range and full calculations are presented below.
Savings| 1980| 1981| 1982| 1983| 1984| 1985| 1986| 1987| 1988| 1989| Total| Graphite
costs| 645| 791| 875| 940| 992| 1031.68| 1072.95| 1115.87| 1160.50| 1206.92| | savings|
0| 791| 875| 940| 992| 1031.68| 1072.95| 1115.87| 1160.50| 1206.92| | Power Costs|
6304| 7735| 9366| 10526| 11780| 13193.6| 14776.83| 16550.05| 18536.06| 20760.39| |
savings (15%)| | 1160.25| 1404.9| 1578.9| 1767| 1979.04| 2216.52| 2482.51| 2780.409|
3114.058| | savings (20%)| | 1547| 1873.2| 2105.2| 2356| 2638.72| 2955.37| 3310.01|
3707.21| 4152.08| | Total Savings (15%)| | 1951.25| 2279.9| 2518.9| 2759| 3010.72|
3289.47| 3598.37| 3940.90| 4320.97| | Total Savings (20%)| | 2338|
Paradox Of Nudity On Television
Examining the Paradox of Nudity in American Broadcast Television
In contemporary culture, television has become ubiquitous. These machines are
everywhere, from our homes to stores and even classrooms. While all of us may not
be television junkies, many of us do occasionally watch a show here and there. The
issue of what can be shown on broadcast television has been at the center of
conversation for years, especially the issue of airing nudity on television. Ask anyone
who watched Superbowl XXXVIII in 2004 what the final score was and they may not
remember, but they will definitely remember what happened during the halftime
show, when Janet Jackson s breast was exposed to the entire American audience due
to a wardrobe malfunction. ... Show more content on ...
For instance, in the 1950 s there were complaints of starlets plunging necklines that
prompted broadcast television networks to create their own indecency rules
(Triplett, pg. 230). Fast forward to today s era of television and there is the overall
performance of the Superbowl halftime show, where there Jackson s outfit reveals
cleavage and there tends to be no controversy over her plunging neckline. So while
moral values may have declined in America, going to the extreme, such as airing a
bare breast, is still too much for some Americans to withstand. According to
information found by Triplett, more than 530,000 complaints were made to the FCC
after the Superbowl incident (n.p.). From that, plunging necklines have now become
acceptable, but revealing a bare breast still causes great controversy, even when it
was just an accident. The sexuality that arises from the event is what is fueling the
debate over nudity in television, which leads in to my next point that the general
American society perceives nudity as
Midland Energy Resources, Inc.
Midland Energy
Midland Energy Resources, Inc.
Cost of Capital
Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary
II. Introduction
III. Cost of Capital
IV. Risk Tax Rate
V. Capital Structures
VII. Conclusion
VIII. References
I. Executive Summary
Midland Energy Resources is a global energy company with operations in oil and
gas exploration and production(E P) providing a broad array of products and
services to upstream oil and gas customers worldwide including refining and
marketing (R M), natural gas, and petrochemicals. Janet Mortensen, the senior vice
president of project finance for Midland Energy Resources must determine the
weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for the company as a whole and each of its
divisions ... Show more content on ...
Cost of Equity is the return that stockholders require for a company. A company s
cost of equity represents the compensation that the market demands in exchange for
owning the assets and bearing the risk of ownership. Based on capital markets the
cost of equity varies in direct relation to the assumed risk in that specific market. The
distinctive of the firm is the sensitivity to market risk (ОІ) which depends on
everything from management to its business and capital structure. Therefore past
performances and present conditions have a direct effect on the overall value.
Applying calculations at a divisional level allows specified markets to be analysis
based on present market conditions for that service or product. The formula used to
calculate Cost of Equity is:
Midland s projected capital spending in refining and marketing would remain
stable, without substantial growth in 2007 and 2008. Petrochemical capital
spending was expected to near future and new investments would be undertaken by
joint ventures outside the United States. Equity interest with foreign partners
generally hovered at 50% for Midland s foreign partners. Mortensen measured
performance or business in two ways: (1). Performance was measured against plan
over 1 , 3 and 5 years. (2). Measured based on economic value added (EVA) in which
the company defined debt free cash flows as net operating
Using Open Data For Business Choices
Helping Consumers It is safe to assume that the use of open data would effectively
boost the strength of businesses. (Manyika, Chui, Farrell, Van Kuiken, Groves,
Almasi Doshi, 2013) And while this is true, the McKinsey Global Institute makes
the bold claim that open data benefits consumers even more than businesses.
(Manyika, Chui, Farrell, Van Kuiken, Groves, Almasi Doshi, 2013) They go on to
discuss the reasoning behind this, and it makes a lot of sense. While the data
provided can be used by providers to make effective business choices, the same data
can also be presented to customers on a platform that is not the company, giving
them the chance to receive less biased information. This allows them to make
informed choices with their purchasing, whether it is choosing a different form of the
product they are seeking, or another brand or company all together. Improved
Education Choices The information provided by open data has the potential to
increase the ability to make informed choices when it comes to education and
learning. (Park Shelton, 2012) The documented highlighted provides many examples
of how the information gained can be effectively used by schools and individuals. It
also highlights examples of the goals for the future of its growth. One of the concepts
that stood out was making students own data available to them in a form that allows
them to see where they are struggling, and subsequently tying that to data that shows
how to improve in these
Analysis Of Outliers By Malcolm Gladwell
Culture lead to Success The lesson here is very simple. But it is striking how often
it is overlooked. We are so caught in, the myth of the best and the brightest and the
self made that we think outliers spring naturally from the earth (268 Gladwell). In
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, gives an inspiring tale of how people become
successful. He tunes our thought on what we think about when we hear the word,
self made man . Often, we would think about how successful people have
extraordinary talent and intelligent. Although talent and intelligent are important
aspects when considering successful people, Gladwell points out different
perspective by taking a closer look at into their cultural. Gladwell s exposition on
successthrough specific... Show more content on ...
No one ever make it alone, we all have somebody of someone helping along the way.
Malcolm Gladwell illustrates We d all have bet on the Nordic type. And we would
have been wrong, because the Katzes and the Rosens and the Liptons and the
Wachtells and the Floms had something that the Nordic type did not. Their world
their culture and generation and family history gave them the greatest of
opportunities (Gladwell 158). This quote shows us that the culture and family
history help transform a person lives and support in their successes. Joe Flom, a
Jewish lawyer, who specializes in litigation. He is persistence to work in litigation
cases because big law firm do not consider these cases to be important. Joe Flom
grows up in Brooklyn during depression, where his father worked at garment
industries, his family is poor. His cultural background is an adversity for him, Jew
were discriminated and treated unfairly, but when United State needed Litigation
Lawyer, Joe Flom was there to take advantage. Although he did not have strong rich
family background, he was presented with extraordinary opportunity. he was at the
right time, at the right place for him to use his accumulated skills of being
litigation as a talent along with a bit of luck he become known as one of the biggest
lawyer in New York. Success is the persistence and ability to keep trying: keep
Balance Requires Meat Analysis
Of the articles I read, the one that I found most convincing was We Require Balance.
Balance Requires Meat by Stacey Roussel. Roussel s perspective comes from the
perspective of a farmer. The reason being that I found Roussel s argument to be the
most convincing is because she explained why animals are important and was
reasonable in regards to both perspectives, vegan and non vegan. She openly admits
that society cannot function without animals, and therefore a balance needs to be
made between farmers and their land and the number of animals that are eaten.
Animals are not just used for meaat, but also fertilization for growing vegetables.
Roussel states that the animals and farmer cannot survive without each other. I really
Burks Adapting To Change
In summary, the third article by Dr. Brooke A. Burks, Dr. Tara L.R. Beziat, Sheeree
Danley, Kashara Davis, Holly Lowery, and Jessics Lucas (2015) titled Adapting to
Change: Teacher Perceptions of Implementing the Common Core State Standards ,
argues that teachers are not getting the proper training necessary to teach the CCSS.
Burks et. al did a research study that looked at teacher s perspectives on their training
for the CCSS. In the beginning, Burks et. al discuss the educational change in
implementationof the standards into American classrooms. They disclose that the
quality of public educationis important, but that teachers are not given any input into
the changes made to the standards. This causes worry within teachers that the CCSS...
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Many reforms have been made. Education is always changing and therefore,
curriculum must change too. The Common Core State Standards were put into place
to ensure students could compete on a global level and have the skills necessary
from higher education and the work force. The idea of giving each state the same set
of building block learning standards is a good one. However, the implementation in
most states are lacking or inexistent. In order for the CCSS to reach it s potential,
teachers need training in learning how to implement the new standards into their
classrooms. This takes time and money. Are states willing to invest in the future of
America? Also, the CCSS needs to invest more in under privileged schools. Without
the investment, these schools will crumble under the new rigorous standards and
standard based assessments. Just by creating nation wide standards, the U.S.
education system will not be miraculously restored. It will take time to make
America on top once again in education. The Common Core State Standards are a
necessary step in the right direction to building academically brilliant K 12 students
of the United States education system that have collegiate and workforce ready
Showered With Imperfection
Most people thought of her of a woman who will murder anyone on sight. To them, it
was dangerous for her to even look at you. But they don t know anything about her.
On the northern island, Mokusei, was a ship. Or simply a submarine. A yellow one.
Like with her other guests, she tend to obliterate their fragile life sources, but this
thing, she spared them. A odd thing. A foreign feeling to her. She had always
murdered others that invade the island. It wasn t because she didn t feel like it. That
would disgrace her. The only reason why she didn t destroyed them, or even attack
them was because they were peaceful.
It was a law in the Raters.
Never attack, until you are 100% sure that they are worth killing. She was merciless,
but an honorable woman who never disobeyed the laws, or her superiors, even if they
were annoying or angered her. Although unleashing wrath could assist with winning,
staying calm was key.
There they were, a suspicious, snowy white polar bear that she has never seen in her
life, two man in an orange suit, and the one in the front who seemed like the leader,
which he was.
Trafalgar Law, better known as Surgeon of Death. He had his infamous, calm smile
stamped on his face. With perfectly tanned skin that never seems to lighten or
darken, and what seems like black bags under his eyes, as if he stayed up, studying.
He had a white hat with brown dots sitting, completely relaxed
Dark Knight Rise
The example that I m going to show explaining low angle shot from the scene The
Dark Knight Rise . We can see a low angle shot from Bane and his hand holding his
jacket, reflecting a posture of mysterious, fearless and menace. Referring to the film
The Dark Knight Rise .
10.______________ is when a series of brief shots are edited together to summarize
a section of the story. Answer: Montage sequence pg.127
Name one of the reasons filmmakers uses this editing technique. Filmmakers use this
editing technique because is a easier way to create a series of shots that help to build
a section of the story. Also it helps to make a connection from the characters the
dialogue and the meaning of that particular scene and the story. Referring ... Show
more content on ...
Define plot order and story order and explain why they might be different, using an
example from one or more films.
Plot order: is the story sequence that tells and illustrated throughout the story.
Story order: is the chronological sequence that shows throughout the events inside of
the story.
These two sequence events are different because in plot order refers to the sequence
of events that happen in a story. And Story order is what the story is all about. For
example the Film The Lion King in here we can see the plot order in how the young
lion Simba story focuses on him from beginning to the end. One scene that can
relate this plot order is when he and Mufasa are together walking when Mufasa
tells him that all the territory is going to be his. Also Mufasa tells samba that he is
could not go beyond the limits of the territory, and that s how the sequence from all
the film. Now for the Story order in this same film we can see the sequence of the
story connecting the chronological events that happen inside of the story. Where
Simba is with Timon and Pumbaa, and they help Simba face the saddest moment and
teach him how to be strong, because of what happened to his dad, when his uncle
scar killed his Mufasa. Referring to the film The Lion
How Do Cults Affect Religion
During The Second Great Awakening, the Christian message became perverted by
cults that sought to influence through religious dogma, psychology, and the
suppression of women.
In the 19th century, American s cultural lives were centered around religion, which
paved the way for cults to promote people into engrossing their way life to
increasingly doctrinaire religion. To begin with, Matthias manipulated Christianity s
teachings to craft his own sinister and self promoting agenda, an example of this can
be found on page 82 of the text, ...Poring over scripture, reflecting on everything that
had happened since his childhood, mixing class resentment with a new found hatred
of preachy Christian women (Page 82). This passage demonstrates that religion ...
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Unlike Biblical prophets, Matthias was irrational and self promoting. Indubitably, he
was mentally unbalanced. Throughout the book, Robert Matthews constantly exhibits
erratic behavior, on page 111 Matthias continually suppresses his followers
...Matthias washed his food down with water from his engraved silver chalice; the
others drank from ordinary glass tumblers (Page 111). From this example, readers get
a glimpse of the daily psychological techniques that were utilized to craft and quell
their mindset. By drinking from an ornate glass, Matthias visually implements
hierarchy. However, this overt display of superiority contradicts the origins of
Matthias cult, the Bible states that all men are equal. Certainly, the Biblical prophets
would never demean their followers. Clearly, Matthias constructed a utopia to serve
his own vanities. Another example of psychosocial manipulation can be found on
page 122, God, they said, had revealed that Matthias and Ann were matched spirits,
and that she was to present the Prophet with a holy son (Page 122). This example
demonstrates the process in which Robert Matthews molded cult religion to serve his
desires. Utilizing his veiled infallible qualities, Matthias manages to seize Ann and
promote his own male vanities. Psychological tactics were a vital method of
manipulating and subverting power to
An Analysis Of Bush s Mandate From Heaven
In a way Bush lost some of his Mandate From Heaven . The concept of Li is also
applicable to this example. In ancient China, in the time of Confucius the majority
of the populace was uneducated and likely would blame a natural disaster, such as
a hurricane, on the gods. In such a society the emperor is typically seen as being
like a god, or responsible for appeasement of the gods. This Rulers Mandate From
Heaven would then be seen as having been revoked if a natural disaster occurred. In
our modern society it is well known that the president is not responsible for the
weather. Yet the strife of such a natural disaster is bound to change the view of those
affected by it. Despite the fact that logically it is well known that no one can control
Level IIi Violations And Ncaa Division I Essay
Level III Violations
Impermissible Tryouts in violation of NCAA Division I Bylaws 13.11.1 and (a) (2010 11). Between April 30 and May 1, 2011, one or more member
of the men s basketball coaching staff was present in the gym for a period of time
while prospects 1 and 2 participated in a scrimmage with enrolled student athletes.
The presence of the coaching staff members constituted an impermissible tryout of
the prospects.
Impermissible Tryout in violation of NCAA Division I Bylaws 13.11.1 and
(a) (2010 11). Between May 5 and May 7, 2011, one or more member of the men s
basketball coaching staff observed for a period of time while prospect 3 participated
in a scrimmage with enrolled student athletes. The observations by the coaching staff
members constituted an impermissible tryout of the prospective student athlete.
Impermissible Tryouts in violation of NCAA Division I Bylaws 13.11.1 and (2011 12). Between November 4 and 5, 2011, one or more member of the
men s basketball coaching staff conducted impermissible tryouts of prospects 4 and 5
by putting them through individual workout drills and observing them in a basketball
Impermissible Inducements and Benefit in violation of NCAA Division I Bylaws
13.2.1, 13.6.6 and (2013 14). On three instances from August 28 to
December 19, 2013, the men s basketball coaching staff arranged for prospects 6
and 7 and student athlete 1 (while still a prospect) to have access to a
Business Practices Of The West Houston Medical Center...
Business practices, in addition to guidelines on the matter of probable controversial
impediments are a component of organizational ethics. This type of ethics is
frequently motivated by the law; a copious amount of organizations practice ethics in
order to be accepted by the community, not to mention in order to ensure a successful
business. Ethical values can have a focal point on organizational concerns which
assist the company in adhere to respectable practices within their establishment or
corporation. I am part of the West Houston Medical Center organization, and the
hospital s mission statement states: We are a family of dedicated Healthcare
professionals committed to providing exceptional healthcare and service by
exceeding the expectations of every patient, every day (West Houston Medical
Center, 2016). For that reason, it remains essential for all team members that we are
responsible for ethical patient treatment centered together with patient valued care
when it comes to providing caring for our patients. The care which patients receive
along with the hospital s business operation plays a substantial part in which way the
members of the surrounding neighborhoods view the organization. The principal goal
of the hospital is To be one of the best hospitals in the country based on quality and
satisfaction indicators (West Houston Medical Center, 2016). We hold values such as
Put patients first and foremost , Treat each other with respect and dignity combined
The Seven Deadly Sins In The Canterbury Tales
The Canterbury Tales, just as the title outlines is the literacy work of pilgrims and
their tales during a trip to and from Canterbury. The tales and characters in the
works of Chaucer all differ in many ways, however, we can link them by relating
the tales to the seven deadly sins. The seven deadly sins include; pride, lust, greed,
sloth, wrath, envy, and gluttony. Huberd the Friar, is a man of begging. Through
him, we find the first sin; pride. Pride is the excessive view of one s self without
regard to others. The Friar makes his living by begging and receiving. He takes
from those of more wealth and scorns money from companies of other beggars by
spreading the word of God (Rossignol, The Friar ). Portraying to the audience that
he is more focused on his own wealth and not necessarily on spreading the word,
representing one s self with no regards to others. The Wife of Bath, a woman
named Alison who has been married five times. In this character, we find the
second sin; lust. Lust is the desire to fulfill a certain action, sexual desires. The
wife laughs about how she had to work hard to keep her older husbands sexually
active in her favor of satisfaction (Bloom, The Canterbury Tales ). Her lust is most
shown when she shares the story of meeting her fifth husband. She found her fifth
husband at her fourth husband s funeral, she fell into a lust spell at the sight of his
legs as he stood behind her deceased husband s casket (Bloom, The Canterbury
Tales). The wife s
Taking a Look at Castle Clinton
National Monuments
National monuments were originally designed to protect things that were of historic
or scientific interest. Although now and days we tend to perceive national
monuments as part of our countries heritage; they allow us to display the respect and
recognition that we have towards our country and the individuals who sacrificed a
great deal in order for us to live comfortably in this wonderful country. The antiquities
grant of 1906 gave the president the authority to designate national monuments and
since then the president and congress have created more than 100 national
monuments. The various agencies that manage national monuments are the National
Park Service, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, or BLM.
Castle Clinton formerly known as Castle Garden is a monument that symbolizes
America as a country that welcomes people from all over the world to come for better
opportunities. Castle Clinton is located at the southern tip of Manhattan Island and
represents the growth of the city and also the growth of the country. It was initially
built to prevent the British from invading in 1812; Castle Clinton never saw
combat but it did provide a way for the military to have a strategic presence at the
northern edge of the New York Harbor. In 1824 the Castle was turned over to the
city and was completely renovated and changed to Castle Garden. Castle Clinton was
one of America s great entertainment centers for 32 years and hosted many notable
events, such as
The Giver Community Is A Dystopia Essay
The giver community is a dystopia. I know this because when you compare the
giver community to our world it takes a minute but I guarantee it is a dystopia, you
can see this because on the out side looking in, you know all of the secrets that make
up the giver community. another reason it is a dystopia is because when people
imagine a perfect world it is not anything like the community of the giver, lastly is the
fact that the government plans out people s lives. I will go into detail and make
many other points in this essay about both sides of this question.
The giver community is a dystopia first of all because when you are on the outside
looking in, you know that the whole community is made up of secrets. You know that
people can ... Show more content on ...
This is just one of the many examples in the book that show that the government can
control your life. Not to mention how they also control your significant other, your
job, your siblings, and your life decisions, and even your personality traits. Just think
about no being able to choose the person your supposed to love and get through life
together with.
You could argue that the community is a utopia because everyone is happy and
that the people not knowing what is going on is a good thing. Or that people not
saying mean things and expressing what they truly feel is a good thing because it
won t cause arguments and fights. Even the fact that people don t have a choice
with family and more importantly significant others could mean that there are no
divorces and no fights about who Marries who. Another example why it could be a
utopia is that people don t have to choose their jobs so they don t need too tire
themselves out working super hard just to get the job that you want. I agree that the
government choosing and planning your whole life out for you can be a good thing.
But their are so many other bad things about the community that it outweighs all of
the good.
In conclusion I think that the leader is dehumanizing the community and focusing
too much on the requirements to have a utopia and not how the actual citizens would
feel if they knew
What Is Kally Tucker The Man And His Dream
It s the idea that counts . It s a quote from the movie, Tucker: the Man and his
Dream, which is based on the story of Preston Tucker and how he tried to change
the world with is ideas. There s a big chance that you might not heard of him but I m
sure that you know some of is innovations that left a mark to the automobileindustry
up to this day.
You may ask to whom do we owe the parts of our car like the aerodynamic styling,
padded dash, pop out windows, seatbelt, fuel injection and disc brakes? Those
automobile parts were first available in the Tucker cars. And sixty seven years later
47 out of the 51 cars (50 production and 1 prototype) that he built are still in good
condition and are worth a ransom. The most expensive Tucker that was sold was at
$2.65 million sold at an auction ) ... Show more content on ...
His name might not ring bells to many, but his innovations left an indelible mark to
the automobile industry.
Today, Tucker cars are limited collection vintage cars since there are only 48
existing cars, which was made 56 years ago. But it s not about the car, it s about the
idea that lives on and the man who made it all possible.
The Making of the Tucker Cars
In 1949, cars don t have seatbelts, etc. Preston Tucker changed all that when he made
the Tucker cars which was way ahead of his time.
At that time, post World War US was not open to innovation and resistant to change.
From the movie, these are the values and lessons that entrepreneurs can learn from
the movie, Tucker the Man and his
Honor Code, The Tain, And Gantz s Early Irish Myths And...
Christopher Kramer English 319U 03/22/2017 Honor To The Hero The honor
code that can be found in the Mabinogi, The Tain, and Gantz s Early Irish Myths
and Sagas drives the characters towards the ideal Celtic hero. The following of the
honor code could be better seen as a way of serving the identity and reputation of
the hero rather than a deeper code of morality as it might suggest. The gae bolga,
Efnisien, Mider s love for Etain, and Rhiannon s magic bag are all instruments of
unworldly power, making the impossible possible for each of the heroes. It is
because of these supernatural influences that the heroes are both blessed and cursed
by their own powers. The compliance to the honor code plays less a role in truly
enabling the hero and... Show more content on ...
After each day of fighting they exchange food and bandages to heal one another
(The Tain 248) Yet Ferdia s final words accuse Cuchulainn of unfairness. (The Tain
256) And the gae bolga again brings death to a warrior more skilled then
Cuchulainn, placing not only might and skill but also the will of Cuchulainn as
the agent of fate. It might be of no coincidence that both Cuchulainn s and Ferdia s
foster mother Scathach gives the gae bolga to Cuchulainn. (The Tain 72) Scathach
is a prophetess and she knows Cuchulainn s fate and his dedication to his heroic
role in fighting for the honor of Ulster. (The Tain, 69) The Mabinogi, King
Bendigeidfran s wisdom and honor is depicted in the story of Branwen daughter of
Llyr, when he divides the cauldron people among the land, helping them grow into
good warriors (The Mabinogi 64). King Matholwch, the king of Ireland resents the
cauldron people who after receiving complaints, resorts to burning the cauldron
people alive. The story of the cauldron people emphasizes King Matholwch s weak
will. His honor is submissive in both the presence of Bendigeidfran and his people,
often resorting to following their bad advice. Within the main plot, King
Bendigeidfran exhibits honor and allegiance to Matholwch in giving Branwen s
hand in marriage. (The Mabinogi, p.60) He quickly offers horses and his honor
price in gold and silver to compensate the shame his half brother done to Matholwch
s horses. (The Mabinogi, p.62) He literally
Unique Characteristics Of The Climograph On Death Valley
There are a lot of unique characteristics in the 5 climographs above. The climograph
on Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania shows that the hottest time in Pittsburgh is around June
(around 27 degrees Celsius), and the coldest time is around January (around 3 degrees
Celsius). In addition, it shows that there are fairly large amounts of precipitation
throughout the year. The climograph on Death Valley, California shows that it is
fairly hot all throughout the year with very low precipitation. The coldest it gets in
Death Valley is around January (around 20 degrees Celsius), and the highest amount
of precipitation is during February (around 13 millimeter). Similarly to Pittsburgh, in
Hartford, Connecticut there are large amounts of precipitation and around
Quake s The Clowder And The Bear
The Clowder and the Bear
There was once an arrogant clique of mountain lions. The leader of the lions name
was Bruce, he was the meanest of the lions and was the best brawler, and he was
the alpha. The omega of the packs name was Grange, he was as good of a fighter
as Bruce but he was more unstable. The runt of the pack s name was Merrick he
was a cougar with red hair and tried to be like Bruce as much as he could, and when
it came to fighting he had no idea what he was doing, and when trying in lion school
he was about as useful as a poopy flavored lollipop. The final lion in the squads
name was Domino. He wasn t from the same country he was a rare Japanese lion that
grew up without money or a den, and he spent most of his time do miscellaneous ...
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But many years had passed since then and the bear had matured into a dangerous
specimen. His claws razor sharp, of six inches long. His teeth yellow, and tainted
with blood. His fur, ripped and torn from by the claws of his victims. Long story
short quake is a bear not to be reckoned with. Well one day Quake saw the clowder
drinking from his stream and he didn t take to kindly to that. Quake decided that it
was time to give the lions what they deserved. Quake went back to his den and told
Trace to not come outside because it s going to get messy. Quake sharpens his
claws then goes outside to prepare for the blood bath. The lions see Quake coming
and pretend to be nice to home like the old days but then he attacks them. He first
takes out Grange probably the biggest threat because he never stops. So grange is
down he then attacks Domino and Bruce, he takes out Domino with his claws
while he bit off Bruces head. All that s left is Merrick, Merrick tries to run away
but he trips over a branch and breaks his legs because he is a moron. So Quake
jumps on Merrick and starts clawing his face then he bit off his arms and legs, then
crushed his head. Then Trace And Quake lived happily ever
Prohibition in the United States
Prohibition in the United States was a built up reaction to alcohol and illicit drugs
from the Temperance and other religious organizations beginning in the 1840s and
intensifying during the Reconstruction Period. By using increasing pressure on
legislators, lobbying through Churches and, of course, embarrassing public officials
into a stance, these organizations forced the ratification of the 18th Amendment to
the U.S. Constitution in January 1919. This law prohibited the manufacture, sale, or
transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the
exportation thereof from the United States(ProhibitionWins in Senate). Congress also
passed the Volstead Act in October 1919, a way to enforce the law. Ironically, this
became a public debate and conundrum because most large cities had neither the
interest nor the manpower to enforce the law. In some areas, alcohol consumption did
decline, but in urban areas there was a backlash of increased organized crime, and
rather than government receiving taxes from legitimate businesses, it was crime
monopolies that profited from this cash crop. (Blocker).
Fiorello LaGuardia was a New Deal Republican, a man who supported President
Franklin Roosevelt and who used that support to help change New York City, to cut
off patronage from the Tammany system, and to revitalize New York City, restore
public faith, unify the transit system, built low cost public housing, playgrounds and
parks; put money into
Disadvantages Of Mergers
Mergers and Acquisitions: A merger is said to occur when at least two organizations
consent to consolidate, bringing about another element or with the subsequent firm
keeping up the character of the gaining organization. Most economies forestall
mergers between straightforwardly contending firms. The method of reasoning is to
counteract monopolistic economic situations where the buyer does not have any
decision aside from only one merchant. Affirmations of monopolistic conduct have
tormented Microsoft s operations in Europe. A merger may take either of the two
forms, absorption or consolidation. The mix of at least two organizations into a
current organization, where every one of the organizations aside from one lose their
character is named as a merger through absorption The mix of at least two
organizations into another organization, where every one of the organizations lose
their character is named as a merger through consolidation.Here, the gained
organization exchanges its advantages, liabilities and shares to the procuring
organization in return of money or shares. There are three types of... Show more
content on ...
The Banking division afresh showed its importance in utilizing M A bargains.
Santander s union of its Brazilian operations was esteemed at US$ 5.7bn. The BTG
Pactual interest in Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. added to expand the 2014 M A
bargains by another US$ 1.8bn. Private value stores, be that as it may, lost some
hunger in 2014. In contrast with 2013, the volume of exchanges performed by this
portion was 21% lower. All things considered, the Banking area was included in 34%
of the arrangements completed in 2014. Industry sector focus
The Causes Of Air Pollution In Beijing, China
Beijing, China has a coal mining history of nearly 800 and some odd years. This
has been a major air pollutant and the main reason for it is because its economy has
grown substantially in the last 30 years. Worldwide, there are twenty cities with the
highest, worst air pollution, sixteen of those cities are within China alone. The main
causes of Beijing s air pollutioncan be pointed to several factors. Large economical
growth, an increase in vehicles on the roads, growth in population, and
manufacturing. China has also experienced major economic growth with a large rise
in Gross Domestic Product. This increase can be connected with pollution. Vehicles
are just one contributor to pollution which we will discuss later in this paper. The
population growth in Beijing contributes to a big portion of its pollution. The
population has risen from 11 million to 16 million in just 7 years, and has nearly
doubled over the past century. Factories that utilize coal burning contribute to the
smogcurrently present in Beijing. Many of these factories depend on outdated and
inefficient technology which emits air pollutants. Beijing is a victim of its own
topography since it s surrounded by mountains which traps pollution within the city.
Air quality worsens in the spring and summer seasons when the humidity and
temperature levels increase. Air pollution has been so drastic to the point that the city
often engulfs in smog making it near zero visibility which in turn causing road
Descriptive Essay On French Bulldogs
French Bulldogs are amazing dogs, in my opinion, and there s lots to know about
them! I ll be honest, I don t really like dogs, and I m not a dog person. However, 2
years ago I got a French bulldog, and she s one of the things I love most. That just
shows how lovable these dogs are. Sometimes they re silly looking, or have bad
attitudes or behavior, and usually have a lot of problems, but they re still amazing.
I never used to like them, but after getting one, I love them! First of all, French
bulldogs are EXTREMLY expensive dogs, and can cost up to 2,5000 or more. It also
depends on the color of the dog. There are all kinds of different colors of Frenchies,
like blue, cream, red, red and black mask, pie, and plenty of others. Blue Frenchies,
which are the most expensive, are gray and have blue tints to their fur, and also
have blue eyes. My dog is a cream, which are usually white, with cream brown
colors. There are many more colors, and too many to explain. I think the reason
these dogs are so popular and expensive is their appearance. Aside from being
lovable, I think the appearance of the French bulldogis a very important detail.
Women usually like small dogs, right? Well, men usually don t care for those tiny,
girly looking dogs. However, French bulldogs are tiny dogs, but they re big,
muscular, and not girly. They are smaller than regular bulldogs, English bulldogs, and
American bulldogs. Although, they have very muscular bodies, so it works for
everyone! They do
The Rwandan Genocide Of 1994 Effect The Hutu And Tutsi
Plan of Investigation
This investigation will seek to answer the question How Did the Rwandan
Genocide of 1994 Effect the Hutu and Tutsi? I chose this question because last
year I read the book Left to Tell and I wanted to know more about the two different
types of groups, the Hutus and the Tutsis. This was and still is an important topic
because many died that day just for belonging to a specific group. This topic shows
how much our world has changed since 1994. In order to answer my historical
investigation question, I have structured my analysis section using the following
method. First, I will answer how the two groups are different? And how these
differences began the Rwandan Genocide? Next, I will talk about a survivor and her
experience, then, the survival rate of Hutus and Tutsis. There are two main sources
this paper will cover, first, a website called the United Human Rights Council, then, a
book called Left to Tell.
Summary of Evidence
Tutsis, were taller, lighter skinned, and had narrower noses. While Hutus were
shorter, darker skinned, and had broad noses. They were almost the same but Tutsis
had superiority. The Skull measurements showing larger brain size, greater height,
and lighter skin tones all reaffirmed the Tutsis superiority over the Hutus (History).
By late March 1994, Hutu Power leaders were determined to murder Tutsis and Hutus
who opposed President Habyarimana, in enormous amounts, mainly to destroy the
peace agreement. They were ready to
Greed As Portrayed In The Necklace
People are often blinded by material possessions, and they lose sight of what is
truly important in life. When we fall victim to greed, we often lose sight of what is
important. In the short story The Necklace a woman named Mathilde is blinded by
the want of a high class life, resulting in ten years of struggling and being in debt. In
the short storyThe Golden Touch a king wishes for gold but soon realizes that he had
made a terrible mistake. In the article In LaRiconada corporations ruin the town s
beauty with all the chemicals they were using to mine their precious gold.
In the short story The Necklace Mathilde is blinded by her desire for a higher class
lifestyle. She wanted all the nice and extravagant clothing and jewelry that her rich
friend had. Mathilde felt like she deserved this kind of lifestyle and forgot to be
happy with what she had. She lost sight of her loving husband, who stayed and
helped get them out of the debt that she had caused without complaint. She was
completely blinded by ... Show more content on ...
The king asks a god to give him the ability to turn everything he touches to gold.
King Midas loses sight of what is most important and eventually comes to regret it.
The King could not eat or drink, he could not hug his daughter, and in the end, he
wishes it all away. In the story the king tries to drink a cup of coffee and it turned
to molten gold in his mouth. He could not hug his daughter who he loved as much
as gold because she would turn into a golden statue. In the end he wishes his
golden touch away, he tells the god that have him this ability that a piece of bread
was worth all the gold in the world, and that he would not give a dimple in her chin
for the power to change objects into
Dismantle Cartels Case Study
The document then discusses how the administration will handle the cartels. The
main policy will include strengthening federal law and ensur(ing) that federal law
informant agencies give a high priority and devote sufficient resource to efforts to
identify, interdict, disrupt, and dismantle transnational criminal
organizations...including through the investigation, apprehension, and prosecution of
members. Trump wants more federal agencies to share information and coordinate
with other federal law enforcement in order to dismantle cartels. The people that
would lead this combined effort are the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and
Secretary of Homeland Security. The federal agencies that would help combat cartels
include, the Organized... Show more content on ...
Established in 1982, the main goal of the task force is to aid in drug enforcement
strategy. The task force is designed to reduce the availability of drugs and other
criminal activity that is related to the drug trade. They plan on doing this by
dismantling the major criminal networks operating in or affecting the US. These
cartels include the Sinaloa Cartel and others which have links to terrorist
organizations such as Feurrzas Armadas Revolunaries de Colombia. The Justice
Department believes that 28% of the 40 criminal organizations has ties to the Sinaloa
Cartel. This program only targets the most dangerous cartels and works with many
other law agencies including, DEA, FIB, ATF, USMS, IRS, ICE, USCG, 93 US
Attorney offices, state, and law enforcement agencies. As stated before, in order to
stop criminal organization the Justice Department will use and enforce the OCDETF,
but they also have other goals in the coming years. Another goal of the Justice
Department is supporting the 2005 Southwest Border Counter Narcotics
Should Fast Food Workers Earn A Living Wage Essay
The debate on whether fast food workers should earn a living wage has been going
on for years. A living wage is considered a wage that allows a person to fulfill their
basic needs. Many fast food workers have families to take care of which can be
difficult with the amount they currently earn. People working in fast fooddeserve to
earn a higher wageso they can support themselves. It is hard to find decent paying
jobs, but people should be able to earn enough to support their families.
Many people believe that fast food workers can live off of $9 an hour. How are
they supposed to survive off of $9 an hour when they need to pay rent, car
payments, and possibly take care of children? Research states $15 an hour is a living
wage, due to inflation. The average American needs to make at least this to meet
their daily needs. The article Mcdonald s Raising its Minimum Wage, but Some Say it
s Not Enough shows that McDonald s and many companies are trying to increase
salaries but it still isn t enough. It was stated in PRO/CON Living Wage for Fast
food Workers? That more than a quarter of fast food workers have at least one...
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The reality is that salaries have not been increasing fast enough to keep up with
inflation. In the article PRO/CON: Living Wage for Fast food Workers? it states
that It would be $17 per hour today instead of a meager $7.25 proving that salary is
not increasing as fast as inflation. In Mcdonald s Raising its Minimum Wage, but
Some Say it s Not Enough it is said Mcdonald s projected by the end of 2016, the
average wage rate for employees at its company owned locations would exceed $10
an hour. Even with this slight increase wage theft that is being performed by many
fast food companies makes it difficult to support a
Marc Jacobs Research Paper
Top 10 Richest Fashion Houses
Hello, and welcome to the informative video from In this video we will
enter into the world of fashion and we will find out the most financially successful
fashion designers and houses.
Fashion changes very quickly and is not affiliated with one group or area of the
world but is spread out throughout the world wherever people can communicate
easily with each other.
Fashion industry offers very good lucrative earning opportunity to those who are
wiling to work hard to build their names. Many people think that you can sell any
type of clothes and get rich instantly. That is a myth although a few designers have
had that kind of luck. The truth is that in everything you have to work, and, in the
world ... Show more content on ...
She is of irish descent. Spade graduated at Arizona State University and graduated
with a degree in journalism in the year 1985. In January 1993 Kate Spade launched
her brand the New York based design company Kate spade Handbags, and extended
to clothing, jewelry, shoes, fragrances. Spade opened her first boutique in 1996.In
2004 she launched as a home collection brand called Kate Spade at Home featured
bath items, bedding, wallpaper and various items for the home. In 2016 Spade
launched Frances Valentine a collection of luxury footwear and handbag. She is the
currently designer and co founder of Frances
Me Before You Character Analysis
In the movie Me before you , not only Will s parents, friends, and workers all keep
mentioning and emphasizing that Will is disabled and needs help. It delivers an
idea that the life with a disability is not worth living. In the movie Finding Dory,
there are two characters with disabilities. Becky is an intelligent bird and helps
others a lot. She flies Marlin and Nemo everywhere; she helps to carry them by
putting them in a bucket with water and then carries the bucket and shouts out to
Gerald independently without any help. There is an another character in this movie
that is with disability. Gerald is a sea lion; he doesn t talk and is viewed as disabled
with bulging eyes, a unibrow, and dopey smile. In these examples, people with
disabilities are all viewed as inferior to non disabled peers. In addition, Will, Becky,
and Gerald all show that the two movies deliver an idea that the life of people with
disabilities is boring and they do not worth living. However, in these two movies,
characters with disabilities live well. In Me Before You, Will enjoyed his life with
Louisa, and it shows that people with disabilities can find someone they love. In
Find Dory, although Becky has mental disorder and can only speak with noises
instead of clear words, she is smart and uses her intelligence to help Nemo. In
addition, in these to movies, they deliver the idea that people with disabilities are all
viewed as inferior to non disabled peers through others characters
Thomas Sutpen s Influence On Absalom
The effect of history is one of the most important topics addressed in Absalom,
Absalom! By William Faulkner. The influence the story of Thomas Sutpen has on
Miss Rosa Coldfield; the younger sister of his second wife E_ Sutpen, Mr. _
Compson; the son of Sutpen s close friend _, his son Quentin and Shrive_, who was
Quentin s Northern college roommate is representational and distinctive. This is in
addition to Sutpen s memory and view of his past. Throughout the book, we are
provide with narration by these characters with different representational reactions
that lead to the conclusion that Sutpen is distressed by the past, but attempts to
disregard it and start anew. Miss Rosa hatefully holds on to the past. Mr. Compson
doesn t... Show more content on ...
However, it is intriguing how Thomas expects his son to react to him, considering
that he may hold the same mentality as his father. Nonetheless, this concept is out
of reach since Thomas doesn t place value his relationship with his father, therefore
does the same with his children. Faulkner s Thomas Sutpen is one who reject the
past completely. Sutpen got immersed into the odious, inhumane life he after being
turned away from the front door of an upper class, desiring to simply be respected.
Sutpen disliked the aristocratic family. Nevertheless he transformed into one of
them and therefore he became detached. His only interest because to build Sutpen s
Hundred, attempting to gain material wealth and social recognition without
compassion or moral. Sutpen could no longer recognized the kid who stood at the
aristocratic front door, waiting in rags. Sutpen turned away from his past and
disregarded it, which in turn strengthened his lack of care for his children. Because
he didn t sympathize with his young self, he couldn t truly love them. While Sutpen
doesn t see himself in his children, or perhaps does and therefore dislikes it, his
children recognize their foundamintary inheritance of who their father is; Maybe we
are both father. Maybe nothing ever happens once and is finished. Maybe happen is
never once but like ripples maybe on water after the pebble sinks, the ripples moving
Essay On Ophelia And Gertrude
Women are the real architects of society
Some believe that men are rulers or in control of everything. It may even be thought
that men are the cause of most disasters in the world today. There is also an outlook
on women, that they are innocent and only take responsibility for emotions instead of
actions. Hamlet by William Shakespeare depicts how Hamlet falls victim to an
adverse outlook on women in the play. The women in this play, Ophelia and Gertrude,
take the role of what today s society thinks a man should act as or have an impact on.
Firstly, the daughter of a Polonius in Hamlet, Ophelia, effects the play in many
ways as well as, Gertrude, the mother of Hamlet. They give many examples of how
a woman can bring inconvenience or distress to one s family. This sort of distress
eventually leads to the death of several characters in the Shakespeare s play: King
Hamlet, Polonius, Ophelia, Gertrude, Laertes, Prince Hamlet, and King Claudius.
According to Intimate Friendship with God by Joy Dawson , Women can be a
stepping stone, which makes a pathway easier, or a stumbling block, which makes
it difficult in relation to holiness. In this case, Ophelia and Gertrude would be
looked on as stumbling blocks to their families. Frailty thy name is woman,
Hamlet(Act 1.Scene 2. Page 15. ) meaning these two women can also be portrayed as
weak or fragile based off of the play. Ophelia would be a main example of how
weakness can be labeled onto a woman. In addition, Hamlet is the main
Transfer Of Juvenile Offenders
Brevin, The laws governing the transfer of juvenile offenders from the juvenile court
system to the adult criminal court system do vary from state to state, consequently, a
very small percentage are actually waived (Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention, n.d.). The discretion of the court is first and foremost to
protect society from a violent offender. There are instances where a juvenile offender
poses such a great risk to society, although they are extremely rare, the court will
have no choice but to remand them to be held. The state of Tennessee specifically
identified crimes within legislation dictating which crimes can be transferred to
criminal court (Justia US Law, n.d.). In the Tennessee Statute 37 1 134, it states
The Models Of The Automotive Industry
As general of a concept the automotive industry is, as time goes, anybody will start
to observe the different car platforms and consumer markets that emerge from the
growing industry. One of such platforms created was the Pony Car platform, or more
colloquially know as just the 2 door sports car platform. And with this new brand of
car came a new brand advertising as well as consumer. Consumers will start to
familiarize themselves with the various new ways of advertising through the years in
this market. The American consumer sports car market had one of the most dynamic
advertising markets of the automotive industry, it changed with the decades and
contributed to the creation of the sports car enthusiast demographic we know today....
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These very appeals as well as what Fowles writes about in his article are very
relatable to the automotive industry.
Cars have been an essential part of living for some time now. Ever since mass
production allowed for the wide spread distribution of cars, they have been paramount
to everything from our economy to our daily commute. Globalization along with the
growing market caused competition among manufacturers, and so manufacturers had
to find ways to appeal to the new competitive consumer market. Automotive
advertising started to take a new form and targeted peoples particular interests,
emotions, and desires instead of being strictly informative or utilitarian. Even the car
themselves had to change along with the decades to provide luxuries and compete
with the market. Although many car manufactures took steps in the right direction,
one great example of this changing market is the 1955 Ford Thunderbird.
For Ford, the Thunderbird was a luxury consumer family car platform that started
in 1955. It featured specifications that fared well in the competitive market. The
Thunderbird could have come in either four seats or two seated versions. Ford
advertised the car like they would have any other car, however, the advertising
ultimately did not fit for the two car version of the car. Because of this, the two door
Ford Thunderbird is somewhat of a rarity now due to not having been so successful.
For Ford, its advertising
David Sedaris Chipped Beef
Sometimes in life, we dream about unimaginable lives we could have, this causes us
to disconnect from our reality. In Chipped Beef , David Sedaris contrasts his fantasy
with his reality to show how living in a fantasy world disconnects you from your
family. Throughout his memoir, Sedaris demonstrates how his fantasy disconnects
him from his reality, how he portrays his reality in a negative manner, and how he
loses his relationship with his family. In the beginning of this memoir Sedaris uses
his fantasy to show how disconnected he is from his reality and family by using
rhetorical devices and strategies like a mocking tone and analogy. First off, Sedaris
describes his unthinkable dreams when he states, I m thinking of asking the servants
to wax my change before placing it in the Chinese... Show more content on ...
It s important to have clean money. Sedaris starts off this piece by making an
extremely improbable statement about waxing his change. This statement is
ridiculous because no normal person makes their servants wax their change. In
addition, it shows how disconnected he is from reality by making these ridiculous
overstatements, which come across as humorous. These humorous statements
immediately get the audience engaged in this piece. Furthermore, Sedaris boasts
about his fantasy life by using an analogy when he proclaims, Because we are so
smart, my parents and I are able to see through people as if they were made of hard,
clear plastic. The analogy that Sedaris uses here is very affective by stating how he
thinks how smart and intelligent his fantasy family is by making them able to
control the rest of the people around them by being able to see through them like
clear plastic, which is impossible in reality. In the end of Sedaris s fantasy dreams, he
The Battle Between Grendel And Beowulf
Carl Van Clausewitz once said, Courage, above all things, is the first quality of a
warrior. In a culture where being a warrior is a very integral part of everyday lives,
having courage is a key component of social survival. To have courage means to be
able to defend a kingdom by every means possible. It means protecting and
ascertaining the wellbeing of the people within one s own kingdom. And above all,
courage means remaining loyal to one s king, regardless of the circumstance. This is
the warriorculture that Beowulfin Beowulf was a part of successfully as a thane, and
the same warrior culture that leads the narrator in The Wanderer to lament past
memories. In Beowulf, the fight between Grendeland Beowulf was certainly a nail
biter. In this fight, however, Beowulf shows his courage by doing his absolute best
at defending the kingdom by taking on this gruesome monster. Grendel was
wreaking havoc on the kingdom to no end. He was killing many and terrorizing the
citizens greatly. When Beowulf heard of this, as a courageous thane, he stepped in
to try to stop this and protect the people. Hygelac s kinsman kept [Grendel]
helplessly locked in a handgrip. As long as either lived, he was hateful to the other.
The monster s whole body was in pain; a tremendous wound appeared on his
shoulder. Sinews split and the bone lappings burst. Beowulf was granted the glory of
winning; Grendel was driven under the fen banks, fatally hurt, to his desolate lair

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Essay On Wireless Technology

  • 1. Essay On Wireless Technology Writing an essay on the topic of wireless technology can be both challenging and intriguing. On one hand, the subject matter is vast and continuously evolving, encompassing various aspects such as the history, current trends, technological advancements, applications, and future prospects of wireless communication. This breadth of content presents the challenge of condensing complex information into a coherent and structured essay. Moreover, staying updated with the latest developments in wireless technology is essential to provide accurate and relevant insights. On the other hand, the dynamic nature of wireless technology offers a plethora of fascinating angles to explore. From the inception of wireless communication to the emergence of 5G networks, there are numerous milestones, controversies, and breakthroughs to delve into. Analyzing the impact of wireless technology on society, economy, healthcare, and other sectors adds depth to the discussion, but also requires thorough research and critical thinking. Crafting a compelling essay on wireless technology demands not only a solid understanding of the subject matter but also effective writing skills to engage the reader and convey complex ideas with clarity. It involves conducting comprehensive research, synthesizing information from diverse sources, and presenting a well-structured argument supported by evidence. In conclusion, writing an essay on wireless technology is a challenging yet rewarding task that requires dedication, research, and proficient writing abilities. It offers an opportunity to explore the intricate world of wireless communication and its profound impact on various aspects of modern life. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Essay On Wireless TechnologyEssay On Wireless Technology
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  • 3. M J N 2. Perform a postorder traversal of the tree depicted above. Traverse its left subtree. Traverse is right subtree. Visit the root of the tree. G, L, H, D, B, M, N, I, E, O, J, P, K, F, C, A 3. Evaluate the following prefix notation expression: * * 3 ... Show more content on ... Draw a digital logic circuit for the expression: 8. Find a minimal expansion of 1 1 xz 1 1 1 + y z + xz 9. Let G = (V,T,S,P) be the phrase structure grammar with V={0,1,A,B,S}, T={0,1}, and the set of productions P consisting of: S в†’ 0AB, Sв†’ 1B, A в†’ 1B01, B в†’ 100. € € € a. Either show that 0110001001 belongs to the language generated by G or explain why it does not. It is not possible to show that 0110001001 because we are looking for a string that
  • 4. starts with a 0 and ends with a 1 . Since we can only use production S with starting state S в†’ 0AB, the string created that will not end with a 1 but always will end with a 0 . S в†’ 0AB в†’ 01B01B в†’ 0110001100 b. Either show that 1100 belongs to the language generated by G or explain why it does not. We can show that 1100 belongs to language generated by G by using production S with start state Sв†’ 1B to be: Sв†’ 1B в†’ 1100 10. Draw a finite state machine (with output) represented by the following state table. State s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 f(0) s1 s2 s2 s0 s3 f(1) s3 s4 s1 s4 s0 g(0) 0 1 1 0 1 g(1) 1 0 1 0 0 0,0 S0 0,1 S11,0 1,1 1,1 S2 0,1 1,0
  • 6. Analysis Of The Firs Two Questions I Can Be Solved Who am I ? Why am I here ? Why are you here ? The firs two questions I can answer .My name is Mohammed Jordan. I am here today ,because I want explain about the possibilities of this beautiful give birth to a child. A sweet little child called Peace . The younger sibling of Hope . Let us examine our attitude toward peace itself. Too many of us think it is impossible. Too many think it unreal. But that is a dangerous, defeatist belief. It leads to the conclusion that war is inevitable, that mankind is doomed, that we are gripped by forces we cannot control. We need not accept that view. Our problems are manmade; therefore, they can be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings. Man s reason and spirit have often solved the seemingly unsolvable, and we believe they can do it again. I am not referring to the absolute, infinite concept of peace and good will of which some fantasies and fanatics dream. I do not deny the value of hopes and dreams, but we merely invite discouragement and incredulity by making that our only and immediate goal. Let us focus instead on a more practical, more attainable peace, based not on a sudden revolution in human nature but on a gradual evolution in human institutions, on a series of concrete actions and effective agreements which are in the interest of all concerned. There is no single, simple key to this peace, no grand or magic formula to be adopted by one or two powers. Genuine
  • 7. Red Bull Case Study The above table the growth Red Bull experienced from 1996 to 2004. The data points with an asterisk next them are based off estimates from information provided throughout the case. In terms of sales the base for the calculation was 170.00 million cans sold which occurred in 1999 after quadrupling from the prior year. There taking 170/4 resulted in approximately 42.5 million cans sold in 1996 and having triple in 1998, resulting in and estimated 28.33 million cans sold in 1997 and 14.16 million sold in 1996. Projection the calculation forward from 2000 2004 the estimated growth rate was 68.84% ((62.00 36.72)/36.72). By applying that growth rate to the 260 million cans sold in 2004, an estimate of 438.98 million cans were sold in the United Kingdom in 2004. Subsection: Bull Crosses the Pond Red Bull mimicked entering the United States in how they successfully penetrated Austria and the United Kingdom. In one alteration, Red Bull decided on targeting cells, as the called them or certain geographical locations in the United States they specifically targeted. The first three cells that were targeted included: Santa Cruz, San Francisco, and their home base in the United States Santa Monica. All three of these locations have something strong in common. Densely populated areas with a strong number of young adults, the main target group for Red Bull. There was a reason Red Bull did not come sailing across the seas, unload millions of cases, and deliver them to every inch of the
  • 8. Kie Grimes Quotes In The Right Kind of House by Henry Slesar, Sadie Grimes is the main character of the story. This old lady has a very vengeful, irrational yet stubborn and clever characteristic during the story. She wanted to take revenge for her son without thinking why her son got killed, or what her son Michael had done before he was killed. However she is stubborn and clever because she prepared an abundance of evidence for herself to prove who is the murderer and kill the murderer in the perfect time, therefore she is a stubborn woman from waiting five years to complete her plan and her revenge. Sadie Grime in the story was a very vengeful character, she wanted to take revenge for her son immensely and kill the murderer. So Mrs. Grimes stayed in a house that is almost destroyed into a pile of junk for years to wait for the murderer to appear. Mrs. Grimes made plans for her revenge to work, for example create troubles for her house and rise to a unreasonable price for a old house. She did things that are absurd because she knew the murderer could appear to complete her revenge. ... Show more content on ... When her son Michael was murdered, the police already told her that her son had stolen thousands of dollars, which is reasonable for Michael to get murdered, because he had interacted with people that he was not supposed to be with. Therefore, it reflects how Mrs. Grimes s dotage to her son, she does not think how and why Michael was killed. Her son was killed by Waterbury from stealing thousands of money, which is already an illegal act, however, Sadie Grimes did not bother to think about why Michael got murdered, instead she kept on desiring to kill the murderer because she lost her
  • 9. Analysis Of Native Son By Richard Wright In Native Son, Richard Wright shines a light on the harsh reality a young African American male faces, as a result of the unhealthy stereotypes created by a white dominated society. Richard Wright was born in 1908, in Natchez, Mississippi. His mother s chronic illness set the tone emotionally, in his life and writing. His grandmother practiced evangelism. The prayers daily, up to half a dozen. Although Wright s food was already limited, his grandmother applied further dietary restrictions. Not only was he malnourished, he was also beaten throughout his childhood. Wright s grandmother also did not allow him to participate in any form of entertainment or games. Whether it be a game of baseball or a board game, he was not allowed to partake in such activities. Wright did not have a proper education because of his constant moving back and forth from relative to relative. His schooling was broken. However, he did graduate from ninth grade at the age of sixteen. Violence and hunger were his childhood memories. Which made him bitter, leading him to join the communist party later in his lifetime. Wright s majority of significant life events occurred in Mississippi, Chicago, New York and Paris (Bone 1). In 1927, Wright along with his family moved to Chicago, where he worked several jobs. During the depression, he was unemployed and placed in the South Sided Boys Club, by a relief agency, where he created the character, Bigger Thomas . Wright joined the communist party in 1932,
  • 10. Plato And Plato s Republic The ancient Greek Philosopher Plato had an interest in finding the ideal government. In Plato s Republic, he discusses his ideas and views of how this ideal government would function. He believed that people are born into 3 different classes, with different responsibilities (Plato 415a). Only people in the golden class were fit to rule. The most effective of these rulers would be philosophers, as they have knowledge of the good of the whole (Plato473d). This system seems too perfect for me. I believe that Plato s republic is unjust and would not work with our modern society, as it relies too much on the golden class choosing what is right for everyone, and there is nothing to make them accountable if they choose wrong. Before arguing for my ideas on Plato s Republic, I will elaborate more on what the Republic entails. Plato believed that the citizens of a state should be told you are brothers, yet God has framed you differently (Plato 415a). Some people are born into the golden class fit for leadership, some are born into the silver class meant to be auxiliaries to aid the golden class, and others are born into the brass or iron class destined to be farmers and labourers. It was Plato s idea that the fostering of such a belief will make them [citizens] care more for the city and for one another (Plato 415d). The most effective rulers in the golden class would be philosophers (Plato 473d). According to Plato, they alone have the ability to see what is good for the
  • 11. CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS ACTIONS OF CARNIVAL CORPORATION... CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS ACTIONS OF CARNIVAL CORPORATION AFTER THE COSTA CONCORDIA CRISIS AND THE IMPACT ON COMPANIES REPUTATION Student: Lecturer: ........................ In reacent history, corporate crises have received high media attention and demonstrated the impact that a disaster can have on a company s reputation. This essay evaluates the crisis communication strategy of Carnival Corporation plc after the sinking of the Costa Concordia, and the impact that it had on the corporation s future on the market. Introduction This essay is a case study that examines the crisis communication strategy of Carnival Corporation after the sinking of their ship Costa Concordia in ... Show more content on ... Carnival operates a combined fleet of over 100 ships, and additionally, the company has 10 ships on order for delivery by 2016. Carnival Corporation has four operating groups in charge of their own geographical areas. Carnival Corporation controls all operations in North America, Costa Crociere is in charge of the operation in Europe, other than U.K. which is operated by Carnival UK, and Carnival Australia is in charge of Australia and South Pacific. These individual divisions reported to the executive management of Carnival Corporation plc, led by Chief Executive Officer Micky Arison. Carnival attributed its success to its ability to manage brand autonomy, with each major cruise line maintaining separate sales, marketing, and reservation offices, as well as through the industry s most aggressive shipbuilding program. (Carnival Mission and History, n.d.) Based on passenger volume, Carnival was the most popular cruise company, with an estimated 51.6% of worldwide cruising revenue in 2011. (Market Share Statistics, 2012) As a chairman and CEO, Micky Arison played an important role in the public profile of the company in the past. This is a reason why the public expected him to take the helm of the crisis communication after the sinking of one of his ships. Micky Arison Micky Arison was born in Israel in 1949 as a son of Carnival s co founder Ted Arison. He started working in the sales department for his father s
  • 12. Section 505 (Cr) There are currently 50 titles listed. 21 CFR Chapter 1 is relevant for FDA. The sequence of citation for a CFR is as follows Title, CFR, Chapter, Part, Section. Chapter 1 of 21st CFR contains a total of 12 subchapters and 1299 parts. These cover detailed guidance on regulated requirements for foods, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, tobacco products, radiation emitting products, vaccines, blood, biologics and veterinary medicines, all subject to regulation by the FDA. Section 505 (b) (1) of the FD C act is applicable for new investigational drugs while Section 505 (b) (2) of the FD C act for approval of drugs that are already existing and are being used. Application under 505 (b) (1) states the requirement of extensive data to prove the
  • 13. An Argument For Rose In The Hall Of Fame Baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed three times out of ten, and be considered a good performer. Ted Williams. When referring to all time greats in the world of baseball you will hear about the likes of Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Ted Williams, Hank Aaron, Jackie Robinson, and Ernie Banks. None of these men have the most hits in baseball s storied history. The man that does, however, is not in the Hall of Fame. There have only been 15,213 men to play in the MLB, only 29 of those accumulated 3,000 career hits. Peter Edward Rose Sr, better known as just Pete, played Major League Baseball for 23 years. In his 22nd season (1985) he surpassed Ty Cobb as baseball s all time hit king with 4,256 hits. In 1989, Rose gambled ... Show more content on ... He has had many supporters for his reinstatement over the years. Washington Nationals closer Jonathan Papelbon said He should be in the Hall of Fame, One Hundred Percent, if you don t want to put him in as a manager, put him in as a player, he didn t make any mistakes as a player. (Isn t It Time to Forgive Pete Rose and Put Him in Hall of Fame?) Similarly, Hall of Fame second baseman Joe Morgan thinks it is long past time for his long time teammate Pete Rose to join him in Cooperstown. I think if you are going to allow guys with PEDs on the ballot, then we have to allow him on the Ballot, Morgan told USA Today. Let s face it, he s been punished for 24 years. I think they have to take a second look at Pete now that this (Biogenesis) has come out . (Joe Morgan: Time for Hall of Fame to Induct Pete Rose) You could ask What will reinstating Pete Rose do for baseball? really any answer would be valid. The right question to ask is What will not reinstating Pete Rose due for baseball? (Rethinking Rose s Reinstatement) He wouldn t be immediately inducted into Cooperstown if reinstated. Major League Baseball s Committee will have to vote Pete Rose in the Hall of Fame if the ban were removed. The Hall of Fame is controlled by Major League Baseball, nevertheless there is no Hall of Fame without the players. If the players were to show a united front for Rose, it could mean a great deal to the Commissioner and other high ranking baseball officials (Should Pete Rose Be in the Hall of Fame? Let the Voters Decide). For his enshrinement into Cooperstown Pete would need 75% of the votes of the 65 member committee. If Rose were to be reinstated, he would not appear on the BBWAA ballot, however, he would immediately appear on the ballot of the Expansion Era Committee. Nevertheless, the Cincinnati Reds announced that the Hit King would be inducted into their Hall of
  • 14. Comparing Disney And Disney s The Frog Prince And The Frog... The Frog Prince vs. The Princess and The Frog Disney s The Princess and The Frog is based on the original story The Frog Prince written by the Grimm brothers in 1812. There have been many books and movies inspired by the original The Frog Prince, each being different in their own way. The name is a common difference between the original and newer versions of the story, usually modern versions are named The Princess and The Froglike Disney s adaptation. Even though Disney s The Princess and The Frog and the original The Frog Prince are the same story, they have notable differences and very few similarities; the setting, her status, the story line, and the moral. The Frog Prince begins telling how the princess very often spent her spare time at a well near her castle where she would play catch with her golden ball. One day while she was playing catch, she accidentally threw her golden ball into the well. As she cried about her golden ball a frog offered to help her as long as she made a promise, but if you would love me, and have me for your companion and play fellow, and let me sit by you at table, and eat from your plate, and drink from your cup, and sleep in your little bed if you would promise all this, then would I dive below the water and fetch you your golden ball again. (Grimm) Even the princess agreed, she left after the frog retrieved her golden ball for her. The day after meeting the frog, she sat, eating at her dinner table only to be interrupted by
  • 15. Sparta A City Filled With Uncultured Discipline Sparta a city filled with uncultured discipline, a city that was filled with the most relentless warriors of all time, the Spartans. The Spartans dedicated their lives to combat and training. Spartan children were removed from the homes of their parents at the age of 7 to begin their training called agoge , which was a military style training regimen to craft and mold them into the warriors the once were. They were trained to endure the worst of elements and trained to overcome cold, hunger and pain. They were accustomed to the to the Spartan code which was to follow orders, fight hard, and without question, die in the line of battle and not withdraw or surrender to the enemy. To achieve success in their military tactics and training Sparta sacrificed all the pleasures many other regions were accustomed to such as, the arts, culture, religion and other various things that made life worthwhile. To the Spartans, their true purpose in this world was war and their entire life was to be focused around it. From the vigorous iron hearted warriors of this city state has come the adjective Spartan. Sparta prided itself not on art, learning, or splendid buildings, but on its valiant men who served their city in the place of walls of bricks. (History of Ancient Greece: Sparta) To the Spartans strength and power were everything and because of this when Spartan boys were born they would inspect the new born to justify if he was suitable to join the Spartan army. These inspectors
  • 16. Diversity Impact on Individual Behavior Diversity Impact on Individual Behavior Behavior refers to the actions or reactions of an object or organism, usually in relation to the environment. Behavior can be conscious or unconscious, overt or covert, and voluntary or involuntary. Behavior is controlled by the nervous system; the complexity of the behavior is related to the complexity of the nervous system. Generally, organisms with complex nervous systems have a greater capacity to learn new responses and thus adjust their behavior. Human behavior is the collection of activities by human beings and influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, ethnicity, gender, ethics, religion, authority, persuasion, and/or coercion. The behavior of people falls within a range with some ... Show more content on ... These words speak volume to the children and workers of today. We must keep in mind that music is not biased to age ethnicity or gender, it is for everyone. Words are heard and may even find there way to spot within people that is relevant. Regardless of ethnicity it is easy to except this urban/rap culture and exemplify characteristics in the form of attitude, clothing and speech. Gender is another type of diversity that has impact on behavior. Whether you are male or female, there are roles that society places on gender. For many years the man the sole bread winner while the female was to stay at home and make home. This idea was not only in the minds of society but could be found in television programs. Some programs include; Leave it to Beaver (Ward June), The Wonder Years and the Brady Bunch. In the late 60 s and early 70 s there was a woman s movement, they liberated them selves. In today s businesses and Armed Forces the female gender is very present. Females are no longer an oddity within the ranks of upper management or the hierarchy of the military. Behavior is influenced by many facets today. It starts with our own parents as well as our grandparents. The reference to the grandparents is important because this is where our parents received their foundation of
  • 17. How the Earth Was Made The three myths Chinese, African, and Norse have the same way of the earth being made because they all have it that men made the earth. This story has it that the heaven and earth were integrated into one body that reminds you of an egg, that Pangu slept inside. He slept for about 18,000 years and then woke up. He noticed that he was in a vast of dark; therefore, he made his hands huge and cut into the darkness. After an explosion, heaven and earth started to split. He was scared that the heaven and earth may go together again, so he held the heaven with his hands and carefully walked on land. His body grew three meters every day. therefore, the distance between heaven and earth became three meters longer every day. Another 18,000 years passed and now heaven became far away from the earth and the earth was now very thick. At the same time, Pangu also grew to be a huge man. During this time, heaven continued ascending and expanding while the earth sinking and getting thicker until the distance between them was as far as 90,000 kilometers which had reached the extreme. That was the situation of the universe in our eyes at current time. Pangu gradually got weaker after he separated heaven and the earth. After he died his body turned into all the things in the universe. His left eye became the sun and his right eye, the moon. The protruded parts in his body turned out to be high mountains and his blood became rivers. His muscle became the soil field, and his hair and beard
  • 18. Essay Dixon Corporation Case Analysis 1) Estimate the WACC that is appropriate for discounting the Collinsville plant s incremental cash flows. You should estimate and present each component of the WACC separately, explaining briefly but clearly what assumptions you are making for each of them. In the same spirit, estimate the appropriate all equity cost of capital for the APV based valuation. WACC calculation. WACC = RD*(1 t)*D /(D+E)+RE* E/(D+E) Cost of equity We assume that risk free rate (Rf) equals rate of long term Treasury Bonds (as the project s life is 10 years), so Rf = 9.5%. According to Aswath Damodaran equity risk premium in the US in 1979 was 6.45%, thus Rm Rf = 6.45%. We will estimate beta equity using data of comparable firms, focusing on... Show more content on ... We assumed that the cost of graphite which according to exhibit 8 has been growing slower year on year would grow steadily at 4% and that power costs would grow at 12% per year up to 1989. We also assumed that the benefits of laminate technology will only be felt starting in 1981. With 1980 as the base year, the NPV calculation was done as at December, 1980 and we assumed that the cash injection of $2.5million dollars would occur instantaneously in December 1980. Using a median assumption of power cost savings of 17.5%, we arrive at an NPV of $12.865million for the laminate investment. The applicable range and full calculations are presented below. Savings| 1980| 1981| 1982| 1983| 1984| 1985| 1986| 1987| 1988| 1989| Total| Graphite costs| 645| 791| 875| 940| 992| 1031.68| 1072.95| 1115.87| 1160.50| 1206.92| | savings| 0| 791| 875| 940| 992| 1031.68| 1072.95| 1115.87| 1160.50| 1206.92| | Power Costs| 6304| 7735| 9366| 10526| 11780| 13193.6| 14776.83| 16550.05| 18536.06| 20760.39| | savings (15%)| | 1160.25| 1404.9| 1578.9| 1767| 1979.04| 2216.52| 2482.51| 2780.409| 3114.058| | savings (20%)| | 1547| 1873.2| 2105.2| 2356| 2638.72| 2955.37| 3310.01| 3707.21| 4152.08| | Total Savings (15%)| | 1951.25| 2279.9| 2518.9| 2759| 3010.72| 3289.47| 3598.37| 3940.90| 4320.97| | Total Savings (20%)| | 2338|
  • 19. Paradox Of Nudity On Television Examining the Paradox of Nudity in American Broadcast Television Introduction In contemporary culture, television has become ubiquitous. These machines are everywhere, from our homes to stores and even classrooms. While all of us may not be television junkies, many of us do occasionally watch a show here and there. The issue of what can be shown on broadcast television has been at the center of conversation for years, especially the issue of airing nudity on television. Ask anyone who watched Superbowl XXXVIII in 2004 what the final score was and they may not remember, but they will definitely remember what happened during the halftime show, when Janet Jackson s breast was exposed to the entire American audience due to a wardrobe malfunction. ... Show more content on ... For instance, in the 1950 s there were complaints of starlets plunging necklines that prompted broadcast television networks to create their own indecency rules (Triplett, pg. 230). Fast forward to today s era of television and there is the overall performance of the Superbowl halftime show, where there Jackson s outfit reveals cleavage and there tends to be no controversy over her plunging neckline. So while moral values may have declined in America, going to the extreme, such as airing a bare breast, is still too much for some Americans to withstand. According to information found by Triplett, more than 530,000 complaints were made to the FCC after the Superbowl incident (n.p.). From that, plunging necklines have now become acceptable, but revealing a bare breast still causes great controversy, even when it was just an accident. The sexuality that arises from the event is what is fueling the debate over nudity in television, which leads in to my next point that the general American society perceives nudity as
  • 20. Midland Energy Resources, Inc. Midland Energy [pic] Midland Energy Resources, Inc. Cost of Capital Table of Contents I. Executive Summary II. Introduction III. Cost of Capital IV. Risk Tax Rate V. Capital Structures VI. WACC VII. Conclusion VIII. References I. Executive Summary Midland Energy Resources is a global energy company with operations in oil and gas exploration and production(E P) providing a broad array of products and services to upstream oil and gas customers worldwide including refining and marketing (R M), natural gas, and petrochemicals. Janet Mortensen, the senior vice president of project finance for Midland Energy Resources must determine the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for the company as a whole and each of its divisions ... Show more content on ... Cost of Equity is the return that stockholders require for a company. A company s cost of equity represents the compensation that the market demands in exchange for owning the assets and bearing the risk of ownership. Based on capital markets the cost of equity varies in direct relation to the assumed risk in that specific market. The distinctive of the firm is the sensitivity to market risk (ОІ) which depends on everything from management to its business and capital structure. Therefore past performances and present conditions have a direct effect on the overall value. Applying calculations at a divisional level allows specified markets to be analysis based on present market conditions for that service or product. The formula used to calculate Cost of Equity is: [pic] Midland s projected capital spending in refining and marketing would remain stable, without substantial growth in 2007 and 2008. Petrochemical capital spending was expected to near future and new investments would be undertaken by joint ventures outside the United States. Equity interest with foreign partners generally hovered at 50% for Midland s foreign partners. Mortensen measured performance or business in two ways: (1). Performance was measured against plan over 1 , 3 and 5 years. (2). Measured based on economic value added (EVA) in which the company defined debt free cash flows as net operating
  • 21. Using Open Data For Business Choices Helping Consumers It is safe to assume that the use of open data would effectively boost the strength of businesses. (Manyika, Chui, Farrell, Van Kuiken, Groves, Almasi Doshi, 2013) And while this is true, the McKinsey Global Institute makes the bold claim that open data benefits consumers even more than businesses. (Manyika, Chui, Farrell, Van Kuiken, Groves, Almasi Doshi, 2013) They go on to discuss the reasoning behind this, and it makes a lot of sense. While the data provided can be used by providers to make effective business choices, the same data can also be presented to customers on a platform that is not the company, giving them the chance to receive less biased information. This allows them to make informed choices with their purchasing, whether it is choosing a different form of the product they are seeking, or another brand or company all together. Improved Education Choices The information provided by open data has the potential to increase the ability to make informed choices when it comes to education and learning. (Park Shelton, 2012) The documented highlighted provides many examples of how the information gained can be effectively used by schools and individuals. It also highlights examples of the goals for the future of its growth. One of the concepts that stood out was making students own data available to them in a form that allows them to see where they are struggling, and subsequently tying that to data that shows how to improve in these
  • 22. Analysis Of Outliers By Malcolm Gladwell Culture lead to Success The lesson here is very simple. But it is striking how often it is overlooked. We are so caught in, the myth of the best and the brightest and the self made that we think outliers spring naturally from the earth (268 Gladwell). In Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, gives an inspiring tale of how people become successful. He tunes our thought on what we think about when we hear the word, self made man . Often, we would think about how successful people have extraordinary talent and intelligent. Although talent and intelligent are important aspects when considering successful people, Gladwell points out different perspective by taking a closer look at into their cultural. Gladwell s exposition on successthrough specific... Show more content on ... No one ever make it alone, we all have somebody of someone helping along the way. Malcolm Gladwell illustrates We d all have bet on the Nordic type. And we would have been wrong, because the Katzes and the Rosens and the Liptons and the Wachtells and the Floms had something that the Nordic type did not. Their world their culture and generation and family history gave them the greatest of opportunities (Gladwell 158). This quote shows us that the culture and family history help transform a person lives and support in their successes. Joe Flom, a Jewish lawyer, who specializes in litigation. He is persistence to work in litigation cases because big law firm do not consider these cases to be important. Joe Flom grows up in Brooklyn during depression, where his father worked at garment industries, his family is poor. His cultural background is an adversity for him, Jew were discriminated and treated unfairly, but when United State needed Litigation Lawyer, Joe Flom was there to take advantage. Although he did not have strong rich family background, he was presented with extraordinary opportunity. he was at the right time, at the right place for him to use his accumulated skills of being litigation as a talent along with a bit of luck he become known as one of the biggest lawyer in New York. Success is the persistence and ability to keep trying: keep
  • 23. Balance Requires Meat Analysis Of the articles I read, the one that I found most convincing was We Require Balance. Balance Requires Meat by Stacey Roussel. Roussel s perspective comes from the perspective of a farmer. The reason being that I found Roussel s argument to be the most convincing is because she explained why animals are important and was reasonable in regards to both perspectives, vegan and non vegan. She openly admits that society cannot function without animals, and therefore a balance needs to be made between farmers and their land and the number of animals that are eaten. Animals are not just used for meaat, but also fertilization for growing vegetables. Roussel states that the animals and farmer cannot survive without each other. I really appreciated
  • 24. Burks Adapting To Change In summary, the third article by Dr. Brooke A. Burks, Dr. Tara L.R. Beziat, Sheeree Danley, Kashara Davis, Holly Lowery, and Jessics Lucas (2015) titled Adapting to Change: Teacher Perceptions of Implementing the Common Core State Standards , argues that teachers are not getting the proper training necessary to teach the CCSS. Burks et. al did a research study that looked at teacher s perspectives on their training for the CCSS. In the beginning, Burks et. al discuss the educational change in implementationof the standards into American classrooms. They disclose that the quality of public educationis important, but that teachers are not given any input into the changes made to the standards. This causes worry within teachers that the CCSS... Show more content on ... Many reforms have been made. Education is always changing and therefore, curriculum must change too. The Common Core State Standards were put into place to ensure students could compete on a global level and have the skills necessary from higher education and the work force. The idea of giving each state the same set of building block learning standards is a good one. However, the implementation in most states are lacking or inexistent. In order for the CCSS to reach it s potential, teachers need training in learning how to implement the new standards into their classrooms. This takes time and money. Are states willing to invest in the future of America? Also, the CCSS needs to invest more in under privileged schools. Without the investment, these schools will crumble under the new rigorous standards and standard based assessments. Just by creating nation wide standards, the U.S. education system will not be miraculously restored. It will take time to make America on top once again in education. The Common Core State Standards are a necessary step in the right direction to building academically brilliant K 12 students of the United States education system that have collegiate and workforce ready
  • 25. Showered With Imperfection Most people thought of her of a woman who will murder anyone on sight. To them, it was dangerous for her to even look at you. But they don t know anything about her. On the northern island, Mokusei, was a ship. Or simply a submarine. A yellow one. Like with her other guests, she tend to obliterate their fragile life sources, but this thing, she spared them. A odd thing. A foreign feeling to her. She had always murdered others that invade the island. It wasn t because she didn t feel like it. That would disgrace her. The only reason why she didn t destroyed them, or even attack them was because they were peaceful. It was a law in the Raters. Never attack, until you are 100% sure that they are worth killing. She was merciless, but an honorable woman who never disobeyed the laws, or her superiors, even if they were annoying or angered her. Although unleashing wrath could assist with winning, staying calm was key. There they were, a suspicious, snowy white polar bear that she has never seen in her life, two man in an orange suit, and the one in the front who seemed like the leader, which he was. Trafalgar Law, better known as Surgeon of Death. He had his infamous, calm smile stamped on his face. With perfectly tanned skin that never seems to lighten or darken, and what seems like black bags under his eyes, as if he stayed up, studying. He had a white hat with brown dots sitting, completely relaxed
  • 26. Dark Knight Rise The example that I m going to show explaining low angle shot from the scene The Dark Knight Rise . We can see a low angle shot from Bane and his hand holding his jacket, reflecting a posture of mysterious, fearless and menace. Referring to the film The Dark Knight Rise . 10.______________ is when a series of brief shots are edited together to summarize a section of the story. Answer: Montage sequence pg.127 Name one of the reasons filmmakers uses this editing technique. Filmmakers use this editing technique because is a easier way to create a series of shots that help to build a section of the story. Also it helps to make a connection from the characters the dialogue and the meaning of that particular scene and the story. Referring ... Show more content on ... Define plot order and story order and explain why they might be different, using an example from one or more films. Plot order: is the story sequence that tells and illustrated throughout the story. Story order: is the chronological sequence that shows throughout the events inside of the story. These two sequence events are different because in plot order refers to the sequence of events that happen in a story. And Story order is what the story is all about. For example the Film The Lion King in here we can see the plot order in how the young lion Simba story focuses on him from beginning to the end. One scene that can relate this plot order is when he and Mufasa are together walking when Mufasa tells him that all the territory is going to be his. Also Mufasa tells samba that he is could not go beyond the limits of the territory, and that s how the sequence from all the film. Now for the Story order in this same film we can see the sequence of the story connecting the chronological events that happen inside of the story. Where Simba is with Timon and Pumbaa, and they help Simba face the saddest moment and teach him how to be strong, because of what happened to his dad, when his uncle scar killed his Mufasa. Referring to the film The Lion
  • 27. How Do Cults Affect Religion During The Second Great Awakening, the Christian message became perverted by cults that sought to influence through religious dogma, psychology, and the suppression of women. In the 19th century, American s cultural lives were centered around religion, which paved the way for cults to promote people into engrossing their way life to increasingly doctrinaire religion. To begin with, Matthias manipulated Christianity s teachings to craft his own sinister and self promoting agenda, an example of this can be found on page 82 of the text, ...Poring over scripture, reflecting on everything that had happened since his childhood, mixing class resentment with a new found hatred of preachy Christian women (Page 82). This passage demonstrates that religion ... Show more content on ... Unlike Biblical prophets, Matthias was irrational and self promoting. Indubitably, he was mentally unbalanced. Throughout the book, Robert Matthews constantly exhibits erratic behavior, on page 111 Matthias continually suppresses his followers ...Matthias washed his food down with water from his engraved silver chalice; the others drank from ordinary glass tumblers (Page 111). From this example, readers get a glimpse of the daily psychological techniques that were utilized to craft and quell their mindset. By drinking from an ornate glass, Matthias visually implements hierarchy. However, this overt display of superiority contradicts the origins of Matthias cult, the Bible states that all men are equal. Certainly, the Biblical prophets would never demean their followers. Clearly, Matthias constructed a utopia to serve his own vanities. Another example of psychosocial manipulation can be found on page 122, God, they said, had revealed that Matthias and Ann were matched spirits, and that she was to present the Prophet with a holy son (Page 122). This example demonstrates the process in which Robert Matthews molded cult religion to serve his desires. Utilizing his veiled infallible qualities, Matthias manages to seize Ann and promote his own male vanities. Psychological tactics were a vital method of manipulating and subverting power to
  • 28. An Analysis Of Bush s Mandate From Heaven In a way Bush lost some of his Mandate From Heaven . The concept of Li is also applicable to this example. In ancient China, in the time of Confucius the majority of the populace was uneducated and likely would blame a natural disaster, such as a hurricane, on the gods. In such a society the emperor is typically seen as being like a god, or responsible for appeasement of the gods. This Rulers Mandate From Heaven would then be seen as having been revoked if a natural disaster occurred. In our modern society it is well known that the president is not responsible for the weather. Yet the strife of such a natural disaster is bound to change the view of those affected by it. Despite the fact that logically it is well known that no one can control
  • 29. Level IIi Violations And Ncaa Division I Essay Level III Violations Impermissible Tryouts in violation of NCAA Division I Bylaws 13.11.1 and (a) (2010 11). Between April 30 and May 1, 2011, one or more member of the men s basketball coaching staff was present in the gym for a period of time while prospects 1 and 2 participated in a scrimmage with enrolled student athletes. The presence of the coaching staff members constituted an impermissible tryout of the prospects. Impermissible Tryout in violation of NCAA Division I Bylaws 13.11.1 and (a) (2010 11). Between May 5 and May 7, 2011, one or more member of the men s basketball coaching staff observed for a period of time while prospect 3 participated in a scrimmage with enrolled student athletes. The observations by the coaching staff members constituted an impermissible tryout of the prospective student athlete. Impermissible Tryouts in violation of NCAA Division I Bylaws 13.11.1 and (2011 12). Between November 4 and 5, 2011, one or more member of the men s basketball coaching staff conducted impermissible tryouts of prospects 4 and 5 by putting them through individual workout drills and observing them in a basketball scrimmage. Impermissible Inducements and Benefit in violation of NCAA Division I Bylaws 13.2.1, 13.6.6 and (2013 14). On three instances from August 28 to December 19, 2013, the men s basketball coaching staff arranged for prospects 6 and 7 and student athlete 1 (while still a prospect) to have access to a
  • 30. Business Practices Of The West Houston Medical Center... Business practices, in addition to guidelines on the matter of probable controversial impediments are a component of organizational ethics. This type of ethics is frequently motivated by the law; a copious amount of organizations practice ethics in order to be accepted by the community, not to mention in order to ensure a successful business. Ethical values can have a focal point on organizational concerns which assist the company in adhere to respectable practices within their establishment or corporation. I am part of the West Houston Medical Center organization, and the hospital s mission statement states: We are a family of dedicated Healthcare professionals committed to providing exceptional healthcare and service by exceeding the expectations of every patient, every day (West Houston Medical Center, 2016). For that reason, it remains essential for all team members that we are responsible for ethical patient treatment centered together with patient valued care when it comes to providing caring for our patients. The care which patients receive along with the hospital s business operation plays a substantial part in which way the members of the surrounding neighborhoods view the organization. The principal goal of the hospital is To be one of the best hospitals in the country based on quality and satisfaction indicators (West Houston Medical Center, 2016). We hold values such as Put patients first and foremost , Treat each other with respect and dignity combined
  • 31. The Seven Deadly Sins In The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales, just as the title outlines is the literacy work of pilgrims and their tales during a trip to and from Canterbury. The tales and characters in the works of Chaucer all differ in many ways, however, we can link them by relating the tales to the seven deadly sins. The seven deadly sins include; pride, lust, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and gluttony. Huberd the Friar, is a man of begging. Through him, we find the first sin; pride. Pride is the excessive view of one s self without regard to others. The Friar makes his living by begging and receiving. He takes from those of more wealth and scorns money from companies of other beggars by spreading the word of God (Rossignol, The Friar ). Portraying to the audience that he is more focused on his own wealth and not necessarily on spreading the word, representing one s self with no regards to others. The Wife of Bath, a woman named Alison who has been married five times. In this character, we find the second sin; lust. Lust is the desire to fulfill a certain action, sexual desires. The wife laughs about how she had to work hard to keep her older husbands sexually active in her favor of satisfaction (Bloom, The Canterbury Tales ). Her lust is most shown when she shares the story of meeting her fifth husband. She found her fifth husband at her fourth husband s funeral, she fell into a lust spell at the sight of his legs as he stood behind her deceased husband s casket (Bloom, The Canterbury Tales). The wife s
  • 32. Taking a Look at Castle Clinton National Monuments National monuments were originally designed to protect things that were of historic or scientific interest. Although now and days we tend to perceive national monuments as part of our countries heritage; they allow us to display the respect and recognition that we have towards our country and the individuals who sacrificed a great deal in order for us to live comfortably in this wonderful country. The antiquities grant of 1906 gave the president the authority to designate national monuments and since then the president and congress have created more than 100 national monuments. The various agencies that manage national monuments are the National Park Service, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, or BLM. Castle Clinton formerly known as Castle Garden is a monument that symbolizes America as a country that welcomes people from all over the world to come for better opportunities. Castle Clinton is located at the southern tip of Manhattan Island and represents the growth of the city and also the growth of the country. It was initially built to prevent the British from invading in 1812; Castle Clinton never saw combat but it did provide a way for the military to have a strategic presence at the northern edge of the New York Harbor. In 1824 the Castle was turned over to the city and was completely renovated and changed to Castle Garden. Castle Clinton was one of America s great entertainment centers for 32 years and hosted many notable events, such as
  • 33. The Giver Community Is A Dystopia Essay The giver community is a dystopia. I know this because when you compare the giver community to our world it takes a minute but I guarantee it is a dystopia, you can see this because on the out side looking in, you know all of the secrets that make up the giver community. another reason it is a dystopia is because when people imagine a perfect world it is not anything like the community of the giver, lastly is the fact that the government plans out people s lives. I will go into detail and make many other points in this essay about both sides of this question. The giver community is a dystopia first of all because when you are on the outside looking in, you know that the whole community is made up of secrets. You know that people can ... Show more content on ... This is just one of the many examples in the book that show that the government can control your life. Not to mention how they also control your significant other, your job, your siblings, and your life decisions, and even your personality traits. Just think about no being able to choose the person your supposed to love and get through life together with. You could argue that the community is a utopia because everyone is happy and that the people not knowing what is going on is a good thing. Or that people not saying mean things and expressing what they truly feel is a good thing because it won t cause arguments and fights. Even the fact that people don t have a choice with family and more importantly significant others could mean that there are no divorces and no fights about who Marries who. Another example why it could be a utopia is that people don t have to choose their jobs so they don t need too tire themselves out working super hard just to get the job that you want. I agree that the government choosing and planning your whole life out for you can be a good thing. But their are so many other bad things about the community that it outweighs all of the good. In conclusion I think that the leader is dehumanizing the community and focusing too much on the requirements to have a utopia and not how the actual citizens would feel if they knew
  • 34. What Is Kally Tucker The Man And His Dream It s the idea that counts . It s a quote from the movie, Tucker: the Man and his Dream, which is based on the story of Preston Tucker and how he tried to change the world with is ideas. There s a big chance that you might not heard of him but I m sure that you know some of is innovations that left a mark to the automobileindustry up to this day. You may ask to whom do we owe the parts of our car like the aerodynamic styling, padded dash, pop out windows, seatbelt, fuel injection and disc brakes? Those automobile parts were first available in the Tucker cars. And sixty seven years later 47 out of the 51 cars (50 production and 1 prototype) that he built are still in good condition and are worth a ransom. The most expensive Tucker that was sold was at $2.65 million sold at an auction ) ... Show more content on ... His name might not ring bells to many, but his innovations left an indelible mark to the automobile industry. Today, Tucker cars are limited collection vintage cars since there are only 48 existing cars, which was made 56 years ago. But it s not about the car, it s about the idea that lives on and the man who made it all possible. The Making of the Tucker Cars In 1949, cars don t have seatbelts, etc. Preston Tucker changed all that when he made the Tucker cars which was way ahead of his time. At that time, post World War US was not open to innovation and resistant to change. From the movie, these are the values and lessons that entrepreneurs can learn from the movie, Tucker the Man and his
  • 35. Honor Code, The Tain, And Gantz s Early Irish Myths And... Christopher Kramer English 319U 03/22/2017 Honor To The Hero The honor code that can be found in the Mabinogi, The Tain, and Gantz s Early Irish Myths and Sagas drives the characters towards the ideal Celtic hero. The following of the honor code could be better seen as a way of serving the identity and reputation of the hero rather than a deeper code of morality as it might suggest. The gae bolga, Efnisien, Mider s love for Etain, and Rhiannon s magic bag are all instruments of unworldly power, making the impossible possible for each of the heroes. It is because of these supernatural influences that the heroes are both blessed and cursed by their own powers. The compliance to the honor code plays less a role in truly enabling the hero and... Show more content on ... After each day of fighting they exchange food and bandages to heal one another (The Tain 248) Yet Ferdia s final words accuse Cuchulainn of unfairness. (The Tain 256) And the gae bolga again brings death to a warrior more skilled then Cuchulainn, placing not only might and skill but also the will of Cuchulainn as the agent of fate. It might be of no coincidence that both Cuchulainn s and Ferdia s foster mother Scathach gives the gae bolga to Cuchulainn. (The Tain 72) Scathach is a prophetess and she knows Cuchulainn s fate and his dedication to his heroic role in fighting for the honor of Ulster. (The Tain, 69) The Mabinogi, King Bendigeidfran s wisdom and honor is depicted in the story of Branwen daughter of Llyr, when he divides the cauldron people among the land, helping them grow into good warriors (The Mabinogi 64). King Matholwch, the king of Ireland resents the cauldron people who after receiving complaints, resorts to burning the cauldron people alive. The story of the cauldron people emphasizes King Matholwch s weak will. His honor is submissive in both the presence of Bendigeidfran and his people, often resorting to following their bad advice. Within the main plot, King Bendigeidfran exhibits honor and allegiance to Matholwch in giving Branwen s hand in marriage. (The Mabinogi, p.60) He quickly offers horses and his honor price in gold and silver to compensate the shame his half brother done to Matholwch s horses. (The Mabinogi, p.62) He literally
  • 36. Unique Characteristics Of The Climograph On Death Valley There are a lot of unique characteristics in the 5 climographs above. The climograph on Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania shows that the hottest time in Pittsburgh is around June (around 27 degrees Celsius), and the coldest time is around January (around 3 degrees Celsius). In addition, it shows that there are fairly large amounts of precipitation throughout the year. The climograph on Death Valley, California shows that it is fairly hot all throughout the year with very low precipitation. The coldest it gets in Death Valley is around January (around 20 degrees Celsius), and the highest amount of precipitation is during February (around 13 millimeter). Similarly to Pittsburgh, in Hartford, Connecticut there are large amounts of precipitation and around
  • 37. Quake s The Clowder And The Bear The Clowder and the Bear There was once an arrogant clique of mountain lions. The leader of the lions name was Bruce, he was the meanest of the lions and was the best brawler, and he was the alpha. The omega of the packs name was Grange, he was as good of a fighter as Bruce but he was more unstable. The runt of the pack s name was Merrick he was a cougar with red hair and tried to be like Bruce as much as he could, and when it came to fighting he had no idea what he was doing, and when trying in lion school he was about as useful as a poopy flavored lollipop. The final lion in the squads name was Domino. He wasn t from the same country he was a rare Japanese lion that grew up without money or a den, and he spent most of his time do miscellaneous ... Show more content on ... But many years had passed since then and the bear had matured into a dangerous specimen. His claws razor sharp, of six inches long. His teeth yellow, and tainted with blood. His fur, ripped and torn from by the claws of his victims. Long story short quake is a bear not to be reckoned with. Well one day Quake saw the clowder drinking from his stream and he didn t take to kindly to that. Quake decided that it was time to give the lions what they deserved. Quake went back to his den and told Trace to not come outside because it s going to get messy. Quake sharpens his claws then goes outside to prepare for the blood bath. The lions see Quake coming and pretend to be nice to home like the old days but then he attacks them. He first takes out Grange probably the biggest threat because he never stops. So grange is down he then attacks Domino and Bruce, he takes out Domino with his claws while he bit off Bruces head. All that s left is Merrick, Merrick tries to run away but he trips over a branch and breaks his legs because he is a moron. So Quake jumps on Merrick and starts clawing his face then he bit off his arms and legs, then crushed his head. Then Trace And Quake lived happily ever
  • 38. Prohibition in the United States Prohibition in the United States was a built up reaction to alcohol and illicit drugs from the Temperance and other religious organizations beginning in the 1840s and intensifying during the Reconstruction Period. By using increasing pressure on legislators, lobbying through Churches and, of course, embarrassing public officials into a stance, these organizations forced the ratification of the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in January 1919. This law prohibited the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States(ProhibitionWins in Senate). Congress also passed the Volstead Act in October 1919, a way to enforce the law. Ironically, this became a public debate and conundrum because most large cities had neither the interest nor the manpower to enforce the law. In some areas, alcohol consumption did decline, but in urban areas there was a backlash of increased organized crime, and rather than government receiving taxes from legitimate businesses, it was crime monopolies that profited from this cash crop. (Blocker). Fiorello LaGuardia was a New Deal Republican, a man who supported President Franklin Roosevelt and who used that support to help change New York City, to cut off patronage from the Tammany system, and to revitalize New York City, restore public faith, unify the transit system, built low cost public housing, playgrounds and parks; put money into
  • 39. Disadvantages Of Mergers Mergers and Acquisitions: A merger is said to occur when at least two organizations consent to consolidate, bringing about another element or with the subsequent firm keeping up the character of the gaining organization. Most economies forestall mergers between straightforwardly contending firms. The method of reasoning is to counteract monopolistic economic situations where the buyer does not have any decision aside from only one merchant. Affirmations of monopolistic conduct have tormented Microsoft s operations in Europe. A merger may take either of the two forms, absorption or consolidation. The mix of at least two organizations into a current organization, where every one of the organizations aside from one lose their character is named as a merger through absorption The mix of at least two organizations into another organization, where every one of the organizations lose their character is named as a merger through consolidation.Here, the gained organization exchanges its advantages, liabilities and shares to the procuring organization in return of money or shares. There are three types of... Show more content on ... The Banking division afresh showed its importance in utilizing M A bargains. Santander s union of its Brazilian operations was esteemed at US$ 5.7bn. The BTG Pactual interest in Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. added to expand the 2014 M A bargains by another US$ 1.8bn. Private value stores, be that as it may, lost some hunger in 2014. In contrast with 2013, the volume of exchanges performed by this portion was 21% lower. All things considered, the Banking area was included in 34% of the arrangements completed in 2014. Industry sector focus
  • 40. The Causes Of Air Pollution In Beijing, China Beijing, China has a coal mining history of nearly 800 and some odd years. This has been a major air pollutant and the main reason for it is because its economy has grown substantially in the last 30 years. Worldwide, there are twenty cities with the highest, worst air pollution, sixteen of those cities are within China alone. The main causes of Beijing s air pollutioncan be pointed to several factors. Large economical growth, an increase in vehicles on the roads, growth in population, and manufacturing. China has also experienced major economic growth with a large rise in Gross Domestic Product. This increase can be connected with pollution. Vehicles are just one contributor to pollution which we will discuss later in this paper. The population growth in Beijing contributes to a big portion of its pollution. The population has risen from 11 million to 16 million in just 7 years, and has nearly doubled over the past century. Factories that utilize coal burning contribute to the smogcurrently present in Beijing. Many of these factories depend on outdated and inefficient technology which emits air pollutants. Beijing is a victim of its own topography since it s surrounded by mountains which traps pollution within the city. Air quality worsens in the spring and summer seasons when the humidity and temperature levels increase. Air pollution has been so drastic to the point that the city often engulfs in smog making it near zero visibility which in turn causing road
  • 41. Descriptive Essay On French Bulldogs French Bulldogs are amazing dogs, in my opinion, and there s lots to know about them! I ll be honest, I don t really like dogs, and I m not a dog person. However, 2 years ago I got a French bulldog, and she s one of the things I love most. That just shows how lovable these dogs are. Sometimes they re silly looking, or have bad attitudes or behavior, and usually have a lot of problems, but they re still amazing. I never used to like them, but after getting one, I love them! First of all, French bulldogs are EXTREMLY expensive dogs, and can cost up to 2,5000 or more. It also depends on the color of the dog. There are all kinds of different colors of Frenchies, like blue, cream, red, red and black mask, pie, and plenty of others. Blue Frenchies, which are the most expensive, are gray and have blue tints to their fur, and also have blue eyes. My dog is a cream, which are usually white, with cream brown colors. There are many more colors, and too many to explain. I think the reason these dogs are so popular and expensive is their appearance. Aside from being lovable, I think the appearance of the French bulldogis a very important detail. Women usually like small dogs, right? Well, men usually don t care for those tiny, girly looking dogs. However, French bulldogs are tiny dogs, but they re big, muscular, and not girly. They are smaller than regular bulldogs, English bulldogs, and American bulldogs. Although, they have very muscular bodies, so it works for everyone! They do
  • 42. The Rwandan Genocide Of 1994 Effect The Hutu And Tutsi Plan of Investigation This investigation will seek to answer the question How Did the Rwandan Genocide of 1994 Effect the Hutu and Tutsi? I chose this question because last year I read the book Left to Tell and I wanted to know more about the two different types of groups, the Hutus and the Tutsis. This was and still is an important topic because many died that day just for belonging to a specific group. This topic shows how much our world has changed since 1994. In order to answer my historical investigation question, I have structured my analysis section using the following method. First, I will answer how the two groups are different? And how these differences began the Rwandan Genocide? Next, I will talk about a survivor and her experience, then, the survival rate of Hutus and Tutsis. There are two main sources this paper will cover, first, a website called the United Human Rights Council, then, a book called Left to Tell. Summary of Evidence Tutsis, were taller, lighter skinned, and had narrower noses. While Hutus were shorter, darker skinned, and had broad noses. They were almost the same but Tutsis had superiority. The Skull measurements showing larger brain size, greater height, and lighter skin tones all reaffirmed the Tutsis superiority over the Hutus (History). By late March 1994, Hutu Power leaders were determined to murder Tutsis and Hutus who opposed President Habyarimana, in enormous amounts, mainly to destroy the peace agreement. They were ready to
  • 43. Greed As Portrayed In The Necklace People are often blinded by material possessions, and they lose sight of what is truly important in life. When we fall victim to greed, we often lose sight of what is important. In the short story The Necklace a woman named Mathilde is blinded by the want of a high class life, resulting in ten years of struggling and being in debt. In the short storyThe Golden Touch a king wishes for gold but soon realizes that he had made a terrible mistake. In the article In LaRiconada corporations ruin the town s beauty with all the chemicals they were using to mine their precious gold. In the short story The Necklace Mathilde is blinded by her desire for a higher class lifestyle. She wanted all the nice and extravagant clothing and jewelry that her rich friend had. Mathilde felt like she deserved this kind of lifestyle and forgot to be happy with what she had. She lost sight of her loving husband, who stayed and helped get them out of the debt that she had caused without complaint. She was completely blinded by ... Show more content on ... The king asks a god to give him the ability to turn everything he touches to gold. King Midas loses sight of what is most important and eventually comes to regret it. The King could not eat or drink, he could not hug his daughter, and in the end, he wishes it all away. In the story the king tries to drink a cup of coffee and it turned to molten gold in his mouth. He could not hug his daughter who he loved as much as gold because she would turn into a golden statue. In the end he wishes his golden touch away, he tells the god that have him this ability that a piece of bread was worth all the gold in the world, and that he would not give a dimple in her chin for the power to change objects into
  • 44. Dismantle Cartels Case Study The document then discusses how the administration will handle the cartels. The main policy will include strengthening federal law and ensur(ing) that federal law informant agencies give a high priority and devote sufficient resource to efforts to identify, interdict, disrupt, and dismantle transnational criminal organizations...including through the investigation, apprehension, and prosecution of members. Trump wants more federal agencies to share information and coordinate with other federal law enforcement in order to dismantle cartels. The people that would lead this combined effort are the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and Secretary of Homeland Security. The federal agencies that would help combat cartels include, the Organized... Show more content on ... Established in 1982, the main goal of the task force is to aid in drug enforcement strategy. The task force is designed to reduce the availability of drugs and other criminal activity that is related to the drug trade. They plan on doing this by dismantling the major criminal networks operating in or affecting the US. These cartels include the Sinaloa Cartel and others which have links to terrorist organizations such as Feurrzas Armadas Revolunaries de Colombia. The Justice Department believes that 28% of the 40 criminal organizations has ties to the Sinaloa Cartel. This program only targets the most dangerous cartels and works with many other law agencies including, DEA, FIB, ATF, USMS, IRS, ICE, USCG, 93 US Attorney offices, state, and law enforcement agencies. As stated before, in order to stop criminal organization the Justice Department will use and enforce the OCDETF, but they also have other goals in the coming years. Another goal of the Justice Department is supporting the 2005 Southwest Border Counter Narcotics
  • 45. Should Fast Food Workers Earn A Living Wage Essay The debate on whether fast food workers should earn a living wage has been going on for years. A living wage is considered a wage that allows a person to fulfill their basic needs. Many fast food workers have families to take care of which can be difficult with the amount they currently earn. People working in fast fooddeserve to earn a higher wageso they can support themselves. It is hard to find decent paying jobs, but people should be able to earn enough to support their families. Many people believe that fast food workers can live off of $9 an hour. How are they supposed to survive off of $9 an hour when they need to pay rent, car payments, and possibly take care of children? Research states $15 an hour is a living wage, due to inflation. The average American needs to make at least this to meet their daily needs. The article Mcdonald s Raising its Minimum Wage, but Some Say it s Not Enough shows that McDonald s and many companies are trying to increase salaries but it still isn t enough. It was stated in PRO/CON Living Wage for Fast food Workers? That more than a quarter of fast food workers have at least one... Show more content on ... The reality is that salaries have not been increasing fast enough to keep up with inflation. In the article PRO/CON: Living Wage for Fast food Workers? it states that It would be $17 per hour today instead of a meager $7.25 proving that salary is not increasing as fast as inflation. In Mcdonald s Raising its Minimum Wage, but Some Say it s Not Enough it is said Mcdonald s projected by the end of 2016, the average wage rate for employees at its company owned locations would exceed $10 an hour. Even with this slight increase wage theft that is being performed by many fast food companies makes it difficult to support a
  • 46. Marc Jacobs Research Paper Top 10 Richest Fashion Houses Hello, and welcome to the informative video from In this video we will enter into the world of fashion and we will find out the most financially successful fashion designers and houses. Fashion changes very quickly and is not affiliated with one group or area of the world but is spread out throughout the world wherever people can communicate easily with each other. Fashion industry offers very good lucrative earning opportunity to those who are wiling to work hard to build their names. Many people think that you can sell any type of clothes and get rich instantly. That is a myth although a few designers have had that kind of luck. The truth is that in everything you have to work, and, in the world ... Show more content on ... She is of irish descent. Spade graduated at Arizona State University and graduated with a degree in journalism in the year 1985. In January 1993 Kate Spade launched her brand the New York based design company Kate spade Handbags, and extended to clothing, jewelry, shoes, fragrances. Spade opened her first boutique in 1996.In 2004 she launched as a home collection brand called Kate Spade at Home featured bath items, bedding, wallpaper and various items for the home. In 2016 Spade launched Frances Valentine a collection of luxury footwear and handbag. She is the currently designer and co founder of Frances
  • 47. Me Before You Character Analysis In the movie Me before you , not only Will s parents, friends, and workers all keep mentioning and emphasizing that Will is disabled and needs help. It delivers an idea that the life with a disability is not worth living. In the movie Finding Dory, there are two characters with disabilities. Becky is an intelligent bird and helps others a lot. She flies Marlin and Nemo everywhere; she helps to carry them by putting them in a bucket with water and then carries the bucket and shouts out to Gerald independently without any help. There is an another character in this movie that is with disability. Gerald is a sea lion; he doesn t talk and is viewed as disabled with bulging eyes, a unibrow, and dopey smile. In these examples, people with disabilities are all viewed as inferior to non disabled peers. In addition, Will, Becky, and Gerald all show that the two movies deliver an idea that the life of people with disabilities is boring and they do not worth living. However, in these two movies, characters with disabilities live well. In Me Before You, Will enjoyed his life with Louisa, and it shows that people with disabilities can find someone they love. In Find Dory, although Becky has mental disorder and can only speak with noises instead of clear words, she is smart and uses her intelligence to help Nemo. In addition, in these to movies, they deliver the idea that people with disabilities are all viewed as inferior to non disabled peers through others characters
  • 48. Thomas Sutpen s Influence On Absalom The effect of history is one of the most important topics addressed in Absalom, Absalom! By William Faulkner. The influence the story of Thomas Sutpen has on Miss Rosa Coldfield; the younger sister of his second wife E_ Sutpen, Mr. _ Compson; the son of Sutpen s close friend _, his son Quentin and Shrive_, who was Quentin s Northern college roommate is representational and distinctive. This is in addition to Sutpen s memory and view of his past. Throughout the book, we are provide with narration by these characters with different representational reactions that lead to the conclusion that Sutpen is distressed by the past, but attempts to disregard it and start anew. Miss Rosa hatefully holds on to the past. Mr. Compson doesn t... Show more content on ... However, it is intriguing how Thomas expects his son to react to him, considering that he may hold the same mentality as his father. Nonetheless, this concept is out of reach since Thomas doesn t place value his relationship with his father, therefore does the same with his children. Faulkner s Thomas Sutpen is one who reject the past completely. Sutpen got immersed into the odious, inhumane life he after being turned away from the front door of an upper class, desiring to simply be respected. Sutpen disliked the aristocratic family. Nevertheless he transformed into one of them and therefore he became detached. His only interest because to build Sutpen s Hundred, attempting to gain material wealth and social recognition without compassion or moral. Sutpen could no longer recognized the kid who stood at the aristocratic front door, waiting in rags. Sutpen turned away from his past and disregarded it, which in turn strengthened his lack of care for his children. Because he didn t sympathize with his young self, he couldn t truly love them. While Sutpen doesn t see himself in his children, or perhaps does and therefore dislikes it, his children recognize their foundamintary inheritance of who their father is; Maybe we are both father. Maybe nothing ever happens once and is finished. Maybe happen is never once but like ripples maybe on water after the pebble sinks, the ripples moving on,
  • 49. Essay On Ophelia And Gertrude Women are the real architects of society Some believe that men are rulers or in control of everything. It may even be thought that men are the cause of most disasters in the world today. There is also an outlook on women, that they are innocent and only take responsibility for emotions instead of actions. Hamlet by William Shakespeare depicts how Hamlet falls victim to an adverse outlook on women in the play. The women in this play, Ophelia and Gertrude, take the role of what today s society thinks a man should act as or have an impact on. Firstly, the daughter of a Polonius in Hamlet, Ophelia, effects the play in many ways as well as, Gertrude, the mother of Hamlet. They give many examples of how a woman can bring inconvenience or distress to one s family. This sort of distress eventually leads to the death of several characters in the Shakespeare s play: King Hamlet, Polonius, Ophelia, Gertrude, Laertes, Prince Hamlet, and King Claudius. According to Intimate Friendship with God by Joy Dawson , Women can be a stepping stone, which makes a pathway easier, or a stumbling block, which makes it difficult in relation to holiness. In this case, Ophelia and Gertrude would be looked on as stumbling blocks to their families. Frailty thy name is woman, Hamlet(Act 1.Scene 2. Page 15. ) meaning these two women can also be portrayed as weak or fragile based off of the play. Ophelia would be a main example of how weakness can be labeled onto a woman. In addition, Hamlet is the main
  • 50. Transfer Of Juvenile Offenders Brevin, The laws governing the transfer of juvenile offenders from the juvenile court system to the adult criminal court system do vary from state to state, consequently, a very small percentage are actually waived (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, n.d.). The discretion of the court is first and foremost to protect society from a violent offender. There are instances where a juvenile offender poses such a great risk to society, although they are extremely rare, the court will have no choice but to remand them to be held. The state of Tennessee specifically identified crimes within legislation dictating which crimes can be transferred to criminal court (Justia US Law, n.d.). In the Tennessee Statute 37 1 134, it states
  • 51. The Models Of The Automotive Industry As general of a concept the automotive industry is, as time goes, anybody will start to observe the different car platforms and consumer markets that emerge from the growing industry. One of such platforms created was the Pony Car platform, or more colloquially know as just the 2 door sports car platform. And with this new brand of car came a new brand advertising as well as consumer. Consumers will start to familiarize themselves with the various new ways of advertising through the years in this market. The American consumer sports car market had one of the most dynamic advertising markets of the automotive industry, it changed with the decades and contributed to the creation of the sports car enthusiast demographic we know today.... Show more content on ... These very appeals as well as what Fowles writes about in his article are very relatable to the automotive industry. Cars have been an essential part of living for some time now. Ever since mass production allowed for the wide spread distribution of cars, they have been paramount to everything from our economy to our daily commute. Globalization along with the growing market caused competition among manufacturers, and so manufacturers had to find ways to appeal to the new competitive consumer market. Automotive advertising started to take a new form and targeted peoples particular interests, emotions, and desires instead of being strictly informative or utilitarian. Even the car themselves had to change along with the decades to provide luxuries and compete with the market. Although many car manufactures took steps in the right direction, one great example of this changing market is the 1955 Ford Thunderbird. For Ford, the Thunderbird was a luxury consumer family car platform that started in 1955. It featured specifications that fared well in the competitive market. The Thunderbird could have come in either four seats or two seated versions. Ford advertised the car like they would have any other car, however, the advertising ultimately did not fit for the two car version of the car. Because of this, the two door Ford Thunderbird is somewhat of a rarity now due to not having been so successful. For Ford, its advertising
  • 52. David Sedaris Chipped Beef Sometimes in life, we dream about unimaginable lives we could have, this causes us to disconnect from our reality. In Chipped Beef , David Sedaris contrasts his fantasy with his reality to show how living in a fantasy world disconnects you from your family. Throughout his memoir, Sedaris demonstrates how his fantasy disconnects him from his reality, how he portrays his reality in a negative manner, and how he loses his relationship with his family. In the beginning of this memoir Sedaris uses his fantasy to show how disconnected he is from his reality and family by using rhetorical devices and strategies like a mocking tone and analogy. First off, Sedaris describes his unthinkable dreams when he states, I m thinking of asking the servants to wax my change before placing it in the Chinese... Show more content on ... It s important to have clean money. Sedaris starts off this piece by making an extremely improbable statement about waxing his change. This statement is ridiculous because no normal person makes their servants wax their change. In addition, it shows how disconnected he is from reality by making these ridiculous overstatements, which come across as humorous. These humorous statements immediately get the audience engaged in this piece. Furthermore, Sedaris boasts about his fantasy life by using an analogy when he proclaims, Because we are so smart, my parents and I are able to see through people as if they were made of hard, clear plastic. The analogy that Sedaris uses here is very affective by stating how he thinks how smart and intelligent his fantasy family is by making them able to control the rest of the people around them by being able to see through them like clear plastic, which is impossible in reality. In the end of Sedaris s fantasy dreams, he
  • 53. The Battle Between Grendel And Beowulf Carl Van Clausewitz once said, Courage, above all things, is the first quality of a warrior. In a culture where being a warrior is a very integral part of everyday lives, having courage is a key component of social survival. To have courage means to be able to defend a kingdom by every means possible. It means protecting and ascertaining the wellbeing of the people within one s own kingdom. And above all, courage means remaining loyal to one s king, regardless of the circumstance. This is the warriorculture that Beowulfin Beowulf was a part of successfully as a thane, and the same warrior culture that leads the narrator in The Wanderer to lament past memories. In Beowulf, the fight between Grendeland Beowulf was certainly a nail biter. In this fight, however, Beowulf shows his courage by doing his absolute best at defending the kingdom by taking on this gruesome monster. Grendel was wreaking havoc on the kingdom to no end. He was killing many and terrorizing the citizens greatly. When Beowulf heard of this, as a courageous thane, he stepped in to try to stop this and protect the people. Hygelac s kinsman kept [Grendel] helplessly locked in a handgrip. As long as either lived, he was hateful to the other. The monster s whole body was in pain; a tremendous wound appeared on his shoulder. Sinews split and the bone lappings burst. Beowulf was granted the glory of winning; Grendel was driven under the fen banks, fatally hurt, to his desolate lair (Lines