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Essays On Child Labor
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essays on Child Labor" can be a challenging endeavor that
requires a delicate balance between emotional sensitivity and factual analysis. Addressing the
issue of child labor necessitates thorough research to comprehend the historical, sociological, and
economic aspects surrounding it. The writer must navigate through a myriad of perspectives,
acknowledging the complexities and cultural nuances that contribute to this global concern.
Additionally, an essay on child labor demands a compassionate exploration of the consequences
on the lives of the affected children. It requires the writer to delve into the psychological and
physical implications, as well as the long-term societal impacts. The process involves handling
distressing statistics and heartbreaking stories, requiring a writer to maintain an objective stance
while conveying the gravity of the issue.
Moreover, an essay on child labor necessitates an exploration of potential solutions and
interventions. This requires a thorough understanding of international laws, governmental
policies, and the role of NGOs in combating child labor. The writer must critically assess the
effectiveness of existing measures and propose informed recommendations for amelioration.
Furthermore, the essay should be well-structured, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs that
seamlessly flow from one idea to the next, and a conclusion that leaves a lasting impact. The
language used should be precise and evocative, striking a balance between academic rigor and
accessibility for a broader audience.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of child labor is no small feat. It demands a deep
understanding of the issue, emotional intelligence to address its human aspects, and the skill to
present a compelling argument for change. It is a task that goes beyond the mere compilation of
information, requiring the writer to engage with the subject matter on both an intellectual and
empathetic level.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing, various resources
are available. Platforms like provide a range of services to aid in the creation
of well-researched and finely crafted essays, ensuring that the complexities of topics like child
labor are addressed with the depth and nuance they deserve.
Essays On Child Labor Essays On Child Labor
Analysis Of Jean Valjean s Les Miserables
Statement of the Problem
Victor Marie Hugo (1831) once said, He who opens a school door, closes a prison.
Such a brilliant reflection from this French poet and dramatist explored an
astounding reality of life with one of his best known works, Les Miserables (1862).
In this play, Jean Valjean is a prisoner on parole who created a new life for himself
with a great deal of time spent exploring the decision that changed his life (Hugo,
Each year, thousands of adults all in the United States go to prison for crimes that may
both minor and atrocious. Almost as many incarcerated adults will leave their prison
walls to be once again reunited with families and communities that they left behind.
While there are some stories of successful reintegration into families and
communities, many others fail and end up being re incarcerated, a process known as
Although there are different factors and accounts for why some ex prisoners
succeed and some do not, it is highly believed that a lack of education and
serviceable skills that are necessary to the process of prison reduction is one essential
At present, the federal government and county officials are facing a crisis with their
criminal justice systems due to increases in the amount of prisoners and less money
being relegated to their upkeep. Lack of education has led to a prison system more
focused on optimizing correctional expenditures, particularly those related to
incarceration that
Dating Research
The appropriate age to start dating is always a debate. People have diverse views on
the age which someone should date. Dating can be a magnificent social experience, it
can also be a negative social experience. A person needs to be mature enough to
understand the feelings that go with dating a significant other. Most importantly, the
goal is to have fun, find a compatible mate, and keep the heart break to a minimum
To begin, each generation had an unlike view on datingand when to start dating. For
example, Marcia Cullom a mother, grandmother, and a great grandmother states,
Things were different back when I started dating compared to how people date these
days (Cullom). When she became a mom of a teenager, one of the biggest questions...
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A child s first heartbreak could be very scaring and emotional. When going through
a heartbreak at an older age, it is known that they do not last forever and the heart
will be healed, but at a younger aged people believe that the hurt and pain is
bottomless. Parents need to treat these heartbreaking feelings seriously and be very
sensitive when dealing with them. Moms and dads could do a number of things to
help their child through heartbreak. First, they could acknowledge that their child is
in pain and they will be happy again. Second, they should let their child feel sad and
to cry about their break up. Letting them express their feelings is very important
because next time they will know it is okay to express their feelings and they should
not keep them bottled up. Third, the parent should encourage them to spend time with
their friends, but not push them to spend time with their friends. When the child is
ready to socialize, they will without hesitation. Lastly, the parent should share a story
about their young dating experiences. Sharing these stories shows the child that
everyone goes through it, and the heartbreak does not last forever. These helpful
ideas could help the child get over their break up and move on to be very happy in no
The Impact Of Family Engagement On A Child s
Family engagement can be defined as a set of activities that help to include families
in a child s development such as their cognitive development and overall wellness
(HHS ED, 2016). There are many ways to go about family engagement, but Joyce
Epstein has created six types of involvement that these activities should revolve
around to aid familyengagement. The six types are: parenting, communicating,
volunteering, learning at home, decisions making, and collaborating with the
community. Joyce s framework is a guide for educators to create ways that will allow
family engagement in the classroom. This framework helps to create an inclusive
environment for all families, which is beneficial for the school, the classroom and the
After discussing and researching the effects of family engagement on a child, it is
clear that having parents involved is overall positive for the child. It is crucial for this
involvement to start in the younger years of the child since it has been found that
home influences early on effect the development of cognitive, social and emotional
needs within a child. Not only is a child s wellbeing influenced by this involvement,
but their academics as well. It has been found that involvement enables children to
grow solid social skills, better behavior and higher achievement. It not only allows
for academic success while in school, but also later on in the child s life such as with
employment (Scully, Barbour, Roberts King, 2015). This
What Is The Theme Of Lemon Tree
The film Lemon Tree directed by Israeli director Eran Riklis, based on prevent the
Israel government from cutting lemon trees of Salma. In the film, Salma represent
the voice of the oppressed Palestinian people. Eran Riklis demonstrate gender
discrimination on individual level in two societies by showing us the struggle of
Salma with Palestinetraditions and Mira with her husband, and conflict between Israel
and Palestine by symbolize lemon grove as a dispute of between two countries. In
history, there was a state of war between Palestine and Israel which started by the
foundation of Israel and still continues. It will not be true to talk about peace
between two countries. And branch of an olive tree is the symbol of peace. Eran
Riklis used... Show more content on ...
On interviews he acts like he does not want it but it is necessary for security, but
when he talks with his wife, Mira, we can see how hard he wants to get rid of
lemon trees. However, Mira does not think like her husband about lemon trees.
When she saw the lemon grove, she found it charming. Furthermore, when she
heard the plan of cutting trees from her husband, she stared at him and did not say
anything. In addition, she said that there must be another solution. Which shows
that she does not think like defense minister. (Riklis, 2008) Last but not least, she
had an interview with Tamar Gera who is a reporter of a newspaper. She talked
about the limitlessness of Israel and when Israel Navon saw the interview of
newspaper he went crazy. He immediately called Mira, shouted and swore at her.
Even he suppressed Mira s thoughts by blaming newspaper that they distorted what
she said. In the movie, Salma and Mira are both oppressed by patriarchal society.
Gauntlett states that, in movies women had shown as frightened, weak and
victimized. (Gauntlett, 2008, pp 47 50) To start with Salma, she got warned by Abu
Camal. He asked about the story that he heard about Salma and the Ziad Daud. Also
he warned her about desecrating her late husband s honor. Afterwards, she got
warned as the same way by another guy. On the other hand, Israel Navon was
dominant over Mira. As she shown as a weak character,
An Igbo Folklore That Matter
Stories that Matter Maybe if I thought about things differently my life would have
been better, but sometimes or even most of times things are just what they are
right or wrong. There is an Igbo folklore that I am going to tell you about the
tortoise and the birds. Once, there was a feast in the heavens and all the birds were
invited, not the tortoise. However, because of the cunning nature of the tortoise, he
wanted to go with the birds. But, how was he going to do that? Well, he had to
look for a way to fly so he decided to borrow feathers from the birds with the trick
that he was going to be their spokesperson. But then, things changed as got they got
to heaven. The tortoise told the officials that his name was All of you, so when all
the foods and gifts came, the officials said this is for all of you, and the tortoise
claimed everything for himself. The birds got so angry they all left him stranded
in heaven except for the Parrot. The tortoise sent a message through the Parrot to
his family to bring out all the soft things in his house so he could land on them, but
the Parrot still enraged told his family otherwise. All the hard things were brought
out and the tortoise landed on them, which is the reason why the tortoise has a
broken shell today. I was told this story over and over again growing up, and I have
lived with it ever since. Do I believe or not? That is for me to answer. Do you believe
or not? That is for you to answer. Stories help to keep our minds
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
All Quiet on the Western Front was written in a first person style. The story was told
by Paul BaГјmer, a nineteen year old student, convinced to enlist with the German
army by his schoolmaster, Kantorek. Along with many of his friends from school, he
is trained under Corporal Himmelstoss, a strictly disciplined commander who dislikes
Paul because of his defiance.
When sent to the front, Paul, along with his other friends, made new friendships that
would last throughout time. His newly made friend/commander, was a man named
Stanislaus Katczinsky. As a man of forty years of age he was a wise old man as
well as a friend to the young eighteen and nineteen year old recruits. ... Show more
content on ...
One day the French came and began shelling the village. While evacuating Paul and
his friend Albert Kropp were injured by gunshot wounds. They were bandaged up and
sent on a train back home.
This ride home took a turn. When Kropp got a fever he was scheduled to be
dropped off at the next stop. In order for Paul to stay with his friend, he had to
convince the nurse that he also was sick from infection. After being dropped off
they were taken to a Catholic hospital to be treated. After a few weeks Kropp s leg
is overcome with infection and is amputated at the thigh. After a few more weeks
Paul and Kropp parted, Paul going back to the war and Kropp going home.
Returning to the front was hard for Paul. The days were getting cold and one by
one he watched his friends die. The hardest loss was that of Kat. After Kat had
been shot, Paul had to carry Kat to the nearest dressing station a few miles away.
Stopping every few minutes to rest, Paul frequently checked to make sure that Kat,
even with his injury, was ok. When at last Paul reached the dressing station the
nurse told him that Kat was dead. When Paul checked again a small shell fragment
had just penetrated that back of Kat s head. He was still even warm. Kat was the
last of Paul s friends to die in the war. Then, in October of 1918, Paul finally fell.
The book describes his death as, ...his face had an expression of calm, as though
almost glad the end had come. The war ended the next
Film Analysis Of Mr Burns
Mr. Burns, a Post Electric Play addresses the importance of storytelling and common
memory as unifying tools. From fireside tales to grand operas, stories symbolize the
preservation and progression of society. Sharing a cultural history establishes bonds
that, in a post apocalyptic situation, could be the difference between life and death. In
translating the narrative of this production into a film, it is imperative to retain these
major themes. Manipulating mise en scene through setting, lighting, and costuming
can effectively direct the audiences attention in such a way as to communicate the
consolidating impact of entertainment in society. The first aspect of setting to be
considered is the choice between making use of existing locales as opposed to
constructing settings of one s one, digitally or manually. In Act I, the setting is
predominantly tame and subdued. As the playprogresses, however, the sets become
exponentially more complicated. Thus, the exposition of the film adaptation should
be set in an existing forest, particularly one that is expansive and contains towering
trees. A location such as this, alongside the proper manipulation of other variables,
would portray the emptiness of the world after experiencing a rapid decrease in
population density. Additionally, the towering trees and the frightened, lonely actors
beneath would communicate the threat of nature asserting its dominance over
humankind. As the film changes settings, they should becoming progressively
more elaborate and manufactured in appearance. The stage on which the second
act takes place should be filmed in some sort of urban wasteland, such as a
desolate parking lot or an empty business office. The found nature of the location
solidifies the main characters as a variety of scavengers, and enables the inclusion
of low level engineering employed in the play. The props in use should appear as
though they were reclaimed from the wreckage, and be slightly exaggerated in color.
Lastly, the final act should take place on a stage that is larger than life alongside
fantastical contraptions and outrageous colors. This cements not just the ability of the
survivors to continue surviving, but also reveals sophistication and the
Why Do People Behave The Way They Do
n A leaders guide to why people behave the way they do , Clawson points leaders
who want to increase their effectiveness at leading through influence to the need to
be able to dig deep below the surface of the observable everyday human behaviour
in order to understand why people behave the way they do. Clawson argues that it is
by paying attention to the human side of individuals people s Values, Attitudes,
Beliefs and Expectations (VABEs) which together shape behaviour that gives leaders
insights into people s motivations. As VABEs are deeply ingrained and shaped
through a combination of our genetic makeup, the experience of how we were
nurtured and the beliefs and values that we have picked along life s journey,
understanding where
Internet Censorship in China Essay
Ruoxuan (Catherine) Yuan
Internet Censorship has negative effects on China
Censorship in China has gained much attention recently because of the conflict
between Google and the Chinese government s self censorship policies. In fact,
censorship has been practiced since ancient China and the intensity only increases by
the years. Nowadays, the most notable measure of censorship is being done on the
Internet. More and more restrictions have been put into actions by the Chinese
government, which make the life of Chinese Internet users, the Chinese netizens, very
inconvenient. With the intensity of censorship increasing and the censoring
technology improving, Internet censorship has mainly negative effects on Chinese
To start ... Show more content on ...
A famous example took place in May 2006, when Chinese netizens encountered
difficulty connecting to Hotmail, which is an important method to communicate with
foreign partners, since it is used all around the world. Also, soon after this event,
Chinese netizens again reported that the access to POP mailboxes in many mail
providers was difficult. Although Chinese netizens have tried to use blogs and forums
to maintain communication, many blogs have been blocked ever since then,
including Xanga and the LiveJournal. This makes international cooperation difficult.
From this, the efficiency of producing commodities and the quality of the products in
China cannot catch up with international standards, thus the Chinese economy suffers.
Internet censorship and the requirement of self censorship not only harm the
economy inside China, but also are negatively affecting China in aspects of
international commercial trade, even as globalization becomes the trend of today s
world. Chinese Internet censorship is applied to both directions; not only blocks
Chinese Internet users access to certain foreign websites, but also prevents foreigners
from knowing the truth about China through refusal of releasing reliable information.
So when foreign companies want to enter the Chinese market, they face a serious
question: How do you assess an investment opportunity if no reliable information
about social tensions, corruption or
Unit 1 D2 Evaluate Factors Thar Influence the...
Unit 1: Developing effective communication in health and social care
D2 Evaluate factors that influence the effectiveness of each interaction.
In this piece of coursework I will be analysing and evaluating the factors that
influence the effectiveness of each interaction in relation to my work experience in a
children s nursery.
The individuals preferred language
When evaluating factors that influence interactions, in this case the preferred
language style was to speak to the nursery children more on their level without using
words they don t understand or personal jargon that only I understood. This was a
positive influence on communication as I was able to do this effectively as I didn t
have to change the language, I just ... Show more content on ...
This could have been improved if there was an available room that I could of used to
take the children participating in the activity into, were I could carry out the
interaction without out distractions. Another way of improving this problem is I
could have asked used my group interaction by involving the whole class as the
group. This would have made all the children feel involved and no distraction would
have been made as all the children would have been part of the group activity.
This was a positive effect to the communication as I was able to conduct my both
interactions within an hour. As the both activities I chose to do were not very long
this give more time for communications to tack place between the children and
myself. Not only this it helped to relax the situation as I wasn t in a hurry and my
attention to the children was a priority instead of concentrating on the time which
could have caused a distraction and children not behaving as they wouldn t be
This was an negative aspect on the group communication as the noise came from
outside of the group from other children within the class room which distracted me
from concentrating on my group when listening to feedback and also distracted the
children in my group as they were looking round to see
Krystall Huffman 22116026 Exam039823 Essay
Dermatology Chart Note 1 Yanktonai, Lakota
# 765851
May 2, 2015
Patient is a 9 year old adolescent male, presents with a 2 day history of itching
encrusted sores especially around the mouth area. Parent is using OTC antibiotic
ointment with no improvement, no recent history of fever. Parent states that pat
recently visited a petting zoo
HEENT are basically unrevealing. Temp in the office today is 98.4. The outer area of
the mouth extending into the chin reveals macules, vesicles, copious purulent
exudate forming honey colored crust on a erythematous base. Skin on trunk, arms and
legs is clear. No other symptomology
1. Rx for Mupirocin ointment applied to infected area TID.
2. Advised ... Show more content on ...
She has been sleeping better and her appetite has improved. She believes the
outpatient therapy session have helped her with coping mechanisms. She has been
trying to use diaphragmatic breathing techniques to assist her with her anxiety
Vitals Temp: 98.6 P: 83 Res: 18 BP: 126/70
General alert and compliant
Effect has improved display of a variety emotional expressions
APPEARANCE hygiene appears to be good. No detection of a skin lesions or rash
HEART regular rate and rhythm
LUNGS clear
Generalized anxiety disorder with mild depression.
Continue Lexapro at 5 mg a dose and Klonopin at 3mg a dose. Continue outpatient
counselling. Patient will follow up in 2 weeks or earlier if anxiety symptoms worsen.
Milton E. Eisenberg, MD
d t 5/4/2015
Psychiatry Consultation
Akhtar, Renita M.
# 09438
May 4, 2015
This patient has been referred to me by her primary care physician. Patient states she
has been suffering from irritability. She states that she has been very irritable for
short periods of time. She associates these feelings with her depression.
The patient is a 56 year old female who has recently lost her job and has been
financially struggling. She has isolated herself from friends and family members.
She claims to be close to her older sister but
Connection Log
Belland, Glazewski, and Richardon (2011) noticed that most middle school students
struggle to support their argument from their found evidence. These researchers
looked for ways to help students create scientific arguments based from this evidence.
The researchers want to determine if the students used a computer based software
called the Connection Log will they be able to build stronger arguments to support
their evidence. Connect Log is a database driven website designed to scaffold middle
school students creation of evidence based arguments (672). By using Connection
Log, students will define the problem, determine needed information, find needed
information, organize the information, develop a claim, and link evidence to this claim
... Show more content on ...
These classes were located in a low SES community, meaning that half of the student
body was eligible to receive free or reduced priced lunches. Students completed the
work in their classrooms using laptops provided by the school. The researchers used a
mixed method of quantitative and qualitative methods to collect data. Of the four
classes, two classes were higher achieving and the other two lower achieving; the
researchers used this to their advantage and scaffold one of the higher level classes
and one of the lower level classes, but did not scaffold the other two classes. The
classes that were scaffold were to use the Connection Log during their unit and the
other non scaffold classes were not allowed to use Connection Log. In order to
determine what students needed help with the researchers conducted an instructional
analysis. Then, the students that were scaffold began creating their argument through
Connection Log. Students put the problem in their own words, decide on and record
important information, organize this information according to how it affects the
stakeholders, presented a possible solution, and lastly compile their relevant data to
build their argument. The non scaffold students organized their arguments as the
Comparing The Open Boat And To Build A Fire
The illusion of free will is dominant as a theme in both the The Open Boat by
Stephen Crane and To Build a Fire by Jack London, as the characters struggle to stay
alive in the face of the unforgiving environment. For instance, in The Open Boat the
characters try to fight against the ocean and the environment around them, but they
soon realize it is the environment controlling them and their fighting is of no use. In
the story To Build a Fire , the main character has allowed his mind to deceive
himself as he perceives himself safe in the arctic, but that all changes when the fire
goes out and the cold environment absorbs him. However, the difference between the
two stories is that the environment in To Build a Fire suppresses the man,... Show
more content on ...
However, the illusion is far greater in the story To Build a Fire as the character is
figuratively absorbed by the environment, while only one of the men die in The Open
Boat . Furthermore, the control of the environment on the characters is immense in
the story To Build a Fire , He was losing in his battle with the frost. It was creeping
into his body from all sides. (1057) The environment literally takes control of the
man s fate, while the men in The Open Boat are pushed around a little less
dramatically, The wind bore coldness with it, and the men began to shiver. Holy
smoke! Said one, allowing his voice to express his impious mood (998). In
addition, the tone or mood of both stories differs even they both are controlled by
the environment. The tone of To Build a Fire is frightening as the cold arctic air
takes hold of the man, A certain fear of death, dull and oppressive came to
was a matter of life and death with chances against him (1056). Moreover, the story
The Open Boat is slightly less dramatic as all but one man makes it shore safely.
Finally, the environment proves that free will is an illusion in both short
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Composting
Composting is the controlled decompsition of organic materials such as manures and
other organic matter. Composting involves a wide variety of physical, chemical, and
biological transformations of the feedstock. Mesoorganism like worms and milipeds,
can break down larger agggregates of organic matter mostly by mechanical means.
Chemical transformations in the compostingprocess are mediated by microorganisms,
primarily bacteriaand fungi. The main components of compost are degradation
product of plant and body matter. Composting gives many advantages like, keep the
proper managemement of animal waste, keep environment clean, and control the
The quality of the compost is determined by many factors such as pH and moisture.
pH is the measure of the acidity or alkalinity or hydrogen ion activity of compost,
the scale 7 is considered as a neutral pH. A pH of less than seven means that
substance is acidic while a value above seven that it is alkaline. Most finished
composts are about to be in neutral pH within range from 6 8. However the initial
pH of the manure compost will be more alkaline, with a pH as high as 8.5.
Microorganism in compost will grow and multiply within the pH range from 5.5 to
8. The organic acids are formed in the initial stages of the aerobic decomposition
process and these acidic conditions favor the growth of fungi ... Show more content
on ...
Composting organic waste allows for decomposing the organic materials into a
more compact form of management (Tognetti et al.,2011). Compost has been used
at the household or small farm level for recyling of organic matter and nutrients for
thousands of years. Since the late 20th century, more and more large scale
composting facilities wre established to manage and recycel organic waste from
farm areas. Particularly, in recent years, these composting activities have been
viewed as promising efforts to reduce waste streams to landfills and manage waste in
a more sustainable
Reflective Essay On Service Learning
Service learning is always viewed as being something you just have to do. If you
want a good grade, then you do it, but you rush through it because you don t
appreciate the opportunity. I used to think about it that way because it seemed like it
was just wasting my time. However, I ve discovered that the older I get, the more I
analyze things, whether it be school work or general life questions. Over the summer,
I had an abundance of time to think things through and work out everything in my
mind. I believe that service learningcan help you realise your passion as it did with
me. I volunteered at Martin Millennium to help clean up their campus and revitalize
the Earth on which their school stands. I spread mulch in areas of dry soil and
around the playground, so the kids could play without fear of hurting themselves. We
spread the mulch around the trees and by the walkways. I volunteered at the Tender
Merciespet organization as well. I helped feed the dogs and walk them outside. I did
the daily routine of washing food bowls and dog blankets too. During my time
volunteering at Tender Mercies, I learned that no matter how many times you think
you ve seen it all, you will always find something to amaze you. I ve previously said
that over the the summer, I thoughtabout things and sometimes thinking too much
can lead to bad things. I don t really know why, but dogs have a way to sense when
you re upset and they always make you feel better. I ve learned that happiness is
Mark Richt Should Have Been Ejected During The Orange
Mark Richt Should Have Been Ejected during the Orange Bowl: Here is Why *The
follwing rule taken from: 4514 2016 and
2017 ncaa football rules and interpretations updated version with changes 7 19
2017 pdf version only not in print.aspx?CategoryID=0 SectionID=0
ManufacturerID=0 DistributorID=0 GenreID=0 VectorID=0 Article 4. Persons
subject to the rules shall not intentionally contact a game official forcibly during
the game. PENALTY Unsportsmanlike conduct. Administer as a dead ball foul.
15 yards from the succeeding spot and automatic disqualification. Automatic first
down for fouls by Team B if not in conflict with other rules. This is the official rule
in question as written in the 2016 and 2017 NCAA Football Rules and
Interpretations. If you have been paying attention to the bowl games the last few
days, this rule has come up in two key instances. The first was on December 29th
in the Music City Bowl featuring Kentucky and Northwestern while the second
happened on December 30th in the Orange Bowl between Miami and Wisconsin.
Here is what happened, the response dictated by the rules, and how the officials
involved should have reacted. Music City Bowl What Happened: Arguably
Kentucky s best offensive player, running back Benny Snell, was handed the ball
on a running play in the second quarter of the game. Snell was tackled for a loss by
numerous Northwestern players who, while not breaking any rules themselves,
were pretty rough slamming him to the ground. As Snell was getting up, an
official stood over him and reached out both hands towards Snell s upper chest.
Snell reached up and grasped the official by the wrists and pushed the official
lightly away by shaking his head. A flag was thrown, a 15 yard penalty was
enforced, and Snell was ejected from the game. What the Rules Say: According to
the rules, the official made the right call. Snell did intentionally contact a game
official, and there is also a strong argument that, by pushing the officials hands away,
Snell contacted the official forcibly. What Should Have Happened: The official
should have realized that Snell was just downright mauled by Northwestern players
at the end of a play that lost his team a
Calypso Song Analysis
The 1940 s was a time of conflict, despair, and hope to everyone who was involved
in war of the giants. World War II, as the name states was a conflict on a global
scale, with a plethora of nations involved. In addition, many of those nations
created pacts of alliances with each other that only complicated the fighting. One
of the nations that was involved was the country of Trinidad and Tobago, as a key
collaborator with Allies against the Axis of Powers, it provided the area for two
US bases (The Roaring Lion). Furthermore, it provided support during the conflict
of the Atlantic. During this time the Trinidad and Tobago culture became a
receiver of many different inputs, in the matters of all aspects. These new inputs
of influences forged the music culture of calypso, the voice of the people in the
form of song. Through calypso melodies, the people of Trinidad and Tobago started
to tell their views of the world events, and during this time the major event was
WWII. By analyzing the lyrics of the Trinidad song that was made in 1943, it can be
determined what the current events were at the time and the political opinions of the
native people, which was the changing view on the soviet forces of in the war.
The lyrics of this calypso song talk about the successful war campaigning of Russia,
and as the result of its movement how the view on the country has changed. These
lyrics can be translated as the historical point in the war, as the in the year 1943 the
Russian forces
A New Zealand Department Of Conservation Investigator...
A getaway resort designed to be filled with excitement, adventure, and high luxury,
the Omarama Mountain Lodge is without a doubt, a very exclusive eco destination
specifically catering to the needs of the world s wealthiest people. Due to the chance
meeting of a New Zealand Department of Conservation investigator named Peter
Slater and the son of a former Indonesian president, the Omarama Mountain Lodge
was conceptualized upon the realization that there was potential for a specialty
business that could meet the needs of the world s elite. By combining their
knowledge and experiences with wealthy travelers, these men were able to carry out
such a business in New Zealands South Island. As an eco destination for wealthy
vacationers, the Omarama Mountain Lodge promotes a vast array of outdoor
activities. As a hunting retreat, the Omarama Mountain Lodge made efficient use of
its 28,000 hectares of original farmland, as the location was converted into a big
game reserve where deer, elk, and chamois can be hunted and released. In addition,
the case makes note that the Omarama Mountain Lodge also offers other alternatives
for outdoor leisure such as photographic safaris, horseback riding, golfing, nature
walks, and helicopter tours. Of course, all of which are guaranteed to be fulfilled with
not only the utmost luxury, also respect to the customer s security and privacy.
Considering the very specific niche that Omarama Mountain Lodge fosters, their
unambiguous decision on a
The Book Harvest Of Empire By Juan Gonzalez
Reading Response #1
Megan Wroolie
Reading the book Harvest of Empire by Juan Gonzalez, has been very informative to
me and has changed my perspective on U.S. foreign policy. Each account of the
families from the different Latino countries has similar underlying trends that can be
found because of the U.S. involvement in their countries. Every single instance of
U.S. involvement in Latin American countries seems to evolve around the idea of
greed and profit. The U.S. is like a business that only cares about the income of
money and not about the morality of their actions. On top of all the injustice the U.S.
government has employed, they don t bother to own up to their mistakes and they
tend to sweep their involvement under the rug. For example, the Iran Contra scandal
mentioned in the book of the Reagan administration was the result of using drug
money from Iran to buy weapons for the Nicaraguan contra rebels against the
Sandinista government of Nicaragua. It infuriates me that the U.S. would support a
dictator that suppresses the rights of its citizens and all the while they want to take
down the established, popular Sandinista government. The U.S. wants to do all this
so that the new government will support U.S. interests in Nicaragua. When the
scandal was uncovered, all Reagan could say was I m sorry and It won t happen
again even though our involvement had the result of many lives lost in that war
/rebellion. Unfortunately, this theme did not only occur in Nicaragua
Effects Of The Atlantic Slave Trade
The effects of the development of the Atlantic Slave Trade had impacted the
participating civilizations in 1450 1750. Many slaves were treated brutally. Some
countries prospered as others died, and a new source of cheap labor has been found.
The demand for cheap labor in 1450 to 1750 has caused economic, social, and
political effects on civilizations from Europe, America, and Africa participating in the
Atlantic Slave Tradeby causing the downfall of African tribes and race, hardships of
surviving slave life and leading European countries to become rich.
Between 1450 and 1750 many European countries sought to The New World as a
way to make money. In 1796, William Blake, an English poet, painter, and
printmaker painted a portrait by the name of Europe Supported by Africa and
America. His impulse is opinionated for that he is a white Englishman who
believes Europe s wealth came from the Colonies and African Slaves working on
the plantations. In the painting Europe Supported by Africa and America he had a
Native American women, a white women, and an African women. The white
women seems to be resting or held up by the Native American by having her arm
around the Native s neck . The African, on the other hand is being held captive by
the white woman s grip (Doc #8). This all implies that the white women is slaving
and surviving off of the African and Native American women. In history, we know
that Natives were captured and used as labor until they died from the diseases brought
The Observation Of Elephants
What species performs burials, has the ability to cry, and form many complex
relationships throughout their lives? Elephants. Since many individuals might have
guessed humans or primates first, this one question shows the complexity of this
species. Transition This paper tries to answer one main question: How does elephant
behavior, both in captive and wild settings, provide data that can lead to evidence
based practices for building captive enclosures, daily activities, and help with
conservation practices, both in captivity and in the wild. For this discussion, I am
going to focus on the family, Elephantidae, as a whole. Though some might argue that
the genus Loxodonta (African) and Maximus (Asian) should be analyzed separately, I
find the... Show more content on ...
It is hard to create and provide hard evidence to support this ideal when there is not a
linguistic way to communicate between humans and other species. For the purposes
of this discussion I will use Breed and Moore s definition: Cognition is the ability of
an animal to separate itself from the moment in which it is living and to contemplate
the past, predict the future, and act accordingly (2016). Cognition experiments on
elephants did not begin until the late 1950 s, starting with Rensch s study on memory.
Since than scientist s have tested/ studied problem solving, rituals, emotions,
deception, casual reasoning, tool making, and tool use within elephants with many
having positive results (Plotnik et al., 2010). One aspect of cognition that has been
tested in many primates in the recent years is the mirror self recognition test; this is
considered the basic level of cognition. Plotnik and colleagues completed this test
with three female elephants at the Bronx Zoo (2010). This test involves three stages,
where each shows a level of recognition. Though none of the elephants passed the
mark part of the test, they showed many other characteristics that indicated self
recognition (that was in other species like chimpanzees and bottle nose dolphins).
However, the discrepancy could be due to the way elephants identify one another:
through touch, sounds, and smell, which a mirror cannot replicate (Plotnik et
Early Childhood Music Curriculum
Early Childhood Music Program
By Ifti Azad
Nov 11, 2013
Music Together is the leading music curriculum for early learning settings serving
children ages birth through seven, offered at thousands of locations around the world.
A comprehensive, research based program, Music Together is designed to be easily
integrated into any school environment, such as childcare settings, preschools, and
public, independent, and faith based schools. The Music Together curriculum is
designed to benefit everyone it touches children, families, teachers, and the entire
school community.
Music Together s primary goal is to support children s music development so they can
achieve tonal and rhythmic competence. Yet the rich, play based learning
environment created ... Show more content on ...
The music specialists initiate the use of the songbooks in class, which enhances the
experience of music learning, provides a tool for pre literacy activities, and supports
creative storytelling. Once the children have had ample time to become familiar with
and use the songbooks in the classroom, they are sent home to enhance the home
learning environment and further support family music making. Classroom teachers
also receive a teacher edition songbook filled with ideas to support bringing music
into the classroom. We are proud that our Family Favorites Songbook for Teachers
was honored with the prestigious Association of Educational Publishers
Distinguished Achievement Award
Essay Porphyria’s Lover and The Laboratory
Porphyria s Lover and The Laboratory
Porphyria s Lover and The Laboratory both deal with crimes of passion. Explore
ways Browning explains ways of obsessive nature of his character and analysis the
effects of literary techniques.
Porphyria s Lover is a poem about a crime and passion. Porphyria is a young,
wealthy girl who seems to have abandoned her family s tradition of choosing
wealthy men as lovers. Her lover remains anonymous, this could be because he has
murdered her and does not want his name releasing. There is no actual reference as
to why he committed this crime we can only make suggestions. Perhaps it was
because she would not forsake her affluent companions for him, or because he felt
she did not share his ... Show more content on ...
All these actions seem to be building up to something, as though trouble lurks in
every corner. When she entered she shut out the miserable weather with her
She shut the cold out and the storm
This is particularly effective because Browning uses monosyllables to enforce its
meaning; it is as though as soon as Porphyria enters nothing now matters. She wants
to communicate with her lover; she is trying to gain his attention by flirting and
teasing him. Browning uses contrasts of colours cheerless grate Blaze up this is
predominantly effective because it also personifies the grate.
Porphyria realises she is failing to attain his attention and so begins to remove outer
garments. This is seductive and erotic; the attire she is wearing is another sign that
Porphyria is wealthier than the lover. In the Victorian era cloak , shawl , gloves and
hat are all signs of affluence. The lover is watching with resentment as she does this.
There is animosity between them, mostly from the lover, and so he ignores her. This
leads us to believe that Porphyria has hurt him during their last meeting and makes us
curious to know what
Porphyria did to deserve his detestation.
Yet still she pursues him, she becomes sensual and embraces him
And made her smooth white shoulder bare
It was a sign of class to have white skin, yet another distinction of wealth. She
becomes physical trying to tempt him with seduction. We do not know to
Reasons For Choosing Dw Sports
My reason for choosing DW Sports is due to that fact that it is an award winning
Health club and Retail business across the whole of the UK Northern Ireland. DW
Sports also offers a variety of high class products and they are also in conjunction
with top brands like Adidas, Nike, Asics, New Balance, Under Armour, Canterbury
and many more. DW Sports is serious about becoming the UK s number 1 go to
retailer for online sporting goods.
My reason for selecting JD Sports is due to the fact that JD Sport has long been
established as the leading UK specialised multiple retailer of fashionable branded and
own brand sports and casual wear. The group now has over 400 stores and is
continuing to grow. Therefore I feel like both websites would be goodto evaluate and
in return get ideas of ways to make my website a success when creating it.
I will start off by evaluating my first company website which is DW Sports. Firstly
I am going to talk about the colour scheme DW Sports have used. The overall
colour scheme of the website is red, white and black and these are the colours
which are present within the company logo. I personally feel like this was
intentional to make their website and their products easily identifiable as their own.
I feel like the black background was a good idea as the red compliments it and the
writing is white and quite large therefore it stands out and it is clear to read.
The overall layout of the whole website I feel is simple while professional looking.
Reality Is Seemingly Through Reality Essay
What we believe to be impossible to be achieved through reality is often projected in
the unconscious. Freud theorized that our minds repressed desires that could summon
emotions such as guilt or shame, which could lead to what is called wish fulfillment
through dreams, hallucinations, or phases of neurosis. Experiences of intense dream
sequences that involve sexual relations with family members, or homicide carried out
by the individual or others, are examples of wish fulfillment dreams. Said dreams
represent taboos or actions that could result in extreme consequences in reality, so
instead, the impulses or yearnings are satisfied within the unconscious where only the
individual can truly gain access to. To Freud, the mindwas a part of us suffering from
chronic turmoil, with the ego and the superego constantly at war with the ID, where
impulses rest.
When my dream occurred, the contents, while shocking, did not come as a surprise
to me. During that period, my father had been absent from my life for the most
part, causing much distress from my family as a whole. I had to withdraw from a
university I got accepted into because of financial difficulties, and also pushed back
attending community college to work as a hostess in a restaurant to save up for
school resources. It wasn t because we didn t have enough, but because I didn t want
my family to enter such a state due to my father s inability to separate himself from
his gambling addictions. I found myself walking
Review Of The Red Hot Chili Peppers By The Way
I choose to do a biography on The Red Hot Chili Peppers for a few reasons. The
first reason I choose this band is because I was introduced to them by my dad when
I found his record collection and he let me listen to them on his record player at his
parents house that he kept from college. The second reason is because I have grown
up listening to them and felt like this was a good opportunity to learn more about one
of my favorite bands.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers, formed in Los Angeles in 1983. By 1993 the band was
still considered relatively new to commercial fame with only having one hit album at
this point. David Thompson, author of Red Hot Chili Peppers By The Way tells us
that, In 2003, the Red Hot Chili Peppers are rightly ... Show more content on ...
After a world tour, the group went on an extended hiatus. Frusciante announced he
was leaving the band in 2009 to focus on his solo career. Klinghoffer, who had
worked as a sideman for the band on their Stadium Arcadium tour and on
Frusciante s solo projects, replaced him as lead guitarist. The Red Hot Chili
Peppers success can be seen in many ways one of which is from the awards they
have been nominated for as well as received. They have been nominated for sixteen
Grammy Awards and won six of them. They are considered the most successful band
in alternative rock radio history currently holding the records for most number one
singles, most cumulative weeks at number one and most top ten songs on the
Billboard alternative songs chart. In 2012, they were inducted into the Rock and Roll
Hall of
Are Humans Are Still Alive Today
As a famous evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr once quoted Evolution is as such is
no longer a theory for a modern author. It is as much a fact as that the earth revolves
around the sun. Evolution is the key to the human race s survival on the earth. The
fact that humans have evolved so well has made them able to become the top of the
food chain, and to maintain this position must continue to adapt and evolve better
and faster than all other species. In opposition to some, most scientists believe that
evolutionin humans is still happening today, and is a key element to why humans are
still alive today, without modern evolution humans might have died from
malnutrition, disease, or just been pushed down to the bottom of the food chain.
Modern... Show more content on ...
Modern evolution is a very important process for humans to survive. Without modern
evolution, humans would not be able to drink and digest milk properly as an adult.
Modern evolution has made it possible for humans to outrun many deadly diseases.
The question the reader should ask themselves is that if theses evolutions were not
made would the human race still be
Gun Ownership Should Be Banned
Gun ownership should be banned in order to reduce crime rates and ensure the
protection of our nation s people. Throughout the United States, gun control has
become a controversial issue due to gun advocates strongly believing their 2nd
Amendment rights guarantee them legal access to guns. Although gun advocates
view gun ownership as self defense, the government and gun control supporters have
noticed that legal distribution of guns has been linked to school shootings, homicide,
and violent crimes. Furthermore, legal distribution of guns increases the risk of
harming innocent people while declining the police s power to establish safety in
society. Overall, in order to prevent the destruction of our country, the people must
work together to ban gun ownership and ratify the 2nd Amendment rights clarifying
its purpose to the public. Gun ownership should be banned to reduce the 100,000
deaths of americans that are shot every year in the United States. Throughout
America s history, we have been known as the extremely gun violent country unfit to
protect our citizens from danger. The television news reports continue to display the
violent crimes and school shootings that has harmed innocent people especially
children. When the government allows guns to be legal in the United States, they are
giving people the responsibility to use this weapon for self defense purposes and
recreational sport such as hunting. However, gun owners have been unable to handle
this responsibility
William Gates Research Paper
(1) William Gates was born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington. Gates
father was a lawyer, and his mother served on the board of directors for First
Interstate Bancsystem and the United Way. Gates had an older sister and a
younger sister, the older sister was Kristianne and his younger sister was Libby.
He was the fourth of his name in his family, but he was really known as William
Gates III. His family encouraged competition very much, but no matter what, there
was always a reward for winning and losing. At 13, he enrolled in a private school
called Lakeside School. One of the systems was a PDP 10 which belonged to
ComputerCenter Corporation (CCC), which banned four Lakeside students Gates,
Paul Allen, Ric Weiland, and Kevin Evans for hacking the computers. The four
students offered to find bugs for the CCC s software for computer time. The deal
with the CCC continued until 1970, when the company went out of business. Gates
graduated from Lakeside School in 1973 and was a National Merit Scholar. He
scored 1590 out of 1600 on the SAT and enrolled at Harvard College in the autumn
of 1973. While at Harvard, he met Steve Ballmer, who would... Show more content on ...
At this point, Gates parents didn t really have to worry about their college dropout,
(Gates). In 1980, Microsoft was starting to create languages and other software on
the computer for Radio Shack, Commodore, and Apple. Company Revenues were
almost $8 million for the year. By 1986, Microsoft was so much closer to Gates
vision. Revenues had risen to $100 million, mostly because of MS DOS. On
October 28, 1985, Gates had his thirtieth birthday. On this same day Gates made a
very important announcement, Microsoft was going to be going fully public. The
shares from Microsoft stock were $21 per share on March 13, 1986. By the end of
that day, three million shares of Microsoft had been sold. (3) Book: Wizards of
Clara Barton Research Paper
Clara Barton Clara Barton s real name is Clarissa Harlowe Barton. I chose her is
because she is a very strong and independent woman, especially for her time period.
She saved many lives and risked her own in doing so. She would go through the
battlefields to help save wounded soldiers. At the same time of being strong she
was loving and kind. She tried to save lives and she helped to find 22,000 soldiers
who were marked missing. She would even write down messages soldiers wished to
their families. She took charge on the battlefield and was extremely brave.
Clara was born on December 25, 1821, in North Oxford, Massachusetts, on
Christmas day. She was raised in North Oxford. She had a mother, father, and four
other siblings. She was the youngest child. Her mother s name was Sarah Barton and
her fathers was Stephen Barton. Her siblings consisted of two brothers and ... Show
more content on ...
They were to work sewing garments for pay. When she introduced this system to
France she was given an Iron Cross of Merit by the German Emperor.
When Barton returned to the United States she settled in Danville, New York. She
wrote the founder of the Red Cross and wanted to lead an American Red Cross. When
she was fifty six she began her new career. She loved the idea of the Red Cross
because it saved people s lives. On the battlefield the Red Crosses women were
In 1881 Barton had started the American Red Cross. She herself was the president.
Her efforts brought the U.S to sign the Geneva Convention a year later. In 1882 she
traveled to help the wounded from fires in Michigan, and earthquakes in Charleston,
South Carolina. Along the Ohio River there were flood victims and she went there
to help. She did many other things for those who needed her help. Not because she
had to but, because she wanted to and that was the kind of person she was.
When the Red Cross had much public pressure and conflict within itself, she decided
to resign in
Clinical And Metabolic Features Of Non Hiv Related In...
We conducted a systematic review to summarize existing data on clinical and
metabolic features of non HIV related lipodystrophy in patients with age at onset of
lipodystrophy 18 years. This in depth review of 1,141 patients with lipodystrophy is
the largest pooled pediatric database, so far reported in literature. We have suggested
core and supportive clinical features of four major lipodystrophies (CGL, AGL, FPL
and APL) to help clinicians in diagnosis and management decisions (Figure 3).
Congenital generalized lipodystrophy is a rare autosomal recessive disorder (38).
Several CGL loci have been previously identified, AGPAT2 (CGL type 1), BSCL2
(CGL type 2), CAV1, and PTRF (CGL type 4), with the first two accounting for about
95% of ... Show more content on ...
These patients can present with menstrual irregularities, hyperandrogenism and
polycystic ovaries. However, reproductive data were available on a limited number of
CGL patients.
In our review, the core clinical feature of CGL was generalized fat loss noted during
first 3 years of life and rarely during early adolescence (47). Supportive features
included acromegaloid appearance, hepatomegaly (because of hepatic steatosis)
(48), protuberant abdomen (due to organomegaly), and advanced bone age. Onset of
DM was during early childhood through adolescence, except in a group of 10
Brazilian CGL patients homozygous for a 1036 bp deletion in the AGPAT2 gene
(BSCL1 locus), as described by Gomes et al. (49) and a single patient in the NIH
lipodystrophy database (age at onset of DM 34 years). Gomes et al. reported mean
age at onset of DM as 25.67 В± 11.25 years in AGPAT2 group compared to 11.93 В±
8.29 years in BSCL2 (669insA Seipin) group (p=0.007) (49). Diabetes mellitus in
CGL was ketosis resistant, with higher insulin levels and higher insulin resistance
reported in BSCL2 than in AGPAT2 patients (49).
Acquired generalized lipodystrophy was characterized by female predominance.
Patients with AGL had normal fat distribution at birth, however developed
generalized loss of subcutaneous adipose tissue during childhood or puberty.
Preceding infectious illnesses including Neisseria meningitidis, measles, varicella and
mumps (3,50,51) were associated
Morrie s Influence On My Life
Someone is going to wipe my ass
We also spoke about the afterlife. Morrie couldn t walk, eat, go to toilet by himself.
I have never imagined being dependency on other people. Personally, I would feel
shameful if I can t do anything by myself but for Morrie, he is embracing his own
health and death. I couldn t say anything because I don t even know when I am going
to die.
October 18, 1995
Third visit of Nightline
Six months have passed since the first meet with Morrie and I assume that this is
going to be the last. Morrie is becoming weaker than I met at the first time and he
was having hard time to speak but we still continued to interview. I should have done
something so that I can help him but I didn t know what to do but the good thing
The Ecology Of Commerce By Environmentalist Paul
Part I: Introduction
The Ecology of Commerce, written by Environmentalist Paul Hawken, is an
insightful, although daunting, look into economic and corporate sustainability. The
first rule of sustainability is to align with natural forces, or at least not try to defy
them . This quote, spoken by Paul Hawken himself, is a perfect demonstration of the
major theme he carefully analyzes within the book. Economics and the environment
are two words that you often don t see in the same sentence, despite the fact that the
influence economics has contributes to the deterioration of our environment gravely.
Part II: Background and Thesis Paul Hawken studies the many faults of the
economic practices we adhere to globally. Whether or not we agree with his beliefs
is a decision we as readers need to make. While an understanding of the
environmental impacts is evident, as well as the biological changes it has put forth
on humans, I question if individual change really makes a difference to the
environment and the overall way the economy works. Hawken demonstrates a clear
explanation to back up his statement of absolute resource destruction, but I believe he
underestimates the change that may need to be done. I strongly believe we have
reached a point in time where individual change is inadmissible, and in order to save
our planet, large corporations and their accountability should be questioned. A world
without sustainability, or more importantly a world without economic integrity,
The Court Of The Supreme Court
Supreme Court The Supreme Court is the only court explicitly established by the U.S.
Constitution and it is the uppermost federal court of United States. The Supreme
Court stands as a guardian of constitutional liberties and the final and concluding
arbiter of the law. The Supreme Court is also the final interpreter of federal
Constitutional Law. The Supreme Court is the last and final authority in deciding all
cases and appeals which involve laws made by Congress under Constitution. The
Supreme Court can only adjudicate a bill or an act. It cannot initiate it. The Supreme
Court has deciding power whether an act passed by Congress is Constitutional or
unconstitutional. Although the Constitution establishes the Supreme Court and
places it at the head of federal judicial system in U.S., it permits Congress to decide
how to organize it. At establishment, six justices were appointed as Supreme Court
justices. As the time passed, the number was increased to ten and then decreased to
nine (The Supreme Court in the American System, 2013). At present, the justices of
Supreme Court consist of eight associate justices and the Chief Justice of United
States, nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. To maintain the
independence of the judiciary and to protect it from the influence of political
branches of government, the justices of Supreme Court hold their office for entire
life and their salaries cannot be decreased during their term. Federal judges may be
vanished from
Child raising
Engelsk 1
1) The first texts is about a very strict Chinese mother of her 18 year old girl. The
essay is written by the mother s 18 year old daughter because her mother published
an essay called Battel Hymn of the Tiger Mother . This essay got many negative
responses from the readers and the daughter explains her childhood for the readers of
The Wall Street Journal .
In the essay Sofia, the daughter of the Tiger Mother, tells about how her strict mother
handled her as a child and how Chinese parents raise such stereotypically successful
kids .
This Chinese mother raised Sophia this way; if Sophia didn t do her best her mother
would say it to her. As an example, Sophia writes in the text that once she gave her...
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He prove a point by saying that school, parents and society wants to create these
perfect wonder kids, but not every child fit insides this box of school and perfection.
He think that children should be allowed to play, have fun and create the person they
want to be.
2) In the third texts, Neill tells the readers how the importins of learning isn t for
everyone. He is given the reader an example on this when he tells about a ballet boy.
This boy is very talented, but in school, not so much. Neill explains in the texts that
he think learning should come after playing, he make the reader understand that you
don t haft to be smart to prove a point or make your dreams come true in this world.
Neill uses a lot of we he talks with the readers, not to the readers. He appeals to logos
which you can see when he talks about the ballet boy.
3) I would say I agree with A.S. Neill. I think that children should be allowed to
have fun, of course, kids should have some responsibility but you are only a kid
once and that time never comes back. Many children these days are buried to their
neck in homework, chores and parents blowing in the back of their heads with
expectations and rules. I have always been one of the outdoor kids. Always hated
school and the teacher who made me sit still. The only thing I looked forward to in
school was the breaks, which always seemed to short. So many kids walk to school
every day, feeling their life are passing by and they can t
Child Pageants
In modern day society, people often tune into TLC s hit show Toddlers in Tiaras.
Most see it as a harmless pastime for the children, but child beauty pageants are far
from harmless. In recent years, child beauty pageants have become increasingly
popular all over the U.S, making it a 5 billion dollar industry. Almost 5,000 pageants
are held with 250,000 children participating with the majority of the contestants under
the age of twelve ( Child beauty Pageants ). Unfortunately, what most viewers do not
realize is that many contestants will suffer from sexual abuse and eating disorders by
the time they are teenagers. With that being said, beauty pageants have a negative
impact on female adolescents. First, child beauty pageants can have major... Show
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As mentioned previously, child beauty queens are often found with makeup, and
outfits that are to seductive for young children. As well as this, children may also
be posed in semi sexulaized positions for photoshoots. Due to this, many child
predators are using that as an excuse, as Elizabeth Day writes, We do know that
predators or paedophiles continually tend to justify their interest in children by
saying children are sexual beings. That children are now given a channel to
become little Lolitas, to be portrayed as older, to almost become mini adults these
are all trends that give legitimacy to that kind of thinking (Day). Because of some
of the clothing that parents are allowing their children to wear, predictors are using
it as an excuse for their interest in young children. Unfortunately, in worst case
scenario, the public may end up with a case like Jonbenet Ramsey s. In an article,
Billy Reed mentions Jonbenet Ramsey, a six year old beauty queen who was found
sexually assaulted and murdered in the basement of her home in 1996 (Reed). Many
have claimed that her assault had a connection to the pageants. While it is a likely
possibility, the case remains closed to this day, so no one will know. Even while still
alive, Jonbenet did not have a childhood. She often participated in competitions that
forced children children to
Adolescent Runaways Essay
Adolescence is considered to be one of the most profound points in someone s life.
Considering all the dilemmas and issues young adults face during adolescence,
adolescence is often a pivotal point in one s life; it is a period of time in which
people generally show growth and maturity or lack thereof. In the words of Jeffrey
Kluger, There s only one thing harder than living in a home with an adolescent and
that s being an adolescent. The moodiness, the volatility, the wholesale lack of
impulse control, all would be close to clinical conditions if they occurred at another
point in life. In adolescence, they re just part of the behavioral portfolio. In brief,
adolense presents a wide array of issues, and these issues help determine who... Show
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Similarly, teenagers may run away from home due to psychologically damaging
situations at school. A teenager may run away to avoid circumstances, such as
bullying, humiliation, or because he or she does not feel like he or she fits in.
Notoriously, psychologically damaged teenagers have been known to shoot and kill
students at the school he or she attended, but generally most psychologically
damaged teenagers tend to cope with a less violent method such as running away
from home. Teenagers tend to make irrational exaggerated decisions due to the
immaturity of the prefrontal cortex, which is a part of the brain responsible for
intricate behaviors such as planning and being rational. According to the National
Safe Place, 20% of adolescent runways have picked up a drug abuse issue.
Additionally, substance abuse may be an issue causing adolescent runaways or
simply an issue in conjunction with pre existing ones. Seldom does an adolescent
with healthy relationships seek out mind altering drugs, and drug abuse patterns are
less common.Moreover, abusing drugs may become a reason or lead to a reason an
adolescent runs away; running away may allow adolescents to hide or continue their
drug abuse issues. Parents need to become and remain more vigilant about issues
their child may be going through in order to be able to take preventative measures to
ensure a healthier and happier child.
Despite the majority of adolescent runaways trying to escape a harmful
The Simpsons Worst Running Tv Series Of All Time
One of the longest running TV series of all time is the Simpsons. The Simpsons is an
animated sitcom that uses satire to depict the average American family. The Simpson
Family consists of Homer (father), Marge (mother), Bart (son), Lisa (daughter), and
Maggie (baby). In 2007 The Simpsons hit the big screen. This major motion picture
about Springfield, the home of the Simpson Family, and has just about everything
possibly imaginable. Springfield however has a very large problem, they pollute like
no other place in the United States. It was not until Lisa Simpsonproved to the town
how polluted the local lake was that change was instituted. After Lisa saves the lake
the city institutes wide spread trash and recycling procedures. However Homer doesn
t want to wait in one of the lines and instead dumps his trash in the lake. This is the
straw that broke the camel s back because after this the lake became toxic. At this
point the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) steps in and with the
authorization of the President. Springfield becomes encapsulated in a large dome. At
this point it becomes a life or death situation. The Simpsonsthen manage to escape
and go on a wild journey. Only to eventually get caught. Once the Simpsons are
returned to the dome, a massive bomb is placed in an effort to prevent Springfield
from further pollution. (The Simpsons Movie). The looming threat that in a short
matter of time everyone could be dead. It is at this point that Terror Management
Asserting Your Independence by Testing The Boundaries of...
caught in their own individual marital obligations to people other than themselves.
The passion they have for each other, though, overtakes any kind of desire to stay
committed to their spouses with minimal regrets as the story progresses. A great
majority of the narrative in the The Storm implies that testing ones boundaries in
human sexualityis one of the more passionate forms of asserting one s own
independence. This approach greatly contradicts the opposing beliefs of traditional
cultures that have an extreme disapproval of any kind of experimentation or heavy
passion outside of one s own marriage. Despite the fact that extra marital activities
such as the ones that occurred between Calixta and Alcee were widely prohibited at
that... Show more content on ...
Being alone with this prior lover, though, brought back that longing for him and it
was stronger than ever before. There was something she had with Alcee that was
not present in her relationship with Bobinot. She loved him, but one thing was
missing that she at the time could not put her finger on. It was passion. The zeal
she shared with Alcee overtook her and she was the first one to initiate the situation
that her and Alcee found themselves in when ... she [Calixta] rolled up a piece of
bagging and Alcee helped her to thrust it beneath the crack (532). As with the rest of
the story, the imagery in this quote is extremely sexual. Calixta knew what she
wanted and she was anything but shy in going out of her way to get it. Alcee may
not have been aware at first, but as he helped her thrust the bagging under the door to
keep out the storm brewing outside, he was also aiding in keeping in the other
obvious storm about to erupt inside.
Alcee started feeling the tension soon enough though and he began noticing every
beautiful physical aspect of Calixta possible. It may not have been intentional, but
Alcee himself did not have the power inside of him to stop it, nor did he even want
to stop it. In describing the way Alcee had started viewing Calixta, Chopin wrote:
Her lips were as red and moist as pomegranate seed. Her white neck and a glimpse of
her full, firm bosom disturbed him powerfully. As she glanced up at him the fear in
her liquid blue eyes had
The Pros And Cons Of Antitrust Laws
The first antitrust law was passed in 1890 by Congress called, the Sherman Act. It
was a wide ranging charter of economic liberty designed to preserve unrestricted
competition within the rule of trade. Congress then passed two additional antitrust
laws in 1914, called the Federal Trade Commission Act that formed the FTC, and the
Clayton Act. These would be the three essential antitrust, federal laws that are still in
effect today (The Antitrust Laws, 2013). Antitrust laws prohibit illegal mergers and
business practices, which leaves the court of law to resolve which laws were broken
based on the case facts. Antitrust laws have the same straightforward objective and
that is to protect the progression of competition to benefit consumers, in making sure
that there are incentives for companies to function proficiently, to preserve low
prices, and higher quality(The Antitrust Laws, 2013). The three essential antitrust,
federal laws The Sherman Act The Sherman Act forbids contracts and sedition in
limitation of trade, monopolization, attempted monopolization, or conspiracy to
monopolize. In1914, the Supreme Court agreed that the Sherman Act does not
exclude every limitation of trade, only those that are perverse. For instance,... Show
more content on ...
The Supreme Court states that all violations of the Sherman Act will correspondingly
violate the Federal Trade Commission Act. However, the FTC does not officially
administer the Sherman Act, they can bring cases under the Federal Trade
Commission Act in contrast to the same class of actions which violates the Sherman
Act. The Federal Trade Commission Act correspondingly, influence additional
practices that harm competition, however, may not fit precisely into particular
classes of conduct officially prohibited by the Sherman Act; only the Federal Trade
Commission can bring cases under the Federal Trade Commission Act (The Antitrust
An Analysis of the Poem A Prayer for My Daughter by...
A Prayer for My Daughter is a poem written by William Butler Yeats in 1919. This
poem is a prayer like poem. And it generally tells about the poet s ideas about his
daughter who is sleeping at the same time while the poem is being told.
Throughout the poem Yeats reflects how he wants his daughter s future to be. This
essay will analyze the poem in three sections: 1 What does this poem mean?, 2 The
poetic devices, imagery, rhyming, figures of speech, used in the poem and mood,
diction, language, and the structure of the poem, 3 An essay in a feminist point of
view titled What does the poet want his daughter to become? . 1 WHAT DOES
THIS POEM MEAN? The poet is watching his infant daughter sleep. In the first
stanza he starts... Show more content on ...
Related with the third stanza, the fourth stanza refers to Helen herself, who being
chosen found life flat and dull, and also to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, who
chose her spouse the cripple, Hephaestus. Helen had much trouble from a fool , the
fool is Menelaus, the husband of Helen, whom she deserted in favor of Paris.
Whereas Aphrodite suffered from being fatherless , hence without a father to guide
her, Yeats intends to be a guiding father to his young daughter. The fifth stanza
describes the quality that Yeats came to see as at the very heart of civilized life:
courtesy. By courtesy he understands a means of being in the world that would
protect the best of human dignity, art and emotion. And in his prayer for his
daughter he wishes that she will learn to survive with grace and dignity in a world
turned horrific. He explains that many men have hopelessly loved beautiful women,
and they thought that the women loved them as well but they did not. In the sixth
stanza he hopes that his daughter will be a flourishing hidden tree , which is not
rebel but kind and happy, but contains her happiness within a particular place. And
additionally he wants his daughter to be not argumentative and aggressive, or
perhaps quite and secure, rooted in one dear perpetual place. When combined with
the previous line, the last line clearly defines his hope fro daughter to live in a
victorious life
How Did Andrew Jackson Remove From The 20 Dollar Bill
Andrew Jackson, should he be worthy to be in our pockets? During his time as
president Andrew Jackson was a controversial man. He did many things that left a
huge impact on this great nation. Jackson was the leader that caused the Trail of
Tears which sent many Native Americans west of the Mississippi River so they
could have a better lifestyle. Jackson did not like the decision of the Supreme
Court which said the Native tribe could stay on their land but Jackson forced them
to leave to the new land that we now call Oklahoma. Jackson should be removed
from the 20 dollar bill because he worked against Congress, he supported only white
men, and he killed the National Bank causing the Panic of 1837.
First, Andrew Jackson should be removed from the 20 dollar bill because he worked
against Congress. According to Occupy Theory article Andrew Jackson Pros and
Cons even though the Supreme court had ruled that the Cherokees had a legal right
to stay on their land in Worcester v. Georgia, he still forced them out of their land.
This action led to the death of over 4,000 Cherokee Indians.This proves that Jackson
removed the Native tribes because he went behind the Supreme Court and sent ...
Show more content on ...
His views which were shared by his supporters, prompted the founding the
Democratic Party. His upbringing and experiences with the rich molded his opinions
on the wealthy and the government. This proves that Andrew Jackson only supported
white men because he made sure that the government only supported white men
known as the common man.Andrew Jackson only supported white men and not other
minorities this shows that this action should cause Andrew Jackson to be removed
from the 20 dollar
When Rabbit Howls Book Report
When Rabbit Howls is the story of a woman named Truddi Chase who suffered
through sexual, physical, and mental abuse during her whole childhood. Although it
is an autobiography, the book is written from a third person point of view. It is
constructed of an array of individual thoughts from the troop , the name of the
collective group of personalities this womanportrays. As explained in the preface by
Chase s psychotherapist, The troop members see and hear each other and carry on
with one another that are real to them (XXII). Because of the things that Truddi went
through, she developed Dissociative Personality Disorder, which was previously
known as Multiple Personality Disorder. The result is the troops experience with Dr.
... Show more content on ...
The memories come back in what they call flicks . A troop member would come
out when prompted by Dr. Phillips to tell a new story of something that had
happened to her. It is through the flicks that the Troop was able to develop their
memories of the beginnings of abuse when she was less than two years old, and
gain an understanding of all of the times that she had been violated by her own
stepfather. Over the course of the book they develop a understanding of the things
that happened to her while she was the victim of constant molestation, when she
had been treated like a sexual object, and when her stepfather committed other
unspeakable acts. This is where the title Troop Member comes from, as she is a
small child who wails like a rabbit whenever flicks of a traumatic event surfaced
she would take hold and cry like the rabbits who her stepfather had abused in front
of her. Once these things had come out, the Troop started making plots for revenge.
Dr. Phillips said that as the sessions went on, recall of the flickers became easier to
achieve, but he wasn t sure what capabilities belonged to her and what belonged to
the troop members

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Essays On Child Labor

  • 1. Essays On Child Labor Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essays on Child Labor" can be a challenging endeavor that requires a delicate balance between emotional sensitivity and factual analysis. Addressing the issue of child labor necessitates thorough research to comprehend the historical, sociological, and economic aspects surrounding it. The writer must navigate through a myriad of perspectives, acknowledging the complexities and cultural nuances that contribute to this global concern. Additionally, an essay on child labor demands a compassionate exploration of the consequences on the lives of the affected children. It requires the writer to delve into the psychological and physical implications, as well as the long-term societal impacts. The process involves handling distressing statistics and heartbreaking stories, requiring a writer to maintain an objective stance while conveying the gravity of the issue. Moreover, an essay on child labor necessitates an exploration of potential solutions and interventions. This requires a thorough understanding of international laws, governmental policies, and the role of NGOs in combating child labor. The writer must critically assess the effectiveness of existing measures and propose informed recommendations for amelioration. Furthermore, the essay should be well-structured, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs that seamlessly flow from one idea to the next, and a conclusion that leaves a lasting impact. The language used should be precise and evocative, striking a balance between academic rigor and accessibility for a broader audience. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of child labor is no small feat. It demands a deep understanding of the issue, emotional intelligence to address its human aspects, and the skill to present a compelling argument for change. It is a task that goes beyond the mere compilation of information, requiring the writer to engage with the subject matter on both an intellectual and empathetic level. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing, various resources are available. Platforms like provide a range of services to aid in the creation of well-researched and finely crafted essays, ensuring that the complexities of topics like child labor are addressed with the depth and nuance they deserve. Essays On Child Labor Essays On Child Labor
  • 2. Analysis Of Jean Valjean s Les Miserables Statement of the Problem Introduction Victor Marie Hugo (1831) once said, He who opens a school door, closes a prison. Such a brilliant reflection from this French poet and dramatist explored an astounding reality of life with one of his best known works, Les Miserables (1862). In this play, Jean Valjean is a prisoner on parole who created a new life for himself with a great deal of time spent exploring the decision that changed his life (Hugo, 2015). Each year, thousands of adults all in the United States go to prison for crimes that may both minor and atrocious. Almost as many incarcerated adults will leave their prison walls to be once again reunited with families and communities that they left behind. While there are some stories of successful reintegration into families and communities, many others fail and end up being re incarcerated, a process known as recidivism. Although there are different factors and accounts for why some ex prisoners succeed and some do not, it is highly believed that a lack of education and serviceable skills that are necessary to the process of prison reduction is one essential element. At present, the federal government and county officials are facing a crisis with their criminal justice systems due to increases in the amount of prisoners and less money being relegated to their upkeep. Lack of education has led to a prison system more focused on optimizing correctional expenditures, particularly those related to incarceration that
  • 3. Dating Research The appropriate age to start dating is always a debate. People have diverse views on the age which someone should date. Dating can be a magnificent social experience, it can also be a negative social experience. A person needs to be mature enough to understand the feelings that go with dating a significant other. Most importantly, the goal is to have fun, find a compatible mate, and keep the heart break to a minimum To begin, each generation had an unlike view on datingand when to start dating. For example, Marcia Cullom a mother, grandmother, and a great grandmother states, Things were different back when I started dating compared to how people date these days (Cullom). When she became a mom of a teenager, one of the biggest questions... Show more content on ... A child s first heartbreak could be very scaring and emotional. When going through a heartbreak at an older age, it is known that they do not last forever and the heart will be healed, but at a younger aged people believe that the hurt and pain is bottomless. Parents need to treat these heartbreaking feelings seriously and be very sensitive when dealing with them. Moms and dads could do a number of things to help their child through heartbreak. First, they could acknowledge that their child is in pain and they will be happy again. Second, they should let their child feel sad and to cry about their break up. Letting them express their feelings is very important because next time they will know it is okay to express their feelings and they should not keep them bottled up. Third, the parent should encourage them to spend time with their friends, but not push them to spend time with their friends. When the child is ready to socialize, they will without hesitation. Lastly, the parent should share a story about their young dating experiences. Sharing these stories shows the child that everyone goes through it, and the heartbreak does not last forever. These helpful ideas could help the child get over their break up and move on to be very happy in no
  • 4. The Impact Of Family Engagement On A Child s Development Family engagement can be defined as a set of activities that help to include families in a child s development such as their cognitive development and overall wellness (HHS ED, 2016). There are many ways to go about family engagement, but Joyce Epstein has created six types of involvement that these activities should revolve around to aid familyengagement. The six types are: parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decisions making, and collaborating with the community. Joyce s framework is a guide for educators to create ways that will allow family engagement in the classroom. This framework helps to create an inclusive environment for all families, which is beneficial for the school, the classroom and the child. After discussing and researching the effects of family engagement on a child, it is clear that having parents involved is overall positive for the child. It is crucial for this involvement to start in the younger years of the child since it has been found that home influences early on effect the development of cognitive, social and emotional needs within a child. Not only is a child s wellbeing influenced by this involvement, but their academics as well. It has been found that involvement enables children to grow solid social skills, better behavior and higher achievement. It not only allows for academic success while in school, but also later on in the child s life such as with employment (Scully, Barbour, Roberts King, 2015). This
  • 5. What Is The Theme Of Lemon Tree The film Lemon Tree directed by Israeli director Eran Riklis, based on prevent the Israel government from cutting lemon trees of Salma. In the film, Salma represent the voice of the oppressed Palestinian people. Eran Riklis demonstrate gender discrimination on individual level in two societies by showing us the struggle of Salma with Palestinetraditions and Mira with her husband, and conflict between Israel and Palestine by symbolize lemon grove as a dispute of between two countries. In history, there was a state of war between Palestine and Israel which started by the foundation of Israel and still continues. It will not be true to talk about peace between two countries. And branch of an olive tree is the symbol of peace. Eran Riklis used... Show more content on ... On interviews he acts like he does not want it but it is necessary for security, but when he talks with his wife, Mira, we can see how hard he wants to get rid of lemon trees. However, Mira does not think like her husband about lemon trees. When she saw the lemon grove, she found it charming. Furthermore, when she heard the plan of cutting trees from her husband, she stared at him and did not say anything. In addition, she said that there must be another solution. Which shows that she does not think like defense minister. (Riklis, 2008) Last but not least, she had an interview with Tamar Gera who is a reporter of a newspaper. She talked about the limitlessness of Israel and when Israel Navon saw the interview of newspaper he went crazy. He immediately called Mira, shouted and swore at her. Even he suppressed Mira s thoughts by blaming newspaper that they distorted what she said. In the movie, Salma and Mira are both oppressed by patriarchal society. Gauntlett states that, in movies women had shown as frightened, weak and victimized. (Gauntlett, 2008, pp 47 50) To start with Salma, she got warned by Abu Camal. He asked about the story that he heard about Salma and the Ziad Daud. Also he warned her about desecrating her late husband s honor. Afterwards, she got warned as the same way by another guy. On the other hand, Israel Navon was dominant over Mira. As she shown as a weak character,
  • 6. An Igbo Folklore That Matter Stories that Matter Maybe if I thought about things differently my life would have been better, but sometimes or even most of times things are just what they are right or wrong. There is an Igbo folklore that I am going to tell you about the tortoise and the birds. Once, there was a feast in the heavens and all the birds were invited, not the tortoise. However, because of the cunning nature of the tortoise, he wanted to go with the birds. But, how was he going to do that? Well, he had to look for a way to fly so he decided to borrow feathers from the birds with the trick that he was going to be their spokesperson. But then, things changed as got they got to heaven. The tortoise told the officials that his name was All of you, so when all the foods and gifts came, the officials said this is for all of you, and the tortoise claimed everything for himself. The birds got so angry they all left him stranded in heaven except for the Parrot. The tortoise sent a message through the Parrot to his family to bring out all the soft things in his house so he could land on them, but the Parrot still enraged told his family otherwise. All the hard things were brought out and the tortoise landed on them, which is the reason why the tortoise has a broken shell today. I was told this story over and over again growing up, and I have lived with it ever since. Do I believe or not? That is for me to answer. Do you believe or not? That is for you to answer. Stories help to keep our minds
  • 7. All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque Essay All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque All Quiet on the Western Front was written in a first person style. The story was told by Paul BaГјmer, a nineteen year old student, convinced to enlist with the German army by his schoolmaster, Kantorek. Along with many of his friends from school, he is trained under Corporal Himmelstoss, a strictly disciplined commander who dislikes Paul because of his defiance. When sent to the front, Paul, along with his other friends, made new friendships that would last throughout time. His newly made friend/commander, was a man named Stanislaus Katczinsky. As a man of forty years of age he was a wise old man as well as a friend to the young eighteen and nineteen year old recruits. ... Show more content on ... One day the French came and began shelling the village. While evacuating Paul and his friend Albert Kropp were injured by gunshot wounds. They were bandaged up and sent on a train back home. This ride home took a turn. When Kropp got a fever he was scheduled to be dropped off at the next stop. In order for Paul to stay with his friend, he had to convince the nurse that he also was sick from infection. After being dropped off they were taken to a Catholic hospital to be treated. After a few weeks Kropp s leg is overcome with infection and is amputated at the thigh. After a few more weeks Paul and Kropp parted, Paul going back to the war and Kropp going home. Returning to the front was hard for Paul. The days were getting cold and one by one he watched his friends die. The hardest loss was that of Kat. After Kat had been shot, Paul had to carry Kat to the nearest dressing station a few miles away. Stopping every few minutes to rest, Paul frequently checked to make sure that Kat, even with his injury, was ok. When at last Paul reached the dressing station the nurse told him that Kat was dead. When Paul checked again a small shell fragment had just penetrated that back of Kat s head. He was still even warm. Kat was the last of Paul s friends to die in the war. Then, in October of 1918, Paul finally fell. The book describes his death as, ...his face had an expression of calm, as though almost glad the end had come. The war ended the next
  • 8. Film Analysis Of Mr Burns Mr. Burns, a Post Electric Play addresses the importance of storytelling and common memory as unifying tools. From fireside tales to grand operas, stories symbolize the preservation and progression of society. Sharing a cultural history establishes bonds that, in a post apocalyptic situation, could be the difference between life and death. In translating the narrative of this production into a film, it is imperative to retain these major themes. Manipulating mise en scene through setting, lighting, and costuming can effectively direct the audiences attention in such a way as to communicate the consolidating impact of entertainment in society. The first aspect of setting to be considered is the choice between making use of existing locales as opposed to constructing settings of one s one, digitally or manually. In Act I, the setting is predominantly tame and subdued. As the playprogresses, however, the sets become exponentially more complicated. Thus, the exposition of the film adaptation should be set in an existing forest, particularly one that is expansive and contains towering trees. A location such as this, alongside the proper manipulation of other variables, would portray the emptiness of the world after experiencing a rapid decrease in population density. Additionally, the towering trees and the frightened, lonely actors beneath would communicate the threat of nature asserting its dominance over humankind. As the film changes settings, they should becoming progressively more elaborate and manufactured in appearance. The stage on which the second act takes place should be filmed in some sort of urban wasteland, such as a desolate parking lot or an empty business office. The found nature of the location solidifies the main characters as a variety of scavengers, and enables the inclusion of low level engineering employed in the play. The props in use should appear as though they were reclaimed from the wreckage, and be slightly exaggerated in color. Lastly, the final act should take place on a stage that is larger than life alongside fantastical contraptions and outrageous colors. This cements not just the ability of the survivors to continue surviving, but also reveals sophistication and the
  • 9. Why Do People Behave The Way They Do n A leaders guide to why people behave the way they do , Clawson points leaders who want to increase their effectiveness at leading through influence to the need to be able to dig deep below the surface of the observable everyday human behaviour in order to understand why people behave the way they do. Clawson argues that it is by paying attention to the human side of individuals people s Values, Attitudes, Beliefs and Expectations (VABEs) which together shape behaviour that gives leaders insights into people s motivations. As VABEs are deeply ingrained and shaped through a combination of our genetic makeup, the experience of how we were nurtured and the beliefs and values that we have picked along life s journey, understanding where
  • 10. Internet Censorship in China Essay FYC Ruoxuan (Catherine) Yuan Internet Censorship has negative effects on China Censorship in China has gained much attention recently because of the conflict between Google and the Chinese government s self censorship policies. In fact, censorship has been practiced since ancient China and the intensity only increases by the years. Nowadays, the most notable measure of censorship is being done on the Internet. More and more restrictions have been put into actions by the Chinese government, which make the life of Chinese Internet users, the Chinese netizens, very inconvenient. With the intensity of censorship increasing and the censoring technology improving, Internet censorship has mainly negative effects on Chinese society. To start ... Show more content on ... A famous example took place in May 2006, when Chinese netizens encountered difficulty connecting to Hotmail, which is an important method to communicate with foreign partners, since it is used all around the world. Also, soon after this event, Chinese netizens again reported that the access to POP mailboxes in many mail providers was difficult. Although Chinese netizens have tried to use blogs and forums to maintain communication, many blogs have been blocked ever since then, including Xanga and the LiveJournal. This makes international cooperation difficult. From this, the efficiency of producing commodities and the quality of the products in China cannot catch up with international standards, thus the Chinese economy suffers. Internet censorship and the requirement of self censorship not only harm the economy inside China, but also are negatively affecting China in aspects of international commercial trade, even as globalization becomes the trend of today s world. Chinese Internet censorship is applied to both directions; not only blocks Chinese Internet users access to certain foreign websites, but also prevents foreigners from knowing the truth about China through refusal of releasing reliable information. So when foreign companies want to enter the Chinese market, they face a serious question: How do you assess an investment opportunity if no reliable information about social tensions, corruption or
  • 11. Unit 1 D2 Evaluate Factors Thar Influence the... Unit 1: Developing effective communication in health and social care D2 Evaluate factors that influence the effectiveness of each interaction. In this piece of coursework I will be analysing and evaluating the factors that influence the effectiveness of each interaction in relation to my work experience in a children s nursery. The individuals preferred language When evaluating factors that influence interactions, in this case the preferred language style was to speak to the nursery children more on their level without using words they don t understand or personal jargon that only I understood. This was a positive influence on communication as I was able to do this effectively as I didn t have to change the language, I just ... Show more content on ... This could have been improved if there was an available room that I could of used to take the children participating in the activity into, were I could carry out the interaction without out distractions. Another way of improving this problem is I could have asked used my group interaction by involving the whole class as the group. This would have made all the children feel involved and no distraction would have been made as all the children would have been part of the group activity. Time This was a positive effect to the communication as I was able to conduct my both interactions within an hour. As the both activities I chose to do were not very long this give more time for communications to tack place between the children and myself. Not only this it helped to relax the situation as I wasn t in a hurry and my attention to the children was a priority instead of concentrating on the time which could have caused a distraction and children not behaving as they wouldn t be interested. Noise This was an negative aspect on the group communication as the noise came from outside of the group from other children within the class room which distracted me from concentrating on my group when listening to feedback and also distracted the children in my group as they were looking round to see
  • 12. Krystall Huffman 22116026 Exam039823 Essay Dermatology Chart Note 1 Yanktonai, Lakota # 765851 May 2, 2015 SUBJECTIVE Patient is a 9 year old adolescent male, presents with a 2 day history of itching encrusted sores especially around the mouth area. Parent is using OTC antibiotic ointment with no improvement, no recent history of fever. Parent states that pat recently visited a petting zoo OBJECTIVE HEENT are basically unrevealing. Temp in the office today is 98.4. The outer area of the mouth extending into the chin reveals macules, vesicles, copious purulent exudate forming honey colored crust on a erythematous base. Skin on trunk, arms and legs is clear. No other symptomology ASSESSMENT Impetigo PLAN 1. Rx for Mupirocin ointment applied to infected area TID. 2. Advised ... Show more content on ... She has been sleeping better and her appetite has improved. She believes the outpatient therapy session have helped her with coping mechanisms. She has been trying to use diaphragmatic breathing techniques to assist her with her anxiety symptoms Objective Vitals Temp: 98.6 P: 83 Res: 18 BP: 126/70 General alert and compliant Effect has improved display of a variety emotional expressions APPEARANCE hygiene appears to be good. No detection of a skin lesions or rash HEART regular rate and rhythm LUNGS clear ASSESMENT Generalized anxiety disorder with mild depression. PLAN Continue Lexapro at 5 mg a dose and Klonopin at 3mg a dose. Continue outpatient counselling. Patient will follow up in 2 weeks or earlier if anxiety symptoms worsen. Milton E. Eisenberg, MD ME:hpi d t 5/4/2015 Psychiatry Consultation Akhtar, Renita M.
  • 13. # 09438 May 4, 2015 CHIEF COMPLAINT This patient has been referred to me by her primary care physician. Patient states she has been suffering from irritability. She states that she has been very irritable for short periods of time. She associates these feelings with her depression. HISTORY PRESENT ILLNESS The patient is a 56 year old female who has recently lost her job and has been financially struggling. She has isolated herself from friends and family members. She claims to be close to her older sister but
  • 14. Connection Log Belland, Glazewski, and Richardon (2011) noticed that most middle school students struggle to support their argument from their found evidence. These researchers looked for ways to help students create scientific arguments based from this evidence. The researchers want to determine if the students used a computer based software called the Connection Log will they be able to build stronger arguments to support their evidence. Connect Log is a database driven website designed to scaffold middle school students creation of evidence based arguments (672). By using Connection Log, students will define the problem, determine needed information, find needed information, organize the information, develop a claim, and link evidence to this claim ... Show more content on ... These classes were located in a low SES community, meaning that half of the student body was eligible to receive free or reduced priced lunches. Students completed the work in their classrooms using laptops provided by the school. The researchers used a mixed method of quantitative and qualitative methods to collect data. Of the four classes, two classes were higher achieving and the other two lower achieving; the researchers used this to their advantage and scaffold one of the higher level classes and one of the lower level classes, but did not scaffold the other two classes. The classes that were scaffold were to use the Connection Log during their unit and the other non scaffold classes were not allowed to use Connection Log. In order to determine what students needed help with the researchers conducted an instructional analysis. Then, the students that were scaffold began creating their argument through Connection Log. Students put the problem in their own words, decide on and record important information, organize this information according to how it affects the stakeholders, presented a possible solution, and lastly compile their relevant data to build their argument. The non scaffold students organized their arguments as the normally
  • 15. Comparing The Open Boat And To Build A Fire The illusion of free will is dominant as a theme in both the The Open Boat by Stephen Crane and To Build a Fire by Jack London, as the characters struggle to stay alive in the face of the unforgiving environment. For instance, in The Open Boat the characters try to fight against the ocean and the environment around them, but they soon realize it is the environment controlling them and their fighting is of no use. In the story To Build a Fire , the main character has allowed his mind to deceive himself as he perceives himself safe in the arctic, but that all changes when the fire goes out and the cold environment absorbs him. However, the difference between the two stories is that the environment in To Build a Fire suppresses the man,... Show more content on ... However, the illusion is far greater in the story To Build a Fire as the character is figuratively absorbed by the environment, while only one of the men die in The Open Boat . Furthermore, the control of the environment on the characters is immense in the story To Build a Fire , He was losing in his battle with the frost. It was creeping into his body from all sides. (1057) The environment literally takes control of the man s fate, while the men in The Open Boat are pushed around a little less dramatically, The wind bore coldness with it, and the men began to shiver. Holy smoke! Said one, allowing his voice to express his impious mood (998). In addition, the tone or mood of both stories differs even they both are controlled by the environment. The tone of To Build a Fire is frightening as the cold arctic air takes hold of the man, A certain fear of death, dull and oppressive came to was a matter of life and death with chances against him (1056). Moreover, the story The Open Boat is slightly less dramatic as all but one man makes it shore safely. Finally, the environment proves that free will is an illusion in both short
  • 16. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Composting Composting is the controlled decompsition of organic materials such as manures and other organic matter. Composting involves a wide variety of physical, chemical, and biological transformations of the feedstock. Mesoorganism like worms and milipeds, can break down larger agggregates of organic matter mostly by mechanical means. Chemical transformations in the compostingprocess are mediated by microorganisms, primarily bacteriaand fungi. The main components of compost are degradation product of plant and body matter. Composting gives many advantages like, keep the proper managemement of animal waste, keep environment clean, and control the pathogen. The quality of the compost is determined by many factors such as pH and moisture. pH is the measure of the acidity or alkalinity or hydrogen ion activity of compost, the scale 7 is considered as a neutral pH. A pH of less than seven means that substance is acidic while a value above seven that it is alkaline. Most finished composts are about to be in neutral pH within range from 6 8. However the initial pH of the manure compost will be more alkaline, with a pH as high as 8.5. Microorganism in compost will grow and multiply within the pH range from 5.5 to 8. The organic acids are formed in the initial stages of the aerobic decomposition process and these acidic conditions favor the growth of fungi ... Show more content on ... Composting organic waste allows for decomposing the organic materials into a more compact form of management (Tognetti et al.,2011). Compost has been used at the household or small farm level for recyling of organic matter and nutrients for thousands of years. Since the late 20th century, more and more large scale composting facilities wre established to manage and recycel organic waste from farm areas. Particularly, in recent years, these composting activities have been viewed as promising efforts to reduce waste streams to landfills and manage waste in a more sustainable
  • 17. Reflective Essay On Service Learning Service learning is always viewed as being something you just have to do. If you want a good grade, then you do it, but you rush through it because you don t appreciate the opportunity. I used to think about it that way because it seemed like it was just wasting my time. However, I ve discovered that the older I get, the more I analyze things, whether it be school work or general life questions. Over the summer, I had an abundance of time to think things through and work out everything in my mind. I believe that service learningcan help you realise your passion as it did with me. I volunteered at Martin Millennium to help clean up their campus and revitalize the Earth on which their school stands. I spread mulch in areas of dry soil and around the playground, so the kids could play without fear of hurting themselves. We spread the mulch around the trees and by the walkways. I volunteered at the Tender Merciespet organization as well. I helped feed the dogs and walk them outside. I did the daily routine of washing food bowls and dog blankets too. During my time volunteering at Tender Mercies, I learned that no matter how many times you think you ve seen it all, you will always find something to amaze you. I ve previously said that over the the summer, I thoughtabout things and sometimes thinking too much can lead to bad things. I don t really know why, but dogs have a way to sense when you re upset and they always make you feel better. I ve learned that happiness is
  • 18. Mark Richt Should Have Been Ejected During The Orange Bowl... Mark Richt Should Have Been Ejected during the Orange Bowl: Here is Why *The follwing rule taken from: 4514 2016 and 2017 ncaa football rules and interpretations updated version with changes 7 19 2017 pdf version only not in print.aspx?CategoryID=0 SectionID=0 ManufacturerID=0 DistributorID=0 GenreID=0 VectorID=0 Article 4. Persons subject to the rules shall not intentionally contact a game official forcibly during the game. PENALTY Unsportsmanlike conduct. Administer as a dead ball foul. 15 yards from the succeeding spot and automatic disqualification. Automatic first down for fouls by Team B if not in conflict with other rules. This is the official rule in question as written in the 2016 and 2017 NCAA Football Rules and Interpretations. If you have been paying attention to the bowl games the last few days, this rule has come up in two key instances. The first was on December 29th in the Music City Bowl featuring Kentucky and Northwestern while the second happened on December 30th in the Orange Bowl between Miami and Wisconsin. Here is what happened, the response dictated by the rules, and how the officials involved should have reacted. Music City Bowl What Happened: Arguably Kentucky s best offensive player, running back Benny Snell, was handed the ball on a running play in the second quarter of the game. Snell was tackled for a loss by numerous Northwestern players who, while not breaking any rules themselves, were pretty rough slamming him to the ground. As Snell was getting up, an official stood over him and reached out both hands towards Snell s upper chest. Snell reached up and grasped the official by the wrists and pushed the official lightly away by shaking his head. A flag was thrown, a 15 yard penalty was enforced, and Snell was ejected from the game. What the Rules Say: According to the rules, the official made the right call. Snell did intentionally contact a game official, and there is also a strong argument that, by pushing the officials hands away, Snell contacted the official forcibly. What Should Have Happened: The official should have realized that Snell was just downright mauled by Northwestern players at the end of a play that lost his team a
  • 19. Calypso Song Analysis The 1940 s was a time of conflict, despair, and hope to everyone who was involved in war of the giants. World War II, as the name states was a conflict on a global scale, with a plethora of nations involved. In addition, many of those nations created pacts of alliances with each other that only complicated the fighting. One of the nations that was involved was the country of Trinidad and Tobago, as a key collaborator with Allies against the Axis of Powers, it provided the area for two US bases (The Roaring Lion). Furthermore, it provided support during the conflict of the Atlantic. During this time the Trinidad and Tobago culture became a receiver of many different inputs, in the matters of all aspects. These new inputs of influences forged the music culture of calypso, the voice of the people in the form of song. Through calypso melodies, the people of Trinidad and Tobago started to tell their views of the world events, and during this time the major event was WWII. By analyzing the lyrics of the Trinidad song that was made in 1943, it can be determined what the current events were at the time and the political opinions of the native people, which was the changing view on the soviet forces of in the war. The lyrics of this calypso song talk about the successful war campaigning of Russia, and as the result of its movement how the view on the country has changed. These lyrics can be translated as the historical point in the war, as the in the year 1943 the Russian forces
  • 20. A New Zealand Department Of Conservation Investigator... A getaway resort designed to be filled with excitement, adventure, and high luxury, the Omarama Mountain Lodge is without a doubt, a very exclusive eco destination specifically catering to the needs of the world s wealthiest people. Due to the chance meeting of a New Zealand Department of Conservation investigator named Peter Slater and the son of a former Indonesian president, the Omarama Mountain Lodge was conceptualized upon the realization that there was potential for a specialty business that could meet the needs of the world s elite. By combining their knowledge and experiences with wealthy travelers, these men were able to carry out such a business in New Zealands South Island. As an eco destination for wealthy vacationers, the Omarama Mountain Lodge promotes a vast array of outdoor activities. As a hunting retreat, the Omarama Mountain Lodge made efficient use of its 28,000 hectares of original farmland, as the location was converted into a big game reserve where deer, elk, and chamois can be hunted and released. In addition, the case makes note that the Omarama Mountain Lodge also offers other alternatives for outdoor leisure such as photographic safaris, horseback riding, golfing, nature walks, and helicopter tours. Of course, all of which are guaranteed to be fulfilled with not only the utmost luxury, also respect to the customer s security and privacy. Considering the very specific niche that Omarama Mountain Lodge fosters, their unambiguous decision on a
  • 21. The Book Harvest Of Empire By Juan Gonzalez Reading Response #1 Megan Wroolie Reading the book Harvest of Empire by Juan Gonzalez, has been very informative to me and has changed my perspective on U.S. foreign policy. Each account of the families from the different Latino countries has similar underlying trends that can be found because of the U.S. involvement in their countries. Every single instance of U.S. involvement in Latin American countries seems to evolve around the idea of greed and profit. The U.S. is like a business that only cares about the income of money and not about the morality of their actions. On top of all the injustice the U.S. government has employed, they don t bother to own up to their mistakes and they tend to sweep their involvement under the rug. For example, the Iran Contra scandal mentioned in the book of the Reagan administration was the result of using drug money from Iran to buy weapons for the Nicaraguan contra rebels against the Sandinista government of Nicaragua. It infuriates me that the U.S. would support a dictator that suppresses the rights of its citizens and all the while they want to take down the established, popular Sandinista government. The U.S. wants to do all this so that the new government will support U.S. interests in Nicaragua. When the scandal was uncovered, all Reagan could say was I m sorry and It won t happen again even though our involvement had the result of many lives lost in that war /rebellion. Unfortunately, this theme did not only occur in Nicaragua
  • 22. Effects Of The Atlantic Slave Trade The effects of the development of the Atlantic Slave Trade had impacted the participating civilizations in 1450 1750. Many slaves were treated brutally. Some countries prospered as others died, and a new source of cheap labor has been found. The demand for cheap labor in 1450 to 1750 has caused economic, social, and political effects on civilizations from Europe, America, and Africa participating in the Atlantic Slave Tradeby causing the downfall of African tribes and race, hardships of surviving slave life and leading European countries to become rich. Between 1450 and 1750 many European countries sought to The New World as a way to make money. In 1796, William Blake, an English poet, painter, and printmaker painted a portrait by the name of Europe Supported by Africa and America. His impulse is opinionated for that he is a white Englishman who believes Europe s wealth came from the Colonies and African Slaves working on the plantations. In the painting Europe Supported by Africa and America he had a Native American women, a white women, and an African women. The white women seems to be resting or held up by the Native American by having her arm around the Native s neck . The African, on the other hand is being held captive by the white woman s grip (Doc #8). This all implies that the white women is slaving and surviving off of the African and Native American women. In history, we know that Natives were captured and used as labor until they died from the diseases brought
  • 23. The Observation Of Elephants What species performs burials, has the ability to cry, and form many complex relationships throughout their lives? Elephants. Since many individuals might have guessed humans or primates first, this one question shows the complexity of this species. Transition This paper tries to answer one main question: How does elephant behavior, both in captive and wild settings, provide data that can lead to evidence based practices for building captive enclosures, daily activities, and help with conservation practices, both in captivity and in the wild. For this discussion, I am going to focus on the family, Elephantidae, as a whole. Though some might argue that the genus Loxodonta (African) and Maximus (Asian) should be analyzed separately, I find the... Show more content on ... It is hard to create and provide hard evidence to support this ideal when there is not a linguistic way to communicate between humans and other species. For the purposes of this discussion I will use Breed and Moore s definition: Cognition is the ability of an animal to separate itself from the moment in which it is living and to contemplate the past, predict the future, and act accordingly (2016). Cognition experiments on elephants did not begin until the late 1950 s, starting with Rensch s study on memory. Since than scientist s have tested/ studied problem solving, rituals, emotions, deception, casual reasoning, tool making, and tool use within elephants with many having positive results (Plotnik et al., 2010). One aspect of cognition that has been tested in many primates in the recent years is the mirror self recognition test; this is considered the basic level of cognition. Plotnik and colleagues completed this test with three female elephants at the Bronx Zoo (2010). This test involves three stages, where each shows a level of recognition. Though none of the elephants passed the mark part of the test, they showed many other characteristics that indicated self recognition (that was in other species like chimpanzees and bottle nose dolphins). However, the discrepancy could be due to the way elephants identify one another: through touch, sounds, and smell, which a mirror cannot replicate (Plotnik et
  • 24. Early Childhood Music Curriculum Early Childhood Music Program By Ifti Azad Nov 11, 2013 Music Together is the leading music curriculum for early learning settings serving children ages birth through seven, offered at thousands of locations around the world. A comprehensive, research based program, Music Together is designed to be easily integrated into any school environment, such as childcare settings, preschools, and public, independent, and faith based schools. The Music Together curriculum is designed to benefit everyone it touches children, families, teachers, and the entire school community. Music Together s primary goal is to support children s music development so they can achieve tonal and rhythmic competence. Yet the rich, play based learning environment created ... Show more content on ... The music specialists initiate the use of the songbooks in class, which enhances the experience of music learning, provides a tool for pre literacy activities, and supports creative storytelling. Once the children have had ample time to become familiar with and use the songbooks in the classroom, they are sent home to enhance the home learning environment and further support family music making. Classroom teachers also receive a teacher edition songbook filled with ideas to support bringing music into the classroom. We are proud that our Family Favorites Songbook for Teachers was honored with the prestigious Association of Educational Publishers Distinguished Achievement Award
  • 25. Essay Porphyria’s Lover and The Laboratory Porphyria s Lover and The Laboratory Porphyria s Lover and The Laboratory both deal with crimes of passion. Explore ways Browning explains ways of obsessive nature of his character and analysis the effects of literary techniques. Porphyria s Lover is a poem about a crime and passion. Porphyria is a young, wealthy girl who seems to have abandoned her family s tradition of choosing wealthy men as lovers. Her lover remains anonymous, this could be because he has murdered her and does not want his name releasing. There is no actual reference as to why he committed this crime we can only make suggestions. Perhaps it was because she would not forsake her affluent companions for him, or because he felt she did not share his ... Show more content on ... All these actions seem to be building up to something, as though trouble lurks in every corner. When she entered she shut out the miserable weather with her She shut the cold out and the storm This is particularly effective because Browning uses monosyllables to enforce its meaning; it is as though as soon as Porphyria enters nothing now matters. She wants to communicate with her lover; she is trying to gain his attention by flirting and teasing him. Browning uses contrasts of colours cheerless grate Blaze up this is predominantly effective because it also personifies the grate. Porphyria realises she is failing to attain his attention and so begins to remove outer garments. This is seductive and erotic; the attire she is wearing is another sign that Porphyria is wealthier than the lover. In the Victorian era cloak , shawl , gloves and hat are all signs of affluence. The lover is watching with resentment as she does this. There is animosity between them, mostly from the lover, and so he ignores her. This leads us to believe that Porphyria has hurt him during their last meeting and makes us curious to know what Porphyria did to deserve his detestation. Yet still she pursues him, she becomes sensual and embraces him And made her smooth white shoulder bare It was a sign of class to have white skin, yet another distinction of wealth. She becomes physical trying to tempt him with seduction. We do not know to
  • 26. Reasons For Choosing Dw Sports My reason for choosing DW Sports is due to that fact that it is an award winning Health club and Retail business across the whole of the UK Northern Ireland. DW Sports also offers a variety of high class products and they are also in conjunction with top brands like Adidas, Nike, Asics, New Balance, Under Armour, Canterbury and many more. DW Sports is serious about becoming the UK s number 1 go to retailer for online sporting goods. My reason for selecting JD Sports is due to the fact that JD Sport has long been established as the leading UK specialised multiple retailer of fashionable branded and own brand sports and casual wear. The group now has over 400 stores and is continuing to grow. Therefore I feel like both websites would be goodto evaluate and in return get ideas of ways to make my website a success when creating it. I will start off by evaluating my first company website which is DW Sports. Firstly I am going to talk about the colour scheme DW Sports have used. The overall colour scheme of the website is red, white and black and these are the colours which are present within the company logo. I personally feel like this was intentional to make their website and their products easily identifiable as their own. I feel like the black background was a good idea as the red compliments it and the writing is white and quite large therefore it stands out and it is clear to read. The overall layout of the whole website I feel is simple while professional looking.
  • 27. Reality Is Seemingly Through Reality Essay What we believe to be impossible to be achieved through reality is often projected in the unconscious. Freud theorized that our minds repressed desires that could summon emotions such as guilt or shame, which could lead to what is called wish fulfillment through dreams, hallucinations, or phases of neurosis. Experiences of intense dream sequences that involve sexual relations with family members, or homicide carried out by the individual or others, are examples of wish fulfillment dreams. Said dreams represent taboos or actions that could result in extreme consequences in reality, so instead, the impulses or yearnings are satisfied within the unconscious where only the individual can truly gain access to. To Freud, the mindwas a part of us suffering from chronic turmoil, with the ego and the superego constantly at war with the ID, where impulses rest. When my dream occurred, the contents, while shocking, did not come as a surprise to me. During that period, my father had been absent from my life for the most part, causing much distress from my family as a whole. I had to withdraw from a university I got accepted into because of financial difficulties, and also pushed back attending community college to work as a hostess in a restaurant to save up for school resources. It wasn t because we didn t have enough, but because I didn t want my family to enter such a state due to my father s inability to separate himself from his gambling addictions. I found myself walking
  • 28. Review Of The Red Hot Chili Peppers By The Way I choose to do a biography on The Red Hot Chili Peppers for a few reasons. The first reason I choose this band is because I was introduced to them by my dad when I found his record collection and he let me listen to them on his record player at his parents house that he kept from college. The second reason is because I have grown up listening to them and felt like this was a good opportunity to learn more about one of my favorite bands. The Red Hot Chili Peppers, formed in Los Angeles in 1983. By 1993 the band was still considered relatively new to commercial fame with only having one hit album at this point. David Thompson, author of Red Hot Chili Peppers By The Way tells us that, In 2003, the Red Hot Chili Peppers are rightly ... Show more content on ... After a world tour, the group went on an extended hiatus. Frusciante announced he was leaving the band in 2009 to focus on his solo career. Klinghoffer, who had worked as a sideman for the band on their Stadium Arcadium tour and on Frusciante s solo projects, replaced him as lead guitarist. The Red Hot Chili Peppers success can be seen in many ways one of which is from the awards they have been nominated for as well as received. They have been nominated for sixteen Grammy Awards and won six of them. They are considered the most successful band in alternative rock radio history currently holding the records for most number one singles, most cumulative weeks at number one and most top ten songs on the Billboard alternative songs chart. In 2012, they were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of
  • 29. Are Humans Are Still Alive Today As a famous evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr once quoted Evolution is as such is no longer a theory for a modern author. It is as much a fact as that the earth revolves around the sun. Evolution is the key to the human race s survival on the earth. The fact that humans have evolved so well has made them able to become the top of the food chain, and to maintain this position must continue to adapt and evolve better and faster than all other species. In opposition to some, most scientists believe that evolutionin humans is still happening today, and is a key element to why humans are still alive today, without modern evolution humans might have died from malnutrition, disease, or just been pushed down to the bottom of the food chain. Modern... Show more content on ... Modern evolution is a very important process for humans to survive. Without modern evolution, humans would not be able to drink and digest milk properly as an adult. Modern evolution has made it possible for humans to outrun many deadly diseases. The question the reader should ask themselves is that if theses evolutions were not made would the human race still be
  • 30. Gun Ownership Should Be Banned Gun ownership should be banned in order to reduce crime rates and ensure the protection of our nation s people. Throughout the United States, gun control has become a controversial issue due to gun advocates strongly believing their 2nd Amendment rights guarantee them legal access to guns. Although gun advocates view gun ownership as self defense, the government and gun control supporters have noticed that legal distribution of guns has been linked to school shootings, homicide, and violent crimes. Furthermore, legal distribution of guns increases the risk of harming innocent people while declining the police s power to establish safety in society. Overall, in order to prevent the destruction of our country, the people must work together to ban gun ownership and ratify the 2nd Amendment rights clarifying its purpose to the public. Gun ownership should be banned to reduce the 100,000 deaths of americans that are shot every year in the United States. Throughout America s history, we have been known as the extremely gun violent country unfit to protect our citizens from danger. The television news reports continue to display the violent crimes and school shootings that has harmed innocent people especially children. When the government allows guns to be legal in the United States, they are giving people the responsibility to use this weapon for self defense purposes and recreational sport such as hunting. However, gun owners have been unable to handle this responsibility
  • 31. William Gates Research Paper (1) William Gates was born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington. Gates father was a lawyer, and his mother served on the board of directors for First Interstate Bancsystem and the United Way. Gates had an older sister and a younger sister, the older sister was Kristianne and his younger sister was Libby. He was the fourth of his name in his family, but he was really known as William Gates III. His family encouraged competition very much, but no matter what, there was always a reward for winning and losing. At 13, he enrolled in a private school called Lakeside School. One of the systems was a PDP 10 which belonged to ComputerCenter Corporation (CCC), which banned four Lakeside students Gates, Paul Allen, Ric Weiland, and Kevin Evans for hacking the computers. The four students offered to find bugs for the CCC s software for computer time. The deal with the CCC continued until 1970, when the company went out of business. Gates graduated from Lakeside School in 1973 and was a National Merit Scholar. He scored 1590 out of 1600 on the SAT and enrolled at Harvard College in the autumn of 1973. While at Harvard, he met Steve Ballmer, who would... Show more content on ... At this point, Gates parents didn t really have to worry about their college dropout, (Gates). In 1980, Microsoft was starting to create languages and other software on the computer for Radio Shack, Commodore, and Apple. Company Revenues were almost $8 million for the year. By 1986, Microsoft was so much closer to Gates vision. Revenues had risen to $100 million, mostly because of MS DOS. On October 28, 1985, Gates had his thirtieth birthday. On this same day Gates made a very important announcement, Microsoft was going to be going fully public. The shares from Microsoft stock were $21 per share on March 13, 1986. By the end of that day, three million shares of Microsoft had been sold. (3) Book: Wizards of
  • 32. Clara Barton Research Paper Clara Barton Clara Barton s real name is Clarissa Harlowe Barton. I chose her is because she is a very strong and independent woman, especially for her time period. She saved many lives and risked her own in doing so. She would go through the battlefields to help save wounded soldiers. At the same time of being strong she was loving and kind. She tried to save lives and she helped to find 22,000 soldiers who were marked missing. She would even write down messages soldiers wished to their families. She took charge on the battlefield and was extremely brave. Clara was born on December 25, 1821, in North Oxford, Massachusetts, on Christmas day. She was raised in North Oxford. She had a mother, father, and four other siblings. She was the youngest child. Her mother s name was Sarah Barton and her fathers was Stephen Barton. Her siblings consisted of two brothers and ... Show more content on ... They were to work sewing garments for pay. When she introduced this system to France she was given an Iron Cross of Merit by the German Emperor. When Barton returned to the United States she settled in Danville, New York. She wrote the founder of the Red Cross and wanted to lead an American Red Cross. When she was fifty six she began her new career. She loved the idea of the Red Cross because it saved people s lives. On the battlefield the Red Crosses women were heroes. In 1881 Barton had started the American Red Cross. She herself was the president. Her efforts brought the U.S to sign the Geneva Convention a year later. In 1882 she traveled to help the wounded from fires in Michigan, and earthquakes in Charleston, South Carolina. Along the Ohio River there were flood victims and she went there to help. She did many other things for those who needed her help. Not because she had to but, because she wanted to and that was the kind of person she was. When the Red Cross had much public pressure and conflict within itself, she decided to resign in
  • 33. Clinical And Metabolic Features Of Non Hiv Related In... We conducted a systematic review to summarize existing data on clinical and metabolic features of non HIV related lipodystrophy in patients with age at onset of lipodystrophy 18 years. This in depth review of 1,141 patients with lipodystrophy is the largest pooled pediatric database, so far reported in literature. We have suggested core and supportive clinical features of four major lipodystrophies (CGL, AGL, FPL and APL) to help clinicians in diagnosis and management decisions (Figure 3). Congenital generalized lipodystrophy is a rare autosomal recessive disorder (38). Several CGL loci have been previously identified, AGPAT2 (CGL type 1), BSCL2 (CGL type 2), CAV1, and PTRF (CGL type 4), with the first two accounting for about 95% of ... Show more content on ... These patients can present with menstrual irregularities, hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovaries. However, reproductive data were available on a limited number of CGL patients. In our review, the core clinical feature of CGL was generalized fat loss noted during first 3 years of life and rarely during early adolescence (47). Supportive features included acromegaloid appearance, hepatomegaly (because of hepatic steatosis) (48), protuberant abdomen (due to organomegaly), and advanced bone age. Onset of DM was during early childhood through adolescence, except in a group of 10 Brazilian CGL patients homozygous for a 1036 bp deletion in the AGPAT2 gene (BSCL1 locus), as described by Gomes et al. (49) and a single patient in the NIH lipodystrophy database (age at onset of DM 34 years). Gomes et al. reported mean age at onset of DM as 25.67 В± 11.25 years in AGPAT2 group compared to 11.93 В± 8.29 years in BSCL2 (669insA Seipin) group (p=0.007) (49). Diabetes mellitus in CGL was ketosis resistant, with higher insulin levels and higher insulin resistance reported in BSCL2 than in AGPAT2 patients (49). Acquired generalized lipodystrophy was characterized by female predominance. Patients with AGL had normal fat distribution at birth, however developed generalized loss of subcutaneous adipose tissue during childhood or puberty. Preceding infectious illnesses including Neisseria meningitidis, measles, varicella and mumps (3,50,51) were associated
  • 34. Morrie s Influence On My Life Someone is going to wipe my ass We also spoke about the afterlife. Morrie couldn t walk, eat, go to toilet by himself. I have never imagined being dependency on other people. Personally, I would feel shameful if I can t do anything by myself but for Morrie, he is embracing his own health and death. I couldn t say anything because I don t even know when I am going to die. October 18, 1995 Third visit of Nightline Six months have passed since the first meet with Morrie and I assume that this is going to be the last. Morrie is becoming weaker than I met at the first time and he was having hard time to speak but we still continued to interview. I should have done something so that I can help him but I didn t know what to do but the good thing
  • 35. The Ecology Of Commerce By Environmentalist Paul Hawken Part I: Introduction The Ecology of Commerce, written by Environmentalist Paul Hawken, is an insightful, although daunting, look into economic and corporate sustainability. The first rule of sustainability is to align with natural forces, or at least not try to defy them . This quote, spoken by Paul Hawken himself, is a perfect demonstration of the major theme he carefully analyzes within the book. Economics and the environment are two words that you often don t see in the same sentence, despite the fact that the influence economics has contributes to the deterioration of our environment gravely. Part II: Background and Thesis Paul Hawken studies the many faults of the economic practices we adhere to globally. Whether or not we agree with his beliefs is a decision we as readers need to make. While an understanding of the environmental impacts is evident, as well as the biological changes it has put forth on humans, I question if individual change really makes a difference to the environment and the overall way the economy works. Hawken demonstrates a clear explanation to back up his statement of absolute resource destruction, but I believe he underestimates the change that may need to be done. I strongly believe we have reached a point in time where individual change is inadmissible, and in order to save our planet, large corporations and their accountability should be questioned. A world without sustainability, or more importantly a world without economic integrity,
  • 36. The Court Of The Supreme Court Supreme Court The Supreme Court is the only court explicitly established by the U.S. Constitution and it is the uppermost federal court of United States. The Supreme Court stands as a guardian of constitutional liberties and the final and concluding arbiter of the law. The Supreme Court is also the final interpreter of federal Constitutional Law. The Supreme Court is the last and final authority in deciding all cases and appeals which involve laws made by Congress under Constitution. The Supreme Court can only adjudicate a bill or an act. It cannot initiate it. The Supreme Court has deciding power whether an act passed by Congress is Constitutional or unconstitutional. Although the Constitution establishes the Supreme Court and places it at the head of federal judicial system in U.S., it permits Congress to decide how to organize it. At establishment, six justices were appointed as Supreme Court justices. As the time passed, the number was increased to ten and then decreased to nine (The Supreme Court in the American System, 2013). At present, the justices of Supreme Court consist of eight associate justices and the Chief Justice of United States, nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. To maintain the independence of the judiciary and to protect it from the influence of political branches of government, the justices of Supreme Court hold their office for entire life and their salaries cannot be decreased during their term. Federal judges may be vanished from
  • 37. Engelsk1 Child raising Engelsk 1 1) The first texts is about a very strict Chinese mother of her 18 year old girl. The essay is written by the mother s 18 year old daughter because her mother published an essay called Battel Hymn of the Tiger Mother . This essay got many negative responses from the readers and the daughter explains her childhood for the readers of The Wall Street Journal . In the essay Sofia, the daughter of the Tiger Mother, tells about how her strict mother handled her as a child and how Chinese parents raise such stereotypically successful kids . This Chinese mother raised Sophia this way; if Sophia didn t do her best her mother would say it to her. As an example, Sophia writes in the text that once she gave her... Show more content on ... He prove a point by saying that school, parents and society wants to create these perfect wonder kids, but not every child fit insides this box of school and perfection. He think that children should be allowed to play, have fun and create the person they want to be. 2) In the third texts, Neill tells the readers how the importins of learning isn t for everyone. He is given the reader an example on this when he tells about a ballet boy. This boy is very talented, but in school, not so much. Neill explains in the texts that he think learning should come after playing, he make the reader understand that you don t haft to be smart to prove a point or make your dreams come true in this world. Neill uses a lot of we he talks with the readers, not to the readers. He appeals to logos which you can see when he talks about the ballet boy. 3) I would say I agree with A.S. Neill. I think that children should be allowed to have fun, of course, kids should have some responsibility but you are only a kid once and that time never comes back. Many children these days are buried to their neck in homework, chores and parents blowing in the back of their heads with expectations and rules. I have always been one of the outdoor kids. Always hated school and the teacher who made me sit still. The only thing I looked forward to in school was the breaks, which always seemed to short. So many kids walk to school every day, feeling their life are passing by and they can t
  • 38. Child Pageants In modern day society, people often tune into TLC s hit show Toddlers in Tiaras. Most see it as a harmless pastime for the children, but child beauty pageants are far from harmless. In recent years, child beauty pageants have become increasingly popular all over the U.S, making it a 5 billion dollar industry. Almost 5,000 pageants are held with 250,000 children participating with the majority of the contestants under the age of twelve ( Child beauty Pageants ). Unfortunately, what most viewers do not realize is that many contestants will suffer from sexual abuse and eating disorders by the time they are teenagers. With that being said, beauty pageants have a negative impact on female adolescents. First, child beauty pageants can have major... Show more content on ... As mentioned previously, child beauty queens are often found with makeup, and outfits that are to seductive for young children. As well as this, children may also be posed in semi sexulaized positions for photoshoots. Due to this, many child predators are using that as an excuse, as Elizabeth Day writes, We do know that predators or paedophiles continually tend to justify their interest in children by saying children are sexual beings. That children are now given a channel to become little Lolitas, to be portrayed as older, to almost become mini adults these are all trends that give legitimacy to that kind of thinking (Day). Because of some of the clothing that parents are allowing their children to wear, predictors are using it as an excuse for their interest in young children. Unfortunately, in worst case scenario, the public may end up with a case like Jonbenet Ramsey s. In an article, Billy Reed mentions Jonbenet Ramsey, a six year old beauty queen who was found sexually assaulted and murdered in the basement of her home in 1996 (Reed). Many have claimed that her assault had a connection to the pageants. While it is a likely possibility, the case remains closed to this day, so no one will know. Even while still alive, Jonbenet did not have a childhood. She often participated in competitions that forced children children to
  • 39. Adolescent Runaways Essay Adolescence is considered to be one of the most profound points in someone s life. Considering all the dilemmas and issues young adults face during adolescence, adolescence is often a pivotal point in one s life; it is a period of time in which people generally show growth and maturity or lack thereof. In the words of Jeffrey Kluger, There s only one thing harder than living in a home with an adolescent and that s being an adolescent. The moodiness, the volatility, the wholesale lack of impulse control, all would be close to clinical conditions if they occurred at another point in life. In adolescence, they re just part of the behavioral portfolio. In brief, adolense presents a wide array of issues, and these issues help determine who... Show more content on ... Similarly, teenagers may run away from home due to psychologically damaging situations at school. A teenager may run away to avoid circumstances, such as bullying, humiliation, or because he or she does not feel like he or she fits in. Notoriously, psychologically damaged teenagers have been known to shoot and kill students at the school he or she attended, but generally most psychologically damaged teenagers tend to cope with a less violent method such as running away from home. Teenagers tend to make irrational exaggerated decisions due to the immaturity of the prefrontal cortex, which is a part of the brain responsible for intricate behaviors such as planning and being rational. According to the National Safe Place, 20% of adolescent runways have picked up a drug abuse issue. Additionally, substance abuse may be an issue causing adolescent runaways or simply an issue in conjunction with pre existing ones. Seldom does an adolescent with healthy relationships seek out mind altering drugs, and drug abuse patterns are less common.Moreover, abusing drugs may become a reason or lead to a reason an adolescent runs away; running away may allow adolescents to hide or continue their drug abuse issues. Parents need to become and remain more vigilant about issues their child may be going through in order to be able to take preventative measures to ensure a healthier and happier child. Despite the majority of adolescent runaways trying to escape a harmful
  • 40. The Simpsons Worst Running Tv Series Of All Time One of the longest running TV series of all time is the Simpsons. The Simpsons is an animated sitcom that uses satire to depict the average American family. The Simpson Family consists of Homer (father), Marge (mother), Bart (son), Lisa (daughter), and Maggie (baby). In 2007 The Simpsons hit the big screen. This major motion picture about Springfield, the home of the Simpson Family, and has just about everything possibly imaginable. Springfield however has a very large problem, they pollute like no other place in the United States. It was not until Lisa Simpsonproved to the town how polluted the local lake was that change was instituted. After Lisa saves the lake the city institutes wide spread trash and recycling procedures. However Homer doesn t want to wait in one of the lines and instead dumps his trash in the lake. This is the straw that broke the camel s back because after this the lake became toxic. At this point the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) steps in and with the authorization of the President. Springfield becomes encapsulated in a large dome. At this point it becomes a life or death situation. The Simpsonsthen manage to escape and go on a wild journey. Only to eventually get caught. Once the Simpsons are returned to the dome, a massive bomb is placed in an effort to prevent Springfield from further pollution. (The Simpsons Movie). The looming threat that in a short matter of time everyone could be dead. It is at this point that Terror Management
  • 41. Asserting Your Independence by Testing The Boundaries of... caught in their own individual marital obligations to people other than themselves. The passion they have for each other, though, overtakes any kind of desire to stay committed to their spouses with minimal regrets as the story progresses. A great majority of the narrative in the The Storm implies that testing ones boundaries in human sexualityis one of the more passionate forms of asserting one s own independence. This approach greatly contradicts the opposing beliefs of traditional cultures that have an extreme disapproval of any kind of experimentation or heavy passion outside of one s own marriage. Despite the fact that extra marital activities such as the ones that occurred between Calixta and Alcee were widely prohibited at that... Show more content on ... Being alone with this prior lover, though, brought back that longing for him and it was stronger than ever before. There was something she had with Alcee that was not present in her relationship with Bobinot. She loved him, but one thing was missing that she at the time could not put her finger on. It was passion. The zeal she shared with Alcee overtook her and she was the first one to initiate the situation that her and Alcee found themselves in when ... she [Calixta] rolled up a piece of bagging and Alcee helped her to thrust it beneath the crack (532). As with the rest of the story, the imagery in this quote is extremely sexual. Calixta knew what she wanted and she was anything but shy in going out of her way to get it. Alcee may not have been aware at first, but as he helped her thrust the bagging under the door to keep out the storm brewing outside, he was also aiding in keeping in the other obvious storm about to erupt inside. Alcee started feeling the tension soon enough though and he began noticing every beautiful physical aspect of Calixta possible. It may not have been intentional, but Alcee himself did not have the power inside of him to stop it, nor did he even want to stop it. In describing the way Alcee had started viewing Calixta, Chopin wrote: Her lips were as red and moist as pomegranate seed. Her white neck and a glimpse of her full, firm bosom disturbed him powerfully. As she glanced up at him the fear in her liquid blue eyes had
  • 42. The Pros And Cons Of Antitrust Laws The first antitrust law was passed in 1890 by Congress called, the Sherman Act. It was a wide ranging charter of economic liberty designed to preserve unrestricted competition within the rule of trade. Congress then passed two additional antitrust laws in 1914, called the Federal Trade Commission Act that formed the FTC, and the Clayton Act. These would be the three essential antitrust, federal laws that are still in effect today (The Antitrust Laws, 2013). Antitrust laws prohibit illegal mergers and business practices, which leaves the court of law to resolve which laws were broken based on the case facts. Antitrust laws have the same straightforward objective and that is to protect the progression of competition to benefit consumers, in making sure that there are incentives for companies to function proficiently, to preserve low prices, and higher quality(The Antitrust Laws, 2013). The three essential antitrust, federal laws The Sherman Act The Sherman Act forbids contracts and sedition in limitation of trade, monopolization, attempted monopolization, or conspiracy to monopolize. In1914, the Supreme Court agreed that the Sherman Act does not exclude every limitation of trade, only those that are perverse. For instance,... Show more content on ... The Supreme Court states that all violations of the Sherman Act will correspondingly violate the Federal Trade Commission Act. However, the FTC does not officially administer the Sherman Act, they can bring cases under the Federal Trade Commission Act in contrast to the same class of actions which violates the Sherman Act. The Federal Trade Commission Act correspondingly, influence additional practices that harm competition, however, may not fit precisely into particular classes of conduct officially prohibited by the Sherman Act; only the Federal Trade Commission can bring cases under the Federal Trade Commission Act (The Antitrust Laws,
  • 43. An Analysis of the Poem A Prayer for My Daughter by... A Prayer for My Daughter is a poem written by William Butler Yeats in 1919. This poem is a prayer like poem. And it generally tells about the poet s ideas about his daughter who is sleeping at the same time while the poem is being told. Throughout the poem Yeats reflects how he wants his daughter s future to be. This essay will analyze the poem in three sections: 1 What does this poem mean?, 2 The poetic devices, imagery, rhyming, figures of speech, used in the poem and mood, diction, language, and the structure of the poem, 3 An essay in a feminist point of view titled What does the poet want his daughter to become? . 1 WHAT DOES THIS POEM MEAN? The poet is watching his infant daughter sleep. In the first stanza he starts... Show more content on ... Related with the third stanza, the fourth stanza refers to Helen herself, who being chosen found life flat and dull, and also to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, who chose her spouse the cripple, Hephaestus. Helen had much trouble from a fool , the fool is Menelaus, the husband of Helen, whom she deserted in favor of Paris. Whereas Aphrodite suffered from being fatherless , hence without a father to guide her, Yeats intends to be a guiding father to his young daughter. The fifth stanza describes the quality that Yeats came to see as at the very heart of civilized life: courtesy. By courtesy he understands a means of being in the world that would protect the best of human dignity, art and emotion. And in his prayer for his daughter he wishes that she will learn to survive with grace and dignity in a world turned horrific. He explains that many men have hopelessly loved beautiful women, and they thought that the women loved them as well but they did not. In the sixth stanza he hopes that his daughter will be a flourishing hidden tree , which is not rebel but kind and happy, but contains her happiness within a particular place. And additionally he wants his daughter to be not argumentative and aggressive, or perhaps quite and secure, rooted in one dear perpetual place. When combined with the previous line, the last line clearly defines his hope fro daughter to live in a victorious life
  • 44. How Did Andrew Jackson Remove From The 20 Dollar Bill Andrew Jackson, should he be worthy to be in our pockets? During his time as president Andrew Jackson was a controversial man. He did many things that left a huge impact on this great nation. Jackson was the leader that caused the Trail of Tears which sent many Native Americans west of the Mississippi River so they could have a better lifestyle. Jackson did not like the decision of the Supreme Court which said the Native tribe could stay on their land but Jackson forced them to leave to the new land that we now call Oklahoma. Jackson should be removed from the 20 dollar bill because he worked against Congress, he supported only white men, and he killed the National Bank causing the Panic of 1837. First, Andrew Jackson should be removed from the 20 dollar bill because he worked against Congress. According to Occupy Theory article Andrew Jackson Pros and Cons even though the Supreme court had ruled that the Cherokees had a legal right to stay on their land in Worcester v. Georgia, he still forced them out of their land. This action led to the death of over 4,000 Cherokee Indians.This proves that Jackson removed the Native tribes because he went behind the Supreme Court and sent ... Show more content on ... His views which were shared by his supporters, prompted the founding the Democratic Party. His upbringing and experiences with the rich molded his opinions on the wealthy and the government. This proves that Andrew Jackson only supported white men because he made sure that the government only supported white men known as the common man.Andrew Jackson only supported white men and not other minorities this shows that this action should cause Andrew Jackson to be removed from the 20 dollar
  • 45. When Rabbit Howls Book Report When Rabbit Howls is the story of a woman named Truddi Chase who suffered through sexual, physical, and mental abuse during her whole childhood. Although it is an autobiography, the book is written from a third person point of view. It is constructed of an array of individual thoughts from the troop , the name of the collective group of personalities this womanportrays. As explained in the preface by Chase s psychotherapist, The troop members see and hear each other and carry on with one another that are real to them (XXII). Because of the things that Truddi went through, she developed Dissociative Personality Disorder, which was previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder. The result is the troops experience with Dr. ... Show more content on ... The memories come back in what they call flicks . A troop member would come out when prompted by Dr. Phillips to tell a new story of something that had happened to her. It is through the flicks that the Troop was able to develop their memories of the beginnings of abuse when she was less than two years old, and gain an understanding of all of the times that she had been violated by her own stepfather. Over the course of the book they develop a understanding of the things that happened to her while she was the victim of constant molestation, when she had been treated like a sexual object, and when her stepfather committed other unspeakable acts. This is where the title Troop Member comes from, as she is a small child who wails like a rabbit whenever flicks of a traumatic event surfaced she would take hold and cry like the rabbits who her stepfather had abused in front of her. Once these things had come out, the Troop started making plots for revenge. Dr. Phillips said that as the sessions went on, recall of the flickers became easier to achieve, but he wasn t sure what capabilities belonged to her and what belonged to the troop members