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Example Of A Satirical Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Example of a Satirical Essay" can be both challenging and
rewarding. Satirical essays require a keen understanding of the nuances of humor, irony, and wit,
as they aim to criticize or mock a particular subject or societal issue. The difficulty lies in striking
the right balance between clever satire and avoiding potential misinterpretations.
Firstly, you need to grasp the art of satire itself. This involves not only identifying the target of
your critique but also presenting it in a way that amuses and enlightens the reader. Finding the
perfect tone that conveys your message without being overly offensive or too subtle is a delicate
Moreover, you'll need to conduct thorough research on your chosen subject to pinpoint its
absurdities or inconsistencies. This demands a significant investment of time and effort, as a
well-informed satirical essay is more likely to resonate with the audience.
Structuring the essay is another challenge. You must carefully organize your thoughts to build a
coherent narrative that guides the reader through the satire. A clear introduction, well-developed
body paragraphs, and a strong conclusion are essential to deliver your message effectively.
Finally, polishing the language and ensuring the essay remains engaging is crucial. A satirical
essay that lacks humor or fails to captivate the audience might miss its mark. Therefore, refining
your writing style and incorporating witty elements is vital.
In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of a satirical essay requires a combination of wit,
research, and careful consideration of tone. The process demands a level of creativity and critical
thinking that can be intellectually stimulating, albeit challenging. If you find yourself struggling,
remember that assistance is available, and you can explore similar essays and more on to gain valuable insights and support.
Example Of A Satirical EssayExample Of A Satirical Essay
Major Forces That Are Leading International Firms Essay
There are five major forces that are leading international firms to the globalization of
their operations which includes (1) political (2) technological (3) market (4) cost and
(5) competition. Many firms initiate international operations to gain assess by
combined markets through exporting product or producing within the area.
According to (Ball, 2011) today s technology has allowed an advance in computers,
communication and an increase flow of ideas. Through the internet and networks
small companies can compete globally.
Companies use foreign countries to establish a business to avoid having their
competition take their business. With the majority of the population being in foreign
countries, outsourcing helps to generate growth.
Management utilizes lower cost by moving production lines to foreign countries
because the labor is cheaper, and can also lower other parts of a company value
chain. There is a reduction in the cost of generating and transmitting information as
well as a decline in transportation cost.
Competition is increasing because of growth in automobiles, computers, and
electronics. Firms are also defending their home markets from foreign competitors by
entering into foreign markets.
There are a number of reasons why a manager may not be able to successfully apply
the specific techniques and concepts learned in his/ her country in other areas of the
world. Each country has its own values, cultures and ethical
What Is The Impact Of Technology On The Great Plains
The Impact of Technology Emerging technologies affected lives of many people on
the Great Plains frontier, ones that were already living there, and others that would
eventually migrate there. Technology increased the Plains goods being produced,
made life easier, and brought our country closer together. Although there are some
disagreements, I believe that commercialization and technology was a benefit for
most westerner in the late nineteenth century.
Before technological advancements were brought to the Great Plains frontier farmers
would over look the land, because it had a very little amount of trees and the ground
was hard, and go towards the Oregon area. But after the technology evolved, it made
it possible to actually farm, and ... Show more content on ...
The herds of bison almost became desolate, the farmers were also plowing the natural
gross for their crops, and the cattle business became more important because the
railroad could transport them easier.
The lives of the native Americans that had already been living on the Great Plains
frontier had been affected drastically. Most people really only hear about battles
like Custer s last stand, and geronimo. What we don t read in our textbooks is how
they were treated. They had been pushed out of their land and were mostly confined
to reservations, mostly areas that the white didn t feel were very good. They also
were given rations on the reservation, that Americans only had to do in hard times
such as war.
Emerging technologies affected lives of many people on the Great Plains frontier,
But not only theirs, but mine also. If we had not had little technology advancements
we would not be where we are at today. The technology in the late nineteenth century
increased goods being produced, made life more comfortable, and connected our
country. The benefits of these things not only benefitted them but evolved into better
things now. I am grateful for the effect it has played on our nation and and will
continue to centuries to
American Eagles Swot Analysis
American Eagle Outfitters
Company Overview According to the MarketLine analysis (2016), American Eagle
Outfitters, Inc. (AEO) was founded in 1977 by a company called Retail Ventures
originally named Silvermans Menswear, Inc. When AEO was launched in 1977, it
was part of the Silvermans Menswear, Inc. The two brothers that were part of the
founding of American Eagle, Jerry and Mark Silverman, decided that they needed to
continue growing their company by opening more than one store. They opened the
first American Eagle store in 1977 and sold brand name apparel, shoes, and
accessories for men and women (American Eagle Outfitters). A few years later in
1980, due to some financial troubles, Retail Venturessold 50% of the company to the
Schottenstein family who would then have full ownership of the company by 1991
(2016). After the purchase of the company in full by the Schottensteins, Retail
Ventures launched three more chains of stores similar to the model of... Show more
content on ...
Some of these strengths include great core values, their human and social capital, they
carry a wide variety of products that have a strong brand name, and their expansion
through global expansion and investment. AEO has created a unique global company
culture based on their core values. These core values are: People, Integrity, Passion,
Innovation, and Teamwork. With these values for the company, it has helped shape
their brands identity. With a driven team of employees that are part of the same
demographic as their customers, it really helps make the AEO stores very welcoming
and inviting to customers (Job Opportunities). Unlike competitors such as Hollister or
Abercrombie Fitch that have dark lighting and smaller stores, American Eagle has a
bright fun vibe when you walk in. This draws in more customers because it helps
them feel less intimidated by the store or even the
Art Student At The Brunel University Of London England
ou were finally here, LONDON. You were a art student at the Brunel University of
London England. Classes were enjoyable but after a while you thought it would be
best to get your own place. Stop lynching off your parents and all. So you got this
small comfy apartment that is near the Fray s river, which was also close to your
university. They were ecstatic to say the least, you getting a place to live meant
more time for themselves. They were getting older and having there children there
limited things they could do. They still helped you find this place though. So they
aren t wanting you completely gone from there live. For rent, your parents are
paying half until you can balance off your part time job at a small cafe. Which is
only a... Show more content on ...
Sliding out of the amazing warmth that is your sheets. You walked over to your
wardrobe and pick out your outfit for the day. Deciding on a white blouse and
black skinny jeans. You walk into the kitchen making waffles for breakfast. It wasn
t too challenging to make. Your best friend Laura had showed you a while back
how to make waffles and you have enjoyed making them. Even though some tested
your patience You had grabbed toppings for the now done waffles. Eating them as
fast as you cook due to you having to leave for work in a few minutes. Finishing
your waffles you have to get to the train in 15 minutes. You went to the entryway of
the small apartment, grabbing some black pumps and walk out. Making in to the
cafe you went behind the counter. You luckily made it before any serious traffic
came. You grabbed your apron writing pad and pen. (y/n) can you wash the counter
and the tables? you hear a call from the kitchen. Sure You shout back going into the
counter for a rag and cleaner. You had cleaned most of the tables before you hear
the bell ringing signaling someone came in. Looking up your eyes met with
beautiful emerald eyes, with bushy eyebrows. and a short mop of dirty blonde
hair. To say he was unattractive would be a lie. You got tea? um yeah we have tea
You said looking down at the table which you were washing good, earl gray please
He says sitting down at the table you just washed and opened up a book
Impeachments To Become President Essay
The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.
This one sentence took our founding fathers eleven days to write. It states that all the
power will be bestowed upon the President of the United States.
Article two of the constitution is devoted to the presidency, his roles, and terms of
impeachment if necessary. Article two, Section one is all about the requirements of
becoming president. In the U.S. we follow the rule of jus soli, meaning a person must
be a natural born citizen of the United States, and he must be at least thirty five years
old, and be a resident of the U.S. for at least fourteen years. Also, section one states
that one presidency term is four years long. Stating all the requirements is important
to set prerequisites to become president. The president should be very
knowledgeable and wise not an eighteen year old with a high school diploma.
Succeeding Section one, Section two is about the congressional roles of the
president. The president has civilian power over military, cabinet, pardon power, and
appointments. This means that the president is Commander in Chief of the Army and
Navy of the U.S., he is the Chief Executive, he is the Chief Administrator, and he can
appoint members of the cabinet and supreme court, then Senate has to approve it.
Section two acts similar to a job title; ... Show more content on ...
Barber. He said there were four types of presidents: active positive, active negative,
passive positive, and passive negative. An active positive president is active by
being confident and has the desire to accomplish thing, and is positive by reaching
a broad audience. Next, an active negative president is confident yet seeking to help
a narrow group of people. Then, a passive positive president follows their duties
listed in the constitution and reaches a big group of people. Finally, a passive
negative president follows the constitution closely and has a narrow
Essay On Strike
Do you every get star struck? If yes with who?
I did get sratr strucked onece, I was hosting on a red carpet on a film that was
coming out that had Leonardo DiCaprio in it and Leo was coming the carpet and I
got to interview him and I was blown away. He just has this light arounfd him that
is so special and that pretty much the only time that really ever happened, because I
ve worked with Byonce, Jennifer lopex, Ive worked with a lot of top starsand I just
trat them like the humanbeigns that they are and I don t get start struck for them, but
for some reason Leonardo dicraprio that was just a difrfrent story all together. And of
course I held it togerther but ai had just a big smile in my heart that I know was star
struck at that point. ... Show more content on ...
So the stunts that they are asking me to do are the stunts they know I can handle. So
I have yet to question any stunts so anything that I can do those coordinators know
that I can do. So this weekend I m actrually doing in higfall traing. I will jumping off
of big mats. So I haven t question any of them yet, but that s an excellent excellent
What has been the worse injury you ve received while working? Most fun stunt you
ve experienced?
I have never hurt myself during stunts thank goodness and I say that knowing that
there is always a possibility getting hurt. So I say that and am grateful not being hurt
during a stunt. The worse I got was someone stabbed me in the eye with a wooden
sword and I have a little dot by my eye, so that s the worse I ve ever gotten. The
most fun stunt was when I got to fight on Blind spot fighting with Rhonda Rhosy,
that was prison fight was really cool and I m hoping to get more work with them.
If I ever needed to, how would I jump off a building to escape?
You don t unless you really really had to, it takes proper training. You can fall on
your head or really injur yourself. So don t do that mama. What I suggest is for
emergencies is to get one of those protable laddrs that are inexpesvier and you can
use it to climb out of a two story window.
Are you working on any new projects that we should look out for?
Yes I am I m working on two scenes right now but they wont be out for a little while.
One is
The Core Values Of Social Work
Statement of Purpose
Social work concentrates not only on the wellbeing of society, but also the welfare of
individuals, families, groups, and communities. Social work is a critical tool in
acknowledging national controversial issues such as transparency in the government
but can also address local concerns, like gang related activity within a community. It
means seeing issues affecting daily lives and taking the initiative to enact a solution.
Social work encompasses many facets such as community development, program
development, public policy, intervention, and direct one on one communication. The
core values of social work for me include the overall well being of society, social
justice for all, equality, and dignity among individuals. ... Show more content on ...
Not long after, they enrolled her in school and extracurricular activities. She was
getting the love and support as a young girl should, and she recognized it. She
even said to me one day, Ashley, I m so lucky now. I knew she was comparing her
new opportunity to her old situation. As the school year went on, she formed a
close bond with her foster brother and they even began to refer to each other as
sibling. I witnessed the familial love grow organically between the family and
Chelsea. After two years of being considered a foster child, the family was finally
able to legally adopt Chelsea. The adoption day was incredibly meaningful to the
whole family. Chelsea had a new last name and the family officially had a new
daughter/sister. Working with Chelsea and the family, completely changed my views
of the foster care and adoption system. I learned that children could grow to love
their adoptive parents as their own, and vice versa. The experience can both be
appreciative and enlightening for everyone involved.
After college, I searched for a career in which I could continue to help children.
Luckily, I was offered a position in the finance department at the Children s Institute,
Inc. (CII). I would be indirectly helping children, but nonetheless contributing. The
Children s Institute, Inc. is a non profit organization focusing on comprehensive
social services for infants, children, youth and the whole entire family. CII
Criminal Justice System
A number of people do not know how the criminal justice system functions. Their
assumptions of how it may, how it may work is shaped by the way that the media
along with reality based television shows portray the justice system and the crimes
involved in the episodes. These programs show real events that have or had happened
during the arrests of crimes or the first step that an individual takes when entering the
criminal justicesystem. A number of different programs focus on one type of crime
while others show quite a variety of different ones, but they are all tied into an
individual being inducted into the justice system.
After watching a handful of reality based television shows I can say the gender and
race of the majority of the ... Show more content on ...
In the program of the First 48, they mostly focused on Homicide cases as compared
to Cops that portrayed crimes such as patrolling streets for car thieves, drugs,
stolen cars, hit and runs along with a number of other crimes. Furthermore, as for
the program, FBI Takedown was more focused on terrorist attacks, heists,
kidnappings and so forth. In other words, they focused on the extreme or life
threatening crimes. There was really no predominant crime that was present in all
of these shows, but shows like the First 48, Dateline NBC and Crime Watch Daily
predominant crime was murder/homicides. According to CBS News, In America s
urban centers, 3,081 people were murdered in the first half of 2017, according to
the Major Cities Chiefs Association Violent Crimes Survey. That s up from 2,994
people for the same period in 2016. This may be a reason behind the number of
programs that are focusing on this specific crime and showing it to the
Letter To The Book Of Ephesians
I chose the book of Ephesians because It s my favorite book. From chapter one
straight through until the end, it is inspirational and encouraging. The book of
Ephesians was penned by Paul the apostle, while he was imprisoned. This letter was
written to the church in Ephesus. Ephesus is located in the western Asia Minor at
the mouth of the Caster River, an important Seaport (HCSB, 2010). The message of
this letter is so powerful. Paul opens this book by encouraging the audience to give
thanks for the amazing work of the cross and all the blessings that entail the work of
the cross upon reception of Christ. Paul encourages the unite created by God known
as family; solidifying humanity, both Jew and Gentile. Teachings of church maturity
... Show more content on ...
The biblical city of Ephesus, is located as mentioned prior in the western Asia Minor
at the mouth of the Cayster River as seen in the map to the left. The great location
for the city of Ephesus made it a crucial seaport and a central location for
commercial growth. At the time of the Apostle Paul the city of Ephesus was said to
be the fourth largest city in the world (Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary, eBook).
Although this city represents a great part of the Christian movement and the
Ephesians church, it wasn t founded as such. The city of Ephesus was founded by
a group of people called the Leleges and Carians which were later driven out by the
Greek. The worship of the goddess of fertility was the religious practice of the time.
Disaster struck the city in 365 B.C. when a fire destroyed the Artemision Temple.
Finally, the city was completely taken over and rebuilt by the Romans, which was the
influence that made it the fourth largest city in the world. This great city was
associated with the ministries of Paul, Timothy and the Apostle John. These great
men played a significant role in spreading early Christianity throughout this city and
Amanda Clark Research Paper
Amanda Clark s phone conversation came to an abrupt end when her Chevrolet
Trailblazer rolled three times before landing on its roof. She had run a stop sign
and was broadsided by another driver. Metal caved in around her, but the roof
stayed intact and she survived with just scrapes and bruises (Tracy). Amanda Clark
survived her first car accident caused by distracted driving, but wasn t as lucky the
second time. After she started driving again, she pledged to put her phone away
and focus on driving. Clark s Mother, Bonnye Spray, said, I thought this would be a
wakeup call for her, and it was for a short time she wouldn t talk on the phone, she
was more cautious. But she got more confident in her driving and a sense of Hey, I
survived one, I m invincible, nothing is going to happen to me now (Tracy). A year
after her accident, Clark was driving on a highway. She... Show more content on ...
I didn t even realize what I was doing, until one day Stephanie called me out on it
(Henry). The effects of distracted driving accidents are not always physical. The
emotional upset a driver feels after a car accident can affect them for months or
even years after the accident, regardless if the accident was their fault or not.
Although distracted driving is a problem for all drivers, it specifically is a major
problem for teenagers. Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for
American teens. When it comes to distracted driving, young people are the most
likely to text and talk behind the wheel ( Distracted Driving Facts ). In Idaho between
the years of 2010 and 2014, the age group 15 19 experienced the most crashes, with
the age group 20 24 coming second. Teenagers also contributed to 10% of fatal car
crashes and a little over 15% of serious injury car crashes ( Distracted Crash
Global Petroleum Industry
From the start of the global petroleum industry in the early 1900s, both industry and
the government have recognized the problem that temperature induced changes in
volume of fuel are present for inventory control. The petroleum products, like most
other liquids, expand when heated and contract when cooled i.e. the amount of fuel in
the inventories of retailer changes with the weather. Following a study of the issue
conducted by the American Petroleum Institute from 1912 to 1917, the United States
and Great Britain established the standard measure for petroleum products: at an
ambient temperature of 60 degrees F, 231 cubic inches equals a gallon [1]
It is known that every type of liquid, expand and contract within the space they
occupy if the temperature variation takes place. The increase in temperature will
cause a liquid to expand and occupy a slightly larger volume than the volume which
was occupied by the liquid at the initial point. The converse is also true, as decrease
in temperature of the liquid will cause the liquid to contract in volume. Usually, the
volume changes due to change in temperature variation directly varies with the
density of the liquid i.e. the less dense a liquid is, the greater its capacity to expand
and contract with equivalent temperature variations.
It is to be noted that these expansion and contraction due to temperature variations
only apply as long as the material remains a liquid. Liquids after reaching a
temperature point where a
Shakespeare And 130 And Sonnet 130 Comparison
Using the technique of comparison, William Shakespeare describes how deep his
love is for his significant other in both Sonnet 18 and Sonnet 130. Shakespeare takes
an unconventional approach by utilizing compare and contrast to make his point.
Although he writes the sonnets differently, the moral theme happens to be the same.
The two sonnets begin in total opposite tones but conclude the same. Shakespeare
proves that the same underlying theme can be proved by using different poetic styles
and techniques, such as rhyme scheme or comparisons, thus leads to the comparison
and contrast between Sonnet18 and Sonnet 130. In Sonnet 130, William Shakespeare
inadvertently uses blazon, a popular form of poetryduring the sixteenth century, to
give a detailed summary of his beloved s physical features in a negative manner. A
typical blazon would describe a female s body from head to toe. It allowed writers
to project an idealized woman whose features could be admired from afar. In the
first four lines, Sonnet 130 slowly reveals the conflicting image. The first line begins
as a stereotypical love poem, but by the conclusion of the second line, the intent of
the poem is unclear. The poem is shocking because instead of using common love
poetry techniques, Shakespeare suggests that the woman he is portraying is
unattractive and more beautiful things exist, for example, coral is redder than her
lips. (Shakespeare, Sonnet 130) The poem continues in this same manner throughout,
until line 12. Here Shakespeare sets a tone of criticism. Ironically, he still uses
stereotypical love images such as perfume, roses and music to compare his love.
The other method used by Shakespeare in Sonnet 130 is the element of surprise.
Throughout the poem, he states a beautiful characteristic then shortly follows up with
the diminishing of his significant other, almost giving no meaning to the
characteristic previously stated. In An Overview of Sonnet 130, Joanne Woolway
states, Roses are the stuff of love poetry, but the positivity of line 5 is quickly
destroyed by line 6 which negatively affects the praise that the previous line had
hinted. The timing is perfect; the surprise that is given from this non comparison is far
Basketball and Soccer
America is a country that loves sports. Two of America s most popular sports are
basketball and soccer. Many children participate in the sports every year.
Similarities are abundant between the two. Both sports require team work. Also the
main purpose of both is to put a ball into a netted goal. However, there are some
very important key differences. Soccer is played on a field that is much larger and
there is a goalie that constantly defends the goal. While basketballis played on a
smaller hardwood court with fewer players active at once. Furthermore, soccer is low
scoring and more strategic when compared to basketball, which has final scores in the
hundreds. All in all, many similarities there are huge differences between... Show
more content on ...
While both soccer and basketball are very popular youth sports in America the same
cannot be said of their professional counterparts. In America basketball is one of the
most popular and highly watched sports. On the other hand soccer is rarely even
televised in most areas. Only when the American team is doing well internationally
does any soccer attention start to build in America. However, the rest of the world
The Rational Choice Theory Of Cesare Beccaria
The topic I have chosen to write this research paper over is the rational choice theory.
The rational choice theory started with the work of Cesare Beccaria in the late
eighteenth century. From that point forward, the theory has been developed and
opened up to incorporate different viewpoints, like discouragement and routine
activity theory. The rational choice theoryis a monetary rule that expresses that people
dependably settle on reasonable and legitimate choices. These choices furnish
individuals with the best advantage or fulfillment, given the decisions accessible and
are likewise in their most elevated self interest.
Rational choice theory accepts that all individuals attempt to effectively expand their
preference in any circumstance and in this way reliably attempt to minimize their
misfortunes. The hypothesis depends on the possibility that all people construct their
choices in light of sound figuring s, act with discernment when picking, and intend to
increment either delight or benefit. Rational choice theory likewise stipulates that all
unpredictable social wonders are driven by individual human activities. Accordingly,
if a business analyst needs to clarify social change or the activities of social
organizations, he needs to take a look at the balanced choices of the people that make
up the entirety.
The rational choice theory permits inclinations to be spoken to as genuine esteemed
utility capacities. Monetary basic leadership then turns into an issue of
Managing Information Systems Essay
Managing Information Systems
The aim of this assignment is to see the requirements for developing and managing a
comprehensive Management Information system for an organization. In today s
business environment it is getting harder and harder for organization s to not only
survive but to compete against other organizations. Information technology plays a
big part in helping companies compete and survive. Companies that have branches or
franchises need to make sure that they can communicate with the head office so that
orders can be passed down. Most of a mangers time is spent 1 Passing information
and ideas upwards to senior management to aid their decision making
2 Providing other department managers with ... Show more content on ...
From the above definition of a management information system the following overall
conclusion can be reached:
A management information system is a collection of people; tasks, systems, software,
and technology used to provide routine pre defined information that is available to all
members of the organization that need to have access to it. Management information
systems provide a variety of reports and displays to management. Management
information systems (MIS) retrieve internal information about an organization, and
share to those who require it.
What are the uses of a management information system? :
Strategic level systems help senior managers plan the firm s long term course of
В· Strategic level systems help senior managers plan the firm s long term course of
В· Tactical systems help the middle managers supervise and
Major Outcomes For Mr. C
Major outcomes for Mr. C would include managing activities of daily living
effectively, decreasing his pain level and notifying members of the heath care team
prior to his pain level becoming unmanageable. He will be able to report that the pain
management regimen is acceptable using the numeric scale. Mr. C will use non
pharmacological methods to help achieve comfort, recognize early signs and
symptoms of pancreatitisexacerbation and cutback alcohol consumption or preferably
alcohol cessation (Urden, Linda D; Stacy, Kathleen M; Lough, Mary E;, 2016).
Mr. C s laboratory values need to be stabilized, body temperature and pulse rate
decreased, blood pressure increased, weaned of the oxygen by nasal cannula an
increase his urine output. Many of the signs and symptoms experienced are related
to local and systemic complications of the disease process. His uncle stated that he
has nausea and vomiting for the past few day and this caused many of the electrolyte
imbalance (Urden, Linda D; Stacy, Kathleen M; Lough, Mary E;, 2016).
The problems or risks that need to be monitored include providing comfort through
pain control, emotional support and maintaining surveillance for complication. Mr. C
requires education related to the medical diagnoses of acute pancreatitis. The risk for
deficits also include hydration and rudiments linked to his culture, lack of
communication and isolation from his nuclear family. Mr. C is a Hispanic male and
culturally the ethnic group is very stoic
Perfection In The Film, Directed By Andrew Niccol
I believe Andrew Niccol is trying to say by using this quote is perfection is in our
own perception and everyone has their own purpose. This quote means to think about
everything God has created. You cannot change what He has done, even if you think
it is wrong. Niccol shows this idea throughout the film when humans try to tamper
with God s creation, organize people by their physical capability, and create
In the film, humans tried to play God by trying to create the perfect human being. For
example, parents had the option to alter their child s DNA in order to make them as
perfect as possible. Their idealist human was right handed, had perfect vision, had
no heart or physical defect, was brilliant, and so forth. Many parents tried so hard to
compete with others to achieve the first place child. They create their idea of ... Show
more content on ...
His brother on the other hand was born with tampering of DNA which made him
superior. However, this did not discourage Vincent and stop him from achieving
his dream. Destiny is not only achieved with our genes, but also with our ambition.
Throughout the film you could see how genes played a huge role in what you
could be, however it is not everything. Although in this society, almost everything
dictates on your genes, Vincent was still able to achieve his goals. He past the
limit of the certain amount of heart beats he was most likely to have. Jerome on
the other hand was unable to reach his goal even though he was designed to be
first; he fell short to second. Jerome unfortunately took his own life because he
relied solely on his genes, not his ambition. Irene had a heart defect. Although she
was brilliant and tried very hard to reach her goal to go up in space, she couldn t
because of this. Even though she worked hard to get there, she was not considered
perfect and was
Mystery Shopper
Mystery Shopper Report Customer service hinges around identifying key product or
service attributes of target market and delivering consistently the desires of that
market. Since target markets have different values businesses must strive to identify
customer turnoffs and needs. When a business is successful at delivering good
customer service they have not only successfully identified these key attributes that
create value for the customer but integrated them into their daily interactions with
customers. The perceived value that a customer receives from the overall experience
determines satisfaction and loyalty levels. The mystery shopper exercise assisted me
in identifying service attributes I value at restaurants. I visited Giovanni s... Show
more content on ...
The level of attention that was received was the biggest turnoff. Besides the error
however, the employees were genuine and kind when providing the service which
was much appreciated. If I owned this business I might suggest a more efficient
was of processing orders to prevent such a mix up from occurring because it made
me question their ability to provide service quickly which is usually one of their
strong points. Next, Mr. Wraps fell under the general trend not providing
exceptional customer service but getting the job done and when interacting with
the customer being clear and genuine. The order was fulfilled much more quickly
than I thought it would be and the employees were friendly giving me an incentive
card to buy 10 products and get one free. Overall they were above average at
customer service and didn t seem to have much that needed improving. They filled
orders quickly without neglecting the customer. The last two restaurants, Backyards
Bistro and Wild Ginger both excelled at customer service, they stood apart from the
other restaurants. It was obvious that they place a high emphasis on customer service
as the attempt to develop a specific mood in their restaurants and make the customer
feel especially welcomed and important with a waiter and hostess seating people and
taking orders. The experience was pleasing asthetically and the waiters kept me
informed of wait times and asked multiple
The Behavior Of Firms Under Oligopoly Market
This essay will attempt to discuss on some models used to understand the behaviour
of firms under oligopoly market, where problems of uncertainty exists and whether
collusion between these firms will eliminates it. For simplicity, these models will be
explained under the assumption that there are two firms (duopoly), namely firm A
and firm B and both firms produce identical product.
Oligopoly is a type of imperfect competitive market, which consists of few large
firms. These firms control the market and sell similar product, which are usually
differentiated by the brand (e.g. Nike and Adidas).The most important features of
oligopoly is the interdependence between firms, which means that the act of a firm
will inevitably affect the other firm. However, a firm cannot be sure of how exactly
the other firm will respond to their decision, therefore strategic uncertainty may be
used as a tactic in oligopoly.
There are many models discussing on the interaction between firms such as game
theory, an analysis of strategic interaction and also conjectural variation, which will
be the underlying discussion for the first part of the essay. Conjectural variation is an
assumption that a firm expects a reaction from other firms in the market based on
their movement. This act of conjecturing implies the uncertainty in the market.
Conjectural variation is the rate of change of rival s output with respect to own output
(McMillan, 2013).
Equation 1.1:
e.g. dp/dqA= ∂p/∂qA+∂p/∂qB
Peru is not only mountains like most people think, the country actually has chilly
sierras, a dry coast, and a humid jungle. Peru is a large country of contrasts when it
comes to the regions and climates that come with each region (Shields 10 13). The
amount of people occupying these regions in the country is an impressive 30.95
million as of 2013 (Gottlieb 1). The culture of course, like any other country, has little
differences in traditions and the ways of life depending on the part of the country.
The differences vary anywhere from festivals to food throughout the country. For
each of the regions like the Andres Mountains, what Peruis most geographically
known for, are more Eastern towards the center of the continent. In these mountains...
Show more content on ...
Spanish is the official language and is used in most of the country. Other languages
have been recognized by the Constitution, such as Quechua, which is spoken in many
Andean regions in different varieties, and Amara, the predominant language of the
southern Andes (About Peru). Even though that Spanish is the official language is
apparent that the region and the culture have an influence on the language and
dialect as well. Like many countries throughout the world, region to region the way
people talk varies in accent and dialect. Even though many people may speak the
same official language there is always differences. People in Peru do not only just
speak one language like Spanish, it can be mixed with other native dialects to make
a mixture of words and phrases (About
The Battle Of The Little Bighorn
This battle analysis methodically examines one of the most famous battles of the
American frontier during the country s growth westward: the Battle of the Little
Bighorn, also known as The Greasy Grass to the American Indians. It took place
along the Little Bighorn River in what is now the state of Montana. The battle was
fought during a sweltering summer day on June 25, 1876 between the United States
Army s Seventh Calvary Regiment led by Lieutenant Colonel George A. Custer and
the Sioux and CheyenneAmerican Indian tribes led by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse.
The significant history leading up to this fantastic battle and all aspects of the
opposing forces such as command and control, composition, and strategic and
operational tactics... Show more content on ...
A Sioux warrior named Red Cloud lead a deception party that ambushed and killed
eighty one soldiers and civilians on December 21, 1866 at Fort Kearny. This attack
sparked national outrage and demands for revenge against all American Indians. The
year that followed saw Army victories at a few battles but ultimately the Bozeman
Trail and its three forts were abandoned after the Army conceded to the American
Indians. The United States government officially formalized the surrender of the
three Bozeman Trail forts and the trail itself with the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868.
Another extremely important event that contributed to the culminating battle along
the Little Bighorn River was the Battle of the Washita on November 27, 1868.
Lieutenant Colonel Custer was engaged in war with the Southern Cheyenne in
Kansas and into the Indian Territory, present day Oklahoma, when he came upon the
camp of a Cheyenne Chief by the name of Black Kettle. Custer and the 7th Calvary
Regiment launched a successful dawn attack on the camp. Estimates vary greatly but
the general consensus is that almost all of the Cheyenne killed on November 27,
1868 were old men, women, and children. The immediate results of this battle were
deep resentment and hatred of the whites by the American Indians who considered
the battle to be a massacre.
The Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868 led to continuous conflict
High Value Work Is The Indisputable Tool Of Sustainable...
In a precipitous changing world, organisations and nations will need to consistently
undertake transformational changes to increase high value work, in order to sustain
living standards and remain competitive. Accordingly, high value work is at the
forefront of competition! Driving innovation, productivity and growth. Consequently,
high value work is the indisputable tool of sustainable competitive advantage. At the
core of this approach, is complex, high skilled and intellectually demanding
manufacturing organisations. Additionally, these endeavours will need a flexible,
diverse and highly skilled workforce to acquire the capacity to capitalise on
opportunities, and exploit changes in technology that present themselves. Complexity
will be the defining factor in these transformational changes, and how organisations
and nations harness this complexity will be central to their success. Hierarchical
organisations: Traditionally, large hierarchical organisations developed to organise
and allocate resources to initiatives that increase certainty and predictability with the
sole intention of maximising quality and on time performance. As a consequence of
those endeavours, organisations are highly resistant to change and disruption. In
addition, as the rate of customer demands and market disruption accelerates, obsolete
hierarchical organisations will face the destructive headwinds of change and
corporate inertia. Furthermore, because of their very nature, they will also
Developmental Psychology
As William James once said, The greatest discovery of my generation is that human
beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind, (James). William James
quote explains that fact humans can change their lives by changing the way they
perceive events that happen in their lives. The way a human can understand this
concept is through the help of psychology. Psychology is the study of how the human
mindworks and function through scientific studies. Psychology is an important field
in today s society that can help every career to understand what is going through a
customer mind or patient mind. Not only does psychology help understand one s
mind, but it also helps one understand the its surrounding environment and situations.
... Show more content on ...
The concept of development through the life span is about understanding the
human body from time someone is born to time they die. A person goes through
many stages in their life from the day they born to the day they die and each stage
teaches a person something that will need for their life. For a dentist it important
that he or she understands the stages that their patients are going through in order
to give the patient proper oral care. As theorist Erik Erikson describe the stages
from infancy to late adulthood, it is important for a dentist to know these stages
because it will help the dentist prepare their patient for the proper oral care that is
need from a young age to late adulthood. For a dentist to know these stages, it will
help the dentist to treat its patient because each patient is at different stage which
needs different type of attention. For example, a four year old might need the dentist
to be cute and funny in order for the patient to get the treatment, whereas for an adult
over 50 a dentist needs to be more straightforward and honest. As children develop
through the Erik Erikson stages, it important for a dentist to know when to start
teaching their patients proper oral care such as brushing and flossing. To be a
successful dentist one must understand the development of its patient in order to give
the proper
Essay on Romeo and Juliet Compare and Contrast to
The stories of Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus and Thisbe both talk of young lovers
willing to be together no matter what the consequences may be. The love between
the two couples was so strong that they were would die for their lovers. Although,
the sequence of events that lead to the tragic endings of these stories have their
differences as well. Ovid s story of Pyramus and Thisbe came out a little before
Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet. Many believe because of the similarities in plot,
Shakespeare s sources or influences for his story could have came from Pyramus and
Thisbe . In the stories, there are many similarities as there are differences. Star
crossed lovers is a phrase we would use to describe both of the... Show more content
on ...
When the women discovered their partner wasn t alive, they did the same as well.
From my interpretation, the plots are the same in general. Both show that love
makes you do crazy things. Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus and Thisbe thought
with there hearts instead of their heads being in those situations at those times.
Had they both given a little time and thinking before their actions, both of the
stories could ve ended happily. As for differences, I came upon many that I think
show how the authors might ve felt about star crossed love, young love, or just
love in general. The little details I picked at really do draw lines between the two
stories and give them both different meaning. The first thing I noticed were the way
the relations between the couples began in the stories. Pyramus and Thisbe grew up
together and were in love since they were children. Romeo and Juliet fell in love at
first sight. After the moment they have spotted each other, they fell head over heels
in love with one another. When does that ever happen? I believe this is when
Shakespeare was trying to show that there was going to be consequences for being so
naГЇve. Shakespeare probably felt young love, especially at first sight, was foolish.
Romeo and Juliet shows the consequences of young love and moving too fast. That
is how I read it. Since Pyramus and Thisbe were not love at first sight and had loved
each other for a long time, maybe
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Research Paper
The Signs and Symptoms of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
Do you love food but find yourself getting bloated after you eat? After you finish
eating do you often experience such extreme stomach bloat that you cannot zip up
your pants? If you answered yes and find yourself having bloating and/or gas
regularly and have noticed a change in your bowel movements, there s a good chance
you could be suffering from SIBO.
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), also known as small bowel bacterial
overgrowth syndrome (SBBOS), is when there are an abnormally large number of
bacteria present in the small intestine. Bacterial overgrowth can happen when the
normal function of the intestine is compromised, and this can happen from a multitude
Ethics Of Computing And The Internet
Ethics in Computing and the Internet
Jorge Zacarias
Written Assignment Unit 7
University of the People
Inside the topic of health care system ethic is implicit the pregnancy dilemma. This
wide topic can include hundreds of pages; herein we are going to cover principal s
data of this essential topic in today s lives.
Pregnancy includes a debate for more than 4 decades and some topics that affect not
only mothers even child, there are many dilemmas surrounding this controversial
topic, where some argue one specific thing and much other argue another things.
The first debate comes around the medication; they divide pregnant into different
groups Pregnancy and childbirth have become increasingly medicalized in most
parts of the world since the early twentieth century. That is, they are increasingly
processes that in fact and as a social ideal are managed and overseen by medical
professionals, typically involve a high degree of technological medical intervention
and contact with clinics and hospitals, and are assessed by medical experts who are
the authorities on their progress. Amy Mullin explains that medicalized pregnancy
involves interpreting pregnancy itself as a disruption to health that necessarily
requires expert medical intervention, and thinking of pregnancy as primarily about
health and illness (Mullin 2005, 54). The concept of medicalization is helpful in
making clear how this sort of insertion into a medical context is not (or
The Doolittle Raid
When most people think about the top school in the world for math, science,
engineering and technology, they usually think of Georgia Tech. Georgia Tech has its
perks, but there are such better options, such as the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, or commonly known as MIT. According to the name, MIT is located in
Cambridge, Massachusetts. The schoolis considered one of the hardest schools in
the US to get into, have an acceptance rate of 7.9%, and the average GPA is around
4.13, but it is highly worth your while. A lot of famous people have gone to MIT.
An example of a successful leader who went to MIT was James Doolittle, the
leader of the Doolittle Raid ( The Doolittle raid
was one of the most famous raids in the history of WW2, mental scarring the
Japanese, while not doing that much damage to the actual landscape. Then we have
Buzz Aldrin, who also went to MIT. If you don t know who Buzz Aldrin is, he was
the second person to walk on the moon. There is also Richard Feynman, who studied
theoretical physic, and Andrew Wong, the CEO of Sony. As you can see with these
famous people, they were able to become very successful by going to this... Show
more content on ...
As seen by Quora, the most popular curse in all of MIT is Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science. This is because of people wanting to work at places such as
Dropbox or Google( From looking at the statistics of this, is
says that the least popular majors include the musical arts, history, and comparative
media ( . They also have plenty of other courses, such as
fencing and sailing. Both of these courses are apart of the Pirate s Certificate, a
certificate given to students that take fencing, pistol, sailing, and archery. To put the
nail in the fun classes coffin, MIT has there own toy lab class.
##ism, Imagery, And Symbolism In Cathedral By
The short story Cathedral is written by Raymond Carver. It is being narrated
by a man whose wife invited an old friend and person she used to work for to come
visit due to
his wife dying. The old friend is a blind man whose name is Robert. The author in the
Cathedral uses symbolism, imagery, and irony to provide more meaning to the story.
narrator of the story has a stereotypical opinion on blind people while being blind to
his own
imperfections, but he is able to start seeing it more clearly through the blind man s
eyes. As the
story goes on they are able to connect on another level and achieve their brotherhood
as they sit
and talk more in depth and when the narrator began to draw the cathedral with his
eyes closed ... Show more content on ...
This object represents the relationship they formed along with compassion and
understanding without having to physically see each other. Instead, it requires
listening and emotions. At the beginning the narrators stereotypes caused him to be
the total opposite of what the tapes had symbolized to his wife. His wife looked
forward to the tapes but the narrator on the other hand became more jealous and
could ve cared less.
In addition to the symbolism, the narrator s observation is ironic because he thinks
that because he has the ability to see he brings more happiness to his wife than
Robert could to his. He thinks that Robert s wife had to be pitiful while being
married to him because he was not able to see her, tell her she s beautiful, or see
the love in her eyes. It shows how the narrator views relationships, because of this,
the narrator doesn t see that Robert was able to look past the physical appearance.
He could genuinely feel the heart of another and connect to them instead of it being
based on their appearance. Another Irony example is used when the narrator goes
from being stereotypical about blind people while being blind to his own faults, to
now being able to see more clearly through his own eyes by having the help from the
blind man. Afterwards, the narrator is able to see more clearly and make the
connection to the blind man. He also see that the stereotypes that he originally had,
not just
Essay about Wal-Mart s Smart Inventory System
After extensive last minute digging, I finally found a manager who trusted me
enough to supply me with the name of the inventory system that is used.
Unfortunately for me this is all I could uncover from my employer, but it is a start.
Wal Mart uses the SMART system. Because of the way it is spelled I can only
assume that it is an acronym. I have been searching for over an hour on
and finally produced some meager results, but here they are.
From the results produced, I am at the deduction that SMART is not an acronym
after all. SMART is basically a tracking system, it keeps track of all our inventory, the
on hand counts, and can automatically reorder product that is low or empty. As stated
last week, most ... Show more content on ...
Training usually takes less than one day. (Inventory FAQ)
Weaknesses of SMART
In all actuality, these are mostly just minor annoyances. Firstly, the system s on hand
counts only update once every two hours. This may be because of the huge amounts
of data that need to be updated, but customers get angry when the on hand says 25
and one can t be found. My second complaint is that the system has no way of
recognizing theft. Again, this produces wrong on hand counts which sometimes
become negatives, and is an overall pain to figure out what is actually wrong. I guess
one could say my main complaint against the SMART system is human error. But
what program can completely remove it?
Possible Improvements
I think the best solution for this problem would be removal of human interaction,
but I realize that this is not possible. Therefore, my second proposition would be
not allowing just any Associate to operate the Telxon. I have been there a total of 4
months and I can change prices and inventory counts at my leisure. I m sure you can
imagine the havoc that could be wreaked if I weren t an honest Associate. I think
there should be at least some kind of intensive training. Most of my training was in
the same day and lasted under an hour. Instead of allowing anyone these options, just
a handful of Associates should be
New Appliances In The 1920s
Appliances New appliances were a big part of the technological and social change
during the 1920s. The appliances were a big change and was the first attempt of a
smart house . It affected housewives because now that the appliances were there,
society expected them to clean the house faster and keep it tidy all day. Appliances
showed intolerance towards women, mostly housewives. The appliances were an
example of how Americans expected housewives to clean and nice for guests and
husbands since they had the help of appliances. They did not expect the house to
ever be dirty. KKK The KKK was an organization that formed around the civil war,
whose purpose was to discriminate blacks and to deplete their freedom in horrible
ways. The KKK in... Show more content on ...
It was like a giant party town and changed society in many ways. From Jazz, to
movie theaters, to clubs, Harlem was known by many people and visited by
people from all over. Harlem was a city that showed pure Americanism. It was the
birth of the first American music genre, and brought people together in the clubs
and the movie theaters. Speakeasy Speakeasies were secret bars during
prohibition. These bars were in closed shops at night and other secret spots to hide
from the cops. This was a big change from the nice bars that were legal before
prohibition, but people still went to them. Speakeasies showed the protest of
American s against the government. Even though alcohol was banned, people found
away and went against the amendment, since prohibition was a tad bit ridiculous.
Clubs and Theaters These clubs and theaters were a big hit during the twenties and
were a great landmark of the changes in society during these times. They were
home to great stars and the theaters started the idea of hollywood and movies. Clubs
and Theaters were a perfect example of the intolerance towards just working for
hours a day and having no down time. Now that downtime was a thing, there was
something for people to do at
Education And Globalization
In this essay we are going to explore the link between education and globalisation
and if this prepares people for life in a global society. T. Larrson (2001) defines
globalisation as, the process of world shrinkage, of distances getting shorter, things
moving closer. It pertains to the increasing ease with which somebody on one side
of the world can interact, to mutual benefit, with somebody on the other side of the
world. Globalisation has had a major impact in the world within the last two
decades. Technological advances such as the invention of internet has made it easier
for the exchange of information and knowledge across the globe. The spread of
knowledge is an important aspect of globalisation. Due to the ever growing expansion
of globalisation educationhas changed to accommodate this. We will look at how
expanding the teaching of foreign languages in school has helped set up students for
a life in a globalised world. Furthermore, we will look at how technology has
improved education and finally how neoliberalism has impacted society.
The introduction of globalisation has saw an increase in the need of subjects such as
foreign languages and business. The importance of students learning a new language
has been thrust into the limelight as foreign language has become a necessity within
the sphere of the global marketplace and society. The government has clearly
recognised this importance as languages are now being introduced to students at an
earlier age, with
Carnegie Mellon University Personal Statement
The Carnegie Mellon University is one of the top ranked engineering schools in the
nation. I am interested in double majoring in the Electrical and Computer
Engineering and the Biomedical Engineering programs at CMU. These programs
appeal to me due to their emphasis on interdisciplinary studies and their commitment
to achieving excellence.
As a kid, I would open up computers and other electronics to the dismay of my
parents and pretend to fix problems. By the fifth grade, I got my own LEGO
MINDSTROM kit, and I was building robots that shook hands while saying Hello,
cranes that could pick and place, and Lego trucks that avoided obstacles.
Programming the Mindstrom Brick using the NXT graphical language was intuitive,
fun, and easy. It ... Show more content on ...
My quest to understand the pathology of diseases has led me to undertake a clinical
internship at Palomar Hospital and a research internship in cardiac tissue engineering
at UCSD, where I investigated the effects of pressure on biomaterials like myocardial
matrix hydrogels. As part of Carnegie Mellon biomedical engineering program, I will
have the opportunity to pursue my research interests in interdisciplinary fields like
biomaterials, tissue engineering, and computational neurosciences. I believe
computational biology has the potential to transform and accelerate the way
biomedical research will be conducted in the future. As a programming enthusiast, I
hope to exploit modern computing power to model and analyze biological systems at
a molecular and cellular level. With advances in stem cell research, metabolomics,
and low cost human genome sequencing, we are entering an age of personalized
medicine in which low cost computing will enable medical breakthroughs and new
methods of treatment that are yet to be imagined.
In addition to academic development, CMU s Biomedical Engineering Travel
Assistance program provides study abroad opportunities to gain international
exposure. I am also excited about the Biomedical Engineering Summer
Undergraduate Program (BME SURP) because it allows me gain research
Santos Sarahi Unit 5 Midterm Essay example
Sarahi Santos
Unit 5 Midterm
September 5, 2014
CJ328: Forensic Fingerprint Analysis
Prof: Denise Womer
Based upon your expertise in regards to fingerprint and friction skin development,
explain why the following conclusion regarding human cloning is false. Premise: We
all accept the proven fact that identical twins do not have the same fingerprints.
However, human clones present a different set of friction skin development issues.
No! Studies have concluded that, even though the fingerprints of identical twins
may be very similar, they are not identical. Twins have a very high correlation of
loops, whorls and ridges. But the details (for example, where skin ridges meet, divide
into branches, or end) differ ... Show more content on ...
I don t know how true or even possible this is, but I read an article a few years back
on a woman cloning her daughter so that her daughter (who was sick) could have
parts from the cloned child. Which I thought was crazy, because then they made a
movie about it as well. So I really don t even know if the article was true, or even if
the movie is based off the article and if it s true. (Human, Cloning, n,d)
Explain the principles and processes used in the analysis, comparison, evaluation,
and verification of latent fingerprints. Latent prints are formed when the body s
natural oils and sweat on the skin are deposited onto another surface. Latent prints
can be found on a variety of surface they are not readily visible and detection often
requires the use of fingerprint powders, chemical reagents or alternate light sources.
Generally speaking, the smoother and less porous a surface is, the greater the
potential that any latent prints present can be found and developed. Investigators
often perform cyanoacrylate processing, or fuming, of a surface before applying
powders or dye stains. This process, typically performed on non porous surfaces,
involves exposing the object to cyanoacrylate vapors. The vapors will adhere to any
prints present on the object allowing them to be viewed with oblique ambient light or
a white light source. (Latent, n.d)
Analysis involves assessing a print to determine if it can be used for a comparison. If
the print is not
Analysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved
In her novel Beloved, Toni Morrison utilizes a circular narrative to emphasize the
similarities, or lack thereof, between her characters. In Philip Page s article,
Circularity in Toni Morrison s Beloved, he writes, The plot is developed through
repetition and variation of one or more core images in overlapping waves... And it is
developed through... the spiraling reiteration of larger, mythical acts such as birth,
death, rebirth, quest journeys, and the formation and disintegration of families (36).
By repeating certain themes or images, Page asserts that Morrison is able to develop
her plot in a manner that emphasizes the ways in which the institution of slaveryhas
transformed Sethe s life. From escaping slavery and killing her daughter, to becoming
a recluse in her community, slavery has transformed how Sethe thinks and acts, even
after reaching freedom. Through her circular narrative, Morrison highlights the
similarities between Sethe and Belovedas each is hoping to find a new life as they
arrive at 124 Bluestone Road. However, this narrative also enhances the inherent
differences between Sethe and Beloved, Sethe s actions are usually based on a
selfless desire, whereas Beloved can only selfishly consume. With these similar and
contrasting qualities, Morrison is able to describe the complex nature of Sethe and
Beloved s relationship.
In her novel Beloved, Toni Morrisonfrequently uses a circular narrative in order to
demonstrate the parallels between Sethe and
Failure Modes And Effects Analysis
Some key differences concerning the failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)
and a root cause analysis (RCA) are clarified. Failure mode and effects analysis is
conducted prior to any event. FMEA is a preventive action used to help prevent a
failure. The FMEA committee consists of about three to four members who all are
experts in the designated subject. Through FMEA the committee helps develop
action plans to reduce the risk of failure (Quality One, 2011). RCA is an
investigation that occurs after a sentinel event that is unexpected. Through the RCA
you are looking to find out why did an event occur or not occur, how the event
happened, and how to prevent additional events for occurring (VA National Center
for Patient Safety, 2015).
Holes Fate
Max adamson
English essay
Holes by Louis Sachar is a novel about a teenager named Stanley Yelnats who is
sent to Camp Green Lake for stealing a pair of shoes. At the start of the novel
Stanley does not like himself but throughout the novel Stanley develops as a
character and over time begins to like himself. In the novel Stanley and Zero build a
strong friendship, throughout their friendship kindness is shown from both Stanley
and Zero. Fate plays a major role in the novel and even saves Stanley throughout the
story. The novel has many ups and downs but Stanley pushes through it.
At the start of the book Stanley Yelnats starts off as a kid who gets bullied by other
kids at school because he is overweight and because he doesn t have many ... Show
more content on ...
In the book fate is shown a lot but one main area of fate shown is when Stanley gets
sent to camp green lake and so does Zero, because later in the book we see that
Stanley and Zero become best friends and that Zero is the great, great grandson of
Madame Zeroni who is the person that put the curse on Stanley and his family. In
the book, it quotes I should have just kept them, said Zero. I d already made it out
of the shelter and everything. I ended up getting arrested the next day when I tried
to walk out of a shoe store with a new pair of sneakers. If I had just kept those old
smelly sneakers, then neither of us would be here right now. (41.27). Then later in
the novel [Stanley] remembered what Zero had said a few days before. If Zero
had just kept those shoes, then neither of them would be here right now. As
Stanley stared at the glittering night sky, he thought there was no place he would
rather be. He was glad Zero put the shoes on the parked car. He was glad they fell
from the overpass and hit him on the head. When the shoes first fell from the sky,
he remembered thinking that destiny had struck him. Now, he thought so again. It
was more than a coincidence. It had to be destiny . (42.26 28). This shows signs of
fate in the book because if zero didn t throw the shoes the curse would have never
been lifted because Stanley and zero would have never
The Importance Of Having A Honey-Do-List
If you are married, it s safe to say that you probably have a honey do list. That s kind
of a prerequisite for marriage...right? Not much makes a wife happier than being
surprised by her husband taking care of something on the honey do list. Need some
help with a surprise? Here is a short list of items that show up on those honey do lists.
Many you can pull off in a day or so. Some things you will be able to do yourself,
others you may need a friend to help. 1.Does your wife struggle to get that old
shower head clean? Change out the shower head. Get rid of that old standard and get
one of those big shower heads. You can pull this off pretty easily. A trip to your local
hardware store will offer a lot of choices. All you need is a few tools... Show more
content on ...
What else are you going to do? Wait for some man to come along and whisk you
off to suburban marital bliss? You might as well ask for the moon by noon.
Consider the facts. You made it this far on your own, earning a living and paying
the bills all by yourself. You even managed to invest enough money to slap down
the minimum five per cent and start calling yourself a homeowner. After all, you re
faced with another 40 plus years knock on wood so it s time to put down some
roots. But what happens after you move into your new dream house? Suddenly,
you re dealing with a new set of monthly expenses. Throw out the budget that
carried you through the last few years; it s time to build a new one from scratch.
Once you have a new budget, start saving like you plan to buy a second house in a
few years. You re going to need all that extra cash for things for which no budget
can truly prepare you, such as repairs, renovations, and interior design necessarily
in that order. Repairs come first because you need to fix whatever is broken. Did
you get a great deal on a handyman s dream? Did you stop to consider whether or not
you re handy? Also, don t forget that appliances, heaters, furnaces, and oil tanks have
a habit of breaking down at the least convenient times, schedules and finances
notwithstanding. Before you even think about redecorating your new house, take a
hard look at the layout.
Essay On Swatch
Swatch is a watch brand that was created in the late 1970s. It has a strong identity
which separates it s from many other watch brands such as rolex, ice, dolce and
gabbana. For example rolex is a brand that is known to be expensive and valuable.
Ice are known for plastic watches which have exciting colours and are bold.
Swatch watches are also made out of plastic and is marketed to fit anyone of any
age. As a company Swatch has had a huge connection with the pop culture industry.
You may have recognised the brightly coloured watches that reminds you of pop art.
Things like that is what makes Swatch different and stand out as a company. By
collaborating with artists such as Kiki Picasso and Keith Haring it proves that
Swatch is a one of a kind... Show more content on ...
After its success as a company Swatch developed other sources by using materials
such as plastic, stainless steel and aluminium to synthetic fabrics, rubber and silicone.
Swatch was also founded 33 years ago in 1983 by Nicolas Hayek and the
headquarters base was in Biel, Switzerland. Looking back at the history of Swatch the
company didn t succeed in the 1970s. Hitting the 80s it made a break through by
remodelling the company then only had to compete with 50 components.
The general watches are usually silver or gold and quite bold. Hakey s designs were
more phenomenal and colourful. They inspired people to be themselves as the
Swatch watch today is commonly known to be bright with a funky unique design on
the strap.
The Swatch logo incorporates the swiss flag which signifies the country of the
watchmaker. There are three main colours to the Swatch logo which are black, red
and white. Those three colours are often seen as something important which should
get your attention in a way it shows it s dominance, excellence and powerful
reputation. By studying the logo it incorporates a custom typeface which is simple
and bold. The logo is powerful enough without making it to
Tupac Conspiracy Theory
Tupac Shakur, also known as Tupac, was a thriving artist who had led a violent
life. Music was his therapy and he had many achievements in every part of his
rapping career. He was an inspiration to his culture and still remains important until
this day. Tupac had died in a tragic death that still remains unsolved. There are many
theories on whether or not Tupac s death was staged, such theories are based upon
holograms, music videos, and lyrics found throughout Tupac s music and writing.
Tupac was born on June 16, 1971. He became inspiration to his culture to this
concern for his community. His music was resistive to current issues and he was
adamant about his personal conviction with society ( AC Brown 1). Tupac had
wanted to become... Show more content on ...
As stated here, The conspiracy theory suggest that Tupac faked his own death / so
the rapper s no longer victimized and no longer dead. ( Knight 197). Tupac may
have faked his death since he wanted to escape from the fame and live his own life.
This could be also another reason why he changed his name to Makaveli. Behind
the meaning of his name, it is said that, Makaveli is also identified as a reference to
the italian political theorist Niccolo Machiavelli(1469 1527 ( Spencer Hall 4).
Niccolo was a writer and a war strategist. He had written many books and one
caught Tupac s eye. Which the description of the book happens to be to fake your
death, so you can fool your enemies. This is when Tupac decides to change his
name to Makaveli, days before his death. In addition, this book may have inspired
Tupac to do the same thing. In his song, Ghost, there s this lyric that says, the only
way for me to come back is by Makaveli . This is why the name Makaveli is
important to the conspiracy theories. Moreover, the hologram could be another
conspiracy theory as well. On April 15, 2012, Tupac returned to the stage at the
Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival / to rapture reception of 75,000 spectators
(Spencer Hall 1). This technology bounced back Tupac s form of optical illusion,
which was called Pepper s Ghost. Furthermore, here s when Tupac s music video, I
Ain t Mad at
Determination Of Risperidone Essay
3.6 Interferences study The influence of various substances as compounds potentially
interfering with the determination of risperidone was studied under optimum
conditions with 300.0 ОјM risperidone at pH 7.0. The potentially interfering
substances were determined from the group of substances commonly detected with
risperidone in pharmaceuticals. The tolerance limit was specified as the maximum
concentration of the interfering substance that caused an error of less than В±5% in
the measurement of risperidone. According to the results, neither a 1000 fold excess
of methanol, ethanol, NH4 +, Fe2+, Fe3+, Mg2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, SO42в€’, Al3+,
SO42в€’NH4 +, Fe2+, Fe3+, CO32в€’, Clв€’ or Fв€’, CO32в€’, alanine,
phenylalanine did not affect the selectivity, nor a 50 fold excess of levodopa,
carbidopa, methyldopa, epinephrine, norepinephrine and methylphenidate interfered
with the determination of risperidone.... Show more content on ...
The results for determination of the risperidone and methylphenidate in Risperidone
tablet and Ritalin tablet are presented in Table 1. Satisfactory recoveries of the
experimental results were determined for risperidone and methylphenidate. The
repeatability of the method was indicated by the mean relative standard deviation
To Kill A Mockingbird Relevant Today
There are some people now claim that the racism in To Kill a Mockingbird is not
relevant to today s time and they are wrong. It s obvious they haven t taken a look
at today s society which is horrible in many ways. First off what is racism? Racism
is when someone will make fun/insult of someone for their race/skin color. Racismis
bad and it shouldn t exist. But it has existed since the Renaissance period and
continues on to this very day. But people don t understand that part and those people
are pretty lucky...Anywho To Kill a Mockingbirdwas a book made July 11 1960. This
book takes place in Maycomb, Alabama with our main protagonist Scout Finch. In
the book Scout s character isn t much described but she is about 7 years old and is
your practical tomboy character. She dislikes dresses and loves to read and hang
with her brother Jem Finch. Jem Finch is Scout s brother and he plays a very
important part in this story. At the beginning of this story Scout s older self explains
how Jem broke his arm and that plays a HUGE part in the story. Next is Dill who is
just Scout and Jem s friend. Atticus Finch is the father of the Finch siblings and he...
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There a lot of who people address the topic of racism and some of those people are
influences to the world, yet they use the topic of racism in a lot of the things they
say. For example there is the government who uses racism so they can excuse
human right abuses. With that there are many laws that are aimed at preventing
immigration of people of different color and different religion, culture etc.
Influencing or famous people aren t the only ones who use racism that spreads it.
There are parents who have beliefs that one race is better than the other. Those
parents are bad examples on their kids which causes a bad environment for the kids.
When that happens the kids will most likely grow up to think that racism is okay and
that leads to our next
The Great Depression s Impact Socially, Politically, And...
Steinberg 1
Naphtali Steinberg
His 112 601
15 Nov. 2016
The Great Depression s Impact Socially, Globally, Politically, and Economically
Economists continue to study the causes of the Great Depression because they still
disagree on what specifically caused it. Many theories have been advanced over the
years, but there remains no single, universally agreed upon explanation as to what
the root cause was. However, many experts agree that banking played a crucial and
single handedly one of the most important roles into what caused the Great
Depression. Furthermore, Americans lost nearly 20% of their deposits when the
banks failed. Since there was no FDIC yet, and most state deposit insurance schemes
had shut down already, this meant that everyday folks lost their savings.
The effects of the Depression were felt around the world in the social, global,
political, and economic, lives of nations and individuals; some of the social and
global impacts include; Between 1929 and 1933, the quantity of goods and services
produced in the United States fell by one third, the unemployment rate soared to 25
percent of the labor force, the stock market lost 80 percent of its
Steinberg 2 value and some 7,000 banks failed. When the stock market crashed in
1929, overnight, tens of thousands of customers began to withdraw their deposits.
However, the banks with no money to lend and loans having to return on them, the
banking crises started to excavate rapidly, causing global
Bill Wisenski s Threaten
In a documentary film directed by Bill Wisenski, Threatened: The Controversial
Struggle of the Southern Sea Otter, it reveals some of the reasons why the California
sea otter population is declining. In addition, it shows the controversy surrounding the
No Otter Zone . Furthermore, it ensures why the California sea otterpopulation is
important to the marine ecosystem. In the film, sea otter populations are endangered
because of the significant impact by some human factors. In the 1700 s and 1800 s,
fur traders hunted sea otter population to near extinction. Besides this, threatened
events such as shipping and drilling oil across the Pacific and along coastal areas; the
California sea otters is vulnerable to oil contamination. As a result,
Project Management Methodologies For Project Managers
Project Methodology
There are numerous project management methodologies available for project
managers to choose from. The best process or methodology must take into
consideration the unique aspects of the project, including factors such as staff size
and system criticality, as determined by the project manager and the core team
(Cockburn, 2000). From my vantage point, the primary concern is the team member
buy in and keeping the process participatory, while managing the interaction,
communication and contributions from the various team members towards the
fulfillment of the objective. It also goes without says, that meeting time, scope, costs
and performance, and quality standards are of the utmost importance; to guarantee
that the final ... Show more content on ...
Project Scope Planning Resources
One of the premiere sources available to help understand and define the project scope
is A Guide to the Project ManagementBook of Knowledge, (PMBOK Guide). The
PMBOK Guide details the scope management process which includes: Scope
Planning, Scope Definition, Creating the WBS, Scope Verification and Scope
Controls. Because most project failures are attributed to ill defined scope, this process
management criteria helps to ensure that the prerequisite steps or works gets
completed, which in turns help to increase the project s ultimate success rate. There
are also numerous scope management templates and simulation programs hosed
online such as and These online sources
provide a step by step approach, outlining considerations that should be factored into
the creation of one s scope management plan. The simulation software that is
available through the Harvard Business Review, which is helpful because it allows
the user to assume the role of a project manager. The end user is tasked to complete a
specific project using the guidelines outlined in the simulation software.
Project Phase
Project management phases include Project Initiation, Defining Planning, Launch
Execution, Performance Control and Project Closure. According to
(2015), the project initiation phases involves the evaluation of the benefits or the
Humorous Love Story
Copper leaves and empty skeletal swings rustle against the blistering carbon machines
smoking out particles of greying sonorous melodies, heavy with a layer of thick
mournful soot and perspiration sweating out the saltiness of human fervour.
Like a young, raw like fever that stretched out, dissolved and collapsed its black
plumage around iron playgrounds where children used to play in illusive and
corrosive battlefields swirling in an antagonistic coal lit fire crackling its scarlet
canker smoldering like a cancer along the tremors of their innocent bone marrows;
along the emerald green fields of their small capillaries.
In an intricate design of love and war, that canker buds
Like weeds in a mercury infused soil
Oozing out the yellowing ... Show more content on ...
Whose pink, fleshy feet used to run around the dewy skin of verdant dreams?
The ones that used to chase indigo butterflies across sunflower fields
Barefoot and fluttering their callused hands like vibrating hummingbirds with pastel
ribbons and lavender scented paper planes combusting the plastic soldiers that
dismantled into crooked men.
Gone are the half truths with the vapour, the sleek strings of ebony condensation
smothering the mouth that curves in derision the rage that came foaming at the
mouth; its silvery saliva dripping, spitting and raining its acidic hate tarnishing the
world with oxidized lips that sucked on lollipops.
All the loathing that children feed in crimson coated saccharine
Where are the children now?
The ones that used to laugh in the wind and hum mellifluous rhymes about
bumblebees, three little blind mice and Mary had a lamb
Because we are all little lambs brainwashed in the dark by the sweet nectar we used
to drink from mother s bosom.
The milk that curdled the chaste into thick petroleum
Beautiful and esoteric was their madness coated in a magnetic wool of lies and avarice
Their bambi eyes burnt like gasoline leaking the lachrymose bombs
Of a past and future
Feminism In Morrison s Beloved By Toni Morrison
Another way that Morrison took advantage of her style was by also applying periodic
and inverted sentences in her novels. The author s reason for including these types of
sentences was to break the stream of monotonous reading by creating dynamic
sentence that are somewhat unexpected. In addition, Morrison entices the reader by
manipulating sentence length and word to express the tone or emotion she is trying
to convey. This author s distinctive style was what has made so renounced and
prominent in the literary world.
Feminism in Morrison novels is grounded upon the structure of a culture which
defines women, as worthless and invisible victims. Her fictional characters struggle
for their liberation from kingdom manipulated by a corporate society ... Show more
content on ...
Garner. He lets Halle, Sethe s husband; buy his mother s freedom by working for
five years. But the situation changes when Mr. Garner dies. Mrs. Garner feels she
cannot manage the land and the slaves by herself, so she gives the land and the
slaves to her nephew named schoolteacher to manage. The new master, the
schoolteacher, treats his slaves cruelly. Toni Morrison does not write about Sethe s
master raping her and fathering her children. However, Morrison does describe
Sethe s humiliation and sorrow in a scene where two of her master s nephews suck
the milk from Sethe s breasts, so Sethe cannot give it to her baby. Taking milk from
a women s breast might be considered worse than rape because it is not only the
woman who is abused but also the baby. By taking the milk from Sethe s breasts,
the attackers make both the mother and the baby suffer. The sexual abuse by
masters toward female slaves was considered as normal and common in the
nineteenth century South. Since the slaves were considered as their property,
masters could do whatever they wished to them. In Beloved , Christianity could
not set the slave women free physically from slavery, the slave women s spiritually
helped them cope with the pain during slavery. Spiritually here means the ability to
accept life as it is so that the slave women did not feel as painful as when they could
not accept life as it is. So, Christianity does not offer a solution
Quadir s Assertive Communication Style
QP provided Quadir with a CBT activity geared towards communication. QP
explained to Quadir that the activity will help him with expressing himself
respectfully, examined the differences between passive, aggressive and assertive
communication styles, and practice assertive communication .QP discussed with
Quadir the characteristic of aggressive, passive and assertive communicationstyles.
QP provided Quadir with a worksheet in which he had to identify the communication
style described in each situation. QP discussed with Quadir the benefits of assertive
communication style. QP asked Quadir to describe a time when being assertive rather
than aggressive help him with communicating with his teacher. QP asked Quadir to
list some ways to communicate
Explain Three Ways To Reduce Your Pain From Plantar
Three Ways to Reduce Your Pain From Plantar Fasciitis
If you suffer from a problem with your plantar fascia muscle, then you are likely in
pain. Often this condition is temporary, so if you haven t aggravated the problem, it
may get better with rest. However, it may still be painful just getting up and walking
to the kitchen or the bathroom. The following are a few ways that you can reduce
your pain and speed up your recovery time.
Stretch your plantar fascia muscle
This muscle is on the bottom of your foot, and the pain is due to a tear in the muscle.
There is a specific stretching exercise that you can do to relieve pain and help the
healing process. The way you do this is to stand in front of a flat wall. Place the heel
of your foot on
Mercury Dumping Incident
The particular case study in review was an incident involving a waste Mercury
reclaiming facility which contaminated the surrounding area to include a body of
water. Any form of hazardous material contamination to the environment is a serious
issue that should be taken with immediate serious reactions. Anytime a hazardous
material is handled, moreover one that has been expended from its primary use
should come with the automatic question of how proper disposal must be conducted.
There is generally zero excuse for openly dumping a non natural substance, let alone a
wasteproduct into nature. Operations dealing with hazardous chemicals need to use
common sense and good housekeeping despite any delay in production or efficiency
when results can have detrimental impacts to the environment furthermore the good
standings of their operation.
Typically these case studies have a similar underpinning of (what were they
thinking!). This sentence says everything waste contaminated with mercury was
dumped over an embankment of an unnamed tributary to a creek (VanGuilder, para.
5.4). In no way does the concept of dumping contaminated anything over and
embankment into a body of water sound like a logical solution. There is zero
possibility that this incident was a situation of ... Show more content on ...
This particular incident costing approximately $11,500,000 (VanGuilder, para. 5.4) is
an astronomical figure that without a doubt would be devastating to a business. The
real impact lies however that the contamination may never fully be recovered even
after the cleanup process is complete. Furthermore incidents such as this will
undoubtedly impact the local wildlife causing unnecessary death to creatures in the
affected area. Stiff penalties are completely justifiable in these
Becoming A Graduate Degree At The Ohio State University
People have a hard time figuring out what they were meant to do in life, leading to
numerous jobs before they settle on one. Sometimes these struggles to find what
they are meant to do, lead people to completely changing career fields. I believed
that my purpose in life, as I entered college, was to help lead the young people of
today. While finishing up my bachelors degree in Elementary and Middle Childhood
Studies at The Ohio State University, I knew that I wanted to continue my education
and obtain a masters degree. Throughout my entire undergrad, I spent timeas a varsity
football assistant coach. That feeling of wanting to lead along with my coaching
experience influenced me to pursue a graduate degree through a program deeply
rooted in leadership.
With the amount of broken homes and divorce rate at an all time high, kids do not
look to their parents for guidance anymore, instead they look at celebrities. Younger
generations have always been easily influenced by what they see in society. If they
see someone popular on tv doing something or wearing something, they have to do
their best to mimic it. Nowadays the things that our young people are seeing are
leading to negative consequences in their life. They make choices based on what
they see instead of the values that their parents should have been teaching them.
Once those choices do not workout, those same kids look for someone to blame
because they have never been held accountable for their choices before. Being in a
Catharsis In Othello
In both ancient and modern theater, tragedy is prevalent. Audiences everywhere
enjoy watching these stories of tragic heroes unfold as they experience catharsis or
purgation of the emotions, leaving them feeling better instead of worse. After
observing many tragedies in the fourth century B.C., Aristotle created a now famous
description of tragedyand its heroes. He recognized tragic heroes had a tragic flaw or
hamartia, were of high estate, eventually came to recognize their flaw (anagnorisis),
experience a fall or reversal of fortune, and affect the audience, purging them of their
hidden emotions. Both Othelloand Troy Maxson possess some of these
characteristics, however Troy Maxson should not be classified as a tragic herolike
Othello... Show more content on ...
After realizing Desdemona remained faithful, Othello grieves over her death and
denounces himself. From the possession of this heavenly sight! Blow me about in
the winds! Roast me in sulfur! Wash me in steep down gulfs of liquid fire! O
Desdemona! Dead, Desdemona! Dead! O! O! (Shakespeare 1345). The audience
feels pity on Othello because he is truly sorrowful for his actions. Emotions of pain
and regret are released but do not leave them feeling bad. Instead, the freeing of
these pains make the audience feel relieved after watching this play. However, the
audience, and myself personally, does not feel pity for Troy. He never earned the
respect or emotional appeal of the audience, therefore, his fall does not result in the
purgation of emotions as Othello does. After reading and watching Fences and
Othello, I concluded that Othello was indeed a tragic hero and Troy was not.
Although Othello did not meet every characteristic Aristotle described perfectly, he
did achieve the goal of the tragic hero which is to create a catharsis within the
audience. While Troy Maxson was very tragic, he did not possess the qualities of a
tragic hero and did not create an emotional connection and purgation with the
Essay on Accounting Derivatives
This set of 28 questions, taken from prior examinations, covers topics in Chapters 6,
7, and 9.
The purpose of sample multiple choice questions is to acquaint you with the style and
substance of typical exam questions on this material.
Please be aware that:
1. multiple choice format questions are only one of many resources available to
prepare for testing events reading textbook chapters and working through chapter
examples, studying the end of chapter review problem and accompanying solution,
and reviewing assigned homework items and the published solutions may be more
powerful methods to increase your understanding of the topics covered in the course.
2. the exam questions used this quarter will be similar but ... Show more content on ...
The company s variable costs per unit and total fixed costs have been constant from
month to month.
9.What is the net operating income for the month under absorption costing?
A)$12,200 B) $8,800 C) $24,800 D) $1,700
10.What is the net operating income for the month under variable costing?
A)$24,800 B) $1,700 C) $12,200 D) $8,800
11.What is the unit product cost for the month under absorption costing?
A)$72 B) $89 C) $80 D) $63
18.The Jung Corporation s production budget calls for the following number of units
to be produced each quarter for next year:
[pic] Each unit of product requires three pounds of direct material. The company s
policy is to begin each quarter with an inventory of direct materials equal to 30% of
that quarter s direct material requirements. Budgeted direct materials purchases for
the third quarter would be:
A)89,400 pounds. B) 114,600 pounds. C) 29,800 pounds. D) 38,200 pounds.
19.Which of the following statements is not correct?
A)The sales budget generally is accompanied by a computation of expected cash
receipts for the forthcoming budget period. B)The cash budget must be prepared
prior to the sales budget since managers want to know
Essay Sense vs Sensibility
Often, two people who have endured similar life experiences and share an
unmistakable parallel in lifestyles can be viewed as duplicates of one individual. In
Sense and Sensibility, the two main characters, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood can
be seen as two extensions of the same character. The sisters are relatively close in
age, grew up with the same social expectations of the same time period and
household, and they evidently experienced similar childhood and family trauma and
problems. Although it could be argued that they are the same character, these young
women are very different from each other, in respects to their roles and practice of
responsibility, their display of emotions, and openness to love. Jane Austen has
cleverly titled... Show more content on ...
She feels inclined to do this, as she [has a] knowledge which her mother had yet to
learn, and which one of her sisters had resolved never to be taught (Austen, 6).
When her father died, both her mother and Marianne went into a state of hysteria
and spells of dramatic depression, and Elinor had to be the voice of reason in the
household. Even though she too was affected by his passing, she took the
responsibility of caring for her mourning family by entertaining guests and
handling the legal fundamentals with her brother. By staying calm and collected,
Elinor proves that her rationality guides her through a life of responsible actions
and care for those that she loves. Elinor also steps up as the responsible family
member by covering up for their mistakes, particularly her sister s. Marianne is
oblivious to the offenses and conflict that she is creating through her carelessness,
as well as the fact that Elinor is covering them up. While the sisters are living in
London, Marianne s strange love struck behavior does not go unnoticed by their
company, and Elinor incessantly interjected excuses for her sister s imprudent
behavior, claiming her to be ill, anxious or tired. She voluntarily takes the
responsibility of keeping her family in line, assuring that their lack of rationality will
not cause any troubles for them in the future. Marianne s display of responsibility is
not consistent, and is very different than her sister s; unlike Elinor, Marianne lives a
Benjamin Franklin Was A Great Impact On Society
Introduction Benjamin Franklin was a very important colonist in the Revolutionary
War era. He was mainly known for being a Founding Father with many inventions
and contributions to the founding of the United States of America; he had helped
write the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and the Articles of
Confederation, also he helped form the Treaty of Paris, drafted into the Second
Continental Congress and performed the kite and key experiment fueling the flame
for his interest in electricity. He had lived in Boston, Massachusetts (1706 1718),
New York (1718 1721), London, England (1724 1726) and Paris, France (1776 1785)
for a short period of time, but Philadelphia, Pennsylvania remained his home for 59
years of his life. Benjamin Franklinwas a great impact on society for his contribution
for the founding of America and his discovery of electricity.
Early Life (1706 1727) Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts in
1706. His parents was Josiah Franklin and Abiah Folger. Josiah was a soap and
candle maker, he had 17 kids, the first 7 with Anne Child and the last ten with
Abiah Folger. Benjamin Franklin was the 15th son. Benjamin went to school at
Boston Latin School until he was 10 when he started working with his dad at his
soap and candle shop. Ben was uninterested in his father s work so his brother,
James apprenticed Ben at a print shop. Since James wouldn t print any of his brother
s work, Ben used an alias of Mrs. Silence Dogood who

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Example Of A Satirical Essay. 005 Satirical Essays Satire Orazio Pag 12 Jpg Essay Thatsnotus

  • 1. Example Of A Satirical Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "Example of a Satirical Essay" can be both challenging and rewarding. Satirical essays require a keen understanding of the nuances of humor, irony, and wit, as they aim to criticize or mock a particular subject or societal issue. The difficulty lies in striking the right balance between clever satire and avoiding potential misinterpretations. Firstly, you need to grasp the art of satire itself. This involves not only identifying the target of your critique but also presenting it in a way that amuses and enlightens the reader. Finding the perfect tone that conveys your message without being overly offensive or too subtle is a delicate task. Moreover, you'll need to conduct thorough research on your chosen subject to pinpoint its absurdities or inconsistencies. This demands a significant investment of time and effort, as a well-informed satirical essay is more likely to resonate with the audience. Structuring the essay is another challenge. You must carefully organize your thoughts to build a coherent narrative that guides the reader through the satire. A clear introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, and a strong conclusion are essential to deliver your message effectively. Finally, polishing the language and ensuring the essay remains engaging is crucial. A satirical essay that lacks humor or fails to captivate the audience might miss its mark. Therefore, refining your writing style and incorporating witty elements is vital. In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of a satirical essay requires a combination of wit, research, and careful consideration of tone. The process demands a level of creativity and critical thinking that can be intellectually stimulating, albeit challenging. If you find yourself struggling, remember that assistance is available, and you can explore similar essays and more on to gain valuable insights and support. Example Of A Satirical EssayExample Of A Satirical Essay
  • 2. Major Forces That Are Leading International Firms Essay There are five major forces that are leading international firms to the globalization of their operations which includes (1) political (2) technological (3) market (4) cost and (5) competition. Many firms initiate international operations to gain assess by combined markets through exporting product or producing within the area. Technological According to (Ball, 2011) today s technology has allowed an advance in computers, communication and an increase flow of ideas. Through the internet and networks small companies can compete globally. Markets Companies use foreign countries to establish a business to avoid having their competition take their business. With the majority of the population being in foreign countries, outsourcing helps to generate growth. Cost Management utilizes lower cost by moving production lines to foreign countries because the labor is cheaper, and can also lower other parts of a company value chain. There is a reduction in the cost of generating and transmitting information as well as a decline in transportation cost. Competition Competition is increasing because of growth in automobiles, computers, and electronics. Firms are also defending their home markets from foreign competitors by entering into foreign markets. There are a number of reasons why a manager may not be able to successfully apply the specific techniques and concepts learned in his/ her country in other areas of the world. Each country has its own values, cultures and ethical
  • 3. What Is The Impact Of Technology On The Great Plains Frontier The Impact of Technology Emerging technologies affected lives of many people on the Great Plains frontier, ones that were already living there, and others that would eventually migrate there. Technology increased the Plains goods being produced, made life easier, and brought our country closer together. Although there are some disagreements, I believe that commercialization and technology was a benefit for most westerner in the late nineteenth century. Before technological advancements were brought to the Great Plains frontier farmers would over look the land, because it had a very little amount of trees and the ground was hard, and go towards the Oregon area. But after the technology evolved, it made it possible to actually farm, and ... Show more content on ... The herds of bison almost became desolate, the farmers were also plowing the natural gross for their crops, and the cattle business became more important because the railroad could transport them easier. The lives of the native Americans that had already been living on the Great Plains frontier had been affected drastically. Most people really only hear about battles like Custer s last stand, and geronimo. What we don t read in our textbooks is how they were treated. They had been pushed out of their land and were mostly confined to reservations, mostly areas that the white didn t feel were very good. They also were given rations on the reservation, that Americans only had to do in hard times such as war. Emerging technologies affected lives of many people on the Great Plains frontier, But not only theirs, but mine also. If we had not had little technology advancements we would not be where we are at today. The technology in the late nineteenth century increased goods being produced, made life more comfortable, and connected our country. The benefits of these things not only benefitted them but evolved into better things now. I am grateful for the effect it has played on our nation and and will continue to centuries to
  • 4. American Eagles Swot Analysis American Eagle Outfitters Company Overview According to the MarketLine analysis (2016), American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. (AEO) was founded in 1977 by a company called Retail Ventures originally named Silvermans Menswear, Inc. When AEO was launched in 1977, it was part of the Silvermans Menswear, Inc. The two brothers that were part of the founding of American Eagle, Jerry and Mark Silverman, decided that they needed to continue growing their company by opening more than one store. They opened the first American Eagle store in 1977 and sold brand name apparel, shoes, and accessories for men and women (American Eagle Outfitters). A few years later in 1980, due to some financial troubles, Retail Venturessold 50% of the company to the Schottenstein family who would then have full ownership of the company by 1991 (2016). After the purchase of the company in full by the Schottensteins, Retail Ventures launched three more chains of stores similar to the model of... Show more content on ... Some of these strengths include great core values, their human and social capital, they carry a wide variety of products that have a strong brand name, and their expansion through global expansion and investment. AEO has created a unique global company culture based on their core values. These core values are: People, Integrity, Passion, Innovation, and Teamwork. With these values for the company, it has helped shape their brands identity. With a driven team of employees that are part of the same demographic as their customers, it really helps make the AEO stores very welcoming and inviting to customers (Job Opportunities). Unlike competitors such as Hollister or Abercrombie Fitch that have dark lighting and smaller stores, American Eagle has a bright fun vibe when you walk in. This draws in more customers because it helps them feel less intimidated by the store or even the
  • 5. Art Student At The Brunel University Of London England ou were finally here, LONDON. You were a art student at the Brunel University of London England. Classes were enjoyable but after a while you thought it would be best to get your own place. Stop lynching off your parents and all. So you got this small comfy apartment that is near the Fray s river, which was also close to your university. They were ecstatic to say the least, you getting a place to live meant more time for themselves. They were getting older and having there children there limited things they could do. They still helped you find this place though. So they aren t wanting you completely gone from there live. For rent, your parents are paying half until you can balance off your part time job at a small cafe. Which is only a... Show more content on ... Sliding out of the amazing warmth that is your sheets. You walked over to your wardrobe and pick out your outfit for the day. Deciding on a white blouse and black skinny jeans. You walk into the kitchen making waffles for breakfast. It wasn t too challenging to make. Your best friend Laura had showed you a while back how to make waffles and you have enjoyed making them. Even though some tested your patience You had grabbed toppings for the now done waffles. Eating them as fast as you cook due to you having to leave for work in a few minutes. Finishing your waffles you have to get to the train in 15 minutes. You went to the entryway of the small apartment, grabbing some black pumps and walk out. Making in to the cafe you went behind the counter. You luckily made it before any serious traffic came. You grabbed your apron writing pad and pen. (y/n) can you wash the counter and the tables? you hear a call from the kitchen. Sure You shout back going into the counter for a rag and cleaner. You had cleaned most of the tables before you hear the bell ringing signaling someone came in. Looking up your eyes met with beautiful emerald eyes, with bushy eyebrows. and a short mop of dirty blonde hair. To say he was unattractive would be a lie. You got tea? um yeah we have tea You said looking down at the table which you were washing good, earl gray please He says sitting down at the table you just washed and opened up a book
  • 6. Impeachments To Become President Essay The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. This one sentence took our founding fathers eleven days to write. It states that all the power will be bestowed upon the President of the United States. Article two of the constitution is devoted to the presidency, his roles, and terms of impeachment if necessary. Article two, Section one is all about the requirements of becoming president. In the U.S. we follow the rule of jus soli, meaning a person must be a natural born citizen of the United States, and he must be at least thirty five years old, and be a resident of the U.S. for at least fourteen years. Also, section one states that one presidency term is four years long. Stating all the requirements is important to set prerequisites to become president. The president should be very knowledgeable and wise not an eighteen year old with a high school diploma. Succeeding Section one, Section two is about the congressional roles of the president. The president has civilian power over military, cabinet, pardon power, and appointments. This means that the president is Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the U.S., he is the Chief Executive, he is the Chief Administrator, and he can appoint members of the cabinet and supreme court, then Senate has to approve it. Section two acts similar to a job title; ... Show more content on ... Barber. He said there were four types of presidents: active positive, active negative, passive positive, and passive negative. An active positive president is active by being confident and has the desire to accomplish thing, and is positive by reaching a broad audience. Next, an active negative president is confident yet seeking to help a narrow group of people. Then, a passive positive president follows their duties listed in the constitution and reaches a big group of people. Finally, a passive negative president follows the constitution closely and has a narrow
  • 7. Essay On Strike Do you every get star struck? If yes with who? I did get sratr strucked onece, I was hosting on a red carpet on a film that was coming out that had Leonardo DiCaprio in it and Leo was coming the carpet and I got to interview him and I was blown away. He just has this light arounfd him that is so special and that pretty much the only time that really ever happened, because I ve worked with Byonce, Jennifer lopex, Ive worked with a lot of top starsand I just trat them like the humanbeigns that they are and I don t get start struck for them, but for some reason Leonardo dicraprio that was just a difrfrent story all together. And of course I held it togerther but ai had just a big smile in my heart that I know was star struck at that point. ... Show more content on ... So the stunts that they are asking me to do are the stunts they know I can handle. So I have yet to question any stunts so anything that I can do those coordinators know that I can do. So this weekend I m actrually doing in higfall traing. I will jumping off of big mats. So I haven t question any of them yet, but that s an excellent excellent question. What has been the worse injury you ve received while working? Most fun stunt you ve experienced? I have never hurt myself during stunts thank goodness and I say that knowing that there is always a possibility getting hurt. So I say that and am grateful not being hurt during a stunt. The worse I got was someone stabbed me in the eye with a wooden sword and I have a little dot by my eye, so that s the worse I ve ever gotten. The most fun stunt was when I got to fight on Blind spot fighting with Rhonda Rhosy, that was prison fight was really cool and I m hoping to get more work with them. If I ever needed to, how would I jump off a building to escape? You don t unless you really really had to, it takes proper training. You can fall on your head or really injur yourself. So don t do that mama. What I suggest is for emergencies is to get one of those protable laddrs that are inexpesvier and you can use it to climb out of a two story window. Are you working on any new projects that we should look out for? Yes I am I m working on two scenes right now but they wont be out for a little while. One is
  • 8. The Core Values Of Social Work Statement of Purpose Social work concentrates not only on the wellbeing of society, but also the welfare of individuals, families, groups, and communities. Social work is a critical tool in acknowledging national controversial issues such as transparency in the government but can also address local concerns, like gang related activity within a community. It means seeing issues affecting daily lives and taking the initiative to enact a solution. Social work encompasses many facets such as community development, program development, public policy, intervention, and direct one on one communication. The core values of social work for me include the overall well being of society, social justice for all, equality, and dignity among individuals. ... Show more content on ... Not long after, they enrolled her in school and extracurricular activities. She was getting the love and support as a young girl should, and she recognized it. She even said to me one day, Ashley, I m so lucky now. I knew she was comparing her new opportunity to her old situation. As the school year went on, she formed a close bond with her foster brother and they even began to refer to each other as sibling. I witnessed the familial love grow organically between the family and Chelsea. After two years of being considered a foster child, the family was finally able to legally adopt Chelsea. The adoption day was incredibly meaningful to the whole family. Chelsea had a new last name and the family officially had a new daughter/sister. Working with Chelsea and the family, completely changed my views of the foster care and adoption system. I learned that children could grow to love their adoptive parents as their own, and vice versa. The experience can both be appreciative and enlightening for everyone involved. After college, I searched for a career in which I could continue to help children. Luckily, I was offered a position in the finance department at the Children s Institute, Inc. (CII). I would be indirectly helping children, but nonetheless contributing. The Children s Institute, Inc. is a non profit organization focusing on comprehensive social services for infants, children, youth and the whole entire family. CII
  • 9. Criminal Justice System A number of people do not know how the criminal justice system functions. Their assumptions of how it may, how it may work is shaped by the way that the media along with reality based television shows portray the justice system and the crimes involved in the episodes. These programs show real events that have or had happened during the arrests of crimes or the first step that an individual takes when entering the criminal justicesystem. A number of different programs focus on one type of crime while others show quite a variety of different ones, but they are all tied into an individual being inducted into the justice system. After watching a handful of reality based television shows I can say the gender and race of the majority of the ... Show more content on ... In the program of the First 48, they mostly focused on Homicide cases as compared to Cops that portrayed crimes such as patrolling streets for car thieves, drugs, stolen cars, hit and runs along with a number of other crimes. Furthermore, as for the program, FBI Takedown was more focused on terrorist attacks, heists, kidnappings and so forth. In other words, they focused on the extreme or life threatening crimes. There was really no predominant crime that was present in all of these shows, but shows like the First 48, Dateline NBC and Crime Watch Daily predominant crime was murder/homicides. According to CBS News, In America s urban centers, 3,081 people were murdered in the first half of 2017, according to the Major Cities Chiefs Association Violent Crimes Survey. That s up from 2,994 people for the same period in 2016. This may be a reason behind the number of programs that are focusing on this specific crime and showing it to the
  • 10. Letter To The Book Of Ephesians Ephesians I chose the book of Ephesians because It s my favorite book. From chapter one straight through until the end, it is inspirational and encouraging. The book of Ephesians was penned by Paul the apostle, while he was imprisoned. This letter was written to the church in Ephesus. Ephesus is located in the western Asia Minor at the mouth of the Caster River, an important Seaport (HCSB, 2010). The message of this letter is so powerful. Paul opens this book by encouraging the audience to give thanks for the amazing work of the cross and all the blessings that entail the work of the cross upon reception of Christ. Paul encourages the unite created by God known as family; solidifying humanity, both Jew and Gentile. Teachings of church maturity ... Show more content on ... The biblical city of Ephesus, is located as mentioned prior in the western Asia Minor at the mouth of the Cayster River as seen in the map to the left. The great location for the city of Ephesus made it a crucial seaport and a central location for commercial growth. At the time of the Apostle Paul the city of Ephesus was said to be the fourth largest city in the world (Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary, eBook). Although this city represents a great part of the Christian movement and the Ephesians church, it wasn t founded as such. The city of Ephesus was founded by a group of people called the Leleges and Carians which were later driven out by the Greek. The worship of the goddess of fertility was the religious practice of the time. Disaster struck the city in 365 B.C. when a fire destroyed the Artemision Temple. Finally, the city was completely taken over and rebuilt by the Romans, which was the influence that made it the fourth largest city in the world. This great city was associated with the ministries of Paul, Timothy and the Apostle John. These great men played a significant role in spreading early Christianity throughout this city and
  • 11. Amanda Clark Research Paper Amanda Clark s phone conversation came to an abrupt end when her Chevrolet Trailblazer rolled three times before landing on its roof. She had run a stop sign and was broadsided by another driver. Metal caved in around her, but the roof stayed intact and she survived with just scrapes and bruises (Tracy). Amanda Clark survived her first car accident caused by distracted driving, but wasn t as lucky the second time. After she started driving again, she pledged to put her phone away and focus on driving. Clark s Mother, Bonnye Spray, said, I thought this would be a wakeup call for her, and it was for a short time she wouldn t talk on the phone, she was more cautious. But she got more confident in her driving and a sense of Hey, I survived one, I m invincible, nothing is going to happen to me now (Tracy). A year after her accident, Clark was driving on a highway. She... Show more content on ... I didn t even realize what I was doing, until one day Stephanie called me out on it (Henry). The effects of distracted driving accidents are not always physical. The emotional upset a driver feels after a car accident can affect them for months or even years after the accident, regardless if the accident was their fault or not. Although distracted driving is a problem for all drivers, it specifically is a major problem for teenagers. Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for American teens. When it comes to distracted driving, young people are the most likely to text and talk behind the wheel ( Distracted Driving Facts ). In Idaho between the years of 2010 and 2014, the age group 15 19 experienced the most crashes, with the age group 20 24 coming second. Teenagers also contributed to 10% of fatal car crashes and a little over 15% of serious injury car crashes ( Distracted Crash
  • 12. Global Petroleum Industry HISTORY From the start of the global petroleum industry in the early 1900s, both industry and the government have recognized the problem that temperature induced changes in volume of fuel are present for inventory control. The petroleum products, like most other liquids, expand when heated and contract when cooled i.e. the amount of fuel in the inventories of retailer changes with the weather. Following a study of the issue conducted by the American Petroleum Institute from 1912 to 1917, the United States and Great Britain established the standard measure for petroleum products: at an ambient temperature of 60 degrees F, 231 cubic inches equals a gallon [1] It is known that every type of liquid, expand and contract within the space they occupy if the temperature variation takes place. The increase in temperature will cause a liquid to expand and occupy a slightly larger volume than the volume which was occupied by the liquid at the initial point. The converse is also true, as decrease in temperature of the liquid will cause the liquid to contract in volume. Usually, the volume changes due to change in temperature variation directly varies with the density of the liquid i.e. the less dense a liquid is, the greater its capacity to expand and contract with equivalent temperature variations. It is to be noted that these expansion and contraction due to temperature variations only apply as long as the material remains a liquid. Liquids after reaching a temperature point where a
  • 13. Shakespeare And 130 And Sonnet 130 Comparison Using the technique of comparison, William Shakespeare describes how deep his love is for his significant other in both Sonnet 18 and Sonnet 130. Shakespeare takes an unconventional approach by utilizing compare and contrast to make his point. Although he writes the sonnets differently, the moral theme happens to be the same. The two sonnets begin in total opposite tones but conclude the same. Shakespeare proves that the same underlying theme can be proved by using different poetic styles and techniques, such as rhyme scheme or comparisons, thus leads to the comparison and contrast between Sonnet18 and Sonnet 130. In Sonnet 130, William Shakespeare inadvertently uses blazon, a popular form of poetryduring the sixteenth century, to give a detailed summary of his beloved s physical features in a negative manner. A typical blazon would describe a female s body from head to toe. It allowed writers to project an idealized woman whose features could be admired from afar. In the first four lines, Sonnet 130 slowly reveals the conflicting image. The first line begins as a stereotypical love poem, but by the conclusion of the second line, the intent of the poem is unclear. The poem is shocking because instead of using common love poetry techniques, Shakespeare suggests that the woman he is portraying is unattractive and more beautiful things exist, for example, coral is redder than her lips. (Shakespeare, Sonnet 130) The poem continues in this same manner throughout, until line 12. Here Shakespeare sets a tone of criticism. Ironically, he still uses stereotypical love images such as perfume, roses and music to compare his love. The other method used by Shakespeare in Sonnet 130 is the element of surprise. Throughout the poem, he states a beautiful characteristic then shortly follows up with the diminishing of his significant other, almost giving no meaning to the characteristic previously stated. In An Overview of Sonnet 130, Joanne Woolway states, Roses are the stuff of love poetry, but the positivity of line 5 is quickly destroyed by line 6 which negatively affects the praise that the previous line had hinted. The timing is perfect; the surprise that is given from this non comparison is far
  • 14. Basketball and Soccer America is a country that loves sports. Two of America s most popular sports are basketball and soccer. Many children participate in the sports every year. Similarities are abundant between the two. Both sports require team work. Also the main purpose of both is to put a ball into a netted goal. However, there are some very important key differences. Soccer is played on a field that is much larger and there is a goalie that constantly defends the goal. While basketballis played on a smaller hardwood court with fewer players active at once. Furthermore, soccer is low scoring and more strategic when compared to basketball, which has final scores in the hundreds. All in all, many similarities there are huge differences between... Show more content on ... While both soccer and basketball are very popular youth sports in America the same cannot be said of their professional counterparts. In America basketball is one of the most popular and highly watched sports. On the other hand soccer is rarely even televised in most areas. Only when the American team is doing well internationally does any soccer attention start to build in America. However, the rest of the world
  • 15. The Rational Choice Theory Of Cesare Beccaria The topic I have chosen to write this research paper over is the rational choice theory. The rational choice theory started with the work of Cesare Beccaria in the late eighteenth century. From that point forward, the theory has been developed and opened up to incorporate different viewpoints, like discouragement and routine activity theory. The rational choice theoryis a monetary rule that expresses that people dependably settle on reasonable and legitimate choices. These choices furnish individuals with the best advantage or fulfillment, given the decisions accessible and are likewise in their most elevated self interest. Rational choice theory accepts that all individuals attempt to effectively expand their preference in any circumstance and in this way reliably attempt to minimize their misfortunes. The hypothesis depends on the possibility that all people construct their choices in light of sound figuring s, act with discernment when picking, and intend to increment either delight or benefit. Rational choice theory likewise stipulates that all unpredictable social wonders are driven by individual human activities. Accordingly, if a business analyst needs to clarify social change or the activities of social organizations, he needs to take a look at the balanced choices of the people that make up the entirety. The rational choice theory permits inclinations to be spoken to as genuine esteemed utility capacities. Monetary basic leadership then turns into an issue of
  • 16. Managing Information Systems Essay Managing Information Systems The aim of this assignment is to see the requirements for developing and managing a comprehensive Management Information system for an organization. In today s business environment it is getting harder and harder for organization s to not only survive but to compete against other organizations. Information technology plays a big part in helping companies compete and survive. Companies that have branches or franchises need to make sure that they can communicate with the head office so that orders can be passed down. Most of a mangers time is spent 1 Passing information and ideas upwards to senior management to aid their decision making 2 Providing other department managers with ... Show more content on ... From the above definition of a management information system the following overall conclusion can be reached: A management information system is a collection of people; tasks, systems, software, and technology used to provide routine pre defined information that is available to all members of the organization that need to have access to it. Management information systems provide a variety of reports and displays to management. Management information systems (MIS) retrieve internal information about an organization, and share to those who require it. What are the uses of a management information system? : Strategic level systems help senior managers plan the firm s long term course of action. В· Strategic level systems help senior managers plan the firm s long term course of action. В· Tactical systems help the middle managers supervise and
  • 17. Major Outcomes For Mr. C Major outcomes for Mr. C would include managing activities of daily living effectively, decreasing his pain level and notifying members of the heath care team prior to his pain level becoming unmanageable. He will be able to report that the pain management regimen is acceptable using the numeric scale. Mr. C will use non pharmacological methods to help achieve comfort, recognize early signs and symptoms of pancreatitisexacerbation and cutback alcohol consumption or preferably alcohol cessation (Urden, Linda D; Stacy, Kathleen M; Lough, Mary E;, 2016). Mr. C s laboratory values need to be stabilized, body temperature and pulse rate decreased, blood pressure increased, weaned of the oxygen by nasal cannula an increase his urine output. Many of the signs and symptoms experienced are related to local and systemic complications of the disease process. His uncle stated that he has nausea and vomiting for the past few day and this caused many of the electrolyte imbalance (Urden, Linda D; Stacy, Kathleen M; Lough, Mary E;, 2016). The problems or risks that need to be monitored include providing comfort through pain control, emotional support and maintaining surveillance for complication. Mr. C requires education related to the medical diagnoses of acute pancreatitis. The risk for deficits also include hydration and rudiments linked to his culture, lack of communication and isolation from his nuclear family. Mr. C is a Hispanic male and culturally the ethnic group is very stoic
  • 18. Perfection In The Film, Directed By Andrew Niccol I believe Andrew Niccol is trying to say by using this quote is perfection is in our own perception and everyone has their own purpose. This quote means to think about everything God has created. You cannot change what He has done, even if you think it is wrong. Niccol shows this idea throughout the film when humans try to tamper with God s creation, organize people by their physical capability, and create inequality. In the film, humans tried to play God by trying to create the perfect human being. For example, parents had the option to alter their child s DNA in order to make them as perfect as possible. Their idealist human was right handed, had perfect vision, had no heart or physical defect, was brilliant, and so forth. Many parents tried so hard to compete with others to achieve the first place child. They create their idea of ... Show more content on ... His brother on the other hand was born with tampering of DNA which made him superior. However, this did not discourage Vincent and stop him from achieving his dream. Destiny is not only achieved with our genes, but also with our ambition. Throughout the film you could see how genes played a huge role in what you could be, however it is not everything. Although in this society, almost everything dictates on your genes, Vincent was still able to achieve his goals. He past the limit of the certain amount of heart beats he was most likely to have. Jerome on the other hand was unable to reach his goal even though he was designed to be first; he fell short to second. Jerome unfortunately took his own life because he relied solely on his genes, not his ambition. Irene had a heart defect. Although she was brilliant and tried very hard to reach her goal to go up in space, she couldn t because of this. Even though she worked hard to get there, she was not considered perfect and was
  • 19. Mystery Shopper Mystery Shopper Report Customer service hinges around identifying key product or service attributes of target market and delivering consistently the desires of that market. Since target markets have different values businesses must strive to identify customer turnoffs and needs. When a business is successful at delivering good customer service they have not only successfully identified these key attributes that create value for the customer but integrated them into their daily interactions with customers. The perceived value that a customer receives from the overall experience determines satisfaction and loyalty levels. The mystery shopper exercise assisted me in identifying service attributes I value at restaurants. I visited Giovanni s... Show more content on ... The level of attention that was received was the biggest turnoff. Besides the error however, the employees were genuine and kind when providing the service which was much appreciated. If I owned this business I might suggest a more efficient was of processing orders to prevent such a mix up from occurring because it made me question their ability to provide service quickly which is usually one of their strong points. Next, Mr. Wraps fell under the general trend not providing exceptional customer service but getting the job done and when interacting with the customer being clear and genuine. The order was fulfilled much more quickly than I thought it would be and the employees were friendly giving me an incentive card to buy 10 products and get one free. Overall they were above average at customer service and didn t seem to have much that needed improving. They filled orders quickly without neglecting the customer. The last two restaurants, Backyards Bistro and Wild Ginger both excelled at customer service, they stood apart from the other restaurants. It was obvious that they place a high emphasis on customer service as the attempt to develop a specific mood in their restaurants and make the customer feel especially welcomed and important with a waiter and hostess seating people and taking orders. The experience was pleasing asthetically and the waiters kept me informed of wait times and asked multiple
  • 20. The Behavior Of Firms Under Oligopoly Market This essay will attempt to discuss on some models used to understand the behaviour of firms under oligopoly market, where problems of uncertainty exists and whether collusion between these firms will eliminates it. For simplicity, these models will be explained under the assumption that there are two firms (duopoly), namely firm A and firm B and both firms produce identical product. Oligopoly is a type of imperfect competitive market, which consists of few large firms. These firms control the market and sell similar product, which are usually differentiated by the brand (e.g. Nike and Adidas).The most important features of oligopoly is the interdependence between firms, which means that the act of a firm will inevitably affect the other firm. However, a firm cannot be sure of how exactly the other firm will respond to their decision, therefore strategic uncertainty may be used as a tactic in oligopoly. There are many models discussing on the interaction between firms such as game theory, an analysis of strategic interaction and also conjectural variation, which will be the underlying discussion for the first part of the essay. Conjectural variation is an assumption that a firm expects a reaction from other firms in the market based on their movement. This act of conjecturing implies the uncertainty in the market. Conjectural variation is the rate of change of rival s output with respect to own output (McMillan, 2013). Equation 1.1: e.g. dp/dqA= ∂p/∂qA+∂p/∂qB
  • 21. Peru Peru is not only mountains like most people think, the country actually has chilly sierras, a dry coast, and a humid jungle. Peru is a large country of contrasts when it comes to the regions and climates that come with each region (Shields 10 13). The amount of people occupying these regions in the country is an impressive 30.95 million as of 2013 (Gottlieb 1). The culture of course, like any other country, has little differences in traditions and the ways of life depending on the part of the country. The differences vary anywhere from festivals to food throughout the country. For each of the regions like the Andres Mountains, what Peruis most geographically known for, are more Eastern towards the center of the continent. In these mountains... Show more content on ... Spanish is the official language and is used in most of the country. Other languages have been recognized by the Constitution, such as Quechua, which is spoken in many Andean regions in different varieties, and Amara, the predominant language of the southern Andes (About Peru). Even though that Spanish is the official language is apparent that the region and the culture have an influence on the language and dialect as well. Like many countries throughout the world, region to region the way people talk varies in accent and dialect. Even though many people may speak the same official language there is always differences. People in Peru do not only just speak one language like Spanish, it can be mixed with other native dialects to make a mixture of words and phrases (About
  • 22. The Battle Of The Little Bighorn This battle analysis methodically examines one of the most famous battles of the American frontier during the country s growth westward: the Battle of the Little Bighorn, also known as The Greasy Grass to the American Indians. It took place along the Little Bighorn River in what is now the state of Montana. The battle was fought during a sweltering summer day on June 25, 1876 between the United States Army s Seventh Calvary Regiment led by Lieutenant Colonel George A. Custer and the Sioux and CheyenneAmerican Indian tribes led by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse. The significant history leading up to this fantastic battle and all aspects of the opposing forces such as command and control, composition, and strategic and operational tactics... Show more content on ... A Sioux warrior named Red Cloud lead a deception party that ambushed and killed eighty one soldiers and civilians on December 21, 1866 at Fort Kearny. This attack sparked national outrage and demands for revenge against all American Indians. The year that followed saw Army victories at a few battles but ultimately the Bozeman Trail and its three forts were abandoned after the Army conceded to the American Indians. The United States government officially formalized the surrender of the three Bozeman Trail forts and the trail itself with the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868. Another extremely important event that contributed to the culminating battle along the Little Bighorn River was the Battle of the Washita on November 27, 1868. Lieutenant Colonel Custer was engaged in war with the Southern Cheyenne in Kansas and into the Indian Territory, present day Oklahoma, when he came upon the camp of a Cheyenne Chief by the name of Black Kettle. Custer and the 7th Calvary Regiment launched a successful dawn attack on the camp. Estimates vary greatly but the general consensus is that almost all of the Cheyenne killed on November 27, 1868 were old men, women, and children. The immediate results of this battle were deep resentment and hatred of the whites by the American Indians who considered the battle to be a massacre. The Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868 led to continuous conflict
  • 23. High Value Work Is The Indisputable Tool Of Sustainable... In a precipitous changing world, organisations and nations will need to consistently undertake transformational changes to increase high value work, in order to sustain living standards and remain competitive. Accordingly, high value work is at the forefront of competition! Driving innovation, productivity and growth. Consequently, high value work is the indisputable tool of sustainable competitive advantage. At the core of this approach, is complex, high skilled and intellectually demanding manufacturing organisations. Additionally, these endeavours will need a flexible, diverse and highly skilled workforce to acquire the capacity to capitalise on opportunities, and exploit changes in technology that present themselves. Complexity will be the defining factor in these transformational changes, and how organisations and nations harness this complexity will be central to their success. Hierarchical organisations: Traditionally, large hierarchical organisations developed to organise and allocate resources to initiatives that increase certainty and predictability with the sole intention of maximising quality and on time performance. As a consequence of those endeavours, organisations are highly resistant to change and disruption. In addition, as the rate of customer demands and market disruption accelerates, obsolete hierarchical organisations will face the destructive headwinds of change and corporate inertia. Furthermore, because of their very nature, they will also
  • 24. Developmental Psychology As William James once said, The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind, (James). William James quote explains that fact humans can change their lives by changing the way they perceive events that happen in their lives. The way a human can understand this concept is through the help of psychology. Psychology is the study of how the human mindworks and function through scientific studies. Psychology is an important field in today s society that can help every career to understand what is going through a customer mind or patient mind. Not only does psychology help understand one s mind, but it also helps one understand the its surrounding environment and situations. ... Show more content on ... The concept of development through the life span is about understanding the human body from time someone is born to time they die. A person goes through many stages in their life from the day they born to the day they die and each stage teaches a person something that will need for their life. For a dentist it important that he or she understands the stages that their patients are going through in order to give the patient proper oral care. As theorist Erik Erikson describe the stages from infancy to late adulthood, it is important for a dentist to know these stages because it will help the dentist prepare their patient for the proper oral care that is need from a young age to late adulthood. For a dentist to know these stages, it will help the dentist to treat its patient because each patient is at different stage which needs different type of attention. For example, a four year old might need the dentist to be cute and funny in order for the patient to get the treatment, whereas for an adult over 50 a dentist needs to be more straightforward and honest. As children develop through the Erik Erikson stages, it important for a dentist to know when to start teaching their patients proper oral care such as brushing and flossing. To be a successful dentist one must understand the development of its patient in order to give the proper
  • 25. Essay on Romeo and Juliet Compare and Contrast to Pyramus... The stories of Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus and Thisbe both talk of young lovers willing to be together no matter what the consequences may be. The love between the two couples was so strong that they were would die for their lovers. Although, the sequence of events that lead to the tragic endings of these stories have their differences as well. Ovid s story of Pyramus and Thisbe came out a little before Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet. Many believe because of the similarities in plot, Shakespeare s sources or influences for his story could have came from Pyramus and Thisbe . In the stories, there are many similarities as there are differences. Star crossed lovers is a phrase we would use to describe both of the... Show more content on ... When the women discovered their partner wasn t alive, they did the same as well. From my interpretation, the plots are the same in general. Both show that love makes you do crazy things. Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus and Thisbe thought with there hearts instead of their heads being in those situations at those times. Had they both given a little time and thinking before their actions, both of the stories could ve ended happily. As for differences, I came upon many that I think show how the authors might ve felt about star crossed love, young love, or just love in general. The little details I picked at really do draw lines between the two stories and give them both different meaning. The first thing I noticed were the way the relations between the couples began in the stories. Pyramus and Thisbe grew up together and were in love since they were children. Romeo and Juliet fell in love at first sight. After the moment they have spotted each other, they fell head over heels in love with one another. When does that ever happen? I believe this is when Shakespeare was trying to show that there was going to be consequences for being so naГЇve. Shakespeare probably felt young love, especially at first sight, was foolish. Romeo and Juliet shows the consequences of young love and moving too fast. That is how I read it. Since Pyramus and Thisbe were not love at first sight and had loved each other for a long time, maybe
  • 26. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Research Paper The Signs and Symptoms of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Do you love food but find yourself getting bloated after you eat? After you finish eating do you often experience such extreme stomach bloat that you cannot zip up your pants? If you answered yes and find yourself having bloating and/or gas regularly and have noticed a change in your bowel movements, there s a good chance you could be suffering from SIBO. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), also known as small bowel bacterial overgrowth syndrome (SBBOS), is when there are an abnormally large number of bacteria present in the small intestine. Bacterial overgrowth can happen when the normal function of the intestine is compromised, and this can happen from a multitude
  • 27. Ethics Of Computing And The Internet Ethics in Computing and the Internet Jorge Zacarias Written Assignment Unit 7 University of the People Inside the topic of health care system ethic is implicit the pregnancy dilemma. This wide topic can include hundreds of pages; herein we are going to cover principal s data of this essential topic in today s lives. Pregnancy includes a debate for more than 4 decades and some topics that affect not only mothers even child, there are many dilemmas surrounding this controversial topic, where some argue one specific thing and much other argue another things. The first debate comes around the medication; they divide pregnant into different groups Pregnancy and childbirth have become increasingly medicalized in most parts of the world since the early twentieth century. That is, they are increasingly processes that in fact and as a social ideal are managed and overseen by medical professionals, typically involve a high degree of technological medical intervention and contact with clinics and hospitals, and are assessed by medical experts who are the authorities on their progress. Amy Mullin explains that medicalized pregnancy involves interpreting pregnancy itself as a disruption to health that necessarily requires expert medical intervention, and thinking of pregnancy as primarily about health and illness (Mullin 2005, 54). The concept of medicalization is helpful in making clear how this sort of insertion into a medical context is not (or
  • 28. The Doolittle Raid When most people think about the top school in the world for math, science, engineering and technology, they usually think of Georgia Tech. Georgia Tech has its perks, but there are such better options, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or commonly known as MIT. According to the name, MIT is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The schoolis considered one of the hardest schools in the US to get into, have an acceptance rate of 7.9%, and the average GPA is around 4.13, but it is highly worth your while. A lot of famous people have gone to MIT. An example of a successful leader who went to MIT was James Doolittle, the leader of the Doolittle Raid ( The Doolittle raid was one of the most famous raids in the history of WW2, mental scarring the Japanese, while not doing that much damage to the actual landscape. Then we have Buzz Aldrin, who also went to MIT. If you don t know who Buzz Aldrin is, he was the second person to walk on the moon. There is also Richard Feynman, who studied theoretical physic, and Andrew Wong, the CEO of Sony. As you can see with these famous people, they were able to become very successful by going to this... Show more content on ... As seen by Quora, the most popular curse in all of MIT is Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. This is because of people wanting to work at places such as Dropbox or Google( From looking at the statistics of this, is says that the least popular majors include the musical arts, history, and comparative media ( . They also have plenty of other courses, such as fencing and sailing. Both of these courses are apart of the Pirate s Certificate, a certificate given to students that take fencing, pistol, sailing, and archery. To put the nail in the fun classes coffin, MIT has there own toy lab class.
  • 29. ##ism, Imagery, And Symbolism In Cathedral By Raymond... The short story Cathedral is written by Raymond Carver. It is being narrated by a man whose wife invited an old friend and person she used to work for to come visit due to his wife dying. The old friend is a blind man whose name is Robert. The author in the Cathedral uses symbolism, imagery, and irony to provide more meaning to the story. The narrator of the story has a stereotypical opinion on blind people while being blind to his own imperfections, but he is able to start seeing it more clearly through the blind man s eyes. As the story goes on they are able to connect on another level and achieve their brotherhood as they sit and talk more in depth and when the narrator began to draw the cathedral with his eyes closed ... Show more content on ... This object represents the relationship they formed along with compassion and understanding without having to physically see each other. Instead, it requires listening and emotions. At the beginning the narrators stereotypes caused him to be the total opposite of what the tapes had symbolized to his wife. His wife looked forward to the tapes but the narrator on the other hand became more jealous and could ve cared less. In addition to the symbolism, the narrator s observation is ironic because he thinks that because he has the ability to see he brings more happiness to his wife than Robert could to his. He thinks that Robert s wife had to be pitiful while being married to him because he was not able to see her, tell her she s beautiful, or see the love in her eyes. It shows how the narrator views relationships, because of this, the narrator doesn t see that Robert was able to look past the physical appearance. He could genuinely feel the heart of another and connect to them instead of it being based on their appearance. Another Irony example is used when the narrator goes from being stereotypical about blind people while being blind to his own faults, to now being able to see more clearly through his own eyes by having the help from the blind man. Afterwards, the narrator is able to see more clearly and make the connection to the blind man. He also see that the stereotypes that he originally had, not just
  • 30. Essay about Wal-Mart s Smart Inventory System After extensive last minute digging, I finally found a manager who trusted me enough to supply me with the name of the inventory system that is used. Unfortunately for me this is all I could uncover from my employer, but it is a start. Wal Mart uses the SMART system. Because of the way it is spelled I can only assume that it is an acronym. I have been searching for over an hour on and finally produced some meager results, but here they are. Background From the results produced, I am at the deduction that SMART is not an acronym after all. SMART is basically a tracking system, it keeps track of all our inventory, the on hand counts, and can automatically reorder product that is low or empty. As stated last week, most ... Show more content on ... Training usually takes less than one day. (Inventory FAQ) Weaknesses of SMART In all actuality, these are mostly just minor annoyances. Firstly, the system s on hand counts only update once every two hours. This may be because of the huge amounts of data that need to be updated, but customers get angry when the on hand says 25 and one can t be found. My second complaint is that the system has no way of recognizing theft. Again, this produces wrong on hand counts which sometimes become negatives, and is an overall pain to figure out what is actually wrong. I guess one could say my main complaint against the SMART system is human error. But what program can completely remove it? Possible Improvements I think the best solution for this problem would be removal of human interaction, but I realize that this is not possible. Therefore, my second proposition would be not allowing just any Associate to operate the Telxon. I have been there a total of 4 months and I can change prices and inventory counts at my leisure. I m sure you can imagine the havoc that could be wreaked if I weren t an honest Associate. I think there should be at least some kind of intensive training. Most of my training was in the same day and lasted under an hour. Instead of allowing anyone these options, just a handful of Associates should be
  • 31. New Appliances In The 1920s Appliances New appliances were a big part of the technological and social change during the 1920s. The appliances were a big change and was the first attempt of a smart house . It affected housewives because now that the appliances were there, society expected them to clean the house faster and keep it tidy all day. Appliances showed intolerance towards women, mostly housewives. The appliances were an example of how Americans expected housewives to clean and nice for guests and husbands since they had the help of appliances. They did not expect the house to ever be dirty. KKK The KKK was an organization that formed around the civil war, whose purpose was to discriminate blacks and to deplete their freedom in horrible ways. The KKK in... Show more content on ... It was like a giant party town and changed society in many ways. From Jazz, to movie theaters, to clubs, Harlem was known by many people and visited by people from all over. Harlem was a city that showed pure Americanism. It was the birth of the first American music genre, and brought people together in the clubs and the movie theaters. Speakeasy Speakeasies were secret bars during prohibition. These bars were in closed shops at night and other secret spots to hide from the cops. This was a big change from the nice bars that were legal before prohibition, but people still went to them. Speakeasies showed the protest of American s against the government. Even though alcohol was banned, people found away and went against the amendment, since prohibition was a tad bit ridiculous. Clubs and Theaters These clubs and theaters were a big hit during the twenties and were a great landmark of the changes in society during these times. They were home to great stars and the theaters started the idea of hollywood and movies. Clubs and Theaters were a perfect example of the intolerance towards just working for hours a day and having no down time. Now that downtime was a thing, there was something for people to do at
  • 32. Education And Globalization In this essay we are going to explore the link between education and globalisation and if this prepares people for life in a global society. T. Larrson (2001) defines globalisation as, the process of world shrinkage, of distances getting shorter, things moving closer. It pertains to the increasing ease with which somebody on one side of the world can interact, to mutual benefit, with somebody on the other side of the world. Globalisation has had a major impact in the world within the last two decades. Technological advances such as the invention of internet has made it easier for the exchange of information and knowledge across the globe. The spread of knowledge is an important aspect of globalisation. Due to the ever growing expansion of globalisation educationhas changed to accommodate this. We will look at how expanding the teaching of foreign languages in school has helped set up students for a life in a globalised world. Furthermore, we will look at how technology has improved education and finally how neoliberalism has impacted society. The introduction of globalisation has saw an increase in the need of subjects such as foreign languages and business. The importance of students learning a new language has been thrust into the limelight as foreign language has become a necessity within the sphere of the global marketplace and society. The government has clearly recognised this importance as languages are now being introduced to students at an earlier age, with
  • 33. Carnegie Mellon University Personal Statement The Carnegie Mellon University is one of the top ranked engineering schools in the nation. I am interested in double majoring in the Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Biomedical Engineering programs at CMU. These programs appeal to me due to their emphasis on interdisciplinary studies and their commitment to achieving excellence. As a kid, I would open up computers and other electronics to the dismay of my parents and pretend to fix problems. By the fifth grade, I got my own LEGO MINDSTROM kit, and I was building robots that shook hands while saying Hello, cranes that could pick and place, and Lego trucks that avoided obstacles. Programming the Mindstrom Brick using the NXT graphical language was intuitive, fun, and easy. It ... Show more content on ... My quest to understand the pathology of diseases has led me to undertake a clinical internship at Palomar Hospital and a research internship in cardiac tissue engineering at UCSD, where I investigated the effects of pressure on biomaterials like myocardial matrix hydrogels. As part of Carnegie Mellon biomedical engineering program, I will have the opportunity to pursue my research interests in interdisciplinary fields like biomaterials, tissue engineering, and computational neurosciences. I believe computational biology has the potential to transform and accelerate the way biomedical research will be conducted in the future. As a programming enthusiast, I hope to exploit modern computing power to model and analyze biological systems at a molecular and cellular level. With advances in stem cell research, metabolomics, and low cost human genome sequencing, we are entering an age of personalized medicine in which low cost computing will enable medical breakthroughs and new methods of treatment that are yet to be imagined. In addition to academic development, CMU s Biomedical Engineering Travel Assistance program provides study abroad opportunities to gain international exposure. I am also excited about the Biomedical Engineering Summer Undergraduate Program (BME SURP) because it allows me gain research
  • 34. Santos Sarahi Unit 5 Midterm Essay example Sarahi Santos Unit 5 Midterm Midterm September 5, 2014 CJ328: Forensic Fingerprint Analysis Prof: Denise Womer Based upon your expertise in regards to fingerprint and friction skin development, explain why the following conclusion regarding human cloning is false. Premise: We all accept the proven fact that identical twins do not have the same fingerprints. However, human clones present a different set of friction skin development issues. No! Studies have concluded that, even though the fingerprints of identical twins may be very similar, they are not identical. Twins have a very high correlation of loops, whorls and ridges. But the details (for example, where skin ridges meet, divide into branches, or end) differ ... Show more content on ... I don t know how true or even possible this is, but I read an article a few years back on a woman cloning her daughter so that her daughter (who was sick) could have parts from the cloned child. Which I thought was crazy, because then they made a movie about it as well. So I really don t even know if the article was true, or even if the movie is based off the article and if it s true. (Human, Cloning, n,d) Explain the principles and processes used in the analysis, comparison, evaluation, and verification of latent fingerprints. Latent prints are formed when the body s natural oils and sweat on the skin are deposited onto another surface. Latent prints can be found on a variety of surface they are not readily visible and detection often requires the use of fingerprint powders, chemical reagents or alternate light sources. Generally speaking, the smoother and less porous a surface is, the greater the potential that any latent prints present can be found and developed. Investigators often perform cyanoacrylate processing, or fuming, of a surface before applying powders or dye stains. This process, typically performed on non porous surfaces, involves exposing the object to cyanoacrylate vapors. The vapors will adhere to any prints present on the object allowing them to be viewed with oblique ambient light or a white light source. (Latent, n.d) Analysis involves assessing a print to determine if it can be used for a comparison. If the print is not
  • 35. Analysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved In her novel Beloved, Toni Morrison utilizes a circular narrative to emphasize the similarities, or lack thereof, between her characters. In Philip Page s article, Circularity in Toni Morrison s Beloved, he writes, The plot is developed through repetition and variation of one or more core images in overlapping waves... And it is developed through... the spiraling reiteration of larger, mythical acts such as birth, death, rebirth, quest journeys, and the formation and disintegration of families (36). By repeating certain themes or images, Page asserts that Morrison is able to develop her plot in a manner that emphasizes the ways in which the institution of slaveryhas transformed Sethe s life. From escaping slavery and killing her daughter, to becoming a recluse in her community, slavery has transformed how Sethe thinks and acts, even after reaching freedom. Through her circular narrative, Morrison highlights the similarities between Sethe and Belovedas each is hoping to find a new life as they arrive at 124 Bluestone Road. However, this narrative also enhances the inherent differences between Sethe and Beloved, Sethe s actions are usually based on a selfless desire, whereas Beloved can only selfishly consume. With these similar and contrasting qualities, Morrison is able to describe the complex nature of Sethe and Beloved s relationship. In her novel Beloved, Toni Morrisonfrequently uses a circular narrative in order to demonstrate the parallels between Sethe and
  • 36. Failure Modes And Effects Analysis Some key differences concerning the failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) and a root cause analysis (RCA) are clarified. Failure mode and effects analysis is conducted prior to any event. FMEA is a preventive action used to help prevent a failure. The FMEA committee consists of about three to four members who all are experts in the designated subject. Through FMEA the committee helps develop action plans to reduce the risk of failure (Quality One, 2011). RCA is an investigation that occurs after a sentinel event that is unexpected. Through the RCA you are looking to find out why did an event occur or not occur, how the event happened, and how to prevent additional events for occurring (VA National Center for Patient Safety, 2015).
  • 37. Holes Fate Max adamson English essay Holes by Louis Sachar is a novel about a teenager named Stanley Yelnats who is sent to Camp Green Lake for stealing a pair of shoes. At the start of the novel Stanley does not like himself but throughout the novel Stanley develops as a character and over time begins to like himself. In the novel Stanley and Zero build a strong friendship, throughout their friendship kindness is shown from both Stanley and Zero. Fate plays a major role in the novel and even saves Stanley throughout the story. The novel has many ups and downs but Stanley pushes through it. At the start of the book Stanley Yelnats starts off as a kid who gets bullied by other kids at school because he is overweight and because he doesn t have many ... Show more content on ... In the book fate is shown a lot but one main area of fate shown is when Stanley gets sent to camp green lake and so does Zero, because later in the book we see that Stanley and Zero become best friends and that Zero is the great, great grandson of Madame Zeroni who is the person that put the curse on Stanley and his family. In the book, it quotes I should have just kept them, said Zero. I d already made it out of the shelter and everything. I ended up getting arrested the next day when I tried to walk out of a shoe store with a new pair of sneakers. If I had just kept those old smelly sneakers, then neither of us would be here right now. (41.27). Then later in the novel [Stanley] remembered what Zero had said a few days before. If Zero had just kept those shoes, then neither of them would be here right now. As Stanley stared at the glittering night sky, he thought there was no place he would rather be. He was glad Zero put the shoes on the parked car. He was glad they fell from the overpass and hit him on the head. When the shoes first fell from the sky, he remembered thinking that destiny had struck him. Now, he thought so again. It was more than a coincidence. It had to be destiny . (42.26 28). This shows signs of fate in the book because if zero didn t throw the shoes the curse would have never been lifted because Stanley and zero would have never
  • 38. The Importance Of Having A Honey-Do-List If you are married, it s safe to say that you probably have a honey do list. That s kind of a prerequisite for marriage...right? Not much makes a wife happier than being surprised by her husband taking care of something on the honey do list. Need some help with a surprise? Here is a short list of items that show up on those honey do lists. Many you can pull off in a day or so. Some things you will be able to do yourself, others you may need a friend to help. 1.Does your wife struggle to get that old shower head clean? Change out the shower head. Get rid of that old standard and get one of those big shower heads. You can pull this off pretty easily. A trip to your local hardware store will offer a lot of choices. All you need is a few tools... Show more content on ... What else are you going to do? Wait for some man to come along and whisk you off to suburban marital bliss? You might as well ask for the moon by noon. Consider the facts. You made it this far on your own, earning a living and paying the bills all by yourself. You even managed to invest enough money to slap down the minimum five per cent and start calling yourself a homeowner. After all, you re faced with another 40 plus years knock on wood so it s time to put down some roots. But what happens after you move into your new dream house? Suddenly, you re dealing with a new set of monthly expenses. Throw out the budget that carried you through the last few years; it s time to build a new one from scratch. Once you have a new budget, start saving like you plan to buy a second house in a few years. You re going to need all that extra cash for things for which no budget can truly prepare you, such as repairs, renovations, and interior design necessarily in that order. Repairs come first because you need to fix whatever is broken. Did you get a great deal on a handyman s dream? Did you stop to consider whether or not you re handy? Also, don t forget that appliances, heaters, furnaces, and oil tanks have a habit of breaking down at the least convenient times, schedules and finances notwithstanding. Before you even think about redecorating your new house, take a hard look at the layout.
  • 39. Essay On Swatch Swatch is a watch brand that was created in the late 1970s. It has a strong identity which separates it s from many other watch brands such as rolex, ice, dolce and gabbana. For example rolex is a brand that is known to be expensive and valuable. Ice are known for plastic watches which have exciting colours and are bold. Swatch watches are also made out of plastic and is marketed to fit anyone of any age. As a company Swatch has had a huge connection with the pop culture industry. You may have recognised the brightly coloured watches that reminds you of pop art. Things like that is what makes Swatch different and stand out as a company. By collaborating with artists such as Kiki Picasso and Keith Haring it proves that Swatch is a one of a kind... Show more content on ... After its success as a company Swatch developed other sources by using materials such as plastic, stainless steel and aluminium to synthetic fabrics, rubber and silicone. Swatch was also founded 33 years ago in 1983 by Nicolas Hayek and the headquarters base was in Biel, Switzerland. Looking back at the history of Swatch the company didn t succeed in the 1970s. Hitting the 80s it made a break through by remodelling the company then only had to compete with 50 components. The general watches are usually silver or gold and quite bold. Hakey s designs were more phenomenal and colourful. They inspired people to be themselves as the Swatch watch today is commonly known to be bright with a funky unique design on the strap. The Swatch logo incorporates the swiss flag which signifies the country of the watchmaker. There are three main colours to the Swatch logo which are black, red and white. Those three colours are often seen as something important which should get your attention in a way it shows it s dominance, excellence and powerful reputation. By studying the logo it incorporates a custom typeface which is simple and bold. The logo is powerful enough without making it to
  • 40. Tupac Conspiracy Theory Tupac Shakur, also known as Tupac, was a thriving artist who had led a violent life. Music was his therapy and he had many achievements in every part of his rapping career. He was an inspiration to his culture and still remains important until this day. Tupac had died in a tragic death that still remains unsolved. There are many theories on whether or not Tupac s death was staged, such theories are based upon holograms, music videos, and lyrics found throughout Tupac s music and writing. Tupac was born on June 16, 1971. He became inspiration to his culture to this concern for his community. His music was resistive to current issues and he was adamant about his personal conviction with society ( AC Brown 1). Tupac had wanted to become... Show more content on ... As stated here, The conspiracy theory suggest that Tupac faked his own death / so the rapper s no longer victimized and no longer dead. ( Knight 197). Tupac may have faked his death since he wanted to escape from the fame and live his own life. This could be also another reason why he changed his name to Makaveli. Behind the meaning of his name, it is said that, Makaveli is also identified as a reference to the italian political theorist Niccolo Machiavelli(1469 1527 ( Spencer Hall 4). Niccolo was a writer and a war strategist. He had written many books and one caught Tupac s eye. Which the description of the book happens to be to fake your death, so you can fool your enemies. This is when Tupac decides to change his name to Makaveli, days before his death. In addition, this book may have inspired Tupac to do the same thing. In his song, Ghost, there s this lyric that says, the only way for me to come back is by Makaveli . This is why the name Makaveli is important to the conspiracy theories. Moreover, the hologram could be another conspiracy theory as well. On April 15, 2012, Tupac returned to the stage at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival / to rapture reception of 75,000 spectators (Spencer Hall 1). This technology bounced back Tupac s form of optical illusion, which was called Pepper s Ghost. Furthermore, here s when Tupac s music video, I Ain t Mad at
  • 41. Determination Of Risperidone Essay 3.6 Interferences study The influence of various substances as compounds potentially interfering with the determination of risperidone was studied under optimum conditions with 300.0 ОјM risperidone at pH 7.0. The potentially interfering substances were determined from the group of substances commonly detected with risperidone in pharmaceuticals. The tolerance limit was specified as the maximum concentration of the interfering substance that caused an error of less than В±5% in the measurement of risperidone. According to the results, neither a 1000 fold excess of methanol, ethanol, NH4 +, Fe2+, Fe3+, Mg2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, SO42в€’, Al3+, SO42в€’NH4 +, Fe2+, Fe3+, CO32в€’, Clв€’ or Fв€’, CO32в€’, alanine, phenylalanine did not affect the selectivity, nor a 50 fold excess of levodopa, carbidopa, methyldopa, epinephrine, norepinephrine and methylphenidate interfered with the determination of risperidone.... Show more content on ... The results for determination of the risperidone and methylphenidate in Risperidone tablet and Ritalin tablet are presented in Table 1. Satisfactory recoveries of the experimental results were determined for risperidone and methylphenidate. The repeatability of the method was indicated by the mean relative standard deviation
  • 42. To Kill A Mockingbird Relevant Today There are some people now claim that the racism in To Kill a Mockingbird is not relevant to today s time and they are wrong. It s obvious they haven t taken a look at today s society which is horrible in many ways. First off what is racism? Racism is when someone will make fun/insult of someone for their race/skin color. Racismis bad and it shouldn t exist. But it has existed since the Renaissance period and continues on to this very day. But people don t understand that part and those people are pretty lucky...Anywho To Kill a Mockingbirdwas a book made July 11 1960. This book takes place in Maycomb, Alabama with our main protagonist Scout Finch. In the book Scout s character isn t much described but she is about 7 years old and is your practical tomboy character. She dislikes dresses and loves to read and hang with her brother Jem Finch. Jem Finch is Scout s brother and he plays a very important part in this story. At the beginning of this story Scout s older self explains how Jem broke his arm and that plays a HUGE part in the story. Next is Dill who is just Scout and Jem s friend. Atticus Finch is the father of the Finch siblings and he... Show more content on ... There a lot of who people address the topic of racism and some of those people are influences to the world, yet they use the topic of racism in a lot of the things they say. For example there is the government who uses racism so they can excuse human right abuses. With that there are many laws that are aimed at preventing immigration of people of different color and different religion, culture etc. Influencing or famous people aren t the only ones who use racism that spreads it. There are parents who have beliefs that one race is better than the other. Those parents are bad examples on their kids which causes a bad environment for the kids. When that happens the kids will most likely grow up to think that racism is okay and that leads to our next
  • 43. The Great Depression s Impact Socially, Politically, And... Steinberg 1 Naphtali Steinberg Goss His 112 601 15 Nov. 2016 The Great Depression s Impact Socially, Globally, Politically, and Economically Economists continue to study the causes of the Great Depression because they still disagree on what specifically caused it. Many theories have been advanced over the years, but there remains no single, universally agreed upon explanation as to what the root cause was. However, many experts agree that banking played a crucial and single handedly one of the most important roles into what caused the Great Depression. Furthermore, Americans lost nearly 20% of their deposits when the banks failed. Since there was no FDIC yet, and most state deposit insurance schemes had shut down already, this meant that everyday folks lost their savings. The effects of the Depression were felt around the world in the social, global, political, and economic, lives of nations and individuals; some of the social and global impacts include; Between 1929 and 1933, the quantity of goods and services produced in the United States fell by one third, the unemployment rate soared to 25 percent of the labor force, the stock market lost 80 percent of its Steinberg 2 value and some 7,000 banks failed. When the stock market crashed in 1929, overnight, tens of thousands of customers began to withdraw their deposits. However, the banks with no money to lend and loans having to return on them, the banking crises started to excavate rapidly, causing global
  • 44. Bill Wisenski s Threaten In a documentary film directed by Bill Wisenski, Threatened: The Controversial Struggle of the Southern Sea Otter, it reveals some of the reasons why the California sea otter population is declining. In addition, it shows the controversy surrounding the No Otter Zone . Furthermore, it ensures why the California sea otterpopulation is important to the marine ecosystem. In the film, sea otter populations are endangered because of the significant impact by some human factors. In the 1700 s and 1800 s, fur traders hunted sea otter population to near extinction. Besides this, threatened events such as shipping and drilling oil across the Pacific and along coastal areas; the California sea otters is vulnerable to oil contamination. As a result,
  • 45. Project Management Methodologies For Project Managers Project Methodology There are numerous project management methodologies available for project managers to choose from. The best process or methodology must take into consideration the unique aspects of the project, including factors such as staff size and system criticality, as determined by the project manager and the core team (Cockburn, 2000). From my vantage point, the primary concern is the team member buy in and keeping the process participatory, while managing the interaction, communication and contributions from the various team members towards the fulfillment of the objective. It also goes without says, that meeting time, scope, costs and performance, and quality standards are of the utmost importance; to guarantee that the final ... Show more content on ... Project Scope Planning Resources One of the premiere sources available to help understand and define the project scope is A Guide to the Project ManagementBook of Knowledge, (PMBOK Guide). The PMBOK Guide details the scope management process which includes: Scope Planning, Scope Definition, Creating the WBS, Scope Verification and Scope Controls. Because most project failures are attributed to ill defined scope, this process management criteria helps to ensure that the prerequisite steps or works gets completed, which in turns help to increase the project s ultimate success rate. There are also numerous scope management templates and simulation programs hosed online such as and These online sources provide a step by step approach, outlining considerations that should be factored into the creation of one s scope management plan. The simulation software that is available through the Harvard Business Review, which is helpful because it allows the user to assume the role of a project manager. The end user is tasked to complete a specific project using the guidelines outlined in the simulation software. Project Phase Project management phases include Project Initiation, Defining Planning, Launch Execution, Performance Control and Project Closure. According to (2015), the project initiation phases involves the evaluation of the benefits or the
  • 46. Humorous Love Story Copper leaves and empty skeletal swings rustle against the blistering carbon machines smoking out particles of greying sonorous melodies, heavy with a layer of thick mournful soot and perspiration sweating out the saltiness of human fervour. Like a young, raw like fever that stretched out, dissolved and collapsed its black plumage around iron playgrounds where children used to play in illusive and corrosive battlefields swirling in an antagonistic coal lit fire crackling its scarlet canker smoldering like a cancer along the tremors of their innocent bone marrows; along the emerald green fields of their small capillaries. In an intricate design of love and war, that canker buds Like weeds in a mercury infused soil Oozing out the yellowing ... Show more content on ... Whose pink, fleshy feet used to run around the dewy skin of verdant dreams? The ones that used to chase indigo butterflies across sunflower fields Barefoot and fluttering their callused hands like vibrating hummingbirds with pastel ribbons and lavender scented paper planes combusting the plastic soldiers that dismantled into crooked men. Gone are the half truths with the vapour, the sleek strings of ebony condensation smothering the mouth that curves in derision the rage that came foaming at the mouth; its silvery saliva dripping, spitting and raining its acidic hate tarnishing the world with oxidized lips that sucked on lollipops. All the loathing that children feed in crimson coated saccharine Where are the children now? The ones that used to laugh in the wind and hum mellifluous rhymes about bumblebees, three little blind mice and Mary had a lamb Because we are all little lambs brainwashed in the dark by the sweet nectar we used to drink from mother s bosom. The milk that curdled the chaste into thick petroleum Beautiful and esoteric was their madness coated in a magnetic wool of lies and avarice Their bambi eyes burnt like gasoline leaking the lachrymose bombs Of a past and future
  • 47. Feminism In Morrison s Beloved By Toni Morrison Another way that Morrison took advantage of her style was by also applying periodic and inverted sentences in her novels. The author s reason for including these types of sentences was to break the stream of monotonous reading by creating dynamic sentence that are somewhat unexpected. In addition, Morrison entices the reader by manipulating sentence length and word to express the tone or emotion she is trying to convey. This author s distinctive style was what has made so renounced and prominent in the literary world. Feminism in Morrison novels is grounded upon the structure of a culture which defines women, as worthless and invisible victims. Her fictional characters struggle for their liberation from kingdom manipulated by a corporate society ... Show more content on ... Garner. He lets Halle, Sethe s husband; buy his mother s freedom by working for five years. But the situation changes when Mr. Garner dies. Mrs. Garner feels she cannot manage the land and the slaves by herself, so she gives the land and the slaves to her nephew named schoolteacher to manage. The new master, the schoolteacher, treats his slaves cruelly. Toni Morrison does not write about Sethe s master raping her and fathering her children. However, Morrison does describe Sethe s humiliation and sorrow in a scene where two of her master s nephews suck the milk from Sethe s breasts, so Sethe cannot give it to her baby. Taking milk from a women s breast might be considered worse than rape because it is not only the woman who is abused but also the baby. By taking the milk from Sethe s breasts, the attackers make both the mother and the baby suffer. The sexual abuse by masters toward female slaves was considered as normal and common in the nineteenth century South. Since the slaves were considered as their property, masters could do whatever they wished to them. In Beloved , Christianity could not set the slave women free physically from slavery, the slave women s spiritually helped them cope with the pain during slavery. Spiritually here means the ability to accept life as it is so that the slave women did not feel as painful as when they could not accept life as it is. So, Christianity does not offer a solution
  • 48. Quadir s Assertive Communication Style QP provided Quadir with a CBT activity geared towards communication. QP explained to Quadir that the activity will help him with expressing himself respectfully, examined the differences between passive, aggressive and assertive communication styles, and practice assertive communication .QP discussed with Quadir the characteristic of aggressive, passive and assertive communicationstyles. QP provided Quadir with a worksheet in which he had to identify the communication style described in each situation. QP discussed with Quadir the benefits of assertive communication style. QP asked Quadir to describe a time when being assertive rather than aggressive help him with communicating with his teacher. QP asked Quadir to list some ways to communicate
  • 49. Explain Three Ways To Reduce Your Pain From Plantar Fasciitis Three Ways to Reduce Your Pain From Plantar Fasciitis If you suffer from a problem with your plantar fascia muscle, then you are likely in pain. Often this condition is temporary, so if you haven t aggravated the problem, it may get better with rest. However, it may still be painful just getting up and walking to the kitchen or the bathroom. The following are a few ways that you can reduce your pain and speed up your recovery time. Stretch your plantar fascia muscle This muscle is on the bottom of your foot, and the pain is due to a tear in the muscle. There is a specific stretching exercise that you can do to relieve pain and help the healing process. The way you do this is to stand in front of a flat wall. Place the heel of your foot on
  • 50. Mercury Dumping Incident The particular case study in review was an incident involving a waste Mercury reclaiming facility which contaminated the surrounding area to include a body of water. Any form of hazardous material contamination to the environment is a serious issue that should be taken with immediate serious reactions. Anytime a hazardous material is handled, moreover one that has been expended from its primary use should come with the automatic question of how proper disposal must be conducted. There is generally zero excuse for openly dumping a non natural substance, let alone a wasteproduct into nature. Operations dealing with hazardous chemicals need to use common sense and good housekeeping despite any delay in production or efficiency when results can have detrimental impacts to the environment furthermore the good standings of their operation. Typically these case studies have a similar underpinning of (what were they thinking!). This sentence says everything waste contaminated with mercury was dumped over an embankment of an unnamed tributary to a creek (VanGuilder, para. 5.4). In no way does the concept of dumping contaminated anything over and embankment into a body of water sound like a logical solution. There is zero possibility that this incident was a situation of ... Show more content on ... This particular incident costing approximately $11,500,000 (VanGuilder, para. 5.4) is an astronomical figure that without a doubt would be devastating to a business. The real impact lies however that the contamination may never fully be recovered even after the cleanup process is complete. Furthermore incidents such as this will undoubtedly impact the local wildlife causing unnecessary death to creatures in the affected area. Stiff penalties are completely justifiable in these
  • 51. Becoming A Graduate Degree At The Ohio State University People have a hard time figuring out what they were meant to do in life, leading to numerous jobs before they settle on one. Sometimes these struggles to find what they are meant to do, lead people to completely changing career fields. I believed that my purpose in life, as I entered college, was to help lead the young people of today. While finishing up my bachelors degree in Elementary and Middle Childhood Studies at The Ohio State University, I knew that I wanted to continue my education and obtain a masters degree. Throughout my entire undergrad, I spent timeas a varsity football assistant coach. That feeling of wanting to lead along with my coaching experience influenced me to pursue a graduate degree through a program deeply rooted in leadership. With the amount of broken homes and divorce rate at an all time high, kids do not look to their parents for guidance anymore, instead they look at celebrities. Younger generations have always been easily influenced by what they see in society. If they see someone popular on tv doing something or wearing something, they have to do their best to mimic it. Nowadays the things that our young people are seeing are leading to negative consequences in their life. They make choices based on what they see instead of the values that their parents should have been teaching them. Once those choices do not workout, those same kids look for someone to blame because they have never been held accountable for their choices before. Being in a
  • 52. Catharsis In Othello In both ancient and modern theater, tragedy is prevalent. Audiences everywhere enjoy watching these stories of tragic heroes unfold as they experience catharsis or purgation of the emotions, leaving them feeling better instead of worse. After observing many tragedies in the fourth century B.C., Aristotle created a now famous description of tragedyand its heroes. He recognized tragic heroes had a tragic flaw or hamartia, were of high estate, eventually came to recognize their flaw (anagnorisis), experience a fall or reversal of fortune, and affect the audience, purging them of their hidden emotions. Both Othelloand Troy Maxson possess some of these characteristics, however Troy Maxson should not be classified as a tragic herolike Othello... Show more content on ... After realizing Desdemona remained faithful, Othello grieves over her death and denounces himself. From the possession of this heavenly sight! Blow me about in the winds! Roast me in sulfur! Wash me in steep down gulfs of liquid fire! O Desdemona! Dead, Desdemona! Dead! O! O! (Shakespeare 1345). The audience feels pity on Othello because he is truly sorrowful for his actions. Emotions of pain and regret are released but do not leave them feeling bad. Instead, the freeing of these pains make the audience feel relieved after watching this play. However, the audience, and myself personally, does not feel pity for Troy. He never earned the respect or emotional appeal of the audience, therefore, his fall does not result in the purgation of emotions as Othello does. After reading and watching Fences and Othello, I concluded that Othello was indeed a tragic hero and Troy was not. Although Othello did not meet every characteristic Aristotle described perfectly, he did achieve the goal of the tragic hero which is to create a catharsis within the audience. While Troy Maxson was very tragic, he did not possess the qualities of a tragic hero and did not create an emotional connection and purgation with the
  • 53. Essay on Accounting Derivatives This set of 28 questions, taken from prior examinations, covers topics in Chapters 6, 7, and 9. The purpose of sample multiple choice questions is to acquaint you with the style and substance of typical exam questions on this material. Please be aware that: 1. multiple choice format questions are only one of many resources available to prepare for testing events reading textbook chapters and working through chapter examples, studying the end of chapter review problem and accompanying solution, and reviewing assigned homework items and the published solutions may be more powerful methods to increase your understanding of the topics covered in the course. 2. the exam questions used this quarter will be similar but ... Show more content on ... The company s variable costs per unit and total fixed costs have been constant from month to month. 9.What is the net operating income for the month under absorption costing? A)$12,200 B) $8,800 C) $24,800 D) $1,700 10.What is the net operating income for the month under variable costing? A)$24,800 B) $1,700 C) $12,200 D) $8,800 11.What is the unit product cost for the month under absorption costing? A)$72 B) $89 C) $80 D) $63 18.The Jung Corporation s production budget calls for the following number of units to be produced each quarter for next year: [pic] Each unit of product requires three pounds of direct material. The company s policy is to begin each quarter with an inventory of direct materials equal to 30% of that quarter s direct material requirements. Budgeted direct materials purchases for the third quarter would be: A)89,400 pounds. B) 114,600 pounds. C) 29,800 pounds. D) 38,200 pounds. 19.Which of the following statements is not correct? A)The sales budget generally is accompanied by a computation of expected cash
  • 54. receipts for the forthcoming budget period. B)The cash budget must be prepared prior to the sales budget since managers want to know
  • 55. Essay Sense vs Sensibility Often, two people who have endured similar life experiences and share an unmistakable parallel in lifestyles can be viewed as duplicates of one individual. In Sense and Sensibility, the two main characters, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood can be seen as two extensions of the same character. The sisters are relatively close in age, grew up with the same social expectations of the same time period and household, and they evidently experienced similar childhood and family trauma and problems. Although it could be argued that they are the same character, these young women are very different from each other, in respects to their roles and practice of responsibility, their display of emotions, and openness to love. Jane Austen has cleverly titled... Show more content on ... She feels inclined to do this, as she [has a] knowledge which her mother had yet to learn, and which one of her sisters had resolved never to be taught (Austen, 6). When her father died, both her mother and Marianne went into a state of hysteria and spells of dramatic depression, and Elinor had to be the voice of reason in the household. Even though she too was affected by his passing, she took the responsibility of caring for her mourning family by entertaining guests and handling the legal fundamentals with her brother. By staying calm and collected, Elinor proves that her rationality guides her through a life of responsible actions and care for those that she loves. Elinor also steps up as the responsible family member by covering up for their mistakes, particularly her sister s. Marianne is oblivious to the offenses and conflict that she is creating through her carelessness, as well as the fact that Elinor is covering them up. While the sisters are living in London, Marianne s strange love struck behavior does not go unnoticed by their company, and Elinor incessantly interjected excuses for her sister s imprudent behavior, claiming her to be ill, anxious or tired. She voluntarily takes the responsibility of keeping her family in line, assuring that their lack of rationality will not cause any troubles for them in the future. Marianne s display of responsibility is not consistent, and is very different than her sister s; unlike Elinor, Marianne lives a
  • 56. Benjamin Franklin Was A Great Impact On Society Introduction Benjamin Franklin was a very important colonist in the Revolutionary War era. He was mainly known for being a Founding Father with many inventions and contributions to the founding of the United States of America; he had helped write the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and the Articles of Confederation, also he helped form the Treaty of Paris, drafted into the Second Continental Congress and performed the kite and key experiment fueling the flame for his interest in electricity. He had lived in Boston, Massachusetts (1706 1718), New York (1718 1721), London, England (1724 1726) and Paris, France (1776 1785) for a short period of time, but Philadelphia, Pennsylvania remained his home for 59 years of his life. Benjamin Franklinwas a great impact on society for his contribution for the founding of America and his discovery of electricity. Early Life (1706 1727) Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1706. His parents was Josiah Franklin and Abiah Folger. Josiah was a soap and candle maker, he had 17 kids, the first 7 with Anne Child and the last ten with Abiah Folger. Benjamin Franklin was the 15th son. Benjamin went to school at Boston Latin School until he was 10 when he started working with his dad at his soap and candle shop. Ben was uninterested in his father s work so his brother, James apprenticed Ben at a print shop. Since James wouldn t print any of his brother s work, Ben used an alias of Mrs. Silence Dogood who