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The Wisdom of Silicon Valley
This is, very broadly, Silicon Valley s take on deregulation, or: heterarchy over hierarchy. Distributed
networks that auto match people for commerce/socializing is better than hierarchy that uses
command+control to influence/restrict decisions. As I wrote this, I wanted to add a counterexample,
exception to a rule, or other clarification many times over. This email is me portraying what I think is
the prevailing, semi unexamined wisdom of Silicon Valley.
Most of Silicon Valley wants deregulation because they have seen regulation fail and deregulation
succeed. Wall Street is heavily regulated and heavily subsidized. Wall Street is not capitalism to them.
Wall Street is crony capitalism: When shit goes bad, you get government money. When shit goes well,
you get all the money! You spend all your money to rig the rules so you get more money, which you
use to rig the rules, etc.
Silicon Valley redeems capitalism from Wall Street. If you succeed, you succeed and keep the money
(mostly). If you fail, the company goes under. You can try again, but you don t get bailed out.
Crucially, there is a healthy ecosystem, nobody gets too large and nobody is too small, at least within
SV; There are marginalized people just down the street in the mission that aren t in silicon valley.
Nobody gets too large because then they can t innovate and start to fail: Sun, Digital, HP, AOL, etc.
are all companies that got huge and then either got massively devalued or closed. The only
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Summary Of Student Observation
The participants were 12 Old Dominion University students, six were female and six were male. The
students were drawn from campus housing and the university library. Six of the participants received a
vignette with Tara on it, and the other six received one with Michael on it. Each group of six was
composed of three females and three males. The participants were between the ages of 21 24 years of
age, the average being 22.3. The people that received the vignette with Tara were 3 Hispanic females,
1 Hispanic male, 1 Caucasian male, and 1 African American male. The people who received the one
with Michael were 2 Caucasian females, 1 African American female, and 3 Caucasian males.
Participants were asked in person if they wanted
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The People Have Made Outstanding Progress On Their Goal Essay
Over the Rainbow
Twenty four year old Daniel Zamudio was walking through a park in Santiago, Chile, when four men
appeared and began to burn Daniel with cigarettes and beat him with rocks and glass bottles, injuring
him in various ways (Saul). The men used the broken glass to cut off a part of his ear, as well as, cut
swastikas into his skin because Zumudio was gay (Saul). Less than a month later, Daniel Zamudio
passed away due to this violent hate crime (Saul). Although only few instances of homophobic crimes
are reported, FBI statistics show that attacks on the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual,
queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, and pansexual (LGBT+) community, such as the Orlando
gay nightclub shooting, are one of the common occurrences, right behind racial attacks (Saul). LGBT
people have made outstanding progress on their goal to reach equality. For example, same sex couples
now have the right to adopt children in all the states of America and thanks to President Obama,
federal workers cannot be discriminated upon sexual orientation or gender identity (Clinton).
Although the LGBT community has civil rights that should be protected, due to society s narrow
mindedness, the LGBT+ community gets treated as second class citizens.
Education is an important factor in life in order to thrive, but LGBT students face harassment in
school due to their identity. According to a Human Rights report conducted in 2001, two million
American students in
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Color Of Water
The one big question that an author always asks themself after deciding a story line, is how the plot
should be arranged. Everyone has their own thoughts when it comes to this decision. An author may
not necessarily pick the best method, but if they feel it is, they will work their magic to ensure the plot
is powerful and enticing. In the memoir, The Color of Water: A Black Man s Tribute to His White
Mother, author James McBride uses many different structural strategies throughout his piece. He
relates previous chapters with later ones to vividly show the bend between the past and present of his
mother s life journey, while still keeping a chronological order intact. McBride incorporates his own
unique style to draw readers in and show how ... Show more content on ...
He almost made it so that the reader had to infer the characteristics of each character. Once a new
character was introduced, the author would include small tidbits about them, but mainly focus on how
they reacted to certain events, which allowed the reader to think about the kind of person a specific
character is. For example, when James mother first talked about her father, she just said what his
occupation was and how he treated her. She talked about how he would get sexual pleasure through
her and always kick her around like a piece of dirt. Without Mrs. McBride having to saying anything
about her father s character, the reader can already assume that he is a selfish, rude old man who only
focuses on what benefits him. Also, when James McBride personally introduces his mother, he gave
copious examples of how she always put her children before herself and avoided negative influences.
This makes the reader think that she is a kind hearted, loving woman who wants the best for people
who deserve it, especially her children. Therefore, without giving a legitimate introduction of each
character, the author is able to hint at their characteristics, while still allowing the reader to have their
own personal thoughts of them. In conclusion, James McBride laid his story out in a unique way to
best show the ups and downs of his mother s life. He displayed a story from two different points of
view, while still keeping an orderly structure in tack. He perfectly showed how his mother evolved as
a person through characters with powerful personalities. McBride may not have displayed the same
structural organization others would have, but he chose what he thought was best and worked to share
an inspiring life
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The Qr Transformation Protects The Upper Hessenberg Type...
The QR transformation protects the upper Hessenberg type of the first matrix, and the workload on
such a matrix is O(n2) per cycle as restricted to O(‪
n3) on a general framework. As s tends to infinity,
the original matrix merges to a structure where the eigenvalues are either segregated on the corner to
corner or are eigenvalues of a 2 × 2 sub matrix on the diagonal. Thus, we can see that the QR
transformation reduces the complexity and the number of iterations. QR is one of the mostly used
algorithms for finding the eigenvalues of a matrix, where Q represents an orthogonal matrix and R an
upper triangular one, R comes from right. ‬
Now we consider a non singular matrix with real entries, either symmetrical or not. In essence, the QR
algorithm is based on the following property:
If A is factorized in the product A=QR, where Q is non singular, then the matrix of the product in
reverse order, A =RQ, has the same eigenvalues as A has (having similarity with A).
The invention of the QR algorithm
The QR transformation was introduced in the late 1950s by John G.F. Francis (England) [6] and by
Vera N. Kublanovskaya (USSR) [7], working separately. The QR calculation has been named as one
of the ten most critical calculations of the twentieth century. John G.F. Francis (conceived 1934) is an
English PC researcher. In 1954 he worked for the National Research Development. In 1955 1956 he
went to Cambridge University, yet did not
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Social And Social Changes In Japan During The Tokugawa Period
Firstly, Japan s political structure was transformed to really large extent during the Meiji era as it
brought about changes such as in the manner of governing the people, parliament structure as well as
the reform in policies that the Japanese were forced to sign with the Western powers such as the
United States of America and Great Britain. During the Tokugawa period the Emperor Meiji limited
the power of the samurai removing exclusive rights such as their right to punish commoners and he
also removed their right to be the only armed force in Japan, in favour of westernized military with
several different armed sections. In addition, the Emperor sent scholars to Britain, France and
Germany to study their parliament as well as study the way these Western nations operated.
Eventually the Emperor appointed Ito Hirobumi to select an adequate constitution for the new empire
of Japan. ... Show more content on ...
Education was a main social system that changed during modernization. In the Edo period, school was
only for children of people in higher classes. Now it was mandatory for all children to take. In 1871,
the Japanese government established a Ministry of Education. It was designed to break down class
identities which helped raise the standard of living in Japan. In 1884 an important man named Mori
Arinori became the Minister of Education for Japan. He restructured the school system which stayed
in place for sixty years. As well, he established the Imperial University which was later renamed the
Tokyo University. These changes that were made influenced people all over Japan. The government
believed that Japan would become a more powerful country if their citizens were educated. The
government taught values such as national identity and loyalty to the Emperor. This helped unite
Japan and make them a stronger
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Summary Of Olaudah Equiano
The film tells the life story of Olaudah Equiano, from 1746 of his birth to 1796 of his death. A
documentary film less than hour on the life and struggle of a slave. It covers his life from age eleven,
when Equiano and his sister was abducted by European slave traders at the age and sold into slavery.
He later bought his freedom and became part of the abolition movement. From 1833, Slavery was
abolished 10 years later after Equiano death. The film also through showing Richard Baker taught
Equiano to read and write, guided him along the path of religion. As with Robert King, which was his
last slave owner, allowed Equiano to engage in profitable trading for his own account while he was in
his near 20s. Equiano as a writer, who wrote his autobiography and published the biography in 1789.
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I knew about Equiano was one of the first to learn how read and write, but I didn t know a white
young man taught him. It seemed to me that it wouldn t be a smart thing for a white man to teach a
slave how to read and write. After watching that preview of Equiano experience of a young boy
captured by traders and brought to a slave ship. I had to look up in my textbook more about Equiano s
life and the text states that, Equiano described during the 1780s how horrible it was living around that
time. Also, him describing the white slave traders, with their horrible looks, red faces, and long hair,
appeared to be savages who acted with a brutal cruelty that went beyond anything their victims had
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The Life and Times of Nero Essay
The Life and Times of Nero
Carlo Maria Franzero was born December 21, 1892 in Turin, Italy. He was educated at the University
of Turin. Upon the commencement of the Second World War, Franzero fled Fascist ruled Italy for
England. He worked in England as a journalist for the London Daily Telegraph during World War II
and later he served as a correspondent for Il Tempo, a Roman newspaper. His expertise is Ancient
Roman and Italian History. Other notable works by Franzero are The Life and Times of Cleopatra and
The Life and Times of Tarquin the Etruscan.
Franzero s biography of Nero is very complex and controversial. Nero is renown as one of the most
vicious, merciless, and least efficient emperors of the Roman Empire. ... Show more content on ...
Seneca was a Spaniard born in the year 6 BC at Cordova. Seneca was trained extensively in rhetoric
and philosophy. Agrippina had ulterior motives for choosing Seneca as Nero s tutor. Seneca was
stodgily conservative and republican. He was a paragon of all the ancient Roman virtues. Agrippina
knew the Senate would smile upon this and it would later benefit Nero.
Franzero attributes much of Nero s early success obtaining the throne to his mother. Agrippina was a
very beautiful, ruthless, and deceitfully clever woman. She had the unique ability of positioning
herself well, regardless of the situation. Three of Agrippina s two husbands died as a result of being
poisoned. During her pregnancy with Nero, Agrippina visited a Persian Magician that foretold her
horoscope. You will give birth to a son, who shall be Emperor, but will assassinate his mother.
Agrippina replied: Let him murder his mother but be Emperor! #8212;Necet me dum reget! She was
dedicated to seeing her son become one of Rome s most prominent politicians. She wouldn t allow
anyone to stand in the way of his progress. Her desire to thrust her son into the leading role of emperor
was the one overriding factor that would encompass the lion share of her life. This ambition would
succeed and, ironically enough, would inevitably lead to her undoing.
The Emperor Claudius was Agrippina s uncle and would inevitably become her third husband. She
knew the only way to ensure the
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African Art, Religion And Rituals
Even though historians still struggle today to identify the true meaning of some African art; art,
religion and rituals relate in many ways because religion and rituals have been part of Africans
everyday life for centuries and art has been used as a communication path for religion and ritual
histories for future African generations.
From the earliest in time, Africans have used religion and rituals for many things. Many African tribes
or civilizations share many common core beliefs. The farmers used ceremonies to pray and dance for
rain, so crops would grow. Family members prayed for health and rituals to heal the sick as well as
funeral ceremonies to pray for safe passage to the afterlife. Nevertheless, scholars have suggested that
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Pride In Julius Caesar Essay
Such men as he be never at heart s ease Whiles they behold a greater than themselves, (Julius Caesar,
Act 1, Scene 2, lines 208 09) When Caesar pronounces these words to Mark Antony, he is speaking
about Cassius, saying that he be never at heart s ease, meaning that Cassius feels distressed about his
life. Caesar implies that men like Cassius will never be entirely content while others behold a greater
than themselves, suggesting that these men will never feel comfortable with themselves when there
are other men in the world that are much more well off than they are, which includes holding a higher
social ranking. These concepts Caesar contributes in his dialogue relate closely to the well known
story of Cain and Abel, found in the Book of Genesis. In the famous Old Testament story, Cain, a crop
farmer, and Abel, a shepherd, are brothers with an interesting twist to their story. The story begins as
Cain and Abel are bringing offering to God, where Cain has gathered some fruit and Abel has brought
the very best of his flock to offer to God. Because Abel had offered his very best to God, he had
regard for his offering, but because Cain had not extended his best towards God, God had no regard
for his fruit and was cast down, essentially lowering his rank. ... Show more content on ...
He later lured his brother out to a field, then he killed him. Cain did this because he was never at heart
s ease with his new ranking with God. After murdering Abel, God punished Cain by never permitting
Cain to die or be killed, forcing him to wander the earth wretchedly. After inspecting the quote from
Julius Caesar, it is clear that there are similarities between the concepts that Caesar had spoken and the
related ideas from the story of Cain and Abel in the Book of
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African American Students
be at an educational disadvantage compared to the students attending the predominantly white
suburban schools. (Batts, 2012). Topic: African American male students in the 8th grade classroom
The Research problem: African American male students in the 8th grade classrooms and the
challenges that they face. However, many of the most theoretically and practically important questions
have yet to be answered. For instance, few studies have examined the joint influences of racial identity
and self esteem on African American adolescents in the classroom (Mandara, Richards, Gaylord
Harden, Ragsdale 2009). In the United States, African American adolescents disproportionately attend
large, urban, comprehensive schools that ... Show more content on ...
public schools identified as non White (Tosolt, 2010). African American 8th grade male students stand
alone in terms of the vast accumulation of negative factors affecting their future (Martin, Gibson,
Wilkins, 2007). Recent studies have indicated that African American adolescent male students are
more prone to truancy and aggressive behavior in school environment than peers of other races
(Martin, Gibson, Wilkins, 2007).
Deficiencies in Evidence: The study indicates that African American males in the 8th grade
classrooms seem to be overlooked. Studies have examined the joint influences of racial identity and
self esteem on African American adolescents mental health (McMahon Watts, 2002). Among African
American 8th grade male students across three years of development, we explored the moderating role
that youth s individual characteristics and cultural resources may play in promoting educational
outcomes (Brittian Gray, 2014). Audience: 8th grade African American male students, teachers,
administration, counselors, and mentors. African Americans, males, and females from different
backgrounds that live in urban and suburban
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Reforms in the Economic Espionage Act (EEA) of 1996
There are two important major reforms that the U.S. established, the Economic Espionage Act (EEA)
of 1996 and the Theft of Trade Secrets Act of 2012. The U.S. established the EEA of 1996 to protect
companies with industrial espionage, theft of trade secrets, fraud, transfer of custody, and penalties on
offenses(ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE ACT OF 1996). The EEA of 1996 is an act that makes theft or
misappropriation of trade secrets a federal crime (LaMance). Activities that are punishable under the
EEA of 1996 if the person:
steals, or without authorization takes, carries away, or by deception obtains a trade secret without
authorization copies, downloads, uploads, alters, destroys, transmits, or conveys a trade secret,
receives, buys, or possesses a trade secret, knowing that the trade secret has been stolen or obtained
wrongfully attempts to do any of the aforementioned activities , attempts to commit economic
espionage are punishable under the same penalties. The EEA is particularly severe with people or
corporations who steal trade secrets in order to benefit foreign countries or foreign agents (LaMance).
Penalties under the EEA of 1996 if a person is found guilty can be fined up to $500 thousand and
serve 10 years in jail. A company can be fined up to five million but if it serves to benefit, a foreign
country or a foreign agent fines are up to $10 million and up to 15 years in jail.
In April 2012, the U.S. tried to convict Sergey Aleynikov, a computer programmer at
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The Assessment Of Water Quality And Stream Health Essay
cology Lab Four: The Assessment of Water Quality and Stream Health in Local (Lowell MA)
Freshwater Systems via the Analysis of Biotic and Abiotic Indicators Abstract: Overall the objective
of this lab exercise was to introduce students to watershed ecology and the ecological factors that
affect water quality. Students used biotic (macroinvertebrates ) and abiotic indicators to asses the
quality of water in a freshwater body. Specifically students collected water chemistry data (hardness,
nitrate/phosphate concentrations, dissolved O2 and pH) to asses the quality of water. Additionally
macroinvertebrates from the benthic environment of a respective field site were collected, analyzed as
well as catalogued. Collectively the results indicated that a greater species diversity was indicative of
greater water quality(Lenat). Likewise within a freshwater ecosystems a negative correlation was
found to exist between fluctuating abiotic factors,species diversity and water quality. It can be
concluded that amongst the three field sites the ranking of water quality from highest to lowest is as
follows; Great Brook Farm, Russell Mill pond, Lawrence Street Stream. Introduction: There are two
categories for bodies of freshwater, these are lentic and lotic. A lentic body of water in stationary such
as a lake or pond and a lotic body of water is flowing such as a river or stream. Lentic or lotic, a
productive body of freshwater is a resource that provides water for drinking,agriculture,
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Influence Of Leonardo Da Vinci On Modern Art
Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most well known and acknowledged historical figure of all times. His
genius excelled in arts, mathematics, engineering, science, philosophy and many other fields.
I have chosen the topic How did Leonardo da Vinci influence modern artists? for several reasons. First
and foremost reason is that I am fascinated by the enigma of a man we know as Leonardo da Vinci.
The mysterious workings of his brain and the works he created as a result of numerous hours of
analyzing the surrounding world amaze me. Secondly, as a contemporary artist myself, who was
greatly inspired by da Vinci s craft, I wondered if nowadays there are people who share my passion
and admiration for the man to a great extent. Lastly, I always knew that Leonardo da Vinci had had a
great impact on the modern world, but it interested me to find out to what extent exactly had he
influenced the world of modern art and if artists ... Show more content on ...
Many historians and art critics came to a conclusion that his works have had a tremendous impact not
only on the style of art, but also n the direction in which it has developed. By studying Da Vinci s art,
artists learn versatility and open up to a new perception on traditional techniques. Leonardo da Vinci is
a remarkable representative of the Renaissance period and, just like any other artist of his time, his
works mainly featured religious themes.
His artworks have a distinctive impact on the viewer, which makes them distinguishable among any
other artwork of the time. His paintings had had a strong influence on the artists of the future.
While some may deem Leonardo da Vinci paintings tame in their total effect on our society s modern
sensibilities, his development of techniques that immersed the viewer in the world of the painting, and
the impact of those techniques cannot be understated. 1
1.2 Who He Was and What He
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The Pat Parker Case Essay
Pat Parker Case The Pat Parker Case
The Pat Parker case is about a lawyer who started his own firm concentrating on writing reports and
conducting political opposition research for political candidates. This particular case is about how
Parker devised a research report for one particular political candidate then two years later, some trial
lawyers wanted to buy the research on the Republican Attorney General. Parker was unsure on how to
proceed knowing that this could potentially jeapordise the political party s candidate or even worse, he
could be arrested for soliciting the information. Would Parker be violating contract law? Would he be
infringing the copyright law? Would he be violating campaign statutes and other codes of ethics? ...
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If Parker opted to sell the research, he would be breeching the contract and depending on how much of
the research and other materials the Republican party used to perhaps win the elections, the
Democratic party would have the right to sue for damages.
You also need to ask whether Parker would be infringing the copyright law? According to the
copyright law, the holder has the right to control the material covered by the copyright. In this case,
the Democratic Party candidate owns the copyright since Parker provides a service to produce this
data for them. Therefore, the Democratic party candidate is the only one who can decide how the
materials are used, distributed, reproduced, and displayed to the public or to individuals. If the
research and other materials were sold to the Republican candidate the Democratic candidate could
sue in violation of the copyright. Remedies for the violation could include damages, jail time, an
injunction, and/or destruction of the infringing items.
Parker would have violated campaign statutes and other codes of ethics by reselling the research.
Though the campaign statutes were not explicitly mentioned, they probably would have stated that
selling a Party s intellectual capital was not only unethical but against campaign practices. Though the
research was constructed of various news clippings and other factual data, the research
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Women During The 19th Century Essay
Although corsets at this time led to broken bones and a death in 1665 (Olsen 74), this garment was
worn throughout the 18th century. During this period, Turkish harem women wore clothes most
similar to ours. They wore cloaks over their chemise and loose trousers while also being veiled (Olsen
59). This era marked conservatism in women s clothes. During the first wave movement, fashion did
not become dynamic until the 1900s. In 1851, dress reformers tried to popularize a pair of baggy pants
beneath a knee length tunic (Olsen 125). Although this effort was unsuccessful, it marks the beginning
of dress reform and sixty five years later, hem lengths would rise by ten inches (Olsen 177). The
1920s marked the era of the flappers, when the use of makeup became commonplace and women wore
knee length dresses and bared more skin (Olsen 207, 214). A few decades after, pants would be
allowed, introducing scandalous shorts along with it. Although heavily criticized, the stigma of shorts
lessened, showing us more familiar styles. Dress reform went full force in this era.
Fashion during the second wave feminism was marked the increase of more comfortable clothing.
Women were primarily working in factories for the war effort, so their dress was consisted mainly of
pants and high collared shirts []. Fashion in this era would eventually go towards flashy padded
shoulders and colorful pants [].
The 90 s in the United States were insane in terms of fashion. When analyzing third wave feminist
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Challenges Facing the UAE Health Care System
No one can deny that UAE is a young rising society and faces a lot of challenges as other young
societies. Those challenges have a great impact on the country development and prosperity regarding
different aspects. One of these aspects is the health care system. No doubt that these challenges do not
affect UAE alone but it also have an effect on other countries all over the world. In my paper, I will
specify challenges affecting the health care system in the United Arab Emirates. Let us spot the light
on the development of health care system in UAE before discussing challenges. For example, The
mortality rate among infants has decreased from 10.1 to 8.71 per 1000 birth child between 1995 and
2004.1 Some studies show that the leading causes of death among UAE nationals are cardiovascular
diseases, accident and poisoning, tumors respectively. Therefore, chronic diseases are considered one
of challenges that the country faces. Other challenges include the lack of the human resources and the
health care services. Chronic disease is long term. Generally, it has no cure. This kind of disease exists
from long time ago. In the last few years, it has increased sharply. There are some diseases which
spread in the UAE such as diabetes hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Definitely, it has no
cure, but we can reduce it effects and complications. For instance, the cardiovascular diseases are the
main causes of mortality in the UAE, which are estimated by 21.24%. (Ministry of
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Factors Of Favor Of The Argument Essay
Module 2 Assignment 2: Factors in Favor of and Against
Name: Kellie Runyon
Topic: Universal health care: Governmental provision of free health care for all citizens.
Part 1: Matrix
Strength of the Argument
(1 strongest,
6 weakest)
Reasons for
Reasons Against
Universal health care would be affordable for everyone
Millions of people would save money with universal healthcare due to everyone paying an equal
amount; whether it be through tax increase or some other form. However, it will amount to less money
than those who are paying for healthcare now due to the fact that every citizen pays for it and not only
the people who can afford the raising prices.
Tax Increases to cover the healthcare change.
Public health would improve with universal health care
All citizens will have unlimited access to the medical professionals. Many people that cannot afford
insurance will now have unlimited opportunities to get annual exams and help to prevent major health
issues from going unseen.
With an increase in the amount of people needing/wanting medical treatment, there will be a shortage
of medical staff. This will cause longer wait times, limited resources, as well as not having enough
doctors and specialists to meet the demand.
The cost of healthcare would be lower for the US when expenses are prioritized.
Other countries that provided universal health care spend half as much as the US does with the amount
of people who currently have health insurance. The US is
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Officials With The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
Officials with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration say that the number of indoor marijuana
plants in California has quadrupled in the last three years. Many of these plants have occurred in
middle class and upper class suburbs. Buyers have bought homes here because the financing of these
homes are cheap. They have been remodeled to build farms which are built indoors. These indoor pot
operation uses sophisticated irrigation, ventilation and lighting. This structure can contain 1,800
plants. This marijuana boom has brought in more than $100 million worth of pot last year. These
homes were transformed into illicit greenhouses with blacked out windows, sophisticated irrigation,
high powered and timed lighting and ventilation devices to ... Show more content on
Officials are not encouraging people to take the law into their own hands. They say that neighbors can
keep their eyes open for suspicious signs. Tall tale signs are: homes where trash cans are never taken
out to the street, where overgrown plants are never trimmed or where the gardener or pool caretaker
never comes. Some pot dealers in Northern California are realizing that they have to change their way
of living so that they won t be discovered by the law. So what do they do? They hire gardeners to
bring out the trash and cut their grass. This makes it look more authentic. Gang members operating out
of San Francisco set up operations in the Stockton, Modesto and Sacramento suburbs. These pot farms
are nationwide and the seizures have soared. A drug commonly used by youths is Marijuana, and in
relation Hashish. Commonly called pot , or grass , marijuana is produced from the leaves of Cannabis
sativa. Hashish is a concentrated form of cannabis made from unadulterated resin from the female
plant. The main active ingredient in both marijuana and hashish is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a mild
hallucinogen. Marijuana is the most common drug used amongst teenagers. (Juvenile Delinquency,
The Core, Second Edition ), (Larry J. Siegel, Brandon C. Welsh, 2005 , P. 233/Chapter 10). Smoking
large amounts of pot, or has can cause distortion s in auditory and visual perception, even
hallucinatory effects. Small doses produce an early excitement
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Pandemic Tabletop Analyse
Analysis On Friday, I attended the Pandemic Tabletop event at Grand View. This exercise was about
dealing with ways to responding to a disaster. In the case of this exercise, the scenario entailed
responding to a pandemic disease that is spreading across countries. We were given different steps and
events throughout the scenario. Each additional event that would occur in the scenario, added more
information to where the disease was spreading, who was being affected, and what kinds of things are
being done to manage it. At our group tables, it was up to us to come up with ideas of how we could
manage the disease that was spreading. As a team we would answer the questions given at each step
that progressed in the scenario. Together, we shared ... Show more content on ...
Such a scenario allowed us as health care professionals to critically think what would be in the best
interest for a large population in a crisis and how we can bring relief to them. One thing that surprised
me was how it was a bit difficult to critically think what we would actually do through type of a crisis.
Through my nursing perspective, I was unsure how I would manage the care of patients during a crisis
outside of the hospital setting. It was interesting how each one of us had different dilemmas of how we
would deal with this situation. One thing that I will take away from this, is that it s important to
maintain ethical care for those who are being cared during a disaster even when privacy and
confidentiality may lack in such a situation. The second thing that I ll take away is how to collaborate
with team members and how to put our ideas together to manage to support the health and well being
of our patients. Lastly, I will take away how during a disaster/pandemic can affect our roles as health
care professionals. The role of a pharmacist, nurse, or doctor can interchange through a crisis when the
needs of for a population increases; where we need to take different roles the benefit the interest of the
population. My attitude towards a pandemic situation has changed as now I m aware of the importance
of critical thinking and collaborating with others to better
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How the Electoral College Works
The Electoral College: How it works
Axia College University of Phoenix
How do we elect the President? Many people do not understand the process by which we elect the
President. They do not understand how the Electoral College works. Bill Stern (Andrews, 1996) said,
Our elections are free, it s in the results where eventually we pay. Oftentimes, people vote based on
public opinion or information obtained by the media. Voters should inform themselves on how the
Electoral College works in order to make good decisions when voting for the president. Electoral
College delegates elect the President. Voters elect Electoral College delegates. The Electoral College
was created as a compromise between election by Congress or popular vote ... Show more content on ...
The graphic shown below shows how states with higher populations like California, Texas, New York,
and Florida can have a huge impact on the final election results.
Figure 1
Number of Electoral College Votes by State
Note. From U.S. Electoral College 2000 Presidential Election. Delegate selection for the Electoral
College happens in a variety of ways. Each state decides how it selects its electors. Currently, every
state allows its electors to be chosen by popular vote. The political party usually nominates electors at
their state conventions or by a vote of the party s central committee. Political parties select electors to
recognize their service and dedication. These electors are state elected officials, party leaders, or
people with a personal or political affiliation with a candidate. Some states show the electors names on
the ballot others do not. Voters should research the process of selecting electors in their state and for
their political party. Voters should inform themselves on what their ballot format is before National
Election Day. When we vote for a pair of candidates on a ticket, we are selecting a group of electors to
serve in the Electoral College. There are many controversial arguments regarding the Electoral
College. After the controversy of the 2000 election, people across the country wanted to do away with
the Electoral College. Many people
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Vladimir Putin Controversy
Vladimir Putin s Presidency has been successful even though it is riddled with controversy and
corruption starting from his first election, and leading to his decision to invade Ukraine and annex
Crimea. When Vladimir Putin took office in 1991, it started a 16 year run of power, deceit, and
corruption, which has been riddled with controversy. Nevertheless, there is no denying that Russia has
thrived since the election of Vladimir Putin, economically, politically and militarily. Vladimir Putin
initially took power on December 31, 1999 when Boris Yeltsin designated Putin as the Premiere of
Russia shortly after Yeltsin decided to resign from President of Russia. After a short, yet successful
term as the Premiere, Putin then won 53% of the ... Show more content on ...
In 2013 as Ukraine was negotiating with the European Union, President Putin was also conducting
secret meetings with the president of Ukraine. These secret meetings helped sway the President of
Ukraine to decide against joining the union and striking a deal with Russia for oil and natural gas. This
was the starting point for the Ukrainian revolution in 2014. The Ukrainian President found refuge in
Russia after he was exiled for his decision to join Russia and not the European Union. Now with
Ukraine in disarray, Putin had a new plan; he secretly sent soldiers into Crimea. Putin saw Crimea as a
vital piece of land that could help Russia by giving them a seaport, which is more accessible to the rest
of the world. This would also give Russia the chance to strengthen their navy by giving them a more
direct route to the west in order to defend themselves from the west. Starting October 2014 reports
surfaced that there were troops in Crimea. Putin and Russia s government denied all claims that the
troops were Russian soldiers. By March 2, 2015, Russia acknowledged that they had sent troops to the
border of Ukraine to protect Russia from any actions towards Russia. By March 16, Russia announced
that troops are in Ukraine and that they held the majority of the government buildings in Crimea. This
sparked the first set of sanctions from the west. Mostly economic, Russia was able to hold out and not
be affected by these sanctions. The second set of sanctions hit their businesses and many of Putin s
friends, which he appointed. This is when Putin started to negotiate with the west. Crimea then held a
vote to see if they would join Russia or stay part of Ukraine. 90% voted in favor of joining Russia.
Putin s controversial and secretive acts had paid off and Crimea is now part of
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Anxiety And Mood Disorder Analysis
Anxiety and mood disorders are psychiatric problems characterized by a feeling of apprehensiveness
about a probable future danger and alterations in mood over a long period of time respectively
(Butcher, Hooley, Mineka, 2016). Both disorders are associated with reasonable impairment, distress,
mortality, and morbidity especially in children.
One of the factors causing an alarming increase in the diagnosis of mood and anxiety disorders in the
recent past is the increased incidence of psychopathology (John Stirling, 2013). This phenomenon out
rightly underpins the disease progress since psychiatric disorders have a high level of comorbidity
(DeRubeis Strunk, 2017). Alcohol and drug abuse are often reported in conjunction with mood and
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Differences Of Fear In Once Upon A Time By Nadine Gordimer
Omphalophobia is the fear of belly buttons. Strange thing is, we are all connected through those
bizarre digs in the middle of our stomachs. Everyone grew and came from the same place, cut from
the same cord. A lot of times no one remembers this, and they strike out against each other, or hide
from each other in fear, because of skin color or religion. Fear is something that inhabits all of us.
Writhing underneath our skin just waiting to find a reason to be unleashed. This feeling can be used in
different ways, bringing everyone together, or tearing people from civilization. In the same way, the
written works Once Upon a Time , A Quilt of a Country and The Vietnam Wall show the contrast
between these two types of fear.
In the story Once Upon a Time written by Nadine Gordimer, fear is a concept that dictates the leading
characters thoughts and actions. The husband and wife that are supposedly living happily ever after,
have built a wall around their house to keep out the raids and the burglars that had roamed the
suburbian streets they lived on at night. Fear is what led this family to destruction, killing their son
and handing them misery and the knowledge that the wall they put up, didn t save them from
anything. If the husband and wife hadn t listened to the wise old witch and her warning and left their
house uncaged, and accessible to everyone else, their son might still be alive and unburdened by the
rest of the world and the fear that controlled
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Syria And The Egyptian Empire
The Longest Settled Nation in the World Syria is the longest settled city in the world and has been
engaged in a bloody civil war that threatens not only Syria but also all of its neighboring countries.
Damascus, Syria s capital city has been a permanent settlement from as early as 9000 B.C. For
thousands of years Syria has been a battleground for many wars from the Syrian wars which were a
series of six wars between what is now Syria and the Egyptian Empire, to the current Civil War
between the Basar Al Assad regime and many rebel brigades. In the 7th and 8th century A.D., Syria
while under Roman rule, were invaded and conquered by Arabs. The fall was partially due to the
current emperor of the Roman Empire, Heraclius, falling ... Show more content on ...
The British and French conquered the Ottoman Empire and together drew up the Sykes Picot
agreement which divided the Middle East between the two countries. The British awarded Syria to
France. France attempted to divide the country and make it mostly Christian. Due to the large Muslim
population, this was unsuccessful. France then unsuccessfully tried to implement their local policies
and tried to change the local language to French. The Syrians resisted. This led the French to revert to
violence. They would bomb cities and kill protestors. It was in 1941 when the British actually stepped
in and overthrew the French regime. The last French soldier left April 17th, 1946 which then became
Syria s national day. Hafez Al Assad, the father of the current Syrian leader, Bashar Al Assad was born
on 6 October, 1930 in Qardaha, Syria. Hafez Al Assad was one of the leaders of the Ba ath political
party and took over rule of Syria in 1970. The Ba ath party, founded in Syria in 1947, is still is the
reigning political power in Syria. The Ba ath party has only held power in Iraq and Syria even though
they have sanctions in many other countries. The Ba ath party came to power in Syria with a
successful coup d état overthrowing the current military regime on 8 March, 1963. Hafez Al Assad
along with other Ba ath leaders Muhammad Umran and Salah Jadid took over the leadership of Syria
by military force. Immediately following the coup
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California Gold Rush Essay
Prior to the Gold Rush of 1849, California was a meagerly populated, an irrelevant area of the United
States for the most part possessed by the general population of Mexico. In any case, that all changed
when on January 24, 1848; woodworker and little time sawmill administrator James W. Marshall
found a gold piece in the American River that would always show signs of change the historical
backdrop of California and America1. Not exclusively did the Gold Rush prompt California s
permission into the Union in 1850, it additionally revived the possibility of the American Dream.
Hundred s of thousands of individuals filled the state by the draw of brisk and unending wealth.
Because of the Gold Rush, California in the end turned into a ... Show more content on ...
Before long ships from Asia, Australia, Europe and South America were left stranded in the San
Francisco Bay as everybody looked to accomplish their own particular variant of the American Dream
in the Gold Rush also.
In the beginning periods of California s state hood, gold mining was the cornerstone of the Californian
economy. Initially, numerous gold mineworkers who came to California were separated of bigger
mining organizations that at first conveyed association to the gold fields5. Regardless, as the strain to
discover gold mounted every day with the quantity of individuals coming to California expanding, it
soon turned into each man for himself; and therefore a considerable lot of these associations fizzled.
Nonetheless, the mining procedure was intricate, required bunches of labor, and as gold was getting to
be noticeably increasingly hard to discover; the prologue to certain mechanical advances revived the
Gold Rush and California as a state. The presentation of Hydraulic mining by French Canadian, Anton
Chabot in 1850 and later consummated by Edward Matteson a 49er from Connecticut, effectsly
affected the mining business and in addition the environment6. By damming waterway and streams
mineworkers were currently ready to utilize the recently made waterbeds for their modern hoses,
which would splash water angrily onto the riverbanks disintegrating the ground until the point that
gold was
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Economic Efficiency
Recent measures taken by the firm to achieve efficiency. (Distinguish carefully as between different
economic notions of efficiency in your answer).
Glanbia plc is an international dairy and nutritional ingredients group headquartered in Ireland. The
company has 4,500 employees in seven countries and sales offices in a further five. International
operations include food ingredients and nutritionals while Irish operations incorporate consumer foods
and agribusiness and property. The group has three strategic joint ventures which are based in the UK,
USA and Nigeria. The company has the early 2000 s expanded its international based projects and
acquired new sectors of the world market by mergers and acquisitions.
Due to the economic ... Show more content on ...
Arla foods ingredients has given itself the task os establish local production before 2013 in the united
states. A good sign for glanbia for the near future is that Arla foods aren t looking to make a major
move into the American market but merely get a foothold in the market for future expansion. For now
the company feels it s European market can be expaned more in countries like France Norway and
|No.1 |No.3 |
|Denmark |Germany |
|Sweden |Poland |
|Finland | |
|Holland | |
Kerry group is a world leader in food ingredients and flavours serving the food and beverage industry
and a leading supplier of added value brands and customer branded foods to Irish and UK markets.
The group has organically and through a series of strategic acquisitions in its relatively short
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Contribution Margin
Our office had received a request from Andre, owner of Andre s Styling Saloon to perform an
evaluation on his business.
Andre has five barbers that work in the establishment and each employee received a salary of $9.90
per hour and works a 40 hour week and a 50 week year, regardless of the number of haircuts. As rent
and other fixed expenses he expends $1,750 every month, plus $ 0.40 as the cost of hair shampoo used
on all his clients. This saloon is performing haircuts exclusively and each client paid a flat price of $
He wanted for us to evaluate a new compensation method for his employees. Under the new system
the barbers will receive a flat salary of $4 per hour, and a commission of $ 6.00 for each haircut. In
this case ... Show more content on ...
Net Operating Income NOI
A company s operating income after operating expenses are deducted, but before income taxes and
interest are deducted. If this is a positive value, it is referred to as net operating income, while a
negative value is called a net operating loss (NOL).
NOI is often viewed as a good measure of company performance. Some believe this figure is less
susceptible than other figures to manipulation by management.
(Investopedia (2005))
Revenue calculations: $ 240,000
20,000 * $ 12.00 = $ 240,000
Overhead Cost:
Rent: $ 1,750 per month, Yearly cost: $ 21,000
1750* 12 = 21,000 or $ 21,000
Fixed Cost $ 120,000
Salaries + Overhead Cost
99,000 + 21,000 = 120,000 or $ 120,000
Variable Cost $ 8,000
Variable cost: 20,000 * 0.40 = $ 8,000
240,000 – (120,000 + 8,000)
240,000 – 128,000 = $ 112,000
4. Suppose Andre revises the compensation method. The barbers will receive $4 per hour plus $6 for
each haircut. What is the new contribution margin per haircut? What is the annual break even point (in
number of haircuts)? Show calculations to support your answer.
Barber s Salary by Week: $ 160.00
Price per hour = $ 4, hours per week = 40
Weekly salary per barber: 4 * 40 = 160 or $ 160.00
Barber s Salary by year: $ 8,000
Weekly salary per barber =
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Research Paper On If I Stay
If I Stay Review
If I Stay is based on Gayle Forman s best selling novel. It about a 17 year old, talented cellist, Mia
Hall. Her entire family are rock stars besides her, where she prefers classical music. She feels left out
and out of place having no connection with her family throughout her life. One day she meets the love
of her life, Adam who is also in rock band, but changes her life. Even being polar opposites they fall in
love over their shared love in over music. On a snowy day her entire family decides to go on a trip get
into a terrible accident. In an instant her life drastically changes when she is in coma due to the car
accident. After the accident her parents and brother are dead and she has an out of body experience
where she can see can see her physical self, but is not alive. In a life or death situation, it is up to her
to decide whether she want live a changed life without her family or ... Show more content on ...
Americans have a rich theatrical history and american music is very diverse. Two styles are shown,
classical and rock n roll. Mia play the cello and plays classical musical music while her family and
Adam are into rock n roll. It relates to how music impacts american lives. Mia is applying to Juilliard,
one of the renown music schools. Adam is in a rock n roll band. Everyone in school knows who Adam
is but not Mia because she plays classical music which is not commonly likable today. Not a lot of
americans listen to classical american regularly. The movie accurately portrays music likability
throughout the movie.
If I stay was an amazing, emotional movie about the realities of death and young romance. The
character are well developed and viewers become emotionally attached to the Mia s family from the
start. Even though it is the average sappy, sob story of the death of a family it still creates an
emotional attachment that makes the viewer to continue to
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The Unification Of Italy After Unification
The Unification of Italy
Before Unification
Before unification, Italy was made up of several small countries. These separate countries seemed to
share a common culture and language. From these similarities many people wanted to unify in
nationalism. Napoleon had invaded Italy in 1796, so unification was not possible until he was defeated
in 1814.
A map of Italy before Unification.
After Napoleon s downfall Italy was made up of: Kingdom of two Sicilies, The Papal states, the
Austrian empire, Duchy of Parma, Duchy of Modena, Grand Duchy of Tuscany and the only real
independent state was Piedmont Savoy. In 1848, revolutions swept through Europe Milan and Venice
fought against the Austrians, the sicilians fought against Naples for independence, and Rome fought
for social reforms.
French troops were sent into Rome to reinstate the pope, they remained there for a while.
The sicilians were crushed in their endeavors and in the north the Austrians beat the rebels and the
kingdom of Sardinia who tried to help them. From these results it can be concluded that the first
Italian war for independence was a failure. Victor Emmanuel the second, the king of Sardinia realised
that he would need powerful allies to achieve independence.
He and his prime minister Count Camillo Benso di Cavour sent troops to Crimea to help fight the
Russians with the French and British, in hope of gaining allies. The next step he took was to give
France Nice in return for their help in fighting
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Shang Dynasty Chapter Summaries
1. Extremely fertile silt called loess was a huge benefit to Eastern China. It provided the land with soft
soil for agriculture and presented the Yellow River its distinguished hue. 2. The Shang dynasty is the
earliest documented dynasty to dominate China. They rose in around 1750 B.C.E, first appearing in
the Yellow River Valley. 3. The dynasty that overthrew the Shang dynasty was known as Zhou. This
dynasty had the longest recorded line of kings in Chinese history and created the concept known as the
Mandate of Heaven. 4. The Book of Documents is one of the five famous pieces of literature in
Chinese history. This book consists of many letters and historical records. 5. A famous piece of
literature consisting of 305 poems and stories about ... Show more content on ...
Xunzi argued Mengzi s opinion, stating that humans must be compelled to make the right judgments.
15. Another Chinese political philosophy is called Daoism. This philosophy assumes that humans
should view society as they interpret it, along with having no ethical criteria. 16. A book called the
Classic of the Way of Virtue tells that the world is altering and how people need to begin to adjust
with following Tao, or the Way . 17. Yin and yang are symbols that represent the male and female
genders. Males were known as yang, with the characteristics of bright, strong, leadership, and active.
Females were yin, having the characteristics of gentleness, shaded, and reflection. Confucianism then
changed the meaning of this symbol into males being superior to women. 18. The capital of Nubia
during the later period of Nubians ruling Egypt was Meroe. This period is when Nubians began to
reclaim their own culture, instead of following Egyptian culture. 19. Celts were a group of people who
have a culture that originated from Scotland, Ireland, and other parts of the British Isles. 20. Celtic
priests, doctors, and poets in Britain and Gaul were known as Druids. They were members of the
higher and more professional class in the Celtic civilizations, carrying out most of work that required
immense amounts of
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Measuring Cellular Respiration And Fermentation
Measuring Cellular Respiration and Fermentation
Jaclyn Napoli
November 20, 2014
Cellular Processes Lab
BSC 2010L.905
Lab Partner: Jessi Grillo
Introduction Cellular respiration is the series of metabolic process by which living cells produce
energy through the oxidation of organic substances. Cellular respiration takes place in the
mitochondria. Fermentation is the process by which complex organic compounds such as glucose, are
broken down by the action of enzymes into simpler compounds without the use of oxygen. The
significance of these pathways for organisms is to allow for an organism to be able to generate ATP.
Some organism that undergo cellular respiration are bacteria and fungi. Some organism that undergo
fermentation are yeast and muscle cells. In cellular respiration, glucose is oxidized and releases
energy. In cellular respiration, glucose produces ATP and 3 carbon molecules of pyruvate. The
pyruvate is then further broken down in the mitochondria where it becomes oxidized and releases CO2
(Upadhyaya 2014). In the fermentation process oxygen does not play a part. This process converts
glucose into pyruvate and produces ATP. From there pyruvate breaks down into CO2 and acetaldehyde
(Upadhyaya 2014) Monosaccharides are known as simple sugars and their main function is being the
source of energy for organisms. Disaccharides are two monosaccharides joined by a covalent bond
and their primary function is to provide food to monosaccharides. Some disaccharides
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Plato s Phaedo Essay
Plato s Phaedo
Plato s Phaedo is a dialog between Phaedo, Cebes, and Simmias depicting Socrates explanation as to
why death should not be feared by a true philosopher. For if a person truly applies oneself in the right
way to philosophy, as the pursuit of ultimate truth, they are preparing themselves for the very act of
dying. Plato, through Socrates, bases his proof on the immortality of the soul, and it being the origin
of our intellect. Several steps must be taken for the soul to be proven immortal. First the body and all
the information acquired though it must be discredited. For without the question being addressed of
whether sensory information can be trusted, looking inwards towards the soul and the intangible for
the ... Show more content on ...
Our intellect makes the correction that it was always a man, and it was actually a visual error that
made him seem female. Distance or any other means of creating ambiguity leads us to differentiate
between what we experience and what we know to be actually happening. If a differentiation has to
take place between the crude sensory information and what we view as reality, than the truth or
meaning within an object is not held within the sensory perception of it. Well, have you ever
apprehended them with any other bodily sense? By them I mean them all, including tallness or health
or strength in themselves, the real nature of any given thing what it actually is. Is it through the body
that we get our truest view of them? Isn t it true that in any inquiry you are likely to attain more nearly
to knowledge of your object in proportion to the care and accuracy with which you have prepared
yourself to understand that object in itself? (2) Besides the processing of inaccurate information, the
temptations and desires of the body are so strong and numerous that the philosopher never gets an
opportunity to think. (3) The functions of the body that are being described as distractions and
contradictions are in fact the fundamental processes of life. To view these as burdensome is to
perceive the functions of life, those of physical necessity as well as joy and contentment, as an
annoyance. A nagging that would be appreciated only if
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Corresponding Themes in Frankenstein and Blade Runner
Ridley Scott s film Blade Runner reflects some of the key themes seen in Mary Shelley s classic novel
Frankenstein. For one, both the sources touch on the necessity of creators taking responsibility for
their creations. Another key theme established in both works is the idea that emotional complexity and
knowledge, over memory and appearance, allow people to be defined as human beings.
Throughout the novel Frankenstein, author Mary Shelley builds upon the theme that one must take
responsibility for the actions and well being of their creations. Protagonist Victor Frankenstein
consistently toils with the degree of responsibility he owes to the monster he created. Initially,
Frankenstein completely abandons his creation, as the creature notes when he says, Yet you, my
creator, detest and spurn me, thy creature... (Shelley 83). When the monster pleads for a female
counterpart, Victor says, I refused, and I did right in refusing, to create a companion... He showed
unparalleled malignity and selfishness in evil; he destroyed my friends... (Shelley 200). Victor fails to
sympathize with his creation and fails to understand that all creatures desire something from their
creator. A parallel theme of the disasters that occur when a creator doesn t take responsibility for its
creations can be found in the 1982 film Blade Runner. In this film, Eldon Tyrell, the creator of the
rogue Replicants, takes absolutely no responsibility for the danger he has created when he relegates
the job of
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  • 2. The Wisdom of Silicon Valley This is, very broadly, Silicon Valley s take on deregulation, or: heterarchy over hierarchy. Distributed networks that auto match people for commerce/socializing is better than hierarchy that uses command+control to influence/restrict decisions. As I wrote this, I wanted to add a counterexample, exception to a rule, or other clarification many times over. This email is me portraying what I think is the prevailing, semi unexamined wisdom of Silicon Valley. Most of Silicon Valley wants deregulation because they have seen regulation fail and deregulation succeed. Wall Street is heavily regulated and heavily subsidized. Wall Street is not capitalism to them. Wall Street is crony capitalism: When shit goes bad, you get government money. When shit goes well, you get all the money! You spend all your money to rig the rules so you get more money, which you use to rig the rules, etc. Silicon Valley redeems capitalism from Wall Street. If you succeed, you succeed and keep the money (mostly). If you fail, the company goes under. You can try again, but you don t get bailed out. Crucially, there is a healthy ecosystem, nobody gets too large and nobody is too small, at least within SV; There are marginalized people just down the street in the mission that aren t in silicon valley. Nobody gets too large because then they can t innovate and start to fail: Sun, Digital, HP, AOL, etc. are all companies that got huge and then either got massively devalued or closed. The only ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Summary Of Student Observation The participants were 12 Old Dominion University students, six were female and six were male. The students were drawn from campus housing and the university library. Six of the participants received a vignette with Tara on it, and the other six received one with Michael on it. Each group of six was composed of three females and three males. The participants were between the ages of 21 24 years of age, the average being 22.3. The people that received the vignette with Tara were 3 Hispanic females, 1 Hispanic male, 1 Caucasian male, and 1 African American male. The people who received the one with Michael were 2 Caucasian females, 1 African American female, and 3 Caucasian males. Procedure Participants were asked in person if they wanted ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The People Have Made Outstanding Progress On Their Goal Essay Over the Rainbow Twenty four year old Daniel Zamudio was walking through a park in Santiago, Chile, when four men appeared and began to burn Daniel with cigarettes and beat him with rocks and glass bottles, injuring him in various ways (Saul). The men used the broken glass to cut off a part of his ear, as well as, cut swastikas into his skin because Zumudio was gay (Saul). Less than a month later, Daniel Zamudio passed away due to this violent hate crime (Saul). Although only few instances of homophobic crimes are reported, FBI statistics show that attacks on the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, and pansexual (LGBT+) community, such as the Orlando gay nightclub shooting, are one of the common occurrences, right behind racial attacks (Saul). LGBT people have made outstanding progress on their goal to reach equality. For example, same sex couples now have the right to adopt children in all the states of America and thanks to President Obama, federal workers cannot be discriminated upon sexual orientation or gender identity (Clinton). Although the LGBT community has civil rights that should be protected, due to society s narrow mindedness, the LGBT+ community gets treated as second class citizens. Education is an important factor in life in order to thrive, but LGBT students face harassment in school due to their identity. According to a Human Rights report conducted in 2001, two million American students in ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Color Of Water The one big question that an author always asks themself after deciding a story line, is how the plot should be arranged. Everyone has their own thoughts when it comes to this decision. An author may not necessarily pick the best method, but if they feel it is, they will work their magic to ensure the plot is powerful and enticing. In the memoir, The Color of Water: A Black Man s Tribute to His White Mother, author James McBride uses many different structural strategies throughout his piece. He relates previous chapters with later ones to vividly show the bend between the past and present of his mother s life journey, while still keeping a chronological order intact. McBride incorporates his own unique style to draw readers in and show how ... Show more content on ... He almost made it so that the reader had to infer the characteristics of each character. Once a new character was introduced, the author would include small tidbits about them, but mainly focus on how they reacted to certain events, which allowed the reader to think about the kind of person a specific character is. For example, when James mother first talked about her father, she just said what his occupation was and how he treated her. She talked about how he would get sexual pleasure through her and always kick her around like a piece of dirt. Without Mrs. McBride having to saying anything about her father s character, the reader can already assume that he is a selfish, rude old man who only focuses on what benefits him. Also, when James McBride personally introduces his mother, he gave copious examples of how she always put her children before herself and avoided negative influences. This makes the reader think that she is a kind hearted, loving woman who wants the best for people who deserve it, especially her children. Therefore, without giving a legitimate introduction of each character, the author is able to hint at their characteristics, while still allowing the reader to have their own personal thoughts of them. In conclusion, James McBride laid his story out in a unique way to best show the ups and downs of his mother s life. He displayed a story from two different points of view, while still keeping an orderly structure in tack. He perfectly showed how his mother evolved as a person through characters with powerful personalities. McBride may not have displayed the same structural organization others would have, but he chose what he thought was best and worked to share an inspiring life ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Qr Transformation Protects The Upper Hessenberg Type... The QR transformation protects the upper Hessenberg type of the first matrix, and the workload on such a matrix is O(n2) per cycle as restricted to O(‪ n3) on a general framework. As s tends to infinity, the original matrix merges to a structure where the eigenvalues are either segregated on the corner to corner or are eigenvalues of a 2 × 2 sub matrix on the diagonal. Thus, we can see that the QR transformation reduces the complexity and the number of iterations. QR is one of the mostly used algorithms for finding the eigenvalues of a matrix, where Q represents an orthogonal matrix and R an upper triangular one, R comes from right. ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ ‬ Now we consider a non singular matrix with real entries, either symmetrical or not. In essence, the QR algorithm is based on the following property: If A is factorized in the product A=QR, where Q is non singular, then the matrix of the product in reverse order, A =RQ, has the same eigenvalues as A has (having similarity with A). The invention of the QR algorithm The QR transformation was introduced in the late 1950s by John G.F. Francis (England) [6] and by Vera N. Kublanovskaya (USSR) [7], working separately. The QR calculation has been named as one of the ten most critical calculations of the twentieth century. John G.F. Francis (conceived 1934) is an English PC researcher. In 1954 he worked for the National Research Development. In 1955 1956 he went to Cambridge University, yet did not ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Social And Social Changes In Japan During The Tokugawa Period Firstly, Japan s political structure was transformed to really large extent during the Meiji era as it brought about changes such as in the manner of governing the people, parliament structure as well as the reform in policies that the Japanese were forced to sign with the Western powers such as the United States of America and Great Britain. During the Tokugawa period the Emperor Meiji limited the power of the samurai removing exclusive rights such as their right to punish commoners and he also removed their right to be the only armed force in Japan, in favour of westernized military with several different armed sections. In addition, the Emperor sent scholars to Britain, France and Germany to study their parliament as well as study the way these Western nations operated. Eventually the Emperor appointed Ito Hirobumi to select an adequate constitution for the new empire of Japan. ... Show more content on ... Education was a main social system that changed during modernization. In the Edo period, school was only for children of people in higher classes. Now it was mandatory for all children to take. In 1871, the Japanese government established a Ministry of Education. It was designed to break down class identities which helped raise the standard of living in Japan. In 1884 an important man named Mori Arinori became the Minister of Education for Japan. He restructured the school system which stayed in place for sixty years. As well, he established the Imperial University which was later renamed the Tokyo University. These changes that were made influenced people all over Japan. The government believed that Japan would become a more powerful country if their citizens were educated. The government taught values such as national identity and loyalty to the Emperor. This helped unite Japan and make them a stronger ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Summary Of Olaudah Equiano The film tells the life story of Olaudah Equiano, from 1746 of his birth to 1796 of his death. A documentary film less than hour on the life and struggle of a slave. It covers his life from age eleven, when Equiano and his sister was abducted by European slave traders at the age and sold into slavery. He later bought his freedom and became part of the abolition movement. From 1833, Slavery was abolished 10 years later after Equiano death. The film also through showing Richard Baker taught Equiano to read and write, guided him along the path of religion. As with Robert King, which was his last slave owner, allowed Equiano to engage in profitable trading for his own account while he was in his near 20s. Equiano as a writer, who wrote his autobiography and published the biography in 1789. ... Show more content on ... I knew about Equiano was one of the first to learn how read and write, but I didn t know a white young man taught him. It seemed to me that it wouldn t be a smart thing for a white man to teach a slave how to read and write. After watching that preview of Equiano experience of a young boy captured by traders and brought to a slave ship. I had to look up in my textbook more about Equiano s life and the text states that, Equiano described during the 1780s how horrible it was living around that time. Also, him describing the white slave traders, with their horrible looks, red faces, and long hair, appeared to be savages who acted with a brutal cruelty that went beyond anything their victims had previously ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Life and Times of Nero Essay The Life and Times of Nero Carlo Maria Franzero was born December 21, 1892 in Turin, Italy. He was educated at the University of Turin. Upon the commencement of the Second World War, Franzero fled Fascist ruled Italy for England. He worked in England as a journalist for the London Daily Telegraph during World War II and later he served as a correspondent for Il Tempo, a Roman newspaper. His expertise is Ancient Roman and Italian History. Other notable works by Franzero are The Life and Times of Cleopatra and The Life and Times of Tarquin the Etruscan. Franzero s biography of Nero is very complex and controversial. Nero is renown as one of the most vicious, merciless, and least efficient emperors of the Roman Empire. ... Show more content on ... Seneca was a Spaniard born in the year 6 BC at Cordova. Seneca was trained extensively in rhetoric and philosophy. Agrippina had ulterior motives for choosing Seneca as Nero s tutor. Seneca was stodgily conservative and republican. He was a paragon of all the ancient Roman virtues. Agrippina knew the Senate would smile upon this and it would later benefit Nero. Franzero attributes much of Nero s early success obtaining the throne to his mother. Agrippina was a very beautiful, ruthless, and deceitfully clever woman. She had the unique ability of positioning herself well, regardless of the situation. Three of Agrippina s two husbands died as a result of being poisoned. During her pregnancy with Nero, Agrippina visited a Persian Magician that foretold her horoscope. You will give birth to a son, who shall be Emperor, but will assassinate his mother. Agrippina replied: Let him murder his mother but be Emperor! #8212;Necet me dum reget! She was dedicated to seeing her son become one of Rome s most prominent politicians. She wouldn t allow anyone to stand in the way of his progress. Her desire to thrust her son into the leading role of emperor was the one overriding factor that would encompass the lion share of her life. This ambition would succeed and, ironically enough, would inevitably lead to her undoing. The Emperor Claudius was Agrippina s uncle and would inevitably become her third husband. She knew the only way to ensure the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. African Art, Religion And Rituals Even though historians still struggle today to identify the true meaning of some African art; art, religion and rituals relate in many ways because religion and rituals have been part of Africans everyday life for centuries and art has been used as a communication path for religion and ritual histories for future African generations. From the earliest in time, Africans have used religion and rituals for many things. Many African tribes or civilizations share many common core beliefs. The farmers used ceremonies to pray and dance for rain, so crops would grow. Family members prayed for health and rituals to heal the sick as well as funeral ceremonies to pray for safe passage to the afterlife. Nevertheless, scholars have suggested that a ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Pride In Julius Caesar Essay Such men as he be never at heart s ease Whiles they behold a greater than themselves, (Julius Caesar, Act 1, Scene 2, lines 208 09) When Caesar pronounces these words to Mark Antony, he is speaking about Cassius, saying that he be never at heart s ease, meaning that Cassius feels distressed about his life. Caesar implies that men like Cassius will never be entirely content while others behold a greater than themselves, suggesting that these men will never feel comfortable with themselves when there are other men in the world that are much more well off than they are, which includes holding a higher social ranking. These concepts Caesar contributes in his dialogue relate closely to the well known story of Cain and Abel, found in the Book of Genesis. In the famous Old Testament story, Cain, a crop farmer, and Abel, a shepherd, are brothers with an interesting twist to their story. The story begins as Cain and Abel are bringing offering to God, where Cain has gathered some fruit and Abel has brought the very best of his flock to offer to God. Because Abel had offered his very best to God, he had regard for his offering, but because Cain had not extended his best towards God, God had no regard for his fruit and was cast down, essentially lowering his rank. ... Show more content on ... He later lured his brother out to a field, then he killed him. Cain did this because he was never at heart s ease with his new ranking with God. After murdering Abel, God punished Cain by never permitting Cain to die or be killed, forcing him to wander the earth wretchedly. After inspecting the quote from Julius Caesar, it is clear that there are similarities between the concepts that Caesar had spoken and the related ideas from the story of Cain and Abel in the Book of ... Get more on ...
  • 12. African American Students be at an educational disadvantage compared to the students attending the predominantly white suburban schools. (Batts, 2012). Topic: African American male students in the 8th grade classroom environment. The Research problem: African American male students in the 8th grade classrooms and the challenges that they face. However, many of the most theoretically and practically important questions have yet to be answered. For instance, few studies have examined the joint influences of racial identity and self esteem on African American adolescents in the classroom (Mandara, Richards, Gaylord Harden, Ragsdale 2009). In the United States, African American adolescents disproportionately attend large, urban, comprehensive schools that ... Show more content on ... public schools identified as non White (Tosolt, 2010). African American 8th grade male students stand alone in terms of the vast accumulation of negative factors affecting their future (Martin, Gibson, Wilkins, 2007). Recent studies have indicated that African American adolescent male students are more prone to truancy and aggressive behavior in school environment than peers of other races (Martin, Gibson, Wilkins, 2007). Deficiencies in Evidence: The study indicates that African American males in the 8th grade classrooms seem to be overlooked. Studies have examined the joint influences of racial identity and self esteem on African American adolescents mental health (McMahon Watts, 2002). Among African American 8th grade male students across three years of development, we explored the moderating role that youth s individual characteristics and cultural resources may play in promoting educational outcomes (Brittian Gray, 2014). Audience: 8th grade African American male students, teachers, administration, counselors, and mentors. African Americans, males, and females from different backgrounds that live in urban and suburban ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Reforms in the Economic Espionage Act (EEA) of 1996 There are two important major reforms that the U.S. established, the Economic Espionage Act (EEA) of 1996 and the Theft of Trade Secrets Act of 2012. The U.S. established the EEA of 1996 to protect companies with industrial espionage, theft of trade secrets, fraud, transfer of custody, and penalties on offenses(ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE ACT OF 1996). The EEA of 1996 is an act that makes theft or misappropriation of trade secrets a federal crime (LaMance). Activities that are punishable under the EEA of 1996 if the person: steals, or without authorization takes, carries away, or by deception obtains a trade secret without authorization copies, downloads, uploads, alters, destroys, transmits, or conveys a trade secret, receives, buys, or possesses a trade secret, knowing that the trade secret has been stolen or obtained wrongfully attempts to do any of the aforementioned activities , attempts to commit economic espionage are punishable under the same penalties. The EEA is particularly severe with people or corporations who steal trade secrets in order to benefit foreign countries or foreign agents (LaMance). Penalties under the EEA of 1996 if a person is found guilty can be fined up to $500 thousand and serve 10 years in jail. A company can be fined up to five million but if it serves to benefit, a foreign country or a foreign agent fines are up to $10 million and up to 15 years in jail. In April 2012, the U.S. tried to convict Sergey Aleynikov, a computer programmer at ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Assessment Of Water Quality And Stream Health Essay cology Lab Four: The Assessment of Water Quality and Stream Health in Local (Lowell MA) Freshwater Systems via the Analysis of Biotic and Abiotic Indicators Abstract: Overall the objective of this lab exercise was to introduce students to watershed ecology and the ecological factors that affect water quality. Students used biotic (macroinvertebrates ) and abiotic indicators to asses the quality of water in a freshwater body. Specifically students collected water chemistry data (hardness, nitrate/phosphate concentrations, dissolved O2 and pH) to asses the quality of water. Additionally macroinvertebrates from the benthic environment of a respective field site were collected, analyzed as well as catalogued. Collectively the results indicated that a greater species diversity was indicative of greater water quality(Lenat). Likewise within a freshwater ecosystems a negative correlation was found to exist between fluctuating abiotic factors,species diversity and water quality. It can be concluded that amongst the three field sites the ranking of water quality from highest to lowest is as follows; Great Brook Farm, Russell Mill pond, Lawrence Street Stream. Introduction: There are two categories for bodies of freshwater, these are lentic and lotic. A lentic body of water in stationary such as a lake or pond and a lotic body of water is flowing such as a river or stream. Lentic or lotic, a productive body of freshwater is a resource that provides water for drinking,agriculture, ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Influence Of Leonardo Da Vinci On Modern Art Introduction Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most well known and acknowledged historical figure of all times. His genius excelled in arts, mathematics, engineering, science, philosophy and many other fields. I have chosen the topic How did Leonardo da Vinci influence modern artists? for several reasons. First and foremost reason is that I am fascinated by the enigma of a man we know as Leonardo da Vinci. The mysterious workings of his brain and the works he created as a result of numerous hours of analyzing the surrounding world amaze me. Secondly, as a contemporary artist myself, who was greatly inspired by da Vinci s craft, I wondered if nowadays there are people who share my passion and admiration for the man to a great extent. Lastly, I always knew that Leonardo da Vinci had had a great impact on the modern world, but it interested me to find out to what extent exactly had he influenced the world of modern art and if artists ... Show more content on ... Many historians and art critics came to a conclusion that his works have had a tremendous impact not only on the style of art, but also n the direction in which it has developed. By studying Da Vinci s art, artists learn versatility and open up to a new perception on traditional techniques. Leonardo da Vinci is a remarkable representative of the Renaissance period and, just like any other artist of his time, his works mainly featured religious themes. His artworks have a distinctive impact on the viewer, which makes them distinguishable among any other artwork of the time. His paintings had had a strong influence on the artists of the future. While some may deem Leonardo da Vinci paintings tame in their total effect on our society s modern sensibilities, his development of techniques that immersed the viewer in the world of the painting, and the impact of those techniques cannot be understated. 1 1.2 Who He Was and What He ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Pat Parker Case Essay Pat Parker Case The Pat Parker Case The Pat Parker case is about a lawyer who started his own firm concentrating on writing reports and conducting political opposition research for political candidates. This particular case is about how Parker devised a research report for one particular political candidate then two years later, some trial lawyers wanted to buy the research on the Republican Attorney General. Parker was unsure on how to proceed knowing that this could potentially jeapordise the political party s candidate or even worse, he could be arrested for soliciting the information. Would Parker be violating contract law? Would he be infringing the copyright law? Would he be violating campaign statutes and other codes of ethics? ... Show more content on ... If Parker opted to sell the research, he would be breeching the contract and depending on how much of the research and other materials the Republican party used to perhaps win the elections, the Democratic party would have the right to sue for damages. You also need to ask whether Parker would be infringing the copyright law? According to the copyright law, the holder has the right to control the material covered by the copyright. In this case, the Democratic Party candidate owns the copyright since Parker provides a service to produce this data for them. Therefore, the Democratic party candidate is the only one who can decide how the materials are used, distributed, reproduced, and displayed to the public or to individuals. If the research and other materials were sold to the Republican candidate the Democratic candidate could sue in violation of the copyright. Remedies for the violation could include damages, jail time, an injunction, and/or destruction of the infringing items. Parker would have violated campaign statutes and other codes of ethics by reselling the research. Though the campaign statutes were not explicitly mentioned, they probably would have stated that selling a Party s intellectual capital was not only unethical but against campaign practices. Though the research was constructed of various news clippings and other factual data, the research ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Women During The 19th Century Essay Although corsets at this time led to broken bones and a death in 1665 (Olsen 74), this garment was worn throughout the 18th century. During this period, Turkish harem women wore clothes most similar to ours. They wore cloaks over their chemise and loose trousers while also being veiled (Olsen 59). This era marked conservatism in women s clothes. During the first wave movement, fashion did not become dynamic until the 1900s. In 1851, dress reformers tried to popularize a pair of baggy pants beneath a knee length tunic (Olsen 125). Although this effort was unsuccessful, it marks the beginning of dress reform and sixty five years later, hem lengths would rise by ten inches (Olsen 177). The 1920s marked the era of the flappers, when the use of makeup became commonplace and women wore knee length dresses and bared more skin (Olsen 207, 214). A few decades after, pants would be allowed, introducing scandalous shorts along with it. Although heavily criticized, the stigma of shorts lessened, showing us more familiar styles. Dress reform went full force in this era. Fashion during the second wave feminism was marked the increase of more comfortable clothing. Women were primarily working in factories for the war effort, so their dress was consisted mainly of pants and high collared shirts []. Fashion in this era would eventually go towards flashy padded shoulders and colorful pants []. The 90 s in the United States were insane in terms of fashion. When analyzing third wave feminist ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Challenges Facing the UAE Health Care System No one can deny that UAE is a young rising society and faces a lot of challenges as other young societies. Those challenges have a great impact on the country development and prosperity regarding different aspects. One of these aspects is the health care system. No doubt that these challenges do not affect UAE alone but it also have an effect on other countries all over the world. In my paper, I will specify challenges affecting the health care system in the United Arab Emirates. Let us spot the light on the development of health care system in UAE before discussing challenges. For example, The mortality rate among infants has decreased from 10.1 to 8.71 per 1000 birth child between 1995 and 2004.1 Some studies show that the leading causes of death among UAE nationals are cardiovascular diseases, accident and poisoning, tumors respectively. Therefore, chronic diseases are considered one of challenges that the country faces. Other challenges include the lack of the human resources and the health care services. Chronic disease is long term. Generally, it has no cure. This kind of disease exists from long time ago. In the last few years, it has increased sharply. There are some diseases which spread in the UAE such as diabetes hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Definitely, it has no cure, but we can reduce it effects and complications. For instance, the cardiovascular diseases are the main causes of mortality in the UAE, which are estimated by 21.24%. (Ministry of ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Factors Of Favor Of The Argument Essay Module 2 Assignment 2: Factors in Favor of and Against Name: Kellie Runyon Topic: Universal health care: Governmental provision of free health care for all citizens. Part 1: Matrix Strength of the Argument (1 strongest, 6 weakest) Reasons for Reasons Against 1 Universal health care would be affordable for everyone Millions of people would save money with universal healthcare due to everyone paying an equal amount; whether it be through tax increase or some other form. However, it will amount to less money than those who are paying for healthcare now due to the fact that every citizen pays for it and not only the people who can afford the raising prices. Tax Increases to cover the healthcare change. 2 Public health would improve with universal health care All citizens will have unlimited access to the medical professionals. Many people that cannot afford insurance will now have unlimited opportunities to get annual exams and help to prevent major health issues from going unseen. With an increase in the amount of people needing/wanting medical treatment, there will be a shortage of medical staff. This will cause longer wait times, limited resources, as well as not having enough doctors and specialists to meet the demand. 3 The cost of healthcare would be lower for the US when expenses are prioritized. Other countries that provided universal health care spend half as much as the US does with the amount of people who currently have health insurance. The US is ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Officials With The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Officials with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration say that the number of indoor marijuana plants in California has quadrupled in the last three years. Many of these plants have occurred in middle class and upper class suburbs. Buyers have bought homes here because the financing of these homes are cheap. They have been remodeled to build farms which are built indoors. These indoor pot operation uses sophisticated irrigation, ventilation and lighting. This structure can contain 1,800 plants. This marijuana boom has brought in more than $100 million worth of pot last year. These homes were transformed into illicit greenhouses with blacked out windows, sophisticated irrigation, high powered and timed lighting and ventilation devices to ... Show more content on ... Officials are not encouraging people to take the law into their own hands. They say that neighbors can keep their eyes open for suspicious signs. Tall tale signs are: homes where trash cans are never taken out to the street, where overgrown plants are never trimmed or where the gardener or pool caretaker never comes. Some pot dealers in Northern California are realizing that they have to change their way of living so that they won t be discovered by the law. So what do they do? They hire gardeners to bring out the trash and cut their grass. This makes it look more authentic. Gang members operating out of San Francisco set up operations in the Stockton, Modesto and Sacramento suburbs. These pot farms are nationwide and the seizures have soared. A drug commonly used by youths is Marijuana, and in relation Hashish. Commonly called pot , or grass , marijuana is produced from the leaves of Cannabis sativa. Hashish is a concentrated form of cannabis made from unadulterated resin from the female plant. The main active ingredient in both marijuana and hashish is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a mild hallucinogen. Marijuana is the most common drug used amongst teenagers. (Juvenile Delinquency, The Core, Second Edition ), (Larry J. Siegel, Brandon C. Welsh, 2005 , P. 233/Chapter 10). Smoking large amounts of pot, or has can cause distortion s in auditory and visual perception, even hallucinatory effects. Small doses produce an early excitement ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Pandemic Tabletop Analyse Analysis On Friday, I attended the Pandemic Tabletop event at Grand View. This exercise was about dealing with ways to responding to a disaster. In the case of this exercise, the scenario entailed responding to a pandemic disease that is spreading across countries. We were given different steps and events throughout the scenario. Each additional event that would occur in the scenario, added more information to where the disease was spreading, who was being affected, and what kinds of things are being done to manage it. At our group tables, it was up to us to come up with ideas of how we could manage the disease that was spreading. As a team we would answer the questions given at each step that progressed in the scenario. Together, we shared ... Show more content on ... Such a scenario allowed us as health care professionals to critically think what would be in the best interest for a large population in a crisis and how we can bring relief to them. One thing that surprised me was how it was a bit difficult to critically think what we would actually do through type of a crisis. Through my nursing perspective, I was unsure how I would manage the care of patients during a crisis outside of the hospital setting. It was interesting how each one of us had different dilemmas of how we would deal with this situation. One thing that I will take away from this, is that it s important to maintain ethical care for those who are being cared during a disaster even when privacy and confidentiality may lack in such a situation. The second thing that I ll take away is how to collaborate with team members and how to put our ideas together to manage to support the health and well being of our patients. Lastly, I will take away how during a disaster/pandemic can affect our roles as health care professionals. The role of a pharmacist, nurse, or doctor can interchange through a crisis when the needs of for a population increases; where we need to take different roles the benefit the interest of the population. My attitude towards a pandemic situation has changed as now I m aware of the importance of critical thinking and collaborating with others to better ... Get more on ...
  • 22. How the Electoral College Works The Electoral College: How it works Axia College University of Phoenix How do we elect the President? Many people do not understand the process by which we elect the President. They do not understand how the Electoral College works. Bill Stern (Andrews, 1996) said, Our elections are free, it s in the results where eventually we pay. Oftentimes, people vote based on public opinion or information obtained by the media. Voters should inform themselves on how the Electoral College works in order to make good decisions when voting for the president. Electoral College delegates elect the President. Voters elect Electoral College delegates. The Electoral College was created as a compromise between election by Congress or popular vote ... Show more content on ... The graphic shown below shows how states with higher populations like California, Texas, New York, and Florida can have a huge impact on the final election results. Figure 1 Number of Electoral College Votes by State [pic] Note. From U.S. Electoral College 2000 Presidential Election. Delegate selection for the Electoral College happens in a variety of ways. Each state decides how it selects its electors. Currently, every state allows its electors to be chosen by popular vote. The political party usually nominates electors at their state conventions or by a vote of the party s central committee. Political parties select electors to recognize their service and dedication. These electors are state elected officials, party leaders, or people with a personal or political affiliation with a candidate. Some states show the electors names on the ballot others do not. Voters should research the process of selecting electors in their state and for their political party. Voters should inform themselves on what their ballot format is before National Election Day. When we vote for a pair of candidates on a ticket, we are selecting a group of electors to serve in the Electoral College. There are many controversial arguments regarding the Electoral College. After the controversy of the 2000 election, people across the country wanted to do away with the Electoral College. Many people ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Vladimir Putin Controversy Vladimir Putin s Presidency has been successful even though it is riddled with controversy and corruption starting from his first election, and leading to his decision to invade Ukraine and annex Crimea. When Vladimir Putin took office in 1991, it started a 16 year run of power, deceit, and corruption, which has been riddled with controversy. Nevertheless, there is no denying that Russia has thrived since the election of Vladimir Putin, economically, politically and militarily. Vladimir Putin initially took power on December 31, 1999 when Boris Yeltsin designated Putin as the Premiere of Russia shortly after Yeltsin decided to resign from President of Russia. After a short, yet successful term as the Premiere, Putin then won 53% of the ... Show more content on ... In 2013 as Ukraine was negotiating with the European Union, President Putin was also conducting secret meetings with the president of Ukraine. These secret meetings helped sway the President of Ukraine to decide against joining the union and striking a deal with Russia for oil and natural gas. This was the starting point for the Ukrainian revolution in 2014. The Ukrainian President found refuge in Russia after he was exiled for his decision to join Russia and not the European Union. Now with Ukraine in disarray, Putin had a new plan; he secretly sent soldiers into Crimea. Putin saw Crimea as a vital piece of land that could help Russia by giving them a seaport, which is more accessible to the rest of the world. This would also give Russia the chance to strengthen their navy by giving them a more direct route to the west in order to defend themselves from the west. Starting October 2014 reports surfaced that there were troops in Crimea. Putin and Russia s government denied all claims that the troops were Russian soldiers. By March 2, 2015, Russia acknowledged that they had sent troops to the border of Ukraine to protect Russia from any actions towards Russia. By March 16, Russia announced that troops are in Ukraine and that they held the majority of the government buildings in Crimea. This sparked the first set of sanctions from the west. Mostly economic, Russia was able to hold out and not be affected by these sanctions. The second set of sanctions hit their businesses and many of Putin s friends, which he appointed. This is when Putin started to negotiate with the west. Crimea then held a vote to see if they would join Russia or stay part of Ukraine. 90% voted in favor of joining Russia. Putin s controversial and secretive acts had paid off and Crimea is now part of ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Anxiety And Mood Disorder Analysis Anxiety and mood disorders are psychiatric problems characterized by a feeling of apprehensiveness about a probable future danger and alterations in mood over a long period of time respectively (Butcher, Hooley, Mineka, 2016). Both disorders are associated with reasonable impairment, distress, mortality, and morbidity especially in children. One of the factors causing an alarming increase in the diagnosis of mood and anxiety disorders in the recent past is the increased incidence of psychopathology (John Stirling, 2013). This phenomenon out rightly underpins the disease progress since psychiatric disorders have a high level of comorbidity (DeRubeis Strunk, 2017). Alcohol and drug abuse are often reported in conjunction with mood and anxiety ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Differences Of Fear In Once Upon A Time By Nadine Gordimer Omphalophobia is the fear of belly buttons. Strange thing is, we are all connected through those bizarre digs in the middle of our stomachs. Everyone grew and came from the same place, cut from the same cord. A lot of times no one remembers this, and they strike out against each other, or hide from each other in fear, because of skin color or religion. Fear is something that inhabits all of us. Writhing underneath our skin just waiting to find a reason to be unleashed. This feeling can be used in different ways, bringing everyone together, or tearing people from civilization. In the same way, the written works Once Upon a Time , A Quilt of a Country and The Vietnam Wall show the contrast between these two types of fear. In the story Once Upon a Time written by Nadine Gordimer, fear is a concept that dictates the leading characters thoughts and actions. The husband and wife that are supposedly living happily ever after, have built a wall around their house to keep out the raids and the burglars that had roamed the suburbian streets they lived on at night. Fear is what led this family to destruction, killing their son and handing them misery and the knowledge that the wall they put up, didn t save them from anything. If the husband and wife hadn t listened to the wise old witch and her warning and left their house uncaged, and accessible to everyone else, their son might still be alive and unburdened by the rest of the world and the fear that controlled ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Syria And The Egyptian Empire The Longest Settled Nation in the World Syria is the longest settled city in the world and has been engaged in a bloody civil war that threatens not only Syria but also all of its neighboring countries. Damascus, Syria s capital city has been a permanent settlement from as early as 9000 B.C. For thousands of years Syria has been a battleground for many wars from the Syrian wars which were a series of six wars between what is now Syria and the Egyptian Empire, to the current Civil War between the Basar Al Assad regime and many rebel brigades. In the 7th and 8th century A.D., Syria while under Roman rule, were invaded and conquered by Arabs. The fall was partially due to the current emperor of the Roman Empire, Heraclius, falling ... Show more content on ... The British and French conquered the Ottoman Empire and together drew up the Sykes Picot agreement which divided the Middle East between the two countries. The British awarded Syria to France. France attempted to divide the country and make it mostly Christian. Due to the large Muslim population, this was unsuccessful. France then unsuccessfully tried to implement their local policies and tried to change the local language to French. The Syrians resisted. This led the French to revert to violence. They would bomb cities and kill protestors. It was in 1941 when the British actually stepped in and overthrew the French regime. The last French soldier left April 17th, 1946 which then became Syria s national day. Hafez Al Assad, the father of the current Syrian leader, Bashar Al Assad was born on 6 October, 1930 in Qardaha, Syria. Hafez Al Assad was one of the leaders of the Ba ath political party and took over rule of Syria in 1970. The Ba ath party, founded in Syria in 1947, is still is the reigning political power in Syria. The Ba ath party has only held power in Iraq and Syria even though they have sanctions in many other countries. The Ba ath party came to power in Syria with a successful coup d état overthrowing the current military regime on 8 March, 1963. Hafez Al Assad along with other Ba ath leaders Muhammad Umran and Salah Jadid took over the leadership of Syria by military force. Immediately following the coup ... Get more on ...
  • 27. California Gold Rush Essay Prior to the Gold Rush of 1849, California was a meagerly populated, an irrelevant area of the United States for the most part possessed by the general population of Mexico. In any case, that all changed when on January 24, 1848; woodworker and little time sawmill administrator James W. Marshall found a gold piece in the American River that would always show signs of change the historical backdrop of California and America1. Not exclusively did the Gold Rush prompt California s permission into the Union in 1850, it additionally revived the possibility of the American Dream. Hundred s of thousands of individuals filled the state by the draw of brisk and unending wealth. Because of the Gold Rush, California in the end turned into a ... Show more content on ... Before long ships from Asia, Australia, Europe and South America were left stranded in the San Francisco Bay as everybody looked to accomplish their own particular variant of the American Dream in the Gold Rush also. In the beginning periods of California s state hood, gold mining was the cornerstone of the Californian economy. Initially, numerous gold mineworkers who came to California were separated of bigger mining organizations that at first conveyed association to the gold fields5. Regardless, as the strain to discover gold mounted every day with the quantity of individuals coming to California expanding, it soon turned into each man for himself; and therefore a considerable lot of these associations fizzled. Nonetheless, the mining procedure was intricate, required bunches of labor, and as gold was getting to be noticeably increasingly hard to discover; the prologue to certain mechanical advances revived the Gold Rush and California as a state. The presentation of Hydraulic mining by French Canadian, Anton Chabot in 1850 and later consummated by Edward Matteson a 49er from Connecticut, effectsly affected the mining business and in addition the environment6. By damming waterway and streams mineworkers were currently ready to utilize the recently made waterbeds for their modern hoses, which would splash water angrily onto the riverbanks disintegrating the ground until the point that gold was ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Economic Efficiency Recent measures taken by the firm to achieve efficiency. (Distinguish carefully as between different economic notions of efficiency in your answer). Glanbia plc is an international dairy and nutritional ingredients group headquartered in Ireland. The company has 4,500 employees in seven countries and sales offices in a further five. International operations include food ingredients and nutritionals while Irish operations incorporate consumer foods and agribusiness and property. The group has three strategic joint ventures which are based in the UK, USA and Nigeria. The company has the early 2000 s expanded its international based projects and acquired new sectors of the world market by mergers and acquisitions. Due to the economic ... Show more content on ... Arla foods ingredients has given itself the task os establish local production before 2013 in the united states. A good sign for glanbia for the near future is that Arla foods aren t looking to make a major move into the American market but merely get a foothold in the market for future expansion. For now the company feels it s European market can be expaned more in countries like France Norway and Germany. |No.1 |No.3 | |Denmark |Germany | |Sweden |Poland | |Finland | | |Holland | | [pic] Kerry group is a world leader in food ingredients and flavours serving the food and beverage industry and a leading supplier of added value brands and customer branded foods to Irish and UK markets. The group has organically and through a series of strategic acquisitions in its relatively short ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Contribution Margin Our office had received a request from Andre, owner of Andre s Styling Saloon to perform an evaluation on his business. Andre has five barbers that work in the establishment and each employee received a salary of $9.90 per hour and works a 40 hour week and a 50 week year, regardless of the number of haircuts. As rent and other fixed expenses he expends $1,750 every month, plus $ 0.40 as the cost of hair shampoo used on all his clients. This saloon is performing haircuts exclusively and each client paid a flat price of $ 12.00. He wanted for us to evaluate a new compensation method for his employees. Under the new system the barbers will receive a flat salary of $4 per hour, and a commission of $ 6.00 for each haircut. In this case ... Show more content on ... Net Operating Income NOI A company s operating income after operating expenses are deducted, but before income taxes and interest are deducted. If this is a positive value, it is referred to as net operating income, while a negative value is called a net operating loss (NOL). Notes: NOI is often viewed as a good measure of company performance. Some believe this figure is less susceptible than other figures to manipulation by management. (Investopedia (2005)) OPERATING INCOME = REVENUES – (FIXED COSTS + VARIABLE COSTS) Revenue calculations: $ 240,000 20,000 * $ 12.00 = $ 240,000 Overhead Cost: Rent: $ 1,750 per month, Yearly cost: $ 21,000 1750* 12 = 21,000 or $ 21,000 Fixed Cost $ 120,000 Salaries + Overhead Cost 99,000 + 21,000 = 120,000 or $ 120,000 Variable Cost $ 8,000 Variable cost: 20,000 * 0.40 = $ 8,000 OPERATING INCOME= $ 112,000 OPERATING INCOME = REVENUES – (FIXED COSTS + VARIABLE COSTS) 240,000 – (120,000 + 8,000) 240,000 – 128,000 = $ 112,000
  • 30. 4. Suppose Andre revises the compensation method. The barbers will receive $4 per hour plus $6 for each haircut. What is the new contribution margin per haircut? What is the annual break even point (in number of haircuts)? Show calculations to support your answer. Barber s Salary by Week: $ 160.00 Price per hour = $ 4, hours per week = 40 Weekly salary per barber: 4 * 40 = 160 or $ 160.00 Barber s Salary by year: $ 8,000 Weekly salary per barber = ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Research Paper On If I Stay If I Stay Review If I Stay is based on Gayle Forman s best selling novel. It about a 17 year old, talented cellist, Mia Hall. Her entire family are rock stars besides her, where she prefers classical music. She feels left out and out of place having no connection with her family throughout her life. One day she meets the love of her life, Adam who is also in rock band, but changes her life. Even being polar opposites they fall in love over their shared love in over music. On a snowy day her entire family decides to go on a trip get into a terrible accident. In an instant her life drastically changes when she is in coma due to the car accident. After the accident her parents and brother are dead and she has an out of body experience where she can see can see her physical self, but is not alive. In a life or death situation, it is up to her to decide whether she want live a changed life without her family or ... Show more content on ... Americans have a rich theatrical history and american music is very diverse. Two styles are shown, classical and rock n roll. Mia play the cello and plays classical musical music while her family and Adam are into rock n roll. It relates to how music impacts american lives. Mia is applying to Juilliard, one of the renown music schools. Adam is in a rock n roll band. Everyone in school knows who Adam is but not Mia because she plays classical music which is not commonly likable today. Not a lot of americans listen to classical american regularly. The movie accurately portrays music likability throughout the movie. If I stay was an amazing, emotional movie about the realities of death and young romance. The character are well developed and viewers become emotionally attached to the Mia s family from the start. Even though it is the average sappy, sob story of the death of a family it still creates an emotional attachment that makes the viewer to continue to ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Unification Of Italy After Unification The Unification of Italy Before Unification Before unification, Italy was made up of several small countries. These separate countries seemed to share a common culture and language. From these similarities many people wanted to unify in nationalism. Napoleon had invaded Italy in 1796, so unification was not possible until he was defeated in 1814. A map of Italy before Unification. After Napoleon s downfall Italy was made up of: Kingdom of two Sicilies, The Papal states, the Austrian empire, Duchy of Parma, Duchy of Modena, Grand Duchy of Tuscany and the only real independent state was Piedmont Savoy. In 1848, revolutions swept through Europe Milan and Venice fought against the Austrians, the sicilians fought against Naples for independence, and Rome fought for social reforms. French troops were sent into Rome to reinstate the pope, they remained there for a while. The sicilians were crushed in their endeavors and in the north the Austrians beat the rebels and the kingdom of Sardinia who tried to help them. From these results it can be concluded that the first Italian war for independence was a failure. Victor Emmanuel the second, the king of Sardinia realised that he would need powerful allies to achieve independence. He and his prime minister Count Camillo Benso di Cavour sent troops to Crimea to help fight the Russians with the French and British, in hope of gaining allies. The next step he took was to give France Nice in return for their help in fighting ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Shang Dynasty Chapter Summaries 1. Extremely fertile silt called loess was a huge benefit to Eastern China. It provided the land with soft soil for agriculture and presented the Yellow River its distinguished hue. 2. The Shang dynasty is the earliest documented dynasty to dominate China. They rose in around 1750 B.C.E, first appearing in the Yellow River Valley. 3. The dynasty that overthrew the Shang dynasty was known as Zhou. This dynasty had the longest recorded line of kings in Chinese history and created the concept known as the Mandate of Heaven. 4. The Book of Documents is one of the five famous pieces of literature in Chinese history. This book consists of many letters and historical records. 5. A famous piece of literature consisting of 305 poems and stories about ... Show more content on ... Xunzi argued Mengzi s opinion, stating that humans must be compelled to make the right judgments. 15. Another Chinese political philosophy is called Daoism. This philosophy assumes that humans should view society as they interpret it, along with having no ethical criteria. 16. A book called the Classic of the Way of Virtue tells that the world is altering and how people need to begin to adjust with following Tao, or the Way . 17. Yin and yang are symbols that represent the male and female genders. Males were known as yang, with the characteristics of bright, strong, leadership, and active. Females were yin, having the characteristics of gentleness, shaded, and reflection. Confucianism then changed the meaning of this symbol into males being superior to women. 18. The capital of Nubia during the later period of Nubians ruling Egypt was Meroe. This period is when Nubians began to reclaim their own culture, instead of following Egyptian culture. 19. Celts were a group of people who have a culture that originated from Scotland, Ireland, and other parts of the British Isles. 20. Celtic priests, doctors, and poets in Britain and Gaul were known as Druids. They were members of the higher and more professional class in the Celtic civilizations, carrying out most of work that required immense amounts of ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Measuring Cellular Respiration And Fermentation Measuring Cellular Respiration and Fermentation Jaclyn Napoli November 20, 2014 Cellular Processes Lab BSC 2010L.905 Lab Partner: Jessi Grillo Introduction Cellular respiration is the series of metabolic process by which living cells produce energy through the oxidation of organic substances. Cellular respiration takes place in the mitochondria. Fermentation is the process by which complex organic compounds such as glucose, are broken down by the action of enzymes into simpler compounds without the use of oxygen. The significance of these pathways for organisms is to allow for an organism to be able to generate ATP. Some organism that undergo cellular respiration are bacteria and fungi. Some organism that undergo fermentation are yeast and muscle cells. In cellular respiration, glucose is oxidized and releases energy. In cellular respiration, glucose produces ATP and 3 carbon molecules of pyruvate. The pyruvate is then further broken down in the mitochondria where it becomes oxidized and releases CO2 (Upadhyaya 2014). In the fermentation process oxygen does not play a part. This process converts glucose into pyruvate and produces ATP. From there pyruvate breaks down into CO2 and acetaldehyde (Upadhyaya 2014) Monosaccharides are known as simple sugars and their main function is being the source of energy for organisms. Disaccharides are two monosaccharides joined by a covalent bond and their primary function is to provide food to monosaccharides. Some disaccharides ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Plato s Phaedo Essay Plato s Phaedo Plato s Phaedo is a dialog between Phaedo, Cebes, and Simmias depicting Socrates explanation as to why death should not be feared by a true philosopher. For if a person truly applies oneself in the right way to philosophy, as the pursuit of ultimate truth, they are preparing themselves for the very act of dying. Plato, through Socrates, bases his proof on the immortality of the soul, and it being the origin of our intellect. Several steps must be taken for the soul to be proven immortal. First the body and all the information acquired though it must be discredited. For without the question being addressed of whether sensory information can be trusted, looking inwards towards the soul and the intangible for the ... Show more content on ... Our intellect makes the correction that it was always a man, and it was actually a visual error that made him seem female. Distance or any other means of creating ambiguity leads us to differentiate between what we experience and what we know to be actually happening. If a differentiation has to take place between the crude sensory information and what we view as reality, than the truth or meaning within an object is not held within the sensory perception of it. Well, have you ever apprehended them with any other bodily sense? By them I mean them all, including tallness or health or strength in themselves, the real nature of any given thing what it actually is. Is it through the body that we get our truest view of them? Isn t it true that in any inquiry you are likely to attain more nearly to knowledge of your object in proportion to the care and accuracy with which you have prepared yourself to understand that object in itself? (2) Besides the processing of inaccurate information, the temptations and desires of the body are so strong and numerous that the philosopher never gets an opportunity to think. (3) The functions of the body that are being described as distractions and contradictions are in fact the fundamental processes of life. To view these as burdensome is to perceive the functions of life, those of physical necessity as well as joy and contentment, as an annoyance. A nagging that would be appreciated only if ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Corresponding Themes in Frankenstein and Blade Runner Ridley Scott s film Blade Runner reflects some of the key themes seen in Mary Shelley s classic novel Frankenstein. For one, both the sources touch on the necessity of creators taking responsibility for their creations. Another key theme established in both works is the idea that emotional complexity and knowledge, over memory and appearance, allow people to be defined as human beings. Throughout the novel Frankenstein, author Mary Shelley builds upon the theme that one must take responsibility for the actions and well being of their creations. Protagonist Victor Frankenstein consistently toils with the degree of responsibility he owes to the monster he created. Initially, Frankenstein completely abandons his creation, as the creature notes when he says, Yet you, my creator, detest and spurn me, thy creature... (Shelley 83). When the monster pleads for a female counterpart, Victor says, I refused, and I did right in refusing, to create a companion... He showed unparalleled malignity and selfishness in evil; he destroyed my friends... (Shelley 200). Victor fails to sympathize with his creation and fails to understand that all creatures desire something from their creator. A parallel theme of the disasters that occur when a creator doesn t take responsibility for its creations can be found in the 1982 film Blade Runner. In this film, Eldon Tyrell, the creator of the rogue Replicants, takes absolutely no responsibility for the danger he has created when he relegates the job of ... Get more on ...